Front 14-01.psd - Di`s Delightful Plants
Front 14-01.psd - Di`s Delightful Plants
Di’s Delightful Plants January 2014 1 Salvia nipponica 'Crug Cream' Flowers in both shade and sun! How clever it is! Blue Germander Sage Deep Blue Meadow Sage Salvia 'Indigo Blue' Salvia nemorosa 'Deep Blue' Catalogue Reference: BD/BE= Bulb - Decidious/Evergreen C = Climbing Shrub C1/C2= Frontline Coastal/Secondline oastal CL = Clumping Shrub CR = Creeper D = Decidious, Non Australian E = Exotic, Non Australian F = Filtered Sun FF = Filtered to Full Sun G = Grass GC = Ground Cover H = Heavy Frost Tolerant IP = Indoor Plant SH = Indoor Shrub L = Light Frost Tolerant M = Moderate Frost Tolerant N = Native Plant PA = Part Sun PF = Part to Filtered Sun PS = Part to Full Sun R = Rockery Plant S = Frost Sensitive SF = Shade to Filtered Sun SH = Full Shade SH0 = Dwarf Shrub < 0.4m SH1 = Small Shrub 0.4 - 0.8m SH2 = Medium Shrub 0.8 -1.5m SH3 = Large Shrub 1.5 - 3.0m SC = Scrambler SU = Full Sun SS = Full Shade to Full Sun T1 = Small Tree < 5.0m T2 = Medium Tree 5.0 - 15.0m T3 = Large Tree > 15.0m * = Less than 250 plants in stock - Available this month - Available this month - Available this month - Available this month Check Out Our January Herb List! Di’s Delightful Plants January 2014 H: 0.3m - 1.5m W: 0.3m - 4.0m Flowers: Oct - May 2 H: 0.4m - 0.6m W: 0.3m - 0.6m Flowers: Nov - Feb Blue Geranium White Coneflower Geranium 'Rozanne' PBR Echinacea purpurea 'Pow Wow White' H: 0.2m - 0.3m W: 0.2m - 0.4m Flowers: Feb - May H: 2.0m - 3.0m W: 1.0m - 1.5m Flowers: Nov - Jan Pink Butterfly Bush Buddleja davidii 'Pink Delight' H: 0.4m - 1.0m W: 0.5m - 1.0m Flowers: Sep - Nov Blanket Flower Blue Marguerite Gaillardia x grandiflora 'Goblin' Felicia amelloides H: 0.3m - 0.4m W: 0.6m - 0.7m Flowers: All Year Dazzling Daisy - Lemon Argyranthemum 'Lemon Lace' TM H: 0.2m - 0.6m W: 0.2m - 0.6m Flowers: Jul - Oct Creamy Pink Winter Rose Helleborus x ballardiae HGC 'Cinnamon Snow' Di’s Delightful Plants January 2014 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) Conifers * Cupressocyparis x leylandii 'Silver Dust' Cupressus lusitanica benthamii 'Dwarf' Cupressus lusitanica benthamii 'Dwarf' 75ml Cupressus sempervirens 'Stricta' Cupressus sempervirens 'Stricta Glauca' Cupressus torulosa Juniperus chinensis 'Spartan' Juniperus horizontalis 'Douglasii' * Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' 3 CommonName SPECIAL Leyland Cypress Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) cones $2.99 E SUH T2 Dwarf Mexican Cypress cones $4.79 E SUH SH3 Dwarf Mexican Cypress cones $6.49 E SUH SH3 Pencil Pine cones $4.79 E SUM T2 Pencil Pine cones $4.79 E SUM T2 SPECIAL Bhutan Cypress cones $2.99 E SUM T2 Chinese Juniper cones $4.79 E SUH T2 Creeping Juniper cones $4.79 E PS M SH1 Green Thuja cones $4.79 E SUM T1 Oil Lavender purple Oct-Dec $4.79 E SUM C2 SH2 Bridestowe Cut Flower Lavender lavender Jan-Apr $5.99 E SU English Lavender lavender Oct-Jan $8.99 E SUM C2 SH1 Dwarf Blue Lavender lilac blue Oct-Jan $5.99 E SUM C2 SH2 True English Lavender lavender Oct-Jan $4.79 E SUM C2 SH1 Grey French Lavender lavender All Year $4.79 E SUL C2 SH2 Blue French Lavender blue purple All Year $4.79 E SUL C2 SH2 Lavenders * Lavandula angustifolia 'Bee' * Lavandula angustifolia 'Bridestowe Elizabeth' PBR (Nursery) Lavandula angustifolia 'Lady' 100ml Lavandula angustifolia 'Miss Muffet' Lavandula angustifolia ssp angustifolia Lavandula dentata candicans Lavandula dentata 'Ploughman's Blue' Lavandula dentata 'Pure Harmony' Lavandula dentata 'Royal Crown' Lavandula 'Major' Lavandula x allardii Lavandula x heterophylla 'Riverina James' PBR (Nursery) Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso' Lavandula x intermedia 'Margaret Rocky Hall' Lavandula x intermedia 'Riverina Thomas' PBR (Nursery) Lavandula x intermedia 'Sally Lavandula x intermedia 'Seal' Lavandula x intermedia 'Super' Lavandula x intermedia 'Sussex' H: 0.3m - 0.6m W: 0.3m - 0.6m Flowers: Oct - Jan C1 SH2 White French Lavender white All Year $4.79 E SUL C2 SH2 Royal Crown purple All Year $4.79 E SUL C2 SH2 Lavender purple Dec-Apr $4.79 E SUM C2 SH2 Mitchum Lavender mauve Sep-May $4.79 E SUM C2 SH2 Florist's Choice Lavender mauve Sep-May $5.99 E SUM C2 SH2 Lavandin deep purple Nov-Feb $4.79 E SUM C2 SH2 Lavandin purple Nov-Feb $4.79 E SUM C2 SH2 Riverina Thomas purple Nov-Feb $5.99 E SUM C2 SH2 Lavender Sally mauve Oct-Dec $4.79 E SUM C2 SH2 Lavandin purple Nov-Feb $5.99 E SUM C2 SH2 Lavandin purple Nov-Feb $4.79 E SUM C2 SH2 Lavandin mauve Nov-Feb $4.79 E SUL C2 SH2 H: 0.2m - 0.5m W: 0.2m - 0.4m Flowers: Oct - Jan Dwarf Blue Lavender Lavandula angustifolia 'Miss Muffet' H: 0.8m - 1.2m W: 0.8m - 1.0m Flowers: Nov - Feb English Lavender Riverina Thomas Lavandula angustifolia 'Lady' Lavandula x intermedia 'Riverina Thomas' PBR Di’s Delightful Plants January 2014 H: 1.0m - 2.0m W: 1.0m - 1.8m Flowers: Sep - May H: 0.5m - 0.9m W: 0.5m - 0.8m Flowers: Dec - Apr 4 H: 0.8m - 1.2m W: 0.8m - 1.0m Flowers: All Year Royal Crown Lavandula dentata 'Royal Crown' Lavender Lavandula 'Major' Florist's Choice Lavender Lavandula x heterophylla 'Riverina James' PBR H: 0.7m - 1.2m W: 0.6m - 1.1m Flowers: Nov - Feb H: 0.6m - 0.8m W: 0.6m - 0.8m Flowers: Oct - Dec Lavandin Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso' H: 0.9m - 1.2m W: 0.7m - 1.0m Flowers: All Year Lavender Sally Lavandula x intermedia 'Sally' H: 0.7m - 1.0m W: 0.6m - 1.0m Flowers: Nov - Feb Blue French Lavender Lavandula dentata 'Ploughman's Blue' H: 0.8m - 1.5m W: 0.7m - 1.5m Flowers: All Year Lavandin Lavandula x intermedia 'Super' White French Lavender Lavandula dentata 'Pure Harmony' Di’s Delightful Plants January 2014 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) CommonName 5 Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Golden Pigface golden yellowOct-Feb $4.79 E PS M C1 GC Orange Pig Face orange Oct-Feb $4.79 E PS M C1 GC Pink Sun pink Oct-Feb $4.79 E PS M C1 GC Rainbow Pink Pigface deep pink Nov-Feb $4.79 E PS M C1 GC Deep Purple Stonecrop rose Dec-Feb $4.79 D PS H GC Sedum Chocolate Ball yellow Jan-Apr $4.79 D PS H GC Showy Stonecrop pink Jan-Apr $4.79 E SUM SH1 Red Sedum blood red Dec-Feb $4.79 E PS H GC Raspberry Stonecrop deep red Jan-Apr $4.79 E PS H GC Purple Stonecrop pink Dec-Feb $4.79 D PS H GC Succulents Mesembryanthemum crystallinum 'Golden Sun' Mesembryanthemum crystallinum 'Orange' Mesembryanthemum crystallinum 'Pink Sun' * Mesembryanthemum crystallinum 'Rainbow' Sedum 'Bertram Anderson' Sedum hakonense 'Chocolate Ball' Sedum spectabile Sedum spurium 'Voodoo' Sedum telephium 'Raspberry' Sedum 'Vera Jameson' H: 0.1m - 0.3m W: 0.4m - 0.8m Flowers: Jan - Apr H: 0.4m - 0.7m W: 0.4m - 1.0m Flowers: Jan - Apr Sedum Chocolate Ball Raspberry Stonecrop Sedum hakonense 'Chocolate Ball' Sedum telephium 'Raspberry' H: 0.2m - 0.3m W: 0.2m - 0.5m Flowers: Dec - Feb Purple Stonecrop Sedum 'Vera Jameson' Natives * Acmena smithii 'Minor' Restricted -Tas/WA * Angophora costata Restricted -Tas/WA * Brachyscome multifida * Brachyscome multifida 'Amethyst' Dwarf Lilly Pilly green yellow Oct-Dec $4.79 N PS L C2 T2 Sydney red gum white Sep-Nov $4.79 N PS M T3 Cut Leaf Daisy mauve All Year $4.79 N SUL R Amethyst Cut Leaf Daisy mauve blue All Year $4.79 N SUL R Brachyscome multifida dilitata 'Break O'Day' Bracteantha bracteata 'Mohave White' NEW LINE Bracteantha bracteata 'Wallaby Cherry' NEW LINE Callistemon citrinus (seed) Restricted -Tas/WA Call. ken. 'Lone Ranger'(Betka Beauty'TM) Restricted -Tas/WA Callistemon 'King's Park Special' Restricted -Tas/WA Callistemon x hyb. 'Mary MacKillopTM' Restricted -Tas/WA Carex fascicularis Carex gaudichaudiana Correa alba Correa 'Candy Pink' * Dianella revoluta (seed) Dodonaea viscosa purpurea Ficinea nodosa SPECIAL Goodenia ovata * Grevillea 'Bronze Rambler' Grevillea obtusifolia Grevillea robusta Grevillea rosmarinifolia * Grevillea 'Tucker Time Fruit Box' NEW LINE Grevillea victoriae 'Murray Valley Queen' Grevillea 'Winpara Gem' Grevillea 'Winpara Gold' Hardenbergia violaceae 'Alba' * Hardenbergia violaceae 'Happy Wanderer' Leptospermum sco. 'Nanum Rubrum' Restricted -Tas/WA Myoporum parvifolium 'Fine Leaf White' Myoporum parvifolium 'Purpureum' * Pandorea pandorana 'Golden Showers' Poa labilliardierei Pratia pedunculata 'Alba' SPECIAL Rhagodia spinescens deltaphylla Scaevola 'Mauve Clusters' Scleranthus biflorus Syzygium australe 'Tayla Made' PBR Restricted -Tas/WA Viola hederaceae * Waterhousea floribunda 'Sweeper' PBR Ozbreed Westringia fruticosa Cut Leaf Daisy mauve All Year $4.79 N SUL R White Everlasting white Oct-Apr $5.99 N SUL SH1 Cherry Red Everlasting crimson Oct-Apr $5.99 N SUL SH1 Lemon Scented Bottlebrush crimson Sep-Dec $4.79 N SUL T1 Crimson Bottlebrush crimson Sep-Feb $4.79 N FLS C2 SH3 Red Bottlebrush red Dec-Jan $4.79 N SUL C2 T1 Mary MacKillop Bottlebrush cardinal red Sep-Mar $4.79 N FL M C2 SH3 Tassel Sedge insignificant Nov-Jan $4.79 N PS M G Lizard Tail Sedge white Nov-Jan $4.79 N PS M G White Correa white Aug-May $4.79 N PF L C2 SH2 Pink Native Fuchsia pink Aug-May $4.79 N PF M C2 SH2 Spreading Flax Lily blue Oct-Jan $4.79 N SUH C2 G Sticky Hop Bush brown Aug-Nov Knobby Club Rush brown green Nov-Sep $4.79 N SUL G Hop Goodenia yellow $2.99 N SS M SH2 Aug-Feb $4.79 N PS M C2 SH3 Grevillea red Sep-Dec $4.79 N PS M GC Ground Cover Grevillea red May-Oct $4.79 N PS M GC Silky Oak orange Dec-Jan $4.79 N SUM T3 Rosemary Grevillea red May-Nov $4.79 N PS M SH3 Fruit Box Grevillea pink+white May-Oct Murray Valley Grevillea orange Jan-Oct $4.79 N PS M Grevillea red Jul-Nov $4.79 N PS L C2 SH3 Grevillea gold Jul-Nov $4.79 N PS L C2 SH3 White Native Sarsparilla white Jun-Sep $4.79 N PS L Happy Wanderer purple Jul-Sep $4.79 N PS L C Miniature Tea Tree red May-Sep $4.79 N PS M R Fine Leaf Boobialla white Sep-Mar $4.79 N PS M C2 GC Purple Boobialla pink Sep-Mar $4.79 N PS M C2 GC Pandorea gold + white Sep-Nov $4.79 N PS M C Poa brown Sep-Dec $4.79 N PS M G White Pratia white All Year $4.79 N PS M GC Hedge Saltbush insignificant $5.99 N PS M C2 SH2 SH3 SH2 $2.99 N PS L C1 SH1 Scaevola mauve Sep-Mar $4.79 N SUL GC Scleranthus cream Dec-Mar $4.79 N FF H R Lilly Pilly white Oct-Dec $5.99 N SUL T2 Native Violet blue+white All Year $4.79 N PS M GC Sweeper white Nov-Jan $5.99 N FF M T1 Native Rosemary white All Year $4.79 N SUM C2 SH2 Di’s Delightful Plants January 2014 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 6 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Exotic * Abelia parvifolia Abelia schumannii pink Sep-Feb $4.79 E PS H SH2 Abelia x grandiflora 'Nana' * Abutilon x hybridum 'Ashford Red' * Abutilon x hybridum 'Lightning' Abutilon x hybridum 'Pink Storm' Abutilon x hybridum 'Pink Swirls' * Abutilon x hybridum 'Tango' Abutilon x hybridum 'Waltz' Agapanthus 'Blue Pixie' Agapanthus praecox 'Dwarf Blue' * Agapanthus praecox orientalis 'Blue Baby' Agastache 'Lemon Fiesta' * Agastache 'Sweet Lili' Ajuga reptans Ajuga reptans 'Catlins Giant' Ajuga reptans 'Purpurea' Albizia julibrissin 'Rosea' * Anisodontea 'Raspberry' * Anthemis 'Susanna Mitchell' Aquilegia x cultorum 'McKana Giants' Arctotis x hybrida 'Blood Red' Ardisia japonica NEW LINE Argyranthemum frutescens 'Pink Single' Argyranthemum frutescens 'White Fringed' Argyranthemum 'Lemon Lace' TM Artemisia arborescens Artemisia arborescens 10cm Artemisia vulgaris 'Oriental Limelight' Artemisia vulgaris 'Oriental Limelight' 10cm Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea 'Rose Glow' Brugmansia x candida 'Double White' 75ml Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' T/C Buddleja davidii 'Black Knight' Buddleja davidii 'Ile De France' Buddleja davidii 'Joan' Buddleja davidii 'Nanahoensis' Buddleja davidii 'Pink Delight' Buddleja davidii 'White Profusion' Buxus sempervirens Buxus sempervirens 'Elegantissima' Dwarf Abelia white Sep-Feb $4.79 E PS H SH1 Red Chinese Lantern strawberry All Year $4.79 E PS M SH3 Yellow Chinese Lantern yellow All Year $4.79 E PS M SH3 Dark Pink Chinese Lantern dark pink All Year $5.99 E PS M SH3 Double Pink Chinese Lantern pink All Year $5.99 E PS M SH3 Orange Tango Lantern flame orange All Year $4.79 E PS M SH3 yellow All Year $2.99 E PS M SH3 blue Dec-Mar $4.79 E PS M C2 SH1 H: 1.8m - 2.0m W: 1.0m - 1.5m Flowers: All Year SPECIAL Yellow Waltz Lantern Dwarf Blue Agapanthus Dwarf African Lily blue Dec-Mar $4.79 E PS M C2 CL Dwarf Blue Aggie blue Dec-Mar $4.79 E PS M C2 CL Lemon Fiesta Hyssop orange yellowDec-May $4.79 E PS L Sweet Lili Hummingbird Mint deep pink Dec-May $4.79 E PS L SH3 Carpet Bugle Flower blue Oct-Dec $4.79 E PS M GC Purple Carpet Bugle Flower blue Oct-Dec $4.79 E PS M GC Purple Carpet Bugle Flower blue Oct-Dec $4.79 E PS M GC pink Nov-Dec $2.99 E SUL Raspberry Mallow bright pink Sep-May $4.79 E PS Susanna's Hardy Daisy white/yellow Nov-Apr $4.79 E PS M Columbine mixed pastelsSep-Dec $4.79 E PS M Arctotis red Apr-Nov $4.79 E PS SPECIAL Pink Silk Tree Japanese Coral Berry R C2 GC Oct-Dec $5.99 E PAM GC All Year $2.99 E SUH SH2 white Sep-Jan $2.99 E PS M SH2 Dazzling Daisy - Lemon lemon All Year $5.99 E SUM SH2 Slug,flea,mosquitoes repellant yellow Nov-Feb $4.79 E PS M SH2 Slug,flea,mosquitoes repellant yellow Nov-Feb $8.99 E PS M SH2 Variegated Mugwort yellow grey Dec-Feb $4.79 E PS M SH3 Variegated Mugwort yellow grey Dec-Feb $8.99 E PS M SH3 Berberis Rosey Glow yellow Sep-Nov $4.79 D PS H SH2 Double White Angel's Trumpet white Nov-Feb $6.49 E PS S T1 Brunnera Jack Frost blue Sep-Dec $5.99 E SF M SH1 Black Butterfly Bush deep purple Nov-Jan Purple Butterfly Bush royal purple Nov-Jan $4.79 E PS M C2 SH3 Large Flowered Buddleja purple Nov-Jan $4.79 E PS M C2 SH3 Dwarf Butterfly Bush mauve Nov-Jan $4.79 E PS M C2 SH2 Pink Butterfly Bush pink Nov-Jan $4.79 E PS M C2 SH3 White Butterfly Bush white Nov-Jan English Box pale yellow Sep-Nov $4.79 E PS H SH3 Variegated Box pale yellow Sep-Nov $4.79 E PS H SH2 Special $2.99 $4.79 E PS M C2 SH3 $4.79 E PS M C2 SH3 H: 5.0m - 7.0m W: 6.0m - 6.5m Flowers: Nov - Dec Special $2.99 Pink Silk Tree Abutilon x hybridum 'Pink Swirls' Albizia julibrissin 'Rosea' H: 1.8m - 2.2m W: 1.0m - 1.5m Flowers: All Year Dark Pink Chinese Lantern SH2 white Double Pink Chinese Lantern Abutilon x hybridum 'Pink Storm' T1 C2 SH2 pink SPECIAL Pink Daisy SPECIAL Fringed White Daisy H: 1.8m - 2.0m W: 1.0m - 1.5m Flowers: All Year SH2 H: 2.0m - 2.2m W: 2.0m - 2.5m Flowers: Nov - Jan Yellow Waltz Lantern Dwarf Butterfly Bush Abutilon x hybridum 'Waltz' Buddleja davidii 'Nanahoensis' Di’s Delightful Plants January 2014 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 7 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Blue Fairy's Thimble blue Sep-Apr $4.79 E PS M Spotted Bell Flower pink Oct-Feb $4.79 E PS M R scarlet Jan-Apr $2.99 E PS CL Exotic Campanula cochlearifolia 'Bavaria Blue' Campanula punctata rubriflora 'Hot Lips' Canna x generalis 'Tropical Bronze Scarlet' Carex elata Carex testaceae Not for WA Cistus x laxus 'Snow White' Cistus x pulverulentus 'Sunset' Cistus x purpureus 'Brilliancy' * Clematis 'Multi Blue' Coleonema alba * Convolvulus cneorum Convolvulus sabatius Cordyline australis 'Red Sensation' T/C Cordyline australis 'Red Star' T/C Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise' Coreopsis 'Limerock Ruby' Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' * Cosmos atrosanguineus Crassula perfoliata minor * Cuphea hyssopifolia 'Golden Ruby' * Daphne odora Delphinium x belladonna 'Casa Blanca' Diascia cordata 'Whisper Apricot' Diascia personata 'Hopley's' NEW RELEASE Dicliptera suberecta * Dierama pulcherrimum 'Blue Bells' * Dietes grandiflora Digitalis purpurea 'Apricot' 10cm Digitalis x mertonensis 10cm Dymondia margaretae Echeveria affinis 'Chocolate' Echinacea purpurea 'Pow Wow White' Erigeron karvinskianus Erodium reichardii 'Pink Galaxy' Erodium variabile 'Bishops Form' Erysimum semperflorens 'Stripey' 10cm Escallonia 'Red Elf' Eucomis zambesiaca Euonymus fortunei 'Kewensis' * Euonymus japonica 'Gold Thumb' Euonymus japonica microphyllus 'Green Rocket' H: 1.0m - 2.5m W: 0.7m - 1.8m Flowers: Oct - May Special $2.99 Dwarf Red Escallonia Escallonia 'Red Elf' SPECIAL Scarlet Bronze Canna GC Irish Bog Sedge brown Nov-Jan $4.79 E PS M G Sedge ivory Dec-Feb $4.79 E PS M G Snow White Rock Rose white Oct-Jan $4.79 E PS M C2 SH3 Sun Rose mauve pink Oct-Jan $5.99 E SUM C2 SH1 Pink Rock Rose pink Oct-Jan $4.79 E SUM C2 SH2 deep blue Oct-Feb $4.79 E PS M C White Diosma white Jun-Oct $4.79 E SUM SH2 Silver Bush white Nov-Feb $4.79 E SUM SH1 Mauve Bindweed mauve Nov-Feb $4.79 E SUM GC cream Nov-Dec $5.99 E SUL C2 CL Red Star Cabbage Tree cream Nov-Dec $5.99 E SUL C2 CL yellow Sep-Nov $2.99 E SUM SH1 Limerock Ruby Tickseed red Oct-Apr $4.79 E PS M R Tickseed pale yellow Oct-Mar $4.79 E SUM SH1 Chocolate Cosmos brown Dec-Mar $4.79 E PS L SH2 Propeller Plant red Dec-Mar $4.79 E SUL SH1 Golden Cuphea red purple All Year $4.79 E PS L R Winter Daphne pink May-Oct $4.79 E PF M SH2 White Giant Larkspur white Nov-Feb $4.79 E PF M SH2 Apricot Diascia apricot Sep-Dec $4.79 E PS M GC Hopley's Twinspur pink Oct-Mar $5.99 E PS M R Hummingbird Plant orange Jan-May $4.79 E PS S SH2 Blue Fairy Wand blue Jan-Apr $4.79 E PS M R Wild Iris white Nov-Feb $4.79 E SUM CL Sutton's Apricot Foxglove apricot Nov-Jan $8.99 E PS M SH2 Strawberry Foxglove deep pink Oct-Dec $8.99 E PS M SH2 Silver Carpet yellow Sep-Nov $4.79 E PS L C2 GC Chocolate Echeveria orange Dec-Feb $4.79 E SUM R White Coneflower white Nov-Feb $4.79 E PS H SH2 white+pink All Year $2.99 E SUL SH2 Pale Pink Alpine Geranium pale pink Sep-Apr $5.99 E PS M C1 R Large Pink Storksbill pink Nov-Mar Variegated Wall Flower purple+white Jul-Oct $8.99 E PS M SH2 red Oct-May $2.99 E PS L SH3 Summer Hyacinth white Jan-Mar $4.79 E PS L CL Wintercreeper cream Dec-Jan $4.79 E SUM SH1 Gold Thumb Box cream Nov-Jan $4.79 E SUM SH1 cream Nov-Jan $4.79 E SUM SH1 SPECIAL Golden Tickseed SPECIAL Fleabane, Seaside Daisy SPECIAL Dwarf Red Escallonia H: 0.6m - 0.8m W: 0.5m - 0.8m Flowers: Jan - Apr Special $2.99 H: 0.4m - 0.8m W: 0.5m - 0.7m Flowers: Sep - Nov Special $2.99 Scarlet Bronze Canna Golden Tickseed Canna x generalis 'Tropical Bronze Scarlet' Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise' $4.79 E PS M C2 R H: 0.7m - 1.0m W: 0.6m - 1.0m Flowers: Oct - Mar New Release Hopley's Twinspur Diascia personata 'Hopley's' Di’s Delightful Plants January 2014 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 8 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Exotic * Fascicularia bicolour Sun Bromeliad Felicia amelloides Blue Marguerite Elijah Blue Grass Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue' Fuchsia 'Beacon' Beacon Fucshia Fucshia Fuchsia 'Florabelle' Fuchsia regia Climbing Fuchsia Blanket Flower Gaillardia x grandiflora 'Goblin' Belleza White Gaura Gaura lindheimeri 'Belleza White' White Butterfly Bush Gaura lindheimeri 'White' SPECIAL Treasure Flowers Gazania rigens 'Daybreak Yellow' Geranium 'Rozanne' PBR - Plant of the Centenary Blue Geranium Yellow Chilean Aven Geum chiloense 'Lady Stratheden' Gypsophila paniculata 'Snowflake' Baby's Breath * Hebe 'Black Beauty' Black Leaved Veronica * Hebe buxifolia Hebe/Veronica Hebe/Veronica Hebe diosmifolia * Hebe 'Inspiration' Veronica Inspiration SPECIAL Lemon & Lime Hebe Hebe 'Lemon and Lime' * Hebe 'Marie Antoinette' Hebe/Veronica * Hebe 'Oratia Beauty' Pink Veronica Hebe 'Purple Haze' Purple Hebe White Hebe Hebe 'Snowdrift' Hebe 'Wiri Blush' Purple Hebe Wiri Hebe Hebe 'Wiri Cloud' * Hebe 'Wiri Image' Violet Wiri Hebe Crimson Hebe Hebe 'Wiri Vision' * Hebe x franciscana 'Blue Gem' Blue Veronica Hebe x franciscana 'Variegata' (Blue Halo) Variegated Blue Gem Lemon Sun Rose Helianthemum 'Lemon' Helichrysum italicum serotinum Curry Plant Liquorice Plant Helichrysum petiolare * Helichrysum petiolare 'Limelight' Liquorice Plant * Heliotropium arborescens 'Lord Roberts' Heliotrope, Cherry Pie Helleborus niger 'HGC Snow Frills' TM Double White Winter Rose Creamy Pink Winter Rose Helleborus x ballardiae HGC 'Cinnamon Snow' T/C Helleborus x ballardiae HGC 'Pink Frost' T/C Pink Frost Hellebore * Helleborus x ericsmithii 'HGC Camelot' T/C Coral Pink Hellebore Helleborus x hybridus (white - isolated parents) White Lenten Rose Mixed Lenten Rose Helleborus x hybridus 'Court Ladies' Helleborus x hybridus 'Duke of Burgundy' Crimson Lenten Rose Pink Lenten Rose Helleborus x hybridus 'Pink Baron' H: 0.5m - 0.6m W: 0.4m - 1.0m Flowers: Jul - Oct Double White Winter Rose Helleborus niger 'HGC Snow Frills' TM H: 0.2m - 0.5m W: 0.2m - 0.5m Flowers: Nov - Jan H: 0.8m - 1.1m W: 0.7m - 1.0m Flowers: Oct - Jan blue/yellow Apr-May $4.79 E PAM C2 CL blue Sep-Nov $4.79 E PS M R brown Nov-Jan $4.79 E PS L G crimson+pinkAll Year $4.79 E PS L SH1 crimson All Year $4.79 E PF L SH1 crimson Dec-Mar $4.79 E PF L SC yellow+crimsFeb-May $4.79 E PS H SH1 white Sep-Apr $4.79 E PS M SH1 white Feb-May $4.79 E PS M SH1 yellow Aug-Apr $2.99 E SUM C2 GC violet blue Oct-May $5.99 E PS M yellow Sep-Dec $4.79 E SUL SH1 white Nov-Mar $4.79 E PS M SH2 purple Jan-Mar $4.79 E PS M C2 SH2 white Aug-Jan $4.79 E SUM C2 SH2 white Sep-Jan $4.79 E SUM C2 SH2 purple Sep-Dec $4.79 E SUM C2 SH2 pale mauve Sep-Dec $2.99 E PS L C2 SH1 SC white+pink Sep-May $4.79 E SUM C2 SH1 pink+white Dec-Jan $4.79 E PS M C2 SH1 purplish blue May-Sep $4.79 E SUM C2 SH2 white Oct-Jan $4.79 E PS M C1 SH2 red purple Sep-May $4.79 E SS M C2 SH1 pink Dec-Feb $4.79 E SUM C2 SH0 pale violet Nov-Jan $4.79 E SUM C2 SH2 crimson Nov-Jan $4.79 E SUM C2 SH2 blue Sep-Dec $4.79 E SUM C2 SH2 blue Sep-Dec $4.79 E SUM C2 SH2 lemon yellow Dec-Jan $4.79 E PS L GC mustard Dec-Feb $4.79 E PS M SH1 cream Jan-Apr $4.79 E SUM C2 SH2 cream Jan-Apr $4.79 E SUM C2 SH2 purple Sep-Feb $4.79 E SUS SH1 white Jul-Oct $8.99 E PS SH0 creamy pink Jul-Oct $8.99 E PS H SH0 pink Jul-Oct $8.99 E PS H SH0 coral pink Jul-Oct $8.99 E PS H SH0 white Jul-Oct $5.99 E PS H SH0 mixed pastelsJul-Oct $5.99 E PS H SH0 burgundy Jul-Oct $5.99 E PS H SH0 pink Jul-Oct $5.99 E PS H SH0 H: 0.1m - 0.4m W: 0.4m - 1.0m Flowers: Dec - Jan Elijah Blue Grass White Hebe Lemon Sun Rose Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue' Hebe 'Snowdrift' Helianthemum 'Lemon' Di’s Delightful Plants January 2014 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 9 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Exotic * Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple' Purple Heuchera white Nov-Feb $4.79 E SF M SH1 Heuchera 'Silver Scrolls' T/C Heucherella 'Sunspot' T/C Hosta 'Allan P McConnell' Hosta 'Blue Cadet' Hosta 'Lemon Lime' Hosta 'Pacific Blue Edger' Hosta 'Undulata Erromena' Hydrangea luteovenosa Hydrangea macrophylla 'Freudenstein' Hydrangea macrophylla 'Heinrich Seidel' Hydrangea macrophylla 'Hot Pink' * Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lacecap Blue' * Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mars' Hydrangea macrophylla 'Saturn' Hydrangea serrata 'Crug Cobalt' Hydrangea serrata 'Preziosa' Hydrangea serrata thunbergii 'Plena' Knautia macedonica 'Red' 10cm w/L Kniphofia 'Cobra' Kniphofia 'Percy's Pride' T/C Lamium maculatum 'Pink Nancy' Lantana montevidensis Lantana montevidensis 'Rosie' * Lantana montevidensis 'Whistlepipe' Ligustrum undulatum Limonium peregrinum Limonium perezii * Lobelia laxiflora angustifolia * Lonicera nitida Lupinus polyphyllus Lysimachia congestiflora 'Shooting Stars' NEW RELEASE * Metrosideros excelsa 'Pink Lady' Restricted -Tas/WA * Metrosideros vilosa 'Tahiti' Restricted -Tas/WA Nandina 'Blush' 6" Ozbreed Nandina 'Flirt' 6" Ozbreed * Nemesia 'Aromatica Rose Pink' Nemesia 'Serengeti Red' NEW LINE Nemesia 'Serengeti Upright Purple' NEW LINE Nepeta x faassenii 'Snowflake' Silver Heuchera white Nov-Feb $5.99 E SF M R Golden Foam Flower pink Oct-Dec $5.99 E SF M R Hosta 'Allan P McConnell' lavender Nov-Feb $4.79 D SF M SH1 Blue Hosta purple Dec-Feb $5.99 D SF M R Golden Plantain Lilly pink purple Dec-Feb $4.79 D PS M C2 SH1 Blue Edge Plantain Lily pale lavender Nov-Feb $4.79 D SF M R Green Hosta lavender $4.79 D SF M R Yellow Hydrange yellow+whiteNov-Jan $4.79 E PAL C2 SH2 Pink Mauve Hydrangea mauve pink Dec-Mar $4.79 D PF M C1 SH3 Heinrich Seidel Hydrangea blue purple Dec-Mar $4.79 D PF M C1 SH3 Hot Pink Hydrangea bright pink Nov-Jan $4.79 D PF M C1 SH2 Blue Lacecap Hydrangea blue Nov-Jan $4.79 D PF M C1 SH2 Red Bicolor Hydrangea red+white Nov-Jan $4.79 D PF M C1 SH2 Crimson bi-color pink+white Nov-Jan $4.79 D PF M C1 SH2 Dwarf Hydrangea blue Dec-Mar $4.79 D SS M C1 SH2 Preziosa Hydrangea pink + lavendNov-Jan $4.79 D PF M C1 SH2 Double Pink Hydrangea pink Dec-Mar $4.79 D SS M C1 SH3 Macedonian Rose deep red Dec-Jan $8.99 E PS M Torch Lily cream + oran Nov-Jan Lemon Torch Lily pale lemon Jul-Sep $5.99 E PS M C2 CL Pink Dead Nettle rosy pink Sep-Jan $4.79 E PF M GC Trailing Lantana mauve All Year $4.79 E PS L C Pink Lantana pink Oct-Apr $4.79 E FF M C2 GC H: 0.2m - 0.4m W: 0.3m - 0.5m Flowers: Aug - Jun New Line Dec-Feb R $5.99 E PS M C2 CL Variegated Lantana mauve Oct-Apr $5.99 E FF M C2 GC New Guinea Privet white Sep-Nov $4.79 E SUL SH3 Pink Statice rosy pink Jan-Mar $4.79 E PS M SH1 Sea Lavender mauve Jan-Apr $4.79 E PS M SH1 Bright Lobelia red+yellow Nov-May $4.79 E PS M SH2 Box Leaf Honeysuckle cream Sep-Oct $4.79 E PS M C2 SH1 Russell Lupins assorted Sep-Jan $4.79 E PS H SH2 Shooting Stars yellow Nov-Feb $5.99 E PS M SH1 Pink Christmas Bush pink Nov-Dec $5.99 E PS M C1 T2 Tahitian Christmas Bush red Oct-Mar Blush insignificant All Year $12.49 E SS H SH2 Flirt insignificant All Year $12.49 E SS H SH2 Aromatica Rose Nemesia pink Aug-Jun $4.79 E PS L R Serengeti Red Nemesia red Aug-Jun $5.99 E PS L R Serengeti Purple Nemesia purple Aug-Jun $5.99 E PS L R White Catmint white Sep-Dec $4.79 E PS L GC $4.79 E PS L C2 SH3 H: 0.2m - 0.4m W: 0.4m - 1.2m Flowers: Nov - Feb New Release Serengeti Purple Nemesia Shooting Stars Nemesia 'Serengeti Upright Purple' Lysimachia congestiflora 'Shooting Stars' Di’s Delightful Plants January 2014 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 10 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Exotic Ophiopogon japonicus 'Ebony' NEW LINE * Osmanthus heterophyllus purpureus Purple Osmanthus Osteospermum eklonis 'Ivory Dwarf' Osteospermum eklonis 'Starry Eyes' Osteospermum eklonis 'Starshine Mauve' Pallenis maritima Pelargonium citrosum 'Vanleenii' Pelargonium 'Rober's Lemon Rose' Pennisetum x advena 'Rubrum' Penstemon 'Alice Hindley' * Penstemon 'Flamingo' Penstemon 'Garnet' Penstemon heterophyllus 'Electric Blue' NEW LINE Penstemon 'Hidcote Pink' Penstemon 'Midnight' Penstemon 'Mother of Pearl' * Penstemon 'Pensham Czar' * Penstemon 'Swan Lake' * Photinia x fraseri 'Camilvy' Phygelius aequalis 'Pink Puff' Phygelius aequalis 'Yellow Trumpet' Phygelius x rectus 'Moonraker' Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Little Squirt' * Platycodon 'Fuji White' Not for WA Plectranthus hybrid 'Purple Angel' Plectranthus hybrid 'White' Plumbago auriculata Plumbago auriculata 'Alba' Prunella x webbiana 'Pink Prudence' 10cm Rhodanthemum 'African Eyes' Rosmarinus officinalis 'Gorza' Rosmarinus officinalis 'Huntingdon Carpet' Rosmarinus officinalis 'Roman Beauty' Rosmarinus officinalis 'Salem' Rosmarinus officinalis 'Tuscan Blue' * Rosmarinus officinalis 'Wendy's White' H: 0.4m - 0.7m W: 0.5m - 1.5m Flowers: All Year Special $2.99 SPECIAL Compact White Veldt Daisy SPECIAL Veldt Daisy, Dimorpotheca lilac Dec-Feb $5.99 E PS M G white Dec-Jan $4.79 E PS M T1 ivory All Year $2.99 E SUM C2 GC $2.99 E SUM C2 GC white All Year Mauve Veldt Daisy mauve All Year $5.99 E PS M C2 GC Gold Coin yellow Sep-Feb $4.79 E PS M PSH mauve pink Nov-Apr $2.99 E PS M SH2 lavender Oct-May $2.99 E PS M SH2 Red Fountain Grass red purple Dec-May $4.79 E PS M G Penstemon mauve Dec-Feb $4.79 E PS L SH2 Deep Pink Penstemon deep pink Dec-Feb $4.79 E PS L SH1 Red Penstemon red Dec-Feb $4.79 E PS M SH2 SPECIAL Mossies Buster SPECIAL Lemon Rose Geranium Electric Blue Penstemon blue Nov-Feb $5.99 E PS M SH1 Hidcote's Pink Penstemon pink Jan-Apr $4.79 E PS M SH2 Penstemon blue purple Dec-Feb $4.79 E PS L SH2 Pale Penstemon soft mauve Dec-Feb $4.79 E PS L SH1 Purple and White Penstemon purple+white Dec-May $4.79 E PS L SH1 Penstemon white Dec-Feb $4.79 E PS L SH1 Camilvy white Oct-Nov $4.79 E SUM C2 T1 Pink Puff Phygelius deep pink Nov-Feb $4.79 E PS M SH2 Yellow Phygelius yellow Nov-Feb $4.79 E PS M SH2 Cream Phygelius lemon yellow Nov-Feb $4.79 E PS M SH2 Dwarf Pitto black Oct-Dec $4.79 E SUM SH2 Balloon Flower white Jan-Mar $4.79 E PS M SH1 Purple Cape Angel purple Mar-Sep $4.79 E PF M SH2 White Cape Angel white Mar-Sep $4.79 E PF M SH2 Blue Cape Plumbago blue Nov-Jun $4.79 E SUL SH2 White Cape Plumbago white Nov-Jun $4.79 E SUL SH2 Self-heal pink Dec-Mar $8.99 E SUM GC SH2 Moroccan Daisy white Oct-Apr $4.79 E PS M Culinary Rosemary pale blue Jul-Sep $4.79 E PS M C2 SH2 Carpet Rosemary light blue Jul-Sep $4.79 E PS M C2 GC Compact Rosemary mauve blue Aug-Oct $4.79 E PS M C2 PSH Deep Blue Rosemary deep blue Jul-Sep $4.79 E PS M C2 SH2 Tuscan Rosemary blue Aug-Oct $4.79 E SUM C2 SH3 Upright White Rosemary white Aug-Oct $4.79 E PS M C2 SH3 H: 0.4m - 0.6m W: 0.4m - 0.5m Flowers: Nov - Feb Veldt Daisy Osteospermum eklonis 'Starry Eyes' H: 0.4m - 0.7m W: 0.5m - 1.5m Flowers: All Year Mauve Veldt Daisy Osteospermum eklonis 'Starshine Mauve' Electric Blue Penstemon Penstemon heterophyllus 'Electric Blue' New Line Di’s Delightful Plants January 2014 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) CommonName 11 Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Exotic Salvia 'African Sky' African Sky Sage blue * Salvia africana lutea Beach Salvia yellow brownNov-Mar $4.79 E SUM Salvia 'Anthony Parker' Salvia azurea 'Grandiflora' Salvia 'Black Knight' * Salvia 'Blue Abyss' Salvia buchananii Salvia chamaedryoides'Marine Blue' Salvia chamelaeagnea Salvia coahuilensis 'Blue Lightning' Salvia greggii 'Crimson & Black' * Salvia greggii 'Lara' Salvia greggii 'Navajo Bright Red' * Salvia greggii 'Navajo Dark Purple' Salvia greggii 'Navajo Pink' Salvia greggii 'Navajo Red' Salvia greggii 'Sierra Red' * Salvia guaranitica 'Blue Majestic' * Salvia guaranitica 'Tequila Blue' Salvia 'Indigo Blue' Salvia involucrata 'Bethellii' Salvia involucrata 'Pink Icicles' * Salvia lanceolata Salvia 'Magenta Magic' Salvia 'Marine Blue' Salvia 'Meigan's Magic' TM Salvia mexicana 'Little Limelight' Salvia microphylla Salvia microphylla 'Baby Sage' Salvia microphylla 'Cyclamen' * Salvia microphylla 'Huntington' Salvia microphylla 'Iced Lemon' Salvia microphylla 'Margaret Arnold' Salvia microphylla microphylla 'Baby Sage' Salvia microphylla 'Musk Pink' Salvia microphylla 'Snow White' Salvia nemorosa 'Deep Blue' Salvia nemorosa 'Sky Blue' Salvia nemorosa 'Violet' Salvia nipponica 'Crug Cream' Salvia 'Omaha Gold' Salvia 'Phyllis' Fancy' Salvia 'Pink Gruyere' * Salvia semiatrata Salvia 'Silas Dyson' Salvia 'Timboon' Salvia uliginosa Salvia 'Waverley' * Salvia x guaranitica 'Plum' Salvia x jamensis 'Yellow' Anthony Parker Sage blue purple Mar-Jun $4.79 E PS L SH3 Prairie Sage blue Jan-Apr $4.79 E PS M SH3 SH3 H: 1.0m - 1.4m W: 0.7m - 1.2m Flowers: Sep - Apr African Sky Sage Salvia 'African Sky' Sep-Apr $4.79 E SUM C1 SH2 SH3 Black Sage deep purple Jan-May $4.79 E PS M Blue Abyss Sage dark blue $4.79 E PS M C2 SH3 Oct-Jun Velvet Slipper cerise Oct-Mar $4.79 E PS M SH2 Blue Oak Sage blue Jan-Apr $4.79 E PS M SH1 Blue Haze Sage bright blue Sep-Nov $5.99 E PS M C2 SH2 Blue Lightning Sage blue Jan-May $4.79 E PS H SH1 Crimson and Black Sage crimson + blaDec-Feb $4.79 E PS L SH1 Lara's Sage pink Nov-Feb $4.79 E PS L SH1 Bright Red Sage bright red Jan-May $4.79 E PS M SH3 deep purple Nov-Apr $4.79 E PS M SH1 Navajo Pink Sage pink Nov-Apr $4.79 E PS M SH1 Navajo Red Sage red Jan-May $4.79 E PS M SH3 Sierra Red Sage red Dec-Feb $4.79 E PS L SH1 light blue Jan-May $4.79 E PS M SH3 Tequila Sage blue purple Jan-May $4.79 E PS M SH3 Blue Germander Sage blue Oct-Jan $4.79 E PS M SH2 Large Mexican Sage deep pink Jan-Jun $4.79 E PS M SH3 Pink Salvia soft pink Jan-Jun $4.79 E PS M SH3 Sand Sage rosy pink Sep-Apr $4.79 E PS L SH2 Magenta Magic Sage magenta Feb-Oct $4.79 E PS M SH2 Marine Blue Sage blue Jan-Apr $4.79 E PS M SH1 Meigan's Sage Navy+white Nov-Jun $4.79 E PS M C2 SH3 Sage Little Limelight green blue Nov-Jun $4.79 E PS M SH3 crimson Jan-May $2.99 E PS M SH3 Dwarf Sage crimson Jan-May $4.79 E PS M SH0 Cyclamen Sage cerise Oct-May $4.79 E PS M SH2 Red Mexican Sage red Jan-May $4.79 E PS M SH3 Lemon Sage pale lemon Jan-Mar $4.79 E PS L SH1 Margaret Arnold Sage red pink Oct-May $4.79 E PS M SH1 Baby Sage salmon red Jan-May $4.79 E PS M SH3 Musk Pink Sage mauve pink Oct-May $4.79 E PS L SH1 Snow White Sage white Jan-Apr $4.79 E SUL SH2 Deep Blue Meadow Sage dark blue Dec-Mar $4.79 E PS H SH1 Sky Blue Meadow Sage blue purple Dec-Mar $4.79 E PS H SH1 Violet Meadow Sage violet Dec-Mar $4.79 E PS H SH1 Crug's Cream Sage cream Mar-May $4.79 PS L SH2 Golden Blue Sage blue purple Jan-May $5.99 E PS M SH3 Phyllis' Fancy Sage lavender blue Nov-Jun $4.79 E PS M SH3 Pink Gruyere Sage bright pink May-Sep $4.79 E PS M SH3 Riviera Sage purple+mauv Sep-May $4.79 E PS M SH3 Dyson's Crimson Sage deep purple Dec-Apr $4.79 E PS M SH2 Timboon Sage carmine May-Aug $4.79 E PS M SH3 Bog Sage blue Mar-May $4.79 E PS M SH3 Waverley Sage pink+white Feb-Oct $4.79 E PS M SH2 Purple Sage purple -marooJan-May $4.79 E PS M SH3 Yellow James Sage lemon yellow Nov-Jan $4.79 E PS L SH1 SPECIAL Small Leaved Sage H: 1.2m - 1.6m W: 1.0m - 1.2m Flowers: Jan - Jun H: 0.9m - 1.5m W: 0.7m - 1.8m Flowers: Mar - Jun Pink Salvia Anthony Parker Sage Salvia involucrata 'Pink Icicles' Salvia 'Anthony Parker' Di’s Delightful Plants January 2014 12 H: 1.2m - 1.5m W: 1.5m - 1.0m Flowers: Jan - Apr H: 1.2m - 1.5m W: 1.0m - 1.5m Flowers: Jan - May Golden Blue Sage Salvia 'Omaha Gold' H: 0.5m - 0.8m W: 0.2m - 0.6m Flowers: Oct - Mar Prairie Sage Salvia azurea 'Grandiflora' 'Grandiflora' H: 0.8m - 1.1m W: 0.8m - 1.0m Flowers: Jan - Mar Velvet Slipper Lemon Sage Salvia buchananii Salvia microphylla 'Iced Lemon' H: 0.2m - 0.3m W: 0.3m - 0.4m Flowers: Dec - Mar Violet Meadow Sage Salvia nemorosa 'Violet' Di’s Delightful Plants January 2014 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 13 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Exotic Santolina chamaecyparissus Santolina chamaecyparissus 'Bowle's Lemon' Saxifraga caespitosa 'Rubra' Sisyrinchium 'Devon Skies' Solanum jasminoides Restricted -Tas/WA * Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess' Spiraea japonica 'Walbuma' Stachys lanata Stachys lanata 10cm Streptosolen jamesonii 'Ginger Meggs' * Strobilanthes cusia Tagetes lemmonii Tellima grandiflora 'Forest Frost' T/C Teucrium fruticans Thymus coccineus Thymus serpyllum 'Albus' Thymus serpyllum 'Westmoreland' Tibouchina laxa 'Skylab' * Trachelospermum asiaticum Tricyrtis 'Empress' Tricyrtis formosana 'Small Wonder' Tricyrtis formosana 'Variegated' Tricyrtis lasiocarpa Tricyrtis 'Lightning Strike' Tricyrtis 'Taipei Silk' Ugni molinae * Viburnum tinus Viburnum x globosum 'Jermyn's Globe' SPECIAL Santolina - Grey Dec-Feb $2.99 E PS L Lemon Cotton Lavender pale yellow Dec-Feb yellow $5.99 E PS L SH1 Red Mossy Saxifrage red Aug-Nov $4.79 E PS M R Devon Skies blue Aug-Dec $4.79 E SUM G Potato Vine white All Year $4.79 E PS L C Little Japanese Spiraea pale pink Oct-Dec $5.99 D PS H SH2 Golden Carpet deep pink Oct-Dec $5.99 E PS H SH2 Lamb's Ear, Wooly Betony purple Jan-Apr $4.79 E PS H SH1 Lamb's Ear, Wooly Betony purple Jan-Apr $8.99 E PS H SH1 orange Sep-Jan $2.99 E SUL SH2 pink purple Apr-Jul $4.79 E SF M SH3 Mountain Marigold yellow $4.79 E SUM SH3 Fringe Cup pink+cream Oct-Nov $5.99 E PF M R Shrubby Germander mauve Sep-Feb $4.79 E SUL SH3 Thyme - Creeping Crimson carmine Nov-Jan $4.79 E SUM GC White Creeping Thyme white Dec-Feb $4.79 E SUM R Turkey Thyme mauve Nov-Jan $4.79 E SUM R Climbing Tibouchina purple Apr-Jul $5.99 E SUS C Small Leaf Confederate Jasmine yellow All Year $4.79 E SS L C2 C SPECIAL Ginger Meggs Chinese Rain Flower Mar-Jul Empress Toad Lily white+purple Mar-Apr $5.99 E PF H SH1 Spotted Mauve Toad Lily purple+white Mar-May $4.79 E PF H SH1 Variegated Toad Lily purple+white Mar-May $4.79 E PF H SH1 Blue Toad Lily blue purple Mar-Apr $5.99 E PF H SH1 Streaked Toad Lily white+pink Mar-Apr $4.79 E PF H SH1 Arctic Toad Lily blue+white Mar-May $4.79 E PF H SH1 Chilean Guava cream Nov-Dec $4.79 E FF L SH3 Laurustinus pink grey May-Oct $4.79 E SUL SH3 white May-Oct $2.99 E PS M SH2 SPECIAL Jermyn's Viburnum H: 0.1m - 0.4m W: 0.5m - 0.9m Flowers: Dec - Feb H: 0.5m - 1.0m W: 0.5m - 0.9m Flowers: Oct - Dec Golden Carpet Spiraea japonica 'Walbuma' H: 0.5m - 0.7m W: 0.5m - 0.8m Flowers: Dec - Feb Cotton Lavender Santolina chamaecyparissus SH1 White Creeping Thyme Thymus serpyllum 'Albus'
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