project.classics ••• platinum.libray.of.musical.specials
project.classics ••• platinum.libray.of.musical.specials
project.classics ••• platinum.libray.of.musical.specials PREVIEW johann.nepomuk.hummel..jovan.pesec grand.concerto.4.guitar.&.orchestra.a.major.op.23 arranged.4.guitar.& project..classics old.viennese.guitar.concertos johann.nepomuk.hummel..jovan.pesec grand.concerto.4.guitar Concerto for Bassoon and Orchestra in F Major op.23 arangement.4.guitar.& content 4 PREVIEW score.4.orchestra: 1.orchestra.allegro.moderato 2. orchestra.romance 3. orchestra.rondo score.4.guitar: 1.guitar.allegro.moderato 2.guitar.romance 3.guitar. rondo g.1 g.2 g.3 making.of biography.& A-1 A-3 © coverdesign © fractal “construction.pi” by 5 44 57 Preface After a long period of decline, attention is once more being paid to the work of Johann Nepomuk Hummel (1778-1837). His credentials are impressive: Mozart, who took an interest in him, gave him lessons over a period of two years, and he also studied with Clementi. He travelled widely as a much-acclaimed piano virtuoso, and later conducted opera. As a composer, he was declared to be the equal of Beethoven. For the guitar part, Jovan Pesec used Mauro Giuliani’s Sonata op.15 as a guide for general guitar style of the period. The cadenzas are Jovan Pesec’s original work. Hummel’s concerto completes the trilogy begun with arrangements of concertos by Mozart and Haydn. Jovan Pesec’s achievement has significantly enriched the guitar repertoire by the addition of three classical concertos by composers of the highest stature from the classical period in Vienna. . Colin Cooper Classical Guitar Magazine, via e-mail, 27. Febgruary 2006 _____________________________________________________ PREVIEW Vorwort Nach einer langen Periode der Missachtung wird heute dem Werk von Johann Nepomuk Hummel (1778-1837) wieder mehr Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet. Seine Empfehlungen sind beeindruckend: Mozart, der sich für ihn interessierte, unterrichtete ihn mehr als zwei Jahre lang, außerdem studierte er bei Clementi. Als viel umjubelter Klaviervirtuose war er weit gereist, später dirigierte er Opern. Als Komponist galt er zu seiner Zeit als Beethoven gleichwertig. Für den Gitarrepart benutzte Jovan Pesec Mauro Giuliani’s Sonata op.15 als Leitfaden für den generellen Gitarrestil dieser Periode. Die Kadenzen wurden von Jovan Pesec’s komponiert. Hummel’s Konzert vervollständigt die Trilogie, welche mit den Konzerten von Mozart und Haydn begann. Jovan Pesec’s Leistung hat das Repertoire der Gitarre durch Hinzufügen von drei klassischen Konzerten von Komponisten der höchsten Reputation der klassischen Wiener Periode signifikant bereichert. Colin Cooper Classical Guitar Magazine, via e-mail, 27. Februar 2006 grand.concerto.4.guitar.&.orchestra orginal://grand.concerto.4.bassoon.&.orchestra/op.23..f.major old.viennese.guitar.concertos/no.3 deidcated.2.gabriel.guillén jovan.pesec I [] (1778-1837) ; !!! 4 a <† 4 a a a a ; < a a a a a a a a Allegro moderato Guitar ; !!! 4 a Oboe I & II 4 < Horn I & II in A Violin I johann.nepomuk.hummel 44 a ; !!! 4 tÇ t Ç 4 ÷ tY tÇ tÇ tÇ t t tÇ tÇ tÇ Ì Í t t tÇ tÇ !t t t c c !!! 4 c 4 ÷ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ Violin II PREVIEW Viola I & II Violoncello Doublebass ‚ !!! 44 c t tÇ t tÇ t tÇ t tÇ t tÇ t tÇ t tÇ t tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ t tÇ t tÇ t tÇ t tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç ÷ Ç Ç Ç Ç !!! 44 c t c c c < ÷ ; !!! t Ç 5 Vn.I Vn.II tY t Ç < !!! c c tI t t tY t Ç tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ | Ç ‚ !!! tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ t tÇ t Ç Ç Va. Vc.&.Db. !!! tY tÇ t c | c c | tÇ t Ç | (c) edition.v4m..project.classica (last.edited.2008.05.03) t c t c t c Ì ÌÇ ÌÌ Çt t t t Ç tÇ t t t t Ç tÇ tÇ!tÇ t t t Ç Ç t t tÇ!tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ Ç tÇ t tÇ | Ç c c t c tI d b c t t tI d b c t !tt tY d b c t grand.concerto.4.guitar.&.orchestra orginal://grand.concerto.4.bassoon.&.orchestra/op.23..f.major old.viennese.guitar.concertos/no.3 dedicated.2.gabriel.guillén jovan.pesec e cantabile ; !! 2 Romance - Andante a Guitar < † 4 á =D ; !! 2 t Ç t t !t t t Oboe I & II 4 tÇ < d b • Ç ; 2 tÇ d t d Horn I & II in D < 4• t Ç ÷ t Ç ; !! 2 t Ç t t !t t t Violin I 4 tÇ • ! 2 Violin II ! 4 •t t t t t t t t t t t ‚ !! 24 t t t t t t t t • !! 24 t Ç d Cello Doublebass < • Gtr. a t tÇ (1778-1837) a tÇ a t t #t t t t t I d d b Ç Ç Ç d tt tt tt d ÷Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç t !t t t t t t t tt ÇÇ Ç Ç t t t t Ç Ç t tÇ tÇ • Ç tt Ç tt ÇÇ ttttt t tt t tt tt t tt tt tt t tttttttt t tt t tt tt t tt tt tt t Viola d t ÷ t tÇ d d t ÷ t PREVIEW ; !! <† 5 johann.nepomuk.hummel II [] a a rit. a tÇ • tt ™t t t t t t t t tÇ a tempo a tt tt tt tt tt ÇÇ t tt tt tt tt tI t Yt d c ÷ t t t c t | t t t ÷ t t t t t Ç Ìt t t t t Yt t t ; !! t tttt t Vln.I t ÷ !! t t t t t t t t t t t t tÇ t t t t t t t t t t t t t Vln.II t t ÷ tt tt tt tt tt ÇÇ tt tt tt tt tt t !! div.t tt tt tt tt tt tt ‚ t Va. ÷ t t t Ç t !! t tY t c Vc.Db < ÷ • (c) ; !! t Ob < t ; t Hrn. < •t tt tt tt tt tt edition.v4m..project.classica (last.edited.2008.03.05) tÇ a t a Ì Í tt t t t t t t t t Yt d c tt t| c t c grand.concerto.4.guitar.&.orchestra orginal://grand.concerto.4.bassoon.&.orchestra/op.23..f.major ancient.viennese.guitar.concertos/nr.3 dedicated.2.gabriel.guillén jovan.pesec [] t t Ç Ç tt tÇ t tÇ Ç t Ç ttt Ç d d d RONDO, Vivace ; !!! 6 tt ÇÇ Guitar <† 8 t t • ; !!! 6 d Violin I > 8 ÷ tÇ !!! 6 d ? Violin II 8 t ÷Ç !!! 6 d tÇ ‚ Viola 8 ÷ !!! 68 Yt d Cello Doublebass < ÷Á 1 ttt ÇÇ johann.nepomuk.hummel III Ç Ç Ç Ç t t t t tttt tttttt ttttt t Ç t Ç t tt tÇ tÇ (1778-1837) rit. tÇ d tÇ tÇ d t t d t t d t t d t t simile simile d d tt tt tt t t tÇ tÇ tÇ tÇ d tÇ tÇ d simile ttdtt dttdt t tI d d c Ç d d cÇ I t Yt d d c Ç Yt Yt d d Yt d d tY d d Yt d d Yt d d c Ç d d d simile Á ÇÇ Ç a tempo ÇÇÇ Ç ¡ Ç t t t tÇ ; !!! ¬¬ tt ÇÇ ¬¬¬ ttt ÇÇ t t t t t t t t t tt tIt Ç cÇ t Ç tt Ç Gtr. ¬¬¬ tt Ç ¬¬ t t <† t t t t t tÇ t t tÇ tÇ t t t t t t t tÇ ÇÇÇÇ tÇ ; !!! t Ç | Ç a a a a Ob. < • ; tÇ a a a aHorn in A tt ÇÇ Hn. tÇ < • tÇ ; !!! d t t d t t d t t d t Ç d t t t d t t t t t t tÇ Ç tt ttd Vln.I > ÇÇ • !!! d d ? tt tt dttdtt dttd t t dttI t d d t t t t Vln.II •t t t Ç tÇ t t t Ç tÇ tt t ttt t t ‚ !!! d t t d t t d t t d t t d t t d t t d t t Yt d d t t t t Vla. • tÇ !! tY d d Yt d d tY d d Yt d d tY d d tI d d t Ç tY d d t Ç ! Vc.&.Db. < • PREVIEW 5 (c) edition.v4m..project.classica (last.edited.2008.03.25)