church bulletin trifold - Calvary Road Baptist Church
church bulletin trifold - Calvary Road Baptist Church
SERMON NOTES UPCOMING SCHEDULE Sun. Nov. 15 - Baptismal Service 11:00am (Call the office by Nov. 11th if you wish to be baptized) Sat. Nov. 21 - Nov. 29th - Set up for The Gift Hwy 209 (Haywood Co. Fairgrounds) Sun. Nov. 22 - Church wide BBQ Thanksgiving meal (Bring homemade desserts) Tuscola 6pm Sun. Nov. 29 - The Gift Rehearsal Wed. Dec. 2 - Sat. Dec. 5 - The Gift Each Evening CHRISTMAS PARADE Calvary Road will be taking part in the Waynesville Christmas Parade this year on Monday, December 7th. We invite all children interested to join us. See KaLee Golden or Amy Sugg Operation Christmas Child We will be collecting shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child from Nov. 1-Nov. 15 You may prepare your own or donate money & the Youth will prepare your box for you Collection box in the portico downstairs. ($7.00 to ship ea. Box) . Special Thank You Dear Calvary Road Baptist Church, Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers and wonderful meal that your church gave. We appreciate your thoughtfulness. Thank you so much, Margie Pruett In Memory Barbara Williams gave a love offering to the church in memory of Frank Carnett:. The Adult Ladies Sunday School Class gave a love offering to the church in memory of Frank Carnett. NOVEMBER Birthdays This Week Oops! Emma Hyman 11/1 Sharon Downs 11/8 Joy Holder 11/9 Whit Whitmire 11/9 Ben Mehaffey 11/10 Chip Landsperger 11/11 Kim McClure 11/11 Alan Shelton 11/11 Michael Beasley 11/14 Bo Enloe 11/14 NOVEMBER Anniversaries This Week Joe & Yvonne Dance 11/10/56 Senior Pastor: John H. Swanger, III (C) 550-1003 Youth/Associate Pastor: Mark Golden (C) 734-1712 Minister of Music: Scott Eavenson (C) 734-3427 77 Sutton Loop Waynesville, NC 28786 Office (828) 926-0506 Fax (828) 926-5232 No v. 8, 2015 TONIGHT Our Ministries Adult Bible Study 5:00pm Children & Youth Bible Study 5:00pm Nursery : Birth - 24 months of age Wee Worship (Potty Trained Toddlers): 2-4 yrs) Nursery Workers: Lorrie Worrell, Saundra Teague, Nancy Turner & Barbara Walls Nursery 11/15: Laura Silver, Laura Earley, Mildred Golden, Margaret Russell Wee Workers: Barry & Jessica Coward Wee Workers 11/15: Sydney Gaston & Levi Ross DEACON ON CALL: This Week - Walter Brooks 926-4014 Next Week - Joey Webb GREETERS Upstairs Greeters - Paul & Leona Arrington Next week: 11/15 - Jerry & Pam Cutshaw Downstairs Greeters- Jim & Gloria Nicholson Next Week: 11/15 - Bill Clontz & Wade Francis SECURITY Early Service - Mark Ross & Charles Boyd Late Service - Charles Allison & Tom Freeman Next week:11/15- Shannon Presnell & Hugh Hutcheson Late Service - Marty Lowe & Dennis Gomsi PLEASE RESPECT GOD’S HOUSE..... To maintain an atmosphere of worship & respect, please turn off all pagers & cell phones, refrain from entering & exiting the sanctuary during prayer or invitation and DISPOSE OF ALL FOOD & DRINK BEFORE ENTERING THE SANCTUARY Bibles, Prayer Cards & Tithe envelopes (please do not allow children to draw on) available on the back of the pews. Hearing aids available in sound room. Adult Choir Practice 6:00pm THIS WEEK__________________________ Mon. Nov. 9 - WMU Meeting - 6:30pm - Rm #6 Tue. Nov. 10 - Deacon Meeting - 6:30pm Meet in the fellowship hall Wed. Nov. 11 - VETERAN’S DAY - No School Finance Comm. 5:30pm - rm #14 Youth Bible Study 6:45pm Seedlings & Explorers 7:00pm Worship Service 7:00pm Fri. Nov.13 -BYW Meeting 6:30pm - Laura Earley’s NEXT WEEK -----------------------------------------------Sun. Nov. 15 - Baptistmal Service - 11:00am Mon. Nov. 16 - WOM Meeting - 6:00pm Wed. Nov. 18 - Finance Comm. 5:30pm - rm #14 Youth Bible Study 6:45pm Seedlings & Explorers 7:00pm Worship Service 7:00pm Church wide Thanksgiving Meal BBQ, Beans, Slaw & Hush Puppies & Drinks provided. Please bring homemade desserts. Tuscola High School Cafeteria Sunday, Nov. 22nd - 6:00pm Thu. - Fri. Nov. 26th -27th - Church Offices will be closed for Thanksgiving Holidays. No Midweek Services on Wed. Nov. 25th. N Be praying about the upcoming Christmas Play “The Gift” OUR PRAYER REQUESTS Military Justin Cochran Byron Goins Dylan Haynes Heath McAllister Kayla Russell Logan Presnell Special Edward Anderson Jeannie Boyer Ken Brook Bruce Cayton Betty Cook Georgia Crain Anne Ensley Oakley Erwin Martha Grasty Harold Grindstaff Angela Hagood Albert Henson Luke Jarrell Elizabeth Nelson Gordon Pruett Doug Smith Nursing Homes Dorothy Carroll Louise Davis Wilda Dean Mary E. Francis Tammy Lanning Mary Ruth Massie Hardin Nicholson Minnie Parton Beth Seagle Shirley Schubert Burter Thomas ... Behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you. Proverbs 1:23 WELCOME TO OUR SERVICES Regular Schedule Sunday Morning Early Worship Service 8:15am Sunday School 9:40am-10:40am Second Worship Service 11:00am Sunday Evening Youth Choir 5:00pm Children’s Program 5:00pm Youth Lifegroups 5:00pm Bible Study 5:00pm Youth Praise Band following service Wednesday Evening Youth Bible Study 6:45pm Seedlings & Explorers 7:00pm Worship Service 7:00pm Illustrations of Thankfulness * Did you know that the words “think” and “thank” come from the same root word? Just to think causes us to be thankful. * Says Arthur Roche: “Worry is a thin stream that erodes away the banks of our lives & lets a flood overwhelm them.” * A greenhouse owner saw two little girls pick daisies from his garden and asked them, “Do you have any money?” When they shook their heads to say “No” he said, “Well then, if you have no money, you must say “Thank you.” If you say ‘thank you,’ you don’t need money.
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