Faith Connections


Faith Connections
Your prayer is requested for…
Bertie Childress, Farrah Lucia, Candie McKim, Albert Daugherty, Matthew
Lucas, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn, Robert Brown, LaBry, Jerry and Adley Brown,
Jeff Landry, Natalie, Family of Delores Bean, Kathy Bussell, Jim Malolm,
Dora and Benny Caudillo, Jesse Sonnier, Louise Hardin, Tommy Vaughn,
Debbie Kiser, Karen Howard, Renee Vaughn, Kenneth Page, Patricia LeBlanc, Robin Boyer, Mary Jane McWard, Chris McWard, Paula Bean, Lewis & Nichols Families, Jerry and Adley Brown, Patty McKinley, Candie
Lockwald, Bertie Childress, Tammy Childress, Herb Dellome, M/M Glen
LaBry, Mary Jane McWard, Kelly Bussell, Zane Mills, Dustin Brock
Faith United Methodist Church
Orange, Texas
Tony Hoefner, Pastor
Church Office Hours
9AM - 4PM
Friday 9AM-12 Noon
October Communion Offering will help
Church Office 886-1291
Orange Christian Services .
Faith United Methodist Church
Non Profit Org.
8608 MLK Jr. Drive
U.S. Postage
Orange, Texas 77632
Orange, TX
Permit No. 10
October 2011
Faith Connections
Living, Learning, Leading for Christ...
Let’s Break Bread Together!
October 2nd, it’s Communion Sunday, and it's also time
to have a fellowship meal. Let’s break bread together! Time
for us to get to know each other better and have a wonderful
meal at the same time. We will also use this as an opportunity to
learn about different ministries that our church participates in.
The question that I get asked most is, "What ministries are here
at Faith?" I'm inviting all ministry leaders to set up a display on
October 2, or have a 1-minute presentation for your ministry.
Guests of honor at the dinner will be all the people who
have joined since this time last year. As a guest of honor, you
are not asked to bring anything for the meal. Everyone else is
asked to bring a favorite dish. If you already know what you are
going to bring, please use the sign-up sheet in the foyer.
See you at church —pastor tony
A Ton of Love for the Holidays
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Opportunities at Faith
Sunday School
Youth Grp.
Bible Study
Wed. Prayer Grp.
Choir Prac.
9:30 AM
10:50 AM
5-6:30 PM
6:30 PM
5:45 PM
6:30 PM
Thank you, Judy Wilson, and all the ladies, for the gifts of your energy, your
culinary skills, and your love. You
make our meals a great success!
Thank you, Anita Bussell for your generous gift of stools in the kitchen. We’re
gonna use ‘em—and soon!
The Seekers' Sunday School class is sponsoring "A TON OF
LOVE FOR THE HOLIDAYS", a Faith UMC Food Drive for OCS
(Orange Christian Services) in October. Large paper grocery
bags will be available for people to fill with their donations
for OCS. The bags will have a flyer with some information explaining the food drive and listing some suggested items
needed by OCS. The bags will be available at the church beginning the first Sunday in October and should be returned
anytime before November 6th. Faith collected 1/2 ton of
items in March - let's try for another 1/2 ton in October! The
Seekers' will deliver the items to OCS for Faith early November so that they may be used for the Thanksgiving/Christmas
season. If anyone would like their items picked up, please call
the church office, 886-1291 with your name and phone number and arrangements will be made to pick them up.
Meet Amy Walker, our new Youth Director!
Amy has 10 years of youth director experience (she started young). She has a bachelor's and a master's degree--both from Lamar. She is currently attending seminary at
Perkins-Houston, and is a candidate for
ordination as a deacon in the UMC. Amy
and her husband, Jeff, live here in Orange.
They have two children, Gabriel and Olivia.
Youth Happenings
Friday, Sept. 30th from 5pm-7pm, we will have a Tailgating
party at LC-M High school. We will serve links, chips, cookies, and drinks to youth that want to come hang out. There
will be some music and a few games. We are co-hosting this
with FUMC of Mauriceville. This is a great way for us to interact with the youth of our community. We need people to
donate food items or their time. Please see the sign-up
sheet by the Youth board to sign-up for at least one item.
Let's show the Youth Christ's love.
Oct. 9th is Youth Sunday, we will perform a special song for
Children's Sabbath. Don't miss out!
The youth mission trip to San Marcos was a wonderful experience for our teens, our chaperones, and especially for the
clients that were served in San Marcos. Our group worked
mainly taping, mudding, sanding, texturing and painting
sheetrock! See photos on the back of the calendar page.
50/50 Band members: Andrew Borel, Tyler Smith,
Alex Borel, Chris Boaz, and Micah Spell
50/50 at Morning Worship 9/11
The contemporary Christian band, 50/50, provided music
at our worship service on 9/11. The music was great, and
the Lord was definitely praised!
Kidz Adventure Camp
Weekly Bible Readings
October 2
Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20
Psalm 19
Philippians 3:4-14
Matthew 21:33-46
October 9 Exodus 32:1-14
Psalm 106
Philippians 4:1-9
Matthew 22:1-14
October 16 Exodus 33:12-23
Psalm 99
1Thessalonians 1:1-10
Matthew 22:15-22
October 23 Deuteronomy 34:1-12
Psalm 90
1Thessalonians 2:1-8
Matthew 22:34-46
October 30 Joshua 3:7-17
Psalm 107
1Thessalonians 2:9-13
Matthew 23:1-12
Sept. 2
Hunter Gothia
Oct. 3
Jaden Henry
Sept. 4
Myrtle Eschenbach
Oct. 4
Wendy Dupuy
Sept. 6
Nichole Menard
Oct. 4
Glenn Gobert
Sept. 10
Robinson Haley
Oct. 4
Reagan Roberts
Sept. 10
Billy Garrett
Hank Van Slyke
Sept. 15 Edith Babcock
Oct. 9
Baily Williams
Sept. 20
L yn Ray Smith
Oct. 11
Andrea Bilbo
Sept. 23
Baylee Wheeler
Oct. 12
John Gothia
Sept. 23 Mary Barnett
Robyn Colley
Sept. 24
Haylee Wheeler
Oct. 16
Shelia Brock
Sept. 25
Virginia Sibert
Oct. 16
Michael Lyman
Sept. 26
Kevin Williams
Oct. 18
Kayne Williams
Sept. 27
Glynis Gothia
Oct. 19
Joyce Bell
Sept. 28
Audrey Frenzel
Oct. 19
Misty Bellow
Sept. 29
Glenn Dutton
Oct. 19
Jerry Longest
Sept. 29
John Bilbo
Oct. 19
Ashley Rodgers
Sept. 30
Mark Crorey
Oct. 22
Dalton Brock
Oct. 22
Amy Schwartz
Oct. 25
Clint Wise
Oct. 26
Kim Clark
Oct. 27
Tony Hoefner
Oct. 27
Dixie Trahan
Oct . 28
Sandra Sears
Oct. 31
Thelma Beeson
Thanks and Praise!
Thanks to our church family for prayers and
concerns for our family. We have been blessed.
Don had good news. The chemo he took for a
month improved his numbers and the chemo
will be continued for more cycles– 8 weeks.
Virginia and Jim Sibert
More Thanks and Praise
Thank you for your prayers, thoughts, cards, and meals
during my recent heart procedure!
I love you all, Martha Hoefner
Back-to-School Thank-you
Many thanks to all who participated in the back-toschool ministries. Our cookies for staff and the school
supplies were greatly appreciated. We received 8
thank-you letters and cards from the schools.
Billy Lawson (right),
grandson of Walter and
Shirley Guice, sang on
Grandparent’s Day September 11. Billy sang a
song he wrote in honor
of his very proud grandparents titled, “How
Much I Love You.”
Parenting Help!
Thursday evenings, starting on October 27, from 67:30PM, Faith UMC will host parenting classes taught
by Dal Moreau. Classes will be flexible, discussionstyle, but NOT group therapy. Every class will provide practical solutions to parenting challenges.
Please join us for this 5-week series. Cost is free.
Childcare provided.