Library Lights - Roselle Public Library
Library Lights - Roselle Public Library
vi 4 0 S er Fall 2016 R VE RE A ROSELLE PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT Y • LEARN • DIS PLA CO • D ng R o s e ll e S i n c e 19 Striving to enrich community life by providing access to educational, cultural, and recreational information, encouraging life-long learning, promoting intellectual freedom, and by providing a welcoming environment where all may Read, Play, Learn, and Discover. Sept ember is Library Card Sign- Up month! Kids, sign up for a library card during the month of September; you will receive a book and the opportunity to receive giveaways. More opportunities are available to any child who uses their Roselle library card during the month of September. Parents, to receive a library card for your child, visit the Circulation Department and bring ID showing you reside within Roselle Public Library District boundaries. The first 50 adults to sign up for a library card will receive the ‘On the Same Page’ book The Coast of Chicago by Stuart Dybek. Add A Library Card To Your Back-To-School List! Studies show that children who use the library do better in school. Give your child free access to books, magazines, movies, databases, and the best research help around...librarians. Make getting a library card part of your back-to-school activities! September 27, 2016 AUTHOR VISIT: An Evening with Stuart Dybek Monday, October 10 • 7: 00 p.m. Welcome award-winning author, poet, and educator Stuart Dybek to Roselle Public Library for a reading from The Coast of Chicago. The audience will have an opportunity to ask questions. Register at or call 630 -529 -1641. On the Same Page Book Discussions NATIONAL VOTER REGISTRATION DAY Itasca Community Library Wednesday, October 5 • 7:30 p.m. Meets at Eaglewood Resort & Spa Wednesday, October 26 • 10:30 a.m. Roselle Public Library & Bloomingdale Public Library Monday, October 17 7:00 p.m. Roselle Public Library 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 18 Thursday, October 27 MODEL RAILROAD SHOWCASE Saturday, November 5 • 9:30 a.m.- 4 :00 p.m. Sunday, November 6 • 1:00 - 4 :00 p.m. TRAINS, TRAINS, TRAINS AT THE LIBRARY! Registrars available all day. 2 forms of ID required. Enjoy an entire weekend of model railroading at our annual Model Railroad Showcase! Model railroading enthusiasts display collections, running layouts and railroad memorabilia at this popular family event. The Showcase features an extensive running layout operated by the Midwest Division of Train Collectors Association, a “hands-on” layout for children operated by the Northwest Trainmasters, a British Train Society layout, exhibits and collections from the Illinois Railway Museum, the Chicago & Northwestern Historical Society, the Milwaukee Road Historical Association, as well as layouts owned by local hobbyists. Representatives from Metra will provide train safety tips and railroad crossing safety. We’ll feature crafts for children and FUN for the whole family! LIBRARY CLOSED STAFF TRAINING DAY Friday, August 26 LABOR DAY Sunday, September 4 Monday, September 5 LIBRARY HOURS Monday - Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Friday & Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday, November 7 FRIENDS OF THE ROSELLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Annual Fall Book Sale Fall Fund -Raising Dinner Saturday, October 1 • 9:30 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Sunday, October 2 •1:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. 1913 Restaurant & Wine Bar Monday, November 7 AT ALL LIBRARY EVENTS CHILDREN UNDER 8 MUST BE WITH AN ADULT FALL STORYTIME PROGRAMS The first fall session begins September 13, and continues through October 20. Registration for this session begins Monday, August 29. The second fall session begins November 8, and continues through December 15. Registration for this session begins Monday, October 24. The theme for this session is “Name That Shape” The theme for this session is “Family & Me!” Tots & Tykes 6 -19 months (with parent) Tuesdays 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Registration Required Toddler Tales Preschool Storytime Family Drop-In 20 -35 months (with parent) Tuesdays Wednesdays Tuesdays Tuesdays 10:00-10:30 a.m. 10 : 00 -10 : 30 a.m. 1: 00 -1: 30 p.m. 6:30 -7:00 p.m. Registration Required No Registration Thursdays 10 : 30 -11: 00 a.m. No Registration Morning Drop-In 3 - 5 years all ages / parent child / parent Registration Required CHILD MUST BE THE REQUIRED MINIMUM AGE BY THE DATE THE PROGRAM SESSION BEGINS. TJTime! Tuesdays: November 1, December 20 & 27 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Parents play with their tots in the Storytime Room. Play with your baby, while socializing with other parents and tots. Tots must be 6 -20 months with a parent or guardian. LET'S READ IN POLISH Presenting…Laura Kaczmarczyk Sister Cities Group Sundays: September 18, October 23 & November 20 All sessions 1:30 p.m. “Czytajmy po polsku!” Special storytimes in Polish for children ages 0-6 with parent/caregiver. Craft included. Space is limited so come on time! Registration begins Tuesday, September 6. 1,000 BOOKS Before Kindergarten Babies - Entering Kindergarten 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten begins Monday September 12! Open to all Roselle cardholders, this program encourages families to read 1,000 books with their little ones before they start kindergarten. Reading aloud to young children strengthens language skills, builds vocabulary, and gets them ready to read! This program is intended to take one to three years to complete. More information coming soon. You are Invited to A. Teddy Bear's Birthday Party 2:00 p.m. Saturdays: October 15, November 19 & December 10 Saturday, September 17 • 10:00 -10:45 a.m. Ages 2- 6 Years Singing, Dancing, Games and Stories In celebration of A. Teddy Bear Showing newly released films, rated G or PG,on the big screen! Fun family entertainment. No registration needed! Children under 8 must be with an adult. Each child may bring along a Teddy or a favorite stuffed friend! Each child must bring an adult. Registration begins Monday, August 29. Wednesday, September 21 • 6:30 p.m. Grades 3 - 5 (Limit of 12) Learn about robots and coding with this hands-on lab! Participants will dive right into working with robots, to complete a series of challenges using Ozobots. No prior knowledge necessary. Registration begins Tuesday, September 6. Monsters Under Bridges Sunday, October 16 : : 1 30 2 15 p.m. • Grades K-2 (Limit of 15) 2:45 -3:30 p.m. • Grades 3-5 (Limit of 15) There’s a monster under the bridge! Can you construct a bridge that will help you safely cross? Use engineering skills to help design the bridge. Then test it out! Will your bridge get you across or will you visit the monster? Registration begins Monday, October 3 The Coast of Chicago Stories by Stuart Dybek October 2016 Programs Musical Sunday • Chopin Roselle Public Library Sunday, October 2 • 1:30 p.m. The story titled “Chopin in Winter” inspires our piano performance by Kimberly Davis. A nuanced and vibrant performer, Kimberly is a Roselle native who holds a bachelor’s degree in piano performance from the University of Illinois and a master’s degree in piano performance from Kent State University. Along with works by Chopin, she will perform other selections by classical masters. No registration required. Steven Frenzel presents: Chicago in the Movies Bloomingdale Public Library Monday, October 3 • 7:00 p.m. Take a tour of the Windy City with this exciting collection of Chicago’s greatest cinematic moments. We’ll enjoy scenes from The Blues Brothers, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, The Untouchables, and many more Chicago favorites. Register at or call 630 -529 -3120. Remembering Chicago: Making an Accordion Book Keepsake Bloomingdale Public Library Tuesday, October 4 • 7:00 p.m. Shari Pontillo, owner of Twisted Fiber Studio, will be here to teach us how to make our own accordion book craft featuring popular Chicago design motifs in which we can keep our most treasured Chicago memories. Space is limited. Register at or call 630 -529 -3120. Chicago Style Garnishes Itasca Community Library Thursday, October 6 • 7:00 p.m. Chef Maddox will be making Chicago-style giardiniera, quick mustard piccalilli, and other great toppings for your dogs, beefs, and burgers. Finish it all off with homemade cheesecake! Recipes and samples will be available. Space is limited. Register at or call 630 -773 -1699. Chi-Town Movie Marathon Roselle Public Library Saturday, October 8 • 9:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Enjoy light refreshments while landmark comedies and dramas set in Chicago are screened all day long in the library atrium. No registration required. Bottle Caps: Collectibles from Chicago’s Beer Brewing History Bloomingdale Public Library Tuesday, October 11 • 7:00 p.m. Ray Capek, a member of the American Breweriana Association, will showcase his collection of local brewery ephemera, which he has displayed at many local trade shows. Register at or call 630-529-3120. Richard J. Daley: The Man, His Times, and the City He Loved Itasca Community Library Wednesday, October 12 • 7:00 p.m. Historian Jim Gibbons presents the life of the man referred to as “Hizzoner.” Chicago underwent tremendous changes during his administration. For better or worse, Richard J. Daley set the bar by which all mayors are measured. Register at or call 630 -773 -1699. Highlights of the Art Institute Roselle Public Library Thursday, October 20 • 7:00 p.m. Playing a prominent role in the story “Nighthawks,” the Art Institute of Chicago proudly displays collections representing the history of civilization. Art historian Jeff Mishur of Art Excursions explores collection highlights from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries including works by artists such as Monet, Seurat, Picasso, Hopper, and others. Register at or call 630 -529 -1641. Chicago’s Movers and Shakers Itasca Community Library Monday, October 24 • 7:00 p.m. Chicago is the city of big shoulders. Michael Stachnik will shed some light on some of the people who made it so. From Potter and Bertha Palmer to corrupt politicians like “Bathhouse” John Coughlin and Michael “Hinky Dink” Kenna, and Nobel Peace Prize winner Jane Addams, the best and the worst are all part of the history of Chicago. Register at or call 630 -773 -1699. Remembering Marshall Field’s: An Illustrated Lecture Itasca Community Library Tuesday, October 25 • 7:00 p.m. Author Leslie Goddard will discuss the 160-year history of Marshall Field’s & Company. Using photographs from museums, as well as private photographs from former employees and shoppers, Ms. Goddard will take you down memory lane. A limited number of copies of her book will be available one month before the program. Register at or call 630 -773 -1699. Chicago’s Sweet Candy History Bloomingdale Public Library Monday, October 31 • 7:00 p.m. Join us this Halloween as Leslie Goddard presents a historical discussion of the famous candy produced in Chicago, and the neighborhoods affected by their presence. Samples of candy will be available! Register at or call 630 -529 -3120. Youth Services SCHOOL AGE PROGRAMS AT ALL LIBRARY EVENTS CHILDREN UNDER 8 MUST BE WITH AN ADULT 4:30 -6:30 p.m. Wednesdays: September 14, October 19*, November 16 & December 14 *October 19 is an 'On The Same Page' program. Crafty kids create and inspire, with crazy creations. Materials provided. Create your masterpiece to take home! NO REGISTRATION NECESSARY! 12:00 -2:00 p.m. Saturday:September 3 Mondays: October 10, November 21 & December 26 Organizational Meeting Thursday, October 13 • 6:30 -7:30 p.m. Article Submission Meeting Thursday, November 17 • 6:30 -7:30 p.m. Children grades 2- 6 participate in creating the Youth Services sponsored newsletter, written by and for kids. Write original articles, poetry, book reviews, and stories. Submit original illustrations. See your work in print! Attention Lego Lovers ages 4 - 12 . . . Drop by the Roselle Public Library on a day off school, bring a friend, and let your imagination flow. Lego bricks will be provided. Creations will be displayed in the Youth Services area. NO REGISTRATION NECESSARY! Children need to register, read the book, and be ready to discuss the plot with others. Popcorn provided! Books available about three weeks prior for checkout! A special monthly program for children Kindergarten - 2nd Grade featuring a story and discussion of facts on a specific topic. Participants create a craft project based on the month’s theme. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED AND SPACE IS LIMITED. Danger! Tiger Crossing #1 (The Fantastic Frame) by Lin Oliver WORLD RHINO DAY Thursday, September 22 • 4 :30 - 5 :15 p.m. REGISTRATION BEGINS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 EYE SPY...COLOR AND SHAPE Thursday, October 20 • 4 :30 -5 :15 p.m. REGISTRATION BEGINS MONDAY, OCTOBER 3 THE SKY IS FALLING? Thursday, November 17 • 4 :30 - 5 :15 p.m. REGISTRATION BEGINS MONDAY, OCTOBER 31 HAl low e en Fun ! Wednesday, October 26 • 10 :00 -10 :30 a.m. Children, 18 months through 5 years-old. Spooky adventures await! Listen to books and songs about Halloween. Parents/Caregivers accompany children. Spaces are limited. Registration begins Monday, October 10. Monday, September 19 • 6:30 p.m. Registration begins Tuesday, September 6 Sixty-Eight Rooms by Marianne Malone 'On The Same Page' program Monday, October 17 • 6:30 p.m. Registration begins Monday, October 3 The Junkyard Bot (Robots Rule, Book 1) by C.J. Richards Monday, November 14 • 6:30 p.m. Registration begins Monday, October 31 Celebrate the Season Saturday, November 26 • 1: 00 p.m. Wendy Morgan and her music bring joy to the holiday season! All ages are welcome. Families with children, grandparents, or anyone celebrating the holiday spirit is welcome. Refreshments served. Santa and the Rose Queen visit at 2:00 p.m. No registration necessary! Children under 8 must be with an adult. Please…No Strollers Allowed in Meeting Room. TEEN ADVISORY BOARD Wednesday, September 7 • 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Food, fun, and planning programs! Is there a program idea you have or something you would like to see happen at the Library this Winter? Then drop in and let your voice be heard! Next TAB meeting: Wednesday, December 7 Animanga Club Wednesdays: September 14, October 12, November 9 • 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. Get together with other teens once a month to watch and talk about ANIME and look at new MANGA. No registration required. Teen Film Club Wednesdays: September 21, October 19, November 16 • 4 :00 - 5:00 p.m. Get together with other teens once a month to talk about movies, experiment with real filmmaking techniques, and explore the world of digital video cameras, apps, editing tools, and more. Help us build our YouTube channel! No registration required. Monday, October 10 • 1:30-4:00 p.m. It’s a day off school! Grab some friends and head over to the Library to enjoy a movie, which shall remain nameless, and assemble homemade lightsabers. Teen Scene REGISTRATION REQUIRED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. REGISTRATION BEGINS AUGUST 15. Thursday, October 20 • 4:00 -5:00 p.m. Add your own monsters and other characters to thrift store paintings of landscapes and other scenes. The only limit is your imagination. Paintings and painting supplies provided. Life-Size Angry Birds Monday, November 21 • 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Join Red, Chuck, and Bomb as we assemble greedy pigs and take them down with homemade catapults. Not to be missed. COLLEGE APPLICATION VOLUNTEER THIS FALL AT THE LIBRARY Boot Camp VolunTeen = Teen Volunteer Tuesday, September 6 • 7:00 - 8 :30 p.m. Is your high school senior ready for a jump start on the college admission process? Perhaps your college-bound student is unsure how to begin the college application process. This workshop is designed to assist high school students with the important first step: getting organized! This interactive presentation, hosted by Thomas Jaworski from Quest College Consulting, will identify helpful tips and suggestions on how to draft a well-organized essay in order to create a competitive college application. This program is designed for juniors and seniors, but all are welcome. Looking for a way to fulfill service hours for school, honor society or another organization? Here’s your chance! The Teen Scene runs 3 VolunTeen Sessions a year. The next session runs September 15 through December 15. To become a VolunTeen, fill out an application, available at the Library’s Reference and Adult Services Desk or the Youth Services Desk. Get in soon, as there are a limited number of VolunTeen spaces to be filled! ALL MUSICAL SUNDAY PERFORMANCES ARE HELD IN THE MAIN ATRIUM AREA OF THE LIBRARY 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. Kraig Kenning • September 18 Kraig Kenning is a singer/songwriter and National Slide Guitar Champion who will be performing styles including contemporary folk, blues, roots rock, American Fingerstyle, and more! Kimberly Davis • October 2 • Chopin and Friends: The Piano in the Romantic Era Professional pianist Kimberly Davis will perform a program featuring some of the most beautiful works by Frederic Chopin as well as other great composers from his time period. Learn about the lives and music of the composers. Discover the importance of 19th century salons and their contribution to the careers of many great artists. Ken Rothacker & Debra Stombres • November 13 Ken Rothacker and Debra Stombres will take you through history with fresh, new arrangements of familiar and enchanting melodies that you are sure to recognize. There will be something for everyone at this concert of flute and guitar music from the 17 th century to the 70s as they play a wide variety of music. MEDICARE 101 Adult Services Monday, September 19 • 7:00 p.m. Insurance expert David Wylly will provide an overview of Medicare and how it works, as well as the important decisions that need to be made during the enrollment period. Learn what Medicare covers and about options for additional coverage. Medicare Supplements, Part D Drug Prescription coverage, and Advantage Plans, will also be discussed. FILING FOR SOCIAL SECURITY: Flexibility & Choices for Retirement Monday, September 26 • 7:00 p.m. Will you be filing for social security within the next 5 years? Learn how to optimize your social security benefits for retirement with financial advisor Mike Heatwole. Workbooks will be provided for each attendee. How to Stay Healthy This Winter Tuesday, November 1 • 7:00 p.m. A registered pharmacist will provide information about various immunizations and over-the-counter medications that may help you and your family stay healthy this winter. Service to Homebound Patrons Library district residents, who are homebound due to illness or disability with no one to pick up materials for them, may qualify to receive monthly library delivery service. If you or someone you know would like to receive this service, please call the Reference Department at (630) 529.1641 ext.*211 for further information. Cable ME This: Crochet Cables Thursdays: September 15 & 22 • 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 20 • 6:30 p.m. Celebrate autumn's arrival with a relaxing evening at the Library... coloring! We’ll provide coloring pages, pencils and markers, but feel free to bring your own supplies. Light refreshments provided. Mr. Lincoln & T hanksgiving Sunday, November 20 • 1:30 p.m. Join us in welcoming Abraham Lincoln to the Library! History buff Kevin Wood brings one of our nation’s most cherished historical characters to life with his portrayal of our 16 th President. Mr. Lincoln will share the story of how our national, annual observance of the Thanksgiving holiday came to be established during his Presidency. ADULT BOOK DISCUSSION Tuesdays, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the Conference Room Copies of the book are available a month prior to the discussion at the reference desk. September 20:H is for Hawk by Helen Macdonald October 18:The Coast of Chicago - Stories by Stuart Dybek November 15:Euphoria by Lily King MEN’S BOOK DISCUSSION Mondays, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the Conference Room September 19: Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania by Erik Larson October 17: The Coast of Chicago - Stories by Stuart Dybek An 'On the Same Page' event November 21: Ben-Hur by Lew Wallace Join the Men’s Book Discussion Goodreads group: Learn an easy way to crochet cables using Front Post/ Back Post stitches. Learn traditional cables, mini cables, and even braided cables. Please bring one skein solid color of Red Heart yarn or any worsted weight yarn, also a crochet hook size H or I. Participants must have some knowledge of single, half double, or double crochet stitches. Experience something new while socializing with others. Class size is limited. Knitting Circle AT THE LIBRARY The Knitting Circle meets every other Saturday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. in the Library’s conference room beginning August 27. Knitters and those who crochet are invited to bring their own projects to the meetings or work on several community service projects. The Knitting Circle accepts donations of washable, worsted weight yarn for their collaborative projects. Bring your extra yarn to the Circulation Desk and indicate that it is for the Knitting Circle. Thank you! 20s & 30s BOOK DISCUSSION Last Thursday of the Month • 6:30 -7:30 p.m. Meet at a local Roselle restaurant -TBA Join fellow 20 & 30 - Somethings once a month for good food, fun, and a great discussion on books that YOU want to read! We meet outside the library at a local restaurant, typically on the last Thursday of the month. Want more info? Contact Matt Wieck or call at 630-529-1641 *220 September 29:The Water Knife by Paolo Bacigalupi October 27:The Coast of Chicago - Stories by Stuart Dybek November 17:The Shootout Solution by Michael R. Underwood for Children On a class trip to the Art Institute of Chicago, Ruthie and Jack discover a magic key that shrinks them so they can discover the secrets of the Thorne Rooms–sixty- eight miniature rooms from different times in history. Bloomingdale Public Library Magnificent Miniatures (Grades 3 - 6) Wednesday, October 12 • 4:15 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. Make tiny things fit for a miniature environment. Will you make food? dishes? toys? furniture? Supplies, ideas, and instruction provided! Register at or call 630-924-2733. Art-Themed Family Storytime (all ages with caregiver) Friday, October 14 • 10:30 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. Drop in for fun stories, songs, and crafts about art! Doodlebugs (2 - 3 years old with caregiver) Monday, October 24 • 11:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. This is a special art class just for toddlers and parents. Little fingers will experiment with painting, gluing, sticking and creating, while developing fine motor skills. Register at or call 630 - 924-2733. Roselle Public Library Itasca Community Library The Sixty-Eight Rooms Book Discussion (Grades 3 -5) Monday, October 3 • 6:30 p.m.- 7:15 p.m. Books are available at the Patron Services Desk one month prior to the discussion. Register when you pick up the book. Limit 10. The Science of Art Youth Services The Sixty-Eight Rooms by Marianne Malone Mad Scientist Club (Grades 1- 4) Thursday, October 6 • 4 :00 p.m.-5 :00 p.m. If you love to learn, create, and explore, join us at Mad Scientist Club, a hands-on program based on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) concepts. Registration is required. Register online at or call 630-773-1699. Drop-In Little Hands Art (Geared to ages 2- 6) Fridays, October 7 through 28 • 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Join us for a new art experience each week with projects that will enhance fine motor skills and the creative process. No registration required. Storytimes – Shape Escape Toddler Tales (20 -35 months with parent) Tuesday, October 18 • 10:00 a.m.- 10:30 a.m. Tots & Tykes (6 -19 months with parent) Tuesday, October 18 • 11:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. Family Drop - In Tuesday, October 18 • 6:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Featuring stories, songs, and verse for families. No registration required. Preschool Storytime Tuesday, October 18 • 1 :00 p.m.- 1:30 p.m. or Wednesday, October 19 • 10:00 a.m.- 10:30 a.m. Stories and songs for children 3 - 5 years old. Children attend on their own while parents wait in the Youth Services Department. Morning Drop - In Thursday, October 20 • 10:30 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. Stories, songs, and verse for the family. No registration required. The Sixty-Eight Rooms Books & Popcorn (Grades 2 -5) Monday, October 17 • 6:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. Books are available at the Circulation Desk one month prior to the discussion. Register when you pick up the book. Limit 10. Prints Charming Wak*ka*doodle Wednesday (All ages) Wednesday, October 19 • 4:30 p.m.- 6:30 p.m. Create a one-of-a-kind masterpiece to take home! Children under age 8 must be accompanied by an adult. No registration required. Eye Spy . . . Color & Shape! Kreative Kids (Grades K-2) Thursday, October 20 • 4:30 p.m.- 5:15 p.m. Colors & shapes visualized in art. Can you see it? Space is limited. Register online at or call 630 - 529 -1641 ext.*351. ADMINISTRATION Roselle Public Library District Samantha Millsap Executive Director Debbie Green Business Office Manager DEPARTMENT MANAGERS Christy Snyders Circulation Services Lynn Dennis Automation/Technical Services Marcia Bose Adult Services Leann Skeens Youth Services NEWSLETTER Jason Kepler Graphic Designer/Editor ROSELLE PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Sue Ellen R. Eichholz, President Priscilla L. Spencer, Vice President Sue Harold, Treasurer Elaine Pizzicaro, Secretary Terrell Barnes, Trustee Gary A. Oprenchak, Trustee Thomas W. Piorkowski, Trustee LIBRARY BOARD MEETINGS are the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the Library Conference Room. The public is invited. FOUNDATION BOARD Elaine Pizzicaro, Chairperson Jeanie Bonavolonta, Vice Chairperson Sue Harold, Secretary Tom Piorkowski, Treasurer Jan Swiontek, Director Frank Zielinski, Director Ingrid Stuhrenberg, Director Sarah Sebert, Director Priscilla Spencer, Roselle Public Library Board Member Liaison FRIENDS OF THE ROSELLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Lisa Gallagher, President Inara Kirstein, Vice President Debbie Baumgart, Treasurer Gail Olson, Secretary PHOTO DISCLAIMER: Your presence at the Roselle Public Library and your attendance at programs sponsored by the Library may be digitally recorded through photographs or video recordings. These images may be posted on our web pages, on our blogs, in our newsletters, (both online and in print), and in local newspapers. If you do not wish your image to be published, please notify a member of the Library staff before the program begins. Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Carol Stream, IL Permit No. 475 your place to Read, Play, Learn & Discover 40 South Park Street Roselle, IL 60172 ECRWSS Postal Patron Roselle, IL 60172 MEMORIAL DONATION The Library would like to thank the Sister Cities of Roselle, IL and Bochnia, Poland for their recent generous donation of Polish-language books in memory of Krystyna Wojcik, a longtime Roselle resident. Thank You 2016 Summer Reading Program Donors! 1913 Restaurant All Point Property Service, Inc. BMO Harris Bank Brunch Cafe Brunswick Zone Bulldog Ale House Carol Stream Parks Chicago Sky Culver’s Jameson’s Charhouse (Bloomingdale) @ Bloomingdale Court DuPage Children’s Museum Kuipers Family Farm Pilot Pete’s Restaurant (Schaumburg @ Wise Road) La Hacienda de Roselle Printing Plus of Roselle, Inc. DuPage Derby Dames Elena’s Cucina & Italian Catering Law Office of Gregory J. Martucci, P.C. Raging Waves Water Park Elk Grove Theatre: Classic Cinemas The Law Office of John Pankau, P.C. (Schaumburg) Enchanted Castle LEGOLAND First Eagle Bank Chicago White Sox Picture Show Rage Wraps Rainforest Cafe Roselle Bank & Trust Roselle Park District Lynfred Winery Salerno’s Rosedale Chapels Mark Drugs Pharmacy Schaumburg Boomers Chicago Wolves Friends of the Roselle Public Library Chick-fil-A GameWorks McDonald’s (Roselle) Shedd Aquarium Meatheads Burgers & Fries Village Tavern & Grill Coachlite Skate Center Itasca Bank & Trust Co. Discovery Center (Bloomingdale) Walmart (Addison) ROSELLE PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT F O U N D A T I O N NEWS Pilot Pete’s fund-raiser raises funds for the Library Foundation! Many thanks to everyone who attended the Pilot Pete’s fund-raiser on June 7. Over $350.00 was raised to benefit the Library. The Foundation appreciates your support. Interested in Helping the Foundation? The Foundation was created to ensure that the Roselle Public Library is not just another local library, but fulfills the needs of our growing community as well. The Foundation’s objective is to enrich the excellent programs, services and facilities of the Library to meet the challenges of tomorrow. To this end, the Foundation solicits donations, grants, and bequests of cash or property to increase the endowment. The Foundation also seeks individuals willing to volunteer their time and services to the Library. The Foundation Directors welcome the Library’s new Executive Director, Samantha Millsap. For more information about how you can get involved with the Foundation, help enhance our Library, and have fun with new friends, please contact Executive Director Samantha Millsap or any of the Trustees . Quesons? Feel free to contact the Library. 630.529.1641 (main) • • 630.529.7579 (fax) Circulation Desk: *222 • Adult Services Desk: *211 • Youth “Ask Me” Desk: *351 Business Office: *312 • Executive Director: *311 • Library Foundation: *314
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and print your personal copy of the current Adult
Enjoy light refreshments while landmark comedies and
dramas set in Chicago are screened all day long in the
library atrium. No registration required.