beach business - Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce


beach business - Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce
Redondo Beach Business & Community News
beach business
February 2016
Volume XV
Number 02
In This Issue
• Strong Local Economy
02 Chamber to Host Student Business Leader for a Day
06 Free Local Mentoring for Your Business
Mayor Aspel to Meet with Business Leaders at
Annual State of the City Event
• Networking Opportunities
& Member Promotions
07 Beach Cities Health District Welcomes New Chief Medical Advisor
07 LA Air Force Base in the South Bay
11 Network Café
• Promoting the Community
The Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce will host Mayor Steve
Aspel’s Annual State of the City Breakfast on Tuesday, February 16, at the
Crowne Plaza Redondo Beach & Marina Hotel.
The State of the City Address is the single most important overview of
the past, present and future of Redondo Beach.
Check in time begins at 7:00 a.m. Please contact the Chamber at
(310) 376-6911 or for ticket.
05Redondo Beach The Guide 2016-2017
08Super Bowl Sunday Costume Contest
09 More to Sea Chamber Radio Show
• Representing the Interest of
Business with Government
03Chamber Opposed Bill Back for
Assembly Vote
03Chamber Supports Petition
to Move California Water Fix Forward
Chamber Sets 2016 Strategic Initiatives for
Business Advocacy
1. Revitalization of Commercial Corridors
The Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce will support efforts to improve our commercial corridors and promote building our local economy.
We will help efforts to revitalize our waterfront by supporting the efforts of
CenterCal to update and improve the Pier, and support efforts of AES to
develop a long-term plan for their property. The Chamber will also work to
champion efforts for responsible development to the Galleria and Riviera
Village, as well as the PCH and Artesia Corridors to help enhance and beautify our city’s commercial hubs. We will also advocate for the modernizaContinued on pg. 6 ”2016 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES”
Chamber to Host Student Business
Leader for a Day
__By Ann Garten
Chair of the Board
Regional Business Groups
Vote to Support Waterfront
The entire community understands the importance of CenterCal’s Waterfront Revitalization proposal to our local economy. Following
the release of the 6,500 page Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR), CenterCal provided a presentation on their plan to the South
Bay Association of Chambers of Commerce
(SBACC). SBACC is a group of 17 South Bay
chambers that take positions on federal, state,
and regional issues.
Following the presentation on the proposed
project, the SBACC board unanimously voted
to support the proposal. Many of the members
remember a time when Redondo Beach was
the top destination in the South Bay. Something that was a great positive influence for
the local economies and businesses of our
surrounding cities. The regional economic impacts of the waterfront revitalization are significant and have the regional business community taking notice.
The local Redondo Beach economy benefits
greatly from a thriving tourism industry. This
industry helps support essential city services
including public safety, street improvements,
and parks. Having the support of our regional
partners shows that Redondo Beach has the
right plan for revitalization.
This action falls on the heels of the Chamber
Board of Directors voting to make revitalization of commercial corridors as our top public
policy initiative. The public review process for
the DEIR ended on January 19. The next step
in the process is to go before the Harbor Commission, and then on to the City Council.
This proposal not only modernizes and revitalizes the Redondo Beach waterfront, but also
makes major environmental improvements to
our coastal waters. This win-win for the environment, residents and the business commu-
Beach Business | February 2016
The Redondo Beach Chamber in partnership with the City of Redondo Beach will facilitate the Student Business Leader for a Day Program
on March 24, 2016.
More than 100 Redondo High school students participated last year
and four scholarships were given to the winners.
The Purpose of the program is to enlighten students with the idea
that entrepreneurship is an attainable goal. Starting a business may be
hard, but there are resources available to assist and the Chamber is here
to help point interested parties in the right direction. The program was
created to help students weigh the pros and cons of developing, owning and operating a business in Redondo Beach.
Students who participate in the program and write a business plan will
qualify to win a scholarship. Four scholarships will be awarded from the
Redondo Beach Chamber, and our members.
The Chamber wishes them all the luck and hope they join the chamber once their businesses are up and running! ■
You Can Help!
The students will receive a swag bag at the lunch on March 24, if
your business would like to donate items for the swag bags, please
contact the Chamber at 310.376.6911
“REGIONAL BUSINESS” continued from pg. 2
nity makes this project an easy support vote for the organizations
that have become involved. The project is set to have a broad and
diverse coalition of support from local and regional businesses, environmental organizations, labor unions, and most importantly residents of the local community. ■
Revised Double-Pay Holiday Bill Back
for Senate Vote
President MESSAGE
By Marna Smeltzer 
President & CEO
Redondo Beach Chamber
Supports Petition to Move
California Water Fix Forward
On January 27 the California Assembly passed a Redondo Beach
Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that requires double the “regular
rate” of pay for work on Thanksgiving.
AB 67 (Gonzalez; D-San Diego) passed the Assembly 43-32. The bill
unfairly targets two classifications of employers, increases their costs,
and creates a competitive disadvantage by forcing employers to recognize Thanksgiving as a “family holiday” and compensate all employees
with double the regular rate of pay for work performed on that day.
A previous version of the bill failed to pass the Assembly last year.
Redondo Beach Chamber remains opposed to the amended version
of AB 67 because the bill:
Discriminates Against Two Classifications of Employers
AB 67 now targets only two industries—retail store and grocery store establishments—to force them to pay double the “regular rate” of pay on a
“family holiday,” defined as Thanksgiving. Any other employer that opens
on Thanksgiving can continue to pay its employees minimum wage.
Creates Competitive Disadvantage for California Employers
AB 67 unilaterally increases the cost of doing business only for employers that have a “physical store” in California, thereby automatically
placing them at a competitive disadvantage with online retailers and
out-of-state businesses that would not be subject to this costly mandate.
Out-of-state employers that sell their merchandise online still could
do so under AB 67 without the increased cost, yet a California-based
employer could not.
Employees in These Industries Generally Receive Higher Compensation for Working on Thanksgiving
Many “retail store establishment” employers surveyed confirm they
voluntarily pay their employees time-and-a-half for work performed on
Despite this general industry standard of higher compensation, AB
67 seeks to increase these employers’ costs even further by mandating
double the “regular rate” of pay. If these targeted employers change
their behavior and open at 12:01 a.m. on the Friday following Thanksgiving, employees will lose out on the extra compensation they currently
are receiving for work performed on this day.
Regular Rate of Pay and PAGA Enforcement
AB 67 does not require double payment of the employee’s hourly
rate, but rather double the employee’s “regular rate” of pay. The difContinued on pg. 8 ”DOUBLE PAY”
The Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce
has joined a robust coalition of citizens, labor
unions, family farmers, businesses, local governments, water agencies, public safety officials,
infrastructure groups, taxpayer associations,
community groups, and minority advocates to
strongly urge the State Water Resources Control
Board (Water Board) to approve the joint petition
by the California Department of Water Resources
and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation in support of
the California Water Fix.
The Chamber has been advocating for reliable
water resources for several years. Most accurately,
we have been strong supporters of the Bay Delta
Conservation Plan (BDCP). As part of that initiative, we asked the Water Board to act urgently
to approve the petition in order to protect the
health and water quality of the Delta, while securing water supplies for nearly 2/3 of our state’s
homes, farms and businesses.
The Chamber and our partners in the Californians for Water Security coalition pointed out the
active efforts of those who are urging continued
delays and inaction. Failure to act in support of
this petition, or further delays, will only result in
continued degraded water quality and further environmental decline in the Delta, while jeopardizing our state’s water security.
The California Water Fix has endured nearly a
decade of extensive expert review, planning and
scientific and environmental analysis by the state’s
leading water experts, engineers and conservationists, and unprecedented public comment and
participation. It is the only viable plan.
We understand that the Water Board’s robust
process for comment and public hearing. We are
working diligently to move the process forward
and look forward to working with the Water Board
to expedite the permitting process.
The Chamber knows we must act to fix our aging water distribution infrastructure. California’s
water security can’t wait. ■
Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau |
The Waterfront Moves Forward After Positive DEIR Review
On January 19,
2016, The Waterfront
proposal hit another
benchmark. That was
the last day to comment on the Draft
Environmental Impact
Report (Draft EIR),
which was released in
November 2015.
As you may already
know, the Draft EIR concluded that there are only two significant operational impacts that can’t be fully mitigated. One is
the tsunami risk, which exists today and would exist with any
project due to the project’s proximity to the water. Second is
noise, which is a result of a potential increase in ambient noise
in one area in the south from more people accessing the longunderutilized pier and harbor area.
For the complexity of this project and its location, the fact
that the proposed project results in only two significant and
unavoidable environmental impacts is indeed remarkable.
Now that the comment period is over, the City’s experts are
working on reviewing and responding to all comments made
by the community and other stakeholders in addition to revising the document as necessary. After this process is completed the City will release a Final EIR.
The Final EIR will go before the Harbor Commission in late
spring along with other applications for the proposed project.
It is important to note that the process for the proposed
project is no different from any development subject to the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This process
ensures that every component and potential impact is thoroughly reviewed and where possible mitigated before the
proposed project can move forward. ■
We look forward to continuing our work with the community during the rest of the environmental review process
and beyond. If you have any questions in the upcoming
weeks and months, feel free to email us at
Tip of the Month from Your Health & Wellness Committee
February is National Heart Month
Heart palpitations, or a feeling like your heart is fluttering is not a symptom to be ignored, even if it lasts seconds.
Although usually nothing to worry about, it could represent
a more worrisome diagnosis such as atrial fibrillation. Atrial
fibrillation develops with advancing age, and is not uncommon affecting 1 in 5 individuals over 80 years old. Unidentified atrial fibrillation is a risk factor for stroke, so
be sure to seek medical attention for palpitations, especially if two or more of the following apply to you:
• A history of high blood pressure, diabetes or stroke.
• You’re a woman or older than 65.
• You’ve been diagnosed with heart disease or
peripheral arterial disease
(blocked arteries in your legs). ■
Courtesy of Dr. Gopi Manthripragada, UCLA Cardiologist
– Redondo Beach, 514 N. Prospect
UCLA Health, Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Centers and Torrance Memorial Medical Center are each
offering FREE events to help you keep your heart healthy. Visit our Health and Wellness Page on the Chamber website
for event information: 4
Beach Business | February 2016
Why Advertise in the Guide?
Your Complete Community & Business Resource Guide
Think Local, Shop Local, Buy Local
The Guide reaches more than 65,000 people, including homes
and businesses in Redondo Beach, Chamber members,
prospective members, and is used as a relocation tool for new
residents and businesses.
The Guide to Redondo Beach is made available to visitors at
all Redondo Beach hotels. These tourists use the Guide to
help plan their activities, meals, entertainment, etc., while
staying in Redondo Beach.
Since it is distributed to Redondo Beach residents & businesses,
“Sea” what’s
new inside
every copy of the Guide to Redondo Beach is getting into the
hands of potential customers.
The Guide to Redondo Beach contains a variety of information about the city of Redondo Beach, its activities, schools,
parks, etc., so people keep it as a reference guide for the entire
Guide 2015-2016-KH.indd
to Redondo Covers.indd
6/2/15 1:11
1:27 PM
For more information please contact •
Tel: 310.376.6911 • Fax: 310.374.7373 •
Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau |
Chamber Offers Free SCORE Counseling
Get FREE Local Mentoring for your Business
Are you looking for information to start a new business?
Are you interested in a loan to finance your business?
Do you need a little help managing your business?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should
meet with a SCORE counselor at the Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce. Why?
SCORE stands for Service Corps of Retired Executives. Their
mission is to provide professional guidance and information,
accessible to all, to maximize the success of America’s existing
and emerging small businesses.
SCORE’s parent organization, the national SCORE Association founded in 1964, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to
entrepreneur education and the formation, growth and success of small businesses nationwide.
SCORE is a resource partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration.
SCORE counselors are available on Friday mornings by appointment only to see anyone who needs help starting or running a small business.
SCORE services are always free and you are welcome to use
them as much as needed. ■
To make an appointment, call Mara Santos at 310.376.6911
ext: 24 or e-mail at
“2016 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES” continued from pg. 1
tion of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to
improve land use development projects in Redondo Beach.
The chamber will also promote programs to help minimize
homelessness and help individuals that have mental health
2. Aerospace
The Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce will work to
support legislation that ensures keeping aerospace jobs in
the South Bay. The Chamber will continue to be a champion for the Los Angeles Air Force Base (LAAFB) and promote collaboration such as a formal P4 partnership to help
keep the base off the Base Relocation and Closure (BRAC)
list. The chamber will fight to make sure the spending cuts
through sequestration do not have negative impacts on our
local aerospace companies such as Northrop Grumman that
work to fulfill national defense contracts.
3. Small Business
The Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce will work with
city hall to ensure that Redondo Beach has the friendliest
business climate possible. We will advocate for public policies at the local, state, and federal levels that will help small
business thrive, grow and flourish, and will actively oppose
public policies that are overly burdensome and onerous on
the small business owners of Redondo Beach including taxation, wage laws, and litigation abuse. The Chamber will work
to introduce public policy that promotes tourism, which helps
support many of our local small businesses.
Beach Business | February 2016
4. Infrastructure
The Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce will continue
to support policies that attract investment in our community
including the creation of available office space, as well as
housing stock for the workforce of Redondo Beach’s businesses. We will support funding to improve the transportation infrastructure and movement of goods throughout our
region. We will continue to advocate for improvements to
public transit to and from Redondo Beach, as well as Transient Oriented Development that promotes the use of our
public transportation. We will champion the modernization
of LAX, and infrastructure improvements to the port complexes in the San Pedro Bay. The Chamber will also support
improvements to infrastructure that provide affordable and
reliable access to water, energy, and other essential services
such as broadband.
5. Economic Development
The Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce will continue to promote Career Technical Training and Workforce
Development to ensure we have a skilled workforce for key
industries such as Healthcare, Advanced Manufacturing,
and Transportation. The Chamber will partner with our local community colleges and Workforce Investment Network
to bring collaboration between the business and education
communities. ■
“Chamber Business Spotlight”
Beach Cities Health District Hires
Redondo Beach Resident Dr. William
Kim as its Chief Medical Advisor
Beach Cities Health District (BCHD), one of the largest preventive health agencies in the U.S., recently announced the hiring
of William Kim, M.D., as its new Chief Medical Advisor. Dr. Kim,
a longtime resident of Redondo Beach, will serve as BCHD’s primary spokesperson on public health issues and provide medical
oversight for all research, programming and community services.
Dr. Kim, who currently owns and operates Beach Cities Internal
Medicine in Torrance, boasts more than 30 years of experience as
an Internist and Emergency Physician. He spent the majority of
his career practicing medicine in the South Bay, including serving
as Attending Physician (1985-1993) in the emergency room of the
South Bay Hospital, which closed in 1998 to form Beach Cities
Health District. Dr. Kim also held the offices of Medical Director/
Paramedic Liaison, Assistant Medical Director, Emergency Chairman and Medical Director during his eight years at the community hospital.
“Dr. Kim is a deeply talented, well-respected physician with
strong connections to leading health organizations, representatives and physicians throughout the South Bay and state,” said
Susan Burden, Beach Cities Health District CEO. “Additionally,
his demonstrated knowledge of chronic preventable illness and
deep familiarity with our organization and local community will be
invaluable to strengthening the integrity and effectiveness of our
programs and services, specifically those aimed at older adults
and young people in the Beach Cities.”
In addition, Burden added that Dr. Kim will be responsible for
ensuring BCHD programs adhere to industry best practices and
remain rooted in evidence-based research. Under Burden’s direction, Dr. Kim will also support the development and oversight
of health services, including outcomes, community reporting and
data collection.
“The South Bay is a great place to live, and Beach Cities Health
District is one of the key local organizations working to make
it even better,” said Dr. Kim, a longtime resident of Redondo
Beach. “I’m excited to have the opportunity to improve public
health and, most of all, give something meaningful back to the
community that has given me so much throughout the years.”
A graduate of St. George’s University School of Medicine in
Grenada, West Indies, Dr. Kim completed his clinical studies at
North Middlesex Hospital in London and residency training in Internal Medicine at Trenton Affiliated Hospitals in Trenton, New
Jersey. He’s garnered numerous accolades during his career, in-
LA Air Force Base in the
South Bay And LA Air Force
Association Foundation
The Los Angeles Air Force Base (LAAFB) is one
of the largest employers in the South Bay, directly
providing over 5,000 jobs. Surprisingly, only 25% of
the LAAFB workforce is actual members of the Military according to the 61st Air Base Group’s Commander, Colonel Donna Turner, who is in charge of
all base support operations. The remaining 75% of
the workforce is comprised of Department of Defense Civilians and Contractors.
The base indirectly creates over 11, 000 jobs as
a result of the aerospace cluster effect and in fiscal
year 2013, assessed the overall economic impact of
the LAAFB in the South Bay to be nearly $1.7billion.
The LAAFB has a tremendous impact on one of the
most important job clusters in our region.
The LA Air Force Foundation
The LA Air Force Foundation was chartered in 1974 by
Lieutenant General Kenneth W.
Schultz, USAF, and Mr. Edward
A. Stearn.
The Chapter name was
changed to GENERAL BERNARD A. SCHRIEVER LOS ANGELES CHAPTER 147 in September of 1987.
The General Bernard A. Schriever LAAFB Foundation was officially chartered with four goals in mind.
To create and sustain a broad acquaintance with the
thinkers, planners, and doers of the aerospace fraternity; to support local youth organizations and the
community objectives of Space and Missile Systems
Center personnel in the surrounding neighborhood;
to participate in recognition of achievements of
Space and Missile Systems personnel, and finally to
join in convivial activities honoring this prestigious
Air Force organization.
The Redondo Beach Chamber salutes and honors
all of our military personnel and appreciate their service to our country. ■
Continued on pg. 8 ”BEACH CITIES HIRES”
Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau |
10k /5k
38th Annual Redondo Beach Super Bowl Sunday
10k/5k Costume Contest Presented by King Harbor
The 38th Annual Redondo Beach SUPER BOWL SUNDAY
10K/5K Run/Walk Costume Contest encourages runners and
walkers of all ages to dress-up in costume for a chance to win
great prizes sponsored by King Harbor Association.
Race schedule:
6:00 am – Registration opens
7:00 am - Costume Contest/Judging**
7:30 am - 5K Run/Walk
8:15 am - Baby Buggy 10K
8:30 am - 10K Run
One of the features of the race is the always entertaining
costume contest, a tradition for the past three decades. King
Harbor Association sponsors this popular contest and awards
for best male and female costume and best group costumes
and this year, best celebrity costume!
Prizes are donated by several King Harbor area businesses
and the King Harbor Association will also be giving out prizes
including cash and trophies. Below are a sampling of prizes
donated last year.
Progressive-Style dinner at some of the best waterfront restaurants in King Harbor including BaleenKitchen, Blue Water
Grill and R10 Social House
• Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch at Captain Kidd’s, Quality
Seafood and Polly’s on the Pier
“DOUBLE PAY” continued from pg. 3
ference is significant.
Because AB 67 provisions are included in Section 511.5
of the Labor Code, they are subject to the Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA; Labor Code Section 2698 et
seq.). Good faith errors in calculating the regular rate of
pay or failing to comply with other AB 67 provisions would
subject California employers to another threat of litigation.
Determining the regular rate of pay of many employees
requires a detailed calculation that goes beyond an employee’s hourly pay. As defined by the Division of Labor
Standards Enforcement (DLSE), the “regular rate of pay
includes a number of different kinds of remuneration, for
example hourly earnings, salary, piecework earnings, commissions, certain bonuses, and the value of meals and lodging, ” according to the DLSE enforcement policies manual.
The bill now heads to the Senate for policy committee
hearings. ■
Beach Business | February 2016
Chartered Sail with South Bay Sailing
Sport fishing trip with Redondo Sport Fishing
Kayak and Pedal Boat Rental with Fast Kayak
SUP Rental with Tarsan SUP
Whale Watching Excursion aboard the Voyager
**Participants can sign-up for the costume contest prior to
the race by 6:45AM and judging begins at 7:00AM. Redondo
Beach’s Mayor Steve Aspel will be the MC again this year!**
KING HARBOR ASSOCIATION is a proud sponsor of the
Redondo Beach Super Bowl Sunday 10K/5K.
“BEACH CITIES HIRE” continued from pg. 7
cluding multiple medical residency honors for excellence;
a Distinguished Service Award for “Outstanding Medical
Service to the South Bay” from Los Angeles County; a
Civic Award from the City of Redondo Beach for “Medical
and Paramedic Services” (1985-1992); and a Certificate of
Commendation from the City of Hermosa Beach.
During his 31-year career, Dr. Kim also worked as Director of Whitlow Emergency Medical Group and served as
Partner and Chief Financial Officer for South Bay Family
Medical Group. He acted as Advisor to the Academy of
Health and Fitness at Redondo Union High School (19951997), in addition to serving as an executive committee
member for the South Bay Hospital and on the for South
Bay Independent Physicians. ■
To learn more about Beach Cities Health District,
Tune in to the South Bay More to Sea
Weekly Radio Show
Wednesday Mornings from 8-9am
Redondo Beach Chamber of
Commerce & Visitors Bureau
119 W. Torrance Blvd., Suite 2
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
310.376.6911 F: 310.374.7373
Creative Design & Layout:
STN Media Group
5334 Torrance Blvd. 3rd Floor
Torrance, CA 90503
P: 310.792.2230
If you have any topics that you would be interested in
hearing or discussing, please e-mail Mara Santos at
Submit NEWS...
We would like to hear from you.
How to JOIN:
If you would like to learn more about how your business can benefit from
membership in the Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau,
please contact our member representatives below. You can also fill out a member
application online at if you are ready to join now.
 Nanci Goussak (ext. 128) |
 Cheryl Kahnamoui (ext: 130) |
“I have been working to meet particular individuals and make strong connections for a year
now with the Chamber. Getting involved by becoming an Ambassador and committee member brought about many meetings and opportunities to support the community that otherwise
would have been even more daunting. The Chamber makes it easy to make a difference.”
Chanel Garcia
FirstLight HomeCare of South Bay
Beach Business is published as a service for the business community. Considerable effort is made to ensure accuracy and
reliability of the information published, but
Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce
does not guarantee accuracy, nor does it
assume any liability for the use of any information published.
Official opinions or positions of the Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce are
only as voted by the Board of Directors and
the GRC and clearly referenced as such in
any article appearing in Beach Business.
Subscriptions to Beach Business may be
made through the office of the Chamber at
the rate of $25.00 per year. Any purchase
of goods and/or services by the Redondo
Beach Chamber & Visitors Bureau must
be approved in advance by the President/
CEO. No member or vendor shall be considered an agent of the Chamber or Visitors Bureau for any purpose unless such
ongoing relationship is specifically created
and defined by the President/CEO and the
Board of Directors.
Outstanding Achievement
First Place
Chambers with 500-999 members
Honorable Mention
2005, 2006 & 2011
Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau |
Redondo Beach Chamber Grows Stronger
Welcome New MEMBERS
Black and White Car Rental
Mrs. Candice Mollareza
405 S. Isis Ave.
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 337‑9999
• Transportation
We offer exclusive VIP meet and greet services including complimentary pickup
and drop offs to customers within a 2 mile radius of our rental
locations and hotel delivery.(restrictions may apply). Black and White Car Rental
also offers Insurance replacement rentals with direct billing to your insurance
company in cases when your car is being repaired from an auto accident. Our
extremely wide range of vehicles offers prices to suit the size of any wallet, we also
offer Limousine Services through our sister company Beverly Hills Rides. We know
how important it is to have a car delivered and retrieved on time — we make this
a top priority, and do our best to make sure every customer is satisfied.
Chamber Business Connections Thrive:
Meet New & Anniversary MEMBERS!
Welcome new members! Patti Converse of Kissable Faces; Marc
Dix of Jimmy’s Bar & Grill and Nicole Fragoso of The Sofa Company, are pictured here with Ambassador Larry Halvorsen.
Cathleen Cunningham, LMFT
Ms. Cathleen Cunningham
1826 S. Elena, #D
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(310) 427‑1030
• Psychotherapists
Providing psychological services to individuals and families in need of mental and
behavioral assistance, specializing in Adjustment disorder, Depression and Anxiety,
and Addiction Disorders.
Kissable Faces Skincare
Ms. Patti Converse
1611 S. Catalina Ave., Ste. #L41
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(310) 401‑4916
• Day Spa
If you are looking for noticeable changes to your skin, you’ve come to the right
place! As a medical skincare studio in Redondo Beach, our treatment protocols
are designed to smooth, tighten, sculpt and strengthen your skin. Kissable Faces
Skincare uses the most current technology, ingredients and techniques to perfect
skin challenges and help you look your best!
New York Life
Mr. Tony Buttitta
801 N. Brand Blvd. Penthouse Suite
Glendale, CA 91203
(310) 437‑3212
• Insurance Services
Learning about the benefits and protections life insurance offers is easy. And it’s
the smart thing to do. Life insurance can protect the ones you love and be the
foundation of your financial plan. New York Life offers both term and whole life
insurance at a price that works within your budget. You’ll have the peace of mind
knowing that you’re backed by one of the strongest, most financially secure
companies in the industry.
10 Beach Business | February 2016
Happy Anniversary to the following members: Joan Irvine of
The Perfect Wedding Ceremony; the Honorable Redondo Beach
Mayor Steve Aspel; Aimee Spector and Keith of RBUSD; Nicole
Fragoso of the Sofa Company; Jennifer Embler of Signature Estate & Investment Advisors; Ashley Adams of Jersey Mike’s Subs;
Michael Jackson of The Dardanelle Group Inc.; Linda Braden of
Cornerstone Construction Group; Russ Czuleger of Redondo Marine Hardware; Marcelo Goncalves and Athena Marano of the Salvation Army; and Chandra Chaikin, MS, LMFT.
Member2Member DISCOUNT
 Discover more discounts at
(In the members only section)
Ananta Day Spa
1650 S. Pacific Coast Hwy., #100 • Redondo Beach, CA 90277 • (310) 316-4888
Chamber members receive 15% off spa packages!
Networking Tip
Everything you do and DON’T DO communicates.
What you don’t say and don’t do often is
more impactful than what you actually say and do.
Thank you
Adwerx Communications
Express Employment
Sofa Company
The Belamar Hotel
Jersey Mike’s Subs
Organically At Your Best
King Shabu Shabu
Shop LOCAL • Patronize These Renewing Members
Appletree Accounting Solutions
BC Urban LLC
Body Glove International
Dive N’ Surf, Inc.
El Camino College
The Fun Factory
Looking Glass
Walter N. Marks, Inc.
Organically At Your Best
Phuket Thai Restaurant
Redmond Lock & Key
Redondo Shores Vet Center and House Call
Silverado Memory Care Communities
The Sofa Company
South Bay Environmental Services Center
State Farm Insurance / Suzy Zimmerman
Wayfarers Chapel
Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau |
Mail Masters
119 W. Torrance Blvd., Suite 2
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
P: 310.376.6911 • F: 310.374.7373
2016 Calendar of EVENTS
 NOTES: Reservations for these events must be made online at or by calling 310.376.6911
Please cancel your reservations for events if you are unable to attend. No-shows will be invoiced.
February 2
February 11
City Council Meeting
6:00 P.M.
Council Chambers
415 Diamond St.
NRBBA Meeting
8:00 A.M.
North Redondo Library
2000 Artesia Blvd
February 7
Redondo Pier Association
9:00 A.M.
Tony’s on The Pier
210 Fisherman’s Wharf
Super Bowl Sunday 10k/5k
February 9
Tourism Committee Meeting
3:00 P.M.
Chamber Offices
119 W. Torrance Blvd., Suite 2
City Council Meeting
6:00 P.M.
Council Chambers
415 Diamond St.
February 10
Executive Committee Meeting
8:00 A.M.
Chamber Office
119 W. Torrance Blvd., Suite 2
Network Cafe
11:30 A.M.
Orlando’s Pizzeria
& Birreria
1000 Torrance Blvd., #A
Local Issues Meeting
4:00 P.M.
Chamber Office
119 W. Torrance Blvd., Suite 2
February 16
State of the City
7:00 A.M.
Crowne Plaza Redondo Beach
and Marina Hotel
300 N. Harbor Dr
City Council Meeting
6:00 P.M.
Council Chambers
415 Diamond St.
The Mixer
5:30 P.M.
Baleen Kitchen
260 Portofino Way
February 18
February 26
Ambassador Meeting
4:00 P.M.
Chamber Office
119 W. Torrance Blvd., Suite 2
GRC Meeting
4:00 P.M.
1100 N. Harbor Dr.
February 22
Economic Development
Committee Meeting
4:00 P.M.
Chamber Office
119 W. Torrance Blvd
February 24
Full Board Meeting
8:00 A.M.
Main Library
303 N. Pacific Coast Hwy