Palm Trees and Pine Trees


Palm Trees and Pine Trees
Volume XVII
Fourth Quarter 2014
Number 4
Palm Trees and Pine Trees
by Stephanie Solien
ur deep connection to Useppa Island started 12 at the Wassail Bowl gathering. The holidays have also
years ago on a dark and rainy Seattle night been a time when our many family and friends come to
sitting at our kitchen table with our dear friend share the island with us.
Although we love Christmas on Useppa we love to
Gayle Corbin. Gayle and Walt had just returned from an
island in Florida called Useppa where they had bought a return to the island all year long. Spring, summer, winter
and fall… every season on
cottage. Gayle was so excited
Useppa is great. Some of
to show us photos of a very
our summer visits have
beautiful place with pink
our favorites, because
paths, tropical birds, exotic
high season is over and the
plants, beaches, old style
busy island settles down
cottages and palm trees, lots
and seems to happily move
and lots of palm trees. We
at a slower pace… for a
knew instantly that Useppa
short time it feels like the
Island was going to be part of
whole island belongs to
our life and within weeks we
us… especially the Collier
became part of this wonderful
pool! Summer is also when
island community!
the Night Blooming Cereus
Useppa Island has been a
the island when it’s
perfect fit for our family! You see we are island people
at heart and make our permanent home on Orcas Island dark in search of this magical, luminescent white
in the Pacific Northwest. But not just any island will do, blossom that will only bloom once. Summer is also a
because we love nature… natural beauty and a healthy time we are on the lookout for island wildlife, especially
environment are very important to us… especially manatees and dolphins!
For more than a decade we have watched our daughters
beautiful coastlines, trees and wildlife. That is why we
feel so grateful to be able to spend time on two islands Jackie and Lilly grow up on Useppa. This was a place
that value and care for their surroundings. What a gift our girls could just be children and were safe to explore
to boat, fish, beach comb and paddle board on Pine in a natural environment that inspired their imagination
and taught them the importance of making friends and
Island Sound and the Puget Sound!
Christmas and New Years on Useppa have become a being a part of a community. Our girls have also benefited
family tradition. The holidays for us are all about family from the love and nurturing of many island adults who
time, warm balmy breezes, celebrations with island have served as important friends and mentors to them.
friends at the Collier Inn and the Tarpon Bar, and singing Continued on Page 11
Useppa Chronicle
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Useppa Chronicle
‘ Twas the Night Before Christmas...
A View from under the Mangroves
“Humbug!!!” By Virginia Amsler
ost of the decorations are still
in the attic. I am not lugging
them down until I find my Christmas
spirit. I had it last year so it has to be
I called complaining to my friend
who listens. I had one excuse after
another about its loss. Blaming
others. So and so robbed it with
a face so sour she looks like first
cousin to the Grinch. How can
I find my Christmas spirit when
that man… you know who he is…
grumbles more than Scrooge?
My friend let me vent. She’s good
at that, letting me talk when I don’t
always make head sense. When my
tirade began to bore even me, I told
her some good things. I told her
about the island mother who said
over Thanksgiving that I was as close
a thing to a grandmother her son has.
Her own mother lives in California.
“I remember my Grammie when I
was five, and my son will always
remember baking cookies with you.”
I told my friend about another
young woman who says she feels
my heart when we hug. Once a man
named Tom held that heart. He died
twelve years ago but I hung onto his
fishing gear until last month when
I gave it to the island for other
fishermen to use. Harbormaster
Captain Ken made me a Tommy
Taylor shadow box as a thank you.
My old next-door neighbor ran
the Winter Whelk up to Snead
Boatworks where he and another
Useppa friend oversaw repairs.
The afternoon was almost over.
It was time to walk my dog Maggie.
Mary Bacon and her husband ninetyyear old Carter are back on Useppa
after summer on the mainland.
Mary was getting her mail. We’ve
known each other over twenty years
through good times and bad. Now
our dogs circled each other, hers a
neat well groomed Labradoodle,
mine a shaggy islander.
Maggie and I kept walking. At
Support the 2014 Useppa Employee
Christmas Fund!!!
the southern tip of Useppa under the
mangroves, the flowers were still
in the grotto where I put them this
morning. Each one has the name of
a friend going through a hard time.
Maggie went for a swim chasing and
retrieving a piece of driftwood. After
a bit, while she shook the water off
ready to go home, I realized I had
shaken off my own sour puss.
Now the sun is setting. I’m on
my porch at Whelk Cottage. Maggie
and her purple squeak ball are next
to me on the chair. Looking around,
my Christmas spirit is everywhere.
is published by the Useppa
Island Club
Editor: Virginia L. Amsler
Contributing Editor:
Ginny Taylor
Editorial Assistant and Layout:
Dr. Bob Lade
Direct correspondence to
P. O. Box 640, Bokeelia, FL
Telephone: 239-283-4997 or
Page 3
he Annual Employee Holiday Party hosted by Island
Management is at 12:00 in the Tarpon Bar. The
Employee of the Quarter and the Employee of the Year
will be announced. The Annual Employee Christmas
Fund given by members and friends is distributed.
Lucky raffle ticket holders pick gifts hidden in Christmas
stockings. And then at the end, everyone climbs up on the
steps of the Marina office for the 2014 employee picture.
At 2:00 island children of all ages meet at the Fire
House, climb up on a fire truck, turn on the siren, and head
down to the beach to meet Santa Claus. (Santa leaves his
reindeer on Pine Island and comes by boat for a cake and
ice cream break from his trip around the world.)
At 6:00 island residents, guests, and employees
gather for the traditional Island Wassail Party at
the Collier Inn. Carols are sung around the piano
led by Paul “Oompah” Miller. Shane’s Eggnog
and Christmas cookies are served. Finally, The
Twelve Days of Christmas is conducted by Steve
Kaufman and performed by the Useppa Chorale
(everyone in the Collier.)
“Nice” Kathy Miller and “Naughty” Clare Sipprelle
The Sear family
Useppa Chronicle
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Useppa Chronicle
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The Landscaping Team
by Chris Stack
he Useppa Island Landscaping crew is a group of
Cherry has been with the island for twelve and one
unique individuals, as loyal as they are hard working. half years. The veteran of the group, he is the backbone
Rachel, our island Nursery Supervisor for nearly of the Landscaping team. Everything cut, trimmed or
three years, has spent countless hours changing a once cleaned up goes to him for processing in our yards waste
empty plot of land into a flourishing nursery. When she management department. What’s more, he also takes
isn’t tending to plants, she’s hatching butterflies for our care of most of our common grounds as well as some of
the homeowners properties. You will know him by his
loud larger than life voice and his CHIPPER attitude!
Skip is a man who needs no introduction. Here for
over 9 years, Skip is an integral part of the Landscaping
crew. You’d swear he has a twin because he’s so many
places at once on this vast Island, plus you’ll hear his
outrageous laugh just about every yard he visits. We
are lucky to have someone of his caliber working with
us on this island crew.
Jerome has been with the Landscaping crew for
over two years trimming, installing and everything in
between. Originally a Michigan native, he has taken to
our warm climate well and sweats with the best of us in
Rachel Stack
the field. He’s very nice and a pleasure to talk to. Don’t
let his large size intimidate you. He’s a gentle giant.
Chris, with the landscaping crew four years now, has
been the lead trimmer and installer for quite some time
on our beautiful island sanctuary. Recently promoted
to Landscape Supervisor, Chris strives for excellence.
His over all goal is to keep our Island Landscape team
moving forward and above all, to keep the members
on this island happy and their yards lush and green.
Our Island landscaping team works hard to provide
exemplary service in a caring way to ensure proper
plant health as well as growth and we hope to make a
lot of smiles along the way.
Gar & Sanae Beckstead with Gil Fortune
Paul Miller and Shane Swigert
Chip and Eileen Corbett
Kenneth Wells, Donald Beckstead & Chad Cadwell
Jerome Allen
Matt Hansen & daughters
Janie & Steve Duke
Shannon Argyros
island butterfly society, taking care of our billing, and
the ordering of our plants and trees.
Dylan is the newest addition to our Landscaping
team coming in at just under seven months. He is
intelligent, knowledgeable and very hard working. He
loves working on our peaceful paradise of an island and
has the drive to be a great arborist.
Kyle, another new guy to our team, started a little
over a year ago and he keeps the yards debris free, the
roads clear and the grass cut. He became a father earlier
this year and hasn’t missed a beat. Don’t ask him how
he does it.
Emmanuel Cherry (born on Christmas Day)
Useppa Chronicle
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Useppa Chronicle
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Island Style
Suzy & Vic Trino on “Tiger Tail”
John Ross
Mike & Karen Albert
Sutherland style
Devone famly
Bill Welch and Breezy
Emily Anderson
Stephanie Liber
Jay Taylor & G3
Fishing off the Collier Dock with Eddie Soriero
Tommy Rich, Barry Dunaway & Mark Hoyt
Bill Newbold
Useppa Chronicle
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2014 Beach Croquet Tournament
Useppa Chronicle
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Maria Ortiz: New Useppa Housekeeping Supervisor
by Rosie Perez
hen Ginny approached me about writing this privileged enough to work by her side so I was witness
article all I could think about was, “what on how much she cared for her work here on Useppa.
can I say that the people of Useppa don’t already I remember one hot, humid summer day when I first
know about Maria?”
started working in houseAfter much thought and
keeping it was my turn to
watching an episode of
clean the sliders in one of
Grey’s Anatomy that night
the village units. I wiped
I realized that there was a
and wiped until the sliders
lot that I could say.
looked spotless and I had
She is one of Useppa’s
finally conquered the art of
most loyal and hardest
perfect window cleaning
working employees, havwithout smudges. Little
ing already conquered
did I know that once I was
double digits of 13 years.
done, she decided to inform
From checking that all
me that I could use the
the rentals are ready for
squeegee. I thought she was
arrivals to deep cleaning the public areas and getting joking at first and you would think I would be upset for
them ready for season. She is someone that won’t ever letting me be in the hot outdoors but I wasn’t; I only
let you down. The ladies in housekeeping always know realized that she wanted to train me the right way and
they can count on her and go to her for anything. So I was grateful for that.
if you need your place cleaned they are the ones to go
My sister Araceli, our mother Lucy and I couldn’t
to. Maria takes much pride in what she does always be more proud and happy for her. Maria is a loving,
leaving places looking fabulous, and I am not just wonderful, humble person and she truly deserved this
saying this because she is my aunt.
promotion. So with that said I would like to personally
Before being promoted to the admin office I was Congratulate her. My Aunt has been one of my biggest
supporters and now it’s her time to shine.
2013 Beach Croquet Tournament Players
Save the date of December 30th for Useppa’s
Annual Nine Wicket Beach Croquet Tournament. We
can accept up to sixty-four players from beginners to
seasoned pros. This year our goal is a full roster playing
in honor of Bob Sumwalt, the father of Useppa croquet.
After the games every one on the island is invited to
“The Sumwalt Special” ice cream and eggnog social
celebrating the “Coach” and his memory. Bob brought
croquet to Useppa way back in the seventies. Many of
us are playing today because of him. We owe him a debt
of gratitude. Contact Croquet Club President Michael
Albert at 283-5789 for more information.
Hau’oli Makahili Hou 2015
Useppa Island Club’s New Years Eve Party
Wednesday, December 31st
RSVP to 239.283.4443 to make your reservation today!
Employee of the Third
Quarter: Alfredo Morejon
Christine McElwain: Guest
Services Manager
Congratulations, Alfredo. There is no finer gentleman
on the Island, no one works harder and always with a
smile. Whether on the croquet lawn, picking up trash,
or tending the tennis court, Alfredo gets the job done.
Christine and her husband Tunis celebrate her return
to Useppa as our Guest Services Manager in charge of
Front Desk Operations. Her ready smile and kind nature
will benefit all Islanders - employees, guests and residents.
Useppa Chronicle
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Skål and Happy Holidays
by Dakota Likwise
t’s been a long time since we’ve spent the Holidays on summer. Traditions include cake and ice cream with Santa
Useppa. Shannon and I had one final Thanksgiving, on the beach, singing around the piano on Christmas
Christmas and New Years with our families before Eve Paul Miller conducting and everyone sipping
we arrived last January.
Shane’s eggnog. There
Now after seven years,
is an Employee Holiday
we’re back with only each
Party and “live-on” staff
other as family and coSecret Santa. This year the
workers and residents as
Collier’s New Year’s Eve
friends. Our goal is to make
Party will be an imaginary
your island holidays as
trip to the South Pacific.
special as ours were on the
Cowboys and cowgirls will
mainland. Shannon is at
be rounded up at the POA
the Front Desk and I am
Hoedown. Bob Sumwalt’s
the Collier Inn’s Food and
memory will be celebrated
Beverage Director.
with a Sumwalt Special
Thanksgiving was
Ice Cream Social. Old
always the holiday at our new home in Arizona. We traditions with new twists, favorite dishes and new
picked the Sunday before as a tradition and would have menus prepared by Chef Mark provide much to look
twenty to thirty family members and neighbors for forward to in the days ahead.
dinner. Having my grandmother and little sister out was
The Holidays are a time when employees have a lot
a highlight. Swedish Glogg and Kugula Potato were old of work to do, but it’s also a time we get to show how
family recipes. Shannon made Tollhouse Cookie Pie and much we care about everyone spending these special
Green Bean Casserole. I took care of the turkey, gravy times on Useppa. We anticipate and expect a great winter
and stuffing. At Christmas we were at Grandma’s house season out here on little Useppa Island. We look forward
on the Eve then travelled to Phoenix on Christmas Day to seeing all of you. Mainland holidays with island style.
for a lasagna tradition at Shannon’s mom’s house.
Skål and Happy Holidays from the Likewises; Shannon,
On Useppa we start planning for the holidays in the Jackson & Tigger and Dakota!!!
Useppa Chronicle
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Continued from Page 1
Sutherland Style
Take fifty-seven friends old and young. Add fishing, croquet, a beach, grotto, good food, hugs,
Useppa residents and employees. Mix music, a laughter and gratitude. The result? A Grateful
private island, Thanksgiving and a Turkey Trot, Gathering, Sutherland Style.
Jackie and Lilly
by Virginia Amsler
Carole Kircher died recently. Another link to the
Island’s early days is gone.
Long time Useppa member and homeowner Peter
Bergsten remembers,
“Carole and Dudley were our next door neighbors in
The Village when Sally and I moved to Useppa Island
so many years ago. Dudley acted like the rest of the
“kids” in the neighborhood, but Carole was the adult.
She was the ideal neighbor. For example, when Dudley
had a snoring episode that even shook our house, Carole
would escort him to their boat, Calusa, with his pillow,
kiss him good night and then we all slept peacefully.”
The Museum once put on a show to raise money.
Gar Beckstead said,
“How can I forget, after coming from backstage, sitting
beside Carole at the famous Useppa Follies and laughing at the Dudley and Sanae “Gar The Developer” act.
But that’s their parent’s observations, if you would
ask them what they have loved they would probably
say learning to drive golf carts, boating to Cayo Costa,
swimming and sunning at the pool and hanging out
with their island friends!
But life changes and now our wonderful daughters
are grown up, going to college, working and beginning
a life of their own. And Frank and I are beginning
a new life too, one filled with more time to do the
things we want to do like travel to visit our daughters
and spend more time among the pine trees and palm
trees on the two islands we love and call home. We
are truly blessed by Useppa’s natural beauty and by
wonderful friends that mean so much to our family.
Useppa is a special place that wins your heart and
warms your soul.
Dudley and Carol were not only our close friends but
were part of the early fabric of building Useppa and for
that we will forever be grateful.”
One day, the golden path of the sun leading us home
across the water through Jug Creek, Carole Kircher
handed me a cold beer. She was a widow then and I was
divorced, learning to run my boat alone. “Cheers,” she
said clinking her bottle to mine. No self-pity while we
headed into the sunset.
John Sutherland
Carole Kircher
Thanks to John and Stacey Sutherland. Your party
was magic! You included us all and we are all grateful.
Remember to suport
Useppa’s Annual
Christmas Fund!
Useppa Chronicle
Page 12
John & Jackie McConomy
Kenton & Lynette Wilson
Randy Thibaut
Ryan Doyle
John & Tracy Dammermann
Mike & Dawn Silverman
Michael & Donna Benoit
Ron & Mary Stephens
Patrick Connelly
Stephen LaHam
Stephen & Kristen Best
Murray Walker & Emila Brittain
Willis & Carol Adams
Robert & Debbie Waldron
Robert & Catherine Harvie
Holly Bond & Bobby Pittman
Bruce & Chris Knapp
Glenn & Kelly Charest
Useppa Island Club
P.O. Box 640
Bokeelia, FL 33922
(239) 283-1061