Plasma: making money from lightning PyroGenesis Canada Inc
Plasma: making money from lightning PyroGenesis Canada Inc
PyroGenesis Canada Inc. TSX: PYR Plasma: making money from lightning PyroGenesis sits on cusp of rolling out plasma tech into fields of 3D printing, oil sands, and more. PyroGenesis is an off-the-beaten path tech story with an attractive asset base, a deep moat around these assets, and an expanse of markets into which these assets can be levered . After twenty years of R&D and ~$30mm of sunk investment, the Company appears set to pivot into the realm of real business. The capital structure is tight. Cross the price of the proposition with the potential for the technology and the proposition becomes interesting. The asset base in question is know-how and IP relating to a plasma torch and its effective use in a variety of industrial processes. A plasma torch is a device that heats material up to the point where the material separates into its constituent components. This is useful across a wide variety of applications. Solid waste, for example, after having undergone "plasma pyrolysis" (as it is known), is no longer solid waste; rather, it is "clean gas" and inert slag. Applying a similar process can efficiently extract valuable components from waste streams or convert toxic off-gases into useable energy. Plasma torches can also break wire feedstock into extremely fine metal powders, a product geared to 3D printing. We are not saying that this is the second coming of fire, but insofar as combustion is useful in ways that are diverse and numerous, so too is plasma. Figure 1: One of PyroGenesis’ processes, the Plasma Arc Waste Destruction System (PAWDS), as designed for a US Navy aircraft carrier. In this process, solid waste is shredded and milled into a combustible lint-type material that is combusted and gasified using a plasma torch. This confers benefits over traditional incinerators including process simplicity, a smaller footprint, and the ability to process almost all types of waste in a single process with minimal segregation. Processes can also extract energy from the gases, but this was not required for the Navy’s nuclear-powered ship. At right: a cutaway of the plasma torch and educator, where organic waste is converted to CO2, H20, and an inert ash. And, like fire, plasma is nothing new. What distinguishes PyroGenisis as compared to other entrants is the Company’s know-how related to novel areas of application. We refer, as does the Company, to “niche markets.” This may sound like the prospects are limited or uninteresting but this does not do the Company’s game plan justice. The incumbent players have mostly focused on bulk processing municipal waste, a well understood input stream. Perhaps a good analogy here is the heyday of mainframe computers back in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Here the focus was plain-jane transaction processing. That’s what computers were for. These people never saw the PC coming. to lead the way. The tech holds the potential to have a disruptive impact on existing methods and the business that flows as a result will, in this way, be high margin business. We can’t predict sales several years out (and, frankly, nor can the Company), but we do note that a business development office was recently staffed and that the order book is up about 100% year on year and now stands at $22mm. Additional contracts are in the works and we think this business will materialize in early 2015. Much of the interest is in the 3D printing space. Valuation at this stage of development is always difficult, but by several metrics the stock now appears quite cheap. We consider these metrics below. We think plasma will find a home in a much broader array of applications and we feel PyroGenesis is well positioned 0.90 Share Price ($CAD) 0.80 0.70 Market Capitalization (mm) 0.60 Enterprise Value (mm) 0.50 0.40 Shares Oustanding (mm) 0.40 32 33 80.5 0.30 0.20 0.10 Revenue, 2013 (mm $CAD) 5.8 0.00 Oct 2013 Oct 2014 Please see back page for disclaimers EBITDA, 2013 (mm $CAD) (1.5) Jim Rand ( Toronto, Ontario October 23, 2014 Pollitt & Co. has not initiated formal continuous research coverage of this stock and maintains no ratings, earnings forecasts, or target price for this company. Forwardlooking statements and analysis in this publication may be based on information that is incomplete or speculative. PyroGenesis Canada Inc. October 23, 2014 What is plasma? Lightning is plasma. So is much of the sun and so are the northern lights. Considered the fourth state of matter, plasma is most simply defined as an ionized gas that conducts electricity. The temperature of thermal plasma, as found in a plasma torch, can exceed 10,000°C. The high temperatures and thermal capacities of plasma can dissociate virtually all materials, including waste and metals, into their constituent elements in order to produce clean energy and harmless by-products. Advanced materials and metallurgical applications are among other non-waste applications in which plasma can be utilized. Figure 2: Pyrogenesis’ APT torch (there are several torch varieties). This model ranges from about 4” to 12” in diameter, and 16” to 16 feet in length. Power varies from 50kW to 1MW, depending on application. Typical applications are waste treatment, gas heating, R&D, and advanced materials production. The PyroGenesis implementation PyroGenesis is not the only company developing plasma technologies. Some global competitors that we have identified include Alter NRG (Westinghouse Plasma), Tetronics, Europlasma, ScanArc, Phoenix Solutions, and Ottawa-based Plasco (a potential partner more than a competitor). Generally speaking, competitors are focused on singular markets. For example, some companies use plasma to target municipal waste destruction or to process other large waste streams. PyroGenesis, on the other hand, addresses high margin (~45%), niche markets in which it is often the lone player. These niche markets often rely upon small scale plasma processes in which PyroGenesis has developed an expertise through its 20 years of R&D experience. Part of PyroGenesis' competitive advantage in small scale plasma applications derives from the unique way in which it creates the plasma vortex responsible for transforming input streams into more desirable products. Here is a simplified description: a plasma torch, anywhere from a few inches to a few feet in scale, creates an electrical arc from a cathode to an anode, much like a welding machine but with a lot more power. A gas is blown through the arc (picture a blow-dryer) and so becomes ionized (i.e. turns into plasma). To do this effectively requires that the electrical arc rotates in order to a) avoid destroying the anode and b) ionize more gas. PyroGenesis' technology creates the circular motion in a unique way (a trade secret) that is particularly beneficial for efficient, smaller scale applications. Other plasma torches use electromagnetic fields to guide the electrical arc, whereas PyroGenesis' torches control the arc with the gases. This confers two important benefits: 1) The life of the torch is improved. The anode will last on the order of 700hrs while the cathodes will last over 1000hrs vs. 200-300 hour electrode lives for competitor models. Pollitt & Co. Inc. 2) The size of the surrounding apparatus is reduced and makes it easier to maintain. Electromagnetic systems require electricity, and are heavy (i.e. require a chain block to move). This is key when working in close quarters like, say, an aircraft carrier. Of equal, if not greater, importance is the experience PyroGenesis has gained with plasma processes. That is, the torches are one component of otherwise very complex skids of equipment. The nature of this ancillary equipment depends on the application, but may involve waste pre-treatment, gas stream processing and cooling, power generation, and the electromechanical equipment required to control the rate at which the integrated systems operate, among other things. The engineering know-how behind making this equipment operate in concert comes only with years of experience. Furthermore, a lot of PyroGenesis' intellectual property is related to the processes rather than the torches. They have about 17 innovations protected by 45 patents (issued, provisional or pending), primarily targeting processes. While PyroGenesis is working to use common equipment across different processes to scale more cheaply, customized equipment will normally be tailored to the application and hence process expertise is necessary. PyroGenesis has gained this expertise with a variety of input streams and for a variety of processes. For example, in waste to energy applications, the gas used is typically 90% dried air & 10% nitrogen, with appropriate supporting equipment. When destroying refrigerants, steam works best, and that requires different equipment. Metallurgical applications may require the use of argon, and again more specific expertise and Page 2 PyroGenesis Canada Inc. October 23, 2014 Figure 3: An implementation of waste to energy conversion at the Hurlburt Field Air Force base. Using plasma arc gasification, the system converts about 10 tons of garbage per day into ~350 kilowatts of electricity, enough to run the system. The extreme temperatures of the plasma, followed by rapid cooling, inhibits formation of dioxins and furans, a major benefit over traditional incinerators. equipment. Their experience has been gained in processes for industries ranging from oil and gas and mining to defense and 3D printing (more below). A tour of the factory provides an idea of the complex systems required for these processes, however, we only make the point to suggest that PyroGenesis is in a competitively advantageous position to address the niche markets that it is targeting. chamber & destroyed. Offgases are quenched (prevents dioxin & furan formation) and released to atmosphere. This compact process was developed for the US Navy to deal with shipboard sailor waste and sludge oil. A land-based version is in development in which the system would be containerized into roughly 5 containers (20ft or 40ft, depending on desired capacity). This could be used for wastes from remote communities, mining & military camps, solvents and chemicals, and sludge oil from IC Engines. Products and Markets PyroGenesis' products serve many different markets, offering diversification across customers and industries. We find it useful to segment PyroGenesis' products in two separate ways. The first is by process type and the second is by end-market. The processes were largely developed in response to contracts obtained with past clients, including the US Navy, US Air Force, Northrop Grumman, Anglo American, PPG Industries, Newalta, Intl Military Consortium, a global oil & gas company, and 3D printing companies. Relationships with previous partners have resulted in part of the current backlog. In addition, many of the technologies and much of the expertise utilized in past projects can be ported to plasma processes in other markets. We first list some processes, and then discuss some of the potential applications of these technologies in various markets. Processes: PyroGenesis has developed the following processes: Plasma Resource Recovery System (PRRS): This transforms waste into syngas (Carbon monoxide and hydrogen), a fuel that can be used for electricity, waste, and liquid fuels. The inorganic fraction forms an inert, nontoxic, glassy slag. This process was developed for the US Air Force, and can be used in other waste-to-energy applications including municipal, hazardous, hospital, and industrial wastes. Plasma Arc Waste Destruction (PAWDS): Waste is shredded, then milled, fed continuously into the plasma Pollitt & Co. Inc. Tactical Plasma Arc Chemical Warfare Agents Destruction System (PACWADS): This is similar to PAWDS, but even more compact for easy transportation. It was developed for the US Army to destroy chemical warfare agents such as sulfer mustard, sarin, and VX. A major benefit is in situ destruction, which avoids costly, hazardous transportation of chemicals. Steam Plasma Arc Refrigerant Cracking (SPARC): This processes is similar to PAWDS but it uses a steam plasma to break waste into CO2 and H2O. It destroys ozone depleting refrigerants (R11, R12, R22), halons, super greenhouse gas refrigerants (R134a, R141), and fluorinated hydrocarbons (CFC, HCFC, HFC, PFC). An existing customer is a refrigerator recycling facility. Plasma Arc Gasification and Vitrification (PAGV): This is a larger system that was used to clear bottoms and fly ash from municipal solid waste and hazardous waste facilities, including asbestos. The University of Athens and Natural Resource Canada Ash Melting Plant are two customers. DROSRITE: Hot dross introduced to a rotary furnace where molten metal is separated. The non-metallic residue is heated and cleaned and discharged as harmless by-products. It is energy efficient so no plasma or external heat source is required. This is a non-plasma process that PyroGenesis developed about 10 years ago, but as the cost of processing aluminum dross has Page 3 PyroGenesis Canada Inc. October 23, 2014 Metal spool Plasma torches Fine powders with tightly graded distribution (line is 100 microns). Figure 4: Tailings streams are one potential application for Pyrogenesis’ technology in the oil and gas sector. Testing has been carried out with a major international oil company . Positive results were announced in October. The process is still classified, but two confirmed benefits are a reduction in waste volumes and recovery of valuable metals. A separate process is being tested in conjunction with the SAGD production process. This process significantly reduces the energy required to extract oil . gone up, discussions are once again emerging. Titanium Production Pilot Plant: Developed in conjunction with Anglo American, this plant produces titanium metal from titanium fluoride. When Anglo exited the titanium business, PyroGenesis was able to reacquire the pilot plant cheaply, and plans to generate future business with other mining companies. Plasma Atomization Process: This process produces spherical metal powders from wire feedstock, primarily for use in 3D printing. Oil & Gas Market: PyroGenesis' current backlog in the oil & gas sector is only $0.6mm, but testing of much larger scale, lucrative processes is already wellunderway. Results from the completion of a fourth contract with a major international oil company were released on October 2nd, highlighting a 50:1 volume reduction in a certain waste stream, reducing disposal costs by more than 90%. Most importantly, metals recovered from the waste streams are worth more than twice the current disposal costs. While details cannot yet be disclosed due to agreements with the customer, we understand that the market for this technology could be in the hundreds of millions once fully commercialized. It is applicable globally. A separate process related to accelerating oil extraction through Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) is also being tested. Our understanding is that one unit would serve about 6 wells, and could be utilized at most SAGD wells in Canada. We can’t resist but speculate Pollitt & Co. Inc. Powder collection —> to sieve Figure 5: Pyrogenesis’ Plasma Atomization Process creates high quality powders for 3D printing. 3 converging torches melt incoming wire to create tiny molten droplets. Powders are smaller, more pure, spherical, and contain fewer satellites (pieces stuck together) than other processes can produce. Plasma powders are the highest quality available. here that the secret process relates to a novel approach of cleaning waste water for use in the production of steam. Waste water from SAGD is a major issue and an area of intense research, to say nothing of intense scrutiny from environmental agencies. Whatever the process, PyroGenesis claims that “the patent pending process costs less than 20% of that currently used and is a clean, zero emissions technology utilizing electricity as its only heat source”. We think this sounds promising and look forward to future disclosure in the next several months. Additional niche applications in the oil and gas industry include use of PAWDS and PRRS systems for purposes including sludge oil destruction, camp waste, and the destruction and recovery of chemicals in tailings streams. Defense Market: The defense market has a current backlog of $1.9mm, but future business could include additional shipboard systems (PAWDS), containerized systems (Tactical PACWADS), waste-to-energy (PRRS), and ash melting (PAGV). Environmental Market: Environmental applications account for $6.8mm of the current backlog. Many of the processes described above have environmental applications that are relevant to companies across all industries. Wherever harmful pollutants are produced, there are likely applications for PyroGenesis' technologies. 3D Printing Market: Based on the current order book and industry growth rate, and, to be frank, the sex appeal of the sector, we think the 3D metals printing Page 4 PyroGenesis Canada Inc. market will provide the most traction to PyroGenesis in the near term. We describe this market in detail below. 3D Printing The highest profile application for the moment is 3D metals printing. It is this market in which the order book has grown the most, and that with the fastest sales cycle (months vs. more than a year for most other applications). 3D metals printing is a quickly growing market with a clear, outstanding problem: securing quality metal powders to meet the rigorous specifications of a given manufacturing process can be difficult and expensive. Currently 3D printer providers such as Arcam and 3D Systems make a lot of money from replacement material cartridges in which they use RFID tags to prevent the use of third party cartridges. (Anyone with an inkjet printer can appreciate this.) This works well for plastic printers, but not so much for metal 3D printers. Large end-users such as General Electric are looking to source materials more freely and more economically, and PyroGenesis' Plasma Atomization Process (PAP) offers a solution. PyroGenesis employs a Plasma Atomization Process unit to produce metal powders from wire feedstock. The Company’s specialty is in the use of highly reactive materials and alloys such as titanium, niobium, nitinol (an Ni-Ti alloy), and aluminum, among others, materials used for high tolerance parts in aerospace and biomedical assemblies. Most fine metal powders are currently produced using gas atomization processes and even the most exacting of these techniques — Electrode induced gas atomization (EIGA) — is inferior to plasma in two respects: a) the process is constrained as to the range and type of feedstock materials and b) the process generally produces inferior powders with respect to size distributions and particle sphericity. In a word, plasma atomization provides smaller, more spherical powders with higher purity, and the process is more flexible when it comes to making customized powders with specialty alloys. It is also our understanding that the only competitor that can offer plasma atomized powders of similar quality is AP&C, a company to whom PyroGenesis licensed its technology. All of which is to say that PyroGenisis has a deep moat on the fabrication of “high-end” 3D printing input material. One of the attractions of 3D metals printing derives from the fact that additive manufacturing processes can be much more economical than subtractive processes. That is, current manufacturing processes start with a block of metal and manipulate it through many machining processes before arriving at the final complex shape. Apart from requiring a lot of space, these processes also waste Pollitt & Co. Inc. October 23, 2014 a lot of raw material as scrap. A representative buy-tofly ratio (weight of raw material used vs final product weight) is on the order of 15-20 for many aerospace components. 3D-printing machines are now capable of printing extremely complex metal components (there are several machine and process types), often layer by layer, without wasting any raw material. Metals are the fastest growing segment in 3D-printing, and simple economics underpin our expectation that there will be continued growth in the market for metal powders. Growth projections for the sector are in the range of 20-40% annually. We won’t vouch for the more aggressive of the outlooks, but we are comfortable in saying that additive manufacturing (fancy term for 3D printing) is on a roll, quickly displacing extant techniques such as stamping, cutting, milling, and other fabrication methods. The shares of the makers of the 3D printers themselves have been on a tear. Of course, one buys a 3D printer once, but must continually return to the store to buy the input material again and again. If the makers of the razors have done well, the makers of the blades will do that much better. Valuation Valuation is tricky. One cannot look at current finances and fairly slap a value on something like this. Moreover, future cash flows are highly uncertain and to make estimates here would be to throw darts. We look at the current state of the Company’s finances and determine “what it would take” to justify the today’s valuation and compare with where they are now . We then throw up two (very!) rough comps — not quite peers, but companies in the same general hemisphere. Lastly, we compare to sunk investment. 1) Financial sketch: The market cap of PyroGenesis is about $30mm. Last year (2013) they did $5.75mm in revenue and the year before that about $3.3mm in revenue. Revenue for this year is expected to be about $7.5mm. For whatever this is worth, the implied growth rate over these last three years has been about 40%. EBITDA margins have been running about 45% and we understand this is the target margin going forward. Overhead (i.e. cash burn at zero revenue) is estimated to be about $3.5mm. In this way, the Company should break even at about $8mm in revenue. To justify the current market cap of $30mm in a strictly financial sense — and we are using a p/e of 10 here — we would need to see about $15mm in revenue. From where we are now, $15mm in revenues is, in our view, not a long way off at all. For example, the hard order book now stands at $22mm. These orders will take some time to work off, but again, Page 5 PyroGenesis Canada Inc. October 23, 2014 given the irons in the fire the Company now has, $15mm seems a reasonable aspiration in the next few years. And of course, if they hit $15mm, it won’t stop there. blue sky here. We think the $35 million AP&C acquisition, in conjunction with the revenue potential illustrated here, is illustrative from a valuation perspective. 2) Peer comp #1: We point to the acquisition of AP&C as a comparable within the 3D printing segment. AP&C was a division of Raymor Industries until December 2013, when it was acquired by Arcam for $35mm CAD. Arcam is a supplier of 3D printers and the corresponding materials, and AP&C had supplied titanium powders to them since 2006. At the time of the acquisition, AP&C had 29 employees, revenues of $6.5m, and EBITDA of $1.5m. We think this is an important benchmark given that PyroGenesis is larger, and, in our opinion, has much more upside potential by way of its technologies outside of 3D printing. It is also a good benchmark for the value of powders to 3D printing companies. On this point, we think it is important to make a distinction in terms of the companies' strategic plans. PyroGenesis, at present, is currently focused on selling plasma atomization machines, while producing and selling the powders is a secondary potential revenue source. AP&C only provides the powders. According to our research, end users are looking to secure their own powder supplies to reduce supply chain delays, and to reduce costs due to markups and transportation (reactive metal powders are hazardous and can be expensive to transport). 3) Peer comp #2: We point to another company building a solution that overlaps with PyroGenesis’ capabilities in the oil sector. Titanium Corporation spent $60m developing technology, over 8 years, that processes Athabasca oil sands tailings streams to reduce the environmental footprint of tailings ponds by recovering valuable bitumen, solvents, and minerals. It is still in commercial deployment, and negotiations are ongoing with major oil sands companies. While we cannot yet verify that PyroGenesis’ technology offers a similar value proposition to oil sands producers, we do note that plasma technology is likely more flexible in where it can be applied, and yet PyroGenesis trades at a fraction of Titanium Corp’s $90mm market cap ($87mm enterprise value). PyroGenesis' Plasma Atomization Process, including the tower and ancillary equipment platform, sells for about $1.5m, and could provide the Company with about $150K per installed machine in annual recurring revenue through the provision of consumable parts and technical service. One unit can produce about 6kg per hour, which would equate to about 25,000 kg/yr at 50% utilization. It is too early to estimate the eventual capacity required, but we can provide some rough context: a single Boeing 737 uses about 18,000kg of titanium and an Airbus A380 uses about 77,000kg. Even if a small fraction of these parts are produced with 3D metal printers, one can see that there could be a need for multiple plasma towers going forward. High performance airframes, engines, orthopedic implants, and other applications could represent a significant market for 3D printed metal parts, and by extention, to PyroGenesis. PyroGenesis has already sold 10 units in Asia for $12.5m, and identified opportunities for a further 60 units in Asia, 5 in North America, and 1 in Europe. In total, this would represent about $100m of initial revenue and potential for roughly $10m in annual revenue thereafter, all at roughly 45% margins. With growth rates of roughly 20% expected for the sector, there is plenty of Jim Rand ( Pollitt & Co. Inc. 4) “Replacement value”: PyroGenesis has now spent about $30mm on research and development contracts. That’s roughly on par with PyroGenesis’ market cap, meaning the stock now trades at roughly the cost to replace the expertise developed over the past 20 years. This says nothing of the time required to develop this expertise. Given that PyroGenesis is the first mover in several significant markets, we think their competitive advantage justifies a valuation in excess of the replacement cost. Conclusion Until a little more than a year ago, PyroGenesis was almost wholly focused on engineering and funded by development contracts. Since then the company has grown from one business development professional to six, and the order book is starting to show signs with about $22mm contracted; visibility suggests another $15mm in soft commitments from these same customers in 2015, and we understand that more promising contracts are in the works. This is not a bad base to work off. The founders own about 68% of the stock; the float is thus quite tight. We may be early, but the Company has several irons in the fire and success in any one of these areas can change the complexion in very short order. For those with a penchant for some risk, you might consider buying a few shares now and watching to see how the story unfolds. October 23, 2014 Toronto, ON Page 6 PyroGenesis Canada Inc. October 23, 2014 Disclaimer The information contained in this document is based on material obtained from what are deemed to be reliable sources, but no guarantee or promise, explicit or implicit, is given as to the accuracy and exhaustiveness of these sources. This report shall under no circumstances be considered an offer to buy or sell, or a request to buy and/or sell the stocks mentioned. Pollitt & Co. Inc. (“Pollitt”) and/or its officers, directors, representatives, traders and members of their families may hold positions in the stocks mentioned in this document and may buy and/or sell these stocks on the market or otherwise. 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