Report - Warranwood Primary School
Report - Warranwood Primary School
1 Warranwood Primary School Term 1, Week 7 Thursday, 30 May, 2013 WHAT’S ON? May Fri 31 Interschool Sport v’s Good Shepherd LPS 04 06 07 10 11 12 14 14 15 18 25 SC Building & Grounds Sustainability Meeting 7:30pm Senior School Yr 5/6 Excursion Melb Gaol & Court House Curriculum Day NO SCHOOL Queen’s Birthday Holiday NO SCHOOL Divisional Cross Country School Council Promotions meeting 8:00am School Council Finance meeting 8:15am Interschool Sport v’s Antonio Park PS Trivia Night “Splash of Red” 7-11pm School Council meeting 7:30pm School Council Education meeting 7:30pm 18 29 State Cross Country Middle School Year 3/4 Toy Story Production The Mahon Theatre, Aquinas College 6:30pm Show 1 Cast 1 - 8:30pm Show 2 Cast 2 June Tue Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Fri Fri Sat Tue Tue July Thu Mon Principal Report CYBERSAFETY I have outsourced some of my report today!! Yesterday our school was fortunate enough to enjoy engaging and professional presentations by Kerry from the Australian Communication and Media Authority (ACMA) around being cyber smart. Kerry spent time in the afternoon with our senior school students and then with staff after school. Last night I attended, with many other parents, to hear her tips and advice for keeping our families safe on-line and off-line...and about what she had learnt from the conversations with students that afternoon. A great holistic approach! She certainly raised my awareness of what I could do as a parent to better protect our boys as they begin their journey and enter the big online world – I went home and diligently checked the privacy settings on our computers and other electronic devices and started a chat with the boys over breakfast about what cyber safety means. It's one of many conversations no doubt! 1 Wellington Park Drive Warranwood Vic 3134 Phone: 9876 6066 Fax: 9876 6122 Principal Awards Indi C, Zoe V - PrepDC Hayley B - PrepRD Tahlia S - 1/2AM Aiden B, Maya V - 1/2O Tijana G, Emma F - 1/2VP Dylan O, Brodie R - 3/4AT Jack B, Beth M, Amelia O - 3/4BF Corey C - 3/4EF 2 I know that many others couldn’t get there but I urge you to spend some to time exploring the cyber smart website below and think about how you will tackle some of these issues yourselves. Happy googling. Also, see Shannon Newman, on behalf of the education committee UNIFORM 2014 Thank you to those people who have given us feedback already. We met with another supplier today and some of the feedback was very useful. Last chance this week!! Please see the proposed uniform on our website and send feedback to me via the school email FOOTY CARDS Kids’ games come and go, sometimes they stay for ages and sometimes they are very short term fashion. Recently we have had the return of girls playing elastics, but that seems to have come and gone. When swap cards have their turn, via football, pokemon, yugioh etc we sometimes are confronted with difficult issues. Sometimes it happens when they play “flicks” to see who gets closest to the wall. Usually problems arise when unfair trading practices come into play, which basically involves some of the older boys using standover tactics. Because it is almost impossible to monitor in the yard, we sometimes need to ban the swapping, selling etc of cards, which is what I have done this week. There was a really interesting exchange on Facebook this week about the issue, and I have spoken to many parents through the week. I also received the following from Elise about her Year 3/4 class. My kids and I had a really good conversation about this today – they all thought it was a fair decision particularly as they have seen countless examples of unfair swaps/stealing of cards/hurt feelings etc over the past few weeks. We then used these examples to highlight the role of the bystander & what they can do when they see something that doesn't seem right. SPRING FAIR A new aspect of this year’s Spring Fair will be introduced next week. It is the Penfolds Grange Lucky Draw. A limited number of tickets will be sold up until the fair. On the fair day we will draw 25 tickets. Each of those ticket holders will get to pick one of 25 mystery bottle prizes. One of those bottles will be a 2007 Penfolds Grange Hermitage. What a great idea!! (Don’t forget to visit the Spring Fair Facebook page). SLUSHEE MACHINE We have purchased a new slushee machine! The main use will of course be for our Spring Fair, but it will get its first outing at our Splash of Red Trivia Night. And hopefully some Slushee Days when the weather improves! WALK TO SCHOOL DAY What a great community response! See the report to find out why!! TRIVIA Speaking of community events, we are looking forward to the Splash of Red Trivia Night. Get a table together!! Assistant Principal Report 3 Reporting Week This week our students have enjoyed a whole day of specialists while teachers spend time on moderation and writing reports. The reports will come home to families on Friday June 21. Cybersafety Thank you to all those who attended our cybersafety presentation by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) last night. I was unfortunately ill and couldn’t attend but I have already had great reports about the night. At the back of the newsletter are some cybersafety tips for under 13s from a site called ‘Project 13’. Have a look at the tips and talk to your children. Sue 4 5 Office News The Scholastic book orders are at the office for collection. A reminder also that the current Scholastic book order forms are due back at the office by Friday 14th June. Trish and Mandi Sports News Winter Sport - Round 5 - WPS V Good Shepherd LPS Friday May 30 Sport Venue Netball A Warranwood PS Netball B Warranwood PS Netball C Warranwood PS Softball Boys Warranwood PS Softball Girls Warranwood PS Volleyball Good Shepherd LPS Bat Tennis Good Shepherd LPS Football Good Shepherd LPS Soccer Good Shepherd LPS District Cross Country A beautiful crisp morning greeted the runners last Tuesday morning as our school set off for the District Cross Country event. Some students were running for the first time and some had been regular team members and were now running for the last time in Year 6. Great determination was displayed by those who finished in the top 10 and qualified for the division event and by those who finished further in the placings. Every student earned points for the school and once the scores were tallied Warranwood finished a very creditable 3 rd overall. The following students compete in 2 week’s time: Will P (1st), Emma W (2nd), Jack S (2nd), Liam B (5th), Nick H (6th), Charlotte L (10th). Unluckily we had 3 students finish 11th in their events, 2 12ths and a 13th, all just outside of the division competition qualification. A great effort by everyone. Thank you to the many parents who supported the runners. Hannah T was our only student who made Regional trials in individual sports. She attended the soccer trial but on this occasion was cut from the Team Vic system. Congratulations for getting this far. Rod Neal Warranwood Primary School Golf Park The school's newest attraction will be opening on June 3rd! The W.P.S Golf Park has been under construction for the past 2 weeks now. It is located near the Staff Car Park/3/4 playground. This 9 hole mini golf park has been created by a team of Grade 3/4 students led by Xavier H, as a way of enjoying another school yard activity during the school year. We hope to see you there, Xavier H 6 Walk Safely to School Day! Thanks to everyone who participated in our annual Walk Safely to School Day. We had a total of 355 students who either walked, rode or skated their way to school – on one of the coldest Melbourne mornings of the year! A big thank you to our Greenologists who helped run the sign-in sheets and gave out congratulatory stickers. Remember: When walking to school, always choose a safe place to cross (such as a supervised school crossing) and Stop! Look! Listen! Think! every time you cross the road. Elise Fasnacht, Vicky Papadakis and the Greenology Team Canteen News A reminder that Canteen is closed for lunch orders on Wednesdays. Canteen will not be open for over the counter sales during Term 2. HOT CHOCOLATE $1.00, HOT CHOCOLATE WITH MARSHMALLOW $1.20. Canteen has a supply of Cadbury Drinking Chocolate. To use up this stock we will be offering Hot Chocolates for sale on a number of advertised days in Terms 2 and 3. We will again sell Hot Chocolates next MONDAY JUNE 3rd and TUESDAY JUNE 4th. A plain Hot Chocolate will cost $1.00, with marshmallow added $1.20. Hot Chocolates WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE ON ADVERTISED DAYS. Milos will continue to be on offer every Canteen day. SUSHI DAY - Canteen is having another Sushi Day TUESDAY JUNE 25th. Order forms for this day were distributed earlier this week and will need to be returned to school by Friday June 21st. The normal canteen menu will also be available and over the counter sales will operate as usual. I will need some extra helpers between 11am and 1pm on this day. If you are able to assist, please call me during canteen hours or after hours on one of the numbers listed below. Thank you. SALT & VINEGAR POPCORN - Back in stock, $1.20 per packet. 7 STRAWBERRY BIG M’s - are back in stock. FROZEN YOGHURT - I have been unable to obtain stock of frozen yoghurt. I have not received an answer as to whether this item is in the process of being discontinued. I will keep you updated. BBQ SAKATAS - We are no longer stocking BBQ Sakatas. They were not selling well enough to warrant keeping them on our menu. Please delete this item from your canteen menus. Thank you. ROSTER FOR THE NEXT 3 WEEKS :May 2013 Fri 31 Jennifer Davis, Trish Grant, Kelly Canavan June 2013 Mon 03 Kate Braunthal, Michelle Caruna Tue 04 Vanessa Allsop, Deb Sandilands Wed 05 CANTEEN CLOSED Thu 06 Kim Durose, Judith Trigt, Angela Wade Fri 07 CURRICULUM DAY Mon 10 QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY HOLIDAY Tue 11 Jacqui Coia, Matoula Gatsoulis Wed 12 CANTEEN CLOSED Thu 13 Jelena Kristic, Helen Sapardanis Fri 14 Nicole Stokes, Erin Voyer, Mon 17 Robyn Abicair, Jo Aikman Tue 18 Wendy Harrison, Wed 19 CANTEEN CLOSED Thu 20 Kelly Canavan, Kath Margetts Fri 21 Carly Milne, Lisa Owen, Angela Williams Canteen Vacancies If you are unable to attend canteen duty on the day you are rostered, please contact me during canteen hours or after hours on 9876 1288 or mobile 0413 370 898. Thank you. Rosemary PARENTS ASSOCIATION REPORT Hello mums and dads, I have a bit to chat about this week. Firstly the next Parents Association meeting is Wednesday 5th of June at 9.15am, we would love your contribution, so hope to see you there. There are still a few Entertainment Books that need to be returned, if you could hand them back to the office as soon as possible that would be great. Thank you. Tables are selling quickly for the Trivia Night on Saturday 15 th of June. Some exciting news is that we have a Slushy Machine for the night. Combinations of the slushies still need to be confirmed, but I can guarantee they will be delicious! If you have any suggestions please just have a chat with me. I have some more trivia questions for you: 1. Who had an 80's hit with the song 'I'm Too Sexy'? 2. What was the original name of Mickey Mouse? 3. If you add the two numbers on the opposite sides of a dice together, what total do you always get? 4. How many hearts does an octopus have? 5. Who's treasure was buried in Treasure Island? For more details for the Trivia Night please see the flyer below. 8 Finally, keep an eye out for the flyer that will be coming home with all the details for Opening Night of Monsters University at Reading Cinemas on Thursday 20 th June. The approximate screening time will be 6.30pm. Tickets are $15 for Adults and $11 for Children. Flyer is attached. Answers for the trivia questions: 1. Right Said Fred, 2.Mortimer Mouse, 3. 7, 4.Three, 5. Captain Flints Thanks everyone, Georgie 9 10 11 12 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS 13 14