la Caixa” Social Responsibility Report Commitment to responsible
la Caixa” Social Responsibility Report Commitment to responsible
2006 ”la Caixa” Social Responsibility Report Commitment to responsible management Executive report For further information: General ”la Caixa” Avda. Diagonal, 621-629. 08028 - Barcelona Telephone no.: (0034) 93 404 60 00 / Fax: (0034) 93 339 57 03 Website address: Corporate Social Responsibility Teresa Algans Director of the Corporate Reputation and Quality Division Avda. Diagonal, 621-629. 08028 - Barcelona Telephone no.: (0034) 93 404 75 74 / Fax: (0034) 93 404 63 29 The full version of this report can be found at: If you wish to send us any remarks or have any queries regarding this report, please write to the following address: Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona Av. Diagonal, 621-629 - 08028 Barcelona, España Telephone no.: (34) 93 404 60 00 Fax: (34) 93 339 57 03 Télex: 52623-CAVEA E AND 50321-CAIX E Internet Other publications: 2006 ”la Caixa” Annual Report 2006 ”la Caixa” Welfare Projects Annual Report SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2006 Commitment to responsible management Executive report The full version of this report can be found at: Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 1 Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 2 INDEX 1. Introduction 4 2. About ”la Caixa” 6 3. ”la Caixa” and its Clients 22 4. ”la Caixa” and its Employees 32 5. ”la Caixa” and Society 40 6. ”la Caixa” and the Environment 46 7. Verification Report 51 Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 3 1. Introduction 1. Introduction Ricardo Fornesa President Isidro Fainé CEO We are pleased to present the 3rd Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report. It details the foremost events and developments that have unfolded at ”la Caixa” in 2006 in terms of socially responsible management. For the first time this year, this ”la Caixa” report has been verified by the external auditing firm Deloitte. They have verified that it meets the guidelines set by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI-3) at the highest level (A+). It provides a balanced and rational presentation of the economic, social and environmental performance of the institution. The report can be read in full on our corporate website: As far as our interest groups are concerned – clients, employees and society – we wanted to underline the endeavours undertaken by the institution through day-to-day work in order to convey to these groups the corporate values of trust, quality and social commitment, which lay the foundations of our actions. Throughout the past year, 477,000 new clients have placed their trust in our institution. This growth has been witnessed among all groups including young people, the elderly, new residents and even companies. It is worthwhile highlighting the degree to which the institution has progressed in making access to financial services easier, an area of action that has materialised in an increased number of branches and in endeavours being taken to remove physical, sensory and language-related barriers. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 4 1. Introduction Ever since its inception, ”la Caixa” has been characterised by its calling for service to society, which is based on three values: trust, social commitment and quality. These values constitute the benchmark of the organisation as a whole and are the key to our management model. Another of the major lines of action promoted by ”la Caixa” throughout 2006 has been the professional and personal betterment of its 23,229 employees in line with the principles of decentralisation and propinquity, which are characteristic of the institution. We are particularly pleased to have received recognition from the OPTIMA Programme of the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in acknowledgement of our model of professional equality between men and women. We also wish to underline the social commitment undertaken by our employees, channelled through the corporate volunteer work programme of ”la Caixa”. Ever since its inception, ”la Caixa” has upheld a commitment to society that has materialised in several areas of action, ranging from the development of services and products, such as microcredits, for people who encounter difficulties accessing the financial system to initiatives aimed at fostering enterprising spirit, business start-up and the various programmes of the Obra Social or social work programme, which was earmarked 302.5 million euros in 2006. We are proud of the fact that ”la Caixa” is the best-valued company on account of its social programmes, according to a survey conducted by Fundación Empresa y Sociedad. With this Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report we wish to convey the achievements made by ”la Caixa” employees in their commitment to our clients and society. We likewise wish to take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to everyone who has placed their trust in ”la Caixa” and we hope that this report truly and faithfully illustrates our desire to meet their needs and expectations. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 5 2. About “la Caixa“ Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 6 2. About “la Caixa“ 2. About “la Caixa“ • A history based on a commitment • Mission, Vision and Values • Responsible management at ”la Caixa” 8 10 15 The full version of this report can be found at: Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 7 2. About “la Caixa“ A history based on a commitment to Clients, Employees and Society Accessibility to financial services, innovation and quality of service, the professional and personal betterment of employees, financial integration and the promotion of economic and social progress have laid the foundations of the responsible performance of ”la Caixa” ever since its inception. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 8 2. About “la Caixa“ Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 9 2. About “la Caixa“ The commitment of ”la Caixa” to its clients, its employees and society is enshrined in its mission and is conveyed by its vision and values. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 10 2. About “la Caixa“ The Mission, Vision and Values of “la Caixa“ Mission Vision Values Our mission is to foster saving and investment by offering the best, most comprehensive Financial Service to the greatest number of clients possible and making a firm contribution to society in order to meet basic social and financial needs in a flexible, tailored fashion. The financial group spearheads the Spanish market, generating value for society, clients and employees. The values of ”la Caixa” have always been existent ever since the institution was founded and they form the benchmark for the actions of the organisation. Trust based on honesty and respect for people, social commitment reflected in both the Obra Social and indeed in all the actions undertaken by ”la Caixa” and quality based on professionalism and innovation. These are the three values that define the identity of ”la Caixa”, which make up the management model of the institution, and which establish relations between the organisation, clients, employees and society. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 11 2. About “la Caixa“ The Mission, Vision and Values of “la Caixa“ Q L IT COMMITM EN T Clients Employees Society UA One of the aims of ”la Caixa” is to count on the trust of its clients, employees, the beneficiaries of the Obra Social and society in general. This has always been part and parcel of the institution’s identity and will continue to be one of its foremost values. In order to achieve this, ”la Caixa” and its employees endeavour to carry out their responsibilities, making fair decisions and keeping their promises. AL CI SO TR Trust based on honesty and respect for people T US Trust is upheld by means of day-to-day conduct. It steers relations and becomes the benchmark for decision-making and actions as an expression of the institution’s calling to serve people. Y Accordingly, ”la Caixa” promotes honest, always respectful treatment, based on dialogue, among its employees, clients and society. It endeavours to better people’s abilities with the conviction that trust begins at home. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 12 2. About “la Caixa“ Social commitment based on solidarity and respect for people Quality based on professionalism and innovation ”la Caixa” offers a quality Financial Service. Management is undertaken with the client in mind, providing him with useful, innovative services and products. Indeed, technological innovation is employed as a vital tool to improving systems and processes and commitments are taken on with professionalism. The social commitment of ”la Caixa”, an expression of its will to contribute to the betterment of the social environment, is not merely an aspect that makes the institution stand out from the rest: it is the essence of ”la Caixa”. The commitment to society is not only illustrated in the Obra Social, but also in the host of activities that ”la Caixa” unfolds: achieving results, investing, creating vacancies and promoting the Obra Social with the profits obtained. The calling to play a role in society is evident in every one of the institution’s activities and it encourages efficient management of resources in order to meet needs through a Universal Financial Service and the strengthening of the social fabric. Each of the employees of ”la Caixa” contributes to teamwork to the best of their professional ability, showing commitment to their work and carrying out each of their responsibilities in an efficient manner. Aside from strictly fulfilling their jobs, they must be able to uphold and encourage an innovative attitude, to contribute with new ideas, and to propose and make improvements. This aptitude for innovation distinguishes the institution from its competitors, keeping it in pole position. This is one of the key elements to the development of ”la Caixa”. Remaining faithful to a commitment to society demands ethical action and respect for each of its members. It also requires continual assistance that is close at hand in order to identify constant changes, even before they take place. Doing so will make it possible to meet the needs of today and those of the future in a suitable manner. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 13 2. About “la Caixa“ ”la Caixa” is a non-profit, privately founded savings and Financial Service bank that is not attached to any other company and which is devoted to attracting, administering and investing the savings that are entrusted to it. The main stakeholders of ”la Caixa” are its clients, its employees and society. These three groups are represented on the General Assembly; the supreme governing and decision-making body of the institution. The Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona has specified the percentages of representation in its Articles of Association based on a total of 160 members of the Assembly, as follows: • 58 general directors representing the depositors, accounting for 36%. • 48 representatives of the founding institutions and other of social interest, accounting for 30%. • 34 representatives of local corporations, accounting for 21%. • 20 representatives of the employees, accounting for 13%. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 14 2. About “la Caixa“ Responsible management at “la Caixa“ The groups of interest of “la Caixa“ 10,083,517 Clients 23,229 Employees Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 18,644,718 participants benefiting from the Obra Social of ”la Caixa” 15 2. About “la Caixa“ Responsible management at “la Caixa“ The management model The growth of ”la Caixa” is based on reliability, profitability and efficiency. Efficiency Profitability In addition to reliability and profitability, efficiency is also one of the key pillars to the growth of ”la Caixa”. Profitability is another key pillar to the financial results of ”la Caixa” and it has developed positively in tandem with reliability. • The efficiency ratio stood at 47.2% with a reduction of 5 points. • ROE (net income/common stockholder equity) stands at 19.5%. • ROA (net income/total average assets) stands at 0.9%. • RORWA (net income/risk weighted assets) stands at 1.4%. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 16 2. About “la Caixa“ Management of challenges Risk management Innovation Quality Efficiency Profitability Reliability Growth Clients are at the heart of the institution Reliability Growth Caution and diversification are the defining traits of the risk policy of ”la Caixa”. This results in a high level of reliability, well above legal requirements. Managing challenges has made it possible to establish ”la Caixa” as the third biggest financial group in Spain and the leader of Spanish and European banks. • The reliability coefficient stands at 11.5%, the TIER 1 stands at 8.3% and the Core Capital stands at 6.2%. • The delinquency rate stands at 0.33%. • The development of delinquency coverage has improved, currently standing at 444%. • 337,260 million euros in total banking business volume. • 3025 million euros net income for ”la Caixa”. • 1505 million euros recurrent income for ”la Caixa”. • 18,480 million euros is the market value of listed companies. • 9976 million euros in latent capital gains, from the portfolio of investee companies. • 10,769 million euros in shareholders’ equity. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 17 2. About “la Caixa“ Responsible management at “la Caixa“ The model of responsible management at “la Caixa“ At ”la Caixa” responsible management is considered a process of continual improvement that aspires to progress in achieving the commitments undertaken with its groups of interest: clients, employees and society as a whole. These commitments in terms of responsible management are based on the values of ”la Caixa”: trust, social commitment and quality. These values play a vital role in shaping responsible conduct and the suitable unfolding of it by the organisation. With respect to the business strategy, these are the principles on which the organisation has built a solid foundation and without which it would not have earned its status as a market leader. Along these lines, direction according to challenges, backed by suitable decentralisation and independence, facilitates decisionmaking at all levels of the organisation of ”la Caixa”. To achieve this, the institution encourages and ensures that all of the employees of ”la Caixa” can develop both professionally and personally. On the context of these three values, the organisation brings its vision in line with the principles of action by applying its own management model. In order to ensure consistency in the application of these principles ”la Caixa” has implemented a management model that rests on five pillars: These principles set the strategy of ”la Caixa” in the fields of business and organisation. • Guidance for clients in accordance with their social and financial requirements. • Personalised treatment from the institution’s 23,229 professionals. • Risk management based on caution and reliability. • Multi-channel management simplifying access to the services offered by ”la Caixa”. • Propinquity thanks to over 5000 branches. In this respect, the social utility of ”la Caixa”, which is evident not only in the Obra Social but also in the financial sphere, innovation focused on an ability to transform ideas into value, pro-activeness in meeting clients’ needs, efficient business management and good treatment from professionals working for the institution all lay the foundations for the ”la Caixa” strategy and they have enabled the institution to become one of the foremost leaders of Spain’s financial sector. MANAGEMENT MODEL VISION Leading financial group on the Spanish market generating value for society, clients and employees Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” VALUES TRUST SOCIAL COMMITMENT QUALITY 18 PRINCIPLES OF ACTION • Social utility • Continual innovation • Pro-activeness • Efficiency • Good treatment PRINCIPLES ORGANISATIONAL • Direction by challenges • Decentralisation and independence • Personal and professional betterment of employees • Flexibility and adaptation 2. About “la Caixa“ Responsible management at “la Caixa“ Risks and opportunities When it comes to determining the most relevant aspects to responsible management at ”la Caixa”, the institution focuses its attention on issues that are deemed important by international organisations and institutions, ratings agencies and analysts, the main benchmarks of the financial sector and the chief groups of interest: clients, employees and society. Based on the analysis made by the institution, various expectations, concerns and needs are ascertained and strategic lines are set out in order to meet those needs and expectations, thereby mitigating the emergence of risks and optimising opportunities. These aspects form the core of the social responsibility policy of ”la Caixa” and are deemed as key issues, surrounding which the institution has a calling to continue to improve in terms of its future performance and the will for these issues to form part of its strategy. To do so, ”la Caixa” offers its interest groups a host of dialogue mechanisms, including: • The network of 5186 branches and 23,229 employees • The internal and external communication channels, such as the customer service office, the call centre and the Suggestion Box • The performance of research and studies into social and financial needs • Upholding constant relations with social, cultural, educational and environmental organisations and institutions Relevant aspects to relations with the interest groups Clients Employees Society Environment • Security, reliability, transparency and trust • Accessibility to financial services • Wide range of products and services tailored to meet the needs of all groups of clients • Innovation to provide a better quality service • Dialogue with employees • Equal opportunities, diversity and employment integration • Balance between working and family life • Screening, training and professional development processes • Dialogue and institutional participation • Contribution to the economic and social development of the country • Prevention of financial exclusion • Fostering the creation of the business fabric • Environmental management at the institution • Application of environmental best practices and principles • Direct and indirect environmental impact of activities Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 19 2. About “la Caixa“ Responsible management at “la Caixa“ Achievements and future challenges Achievements in corporate reputation: • Creation of the Sub-Directorate General for Corporate Reputation • Creation of the Division for Regulatory Compliance, attached to the General Secretariat of the Board of Directors • The start of developments to the reputation risk indicator map Achievements with Clients: Maintenance of the standard ISO 27001:2005 for Information Security Management for the electronic channels of ”la Caixa”. Launch of CaixaProtect to ensure security in operations with Línea Abierta and automatic teller machines. Development of projects to make it easier for disabled people to access branches and automatic teller machines: the “Caixa Fácil” operation. Acquisition of the “A” and “AA” level accessibility certification for the Línea Abierta operation, in accordance with the W3C. Certification according to ISO 9001 on service management for new residents. Launch of a system for gauging the satisfaction of client companies. Achievements Future challenges Future challenges with Clients: Make 100% of the branches of ”la Caixa” accessible. Investment of 700 million euros between now and 2010 in order to expand and renew the network of branches and automatic teller machines. By 2010 there will be at least one fully accessible automatic teller machine at each branch. The development of the INREDIS project between now and 2010 in order to bridge the gap between ICTs and disabled people. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 20 2. About “la Caixa“ Achievements with Employees: Achievements in Society: Environment achievements: 330 meetings held between the Directorate General and the Regional Network. Incorporation of the commitments of the UN Global Compact into agreements with suppliers. Renewal and improvement of the internal communication channels: Canal Caixa. Strengthening of the line of basic products for people who encounter difficulties in accessing the financial system. Acquisition of the Environmental Quality Assurance distinction for the network of 1789 branches in Catalonia, awarded by the Generalitat Government. Improvement of the internal innovation channels: Suggestion Box and Participative Innovation Forum. Recognition in the OPTIMA programme of the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Carrying out the first survey on striking a balance between working and personal life. Publication of the Guide for Promoting Voluntary Work within the Company. Incorporation of a line of fair trade products into the Star Points Catalogue. Projects to improve saving in terms of shipments and use of paper: computerisation of signatures and client identification documents. Introduction of recycling bins on all floors of the central service buildings Investment of 302.5 million euros in society through the Obra Social. Consolidation of the Financial Service Advisor Programme. Future challenges with Employees: Future challenges in Society: Future Environmental challenges: Launch of actions for improvement within the framework of the OPTIMA programme: screening suppliers, returning to work following maternity leave, review of communication for gender equality issues. Launch of a supplier satisfaction survey. To extend the environmental quality distinction to the entire regional network. Creation of a bank specialising in microcredits. An investment of 400 million euros into society in 2007 through the Obra Social. Launch of actions for striking a balance between working and personal life. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 21 To minimise paper use and waste. Inclusion of social and environmental impact checks in major financial transactions. 3. “la Caixa“ and its Clients Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 22 3. “la Caixa“ and its Clients 3. ”la Caixa” and its Clients • Introduction • Main figures • Security, reliability, transparency and trust • Accessibility to Financial Services • Wide range of products and services tailored to meet the needs of all groups of clients • Innovation to provide a better quality service 24 25 26 27 28 30 The full version of this report can be found at: Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 23 3. “la Caixa“ and its Clients Introduction ST AL CI SO U TR Q UA L IT COMMITM EN T Clients Y Trust Social Commitment Quality Professional business management forms the basis for creating trust. In order to earn the trust of its clients, ”la Caixa” unfolds a cautious, varied risk policy, assures utmost security in all transactions and upholds a relationship with clients which is based on responsibility, transparency and ethics. Simplifying accessibility to products and services and assuring a Financial Service that is available to all so that no one remains excluded from the financial sector are the key themes of the institution’s social commitment to its clients. Being at the disposal of clients whenever they need it is a typical attitude at ”la Caixa” which is underlined by the professionalism of its employees, offering all of them the most suitable means and the most innovative solutions. Accessibility • 5186 branches (5179 branches in Spanish territory and 7 representative branches in foreign countries). • 98% of the ”la Caixa” branches are designed according to the completely personalised service model. • 72% of the branches of ”la Caixa” are fully accessible thanks to the zero elevation policy. • All of the ”la Caixa” automatic teller machines, 7493, have adapted keypads for the visually impaired and 66 are equipped with voice guidance systems. • 5.7 million euros investment in R+D. • ”la Caixa” is the top financial institution in Spain, the second in Europe and the third in the world in terms of the number of automatic teller machines. • 7.8 million clients have used the institution’s automatic teller machines carrying out nearly 485 million transactions. • 4.3 million clients of Línea Abierta. • 90,122 clients have used Línea Abierta Móvil. • 620,415 clients have used the CaixaMóvil SMS alert system. • 170,517 satisfaction surveys carried out on clients. • 66% of clients give the service offered by ”la Caixa” a rating of 8 or more (on a scale of 0 to 10). • ”la Caixa” is the second institution with the least complaints received in relation to its turnover according to the latest report on claims from the Bank of Spain. • Standard & Poor’s has raised short- and long-term ratings for ”la Caixa” from ‘A+/A-1’ to ‘AA-/A-1+’, respectively, with a steady outlook. • Risk management, monitoring and measurement are carried out in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the New Basel Capital Accord (NBCA). • Data protection, bank secrecy and security in transactions are an acknowledged and well-established principle of action in the organisation. A Financial Service that is available to all • ”la Caixa” offers its more than 10 million clients worldwide solutions that are adapted to meet their needs. • 343,347 companies are clients of ”la Caixa”. • 711,231 new residents are clients of ”la Caixa”. • 493,717 clients between the ages of 18 and 25 enjoy the benefits of the LKXA programme. • 1,468,924 senior citizens benefit from Club Estrella. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 24 3. “la Caixa“ and its Clients Main figures The more than 10 million clients of ”la Caixa” stem from a wide range of backgrounds. In 2006, 477,000 new clients placed their trust in the institution. Moreover, 30% of its new clients are new residents. GROWTH IN THE NUMBER OF CLIENTS OF “la Caixa” THE CLIENT BASE OF “la Caixa” 343,347 177,283 572,564 8285 8744 9154 9607 10,083 Private individuals Individual entrepreneurs Companies 8,990,323 Others ORIGIN OF PRIVATE CLIENTS (RESIDENTS) OF OTHER NATIONALITIES North America 27,691 Europe 191,308 Eurasia 6,007 Asia 78,017 Africa 157,848 South America 249,921 Oceania 439 Total 711,231 Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 25 3. “la Caixa“ and its Clients Issues that are relevant to clients are dealt with by the institution through a range of actions that we will set out below. Security, reliability, transparency and trust DELINQUENCY RATE 0.45% • ”la Caixa” unfolds a cautious and varied risk policy that results in systematically lower delinquency rates compared to those of the Spanish financial system as a whole. ”la Caixa” has been included in the group of Spanish financial institutions of advance risk management systems Basle II. Likewise, Standard & Poor’s has raised the short- and long-term ratings for ”la Caixa” from “A + / A -1” to “AA - / A - 1+”, respectively, with a steady outlook. 0.39% 0.33% • ”la Caixa” carries out a proactive policy when it comes to preventing money laundering by devoting human resources to training employees in this particular area. • The host of security measures adopted by ”la Caixa” has made it possible for the branches of the institution to be among the most secure in the entire Spanish banking sector. ”la Caixa” is the financial institution with the least robberies per branch of the entire sector. DELINQUENCY COVERAGE • Both personal data protection and banking secrecy are a recognised and well-established principle for action in the institution at large. ”la Caixa” is one of the first Spanish financial institutions to acquire the international certification ISO 27001:2005 for its Information Security Management System. • As a result of the work carried out by ”la Caixa” in favour of fraud prevention and detection, in 2006 it launched CaixaProtect for its clients, a service that improves and expands security cover in the use of credit cards and in Línea Abierta. • In order to address the issue of service charges, ”la Caixa” has created ServiCuentas, which offers its clients a host of integrated services with just one fee, making it one of the most competitive on the market. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 26 3. “la Caixa“ and its Clients Accessibility to financial services • With its 5179 branches ”la Caixa” is present in all Spanish towns with a population of more than 20,000 inhabitants, in 86% of towns with between 5000 and 20,000 inhabitants, in 44% of those with between 3000 and 5000 inhabitants and in 17% of those with between 1000 and 3000 inhabitants. TERRITORIAL DISTRIBUTION OF “la Caixa” BRANCHES BY AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY Galicia 182 • 98% of branches are designed according to the completely personalised service model. 72% of branches are currently accessible for disabled people. All new branches are designed in accordance with the zero elevation goal, which determines strict accessibility criteria. Basque Asturias Cantabria country Navarre 75 44 170 54 La Rioja 28 Castile and Leon Aragon 201 93 Catalonia 1.789 Madrid 751 Extremadura 64 • The network of automatic teller machines of ”la Caixa”, with 7493 terminals, is the largest in Spain, the second largest in Europe and the third in the world. Additionally, 5328 of these terminals are ServiCajeros. CastileLa Mancha 114 Andalusia 607 Canary islands 150 • All automatic teller machines of ”la Caixa” are equipped with keypads for the visually-impaired. The institution has launched an adaptation plan so that by 2010 at least one cash machine per branch will meet all the physical, sensory and psychological accessibility requirements. • This policy has led to ”la Caixa” becoming the first institution in Spain to have an accessible online banking service. Línea Abierta, which is the ”la Caixa” online banking service, acquired the level “A” certification in 2006, in accordance with the international standards of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), as determined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), for regular operations which account for more than half of all operations clients make. The ”la Caixa” website has likewise been certified with level “AA”. Valencia community 478 Murcia 131 Ceuta and Melilla 6 PRESENCE OF “la Caixa” BRANCHES ACCORDING TO THE SIZE OF THE RESPECTIVE COMMUNITY • In 2006, ”la Caixa” strengthened all its electronic channels by offering new services and benefits which enhance its user-friendliness. Of the 4.3 million clients who have signed up for Línea Abierta, somewhere in the region of 2 million have carried out 864 million transactions online. Up to 1000 inhabitants From 1001 to 3000 inhabitants From 3001 to 5000 inhabitants From 5001 to 20,000 inhabitants More than 20,000 inhabitants Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 27 Balearic islands 242 3. “la Caixa“ and its Clients A wide range of products and services adapted to the needs of all our client groups • ”la Caixa” develops a banking model that is available to all and which is centred on service and attending to the specific needs and requests of its more than 10 million clients, among which there are young people, senior citizens, families, new residents, SMEs, the agricultural sector, etc. Close relations between the staff of the network of branches and clients make it possible for new financial and non-financial products and services to continually be created, in fitting with real needs. • The LKXA programme, which integrates all the services and products specifically designed for young people between the ages of 18 and 25, has 493,717 clients. They can make use of various products such as CrediEstudios, the Libreta Vivienda or the Hipoteca Joven LKXA, the only one on the market to offer a grace period on a revolving loan, enabling the holder to once again dispose of some of the accrued capital in order to meet new funding needs. Additionally, this programme offers young people many benefits with respect to recreation, discounts on petrol and many other services through its specific line of cards. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 28 • One in every three new clients to the institution is a new resident, which clearly goes to show the extent to which the services specifically designed for this group have been accepted. These include the International Transfer and the Visa Giros cards or the service ServiCuenta CaixaGiros. In this context, the institution was the first to offer its clients a multi-channel service for sending money abroad. A new specific website for new residents has been set up on the ”la Caixa” main website. This site provides general information on finances and on the institution’s products and services that may be of particular interest to this group. ”la Caixa” has signed agreements with banks from 13 countries worldwide and in January 2007 three more countries will be incorporated. 3. “la Caixa“ and its Clients • The Club Estrella programme offers senior citizens products and services with exclusive benefits. 1,468,924 clients of this programme currently benefit from its advantages. 702,972 of these clients have their pension debited in ”la Caixa”. In addition, ”la Caixa” has launched the Hipoteca Inversa in order to provide additional income to supplement their pensions. • ”la Caixa” has specific products • The operational needs of the 343,347 to meet the needs of its clients in companies that are clients of ”la Caixa” the agricultural sector, whether are always met by the “home banking” individuals or agricultural and livestock system, called Línea Abierta Empresa. cooperatives. In order to market This service has been awarded the these products the institution has 745 highest qualification in the sector by branches specialising in this sector. independent institutions on various occasions. Especially valued are its functionality and the fact that it meets all companies’ needs. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 29 3. “la Caixa“ and its Clients Innovation for offering the best quality of service TOTAL NUMBER OF AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINES • Innovation is part and parcel of the culture of ”la Caixa” and it consists of transforming ideas into values. 6925 7208 7493 • In 2006, the investment made by ”la Caixa” in technology reached 121 million euros and investment in R+D projects relating to commercial action and security in transactions stood at 5.7 million euros. • Throughout 2006, a wide range of measures were implemented as a result of the constant endeavours undertaken by the institution in terms of innovation. These include the digitisation of client identities and signatures, the CaixaFactura service, the payment platform for managers and the installation of cheque truncation machines in businesses to avoid the need for paying cheques in at branches. TOTAL NUMBER OF CLIENTS USING AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINES • By using ICTs to offer innovative, quality services, in addition to the personalised treatment offered in branches, ”la Caixa” is able to establish a high degree of communication between the institution and its clients through electronic channels and also offers a wide range of services. CLIENTS WHO HAVE SIGNED UP FOR LÍNEA ABIERTA 3,215,077 TOTAL NUMBER OF OPERATIONS TRANSACTED VIA LÍNEA ABIERTA 4,307,847 3,504,289 TOTAL NUMBER OF CLIENTS TO SMS ALERTS 864,466,811 628,415 3,697,163 641,443,705 3,104,658 404,311,205 287,865 204,780 Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 30 3,756,397 3. “la Caixa“ and its Clients • ”la Caixa” has its own model for gauging the quality offered to individuals and companies. To do so, it conducts qualitative and quantitative studies to gauge the quality of the service offered, and provides clients with various channels through the customer service office so that they can convey their comments, opinions and complaints. MAIN REASONS FOR COMPLAINTS RECEIVED IN THE CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE CLAIMS MADE TO CUSTOMER SERVICE PER 100,000 CLIENTS 10,000 Products Commissions and charges Services and operations 9500 Credit cards Interaction / treatment Image / advertising 9000 Setting / referrals Others 8600 Number of clients (in thousands) Claims to customer service per 100,000 clients Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 31 4. ”la Caixa” and its Employees Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 32 4. ”la Caixa” and its Employees 4. ”la Caixa” and its Employees • Introduction • Main figures • Dialogue with Employees • Equal opportunities • Balance between working and family life • Screening • Diversity and employment integration • Training and professional development 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 39 The full version of this report can be found at: Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 33 4. ”la Caixa” and its Employees Introduction ST AL CI SO U TR Q UA L IT COMMITM EN T Employees Y Trust Social commitment Quality Trust in the team of professionals that make up ”la Caixa” is the key to earning the trust of clients and society. Respect for human rights and the social commitment undertaken by “la Caixa” with its employees are materialised in equal opportunities, diversity, freedom of association, a balance between working and personal life and social benefits. Quality among staff working for ”la Caixa” is based on suitable training and experience in order to provide clients with the best service possible. • 23,229 employees. • The workforce of ”la Caixa” is made up of 56.2% men and 43.8% women. • Average age of the staff stands at 39 years. • Average seniority of the staff stands at 12 years. • The staff turnover rate stands at 0.33. • 100% of staff have an open-ended contract. • 81% of staff have official university education. • 57.3% of new recruits and 54.8% of promotions within the institution correspond to women. • 7.7% of director’s posts are held by women. • 33.4% of the branch manager/deputy manager posts are held by women. • 61% of financial advisors are women. • 47 different nationalities are represented on the staff. • 1450 employees carry out corporate volunteer activities. • The bonus pay system offered by ”la Caixa” to its employees reached an investment of 204.2 million euros in 2006 in terms of services and social benefits. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 34 • 2.6 million phone calls handled at the call centre of the branches. • 65% rate of response to frequent surveys gauging satisfaction of branches with internal suppliers. • 66,936 CVs handled in external screening processes. • 4597 promotions within the institution. • 12.6 million euros invested in internal training. • 568,766 hours of on-site and online training given. • 10,581 employees (46% of staff) have taken part in internal training activities. • 100% of staff are subject to variable pay based on fulfilment of individual or group goals. 4. ”la Caixa” and its Employees Main figures The staff of the institution comprise some 23,229 professionals. Throughout 2006, 896 new recruits joined the team, equivalent to an increase of 4%. The total investment in staff expenses has reached 1611 million euros. GROWTH OF “la Caixa” STAFF (31.12.2006) TOTAL INVESTMENT IN STAFF (MILLION EUROS) Total: 1611 23,229 21,720 22,333 8819 9447 10,170 12,901 12,886 13,059 Wages and salaries Social insurances Other expenses Men Contributions and allocations to the pension fund Women AVERAGE AGE AND SENIORITY OF THE STAFF OF “la Caixa” TOTAL AVERAGE AGE PERCENTAGE OF EMPLOYEES WITH UNIVERSITY EDUCATION TOTAL AVERAGE SENIORITY Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 35 NUMBER OF NATIONALITIES AMONG “la Caixa” EMPLOYEES 4. ”la Caixa” and its Employees In order to foster professional development and communication with its co-operators, ”la Caixa” upheld several mechanisms for dialogue with its employees in 2006. The most relevant aspects stemming from this process and the actions performed by the institution are set out below. Dialogue with employees • ”la Caixa” lends special attention to communication with its professionals, not just when it comes to conveying its values, but also when gathering their requests and needs. • The institution conducts a working environment survey on a regular basis. The last survey carried out was in 2005. • The general management has held meetings with branches of all business area departments of the territorial network. They have visited 330 branches, generating 230 proposals for improvement. • Canal Caixa is one of the institution’s main communication tools aimed at its staff. • Dialogue with its employees is seen as a source of innovation. The Participative Innovation Forum and the Suggestion Box are channels through which employees address their proposals for improvement. In 2006, over 3500 employees used the Suggestion Box ; thereby contributing with in the region of 8700 initiatives, 61% of which have been implemented. SUGGESTION BOX DISTRIBUTION OF BRANCHES VISITED IN 2006 BY THE GENERAL MANAGEMENT. Branch visits: 330 (including 170 best branches 2005) Number of participants Number of proposals North 55 8634 Catalonia 133 Centre 24 4544 2135 4070 Valencia 27 3800 South 54 1989 Canary islands 22 Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 36 Balearic islands 15 4. ”la Caixa” and its Employees Equal opportunities • In 2006, ”la Caixa” received recognition from the OPTIMA Programme of the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The Women’s Institute has been developing this initiative since 1996 with the aim of introducing equal opportunities between men and women in companies by means of certification. • ”la Caixa” has presented an improvement plan for each of the OPTIMA programme’s areas. • Equal opportunities between men and women represent a patent reality in ”la Caixa” and one which is unfolded depending on how each individual adapts to the work post. DISTRIBUTION OF BRANCH MANAGERS AND DEPUTY MANAGERS AT ”la Caixa” Men Women DISTRIBUTION OF THE MANAGEMENT TEAM OF ”la Caixa” Men Women Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 37 4. ”la Caixa” and its Employees Striking a balance between working and family life • One of the most relevant issues in which ”la Caixa” has focused efforts throughout 2006 has been gaining an acquaintance of the opinion of its employees about striking a balance between working and family life. • ”la Caixa” endeavours to promote a balance between working life, on the one hand, and family and personal life, on the other, by placing a host of measures at the disposal of its employees. The bonus system of ”la Caixa” for its employees came to an investment of 204.2 million euros in 2006 in terms of services and social benefits. Supplements to the salary paid by ”la Caixa” 2006 Total investment made in social benefits and services in thousands of euros Financial assistance for own education Beneficiaries 728.56 1286 Financial assistance for children’s education 7363 9472 Financial assistance for children’s nursery 2247 3513 Financial assistance for children 37,521 11,345 Social loans 38,952 6051 1932 5134 Economic improvements Financial assistance due to death 635 298 Seniority bonus 3477 1543 Health policy (Adelsas) 8988 23,674 Pension plan 102,366 23,674 TOTAL 204,209 Selection • The first Merco People Study, the internal reputation monitor of the Spanish Monitor for Corporate Reputation (Merco), identified ”la Caixa” as the best company to work for in Spain. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 38 4. ”la Caixa” and its Employees Diversity and employment integration • ”la Caixa” ventures for diversity in order to attend to and meet the needs of clients from other nationalities. Indeed, in 2006 ”la Caixa” had 386 foreign employees from 47 different nationalities. • ”la Caixa” fosters employment integration of people with a disability. There are currently 108 employees with a disability working for the institution. In addition, ”la Caixa” has signed agreements with special employment centres to a value of 151,555 euros and has made other contributions to the tune of 3,660,323 euros. Training and professional development • The training of its employees is a foremost strategic factor, not only for achieving improvements in everyday work, but also to continue to improve in the institution’s ability to stand out from its competitors. In 2006, investment in training made by the institution came to 12.6 million euros. • 10,581 employees undertook at least one of the internal training activities developed by ”la Caixa” in 2006 (45.65% of all staff). Of these employees, many received this training in a personalised fashion according to their needs, requirements and potential. This illustrates the importance the institution lends to a tailor-made learning process centred on the particularities, concerns and requests of each employee. 561 employees have volunteered to give internal training or to conduct virtual tutorials. TOTAL INVESTMENT IN TRAINING (THOUSANDS OF EUROS) 12,609 10,240 • The rate of talent retention among young employees who stay at ”la Caixa” after 2 years reaches 98%. 7678 • The Financial Services Advisor Programme is a professional development plan aimed at employees without a specific post in the branches network. 2311 employees currently form part of this programme. • In 2006, variable compensation accounted for 4.2% of the total remuneration of ”la Caixa”, with all staff being subject to the programme. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 39 5. ”la Caixa” and Society Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 40 5. ”la Caixa” and Society 5. ”la Caixa” and Society • Introduction • Main figures • Dialogue and Institutional Participation • Contribution to the social and economic development of the country • Avoiding financial exclusion • Fostering business start-up 42 43 44 44 45 45 The full version of this report can be found at: Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 41 5. ”la Caixa” and Society Introduction ST AL CI SO U TR Q UA L IT COMMITM EN T Society Y Trust Social Commitment Quality The commitment undertaken by “la Caixa“ with society is part and parcel of its identity and is clearly shown by its financial activity as a whole and by its Obra Social reaching out to its more than 10 million clients and more than 18.6 million participants / beneficiaries of the Obra Social. The social commitment of “la Caixa“ materialises through its contribution to economic and social progress, through the development of a sustainable bank and through the performance of projects that have an impact on society. The propinquity of “la Caixa“ and the Obra Social to people is paramount when it comes to identifying their needs. Their involvement in our activities is an indicator that enables us to assess the extent to which we meet their needs. • 0.38% contribution to Spanish GDP (2006). • The number of employees working for “la Caixa“ has increased twofold since 1995. • More than 14,000 benefiting from the Basic Bank Booklet for people who encounter difficulties in accessing the financial system. • 635 microcredit projects funded in 2006 for which a total of 8.6 million euros was allocated. • 12,776 current loans channelled through the Monte de Piedad activity of “la Caixa“. • 23 cooperation agreements with new resident institutions. • 29 entrepreneurial business projects funded at the end of 2006 and 4 projects approved pending materialisation. • 18,644,718 participants / beneficiaries and 31,194 activities unfolded. • The Corporate Volunteer Programme of “la Caixa“, created in 2005, has 42 associations and 1450 volunteers. • 302.5 million euros channelled through the Obra Social of “la Caixa“. • The institution has signed up to the UN Global Compact. • 12 conferences held within the framework of the “la Caixa“ Chair of Economy and Society in 2005. • Member of the Excellence in Sustainability Club. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 42 5. ”la Caixa” and Society Main figures Through the institution’s financial activity and the Obra Social, ”la Caixa” contributes to progress and the development of society. Overall the contribution generated by the activities of ”la Caixa” in Spain to GDP stands at 0.38%. Moreover, the volume of purchases of goods and services stood at 1189 million euros and the size of financial resources invested in the Obra Social came to 302.5 million euros. BREAKDOWN OF EXPENSES AND INVESTMENTS IN 2006 10.6% CONTRIBUTION GENERATED BY THE ACTIVITIES OF ”la Caixa” TO GDP IN 2006 6.5% Spain: 0.38% 9.1% 7.7% 3.9% Fixed assets (rental, supplies…) Security IT E-banking Asturias Cantabria Basque country 0.18% 0.23% 0.17% Galicia Navarre 0.22% La Rioja 0.16% Catalonia 0.2% Castile and Leon 0.87% Aragon 0.17% 0.2% Madrid 0.3% Balearic Islands 0.61% CastileValencia Extremadura La Mancha community 0.2% 0.21% 0.29% Commerce Andalusia 0.31% Staff Operatives 31.8% 27% Canary islands 0.26% Others Murcia 0.29% Ceuta and Melilla 0.18% 3.3% BUDGET OF THE ACTIVITES OF THE OBRA SOCIAL (MILLIONS OF EUROS) Total: 302.5 PARTICIPANTS IN THE ACTIVITIES OF THE OBRA SOCIAL (THOUSANDS) 160.2 18.5 18,645 12,519 11,294 Social activities Environmental activities and science 66.1 Cultural activities 57.7 Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” Educational activities 43 5. ”la Caixa” and Society In order to underline the commitment undertaken by ”la Caixa” to society, through its dialogue channels the institution has demonstrated its willingness to become acquainted with and to attend to the concerns and relevant issues raised by its clients and society. Dialogue and institutional participation Contribution to the economic and social development of the country • ”la Caixa” maintains ties with various institutions with the aim of actively participating in society. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” • The contribution of ”la Caixa” to Spanish GDP reached 0.38%. • In 2006, the volume of purchases stood at 1189 million euros channelled through 449 main suppliers. • Projected investment by ”la Caixa” for the construction of affordable housing stands at 413 million euros for the 2005-2007 period. • In 2006, ”la Caixa” obtained the first results of the Corporate Volunteer Programme which was implemented in 2005. Over this period of time, the institution has promoted the creation of 44 volunteer associations in which 1450 retired or pre-retired employees take part. Furthermore, ”la Caixa” has presented the Guide for Promoting Voluntary Work in the Company, with which it aims to encourage and guide other companies to promote internal volunteer work. • ”la Caixa” contributes to popularisation of knowledge through economy-related publications that its Study Service carries out and through the social studies conducted by its Obra Social. 44 5. ”la Caixa” and Society Avoiding financial exclusion • ”la Caixa” offers a host of products and services adapted to the specific circumstances of various groups that encounter difficulties when it comes to accessing the banking system. It provides the beneficiaries with favoured conditions. In this respect, worth highlighting are the more than 14,000 people who benefited from the advantages of the products from the Gama Básica range throughout 2006. This is a savings product addressed to people who lack the necessary means or who are on the brink of financial exclusion. • Beneficiaries of the microcredits programme of ”la Caixa” can be anyone who, with the aim of developing a selfemployment business project, encounters difficulties in accessing normal credits in the traditional financial system. Therefore, it is specifically aimed at immigrants, women, people with a disability, people over the age of 45 years, the long-term unemployed, and so on. Throughout 2006, the institution funded 635 microcredit projects, for which it earmarked a total of 8,613,328 euros. • ”la Caixa” has been a pioneering institution in Europe when it comes to creating programmes for new residents with the aim of providing them with an overall answer to their various financial and non-financial needs. The website Intégrate XXI provides useful information and resources for immigrants. Consequently, it is a virtual meeting point for immigrants, administrations and non-profit organisations. Fostering business start-up • Emprendedor XXI is a programme launched by ”la Caixa” to promote and support the setting-up of innovative companies in Spain. This national programme is developed in conjunction with the institution’s territorial network and with the main national and regional organisations and institutions. The foremost actions developed within this programme are as follows: awareness raising, dissemination, training and funding. • Since 2004 and through venture capital instruments, ”la Caixa” has funded 29 innovative projects, with a further 4 projects in the pipeline, to which an investment of 6.3 million euros has been allocated. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 45 6. ”la Caixa” and the Environment Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 46 6. ”la Caixa” and the Environment 6. ”la Caixa” and the Environment • Introduction • Main actions • Environmental management at ”la Caixa” • Application of environmental best practices and principles in all the institution’s actions • Management of the direct and indirect environmental impact of its activities 48 49 49 49 49 The full version of this report can be found at: Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 47 6. ”la Caixa” and the Environment Introduction T US AL CI SO TR Q UA L IT COMMITM EN T Environment Y Trust Social Commitment Quality “la Caixa“ has voluntarily undertaken its commitment to the environment beyond the framework established by legislation. Through its financial activity and its Obra Social, “la Caixa“ seeks to have an indirect positive impact that brings about improvements to the environment. “la Caixa“ takes great concern in protecting and preserving the environment and endeavours to minimise the impact of its activities. • Acquisition of the Environmental Quality Assurance distinction for the network of 1789 branches in Catalonia. • “la Caixa“ has been part of the UN Financial Institutions Programme (UNEP-FI) since 2003. • 17 transactions in cooperation with other institutions in order to fund environmental improvement projects worth over 1.5 million euros, of which “la Caixa“ has secured 900 million euros. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 48 • The Environmental Management System for the Central Services of its registered offices in Barcelona. - ISO 14001 standard - Regulation (EC) 761/2001 EMAS. • 25,440 hours of training given to nigh on 1700 employees within the “ISO 14001 Environmental Management System“. • 42% of paper used at “la Caixa“ is recycled paper. 6. ”la Caixa” and the Environment Main actions ”la Caixa” is aware of aspects of its activities concerning sustainability and the environment. The institution addresses environmental issues by undertaking a host of actions that go far belong what is laid down in the legal framework. Environmental management at ”la Caixa” • ”la Caixa” has a multi-disciplinary Environmental Committee that was set up five years ago. Its functions are to establish, approve and update a management programme that enables the institution to reach the objectives defined in its environmental policy. Application of environmental best practices and principles in all the institution’s actions • ”la Caixa” has taken its voluntary commitment to the environment far beyond the framework established by law. Additionally, ”la Caixa” has been part of the UN Financial Institutions Programme (UNEP-FI) since 2003. • ”la Caixa” applies environmentally responsible purchase criteria. Since 2005, the institution has used the Guía Compra Verde para Oficinas (Buying Green Branch Guide), a document that provides guidance on the sustainable purchase of office material. This affects companies that take part in purchase processes through public auctions. • In October 2006, ”la Caixa” was awarded the Environmental Quality Assurance distinction for its network of 1789 branches in Catalonia. It was the first financial institution to receive this distinction. • The institution has embarked on actions in order to strike a balance between working and family life. Management of the direct and indirect environmental impact of its activities • ”la Caixa” employs environmental criteria when it comes to the concession of credits in “project finance” operations and large operations. • The most relevant areas of consumption at ”la Caixa” are related to electrical energy and paper. The institution carries out regular monitoring of both these resources in order to implement measures aimed at reducing and optimising their consumption. • ”la Caixa” has cooperated, in conjunction with other institutions, in 17 operations for funding environmental improvement projects for a value of more than 1580 million euros, 900 million euros of which have already been secured by this institution. • 25,440 training hours have been given to nigh on 1700 employees on the “Environmental Management System ISO 14001” course Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 49 6. ”la Caixa” and the Environment Indicators of direct environmental impact. Central services of ”la Caixa” CONSUMPTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES 2004 2005 2006 * Conversion factor: GJ per Kwh: 0.0036. Source: GRI Technical Protocols. ** Consumption in 2004 was extraordinary Electrical energy (GJ)* Total consumption of electrical energy Total consumption of electrical energy per employee % of electrical energy saving (consumption reduction) due to a breakdown in the surge protection 81,483 85,213 90,535 54.57 57.07 60.63 system for PCs. - 2.2 + 4.5 + 6.2 *** Conversion factor: GJ per gallon of gasoil (3.78 litres): 0.138. Source: GRI Technical Gasoil (GJ)*** Total consumption of gasoil Total consumption of gasoil per employee % of gasoil saving (consumption reduction) 24,557** 1547 3023 Protocols. 16.44 1.03 2.02 **** Conversion factor: gr of CO2 per Kwh + 700.8 - 93.5 + 95.4 produced in Spain in 2004: 390.49. Conversion factor: gr of CO2 per Kwh produced in Spain CO2 (Tn)**** CO2 emissions due to consumption of gasoil (Tn) 1816 114 224 in 2005: 420.47. Conversion factor: gr of CO2 CO2 emissions due to consumption of electricity (Tn) 8838 9953 9837 per Kwh produced in Spain in 2006: 391.14. 10,655 10,067 10,060 Total CO2 emissions (tonnes) Source: GRI Technical Protocols and the latest report from Red Eléctrica de España. Water (m ) 3 Total consumption of water 67,822 55,947 74,847 46 39 50 - 18.15 -17.5 + 33.7 Total consumption of water per employee % of water saving (consumption reduction) WASTE GENERATED IN CENTRAL SERVICES FOR RECYCLING 148,970 Paper (kg) Cardboard (kg) Plastic (kg) 80,115 62,070 51,380 39,400 26,820 37,240 19,620 18,240 Waste with Special Regulations on Treatment for Collection TYPE OF WASTE 2004 2005 FLUORESCENTS (KG) 410 150 720 + 380% BATTERIES (KG) 352 80 360 + 350% 3780 20,540 + 443% CELLS (KG) 0 2006 VARIATION WITH RESPECT TO THE PREVIOUS YEAR INK CARTRIDGES (UNITS) 4004 3649 3986 COMPUTER CARTRIDGES (KG) 5670 0 7970 -- 495 308 385 + 25% CHEMICAL PRODUCTS PACKAGES (KG) Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” + 9% 50 Conversion factor: kg of CO2 per litre of gasoil: 2.7. Source: Spanish motoring sector. 7. Verification report 7. Verification report This Corporate Social Responsibility Report from ”la Caixa” has been drawn up in accordance with the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines published by the Global Reporting Initiative in 2006, also known as G3. The 2006 ”la Caixa” Social Responsibility Report meets requirements associated with the A+ level for application of G3. This means it meets the specifications relating to level A of G3 as regards Profile Disclosures, Management Approach Disclosures and Performance Indicators and it has been subject to verification mechanisms. • The extent to which the G3 standard of the GRI has been applied to the content and structure of the report has been assessed, verifying that the content and indicators match those recommended by the aforesaid standard. Section 9 of the full version of the report details the pages and the extent to which the requirements, management approaches and indicators have been covered. • Indeed, Deloitte has verified the ”la Caixa” SRR and concludes that: "The 2006 ”la Caixa” Corporate Social Responsibility Report has been prepared according to G3 guidelines for preparing Sustainability Reports and contains the breakdowns required by level A+. The GRI indicator and content index in section 9 details the indicators reviewed and identifies those that do not meet all of the aspects set out by the GRI. As a result of our limited review, we have not encountered any other incident that would lead us to believe that the 2006 ”la Caixa” Corporate Social Responsibility Report contains any important mistakes." • The monitoring of all the verification processes applied and described in the report has been duly documented. Social Responsibility Report 2006 ”la Caixa” 51 Concept and coordination of content: Valores & Marketing Design: Exit de disseny Layout: Media Responsable Rundesign Printing: Legal deposit: B. 28451-2007 Photographs: Front cover: Veer. Pg. 2, 1st and 2nd photo: Raimon Solà. Pg. 2, 3rd photo: Frame Zero. Pgs. 6, 7: Mireia Castanyer. Pgs. 12, 13, 14, 16, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 39, 44: Raimon Solà. Pgs. 40 and 41: Frame Zero. Pgs. 46 and 47: Cram. Printed on ecologically-safe paper and card
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