Technology That Repairs Autism by Jean Charles Genet


Technology That Repairs Autism by Jean Charles Genet
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Technology That Repairs Autism
Jean Charles Genet
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From The War To Fight My War
My parents met while they were both in the Marine Corps during WWII. My
dad had returned from the Pacific Campaign to Camp LeJeune, North Carolina, where my mom was assigned as a tele-
phone operator. My dad was in charge of the
Marine armory. He loved to dance and took
the opportunity to set up a record player outside the entrance to the armory right across
from the door from which my mom exited.
Looking like the movie actor Paul Newman, my
dad had no problem having his invitation to
take a quick dance step down the sidewalk accepted by the young women who crossed his
path. The one who displayed the best steps
was my mom. My dad danced her right up to the altar, and they were married in April of 1945.
Ending autism
is the goal that parents all seek
I would like to invite you to read about my experiences growing up
with autism. I am one of the oldest members of the autism community and I am free of the symptoms of autism.
I am not cured of autism for there is no cure for autism.
I consider myself to be a researcher of what I call “Brain Mechanics”(how the brain works).
The families of children with autism who search me out are people
who once believed that the most expensive programs probably of-Type
fered the best results, only to find out that, more times than not,
this wasn't the case. With each program, they saw their financial
resources dwindle to the point that very little was left to pay for
other therapies. Hopefully, this book will offer more return on your
I have experienced autism as a victim of the disorder and as a researcher. Hopefully, my experiences will shine through the darkness
of autism and provide a light at the end of the tunnel, so your child
can find his way back home, thus ending his or her experience with
Finally, I know that people get together to create something greater
than they could have created alone. If our getting together is to end
your child's autism, then there is no greater purpose.
Jean Charles Genet
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My mother had grown up in New Jersey, and my dad was raised in Oklahoma. My dad decided to take my mom away from the Garden State and
moved to the land of the red man. My grandparents on my mom's side of
the family had never traveled outside the small area where they lived, and
their exposure to the wild, wild, west where my dad was moving my mother
was from the movies. They were concerned about my mom's safety, due to
the possibility of Indian attacks between New Jersey and Oklahoma. My dad
assured them that the possibility of an Indian attack on settlers in 1945 was
marginal at best.
My parents arrived in Oklahoma City in November of 1945. My mother was
introduced to my dad's seven brothers and his four sisters. My dad's mother
had died when he was two years old, and his father had remarried and increased the size of the family from six to eleven children. To support such a
large family, my grandfather became a building contractor and employed his
As a gift for returning home safely from the war, my grandfather and my
dad's brothers helped him build a home for us over on 12th Street. In less
than a year after moving in, my parents would have to sell our home to pay
for my medical expenses.
DTP Vaccines
At this time, the medical response was to try to slow down this violent
Supposed To Protect Me From Harm's Way.
jerking by having my mother immerse me in a bathtub full of crushed
It was going to be a busy morning for my mother. She had to get me
dressed, fed, and out the door to catch the bus to make an eleven
o'clock appointment with the pediatrician to receive my first
inoculations. There was a sense of uneasiness as we entered the office.
The parents displayed tense smiles, and somehow the children knew
that the muffled cries coming from the back rooms were a sign of
something they would soon be experiencing.
Eventually, we made it to the examining room and were confronted by a
nurse who had already had about as much fun as she could possibly
stand sticking needles into the legs of screaming babies. Little did my
mom realize that in less than twenty- four hours, I would be
experiencing an allergic reaction to these inoculations.
Later that night, the sound of something banging against the wall woke
my mom. Raising her head from the pillow, she saw my crib moving
violently back and forth, hitting the wall. Bolting from the bed, she
rushed over to find me jerking uncontrollably. She
reached out to pick me up, but I flew out of her arms
ice and water. My response was to move into hypothermia where my
body temperature was lowered very quickly to life threatening levels. My
mother would revive me at least four times a day from these near death
experiences. By the time I was nine months old, my parents had to sell
our home to pay for my medical expenses. Back then there was no such
thing as medical insurance.
My dad moved us to a converted barracks on a retired Army Air Corps
base (now the airport for Oklahoma City, OK.). To meet his family
obligations, my dad worked three jobs. First, he got up at 3:30 in the
morning to deliver milk. After that job, he installed auto glass during the
day. Then, starting at 4:00 in the afternoon, he would work as an
engineer on the railroad. He did this until he was able to build up
enough seniority to work full time for the railroad. By the time I was in
the middle of my second year of life I had suffered over 3000 seizures.
In Oklahoma
Slowly Developing Meant You Were Deaf/Dumb
I didn't begin to form words until I was five years old, and when I did
and fell back down to the mattress. By this time, my
speak, I had a severe stammer. The
dad responded to my mother's screams and was
change in reality brought on by the
forcibly holding me down, only to find out that I was
adverse response to my DTP
choking on my tongue.
vaccines caused my brain to run out
What we now surmise is that I had a negative reaction to the pertussis
part of the DTP vaccine that relates to whooping cough. This reaction is
known as a grand mal seizure. This type of seizure caused huge
electrical storms inside my brain that caused me to jerk so violently that
of control to the point where it
couldn't ground to my physical body. Without this grounding, the brain
cannot form speech, develop emotional contact, physical movement, or
focus on mental tasks.
tendons could be torn from the bone.
When I was going through the initial stages of this behavioral disorder,
War Is
there was no such word as autism to describe the symptoms. I grew up
Calmer In The Mind Of An Autistic
in Oklahoma, and if you were determined to be slow in your
development, you were classified as deaf and dumb. Of course, with this
designation, I was put aside in the classroom and harassed on the
playground by my fellow students who were mean at best, and at their
best when they were mean to me. I couldn't form the right words to
One of the ways my autistic mind could synchronize with my physical
body was to be in an adrenaline inducing environment like hanging
beneath a helicopter on a cable going into a hot landing zone to rescue a
downed pilot. I was the enemies' swinging target.
address their abuse, and when I resorted to fighting, I was labeled a
I was best at this type of activity due to the
trouble maker, which went right along with being dumb. I couldn't win
fact that the more intense the situation
for losing.
became, the more adrenaline my body
produced. It was this chemical stimulant
Eventually, I was able to read. Unfortunately, after I read the first three
that forced my brain to synchronize with my
words, my brain would disconnect from the page (a symptom of
Attention Deficit Disorder), and by the time it returned to the page, I
had to read the same three words again. I could never get to the fourth
word. Hidden under this confusion was the mind of a genius, for when
the brain starts moving out of control, it forces itself to function at much
higher levels of processing.
We found this out when I was mistakenly enrolled into an algebra class.
Without any prior instruction, I stood up, went to the black board and
began to solve the algebraic problems displayed. My brain was finally
engaged when I saw the algebraic problems displayed on the black
board. My math teacher and classmates were dumbfounded. Up to this
point, because of my classification as deaf and dumb, everyone assumed
that the only thing I was qualified to do was to sort socks. Eventually,
my teachers recognized that there was a genius sleeping inside the little
boy that stuttered and fought. They restructured my testing, and I
physical body, and I became grounded into
the reality at hand. In other words, the greater the danger, the calmer I
became, and it was this calm that saved the day.
Unfortunately, while hanging underneath a helicopter headed into a hot
landing zone, we were hit by enemy fire, and the chopper crashed down
on top of me.
The force of the crash fractured my spine, and
I was airlifted out to a rehab unit. To secure
my spine, I was wrapped in a body cast like an
Egyptian mummy. The problem with being in a
body cast, unable to move for an extended
period of time, is that I was in danger of losing
the memory of movement and finding myself paralyzed.
began to pass my exams. I graduated from high school in 1964 and
There are no accidents, and in this same rehab unit, NASA was exploring
joined the Marine Corps in 1966. Before long, I was in Vietnam rescuing
ways to treat astronauts while in space. Evidently, in a prolonged
downed pilots.
weightless environment, astronauts cannot ground to their physical
bodies due to the fact that they cannot ground to the physical energy of
my research into defining my success in conquering autism.
the earth while floating above it in space. They begin to display autistic-
Unfortunately, the gods had other plans.
like symptoms: slurred speech, lack of emotional response, and inability
to mentally focus on physical tasks. Traditional medicine doesn't work in
I woke up on a Sunday morning, lifted my head and heard a snap.
a weightless environment, so NASA was scrambling to find ways to
My neck had collapsed in C3 and C6. We did not know
address these problems before they cost us the race for space.
it at the time, but evidently the pertussis part of the
DTP vaccine that addresses whooping cough also
They soon learned that a highly functioning autistic was residing in this
deteriorates bone structure over time, and my
rehab unit. Since I was in a body cast, I couldn't escape. They were
exposure to Agent Orange causing skeletal
thrilled to learn that I could initiate seizures at will, for this is how I
learned to escape the playground when I was growing up.
They subjected me to brain wave mapping while in a self-induced
seizure to determine where my brain went during the seizure, and, most
importantly, where I landed when I returned to my physical body. Every
time I returned to my physical body, I landed in the same seven brain
wave frequencies. The brain uses these frequencies to ground itself back
to the physical body and to repair its Developmental Switches for
regeneration. This process accelerated my healing process so that I was
able to move out of the body cast, free of paralysis, and I completely
integrated or grounded back into my physical body, free of the
symptoms of autism. I have not stuttered since, and that was in 1969.
Genius Emerges
Free Of Autism, Full Of Great Promise
degeneration caused me to have a spine of an 86 year
old. The problem was that I was only 32 years old.
Surgeons used laser surgery to remove the broken pieces and extracted
bone pulp from my hip to repair my vertebrae. To make these structures
stronger, they added more bone pulp, thus reducing the inside area of
the vertebrae. When I over exerted myself, which was easy to do during
my healing process, my spinal cord would swell, touch the inside my
vertebrae, short circuit, and cause me to physically freeze. If my hand
was in the air when this occurred, I couldn't bring it down. If my mouth
was open, I couldn't close it. If my eyes were closed, I couldn't open
them. As you can well imagine, it was a nightmare.
The medical community is great at body mechanics. They can put you
up on the lift, change out your body parts, and you're good for another
100,000 miles. Unfortunately, in my case, doctors had little
Free of autism and back home from the war, my genius emerged. I
understanding of my disorder and no way to bring about a healing
began my research and development of practical applications of solar
experience, since they were only trained for repair. Once again, I went
energy. I integrated this R&D into developing environmental land sites in
back to the same brain wave therapy introduced to be by NASA. I was
which power was available without having to hook up to the grid. My
able to move out of the reality of my disorder, just as I had with autism,
success in this field provided me with new financial resources, and when
into a reality that was free of it, and it was in this reality that I was able
I was 32 years old, I decided to sell the equity in my business to expand
to heal.
I completed the sale of my company and began to fund research in the
the neural pathway and invaded these crystalline structures that we call
field of brain wave therapy.
Developmental Switches and chemically damaged them. When this
occured the child's brain lost its ability to connect to its software and
Processor of Information Connecting to Its Software
In my biography, I write about growing up autistic, conquering it, and
writing the research to define how I did it. In this research, I began to
look at the brain as a computer. It is a processor
of information. The brain/computer needs to
connect to its mental, physical, emotional and
speech software. It does it through what we call
Developmental Switches. These Switches are
like crystalline structures in then neural
pathway, (very much like fiber optics used in
telephone communication) that passes this information back and forth.
This technology was originally provided by using brain wave machines.
The problem with brain wave machines is that we needed to wrap a
clinic around it with clinicians and technicians. The cost became too
prohibitive when a two weeks of service cost over $10,000.00. So thru
computer engineering we were able to put a brain wave machine on a
CD disk. Several years later our research on brain mechanisms (how the
brain works) brought us Byonetics.
Vaccinations Damage
The Brains Ability To Connect To Software
When your child began to receive vaccinations,
the chemicals in the vaccines joined with the
chemicals in the brain and they became toxic for
the vaccines hold the chemical structure of the
disease that you are vaccinating for. These toxic chemicals moved down
without the connection between the brain/computer and its software the
child lost the ability to develop speech, emotional balance, and mental
focus. And the child's brain lost its ability to ground to its physical body
to where it could not complete the circuit back into our reality.
At this point the brain starts running out of control and moves into what
we call hyper-drive. In hyper-drive the brain starts processing at genius
levels. In fact there is a term for this called Intuitive Genius. On my
website ( I provide a list of personalities through out
history who have had autistic-like symptoms and possess this intuitive
genius. I list Albert Einstein. His education didn't really prepare him to
come up with E=mc2 but his intuitive genius gave him the energy to
connect to the idea. Thomas Jefferson, who helped write the Declaration
of Independence, is on this list as well as, Thomas Edison, inventor of
the light bulb. Henry Ford who developed the auto assembly line.
Beethovan and Mozart as composer of great symphonies, Van Gogh for
his art and Mark Twain for his novels. The list goes on and on. Once the
brain grounds to its physical body thru the use of Byonetics it can
maintain this intuitive genius in a proper reality.
Research Projects
Nasa, Hollywood, Chronic Fatigue And Inter-species
Also in my biography I write about the research projects that I privately
funded with my own money so I would own this research and the right
to use it. I want to go over this research briefly so we can get to the
technology side.
My first research project was the National Center For Integrative
some three years later, my tours were the most successful in revenue,
Medicine. The project was made up of out of work scientists NASA had
overall performance, and sanity of everyone involved in the tour.
hired to explore brain wave technology for application in the space
program. We literally broke down a computer and matched it with the
functions of the brain to determine the brain wave frequencies the brain
uses to connect to its mental, physical, and emotional software. We also
discovered that the brain uses seven specific colors to activate the seven
main Developmental Switches. The colors are violet, indigo, blue, green,
yellow, orange, and red, the colors of the rainbow, and you can use
individual colors to activate individual Developmental Switches. This
research brought about the Seven Spectrum Lighting.
This color research led to the funding of the National Research Center
For Chronic Fatigue and Debilitating Disorders.
We not only determined the five stages of
Chronic Fatigue that lead into all debilitating
disorders but we also determined the
frequencies the brain uses to move us back
into wellness. We employed the colors to
manage this process and our response was so
successful that we began to specialize, as we
To test this theory, I brought onboard Direct OnSite
still do, in taking on those individuals who have exhausted all the
Care and contracted my services to those in the
benefits the medical community has to offer as it relates to a disorder
music business to go on world tours to manage the
like autism and still needs some type of solution.
mental and emotional processes of the entertainers
as it related to their physical performance on stage,
much like what was done to help astronauts.
This research brought us to the attention of the World Health Project.
They invited us to come down to the Florida Keys in 1990 to explore
inner species communications between
I gave every person on tour, and each member of their extended family,
dolphins and humans as it relates to
a color chart displaying the appropriate responses and tied them into a
health and we began to write the
process we developed called Mgmt 7. Mgmt 7 provides different
foundation research for dolphin therapy.
scenarios that create stress along with a solution that is connected to
the seven colors. This way the colors trigger the appropriate response.
These colors were placed in the lighting system on stage and displayed
on color panels in tour buses, on production boxes, etc.
Dolphins and are incredibly alike. A
dolphin in its present physical form has
been around some 45 million years. In
our physical form as humans we have only been around about 50
We used this energy, not only to turn on the well being of the
thousand years. But we humans have the same skeletal structure, organ
performers on stage and their support personnel off stage, but also to
structure, and cerebral structure as a dolphin. A dolphin has the
positively turn on the audience so they were less aggressive and more in
semblance of a thumb and fingers in each one of its pectoral fins that
tune with the overall performance. By the time I ended this research
allows it to move left or right in the water. They also have the vestiges
of hip bones when the walked up right on the earth very much like
simultaneously communicating with a pod or family of dolphins. A
human being.
dolphin can transmit a healing frequency to a particular dolphin or to the
We are born with a soft spot on
the top of our head that is the
blow hole that the dolphin
breathes thru. We humans vibrate
between 13 and 30 cycles per
second of brain wave energy in
our conscious state. And a dolphin vibrates between 250,000 and 2
trillion cycles per second of brain wave energy in their conscious state.
We can send our energy out from our body any where from 6 to 8
inches. A dolphin can send their energy out over 2.5 miles in a 360º
circle and every thing inside that circle comes back into the dolphin's
mind as a three dimensional holographic form, and we wanted find out
how they accomplished these amazing feats so we began to explore
what is known as their echolocation.
When activated by the dolphin echolocation produces a "clicking" sound
that is actually brain wave frequencies emitting back an forth between
dolphins as a form of communication that is so
powerful that it is actually breaking the sound barrier but the weight and
density of the ocean reduces them to the sound of clicks. When you
open up this echolocation and look inside of it what you see is a great
amount of harmonic frequencies...smaller frequencies inside larger
frequencies that construct broad bands of energy much like a DLS or
cable connection coming into the back end of your computer to where
you can do a variety of tasks all at the same time. At the same time a
dolphin can be navigating, while finding food and being aware of
predators. A dolphin can be communicating with another dolphin while
pod or family of dolphins at the same time.
Cranial Dynamics™ A Way To Repair The Brains Connections
Once we determined the harmonic codes that the dolphins were using to
accomplish all this then we began to construct a computer model of it
called Cranial Dynamics™. We put a trademark on the name and a
Provisional Patent on the technology, at that time, to protect it. We
found a way to encode these frequencies into the sound of a babbling
brook. Why a babbling brook? Because when the child was being created
inside the mother the one sound they continually heard was the sound
of a gurgling, babbling brook for it was the mother's fluids that was
moving through them giving them life. Then we developed a way to
download this computer generated program on to a CD disk that the
child listens to after s/he have gone to sleep at night.
Doctor Convinced
Me To Go Public With My Research
Now originally I created this technology for myself. I
wanted to stay free of the symptoms of autism. I
had the resources to fund three major research
projects to get the technology to the point of use. I
didn't know that I wanted to take it to the public at
that time due to the tremendous amount of expense
involved until my daughter, Christina, was born. She was born in 1993.
When she went for her DPT vaccinations I went to the doctor and said,
"Look I have problems with the Pertussis part of the DPT vaccinations
that relate to whooping cough. My response to the Pertussis vaccine was
in the form of gran mal seizures in near death experience and by the
time I was 2.5 years old I had experienced over 3,000 individual
Well, the doctor's response was to stand up, turn around, and walk out
episodes. The doctor asked if I was a doctor and I told him, "no." He
of the office. He did not like to be challenged. My response to him was
said, "Well since you have no medical authority or license and you are
to move my research from a clinical environment to a "in-home"
depriving your daughter of this protection then I would have to assume
environment. There are only two things in a clinical environment that
that you are an unfit parent."
will ever bring about a result, time and money. And if you run out of
I said, "Since you have opened the door let me tell you what I know
about the Pertussis vaccine. It was brought on to the market in 1930 by
either one your child will be caught in the middle and you will be blamed
for it.
the pharmaceutical company, Eli Lilly in an effort to address a whooping
In an "in-home" environment you can consistently use the protocol as
cough out break (Pertussis is a cough suppressant). It became a
long as the protocol is simple to use. And we spent several years in
nightmare for them.
working through all the problems in developing this technology to get it
Unbeknown to them at the time the
chemicals in the Pertussis vaccine had a
tendency to separate very quickly and it
could not be stored properly so not only did
they lose millions of doses of this vaccine,
but they lost all their profit. So they had
down to its simplest form as a CD disk that your child listens to. It
comes on with the sound of a babbling brook. Your child's brain
recognizes as the sound of creation and begins to move into it. Then it
begins to create an harmonic sleep cycle that begins to travel between
your child's brain/computer and its software along this neuropathway.
When you run a harmonic sleep cycle along this neuropathway and it
their head chemist at that time, a man by the name of, Morris Kharasch,
comes in contact with these crystalline structures that we call
put a team of chemists together from the Univ. of Maryland and over
Developmental Switches, crystals don't hold energy they reflect it and it
several years they created a stabilizer for the Pertussis vaccine known
begins to stimulate the ability of these crystalline structures to start
as Thimerosal. Thimerosal when injected into the blood stream of an
growing back together and repairing themselves. The more the repair
infant becomes Ethylmercury. Ethylmercury is the second most
between the brain/computer and its software, the more the brain begins
dangerous neurotoxant on the planet. It invades the blood-brain barrier
to ground to its physical body and move into a proper reality, free of the
of the child in less than two minutes, attaches itself to the cell wall and
symptoms of autism. It is in this proper reality that all therapies work,
creates mercury poisoning. What are the symptoms of mercury
where education in completed, relationships are established, and
poisoning? Inability to form speech, lack of emotional contact, and
professions performed.
mental focus. And in 1943 thru Johns Hopkins University and Hospital,
the pharmaceutical company, Eli Lilly, called the symptoms of mercury
poisoning autism.
Managing Autism
evolving as humans and we came up to the jungle and there was a
Is Not The Ending Of Autism Symptoms
couple of pathways into the jungle and we had ever traveled down one
Managing autism is not ending autism. Ending autism would get your
child to the point of developing speech, emotional contact, and mental
on these pathways and safely got to the other side our brain took
pictures of it along the way. So what the brain does is match what it is
seeing in front of it with what it has stored on its hard
focus so your child can integrate back into society. We are not going to
drive, the two images meet, the information is
cure autism. That would require the pharmaceutical companies to take
provided which we call intuition and we will pick the
out thimerosal. They're are not going to
right pathway because we have pictures of it as a
do it. They cannot store large quantities of
vaccines without thimerosal and that is
where all their profit lies.
This administration has given the
pharmaceutical companies freedom from
any liability as it relates to vaccine
litigation which has opened up the door
for them to now put Thimerosal is flu
Now I don't know that the brain needs to take all of these pictures since
we have language and signs to point the way but it still does. And like
any computer the more information, especially images you put on the
hard drive the less energy you have to run the software programs and
at a particular point in time the system will break down and in humans
we break down mentally, physically, and emotionally.
shots, boosters shots, this new Cardisil vaccine for young girls starting
Your child is going deeper into the rabbit hole of
at nine years old, the pneumonia vaccine, the epidural vaccine for
autism because s/he has not developed a frequency
mother's giving birth and the Rogam vaccine. Pharmaceutical companies
pathway back home to our reality. Your child is very
are allowed to call a vaccine free of Thimerosal is there is 1/25th less of
much like a comatose patient whose accident has
thimerosal in the vaccine.
shoved their brain to the lowest part of the
So we are not going to cure autism but we believe we can end the
child's response to autism thru Byonetics technology.
Brain Records
Everything on It Hard Drive Creates Habit
Now, what you need to know about the brain's mechanism is that the
brain is continually taking pictures of its environment and storing these
images onto its hard drive as a form of reference. So when we were
subconscious known as the Delta range. This range is right above flat
line or death. This comatose patient does not have the energy to
connect to this frequency ladder and very much like the autistic child
they lose memory of where it is at. When you begin to repair these
Developmental Switches you begin to create a pathway back home to
our reality.
The more you repair the Developmental Switches the more the brain can
play out it memories of autism. And like any computer the more
information you erase or delete off its hard drive the more energy you
in front of it. If you are happy your child is happy. If you are sad your
have to run the software programs which can only accelerate your
child will become sad. If you are upset your child can become frustrated,
child's ability to respond to therapy because s/he has the energy to do
act it out and cause stress in the family.
We know from research that a caregiver for a special needs child can
Byonetics CDs
reduce their life span any where from 7 to 10 years due to the stress
Match The Day With The Proper CD
created from providing for the needs of this type of child. When stress
Now there are seven Developmental Switches and
there are seven CDs engineered for your child.
enters your body it becomes static energy like static on a radio. It builds
up, and begins to damage your developmental switches.
They are marked 1 thru 7 to note the particular
You begin to develop mental, physical, and emotional symptoms that
developmental switch, and Monday thru Sunday to
become ailments.
match the proper developmental switch with the
An ailment is like a blinking light on
correct day. You play the Monday CD on Monday.
the dashboard of your car warning you
The Tuesday CD on Tuesday, all the way thru
of pending danger. Very few people
Sunday and repeat the process every day and week. This technology is
pay attention to these signs and it will
very simple to implement.
eventually manifest into some kind of
Autistic Child
mental, physical, or emotional disorder which, if left untreated, can
Will Mirror Parents Behavior: Good, Bad, Ugly
become a disease as to the genetics of the family. And, as with all
Once the CDs were engineered then we began to look at the family
structure and this is what we know. Your child's brain cannot ground to
its physical body so it cannot create any mental, physical, or emotional
filters to protect it from its environment. Physically your child is
things, it will eventually pass away. The problem with this scenario is
that as you begin to create mental, physical, and emotional, symptoms
that become ailments that manifest into disorder, your child begins to
mirror this ill health.
susceptible to high pitched frequencies
Our solution is to engineer what is known as the Parent CD. It is for the
that can hurt its inner ear. We filter them
parent to go to go to sleep on. It comes on with the sound of babbling
out, your child cannot. It can cause hand
brook. The brain recognizes it as the reality of creation and begins to
cupping of the ears, hand slapping, or in
move into it. And the Parent CD begins to create an harmonic sleep
severe cases head banging in an effort to
cycle that begins to travel along the neuropathways and repair the
knock out the pain. Mentally and
Developmental Switches. In a period of time the parent begins to wake
emotionally your child will mirror anyone
up with mental clarity, emotional balance, and physical vitality which the
frequency. When you neutralize this stress the brain can stay on
child begins to mirror as a new form of wellness.
frequency thus accelerating the brain's ability to mentally focus on task
Once the Parent CD was engineered then we began to engineer the
which can greatly enhance your child's ability to respond to therapy.
EnviroMental CD for the home. It comes on with the sound of the
Once we had engineered the EnviroMental CD then we began to put
babbling brook. Your brain recognizes as the reality of creation and
together daily and weekly email support for the family. There are seven
begins to move into it. Then it begins to create an harmonic cycle that
Developmental Switches and there are seven colors that activate those
begins to neutralizes stress in the home environment. When you
Developmental Switches. Every week I email out what is known as the
neutralize stress in the home environment you begin to create a
Parent Color Profile. It deals in scenarios that create stress and a
continue healing experience mentally, physically, and emotionally. We
solution to that stress every time you view and experience the colors
suggest you go to a discount store and for less than $20 buy a CD
player that can be programmed for "Continual Play."
These are digital mastered CDs. They are designed to play on
inexpensive CD players. Bring the player back into the home
environment, into the living room. Plug it into a wall socket, behind a
piece of furniture. Adjust the volume to where by standing in the middle
of the room you can just barely recognize it as the sound of a babbling
brook in the background. It should never be loud enough to invade
conversation. Program it for "Continual Play" and let it play 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week. Your brain will turn off your need to hear it within a
short period of time but not its beneficial response.
In our research trials we used the EnviroMental CD in special needs
classes, grade school classes, counselor offices, administration offices,
corporate work areas, and retail spaces. We not only saw a reduction in
stress and an increase in overall wellness; but we also saw an
acceleration in the brain's ability to mentally focus on task.
Byonetics Is Used To Rewrite A Childs Software
Once that was completed then we began to focus on putting together
Byonetics. Your child's brain doesn't know that it is wrong to be autistic
it only knows that is how we have defined your child. Your child's brain
is like any other computer, information in information out. Your child's
brain does not have a reality of its own it only has the reality that we
give it.
We define your child as being autistic; inability to
form speech, lack of emotional contact, and mental
focus and once again your child's brain begins to
write a new software program and stores it into its
hard drive as a form of reference. So when your
child moves into a familiar environment the child's
brain physically matches what it is seeing in front of it with what it has
stored on its hard drive. The two images meet, the information is
When stress enters the body and builds up as static energy like "static"
provided and the brain says, "The last time we were here we were
on a radio. This "static" energy begins to distort the brain's ability to
autistic." The child's brain doesn't know that it is wrong to be autistic it
mental focus on task because its distorts the brain's ability to stay on
just knows that the child is surviving by being autistic. It has a software
program to tell it exactly how to act out as a child with autism. Over
expensive autism program is. And we wanted to know the average cost
time it will create a habit. Out of habit creates conflict and out of conflict
for in-home therapy. In a couple of weeks he comes to us with kind of a
creates a life time of autism unless you can rewrite this software
smirk on his face. He ask if I know the average length of time for an
program and that is what Byonetics is capable of doing.
autistic program out in the market? I tell him that I don't know. "The
With Byonetics we can determine every day the collective conflict that
your child is experiencing with autism and reset that conflict from a
negative to a positive statement that we email you and you read it to
yourself. The statement basically says, "Every time you view and
experience these particular colors you are free of autism."
The reason that we have you read this statement to yourself and not
specifically to your child is that your child and dolphins, by processing a
genius levels, communicate thru what is known as thought transference.
They literally can read the energy coming off of you and respond to it in
a split second. They really don't need our language. It is cumbersome.
They trip over it. It reduces their ability to process at genius levels.
When you read this statement to yourself, and if you read it ten times a
day it is ten times more powerful then if you only read it once a day, it
stimulates the chemicals in your child's brain and literally downloads the
average length of time for an autistic program out on the market is 14
days. And what is even more amazing is that the average cost for this
14 days is over $2800. The most expensive program is ABA, (Applied
Behavior Analysis). It runs any where
from $3500 to $5000 per month for inhome therapy and you can spend up to
$60,000 per year managing autism. Not
ending it. Just managing autism. "Inhome" therapy for speech, behavioral,
and occupational therapies runs up to
$250 per session and you can spend well
over $30,000 a year providing that for
your child.
Byonetics Cost Less Than Three Popular In-home Therapies
information onto its hard drive. You can be at home or work. Your child
We know from research that for any program to be successful it must be
can be in school. It doesn't matter. You are the child's vibrational parent.
provided for at least a year's period of time. This gives the Byonetics
It will work any where on the planet with whatever words you use to
program time to establish itself and start providing results.
define your child.
To pay for our office expense, marketing, and advertising; the
Byonetics Technology
engineering of the Seven Spectrum Lighting, nine digital mastered CDs
Is Less Expensive Than Other Autistic Therapies
that make up the nightly listening program, the managing of daily and
Once Byonetics was complete then we had a program. We went to our
CPA, our accountant, to have him determine the value of our services.
We wanted to know the average length of time and the cost of an
weekly email and participation into the Parent Network, plus providing
the services of the Child Advocate and the publication of the Byonetics
eBook that you are reading the cost is affordable with $375 down and
autistic program in the market. We wanted to know what the most
$35 per month for 12 months to provide the program for the full year,
stand in front of. And even more important, they come home to an
(prices are subject to change).
autistic child. 99.9% of all practitioners do not come home to an autistic
This price includes shipping by Priority Mail so you have it in three to
five working days of starting the program. We also support a very large
Professional Parent Network. Note: The average cost for 14 days of
autism therapy runs over $2800.
child. They do not have a clue as to what your life with an autistic child
is really like. If they did they would surely have to rewrite their protocol
to where thry are continually striving to provide more and more benefit
in the shortest amount of time for the least amount of money invested.
So we provide these parents as a resource.
On the front of my website ( I provide a link to
If you have a question about a problem and are
Professionals Benefiting From Byonetics. I list doctors, nurses, special
looking for a solution just email your question and we
needs teachers, lawyers, chemists, engineers, accountants, professors,
will email it out to all of our parents. They will email
therapists, all who have children with autism They can afford the
back their response and we will get it back to you. For
therapy. What they cannot afford is to not get a response from the
if we are going to provide you with the technology that
therapy. They now realize that for any therapy to be affective the brain/
will repair your child's Developmental Switches and
computer has to connect to its software. And until it does you are only
going to get a marginal response from any therapy. The problem is that
you are going to pay a lot of money for little to no response from
whatever therapy you use.
To get the most out of your child's education we provide a Child
Advocate to work with you and the school system to determine and
provide the best therapies for your child.
Parents Of
Autistic Children Are Walking Encyclopedias On Autism
The parents that I work with are doctors, pracitioners, nurses, therapist,
and special needs teachers all who have children with autism. They are
probably much like you i.e., they are walking encyclopedias on autism.
They have made their investments. They know what works and what
doesn't work. They are continually up on the internet. This is how they
found me. They are more informed than the practitioners that they
enhance your their response to therapy then we want
to be sure that you have the best information about the therapy you are
considering and the best person to talk with is the parent that has
already used the program. So we provide these parents as a resource.
We are the only ones with the Parent CD that repairs the parents
Developmental Switches so you can wake up with mental clarity,
emotional balance, and physical vitality. Your child will then mirror your
positive being.
We are the only ones with the EnviroMental CD that not only neutralizes
stress in the home environment but creates a continual healing
experience, while accelerating your child's ability to mentally focus on
task, and neutralizes hyperactivity.
We are the only ones with Byonetics that can assist in redefining your
child free of autism. We provide our Professional Parent Network can
assist in providing answers to your questions so the end result is
freedom from autism. And our year's program at $375 down with
We are creating a society of special needs children that will become
$25.00 per month to offset the cost of engineering the remaining CDs
adults. Their families will eventually pass away and they will come under
and managing the program is less expensive then three "in-home"
the care of the government. The last time this happened was in the
therapies for speech, behavior, and occupational therapies. Note: You
Reagan administration back in the 80's. Their response to this made up
can purchase the complete Byonetics program for the whole year that
problem was to move these people out of these facilities out on to the
includes all Seven Developmental CDs for the child, the Parent CD and
streets and today they make up over 75% of our homeless population.
EnviroMental CD, daily support for the child and family thru the Parent
One In
Every Twenty Children Will Contract Autism
Since we were so relevant to the term of autism on Sept 30th, 2004,
Google not only put us up on the front page of autism but in the first
position for most exposure and we were overwhelmed with response. At
that time we had no idea of the number of families that were actually
involved into autism.
When I came to the attention of Eli Lilly in the late 40's after
experiencing over 3,000 gran mal seizures due to the use of their
Pertussis vaccine, Eli Lilly told my parents that they questimated that
maybe 1 in every 250,000 children would have my response. Now Eli
Lilly questimates that the number is now closer to 1 in every 80 children
will have this negative response which would make it an epidemic.
Researchers in the field of autism, like myself, believe that the number
is closer to 1 in every 20 children will have this response which would
make it a pandemic. We know that 1 in every 6 children will develop
some learning disability due to the negative response of their
vaccinations. And the Center for Disease Control believes that 1 in every
68 families has some member with autistic-like symptoms and this is
Ralph Was
NonVerbal Until He Listened To Byonetics CDs
Jennifer is the mother of two, twelve your old twin boys, Ralph and
Thomas. Ralph lost the ability to speak after receiving the bulk of his
vaccinations. Both boys are big for their age.
Thomas was verbal.
Every morning, Jennifer would begin the trying
process of getting Ralph ready for school. Ralph
would hold the bed sheets in his fist and Jennifer
would have to pry them out of his hands, get him
flat on the floor and velcro his clothes to him. She
would walk him down the steps into the kitchen
where she would strap Ralph into one of the chairs
at the kitchen table and force feed him a dinner roll.
She would unstrap him from the chair, stand him up, grab his book bag,
and force him through two door ways where he would brace his arms
against the door jams. They would move to the curb to wait for the bus
to arrive. The bus driver would assist Jennifer on getting Ralph on to the
bus where they would strap him down three different ways into the seat.
This scenario would play itself out every school day.
what is happening.
After two weeks of listening to the Byonetics CDs things began to
Gregory Grew
change for Ralph. One morning Jennifer walked into the boys room to
Up In A Mental Institution Now He's Free
get them up for school and Ralph was gone. Jennfier yelled at her
husband, "Ralph is gone. He has escaped." Jennifer ran along the top of
the stairs and looked down into the kitchen and found Ralph, fully
clothed, sitting at the table, eating a bowl of cereal. Tears streamed
from her eyes as Jennifer bolted down the stairs, grabbed Ralph by his
shoulders, turned him around and looked at him in amazement.
By this time Ralph's father had arrived from the bedroom, looked at his
One day my friend Alice was talking about a person named Gregory. I
had to stop her and inquire, "Who is Gregory?"
"Oh, that's my son."
I said, "Alice I've known you for several years and I didn't know you
even had a son.
wife, looked at Ralph, and started spouting unintelligible sounds. Ralph
Where is he at?"
looked at both his parents in wonderment then said, "Is my lunch
With a softer voice Alice said, "Gregory lives in mental
ready?" Remember, Ralph had never said a word in ten years. Realizing
hospital. He is severely retarded."
that his parents were at a loss for words, Ralph moved them aside,
opened up the refrigerator, grabbed his sack lunch, moved passed his
Curious, I asked for Alice to describe why she thought
parents to grab his book bag, slung it over his shoulder and walked
Gregory was retarded?
through both doors, went to the curb and waited for the bus to arrive,
As the bus driver stepped off the bus, William raced passed him and
She went on for several minutes describing the complications during
quickly sat in the seat next to where he usually was strapped in to.
Gregory's birth. How Gregory is 35 years old and has never spoken a
Now, does this happen with every nonverbal child who listens to the
Byonetics CDs? I don't know I haven't dealt with every child. But Ralph
proved that the possibilities do exist for this type of response to occur.
word. How she longed to hear a spoken word from him. How
disconnected he was from our reality. And how she always had a simple
wish just being recognize by Gregory as his mother.
In his reality Ralph has speech, emotional contact, and mental focus.
The more Alice describe Gregory's condition the more she was
Once the Byonetics CDs started the process of repairing the connections
describing a person who was suffering from autism not retardation and I
between Ralph's brain/computer and his mental, physical, and emotional
told her so. "Alice I don't think Gregory is retarded I believe he is
software Ralph's brain started grounding itself to his physical body.
autistic. His disconnect from our reality. His not being able to speak. And
When this grounding occurred Ralph started completing the circuit back
his inability to recognize your presence as his mother is all signs of
into our reality, For the first time, Ralph's parents were able to hear him
speak, and experience a deep emotional contact with him.
"But the doctors always assumed that Gregory was mentally retarded."
I said, "Alice, the medical community has always assumed that autism is
with the other men but these gains were minimal to the connections
a mental disorder leading to retardation due to the outward appearance
Gregory made one morning at 5 am.
of the individual when in fact autism is brought on by chemical
imbalance from the chemical interaction of the vaccinations received at
an early age."
Everyone was awakened from their sleep with boisterous sounds of
music. All five men walked sleepily to the source of the music. They
found themselves in the living room standing in front of Gregory who
"Well, I remember Gregory being very sick after his vaccinations. His
doctors were concerned with his high temperatures."
was playing perfect Chopin on the piano.
This is spectacular in itself but to turn and speak to the boys in old
"Alice, high temperatures after receiving vaccinations are symptoms of a
english was beyond belief. Why old english? I have no idea. Maybe
bad drug interaction."
something Gregory brought from a past life.
"Well, there is little I can do about it now."
What is most important to understand is that Gregory has always been
"You can have him go to sleep on one of my Byonetics CDs and see what
able to speak, have emotional contact and play the piano. All that
needed to happen was to connect Gregory to our reality so his amazing
talents could display themselves.
To make a long story short Alice started having Gregory's caregiver play
the Byonetics CD after Gregory went to sleep at night. In about six
Renew Our Understanding of autism
months things began to change for Gregory. He seemed to be more
Byonetics was originally presented online as a PDF. Since
connected to his surroundings. He began to unwrap himself from his
2004 our view on autism has been enhanced.
arms and open up his physical presence. Within a year Gregory was
redefined from mental retardation to full spectrum
One day I received a call from Alice. There was an
We know that 80 to 90% of all physical symptoms of
autism relate to the inability of the brain to ground to its
physical reality. This causes the inability of the child to
mentally focus on physical task, hyperactivity, sensitivity
excitement in her voice as she said, " They're
to sounds. Without this grounding the child lives in the altered reality of
moving Gregory into a living assisted facility with
autism. Byonetics technology can establish this grounding so the child
five other men."
function in a proper reality free of the symptoms of autism.
The transition from living in a mental hospital for 35 years to moving
Byonetics ability to repair the Developmental Switches that connect the
into a home with other men was overwhelming for Gregory. With Alice's
brains computer to its software has proved to be a major breakthrough
help he adjusted and made some gains in interpersonal communications
in repairing autism.
We invite you to explore the possibilities of Byonetics.
We want to be apart of your child’s success not their failure.
All the best,
Jean Genet
Presented by TheeForce LLC Copyright/Production Rights 2004/2012
Certain images were collected on google image.
Section 1
Ending autism
is the goal that parents all seek
I would like to invite you to read about my
experiences growing up with autism. I am a
person who conquered this dreaded disorder. I am
also a researcher who has explored the inner
workings of the brain, and I believe that an end to autism is possible.
The families of children with autism who search me out are people who once
believed that the most expensive programs probably offered the best results, only
to find out that, more times than not, this wasn't the case. With each program,
they saw their financial resources dwindle to the point that very little was left to
pay for other therapies. Hopefully, this book will offer more return on your
I have experienced autism as a victim of the disorder and as a researcher.
Hopefully, my experiences will shine through the darkness of autism and provide a
light at the end of the tunnel, so your child can find his way back home, thus
ending his experience with autism.
Finally, I know that people get together to create something
greater than they could have created alone. If our getting together
is to end your child's autism, then there is no greater purpose.
Jean Charles Genet