Violin - Hans Weisshaar
Violin - Hans Weisshaar
Violin VIOLIN RESTORA- At the VIOLINMAKING SCHOOL MITTENWALD R ESTOR AT I O N A COURSE FOR VIOLIN MAKERS Obermarkt, Mittenwald INFORMATION AND COURSE APPLICATION Hans Weisshaar 627 North Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles CA 90004 USA tel 1-323-466-6293 fax 1-323-466-6733 Hans Weisshaar Musical Instruments GmbH Spielhagenstr. 3 10585 Berlin Germany tel 49-(0)30-342-4159 fax 49-(0)30-347-08359 22. April – 26. April 2014 in Mittenwald, Germany Makers, Restorers and Dealers of Rare Violins, Violas, Cellos and Bows Violin Restoration FOR THE PROFESSIONAL VIOLIN MAKER Georg Eittinger Violin Maker & Restorer A Course for Violin Makers • Course taught by Georg Eittinger, President of Hans Weisshaar Luthier Georg Eittinger is noted by his peers for his unique talent in the restoration and conservation of rare antique violins, violas, and cellos. He held this restoration course in previous years in Cremona and Mittenwald. The Hans Weisshaar firm, a leader in violin restoration, is offering a hands-on restoration course for violin makers. Georg Eittinger conducts the workshop, using selected chapters from Violin Restoration, A Manual for Violin Makers. Expand Your Knowledge To Preserve The Instrument Violin Restoration A Manual For Violin Makers Violin Restoration, a book by Hans Weisshaar and Margaret Shipman originally published in 1988, set the standards for modern-day restoration of fine stringed instruments. It continues to be the most widely-used workshop manual for set-up, repair, and more advanced restoration. Using the Weisshaar manual as a guide, course participants will explore violin restoration, stepby-step. Specific chapters of Violin Restoration will provide an in-depth examination of various restoration techniques. • Course dates are Tuesday, 22. April – Saturday, 26. April 2014. • Course is conducted at the State Violinmaking School in Mittenwald. • Enrollment is limited and by application only. Prior experience in violin making is essential. Course applications are available from Hans Weisshaar or from the company’s website at • Course applications must be received at Hans Weisshaar by 6. March 2014. Participants will be notified by telephone or email, and a list of required materials and tools needed will be provided. • Course is conducted in English; translation into German language will be provided at no extra cost. • Tuition for the 5-day course is 690 Euro. Course materials, tools, meals, and accommodations are not included. • Accommodation is available through the tourist office in Mittenwald. • Copies of Violin Restoration, A Manual for Violin Makers will be available for sale during the course. Makers,Restorers Restorersand andDealers DealersofofRare RareViolins, Violins,Violas, Violas,Cellos Cellosand andBows Bows Makers, A native of Ingolstadt on the Danube River close to Munich, Germany, he graduated from the German College of Violin Making, located in Mittenwald. He holds the German Master Craftsman Certificate (Geigenbaumeister). Throughout his professional career in Germany, United Kingdom and the United States, he has concentrated on the restoration of fine bowed instruments. Mr. Eittinger has worked for more than two decades in the craft of violin making and has held senior positions in the restoration departments of Peter Benedek Geigenbau, Munich, Edward Withers, London, and Morris & Smith, London. Before acquiring the Hans Weisshaar firm in Los Angeles in 2004, for which he worked in the early 1990s, Mr. Eittinger spent six years with the firm of J & A Beare. Mr. Eittinger has trained many restorers in advanced instrument restoration. He lectures to violin making students, musicians, and music organizations about the art of violin making and restoration and the stringed instrument trade and expertise. He is a participating member of the German Violin Making Federation (Verband Deutscher Geigenbauer und Bogenmacher), and other violin trade organizations.