Pepper Pratt Page 6
Pepper Pratt Page 6
Professional Image Restoration Have you had your old family photographs sitting around for years fading away? Damaged by age and wear and not sure what to do? Images stuck to glass, cracked, water damage, or faded with no color or contrast? All of these can be brought back to life with some tender loving care. We specialize in custom restoration of your old image taking the extra time to ensure that all the detail of faded or damaged images are properly done. We have satisfied many customers wanting to restore the memories past. We can do custom composites of two or more images combining them to make one image. Most places just scan the image and print as is. We copy and restore the images back to near original state. Once the image is restored, we archive the images on CD or DVD for safe keeping. We can copy and restore prints, negatives, slides and tin type prints. While your originals are at our studio, we store all of the originals in a large fire safe so you can rest at ease knowing that your originals are safe while in our hands. Bring your prized memories to us when you need it done right! 2 3045 NORTH HIGHLAND AVENUE * JACKSON, TN October/november 2014 10 Day Cruise Tour May 26 - June 6, 2015 Prices start at $2953 per person Includes roundtrip airfare from Memphis, TN, 7 night cruise/ tour (includes rail, hotel and taxes). port charges and government fees. Insurance is additional $175 per person. Deposit is $575 per person. E S I ALASKACRU For more information on either Vacation Contact Ronda’s Travel Corner PRESENTS Greece 731-661-9104 In the footsteps of Paul the Apostle featuring a 3 night greek island & turkey Cruise March 25 - April 4, 2015 Book Now & Save $250 per person october/november 2014 3 October / November\ 2014 The Wonders of Fall Publisher Michael and Lisa Bickerstaff Editor Michael and Lisa Bickerstaff Writers Michael Bickerstaff Marketing Michael Bickerstaff Lisa Bickerstaff Board of Advisors Angela Snider, Connie Teel, Rosy Whalley, Brandi Wilson, Julie Rhodes Daniels, Lisa Smithey Distribution Manager Michael Bickerstaff Photography Michael Bickerstaff Graphic Designers Michael Bickerstaff, Julie Rhodes Daniels, Lisa Smithey Web Design Molly Veazey, Director of Programs, and Paige Bledsoe, Director of Girls Programming for Youth Town of Tennessee Women’s Journal P.O. Box 10296 • Jackson TN 38308 • 731.664.9529 email: Photo taken in front of the Casey Jones Village, Old Country Store Connie Teel and Michael Bickerstaff 4 On the Cover October/november 2014 Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Angela Snider / Attorney at Law.................................... 13 Beth Bridgers.........................................................26 & 27 Beaver Creek Kennels................................................... 30 Bickerstaff Photography.................................................. 2 Bob Whitworth / Gardening........................................... 14 Calendar of Events....................................................... 31 Core Heart & Medical Center....................................... 11 Exit Realty...................................................................... 30 Green with Envy............................................................ 14 Jackson Clinic.............................................................. 15 Jackson Surgical Associates......................................... 17 Joytime Ministries............................................................ 9 Laser Aesthetics............................................................. 10 Lifeline Blood Services................................................... 10 Merry Maids.................................................................. 27 Meineke........................................................................ 30 Microcomputer Center................................................. 30 Old Country Store.................................................25 & 30 Patti’s 1880’s Settlement .......................................22 & 23 Patient Centered Physicians Care................................ 24 Pepper Pratt.................................................................... 6 Randy Carter / Northside Assembly .............................. 29 Raymond James........................................................... 16 Recipes.................................................................18 & 19 Ronda’s Travel Corner..................................................... 3 Runway for a Cure........................................................ 14 Snappy Tomato Pizza.................................................... 30 Trimmers Family Hair Care............................................. 10 The Dove ........................................................................ 8 The Victory.................................................................... 28 West Tennessee Healthcare............................................ 7 WLWJ-TV......................................................................... 17 Woman’s Clinic............................................................. 32 Youth Town............................................................20 & 21 By Pepper Pratt How to Feed Your Man M backwards) – I can do almost anything in the kitchen. I have learned to just keep it simple. Meat and something else. Everybody wins. Pepper Pratt, Ph.D. is the executive director at Youth Town of Tennessee. Youth Town has plans to begin to offer gender responsive treatment to girls in January of 2015. Pepper Pratt Page 6 eat and something else. Article over. Many loving ladies stress about what to cook and some give up. They often wish they were the natural Holly-homemaker that many of you tend to be. Unfortunately, ladies, you may overcomplicate things. While there are, perhaps, a few men who appreciate and have a palate for “pretty food”, most men fall into a very predictable set of preferences I shall list below to simplify your culinary confusion. Quality – Contrary to what we may joke about at times, men are not consistently human garbage disposals. At times, we can certainly binge on the strangest things and, if other options are not available, we will eat things that simply have mass with little or no nutritional value. Many men may not know how to get their, but we appreciate quality food. Aged beef, fresh vegetables, seasoned pork – anything wrapped in bacon – is always preferred over processed food from a restaurant or the frozen food section in the grocery store. Quantity – The first morning in our new apartment, my bride of one week cooked me breakfast. Now, don’t get me wrong, my wife is a wonderful cook, but she learned an important lesson. After a certain amount of secrecy in the kitchen, she emerged and presented to her new husband her domestic creation – one piece of bacon, one egg and one piece of toast….!!! I probably shouldn’t have laughed….Men dig quantity. Maybe it was growing up with step-brothers, having sons or just the fact that food has always been considered a bit of a reward for a job well-done – a sort of validation – quality food aplenty makes a man feel loved and appreciated. Caring – When I was a kid, my mom went to work and left me in the care of the most awesome grandmother who ever lived. Regardless of whether I had a bad cold or a stomach bug, she would always nurse me back to health with 7up and Golden Archway cookies (lemon or orange – I preferred orange). So, you can imagine my wife’s response when I requested 7up and Golden Archway cookies the first time in our young marriage I was under the weather. Sick, celebration and sometimes just “because”, going to some length to prepare a meal that has associated emotional value is a way to communicate “you are special” to your guy. Creativity – I stand by my original advice. Meat and something else. However, there are many different ways to do that. Meat and potatoes, meat and veggies, meat and chips, meat and pasta, meat and salad, meat and bacon! Meat and something seasoned different ways, served at unexpected times of day (breakfast at suppertime) and served in different things and on different things. Regardless of how you slice the beef, bologna, sausage, chicken, turkey or salami – it still comes down to meat and something else. Now, to let you in on a really big man-secret. We really can cook. See, cooking is like assembling the kids toys on Christmas Eve. Stepby-step instruction that involves meat and something else leads to tasty treats. It is that simple. As our marriage has evolved, I now do most of the cooking at my house. I enjoy it. So does my family. I’m not just talking grilled hot dogs – fettuccine alfredo, gumbo, meat and veggies, meat and potatoes, meat and beans, spaghetti, lasagna, nearly any breakfast dish and many desserts (stressed spelled Recipes Pages 18 & 19 Female Facelift Youth Town for Girls Pages 20-21 Patti’s Settlement Old World Charm Page 22-23 in the mail For a Yearly subscription to the Women’s Journal Magazine, send a check or money order for $25 to: Women’s Journal • P.O. Box 10296 • Jackson, TN 38308 Include the name and address of subscriber. The Women’s Journal is a free, bi-monthly publication available in approved private and public establishments. No part of this paper may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The Women’s Journal is not responsible for any editorial comment (other than its own) or for typographical errors in advertisements submitted as camera ready. We reserve the right to deny any advertisement that does not meet our standards. The advertiser assumes sole responsibility for all statements contained in submitted copy. The Women’s Journal accepts no responsibility for unsolicited material; if return is requested, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. The Women’s Journal will be published before the 15th of every other month. october/november 2014 Beth Bridgers Ministries Page 26 & 27 Thanksgiving noun or verb? Page 29 5
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Michael and lisa Bickerstaff
The Women’s Journal will be published before the 15th of every other month.