August 2016 Subpoena - San Antonio Bar Association
August 2016 Subpoena - San Antonio Bar Association
P. 4 O fficia l N e w sl e t te r o f the S a n A nto n i o B a r A ss o ciati o n w w w .SABAR. o rg August 2016 V o l . XCII, I ssue 1 2016 A n nua l M ee ti n g P. 7 2016 E thic s F o l l ie s P. 15 S ep te m b e r C a l e n da r P. 8 C o mmun it y J ustice P ro g r am S ubpoena Newsletter Introducing the 2016-2017 San Antonio Bar Association Officers and Directors President-Elect Beth Watkins Vice President Santos Vargas Secretary Thomas Crosley Treasurer David Evans Director, 15-17 Justice Rebeca Martinez Director, 15-17 Judge Jefferson Moore Director, 15-17 Mark Sessions Director, 15-17 Ty Sheehan Director, 16-18 Derek Hilley Director, 16-18 Judge Richard Price Director, 16-18 Christine Reinhard President Bobby Barrera and his father, Roy Barrera, Sr., who served as SABA President in 1973. Director, 16-18 Robert J. “Bobby” Barrera is a solo practitioner and Dawn Finlayson owner of the Law Office of Robert J. Barrera, P.C. After graduating from St. Mary’s University School of Law in 1983, Barrera worked as an Assistant Criminal District Attorney for Bexar County where he prosecuted both misdemeanor and felony cases. As an Assistant District Attorney, Barrera gained valuable trial experience and skills from handling hundreds of trials and contested evidentiary hearings. He negotiated thousands of plea-bargained cases where he learned to utilize the art of evaluating the strength and weaknesses of each of the criminal cases in his court. In 1986, he opened his own practice Continued on P. 4 CJP C l i nic photo s ABOVE: CJP volunteers hard at work to help a client prepare her will at the July 19th CJP Wills Clinic. M ore on Page 9 S ubpoena 2 SABA N e ws Newsletter Th e P resident ’s M essage W her e A Greek philosopher once said, “The only constant in life is change.” With that in mind, I am honored to have been selected as the 118th President of the San Antonio Bar Association. Many generations of San Antonio lawyers and our Past Presidents who were tasked to lead this prestigious organization have witnessed the constant evolution of not only our Bar but of the entire legal industry. The era of learning from the past is quickly coming to an end. We must now adapt to the incredible technological advancements which have been thrust upon us to learn from the future! As you know, every year we elect a new Board and a new President. We come and go like passengers in a taxi who tell the driver where they want to go but rely upon the driver’s knowledge and skill to get them there. As some of you may know, our Bar has had almost a complete transition of staff and leadership in the past two years. First and foremost, our beloved Jimmy Allison, now Director Emeritus, retired after fifty years of dedicated leadership. He was the face of SABA, and I was privileged to have worked with him and for him as a Director and Officer of this Board. As our respective terms began and ended, Jimmy was the constant in charge of the operation and success of SABA. Now, upon his retirement, we have a new leader: Larkin Chenault. He comes to us with excellent credentials, having been successful in inspiring the growth of and the restructuring of several similar-size bar associations. With new leadership come new ideas and a renewal of the dedication of the Board’s service to the membership of SABA. Larkin has confidently, and with firm direction, taken over the “Uber” responsibilities of SABA, though we, as your elected Board, still d o w e go from her e ? have the responsibility of telling him where to go! In that regard, I assume the presidency with an excellent slate of officers, each of whom is willing and able to unseat me at any moment. I have witnessed their dedication and stewardship of this Association through truly difficult and challenging times. I am confident that the change we have been through in the last several years will greatly benefit the membership of SABA in the years to come. Our new SABA Board reflects the diversity of our membership in ways that not only truly reflect the changing needs and desires of our individual members but also reveals the strengths each unique segment of our Bar has to offer each other. Our staff has steadfastly and earnestly toiled through the transition of not only their predecessors, but also their boss, their new Board of Directors, modified CJP partnerships and lastly, their move from offices occupied by SABA for literally generations to new offices down the hall. Most importantly, I cannot look forward without reflecting backward on the man whose leadership, professionalism and wisdom guided our Board and our membership through the greatest transition since Jimmy Allison assumed the helm 50 years ago. The stewardship of Past President Marty Truss was truly leadership by example. Thank you Marty, for your devotion and for a great year! I also want to thank June Moynihan of the SABF, who directed what was probably the best Law Week luncheon we have ever hosted for our membership! Now, where do we go from here? I will let you know as soon as the SABA walls quit spinning! Needless to say, I have plans this year that I would love to implement. More importantly however, I would like to know what plans our members believe we need to create a stronger, more cohesive and responsive organization for all of us and the community we serve. I look forward to hearing your ideas and to learning from you, our membership, our SABA future! Robert J. “Bobby” Barrera “I cannot look forward without reflecting backward on the man whose leadership, professionalism and wisdom guided our board... Thank you Marty, for your devotion and for a great year!” 3 S ubpoena SABA N e ws Newsletter OFFICERS Bobby Barrera President Beth Watkins President-Elect Santos Vargas Vice President Thomas A. Crosley Secretary David M. Evans Treasurer DIRECTORS Dawn Finlayson Derek Hilley Justice Rebeca C. Martinez Judge Jefferson Moore Judge Richard Price Christine Reinhard Mark Sessions Ty Sheehan James M. “Marty” Truss Immediate Past President D. Larkin Chenault Executive Director Jimmy Allison Director Emeritus Veronica Leal Vasquez President Mexican American Bar Assoc. Andrew Froelich President San Antonio Young Lawyers Assoc. Katherine Noll President Bexar County Women’s Bar Assoc. Stephanie Boyd President San Antonio Black Lawyers Assoc. Fidel Rodriguez, Jr. Hon. Rebecca Simmons Directors State Bar of Texas DWI REPRESENTATION ROBERT A. PRICE IV Board Certified in Criminal Law Since 1979 Past President, San Antonio Bar Association Past Director, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Assoc. LOUIS D. MARTINEZ Former Associate Municipal Judge Former Criminal Magistrate Over 100 DWI Jury Trials PRICE & MARTINEZ 405 S. Presa St · San Antonio TX 78205 210-227-5311 · Specializing in DWI and all other State and Federal Offenses including TRAFFIC TICKETS The Association of Attorney-Mediators San Antonio Chapter ✓ Experienced, having conducted more than 25,000 mediations since 1989 with more than 850 years’ experience practicing law ✓ Committed to the mediation process ✓ Devoted to the ethical practice of law ✓ Recommended by judges and attorneys ✓ Covered by the A-A-M group arbitrators and mediators professional liability insurance policy Areas of Practice Appellate ~ Bankruptcy ~ Business/Commercial ~ Civil Rights ~ Condemnation ~ Construction ~ Consumer ~ Education ~ Employment & Labor ~ Entertainment ~ Family ~ Farm & Ranch ~ Health Care ~ Insurance ~ Intellectual Property ~ International ~ Medical ~ Oil & Gas ~ Personal Injury ~ Professional Liability ~ Real Estate ~ Securities ~ Taxation ~ Title Insurance ~ Wills, Trusts & Estates More Information: Contact the San Antonio Local Chapter: Don Philbin ~ Dick Alcala John Boyce Leslie Selig Byrd Leif Clark Michael Curry Allan DuBois Steve Fogle John Franco Otto “Skip” Good Charles Hanor Reese Harrison Chris Heinrichs Ronald Hornberger Nan Hundere Richard Ihfe Gary Javore Jerry King Daniel Kustoff William Lemons Dan Naranjo Jamie Patterson Biff F. Pennypacker Gale “Pete” Peterson Don Philbin Edward Pina Richard Reed Les Sachanowicz Wade Shelton Tommy Smith Phylis Speedlin Bill Towns James Upton S ubpoena 4 SABA N e ws Newsletter Ten Criminal Lawyers in San Antonio. This year, he was again recognized in three areas of practice in the Best Criminal Lawyers edition in the areas of DWI, criminal defense and white collar criminal defense. In addition, he has been AV Preeminent rated by Martindale-Hubbell Publisher, which means he has been recognized by his peers as being “at (From left to right) President Bobby Barrera with his father the highest level of proPast President Roy Barrera, Sr. and Executive Director Lar- fessional excellence.” He kin Chenault also was included in the 2013 National Trial Lawyers Top 100 Criminal Lawyers in the Continued from P. 1 United States. These recognitions have focusing on criminal defense work at come as a result of Barrera’s reputation his father’s firm of Nicholas & Barrera. in the legal community as an effective While he now practices both civil and and experienced trial lawyer. criminal law, Barrera has been recogBarrera handles all types of cases in nized in S.A. Scene magazine as one of both state and federal courts. He reguSan Antonio’s Best Criminal Lawyers for larly handles serious felony cases such the past nine years. In 2013, he was se- as capital murder, aggravated sexual lected by his collegues as one of the Top assault and DWI manslaughter. In ad- Expert Advisors for Navigating Challenging Financial Terrain dition, he has handled hundreds of misdemeanor cases such as DWI and family violence assaults. In federal court he has dealt with numerous drug offenses, pornography cases and financial fraud cases. Barrera actively participates in both local and State Bar associations and is a Life Fellow in the San Antonio Bar Foundation and a Sustaining Life Fellow in the Texas Bar Foundation. Taking office this month, he serves as the President of “The f oun dati o n o f e ffe c tiv e cr imi n a l defe n se be g i n s w ith a n un wav er i n g bel ie f th at C o n stituti o n a l gua r a nte e s a r e n ot ‘ te c h n ica l itie s ’ up o n w hic h the guilt y a r e se t fr e e but a r e , i n fac t, the cita del fro m w hic h the i n n o ce nt prote c t the m se lv e s fro m ov er z e a lous pro se c uti o n .” -B o b by B a r r e r a the San Antonio Bar Association, a position his father, Roy Barrera, Sr., held in 1973. He is also a founding member of the San Antonio Criminal Defense Lawyers Association and still serves as a director on its board. He has also been a director of the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association since 2005. Photo recap: SABA’s Annual Meeting - July 28, 2016 • Mergers and acquisitions • Partner buyouts • Debt and equity financing 210.472.1103 Alan Chesler, CFA | Justin Cummings, CFA David Doggett, JD 7373 Broadway, Suite 108 San Antonio, TX 78209 More photos on opposite page SABA N e ws 5 S ubpoena Newsletter RIGHT: Past President Judge Larry Noll administered the Oath of Office to the incoming 2016-2017 SABA Officers and Directors at the Annual Meeting. ABOVE: PAST PRESIDENTS - (From left to right, top row) Gary Hutton, Lamont Jefferson, Mary Doggett, Dan Naranjo, Joseph Casseb, James N. Martin, Sue Hall, Patrick J. Pape, Justice Karen Angelini, Judge Larry Noll, Judge Karen Pozza, Van Hilley, Andrew Kerr, Thomas Keyser, (bottom row) Carl Robin Teague, Hon. Rebecca Simmons, Roy Barrera, Sr., Arthur Bayern and Allan DuBois S ubpoena 6 SABA N e ws Newsletter Photo recap: SABA’s Family Law Section Annual Meeting August 2, 2016 L KFG16_CS_027-SubpoenaAd-OneThird-052616.indd 1 5/26/16 4:05 PM GGGGG LLLLLLL AAAAAAAAAAA A Limited Membership for Attorneys to Join our 5-year old Association Be a part of our TV Advertising, Internet Marketing and Signage across from the courthouse Attorneys are Invited to Attend Our Judges Social Mingle Wednesday, September 14th Flemings Steakhouse in the Quarry RSVP to 210-884-4400 Check out more SABA photos at F e atured 7 S ubpoena Newsletter S ubpoena 8 C ommunit y J ustice P rogr am Newsletter CJP CO-CHAIRS Judge Larry Noll, Judge Lisa Jarrett & Judge David Canales CJP EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Amanda Reimherr Buckert CJP EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Charlcye “Charlie” Glenewinkel NOTARY/PARALEGAL COORDINATOR Mary Peña (Family Law Clinics) NOTARY/PARALEGAL COORDINATOR Patricia Giuliano (Wills Clinics) NOTARY/PARALEGAL COORDINATOR Lisa Santos (Family Law Clinics) Notary/Paralegal Coordinator Susan Wilen (Veterans Clinics) Volunteer to “Just Take One” pro bono case! Volunteer attorneys are eligible to receive free CLE credit, including ethics, for taking a case and working with a mentor. For more information, contact: Amanda Reimherr Buckert (210) 227-8822 ext. 126 or CJP Advanced: Whitley and Gonzales Take Pro Bono Further The CJP would like to express its sincere gratitude to two attorneys who stepped up to help a low-income client who needed a little more help than the program usually provides. Deanna Whitley (pictured above on the left) and Rosie Gonzalez (on the right) partnered on a CJP Advanced case. Whitley is the managing partner of The Whitley Law Firm, and Gonzalez’s firm is The Law Office of Rosa Maria Gonzalez. Both attorneys are family law practitioners and offered their expertise when a CJP case needed a few more steps than normal. The client’s previous attorney was unable to continue on the case due to a few minor complications, so Whitley and Gonzalez jumped right in and were able to assist the client and finalize the case with a proper decree and prove up. Despite their heavy caseloads, both at- torneys were more than happy to lend their time to assist a low-income person in need. The CJP appreciates their support of a pro bono client outside of the usual CJP clinic setting. “I just really didn’t know what I was going to do when my previous attorney couldn’t continue,” the grateful client expressed. “I was scared I couldn’t get divorced and have what I needed to continue being the caregiver to my children. I needed to move out of the area and I was amazed these ladies were able to help me get this finished and wrapped up so quickly. They were so nice and really knew what they were doing. Thanks to your program and those attorneys, I can restart my life and have a sigh of relief for something that has been a struggle for so long.” Charlcye Glenewinkel (210) 227-8822 ext. 111 Know a person in need of pro bono legal services? Direct them to contact the CJP to see if they qualify. Client Intake: (210) 227-8828 Upcoming CJP Events: August 19 – Veterans Clinic 1:00 p.m. at Audie L. Murphy Veterans Hospital Recreation Room, 7400 Merton Minter St. September 16 – Veterans Clinic 1:30 p.m. at Audie L. Murphy Veterans Hospital Recreation Room, 7400 Merton Minter St. C ommunit y J ustice P rogr am 9 S ubpoena Newsletter Thank you, USAA! The Community Justice Program would like to extend a sincere thanks to USAA for its continued partnership with the CJP Veterans Clinics. These clinics serve those who served us by offering legal advice and will preparation to low-income veterans and their spouses. The CJP is honored to have the support and participation of USAA staff at its Veterans Clinics. Thank you to everyone at USAA for showing such a strong support to pro bono efforts and our local veteran community. ABOVE: Volunteer attorneys Ann Marie Matonak, Jami Nance, St. Mary’s University School of Law Professor Geary Reamey and Mark Poling lent their time and talents to the June 17th Veterans Clinic at the Audie L. Murphy Veterans Hospital. All four of these dedicated attorneys are regular volunteers at the CJP Veterans Clinics and have been coming for many years to support and serve those who have served the country. The CJP appreciates each of these attorneys for all they have done for the CJP and low-income clients in our area. LEFT: The CJP was fortunate enough to have the following volunteers at the July 19th Wills Clinic - Warren Franz, CJP Cochair Judge Larry Noll, Magdalena DeSalme, Patti Giuliano, Susan Wilen, Mike Ezzell and Mary Alice Ezzell. ABOVE: CJP Co-chair Judge Larry Noll (front center) along with volunteers from Norton Rose Fulbright at the July 19th Wills Clinic held at the St. Mary’s Center for Legal & Social Justice. Thank you to everyone at Norton Rose Fulbright, especially Michael Parker, for all of your continued support throughout the years. The firm has been a dedicated volunteer at CJP clinics each year since the program started in 2002. Thanks to the enthusiasm and leadership of Michael Parker, who rallies his colleagues to participate, Norton Rose Fulbright has won the CJP’s Excellence in Pro Bono Award for Firm of the Year multiple times. S ubpoen a 10 D epa rtments Newsletter In M emory A dam T. S err ata F ro m J ud g e J a s o n G a r r a h a n Information on In Tribute donations can be found under The Foundation tab at w w Congratulations & Welcome to the newest members of the SA Bar Association! David L. Cunningham, Jr. Andrew Crowder-Schaefer Franklin Garrett Mary E. Heard David Jones Darin W. Mitchell Linda Molina Andrew Poulis Liza A. Rodriguez Samuel W. Royston Brad M. Stauber Cheryl L. Wilson 11 S ubpoena A nnouncements Newsletter B r iefly Alford & O’Brien, P.C. is pleased to announce Thomas M. O’Brien has joined the firm as Of Counsel. O’Brien was formerly General Counsel at Nix Health Care System and related entities. He will be practicing in the areas of wills and estates, health law, real estate and general business law. The Law Offices of Lisa A. Vance, P.C. is pleased to announce that Durime Fahim and Abdul Jabbar Fahim have joined the firm as associate attorneys. Jabbar is a 2012 graduate and Durime, a 2015 graduate of St. Mary’s University School of Law. Dylan George and Crystal Pacheco also joined the firm as contract attorneys. George is a 2004 graduate of Texas Tech University School of Law and Crystal is a 2010 graduate of St. Mary’s University School of Law. The Law Office of Michelle S. Lanfear, P.C. and The Law Office of Jennifer L. White are pleased to announce the merger of the two firms for the formation of Lanfear.White, P.L.L.C. Lauren A. Williams will remain an associate with the firm. Lanfear is Board Certified in family law, and White’s experience is also in family law. The firm will primarily handle family law cases. Lanfear.White, P.L.L.C. is located at 1100 N.E. Loop 410, Suite 510, San An- tonio, Texas 78209 and can be reached by phone at (210) 610-2100 or by fax at (210) 610-2500. Sanchez & Wilson, P.L.L.C. is pleased to announce that partner, Mark Anthony Sanchez, Sr., has been named Outstanding Lawyer for 2016 by the San Antonio Business Journal. The firm is honored by the recognition. The Law Offices of Albert M. Guitierrez, P.C. and Person, Whitworth, Borchers & Morales, LLP are pleased to announce they have merged. Albert Gutierrez is now the partner in charge of litigation and Kelly Canales Feicht is a litigation associate for the firm’s San Antonio office. The firm is located at 7744 Broadway St., Suite 100, San Antonio, Texas 78209 and have another location in Laredo. Heather Tessmer, owner of Tessmer Law Firm, P.L.L.C. was elected to serve on the St. Mary’s Law Alumni Association Board of Directors and on the NAWBO San Antonio Board of Directors in the area of Public Policy. Tessmer was also chosen by S.A. Scene Magazine as a 2016 Top Lawyer and a 2016 Top Personal Injury Attorney. Christine Rudy, Associate Attorney of the firm was chosen by S.A. Scene Magazine as a 2016 Top Lawyer as well. Rudy practices primarily in the area of family law and is licensed in Texas and California. San Antonio attorney and legal technology expert Mark I. Unger has been named to the Fastcase 50 Class of 2016, which honors the law’s smartest, most courageous innovators, techies, visionaries and leaders. Founder of The Unger Law Firm, a family law and mediation practice, Unger says he’s honored and humbled by the recognition, which requires nomination by a peer. In 2015, Unger founded Muse Legal Technology Consulting, a company focusing on practice-management technology solutions for small law firms and solo practitioners. Unger has emerged as a leading voice in the legal technology landscape nationwide, and is frequently asked to speak across the country. He has served on the Texas Supreme Court’s Judicial Committee on Information Technology since 2007, as Chair of the State Bar of Texas Computer & Technology Section, Chair of the State Bar of Texas Web Services Committee, President of the San Antonio Bar Association Family Law Section and in numerous other leadership roles. Unger is a graduate of the University of Texas and St. Mary’s University School of Law. Haynes and Boone, LLP congratulates Counsel Sean Elliot for his recent election to membership in the Fellows of the Texas Bar Foundation (TXBF). Fellows of the foundation are selected for their outstanding professional Continued on P. 12 Peña & Associates Appraisers of Fine Jewelry for Individuals Estate or Insurance 29 Years of Appraisal Experience for Estates, Banks, Attorneys, Insurance Companies, Divorce Cases and Government Entities Expert Witness Experience for Criminal Cases Court Case Experience for the IRS, Resolution Trust Corporation and Estate Attorneys Rudy M. Peña ISA, G.G. 210.349.4367 S ubpoena 12 A nnouncements Newsletter Let the tax laws save both you and your client money We solve problems for litigators • Fraud & Forensics • Expert Witness Testimony • Consulting expert to assist with strategy issues in the formative stage • Tax favorable structured settlements for both plaintiffs and the attorney We solve problems for both non-litigating and litigating attorneys • Tax Consideration • Tax Structure • Tax Solutions “Call me early in your case or other legal issue, when I can benefit you and your client the most.” STEVEN BANKLER CPA, PFS, Cr.FA, CFF, CGMA The Colonnade 9901 IH-10 West, Suite 670 San Antonio, TX 78230 210.691.3133 888.683.2727 Continued from P. 11 achievements and their demonstrated commitment to the improvement of the justice system throughout the state of Texas. Elliot’s practice focuses on mergers and acquisitions and corporate financings but also includes a wide variety of general business transactions such as partnerships, distribution arrangements, commercial purchase and sale agreements and master service agreements. Before rejoining Haynes and Boone, LLP in June 2015, Elliot served as Vice President, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary and Cheif Compliance Officer of CARBO Ceramics, Inc. (NYSE:CRR), a publicly-traded oil field services technology company. The San Antonio Business Journal is pleased to announce the winners of its 2016 Women’s Leadership Awards. The Business Journal recognizes women who are agents of positive change for their companies or organizations, as well as their community, and who inspire others to be like them. This year’s winners are Dawn Finlayson, partner with Barton, East & Caldwell, Debra Innocenti, partner with Strasburger & Price LLP and Lisa Shrub, partner with Norton Rose Fulbright. Finlayson serves as a Director to the San Antonio Bar Association, of which Innocenti and Shrub are members. The winners will be featured in the Business Journal’s August 26 issue. Would you like your latest achievement or firm change featured? Send “Briefly” submissions and inquiries to: Erin Boren, Editor SABA is social! Follow us on Twitter @SABARassoc “Like” us on Facebook Follow SABA’s LinkedIn page & check out our photo feed on Flickr under Jimmy Allison “Briefly” submissions should be no longer than two to three paragraphs and may be edited for length, grammar and clarity. C ommunit y E v ents 13 S ubpoena Newsletter Texas Advanced Paralegal Seminar S ubpoena Newsletter Subpoena (USPS #010728) (ISSN #10735135) is published monthly at the annual rate of $30 by the San Antonio Bar Association; 100 Dolorosa, Suite 500; San Antonio, Texas 78205. Periodicals postage paid at San Antonio, TX. ©2016, Subpoena. Journey to E xcellence September 28-30, 2016 Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk Three Day Multi-Track CLE POSTMASTER send address changes to: Subpoena, San Antonio Bar Association; 100 Dolorosa, Suite 500; San Antonio, Texas 78205. All submissions are due by the 10th of the month preceding publication. Hotel Reservations: Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk — 111 E. Pecan Street The reservation deadline is August 28, 2016. Hotel reservations must be booked and cancelled through the Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk. Guest Room rate is $139.00 for single/double. To reserve a room, either register online or call 1-866-764-8536 and specify group Paralegal Division of the State Bar of Texas (call in only). Note: If the desired room you are reserving is not available online, please call. Press releases and Briefly submissions must be sent to the attention of: Registration Options Full registration: Price includes three days of CLE, speaker materials, socials and the Friday attendee’s keynote luncheon. As an attendee you can attend any session during the three days of the seminar. Pick and choose the classes you want to attend. One-day registration: Price includes one day of CLE and seminar materials (socials and luncheon at an additional price). As a one-day attendee, you can attend any session during the day you register to attend TAPS. Pick and choose the classes you want to attend. Calendar announcements and event information may be submitted online at via the Events Calendar under the News & Events tab. Erin Boren, Editor email: O: (210) 227-8822; F: (210) 271-9614 General inquiries welcome. ADVERTISING inquiries should be directed to: Chellie Thompson Monarch Media & Consulting, Inc. email: (512) 293.9277 SABA office hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; closed weekends and County holidays. “To serve our clients and the public with the highest degree of dedication and professionalism in the continuing pursuit of equal justice for all under law.” w w w .SABAR. o rg S ubpoena 14 L istings Newsletter Services Office space MEDIATION MICHAEL CURRY, Atty-Mediator AAM Certified 700 Lavaca St., Ste. 1400 Austin, TX 78701 • 512-474-5573 Full-time mediator since 1994 Email: Website with calendar: No travel charge for full-day San Antonio mediations. “Turnkey” Legal Offices— Best All-Inclusive Rate in San Antonio Includes use of three conference rooms, personalized voice mail/remote messaging, bilingual receptionist, internet service, multiple copier machines, fax machine, mail equipment/supplies, kitchen and janitorial service. Possible referrals and mentorship from established attorneys. Access to Hwy 281/ 410/Airport. Contact: Maria Trevino (210) 225-6666/ H. Paul Canales, Retired Judge Mediation & Arbitration Services 22 years experience on the bench Cell: (210) 602-3621; Fax: (210) 247-9335 Email: PEDEN INVESTIGATIONS 210-491-9567 * * email:; Investigations by former FBI agents - throughout the US. Surveillance, database searches, witness location, interviews, fraud investigations, still & video photography, criminal history, court searches, security analysis and background information. Civil Appeals Litigation Support Do you need a “law” lawyer to assist with the preparation/ defense of your case? Experienced attorney handles all aspects of appellate process, from error preservation and charge conferences, to briefing and argument. Dispositive motions written and argued. Appellate Mediation. References available. Call Jeff Small @ 210.496.0611 or jdslaw@satx. BOARD CERTIFIED ESTATE PLANNING AND PROBATE attorney available to assist with estate planning, probate, trust and related matters. Also licensed in Florida and able to handle ancillary Florida probate and related matters. Board Certified in Estate Planning and Probate Law by TBLS (Texas). Contact David Butterbaugh at (210) 212-6700, david@, or OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE at Montevista Professional Building, 342 West Woodlawn, San Antonio, TX 78212. Third Floor (approx. 2500 square feet) and Second Floor (approx. 1200.00 square feet) Please call (210) 738-3001 ext. 212. Charming 2-story and 3-story historic buildings with offices available for lease at 202 and 206 E. Locust Street, near downtown. Common amenities, include live receptionists, covered parking, kitchen/break rooms, ADA compliant restrooms, reception areas, faxes, scanning and copy machines. Virtual Office Space also available. For information, please contact Kathy Hoffman 884-1375. Office Space for Rent 549 Heimer Rd. – centrally located across from Brookhollow Library. Approximately 2450 s.f. available. High quality finishout with reception area with granite countertop and 19 feet clearstory entry, large conference room with granite coffee bar, six private offices, and copy/workroom. Easy access to 281N, Loop 410, Loop 1604 and SA International Airport, fiber for internet into the building. Lease for $17.00/ sf gross modified on a minimum three year lease. Looking to expand your client list? Join the San Antonio Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service! Contact Sylvia Hernandez LRS Director for more information or for an application: (210) 227-1853 Advertise with us! Contact Chellie Thompson at Monarch Media & Consulting, Inc. for more info: (512) 293-9277 SEPTEMBER Calendar MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 F or full calendar event details or to submit calendar events for publication , visit the C alendar & Events tab online at : FRIDAY 2 SA Christian Legal Society Lunch - Petroleum Club @ noon 5 6 7 8 9 Bexar County Courthouse CLOSED for Labor Day SAFLA Lunch - The Plaza Club @ noon SABA Litigation Section Lunch - The Palm @ 11:45 a.m. Last-Chance Videos: Part One, Adv. Workers’ Compensation 2015 5th Floor Bexar County Courthouse @ 8:30 a.m. Collaborative Professionals Assoc. SA mtg - Petroleum Club @ noon 15 16 Deadline for October Subpoena submissions SA Lawyer Support Group - Alamo Heights United SABA SuperBar 2016 Methodist Church @ Zaza Gardens @ 5 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Memorial Service for Jack Hebdon & Manuel Montez - 4th Court of Appeals @ 3:00 p.m. 12 13 14 MABA-SA mtg - The Palm @ 11:45 a.m. SA Black Lawyers Assoc. Assoc. of Legal Admin. - 6th Floor Boardroom, mtg - Petroleum Club @ Bexar County Courthouse 11:30 a.m. @ noon SA Trial Lawyers Assoc. FBA Lunch - Quarry Golf Lunch - The Palm @ noon Club Restaurant @ 11:45 a.m. International Law Section mtg - Havana Nights Happy Hour - 713 S Alamo St. @ 5:00 p.m. BC Court Reporters mtg TBA @ 5:30 p.m. BCWBA Lunch - Club Giraud @ noon Last-Chance Videos: Part Two, Adv. Workers’ Compensation 2015 5th Floor Bexar County Courthouse @ 8:30 a.m. CJP Veterans Clinic Recreation Room, Audie L. Murphy Veterans Hospital @ 1 p.m. MABA Golf Tournament Olympia Hills @ 1 p.m. Environmental Law Section mtg - SAWS @ 7:30 a.m. SABA Brown Bag Lunch CLE - Judge Pozza’s Courtroom @ noon Sunday, Sept. 18 19Friday, Sept. 23 International Bar Association’s Annual Conference Washington, D.C. 23 20 21 22 SAYLA Lunch - Paesanos Lincoln Heights @ noon Health Law Section mtg - The Petroleum Club @ TBA SABA Monthly Luncheon Elder Law Section mtg - The Plaza Club @ noon The Plaza Club @ noon SA Estate Planners Council Lunch - SA Country Club @ noon SA Paralegal Assoc. Lunch - Luby’s on Main @ noon Family Law Section mtg The Palm @ noon 26 27 28 SA Bankruptcy Bar Assoc. mtg - SA Country Club @ 5:30 p.m. SA Legal Support Assoc. Lunch - Chester’s Hamburgers (410 Airport) @ noon 29 30 Wednesday, Sept. 28 - Friday, Sept. 30 Texas Advanced Paralegal Seminar - Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk - See P. 13 for more info