subPoena - San Antonio Bar Association


subPoena - San Antonio Bar Association
P. 6
O ffi ci a l N e w sl e t te r o f the
S a n A nto n i o B a r A ss o ci ati o n
w w w .SABAR. o rg
C om mun it y J usti ce
P ro g r a m
December 2015
V o l . XCI, I ssue 5
P. 13
U p com i n g CLE
S e mi n a r s
P. 14
Swe a ring In
C er e m o n y
P. 19
J a nua ry
C a l e n da r
S ubpoena
Tech Challenges,
Need For Specialized
Expertise Redefining
Practice of Law
The 24 th A nnua l
5K Fun Run & Junior Jog
for Justice
Thanks to our generous supporters, the San Antonio Bar Foundation 5K Fun Run for Justice raised $10,000 for the Amigos in Mediation
(AIM) program!
Over 200 runners, walkers, happy babies in joggers, and dogs celebrated the autumn with an early morning 5K Fun Run. The 24th Annual celebration returned to the City of Olmos Park this year, beginning
and ending at the San Antonio Gun Club.
Over 100 AIM peer mediators from Madison High School, Hillcrest
Elementary and Franklin Elementary helped as volunteers. They joined
the Bar Auxiliary and our State Bar of Texas President Allan Dubois
to staff the course water station. Volunteers also handed out bananas,
Continued on P. 8
Technological innovations and the
movement toward specialization are
two of the key drivers of change in the
legal field today, according to “Future
Law Office 2020: Redefining the Practice
of Law,” a new report from legal staffing and consulting solutions firm Robert
Half Legal. Three in 10 (34 percent) lawyers surveyed for the annual research
project said emerging technologies will
have the biggest impact on the practice
of law during the next five years. Corporate governance regulations ranked
second, with 19 percent of the survey
response, followed by privacy and data
security concerns (18 percent) and increased globalization (12 percent).1
Continued on P. 4
Swearing-In Ceremony
The Bexar County Women’s Bar
Foundation and the San Antonio Young
Lawyer’s Association hosted their 2nd
Annual Swearing-In Ceremony on November 19, 2015 in the Cadena-Reeves
Justice Center’s Central Jury Room. The
St. Mary’s University School of Law
Alumni Association sponsored this
ceremony, where friends and family of
lawyers who recently passed the Texas
Continued on P. 14
S ubpoena 2
SABA N e ws
Th e
P resident ’s
M essage
G r ate ful
we near the end of the calendar year and approach the
midpoint of our bar year, it seems appropriate to pause and
reflect upon where we’ve been and where we’re headed. I am
very proud of what SABA has accomplished this past year and
am hopeful and excited about what we have in store ahead.
We experienced substantial change at SABA over the last year
as we reluctantly said goodbye to our long-time Publications
Director Kim Palmer. We remain grateful to Kim for her excellent work for SABA and the entire legal community for so
many years. While we were sad to see Kim go, we have been
enriched by the creativity, energy and enthusiasm of our new
Communications Director Erin Boren, who came on board
with us mid-year. The refreshed look and feel of SABA’s communications, invitations, announcements and photographs is
largely due to Erin’s creativity and social media savvy. You
may have also noticed some of the SABA and SABF events appear to have been “cranked up a notch” from the glitzy and
high-energy Installation Gala celebrating Jimmy Allison’s 50th
Anniversary as bar executive to the unprecedented popularity
of the recent Foundation 5K Fun Run and Junior Jog for Justice.
The principal force behind these exciting changes has been
June Moynihan, who also joined the bar this year as Bar Foundation Executive Director. June has also recently reestablished
the Bar Foundation Fellows program after its short dormancy,
and the renewed program already looks to be a fantastic success. Erin and June hit the ground running this year along with
Controller Bret Peters, our Administrative Assistant Amy Lopez, CJP Executive Director
Amanda Buckert, Executive Assistant Charlcye
Glenewinkel and receptionist D’Ann Lane, all
of whom joined the bar
staff in 2014. With all of
SABA’s new faces, we
fortunate to have the
talent and experience
of Sylvia Hernan-
W h at W e H av e , H o pe ful
W h at ’s
dez and Melinda Garza in our Lawyer Referral Program and,
of course, the steady leadership of Jimmy Allison.
With the wave of new talent, energy and ideas we have
experienced recently, the bar association, Foundation and
Community Justice Program are all poised for an excellent future. An early indication that we are on the right track was
the strong influx of hundreds of new members into the bar
association in 2015. Add to this mixture of new talent and new
members, the thousands of hours San Antonio lawyers give
to the bar through leadership positions, participation in our
various sections and committees and pro bono work through
the CJP, and we are equipped to continue to do great things.
We have more change on the horizon as we move into
2016, as the SABA Board has formally begun the anticipated
search for a successor to Jimmy Allison. While it is obviously
impossible to truly replace our beloved “Mr. A,” the committee will be orchestrating a search locally and nationally to find
the best available candidate to work with the directors, our excellent staff and Jimmy during the transition to SABA’s future
leadership. I encourage you to share your thoughts with me as
we manage this transition and prepare SABA for its first new
director in half a century.
As I reflect on where we have been and where SABA is
headed, I am profoundly grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Jimmy and all of the dedicated employees of
SABA, SABF and the CJP. As you see them around the courthouse, at monthly luncheons, in your committee meetings or
out on the town, please join me in sharing your appreciation
for the great job they do for us all every day. I am also especially grateful to have had the opportunity to work with so
many of you this past year, and I thank those of you who have
taken the time to share with me your ideas, compliments and
criticisms as I try to lead our bar. I look forward to the last half
of my brief time in this role, and, as always, I continue to seek
your input in how SABA can best serve you and our community. Happy holidays to all!
James M. “Marty” Truss
“As I reflect on where we have been and where we are headed, I am
profoundly grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Jimmy
and all of the dedicated employees of SABA, SABF and the CJP.”
3 S ubpoena
SABA N e ws
James M. “Marty” Truss
Bobby Barrera
Beth Watkins
Vice President
Santos Vargas
Tom Crosley
Dave Evans
Dawn Finlayson
Hon. Rebeca C. Martinez
Hon. Jefferson Moore
Hon. Richard Price
Christine Reinhard
Mark Sessions
Ty Sheehan
Thomas g. Keyser
Immediate-Past President
Jimmy Allison
Executive Director
William Doug Bineham
Mexican American Bar Assoc.
J. Barrett Shipp
San Antonio Young Lawyers Assoc.
Marissa Helm
Bexar County Women’s Bar Assoc.
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Stephanie Boyd
San Antonio Black Lawyers Assoc.
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Andrew L. Kerr
Hon. Rebecca Simmons
State Bar of Texas
Have a Question?
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S ubpoena 4
C ommunit y N e ws
Tech Challenges
Continued from P. 1
Top Trends Redefining
the Practice of Law
Key issues being addressed by law
firms and corporate legal departments
to remain competitive and ensure future
success include:
• Strategically partnering with IT
to address tech challenges;
• Redesigning legal workspaces
to enhance productivity and reduce costs; and
• Meeting increased need for specialized legal expertise.
Legal Teams Strategically Partnering
with IT to Address Tech Challenges
As electronic data and cloud computing complexities grow and concerns
about cyber security and compliance
matters escalate, the need for legal and
IT departments to work in tandem has
become more critical to safeguard business operations and minimize risk, the
research confirms. Eight in 10 (83 percent) corporate lawyers interviewed for
the Future Law Office project said collaboration with their technology counterparts has increased during the past
two years. Litigation and eDiscovery,
data privacy and security and regulatory
compliance were cited as the top projects
fueling the need for alignment between
legal and IT teams.2
Redesigning Legal Workspaces
to Enhance Productivity and
Reduce Costs
Technology continues to influence
how legal work is performed and where
it is conducted. “Law firms are redesigning office spaces to meet the needs of an
increasingly mobile workforce and support cloud-based computing solutions,”
said Charles Volkert, executive director
of Robert Half Legal. “By reducing the
number of traditional offices and creating work areas that foster employee collaboration, firms are able to save costs
while improving team productivity.”
Meeting Increased Need
for Specialized Legal Expertise
Throughout the legal field, demand
5 S ubpoena
C ommunit y N e ws
is rising for specialized knowledge.
Sixty-five percent of lawyers surveyed
said it is somewhat or very challenging
to find skilled legal professionals today.3
With more clients seeking counsel in
emerging practice areas, legal professionals who specialize in data privacy
and information governance should
remain highly marketable in the years
ahead, Volkert noted.
About the Future Law Office
For this annual project, Robert Half
Legal surveys lawyers with the largest law firms and companies in the
United States and Canada, conducts
research to assess how legal organizations might operate in the future and
obtains the insights of leading experts in
the legal field. To learn more about the
research or download the report, visit
Article republished, courtesy of: Robert
Half Legal. Robert Half Legal is the premier
provider of legal staffing and consulting
solutions for law firms and corporate legal
departments. With North American and
global locations, Robert Half Legal provides
a customized approach, including managed
review, legal project management and eDiscovery services, to help organizations handle
constantly changing workloads. Robert Half
Legal offers in-demand expertise across practice areas as well as highly skilled legal professionals on a temporary, project and fulltime basis. To learn more about our full suite
of legal staffing and consulting solutions,
Survey of 350 lawyers among the
largest law firms and companies in the
United States and Canada, commissioned by Robert Half Legal and conducted by an independent research firm.
Survey of 175 lawyers among the
largest companies in the United States
and Canada, commissioned by Robert
Half Legal and conducted by an independent research firm.
Survey of 350 lawyers among the
largest law firms and companies in the
United States and Canada, commissioned by Robert Half Legal and conducted by an independent research firm.
Graphic: ©2015 Robert Half Legal
S ubpoena 6
C ommunit y J ustice P rogr a m
CJP Co-chair Judge Larry Noll honored Oct. 29
On October 29, 2015, the St. Mary’s University School of Law Carlos Cadena
Legal Dining Society honored CJP Co-chair Judge Larry Noll for his contribution to the community and his commitment to pro bono legal service. Eric Michael
Garza, Dean Stephen Sheppard, Allison Eubanks and Stephanie Green pose with
Judge Noll.
Judge Larry Noll & Judge Lisa Jarrett
Amanda Reimherr Buckert
Charlcye “Charlie” Glenewinkel
Ann Zaragoza
Maria “Lulu” Villanueva (TRLA)
Mary Peña (TRLA Clinics)
Patricia Giuliano (Wills Clinics)
Lisa Santos (TRLA Clinics)
Notary/Paralegal Coordinator
Susan Wilen (Veterans Clinics)
Volunteer to
“Just Take One”
pro bono case!
Volunteer attorneys are eligible
to receive free CLE credit,
including 1.0 hour of ethics, for
taking a case and working
with a mentor.
For more information, contact:
Amanda Reimherr Buckert
210.227.8822 ext 126
Charlcye Glenewinkel
210.227.8822 ext 111
LEFT: St. Mary’s University
School of Law students at the
Nov. 13 Veterans Wills Clinic.
The students assisted the volunteer attorneys and served as
witness to the wills.
MIDDLE LEFT: Cheryl Wilson,
CJP Co-chair Judge Larry Noll,
Shaun Skipper, Mike Villa, Allison Skipper and Rick Noll at
the Nov. 17 Family Law Clinic
at Texas RioGrande Legal Aid.
BELOW: Attorneys from Jackson Walker at the Nov. 17
Family Law Clinic at Texas RioGrande Legal Aid.
7 S ubpoena
C ommunit y J ustice P rogr a m
Thank You CJP Volunteers!
Grant Funding
The CJP is pleased to announce it
has received continued grant funding
from the Texas Access to Justice Foundation (TAJF) for services to veterans.
TAJF has supported the CJP’s Veterans
Clinic since its inception and helped the
program to provide pro bono legal services to low-income veterans and their
spouses. The CJP would not be able to
operate their Veterans Clinic at the Audie L. Murphy Veterans Hospital without
the generous support of TAJF. Thank
you to TAJF for supporting the CJP and
its efforts to help serve those who have
served us.
Thank you to STOP!
The CJP thanks the South Texas
Organization of Paralegals (STOP) for
their generous $500 donation to the CJP,
given at their annual Paralegal Day Celebration. Thank you to STOP for their financial support, and thank you to their
members, who support the CJP by volunteering at clinics.
U pc o m i n g C JP E v e n t s :
Jan. 19 – Wills Clinic
5:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Center
for Legal & Social Justice,
2507 NW 36th St.
Jan. 22 – Veterans Clinic
1:30 p.m. at the Audie L.
Murphy Veterans Hospital,
7400 Merton Minter St.
November Veterans Wills Clinic
November Family Law Clinic
Volunteer Attorneys
Tanya Feinleib, Mentor
Carl Oliver, Mentor
Tammy Wincott, Mentor
Anthony De La O, USAA
Kristin Koch, USAA
Mark Andrew Ferguson, USAA
Danielle Reyes, USAA
Bill Foster, USAA
John Pawloski, USAA
Michael Danforth, USAA
Geary Reamey
Kay Reamey
Ann Marie Matonak
Cecilia Hellrung
Bethany Ramirez
Dominic Negron
Allan DuBois
William Davidson
Mark Poling
Tommy Lew
April Sanchez Gates
Volunteer Attorneys
Cheryl Wilson, Mentor
Kristal Thomson, Mentor
Allison Skipper, Mentor
Rick Noll, Mentor
Shaun Skipper
Mike Villa
Notaries and Support Staff
Art Swezey,
Texas Veterans Commission
Susan Wilen,
Law Students
Erin Janssen
Michel Bare
Maria Fernandez-Merlo
Laura Castro
Dana Burket
Laura Tannenbaum
Claudia Galan
Mathews Metyko
Mary Larakers
Lisa Martinez
Trang Pham
Martin Garza
Chanda Clepper
Krishna De La Cruz
Karly Houchin
Itzel Martinez
Anthony Jalili
Jacqueline Sancloval
Luis Medina
Stephanie Galy
Eric Rine
Eric Michael Garza
Jackson Walker
Mike Novak
Melodee Gruber
Robert Soza
Amanda Crouch
Julia Mann
Steve Ramon
Matt Vandenberg
Dan Chapman
Matt Swantner
Jed Morrison
Charlie Smith
Elena Sullivan
Andrew Baumgardner
Alexine Friedman
Kayla Tanner
Support Volunteers
Lisa Santos
Laura Aguilar
Debbie Hartman
Sherry Matthews
Evangelina Myers
Karen Coleman
Court Reporter
Delcine Benavides
District Clerks
Consuelo Gomez
Brenda Carrillo
Bianca Salinas
Roxanne Mujica
Law Students
Aridssa Martinez
Stphanie Harlien
Eugene Moore
Laura Castro
Kimberly Graves
Eric Michael Garza
Dannet Bock-Barnes
S ubpoena 8
F e atured
Fun Run for Justice
Continued from P. 1
oranges, granola bars and water to the
returning racers. Most importantly, they
were an enthusiastic cheering section for
the runners and walkers as they reached
the finish line.
Jr. Joggers rallied through the beginning of rain sprinkles to receive their
shiny medals from Jr. Jog for Justice
sponsor, Judge Toni Arteaga.
Overall, a beautiful day and successful event. Thank you to our generous sponsors, our gracious hosts in
Olmos Park and the SA Gun Club and
the many staff, volunteers and vendors
who helped us organize this event. A
special thank you to David Evans, Fun
Run Chair and race announcer extraordinaire. His tireless energy and leadership has expanded this family-friendly
event year after year! Start training for
next year, our 25th Anniversary of the
Fun Run!
T h a n k YOU !
for Amigos in
M e di a t i o n
F e atured
9 S ubpoena
The San Antonio Bar Foundation enhances the rule of law and the
system of justice in Bexar and surrounding counties by soliciting contributions and providing funding and facilities for programs related to ethics in
the legal profession, the administration of justice, legal assistance for the
indigent and legal scholarship and publications.
The Amigos in Mediation (AIM) program helps schools establish
their own self-sustaining peer mediation programs. Over 2,200 students
have been trained as peer mediators in 138 San Antonio area schools and
almost 3,500 student disputants participated in mediations resulting in mutual agreements at an astonishing rate of 98 percent! The Bar Foundation
is proud to support this important program.
S ubpoena 10
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Assisting you to Resolve. Rebuild.
11 S ubpoena
D epa rtments
& Welcome
to the newest members of
The San Antonio Bar Association board and staff wish you happy holidays
this winter season. We are so thankful for your support and membership!
Please take note of the following changes in SABA scheduling.
T hursday, December 17th
Fr iday, December 25th
T hursday, December 24th
Fr iday, Januar y 1st
No Brown Bag Lunch CLE
No SABA Luncheon
SABA Offices Closed
SABA Offices Closed
SA Bar Association!
Rebecca H. Aduddell
Lasca A. Arnold
Blas H. Delgado
J. Alex Garcia III
James M. Gonzales
David M. Leibowitz
Nicole J. Phillips
Judge Ron Rangel
T. Daniel Santee
Khavischal Tiwari
Nathan Torok
Jaime J. Trevino Jr.
George H. Wilkins IV
M emory
R omio S. L ope z
F ro m Va n G. H i l l e y
Walter “Tex ” C orrig an
F ro m G e o rg e S pe n c e r &
J ud g e P o l ly J ac k s o n S pe n c e r
Information on In Tribute
donations can be found under
The Foundation tab at
w w
S ubpoena 12
A nnouncements
B r iefly
The Law Office of Fidel Rodriguez
is pleased to announce the addition
of a new associate, Fidel Rodriguez,
III. Rodriguez is a 2013 graduate of St.
Mary’s Law School and previous Assistant District Attorney in Bexar County,
most recently a felony prosecutor in the
227th District Court. The firm concentrates on personal injury cases, including auto and trucking incidents, as well
as products liability cases.
At the Annual Meeting in June, the
Alternative Dispute Resolution Section of the SBOT awarded Bill Lemons the Judge Frank Evans Award.
This award is given annually to a person who has performed exceptional
and outstanding efforts in promoting
or furthering the use or research of alternative dispute resolution methods
in Texas. The award signifies that the
recipient is a recognized leader in the
field of ADR.
Pulman, Cappuccio, Pullen, Benson & Jones LLP is pleased to announce
that Adrian Coronado has joined the
firm’s San Antonio office as an associate attorney. Coronado graduated cum
laude from St. Mary’s University School
of Law in 2015. He will assist the firm
in its litigation, real estate and corporate law sections.
Plunkett & Griesenbeck, Inc. is
pleased to announce that Dannick
Hernandez has been made a Shareholder at the firm. In addition, Alex
Merced and Serenity Rasmussen have
joined the firm as Associates. They will
practice in the areas of personal injury
and wrongful death cases, commercial
trucking accidents, commercial litigation, professional and medical malpractice, fiduciary litigation and products
The National Association of Estate Planners & Councils is pleased to
recognize Gerry W. Beyer as an entrant
into the Estate Planning Hall of Fame
as a recipient of the Accredited Estate
Planner (Distinguished) Designation
for 2015. Beyer joined the faculty of the
Texas Tech University School of Law
in June 2005 and is a nationally recognized expert in estate planning.
Send “Briefly” submissions and
inquiries to:
Erin Boren, Editor
The Association of Attorney-Mediators
San Antonio Chapter
Committed to the mediation process, each of our member lawyers is devoted
to the ethical practice of law. Recommended by judges and their fellow attorneys,
AAM mediators have conducted over 25,000 mediations since 1989. A model of
responsible dispute resolution, as a group we have over 850 years’ experience in the
practice of law. Each of our members are covered by the A-A-M group arbitrators
and mediators professional liability insurance policy. With this much talent and
experience, why consider any other mediation source?
Areas of Practice
Civil Rights
Employment & Labor
Farm & Ranch
Health Care
Intellectual Property
Oil & Gas
Personal Injury
Professional Liability
Real Estate
Title Insurance
Wills, Trusts & Estates
For Information about individual members and chapter activities, visit the local
website at:
Many of our members have online scheduling functionality.
Contact the San Antonio Local Chapter:
Don Philbin
Dick Alcala
John Boyce
Leslie Selig Byrd
Ben Chappell
Leif Clark
Karen Crouch
Michael Curry
Allan DuBois
John Franco
Otto Good
Charles Hanor
Reese Harrison
Chris Heinrichs
Ronald Hornberger
Nan Hundere
Richard Ihfe
Gary Javore
Doug Ketterman
Jerry King
Daniel Kustoff
William Lemons
Dan Naranjo
Jamie Patterson
B. F. Pennypacker
Gale “Pete” Peterson
Robert Pfeuffer
Don Philbin
Edward Pina
Richard Reed
Les Sachanowicz
Wade Shelton
John Skogland
Tommy Smith
Phylis Speedlin
Bill Towns
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C ommunit y E v ents
13 S ubpoena
Upcoming CLE Seminars
Keeping you CONNECTED,
February 19, 2016
Bench Motions & Trials: Criminal Courts Edition
A twist on our original Bench Motions & Trials: Civil District Courts Edition, this seminar
will give attendees an “up close and personal” look at practicing law in the criminal
courtroom. Learn tips direct from the Bexar County judiciary!
March 4-5, 2016
Military Law 101: What All Practitioners Should Know
Generally based on our successful 2012 Military Law seminar, this 2016 event will be the
“military” learning experience of the year. If you’re working in San Antonio—Military City,
USA—you’re bound to need the resources and guidelines Military Law 101 will provide.
April 15-16, 2016
53rd Annual Criminal Law Institute
A must-attend for all San Antonio criminal law attorneys, this annual event boasts a strong
track record for providing the most up-to-date and relevant information for the criminal
law sphere. As always, the 53rd Annual CLI is co-sponsored by the San Antonio Criminal
Defense Lawyers Association.
May 20, 2016
Bench Motions & Trials VIII: Civil District Courts Edition
This SA Bar original brings attorneys face-to-face with the Bexar County judiciary. Learn
tips and tricks for navigating the Bexar County Civil system from the judges themselves,
and be prepared for the panel of all panels: Judges’ Pet Peeves and Q&A!
S ubpoena 14
C ommunit y E v ents
Swearing-In Ceremony
Continued from P. 1
Bar Exam gathered for this momentous event. Chief Justice Sandee Bryan
Marion of the Fourth Court of Appeals
administered the Oath and shared best
wishes and advice with the new inductees. “We are most successful in the
board room and the courtroom when
we are both respectful and professional,” said Chief Justice Marion.
Speakers including U.S. District
Judge Henry Bemporad and local organization representatives shared the
importance of networking, giving back
to the community and reaching out to
others. “I was blessed to move to San
Antonio,” shared Judge Bemporad.
“Give back to those less fortunate than
you. It’s your moral obligation. Give
r eputati o n i s s o pr i c e l e ss .
i s the m o st i m p o r at nt
thi n g you c a n e a r n .”
-A l l a n K . D u B o i s
back to those who haven’t had the advantages you’ve had. There is nothing
more rewarding than helping those less
fortunate than you. There are so many
great local bar associations to help you
in your career and help you find happiness and contentment in the best place
to practice in the state.”
“When I started 25 years ago, I
didn’t know any of these people,” said
SABA President Marty Truss. “We can
help you network so these colleagues,
community leaders and judges can become your mentors and friends.”
Allan K. DuBois, State Bar of Texas
President, also welcomed the new inductees to the “second largest and best”
state bar. “Your reputation is so priceless,” shared DuBois. “It is the most
important thing you can earn. Please be
passionate about your oath and your legal career. The nearly 100,000 members
of the state bar welcome you as a part
of the family.”
A member of the University of
St. Mary’s School of Law Alumni Association encouraged the inductees to
“[not] be bashful—reach out to anyone.
We’re more than happy to welcome you
C ommunit y E v ents
15 S ubpoena
and help you with regard to every day
practice and balancing our lives.”
For final remarks, SAYLA President
J. Barrett Shipp urged the new inductees to get involved with something,
anything. “My only regret is not getting
involved and seeing a bar association as
something I should do,” shared Shipp.
“I want to encourage you to ‘Do something more.’”
Congratulations to the newest
members of the legal community! May
you serve with honor, dignity and gratitude.
BELOW: Per tradition, new inductees signed
their names in the Swearing-In Ceremony
book, which was started at the first BCWBF
and SAYLA event last year.
Memorial Ceremony:
Remembering Mayo
Galindo & J. Burleson
Smith, Jan. 7
Join the Fourth Court of Appeals
and the San Antonio Bar Association
January 7, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. to honor
the late Mayo Galindo and J. Burleson
Smith in the Fourth Court of Appeals
Please join Galindo and Smith’s
family and friends to hear resolutions
presented by the San Antonio Bar Association in honor of the dedication both
members had to their profession and the
San Antonio community.
S ubpoena 16
C ommunit y E v ents
Veterans Pro Bono 101:
Thank you, attendees!
Appeals Mandamus Proceedings
Litigation Support
Dan Pozza
Board Certified Civil Appellate Law
Civil Trial Law and Personal Injury Law
Texas Board of Legal Specialization
On Thursday, November 12, 2015
the Community Justice Program (CJP)
hosted Veterans Pro Bono 101 in honor
of Veterans Day. State Bar of Texas President Allan DuBois shared advice and
tips to consider when dealing with a
Veterans pro bono case. Attendees committed to “Just Take One” pro bono case
in the coming year to earn this free hour
of CLE credit.
If you would like to join President
DuBois in helping the indigent veterans
in our community, contact the CJP at
Lorien Whyte
10 years of practice dedicated to appeals
and mandamus proceedings, including 6
years of service as a Staff Attorney for the
Fourth Court of Appeals
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17 S ubpoena
C ommunit y E v ents
San Antonio Bar Auxiliary: International Cuisine,
CASA gifts and January’s ‘Heritage in Song’
Peggy Karam opened the San Antonio Bar Auxiliary meeting at Central
Market with greetings in several languages to get us in the mood for our
cooking class on International Cuisine.
A room full of members and guests enjoyed Chef Martini as she prepared several dishes including delicious roasted
carrot soup with dukkah & yogurt,
phyllo-wrapped salmon ending with
ice cream with khoshaf sauce, an Egyptian twist. She also included a detailed
bruschetta and excellent rice pilaf with
chickpeas. Not only did the group get
to enjoy each dish, but they learned
cooking details in the process—how
to clarify butter, for example, and how
to oven dry tomatoes. The class went
home with a handful of recipes. This
meeting is always a favorite with the
Bar Auxiliary.
In December the group meets at the
home of Mary-Jean Stolhandske to celebrate the holidays and wrap gift cards
to present to the CASA teenage girls.
The new year brings “The Texas
Woman, Her Heritage in Song” by
Flicka Rahn, soprano, and Ruth Friedberg, pianist and lecturer, at the Oak
Hills Country Club. Join the Auxiliary
for this fundraiser for their scholarship
funds and a “Gently Loved” purse raffle
Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at 11:00 a.m.
The Auxiliary year will end in May
when we honor our past presidents and
install new officers.
If you are interested in the law, join
the San Antonio Bar Auxiliary. The
Auxiliary does many good things for
the community related in some way
to the law and has a great time doing
them. Please call Martha Ann Franco,
824-4012, Membership Vice President
for details.
June McManus, Auxiliary Member
S ubpoena
Subpoena (USPS #010728) (ISSN #10735135) is published monthly at the annual rate of $30 by the San Antonio
Bar Association; Bexar County Courthouse, Suite 500; San Antonio, Texas
78205. Periodicals postage paid at San
Antonio, TX. ©2015, Subpoena.
POSTMASTER send address changes
to: Subpoena, San Antonio Bar Association; Bexar County Courthouse, Suite
500; San Antonio, Texas 78205.
All submissions are due by the 10th
of the month preceding publication.
Press releases and Briefly submissions
must be sent to the attention of:
Erin Boren, Editor
O: 210.227.8822; F: 210.271.9614
General inquiries welcome.
Calendar announcements and event information may be submitted online at via the Events Calendar under the News & Events tab.
ADVERTISING inquiries should be
directed to:
Chellie Thompson
Monarch Media & Consulting, Inc.
Brand New Office Space in Castle Hills
2500 SF Available for $24/SF
Customize your office design. Optimize your space.
No long walks from a parking garage, no elevators!
For more information contact
Suzanne Menick REALTOR®
SABA office hours: Monday-Friday 8-5
p.m.; Closed weekends and County
“To serve our clients and the
public with the highest degree
of dedication and professionalism in the continuing pursuit of
equal justice for all under law.”
w w w .SABAR. o rg
S ubpoena 18
L istings
Office space cont.
Office space cont.
210-491-9567 * *
Investigations by former FBI agents throughout the US. Surveillance, database
searches, witness location, interviews,
fraud investigations, still & video photography, criminal history, court searches,
security analysis and background information.
North Central Office Space –
New Construction. Excellent Location.
Lease includes use of a large lobby, full
kitchen, conference room, receptionist,
internet, security, janitorial and parking.
Other services available. Contact Cameron
Redding at
Approximately 2,700 square feet shell
space conveniently located 200’ from Hwy
1604 and N.W. Military Drive. Space is
part of a 10,000-square-foot independently
owned office building in an upscale area.
Building is a new Class A building. Space
built to your needs with plenty of parking.
High-end, modern, spacious reception area
to be shared with owner/law firm. Potential to share receptionist costs and large
conference room. Call Ramon A. Molina at
210-249-3200 for more details.
AVAILABLE to assist with ancillary
Florida probate, trust, real estate and
related matters. Over 20 years of experience with Florida estate planning, probate
& real estate cases. Board Certified in
Estate Planning and Probate Law by TBLS
(Texas). Contact David Butterbaugh at
(210)212-6700, david@butterbaughlaw.
com, or
Civil Appeals Litigation Support
Do you need a “law” lawyer to assist with
the preparation/defense of your case? Experienced attorney handles all aspects of
appellate process, from error preservation
and charge conferences, to briefing and
argument. Dispositive motions written and argued. Appellate Mediation.
References available. Call Jeff Small @
210.496.0611 or
Office space
“Turnkey” Legal Offices—
Best All-Inclusive Rate in San Antonio
Includes use of three conference rooms,
personalized voice mail/remote messaging, bilingual receptionist, internet service,
multiple copier machines, fax machine, mail
equipment/supplies, kitchen and janitorial
service. Possible referrals and mentorship
from established attorneys. Access to Hwy
281/ 410/Airport. Contact: Maria Trevino
IH-10 & Vance Jackson
One furnished attorney office, shared
receptionist, library, two conference rooms,
wireless internet, fax, copier, postage
machine and kitchen. Willing to discuss
other options if practice is compatible with
established firm. Call Gary Javore or Steve
Cochran at 210-733-6235.
LEASE. Excellent location. Lease includes
a large lobby, full kitchen, 2 conference
rooms, receptionist, internet, new phones,
security, janitorial and parking. Fax and
copying services available. Potential referrals from other attorneys in the building.
Contact Daniel Brown at 210-490-1141 or
Charming 2-story and 3-story
historic buildings with offices
available for lease at 202 and 206 E. Locust
Street, near downtown. Common amenities include live receptionists, covered
parking, kitchen/break rooms, ADA compliant rest rooms, reception areas, faxes,
scanning and copy machines. Virtual Office Space also available. For information,
please contact Kathy Hoffman 884-1375.
ALAMO HEIGHTS Attorney Office.
Shared conference and waiting rooms.
Includes free parking, utilities, security,
kitchen, janitorial, internet ready. Copy
equipment available. Other lawyers there
include Richard P. Corrigan, Kevin P. Kennedy and Thomas Hallstead.
1920 Nacogdoches Road, Suite 100 San
Antonio, Texas 78209. Call (210) 824-9505
or (210) 824-0771.
directly behind the Marriott Plaza San Antonio. Large victorian house. Space for one
lawyer. Receptionist service, law library &
telephone system furnished. Within three
blocks of the county and federal courthouse. 405 S. Presa. Call Robert Price or
Louis Martinez 227-5311.
Legal Secretary Needed
Small civil law firm has an immediate
opening for an experienced legal secretary
to prepare pleadings, discovery, filings
with the various courts online and keeping
attorney’s calendar. Salary dependent on
experience. To apply, please send a resume
to and reference
Legal Secretary Opening in the subject
Semi-Retired Attorney Needed
Established tax, estate planning & probate
attorney (35 yrs.) seeks semi-retried attorney with similar background/experience
for Of Counsel position. Near NW side
location. Library/conference & reception
rooms, desk, chairs, ample filing space,
fax, copier provided. Reply atty752@gmail.
MICHAEL CURRY, Atty-Mediator
AAM Certified
700 Lavaca St., Ste. 1400
Austin, TX 78701 • 512-474-5573
Full-time mediator since 1994
Website with calendar:
No travel charge for San Antonio mediations
H. Paul Canales, Retired Judge
Mediation & Arbitration Services
22 years experience on the bench
Cell: 210-602-3621; Fax: 210-247-9335
JANUARY Calendar
F or
C alendar events
C alendar & Events tab online at:
full calendar event details or to submit
publication , visit the
BCWB Lunch - Club
Giraud @ noon
STOP Lunch - 7750 Briarridge @ noon
SA Lawyer Support Group
- Alamo Heights United
Methodist Church @
6:30 p.m.
SA Christian Legal Society
Christmas Luncheon - SA
Petroleum Club @ noon
Collaborative Professionals Assoc. SA mtg - Petroleum Club @ noon
Memorial Service for
Mayo Galindo & J. Burleson Smith - 4th Court
of Appeals Courtroom @
3:00 p.m.
SAFLA Lunch - The Plaza
Club @ noon
Deadline for January
Subpoena submissions
MABA-SA Mtg - The Palm FBA Luncheon - Quarry
@ 11:45 a.m.
Golf Club Restaurant @
11:45 a.m.
BC Court Reporters Mtg
- Rosario’s San Pedro @
SA Black Lawyers Assoc.
5:30 p.m.
- 6th Floor Boardroom,
Bexar County Courthouse
@ noon
Bexar County Courthouse CLOSED for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
SAYLA Lunch - Paesano’s
Lincoln Heighs @ noon
National Employment
Lawyers Association
Meeting - 924 Camaron
St. @ noon
SA Bankruptcy Bar Association mtg - SA Country
Club @ 5:30 p.m.
Bexar County Courthouse CLOSED for New
Year’s Day
SA Estate Planners Council Lunch - SA Country
Club @ noon
Last-Chance Videos: Part
One, Adv. Employment
Law - 5th Floor Bexar
County Courthouse @
8:30 a.m.
Last-Chance Videos: Part
Two, Adv. Employment
Law - 5th Floor Bexar
County Courthouse @
8:30 a.m.
SA Trial Lawyers Assoc.
Lunch - The Palm @
CJP Clinic: Veterans
- Audie L. Murphy Veterans Hospital @ 5:30
Assoc. of Legal Admin.
mtg - Petroleum Club @
11:30 a.m.
Family Law Section mtg The Palm @ noon
Appellate Section mtg Club Giraud @ noon
CJP Clinic: Wills - St.
Mary’s Center for Legal
& Social Justice @ 5:30
SABA Brown Bag Lunch
CLE - Judge Noll’s Courtroom @ noon
Judicial “Family Violence”
Conference - Day One Hyatt Lost Pines
Judicial “Family Violence”
Conference - Day Two Hyatt Lost Pines
SA Legal Support Assoc.
Lunch - Chester’s Hamburgers @ noon
SABA Lunch - The Plaza
Club @ noon
SA Bar Auxiliary mtg @
11:00 a.m.