ProgressNotes - Torrance Memorial Medical Center
ProgressNotes - Torrance Memorial Medical Center
MONTHLY MEDICAL VOLUME 7 ISSUE 4 April 2015 STAFF NEWSLETTER ProgressNotes In This Issue Remote Login Access to the New PowerChart……………………….P 1 HIPAA Tip…………....….….….…P 2 Medical Executive Committee Approvals………….………...…....P 2 American Diabetes Association TourdeCure……………………....P 3 Cardiology Update 2015…..….....P 3 Medical Staff Calendar....….…....P 4 New Practitioners on Staff..……..P 5-6 Physician Roster Updates……....P 7 Remote Login Access to the New PowerChart Attention: All PowerChart users who log in remotely from outside of TMMC What’s happening? Please ensure the proper Operating System (OS) and Citrix Receiver are installed on machines to allow access to PowerChart. New requirement: Window 7 Operating System (OS) or higher and Citrix Receiver 3.4 or higher. Why is this changing? With Microsoft’s extended support for Windows Server 2003 ending July 14, 2015, the new requirement to access our hospital EMR has also been changed. We will also use this opportunity to upgrade PowerChart to the newest version later in May. The change will allow us to continue to move forward with the future of Healthcare IT. What do you need to do? Please collaborate with your IT staff to validate both the operating system on the machine and upgrade to the new version of Citrix Receiver via, also please visit our “Application Portal” for physicians for more information: ( 1 HIPAA Tip QUESTION: ARE WE REQUIRED TO PREVENT INCIDENTAL USE OR DISCLOSURES OF PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION? ANSWER: No. The HIPAA Privacy Rules does NOT require that all risk of incidental use or disclosure be eliminated to satisfy its standard. Rather, the Rule requires that covered entities (Torrance Memorial) implement reasonable safeguards to limit incidental uses or disclosures. An incidental disclosure that occurs as a result of a failure to apply reasonable safeguards where required, is NOT permitted under the Privacy Rule. SOME SAFEGUARDS INCLUDE, but not limited to, are: Speaking quietly when discussing a patient’s condition with family members in a waiting room or public area, however, using a private area is recommended; Avoid using patient’s names in public areas or elevators; Locking file cabinets or rooms with PHI; Keep documents with PHI face down; Suspend, lock or log off your PC when you walk away; Providing unique security user name and passwords on computers; Screen savers and tools/devices to protect PHI on monitors; Ask visitors/family to step outside a patient’s room prior to discussing patient PHI, treatment or administering procedures; Use shredding bins when disposing of PHI; Cover or black out PHI on labels; Select the correct admitting and ordering doctor on a patient; Select the correct patient and/or guarantor during registration; Fax to correct fax number (verify fax number) and include a fax cover sheet; Check your “PRINTER QUEUE” prior to printing reports / documents; Check the patient name prior to presenting reports/ results to patients; Obtain the patients authorization prior to the release of PHI for Non-TPO; and Do not post, text or email patient photos or PHI to devices or on social networks. PHI = PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION = Patient name, room number, address, phone number, diagnosis, SS#, insurance information, procedures, medications, results, photos, email address, etc. TPO = Treatment, Payment or HealthCare Operations. REFERENCE: 45 CFR 164.530(c) (2) POLICY # 1410.03 “CONFIDENTIALITY AND PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION“ POLICY # 1420.12 “COMPUTER WORKSTATION USE AND CONTROL”HIPAA FORM # 14 “CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT Medical Executive Committee Approvals Items approved at the last Medical Executive Committee meeting can be viewed by using this website link and selecting the particular month: . If you have any questions, please contact the Medical Staff Services Department at (310) 517-4616. 2 American Diabetes Association TourdeCure When: Sunday, April 26, 2015 Where: The Queen Mary Route Distances: 11, 32, 62, 100 Register to Ride: If you are interested in riding in this event please follow this link to register on line: and make sure you join our team: Torrance Memorial. Volunteer: To volunteer for this event please sign up at At this site you will find all of the opportunities to volunteer from office work to set up and over a full week. Sponsor a Rider: If you are unable to ride or volunteer you can still help by sponsoring a rider. Click on this link to donate to a Torrance Memorial rider: Every year Torrance Memorial employees, friends, and family get involved with the American Diabetes Association’s Tour de Cure to support the effort to stop diabetes, improve our own health and fitness, and just have a plain old good time. If you have any questions please contact Mary Jane Bouman at The Tour de Cure is the American Diabetes Association (ADA) premier fundraising event. The Tour is a local bike ride intended for riders of all levels and includes an 11, 31, 62, and 100 mile route. The ride starts at the Queen Mary and continues over the two port bridges and is the only time bikes are allowed on the bridges! Funds raised from this event go to help the ADA provide community‐based education programs, protect the rights of people with diabetes and fund critical research for a cure. Cardiology Update 2015 CARDIOLOGY UPDATE 2015 CONVENTIONAL WISDOM AND BEYOND Friday May 8, 2015 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. For physicians & healthcare professionals only DON’T FORGET TO REGISTER ! Torrance Memorial & Keck USC Physicians, Nurses, Employees - $100 Non-Torrance Memorial Physicians & Other Healthcare Professionals - $150 For more information call (310) 517-4711 or visit our website at 3 April 2015 Medical Staff Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 2 7:00a CV Review Conf……….WT-D 6 7 8 7:00a Anesthesia PI….…....WT-Aud 7:00a CV Review Conf……….WT-D 8:00a Endocrinology………….WT-B 12:30p CME Conference….HCC-1&2 13 15 12:00p Burn & Wound Surg.HCC-3 12:30p Credentials………......WT-C 20 5:00p Professional Relations...WT-C 6:00p Medical Executive……..WT-D 21 7:00a Breast Tumor Board..WT-Aud 7:00a Surgery Dept…….WT-Aud 7:45a Lung/Thoracic Tumor 7:30a IRB…………………..WT-D Board…………...…...WT-Aud 12:30p Medical Staff PI……..….WT-D 5:00p TAT Workgroup Mtg…...WT-D 10 7:00a Breast Tumor Board..WT-Aud 7:45a GI Tumor Board….....WT-Aud 5:00p TAT Workgroup Mtg…...WT-D 16 7:00a CV Review Conf……….WT-D 22 Friday 3 9 12:30p Cardiology……….…..WT-D 12:30p Infection Control/P&T....WT-D 14 Thursday 17 7:00a Breast Tumor Board..WT-Aud 7:45a Lung/Thoracic Tumor Board…………...…...WT-Aud 9:00a Emergency Dept…..…HCC-2 12:30p Pediatric Dept……….WT-Aud 23 24 12:00p Radiology Dept……...WT-Aud 7:00a CV Review Conf……….WT-D 12:30p C-Section Ad-Hoc….….WT-C 12:30p Antibiotic Study……..Basement Pharm 12:30p CME Conference….HCC-1&2 7:00a Breast Tumor Board..WT-Aud 7:00a General Surg Subc..WT-C 7:00a Surgery Advisory…...….WT-D 7:30a Family Practice Dept…..WT-B 7:45a Gen Tumor Board…..WT-Aud 12:30p Credentials……….….....WT-C 27 28 30 12:30p Stroke Ad-Hoc……...WT-D 4:00p Bariatric Surgery…....WT-C 7:00a Breast Program Subc...WT-C 12:30p OB/GYN PI…………..WT-Aud 29 7:00a CV Review Conf……….WT-D CME CONFERENCES Wednesdays, 12:30 p.m. Hoffman Health Conference Center Torrance Memorial Medical Center is accredited by the Institute for Medical Quality/California Medical Association (IMQ/CMA) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Torrance Memorial Medical Center designates this live activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category I creditTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. This credit may also be applied to the CMA Certification in Continuing Medical Education. For up-to-the-minute conference information call (310) 784-8776 or visit: Wednesday_CME_Conferences.aspx 7:00a Breast Tumor Board..WT-Aud 7:45a Gen Tumor Board…..WT-Aud April 1, 2015 NO CONFERENCE April 8, 2015 “Screening & Management of Age-Related Driving Impairments Linda Hill, M.D. U.C. San Diego School of Medicine Commercial Support: None April 15, 2015 NO CONFERENCE April 22, 2015 “Diabetes Update” Jane Weinreb, M.D. UCLA School of Medicine Commercial Support: Novo Nordisk April 29, 2015 NO CONFERENCE May 6, 2015 NO CONFERENCE May 13, 2015 NO CONFERENCE 4 Welcome New Practitioners on Staff Nazanin Azadi, M.D. Medicine Providence Medical Institute 3475 Torrance Blvd., Ste. A Torrance, CA 90503 Phone: (310) 370-3568 Fax: (310) 540-0676 Samantha Love G. Onnagan, M.D. Anesthesiology Anesthesia Medical Group, Inc. 3330 Lomita Blvd., Anesthesia Office Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: (310) 517-4759 Fax: (310) 517-4658 Sripha O. Chan, M.D. Emergency Torrance Emergency Physicians, Inc. 3330 Lomita Blvd., Emergency Dept. Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: (310) 325-9110 Fax: (310) 784-3789 Douglas R. Porter, M.D. Medicine Real Time Neuromonitoring Associates 336 22nd Ave., Ste. N Nashville, TN 37203 Phone: (615) 346-8182 Fax: (615) 829-8950 Parviz Gholami, M.D. Medicine South Bay Gastroenterology Medical Group 23600 Telo Ave., Ste. 260 Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: (310) 539-2055 Fax: (310) 539-0199 Zakir T. Rangwala, M.D. Anesthesiology Anesthesia Medical Group, Inc. 3330 Lomita Blvd., Anesthesia Office Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: (310) 517-4759 Fax: (310) 517-4658 Vanessa V. Hernandez, M.D. Medicine 2401 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. 203 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Phone: (310) 285-8530 Fax: (800) 677-6430 Chad S. Sparks, M.D. Medicine HealthCare Partners Hospitalists 3330 Lomita Blvd., HCP 1st Floor Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: (310) 784-8770 Fax: (310) 784-4991 Eunice M. Kohara, D.O. Surgery Veronique Jotterand, M.D. A Medical Corp. 2865 Atlantic Ave., Ste. 109 Long Beach, CA 90806 Phone: (562) 899-2020 Fax: (562) 426-7394 Devanshu H. Thakore, M.D. Family Practice HealthCare Partners Hospitalists 3330 Lomita Blvd., HCP 1st Floor Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: (310) 784-8770 Fax: (310) 784-4991 Nikhil Madan, M.D. Medicine HealthCare Partners Hospitalists 3330 Lomita Blvd., HCP 1st Floor Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: (310) 784-8770 Fax: (310) 784-4991 Quynh T. Vo-Hanser, M.D. OB/GYN Pediatrix Medical Group 2801 Atlantic Ave. Long Beach, CA 90806 Phone: (800) 463-6628 Fax: (714) 620-3008 Minh Q. Nguyen, M.D. Medicine South Bay Gastroenterology Medical Group 23600 Telo Ave., Ste. 260 Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: (310) 602-5727 Fax: (310) 530-3263 Pavan R. Yadav, M.D. Medicine HealthCare Partners Hospitalists 3330 Lomita Blvd., HCP 1st Floor Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: (310) 784-8770 Fax: (310) 784-4991 5 Welcome New Practitioners on Staff Victoria N. Zheng, M.D. Anesthesiology Anesthesia Medical Group, Inc. 3330 Lomita Blvd., Anesthesia Office Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: (310) 517-4759 Fax: (310) 517-4658 6 Physician Roster Updates Address Change Phone/Fax Change Leave of Absence Fataneh Amidi, M.D. OB/GYN 3400 Lomita Blvd., Ste. 224 Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: (310) 534-4431 Fax: (310) 534-4902 Mark V. Ancheta, M.D. Anesthesiology Phone: (310) 517-4759 Fax: (310) 517-4658 Brian K. Chamides, M.D. Pathology Jennifer B. Michael Medicine Phone: (310) 378-8900 Fax: (310) 326-2236 Juan C. Frisancho, M.D. Surgery 1360 W. 6th St., Ste. 305 San Pedro, CA 90732 Phone: (310) 833-2406 Fax: (310) 519-8936 John F. Sunderson, M.D. OB/GYN Phone: (310) 792-8317 Fax: (310) 540-7147 James S. Hamada, M.D. Surgery 4201 Torrance Blvd., Ste. 590 Torrance, CA 90503 Phone: (310) 543-1391 Fax: (310) 540-2344 Deborah J. Wong, M.D. Medicine Phone: (310) 325-8252 Fax: (310) 325-8042 Anita N. Newman, M.D. Surgery Gerald I. Schiff, M.D. Surgery Resignation Mikel L. Calderon, P.A. Surgery Harold P. Ceasar, M.D. Medicine Alexander Gaitanis, D.O. Medicine Nidal Khaja, D.P.M. Surgery Alecsandra O. Roberts, M.D. Family Practice 5400 W. Rosecrans Ave., Ste. 100 Hawthorne, CA 90250 Phone: (310) 727-1722 Fax: (310) 297-7863 In S. Lee, M.D. Anesthesiology Jennifer F. Logan, M.D. Family Practice Vineet K. Shrivastava, M.D. OB/GYN 2888 Long Beach Blvd., Ste. 400 Long Beach, CA 90806 Phone: (562) 997-8510 Fax: (562) 997-8520 Atashi Mandal, M.D. Medicine Wenqiang Tian, M.D. Medicine Retired Mark W. Tamarin, M.D. Surgery 22617 Hawthorne Blvd. Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: (310) 258-9514 Fax: (310) 216-9456 Beverly M. Gates, M.D. Pediatrics Thomas Gossett, M.D. Pathology Timothy A. McGillivray, M.D. Surgery The Medical Staff Newsletter ProgressNotes is published monthly for the Medical Staff of Torrance Memorial Medical Center. Thomas G. Simko, M.D. Chief of Staff Robin S. Camrin, CPMSM, CPCS Vice President, Medical Staff Services & Performance Improvement ANK-04/2015 7 Medical Staff Services 3330 Lomita Boulevard Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: (310) 517-4616 Fax: (310) 784-8777 Mailing Label ProgressNotes Vol. 7 Issue 4 MONTHLY MEDICAL STAFF NEWSLETTER April 2015 ProgressNotes
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