An Open and Affirming Congregation No matter who
An Open and Affirming Congregation No matter who
The United Church of Christ came into being in 1957 with the union of two Protestant denominations: The Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Congregational Christian Churches. The motto of the United Church of Christ is found in John 17:21, “That they may all be one.” Part of what we believe is best summarized by, “In essentials unity, in non-essentials diversity.” The unity that we seek requires neither an uncritical acceptance of any point of view, nor rigid formulation of doctrine. That which binds us together, in spite of our differences, is love. Because faith can be expressed in many different ways, the United Church of Christ has no formula that is a test of faith. Regarding the Bible, we believe that the Bible was written in specific historical times and places. However, we also believe that the Bible still speaks to us in our present condition and that the study of the Bible is not limited to past interpretations. We firmly believe that God is still speaking! We also believe in the priesthood of all believers. All members and friends of the United Church of Christ are called to minister to one another and to the world. Ordained ministers guide and instruct but in no way are called to do the work of ministry on their own. The United Church of Christ also stresses responsible freedom. As members of the Body of Christ, we are free to act in accordance with our perception of God’s will for our lives. But, we are also called to live in loving, covenantal relationship with one another - gathering in communities of faith, congregations of believers, local churches. And finally, “No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!” Staff The Rev. Mr. Todd A. Petty, Senior Minister (ext. 11) - The Rev. Dr. Patrick Coyle, Minister of Music (ext. 29) - Gloria Eckert, Director of Children’s Ministry (ext. 14) - Terrie Hunter, Parish Visitor (ext. 12) - Steve Smith, Principal Organist (ext. 24) Phyllis Miner, Music Associate and Associate Organist (ext. 24) Cheryl Wells, Music Associate - Director of Carol Choir Mandy York, Music Associate - Director of Park Singers Lisa Smith, Executive Assistant to the Senior Minister (ext. 17) - Natalie Barlas, Administrative Assistant (ext. 18) - Gene Gess, Business Manager (ext. 13) - Marty Butler, Program Staff Assistant - John Ott, Lead Custodian and Food Service (ext. 26) - Mark Kelly, Custodian Rachel Creamer, Custodian Kevin Rubingh, Custodian Church Office Email Sunday, July 6, 2014 / Ten-thirty in the morning The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost An Open and Affirming Congregation No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here! Statement of Welcome and Inclusion As Jesus demonstrated by his life and teachings, we fully welcome into the life of Park Church and value all people regardless of beliefs or doubts; age, color, gender, sexual orientation or identity; physical, mental, or emotional ability; or economic status. In fact, we value and celebrate the rich diversity of all God’s creation. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here. Vision To build a community of relentless compassion and courageous hope where all are seen and known and the God of extravagant Love is revealed. First (Park) Congregational Church, UCC 10 East Park Place NE Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503 616.459.3203 / Festival Worship High School Mission Trip Memories Green Prayer Cards If you would like to share a joy or concern and have it included in today's Pastoral Prayer, please see one of our ministers before the start of the service. Otherwise, fill out a Green Prayer Card and place it in the offering plate. Your joy or concern will be shared with the staff at their weekly staff meeting. Thank you. +Please stand as you are able Bold = Words spoken in unison Bold Italics = Words sung in unison Hearing devices are available from the Ushers upon request. Gathering Music The Welcome +Passing the Peace and Love of Jesus Christ Announcements, Joys, and Concerns Prelude All Things Bright and Beautiful Dale Wood s +The Hymn - No. 7 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise ST. DENIO +Responsive Opening Sentences One: All: One: All: The Rev. Sara A. Fetty Retired Congregational Minister In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets, But in these last days he has spoken to us by a son, Whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. He reflects the glory of God and bears the very 2 also had The high school eling to av a great time, tr for o hi Cleveland, O . They ip tr on their missi Maggie’s volunteered on Greater Farm and at the Bank. Cleveland Food , the ng When not worki to ip tr a group enjoyed l al H l ol R the Rock and at op st a d of Fame an Cedar Point! 11 Middle School Mission Trip Memories stamp of his nature, upholding the universe by his word of power. (Hebrews 1: 1-3) +Invocation and Our Savior’s Prayer Eternal God, who has been pleased to reveal yourself through prophets and apostles, and to your special son Jesus Christ, reveal yourself anew to us, that we might be refreshed for the spiritual pilgrimage. In the name of Christ we pray... Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done; On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Anthem Cheryl Wells, flute Eternal Father, Strong To Save Scripture Lesson One: All: ol had a great The middle scho ission trip! The time on their m cal, volunteering group stayed lo The Image. at UCOM and In CCESS and dA They also visite tries. When they is in Heartside M e work, the middl weren’t hard at a d an g lin w d bo schoolers enjoye pool party. Deacon Janet Mitchell Romans 8:14-25 (Phillips Translation) The word of the Lord… Thanks be to God! w +Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father (Creator), and to the Son (Christ) and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. World without end. Amen. Sermon 10 Creation On Tiptoe The Rev. Maurice A. Fetty Park Church Interim Sr. Minister 2001-2005 3 Text: "....the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God." Romans 8:19 (RSV) Joys and Concerns of Our Church Family "The whole creation is on tiptoe to see the wonderful sight of the sons of God coming into their own." Romans 8:19 (Phillips Translation) Peg Atkinson Chuck Dietiker Mary Davison John Hanington Stuart Kutsche Sr. Terry Sprenkle Richard Vaughan Gloria Vaughan Susan Victor Jon and Lois Wier A Moment for Silent Reflection The Sacrament of Holy Communion (All are invited to participate regardless of denominational affiliation) +Communion Hymn - No. 283 Bread of the World in Mercy Broken j Call to Confession x Prayer of Confession x Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ, have mercy upon us and forgive us; that we may delight in your will, and walk in your ways, to the glory of your name. Amen. Invitation to Communion Prayer of Consecration x Words of Institution Those serving our nation in the military, especially: Joe Birkhold Kit Grant Kyle Kutsche Janet Presley Jonathan Seys If you are facing surgery and would like a pre-surgical visit and prayer or if you are hospitalized and would like a visit from the pastor, please let us know. We are here for you. x Sharing of Bread and Wine* *Unfermented Grape Juice. Communion will be served by intinction. Please come forward using the center aisle and receive the bread from one of the ministers. Stepping to the side, 4 9 What’s Happening At Park FLOWER ROOM UPDATES THIS WEEK AT PARK Wednesday, July 9th Newsletter Deadline YOGA CANCELLED NEXT SUNDAY Continental Breakfast - 9:30am Adult Ed - 9:30am, SDR Worship - 10:30am; Rev. Fetty Blood Pressure Clinic - 11:45am, Merriam Hall Nursery Care to Age 5 Available The flower room is being renovated this month. It will have a new sink, countertop, and a fresh coat of paint, all thanks to the wonderful generosity of the Park Church Women. I thank them for this! Those who have flowers on Sunday in July have been moved to August and September. - Sue Winer CHURCH WIFI Network: Park Church Guest take the bread and dip it in the cup offered by a Deacon. Please return to your seat using the side aisles. Communion Music Prayer of Thanksgiving We give thanks to you, Almighty God, that you have refreshed us with this sacrament of your love, and have granted us the presence of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Strengthen our faith in you, and increase our love for one another, through him who is our Redeemer. Amen x Receiving of God’s Tithe and Our Offerings Offertory Password: parkchurchguest SUMMER CHILDCARE Organ Selections Steven Smith, organist David Wells, trombone Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory +Doxology Childcare to Age 5 will be provided in the Nursery/Toddler Room this summer. If you would like to volunteer in the Nursery/ Toddler Room, please contact Gloria Eckert at geckert or the church office. SUMMER OFFICE HOURS This church office is open for business 8:30am - 3:00pm this summer. Regular hours will resume after Labor Day. Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him (God) all creatures here below; Praise Him (God) above ye heavenly hosts; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. (Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost). Amen. +Prayer of Dedication IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING….. If you are in need of information about anything relating to the Board of Trustees or the Deacons, please feel free to contact one or more of the following church members: Paul Kelly - (Moderator) Bob Briggs - (Vice-moderator) Judy Furman - (Secretary) Ken Haines - (Treasurer) Camille DeBoer - (Senior Deacon) 8 +The Hymn - No. 239 Come, Down, O Love Divine DOWN AMPNEY +Our Common Commission Let us now go forth into the world in peace; being of good courage; holding fast to that which is good; rendering to no one evil for evil; strengthening the faint hearted; supporting the weak; helping the afflicted; 5 honoring all people; loving and serving the Lord and rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. The service of worship concludes with The Common Commission. Please join us after the service for coffee and fellowship in Merriam Hall. If you are leaving the Sanctuary during the Postlude, please be mindful of others. Thank You. Postlude Postlude on “Old Hundredth” Fred Bock After Worship... You are invited to greet The Rev. Maurice Fetty, The Rev. Sara Fetty, and Dr. Patrick Coyle in the Narthex. Thank you for worshiping with us today! Serving With You Today *** The Rev. Maurice Fetty Rev. Fetty, author of fifteen books, holds degrees from Union Theological Seminary in New York City, Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, Butler University in Indianapolis, Minnesota Bible College, Minneapolis (now Crossroads College in Rochester, MN). His former pastorates were Park Congregational Church, Grand Rapids, MI; Congregational Church of Manhasset, Manhasset, NY; Mayflower Congregational Church, Grand Rapids, MI; Colonial (Congregational) Church of Edina, Minneapolis; La Hermosa Christian Church and Institute, Manhattan, New York City; and Flatbush Christian Church, Brooklyn, NY. Rev. Fetty and his wife, Rev. Sara Fetty, have six children and fourteen grandchildren. You can follow Rev. Fetty on his weekly blog at or Sermon Series By Rev. Fetty “Spiritual Agriculture” Sound: Mark Kelly Greeters: Marlene Fosner, Sue and Fred Laage Grounds Crew: Jennifer Newhall Nursery/Toddlers: Dennis and Gloria Eckert Ushers: Richard Rowe Adult Education at Park Church Free Yoga Wednesday 6:30 to 8:00 pm - Spindler Dining Room Science & Religion: A DVD Series 9:30 am to 10:30 am - Spindler Dining Room June 8th - August 31st July 13 - "Productive Soil" Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 July 20 - "Out of Small Beginnings Matthew 13:31-35 July 27 - "The Harsh Realities of Harvest" Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 6 7