Department I 2 - Bureau County Fairgrounds
Department I 2 - Bureau County Fairgrounds
1 Talent Show Saturday August 29 1:00 pm Show will be in the Hospitality Tent Bureau County Fairgrounds, Princeton, IL Dancing Vocal Musical fee $5 registration per contestant 2 Divisions • 0- 14 • 15 - 21 Can be solos or groups Any talent Winners of each division will compete in Springfield January 2016 For More Information contact Nancy monier (815) 875-2176 2 BUREAU COUNTY AGRICULTURAL BOARD MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2015 BUREAU COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS ALLEN BUILDING 7:00 PM *** PLEASE JOIN US AT NEXT YEAR’S FAIR AUGUST 24 - 28, 2016 3 BUREAU COUNTY AGRICULTURAL BOARD OF DIRECTOR OFFICERS President ............................................................................................................... Pete Reviglio - 815-872-0307 – Princeton 1st Vice President ................................................................................................. Kyle Burrows- 815-878-0549 – Princeton 2nd Vice President ................................................................................................ Gary Monier - 815-878-8648 - Princeton 3rd Vice President .................................................................................................... Brian Carlson- 815-875-2176 - Walnut Executive Secretary/Event Mgr ........................................................................ Tracy Brenneman - 815-303-2905 - Walnut Assistant Secretary .................................................................................................... Deb Cools - 815-303-6010 - Princeton Treasurer ............................................................................................................. Robbie Butler - 815-303-0176 - Princeton Director At Large ........................................................................................... Dave Diekemper - 815-875-2402 - Princeton Director At Large .................................................................................................... Nancy Roach - 815-590-8873 - Wyanet Past President ........................................................................................................... Marc Cain – 815-878-0293 - Princeton Superintendent Of Concessions ............................................................................... Deb Cools - 815-303-6010 - Princeton TOWNSHIP DIRECTORS Arispie ..................................................................................... Francis Morse - 815-646-4191 - Tiskilwa, IL 61368 Berlin ....................................................................................... Brian Carlson - 815-878-8648 - Princeton, IL 61356 Bureau .......................................................................................... Gary Monier - 815-875-2176 - Walnut, IL 61376 Clarion ..................................................................................................................................................................... Concord ................................................................................................................................................................... Dover ........................................................................................Ray Kuhnert - 815-643-2118 - Princeton, IL 61356 Fairfield ................................................................................................................................................................... Gold ......................................................................................................................................................................... Greenville ................................................................................................................................................................ Hall ...................................................................................... Lori Stanton - 815-228-2711 - Spring Valley, IL 61362 Indiantown ............................................................................................................................................................... La Moille ................................................................................................................................................................ . Leepertown .................................................................................. Nancy Roach - 815-659-3160 - Bureau, IL 61315 Macon ...................................................................................................................................................................... Manlius .......................................................................................... Mary Hartz - 815-445-3821 - Wyanet, IL 61379 Milo ......................................................................................................................................................................... Mineral .................................................................................................................................................................... Neponset .................................................................................................................................................................. Princeton ................................................................................. Carolyn Diller – 815-875-6150 – Princeton, IL 61356 Ohio......................................................................................................................................................................... Selby..............................................................................................Kyle Cain - 815-875-2402 - Princeton, IL 61356 Walnut ..................................................................................................................................................................... Westfield.................................................................................................................................................................. Wheatland ................................................................................................................................................................ Wyanet ........................................................................................ Ray Spears - 815-879-8259 - Princeton, IL 61356 ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS Associate Director ..................................................................... Kyle Burrows – 815-303-8247 - Princeton IL 61356 Associate Director ................................................................ Kathy Costerisan - 815-866-3606- Princeton, IL 61356 Associate Director ............................................................... Dave Diekemper - 815-872-1611 - Princeton, IL 61356 Associate Director ......................................................................... Jason Floyd – 815-590-8873 - Wyanet, IL 61379 Associate Director .............................................................. Tawna Marciniak - 815-303-8296 - Princeton, IL 61356 Associate Director ............................................................................ Donna Olson - 815-579-0196 - Ladd, IL 61329 4 4 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BUREAU COUNTY AGRICULTURAL BOARD ALL 2014 PREMIUMS OFFERED ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON STATE FUNDING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. This exhibition will be open Wednesday, August 26, 2015 at 2:00 pm and close Sunday, August 30, 2015 at 6:00 pm. Competitions shall not be confined to Bureau County, but shall be open to the State of Illinois, and all other U.S. States, except as otherwise stated. Persons making entries for any premiums must first become members of the Bureau County Agricultural Board or purchase an exhibitor ticket. Children 12 and under are not required to purchase an exhibitors ticket. No entry refunds to non-winners. All entries must be accompanied by payment in full: Entry fee, stall/pen fee and exhibitor ticket, mailed to: Bureau County Fair Association, P.O. Box 238, Princeton, IL 61356 or presented at the secretary office on the fair grounds. Person giving an insufficient funds check, or a stop payment check will be barred from exhibiting at the Bureau County Fair for two (2) years. The association reserves the right to reject any or all entries. All premium forms must be signed when you pick-up your check. All premium forms will be kept at the office. The decision of the superintendent and executive secretary will be final in all disputes. Any exhibitor, who, upon the suggestion of the superintendent of the department and the executive secretary, shall be found guilty of finding fault with the decision of the judges in any department, can be excluded from exhibiting by a majority vote at the annual meeting. No person shall be allowed to act as judge in any class in which they are an exhibitor. All protests must be in writing and a $25.00 deposit must accompany it. Trophies, plaques and ribbons may be awarded at the discretion of the fair board. All trailers must be parked in designated area. No person on the property of the Bureau County Fairgrounds will be permitted to have, sell, or give away any intoxicating drinks, drugs or narcotics of any kind. Any person considered in the opinion of fair officers to be in an intoxicated condition or under the influence of alcoholic beverages, drugs or narcotics will be suspended from the fairgrounds at the decision of fair officials. The fair officials reserve the right to inspect all vehicles and containers at any time. Premium Waiver Statement: "The Department of Agriculture shall use its best efforts to secure sufficient appropriations to fund premiums. In any year for which the General Assembly of the State of Illinois fails to make an appropriation sufficient to pay such premiums, premium amounts may not be accurately reflected in this Premium Book." SUPERINTENDENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Superintendents are required to be on the grounds and receive all livestock and articles belonging to their department, and see that they are arranged properly. They must be at their proper departments during the fair. They will have full charge of everything in their respective departments and will be looked to for proper protection and management. Superintendents of livestock must notify the exhibitors of stock when to be shown in the ring. No animal or article will be allowed to be removed from the grounds during the fair, except by consent of the executive secretary. Superintendent and executive secretary will make the final decisions in all disputes, regarding their department. 5 5 JUDGES 1. 2. 3. Judges are to be selected by the superintendents of the different departments. Judges are approved by the fair board. Judges may not exhibit in any class they are judging. INVITED GUESTS 1. 2. Officers, with their families, of other agricultural societies are respectfully invited to attend our fair. Badges may be picked up at the secretary’s office ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND DRUGS 1. 2. 3. No persons on the property of the Bureau County Fair grounds will be permitted to have, sell or give away any intoxicating drinks, drugs or narcotic of any kind. Any person considered in the opinion of fair officials to be in an intoxicated condition or under the influence of alcoholic beverages, drugs or narcotic, may be suspended at the decision of fair officials Fair officials and security reserve the right to inspect all vehicles and containers at any time OFFICERS, SUPERINTENDENTS, POLICE, GATE KEEPERS 1. 2. The officers of the board, superintendents, police and gatekeepers will be provided with suitable badges. The officers and superintendents may appoint such assistants as they may deem necessary, with fair board approval ADMISSIONS 1. 2. 3. A life member card will be provided to a life member by the fair board, which will entitles them to admission to the fair. The card to be picked up at the secretary office. (A life member card will admit the owner, his or her wife or husband, and all children of such owner under twelve (12) to the fair. If such owner is not married, their life member card will admit such owner and one guest. A life member card entitles the spouse of any deceased life member, during his or her widowhood, to all the privileges of a life member). There is a charge of $15.00 per night per unit for parking house trailers or campers. LIVESTOCK OPEN CLASS RULES 1. 2. 3. 4. All Entries of Livestock, Poultry and Rabbits must be in the office by 7:00 pm Monday August 17, 2015. All late entries & changes will be charged an additional $1.00 per entry if room available (unless otherwise noted in the Fairbook). No exceptions. No additions or class changes 48 hours before show time. All entries, except noted on department page must be on the grounds by noon Wednesday, August 26, 2015. Entry releases will be according to individual livestock department page. Except by consent of the executive secretary, no departure from this rule will be allowed under penalty or forfeiture of premium and being barred from exhibiting at the Bureau County Fair for two years. 5 6 Children 12 and under are not required to purchase an exhibitor ticket. Bureau County Fair Association is not responsible for animals left after 6:00 pm Sunday August 30, 2015. 7. Every animal on the grounds and entered for premiums will, during the fair, be under the control of the superintendent of the department in which it is entered. All possible care of animals will be taken by the board. But the board will in no case be responsible for any damages that may occur. 8. No person except awarding committee on duty and officers of the association will be allowed inside the arena area while the exhibiting is going on. 9. A premium will not be awarded for an animal thought not worthy, even though there may be no competition. 10. It shall not be permissible to combine herds or flocks in order to make a show. 11. All animals must comply with State of Illinois health rules. 12. REGISTRATION PAPERS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL PUREBRED LIVESTOCK. A COPY 5. 6. OF REGISTRATION PAPERS MUST BE PRESENTED AT THE OFFICE BEFORE EXHIBITING. (NOTE: PAPERS WILL NOT BE COPIED BY THE OFFICE STAFF.) 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. All animals must be shown to receive a premium. All animals must be entered in their proper class and must be purebred. All animals must be shown by the exhibitor. No exhibitor will be allowed more than two premiums in each class. No feeding of animals will be allowed on the grounds outside of the buildings. No paper bedding will be allowed. Awards will be made by the selected judge of each department. The superintendent has the right to reject any animal or poultry showing signs of disease Entries in the livestock open class must comply with rules and regulations of Bureau County, State of Illinois and Livestock Open Class. 1. Open to any boy or girl between 8 years of age, or in third grade and not yet 19 years of age on or before September 1 of the year previous to the fair. Proof of entry must be presented to superintendent upon request. Animals (i.e., individual, herd or flock classes) shown in the junior classes must be the property of the boys and girls showing them. If the same animals are shown in both the open classes and junior classes, they shall be shown under the same exhibitor’s name. (For example, the father is not permitted to show an animal in the open class and the son or daughter to show the same animal in the junior classes). Only other boys and girls who meet the age requirement set forth in #1 may assist exhibitor in herd or flock classes during the judging process. Competition shall be open to the State of Illinois. Any junior exhibitor wishing to show in open classes may do so by complying with open class and department rules. Entries in junior livestock and poultry must comply with the rules and regulations of Bureau County, State of Illinois, and livestock open show, and junior livestock show. JUNIOR CLASS RULES 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. All animal trailers left at the fairground must be parked in the West Gate area. Livestock exhibitor's cars/trucks will be permitted in fairgrounds livestock area to deliver feed and supplies, only until 10:00 am. After 10:00 am, all livestock exhibitors’ cars/trucks will park outside the fenced in area. Any vehicle found in unauthorized area after set time will be towed into the general parking lot area at the owner’s expense. These rules will be strictly adhered to as ordered by the State Fire Marshal. Each livestock exhibitor will be issued one vehicle pass per family. Do not request additional passes from the fair office. Vehicle passes are for the vehicle only! All riders must have their their exhibitor ticket, season pass or must pay the entrance fee; there will be no passing tickets from inside the fair grounds to outside the gates! 5 7 FINE ARTS OPEN CLASS RULES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Last day to have copies of entries of fine arts into the fair office is Monday, August 10, 2015 by 7:00 pm. A late entry will be charged an office fee of $1.00 per entry. No exceptions. All exhibitors must be a resident of Illinois and the bona fide raiser/owner of the article exhibiting or forfeit all premiums. All entries of art, photography, culinary canned goods, hobbies & collections, and textiles (open and junior shows) must be brought to fairgrounds between 9 am and 7 pm Monday, August 24. All entries of agricultural products, horticultural, and floriculture must be in the fairgrounds between 9 am - 7 pm Tuesday, August 25. Entry releases will be 6:00 pm Sunday August 30, 2015, except by consent of the Executive Secretary. No departure from this rule will be allowed under penalty of forfeiture of premiums and being barred from exhibiting for two years. Bureau County Fair Board is not responsible for articles left after 6:00 pm Sunday, August 30, 2015. All items will be discarded 30 days after that date. Children 12 and under are not required to purchase an exhibitors ticket. Every article upon the grounds and entered for premiums will, during the fair be under the control of the superintendent of the department in which it may be entered. The board will take all possible care of articles, but the board will in no case be responsible for any damages that may occur. All articles are displayed at the owner’s risk. A premium will not be awarded for an article thought not worthy, even though there may be no competition. Only one article may be entered in each lot number. No article shall be entered for a premium to which a premium has previously been awarded by this Society. All articles must conform to premium list requirements or the judge and/or the superintendent of the department will automatically disqualify them. The department personnel if needed will dispose of all highly perishable articles. Entries in fine arts must comply with the rules and regulations of Bureau County, State of Illinois, and fine arts. JUNIOR RULES 1. 2. 3. Open to any boy or girl between 8 and 18 years of age, as of January 1 of the year the fair is held. Any junior exhibitor wishing to show in open classes may do so by complying with open class rules. Entries in the junior fine arts must comply with the rules and regulations of Bureau County, State of Illinois, fine arts, and junior fine arts. 58 GATE ADMISSION and TIMES / TIMES SHOW ADMISSION and 6 years and under………………….…….free 7 to 12 years………………………….…$2.00 Adults……………………………………$5.00 Senior Day, Thursday (all day) ……...$2.00 Season Pass / Exhibitor Ticket ….…$10.00 Gate hours Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Building hours Carnival hours 2:00 pm - 9:00 pm 3:00 pm - 10:00 pm 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm 9:00 am - 9:00 pm 12:00 Noon - 10:00 pm 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm 9:00 am - 9:00 pm 12:00 Noon - 10:00 pm 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm 7:00 am - 9:00 pm 12:00 Noon - 10:00 pm 1:00 pm - 11:00 pm 7:00 am - 6:00 pm 12:00 Noon - 6:00 pm 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm GRANDSTAND EVENTS For more information go to our website (All Advanced Tickets Include Gate Fee) 10 9 RIDE SPECIALS WRIST BANDS $23.00 Wednesday, August 26 5:00 – 10:00pm Thursday, August 27 5:00 -10-00 pm Friday, August 28 5:00 - 11:00 pm Saturday, August 29 1:00 – 5:00 pm 5:00 – 11:00 pm SUNDAY LAST BLAST WRIST BAND $23.00 Sunday, August 30 1:00 - 6:00 pm 10 Schedule of Events Events & times subject to change without notice DAILY FREE ATTRACTIONS Bureau County Fair Museum – Open daily Tim & Karen Barker Chain Saw Artist - Presented by Timber Falls Tree Service Beer Garden 5 p.m. to close – Tiskilwa Community Association Farmer for a Day Presented by Bureau County Farm Bureau Fine Arts Exhibits Noon – 10:00 pm ~ Allen Building Hospitality Tent Musical Entertainment by GES Productions & Sound Services,Midland States Bank Kachunga & the Alligator Show 9’ 3” , 100 lb Alligator Show Kid Davie Stage Magic & Magic show and Entertainer –Presented by Heartland Bank, Verns Farm Supply, & Roving Robot Variety Attractions Wednesday August 26 1:00 – 5:00 1:30, 3:30, 5:30 & 7:30 5:00, 7:00 6:00 pm - Bureau County Draft Horse Pull 5-10 pm Armbands $23 Unlimited Rides 5:00 – ? 9:00 WZOE Live Broadcast Tim & Karen Barker Chain Saw Carving Artist presented by Timber Falls Tree Service Kachunga & the Alligator Show - Presented by Heartland Bank, Ag View FS, Mid American Mcdonalds, & Variety Attractions Kid Davie Stage Magic & Roving Robot–Presented by Heartland Bank, Verns Farm Supply, & Variety Attractions Beer Garden (located next to grandstand) by Tiskilwa Community Association Cake Walk by the Fair Office HOSPITALITY TENT 4:30-5:00 5:30-6:30 7:00-9:00 Presented By Midland States Bank Generics Combo - 2 piece variety band Rick Moreland - Gospel Singer Generics Combo – 4 piece variety band 6:00, 8:00 Thursday August 27 8:00 pm – 38 Special w/Forgotten Highway Presented by Kool 95.7, Piehl Motors, Becks, Wyanet Carpet, LRB, Comcast, Norberg Monument, People’s National Bank, Vern’s Farm Supply, Dakota Street Insurance, Central Bank 5-10 pm Armbands $23 unlimited rides Senior Citizens Day ~ Senior Admission $2.00 (62 years old and over) 12:00-3:00 5:00 - ? 9:00 Senior Activities in Hospitality Tent Bingo & Refreshments – Hosted by GES Sound Services & Midland States Bank Exhibit Halls Open WZOE Live Broadcast WKEI & WLPO Live Broadcast Tim & Karen Barker Chain Saw Carving Artist presented by Timber Falls Tree Service Kachunga & the Alligator Show - Presented by Heartland Bank, Ag View FS, Mid American Mcdonalds, & Variety Attractions Kid Davie Stage Magic & Roving Robot–Presented by Heartland Bank, Verns Farm Supply, & Variety Attractions Beer Garden (located next to grandstand) by Tiskilwa Community Association Cake Walk by the Fair Office HOSPITALITY TENT 3:00- 4:00 5:00-6:00 7:00-9:00 Presented by Midland States Bank Jack Ness – Variety music Sweet Country The Generics – 6 piece variety band 12:00 1:00 – 5:00 1:00 – 2:00 1:30, 3:30, 5:30 & 7:30 5:00, 7:00 6:00, 8:00 11 Schedule of Events Events & times subject to change without notice Friday August 28 8:00 pm – Lonestar & Jo Dee Messina Presented by Kool 95.7, Piehl Motors, Becks, Wyanet Carpet, LRB, Comcast, Norberg Monument, People’s National Bank, Vern’s Farm Supply, Dakota Street Insurance, Central Bank Armbands 5-11pm $23 unlimited rides 11:00 – 1:00 1:30, 3:30, 5:30 & 7:30 5:00, 7:00 5:00 - ? 9:00 Lunch in the Park – eat lunch at the fairgrounds Tim & Karen Barker Chain Saw Carving Artist presented by Timber Falls Tree Service Kachunga & the Alligator Show - Presented by Heartland Bank, Ag View FS, Mid American Mcdonalds, & Variety Attractions Ronald McDonald Kid Davie Stage Magic & Roving Robot–Presented by Heartland Bank, Verns Farm Supply, & Variety Attractions Beer Garden (located next to grandstand) by Tiskilwa Community Association Cake Walk by the Fair Office HOSPITALITY TENT 4:30- 5:30 6:00-7:00 7:30-9:30 Presented by Midland States Bank Hit & Miss duo - Variety Steve Hargis - country Generics Goodies – 9 piece variety band Saturday 5:30 pm – Farm Stock Tractor Pull 6:00 pm – Illini State Pullers Truck & Tractor Pull 6:00-7:00 6:00, 8:00 August 29 Armbands 1-5pm & 5-11pm $23 unlimited rides 9:00am 1:30, 3:30, 5:30 & 7:30 3:00, 5:00, 8:00 3:00 – ? 9:00 Horse Speed Show – Located in the Arena Tim & Karen Barker Chain Saw Carving Artist presented by Timber Falls Tree Service Kid Davie Stage Magic & Roving Robot–Presented by Heartland Bank, Verns Farm Supply, & Variety Attractions Kachunga & the Alligator Show - Presented by Heartland Bank, Ag View FS, Mid American Mcdonalds, & Variety Attractions Beer Garden (located next to grandstand) by Tiskilwa Community Association Cake Walk by the Fair Office HOSPITALITY TENT 1:00-3:00 3:00-4:30 5:30-630 7:30-9:30 Presented by Midland States Bank Bureau County Fair Talent Show contest Generics Rocking Robin Band (50’s & 60’s) Henry Torpedo Boys – bluegrass Mary Piefer & the Trouble Makers - variety Sunday 3:00 pm - Demolition Derby Presented by Spring Valley City Bank, August 30 Heartland Autobody, Princeton Prompt Care, McJones Concrete Inc., Prescott Brothers 2:00, 4:00, 7:00 1-6pm “Last Blast” Armbands $23 unlimited rides 10:00 10:00 Noon, 3:00, 5:00 2:30 5:00 – ? County Worship Service, free admission ~ Grandstand Open Horse Show & Draft Horse Halter Classes – McCutchan Arena Kachunga & the Alligator Show - Presented by Heartland Bank, Ag View FS, Mid American Mcdonalds, & Variety Attractions Tim & Karen Barker Chain Saw Carving Artist presented by Timber Falls Tree Service Draft Horse Hitch & Open Horse Show Performance Classes – McCutchan Arena Kid Davie Stage Magic & Roving Robot–Presented by Heartland Bank, Verns Farm Supply, & Variety Attractions Chainsaw Carvings Auction and Queen’s Pie Auction Beer Garden (located next to grandstand) by Tiskilwa Community Association HOSPITALITY TENT 12:00-? 12:30-1:00, 3:00-4:00 1:30 – 2:30 2:45 – 3:00 4:30 – 5:30 Presented By Midland States Bank Free Watermelon Anita Reno – country Bureau County Barber Shop Chorus Hailey Goetz – pop/country music Marshall Putnam Stark Youth Variety Show Choir 12:30, 1:30 1:00 1:00,2:00, 4:00 12 11 Hospitality Tent Hospitality Presented By MidlandTent States Bank Presented By Midland States Bank Wednesday, August 26th th 4:30 – 5:00 pm 26Generics Combo – 2 piece variety band Wednesday, August 5:30 4:30 –– 6:30 5:00 7:00 – 5:30 – 9:00 6:30 pm pm pm pm Rick Moreland Generics Combo– –Gospel 2 piece variety band Generics Combo – 4 piece variety band Rick Moreland – Gospel 7:00 – 9:00 pm th Generics Combo – 4 piece variety band - Thursday, August 27 Senior Citizen’s Day (62 & older) th 12:00 August – 3:00 pm – Hosted by the Princeton Thursday, 27 BINGO Senior Citizen’s Day (62 & Moose older)Lodge & Midland Bank 3:00 ––4:00 12:00 3:00 pm pm 5:00 – 6:00 pm 3:00 – 4:00 pm 7:00 5:00 –– 9:00 6:00 pm pm 7:00 – 9:00 pm th Friday, August 28 th 4:30 - 5:3028 pm Friday, August 6:00 4:30 –- 7:00 5:30 7:30 – 9:30 6:00 – 7:00 Jack Ness – variety BINGO – Hosted by the Princeton Moose Lodge & Midland Bank Sweet Country Jack Ness – variety Generics - 6 piece variety band Sweet Country Generics - 6 piece variety band Hit & Miss – duo variety Steve country Hit & Hargis Miss – –duo variety Generics Goodies Band – 9 piece variety band Steve Hargis – country pm pm pm pm 7:30 – 9:30 pm th Generics Goodies Band – 9 piece variety band Saturday, August 29 1:00 –August 3:00 pm Saturday, 29th TALENT SHOW 3:00 1:00 –– 4:30 3:00 5:30 – 6:30 3:00 – 4:30 7:30 – 5:30 – 9:30 6:30 pm pm pm pm pm pm Generics TALENTRockin SHOWRobin (50’s & 60’s) – 5 piece band Henry Torpedo – bluegrass band– 5 piece band Generics RockinBoys Robin (50’s & 60’s) Mary Piefer & the Trouble Makers – variety Henry Torpedo Boys – bluegrass band 7:30 – 9:30 pm Mary Piefer & the Trouble Makers – variety 12:30 Noon – 1:00 pm 1:30 12:30––2:30 1:00 pm pm 2:45 – 3:00 pm 1:30 – 2:30 pm 3:00 –– 3:00 4:00 pm pm 2:45 4:30 3:00 –– 5:30 4:00 pm pm Free Watermelon AnitaWatermelon Reno - variety Free Bureau County Barbershop Chorus Anita Reno - variety Halley Goetz – pop/country Bureau County Barbershop Chorus Anita Reno Halley Goetz – pop/country Marshall/Putnam/Stark Variety Show Choir Anita Reno 4:30 – 5:30 pm Marshall/Putnam/Stark Variety Show Choir Sunday, August 30th Noon Sunday, August 30th Please note: Entertainment and times are subject to cancel or change. (Check fair office for an updated schedule) Please note: Entertainment and times are subject to cancel or change. (Check fair office for an updated schedule) Presented by Gary E Swanson, GES Productions & Sound Services Presented by Gary E Swanson, GES Productions & Sound Services Proudly supporting our communities. 1-855-MY-MIDLAND 14 13 14 Equal Housing Lender. Member FDIC. GENERICS GOODIES BAND The Generics Goodies Band has been performing at the Bureau County Fair and in the Illinois Valley area for 26 years! For the best oldies-but-goodies music, catch one of their shows located in the hospitality tent! A special thanks to the following supporters of the GGB and live entertainment in the Bureau County Fair hospitality tent: The City of Princeton - Mayor & Council Big Apple Restaurant – Ozzie White Oak Ag Pioneer – Denny Denton Farrell Chiropractic – Doctor Dennis Farrell Guys & Gals Salon – Colleen & Danny Sissell 15 14 SUPERINTENDENTS OPEN SHOW DEPARTMENTS Livestock Dept A Dept B Dept C Dept R2 Dept R3 Dept F1 Dept G Dept I1 Dept I2 Dept U Beef Cattle – Brian Carlson ................................................................................................... Page 23 Dairy Cattle – Kevin Kunkel .................................................................................................. Page 31 Heavy Horses – Kathy Costerisan .......................................................................................... Page 35 Horse Show – Lori Stanton ................................................................................................. Page 38 Horse Speed Show – John Croisant ...................................................................................... Page 39 Sheep – Tom Slutz ................................................................................................................ Page 44 Swine – Jared Frueh ............................................................................................................... Page 49 Poultry – Ray Kuhnert............................................................................................................ Page 51 Rabbits – Mike Jackson ......................................................................................................... Page 56 Goats – Donna Olson ............................................................................................................ Page 63 Fine Arts Dept J Dept K Dept L Dept M-A Dept M-B Dept M-C Dept M-D Dept O-A Dept O-A2 Dept O-B Agriculture Products - Deb Cools .......................................................................................... Page 69 Horticulture - Deb Cools ........................................................................................................ Page 73 Floriculture - Marilyn Haslam ................................................................................................ Page 75 Fine Art - Art – Amanda Fox ................................................................................................. Page 80 Fine Art- Photography - Kathy Costerisan ............................................................................. Page 84 Fine Art - Hobbies & Collections - Rita Mongan................................................................... Page 87 Textile - Linda Sittler ............................................................................................................ Page 90 Culinary, Baked Goods - Beth Schultz................................................................................... Page 96 Culinary, Men, Baked Goods - Beth Schultz ......................................................................... Page 99 Culinary, Canned Goods - Marlene Klingenberg ................................................................. Page 100 Other Dept Q Tractor Pull – Kyle Cain, Illini State Pullers ....................................................................... Page 105 JUNIOR DEPARTMENTS Livestock Dept HA Junior Beef Cattle – Brian Carlson ........................................................................................ Page 27 Fine Arts Dept PJ Dept PL Dept PM-D Dept PO-A Dept PO-B Junior Agriculture Products - Deb Cools ............................................................................... Page 71 Junior Floriculture - Marilyn Haslam ..................................................................................... Page 78 Junior Textile - Linda Sittler .................................................................................................. Page 94 Junior Culinary, Baked Goods - Beth Schultz ........................................................................ Page 98 Junior Culinary, Canned Goods - Marlene Klingenberg ...................................................... Page 103 Judging Schedule NOTE: Please check with superintendents for any changes in time of shows. Wednesday August 26 Fine Arts Thursday, August 27 Dairy Cattle, Open show Rabbit show Goats, Open show Saturday, August 29 Horse Speed Show Poultry, Open show Sheep, Open show Beef & Steer, open show Sunday, August 30 Horse Open show Beef & Steer Cattle, Jr show Swine Show Draft Horse Show Halter Draft Horse Show Hitch 9:30 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 15 16 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 1:00 pm 2015 Exhibition Livestock Health Requirements - County Fairs Illinois Department of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Health and Welfare State Fairgrounds P.O. Box 19281 Springfield, IL 62794-9281 Phone (217) 782-4944 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Exhibitors are required to familiarize themselves with all rules applicable to their exhibits. 2. 3. All out-of-state animals shall require an entry permit. Permits are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling (217) 782-4944. All animals, except as noted, shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) which shows that the animal meets all health requirements for the State of Illinois. CVI’s shall be made available to Bureau of Animal Health Personnel on request. CVI means a legible record made on an official form from the state of origin which has been issued, signed and dated by an accredited veterinarian and which shows the name and address of the animal’s owner or exhibitor and the results of all required tests or vaccinations. A CVI shall list only one animal identification per line; shall be presented on the form on which it was initially issued; and shall not be corrected, changed or altered in any manner. 4. All animals shall be officially identified. The animal(s) official identification shall be recorded on the CVI. 5. If animals are from tuberculosis accredited, brucellosis certified, pseudorabies qualified, or brucellosis validated herds, the identifying herd number(s) along with the date of the last herd test(s) shall appear on the CVI. 6. CVI for out-of-state livestock shall be void thirty (30) days after issuance. 7. CVI for Illinois-origin livestock shall be void ninety (90) days after issuance. 8. All livestock shall be subject to examination upon entry to any Illinois fair or exhibition. Any animal showing evidence of infectious, contagious or communicable diseases shall be immediately withdrawn and held in quarantine at the owner’s risk and expense until properly treated and recovered, or until the animal is released to return to the owner’s premise. Any livestock infected with scabies, mange, active lesions of ringworm, soremouth, or multiple warts which are easily visible without close examination shall not be permitted to exhibit and are subject to quarantine or removal from the fairgrounds. Sheep and goats with caseous lymphadenitis as evidenced by draining abscesses shall not be exhibited and are subject to immediate quarantine or removal from the fairgrounds. 9. Illinois Department of Agriculture personnel or designee may collect blood, tissue, milk or urine samples from any animal being exhibited and/or raced at any Illinois fair to test for the presence of illegal drugs or banned substances. New examination techniques, such as ultrasound, may also be used at anytime while the animals are on the grounds of any Illinois fair or exhibit. The Illinois Department of Agriculture or designee may collect urine, blood, tissue or other test samples from exhibition animals at the time of slaughter. 10. All exhibitors of animals at any Illinois fair or exhibition shall comply with the provisions of the Illinois Humane Care for Animals Act. If violations are observed, the animals(s) will be excused from exhibition and ordered removed from the grounds with all awards being forfeited. Any practice or deviation from normal, accepted care, including physical, medical or mechanical application, shall constitute a violation of show rules and may result in the animal(s) disqualification and removal from the fairgrounds. 11. Any Illinois cattle, bison, cervidae or goats being exhibited in non-accredited free states must be isolated from the remainder of the herd/flock upon return to Illinois and retested for tuberculosis 60-120 days post-entry. CATTLE Identification Individual identification of each animal shall be either a fully healed and legible tattoo, official metal ear tag, registration number (can only be used if the tattoo is recorded on the registration certificate or for breeds where pictures are acceptable), or individual brands, if brand is recorded on the registration certificate. Illinois Cattle Brucellosis Illinois is a Bovine Brucellosis Class-Free State. Brucellosis testing is not required for Illinois cattle. Tuberculosis Illinois is an Accredited Tuberculosis- Free State. Tuberculin testing is not required for Illinois cattle. Please note: Illinois calves under 6 months of age, and Illinois steers are not required to have a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. Out-of-State-Cattle Permit 1. 2. All out-of-state cattle are to be accompanied by an entry permit. Permits are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling (217) 782-4944. 17 16 Brucellosis 1. 2. Female cattle six (6) months of age and older and bulls eighteen (18) months of age and older shall be negative to an official test for brucellosis within thirty (30) days prior to entry, unless exempt by one (1) of the following: A. Originate directly from a certified brucellosis-free herd. B. Official vaccinates of dairy breeds under twenty (20) months of age or official vaccinates of beef breeds under twentyfour (24) months of age. C. Animal originated from a “Class Free” state (if entire state is so classified) D. Steers and spayed heifers are not required to be tested for brucellosis. The negative brucellosis test shall be conducted at a state or federal laboratory within 30 days prior to exhibition. Tuberculosis 1. 2. Accredited Tuberculosis Free States A. No tuberculin test required. All cattle, including steers, originating from an Accredited Tuberculosis Free State, may enter Illinois for exhibition when accompanied by a CVI issued by an accredited veterinarian within 30 days. Non-Accredited Tuberculosis Free Areas or States (Not TB Free) A. Cattle must originate from a herd where a complete herd test was conducted within the past year. B. The individual animals entering Illinois must be negative to an additional tuberculin test conducted within 30 days prior to exhibition. C. Cattle that enter Illinois for exhibition and remain in Illinois (animal does not return to the state of origin within 30 days) must be isolated and retested for TB 60-120 days from the last official TB test date. SWINE Illinois Swine Identification 1. 2. Swine shall be identified by an official ear tag, tattoo or recognized breed ear notch. Ear notch identification is acceptable for barrows, crossbred gilts and breeding swine. (Note: Ear notch identification of crossbred swine does not satisfy USDA identification requirements for brucellosis and pseudorabies testing.) Brucellosis Brucellosis testing is not required for Illinois swine. Pseudorabies All exhibition swine are required to be tested for pseudorabies as described below. 1. 2. Additional Requirements 1. Swine of all ages shall be negative to an official test for pseudorabies conducted within 90 days prior to exhibition; or swine shall originate immediately and directly from a qualified pseudorabies negative herd. Barrows and females in market classes must meet the same requirements as breeding swine. 4. Swine consigned to terminal market classes must meet the same test requirements as exhibition swine if these classes are held in conjunction with “exhibits not intended for slaughter”. When terminal classes are held on a day when no other livestock are present, these animals are exempt from all test requirements and do not need a CVI. All swine terminal classes must be identified by a site tattoo prior to movement to slaughter. Swine from pseudorabies-quarantined herds are not allowed to exhibit regardless of whether or not the show is terminal or nonterminal. The Illinois and DuQuoin State Fairs are not classified as terminal shows. 1. 2. All out-of-state swine are to be accompanied by an entry permit. Permits are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling (217) 782-4944. 1. 2. Individually identified by an official ear tag, tattoo or recognized breed ear notch. Ear notch identification is not acceptable for crossbred animals. 1. Breeding swine 4 months of age and older shall be negative to an official test for brucellosis within 30 days prior to exhibition unless exempt by one (1) of the following: A. Originate immediately and directly from a brucellosis-free herd. B. Originate directly from a validated brucellosis-free state. Swine brucellosis tests for exhibition shall be conducted at a state or federal laboratory. 2. 3. Out-of-State Swine Permit Identification Brucellosis 2. Pseudorabies All exhibition swine are required to be tested for pseudorabies as described below. 1. 2. 3. Swine shall be negative to an official test for pseudorabies conducted within the past thirty (30) days prior to entry or originate immediately and directly from a qualified pseudorabies negative herd. Barrows and females in market classes must meet the same requirements as breeding swine. The Illinois and DuQuoin State Fairs are not classified as terminal shows. 18 17 SHEEP Identification Individual identification of each animal shall be by an ear tattoo or official metal or plastic tag. A microchip ID is acceptable if the owner provides the reader. Ear tattoos may be used when a registration certificate, listing the tattoo number, accompanies the animal. When using ear tags, the tag must indicate the premises ID and state of origin. The tag number must be assigned by a state or APHIS representative and recorded in the Scrapie Record Database. Market Lambs All wethers must be slick shorn (show ring ready) before weigh-in so that show lamb fungus can be identified. Illinois Sheep 1. 2. Sheep originating from a flock that has previously been classified as either an infected or source flock can be exhibited in Illinois upon the completion of an approved flock plan. For any animal born after 1/1/2002, the CVI must include the flock of birth and the flock of origin, if different. Out-of-State Sheep 1. 2. 3. All out-of-state sheep are to be accompanied by an entry permit. Permits are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling (217) 7824944. Sheep originating from a flock that has previously been classified as either an infected or source flock can be exhibited in Illinois upon the completion of an approved flock plan. For any animal born after 1/1/2002, the CVI must include the flock of birth and the flock of origin, if different. GOATS Identification Individual identification of each animal shall be by an ear tattoo or official metal or plastic tag. A microchip ID is acceptable if the owner provides the reader. Tattoos may be used when a registration certificate, listing the tattoo number, accompanies the animal. When using ear tags, the tag must indicate the premises ID and state of origin. The tag number must be assigned by a state or APHIS representative and recorded in the Scrapie Record Database. Ears should be used for tattooing when possible. If there is no space in the ear, the flank or tail fold may be used. Illinois Goats 1. 2. Goats originating from a herd that has previously been classified as either an infected or source herd can be exhibited in Illinois upon the completion of an approved herd plan. For any animal born after 1/1/2002, the CVI must include the flock of birth and the flock of origin, if different. Out-of-State Goats 1. 2. 3. All out-of-state goats are to be accompanied by an entry permit. Permits are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling (217) 7824944. Goats originating from a herd that has previously been classified as either an infected or source herd can be exhibited in Illinois upon the completion of an approved herd plan. Tuberculosis- Goats from areas or states that are not Accredited Bovine Tuberculosis Free, must be accompanied by a CVI indicating that the goats originated from a herd where a complete negative herd test has been conducted within the past twelve (12) months and the individual animals are negative to a tuberculin test conducted within thirty (30) days prior to entry. For any animal born after 1/1/2002, the CVI must include the flock of birth and the flock of origin, if different. 19 18 HORSES, PONIES, MULES AND OTHER EQUIDAE Illinois Equine 1. All horses and other equidae, twelve (12) months of age and older attending an advertised equine event, shall be accompanied by a negative test for equine infectious anemia (EIA) conducted within the last twelve (12) months. A copy of this test shall accompany the animal. 2. AGID (Coggins) or ELISA tests are accepted. 3. An advertised equine event means a show, rodeo, sale, auction, exhibition, trail ride, or horse fair that is posted or media promoted. 4. A CVI is not required for Illinois equine. Out-of-State Equine 1. 2. 3. 4. All out-of-state equine are to be accompanied by an entry permit. Permits are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling (217) 7824944. All horses and other equidae entering Illinois that are twelve (12) months of age or older, shall be accompanied by a negative test for equine infectious anemia (EIA) conducted within the last twelve (12) months. A copy of this test shall accompany the animal. AGID (Coggins) or ELISA tests are accepted. All horses and other equidae shall be accompanied by a CVI issued within thirty (30) days prior to entry. POULTRY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All entries (except waterfowl, i.e. domesticated fowl that normally swim, such as ducks and geese) in a show or exhibition shall have originated from a U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean or equivalent hatchery or flock OR have a negative pullorum-typhoid test within 90 days prior to exhibition. Exhibitor shall show proper information as to name and address of owner or exhibitor, name and address of the authorized testing agent, date of the testing and the number, breed, and species of those tested. Prior to being used to transport poultry to a show, all crates, boxes, containers and vehicles shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Any poultry vaccinations must be performed at least 4 weeks prior to delivery to the show. Upon admission to a show, all entries shall be examined by the official county fair veterinarian or qualified state personnel who shall also receive and examine all certificates necessary for admission of birds to a show. Birds not in show condition will be excused from exhibition and removed from the premises. Any fowl showing signs of illness during the fair will be removed from the exhibition grounds. All out-of-state turkeys must originate from flocks that are officially classified as U.S. Mycoplasma Gallisepticum Clean in accordance with the provisions of the National Poultry Improvement Plan or be negative to a test for Mycoplasma gallisepticum within 30 days prior to entry. A permit is also required for out-of-state poultry. A permit may be obtained by calling (217) 782-4944. Please note: These poultry exhibition requirements do not apply to 4-H and FFA 1-day poultry shows where the entries are taken to the show and returned home the same day. However, a permit is required for out-of-state poultry. CERVIDAE (Deer, Elk, Reindeer, Caribou, Moose, Red Deer and other Related Species) Identification All animals shall be individually identified with an approved tag, microchip or tattoo. Elk are required to have two official/approved unique identifiers. Illinois Cervidae Chronic Wasting Disease For cervidae changing ownership or moving within the State, the owner must obtain a permit issued by the Department prior to movement and the cervid must originate from a herd that is enrolled in the Certified Monitored Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Program or the Contained Monitored Chronic Wasting Disease Program. The permit shall be obtained no more than 72 hours in advance of the movement of the cervids by providing the following information: A) Name and complete mailing address of person exhibiting the cervids; B) Certified Monitored Chronic Wasting Disease or Contained Monitored Chronic Wasting Disease Herd number; C) Name and complete mailing address of location where the animals will be exhibited; D) Number of animals and unique identification of the animals. Tuberculosis Illinois is an Accredited Tuberculosis-Free State. Tuberculin test is not required for Illinois cervidae. Out-of-State Cervidae Chronic Wasting Disease 1. 2. All cervidae entering Illinois must be in compliance with the Illinois Wildlife Code [520 ILCS 5]. For more information, contact the Illinois Department of Natural Resources at 217/782-6384. All cervidae entering Illinois must be accompanied by a permit from the Department and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection that: a. has been issued by an accredited veterinarian of the state of origin or a veterinarian in the employ of the United States Department of Agriculture; b. is approved by the Animal Health Official of the state of origin; c. shows that the cervidae are free from visible evidence of any contagious, infectious or communicable disease or exposure thereto, do not originate from a CWD endemic area (any county and surrounding counties where CWD has been diagnosed in the past five years); d. shows that the cervidae are not originating from a herd under quarantine for any contagious, infectious or communicable disease; e. shows that the animals originate from a herd that has been monitored for at least 5 years under a state-approved CWD certification program. 20 19 3. A permit number can be obtained by calling (217) 782-4944. Applicant for permit shall furnish the following information to the Department: a. Name and post office mailing address of Illinois destination; b. Name and post office mailing address of the consignor and/or source herds; c. Name and post office mailing address of the herd veterinarian; d. Number and unique identification of cervidae in shipment. Brucellosis Cervidae six (6) months of age and older must have a negative brucellosis card or PCFIA test within sixty (60) days prior to entry. Tuberculosis 1. Accredited Tuberculosis Free States All cervidae twelve (12) months of age and over shall be negative to two (2) single cervical test for bovine TB no less than ninety (90) days apart with the second test conducted within ninety (90) days prior to entry. These animals shall be isolated from all other members of the herd during the testing period unless they originate from an accredited, qualified or monitored herd. A. Cervidae from an accredited herd may be moved into Illinois without further TB testing provided that a certificate stating that such cervids originated from an accredited herd accompanies them. B. Cervidae originating from qualified or monitored herds may enter with a negative test within ninety (90) days prior to entry and a certificate stating that the animals originate from a monitored herd. 2. Non-Accredited Tuberculosis Free Areas or States (Not TB Free) A. All cervidae shall originate from a herd where a complete herd test was conducted within the past year. B. The individual animals entering Illinois must be negative to two (2) additional tuberculin tests conducted within 180 and 30 days prior to entry or exhibition. RATITES (Ostriches, Emus, Rheas, Cassowaries and Kiwis) Illinois Ratites There are no requirements governing the movement of ratites within Illinois. Out-of-State Ratites 1. Must be accompanied by a CVI and permit number. 2. Individually identified by leg band or microchip. 3. Negative test for Avian Influenza within 10 days prior to entry. PIGEONS, RABBITS, LLAMAS There are no requirements governing the movements of pigeons, rabbits, llamas within or into Illinois. A permit and health certificate is required for out-of-state llamas. A permit may be obtained by calling (217) 782-4944. 21 20 Bureau County Farm Bureau presents Farmer for a Day a family activity to learn by doing while having bushels of fun! Free, Daily in Building #4 21 Farm Bureau is part of your community… speaking out for agriculture for 100 years. A part of your life too…from the food on your table to the ethanol-blended fuel in your car. Farm Bureau believes in what you believe … clean water, clean air, and safe healthy food for our families. It’s Farm Bureau and farmers right here in your community who work to make our lives that much better. Bureau County Farm Bureau 535 Elm Place P.O. Box 190 Princeton IL 61356 (815) 875-6468 22 Beef Open & Junior Show Entry Form Bureau County Fair August 26-30, 2015 Exhibitor Name ___________________________________________________ Premise ID # _________________ Optional Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________________ State_______________Zip ____________________ Telephone _________________________________________ Social Security # __________________________ Entries must be made by 7:00 pm Monday August 17, 2015. All late entries & changes will be charged an additional $1.00 per entry. No changes or entries allowed 24 hours before show. Department Open Show Per Entry Fee Junior Show Per Entry Fee Stall / Pen Fees Breeding Beef _______ @ $10.00 ______________@ $10.00 ________ _____@ $5.00 Per Head ________ Market Beef _______ @ $10.00 ______________@ $10.00 ________ _____@ $5.00 Per Head ________ _____@ $5.00 Tack TOTAL_________ TOTAL__________ _________ TOTAL___________ Open Show Entry Fee _______________ Junior Show Entry Fee _______________ Exhibitor Ticket number _______________ Stall Fee _______________ Date Issued _____________________________ Exhibitor Ticket $10.00 (each) _______________ Camper Fee $15.00 per day _______________ Late Fee $1.00 per entry _______________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED NO REFUNDS _______________ NOTE: Children 12 and under and Life Members need not purchase an exhibitors ticket. Entries can be mailed to Bureau County Fair, P.O. Box 238, Princeton, IL 61356, hand-delivered to the office, faxed to 815-879-7005, or emailed ALL FORMS MUST ACCOMPANY FEE PAYMENT Example Department Letter Class/Breed Number Lot Number A (*) 4 2 Description Simmental - Heifer Calved after Jan 1 of current year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 24 23 Department A BEEF Dept A - Open Breeding Beef Cattle Brian Carlson, Superintendent Email: (815) 878-8648 – Princeton, IL Matt Wiggim, Assistant Superintendent Total Estimated Premiums Offered $ 9,276.00 $ 10.00 per entry Beef Cattle, $ 5.00 Stall Fee $ 10.00 Exhibitor’s Permit (Good for one admission per day) Arrival Time: Friday August 28 after 9:00 AM Beef Cattle MUST be on the grounds by 8:00 am, Saturday August 29. Open Breeding Beef Show: Saturday August 29 at 10:00 am Open Market Beef Show: Immediately following Breeding Beef Show Release Time: Sunday August 30 after 5:00 pm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Entries close at 6:00 pm Monday August 17 or must be postmarked by August 17, 2015. Entry acceptance is subject to the first 175 head of Beef Cattle entered due to stall space limitations. Please make your entries early. Late entries will be accepted based on stall space availability. Only 2 entries per class per exhibitor. Please see Dept A & HA – Beef Cattle – Open & Junior Show Entry Form. All animals for Breeding Beef and Market Beef shows must have been owned by the exhibitor prior to June 1, 2015. In case of dispute, the Beef Superintendent and/or representative of Bureau County Agricultural Fair Board will request proof of ownership documentation. All Health papers will be checked by the Vet and then returned to the exhibitor before the end of the fair. Registration papers will be checked by the Dept Superintendent on Saturday, August 29 7:00 to 9:00 am. Registration papers are required for all purebred livestock. Must have original registration papers (faxes, letters, copies, etc. will NOT be accepted). FANS – No butt fans allowed. Overhead fans may be used. Fans must be securely mounted above the animal with a limit of one fan per three animals. No fans will be permitted to be in the aisle, on a cart, or on the floor of the barn. More fans permitted with use of personal generator. All extension cords for fans must be outdoor approved – heavy gauge. Electrical power is limited: the use of generators is strongly encouraged – generators are NOT permitted in the barn. Please indicate on your entry form if you plan to use a generator. All animals are subject to a teeth check to determine age and a blood test to determine breed. All Simmental must be 50% or greater as shown on the required registration papers. No calf under 4 months old will be eligible to compete in any class. The superintendent will designate stall space. Tie outs will be as close to barns as possible. The exhibitor will be responsible for their own tie outs. Don’t tie in without approval or you may have to move. ENTER ALL STEERS AND MARKET HEIFERS IN THE LIGHT WEIGHT LOT OF THEIR CLASS. Heifers may be shown as either Breeding or Market Beef, BUT NOT BOTH. Market Heifers entered in the Market Beef show may Not show in Breeding Beef classes. Market heifers must be born after January 1, 2014. All Market Heifers must be open (not Bred) at the time of show. In case of dispute, the Market Heifer will be subject to vet examination. The disputing party will be responsible for both the Protest Fee and vet exam fee . No grooming chutes are allowed in the barns except on show day. No grooming chutes allowed next to Fair Office or on grass area next to the food venders / Hospitality Tent. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board, State of Illinois and Livestock Open Class. 24 All Entry Fees collected will be paid back to exhibitors in the terms of stated Jackpot Premium and Overall Champion Awards. All Overall Champion Awards are subject to change based upon total number of animals entered in Department and / or sponsorships directed to Premium Payouts. Added money to Dept A. Lot and Class Awards is $6,556.00. Premiums: 1st $35.00, 2nd $30.00, 3rd $24.00, 4th $18.00 Classes (* Use appropriate class number on entry form) 1. Angus 2. Hereford 3. Shorthorn 4. Simmental 5. AOB and Crossbred Example: Spring Yearling Angus Heifer (born in March) would be entered as “A-1-6” A-*-1 A-*-2 A-*-3 A-*-4 A-*-5 A-*-6 A-*-7 A-*-8 Junior / Senior Bull Calf born after Aug 1 of previous year Yearling Bull born prior to July 31 of previous year Junior Heifer Calf after Jan 1 of Current Year Senior Heifer Calf Aug 1 thru Dec 31 of previous year Summer Yearling Heifer May 1 thru July 31 of previous year Spring Yearling Heifer March 1 thru April 30 of previous year Junior Yearling Heifer Jan 1 thru Feb 29 of previous year Senior Yearling Heifer Sept 1 thru Dec 31 of the second year preceding exhibit year A-*-9 Two Heifers, any age A-*-10 Pair (1 bull and 1 heifer) any age from above class A-*-11 Cow-Calf (calf born after Jan 1 and before July 31 of the current year) Champions A-*-12 A-*-13 A-*-14 A-*-15 A-99-16 A-99-17 A-99-18 A-99-19 A-99-20 A-99-21 Champion Bull from each Class Reserve Champion Bull from each Class Champion Heifer from each Class Reserve Champion Heifer from each Class Grand Champion Bull Reserve Grand Champion Bull Grand Champion Cow-Calf Reserve Grand Champion Cow-Calf Grand Champion Heifer Reserve Grand Champion Heifer Ribbon Ribbon $100 & Ribbon $50 & Ribbon $25 & Ribbon Ribbon $25 & Ribbon Ribbon $100 & Plaque $50 & Plaque Dept A - Open Market Beef Show $ 10.00 per entry, $5.00 Stall Fee Open Steers & Market Heifers will be weighed at 7:00 am on Saturday, August 29, 2015. Premiums: 1st $35.00, 2nd $30.00, 3rd $24.00, 4th $18.00 Classes (* Use appropriate class number on entry form) 6. Angus Steer 7. Hereford Steer 8. Shorthorn Steer 9. Simmental Steer 10. AOB and Crossbred Steers 11. Market Heifer ENTER ALL MARKET BEEF ANIMALS IN THE LIGHTWEIGHT LOT OF THEIR CLASS 25 (Examples: Market Heifer "A-11-22" / Angus Steer “A-6-22”) A-11-22 A-11-24 A-*-22 A-*-23 A-*-24 Lt Wt Market Heifer (New for 2015) Heavy Wt Market Heifer (New for 2015) Lt Wt Steer Med Wt Steer (AOB & Crossbred only if needed) Heavy Wt Steer A-*-25 A-*-26 A-99-27 A-99-28 Champion Market Beef from each class Reserve Market Beef from each class Grand Champion Market Beef Reserve Grand Champion Market Beef 26 $100 & Ribbon $50 & Ribbon $100 & Plaque $50 & Plaque Department HA JUNIOR BEEF Dept HA - Junior Breeding Beef Cattle Brian Carlson, Superintendent Email: Matt Wiggim, Assistant Superintendent (815) 878-8648 – Princeton, IL Total Estimated Premiums Offered $ 6,851.00 This is an IBA Sanctioned Point Show $ 10.00 per Entry, $ 5.00 Stall Fee $ 10 Exhibitor’s Permit (Good for one admission per day) Arrival Time: Friday August 28 after 9:00 AM Beef Cattle MUST be on the grounds by 8:00 am, Saturday August 29. Jr. Beef Show: Sunday August 30 at 10:00am Steer Show: Immediately following Breeding Beef Show Release Time: Sunday August 30 after 5:00pm 1. 2. 3. 4. All Department A rules apply to this division. Pay Stall Fee only once if entering animal in both Open and Junior Shows. All exhibitors must be present to show their own animals. FANS – No butt fans allowed. Overhead fans may be used. Fans must be securely mounted above the animal with a limit of one fan for each three animals. No fans will be permitted to be in the aisle, on a cart, or on the floor of the barn. More fans permitted with use of personal generator. All extension cords for fans must be outdoor approved – heavy gauge. 5. Electrical power is limited: the use of generators is strongly encouraged – generators are NOT permitted in the barn. Please indicate on your entry form if you plan to use a generator. 6. All Simmental must be 50% or greater as shown on the required registration papers. 7. In addition to Bureau County Fair Premiums, the Shorthorn Unlimited will sponsor a separate class. Please see Shorthorn Unlimited Steer Class. 8. ENTER ALL STEERS AND MARKET HEIFERS IN THE LIGHT WEIGHT LOT OF THEIR CLASS. 9. Heifers may be shown as either Breeding or Market Beef, BUT NOT BOTH. Market Heifers entered in the Market Beef show may Not show in Breeding Beef classes. Market heifers must be born after January 1, 2014. 10. All Market Heifers must be open (not Bred) at the time of show. In case of dispute, the Market Heifer will be subject to vet examination. The disputing party will be responsible for both the Protest Fee and vet exam fee . 11. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board, State of Illinois and Livestock Open and Junior Livestock Show rules. IBA Sanctioned Point Show The 2015 Bureau County Fair Junior Beef Show is an Illinois Beef Assn Sanctioned Point Show. Any junior exhibitor who meets the rules set forth in this premium book, may show in the 2015 Bureau County Fair Junior Breeding Beef and Market Beef classes, however, to qualify for IBA points, junior exhibitors must be members of the IJBA and also follow their rules. For a complete list of IBA rules, go to . The Bureau County Fair reserves the right to ask for proof of exhibitor’s date of birth. 27 28 All Entry Fees collected will be paid back to exhibitors in the terms of stated Jackpot Premium schedule and Overall Champion Awards. All Overall Champion Awards are subject to change based upon total number of animals entered in Department and / or sponsorships directed to Premium Payouts. Added money to Dept HA. Lot and Class Awards is $5,131.00. Premiums: 1st $35.00, 2nd $30.00, 3rd $24.00, 4th $18.00 Classes (* Use appropriate class number on entry form) 1. Angus 2. Hereford 3. Shorthorn 4. Simmental 5. AOB and Crossbred Please confirm the correct Class & Lot number. These numbers are different than the Open Show. Many entry mistakes have occurred in the past which causes the animal to be called to the ring in the incorrect age classification. Example: Spring Yearling Angus Heifer (born in March) would be entered as "HA-1-2204" In Dept A Open Beef, this same heifer would be entered as “A-1-6”. HA-*-2201 HA-*-2202 HA-*-2203 HA-*-2204 HA-*-2205 HA-*-2206 Junior Heifer Calf after Jan 1 of Current Year Senior Heifer Calf Aug 1 and Dec 31 of previous year Summer Yearling Heifer May 1 & July 31 of previous year Spring Yearling Heifer March 1 and April 30 of previous year Junior Yearling Heifer Jan 1 and Feb 29 of previous year Senior Yearling Heifer Sept 1 & Dec 31 of the second year preceding exhibit year Champions HA-*-2207 HA-*-2208 HA-99-2209 HA-99-2210 HA-99-2211 Champion heifer from each Class Reserve Champion heifer from each Class Grand Champion Heifer Reserve Grand Champion Heifer 3rd Overall Heifer $100 & Ribbon $50 & Ribbon $150 & Plaque $100 & Plaque $50 Dept HA - Junior Market Beef Show This is an IBA Sanctioned Point Show Junior Steers & Market Heifers will be weighed at 7:00 am on Saturday, August 29, 2015. Premiums: 1st $35.00, 2nd $30.00, 3rd $24.00, 4th $18.00 Classes (* Use appropriate class number on entry form) 6. Angus Steer 7. Hereford Steer 8. Shorthorn Steer 9. Simmental Steer 10. AOB and Crossbred Steers 11. Market Heifer ENTER ALL MARKET BEEF ANIMALS IN THE LIGHTWEIGHT LOT OF THEIR CLASS (Examples: Market Heifer "HA-11-2212" / Angus Steer “HA-6-2212”) HA-11-2212 HA-11-2214 HA-*-2212 HA-*-2213 HA-*-2214 Lt Wt Market Heifer (New for 2015) Heavy Wt Market Heifer (New for 2015) Lt Wt Steer Med Wt Steer (AOB & Crossbred only if needed) Heavy Wt Steer 28 28 Champions HA-*-2215 HA-*-2216 HA-99-2217 HA-99-2218 HA-99-2219 Champion Steer from each class Reserve Champ Steer from each class Grand Champion Steer Reserve Grand Champion Steer 3rd Overall Steer $100 & Ribbon $50 & Ribbon $150 & Plaque $100 & Plaque $50 SHOWMANSHIP HA-99-2220 HA-99-2221 HA-99-2222 HA-99-2223 Showmanship - 8 to 9 years Showmanship - 10 to 12 years Showmanship - 13 to 15 years Showmanship - 16 and older Award Award Award Award Shorthorn Unlimited Steer Class The Shorthorn Unlimited Steer Class is sponsored by Shorthorn breeders in northern and central Illinois. To be eligible to show, steers must have been purchased from members of this organization and be officially recorded within the group. In addition to the Bureau County Fair premiums, the Shorthorn Unlimited are offering the following cash prizes placings: 1st - $100, 2nd - $90, 3rd - $80, 4th - $65, 5th - $50, 6th - $35, 7th - $20, 8th – 10$, 9th - $10, and 10th – $10. No additional entry fee required. Please Note: If the Grand Champion Steer of the Junior Show is a Shorthorn Unlimited Steer, $100 will be given in addition to the regular premiums paid. To compete in the Shorthorn Unlimited Class, exhibitors must also compete in the Junior Show and comply with all livestock regulations of the Junior Show, including stall rent and entry fees, etc. 2928 30 Dairy Cattle Open Show Entry Form Bureau County Fair August 26-30, 2015 Exhibitor’s Name ______________________________________ Premise ID # ______________________________ Optional Mailing Address ________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________________ State_______________Zip ____________________ Telephone # _______________________________________ Social Security # ___________________________ Entries must be made by 7:00 pm Monday August 17, 2015. All late entries & changes will be charged an additional $1.00 per entry. No changes or entries allowed 24 hours before show. Department Dairy Cattle Open Show Per Entry Fee _______ Stall / Pen Fees @ $8.00 _____________@ $5.00 Per Head _______ _____@ $5.00 Per Tack _______ TOTAL________ Exhibitor Ticket number _________________ Date Issued _____________________________ NOTE: Children 12 and under and Life Members need not purchase an exhibitors ticket. TOTAL________ Open Show Entry Fee ______________ Stall/Pen/Tack Fee ______________ Exhibitor Ticket $10.00 (each) ______________ Camper Fee $15.00 per day ______________ Late Fee $1.00 per entry ______________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED NO REFUNDS ______________ Entries can be mailed Bureau County Fair, P.O. Box 238, Princeton, IL, 61356, hand- delivered to the office, faxed to 815-879-7005, or emailed ALL FORMS MUST ACCOMPANY FEE PAYMENT Example Department Letter Class/Breed Number Lot Number B (*) 1 101 Description Ayrshire - junior heifer calf 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 32 31 Department B DAIRY CATTLE CATTLE Department B DAIRY KevinKevin Kunkel, Superintendent ..............................................................Granville, IL Granvi Kunkel, Superintendent ................................................................ Tim Kunkel, Assistant Superintendent ................................................ Princeton, IL Princet Tim Kunkel, Assistant Superintendent ................................................... Premiums Offered - $6420.00 Premiums Offered - $6420.00 Arrival Time: Wednesday, August 26 August BY NOON Arrival Time: Wednesday, 20 Dairy Cattle Show: Dairy Cattle Show: Thursday, Thursday, August 27 August 9:3021 am Release Time: 21 Release Time: Thursday, Thursday, August 27 August 9 PM BY NOON 9:30 am 9 PM All animals over 4ofmonth of be age must be registered. 1. All1. animals over 4 month age must registered. 2. Registration papers are required for alllivestock. purebredA livestock. A copy of 2. Registration papers are required for all purebred copy of registration papers must be presented at office before exhibiting. registration papers must be presented at office before exhibiting. 3. All animals over 3 years of age must give satisfactory evidence to the jud 3. All animals over 3 years of age must give satisfactory evidence to the judge of being breeders or be expelled from competition. SUPERINTENDENTS W being breeders or be expelled from competition. SUPERINTENDENTS WILL STRICTLY ENFORCE THIS RULE. STRICTLY ENFORCE THIS RULE. 4. No cow will be permitted to show in more than one cow class. 4. No5. cowOnly will be permitted to show in more one to cow the champion class. first place winners will be than eligible show 5. Only placestalls winners eligible to show in thefor champion class. will be 6. first Where arewill notbe permanent, tie space each animal 6. Whereapproximately stalls are not permanent, 3 feet. tie space for each animal will be approximately feet. will be allowed to go home after their show. 7. Milking3cows 7. Milking cows willand be allowed to go home after their show. 8. See rules regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board, Sta 8. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board, State of Illinois and Livestock Open Class. Illinois and Livestock Open Class. Definitions of group classes Definitions of group classes Best 3 Female: Bred and owned by exhibitor. HeiferBred Calf:and owned Marchby1,exhibitor. 2014 to June 1, 2014 BestJunior 3 Female: Intermediate HeiferMarch Calf: 1, 2014 December Junior Heifer Calf: to June1, 1, 2013 2014 to February 28, 201 Senior Heifer Calf: September 1, 201328, to 2014 November 30, 2 Intermediate Heifer Calf: December 1, 2013 to February Summer Yearling Heifer: 1, 2013 to August 31, 2013 Senior Heifer Calf: SeptemberJune 1, 2013 to November 30, 2013 Junior Yearling Heifer: March 1, 2013 to May 31, 2013 Summer Yearling Heifer: June 1, 2013 to August 31, 2013 Intermediate Yearling Heifer: December 1, 2012 to February 28, 201 Junior Yearling Heifer: March 1, 2013 to May 31, 2013 Senior Yearling Heifer: September 1, 2012 to November 30, 20 Intermediate Yearling Heifer: Senior Yearling Heifer: December 1, 2012 to February 28, 2013 September 1, 2012 to November 30, 2012 32 Department B DAIRY CATTLE CLASSES Use appropriate* for class number on entry form 1. 2. 3. AYRSHIRE BROWN SWISS HOLSTEIN 4. 5. JERSEYS MILKING SHORTHORN 1st $30.00 2nd $21.00 3rd $13.00 4th $10.00 B-*-101 Junior Heifer Calf B-*-102 Intermediate Heifer Calf B-*-103 Senior Heifer Calf B-*-104 Summer Heifer Yearling B-*-105 Junior Heifer Yearling B-*-106 Intermediate Yearling B-*-107 Senior Yearling B-*-108 Cow 2 years and under 3 years B-*-109 Cow 3 years and under 4 years B-*-110 Cow 4 years and under 5 years B-*-111 Cow 5 Years and over B-*-112 Best 3 Females B-*-113 Dam and Daughters B-*-114 Junior Best 3 Female, Bred and Owned B-*-115 Produce of Dam B-*-116 Best udder 2-5 years old ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAMPIONS B-99-117 B-99-118 B-99-119 B-99-120 B-99-121 Junior Champion from each class Senior Champion from each class Grand Champion from each class Grand Champion, over all breeds Best 3 Females $12.00 $18.00 $40.00 $100.00 & Plaque $50.00 & Plaque 33 Serving You For 140 Years 34 Heavy Horse Entry Form Bureau County Fair August 26-30, 2015 Exhibitor’s Name _____________________________________ Premise ID # ____________________________________ Optional MailingAddress__________________________________________________________________________________________ City______________________________________________________ State_______________ Zip_____________________ Telephone # ______________________________________________Social Security # _____________________________ Entries must be made by 7:00 pm Monday August 17, 2015. All late entries & changes will be charged an additional $1.00 per entry. No changes or entries allowed 24 hours before show. Department Draft Horses Halter Class Hitch Class 6 Horse Hitch Open Show Per Entry Fee Stall/Pen Fees ______ @ $15.00 _________ ______ @ $20.00 _________ ______ @ $30.00 _________ TOTAL _________ Exhibitor ticket number ______________________ Date Issued _________________________________ _____ @ $6.00 Per Stall_______ _____ @ $6.00 Tack _______ TOTAL _________ Open Show Entry Fee ______________ Total Stall/Pen Fee ______________ Exhibitor Ticket $10.00 (each) ______________ Camper Fee $15.00 per day ______________ Late Fee $1.00 per entry NOTE: Children 12 and under and Life Members need not purchase an exhibitors ticket. TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED NO REFUNDS _______________ ______________ Entries can be mailed Bureau County Fair, P.O. Box 238, Princeton IL 61356, hand-delivered to the office, faxed to 815-879-7005, or emailed to ALL FORMS MUST ACCOMPANY FEE PAYMENT Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Department Letter Class/Breed Number Lot Number C 1 207 Description Mare, one year and under two 35 Department C HEAVY HORSES Kathy Costerisan, Superintendent….815-866-3606 cell or 815-875-2606Princeton, IL Premiums Offered $5730.00 Arrival Time: Release time: Sunday, August 30 Sunday, August 30 10:00 AM Following Competion 1. 2. Horses must be at fairgrounds by 8 am Sunday morning. Entries made or changed the day of the show will require a fee of $1.00 per entry or change. 3. All heavy purebred horses shall be registered with a national registry association, as evidenced by a certificate of registry. 4. Registration papers must be presented at the office and available before the show for superintendents and veterinarians inspection. 5. Any colt under one year may be shown by owner of sire. 6. All horses must be tied in their stalls, or shown from trailer. Trailer parking will be restricted to certain areas of the grounds. 7. All hitches must be in the ring fifteen (15) minutes after class has been announced; hand classes five (5) minutes. 8. The judge will be as thorough in his examination of animals as though he were making a purchase. 9. Docility, size, style, symmetry, elasticity and squareness of gait will each be duly considered. 10. First and second place winners will be eligible to show in champion class. 11. All animals must be shown to receive a premium. 12. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board, State of Illinois and Livestock Open Class. STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 2015 E xh ibition livestock h ealth requ irem en ts H orses, P on ies, M u les an d oth er equ in e Illinois E quine 1. All horses and other equidae, twelve (12) months of age and older attending an advertised equine event, shall be accompanied by a negative test for equine infectious anemia (EIA) conducted within the last twelve (12) months. A copy of this test shall accompany the animal. 2. AGID (Coggins) or ELISA tests are accepted. 3. An advertised equine event means a show, rodeo, sale, auction, exhibition, trail ride, or horse fair that is posted or media promoted. 4. A CVI is not required for Illinois equine. O u t-of-S tate E qu in e All out-of-state equine are to be accompanied by an entry permit. Entry permit numbers are available by calling the Illinois Department of Agriculture, Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, at 217/782-4944. Permits may also be obtained online at: 1. All horses and other equidae entering Illinois that are twelve (12) months of age or older, shall be accompanied by a negative test for equine infectious anemia (EIA) conducted within the last twelve (12) months. A copy of this test shall accompany the animal. 2. AGID (Coggins) or ELISA tests are accepted. 3. All horses and other equidae shall be accompanied by a CVI issued within thirty (30) days prior to entry. 36 CLASS 1 HALTER CLASS 1 st $50.00 2 nd $40.00 3 rd $30.00 4 th $20.00 C-1-201 Foal of current year C-1-202 Stallion, 4 years & over C-1-203 Stallion, 3 years & under C-1-204 Mare, 4 years & over C-1-205 Mare, 3 years & under 4 C-1-206 Mare, 2 years & under 3 C-1-207 Mare, 1 year & under 2 C-1-208 Gelding, 4 years & over C-1-209 Gelding, 3 years & under C-1-210 Best pair, any age or sex C-1-211 Best four abreast C-1-212 Mare & foal CHAMPIONS C-99-213 Grand Champion Gelding C-99-214 Grand Champion Mare C-99-215 Grand Champion Stallion P laque P laque P laque CLASS 2 HITCH CLASSES 1 st $100.00 C-2-216 C-2-217 C-2-218 SHOW ORDER ~ The afternoon show will start with the 6 horse hitch. There will be open horse show classes alternating with the draft classes. 4 th 2 nd $60.00 3 rd $50.00 4 th 2 nd $100.00 3 rd $75.00 4 th $65.00 5 th $55.00 2 nd $150.00 3 rd $125.00 4 th $100.00 5 th $75.00 4 th $200.00 5 th $100.00 Four horse hitch (Mare or Gelding)) 1 st $500.00 C-2-224 3 rd $40.00 Unicorn hitch (Mare or Gelding) 1 st $200.00 C-2-223 2 nd $50.00 Cart (junior driver) Hitch (junior driver) 1 st $125.00 C-2-222 4 th $50.00 Draft Riding Show – English or Western Attire 1 st $75.00 $40.00 C-2-220 C-2-221 3 rd $60.00 Cart (Mare or Gelding) Pair Hitch (Mare or Gelding) Tandem to Cart 1 st $60.00 $25.00 C-2-219 2 nd $75.00 2 nd $400.00 3 rd $300.00 Six horse hitch (Mare or Gelding) 37 Department R2 OPEN HORSE SHOW Lori Stanton, Superintendent ...................................... (815) 228-2711– Spring Valley, IL OPEN HORSE SHOW at Bureau County Fairgrounds – Princeton IL Sunday, August 30 -- 10:00 am Entry fee: Per class ............ $8.00 adult/open classes; $6.00 youth classes * Gate fee: Per person .............................. $5.00 Stall fee: Per stall................................... $5.00 Registration Start time: Sunday August 30 - 8:00 am Show time: Sunday August 30 - 10:00 am Must be minimum of 3 entries in a class for payback/added money. 1st - 40% 2nd – 30% 3rd – 20% 4th – 10% 5th & 6th – Ribbon 1. Entries close when prior class enters the ring. 2. The superintendent reserves the right to accept or reject entries and to cancel or substitute classes that do not fill. 3. Appropriate attire is required in all classes. OT means English or Western tack. Horse or pony may be entered in riding classes. No draft horses or mules/donkeys entered in Open Horse Show (see Dept C for Heavy Horse classes) 4. Must notify superintendent of necessary tack changes. 5 minutes maximum allowed. 5. No refunds of entry fees. 6. Illinois horses and out of state horses require negative test for EIA conducted within the last 12 months. A copy of this test must accompany the horse. Out of state horses must also be accompanied by an entry permit (call 217-782-4944 to obtain) and a CIV issued within 30 days prior to show date. 01 Weanling and Yearling halter - $30 added money 02 Stock type horse halter - $30 added money 03 Non-stock type horse halter (not eligible if shown in class 02) - $30 added money 04 Color breed halter (must show color or present color breed papers at entry) - $30 added money 05 Pony halter (pony 56 inches & under) - $30 added money 06 Bureau County halter (horse/pony and exhibitor must reside in Bureau County) - $30 added money 07 Youth showmanship (exhibitor 18 yrs & under)* - $60 added money 08 Adult showmanship (exhibitor 19 yrs & over) - $60 added money 09 Lead Line OT (rider 7 years & under; handler 19 yrs & over) (**Rider cannot enter any other riding class) - No entry fee/No payback - prizes awarded to all participants lunch break – open arena – show will resume at 1pm [DRAFT HORSE CLASS] 10 Youth Walk-Trot Pleasure OT (rider 18 yrs & under)* - $30 added money 11 English Pleasure - $60 added money [DRAFT HORSE CLASS] 12 Adult Walk-Trot Pleasure OT (rider 19 yrs & over) - $30 added money 13 Youth Pleasure OT (rider 18 years & under)* - $30 added money [DRAFT HORSE CLASS] 14 Adult Pleasure OT (rider 19 yrs & over) - $60 added money 15 Youth Horsemanship/ Equitation OT (rider 18 years & under)* - $60 added money [DRAFT HORSE CLASS] 16 Adult Horsemanship/Equitation OT (rider 19 yrs & over) - $60 added money 17 Jr. Horse Pleasure OT (horse/pony 5 yrs & under) - $60 added money [DRAFT HORSE CLASS] 18 Sr. Horse Pleasure OT (horse/pony 6 yrs & over) - $60 added money 19 Bureau County Pleasure OT (horse/pony and rider must reside in Bureau County) - $30 added money [DRAFT HORSE CLASS] 20 Western Pleasure - $60 added money 38 Department R-3 -- HORSE SPEED SHOW Sponsored by: Bureau Valley Vet, Little Vermillion Stables, Nelson Trucking, & Tractor Supply Company Saturday August 29, 2015 Speed Show 9:00 am $1,000 ADDED MONEY 811 West Peru St. John Croisant-Superintendent Princeton, IL. 61356 (815) 228-2342 Fairground Gate Fee: $5/Person 80% Payout on 3D & 4D Classes - 60% Payout on All Other Classes Classes: Added Money: Youth Poles $50 Adult Poles $50 Pee Wee Barrels Open 4D Barrels $400 3D Youth Barrels $125 3D Adult Barrels $125 3D Sr. Barrel $150 Bureau County Barrels (Horse & Rider Must Reside in Bureau County) Youth Flags $25 Adult Flags $25 Youth Plug $25 Adult Plug $25 Entry Fee: $10 $10 $5 $20 $15 $15 $15 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 CASH ONLY!! NO CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED!! All entries will close when first horse runs in prior class * Dress Code: no ball caps or tank tops, shirts must have sleeves 3D Format: whole splits * 4D Format 1/2, 1/2, whole splits * No time for down barrel * No roll over on times No refunds will be given unless a class is cancelled * Must Have 20 entries in Open 4D to have added money, 10 entries all other classes Pee Wee 10 & Under * Youth 18 & Under * Adult 19 & Over * Sr. 50 & Over The Superintendent reserves the right to accept or reject entries and to cancel or substitute classes that do not fill. The Bureau County Fair Board and any show personnel will not be liable for any loss, damage, personal injury, or injury to livestock. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agriculture Board, State of Illinois (Coggins/Celisa test rules under horses, ponies, mules and other equine). WARNING-Under the Equine Activity Liability Act, each participant who engages in an equine activity expressly assumes the risks of engaging in and legal responsibility for injury, loss or damage to person or property resulting from the risk of equine activities WEATHER DOUBTFUL CALL John Croisant (815) 228-2342 OR Barb Croisant (815) 878-3335 39 BUREAU COUNTY FAIR DEMOLITION DERBY! RAM TRUCKS presented by SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 2015 @ 3PM PRINCETON, ILLINOIS $1500 TO WIN GUARANTEED!* Classes & Payouts • 80 Newer- $1500* • Trucks- $700 (if 10 or more Trucks) • Wire w/passengers$800 driver & $100 passenger • Beginner Wire Class- $500 • Compacts- $600 New!• Compacts Figure Eight • Wipe out class-$700 (if 10 or more) Paul Bonucci, MD Medical Director 1515 W. Peru St. • Princeton IL 61356 (815) 879-7767 COLLISION • RESTORATION • INSURANCE Ask about our FREE Rental Car offer 2128 North Main Street Princeton, IL 61356 phone: (815) 875-CARE (2273) fax: (815) 664-3490 ENTRY FEE- $50 PIT PASS $25 General Admission $12.00 Box Seats $15.00 Find Rules at Or Call Jason Floyd @ 815-590-8873 • Inspection starts @ 11:00; Show starts @ 3: 00 Like us on: 40 41 80 42 Tim & Karen Barker Chain Saw Artist Watch will dazzle visitors with his unique wood carving skills every day of the fair, turning six-foot logs into a wide variety of detailed figures. Tim & Karen Barker Watch Tim & Karen Barker carve eachdayday carve each during fair hours. during fair hours. Auction of Carvings Auction Carvings Wednesday, Thursday Sunday,of August 28 Sunday, August 24 - 2:30 pm and Saturday 2:30 pm Friday 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30 Sunday 12:30, 1:30 Auction Sunday at 2:30 Clint Hassler 303-8451 Princeton, IL 815-875-3100 43 35 Tree Trimming & Removals Stump Grinding• Lot & Land Clearing Fully Insured • 24 Hour Service Free Estimates Sheep Open Show Entry Form Exhibitor’s Name __________________________________________ Premise ID # ______________________________ Optional Mailing Address ________________________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________________________State_______________Zip ________________________ Telephone # _______________________________________ Social Security # ___________________________ Entries must be made by 7:00 pm Monday August 17, 2015. All late entries & changes will be charged an additional $1.00 per entry. No changes or entries allowed 24 hours before show. Department Sheep Open Show Per Entry Fee _______ Stall / Pen Fees @ $7.00 ________ _____@ $5.00 Per Pen ________ _____@ $5.00 Tack TOTAL_________ ________ TOTAL________ Open Show Entry Fee ______________ Exhibitor Ticket number ______________________ Total Stall/Pen Fee ______________ Date Issued _________________________________ Exhibitor Ticket $10.00 (each) ______________ Camper Fee $15.00 per day ______________ Late fee $1.00 per entry NOTE: Children 12 and under and Life Members need not purchase an exhibitors ticket. TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED NO REFUNDS _______________ ______________ Entries can be mailed Bureau County Fair, P.O. Box 238, Princeton, IL, 61356, hand-delivered to the office, faxed to 815-879-7005, or emailed ALL FORMS MUST ACCOMPANY FEE PAYMENT Dept Ltr Cls/Brd # Lot # Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 44 Department F SHEEP Tom Slutz, Superintendent……………………………………...815-638-2177 (home) 815-915-5624 (cell) LaMoille, IL Premiums Offered $8010.00 Arrival time: BEFORE 5 PM OR AFTER 9 PM MUST BE IN PLACE BY 8:00 AM ON SATURDAY Sheep Show: Saturday August 29 10:00 am Release time: Sunday August 30 AFTER 5:00 PM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Friday August 28 PLEASE NOTE CHANGES TO THIS DEPARTMENT Dorsets and Corriedales will show in AOB classes. No yearling rams. Added is the mixed pair of lambs. 5th place has been eliminated. All entries limited to Illinois exhibitors. Please make your entries early. Late entries will be accepted based on Pen availability. Only 2 entries per class per exhibitor. Senior and Junior lamb classes will be divided according to the rules of each breed. Registration papers will be checked and are required for all purebred sheep. Only first place winners will be eligible to show in the champion classes. Should question of age or breed arise, the superintendent reserves the right to disqualify the entry. All animals must be properly fitted and presented for show. Pen assignments will be posted. AOB…All other breeds of purebred/registered sheep. NO commercial sheep in these classes. Breeder’s flock will consist of 4 head – 1 ram lamb and 3 ewes (representing both yearling and lamb). See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board, State of Illinois and Livestock Open Class. BREEDS use appropraitee * for class number on entry form 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MONTADALE HAMPSHIRE SOUTHDOWN OXFORD SHROPSHIRE 6. 7. 8. 9. SUFFOLK COLUMBIA AOB- WOOL AOB- MEAT CLASSES F-*-301 F-*-302 F-*-303 F-*-304 F-*-305 F-*-306 1st $27.00 Senior ram lamb Junior ram lamb Pair ram lambs Yearling ewe Pair yearling ewes Senior ewe lamb 2nd $23.00 3rd $20.00 F-*-307 F-*-308 F-*-309 F-*-310 F-*-311 F-*-312 4th $16.00 Junior ewe lamb Pair of ewe lambs Mixed pair of lambs Flock (4 head) Champion ram (do not enter) Champion ewe (do not enter) CHAMPIONS F-99-313 F-99-314 Champion Ram from each Breed Champion Ewe from each Breed $15.00 & Ribbon $15.00 & Ribbon 45 st 1 Annual Bureau County Fair BBQ Rib Cook-Off! st Welcome to the 1 Annual Bureau County Fair BBQ Cook-off!! st nd rd th th 1 Prize - $500 2 Prize - $400 3 Prize - $300 4 Prize - $200 5 Prize - $100 CONTEST RULES Site – Grandstand Infield at Bureau County Fair, Princeton, IL. Meat inspection between 5:00 – 6:00 a.m. Saturday August 29, 2015. Only one entry per grill. Use of charcoal & wood(s) only – NO electric grills and/or smokers. No pre-seasoning, marinating or pre-cooking allowed. Turn in time will be 2:25 – 2:35 p.m. inside the infield tent. Cooking sites will be assigned/chosen upon arrival. Entry platter will be assigned mid-morning, with each contestant’s own entry number. A “turn-in” of a minimum of eight or more bone-in pork ribs will be expected. Entries will be judged on a scale of 1 thru 9, with 5 being the median/average upon presentation, tenderness and tastehence a perfect score would be a cumulative 27 points. (Based upon “Kansas City Barbeque Society” judging criteria.) To preserve neutrality, each entry will not be judged/compared to another – rather as its own entity. Clean, safe handling of meat a must!! Meat can be ordered through the fair by calling Craig Hoffman at 815-878-1129 ***Winners will be announced at 3:30 – 4:00 PM on site. *** 46 st 1 Annual Bureau County Fair BBQ Rib Cook-Off Name: Address: Phone: Email: Mail to: Bureau County Fair C/O Craig Hoffman P.O. Box 238 Princeton, IL 61356 ENTRY FORM Please enclose your $30.00 entry fee. Make checks payable to: Bureau County Fair Have you Centralized your banking relationship with us? 317 S Main · Princeton 815 875 3333 · Search APP CBIL Geneseo · Fulton · Princeton Member FDIC · Equal Housing Lender 47 Swine Open Show Entry Form Bureau County Fair August 26-30, 2015 Exhibitor’s Name ______________________________________ Premise ID # ______________________________ Optional Mailing Address ________________________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________________State_______________Zip ____________________ Telephone # _______________________________________ Social Security # ___________________________ Entries must be made by 7:00 pm Monday August 17, 2015. All late entries & changes will be charged an additional $1.00 per entry. No changes or entries allowed 24 hours before show. Department Swine Open Show Per Entry Fee Stall / Pen Fees _______ @ $10.00 ____________@ $4.00 Per Head ________ _____@ $4.00 Tack TOTAL _______ Exhibitor Ticket number ______________________ Date Issued _________________________________ TOTAL ________ ________ Open Show Entry Fee ______________ Stall/Pen/Tack Fee ______________ Exhibitor Ticket $10.00 (each) NOTE: Children 12 and under and Life Members need not purchase an exhibitors ticket. _____________________ Camper Fee $15.00 per day ______________ Late Fee $1.00 per entry ______________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED NO REFUNDS ______________ Entries can be mailed Bureau County Fair, P.O. Box 238, Princeton, IL, 61356, hand-delivered to the office, faxed to 815-879-7005, or emailed ALL FORMS MUST ACCOMPANY FEE PAYMENT. Example Department Letter Class/Breed Number Lot Number G 1 601 Description Gilts – Single gilt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 48 Department G SWINE Jared Frueh, Superintendent Email: Total Estimated Premiums Offered $ 3,240.00 (815) 440-8738 – Princeton, IL $ 10.00 per entry , $ 4.00 Pen Fee per head $ 10.00 Exhibitor’s Permit (Good for one admission per day) Arrival Time: Friday August 28 after 12:00 pm Swine MUST be on the grounds by 8:00 am, Saturday August 29. Swine Show: Sunday August 30 at 10:00 am Barrows and Crossbred Gilts will be weighed 8:00-10:00 AM Saturday August 29. Release Time: Sunday August 30 after 5:00 pm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Entries close at 6:00 pm Monday August 17 or must be postmarked by August 17, 2015. Entry acceptance is subject to the first 120 pens requested. Please make your entries early. Late entries will be accepted based on Pen availability. Please see Dept G. Swine Show Entry Form. All Health papers will be checked by the Vet and then returned to the exhibitor before the end of the fair. Registration papers will be checked by the Dept Superintendent on Saturday, August 29 8:00 to 10:00 am. Registration papers are required for all purebred gilts and barrows. All Gilts show as breeding Gilts. ENTER ALL CROSSBRED GILTS, PUREBRED AND CROSSBRED BARROWS IN THE LIGHTWEIGHT LOT OF THEIR CLASS. The Supt. will break the classes and decide on the number of classes needed. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board, State of Illinois and Livestock Open Class. All Entry Fees collected will be paid back to exhibitors in the terms of stated Jackpot Premium schedule and Overall Champion Awards. All Overall Champion Awards are subject to change based upon total number of animals entered in Department and / or sponsorships directed to Premium Payouts. Added money to Dept G. Lot and Class Awards is $2,440.00. Premiums: 1st $35.00, 2nd $30.00, 3rd $24.00, 4th $18.00 Purebred and Crossbred Gilt Classes (* Use appropriate class number on entry form) G-1-601 G-1-602 G-2-603 G-2-604 G-2-605 G-2-606 January Purebred Gilt February Purebred Gilt Crossbred Gilt 1 (Use this class to enter) Crossbred Gilt 2 Crossbred Gilt 3 Crossbred Gilt 4 G-1-607 G-1-608 G-2-607 G-2-608 G-99-609 G-99-610 Champion Purebred Gilt Reserve Champion Purebred Gilt Champion Crossbred Gilt Reserve Champion Crossbred Gilt Grand Champion Gilt Reserve Grand Champion Gilt Champions $50 $25 $50 $25 $250 & Plaque $150 & Plaque Purebred and Crossbred Barrow Classes (* Use appropriate class number on entry form) G-3-611 G-3-612 Purebred Barrow 1 (Use this class to enter) Purebred Barrow 2 49 G-3-613 G-3-614 G-3-615 G-3-616 Purebred Barrow 3 Purebred Barrow 4 Purebred Barrow 5 Purebred Barrow 6 G-4-611 G-4-612 G-4-613 G-4-614 G-4-615 G-4-616 G-4-617 G-4-618 Crossbred Barrow 1 (Use this class to enter) Crossbred Barrow 2 Crossbred Barrow 3 Crossbred Barrow 4 Crossbred Barrow 5 Crossbred Barrow 6 Crossbred Barrow 7 Crossbred Barrow 8 Champions G-3-619 Champion Purebred Barrow $50 G-3-620 Reserve Champion Purebred Barrow $25 G-4-619 Champion Crossbred Barrow $50 G-4-620 Reserve Champion Crossbred Barrow $25 G-99-621 Grand Champion Barrow $250 & Plaque G-99-622 Reserve Grand Champion Barrow $150 & Plaque _____________________________________________________________________________________________ SHOWMANSHIP Showmanship will be divided by age, sign up on show day. Cash and prizes will be awarded in each division. G-99-621 Showmanship ages 14 & under G-99-622 Showmanship ages 15-19 Plaque Plaque 50 Poultry Poultry Open OpenShow ShowEntry EntryForm Form Bureau BureauCounty CountyFair FairAugust August26-30, 26-30,2015 2015 Exhibitor’s Name ______________________________________ Premise IDID # ______________________________ Exhibitor’s Name ______________________________________ Premise # ______________________________ Optional Optional Mailing Address ________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________________ State_______________Zip ____________________ City ________________________________________________ State_______________Zip ____________________ Telephone # _______________________________________ Security # ___________________________ Telephone # _______________________________________ Social Social Security # ___________________________ Entries must be be made byby 7:00 pmpm Monday August 17,17, 2015. Entries must made 7:00 Monday August 2015. AllAll late entries & changes will be be charged anan additional $1.00 perper entry. late entries & changes will charged additional $1.00 entry. NoNo changes or or entries allowed 2424 hours before show. changes entries allowed hours before show. Department Department Open Show PerPer Entry Fee Open Show Entry Fee Fowl Fowl (Per Pen of of 3) 3) (Per Pen _______ _______ @ $1.00 @ $1.00_______ _______ _______ _______ @ $1.50 @ $1.50_______ _______ Pigeons Pigeons _______ _______ @ $@ .50 $ .50_______ _______ TOTAL TOTAL Exhibitor Ticket number Exhibitor Ticket number______________________ ______________________ Date Issued Date Issued_________________________________ _________________________________ NOTE: 1212 and under and Life NOTE:Children Children and under and Life Members need notnot purchase anan exhibitors ticket. Members need purchase exhibitors ticket. _______ _______ Open Show Entry Fee Open Show Entry Fee ______________ ______________ Exhibitor Ticket $10.00 (each) Exhibitor Ticket $10.00 (each) ______________ ______________ Camper Fee $15.00 perper day Camper Fee $15.00 day ______________ ______________ Late Fee $1.00 perper entry Late Fee $1.00 entry ______________ ______________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED NONO REFUNDS REFUNDS ______________ ______________ Entries can bebe mailed Bureau County Fair, P.O. Box 238, Princeton, IL,IL, 61356, hand-delivered to to the office, Entries can mailed Bureau County Fair, P.O. Box 238, Princeton, 61356, hand-delivered the office, faxed to to 815-879-7005, or or emailed FORMS MUST ACCOMPANY FEE PAYMENT faxed 815-879-7005, emailed ALL FORMS MUST ACCOMPANY FEE PAYMENT Example Example 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 1010 1111 1212 1313 Department Department Letter Letter Class/Breed Class/Breed Number Number I1 I1 (*) (*) 37 37 COCK COCK HEN HEN COCKEREL PULLET COCKEREL PULLET 51 OLD PEN PEN OLD PEN YOUNG YOUNG PEN (standards (standards only) only) (standards (standards only) only) Department I1 POULTRY Ray Kuhnert, Superintendent ............................................................ (815) 643-2118 ............................................................................ cell(815) 303-3073 Princeton, IL Chris Dixon, Assistant Superintendent ................................................ Hennepin, IL Carol Kuhnert, Assistant Superintendent ............................................ Princeton, IL Large Fowl Bantams Waterfowl Turkeys & Guineas Pigeons Total Premium Offered Arrival time: Poultry Show: Release time: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. $1118.00 $920.00 $218.00 $36.00 $101.00 $2393.00 Thursday August 27 Saturday August 29 Sunday August 30 BY NOON 9:00 am AFTER 5:00 PM Competition shall be limited to residents of Illinois. Exhibitors must bring their own water cups. All waters must be secured to the coop to prevent spilling and must be made of a material that does not break. The "JACK WOODS” traveling memorial trophy will be awarded to the grand champion large fowl. The Virdien “Jack” Woods family in his memory donated this trophy. This trophy will remain in possession of the winner until the following year’s county fair at which time it shall be returned and presented to the current year’s winner. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board, State of Illinois and Livestock Open Class. Young pen: One cockerel and two pullets hatched after January 1st of the current year. Old pen: One cock and two hens hatched prior to January 1st of the current year. Cock: Male bird hatched prior to January 1st of the current year. Hen: Female bird hatched prior to January 1st of the current year. Cockerel: Male bird hatched after January 1st of the current year. Pullet: Female bird hatched after January 1st of the current year. AOV: Any other variety. 52 LARGE FOWL CLASSES use appropriate * for class number on entry form 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1st $4.00 I1-*-701 I1-*-702 I1-*-703 I1-*-704 I1-*-705 I1-*-706 ROCK, WHITE ROCK, BARRED ROCK, AOV WYANDOTTE, AOV RHODE ISLAND RED NEW HAMPSHIRE RED JERSEY GIANTS AMERICAN, AOV LEGHORN, WHITE MINORCA, AOV 2nd $3.00 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. MEDITERRANEAN, AOV ORPHINGTON, AOV ENGLISH, AOV COCHIN, BLACK COCHIN, AOV BRAHMA, AOV LANGSHAN, AOV POLISH, AOV FRENCH, AOV STANDARD, AOV 3rd $2.00 Cock Hen Cockerel Pullet Old pen Young pen CHAMPIONS I1-99-707 Grand Champion Male I1-99-708 Grand Champion Female $10.00 & Plaque & Ribbon $10.00 & Plaque & Ribbon BANTAM CLASSES use appropriate * for class number on entry form 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 1st $4.00 I1-*-709 I1-*-710 I1-*-711 I1-*-712 ROCK, BARRED ROCK, WHITE ROCK, AOV MODERN GAME, AOV LEGHORN, WHITE LEGHORN, AOV JAPANESE, WHITE, BLACK TAILED JAPANESE, AOV CLEAN LEG, AOV S. C. O. E. GAME, B. B. RED O. E. GAME. BLACK O. E. GAME, AOV 2nd $3.00 Cock Hen Cockerel Pullet 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. COCHIN. WHITE COCHIN, BLACK COCHIN, AOV BRAHMA, LIGHT BRAHMA, AOV SILKIE, AOV FEATHER, LEG, AOV WYANDOTTE, BLACK WYANDOTTE, SILVER LACED WYANDOTTE, AOV AOV R. C. CLEAN LEG CORNISH, AOV AOV C. CLEAN LEG, AOV 3rd $2.00 CHAMPIONS I1-99-713 Grand Champion Male I1-99-714 Grand Champion Female $10.00 & Plaque & Ribbon $10.00 & Plaque & Ribbon 53 WATERFOWL CLASSES use appropriate * for class number on entry form 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 1st $4.00 I1-*-715 I1-*-716 DUCKS, CALL, WHITE DUCKS, CALL, AOV DUCKS, MUSCOVY DUCKS, ROUEN DUCKS, PEKINS, WHITE 2nd $3.00 Male Female 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. DUCKS, LIGHT, AOV DUCKS, MEDIUM, AOV DUCKS, HEAVY, AOV DUCKS, MALLARDS, AOV GEESE, LIGHT, AOV GEESE, MEDIUM, AOV GEESE, HEAVY, AOV 3rd $2.00 CHAMPIONS I1-99-717 Grand Champion Waterfowl Male I1-99-718 Grand Champion Waterfowl Female $10.00 & Plaque & Ribbon $10.00 & Plaque & Ribbon TURKEY & GUINEA CLASSES use appropriate * for class number on entry form 58. 59. 1st $4.00 I1-*-719 I1-*-720 GUINEA, AOV TURKEY, AOV 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Male Female PIGEON CLASSES use appropriate * for class number on entry form 1. 2. 3. See poultry rules. All birds must have a band number to identify them. All entries in the young bird classes must carry a seamless leg band of the current year. Birds without seamless leg bands will be considered old birds. 60. 61. 62. 63. 1st $3.00 I1-*-721 I1-*-722 I1-*-723 I1-*-724 Flying Breed (Racing, Homers, Tumblers, etc.) Ornamentals Pouters, Croppers, Helmets, Fantails, Magpies, Archangels, Etc.) Modena’s, all colors Utility Heavy Breeds (Kings, Runts, Giant Homers, Carmeau, etc.) 2nd $2.00 Old cock Old hen Young male Young female 3rd $1.00 CHAMPIONS I1-99-725 Champion Turkey, Guinea or Pigeon $5.00 & Plaque & Ribbon 54 Thank You for sponsoring our Poultry & Rabbit shows: 55 I2 - Rabbits – Open Show Entry Form Bureau County Fair - August 26-30, 2015 Exhibitor’s Name ___________________________________________ Premise ID # _____________________________ Optional Mailing Address _____________________________________________________________________________________ City_____ ______________________________________________ _____State_______________Zip ________________ Telephone # __________________________________________ Social Security # ______________________________ Entries must be made by 7:00 pm Monday August 17, 2015. All late entries & changes will be charged an additional $1.00 per entry. No changes or entries allowed 24 hours before show. Department Open Show Per Entry Fee Rabbits _______ @ $ 1.50 ________ (Per Meat Pen) _______ @ $ 4.00 ________ (Per Single Fryer) _______ @ $ 2.00 ________ TOTAL Exhibitor ticket number _________________ Date Issued ____________________________ NOTE: Children (12 and under) and Life Members need not purchase an exhibitors ticket. ________ Open Show Entry Fee _______________ Exhibitor Ticket $10.00 (each) _______________ Camper Fee $15.00 Per Day _______________ Late Fee $1.00 per entry _______________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED _______________ Entries can be mailed Bureau County Fair, P.O. Box 238, Princeton, IL, 61356, hand-delivered to the office, faxed (815-879-7005), or emailed ( ALL FORMS MUST ACCOMPANY FEE PAYMENT. Example Department Letter I2 Class/Breed Number (*) 9 Lot Number 802 Description Lops, Mini, solid - senior doe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 60 56 Ear Tag 1S5 Department I 2 -- RABBITS Mike Jackson, Superintendent ...................................................................................... (815) 993-2234, LaMoille, IL Premiums Offered - $1961.00 Entry fee: Meat pens: Single fryers: Exhibitor’s ticket: Arrival time: Judging: Release time: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Per single rabbit ................................. $1.50 Per pen of three .................................. $4.00 Per single fryer ................................... $2.00 Per ticket ........................................... $15.00 Thursday August 27 Thursday August 27 Sunday August 30 BY 4:00 pm 6: 00 pm AFTER 5:00 pm All prizes will be awarded strictly in accordance with the American Standard of Perfection. All rabbits must be permanently and legibly earmarked in the left ear. Substitutions will be allowed in the same class and variety, and entry blanks must show that ear number. Rabbits are not to be sold/traded during fair days and must be left in cages originally signed to them. No breeding on fair grounds. All entries will be fed and watered twice daily. There will be no payouts for eliminations or disqualifications. This is an official ARBA & IRBA sanctioned show. All entries must be made on an ARBA form to receive points. Show will be limited to 400 rabbits Country Lane Feed Supply will provide feed. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board, State of Illinois and Livestock Open Class. CLASSES * Use appropriate * for class number on entry form 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. CALIFORNIANS DUTCH, BLACK DUTCH, BLUE DUTCH, AOV FLORIDA, WHITE JERSEY WOOLY LOPS, MINI, BROKEN LOPS, MINI, SOLID MARTENS, SILVER, BLACK MARTENS, SILVER, AOV NETHERLAND, SELF, DWARFS NETHERLAND, SHADED, DWARFS NETHERLAND, DWARFS, AOV NEW ZEALAND, BLACK NEW ZEALAND, REDS 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. NEW ZEALAND, WHITE PALOMINO, ALL COLORS POLISH, BLACK POLISH, BROKEN POLISH AOV REX, BROKEN REX, SOLID REX, MINI, BROKEN REX, MINI, SOLID SATIN, SIAMESE SATIN, WHITE SATIN, A. O. V. CHAMPAGNE HAVANA LOPS, HOLLAND ANY OTHER BREEDS ALL CLASSES 61 57 ALL CLASSES 61 1st $5.00 2nd $4.00 I2-*-801 I2-*-802 I2-*-803 I2-*-804 Senior buck Senior doe Junior buck Junior doe I2-*-805 I2-*-806 6-8 Buck 6-8 Doe 3rd $3.00 CLASSES 1-9-10-14-15-16-17-25-26-27-28-31 CHAMPIONS I2-99-807 Champion breed I2-99-808 Champion opposite sex Ribbon & $7.00 Ribbon & $5.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS 32 COMMERCIAL MEAT PEN This class shall consist of three rabbits (same breed) to a pen to be less than five pounds in weight. All breeds may compete. 1st $17.00 I2-32-809 1st $8.00 I2-32-810 2nd $15.00 3rd $12.00 Meat pen 2nd $7.00 3rd $6.00 Single fryer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best 4 class Best 6 class I2-99-813 Best in show CHAMPIONS I2-99-811 I2-99-812 58 $10.00 & Plaque $10.00 & Plaque $20.00 & Plaque The Best Name In Bottled Water! ® Residential & Commercial Sales - Service - Rental Dave Huseman “THE WATER TREATMENT PROFESSIONALS” Culligan Water Conditioning 406 East Main Street, Wyanet, IL 61379 Phone: Wyanet (815) 699-2206 Your is important… don’t waste it watching the ink jet printer call us for • Newsletters • EDDM printing • Copies * • Post Cards • Posters • Brochures If you need it printed or copied — ask us about it. 800 Ace Road Princeton, IL 61356 (815) 875-4461 Mona at extension 6317 * We cannot reproduce copyrighted materials. 59 READ Insurance Agency, Inc. Harold J. Read, Agent Princeton Office 815-875-1161 Walnut Office 815-379-2137 Ge vantage with PNB d A g A . t the Lending: -BOEt&RVJQNFOUt$SPQ*OQVUT Manlius Banking Center Peoples National Bank of Kewanee 109 W Maple St., Manlius, IL 61338 815/445-2622 Sheffield Banking Center Peoples National Bank of Kewanee 238 W Railroad St., Sheffield, IL 61361 815/454-2444 We’re always open at 60 Planting the seeds of success. Midland States Bank believes in the importance of agriculture and provides the resources farmers need to achieve their goals. • Operating Lines of Credit • Land Purchases • Equipment and Machinery Loans • Building Loans 815 South Main Street Princeton, Illinois 1-855-MY-MIDLAND Equal Housing Lender. Member FDIC. Financing based upon credit approval. Subject to change without notice. Some restrictions and closing costs may apply. 61 Joe Bates Tracy Grimmer Agriculture Relationship Manager Commercial Relationship Manager Rod’s Golf Car Sales and Service Gene Rod & Diana Rod 490 N 3850th Rd Mendota, IL 61342-9709 Phone (815) 539-7237 Fax (815) 538-6026 RODSGOLFCAR@YAHOO.COM 62 Goats Open Show Entry Form Bureau County Fair August 26-30, 2015 Exhibitor’s Name ______________________________________ Premise ID # ______________________________ Optional Mailing Address ________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________________ State_______________Zip ____________________ Telephone # _______________________________________ Social Security #. ___________________________ Entries must be made by 7:00 pm Monday August 17, 2015. All late entries & changes will be charged an additional $1.00 per entry. No changes or entries allowed 24 hours before show. Open Show Per Entry Fee Department Goats _______ Stall / Pen Fees @ $6.00 _______ TOTAL _____@ $4.00 Per Pen________ _______ Exhibitor Ticket number ______________________ Date Issued _________________________________ NOTE: Children 12 and under and Life Members need not purchase an exhibitors ticket. TOTAL _________ Open Show Entry Fee ______________ Stall/Pen/Tack Fee ______________ Exhibitor Ticket $10.00 (each) ______________ Camper Fee $15.00 per day ______________ Late Fee $1.00 per entry TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED NO REFUNDS _____________________ ______________ Entries can be mailed Bureau County Fair, P.O. Box 238, Princeton, IL, 61356, hand-delivered to the office, faxed to 815-879-7005, or emailed ALL FORMS MUST ACCOMPANY FEE PAYMENT Example Department Letter Class/Breed Number Lot Number U *2 406 Description Grades – Milker 3 and under 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 63 CLASSES use appropriate * for class number on entry form U-*-401 U-*-402 U-*-403 U-*-404 U-*-405 U-*-406 U-*-407 U-*-408 U-*-409 U-*-410 U-*-411 U-*-412 1. ALL PUREBREDS 2.GRADES Junior Kid Senior Kid Dry Yearling Yearling Milker Milker 2 & under 3 Milker 3 & under 5 Milker 5 & over Produce of Dam (Consists of 2 does which are the offspring of one Dam.) Get of Sire (3 animals of any age the offspring of any one sire. Need not be owned by the same exhibitor.) Wethers under 6 months Wethers 6 months to under 1 year Wethers over 1 year U-99-413 U-99-414 U-99-415 U-99-416 U-99-417 U-99-418 U-99-419 U-99-420 Grand Champion from each class Reserve Champion from each class Junior Champion from each class Senior Champion from each class Dairy Showmanship each class Reserve Junior Champion from each class Reserve Senior Champion from each class Best Dairy Doe of show CHAMPIONS $20.00 & Ribbon $15.00 & Ribbon $12.00 & Ribbon $12.00 & Ribbon $12.00 $10.00 & Ribbon $8.00 & Ribbon $8.00 & Plaque CLASS 3 PYGMY U-3-501 U-3-502 U-3-503 U-3-504 U-3-505 U-3-506 U-3-507 U-3-508 U-3-509 U-3-510 U-3-511 U-3-512 U-3-513 U-3-514 U-3-515 Wethers under 6 months Wethers 6 months to under 1 year Wethers over 1 year Baby Doe Kid 0 to under 3 months Junior Doe Kid 3 mos. to under 6 mos. Intermediate Doe Kid 6 mos. to under 9 mos. Senior Doe Kid 9 mos. to under 12 mos. Unfreshened Yearling 12 to under 18 mos. Unfreshened Yearling 18 to under 24 mos. Freshened Yearling 12 to under 18 mos. Freshened Yearling 18 to under 24 mos. 2 Year old Doe 3 Year old Doe 4 Year old Doe & over Milking Doe U-99-516 U-99-517 U-99-518 U-99-519 U-99-520 U-99-521 U-99-522 U-99-523 U-99-524 U-99-525 U-99-526 Grand Champion Wether Grand Champion Doe Reserve Champion Wether Reserve Champion Doe Junior Champion Doe Senior Champion Doe Junior Reserve Champion Doe Senior Reserve Champion Doe Junior Showmanship 6 to Under 12 Intermediate Showmanship 12 to under 17 Senior Showmanship 17 & over CHAMPIONS 64 $20.00 & Plaque & Ribbon $20.00 & Plaque & Ribbon $10.00 & Ribbon $10.00 & Ribbon $10.00 & Ribbon $10.00 & Ribbon $8.00 & Ribbon $8.00 & Ribbon $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 CLASSES use appropriate * for class number on entry form U-*-401 U-*-402 U-*-403 U-*-404 U-*-405 U-*-406 U-*-407 U-*-408 U-*-409 U-*-410 U-*-411 U-*-412 1. ALL PUREBREDS 2.GRADES Junior Kid Senior Kid Dry Yearling Yearling Milker Milker 2 & under 3 Milker 3 & under 5 Milker 5 & over Produce of Dam (Consists of 2 does which are the offspring of one Dam.) Get of Sire (3 animals of any age the offspring of any one sire. Need not be owned by the same exhibitor.) Wethers under 6 months Wethers 6 months to under 1 year Wethers over 1 year U-99-413 U-99-414 U-99-415 U-99-416 U-99-417 U-99-418 U-99-419 U-99-420 Grand Champion from each class Reserve Champion from each class Junior Champion from each class Senior Champion from each class Dairy Showmanship each class Reserve Junior Champion from each class Reserve Senior Champion from each class Best Dairy Doe of show CHAMPIONS $20.00 & Ribbon $15.00 & Ribbon $12.00 & Ribbon $12.00 & Ribbon $12.00 $10.00 & Ribbon $8.00 & Ribbon $8.00 & Plaque CLASS 3 PYGMY U-3-501 U-3-502 U-3-503 U-3-504 U-3-505 U-3-506 U-3-507 U-3-508 U-3-509 U-3-510 U-3-511 U-3-512 U-3-513 U-3-514 U-3-515 Wethers under 6 months Wethers 6 months to under 1 year Wethers over 1 year Baby Doe Kid 0 to under 3 months Junior Doe Kid 3 mos. to under 6 mos. Intermediate Doe Kid 6 mos. to under 9 mos. Senior Doe Kid 9 mos. to under 12 mos. Unfreshened Yearling 12 to under 18 mos. Unfreshened Yearling 18 to under 24 mos. Freshened Yearling 12 to under 18 mos. Freshened Yearling 18 to under 24 mos. 2 Year old Doe 3 Year old Doe 4 Year old Doe & over Milking Doe U-99-516 U-99-517 U-99-518 U-99-519 U-99-520 U-99-521 U-99-522 U-99-523 U-99-524 U-99-525 U-99-526 Grand Champion Wether Grand Champion Doe Reserve Champion Wether Reserve Champion Doe Junior Champion Doe Senior Champion Doe Junior Reserve Champion Doe Senior Reserve Champion Doe Junior Showmanship 6 to Under 12 Intermediate Showmanship 12 to under 17 Senior Showmanship 17 & over CHAMPIONS 65 $20.00 & Plaque & Ribbon $20.00 & Plaque & Ribbon $10.00 & Ribbon $10.00 & Ribbon $10.00 & Ribbon $10.00 & Ribbon $8.00 & Ribbon $8.00 & Ribbon $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 Duncan Putnam Princeville Toulon 309-385-4846 815-437-2471 309-385-4361 309-286-2461 Valley Speer Wyoming Kewanee 309-695-6465 309-249-2011 309-695-6459 309-852-0258 28 t&MFDUSJDBM$POUSBDUPSTTQFDJBMJ[JOHJO3FTJEFOUJBM$PNNFSDJBM*OEVTUSJBMBOE "HSJDVMUVSBMXJSJOH t'JSFBMBSNTZTUFNTJOTUBMMBUJPOUFTUJOHBOESFQBJS t.PUPSTBMFTBOETFSWJDFt)BOEJDBQDBSUT t)FBUJOHBOE"JS$POEJUJPOJOH 205 North Street - Dover - Princeton, IL 61356 • Electric 815-643-2354 • HVAC 815-643-2631 • Fax 815-643-2319. KRAMER’S KITCHEN NOW SERVING BREAKFAST!!! DINE IN – CARRY OUT DELIVERY MON-FRI 10am-2pm (min. $15.00) Store Hours Monday – Tuesday 7am-3pm Wednesday – Friday 7am–8pm Saturday 7am–3pm Closed Sunday 66 FINE ARTS Open and Junior Show Entry Form Exhibitor’s Name ______________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ________________________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________________________ State_______________Zip ___________________ Telephone # ___________________________________ Social Security # ________________________________ Entries must be made by Monday August 10, 2015. **ONLY ONE ITEM PER LOT NUMBER** All late entries & changes will be charged an additional $1.00 per entry. No changes or entries allowed 24 hours before show. **EXCEPTION FOR FINE ARTS: J, K, L, PJ, PL, DEADLINE IS AUGUST 17TH** Entries can be mailed Bureau County Fair, P.O. Box 238, Princeton, IL, 61356, hand- delivered to the office, faxed to 815-879-7005, or emailed ALL FORMS MUST ACCOMPANY FEE PAYMENT Example Department Letter MB Class Number 1 Lot Number 1305 Description as shown in Premium Book Bureau County Fair scene 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 **ONLY ONE ITEM PER LOT NUMBER** If you need more space please use a plain sheet of paper or use pages out of premium book and circle entries. NOTE: Children 12 and under or Life Members need not purchase an exhibitors ticket. Exhibitor Ticket number ______________________ Date issued ___________________________________ Fine Arts Entries _______ x .50¢__________ Exhibitor ticket $10.00 (each)_____________ Late Fee $1.00 per entry ______________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED NO REFUNDS 67 65 Fertilizers & Biologicals for Healthy Soil AgriEnergy Resources has been a Bureau County business since 1988 Healthy Soil Healthy Plants Healthy Livestock Nutritious Food Healthy, Happy People 815-872-1190 • Princeton, IL • 68 Department J AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS Deb Cools, Superintendent ........................................... (815) 303-6010 Princeton, IL Pat Stier, Assistant Superintendent ...................................................... Sheffield, IL Premiums Offered…$741.00 Entry fee…..$.50 per lot Entry blank and fee payment must be at fair office by MONDAY AUGUST 17 BY 7:00 PM Arrival time for entries: Tuesday August 18 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Release time: Sunday August 30 AFTER 6:00 PM 1 All exhibits in this class must be grown in Illinois, correctly labeled and selected from the present year’s crop. Clover seed and soybeans, which do not mature before the Fair, shall be selected from the preceding crop. Root crops will be shown with two-inch tops. No waxes or oils may be used on any vegetables. Paper plates are to be furnished by the exhibitor. New England Boiled Dinner Group will consist of 1 head of cabbage and three other vegetables to be selected from carrot, turnips, onions, or potatoes. Put in cooking utensil. The Bushel Basket Display will consist of a plain or decorated tipped bushel basket containing a well-balanced assortment of not less than seven or more than ten kinds of vegetables and nor more than two varieties of a kind. The Storage Display will consist of six kinds of vegetables of not more than two varieties of any kind, which may be stored for winter in their natural conditions such as onions, potatoes, other root crops, pumpkins and squash (winter varieties only). Soup’s on using 5-10 kinds of vegetables, suitable for homemade soup. Herbs can be used but will not be counted as a vegetable. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board and Fine Arts. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1st $3.00 J-1-901 J-1-902 J-1-903 J-1-904 J-1-905 J-1-906 J-1-907 J-1-908 J-1-909 J-1-910 J-1-911 2 nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 CLASS 1 GRAINS J-1-912 J-1-913 Hay, best sample, 4" slices Wheat, best sample Oats, white, 1 peck Oats, other than white, 1 peck Soybeans, 1 peck Yellow dent corn, 1 peck, last year Calico corn, best 10 ears this year Mini calico corn, 10 ears this year Sunflower, largest head Sunflower, head under 12" Sunflower, head over 12" 1st $6.00 J-1-914 1st $3.00 J-1-915 J-1-916 J-1-917 Sunflower, tallest sunflower head on Best sample, other than small grain, 1 peck 2nd $5.00 3rd $4.00 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 Yellow dent corn, 10 ears this year Tallest stalk of eared corn Popcorn, yellow 10 ears this year Popcorn, any other, 10 ears this year CLASS 3 LARGEST BY WEIGHT (CANNOT BE ENTERED IN ANY OTHER CLASS) st nd J-3-924 Pepper 1 $4.00 2 $3.00 3rd $2.00 J-3-925 Potato J-3-918 Beet J-3-926 Pumpkin J-3-919 Cantaloupe J-3-927 Squash J-3-920 Carrot J-3-928 Tomato J-3-921 Cucumber J-3-929 Watermelon J-3-922 Egg Plant J-3-923 Onion 69 CLASS 2 VEGETABLES 1st $3.00 J-2-930 J-2-931 J-2-932 J-2-933 J-2-934 J-2-935 J-2-936 J-2-937 J-2-938 J-2-939 J-2-940 J-2-941 J-2-942 J-2-943 J-2-944 J-2-945 J-2-946 J-2-947 J-2-948 J-2-949 J-2-950 J-2-951 J-2-952 J-2-953 J-2-954 J-2-955 J-2-956 J-2-957 J-2-958 J-2-959 J-2-960 J-2-961 J-2-962 J-2-963 2nd $2.00 J-2-964 J-2-965 J-2-966 J-2-967 J-2-968 J-2-969 J-2-970 J-2-971 J-2-972 J-2-973 3rd $1.00 Beans snap in pod (6) Beans, waxed in pod (6) Beets, table quality (5) Broccoli (3) Cabbage, flat, trimmed head (1) Cabbage, red, trimmed head (1) Cauliflower (1) Carrots, half long type (5) Carrots, long slender type (5) Cucumbers, pickling (5) Cucumbers, slicing (5) Eggplant (1) Garlic cloves (2) Gourds, best display in a basket (12) Kohlrabi Leeks (3) Muskmelon (1) Okra (6) Onions, white, unpeeled (5) Onions, yellow, unpeeled (5) Onions, red, unpeeled (5) Onions, any other (5) Peppers, bell (5) Peppers, hot (5) Peppers, other (5) Pepper display four or more varieties) Potatoes white (5) Potatoes, red (5) Potatoes, any other Pumpkins, mini (3) Pumpkins, pie (2) Pumpkins, large field (2) Rhubarb, stalks (5) Squash, acorn (1) J-2-974 J-2-975 J-2-976 J-2-977 1st $10.00 J-2-978 J-2-979 J-2-980 J-2-981 J-2-982 1st $6.00 J-2-983 1st $4.00 J-2-984 J-2-985 Squash, butternut (1) Squash, buttercup (1) Squash, Hubbard (1) Squash, summer, table quality (1) Squash, zucchini, table quality (1) Squash, any other (1) Tomatoes red/yellow slicing (5) Tomatoes, cherry type (5) Tomatoes, any other (5) Tomato display (four or more varieties) Sweet corn, husked ears (5) Watermelon (1) Decorated pumpkin (painted or carved) Decorated vegetable 2nd $8.00 3rd $6.00 2nd $4.00 3rd $2.00 Bushel basket display New England dinner group Storage vegetable display Soup’s on group Center piece arrangement made from vegetables (not over 36”) Vegetable oddity (novelty defined as yard long bean, snake cucumber, elect. vegetable not located in department) 2nd $3.00 Honey in comb Honey, strained 3rd $2.00 CLASS 4 HERBS (1 Bunch, fresh) 1st $3.00 J-4-986 J-4-987 J-4-988 J-4-989 J-4-990 J-4-991 J-4-992 2nd $2.00 Basil Catnip Chives Dill, 3 heads Mint Oregano Rosemary J-4-993 J-4-994 J-4-995 J-4-996 J-4-997 J-4-998 J-4-999 3rd $1.00 CHAMPION Best of Show (Plaque may be won twice every five years) 70 Parsley Sage Thyme Any other Dried Herb in labeled jar Dried Herb bunch tied and labeled Herb display (4 or more) Plaque Department PJ JUNIOR AGRICULTURE PRODUCTS Deb Cools, Superintendent ........................................... (815) 303-6010 Princeton, IL Pat Stier, Assistant Superintendent ...................................................... Sheffield, IL Premiums Offered…$168.00 Entry fee…..$.50 per lot Entry blank and fee payment must be at fair office by MONDAY AUGUST 17 BY 7:00 PM Arrival time for entries: Tuesday August 18 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Release time: Sunday August 30 AFTER 6:00 PM 1. 2. All Department J rules apply to this division. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board and Fine Arts. CLASS 1 GRAINS & VEGETABLES 1st $3.00 PJ-1-3101 PJ-1-3102 PJ-1-3103 PJ-1-3104 PJ-1-3105 PJ-1-3106 PJ-1-3107 PJ-1-3108 PJ-1-3109 PJ-1-3110 PJ-1-3111 PJ-1-3112 PJ-1-3113 PJ-1-3114 PJ-1-3115 PJ-1-3116 PJ-1-3117 2 nd PJ-1-3118 Yellow dent corn, 1 peck, last year PJ-1-3119 Decorated vegetables 3rd $2.00 $1.00 Beans, Lima in pod (6) Beans, Snap in pod (6) Beets, table quality (5) Cabbage (1 head) Carrots (5) Cucumber, Slicing (3) Eggplant (2) Onions, yellow (5) Onions, any other (5) Pepper, bell (3) Pepper, any other (3) Potatoes, Red or white (5) Tomatoes, slicing (5) Sweet corn, ears husked (5) Watermelon (1) Squash, summer (2) Squash, winter (2) 1st $4.00 2 nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 PJ-1-3120 Yellow dent corn (10 ear sample this year) PJ-1-3121 Any variety of vegetables, two varieties to be put on a plate, (example: 2 potatoes, 2 onions, and 2 carrots) (children under 8 years old) 1st $7.00 2 nd $6.00 3rd $5.00 (Displays should follow the same rules as the bushel basket in Department J. However no bushel basket is required) PJ-1-3122 Best display (ages 10 and under) PJ-1-3123 Best display (ages 11-18) CHAMPION PJ-99-3124 Best of show Plaque 71 Pg 73 Cool Beer Garden 72 Department K HORTICULTURE Deb Cools, Superintendent .......................................... (815) 303-6010--Princeton, IL Pat Stier, Assistant Superintendent ...................................................... Sheffield, IL Premiums offered…$138.00 Entry fee…. $.50 per lot Entry blank and fee payment must be at fair office by MONDAY AUGUST 17 BY 7:00 PM Arrival time for entries: Tuesday August 18 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Release time: Sunday August 30 AFTER 6:00 PM 1. 2. All nuts aware to be last year’s crop. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board and Fine Arts. CLASS 1 FRUITS 1st $3.00 2 nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 K-1-1001 Apples, Jonathan (5) K-1-1002 Apples, Grimes (5) K-1-1003 Apples, Golden Delicious (5) K-1-1004 Apples, Red Delicious (5) K-1-1005 Apples, Winesap (5) K-1-1006 Apples, Crabapples (5) K-1-1007 Apples, Duchess (5) K-1-1008 Apples, any other (5) K-1-1009 Peaches, Elberta (5) K-1-1010 Peaches, any other (5) K-1-1011 Pears, early (Bartlett, Red Bartlett, Lincoln or any other) (5) K-1-1012 Pears, midseason (Duchess, Delicious, Magness or any other) (5) K-1-1013 Pears, late (Kieffer, Bosco, Anjou, Maxine or any other) (5) K-1-1014 Sugar Pears (Seckel, Kyles, Sugar or any other) (5) K-1-1015 Plums, (5) K-1-1016 Grapes, Blue (Concord, Stuben, Alden, Sheridan or any other) (3 bunches) K-1-1017 Grapes, White (Niagara, Golden Muscat or any other) (3 bunches) K-1-1018 Grapes, Red (Catawba, Vinegar, Caco or any other) (3 bunches) 1st $5.00 2nd $4.00 3rd $3.00 K-1-1019 Fruit Basket: best and most attractive display of fruits in a basket (Minimum 3 different kinds and not more than 3 different varieties of any kind) CLASS 2 NUTS 1st $3.00 2 nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 K-2-1020 Black Walnuts (10) K-2-1021 Hickory Nuts (10) K-2-1022 Any other variety of nuts 73 Fawcett’s Pharmacy 519 S. Main, Princeton, IL Monday thru Friday Saturday (815) 872-3251 9am - 7 pm 9 am - 3 pm In town prescription delivery Albrecht Well Drilling, Inc. Farms • Homes • Industrial “A complete water service” Where well and water systems Are engineered - not dug (815) 376-2811 “Over 130 years experience” 74 Ohio, IL Department L FLORICULTURE Marilyn Haslam, Superintendent ................................. (815) 872-7753 Princeton, IL Premiums offered…$840.00 Entry fee…..$.50 per lot Entry blank and fee payment must be at fair office by MONDAY AUGUST 17 BY 7:00 PM Arrival time for Division 1 entries: Tuesday August 25 by 7:00 pm Arrival time for Division 2 entries: Friday August 28 by 9:30 am Release time: Sunday August 30 AFTER 6:00 PM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. In dried flower arrangements, only natural materials may be used. Vases or containers do not count, therefore, jars or glass bottles may be used (in cut flowers only). Where a category asks for a specified number, amounts other than that number will disqualify that entry. All exhibitors in this department must be an amateur exhibitor who grows flowers and plants for pleasure. Items with * must be made by exhibitor. Non-blooming means it never blooms, blooming means it is in bloom during the Fair. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board and Fine Arts. DIVISION 1 Flowers and “My Garden” items in this division should be brought to the exhibit hall Tuesday, August 25, by 7:00 pm. Judging will begin at 7:15 pm. CLASS 1 MY GARDEN 1st $4.00 2 nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 L-1-1101 Wood birdhouse/bird feeder 1st $8.00 2nd $7.00 3rd $6.00 L-1-1111 Container planting, using 3 or L-1-1102 L-1-1112 L-1-1103 L-1-1104 L-1-1105 L-1-1106 L-1-1107 L-1-1108 L-1-1109 L-1-1110 (must be clean) Painted/Decorated gourd birdhouse* Stepping stone (cement, tiles, etc.) Garden ornament Wind chimes Paint a rock* Decorate a Flowerpot* Decorate/paint sprinkling can* Garden art (non-plastic, may be recycled items) Antique garden tools (shovels, spades, etc.) 75 L-1-1113 L-1-1114 L-1-1115 L-1-1116 L-1-1117 L-1-1118 L-1-1119 more different plants Decorate any wreath with fresh flowers or greens Table top water fountain (using small pump with fresh or potted plants) Flower box “Chairy Fun” decorate a chair and fresh flowers or foliage on it Fairy Garden miniature where fairies live Desert garden Any planting in a Container Planting in a Container, using novelty container (such as Wheelbarrows, Picnic Basket, etc) CLASS 2 CUT FLOWERS AND GREENS 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 L-2-1120 Asters, (5) L-2-1121 Bachelor Button (5) L-2-1122 Begonia, flowered or large foliage type (1 specimen) L-2-1123 Cleome, (5) L-2-1124 Cosmos, (5) L-2-1125 Coxcomb, plumed or crested (1) L-2-1126 Dahlia, large, (1) L-2-1127 Dahlia, small, (1) L-2-1128 L-2-1129 L-2-1130 L-2-1131 L-2-1132 L-2-1133 L-2-1134 Gladioli, (3) Hosta (5 leaves) Marigold, dwarf, (5) Marigold, giant, (5) Mums (5) Wild Flowers (5) Any other cut flower, (5) not listed in book L-2-1135 Largest single bloom (non seeded) CLASS 3 POTTED PLANTS 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 L-3-1136 African Violet blooming, any color L-3-1137 Begonia, in bloom L-3-1138 Boston fern or other fern L-3-1139 Cactus (1 or more) L-3-1140 Coleus L-3-1141 Geranium L-3-1142 Any other not listed L-3-1143 L-3-1144 L-3-1145 L-3-1146 L-3-1147 L-3-1148 L-3-1149 L-3-1150 L-3-1151 Group of 3 houseplants Houseplant, non-blooming, (1) Houseplant, in bloom, (1) Hanging Basket Impatiens, any kind Ivy, any type or color Orchid Philodendron Succulents (juicy tissue) (1) CLASS 4 ARRANGEMENTS 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 L-4-1152 “CRAYOLA” the gardens brightest colors L-4-1153 “Evening Solitude” using an oil lamp L-4-1154 “Grandma’s Kitchen” using old kitchen utensils L-4-1155 Marigolds L-4-1156 “Woodland” use plants and elements from forest L-4-1157 Mixed flowers in a sprinkling can L-4-1158 “Red Hat Society”, using red and purple flowers L-4-1159 Fresh, wild or ornamental grasses L-4-1160 “Oreo’s anyone” using a cookie jar L-4-1161 “High tea” using a tea cup L-4-1162 “Country breakfast” using a coffee pot L-4-1163 “Tea Party”, arrangement in an antique Tea Kettle 76 Department PL JUNIOR FLORICULTURE Marilyn Haslam, Superintendent_______________ (815) 872-7753 Princeton, IL Premiums Offered…$102.00 Entry fee…..$.50 per lot Entry blank and fee payment must be at fair office by MONDAY AUGUST 17 BY 7:00 PM Arrival time for entries Friday August 28 by 8:30 am Release time: Sunday August 30 AFTER 6:00 PM 1. 2. 3. All Department L rules apply to this division. Items with * should be made by the exhibitor See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board, Fine Arts and Junior Fine Arts. CLASS 1 MY GARDEN 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 PL-1-3303 PL-1-3304 PL-1-3305 PL-1-3306 3rd $1.00 PL-1-3301 Wood bird house/bird feeder (Must be clean) PL-1-3302 Painted/decorated gourd bird house Stepping stone (cement, titles, etc) Garden art or garden ornaments Paint a rock Decorate a flowerpot CLASS 2 FLOWERS 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 PL-2-3309 Sunflower, not dried, any color PL-2-3310 Zinnias, any size (3) PL-2-3311 Any other cut flower (1) 3rd $1.00 PL-2-3307 Marigold, and size (3) PL-2-3308 Potted houseplant CLASS 3 ARRANGEMENTS 1st $3.00 PL-3-3312 PL-3-3313 PL-3-3314 PL-3-3315 PL-3-3316 PL-3-3317 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 “America the Beautiful” Bird house and flowers “Down on the Farm” with farm animals or implements Petunias Other floral arrangement “Halloween” using gourds, pumpkins, and Halloween decorations PL-99-3318Best of Show PL-99-3319Award of Merit (1) CHAMPIONS 77 Plaque Ribbon Department PL JUNIOR FLORICULTURE Marilyn Haslam, Superintendent_______________ (815) 872-7753 Princeton, IL Premiums Offered…$102.00 Entry fee…..$.50 per lot Entry blank and fee payment must be at fair office by MONDAY AUGUST 17 BY 7:00 PM Arrival time for entries Friday August 28 by 8:30 am Release time: Sunday August 30 AFTER 6:00 PM 1. 2. 3. All Department L rules apply to this division. Items with * should be made by the exhibitor See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board, Fine Arts and Junior Fine Arts. CLASS 1 MY GARDEN 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 PL-1-3303 PL-1-3304 PL-1-3305 PL-1-3306 3rd $1.00 PL-1-3301 Wood bird house/bird feeder (Must be clean) PL-1-3302 Painted/decorated gourd bird house Stepping stone (cement, titles, etc) Garden art or garden ornaments Paint a rock Decorate a flowerpot CLASS 2 FLOWERS 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 PL-2-3309 Sunflower, not dried, any color PL-2-3310 Zinnias, any size (3) PL-2-3311 Any other cut flower (1) 3rd $1.00 PL-2-3307 Marigold, and size (3) PL-2-3308 Potted houseplant CLASS 3 ARRANGEMENTS 1st $3.00 PL-3-3312 PL-3-3313 PL-3-3314 PL-3-3315 PL-3-3316 PL-3-3317 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 “America the Beautiful” Bird house and flowers “Down on the Farm” with farm animals or implements Petunias Other floral arrangement “Halloween” using gourds, pumpkins, and Halloween decorations PL-99-3318Best of Show PL-99-3319Award of Merit (1) CHAMPIONS 78 Plaque Ribbon Nightmare on Fairgrounds Road Haunted Fairgrounds Bring your friends to a spooky evening 7 - 9:30pm Bureau County Fairgrounds October 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31 Admission 10 $ Speed Pass 12 $ 79 Department M-A – ART Amanda Fox, Superintendent ....................................................... (309) 854-2821--Wyanet, IL Pam Bardell, Assistant Superintendent .................................................................. Wyanet, IL Premiums Offered - $1218.00 Exhibitors ticket: Entry fee: ........................................ $15.00 Per entry ................................. $ . 50 Entry blank (page 65) must be at fair office by Monday August 10 by 7:00 pm Arrival time for entries: Monday August 24 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Release time: Sunday August 30 after 6:00 pm 1. All entries must be framed and wired for hanging and protected with glass where appropriate. Works on paper (drawing, watercolors, prints, etc) may be prepared as follows --mat, cardboard backing, acetate/plastic covering, and wired for hanging. The following items will not be allowed for hanging: string, scotch tape, masking or duct tape, saw-toothed or stick on hangers. Entries not prepared as stated above will not be accepted for display or judging and will be disqualified. All entries must be original. Use of a photograph of a natural subject is acceptable. Paintings may be no larger than 30" x 36" including frame. All cloth articles must be entered in department M-D. Absolutely NO tracing or copy work except for copy work class. See Rules and Regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board, page 14 and Fine Arts page 17. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. PROFESSIONAL SHOW 1. 2. 3. 4. Does artwork for a livelihood. Has an academic or professional degree in art, architecture, etc. Teaches groups (privately or otherwise) for a salary. Exhibits for competition in professional exhibits. 1st. $10.00 2nd. $8.00 3rd. $6.00 CLASS 1 - OIL PAINTING MA-1-1201 Animal - Bird MA-1-1202 Architecture, Landscape, or Still Life MA-1-1203 Figure or Portrait CLASS 2 - WATERCOLOR MA-2-1204 Animal - Bird MA-2-1205 Architecture, Landscape, or Still Life MA-2-1206 Figure or Portrait CLASS 3 - ACRYLIC MA-3-1207 Animal - Bird MA-3-1208 Architecture, Landscape, or Still Life MA-3-1209 Figure or Portrait CLASS 4 - DRAWING MA-4-1210 Animal - Bird MA-4-1211 Architecture, Landscape, or Still Life MA-4-1212 Figure or Portrait MA-5-1213 MA-5-1214 MA-5-1215 MA-5-1216 MA-5-1217 CLASS 5 - OTHER ART Miniature, not larger than 5 x 7 including frame – any media Photography Pottery, Sculpture or any other 3 dimensional art Silkscreen, Etching, Printmaking Any other art 76 80 AMATEUR SHOW 1. 2. 3. 4. Does artwork for pastime. Has no degree in art. Is self-taught or has been a participant in adult art classes. Participates in amateur exhibits. 1st. $5.00 2nd. $4.00 CLASS 6 – OIL AND ACRYLIC PAINTING MA-6-1218 Portrait or Figure MA-6-1219 Animal or Bird MA-6-1220 Still Life MA-6-1221 Landscape MA-8-1226 MA-8-1227 MA-8-1228 MA-8-1229 MA-8-1230 MA-8-1231 3rd. $3.00 MA-7-1222 MA-7-1223 MA-7-1224 MA-7-1225 CLASS 7 - WATERCOLOR Portrait or Figure Animal or Bird Still Life Landscape CLASS 9 - ABSTRACT CLASS 8 - DRAWING Ink Pencil (no colored) Colored pencil (crayon or markers) Charcoal or Pastel Caricature, original Cartoon, original MA-9-1232 MA-9-1233 MA-9-1234 MA-9-1235 Painting Drawing Collage or Assemblage, Fair Theme Collage or Assemblage, any other theme CLASS 10 - MISCELLANEOUS ART MA-10-1242 Copy work, any subject (original must accompany entry, no tracing allowed) (Not eligible for Best of Class or Best Exhibit) MA-10-1243 Photography Artistic Impression MA-10-1244 Mixed media MA-10-1245 Miniature, not larger than 5” X 7including frame any media MA-10-1246 Any other art not in the Fairbook MA-10-1236 Sculpture / three-dimensional artwork MA-10-1237 Pottery MA-10-1238 Printmaking: scratchboard, block print, silk screen, etching MA-10-1239 Airbrush, any subject MA-10-1240 Calligraphy: short poem, phrase or other lettering MA-10-1241 Technical art: computer design, blueprints, drafting, schematic, architectural 77 81 CLASS 11 - HIGH SCHOOL 1st. $5.00 MA-11-1247 MA-11-1248 MA-11-1249 MA-11-1250 MA-11-1251 MA-11-1252 Sculpture/three-dimensional, computer art or any other MA-11-1253 Collage or Assemblage MA-11-1254 Photography - artistic impression MA-11-1255 Any other art not in the Fairbook 2nd. $4.00 3rd. $3.00 Oil or Acrylic painting Watercolor One & two point perspective Drawing, pencil Drawing, any other media CLASS 12 - GRADE SCHOOL GRADES 5-8 1st. $4.00 MA-12-1256 MA-12-1257 MA-12-1258 MA-12-1259 Sculpture/three-dimensional, computer art or any other MA-12-1260 Collage or Assemblage MA-12-1261 One & two point perspective MA-12-1262 Any other art not in the Fairbook 2nd. $3.00 3rd. $2.00 Watercolor Drawing, pencil Drawing, any other media CLASS 13 - GRADE SCHOOL GRADES K-4 1st. $4.00 MA-13-1263 MA-13-1264 MA-13-1265 MA-13-1266 MA-13-1267 Sculpture / three-dimensional or any other MA-13-1268 Collage or Assemblage MA-13-1269 Any other art not in the Fairbook 2nd. $3.00 3rd. $2.00 Oil or Acrylic painting Watercolor Drawing, pencil Drawing, any other media CLASS 14 - PRESCHOOL 1st. $4.00 2nd. $3.00 3rd. $2.00 MA-14-1270 Finger painting MA-14-1271 Any other artwork ................................................................................................................................................................................ CHAMPIONS MA-99-1272 Best professional exhibit Plaque MA-99-1273 Fourteen Merit Awards (as per judges decision) Ribbon MA-99-1274 Best amateur exhibit Plaque MA-99-1275 Best high school exhibit Plaque MA-99-1276 Best grade school (5-8) exhibit Plaque MA-99-1277 Best grade school (K-4) exhibit Plaque 78 82 Scrapbooking 1. 2. 3. 4. Page(s) may be of any standard scrapbook size. A page protector must be used. All entries must be original work. No page kits are allowed (except Kit & Kaboodle category). Page(s) may be a one page layout or a two page spread. There will be no advantage or disadvantage given to a two page spread if it is entered as 1 item. CATEGORIES Kit & Kaboodle: School Days: Complete Album: Things I Love: My Vacation: Any other Theme: Card Making: Altered Art: Best in Show: DESCRIPTIONS Any layout that was created from a packaged kit. Any 1 or 2 page spread with a school related theme. Any album of 10 completed pages or more. Pages must be completed and additional unused pages or protectors must be removed. Any 1 or 2 page spread with a picture of yourself and things you enjoy. Any 1 or 2 page spread with vacation as the theme. Any 1 or 2 page spread not relating to any other listed theme. Cards must be 5-1/2” & 8-1/2” or smaller. Entries may be a folded card or postcard style. A blank inside is allowed. A decorated envelope may be included. (1 entry only) Scrapbooking is constantly evolving. This category is for entering any item created using scrap booking items. Examples include altered letters, paint cans, CD cases, etc. A best in show winner will be chosen for each age group. 1st. $4.00 2nd. $3.00 3rd. $2.00 CLASS 16 - JUNIOR AGES 13-19 MA-16-1285 Kit & Kaboodle MA-16-1286 School Days MA-16-1287 Complete Album MA-16-1288 My Vacation MA-16-1289 Any Other Theme MA-16-1290 Cardmaking – 1 entry only MA-16-1291 Altered Art CLASS 15 - YOUTH AGES 12 and under MA-15-1278 School Days MA-15-1279 My Family MA-15-1280 Complete Album MA-15-1281 My Vacation MA-15-1282 Any Other Theme MA-15-1283 Cardmaking – 1 entry only MA-15-1284 Altered Art CLASS 17 - ADULT 20 and up MA-17-1296 Any Other Theme MA-17-1297 Cardmaking – 1 entry only MA-14-1298 Altered Art MA-17-1292 MA-17-1293 MA-17-1294 MA-17-1295 Kit & Kaboodle My Family Complete Album My Vacation MA-99-1299 MA-99-12100 MA-99-12101 MA-99-12102 Best of show in Scrapbooking Best of show in Scrapbooking 12 & under Best of show in Scrapbooking 13 – 19 Best of show in Scrapbooking 20 & up 79 83 Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Department MB PHOTOGRAPHY Kathy Costerisan, Superintendent .............................. (815) 866-3606 Princeton, IL Premiums Offered…$669.00 Entry fee…. $.50 per lot Entry blank and fee payment must be at fair office by MONDAY AUGUST 10 BY 7:00 PM Arrival time for entries: Monday August 24 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Release time: Sunday August 30 AFTER 6:00 PM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Photo size, maximum 8 x 10 inches. ALL PHOTOS WILL HAVE A MAXIMUM BORDER OF 1 INCH. Photo must be securely mounted on poster board or card stock (white or colored board) with a maximum margin of 1 inch. Photo’s mounted flush with edge of the mounting board will be disqualified. MAXIMUM MOUNTING BOARD/ MAT SIZE: 10 X 12 FOR 8 X 10 AND 7 X 9 FOR 5 X 7. NO FOAM CORE, LIGHT WEIGHT PAPER OR CONSTRUCTION PAPER! Mount your pictures with tape rolls – no glue stick or photo corners (unless there is also tape behind the photo). Framed photos will be disqualified. You may use a mat around your photo as long as it is no larger than 1” wider than the print on all sides, it must be securely fastened so it does not come loose in warm weather. Photos which haven’t won a ribbon may be shown again. Advanced photographers are those who have more experience and shouldn’t be competing against amateurs. Advanced photographers are not eligible to compete in the amateur classes after they have moved up to advanced. Once a photographer has won the amateur Best of Show award twice, they are required to move up to advanced. Best of Show awards can be won once every three years. Exhibitors may enter only one entry per class and the same entry cannot be shown in different categories (exp: the same print cannot be entered in black and white, and color prints.) Champion photographer award - presented to the photographer with the highest points (5 points - first; 3 points - second; 1 point - third) from all ribbons received. Prints may be made from digital images or negatives. Recommendation for digital prints-if you are printing yourself use photo quality paper: glossy or satin work best. See Rules and Regulations of the Bureau County Fair Board and Fine Arts. PHOTOS MUST BE THE WORK OF THE EXHIBITOR. 84 AMATEUR CLASS CLASS 1 COLOR PRINTS Digital or from Negative 1st $3.00 MB-1-1301 MB-1-1302 MB-1-1303 MB-1-1304 MB-1-1305 MB-1-1306 MB-1-1307 MB-1-1308 MB-1-1309 MB-1-1310 MB-1-1311 MB-1-1312 MB-1-1313 MB-1-1314 MB-1-1315 MB-1-1316 MB-1-1317 MB-1-1318 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 MB-1-1319 MB-1-1320 MB-1-1321 MB-1-1322 MB-1-1323 MB-1-1324 MB-1-1325 MB-1-1326 MB-1-1327 MB-1-1328 MB-1-1329 MB-1-1330 MB-1-1331 MB-1-1332 MB-1-1333 MB-1-1334 MB-1-1335 Animal tame (one or more) Animal wild or zoo (one or more) Architecture Babies (1 year and under) Bureau County Fair scene In My Hometown Child life Close up/macro Country Scene Floral (one or more) Historical Illinois Individual blossom In motion – something moving Landscape (less than 25% water) Mountains “My Vacation” Nature (nothing man made) Novelty (something unusual) “Out in the Country” Panoramic (elongated field of view) People (one or more) People at play Pets Holiday Scene Scene, fall Scene, summer time Scene, winter Scene, water City Scene Special effects/Manipulated image Spirit of America Sports Sunset First time exhibitor any subject Any other color print - doesn’t fit in other category Maximum Mounting Board Size: 10” x 12” CLASS 2 BLACK AND WHITE PRINT Digital or from negatives 1st $3.00 MB-2-1336 MB-2-1337 MB-2-1338 MB-2-1339 MB-2-1340 2nd $2.00 MB-2-1341 Nature MB-2-1342 People (one or more) MB-2-1343 Any other black & white print doesn’t fit in other category MB-2-1344 First time exhibitor – any subject 3rd $1.00 Animal, (one or more) Architecture Child life My Vacation Special effect – Manipulated Image CLASS 3 DISPLAYS Mounted on cardboard, not to exceed 16" x 20" Larger boards will be disqualified 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 MB-3-1345 Color print MB-3-1346 Black and white ____________________________________________________________________________________________ CLASS 4 JUNIOR (12 YEARS AND UNDER) 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 MB-4-1347 Animal MB-4-1348 Person MB-4-1349 Any subject CLASS 5 TEEN (13-16 YEARS) 3rd $1.00 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 MB-5-1350 Animal MB-5-1351 Person MB-5-1352 Any subject Maximum mounting board size: 10” x 12” 85 3rd $1.00 ADVANCED PHOTOGRAPHY CLASS 6 COLOR PRINTS Digital or from negative 1st $4.00 MB-6-1353 MB-6-1354 MB-6-1355 MB-6-1356 MB-6-1357 MB-6-1358 MB-6-1359 MB-6-1360 MB-6-1361 MB-6-1362 MB-6-1363 MB-6-1364 MB-6-1365 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 MB-6-1366 MB-6-1367 MB-6-1368 MB-6-1369 MB-6-1370 MB-6-1371 MB-6-1372 MB-6-1373 MB-6-1374 MB-6-1375 MB-6-1376 MB-6-1377 MB-6-1378 Animal tame (one or more) Animal wild or zoo (one or more) Architecture Babies (1 year and under) Bureau County Fair scene Bureau County Landmark Child life Close up/macro Rural Scene Floral (one or more) Historical landmarks Time Exposure In motion- something moving Landscape (less than 25% water) “My Vacation” Novelty (something unusual) People (one or more) Sports Portrait Reflection Scene, fall Scene, night Water Scene Special effects/manipulated image Spirit of America Any other color print - doesn’t fit in other category Maximum Mounting Board Size: 10”x12” CLASS 7 BLACK AND WHITE PRINTS Digital or from Negative 1st $4.00 MB-7-1379 MB-7-1380 MB-7-1381 MB-7-1382 MB-7-1383 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 MB-7-1384 MB-7-1385 MB-7-1386 MB-7-1387 MB-7-1388 MB-7-1389 Animal (one or more) Architecture Close up/macro My Vacation Historical USA Landscape (less than 25% water) Nature (nothing man made) Novelty People (one or more) City Scene Any other black & white print CLASS 8 DISPLAYS Mounted on cardboard, not to exceed 16" x 20" Larger boards will be disqualified 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 MB-8-1390 Black and white print MB-99-1392 Amateur, Best of Show* MB-99-1393 Advanced, Best of show* MB-8-1391 Color prints CHAMPIONS Plaque may be won once every three years MB-99-1394 Champion photographer Plaque Plaque Plaque 86 Department MC HOBBIES AND COLLECTIONS Rita Mongan, Superintendent ...................................... (815) 879-6322 Princeton, IL George Watson, Assistant Superintendent ........................................... Princeton, IL Total Premiums Offered…$732.00 Entry Fee…..$.50 per lot Entry blank and fee payment must be at fair office by MONDAY AUGUST 10 BY 7:00 PM Arrival time for entries: Monday August 24 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Release time: Sunday August 30 AFTER 6:00 PM 1. 2. 3. Limited to 5 items attractively displayed unless noted. Space limited to 15” x 18” for smaller items, larger items at the superintendent’s discretion. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board and Fine Arts. CLASS 1 HANDMADE COLLECTION Handmade by exhibitor, limit of 5 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 MC-1-1403 Woodcraft MC-1-1404 Any other not listed 3rd $2.00 MC-1-1401 Ceramic articles MC-1-1402 Christmas tree ornaments CLASS 2 COLLECTIONS Limit of 5, unless stated 1st $4.00 MC-2-1405 MC-2-1406 MC-2-1407 MC-2-1408 MC-2-1409 MC-2-1410 MC-2-1411 MC-2-1412 MC-2-1413 MC-2-1414 MC-2-1415 MC-2-1416 MC-2-1417 MC-2-1418 MC-2-1419 MC-2-1420 MC-2-1421 MC-2-1422 MC-2-1423 MC-2-1424 MC-2-1425 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Advertising items 5 piece place setting of antique china Wine goblets (5 different) Wood bowls Antique toys Buttons, political or advertising (limit 10) Rulers Glass or china shoes (5”- 7” high) Bells Depression glass Display of old photographs (limit 10) Figurine, animals/birds Figurine, miniatures (3” and under) (limit 10) Fountain pens Shot glasses (limit 10) Match book covers (30-40) Jar of sewing buttons Magnets (limit of 10) Small glass or china baskets Old lunch boxes Old articles, display 87 MC-2-1426 MC-2-1427 MC-2-1428 MC-2-1429 MC-2-1430 MC-2-1431 MC-2-1432 MC-2-1433 MC-2-1434 MC-2-1435 MC-2-1436 MC-2-1437 MC-2-1438 MC-2-1439 MC-2-1440 MC-2-1441 MC-2-1442 MC-2-1443 MC-2-1444 MC-2-1445 MC-2-1446 Old books Old children’s books Old cameras Old handkerchiefs Old kitchen utensils Old medicine bottles Old postcards Napkin rings (limit 12) Fruit jars Antique children’s play dishes (limit 20) Wash boards (3) Pop bottles Salt and pepper shakers (limit 5 sets) Souvenir articles Bullet pencils Tin boxes or cans Belt buckles Antique Christmas ornaments Bureau county fair memorabilia Collection of your choice Any other collection not listed CLASS 3 HANDICRAFTS 1st $3.00 MC-3-1447 MC-3-1448 MC-3-1449 MC-3-1450 MC-3-1451 MC-3-1452 MC-3-1453 2nd $2.00 MC-3-1454 MC-3-1455 MC-3-1456 MC-3-1457 MC-3-1458 Garden decoration Wood, furniture Wood, toy/puzzle Mobile or wind chime Any craft by senior citizen 65 and over MC-3-1459 Any other article not listed MC-3-1460 Any other wood article 3rd $1.00 Ceramic article Christmas ornament Christmas figure Decorative painting on wood Door decoration spring- summer Door decoration fall - winter Jewelry article limit 3 pieces earrings = one pc CLASS 4 HOLIDAY ITEM Handmade article from any material 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 MC-4-1461 Christmas MC-4-1462 Easter MC-4-1463 Fourth of July MC-4-1464 MC-4-1465 MC-4-1466 3rd $1.00 Halloween Thanksgiving Valentine’s Day CLASS 5 WREATHS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 MC-5-1470 Decorated wreath for Spring - summer MC-5-1471 Decorated wreath for fall – winter MC-5-1472 Decorated wreath for Christmas 3rd $1.00 MC-5-1467 Arrangement for spring - summer MC-5-1468 Arrangement for fall - winter MC-5-1469 Arrangement for Christmas CLASS 6 RECYCLING 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 MC-6-1473 Any small useful or decorative object made completely of discarded or used materials, accompanied with a 3 x 5 card listing items reused. CLASS 7 TEENAGE COLLECTIONS AND HANDICRAFT Ages 13-16 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 Handicraft handmade by exhibitor MC-7-1476 Toothpick, popsicle or clothespin creation (not over 12” high) MC-7-1477 Any other handicraft article not listed, entirely handmade by exhibitor Collection Limit 5 MC-7-1474 Any collection by a girl MC-7-1475 Any collection by a boy 88 CLASS 8 CHILDREN’S 12 years and under 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 MC-8-1489 Magnets limit 10 MC-8-1490 Banks MC-8-1491 Kids Movies MC-8-1492 Any collection not listed (girls) MC-8-1493 Any collection not listed (boys) Handicraft handmade by exhibitor MC-8-1494 Lego article (not over 12” high) MC-8-1495 Paper Mache Article MC-8-1496 Christmas Ornament MC-8-1497 Decorated Hat MC-8-1498 Any Holiday Decoration MC-8-1499 Any other handicraft article not listed, entirely handmade by exhibitor Collection limit of 5 unless stated MC-8-1478 Books MC-8-1479 Barbie Dolls MC-8-1480 Matchbox vehicles, limit of 10 MC-8-1481 Baby Dolls MC-8-1482 Shells MC-8-1483 Souvenirs MC-8-1484 Stuffed animals MC-8-1485 Pencils or Pens limit 12 MC-8-1486 Trading cards, limit of 25 MC-8-1487 Rocks MC-8-1488 Silly Bands limit 25 CHAMPIONS MC-99-14100 Best of show Hobbies and Collections MC-99-14101 Best of show Handicrafts MC-99-14102 Best of show Youth Division Robert K. Johnson • Kyle Johnson • Myrene Carper Johnson Agency 135 S. Main Street • Sheffield, Illinois 61361 Phone 815-454-2840 Cell 815-878-5840 or Toll Free 800-454-2716 E-mail: Robert K. Johnson • REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE • AUCTION SERVICES • FARMS • HOMES • CROP INSURANCE 89 Plaque Plaque Plaque Department MD TEXTILE Linda Sittler, Superintendent………………………………. (815) 223-9118 LaSalle, IL Premiums Offered…$1104.00 Entry fee…..$.50 per lot Entry blank and fee payment must be at fair office by MONDAY AUGUST 10 BY 7:00 PM Arrival time for entries: Monday August 24 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Release time: Sunday August 30 AFTER 6:00 PM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. All articles must be hand crafted by the exhibitor, with the exception of the antique/heritage articles Items for hanging to have sleeve attached on back. All articles must be clean and finished. Clothing items must be freshly washed or dry-cleaned. Stained or discolored articles will be disqualified, other than heritage/antique articles. All articles should be made within the last two years except for heritage/antique articles. The following score card will serve as a general guide to exhibitors of needlework in preparing their exhibits and will be followed by the judge in making awards. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board and Fine Arts “Any Other Not Listed” classes must be items where there is no category listed elsewhere. (i.e. a skirt can only be exhibited in the skirt class) Workmanship Suitability of articles to purpose Beauty and originality of design Harmony of color and materials Total 100% 90 40% 20% 20% 20% CLASS 1 QUILTING 1st $8.00 2nd $6.00 MD-1-1509 Miniature, hand quilted (under 25”) Note: intended as a miniature scale of large quilts, under 25” with at least 4 pieced blocks MD-1-1510 Crib, (45 " x 52" or less) MD-1-1511 Any other not listed (projects that are not listed in above categories) 3rd $4.00 Quilts MD-1-1501 Hand Made Quilt (any entry hand pieced & hand quilted) MD-1-1502 Hand Quilted (Machine pieced & hand quilted) MD-1-1503 Machine quilted (an entry that contains machine quilting, may include some hand quilting) MD-1-1504 Appliqué (appliqué predominates over other major techniques in amount or effect). MD-1-1505 Cross stitch/embroidered MD-1-1506 Lap quilt, (63” x 85” or less) MD-1-1507 Preprinted fabric MD-1-1508 Art Quilt, can use any technique, different shape, embellishment, be creative –see rule 2. 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 Quilted wearable articles MD-1-1512 MD-1-1513 MD-1-1514 MD-1-1515 Jacket Vest Child’s garment Any other not listed Other quilted items MD-1-1516 Placemats MD-1-1517 Table runners MD-1-1518 Wall hanging (18" x 36" or less) see rule 2 MD-1-1519 Wall hanging, large, see rule 2 MD-1-1520 Christmas Item CLASS 2 KNITTING AND CROCHET 1st $3.00 Knitting MD-2-1521 MD-2-1522 MD-2-1523 MD-2-1524 MD-2-1525 MD-2-1526 MD-2-1527 MD-2-1528 MD-2-1529 MD-2-1530 MD-2-1531 MD-2-1532 MD-2-1533 MD-2-1534 MD-2-1535 MD-2-1536 MD-2-1537 MD-2-1538 MD-2-1539 MD-2-1540 MD-2-1541 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 1st $3.00 Crochet Afghan (Any - knitted) Bib/bonnet, baby Bootees, baby Doily, large Doily, small (16” or less) Doily, set of three (3) Doll/Animal- stuffed Garment-adult Hat/Beret Lace collar or other accessory Mittens/Gloves Neck Scarf Pillow Placemats (2) Potholders Slippers Sweater - child’s Sweater - child’s/baby Sweater - ladies Sweater – mans Any other knitted article MD-2-1542 MD-2-1543 MD-2-1544 MD-2-1545 MD-2-1546 MD-2-1547 MD-2-1548 MD-2-1549 MD-2-1550 MD-2-1551 MD-2-1552 MD-2-1553 MD-2-1554 MD-2-1555 MD-2-1556 MD-2-1557 MD-2-1558 MD-2-1559 MD-2-1560 MD-2-1561 MD-2-1562 MD-2-1563 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 Afghan (Any – Crocheted) Bib/bonnet, baby Bootees, baby Doily, large Doily, small (16” or less) Doily, set of three (3) Doll/Animal- stuffed Garment-adult Handkerchiefs (3) Hat/Beret Lace collar or other accessory Mittens/Gloves Neck Scarf Pillow Placemats (2) Potholders Slippers Sweater - child’s Sweater - child’s/baby Sweater - ladies Sweater – mans Tablecloth with crocheted trim on textile or solid crochet MD-2-1564 Any other crocheted article 91 CLASS 3 EMBROIDERY 1st $3.00 MD-3-1565 MD-3-1566 MD-3-1567 MD-3-1568 MD-3-1569 MD-3-1570 MD-3-1571 2nd $2.00 MD-3-1572 MD-3-1573 MD-3-1574 MD-3-1575 MD-3-1576 MD-3-1577 MD-3-1578 MD-3-1579 3rd $1.00 Doily Towel Picture, crewel Picture, needlepoint Picture, cross stitch Picture, counted cross stitch Pillow cases (2) Tablecloth or napkins (2) Pillow, crewel Pillow, appliqué Pillow, needlepoint Pillow, cross stitch Pillow, counted cross stitch Any other pillow Any other item not listed CLASS 4 MISCELLANEOUS NEEDLEWORK 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 MD-4-1583 Bobbin lace or Battenberg lace, any article MD-4-1584 Any other lace article not listed MD-4-1585 Needle punch item 3rd $1.00 MD-4-1580 Tatting, doily MD-4-1581 Tatting, trimmed article MD-4-1582 Swedish weaving or Handanger, any article CLASS 5 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 MD-5-1592 MD-5-1593 MD-5-1594 MD-5-1595 Cloth doll, dressed Doll clothes (on doll or teddy bear) Stuffed animal/teddy bear Christmas, wall hanging or tree skirt MD-5-1596 Christmas/holiday: ornaments (4) MD-5-1597 Any other not listed MD-5-1586 Needlework displayed in an embroidery hoop MD-5-1587 Oven mitt MD-5-1588 Placemats (not listed elsewhere) MD-5-1589 Garden windsock, flag or banner MD-5-1590 Covered album, picture/book cover or picture frame MD-5-1591 Rug CLASS 6 GARMENTS 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 MD-6-15106 Child’s, hand decorated sweatshirt (shirt can be purchased) MD-6-15107 Child’s, baby bonnet or bib, or baby shoes MD-6-15108 Child’s, coat/jacket MD-6-15109 Child’s, sportswear MD-6-15110 Child’s, Dress MD-6-15111 Christening dress/suit MD-6-15112 Apron MD-6-15113 Ladies handbag, backpack or shopping bag MD-6-15114 Any other garment not listed 3rd $1.00 MD-6-1598 Ladies, formal/wedding gown MD-6-1599 Ladies/men’s, jacket/coat MD-6-15100 Ladies sleepwear/robe MD-6-15101 Ladies sportswear MD-6-15102 Ladies blouse/shirt MD-6-15103 Ladies hand decorated TShirt/sweatshirt (shirt can be purchased) MD-6-15104 Men’s hand decorated TShirt/sweatshirt (shirt can be purchased) MD-6-15105 Men’s any other item 92 CLASS 7 HERITAGE NEEDLEWORK Does not need to be made by owner Provide name of person who made item and year made if possible Display items with more than one item in a display should be on a mat or tray to help keep the display together as a unit (15134, 15135, and 15136) 1st $5.00 2nd $4.00 MD-7-15127 Dolls clothes MD-7-15128 Article of clothing, adult MD-7-15129 Lace collar (may include matching cuffs) MD-7-15130 Baby bonnet MD-7-15131 Christening dress/suit or other child’s garment MD-7-15132 Purse MD-7-15133 Decorated hat MD-7-15134 Display of antique lace MD-7-15135 Display of needlework equipment MD-7-15136 Display of articles using antique sewing basket MD-7-15137 Textile from around the world MD-7-15138 Any other items not listed 3rd $3.00 MD-7-15115 Quilt/bedspread MD-7-15116 Pillowcases (2) or bed sheet (hand trimmed) MD-7-15117 Tablecloth MD-7-15118 Napkins MD-7-15119 Towels, decorated MD-7-15120 Piano Scarf MD-7-15121 Doily (16" or less) MD-7-15122 Doily (over 16") MD-7-15123 Embroidered doily/table scarf MD-7-15124 Beadwork on fabric MD-7-15125 Grandma’s Buttons (non-garment article using old buttons) MD-7-15126 Doll CHAMPIONS MD-99-15139 Best of Show, Quilt MD-99-15140 Best of Show, Household Needlework MD-99-15141 Best of Show, Clothing MD-99-15142 Best of Show, Antique Needlework MD-99-15143 Award of Merit(s) (Approx. 11) 93 PLAQUE PLAQUE PLAQUE PLAQUE RIBBON Department PMD JUNIOR TEXTILE Linda Sittler................................................................... (815) 223-9118 LaSalle, IL Premiums Offered…$174.00 Entry fee…..$.50 per lot Entry blank and fee payment must be at fair office by MONDAY AUGUST 10 BY 7:00 PM Arrival time for entries: Monday August 24 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Release time: Sunday August 30 AFTER 6:00 PM 1. 2. All Department MD rules apply to this division. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board, State of Illinois Fine Arts and Junior Fine Arts. CLASS 1 (AGES 12 AND UNDER) 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 PMD-1-2801 Afghan or Quilt PMD-1-2802 Picture, any PMD-1-2803 Pillow, any PMD-1-2804 Latch hook item PMD-1-2805 Cross stitch article PMD-1-2806 Needlepoint article PMD-1-2807 Crocheted article PMD-1-2808 Knitted article PMD-1-2809 Stuffed animal PMD-1-2810 Doll clothes PMD-1-2811 Decorated teddy bear (bear may be purchased) PMD-1-2812 Dress or jacket PMD-1-2813 Sport outfit PMD-1-2814 Blouse/shirt PMD-1-2815 Skirt/shorts or slacks PMD-1-2816 Decorated T-shirt or sweatshirt PMD-1-2817 Any other not listed 3rd $1.00 CLASS 2 (AGES 13 TO 18) 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 PMD-2-2824 Dress/formal or jacket/ coat PMD-2-2825 Blouse/shirt PMD-2-2826 Skirt/shorts or slacks PMD-2-2827 Sleepwear or sport outfit (2 pieces) PMD-2-2828 Decorated T-shirt or sweatshirt PMD-2-2829 Any other needlework not listed 3rd $1.00 PMD-2-2818 Afghan or quilt PMD-2-2819 Needlepoint or cross stitch article PMD-2-2820 Knitted or crocheted article PMD-2-2821 Pillow PMD-2-2822 Picture PMD-2-2823 Stuffed animal or doll CHAMPION PMD-99-2830 Best of show ages 12 and under PMD-99-2831 Best of show ages 13 – 18 Plaque Plaque 94 Cubes Ice Cream Member WYANET LOCKER Visit us at Have Your Meat Freshly Cut While You Wait or Call Ahead And We’ll Cut And Freeze Don’t Forget Each Tuesday Is “Senior Citizens’ Day” • 5% Discount (62 Yrs. & Over) 218 Railroad Ave., Wyanet, IL • Ph. 699-2208 • HOURS • Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Delivery available within a 40 mile radius. Check our website for delivery day in your town. 95 Department OA CULINARY PRODUCTS BAKED GOODS Beth Schultz, Superintendent....................................... (815) 646-4734 Princeton, IL Premiums Offered…$594.00 Entry fee…..$.50 per lot Entry blank and fee payment must be at fair office by MONDAY AUGUST 10 BY 7:00 PM Exhibits must be in place by 11:00 am daily. Schedule for shows are as follows Wednesday, August 26 all cakes Thursday, August 27 all bread & rolls Friday, August 28 all pies Saturday, August 29 all candy & cookies 1. 2. 3. 4. To avoid confusion, bring your baked goods on cardboard or paper plates. Enclosed in a zip lock plastic bag or clear plastic wrap. No cake mixes allowed, except where stated. All items will become the property of the Bureau County Fair Board. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board and Fine Arts. CLASS 1 CAKES 1st $5.00 OA-1-1601 OA-1-1602 OA-1-1603 OA-1-1604 OA-1-1605 OA-1-1606 2nd $4.00 OA-1-1607 OA-1-1608 OA-1-1609 OA-1-1610 OA-1-1611 OA-1-1612 3rd $3.00 Angel food, (no icing) Carrot Chocolate, (iced) Commercial cake mix, any (iced) Cupcakes, any (iced) Diabetic, any German chocolate, (iced) Pound, (no icing) Sunshine/sponge, (no icing) White, (iced) Yellow, (iced) Any other, kind must be named CLASS 2 DECORATED CAKES (Commercial cake mixes can be used) 1st $10.00 OA-2-1613 OA-2-1614 2nd $8.00 Birthday Character OA-2-1615 OA-2-1616 OA-2-1617 3rd $6.00 Fair Themed Cake Holiday Novelty Thanks to Red Star Yeast for the prizes for the Bread Class. 96 1st $3.00 OA-3-1618 OA-3-1619 OA-3-1620 OA-3-1621 OA-3-1622 OA-3-1623 OA-3-1624 OA-3-1625 OA-3-1626 2nd $2.00 CLASS 3 BREAD OA-3-1627 Muffins, fruit (1/2 doz.) 3rd $1.00 OA-3-1628 OA-3-1629 OA-3-1630 OA-3-1631 OA-3-1632 OA-3-1633 OA-3-1634 Banana (1 loaf) Bread, using machine, (1 loaf), include recipe Bread, (1 loaf) using Red Star Yeast, winner to receive gift from Red Star Cake doughnuts, (1/2 doz.) Cinnamon rolls (1/2 doz.) Cloverleaf rolls (1/2 doz.) Coffee cake, quick bread Diabetic, any Raised Doughnuts (glazed), (1/2 doz.) OA-3-1635 OA-3-1636 OA-3-1637 OA-3-1638 Muffins, any other (1/2 doz.) Muffins, microwave, any (1/2 doz.) Pecan rolls (1/2 doz.) Rolls, any other Pumpkin (1 loaf) Sour dough, (1 loaf) Swedish tea ring/ coffee cake, decorated (yeast) White (1 loaf) Whole wheat (1 loaf) Zucchini (1 loaf) Any other yeast bread kind must be named CLASS 4 PIES FILLING MUST BE HOMEMADE 1st $5.00 OA-4-1639 OA-4-1640 OA-4-1641 OA-4-1642 OA-4-1643 2nd $4.00 OA-4-1644 OA-4-1645 OA-4-1646 OA-4-1647 3rd $3.00 Apple, (double crust) Apricot, (double crust) Berry, (double crust) Cherry, (double crust) Peach, (double crust) Pecan, (single crust) Raisin, (double crust) Rhubarb (double crust) Any other, than above, (double crust) kind must be named) CLASS 5 CANDIES (at least 10 pieces) 1st $3.00 OA-5-1648 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 OA-5-1649 Caramel corn (zip bag or covered plate) Any Other Candy, kind must be named CLASS 6 COOKIES 1st $3.00 OA-6-1650 OA-6-1651 OA-6-1652 OA-6-1653 OA-6-1654 OA-6-1655 OA-6-1656 OA-6-1657 OA-6-1658 OA-6-1659 OA-6-1660 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 1st $8.00 Chocolate chip (6) Chocolate drop (6) Diabetic (6) Ginger (6) Ice Box (6) Molasses (6) Oatmeal (6) Peanut Butter (6) Sugar (6) Any other, kind must be named (6) Brownies (6) OA-99-1662 Best of Show: Pie OA-99-1663 Best of Show: Cake OA-99-1664 Award of merit(s) OA-6-1661 CHAMPIONS 97 2nd $6.00 3rd $4.00 President’s cookie plate: minimum of 4 kinds of cookies, made from different kinds of batter and dough (rolled, cut, pressed, sliced, dropped, etc.) more than one of each kind may be used to fill each plate properly. There should be a variety of colors. May be decorated as attractively as desired. Winning plate will be presented to the president of the fair Plaque Plaque Ribbon Department POA JUNIOR CULINARY BAKED GOODS Beth Schultz, Superintendent....................................... (815) 646-4734 Princeton, IL Premiums Offered…..$114.00 Entry fee…..$ .50 per lot Entry blank and fee payment must be at fair office by MONDAY AUGUST10 BY 7:00 PM EXHIBITS MUST BE IN PLACE BY 11:00 AM DAILY Schedule for shows is as follows Wednesday, August 26 all cakes Thursday, August 27 all bread & rolls Friday, August 28 all pies Saturday, August 29 all candy & cookies 1. 2. Age of exhibitor must be attached to the article. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board, Fine Arts and Junior Fine Arts. CLASS 1 CAKES 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 POA-1-2903 Devils food, commercial mix can be used POA-1-2904 White, (iced) POA-1-2905 Any other decorated cake 3rd $1.00 POA-1-2901 Child’s birthday, decorated POA-1-2902 Cup Cakes, decorated (6) CLASS 2 BREAD 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 POA-2-2906 Banana (1 loaf) POA-2-2907 Coffee cake, sugar and cinnamon topping POA-2-2908 Muffins, any (6) 3rd $1.00 CLASS 3 CANDIES 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 POA-3-2909 Carmel Corn (zip bag or covered plate) POA-3-2910 Any Candy (10 pieces) CLASS 4 COOKIES 1st $3.00 POA-4-2911 POA-4-2912 POA-4-2913 POA-4-2914 1st $3.00 POA-5-2919 2nd $2.00 POA-4-2915 POA-4-2916 POA-4-2917 POA-4-2918 3rd $1.00 Brownies (6) Chocolate chip (6) Oatmeal (6) Peanut butter (6) 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 Marshmallow Rice Krispies (6) Peanut butter Rice Krispies (6) Sugar (6) Assorted cut out cookies (shaped and iced) CLASS 5 PIES Any two crust pie POA-99-2920 Best of Show, Overall POA-99-2921 Best of Show, Cake CHAMPION 98 Plaque Plaque Department OA2 MEN'S CULINARY PRODUCTS BAKED GOODS Beth Schultz, Superintendent...................................... (815) 646-4734 Princeton, IL Premiums Offered…$102.00 Entry fee…..$ .50 per lot Entry blank and fee payment must be at fair office by MONDAY AUGUST 10 BY 7:00 PM Exhibits must be in place by 11:00 am daily. Schedule for shows are as follows Wednesday, August 26 all cakes Thursday, August 27 all bread & rolls Friday, August 28 all pies Saturday, August 29 all candy & cookies 1. 2. All Department 0A rules apply to this division. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board and Fine Arts. CLASS 1 CAKES 1st $5.00 2nd $4.00 3rd $3.00 OA2-1-1701 Decorated (commercial cake mix can be used) CLASS 2 BREAD 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 OA2-2-1702 Quick bread OA2-2-1703 White, wheat or rye OA2-2-1704 Bread machine loaf with recipe 3rd $1.00 CLASS 3 PIES FILLING MUST BE HOMEMADE OA2-3-1707 Any other (double crust) 1st $5.00 2nd $4.00 3rd $3.00 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 3rd CLASS 4 CANDIES OA2-4-1709 Any other Candy kind must be $1.00 $3.00 2nd $2.00 3rd CLASS 5 COOKIES OA2-5-1712 Assorted plate (4 kinds) $1.00 Kind must be named OA2-3-1705 Apple (double crust) OA2-3-1706 Cherry (double crust) named OA2-4-1708 Caramel Corn (zip bag or covered plate) 1st OA2-5-1713 Any other not listed, kind must be named OA2-5-1710 Chocolate chip (6) OA2-5-1711 Sugar (6) OA2-99-1714 Best of show CHAMPION 99 Plaque Department OB CULINARY CANNED FRUITS, MEATS AND VEGETABLES Marlene Klingenberg, Superintendent.......................... (815) 875-3582 Princeton, IL Mary Jane Dolk, Assistant Superintendent .......................................... Princeton, IL Premiums Offered…$522.00 Entry fee…..$.50 per lot Entry blank and fee payment must be at fair office by MONDAY AUGUST 10 BY 7:00 PM Arrival time for entries: Monday August 24 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Release time: Sunday August 30 AFTER 6:00 PM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All entries must be canned, sealed and processed, in clear regular canning jars with vacuum-seal lids and screw bands. NO ADDED DECORATIONS. Preserves, Jams and Jellies will only be accepted in 8 oz. sealed jelly glasses with vacuum-seal lids and screw bands (no paraffin). No baby food jars accepted. Other entries must be exhibited in pint jars except for meats, pickles, and tomatoes which may be exhibited in either pint or quart jars. All items may be opened by the judge. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board and Fine Arts. CLASS 1 PRESERVES (Whole fruit) 1st $3.00 OB-1-1801 OB-1-1802 2nd $2.00 Apricot Cherry OB-1-1803 OB-1-1804 OB-1-1805 3rd $1.00 Peach Strawberry Any other not listed (label) CLASS 2 JAMS (Crushed or chopped fruit) 1st $3.00 OB-2-1806 OB-2-1807 OB-2-1808 OB-2-1809 2nd $2.00 OB-2-1810 OB-2-1811 OB-2-1812 OB-2-1813 OB-2-1814 3rd $1.00 Apricot Blackberry Peach Raspberry - Black 100 Raspberry - Red Strawberry Any other jam not listed (label) Butter (Fruit pulp – label) Conserve (2 or more fruits - label) CLASS 3 JELLIES (Made from pure fruit only; no additional flavoring or color added) 1st $3.00 OB-3-1815 OB-3-1816 OB-3-1817 OB-3-1818 OB-3-1819 OB-3-1820 OB-3-1821 2nd $2.00 OB-3-1822 OB-3-1823 OB-3-1824 OB-3-1825 OB-3-1826 3rd $1.00 Apple Cherry Crab Apple Elderberry Grape Marmalade (label) Mint (made from fresh mint only) OB-3-1827 Mixed fruit (label) Raspberry - Black Raspberry - Red Strawberry Any other sweetened (sugar) not listed (label) Dietetic Jelly (label) CLASS 4 CANNED FRUITS 1st $3.00 OB-4-1828 OB-4-1829 OB-4-1830 OB-4-1831 OB-4-1832 OB-4-1833 OB-4-1834 2nd $2.00 OB-4-1835 OB-4-1836 OB-4-1837 OB-4-1838 OB-4-1839 OB-4-1840 OB-4-1841 OB-4-1842 3rd $1.00 Applesauce Apricots Cherries – Red sour (pitted) Grapes Grape Juice Peaches Pears Plums Raspberries - Black Raspberries - Red Rhubarb Tomatoes Tomato Juice Any other not listed (label) Pie Filling (label) CLASS 5 CANNED VEGETABLES 1st $3.00 OB-5-1843 OB-5-1844 OB-5-1845 OB-5-1846 OB-5-1847 2nd $2.00 OB-5-1848 OB-5-1849 OB-5-1850 OB-5-1851 OB-5-1852 3rd $1.00 Asparagus Beets Beans - Green Beans - Yellow wax Carrots Corn Peas Greens (label) Vegetable Soup (no meat) Any other not listed (label) CLASS 6 CANNED MEATS AND SOUP 1st $3.00 OB-6-1853 2nd $2.00 OB-6-1854 3rd $1.00 Any Canned Meat (label) (not to be opened) 101 Canned soup (must contain meat) (label) CLASS 7 PICKLES, SAUCES, AND RELISH 1st $3.00 OB-7-1855 OB-7-1856 OB-7-1857 OB-7-1858 OB-7-1859 OB-7-1860 OB-7-1861 OB-7-1862 OB-7-1863 OB-7-1864 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 Beet Pickles Bread & Butter Pickles Cucumber Pickles, sour Cucumber Pickles, sweet Dill Pickles Green Tomato Pickles Mixed Pickles (label) Pickled Peppers Any other Pickle not listed (label) Corn Relish OB-7-1865 OB-7-1866 OB-7-1867 OB-7-1868 OB-7-1869 OB-7-1870 OB-7-1871 OB-7-1872 Cucumber Relish Salsa Chili Sauce Taco Sauce Tomato Ketchup Tomato Sauce (include recipe) Vinegar- flavored (label) may exhibit in fancy pint/quart jar Any other Relish or Sauce not listed (label) CLASS 8 NEW CANNERS (For those who are new at canning and have never entered a canning item in the Bureau County Fair before.) 1st $3.00 OB-8-1873 OB-8-1874 OB-8-1875 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 Jam (label) Jelly (label) Fruit (label) OB-8-1876 OB-8-1877 OB-8-1878 Vegetable (label) Pickles or Relish (label) Any other (label) CLASS 9 COLLECTIONS (4-Jars should be either all pints or all quarts) 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 OB-9-1879 OB-9-1880 OB-9-1881 Jams (4 glasses) Jelly (4 glasses) Fruit (4 jars) 3rd $2.00 OB-9-1882 OB-9-1883 OB-9-1884 CHAMPION Pickles (4 jars) Relishes and Sauces (4 jars) Vegetables (4 jars) OB-99-1839 Prime Exhibitor (Can be awarded to same exhibitor only once in a three-year period.) OB-99-1840 Best New Canner OB-99-1841 10, Award of Merit 102 Plaque Plaque Ribbon Department POB JUNIOR CULINARY CANNED GOODS Marlene Klingenberg, Superintendent ---------------------(815) 875-3582--Princeton, IL Mary Jane Dolk, Asst. Superintendent ---------------------------------------- Princeton, IL Premiums offered…$60.00 Entry fee…..$.50 per lot Entry blank and fee payment must be at fair office by MONDAY AUGUST 10 BY 7:00 PM Arrival time for entries: Monday August 24 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Release time: Sunday August 30 AFTER 6:00 PM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All entries must be canned, sealed, and processed in clear regular canning jars with vacuum-seal lids and screw bands Preserves, Jams and Jellies will only be accepted in 8 oz. sealed jelly glasses with vacuum-seal lids and screw band (no paraffin). No baby food jars accepted. Other entries must be exhibited in pint jars except for meats, pickles, and tomatoes which may be exhibited in either pint or quart jars. All items may be opened by the judge. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board and Fine Arts. CANNED GOODS 1st $3.00 POB-1-3801 POB-1-3802 POB-1-3803 POB-1-3804 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 Applesauce Beans - Green Fruit (label) Jam (one crushed or chopped fruit) (label) POB-1-3805 Jelly (label) POB-99-3811 Best of Show POB-1-3806 POB-1-3807 POB-1-3808 POB-1-3809 POB-1-3810 CHAMPION 103 Preserves (whole fruit) (label) Pickles (label) Vegetable (label) Tomatoes Relish (label) Plaque 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards *O1SJODFUPOt#BDLCPOF3E&BTU .JOVUFTGSPN*t JANESVILLE 1900 Humes Road Hwy 14 and Milton Ave. (608) 752-1881 104 MADISON 3520 E. Washington Ave. Minutes from the Capitol (608) 244-3520 GREEN BAY 2610 S. Oneida Street Close to Lambeau Field (920) 498-8701 DEPARTMENT Q TRACTOR PULL Kyle Cain, Superintendent...………….…………………………………………815-866-7870 Princeton, IL Jason Yakey ………………….……………………………………………………815-979-2406 Shabbona, IL Illini State Pullers Saturday, August 29th 6 pm Premiums Offered $14,000.00 Hook Fee: $20.00 per class 1. 2. 3. 4. The Street Truck Classes are not sanctioned. Illini State Pullers rules and regulations will govern the event 16-18 years of age must have parents sign a waiver. ISP reserves the right to alter or change the rules the day of the event should conditions require. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agriculture Board. 5. Altered Stock Tractors 1st $190 2nd $165 3rd $145 4th $125 5th $100 6th $75 7th $60 8th $50 9th $45 10th $45 Q-1-1900 6000# AS (Altered Stock) NA Tractors 1st $250 Q-1-1901 Q-1-1902 2nd $220 3rd $190 5000# NA Tractor 7000# NA Tractor 4th $160 5th $130 6th $105 7th $80 8th $65 Super Stock Tractors 1st $445 2nd $345 3rd $245 4th $220 5th $190 6th $170 7th $160 8th $150 9th $145 10th $130 Q-1-1903 6000# SS Tractor Pro Farm Tractors 1st $290 2nd $260 3rd $225 4th $190 5th $155 6th $120 7th $90 8th $70 Q-1-1904 11000# Pro Farm Tractor Super Stock 4X4 Trucks 1st $335 2nd $295 3rd $255 4th $220 5th $175 6th $135 7th $100 8th $80 9th $55 10th $50 Q-1-1905 6200# Super Stock 4X4 Trucks 105 No Turbo Farm Stock Tractors 1st $115 Q-1-1906 2nd $95 3rd $80 4th $65 5th $55 6th $50 7th $40 10000# No Turbo Farm Stock Tractor Gas / Diesel Street Stock 4X4 Trucks (Non-Sanctioned) 1st $115 2nd $95 3rd $80 4th $65 5th $55 6th $50 7th $40 Q-1-1907 Q-1-1908 6800# Gas 8000# Diesel Too Hot to Farm Tractors 1st $190 2nd $165 3rd $145 Q-1-1909 12500# 4th $125 5th $100 Too Hot to Farm Tractors 6th $75 7th $60 8th $50 9th $45 10th $45 Single Turbo Farm Stock Tractors (Non-Sanctioned) 1st $160 Q-1-1910 Q-1-1911 2nd $125 3rd $95 4th $70 5th $50 12000# Single Turbo Farm Stock Tractor 14000# Single Turbo Farm Stock Tractor Pro Street Diesel 4X4 Trucks 1st $345 2nd $305 3rd $265 4th $230 5th $185 6th $145 7th $110 8th $90 9th $65 10th $60 Q-1-1912 8000# Pro Street Diesel 4X4 Trucks 106 GAS CO. INC. PROPANE DISTRIBUTORS 11395 TOWNSHIP ROAD 950 NORTH 1-800-322-9159 OR (309) 479-2159 WYOMING, IL 61491-9519 GRAIN DRYERS - AERATION FANS BIN EQUIPMENT BALDOR ELECTRIC MOTORS 107 Professional and Personalized Farm Management Services Bill Naffziger, AFM 16425 2300 N. Ave. Walnut, IL 61376 815/875-4537 815/879-6468 FAX When you need a doctor ... DR. PAUL BONUCCI and staff will care for you at 2128 North Main Street Princeton, IL 1-815-875-CARE(2273) 108 2015 Show Dates October 24 & 25 November 28 & 29 109 110 All entries limited to Illinois exhibitors. Only 2 entries per class per exhibitor. Fall and spring lamb classes will be divided according to the rules of each breed. Registration papers will be checked on show day. Registration papers are required for all purebred livestock. Only first prize winners will be eligible to show in the champion classes. Should question of age or breed arise, the superintendent reserves the right to disqualify the entry. Department M-Bfor-- show. PHOTOGRAPHY All animals must be properly fitted and presentable Pen assignments will be posted. See rules and regulations of the Bureau County Agricultural Board, State of Illinois and Livestock Kathy Costerisan, Superintendent ............................................ (815) 875-2606--Princeton, IL Open Class. Fiocchi-Jensen Funeral Home Will consist of 1Offered ram lamb and 1 ewe Director lamb. -Funeral $927.00 Richard C.Premiums Fiocchi, Jr., Will consist of both sexes being represented. Mixed pair of lambs: Pen of 3 lambs: Breeders flock: Across fromofPrinceton Will consist 4 animals: High 1 ram, School (Any age) & 3 ewes (representing both Exhibitor’s ticket: and lambs.) ........................................ $10.00 (815) 879-3641 •yearlings 208 South Euclid Avenue, Princeton, IL 61356 Entry fee: Per entry.................................. $. 35 Entry blank (page 65) must be at fair office by Monday August 17 by 6:00 pm Arrival time for entries: Monday August 24 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Release time: Sunday August 30 after 6:00 pm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Photo size, maximum 8 x 10 inches. Photo must be securely mounted on mount board or cardboard (white or colored board) with a maximum margin of 2 inches and a minimum margin of 1 inch. Photo’s mounted flush with edge of the mounting board will be disqualified. MAXIMUN MOUNTING BOARD SIZE: 10X 12. Framed photos will be disqualified. Foam core mounting board is discouraged. * Antique photo may be in a frame, but must be smaller than 11x14 overall and wired securely for hanging. You may use a mat around your photo, but it must be fastened securely so it does not come loose in warm weather. Photos which haven’t won a ribbon may be shown again. Advanced photographers are those who have more experience and shouldn’t be competing against amateurs. Advanced photographers are not eligible to compete in the amateur classes after they have moved up to advanced. Once a photographer has won the amateur Best of Show award twice, they are required to move up to advanced. 42 Best of Show awards can be won once every three years. Exhibitors may enter only one entry per class and the same entry cannot be shown in different categories / (exp: the same print cannot be entered in black and white, color prints and slides.) Champion photographer award - presented to the photographer with the highest points (5 points - first; 3 • Health Savings Accounts points - second; 1 point - third) from all ribbons received. (Old photo class winners not counted toward champion photographer points.) Prints may be made from digital images or negatives. Recommendation for digital prints-if you are printing yourself use photo quality paper: glossy or satin work best. See Rules and Regulations of the Bureau County Fair Board (page 12) and Fine Arts (page 15). Slides – one class for both amateur & advanced. 111 Fresh Baked McCafe Muffins Your choice of Blueberry Double Chocolate Cranberry Orange 2139 N. Main St Princeton “I want a bank that HEARS ME not tunes me out.” Keeping Community in Banking! t Princeton t Peru t Oglesby t Henry t Spring Valley Visit us for FREE Checking and FREE Gifts! BCFair_2015_Community_HearMe_halfpg.indd 1 4/10/2015 10:12:32 AM 112