here. - Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity
here. - Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity
AO Capital Alumnotes August 23th, 2012, Volume 60 Issue 1 AO kicks off year with combined frater spouse's meeting featuring a very special speaker you do not want to miss. AO welcomes: MYRNA B. TECK, Ph.D. “Art of the High Holidays” The Installation of Officers will also take place at this meeting which will take place September 20th Tragara's Ristorante 4935 Cordell Ave., Bethesda, MD Cocktails at 6:00, event begins 6:30 (See page 7 for details) Table of Contents 2012-13 Alumni Chapter Officers contact information……….…...……………….……………3 Calendar of Special Events 2012-13 …………………………….……………………….……...3 Program Calendar 2012-13………………………………………………………………………4 Message from the incoming president by Adam Freider………………………………………...5 Dues Statement…………………………………………………………………………………..6 Scheduled Event: Induction ceremony/spouse invitation lecture/Myrna B. Teck…………….... 7 Distinguished Member feature: Interview of Bud Rothstein by Andy Lasky…………………..8 “Bud Rothstein Spotting”…………………………………………………..…………..………10 AO Golf Outing photos, June 6, 2012………………………………………………………….11 Tech Corner: CBCT by Israel Putterman……………………………………………………...12 Reception for Ilana Eli………………………………………………………………………….14 “Laughing gas”…………...…………………………………………………………………….15 Phil Vahab’s Fun Page: Cultural Highlight in the DC Metropolitan Area …….…………....…16 Alpha Omega at Nationals Park………………………………………………………………...17 2012 AO Convention…………………………………………………………………………...18 Article: “Israel’s Government Turns to Alpha Omega to Lead the Way” by Marc Rothman ...19 “Honoring Alpha Omega Leaders: Ralph Rothstein and Ben Williamosky”…………………..20 Executive Board Meeting Minutes. July 12, 2012………………………………………….......21 Alpha Omega Tribute Fund………...………………………………………..………………...21 2 2012-2013 Alumni Chapter Officers (to be inducted September 20, 2012) President Treasurer: Co-editor: Co-editor Secretary: Co-Sgt-at-arms: Co-Sgt-at-arms: Chapter Deputy: Historian: Adam Frieder Jeffrey Cross Philip Vahab Andy Lasky Maddy Goodman Thomas Sokoly Dror Orbach Andrew Schwartz Sam Blum O: 301-662-7766 O: 301-662-0300 C: 914-522-0567 C: 301-257-3807 O: 301-977-4200 O: 202-298-7251 O: 202-625-0888 O: 202-785-4746 H: 301-762-6832 Sherril Siegel Memorial Fund Trustees Neil Starr Steven Guttenberg O:202-293-7177 O: 202-466-3323 Upcoming Board Meetings will be announced by email. All AO members are welcome. Calendar of Special Events 2012-13 September 9th Alpha Omega at Nationals Park ! See the Nats take on the Marlins (see page 17 For details) October 12th-13th Leadership Conference in Chicago December 25th-January 1st AO Convention in Scottsdale, AZ (see page 18 For details) April 27th or 28th (TBA) The Last Non-Clinical Event (TBA) 3 Washington D.C. Alumni Chapter 2012 – 2013 Program September 20, 2012 (Thursday)* Opening Meeting/Installation Dinner Please bring your spouse, significant other, or a guest to greet old friends and hear Dr. Myrna Teck speak about “The Art of the High Holy Days.” (see first page for details) October 16, 2012 (Tuesday)* Dr. Carl Driscoll, of the University of Maryland School of Dentistry will speak on “What happens to your patients after you find the Cancer?” November 20, 2012 (Tuesday)* Dr. Robert Rubin, “Motivating your staff” November 28, 2012 (Wednesday)* The Annual Sherril Ann Siegel Memorial Lecture with Dr. Robert Margeas speaking on “Everyday Dentistry – More than Everyday Esthetic Results.” January 27, 2013 Brunch and Learn (Sunday)** Dr. Mark Reynolds, of the University of Maryland School of Dentistry will speak on “Periodontal Treatment Recommendations under Scrutiny.” February 19, 2013 (Tuesday)* Dr. Howard Pranikoff, Ormond Beach, Fl, will speak on “Endodontic Headaches and how to solve them.” March 19, 2013 (Tuesday)* Dr. Miguel Vidal, Harvard University School of Dentistry, will speak on “The Influence of Implant Abutment Design in Achieving Esthetic Treatment Outcomes.” Lecture sponsored by the Dentsply / Astra Implant Company April 16, 2013 (Tuesday)* Dr. Nevin Zablotsky of South Hero, VT will speak on “Tobacco, Dental and Overall Health.” He will also help you help your patient kick the habit. * Will take place at Tragara’s Ristorante, 4935 Cordell Ave., Bethesda, MD Cocktails at 6:00, event begins 6:30 ** Will take Place at Tragara’s, 4935 Cordell Ave., Bethesda, MD Time TBA 4 Incoming President Adam Frieder’s Message This past spring, my family traveled to Israel to visit my daughter, Amy, who was attending Tel Aviv University. Of course, we traveled extensively once we arrived. I made a special stop at Hebrew University to see its dental school, which I had never seen before. It made me proud to be a part of an international organization that was integral in raising the funds to build the dental school. In fact, I saw that an entire floor was dedicated to AO. A month or so later, when the AO Board asked me to be President again, I jumped at the chance. As much as I appreciated the honor my first time around, this second time is even more meaningful to me, especially after having seen first-hand AO’s contributions in Israel. Our organization is much more than a venue for continuing education. Dentists can get CE credits anywhere. AO is special because it is a strong bond of dental professionals who share common values and friendship. We also share a sense of Tichon Olam. As I mentioned before, AO has done much to help Israel, but we also give locally by providing volunteer services at the Hebrew Home. All of this is what separates us from other organizations, and we should not forget that. This year, in addition to continuing education, we have developed a program of social events to enhance our friendships and camaraderie. Our new social committee comprises members of all ages. We also have installed a “member care coordinator” to address individuals’ needs and concerns. I’m looking forward to another great year with my AO family, and I am proud to have earned your trust as President. Fraternally, Adam J. Frieder 5 Alpha Omega – Washington, D.C. Alumni Chapter 2012-2013 *** Please make sure all information is correct and up-to-date *** Home Address MemID Spouse Home phone Email Specialty Dr. Office phone Fax Email Dues Alumni Member Early Dues Alumni Member Dues, after 9/14 Life Member Retired Member (+ per meeting $50) Young Alumni (1st yr. post training) Young Alumni (2nd + 3rd yr. post training) $450.00 $495.00 $350.00 $95.00 $300.00 $350.00 Sub-Total (Member dues includes all International Dues) _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ========= Voluntary Contributions Foundation, Chai Club Contribution $ 18.00 _________ Undergraduate Contribution $ 18.00 _________ Foundation Club, International Convention and Raffle Ticket $ 180.00 _________ All Guest Fees : $ 50.00 _________ ========= Grand Total Please make check payable to Alpha Omega and mail to: Dr. Jeffrey Cross, AO Treasurer 14401 Stonebridge View Dr. N. Potomac, MD 20878 6 Spouse Invitation Lecture September 20th MYRNA B. TECK, Ph.D. “Art of the High Holidays” Myrna Teck is a professional art educator. Her interest in drawing and painting began as a young child, as she was the 3rd grade class artist. The teacher allowed students to paint on Fridays. She received a B.A. (Syracuse University, 1958) in Fine Arts and Psychology and an M.S. (Old Dominion University, 1974) in Special Education with a focus on ‘Art for the Emotionally Disturbed.’ She received her Ph.D. in Visual Arts Education (University of Kansas, 1999), concentrating on understanding art from the Jewish world. This brought together her personal art interests and her cultural background. Myrna began her teaching career at the Hebrew Academy in Norfolk, VA, where she was raised. She then became an art teacher at Granby High School (1970-83). At the same time, she was an adjunct Assist. Art Prof. at Virginia Wesleyan College (19671985). In 1983, Myrna left the classroom teaching and became the Program Coordinator at The Chrysler Museum in Norfolk. In 1989, she returned to graduate school at the University of Kansas and earned her Ph.D. in visual arts education. Her dissertation focused on how people attempt to understand art, particularly from an unfamiliar culture. Now, over 20 years later, Myrna continues to research art from the Jewish world in all of its forms (drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, etc.). She creates slide programs to teach about these objects and the world in which they were created. In 2007, Myrna formed the non-profit “Jewish Art Education Organization,” with the mission ‘to bring the best of the visual arts from the Jewish world to the wider world.’ Please visit her website: for upcoming programs, DVDs, a blog, and other related information. RSVP to Jeff Cross at If you are bringing a guest or spouse and you have not included the guest fee in your annual dues statement (see page 5), please send check for $50 made payable to Alpha Omega to: Dr. Jeffrey Cross, AO Treasurer 14401 Stonebridge View Dr. N. Potomac, MD 20878 7 SPOTLIGHT ON OUR EMERITUS MEMBERS Interview with Bud Rothsein By Andy Lasky I just spent an afternoon interviewing Bud Rothstein, who has been a member of Alpha Omega since 1937, and a member of our chapter since its formation after World War II. To say it was memorable would be an understatement. As most of you know, Bud is the older brother of Ralph and he has been an involved Alpha Omegan without lapse his entire life. That is 75 years of AO!! To get a perspective about Bud, I asked Ben Williamowsky for his thoughts, and this seems a good way to start this story. "As for my take on Bud. He is definitely the strong, silent type…like a “smaller, Jewish John Wayne. I know of no person more honest and more principled than Bud. I have never heard him brag about his accomplishments or his contributions to his “fellow man”, or his profession. He goes about his philanthropic endeavors very quietly, without fanfare. His loyalty to his country, his profession, and respect for Judaic values are as high as they can be. It is amazing that at his “tender” age, he can still play tennis, golf, and bridge…and attend dental meetings and conventions. His contributions to Israel, to Alpha Omega, to U. of Penn (his alma mater), to the “N” street clinic, to his family (particularly to Ralph, his brother of blessed memory), the Jewish organizations (too numerous to name) are legendary. He has strength of character that on one occasion, when I chaired a tribute to him from the Israel Bond Organization, moved me to say, “If I were ever marooned on a desert isle or in a wartime foxhole, I would pick Bud as the one I would feel most secure with." Bud started out by telling me about his Dad, who instilled in both Ralph and Bud a set of values that carried them into their adult lives and led them to do so many great things. His dad came to DC at the age of 18 after having dropped out of school in NYC at any early age and working in the largest dental lab in NY. He started his own lab in DC and Rothstein Dental lab grew to be the largest dental lab in the world, with satellite labs in several countries and Puerto Rico. The lab employed over 450 people, including more than 35 handicapped workers. Bud took pride in telling me that his dad found jobs for any and all who applied. While Bud decided to attend dental school at the University of Pennsylvania, Ralph became owner of the lab and ran it for over 30 years. When the lab moved from downtown DC to Silver Spring, they donated several lab benches to the AO house at Penn. Bud is confident that they are still there, as he says they were so big and heavy that they had to be disassembled and rewelded to get them into the house. The lab in Silver Spring became the sight of many AO meetings for dental students. When I attended Georgetown, I spent many happy hours (joke) studying in the Rothstein reading room in the Medical-Dental library, another of the Rothstein family's philanthropic endeavors. 8 In the early days of our chapter, Bud reports that the reason for meetings was not for lectures, but to play cards and swap stories. Annual conventions were attended by a large contingent of Washingtonians including many by Bud and wife Lorraine. Later, AO used to have several joint meetings a year with Maimonides with speakers, and it gradually evolved into the present format. Their reasons for being were many, camaraderie, philanthropy, and of course Judaism.Bud served the chapter in many capacities, including as President. He practiced dentistry in downtown DC for 55 years and was active in the DC dental society as well, serving as President and in many other capacities, including ADA delegate, and Chairman of the DC dental political action committee. In 1982 he was honored with the Sterling Mead award by the Dental Society for Outstanding Achievement. Following retirement, Bud did anything but!! He became involved with the N St. clinic along with his hygienist who also retired after spending 35 years at his side. This clinic treated more than 8000 women who were living on the streets during the 12 years that Bud was there. They received help with psychological, medical , dental and any other cosmetic issues which enabled many of them to obtain gainful employment or return to school. Truly an amazing venture! He, Ralph, and their father were also involved for many years in providing support for dental services to the Hebrew Home. This short biography would not be complete if I did not share Bud's description of his life as a military dentist in World War II. He was a member of the 77th Infantry and was stationed in the Pacific and was involved in some of the heaviest fighting of the war. 7 members of his infantry division received the Medal of Honor. Bud himself received a Bronze star for his actions in helping to retrieve several wounded soldiers while under heavy mortar fire. To put things in perspective, his division suffered 90% casualties and served in Okinawa, one of the roughest battles of the war.. He was also with the first group to occupy Japan when the war ended, and served in many capacities including dentist. If you see him at an AO meeting ask him about some of his experiences. They are both scary and fascinating. It really puts things in perspective when we consider some of the struggles in our own lives, when you stop to think about what others went through. While I have known Bud for many years, I never took the time to speak to him about any of this and I feel honored to know him and humbled by the extent of his efforts through the years. He is truly an amazing person, and we should be honored to have him as one of us. I would advise any of you to speak with him, particularly if you are wondering how you can give back to your community , become a better person, and become more involved in some of the great things that Alpha Omega does. - Fraternally, Andy Lasky 9 Bud Rothstein Spotting Above: From the AO convention of 1802 A.D. Can you find Bud Rothstein? Another current member is also in this picture. Can you guess who it is? Above: There are three current AO members in this picture. Can you spot them? Can you spot Bud’s wife Lorraine and Minna Willliamowsky? Guess who is wearing the mask? 10 AO Golf Outing photos, June 6, 2012 On Wednesday June 6th Alpha Omegas and friends enjoyed a beautiful day at Woodmont Country Club. While the results were not quite worthy of the US open, all who attended enjoyed the day of golf and camaraderie. The results were as follows: Low Gross-Donald Meyer 2nd Gross-Alan Levine 3rd Gross-Jason Cohen Low Net-Paul Cohen 2nd Net-Richard Meltzer 3rd Net-R.W. Emery 11 Tech Corner: CBCT by Israel Putterman I just purchased a reclining dental chair. By now, I’m sure that most of you have seen one. Perhaps not everyone knows how to use one, and maybe not everyone sees the need for one. Some of you reading this brag about your new fancy reclining dental chair and how it’s changed the way you practice dentistry, while some just don’t believe the hype. Despite the research espousing the benefits of them, some of you think they’re grossly overused. “Why recline? My patients do just fine sitting up”, you say. Ok, so I’m not really writing about the reclining dental chair. It’s just the reclining dental chair of my generation, Cone Beam Computed Tomography. I can only imagine that after James Snell invented the first reclining dental chair approximately two hundred years ago, he sold them for prices that drew gasps. A few dentists may have even mortgaged a horse or two to get one. Others waited for the price to come down or for the kinks to get worked out before jumping in. Still others, perhaps someone reading this, may have said that they can treat patients perfectly fine as they sit upright. Regardless, the reclining dental chair eventually caught on and did in fact change dentistry, as well as ADEC’s bottom line. Well, here we are at the cusp of my technological turning point. I never had to hand dip radiographs or process standard radiographs for long enough to really appreciate the digital radiography revolution. And while I can appreciate what CAD-CAM crowns and digital impressions are doing for restorative dentistry, what microscopes did for endodontics, and what Invisalign did for orthodontics, periodontists were left out. Yes, there’s the PerioLase but that controversy is for a whole other column. The CBCT, however, is a toy that really does change things for me. 12 Although I was trained on a CBCT back in residency, in practice I’ve always had to use other peoples’ scanner, and this admittedly had a negative effect on my psyche. It’s like always trying to borrow the cool kid’s sandpail at the beach. Feh. After deciding that it was time to take the leap, it was time to do research. And the longer I waited, the more research I found that needed to be done. While there were only a handful of scanners just a few years ago (some people still refer to a CBCT as an “iCAT”), it seems like there are now too many to mention. Radiation dosage, focal spot, greyscale, scan time, field of view, footprint, and voxel size all become part of one’s vocabulary as you begin to shop for a CBCT. I consider myself fairly tech-savvy but I have to admit that I felt I needed a PhD in radiation physics to make a decision. My personal Final Four came in as VaTech, Prexion, Kodak 9500 and the Planmeca. And in the end, the one that won out was the one I found to have the most intuitive software. For me, that was the medium field Planmeca Promax 3D, in a close call over the VaTech. It also didn’t hurt that it was the only one that has a native Mac version of the software, as well as iPad app. Eye candy! And what was the cost? Just shy of my right arm, but at least I finally have my generation’s reclining dental chair. I just hope that next year’s model doesn’t come with a back massager as well. - By Israel Putterman 13 Reception for Ilana Eli: Head of the Dental School at Tel Aviv Univ. On her recent visit to Rockville for the Mid year Foundation and Fraternity Board meetings, Ben Williamowsky and Richard Meltzer hosted a reception for Ilana Eli, Head of the Dental School at Tel Aviv University at the Woodmont Country Club. The reception was to introduce Professor Eli to the leaders of the Washington Chapter who would otherwise not be attending the Board meetings. She spoke of the founding of the school by Alpha Omega and its growth and development through the years. She reminded everyone of the recent trials (mainly financial) at the school which threatened its closing, but (in her words) 'thanks to the tireless efforts of Ralph Rothstein, of blessed memory and Ben, the school has survived and is on the path to the heights in dental education and research that the Founders envisioned.' She reminded everyone of the campaign for the Rothstein/Williamowsky clinics for Postgraduate Study, and explained the impact that it will have on the growth and development of the dental school. from left to right: Adam Stabholz, dean of Haddassah school of dental medicine in Jerusalem, frater Bud Rothstein, frater Morris (Mo) Antonelli, Clem Alper (just turned 100!), and Morris (Mo) Cohen Truly an amazing group!! From Left to right: frater Neil Starr, deans Ilana Eli and Adam Stabholz. 14 “Laughing Gas” - A guy and a girl met at a bar. They started getting along really well and they decide to go to the girl's place for a drink. - A few drinks later, the guy took off his shirt and washed his hands. - He then took off his socks and washed his hands. - The girl looked at him and said, "You must be a dentist!" - Flabbergasted, the guy responded, "Why yes. That's amazing. How did you determine that?" -The woman replied, "Easy... you keep washing your hands." - Well, one thing led to another, and they migrated to the bed. Things became more and more passionate and... (*snip*) - After their passionate deed was done the woman remarked, "You must be a GREAT dentist!" - The guy was very surprised, and said 'Yes! Yes! I sure am a great dentist... You amaze me! And how did you know THAT, my dear? His lover said, "That's easy. I didn't feel a thing." —————————————————————————————————— 15 Phil’s Fun Page Cultural Highlight in the DC Metropolitan Area For August 2012 Theater J (800-494-TIXS) Washington District of Columbia Jewish Community Center 1529 16th Street NW, Washington DC 20036 BODY AWARENESS by Annie Baker Directed by Eleanor Holdridge August 25 – September 23 A touching comedy from the Obie Award-winning author of Circle Mirror Transformation. It’s Body Awareness Week at Shirley College, and the non-traditional Vermont family members Phyllis, Joyce and their possibly autistic son Jared are rocked by a visiting photographer and his ‘male gaze.’ As sexuality, identity, role modeling and political-correctness get stirred up, the results are both touching and hilarious. “An engaging new comedy by a young playwright with a probing, understated voice…”-The New York Times 16 Alpha Omega at Nationals Park ! See the Nats take on the Marlins Sunday, September 9th @ 1:30 pm. All tickets are $30 & include $10 to spend on food. There are a limited number of tickets available. Reserve your seats now by emailing You must be an AO member in good standing to take advantage of this fantastic deal so mail in your dues today. Please make checks payable to AO-Alpha Omega and mail to Dr. Andrew Lasky 1325 18th St., NW, Suite 201 Washington, DC 20036 17 Top Reason to Attend AOVenture: Best place to experience the warmth of your AO family For many of us, the beginning of April means that the weather is a little warmer. Thinking ahead to December, take that thought of warmth and join your AO family in Scottsdale for AOVenture. First timers are amazed at how easy it is to make connections with fellow fraters and their families from around the world. There is an indescribable glow of warmth and friendship that attendees take away from convention. Don't Reserve your space today! Truly exceptional property: past convention attendees will be the first to tell you that the Westin Kierland is a stunning resort providing a wonderful backdrop for a family vacation. Our special rate is $165 per night and we encourage you bring your family-both immediate and extended--- to enjoy the AO warmth and Westin. {Please note the Westin charges $25 per room, per day for the optional resort Heidi Weber at headquarters is available at 301-738-6400 or to answer any questions or help you Your convention marshals, Alan Moltz & Ester Sleutelberg 18 “Israel’s Government Turns to Alpha Omega to Lead the Way” By Marc Rothman In a remarkable turn of events, the Israeli government has listened to the call of Alpha Omegans here in the United States and around the world, for a renewed commitment to dental health care. Faced with budget cuts from the ministry of health and the realization of the high cost of educating a dentist, the Tel Aviv University had planned to close its Dental School. But with a renewed attitude, increased funding from the government, moral support from the Hebrew University’s Administration, the Tel Aviv University has agreed that Israel needs two dental schools and now is counting on Alpha Omega to lead a campaign to renovate its 40 year old physical plant. The renovations will be in the form of two new floors of dental care. The first floor will be dedicated to the treatment of Special Needs patients. This floor will not only provide a much needed and often difficult to find treatment option for children and adults with physical and emotional disabilities, but will also serve as a center to train 100’s of specialists over the next 20 years. It will serve as a premier center of education in this specialty for the entire Middle East. The second floor will be a multi-specialty advanced dental care clinic, consisting of an advanced endodontology unit, an advanced restorative unit, an advanced periodontology unit, and an advanced technical laboratory. As a training ground for specialists in these fields, the dental school at Tel Aviv University will help create generations of the best practitioners in dental medicine, seeing that all Israel’s citizens, Arab, Jew, and Christian can gain access to much needed specialty care. 19 It is hard to sum up the commitment of time and of heart that two of our own special members, Ralph Rothstein (of blessed memory) and Ben Williamowsky have put into seeing that the University and Israeli government be informed of the importance of having a dental school in Israel’s most populated city. Their tireless work toward having the government realize the vital role oral health plays in overall health, in self esteem, and in a person’s ability to function in normal society has lead the government to one, provide subsidies for free dental care to children from early childhood to 12 years old and two, to more than double its subsidy to dental education. Because of Ralph and Ben’s noble efforts and years of philanthropy, Alpha Omega has decided to honor them by naming the two new floors at Tel Aviv the Rothstein/Williamowsky Post-graduate Clinics. And now the Israeli government has turned to Alpha Omega to lead the way. The responsibility is ours. They have asked us to finance the building of these clinics, and in so doing, honor Ralph’s memory and Ben’s legacy. We all have an opportunity to make a huge difference on the future of dental education and care in Israel for generations. Please look into your hearts, honor Ralph and Ben, make a difference, and give to this cause. Please check out the following site: to see a sketch of the future clinic spaces and potential naming opportunities. For more information about the school and what you can do to see this wonderful project to fruition, please contact Marc Rothman at Go to to Donate. Or fill out the following donation card 20 “Honoring Alpha Omega Leaders” Reprinted from 21 Executive Board Meeting Minutes July 12, 2012 Members present: Sam Blum, Michael Stern, Dror Orbach, Philp Vahab, Steve Kahan, Fred Simon, Jeff Cross, Richard Meltzer, Donald Meyer, Andrew Lasky, Adam frieder, Tom Sokoly Call to order: Meeting started at 6:30 at Hamburger Hamlet. Introduction: members discussed reasons why they participate in AO. Treasurer’s report: Budget to be discussed at the next meeting Reports of Standing Committees: Program for 2012-13: (Steve and Mike): the first meeting will be Thursday September 20th and it will be the joint spouse/installation meeting. The last weekend in April, either 27th or 28th , will be last event of the year, details to follow. Constitution (Sam): discussed requirements for presidency and chair responsibilities. AO foundation (Steve): will be meeting with intl. board in July. Nominations and positions (Adam): Secretary=Maddy Goodman. Treasurer=Jeff Cross, Srgt. at Arms=Dror Orbach and Tom Sokoly, Historian=Sam Blum, Deputy=Jay Samuels, Co-editors=Andy Lasky and Philip Vahab, President=Adam Frieder, President elect=to be determined, and the Media/communications director=Fred Simon. Editors report (Fred): the website will be password protected; (Andy): the newsletter will be more frequent. Reports of Special Committees: Hebrew home (Dick Metzler): both clinics will be completely renovated and updated. It will have all new equipment and will be digital. If you sign up to volunteer you may be eligible for a ~22% discount on your Verizon wireless bill. Intl. Convention report (Andy): It will be in Scottsdale, AZ. Leadership meeting: it will be in Chicago in October, Student chapter report (Adam): the Baltimore chapter members are invited to any meetings at no charge. JSSA (Don): contact Don to donate to offset lab costs or to sign up to volunteer care. All patients in the program are being taken care of at this time. Social Committee for Non-Clinical Events: Dror, Dick, mike, Adam Sherman. Unfinished Business: Office coverage (Steve): contact Steve if you want to join or for details. New business (Adam): there will two new unofficial positions. (1)“social chair” to organize nonclinical events, and (2)“member coordinator” will walk new members through the process of becoming members and who will be available to respond to existing member needs/concerns. Good and welfare: everyone expressed excitement for the year ahead. Adjournment 22 ALPHA OMEGA TRIBUTE FUND To show that you care, send an ALPHA OMEGA TRIBUTE FUND CARD. It is a tax-deductible DONATION that, through the AO Foundation, benefits charitable causes, including the Israeli dental schools & our own Hebrew Home. There is a minimum $10 donation per card. GOLD cards are $35 & PLATINUM cards are $100. Special insert cards are included for larger donations & an * next to the Donors' name denotes the larger donation. THANK YOU notes are a minimum $35 Gold card donation. Those on 'automatic send' get the following bulk rate: 6 cards for $35 and cards may be purchased in bulk to write & send yourself. Please CALL with information about AO Members even if you are not sending as card. Thank You notes sent via AO are a minimum donation of $ 35 ( a Gold Card) CONTACT Phyllis Blum at 301-762-6832 or e-mail THOSE CARDS SENT AFTER July 25 WILL APPEAR IN THE NEXT ISSUE. Muriel Miller Pear, sister of Ethlye & Ted Miller & family Phyllis & Sam Blum Alpha Omega Fraternity Rachel & Scott Berman Cecelia & Stan Dorrow Sherri & Gary Greenbaum Diana Winters & Steven Guttenberg Ellie & Steve Kahan Sara & Michael Landy Suanne & Andy Lasky Rich Levy Helene & Richard Meltzer Jennifer & Israel Puterman Nancy & Jay Samuels Stacy & David Schlactus Joanne & David Schneider Jennifer & Andrew Schwartz Fred Simon Lily & Neil Starr Joan & Michael Stern Minna & Ben Williamowsky IN MEMORY OF: Dr Fred Chapnick, father of Toronto,Canada Fraters Paul Chapnick & PIP Barry Chapnick & family Phyllis & Sam Blum Minna & Ben Williamowsky Suzanne & Andy Lasky Gary McKay, father of Mrs Brenda Eshelman and family Dr Richard Meltzer & Staff Anna Kathryn Klett, mother of Karl Klett and family Dr Richard Meltzer & Staff Mary Margaret Abenshein, wife of Harry Abenshein & family Dr Richard Meltzer & Staff Jack Herbst, father of Dr, Joseph Herbst and family Phyllis & Sam Blum Alma Cohen Eanet, wife of Dr Joseph Eanet and family Phyllis & Sam Blum Minna & Ben Williamowsky Celina Rapaport, mother or Sydney, Australia Frater Morris Rapaport & family Phyllis & Sam Blum Minna & Ben Williamowsky Philip Croen, father of Cantor Laura Croen and Family Phyllis & Sam Blum Melanie Strudler, wife of Lewis & mother of Allison & Erica & family Dr & Mrs Sam Blum, Kathy, Sandy & Florence Green, mother of Florrie Kelly & Family Phyllis & Sam Blum & family Uncle of Dr Andrew Sorkin & family Dr & Mrs Sam Blum, Kathy, Sandy & Allie 23 Allie Suzanne Shultz, mother of Washington State Frater Wendy Shultz Spektor & family Phyllis & Sam Blum Ellie & Steve Kahan Laura & Arnie Feldman Michele & Roger Spott Phil Martin, husband of Emma Rose Martin Dr Richard Meltzer & Staff John Arozian, father of Matthew & family Dr Richard Meltzer & Staff Mother of Mrs Janet Schiff Shirlee & Ron Starr CONGRATULATIONS TO: Cheryl Budd on her special birthday Michele & Roger Spott Minna & Ben - health & happiness in your new home Shirlee & Ron Starr Dr Roy Eskow on his Distinguished Alumni Award from University of Maryland Dental School as Alumni of the Year Debbie Elcock & Sy Bloom Alpha Omega Fraternity Phyllis & Sam Blum Rachel & Scott Berman Cecelia & Stan Dorrow Nancy & Adam Frieder Suzanne & Andy Lasky Sherry & Gary Greenbaum Diana Winters & Steven Guttenberg Ellie & Steve Kahan Sara & Michael Landy Laura & Arnie Feldman Rich Levy Helene & Richard Meltzer Jennifer & Israel Puterman Nancy & Jay Samuels Stacy & David Schlactus Joanne & David Schneider Jennifer & Andrew Schwartz Fred Simon Lily & Neil Starr Joan & Michael Stern Linda & Dennis Winson Dr Clem & Sandra Alpert on their 50th wedding anniversary Shirlee & Ron Starr Suzanne & Andy Lasky on their son Ben Lasky’s graduation from American University Phyllis & Sam Blum Linda & Steve Cohen Alpha Omega Fraternity Rachel & Scott Berman Debbie Elcock & Sy Bloom Cecelia & Stan Dorrow Julie & Roy Eskow Laura & Arnie Feldman Nancy & Adam Frieder Sherri & Gary Greenbaum Diana Winters & Steven Guttenberg Ellie & Steve Kahan Sara & Michael Landy Rich Levy Helene & Richard Meltzer Jennifer & Israel Puterman Nancy & Jay Samuels Stacy & David Schlactus Joanne & David Schneider Fred Simon Lily & Neil Starr Joan & Michael Stern Minna & Ben Williamowsky Andrew Schwartz Rabbi Fred & Dr Sherry Levy Reiner on the marriage of their son, Rabbi David Levy Reiner to Ashley Heller Phyllis & Sam Blum Frater Jeff & Batia Cross on the Univ of MD dental school graduation of their daughter Arielle Cross, DDS Alpha Omega Fraternity Phyllis & Sam Blum Julie & Roy Eskow Suzanne & Andy Lasky Rachel & Scott Berman Debbie Elcock & Sy Bloom Cecelia & Stan Dorrow Nancy & Adam Frieder Sherri & Gary Greenbaum Diana Winters & Steven Guttenberg Ellie & Steve Kahan Sara & Michael Landy Rich Levy Helene & Richard Meltzer Jennifer & Israel Puterman Nancy & Jay Samuels Dr Clem Alpert on his 100th birthday Shirlee & Ron Starr 24 Stacy & David Schlactus Joanne & David Schneider Jennifer & Andrew Schwartz Fred Simon Lily & Neil Starr Joan & Michael Stern Minna & Ben Williamowsky Nancy & Jeff Balter on the marriage of their daughter, Jackie to Dan Debbie Elcock & Sy Bloom Phyllis & Sam Blum Helene & Richard Meltzer on the birth of their granddaughter, Natalie Rose to daughter Kim & husband Evan Weisman Alpha Omega Fraternity Phyllis & Sam Blum Julie & Roy Eskow Suzanne & Andy Lasky Rachel & Scott Berman Debbie Elcock & Sy Bloom Linda & Steve Cohen Cecelia & Stan Dorrow Nancy & Adam Frieder Sherri & Gary Greenbaum Diana Winters & Steven Guttenberg Ellie & Steve Kahan Sara & Michael Landy Rich Levy Jennifer & Israel Puterman Nancy & Jay Samuels Stacy & David Schlactus Joanne & David Schneider Jennifer & Andrew Schwartz Fred Simon Lily & Neil Starr Joan & Michael Stern Minna & Ben Williamowsky Laura & Arnie Feldman Dr Martin Abel & family on their son, Dr Jarred Abel’s completion of his Oral Surgery Residency Alpha Omega Fraternity Phyllis & Sam Blum Rachel & Scott Berman Cecelia & Stan Dorrow Nancy & Adam Frieder Sherri & Gary Greenbaum Diana Winters & Steven Guttenberg Ellie & Steve Kahan Sara & Michael Landy Rich Levy Helene & Richard Meltzer Jennifer & Israel Puterman Nancy & Jay Samuels Stacy & David Schlactus Joanne & David Schneider Jennifer & Andrew Schwartz Fred Simon Lily & Neil Starr Joan & Michael Stern Minna & Ben Williamowsky Frater Andrew Schwartz & Jennifer Ross, daughter of Frater David & Laurie Ross on their marriage Alpha Omega Fraternity Phyllis & Sam Blum Rachel & Scott Berman Debbie Elcock & Sy Bloom Cecelia & Stan Dorrow Julie & Roy Eskow Nancy & Adam Frieder Sherri & Gary Greenbaum Diana Winters & Steven Guttenberg Ellie & Steve Kahan Sara & Michael Landy Suzanne & Andy Lasky Rich Levy Leslie & Rustin Levy Helene & Richard Meltzer Jennifer & Israel Puterman Nancy & Jay Samuels Laura & Arnie Feldman Stacy & David Schlactus Joanne & David Schneider Fred Simon Lily & Neil Starr Joan & Michael Stern Lana Lunskaya & Philip Vahab Minna & Ben Williamowsky Laurie & Frater David Ross on the marriage of their daughter, Jennifer Ross to Frater Andrew Schwartz Alpha Omega Fraternity Phyllis & Sam Blum Rachel & Scott Berman Debbie Elcock & Sy Bloom Cecelia & Stan Dorrow Nancy & Adam Frieder Sherri & Gary Greenbaum Diana Winters & Steven Guttenberg Ellie & Steve Kahan Laura & Arnie Feldman Rich Levy Helene & Richard Meltzer Jennifer & Israel Puterman Leslie & Rustin Levy Nancy & Jay Samuels 25 Stacy & David Schlactus Joanne & David Schneider Fred Simon Lily & Neil Starr Joan & Michael Stern Lana Lunskaya & Philip Vahab Minna & Ben Williamowsky Helene & Richard Meltzer Jennifer & Israel Puterman Nancy & Jay Samuels Stacy & David Schlactus Joanne & David Schneider Jennifer & Andrew Schwartz Lily & Neil Starr Joan & Michael Stern Lana Luskaya & Philip Vahab Minna & Ben Williamowsky Leslie & Rustin Levy Linda & Steve Cohen Wendy & Dr Philip Schwartz on the engagement of their son Craig to Melissa Phyllis & Sam Blum Dr Scott Hetz on becoming a Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics Fred Simon Frater Madeleine Goodman on her marriage to Dr. Tim Johnson Fred Simon Alpha Omega Fraternity Rachel & Scott Berman Phyllis & Sam Blum Cecelia & Stan Dorrow Nancy & Adam Frieder Sherri & Gary Greenbaum Diana Winters & Steven Guttenberg Ellie & Steve Kahan Sara & Michael Landy Rich Levy Helene & Richard Meltzer Jennifer & Israel Puterman Nancy & Jay Samuels Stacy & David Schlactus Joanne & David Schneider Jennifer & Andrew Schwartz Lily & Neil Starr Joan & Michael Stern Lana Lunskaya & Philip Vahab Minna & Ben Williamowsky Leslie & Rustin Levy Linda & Steve Cohen Atlanta Frater Sidney Tourial on his election as President of the Georgia Dental Society Laura & Arnie Feldman Ellie & Steve Kahan GET WELL TO: Dr Philip Schwartz Phyllis & Sam Blum Sandra Alpert Shirlee & Ron Starr Dan Goldberg, son of Mr & Mrs Andrew Goldberg Helene & Richard Meltzer Frater Alan Heller Alpha Omega Fraternity Rachel & Scott Berman Phyllis & Sam Blum Linda & Steve Cohen Cecelia & Stan Dorrow Nancy & Adam Frieder Sherri & Gary Greenberg Diana Winters & Steven Guttenberg Ellie & Steve Kahan Sara & Michaael Landy Rich Levy Leslie & Rustin Levy Helene & Richard Levy Jennifer & Israel Puterman Martha & Frater Nelson Goodman on the marriage of Nancy & Jay Samuels their daughter Frater Madeleine Goodman to Dr. Tim Stacy & David Schlactus Johnson Joanne & David Schneider Jennifer & Fred Simon Andrew Schwartz Fred Simon Alpha Omega Fraternity Lily & Neil Starr Rachel & Scott Berman Joan & Michael Stern Phyllis & Sam Blum Cecelia Lana Lunskaya & Philip Vahab & Stan Dorrow Sherri & Minna & BenWilliamowsky Gary Greenbaum Diana Winters & Steven Guttenberg Ellie & Steve Kahan Sara & Michael Landy Rich Levy 26 Frater Michael Stiglitz Fred Simon Alpha Omega Fraternity Rachel & Scott Berman Phyllis & Sam Blum Cecelia & Stan Dorrow Nancy & Adam Frieder Sherri & Gary Greenbaum Diana Winters & Steven Guttenberg Ellie & Steve Kahan Sara & Michael Landy Rich Levy Helene & Richard Meltzer Jennifer & Israel Puterman Nancy & Jay Samuels Stacy & David Schlactus Joanne & David Schneider Jennifer & Andrew Schwartz Lily & Neil Starr Joan & Michael Stern Lana Lunskaya & Philip Vahab Minna & Ben Williamowsky Helene & Richard Meltzer on the birth of their granddaughter, Natalie Rose Weisman Ellen Kreiger & Gary Ratner Sherri & Gary Greenbaum THANKS TO: Frater Fred Simon for all he does for our AO Chapter Phyllis & Sam The Furst family for the gift to our grand- daughter Natalie Helene & Richard Meltzer GOLD CARDS TO: Frater Roy Eskow on his Distinguished Alumnus Award from Univ of MD Dental School- Alumni of the Year Minna & Ben Williamowsky Ethyle & I, along with the family of my sister, Muriel Miller Pear, wish to thank those of you who sent Tribute Cards in her memory. Ted Miller Frater Wendy Spektor in memory of her mother Suzanne Shultz Sherri & Gary Greenbaum Charlene Berkman & Richard Brody Joan Stern on her 60th birthday Ellie & Steve Kahan Phyllis & Sam Blum 27 AO Capital Alumnotes Editors: Philip Vahab, DDS, MS C-914-522-0567 Andy Lasky, DDS C-202-463-6148 28
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