Faculty of Medicine - The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Faculty of Medicine - The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit <P120659> GRAHAM C A; CHAN Siu Wa Stewart; AHMAD I and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Elevated Blood Pressure in Emergency Department Patients in Hong Kong: Prevalence, Characteristics and Disposition". Annals of Emergency Medicine American College of Emergency Physicians Research Forum. vol.60 no.4S, pp.S142-143. 2012.10. <P120953> RAINER Timothy Hudson; YEUNG Hiu Hung; POON Wai Sang; HO H F; KAM C W; CHANG A; SO F L and GRAHAM C A. "Early Predictors of Good Health-related Quality of Life (HRQOL) in Patients with Moderate and Severe Trauma: A 12-Month Prospective Cohort Study in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the Trauma 2012 Resuscitation to Rehabilitation, p.36. 2012.10. <P121355> CHAN Siu Wa Stewart; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Validity of the Canadian Emergency Department Triage Acuity Scale Respiratory Rate and Pulse Rate Reference Ranges When Applied to a Chinese Population". Annals of Emergency Medicine American College of Emergency Physicians Research Forum. vol.60 no.4S, pp.S136-137. 2012.10. <P121364> RAINER Timothy Hudson; YEUNG Hiu Hung; CHEUNG Siu King; CHEUNG Koon Ho and GRAHAM C A. "Early Predictors of Good Health-related Quality of Life (HRQOL) in Patients with Moderate and Severe Trauma: A 12-month Prospective Cohort Study in Hong Kong". Academic Emergency Medicine vol.19 no.6, pp.730. 2012. <P121594> GRAHAM C A. "Unity Leads to Progress". European Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.19 no.6, pp.345. 2012.12. <P121912> RAINER Timothy Hudson; CHAN Siu Wa Stewart; TSE Man Mandy; CHAN Pui Yee Cangel and GRAHAM C A. "Cardiovascular Indices Measured by a Noninvasive Doppler Ultrasonography Cardiac Output monitor in Patients With Stage 2 Hypertension". Annals of Emergency Medicine American College of Emergency Physicians Research Forum. vol.60 no.4S, pp.S141. 2012.10. <P122965> RAINER Timothy Hudson; SOLLICH P; PIOTROWSKI T; COOLEN A C C; CHENG B and GRAHAM C A. "Evaluating Acute Medical Admissions Through Emergency Departments in Hong Kong: Can One Adjust for Case-mix Variation?". Emergency Medicine Journal vol.29 no.12, pp.978-982. 2012.12. <P123014> WAI Ka Chung. "Book Review - Tintinalli’s emergency medicine: a comprehensive study guide 7th ed.". European Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.19 no.6 411 pgs. 2012.12. <P123033> GRAHAM C A. "Evidence Based Transfer Medicine". Inter-facility and Critical Care Transport Medicine Core Manual 3 ed. pp.229-235. 2012. Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit <P123189> CATTERMOLE Giles Nicholas; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Validation of the Chinese Age Weight Rules and the Mid-arm Circumference Method to Estimate Children's Weight". Academic Emergency Medicine vol.19 no.6, pp.772-773. 2012. <P123227> YEUNG Hiu Hung; CHEUNG Nai Kwong; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Improving Clinical Outcomes Through a Trauma System". Paper presented in the Trauma 2012 Resuscitation to Rehabilitation, p.30. 2012.10. <P124396> COCKS Robert A; HUNG Kei Ching Kevin and GRAHAM C A. "Editorial – In-flight Medical Emergencies: Ethical and Clinical Challenges". European Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.19 no.4 pp.207. 2012.08. <P125233> CHAN Y S Dexter and ONG Yin Sheng. "Anton's Syndrome Presenting as Vertigo". Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.19 no.5, pp.357-360. 2012.09. <P125547> LEE Ryan K L; GRAHAM C A; YEUNG Hiu Hung; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Occult pneumothoraces in Chinese patients with significant blunt chest trauma: Radiological classification and proposed clinical significance". Injury vol.43 no.12, pp.2105-2108. 2012.12. <P125637> YEUNG Hiu Hung; TONG Terrence M C; CHEUNG Nai Kwong and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Industrial-related Injuries in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the Trauma 2012 Resuscitation to Rehabilitation, p.42. 2012.10. <P125656> CHAN Pui Yee Cangel; JIANG Hui Lin; LEUNG Ling Yan; WAN Wai Man; CHENG Nga Man; IP Wai Sze; CHEUNG Kwan Yee; CHAN Wing Yan, Rebecca; WONG Ka Sing Lawrence; RENNEBERG Reinhard; Atherosclerosis-related GRAHAM Biomarkers C A Associated and with RAINER Short- and Timothy Hudson. "Multiple long-term Mortality after Stroke". Clinical Biochemistry vol.45 no.16-17, pp.1308-1315. 2012.11. <P125886> WAI Ka Chung. "Book Review - Prehospital Trauma Life Support: 7th ed". European Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.19 no.6 412 pgs. 2012. <P126714> RAINER Timothy Hudson; YEUNG Hiu Hung; POON Wai Sang; HO H F; KAM C W; CHANG A; SO F L and GRAHAM C A. "Predicting Probability of Return to Work after Moderate and Major Trauma in Hong Kong: A Preliminary, Prospective, Multicentre, Cohort Study". Paper presented in the Trauma 2012 Resuscitation to Rehabilitation, p.35-36. 2012.10. Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit <P127148> GRAHAM C A; RAINER Timothy Hudson; YEUNG Hiu Hung and POON Wai Sang. "Early Predictors of Good Health-related Quality of Life in Patients With Moderate and Severe Trauma: A 12-month Prospective Cohort Study in Hong Kong". Annals of Emergency Medicine American College of Emergency Physicians Research Forum. vol.60 no.4S, pp.S152. 2012.10. <P127323> GRAHAM C A; RAINER Timothy Hudson; YEUNG Hiu Hung and POON Wai Sang. "Predicting Probability of Return to Work After Moderate and Major Trauma in Hong Kong: A Preliminary, Prospective, Multicenter, Cohort Study". Annals of Emergency Medicine American College of Emergency Physicians Research Forum. vol.60 no.4S, pp.S116-117. 2012.10. <P127890> CONSIDINE Julie; SHABAN Ramon Z.; FITZGERALD Gerard J.; THOMAS Shane and GRAHAM C A. "Triage and ATS: Collateral Damage in the Quest to Improve ED Performance". Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal vol.15 pp.185-187. 2012. <P128078> YEUNG Hiu Hung; CHEUNG Nai Kwong; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Fast Tract CT Scan: A Step Forward in Trauma Resuscitation". Paper presented in the Trauma 2012 Resuscitation to Rehabilitation, p.20. 2012.10. <P128627> GRAHAM C A. "Book Review: Challenging and Emerging Conditions in Emergency Medicine". European Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.19 344 pgs. 2012. <P128736> KUO, Yong Hong; LEUNG J.M.Y. and GRAHAM C A. "Simulation with Data Scarcity: Developing a Simulation Model of a Hospital Emergency Department". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference, organized by ASA, ACM/SIGSIM, IEEE/SMC, IIE, Informs-SIM, NIST, SCS, ASIM, 12 pgs. Berlin, Germany, 2012.12.09. <P128754> HUNG Kei Ching Kevin. "Retention of Rural Health Workforce and Building-up of a Supportive Working Condition". Paper presented in the International Symposium for Rural Health Human Resources Development in Asia-Pacific Region 2012 Meishan, 2012.09. <P128838> PHILLIPS R.a.; SMITH B.e.; WEST M.j.; RAINER Timothy Hudson; BRIERLEY J; HARRIS T; HE S; BURSTOW D.j. and FRASER J.f.. "New noninvasive haemodynamic nomograms to simplify hypertensive management in neonates, children and adults". Hypertension Sydney 2012 2012.10. <P129665> YEUNG Hiu Hung; CHEUNG Nai Kwong; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Work-related Injuries Presenting to A Regional Trauma Centre - A Ten-year Experience". Paper presented in the Trauma 2012 Resuscitation to Rehabilitation, p.25-26. 2012.10. Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit <P129799> GRAHAM C A; CHAN Pui Yee Cangel; WONG L K and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Multiple Inflammatory Biomarkers in Predicting Short-term and Long-term Mortality After Stroke". Annals of Emergency Medicine American College of Emergency Physicians Research Forum. vol.60 no.4S, pp.S15. 2012.10. <P130029> HUNG Kei Ching Kevin; LAM Eva C C; CHAN Ying Yang Emily and GRAHAM C A. "Disease Pattern and Chronic Illness in Rural China: The Hong Kong Red Cross Basic Health Clinic after 2008 Sichuan Earthquake". Emergency Medicine Australasia vol.25 no.3, pp.252–259. 2013.06. <P130479> KWOK Wo Oi; TORI Christopher D. and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "New Roles for Psychologists in Medical Settings: Direct Services in a Hong Kong Accident and Emergency Department". Open Journal of Medical Psychology vol.2 no.2, pp.69-76. 2013.04. <P130589> COATS Timothy J and GRAHAM C A. "The revised Clinical Trials Directive – a threat to emergency care research in Europe?". European Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.20 no.3, pp.149-150. 2013.06. <P132257> CHAN Stewart S. W.; AGARWAL Nandini; TSE Mandy M.; CHAN Cangel P. Y.; LI Yan Ling; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Feasibility of assessing and Managing Hemodynamic Derangements in Patients with Stage 2 Hypertension Presenting to an Emergency Department". Paper presented in the The 4th Hong Kong-Shenzhen Emergency Medicine Conference, 48 pgs. 2013.04. <P132543> CHAN Siu Wa Stewart; CATTERMOLE Giles Nicholas; LEUNG M P Y; HO G Y L; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Children's Discomfort during Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitoring by Suprasternal Ultrasonographic Transducer". Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.20 no.1, pp.3-8. 2013.01. <P134463> GRAHAM C A. "Publishing in the Emergency Medicine Literature: The Editor's Perspective". Paper presented in the NTUH International Convention Center, p.1. 2013.06. <P135242> RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Practical Prehospital Care: the Principles and Practice of Immediate Care". European Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.20 no.2 147-148 pgs. 2013.04. <P135491> CHAN S S; HO A M T; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Triage Nurses' Perception Versus Patients' Self Reported Pain Intensity". Paper presented in the The 4th Hong Kong-Shenzhen Emergency Medicine Conference, 48 pgs. 2013.04. Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit <P135574> GRAHAM C A. "A new year, a new beginning". European Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.20 no.1, pp.1. 2013.02. <P135597> RADO Omar; LUPIA Benedetta; LEUNG J.M.Y.; KUO, Yong Hong and GRAHAM C A. "Using Simulation to Analyze Patient Flows in a Hospital Emergency Department in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Care Systems Engineering 2013, organized by Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Meccanica , 12 pgs. Milan, Italy, 2013.05.24. <P135718> CHAN Siu Wa Stewart; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Access Block Lessons Learnt Regarding Prevalence, Associating Factors, Impact, and Solution. A Review.". Paper presented in the The 4th Hong Kong-Shenzhen Emergency Medicine Conference, 47 pgs. 2013.04. <P135837> GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Utility of S100B in Head Injury Care". Annals of Emergency Medicine vol.61 no.1, pp.120-121. 2013.01. <P136197> CHAN Pui Yee Cangel; MAK Wing Cheung; CHEUNG Kwan Yee; SIN King Keung; YU Cheuk Man; RAINER Timothy Hudson and RENNEBERG Reinhard. "Evidence-Based Point-of-Care Diagnostics: Current Status and Emerging Technologies". Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry vol.6 1 pp.191-211. 2013.06.12. <P136700> LUK E. Luke and GRAHAM C A. "Musculoskeletal trauma: a guide to assessment and diagnosis". European Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.20 no.1 68 pgs. 2013.02. <P136771> GRAHAM C A. "Carpe Diem". European Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.20 no.2, pp.71. 2013.04. <P136936> CHEUNG Pui Ling; CHAN Pui Yee Cangel; TSE Man Mandy; AGARWAL Nandini; NARAIN Sangeeta Harinarain; CHAN Siu Wa Stewart; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Influence of Patient Positions on Non-invasive Haemodynamic Measurement". Paper presented in the The 4th Hong Kong-Shenzhen Emergency Medicine Conference, p.49. 2013.04. <P137058> HUNG Kei Ching Kevin; COCKS Robert Anthony; POON Wai Kwong; CHAN Ying Yang Emily; RAINER Timothy Hudson and GRAHAM C A. "Medical Volunteers in Commercial Flight Medical Diversions". Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine vol.84 no.5, pp.491–497. 2013.05. <P138178> HO Grace Y L; CATTERMOLE Giles Nicholas; CHAN Siu Wa Stewart; SMITH Brendan E; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Noninvasive Transcutaneous Doppler Ultrasound–Derived Hemodynamic Reference Ranges in Chinese Adolescents". Pediatric Critical Care Medicine vol.14 no.5, pp.e225–e232. 2013.06. Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit <P139657> MA Shuk Ting Christine; YEUNG A. C.; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul and GRAHAM C A. "Transvaginal Ultrasound Probe Contamination by the Human Papillomavirus in the Emergency Department". Emergency Medicine Journal vol.30 no.6, pp.472-475. 2013.06. See Also<P122350 >, <P122938 >, <P125114 >, <P125138 >, <P126860 >, <P128486 >, <P129869 >, <P131046 >, <P132394 >, <P133546 >, <P133653 >, <P139796 > Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care <P116740> CHAN Matthew Tak Vai and KAN Kwok Yee. "Blood Loss During Spine Surgery". Essentials of Neurosurgical Anesthesia and Critical Care: Strategies for Prevention, Early Detection, and Successful Management of Perioperative Complications ed. by Brambrink A, Kirsch JR. 289-298. Springer, 2012. <P120526> LEE Wee Yee Shara; KHAW Kim Sun; NGAN KEE Warwick Dean; LEUNG Tak Yeung and CRITCHLEY Lester Augustus Hall. "Haemodynamic Effects from Aortocaval Compression at Different Angles of Lateral Tilt in Non-labouring Term Pregnant Women". British Journal of Anaesthesia vol.109 no.6, pp.950-956. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press Inc., 2012.12. <P120798> CHAN Matthew Tak Vai. "Perioperative Stroke: Tip of the Iceberg?". Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2012 Hong Kong ed. by The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists & The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong. p.52. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11. <P121437> KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar; LI X; KWOK Wing Hong; HO Ming Hei Anthony and NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "Sonoanatomy Relevant for Ultrasound-Guided Central Neuraxial Blocks via The Paramedian Approach in The Lumbar Region". The British Journal of Radiology vol.85 no.1015, pp.e262-e269. The British Institute of Radiology, 2012.07. <P121796> ZHU Fang; LEE Anna and CHEE Yee Eot. "Fast-Track Cardiac Care for Adult Cardiac Surgical Patients (Review)". The Cochrane Collaboration The Cochrane Library. Issue 10. 73 pgs. United States of America: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2012.10. <P122324> KHAW Kim Sun and NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "Extending Epidural Analgesia for Cesarean Section". Obstetric Anesthesia and Analgesia. Practical Issues ed. by Sia AT, Chan YK, Gatt SP. 1st ed. p.134-145. Singapore: Red Cells Series, 2012. <P122350> GOMERSALL Charles David; JOYNT Gavin Matthew; CHENG C; YAP Hiu Yi Florence; LAM Koon Ngai; LAM Kar Yee Katherine; TORRANCE John; RAMSAY Sarah Jane; BOOTS Rob; GRAHAM C A; FREEBAIRN Ross Callum; IYER Shivakumar Sankaranarayan; HOLLEY Anthony and UDY Andrew. Basic assessment and support of Ctitically ill patients. ed. by Dept of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong, 2012.11. <P122938> HO Ming Hei Anthony; DION P W; YEUNG Hiu Hung; JOYNT Gavin Matthew; LEE Anna; NG Sze Hang Calvin; CHANG A; SO F L and CHEUNG C W. "Simulation of Survivorship Bias in Observational Studies on Plasma to Red Blood Cell Ratios in Massive Transfusion for Trauma". British Journal of Surgery vol.99 no.suppl 1, pp.132-139. 2012. Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care <P123039> CHOI Yuk Sang Gordon; JOYNT Gavin Matthew and GOMERSALL Charles David. "Assessing Renal Dysfunction in Septic Patients. Sepsis Management". Springer Jordi Rello, Jeffrey Lipman, Thiago Lisboa pp.73-90. Heidelberg, Berlin, 2012. <P123933> HUANG, Li and CRITCHLEY Lester Augustus Hall. "The Effect of the Patient’s Age on the Quality of Supra-sternal Doppler Measurements Performed During Anaesthesia.". Paper presented in the Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine, organized by EBPOM.org, 1 pgs. London, United Kingdom, 2012.07.02. <P124449> SHETH T; BUTLER C; CHOW B; CHAN Matthew Tak Vai; MITHA A; NAGELE P; TANDON V; STEWART L; GRAHAM M; CHOI Yuk Sang Gordon; KISTEN T; WOODWARD P K; CREAN A; ABDUL AZIZ Y F; KARTHIKEYAN G; CHOW C K; SZCZEKLIK W; MARKOBRADA M; MASTRACCI T and DEVEREAUX P J. "The Coronary CT Angiography Vision Protocol: A Prospective Observational Imaging Cohort Study in Patients Undergoing Non-Cardiac Surgery". BMJ Open for the CTA VISION Investigators. vol.2 no.4, pp.e001474. 2012.08.02. <P125114> ROTHERAY Kathleen Rebecca; CHEUNG Shui Yee Phoebe; CHEUNG Shek Kei; WAI Ka Chung; CHAN D Y S; RAINER Timothy Hudson and GRAHAM C A. "What is the Relationship between the Glasgow Coma Scale and Airway Protective Reflexes in the Chinese Population?". Resuscitation vol.83 no.1, pp.86-89. 2012. <P125368> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "Dose Response Evaluation and Drug Interactions of Spinal and Epidural Drugs - Concepts and Implications". Updates in Anaesthesia Conference Bunker Bay, WA, Australia: Australian Society of Anaesthetists, 2012.10.13. <P125472> KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "Peri-Operative Analgesic Techniques (Including USG Neuraxial & Paravertebral Blocks) for Thoracic Procedures in Neonates and Young Infants". Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2012 Hong Kong ed. by The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists & The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong. p.15. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.24. <P125900> KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar; LI, Jiawei; LI Xiang and HADZIC Admir. "Volumetric Three-Dimensional Ultrasound Imaging of the Anatomy Relevant for Thoracic Paravertebral Block". Anesth Analg vol.115 no.5, pp.1246-1250. United States of America, 2012.11. <P126621> CRITCHLEY Lester Augustus Hall and HUANG, Li. "Study to Measure Repeatability of Supra-Sternal Doppler in Anaesthetized Patients". Paper presented in the 11th EBPOM: Congress in Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine with The Great World Fluid Debate, organized by Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine Organization, 1 pgs. London, United Kingdom, 2012.07.05. Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care <P126636> LAM Kar Yee Katherine. "Facts and Myths about Bariatric Anaesthesia - Sharing of Local Experience". Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2012 Hong Kong ed. by The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists & The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong. p.62. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11. <P126652> KHAW Kim Sun. "Controversy of Tranexamic Acid & Recombinant Factor Vlla in Management of Postpartum Haemorrhage". Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2012 Hong Kong ed. by The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists & The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong. pp.48-49. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.25. <P126770> CHAN Diana; YAP Hiu Yi Florence; HO Kwok Ming; LEE Anna and JOYNT Gavin Matthew. "Outcome and factors associated with mortality in patients admitted to ICU following cardiac arrest". Critical Care and Shock vol.15 no.2, pp.21-29. 2012.07. <P126967> CHAN Matthew Tak Vai; WANG, Qinzhou; LIU Hongen and LIU Quanmeng. "Growth Hormone and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 for Spinal Cord Injury: A Porcine Study". Anesthesiology A1202. 2012. <P127052> DION Peter and HO Ming Hei Anthony. "A New Interative Method to Calculate π". Australian Senior Mathematics Journal vol.26 no.1, pp.41-49. Australia, 2012.07. <P127079> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "Vasopressors during Spinal Anaesthesia for Caesarean Section". Updates in Anaesthesia Conference Bunder Bay, WA, Australia: Australian Society of Anaesthetists, 2012.10.13. <P127181> KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar; CRITCHLEY Lester Augustus Hall; JIN Yan; YUNG Lik Kin Alex and LEUNG Yiu Cho Joseph. "The Mobile Revolution: Are Teachers Missing Out ?". Paper presented in the Teaching & Learning Innovation Expo, organized by CLEAR, CUHK, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2012.11. <P127351> DEVEREAUX P J; CHAN Matthew Tak Vai and ALONSO-COELLO P. "Troponin Levels and Mortality After Noncardiac Surgery Reply". JAMA on behalf of the Vascular Events in Noncardiac Surgery Patients Cohort Evaluation (VISION) Study Investigators vol.308 p.1205. United States of America, 2012.09.26. <P127858> LEE Anna; CHAN Simon Kin Cheong; SAMY Winnie and GIN Tony. "Effect of Vitamin D Inadequacy on Acute Pain Management". Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2012 Hong Kong ed. by The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists & The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong. p.37. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11. Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care <P128045> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean and KHAW Kim Sun. "General Anesthesia for Cesarean Section in the Normal Parturient". Obstetric Anesthesia and Analgesia. Practical Issues ed. by Sia AT, Chan YK, Gatt SP. 1st ed. p.172-185. Singapore: Red Cells Series, 2012. <P129064> LEE Anna; GARNER Alan A and WEATHERALL Andrew. "Physician Staffed Helicopter Emergency Medical Service Dispatch via Centralised Control or Directly by Crew - Case Identification Rates and Effect on the Sydney Paediatric Trauma System". Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine vol.20 no.82, 6 pgs. United Kingdom, 2012.12. <P129078> GANDHI Kishor; BARATTA Jaime; BEAM Michele; MELE Michele; LI Jiawei and KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "Objective Quantification of Ultrasound Image Quality in Adult Obese and Non-Obese". Paper presented in the American Society of Anesthesilogists Annual Meeting, organized by American Society of Anesthesiogists, A1211, p.157. United States of America, 2012.10. <P129195> CHAN Matthew Tak Vai; WANG, Qinzhou; LIU Quanmeng; LIU Hongen and NI W. "Optimal Stimulation Protocols for Transcranial Electrical Motor Evoked Potentials: A Porcine Study". Anesthesiology A1187. 2012.09. <P129504> HO Ming Hei Anthony. "Anaesthetic Conditioning for Organ Protection". Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2012 Hong Kong ed. by The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists and The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong. p.26. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.24. <P129683> HO Ming Hei Anthony. "Anaesthesia for Congenital Tracheoesophageal Fistula". Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2012 Hong Kong ed. by The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists & The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong. p.15. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.24. <P129869> GOMERSALL Charles David; JOYNT Gavin Matthew; CHU Ming Chi; DERRICK James Lachlan; LI Sing Tao Thomas; LAM Kar Yee Katherine; YAP Hiu Yi Florence; CHENG C; LAM Koon Ngai; HO Ming Hei Anthony; CHOI Yuk Sang Gordon; RAMSAY Sarah Jane; GRAHAM C A; LEONARD Richard and FREEBAIRN Ross Callum. Very BASIC. Basic assessment and support of Ctitically ill patients for medical students and interns. ed. by Dept. Of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong, 2012. <P130000> GIN Tony; CHEN Yan; LIU Xiaodong; CHENG C and CHAN Matthew Tak Vai. "DNA damage and wound infection after use of nitrous oxide in anaesthesia for major surgery". Paper presented in the Euroanaesthesia 2013, organized by European Society of Anaesthesiology, 1 pgs. Barcelona, Spain, 2013.06. Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care <P130789> KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar and KWOK Wing Hong. "Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia". A Practice of Anesthesia for Infants and Children ed. by Charles J. Cote, Jerrold Lerman, Brain J Anderson. 5 ed. Chapter 42, pp880-908. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2013.02. <P130813> KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "Spinal Sonography and Its Applications for Central Neuraxial Blocks". Irish Congress of Anaesthesia Annual Meeting 2013 ed. by College of Anaesthetists of Ireland. p.21. Ireland, 2013.05. <P130985> KWOK Wing Hong; WONG Man Kin; HO Ming Hei Anthony; CRITCHLEY Lester Augustus Hall and KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "Left Mainstem Bronchial Tear Manifesting as Sudden Upsurge in End-Tidal CO2 During Thoracoscopic Tracheoespophageal Fistula Repair". Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia vol.27 no.3, pp.539-541. United States of America, 2013.06. <P131013> YU, Cheuk Yin Jandy; LEE Wee Yee Shara; JIANG Peiyong; LEUNG Tak Yeung; CHAN Kwan Chee; CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "High Resolution Profiling of Fetal DNA Clearance from Maternal Plasma". Paper presented in the Joint Conference of HGM 2013 and 21st International Congress of Genetics: Genetics & Genomics of Global Health and Sustainability, organized by Human Genome Organisation, p.240. Singapore, 2013.04.13. <P131267> KWOK Wing Hong; KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar; LI Jiawei and PANGTHIPAMPAI Pawinee. "Preliminary Experience with Fusion Imaging Combining Real-time Ultrasound and CT for Spinal Sonography". Paper presented in the International Symposium on Spine and Paravertebral Sonography for Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine 2013, organized by Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, pp. 138-141. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P131616> GIN Tony; LEE Anna; CHIU Ching Pik Candy; CHUI Po Tong and SAMY Winnie. "Active Smokers and Passive Exsmokers Have Increased Risks of Postoperative Morbidity After Major Elective Surgery: A Prospective Cohort Study". Paper presented in the Euroanaesthesia 2013, The European Anaesthesiology Congress, organized by European Society of Anaesthesiology, 1 pgs. Barcelona, Spain, 2013.06. <P131972> DULHUNTY Joel M.; ROBERTS Jason A.; DAVIS Joshua S.; WEBB Steven A. R.; BELLOMO Rinaldo; GOMERSALL Charles David; SHIRWADKAR Charudatt; EASTWOOD Glenn M.; MYBURGH John; PATERSON David L. and LIPMAN Jeffrey. "Continuous Infusion of Beta-Lactam Antibiotics in Severe Sepsis: A Multicenter Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial". Clinical Infectious Diseases vol.56 no.2, pp.236-244. United States of America, 2013.01.15. Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care <P132162> HUANG, Li and CRITCHLEY Lester Augustus Hall. "Comparison of USCOM and CardioQ Doppler cardiac output in high risk surgery patients". Paper presented in the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists 2013 Annual Scientific Meeting (ANZCA 2013 ASM), organized by Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, 2 pgs. Melbourne, Australia, 2013.05.04. <P132219> LEE Anna; CHAN Simon Kin Cheong and GIN Tony. "Opioid Requirements and Responses in Asians". Culture, Brain & Analgesia Understanding and Managing Pain in Diverse Pupulations ed. by Mario Incayawar, Knox Todd. 1 ed. pp.334-348. United States of America: Oxford University Press, 2013.01. <P132575> PANGTHIPAMPAI Pawinee; LI Jiawei; KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar and KWOK Wing Hong. "Anatomy Relevant for Ultrasound Guided Upper Extremity Nerve Blocks". Paper presented in the International Symposium on Spine and Paravertebral Sonography for Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine 2013, organized by Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, pp. 20-40. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P132599> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean; KHAW Kim Sun; NG Fung and LEE Anna. "Determination and Quantification of the Interaction of Local Anaesthetics and Lipophilic Opioids Administered Intrathecally for Labour Analgesia". Paper presented in the Annual Meeting Obstetric Anaesthesia 2013, organized by Obstetric Anaesthetists' Association, 1 pgs. Bournemount, United States of America, 2013.05. <P133094> PANGTHIPAMPAI Pawinee; LI Jiawei; KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar and KWOK Wing Hong. "Anatomy Relevent for Ultrasound Guided Lower Extremity Nerve Blocks". Paper presented in the International Symposium on Spine and Paravertebral Sonography for Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine 2013, organized by Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, pp. 41-64. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P133097> GIN Tony; LEE Anna; CHIU Ching Pik Candy; CHUI Po Tong and SAMY Winnie. "Active Smokers and Passive Exsmokers Have Increased Risks of Postoperative Morbidity After Major Elective Surgery: A Prospective Cohort Study". 17AP1-9 European Journal of Anaesthesiology vol.30 p.236. United States of America, 2013.06. <P133462> FONG A W Y; LAM K C; CHENG B C P; LAM K K and CHAN Matthew Tak Vai. "A Reply". Anaesthesia vol.68 p.545. United Kingdom, 2013.05. Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care <P133653> GOMERSALL Charles David; JOYNT Gavin Matthew; CHU Ming Chi; DERRICK James Lachlan; YAP Hiu Yi Florence; CHENG Ai Yu; LAM Koon Ngai; CHOI Yuk Sang Gordon; RAMSAY Sarah J; GRAHAM C A; LEONARD Richard and FREEBAIRN Ross. Very BASIC. Basic Assessment & Support of Critically Ill Patients for Medical Students & Interns. ed. by Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 163 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.05. <P133851> KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar; LEE Anna; SAMY Winnie; LI Jiawei; CHAN W C; HO Ming Hei Anthony; GIN Tony and CHEN P P. "Continuous Thoracic Paravertebral Block: Effects on Acute and Chronic Pain, and Health-related Quality of Life after Breast Cancer Surgery". Paper presented in the International Symposium on Spine and Paravertebral Sonography for Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine 2013, organized by Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, pp. 124-128. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P133869> FONG A W Y; LAM K C; CHENG B C P; LAM K K and CHAN Matthew Tak Vai. "A Randomised Comparison of InnoScope and Macintosh Laryngoscope in Simulated Difficult Tracheal Intubation in Manikins". Anaesthesia vol.68 pp.167-174. United Kingdom, 2013.02. <P134036> KWOK Wing Hong and KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "Scanning Protocol during Ultrasound-guided Central Neuraxial Blocks in Patients with Scoliosis". Paper presented in the International Symposium on Spine and Paravertebral Sonography for Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine 2013, organized by Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, pp. 156-157. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P134477> CHEN Yan; LIU Xiaodong; CHENG Hon Ki Christopher; GIN Tony; LESLIE Kate; MYLES Paul and CHAN Matthew Tak Vai. "Leukocyte DNA Damage and Wound Infection After Nitrous Oxide Administration A Randomized Controlled Trial". Anesthesiology vol.118 no.6, pp.1258-1260. United States of America: Lippincott William & Wilkins, 2013.06. <P134570> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean; KHAW Kim Sun; NG Fung and LEE Anna. "Determination and Quantification of the Interaction of Local Anaesthetics and Lipophilic Opioids Administered Intrathecally for Labour Analgesia". International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia vol.22 S6. United States of America, 2013.05. <P135431> GOMERSALL Charles David and JOYNT Gavin Matthew. "Middle East Respiratory Syndrome: New Disease, Old Lessons". The Lancet vol.381 pp.2229-2230. United Kingdom, 2013.06.29. <P135720> CRITCHLEY Lester Augustus Hall. "Minimally Invasive Cardiac Output Monitoring in the Year 2012". Artery Bypass ed. by Wilbert S. Aronow. 1 ed. pp.45-80. Croatia: InTech, 2013.03. Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care <P136094> PARK M A J; FREEBAIRN R C and GOMERSALL Charles David. "Bench Performance of Ventilations During Simulated Paediatric Ventilation". Anaesth Intensive Care vol.41 no.3, pp.349-358. Australia, 2013.05. <P136152> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean; KHAW Kim Sun; NG Fung and TAM Yuk Ho. "Randomized Comparison of Closed-Loop Feedback Computer-Controlled With Manual-Controlled Infusion of Phenylephrine for Maintaining Arterial Pressure During Spinal Anaesthesia for Caesarean Delivery". British Journal of Anaesthesia vol.110 no.1, pp.59-65. United Kingdom, 2013.01. <P136244> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean and LEE Anna. "Multi-Dimensional Response-Probability-Dose Curves for Bupivacaine and Ropivacaine Epidural Labour Analgesia". Anaesthesia vol.68 pp.368-376. United Kingdom, 2013.04. <P136489> KWOK Wing Hong and KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "Ultrasound Guided Central Neuraxial Block". Paper presented in the International Symposium on Spine and Paravertebral Sonography for Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine 2013, organized by Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, pp. 142-155. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P136994> KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "Thoracic Paravertebral Block and Its Effects on Chronic Pain and Long Term Health-Related Quality of Life Major Breast Cancer Surgery". Paper presented in the Irish Congress of Anaesthesia Annual Meeting 2013, organized by Irish College of Anaesthesia, p.20. Dublin, Ireland, 2013.05. <P137297> KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "Ultrasound Guided Thoracic Paravertebral Block". Paper presented in the International Symposium on Spine and Paravertebral Sonography for Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine 2013, organized by Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 65-86. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P138590> CHAN Matthew Tak Vai; CHENG Benny C P; LEE Tatia M C and GIN Tony. "BIS-Guided Anesthesia Decreases Postoperative Delirium and Cognitive Decline". J Neurosurg Aneshtesiol vol.25 no.1, pp.33-42. United States of America, 2013.01. <P138639> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean; LEE Wee Yee Shara; KHAW Kim Sun and NG Fung. "Haemodynamic Effects of Glycopyrrolate Pre-Treatment Before Phenylephrine Infusion During Spinal Anaesthesia for Caesarean Delivery". International 179-187. Netherlands, 2013.05. Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia vol.22 no.5, pp. Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care <P138642> KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "3D and 4D Ultrasound Imaging in Regional Anaesthesia". Paper presented in the International Symposium on Spine and Paravertebral Sonography for Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine 2013, organized by Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, pp. 105-123. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P138717> CHRISTIAN Michael D; FOWLER Robert; MULLER Matthew P; GOMERSALL Charles David; SPRUNG Charles L; HUPERT Nathaniel; FISMAN David; TILLYARD Andrew; ZYGUN David and MARSHAL John C. "Critical Care Resource Allocation: Trying to PREEDICCT Outcomes Without a Crystal Ball". Critical Care vol.17 no.1, pp.107-109. United Kingdom, 2013.01.23. <P138764> HUANG, Li and CRITCHLEY Lester Augustus Hall. "Accuracy and Precision of the USCOM: Does a Meta-Analysis Provide the Answer?". Anaesthesia vol.68 no.4, pp.431-432. United Kingdom, 2013.03.11. <P139031> HO Ming Hei Anthony; DION P W; NG C S H and KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "Understanding Immortal Time Bias in Observational Cohort Studies". Anaesthesia vol.68 pp.126-130. United Kingdom, 2013.02. <P139769> KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "Lumber Paravertebral Sonography and Ultrasound Guided Lumbar Plexus Block". Paper presented in the International Symposium on Spine and Paravertebral Sonography for Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine 2013, organized by Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, pp. 87-104. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P139891> SOH Edmund and KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "Assessment of the Spine with CT and MRI Prior to Interspinous/Interlaminar Spinal Procedures: A Pictorial Review". Br J Radiol vol.86 no.20130066, 7 pgs. United Kingdom, 2013.06. <P139980> OR Yin Ling; LAM G C S; LI Jiawei; HUI Wai Yi Joyce; CHEN P P and KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "Feasibilityof Multi-planar 3D Ultrasound Imaging to Assess the Anatomy of the Adult Airway". Paper presented in the International Symposium on Spine and Paravertebral Sonography for Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine 2013, organized by Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, pp.129-131. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. See Also<P120136 >, <P121431 >, <P121610 >, <P123369 >, <P126864 >, <P127152 >, <P127727 >, <P128432 >, <P129049 >, <P132009 >, <P139864 > Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology <P118075> LIU Ta Li David; SHIELDS Carol L; TSE Man Kit Gary and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Periocular papillary endothelial hyperplasia (Masson's tumour) in Behçet's disease". Acta Ophthalmologica 90 5 e413-5. 2012.08. <P120373> VERILLAUD Benjamin; GRESSETTE Melanie; MOREL Yannis; PATAUREL Carine; HERMAN Philippe; LO Kwok Wai; TSAO Sai Wah; WASSEF Michel; JIMENEZ-PAILHES Anne Sophie and BUSSON Pierre. "Toll-like receptor 3 in Epstein-Barr virus-associated nasopharyngeal carcinomas: consistent expression and cytotoxic effects of its synthetic ligand poly(A:U) combined to a Smac-mimetic". Infect Agent Cancer 2012.12.03. <P120600> SAGOO Pervinder; RATNASOTHY Kulachelvy; TSANG Yuen Shan; BARBER D Linda; NOBLE Alistair; LECHLER Robert and LOMBARDI Giovanna. "Alloantigen specific regulatory T cells prevent chronic graft-versus-host disease by simultaneous control of allo- and autoreactivity". European Journal of Immunology vol.42 pp.3322. 2012. <P120791> SHAO Mu-min; CHAN Si-ki; YU M C Alex; LAM Chris; TSANG Yuen Shan; LUI Chi Wai; LAW Bonita; TAN Puay-hoon and TSE Man Kit Gary. "Keratin expression in breast cancers.". Virchows Archiv A: Pathological Anatomy and Histopathology vol.461 no.3 pp.313-22. 2012.09. <P121165> LUN Samantha Wei Man; CHEUNG Siu Tim; CHEUNG Phyllis Fung Yi; TO Ka Fai; WOO Kong Sang John; CHOY Kwong Wai; CHOW Chit; CHEUNG, Ching Mei; CHUNG Tin Yun Grace; CHENG SUK HANG; KO Chun Wai; TSAO Sai Wah; BUSSON Pierre; NG Heung Ling Margaret and LO Kwok Wai. "CD44+ Cancer Stem-like Cells in EBV-associated Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.12, pp.e52426. 2012. <P121601> NG Heung Ling Margaret; CHENG SUK HANG; LAI Bo San Paul; LING Ka Fai; LAU Kin Mang; CHENG Chi Keung; WONG Nathalie; ZEE Benny and LIN Che Kit. Association of polymorphism of human leukocyte antigen alleles with development of hepatocellular carcinoma in Hong Kong Chinese Hong Kong Medical Journal 18 suppl 6 pp.37-40. 2012.12. <P121700> IQBAL Jabed; THIKE Aye Aye; CHEOK Poh Yian; TSE Man Kit Gary and TAN Puay Hoon. "Insulin growth factor receptor-1 expression and loss of PTEN protein predict early recurrence in triple-negative breast cancer". Histopathology vol.61 no.4, pp.652-659. 2012.07. <P122406> TSANG Yuen Shan; MENDOZA Paulo Giovanni Liwanag; PUTTI C Thomas; KARIM Z Rooshdiya; SCOYLER A Richard; LEE C Soon; PANG Lm Amy and TSE Man Kit Gary. "E-cadherin expression in the epithelial components of mammary phyllodes tumors.". Human Pathology vol.43 pp.2117. 2012. Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology <P123619> ZHANG Guitao; TSANG Chi Man; DENG Wen; YIP Yim Ling; LUI Vivian Wai-yan; WONG Cesar Sze Chuen; CHEUNG Annie Lai-man; HAU Pok Man; ZENG Musheng; LUNG Maria Li; CHEN Honglin; LO Kwok Wai; TAKADA Kenzo and TSAO Sai Wah. "Enhanced IL-6/IL-6R signaling promotes growth and malignant properties in EBV-infected premalignant and cancerous nasopharyngeal epithelial cells". PLoS One 2013.05.01. <P123803> YAMAGUCHI Rin; TANAKA Maki; YANO Ayako; TSE Man Kit Gary; YAMAGUCHI Miki; KOURA Keiko; KANOMATA Naoki; KAWAGUCHI Atsushi; AKIBA Jun; NAITO Yoshiki; OHSHIMA Koichi and YANO Hirohisa. "Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes are important pathologic predictors for neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer". Human Pathology vol.43 no.10, pp.1688-94. 2012.10. <P123836> CHEUNG Ching Mei; CHUNG Tin Yun Grace; LUN Samantha Wei Man; TO Ka Fai; CHOY Kwong Wai and LO Kwok Wai. "Inactivation of miR-31, a tumor suppressor microRNA at 9p21.3 homozygous deletion region in EBV-associated nasopharyngeal carcinoma". Jun International Congress on Oncogenic Herpesviruses and Associated Diseases (ICOHAD). 2012.08.01. <P124299> LAW, Tak Yin; CHING Kar Keung; CHAN Wing Hung Anthony; WONG, WING LEI; WONG Chun Kwok; TO Ka Fai and WONG Nathalie. "MiR-145 Modulates Multiple Components of the Insulin-like Growth Factor Pathway in Hepatocellular Carcinoma". Carcinogenesis vol.33 no.6, pp.1-8. 2012.11. <P124615> TSANG Yuen Shan; HUANG Yu-hua; LUO Ming-hua; NI, Yunbi; LUI Chi Wai; CHAN Si-ki; YU M C Alex; TAN Puay-hoon and TSE Man Kit Gary. "Cancer stem cell markers associated with adverse biomarker profiles and molecular subtypes of breast cancer. ". Breast Cancer Research and Treatment vol.136 pp.407. 2012. <P124627> LI Da-xu; TSANG Yuen Shan; PENG Jiao; HO Derek; CHAN Yee-kwan; JIANG Chu; LUI Ch Vincent; XU Aimin; LAMB R Jonathan; TAM Kh Paul and CHEN Yan. "Adiponectin mediated MHC Class II mismatched cardiac graft rejection in mice is IL-4 dependent.". PLoS ONE vol.7 pp.e48893. 2012. <P124772> LO Ming Chu; YIP Tak Chun; NGAN Kai Cheong; CHENG Wai Wai; LAW Chun Key; CHAN Pui Shan; CHAN King Chi; WONG Chris Kong-chu; WONG Ricky Ngok-shun; LO Kwok Wai; NG Wai Tong; LEE Wing Mui; TSAO Sai Wah; KWONG Lai Wan; LUNG Maria Li and MAK Nai Ki. "Role of MIF/CXCL8/CXCR2 signaling in the growth of nasopharyngeal carcinoma tumor spheres.". Epub 2013.02.08. Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology <P125030> NG Ho Keung; CHAN Dtm; NG Ryt; SIU Dyw; TANG P; KAM Mkm; POON Wai Sang; ZHU Xl; LAU Cky; PANG Jcs; WONG Gkc and NG Scp. "Pseudoprogression of Milignant Glioma in Chinese Patients Receiving Concomitant Chemoradiotherapy". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.18 pp.221-225. 2012. <P126279> LO Kwok Fung; DAWSON W Christopher; JIN Dong-yan and LO Kwok Wai. "The Pathological Roles of BART MiRNAs in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma". The Journal of pathology vol.227 no.4, pp.392-403. 2012.08. <P126466> TSANG Yuen Shan; LAI Wing Hong Michael; WONG Ken H; CHAN Siu Ki; LAM Christopher Chin Fung; TSANG Alex K; YU M C Alex; TAN Puay Hoon and TSE Man Kit Gary. "αB-crystallin is a useful marker for triple negative and basal breast cancers". Histopathology vol. 61 no.3 378-86. 2012.09.28. <P126650> CHENG, Kit Chong Ibis; TSANG, Chi Keung; LAI Keng Po; CHING Kar Keung; CHAN Wing Hung Anthony; TO Ka Fai; LAI Bo San Paul and WONG Nathalie. "GEF-H1 overexpression in hepatocellular carcinoma promotes cell motility via activation of RhoA signaling.". The Journal of Pathology vol.228 no.2, Ireland: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012.07.30. <P126758> LI Chi Han Samson; TO Ka Fai; XIAO Zhangang; TONG Hung Man Joanna; ZHU Yinxin; XIA, Tian; LAI Bo San Paul; CHAN Lam Stephen; MARQUEZ V. E. and CHEN Yangchao. "EZH2 Silenced Tumor Suppressor miR-218 by Inducing Heterochromatin Formation in Pancreatic Cancer". 2012 American Pancreatic Association and International Association of Pancreatology Joint Meeting 1 page (Abstract No. PIII-39). Miami, United States of America, 2012.10.31. <P127793> YAMAGUCHI Rin; TANAKA Maki; TSE Man Kit Gary; YAMAGUCHI Miki; TERASAKI Hiroshi; AKIBA Jun; NAITO Yoshiki; MIZUSHIMA Yasuko and YANO Hirohisa. "Pure flat epithelial atypia is uncommon in subsequent breast excisions for atypical epithelial proliferation". Cancer Science vol.103 no.8, pp.1580-5. 2012.08. <P128141> TSANG Chi Man; YIP Yim Ling; LO Kwok Wai; DENG Wen; TO Ka Fai; HAU Pok Man; LAU Victoria Ming Yi; HAU Pok Man; LAU Victoria Ming Yi; TAKADA Kenzo; LUI Vivian Wai Yan; LUNG Maria Li; CHEN Honglin; ZENG Musheng; MIDDELDORP Jaap Michiel; CHEUNG Annie Lai-man and TSAO Sai Wah. "Cyclin D1 overexpression supports stable EBV infection in nasopharyngeal epithelial cells". Proc Nati Acad Sci USA 2012.12.11. <P130852> NG Ho Keung; LI Ka Wai Kay and LAU Kin Mang. "Signaling Pathways and Molecular Subgroups of Medulloblastoms". International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology vol.6 7 pp.1211-1222. 2013.06. Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology <P131073> CHEUNG Yuk Kam and KO Chi Bun. "NFAT5 in cellular adaptation to hypertonic stress - regulations and functional significance". j mol signal vol.8 no.1, pp.5. 2013.04.23. <P131487> LAW, Tak Yin; QIN, Hao; CHING Kar Keung; LAI Keng Po; CO Ngai Na; HE Mian; LUNG Wai Ming Raymond; CHAN Wing Hung Anthony; CHAN Ting Fung Philos and WONG Nathalie. "Deep Sequencing of Small RNA Transcriptome Reveals Novel Non-coding RNAs in Hepatocellular Carcinoma". Journal of Hepatology vol.58 no.6, pp.1165-1173. Elesevier B.V., 2013.06. <P132629> CHENG Chi Keung; KWAN Tsz-ki; CHEUNG Chi Ying; NG Kitty; LIANG Pei; CHENG SUK HANG; CHAN Pui Ha Natalie; IP Ka Ling Rosalina; WONG Siu Ming Raymond; LEE Vincent; LI Chi Kong; YIP Sze Fai and NG Heung Ling Margaret. "A polymorphism in the 3'-untranslated region of the NPM1 gene causes illegitimate regulation by microRNA-337-5p and correlates with adverse outcome in acute myeloid leukemia". Haematologica vol.98 no.6, pp.913-7. 2013.06. <P132646> KARIM Rooshdiya Z; OTOOLE Sandra A; SCOLYER Richard A; COOPER Caroline Louise; CHAN Belinda; SELINGER Christina; YU Bing; CARMALT Hugh; MAK Cindy; TSE Man Kit Gary; TAN Puay Hoon; PUTTI Thomas C and LEE Cheok Soon. "Recent insights into the molecular pathogenesis of mammary phyllodes tumours". Journal of Clinical Pathology vol.66 no.6, pp.496-505. 2013.06. <P133165> LI Chi Han Samson; TO Ka Fai; TONG Hung Man Joanna; XIAO Zhangang; XIA, Tian; LAI Bo San Paul; CHOW Sheung Ching; ZHU Yinxin; CHAN Lam Stephen; MARQUEZ V. E. and CHEN Yangchao. "Enhancer of Zeste Homolog 2 Silences MicroRNA-218 in Pancreatic Cancer Cells by Inducing Formation of Heterochromatin". The International Digestive Disease Forum 2013 p.82 (Abstract no.: 060). Hong Kong SAR, 2013.06.08. <P133456> BAUM Lawrence William; HAERIAN B. S.; NG Ho Keung; WONG V.; NG P. W.; LUI C. H. T.; SIN N. C.; ZHANG C.; TOMLINSON Brian; WONG Wing Kin Gary; WONG Ka Sing Lawrence; TAN H. J.; RAYMOND A. A.; ZAHURIN M. and KWAN Kwok Leung Patrick. "Voltage Gated Sodium Channel Gene Polymorphisms Are Associated with Epilepsy". Paper presented in the 30th International Epilepsy Congress, Montreal, Canada, organized by ILAE, 343 pgs. 2013.06.25. <P133845> NG Ho Keung; YAO Y; CHAN, Ka Yin; QIN Zy; CHEN Lc; ZHANG X; PANG Chung Sean Jesse; LI Hiu Ming; WANG Y and MAO Y. "Mutation Analysis of IDH1 in Paired Gliomas Revealed IDH1 Mutation Was Not Associated with Malignant Progression But Predict Ted Longer Survival". PLoS ONE vol.June 2013.06.28. Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology <P133916> GEBREAMLAK Estifanos P; TSE Man Kit Gary and NIU Yun. "Progress in evaluation of pathologic response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy of breast cancer". Anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry vol.13 no.2, pp.222-6. 2013.02. <P134626> LIANG Pei; CHENG SUK HANG; CHENG Chi Keung; LAU Kin Mang; LIN Shek Ying; CHOW Eudora; CHAN Pui Ha Natalie; IP Ka Ling Rosalina; WONG Siu Ming Raymond and NG Heung Ling Margaret. "Platelet factor 4 induces cell apoptosis by inhibition of STAT3 via up-regulation of SOCS3 expression in multiple myeloma". Haematologica vol.98 no.2, pp.288-95. Ferrata Storti Foundation, 2013.02. <P135535> CHEN Juan; CHAN Wing Hung Anthony; TO Ka Fai; CHEN Weixian; ZHANG Zhenzhen; REN Jihua; SONG Chunli; CHEUNG Yuen Sun Sunny; LAI Bo San Paul; CHENG SUK HANG; NG Heung Ling Margaret; HUANG Ailong and KO Chi Bun. "SIRT2 overexpression in hepatocellular carcinoma mediates epithelial to mesenchymal transition by protein kinase B/glycogen synthase kinase-3β/β-catenin signaling". Hepatology vol.57 no.6, pp.2287-98. 2013.04.26. <P136313> XU, Meng; CHOW Chit; CHEUNG Ching Mei; TSANG Chi Man; LUN Samantha Wei Man; YUEN Wai Fong; CHUNG Tin Yun Grace; TSAO Sah Wah; TO Ka Fai and LO Kwok Wai. "Inhibition of PIN1 Suppresses Turmorigenicity of EBV-associated NPC". Paper presented in the AACR, organized by American Association for Cancer Research, 1 pgs. washington dc, USA, 2013.04.08. <P138699> LI Chi Han Samson; TO Ka Fai; TONG Hung Man Joanna; XIAO Zhangang; XIA, Tian; LAI Bo San Paul; CHOW Sheung Ching; ZHU Yinxin; CHAN Lam Stephen; MARQUEZ Victor E. and CHEN Yangchao. "Enhancer of Zeste Homolog 2 Silences MicroRNA-218 in Human Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Cells by Inducing Formation of Heterochromatin". Gastroenterology vol.144 no.5, pp.1086-1097. 2013.05. <P139102> RAKHA Emad A; TAN Puay Hoon; SHAABAN Abeer; TSE Man Kit Gary; ESTELLER Fina Climent; VAN DEURZEN Carolien H; PURNELL Dave; STOTTER Anne; CHAN Timothy; YAMAGUCHI Rin; DODWELL David; JAGER Agnes; SOLER Maria Teresa; JUNEINAH Enaam; PLAZA M L; HODI Zsolt; MCCULLOCH Tom; LEE Andrew H and ELLIS Ian O. "Do primary mammary osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma exist? A review of a large multi-institutional series of malignant matrix-producing breast tumours". The Breast Journal vol.22 no.1, pp.13-8. 2013.02. <P139987> LI Chi Han Samson; TO Ka Fai; TONG Hung Man Joanna; XIAO Zhangang; XIA, Tian; LAI Bo San Paul; CHOW Sheung Ching; ZHU Yinxin; CHAN Stephen L.; MARQUEZ Victor E. and CHEN Yangchao. "EZH2 Silences Tumor Suppressor miR-218 in Pancreatic Cancer by Inducing Heterochromatin Formation". 第三屆中港腫瘤學術論壇 p.7 (Abstract 4). Beijing, China, 2013.06.18. Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology See Also <P120765 >, <P121425 >, <P121488 >, <P121993 >, <P122032 >, <P122143 >, <P122158 >, <P122242 >, <P122336 >, <P123249 >, <P123977 >, <P124601 >, <P124633 >, <P124690 >, <P125711 >, <P125821 >, <P125982 >, <P126288 >, <P126497 >, <P126616 >, <P126931 >, <P127058 >, <P127452 >, <P127526 >, <P127959 >, <P128279 >, <P128416 >, <P129399 >, <P129646 >, <P129985 >, <P130098 >, <P130220 >, <P130355 >, <P131600 >, <P131778 >, <P131969 >, <P132447 >, <P132845 >, <P133408 >, <P133519 >, <P134134 >, <P134507 >, <P134689 >, <P134963 >, <P135691 >, <P136164 >, <P136594 >, <P136623 >, <P136634 >, <P136768 >, <P136856 >, <P137227 >, <P137524 >, <P137608 >, <P137638 >, <P138260 >, <P138360 > School of Biomedical Sciences <P117223> LEE Tin Lap; RAITANO M Joan; RENNERT M Owen; CHAN Siu-wai and CHAN Wai Yee. "Accessing the Genomic Effects of Naked Nanoceria in Murine Neuronal Cells". Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine vol. 8 no. 5 pp.599-608. United Kingdom, 2012.07. <P120030> LAM Wai Yip; TANG Jwt and CHAN Pks. "Indentification of hepatitis B virus encoding/affecting microRNAs". Hong Kong Medical Journl vol.18 no.6, pp.S44-7. 2012.12.06. <P120173> YAN Ru; LI Song Lin and LIN Ge. "Extraction of the Main Ingredients from Chuanxiong by CO 2 Supercritical Fluid Extraction". American Journal of Analytical Chemistry vol.3 no.12, pp.905-915. 2012.12. <P120208> LAU Y. S.; TIAN Xiaoyu; MURUGAN D. and MUSTAFA M. R.. "Endothelial Protective Effects of Boldine in Type II Diabetes". Fifth Scientific Meeting of Asian Society for Vascular Biology p.52 (Abstract No.: CP12). Xi'an, China, 2012.10.27. <P120240> FENG Ru; ZHOU Xuelin; OR Mei Yu; MA Jing-yi; TAN Xiang-shan; FU Jie; MA Chao; SHI Jian-gong; CHE Chun-tao; WANG Yan and YEUNG Hok Keung John. "Enzyme Kinetic and Molecular Docking Studies on the Metabolic Interactions of 1-hydroxy-2,3,5-trimethoxy-xanthone, Isolated from Halenia elliptica D. Don, with Model Probe Substrates of Human Cytochrome P450 Enzymes". Phytomedicine vol.19 no.12 pp.1125-1133. 2012.09. <P120253> ZHANG Yang; LIU Jian; TIAN Xiaoyu; WANG Li and HUANG Yu. "Activation of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2 Improves Endothelial Function through Reduction of Oxidative Stress in db/db Diabetic Mice". Paper presented in the 2012 Doctoral Forum of China on Translational Medicine in Cardiovascular Disease, 182 pgs. Beijing, 2012.09.24. <P120324> WANG Chunmei; LU Yong Hai; CHEN Zhixi; LIU Xiaobin; LIN, Huangquan; ZHAO Hui; CHEN Jinyan; KWAN Yiu Wa and NGAI Sai Ming. "Serum Proteomic, Peptidomic and Metabolomic Profiles in Myasthenia Gravis Patients during Treatment with Qiangji Jianli Fang". Chinese Medicine vol.7:16 8 pages. 2012.07. <P120543> CHEN Lihua; KLEIN T. and LEUNG Po Sing. "Effects of Combining Linagliptin Treatment with BI-38335, a Novel SGLT2 Inhibitor, on Pancreatic Islet Function and Inflammation in db/db Mice". Current Molecular Medicine vol.12 no.8, pp.995-1004. Bentham Science Publishers, 2012.07. <P120690> MA Bin; YIN Chun; YANG Dan and LIN Ge. "Effect of Structural Modification on the Gastrointestinal Stability and Hepatic Metabolism of α-aminoxy Peptides". Amino Acids vol.43 no.5, pp.2073-2085. 2012.11. School of Biomedical Sciences <P120757> QI Yan; YAO Xiaoqiang; KONG Marco and LI Ronald. "Potential Roles of TRPV4 Channel in Human Embryonic Stem Cells-derived Ventricular Cardiomyocytes". Paper presented in the 2012 International ion channel conference, organized by The Korean Society for Ion Channel Research, 1 pgs. Jeju, Korea, South, 2012.08.24. <P120782> FU Wei-ming; ZHANG Jinfang; WANG Hua; TAN Hong Sheng; WANG Weimao; CHEN Shih Chi; ZHU Xiao; CHAN Tak Ming; TSE, Ching Man; LEUNG Kwong Sak; LU Gang; XU Hong Xi and KUNG Hsiang Fu. "Apoptosis Induced by 1,3,6,7-Tetrahydroxyxanthone in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Proteomic Analysis". Apoptosis vol.17 no.8, pp.842-851. 2012.08. <P120796> LI Chi Han Samson and CHEN Yangchao. "Identification and Functional Study of miR-218 Putative Targets in Human Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma". The 7th Chinese conference on oncology & The 11th Cross-Strait Academic Conference on Oncology pp.1. Beijing, China: The 7th Chinese conference on oncology & The 11th Cross-Strait Academic Conference on Oncology, 2012.09.06. <P120913> PAN J. F.; XIAO J.; TIPOE G. L.; HUANG Yu and FUNG M. L.. "Telmisartan Ameliorates Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis in the Liver of Rats Exposed to Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia". Paper presented in the Institute of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine Sixteenth Annual Scientific Meeting, J HK Coll Cardiol, vol. 20, p.55 (Abstract No.: CP7). Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.17. <P120925> CHEN Jing; FOK Kin Lam Ellis; CHEN Hui; ZHANG Xiaohu; XU Wenming and CHAN Hsiao Chang. "Cryptorchidism-indduced CFTR down-regulation results in disruption of testicular tight junctions through up-regulation of NF-kB/COX-2/PGE2". Human Reproduction vol.9 pp.2585-2597. 2012.07.09. <P121026> ZHANG Yang; LIU Jian; TIAN Xiaoyu; WANG Li; WONG Wing Tak Jack; LAU Chi Wai and HUANG Yu. "Activation of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2 Rescues Endothelial Function by Oxidative Stress Reduction in DB/DB Diabetic Mice". Paper presented in the Institute of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine Sixteenth Annual Scientific Meeting, J HK Coll Cardiol, vol.20, p.53 (Abstract No.: CP2). Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.17. <P121056> LUI Nga Ping; CHEN Liang Wei; YUNG Wing Ho; CHAN Ying Shing and YUNG Kin Lam Ken. "Endogenous Repair by the Activation of Cell Survival Signalling Cascades during the Early Stages of Rat Parkinsonism". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.12, pp.e51294. 2012.12. <P121112> LEE Maggie M. K.; CHUI Ricky K. S.; TAM Yee San Issan; LAU Hang Yung Alaster and WONG Yung H.. "CCR1-Mediated STAT3 Tyrosine Phosphorylation and CXCL8 Expression in THP-1 Macrophage-like Cells Involve Pertussis Toxin-Insensitive Ga14/16 Signaling and IL-6 Release". Journal of Immunology vol.189 no.11, pp.5266-5276. United States of America: The American Association of Immunologists, Inc., 2012.11. School of Biomedical Sciences <P121202> BI W C; XU Li; TIAN Xiao Yu; LIU Jian; ZHENG Y Z; LAU Chi Wai; LAU T W; CHOI C Y; DONG T X; HUANG Yu and TSIM W K. "Fo Shou San, an ancient Chinese herbal decoction, protects endothelial function through increasing endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.12, pp.e51670. 2012.12. <P121203> LU Yongchao; CHEN Hui; FOK Kin Lam; TSANG Lai Ling Angel; YU Mei Kuen; ZHANG Xiaohu; CHEN Jing; JIANG Xiaohua; CHUNG Yiu Wa; MA Alvin Chun Hang; LEUNG Yu Hung; HUANG He Feng and CHAN Hsiao Chang. "CFTR Mediates Bicarbonate-dependent Activation of miR-125b in Preimplantation Embryo Development". Cell Research vol.22 no.10, pp.1453-1466. 2012.10. <P121333> LAU On Chai Eva; WONG Ching On; HUANG Yu and YAO Xiaoqiang. "Expression of TRP Channels in Arterial Baroreceptor Neurons". Paper presented in the 2012 International ion channel conference, organized by The Korean Society for Ion Channel Research, p.113. 2012.08. <P121431> KONSTANTATOS Ah; IMBERGER G; ANGLISS M; CHENG Hon Ki Christopher; MENG Zhaoyu and CHAN Matthew Tak Vai. "A Prospective Cohort Study Comparing Early Opioid Requirement Between Chinese from Hong Kong and Caucasian Australians after Major Abdominal Surgery" British Journal of Anaesthesia v. 109 no.5 pp.797-803. United Kingdom, 2012.11. <P121588> CHEANG Wai San; WONG Wing Tak Jack; TIAN Xiaoyu; LU Ye; YAO Xiaoqiang and HUANG Yu. "Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress is Alleviated in Diabetic Mice with Regular Running Exercise". Hong Kong Pharmacology Society 14th Annual Scientific Meeting p.10 (Abstract no.: OP4). Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.03. <P121747> WU Xinggang; YUNG Lai-ming; CHENG Wai Hang; YU B. Paul; BABITT L. Jodie; LIN Y. Herbert and XIA Yin. "Hepcidin Regulation by BMP Signaling in Macrophages is Lipopolysaccharide Dependent". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.9, pp.e44622 (8 pages). 2012.09.13. <P121768> ZENG Li-han; CHANG Liang-yu; DITTNER Claudia; CHOU Jian-liang; CHENG Sze Lok; LIN Jiayuh; TEH Kun-tu and CHAN Michael W. "Epigenetic Silencing of NR4A3 And LOXL4 by Aberrant JAK/STAT Signaling Predicts Prognosis in Gastric Cancer ". Paper presented in the Digestive Disease Week, San Diego, California, May 19-22, 2012, 1 pgs. San Diego, United States of America, 2012. <P121930> SUN Xiang Rong; CHEN Lei; CHEN Wen Fang and YUNG Wing Ho. "Electrophysiological and Behavioral Effects of Group I Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors on Pallidal Neurons in Rats". Brain Research vol.1477 pp.1-9. 2012.10.05. School of Biomedical Sciences <P122003> HUANG Yu. "From Skeleton to Cytoskeleton: Osteocalcin Transforms Vascular Fibroblasts to Myofibroblasts via Angiotensin II and Toll-like Receptor 4". Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology vol.28 no.11, p.2002. China, 2012.11. <P122185> LIU Yahan; TIAN Xiaoyu; MAO Guangmei; FANG Xi; FUNG Man Lung; SHYY Y J; HUANG Yu and WANG Nanping. "Peroxisome proliferator-activated Receptor-γ Ameliorates Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension by Inhibiting 5-Hydroxytryptamine 2B Receptor". Hypertension vol.60 no.6, pp.1471-1478. United States of America: American Heart Association, 2012.12. <P122192> GU Shen and CHAN Wai Yee. "Molecular Mechanism of Regulation and Action of MicroRNA 199a in Development and Differentiation". Paper presented in the Global Conference of Chinese Geneticists, organized by Zhejiang University, Genetics Society of China, Association of Chinese Geneticists in America, 2 pgs. Hangzhou, China, 2012.07.06. <P122478> LI Zhijie and CHO Chi Hin. "Peptides as Targeting Probes Against Tumor Vasculature for Diagnosis and Drug Delivery". Journal of Translational Medicine vol.10 no.Suppl 1, pp.S1. 2012.09.19. <P122482> CHENG Sze Lok and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Viral related HCC". Molecular Aspects of Hepatocellular Carcinoma ed. by Liang, Li, Yanb, George. 1 ed. pp.21-31. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates: Bentham Science Publishers Ltd, 2012. <P122581> Lee Man Yuen; LEUNG Chun Yin; TANG Walfred; CHOI Heung Ling; LEUNG Yun Chung; MCCAFFERY Peter J.; WANG Chi Chiu; WOOLF Adrian S. and SHUM Sau Wun Alisa. "A Paradoxical Teratogenic Mechanism for Retinoic Acid". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America vol.109 no.34, pp.13668-13673. United States of America: Natl Acad Sciences, 2012.08.21. <P122585> CHEANG Wai San; WONG Wing Tak Jack; TIAN Xiaoyu; LU Ye; YAO Xiaoqiang and HUANG Yu. "Reduction of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Mediates Vascular Benefits of Exercise in Diabetic Mice". Fifth Scientific Meeting of Asian Society for Vascular Biology p.29 (Abstract No.: YIA06). Xi'an, China, 2012.10.27. <P122614> HUANG Yu. "Novel Intervention Strategies Against Macrovascular Dysfunction in Obesity and Diabetes". 9th International Diabetes Federation Western Pacific Region Congress and 4th Scientific Meeting of the Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes J Diabetes Investigation, vol. 3 suppl 1, p.32 (Abstract no.: BS-06-3). Kyoto, Japan: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.11.24. School of Biomedical Sciences <P122663> LI Sai-kam; NG Kwok Shing; QIN, Hao; LAU Jeffrey Kwan-yiu; LAU Jonathan Pak-yuen; TSUI Kwok Wing; CHAN Ting Fung Philos and LAU Terrence Chi-kong. "Identification of Small RNAs in Mycobacterium smegmatis using Heterologous Hfq". RNA vol.19 no.1, 74-84. Cold Spring Harbor Lab Press, Publications Dept, 2012.11.20. <P122777> CHEN Yangchao. "EZH2 Silenced Tumor Suppressor miR-218 by Inducing Heterochromatin Formation in Pancreatic Cancer". International Conference on Riboregulation 2012 p.14. Shanghai, China, 2012.09.10. <P122783> DU Juan; WONG Wei Yan; SUN Lei; HUANG Yu and YAO Xiaoqiang. "Protein Kinase G Inhibits Flow-Induced Ca2+ Entry into Collecting Duct Cells". Journal of the American Society of Nephrology vol.23 no.7, pp.1172-1180. 2012.07. <P122861> LIU Yahan; TIAN Xiaoyu; MAO Guangmei; FANG Xi; FUNG Man Lung; SHYY John Y. J.; HUANG Yu and WANG Nanping. "Rosiglitazone Inhibits Serotonin-induced Vasoconstriction of Pulmonary Arteries in the Rat Model of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension". Fifth Scientific Meeting of Asian Society for Vascular Biology p.42 (Abstract No.: CP02). Xi'an, China, 2012.10.27. <P122892> LAU Bik San Clara; HUI Mamie; NG Tzi Bun; LAU Kit Man; WU Yu On; CHENG Ling; WONG Ho; TO Ming Ho; LAU Ching Po; YEW Tai Wai David; LEUNG Ping Chung and FUNG Kwok Pui. "Anti-dermatophytic Activity and the Underlying Action Mechanism of Macrocarpal C Isolated from Eucalypti Globuli Folium". Paper presented in the International Congress on Natural Products Research 2012, Planta Medica 78(11), 1190 (PI202). New York, United States of America, 2012.07.28. <P123056> HO Suk-han Connie; CHOW Wing-yin Bonnie; WONG Wai-lap Simpson; WAYE Mary Miu Yee and BISHOP V. M. Dorothy. "The Genetic and Environment Foundation of the Simple View of Reading in Chinese". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.10, pp.e47872. 2012.10.24. <P123079> FOK Kin Lam Ellis; CHUNG Chin Man; YI Shaoqiong; JIANG Xiaohua; SUN Xiao; CHEN Hao; CHEN Yangchao; KUNG Hsaing-fu; TAO Qian; DIAO Ruiying; CHAN Henry; ZHANG Xiaohu; CHUNG Yiu Wa; CAI Zhiming and CHAN Hsiao Chang. "STK31 maintains the undifferentiated state of colon cancer cells". Carcinogenesis vol.33 no.11, pp.2044-2053. 2012.07.25. <P123117> WANG Yan; MA Jingyi; ZHOU Qian; LI Chi Han Samson; FENG Ru; XIA, Tian; XIAO Zhangang; FU Jie; DENG Yu-lin; WONG Bui Chi; ZHANG Yu-kui and CHEN Yangchao. "A Pure Compound FR429 Isolated from Polygonum Capitatum Inhibited Hepatocellular Tumor Growth by Targeting EZH2". The 11th Medicine p.186. Macau, 2012.08.21. Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese School of Biomedical Sciences <P123143> LAI Kwok On; WONG S. L. Alan; CHEUNG Man Chun; XU Pei; LIANG Zhuoyi; LOK Ka Chun; XIE Hui; PALKO Mary E.; YUNG Wing Ho; TESSAROLLO Lino; CHEUNG Zelda H. and IP Nancy Y.. "TrkB Phosphorylation by Cdk5 is Required for Activity-dependent Structural Plasticity and Spatial Memory". Nature Neuroscience vol.15 no.11, pp.1506-1515. 2012.11. <P123145> CHEUNG Chi Fai Randy; WONG Ho and NG Tzi Bun. "Immobilized Metal Ion Affinity Chromatography: a Review on its Applications". Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology vol.96 pp.1411-1420. 2012.10.26. <P123235> YANG Mengbi and LIN Ge. "Metabolic Conversion of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid N-oxides to Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in both Liver and Intestine". Paper presented in the Proceeding of SBS Postgraduate Research Day, CUHK, 1 pgs. 2012.11. <P123247> JIANG Lili; TENG Man Kuen; CHAN Yee Man Elaine; AU Wing Ngor Shannon; WISE Helen; LEE Sau Tuen Susanna and CHEUNG Wing Tai. "Impact of Cell Type and Epitope Tagging on Heterologous Expression of G Protein-Coupled Receptor: A Systematic Study on Angiotensin Type II Receptor". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.10, pp.e47016 (14 pages). 2012.10. <P123256> LEI Yong; GUO Xiaogang; LIU Yun; CAO Yang; DENG Yi; CHEN Xiongfeng; CHENG Hon Ki Christopher; DAWID Igor B.; CHEN Yonglong and ZHAO Hui. "Efficient Targeted Gene Disruptionin Xenopus Embryos Using Engineered Transcription Activator-like Effector Nucleases (TALENs)". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America vol.109 no.43, pp.17484-17489. 2012.10. <P123371> LI R. W. S.; WANG Y. Q.; LEE S. M. Y.; CHAN S. W.; KWAN Yiu Wa and LEUNG G. P. H.. "Vasodilating Effects of ADTM, a Novel Derivative of Danshensu and Tetramethylpyrazine". Paper presented in the Institute of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine Sixteenth Annual Scientific Meeting, Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology vol.20 p.56 (Abstract no.: P01). Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.17. <P123392> HUANG Minjuan; WANG Wei; LEUNG Homan; CHAN Chuen Yu; LIU Wing Keung Ken; WONG Ming Hung and CHEUNG Kwai Chung. "Mercury Levels in Road Dust and Household TSP/PM 2.5 Related to Concentrations in Hair in Guangzhou, China". Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety vol.81 pp.27-35. United States of America: Academic Press, 2012.07.01. <P123451> GAO Zhen; ZHANG Huina; LAU Chi Wai; CHEN Zhenyu and HUANG Yu. "Oleic Acid Reverses Palmitic Acid-induced Oxidative Stress and Impairment of Endothelium-dependent Relaxation". Fifth Scientific Meeeting of P04). Xi'an, China, 2012.10.27. Asian Society for Vascular Biology p.62 (Abstract No.: School of Biomedical Sciences <P123483> RUAN Yechun; GUO Jinghui; LIU Xinmei; ZHANG Runju; TSANG Lai Ling Angel; DONG Jianda; CHEN Hui; YU Mei Kuen; JIANG Xiaohua; ZHANG Xiaohu; FOK Kin Lam Ellis; CHUNG Yiu Wa; HUANG Hefeng; ZHOU Wen Liang and CHAN Hsiao Chang. "Activation of the Epithelial Na+ Channel Triggers Prostaglandin E2 Release and Production Required for Embryo Implantation". Nature Medicine vol.18 no.7 pp.1112-1117. 2012.07. <P123530> SHEN Kaikai; LEUNG Susan; HUANG Yu; HOU Maoqi; WANG Zhengtao and VANHOUTTE Paul M.. "Notoginsenoside Ft1 Stimulates Glucocorticoid Receptor to Induce Endothelium-dependent, NO-mediated Relaxation in the Rat Mesenteric Artery". Fifth Scientific Meeting of Asian Society for Vascular Biology p.26 (Abstract No.: YIA03). Xi'an, China, 2012.10.27. <P123584> QIAN Zhongming and KE Ya. "Mimicking Hypoxic Preconditioning Using Chinese Medicinal Herb Extracts". Advances in High Altitude Medicine and Hypoxic Physiology in China vol.2012 no.0, pp.55-56. 2012.12. <P123757> FANG Fei; ZHANG Zhi Yi Chris; WONG Ho; SHEN Jiayun; LI Chuanhao and NG Tzi Bun. "The MAP30 Protein from Bitter Gourd (Momordica Charantia) Seeds Promotes Apoptosis in Liver Cancer Cells in vitro and in vivo". Cancer Letters vol. 324 No. 1, pp.66-74. Ireland: Elsevier Science Ireland, 2012.11. <P123978> LIU Jian; TIAN Xiaoyu; WONG Wing Tak Jack; LIU Limei; ZHANG Yang; WANG Li and HUANG Yu. "Endothelin-1 Contributes to Endothelium-dependent Contractions in Zucker Fatty Rats". Paper presented in the Institute of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine Sixteenth Annual Scientific Meeting, J HK Coll Cardiol, vol.20, p.54 (Abstract No.: CP3). Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.17. <P124044> LIU Ya Han; TIAN Xiaoyu; MAO Guang Mei; FANG Xi; FUNG Man Lung; SHYY John Y; HUANG Yu and WANG Nan Ping. "Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor γ Ameliorates Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension by Inhibiting 5-HT2B Receptor". Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology vol. 28 no.11, p.2060. China, 2012.11. <P124123> RUAN Jianqing and LIN Ge. "Blood Biomarker of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids and their N-oxides associated Hepatotoxicity". Paper presented in the Proceeding of SBS Postgraduate Research Day, CUHK, 1 pgs. 2012.11. <P124260> CHEN Hao; FOK Kin Lam Ellis; JIANG Xiaohua and CHAN Hsiao Chang. "New Insights into Germ Cell Migration and Survival/Apoptosis in Spermatogenesis". Spermatogenesis vol.2 no.4, pp.1-9. 2012.08.29. School of Biomedical Sciences <P124438> FU Jie; MA Jing Yi; ZHANG Xian Feng; WANG Yan; FENG Ru; CHEN Yangchao; TAN Xiang Shan; ZHANG Yi Ying; SUN Yu Peng; ZHOU Ying; MA Chao; HE Chi Yu; ZHAO Zhen Xiong and DU Xiao Wei. "Identification of Metabolites of FR429, a Potential Antitumor Ellagitannin, Transformed by Rat Intestinal Bacteria in vitro, Based on Liquid Chromatography-ion Trap-time of Flight Mass Spectrometry Analysis". Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis vol.71 pp.162-167. 2012.12. <P124522> LIU Limei; LIU Jian; WONG Wing Tak Jack; TIAN Xiaoyu; LAU Chi Wai; WANG Yixiang; XU Gang; PU Yunfei; ZHU Zhiming; XU Aimin; LAM S L; CHEN Zhenyu; NG Chi Fai; YAO Xiaoqiang and HUANG Yu. "Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor sitagliptin protects endothelial function in hypertension through a glucagon-like peptide 1-dependent mechanism". Hypertension vol.60 no.3, pp.833-841. 2012.09. <P124606> LAW Jessica Ka-yan; OBERBILLIG Tobias; YEUNG Chi Kong; RUDD John Anthony; CHAN Mansun and INGEBRANDT Sven. "Comparison of MEA Signals Derived from Perito-neal Mast Cells and RBL-2H3 Cells". 8th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrodes 2 pgs. Reutlingen, Germany, 2012.07.10. <P124651> LAM Fu Yuen; NG Sau Kuen and LAU Hang Yung Alaster. "Anti-arthritic Efficacies of Proteinase-activated Receptor Antagonists in a Rat Model of Adjuvant-induced Arthritis". Paper presented in the 6th European Congress of Pharmacology, pp.30-31 (Abstract no.: LP047). Canada, 2012.07.17. <P124778> ZHOU Xuelin; WANG Yan; HU Tao; OR Mei Yu; WONG John; KWAN Yiu Wa; WAN Chi Cheong David; HOI Pui Man; LAI Bo San Paul and YEUNG Hok Keung John. "Enzyme Kinetic and Molecular Docking Studies for the Inhibitions of Miltirone on Major Human Cytochrome P450 Isozymes". Phytomedicine vol.20 no.3-4 pp.367-374. Germany: Stuttgart: Urban & Fischer Verlag, 2012.10.25. <P124831> ZHANG Dong-mei; LI Yong; CHEANG Wai San; LAU Chi Wai; LIN Shun-ming; ZHANG Qian-lan; YAO Nan; WANG Ying; WU Xin; HUANG Yu and YE Wen-cai. "Cajaninstilbene Acid Relaxes Rat Renal Arteries: Roles of Ca2+ Antagonism and Protein Kinase C-dependent Mechanism". Fifth Scientific Meeting of Asian Society for Vascular Biology p.66 (Abstract No.: P08). Xi'an, China, 2012.10.27. <P124880> CHO Chi Hin. "Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity and Angiogenesis in Rat Stomachs". Adaptive Medicine vol.4 no.3, pp.191. 2012.09.30. School of Biomedical Sciences <P124908> TSE Kai Hei; CHOW Bing Shui and WISE Helen. "The Expression of Glutamine Synthetase in Isolated Dorsal Root Ganglion Cells in Response to Glutamate and Dexamethasone". Paper presented in the 14th World Congress on Pain, organized by International Association for the Study of Pain, 1 page (Abstract no.: PF 220). Milan, 2012.08.31. <P124971> TIAN Xiao Yu; WONG Wing Tak; WANG Nanping; LU Ye; CHEANG Wai San; LIU Jian; LIU Limei; LIU Yahan; LEE Sau Tuen Susanna; CHEN Zhenyu; COOKE John P; YAO Xiaoqiang and HUANG Yu. "PPARδ activation protects endothelial function in diabetic mice". Diabetes vol.61 no.12, pp.3285-3293. 2012.12. <P125033> LEUNG Sin-bond; ZHANG Huina; LAU Chi Wai; HUANG Yu and LIN Zhixiu. "Salidroside Improves Homocysteine-induced Endothelial Dysfunction through Reducing Oxidative Stress". Fifth Scientific Meeting of Asian Society for Vascular Biology p.79 (Abstract No.: P21). Xi'an, China, 2012.10.27. <P125049> CHO Chi Hin and LI Zhijie. "Homing Peptide for Tumor Vasculature". United States Patent Patent No.: US 8,247,378 B2. 2012.08.21. <P125113> LI Qian; KE Ya; CHAN Cheuk Wing Danny; QIAN Zhong Ming; YUNG K. L. Ken; KO Ho; ARBUTHNOTT Gordon W. and YUNG Wing Ho. "Therapeutic Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinsonian Rats Directly Influences Motor Cortex". Neuron vol.76 no.5, pp.1030-1041. 2012.12.06. <P125611> CHEANG Wai San; TIAN Xiaoyu; WONG Wing Tak Jack; LAU Chi Wai; LU Ye; YAO Xiaoqiang; LEE Sau Tuen Susanna and HUANG Yu. Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor Delta (PPARδ) Mediates the Vascular Benefits of Metformin in Diet-induced Obese Mice Paper presented in the Institute of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine Sixteenth Annual Scientific Meeting, J HK Coll Cardiol, Vol. 20, p. 48 (Abstract No. OP2). 2012.11.17. <P125615> JIANG Xiaohua; ZHANG Jieting and CHAN Hsiao Chang. "Ion channels/transporters as eigenetic regulators? - a microRNA perspective". Science China Life Sciences vol.55 no.9, pp.753-760. 2012.09. <P125680> ZHANG Xiaohu; MA Ze Gang; ROWLANDS Dewi Kenneth; GOU Yulin; FOK Kin Lam Ellis; WONG Hau Yan Connie; YU Mei Kuen; TSANG Lai Ling Angel; MU Li; CHEN Lei; YUNG Wing Ho; CHUNG Yiu Wa; ZHANG Bei Lin; ZHAO Hua and CHAN Hsiao Chang. "Flavonoid Myricetin Modulates GABAA Receptor Activity through Activation of Ca2+ Channels and CaMK-II Pathway". Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine vol.2012 no.0, pp.10. 2012.08. School of Biomedical Sciences <P125713> LIU Jian; HAN Jingyan and HUANG Yu. "Salvianolic Acid B Rescues Endothelial Function in Diabetic db/db Mice". International Conference of TCM Pharmacology and 5th Annual Conference of the Specialty Committee of TCM Pharmacology, World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies p.72 (Abstract no.: S1-1). Beijing, China, 2012.09.07. <P125806> GU Shen; SUEN Yick Keung and CHAN Wai Yee. "Regulatory Network of MicroRNA Action – MiR-199a in Health and Diseases". Paper presented in the American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting, organized by American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG), 1 pgs. San Francisco, United States of America, 2012.11.08. <P125839> CHENG C.; NG D. S. W.; CHAN T. K.; GUAN S. P.; HO W. E.; KOH A. H. M.; BIAN J. S.; LAU Hang Yung Alaster and WONG W. S. F.. "Anti-allergic Action of Anti-malarial Drug Artesunate in Experimental Mast Cell-mediated Anaphylactic Models". Allergy vol.68 no.2, pp.195-203. Denmark: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013.02. <P125924> LIU Yun; LUO Daji; ZHU Zuoyan; HU Wei and CHENG Hon Ki Christopher. "An Efficient TALENs Platform for Targeted Gene Knockout in Zebrafish". 1st Chinese Zebrafish PI Conference, Wuhan organized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences 1 pgs. 2012.10. <P126100> HU Xueqing; LI Yan; HU Zhiying; RUDD John Anthony; LING Shucai; JIANG Fangzhen; DAVIES Henry and FANG Marong. "The Alteration of 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors is Involved in Neuronal Apoptosis of Goldfish Cerebellum Following Traumatic Experience". Neurochemistry International vol.61 2 pp.207-218. Elsevier Ltd., 2012.07. <P126156> CHEN Lihong; MIAO Yifei; ZHANG Yahua; DOU Dou; LIU Limei; TIAN Xiaoyu; YANG Guangrui; PU Dan; ZHANG Xiaoyan; KANG Jihong; GAO Yuansheng; WANG Shiqiang; BREYER D; WANG Nanping; ZHU Yi; HUANG Yu; BREYER M and GUAN Youfei. "Inactivation of the E-Prostanoid 3 Receptor Attenuates the Angiotensin II Pressor Response via Decreasing Arterial Contractility". Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology vol.32 no.12, pp. 3024-3032. 2012.12. <P126201> LIU Jian; TIAN Xiaoyu; WONG Wing Tak Jack; LIU Limei; ZHANG Yang; WANG Li and HUANG Yu. "Endothelin-1 Receptor Inhibition Improves Endothelial Function in Zucker Fatty Rats with Metbaolic Syndrome". Fifth Scientific Meeting of Asian Society for Vascular Biology p.50 (Abstract No.: CP10). Xi'an, China, 2012.10.27. <P126463> KE Ya; CHAN Ying Shing and YUNG Wing Ho. "Mechanism of Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia-Induced Impairment in Synaptic Plasticity and Neurocognitive Dysfunction". Advances in High Altitude Medicine and Hypoxic Physiology in China vol.2012 no.0, pp.20-21. 2012.12. School of Biomedical Sciences <P126468> NG Tzi Bun; CHEUNG Chi Fai Randy; WONG Ho; YAN Ru and YE Xiujuan. "Lipid-transfer proteins". Biopolymers vol.98 no.4, pp.268-279. 2012. <P126479> GU Shen and CHAN Wai Yee. "Flexible and Versatile as a Chameleon-Sophisticated Functions of microRNA-199a". International Journal of Molecular Sciences vol.13 no.7, pp.8449-8466. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI AG, 2012.07.09. <P126719> ZHOU Wenyi; LI Shuisheng; LIU Yun; QI Xin; CHEN Huapu; CHENG Hon Ki Christopher; LIU Xiaochun; ZHANG Yong and LIN Haoran. "The Evolution of Tachykinin/tachykinin Receptor (TAC/TACR) in Vertebrates and Molecular Identification of the TAC3/TACR3 System in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)". Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology vol.361 no.1-2, pp.202-212. 2012.09.25. <P126774> CHENG Xin; WANG Guang; MA Zheng Lai; CHEN Yun Yu; FAN Jing Jing; ZHANG Zhao Long; LEE Ka Ho Kenneth; LUO Huan Min and YANG Xuesong. "Exposure to 2,5-hexanedione can Induce Neural Malformations in Chick Embryos". NeuroToxicology vol.33 no.5, pp.1239-1247. 2012.10. <P126903> RUAN Jianqing; LI Na and LIN Ge. "Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid N-oxides Intoxication and Their Identification in Natural Products". Paper presented in the 11th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine Abstracts, organized by The Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine and the Macau University of Science and Technology, p.208. 2012.08. <P126924> SEKETE Malota; MA Duanzheng; WANG Bo; WANG Hexiang and NG Tzi Bun. "First Biochemical Characterization of a Novel Ribonuclease from Wild Mushroom Amanita Hemibapha". SpringerPlus vol.1 no.1, pp.79 (6 pages). Springer, 2012. <P126994> LU Zengbing; PERCIE DU SERT N.; LIN Ge; YEW Tai Wai David; ANDREWS P. and RUDD John Anthony. "The Effect of the GLP-1 Receptor Agonist, Exendin-4 on Blood Glucose Levels, Emesis and Gastric Myoelectric Activity, in the Ferret". Paper presented in the Joint International Neurogastroenterology and Molility Meeting, organized by European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility and the American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society, p.136 (Abstract no.: 318). Bologna, Italy, 2012.09.06. <P127015> MA Xin; CAI Yanfei; HE Dongxu; ZOU Chang; ZHANG Peng; LO Chun Yin; XU Zhenyu; CHAN Leung Franky; YU Shan; CHEN Yun; ZHU Ruiyu; LEI Jianyong; JIN Jian and YAO Xiaoqiang. "Transient Receptor Potential Channel TRPC5 is Essential for P-glycoprotein Induction in Drug-resistant Cancer Cells". Proceedings USA vol.109 no.40, pp.16282-16287. 2012.10. of the National Academy of Sciences School of Biomedical Sciences <P127030> LI Na; RUAN Jianqing and LIN Ge. "Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid N-oxides-associated Hepatic Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome". Paper presented in the 11th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine Abstracts, organized by The Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine and the Macau University of Science and Technology, p.208. 2012.08. <P127161> FUNG Man Lung; TIPOE George L. and LEUNG Po Sing. "Paracrine-Autocrine Mechanisms in the Carotid Body Function at High Altitude and in Disease". Advances in High-Attitude Medicine and Hypoxic Physiology in China (A sponsored Supplement to Science) vol.338 no.6113 pp.66-68. 2012.12.14. <P127241> WANG Xiaohong; LU Gang; HU Xiang; TSANG Kam Sze Kent; KWONG Wing Hang; WU Fengxia; MENG Haiwei; JIANG Shu; LIU Shuwei; NG Ho Keung and POON Wai Sang. "Quantitative Assessment of Gait and Neurochemical Correlation in a Classical Murine Model of Parkinson's disease". BMC Neuroscience vol.13 pp.142. 2012. <P127252> LAM Pik-ling; KOK Hon Lung Stanton; HO Yiu-wah; WONG Siu Ming Raymond; CHENG Chor-hing; LAM Kim-hung; GAMBARI Roberto; LEE Ka Ho Kenneth and CHUI Chung-hin. "A Novel Green Gelatin-agar Microencapsulation System with P.urinaria as an improved Anti-A. niger model". Carbohydrate Polymers vol.92 1 pp.877-880. Elsevier, 2012.10.13. <P127270> CHEN Fei; MA Bin; YANG Zong Chang; LIN Ge and YANG Dan. "Extraordinary Metabolic Stability of Peptides Containing α-aminoxy Acids". Amino Acids vol.43 no.1, pp.499-503. 2012.07. <P127429> CHAN Wai Yee. Epigenetic Regulation of Non-Coding RNA in Testicular Germ Cell Tumor Paper presented in the Third Military Medical University and CUHK School of Biomedical Sciences Joint Symposium on Cancer, organized by Southwest Cancer Center, TMMU and School of Biomedical Sciences, CUHK. 1 pgs. P.R. China, Chongqing, 2012.11.02. <P127440> TONG Wai-man; SHA Ou; NG Tzi Bun; CHO Yu Pang Eric and KWONG Wing Hang. "Different in vitro Toxicity of Ribosome-inactivating Proteins (RIPs) on Sensory Neurons and Schwann Cells". Neuroscience Letters vol.524 no.2 pp.89-94. 2012.08.30. <P127441> ZHANG Dong Mei; LI Yong; CHEANG Wai San; LAU Chi Wai; LIN Shun Ming; ZHANG Qian Lan; YAO Nan; WANG Ying; WU Xin; HUANG Yu and YE Wen Cai. "Cajaninstilbene acid relaxes rat renal arteries: roles of Ca2+ antagonism and protein kinase C-dependent mechanism". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.10, pp.e47030. 2012.10. <P127451> WONG Ho; IP Tsz Ming; NG Tzi Bun; CHAN Yau Sang; FANG Fei and PAN Wenliang. "A Defensin-like Peptide from Phaseolus Vulgaris Chemistry vol.135 no.2 pp.408-414. Elsevier Ltd., 2012.11.15. cv. 'King Pole Bean'". Food School of Biomedical Sciences <P127485> WANG Hui Chuan Eileen; PERCIE DU SERT N. and RUDD John Anthony. "Age-induced Changes in Gastric Myoelectrical Activity and the Effect of Nicotine in ICR Mice". Paper presented in the Joint International Neurogastroenterology and Motility Meeting, organized by The European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility and the American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society, p.57 (Abstract No.: 052). 2012.09.06. <P127593> CHO Chi Hin. "Cigarette Smoke and Its Extract Delayed Ulcer Healing, Reduced Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity and Angiogenesis in Rat Stomachs". Paper presented in the The Sixth Cross-Strait Symposium on Hypoxia & The Ninth Chiang Shou-Teh Symposium, p.25 (Abstract No.: 17). Taiwan, 2012.11.03. <P127616> SUN Lei; YAU Ho Yan; WONG Wei Yan; LI Ronald A; HUANG Yu and YAO Xiaoqiang. "Role of TRPM2 in H2O2-induced Cell Apoptosis in Endothelial Cells". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.8, pp.e43186. 2012. <P127624> KOHN Carolin; SCHLEIFENBAUM Johanna; SZIJARTO Istvan Andras; MARKO Lajos; DUBROVSKA Galyna; HUANG Yu and GOLLASCH Malk. "Differential effects of cystathionine-γ-lyase–dependent vasodilatory H2S in periadventitial vasoregulation of rat and mouse aortas". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.8, pp. e41951. 2012.08. <P127627> HUANG Fung-yu; CHAN Annie On-on; RASHID Asif; WONG Danny Ka-ho; CHO Chi Hin and YUEN Man-fung. "Helicobacter pylori Induces Promoter Methylation of E-cadherin via Interleukin-1beta Activation of Nitric Oxide Production in Gastric Cancer Cells". Cancer vol.118 no.20, pp.4969-4980. John Wiley, 2012.10.15. <P127663> XUE Hong; ZHOU Li; YUAN Ping; WANG Zhen; NI Jun; YAO Tai; WANG Jun; HUANG Yu; YU Chen and LU Limin. "Counteraction between Angiotensin II and Angiotensin-(1-7) via Activating Angiotensin Type I and Mas Receptor on Rat Renal Mesangial Cells". Regulatory Peptides vol.177 no.1-3, pp.12-20. Elsevier B.V., 2012.08. <P127780> LIU Jian; TIAN Xiaoyu; WONG Wing Tak Jack; LIU Limei; ZHANG Yang; WANG Li and HUANG Yu. "Endothelin-1 Mediates Dysfunction of Multiple Organs in Zucker Fatty Rats". 14th Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk Factors - East Meets West Symposium p.28 (Abstract no.: Ab08). Hong Kong SAR, 2012.10.01. <P127891> LIU Limei; LIU Jian; TIAN Xiaoyu; WONG Wing Tak Jack; LAU Chi Wai; XU Aimin; XU Gang; YAO Xiaoqiang; GAO Yuansheng and HUANG Yu. "DPP-4 Inhibition by Sitagliptin Attenuates Endothelium-dependent Contractions through Up-regulation of Uncoupling Protein-2 in Hypertension". Fifth Scientific Meeting of Asian Society for Vascular Biology p.27 (Abstract No.: YIA04). Xi'an, China, 2012.10.27. School of Biomedical Sciences <P127959> REN Shunxiang; CHENG Sze Lok; TO Ka Fai; TONG Hung Man Joanna; LI Sui Mui; SHEN Jing; WONG Ching Man; ZHANG Lin; CHAN Lok Yi Ruby; WANG Xiaojuan; NG Siu Man Simon; CHIU Chi Ming Lawrence; MARQUEZ E. Victor; GALLO L. Richard; CHAN F K L; YU Jun; SUNG Joseph J Y; WU Ka Kei and CHO Chi H.. "Host Immune Defense Peptide LL-37 Activates Caspase-independent Apoptosis and Suppresses Colon Cancer". Cancer Research vol.72 no.24, pp.6512-6523. 2012.12. <P127986> POON Chui Wa Christina; TSE Wing Ka; AU Lai Shan; KONG Siu Kai; HO Ho Pui; LEUNG G. P. H. and KWAN Yiu Wa. "Effects of Vitamins K2 and D3 on Bone Matrix Mineralization of Osteoblasts of Obese/Diabetic (db+/db+) Mice". Paper presented in the Institute of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine Sixteenth Annual Scientific Meeting, Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology vol.20 p.59 (Abstract No.: P08). Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.17. <P128116> YANG Mengbi and LIN Ge. "Absorption and Permeability of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids and Their N-oxides". Paper presented in the 11th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine Abstracts, organized by The Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine and the Macau University of Science and Technology, p.207. 2012.08. <P128134> YU Shan; JIA Lin; ZHANG Yan; WU Dinglan; XU Zhenyu; NG Chi Fai; To KKW; HUANG Yu and CHAN Leung Franky. "Increased Expression of Activated Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Contributes to Antiandrogen Resistance in Prostate Cancer Cells by Suppressing Androgen Receptor Transactivation". Cancer Letters vol.328 no.1 pp.83-94. Elsevier Ireland Ltd., 2013.01.01. <P128248> ZHANG Lin and CHO Chi Hin. "Chapter 17: Current Therapy and Future Perspectives for Inflammation-Associated Cancer". From Inflammation to Cancer - Advances in Diagnosis and Therapy for Gastrointestinal and Hepatological Diseases ed. by Chi Hin Cho & Jun Yu. pp.351-356. World Scientific, 2012.08. <P128260> HO Jenny C. Y.; LAI Wing-hon; LI Ming-fang; AU Ka-wing; YIP Mei-chu; WONG Navy L. Y.; NG Sau Kuen; LAM Fu Yuen; SIU Chung-wah and TSE Hung-fat. "Reversal of Endothelial Progenitor Cell Dysfunction in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Using a Conditioned Medium of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-derived Endothelial Cells". Diabetes-Metabolism Research and Reviews vol.28 no.5, pp.462-473. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2012.07.02. <P128320> KAN Lai Ting Winnie; YIN Chun; XU Hong Xi; XU Gang; To KKW; CHO Chi Hin; RUDD John Anthony and LIN Ge. "Antitumor Effects of Novel Compound, Guttiferone K, on Colon Cancer by p21Waf1/Cip1-mediated G(0)/G(1) Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis". International Journal of Cancer vol. 132 no.3, pp.707-716. 2013.02.01. School of Biomedical Sciences <P128340> LI Zhijie and CHO Chi Hin. "The Adrenergic System in Gastrointestinal Cancers". Current Cancer Therapy Reviews vol.8 pp.110-115. Bentham Science Publishers, 2012.07. <P128432> GIN Tony; MENG Zhaoyu; LIU Xiaodong; CHENG Hon Ki Christopher and CHAN Matthew Tak Vai. "The Effect of Opioid Receptor a118g Polymorphism on Morphine Consumption after Major Abdominal Surgery". 14th World Congress on Pain Italy, 2012.08. <P128493> CHAN Sau Hing; CHUI Chung Hin; CHAN Shun Wan; KOK Hon Lung Stanton; CHAN Dessy; TSOI Yuen Tung Miriam; LEUNG Mei Hang Polly; LAM King Yin Alfred; CHAN Sun Chi Albert; LAM Kim Hung and TANG Cheuk On Johnny. "Synthesis of 8-Hydroxyquinoline Derivatives as Novel Antitumor Agents". ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters vol.4 no.2, pp.170-174. ACS Publications, 2012.12.20. <P128516> Isabel Hwang; TAM Michael S C; LAM Lai Chuen and LAM Shun Leung. "Review of Use of Animation as a Supplementary Learning Material of Physiology Content in Four Academic Years". e-Journal of e-Learning organized by Academic Conferences International Limited, 10 pgs. 2012.10. <P128562> HUI Chin Wai; YEUNG Chung Kwong; WISE Helen; BAUM Larry; FANG Marong and RUDD John Anthony. "Investigation into the Structural and Functional Changes in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Transgenic Mice with Over-expressing Amyloid Precursor Protein". Paper presented in the 8th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays 2012, pp.119-120. 2012.07.10. <P128748> ADLER W. T.; MEHLHORN A. J.; PLATT M. P.; CHOI, Ricky Thomson; WAYE Mary Miu Yee; GALABURDA A. M. and ROSEN G. D.. "Embryonic Knockdown of the Candidate Dyslexia Susceptibility Gene KIAA0319-like Results in Severe Disruptions of Neuronal Migration" 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, U.S.A. organized by Society for Neuroscience, 1 pgs. New Orleans, United States of America, 2012.10. <P128751> WONG, Tak Hong; LI Man-wah; YAO Xiaoqiang and LAM Hon Ming. "The GmCLC1 protein from soybean functions as a chloride ion transporter". Journal of Plant Physiology 170 101-104. 2012.08.23. <P128763> LI Peter; GOECKS Jeremy and LEE Tin Lap. "Turning Pipe Dreams into Reality.". Genome Biology vol.13 no.8, pp.318. 2012.08.30. <P128860> LEUNG Po Sing and NG Ka Yan. "Current Progress in Stem Cell Research and Its Potential for Islet Cell Transplantation". Current Molecular Medicine vol.13 pp.109-125. Netherlands: Bentham Science Publishers, 2012.07.23. School of Biomedical Sciences <P129046> ZHANG Yang; TIAN Xiaoyu; LIU Jian; WANG Li; LAU Chi Wai; WONG Wing Tak Jack and HUANG Yu. "Activation of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2 Improves Endothelial Function through Reduction of Oxidative Stress in db/db Diabetic Mice". Fifth Scientific Meeting of Asian Society for Vascular Biology p.43 (Abstract No.: CP03). Xi'an, China, 2012.10.27. <P129085> CHEN Hui; RUAN Yechun; XU Wen Ming; CHEN Jing and CHAN Hsiao Chang. "Regulation of Male Fertility by CFTR and Implications in Male Infertility". Human Reproduction Update vol.18 no.6, pp.715-725. Oxford University Press, 2012.11. <P129114> LIANG Juan; LEUNG Kwan Keung; LAM Siu Yin Sylvia and LEUNG Po Sing. "Combined Treatment with a Dipeptidyl Peptidase-IV Inhibitor (Sitagliptin) and an Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Blocker (Losartan) Promotes Islet Regeneration via Enhanced Differentiation of Pancreatic Progenitor Cells". Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism vol.14 no.9 pp.842-851. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012.09. <P129132> CHO Chi Hin. "Cathelicidin the Host Defense Peptide as a Tumor Suppressor Gene for Colon Cancer". Paper presented in the Third Military Medical University and CUHK School of Biomedical Sciences Joint Symposium on Cancer & The 5th International Forum on Cancer Research and Drug Discovery, p.14. Chongqing, China, 2012.11.02. <P129242> KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar; CHAN Sun On; BURD David Andrew Ross; VLANTIS Alexander Chris; JIN Yan; YUNG Lik Kin Alex and LEUNG Yiu Cho Joseph. "Helping Students to Develop a Better Understanding of Spatial Anatomy". Paper presented in the Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2012, p.29-30. Hong Kong, HKSAR, 2012.12.13. <P129349> YUEN Chi Yung; WONG Siu Ling; LAU Chi Wai; TSANG Suk Ying; XU Aimin; ZHU Zhiming; NG Chi Fai; YAO Xiaoqiang; KONG Siu Kai; LEE Hung Kay and HUANG Yu. "From skeleton to cytoskeleton: Osteocalcin transforms vascular fibroblasts to myofibroblasts via angiotensin II and Toll-like receptor 4". Circulation Research vol.111 no.3 pp.e55-e66. 2012.07. <P129425> WISE Helen. "The Roles Played by Highly Truncated Splice Variants of G Protein-coupled Receptors". Journal of Molecular Signaling vol.7 no.13, 12 pgs. 2012.09. <P129445> FU Wei-ming; ZHANG Jinfang; WANG Hua; XI Zhi Chao; WANG Weimao; ZHUANG Peng; ZHU Xiao; CHEN Shih Chi; CHAN Tak Ming; LEUNG Kwong Sak; LU Gang; XU Hong Xi and KUNG Hsiang Fu. "Heat Shock Protein 27 Mediates the Effect of 1,3,5-Trihydroxy-13,13-Dimethyl-2H-Pyran [7,6-b] Xanthone on Mitochondrial Apoptosis Proteomics vol.75 no.15, pp.4833-4843. 2012.08.03. in Hepatocellular Carcinoma". Journal of School of Biomedical Sciences <P129482> WONG Tung Po; HO Rebecca Lucinda Ka Yan; NG Enders Kwok-wai; DEBNAM Edward S. and LEUNG Po Sing. "Upregulation of ACE2-ANG-(1-7)-Mas Axis in Jejunal Enterocytes of Type 1 Diabetic Rats: Implications for Glucose Transport". American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism vol.303 no.5, pp.E669-681. United States of America: American Physiological Society, 2012.09. <P129580> LIU Limei、 LIU Jian 及 黃聿. "胰高血糖素樣肽-1 通過上調解偶聯蛋白 2 的表達改善高血壓內皮 功能". Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology 第 28 卷 第 11 期, 頁 2035. 中國, 2012.11. <P129666> DU Fang; QIAN Zhong-ming; GONG Qi; ZHU Zhou Jin; LU Lina and KE Ya. "The Iron Regulatory Hormone Hepcidin Inhibits Expression of Iron Release as well as Iron Uptake Proteins in J774 Cells". Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry vol.23 no.12, pp.1694-1700. United States of America: Elsevier Inc., 2012.12. <P129751> HUANG Yu. "New Insights into Endothelial Dysfunction". Paper presented in the International Conference of Physiological Sciences 2012 (Physiology and Medicine: Bridging Bench and Bedside), p.30 (Abstract No.: S10-4). Suzhou, China, 2012.11.01. <P129757> ZHOU Xuelin; CHAN Shun Wan; TSENG Hui Ling; DENG Yan; HOI Pui Man; CHOI Pou Seng; OR Mei Yu; YANG, JIAMING; LAM Fu Yuen; LEE Ming Yuen Simon; LEUNG Pak Heng George; KONG Siu Kai; HO Ho Pui; KWAN Yiu Wa and YEUNG Hok Keung John. "Danshensu is the Major Marker for the Antioxidant and Vasorelaxation Effects of Danshen (Salvia Miltiorrhiza) Water-extracts Produced by Different Heat Water-extractions". Phytomedicine vol.19 no.14, pp.1263-1269. 2012.11.05. <P129777> CAO Liang; ZHANG Liang; CHEN Siyun; YUAN Ziqiang; LIU Shaokun; SHEN Xiaotao; ZHENG Xin; QI Xufeng; LEE Ka Ho Kenneth; CHAN Yeuk Hon John and CAI Dongqing. "BDNF-mediated Migration of Cardiac Microvascular Endothelial Cells is Impaired During Ageing". Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine vol.16 no.12, pp.3105-3115. 2012.12. <P129781> YE Lan; CHAN Leung Franky; CHEN Shiuan and LEUNG Lai Kwok. "The citrus flavonone hesperetin inhibits growth of aromatase-expressing MCF-7 tumor in ovariectomized athymic mice". Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry vol.23 no.10, pp.1230-1237. United States of America: Elsevier, 2012.10. <P129952> NI Ming; CHENG Tin Yan; RUI Yun Feng; CHAN Kai Ming; KUHSTOSS Stuart; MA Yanfei L.; SATO Masahiko; WANG Yan and LI Gang. "Dose-Dependent Enhancement of Spinal Fusion in Rats With Teriparatide (PTH[1-34])". Spine vol.37 no.15, pp.1275-1282. 2012.07. School of Biomedical Sciences <P130035> CHAU Long Ho; LIANG Wenfeng; CHEUNG Wing Ki; LIU Wing Keung Ken; LI Wen Jung; CHEN Shih Chi and LEE Gwo-bin. "Self-Rotation of Cells in an Irrotational AC E-Field in an Opto-Electrokinetics Chip". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.1, pp.e51577. 2013.01. <P130075> LIU Yahan; TIAN Xiaoyu; MAO Guangmei; FANG Xi; FUNG Man Lung; SHYY Y. J. John; HUANG Yu and WANG Nanping. "Response to Overexpression of 5-Hydroxytryptamine 2B Receptor Gene in Pulmonary Hypertension: Still a Long Way to Understand its Transcriptional Regulation". Hypertension vol.61 no.4, pp.e30. 2013.04. <P130603> MOK Chong Fai; XIE Chuanming; SHAM Wai Yan; LIN Zhixiu and CHENG Hon Ki Christopher. "1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoic Acid Induces Apoptosis in Human Keratinocyte: Potential Application for Psoriasis Treatment". Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Vol.2013 Article ID: 792840 (19 pages). 2013.04.11. <P130668> NG Tzi Bun and WONG Ho. "Fungal Proteins with Antiproliferative and Anticancer Activties". Protein and Peptide Letters vol.20 no.4, pp.433-438. 2013.04. <P130818> ZHANG Jinfang; FU Wei-ming; LU Gang and KUNG Hsiang Fu. "Characterization and clinical application of Mesenchymal Stem Cells derived from Placenta". Placenta: Function, Development and Disease. ed. by Richard Nicholson . pp.327-334. 2013.05. <P130869> LI Chi Han Samson and CHEN Yangchao. "Targeting Long Non-coding RNAs in Cancers: Progress and Prospects". International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology vol.45 pp.1895-1910. 2013.06. <P130890> LEUNG Man Fai 及 郭漢龍. <Method of Manufacturing the same of polyethylene glycol products (聚 乙二醇功能性衍生物和制造方法)>. 《Chinese patent CN101357986》 14 頁. State Intellectual Property Office of P.R. China, 2013.06.05. <P130903> WANG, Yan and YAO Xiaoqiang. "cGMP and Protein Kinase G Regulate Hypertrophy of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-derived Cardiomyocytes". The 4th International Ion Channel Conference p.44 (Abstract no.: P5). Shijiazhuang, China, 2013.06.30. <P131005> CHAN Yh John; LEE Ka Ho Kenneth and CHUI Yiu Loon. "Molecular Markers of Cholangiocarcinoma". Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma ed. by W.Y. Lau. p.111-125. Netherlands: People''''s Medical Publishing House, 2013.04.01. School of Biomedical Sciences <P131075> CHEN Lihua and LEUNG Po Sing. "Niacin-induced Hyperglycemia is Mediated via Niacin Receptor GPR109a in Pancreatic Islets". Paper presented in the 5th International Congress on Prediabetes and the Metabolic Syndrome, organized by Kenes International, 1 page (Absstract no.: 432 Poster Session 2). Vienna, Austria, 2013.04.18. <P131259> FANG Evandro Fei and NG Tzi Bun. ed. Antitumor Potential and Other Emerging Medicinal Properties of Natural Compounds. 418 pgs. United States of America: Springer Science Business Media Dordrecht, 2013.01. <P131479> CHAN Yau Sang; ZHANG Yanbo and NG Tzi Bun. "Brown Kidney Bean Bowman-Birk Trypsin Inhibitors is Heat and pH Stable and Exhibits Anti-proliferative Activity". Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology vol.169 no.4, pp.1306-1314. 2013.02. <P131594> KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar and CHAN Sun On. "Helping Students To Develop a Better Understanding of Spatial Anatomy in the Context of Clinical and Radiographic Investigations". Paper presented in the 10th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC), organized by Medical Education Unit (MEU) NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, p.113. Singapore, 2013.01.16. <P131778> CHENG Sze Lok; LI Sui Mui; KANG Wei; CHENG Yuen Yee; CHOU J L; LAU Shuk Kei; GO Yin Yin; LEE Ching Ching; LING Kin Wah Thomas; NG Enders K. W.; YU Jun; HUANG H Tim; TO Ka Fai; CHAN W Michael; CHAN Francis K L and SUNG Joseph Jao-yiu. "Helicobacter pylori causes epigenetic dysregulation of FOXD3 to promote gastric carcinogenesis". Gastroenterology vol.144 no.1, pp.122-133.e9. 2013.01. <P131790> LENG Shuilong; HAO Yanli; DU Daobing; XIE Shanyan; HONG Lepeng; GU Haigang; ZHU Xiao; ZHANG Jinfang; FAN Daping and KUNG Hsiang Fu. "Ursolic Acid Promotes Cancer Cell Death by Inducing Atg5-dependent Autophagy". International Journal of Cancer vol.133 no.12 pp.2781-2790. 2013.06.04. <P132073> SHAO Decui; LIU Jia; NI Jun; WANG Zhen; SHEN Yang; ZHOU Li; HUANG Yu; WANG Jun; XUE Hong; ZHANG Wei and LU Limin. "Suppression of XBP1S Mediates High Glucose-Induced Oxidateive Stress and Extracellular Matrix Synthesis in Rental Mesangial Cell and Kidney of Diabetic Rats". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.2, pp.e56124. 2013.02.13. <P132080> WANG Guang; WANG Xiao-yu; HAN Zhe; LI Yan; CHUAI Manli; WANG Li-jing; LEE Ka Ho Kenneth; GENG Jian-guo and YANG Xuesong. "Slit/Robo1 Signaling Regulates Neural Tube Development by Balancing Neuroepithelial Cell Proliferation and Differentiation". Experimental Cell Research vol.319 pp.1083-1093. 2013.02.21. School of Biomedical Sciences <P132228> CHAN, Hing Chung 陳慶聰; LAU, Yuen Ting; LI, Chun Kit; WAYE Mary Miu Yee; SHAW Pang Chui and TSANG Suk Ying. "Role of PinX1 and its transcript variant in maintaining the characteristics of embryonic stem cells". Paper presented in the 中山大學-香港中文大學蛋白質研究中心 2013 年研究 生學術交流研討, organized by 中山大學-香港中文大學蛋白質研究中心, p.18-19. 2013.06.24. <P132325> KOREISHI Mayuko; GNIADEK J. Thomas; YU Siu Bun Sidney; MASUDA Junko; HONJO Yasuko and SATOH Ayano. "The golgin tether giantin regulates the secretory pathway by controlling stack organization within Golgi apparatus.". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.3, pp.e59821. San Francisco, USA, 2013.03.21. <P132457> LEI Yong; LIU Yun; CHENG Hon Ki Christopher and ZHAO Hui. "Efficient Targeted Gene Disruption in Xenopus Embryos Using Engineering Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases (TALENs)". 2013 International Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering pp.1. 2013.03.15. <P132573> FILOSA Jessica A.; YAO Xiaoqiang and RATH Geraldine. "TRPV4 and the Regulation of Vascular Tone". Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology vol.61 no.2, pp.113-119. 2013.02. <P132678> LIU Yun; LI Shuisheng; HUANG Xigui; LU Danqi; LIU Xiaochun; KO Wing Hung; ZHANG Yong; CHENG Hon Ki Christopher and LIN Haoran. "Identification and Characterization of a Motilin-like Peptide and Its Receptor in Teleost". General and Comparative Endocrinology vol.186 pp.85-93. 2013.06. <P132731> CHO Chi Hin and REN Shunxiang. "Cathelicidin Induces AIF- and EndoG-mediated Cell Dealth in Colon Cancer Cells" Paper presented in the Experimental Biology 2013, 1 page (Abstract no.: A33 1093.7). Boston, United States of America, 2013.04.20. <P132789> LAU, Yuen Ting; LI, Chun Kit; WAYE Mary Miu Yee and TSANG Suk Ying. "Role of PinX1 in maintaining the characteristics of mouse embryonic stem cells". Paper presented in the International Society for Stem Cell Research 11th Annual Meeting, organized by International Society for Stem Cell Research, T-2374. 2013.06.12. <P132860> WANG Lin; YEUNG Hok Keung John; LEE Yuk Wai; ZHOU Xuelin; HU Tao and CHO Chi Hin. "Dihydrotanshinone Induced Apoptosis in Colon Cancer Cells by p53-independent but ROS Dependent Pathway Mediated by Mitochondria". Paper presented in the Experimental Biology 2013, 1 page (Abstract no.: A32 1093.5). Boston, United States of America, 2013.04.20. <P133202> HUANG Yu and VANHOUTTE Paul M.. "Xi'an Making History in Vascular Biology". Paper presented in the Journal of Cardiosvascular Pharmacology, pp.453-454. 2013.06. School of Biomedical Sciences <P133270> GERSHAN Jill; CHAN Man Lok Andrew; CHRZANOWSKA-WODNICKA Magdalena; JOHNSON Bryon; MIAO Qing Robert and RAMCHANDRAN Ramani. "Endothelial and Accessory Cell Interactions in Neuroblastoma Tumor Microenvironment". InTech ed. by Jianyuan Chai. 1st ed. 54 pgs. New York, United States of America: InTech Education and Publishing, 2013.02.06. <P133408> LAM Wai Yip; YEUNG Chung Man; NGAI Lei Ka; LI Man Shan; TO Ka Fai; TSUI Kwok Wing and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Effect of Avian Influenza A H5N1 Infection on the Expression of microRNA-141 in Human Respiratory Epithelial Cells". BMC Microbiology 13 104 (12 pages). BioMed Central, 2013.05.10. <P133446> LEI Yong; GUO Xiaogang; DENG Yi; CHEN Yonglong and ZHAO Hui. "Generation of Gene Disruptions by Transcription Activator-like Effector Nucleases (TALENs) in Xenopus Tropicalis Embryos". Cell & Bioscience vol.3 no.1, pp.21. England: BioMed Central, 2013.05.10. <P133497> RUAN Jianqing; LI Na; GAO Hong; WANG Jiyao and LIN Ge. "Potential Risk of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids and Their N-oxides Induced Liver Injury in Humans". Paper presented in the 4th ISSX/CSSX Joint Workshop, organized by International Society for Study of Xenobiotics, Chinese Society for Study of Xenobiotics and Henan Association for Science & Technology, p.8. Henan, China, 2013.05.17. <P133500> CHEN Hui; KUI Christopher and CHAN Hsiao Chang. "Ca2+ Mobilization in Cumulus Cells: Role in Oocyte Maturation and Acrosome Reaction". Cell Calcium vol.53 no.1, pp.68-75. Netherlands: Elsevier Ltd., 2013.01. <P133584> WONG Wing Tak; TIAN Xiao Yu and HUANG Yu. "Endothelial dysfunction in diabetes and hypertension: cross talk in RAS, BMP4 and ROS-dependent COX-2-derived prostanoids". Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology vol.61 no.3, pp.204-214. 2013.03. <P133834> CHAN Sun On. "Axon Growth and Guidance at the Midline of the Mouse Central Nervous System". Symposium on Biomedical Research across the Continents p.9. Hong Kong SAR: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2013.03.08. <P133989> LAU Yeh Siang; TIAN Xiao Yu; HUANG Yu; MURUGAN Dharmani; ACHIKE Francis and MUSTAFA Mohd Rais. "Boldine protects endothelial function in hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress through an antioxidant mechanism". Biochemical Pharmacology vol.85 no.3, pp.367-375. 2013.02. <P133994> CHEN Yao; FAN Jian Xia; ZHANG Zhao Long; WANG Guang; CHENG Xin; CHUAI Manli; LEE Ka Ho Kenneth and YANG Xuesong. "The Negative Influence of High-Glucose Ambience on Neurogenesis in Developing Quail Embryos". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.6, pp.e66646. 2013.06. School of Biomedical Sciences <P134066> LI Ren Kuan; FU Cai Li; CHEN Ping; NG Tzi Bun and YE Xiu Yun. "High-level Expression of a Sika Deer (Cervus Nippon) Cu/Zn Superoxide Dismutase in Pichia Pastoris and Its Characterization". Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology vol.35 no.2, pp.185-192. 2013.03. <P134072> ZHAO Zhinxin; GAMBARI Roberto; LEE Ka Ho Kenneth; KOK Hon Lung Stanton; WONG Siu Ming Raymond; LAU Fung Yi; TANG Johnny Cheuk On; LAM Kim-hung; CHENG Chor-hing; HAU Kwok Po; CHUI Chung Hin; WONG Wai-yeung and WONG Wai-kwok. "In Vivo Antitumour Activity of Amphiphilic Silicon (IV) Phthalocyanine with Axially Ligated Rhodamine B". Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters vol.23 8 pp.2373-2376. Elsevier, 2013.02.19. <P134179> CHAN Yau Sang and NG Tzi Bun. "A Lectin with Highly Potent Inhibitory Activity Toward Breast Cancer Cells from Edible Tubers of Dioscorea Opposita cv. Nagaimo". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.1, pp.e54212. 2013.01. <P134181> CHOW Bonnie Wing-yin; HO Connie Suk-han; WONG Simpson Wai-lap; WAYE Mary Miu Yee and BISHOP Dorothy V. M.. "Generalist Genes and Cognitive Abilities in Chinese Twins". Developmental Science vol.16 no.2, pp.260-268. 2013.02. <P134501> FANG Fei and NG Tzi Bun. "Chapter 21: The Bitter Fruit with Sweet Health Benefits: A Comprehensive Synopsis of Recent Research Progress on Medicinal Properties of Momordica Charantia". Antitumor Potential and Other Emerging Medicinal Properties of Natural Compounds ed. by Evandro Fei Fang and Tzi Bun Ng. pp.315-334. United States of America: Springer Science Business Media Dordrecht, 2013.01. <P134588> CHEANG Wai San; LAM Muk Yan; WONG Wing Tak Jack; TIAN Xiaoyu; LAU Chi Wai; ZHU Zhiming; YAO Xiaoqiang and HUANG Yu. "Menthol Relaxes Rat Aortae, Mesenteric and Coronary Arteries by Inhibiting Calcium Influx". European Journal of Pharmacology vol.702 pp.79-84. 2013.02.01. <P134865> CAI Ganhui; YU Shan; JI Yanping and CHAN Leung Franky. "CRMP1 functions to suppress epithelial-mesenchymal transition and invasion capacity of prostate cancer cells.". Paper presented in the Tumor Invasion and Metastasis, organized by American Association for Cancer Research, C15 pgs. San Diego, United States of America, 2013.01.20. <P134930> CHAN Lok Yi Ruby and CHO Chi Hin. "Deterioration of Mouse Femur Microstructure by Heavy Cigarette Smoking and the Effect of Smoking Cessation". Paper presented in the Experimental Biology 2013, 1 page (Abstract no.: B454 713.10). Boston, United States of America, 2013.04.20. School of Biomedical Sciences <P134969> HU Tao; YEUNG Hok Keung John; WANG Lin; ZHOU Xuelin; OR Mei Yu; To KKW and CHO Chi Hin. "Reversal of P-glycoprotein Mediated Multidrug Resistance by Cryptotanshinone and Dihydrotanshinone". Paper presented in the Experimental Biology 2013, 1 page (Abstract no.: A42 1093.15). Boston, United States of America, 2013.04.20. <P135063> TANG Mei Kuen; LIANG Yongjia; CHAN John Yeuk Hon; WONG Sing Wan; CHEN Elve; YAO Yao; GAN Jingyi; XIAO Lihai; LEUNG, Hin Cheung; KUNG Hsiang Fu; WANG Hua and LEE Ka Ho Kenneth. "Promyelocytic Leukemia (PML) Protein Plays Important Roles in Regulating Cell Adhesion, Morphology, Proliferation and Migration". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.3, pp.e59477. 2013.03.21. <P135113> GERSHAN Jill; CHAN Man Lok Andrew; CHRZANOWSKA-WODNICKA Magdalena; JOHNSON Bryon; MIAO Qing Robert and RAMCHANDRAN Ramani. "Chapter 5: Endothelial and Accessory Cell Interactions in Neuroblastoma Tumor Microenvironment". Research Directions in Tumor Angiogenesis ed. by Jianyuan Chai. 1st ed. pp.89-142. Croatia: InTech, 2013.01. <P135159> WANG Yan; LIN Huang-quan; IP Tsz Ming and WAN Chi Cheong David. "Napthoquainone from Lithospermum Erythrorhizon Inhibit Acetylcholinesterase Activity in Vitro". Paper presented in the XIV International Symposium on Cholinergic Mechanisms, organized by -, 1 pgs. 2013.05. <P135186> SHEN Jing and CHO Chi Hin. "miRNA in the Pathogenesis and Therapy for Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Cancers". Current Pharmaceutical Design vol.19 no.7, p.1179. 2013.01. <P135212> LEUNG Ka Kit and TSUI Kwok Wing. "AIns: a New Searchable and Filterable Sequence Alignment Format". International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics vol.7 no.2, pp.135-145. 2013.03. <P135222> CHENG Sze Lok; FENG Hai; YU Zhuo; LI Sui Mui; LEE, Ying Ying 李 盈; CHEUNG Yue Sun; LAI Bo San Paul and SUNG Joseph J Y. An AR-EZH2 Epigenetic Circuitry Regulates Hepatic Oncogenesis. Paper presented in the Gordon Research Conference on Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics, organized by Gordon Research Conferences, 1 pgs. Lucca, Italy, 2013.04.24. <P135231> CHEUNG Chi Fai Randy; LEUNG Ho Him; PAN Wenliang and NG Tzi Bun. "A Calcium Ion-dependent Dimeric Bean Lectin with Antiproliferative Activity Toward Human Breast Cancer MCF-7 Cells". Protein Journal vol.32 no.3, pp.208-215. 2013.03. <P135232> To KKW; POON, Chung Sing Daniel; CHEN Xg; LIN Ge and FU Lw. "CUDC-101, A Hybrid Molecular Targeted Agent, Reverses Multiple Mechanisms of Drug Resistance". Paper presented in the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2013, organized by American Association for Cancer Research, 1 pgs. Washington D.C., U.S.A., 2013.04.07. School of Biomedical Sciences <P135244> NG Tzi Bun. ed. Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides. Editor for Section III. 2013.01. <P135298> XIA Lixin; NG Tzi Bun; FANG Fei and WONG Ho. "Chapter 22: Bioactive Constituents of the Silk Worm Bombyx mori". Antitumor Potential and Other Emerging Medicinal Properties of Natural Compounds ed. by Evandro Fei Fang and Tzi Bun Ng. pp.335-344. United States of America: Springer Science Business Media Dordrecht, 2013.01. <P135314> LU Lan and CHO Chi Hin. "TCP-1 as a Novel Phage-display Peptide Targeting Colon Cancer". Paper presented in the Experimental Biology 2013, 1 page (Abstract no.: A46 1093.19). Boston, United States of America, 2013.04.20. <P135664> KAIPPARETTU Benny Abraham; MA Yewei; PARK Jun Hyoung; LEE Tin Lap; ZHANG Yiqun; YOTNDA Patricia; CREIGHTON Chad J; CHAN Wai Yee and WONG Lee- Jun C. "Crosstalk from Non-Cancerous Mitochondria Can Inhibit Tumor Properties of Metastatic Cells by Suppressing Oncogenic Pathways". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.5, pp.e61747. San Francisco, USA: PLoS ONE, 2013.05.09. <P135690> SOTNIKOV Ilya; VEREMEYKO Tatyana; STAROSSOM Sarach C.; BARTENEVA Natalia; WEINER Howard L. and PONOMAREV Eugene. "Platelets Recognize Brain-specific Glycolipid Structures, Respond to Neurovascular Damage and Promote Neuroinflammation". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.3, pp.e58979 (19 pages). 2013.03. <P135697> NG Tzi Bun; WONG Ho and FANG Fei. "Chapter 20: Recent Research on Pharmacological Activities of the Medicinal Fungus Cordyceps sinensis". Antitumor Potential and Other Emerging Medicinal Properties of Natural Compounds ed. by Evandro Fei Fang and Tzi Bun Ng. pp.303-314. United States of America: Springer Science Business Media Dordrecht, 2013.01. <P135802> NG Tzi Bun; FANG Fei and WONG Ho. "Chapter 23: Proteins with Anticancer and Antimicrobial Activities from Mammals, Submammalian Vertebrates and Invertebrates". Antitumor Potential and Other Emerging Medicinal Properties of Natural Compounds ed. by Evandro Fei Fang and Tze Bun Ng. pp.345-358. United States of America: Springer Science Business Media Dordrecht, 2013.01. <P135836> REN Shunxiang; SHEN Jing; CHENG Sze Lok; LU Lan; CHAN Lok Yi Ruby; LI Zhijie; WANG Xiaojuan; WONG Ching Man; ZHANG Lin; NG Siu Man Simon; CHAN Leung Franky; CHAN F K L; YU Jun; SUNG Joseph J Y; WU Ka Kei and CHO Chi Hin. "FK-16 Derived from the Anticancer Peptide LL-37 Induces Caspase-independent Apoptosis and Autophagic Cell Death in Colon Cancer Cells". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.5, pp.e63641. 2013.05. School of Biomedical Sciences <P135891> ZHANG Peng and YAO Xiaoqiang. "Nitric Oxide Inhibits 11,12-EET-induced Porcine Coronary Arterial VSMCs Hyperpolarization and Relaxation". The 4th International Ion Channel Conference p.77 (Abstract no.: P38). Shijiazhuang, China, 2013.06.30. <P135970> CHEANG Wai San; TIAN Xiaoyu; WONG Wing Tak Jack and HUANG Yu. "Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor Delta Mediates the Vascular Benefits of Metformin through Inhibiting Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Diet-induced Obese Mice". ISHR XXI World Congress Abstract no.: PS2-P96. San Diego, United States of America, 2013.06.30. <P136041> CHENG Qianni; BOUCHER B. J. and LEUNG Po Sing. "Modulation of Hypovitaminosis D-induced Islet Dysfunction and Insulin Resistance through Direct Suppression of the Pancreatic Islet Renin-Angiotensin System in Mice". Diabetologia vol.56 no.3, pp.553-562. Germany: Berlin Springer Verlag, 2013.03. <P136065> MAK King Lun Kingston. "Differential effects of hedeghog signaling on postnatal bone remodeling". IBMS BoneKEy vol.10 no.331, pp.2013.65. United States of America: Nature Publishing Group, 2013.05.01. <P136133> LI Rachel W. S.; YANG Cui; KWAN Yiu Wa; CHAN S. W.; LEE Simon M. Y. and LEUNG George P. H.. "Involvement of Organic Cation Transporter-3 and Plasma Membrane Monoamine Transporter in Serotonin Uptake in Human Brain Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells". Frontiers in Pharmacology vol.4 Article 14 (7 pages). 2013.02.12. <P136268> YE Caiguo; YEUNG Hok Keung John; HUANG Guo-liang; CUI Ping; WANG Jian; ZOU Yin; ZHANG Xiang-ning; HE Zhi-wei and CHO Chi Hin. "Increased Glutathione and Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Phosphorylation are Involved in the Induction of Doxorubicin Resistance in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells". Hepatology Research vol.43 no.3, pp.289-299. Netherlands: Blackwell Publishing, 2013.03. <P136280> HUANG Ying; WANG Jian Jun and YUNG Wing Ho. "Coupling Between GABA-A Receptor and Chloride Transporter Underlies Ionic Plasticity in Cerebellar Purkinje Neurons". Cerebellum vol.12 no.3, pp.328-330. 2013.06. <P136346> ZHU Xiao; ZHANG Jinfang; FAN Wenguo; WANG Fang; YAO Hong; WANG Zifeng; HOU Shengping; TIAN Yinghong; FU Weiming; XIE Dan; ZHU Wei; LONG Jun; WU Leijie; ZHENG Xuebao; KUNG Hsiang Fu; ZHOU Keyuan; LIN Marie Chia-mi; LUO Hui and LI Dongpei. "The rs391957 Variant Cis-regulating Oncogene GRP78 Expression Contributes to the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma". Carcinogenesis vol.34 no.6, pp.1273-1280. England: Oxford University Press, 2013.02.15. School of Biomedical Sciences <P136354> TANG Cheuk On Johnny; CHAN Sun Chi Albert; LAM Kim Hung; CHUI Chung Hin; KOK Hon Lung Stanton; YUEN Chun Wah Marcus; CHAN Sau Hing; CHENG Chor Hing and CHEUNG Filly. "Water-soluble polymer-based cantharimides as potentially selective anti-tumor agents". US Patent Office 22 pgs. US Patent Office, 2013.01.01. <P136436> JIA Lin; WU Dinglan; YU Shan and CHAN Leung Franky. "Orphan Nuclear Receptor TLX Functions to Promote Hormone-resistant Growth of Prostate Cancer Cells via Its Direct Suppression of Androgen Receptor Gene Expression". Paper presented in the Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology - Nuclear Receptors and Friends: Roles in Energy Homeostasis and Metabolic Dysfunction, p.52 (Abstract No.: 2011, Poster Session 2). Alpbach, Austria, 2013.04.03. <P136594> XIE Chuanming; JIANG Xiaohua; ZHANG Jieting; SUN Tingting; DONG Jianda; SANDERS J D; DIAO Ruiying; WANG Yi; FOK Kin Lam Ellis; TSANG Lai Ling Angel; YU Mei Kuen; ZHANG Xiaohu; CHUNG Yiu Wa; YE L; ZHAO Mingyue; GUO Jinghui; XIAO Zhijie; LAN Hui Yao; NG Chi Fai; LAU Kin Mang; CAI Z M; JIANG W G and CHAN Hsiao Chang. "CFTR Suppresses Tumor Progression Through miR-193b targeting Urokinase Plasminogen Activator (uPA) in Prostate Cancer". Oncogene vol.32 no.18, pp.2282-2291. MacMillan Publishers Limited, 2013.05. <P136713> CHU Kent-man; CHO Chi Hin and SHIN Vivian Y.. "Nicotine and Gastrointestinal Disorders: Its Role in Ulceration and Cancer Development". Current Pharmaceutical Design vol.19 no.1, pp.5-10. Netherlands: Bentham Science Publishers, 2013.01. <P136751> PAN Wenliang; WONG Ho; FANG Fei Evandro; CHAN Yau Sang; YE Xiu Juan and NG Tzi Bun. "Differential Inhibitory Potencies and Mechanisms of the Type I Ribosome Inactivating Protein Marmorin on Estrogen Receptor (ER)-positive and ER-negative Breast Cancer Cells". Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Cell Research vol.1833 no.5, pp.987-996. 2013.05. <P136761> LIU Wenjing; LI Xiaoling; ZHAO Yueshui; MENG Xiaoming; YANG Baoxue; LAN Hui Yao; HERBERT Y. Lin and XIA Yin. "Dragon (RGMb) inhibits E-Cadherin expression and induces apoptosis in renal tubular epithelial cells". The 2nd Academic Meeting of China Society of Renal Physiology pp.114. Nanjing, China, 2013.05.23. <P136950> SHA Ou; NIU Junfei; NG Tzi Bun; CHO Yu Pang Eric; FU Xiaoyuan and JIANG Wenqi. "Anti-tumor Action of Trichosanthin, a Type 1 Ribosome-inactivating Protein, Employed in Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Mini Pharmacology vol.71 no.6, pp.1387-1393. 2013.06. Review". Cancer Chemotherapy and School of Biomedical Sciences <P137007> ZHU Mengjuan; XU Lijing; CHEN Xiao; MA Zengqiang; WANG Hexiang and NG Tzi Bun. "A Novel Ribonuclease with HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitory Activity from the Edible Mushroom Hygrophorus Russula". Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology vol.170 no.1, pp.219-230. 2013.05. <P137073> LI Yan; WANG Xiao Yu; WU Ting; CHUAI Manli; LEE Ka Ho Kenneth; WANG Li Jing and YANG Xuesong. "PTEN is Involved in Modulation of Vasculogenesis in Early Chick Embryos". Biology Open vol.2 no.6, pp.587-595. 2013.05.09. <P137123> LEUNG, KING PONG; YAO Xiaoqiang and JIANG Liwen. "Functional Study of Endomembrane Proteins (EMPs) in Plants". Paper presented in the Cold Spring Harbor Asia - Plant Cell and Developmental Biology, organized by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Suzhou, China, 2013.06. <P137137> WONG Ho; NG Tzi Bun; FANG Fei and WANG He Xiang. "Chapter 24: Defense Proteins with Antiproliferative and Antimicrobial Activities from Fungi and Bacteria". Antitumor Potential and Other Emerging Medicinal Properties of Natural Compounds ed. by Evandro Fei Fang. pp.359-376. United States of America: Springer Science Business Media Dordrecht, 2013.01. <P137291> ZOU Shenshen; CHEN Yong; LIU Yutao; SEGEV Nava; YU Siu Bun Sidney; LIU Yan; MIN Gaoyi; YE Min; ZENG Yan; ZHU Xiaoping; HONG Bing; BJORN Olof Lars; LIANG Yongheng; LI Shaoshan and XIE Zhiping. "Trs130 participates in autophagy through GTPases Ypt31/32 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.". Traffic vol.14 no.2, pp.233-246. La Jolla, USA: Wiley, 2013.02.14. <P137296> HE Rong Rong; LI Yan; LI Xiao Di; YI Ruo Nan; WANG Xiao Yu; TSOI Bun; LEE Ka Ho Kenneth; ABE Keiichi; YANG Xuesong and KURIHARA Hiroshi. "A New Oxidative Stress Model, 2,2-Azobis (2-Amidinopropane) Dihydrochloride Induces Cardiovascular Damages in Chicken Embryo". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.3, pp.e57732. 2013.03. <P137369> LEUNG Ho Him; FANG Fei and NG Tzi Bun. "Chapter 14: A Landscape of the Health Benefits of Different Natural Protease Inhibitors". Antitumor Potential and Other Emerging Medicinal Propreties of Natural Compounds ed. by Evandro Fei Fang and Tzi Bun Ng. pp.213-226. United States of America: Springer Science Business Media Dordrecht, 2013.01. <P137384> YIN Cuiming; WONG Ho; XIA Jiang and NG Tzi Bun. "Studies on Anticancer Activities of Lactoferrin and Lactoferricin.". Current Protein & Peptide Science pp.12. 2013.06.02. <P137575> YEUNG Hok Keung John. "Chapter 6: New Results on the Pharmacology and Clinical Use of the TCM-Drug Salvia miltiorrhiza". Evidence and Rational Based Research on Chinese Drugs ed. by Hildebert Wagner Wien, 2013.03. & Gudrun Ulrich-Merzenich. 1st ed. pp.237-282. Germany: Springer-Verlag School of Biomedical Sciences <P137621> MA Yan; TJONG Yung Wui and YAO Xiaoqiang. "Chapter 3: Methods to Study the Effects of TRP Channel Drugs on Vascular Endothelial Cell Function". TRP Channels in Drug Discovery ed. by Arpad Szallasi. pp.55-74. Springer Science Business Media LLC, 2013.06. <P137801> LIANG Weicheng and WAYE Mary Miu Yee. "Characterization of miRNA-210 in regulating 3T3-L1 adipogenesis". Keystone Symposium in Molecular and Cellular biology on "Noncoding RNAs in Development and Cancer) Vancouver, Canada 20/01/2013-25/01/2013 pp.76. Vancouver, Canada, 2013.01.20. <P137941> YUNG Lai Ming; TIAN Xiao Yu; WONG Wing Tak; LEUNG Fung Ping; YUNG Lai Hang; CHEN Zhen Yu; LAU Chi Wai; VANHOUTTE Paul M; YAO Xiaoqiang and HUANG Yu. "Chronic cranberry juice consumption restores cholesterol profiles and improves endothelial function in ovariectomized rats". European Journal of Nutrition vol.52 no.3, pp.1145-1155. 2013.04. <P137992> LIU Jing Yi; LEE Kai Fai; SZE Cho Wing; TONG Yao; TANG Chi Wai Sydney; NG Tzi Bun and ZHANG Yan Bo. "Intestinal Absorption and Bioavailability of Traditional Chinese Medicines: A Review of Recent Experimental Progress and Implication for Quality Control". Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology vol.65 no.5, pp.621-633. 2013.05. <P138016> CHEN Lihua and LEUNG Po Sing. "Inhibition of the Sodium Glucose Co-transporter-2: Its Beneficial Action and Potential Combination Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus". Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism vol.15 no.5, pp.392-402. England: Blackwell Science, 2013.05. <P138117> FANG Evandro Fei and NG Tzi Bun. "Chapter 27: Achievements, Questions Arising and Future Outlook on the Path to Discover New Medicinal Compounds". Antitumor Potential and Other Emerging Medicinal Properties of Natural Compounds ed. by Evandro Fei Fang. pp.407-418. United States of America: Springer Science Business Media Dordrecht, 2013.01. <P138187> XIAO Lijia; YU Shan; HSIAO Wendy W. L. and CHAN Leung Franky. "Regulatory Role of an Orphan Nuclear Receptor LRH-1 in Castration-resistant Growth of Prostate Cancer Cells". Paper presented in the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2013, organized by American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), 1. Washington DC, United States of America, 2013.04.06. <P138430> MA, Zili; HUANG Yu and CHAN Kam Tai. "Effect Of Gold Nanoparticles on The Mechanical Property Of Stress Fibers in Endothelial Cells". Paper presented in the CLEO2013, organized by OSA, APS, and IEEE Photonics Society, 3 pgs. San Jose, United States of America, 2013.06.09. School of Biomedical Sciences <P138543> LIU Xia; SHA Ou and CHO Yu Pang Eric. "Remote Ischemic Postconditioning Promotes the Survival of Retinal Ganglion Cells after Optic Nerve Injury". Journal of Molecular Neuroscience DOI: 10.1007/s12031-013-0036-2. 8 pgs. 2013.06. <P138591> CHAN Yun Shen; GOKE Jonathan; LU Xinyi; VENKATESAN Nandini; FENG Bo; SU I Hsin and NG Huck Hui. "A PRC2-Dependent Repressive Role of PRDM14 in Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Reporogramming". Stem Cells vol.31 no.4, pp.682-692. 2013.03. <P138622> LAM Sze Kwan and NG Tzi Bun. "Purification and Characterization of an Antifungal Peptide with Potent Antifungal Activity but Devoid of Antiproliferative and HIV Reverse Transcriptase Activities from Legumi Secchi Beans". Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology vol.169 no.7, pp.2165-2174. 2013.04. <P138683> BAH Clara Shui Fern; FANG Fei and NG Tzi Bun. "Chapter 5: Medicinal Applications of Plant Lectins". Antitumor Potential and Other Emerging Medicinal Properties of Natural Compounds ed. by Evandro Fei Fang and Tzi Bun Ng. pp.55-76. United States of America: Springer Science Business Media Dordrecht, 2013.01. <P138694> XIANG L.; SZE C. W. Stephen; NG Tzi Bun; TONG Y.; SHAW Pang Chui; TANG C. W. Sydney and ZHANG Y. B. Kalin. "Polysaccharides of Dendrobium Officinale Inhibit TNF-α-induced Apoptosis in A-253 Cell Line". Inflammation Research vol.62 no.3, pp.313-324. 2013.03. <P138722> NG Tzi Bun. "Chapter 24: Fungal Peptide with Ribonuclease and Ribosome Inactivating Activities". Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides ed. by Abba J. Kastin. 2nd ed. pp.162-165. United States of America: Elsevier Inc., 2013.01. <P138790> TSE Kai Hei; CHOW Bing Shui; LEUNG W. K.; WONG Y. H. and WISE Helen. "Toll-like Receptor 4 (TLR4) Differentially Regulates Cox-1 and Cox-2 to Enhance Prostanoid Production by Primary Sensory Neurons". Hong Kong Society for Immunology 20th Anniversary & 2013 Annual General Meeting and Scientific Meeting p.12. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.05.25. <P138823> BOUCHERON-HOUSTON Catherine; CANTEREL-THOUENNON Lucile; LEE Tin Lap; BAXENDALE Vanessa; NAGRANI Sohan; CHAN Wai Yee and RENNERT Owen M.. "Long-term Vitamin A Deficiency Induces Alteration of Adult Mouse Spermatogenesis and Spermatogonial Differentiation: Direct Effect on Spermatogonial Gene Expression and Indirect Effects Via Somatic Cells". Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry vol.24 no.6, pp.1123-1135. 2013.06. <P138954> NG Tzi Bun. "Chapter 23: Antifungal and Antibacterial Peptides of Fungal Origin". Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides ed. by Abba J. Kastin. 2nd ed. pp.157-161. Elsevier Inc., 2013.01. School of Biomedical Sciences <P138966> SHI Yanan; LIU Xiaochun; ZHU Pei; LI Jianzhen; SHAM Wai Yan; CHENG Shuk Han; LI Shuisheng; ZHANG Yong; CHENG Hon Ki Christopher and LIN Haoran. "G-protein-coupled Estrogen Receptor 1 Is Involved in Brain Development during Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryogenesis". Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications vol.435 no.1, pp.21-27. 2013.05.24. <P138987> HUANG Fung Yu; CHAN Annie On On; LO Regina Cheuk Lam; RASHID Asif; WONG Danny Ka Ho; CHO Chi Hin; LAI Ching Lung and YUEN Man Fung. "Characterization of Interleukin-1b in Helicobacter pylori-induced Gastric Inflammation and DNA Methylation in Interleukin-1 Receptor Type 1 Knockout (IL-1R1-/- ) Mice". European Journal of Cancer vol.49 pp.2760-2770. 2013.05.08. <P139111> KOREISHI Mayuko; YU Siu Bun Sidney; ODA Mayumi; HONJO Yasuko and SATOH Ayano. "CK2 phosphorylates Sec31 and regulates ER-To-Golgi trafficking.". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.1, pp.e54382. San Francisco, USA, 2013.01.18. <P139168> WANG Zhen; NI Jun; SHAO Decui; JIA Liu; SHEN Yang; LI Zhou; HUANG Yu; YU Chen; WANG Jun; XUE Hong and LU Limin. "Elevated Transcriptional Co-activator p102 mediates Angiotensin II type 1 receptor up-regulation and extracellular matrix overproduction in the high glucose-treated rat glomerular mesangial cells and isolated glomeruli". European Journal of Pharmacology vol.702 pp.208-217. 2013.01.31. <P139184> CHEANG Wai San; LAM Muk Yan; WONG Wing Tak; TIAN Xiao Yu; LAU Chi Wai; ZHU Zhiming; YAO Xiaoqiang and HUANG Yu. "Menthol relaxes rat aortae, mesenteric and coronary arteries by blocking L-type calcium channels". European Journal of Pharmacology vol.702 no.1-3, pp.79-84. 2013.02. <P139283> DONG Jinghui; WONG Siu Ling; LAU Chi Wai; LIU Jian; WANG Yixiang; HE Zhen Dan; NG Chi Fai; CHEN Zhenyu; YAO Xiaoqiang; XU Aimin; NI Xiaochen; WANG Hongyan and HUANG Yu. "Calcitriol restores Renovascular Function in Extrogen-deficient Rats through downregulation of Cyclooxygenase-2 and the Thromboxane-Prostanoid Receptor". Kidney International vol.84 pp.54-63. 2013.02.20. <P139337> LEUNG, Sin Bond; ZHANG Huina; LAU Chi Wai; HUANG Yu and LIN Zhixiu. "Salidroside Improves Homocysteine-induced Endothelial Dysfunction by Reducing Oxidative Stress". Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2013 (2013) http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/679635. 2013.05. School of Biomedical Sciences <P139398> LAM Kim Hung; LEE Ka Ho Kenneth; GAMBARI Roberto; WONG Siu Ming Raymond; CHENG Yin Ming Gregory; TONG See Wai; CHAN Kit Wah; LAU Fung Yi; LAI Bo San Paul; WONG Wai Yeung; CHAN Sun Chi Albert; KOK Hon Lung Stanton; TANG Cheuk On Johnny and CHUI Chung Hin. "Preparation of Galipea Officinalis Hancock Type Tetrahydroquinoline Alkaloid Analogues as Anti-tumour Agents". Phytomedicine vol.20 no.2, pp.166-171. Elsevier, 2013.01.15. <P139543> BARTENEVA Natasha S.; FASLER-KAN Elizaveta; BERNIMOULIN Michael; STERN Joel N. H.; PONOMAREV Eugene; BUCKETT Larry and VOROBJEV Ivan A.. "Circulating Microparticles: Square the Circle". BMC Cell Biology vol.14 no.23, 21 pgs. England: BioMed Central, 2013.04.22. <P139701> JIA Lin; WU Dinglan; YU Shan and CHAN Leung Franky. "Orphan Nuclear Receptor TLX Recruits Lysine-specific Demethylase 1 to Repress Androgen Receptor Gene Transcription and Functions to Promote Hormone-resistant Growth of Prostate Cancer Cells". Paper presented in the AACR Special Conference on Chromatin and Epigenetics in Cancer, organized by American Association for Cancer Research, p.47 (Poster Session A; Abstract No.: A21). Atlanta, United States of America, 2013.06.19. <P139755> WANG Jianao、 LI Zhijie、 QIU Lin、 WANG Cheli、 JIANG Pengju、 曹之憲 及 XIA Jiang. " 基于靶向多肽的量子点探针用于结肠癌肿瘤组织识别 Homing Peptide Conjugated Quantum Dots for Colorectal Cancer Imaging ". Chinese Science Bulletin pp.1-4. 2013.01.11. See Also<P115393 >, <P120191 >, <P120238 >, <P120371 >, <P120385 >, <P120661 >, <P120751 >, <P120784 >, <P121019 >, <P121055 >, <P121116 >, <P121520 >, <P121564 >, <P121592 >, <P121683 >, <P121716 >, <P121748 >, <P121749 >, <P121929 >, <P121941 >, <P122158 >, <P122197 >, <P122254 >, <P122332 >, <P122506 >, <P122779 >, <P122934 >, <P122962 >, <P123091 >, <P123172 >, <P123234 >, <P123247 >, <P123259 >, <P123547 >, <P123680 >, <P123702 >, <P123746 >, <P123768 >, <P123781 >, <P123833 >, <P124003 >, <P124025 >, <P124270 >, <P124356 >, <P124917 >, <P125039 >, <P125222 >, <P125256 >, <P125310 >, <P125627 >, <P125633 >, <P125642 >, <P125732 >, <P126105 >, <P126175 >, <P126455 >, <P126758 >, <P126787 >, <P126832 >, <P126944 >, <P127045 >, <P127284 >, <P127476 >, <P127531 >, <P127675 >, <P127696 >, <P127845 >, <P127846 >, <P128246 >, <P128574 >, <P128585 >, <P128611 >, <P128785 >, <P128793 >, <P128826 >, <P129043 >, <P129331 >, <P129399 >, <P129547 >, <P129615 >, <P129626 >, <P130423 >, <P130518 >, <P130999 >, <P131124 >, <P131126 >, <P131155 >, <P131242 >, <P131281 >, <P131766 >, <P131810 >, <P131974 >, <P131988 >, <P132159 >, <P132183 >, <P132642 >, <P132745 >, <P132790 >, <P133165 >, <P133400 >, <P133579 >, <P133685 >, <P133915 >, <P134079 >, <P134449 >, <P134477 >, <P134480 >, <P134489 >, <P134605 >, <P134659 >, <P134689 >, <P134776 >, <P134822 >, <P134880 >, <P134959 >, <P135094 >, <P135118 >, <P135121 >, <P135662 >, <P136858 >, <P137150 >, <P137333 >, <P137524 >, <P137664 >, <P137742 >, <P137881 >, <P137936 >, <P137985 >, <P138271 >, <P138322 >, <P138464 >, <P138699 >, <P138772 >, <P138887 >, <P139744 >, <P139814 >, <P139987 > Department of Chemical Pathology <P111831> TANG Leung Sang Nelson; YEUNG, Hau Man and HU, Fuyan 胡复艷. Impact of Statistical Analyses in the Latest Genomic Eras: from GWAS to Gene Expression "數學、計算機與生命科學交叉研究"青年 學者論壇 Beijing, China, 2013.05.18. <P120464> TONG Yu Kwan; CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa; CHAN Kwan Chee; LEUNG Tak Yeung and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Technical Concerns About Immunoprecipitation of Methylated Fetal DNA for Noninvasive Trisomy 21 Diagnosis". Nature Medicine vol.18 no.9, pp.1327-1328. 2012.09. <P121684> WONG Chun Kwok; HU, SHUIQING; LEUNG, Ming Lam; QIU, Huaina; LIU, Yan Ping Kelly and LAM Wai Kei Christopher. "NOD-like Receptors Mediated Activation of Eosinophils Interacting with Bronchial Epithelial Cells: a Link between Innate Immunity and Allergic Asthma". The 7th Hong Kong Allergy Convention 2012.09.15. <P121812> CHEN Yu Holly and TANG Leung Sang Nelson. "Chapter 8 The genetic determinants of variations in circulating insulin-like growth factor 1 level and the association with disease predisposition". Current Trends in Endocrinology Vol. 6 ed. pp.77 - 90. 2012.08. <P122055> LO Yuk Ming Dennis and CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa. "Genomic Analysis of Fetal Nucleic Acids in Maternal Blood". Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics vol.13 pp.285-306. 2012. <P122404> QIU, Huaina; WONG Chun Kwok; CHU Miu Ting; HU, SHUIQING; LAM Yi On Yvonne and LAM Wai Kei Christopher. "Muramyldipeptide Mediated Activation of Basophils Interacting with Bronchial Epithelial Cells: a Potential Link between Bacterial Infection and Allergic Asthma". The 7th Hong Kong Allergy Convention 2012.09.15. <P122510> LAM Kwan Wood; JIANG Peiyong; LIAO Jiawei Gary; CHAN Kwan Chee; LEUNG Tak Yeung; CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnosis of Monogenic Diseases by Targeted Massively Parallel Sequencing of Maternal Plasma: Application to β-Thalassemia". Clinical Chemistry vol.58 no.10, pp.1467-1475. 2012.10. <P123776> YU, Shuilian; WONG Chun Kwok; SZETO Cheuk Chun; LI Kwok Ming Edmund and TAM Lai Shan. "Members of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation Endproducts Axis-mediated Inflammatory Mechanism in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus". The 7th Hong Kong Allergy Convention 2012.09.15. <P124145> DIAO Yarui; GUO Xing; LI Yanfeng; SUN Kun; LU Leina; JIANG Lei; FU Xinrong; ZHU Han; SUN Hao; WANG Huating and ZHENGGUO Wu. "Pax3/7BP Is a Pax7- and Pax3-Binding Protein that Regulates the Proliferation of Muscle Precursor Cells by an Epigenetic Mechanism". Cell Stem Cell vol.11 no.2, pp.231-241. 2012.08.03. Department of Chemical Pathology <P124229> TSUI Bo Yin Nancy; JIANG Peiyong; CHOW Ching Kei; SU Xiaoxi; LEUNG Tak Yeung; SUN Hao; CHAN Kwan Chee; CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "High Resolution Size Analysis of Fetal DNA in the Urine of Pregnant Women by Paired-End Massively Parallel Sequencing". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.10, pp. e48319. 2012.10. <P125449> TSUI Bo Yin Nancy and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Recent Advances in the Analysis of Fetal Nucleic Acids in Maternal Plasma". Current Opinion in Hematology vol.19 no.6, pp.462-468. 2012.11. <P125996> LIN Ka Yin and CHUI Yiu Loon. "Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Mouse Cancer Cells". Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals 694-700. New York, United States of America: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. publishers, 2012.12.04. <P127031> QIU, Huaina; WONG Chun Kwok; CHU Miu Ting; HU Shuiqing and LAM Wai Kei Christopher. "Muramyl Dipeptide Mediated Activation of Human Basophils: A Potential Link between Bacterial Infection and Allergic Inflammation". Paper presented in the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Immunology, organized by Japanese Society for Immunology, 1 pgs. Japan, 2012.12.05. <P127173> JI Lin Dan; QIU Yuqing; XU Jin; IRWIN David M; TAM Siu Cheung; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; ZHANG Ya Ping and JI Lin Dan. "Genetic Adaptation of the Hypoxia-Inducible Factor Pathway to Oxygen Pressure among Eurasian Human Populations". Epub ahead of print. 2012.07. <P127350> QIU X. S.; ZHOU S.; JIANG H.; JI M. L.; DING Q; LV F.; LIU Z.; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack and QIU Yong. "Mutation Analysis of MESP2, HES7 and DUSP6 Gene Exons in Patients with Congenital Scoliosis". Paper presented in the 9th International Research Society of Spinal Deformity Biannual Scientific Meeting (IRSSD), 1 pgs. Poznan, Poland, 2012.07.01. <P127809> LI Hui; YU Xiao Min; WANG Jia Xin; HONG Ze Hui and TANG Leung Sang Nelson. "The VNTR Polymorphism of the DC-SIGNR Gene and Susceptibility to HIV-1 Infection: A Meta-Analysis". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.9, pp.e42972. 2012.09. <P128907> SUN, Kun; CHEN, Xiaona; JIANG Peiyong; SONG Xiaofeng; WANG Huating and SUN Hao. "iSeeRNA: Identification of Long Intergenic Non-coding RNA Transcripts from Transcriptome Sequencing Data". ISCB-ASIA / SCCG 2012 Shenzhen, 2012.12.17. <P129073> JIANG Peiyong; CHAN Kwan Chee; LIAO Jiawei Gary; ZHENG Wenli; LEUNG Tak Yeung; CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa; LO Yuk Ming Dennis and SUN Hao. "FetalQuant: Deducing Fractional Fetal DNA Concentration from Massively Parallel Sequencing of DNA in Maternal Plasma". Bioinformatics vol.28 no.22, pp.2883-2890. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2012.11. Department of Chemical Pathology <P129471> 盧煜明、 趙慧君、 TSUI Bo Yin Nancy、 丁春明 及 查爾斯‧坎特. <檢測染色體非整倍性的方法 >. I367259, 2012.07.01. 及 TSUI BO YIN. <產前診斷和監測的標記>. I367260, 2012.07.01. <P129996> 盧煜明、 趙慧君、 詹兆 <P130685> CHAN Kwan Chee; HUNG Chi Wan, Emily; WOO Kong Sang John; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; LEUNG Sing Fai; LAI Pui Tak; CHENG Shuk Ming Anita; YEUNG Sze Wan; CHAN Yin Wa; TSUI Kam Chi; KWOK Sung Shing Jeffrey; KING Ann Dorothy; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung; VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Early detection of nasopharyngeal carcinoma by plasma epstein-bar virus DNA analysis in a surveillance program". Cancer 119 10 1838-1844. 2013.05. <P130782> CHEN Yi Chen; CHIEN Yin Hsiu; CHEN Pin Wen; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; CHIU Pao Chin; HWU Wuh Liang and LEE Ni Chung. "Letters to Editor: Carnitine Uptake Defect (Primary Carnitine Deficiency): Risk in Genotype–Phenotype Correlation". Human Mutation vol.34 no.4, pp.655. 2013.04. <P131393> DONG, Jie 董杰; WONG Chun Kwok and LAM Wai Kei Christopher. "Molecular Mechanisms Regulating the Synergism between IL-32g and NOD Ligands for the Induction of Adhesion Molecules, Cytokines and Chemokines of Eosinophils in Allergic Inflammation". The 18th Annual General Meeting and Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Society of Flow Cytometry 2013.03.24. <P131861> YU Stephanie C. Y.; JIANG Peiyong; CHOY Kwong Wai; CHAN Kwan Chee; WON Hye Sung; LEUNG Wing C.; LAU Elizabeth T.; TANG Mary H. Y.; LEUNG Tak Yeung; LO Yuk Ming Dennis and CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa. "Noninvasive Prenatal Molecular Karyotyping from Maternal Plasma". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.4, pp.e60968. 2013.04. <P132722> CHAN Kwan Chee; JIANG Peiyong; ZHANG Yama W. L.; LIAO Jiawei Gary; SUN Hao; WONG John; SIU Shing Shun Nelson; CHAN Wing C.; CHAN Stephen L.; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung; LAI Bo San Paul; CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Cancer Genome Scanning in Plasma: Detection of Tumor-Associated Copy Number Aberrations, Single-Nucleotide Variants, and Tumoral Heterogeneity by Massively Parallel Sequencing". Clinical Chemistry vol.59 no.1, pp. 211-224. 2013.01. <P133146> HAO Xiao Dan; YANG Yan Ling; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; KONG Qing Peng; WU Shi Fang and ZHANG Ya Ping. "Mitochondrial DNA haplogroup Y is associated to Leigh syndrome in Chinese population". Gene vol.512 no.2, pp.460-3. 2013.01.10. Department of Chemical Pathology <P133594> QIU, Huaina; WONG Chun Kwok and LAM Wai Kei Christopher. "Effect of Tumor Necrosis Factor Family Member LIGHT on the Activation of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells". The 20th Anniversary & 2013 Annual General Meeting and Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Society for Immunology 2013.05.25. <P133656> DONG, Jie 董杰; WONG Chun Kwok and LAM Wai Kei Christopher. "Molecular Mechanisms Regulating the Synergism between IL-32g and NOD Ligands for the Induction of Adhesion Molecules, Cytokines and Chemokines of Eosinophils in Allergic Inflammation". The 20th Anniversary & 2013 Annual General Meeting and Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Society for Immunology 2013.05.25. <P133906> QIU, Huaina; WONG Chun Kwok; CHU Miu Ting; HU, SHUIQING and LAM Wai Kei Christopher. "Muramyl dipeptide mediated activation of human bronchial epithelial cells interacting with basophils: a novel mechanism of airway inflammation". Clinical and Experimental Immunology vol.172 no.1, pp.81-94. 2013.04. <P134117> CHAN Wai Man; JIANG Peiyong; WONG, IN CHUN; CHAN Kwan Chee; ZHENG Wenli; LIAO Jiawei Gary; SUN Hao; WONG John; SIU Shing Shun Nelson; CHAN Wing Cheong; CHAN Lam Stephen; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung; LAI Bo San Paul; CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Non-invasive Detection of Somatic Mitochondrial Mutations in Plasma by Massively Parallel Sequencing in Cancer Patients". Paper presented in the Joint Conference of HGM 2013 and 21st International Congress of Genetics: Genetics & Genomics of Global Health and Sustainability, Human Genome Organisation p.123-124. Singapore, 2013.04.13. <P134528> CAI Lin; YE Lin; TONG Hin Yan; LOK Si and ZHANG Tong. "Biased diversity metrics revealed by bacterial 16S pyrotag derived from different primer sets.". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.1, pp.e53649. 2013.01. <P134849> GUO Mengbiao; SUN Kun; SU Xiaoxi; WANG Huating and SUN Hao. "YY1TargetDB: an integral information resource for Yin Yang 1 target loci". database vol.2013 2013.02.14. <P135145> CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung; CHAN Kwan Chee; MA Buig Yue Brigette; HUI Pun Edwin; MO Kwok Fai; CHOW Ching Kei; LEUNG Kam Suet Linda; CHU Ka Wah; ZEE Chung Ying Benny; LO Yuk Ming Dennis and LEUNG S F. "Prognostication of survival from nasopharyngeal carcinoma by reduction of plasma Epstein-Barr viral DNA load at midpoint of radiotherapy course: A new paradigm of prognostication. (Abstr 6015)". Paper presented in the 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting, 31 May to 4 June 2013, Chicago, USA, American Society of Clinical Oncology 1 pgs. Chicago, United States of America, 2013.05.31. Department of Chemical Pathology <P135658> JI Lin Dan; CHAI Peng Fei; ZHOU Bi Bo; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; XING Wen Hua; YUAN Fang; FEI Li Juan; ZHANG Li Na and XU Jin. "Lack of association between polymorphisms from genome-wide association studies and tuberculosis in the Chinese population". Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases vol.45 no.4, pp.310-314. 2013.04. <P135665> WONG Chun Kwok; HU, SHUIQING; LEUNG, Ming Lam; DONG, Jie 董杰; HE, Lan; CHU Yi Jun; CHU Miu Ting; QIU, Huaina; LIU, Yan Ping Kelly and LAM Wai Kei Christopher. "NOD-like receptors mediated activation of eosinophils interacting with bronchial epithelial cells: a link between innate immunity and allergic asthma". Cellular & Molecular Immunology vol.10 pp.317–329. 2013.03.25. <P136238> CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Clinical Applications of Maternal Plasma Fetal DNA Analysis: Translating the Fruits of 15 Years of Research". Clinical Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine vol.51 no.1, pp.197-204. 2013.01. <P136273> LEE Lai Shun Nelson; WONG Chun Kwok; HUI Shu Cheong David; LEE Ka Wai Sharon; WONG Yee Kwan Rity; NGAI Lei Ka; CHAN Chi Wai, Martin; CHU Yi Jun; HO Wing Yin; LUI Chung Yan Grace; WONG Chun Kwan Bonnie; WONG Sze Ho Sunny; YIP Shea Ping and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Role of Human Toll-like Receptors in Naturally Occurring Influenza A Infections". Influenza Other Respi Viruses DOI: 10.1111/irv.12109. 2013.04. <P136623> WONG Chun Kwok; LAU Kin Mang; CHAN Hiu Shuen; HU, SHUIQING; LAM Yi On Yvonne; CHAN On Kei Angel and LAM Wai Kei Christopher. "MicroRNA-21* regulates the prosurvival effect of GM-CSF on human eosinophils". Immunobiology vol.218 no.2, pp.255-62. 2013.02. <P137614> QIU, Huaina; WONG Chun Kwok and LAM Wai Kei Christopher. "Effect of Tumor Necrosis Factor Family Member LIGHT on the Activation of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells". The 18th Annual General Meeting and Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Society of Flow Cytometry 2013.03.24. <P137791> LE Quynh-thu; ZHANG Qiang; CAO Hongbin; CHENG Ann-joy; PINSKY Benjamin A; HONG Ruey-long; CHANG Joseph T; WANG Chun-wei; TSAO Kuo-chien; LO Yuk Ming Dennis; LEE Nancy; ANG K Kian; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung and CHAN Kwan Chee. "An International Collaboration to Harmonize the Quantitative Plasma Epstein-Barr Virus DNA Assay for Future Biomarker-Guided Trials in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma". Clinical Cancer Research vol 19 no 8 p. 2208-15. United States of America: Denville, NJ : The Association, c1995-, 2013.04.15. <P137949> LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Noninvasive Fetal Whole-Genome Sequencing from Maternal Plasma: Feasibility Studies and Future Directions". Clinical Chemistry vol.59 no.4, pp.601-603. 2013.04. Department of Chemical Pathology <P138113> HAO Xiao Dan; YANG Yue; SONG Xin; ZHAO Xue Ke; WANG Li Wang; HE Jun Dong; KONG Qing Peng; TANG Leung Sang Nelson and ZHANG Ya Ping. "Correlation of telomere length shortening with TP53 somatic mutations, polymorphisms and allelic loss in breast tumors and esophageal cancer". Oncology Reports vol.29 no.1, pp.226-36. 2013.01.29. <P138121> WANG Xingyan; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; LEUNG Chi Chiu; KAM Kai Man Joseph; YEW Wing Wai; TAM Cheuk Ming and CHAN Chiu Yeung Raphael. "Association of Polymorphisms in the Chr18q11.2 Locus with tuberculosis in Chinese Population". Human Genetics vol.132 no.6, pp.691-695. 2013.06. <P138176> LEE, Hon Kit; HO Chung Shun; HU Miao; TOMLINSON Brian and WONG Chun Kwok. Development and validation of a sensitive method for simultaneous determination of rosuvastatin and N-desmethyl rosuvastatin in human plasma using liquid chromatography/negative electrospray ionization/tandem mass spectrometry Biomedical Chromatography 27 1369-1374. 2013.05.30. See Also<P120191 >, <P120645 >, <P120679 >, <P120761 >, <P120803 >, <P121019 >, <P121488 >, <P121564 >, <P121885 >, <P122041 >, <P122242 >, <P122458 >, <P123241 >, <P124103 >, <P124299 >, <P124533 >, <P125056 >, <P125310 >, <P125656 >, <P126142 >, <P126219 >, <P127237 >, <P127495 >, <P127696 >, <P128077 >, <P129399 >, <P129430 >, <P129518 >, <P129759 >, <P129962 >, <P130361 >, <P130594 >, <P130873 >, <P130999 >, <P131005 >, <P131013 >, <P131428 >, <P131570 >, <P131587 >, <P132296 >, <P133355 >, <P133630 >, <P133929 >, <P134142 >, <P134330 >, <P134358 >, <P134789 >, <P134868 >, <P134963 >, <P135094 >, <P135372 >, <P135735 >, <P136087 >, <P136573 >, <P137513 >, <P137663 >, <P138625 >, <P139094 >, <P139242 >, <P139423 >, <P139744 > Department of Clinical Oncology <P120090> YEO Winnie. "HER2-positive Metastatic Breast Cancer: New Agents on the Horizon". Hong Kong Journal of Radiology vol.15 no.4, pp.s51-6. Hong Kong SAR: The Hong Kong College of Radiologists, 2012. <P120376> KRIS M; GOLDBERG Z; JANNE P A; KIM D; MARTINS R; MOK Shu Kam Tony; O CONNEL J; OU S; TAYLOR I and ZHANG H. "Dacomitinib (PF-00299804), an Irreversible Pan-Her Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKI), for First-Line Treatment of EGFR-Mutant or Her2-Mutant or Amplified Lung Cancers. ". (Annals of Oncology V23 S9 abstr 1228O Oral Presentation) Paper presented in the 37TH ESMO CONGRESS, organized by European Society for Medical Oncology, p.V23 S9. United Kingdom, 2012.09. <P120472> YANG J C; SCHULER M; YAMAMOTO N; O BYRNE K J; HIRSH V; MOK Shu Kam Tony; MASSEY D; ZAZULINA V; SHAHIDI M and SEQUIST L V. "Activity of Afatinib in Uncommon Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Mutations in Lux-Lung 3, A Phase III Trial of Afatinib or Cisplatin/Pemetrexed in EGFR Mutation-Positive Lung Cancer.". (Annals of Oncology V23 S9 abstr 1252P Poster) Paper presented in the 37th ESMO Congress, 28 September - 2 October 2012, Vienna, Austria, organized by European Society for Medical Oncology, p.V23 S9. United Kingdom, 2012.09. <P120618> YEO Winnie. Systemic & targeted therapy in HCC Paper presented in the the 3rd Asia-Pacific Primary Liver Cancer Expert Meeting, 6-8 Jul 12, Shanghai, China, organized by Asia-Pacific Primary Liver Cancer Expert Meeting, page 189. China, 2012.07.06. <P120765> YEO Winnie; CHUNG H C; CHAN Lam Stephen; WANG L Z; LIM R; PICUS J; BOYER M; MO Kwok Fai; KOH Chun; RHA S Y; HUI Pun; JEUNG H C; ROH J K; YU Chun Ho; TO Ka Fai; TAO Qian; MA Buig Yue Brigette; CHAN Wing Hung Anthony; TONG Hung Man Joanna; ERLICHMAN C; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung and GOH B C. Epigenetic Therapy Using Belinostat for Patients With Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Multicenter Phase I/II Study With Biomarker and Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Tumors From Patients in the Mayo Phase II Consortium and the Cancer Therapeutics Research Group Journal of Clinical Oncology vol.30 no.27 p3361-3367. United States of America: American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2012.09.20. <P120774> MOK Shu Kam Tony; WU Yi Long; ZHOU Caicun; SUN Yan; ZHANG Li; LIAO Meilin; QIN Shukui; SETO Takashi; ATAGI Shinji; OKAMOTO Isamu; PARK Keunchil; KANG Jin Hyung; YANG J C; CHANG Gee Chen; SOO Ross; PENA Carol; MAEDA Patricia; ONG Ten Jing; SCHMELTER Thomas and ARES Luis Paz. "Subset Analyses of East Asian Patients Enrolled in the Mission Phase III, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Sorafenib Monother-Apy in Patients with Advanced relapsed/refractory NSCLC of Predominantly Non-Squamous Histology Who Failed 2-3 Chemotherapy Regimens". Journal of Thoracic Oncology pp.Suppl 5, S458. United States of America, 2012.11. Department of Clinical Oncology <P120928> YEO Winnie. "Anti-HER2: Agents in the Horizon. Abstract book of the the 3rd Oncology Forum of Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 3rd Oncology Forum of Hong Kong, 21 Jul 12, Hong Kong, organized by Hong Kong College of Radiologists, Hong Kong Society of Clinical Oncology, page 18. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.07. <P120945> CHEN Zhi Yong; ZHONG Wen Zhao; ZHANG Xu Chao; SU Jian; YANG Xue Ning; CHEN Zhi Hong; YANG Jin Ji; ZHOU Qing; YAN Hong Hong; AN She Juan; CHEN Hua Jun; JIANG Ben Yuan; MOK Shu Kam Tony and WU Yi Long. "EGFR Mutation Heterogeneity and the Mixed Response to EGFR Tyrosine oncologist vol.17 no.7, pp.978-85. United Kinase States Inhibitors of of Lung America: Dayton, Adenocarcinomas". The Ohio : AlphaMed Press, c1996, 2012. <P120961> LEUNG Kam Suet Linda; LAM Kwok Chi and MOK Shu Kam Tony. "Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: One Size Doesn't Fit All". Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology vol.8 no.3, pp.211-2. Australia: Carlton South, Vic. : Blackwell Pub. Asia,, 2012.09. <P121951> SHU Xingsheng; LI Lili and TAO Qian. "Chromatin Regulators with Tumor Suppressor Properties and Their Alterations in Human Cancers". Epigenomics vol.4 no.5, pp.537-549. 2012.10. <P122051> LEE Yoke Peng; WONG Chi Hang; CHAN Kheng Sze; LAI Soak Kuan; KOH Cheng Gee and LI Hoi Yeung. "In Vivo FRET Imaging Revealed a Regulatory Role of RanGTP in Kinetochore-Microtubule Attachments via Aurora B Kinase". PloS one Epub 2012 Sep 28. United States of America: Public Library of Science, 2012.09. <P123027> CHAN Lam Stephen. "PARP inhibition in breast cancer: an update". International Journal of Clinical Reviews vol.6 no.8 1 pgs. 2012. <P123402> WONG Kwok Chu; KAM Koon Ming Michael; CHIU Kwok Wing Samuel; LAM Joseph M. K.; LEUNG Clarence Hin Shuen; NG Wing Kit; POON Wai Sang and NGAR Y.k.. "Validation of The Modified Radiosurgery-Based Arteriovenous Malformation Score in A Linear Accelerator Radiosurgery Experience in Hong Kong". Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 3 pgs. Elsevier, 2012.07.09. <P123424> WANG Zhaohui; LI Lili; SU Xianwei; GAO Zifen; SRIVASTAVA Gopesh; MURRAY Paul G; AMBINDER Richard and TAO Qian. "Epigenetic Silencing of the 3p22 Tumor Suppressor DLEC1 by Promoter CpG Methylation in Non-Hodgkin and Hodgkin Lymphomas". Journal of Translational Medicine vol.10 United Kingdom: London : BioMed Central, 2012.10.11. Department of Clinical Oncology <P123473> MA Buig Yue Brigette; LUI Wai Yan Vivian; HUI C; LAU C; NG M; TSAO S W; HUI P; WONG E; LI Y and CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung. "Preclinical evaluation of the AKT inhibitor MK2206 in NPC cell lines. (Poster Presentation, abstract 4608)". Paper presented in the AACR 2012, USA, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2012. <P124107> SPIGEL R. David; EDELMAN J. Martin; MOK Shu Kam Tony; OBYRNE Kenneth; PAZ-ARES Luis; YU Wei; RITTWEGER Karen and THURM Holger. "Treatment Rationale Study Design for the MetLungTrial: A Randomized, Double-Blind Phase III Study of Onartuzumab (MetMAb) in Combination with Erlotinib Versus Erlotinib Alone in Patients Who Have Received Standard Chemotherapy for Stage IIIB or IV Met-Positive Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer". CLINICAL LUNG CANCER vol.13 no.6, pp.500-4. United States of America: Dallas, Tex. : Cancer Information Group, 2012.11. <P124397> GEATER S L; LANOTTI N; THONGPRASERT S; SPIRA A; SMITH D; LEE V; GOPALAKRISHNA P; REYNOLDS C and MOK Shu Kam Tony. "Phase II Study of Two Eribulin Regimens in Combination with Erlotinib in Patients (PTS) with Previously Treated Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). ". (Annals of Oncology V23 S9 abstr 1205P Poster) Paper presented in the 37th ESMO Congress, 28 September - 2 October 2012, Vienna, Austria, organized by European Society for Medical Oncology, p.V23 S9. United Kingdom, 2012.09. <P124418> SEQUIST L V; SCHULER M; YAMAMOTO N; O BYRNE K J; HIRSH V; MOK Shu Kam Tony; LUNGERSHAUSEN J; SHAHIDI M; PALMER M and YANG J C. "Lux-Lung 3: Symptom and Health-Related Quality of Life Results from a Randomized Phase III Study in 1st-Line Advanced NSCLC Patients Harbouring EGFR Mutations. (Annals of Oncology V23 S9 abstr 1229PD Oral Presentation)". Paper presented in the 37TH ESMO CONGRESS, organized by European Society for Medical Oncology, p.V23 S9. United Kingdom, 2012.09. <P124723> MOK Shu Kam Tony and ZHOU, Qian. "Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (Chapter 3)". Perspectives in Thoracic Oncology Book. 30-35 pgs. UNI-MED Verlag AG, 2012.11. <P124858> LI Lili; YING JIANMING; LI Hongxia; ZHANG, Yanjiao; SHU Xingsheng; FAN Yichao; TAN J; CAO Y; TSAO S W; SRIVASTAVA G; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung and TAO Qian. "The Human Cadherin 11 is a Pro-apoptotic Tumour Suppressor Modulating Cell Stemness through Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling and Silenced in Common Carcinomas". Oncogene vol.31 no.34, pp.3901-3912. 2012.08. Department of Clinical Oncology <P125009> WU Yi Long; LIAO Meilin; ZHU Yun Zhong; ZHOU Caicun; SUN Yan; PAN Hong Ming; WANG Jie; QIAN Xiao Ping; MOK Shu Kam Tony; TURMAN Matt and ZHANG Li. "Intercalated Erlotinib with Gemcitabine/Platinum in the First-Line Treatment of Chinese Patients with Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): Subanalysis from the Fastact-2 Study". Journal of Thoracic Oncology pp.Suppl 5, S456. United States of America, 2012.11. <P125274> CHAN Lam Stephen; MO Kwok Fai; WONG S C; CHAN Charles M L; LEUNG Kam Suet Linda; HUI Pun Edwin; MA Buig Yue Brigette; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung; MOK Shu Kam Tony and YEO Winnie. "A Study of Circulating Interleukin 10 in Prognostication of Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma". Cancer vol.118 no.16, pp.3984-92. United States of America: Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2012.08.15. <P125566> MOK Shu Kam Tony; LEE J S; ZHANG L; YU C; THONGPRASERT S; LADRERA G E I; SRIMUNINNIMIT V; TRUMAN M I; KLUGHAMMER B and WU Y. "Biomarker Analyses and Overall Survival (OS) from the Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Phase 3, Fastact-2 Study of Intercalated Erlotinib with First-Line Chemotherapy in Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). (Annals of Oncology V23 S9 abstr 1226O Oral Presentation) ". Paper presented in the 37th ESMO Congress, 28 September - 2 October 2012, Vienna, Austria, organized by European Society for Medical Oncology, V23 S9 pgs. United Kingdom, 2012.09. <P125826> YING J; SHAN L; LI J; ZHONG L; XUE L; ZHAO H; LI L; LANGFORD C; GUO L; QIU L; LU N and TAO Qian. "Genome-Wide Screening for Genetic Alterations in Esophageal Cancer by aCGH Identifies 11q13 Amplification Oncogenes Associated with Nodal Metastasis". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.6, pp.e39797. United States of America: Public Library of Science, 2012. <P126166> MOK Shu Kam Tony; KRIS Mark G; OU Sai Hong I; MARTINS Renato G; KIM Dong Wan; GOLDBERG Zelanna; ZHANG Hui; TAYLOR Ian; O CONNELL Joseph; DOHERTY Jim and JANNE Pasi A. "Efficacy, Safety, and Patient-Reported Out-Comes of First-Line Dacomitinib (PF-00299804), an Irreversible Pan-Her Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor, in Patients with Lung Cancers Harboring EGFR Exon 21 Mutation or EGFR Exon 19 Deletion". Journal of Thoracic Oncology pp.Suppl 5, S453. United States of America, 2012.11. <P126288> CHENG, Yingduan; LIANG Pei; GENG Hua; WANG Zhaohui; LI Lili; CHENG SUK HANG; YING Jianming; SU Xianwei; NG Ka Man; NG Heung Ling Margaret; MOK Shu Kam Tony; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung and TAO Qian. "A Novel 19q13 Nucleolar Zinc Finger Protein Suppresses Tumour Cell Growth through Inhibiting Ribosome Biogenesis and Inducing Apoptosis but is Frequently Silenced in Multiple Carcinomas". Molecular Cancer Research vol.10 no.7, pp.925-936. 2012.07. Department of Clinical Oncology <P126712> CHAN Lam Stephen. "PARP inhibition in breast cancer: an update". CML Breast Cancer vol.24 no.1 , pp.1. Remedica Medical Education and Publishing Ltd, 2012. <P126762> CHEN Han; KO Mun Yee Josephine; WONG Chun Lam Victor; HYYTIAINEN Marko; KESKI-OJA Jorma; CHUA Daniel; NICHOLLS M John; CHEUNG Man Fung Florence; LEE Wing Mui Anne; KWONG Lai Wan Dora; CHIU Pui Man; ZABAROVSKY R Eugene; TSAO Sai Wah; TAO Qian; KAN Rebecca; CHAN Ho Kin Stephen; STANBRIDGE J Eric and LUNG Li Maria. "LTBP-2 Confers Pleiotropic Suppression and Promotes Dormancy in a Growth Factor Permissive Microenvironment in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma". Cancer Letters vol.325 no.1, pp.89-98. Ireland: Limerick : Elsevier Science Ireland, 2012.12.01. <P127103> MITCHELL Paul; MOK Shu Kam Tony; BARRACLOUGH Helen; STIZEK Alena; LEW Rebecca and VAN KOOTEN Maximiliano. "Smoking History as a Predictive Factor of Treatment Response in Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review". CLINICAL LUNG CANCER vol.13 no.4, pp.239-51. United States of America: Dallas, Tex. : Cancer Information Group, 2012.07. <P127418> MOK Shu Kam Tony; PARK K; GEATER S L; AGARWAL S; HAN M; CREDI M; MCKEE K; KURIYAMA N; SLICHENMYER W and TAN E H. "A Randomized Phase (PH) 2 Study with Exploratory Biomarker Analysis of Ficlatuzumab (F) a Humanized Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) Inhibitory Mab in Combination with Gefitinib (G) versus G in Asian Patients (PTS) with Lung Adenocarcinoma (LA). (Annals of Oncology V23 S9 abstr 1198P Poster)". Paper presented in the 37TH ESMO CONGRESS, organized by European Society for Medical Oncology, p.V23 S9. United Kingdom, 2012.09. <P127433> KIM Dong Wan; JANNE Pasi A; NAKAGAWA Kazuhiko; SETO Takashi; CRINO L; AHN Myung Ju; DE PAS T M; BESSE Benjamin; SOLOMON Ben; BLACKHALL Fiona; WU Yi Long; THOMAS Michael; O BYRNE Kenneth J; SIBILOT Denis Moro; CAMIDGE D R; HIRSH Vera; MOK Shu Kam Tony; TASSELL Vanessa; POLLI A and SHAW A T. "Crizotinib Versus Pemetrexed or Docetaxel Chemotherapy in Advanced, ALK-Positive Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Randomized Phase III Study (Pro-File 1007)". Journal of Thoracic Oncology pp.S5, S445-446. United States of America, 2012.11. <P127784> LOONG Herbert; WEI Jia and MOK Shu Kam Tony. "Ethnic Variation in response to EGFR Inhibitors". Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic Strategies vol.9 no.2-3, United Kingdom: Elsevier Limited, 2012. Department of Clinical Oncology <P128179> XIANG T; LI L; YIN X; YUAN C; TAN C; SU X; XIONG L; PUTTI T C; OBERST M; KELLY K; REN G and TAO Qian. "The ubiquitin peptidase UCHL1 induces G0/G1 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis through stabilizing p53 and is frequently silenced in breast cancer". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.1, pp.e29783. United States of America: Public Library of Science, 2012. <P128558> RECK M; GORBUNOVA V A; JUHASZ E; SZIMA B; ORLOV S; YU C; PALLAUD C; SCHERER S J; ARCHER V and MOK Shu Kam Tony. "Tumour Biomarker and Plasma Time Course Data from Abigail, A Phase II Study of 1st-Line Bevacizumab + Chemotherapy in Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)". (Annals of Oncology V23 S9 abstr 1236PD Poster) Paper presented in the 37th ESMO Congress, 28 September - 2 October 2012, Vienna, Austria, organized by European Society for Medical Oncology, p.V23 S9. United Kingdom, 2012.09. <P128617> YEO Winnie. "Treatment of breast cancer: Present and future". The Joint Oncology Conference Bulletin Issue 25. pp.1-2. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11. <P128735> MOK Shu Kam Tony; SCHULER M; YAMAMOTO Nobuyuki; O BYRNE K; HIRSH Vera; GEATER S L; TSAI C M; KATO T; SU W C; LEE K H; LIN M C; SIRISINHA T; PARRA J; YOSHIOKA H; MASSEY D; SHAHIDI M; ZAZULINA V; SEQUIST L V and YANG J C. "Lux-Lung 3: Afatinib Versus Cisplatin and Peme-Trexed in Asian Patients with Adenocarcinoma of the Lung Harbouring an Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutation". Journal of Thoracic Oncology pp.Suppl.5, S445. United States of America, 2012.11. <P128762> LEUNG Kam Suet Linda; MOK Shu Kam Tony and LOONG Herbert. "Combining Chemotherapy with Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibition in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer". Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology vol.4 no.4, pp.173-81. United Kingdom: London: Sage, 2012.07. <P128998> WONG Chi Hang; AU Chi Chuen; HUI Wun Chun and CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung. "Significance of survivin subcellular localization and splice variants expression in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC): Implication in re-sensitizing cisplatin resistant cell to treatment.". ed. by Joint Hong Kong Cancer Institute-ESMO scientific symposium 2012. poster 30. 2012.11. <P129399> HUI Pun Edwin; LUI Wai Yan Vivian; WONG Sze Chuen Cesar; MA Buig Yue Brigette; LAU Pik Yuk Cecilia; CHEUNG Crystal Sao Fong; HO Kakiu; CHENG Suk Hang; NG Heung Ling Margaret and CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung. "Preclinical evaluation of sunitinib as single agent or in combination with chemotherapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma". Investigational New Drugs vol.29 no.6, pp.1123-1131. 2012.11. Department of Clinical Oncology <P130721> LANGER Corey J; MOK Shu Kam Tony and POSTMUS Pieter E. "Targeted Agents in the Third-/Fourth-Line Treatment of Patients with Advanced (Stage III/IV) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) ". Cancer Treatment Reviews vol.39 no.3, pp.252-60. Netherlands: Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2013.05. <P131197> WONG Chi Hang; LOONG Herbert Ho Fung; HUI Wun Chun; LAU Pik Yuk Cecilia; HUI Edwin P; MA Buig Yue Brigette and CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung. Preclinical Evaluation of PF-04691502 in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. AACR poster 2085. 2013.04. <P131286> LI Ji-sheng; YING Jian-ming; WANG Xiu-wen; WANG Zhao-hui; TAO Qian and LI Lili. "Promoter Methylation of Tumor Suppressor Genes in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma". Chinese journal of cancer vol.32 no.1, pp.3-11. 2013.01. <P131322> XIANG Ting-xiu; YUAN Ying; LI Lili; WANG Zhao-hui; DAN Liang-ying; CHEN Yan; REN Guo-sheng and TAO Qian. "Aberrant Promoter CpG Methylation and Its Translational Application in Breast Cancer". Chinese journal of cancer vol.32 no.1, pp.12-20. 2013.01. <P131352> BOYER Michael; JANNE Pasi Antero; MOK Shu Kam Tony; O BYRNE Kenneth; PAZ ARES Luis; RAMALINGAM Suresh S; LIANG Jane; TAYLOR Ian; CAMPBELL Alicyn; O CONNELL Joseph; LETRENT Stephen and ANTIC Vladan. "Rationale and Study Design of ARCHER: A Randomized, Double-blind, Phase III Study of Dacomitinib Versus Erlotnib for Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer". Clinical Investigation vol.3 no.1, p29-35. United Kingdom: Future Science Ltd, 2013.01. <P132102> SHAW Tsang Alice; MOK Shu Kam Tony; SPIGEL David R; NISHIO Makoto; FELIP Enriqueta; TAN Shao Weng Daniel; GARCIA CAMPELO M Rosario; GROEN Harry J M; DAKHIL Shaker R; SCHAEFER Eric Scott; FARRELL Nicholas John; BLAKESLEY Rick E; WEIR Alexander; RISTIC Mirta; SELVAGGI Giovanni and SCAGLIOTTI Giorgio. "A Phase II Single-Arm Study of LDK378 in Patients with ALK-Activated (ALK +) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Previously Treated with Chemotherapy and Crizotinib (CRZ). J Clin Oncol 31, 2013 (suppl; abstr TPS8119), General Poster Session (Board #42C)". Paper presented in the 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting, 31 May - 4 June 2013, Chicago, Illinois, organized by American Society of Clinical Oncology, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2013.06. <P132332> YEO Winnie and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Hepatitis B virus reactivation associated with anti-neoplastic therapy.". Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology vol.28 no.1, pp.31-7. 2013.01. Department of Clinical Oncology <P132449> CHAN Lam Stephen; HUI Pun; YU Chun Ho and YEO Winnie. "Re: roles played by chemolipiodolization and embolization in chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma: single-blind, randomized trial". Journal of the National Cancer Institute vol.105 no.8, pp.580. United States of America: : Cary, NC : Oxford University Press, 2013.04.17. <P132904> MOK Shu Kam Tony; NAKAGAWA Kazuhiko; ROSELL Rafael; WU Yi Long; TRYGSTAD Carl; CAPIZZI Robert L; LEE Min Young; TSUJI Fumito; DEBENEDETTO Robert; GOLDBERG Zelanna; WANG Tao; LIANG Jane Q; LETRENT Stephen P; O CONNELL Joseph P and ANTIC Vladan. "Phase III Randomized, Open Label Study (ARCHER 1050) of First-Line Dacomitinib (D) Versus Gefitinib (G) for Advanced (adv) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) in Patients (pts) with Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Activating Mutation(s). J Clin Oncol 31, 2013 (suppl; abstr TPS8123), General Poster Session (Board #42G).". Paper presented in the 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting, 31 May - 4 June 2013, Chicago, Illinois, organized by American Society of Clinical Oncology, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2013.06. <P133113> ZHOU, Qian; WONG Chi Hang; LAU Pik Yuk Cecilia; HUI Wun Chun; LUI Wai Yan Vivian; CHAN Lam Stephen and YEO Winnie. "Enhanced Antitumor Activity with Combining Effect of mTOR Inhibition and Microtubule Stabilization in Hepatocellular Carcinoma.". International journal of hepatology pp.103830. 2013.02.20. <P133330> YEO Winnie. "HBV reactivation – Lessons on Immune Control: HBV reactivation in cancer therapy". Paper presented in the 33rd Meeting of the USJCMSP Hepatitis Panel: A Symposium on Curative Therapies for Chronic HBV Infection, organized by United States – Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program, p.one. Singapore, 2013.03.12. <P133525> WANG J; XIA Y; LI Lili; GONG D; YAO Y; LUO H; LU H; YI N; WU H; ZHANG X; TAO Qian and GAO F. "Double restriction-enzyme digestion improves the coverage and accuracy of genome-wide CpG methylation profiling by reduced representation bisulfite sequencing". BMC genomics vol.14 no.11, pp.1-12. United Kingdom: London : BioMed Central, [[]2000-, 2013.01. <P133729> CHEONG Hio Teng; WONG Chi Hang and YUNG Pun To. "Manipulation and Detection of Cancer Tissues on a Microfluidic Deice.". 9th IEEE-EMBS International Summer School and Symposium on Medical Devices and Biosensors 2013 Poster. 2013.06. <P133887> TAO Qian. "Cancer research in an era when epigenetics is no longer "epi" - challenges and opportunities". Chinese journal of cancer vol.32 no.1, pp.1-2. China: Mar. 2010- : Guangzhou : Sun Yat Sen University Cancer Center, 2013.01. Department of Clinical Oncology <P134250> AU Angel; LAM Wendy; TSANG Janice; YAU Tsz Kwok; SOONG Inda; YEO Winnie; SUEN Joyce; HO Wing M; WONG Ka Yan; KWONG Ava; SUEN Dacita; SZE Wing Kin; NG Alice; GIRGIS Afaf and FIELDING Richard. Supportive care needs in Hong Kong Chinese women confronting advanced breast cancer Psychooncology vol.22 no.5, pp.1144-51. United Kingdom: Chichester, W. Sussex, England : Wiley, c1992-, 2013.05. <P134705> MOK Shu Kam Tony; WU Yi Long; LEE Jin Soo; YU Chong Jen; SRIURANPONG Virote; WEN Wei; TSAI Julie; TRUMAN Matt; KLUGHAMMER Barbara and WU Lin. "Detection of EGFR-Activating Mutations from Plasma DNA As a Potent Predictor of Survival Outcomes in FASTACT 2: A Randomized Phase III Study on Intercalated Combination of Erlotinib (E) and Chemotherapy (C). J Clin Oncol 31, 2013 (suppl; abstr 8021), Poster Discussion Session (Board #10)". Paper presented in the 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting, 31 May - 4 June 2013, Chicago, Illinois, organized by American Society of Clinical Oncology, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2013.06. <P135052> SU Xianwei; WANG Zhaohui; LI Lili; ZHENG Mingbin; ZHENG Cuifang; GONG Ping; ZHAO Pengfei; MA Yifan; TAO Qian and CAI Lintao. "Lipid-polymer nanoparticles encapsulating doxorubicin and 2'-deoxy-5-azacytidine enhance the sensitivity of cancer cells to chemical therapeutics". Molecular Pharmaceutics vol.10 no.5, pp.1901-9. United States of America: Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, c2004-, 2013.05.06. <P135078> LOONG Herbert; WONG Chi Hang; HUI Wun Chun; LAU Pik Yuk Cecilia; HUI Pun Edwin; MA Buig Yue Brigette and CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung. Preclinical evaluation of PF-04691502 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. (Abstr No. 2100) Paper presented in the 2013 AACR, 6-10 Apr 2013, Washington, USA, organized by American Association for Cancer Research, 1 pgs. Washington, United States of America, 2013.04.06. <P135099> HIRSCH R Fred; JANNE A Pasi; EBERHARDT E Wilfried; CAPPUZZO Federico; THATCHER Nick; PIRKER Robert; CHOY Hak; KIM S Edward; PAZ-ARES Luis; GANDARA R David; WU Yi-long; AHN Myung-ju; MITSUDOMI Tetsuya; SHEPHERD A Frances and MOK Shu Kam Tony. "Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibition in Lung Cancer: Status 2012". Journal of Thoracic Oncology vol.8 no.3, pp.373-84. United States of America: Hagerstown, MD : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2006-, 2013.03. <P135396> CHAN Lam Stephen; WONG Chi Hang; LAU Pik Yuk Cecilia; ZHOU, Qian; HUI Wun Chun; LUI Wai Yan Vivian; MA Buig Yue Brigette; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung and YEO Winnie. "Preclinical evaluation of combined TKI-258 and RAD001 in hepatocellular carcinoma". Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology vol.71 no.6, pp.1417-25. Germany: Berlin : Springer Verlag, 2013.06. Department of Clinical Oncology <P135509> GOSS P E; SMITH I E; EJLERTSEN B and YEO Winnie. "Adjuvant lapatinib for women with early-stage HER2-positive breast cancer: a randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial. ". The Lancet Oncology Collaborators: include Yeo W et al. vol.14 no.1, pp.88-96. United Kingdom: London : Lancet Pub. Group, c2000-, 2013.01. <P137308> MOK Shu Kam Tony; YANG Jin-ji and LAM Kwok Chi. "Treating Patients With EGFR-Sensitizing Mutations: First Line or Second Oncology vol.31 no.8, pp.1081-88. United Line - States Is of There a Difference?". Journal America: New York, N.Y. of : Clinical Grune & Stratton, 2013.03.10. <P137524> MA Buig Yue Brigette; LUI Vivian Wai Yan; CHEUNG Crystal S; LAU Pik Yuk Cecilia; HO Ka Kiu; HUI Pun Edwin; TSUI Kwok Wing; NG Heung Ling Margaret; CHENG SUK HANG; NG Kwok Shing; TSAO S W and CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung. "Activity of the MEK Inhibitor Selumetinib (AZD6244; ARRY-142886) in Nasopharyngeal Cancer Cell Lines". Investigational new drugs vol.31 no.1, pp.30-38. 2013.02. <P137638> MA Buig Yue Brigette; LUI Vivian; HUI Wun Chun; LAU Pik Yuk Cecilia; WONG Chi Hang; HUI Edwin P; NG Heung Ling Margaret; TSAO Sai Wah; LI Yan and CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung. "Preclinical evaluation of the AKT inhibitor MK-2206 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell lines". invest new drugs vol.31 no.3, pp.567-75. 2013.02. <P138043> HU Xiaotong; SUI Xinbing; LI Lili; HUANG Xuefeng; RONG, Rong; SU Xianwei; SHI Qinglan; MO Lijuan; SHU Xingsheng; KUANG Yeye; TAO Qian and HE Chao. "Protocadherin 17 Acts as a Tumour Suppressor Inducing Tumor Cell Apoptosis and Autophagy, and is Frequently Methylated in Gastric and Colorectal Cancers". The Journal of pathology vol.229 no.1, pp.62-73. 2013.01. <P138452> SHAW Alice T; KIM Dong Wan; NAKAGAWA Kazuhiko; SETO Takashi; CRINO Lucio; AHN Myung Ju; DE PAS Tommaso; BESSE Benjamin; SOLOMON Benjamin J; BLACKHALL Fiona; WU Yi Long; THOMAS Michael; O BYRNE Kenneth J; MORO-SIBILOT Denis; CAMIDGE D Ross; MOK Shu Kam Tony; HIRSH Vera; RIELY Gregory J; IYER Shrividya; TASSELL Vanessa; POLLI Anna; WILNER Keith D and JANNE Pasi A. "Crizotinib versus Chemotherapy in Advanced ALK-Positive Lung Cancer". The New England Journal of Medicine vol.368 no.25, pp.2385-94. United States of America: Boston, Massachusetts Medical Society, 2013.06.20. Department of Clinical Oncology <P138513> HUI Edwin P; TAYLOR Graham S; JIA Hui; MA Buig Yue Brigette; CHAN Lam Stephen; HO Ngan Ling; WONG Wai Lap; WILSON Steven; JOHNSON Benjamin F; EDWARDS Ceri; STOCKEN Deborah D; RICKINSON Alan B; STEVEN Neil M and CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung. "Phase I Trial of Recombinant Modified Vaccinia Ankara Encoding Epstein-Barr Viral Tumor Antigens in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients". Cancer Research [Epub ahead of print]. United States of America: Baltimore, Md. : American Association for Cancer Research, 2013.03.06. <P138531> CHAN Lam Stephen and YEO Winnie. "Selecting the right patients for testing novel agents in hepatocellular carcinoma: who, when and how? ". Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology vol.9 no.1, pp.2-5. Australia: Carlton South, Vic. : Blackwell Pub. Asia, c2005-, 2013.03. <P138981> HONG Bo; LUI Vivian Wai Yan; MASUMI Hashiguchi; HUI Pun Edwin and CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung. "Targeting Tumor Hypoxia in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma". Head and Neck vol.35 no.1, pp.133-145. 2013.01. <P139487> YEO Winnie. "Hepatitis B virus reactivation associated with anti-cancer therapy". Paper presented in the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease. Emerging Trends Conference 2013: Reactivation of Hepatitis B, organized by American Association for the Study of Liver Disease, p.23-24. United States of America, 2013.03.21. See Also<P120501 >, <P121601 >, <P121831 >, <P121980 >, <P122242 >, <P123079 >, <P123690 >, <P124349 >, <P124601 >, <P124764 >, <P126758 >, <P127249 >, <P127846 >, <P128212 >, <P129186 >, <P130331 >, <P130487 >, <P130685 >, <P130973 >, <P131969 >, <P132267 >, <P132722 >, <P132845 >, <P133165 >, <P133355 >, <P133929 >, <P133955 >, <P134117 >, <P134131 >, <P134507 >, <P135075 >, <P135145 >, <P137608 >, <P137791 >, <P138699 >, <P138811 >, <P139241 > Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P110650> LEE Ryan K L; LUI P Phoenix; TONG Shin Loong Cina and CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis: a rare case with development of diffuse leptomeningeal lipomatosis during childhood". Peditar Radiol 42 129-133. 2012. <P120149> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Tendon Pathology at the Ankle: Achilles and Peroneals". The International Skeletal Society (ISS) Musculoskeletal Imaging Course: Basic Principles to Advanced Concepts Sport Medicine Imaging, Musculoskeletal Diseases and Tumours Rome, Italy, 2012.09.14. <P120179> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Neck Workshop - Salivary Gland". 21st Annual Conference of Indian Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology Aurangabad, India, 2012.10.19. <P120219> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Scanning techniques and normal anatomy (Live-demonstration on healthy volunteers)". Introductory Thyroid & Parathyroid Ultrasound Course 2012 Singapore, 2012.09.09. <P120524> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Imaging of the Head and Neck". Lecture to the Departments of Radiology and Otolaryngology, University of Vermont School of Medicine Burlington, Vermont, USA, 2012.09.27. <P120655> WANG Cl; SHI Q; XIANG Xj; CHEN Zz; Y Z-d; DENG Qh; ZHOU Hy; REN Xx; CHENG L and WANG Yixiang. "Double Contrast Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiographic CT in Patients with Obstructive Jaundice: an Initial Experience of Seven Cases". JBR-BTR vol.95 no.4, pp.251-256. USA, 2012.07. <P120681> ABRIGO Jill Morales. "Cerebral haemodynamic changes before and after STA-MCA bypass surgery". The 68th Korean Congress of Radiology and Annual Delegate Meeting of The Korean Society of Radiology, October 18-20, 2012, Korea ed. by Jill Abrigo. pp.542 / Electronic Poster. 2012.10. <P120952> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Radiological evaluation of osteoporosis". International Skeletal Society (ISS) Regional Outreach Programme Novosibirsk, Russia, 2012.10.26. <P121102> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Lumps & bumps in neck". 21st Annual Conference of Indian Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology Aurangabad, India, 2012.10.21. <P121143> MOLINARI F; MEIBURGER Km; SABA L; ACHARYA Ur; LEDDA G; ZENG G; HO S. S. Y.; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; HO CHAN Suzanne; NICOLAIDES A and SURI Js. "Ultrasound IMT measurement on a multi-ethnic and multi-institutional database: Our review and experience using four fully automated and one semi-automated Biomedicine 108 (3): 946–60. 2012.12. methods". Computer Methods and Programs in Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P121158> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; SHI Lin; WANG Defeng and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Computational morphometry of semicircular canals in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) based on high-resolution MR images". Studies in Health Technology and Informatics vol.176 pp.480. 2012. <P121182> WANG Defeng; SHI Lin; LIU Shangping; HUI Cheuk Ngai Steve; WANG Yongjun; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Complex network analysis of anatomical brain connectivity in adolescent girls with idopathic scoliosis". Paper presented in the BME 2012 Biomedical Engineering International Conference, F1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.05. <P121248> LAU Pcp; ZHENG Sf; NG Wt and YU Chun Ho. "Inoperable Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Rendered Complete Remission by High-intensity Focused Ultrasound Concurrent with Gemcitabine-capecitabine Chemotherapy: Case Report and Topic Review". Journal of Digestive Diseases vol.13 p.60-64. USA: Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd, 2012. <P121326> YUAN Jing; CHOW Kwok Keung; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and KING Ann Dorothy. "Quantitative Evaluation of Dual-flip-angle T1 Mapping on DCE-MRI Kinetic Parameter Estimation in Head and Neck". Quant Imaging Med Surg vol.2 no.4, p.245-253. USA: AME Publishing Company, 2012.11. <P121536> LIU Shangping; SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; WONG Hing Lok; WANG Yixiang; GRIFFITH James Francis; LEUNG Ping Chung and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Automatic Segmentation of Bone Marrow in Stained Microscopic Images". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, 42 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.01. <P121542> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Challenges in the Radiological Evaluation of Soft Tissue Sarcoma". Paper presented in the 9th Asia Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumour Society Meeting 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2012.09.07. <P121586> YAN Senxiang; JIANG Xue; YANG Jinsong; YAN Danfang and WANG Yixiang. "Radiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Combine Capecitabine and Nimotuzumab Treatment for Lung Metastases in a Liver Transplantation Recipient: A Case Experience of Sustained Complete Response". Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals. vol.27 no.8, p.519-523. USA: 2012 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 2012.10. <P121858> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Advances in Bone and Soft Tissue Tumour Imaging". Paper presented in the 9th Asia Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumour Society Meeting 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2012.09.06. Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P121927> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; SHI Lin; WANG Defeng and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Statistical difference in cerebral cortical thickness in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and normal controls using computational techniques - the updated data". Stud Health Technol Inform vol.176 pp.481. 2012. <P121944> WANG Defeng; KONG Youyong; SHI Lin; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack and CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Fully automatic stitching of diffusion tensor images in spinal cord". J Neurosci Methods 209 2 371-378. 2012.07. <P121965> YUAN Jing; CHOW Kwok Keung; KING Ann Dorothy and YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd. "Heuristic Linear Mapping of Physiological Parameters in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Without T1 Measurement and Contrast Agent Concentration". Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging vol.35 p.916-925. USA: 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 2012. <P122232> GRIFFITH James Francis; LINK M T and GENANT K H. "Bone imaging - the closest thing to art in medicine". Medicographia vol.34 no.2, pp.170-177. 2012. <P122258> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Interpretation of lymph node pathology". Introductory Thyroid & Parathyroid Ultrasound Course 2012 Singapore, 2012.09.09. <P122370> LI Yujia; ZHAO, Feng; WANG Yixiang; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and YUAN Jing. "Study of Magnetization Evolution by Using Composite Spin-lock Pulses for T1p Imaging". Paper presented in the 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, organized by IEEE EMBS, p.408-411. San Diego, USA, 2012.08. <P122579> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Radiofrequency ablation of musculoskeletal tumours". Paper presented in the 9th Asia Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumour Society Meeting 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2012.09.08. <P122662> CHO Chi Min Carmen; HUI Wai Yi Joyce and YU Chun Ho. "Advances in the Interventional Therapies for Hepatocellular Carcinoma". From Inflammation to Cancer - Advances in Diagnosis and Therapy for Gastrointestinal and Hepatological Diseases ed. by Cho Chi Hin, Yu Jun. 1 ed. p.205-219. Hong Kong, China, 2012.09. <P122736> GRIFFITH James Francis and GENANT K Harry. "Diagnosis of Vertebral Fracture". Temas de Osteoporosis Y Otras Enfermedades O’seas pp.125-140. Santiago, Chile, 2012. <P122738> DENG min; WANG Yixiang; GRIFFITH James Francis; LU Gang; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and POON Wai Sang. "Characteristics of Rat Lumbar Vertebral Body Bone Mineral Density and Differential Segmental Responses to Sex Hormone Deficiency: a Clinical Multidetector Computed Tomography Study". Biomed Environ Sci vol.25 no.6, p.607-613. China: China CDC, 2012. Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P122997> WANG Yixiang. "T1 p MR Imging and Its Clinical Applications". Paper presented in the 第二屆南方醫 學影像高峰論壇暨廣東省醫學會, 第十一次放射學學術會議及廣東省醫學會磁共振學組學術研討 會, organized by 廣東省醫學會, 中華放射學雜誌編輯, p.0. Guangzhou, China, 2012.07.30. <P123008> WANG Yixiang. "Transcatheter Embolization Therapy in Liver Cancer". Recent Patents on Medical Imaging vol.2 no.2, pp.150-162. USA: 013 Bentham Science Publishers., 2012. <P123012> YU Chun Ho; KWOK Jck; CHENG Pw; CHAN Ky; LAU Ss; LUI Wm; LEUNG Km; LEE R; CHENG Hkm; CHEUNG Yl; CHAN Cm; WONG Kwok Chu; HUI Wai Yi Joyce; WONG Yc; TAN Cb; POON Wl; PANG Ky; WONG Aks and FUNG Kh. "Mid-term Outcome of Pipeline Embolization Device for Intracranial Aneurysms: A Prospective Study in 143 Patients with 178 Aneurysms". Paper presented in the CIRSE 2012, organized by Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe, p.100. Lisbon, Portugal, 2012.09.17. <P123072> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Physiological changes in the bone marrow and implications for osteoporosis". Shanghai Radiology Society and Department of Radiology of Scientific Meeting Shanghai, China, 2012.11.03. <P123150> LU Px; DENG Yy; LIU St; LIU Y; LIU Yx; WANG Yixiang; ZHU Wk; LE Xu; YU Wy and ZHOU Bp. "Correlation between Imaging Features of Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonitis (PCP), CD 4 T Lymphocyte Count, and Plasma HIV Viral Load: A Study in 50 Consecutve AIDS Patient". Quant imaging Med Surg vol.2 no.2, pp.124-129. USA: AME Publishing Company, 2012. <P123229> WANG Defeng. "Quantitative Medical Image Analysis and its Applications". Paper presented in the Open Journal of Applied Sciences, nil pgs. 2012.12. <P123236> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Ultrasound of lumps & bumps in the neck". 10th Congress of Asian Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Bali, Indonesia, 2012.11.09. <P123547> ZHU Xiaoming; YUAN Jing; LEUNG Cham Fai; LEE Siu Fung; SHAM Wai Yan; CHENG Hon Ki Christopher; AU Dwt; TENG Gj; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and WANG Yixiang. "Hollow Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoshells as a Hydrophobic Anticancer Drug Carrier: Intracellular pH-dependent Drug Release and Enhanced Cytotoxicity". Nanoscale vol. 4 no. 18 5744-5754. United Kigdom: The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012, 2012.09.21. <P123555> ABRIGO Jill Morales and CHEUNG C Y Tom. "Huntington's disease". EURORAD vol.online pp.Case 10313. 2012.09. Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P123558> JIANG Wj; RASMUSSEN P; LIU Jm; ALEXANDER M; YU Chun Ho and BAXTER B. "Panel: the Future of Intracranial Stenting: East Meets West". New Era international Multidisciplinary Sharing (NEIMS) Updates on Cerebrovascular Disease: Management and Outcomes - A Global Perspective ed. by Cleveland Clinic Cerebrovascular Center, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. p.0. Las Vegas, USA, 2012.09.22. <P123578> KONG Youyong; WANG Defeng; SHI Lin; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack and CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Fast stitching algorithm for panoramic diffusion tensor images". Paper presented in the BME 2012 Biomedical Engineering International Conference, C7 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.05. <P123604> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Radiation and associated risks in children". Paper presented in the The Philippine College of Radiology - 12th Asian Oceanic Society of Paediatric Radiology (AOSPR) Congress and the 9th Joint Convention of CT-MRI and Ultrasound Societies of the Philippines, Oct 2012, organized by The Philippine College of Radiology, 41 pgs. Philippines, 2012.10. <P123624> YUAN Jing; ZHAO, Feng; CHAN Q and WANG Yixiang. "Observation of Bi-exponential T1p Relaxation of In-vivo Rat Muscles at 3T". Acta Radiologica 53 6 675-681. USA: The Foundation Acta Radiologica, 2012.07. <P123744> LEE Ka Lok; CHO Chi Min Carmen; TONG Mei Po Mabel; NG Wing Hung; LIU Kin Hung and GRIFFITH James Francis. "Ultrasound of the Abdominal Wall and Groin.". Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal pp.EPub. 2012.10. <P123841> WANG Defeng; SHI Lin; LI Lening; LU Shan-shan; SHI Hai-bin; WANG Jian-wei and ZHANG Yu. "Quantitative Tracking of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Changes in Canine Model with Cerebral Ischemia". Paper presented in the 2nd CUHK International Symposium on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, 47 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.19. <P124070> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; SHI Lin; WANG Defeng and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Computational morphometry of semicircular canals in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) based on high-resolution MR images". Paper presented in the 9th Biennial Scientific Meeting IRSSD, International Research Society of Spinal Deformities, Poznan, Poland, 1-4 July 2012, organized by International Research Society of Spinal Deformities, 15 pgs. Poland, 2012.07.01. <P124083> WANG Defeng; SHI Lin; LIU Shangping; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; XIONG, Yunyun; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; WANG Yilong; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and WANG Yongjun. "Structural Brain Network Connectivity Analysis for Stroke Patients". Paper presented in the BME 2012 Biomedical Engineering International Conference, P16 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.05. Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P124088> KING Ann Dorothy. Invited Lecture "NPC-Imaging of NPC-Bridging the gap between Oncologists and Radiologists". Paper presented in the 20th Annual Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong College of Radiologists, 27-28 October 2012, Hong Kong, organized by Hong Kong College of Radiologists, 69 pgs. Hong Kong, 2012.10. <P124148> WANG Defeng; KONG Youyong; SHI Lin; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; TAM Wc Cindy; LAM Chiu Wa; WANG Yilong and WANG Yongjun. "Template construction for default mode network". Paper presented in the BME 2012 Biomedical Engineering International Conference, C6 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.05. <P124206> CHEUNG Wing Hoi; SUN Ming-hui; ZHENG Yp; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; LEUNG Ah; QIN Ling; WEI Fang-yuan and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Stimulated angiogenesis for fracture healing augmented by low-magnitude high-frequency vibration in a rat model - Evaluation of pulsed-wave Doppler, 3D power Doppler ultrasonography and microCT microangiography". Ultrasound Med Biol vol.38 no.12, pp.2120-9. 2012.12.04. <P124328> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Ultrasound of thyroid & parathyroid nodules". 10th Congress of Asian Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Bali, Indonesia, 2012.11.10. <P124349> KING Ann Dorothy; CHOW Kwok Keung; YU Kwok Hung; MO Kwok Fai; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; YUAN Jing; BHATIA Kunwar Suryaveer Singh; VLANTIS Alexander Chris and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: diagnostic performance of diffusion-weighted MR imaging for the predication of treatment response". Radiology 266 2 531-538. 2013.02. <P124385> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Moderator - Poster session 1 - Genetics & Etiology, Imaging & Measurements". Paper presented in the 9th Biennial Scientific Meeting IRSSD, International Research Society of Spinal Deformities, Poznan, Poland, 1-4 July 2012, 14 pgs. Poland, 2012.07. <P124391> LIU Shangping; SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Changed Canal length of Vestibular System in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, 63 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.01. <P124609> YU Chun Ho. "Learning Experience for Angioplasty and Stenting of Intracranial Atherosclerotic Stenosis". New Era international Multidisciplinary Sharing (NEIMS) Updates on Cerebrovascular Disease: Management and Outcomes - A Global Perspctive ed. by Cleveland Clinic Cerebrovascular Center, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. p.0. Las Vegas, USA, 2012.09.22. Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P124643> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. Moderator - "Poster Session V - Imaging". Paper presented in the 9th Biennial Scientific Meeting IRSSD, International Research Society of Spinal Deformities, Poznan, Poland, 1-4 July 2012, 15 pgs. 2012.07. <P124696> KONG Youyong; WANG Defeng; SHI Lin; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack and CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "A Novel Computational Method for Stitching of Diffusion Tensor Images in Spinal Cord". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, 61 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.01. <P124759> SUN Yiwen; ZHU Zexuan; CHEN Siping; BALAKRISHNAN Jega; ABBOTT Derek; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and MACPHERSON Emma. "Observing the temperature dependent transition of the GP2 peptide using terahertz spectroscopy". Public Library of Science one vol.7 no.11, pp.50306. 2012.12.01. <P124813> DENG min; ZHAO, Feng; YUAN Jing; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and WANG Yixiang. "Liver T1P MRI Measurement in Healthy Human Subjects at 3T: A Preliminary Study with a Two-dimensional Fast-field Echo Sequence". The British Journal of Radiology 85 2 e590-e595. United Kingdom: The British Institute of Radiology, 2012.09. <P125090> WANG Defeng; SHI Lin; GRIFFITH James Francis; QIN Ling; YEW Tai Wai David and RIGGS Christopher M.. "Comprehensive Surface-based Morphometry Reveals the Association of Fracture Risk and Bone Geometry" Journal of Orthopaedic Research vol.30 no.8 pp.1277-1284. 2012.08. <P125141> WANG Defeng; SHI Lin; TONG Chi Fai Michael; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Computational Morphometry of the Semicircular Canals in Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2012, 66 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.10.06. <P125242> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; AU Y Wing and LAM Wai Man Wynnie. "MRI of cardiac iron overload". Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging vol.36 pp.1052-1059. 2012. <P125276> BHATIA Kunwar Suryaveer Singh; TONG S L Cina; CHO Chi Min Carmen; YUEN H Y; LEE Jock Wai and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Reliability of Shear Wave Ultrasound Elastography for Neck Lesions Identified in Routine Clinical Practice". European Journal of Ultrasound vol.33 no.9, pp.463–468. 2012.09. <P125295> DAI Xj; GONG Hh; WANG Yixiang; ZHOU Fq; MIN Yj; ZHAO, Feng; WANG Sy; LIU Bx and XAO Xz. "Gender Differences in Brain Regional Homogeneity of Healthy Subjects after Normal Sleep and after Sleep Deprivation: A Resting-state fMRI Study". Sleep Medicine 13 6 720-727. USA: 2012 Elsevier Inc., 2012. Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P125298> WANG Defeng; SHI Lin; LI Lening; LU Shan-shan; SHI Hai-bin; WANG Jian-wei and ZHANG Yu. "Computational Quantification of SPIO-labeled Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Molecular Magnetic Resonance Imaging". Paper presented in the BME 2012 Biomedical Engineering International Conference, C9 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.05. <P125574> YU Wl; BHATIA Kunwar Suryaveer Singh and WANG Ki. "Hypertrophic Pachymeningitis as the First Manifestation of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus". Hong Kong Journal of Radiology vol.15 no.2, Hong Kong, China: Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press, 2012. <P125596> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; LI Lening and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Morphoanatomical Changes of Semicircular Canals in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Findings Confirmed by a New Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, 43 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.01. <P125708> WU T.; ZHU Z. Z.; SUN X.; YAN H.; ZHENG X.; QIAN B.; ZHU F.; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack and QIU Yong. "Is curve direction correlated with the side of dominant displacement of cerebellar tonsil and syrinx deviation in thoracic scoliosis secondary to Chiari Malformation Type I and syringomyelia". Paper presented in the 9th International Research Society of Spinal Deformity Biannual Scientific Meeting (IRSSD), 5 pgs. Poznan, Poland, 2012.07.01. <P125714> ABRIGO Jill Morales and CHEUNG C Y Tom. "Bilateral symmetrical frontal polymicrogyria". EURORAD vol.online pp.Case 10155. 2012.07. <P125768> LIU Shangping; WANG Defeng; SHI Lin; LIU Wen; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Real time MRI guided repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation". Paper presented in the BME 2012 Biomedical Engineering International Conference, P13 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12. <P125837> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Inaugural Lecture on Endocrine Surgery". Inaugural Lecture on Endocrine Surgery honoring recently retired Chairman of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery at the University of Vermont School of Medicine, Dr Robert Sofferman Burlington, Vermont, USA, 2012.09.28. <P126039> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Neck Nodes: How good is ultrasound in differentiation of neck lymphadenopathy". 10th Congress of Asian Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Bali, Indonesia, 2012.11.09. Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P126059> YU Chun Ho. "Randomized controlled trial of transarterial ethanol ablation versus transcatheter arterial chemoembolisation for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma". Paper presented in the 2nd Conference of Interventional Oncology, organized by 2nd Conference of Interventional Oncology, Shaoxing, Zheijang, China, p.0. Zheijang, China, 2012.12.01. <P126147> LIU Kin Hung; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; KONG Pik Shan; KO G. T.; MA Ching Wan Ronald; CHAN Wai Shan; SO Wing Yee; LUK On Yan Andrea; CHEUNG Kitty; OSAKI Risa; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Intrarenal arterial resistance is associated with microvascular complications in Chinese type 2 diabetic patients". Nephrol Dial Transplant 28 3 651-8. 2013.03. <P126227> KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar and GRIFFITH James Francis. "The Role of PET Imaging in Bone Tumor Resection and Outcome". Paper presented in the 9th Asia Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumour Society Meeting 2012, p.17. Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 2012.09.08. <P126330> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Live Scanning Workshop - Neck Ultrasound". 10th Congress of Asian Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Bali, Indonesia, 2012.11.09. <P126361> LI Chang-gang; LIU Si-xi; MAI Hui-rong; WANG Ying; WEN Fei-qiu; ZHANG Xin-hua; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie and AU Wing-yan. "Evaluation of heart and liver iron deposition status in patients with B-thalassemia intermedia and major with MRI T2* technique". Chin J Contemp Pediatr vol.14 no.2, pp.110-113. 2012. <P126362> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Cruciate ligaments". 2nd Annual Asian MRI Course Internal Derangements of Joints: Advanced and Intensive MR Imaging Course pp.1-9. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2012.11.08. <P126398> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Multi-modality imaging of CNS tumours in children". Paper presented in the The Philippines College of Radiology-12th Asian Oceanic Society of Paediatric Radiology 9AOSPR) Congress and the 9th Joint Convention of CT-MRI & Ultrasound Scoieties of the Philippines, 4-6 Oct 2012, organized by The Philippine College of Radiology, 46 pgs. Philippines, 2012.10. <P126516> GRIFFITH James Francis and GENANT K Harry. "Imaging of Bone Quality in Clinical Practice". Temas de Osteroporosis Y Otras Enfermedades O’seas pp.97-110. Santiago, Chile, 2012. <P126607> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; SHI Lin; WANG Defeng and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Statistical difference in cerebral cortical thickness in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and normal controls using computational techniques - the updated data". Paper presented in the 9th Biennial Scientific Meeting IRSSD, International Research Society of Spinal Deformities, Poznan, Poland, 1-4 July 2012, organized by International Research Society of Spinal Deformities, 15 pgs. 2012.07.01. Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P126715> WANG Defeng; SHI Lin; KAM Chi Shan; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and TONG Chi Fai Michael. "Statistical Neuroanatomical Changes Detected in MRI of Tinnitus Patients". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2012, 67 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.10.06. <P126766> MA T Heather; GRIFFITH James Francis; ZHAO Xinxin; LV Haiyan; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Relationship between Marrow Perfusion and Bone Mineral Density: a Pharmacokinetic Study of DCE-MRI". Paper presented in the 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 377-379 pgs. San Diego, United States of America, 2012.09. <P126846> YIN Jiandong; WANG Defeng; SHI Lin and GUO Qiyong. "Quantification of cerebral blood flow from arterial spin labeling MRI using asltbx". Paper presented in the BME 2012 Biomedical Engineering International Conference, C5 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.05. <P126947> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Radiological anatomy of lumbar spine". Lumbar Spine Surgery Workshop 2012 Hong Kong SAR, 2012.10.05. <P126993> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; WU Che Yuen Justin; YEW Tai Wai David; ZHANG Lang; SHI Lin; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; WANG Defeng; TONG Raymond Ky; CHAN Yawen; LAO Lixing; LEUNG Ping Chung; BERMAN Brain M and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Does Acupuncture Therapy Alter Activation of Neural Pathway for Pain Perception in Irritable Bowel Syndrome?: A Comparative Study of True and Sham Acupuncture Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging". J Neurogastroenterol Motil vol.18 no.3, pp.305-316. The Korean Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 2012.07. <P127129> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "A neonate in respiratory distress". Paper presented in the The Philippines College of Radiology-12th Asian Oceanic Society of Paediatric Radiology 9AOSPR) Congress and the 9th Joint Convention of CT-MRI & Ultrasound Scoieties of the Philippines, 4-6 Oct 2012, organized by The Philippine College of Radiology, 48 pgs. Philippines, 2012.10. <P127174> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Functional Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System". Paper presented in the The 68th Korean Congress of Radiology and Annual Delegate Meeting of the Korean Society of Radiology, 67 pgs. Seoul, Korea, South, 2012.10.20. <P127226> YU Chun Ho; LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas; HUI Wai Yi Joyce; WONG E; WONG Rmy; LEE Kt; SIU Yung Woon Deyond and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Angioplasty and Stenting for Intracranial Atherosclerosis: the Impact of 3DRA and Intracranial Guiding Catheters". Paper presented in the CIRSE 2012, organized by Cardiovascular Europe, p.75. Lisbon, Portugal, 2012.09.16. and Interventional Radiological Society of Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P127242> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Elasticity imaging of thyroid nodules". Thyroid and Salivary Gland Symposium College of Radiologists Singapore 0. Singapore, 2012.07.21. <P127249> YU Chun Ho; HUI Wai Yi Joyce; LAU Wy; LAI Xin; LAU Wing Wa; CHAN Lam Stephen; HUI Edwin P and YEO Winnie. "Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma due to Hepatitis B Virus: Long-term Study Showed Suboptimal Survival and Alarming Liver Toxicity". Paper presented in the CIRSE 2012, organized by Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe, p.122. Lisbon, Portugal, 2012.09.18. <P127309> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; NG Kin Wah Bobby and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Computerized Shape Analysis of Semicircular Canals in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Based on High-Resolution MR Images". Paper presented in the 17th Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (APOA), 1 pgs. New Delhi, India, 2012.10.06. <P127353> WANG Y; LI L; WANG Yixiang; FENG Xl; ZHAO, Feng; ZOU Sm; HAO Yz; YING Jm and ZHOU Cw. "Ultrasound Findings of Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma: A Review of 113 Consecutive Cases with Histopathologic Correlation". Ultrasound in Med & Biol. vol. 38 no. 10 1681-1688. USA: 2012 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 2012. <P127452> LIU Kin Hung; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; KONG Pik Shan; KO Tin Choi; MA Ching Wan Ronald; CHAN Jeff; CHOW Tsun Cheung Louis; RASALKAR Darshana Dattatray; SO Wing Yee; TSE Lung Fung; CORCORAN Heidi Samantha; OZAKI Risa; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "US assessment of medial arterial calcification: A sensitive marker of diabetes-related microvascular and macrovascular complications". Radiology vol.265 no.1, pp.294-302. 2012. <P127462> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; NG Kin Wah Bobby and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Statistical Difference in Cortical Maturation Pattern between Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis and Normal Controls". Paper presented in the 17th Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (APOA), 1 pgs. New Delhi, India, 2012.10.06. <P127566> BHATIA Kunwar Suryaveer Singh and KING Ann Dorothy. "Neck Nodal Disease". Head and Neck Cancer Imaging ed. by Robert Hermans . 2 ed. pp.315-340. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012, 2012. <P127615> ZHAO, Feng; WANG Yixiang; YUAN Jing; DENG min; WONG Hing Lok; CHU Siu Hong; GO Yin Yin; TENG Gao-jun; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and YU Jun. "MR T1ρ as an Imaging Biomarker for Monitoring Liver Injury Progression and Regression: an Experimental Study in Rats with Carbon Tetrachloride Intoxication". European Radiology vol.22 no.8, pp.1709-1716. 2012.08. Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P127617> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Review course - Pediatric GUT". Paper presented in the USCON XXI - 21st Annual Conference of Indian Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 19-21 October 2012, India, organized by Indian Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 00 pgs. India, Aurangabad, 2012.10. <P127629> ZHU Tracy; GRIFFITH James Francis; QIN Ling; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; FONG Tsz Ning; KWOK Wai Leung Anthony; LEUNG Ping Chung; LI Kwok Ming Edmund and TAM Lai Shan. "Bone Density and Microarchitecture: Relationship Between Hand, Peripheral, and Axial Skeletal Sites Assessed by HR-pQCT and DXA in Rheumatoid Arthritis". Calcified Tissue International vol.91 no.5, pp.343-355. Springer Science + Business Media, LLC, 2012. <P127684> BHATIA Kunwar Suryaveer Singh and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Elastography". Surgery of the Thyroid & Parathyroid Glands ed. by Randolph Gregory W. 2nd ed. United Kingdom: Elsevier 2012, 2012.08. <P127899> WONG Kwok Chu; YU Chun Ho and POON Wai Sang. "Radiological Measurements of Dimensions of Acutely Ruptured Internal Carotid Artery Aneurysm: A Comparative Study between Computed Tomographic Angiography And Digital Subtraction Angiography". Clinics and Practice 2012 vol.3 no.3, pp.187-188. 2012.07. <P127903> YUAN Jing; ZHAO, Feng; GRIFFITH James Francis; CHAN Q and WANG Yixiang. "Optimize Efficient Liver T1p Mapping Using Limited Spin Lock Times". Physics in Medicine and Biology vol.57 no.6, p.1631-1640. USA: 2012 Instiiute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, 2012. <P127946> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Thyroid and Parathyroid Ultrasound". American College of Surgeons 98th Annual Clinical Congress Chicago, USA, 2012.10.01. <P127956> ZHU Tracy; GRIFFITH James Francis; QIN Ling; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; FONG Tsz Ning; AU Sze Ki; TANG, Xiaolin; KWOK Wai Leung Anthony; LEUNG Ping Chung; LI Kwok Ming Edmund and TAM Lai Shan. "Structure and strength of the distal radius in female patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A case-control study". Jounral of Bone and Mineral Research vol.28 no.4, pp.794-806. 2012.10. <P128075> RAJENDRA ACHARYA U; SREE VINITHA S; MUTHU RAMA KRISHNAN M; MOLINARI F; SABA L; HO S. S. Y.; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; HO CHAN Suzanne; NICOLAIDES A and SURI S J. "Atherosclerotic risk stratification strategy for carotid arteries using testure-based features". Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology vol.38 no.6, pp.899-915. USA, 2012. Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P128231> BHATIA Kunwar Suryaveer Singh; TONG S L Cina; CHO Chi Min Carmen; YUEN Edmund; LEE Yim Ping and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Shear Wave Elastography of Thyroid Nodules in Routine Clinical Practice: Preliminary Observations and Utility for Detecting Malignancy". Eur Radiol vol. 22 no. 11 2397-2406. USA: European Society of Radiology 2012, 2012.11. <P128325> YUEN H Y; LEE Yim Ping; BHATIA Kunwar Suryaveer Singh; WONG Ka Tak and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Use of End-cuttin Needles in Ultrasound-guided Biosy of Neck Lesions". European Radiology vol.22 p.832-836. Vienna, Austria: Springer, 2012. <P128327> ZHAO, Feng; DENG min; YUAN Jing; TENG Gj; WANG Yixiang and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Experimental Evaluation of Accelerated T1rho Relaxation Quantifications in Human Liver Using Limited Spin-Lock Times". Korean Journal of Radiology vol.13 no.6, p.736-742. Seoul, Korea: 2012 The Korean Society of Radiology, 2012.11. <P128675> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Imaging Tendon Pathology of the Foot and Ankle". Paper presented in the The International Skeletal Society (ISS) Musculoskeletal Imaging Course: Basic Principles to Advanced Concepts Sports Medicine Imaging, Musculoskeletal Diseases and Tumours, organized by International Skeletal Society , 53-57 pgs. Rome, Italy, 2012.09.11. <P128701> WANG Yixiang; ZENG Xj; GRIFFITH James Francis; LEUNG Chi Shun and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Prevalence and Gender Difference of Radiographic Lumbar Disc Space Narrowing in Eldely Chinese Men and Women: Results of Mr. OS (Hong Kong) and Ms. OS (Hong Kong) Studies". Paper presented in the the 68th Korean Congress of Radiology and Annual Delegate Meeting of the Korean Society of Radiology, organized by Korean Congress of Radiology , p.393. Seoul, Korea, 2012.10.18. <P128750> YUAN Jing; ZHOU Jy; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and WANG Yixiang. "MR Chemical Exchange Imaging with Spin-lock Technique (CESL): A Theoretical Analysis of the Z-spectrum Using a Two-pool R1p Relaxation Model Beyond the Fast-exchange Limit". Physics in Medicine and Biology vol.57 no.24, p.8185-8200. USA: 2012 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, 2012.11. <P128794> WANG Yixiang; KWOK Wai Leung Anthony; GRIFFITH James Francis; DENG min; LEUNG Chi Shun and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Morphological Changes of Lumbar Vertebral Bodies and Intervertebral Discs associated with Decrease in Bone Mineral Density of the Spine: a Cross-sectional Study in Elderly Subjects". Paper presented in the the 68th Korean Congress of Radiology and Annual Delegate Meeting of The Korean Society of Radiology, organized by Korean Congress of Radiology , p.393. Seoul, Korea, 2012.10.18. Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P128853> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Spine Imaging: an Update". Paper presented in the The 68th Korean Congress of Radiology and Annual Delegate Meeting of the Korean Society of Radiology, 67 pgs. Seoul, Korea, South, 2012.10.20. <P129006> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Imaging of salivary masses: usual to unusual". Thyroid and Salivary Gland Symposium College of Radiologists Singapore 0. Singapore, 2012.07.21. <P129094> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Ultrasound of Salivary Glands: is it still useful in year 2012". 10th Congress of Asian Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Bali, Indonesia, 2012.11.10. <P129207> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; LI Lening and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Computational Analysis of Cerebral Cortical Thickness between Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis and Normal Controls". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, 41 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.01. <P129271> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Neck Workshop - Thyroid & Neck Nodes". 21st Annual Conference of Indian Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology Aurangabad, India, 2012.10.19. <P129330> YU Chun Ho. "Intraarterial Alcohol Ablation vs Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization: A Randomized Controlled Study". Paper presented in the 10th Scientific Meeting of Chinese Society of Interventional Radiology (CSIR) Combined with Global Embolization Symposium and Techniques (GEST) 2012, organized by Chinese Soceity of Interventional Radiology (CSIR), p.6. Nanjing, China, 2012.11.01. <P129354> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; SHI Lin; WANG Defeng and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "MRI-based Analysis of Cerebral Cortical Thickness in Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis and Normal Controls". Paper presented in the 19th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST), p.124. Turkey, 2012.07.18. <P129497> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Ultrasound of tendon disorders". International Skeletal Society (ISS) Regional Outreach Programme Novosibirsk, Russia, 2012.10.25. <P129901> YUAN Jing; LI Yujia; ZHAO, Feng; CHAN Q; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and WANG Yixiang. "Quantification of T1p Relaxation by Using Rotary Echo Spin-lock Pulses in the Presence of B0 Inhomogeneity". Physics Publishing, 2012.07.18. in Medicine and Biology vol.57 p.5003-5016. United Kingdom: IOP Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P129946> LU Pu-xuan; DENG Ying-ying; YANG Gui-lin; LIU Wei-long; LIU Ying-xia; HUANG Hua and WANG Yixiang. "Relationship between Respiratory Viral Load ad Lung Lesion Severity: a Study in 24 Cases of Pandemic H1N1 2009 Influenza A Pneumonia". J Thorac Dis vol.4 no.4, p.377-383. UA: Pioneer Bioscienc Publishing Company, 2012. <P130004> ZHANG Qw; YUAN Jing and GUO H. "K-Space Domain Correction for Eddy Current Induced Distortion in Diffusion Weighted Imaging Using a Multi-echo EPI Sequence". Paper presented in the The 1st International Congress on MRI (ICMRI 2013) & The 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of KSMRM (KSMRM 2013), organized by Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , p.108. Seoul, Korea, 2013.03.30. <P130018> LEE Ka Lok; GRIFFITH James Francis; TONG Mei Po Mabel; SHARMA Nimish and YUNG Shu Hang Patrick. "Glenoid Bone Loss: Assessment with MR Imaging". Radiology 267 2 496-502. 2013.01. <P130043> JARRAYA Mohamed; HAYASHI Daichi; GRIFFITH James Francis; GUERMAZI Ali and GENANT K Harry. "Identification of Vertebral Fractures". Osteoporosis and Bone Densitometry Measurements pp.41-55. 2013.01. <P130220> ABRIGO Jill Morales; WONG Wai Sun Vincent; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; WONG Lai Hung; CHAN Wing Hung Anthony; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry and CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease". Paper presented in the The International Liver Congress, organized by European Association for the Study of the Liver, 2 pgs. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2013.04. <P130236> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Measuring bone blood flow in health and disease". Paper presented in the Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting 2013, 38 pgs. San Antonio, United States of America, 2013.01.27. <P130254> GRIFFITH James Francis. "MSK Imaging: Trips and Tricks". Paper presented in the Musculoskeletal Imaging and Oncology of 2013 Joint Scientific Meeting, 1-9 pgs. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2013.01.13. <P130331> YU Chun Ho; HUI Wai Yi Joyce; HUI Pun; CHAN Lam Stephen; YEO Winnie and LAU Wing Wa. "A Randomized Controlled Trial of Transarterial Ethanol Ablation vs Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolisation for Unresectable HCC". Paper presented in the 5th Annual Symposium of Clinical Interventional Oncology, organized by Clinical Interventional Oncology (CIO), p.23. Florida, USA, 2013.01.19. Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P130528> YU Chun Ho. "Paradigm Shift in Endovascular Intervention of Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms - from Coiling to Flow Diverters". The Hong Kong Medical Diary vol.18 no.4, pp.14-16. Hong Kong, China: The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong, 2013.04. <P130766> WANG Defeng; SHI Lin; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; NG Kin Wah Bobby and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Dynamic Fast Breath-Hold MRI for Measurement Of Lung Volume in Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Before and After -Spinal Fusion". Paper presented in the 50th International Anniversary Philip Zorab Symposium (PZ), 1 pgs. London, United Kingdom, 2013.06.20. <P130973> BHATIA Kunwar Suryaveer Singh; CHOW Kwok Keung; MA Buig Yue Brigette and KING Ann Dorothy. "Pretreatment Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) of the Primary Site in Locally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) does not Predict Long-term Response to Definitive chemoradiation.". Paper presented in the 25th European Congress of Radiology, organized by European Society of Radiology , p.0. Vienna, Austria, 2013.03.07. <P131148> WANG Defeng; SHI Lin; KONG Youyong; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack and CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Stitching of Diffusion Tensor Images for Stitching Spinal Cord". Paper presented in the The 7th International Congress on Orthopaedic Advanced Techniques and Clinical Translational Research, 123 pgs. Shanghai, China, 2013.05.25. <P131284> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Imaging Assessment of Bone Vascularity". Paper presented in the MSK Imaging Day, 277-301 pgs. Korea, South, 2013.06.22. <P131306> YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; BHATIA Kunwar Suryaveer Singh; LEE Y P; KING Ann Dorothy; GARTEISER P; SINKUS R and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "MR Elastography of the Head and Neck: Driver Design and Initial Results". Magnetic Resonance Imaging vol.31 no.4, p.624-629. USA: 2013 Elsevier Inc., 2013.05. <P131338> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Osteochondral lesions of the talar dome - new insight into pathophysiology". National Simposium and Workshop Sport of Medicine pp.1-5. Surabaya, Indonesia, 2013.01.11. <P131405> ZHAO, Feng; ZHANG Ih; YUAN Jing; CHAN Q; YEW Tai Wai David and WANG Yixiang. "T1rho Measurement in Rat Brain Tissue Changes Associated with Aging and Chronic Hypertension". Paper presented in the ISMRM 21st Annual Meeting & Exhibition, organized by International Soceiy for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , p.2875. Utah, USA, 2013.04.22. Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P131580> WANG Defeng; SHI Lin; WANG Yixiang; DENG min; TAM Lai Shan; LI Kwok Ming Edmund and GRIFFITH James Francis. "Computer-Assisted Grading of Spinal Inflammation for Patients with Spondyloarthropathy". Paper presented in the The 7th International Congress on Orthopaedic Advanced Techniques and Clinical Translational Research, pp.124. Shanghai, China, 2013.05.25. <P131583> NG C K Beverly; SAN C Y; LAU Y K Edgar; YU Chun Ho and BURD David Andrew Ross. "Multidisciplinary Vascular Malformations Clinic in Hong Kong". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.19 no.2, pp.116-123. Hong Kong, 2013.04. <P131718> YU Chun Ho. "Angioplasty and Stenting for Intracranial Atherosclerotic Stenosis: Position Statement of the Hong Kong Society of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology". The Hong Kong Medical Diary vol.18 no.4, pp.6-8. Hong Kong, China: The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong, 2013.04. <P131969> KING Ann Dorothy; CHOW Kwok Keung; YU Kwok Hung; MO Kwok Fai; BHATIA Kunwar Suryaveer Singh; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; TSE Man Kit Gary; VLANTIS Alexander Chris and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "T2-Weighted MR Imaging Early after Chemoradiotherapy to Evaluation Treatment Response in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carinoma". AJNR Am J Neuroradiol vol.34 no. 6 p.1237-1241. USA, 2013.06. <P132159> LEE Siu Fung; ZHU Xiaoming; WANG Yixiang; XUAN Shouhu; YOU Qihua; CHAN Wing Hong; WONG Chi Hin; WANG Feng; YU Jimmy C.; CHENG Hon Ki Christopher and LEUNG Cham Fai. "Ultrasound, pH, and Magnetically Responsive Ctown-Ether-Coated Core/Shell Nanoparticles as Drug Encapsulation and Release Systems". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces vol.5 pp.1566-1574. 2013.02.12. <P132193> ZHAO, Feng; WANG Yixiang; LAU Ting Yi; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd and YUAN Jing. "Small Field-of-view High-resolution MR Imaging of Talar Dome at 3T: A Comparison of 2D TSE and SSFP Sequence". Paper presented in the The 1st International Congress on MRI (ICMRI 2013) & The 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of KSMRM (KSMRM 2013), organized by Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , p.NA. Seoul, Korea, 2013.03.30. <P132385> WANG Defeng; SHI Lin and QIN Ling. "Intra-subject Registration of HR-pQCT images for Follow-up Bone Quality Assessment". Paper presented in the The 7th International Congress on Orthopaedic Advanced Techniques and Clinical Translational Research, pp.125. Shanghai, China, 2013.05. Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P132480> YUAN Jing; YAN Py; MOK Seng Peng; WANG Yixiang; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and GRIFFITH James Francis. "Maximum Likelihood Estimation of T1rho Relaxation Time in Lumbar Intervertebral Disc at 3T". Paper presented in the ISMRM 21st Annual Meeting & Exhibition, organized by International Soceiy for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , p.3478. Utah, USA, 2013.04.22. <P132723> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Advances in Musculoskeletal Tumor Imaging". Paper presented in the MSK Imaging Day, 7-32 pgs. Korea, South, 2013.06.22. <P132837> ZHANG Qw and YUAN Jing. "MRI Noise Characteristics under Compressed Sensing Reconstruction". Paper presented in the The 1st International Congress on MRI (ICMRI 2013) & The 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of KSMRM (KSMRM 2013), organized by Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , p.110. Seoul, Korea, 2013.03.30. <P132855> YUAN Jing; ZHANG Qw; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd and KING Ann Dorothy. "Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma with Multi-coil Acquisition". Paper presented in the The 1st International Congress on MRI (ICMRI 2013) & The 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of KSMRM (KSMRM 2013), organized by Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , p.129. Seoul, Korea, 2013.03.30. <P132871> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Ultrasonography of soft tissue masses of the foot and ankle". Paper presented in the 2nd Joint Meeting of the Asian Musculoskeletal Society and the Arabian Gulf Society of Skeletal Radiology, 21 pgs. Doha, Qatar, 2013.02.17. <P132874> WANG Defeng; FANG Fang; SHI Lin; LI Lening and YU Cheuk Man. "A computer-assisted evaluation method for cardiac valve calcification". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2013.04.13. <P132984> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Tendon injuries around the ankle joint". National Simposium and Workshop Sport of Medicine pp.1-7. Surabaya, Indonesia, 2013.01.12. <P132994> YU Chun Ho; LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas; LEE Kt and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. Learning Curve of Wingspan Stenting for Intracranial Atherosclerosis: Single-Center Experience of 95 Consecutive Patients J NeuroIntervent Surg published online March 19, 2013 doi:10.1136/neurintsurg-2012-010593 . p.1-7. USA: jnis, 2013.03. <P133172> WANG Defeng. "Computational MRI Spinal Inflammation Grading System for Patients with Spondyloarthropathy". Paper presented in the The 1st International Congress on MRI (ICMRI 2013) & The 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of KSMRM (KSMRM 2013), 20 pgs. Seoul, Korea, 2013.03.30. Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P133179> YU Chun Ho; LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas; LEE Kt and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Angioplasty and Stenting of Intracranial Atherosclerosis with Wingspan System: 1-year Clinical and Radiological Outcome in a Single Asian Center". J NeuroIntervent Surg pulblish online March 19, 2013 doi:10.1136/neurintsurg-2012-010608 . p.1-7. USA: jnis, 2013.03. <P133507> WU Huisi; WANG Defeng; SHI L. and YU Cheuk Man. "Automatic Segmentation of Left Ventricle in 3D Echocardiography Using a Level Set Approach". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P134035> WANG Defeng. "Automatic Quantification of White Matter Lesion in Brain MRI". Paper presented in the Conference of Image Processing 2013, 8 pgs. Sanya, China, 2013.01.06. <P134222> WU Huisi; WANG Defeng; SHI Lin and YU Cheuk Man. "Automatic segmentation of left ventricle in 3D echocardiography using a level set approach". International Journal of Cardiology vol.163 no.2, pp.s12. 2013.04.13. <P134302> WU Huisi; WANG Defeng; SHI Lin and YU Cheuk Man. "Automatic segmentation of left ventricle in 3D electrocardiography using a level set approach". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2013.04.13. <P134456> WANG Defeng. "Quantitative Medical Image Analysis and its Applications". Paper presented in the Conference on Image Processing 2013, 2 pgs. Sanya, China, 2013.01.06. <P134550> WU Huisi; WANG Defeng; SHI Lin and YU Cheuk Man. "Real-time left ventricular speckle tracking in 3D electrocardiography with parallel block matching". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2013.04.13. <P135187> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Medial ankle including tibialis posterior and spring ligament". Paper presented in the 2nd Joint Meeting of the Asian Musculoskeletal Society and the Arabian Gulf Society of Skeletal Radiology, pp.NIL. Doha, Qatar, 2013.02.15. <P135195> WU Huisi; WANG Defeng; SHI Lin and YU Cheuk Man. "Real-time left ventricular speckle tracking in 3D echocardiography with parallel block matching". International Journal of Cardiology vol.163 no.2, pp.s13. 2013.04.13. Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P135461> WANG Defeng. "Application of Computational Techniques in Multimodal Neuroimage Analysis". Paper presented in the Brain 2013, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong , 44 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.01.18. <P135659> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Principles of thyroid ultrasound". CME Lunch Symposium : Thyroid Ultrasound Hong Kong, 2013.04.03. <P136183> WANG Defeng. "Length Alteration of the Semicircular Canal in Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". Paper presented in the The 1st International Congress on MRI (ICMRI 2013) & The 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of KSMRM (KSMRM 2013), 20 pgs. Seoul, Korea, 2013.03.30. <P136305> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Ankle Anatomy and Pathology". Paper presented in the Musculoskeletal Imaging and Oncology of 2013 Joint Scientific Meeting, 1-7 pgs. Malaysia, 2013.06.13. <P136389> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Imaging Assessment of Inflammatory Arthropathy: Future Directions". Paper presented in the MSK Imaging Day, 321-334 pgs. Korea, South, 2013.06.22. <P136400> LU Pu Xuan; HUANG Hua; YUAN Jing; ZHAO, Feng and WANG Yixiang. "Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging Showed Lower Pure Molecular Diffusion in Fibrotic Livers: A Report of Preliminary Results". Paper presented in the ISMRM 21st Annual Meeting & Exhibition, organized by International Soceiy for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , p.4081. Utah, USA, 2013.04.22. <P136494> NG Wing Hung; GRIFFITH James Francis; HUNG Hiu Yee; LAW Kan Yip; HO Po Yan Eric and YUNG Shu Hang Patrick. "Can MRI predict the clinical instability and loss of the screw home phenomenon following ACL tear ?". Clinical Imaging vol.37 pp.116-123. 2013.01. <P136778> YUAN Jing; ZHANG Qw and PANYCH Lp. "Calibration of Bipolar Echo-planar Type 2D RF Pulses with Excitation Phase Compensation". Paper presented in the The 1st International Congress on MRI (ICMRI 2013) & The 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of KSMRM (KSMRM 2013), organized by Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , p.262. Seoul, Korea, 2013.03.30. <P137421> WANG Defeng; KONG Youyong; SHI Lin; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; TAM Cindy Wc; LAM Chiu Wa; WANG Yilong and WANG Yongjun. "Building a Probabilistic Template for Automatic Detection of Default Mode Network". Paper presented in the Brain 2013, pp.54. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.01.18. <P137823> WANG Defeng; SHI Lin; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Comparison Of Cerebral Cortical Connectivity In Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients And Normal Controls". Paper presented in the 50th International Anniversary Philip Zorab Symposium (PZ), 1 pgs. London, United Kingdom, 2013.06.20. Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology <P137922> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Bone Marrow Changes in Osteoporosis". Osteoporosis and Bone Densitometry Measurements pp.69-85. 2013.01. <P138184> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Wrist and Hand". Paper presented in the Musculoskeletal Imaging and Oncology of 2013 Joint Scientific Meeting, 1-4 pgs. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2013.06.13. <P138493> WANG Defeng; FANG Fang; SHI Lin; LI Lening and YU Cheuk Man. "A computer-assisted evaluation method for cardiac valve calcification". International Journal of Cardiology vol.163 no.2, pp.S26. 2013.04.13. <P138662> WANG Yixiang; GRIFFITH James Francis and YUAN Jing. "Re: Zobel BB, Vadalà G, Del Vescovo R, et al. T1 ρ magnetic resonance imaging quantification of early lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration in healthy young adults.". Spine vol.38 no.2, pp.201. 2013.01. <P138792> LEE Ka Lok; GRIFFITH James Francis; READ W John; NG Wing Hung and BELLEMORE Michael. "Phalangeal microgeodic disease: report of two cases and review of imaging.". Skeletal Radiology vol.42 pp.451-455. 2013.03. <P138824> WANG Defeng. "Application of computational techniques in multimodal neuroimage analysis". Paper presented in the 大連首屆分子影像與功能影像國際高峰論壇, 111-145 pgs. China, 2013.06.10. <P138929> NG Wing Hung; HUNG Hiu Yee; GRIFFITH James Francis; TONG Shin Loong Cina and CHO Chi Min Carmen. "Comparison of ultrasound versus fluorcoscopic guided rotator cuff interval approach for MR arthrography.". Clinical Imaging vol.37 pp.548-553. 2013.05. <P139159> ZHAO, Feng; YUAN Jing; DENG min and WANG Yixiang. "Further Exploration of MRI Techniques for Liver T1rho Quantification". Paper presented in the ISMRM 21st Annual Meeting & Exhibition, organized by International Soceiy for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , p.4092. Utah, USA, 2013.04.22. <P139478> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Imaging anterior cruciate ligament tear - helpful tips". National Simposium and Workshop Sport of Medicine pp.1-5. Surabaya, Indonesia, 2013.01.11. <P139604> ZHANG Qw and YUAN Jing. "The Use of DCE-MRI Data for Scaphoid Nonunion Stage Assessment". Paper presented in the The 1st International Congress on MRI (ICMRI 2013) & The 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of KSMRM (KSMRM 2013), organized by Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , p.25. Seoul, Korea, 2013.03.30. Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology See Also<P120125 >, <P120212 >, <P120232 >, <P120321 >, <P120371 >, <P120477 >, <P120628 >, <P120641 >, <P120714 >, <P120765 >, <P121005 >, <P121129 >, <P121140 >, <P121401 >, <P121425 >, <P122493 >, <P122711 >, <P122864 >, <P122910 >, <P123172 >, <P123249 >, <P123331 >, <P123493 >, <P123540 >, <P123885 >, <P124069 >, <P124407 >, <P124482 >, <P124522 >, <P124732 >, <P124823 >, <P125217 >, <P125547 >, <P126023 >, <P126461 >, <P126557 >, <P126731 >, <P126784 >, <P127036 >, <P127080 >, <P127146 >, <P127181 >, <P127828 >, <P129186 >, <P129230 >, <P129242 >, <P129331 >, <P129406 >, <P129416 >, <P129538 >, <P129646 >, <P129974 >, <P130144 >, <P130355 >, <P130406 >, <P130685 >, <P130819 >, <P131006 >, <P131242 >, <P131554 >, <P131742 >, <P131974 >, <P132140 >, <P132267 >, <P132409 >, <P132449 >, <P133634 >, <P133882 >, <P133929 >, <P134128 >, <P134911 >, <P134928 >, <P134948 >, <P134957 >, <P134975 >, <P135062 >, <P135456 >, <P136098 >, <P136431 >, <P136768 >, <P136927 >, <P137040 >, <P137142 >, <P137375 >, <P137454 >, <P138260 >, <P138382 >, <P138811 >, <P139283 >, <P139485 >, <P139552 >, <P139796 >, <P139901 >, <P139980 > Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P110019> LEE Lai Shun Nelson and ISON M G. "Diagnosis, Management and Outcomes of Adults Hospitalized with Influenza.". Antiviral Therapy 17 (1 Pt B) 143- 157. 2012. <P117412> GOGGINS III William Bernard; WOO Jean; HO CHAN Suzanne; CHAN Ying Yang Emily and CHAU Patsy. "Weather, Season, and Daily Stroke Admissions in Hong Kong". International Journal of Biometeorology vol.56 no.5 pp.865–872. 2012.09. <P118696> XIONG Li; LEUNG Ho Wan; CHEN Xiangyan; HAN Jinghao; LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas; SOO O.y. Yannie; LAU Yuk Lun Alexander and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Autonomic Dysfunction in Ischemic Stroke with Carotid Stenosis". Acta Neurol Scand 126 2 122-128. 2012.08. <P120006> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Disease burden and risk of HCC of hepatitis B in the Asia-Pacific – focus on China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. ". Paper presented in the annual meeting of Asian Pacific Digestive Week, organized by APDW, 1 pgs. 2012.12. <P120073> YEOMANS N D and CHAN Ka Leung Francis. Being on Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (Textbook of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology). 2 ed. 145-49 pgs. Wiley-Blackwell Press, 2012. <P120076> HU Miao and TOMLINSON Brian. "The Role of Combination Therapy in the Management of Hypertension". Journal of the Society of Physicians of Hong Kong vol.4 no.3, pp.33-35. 2012. <P120141> HU Miao; MAK Wah Lun Valiant and TOMLINSON Brian. "Polymorphisms in apolipoprotein E and apolipoprotein A-V do not influence the lipid response to rosuvastatin but are associated with baseline lipid levels in Chinese patients with hyperlipidemia". Journal of Clinical Lipidology vol.6 no.6, pp.585-592. 2012. <P120155> CHENG Sheung Tak; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy and LAM Chiu Wa. "Neuropsychiatric Symptom Clusters of Alzheimer's disease in Hong Kong Chinese: Prevalence and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Neuropschiatric Inventory". International Psychogeriatrics DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1041610212000609. vol.24 no.09, Cambridge Journals, 2012.09. <P120198> HANSEN Be; CORNBERG M; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; ARENDS P; WIEGAND Sn; BRUNETTO Mr and JANSSEN Hl. "High relapse rate in HBeAg negative chronic hepatitis B patients after discontinuation of nucleos(t)ide analogues. ". Paper presented in the Annual Scientific Meeting of American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, organized by AASLD, 1 pgs. 2012.11. <P120232> KAM Kevin Ka Ho; LOOI Jen Li; YIP Yu-yeung; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; WONG Ka-tak and YU Cheuk Man. "Unroofed coronary sinus on real-time three-dimensional echocardiography". International Journal of Cardiology 164 2 e13-e14. 2013.04.05. transesophageal Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P120263> CHAN Suk Mei; CHAN Cheong Chun and WOO Jean. "Association between Dietary Patterns and Demographics, Lifestyle, Anthropometry and Blood Pressure in Chinese Community-Dwelling Older Men and Women". Journal of Nutritional Science 2012. <P120270> YU Cheuk Man; SHANG Qing; SANDERSON John Elsby; TAM Lai Shan and LI Kwok Ming Edmund. "Impaired left ventricular apical rotation and untwisting in Patients with Psoriasis Arthritis: an assessment by two-dimensional speckle tracking.". Paper presented in the American College of Cardiology (AHA) 61st Annual Scientific Session (Chicago, 2012), 1 pgs. 2012. <P120312> XI B; TAKEUCHI F; CHANDAK Gr; KATO N; PAN Hw; MA Ching Wan Ronald; ZHOU Dh; PAN Hy and MI J. "Common polymorphism near the MC4R gene is associated with type 2 diabetes: data from a meta-analysis of 123,373 individuals.". Diabetologia vol.55 no.10, pp.2660-2666. 2012.10. <P120321> SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; LI Lening; BHATIA Kunwar Suryaveer Singh and TONG Chi Fai Michael. "Computer-assisted surgical planning for bone conductive hearing aid implantation". Paper presented in the BME 2012 Biomedical Engineering International Conference, P18 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.05. <P120328> ZHANG Qing; CHAN Yat Sun Joseph; LIANG Yu Jia; CHAN Chin Pang; FANG Fang; LAM Yat Yin; CHAN Kin Yin and YU Cheuk Man. "Improvement of Left Ventricular Mechanics and its Relationship with Reverse Remodeling in Patients Treated by Cardiac Contractility Modulation". Paper presented in the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2012, organized by American Heart Association, 1 pgs. Los Angeles, California, United States of America, 2012.11. <P120355> WONG Siu Kay; SIN Della Wai-mei; KAARLS Robert; SARGENT Mike; CHU Xiao Gang; CHAN Yan Keung Thomas; LAM Ching Wan and SETA Katsuo. "International Symposium on Food and Health: from Measurement Science to Quality and Safety" Accreditation and Quality Assurance vol.17 pp.557-560. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2012.07. <P120365> HO Jason C S; CHANG Andy M; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; YU Cheuk Man; LAM Yat Yin and LEE Wing Yan Vivian. "Dabigatran Compared with Warfarin for Stroke Prevention with Atrial Fibrillation: Experience in Hhong Kong". Clinical Cardiology vol.35 no.12, pp.E40-45. 2012.12. <P120368> WANG, Jing; FANG Fang; LIU Ming; LIANG Yu Jia; YU Cheuk Man and LAM Yat Yin. "Medium-term survival in patients with functional mitral regurgitation is related to more severe regurgitation and reduced left ventricular long axis function". Paper presented in the EUROECHO & other Imaging Modalities 2012, organized by European Society of Cardiology, 1 pgs. 2012.12. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P120374> WANG Shang; LAM Yat Yin; FANG Fang; LIU Ming; SHANG Qing; LUO Xiuxia; WANG Jing; SANDERSON John Elsby; SUN Jing Ping and YU Cheuk Man. "Acoustic Cardiography Helps to Identify Heart Failure and Its Phenotypes". Paper presented in the European Society of Cardiology congress 2012, organized by European Society of Cardiology, 1 pgs. Munich, Germany, 2012.08. <P120385> FANG Fei; ZHANG Chris Zhiyi; ZHANG Lin; WONG Ho; CHAN Yau Sang; PAN Wenliang; DAN Xiuli; YIN Cuiming; CHO Chi Hin and NG Tzi Bun. "Trichosanthin Inhibits Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation in Both Cell Lines and Nude Mice by Promotion of Apoptosis". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.9, pp.e41592. 2012.09.05. <P120477> SHI Lin; LIU Wen; ZHANG Heye; XIE Yongming and WANG Defeng. "A survey of GPU-based medical image computing techniques". Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery vol.2 no.3, pp.188-206. 2012.09. <P120518> LANAS A.; GOLDSTEIN J. L.; CHAN Ka Leung Francis; WILCOX C. M.; PEURA D. A.; LI C.; SANDS G. H. and MCHEIMAN J. M.. "Risk factors associated with a decrease >2 g/dL in haemoglobin and/or >10% haematocrit in osteoarthritis patients taking celecoxib or a nonselective NSAID plus a PPI in large randomised controlled trial (CONDOR)". AP & T Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics vol.36 pp.485-492. 2012.07.15. <P120522> CHAU P H; WONG King Moses and WOO Jean. "Challenge to long-term care for the elderly: cold weather impacts institutional population more than community-dwelling population". J Am Med Dir Assoc. vol.13 no.9, pp.788-793. 2012.11. <P120527> HU Miao; WANG Deqing; XIAO, Yajie; MAK Wah Lun Valiant and TOMLINSON Brian. "Herb-drug Interactions: Methods to Identify Potential Influence of Genetic Variations in Genes Encoding Drug Metabolizing Enzymes and Drug Transporters". Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology vol.13 no.9, pp.1718-1730. 2012. <P120550> ZHANG Quan Bin; SUN Jing Ping; GAO Rui Feng; LIN Feng Yan; LIU Xiao Rong; SHENG Wei; LIU Feng and YU Cheuk Man. "Single-Beat Full-Volume Capture Real-Time 3-Dimensional Echocardiography and Auto-Contouring Algorithm for Quantification of Left Ventricular Volume: Validation with Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging". Paper presented in the EUROECHO & other Imaging Modalities 2012, organized by European Society of Cardiology, 1 pgs. Athens, Greece, 2012.12. <P120585> LIN Wenhua; XIONG Li; HAN Jinghao; LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas; SOO Oi Yan; CHEN Xiangyan and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "External Counterpulsation Augments Blood Pressure and Cerebral Flow Velocities in Ischemic Stroke Patients with Cerebral Intracranial Large Artery Occlusive Disease". Stroke vol.43 no.11, pp.3007-11. 2012.09.20. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P120603> WONG Chun Kwan Bonnie; CHIU Chor Shan; LEE Lai Shun Nelson and LAI Wai Man. "A multidisciplinary response to an unusual influenza surge in a tertiary hospital in Hong Kong.". Paper presented in the 8th International Healthcare Infection Society (HIS) Conference and Federation of Infection Societies (FIS) Annual Conference, 1 pgs. Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2012.11. <P120605> HANSEN Be; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; SONNEVELD Mj; WONG Wai Sun Vincent; PIRATVISUTH T and JANSSEN Hl. "Improvement of response prediction applying a dynamic modification during treatment with peginterferon in HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B patients.". Paper presented in the Annual Scientific Meeting of American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, organized by AASLD, 1 pgs. 2012.11. <P120624> KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Hypokalaemia and cardiac risk in peritonealdialysis patients. ". Nature Reviews Nephrology vol.8 no.9, pp.501-503. 2012.07. <P120625> HU Miao; MAK Wah Lun Valiant and TOMLINSON Brian. "Intronic Variants in SLCO1B1 Related to Statin-Induced Myopathy are Associated with the LDL-C Response to Statins in Chinese Patients with Hyperlipidaemia". Pharmacogenetics and Genomics vol.22 no.11, pp.803-806. 2012. <P120628> SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; HUI Cheuk Ngai Steve; TONG Chi Fai Michael; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack and CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Abnormal volumes in subregions of cerebellum in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis". Paper presented in the BME 2012 Biomedical Engineering International Conference, P20 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.05. <P120641> LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas; ZOU Xinying; YU C.h. Simon; WONG Ho Chung Edward; LEE Kwok Tung and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Angiographic distinctions and collateralization in occlusive radiation vasculopathy: A case-referent study". Cerebrovascular Diseases vol.34 no.Suppl 1, p.68. 2012.09. <P120645> KONG Pik Shan; CHOI Kai Chow; HO Shun Chung; CHAN Hm Michael; OSAKI Risa; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. Associations of uric acid and gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT) with obesity and components of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents Pediatric Obesity doi: 10.1111/j.2047-6310.2012.00115.x vol. 8 no. 5 pp. 351-357. 2012.12.13. <P120679> LEE, Hon Kit; HU Miao; LUI, Siu Hung; HO Shun Chung; WONG Chun Kwok and TOMLINSON Brian. "The ABCG2 421C>A polymorphism is significantly associated with the population pharmacokinetics and lipid response of rosuvastatin in Chinese patients with hypercholesterolaemia". Paper presented in the The 14th Hong Kong Diabetes & Cardiovascular Risk Factors – East Meets West Symposium, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2012. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P120714> MOK Chung Tong Vincent; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; WONG ADRIAN; TANG Wai Kwong and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Predictors for cognitive decline in patients with confluent white matter hyperintensities.". Alzheimer’s and Dementia vol.8 no.5, pp.96-103. 2012.08.01. <P120750> MA Hon Ming; LEE Shun Wah Jenny and WOO Jean. "Should Nursing Home-Acquired Pneumonia Be Treated as Nosocomial Pneumonia?". J Am Med Dir Assoc. Epub ahead of print. vol 13 P. 727-731. Elsevier Inc., 2012.08. <P120799> FANG Fang and LAM Yat Yin. "TAPSE should be a routine clinical tool in assessing congenital heart diseases with right ventricular involvement". International Journal of Cardiology Epub ahead of print: doi:pii: S0167-5273(12)01484-2. 10.1016/j.ijcard.2012.11.023. 2012.11.19. <P120846> LAU Yuk Lun Alexander; ZHAO Yudong; CHEN Christopher; LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas; FU Jianhui; HUANG Y; WONG Ka Sing Lawrence and MARKUS S Hugh. "Effectiveness of early dual antiplatelets in patients with TIA and minor stroke: post-hoc analysis of CLAIR study". Paper presented in the Stroke, p.A2743. 2012. <P120884> AKPEK Mahmut; KAYA Mehmet Gungor; LAM Yat Yin; SAHIN Omer; ELCIK Deniz; CELIK Turgay; ERGIN Ali and GIBSON Charles Michael. "Relation of neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio to coronary flow to in-hospital major adverse cardiac events in patients with ST-elevated myocardial infarction undergoing primary coronary intervention". The American Journal of Cardiology vol.110 no.5, pp.621-627. 2012.09.01. <P120941> CHAN Yan Keung Thomas. "Aconitum Alkaloid Content and the High Toxicity of Aconite Tincture". Forensic Science International vol.222 pp.1-3. Ireland: Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd., 2012.09. <P120972> LOU L Q; OUYANG J X; GU B L; MO Z Y; MA Ching Wan Ronald; NAN J; KONG Pik Shan; SO Wing Yi; KO G. T.; CHAN J.C.; CHOW Chun Chung and BIAN W R. "Chronic kidney disease and associated cardiovascular risk factors in Chinese with type 2 diabetes. ". Dibaetes Metab J vol.36 no.6, pp.433-442. 2012.12. <P121036> XIE, JUNMIN; GUO Ran; KO Wai San Fanny; SUN Jing Ping; ZHANG Qing; HUI Shu Cheong David; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; LAM Yat Yin; YAN Ping Yen Bryan and YU Cheuk Man. "Evidence of Progressive Subclinical Right Ventricular Dysfunction in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Prospective Study by Tissue Doppler Imaging". Paper presented in the Circulation Volume: 124 Issue: 21 Supplement: S Meeting Abstract: A14626, organized by American Heart Association, 1 pgs. Orlando, USA, 2012.11.22. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P121076> GORCSAN John 3rd; YU Cheuk Man and SANDERSON John Elsby. "Ventricular resynchronization is the principle mechanism of benefit with cardiac resynchronization therapy". Heart Failure Reviews vol.17 no.6, pp.737-746. 2012.11. <P121116> ZHANG Ning; LI Xiaoxing; WU Chung Wah; DONG Yujuan; CAI M; MOK Myth Tsz Shun; WANG Hua; CHEN J; NG Siu Man Simon; CHEN M; SUNG Joseph Jao-yiu and YU Jun. "microRNA-7 is a novel inhibitor of YY1 contributing to colorectal tumorigenesis". Oncogene pp.epub ahead of print. 2012.12.03. <P121129> KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; CHOOK Ping; QIAO Mu; TAM Lai Shan; POON Yam Kau; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; WOO Jean; CELERMAJER D S and WOO Kam Sang. "Vitamin B-12 supplementation improves arterial function in vegetarians with subnormal vitamin B-12 status". The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging vol.16 no.6, p.569-573. 2012. <P121134> DONG, Ming; LIAO James K.; FANG Fang; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; LIU Ming and YU Cheuk Man. "Increased Rho kinase activity in congestive heart failure". European Journal of Heart Failure vol.14 no.9 pp.965-973. 2012.09. <P121140> SHI Lin; LIU Shangping; WANG Defeng; WONG Hing Lok; HUANG Wen Hua; WANG Yixiang; GRIFFITH James Francis; LEUNG Ping Chung and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Computerized Quantification of Bone Tissue and Marrow in Stained Microscopic Images". Cytometry Part A 81A 10 916-921. 2012.08. <P121162> LIN Qingshan; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; ZHANG Yanchao; FANG Fang; WAN Song; UNDERWOOD Malcolm John and YU Cheuk Man. "The loss of dynamic deformation of mitral leaflet in functional mitral regurgitation". Paper presented in the European Society of Cardiology congress 2012, organized by European Society of Cardiology, 1 pgs. Munich, Germany, 2012.08. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P121171> SHARMA Manu; IOANNIDIS P A John; AASLY O Jan; BRICE Alexis; VAN BROECKHOVEN Christine; ANNESI Grazia; BERTRAM Lars; BOZI Maria; CROSIERS Crosiers; CLARKE Carl; FACHERIS F Maurizio; FARRER Matthew; GISPERT Suzana; AUBURGER Georg; VILARINO-GUELL Carles; GARRAUX Gaëtan; HADJIGEORGIOU M Georgios; HICKS A Andrew; HATTORI Nobutaka; JEON S Beom; LESAGE Suzanne; LILL M Christina; LIN Juei-jueng; LYNCH Timothy; LICHTNER Peter; LANG E Anthony; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; JASINSKA-MYGA Barbara; MELLICK D George; MORRISON E Karen; OPALA M Grzegorz; PRAMSTALLER P Peter; PICHLER Irene; PARK Sung Sup; QUATTRONE Aldo; ROGAEVA A Ekaterina; ROSS A Owen; STEFANIS Leonidas; STOCKTON Joanne; SATAKE Wataru; SILBURN Peter; THEUNS Jessie; TAN Eng-king; TODA Tatsushi; TOMIYAMA Hiroyuki; UITTI J Ryan; WIRDEFELDT Karin and WSZOLEK K Zbigniew. "Large-scale replication and heterogeneity in Parkinson disease genetic loci". Neurology vol.79 no.7, pp.659-67. 2012.08.14. <P121253> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry and WONG Wai Sun Vincent. "Hepatitis B". Zakim & Boyer’s Hepatology ed. by Boyer, Manns, Sanyal. 6 ed. pp.540-563. Philadephia: Elsevier, 2012. <P121256> WONG Lai Hung; WONG Wai Sun Vincent and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Controlled Attenuation Parameter (CAP) of transient elastography is an accurate non-invasive assessment of hepatic steatosis". Paper presented in the annual meeting of Asian Pacific Digestive Week, 214 pgs. 2012.12. <P121260> LAM Yat Yin; BAJRAKTARI Gani; LINDQVIST Per; HOLMGREN Anders; MOLE Roberta; LI Wei; DUNCAN Alison; DING Wen-hong; MONDILLO Sergio; PEPPER John R. and HENEIN Michael Y.. "Prolonged total isovolumic time is related to reduced long-axis functional recovery following valve replacement surgery for severe aortic stenosis". International Journal of Cardiology vol.159 no.3, pp.187-191. 2012.09.06. <P121276> CHAN Yan Keung Thomas. "Contributory Factors in Herb-induced Fatal Aconite Poisoning". Forensic Science International vol.223 pp.40-43. Ireland: Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd., 2012.11. <P121278> LEE Pui-Wai Alex; HSIUNG Ming C.; SALGO Ivan S.; FANG Fang; XIE Junmin; ZHANG Yanchao; LIN Qingshan; LOOI Jen Li; WAN Song; WONG H. L. Randolph; UNDERWOOD Malcolm John; SUN Jing Ping; YIN Wei-hsian; WEI Jeng; TSAI Shen-kou and YU Cheuk Man. Quantitative analysis of mitral valve morphology in mitral valve prolapse with real-time 3-dimensional echocardiography: importance of annular saddle shape in the pathogenesis of mitral regurgitation Circulation 127 7 832-841. 2013.02.19. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P121332> HU Miao and TOMLINSON Brian. "Effects of extended-release niacin on fasting lipoproteins, glucose and insulin levels in Chinese patients with dyslipidaemi". Paper presented in the World Congress of Cardiology 2012, organized by World Heart Federation , 1 pgs. Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2012. <P121336> TAM LS; SHANG Qing; LI Kwok Ming Edmund; WANG Shang; LI Ruijie; LEE Ka Lai; LEUNG Ying Ying; YING King Yee Shirley; YIM Cheuk Wan; KUN Wai Lin Emily; LEUNG Moon Ho Alexander; LI Martin; LI Tena; ZHU Tracy; ZHU Yaner; KUAN Woon Pang and YU Cheuk Man. "Infliximab is associated with improvement in arterial stiffness in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis -- a randomized trial". J Rheumatol 9 pgs. 2013.01.24. <P121354> KAYA Mehmet G.; AKPEK Mahmut; LAM Yat Yin; YARLIOGLUES Mikail; CELIK Turgay; GUNEBAKMAZ Ozgur; DURAN Mustafa; ULUCAN Seref; KESER Ahmet; OGUZHAN Abdurrahman and GIBSON Michael C.. "Prognostic value of neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio in patients with ST-elevated myocardial infarction undergoing primary coronary intervention: A prospective, multicenter study". International Journal Cardiology Epub of ahead of print: doi:pii: S0167-5273(12)01557-4. 10.1016/j.ijcard.2012.11.074. 2012.12.05. <P121361> WANG Qiaoshu; CHEN Christopher; CHEN Xiangyan; HAN Jinghao; SOO O.y. Yannie; LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas; MOK Chung Tong Vincent and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Low-molecular-weight heparin and early neurologic deterioration in acute stroke caused by large artery occlusive disease". Arch Neurol vol.13 pp.1-7. 2012.08. <P121394> HEO J; AHN Sh; KWEON Yo; KIM Bh; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; HORBAN A; WONGCHARATRAWEE S; LLAMOSO C and LEE Ks. "Entecavir+adefovir versus lamivudine+adefovir or entecavir alone in lamivudine-resistant chronic hepatitis B: 96-week data from the DEFINE study. ". Paper presented in the Annual Scientific Meeting of American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, organized by AASLD, 1 pgs. 2012.11. <P121425> WONG Wai Sun Vincent; SHEN Jiayun; WONG Lai Hung; CHAN Wing Hung Anthony; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Monitoring nonalcoholic fatty liver disease using serial serum total cell death markers and apoptosis markers. ". Paper presented in the Annual Scientific Meeting of American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, organized by AASLD, 1 pgs. 2012.11. <P121488> CHIU M L; HU Miao; NG Heung Ling Margaret; YEUNG C K; CHAN J C; CHANG Mee; CHENG Suk Hang; LI Ching Wan and TOMLINSON Brian. "Association between HLA-B*58:01 allele and severe cutaneous adverse reactions with allopurinol in Han Chinese in Hong Kong". Br J Dermatol vol.167 no.1, pp.44-9. 2012.07. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P121620> CHAN Chin Pang and YU Cheuk Man. Cardiac resynchronization therapy: is there any racial difference? Circulation Journal vol. 76 8 1830-1831. 2012.07.11. <P121635> CHAN Yan Keung Thomas. "Aconite Poisoning Following the Percutaneous Absorption of Aconitum Alkaloids". Forensic Science International vol.223 pp.25-27. Ireland: Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd., 2012.11. <P121730> LEE Wing Yan Vivian; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; TAM C S Johnson and LAM Yat Yin. "The Barriers of Warfarin Use for Atrial Fibrillation Patients in Hong Kong.". Paper presented in the 12th Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy, organized by Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012.07.07. <P121819> FANG Fang; ZHANG Qing; CHAN Yat Sun Joseph; RAZALI Omar; AZLAN Hussin; CHAN Hamish Chi-kin; SANDERSON John Elsby; XIE Junmin and YU Cheuk Man. "Early pacing-induced systolic dyssynchrony is a strong predictor of left ventricular adverse remodeling: Analysis from the Pacing to Avoid Cardiac Enlargement (PACE) trial". International Journal of Cardiology Epub ahead of print. 2012.08.31. <P121854> TOMLINSON Brian and HU Miao. "The farnesoid X receptor -1G>T polymorphism is associated with the lipid response to rosuvastatin in Chinese patients with hyperlipidaemia". Paper presented in the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2012, organized by European Society of Cardiology, 1 pgs. 2012.08. <P121859> LOOI Jen Li; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; WONG H. L. Randolph and YU Cheuk Man. "3D echocardiography for traumatic tricuspid regurgitation". JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging vol.5 no.12 pp.1285-1287. 2012.12. <P121873> KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Dialysis: Hypokalaemia and cardiac risk in peritoneal dialysis patients". Nature Reviews Nephrology vol.8 no.9, pp.501-503. 2012.09. <P121929> CHO Chi Hin and YU Jun. ed. From Inflammation to Cancer - Advances in Diagnosis and Therapy for Gastrointestinal and Hepatological Diseases. 357 pgs. World Scientific, 2012.08. <P121940> KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; BAI X; CHUI M Y; LAI C K; HO D W; HO F K and WOO Jean. "Effect of Physical Restraint Reduction on Older Patients' Hospital Length of Stay.". Journal of the American Medical Directors Association vol.13 no.7, pp.645-50. 2012. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P122007> XIONG Li; LEUNG Ho Wan; CHEN Xiangyan; HAN Jinghao; LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas; SOO O.y. Yannie; CHAN Yin Yan Anne; LAU Yuk Lun Alexander and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Comprehensive assessment for autonomic dysfunction in different phases after ischemic stroke". Int J Stroke Epub ahead of print. pp.NA. 2012.07. <P122032> LU Jianxin; SZETO Cheuk Chun; TAM Lai Shan; MAC-MOUNE LAI Fernand; LI Kwok Ming Edmund; CHOW Kai-Ming; LI Kam Tao Philip and KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie. "Relationship of intrarenal gene expression and the histological class of lupus nephritis -- a study on repeat renal biopsy". Journal of Rheumatology vol.39 no.10, pp.1942-1947. 2012.10. <P122041> LAM Kwok Lim; MA Ching Wan Ronald; LEE Heung Man; HU Cheng; PARK Kyong Soo; FURUTA Hiroto; WANG Ying; TAM Ha Ting; SIM Xueling; NG Peng Keat; LIU Jianjun; WONG Tien Yin; TAI E Shyong; MORRIS Andrew P; CONSORTIUM Diagram; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; WOO Jean; LEUNG Ping Chung; KONG Pik Shan; OZAKI Risa; JIA Wei Ping; LEE Hong Kyu; NANJO Kishio; XU Gang; NG Maggie C Y; SO Wing Yee and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Genetic associations of type 2 diabetes with islet amyloid polypeptide processing and degrading pathways in asian populations". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.6, pp.e62378. 2013.06. <P122104> HAERIAN Batoul Sadat; BAUM Lawrence William; TAN H J; KWAN Kwok Leung Patrick; RAYMOND A A; SARUWATARI J; NAKAGAWA K and MOHAMED Z. "SCN1A IVS5N+5 Polymorphism And Response to Sodium Valproate: A Multicenter Study". Pharmacogenomics vol.13 no.13, pp.1477-85. 2012. <P122119> WOO Jean; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; LEUNG Chi Shun; OHLSSON C.; VANDENPUT L. and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Sex Steroids and Bone Health in Older Chinese Men". Osteoporosis International vol.23 pp.1553-1562. International Osteoporosis Foundation and National Osteoporosis Foundation 2011, 2012. <P122158> ZHANG Lin; YU Jun; WONG Ching Man; LING Kin Wah Thomas; LI Zhijie; CHAN Kam Ming; REN Shunxiang; SHEN Jing; CHAN Lok Yi Ruby; LEE Ching Ching; LI Sui Mui; CHENG Sze Lok; TO Ka Fai; GALLO R. L.; SUNG Joseph J Y; WU Ka Kei and CHO Chi Hin. "Cathelicidin Protects against Helicobacter pylori Colonization and the Associated Gastritis in Mice". Gene Therapy vol.20 7 pp.751-760. MacMillan Publishers Limited, 2012.12.20. <P122165> LOOI Jen Li; CHEUNG Lily and LEE Pui-Wai Alex. "Salmonella mycotic aneurysm: a rare cause of fever and back pain in elderly". International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging vol.29 no.3 529-531. 2013.03. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P122203> CRUZ-GONZALEZ Ignacio; LOPEZ-JIMENEZ Rosana; PEREZ-RIVERA Angel and YAN Ping Yen Bryan. "Pharmacokinetic evaluation of argatroban for the treatment of acute coronary syndrome". Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology vol.8 no.11 pp.1483-1493. 2012.11. <P122218> REUTENS T A; HUTCHINSON Richard; BINH Van Ta; CLIVE Cockram; DEEROCHANAWONG Chaicharn; HO Low-tone; JI Linong; KHALID Bin; KONG Pik Shan; LIM-ABRAHAN Ann Mary; TAN Chee-eng; TJOKROPRAWIRO Askandar; YOON Kun-ho; ZIMMET Paul and SHAW Jonathan. "The GIANT study, a cluster-randomised controlled trial of efficacy of education of doctors about type 2 diabetes mellitus management guidelines in primary care practice. ". Diabetes Research Clinical Practice vol.98 pp.38-45. 2012.10. <P122242> WANG Shiyan; CHENG, Yingduan; DU Wan; LU Leina; ZHOU Liang; WANG Huating; KANG Wei; LI Xiaoxing; TAO Qian; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and YU Jun. "Zinc-Finger Protein 545 is a Novel Tumour Suppressor that Acts by Inhibiting Ribosomal RNA Transcription in Gastric Cancer". Gut vol.62 no.6 pp.833-41. United Kingdom: London, British Medical Assn, 2013.06. <P122283> LEE Wing Yan Vivian; CHAN B M; CHEUNG T K Ken; SO K H Renwick and YU Cheuk Man. "Impact of pharmacist counselling service on Blood Pressure control of borderline hypertensive patients.". Paper presented in the 12th Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy, organized by Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012.07.07. <P122330> SINCLAR Alan; MORLEY John E; RODRIGUEZ-MANAS Leo; PAOLISSO Giuseppe; BAYER Tony; ZEYFANG Andrej; BOURDEL-MARCHASSON Isabelle; VISCHER Ulrich; WOO Jean; CHAPMAN Ian; DUNNING Trisha; MENEILLY Graydon; RODRIGUEZ-SALDANA Joel; ROBLEDO Luis Miguel Gutierrez; CUKIERMAN-YAFFE Tali; GADSBY Roger; SCHERNTHANER Guntram and LORIG Kate. "Diabetes Mellitus in Older People: Position Statement on behalf of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG), the European Diabetes Working Party for Older People (EDWPOP), and the International Task Force of Experts in Diabetes". Journal of the American Medical Directors Association vol.13 no.6, pp.497-502. 2012.07. <P122480> XIE, JUNMIN; FANG Fang; ZHANG Qing; SANDERSON John Elsby; CHAN Yat Sun Joseph; LAM Yat Yin and YU Cheuk Man. "Acute effects of right ventricular apical pacing on left atrial remodeling and function". Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology vol.35 no.7, pp.856-862. 2012.07. <P122493> ZHANG Minqi; FANG Li; YING He; SHI Lin; WANG Defeng and LUI Lok Ming. "Registration of Brainstem Surfaces in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Using Discrete Ricci Flow". Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention MICCAI 2012 pp.146-154. 2012.10. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P122528> MA King Wing; CHAN Ka Pang; CHOW Kai-Ming; LEUNG Chi Bon and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Pseudohypercalcaemia in patients with heat cramps: implications on clinical practice.". QJM vol.105 no.10, pp.997-999. 2012.10. <P122703> ISON M G; HUI Shu Cheong David; CLEZY K; ONEIL B J; FLYNT A; COLLIS P J; SIMON T J and ALEXANDER W J. "A clinical trial of intravenous peramivir compared with oral oseltamivir for the treatment of seasonal influenza in hospitalized adults". Antiviral Therapeutics doi: 10.3851/IMP2442. PLoS ONE, 2012.10.30. <P122804> WANG Xin; LIN Wenhua; ZHAO Yu Dong; CHEN Xiangyan; LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas; CHEN Christopher; FU Jianhui; MARKUS Hugh; HAO Qing and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "The effectiveness of dual antiplatelet treatment in acute ischemic stroke patients with intracranial arterial stenosis: a subgroup analysis of CLAIR study". Int J Stroke Epub ahead of print. pp.NA. 2012.08. <P122824> SUN J; PIRATVISUTH T; AMARAPURKAR Dn; HOU J; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; PATEL N; GANE Ej; ZEUZEM S; JUNG Me; DONG Y and TRYLESINSKI A. "Consistent renal function improvement with telbivudine treatment in combination with adefovir or tenofovir. ". Paper presented in the Annual Scientific Meeting of American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, organized by AASLD, 1 pgs. 2012.11. <P122840> ZHANG Yuying Jenny; WONG Rebecca; CHUNG Harriet; OSAKI Risa; LUK Andrea; WU Enoch; MA Ching Wan Ronald; SO Wing Yi; CHOW Chun Chung; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and KONG Pik Shan. "Association between shfit work with glycemic control in Chinese type 2 diabetic patients". Paper presented in the 9th International Diabetes Federation Western Pacific Region Congress and 4th Scientific Meeting of the Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes, organized by IDFWPR, 2 pgs. 2012.11. <P122850> NG Siew Chien. "Expanding the Therapeutic Armamentarium of Ulcerative Proctitis". Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology vol.27 no.12, pp.1763-1764. 2012.12. <P122864> HU Miao; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; YAMASHITA S; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; MASUDA D; YANG Y and TOMLINSON Brian. "Liver fat reduction with niacin is influenced by DGAT-2 polymorphisms in hypertriglyceridemic patients". Journal of Lipid Research vol.53 pp.802-809. 2012. <P122910> LIU Wen; SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie and YU Chun Ho. "Nonlocal total variation method for multiplicative noise reduction in MR images". Paper presented in the BME 2012 Biomedical Engineering International Conference, P12 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.05. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P122957> CHAN Yan Keung Thomas. "Inter-Subject and Ethnic Differences in Acetaminophen Metabolism". Paper presented in the Frontier of Medical Sciences, Forum 2012, organized by Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 pgs. Changsha, China, 2012.11. <P123173> MA Ching Wan Ronald; TAM Ha Ting; LAU Siu Him; LUK On Yan Andrea; HO Sin Ka Janice; LAM Kwok Lim; JIANG Guozhi; WANG Ying; KONG Pik Shan; TONG Peter Chun Yip; YANG Xilin; XU Gang; CHOW Chun Chung; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and SO Wing Yee. "Identification of clinical predictors of progression to insulin use among patients with Type 2 Diabetes- An analysis from The Hong Kong Diabetes Registry ". Paper presented in the 9th International Diabetes Federation Western Pacific Region Congress and 4th Scientific Meeting of the Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes, organized by IDF-WPR and AASD, 2012.11. <P123226> WONG Wai Sun Vincent and CHAN Ka Leung Francis. "A New Era of Hepatitis C Treatment". Gastroenterology vol.143 no.1, pp.264-5. 2012.07. <P123249> SHEN Jiayun; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; WONG Lai Hung; CHAN Wing Hung Anthony; CHOI Cheung Lung Paul; CHAN Hoi Yun; CHIM Mei Ling Angel; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; YU Jun; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie and WONG Wai Sun Vincent. "Assessment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease using serum total cell death and apoptosis markers.". Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics vol.36 no.11-12, pp.1057-66. 2012.12. <P123331> SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; LI Lening and QIN Ling. "Surface-based Registration of High-resolutin Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomographic Images". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, 40 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.01. <P123343> POON Yam Kau Peter; SZETO Cheuk Chun; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; CHOW Kai-Ming; LEUNG Chi Bon and LI Kam Tao Philip. "Relationship between serum levels of tumour necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand and the survival of Chinese peritoneal dialysis patients". Nephrology (Carlton) vol.17 no.5, pp.466-471. 2012.07. <P123372> LAM Yat Yin; FANG Fang; YIP Wai Kwok Gabriel; LI Zhian; YANG Ya and YU Cheuk Man. "New Pulmonary Vein Doppler Echocardiographic Index Predicts Significant Interatrial Shunting in Secundum Atrial Septal Defect". International Journal of Cardiology vol.160 no.1, pp.59-65. 2012.09. <P123405> HU Miao; FAN Lan; ZHOU Hong-hao and TOMLINSON Brian. "Theragnostics Meets Traditional Chinese Medicine: Rational Prediction of Drug-Herb Interactions". Expert Reviews of Molecular Diagnostics vol.12 no.8, pp.815-830. 2012. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P123490> WU Chung Wah; NG S C; DONG Yujuan; NG Siu Man Simon; LEUNG Wing Wa; TO Yau; CHAN Ka Leung Francis; SUNG Joseph Jao-yiu and YU Jun. "Stool-based miR-135b as a marker for colorectal cancer and advanced adenoma". Paper presented in the The 17th Annual Scientific Symposium of the Hong Kong Cancer Institute, 24 - 25 November 2012, organized by The Hong Kong Cancer Institute, p. Abstract No: P34. 2012.11. <P123540> SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; HUI Cheuk Ngai Steve; KONG Youyong; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and LAM Chiu Wa. "Development of a therapeutic computer game for patients with mild cognitive impairment". Paper presented in the BME 2012 Biomedical Engineering International Conference, P19 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.05. <P123561> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Response predictors in nucleot(s)ide therapy. ". Paper presented in the annual meeting of Asian Pacific Digestive Week, organized by APDW, 1 pgs. 2012.12. <P123587> HU Miao and TOMLINSON Brian. "Lipid Treatment Update". Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology vol.20 no.Supplement 2, pp.B47-B52. 2012. <P123670> CHAN Ka Leung Francis; GOTO Shinya; WU Ming Shiang; ABOLA Maria Teresa B.; YEOH Khay Guan; SUTRISNA Bambang; CHUA Siew Siang; MAHACHAI Varocha; TURAJANE Thana; WU Brian; ZENG Qing Yu and SUGANO Kentaro. "Burden of Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory and Antiplatelet Drug Use in Asia: A Multidisciplinary Working Party Report". Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology vol.10 no.7, pp.753-760. 2012.07. <P123694> WONG Lai Hung and WONG Wai Sun Vincent. "Commentary: predicting survival in hepatocellular carcinoma patients.". Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics vol.36 no.7, pp.680. 2012.10. <P123798> KONG Pik Shan and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. Cancer risk in type 2 diabetes Current Diabetes Reports vol.12 no.4, pp. 325-328. 2012.08. <P123837> WOO Jean; HUI Elsie and CHAN Lap Sun. "Chronic Disease Self-Management: Do Patient Demographics and Leader Characteristics Affect Outcomes?". Paper presented in the The Gerontological Society of America 65th Annual Scientific Meeting, 14-18 November 2012, San Diego, California, USA, 1 pgs. 2012.11. <P123851> YAN Ping Yen Bryan; LIU Ming; LEE Wing Yan Vivian; REID C.; LAM Yat Yin and YU Cheuk Man. "Benefits in quality of life after percutaneous coronary intervention in elderly patients". Paper presented in the European Society of Cardiology congress 2012, organized by European Society of Cardiology, 1 pgs. Munich, Germany, 2012.08. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P123856> YANG Xilin; MA Ching Wan Ronald; SO Wing Yee; KONG Pik Shan; XU Gang and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Addressing different biases in analysing drug use on cancer risk in diabetes in non-clinical trial settings--what, why and how?". Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism vol.14 no.7, pp.579-585. 2012.07. <P123882> YANG Ying; FANG Fang; SUN Jing Ping; YU Cheuk Man and LAM Yat Yin. "Tissue Doppler versus two-dimensional speckle-tracking imaging in assessing atrial deformation". Paper presented in the EUROECHO & other Imaging Modalities 2012, organized by European Society of Cardiology, 1 pgs. Athens, Greece, 2012.12. <P123885> SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; LIU Shangping; PU Yuehua; WANG Yilong; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and WANG Yongjun. "Automated quantification of white mater lesion in magnetic resonance imaging of patients with acute infarction". Journal of Neuroscience Methods 213 1 138-46. 2013.02. <P123944> WONG Wai Sun Vincent. "Hepatitis C virus infection and diabetes: not a straightforward relationship". Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology vol.27 no.11, pp.1647-8. 2012.11. <P123977> WONG Wai Sun Vincent; VERGNIOL Julien; WONG Lai Hung; FOUCHER J; CHAN Wing Hung Anthony; CHERMAK F; CHOI Cheung Lung Paul; MERROUCHE W; CHU Ho Ting; PESQUE S; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry and DE LÉDINGHEN Victor. "Liver Stiffness Measurement Using XL Probe in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.". American Journal of Gastroenterology 2012.10.02. <P124189> CHAN Suk Mei; LEUNG Suk Fong Sophie; SO Hung Kwan; CHEN Zhenyu and WOO Jean. "Short Stature in Primary School Students Belonging to a Minority Ethnic Group of Yao Children in China" Annals of Human Biology 2012.11. <P124228> HUI Elsie; CHAN Lap Sun; WONG Shirley K; WONG Rita P; LI Siu F and WOO Jean. "Chronic Disease Self-Management: Do Patient Demographics and Leader Characteristics Affect Outcomes?". Primary Health Care: Open Access 2:112. doi:10.4172/2167-1079.1000112 . 2012. <P124234> XU Gang. <Beta cell replacement for the treatment of diabetes>. 論文發表於 《13th Annual Congress of Endocrine Society of Liaoning Province》, 主辦機構為 13th Annual Congress of Endocrine Society of Liaoning Province, 2 頁. Shenyang, 2012.08.10. <P124276> PRIDEAUX Lani; KAMM Michael; CRUZ Peter; CHAN Ka Leung Francis and NG Siew Chien. "Inflammatory bowel disease in Asia: A systematic review.". Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology vol.27 no.8, pp.1266-80. 2012.08. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P124309> CHEN Sammy P L; NG Sau Wah; POON Wing Tat; LAI Chi Kong; NGAN Teresa M S; TSE Man Li; CHAN Yan Keung Thomas; CHAN Albert Y W and MAK Tony W L. "Aconite Poisoning Over 5 Years: A Case Series in Hong Kong and Lessons Towards Herbal Safety". Drug Safety vol.35 no.7, pp.575-587. New Zealand: Adis International Ltd, 2012. <P124336> KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; BAI Xue; LI Jessic Cy; HO Florence Ky and LEE Tatia Mc. "Effectiveness of Cognitive Training in Chinese Older People with Subjective Cognitive Complaints: a Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial". Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2012 DOI: 10.1002/gps.3812. Wiley Online Library, 2012. <P124367> HU Miao and TOMLINSON Brian. "Gender-dependent Associations of Uric Acid Levels with a Polymorphism in SLC2A9 in Han Chinese Patients". Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology vol.41 no.2, pp.161-163. 2012. <P124475> WONG Kwok Chu; LAM W Sandy; NGAI Karine Ka Ying; WONG ADRIAN; WONG Adrian; POON Wai Sang and MOK Chung Tong Vincent. "Validation of The Stroke-Specific Quality of Life for Patients after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage And Proposed Summary Subscores". Journal of the Neurological Sciences 5 pgs. 2012.07.18. <P124482> CHAN Lan Chi; YU Chun Ho; WONG Kwok Chu; LEE Kt; LEUNG Shuk Fong Cecilia; WONG Ka Sing Lawrence and LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas. "The Symbiosis of Neuro-Interventionists: From Parallel Practice to Interdisciplinary Patient Care". Cerebrovasc Dis vol.34 no.1, p.65. USA: Karger, 2012. <P124502> SONNEVELD Mj; HANSEN Be; PIRATVISUTH T; JIA J; ZEUZEM S; GANE Ej; LIAW Yf; XIE Q; HEATHCOTE Ej; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry and JANSSEN Hl. "Response-guided peginterferon therapy in HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B using serum hepatitis B surface antigen level: a pooled analysis of 803 patients. ". Paper presented in the Annual Scientific Meeting of American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, organized by AASLD, 1 pgs. 2012.11. <P124531> KONG Pik Shan; CHOI Kai Chow; CHAN S.M.; LUK Andrea; OSAKI Risa; MA Ching Wan Ronald; CHOW Chun Chung; WOO Jean and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "A randomized controlled trial to investigate the impact of a low glycemic index (GI) diet on body mass index in Chinese adolescents". Paper presented in the 9th International Diabetes Federation Western Pacific Region Congress and 4th Scientific Meeting of the Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes, organized by IDFWPR, 1 pgs. Kyoto, Japan, 2012.11. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P124588> ARIMA Hisatomi; MURAKAMI Yoshitaka; LAM Tai Hing; KIM Hyeon Chang; UESHIMA Hirotsugu; WOO Jean; SUH Il; FANG Xianghua and WOODWARD Mark. "Effects of Prehypertension and Hypertension Subtype on Cardiovascular Disease in the Asia-Pacific Region". Hypertension Published online April 30, 2012. vol.59 pp.1118-1123. 2012. <P124600> CHOW Kai-Ming; LO Hk Stanley; SZETO Cheuk Chun; YUEN Sze-kit; WONG Kin-shing; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; LEUNG Chi Bon and LI Kam Tao Philip. "Extra-high dose hepatitis B vaccination for peritoneal dialysis patients: a randomised controlled trial.". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.18 no.suppl 6, pp.41-43. 2012.12. <P124601> WANG Shiyan; KANG Wei; GO Yin Yin; TONG Hung Man Joanna; LI Lili; ZHANG Ning; TAO Qian; LI Xiaoxing; TO Ka Fai; SUNG Joseph J Y and YU Jun. "Dapper Homolog 1 is a Novel Tumor Suppressor in Gastric Cancer Through Inhibiting Nuclear Factor-Kappa B Signaling Pathway". Molecular Medicine vol.18 pp.1402-1411. 2012.12. <P124681> SHANG Qing; TAM Lai Shan; SANDERSON John Elsby; SUN Jing Ping; LI Kwok Ming Edmund and YU Cheuk Man. "Increase in Ventricular-arterial Stiffness in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis". Rheumatology (Oxford) vol. 51 12 2215-2223. 2012.12. <P124686> YANG Xilin; SO Wing Yee; MA Ching Wan Ronald; KONG Pik Shan; XU Gang and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Diabetes and Cancer: the Mechanistic Implications of epidemiological Analyses from the Hong Kong Diabetes Registry". Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice vol.28 no.5, pp.379-387. 2 012.07. <P124732> SHI Lin; FU Xj; WANG Defeng; HENG Pheng Ann and GRIFFITH James Francis. "Novel Semi-automatic Image Segmentation of Vertebral Body in Magnetic Resonance Imaging". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, pp.100. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.01. <P124735> CHAN Suk Mei; CHAN Cheong Chun; LEUNG Chi Shun; WOO Jean; OHLSSON C.; MELLSTROM D.; LEUNG Ping Chung and KWOK Chi Yui Timothy. "Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Level and Risk for Incident Stroke in Chinese Community-Dwelling Older Men". Journal of Aging Research & Clinical Practice vol.1 no.3, pp.202-208. 2012. <P124773> LEE L Nikki; YU Cheuk Man; LEE Wing Yan Vivian and YAN Ping Yen Bryan. "Awareness of Serious Consequences of Non-Compliance and Self-Reported Adherence to Anti-platelet Therapy after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.". Paper presented in the ISPOR 15th Annual European Congress, organized by ISPOR, 1 pgs. United States, 2012.11. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P124823> ZOU Xinying; YU C.h. Simon; WONG Ho Chung Edward; SOO O.y. Yannie; LAM Wai Man Wynnie; SIU Yung Woon Deyond; ABRIGO Jill Morales; CHEUNG C Y Tom; LEE Kwok Tung; LEE Tom Wk; WONG Ka Sing Lawrence and LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas. "Angiographic distinctions of radiation-induced carotid vasculopathy: a case-controlled study". Paper presented in the Stroke, p.A2431. 2012. <P124861> CHAN Suk Mei; WOO Jean; LI Sin and LUK Wai Yin. <SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; mso-fareast-font-family: 新 細 明 體 ; mso-ansi-language: EN-GB; mso-fareast-language: ZH-TW; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA" lang=EN-GB>A Survey of Infant Young Child Feeding in Hong Kong: Diet and Nutrient Intake. </SPAN>. 167 pgs. 2012. <P124862> LI Y W Andrew; NG Fook Hong; CHAN Ka Leung Francis; TUNGGAL Prabowo; CHAN Kit and LAU Yuk Kong. "Effect of amlodipine on platelet inhibition by clopidogrel in patients with ischaemic heart disease: a randomised, controlled trial". Heart vol.99 no.7, pp.468-73. 2012.10.31. <P124954> XIAO, Yajie; CHAN Sze Wa; HU Miao; CHU Ten Wah Tanya; FOK Siu Pong; POON Wai Mei Emily and TOMLINSON Brian. "Simultaneous Determination of Cortisol, Cortisone, and 6ß-Hydroxycortisol in Human Urine Using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with UV Detector". Chromatographia vol.75 no.3, pp.169-173. 2012. <P124981> YU W; MA Ching Wan Ronald; HU Cheng; SO Wing Yee; ZHANG R; WANG Congrong; TAM Ha Ting; HO Sin Ka Janice; LU J; JIANG F; TANG S; NG Maggie C Y; BAO Y; XIANG K; JIA Weiping and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Association between KCNQ1 genetic variants and obesity in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes". Diabetologia 2012.07.13. <P124990> KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; LEUNG Chi Shun; ZHANG Y.f.; BAUER D.; ENSRUD K.e.; BARRETT-CONNOR E. and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Does the Use of ACE Inhibitors or Angiotensin Receptor Blockers Affect Bone Loss in Older Men?". Osteoporosis International vol.23 pp.2159-2167. International Osteoporosis Foundation and National Osteoporosis Foundation 2011, 2012. <P125069> CHAN Yan Keung Thomas. "Medicinal Uses of Aconite Roots – Rationalising Research and Risk Communication Strategies". Paper presented in the 8th Congress of Toxicology in Developing Countries (8CTDC), organized by "Thai Society of Toxicology (TST)" and "International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX)", 1 pgs. Bangkok, Thailand, 2012.09. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P125092> HUI Shu Cheong David; SHANG Qing; KO Wai San Fanny; NG Susanna; SZETO Cheuk Chun; NGAI Jenny; TUNG Hon Man Alvin; TO Kin Wang; CHAN Tat On and YU Cheuk Man. "A prospective cohort study of the long-term effects of CPAP on carotid artery intima-media thickness in Obstructive Sleep Apnea syndrome". Respiratory Research vol.13 pp.22. BioMed Central Ltd., 2012. <P125124> HU Miao; MAK Wah Lun Valiant and TOMLINSON Brian. "Comments on "CYP3AP1*3 Allele Is Associated With Lipid-Lowering Efficacy of Simvastatin and Atorvastatin in Chinese Women"". Journal of Clinical Pharmacology vol.52 no.11, pp.1768-1769. 2012. <P125185> WONG Lai Hung; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; YIU Kar Lum; JENNIFER Lai; VINCENT Chan; KELVIN Cheung; EVA Wong and WONG Wai Sun Vincent. "Association of hepatitis B virus genotypes (A-D) and hepatocellular carcinoma: a meta-Analysis". Paper presented in the Taiwan digsetive disease week, 20 pgs. 2012.09. <P125192> KWONG Joey Sum Wing and YU Cheuk Man. "New oral anticoagulants in secondary prevention of acute coronary syndromes: a meta-analysis". Paper presented in the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2012, organized by American Heart Association, 1 pgs. Los Angeles, California, United States of America, 2012.11. <P125215> KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; KHOO, Chyi Chyi; LEUNG Chi Shun; KWOK Wai Leung Anthony; QIN Ling; WOO Jean and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Predictive Values of Calcaneal Quantitative Ultrasound and Dual Energy X Ray Absorptiometry for Non-vertebral Fracture in Older Men: Results from the MrOS Study (Hong Kong)". Osteoporosis International DOI 10.1007/s00198-011-1634-x. vol.23 pp.1001-1006. International Osteoporosis Foundation and National Osteoporosis Foundation 2011, 2012. <P125217> SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; LUI Lok Ming; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; LIU W; LAU St and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Brainstem Analysis Using Differential Geometry in Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, 59 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.01. <P125223> LOOI Jen Li; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; HSIUNG M C; WAN Song; WONG H. L. Randolph; UNDERWOOD Malcolm John; FANG Fang; LIN Qingshan; LAM Yat Yin and YU Cheuk Man. "Impact of Mitral Annuloplasty on Aortic-Mitral Valvular Coupling in Mitral Valve Prolapse". Paper presented in the EUROECHO & other Imaging Modalities 2012, organized by European Society of Cardiology, 1 pgs. Athens, Greece, 2012.12. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P125292> SHANG Qing; YIP Wai Kwok Gabriel; TAM Lai Shan; ZHANG Qing; SANDERSON John Elsby; LAM Yat Yin; LI Chunmei; WANG Tian; LI Kwok Ming Edmund and YU Cheuk Man. "SLICC index independently associated with left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus". Lupus 21 10 1057-1062. 2012. <P125396> HU Miao; CHEUNG Bernard and TOMLINSON Brian. "Safety of Statins, an Update". Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety vol.3 no.3, pp.133-144. 2012. <P125456> YANG Xilin; SO Wing Yee; MA Ching Wan Ronald; KONG Pik Shan; LEE Heung Man; XU Gang; OZAKI Risa and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Synergistic Effects of Low LDL Cholesterol with Other Factors for the Risk of Cancer in Type 2 Diabetes: the Hong Kong Diabetes Registry". Acta Diabetologica vol.49 Suppl 1 pp.S185-93. 2012.12. <P125479> LEE Lai Shun Nelson and CAO Bin. "Controversies in corticosteroid treatment in influenza". 《Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi》 vol.92 no.34, pp.2379-2381. 2012.09.11. <P125573> WOO Jean; YU Ho Yan and YAU Chung Fai Forrest. "Fitness, fatness and survival in elderly populations". AGE Epub ahead of print 2012 Mar 7, DOI 10.1007/s11357-012-9398-6. 35 3 973-984. 2013.06. <P125613> LUO Xiuxia; FANG Fang; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; LAM Yat Yin; SANDERSON John Elsby; KWONG Joey Sum Wing and YU Cheuk Man. "Left ventricular twist mechanics in heart failure patients: insights from three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography". Paper presented in the EUROECHO & other Imaging Modalities 2012, organized by European Society of Cardiology, 1 pgs. Athens, Greece, 2012.12. <P125711> WANG Gang; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; MAC-MOUNE LAI Fernand; CHOW Kai-Ming; LI Kam Tao Philip and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Urinary miR-21, miR-29, and miR-93: novel biomarkers of fibrosis". American Journal of Nephrology vol.36 no.5, pp.412-418. 2012.11. <P125755> KWONG Joey Sum Wing; SANDERSON John Elsby and YU Cheuk Man. "Cardiac Contractility Modulation for Heart Failure: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials". Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology vol.35 no.9, pp.1111-1118. 2012.09. <P125764> KO Wai San Fanny; HUI Shu Cheong David; LEUNG Ting Fan; CHU Hong Yin; WONG Wing Kin Gary; TUNG Hon Man Alvin; NGAI Jenny; NG Susanna and LAI Christopher K.W. Lai. "Evaluation of the asthma control test: A reliable determinant of disease stability and a predictor of future exacerbations". Respirology vol.17 pp.370-378. The Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, 2012. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P125773> KONG Pik Shan; CHOI Kai Chow; ZHANG Jenny; WONG Rebecca; CHUNG Harriet; LUK Andrea; OZAKI Risa; SO Wing Yee; CHOW Chun Chung; WING Yun Kwok and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Sleep habit, metabolic control and quality of life in type 2 diabetic patients". Paper presented in the 9th International Diabetes Federation Western Pacific Region Congress and 4th Scientific Meeting of the Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes, organized by IDFWPR, 1 pgs. Kyoto, Japan, 2012.11. <P125788> ZHANG, Chunbo; KWAN Kwok Leung Patrick; ZUO Zhong and BAUM Lawrence William. "The Transport of Antiepileptic Drugs by P-glycoprotein". Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews vol.64 no.10, pp.930-42. 2012.07. <P125795> PRIDEAUX Lani; CRUZ Peter; NG Siew Chien and KAMM Michael. "Serological antibodies in inflammatory bowel disease: A systematic review". Inflammatory Bowel Disease vol.18 no.7, pp.1340-55. 2012.07. <P125813> CHAN, Pui Shan; KWAN Kwok Leung Patrick; CHOW Hee Lum Albert; LAM Tai Ning and BAUM Lawrence William. "Formulation of Anti-epilepsy Drug Nanoparticles by Flash Nanoprecipitation". Paper presented in the 2012 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, organized by AAPS, 1 pgs. Chicago, United States of America, 2012.10. <P125821> WONG Wai Sun Vincent; WONG Lai Hung; CHOI Cheung Lung Paul; YIU Kar Lum; CHIM Mei Ling Angel; YU Jun; CHAN Ka Leung Francis; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry and CHAN Wing Hung Anthony. "Treatment of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis with Phyllanthus urinaria - A randomized trial.". Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2012.10.04. <P125861> HAWKEY C J; BOSCH J; RICHTER J E; GARCIA-TSAO G and CHAN Ka Leung Francis. ed. Textbook of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Wiley-Blackwell Press, 2012. <P125939> ZHOU Yu; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; FENG Hai; LEE Yuk Yee; LI Msm; SUNG Joseph Jao-yiu; GAO Yq and CHENG Alfred S L. "Oncogenic CCRK is an integral activator of the HBx-AR feedback circuit: a mechanism underlying male pre-dominance of HBV-associated HCC.". Paper presented in the Annual Scientific Meeting of American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, organized by AASLD, 1 pgs. 2012.11. <P125998> ZHU Tracy; TAM Lai Shan and LI Kwok Ming Edmund. "Labour and non-labour market productivity in Chinese patients with systemic lupus erythematosus". Rheumatology vol.51 pp.284-292. 2012. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P126031> HANSON A Mark; GLUCKMAN D Peter; MA Ching Wan Ronald; MATZEN Priya and BIESMA G Regien. "Early life opportunities for prevention of diabetes in low and middle income countries.". BMC Public Health 2012.11.23. <P126099> NOVAKOVIC Aleksandra; PAVLOVIC Marija; MILOJEVIC Predrag; STOJANOVIC Ivan; NENEZIC Dragoslav; JOVIC Miomir; UGESIC Nenad; KANJUH Vladimir; YANG Qin and HE Guo-wei. "Different Potassium Channels are Involved in Relaxation of Rat Renal Artery Induced by P1075". Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology vol.111 no.1, pp.24-30. 2012.07. <P126140> HO Sin Ka Janice; GERMER Soren; TAM Ha Ting; SO Wing Yee; MARTIN Mitchell; MA Ching Wan Ronald; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and NG Maggie C Y. "Association of the PPARG Pro12Ala polymorphism with type 2 diabetes and incident coronary heart disease in a Hong Kong Chinese population". Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice vol.97 no.3, pp.483-491. 2012.09. <P126495> WOO Jean. ed. Aging in Hong Kong: A Comparative Perspective International Perspectives on Aging Vol. 5. 2012.09. <P126496> ZHANG Qing; CHAN Yat Sun Joseph; LIANG Yu Jia; FANG Fang; LAM Yat Yin; CHAN Chin Pang; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; CHAN Chi Yuen; WU Eugene Brian and YU Cheuk Man. "Comparison of left ventricular reverse remodeling induced by cardiac contractility modulation and cardiac resynchronization therapy in heart failure patients with different QRS durations". internatioan journal of cardiology vol.167 no.3, pp.889-893. 2012.08.10. <P126497> SZETO Cheuk Chun; TAM Lai Shan; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; LAI Ka Bik; WANG Gang; LI Kwok Ming Edmund; CHOW Kai Ming; MAC-MOUNE LAI Fernand and LI Kam Tao Philip. "Monitoring of urinary messenger RNA levels for the prediction of flare in systemic lupus erythematosus". Clinica Climica Acta vol.413 pp.448-455. 2012. <P126518> LIU Ming; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; SUN Jing Ping; WEN Yong-na; CHAN Chin Pang; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; LAM Yat Yin; ZHANG Qing; SANDERSON John Elsby and YU Cheuk Man. "Risk stratification for 1 year mortality in patients with heart failure and normal ejection fraction". Paper presented in the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2012, organized by European Society of Cardiology, 1 pgs. Munich, Germany, 2012.08. <P126557> MOK Chung Tong Vincent; DING Ding; FU Jianhui; XIONG Yunyun; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; WANG Defeng; ABRIGO Jill Morales; YANG Jie; WONG ADRIAN; ZHAO Qianhua; GUO Qihao; HONG Zhen and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound for Screening Cerebral Small Vessel Disease: A Community Study". Stroke vol.10 pp.2791-2793. 2012.10. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P126564> WONG Ching Han Priscilla; LEUNG Ying Ying; LI Kwok Ming Edmund and TAM Lai Shan. "Measuring Disease Activity in Psoriatic Arthritis". International Journal of Rheumatology Article ID 839425, 10 pages. vol.2012 Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2012. <P126584> FANG Fang; CHAN Anna; ZHANG Qing; SANDERSON John Elsby; KWONG Joey Sum Wing and YU Cheuk Man. "Variation in right ventricular volumes assessment by real-time three-dimensional echocardiography between dilated and normal right ventricle: comparison with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging". Paper presented in the EUROECHO & other Imaging Modalities 2012, organized by European Society of Cardiology, 1 pgs. Athens, Greece, 2012.12. <P126716> YU Cheuk Man; KWONG Joey Sum Wing and SANDERSON John Elsby. "Drug-eluting balloons for coronary artery disease: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials". International Journal of Cardiology Epub ahead of print: doi:pii: S0167-5273(12)01200-4. 10.1016/j.ijcard.2012.09.094. 2012.10.11. <P126732> WONG George Kc; LAM S; NGAI K; WONG A; MOK Chung Tong Vincent and POON Ws. "Evaluation of Cognitive Impairment by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment in patients with aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage: prevalence, risk factors and correlations with 3 months outcome.". Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2012.07.31. <P126756> LUO Xiuxia; FANG Fang; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; LAM Yat Yin; SANDERSON John Elsby; KWONG Joey Sum Wing and YU Cheuk Man. "Assessment of left ventricular myocardial deformation and mechanical dyssynchrony in patients with heart failure: insights from three-dimensional wall motion analysis". Paper presented in the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2012, organized by European Society of Cardiology, 1 pgs. Munich, Germany, 2012.08. <P126798> FANG Fang; LUO Xiuxia; LIN Qingshan; KWONG Joey Sum Wing; ZHANG Yanchao; JIANG Xin; YU Cheuk Man and LAM Yat Yin. "Characterization of mid-term atrial geometrical and electrical remodeling following device closure of atrial septal defects in adults". International Journal of Cardiology Epub ahead of print: doi:pii: S0167-5273(12)01240-5. 10.1016/j.ijcard.2012.09.119. 2012.10.09. <P126816> YU Ho Yan; CHAU Pui Hing Pasty; MCGHEE S.M.; CHEUNG Wai Ling; CHAN Kam Che; CHEUNG Sai Hei and WOO Jean. "Trends in prevalence and mortality of dementia in elderly Hong Kong population: projections, disease burden, and implications for long term Care". International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2012.09.03. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P126832> LAM Pik Ling; GAMBARI Roberto; YIP Joanne; YUEN Chun Wah Marcus; LAM Kim Hung; WONG Siu Ming Raymond; WANG Xiao Wen; TANG Cheuk On Johnny; KOK Hon Lung Stanton and CHUI Chung Hin. "Development of phyllanthin containing microcapsules and their improved biological activity towards skin cells and Staphylococcus aureus". Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters vol.22 no.1, pp.468-471. Elsevier, 2012.11.12. <P126876> LAM Yat Yin; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; DOSHI Shephal K and PARK Jai-wun. "Preclinical evaluation of a new left atrial appendage occluder (Lifetech LAmbre™ Device) in a canine model". Paper presented in the Pediatric and Adult Interventional Cardiac Symposium (PICS-AICS) 2013, organized by PICS Foundation in collaboration with Rush Center for Congenital and Structural Heart Disease, 1 pgs. USA, Washington, 2012.12. <P126931> LU Jianxin; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; MAC-MOUNE LAI Fernand; TAM Lai Shan; LI Kwok Ming Edmund; CHOW Kai Ming; WANG Gang; LI Kam Tao Philip and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Glomerular and tubulointerstitial miR-638,miR-198 and miR-146a expression in lupus nephritis". Nephrology vol.17 pp.346-351. 2012 Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology, 2012. <P127004> YU Ho Yan; YAU Chung Fai Forrest; HO CHAN Suzanne and WOO Jean. "Longitudinal Changes in Physical Activity Levels over 5 Years and Relationship to Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Chinese Midlife Women". The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 2012. <P127036> SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; NG Kin Wah Bobby and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Volumetric Measurement of Lung in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Pre- and Post-spinal Fusion". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, pp.99. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.01. <P127077> TAMBYAH A Paul; WILDER-SMITH Annelies; PAVOLVA G Borislava; BARRETT P Noel; OH Ml Helen; HUI Shu Cheong David; YUEN Kwok Yung; FRITSCH Sandor; AICHINGER Gerald; LOEW-BASELLI Alexander; VELDEN Van Der Maikel; MARITSCH Friedrich; KISTNER Otfried and EHRLICH J Hartmut. "Safety and immunogenicity of two different doses of a Vero cell-derived, whole virus clade 2 H5N1 (A/Indonesia/05/2005) influenza vaccine". Vaccine vol.30 pp.329-335. 2011 Elsevier Ltd., 2012. <P127080> WONG Wai Sun Vincent; CHAN Suk Mei; WONG Lai Hung Grace; CHEUNG Ho Ki; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry and WOO Jean. "Low glycaemic index dietary intervention for patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the general population – A randomized controlled trial.". Gut pp.doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2012-302514d.293. 2012.07. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P127114> YU Cheuk Man and FANG Fang. "Role of Dyssynchrony in Optimization of CRT Implantation: A Time to Re-think?". European Heart Journal Cardiovasc Imaging vol. 13 12 969-970. 2012.12.13. <P127200> WOO Jean. "China’s Response to Population Ageing". Chinese Journal of Geriatrics vol.31 no.9, pp.737-740. 2012.09. <P127282> ZHANG Qing and YU Cheuk Man. "Clinical implication of mechanical dyssynchrony in heart failure". Journal of Cardiovascular Ultrasound vol.20 no.3, pp.117-123. 2012.09. <P127345> KANG Zhanfang; DENG Yi; FAN Rongrong; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana; LAYBUTT David Ross and XU Gang. Pharmacological reduction of free fatty acids restores the efficacy of incretin-based therapies in diabetic mouse models through β-cell GLP-1 receptor signaling Diabetologia UK, 2012.08. <P127403> XUE Hong Mei; YU Cheuk Man; UNDERWOOD Malcolm John; HUANG Jun Hao and YANG Qin. "AVE3085 Protects Coronary Endothelium from the Impairment of Asymmetric Dimethylarginine by Activation and Recoupling of eNOS". Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy vol. 26 no. 5 383-392. 2012.10.26. <P127461> TAN Guang-ming; LAM Yat Yin and YAN Ping Yen Bryan. "Novel platelet ADP P2Y12 inhibitors in the treatment of acute coronary syndrome". Cardiovascular Therapeutics vol.30 no.4, pp.e167-e173. 2012.08. <P127510> YU Ho Yan; CHAU Pui Hing Pasty; MCGHEE S.M.; CHAU June; LEE Che Hei; CHAN Man Yee; CHEUNG Sai Hei and WOO Jean. Trends of disease burden consequent to stroke in older persons in Hong Kong: implications of population ageing 128 pgs. Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, 2012. <P127526> WONG Lai Hung; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; CHOI Cheung Lung Paul; CHAN Wing Hung Anthony; LO Oi Shan Angeline; CHIM Mei Ling Angel and WONG Wai Sun Vincent. "Association between Anthropometric Parameters and Measurements of Liver Stiffness by Transient Elastography.". Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2012.09.12. <P127625> YANG Ying; SUN Jing Ping; FANG Fang; LIN Qingshan; YU Cheuk Man and LAM Yat Yin. "Two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography is more accurate than tissue Doppler imaging in assessing regional atrial deformation: a study in patients after transcatheter atrial septal defect closure". International Journal of Cardiology vol.162 no.1, pp.64-65. 2012.12.15. <P127790> HU Miao; LUI, Siu Hung; TAM Lai Shan; LI Kwok Ming Edmund and TOMLINSON Brian. "The farnesoid X receptor - 1G>T polymorphism influences the lipid response to rosuvastatin". Journal of Lipid Research vol.53 pp.1384-1389. 2012. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P127791> LOOI Jen Li; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; MOK K. Alice and YU Cheuk Man. "A patient with a red eye and a murmur". Journal of American College of Cardiology vol.60 no.12, pp.e21. 2012.09.18. <P127799> LIU Ming; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; LAM Yat Yin; ZHANG Qing; SANDERSON John Elsby; SUN Jing Ping and YU Cheuk Man. "Quality of Life in Elderly Patients with Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction". Paper presented in the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2012, organized by American Heart Association, 1 pgs. Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2012.11. <P127807> SUN Jing Ping; ZHANG Quan Bin; GAO Rui Feng; LIN Feng Yan; LIU Xiao Rong; SHENG Wei; LIU Feng and YU Cheuk Man. "Feasibility of Single-Beat Full-Volume Capture Real-Time Three-Dimensional Echocardiography for Quantification of Right Ventricular Volume: Validated by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging". Paper presented in the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2012, organized by American Heart Association, 1 pgs. Los Angeles, California, United States of America, 2012.11. <P127846> LI Xiaoxing; CHEUNG K. F.; MA Xiaowei; TIAN L; ZHAO Junhong; GO Yin Yin; SHEN, BO; CHENG Sze Lok; YING JIANMING; TAO Qian; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu; KUNG Hsiang Fu and YU Jun. "Epigenetic Inactivation of Paired Box Gene 5, a Novel Tumor Suppressor Gene, through Direct Upregulation of p53 is Associated with Prognosis in Gastric Cancer Patients". Oncogene vol.31 no.29, pp.3419-3430. 2012.07. <P127921> MA Ching Wan Ronald and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Type 1 diabetes". handbook of clinical gender medicine ed. by K. Schenck-Gustaffson, P.R. Decola, P.W.Pfaff, D.S.Pisetsky. First ed. S. Karger, 2012.08.07. <P128055> LUI Chung Yan Grace; WONG Yee Kwan Rity; LI F; LEE M; LAI Wai Man; LI T and LEE Lai Shun Nelson. "Factors Associated with High Mortality in Adult Patients Hospitalized for Active Tuberculosis.". Paper presented in the ID week 2012 (Joint Meeting of IDSA, SHEA, HIVMA, and PIDS), 1 pgs. San Diego, United States of America, 2012.10. <P128077> SY Hing Yee; KO F.W.S.; CHU Hong Yin; CHAN I H S; WONG Wing Kin Gary; HUI Shu Cheong David and LEUNG Ting Fan. "Asthma and Bronchodilator Responsiveness are Associated with Polymorphic Markers of ARG1, CRHR2 and Chromosome 17q21". Pharmacogenetics and Genomics vol.22 no.7, p.517-524. USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012.07. <P128118> CHAN Ka Leung Francis. "NSAID-Associated Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Where Do We Stand?". Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology vol.10 no.10, pp.1060-1061. 2012.10. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P128191> LAM L; LAU K K; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; HUANG C Y; LI S W; WU Y M; CHUNG E; KONG B; LEUNG E M F and LI P. "A proposal for an appropriate nomenclature to late onset cognitive impairment for Hong Kong in 21 st the Century". The Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.18 no.5, pp.447-9. 2012.10. <P128193> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; CHEN Yc; GANE Ej; SARIN Sk; SUH Dj; PIRATVISUTH T; PRABHAKAR B; HWANG Sg; CHOUDHURI G; SAFADI R; TANWANDEE T; CHUTAPUTTI A; YURDAYDIN C; BAO W; AVILA C and TRYLESINSKI A. "Randomized clinical trial: efficacy and safety of telbivudine and lamivudine in treatment-naïve patients with HBV-related decompensated cirrhosis.". Journal of Viral Hepatitis vol.19 no.10, pp.732-743. 2012.10. <P128212> DU Wan; WANG, Shiyan; ZHOU, Qian; LI Xiaoxing; CHU J; CHANG Z; TAO Qian; NG Enders K. W.; FANG J; SUNG Joseph Jao-yiu and YU Jun. "ADAMTS9 is a functional tumor suppressor through inhibiting AKT/mTOR pathway and associated with poor survival in gastric cancer". Oncogene pp.epub ahead of print. 2012.08.20. <P128257> LIU Zhaomin; HO CHAN Suzanne; CHEN Ym and WOO Jean. "Effect of soy protein and isoflavones on blood pressure and endothelial cytokines: a 6-month randomized controlled trial among postmenopausal women". Journal of Hypertension 31 (2): 384–392. 2013.02. <P128259> WANG Shang; LAM Yat Yin; LIU Ming; FANG Fang; SHANG Qing; LUO Xiuxia; WANG Jing; SUN Jing Ping; SANDERSON John Elsby and YU Cheuk Man. "Relationship between acoustic cardiographic and echocardiographic evaluation of left ventricular function in heart failure". Paper presented in the EUROECHO & other Imaging Modalities 2012, organized by European Society of Cardiology, 1 pgs. Athens, Greece, 2012.12. <P128280> SHI Lin. "Revealing Brain Network Alterations in Patients with Psychiatric Disorders". Paper presented in the The Third Joint International Conference of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists and the Royal College of Psychiatrists, 28 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.10. <P128294> KONG Pik Shan. "Associations of uric acid and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) with obesity and components of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents. ". Pediatric Obesity 2012.12. <P128543> CHEN Jin; LI Kam Tao Philip; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; CHOW Kai-Ming; LAI Ka Bik; LUK Choi Wan and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Relation between microRNA expression in peritoneal dialysis effluent and peritoneal transport characteristics. ". Disease Markers vol.33 no.1, pp.35-42. 2012. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P128579> HU Miao and TOMLINSON Brian. "Effects of polymorphisms in UGT1A1 and SLCO1B1 and statin treatments on serum bilirubin levels in Chinese patients with hypercholesterolaemia.". Atherosclerosis vol.223 pp.427-432. 2012. <P128672> HU Miao and TOMLINSON Brian. "Lipid Treatment Update". Paper presented in the 4th Asian Preventive Cardiology & Rehabilitation Conference, Hong Kong College of Cardiology, organized by Hong Kong College of Cardiology, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2012. <P128718> LAU Yuk Lun Alexander; WONG Ho Chung Edward; LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas; MOK Chung Tong Vincent and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Intravenous alteplase for Chinese patients with stroke and borderline eligibility". J Clin Neurosci vol.19 no.10, pp.1383-6. 2012.10. <P128880> KWONG Joey Sum Wing and YU Cheuk Man. "Meta-analysis of biventricular vs. right ventricular pacing mode in patients with atrial fibrillation undergoing atrioventricular nodal ablation: what was the quality of the included trials?". European Journal of Heart Failure author reply 1311-2 vol.14 no.11, pp.1311. 2012.11. <P128888> ZHAO Jin; YI Lina; LU Jing; YANG Zheng Rong; CHEN Ying; ZHENG Chenli; HUANG Dan; LI Feng; CHEN Lin; KUNG Hsiang Fu and HE Mingliang. "Transcriptomic Assay of CD8+ T Cells in Treatment-Naive HIV, HCV-Mono-Infected and HIV/HCV-Co-Infected Chinese". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.9, pp.e45200. 2012.09. <P128899> CHAN Sze Wa; HU Miao and TOMLINSON Brian. "The Pharmacogenetics of β-adrenergic Receptor Antagonists in the Treatment of Hypertension and Heart Failure". Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology vol.8 no.7, pp.767-790. 2012. <P128979> YU Zhuo and WONG Wai Sun Vincent. "Commentary: new tools to assess hepatic steatosis - what do we want to measure?". Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics vol.36 no.3, pp.293. 2012.08. <P129051> CHAMNAN Parinya; MA Ching Wan Ronald and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Type 2 diabetes". handbook of clinical gender medicine ed. by K. Schenck-Gustafsson, P.R.Decola, P.W.Pfaff, D.S.Pisetsky. First ed. S.Karger, 2012.08.17. <P129052> LIU Yongtai; LI Ruijie; FANG Fang; ZHANG Qing; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; LAM Yat Yin; LEE Pui-Wai Alex and YU Cheuk Man. "Left atrial function assessed by tissue doppler imaging as a new predictor of cardiac events after non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome". Echocardiography vol.29 no.7 pp.785-792. 2012.08. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P129167> WANG Na; ZHAO Dong; LIU Jing; LIU Jun; YU Cheuk Man; WANG Wei; SUN Jiayi; LI Yan and DU Fenghe. "Impact of heart failure on in-hospital outcomes of acute coronary syndrome patients in China - results from the Bridging the Gap on CHD Secondary Prevention in China (BRIG) project". International Journal of Cardiology vol.160 no.1, pp.15-19. 2012.09.20. <P129230> SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; HUI Cheuk Ngai Steve; TONG Chi Fai Michael; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack and CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Abnormal Volume in the Cerebella Sub-regions in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, 39 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.01. <P129241> DONG, Ming; LIAO James K.; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; LI Ruijie; ZHANG Mang and YU Cheuk Man. "A combination of increased Rho kinase activity and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide predicts worse cardiovascular outcome in patients with acute coronary syndrome". International Journal of Cardiology Epub ahead of print 2012.08.23. <P129316> XUAN Chao; WANG Bin Bin; GAO Ge; BAI Xiao Yan; YANG Qin; LIU Xiao Cheng; JING Wen Bin; MA Xu and HE Guo Wei. "A Novel Variation of PLAGL1 in Chinese Patients with Isolated Ventricular Septal Defect". Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers vol.16 no.8 pp.984-7. 2012.08. <P129413> HU Miao; MAK Wah Lun Valiant and TOMLINSON Brian. "Intronic variants in SLCO1B1 related to statin-induced myopathy are associated with the LDL-C response to statins in Chinese patients with hyperlipidaemia". Paper presented in the The 44th Annual Scientific meeting of the Japan Atherosclerosis Society, organized by Japan Atherosclerosis Society, 1 pgs. Fukuoka, Japan, 2012.07. <P129453> KO Wai San Fanny and HUI Shu Cheong David. "Air pollution and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease". Respirology vol.17 pp.395-401. The Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, 2012. <P129491> LI Kam Tao Philip; CHU Kwok-hong; CHOW Kai-Ming; LAU Miu Fong; LEUNG Chi Bon; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; TONG Yuen Fan; SZETO Cheuk Chun and NG Maggie. "Cross sectional survey on the concerns and anxiety of patients waiting for organ transplants". Nephrology (Carlton) vol.17 no.5, pp.514-518. 2012.07. <P129538> CHAN Lan Chi; YU C.h. Simon; WONG K George; LEE Kwok Tung; LEUNG Shuk Fong Cecilia; WONG Ka Sing Lawrence and LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas. "The symbiosis of neuro-interventionists: From parallel practice to interdisciplinary care". Cerebrovascular Diseases 34 Suppl 1 65. 2012.09. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P129549> HU Miao; YANG, Yaling; FOK Siu Pong; CHAN Sze Wa; CHU Ten Wah Tanya; POON Wai Mei Emily; YIN Qiping; LEE Vincent Hon Leung and TOMLINSON Brian. "Effects of CYP2D6*10, CYP3A5*3, CYP1A2*1F, and ABCB1 C3435T polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of flecainide in healthy Chinese subjects". Drug Metabolism and Drug Interactions vol.27 no.1, pp.33-39. 2012. <P129570> YU Z; WONG Lai Hung and WONG Wai Sun Vincent. "Commentary: time to update the ALT cut-off?". Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics vol.36 no.7, pp.382-3. 2012.10. <P129613> YANG Xilin; SO Wing Yee; MA Ching Wan Ronald; YU W. L. Linda; KONG Pik Shan; LEE Heung Man; XU Gang; OZAKI Risa; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and KO T. C. Gary. "Use of Thiazolidinedione and Cancer Risk in Type 2 Diabetes: the Hong Kong Diabetes Registry". Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice vol.97 no.1, pp.e13-17. 2012.07. <P129705> GAO Ge; BAI Xiao-yan; XUAN Chao; LIU Xiao-cheng; JING Wen-bin; NOVAKOVIC Aleksandra; YANG Qin and HE Guo-wei. "Role of TRPC3 Channel in the Human Internal Mammary Artery". Archives of Medical Research vol. 43 no. 6 pp. 431-437. 2012.08. <P129735> BAUM Lawrence William and KWAN Kwok Leung Patrick. "Antiepileptic Drug Delivery". Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews vol.64 no.10, pp.885-6. 2012.07. <P129759> KONG Pik Shan; XIAO Kang; CHOI Kai Chow; WANG Gang; CHAN Hm Michael; HO Chung Shun; CHAN Iris; WONG Chun Kwok; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Associations between microRNA (miR-21, 126, 155 and 221), albuminuria and heavy metals in Hong Kong Chinese adolescents". Clinica Chimica Acta vol.413 no.13-14, pp.1053–1057. 2012.07. <P129783> WOO Jean; LEUNG Chi Shun and MORLEY John E. "Comparison of Frailty Indicators Based on Clinical Phenotype and the Multiple Deficit Approach in Predicting Mortality and Physical Limitation". Journal of the American Geriatrics Society vol.60 no.8, pp.1478-1486. 2012.08. <P129817> LEE Lai Shun Nelson and ISON M G. "'Late' Treatment with Neuraminidase Inhibitors for Severely Ill Influenza Patients: Better Late than Never?". Clinical Infectious Diseases [Epub ahead of print]. 2012.07.26. <P129865> CHOW Kai-Ming; SZETO Cheuk Chun; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; MA King Wing; LEUNG Chi Bon and LI Kam Tao Philip. "Fracture risk after thiazide-associated hyponatraemia". Internal Medical Journal vol.42 no.7, pp.760-764. 2012.07. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P129947> LAU, Hoi Lam; KWONG Joey Sum Wing; YEUNG Fai; CHAU Pui Hing Pasty and WOO Jean. "Yoga for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease". Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Issue 12, 2012 DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009506.pub2. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2012.12.12. <P129957> KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; PANG Wing-fai; CHOW Kai-Ming; LEUNG Chi Bon; LI Kam Tao Philip and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "PREDICTING 12-MONTH MORTALITY FOR PERITONEAL DIALYSIS PATIENTS USING THE "SURPRISE" QUESTION. ". Peritoneal Dialysis International 2012.08. <P129974> SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; WANG Yixiang; GRIFFITH James Francis and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Computerized Quantification of Prussian Blue Staining in SPIO-Labelled Histological Tissues". Paper presented in the 2nd CUHK International Symposium on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, 46 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.19. <P130044> LUI Rashid; CHAN W.H. Anthony and NG Siew Chien. "A rare cause of cobblestoning and lymphadenopathy. ". Gastroenterology vol.144 no.7, pp.e12-13. 2013.06.01. <P130076> SHI Lin. "A Hybrid Modelling Based Automatic Algorithm for Vertebral Body Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Images". Paper presented in the The 1st International Congress on MRI (ICMRI 2013) & The 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of KSMRM (KSMRM 2013), 20 pgs. Seoul, Korea, 2013.03.30. <P130098> ZHAO Junhong; LIANG Qiaoyi; CHEUNG Kin Fai; KANG Wei; LUNG Wai Ming Raymond; TONG Hung Man Joanna; SUNG Joseph J Y; YU Jun and TO Ka Fai. "Genome-wide Identification of Epstein-Barr Virus-Driven Promoter Methylation Profiles of Human Genes in Gastric Cancer Cells". vol.119 no.2, pp.304-312. 2013.01. <P130228> CHENG Oi Yue; LO Raymond S K and WOO Jean. "Anticipatory grief therapy for older persons nearing the end of life". Aging Health vol.9 no.1, pp.103-114. 2013.02. <P130297> TSOI Ho and CHAN Ho Yin Edwin. "Expression of expanded CAG transcripts triggers nucleolar stress in Huntington's disease". The Cerebellum vol.12 no.3, pp.310-312. Dordrecht, Netherlands: 2007 Springer Science + Business Media, LLC, 2013.06.01. <P130299> WANG Angela Yee Moon and WOO Jean. "Early Versus Late Initiation of Dialysis and Nutrition: Does a Transition mean a Change in Dietary Protein Intake?". Journal of Renal Nutrition vol.23 no.3, pp.228-232. 2013.05. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P130406> SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; TONG Chi Fai Michael and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Statistical Analysis Of Cerebellum Sub-Regional Volumes In Patients With Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". Paper presented in the 50th International Anniversary Philip Zorab Symposium (PZ), 1 pgs. London, United Kingdom, 2013.06.20. <P130423> CHEUNG Kin Fai; ZHAO Junhong; HAO Ying; LI Xiaoxing; LOWE W Anson; CHENG Sze Lok; SUNG Joseph J Y and YU Jun. "CITED2 is a Novel Direct Effector of Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor γ in Suppressing Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Growth". Cancer vol.119 no.6, pp.1217-1226. 2013.03. <P130435> GANE Ej; LAI Cl; XIE Q; LIAW Yf; THONGTAWAT S; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; WANG Y; HWANG Sg; SAFADI R; WAN M; UDDIN A; JUNG Me and TRYLESINSKI A. "Telbivudine switch in well controlled lamivudine treated CHB patients provides good viral suppression and improved estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). ". Paper presented in the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver, organized by APASL, 1 pgs. 2013.06. <P130468> LOOI Jen Li; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; WAN Song; WONG H. L. Randolph; UNDERWOOD Malcolm John; LAM Yat Yin and YU Cheuk Man. "Diagnosis of cleft mitral valve using real-time 3-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography". International Journal of Cardiology Epub ahead of print: doi:pii: S0167-5273(13)00324-0. 10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.01.264. 2013.03.08. <P130486> WONG S H and NG Siew Chien. "What Can We Learn from Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Developing Countries?". Current Gastroenterology Reports vol.15 no.3, pp.313. 2013.03. <P130487> ZHANG, Xiang; WANG Xiaojuan; CHU Siu Hong; YAU Tung On; SUNG Joseph Jao-yiu and YU Jun. "CXCL10 Induces Hepatocyte Apoptosis and Autophagy in Experimental Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis". Paper presented in the DDW, organized by AASLD, 1 pgs. Orlando, United States of America, 2013.05.19. <P130639> CAMARGO M C; KIM W H; CHIARAVALLI A M; KIM K M; CORVALAN A H; MATSUO K; YU Jun; SUNG Joseph Jao-yiu; HERRERA-GOEPFERT R; MENESES-GONZALEZ F; KIJIMA Y; NATSUGOE S; LIAO L M; LISSOWSKA J; KIM S; HU N; GONZALEZ C A; YATABE Y; KORIYAMA C; HEWITT S M; AKIBA S; GULLEY M L; TAYLOR P R and RABKIN C S. "Improved survival of gastric cancer with tumour Epstein-Barr virus positivity: an international pooled analysis". Gut pp.epub ahead of print. 2013.04.11. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P130798> KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; CHOW Kai-Ming; LEUNG Chi Bon; LAW M. C.; CHENG Mei Shan; YU Vincent; LI Kam Tao Philip and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Circulating bacterial-derived DNA fragments as a marker of systemic inflammation in peritoneal dialysis.". Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2013.06. <P130908> HANSEN Be; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; SONNEVELD Mj; WONG Wai Sun Vincent; PIRATVISUTH T and JANSSEN Hla. "Dynamic response-guided peginterferon therapy in HBeAgpositive chronic hepatitis B using serum hepatitis B surface antigen levels and HBV DNA. ". Paper presented in the annual meeting of Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver, organized by APASL, 1 pgs. 2013.06. <P130983> WONG Lai Hung; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; CHAN Hoi Yun; TSE Chi Hang; TSE Yee Kit; CHRISTY Mak; STANLEY Lee; ZOE Ip; ANDREW Lam; HENRY Iu; JOYCE Leung and WONG Wai Sun Vincent. "Accuracy of Risk Scores for Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Receiving Entecavir Treatment". Gastroenterology pp.2013-3-12. 2013.02.12. <P131024> WONG M C S; TAM W.w.s.; WANG Harry Haoxiang; CHEUNG C.s.k.; LIU Kirin Qilin; TONG E.l.h.; CHEUNG N.t.; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; YU Cheuk Man and GRIFFITHS S M. "Initial Antihypertensive Prescription and Mortality due to Diabetes or Renal Disease: A Five-year Cohort Study". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P131093> HANSEN Be; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; ARENDS P; MARTINOT-PEIGNOUX M; CHERUBINI B; CORNBERG M; THOMPSON Aj; MARCELLIN P; LIAW Yf; BRUNETTO Mr and JANSSEN Hla. "Longterm follow-up of inactive hepatitis B virus carriers and relation with hepatitis B surface antigen levels. ". Paper presented in the annual meeting of Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver, organized by APASL, 1 pgs. 2013.06. <P131199> LAM Yat Yin. "A new left atrial appendage occluder (Lifetech LAmbre Device) for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation". Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine vol.14 no.3, pp.134-136. 2013.05. <P131206> LENG, Xinyi; CHEN Xiangyan; CHOOK Ping; XIONG Li; LIN Wenhua; LIU Jingyi; TOMLINSON Brian; THOMAS Neil G; LAM Tai Hing; LAM S K; CHEUNG B M and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Association Between Metabolic Syndrome and Carotid Atherosclerosis: Community-Based Study in Hong Kong". Metab Syndr Relat Disord vol.11 no.2, pp.109-14. 2013.01.25. A Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P131226> PIRATVISUTH T; KOMOLMIT P; TANWANDEE T; SUKEEPAISARNJAROEN W; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; PESSOA Mg; FASSIO E; ONO Sk; BESSONE F; DARUICH J; ZEUZEM S; CHEINQUER H; PATHAN R; DONG Y and TRYLESINSKI A. "52-week efficacy and safety of telbivudine with conditional tenofovir intensification at week 24 in HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B.". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.2, pp.e54279. 2013.02. <P131276> KWONG Joey Sum Wing and YU Cheuk Man. "The Need for Multicentre Cardiovascular Clinical Trials in Asia". Nature Reviews Cardiology vol.10 no.6, pp.355-362. 2013.06. <P131296> WONG Lai Hung; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; MAK, Wing Hin Christy; LEE, King Yeung Stanley; IP, Man Yi; LAM, Ting Ho Andrew; IU, Wing Hang; LEUNG, Joyce May-sum; LAI, Wing Yan; LO Oi Shan Angeline; CHAN Hoi Yun and WONG Wai Sun Vincent. "Entecavir treatment reduces hepatic events and deaths in chronic hepatitis B patients with liver cirrhosis". Hepatology pp.2013-2-6. 2013.02.06. <P131414> KWONG Joey Sum Wing; LAM Yat Yin; YAN Ping Yen Bryan and YU Cheuk Man. "Risk of Clinically Relevant Bleeding of New Oral Anticoagulants for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P131419> YAN Ying-qun; LIU Xiao-cheng; JING Wen-bin; WANG Zhong; BAI Xiao-yan; YANG Qin and HE Guo-wei. "Alteration of Plasma Trace Elements in Patients Undergoing Open Heart Surgery". Biological Trace Element Research vol.151 no.3, pp.344-349. 2013.03. <P131433> WONG Wai Sun Vincent. "Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in Asia: a story of growth". Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology vol.28 no.1, pp.18-23. 2013.01. <P131554> WONG S.; YU J; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; LUI Chung Yan Grace; WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Initial radiographic features as outcome predictor of adult RSV respiratory tract infection". Paper presented in the European Congress of Radiology, 1 pgs. Vienna, Austria, 2013.03. <P131557> SHEN Jiayun and WONG Wai Sun Vincent. "Commentary: assessment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease using serum total cell death and apoptosis markers--authors' reply". Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeuticcs vol.37 no.2, pp.276. 2013.01. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P131585> CHU Leung Wing; SO Jason C; WONG Lai Chin; LUK James K H; CHIU Patrick K C; CHAN Cherry S Y; KWAN Fiona S M; CHAU June; HUI Elsie; WOO Jean and MCGHEE Sarah M. "Community End-of-Life Care among Chinese Older Adults Living in Nursing Homes". Geriatrics Gerontology International doi: 10.1111/ggi.12090 [Epub ahead of print]. 2013.05. <P131592> CHAN Yan Keung Thomas. "Severe Bradycardia and Prolonged Hypotension in Ciguatera". Singapore Medical Journal vol.54 no.6, pp.e120-e122. Singapore: Singapore Medical Association, 2013.06. <P131634> MA Ching Wan Ronald and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Type 2 diabetes in East Asians: similarities and differences with populations in Europe and the United States". Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences vol.1281 pp.64-91. 2013.04. <P131706> JIN, Chunna 金春娜; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; LIU Ming; FANG Fang and YU Cheuk Man. "The Prevalence and Prognosis of Resistant Hypertension in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure ". Paper presented in the Annual Scientific Meeting of European Society of Cardiology, organized by European Society of Cardiology, 1 pgs. 2013.05.14. <P131717> YANG Qin; XUE Hong-mei and YU Cheuk Man. "Mechanistic Studies of AVE3085 Against Homocysteine in Endothelial Protection". Paper presented in the Experimental Biology 2013, Boston Convention & Exposition Center, Boston, MA, 20-24 April, 2013, FASEB Journal 2013;27:900.1. 2013.04. <P131757> CHAN Suk Mei; CHAN Cheong Chun and WOO Jean. "The Association of a Prior and a Posterior Dietary Patterns with the Risk of Incident Stroke in Chinese Older People in Hong Kong" Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging 2013.04. <P131766> ZHANG Lin; YU Jun; WU Ka Kei and CHO Chi Hin. "Cathelicidin is a Host Defense Peptide in Controlling Helicobacter pylori Survival and Infection". Paper presented in the Experimental Biology 2013, 1 page (Abstract no.: A34 1093.7) pgs. Boston, United States of America, 2013.04.20. <P132075> SHI Lin. "Development of a Computational Algorithm for Stitching Spinal Cord Diffusion Tensor Images". Paper presented in the The 1st International Congress on MRI (ICMRI 2013) & The 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of KSMRM (KSMRM 2013), 20 pgs. Seoul, korea, 2013.03.30. <P132083> YU Ho Yan; YAU Chung Fai Forrest; HO CHAN Suzanne and WOO Jean. "Associations of Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Physical Activity, and Obesity with Metabolic Syndrome in Hong Kong Chinese Midlife Women". BMC Public Health 13: 614, 10 pages. 2013.06. <P132140> LIU P; SHI Lin and WANG Defeng. "GPU Accelerated Flirt Algorithm for Neuroimage Registration". Paper presented in the Brain 2013, pp.56. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.01.18. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P132267> WONG Wai Sun Vincent; CHAN Suk Mei; WONG Lai Hung; CHEUNG Ho Ki; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; YEUNG Kw David; CHIM Mei Ling Angel; LAI Jennifer; LI Sin; SEA Man Mei; CHAN Ka Leung Francis; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu; WOO Jean and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Community-based lifestyle modification programme for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A randomized controlled trial". Journal of Hepatology pii: S0168-8278(13)00266-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2013.04.013. 2013.04.23. <P132290> WANG Harry Haoxiang; WONG M C S; WONG S.y.s.; TANG J.l.; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; YU Cheuk Man; WANG J.j.; LI D.k.t. and GRIFFITHS S M. "Factors Associated with Cardiovascular Multimorbidity Among Primary Care Patients in Southern China". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P132383> XU, Lixia; LI Xiaoxing; ZHANG Ning; SUNG J J Y; CHAN Francis K L and YU Jun. "Identification And Characterization of A Novel Amplification Gene SLC12A5 in Colorectal Cancer". Paper presented in the Digestive Disease Week 2013, organized by AGA Institute Council, 1 pgs. Orlando, United States of America, 2013.05.20. <P132394> GRALNEK I M; CHING J Y L; MAZA I; WU Che Yuen Justin; RAINER Timothy Hudson; ISRAELIT S; KLEIN A; CHAN Ka Leung Francis; EPHRATH H; ELIAKIM R; PELED R and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Capsule Endoscopy in Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage: A Prospective Cohort Study". Endoscopy vol.45 no.1, pp.12-19. 2013.01. <P132442> TANG Hon Lok; MAK Yuen Fun; CHU Kwok Hong; LEE William; FUNG Samuel Ka Shun; CHAN Yan Keung Thomas and TONG Kwok Lung. "Minimal Change Disease Caused by Exposure to Mercury-containing Skin Lightening Cream: A Report of 4 Cases". Clinical Nephrology vol.79 no.4, pp.326-329. München-Deisenhofen, Germany: Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle, 2013.04. <P132586> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Peginterferon therapy for chronic hepatitis B: one size fits all?". Gut vol.62 no.2, pp.185-7. 2013.02. <P132635> CHAU Pui Hing; WONG King Moses; LEE Anna; LING Matina and WOO Jean. "Trends in Hip Fracture Incidence and Mortality in Chinese Population from Hong Kong 2001-09". Age and Ageing vol.42 no.2, pp.229-233. 2013.03. <P132642> WANG Jia; ZHAO Jingmin; CHU Siu Hong; MOK Myth Tsz Shun; GO Yin Yin; MAN Kwan; HEUCHEL R; LAN Hui Yao; CHANG Zhijie; SUNG Joseph Jao-yiu and YU Jun. "Inhibitory role of Smad7 in hepatocarcinogenesis in mice and in vitro". J Pathol pp.epub ahead of print. 2013.04.26. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P132660> XUAN Chao; JIA Ke-gang; WANG Bin-bin; BAI Xiao-yan; GAO Ge; YANG Qin; WANG Xiu-li; LIU Xiao-cheng; MA Xu and HE Guo-wei. "Identification of Two Novel Mutations of the HOMEZ Gene in Chinese Patients with Isolated Ventricular Septal Defect". Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers vol.17 no.5, pp.390-394. 2013.05. <P132670> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; AHN Sh; CHANG Tt; PENG Cy; WONG D; COFFIN C; LIM Sg; CHEN Pj; JANSSEN H; MARCELLIN P; SERFATY L; ZEUZEM S; HU W; CRITELLI L; LOPOEZ-TALAVERA Jc and COOLEY E. "Peginterferon lambda for the treatment of HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B: a phase 2B comparison with peginterferon alfa. ". Paper presented in the annual meeting of Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver, organized by APASL, 1 pgs. 2013.06. <P132693> LANDY Jon; WAHED Mahmood; PEAKE Simon; HUSSEIN M; NG Siew Chien; LINDSAY James and HART Ailsa. "Oral tacrolimus as maintenance therapy for refractory ulcerative colitis-an analysis of outcomes in two London tertiary centres". Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis. vol.13 pp.00112-8. 2013.04.24. <P132759> KWONG Joey Sum Wing and YU Cheuk Man. "Drug-eluting balloons for coronary artery disease: an updated meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials". International Journal of Cardiology Epub ahead of print: doi:pii: S0167-5273(13)00725-0. 10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.03.180. 2013.05.02. <P132809> WOO Jean. "Meeting the Needs of an Aging Population in China: Public health and Policy Implications". Journal of Clinical Gerontology and Geriatrics DOI information: 10.1016/j.jcgg.2013.02.001. vol.4 pp.31-32. 2013.06. <P132841> WONG Lai Hung; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; LO Oi Shan Angeline; CHAN Hoi Yun; TSE Chi Hang; CHIM Mei Ling Angel and WONG Wai Sun Vincent. "Serum hepatitis B surface antigen kinetics in severe reactivation of hepatitis e antigen negative chronic hepatitis B patients receiving nucleos(t)ide analogues". Antiviral Therapy doi: 10.3851/IMP2615. 2013.06.05. <P132869> NG Siew Chien; LAM Fc Emma; LAM Ty Thomas; CHAN Yawen; LAW Wendy; TSE Chi Hang; KAMM A Michael; SUNG Joseph Jao-yiu; CHAN Ka Leung Francis and WU Che Yuen Justin. "Effect of probiotic bacteria on the intestinal microbiota in irritable bowel syndrome". Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology epub ahead of print 2013.06. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P132914> KWAN Mandy Wing Man; WONG M C S; WANG Harry Haoxiang; LIU Kirin Qilin; LEE C.l.s.; YAN Ping Yen Bryan and YU Cheuk Man. "Compliance to the DASH Diet: A Systematic Review". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P132963> WONG Lai Hung and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Use of Quantitative HBsAg with HBV DNA in Clinical Practice". Clinical Liver Disease vol.2 no.1, pp.8-9. 2013.03.01. <P133001> HOU J; PIRATVISUTH T; AMARAPURKAR D; SUN J; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; PATEL N; GANE Ej; ZEUZEM S; JUNG Me; DONG Yh and TRYLESINSKI A. "Telbivudine treatment in combination with adefovir or tenofovir leads to consistent renal function improvement in chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients. ". Paper presented in the annual meeting of Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver, organized by APASL, 1 pgs. 2013.06. <P133019> FENG Wei; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; FANG Fang; SHANG Qing; WANG Jing; LIU Ming and YU Cheuk Man. "Comparison the Mitral Leaflet Geometric Differences between Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation Associated with Anterior and Inferior Myocardial Infarction". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P133041> LEE Wing Yan Vivian; CHOI, Adrian Yui Fay; FONG, Ting San and YAN Ping Yen Bryan. "Clinical Management of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by CUHK-Mayo Clinic, 1 (International Journal of Cardiology 2013; 163(2): S2.) pgs. 2013.04.13. <P133141> HE Guo-wei; GAO Ge; XUAN Chao; BAI Xiao-yan; LIU Xiao-cheng; JING Wen-bin and YANG Qin. "Identification of altered plasma proteins by proteomic study in valvular heart diseases and the potential clinical significance". Paper presented in the Experimental Biology 2013, Boston Convention & Exposition Center, Boston, MA, 20-24 April, 2013, FASEB Journal 2013;27:1189.3. 2013.04. <P133393> LI Huaixing; GAN Wei; LU Ling; DONG Xiao; HAN Xueyao; HU Cheng; YANG Zhen; SUN Liang; BAO Wei; LI Pengtao; HE Meian; SUN Liangdan; WANG Yiqin; ZHU Jingwen; NING Qianqian; TANG Yong; ZHANG Rong; WEN Jie; WANG Di; ZHU Xilin; GUO Kunquan; ZUO Xianbo; GUO Xiaohui; YANG Handong; ZHOU Xianghai; MA Ching Wan Ronald; ZHANG Xuejun; QI Lu; LOOS Ruth J.f.; HU Frank B.; WU Tangchun; LIU Ying; LIU Liegang; YANG Ze; HU Renming; JIA Weiping; JI Linong; LI Yixue and LIN Xu. "A genome-wide association study identifies GRK5 and RASGRP1 as type 2 diabetes loci in Chinese Hans". Diabetes vol.62 no.1, pp.291-298. 2013.01. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P133455> WONG Wai Sun Vincent; WONG Lai Hung; YU Zhuo; CHU Ho Ting; CHAN Hoi Yun; TSE Chi Hang and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Fibrosis progression in inactive hepatitis B virus carriers: A longitudinal study with paired liver stiffness measurements". Paper presented in the The International Liver Congress, organized by European Association for the Study of the Liver, 1 pgs. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2013.04. <P133498> SHI Lin. "Statistical Morphometry of Vestibular System in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". Paper presented in the Conference on Image Processing 2013, 8-9 pgs. Sanya, China, 2013.01.06. <P133519> WONG Wai Sun Vincent; WONG Lai Hung Grace; CHAN Wing Hung Anthony; CHU W C; CHOI P C; CHIM Mei Ling Angel; YIU K K; YU Jun; CHAN Francis K L and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Treatment of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis with Phyllanthus urinaria - A randomized trial". J Gastroenterol Hepatol vol.28 no.1, pp.57-62. 2013.01. <P133546> LEE Lai Shun Nelson; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; RAINER Timothy Hudson; HUI Shu Cheong David; CHOI Kin Wing and CLIVE Cockram. "Influenza Virus Load in Hospitalised Patients". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.19 no.3 suppl 4, pp.S15-18. 2013.06. <P133634> SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Morphometric Changes Of Semicircular Canals In Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". Paper presented in the 50th International Anniversary Philip Zorab Symposium (PZ), 1 pgs. London, United Kingdom, 2013.06.20. <P133674> TSOI Ho and CHAN Ho Yin Edwin. "Development of a peptide that suppresses expanded CAG RNA-mediated toxicity in polyQ diseases models". Paper presented in the 2nd Asia-Pacific Drosophila Research Conference, organized by Asia-Pacific Drosophila Board, N.A. pgs. Seoul, Korea, 2013.05.16. <P133712> FANG Fang; CHAN Anna; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; SANDERSON John Elsby; KWONG Joey Sum Wing; LUO Xiuxia; LI Shuang and YU Cheuk Man. "Variation in right ventricular volumes assessment by real-time three-dimensional echocardiography between dilated and normal right ventricle: Comparison with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging". International Journal of Cardiology Epub ahead of print: doi:pii: S0167-5273(13)00955-8. 10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.05.046. 2013.05.25. <P133722> SHEN Jiayun and WONG Wai Sun Vincent. "Letter: diagnostic accuracy of M30 levels for identifying patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis--authors' Therapeuticcs vol.37 no.2, pp.283-4. 2013.01. reply". Alimentary Pharmacology & Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P133736> WONG E; CUI L; NG C; TANG C; LIU X; SO M; YIP B; CHENG G; ZHANG R; TANG W; YANG W; LAU Y; BAUM Lawrence William; KWAN Kwok Leung Patrick; SUN L; ZUO X; REN Y; YIN X; MIAO X; LIU J; LUI V; NGAN E; YUAN Z; ZHANG S; XIA J; WANG H; SUN X; WANG R; CHANG T; CHAN I; CHUNG P; ZHANG X; WONG K; Cherny Stacey; SHAM Pak Chung; TAM P and GARCIA-BARCELO Maria Mercedes. "Genome-Wide Copy Number Variation Study in Anorectal Malformations". Human Molecular Genetics vol.22 no.3, pp.621-31. 2013.02.01. <P133784> CHAN Ka Leung Francis. "Endoscopic Therapy as an Alternative to Radical Surgery for Early Stage Esophageal Adenocarcinoma With Submucosal Invsasion?". Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology vol.11 no.6, pp.587-588. 2013.06.01. <P133793> BERNSTEIN Charles; NG Siew Chien; LAKATOS Peter; MOUM Bjorn and LOFTUS Edward. "A Review of Mortality and Surgery in Ulcerative Colitis: Milestones of the Seriousness of the Disease". Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2013.04.14. <P133812> RAZ Itamar; RIDDLE Matthew C; ROSENSTOCK Julio; BUSE John B; INZUCCHI Silvio E; HOME Philip D; PRATO Del Stefano; FERRANNINI Ele; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana; LEITER Lawrence A; LEROITH Derek; DEFRONZO Ralph and CEFALU William T. "Personalized management of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes: reflections from a Diabetes Care Editors' Expert Forum". Diabetes Care vol.36 no.6, pp.1779-1788. 2013.06. <P133888> LENG, Xinyi; WONG Ka Sing Lawrence; SOO O.y. Yannie; LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas; ZOU Xinying; WONG Yongjun; FELDMANN Edward; LIU Liping and LIEBESKIND S David. "Magnetic Resonance Angiography Signal Intensity as a Marker of Hemodynamic Impairment in Intracranial Arterial Stenosis". Paper presented in the International Stroke Conference, 1 pgs. Honolulu, United States of America, 2013.02.07. <P133931> CHEN Yang Kun; XIAO Wm; WANG Df; LIN S; CHU Ccw; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor; WONG Ka Sing Lawrence and TANG Wai Kwong. "Atrophy of the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex is Associated with Poor Performance in Verbal Fluency in Elderly Poststroke Women.". Neural Regeneration Research vol.8 no.4, pp.346-356. 2013.02.01. <P133955> ZHANG, Yuying; YEUNG LAIWAH Roseanne Oye-pihn; OSAKI Risa; LUK On Yan Andrea; BROWN Nicola; SUI YI; CHEUNG Yu; LAU Piu Kam; TSANG Chiu Chi; CHAN Wing Bun; CHUNG Harriet; WONG Yee Man; KONG Pik Shan; MA Ching Wan Ronald; CHOW Chun Chung; TONG Peter Chun Yip; SO Wing Yee and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) and associated Co-morbidities in Hong Kong Chinese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: The Joint Asia Diabetes Evaluation (JADE) Program American Diabetes Association scientific sessions 1515-P. Chicago, United States of America, 2013.06.21. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P134131> ZHANG, Xiang; CHU Siu Hong; LI Xiaoxing; YAU Tung On; SUNG Joseph Jao-yiu and YU Jun. "Role of Interferon gama-inducible protein 10 in the Pathogenesis of Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis". Paper presented in the DDW, organized by AASLD, 1 pgs. Orlando, United States of America, 2013.05.19. <P134264> WEI Li-hua; HUANG Xiao-ru; ZHANG Yang; LI You-qi; CHEN Hai-yong; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; YU Cheuk Man and LAN Hui Yao. "Smad7 Inhibits Angiotensin II-induced Hypertensive Cardiac Remodeling". Cardiovasc Res Epub ahead of print 2013.06. <P134273> HE Guo-wei; MASLEN Cheryl L.; GAO Ge; LIU Xiao-cheng; LIU Zhi-gang and YANG Qin. "22q11.21 Deletion Associated with Sporadic Tetralogy of Fallot in Han Chinese". Paper presented in the 21st Annual Scientific Congress of Hong Kong College of Cardiology, Hong Kong, 7-9 June,2013, Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology. 2013;21:31. 2013.06. <P134348> CHAN Ka Leung Francis; CHING Y L Jessica; SUEN B Y; TSE Yee Kit; WU Justin Cy and SUNG Joseph J Y. "Effects of Helicobacter pylori Infection on Long-term Risk of Peptic Ulcer Bleeding in Low-Dose Aspirin Users". Gastroenterology vol.144 no.3, pp.528-35. 2013.03.01. <P134507> WANG Shiyan; KANG Wei; GO Yin Yin; TONG Hung Man Joanna; LI Lili; ZHANG Ning; TAO Qian; LI Xiaoxing; TO Ka Fai; SUNG J J Y and YU Jun. "Dapper homolog 1 is a novel tumor suppressor in gastric cancer through inhibiting the nuclear factor-κB signaling pathway". - 2012.12.20. <P134571> WANG, Zhaolu 王兆露 and MOK Chung Tong Vincent. "Blood Pressure Levels and Cognitive Decline in Stroke Patients with Confluent White Matter Changes". Paper presented in the 6th International Society of Vascular, Cognitive and Behavioural Disorders Congress, organized by VAS-COG Executive Committee, University of Toronto, 1 pgs. Toronto, Canada, 2013.06.28. <P134789> MA Ching Wan Ronald; OZAKI Risa; YANG Xilin; KO G. T. C.; CHAN Ho Ming; SAHOTA Daljit Singh; LAO Tzu Hsi Terence; ROGERS Michael Scott; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and TAM Wing Hung. "Insulin Sensitivity and Beta-cell Function in Offspring Exposed to Maternal Hyperglycaemia-A 15-year Follow-up Study". Paper presented in the 7th International DIP Symposium Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome & Pregnancy, organized by Kenes International, p.23 (P-36). Florence, Italy, 2013.03.15. <P134817> WOO Jean; LEUNG Chi Shun; CHAN Suk Mei and CHAU Patsy. "Influence of Income and Self-rated Socio-economic Position on Lifestyle, and Physical and Psychological Function in Older Chinese Adults Aged 65 Years and Over" Public Health 2013.02. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P134911> LEUNG Ho Wan; SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; MOK Chung Tong Vincent and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Voxel-based morphometric study of white matter tracts in patients with non-lesional temporal lobe epilepsy". Paper presented in the korean epilepsy congress, organized by Korean Epilepsy Society, 2 pgs. Korea, South, 2013.06.14. <P134928> SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; HUI Cheuk Ngai Steve; TONG Chi Fai Michael; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack and CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Detection of Volumetric Difference in the Cerebellum in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". Paper presented in the Brain 2013, pp.54-55. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.01.18. <P134948> WONG Wai Sun Vincent; WONG Lai Hung; CHIM Mei Ling Angel; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; LING Wk Kelvin and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Treatment of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis with probiotics. A proof-of-concept study". Annals of Hepatology vol.12 no.2, pp.256-62. 2013.03. <P134963> LUK Choi Wan; CHOW Kai-Ming; KWOK Sung Shing Jeffrey; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; CHAN Hm Michael; LAI Ka Bik; MAC-MOUNE LAI Fernand; WANG Gang; LEUNG Chi Bon; LI Kam Tao Philip and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Urinary biomarkers for the prediction of reversibility in acute-on-chronic renal failure.". Disease Markers vol.34 no.3, pp.179-185. 2013.03. <P134972> YU Ho Yan; LEUNG Chi Shun and WOO Jean. "Housework Reduces All-cause and Cancer Mortality in Chinese Men". PLOS ONE 2013.05.07. <P135001> YANG Xilin; WANG Ying; LUK On Yan Andrea; SO Wing Yee; MA Ching Wan Ronald; KONG Pik Shan; XU Gang and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Enhancers and Attenuators of Risk Associations of Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection with Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Type 2 Diabetes". Endocrine Related Cancer vol.20 no.2, pp.161-171. 2013.03. <P135062> SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; LIU Shangping; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; WANG Yj and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Revealing Statistical Changes in the Cortical Network of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients". Paper presented in the Brain 2013, 55 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.01.18. <P135075> LIU, Wenyan 劉 王兆露; LEUNG Y.l. Eric and MOK Chung Tong Vincent. "Accuracy of Diagnosing Cognitive Impairment Subtypes in Stroke Patients – An in-vivo Pittsburg Compound-B Positron Emission Tomography Study". Paper presented in the VAS-COG, organized by International Society of Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders, 2 pgs. Toronto, Canada, 2013.06.23. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P135198> LUK On Yan Andrea; MA Ching Wan Ronald; LAU Eric; YANG Xi Ling; LAU Wing Yan Winnie; YU Wai Ling Linda; CHOW Chun Chung Francis; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and SO Wing Yee. "Risk association of HbA1c variability with chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes: Prospective analysis of the Hong Kong Diabetes Registry.". Diabetes Metabolism Research and Reviews 2013.03.06. <P135325> WONG Lai Hung; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; YIU Kar Lum; JENNIFER Lai; VINCENT Chan; KELVIN Cheung; EVA Wong and WONG Wai Sun Vincent. "Meta-analysis: the association of hepatitis B virus genotypes and hepatocellular carcinoma". Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics vol.37 no.3, pp.517-26. 2013.03. <P135387> WONG Lai Hung. "Transient elastography: Kill two birds with one stone?". World Journal of Hepatology vol.5 pp.264-274. 2013.05. <P135410> LIN Wenhua; HAN Jinghao; CHEN Xiangyan; XIONG Li; LEUNG Ho Wan; LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas; SOO Oi Yan and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Predictors of Good Functional Outcome in Counterpulsation-treated Recent Ischaemic Stroke Patients". BMJ Open vol.3 no.6, pp.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-002932. 2013.06.14. <P135480> LI Kam Tao Philip; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; CHOW Kai-Ming; LEUNG Chi Bon and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Treatment of early immunoglobulin A nephropathy by angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor.". American Journal of Medicine vol.126 no.2, pp.162-168. 2013.02. <P135487> LAI Cl; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; HUI Aric Josun; LI Kin Kong Michael; CHAN Yw; NEFF T; PORTER S; ZHONG M; MODELSKA K and VALONE F. "Impact of human monoclonal antibody to CTGF (FG-3019) on liver fibrosis in HBV infection; phase 2, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. ". Paper presented in the annual meeting of Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver, organized by APASL, 1 pgs. 2013.06. <P135552> WONG Wai Sun Vincent; WONG Lai Hung; CHAN Hoi Yun; TSE Chi Hang and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Performance of hepatocellular carcinoma risk scores in chronic hepatitis B patients receiving entecavir treatment". Paper presented in the Journal of Hepatology, organized by European Association for the Study of the Liver, 1 pgs. 2013.04. <P135553> KWONG Joey Sum Wing and YU Cheuk Man. "Drug-eluting Balloons for Coronary Artery Disease: An Updated Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P135594> WONG Lai Hung; WONG Wai Sun Vincent; CHAN Hoi Yun; TSE Chi Hang and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Entecavir treatment reduces Hepatic events and deaths in chronic hepatitis B patients with liver cirrhosis". Paper presented in the the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of Liver (APASL), organized by APASL, 18 pgs. 2013.06. <P135673> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; BUTI M; MARCELLIN P; LIN L; MASSETTO B; FLAHERTY J; SUBRAMANIAN M; MCHUTCHISON J; FOSTER G; FUNG S; THOMPSON A and LAMPERTICO P. "Comparison of serum HBsAg declines during tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) treatment in different chronic hepatitis B (CHB) sub-populations. ". Paper presented in the annual meeting of European Association for the Study of the Liver, organized by EASL, 1 pgs. 2013.04. <P135691> ZHAO Junhong; LIANG Qiaoyi; CHEUNG Kin Fai; KANG Wei; DONG Y; LUNG Wai Ming Raymond; TONG Hung Man Joanna; TO Ka Fai; SUNG Joseph J Y and YU Jun. "Somatostatin Receptor 1, a Novel EBV-associated CpG Hypermethylated Gene, Contributes to the Pathogenesis of EBV-associated Gastric Cancer". British Journal of Cancer vol.108 no.12, pp.2557-2564. 2013.06. <P135722> GAO Ge; BAI Xiao-yan; XUAN Chao; LIU Xiao-cheng; JING Wen-bin; YANG Qin and HE Guo-wei. "Effect of Azelnidipine in Human Internal Mammary Artery and Clinical Implications". Paper presented in the Experimental Biology 2013, Boston Convention & Exposition Center, Boston, MA, 20-24 April, 2013, FASEB Journal 2013;27:1101.2. 2013.04. <P135742> WONG Wai Sun Vincent; WONG Lai Hung and CHAN Ka Leung Francis. "Liver stiffness measurement: simplicity is prerequisite for reliability". Gastroenterology vol.144 no.1, pp.243-4. 2013.01. <P135751> TING Zhao Wei Rose; LAU Siu Him; OZAKI Risa; LAU Wing Yan Winnie; KONG Pik Shan; LAU On Yan Andrea; CKOW Chun Chung Francis; MA Ching Wan Ronald; WING Yun Kwok; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and SO Wing Yee. "High risk for cardiovascular disease in Chinese type 2 diabetic patients with major depression-A 7-year prospective analysis of the Hong Kong DiabetesRegistry.". J Affect Disord 2013.02.08. <P135829> DAI Cy; TSENG Tc; WONG Lai Hung; HUANG Jf; WONG Wai Sun Vincent; LIU Cj; YU Ml; CHUANG Wl; KAO Jh; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry and CHEN Ds. "Consolidation therapy for HBeAg-positive Asian chronic hepatitis B patients receiving lamivudine treatment: a multicentre study.". Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy pp.193. 2013.06.24. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P135830> WANG Shang; FANG Fang; LIU Ming; LAM Yat Yin; WANG Jing; SHANG Qing; SUN Jing Ping; SANDERSON John Elsby and YU Cheuk Man. "Rapid bedside identification of high-risk population in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction by acoustic cardiography". International Journal of Cardiology Epub ahead of print: doi:pii: S0167-5273(12)01693-2. 10.1016/j.ijcard.2012.12.064. 2013.01.24. <P135851> LAU, Hoi Lam and WOO Jean. "Positive impacts of yoga on cardiovascular risk factors, physical fitness, and quality of life in overweight and obese individuals". Paper presented in the EuroPRevent 2013, organized by The European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (EACPR), 1 pgs. Rome, Italy, 2013.04. <P136030> SUN Jing Ping; YANG Ying; GUO Ran; WANG Dian Aline; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; WANG Xiaoyan; LAM Yat Yin; FANG Fang; YANG Xing Sheng and YU Cheuk Man. "Left atrial regional phasic strain, strain rate and velocity by speckle-tracking echocardiography: Normal values and effects of aging in a large group of normal subjects". International Journal of Cardiology Epub ahead of print: doi:pii: S0167-5273(13)00834-6. 10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.04.167. 2013.05.23. <P136082> LIU Lizhong; CHEUNG Chun Kai; LAN Linlin; HO Kam Sing Stanley; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and TONG Peter Chun Yip. "Microtubule network is required for insulin-induced signal transduction and actin remodeling". Molecular and Cell Endocrinology vol.365 no.1, pp.64-74. 2013.01. <P136087> CHAN Suk Mei; WOO Jean and TANG Leung Sang Nelson. "Chapter 94 - Chinese Tea and Telomere Length in Elderly Chinese Men". Tea in Health and Disease Prevention ed. by Victor R Preedy. 1st ed. pp.1117-1127. United Kingdom: Elsevier Inc., 2012.10.13. <P136088> KWONG Joey Sum Wing and YU Cheuk Man. "New Oral Anticoagulants in Acute Coronary Syndromes: What Does a Meta-analysis Tell Us?". JAMA Internal Medicine vol.173 no.9, pp.835-836. 2013.05. <P136156> LUO Xiuxia; FANG Fang; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; LI Shuang; ZHANG Zhihua; LAM Yat Yin; SANDERSON John Elsby; KWONG Joey Sum Wing and YU Cheuk Man. "Evaluation of Global Left Ventricular Systolic Function in Patients with Heart Failure Using Three-dimensional Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P136164> WANG Gang; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; MAC-MOUNE LAI Fernand; CHOW Kai-Ming; LI Kam Tao Philip and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Urinary sediment miRNA levels in adult nephrotic syndrome". Clinica Chimica Acta vol.418 pp.5-11. 2013.03. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P136184> HUI Shu Cheong David; LEE Lai Shun Nelson and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Adjunctive therapies and immunomodulatory agents in the management of severe influenza". Antiviral Research vol.98 no.3, pp.410-416. 2013.06. <P136201> CHAN Yan Keung Thomas. "Risk Management Approach to the Toxicological Problems Associated with Herbal Medicines". Paper presented in the XIII International Congress of Toxicology, organized by The Korean Society of Toxicology and the Korean Environmental Mutagen Society, International Union of Toxicology and International Conference on Environmental OMICS, 1 pgs. Korea, 2013.06. <P136230> NG Siew Chien; BERNSTEIN Charles; VATN Morten; LAKATOS Peter; LOFTUS Edward; TYSK Curt; MORAIN Colm; MOUM Bjorn and COLOMBEL Jf. "Geographic variability and environmental risk factors in inflammatory bowel disease". Gut vol.62 no.4, pp.630-49. 2013.04. <P136297> LEUNG Wai Keung; NG Siew Chien; CHOW K Dorothy; LAO Wc; LEUNG Vk; LI Mk; HUI Yt; NG Sm Simon; HUI Aj; LAI St; LAM Jt; POON Jt; CHAN Ao; YUEN Hon and WU Che Yuen Justin. "Use of biologics for inflammatory bowel disease in Hong Kong: consensus statement". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.19 no.1, pp.61-68. 2013.02. <P136300> TAM Guang-ming; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; SHETTY Sharad V and LAM Yat Yin. "Transcatheter renal artery sympathetic denervation for resistant hypertension: an old paradigm revisited". International Journal of Cardiology vol.164 no.3 pp.277-281. 2013.04.15. <P136431> SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; LIU Shangping; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; XIONG Yunyun; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; WANG Yl and YONGJUN Wang Yj. "Analysis of Structural Brain Networks in Patients after Ischemic Stroke". Paper presented in the Brain 2013, pp.54. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.01.18. <P136476> LI Jing Jing; CHEN Xiangyan; SOO Oi Yan; ABRIGO M J; LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas; WONG Ho Chung Edward; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; CHEUNG J S; AHUJA A T; ZENG Jing Sheng and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Persistent Benign Oligemia Causes CT Perfusion Mismatch in Patients with Intracranial Large Artery Occlusive Disease during Subacute Stroke". CNS Neurosci Ther vol.19 no.8, pp.635-7. 2013.06.07. <P136509> HO C. W. and CHAN Ka Leung Francis. "Commentary: improving the use of gastroprotective agents among high-risk NSAID users - authors' Therapeutics vol.37 no.10, pp.1019-20. 2013.05. reply". AP&T Alimentary Pharmacology and Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P136538> LENG, Xinyi; CHEN Xiangyan; CHOOK Ping; XIONG Li; LIN Wenhua; LIU Jingyi; TOMLINSON Brian; THOMAS G Neil; LAM Tai Hing; LAM Karen; CHEUNG Bernard and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Association between Metabolic Syndrome and Carotid Atherosclerosis: a Community-based Study in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the International Stroke Conference, 1 pgs. Honolulu, United States of America, 2013.02.07. <P136658> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; AHN Sh; CHANG Tt; PENG Cy; WONG D; COFFIN C; LIM Sg; CHEN Pj; JANSSEN Hl; MARCELLIN P; SEFATY L; ZEUZEM S; HU W; CRITELLI L; WIND-ROTOLO M; SRINIVASAN S; LOPEZ-TALAVERA Jc and COOLEY E. "ALT flares during treatment with peginterferon lambda or peginterferon alfa in patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B infectin (CHB). ". Paper presented in the annual meeting of European Association for the Study of the Liver, organized by EASL, 1 pgs. 2013.04. <P136709> GANE E; LIAW Yf; WANG Y; LAI Cl; RASENACK J; ZEUZEM S; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; REN H; DONG Y; UDDIN A; JUNG Me; BOSSET Sw and TRYLESINSKI A. "eGFR improvement in chronic hepatitis B patients with telbivudine treatment is independent of antiviral activity". Paper presented in the annual meeting of European Association for the Study of the Liver, organized by EASL, 1 pgs. 2013.04. <P136737> LO Oi Shan Angeline; WONG Wai Sun Vincent; WONG Lai Hung; CHAN Hoi Yun; CHEUNG Christina and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Efficacy of entecavir switch therapy in chronic hepatitis B patients with incomplete virological response to telbivudine". Antiviral Therapy doi: 10.3851/IMP2526. 2013.03.05. <P136783> JANSSEN Hla; SONNEVELD Mj; PIRATVISUTH T; JIA Jd; ZEUZEM S; GANE E; LIAW Yf; XIE Q; HEATHCOTE Ej; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry and HANSEN Be. "Response-guided peginterferon therapy in HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B using serum hepatitis B surface antigen levels. ". Paper presented in the annual meeting of Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver, organized by APASL, 1 pgs. 2013.06. <P136807> ZHANG Quan Bin; SUN Jing Ping; GAO Rui Feng; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; FENG Yan Lin; LIU Xao Rong; SHENG Wei; LIU Feng and YU Cheuk Man. "Novel single-beat full-volume capture real-time three-dimensional echocardiography and auto-contouring algorithm for quantification of left ventricular volume: Validation with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging". International Journal of Cardiology Epub ahead of print: doi:pii: S0167-5273(13)00716-X. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.03.171 2013.05.09. <P136839> CHAU Pui Hing; WOO Jean; GUSMANO Michael K; WEISZ Daniel; RODWIN Victor G and CHAN Kam Che. "Access to Primary Care in Hong Kong, Greater London and New York City". Health Economics, Policy and Law vol.8 no.1, pp.95-109. 2013.01. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P136840> WANG, Jing; FANG Fang; FENG Wei; YU Cheuk Man and LAM Yat Yin. "Characterization of Changes of Left Ventricular Performance in Patients with Heart Failure and Normal Ejection Fraction: Insights from Exercise Echocardiography ". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium (ICC-CMA 2013 & 2nd APS), organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (HK), Mayo Clinic (USA) and National University of Singapore (Singapore), 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04.14. <P136869> SARLI Bahadir; TOPSAKAL Ramazan; KAYA Esma G; AKPEK Mahmut; LAM Yat Yin and KAYA Mehmet G. "Tenascin-C as predictor of left ventricular remodeling and mortality in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy". Journal of Investigative Medicine vol.61 no.4, pp.728-732. 2013.04. <P136943> WONG Lai Hung; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; ZHOU Yu; CHAN Hoi Yun; TSE Chi Hang and WONG Wai Sun Vincent. "Liver fibrosis progression in chronic hepatitis B patients positive for hepatitis B e antigen - a prospective cohort study with paired transient elastography examination". J Gastroenterol Hepatol pp.12312. 2013.06.28. <P137040> 石林、 王德峰、 符 曉絹、 王平安 及 GRIFFITH James Francis. <基於混合模型的磁共振圖像中 脊椎的自動分割方法>. 論文發表於 《The 7th International Congress on Orthopaedic Advanced Techniques and Clinical Translational Research》, 122 頁. 中國上海, 2013.05.25. <P137113> LIANG Yu Jia; ZHANG Qing; FANG Fang; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; LIU Ming; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; LAM Yat Yin; CHAN Chin Pang and YU Cheuk Man. "Incremental value of global systolic dyssynchrony in determining the occurrence of functional mitral regurgitation in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction". European Heart Journal vol.34 no.10 pp.767-774. 2013.03. <P137216> SZETO Cheuk Chun; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; CHOW Kai-Ming; LEUNG Chi Bon and LI Kam Tao Philip. "The safety and short-term efficacy of aliskiren in the treatment of immunoglobulin a nephropathy - a randomized cross-over study". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.5, pp.e62736. 2013.05. <P137230> SETO Wai Kay; HUI Josun Aric; WONG Wai Sun Vincent; WONG Lai Hung; LIU K; LAI Ching-lung; YUEN Man-fung and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Serum hepatitis B surface antigen levels to guide the cessation of entecavir in hepatitis B e antigen-negative chronic hepatitis B: An interim analysis". Paper presented in the The International Liver Congress, organized by European Association for the Study of the Liver, 1 pgs. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2013.04. <P137304> ZHAO Jie; NG Siew Chien; LEI Y; KAMM Michael; XIA Bing; KAMM Michael and XIA Bing. "First Prospective, Population-Based Inflammatory Bowel Disease Incidence Study in Mainland of China: The Emergence of "Western" Disease". Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2013.05.10. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P137309> LAI Ka Bik; SANDERSON John Elsby and YU Cheuk Man. "The Regulatory Effect of Norepinephrine on Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CTGF) and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Expression in Cultured Cardiac Fibroblasts". International Journal of Cardiology vol.163 no.2, pp.183-189. 2013.02. <P137333> MA Ching Wan Ronald; TAM Ha Ting; HO Sin Ka Janice; WANG Ying; LAM Vincent; LEE Heung Man; JIANG Guozhi; LAU Siu Him; LUK On Yan Andrea; KONG Pik Shan; YANG Xilin; CHOW Chun Chung; TSUI Kwok Wing; SO Wing Yee and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "A novel variant for T2DM at 7q32 predicted new onset coronary heart disease in an 8-year prospective Chinese cohort of Type 2 Diabetes ". Paper presented in the 73rd Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association 2013, organized by American Diabetes Association, 2013.06. <P137345> FANG Fang; SANDERSON John Elsby and YU Cheuk Man. "Potential role of biventricular pacing beyond advanced systolic heart failure". Circulation Journal vol.77 no.6, pp.1364-1369. 2013.05.24. <P137375> ZOU Xinying; LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas; YU C.h. Simon; WONG Ho Chung Edward; LEUNG Sf; SOO O.y. Yannie; IP Hing Lung; CHAN Yin Yan Anne; LAM Wai Man Wynnie; SIU Yung Woon Deyond; ABRIGO Jill Morales; LEE Kwok Tung; LIEBESKIND S David and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Angiographic features, collaterals and infarct topography of symptomatic occlusive radiation vasculopathy: A case-referent study". Stroke Epub ahead of print. 2013.01. <P137377> CHAN Chin Pang; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; FENG Wei and YU Cheuk Man. "Accuracy of Real-Time Three-Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiography in the Assessment of Mitral Disease". Paper presented in the Echo Hawaii 2013, organized by American Society of Echocardiography, 1 pgs. Hawaii, United States of America, 2013.01. <P137433> KWONG Joey Sum Wing; LAM Yat Yin; YAN Ping Yen Bryan and YU Cheuk Man. "Bleeding of New Oral Anticoagulants for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials". Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy vol.27 no.1, pp.23-35. 2013.02. <P137521> TANG Shing Yan Raymond and CHAN Ka Leung Francis. "Therapeutic Management of Recurrent Peptic Ulcer Disease". Drugs vol.72 no.12, pp.1605-1616. 2012.08. <P137591> LEE Nikki L.; YU Cheuk Man; LAM Yat Yin; LEE Wing Yan Vivian and YAN Ping Yen Bryan. "Patient awareness of serious consequences of non-adherence to antiplatelet therapy after coronary stenting". International Journal of Cardiology vol.166 no.1 pp.278-279. 2013.06.05. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P137623> KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; CHOW Kai-Ming; MA King Wing; YU Vincent; LAW M. C.; LEUNG Chi Bon; LI Kam Tao Philip and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Automated peritoneal dialysis in Hong Kong: there are two distinct groups of patients.". Nephrology (Carlton) vol.18 no.5, pp.356-364. 2013.05. <P137663> TAM Wing Hung; MA Ching Wan Ronald; YANG Xilin; KO G. T.; LAO Tzu Hsi Terence; SAHOTA Daljit Singh; CHAN Ho Ming; LAM Wai Kei Christopher; CLIVE Cockram and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Prediction of Women's Long-term Cardiometabolic Risks Using Glycemic Indices during Pregnancy". Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research vol.39 no.2, pp.484-491. Japan: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.02. <P137682> NG Siew Chien; BERNSTEIN N Charles; VATN H Morten; LAKATOS Laszlo Peter; LOFTUSJR V Edward and TYSK Curt. "Geographical Variability and Environmental Risk Factors in Inflammatory Bowel Disease". Gut vol.62 no.4, pp.630-649. 2013.04. <P137695> MA King Wing; LEE Kin Ping; CHOW Kai-Ming; PANG Wing-fai; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; LEUNG Chi Bon; SZETO Cheuk Chun and LI Kam Tao Philip. "Campylobacter peritonitis complicating peritoneal dialysis: a review of 12 consecutive cases". Peritoneal Dialysis International vol.33 no.2, pp.189-194. 2013.03. <P137743> NG Wing Yin Eddy; WONG Yee Man and POON Chuen Wai. "Advances in MALDI Mass Spectrometry in Clinical Diagnostic Applications". Topics in Current Chemistry [Epub ahead of print]. BERLIN, GERMANY: Springer Verlag, 2013.04.07. <P137797> MA Hon Ming; LEE Kin Ping and WOO Jean. "Predictors of Viral Pneumonia: The Need for Viral Testing in all Patients Hospitalized for Nursing Home-Acquired Pneumonia". Geriatrics & Gerontology International DOI: 10.1111/ggi.12036. 2013.02. <P137826> WONG Lai Hung. "Update of liver fibrosis and steatosis with transient elastography (Fibroscan)". Gastroenterology Report pp.7. 2013.05. <P137956> DAI Chen-cheng; GUO Bao-jing; LI Wen-xiu; XIAO Yan-yan; JIN Mei; HAN Lin; SUN Jing Ping; YU Cheuk Man and DONG Jian-zeng. "Dyssynchronous ventricular contraction in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome: a risk factor for the development of dilated cardiomyopathy". The European Journal of Pediatrics Epub ahead of print. 2013.06.29. <P138047> TSUI Gary K.w.; WONG Kenneth K.y. and LEE Pui-Wai Alex. "Automatic systole-diastole classification of mitral valve complex from RT-3D echocardiography based on multiresolution processing". Paper presented in the SPIE Medical Imaging: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing Conference, organized by International Society for Optics and Photonics, p.8669-155. 2013.02.10. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P138094> WONG Lai Hung. "Who will have the best response to entecavir". Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology vol.28 no.1, pp.5-7. 2013.01. <P138105> LAU Yun Wong; BARKUN Alan; FAN Dai-ming; KUIPERS Ernst; YANG Yun-sheng and CHAN Ka Leung Francis. "Chanllenges in the management of acute peptic ulcer bleeding". Lancet vol.381 no.9882, pp.2033-43. 2013.06.08. <P138116> YANG Hi; TSENG Tc; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; LEE Mh; LIU J; BATRLA-UTERMANN R; ILOEJE U; KAO Jh and CHEN Cj. "Update and additional external validation of REACH-B score for risk estimation of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis B. ". Paper presented in the annual meeting of Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver, organized by APASL, 1 pgs. 2013.06. <P138156> TAN Huck-joo; MAHADEVA Sanjiv; MENON Jayaram; NG Wai Kiat; ZAINAL ABIDIN Imran; CHAN Ka Leung Francis and GOH Khean-lee. "Statements of the Malaysian Society of Gastroenterology & Hepatology and the National Heart Association of Malaysia task force 2012 working party on the use of antiplatelet therapy and proton pump inhibitors in the prevention of gastrointestinal bleeding". Journal of Digestive Diseases vol.14 pp.1-10. 2013.01.01. <P138291> LAU, Hoi Lam and WOO Jean. Effects of Yoga on Physical Health and Psychological Well-being Paper presented in the The 8th annual International Congress of Complementary Medicine Research - ICCMR 2013, 1 pgs. London, United Kingdom, 2013.03. <P138302> WONG M C S; TAM W.w.s.; WANG Harry Haoxiang; CHEUNG C.s.k.; LIU Kirin Qilin; TONG E.l.h.; CHEUNG N.t.; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; YU Cheuk Man and GRIFFITHS S M. "Patients at Risk for All-cause Mortality from a 5 year Cohort Study Among 218,047 Chinese Patients". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P138356> LEITHAUSER Boris; PARK Friedrich. "Magnetocardiography Jai-wun; in patients HILL with Peter; acute LAM chest Yat pain Yin and and JUNG bundle branch block". International Journal of Cardiology Epub ahead of print: doi:pii: S0167-5273(13)00314-8. 10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.01.254. 2013.02.21. <P138357> NGAI Shirley Pc; JONES Alice Ym; HUI-CHAN Christina Wy; KO Wai San Fanny and HUI Shu Cheong David. "An Adjunct Intervention for Management of Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (ACEOPD)". The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine doi: 10.1089/acm.2011.0222. vol.19 no.2, pp.178-181. 2012 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 2013.02. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P138382> SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; LUI Lok Ming; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; YAU Shing Tung and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Statistical Analysis of Brainstem Morphology Using Differential Geometry in Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". Paper presented in the Brain 2013, 55-56 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.01.18. <P138394> WANG Gang and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Methods of MicroRNA Quantification in Urinary Sediment.". Methods in Molecular Biology vol.1024 pp.211-220. 2013.06. <P138625> CHAN Yin Yan Anne; BAUM Lawrence William; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; LAU Yin Kei; NG Ping Wing; HUI Kwok Fai; MIZUNO Yoshi; KWAN Justin Y.; MOK Chung Tong Vincent and KUO Sheng-han. "The Role of The Ala746Thr Variant in The ATP13A2 Gene among Chinese Patients with Parkinson’s Disease". J Clin Neurosci vol.20 no.5, pp.761-2. 2013.05. <P138693> SHANG Qing; TAM Lai Shan; SANDERSON John Elsby; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; LI Kwok Ming Edmund and YU Cheuk Man. "Relationship between LV deformation and Disease Activity of Psoriatic Arthritis _ An Assessment by Two-dimensional Speckle Tracking". Paper presented in the American College of Cardiology (ACC) 62nd Annual Scientific Session, 2013, organized by American College of Cardiology, 1 pgs. San Francisco, United States of America, 2013.03. <P138731> LEE Wing Yan Vivian; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; CHAN Y M Cherise; LEUNG W K Angel; YU Cheuk Man and LAM Yat Yin. "Direct Medical Cost of the Management of Diastolic Heart Failure in Hong Kong.". Paper presented in the ISPOR 18th Annual International Meeting, organized by ISPOR, Value in Health 2013; 16: A189. pgs. United States, 2013.05. <P138735> HUANG, Xurui; LIU Ming; LAM Yat Yin; YU Cheuk Man and YAN Ping Yen Bryan. "Quality-of-Care for ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P138753> LIU Kirin Qilin; WONG M C S; WANG Harry Haoxiang; LEE C.l.s.; KWAN M.w.m.; LEE G.k.y.; CHEUNG Y.; YAN Ping Yen Bryan and YU Cheuk Man. "Effectiveness of A Community-based Medication Counseling Service on Enhancing Medication Adherence Among Patients Prescribed Antihypertensive Agents: A Randomized Controlled Trial". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P138811> WONG Wai Sun Vincent; TSE Chi Hang; LAM Tommy T; WONG Lai Hung Grace; CHIM Mei Ling Angel; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; YEUNG K David; LAW Tik Wan Patrick; KWAN Hoi Shan; YU Jun; SUNG Joseph Jao-yiu and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Molecular characterization of the fecal microbiota in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis - a longitudinal study". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.4, pp.e62885. 2013.04.25. <P138832> ARIYARATNE Thathya V.; ADEMI Zanfina; DUFFY Stephen J.; ANDRIANOPOULOS Nick; BILLAH Baki; BRENNAN Angela L.; NEW Gishel; BLACK Alexander; AJANI Andrew E.; CLARK David J.; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; YAP Cheng-hon and REID Christopher M.. "Cardiovascular readmissions and excess costs following percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with chronic kidney disease: Data from a large multi-centre Australian registry.". International Journal of Cardiology Epub ahead of print: doi:pii: S0167-5273(13)00566-4. 10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.03.128.. 2013.05.02. <P138872> WONG Wai Sun Vincent and CHAN Ka Leung Francis. "Tertiary prevention of hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma: do we have a verdict?". Gastroenterology vol.144 no.5, pp.1142-4. 2013.05. <P138915> CARVALHO Leonardo Pinto De; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; FONG Alan; TANG Chin Chee; TEO Zhen Long; MEJIN Melissa; HUANG Nancy; RICHARDS A. Mark; THOUGHTON Richards and CHAN Mark. "Serial Platelet Reactivity in patients undergoing early invasive management for acute coronary syndrome". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P138923> DONG, Ming; JIANG Xin; LIAO James K. and YAN Ping Yen Bryan. "Elevated rho-kinase activity as a marker indicating atherosclerosis and inflammation burden in polyvascular disease patients with concomitant coronary and peripheral arterial disease". Clinical Cardiology vol.36 no.6 pp.347-351. 2013.06. <P139017> HO C.w.; TSE Yee Kit; WU B; MULDER C. J.j. and CHAN Ka Leung Francis. "The use of prophylactic gastroprotective therapy in patients with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug- and aspirin-associated ulcer bleeding: a cross-sectional study". Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics vol.37 no.8, pp.819-824. 2013.04.01. <P139028> FARRELL Geoffrey; WONG Wai Sun Vincent and CHITTURI Shiv. "NAFLD in Asia-as common and important as in the West". Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology vol.10 no.5, pp.307-18. 2013.04.16. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P139126> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; CHAN Ck; HUI Aric Josun; CHAN S; POORDAD F; CHANG Tt; MATHURIN P; FLAHERTY Jf; LIN L; KITRINOS K; SUBRAMANIAN Gm; MCHUTCHISON Jg; LEE S and GANE E. "Tenofovir (TDF) compared to emtricitabine (FTC)/TDF in HBeAg-positive, chronic hepatitis B (CHB) virus-infected patients in immune tolerant (IT) phase. ". Paper presented in the annual meeting of European Association for the Study of the Liver, organized by EASL, 1 pgs. 2013.04. <P139162> WANG Harry Haoxiang; WONG M C S; WONG S.y.s.; TANG J.l.; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; YU Cheuk Man; WANG J.j.; LI D.k.t. and GRIFFITHS S M. "The Impact of Cardiovascular Multimorbidity on Healthcare Service Utilisation under Three Primary Care Organisational Models in China". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P139241> YU Jun; LIANG Qiaoyin; WANG J; CHENG Y; WANG S; POON Chuen Wai; GO Yin Yin; TAO Qian; ZHANG Z and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Zinc-Finger Protein 331, A Novel Putative Tumor Suppressor, Suppresses Growth and Invasiveness of Gastric Cancer". Oncogene vol.32 no.3, pp.307-317. 2013.01. <P139258> SUN Jian; LIANG Xieer and WONG Wai Sun Vincent. "Commentary: prognostication of chronic hepatitis B - are Fibrotest and Fibroscan the final answers?". Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeuticcs vol.37 no.11, pp.1113. 2013.06. <P139321> LEUNG Ting Fan; TANG, Man Fung; WANG Susan; KONG Pik Shan; SY Hing Yee and WONG Wing Kin Gary. "Interactions Between SLC22A5, IL13 and SMAD3 Modulate Spirometric Indices in Chinese Children". Paper presented in the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 2013 Annual Meeting, organized by American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, p.AB53. San Antonio, TX, USA, 2013.02. <P139358> CHANG Andy M; HO Jason C S; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; YU Cheuk Man; LAM Yat Yin and LEE Wing Yan Vivian. "Cost-Effectiveness of Dabigatran Compared With Warfarin for Stroke Prevention in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation—A Real Patient Data Analysis in a Hong Kong Teaching Hospital". Clinical Cardiology vol.36 no.5, pp.280-285. 2013.05. <P139364> PANG Wing-fai; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; CHOW Kai-Ming; LEUNG Chi Bon; LI Kam Tao Philip and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Predicting 12-month mortality for peritoneal dialysis patients using the "surprise" question". Peritoneal Dialysis International vol.33 no.1, pp.60-66. 2013.01. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P139365> YU Ho Yan; LEUNG Chi Shun and WOO Jean. "Housework reduces all-cause and cancer mortality in Chinese men". Paper presented in the 20th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, June 23-27, 2013, Seoul, Korea, 1 pgs. 2013.06. <P139491> FANG Fang; LEE Pui-Wai Alex; LUO Xiuxia; SHANG Qing; ZHANG Zhihua; LIU Ming; ZHANG Qing and YU Cheuk Man. "Prevalence and Echocardiographic Predictors of Treatment Non-Responders in Patients with Systolic Heart Failure". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P139557> YU Ho Yan; HO CHAN Suzanne and WOO Jean. Prevalence and incidence of the metabolic syndrome over five years and relationship to the development of carotid atherosclerosis in mid-life Chinese women Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, 1 pgs. 2013.04. <P139675> LIU Zhaomin; HO CHAN Suzanne; CHEN Yuming and WOO Jean. "A Six-month Randomized Controlled Trial of Whole Soy and Isoflavones Daidzein on Body Composition in Equol-producing Postmenopausal Women with Prehypertension". Journal of Obesity Volume 2013, Article ID 659763, 9 pages. 2013.06. <P139709> WANG Y; THONGSAWAT S; GANE Ej; LIAW Yf; JIA J; HOU J; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; PAPATHEODORIDIS G; WAN M; NIU J; BAO W; TRYLESINSKI A and NAOUMOV Nv. "Efficacy and safety of continuous 4-year telbivudine treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis B.". Journal of Viral Hepatitis vol.20 no.4, pp.e37-46. 2013.04. <P139748> KWOK Raymond and WONG Wai Sun Vincent. "Commentary: non-alcoholic fatty pancreas -- toward an uncharted territory". Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeuticcs vol.37 no.9, pp.916. 2013.05. <P139796> WONG Ho Chung Edward; YU C.h. Simon; LAU Yuk Lun Alexander; HUI Sze Wan; LEUNG Shuk Fong Cecilia; HUI Wai Yi Joyce; SIU Yung Woon Deyond; ABRIGO Jill Morales; LEE K T; GRAHAM C A; WONG Ka Sing Lawrence and LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas. "Intra-arterial revascularisation therapy for acute ischaemic stroke: initial experience in a Hong Kong hospital". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.19 no.2, pp.135-141. 2013.04. <P139935> KWONG Joey Sum Wing; LEITHAUSER Boris; PARK Jai-wun and YU Cheuk Man. "Diagnostic value of magnetocardiography in coronary artery disease and cardiac arrhythmias: A review of clinical data". International Journal of Cardiology Epub ahead of print: doi:pii: S0167-5273(12)01685-3. 10.1016/j.ijcard.2012.12.056. 2013.01.18. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics <P139946> MA Hon Ming; IP Margaret; HUI Elsie; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; HUI Shu Cheong David and WOO Jean. "Role of Atypical Pathogens in Nursing Home-Acquired Pneumonia". Journal of the American Medical Directors Association vol.14 no.2, pp.109-113. Elsevier, 2013.02. <P139948> YU Cheuk Man and HAYES David L.. "Cardiac resynchronization therapy: state of the art 2013". European Heart Journal vol.34 no.19, pp.1396-1403. 2013.05. See Also<P120107 >, <P120447 >, <P120579 >, <P120662 >, <P120761 >, <P120849 >, <P120850 >, <P120996 >, <P121005 >, <P121158 >, <P121182 >, <P121364 >, <P121536 >, <P121591 >, <P121894 >, <P121927 >, <P121944 >, <P122059 >, <P122482 >, <P122506 >, <P122974 >, <P122992 >, <P123241 >, <P123259 >, <P123578 >, <P123609 >, <P123690 >, <P123757 >, <P123768 >, <P123776 >, <P123841 >, <P123903 >, <P124069 >, <P124070 >, <P124083 >, <P124103 >, <P124148 >, <P124247 >, <P124391 >, <P124522 >, <P124696 >, <P124745 >, <P124949 >, <P125090 >, <P125141 >, <P125216 >, <P125298 >, <P125310 >, <P125313 >, <P125409 >, <P125514 >, <P125516 >, <P125596 >, <P125656 >, <P125732 >, <P125768 >, <P125990 >, <P126010 >, <P126142 >, <P126147 >, <P126241 >, <P126432 >, <P126461 >, <P126607 >, <P126709 >, <P126715 >, <P126784 >, <P126846 >, <P126860 >, <P126993 >, <P127026 >, <P127045 >, <P127078 >, <P127136 >, <P127146 >, <P127226 >, <P127252 >, <P127309 >, <P127452 >, <P127462 >, <P127495 >, <P127615 >, <P127629 >, <P127727 >, <P127881 >, <P127884 >, <P127891 >, <P127956 >, <P127959 >, <P128080 >, <P128131 >, <P128216 >, <P128299 >, <P128349 >, <P128384 >, <P128965 >, <P129022 >, <P129049 >, <P129207 >, <P129354 >, <P129406 >, <P129416 >, <P129464 >, <P129473 >, <P129518 >, <P129635 >, <P129712 >, <P129729 >, <P129756 >, <P129862 >, <P129985 >, <P130144 >, <P130212 >, <P130220 >, <P130361 >, <P130766 >, <P130819 >, <P130822 >, <P131148 >, <P131192 >, <P131320 >, <P131570 >, <P131580 >, <P131742 >, <P131778 >, <P131822 >, <P131909 >, <P131988 >, <P132003 >, <P132296 >, <P132297 >, <P132332 >, <P132339 >, <P132385 >, <P132409 >, <P132462 >, <P132588 >, <P132629 >, <P132643 >, <P132727 >, <P132730 >, <P132874 >, <P132994 >, <P133179 >, <P133355 >, <P133380 >, <P133456 >, <P133507 >, <P133630 >, <P133837 >, <P133882 >, <P134007 >, <P134016 >, <P134072 >, <P134126 >, <P134134 >, <P134160 >, <P134222 >, <P134302 >, <P134330 >, <P134385 >, <P134391 >, <P134455 >, <P134489 >, <P134550 >, <P134552 >, <P134625 >, <P134626 >, <P134689 >, <P134874 >, <P134957 >, <P135063 >, <P135087 >, <P135094 >, <P135195 >, <P135222 >, <P135331 >, <P135665 >, <P135711 >, <P135750 >, <P135836 >, <P135850 >, <P135912 >, <P136098 >, <P136197 >, <P136273 >, <P136295 >, <P136566 >, <P136573 >, <P136856 >, <P136927 >, <P137142 >, <P137421 >, <P137454 >, <P137460 >, <P137513 >, <P137823 >, <P137985 >, <P138049 >, <P138057 >, <P138176 >, <P138420 >, <P138442 >, <P138493 >, <P138569 >, <P138816 >, <P138950 >, <P139094 >, <P139234 >, <P139317 >, <P139398 >, <P139649 >, <P139901 > Department of Microbiology <P122059> CHAN Chi Wai, Martin; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; LUI Chung Yan Grace; NGAI Lei Ka; WONG Yee Kwan Rity; CHOI Kin Wing and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Comparisons of Oseltamivir-resistant (H275Y) and Concurrent Oseltamivir-susceptible Seasonal Influenza A(H1N1) Virus Infections in Hospitalized Adults, 2008-2009.". Influenza Other Respi Viruses volume 7; issue 3 235-239. 2013.05. <P122848> LO Wai Sing; CHU M T and LING Mei Lun Julia. "Increasing Quinolone Resistance and Multidrug Resistant Isolates among Salmonella enterica in Hong Kong". Journal of Infection vol.65 pp.528-540. 2012. <P122992> LEUNG C C; HUI L; LEE R Sy; LAM T H; YEW Wing Wai; HUI Shu Cheong David; CHAN Chiu Yeung Raphael; MOK T Yw; LAW W S; CHANG K C; LEUNG E Cc and TAM C M. "Tuberculosis is associated with increased lung cancer mortality". The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease vol.17 no.5, pp.687-692. 2013 The Union, 2012. <P123625> PENG Nanqiu; ZHONG Yi; ZHANG Qing; ZHENG Mingyue; ZHAO Wei; JIANG Hualiang; YANG Chen; GUO Xiaokui and ZHAO Guoping. "Characterization of Acetyl-CoA and Propionyl-CoA Carboxylases Encoded by Leptospira Interrogans Serovar Lai: an Initial Biochemical Study for Leptospiral Gluconeogenesis via Anaplerotic CO2 Assimilation". Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica vol.44 no.8, pp.692-702. 2012.08. <P124200> WANG Ying; CEN Xufeng; ZHAO Guoping and WANG Jin. "Characterization of a New GlnR Binding Box in the Promoter of AmtB in Streptomyces Coelicolor Inferred a PhoP/GlnR Competitive Binding Mechanism for Transcriptional Regulation of AmtB". Journal of Bacteriology vol.194 no.19, pp.5237-5244. 2012.10. <P124351> TANG Biao; ZHAO Wei; ZHENG Huajun; ZHUO Ying; ZHANG Lixin and ZHAO Guoping. "Complete Genome Sequence of Amycolatopsis Mediterranei S699 Based on De Novo Assembly via a Combinatorial Sequencing Strategy". Journal of Bacteriology vol.194 no.20, pp.5699-5700. 2012.10. <P124633> IP Margaret; ZHENG Lin; LEUNG Tung Yiu; WONG Kai Yi and TO Ka Fai. "Cytotoxicity of Hong Kong Prevalent Clones of CA-MRSA on Human Neutrophils in the Presence of Subinhibitory Antibiotics (2 lines max.)". Paper presented in the 15th ISSSI2012, France, 23-30 Aug 2012, 1 pgs. Lyon, 2012.08. Department of Microbiology <P125313> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; CHAN Chi Wai, Martin; CHEUNG Lai Ken Jo; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; LEUNG Ting Fan; YEUNG Chung Man; WONG Martin Cs; NGAI Lei Ka; NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn and HUI Shu Cheong David. "Influenza B lineage circulation and hospitalisation rate in a subtropical city, Hong Kong, 2000-2010.". Paper presented in the 15th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Virology and Joint Meeting with the European Society for Veterinary Virology, 4-7 Sep 2012, Madrid, 1 pgs. Madrid, Spain, 2012.09. <P125447> YOU Hoi Sze Joyce; CHAN Chung Yi; WONG Mei Ying and IP Margaret. "Active Surveillance and Decolonization of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus on Admission to Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Hong Kong: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis". Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology vol.33 no.10, pp.1024-1030. Chicago, United States of America: The University of Chicago Press, 2012.10. <P125954> PAU, Carrie Ka Yee; MA, Fong Ting; IP Margaret and YOU Hoi Sze Joyce. "Outcome Analysis of Klebsiella Pneumoniae Bacteremia in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 2012 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, organized by American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, 1 pgs. Chicago, United States of America, 2012.10.16. <P125967> MITUI Marcelo Takahiro; CHANDRASENA Tga Nilmini; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; RAJINDRAJITH Shaman; NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn; LEUNG Ting Fan; NISHIZONO Akira and AHMED Kamruddin. "Inaccurate Identification of Rotavirus Genotype G9 as Genotype G3 Strains due to Primer Mismatch". Virology Journal vol.9 pp.144. 2012. <P126589> Ying Wang; Xu-Feng Cen; ZHAO Guoping and Jin Wang. "Characterization of A New GlnR Binding Box in The Promoter of AmtB in Streptomyces Coelicolor Inferred A PhoP/GlnR Competitive Binding Mechanism for Its Transcriptional Regulation.". Journal of Bacteriology 194(19) 5237-44. 2012.07.20. <P127016> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "What You Should Know about Cervical HPV Infection in the Post-vaccine Era?". Paper presented in the 9th CUHK Dermatology Symposium & Social Hygiene Symposium, organized by Dermatology Research Centre, CUHK, p.18. 2012.10. <P127026> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; LEUNG Ting Fan and CHAN Chi Wai, Martin. "Hospital Admission Rate and Co-circulation of Influenza B Lineages in Hong Kong, 2010-2010". Paper presented in the 15th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Virology and Joint Meeting with the Madrid, p-130. Madrid, 2012.09. European Society for Veterinary Virology, 4-7 Sep 2012, Department of Microbiology <P127136> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; ZAMAN M; ADISASMITO W; COKER R; HANSHAOWORAKUL W; GASMIOV V; ONER A F; DOGAN N; TSANG O; PHOMMASACK B; TOUCH S; SWENSON A; TOOVEY S and DREYER N. "Determinants of Antiviral Effectiveness in H5N1 Avian Influenza". Journal of Infectious Diseases 206 (9) 1359-1366. 2012.11. <P127319> WANG Ke; ZHANG Rong; XIANG Xiaohui; HE Fei; LIN Libo; PING Xingjie; YU Lei; HAN Jisheng; ZHAO Guoping; ZHANG Qinghua and CUI Cailian. "Differences in Neural-immune Gene Expression Response in Rat Spinal Dorsal Horn Correlates with Variations in Electroacupuncture Analgesia". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.8, pp.e42331. 2012.08. <P127726> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul and LUK, CHUN SHUI. "Sequence Variation of HPV58 E5 ORF Worldwide ". Paper presented in the 6th International Conference of HPV, Polyomavirus and Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation in Skin Cancer, Germany, Oct 18-20, 2012, p.08. Germany, 2012.10. <P127884> CHAN Chi Wai, Martin; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; TO K.F.; WONG Yee Kwan Rity; LAW C O; NGAI Lei Ka and SUNG Joseph J Y. "Intestinal binding of seasonal influenza A viruses to DC-SIGN(+) CD68(+) cells". Influenza Other Respi Viruses doi: 10.1111/j.1750-2659.2012.00402.x.. 2012.07.13. <P127998> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; HO Ching Sze and WONG Martin Cs. "Meta-analysis on the Prevalence of HPV52/58 in Cervical Cancers across the World". Paper presented in the 28th International Papillomavirus Conference - Puerto Rico, Nov 30 - Dec 6, 2012, p.46. Puerto Rico, 2012. <P128279> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; CHEUNG Tak Hong; LI Wai Hon; YU Mei Yung; CHAN Y M May; YIM So Fan; HO Ching Sze; YEUNG Chung Man; HO King Man and NG Ho Keung. "Attribution of Human Papillomavirus Types to Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Invasive Cancers in Southern China". International Journal of Cancer vol.131 no.3 pp.692-705. Switzerland: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.08. <P128520> IP Margaret; FUNG Sau Chun Kitty; TSANG Domiic; NG T K; WANG, Zheng; CHAU Sze Lok and EHRICHT Ralf. "Characterization of Prevalent Clones of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Hong Kong". 15th ISSSI, France, 26-30 Aug 2012 1 pgs. Lyon, 2012.08. <P128967> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Human Papillomavirus Type 58 : the Unique Role in Cervical Cancers in East Asia". Cell & Bioscience vol.2 pp.17. 2012. <P129862> ONER A F; DOGAN N; GASIMOV V; ADISASMITO W; COKER R; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; TSANG O; HANSHAOWORAKUL W; ZAMAN M; BAMGBOYE E; SWENSON A; TOOVEY S and DREYER N A. "H5N1 Avian Influenza in Children". Clinical Infectious Diseases vol.55 no.1, pp.26-32. 2012.07. Department of Microbiology <P130298> Bo Zhang; Lin Zhang; Ruixue Dai; Meiying Yu; ZHAO Guoping and Xiaoming Ding. An Efficient Procedure for Marker-Free Mutagenesis of S. coelicolor by Site-Specific Recombination for Secondary Metabolite Overproduction. PLoS ONE e55906. 2013.02.07. <P130361> LUK Nai Ming Tommy; HUI Mamie; LEE Siu Hung Candy; FU Lai Hong; LIU Z.K.; LAM Lap Yee; EASTEL Jennifer Mary; CHAN Y Ka; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; CHENG Ts; SIU F Yc; NG S C; LAI Y Kd and HO K M. "Antibiotic-resistant Propionibacterium acnes among acne patients in a regional skin centre in Hong Kong.". Journal of European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology vol.27 no.1, pp.31-6. France: Wiley Publisher, 2013.01.01. <P132605> ZHANG Bo; ZHANG Lin; DAI Ruixue; YU Meiying; ZHAO Guoping and DING Xiaoming. "An Efficient Procedure for Marker-free Mutagenesis of S. Coelicolor by Site-specific Recombination for Secondary Metabolite Overproduction". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.2, pp.e55906. 2013.02. <P132730> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; CHAN Chi Wai, Martin; CHEUNG Lai Ken Jo; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; LEUNG Ting Fan; YEUNG Chung Man; WONG Chi Sang; NGAI Lei Ka; NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn and HUI Shu Cheong David. " Influenza B Lineage Circulation and Hospitalization Rates in a Subtropical City, Hong Kong, 2000–2010". Clinical Infectious Diseases vol.56 no.5, pp.677–684. 2013.03. <P133403> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; ZHANG Chu Qing; PARK Jong Sup; SMITH-MCCUNE K Karen; PALEFSKY Joel M; GIOVANNELLI Lucia; COUTLEE Francois; HIBBITTS Samantha; KONNO Ryo; SETTHEETHAM-ISHIDA Wannapa; CHU Tang Yuan; FERRERA Annabelle; PICCONI Alejandra Maria; MARCO De Federico; WOO Yin Ling; RAIOL Taina; PINA-SANCHEZ Patricia; BAE Jeong Hoon; WONG M C S; CHIRENJE Z Mike; MAGURE Tsitsi; MOSCICKI Anna Barbara; FIANDER N Alison; CAPRA Giuseppina; KI Eun Young; TAN Yi; CHEN Ziqui; BURK D Robert; CHAN Chi Wai, Martin; CHEUNG Tak Hong; PIM David and BANKS Lawrence. "Geographical Distribution and Oncogenic Risk Association of Human Papillomavirus Type 58 E6 and E7 Sequence Variations". International Journal of Cancer vol.132 no.11, pp.2528-2536. Switzerland: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.06. <P133509> LEUNG Ting Fan; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; WONG Wing Kin Gary; FOK Tai Fai and NG Pak Cheung. "Respiratory Viruses and Atypical Bacteria Triggering Severe Asthma Exacerbation in Children". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.19 no.3 Supplment 4, p.S11-14. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and the Hong Kong Medical Association, 2013.06. <P134134> CHAN Wai Chi; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; TO Ka Fai; WONG Yee Kwan Rity; LAW Oi Kwan; NGAI Lei Ka and SUNG Joseph J Y. "Intestinal Binding of Seasonal Influenza A Viruses to DC-SING+ CD68+ Cells.". Influenza Other Respi Viruses vol.7 no.3, pp.228-230. 2013.05. Department of Microbiology <P134625> IP Margaret; LIYANAPATHIRANA, Liyanapathiranage V.C.; ANG Ling; NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn; HUI Shu Cheong David and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Serotypes and Antibiotic Susceptibilities of Streptococcus pneumoniae in Adult Invasive and Non-invasive Pneumococcal Diseases in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 23rd ECCMID, Berlin, 27-30 April 2013, 1 pgs. Berlin, 2013.04. <P135196> TANG Biao; WANG Qi; YANG Minjun; XIE Feng; ZHU Yongqiang; ZHUO Ying; WANG Shengyue; GAO Hong; DING Xiaoming; ZHANG Lixin; ZHAO Guoping and ZHENG Huajun. "ContigScape: a Cytoscape Plugin Facilitating Microbial Genome Gap Closing". BMC Genomics vol.14 pp.289. 2013.04. <P135363> NGAI Lei Ka; CHAN Chi Wai, Martin and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Replication and Transcription Activities of Ribonucleoprotein Complexes Reconstituted from Avian H5N1, H1N1pdm09 and H3N2 Influenza A Viruses". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.6, pp.e65038. 2013.06.04. <P135711> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; CHAN Chi Wai, Martin; CHEUNG Lai Ken Jo; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; LEUNG Ting Fan; YEUNG Chung Man; WONG Chi Sang; NGAI Lei Ka; NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn and HUI Shu Cheong David. "Influenza B Lineage Circulation and Hospitalization Rates in a Subtropical City, Hong Kong, 2000-2010". Clinical Infectious Diseases 56 (5): 677–684. 2013.03. <P136682> WANG Ying; WANG Jingzhi; SHAO Zhihui; YUAN Hua; LU Yinhua; JIANG Weihong; ZHAO Guoping and WANG Jin. "Three of Four GlnR Binding Sites are Essential for GlnR-Mediated Activation of Transcription of the Amycolatopsis Mediterranei Nas Operon". Journal of Bacteriology vol.195 no.11, pp.2595-2602. 2013.06. <P137460> V Liyanapathirana; I Ang; S Chau; E Nelson; D Hui; P Chan and M Ip. "Adult Pneumococcal Infections in the Era of Persistent Antimicrobial Non Susceptibility". Paper presented in the 9th International Symposium on Antimicrobial Agents and Resistance (ISAAR), organized by Asia Pacific Foundation for Infectious Diseases and the Malaysian Society of Infectious Diseases and Chemotherapy , 1 pgs. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2013.03.14. <P137789> CHAN Chi Wai, Martin and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Complete Genome Sequence of a Novel Recombinant Human Norovirus Genogroup II Genotype 4 Strain Associated with an Epidemic during Summer of 2012 in Hong Kong". Genome Announcements vol.1 no.1, pp.e00140-12. 2013.02.07. Department of Microbiology <P139649> WONG Sze Ho Sunny; ZHENG Lin; IP Margaret; TANG Whitney; KEE Ka Man; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; CHAN Francis K L; WU Che Yuen Justin and NG Siew Chien. "Tuberculosis Screening with Interferon-Gamma Release Assay in Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a Tuberculosis-endemic Population". Paper presented in the Digestive Disease Week , 19-21 May 2013, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1 pgs. 2013.05.18. See Also<P120603 >, <P121749 >, <P122158 >, <P122364 >, <P122892 >, <P123237 >, <P123493 >, <P123781 >, <P124407 >, <P125126 >, <P125400 >, <P126813 >, <P127472 >, <P128055 >, <P128388 >, <P129186 >, <P130685 >, <P131126 >, <P131778 >, <P133408 >, <P133546 >, <P133929 >, <P134828 >, <P136184 >, <P136273 >, <P137695 >, <P137769 >, <P137797 >, <P138121 >, <P138488 >, <P139657 >, <P139946 > The Nethersole School of Nursing <P110586> SO Kwok Wei; CHOI Kai Chow; CHAN Ngo Sheung Dorothy; SHIU Tak Ying Ann; HO Sin Man Simone; Helen YL CHAN; LAM W W T; CHENG K K F; GOGGINS W B and CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. "Colorectal cancer screening behaviour and associated factors among Chinese aged 50 and above in Hong Kong – a population-based survey". European Journal of Oncology Nursing Vol 16 413-418. 2012.08.08. <P110628> CHAU Pak Chun Janita; LEE Tze Fan Diana and LO Hoi Shan. "A Systematic Review of Methods of Eye Irrigation for Adults and Children with Ocular Chemical Burns". Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing 129-138. United States of America: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2012.08. <P118413> CHAIR Sek Ying; CHAN Wai Chi, Sally; DAVID R Thompson; LEUNG Pui Kei; NG Ka Chiu, Smauel and CHOI Kai Chow. "The Short-term Effect of Motivational Interviewing on Clinical and Psychological Outcomes and Health-related Quality of Life in Cardiac Rehabilitation Patients with Poor Motivation in Hong Kong: a randomized controlled trial.". European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation 19 6 1383-1392. 2012.12. <P120397> YAU C; HO Sin Man Simone and CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. "A nurse-initiated early pain management program (NIEPMP) for the management of acute low back pain in Emergency Medicine Ward: a randomized controlled pilot study.". The Journal of Pain vol.13 no.4, pp.S61, 340. 2012. <P121307> CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; LI C K; LO R S K; CHAIR Sek Ying; Helen YL CHAN; CHOI Kai Chow; IP Wan Yim; LIN M K Y and SO Kwok Wei. "The Exploration of the Palliative Care Needs of Pediatric Cancer Patients and Their Families Using a Concept Mapping Approach.". Paper presented in the The 19th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, organized by Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong , 1 pgs. 2012.11.08. <P121460> MOK Annie; CHAU Pak Chun Janita and IP Wan Yim. "The effectiveness of cognitive behavioural interventions in reducing stress among nurses working in hospitals: a systematic review protocol". Paper presented in the 2012 Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society, organized by Higher Education Forum, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2012.12.16. <P121466> LO Shuk Man; YU Yin Min; LEE Lap Yip Larry; WONG Mi Ling Eliza; CHAIR Sek Ying; KALINOWSKI Edward J and CHAN Tak Shing Jimmy. "Overview of the Shenzhen Emergency Service System". World Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.3 no.4, pp.251-256. 2012.09.01. <P121535> SHIU Tak Ying Ann; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; LAM Lai Chuen; LEE Chi Ho and KWONG Nga Lai. "Baccalaureate Nursing Student’s Perceptions of Peer Assessment of Individual Contribution to Group Project: A Case Study". Nurse Education Today vol.32 no.3, pp.214-218. 2012. The Nethersole School of Nursing <P121887> LEUNG Yin Ping; WONG Mi Ling Eliza and CHAIR Sek Ying. "Psychological Correlates of Stage of Readiness to Quit Among Hong Kong Chinese Smokers: The Role of Social Acceptance of Smoking by Family and Friends.". Paper presented in the 4th Asian Preventive Cardiology and Cardiac Rehabilitation Conference, 1 pgs. 2012.12. <P121894> CHAN Po Tai; CHOI Kai Chow; NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn; SUNG Yn Tz Rita; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and KONG Pik Shan. "Self-Reported Body Weight And Height: An Assessment Tool For Identifying Children With Overweight/Obesity Status And Cardiometabolic Risk Factors Clustering". Matern Child Health J. DOI: 10.1007/s10995-012-0972-4 17 2 282-291. 2013.02. <P122023> SIT Wing Hung Janet; CHAU W.p.p; CHOU S.c.f and LEE S.h.j. ed. From Knowledge to Practice: Sustaining Community Engagement in Secondary Stroke Prevention.. In C.W.H. Chan (Ed.) Knowledge transfer in a multidisciplinary health care arena: positions and plots. 2012. <P122063> SO Kwok Wei. "Improve quality of life in breast cancer survivors: symptom management on cancer-related fatigue". Paper presented in the International Oncology Nursing Summit Forum 2012 Tianjin, organized by National Institute of Hospital Administration and Tianjin Medical Cancer Hospital, China., 8 pgs. 2012.10.23. <P122080> GU Can; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han and SO Kwok Wei. "Understanding audiences: an analysis of barriers to the promotion of cervical screening among women in China". Knowledge Transfer in a Multidisciplinary Health Care Arena: Positions and Plots ed. by Carmen WH Chan. pp.97-109. 2012.08.01. <P122386> SO Kwok Wei; CHOI Kai Chow; HO Sin Man Simone and CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. "Pain and quality of life of Chinese women undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy for breast cancer". International Cancer Nursing News vol.24 no.1 6-7 pgs. 2012. <P122514> HO Sin Man Simone; HO Lp and LEUNG Yin Ping. "Effects of Facilitated Swaddling for Controlling Procedural Pain in Premature Neonates: A Randomized Controlled Trial.". Paper presented in the The National Conference on Pain for Frontline Practioners, 1 pgs. 2012. <P122704> CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; LEUNG S; HO Sin Man Simone; CHOI Kai Chow and IP Wan Yim. "Dwell time of peripheral intravenous catheter and its association with the risk of infiltration, phlebitis, and pain in pediatric patients". The Journal of Pain vol.13 no.4, pp.S6, 121. 2012. The Nethersole School of Nursing <P122786> YAU C; WONG Mi Ling Eliza; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han and HO Sin Man Simone. "The effect of music therapy on psychological outcomes and pain control for patients with minor musculoskeletal injuries.". Paper presented in the 31st Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Pain Society, 1 pgs. 2012. <P122851> CHAIR Sek Ying. "Knowledge Transfer on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Management". Knowledge Transfer in a Multidisciplinary Health Care Arena: Positions and Plots ed. by Carman WH Chan. pp.145-150. Nova Publisher, 2012. <P123114> CHOW Ka Ming; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han and CHAN Chung Yan Joanne. "Effects of psychoeducational interventions on sexual functioning, quality of life, and psychological outcomes in patients with gynecological cancer: a systematic review.". JBI Library of Systematic Reviews vol.10 no.58, pp.4077-4164. 2012.12.07. <P123327> CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; LEUNG S; HO Sin Man Simone; CHOI Kai Chow and IP Wan Yim. "Dwell time of peripheral intravenous catheter and its association with the risk of infiltration, phlebitis, and pain in pediatric patients. ". Paper presented in the 31st Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Pain Society, 1 pgs. 2012. <P123334> YAU Cy; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han and HO Sin Man Simone. "The effects of nurse-initiated early pain management program (NIEPMP) for actue back pain in Emergency Medicine Ward: Pilot study.". Paper presented in the The National Conference on Pain for Frontline Practioners, 1 pgs. 2012. <P123546> Helen YL CHAN; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; SHIU Tk Ann; CHUI Yy Caroline and KWONG Kf Karis. "An exploratory study of cultural influence on self-care management of cancer patients. ". Paper presented in the The 19th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2012.11.08. <P123591> Helen YL CHAN; LEE Tze Fan Diana; LEUNG Man Fook; MAN Chui Wah; LAI Kwok Man; LEUNG Man Wai and WONG Kit Yee Irene. "The effects of a foot and toenail care protocol for older adults". Geriatric Nursing 446-453. 2012.08.20. <P123685> LO Hoi Shan; CHAU Pak Chun Janita; CHANG M Anne and GARDNER Glenn. "Self-management programs for community-dwelling stroke survivors: A systematic review". International Journal of Evidence Based Health Care vol.10 no.3, pp.276-277. 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S, 2012.08.23. The Nethersole School of Nursing <P124523> HO Sin Man Simone. <span lang="EN-US" style='letter-spacing: -0.15pt; font-family: "Times New Roman","serif"; font-size: 12pt; -ms-layout-grid-mode: line; mso-fareast-font-family: 新 細 明 體 ; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;'>Psychosocial risk factors in the development of LBP</span>. 79-90 pgs. 2012. <P124578> Helen YL CHAN and WONG Ka Yee Kitty. "Attitudes of Hong Kong physicians and nurses towards artificial nutrition and hydration for patients with terminal cancer". International ICNN Caner Nursing News vol.24 no.3, p.7. 2012.07.28. <P124687> LEUNG Yin Ping; WONG Mi Ling Eliza and CHAIR Sek Ying. "Psychological Correlates of Stage of Readiness to Quit Among Hong Kong Chinese Smokers: The Role of Social Acceptance of Smoking by Family and Friends". Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology vol.20 no.Suppl 2, pp.B5. 2012.12. <P124722> CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. ed. Knowledge transfer in a multidisciplinary health care arena: positions and plots. 177 pgs. 2012.08.01. <P124802> YAU C; WONG Mi Ling Eliza; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han and HO Sin Man Simone. "The effect of music therapy on psychological outcomes and pain control for patients with minor musculoskeletal injuries". The Journal of Pain vol.13 no.4, pp.S61, 341. 2012. <P124846> WONG E.m.y; SIT Wing Hung Janet; TARRANT M.a. and CHENG M.m.h. "The Perceptions of Obese School Children in Hong Kong Toward Their Weight-Loss Experience". journal of school nursing vol.28 no.5, pp.370-378. 2012.09.25. <P125077> SHEK Mei Yan Karen and CHAU Pak Chun Janita. "Surgical glove perforation among nurses in ophthalmic surgery: A case-control study". International Journal of Nursing Practice United Kingdom, 2012.12. <P125088> LEUNG Yin Ping; WONG Mi Ling Eliza; NG Chi Kit; WONG Kam Shing and CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. "Measuring Cancer Fatalism in Older Chinese Adults: An Application to Colorectal Cancer Screening". Paper presented in the the 19th Annual Congress of Gerontology, 1 pgs. 2012.11. <P125170> LEUNG Yin Ping; WONG Mi Ling Eliza and CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. "Health Belief Model Correlates of Colorectal Cancer Screening among Chinese Older Adults: A Validation Study". Paper presented in the The 19th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, 1 pgs. 2012.11. The Nethersole School of Nursing <P125264> CHAN Wai Yu Helen; CHUI Ying Yu; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; CHENG Kin Fong Karis; SHIU T. Y. Ann; SO Kwok Wei; HO Sin Man Simone; CHAN M and CHOI Kai Chow. "The influence of Chinese cultural beliefs on the self-care strategies of patients during cancer treatment in Hong Kong: an exploratory study". Supportive Care in Cancer vol.20 pp.S152. 2012. <P125403> LEE Tze Fan Diana. "Life Lessons Can Help Exhausted Nurses Cope with High Stress". South China Morning Post 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.16. <P125464> LOU V. W. Q.; CHAN C. L. Y.; FOK S. S. Y.; TSUI A. K. M.; DAI A. and LEUNG Yin Ping. "The Effectiveness of the Spiritual Enhancement Group for Chinese Elders: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment". Paper presented in the Paper presented at The 19th Annual Congress of Gerontology, 1 pgs. 2012.11. <P125550> 李子芬. <護理人力規劃 首重挽留及培育人才>. 《明報》 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2012.08.04. <P125762> LO Hoi Shan; CHAU Pak Chun Janita; CHANG M Anne and GARDNER Glenn. "Self-management programs for community-dwelling stroke survivors: A systematic review.". Paper presented in the 8th Biennial Joanna Briggs International Colloquium, organized by Joanna Briggs Institute, The University of Adelaide, Australia, 1 pgs. Thailand, Thailand, 2012.11.12. <P125819> HO Sin Man Simone. "Swaddling appears to ease pain in premature babies. ". Reuters Health Invited Press Interview . 1 pgs. 2012. <P125977> CHAIR Sek Ying; SIT Wing Hung Janet; WONG Mi Ling Eliza; CHAN Wai Kiu and CHAN M.y. "The Psychological Effects of a Videotape Educational Intervention on Cardiac Catheterization Patients". Contemporary nurse pp.225-233. 2012. <P126066> YU Sau Fung Doris. "How Does Spinal Stenosis Affect Health-Related Quality of Life of Chinese Older People". Quality of Lfie Research vol.21 (Suppl) pp.102. 2012.10.12. <P126294> LEE Wing Yan Vivian; YU Sau Fung Doris; LEE Tze Fan Diana and PANG K W Kathy. "The Impact of Pharmaceutical Care Outreach Services in Hidden Elders.". Paper presented in the 12th Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy, organized by Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2012.07.07. The Nethersole School of Nursing <P126436> CHAU Pak Chun Janita; LO Hoi Shan; LEE Tze Fan Diana; IP Wan Yim; LEE Fung Kam Iris; LAI Cheuk Yin and CHOI Kai Chow. "The career path of baccalaureate nursing graduates who have taken up advanced practice roles and their perceived impact on healthcare outcomes". Paper presented in the 4th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, organized by International Association for Technology, Education and Development, 1 pgs. Barcelona, Spain, 2012.07.02. <P126477> CHOI Kai Chow; SO Kwok Wei; LI, Wai Chi; LAU S.f. and LO J.c.k.. Consistency in paired comparisons of Information Needs Questionnaires (INQ) among Hong Kong Chinese breast cancer patients European Journal of Oncology Nursing vol. 17 no. 2 pp. 170-175. 2013.02.26. <P126506> CHAN Ngo Sheung Dorothy; CHOI Kai Chow; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; WAN Wai Man,rayman; MAK So Shan, Suzanne; WONG Mi Ling Eliza; CHAIR Sek Ying and SO Kwok Wei. "Supportive care needs and health-related quality of life among Chinese lung cancer survivors". Advanced in Lung Cancer vol.1 no.2, pp.5-12. 2012.09.01. <P126707> Helen YL CHAN; LEUNG Mf Edward; NG Yk Erica and PANG Mc Samantha. "Palliative care in residential care homes in the elderly program: Effects on staff’s willingness, perceived competence and resilience.". Paper presented in the Outstanding Paper Presentation in the 19th Annual Congress of Gerontology, organized by Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, 1 pgs. 2012.11.24. <P126711> CHAU Pak Chun Janita and LO Hoi Shan. "Computer-based interventions for stroke survivors: a systematic review". JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports vol.10 no.42, pp.Suppl. Australia, 2012. <P126776> YAU C; HO Sin Man Simone and CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. "A nurse-initiated early pain management program (NIEPMP) for the management of acute low back pain in Emergency Medicine Ward: a randomized controlled pilot study.". Paper presented in the 31st Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Pain Society, 1 pgs. 2012. <P127118> 李子芬. <推動生命教育 實踐全人健康>. 《星島日報》 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2012.11.28. <P127212> CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; SHAM Michael; LO Raymond; CHAIR Sek Ying; Helen YL CHAN; LAI Cheuk Yin and CHUI Ying Yu. "Promoting end-of-life care and advance directives in Hong Kong: a knowledge transfer project for the community and clinicians". Knowledge Transfer in a Multidisciplinary Health Care Arena: Positions and Plots ed. by Carmen WH Chan. pp.59-70. 2012.08.01. The Nethersole School of Nursing <P127228> SO Kwok Wei; LING G C C; CHOI Kai Chow; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; WAN R W M; MAK S S S and SIT Wing Hung Janet. "Comparison of emotional distress and quality of life among Chinese cancer survivors – a cross sectional study". Paper presented in the The 17th International Conference on Cancer Nursing, organized by International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care, 1 pgs. 2012. <P127253> Helen YL CHAN; LEE Tze Fan Diana; LEUNG Mf Edward; LEUNG Mf Edward; CHAN Sk; TANG Sk Eric and LEUNG Mw. "Evidence-based care for preventing and managing constipation in geriatric patients ". Paper presented in the 19th Annual Congress of Gerontology, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2012.11.24. <P127748> CHAIR Sek Ying. " How to Transfer Knowledge to the Community on Promoting Cardiovascular Health?". Knowledge Transfer in a Multidisciplinary Health Care Arena: Positions and Plots ed. by Carman WH Chan. pp.151-158. Nova Publisher, 2012. <P127866> CHAN Wai Kiu. "Effectiveness of Tai chi Qigong in improving the physiological and psychosocial health of COPD patients". Paper presented in the 2nd Australian Capital Region Nursing & Midwifery Research Conference, organized by Australian National University, p.40. Canberra, Australia, 2012.10.12. <P127922> Helen YL CHAN and LEE Tze Fan Diana. "Promoting the quality of life of Chinese elders with constipation". Paper presented in the 2012 Asian Chinese Quality of Life Conference, organized by Hong Kong Society for Quality of Life, 1 pgs. Guangzhou, China, 2012.09.15. <P127979> CHAIR Sek Ying; YU M; CHOI Kai Chow; WONG Mi Ling Eliza; SIT Wing Hung Janet and IP Wan Yim. "Effect of Early Ambulation after Transfemoral Cardiac Catheterization in Hong Kong: a Single Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial". The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology vol.12 no.3, pp.222-230. 2012. <P128043> LAW Noble Po Ka and CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. "Preference Of Place Of Death And The Predictors In Older People Living In Residential Homes". Paper presented in the 9th Hong Kong Palliative Care Symposium, organized by Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care, p.18. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.08.18. <P128214> CHOI Kai Chow; Helen YL CHAN; CHAN Ngo Sheung Dorothy; LAM Wendy Wing Tak; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; HO Sin Man Simone; CHOW Ka Ming; CHENG Kf Karis; GOGGINS B William; SHIU Ty Ann and SO Kwok Wei. "The mediating role of health professionals’ recommendations in the uptake of colorectal cancer testing among older Chinese adults". Supportive Care in Cancer vol.20 pp.S122. 2012. The Nethersole School of Nursing <P128272> CHAU Pak Chun Janita; LO Hoi Shan; MCNAUGHT Carmel Marie; IP Wan Yim; LEE Fung Kam Iris and CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. "The effects of web-enriched resources in enhancing baccalaureate-nursing students’ learning of clinical nursing skills". Paper presented in the Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2012, organized by Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2012.12.13. <P128373> LEE Tze Fan Diana. "Beauty Issue Reveals Need for Healthier Attitudes on Ageing". South China Morning Post 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.22. <P128426> LI Sijian; SIT Wing Hung Janet; GONG Jie; WONG M.y.e.; ZHENG Y.l. and WONG Thomas K.s.. "Hypertension Prevalence, awareness, Treatment and Control in the Urban District of Wuhan, China : Implications For Community Nursing Practice". Journal of Nursing and Care vol.1 no.106, pp.1-6. 2012. <P128650> FUNG Wai Man Olivia and LOKE Yuen Alice. "Nurses' Willingness and Readiness to Report for Duty in a Disaster". Journal of Emergency Management vol.10 no.6, 2012.12. <P128741> CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. "A happy ending with hope: a knowledge transfer empowerment project on advance care planning (ACP)". Knowledge Transfer in a Multidisciplinary Health Care Arena: Positions and Plots ed. by Carmen WH Chan. pp.159-165. 2012.08.01. <P128966> SO Kwok Wei; CHOI Kai Chow; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; LEUNG Wai Yi; CHAIR Sek Ying; WAN R W M; MAK S S S; LING W M and NG W T. "Unmet supportive care needs and factors associated with health-related quality of life in Chinese head and neck cancer survivors: a cross sectional study.". Paper presented in the The 19th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, 1 pgs. 2012.11.08. <P129176> HO Sin Man Simone; YU W; LAO Tt; CHOW Hk Daniel; CHUNG Wy Joanne and LI Yi. "Maternity Support Vest for Pregnancy-related Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study. ". Paper presented in the PAINWEEK 2012: The National Conference on Pain for Frontline Practioners, 1 pgs. 2012. <P129200> CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; CHOI Kai Chow; SO Kwok Wei; HO Sin Man Simone and LAI Cy David. International Cancer Nursing News vol.24 no.2 7-8 pgs. 2012. <P129229> CHEUNG Mei Ki; Helen YL CHAN; LEE Tze Fan Diana; CHAN Sh Susanna and TSUNG Wc Maggie. "Evidence-based care for managing dry skin in older people. ". Paper presented in the 19th Annual Congress of Gerontology, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2012.11.24. <P129285> LEE Tze Fan Diana. "Shortage of Nurses Can Only be Dealt with by Overall Review of Staff Needs". South China Morning Post 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.08.16. The Nethersole School of Nursing <P129313> CHAU Pak Chun Janita; LEE Tze Fan Diana; YU Sau Fung Doris; CHOW Yeung Ming Alice; YU Wai Cho; CHAIR Sek Ying; LAI Sf Adela and CHICK Yuk Ling. "A feasibility study to investigate the acceptability and potential effectiveness of a telecare service for older people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease". International Journal of Medical Informatics vol.81 no.10, pp.674-682. Elsevier BV, 2012.10. <P129474> HO Sin Man Simone and HO Lp. "Effects of facilitated swaddling for controlling procedural pain in premature neonates: a randomized controlled trial. ". Paper presented in the 31st Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Pain Society, 1 pgs. 2012. <P129738> SO Kwok Wei; HO Sin Man Simone; LEUNG Yin Ping; LAI E T L and CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. "Distress and health-related quality of life in Chinese women with breast cancer during and after treatment: A comparative analysis". Paper presented in the The 19th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, 1 pgs. 2012.11.08. <P129819> CHAU Pak Chun Janita; CHUNG Lcl; WONG Rebecca Yee Man; LOO Kit Man; LO Hoi Shan; SO Tammy Tak Yee; LAU Maggie Siu Wai; YEUNG Theresa Hoi Ming; LEUNG Betty Suk Fun; TONG Mei Ling; LI Cecilia Yuet Ngor; KWOK Wanna Wing-yee; THOMPSON David R and LEE Tze Fan Diana. "An evaluation of a web-based diabetes education programme designed to enhance self-management among clients living with diabetes". Computers, Informatics, Nursing Vol 30 Issue 12 672-679. Philadelphia, USA, 2012. <P129888> CHAN Ngo Sheung Dorothy; TANG Pui Yin; SO Kwok Wei and FONG D Y T. "Knowledge transfer in a multidisciplinary health care arena: positions and plots. Ch 5". Challenges of knowledge transfer in clinical settings ed. by C.W.H. Chan . pp.71-95. New York, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2012.09. <P129916> HO Sin Man Simone. " Massage and Swaddling reduce pain in infants. ". Medscape Medical News 1 pgs. 2012. <P129965> 李子芬. <加強公眾教育 促建市民心中「防火牆」>. 《星島日報》1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2012.12.28. <P130022> LEUNG Yee Man Angela; LI H C William; LIU Athena; WONG Mi Ling Eliza and CHIANG Chung Lim Vico. "Learning Health Literacy via Online Learning System among University Student in Hong Kong". The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging vol.17 no.Supplement 1, pp.S905. 2013.06. <P130380> LEE Fung Kam Iris; LEE Tze Fan Diana; YU Sau Fung Doris and LOW Lisa Pau Le. "Participating and Sustaining Volunteer Work: The Perspectives of Older Chinese Volunteer". Paper presented in the The 20th IAGG World Congress of Geriatric and Gerontology, organized by The International Association of Geriatric and Gerontology, 1 pgs. 2013.06.25. The Nethersole School of Nursing <P130384> LI, Wai Chi; LEE Tze Fan Diana and YU Sau Fung Doris. "The Impacts of Age and Gender on Atypical Symptom Presentation of Acute Coronary Syndromes in Chinese Patients". International Journal of Cardiology vol.164 no.2, pp.s18. Ireland: Elsevier, 2013.04.01. <P130464> CHENG H.l.; SIT Wing Hung Janet; TWINN S; CHENG K.k.f. and THRONE S. "Coping with breast cancer survivorship in chinese women: the role of fatalism or fatalistic voluntarism". Cancer Nursing vol.36 no.3, pp.236-244. 2013.05. <P130697> WONG Mi Ling Eliza; LEUNG Yin Ping; CHAIR Sek Ying and SIT Wing Hung Janet. "An E-health Approach Health Education to Promote Exercise for Coronary Heart Disease Adults". Paper presented in the The 20th IAGG Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 1 pgs. 2013.06. <P130722> LEUNG Yin Ping; WONG Mi Ling Eliza and CHAN S. S. C.. "Psychological Predictors of Stage of Readiness to Quit Among Hong Kong Chinese Smokers: The Role of Social Acceptance of Smoking by Family". International Journal of Cardiology vol.163 no.S2 (Suppl 1), pp.S8. 2013.04. <P130765> Helen YL CHAN; LEE Tze Fan Diana; CHAN Sh Susanna and TSUNG Wc Maggie. Emollient therapy for managing dry skin in older people.". Paper presented in the 20th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 1 pgs. Seoul, South Korea, 2013.06.23. <P130771> IP Wan Yim; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han and CHOW Ka Ming. "Why Bother Women's Perception of Control over Labour". Paper presented in the acp / acerp 2013 The Third Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences 2013, organized by International Academic Forum, pp. 7. United States of America, 2013.03.29. <P130834> HO Sin Man Simone; SO Kwok Wei; LEUNG Yin Ping; LAI E T L and CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. "Anxiety, Depression and Quality of Life in Chinese Women with Breast Cancer during and after Treatment: a Comparative Evaluation". European Journal of Oncology Nursing http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejon.2013.04.005. 2013.06.02. <P131257> CHAIR Sek Ying; SO Kwok Wei; PUN Pui Ying; WONG Mi Ling Eliza; SIT Wing Hung Janet; FUNG Wai Man Olivia; WONG Yuk Shim; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han and CHAN Wai Kiu. "Is It Safe to Keep Patients in Bed for Only Two Hours after Femoral Cardiac Catheterization? ". International Journal of Cardiology vol.163 no.Supplement 2, pp.S17. 2013.04. <P131619> Helen YL CHAN; YU Sau Fung Doris; LEE Fung Kam Iris; CHENG Yeung Hung and IP Wan Yim. "Perceived family support in older people with chronic illness.". organized by Seventh Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong College of Gerontology, 1 pgs. 2013.06.29. The Nethersole School of Nursing <P131955> LEE Tze Fan Diana. "Planning Starts at Home for Looming Elderly Care Explosion". South China Morning Post 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.02.08. <P132146> LEUNG Yin Ping; WONG Mi Ling Eliza; WONG Kam Shing and CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. "Psychosocial Correlates of Colorectal Cancer Screening in Chinese Older Adults". The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging vol.17 no.S1, pp.S665. 2013.06. <P132308> CHENG, Huilin; SIT Wing Hung Janet; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; SO Kwok Wei; CHOI Kai Chow and CHENG Kf Karis. "Social support and quality of life among Chinese breast cancer survivors: Findings from a mixed methods study. ". European Journal of Oncology Nursing doi: 10.1016/j.ejon.2013.03.007. 2013.04.12. <P132368> MOK Vincent K F; SIT Wing Hung Janet; TSANG Alice S M; CHAIR Sek Ying; CHENG Tak Lai and CHINAG Chung Seung. "A Controlled Trial of a Nurse Follow-up Dietary Intervention on Maintaining a Heart-Healthy Dietary Pattern among Patients at Myocardial Infarction". journal of cardiovascular nursing vol.28 no.3, pp.256-266. 2013.05. <P132415> CHAIR Sek Ying; SIT Wing Hung Janet and WONG Mi Ling Eliza. "Why Should We Spend Time To Do Patient Education? ". Paper presented in the University of Texas Medical Branch’s 1st National EBP Conference, organized by University of Teaxz Medical Branch , 1 pgs. 2013.04.25. <P132502> CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; CHUI Ying Yue; CHAIR Sek Ying; SHAM Michael; LO Raymond; NG Catalina and LAI Cheuk Yin. "The evaluation of a palliative care programme for people suffering from life-limiting diseases in Hong Kong". Journal of Clinical Nursing The evaluation of a palliative care programme for people suffering from life-limiting diseases in Hong Kong. vol.doi:10.1111/jocn.12094 2013.06.11. <P132569> SO Kwok Wei; CHAN R J; CHAN Ngo Sheung Dorothy; HUGHES B G M; CHAIR Sek Ying; CHOI Kai Chow and CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. "A Systematic Review on Quality of Life among Patients at One Year after Treatment for Head and Neck Cancer.". MASCC/ISOO 2013 International Symposium 2013.06. <P132633> CHOI Kai Chow; SO Kwok Wei; CHAN Ngo Sheung Dorothy; SHIU A T Y; HO Sin Man Simone; CHAN Yue Lai Helen; LAM W W T; CHENG K K F; GOGGINS William and CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. "Gender Differences in the use of Colorectal Cancer Tests among Older Chinese Adults". European Journal of Oncology Nursing http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejon.2013.01.004. vol. 17 no. 5 p.603-609. 2013.02.25. The Nethersole School of Nursing <P132756> LAW Noble Po Ka and CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. Preference of Environment for End of Life Care and Place of Death among Older People in Residential Care Homes Paper presented in the Hong Kong College of Gerontology Nursing 7th Scientific Meeting cum 16th AGM, organized by Hong Kong College of Gerontology Nursing, pp. 10. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.06.29. <P133742> CHAIR Sek Ying; CHAU M.y.; SIT Wing Hung Janet; WONG Mi Ling Eliza; CHAN Wai Kiu; LEUNG Yin Ping; FUNG Wai Man Olivia; PUN Pui Ying and WONG Yuk Shim. "A Manpower Saving Approach for Patient Education". International Journal of Cardiology vol.163 no.Supplement 2, pp.S17. 2013.04. <P134051> LEE Wing Yan Vivian; PANG K W Kathy; HUI Ka Chun; KWOK C K Jennifer; LEUNG Siu Ling; YU Sau Fung Doris and LEE Tze Fan Diana. "Medication adherence – Is it a hidden drug-related problem in Hidden Elderly?". Geriatrics and Gerontology International Article first published online: DOI: 10.1111/ggi.12042. Japan: Japan Geriatrics Society, 2013.03.03. <P134166> LEUNG Yin Ping; WONG Mi Ling Eliza; HO Sin Man Simone and SIT Wing Hung Janet. "Caner Fatalism in Older Chinese Adults: A Validation Study". Supportive Care in Cancer vol.21 no.Suppl 1, pp.S224. 2013.06. <P134687> CHAIR Sek Ying; CHAU M Y; SIT Wing Hung Janet; WONG Mi Ling Eliza; CHAN Wai Kiu; LEUNG Yin Ping; FUNG Wai Man Olivia; PUN Pui Ying and WONG Yuk Shim. "A Manpower Saving Approach for Patient Education.". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. 2013.04.13. <P134831> SO Kwok Wei; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; CHOI Kai Chow; WAN R W M; MAK S S S and CHAIR Sek Ying. "Perceived Unmet Needs and Health-Related Quality of Life of Chinese Cancer Survivors at 1 Year after Treatment". Cancer Nursing DOI: 10.1097/NCC.0b013e318263f28e vol.36 no.3, pp.E23-E32. 2013.02.17. <P134940> LEUNG Mf Edward; Helen YL CHAN; PANG Mc Samantha and NG Yk Erica. " Impacts of a palliative care program on old age home staff’s willingness, competencies and self-care: Prospective cohort study. ". The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Ageing vol.17 no.S1, pp.S469. 2013.06. <P134943> 李子芬. <家庭護老者的社區支援服務>. 《AM730》 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2013.01.21. <P135299> 陳惠嬌. <慢性阻塞性肺病>. 《信義耆樂坊》 第 40 期, 1 頁. Hong Kong, 2013.04. The Nethersole School of Nursing <P135440> SO Kwok Wei; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; CHOI Kai Chow; CHAIR Sek Ying; MAK S S S; WAN R W M; LING W M; NG W T and YU B W L. "Enhancing Quality of Life among Head and Neck Cancer Survivors: What can We Do?". Invited paper presented at 9th Annual General Meeting cum Scientific Seminars, Hong Kong Society for Quality of Life 2013.06.13. <P135623> Helen YL CHAN. "Promoting advance care planning to Chinese older people. ". The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Ageing vol.17 no.S1, pp.S50. 2013.06.23. <P135915> JAARSMA Tiny; STROMBERG Anna; GAL Tuvia Ben; CAMERON Jan; DRISCOLL Andra; DUENGEN Hans-dirk; INKROT Simone; HUANG Tsuey-yuan; HUYEN Nguyen; KATO Naoko; KOBERICH Stefan; LUPON Josep; MOSE Moser; PULIGNANO Giovanni; YU Sau Fung Doris and RIEGEL Barbara. "Comparison of Self-care Behaviors of Heart Failure Patients in 15 Countries Worldwide". patient education and counseling vol.92 no.1, pp.114-120. 2013.02.17. <P135985> 李子芬. <家庭護老者養生保健篇>. 《AM730》 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2013.01.07. <P135995> FONG Wan Ching Kathryn and IP Wan Yim. "Higher Diploma Nursing Students' Satisfaction and Self-confidence with High-fidelity Simulation". Paper presented in the 2013 Hospital Authority Convention, organized by Hospital Authority, p.60 (website). Hong Kong SAR, 2013.05.15. <P136473> Helen YL CHAN; LEE Tze Fan Diana; CHAN Sh Susanna and TSUNG Wc Maggie. "Emollient therapy for managing dry skin in older people.". The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Ageing vol.17 no.Supp1, pp.S310. 2013.06.23. <P136515> LEUNG Yee Man Angela; LI H C William; LIU Athena; WONG Mi Ling Eliza and CHIANG Chung Lim Vico. "Learning Health Literacy via Online Learning System among University Students in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the The 20th IAGG Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 1 pgs. 2013.06. <P136652> 李子芬. <與家中長者步向晚晴路>. 《AM730》 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2013.01.14. <P136890> SO Kwok Wei; CHAN R J; CHAN Ngo Sheung Dorothy; HUGHES B G M; CHAIR Sek Ying; CHOI Kai Chow and CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. "A Systematic Review on Quality of Life among Patients at 1 Year after Treatment for Head and Neck Cancer". Support Care Cancer vol.21 no.Suppl 1, pp.S141. 2013.06. <P137086> LEUNG Yin Ping; WONG Mi Ling Eliza; CHAN Sophia S.c. and LAM Tai-hing. "Psychometric Properties of The Big Five Inventory in a Chinese Sample of Smokers Receiving Cessation Treatment: A Validation Sstudy". Journal of Nursing Education and Practice vol.3 no.6, pp.1-10. 2013.06. The Nethersole School of Nursing <P137127> 李子芬. <對《施政報告》中安老政策的幾點意見>. 《星島日報》 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2013.02.01. <P137184> SO Kwok Wei; CHOI Kai Chow; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; TANG Pui Yin; LEUNG Wai Yi; CHAIR Sek Ying; WAN R W M; MAK S S S; LING W M; NG W T and YU B W L. "Perceived Unmet Supportive Care Needs and Determinants of Quality of Life among Head and Neck Cancer Survivors: a Research Protocol.". Journal of Advanced Nursing doi: 10.1111/jan.12164. 2013.05.10. <P137265> CHOI Kai Chow; SO Kwok Wei; HO Sin Man Simone; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; MAK S S S; WAN R W M and CHAIR Sek Ying. "Suppotive Care Needs and Quality of Life among Chinese Breast Cancer Survivors". Support Care Cancer vol.21 no.Suppl 1, pp.S141. 2013.06. <P137598> SO Kwok Wei; CHAN Ngo Sheung Dorothy; CHAN Yue Lai Helen; KRISHNASAMY M; CHAN T; LING W M; LO J C K and ARANDA S. "Knowledge and Practice among Hong Kong Oncology Nurses in the Management of Chemotherapy-induced Nausea and Vomiting". European Journal of Oncology Nursing vol.17 pp.370-374. 2013.04.14. <P137634> MACPHEE Maura; CHANG Lilu; LEE Tze Fan Diana and SPIRI Wilza. "Global Health Care Leadership Development: Trends to Consider". Journal of Healthcare Leadership vol.2013 no.5, pp.21-29. Dovepress, 2013.06. <P137681> CHAIR Sek Ying; SO Kwok Wei; PUN Pui Ying; WONG Mi Ling Eliza; SIT Wing Hung Janet; FUNG Wai Man Olivia; WONG Yuk Shim; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han and CHAN Wai Kiu. "Is It Safe to Keep Patients in Bed for Only Two Hours after Femoral Cardiac Catheterization?". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong., 1 pgs. 2013.04.13. <P137735> LAM Lai Wah; LEE Tze Fan Diana and SHIU Tak Ying Ann. "Factors Influencing Adherence to A Renal Therapeutic Regimen: The Perspectives of Chinese Patients Undergoing Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis". Paper presented in the British Renal Society Conference 2013, organized by British Renal Society, p.31. Manchester, United Kingdom, 2013.05.16. <P137879> LI, Wai Chi; LEE Tze Fan Diana and YU Sau Fung Doris. "Psychometric Evaluation of the Perceived Barriers to Health Care-seeking Decision Scale in Chinese Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes". International Journal of Cardiology vol.164 no.2 pp.s15. Ireland: Elsevier, 2013.04.01. <P138051> CHOI Kai Chow; SO Kwok Wei; HO Sin Man Simone; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; MAK S S S; WAN R W M and CHAIR Sek Ying. "Supportive Care Needs and Quality of Life among Chinese Breast Cancer Survivors.". MASCC/ISOO 2013 International Symposium 2013.06. The Nethersole School of Nursing <P138505> LEUNG Yin Ping; LEUNG A. Y. M. and CHI I. "Medication Adherence in Chinese Older Adults with Chronic Diseases in the Community". The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging vol.17 no.S1, pp.S884-S885. 2013.06. <P138560> WONG Mi Ling Eliza; CHAIR Sek Ying; SIT Wing Hung Janet; SO Kwok Wei; CHAN Wai Kiu; LEUNG Yin Ping; LEUNG Man Sze Carmen and LEE Tze Fan Diana. "A Community Knowledge Transfer e-Health (KTeH) Project on Clients Having or at Risk of Coronary Heart Disease". International Journal of Cardiology vol.163 no.Supplement 2, pp.S15. 2013.04. <P138710> WONG Cho Lee and IP Wan Yim. "Examining self-care behaviors and their associated factors among adolescent girls with dysmenorrhea in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 17th World Congress of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. 2013.03.15. <P138850> WONG Tw; LAI Yk; CHUNG Wy; HO Yy; CHAN Yf; CHANG Ky; BURD A and WONG Mi Ling Eliza. "CQI Program - Development and Testing Feasibility of an Educational DVD for the Burn Injury Patients and Caregivers". Paper presented in the Surgical Nursing Forum 2013, organized by Hospital Authority, 1 pgs. 2013.01.12. <P139083> WONG T.w.; CHUK M.y.; LAM Y.h.e. and WONG Mi Ling Eliza. "Skin Pruritus among Patient with Recovery form Burn Injury". Paper presented in the Surgical Nursing Forum 2013, organized by Hospital Authority, 1 pgs. 2013.01.12. <P139100> YU Sau Fung Doris and LEE Tze Fan Diana. "Mental Health Among Chinese Older Adults in Hong Kong: the Roles of Sleep Disturbance and Lifestyle Factor". Paper presented in the The 20th IAGG World Congress of Geriatric and Gerontology, organized by International Association of Geriatric and Gerontology, 1 pgs. 2013.06.25. <P139248> WONG Mi Ling Eliza; LEUNG Yin Ping; CHAIR Sek Ying and SIT Wing Hung Janet. "An E-health Approach Health Education to Promote Exercise for Coronary Heart Disease Adults". The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging vol.17 no.Supplement 1, pp.S771. 2013.06. <P139295> WONG Mi Ling Eliza; CHAIR Sek Ying; SIT Wing Hung Janet; SO Kwok Wei; CHAN Wai Kiu; LEUNG Yin Ping; LEUNG Man Sze Carmen and LEE Tze Fan Diana. "A Community Knowledge Transfer e-Health (KTeH) Project on Clients Having or at Risk of Coronary Heart Disease.". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. 2013.04.13. The Nethersole School of Nursing <P139336> QI Yun-ke; XIANG Yutao; AN Feng-rong; WANG Jing; ZENG Jiao-ying; UNGVARI Gabor; NEWHOUSE Robin; YU Sau Fung Doris; LAI Kelly; DING Yan-ming; YU Liuyang; ZHANG Xiang-yang and CHIU Helen. "Nurses' work-related Stress in China: A Comparison Between Psychiatric and General Hospitals.". Perspective in Psychiatric Care 2013.03.07. <P139688> SO Kwok Wei; LING Cheuk Chi; CHOI Kai Chow; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; WAN R W M; MAK S S S and SIT Wing Hung Janet. "Comparison of Health-related Quality of Life and Emotional Distress among Chinese Cancer Survivors". International Journal of Nursing Practice vol.19 pp.306-311. 2013.06.06. <P139906> LEUNG Yin Ping; WONG Mi Ling Eliza; SO Kwok Wei; WONG Kam Shing and CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. "Measuring Cancer Fear in Older Chinese Adults: An Application to Colorectal Cancer Screening". Supportive Care in Cancer vol.21 no.Suppl 1, pp.S212. 2013.06. See Also<P110467 >, <P120645 >, <P123043 >, <P124531 >, <P124873 >, <P125773 >, <P126064 >, <P127718 >, <P128299 >, <P129706 >, <P129759 >, <P129775 >, <P134986 >, <P135888 >, <P136927 >, <P137072 >, <P137590 >, <P138415 > Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P120035> LEUNG Tak Yeung. "Common Mistakes Made during Management of Shoulder Dystocia and Vaginal Breech Delivery". Paper presented in the International Training Workshop on Prevention and Treatment of the Major Diseases in Southeast Asia and Africa & Symposium of Advances in Reproductive Health, organized by Hainan Medical University, 1 pgs. Sanya, China, 2012.12.08. <P120101> CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel; CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; YIU Ka Wah and LEE Lai Loi. "Urinary Symptoms and Quality of Life after Tension Free Vaginal Tape in Women with Urinary Stress Incontinence". Paper presented in the 37th Annual Meeting of the International Urogynecological Association, organized by Continence Foundation of Australia, 1 (297) pgs. Brisbane, Australia, 2012.09.04. <P120857> 蔡光偉. <從 FISH PCR 到 aCGH BoBs 胎兒生物信息醫學的發展>. 論文發表於《面向 2013 年母胎 生 物 信 息 醫 學 與 胎 兒 醫 學 : 挑 戰 與 機 遇 》 , 主 辦 機 構 為 廣 州 醫 學 院 第 三 附 屬 醫 院 , 1-5. 中 國 廣 州, 2012.12.22. <P121012> MAN, Chi Wai; ZHANG Tao and WANG Chi Chiu. "Macrophages and Oxidative Stress in the Early Angiogenesis and Development of Endometriosis: A Mouse Model". Paper presented in the 2nd Asian Conference on Endometriosis organized by Endometriosis & Adenomyosis Association, 1 (P-23) pgs. Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.11.09. <P121019> CHU Ching Yan; CHU Kai On; HO Chung Shun; KWOK Sung Shing Jeffrey; CHAN Ho Ming; FUNG Kwok Pui and WANG Chi Chiu. "Melamine in Prenatal and Postnatal Organs in Rats". Reproductive Toxicology 35 40-47. Elsevier Inc., 2013.01. <P121068> LEUNG Kit Tong; LAO Tzu Hsi Terence; SUEN Sik Hung; CHAN Oi Ka Catherine; SAHOTA Daljit Singh; LAU Tze Kin and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "Breastfeeding Initiation: Is this Influenced by Maternal Hepatitis B Infection"? The Journal of Maternal-fetal & Neonatal Medicine vol.25 no.11, pp.2390-2394. United Kingdom: Informa Healthcare, 2012.11. <P121213> CHOY Kwong Wai. "Application of Array-CGH in PGS". Paper presented in the International Training Workshop on Prevention and Treatment of the Major Diseases in Southeast Asia and Africa & Symposium of Advances in Reproductive Health, organized by Hainan Medical University, 1 pgs. Sanya, China, 2012.12.06. <P121477> CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel; CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; YIU Ka Wah and LEE Lai Loi. "Comparison of Long Term Outcome of Two Different Methods of Transobturator Tension Free Vaginal Tape for Women with Urodynamic Stress Incontinence". Paper presented in the 42nd Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society, organized by ICS, p.128 (599). Beijing, China, 2012.10.19. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P121561> 潘 敏、 蔡光偉、 廖 灿 及 劉子建. <光谱核型分析联合微阵列比较基因组杂交诊断 15 号环状染 色体综合征>. 《中華醫學遺傳學雜誌》 第 29 卷 第 5 期, 頁 562-565. 中國, 2012.10. <P121766> WANG Chi Chiu. "Transcriptomic Analysis and Specification in Mouse Organogenesis". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Society for Developmental Biology Symposium from Embryology to Disease Mechanisms, organized by Hong Kong Society for Developmental Biology, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.26. <P121808> CHOY Kwong Wai. "Microarray and Reproductive Medicine". Paper presented in the Third Annual Scientific Meeting of OGSHK, organized by The Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.08.26. <P121816> CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel; YIU Ka Wah and LEE Lai Loi. "Pelvic Floor Biometrics during the First Singleton Pregnancy in Chinese Nulliparous Women". Paper presented in the 22nd World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, p.94 (OP13.02). Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012.09. <P121993> LUI Wai Ting; KWOK Ka Yin; WONG Kit Man; WONG Hoi Kin; WANG Chi Chiu and CHOY Kwong Wai. "Evaluation of Quantitative Fluorescence Polymerase Chain Reaction (QF-PCR) for the Detection of Common Aneuploidies of Chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y". Paper presented in the 8th Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine Special Focus on Prenatal Genetics and Genomic Diagnosis, organized by Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 (P-29) pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.03. <P122110> CHOY Kwong Wai. "Update in Technology Fragile X Assay". Paper presented in the 8th Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine Special Focus on Prenatal Genetics and Genomic Diagnosis, organized by Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.04. <P122125> CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel; CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; YIU Ka Wah and LEE Lai Loi. "Treatment Outcome of Vaginal Mesh Repair for Pelvic Organ Prolapse". Paper presented in the 37th Annual Meeting of the International Urogynecological Association, organized by Continence Foundation of Australia, 1 (296) pgs. Brisbane, Australia, 2012.09.04. <P122143> TAM Wing Hung; NG Heung Ling Margaret; YIU Ka Wah; LAU Kin Mang; CHENG Gregory and LI Chi Yin. "Thrombophilia among Chinese Women with Venous Thromboembolism during Pregnancy". Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation vol.73 no.3, pp.183-188. Switzerland: Karger, 2012. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P122195> TENG Yufei; WONG Hoi Kin; HUANG, Li; CHOY Kwong Wai; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and YAM Hin Fai. Comparative microRNA expression analysis in human corneal epithelium Paper presented in the Day of Molecular Medicine 2011, organized by Re-engineering Regenerative medicine, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.10. <P122237> CAO, Ye; WONG Hoi Kin; LAM Stephen T S; LO Man Fai; YUAN Huijun; WEI Xiaomin; ZHOU Hanlin and CHOY Kwong Wai. "Genetic Diagnosis of Hereditary Hearing Loss by Targeted Massively Parallel Sequencing Approach in Chinese Patients". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Speech & Hearing Symposium 2012, organized by Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, CUHK, p.55. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.10.06. <P122389> 蔡光偉. Microarray in Reproductive Medicine. 微陣列芯片在輔助生殖醫學中的應用. 母胎醫學基礎 與臨床研討班 主辦機構為蘇州市立醫院. 1 頁. 中國蘇州, 2012.11.25. <P122434> SAHOTA Daljit Singh; LEUNG Wing Cheong; TO Wing Kee; CHAN Wing Pan; LAU Tze Kin and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "Quality Assurance of Nuchal Translucency for Prenatal Fetal Down Syndrome Screening". The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine vol.25 no.7, pp.1039-1043. United Kingdom: Informa Healthcare, 2012.07. <P122571> CHUNG Man Yan; CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel and CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa. "Treatment of Vaginal Vault Prolapse a Comparison between Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy Versus Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy". Paper presented in the 42nd Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society (ICS), organized by ICS, p.130 (626). Beijing, China, 2012.10.19. <P122745> CHAN Oi Ka Catherine; LAO Tzu Hsi Terence; SUEN Sik Hung and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "Deficient Knowledge on Hepatitis B Infection in Pregnant Women and Prevalence of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Carriage Treatment vol.2012 pp.1-8 in an Endemic (ID#317451). United Area: States A Review". Hepatitis of Research America: Hindawi and Publishing Corporation, 2012.09. <P122853> HAINES Christopher John; WONG Wai Yee; KONG Wing Shan; CHEUNG Lai Ping; CHOY Tak Kee Dicky and LEUNG Ping Chung. "HRT Versus Oral Contraceptives for Preventing Osteoporosis in Hypoestrogenic Women in the Reproductive Age Range". Paper presented in the 16th Australasian Menopause Society Congress, organized pgs. Melbourne, Australia, 2012.10.12. by Australasian Menopause Society, 1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P122933> CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; TONG G C Y and CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel. "Responsiveness of Chinese Urogenital Distress Inventory and Incontinence Impact Questionnaire Short Form in Women Undergoing Pelvic Floor Exercise". Paper presented in the 42nd Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society (ICS), organized by ICS, p.99 (277). Beijing, China, 2012.10.19. <P122986> HUANG, Jin; WAH Yi Man; POOH Ritsuko K and CHOY Kwong Wai. "Molecular Genetics in Fetal Neurology". Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine vol.17 no.6, pp.341-346. United Kingdom: Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2012.12. <P123058> LEE Ho Sze Jacqueline; CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel; CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; PANG Wai Lam and CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony. "A Pilot Study on Sexually Transmitted Diseases and High Risk Sexual Behaviour in Hong Kong Practitioner vol.34 no.4, pp.132-138. Hong Female Kong Ketamine SAR: The Users". The Hong Kong Hong College of Kong Family Physicians, 2012.12. <P123160> XIONG Yi; LIU Tao; WU Ying; XU Jing Feng; TING Yuen Ha; LEUNG Tak Yeung and LAU Tze Kin. Comparison of Real-time Three-dimensional Echocardiography and Spatiotemporal Image Correlation in Assessment of Fetal Interventricular Septum The Journal of Maternal-fetal & Neonatal Medicine vol.25 no.11, pp.2333-2338. United Kingdom: Informa Healthcare, 2012.11. <P123246> CHENG Kwun Yue Yvonne; TO William W K; LIANG H X and GO W W. "Efficacy and Adverse Effects of Monarc Versus Tension-free Vaginal Tape Obturator: A Retrospective One-year Follow-up Study". Hong Kong J Gynaecol Obstet Midwifery vol.12 no.1 pp.50-54. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12. <P123329> CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa. "The Status of Urodynamics in the Evaluation of Pelvic Organ Prolapse". Paper presented in the 37th Annual Meeting of the International Urogynecological Association, organized by Urogynaecological Society of Australasia, p.34. Brisbane, Australia, 2012.09.03. <P123590> CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel; LEE Lai Loi and YIU Ka Wah. "Prevalence of Urinary and Fecal Incontinence during and after the First Singleton Pregnancy in Chinese Women". Paper presented in the 37th Annual Meeting of the International Urogynecological Association, organized by Continence Foundation of Australia, 1 (293) pgs. Brisbane, Australia, 2012.09.04. <P124154> CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa. "A Study on Pelvic Floor Biometry after Delivery in Chinese Women Using Perineal USG". Paper presented in the XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, organized by FIGO (FC54). Rome, Italy, 2012.10.10. International Federation of Gynecology & Obstetrics, p.88 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P124433> WAN Yee Ki; CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel and CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa. "Risk of Malignancy in Patients with Uterine Prolapse". Paper presented in the 42nd Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society (ICS), organized by ICS, p.80 (99). Beijing, China, 2012.10.17. <P124533> CHIM Siu Chung Stephen; LEE Wing Shan and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "Aberrant DNA Methylation of FLT1 Gene in the Preeclamptic Placentas". Paper presented in the 8th Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine Special Focus on Prenatal Genetics and Genomic Diagnosis, organized by Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 (P-5) pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.03. <P124690> WONG Kit Man; LUI Wai Ting; KWOK Ka Yin; SUEN Kin Wah; WONG Hoi Kin and CHOY Kwong Wai. "Evaluation of Prenatal BACS-ON-BEADS®(BOBS) ® for the Detection of Common Aneuploidies and Microdeletion Syndromes in Prenatal Diagnosis". Paper presented in the 8th Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine Special Focus on Prenatal Genetics and Genomic Diagnosis, organized by Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 (P-44) pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.03. <P125074> LI Lu; LEUNG Ping Chung and WANG Chi Chiu. "The Efficacy and Safety of Chinese Medicines for Threatened Miscarriage". Miscarriages: Causes, Symptoms and Prevention ed. by Andrea Luigi Tranquilli. 1 ed. pp.155-186. New York, United States of America: Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2012. <P125086> CHUNG Pui Wah Jacqueline; HAINES Christopher John and KONG Wing Shan. "Long-term Reproductive Outcome after Hysteroscopic Proximal Tubal Cannulation - an Outcome Analysis". Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology vol.52 no.5, pp.470-475. Australia: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.10. <P125310> YANG Yihua; ZHOU Liang; LU Leina; WANG Lijun; LI Xiaoxing; JIANG Peiyong; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; ZHANG Tao; YU Jun; KWONG Joseph; CHEUNG Tak Hong; CHUNG T; MAK King Lun Kingston; SUN Hao and WANG Huating. "A Novel miR-193a-5p-YY1-APC Regulatory Axis in Human Endometrioid Endometrial Adenocarcinoma". Oncogene 11 pages. 2012.08.20. <P125362> TONG Yan; WANG Chi Chiu; LAU Bik San Clara and TAM Wing Hung. "Protective Effects of Dwarf Lilyturf Tube (Maidong) on Hyperglycemia-induced Cranial Neural Tube Defect in Mouse Embryos in Viro". Paper presented in the 11th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine, organized by Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine, p.270. Macau, 2012.08.21. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P125701> TING Yuen Ha; LAO Tzu Hsi Terence; LAW Lai Wa; HUI Shuk Yi Annie; CHOR Chung Ming; LAU Tze Kin and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "Arabin Cerclage Pessary in the Management of Cervical Insufficiency". The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine vol.25 no.12, pp.2693-2695. United Kingdom: Informa Healthcare, 2012.12. <P125820> 劉 新秀、 劉子建、 王 慧芳、 王 秀美 及 梁德楊. <胎儿镜下激光凝固胎盘吻合血管术治疗双胎 输血综合征 33 例临床分析>. 《中華婦產科雜誌》 第 47 卷 第 8 期, 頁 587-591. 中國: Chinese Medical Association, 2012.08. <P125831> LEUNG Tak Yeung. "How to Interpret and Manage an Abnormal aCGH Result"? Paper presented in the 8th Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine Special Focus on Prenatal Genetics and Genomic Diagnosis, organized by Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.03. <P125932> CHOY Kwong Wai. "Pre-implantation Genetic Screening by aCGH". Paper presented in the 8th Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine Special Focus on Prenatal Genetics and Genomic Diagnosis, organized by Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.04. <P125940> CHUNG Pui Wah Jacqueline; CHEUNG Chun Wai; YIM So Fan and MAK Siu Man. "Hysterectomy for Recurrent Postmenopausal Bleeding Revisited: Missed Sclerosing Stromal Ovarian Tumour". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.18 no.4, pp.338-339. Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press, 2012.08. <P126090> STEVENSON R. J.; LAU Tze Kin; CHOY Kwong Wai; JIANG F.; CHAN M. K. and ZHANG L.. "A Case of Mosaic Tetrasomy 18P Identified by Maternal Plasma DNA Sequencing Based Non-invasive Prenatal Screening (The NIFTY Test)". Paper presented in the 8th Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine Special Focus on Prenatal Genetics and Genomic Diagnosis, organized by Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 (P-35) pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.03. <P126144> TANG Ling Yin; LI Lu; BORCHERT A; LAU Bik San Clara; LEUNG Ping Chung and WANG Chi Chiu. "Molecular Studies of the Congenital Malformation Induced by Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome, the Most Commonly Used Chinese Medicine for Threatened Miscarriage". Molecular Human Reproduction vol.18 no.12, pp.585-592. United Kingdom: Oxford Univ Press, 2012.08. <P126360> LO T K; LAU W L; LAM Y Y; TANG M H Y; LEUNG Tak Yeung and LEUNG W C. "Successful Treatment of Severe Fetal Chylothorax Resistant to Repeated Pleuroamniotic Shunting by OK-432 Pleurodesis". Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy vol.31 no.4, pp.260-263. Switzerland: Karger, 2012. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P126551> CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel and LEE Lai Loi. "Symptoms and Quality of Life in Women after Receiving Surgical Treatment for Pelvic Organ Prolapse". Paper presented in the 37th Annual Meeting of the International Urogynecological Association, organized by Continence Foundation of Australia, 1 (295) pgs. Brisbane, Australia, 2012.09.04. <P126573> SHEK Noel Wan Man; LAO Tzu Hsi Terence and CHAN Karen Kar Loen. "Mode of Anaesthesia on Fetal Acid-base Status at Caesarean Section". Journal of Perinatal Medicine vol.40 no.6, pp.653-657. Germany: Walter De Gruyter & Co, 2012.11. <P126603> YIU Ka Wah; CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa and YIM So Fan. "A Case of Uterine Schwannoma and Uterine Tumour of Low Malignant Potential in a Young Girl". Paper presented in the XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Rome, organized by FIGO International Federation of Gynecology & Obstetrics, p.152 (P-113). Roma, Italy, 2012.10.07. <P126627> CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel; YIU Ka Wah; LEE Lai Loi; PANG Wai Lam and CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony. "Symptoms, Quality of Life, and Factors Affecting Women's Treatment Decisions Regarding Pelvic Organ Prolapse". International Urogynecology Journal vol.23 no.8, pp.1027-1033. United Kingdom: Springer London Ltd, 2012.08. <P126729> WANG Chi Chiu; XU Hui; MAN, Chi Wai and ZHANG Tao. "Therapeutic Effects and Anti-angiogenic Mechanisms of Green Tea in Experimental Endometriosis". Paper presented in the 2nd Asian Conference on Endometriosis, organized by Endometriosis & Adenomyosis Association, 1 (P-50) pgs. Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.11.09. <P126964> CHOY Kwong Wai. "Prenatal Diagnosis with Array CGH: Advantages and Challenges". Paper presented in the International Training Workshop on Prevention and Treatment of the Major Diseases in Southeast Asia and Africa & Symposium of Advances in Reproductive Health, organized by Hainan Medical University, 1 pgs. Hainan, China, 2012.12.07. <P126984> ARCHIBALD K M; KULBE H; KWONG Joseph; CHAKRAVARTY P; TEMPLE J; CHAPLIN T; FLAK M B; MCNEISH I A; DEEN S; BRENTON J D; YOUNG B D and BALKWILL F. "Sequential Genetic Change at the TP53 and Chemokine Receptor CXCR4 Locus during Transformation of Human Ovarian Surface Epithelium". Oncogene vol.31 no.48, pp.4987-4995. United Kingdom: Nature Publishing Group, 2012.11. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P127058> LAU Tat San; CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony; CHAN Kit Ying Loucia; CHEUNG Wing Hong; CHEUNG Tak Hong; YIM So Fan; SIU Shing Shun Nelson; LO Kwok Wai; YU Mei Yung; KULBE Hagen; BALKWILL Fran R. and KWONG Joseph. "Cancer Cell-derived Iymphotoxin Mediates Reciprocal Tumor-stromal Interactions in Ovarian Cancer by Inducing Fibroblast-secreting CXCL11". Paper presented in the Joint Conference on Tumor Microenvironment, organized by Cold Spring Harbor Asia/International Cancer Microenvironment Society , 1 pgs. China, 2012.11.13. <P127106> MA Yan Lin; LI Qi; ZHOU Zhi; ZHANG Yu; LI Lin Jiang; CHONG Wai Sing Wilson; LU Wei Ying; HUANG Yuan Hua; LI Ming Hong; CHEN Xue Yin; XU Wen and CHOY Kwong Wai. "PGD for Reciprocal Translocations Using Oligo Array-CGH". Paper presented in the International Training Workshop on Prevention and Treatment of the Major Diseases in Southeast Asia and Africa & Symposium of Advances in Reproductive Health, organized by Hainan Medical University, 1 pgs. Hainan, China, 2012.12.06. <P127555> MA Y. L.; LI Q.; ZHOU Z.; ZHANG Y.; XU W. and CHOY Kwong Wai. "PGD for Reciprocal Translocations Using Oligo Array-CGH". Paper presented in the 8th Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine Special Focus on Prenatal Genetics and Genomic Diagnosis, organized by Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 (P-30) pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.03. <P127565> ZHANG Tao; MAN, Chi Wai and WANG Chi Chiu. "Peritoneal Cytokines and Immune Cells in Early Experimental Endometriosis in Mice". Paper presented in the 2nd Asian Conference on Endometriosis, organized by Endometriosis & Adenomyosis Association, 1 (P-24) pgs. Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.11.09. <P127685> SAHOTA Daljit Singh. "Challenges in Quality Control in Screening". Paper presented in the 8th Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine Special Focus on Prenatal Genetics and Genomic Diagnosis, organized by Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.03. <P127828> CHENG Kwun Yue Yvonne; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; LAW Lai Wa; TING Yuen Ha and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "A Fetus with a Huge Neck Mass and a Large Abdominal Circumference - A Rare Case of Sialoblastoma and Hepatoblastoma". Prenatal Diagnosis vol.32 no.9 pp.915-917. United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.09. <P127994> WANG Chi Chiu. "The Tear Proteome". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by The Hong Kong Opthalmological Society, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.14. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P128122> LAO Tzu Hsi Terence; SAHOTA Daljit Singh; SUEN Sik Hung; LAW Lai Wa and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "Maternal HBsAg Status and Infant Size - a Faustian Bargain"? Journal of Viral Hepatitis vol.19 no.7, pp.519-524. United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.07. <P128144> LEUNG W. C.; LO T. K.; CHOY Kwong Wai; LAU Tze Kin; JIANG F. and ZHANG H.. "Fetal Anomalies Detected in the Second Trimester - Added Value of Maternal Plasma DNA Sequencing Based Non-invasive Prenatal Screening (The NIFTY Test)". Paper presented in the 8th Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine Special Focus on Prenatal Genetics and Genomic Diagnosis, organized by Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 (P-25) pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.03. <P128209> WANG Chi Chiu and GOJOBORI Takashi. "Genomic Implications of Gene Dosage Imbalance in Autosomal Trisomy during Neural Development". New Developments in Down Syndrome Research ed. by Alard Van Den Bosch & Elise Dubois. 1 ed. pp.177-204. New York, United States of America: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2012. <P128239> MA Runmei; LAO Tzu Hsi Terence; SUN Yonghu; XIAO Hong; TIAN Yuqin; LI Bailuan; YANG Minghui; YANG Weihong; LIANG Kun; LIANG Guohua; LI Hongyu; GENG Li; NI Renmin; QI Wenjin; CHEN Zhuo; DU Mingyu; ZHU Bei; XU Jing; TAO Yanping; ZHANG Lan; SONG Xianyan; QU Zaiqing; SUN Qian; YI Yiaoyun; YU Jihui and ZHANG Dandan. "Practice Audits to Reduce Caesareans in a Tertiary Referral Hospital in South-western China". Bulletin of the World Health Organization vol.90 no.7, pp.488-494. Switzerland, 2012.07. <P128335> LAU Tze Kin; CHOY Kwong Wai; JIANG F.; CHAN M. K.; ZHANG H. and ZHANG L.. "Mosaic Triple Trisomy Detected by Maternal Plasma DNA Sequencing Based Non-invasive Prenatal Screening (The NIFTY Test)". Paper presented in the 8th Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine Special Focus on Prenatal Genetics and Genomic Diagnosis, organized by Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 (P-21) pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.03. <P128416> CHEUNG Tak Hong; MAN Kwun Nok Mimi; YU Mei Yung; YIM So Fan; SIU Shing Shun Nelson; LO Wing Kit; DORAN Graeme; WONG Raymond R. Y.; WANG Vivian W.; SMITH David I.; WORLEY Michael J.; BERKOWITZ Ross S.; CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony and WONG Yick Fu. "Dysregulated microRNAs in the Pathogenesis and Progression of Cervical Neoplasm". Cell Cycle vol.11 no.15, pp.2876-2884. United States of America: Landes Bioscience, 2012.08. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P128443> LAW Kwok Ming and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "First Trimester Ultrasound Diagnosis of Achondrogenesis Type II Associated with Omphalocoele in a Low Risk Pregnancy". Paper presented in the 8th Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine Special Focus on Prenatal Genetics and Genomic Diagnosis, organized by Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 (P-23) pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.03. <P128458> LAO Tzu Hsi Terence; SUEN Sik Hung; SAHOTA Daljit Singh; LAW Lai Wa and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "Has Improved Health Care Provision Impacted on the Obstetric Outcome in Teenage Women"? The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine vol.25 no.8, pp.1358-1362. United Kingdom: Informa Healthcare, 2012.08. <P128764> LEUNG Kit Tong; SUEN Sik Hung; SAHOTA Daljit Singh; LAU Tze Kin and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "External Cephalic Version Does Not Increase the Risk of Intra-uterine Death: a 17-year Experience and Literature Review". The Journal of Maternal-fetal & Neonatal Medicine vol.25 no.9, pp.1774-1778. United Kingdom: Informa Healthcare, 2012.09. <P129148> HAINES Christopher John; WONG Wai Yee; KONG Wing Shan; CHEUNG Lai Ping; CHOY Tak Kee Dicky and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Prevention of Osteoporosis in Hypoestrogenic Women in the Reproductive Age Range". Paper presented in the 68th Annual Meeting for the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), organized by ASRM, 1 pgs. San Diego, United States of America, 2012.10. <P129423> HUI Shuk Yi Annie; LAO Tzu Hsi Terence; TING Yuen Ha and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "Cervical Pessary in Pregnant Women with a Short Cervix". Lancet vol.380 no.9845, pp.887. United Kingdom: Elsevier Science Inc, 2012.09.08. <P129518> TAM Wing Hung; MA Ching Wan Ronald; YANG Xilin; KO Tin Choi; LAO Tzu Hsi Terence; CHAN Ho Ming; LAM Wai Kei Christopher; CLIVE Cockram and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Cardiometabolic Risk in Chinese Women with Prior Gestational Diabetes: A 15-year Follow-up Study". Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation vol.73 no.2, pp.168-176. Switzerland: Karger, 2012. <P129646> TING Yuen Ha; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie and LO Anthony W. I.. "Prenatal Diagnosis of Diastematomyelia in a 21-week Fetus by Magnetic Resonance Imaging". Paper presented in the 8th Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine Special Focus on Prenatal Genetics and Genomic Diagnosis, organized by Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 (P-37) pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.03. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P129771> WANG Chi Chiu; LI Lu; TANG Ling Yin; BORCHERT A; MAN, Chi Wai; LAU Bik San Clara and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Studies of the Congenital Malformation Induced by the Commonly Used Chinese Herbal Medicines for Threatened Miscarriage". Paper presented in the 11th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine, organized by Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine, p.069. Macau, 2012.08.21. <P129790> SAHOTA Daljit Singh; POOH Ritsuko Kimata; CHOY Kwong Wai; LEUNG Tak Yeung and LAU Tze Kin. "First Trimester Serum Markers Stability during Sample Transportation from the Obstetrical Site to the Screening Laboratory". Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine vol.25 no.7, pp.966-969. United Kingdom: Informa Healthcare, 2012.07. <P129804> CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa. "A Study on Pelvic Floor Biometry during Pregnancy Using Perineal USG". Paper presented in the XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, organized by FIGO International Federation of Gynecology & Obstetrics, p.88 (FC54). Roma, Italy, 2012.10.10. <P129921> CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa. "Menstrual Problems in Adolescents and Improving Quality of Life: The PanAsian Experience". Paper presented in the XX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, organized by FIGO International Federation of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 1 pgs. Rome, Italy, 2012.10.08. <P129972> CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel; YIU Ka Wah and LEE Lai Loi. "Pelvic Floor Biometry after the delivery in Chinese Primiparous Women". Paper presented in the 22nd World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, p.1 (P12.01). Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012.09.09. <P129981> SIU Shing Shun Nelson. "Anatomical and Histological Basis of Colposcopy". Paper presented in the 2012 Conference of Asia Oceania Research Organisation on Genital Infections and Neoplasia (AOGIN 2012), organized by Asia Oceania Research Organisation on Genital Infections and Neoplasia, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.07.13. <P130255> CAO, Ye and CHOY Kwong Wai. "Targeted Massively Parallel Sequencing as a Molecular Test for Diagnosis of Hereditary Hearing Loss". Paper presented in the Genomic Disorders 2013 From 60 Years of DNA to Human Genomes in the Clinic, organized by Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands 1 (P-26) pgs. United Kingdom, 2013.04.10. <P130557> FAN Hiu Lan; CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; LAW Sze Man; CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel and CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony. "Pelvic Floor Muscle Training Improves Quality of Life of Women with Urinary Incontinence: A Prospective Study". Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecologyst vol.53 no.3, pp.298-304. United States of America: Wiley Black Well, 2013.06. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P130577> HUI Shuk Yi Annie; CHOR Chung Ming; LAU Tze Kin; LAO Tzu Hsi Terence and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "Cerclage Pessary for Preventing Preterm Birth in Women with a Singleton Pregnancy and a Short Cervix at 20 to 24 Weeks: A Randomized Controlled Trial". American Journal of Perinatology vol.30 no.4, pp.283-288. United States of America: Thieme Medical Publishers, 2013.04. <P130594> SONG Xiaofeng; WANG Minghao; CHEN Phoebe Yi-ping; WANG Huating; HAN Ping and SUN Hao. "Prediction of pre-miRNA with multiple stem-loops using pruning algorithm". computers in biology and medicine vol.43 no.5, pp.409-16. 2013.06.01. <P130735> 蔡光偉. <array-CGH 在香港產前診斷上的應用現狀>. 論文發表於 《蘇州市產前篩查和產前診斷技 術培訓班》, 主辦機構為蘇州市婦幼保健所, 13-17. 中國蘇州, 2013.06.09. <P130802> DE VILLIERS T. J.; GASS M. L. S.; HAINES Christopher John; HALL J. E.; LOBO R. A.; PIERROZ D. D. and REES M.. "Global Consensus Statement on Menopausal Hormone Therapy". Climacteric vol.16 no.2, pp.203-204. United Kingdom: Informa Healthcare, 2013.04. <P131138> CHU Ching Yan and WANG Chi Chiu. "Maternal Transfer, Distribution and Reproductive Toxicity of Low-dose Melamine in Foetuses and Infants". Paper presented in the XIII International Congress of Toxicology, organized by the Korean Society of Toxicology in conjunction with the 2nd International Conference on Environmental OMICS , p.267 (P3-053). Seoul, Korea, South, 2013.06.30. <P131275> LAO Tzu Hsi Terence; SAHOTA Daljit Singh; CHENG Kwun Yue Yvonne; LAW Lai Wa and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "Maternal Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Status and Incidence of Pre-eclampsia". Journal of Viral Hepatitis vol.20 no.5, pp.343-349. United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.05. <P131449> TING Yuen Ha; ZHOU yan and LAO Tzu Hsi Terence. "Carbimazole Embryopathy in a Chinese Population: Case Series and Literature Review". Birth Defects Research Part A-Clinical and Molecular Teratology vol.97 no.4, pp.225-229. United States of America: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.04. <P131482> DENG Yan; TANG Tao; SUI Yi and YUE Ruifeng. "Application of Microneedle in siRNA Cutaneous Delivery". Paper presented in the 第四届中國小核酸技術與應用學術會議, organized by 北京大 學, p.91. China, 2013.06.21. <P131542> TANG Tao. <miRNA-182 - 宮頸癌中的 onco-miRNA>. 論文發表於 《第四届中國小核酸技術與應 用學術會議》, 主辦機構為北京大學, 67. 中國, 2013.06.21. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P131572> WANG Chi Chiu; BILLETT Ellen; BORCHERT Astrid; KUHN Hartmut and UFER Christoph. "Monoamine Oxidases in Development". Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences vol.70 no.4, pp.599-630. Switzerland: Springer Basel AG, 2013.02. <P131587> ZHAO, Yu 趙喻; YANG Yihua; ZHOU Liang; SUN Kun; SUN Hao and WANG Huating. "A Novel PCDH10-β-Catenin-MALAT1 Regulatory Axis in Endometriold Endometrial Carcinoma (EEC)". Paper presented in the Epigenetic Marks and Cancer Drugs, organized by Ali Shilatifard, p.90 (P-3060). New Mexico, United States of America, 2013.03.23. <P131597> YIU Ka Wah and CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa. "Local Experience of Vaginal Dilation Therapy in Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome Patients". Paper presented in the 17th FIGIJ World Congress in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, organized by Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.54 (OP7.3). Hong Kong SAR, 2013.03.17. <P131608> CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel; SHEK L.; CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa and DIETZ H.. "Pelvic Floor Biometry and Pelvic Organ Mobility in Asian and Caucasian Nulliparae". Paper presented in the IUGA 38th Annual Meeting, organized by IUGA, p.62 (P-072). Dublin, Ireland, 2013.05.30. <P131726> CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel and CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa. "Urinary Symptoms and Quality of Life in Adolescent Female Ex-ketamine Abusers". Paper presented in the 17th FIGIJ World Congress in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, organized by Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.35 (OP1.5). Hong Kong SAR, 2013.03.15. <P131907> LAU Tze Kin; JIANG Fu Man; STEVENSON Robert J; LO Tsz Kin; CHAN Lin Wai Daniel; CHAN Mei Ki; LO Salome Pui Shan; WANG Wei; ZHANG Hong Yun; CHEN Fang and CHOY Kwong Wai. "Secondary Findings from Non-invasive Prenatal Testing for Common Fetal Aneuploidies by Whole Genome Sequencing as A Clinical Service". Prenatal Diagnosis vol.33 no.6, pp.602-608. United States of America: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.06. <P132067> CHOY Kwong Wai. "BACs on Beads in Prenatal Diagnosis and Pre-implantation Genetics Screening". Paper presented in the International Conference on Next Revolution in Genetics & Genomics Applications in Health and Disease, organized by Center of Medical Genetics, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, 1 pgs. New Delhi, India, 2013.01. <P132126> CHENG Kwun Yue Yvonne. <Clinical Application of Array - CGH (Experience from Hong Kong)>. 論 文發表於 《The 3rd Chinese Congress of Fetal Medicine》, 主辦機構為中國產前診斷雜誌, 103 - 107. 中 國廣州, 2013.06.16. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P132205> YIU Ka Wah and CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa. "Chinese Women’s Knowledge and Attitude towards the Use of Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills by Their Daughters". Paper presented in the 17th FIGIJ World Congress in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, organized by Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.40 (OP3.2). Hong Kong SAR, 2013.03.15. <P132425> SAHOTA Daljit Singh; LEUNG W. C.; CHAN W. P.; TO William W. K.; LAU Elizabeth T. and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "Prospective Assessment of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority Universal Down Syndrome Screening Programme". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.19 no.2, pp.101-108. Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press, 2013.04. <P132845> WONG Yuen Kwan Alice; CHAN S; YEO Winnie; YU Mei Yung; SUEN J and TAM Wing Hung. Prevention of tamoxifen-related endometrial pathology with levonorgestrel intrauterine system. Paper presented in the 13th St. Gallen Conference Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer, S83 pgs. Switzerland, 2013.03.13. <P132861> WAN Yee Ki; CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel; CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa and CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony. "Risk of Malignancy in Women Who Underwent Hysterectomy for Uterine Prolapse". Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology vol.53 no.2, pp.190-196. Australia: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.04. <P133100> CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel; LEE Lai Loi and YIU Ka Wah. "Relationship of Levator Ani Muscle Injury and Pelvic Floor Biometry on Pelvic Floor Symptoms in Chinese Women Six Months after Their First Vaginal Delivery". Paper presented in the RCOG World Congress 2013, organized by Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, p.32 (PP4.03). Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2013.06.24. <P133170> TONG Yan; WANG Chi Chiu; LAU Bik San Clara and TAM Wing Hung. "Protective Effects of Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber (Maidong) on Hyperglycemia-induced Cranial Neural Tube Defect in Mouse Embryos in Vitro". Paper presented in the 7th International DIP Symposium Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome & Pregnancy, organized by Kenes International, p.26 (P-173). Florence, Italy, 2013.03.15. <P133186> NG Tsz Kin; CARBALLOSA Carlos M.; PELAEZ Daniel; WONG Hoi Kin; CHOY Kwong Wai; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and CHEUNG Herman S.. "Nicotine Alters MicroRNA Expression and Hinders Human Adult Stem Cell Regenerative Potential". Stem Cells and Development vol.22 no.5, pp.781-790. United States of America: Stem Cells and Development, 2013.03. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P133231> SUN Xiao Fang; CAO, Ye; HUANG, Jin; CAO Dingya; LEUNG Tak Yeung and CHOY Kwong Wai. "Combined Array CGH Plus SNP Microarray Analyses in a Single Assay for Prenatal Testing". Paper presented in the 12th Chinese National Conference of Medical Genetics, organized by Chinese Medical Association, p.261. China, 2013.04. <P133286> FUNG G; CHAN M; HO Y C; CHAN B and LAO Tzu Hsi Terence. "Respiratory Outcome Of Late-Preterm Infants Delivered from Pregnancies Complicated by Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (Gdm)". Paper presented in the 7th International DIP Symposium Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome & Pregnancy, organized by Kenes International, p.36 (P-17). Florence, Italy, 2013.03.14. <P133355> TANG Leung Sang Nelson; LIAO Chen Di; WANG Xingyan; MO Frankie K. F.; CHAN Tung Ching; NG Rita; PANG Elizabeth; SUEN Joy See Joyce; WOO Jean and YEO Winnie. "Role of Pharmacogenetics on Adjuvant Chemotherapy-Induced Neutropenia in Chinese Breast Cancer Patients". Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology vol.139 no.3, pp.419-427. 2013.03. <P133800> LI Lu; DOU Lixia; LEUNG Ping Chung; CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony and WANG Chi Chiu. "Chinese Herbal Medicines for Unexplained Recurrent Miscarriage". The Cochrane Collaboration CD010568. vol.6 pp.1-17. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2013.06.05. <P133910> CHENG Kwun Yue Yvonne; LAO Tzu Hsi Terence; SAHOTA Daljit Singh; LEUNG Kit Tong and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "Use of Birth Weight Threshold for Macrosomia to Identify Fetuses at Risk of Shoulder Dystocia among Chinese Populations". International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics vol.120 no.3, pp.249-253. Netherlands: Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2013.03. <P133918> GIBBONS Kristen S; CHANG Mang Z. Allan; FLENADY Vicki J; MAHOMED Kassam; GRAY Peter H; GARDENER Glenn J and ROSSOUW Dominique. "A Test of Agreement of Customised Birthweight Models". Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology vol.27 no.2, pp.131-137. United States of America: Wiley-Black Well, 2013.03. <P134079> WANG Chi Chiu; XU Hui; MAN, Chi Wai; ZHANG Tao; CHU Kai On; CHU Ching Yan; CHENG Tin Yan; LI Gang; HE Yi Xin; QIN Ling; LAU Tat San; KWONG Joseph and CHAN Tak Hang. "Prodrug of Green Tea Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate (Pro-EGCG) as a Potent Anti-angiogenesis Agent for Endometriosis in Mice". angiogenesis vol.16 no.1, pp.59-69. Netherlands: Springer, 2013.01. <P134330> TAM Wing Hung; MA Ching Wan Ronald; CHAN Ho Ming and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Insulin Resistance and Beta-Cell Function at 15 Years Age Correlates with Umbilical Cord Insulin and C-peptide Level". Paper presented in the 7th International DIP Symposium Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome (P-26). Florence, Italy, 2013.03.14. & Pregnancy, organized by Kenes International, p.36 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P134358> SUN Kun; CHEN Xiaona; JIANG Peiyong; SONG Xiaofeng; WANG Huating and SUN Hao. "iSeeRNA: Identification of Long Intergenic Non-Coding RNA Transcripts from Transcriptome Sequencing Data". BMC Genomics vol.14 Suppl2 pp.S7. 2013.02. <P134391> KANG Zhanfang; DENG Yi; ZHOU Yu; FAN Rongrong; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana; LAYBUTT D R; LUZURIAGA J and XU Gang. "Pharmacological reduction of NEFA restores the efficacy of incretin-based therapies through GLP-1 receptor signalling in the beta cell in mouse models of diabetes". Diabetologia vol.56 no.2, pp.423-433. 2013.02. <P134452> CAO, Ye and CHOY Kwong Wai. "Genetic Diagnosis of Hereditary Hearing Loss Using Target Enrichment Massively Parallel Sequencing Approach". Paper presented in the 7th International Conference on Genomics & Bio-IT APAC 2012, organized by BGI, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.30. <P134828> SUEN Sik Hung; LAO Tzu Hsi Terence; CHAN Oi Ka Catherine; LAU Tze Kin; LEUNG Tak Yeung and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Relationship between Age and Prevalence of Hepatitis B Infection in First-year University Students in Hong Kong". Infection vol.41 no.2, pp.529-535. Germany: Springer Heidelberg, 2013.04. <P134838> HUANG, Jin; LEUNG Tak Yeung and CHOY Kwong Wai. "First-trimester Cystic Hygroma: Relationship of Nuchal Translucency Thickness and Outcomes". Obstetrics & Gynecology vol.121 no.1, pp.192-193. United States of America: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013.01. <P134975> YEUNG Sik Wing; SUEN Sik Hung; YU Chun Ho; LAO Tzu Hsi Terence; LEUNG Tak Yeung and LAU Tze Kin. "Spontaneous Carotid Cavernous Fistula Complicating Pregnancy". Hong Kong Med Journal vol.19 no.3, p.258-261. Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press, 2013.06. <P135168> CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel; LUI Wai Ting; WONG Kit Man; LEE Lai Loi; LEE Ho Sze Jacqueline; CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa and CHOY Kwong Wai. "Cytokines in Ex-ketamine Abuse Adolescent Girls". Paper presented in the 17th FIGIJ World Congress in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, organized by Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.36 (OP1.6). Hong Kong SAR, 2013.03.15. <P135532> DE Villiers T. J.; HAINES Christopher John; GASS M. L. S.; HALL J. E.; LOBO R. A.; PIERROZ D. D. and REES M.. "Global Consensus Statement on Menopausal Therapy". Maturitas vol.74 no.4, pp.391-392. Netherlands: Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2013.04. Hormone Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P135556> YIU Ka Wah and CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa. "Attitudes and Knowledge of Hong Kong Chinese Mothers toward Their Daughters' Use of Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills". Paper presented in the RCOG World Congress 2013, organized by Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, p.55 (PP6.01). Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2013.06.25. <P135696> XIONG Yi; LIU Tao; GAN Han Jing; WU Ying; XU Jing Feng; TING Yuen Ha; LEUNG Tak Yeung and LAU Tze Kin. "Can Live xPlane Imaging of the In-plane View of Interventricular Septum be Used to Detect Fetal Conotruncal Anomalies"? The Journal of Maternal-fetal & Neonatal Medicine vol.26 no.4, pp.373-377. United Kingdom: Informa Healthcare, 2013.03. <P135735> ZHAO, Yu 趙喻; YANG Yihua; ZHOU Liang; SUN, Kun; SUN Hao and WANG Huating. "A Novel PCDH10-Wnt/β-Catenin-Malat 1 Regulatory Axis in Endometrioid Endometrial Adenocarcinoma". Paper presented in the Noncoding RNAs in Development and Cancer, organized by Cell Research EMD Millipore Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc, p.103 (P-3058). Vancouver, Canada, 2013.01.03. <P135738> WANG Chi Chiu; CHENG King Fai; LO Wing Man Winnie; LAW Kwan Yee Cindy; LI Lu; LEUNG Ping Chung; CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony and HAINES Christopher John. "A Randomized, Double-blind, Multiple-dose Escalation Study of a Chinese Herbal Medicine Preparation (Dang Gui Buxue Tang) for Moderate to Severe Menopausal Symptoms and Quality of Life in Postmenopausal Women". Menopause :The Journal of the North American Menopause Society vol.20 no.2, pp.223-231. United States of America: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013.02. <P135865> XU Hui; ZHANG Tao; MAN, Chi Wai; MAY Katie E.; BECKER Christian M.; DAVIS Tina N.; KUNG Andrew L.; BIRSNER Amy E.; D AMATO Robert J.; WONG Wai Yee and WANG Chi Chiu. "Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C is Increased in Endometrium and Promotes Endothelial Functions, Vascular Permeability and Angiogenesis and Growth of Endometriosis". Angiogenesis vol.16 pp.541-551. Netherlands: Springer, 2013.01. <P136078> XIONG Yi; LIU Tao; GAN Han Jing; WU Ying; XU Jin Feng; TING Yuen Ha; LEUNG Tak Yeung and LAU Tze Kin. "Detection of the Fetal Conotruncal Anomalies Using Real-time Three-dimensional Echocardiography with Live Xplane Imaging of the Fetal Ductal Arch View". Prenatal Diagnosis vol.33 no.5, pp.462-466. United States of America: Wiley Blackwell, 2013.05. <P136148> CHOI Ping Shu; CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; SAHOTA Daljit Singh and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "Measuring the Angle of the Subpubic Arch Using Three-dimensional Transperineal Ultrasound Scan: Intraoperator Repeatability and Interoperator Reproducibility". American Journal Perinatology vol.30 no.03, pp.191-195. United States of America: Thieme Medical Publ Inc, 2013.03. of Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P136319> CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel; LEE Lai Loi and YIU Ka Wah. "Relationship of Pelvic Floor Disorder and Pelvic Floor Biometry at 12 Months after First Delivery". Paper presented in the IUGA 38th Annual Meeting, organized by IUGA, p.95 (P-395). Dublin, Ireland, 2013.05.28. <P136336> LEUNG Tak Yeung and LAO Tzu Hsi Terence. "Timing of Caesarean Section According to Urgency". Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology vol.27 no.2, pp.251-267. United Kingdom: Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2013.04. <P136634> CHENG Kwun Yue Yvonne; WONG Kit Man; WONG Hoi Kin; LEUNG Kwok On Andrew; KWOK Ka Yin; SUEN Kin Wah; WANG Chi Chiu; LEUNG Tak Yeung and CHOY Kwong Wai. "The Detection of Mosaicism by Prenatal BoBsTM". Prenatal Diagnosis vol.33 no.1, pp.42-49. United States of America: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.01. <P136731> LAI Beatrice P. Y.; CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony; LEE Tak Shing Dominic; KONG Wing Shan and LOK Hung Ingrid. "Measuring Grief Following Miscarriage: Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of the Perinatal Grief Scale". Assessment vol.20 no.1, pp.123-129. United States of America: Sage, 2013.02. <P136985> WONG Wai Yee and HAINES Christopher John. "Effect of Laparoscopic Salpingectomy on Ovarian Response In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Embryo Transfer (ET) Cycles". Paper presented in the RCOG World Congress 2013, organized by Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, p.28 (PP2.03). Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2013.06.24. <P137047> CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel; LEE Lai Loi and YIU Ka Wah. "A Prospective Observational Study on Pelvic Floor Biometry at 6 And 12 Months after First Delivery". Paper presented in the IUGA 38th Annual Meeting, organized by IUGA, p.95 (P-394). Dublin, Ireland, 2013.05.28. <P137114> CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel; LEE Lai Loi and YIU Ka Wah. "Health Related Quality of Life on Pelvic Floor in Women One Year after Delivery According to Their Mode of Delivery". Paper presented in the IUGA 38th Annual Meeting, organized by IUGA, p.82 (P-223). Dublin, Ireland, 2013.05.28. <P137128> WONG Sze Wai; CHEUNG Chun Wai; LEUNG Kit Tong; YEUNG Sik Wing; LEUNG Tak Yeung and FUNG Tak Yuen. "Transcervical Intralesional Vasopressin Injection in Hysteroscopic Myomectomy-Description of a New Technique". Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques vol.23 no.3, pp.258-262. United States of America: Mary Ann Liebert Inc, 2013.03. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P137192> KONG Wing Shan; LOK Hung Ingrid; YIU Ka Wah; HUI Shuk Yi Annie; LAI Beatrice Pui Yee and CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony. "Clinical and Psychological Impact after Surgical, Medical or Expectant Management of First-trimester Miscarriage - A Randomised Controlled Trial". Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology vol.53 no.2, pp.170-177. Australia: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.04. <P137227> TANG Tao; WONG Hoi Kin; GU Wenyi; YU Mei Yung; TO Ka Fai; WANG Chi Chiu; WONG Yick Fu; CHEUNG Tak Hong; CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony and CHOY Kwong Wai. "MicroRNA-182 Plays an Onco-miRNA Role in Cervical Cancer". Gynecologic Oncology vol.129 no.1, pp.199-208. United States of America: Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2013.04. <P137307> CHUNG Pui Wah Jacqueline; YIU Ka Wah and CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa. "A Randomized, Crossover Study of Medroxyprogesterone Acetate and Diane-35 on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Adolescents". Paper presented in the 17th FIGIJ World Congress in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, organized by Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.45 (OP4.3). Hong Kong SAR, 2013.03.16. <P137513> LAO Tzu Hsi Terence; TAM Wing Hung; MA Ching Wan Ronald; YANG Xilin; LI Albert Man Chim; KO Gary Tin Choi; CHAN Ho Ming; LAM Wai Kei Christopher; COCKRAM Clive S and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Long-term Implications on Metabolic and Cardiovascular Problems in Mothers and Offspring of the Chinese Cohort in the HAPO Study". Paper presented in the 7th International DIP Symposium Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome & Pregnancy, organized by Kenes International, p.29. Florence, Italy, 2013.03.15. <P137608> WONG Wai Yee; CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; YEO Winnie; YU Mei Yung and TAM Wing Hung. "Prophylactic Use of Levonorgestrel-releasing Intrauterine System in Women with Breast Cancer Treated with Tamoxifen". Obstetrics & Gynecology vol.121 no.5, pp.943-950. United States of America: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013.05. <P137885> CHOY Kwong Wai and LAU Tze Kin. "Secondary Findings from Non-invasive Prenatal Testing by Whole Genome Sequencing as a Clinical Service". Paper presented in the Genomic Disorders 2013 From 60 Years of DNA to Human Genomes in the Clinic, organized by Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands, 1 (P-61) pgs. United Kingdom, 2013.04.10. <P137965> CHOY Kwong Wai and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "Combined Array CGH Plus SNP Array for Prenatal Testing". Paper presented in the 12th World Congress in Fetal Medicine, organized by The Fetal Medicine Foundation, 1 pgs. Marbella, Spain, 2013.06.25. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P138181> CHOY Kwong Wai; LAU Tze Kin and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "cfDNA Testing: Secondary Findings". Paper presented in the 12th World Congress in Fetal Medicine, organized by The Fetal Medicine Foundation, 1 pgs. Marbella, Spain, 2013.06.25. <P138221> CHOY Kwong Wai. "Micro Arrays in Prenatal, Post-natal and LOH/UPD Detection". Paper presented in the International Conference on Next Revolution in Genetics & Genomics - Applications in Health and Disease, organized by Center of Medical Genetics, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, 1 pgs. New Delhi, India, 2013.01. <P138268> CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; CHEUNG Yau Kar Rachel; LAI Pui Yee; LEE Lai Loi; CHOY Kwong Wai and CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony. "Responsiveness of the Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory and Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire in Women Undergoing Treatment for Pelvic Floor Disorders". International Urogynecology Journal vol.24 no.2, pp.213-221. United Kingdom: London: Springer, 2013.02. <P138485> TAN Wenjuan; HUANG Hui; WANG Yanfei; WONG, Tsz Yan; WANG Chi Chiu and LEUNG Lai Kwok. "Bisphenol A Differentially Activates Protein Kinase C Isoforms in Murine Placental Tissue". Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology vol.269 no.2, pp.163-168. United States of America: Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2013.03.29. <P138986> CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa and YIU Ka Wah. "A Study on Menstrual Attitude of Post-menarche Girls". Paper presented in the RCOG World Congress 2013, organized by Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, p.137 (EP6.09). Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2013.06.24. <P139242> QU, Zhengzhong; LEUNG Tak Yeung; JIANG Peiyong; LIAO Jiawei Gary; CHENG Kwun Yue Yvonne; SUN Hao; CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa; CHAN Kwan Chee and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Noninvasive Prenatal Determination of Twin Zygosity by Maternal Plasma DNA Analysis". Clinical Chemistry vol.59 no.2, pp.427-435. United States of America: Amer Assoc Clinical Chemistry, 2013.02. <P139341> WAH Yi Man. "1st Trimester Ultrasound Measurement of Pelvic Inlet". Paper presented in the The 12th World Congress in Fetal Medicine, organized by The Fetal Medicine Foundation, 1 pgs. Marbella, Spain, 2013.06.23. <P139429> CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; YIU Ka Wah and CHUNG Pui Wah Jacqueline. "A Randomized, Crossover Study of Medroxyprogesterone Acetate and Diane-35 on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Adolescents". Paper presented in the RCOG World Congress 2013, organized by Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, p.55 (PP6.04). Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2013.06.25. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology <P139509> FUNG Wen Ying Linda and CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa. "Menstrual Attitude of Pre-menarche Girls". Paper presented in the 17th FIGIJ World Congress in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, organized by Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.39 (OP2.4). Hong Kong SAR, 2013.03.15. See Also<P120464 >, <P120526 >, <P121165 >, <P121545 >, <P122242 >, <P122510 >, <P122581 >, <P123836 >, <P124145 >, <P124229 >, <P124718 >, <P126219 >, <P128279 >, <P128907 >, <P129073 >, <P129996 >, <P131013 >, <P131861 >, <P132722 >, <P133403 >, <P133679 >, <P134117 >, <P134789 >, <P134849 >, <P137663 >, <P138569 >, <P139012 >, <P139068 > Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P120001> LEUNG Kai Shun. "Fast and Slow Progression in Normal Tension Glaucoma.". Paper presented in the Lectures for Glaucoma Specialists in Korea, Korea, South, 2012. <P120403> AGARWAL Tushar; JHANJI Vishal; SATPATHY Gita; NAYAK Niranjan; CHAWLA Bhavna; TANDON Radhika and TITIYAL S Jeewan. "Moxifloxacin Resistance: Intrinsic to Antibiotic or Related to Mutation?". Optometry and Vision Science vol.89 no.12, pp.1721-1724. United States of America: Williams & Wilkins, 2012.12. <P120446> SEAH Lay Leng; CHONG Kam Lung; WOO Kyung In; KASHIMA Tomoyuki; JANG Jae Woo; MOIN Mohammad; CHOO Chai-teck and DONGMEI Li. "Common Asian Eyelid Surgery: A Video-Based Course". Paper presented in the Joint Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, organized by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2012.11.11. <P120451> YOUNG Alvin Lerrmann; KAM Ka Wai; JHANJI Vishal; CHENG Lu Lulu and RAO K Srinivas. "A New Era in Corneal Transplantation: Paradigm Shift And Evolution of Techniques". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.18 no.6, pp.509-516. Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press, 2012.12. <P120578> LAM Tsze Ho Philip; JHANJI V; CHAN Wan Kin; CHI Scc and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Mortality following cataract surgery in patients taking warfarin". Hong Kong Medical Journal 2012.09. <P120601> VAJPAYEE B Rasik; SHARMA Namrata; MAHARANA Prafulla; CHAN Elsie; JHANJI Vishal; BELTZ E Jacqueline and CASSIDY Thomas Dermot. "Tenon Patch Graft for Corneal Perforation". Paper presented in the Joint Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, pp.1. United States of America, 2012.11.10. <P120688> RONG, Shisong; JHANJI Vishal; PENG Yi; LIANG Yuanbo and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Is Smoking Protective Against Pterygium: A Meta-Analysis of Current Evidences?". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.16. <P120873> FAR Ying and LIU Ta Li. "Probable Vogt–Koyanagi–Harada Disease with Initial Unilateral Ocular Manifestation in A Hepatitis C Carrier". Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection vol.2 no.4, pp.235-237. Germany: Springer, 2012.12. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P120956> THAM Chee Yung Clement. "Argon Laser Peripheral Iridoplasty". Paper presented in the The 1st Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Congress, organized by Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Society, 1 pgs. Indonesia, 2012.12.07. <P121010> CHONG Kam Lung. "Combined Pulse Intravenous Steroid And Imaged Guided, Ophthalmologist-Planned External RT in Thyroid Associated Orbitopathy". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.14. <P121186> PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Molecular Genomics of Eye Disease". Paper presented in the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan and the 15th Taipei International Symposium of Ophthalmology, organized by The Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan, 1 pgs. Taiwan, 2012.11.17. <P121193> KHANDUJA Sumeet; JHANJI Vishal; SHARMA Namrata; VASHIST Praveen; MURTHY G. V. S.; GUPTA K Sanjeev; SATPATHY Gita; TANDON Radhika; TITIYAL S Jeewan and VAJPAYEE B Rasik. "Trachoma Prevalence in Women Living in Rural Northern India: Rapid Assessment Findings". Ophthalmic Epidemiology vol.19 no.4, pp.216-220. United Kingdom: Informa Healthcare, 2012.08. <P121225> YANG, Mingming; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; TAM Oi Sin Pancy; CHIANG Wai Yee Sylvia; CHAN Kar Mun Carmen; LUK Oi Jing Fiona; NG Tsz Kin and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Complement Factor H And Interleukin Gene Polymorphisms in Patients with Non-Infectious Intermediate And Posterior Uveitis". Molecular Vision vol.18 pp.1865-1872. United States of America: Molecular Vision, 2012. <P121245> LEUNG Kai Shun. "Interpretation of RNFL Measurements in OCT Printout". Paper presented in the The 1st Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Congress, organized by Asia-Pacific Gluacoma Society, 1 pgs. Indonesia, 2012.12.07. <P121280> LV Wenjuan; CHEN Jianhuan; CHEN Weiqi; HOU Ping; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and CHEN Haoyu. "Genetic And Phenotype Investigation of A Chinese Pedigree with Familial Amyloid And Vitreous Amyloidisis.". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, pp.1. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.16. <P121287> CHEN Haoyu; LIU Ke; CHEN Lijia; HOU Ping; CHEN Weiqi and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Genetic Associations in Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis". Molecular Vision vol.18 pp.816-829. United States of America: Molecular Vision, 2012. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P121317> LEUNG Kai Shun; JHANJI Vishal; PALMBERG F Paul; THAM Chee Yung Clement and AUNG Tin. "Is It Time to Replace Gonioscopy by Anterior Segment Imaging in The Diagnosis And Management of Angle-Closure Glaucoma?". Paper presented in the Joint Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, organized by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2012.11.11. <P121413> LAW Ka Sin Christopher; CHAN Sun-on and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "The Topoisomerase I Inhibitor, Camptothecin, Prevents Metastatic Spread of Retinoblastoma In Vitro.". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.16. <P121482> CHEUNG Ning and WONG Tien Y.. "Retinal Vessel Analysis As A Tool to Quantify Risk of Diabetic Retinopathy". Asia Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology vol.1 no.4, pp.240–244. United States of America: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012.07. <P121504> JHANJI Vishal; FERDINANDS Mervyn; SHEOREY Harsha; SHARMA Namrata; JARDINE Darren and VAJPAYEE B Rasik. "Unusual Clinical Presentations of New-Onset Herpetic Eye Disease After Ocular Surgery". Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica vol.90 no.6, pp.514-518. United Kingdom: Blackwell Munksgaard, 2012.09. <P121545> CHU Kai On; LIU Ta Li; CHAN Kwok Ping; YANG Yaping; YAM Hin Fai; ROGERS Michael Scott and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Quantification And Structure Elucidation of in Vivo Bevacizumab Modification in Rabbit Vitreous Humor After Intravitreal Injection". Molecular Pharmaceutics United States of America: American Chemical Society, 2012.11.06. <P121589> THAM Chee Yung Clement. "Diurnal Intraocular Pressure Profile in Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma". Paper presented in the 17th Congress of Chinese Ophthalmological Society, organized by Chinese Ophthalmological Society, 1 pgs. China, 2012.08.22. <P121650> SHARMA Namrata; VAJPAYEE B Rasik; JHANJI Vishal and AGARWAL Tushar. "Diagnosis And Treatment Modalities in Cases of Moderate And Recalcitrant Fungal Keratits". Paper presented in the Joint Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, organized by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2012.12.11. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P121670> CHEW Paul Tk; THAM Chee Yung Clement; ROJANAPONGPUN Prin; PARK Ki Ho; HO Ching Lin; AQUINO Cecilia Maria; GOLDBERG Ivan and BARTON Keith. "Drainage Device Surgery: All You Wanted to Know But Were Too Afraid to Ask". Paper presented in the Joint Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, organized by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2012.11.13. <P121748> QIN, Yongjie; LI Wai Ying; YANG Yaping; CHU Kai On; CHAN Sun On and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Comparison of Two Approaches of Endotoxin-induced Uveitis in Sprague Dawley Rat". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2012.12.15. <P121905> SHARMA Namrata; MAHARANA K. Prafulla; JHANJI Vishal and VAJPAYEE B. Rasik. "Management of Acute Corneal Hydrops in Ectatic Corneal Disorders". Current Opinion in Ophthalmology vol.23 no.4, pp.317-323. United States of America: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012.07. <P121941> LIU Shu; LI Zhiwei; WEINREB Robert N.; XU, Guihua; LINDSEY James D.; YE Cong; YUNG Wing Ho; PANG Chi Pui Calvin; LAM Shun Chiu Dennis and LEUNG Kai Shun. "Tracking Retinal Microgliosis in Models of Retinal Ganglion Cell Damage". Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science vol.53 no.10, pp.6254-6262. 2012.09. <P121972> GOLDBERG Ivan; THAM Chee Yung Clement; YAMAMOTO Tetsuya; CHEW Paul T K; AUNG Ting; PARK Ki Ho; ROJANAPONGPUN Prin and WANG Ning Li. "Angle-Closure And Angle-Closure Glaucoma". Paper presented in the Joint Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, organized by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2012.11.12. <P122017> VENKATARATNAM Sathyamurthy; GANEKAL Sunil; DORAIRAJ Syril; KOLHATKAR Tripti and JHANJI Vishal. "Big-Bubble Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty for Post-Keratitis And Post-Traumatic Corneal Stromal Scars". Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology vol.40 no.6, pp.537-541. Austria: Blackwell Science Asia, 2012.08. <P122181> JHANJI Vishal. "Current Concept of Management of Corneal Erosion Syndrome". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.14. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P122207> JHANJI Vishal. "Collecting Data for Keratoconus with OCT". Paper presented in the Asia Cornea Society Scientific Meeting, organized by Asia Cornea Society, 1 pgs. Philippines, 2012.11.28. <P122259> LEUNG Kai Shun; YU Chak Yan; WEINREB N Robert; MAK Heather Kayew; LAI Wing Ki; YE Cong and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Imaging with Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography: Interpreting The RNFL Maps in Healthy Myopic Eyes.". Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science vol.53 no.11, pp.7194-7200. United States of America: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2012.10.17. <P122388> WAN Ho-nam Kelvin; CHEN Lijia; RONG, Shisong; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and YOUNG Alvin Lerrmann. "Topical Cyclosporine in The Treatment of Allergic Conjunctivitis: A Meta-Analysis". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, pp.1. United States of America: American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2012.12.16. <P122419> YE Cong; YU Chak Yan; WEINREB Robert N.; LAM Shun Chiu Dennis and LEUNG Kai Shun. "Retinal Nerve Fiber Imaging with Spectral-Domin Optical Coherence Tomography- Impact of Blood Vessels and Segmentation Failure on Retinal nerve Fiber Layer Measurement". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.14. <P122453> MAN, Xiaofei and THAM Chee Yung Clement. "Effects of Phacoemulsification Versus Trabeculectomy And Adjunctive Mitomycin C Chemotherapy on Drainage Angle Status in Medically-Uncontrolled Chronic Angle Closure Glaucoma without Visually Significant Cataract". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.16. <P122487> YANG, Yaping; YE Cong; YIP Yolanda; CHU Ko; CHAN Sun-on and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "In Vivo Imaging for Longitudinal Assessment of Sodium Iodate-Induced Rat Retinal Lesions.". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.14. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P122599> LIU Ke; LIU Ta Li; CHEN Lijia; TAM Oi Sin Pancy; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Association of the C2-CFB-RDBP-SKIV2L Locus with Age-Related Macular Degeneration". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.15. <P122613> LIANG Yuanbo; FENG Mei Y.; MENG Hai L.; FAN Su J.; WANG Xing; XIE Li L.; PENG Yi; TANG Xin; WANG Ning L. and THOMAS Ravi. "Early Efficacy And Complications of Releasable Sutures for Trabeculectomy in Primary Angle-closure Glaucoma: A Randomized Clinical Trial". Journal of Glaucoma United States of America: Raven Press, 2012.10.10. <P122666> PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "The Glaucoma Genome.". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.15. <P122712> PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "An Update on Eye Genomics". Paper presented in the 17th Congress of Chinese Ophthalmological Society, organized by Chinese Ophthalmological Society, 1 pgs. China, 2012.08.22. <P122718> JHANJI Vishal; MEHTA S. Jod; SHARMA Namrata; SHARMA Bhavana and VAJPAYEE B. Rasik. "Targeted Corneal Transplantation". Current Opinion in Ophthalmology vol.23 no.4, pp.324-329. United States of America: Philadelphia, PA : Current Science, 2012.07. <P122720> RONG, Shisong; CHEN Lijia; CHEN Haoyu; MA Li; TAM Oi Sin Pancy and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Diabetic Retinopathy Genetic Variants in Inflammatory & Oxidative Stress Pathways: Meta-Analyses of 9 Candidate Genes". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. 2012.12.14. <P122726> YANG, Mingming; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; TAM Oi Sin Pancy; CHIANG Wai Yee Sylvia; NG Tsz Kin; LIU Ke and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Association of C2 and CFB Polymorphisms with Anterior Uveitis". Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences vol.53 no.8, pp.4969-74. 2012.07. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P122826> LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; LUK Oi Jing Fiona; LEE Ka Yau and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Long-term Outcome of Intravitreal Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Therapy with Bevacizumab Or Ranibizumab As Primary Treatment for Subfoveal Myopic Choroidal Neovascularization". Eye (London, England) vol.26 no.7, pp.1004-1011. United Kingdom: Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom, 2012.07. <P122898> JHANJI Vishal. "Classifications, Pathophysiology And Diagnosis of Cornel Dystropied Functions of The Cornea Dystrophy Genes". Paper presented in the Asia Cornea Society Scientific Meeting, organized by Asia Cornea Society, 1 pgs. Philippines, 2012.11.29. <P122915> LEUNG Kai Shun. "Impact of Corneal Biomechanics on Intraocular Pressure Measurement". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.16. <P122916> LEUNG Kai Shun. ed. Glaucoma. 445 pgs. United States of America: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012. <P122966> WONG Wing Yee Victoria; CHAN Kar Mun Carmen; LEUNG Yu Lung and LAI Yuk Yau Timothy. "Long-Term Results of Oral Valganciclovir for Treatment of Anterior Segment Inflammation Secondary to Cytomegalovirus Infection". Clinical Ophthalmology vol.2011 no.6, pp.595-600. 2012. <P123138> PANG Chi Pui Calvin; CHEN Lijia; LIU Ta Li and CHEN Haoyu. "Eye Genetics for Ophthalmologists". Paper presented in the Joint Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, organized by American Academy of Ophthalmology, The Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2012.11.11. <P123211> PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Are There Genetic Explanations for Glaucoma That Vary by Race/Ethnic Group?". Paper presented in the Joint Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, organized by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2012.11.12. <P123230> CHEUNG Ning; SAW Seang; LIEW Gerald; LIU Y Erica; HODGSON Lauren; MITCHELL Paul and WONG Y. Tien. "Childhood Vascular Risk Factors And Retinal Vessel Calibre". Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology vol.1 no.4, pp.193-197. 2012.07. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P123304> CHEN Lijia; NG Tsz Kin; FAN Hoi; LEUNG Yu Lung; ZHANG Mingzhi; WANG Ningli; ZHENG Yuqian; LIANG Xiaoying; CHIANG Wai Yee Sylvia; TAM Oi Sin Pancy and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Evaluation of NTF4 as a causative gene for primary open-angle glaucoma". Molecular Vision vol.18 pp.1763-1772. United States of America: Molecular Vision, 2012. <P123314> LIN Zhong; VASUDEVAN Balamurali; LIANG Yuanbo; ZHANG Yi Cao; QIAO Li Ya; RONG Shi Song; LI Si Zhen; WANG Ning Li and CIUFFREDA J. Kenneth. "Baseline Characteristics of Nearwork-Induced Transient Myopia". Optometry and Vision Science vol.89 no.12, pp.1725-1733. United States of America: Williams & Wilkins, 2012.12. <P123347> LEUNG Kai Shun. "Imaging the Macula for Diagnosis And Progression". Paper presented in the Glaucoma Research Society Meeting, organized by Glaucoma Research Society, 1 pgs. Germany, 2012.09.08. <P123774> LI Chi Lai and CHONG Kam Lung. "Pulse Methylprednisolone for Treatment of Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, pp.1. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.16. <P123858> LAI Tracy Hiu Ting; YIP Kwok Foo Nelson; CHONG Kam Lung and YOUNG Alvin Lerrmann. "Right Eye Blindness after Thrombolysis and Embolectomy for Acute Stroke". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, pp.1. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.16. <P123974> THAM Chee Yung Clement. "Therapeutic Consideration of Acute Angle Closure". Asian Angle-Closure Glaucoma Club Meeting Mongolia, 2012.08.25. <P124116> PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Challenges And Opportunities for Human Health". Paper presented in the The Oxford-Stanford Conference on Big Data, United Kingdom, 2012.11.28. <P124175> GANEKAL Sunil; JHANJI Vishal; DORAIRAJ Syril and NAGARAJAPPA Ashwini. "Evaluation of Ocular Manifestations And Blindness in HIV/AIDS Patients in A Tertiary Care Hospital in South India ". Ocular Immunology & Inflammation vol.20 no.5, pp.336-341. United Kingdom: Informa Healthcare, 2012.12. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P124184> VITHANA N Eranga; KHOR Chiea-chuen; QIAO Chunyan; NONGPIUR E Monisha; GEORGE Ronnie; CHEN Lijia; DO Tan; ABU-AMERO Khaled; HUANG Chor Kai; LOW Sancy; TAJUDIN A Liza-sharmini; PERERA A Shamira; CHENG Ching-yu; LIANG Xu; JIA Hongyan; HO Ching-lin; SIM Kar Seng; WU Ren-yi; THAM Chee Yung Clement; CHEW Paul Tk; SU Daniel H; OEN T Francis; SARANGAPANI Sripriya; SOUMITTRA Nagaswamy; OSMAN Essam A; WONG Hon-tym; TANG Guangxian; FAN Sujie; MENG Hailin; HUONG Dao T L; WANG Hua; FENG Bo; BASKARAN Mani; SHANTHA Balekudaru; RAMPRASAD L Vedam; KUMARAMANICKAVEL Govindasamy; IYENGAR Sudha; HOW C Alicia; LEE Y Kelvin; SIVAKUMARAN A Theru; YONG Victor H K; TING Serena M L; LI Yang; WANG Ya-xing; TAY Wan-ting; SIM Xueling; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Genome-Wide Association Analyses Identify Three New Susceptibility Loci for Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma.". Nature Genetics vol.44 no.10, pp.1142-1146. United States of America: Nature Publishing Group, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2012.10. <P124194> LIU Shu; LI Zhiwei; XU, Guihua; YE Cong; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and LEUNG Kai Shun. "Tracking Retinal Microglia Activation in Optic Nerve Injury". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.14. <P124568> THAM Chee Yung Clement and RITCH Robert. "Instruction Course Title: Argon Laser Peripheral Iridoplasty: All You Need to Know". Paper presented in the Joint Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, organized by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2012.11.12. <P124654> CHOW Wing See Vanissa; WONG Wing Yee Victoria; JHANJI Vishal; LAM Nai Man and CHI Chung Chai. "Successful Treatment of Post-LASIK Mycobacterium Chelonae Keratitis with High Irradiance Collagen Crosslinking". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, pp.1. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.16. <P124718> YAM Hin Fai; WANG Kaijie; JHANJI Vishal; CHOY Kwong Wai; BAUM Larry and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "In Vitro Amyloid Aggregate Forming Ability of TGFBI Mutants that Cause Corneal Dystrophies". Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science vol.53 no.9, pp.5890-5898. United States of America: Association Research Vision Ophthalmology Inc, 2012.08.27. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P124733> BANDRAKALL Parasappa; GANEKAL Sunil; JHANJI Vishal; LIANG Yuanbo and DORAIRAJ Syril. "Prevalence And Causes of Monocular Childhood Blindness in A Rural Population in Southern India". Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus vol.49 no.5, pp.303-307. United States of America: Slack, 2012.09. <P124737> LAM Shun Chiu Dennis; KWONG Yuen Ying Yolanda; LEUNG Kai Shun; LI Chi Hong Felix and THAM Chee Yung Clement. "Needling Revision of Trabeculectomies". Paper presented in the Joint Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, organized by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2012.11.12. <P124761> YOUNG Alvin Lerrmann; JHANJI Vishal; FAN Hoi; TAM Mang Kwan Patrick; CHENG Lu Lulu and RAO K. Srinivas. "Severe And Recurrent Interface Hemorrhage After Endothelial Keratoplasty". Optometry and Vision Science vol.89 no.10, pp.e8-e11. United States of America: Williams & Wilkins, 2012.10. <P125167> PANG Chi Pui Calvin. ed. Section Editor Visual Sciences for Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology. 1 pgs. 2012. <P125306> THAM Chee Yung Clement. "Diurnal IOP in Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.15. <P125383> RAMAKRISH Thushanthi; CONSTANTINOU Marios; JHANJI Vishal and VAJPAYEE B. Rasik. "Corneal Metallic Foreign Body Injuries Due To Suboptimal Ocular Protection". Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health vol.67 no.1, pp.48-50. United States of America: Heldref Publications, 2012. <P125406> PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "A review of myopia genetics". Paper presented in the Symposium Lecture, The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan and The 14th Taipei International Symposium of Ophthalmology, 1 pgs. taipei, Taiwan, 2012.11.26. <P125517> CHU Ko; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; CHAN Kp and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "GCMS Method Has Been Developed for Analyzing Over 31 Different Serum Fatty Acids in Patients with Bietti Crystalline Dystrophy Caused by CYP4V2 Mutation.". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.15. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P125568> CHEN Lijia; HO Mary; YANG, Mingming; YIP Wai Kuen; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and YOUNG Alvin Lerrmann. "Identification of A Novel Disease-Causing Mutation in SALL4 in A Hong Kong Chinese Pedigree with Duane-Radial Ray Syndrome". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, pp.1. 2012.12.16. <P125772> LEUNG Kai Shun. "Primary Acute Angle Closure and Chronic Angle Closure Glaucoma.". Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology 2 ed. pp.270-281. United States of America: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012. <P125797> FAGAN J. Xavier; JHANJI Vishal; CONSTANTINOU Marios; ISLAM F. M. Amirul; TAYLOR R. Hugh and VAJPAYEE B. Rasik. "First Contact Diagnosis And Management of Contact Lens-Related Complications". International Ophthalmology vol.32 no.4, pp.321-327. Netherlands: Kluwer, 2012.08. <P125912> CHEN Jianhuan; CHEN Haoyu; HUANG Shulan; LIN Jianwei; ZHENG Yuqian; XIE Mingliang; LIN Wenjie; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and ZHANG Mingzhi. "Endophenotyping Reveals Differential Phenotype-Genotype Correlations Between Myopia-Associated Polymorphisms And Eye Biometric Parameters". Molecular Vision vol.18 pp.765-778. United States of America: Molecular Vision, 2012. <P126093> YANG, Mingming; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; TAM Oi Sin Pancy; CHIANG Wai Yee Sylvia; NG Tsz Kin and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Association of C2 And CFB Polymorphisms with Anterior Uveitis". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.15. <P126104> LEUNG Kai Shun. "What’s New in Glaucoma Investigation And Management?". Paper presented in the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan and the 15th Taipei International Symposium of Ophthalmology, organized by The Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan, 1 pgs. Taiwan, 2012.11.18. <P126115> CHEN Lijia. "Update of Glaucoma Genomics". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.16. <P126185> THAM Chee Yung Clement and RITCH R.. "laser peripheral iridoplasty: all you need to know". Paper presented in the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), 1 pgs. Chicago, United States of America, 2012.11. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P126230> CHEN Lijia. "Acupuncture in Healing Amblyopia: Result of Two RCTs". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.15. <P126235> CHEN Jianhuan; QIU Jingsen; CHEN Haoyu; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and ZHANG Ming Zhi. "Robust and Cost Effective Screen of Disease-Causing Mutations by Exome Sequencing of Probands With Autosomal Dominant Congenital Cataract.". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.15. <P126402> YU Chak Yan; LIU Shu; WEINREB Robert N.; LAI Wing Ki; LAM Shun Chiu Dennis and LEUNG Kai Shun. "A Prospective Analysis of Frequency Doubling Technology Perimetry for Detection of Visual Field Progression". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.14. <P126591> CHEN Jianhuan; LIN Weitao; SUN Guoying; HUANG Chukai; HUANG Yuqiang; CHEN Haoyu; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and ZHANG Mingzhi. " A Novel PAX6 deletion in a Chinese Family with Congenital Aniridia". Molecular Vision vol.18 pp.989-95. United States of America: Molecular Vision, 2012. <P126778> PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Genomics of major eye diseases-an update". Paper presented in the The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan and The 14th Taipei International Symposium of Ophthalmology, 1 pgs. taipei, Taiwan, 2012.11.27. <P126804> CHEN Lijia. "The Diabetes Genome". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.14. <P126817> NEELAM Kumari; CHEUNG Chiu Ming Gemmy; OHNO-MATSUI Kyoko; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy and WONG Y. Tien. "Choroidal Neovascularization in Pathological Myopia". Progress in Retinal and Eye Research vol.31 no.5, pp.495-525. 2012.09. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P126923> TAN Shaoying; BAIG Nafees Begum; THAM Chee Yung Clement and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Diurnal Non-Clinic-Measured Intraocular Pressure Profile in Treated Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma.". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, pp.1. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.16. <P126963> THAM Chee Yung Clement. "Glaucoma Drainage Devices: What? When? How?- Indications". Paper presented in the The 1st Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Congress, organized by Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Society, 1 pgs. Indonesia, 2012.12.08. <P126969> TENG Yufei; WONG Hoi-kin; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and YAM Hin Fai. "MicroRNA Profiling in Human Limbal Epithelium.". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology Hong Kong, pp.1. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.16. <P127053> PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Genomics of Eye Diseases". Paper presented in the The 2nd National Symposium of Ophthalmological Principal Investigators, organized by The Eye Institute of Xiamen University, Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Xiamen Eye Center of Xiamen University, , 1 pgs. China, 2012.10.20. <P127082> THAM Chee Yung Clement. "All you need to know about glaucoma". Paper presented in the Continuing Nursing Education - Hong Kong Eye Hospital, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.07.25. <P127281> MCKEE D. Hamish; BARUA Ankur; BRAHMA K. Arun; JHANJI Vishal and CARLEY M. Fiona. "Rupture Pressure of the Posterior Lamella Obtained During Big-Bubble Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty". Cornea vol.31 no.11, pp.1285-1287. United States of America: Masson Pub. USA, 2012.11. <P127340> KWONG Yk; LI Fc; THAM Chee Yung Clement and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Needling with Intravitreal Avastin for Failed Bless". Paper presented in the The 1st Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Congress, organized by Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Society, 1. Indonesia, 2012.12.07. <P127356> VAJPAYEE B Rasik; SHARMA Namrata and JHANJI Vishal. "Step-by-Step Deep Anteriro Lamellar Keratoplasty Using the Big Bubble Technique". Paper presented in the Joint Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, organized by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2012.11.13. <P127360> LEUNG Kai Shun; YU Chak Yan; WEINREB Robert N; LAI Wing Ki; XU, Guihua and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Imaging with Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography: Patterns of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Progression.". Ophthalmology vol.119 no.9, pp.1858–1866. United States of America: American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2012.09. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P127456> LEUNG Kai Shun. "Real-Time Imaging of Retinal Ganglion Cells Death". Paper presented in the Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Optic Nerve Degeneration and Aging Meeting, organized by 1. Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology , 1 pgs. Austria, 2012.12.06. <P127493> WU Hin Yam Zenith; CHAN Pui San; LUK Oi Jing Fiona; LIU Ta Li; CHAN Kar Mun Carmen; LAM Shun Chiu Dennis and LAI Yuk Yau Timothy. "Review of Clinical Features, Microbiological Spectrum, and Treatment Outcomes of Endogenous Endophthalmitis Over An 8-Year Period". Journal of Ophthalmology 2012 5 Pages. United States of America: Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2012. <P127520> LIN Zhong; VASUDEVAN Balamurali; ZHANG Yi Cao; QIAO Li Ya; LIANG Yuanbo; WANG Ning Li and CIUFFREDA J. Kenneth. "Reproducibility of Nearwork-Induced Transient Myopia Measurements Using The WAM-5500 Autorefractor in Its Dynamic Mode". Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology vol.250 no.10, pp.1477-1483. Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2012.10. <P127730> ZHENG Yingfeng; LAMOUREUX Ecosse L; LAVANYA Raghavan; WU Renyi; IKRAM Kamran; WANG Jie Jin; MITCHELL Paul; CHEUNG Ning; AUNG Tin; SAW Seang-mei and WONG Tien Y. "Prevalence And Risk Factors of Diabetic Retinopathy in Migrant Indians in An Urbanized Society in Asia: The Singapore Indian Eye Study". Ophthalmology vol.119 no.10, pp.2119–2124. United States of America: American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2012.10. <P127757> MAN, Xiaofei and THAM Chee Yung Clement. "Effects of Phacoemulsification Versus Trabeculectomy And Adjunctive Mitomycin C Chemotherapy on Drainage Angle Status in Medically-Uncontrolled Chronic Angle Closure Glaucoma without Visually Significant Cataract". Paper presented in the Joint Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, pp.1. United States of America, 2012.11.11. <P127926> JHANJI Vishal; SHARMA Namrata and VAJPAYEE B Rasik. Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty: Different Strokes. ed. by Vishal Jhanji, Namrata Sharma, Rasik B Vajpayee. New Delhi, India: JAYPEE BROTHERS Medical Publishers (P) LTD, 2012. <P128001> JHANJI Vishal; TO Elaine; YU Chak Yan; LAI Wing Ki; YE Cong and LEUNG Kai Shun. "Analysis of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Keratoconus : Impact of Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lenses". Paper presented in the Joint Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, pp.1. United States of America, 2012.11.11. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P128123> RONG, Shisong、 孟 海林、 范 素洁、 何 颜清、 常 新琦、 王 瑞、 崔 宏宇、 张 志宏、 张 袆草、 李 思珍、 王 宁利、 彭智培 及 梁 远波. <小梁切除术术中眼压引导下的缝合张力调节技 术疗效:临床随机对照试验>. 《第十七次全國眼科學學術會議》 中华医学会, 中华医学眼科学分 会, 頁 1. 中國, 2012.08.22. <P128174> HO Mary; YOUNG Alvin Lerrmann; CHENG Lu Lulu; JHANJI Vishal and LIANG Yuanbo. "10 Year Long Term Follow Up Study Comparing Mitomycin C to Limbal Conjumctival Autograft after Primary Pterygium Excision". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.16. <P128270> AGARWAL Tushar; BHARTIYA Shibal; DADA Tanuj; PANDA Anita; JHANJI Vishal and YU Chak Yan. "Agreement of Corneal Thickness Measurement Using Slitlamp And Ultrasound Pachymetry". Eye and Contact Lens vol.38 no.4, pp.231-233. United States of America: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012.07. <P128390> MANSOUR Ahmad M; MACKENSEN Friederike; MAHENDRA Padmamalini; KHAIRALLAH Moncef; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy and BASHSHUR Ziad. "Five-Year Visual Results of Intravitreal Bevacizumab in Refractory Inflammatory Ocular Neovascularization". Clinical Ophthalmology vol.6 pp.1233-1237. New Zealand: Dove Medical Press, 2012. <P128407> QIN Yongjie; LI Wai Ying; YANG, Yaping; CHU Kai On; CHAN Sun-on and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Comparison of Two approaches of Endotoxin-Induced Uveitis in Sprague Dawley Rat.". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.15. <P128534> CHEW P.; THAM Chee Yung Clement; ROJANAPONGPUN P.; PARK H. K.; GOLDBERG I.; HO L. C. and BARTON K.. "Glaucoma drainage device surgery: all you wanted to know but were too afraid to ask". Paper presented in the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), 1 pgs. chicago, United States of America, 2012.11. <P128573> CHEN Lijia; TAM Oi Sin Pancy; LEUNG Yu Lung; FAN Hoi; ZHANG Mingzhi; THAM Chee Yung Clement; CHIANG Wai Yee Sylvia; FAN Bao Jian; WANG Ningli and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "SNP rs1533428 at 2p16.3 As A marker for Late-Onset Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma". Molecular Vision vol.18 pp.1629-1639. United States of America: Molecular Vision, 2012. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P128622> KOH Adrian; LEE Won Ki; CHEN Lee-jen; CHEN Shih-jen; HASHAD Yehia; KIM Hakyoung; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; PILZ Stefan; RUAMVIBOONSUK Pasian; TOKAJI Erika; WEISBERGER Annemarie and LIM Tock H. "EVEREST STUDY: Efficacy And Safety of Verteporfin Photodynamic Therapy in Combination with Ranibizumab Or Alone Versus Ranibizumab Monotherapy in Patients with Symptomatic Macular Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy". Retina vol.32 no.8, pp.1453-1464. United States of America: Lippincott, 2012.09. <P128633> HUANG, Li; GENG Yiqun; TSANG Wai-ming; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and YAM Hin Fai. "Potential of Undifferentiated Cells Isolated from Human Periodontal Ligament to Generate Retinal Cells.". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, pp.1. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.16. <P128676> HUANG, Li; CHONG Kam Lung; TENG Yufei; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and YAM Hin Fai. "Biological characterization of orbital fat-derived cells and implications in the pathogenesis". Paper presented in the Day of Molecular Medicine 2011, organized by Re-engineering Regenerative medicine, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.10. <P128835> YANG, Mingming; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; TAM Oi Sin Pancy; CHIANG Wai Yee Sylvia; NG Tsz Kin; LIU Ke and PANG Chi Pui. "Association of C2 and CFB Polymorphisms with Anterior Uveitis". Paper presented in the 13th International Meeting on Human Genome Variation and Complex Genome Analysis (HGV2012), organized by Professors Rasmus Nielsen and Dan Rokshar., 1 pgs. Shanghai, China, 2012.09.06. <P128893> KO Match; LEUNG Leo; LAM David and LEUNG Kai Shun. "An In Vivo Measurement Method for Corneal Tangent Modulus". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.15. <P128904> YANG, Mingming; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; TAM Oi Sin Pancy; CHIANG Wai Yee Sylvia; NG Tsz Kin; LIU Ke and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Association of C2 And CFB Polymorphisms with Anterior Uveitis". Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science vol.53 no.8, pp.4969-4974. United States of America: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2012.07.27. <P128977> LIN Zhong; MOU Dapeng; LIANG Yuanbo; LI Sizhen; ZHANG Rui; FAN Sujie; WANG Ning L and THOMAS Ravi. "Reproducibility of Anterior Chamber Angle Measurement Using the Tongren Ultrasound Biomicroscopy Analysis System". Journal of Glaucoma 2012.10.13. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P129032> CHEN Lijia. "Genomics of AMD And PCV". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.16. <P129061> CEN Ling-ping; LUO Jian-min; GENG Yiqun; ZHANG Mingzhi; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and CUI Qi. "Long-Term Survival And Axonal Regeneration of Retinal Ganglion Cells After Optic Nerve Transection And A Peripheral Nerve Graft". Neuroreport vol.23 no.11, pp.692-697. United Kingdom: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012.08.01. <P129145> RONG, Shisong; CHEN Haoyu; CHEN Lijia; MA Li; YANG, Mingming; LIU Ke; CHEN Jianhuan; YU Chak Yan; PENG Yi; CHIANG Wai Yee Sylvia; CHEUNG Ning; TAM Oi Sin Pancy; LIANG Yuanbo and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Diabetic Retinopathy Genetic Variants in Inflammatory & Oxidative Stress Pathways: Meta-analyses of 9 Candidate Genes". Paper presented in the 13th International Meeting on Human Genome Variation and Complex Genome Analysis (HGV2012), China, 2012.09.06. <P129170> PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Genomics of Eye Diseases". Paper presented in the 16th National Telemedicine Educational Symposium, organized by Shantou University Medical College, The Joint Shantou International eye Center of Shantou Univeristy and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Toronto, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China, 2012.12.12. <P129215> LEUNG Kai Shun. "Laser Peripheral Iridotomy". SLACK Incorported ed. by Malik Y. Kahook. pp.203-206. United States of America, 2012. <P129235> LEUNG Kai Shun. "New Perspective in Detecting Glaucoma Progression". Paper presented in the 5th Allergan Annual Regional Ophthalmology Congress 2012, 1 pgs. Bangkok, Thailand, 2012. <P129475> LIU, Ke; LIU Ta Li; CHEN Lijia; TAM Oi Sin Pancy; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. Assoications of the C2-CFB-RDBP-SKIV2L Locus with Age-Related Macular Degeneration Paper presented in the The 13th International Meeting on Human Genome Variation and Complex Genome Analysis (HGV2012), Human Genome Variation Society and Fudan University 1 pgs. Shanghai, China, 2012.09.06. <P129588> MANSOURI Kaweh; DORAIRAJ Syril; LEUNG Kai Shun; SIT J Arthur and WEINREB N Robert. "Continuous 24-Hour IOP Monitoring for Glaucoma". Paper presented in the Joint Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, organized by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2012.11.13. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P129600> LEUNG Kai Shun. "Primary Acute Angle-closure and Chronic Angle-closure Glaucoma". Glaucoma ed. by Douglas J. Rhee. 2nd ed. pp.270-281. United States of America: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012. <P129639> ZHENG Kangkeng; CAI Jianhao; JHANJI Vishal and CHEN Haoyu. "Comparison of Pterygium Recurrence Rates After Limbal Conjunctival Autograft Transplantation And Other Techniques: Meta-analysis". Cornea vol.31 no.12, pp.1422-1427. United States of America: Masson Pub. USA, 2012.12. <P129741> QIU Kunliang; ZHANG Ming Zhi; LEUNG Kai Shun; XIAO Yuying; LU Xuehui and WANG Geng. "The Influence of Myopia And Blood Vessel Location on Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness Profile: A Spectral Domain OCT Study". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.14. <P129884> MCKEE D. Hamish; IRION C. D. Luciane; CARLEY M. Fiona; JHANJI Vishal and BRAHMA K. Arun. "Donor Preparation Using Pneumatic Dissection in Endothelial Keratoplasty: DMEK or DSEK?". Cornea vol.31 no.7, pp.798-800. United States of America: Masson Pub. USA, 2012.07. <P129903> YANG Bingzhi; YE Cong; YU Chak Yan; LIU Shu; LAM Shun Chiu Dennis and LEUNG Kai Shun. "Optic Disc Imaging with Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography: Variability and Agreement Study with Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph.". Ophthalmology. vol.119 no.9, pp.1852–1857. United States of America: American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2012.09. <P129919> NAKATA Isao; YAMASHIRO Kenji; AKAGI-KURASHIGE Yumiko; MIYAKE Masahiro; KUMAGAI Kyoko; TSUJIKAWA Akitaka; LIU Ke; CHEN Lijia; LIU Ta Li David; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; SAKURADA Yoichi; YONEYAMA Seigo; CHENG Ching Yu; CACKETT Peter; YEO Y Ian; TAY Wan Ting; CORNES K Belinda; VITHANA N Eranga; AUNG Tin; MATSUO Keitaro; MATSUDA Fumihiko; WONG Tien-yin; IIJIMA Hiroyuki; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and YOSHIMURA Nagahisa. "Association of Genetic Variants on 8p21 and 4q12 with Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Asian Populations". Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science vol.53 no.10, pp.6576-6581. United States of America: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2012.09.25. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P129938> ZHANG, Xiujuan; LIANG Yuanbo; LIU Yingpeng; JHANJI Vishal; ZHENG Chongren and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Poor Cataract Surgery Uptake in A Screening Outreach And Low Cost Surgery Program in Rural China". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium of Ophthalmology - Hong Kong, organized by Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.15. <P130016> WU, Zhongheng and LEUNG Kai Shun. "Longitudinal study on optic nerve head changes in patients with chronic glaucoma progression". Paper presented in the Annual Meeting of the Association for Research In Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), organized by ARVO committe, 1 pgs. seattle, United States of America, 2013.05.06. <P130070> CASSIDY Dermot; BELTZ Jacqueline; JHANJI Vishal and LOUGHNAN S Michael. "Recent Advances in Corneal Transplantation for Keratoconus". Clinical and Experimental Optometry vol.96 no.2, pp.165-172. Australia: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.03. <P130543> YANG, Mingming; HO Mary; LAU Henry H.w.; TAM Oi Sin Pancy; YOUNG Alvin Lerrmann; PANG Chi Pui Calvin; YIP Wilson W.k. and CHEN Lijia. "Diversified Clinical Presentations Associated with A Novel Sal-Like 4 Gene Mutation in A Chinese Pedigree with Duane Retraction Syndrome". Molecular Vision vol.19 pp.986-994. United States of America: Molecular Vision, 2013.05.06. <P130610> LI Yuen Mei Emmy; LIU Yingpeng; ZHAN Xingkai; LIANG Yuanbo; ZHANG, Xiujuan; ZHENG Chongren; JHANJI Vishal; XU Ping; CHANG David F. and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Prevalence of Blindness and Outcomes of Cataract Surgery in Hainan Province in South China". Ophthalmology United States of America: American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2013.05.25. <P130716> CHAN Kar Mun Carmen; WU Hin Yam Zenith; LUK Oi Jing Fiona; LIU Ta Li; FAN Hoi; LEE Yau Wing, Vincent and LAI Yuk Yau Timothy. "Clinical Characteristics of Intermediate Uveitis in Chinese Patients ". Ocular Immunology & Inflammation vol.21 no.1, pp.71-76. United Kingdom: Informa Healthcare, 2013.02. <P131136> LIN Zhong; VASUDEVAN Balamurali; CIUFFREDA J. Kenneth; WANG Ning Li; ZHANG Yi Cao; RONG, Shisong; QIAO Li Ya; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and LIANG Yuanbo. "Nearwork-Induced Transient Myopia and Parental Refractive Error". Optometry and Vision Science vol.90 no.5, pp.507-516. United States of America: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013.05. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P131202> HUANG Chukai; CEN Ling-ping; LIU Lifang; LEAVER G. Simone; HARVEY R. Alan; CUI Qi; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and ZHANG Mingzhi. "Adeno-Associated Virus-Mediated Expression of Growth-Associated Protein-43 Aggravates Retinal Ganglion Cell Death in Experimental Chronic Glaucomatous Injury". Molecular Vision vol.19 pp.1422-1432. United States of America: Molecular Vision, 2013.06.27. <P131305> HUANG Xiu-feng; XIANG Ping; CHEN Jie; XING Dong-jun; HUANG Na; MIN Qingjie; GU Feng; TONG Yi; PANG Chi Pui Calvin; QU Jia and JIN Zi-bing. "Targeted Exome Sequencing Identified Novel USH2A Mutations in Usher Syndrome Families". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.5, pp.e63832. United States of America: San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science, 2013.05.30. <P131458> JHANJI Vishal. "Current Concepts in The management of Cornea Erosion Syndrome". Paper presented in the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress (APAO), organized by Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, 1 pgs. India, 2013.01.18. <P131547> CONSTANTINOU Marios; JHANJI Vishal; JING Xie; LAMOUREUX L. Ecosse; BOFFA Umberto; TAYLOR R. Hugh and VAJPAYEE B. Rasik. "A Randomized, Single-Center Study of Equivalence of 2 Intraocular Lenses Used in Cataract Surgery". Ophthalmology vol.120 no.3, pp.482-488. United States of America: American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2013.03. <P131577> LIANG Yuanbo; MENG Hailin; FAN Sujie; WANG Xing; XIE Lilian; FENG Meiyan; WANG Rui; CHANG Xinqi; HE Yanqing; MA Jinxia; LUO Ying; CUI Hongyu; JIA Chao; ZHANG Yicao; LIU Luoru; TANG Xin and WANG Ningli. "The Efficacy of Releasable Suture in Trabeculectomy Among Patients with Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma: A 18-Month Randomized Controlled Study". Ophthalmology in China vol.22 no.1, pp.19-24. China: Editorial Board of Ophthalmology in China, 2013.01.25. <P131626> HO Mary; LIU Ta Li; CHONG Kam Lung; NG Hk and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Eyelid Tumours And Pseudotumours in Hong Kong: A Ten-Year Experience". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.19 no.2, pp.150-155. Hong Kong SAR: Churchill Livingstone, 2013.04. <P131642> CHEUNG Ning; TAY Wan-ting; CHEUNG Gemmy C M; WANG Jie-jin; MITCHELL Paul and WONG Tien Y. "Is Aspirin Intake Associated with Early Age-Related Macular Degeneration? The Singapore Indian Eye Study". The British Journal of Ophthalmology vol.97 no.6, pp.785-788. United Kingdom: BMJ Pub. Group, 2013.06. <P131645> XU Kunyong; JHANJI Vishal and MCKEE Hamish Douglas Robertson. "Changing Perspective of Reasons for Not Performing Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis Among Candidates in A University Eye Clinic". Clinical and Experimental Optometry vol.96 no.1, pp.20-24. Australia: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.01. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P131663> SHI Yi; GONG Bo; CHEN Lijia; ZUO Xianbo; LIU Xiaoqi; TAM Oi Sin Pancy; ZHOU Xiangtian; ZHAO Peiquan; LU Fang; QU Jia; SUN Liangdan; ZHAO Fuxin; CHEN Haoyu; ZHANG Yiping; ZHANG Dingding; LIN Ying; LIN He; MA Shi; CHENG Jing; YANG Jiyun; HUANG Lulin; ZHANG Mingzhi; ZHANG Xuejun; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and YANG Zhenglin. "A Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis Identifies Two Novel Loci Associated with High Myopia in The Han Chinese Population". Human Molecular Genetics vol.22 no.11, pp.2325-2333. United Kingdom: Irl Press At Oxford University Press, 2013.06. <P131687> LINDSEY James D; DWONG-POLK K; HAMMOND D; LEUNG Kai Shun and WEINREB R.n.. "Caloric Restriction Protects Against Loss of RGC Differentiation Following Optic Nerve Injury". Annual Meeting of the Association for Research In Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) pp.1. United States of America, 2013.05.05. <P132037> YAM Cheuk Sing and CHENG Arthur. "Reduced Cross-linking Demarcation Line Depth at the Peripheral Cornea After Corneal Collagen Cross-linking". Journal of Refractive Surgery vol.29 no.1, pp.49-53. United States of America: Slack Inc., 2013.01. <P132171> LAI Sum Wai Isabel; MAK Heather Kayew; LAI Wing Ki; YU Chak Yan; LAM Shun Chiu Dennis and LEUNG Kai Shun. "Anterior Chamber Angle Imaging with Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography: Measuring Peripheral Anterior Synechia in Glaucoma.". Ophthalmology vol.120 no.6, pp.1144-1149. United States of America: American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2013.06. <P132381> LI Zhiwei; JHANJI Vishal; TAO Xiangchen; YU Haiqun; CHEN Wei and MU Guoying. "Riboflavin/Ultravoilet Light-Mediated Crosslinking for Fungal Keratitis". The British Journal of Ophthalmology vol.97 no.5, pp.669-671. United Kingdom: BMJ Pub. Group, 2013.03. <P132437> CHEN Jianhuan; YANG Yunli; ZHENG Yuqian; QIU Minghui; XIE Mingliang; LIN Wenjie; ZHANG Mingzhi; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and CHEN Haoyu. "No Association of Age-Related Maculopathy Susceptibility Protein 2/HtrA Serine Peptidase 1 Or Complement Factor H Polymorphisms with Early Age-Related Maculopathy in A Chinese Cohort". Molecular Vision vol.19 pp.944-954. United States of America: Molecular Vision, 2013.05.01. <P132691> PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Catechins Distributions in Eye Tissues after Ingestion of Green Tea Extract.". Paper presented in the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress (APAO), organized by Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, 1 pgs. India, 2013.01.17. <P132818> CHEN Jianhuan; CHEN H; CHEN W; ZHANG M and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Association of PTX3 Polymorphisms with Age-Telated Macular Degeneration And Ploypoidal Choroidal Vasculopat". Annual Meeting of the Association for Research In Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) pp.1. 2013.05.09. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P132976> LIN Zhong; VASUDEVAN Balamurali; LIANG Yuanbo; ZHANG Yi Cao; ZHAO Shi Qiang; YANG Xiao Dong; WANG Kenneth. "Nearwork-Induced Ning Transient Li; GILMARTIN Myopia (NITM) in Bernard and CIUFFREDA Anisometropia". Ophthalmic J and physiological optics vol.33 no.3, pp.311-317. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishers, 2013.05. <P132991> VAJPAYEE Rasik; SHARMA Namrata; MAHARANA Prafulla; JHANJI Vishal; CHAN Elsie and BELTZ Jacqueline. "The Tenon's Touch: Tenon's Patch Graft for Corneal Perforation". Paper presented in the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress (APAO), pp.1. India, 2013.01.19. <P133110> LIU, Ke; CHEN Lijia; TAM Oi Sin Pancy; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; LIU Ta Li and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Associations of C3 with Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration and Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy". Paper presented in the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, organized by ARVO Board of Trustees and committees, 1 pgs. Seattle, United States of America, 2013.05.09. <P133359> JHANJI Vishal; YANG Bingzhi; YU Chak Yan; YE Cong and LEUNG Kai Shun. "Corneal Thickness And Elevation Measurements Using Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography And Slit Scanning Topography in Normal And Keratoconic Eyes". Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology Australia: Blackwell Science Asia, 2013.04.09. <P133418> CHEN Xuejuan; ZHAO Kanxing; SHENG Xunlun; LI Yang; GAO Xiang; ZHANG Xiumei; KANG Xiaoli; PAN Xinyuan; LIU Yuan; JIANG Chao; SHI Houxia; CHEN Xue; RONG Weining; CHEN Lijia; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; LIU Yani; WANG Xiuying; YUAN Songtao; LIU Qinghuai; VOLLRATH Douglas; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and ZHAO Chen. "Targeted Sequencing of 179 Genes Associated with Hereditary Retinal Dystrophies And 10 Candidate Genes Identifies Novel And Known Mutations in Patients with Various Retinal Diseases". Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science vol.54 no.3, pp.2186-2197. United States of America: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2013.03.01. <P133431> CHINDASUB Panida; LINDSEY D. James; DUONG-POLK Karen; LEUNG Kai Shun and WEINREB N. Robert. "Inhibition of Histone Deacetylases 1 And 3 Protects Injured Retinal Ganglion Cells". Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science vol.54 no.1, pp.96-102. United States of America: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2013.01.07. <P133516> MCKEE D. Hamish; JHANJI Vishal and BRAHMA K. Arun. "Enlarging The Big-Bubble During Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty". Cornea vol.32 no.4, pp.520-522. United States of America: Masson Pub. USA, 2013.04. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P133552> HUANG Yao; CHEUNG Ning; TIAN Bei and WEI Wen-bin. "Non-Infectious Endophthalmitis After Vitrectomy". Chinese Medical Journal vol.126 no.8, pp.1436-1439. China: Chinese Medical Association, 2013.04. <P133679> CHU Kai On; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and WANG Chi Chiu. "Pharmacokinetics of Green Tea Catechins in Maternal and Fetal Body Compartments". Tea in Health and Disease Prevention ed. by Victor R Preedy. 1 ed. pp.1039-1051. United States of America: Elsevier, 2013. <P133686> LIANG Yuanbo; LIN Zhong; VASUDEVAN Balamurali; JHANJI Vishal; YOUNG Alvin Lerrmann; GAO Tieying; RONG, Shisong; WANG Ning Li and CIUFFREDA J Kenneth. "Generational Difference of Refractive Error in The Baseline Study of The Beijing Myopia Progression Study". The British Journal of Ophthalmology vol.97 no.6, pp.765-769. United Kingdom: BMJ Pub. Group, 2013.06. <P133767> DAI Yi; LINDSEY D James; DUONG-POLK X Karen; CHINDASUB Panida; LEUNG Kai Shun and WEINREB N Robert. "Brimonidine Protects Against Loss of Thy-1 Promoter Activation Following Optic Nerve Crush". vol.13 no.1, pp.26. United Kingdom: London : BioMed Central, 2013.06.27. <P133940> LI Zhiwei; MU Guoying; CHEN Wei; GAO Lufang; JHANJI Vishal and WANG Lihua. "Comparative Evaluation of Topical Pranoprofen And Fluorometholone in Cases With Chronic Allergic Conjunctivitis". Cornea vol.32 no.5, pp.579-582. United States of America: Masson Pub. USA, 2013.05. <P134006> SIN Pui Yee; LIU Ta Li and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Lifestyle Modification, Nutritional And Vitamins Supplements for Age-Related Macular Degeneration". Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica vol.91 no.1, pp.6-11. United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.02. <P134254> MAN, Xiaofei; THAM Chee Yung Clement and LIANG Yuanbo. "Clear Lens Extraction for Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma". Ophthalmology in China vol.22 no.1, pp.6-9. China: Editorial Board of Ophthalmology in China, 2013.01.25. <P134412> HO Mary; LIU Ta Li; CHAN Cheuk Ki and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Choroidal Thickness Measurement in Myopic Eyes by Enhanced Depth Optical Coherence Tomography". Ophthalmology United States of America: American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2013.05.15. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P134441> KOH Adrian H.c.; CHEN Lee-jen; CHEN Shih-jen; CHEN Youxin; GIRIDHAR Anantharam; IIDA Tomohiro; KIM Hakyoung; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; LEE Won Ki; LI Xiaoxin; LIM Tock Han; RUAMVIBOONSUK Paisan; SHARMA Tarun; TANG Shibo and YUZAWA Mitsuko. "Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy: Evidence-Based Guidelines Treatment". Retina vol.33 no.4, pp.686-716. United States of for Clinical Diagnosis America: Lippincott And Williams & Wilkins, 2013.04. <P134859> LEUNG Kai Shun; YE Cong and WEINREB N. Robert. "An Ultra-High-Speed Scheimpflug Camera for Evaluation of Corneal Deformation Response And Its Impact on IOP Measurement". Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science vol.54 no.4, pp.2885-2892. United States of America: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2013.04.23. <P134895> RONG, Shisong; MENG Hai Lin; FAN Su Jie; WANG Ning Li; LIANG Yuanbo; HUANG Yao; WANG Rui; HE Yanqing; CHANG Xinqi; CUI Hong Yu; ZHANG Zhi Hong; LI Si Zhen; LIU Luo Ru and THOMAS Ravi. "Can Intraoperative Intraocular Pressure During Primary Trabeculectomy Predict Early Postoperative Pressure?". Journal of Glaucoma United States of America: Raven Press, 2013.02.19. <P135033> TAN Shaoying; BAIG Nafees Begum; THAM Chee Yung Clement and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Diurnal Non Clinic Measured Intraocular Pressure Profile in Treated Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma.". Paper presented in the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress (APAO), pp.1. India, 2013.01.19. <P135114> RAMAKRISH Thushanthi; CONSTANTINOU Marios; JHANJI Vishal and VAJPAYEE B. Rasik. "Factors Affecting Treatment Outcomes with Voriconazole in Cases with Keratitis". Cornea vol.32 no.4, pp.445-449. United States of America: Masson Pub. USA, 2013.04. Fungal Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P135559> VERHOEV J M Virginie; HYSI G Pirro; WOJCIECHOWSKI Robert; FAN Qiao; GUGGENHEI A Jeremy; HOHN Rene; MACGREGOR Stuart; HEWITT W Alex; NAG Abhishek; CHENG Ching-yu; YONOVA-DOI Ekaterina; ZHOU Xin; IKRAM Mkamran; BUITENDIJK H S Gabrielle; MCMAHON George; KEMP P John; POURCAIN St Beate; SIMPSON L Claire; MAKELA1 Kari-matti; LEHTIMAKI Terho; KAHONEN Mika; PATERSON D Andrew; HOSSEINI S Mohsen; WONG Hoi Suen; XU Liang; JONAS B Jost; PARSSINEN Olavi; WEDENOJA Juho; YIP Shea Ping; HO Daniel W H; PANG Chi Pui Calvin; CHEN Lijia; BURDON Kathryn P; CRAIG E Jamie; KLEIN Ek Barbara; KLEIN Ronald; HALLER Toomas; METSPALU Andres; KHOR Chiea-chuen; TAI E-shyong; AUNG Tin; VITHANA Eranga; TAY Wan-ting; BARATHI A Veluchamy; CONSORTIUM FOR REF E-shyong; CHEN Peng and LI Ruoying. "Genome-Wide Meta-Analyses of Multiancestry Cohorts Identify Multiple New Susceptibility Loci for Refractive Error And Myopia". Nature Genetics vol.45 no.3, pp.314-318. United States of America: Nature Publishing Group, Macmillian Publishers Ltd., 2013.03. <P135655> YANG, Yaping; QIN Yi; YIP Ying Tung Sherry; CHU Kai On; CHAN K; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and CHAN S. "Catechins Attenuate Sodium Iodate Induced Retinal Degeneration". Annual Meeting of the Association for Research In Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) pp.1. United States of America, 2013.05.05. <P135686> TAN, Shaoying; BAIG Nafees Begum and THAM Chee Yung Clement. "Diurnal Non-Clinic-Measured Intraocular Pressure Profile in Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma Patients". Paper presented in the Annual Meeting of the Association for Research In Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), organized by ARVO, 1 pgs. Seattle, USA, 2013.05.09. <P135940> MAK Heather Kayew; XU, Guihua and LEUNG Kai Shun. "Imaging the Iris with Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography - Impact of Iris Volume Measurement on Primary Angle Closure.". Annual Meeting of the Association for Research In Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) pp.1. United States of America, 2013.05.05. <P136220> LEUNG Yu Lung and THAM Chee Yung Clement. "Management of Bleb Complications After Trabeculectomy". Seminars in Ophthalmology vol.28 no.3, pp.144-156. United Kingdom: Informa Healthcare, 2013.05. <P136338> XU, Guihua; TSE Y and LEUNG Kai Shun. "Does Reduction in Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer (RNFL) Birefringence Precede Change in RNFL Thickness in Glaucoma?". Annual Meeting of the Association for Research In Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) pp.1. United States of America, 2013.05.08. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P136359> PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "AMD Genetics.". Paper presented in the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress (APAO), organized by Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology , 1 pgs. India, 2013.01.20. <P136396> ZHANG, Xiujuan; LIANG Yuanbo; LIU Yingpeng; JHANJI Vishal; MUSCH C. David; PENG Yi; ZHENG Chong Ren; ZHANG Hui Xi; CHEN Ping; TANG Xin and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. Implementation of A Free Cataract Surgery Program in Rural China : A Community-Based Randomized Interventional Study Ophthalmology vol.120 no.2, pp.260-265. United States of America: American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2013.01. <P136483> CONSTANTINOU Marios; JHANJI Vishal and VAJPAYEE B. Rasik. "Clinical and Microbiological Profile of Post-Penetrating Keratoplasty Infectious Keratitis in Failed And Clear Grafts". American Journal of Ophthalmology vol.155 no.2, pp.233-237.e2. United States of America: Elsevier Science, 2013.02. <P136530> WU, Zhongheng; BUSWAS S and LEUNG Kai Shun. "A Prospective Study on Laminar And Pre-Laminar Displacement in Patients with Chronic Progressive Glaucoma". Paper presented in the Annual Meeting of the Association for Research In Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), organized by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2013.05.06. <P136593> LI Yuen Mei Emmy; THAM Chee Yung Clement; CHI Chung Chai and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Cost-Effectiveness of Treating Normal Tension Glaucoma". Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science vol.54 no.5, pp.3394-3399. United States of America: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2013.05.13. <P136672> LIU Ke; CHEN Lijia; TAM Oi Sin Pancy and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Association of C3 with Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration And Ploypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy". Annual Meeting of the Association for Research In Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) pp.1. United States of America, 2013.05.09. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P136809> LU Yi; VITART Veronique; BURDON P Kathryn; KHOR Chiea Chuen; BYKHOVSKAYA Yelena; MIRSHAHI Alireza; HEWITT W Alex; KOEHN Demelza; HYSI G Pirro; RAMDAS D Wishal; ZELLER Tanja; VITHANA N Eranga; CORNES K Belinda; TAY Wan-ting; TAI E Shyong; CHENG Ching-yu; LIU Jianjun; FOO Jia-nee; SAW Seang Mei; THORLEIFSSON Gudmar; STEFANSSON Kari; DIMASI P David; MILLS A Richard; MOUNTAIN Jenny; ANG Wei; HOEHN Rene; VERHOEV J M Virginie; GRUS Franz; WOLFS Roger; CASTAGNE Raphaele; LACKNER J Karl; SPRINGELKAMP Henriet; YANG Jian; JONASSON Fridbert; CHEN Lijia; LEUNG Yu Lung; THAM Chee Yung Clement; RUDAN Igor; VATAVUK Zoran; HAYWARD Caroline; GIBSON Jane; CREE J Angela; MACLEOD Alex; ENNIS Sarah; POLASEK Ozren; CAMPBELL Harry and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Genome-Wide Association Analyses Identify Multiple Loci Associated with Central Corneal Thickness And Keratoconus". Nature Genetics vol.45 no.2, pp.155-163. United States of America: Nature Publishing Group, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2013.02. <P137253> JHANJI Vishal. "Is Smoking Protective Against Pterygium: A Meta-Analysis of Current Evidences". Paper presented in the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress (APAO), organized by Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, 1 pgs. India, 2013.01.18. <P137491> AGARWAL Tushar; JHANJI Vishal; SINGH Digvijay and KHOKHAR Sudarshan. "Posterior Optic Buttonholing of Intraocular Lens in Cases with Non-Progressive Zonular Dialysis". Paper presented in the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress (APAO), pp.1. India, 2013.01.19. <P137551> LIU Ke; CHEN Lijia; TAM Oi Sin Pancy; SHI Yi; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; LIU Ta Li; CHIANG Wai Yee Sylvia; YANG Mingming; YANG Zhenglin and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Associations of The C2-CFB-RDBP-SKIV2L Locus with Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy". Ophthalmology vol.120 no.4, pp.837-843. United States of America: American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2013.04. <P137577> LEUNG Kai Shun; YE Cong; KO M; LEUNG L and LAM D. "A Novel Device for Clinical Measurement of Corneal Elasticity". Paper presented in the Annual Meeting of the Association for Research In Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), organized by The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2013.05.08. <P137639> PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Ocular Effects of Herbal Molecules.". Paper presented in the The 5th Chinese Congress of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, organized by Chinese Medical Association, Chinese Ophthalmology, Chinese Medical Association Ophthalmology Youth Organising Committee, hejiang University School of Medicine, Second Affiliated Hospital Center, 1 pgs. China, 2013.04.05. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P137966> CHEN Lijia; TAM Oi Sin Pancy and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Revisit The Association of CAV1/CAV2 with Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma". Annual Meeting of the Association for Research In Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) pp.1. United States of America, 2013.05.09. <P137975> RONG, Shisong; TAM Oi Sin Pancy; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and CHEN Lijia. "Global Review And Meta-analysis of Diabetic Retinopathy Genetic Studies Highlight Gaps in The Pathogenesis between Various Populations". Annual Meeting of the Association for Research In Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) pp.1. United States of America, 2013.05.09. <P138074> JHANJI Vishal; YOUNG Alvin Lerrmann; LEUNG Kai Shun; TSIM Chui Hang Nicole; HUI M and CHENG Lu Lulu. "Clinical and Microbiological Profile of Paediatric Keratitis in A Tertiary Care Hospital in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the The ARVO Annual Meeting, ed. by Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. pp.1. United States of America, 2013.05.07. <P138083> LEE Gary; BUDENZ D.l.; CHANG R; CRANDALL A.s.; GIRKIN C.a; LEUNG Kai Shun; NEELAKANTAN A; PEACE J.h.; WERNER J.s. and WOLLSTEIN G. "Diagnostic Efficacy of RNFL Thickness Sectors for Glaucoma Detection". Annual Meeting of the Association for Research In Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) pp.1. United States of America, 2013.05.05. <P138277> THAM Chee Yung Clement; KWONG Yuen Ying Yolanda; BAIG Nafees Begum; LEUNG Yu Lung; LI Chi Hong Felix and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Phacoemulsification Versus Trabeculectomy in Medically Uncontrolled Chronic Angle-Closure Glaucoma without Cataract". Ophthalmology vol.120 no.1, pp.62-67. United States of America: American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2013.01. <P138668> PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Gene And Cell Therapy for Major Eye Disease". Paper presented in the The 1st Gene and Immunotherapy Conference, organized by University of Science (HCMUS), Ho Chi Mingh City, Vietnam, School of Biological Sciences, Korea National University at Seoul, Saigon Hi-Tech Park( SHTP), 1 pgs. Vietnam, 2013.03.21. <P138836> PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Molecular Genetics of Myopia.". Paper presented in the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress (APAO), organized by Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology , 1 pgs. India, 2013.01.19. <P139012> CHU Kai On; YANG Yaping; WANG Chi Chiu and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Biological Effects of Green Tea Catechins in Ocular Tissue Cells". Tea in Health and Disease Prevention ed. by Victor R Preedy. 1 ed. pp.1309-1322. United States of America: Elsevier, 2013. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences <P139107> SHARMA Reetika; JHANJI Vishal; SATPATHY Gita; SHARMA Namrata; KHOKHAR Sudarshan and AGARWAL Tushar. "Coinfection with Acanthamoeba And Pseudomonas in Contact Lens–Associated Keratitis". Optometry and Vision Science vol.90 no.2, pp.e53-e55. United States of America: Williams & Wilkins, 2013.02. <P139170> LUK Oi Jing Fiona; CHAN Kar Mun Carmen and LAI Yuk Yau Timothy. "A Case of Dengue Maculopathy with Spontaneous Recovery". Case reports in ophthalmology vol.4 no.2, pp.28-33. Switzerland: Karger AG, Basel, 2013.06.08. <P139280> RONG, Shisong; FENG My; WANG N; MENG H; THOMAS R; FAN S; WANG R; WANG X; TANG X and LIANG Yuanbo. "Can Early Postoperative Intraocular Pressure Predict Success Following Mitomycin-C Augmented Trabeculectomy in Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma". Eye vol.27 no.3, pp.403-409. United Kingdom: Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom, 2013.03. <P139369> JHANJI Vishal. "International Perspectives in Refractive Surgery-China(Hong Kong)". The LASIK Handbook A Case-Based Approach ed. by Robert S Feder. 2 ed. pp.339. United States of America: 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013.05.02. <P139416> THAM Chee Yung Clement. "Is Clear Lens Extraction A Possible Measure to Reduce Angle-Closure in Asia?". Paper presented in the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress (APAO), organized by Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology , 1 pgs. India, 2013.01.18. <P139521> THAM Chee Yung Clement. "Award Lecture – Angle-Closure Glaucoma: An Evolving Surgical Approach". Paper presented in the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress (APAO), organized by Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology , 1 pgs. India, 2013.01.18. <P139539> HUANG, Li; LIANG Jiajian; GENG Yiqun; TSANG Wai-ming; YAO Xiaowu; JHANJI Vishal; ZHANG Mingzhi; CHEUNG Herman S.; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and YAM Hin Fai. "Directing Adult Human Periodontal Ligament–Derived Stem Cells to Retinal Fate". Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science vol.54 no.6, pp.3965-3974. United States of America: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2013.06.06. See Also<P118075 >, <P121019 >, <P122195 >, <P130938 >, <P133186 >, <P134079 > Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P115424> TAN Qi; LUI Po Yee Pauline and RUI, Yunfeng. "Effect of In-Vitro Passaging on the Stem Cell-related Properties of Tendon-Derived Stem Cells (TDSCs) - Implication in Tissue Engineering". Stem Cells and Development 21(5): 790-800. 2012. <P119153> LUI Po Yee Pauline; CHEUK Yau Chuk; LEE Yuk Wa and CHAN Kai Ming. "Ectopic Chondro-Ossification and Erroneous Extracellular Matrix Deposition in a Tendon Window Injury Model". Journal of Orthopaedic Research 30(1): 37-46. 2012. <P120031> TAM, Man Shan Elisa; YEUNG Hiu Yan; LIU Zhen; LAM Tsz Ping; TING T.; LOK J. Y.; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIU Y. and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Elevated soluble leptin receptor level and association with body composition in girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis". Stud Health Technol Inform 1 pgs. 2012. <P120140> FAN Qi Ming; YUE Bing; BIAN Zhen Yu; XU Wen Ting; TU Bing; DAI Ke Rong; LI Gang and TANG Ting Ting. "The CREB-Smad6-Runx2 Axis Contributes to the Impaired Osteogenesis Potential of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells in Fibrous Dysplasia of Bone". The Journal of pathology vol.228 no.1, pp.45-55. 2012.09. <P120239> LAU Jeffrey; AI-AKBAR Anb Abdul Aziz; HO Ki Wai and SADIQ Shahzad. "Risk of Contralateral Femoral Neck Fractures following Surgical Treatment of a Hip Fracture". Paper presented in the Seventh International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, organized by Chinese Medical association & Chinese Orthopaedic Association, p.167. Beijing, China, 2012.11.15. <P120308> GU X X; CHAN Chun Kwan; LEE Wai Yuk Justin; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick; FONG Tik Pui Daniel and CHAN Kai Ming. "Biomechanical Analysis of Hamstring Strain Injury Prevention Exerises: An Analysis of Electromyography and Kinematics". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.102. Hong Kong, 2012.12.01. <P120319> HUNG Leung Kim and WONG Shu Yan. "Interface Pressure Monitoring for Decubitus Ulcer Management - Issues of Clinical Applications". Paper presented in the BME 2012 Biomedical Engineering International Conference, organized by Biomedical Division, The HK Institution of Engineers, P-17 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.05. <P120337> LEUNG Kwok Sui; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; TAM Kam Fai and NG Wai Kin. "Magnetic Levitating Whole-Body Vibration Platform for Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis and Associated Fractures". Australia, 2012.12.13. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P120371> YAO Dong; XIE Xinhui; WANG Xinluan; WAN Chao; LEE Yuk Wai; CHEN Shihui; PEI Duanqing; WANG Yixiang; LI Gang and QIN Ling. "Icaritin, an Exogenous Phytomolecule, Enhances Osteogenesis but Not Angiogenesis - An In Vitro Efficacy Study". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.8, pp.e41264. 2012.08. <P120391> SUN, Guangquan; LAM Tsz Ping; NG Kin Wah Bobby; YIM Po Yee Annie; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIU Yong and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Abnormal bone matrix mineralization in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis". Paper presented in the 9th International Research Society of Spinal Deformity Biannual Scientific Meeting (IRSSD), p.458. Poznan, Poland, 2012.07.01. <P120438> CHOW Kwoon Ho Simon; LEUNG Kwok Sui and CHEUNG Wing Hoi. "Expression patterns of estrogen receptor-a, b, and ratios are related to callus formation during osteoporotic fracture healing.". Paper presented in the The Seventh International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, organized by Chinese Orthopaedic Association, 1 pgs. Beijing, 2012.11.17. <P120598> LAM Tsz Ping; NG Kin Wah Bobby; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Whole-Body Vibration Therapy (WBV) for Low Bone Mass for Girls with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS): A Randomized, Controlled Trial". Paper presented in the The 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA), 16 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.01. <P120761> TANG Xiao Lin; ZHU Tracy; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; QIN Ling; WONG Chun Kwok; KUN Wai Lin Emily; TAM Lai Shan and LI Kwok Ming Edmund. "Increased organ damage associated with deterioration in volumetric bone density and bone microarchitecture in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus on longterm glucocorticoid therapy". The Journal of Rheumatology vol.39 no.10, pp.1955-63. 2012.10. <P120807> CHOW, Dick Ho Kiu; SUEN Pui Kit; FU Lai Hong; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; LEUNG Kwok Sui; WONG Wan Nar Margaret and QIN Ling. "Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy for Treatment of Delayed Tendon-Bone Insertion Healing in a Rabbit Model: A Dose-Response Study". The American Journal of Sports Medicine vol.40 no.2, pp.2862-2871. 2012.12. <P120868> FONG Tik Pui Daniel; HA, Chui Wai Sophia; MOK Kam Ming; CHAN Wing Long Christie and CHAN Kai Ming. "Kinematics analysis of ankle inversion ligamentous sprain injuries in sports – five cases from televised tennis competitions". The American Journal of Sports Medicine vol.40 no.11, pp.2627-2632. 2012. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P121006> TAM, Man Shan Elisa; YU Wai Ping Fiona; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; LIU Zhen; LAM Tsz Ping; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LIU King Lok; QIU Yong and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Are Volumetric Bone Mineral Density, Bone Morphometry and Bone Micro-architecture in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Associated with Leptin and Soluble Leptin Receptor?". Paper presented in the The Seventh International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedics Association (COA), 1 pgs. Beijing, China, 2012.11.15. <P121022> FONG Tik Pui Daniel; CHUNG Man Ling Mandy; CHAN Yue Yan and CHAN Kai Ming. "A Mechanical Jig for Measuring Ankle Supination and Pronation Torque In Vitro and In Vivo" Medical Engineering and Physics vol.34 no.6, pp.791-794. 2012. <P121062> FONG Tik Pui Daniel and HA Chui Wai Sophia. "Kinematics analysis of five ankle inversion ligamentous sprain injury cases in tennis". Paper presented in the 4th Congress of Asian Society of Sport Biomechanics, p.94. Sapporo, Japan, 2012.07.06. <P121081> WANG Defeng; LIN Shi; GRIFFITH F James; QIN Ling; YEW T W David and RIGGS M Christopher. "Comprehensive surface-based morphometry reveals the association of fracture risk and bone geometry". J Orthop Res vol.30 no.8, pp.1277-84. 2012. <P121204> LUI Po Yee Pauline; CHENG Ying Ying; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick; HUNG See Long Aaron and CHAN Kai Ming. "A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Bone Mineral Density Changes of Three Different ACL Reconstruction Procedures". Knee DOI: 10/1016/j.knee.2012.02.005 19 pp.779-785. Elsevier, 2012. <P121275> HO Ki Wai; CHUNG Kwong Yin; CHEUNG Kin Wing and CHIU Kwok Hing. "Long Term Results of Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head Treated with Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty". Paper presented in the Seventh International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, organized by Chinese Medical Association & Chinese Orthopaedic Association, p.40. Beijing, China, 2012.11.15. <P121401> KWOK Wai Leung Anthony; WANG Yixiang; GRIFFITH James Francis; DENG min; LEUNG Chi Shun; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Morphological Changes of Lumbar Vertebral Bodies and Intervertebral Discs Associated with Decreased in Bone Mineral Density of the Spine: A Cross-sectional Study in Elderly Subjects". Spine vol.37 no.23, pp.E1415-E1421. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012.11. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P121402> ZHANG Ge; GUO Baosheng; WU Heng; TANG Tao; ZHANG Bao Ting; ZHENG Lizhen; HE Yinxin; YANG Zhijing; PAN Xiaohua; CHOW Heelum; TO Kinwah; LI Yaping; LI Dahu; WANG Xinluan; WANG Yixiang; LEE Kwong Man, Simon; HOU Zhibo; DONG Nan; LI Gang; LEUNG Kwok Sui; HUNG Leung Kim; HE Fuchu; ZHANG Lingqiang and QIN Ling. "A delivery system targeting bone information surface to facilitate RNAi-based none anabolic therapy". Nature Medicine vol.18 no.2, pp.307-14. 2012. <P121494> LAM Tsz Ping; NG Kin Wah Bobby; CHEUNG Tsz Fung; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Prevalence of Vitamin D Insufficiency among Adolescent Girls in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the The Seventh International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedics Association (COA), 1 pgs. Beijing, China, 2012.11.15. <P121566> YUNG Shu Hang Patrick; ZHANG Y; LEUNG Kar Ming Kevin; LO Chun Kwong; FONG Tik Pui Daniel and CHAN Kai Ming. "Contributions of Different Bundles to Knee Stability in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Double-bundle Reconstruction - Assessment with Computer-assisted Navigation System and Controlled Torque". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.82. Hong Kong, 2012.12.01. <P121600> YIM Po Yee Annie; YEUNG H Y; WANG W J; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; LAM Tsz Ping; QIN Ling; LEE Kwong Man, Simon; QIU Y and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Abnormal skeletal growth patterns in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis - a longitudinal study till skeletal maturity". Stud Health Technol Inform vol.176 no.474, 2012. <P121910> 王曼 及 方迪培. <採用不同刺激位置和不同尺寸的電極片研究神經肌肉電刺激下肢肌肉所產生的 膝關節力矩>. 論文發表於 《第十五屆全國運動生物力學學術交流大會》, 12. 中國南京, 2012.09.25. <P121997> YIM Po Yee Annie; YEUNG Hiu Yan; WANG Weijun; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; QIN Ling; LEE Kwong Man Simon; LAM Tsz Ping; QIU Yong and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "A Longitudinal Study of Abnormal Skeletal Growth Patterns in Adolescent idiopathic Scoliosis". Paper presented in the The Seventh International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedics Association (COA), 1 pgs. Beijing, China, 2012.11.15. <P122085> YUNG Shu Hang Patrick; LIANG X Y; LEUNG Kar Ming Kevin; HUNG See Long Aaron; CHAN Pak Hin; FONG Tik Pui Daniel and CHAN Kai Ming. "Assessment of Knee Rotational Laxity Using Knee Rotational Laxity Meter - The Reproducibility and Its Normative Value". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.78. Hong Kong, 2012.12.01. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P122186> YAO Dong; XIE Xin Hui; WANG Xin Luan; WAN Chao; LEE Yuk Wai; CHEN Shihui; PEI Duan Qing; WANG Yi Xiang; LI Gang and QIN Ling. "Icaritin, an Exogenous Phytomolecule, Enhances Osteogenesis but not Angiogenesis-An In Vitro Efficacy Study". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.8, pp.e41264. 2012. <P122219> 方迪培、 夏翠蔚、 李琤 及 陳啟明. <五個網球運動中腳踝內翻韌帶扭傷實例的運動學分析>. 論文 發表於 《第十五屆全國運動生物力學學術交流大會》, 182. 中國南京, 2012.09.25. <P122251> SUN Ming Hui; LEUNG Kwok Sui; ZHENG Yong Ping; HUANG Yan Ping; WANG Li Ke; QIN Ling; LEUNG Hon Chi Andraay; CHOW Kwoon Ho Simon and CHEUNG Wing Hoi. "Three-dimensional high frequency power Doppler ultrasonography for the assessment of microvasculature during fracture healing in a rat model". J Orthop Res vol.30 no.1, pp.137-43. 2012. <P122254> LAU Po Ying; NG Kwok Shing; LI Man Shan; TSUI Kwok Wing; HUANG Lin and KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar. "p63 regulates cell proliferation and cell cycle progression-associated genes in stromal cells of giant cell tumor of the bone". International Journal of Oncology vol.42 pp.437-443. 2012.10.12. <P122275> 王 佳 力、 唐 鍵、 秦嶺、 張 鵬 及 王 珏. <镁合金的体外电化学测试对其作为内植入物降解行 为的预测>. 《化學進展》 第 24 卷 第 04 期, 頁 598-605. 2012. <P122334> LAM Tsz Ping; NG Kin Wah Bobby; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "The Therapeutic Effect of Whole-Body Vibration (WBV) for Low Bone Mass in Girls with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS): A Randomized, Controlled Trial". Paper presented in the The Seventh International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedics Association (COA), 1 pgs. Beijing, China, 2012.11.15. <P122392> GONG He; ZHANG Ming; FAN Yubo; KWOK Wai Leung Anthony and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Relationships Between Femoral Strength Evaluated by Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and BMD, Material Distribution and Geometric Morphology". Annals of Biomedical Engineering vol.40 no.7, pp.1575-1585. Biomedical Engineering Society, 2012.07. <P122526> FU, Sai Chuen; CHEUK Yau Chuk; CHENG Wai Hang Tom; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick and CHAN Kai Ming. "Glycl-L-histidyl-L-lysine-copper(II) Improved Anteroposterior Knee Stability after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Rats". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.85. Hong Kong, 2012.12.01. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P122537> YUNG K K Y; LEE Wai Yuk Justin; FONG Tik Pui Daniel; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick and CHAN Kai Ming. "Effect of a 12-Week Sprint Training Programme in Young Footballers in Reducing Hamstring Injuries". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.103. Hong Kong, 2012.12.01. <P122630> CHENG W X; YUE Y; FAN W B; HU Y P; WANG X L; PAN X H; ZHOU X X; QIN Ling and ZHANG P. "Effects of tetracyclines on bones: an ambiguous question needs to be clarified". Pharmazie vol.67 no.5, pp.457-459. 2012. <P122651> WEI Fang-yuan; LEUNG Kwok Sui; LI Gang; QIN Ling; CHOW Kwoon Ho Simon and CHEUNG Wing Hoi. "Low intensity pulsed ultrasound promote osteoporotic fracture healing by enhancing SDF-1 mediated mesenchymal stem cell recruitment". Paper presented in the The Seventh International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, organized by Chinese Orthopaedic Association, 1 pgs. Beijing, 2012.11.17. <P122661> LAM Tsz Ping; NG Kin Wah Bobby; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Whole-Body Vibration Therapy (WBV) for Osteopenia in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Randomized, Controlled Trial". Paper presented in the 17th Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (APOA), 1 pgs. New Delhi, India, 2012.10.03. <P122697> FONG Tik Pui Daniel; CHU Wing Shan Vikki and CHAN Kai Ming. "Myoelectric Stimulation on Peroneal Muscles Resists Simulated Ankle Sprain Motion". Journal of Biomechanics vol.45 no.11, pp.2055-2057. 2012.07.26. <P122711> LIU Zhen; ZHU Zhezhang; GUO Jing; MAO S; WANG, WEIJUN; QIAN B; ZHU Feng; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack and QIU Yong. "Analysis of body growth parameters in girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: single thoracic idiopathic scoliosis versus single lumbar idiopathic scoliosis". Paper presented in the 9th Biennial Scientific Meeting IRSSD, International Research Society of Spinal Deformities, Poznan, Poland, 1-4 July 2012, organized by International Research Society of Spinal Deformities, 21 pgs. Poland, 2012.07.01. <P123010> WONG Wing Yee; CHU Wing Shan Vikki; CHUNG Man Ling Mandy; FONG Tik Pui Daniel; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick and CHAN Kai Ming. "Thumb Opposition Pinch Force Evaluation as a Functional Outcome after Modified Camitz Operation". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.108. Hong Kong, 2012.12.01. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P123020> CHOW Kwoon Ho Simon; LEUNG Kwok Sui; QIN Ling and CHEUNG Wing Hoi. "Distinctive expression patterns of estrogen receptor-alpha, -beta and their ratios during osteoporotic fracture healing". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, 1 pgs. 2012.12.01. <P123035> HO Ki Wai; LAU Jeffrey and SADIQ Shahzad. "Survivability of a Cannulated Femoral Stem Prosthesis in Elderly Patients with a Complex Proximal Femoral Fracture". Paper presented in the Seventh International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, organized by Chinese Medical Association & Chinese Orthopaedic Association, p.167. Beijing, China, 2012.11.15. <P123171> CHEN Ellen W; FU Amy S N; CHAN Kai Ming and TSANG William W N. "The Effects of Tai Chi on The Balance Control of Elderly Persons with Visual Impairment: A Randomised Clinical Trial". Age Ageing vol.41 no.2, pp.254-9. 2012. <P123248> TAM, Man Shan Elisa; YEUNG Hiu Yan; LIU Zhen; LAM Tsz Ping; TING T; LOK J F Y; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIU Yong and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Elevated soluble leptin receptor level and association with body composition in girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis". Paper presented in the 9th International Research Society of Spinal Deformity Biannual Scientific Meeting (IRSSD), p.472. Poznan, Poland, 2012.07.01. <P123310> SUN, Guangquan; LAM Tsz Ping; YIM Po Yee Annie; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIU Yong; MOREAU Alain and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "High osteopontin plasma level associated with abnormal cortical bone mineral density in girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis". Paper presented in the 9th International Research Society of Spinal Deformity Biannual Scientific Meeting (IRSSD), p.457. Poznan, Poland, 2012.07.01. <P123312> FONG Tik Pui Daniel; WANG M; CHU Wing Shan Vikki; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick and CHAN Kai Ming. "Investigation of Knee Torque Generated by Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Muscles of Lower Limb - Effect of Electrode Location and Size". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.81. Hong Kong, 2012.12.01. <P123502> CHEUNG Wing Hoi. "Assessment of Microvasculature for Fracture Healing - Rat Model and Possible Application in Humans". Paper presented in the OTC Workshop on "Assessment of Fracture Healing", organized by OTC Foundation, 1 pgs. Boston, United States of America, 2012.12.02. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P123867> LEUNG Chung Kwan; CHAN Som Yu; CHEUNG Wing Hoi and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Can low-magnitude, high-frequency vibration accelerate the healing of femoral shaft fracture? A prospective randomized controlled clinical trial. ". Paper presented in the The Seventh International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, organized by Chinese Orthopaedic Association, 1 pgs. Beijing, 2012.11.17. <P124153> RUI Yunfeng; LUI Po Yee Pauline; ROLF Christer; WONG Yin Mei; LEE Yuk Wa and CHAN Kai Ming. "Expression of Chondro-Osteogenic BMPs in Clinical Samples of Patellar Tendinopathy". Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc vol.20 no.7, pp.1409-1417. 2012. <P124282> YU Wing Sze; CHAN Ka Yan; YU Wai Ping Fiona; YEUNG Hiu Yan; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LAM Tsz Ping and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. Bone Quality in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Girls – A Case-control Study Paper presented in the 9th International Research Society of Spinal Deformity Biannual Scientific Meeting (IRSSD), p.471. Poznan, Poland, 2012.07.01. <P124339> CHAN S M; LI Che Tin Raymond; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick; YAU Kai Ching and CHAN Kai Ming. "The Changes in Knee Isokinetic Strength and Ball Speed in Response to the Application of Kinesio Tape on Quadriceps in Recreational Soccer Player". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.104. Hong Kong, 2012.12.01. <P124346> TAM, Man Shan Elisa; YU Wai Ping Fiona; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; LIU Zhen; LAM Tsz Ping; LIU King Lok; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIU Yong and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Association of Volumetric Bone Mineral Density, Bone Morphometry and Trabecular Bone Micro-Architecture with Leptin and Soluble Leptin Receptor in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". Paper presented in the The 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA), 73 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.01. <P124452> TAM, Man Shan Elisa; YU Wai Ping Fiona; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; LIU Zhen; LAM Tsz Ping; LIU King Lok; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIU Yong and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Are Volumetric Bone Mineral Density and Bone Micro-architecture in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Associated with Leptin and Soluble Leptin Receptor?". Paper presented in the 47th Annual Meeting of Scoliosis Research Society (SRS), 1 pgs. Chicago, United States of America, 2012.09.05. <P124538> LUI Po Yee Pauline; WONG On Tik; LEE Yuk Wa; WONG Yin Mei; TAN Chunlai; TAN Qi and CHAN Kai Ming. "Tendon-derived Stem Cell Sheet Produced by Connective Tissue Growth Factor and Ascorbic Acid for Tendon and Tendon Graft Healing". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.18. Hong Kong, 2012.12.01. & Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P124560> TAM, Man Shan Elisa; YU Wai Ping Fiona; LIU Zhen; LAM Tsz Ping; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIU Yong and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Association of volumetric bone mineral density with leptin and soluble leptin receptor in girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis". Paper presented in the 9th International Research Society of Spinal Deformity Biannual Scientific Meeting (IRSSD), p.470. Poznan, Poland, 2012.07.01. <P124616> FONG Tik Pui Daniel. "An Intelligent Sport Shoe to Prevent Ankle Inversion Sprain Injury". Paper presented in the Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 5(Supp 1):K6 pgs. 2012. <P124652> YAU Kai Ching; YEUNG W X; LEUNG Kar Ming Kevin; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick and CHAN Kai Ming. "Change of Exercise Motivation and Physical Fitness". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.104. Hong Kong, 2012.12.01. <P124763> CHENG Wenxiang; YU Ye; FAN Wenbin; HU Yiping; WANG Xinluan; PAN Xiaohua; ZHOU Xiaoxiao; QIN Ling and ZHANG Peng. "Effects of Tetracyclines on Bones: an Ambiguous Question needs to be clarified.". Pharmazie vol.67 no.5, pp.457-459. 2012. <P124779> GREEN D W; LI Gang; MILTHORPE B and BEN-NISSAN B. "Mesenchymal stem cells coated with biomaterials in regenerative medicine". Materials vol.5 no.1-2, pp.626-632. 2012. <P124786> QIN Jh; CHOW Kwoon Ho Simon; LEUNG Kwok Sui and CHEUNG Wing Hoi. "The effect of low-magnitude high-frequency vibration on protecting cartilage degradation on anterior cruciate ligament transection-induced osteoarthritis rat model". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, 1 pgs. 2012.12.01. <P124812> LEUNG Kwok Sui; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; TAM Kam Fai and NG Wai Kin. "Magnetic Levitating Whole-Body Vibration Platform for Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis and Associated Fractures". Canada, 2012.11.26. <P124821> WANG Jiali; TANG Jian; ZHANG Peng; LI Yangde; WANG Jue; LAI Yuxiao and QIN Ling. "Surface Modification of Magnesium Alloys Developed for Bioabsorbable Orthopadic Implants: A General Review". Journal of Biomedical Materials Research B: Applied Biomaterials vol.100B no.6, pp.1691-1701. 2012. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P124844> YU Wing Sze; YU Wai Ping Fiona; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LAM Tsz Ping and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Evaluation of rod-plate configuration of trabecular bone in AIS: A Case-control study". Paper presented in the The 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA), 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.01. <P124888> YIM Po Yee Annie; YEUNG Hiu Yan; WANG Weijun; HUNG Wing Yan; QIN Ling; LEE Kwong Man Simon; LAM Tsz Ping; QIU Yong and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Abnormal skeletal growth patterns in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis -A longitudinal study till skeletal maturity". Paper presented in the 9th International Research Society of Spinal Deformity Biannual Scientific Meeting (IRSSD), p.474. Poznan, Poland, 2012.07.01. <P124897> SHI Yu; FU Yujie; TONG Wenxue; GENG Yiyun; LUI Po Yee Pauline; TANG Tingting; ZHANG Xiaolong and DAI Kerong. "Uniaxial Mechanical Tension Promoted Osteogenic Differentiation of Rat Tendon-Derived Stem Cells (rTDSCs) Via the Wnt5a-RhoA Pathway.". J Cell Biochem pp.DOI: 10.1002/jcb.24190. 2012. <P124944> RUI Yun Feng; LUI Po Yee Pauline; LEE Yuk Wai and CHAN Kai Ming. "Higher BMP Receptors Expression and BMP-2-induced Osteogenic Differentiation in Tendon-Derived Stem Cells Compared to Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Cells". Int Orthop vol.36 no.5, pp.1099-1107. 2012. <P124978> LAM Mak Ham; FONG Tik Pui Daniel; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick and CHAN Kai Ming. "Biomechanical Techniques to Evaluate Tibial Rotation. A Systematic Review" Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy vol.20 no.9, pp.1720-1729. 2012. <P125021> WONG Wing Yee; WANG Q; FONG Tik Pui Daniel; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick and HO Pak Cheong. "A Motion Study in Normal Individual and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Patients". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.107. Hong Kong, 2012.12.01. <P125031> FONG Tik Pui Daniel; MOK Kam Ming and CHAN Kai Ming. "Footwear for preventing acute sport-related ankle ligamentous sprain injury". The Science of Footwear ed. by RS Goonetilleke . pp.577-593. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2012. <P125404> LI C; LEE Wai Yuk Justin; FONG Tik Pui Daniel; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick and CHAN Kai Ming. "Reliability and Validity of a Novel Field-based Hamstring Strength Test for Association Football". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.101. Hong Kong, 2012.12.01. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P125453> LEE Yuk Wai; LUI Po Yee Pauline and RUI Yun Feng. "Hypoxia Mediated Efficient Expansion of Human Tendon-Derived Stem Cells (hTDSCs) In Vitro". Tissue Engineering Part A vol.18 no.5-6, pp.484-498. 2012. <P125541> YIM Po Yee Annie; SUN, Guangquan; YEUNG Hiu Yan; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LAM Tsz Ping; QIU Yong and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Abnormally Lower Expression of Melatonin Receptor in Osteoblasts of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Girls". Paper presented in the 9th International Research Society of Spinal Deformity Biannual Scientific Meeting (IRSSD), p.447. Poznan, Poland, 2012.07.01. <P125601> YIM Po Yee Annie; YEUNG Hiu Yan; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; LEE Kwong Man Simon; LAM Tsz Ping; NG Kin Wah Bobby; QIU Yong; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack and QIU Yong. "Abnormal Skeletal Growth Patterns in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis - A Longitudinal Study Until Skeletal Maturity". Spine (Phila Pa 1976) vol.37 no.18, pp.1148. 2012.08.15. <P125672> XIE Xinhui; WANG Xinluan; HE Yixin; LIU Zhong; SHENG Hui; ZHANG Ge and QIN Ling. "Promoted Repair of Steroid-Associated Osteonecrosis by Implantation of Cryopreserved Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells in a Rabbit Model.". Arthritis Rheum vol.64 no.5, pp.1562-71. 2012. <P125846> LAM Tsz Ping; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack; NG Kin Wah Bobby; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian and KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar. "Outcome-based Orthopaedic Training with an Innovative Web-based Platform". Paper presented in the 17th Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (APOA), 1 pgs. New Delhi, India, 2012.10.03. <P125875> WONG Rmy; CHOW Kwoon Ho Simon; CHEUNG Wing Hoi and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Healing of bone defects caused by orthopaedic metal implants through periosteal intramembranous ossification". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, 1 pgs. 2012.12.01. <P125926> CHEUNG Kin Wing and CHIU Kwok Hing. "Sixteen Years’ Result of Posterior Stabilized Total Knee Arthroplasty". The Journal of Knee Surgery vol.25 pp.245-248. 2012.10. <P126054> KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar and WONG Kwok Chuen. "Future Trends in Inter Calary Resections and Reconstruction: The Changing Paradigm of Limb Salvage". Paper presented in the 9th Asia Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumour Society Meeting 2012, p.18. 2012.09.09. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P126064> LEUNG Kwok Sui; LEUNG Ah; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; MOK Hoi Wa and LIU Pl. "Effect of low-magnitude high-frequency vibration in the postoperative rehabilitation in elderly patients with intertrochanteric fractures". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, 1 pgs. 2012.12.01. <P126219> TANG Leung Sang Nelson; YEUNG Hiu Yan; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; LIAO Chen Di; LAM Tsz Ping; YEUNG Hau Man; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Genetic epidemiology and heritability of AIS: A study of 415 Chinese female patients". Journal of Orthopaedics Research vol.30 no.9, pp.1464-1469. 2012.09. <P126583> KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar. "Joint Sparing Resections: The Changing Paradigm of Limb Salvage". Paper presented in the The 45th Annual Musculoskeletal Tumor Meeting of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association, organized by Japanese Orthopaedic Association, p.32. Japan, Tokyo, 2012.07.15. <P126791> WANG H; WAN Y; TAM K F; LING S; BAI Y; DENG Y; LIU Y; ZHANG H; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; QIN Ling; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack; LEUNG Kwok Sui and LI Y. "Resistive vibration exercise retards bone loss in weight-bearing skeletons during 60 days bed rest". Osteoporosis International vol.23 no.8, pp.2169-2178. 2012. <P126829> CHEN Ellen W; FU Amy S N; CHAN Kai Ming and TSANG William W N. "Balance Control in Very Old Adults With and Without Visual Impairment". Eur J Appl Physiol vol.112 no.5, pp.1631-6. 2012. <P127140> TAN Chunlai; LUI Po Yee Pauline and CHAN Kai Ming. "Growth Differentiation Factor-6 Promoted Tenogenic Differentiation of Bone Marrow-derived Stem Cells but not Tendon-derived Stem Cells in Vitro". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.101. Hong Kong, 2012.12.01. <P127146> TANG L X; QIN Ling; KWOK Wai Leung Anthony; ZHU Tracy; KUN W E; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; GRIFFITH James Francis; LEUNG Ping Chung; LI Kwok Ming Edmund and TANG L X. "Alterations of bone geometry, density, microarchitecture, and biomechanical properties in systemic lupus erythematosus on long-term glucocorticoid: a case-control study using HR-pQCT.". Osteoporos Int 24 6 1817-26. 2013.06. <P127155> WU T.; SUN Z.; ZHU Z.; ZHENG X.; QIAN B.; ZHU F.; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack and QIU Yong. "Role of high central leptin activity in a scoliosis model created in bipedal amputated mice". Paper presented in the 9th International Research Society of Spinal Deformity Biannual Scientific Meeting (IRSSD), 1 pgs. Poznan, Poland, 2012.07.01. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P127159> YIM Po Yee Annie; YEUNG Hiu Yan; WANG Weijun; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; QIN Ling; LEE Kwong Man Simon; LAM Tsz Ping; QIU Yong and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "A Longitudinal Analysis of the Abnormal Skeletal Growth Pattern in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS)". Paper presented in the The 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA), 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.12. <P127182> 秦嶺. "刺激促进成骨和骨再生(责任编辑特邀述评)".《醫用生物力學》 vol.27 no.2, pp.129-132. 2012. <P127243> LEUNG Kwok Sui; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; TAM Kam Fai and NG Wai Kin. "Magnetic Levitating Whole-Body Vibration Platform for Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis and Associated Fractures". New Zealand, 2012.10.08. <P127264> SUN, Guangquan; LAM Tsz Ping; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby; QIN Ling; QIU Yong and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Osteomalacia Vs Osteopenia in AIS". Paper presented in the 19th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST), p.137. Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.07.18. <P127363> CHUNG Shu Lu; LEUNG Kwok Sui; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; CHOY Tak Kee Dicky; MOK Hoi Wa and CHEUNG Wing Hoi. "Long-term bisphophonate intake supressed bone remodeling markers in osteoporosis patients.". Paper presented in the The seventh internatinoal congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, organized by Chinese Orthopaedic Association, 1 pgs. Beijing, 2012.11.17. <P127531> WANG Xinluan; XIE Xinhui; ZHANG Ge; CHEN Shihui; YAO Dong; HE Kai; WANG Xiao-hong; YAO Xin-sheng; LENG Yang; FUNG Kwok Pui; LEUNG Kwok Sui and QIN Ling. "Exogenous Phytoestrogenic Molecule Icaritin Incorporated into a Porous Scaffold for Enhancing Bone Defect Repair". Journal of Orthopaedic Research 31 1 164-172. Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 2013.01. <P127679> FONG Tik Pui Daniel; WANG O Y; HUNG See Long Aaron; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick and CHAN Kai Ming. "Effect of Neuromuscular Fatigue on Lower Limb Landing Biomechanics in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstructed Patients". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.107. Hong Kong, 2012.12.01. <P127763> WONG M. S.; LI M.; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LAM Tsz Ping; YING M; WONG A. and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "The effect of pressure pad location of spinal orthosis on the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS)". Paper presented in the 9th International Research Society of Spinal Deformity Biannual Scientific Meeting (IRSSD), 4 pgs. Poznan, Poland, 2012.07.01. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P127855> LAM Tsz Ping; NG Kin Wah Bobby; CHEUNG Tsz Fung; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Vitamin D Insufficiency among Adolescent Girls in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the The 32nd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA), 22 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.01. <P127864> DENG Wei-min; ZHANG Peng; HUANG Hai; SHEN You-gao; YANG Qin-hua; CUI Wei-li; HE Yang-shu; WEI Song; YE Zhu; LIU Fang and QIN Ling. "5-year follow up study of a kideney-tonifying herbal Fufang for prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis and fragility fractures". J Bone Miner Metabol vol.30 no.5, pp.517-24. 2012. <P128216> LEUNG Kwok Sui; LI Chi Yu; TSE Yee Kit; CHOY Tak Kee Dicky; LEUNG Ping Chung; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian and CHEUNG Wing Hoi. "Low-magnitude, high-frequency vibration treatment reduced fall incidences and fracture risks in community elderly -- a prospective cluster- randomized controlled trial.". Paper presented in the The Seventh International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, organized by Chinese Orthopaedic Association, 1 pgs. Beijing, 2012.11.17. <P128278> YU Wing Sze; YU Wai Ping Fiona; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LAM Tsz Ping and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Evaluation of rod-plate configuration of trabecular bone in AIS: A Case-control study". Paper presented in the The Seventh International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedics Association (COA), 1 pgs. Beijing, China, 2012.11.15. <P128328> FONG Tik Pui Daniel; ZHENG Y Q; HUNG See Long Aaron; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick and CHAN Kai Ming. "The Reliability of Drop Landing and Subsequent Pivoting Task for the Three-dimensional Motion Analysis of Tibial Rotation". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.108. Hong Kong, 2012.12.01. <P128386> QIN Ling; ZHU H. M.; GARNERO P.; GENANT H. K.; DAI K.; YAO X.; ZHANG Ge; GU G.; HAO Y.; LI Z.; YANG J.; ZHAO X.; SHI D.; FUERST T.; LU Y.; LI H.; ZHANG X.; LI C.; ZHAO J.; WU Q. and ZHAO S. J.. "The First Multicenter and Randomized Clinical Trial of Herbal Fufang for Treatment of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis". Osteoporosis Int vol.23 pp.1317-1327. 2012. <P128408> CHEN Shi Hui; WANG Xinluan; XIE Xinhui; ZHENG Lizhen; YAO Dong; WANG Daping; LENG Yang; ZHANG Ge and QIN Ling. "Comparative Study of Osteogenic Potential of a Composite Scaffold Incorporating either Endogenous Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 or Exogenous Phytomolecule Icaritin: An in Vitro Efficacy Study.". Acta Biomaterialia vol.8 pp.3128-3137. 2012. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P128566> FONG Tik Pui Daniel; YAM Kit-yee; CHU Wing Shan Vikki; CHEUNG Tsz-hei Roy and CHAN Kai Ming. "Upper Limb Muscle Fatigue During Prolonged Boccia Games with Underarm Throwing Technique". Sports Biomechanics 11 4 441-451. 2012.07.19. <P128569> FONG Tik Pui Daniel and WEI Feng. "The use of model matching video analysis and computational simulation to study ankle sprain injury mechanism". International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems vol.9 pp.97. 2012. <P128700> LI M.; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack; YING M.; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LAM Tsz Ping; WONG W. Y. and WONG M. S.. "3-D Clinical Ultrasound in Facilitation of Orthotic Treatment for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS)". Paper presented in the 17th Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (APOA), 1 pgs. New Delhi, India, 2012.10.03. <P128783> HO Chun Kit Kenneth; HUNG See Long Aaron and FONG Tik Pui Daniel. "Evaluation of the physiological and biomechanical effects of cycling on a conventional bicycle and on the Risigo". Paper presented in the Biomedical Engineering Conference 2012 - "Improving Healthcare through Innovative Technology and Regulatory Affairs", organized by Hong Kong Productivity Council, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.05. <P128823> FONG Tik Pui Daniel; PANG Kai Yip; CHUNG Man Ling Mandy; HUNG See Long Aaron and CHAN Kai Ming. "Evaluation of combined prescription of rocker sole shoes and custom-made foot orthoses for the treatment of plantar fasciitis". Clinical biomechanics vol.27 no.10, pp.1072-1077. 2012. <P128955> CHEUNG Wing Hoi; CHIN Wai Ching; QIN Ling and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Low intensity pulsed ultrasound enhances fracture healing in both ovariectomy-induced osteoporotic and age-matched normal bones". J Orthop Res vol.30 no.1, pp.129-36. 2012. <P129086> HUNG Leung Kim. "香港工傷康復跨專業人才培訓 Training of Inter-disciplinary Personnel for Work Rehabilitation in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the International Symposium on Work Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation 2012, organized by Guangdong Province Injury Rehabilitation Centre, Hong Kong Workers' Health Centre, Shanghai Sunshine Rehabilitation Centre, p.121-130. Shanghai, China, 2012.10.26. <P129130> 秦嶺. <力學刺激促進成骨和骨再生(責任編輯特邀述評)>. 《醫用生物力學》 第 27 卷 第 2 期, 頁 129-132. 2012. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P129266> SUN Keng Ting; LEUNG Kwok Sui and CHEUNG Wing Hoi. "Low-magnitude high-frequency vibration (LMHFV) is beneficial to reloading recovery of soleus muscle in rat tail suspension model.". Paper presented in the The Seventh International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, organized by Chinese Orthopaedic Association, 1 pgs. Beijing, 2012.11.17. <P129324> GU X. N.; XIE Xinhui; LI N.; ZHENG Y. F. and QIN Ling. "In Vitro and in Vivo Studies on a Mg-Sr Binary Alloy System Developed as a New Kind of Biodegradable Metal". Acta Biomaterialia vol.8 no.6, pp.2360-2374. 2012. <P129410> WANG Weijun; ZHEN X.; SUN X.; ZHU Z. Z.; ZHU F.; LAM Tsz Ping; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack and QIU Yong. "The value of different risser grading systems in determining growth maturity of girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis". Paper presented in the 9th International Research Society of Spinal Deformity Biannual Scientific Meeting (IRSSD), 5 pgs. Poznan, Poland, 2012.07.01. <P129559> 孫明輝、 秦嶺、 邱 勇、 朱 昭穎 及 魏 芳遠. <低幅高頻振動對骨質疏鬆性骨折合併閉合性動脈 損傷的作用>. 《醫用生物力學》 第 27 卷 第 2 期, 頁 145-151. 2012. <P129712> ZHENG Yafeng; QIN Ling; LEUNG Ping Chung and KWOK Chi Yui Timothy. "The effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor use on bone loss in elderly Chinese". J Bone Miner Metabol vol.30 no.6, pp.666-73. 2012. <P129748> HUANG Q; CHAN Chun Kwan; LEE Wai Yuk Justin; FONG Tik Pui Daniel; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick and CHAN Kai Ming. "Lower Limb Muscle Activity in a Sprint Stride Cycle Among Male Soccer Players - Implication to Hamstring Injury". Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Hip and Knee Reconstruction Challenges & Controversies, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.103. Hong Kong, 2012.12.01. <P129770> 王 佳力、 唐 鍵、 秦嶺、 張 鵬 及 王 玨. <鎂合美的體外電化學測試對其作為內植入物降解行 為的預測>. 《化學進展》 第 24 卷 第 04 期, 頁 598-605. 2012. <P129775> LEUNG Chung Kwan; MOK Hoi Wa; CHEUNG Wing Hoi and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Comprehensive fragility fracture rehabilitation program for hip fractured patients in the community.". Paper presented in the The 1st Fragility Fracture Network Global Congress, organized by Fragility Fracture Network, 1 pgs. Berlin, Germany, 2012.09.06. <P129835> 李琤 及 方迪培. <對於評價膕繩肌肌肉力量的新型場地測試方法的可靠性及有效性研究>. 論文發 表於 《第十五屆全國運動生物力學學術交流大會》, 13. 中國南京, 2012.09.25. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P129841> WANG Jiali; TANG Jian; ZHANG Peng; LI Yangde; WANG Jue; LAI Yuxiao and QIN Ling. "Surface modification of magnesium alloys developed for bioabsorbable orthopedic implants: A general review". J Biomed mater Res B Appl Biomater vol.100B no.6, pp.1691-1701. 2012. <P129863> LAM Tsz Ping; NG Kin Wah Bobby; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Effect of Whole-Body Vibration Therapy (WBV) for Low Bone Mass in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Girls with Osteopenia: A Randomized, Controlled Trial". Paper presented in the The 34th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR), S22 pgs. Minneapolis, United States of America, 2012.10.12. <P129976> TAM, Man Shan Elisa; YU Wai Ping Fiona; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; LIU Zhen; LAM Tsz Ping; LIU King Lok; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIU Yong and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Association of Volumetric Bone Mineral Density and Bone Micro-architecture with Leptin and Soluble Leptin Receptor in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". Paper presented in the 17th Congress of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (APOA), 1 pgs. New Delhi, India, 2012.10.03. <P130082> LEE Wai Yuk Justin; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick; CHAN Chun Kwan and CHAN Kai Ming. "High Speed Running for Strengthening the Hamstring of Football Players". Paper presented in the International Conference on Sports Rehabilitation and Traumatology, organized by The Isokinetic group, p.77. London, England, 2013.04.20. <P130113> LAM Tsz Ping; YU Wing Sze; MAK Wah Yan; CHEUNG Tsz Fung; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Vitamin D Status and Its Correlation with Osteopenia in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS)". Paper presented in the 50th International Anniversary Philip Zorab Symposium (PZ), 1 pgs. London, United Kingdom, 2013.06.20. <P130150> HUNG Leung Kim. "Functional Rehabilitation after Major Upper Limb Replantations". Paper presented in the 第 10 屆全國顯微外科學術會議暨世界首例斷肢再植成功 50 周年慶典, organized by 中華醫學 會顯微外科學分會, Proceedings 18. Shanghai, China, 2013.01.12. <P130207> TAN Qi; LEE Yuk Wa and LUI Po Yee Pauline. "In Vivo Identity of Tendon Stem Cells and The Roles of Stem Cells in Tendon Healing". Paper presented in the 2013 Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, organized by Orthopadics Research Society, 1 pgs. San Antonio, United States of America, 2013.01.26. <P130756> HUNG Leung Kim; FU Sai Chuen Bruma; LEE Yuk Wa; MOK Tsui Yu Emily and CHAN Kai Ming. "Local Vitamin-C Injection Reduced Tendon Adhesion in a Chicken Model of Flexor Digitorum Profundus Tendon Injury". The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery vol.95 no.7, pp.411-417. United States of America, 2013.04.03. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P130871> CHEUNG Tsz Fung; YU Wing Sze; LAM Tsz Ping; CHAN Ka Yan; YU Wai Ping Fiona; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Positive correlation of serum vitamin D status with bone density and bone quality among adolescent girls in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 6th International Conference on Children’s Bone Health (ICCBH), 52 pgs. Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2013.06.22. <P131175> YU Wing Sze; CHAN Ka Yan; YU Wai Ping Fiona; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LAM Tsz Ping; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Abnormal Bone Quality in both Cortical and Trabecular Compartments in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS)". Paper presented in the 6th International Conference on Children’s Bone Health (ICCBH), 1 pgs. Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2013.06.22. <P131192> LEUNG Kwok Sui; LI Chi Yu; TSE Yee Kit; CHOY Tak Kee Dicky; LEUNG Ping Chung; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; CHAN Sy and CHEUNG Wing Hoi. "Reduction of fracture risks and fall incidences in community elderly by low-magnitude, high-frequency vibration treatment – a prospective cluster-randomized clinical trial.". Paper presented in the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, organized by Orthopaedic Research Society, 1 pgs. San Antonio, United States of America, 2013.01.26. <P131281> ZHANG, Ting; LEE Yuk Wai; RUI Yun Feng; CHENG Tin Yan and LI Gang. "Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Promote Growth and Angiogenesis of Breast and Prostate Tumors". Paper presented in the 11th International Congress on Targeted Anticancer Therapies, organized by The Amsterdam-based NDDO Education Foundation , i32 pgs. 2013.03.01. <P131742> KWOK Wai Leung Anthony; GONG Jingshan; WANG Yixiang; LEUNG Chi Shun; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; GRIFFITH James Francis and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Prevalence and risk factors of radiographic vertebral fractures in elderly Chinese men and women: results of Mr. OS (Hong Kong) and Ms. OS (Hong Kong) studies.". Osteoporos Int vol.24 pp.877-885. 2013.03. <P131810> YIM Po Yee Annie; YEUNG Hiu Yan; SUN, Guangquan; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Tzi Bun; LAM Tsz Ping; NG Kin Wah Bobby; QIU Yong; MOREAU Alain and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Abnormal Skeletal Growth in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis is Associated with Abnormal Quantitative Expression of Melatonin Receptor, MT2". International Journal of Molecular Sciences vol.14 no.3, pp.6345-6358. 2013.03.19. <P132066> TAM, Man Shan Elisa; YU Wai Ping Fiona; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; LIU Zhen; LAM Tsz Ping; LIU King Lok; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIU Yong and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Are Bone Morphometry, Bone Micro-architecture and Volumetric Bone Mineral Density Associated with Leptin and Soluble Leptin Receptor in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis?". Paper presented in the 14th Regional Osteoporosis Conference (ROC), 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.05.25. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P132239> WEI Fang-yuan; LEUNG Kwok Sui; LI Gang; QIN Ling; CHOW Kwoon Ho Simon and CHEUNG Wing Hoi. "Low intensity pulsed ultrasound accelerates fracture healing through enhanced mesenchymal stem cell recruitment in osteoporotic animal model". Paper presented in the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, organized by Orthopaedic Research Society, 1 pg. San Antonio, United States of America, 2013.01.26. <P132416> BURWELL R. G.; DANGERFIELD P. H.; MOULTON A.; GRIVAS T. B. and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Whither the etiopathogenesis (and scoliogeny) of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis? Incorporating presentations on scoliogeny at the 2012 IRSSD and SRS meetings.". Scoliosis vol.8 no.1, pp.4. 2013.02.28. <P132461> CHAN Chun Kwan; LEE Wai Yuk Justin; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick and CHAN Kai Ming. "Muscle Strain Implication from Sprinting Biomechanics of Soccer Players and Sprinters.". Paper presented in the International Conference on Sports Rehabilitation and Traumatology, organized by Isokinetic Medical Group, p.P87. London, England, 2013.04.22. <P134024> YU Wing Sze; CHAN Ka Yan; YU Wai Ping Fiona; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LAM Tsz Ping; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Quantitative Measurement of Abnormal Bone Quality and Strength with Bone Micro-architecture and Rod-plate Configuration in Osteopenic Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS)". Paper presented in the 50th International Anniversary Philip Zorab Symposium (PZ), 1 pgs. London, United Kingdom, 2013.06.20. <P134064> YU Wing Sze; CHAN Ka Yan; YU Wai Ping Fiona; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LAM Tsz Ping; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Quantitative Measurement of Abnormal Bone Micro-architecture and Rod-plate Configuration in Osteopenic Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". Paper presented in the 14th Regional Osteoporosis Conference (ROC), 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.05.25. <P134276> LAM Tsz Ping; NG Kin Wah Bobby; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Improving Low Bone Mass with Whole-Body Vibration (WBV) for Osteopenic Girls with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Randomized, Controlled Trial". Paper presented in the 2013 Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), 1 pgs. San Antonio, United States of America, 2013.01.26. <P134337> FUNG, Chak Hei; LEUNG Kwok Sui; QIN Ling and CHEUNG Wing Hoi. "Effect of ultrasound field distance of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) on osteocyte-osteoblast paracrine mechanotransduction signalling. ". Paper presented in the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, organized by Orthopaedic Research Society, 1 pgs. San Antonio, United States of America, 2013.01.26. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P134428> WONG Kwok Chuen; LEE Vincent; SHING Ming Kong Matthew and KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar. "Surgical Resection of Relapse May Improve Postrelapse Survival of Patients With Localized Osteosarcoma". Clinical Orthopaedic and Related Research vol.471 no.3, pp.814-819. 2013.03. <P134792> KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar. "Challenges of And Opportunities for Surgical Training in Evolving Countries". 2nd World Congress on Surgical Training organized by Surgicon Foundation 1 pgs. Sweden, Gothenburg, 2013.06. <P135060> CHOW Kwoon Ho Simon; LEUNG Kwok Sui; QIN Ling and CHEUNG Wing Hoi. "Expression patterns of estrogen receptors-alpha, -beta and their ratio are related to callus formation during osteoporotic fracture callus". Paper presented in the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, organized by Orthopaedic Research Society, 1 pgs. San Antonio, United States of America, 2013.01.26. <P135164> LAM Tsz Ping; CHEUNG Tsz Fung; MAK Wah Yan; YU Wing Sze; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Serum Vitamin D Level can Affect the Treatment Outcome of Whole-body Vibration (WBV) for Low Bone Mass in Girls with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS)". Paper presented in the 6th International Conference on Children’s Bone Health (ICCBH), 41 pgs. Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2013.06.22. <P135246> QIN Jh; CHOW Kwoon Ho Simon; LEUNG Kwok Sui and CHEUNG Wing Hoi. "The effect of low-magnitude high-frequency vibration on protecting cartilage degradation on anterior cruciate ligament transection-induced osteoarthritis rat model.". Paper presented in the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, organized by Orthopaedic Research Society, 1 pgs. San Antonio, United States of America, 2013.01.26. <P135581> MENG, Fanbiao; XU, Liangliang; LI Gang and RUI Yunfeng. "Sm51 Promotes Osteogenic Differentiation of Rat Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Upregualting Runx2". Paper presented in the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, organized by orthopadic research society, 1 pgs. san antonio, United States of America, 2013.01.26. <P135617> CUI L; CHENG H; SONG Chao; LI C; SIMONET W. S.; KE H. Z. and LI Gang. "Time-Dependent Effects of Sclerostin Antibody on A Mouse Fracture Healing Model". Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions vol.13 no.2, pp.178-184. 2013.06. <P136028> CHEUNG Tsz Fung; YU Wing Sze; LAM Tsz Ping; CHAN Ka Yan; YU Wai Ping Fiona; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Positive correlation of serum vitamin D status with bone density parameters among adolescent girls in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 14th Regional Osteoporosis Conference (ROC), 25 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.05.25. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P136185> LEUNG Kwok Sui; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; TAM Kam Fai and NG Wai Kin. "Magnetic Levitating Whole-Body Vibration Platform for Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis and Associated Fractures". United States of America, 2013.01.29. <P136516> LEE Wai Yuk Justin; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick; LI Cheng; CHAN Chun Kwan and CHAN Kai Ming. "Reliability and Validity of a Novel Field Based Hamstring Strength Test for Association Football.". Paper presented in the International Conference on Sports Rehabilitation and Traumatology, organized by Isokinetic Medical Group, p.215. London, United Kingdom, 2013.04.20. <P136927> LEUNG Kwok Sui; TANG Ning; GRIFFITH James Francis; CHOY Tak Kee Dicky; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; MOK Hoi Wa; SHI Lin; LEUNG Ping Chung and CHEUNG Wing Hoi. "Structural, densitometric and biomechanical evaluations of Chinese patients with long-term bisphosphonate treatment.". Chinese Medical Journal vol.126 no.1, pp.27-33. 2013.01. <P136931> MENG Xianmei; SU Rui Jun; BAYLINK David J; NEISES Amanda; KIROYAN Jason B; LEE Yuk Wai; PAYNE Kimberly J; GRIDLEY Daila S; WANG Jun; LAU K-h William; LI Gang and ZHANG Xiao Bing. "Rapid and Efficient Reprogramming of Human Fetal and Adult Blood CD34+ Cells into Mesenchymal Stem Cells with A Single Factor". Cell Research vol.23 no.5, pp.658-672. 2013.05. <P137107> KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar and WONG Kwok Chuen. "Computer Aided Precision Surgery in MSK Oncology". Paper presented in the 26th European Musculoskeletal Oncology Society Meeting, organized by European Musculoskeletal Oncology Society, p.68. Sweden, Gothenburg, 2013.05.31. <P137150> LI Fengjuan; CHOW Kwoon Ho Simon; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; CHAN Leung Franky; CHEN S. and LEUNG Lai Kwok. "The citrus flavonone hesperetin prevents letrozole-induced bone loss in a mouse model of breast cancer". Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry vol.24 no.6, pp.1112-1116. Philadelphia, United States of America: Elsevier, 2013.06. <P137170> LEUNG Kwok Sui; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; TAM Kam Fai and NG Wai Kin. "Magnetic Levitating Whole-Body Vibration Platform for Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis and Associated Fractures". Japan, 2013.02.15. <P137590> CHUNG Shu Lu; LEUNG Kwok Sui; MOK Hoi Wa; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian and CHEUNG Wing Hoi. "Long-term bisphosphonate intake suppressed bone turnover in osteoporosis patients – a biochemical study.". Paper presented in the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, organized by Orthopaedic Research Society, 1 pgs. San Antonio, United States of America, 2013.01.26. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P137616> TAM, Man Shan Elisa; YU Wai Ping Fiona; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; LIU Zhen; LAM Tsz Ping; LIU King Lok; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIU Yong and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Association of Volumetric Bone Mineral Density, Bone Morphometry and Trabecular Bone Micro-Architecture with Leptin and Soluble Leptin Receptor in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". Paper presented in the 6th International Conference on Children’s Bone Health (ICCBH), 1 pgs. Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2013.06.22. <P137732> LAM Tsz Ping; CHEUNG Tsz Fung; MAK Wah Yan; YU Wai Ping Fiona; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Serum 25(OH)Vit-D and Its Correlation with Osteopenia in Girls with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS)". Paper presented in the 14th Regional Osteoporosis Conference (ROC), 25 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.05.25. <P137742> LI Nan and LI Gang. Smad7 Regulates the Characterization of Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (BM-MSCs), Osteoclastogenesis and Bone Remodeling Paper presented in the Orthopaedic Research Society, organized by Orthopaedic Research Society, 1 pgs. San Antonio, United States of America, 2013.01.25. <P137782> LEUNG Kwok Sui; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; TAM Kam Fai and NG Wai Kin. "Magnetic Levitating Whole-Body Vibration Platform for Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis and Associated Fractures". Philippine, 2013.05.14. <P137882> ZHAO Jing Jing; YANG Chun Bo; SU Chang; YU Min; ZHANG Xiao Min; HUANG, Shuo; LI Gang; YU Mei Li and LI Xiao Rong. "Reconstruction of Orbital Defects by Implantation of Antigen-free Bovine Cancellous Bone Scaffold Combined with Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Rats". Graffes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology vol.251 no.5 pp.1325-1333. Springer, 2013.05. <P137939> LEUNG Kwok Sui; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; TAM Kam Fai and NG Wai Kin. "Magnetic Levitating Whole-Body Vibration Platform for Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis and Associated Fractures". China, 2013.05.02. <P138171> CHIU Wang Kei; CHUNG Kwong Yin; CHEUNG Kin Wing and CHIU Kwok Hing. " Candida Parapsilosis Total Hip Arthroplasty Infection: Case Report and Literature Review". Journal of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rehabilitation vol.17 no.1, pp.33-36. 2013.06. <P138271> LAU Po Ying; LEE Yuk Wai; LI Gang; TSUI Kwok Wing; HUANG Lin and KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar. "Treatment of Giant Cell Tumor of Bone by the Combination of Nitrogen-Bisphosphonates and Prenyl Transferase Inhibitors: an in Vivo Study". SBS Research Day 2013, CUHK, Poster. no.P-12 Hong Kong SAR, 2013.06.06. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P138322> ZHANG, Ting; LEE Yuk Wai; RUI Yunfeng; CHENG Tin Yan; JIANG Xiaohua and LI Gang. "Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Promote Growth And Angiogenesis of Breast And Prostate Tumors". Stem Cell Research & Therapy vol.4 no.3, pp.70. 2013.06. <P138556> KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar; WONG Kwok Chuen; LAU Po Ying and HUANG Lin. "The Molecular Biology of Neoplasms". Paper presented in the 26th European Musculoskeletal Oncology Society Meeting, organized by European Musculoskeletal Oncology Society, p.110. Sweden, Gothenburg, 2013.05.29. <P138619> WONG Kwok Chuen and KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar. "Joint-preserving Tumor Resection and Reconstruction Using Image-guided Computer Navigation". Clinical Orthopaedic and Related Research vol.471 no.3, pp.762-773. 2013.03. <P138706> TAM, Man Shan Elisa; YU Wai Ping Fiona; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; LIU Zhen; LAM Tsz Ping; LIU King Lok; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIU Yong and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Association Of Volumetric Bone Mineral Density, Bone Morphometry And Trabecular Bone Micro-Architecture With Leptin And Soluble Leptin Receptor In Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". Paper presented in the 50th International Anniversary Philip Zorab Symposium (PZ), 1 pgs. London, United Kingdom, 2013.06.20. <P138730> LAM Tsz Ping; CHEUNG Tsz Fung; MAK Wah Yan; YU Wai Ping Fiona; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Serum 25(OH)Vit-D Level can Affect the Treatment Outcome of Whole-body Vibration (WBV) for Osteopenia in Girls with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS)". Paper presented in the 14th Regional Osteoporosis Conference (ROC), 26 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.05.25. <P138794> SUN Keng Ting; LEUNG Kwok Sui and CHEUNG Wing Hoi. "Low-magnitude high-frequency vibration improves functional outcomes of reloading muscle and promotes fast-twitch fiber type-specific morphometric and cellular improvements.". Paper presented in the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, organized by Orthopaedic Research Society, 1 pgs. San Antonio, United States of America, 2013.01.26. <P138831> MICHELI Lyle J; PIGOZZI Fabio; CHAN Kai Ming; FRONTERA Walter R; BACHL Norbert; SMITH Angela D and ALENABI S Talia. ed. Team Physician Manual (International Federation of Sports Medicine FIMS) Third Edition. ISBN: 978-0-203-12777-3. vol.3 584 pgs. USA: Routledge, 2013.01. 978-0-415-50532-1, 978-0-415-50533-8, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology <P138852> LAM Tsz Ping; NG Kin Wah Bobby; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; LEE Kwong Man, Simon; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Effect of Whole Body Vibration (WBV) Therapy on Bone Density And Bone Quality in Osteopenic Girls with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Randomized, Controlled Trial". Osteoporosis International vol.24 no.5, pp.1623-36. 2013.05. <P139405> FONG Tik Pui Daniel; WANG Dan; CHU Wing Shan Vikki and CHAN Kai Ming. "Myoelectric Stimulation On Peroneal Muscles With Electrodes Of The Muscle Belly Size Attached To The Upper Shank Gives The Best Effect In Resisting Simulated Ankle Sprain Motion". Journal of Biomechanics pp.1088-1091. Elsevier, 2013.04.05. <P139414> XU Liangliang; MENG Fanbiao; NI Ming; LEE Yuk Wai and LI Gang. "N-Cadherin Regulates Osteogenesis And Migration of Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells". Molecular Biology Reports vol.40 no.3, pp.2533-2539. 2013.03. <P139460> WONG Kwok Chuen and KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar. "Computer-assisted Tumor Surgery in Malignant Bone Tumors". Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research vol.471 no.3, pp.750-761. 2013.03. <P139462> LAM Tsz Ping; YU Wing Sze; MAK Wah Yan; CHEUNG Tsz Fung; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Vitamin D Insufficiency and Its Correlation with Low Bone Mass in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS)". Paper presented in the 6th International Conference on Children’s Bone Health (ICCBH), 54 pgs. Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2013.06.22. <P139546> HO Ki Wai; LAU J C F and SADIQ S. "Survivability of a Cannulated Hip Prosthesis in Elderly Patients with a Complex Proximal Femoral Fracture". Orthopaedic Product News OPN issue 151 Hip prosthesis. no.151 p.26-28. Orthopaedic Product News, 2013.03. <P139607> YU Wing Sze; CHAN Ka Yan; YU Wai Ping Fiona; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LAM Tsz Ping; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Quantitative Measurement of Abnormal Bone Quality and Strength with Bone Micro-architecture and Rod-plate Configuration in Osteopenic Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS)". Paper presented in the 6th International Conference on Children’s Bone Health (ICCBH), 1 pgs. Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2013.06.22. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology See Also<P120628 >, <P121055 >, <P121158 >, <P121182 >, <P121927 >, <P121944 >, <P122322 >, <P123025 >, <P123234 >, <P123331 >, <P123578 >, <P124048 >, <P124070 >, <P124206 >, <P124391 >, <P124696 >, <P125090 >, <P125141 >, <P125215 >, <P125216 >, <P125217 >, <P125596 >, <P125708 >, <P125824 >, <P126227 >, <P126607 >, <P126731 >, <P126765 >, <P127036 >, <P127181 >, <P127309 >, <P127350 >, <P127452 >, <P127462 >, <P127471 >, <P127629 >, <P127956 >, <P128794 >, <P129207 >, <P129230 >, <P129242 >, <P129354 >, <P129609 >, <P129952 >, <P130018 >, <P130406 >, <P130766 >, <P131148 >, <P131594 >, <P132385 >, <P132462 >, <P132860 >, <P133341 >, <P133634 >, <P133796 >, <P134079 >, <P134928 >, <P135062 >, <P136494 >, <P137823 >, <P138382 > Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery <P120444> WONG Hoi Wa; LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung; LAM Ho Suen Joffee and CHUNG Hei Shun. "Early Identification of Children with Specific Reading Disability - A study on reading and cognitive profile in typically developing and language impaired children". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2012, organized by Division of Speech Therapy & Division of Audiology, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.38-39. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.10.06. <P120831> 唐志輝. <聽骨鏈重建方法>. 《第四屇顳骨解剖與復聽手術最新進展學習班, Shenzhen, China, 26 - 28 October 2012》 2012.10.27. <P120948> 唐志輝. <慢性中耳炎個案討論>. 《第四屇顳骨解剖與復聽手術最新進展學習班, Shenzhen, China, 26 - 28 October 2012》 2012.10.27. <P121303> KAM Chi Shan. "A Screening Tool for Tinnitus Related Distress - the Chinese Version of Mini Tinnitus Questionnaire". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2012, organized by Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, p.57. Hong Kong, 2012.10.06. <P121537> KAN Pui Kei Peggy; LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung; LAM Ho Suen Joffee and NGAI Ka Ying Karine. "Association between understanding perspective and communication initiation of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: the Social Thinking Training approach". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2012, organized by Division of Speech Therapy & Division of Audiology, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.58. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.10.06. <P121793> 唐志輝. <BAHA>. 《第三屆北京國際耳科論壇暨國際耳內科醫師協會第十六屆年會, Beijing, China, 19 - 21 October 2012》 2012.10.20. <P121980> VLANTIS Alexander Chris; WONG Wai Yeung; YU Kwok Hung; KAM Koon Ming Michael and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. Poster presentation "Second Primary Head and Neck Malignancy after Radiation Therapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma" Paper presented in the 8th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer, organized by The American Head and Neck Society (AHNS), 198 pgs. Toronto, Canada, 2012.07.23. <P122676> CHAN Wing Shan Angel; LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung and YIP Choy Yin Virginia. "A new assessment tool for child Mandarin receptive vocabulary". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2012, organized by Division of Speech Therapy & Division of Audiology, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.34. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.10.06. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery <P122713> TONG Chi Fai Michael; WONG Hoi Tung; SUNG Ka Keung John and WONG Ka Cheong Terence. "Auditory Brainstem Implant in Non-NF 2 Chinese Children". Paper presented in the 5th International Conference on Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery, Shanghai, China, 14th - 15th July 2012, organized by 中華醫學會上海分會, 44 pgs. Shanghai, China, 2012.07. <P122919> TONG Chi Fai Michael; WONG Hoi Tung; SUNG Ka Keung John and WONG Ka Cheong Terence. "Auditory Brainstem Implant in Non-NF 2 Chinese Children". Paper presented in the 11th Asia pacific Congress on Deafness 2012 in conjunction with 6th NUH-NUS ENT Head Neck Surgery Conference, Singapore, 26th - 28th July 2012, organized by National University Hospital, Singapore and National University of Singapore, 119 pgs. Singapore, 2012.07. <P123324> HA Stanley Ching Nam; WONG Gloria Pui Shan; LEE Dennis Lip Yen; ABDULLAH Victor and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Do Questionnaires Help in Screening for Overnight Polysomnography?". 7th Asia Sleep Research Society Congress, Taiwan, 30 November - 2nd December 2012 2012.12. <P123384> CHANG Wai Tsz and TSANG Sung Shan Willis. "Intraoperative View of a Glomus Tympanicum". Ear Nose & Throat Journal vol.91 no.12, pp.E25. USA: Vendome Group LLC, 2012.12. <P123519> KAM Chi Shan and TONG Chi Fai Michael. "Automated Hearing Screening for School Children - a Pilot Study in China". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2012, organized by Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, p.49. Hong Kong, 2012.10.06. <P123567> VLANTIS Alexander Chris. "Submandibular sialadenectomy". CUHK ENT 2012 Conference 2012.11.17. <P123632> TONG Chi Fai Michael. "Auditory Brainstem Implant in Chinese Children - Minimally Invasive Approach and Clinical Outcome". Xin Hua Pediatric Course in connection with 5th International Conference of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Shanghai, China, 13 - 15 July 2012 2012.07.15. <P124331> LAW Thomas; LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung; LAM Ho Suen Joffee; TANG Chi Ho; VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew and TONG Chi Fai Michael. "The more the merrier: The role of group climate in effective group voice therapy". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2012, organized by Division of Speech Therapy & Division of Audiology, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.42. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.10.06. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery <P124496> TO K.s. Carol; LAW Thomas and CHEUNG S.p. Pamela. "Treatment Intensity in Everyday Clinical Management of Speech Sound Disorders in Hong Kong". international journal of speech language pathology vol.14 no.5, pp.462-6. Informa UK, Ltd, 2012.10.01. <P124699> VLANTIS Alexander Chris. "Surgical management of recurrence NPC - Maxillary swing/ transpalatal approach". CUHK ENT 2012 Conference 2012.11.18. <P124764> WONG Wai Ming; TONG Chi Fai Michael; VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew; LAW Thomas; NG Kwan Yee Louisa; KU Ka Ming Peter; LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung and LEUNG Sing Fai. "Early dysphagia post radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma - A preliminary study". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2012, organized by Division of Speech Therapy & Division of Audiology, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.31. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.10.06. <P125278> TONG Chi Fai Michael; TSANG Sung Shan Willis; YU Ka Yin and WONG Ka Cheong Terence. "Middle Ear Implant - Applications and Outcome". Paper presented in the 11th Asia pacific Congress on Deafness 2012 in conjunction with 6th NUH-NUS ENT Head Neck Surgery Conference, Singapore, 26th - 28th July 2012, organized by National University Hospital, Singapore and National University of Singapore, 76 pgs. Singapore, 2012.07. <P125452> 李月裳. <國外語言治療師標準課程設置和教學體系>. 論文發表於 《2012 中國康復醫學會康復醫學 教育專業委員會換屆大會暨第二屆全國康復教育學術大會》, 主辦機構為中國康復醫學會康復醫學教 育專業委員會, 313-318. 中國昆明, 2012.08.13. <P125652> KAM Chi Shan; SUNG Ka Keung John; LEE Tan; WONG Ka Cheong Terence and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Clinical Evaluation of a Computerized Self-Administered Hearing Test". International Journal of Audiology vol.51 no.8, pp.606-610. USA: Informa Plc, 2012.08. <P125887> VLANTIS Alexander Chris. "Surgical management of laryngeal tumors". CUHK ENT 2012 Conference 2012.11.16. <P125982> LIU Xiao Hong; VLANTIS Alexander Chris; TSE Man Kit Gary; VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew and CHEN Gong George. "Iodine Modulates Apoptosis Induced by Doxorubicin and Sodium Butyrate through ERK/p38-Related Bcl-xL Expression in Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer Cells". Horizons in Cancer Volume 48 ed. by Hiroto S. Watanabe. pp.169-183. 2012. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery <P126328> KAN Pui Kei Peggy; LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung; NGAI Ka Ying Karine; LUKE Kit Ling; MARK Yuen Mai; SUEN Ka Ki Annie; CHEUNG Mee Ping Penita; CHAN Yin Wai Pamela; WONG Kathy and WAN Suk Fan. "Social Thinking group training for mainstream secondary school students with high functioning autism: The train-the-trainer approach". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2012, organized by Division of Speech Therapy & Division of Audiology, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.33. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.10.06. <P126610> KAM Chi Shan. "Evidence-based Practice in Tinnitus Treatment". Paper presented in the International TInnitus Forum, Taiwan Tinnitus Association p.19. Taiwan, 2012.10.14. <P126642> 唐志輝. <急性中耳炎處理>. 《第四屇顳骨解剖與復聽手術最新進展學習班, Shenzhen, China, 26 - 28 October 2012》 2012.10.27. <P126795> LAW Thomas; KIM Jean H; LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung; TANG Chi Ho Eric; LAM Ho Suen Joffee; VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew and TONG Chi Fai Michael. "Comparison of Rater's Reliability on Perceptual Evaluation of Different Types of Voice Sample". Journal of Voice vol.26 no.5, pp.666. e13-666.e21. Elsevier B.V., 2012.09. <P127044> LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung; NG Hoi Yee Iris; LEUNG Yeptain; TONG Chi Fai Michael and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "A new Cantonese bisyllabic speech audiometry materials – Results on 100 hearing-impaired participants". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2012, organized by Division of Speech Therapy & Division of Audiology, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.46-47. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.10.06. <P127320> LAU Kam Lun; TSZE Cheung Yin, Sharon; LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung; NG Kwan Yee Louisa and LAW Thomas. "Dysphagia management by caregivers for nursing home residents: A knowledge-transfer approach". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2012, organized by Division of Speech Therapy & Division of Audiology, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.59-60. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.10.06. <P127402> 曾崇山. <開放腔型-乳突切除術>. 《Academic Programme for Xining Medical Mission, 1st Affiliated Hospital of Qinghai Medical University, Xining, China, 19th – 21st Septmeber 2012》 2012.09.20. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery <P127445> LAM Ho Suen Joffee; LAW Thomas and LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung. "Using many-faceted Rasch model in assessing rater consistency in perception evaluation of voice". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2012, organized by Division of Speech Therapy & Division of Audiology, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.43. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.10.06. <P127651> 唐志輝 . 振動聲橋 Xin Hua Pediatric Course in connection with 5th International Conference of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Shanghai, China, 13 - 15 July 2012 2012.07.13. <P127653> LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung. "Close Encounters with Psychometricians: The Journey of Test Construction and Validation". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2012, organized by Division of Speech Therapy & Division of Audiology, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.21. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.10.06. <P127755> TONG Chi Fai Michael. "EAS Surgery". 1st Soree International Cochlear Implant Symposium, Seoul, Korea, 10 - 12 November 2012 2012.11.10. <P127889> VLANTIS Alexander Chris. "Surgical management of hypopharyngeal tumors". CUHK ENT 2012 Conference 2012.11.16. <P128215> TONG Chi Fai Michael. "Role of Surgery in the Treatment of Allergic Nasal Sinus Disease". Paper presented in the 7th Hong Kong Allergy Convention on "Combating Allergy in the New Era: From Treatment to Prevention", Hong Kong, 15th - 16th September 2012, organized by Hong Kong Institute of Allergy, 32 pgs. Hong Kong, 2012.09.16. <P128266> LIU Xiao Hong; VLANTIS Alexander Chris; NG Enders Kwok-wai; LIU Yuk Wah; VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew and CHEN Gong George. "Iodine, Iodine Transporters and Thyroid Cancer". Iodine: Characteristics, Sources and Health Implications ed. by Adelina H. Martinez and Edelmiro J. Perez. pp.53-72. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2012. <P128774> VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "China Update: China's Cochlear Implant Scenery: Enough Surgeons-Enough Audiologists-Telemedicine?". The Gathering, Instanbul, Turkey, 22-23 May 2013 2012.08. <P128849> 李月裳、 WONG Wai Ming 及 LAW Thomas. <認知障礙的評估與訓練>. 論文發表於 《首屆語言 認知與失語症新進展學習班》, 主辦機構為中國醫師協會康復醫師分會, 中國康復醫學會康復治療專 業委員會言語治療學組, 15 頁. 中國北京, 2012.09.09. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery <P128961> YU Ka Yin; VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew; WONG Ka Cheong Terence; WONG Chi Ming and YU Hip Cho. "Long Term Performance and Satisfaction with Cochlear Implantation in Elderly Patients". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Speech & Hearing Symposium 2012, organized by Division of Speech Therapy & Division of Audiology, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 71 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.10.06. <P129339> YU Ka Yin; TSANG Sung Shan Willis; TONG Chi Fai Michael and WONG Ka Cheong Terence. "Hearing performance of the Vibrant Soundbridge Middle Ear Implant in Cantonese Speaking Mixed hearing loss patients ". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Speech & Hearing Symposium 2012, organized by Division of Speech Therapy & Division of Audiology, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 47 pgs. HK, Hong Kong SAR, 2012.10.06. <P129543> TONG Chi Fai Michael. "Latest CI Experience". 1st Soree International Cochlear Implant Symposium, Seoul, Korea, 10 - 12 November 2012 2012.11.11. <P129607> LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung. "Tone perception ability of children with hearing impairment". Paper presented in the 11th Asia Pacific Congress on Deafness 2012 in conjunction with the 6th NUH-NUS ENT Head Neck Surgery Conference, organized by National University Hospital & National University of Singapore., p.116. Singapore, 2012.07.27. <P129694> 唐志輝. <香港的醫療制度與醫患關係>. 論文發表於 《第三屆全國耳鼻咽喉頭頸外科醫師學術大會, Shanghai, China, 7th - 8th December 2012》, 主辦機構為中國醫師協會耳鼻咽喉科醫師分會、復旦大學 附屬眼耳鼻喉科醫院、中國醫學文摘耳鼻咽喉科學雜誌社, 18 頁. ChinaShanghai, 2012.12. <P130040> KAM Chi Shan; SUNG Ka Keung John; LEE Tan; WONG Ka Cheong Terence and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Clinical evaluation of a computerized self-administered tinnitus measurement system". Paper presented in the The First International Conference on Hyperacusis, organized by Royal Surrey County Hospital, p.16. London, United Kingdom, 2013.03.01. <P130266> TSANG Sung Shan Willis; TONG Chi Fai Michael and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "An Extruded Ossicular Prosthesis". Ear, Nose and Throat Journal vol.92 no.2, pp.E27. USA: Medquest Communications LLC, 2013.02. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery <P130355> VLANTIS Alexander Chris; NG Siu Kwan; WONG Wai Yeung; KING Ann Dorothy; CHAN Bik Wan; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "The enlarged submandibular gland in Hong Kong - not the typical spectrum of pathology". Paper presented in the 4th World Congress of the International Academy of Oral Oncology, organized by European Association of Oral Medicine and International Association of Oral Pathologists and the International Academy of Oral Oncology, S60-S61. Exeter, United Kingdom, 2013.05.01. <P130950> TSANG Sung Shan Willis. "Surgical Technique for SNHL for Vibrant Soundbridge System". MED-EL Temporal Bone Dissection Course: Vibrant Soundbridge System, Cochlear Implantation and Bonebridge System, Hong Kong, 19th - 20th April 2013 2013.04.19. <P131142> 李月裳. <從溝通障礙到語言學>. 論文發表於 《"語言、心智、健康"全國研究生暑期學校》, 主辦機 構為南京大學文學院、南京大學中國語言戰略研究中心、南京大學社會語言學實驗室, 18. 中國南 京, 2013.06.17. <P131818> NG Hoi Yee Iris; LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung; LEUNG Yeptain; TONG Chi Fai Michael and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "A New Cantonese Bisyllabic Speech Audiometry Materials: Item Selection". Paper presented in the 4th World Chinese Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Conference, organized by World Chinese Academy of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.06.14. <P131842> YU Ka Yin; TSANG Sung Shan Willis; WONG Ka Cheong Terence and TONG Chi Fai Michael. "Bonebridge Bone Conduction Implant System: Preliminary Results in Hearing Loss". Paper presented in the 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (IFOS), organized by Korean Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (KORL) and the Korean Society of Otorhinolaryngologic Clinician (KOSOC), 1 pg. HKSAR, Hong Kong, 2013.06.04. <P132027> LEUNG Yeptain; LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung; NG Hoi Yee Iris; VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew and TONG Chi Fai Michael. "Expert Opinion and Evidence-based Practice (EBP): A New Perspective Illustrated Through Development of a New Norm-referenced Test". Paper presented in the 4th World Chinese Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Conference, organized by World Chinese Academy of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.06.14. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery <P132107> CHANG Wai Tsz; YU Ka Yin; TSANG Sung Shan Willis; WONG Ka Cheong Terence; LO Fook Wai and TONG Chi Fai Michael. "Vibrant Soundbridge Middle Ear Implant in Mixed Hearing Loss Adults: Hong Kong Experience". Paper presented in the 4th World Chinese Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery Conference, organized by World Chinese Academy of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Department of Otorhinolaryngolgy, Head & Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. HKSAR, Hong Kong SAR, 2013.06.14. <P132157> TSANG Sung Shan Willis. "Surgical Technique for Bonebridge System". MED-EL Temporal Bone Dissection Course: Vibrant Soundbridge System, Cochlear Implantation and Bonebridge System, Hong Kong, 19th - 20th April 2013 2013.04.20. <P132594> KAN Pui Kei Peggy; LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung; NGAI Ka Ying Karine; LUKE Kit Ling; MARK Yuen Mai; SUEN Ka Ki Annie; CHEUNG Mee Ping Peni; CHAN Yin Wai Pamela; WONG Kathy and WAN Suk Fan. "Social thinking training for adolescents with social communication deficits: A preliminary result on the train-the-trainer program". Hong Kong Psychological Society Newsletter Special summer issue. vol.47 no.6, pp.4. Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Psychological Society, 2013.06.01. <P133194> LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung; KAN Pui Kei Peggy and MARK Yuen Mai. "Social Thinking Training for Adolescents with Social Communication Deficits: A Preliminary Result on the Train-the-trainer Program". Paper presented in the Caritas - Hong Kong 60th Anniversary International Conference, organized by Caritas, Hong Kong, p.53. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.05.17. <P133857> 李月裳. <學術報告二:從一個生命周期看醫學科學和言語治療>. 論文發表於 《2013 年言語障礙康 復治療學術論壇(南通)》, 主辦機構為南通大學醫學院, 1 頁. 中國上海, 2013.06.16. <P133929> CHAN Kwan Chee; HUNG Emily C. W.; WOO Kong Sang John; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; LEUNG Sing Fai; LAI Pui Tak; CHENG Shuk Ming Anita; YEUNG Sze Wan; CHAN Yin Wah; TSUI Kam Chee Teresa; KWOK Jeffrey S. S.; KING D Ann; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung; VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Early Detection of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma by Plasma Epstein-Barr Virus DNA Analysis in a Surveillance Program". Cancer vol.119 no.10, pp.1838-1844. 2013.05. <P133932> LO Fook Wai; TSANG Sung Shan Willis; YU Ka Yin; WONG Ka Cheong Terence and TONG Chi Fai Michael. "Bonebridge The CUHK Experience". Paper presented in the 4th World Chinese Othrhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery Conference, organized by World Chinese Academy of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Department of Otorhinolaryngolgy, Head and Neck Surgery, CUHK, p.15. HK, HKSAR, 2013.06.15. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery <P134263> YU Ka Yin. "Strategies in hearing rehabiliation for Microtia Patients-Hong Kong Perspective. Part II". Paper presented in the 4th World Chinese Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery Conference, organized by World Chinese Academy of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Department of Otorhinolaryngolgy, Head & Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.4. HKSAR, HK, 2013.06.14. <P134552> YU Ka Yin; CHANG Wai Tsz; SUNG Ka Keung John; WONG Ka Cheong Terence; TONG Chi Fai Michael and KWOK Chi Yui Timothy. "Vestibular Funciton in Ambulatory Chinese Older Population in Hong Kong Community Survey and Effiacy of Vestibular Rehabilitation Exercise". Paper presented in the 4th World Chinese Otorhinolaryngolgy, Head & Neck Surgery Conference, organized by World Chinese Academy of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Department of Otorhinolaryngolgy, Head & Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. HK, HKSAR, 2013.06.14. <P135115> KAN Pui Kei Peggy; LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung; LAM Ho Suen Joffee and NGAI Ka Ying Karine. "Association between understanding perspective and communication initiation of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: the Social Thinking Training approach". Hong Kong Psychological Society Newsletter Special summer issue. vol.47 no.6, pp.3. Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Psychological Society, 2013.06.01. <P135172> 吳文瑾、 黃治物、 呂靜榮、 甘志珊、 唐志輝 及 吳皓. <智能聽力篩查系統在學齡前兒童聽力篩 查中的應用>. 《聽力學及言語疾病雜志》 第 21 卷 第 2 期, 頁 118-120. 2013.04. <P135566> TONG Chi Fai Michael. "From Ear to Hearing: The Perspectives of an ENT Specialist". Seminar on Ear and Hearing 2013.03.27. <P135589> ABDULLAH Victor; LEE Lip Yen Dennis; HA Stanley C N and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Sleep Endoscopy with Midazolam: Sedation Level Evaluation with Bispectral Analysis". Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery vol.148 no.2, pp.331-337. USA: Decker Publishing Inc., 2013.01. <P135901> KAM Chi Shan; GAO Han; LI Kwok Chang Lawrence; ZHAO Hailian; QIU Shuqi and TONG Chi Fai Michael. "Automated hearing screening for children: A pilot study in China". Paper presented in the 4th World Chinese Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Conference – in conjunction with The Chinese University of Hong Kong ENT Conference 2013, organized by World Chinese Academy of Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, p.117. 2013.06.14. <P135923> TSANG Sung Shan Willis; YU Ka Yin; WONG Ka Cheong Terence and TONG Chi Fai Michael. "Vibrant Soundbridge System: Application of the Stapes Coupling Technique". Journal of Laryngology & Otology vol.127 no.1, pp.58-62. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2013.01. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery <P136723> ABDULLAH Victor James; KOUTOSURELAKIS Ioannis; RAVESLOOT Madeline; LEE Lip Yen Dennis; HA Ching Nam; VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew and DE VRIES Nico. "Drug-Induced Sleep Endoscopy". Advanced Surgical Techniques in Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea ed. by Kenny P. Pang, Brian W. Rotenberg, B. Tucker Woodson. pp.43-65. San Diego, USA: Plural Publishing Inc., 2013.03. <P137439> KAM Chi Shan; SUNG Ka Keung John; LEE Tan; WONG Ka Cheong Terence and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Clinical evaluation of a computerized self-administered hearing test". Paper presented in the 4th World Chinese Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Conference – in conjunction with The Chinese University of Hong Kong ENT Conference 2013, organized by World Chinese Academy of Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, p.112. 2013.06.14. <P137515> TSANG Sung Shan Willis. "Pre-Surgical Evaluation for Bonebridge System". MED-EL Temporal Bone Dissection Course: Vibrant Soundbridge System, Cochlear Implantation and Bonebridge System, Hong Kong, 19th - 20th April 2013 2013.04.20. <P138045> LAI Kwong Lun; ABDULLAH Victor; NG Kwan Shun; FUNG Ngai Sheung and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Rosai-Dorfman Disease: Presentation, Diagnosis, and Treatment". Head & Neck vol.35 no.3, pp.E85-E88. USA: John Wiley & Sons, 2013.03. <P138260> VLANTIS Alexander Chris; NG Siu Kwan; WONG Wai Yeung; KING Ann Dorothy; CHAN Bik Wan; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "The enlarged submandibular gland in Hong Kong - not the typical spectrum of pathology". Oral Oncology vol.49 no.S1, pp.S60-S61. Exeter, United Kingdom: Elsevier Sciences B.V., 2013.05.01. <P138297> YU Ka Yin. "Vibrant Soundbridge System: Results in Hong Kong". MED-EL Temporal Bone Dissection Course: Vibrant Soundbridge System, Cochlear Implantation and Bonebridge System, Hong Kong, 19 - 20 April 2013 2013.04. <P138341> YU Ka Yin. "Bonebridge System: Results in Hong Kong". MED-EL Temporal Bone Dissection Course: Vibrant Soundbridge System, Cochlear Implantation and Bonebridge System, Hong Kong, 19 - 20 April 2013 2013.04. <P138349> 李月裳. <香港粵語聲調辨識測試>. 論文發表於 《第三屆中文言語測聽發展論壇暨小兒人工耳蝸助 聽器成效評估培訓班》, 主辦機構為中華耳鼻咽喉頭頸外科學會聽力學組, 大連市耳鼻咽喉頭頸外科 學會, 9 頁. 中國大連, 2013.06.07. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery <P138364> LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung. "Clinical Management of Individuals with Hearing Impairment - Something we should know but not always do". Paper presented in the Speech Therapy Expert Seminar Series, organized by Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04.10. <P138536> KAM Chi Shan. "A screening tool for tinnitus related distress – the Chinese version of the Mini Tinnitus Questionnaire". Paper presented in the The First International Conference on Hyperacusis, organized by Royal Surrey County Hospital, p.15. London, United Kingdom, 2013.03.01. <P139086> 李月裳. <自閉症溝通訓練新方向 -『社交思考』簡介與實效>. 論文發表於 《第七屆華人地區啟智 服務會議》, 主辦機構為廣東省殘疾人聯合會及廣州市殘疾人聯合會, 1 頁. 中國廣州, 2013.06.18. <P139098> LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung. "Predictors of Tone Perception Ability of Children with Hearing Impairment". Paper presented in the 4th World Chinese Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Conference – in conjunction with The Chinese University of Hong Kong ENT Conference 2013, organized by World Chinese Academy of Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.06.14. <P139585> TSANG Sung Shan Willis. "Surgical Technique for Conductive and Mixed Hearing Loss for Vibrant Soundbridge System". MED-EL Temporal Bone Dissection Course: Vibrant Soundbridge System, Cochlear Implantation and Bonebridge System, Hong Kong, 19th - 20th April 2013 2013.04.19. <P139670> 吳文瑾、 黃治物、 呂靜榮、 甘志珊、 唐志輝 及 吳皓. <智能聽力篩查系統在學齡前兒童聽力篩 查中的應用>. 論文發表於 《Paper presented in the 4th World Chinese Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Conference – in conjunction with The Chinese University of Hong Kong ENT Conference 2013, 》 , 主 辦 機 構 為 World Chinese Academy of Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, 101. 2013.06.14. See Also<P120321 >, <P120628 >, <P120850 >, <P121165 >, <P121199 >, <P123472 >, <P124349 >, <P124461 >, <P125023 >, <P125141 >, <P126715 >, <P126731 >, <P126860 >, <P129230 >, <P129242 >, <P130406 >, <P130685 >, <P131969 >, <P134177 >, <P134447 >, <P134928 > Department of Paediatrics <P120026> ASHER M I; STEWART A W; WONG Wing Kin Gary; STRACHAN D P; GARCIA Marcos L; ANDERSON H R and ISAAC Phase Iii Study Group. "Changes over time in the relationship between symptoms of asthma, rhinoconjunctivities and eczema: A global perspective from the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC)". Allergologia et immunopathologia 2012. vol.40 no.5, p.267-274. Barcelona, Spain, 2012.11.27. <P120234> LEUNG Ting Fan; KWOK Yin Ying; HO Yvonne Yi-fong; SHENG Xy; HO Amy Wm; CHOW C M; YAO Mj; HAYS N and VOLGER S. "Dietary Patterns and Nutrient Intakes of Picky-eating Preschool Children in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 3rd Cross-Strait Nutrition Conference, organized by Hong Kong Nutrition Association, p.38. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.09.28. <P120699> LI Man Chim Albert Martin. "Should all Obstructive Sleep Disorders in Children be Treated?". Paper presented in the 17th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, organized by Hong Kong Thoracic Society, p.80. Hong Kong, 2012.12.14. <P120844> TAM Yuen Shan; CHEUNG Hon Ming; TAM Yuk Him; LEE Kim Hung; LAM Hugh Simon Hung San; POON Chuen Wai and NG Pak Cheung. "Clinical Outcomes of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia without Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation". Early Human Development vol.88 no.9, pp.739-741. Elsevier, 2012.09. <P120937> HON Kam Lun. "Clinically Significant Drug-Drug Interactions in Paediatric Practice". Paper presented in the 2012 Joint Conference of Drug Safety Research Centres, organized by Centre for Food & Drug Safety, PWH Poison Treatment Centre, Dept of Pharmacovigilance, Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology, School of Pharmacy, the Nethersole School of Nursing, Dept. of Health & Medication Safety Committee, p.12. Hong Kong, 2012.11.21. <P121005> YU Chung Wah; LI Man Chim Albert Martin; AU Chun Ting; MCMANUS Alison M; SO Raymond Ch; LAM Hugh Simon Hung San; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; SO Hung Kwan; CHIU Wa K; LEUNG Chi W; YAU Yat S; FOK Tai Fai and SUNG Yn Tz Rita. "Follow up of Aerobic capacity in Children Affected by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome". Respirology vol.17 pp.513-518. 2012. <P121072> LEUNG Ting Fan. "Clinical Features and Respiratory Comorbidity in Hong Kong Children with Peanut Allergy". Journal of Paediatric Respirology and Critical Care vol.8 no.4, p.4-9. Hong Kong SAR: Medcom (HK) Limited, 2012.12. <P121313> LI Man Chim Albert Martin. "Cardiovascular Complications in Children with Sleep-Disordered Breathing Disorder". Paper presented in the The 7th Asian Sleep Research Society Congress, organized by Taiwan Society of Sleep Medicine & Asian Sleep Research Society, p.S2-2. Taipei, Taiwan, 2012.11.30. Department of Paediatrics <P121885> LEUNG Ting Fan; WANG Susan; KWOK Yin Ying; TSE Pui Pui Patty; SY Hing Yee; WONG Wing Kin Gary and HON Kam Lun. "Bone Mineral Density is Similar Between Eczema and Controls in Hong Kong Children". Paper presented in the 7th Hong Kong Allergy Convention, organized by Hong Kong Institute of Allergy, p.45. Hong Kong, 2012.09.15. <P122070> HON Kam Lun. "Cutaneous Drug Eruptions in Children". Paper presented in the 14th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatrics & 4th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatric Nursing, organized by Asian Pacific Pediatric Association, Symposium 5.2 pgs. 2012.09. <P122364> HON Kam Lun; WANG Susan; LEE Kwing Chin Kenneth; LEE Wing Yan Vivian; LEUNG Ting Fan and IP Margaret. "Combined Antibiotic/Corticosteroid Cream in the Empirical Treatment of Moderate to Severe Eczema: Friend or Foe?". Journal of Drugs in Dermatology vol.11 no.7, p.861-864. 2012.07. <P122365> TANG Man Fung; LEUNG Ting Fan; SY Hing Yee; WANG Susan and WONG Wing Kin Gary. "Replication of GWAS Loci Identifies Gene-gene Interactions for Childhood Lung Function". Paper presented in the 7th Hong Kong Allergy Convention, organized by Hong Kong Institute of Allergy, p.44. Hong Kong, 2012.09.15. <P122766> LI Man Chim Albert Martin; AU Chun Ting; CHOOK Ping and WING Yun Kwok. "Reduced Flow-Mediated Vasodilation of Brachial Artery in Children with Primary Snoring". Paper presented in the 14th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatrics & 4th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatric Nursing, organized by Asian Pacific Pediatric Association, FP2.6 pgs. 2012.10. <P122923> HON Kam Lun and LEUNG Ting Fan. "Circulating Immunoglobulins, Leucocytes and Complements Are Players in Childhood-onset Atopic Eczema". Paper presented in the 14th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatrics & 4th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatric Nursing, organized by Asian Pacific Pediatric Association, PP59 pgs. 2012.09. <P123043> SO Hung Kwan; LI Man Chim Albert Martin; CHOI Kai Chow; SUNG Yn Tz Rita and NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn. "Regular exercise and a healthy dietary pattern are associated with lower resting blood pressure in non-obese adolescents: a population-based study". Journal of Human Hypertension vol.27 no.5, pp.304-308. MacMillan Publishers Limited, 2012.10.18. <P123055> HON Kam Lun. "Childhood-onset Genodermatoses". Paper presented in the 9th CUHK Dermatology Symposium & Social Hygiene Symposium, organized by Dermatology Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.16. Hong Kong, 2012.10.27. Department of Paediatrics <P123144> NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn. "An Update on Global Vaccine Action Plan". Paper presented in the 6th Asian Congress of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, organized by The Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians, 1 pgs. Sri Lanka, Colombo, 2012.11.29. <P123237> TAM Yuen Shan; CHENG Wai Tsoi Frankie; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; LEUNG Wing Kwan; LEE Vincent; SHING Ming Kong Matthew; CHEUNG Lai Ken Jo and LI Chi Kong. "Intact Survival of Refractory CMV Limbic Encephalitis in a Patient wih Severe Aplastic Anemia after Unrelated Bone Marrow Transplantation". Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology vol.34 no.6, pp.472-474. 2012.08. <P123241> CHAN I H S; KONG Pik Shan; LEUNG Ting Fan; TSUI Kam Chee Teresa; CHEUNG Chi Keung Robert; OSAKI Risa; HO Chung Shun; WONG Wing Kin Gary; WONG Chun Kwok; LAM Wai Kei Christopher; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and CHAN Hm Michael. "Cadmium and Lead in Hong Kong School Children". Pathology vol.44 no.7, p.626-631. Australia: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia, 2012.12. <P123493> HON Kam Lun; IP Margaret; MA Ping Yuen and CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Pneumococcus "Die Hard"". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.18 no.4, p.348. Hong Kong, 2012.08. <P123723> WONG Wing Kin Gary. "Present and Future Directions of Global Pediatric Asthma Guidelines". Paper presented in the 22nd Congress of Interasma Japan/North Asia, organized by National Hospital Organization Fukuoka Hospital, p.35. Fukuoka, Japan, 2012.07.06. <P123728> NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn. "Adverse Events Following Immunisation: Myths, Monitoring and Mitigation". Paper presented in the 6th Asian Congress of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, organized by The Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians, 1 pgs. Sri Lanka, Colombo, 2012.12.01. <P123781> LEUNG Ting Fan; TSE Lai Yin; LAM Wai Yip; WONG Wing Kin Gary and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Relationship between Human Rhinovirus and Childhood Wheezing Illnesses". Paper presented in the 7th Hong Kong Allergy Convention, organized by The Hong Kong Institute of Allergy, p.45. Hong Kong, 2012.09. <P123914> HON Kam Lun. "Introduction to Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines: An Asian Experience". Paper presented in the 14th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatrics & 4th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatric Nursing, organized by Asian Pacific Pediatric Association, 1 pgs. 2012.09. Department of Paediatrics <P123998> PENNELL Budley J; PORTER John B; CAPPELLIN Maria Domenica; CHAN Lee Lee; EL-BESHLAWY Amal; AYDLINOK Yesim; IBRAHIM Hishamshah; LI Chi Kong; VIPRAKASIT Vip; ELALFY Mohsen S; KATTAMIS Antonis; SMITH Gillian; HABR Dany; DOMOKOS Gabor; ROUBERT Bernard and TAHER Ali. "Deferasirox for Up to 3 Years Leads to Continued Improvement of Myocardial T2* in Patients with ß-thalassemia Major". Haematologica vol.97 no.6, pp.842-848. Ferrata Storti Foundation, 2012. <P124176> HON Kam Lun. "Pathogens in Pediatric ICU Deaths". Paper presented in the Shanghai Congress of Pediatrics 2012 and The 3rd Hong Kong-Guangodng-Shanghai-Chongqing Pediatric Exchange Meeting, organized by The Hong Kong College of Paediatrician, p.27-28. 2012.10. <P124286> HON Kam Lun and WONG William Lok Chuen. "What, Why and When Did Children Die in Pediatric ICU". Paper presented in the 14th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatrics & 4th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatric Nursing, organized by Asian Pacific Pediatric Association, BPS7 pgs. 2012.09. <P124407> HON Kam Lun; IP Margaret; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie and WONG William Lok Chuen. "Megapneumonia Coinfection: Pneumococcus, Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, and Metapneumovirus". Case Reports in Medicine vol.2012 4 pgs. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2012. <P124487> WONG Wing Kin Gary; KWON N; HONG J G; HSU J Y and GUNASEKERA K D. "Pediatric asthma control in Asia: Phase 2 of the Asthma insights and Reality in Asia-Pacific (AIRIAP 2) survey". Allergy European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. vol.68 pp.524-530. Germany: JohnWiley & Sons, 2013.04.15. <P124634> LEUNG Ting Fan. "Overview of Childhood Food Allergy". Paper presented in the 3rd Cross-Strait Nutrition Conference, organized by Hong Kong Nutrition Association, p.16. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.09.30. <P124949> LI Man Chim Albert Martin; ZHU Yin Jodie; AU Chun Ting; KONG Pik Shan and WING Yun Kwok. "Association Between Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and Glucose Tolerance in Children And Adolescents". Paper presented in the The 7th Asian Sleep Research Society Congress, organized by Taiwan Society of Sleep Medicine & Asian Sleep Research Society, p.O2-2. Taipei, Taiwan, 2012.11.30. <P125369> PETSKY H L; CATES C J; LASSERSON T J; LI Man Chim Albert Martin; TURNER C; KYNASTON J A and CHANG A B. "A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: Tailoring Asthma Treatment on Eosinophilic Markers (Exhaled Nitric Oxide or Sputum Eosinophils)". Thorax vol.67 pp.199-208. 2012. Department of Paediatrics <P125626> WONG Wing Kin Gary; LEUNG Ting Fan and YUNG Chung Ming Edmund. "Ethnic difference and diagnostic value of exhaled nitric oxide levels for predicting asthma in children". Paper presented in the European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, organized by European Respiratory Society, p.34s. Austria, Vienna, 2012.09.02. <P125690> HON Kam Lun. "Letters to the Editor: Dragon Babies in 2012". Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics (New Series) vol.17 no.4, p.260-261. Hong Kong: Medcome Limited, 2012.10.04. <P125930> HON Kam Lun. "Cutaneous Manifestations of Skin Disease". Paper presented in the 14th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatrics & 4th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatric Nursing, organized by Asian Pacific Pediatric Association, meet the expert 5 pgs. 2012.09. <P125990> HON Kam Lun; LEUNG Ting Fan; YAU Ho Chung and CHAN Yan Keung Thomas. "Paradoxical Use of Oral and Topical Steroids in Steroid-phobic Patients Resorting to Traditional Chinese Medicines". World J Pediatr vol.8 no.3, p.263-267. 2012.08.15. <P126151> NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn and RAJINDRAJITH S.. "Gastrointestinal Infection". Paper presented in the 6th Asian Congress of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, organized by The Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians, 1 pgs. Sri Lanka, Colombo, 2012.11.29. <P126383> HON Kam Lun and LEUNG Kc Alexander. "Use of Moisturizers in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis". Treatment of Dry Skin Syndrome ed. by Marie Loden, Howard I. Maibach. pp.59-73. 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. <P126397> LI Man Chim Albert Martin. "Management of Difficult Asthma". Paper presented in the 50th Anniversary Multidisciplinary Conference on Child Health, organized by The Hong Kong Paediatric Society, p.38. 2012.08.17. <P126678> LAM Ching Yan; YIP Chi Wai; POON Chuen Wai; CHENG K.c. Christine; NG Wing Yin Eddy; WONG C.l. Nicholas; CHUENG F.y. Phyllis; LAI Bo San Paul; NG O. Irene; FAN Sheung Tat and CHEUNG Siu Tim. "Identification and Characterization of Tropomyosin 3 Associated with Granulin-Epithelin Precursor in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.7, pp.e40324. United States of America: Public Library of Science, 2012.07.06. <P126709> LEUNG Ting Fan; WANG Susan; SY Hing Yee; TAM Wai San Wilson; TANG Man Fung; KONG Pik Shan; WONG Wing Kin Gary and WONG Tze Wai. "Gender-specific Effects Between GSTP1 and 17q21 Locus on Asthma Phenotypes in Hong Kong Children". Paper presented in the 17th Congress of Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, organized by Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, p.7. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.14. Department of Paediatrics <P126813> CHENG Wai Tsoi Frankie; IP Margaret; CHU Yuen Ling; ZHENG Lin; LEE Vincent; SHING Ming Kong Matthew; LEUNG Wing Kwan; YUEN Man Pan Patrick and LI Chi Kong. "Humoral Response to Conjugate Pneumococcal Vaccine in Paediatric Oncology Patients". Arch Dis Child vol.97 pp.358-360. 2012. <P126824> LI Man Chim Albert Martin. "What Happens to the Child with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in Adulthood?". Paper presented in the 17th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, organized by Hong Kong Thoracic Society, p.70. Hong Kong, 2012.12.14. <P127229> HON Kam Lun. "Human Dignity and Rights Beyond Dealth". J Med Ethics 2012.09.06. <P127302> LEUNG Ting Fan. "Biomarker Research in Asthma: Where Are We Now?". Paper presented in the 17th Congress of Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, organized by Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, p.33. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.12. <P127425> HON Kam Lun and LEUNG Alexander Kc. "Scabies in Toddler Twins". Consultant for Pediatricians vol.11 no.8, p.237-239. 2012.08. <P127437> LAM Hugh Simon Hung San; FOK Tai Fai and NG Pak Cheung. "Long-term neurocognitive outcomes of children prenatally exposed to low-dose methylmercury". Hong Kong Med J Suppl 6:23-4. pp.00. 2012.12.18. <P127490> HON Kam Lun and LEUNG Ting Fan. "Circulating Immunoglobulins, Leucocytes and Complements Are Immune Players in Childhood Atopic Eczema". Paper presented in the Joint Congress of APAPARI 2012 & 16th TAPAAI & 34th TCSI, organized by Asia Pacific Association of Pediatric Allergy, Respirology and Immunology, p.154. Taiwan, 2012.10.19. <P127495> WANG Susan; HON Kam Lun; SY Hing Yee; KONG Pik Shan; CHAN I H S; TSE Lai Yin; LAM Wai Kei Christopher; WONG Wing Kin Gary; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and LEUNG Ting Fan. "Interactions between Genetic Variants of FLG and Chromosome 11q13 Locus Determine Susceptibility for Eczema Phenotypes". Journal of Investigative Dermatology vol.132 no.7, p.1930-1932. USA: Nature Publishing Group, 2012.07. <P127552> AU Wing Y; LI Chi Kong; LEE Vincent; HUI Hui-leung; YAU Jeffrey; CHAN C F Godfrey; HA Shau-yin and KWONG Yok-lam. "Oral Arsenic Trioxide for Relapsed Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia in Pediatric Patients". Pediatr Blood Cancer vol.58 pp.630-632. 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 2012. <P127613> LEUNG Ting Fan. "Roles of Viruses in Asthma Exacerbations". Paper presented in the 7th Hong Kong Allergy Convention, organized by Hong Kong Institute of Allergy, p.26. Hong Kong, 2012.09.15. Department of Paediatrics <P127705> NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn. "Rotavirus - Joining the dots on a global problem". Paper presented in the 14th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatrics and 4th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatric Nursing, organized by Asian Pacific Pediatric Association, 1 pgs. Malaysia, Kuching, 2012.09.10. <P127761> HON Kam Lun and LEUNG A K C. "Dragon Babies in 2012". HK J Paediatr (new series) vol.17 p.260-261. 2012. <P127779> AU Chun Ting; CHOOK Ping; WING Yun Kwok; HO Kwok Wah Crover and LI Man Chim Albert Martin. "Sleep Duration Is Associated With Carotide Intima-Media Thickness In Normal Weight Adolescents". Paper presented in the The 7th Asian Sleep Research Society Congress, organized by Taiwan Society of Sleep Medicine & Asian Sleep Research Society, p.PG-1. Taipei, Taiwan, 2012.11.30. <P128388> NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn; CHAN Yick Chun; PANG Jh Timothy; LAW S K; IP Margaret and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Rotavirus and all cause gastroenteritis incidence in hospitalised Hong Kong children: 1 July 1997 to 31 March 2011". Paper presented in the 10th International Rotavirus Symposium, 1 pgs. Thailand, Bangkok, 2012.09.19. <P128397> WONG Wing Kin Gary. "Environmental and Genetic Impact on Allergic Disease". Paper presented in the Asia Pacific Association of Pediatric Allergy, Respirology and Immunology (APAPARI) Congress, organized by Asia Pacific Association of Pediatric Allergy, Respirology and Immunology, p.091 (SY7-1). Taipei, Taiwan, 2012.10.19. <P128760> PHUA Kong Boo; LIM Fong Seng; NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn; HUANG Li Min; QUAK Seng Hock; LEE Bee Wah; SURYAKIRAN P V and HAN Htay Htay. "Efficacy of rotavirus vaccine RIX4414 during the first 3 years of life: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in infants from Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan". Paper presented in the 10th International Rotavirus Symposium, 1 pgs. Thailand, Bangkok, 2012.09.19. <P129143> HON Kam Lun and LEUNG Alexander Kc. "Neonatal Lupus Erythematosus". Autoimmune Diseases vol.2012 6 pgs. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2012.08. <P129282> NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn. "GAVI: Global support and community action". Paper presented in the 14th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatrics and 4th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatric Nursing, organized by Asian Pacific Pediatric Association, 1 pgs. Malaysia, Kuching, 2012.09.11. <P129430> HUI Joannie and TANG Leung Sang Nelson. "Wilson’s disease: a review of treatment options with a focus on zinc therapy". Orphan Drugs: Research and Reviews vol.2012 no.2, pp.35 - 45. Dove Medical Press Ltd., 2012.10.10. Department of Paediatrics <P129554> LAI Ying Han; SO Pui Kin; LO Samual Chun Lap; NG Wing Yin Eddy; POON Chuen Wai and YAO Zhong Ping. "Rapid differentiation of Panax ginseng and Panax quinquefolius by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry". Analytica Chimica Acta vol.753 no.13, pp.73-81. 2012.11.13. <P129662> BIONDI Andrea; SCHRAPPE Martin; DE LORENZO Paola; CASTOR Anders; LUCCHINI Giovanna; GANDEMER Virginie; PIETERS Rob; STARY Jan; ESCHERICH Gabriele; CAMPBELL Myriam; LI Chi Kong; VORA Ajay; ARICO Maurizio; ROTTGERS Silja; SAHA Vaskar and VALSECCHI Maria Grazia. "Imatinib After Induction for Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Philadelphia-Chromosome-Positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (EsPhALL): A Randomised, Open-Label, Intergroup Study". The Lancet Oncology vol.13 no.9, pp.936-45. 2012.09. <P129773> LEUNG Ting Fan; LIU Tak Chi; MAK Kwok Kei; SY Hing Yee; SU Xuefen; LI Man Chim Albert Martin; LUM Sooky and WONG Wing Kin Gary. "Spirometric Reference Standards in Chinese Preschool Children". Paper presented in the 17th Congress of Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, organized by Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, p.103. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.14. <P129928> HON Kam Lun; NIP Siu Ying and CHEUNG Kam Lau. "A Tragic Case of Atopic Eczema: Malnutrtion and Infections Despite Multivitamins and Supplements". Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol vol.11 no.3, p.267-70. 2012.09. <P129962> LEUNG Ting Fan; CHAN I H S; LIU Tak Chi; SY Hing Yee; WONG Wing Kin Gary and LAM Wai Kei Christopher. "Relationship Between Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Lung Function in Hong Kong Preschool Children". Paper presented in the 17th Congress of Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, organized by Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, p.102. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.12.14. <P130028> WONG Wing Kin Gary. "The different phenotypes of asthma: from mild to difficult asthma". Paper presented in the Malaysian Thoracic Society Annual Congress 2013, organized by Lung Foundation of Malaysia, p.17. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2013.06.14. <P130327> HON Kam Lun and CHEUNG Kam Lau. "Morbidity and Mortality in A PICU: The Streptococci". Paper presented in the 24th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care, organized by The European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care, p.60. Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2013.06.12. <P130811> WONG Wing Kin Gary. "The Fallacy of Asthma Guidelines: Discrepancy between Science and Practice". Paper presented in the 5th Cross-Trait Congress of Pediatric Pulmonology, organized by Society of Pediatric Pulmonology, p.33. Taipei, Taiwan, 2013.04.21. Department of Paediatrics <P130867> WONG Wing Kin Gary. "Changing epidemiology of complicated pneumonia: Should we change our treatment approach?". Paper presented in the 5th Cross-Trait Congress of Pediatric Pulmonology, organized by Society of Pediatric Pulmonology, p.32-33. Taipei, Taiwan, 2013.04.21. <P131095> NG Wing Yin Eddy; LAM Hugh Simon Hung San; NG Pak Cheung and POON Chuen Wai. "Quantification of Citrulline by Parallel Fragmentation Monitoring--A Novel Method Using Graphitized Carbon Nanoparticles and MALDI-TOF/TOF Mass Spectrometry". Clinica Chimica Acta vol.420 pp.121-127. 2013.05. <P131568> HARIMAN Keith W; LAM Stacey C; LAM Yvette Ws; LUK Karen Hk; POON K K and LI Man Chim Albert Martin. "Fever As A Predictor of Doctor Shopping in the Paediatric Population". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.19 no.1, p.6-12. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.02. <P131600> FU Chun Cheung; HON Kam Lun and CHOI C. L. Paul. "A Neonate With Generalised Bullae and Pyloric Atresia". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.19 no.2, p.188e1-e2. 2013.04. <P132183> RUDD John Anthony; CHU Kit Man; NGAN Man Piu; WAI Man Keung and YEUNG Chi Kong. "Olvanil Interferes with the Anti-emetic Action of Ondansetron, but not Dexamethasone, in Ferrets". 2013 International MASCC/ISOO Symposium Supportive Care in Cancer, vol.21 (suppl 1), p.S217 (Abstract no.: MASCC-0618). Springer, 2013.06. <P132588> HON Kam Lun; PONG Nga Hin Henry; WANG Susan; LEE Wing Yan Vivian; LUK Nai Ming Tommy and LEUNG Ting Fan. "Acceptability and Efficacy of An Emollient Containing Ceramide-Precursor Lipids and Moisturizing Factors for Atopic Dermaitis in Pediatric Patients". Drugs in R&D vol.13 no.1, p.37-42. Springer Link, 2013.03. <P133000> WONG Wing Kin Gary. "International consensus on childhood asthma: agreement or controversy". Paper presented in the Malaysian Thoracic Soceity Annual Congress 2013, organized by Lung Foundation of Malaysia, p.18. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2013.06.14. <P133292> NG Wing Yin Eddy; POON Chuen Wai; LAM Hugh Simon Hung San; CHEUNG Hon Ming; MA Ping Yuen; CHAN Yuen Yee; WONG Raymond P. O.; LEUNG Kam Tong; LAM Man Ting; LI Kwai Har Karen and NG Pak Cheung. "Gut-Associated Biomarkers L-FABP, I-FABP, and TFF3 and LIT Score for Diagnosis of Surgical Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Preterm Infants". annals of surgery [Epub ahead of print]. pp.00. 2013.03.06. <P133668> HON Kam Lun and LEUNG A K. "Use of Ceramides and Related products for Childhood-onset Eczema". Recent Pat Inflamm Allergy Drug Discov vol.7 no.1, p.12-9. 2013.01. Department of Paediatrics <P133915> TO Cho Yee; KWAN Ting Fai; FOK Tai Fai; CHAN Sui Yin Agnes; CHAN Francis Huoyen; CHAN Yu Leung; CHAU Albert Wailap; FUNG Kwok Pui; FUNG Peter Cw; HUNG Hin Wai Joseph; LEE Hok Ming; MAK Kai Keung and SO Albert Tingpat. "Bio-education: Neuroscience Experiments on Language Teaching and Learning". 《教育生物學雜誌》 vol.1 no.1, 28-34. 上海交通大學醫學院附屬新 華醫院, 2013.03. <P134447> LI Man Chim Albert Martin; ZHU Yin Jodie; AU Chun Ting; LEE Lip Yen Dennis; HO Kwok Wah Crover and WING Yun Kwok. "Natural history of primary snoring in school-aged children: a 4-year follow-up study.". Chest Journal vol.143 no.3, pp.729-35. 2013.03.01. <P134890> CHAN Chi Ngong; TAM Yuk Him; LAM Hugh Simon Hung San; LEE Kim Hung and NG Pak Cheung. "Gastroschisis, Omphalocele or something else?". Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed doi:10.1136/archdischild-2013-303717. pp.00. group.bmj.com, 2013.03.26. <P134925> AU Chun Ting; WING Yun Kwok; HO Kwok Wah Crover and LI Man Chim Albert Martin. "Ambulatory Blood Pressure In Children With Rem-Predominant Moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnoea". Paper presented in the The 7th Asian Sleep Research Society Congress, organized by Taiwan Society of Sleep Medicine & Asian Sleep Research Society, p.PF-5. Taipei, Taiwan, 2012.11.30. <P134986> KWOK Sit Yee; SO Hung Kwan; CHOI Kai Chow; LO Fung Cheung; LI Man Chim Albert Martin; SUNG Yn Tz Rita and NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn. "Resting Heart Rate in Children and Adolescents: Association with Blood Pressure, Exercise and Obesity". Arch Dis Child vol.98 p.287-291. BMJ, 2013.02.19. <P135832> WONG Wing Kin Gary. "Global Prevalence of Food Allergy". Paper presented in the Food Allergy and Safety Assessment workshop, organized by International Life Sciences Institute, p.56-66. Beijing, China, 2013.04.15. <P136019> HON Kam Lun. "Submersion Injury: Ventilation or Perfusion". Paper presented in the 第五屆第四次會 員 大 會 暨 兩 岸 兒 童 胸 腔 交 流 學 術 研 討 會 , organized by 台 灣 兒 童 胸 腔 醫 學 會, p.23. Taipei, Taiwan, 2013.04.21. <P136209> NG Pak Cheung; CHAN Yuen Yee and POON Chuen Wai. "Biomarkers for prediction and diagnosis of necrotizing enterocolitis". Clinics in Perinatology vol.40 no.1, pp.149-159. 2013.03. <P136786> 黃永堅. <兒童哮喘預防和治療進展>. 《兒童哮喘和變態反應性疾病學術論壇》 50-52 頁. 中國上 海: 上海交通大學醫學院附屬瑞金醫院兒童哮喘中心, 2013.05.10. Department of Paediatrics <P137109> MAGRATH Ian; STELIAROVA-FOUCHER Eva; EPELMAN Sidnei; RIBEIRO Raul; HARIF Mhamed; LI Chi Kong; KEBUDI Rejin; MACFARLANE Scott D and HOWARD Scott C. "Improving Cancer Care for Children and Young People 2 - Paediatric Cancer in low-income and middle-income countries.". The Lancet Oncology vol.14 pp.e104-16. 2013.03. <P137774> WONG Wing Kin Gary. "Impact of Air Pollution on Asthma". Paper presented in the The 23rd Congress of Interasma Japan/North Asia, organized by Saitama Medical University Allergy Center, p.41. Tokyo, Japan, 2013.06.28. <P137930> HON Kam Lun; CHEUNG Kam Lau and WONG William Lok Chuen. "Pediatric ICU Mortality: Communicable Or Non-Communicable Diseases". Paper presented in the 24th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care, organized by The European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care, p.69. Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2013.06.12. <P138152> LAM Hugh Simon Hung San; KWOK Ka Ming; CHAN Hiu Ying; SO Hung Kwan; LI Man Chim Albert Martin; NG Pak Cheung and FOK Tai Fai. "Long term neurocognitive impact of low dose prenatal methylmercury exposure in Hong Kong". Environment International vol.54 pp.59-64. 2013 Elsevier Ltd., 2013.04. <P138488> LAU Yu Lung; NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn; POON Kin Hung; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; CHIU Susan; SUNG Yn Tz Rita; LEUNG Chi Wai; NG Kwok Keung Daniel; MA Yee Man; CHAN Desmond; LEE Tsz Leung; TANG Joyce; KWAN Yat Wah; IP Lai Sheung; HO Marco; FUNG Lai Wah Eva; TANG Haiwen; SURYAKIRAN P. V.; HAN Htay Htay; BOCK Hans and HONG KONG ROTARIX Study Group. "Efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of a human rotavirus vaccine (RIX4414) in Hong Kong children up to three years of age: A randomized, controlled trial". Vaccine vol.31 pp.2253-2259. Elsevier Ltd., 2013.03.13. <P138569> CHENG Siu Fung; HO Wen Ying; CHAN Yuen Yee; LEUNG Tak Yeung; LAM Hugh Simon Hung San; FONG Oi Ning; LI Kwai Har Karen and NG Pak Cheung. "IL-15 and macrophage secretory factors facilitate immune activation of neonatal natural killer cells by lipoteichoic acid". cytokine vol.61 pp.499-505. 2012 Elsevier Ltd., 2013.02. <P138573> WONG Wing Kin Gary. "Microbiome and airway disease: current understanding and future prospects for prevention". Paper presented in the 12th International Congress on Pediatric Pulmonology, organized by CIPP Central Organizing Comittee, p.S13 (OLD-04). Valencia, Spain, 2013.06.29. Department of Paediatrics <P139068> KWOK Yin Ying; HO Yi Fong; CHOW Chung Mo; SO Yat Nam Christabella and LEUNG Ting Fan. "Assessment of Nutrient Intakes of Picky-eating Chinese Preschoolers Using a Modified Food Frequency Questionnaire". World Journal of Pediatrics vol.9 no.1, p.58-63. People's Republic of China: Springer-Verlag, 2013.02. See Also<P121749 >, <P121894 >, <P124189 >, <P125056 >, <P125313 >, <P125639 >, <P125764 >, <P125967 >, <P126938 >, <P127026 >, <P127237 >, <P127696 >, <P128077 >, <P130999 >, <P132629 >, <P132730 >, <P133456 >, <P133509 >, <P134428 >, <P134625 >, <P135711 >, <P137460 >, <P137743 >, <P139241 >, <P139321 >, <P139744 > Department of Pharmacy <P120107> LEE Wing Yan Vivian; CHOW Ines Hang Iao; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; YU Cheuk Man and LAM Yat Yin. "Cost-Effectiveness of Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion Device for Stroke Prevention In Atrial Fibrillation". Paper presented in the ISPOR 5th Asia Pacific Conference, organized by ISPOR, 1 pgs. United States, 2012.09. <P120447> YAN Ping Yen Bryan; LIU Ming; LEE Wing Yan Vivian; REID M Christopher; LAM Yat Yin and YU Cheuk Man. "Benefit in quality of life after percutaneous coronary intervention for chronic total occlusion". Paper presented in the European Society of Cardiology congress 2012, organized by European Society of Cardiology, 1 pgs. 2012.10. <P120784> ZHOU Limin; WANG Shu; ZHANG, Zhen; LAU Bik San Clara; FUNG Kwok Pui; LEUNG Ping Chung and ZUO Zhong. "Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Interaction of Danshen-Gegen Extract with Warfarin and Aspirin". Journal of Ethnopharmacology vol.143 no.2, pp.648-655. Elsevier Ireland Ltd., 2012.07.31. <P121141> QIAN Shuai and ZUO Zhong. "Development and characterization of in situ gel system for intranasal delivery of tacrine". Paper presented in the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientist Annual Meeting, organized by AAPS, 1 pgs. Chicago, United States of America, 2012.10.13. <P121683> LI Chenrui; ZHANG Li; WO Siu Kwan; ZHOU Limin; LIN Ge and ZUO Zhong. "Pharmacokinetic Interactions Among Major Bioactive Components in Radix Scutellariae Via Metabolic Competition". Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition vol.33 no.9, pp.487-500. 2012.12. <P121702> LAM Tai Ning. "In Silico Pharmacokinetic System (version 18)". The software is under development last revision (ver. 18) on Aug 9 2012. 2012.08.09. <P121726> ZHOU Keary Rui; KWOK Tze Yan; YIP Elton; CHENG Ashley; YAO Rosa and LEE Wing Yan Vivian. "Cost-minimization Analysis of Capecitabine (Xeloda TM) versus 5-Fluorouracil-based Treatment for Gastric Cancer Patients in Hong Kong.". Paper presented in the ISPOR 15th Annual European Congress, organized by ISPOR, 1 pgs. United States, 2012.11. <P121758> LEE Wing Yan Vivian. "New Versus Old Anticoagulants in Atrial Fibrillation Management - A Clinical Dilemma". Journal of Clinical Toxicology vol.2 no.10, pp.e114. Los Angeles, United States: OMICS Publishing Group, 2012.11.26. Department of Pharmacy <P122202> CHENG, Kwok Kin; YEUNG Chin Fung; HO Shuk Wai Amy; CHOW Shing Fung; CHOW Hee Lum Albert and BAUM Lawrence William. "Highly stabilized curcumin nanoparticles tested in an in vitro blood brain barrier model and in Alzheimer's disease Tg2576 mice". Paper presented in the 2012 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, organized by AAPS, 1 pgs. Chicago, United States of America, 2012.10. <P122316> LEE Vincent Hon Leung. Clinical bioequivalence Study on two Zolpidem Formulations. 5 pgs. 2012.08.01. <P122420> GAO, Qiong and ZUO Zhong. "Arctigenin is a Substrate of Paraoxonase—A Plasma Hydrolase". Paper presented in the 2012 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, american association of pharmaceutical scientists, 1 pgs. Chicago, United States of America, 2012.10.15. <P123453> WONG Yin Cheong and ZUO Zhong. "Contribution of active metabolites to the side effects of CNS drugs: loxapine as an example". Paper presented in the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientist Annual Meeting, organized by AAPS, 1 pgs pgs. Chicago, United States of America, 2012.10.13. <P123903> YAN Ping Yen Bryan; LEE Wing Yan Vivian; CHOW Ines Hang Iao; YU Cheuk Man and LAM Yat Yin. "Cost-Effectiveness Of Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion Device Compared With Five Alternative Anticoagulation Strategies For Stroke Prevention In Atrial Fibrillation: A Markov Decision Analysis". Paper presented in the Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2012, 1 pgs. 2012.10. <P124247> LEE Wing Yan Vivian; CHOW Ines Hang Iao; LAM Yat Yin; YU Cheuk Man and YAN Ping Yen Bryan. "Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Of Treating Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients with Ticagrelor Versus Clopidogrel in Hong Kong: A Markov Analytic Model". Paper presented in the ISPOR 15th Annual European Congress, organized by ISPOR, 1 pgs. United States, 2012.11. <P124288> LEE Vincent Hon Leung. "BA/BE: from generics to biosimilars". Paper presented in the 12th Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy, Hong Kong, 2012.07.01. <P124725> ZHOU Wen-jing; ZHANG Xu; CHENG Chao; WANG Fang; WANG Xiao-kun; LIANG Yong-ju; To KKW; ZHOU Wang; HUANG Hong-bing and FU Li-wu. "Crizotinib (PF-02341066) Reverses Multidrug Resistance in Cancer Cells by Inhibiting the Function of P-glycoprotein". Br J Pharmacol vol.66 no.5, pp.1669-1683. 2012.07. <P124881> WO Siu Kwan; SIM Hong May; GO Mei Lin and ZUO Zhong. "Investigation on the liver metabolic stabilities of a series of 4,6-dimethoxyaurones and their structural analogs". Paper presented in the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists pgs. Chicago, United States of America, 2012.10.13. Annual Meetings, organized by AAPS, 1 Department of Pharmacy <P124979> WU B David; LEE Kwing Chin Kenneth; LEE Wing Yan Vivian; HONG L W and ROBERTS C S. "Cost Utility Analysis of 13-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine In Malaysia". Paper presented in the ISPOR 15th Annual European Congress, organized by ISPOR, 1 pgs. United States, 2012.11. <P125039> To KKW; REN Shunxiang; WONG Ching Man and CHO Chi Hin. "Reversal of ABCG2-mediated Multidrug Resistance by Human Cathelicidin and Its Analogs in Cancer Cells". Peptides vol.40 pp.13-21. New York, United States of America: Elsevier Science Inc., 2012.12.27. <P125234> QIAN Shuai; LI Chenrui and ZUO Zhong. "Pharmacokinetics and Disposition of Various Drug Loaded Liposomes". Current Drug Metabolism vol.13 pp.372-395. 2012 Bentham Science Publishers, 2012. <P125407> LEE Vincent Hon Leung. Clinical Bioequivalenec Study on two Paracetamol Formulations. 5 pgs. 2012.07.01. <P126208> LEE Wing Yan Vivian; LEE V and SCHWANDER B. "Comparative Effectiveness And Cost-Effectiveness Assessment Of Erlotinib Vs. Gefitinib In First-Line Treatment of EGFR Activating Mutation Positive Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer For Hong Kong.". Paper presented in the ISPOR 5th Asia Pacific Conference, organized by ISPOR, 1 pgs. United States, 2012.09. <P126241> YOU Hoi Sze Joyce and CHAN Ka Leung Francis. "Impact of Celecoxib and Diclofenac Plus Omeprazole on Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal (GI) Events-A Cost effectiveness Analysis". Paper presented in the 2012 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, organized by American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, 1 pgs. Chicago, United States of America, 2012.10.16. <P126432> LEE Wing Yan Vivian; HU Miao and TOMLINSON Brian. "Integrating Pharmacogenetic for Assessment of Herb-Drug Interactions: Has the Time Come?". Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine vol.10 no.3, pp.247-253. 2012. <P126692> WANG Fang; MI Yan-jun; CHEN Xing-gui; WU Xing-ping; LIU Zhenguo; CHEN Shu-peng; LIANG Yong-ju; CHENG Chao; To KKW and FU Li-wu. "Axitinib Targeted Cancer Stemlike Cells to Enhance Efficacy of Chemotherapeutic Drugs via Inhibiting the Drug Transport Function of ABCG2". Mod Med vol.18 no.1, pp.887-898. 2012.07. <P126889> WONG Yin Cheong; QIAN Shuai and ZUO Zhong. "Regioselective biotransformation of CNS drugs and its clinical impact on adverse drug reactions". Expert Opin. Drug Metab. Toxicol. vol.8 no.7, pp.833-854. Informa UK, Ltd, 2012. Department of Pharmacy <P126974> ZHOU Limin; LI Pauline; LEE Benjamin and ZUO Zhong. "In-vitro and In-vivo Evaluation of Methyl Salicylate Guar-gum Gel for Topical Application". Paper presented in the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meetings, organized by AAPS, 1 pgs. Chicago, United States of America, 2012.10.13. <P127051> WONG Yin Cheong and ZUO Zhong. "The roles of administration route and active metabolites in pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationship of CNS drugs: exemplified by intranasal loxapine". Paper presented in the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientist Annual Meeting, organized by AAPS, 1 pgs. Chicago, United States of America, 2012.10.13. <P127606> LEE Vincent Hon Leung. "Transforming Drug Delivery.". Paper presented in the 1st Conference of Frontiers in translational Medicine, 2 pgs. Beijing, 2012.11.10. <P127706> FONG, Yui Kau; LI Chenrui and ZUO Zhong. "Radix Scutellariae Inhibits In Vitro Phase I and Phase II Metabolism of Mefenamic Acid". Paper presented in the 2012 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, organized by American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, 1 pgs. Chicago, USA, 2012.10.14. <P127710> XIE Chen; WANG Zhi Jun; CHOW Ss Moses; HUANG Ying; SHI Le Ming; WANG Charles; XU Jun and ZUO Zhong. "Utilization of Gene-expression Signature for Quality Control of Traditional Chinese Medicine formula Si-Wu-Tang". Paper presented in the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientist Annual Meeting, organized by AAPS, 1 pgs. Chicago, United States of America, 2012.10.13. <P127845> MIU Kai Kei; To KKW and LIN Ge. "PPAPs-induced p21 Upregulation: a Selective Mechanism Versus Cancer?". Hong Kong Pharmacology Society 14th Annual Scientific Meeting p.15 (Abstract No.: OP9). Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.03. <P128167> GAO, Qiong; ZUO Zhong and WO Siu Kwan. "Hydrolysis is the Dominating In Vivo Metabolism Pathway for Arctigenin: Identification of Novel Metabolites of Arctigenin by LC/MS/MS after Oral Administration in Rats". Paper presented in the AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition in Baltimore, organized by american association of pharmaceutical scientists, 1 pgs. Chicago, United States of America, 2012.10.15. <P128581> LEE Wing Yan Vivian. "Update on Biosimilars - Complexity of Biologics and Clinical Concerns: Importance of Proper Evaluation". Hong Kong Journal of Radiology vol.15 no.4, pp.S72-4. Hong Kong: Hong Kong College of Radiologists, 2012.12. Department of Pharmacy <P129038> HO Yuen-shan; YANG Xifei; LAU Jeffery Chi-fai; HUNG Clara Hui-ling; WUWONGSE Suthicha; ZHANG Qishan; WANG Jianzhi; BAUM Lawrence William; SO Kwok-fai and CHANG Raymond Chuen-chung. "Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Induces Tau Pathology And Forms A Vicious Cycle: Implication in Alzheimer’s Disease Pathogenesis". Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease vol.28 no.4, pp.839-54. 2012. <P129756> YIN Qiping; MAK Wah Lun Valiant; HU Miao; FOK Siu Pong; CHOW Sing Sum Moses and TOMLINSON Brian. "Impact of CYP2D6 Polymorphisms on the Pharmacokinetics of Lovastatin in Chinese Subjects". European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology vol.68 no.6, pp.943-949. 2012. <P130027> XIE Chen; WANG Zhijun; WANG Charles; XU Jun; WEN Zhining; WANG Haitian; SHI Leming; CHOW S.s. Moses; HUANG Ying and ZUO Zhong. "Utilization of Gene Expression Signature for Quality Control of Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula Si-Wu-Tang". The AAPS Journal vol.15 no.3, pp.884-892. United States of America, 2013.05.24. <P130822> WO Siu Kwan; FOK Siu Pong; TOMLINSON Brian; LEE Vincent Hon Leung and ZUO Zhong. "Investigation of Glucuronid and Sulfate Metabolites Formation after Oral Administration of Paracetamol in Healthy Hong Kong Chinese Subjects". Paper presented in the International ISSX Meeting 2013, 10 pgs. 2013.05.01. <P130962> CHAN Yat Hei; LI Wai Yan; ZHOU Keary Rui; WONG Siu Ming Raymond; CHAN Sl; LEUNG Sy; MA Ym and LEE Sc Benjamin. "Efficacy and safety of amphotericin b versus micafungin as an empirial antifungal therapy for neutropenic fever in haematologically malignant patients in local hospital settings". Paper presented in the Support Care in Cancer, organized by MASCC/ISOO, 1 pgs. Berlin, Germany, 2013.06.20. <P131824> ZHOU Keary Rui; CHIU Kaki and WONG Ching Man. "Management of neutropenic fever in patients with hematologic malignancy in a Hong Kong Teaching Hospital". Paper presented in the Support Care in Cancer, organized by MASCC/ISOO, 1 pgs. Berlin, Germany, 2013.06.20. <P132550> LEE Wing Yan Vivian; PANG Tin Yi; KONG Wing Yan; CHAN Ka Hing and KWOK L M. "Impact of pharmacy outreach services on blood pressure management in the elderly community of Hong Kong". Geriatrics and Gerontology International vol.13 pp.175-81. Japan: Japan Geriatrics Society, 2013.01. <P132593> DURAIRAJAN S.s.k.; CHEN L.l.; LIU L.; SONG J.; BAUM Lawrence William and MIN L.. "Corynoxine B, A Novel Autophagy Enhancer, Promotes The Clearance of Mutant Tau Aggregation in Vitro And in Vivo". Paper presented in the AD/PD 2013, 1 pgs. 2013.03. Department of Pharmacy <P132798> HAERIAN B S and BAUM Lawrence William. "GABRG2 rs211037 Polymorphism And Epilepsy: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis.". Seizure vol.22 no.1, pp.53-8. 2013.01. <P132835> WONG Yin Cheong and ZUO Zhong. Brain Disposition and Catalepsy After Intranasal Delivery of Loxapine: Role of Metabolism in PK/PD of Intranasal CNS Drugs Pharmaceutical Research Volume 30, Issue 9 pp.2368–2384. Springer, 2013.06.07. <P133380> LEE Wing Yan Vivian; CHOI, Adrian Yui Fay; FONG, Ting San and YAN Ping Yen Bryan. Clinical Management of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Hong Kong ICC CUHK-Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium (ICC-CMA 2013 & 2nd APS) CUHK (HK), Mayo Clinic (USA) & National University of Singapore (Singapore) 1. 2013.04.13. <P133383> LIU Mandy; FAN Jeffery; WANG Steven; WANG Zhijun; WANG Charles; ZUO Zhong; CHOW Moses Ss; SHI Leming; WEN Zhining and HUANG Ying. "Transcriptional Profiling of Chinese Medicinal Formula Si-Wu-Tang on Breast Cancer Cells Reveals Phytoestrogenic Activity". BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine vol.13 no.11, 2013.01.10. <P133405> YOU Hoi Sze Joyce. "Impact of Vaccination Coverage on Cost-effectiveness of Influenza Caccine at Preventing Hospitalization". Paper presented in the ISPOR 18th Annual International Meeting, organized by Internatonal Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, 1 pgs. New Orleans, United States of America, 2013.05.18. <P134704> CHENG Kwok Kin; YEUNG Chin Fung; HO Shuk Wai Amy; CHOW Shing Fung; CHOW Hee Lum Albert and BAUM Lawrence William. "Highly Stabilized Curcumin Nanoparticles Tested in An in Vitro Blood Brain Barrier Model And in Alzheimer's Disease Tg2576 Mice". The AAPS Journal vol.15 no.2, pp.324-6. 2013.04. <P135284> GAO, Qiong; ZHANG Yufeng; WO Siu Kwan and ZUO Zhong. "Hydrolysis Is the Dominating In Vivo Metabolism Pathway for Arctigenin: Identification of Novel Metabolites of Arctigenin by LC/MS/MS after Oral Administration in Rats". Planta Medica vol.79 pp.471-479. Stuttgart New York, United States of America: Georg Thieme Veriag KG, 2013.03.21. <P135551> ZUO Zhong; ZHANG Li and ZHOU Limin. "Intestinal Absorption and Disposition of Green Tea Catechins: The First Barrier for Green Tea Catechins Entering the Body". Tea in Health and Disease Prevention ed. by Victor R. Preedy. 1st ed. pp.400-412. United States of America: Elsevier, 2013.01. Department of Pharmacy <P135676> FONG, Yui Kau; LIU Mary; WEI Hai; LOBENBERG Raimar; KANFER Isadore; LEE Vincent Hon Leung; AMIDON L Gordon and ZUO Zhong. "Establishing the Pharmaceutical Quality of Chinese Herbal Medicine: A Provisional BCS Classification". Molecular Pharmaceutics vol.10 no.5, pp.1623-1643. 2013.03.08. <P135912> LEE Wing Yan Vivian; LAM Yat Yin; YUEN C M Amy; CHEUNG Shuk Yan; YU Cheuk Man and YAN Ping Yen Bryan. "Direct medical cost of newly diagnosed stable coronary artery disease in Hong Kong". Heart Asia vol.5 no.1 pp.1-6. 2013.01.13. <P136191> WAN Ka Yee and CHOW Hee Lum Albert. "Controlled antisolvent precipitation and characterization of itraconazole nanoparticles". Paper presented in the Inhalation Asia 2013, organized by The University of Hong Kong, 2 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.06.26. <P136241> LEE Vincent Hon Leung and GHANDEHARI H. "Advanced Drug Delivery: Perspectives and Prospects Preface.". Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews vol.65 no.1, pp.1-2. 2013.01.01. <P136417> To KKW; POON, Chung Sing Daniel; CHEN Xg and FU Lw. "Volasertib (BI6727), A Novel Polo-Like Kinase Inhibitor, Reverses ABCB1 and ABCG2-Mediated Multidrug Resistance In Cancer Cells". Journal of Cancer Therapeutics & Research vol.2 pp.13. 2013.03.19. <P136763> LAM Tai Ning. "In Silico Pharmacokinetic System (version 62)". The software is under continuous development. 2013.05.28. <P137225> YOU Hoi Sze Joyce. "Cost-Effectiveness of New Oral Anticoagulants for Patients with Atrial Fibrillation - A Decision Analysis". Paper presented in the ISPOR 18th Annual International Meeting, organized by International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Rsearch, 1 pgs. New Orleans, United States of America, 2013.05.18. <P138000> ZHANG Dalei; ZHANG Jilin; ZUO Zhong and LIAO Linchuan. "A retrospective analysis of data from toxic substance-related cases in Northeast China (Heilongjiang) between 2000 and 2010". Forensic Science International vol.231 pp.172-177. United States of America, 2013.06.07. <P139310> ZHANG, Zhen; LAM Tai Ning and ZUO Zhong. "Radix Puerariae: An overview of Its Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Use". Journal of Clinical Pharmacology pp.787-811. 2013.05.16. Department of Pharmacy <P139317> WANG Yanfeng; WANG Zhijun; ZUO Zhong; TOMLINSON Brian; LEE Benjamin T.k.; BOLGER B. Michael and CHOW Moses S.s.. "Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Buffered Propranolol Sublingual Tablet (PromptolTM)-Application of a New "Physiologically Based" Model to Assess Absorption and Disposition". AAPS Journal 2013.04.19. See Also<P115393 >, <P120238 >, <P120365 >, <P121203 >, <P121730 >, <P122104 >, <P122283 >, <P122364 >, <P123851 >, <P124718 >, <P124773 >, <P125119 >, <P125447 >, <P125680 >,<P125788 >, <P125813 >, <P125954 >, <P126294 >, <P127862 >, <P128134 >, <P128320 >, <P128562 >, <P129549 >, <P129735 >, <P133584 >, <P132588 >, <P133041 >, <P133456 >, <P133736 >, <P134051 >, <P134160 >, <P134880 >, <P134969 >, <P135232 >, <P137591 >, <P137758 >, <P138625 >, <P138731 >, <P139358 > Department of Psychiatry <P120045> YAN F; XIANG Yutao; HOU Yz; UNGVARI Gs; DIXON Lb; CHAN Sau Man Sandra; LEE Edwin; LI Wy; LI Wx; ZHU Yl and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Suicide attempt and suicidal ideation and their associations with demographic and clinical correlates and quality of life in Chinese schizophrenia patients". Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 447-54. 2012.07. <P120393> LUI Wing Cheong; LAM Chiu Wa; CHAU Ching Man; FUNG Wai Tung; WONG Mou Lam Billy; LEUNG Tak Yu Grace; LEUNG K F; CHIU Fung Kum Helen; KARLAWISH J H and APPELBAUM P S. "Capacity to make decisions on medication management in Chinese older persons with mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer's disease". International Psychogeriatrics vol.24 no.7, 9 pgs. 2012.07. <P120651> TANG Wai Kwong; LIANG Huajun; CHAN Fu; MAK Shun Chi Mercedes and UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "Clinical characteristics of cough mixture abusers referred to three substance abuse clinics in Hong Kong: a retrospective study.". East Asian Archives of Psychiatry vol.22 no.4, pp.154-155. 2012.12.17. <P120691> XHOU Jj; XIANG Yutao; WANG Cy; ZHOU Fc; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor; DICKERSON F; CHIU Fung Kum Helen; LAI Yee Ching Kelly; SHUM Dhk; LEE E; AU, Wing Cheong; TANG Wai Kwong and MAN D. "Prospective memory deficits in euthymic bipolar disorder patients: a preliminary study.". Asia-Pacific Psychiatry. pp.pending. 2012.10.01. <P120735> XIANG Yutao; LAI Yee Ching Kelly and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Prescribing patterns of antidepressants, antipsychotics and mood stabilizers in bipolar patients misdiagnosed with major depressive disorder in China.". Hum Psychopharmacol pp.626-31. 2012.11. <P120803> MA Suk Ling; HUANG Wei; TANG Leung Sang Nelson and LAM Chiu Wa. "MxA polymorphisms are associated with risk and age-at-onset in Alzheimer's disease and accelerated cognitive decline in Chinese elders". Rejuvenation Research 2012.09.05. <P121391> CHEN S; CONWELL Y; VANORDEN K; LU N; FANG Y; MA Yan; FAN H; JIN T and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Prevalence and Natural Course of Late-Life Depression in China Primary Care: A Population Based Study from an Urban Community". Journal of Affective disorders 2012. <P121591> MAK Dun Ping; WU Che Yuen Justin; CHAN Yawen; CHAN Ka Leung Francis; SUNG Joseph Jao-yiu and LEE Sing. "Dyspepsia is Strongly Associated with Major Depression and Generalised Anxiety Disorder - A Community Study". Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics vol.36 no.8, pp.800-810. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012.10. Department of Psychiatry <P122095> XIANG Yutao; HOU Yz; YAN F; DIXON Lb; UNGVARI Gs; LI Wy; LI Wx; ZHU Yl; CHAN Sau Man Sandra; LEE Eh and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Quality of Life in Community-Dwelling Patients With Schizophrenia in China". J Nerv Ment Dis vol.200 no.7, pp.584-587. 2012.07. <P122288> KESSLER C. Ronald; AGUILAR-GAXIOLA Sergio; ALONSO Jordi; CHATTERJI Somnath; HE Yanling; HEERINGA Steve; LEE Sing and ORMEL Johan. "Global Mental Health Epidemiology". 21st Century Global Mental Health ed. by Sorel E. pp.3-36. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc., 2012. <P122317> LIANG Huajun; TANG Wai Kwong; LAM M; LEUNG Wing Nang; SUN Waizhu and UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnoses in Persons with Ketamine Abuse.". Paper presented in the The Third Joint International Conference of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists and the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK)., 1 pgs. 2012.12.08. <P122367> MAK Dun Ping; WU Che Yuen; CHAN Y; CHAN F K L; SUNG Joseph J Y and LEE Sing. "Commentary: psychological disorders linked to functional dyspepsia – authors’ reply". Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics vol.36 no.11-12 1100-1101 pgs. 2012.12. <P123154> YANG Hc; XIANG Yutao; LIU Tb; HAN R; WANG G; HU C; LI Lj; WANG Xp; PENG Hj; SI Tm; FANG Yr; YUAN Cm; LU Z; HU J; CHEN Zy; HUANG Y; SUN J; LI Hc; ZHANG Jb and ANGST J. "Hypomanic symptoms assessed by the HCL-32 in patients with major depressive disorder: a multicenter trial across China J Affect Disord 203-7. 2012.12. <P123184> XIANG Yutao; KREYENBUHL J; DICKERSON Fb; UNGVARI Gs; WANG Cy; SI Tm; LEE Edwin; HE Yl; CHIU Fung Kum Helen; YANG Sy; CHONG My; TAN Ch; KUA Eh; FUJII S; SIM K; YONG Mk; TRIVEDI Jk; CHUNG Ek; UDOMRATN P; CHEE Ky; SARTORIUS N and SHINFUKU N. "Use of first- and second-generation antipsychotic medications in older patients with schizophrenia in Asia (2001-2009)". Aust N Z J Psychiatry 1159-64. 2012.12. <P123609> LAM Siu Ping; LI, Xin; CHAN Wing Yan Joey; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; TSOH Mei Yuek Joshua; CHAN Yin Yan Anne; YU Wai Man Mandy; LAU Yin Kei; ZHANG Jihui; LAM Venny; HO Kwok Wah Crover and WING Yun Kwok. "Does REM sleep behavior disorder exist in psychiatric populations? A clinical and polysomnographic case-control study". Sleep Medicine 2012.07. <P123878> POON, Chin Man; LEE Shui Shan and LEE Sing. "Early Uptake of Seasonal Influenza Vaccines Incorporated with pH1N1 Strain among Regularly Vaccinated Healthcare Workers". Journal of Infection Prevention 2012.09.25. Department of Psychiatry <P124069> TANG Wai Kwong; CHEN Yang Kun; LU Jin Yan; LIANG Huajun; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Cerebral microbleeds and suicidality in stroke.". Paper presented in the . The Third Joint International Conference of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists and the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK)., 1 pgs. 2012.12.08. <P124585> TANG Ka Lam Alan; TANG Wai Kwong; CHAN Fu; MAK Shun Chi Mercedes and UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "Clinical characteristics of cough mixture abusers referred to three substance abuse clinics in Hong Kong: a retrospective study.". Paper presented in the The Third Joint International Conference of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists and the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK)., 1 pgs. 2012.12.08. <P124628> XIANG Yutao; CHIU Fung Kum Helen and LAI Yee Ching Kelly. "Antipsychotic treatment in older schizophrenia patients with extrapyramidal side effects in Asia (2001 - 2009)". Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther pp.500-4. 2012.07. <P125034> KAWAKAMI Norito; ABDULGHANI Abdulrazaq Emad; ALONSO Jordi; BROMET J. Evelyn; BRUFFAERTS Ronny; CALDAS-DE-ALMEIDA Miguel Jose; CHIU Wai-tat; DE GIROLAMO Giovanni; DE GRAAF Ron; FAYYAD John; FERRY Finola; FLORESCU Silvia; GUREJE Oye; HU Chiyi; LAKOMA D. Matthew; LE BLANC William; LEE Sing; LEVINSON Daphna; MALHOTRA Savita; MATSCHINGER Herbert; MEDINA-MORA Elena Maria; NAKAMURA Yosikazu; OAKLEY BROWNE A. Mark; OKOLIYSKI Michail; POSADA-VILLA Jose; SAMPSON A. Nancy; VIANA Carmen Maria and KESSLER C. Ronald. "Early-Life Mental Disorders and Adult Household Income in the World Mental Health Surveys". Biological Psychiatry vol.72 no.3, pp.228-237. 2012.08. <P125056> WING Yun Kwok; ZHANG Jihui; LAM Siu Ping; LI Xin; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; LAI Yee Ching Kelly and LI Man Chim Albert Martin. "Familial aggregation and heritability of insomnia in a community-based study.". Sleep Medicine vol.13 no.8, pp.985-90. 2012.09.01. <P125409> LAM Linda; CHAU Rachel Cm; WONG Billy Ml; FUNG Wai Tung; TAM Woon Chi; LEUNG Tak Yu Grace; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; LEUNG Yip Shing Tony; NG Sammy P and CHAN Wai M. "A 1-Year Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Mind Body Exercise (Tai Chi) with Stretching and Toning Exercise on Cognitive Function in Older Chinese Adults at Risk of Cognitive Decline". Journal of American Medical Directors Assoication vol.13 (6) no.568.e, pp.15-20. 2012.07. <P125578> XIANG Yutao; DICKERSON F; KREYENBUHL J; UNGVARI Gs; WANG Cy; SI Tm; LEE Eh; HE Yl; CHIU Fung Kum Helen; YANG Sy; CHONG My; TAN Ch; KUA Eh; FUJII S; SIM K; YONG Mk; TRIVEDI Jk; CHUNG Ek; UDOMRATN P; CHEE Ky; SARTORIUS N and TAN Ch. "Adjunctive Mood Stabilizer and Benzodiazepine Use in Older Asian Patients with Schizophrenia, 2001-2009". Pharmacopsychiatry 217-22. 2012.09. Department of Psychiatry <P125594> SASAI T; MATSUURA M; WING Yun Kwok and INOUE Y. "Validation of the Japanese version of the REM sleep behavior disorder questionnaire (RBDQ-JP).". Sleep Medicine vol.13 no.7, pp.913-8. 2012.08.01. <P125897> LIANG Huajun; LAU Chieh Grace; TANG Wai Kwong; TANG Ka Lam Alan and UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "Six-month Outcomes for Patients Attending A Substance Abuse Clinic in Hong Kong: A Retrospective Study.". Paper presented in the The Third Joint International Conference of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists and the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK)., 1 pgs. 2012.12.08. <P126010> TANG Wai Kwong; LU Jin Yan; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor; WONG Ka Sing Lawrence and KWAN Kwok Leung Patrick. "Anxiety symptoms in patients with frontal lobe epilepsy versus generalized epilepsy.". Paper presented in the The Third Joint International Conference of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists and the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK)., 1 pgs. 2012.12.08. <P126206> XIANG Yutao and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Common use of antipsychotic polypharmacy in older Asian patients with schizophrenia (2001-2009)". J Clin Psychopharmacol pp.809-13. 2012.12. <P126501> XIANG Yutao; HU C; WANG G; UNGVARI Gs; DICKERSON Fb; KILBOURNE Am; LAI Yee Ching Kelly; SI Tm; FANG Yr; LU Z; YANG Hc; HU J; CHEN Zy; HUANG Y; SUN J; WANG Xp; LI Hc; ZHANG Jb and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Screening for bipolar disorder with the Mood Disorders Questionnaire in patients diagnosed as major depressive disorder - The experience in China". J Affect Disord 2012.12. <P126613> CHIU Fung Kum Helen; XIANG Yutao; DAI Jing; CHAN Sau Man Sandra; LEUNG Yip Shing Tony; YU X; HOU Zj; UNGVARI Gs and CAINE Ed. "The Prevalence of Sleep Problems and Their Socio-Demographic and Clinical Correlates in Young Chinese Rural Residents.". Psychaitry Research In press. 789-94. 2012.12. <P126784> TANG Wai Kwong; CHEN Yang Kun; LU Jin Yan; WONG A; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Absence of cerebral microbleeds predicts reversion of vascular cognitive impairment no dementia in stroke.". International Journal of Stroke vol.6 no.6, pp.498-505. 2012.12.01. <P127090> LEE Sing; NG King Lam Jenny; KWOK Pik San Kathleen; THOMAS Jennifer J. and BECKER Anne E.. "Gastrointestinal dysfunction in Chinese patients with fat-phobic and nonfat-phobic anorexia nervosa". Transcultural Psychiatry vol.49 no.5, pp.678-695. 2012.11. Department of Psychiatry <P127149> LI, Xin; LAM Siu Ping; CHAN Wing Yan Joey; YU Wai Man Mandy and WING Yun Kwok. "Residual Sleep Disturbances in Patients Remitted form Major Depressive Disorder: A 4-year Naturalistic Follow-up Study". Sleep vol.35 no.8, pp.1153-1161. 2012.08. <P127588> CHIU Fung Kum Helen; CHAN Sau Man Sandra and CAINE Ed. "Suicide Prevention in the Asia Pacific Region.". Asia pacific journal of psychiatry vol.4 pp.3-4. 2012. <P128074> WU, Nini; LAM Mei Ho and WANG Qian. "Hong Kong Early Adolescents’ Computer Game Playing and Their Academic Functioning: The Moderating Role of Parental Monitoring". ed. by ISSBD2012. pp.1.42. 2012.07.08. <P128131> KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; LAM Chiu Wa; SEA Man Mei; GOGGINS III William Bernard and WOO Jean. "A Randomized Controlled Trial of Dietetic Interventions to Prevent Cognitive Decline in Old Age Hostel Residents". European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 66 (10): 1135–1140. 2012.10. <P128299> CHENG Sheung Tak; LAU Rosanna Wl; MAK Emily Pm; NG Natalie Ss; LAM Chiu Wa; FUNG Hoi Lam Helene; LAI Julian Cl; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy and LEE Tze Fan Diana. "A Benefit-Finding Intervention for Family Caregivers of Persons with Alzheimer Disease: Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial". Trials vol.13 pp.98. 2012.08. <P128324> CHIU Fung Kum Helen; TSOH Mei Yuek Joshua and LI Siu Wah. "Prevention of mental Disorders in Late Life - Perspectives from Hong Kong.". Hong Kong Journal of Mental Health vol.38 no.1, pp.5-9. 2012. <P128384> TANG Wai Kwong; LU Jin Yan; LIANG Huajun; CHAN Tsz Ting; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Is insomnia associated with suicidality in stroke?". Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation vol.92 no.8, pp.1336-1338. 2012.08.01. <P128555> CHENG Hui Green; HUANG Yue-qin; LIU Zhaorui; ZHANG Mingyuan; LEE Sing; SHEN Yucun; HE Yanling; ANTHONY James Christopher and KESSLER Ronald C.. "Disability associated with mental disorders in metropolitan China: An application of the quantile regression approach". Psychiatry Research vol.199 no.3, pp.212-219. Ireland: Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2012.10. <P129007> AU, Wing Cheong; SHUM D; MAN D; LEE E; XIANG Yutao; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and TANG Wai Kwong. "Assessment of prospective memory in schizophrenia using the Chinese version of Cambridge Prospective Memory Test: A controlled study.". Asia Pacific Psychiatry pp.pending. 2012.07.31. Department of Psychiatry <P129016> XIANG Yutao; HU C; UNGVARI Gs; DICKERSON Fb; KILBOURNE Am; SI Tm; FANG Yr; LU Z; YANG Hc; CHIU Fung Kum Helen; LAI Yee Ching Kelly; HU J; CHEN Zy; HUANG Y; SUN J; WANG Xp; LI Hc; ZHANG Jb and WANG G. "Undiagnosed bipolar disorder in patients treated for major depression in China". J Affect Disord vol.140 no.2, pp.181-186. 2012.10. <P129022> LAU Chieh Grace; TANG Wai Kwong; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; WONG Ka Sing Lawrence and UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. ". Predictors of depressive symptomatology of family caregivers of Chinese stroke patients in Hong Kong.". Paper presented in the The Third Joint International Conference of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists and the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK)., 1 pgs. 2012.12.08. <P129067> XIANG Yutao and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Mental health in China: challenges and progress". Lancet pp.1715-6. 2012.11. <P129147> CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Professor Pow-Meng Yap - A Giant in Psychiatry from Hong Kong.". Asia pacific journal of psychiatry vol.4 pp.84-86. 2012. <P129154> HO Ecl; CHIU Fung Kum Helen; CHONG My; YU X; KUNDADAH G and KUA Eh. "Elderly Suicide in Chinese Populations.". Asia pacific psychiatry vol.4 pp.5-9. 2012. <P129318> TANG Ka Lam Alan; TANG Wai Kwong; LIANG Huajun and UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "Epidemiology, clinical characteristics, and outcome of clients referred to the Prince of Wales Hospital Postnatal Depression Clinic.". Paper presented in the The Third Joint International Conference of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists and the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK)., 1 pgs. 2012.12.08. <P129406> TANG Wai Kwong; LIANG Huajun; CHEN Yang Kun; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "White Matter Hyperintensities and Quality of Life in Acute Lacunar Stroke.". Journal of Neurological Sciences (Ireland) pp.pending. 2012.12.01. <P129416> TANG Wai Kwong; CHEN Yang Kun; LIANG Huajun; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Cerebral microbleed and suicidality in stroke.". Psychosomatics vol.53 no.5, pp.439-45. 2012.09.01. <P129464> LAM Chiu Wa; CHAU Ching Man; WONG Mou Lam Billy; FUNG Wai Tung; TAM Woon Chi; LEUNG Tak Yu Grace; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; LEUNG TONY; NG S P and CHAN W M. "A 1 year randomized cotnrolled trial comparing mind body exercise (Tai Chi) with stretching and toning exercise in older Chinese adults at risk of cognitive decline". Journal of American Medical Director’s Association vol.13 no.6, 6 pgs. 2012.07. Department of Psychiatry <P129564> ZHANG Jihui; LAM Siu Ping and WING Yun Kwok. "Longitudinal studies of insomnia: current state and future challenges". Sleep Medicine vol.13 no.9, pp.1113-4. 2012.10.01. <P130144> TANG Wai Kwong; CHEN Yang Kun; LIANG Huajun; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; WONG Ka Sing Lawrence and UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "Location of infarcts and apathy in ischemic stroke.". Cerebrovascular Diseases pp.pending. 2013.04.01. <P130368> ZENG Jy; AN Fr; XIANG Yutao; QI Yk; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor; NEWHOUSE R; YU Dsf; LAI Yee Ching Kelly; YU Ly; DING Ym; TANG Wai Kwong; WU Pp; HOU Zj and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Frequency and Risk Factors of Workplace Violence on Psychiatric Nurses and Its Impact on Their Quality of Life in China.". Psychiatry Research pp.pending. 2013.06.16. <P130651> MAK Dun Ping and LAM Chiu Wa. "Neurocognitive Profiles of People with Borderline Personality Disorder". Current Opinion in Psychiatry vol.26 no.1, pp.90-6. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., 2013.01.26. <P131067> HOU J; WONG Sys; YIP Bhk; LO Hhm; CHAN Phs; LO Csl; KWOK Tcy; TANG Wai Kwong; MAK Wing Sze Winnie; MERCER Sw and MA Hsw. "Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Program Improves Family Caregivers’ Mental Well-being: A Randomized Controlled Trial.". Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics pp.pending. 2013.05.31. <P131417> AU, Wing Cheong; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor; LEE E; MAN D; SHUM D; XIANG Yutao and TANG Wai Kwong. "Prospective Memory Impairment and its Implications for Community Living Skills in Bipolar Disorder. ". pp.pending. 2013.05.17. <P131543> LIANG Huajun; LAU Chieh Grace; TANG Ka Lam Alan; CHAN Fu; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and TANG Wai Kwong. "Cognitive impairments in poly-drug ketamine users.". Addictive Behaviors 38 11 2661-2666. 2013.06.28. <P131570> TANG Wai Kwong; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; LIAO Cd; LIANG Huajun; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Serotonin Receptor 2C Gene Polymorphism in Chinese Patients with Poststroke Depression.". Genetics and Molecular Research vol.8 no.4, pp.346-356. 2013.04.01. <P132003> TANG Wai Kwong; LIANG Huajun; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Serotonin receptor 2C gene polymorphism associated with post-stroke depression in Chinese patients.". Paper presented in the Brain 2013, 1 pgs. 2013.01.18. Department of Psychiatry <P132339> LIU, Xiangxin 劉向欣; LAU Chieh Grace; TANG Wai Kwong; WONG Ka Sing Lawrence; MOK Chung Tong Vincent and UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "Predictors of the depressive symptomatology in family caregivers of stroke patients in Hong Kong.". Paper presented in the BRAIN 2013 The Tenth Asia Pacific Multidisciplinary Meeting for Nervous System Diseases., 1 pgs. 2013.01.18. <P132409> LIU, Xiangxin 劉向欣; TANG Wai Kwong; LIANG Huajun; CHEN Yang Kun; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; ABRIGO J; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Poststroke Fatigue is associated with caudate infarcts.". Paper presented in the BRAIN 2013 The Tenth Asia Pacific Multidisciplinary Meeting for Nervous System Diseases., 1 pgs. 2013.01.18. <P132431> ZHOU Fc; XIANG Yutao; WANG Cy; DICKERSON F; KREYENBUBHL J; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor; AU, Wing Cheong; ZHOU Jj; ZHOU Y; SHUM D; MAN D; LAI Yee Ching Kelly; TANG Wai Kwong; YU X and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Predictive value of prospective memory for remission in first-episode schizophrenia.". Perspectives in Psychiatric Care pp.pending. 2013.04.23. <P133441> STEIN J. Dan; KOENEN C. Karestan; FRIEDMAN J. Matthew; HILL Eric; MCLAUGHLIN A. Katie; PETUKHOVA Maria; RUSCIO Meron Ayelet; SHAHLY Victoria; SPIEGEL David; BORGES Guilherme; BUNTING Brendan; CALDAS-DE-ALMEIDA Miguel Jose; DE GIROLAMO Giovanni; DEMYTTENAERE Koen; FLORESCU Silvia; HARO Maria Josep; KARAM G. Elie; KOVESS-MASFETY Viviane; LEE Sing; MATSCHINGER Herbert; MLADENOVA Maya; POSADA-VILLA Jose; TACHIMORI Hisateru; VIANA Carmen Maria and KESSLER C. Ronald. "Dissociation in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Evidence from the World Mental Health Surveys". Biological Psychiatry vol.73 no.4, pp.302-312. 2013.02.15. <P133699> LI Xin; LAM Siu Ping and WING Yun Kwok. "Looking beyond the sleep complaints: a link to suicidality". J Clin Psychiatry vol.74 no.2, pp.192. 2013.02.01. <P133882> TANG Wai Kwong; CHEN Yang Kun; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Frontal Lobe Atrophy in Poststroke Depression.". Stroke Research and Treatment pp.pending. 2013.01.01. <P134016> MAK Dun Ping; WU Che Yuen Justin; CHAN Yawen; CHAN Ka Leung Francis; SUNG Joseph Jao-yiu and LEE Sing. " Letter: Dyspepsia, Anxiety and Depression - Authors' Reply". Alimentary Pharmacology Ltd., 2013.01. and Therapeutics vol.37 no.1, pp.167-8. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Department of Psychiatry <P134126> TANG Wai Kwong; LIANG Huajun; CHEN, YANGKUN; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. ". Is Pain Associated with Suicidality in Stroke?". Paper presented in the The Tenth Asia Pacific Multidisciplinary Meeting for Nervous System Diseases., 1 pgs. 2013.01.18. <P134374> XIANG Yutao; CHIU Fung Kum Helen and LAI Yee Ching Kelly. "Use of clozapine in older Asian patients with schizophrenia between 2001 and 2009". PLoS One pp.e66154. 2013.06. <P134775> XIANG Yutao. "The type 2 diabetes mellitus susceptibility gene IGF2BP2 is associated with schizophrenia in a Han Chinese population.". J Clin Psychiatry pp.e287-92. 2013.04. <P134957> TANG Wai Kwong; LIANG Huajun; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Association between High Serum Total Bilirubin Levels and Poststroke Depression". Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences vol.67 no.4, pp.259-264. 2013.05.01. <P135772> LUO Chunliu; ZHANG Jihui and PAN Jiyang. "One-year course and effects of insomnia in rural Chinese adolescents.". Sleep vol.36 no.3, pp.377-84. 2013.03.01. <P136098> TANG Wai Kwong; CHEN, Yang Kun; LU Jin Yan; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; UNGVARI Gabor and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Frontal Lobe Atrophy in Depression after Stroke". Stroke Research and Treatment Article ID 424769. vol.2013 pp.4 pages. 2013.02.15. <P136186> XIANG Yutao; LAI Yee Ching Kelly and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Psychometric properties of the Chinese versions of the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology - Clinician Rating (C-QIDS-C) and Self-Report (C-QIDS-SR).". J Affect Disord pp.421-4. 2013.05. <P136945> ZHANG Jihui; LAMERS Femke; HICKIE Ian; HE Jian-ping; FEIG Emily and MERIKANGAS Kathleen. "Differentiating nonrestorative sleep from nocturnal insomnia symptoms: demographic, clinical, inflammatory, and functional correlates.". Sleep vol.36 no.5, pp.671-9. 2013.05.01. <P137142> TANG Wai Kwong; LIANG Huajun; CHEN Yang Kun; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; ABRIGO Jill Morales; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Poststroke Fatigue is associated with caudate infarcts.". Journal of Neurological Sciences (Ireland) vol.324 no.1-2, pp.131-135. 2013.01.15. Department of Psychiatry <P137160> TANG Wai Kwong; LAM Ming; LEUNG Wing Nang; SUN Waizhu; CHAN Tt and UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnoses in Persons with Ketamine Abuse.". Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 33 2 164-9. 2013.04.06. <P137446> TANG Wai Kwong; LIANG Huajun; LAU Chieh Grace; TANG Ka Lam Alan and UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "Relationship between cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms in current ketamine users.". Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs vol.74 no.3, pp.460-468. 2013.03.01. <P137454> TANG Wai Kwong; CHEN Yang Kun; LIANG Huajun; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Cerebral microbleeds and suicidality in stroke". Paper presented in the BRAIN 2013, 1 pgs. 2013.01.18. <P138570> XIANG Yutao; LAI Yee Ching Kelly and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Sociodemographic and clinical features of bipolar disorder patients misdiagnosed with major depressive disorder in China". Bipolar Disord pp.199-205. 2013.03. <P138734> LAI Yee Ching Kelly; LEUNG Wing Leung Patrick; LUK Siu Luen; WONG S Y Ann; LAW L. S. C. and HO Karen. "Validation of the Chinese Strengths and Weaknesses of ADHD-symptoms and Normal Behaviours in Hong Kong". Journal of Attention Disorders vol.17 no.3, pp.194-202. 2013.04. <P139094> MA Suk Ling; LAU San Shing; SUEN Wai Chiu; LAM Chiu Wa; LEUNG Ping Chung; WOO Jean and TANG Leung Sang Nelson. " Telomere length and cognitive function in southern Chinese community-dwelling male elders.". Age and Ageing 2013.03.21. <P139143> XIANG Yutao; CHIU Fung Kum Helen and LAI Yee Ching Kelly. "The prevalence of insomnia and its socio-demographic and clinical correlates in older adults in rural China: a pilot study". Aging Ment Health pp.761-765. 2013.06. <P139234> TANG Wai Kwong; LIANG Huajun; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Is pain associated with suicidality in stroke?". Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation vol.94 no.5, pp.863-866. 2013.05.01. <P139423> MA Suk Ling; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; LEUNG Tak Yu Grace; FUNG Wai Tung and LAM Chiu Wa. "Estrogen Receptor α Polymorphisms and the Risk of Cognitive Decline: A 2-Year Follow-Up Study". Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2013.01.11. Department of Psychiatry <P139455> XIANG Yutao; LI Lj; ZHOU Jj; WANG Cy; DIXON Lb; DICKERSON F; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor; ZHANG Xy; SHUM Dhk; AU, Wing Cheong; TANG Wai Kwong; MAN D and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Quality of life of patients with euthymic bipolar disorder and its associations with demographic and clinical characteristics, psychopathology and cognitive deficits.". Perspectives in Psychiatric Care pp.pending. 2013.03.15. <P139901> TANG Wai Kwong; LIANG Huajun; CHEN Yang Kun; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "White matter hyperintensities and quality of life in acute lacunar stroke.". Paper presented in the Brain 2013, 1 pgs. 2013.01.18. See Also<P120155 >, <P120714 >, <P122766 >, <P123540 >, <P124148 >, <P124949 >, <P125696 >, <P125773 >, <P127779 >, <P133931 >, <P134447 >, <P134925 >, <P135751 >, <P136464 >, <P137421 >, <P139336 > The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P119911> CHAN Chung Hong; WONG Billy; TANG Jinling and NG Daniel. "Gender Difference in Snoring and How It Changes with Age: Systematice Review and Meta-regression". Sleep and Breathing 16 (4): 977–986. 2012.12. <P120016> CHUNG RY; LEUNG M Gabriel; COWLING J Benjamin and SCHOOLING M C. "Patterns of and Hypotheses for Infection-related Cancers in a Chinese Population with Rapid Economic Development.". Epidemiology and Infection 2012. vol.140 no.10, pp.1904-19. 2012.10. <P120019> ABRAHAM Anisha; LAU Chun Hong; WONG Lillian and KIM Jean Hee. "Health Risk Screening Practices by Providers and Associated Factors among University Students in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 44th APACPH Conference, organized by The Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, October 2012, 1 pgs. Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2012.10. <P120049> LEE Albert and TSANG Kwong Ka. "Letter to Editor – Feasibility of Utilization of Experts Outside the Country for Education Intervention on Adolescent Health: Case Study on Macao General Practitioners". Medical Teacher vol.34 no.7 pp.597. 2012.07. <P120075> YANG Guojing; SUN Leping; HONG Qingbiao; ZHU Hongru; YANG Kun; GAO Qi and ZHOU Xiaonong. "Optimizing Molluscicide Treatment Strategies in Different Control Stages of Schistosomiasis in the People's Republic of China". Parasites & Vectors vol.5 no.260, 8 pages. 2012.11. <P120235> YANG Nan. "Elderly care services based on community health centre in Pearl River Delta region". The Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research pp.77. Beijing, 2012.11.01. <P120283> LIN Hualiang; NING Bofu; LI Jihua; HO CHAN Suzanne; HUSS Anke; VERMEULEN Roel and TIAN Linwei. "Lung Cancer Mortality Among Women in Xuan Wei, China: A Comparison of Spatial Clustering Detection Methods". Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health , published online 1 May 2012, doi:10.1177/1010539512444778. pp.1–11. 2012. <P120383> LAO Xiangqian、 余德新、 朱 德香、 杨 新跃、 石 新山 及 高 燕华. <正己烷中毒早期生物学 标志物的研究进展>. 《中華勞動衛生職業病雜誌》 第 30 卷 第 10 期, 頁 789–791. 2012.10. <P120404> YU Tak Sun Ignatius; TSE Lap Ah and QIU Hong. "Chapter 13 Occupational Lung Cancer in "A Clinical Guide to Occupational and Environmental Lung Diseases"". Humana Press ed. by YT Huang, AJ Ghio, LA Maier. 1 ed. pp.251-264. USA, New York, 2012. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P120452> WANG Haoxiang; ZHOU Quan and WANG Jia Ji. trans. <Community Health Promotion and Disease Prevention [In Chinese]>. 《 Maxcy-Rosenau-Last Public Health and Preventive Medicine: Fifteenth Edition [Trans] 》 ISBN 978-7-117-15316-4/R•15317 pp. 1151-6. Beijing: People''s Medical Publishing House, 2012.08. <P120660> RODAS Jamie Rocio; LAU Chun Hong; ZHANG Zhenzhen; GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl; LUK Wai Cheong Scotty and KIM Jean Hee. "Exploring Predictors Influencing Intended and Actual Acceptability of the A/H1N1 Pandemic Vaccine: A Cohort Study of University Students in Hong Kong". Public Health 126 (12): 1007–1012. 2012.12. <P120666> WONG Chi Sang; LAU Tony and LEE Albert. "The Impact of Leadership Programme on Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy in School: A Randomized Controlled Trial". PLoS ONE 7 (12): e52023, 6 pages. 2012.12. <P120713> LIN Sihao; WANG Xiaorong; YU Tak Sun Ignatius; YANO E; COURTICE Midori; QIU Hong and WANG Mianzhen. "Cause Specific Mortality in Relation to Chrysotile Asbestos Exposure in a Chinese Cohort". Journal of Thoracic Oncology vol.7 no.7, pp.1109–1114. 2012.07. <P120790> WEI Xiaolin. "Providing financial incentives to rural-to-urban TB migrants in Shanghai: an intervention study". Paper presented in the The 43rd Union World Conference on Lung Health, 1 pgs. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2012.11.16. <P120793> YUAN Jinqiu; MAO Chen and TANG Jinling. "Correspondence: Risk Factors for Non-communicable Diseases in Prison Populations". Lancet vol.380 no.9849, pp.1227. 2012.10.06. <P120847> TSE Lap Ah; CHEN, Minghui; AU Rkf; WANG Feng; WANG Xiaorong and YU Tak Sun Ignatius. "Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Lung Cancer Mortality in a Historical Cohort of Workers with Asbestosis". Public Health 126 (12): 1013–1016. 2012.12. <P121020> CHUNG Chi Ho; MA Haixia; LAU Chun Hong; WONG Yeung Shan Samuel; YEOH Eng Kiong and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Views on Traditional Chinese Medicine Amongst Chinese Population: A Systematic Review of Qualitative and Quantitative Studies". Health Expectations , published online 31 May 2012, doi:10.1111/j.1369-7625.2012.00794.x. pp.1–8. 2012. <P121221> HE Yonghua. "Attitude and Practice of Professionals on Basic Occupational Health Service in Community Health Service". Paper presented in the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Forum for Occupational Health, organized by 2–3 November 2012, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P121233> WONG Tze Wai. "Air Pollution and Allergic Diseases in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 7th Hong Kong Allergy Convention on "Combating Allergy in the New Era: From Treatment to Prevention", Hong Kong, 15th - 16th September 2012, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.09. <P121311> CHAN Ying Yang Emily; SOUTHGATE Rosamund Jane; LIN Lee Yung; GOGGINS III William Bernard and RODAS Jamie Rocio. "Self-reported Health Impacts of the 2010 Hainan Typhoon, China, and the Effect of Age and Ethnicity". Paper presented in the The 44th Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, organized by Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health , 210 pgs. Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2012.10. <P121382> YIN Xiaoxv; TU Xiaochen; TONG Yeqing; YANG Rui; WANG Yunxia; CAO Shiyi; FAN Hong; WANG Feng; GONG Yanhong; YIN Ping and LU Zuxun. "Development and Validation of a Tuberculosis Medication Adherence Scale". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.12, pp.e50328. 2012.12.12. <P121514> ZEE Chung Ying Benny; LEE Jock Wai and LI Qing. "Method and Device for Retinal Image Analysis. US Non-Provisional Patent No.20120257164". 2012.10.11. <P121847> WESTLEY P Benjamin; DELONG K Allison; TRAY S Chhraing; SOPHEARIN Dim; DUFORT M Elizabeth; NERRIENET Eric; SCHREIER Leann; HARWELL Joseph Irvin and KANTOR Rami. "Prediction of Treatment Failure Using 2010 World Health Organization Guidelines is Associated With High Misclassification Rates and Drug Resistance Among HIV-Infected Cambodian Children.". Clinical Infectious Diseases vol.55 no.3, pp.432-440. 2012.08. <P122062> WANG Bei; HO Steven; HO Kin Fai; HUANG Yu; CHAN Chi Sing; FENG Natale and IP Simon. "An Environmental Chamber Study of the Characteristics of Air Pollutants Released from Environmental Tobacco Smoke". Aerosol and Air Quality Research 12 (6): 1269–1281. 2012.12. <P122091> YAU P S; LEE Shun Cheng; CORBETT James; WANG Chengfeng; CHENG Y and HO Kin Fai. "Estimation of Exhaust Emission from Ocean-going Vessels in Hong Kong". Science of the Total Environment vol.431 no.8, pp.299–306. 2012.08. <P122250> YAM, Ho Kwan; LIU Su; HUANG Hoi Yee Olivia and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Would Extending the Elderly Healthcare Voucher Scheme Help Control Non-communicable Diseases in Hong Kong?". Poster presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong College of Community Medicine 2012.09.15. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P122303> CHUNG Chi Ho; QIN Ying; MAO Chen; WONG Chi-woon Vivian; ZIEA Eric and TANG Jinling. Clinical Evidence on Chinese Medicine: An Electronic Platform of Synopses of Systematic Reviews Paper presented in the Hong Kong International Integrative Medicine Conference 2012, Hospital Authority and Hong Kong Association for Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine 1. Hong Kong, China, 2012.07.06. <P122322> YU, Wing Sze; CHAN Ka Yan; YU Wai Ping Fiona; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LIU King Lok; LAM Tsz Ping and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Abnormal Bone Quality in Osteopenic Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Girls– A Case-control Study". Paper presented in the 19th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST), p.116. Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.07.18. <P122494> YU Tak Sun Ignatius and TSE Lap Ah. "Clinical Epidemiology Workshop 7 – Appraising a Study on Diagnosis". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.18 no.4, pp.325–326. 2012.08. <P122521> WEI Xiaolin. "Financial protection and effective coverage of the rural health insurance scheme in treating uncomplicated tuberculosis patients in China". The Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research Beijing, China, 2012.11.02. <P122586> YAM Ho Kwan; WONG Lai Yi; CHEUNG Wai Ling; CHAN Wan Kin; WONG Yan Yan Fiona and YEOH Eng Kiong. "Framework and Components for Effective Discharge Planning System: A Delphi Methodology". BMC Health Services Research 12: 396, 16 pages. 2012.11. <P122899> YI Huso; ZHENG Tiantian; WAN Yanhai; MANTELL Joanne; PARK Minah and CSETE Joanne. "Occupational Safety and HIV Risk among Female Sex Workers in China: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Sex Work Harms and Mommies.". Global Public Health vol.7 no.8, pp.840–855. 2012.08. <P123025> YU, Wing Sze; CHAN Ka Yan; YU Wai Ping Fiona; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LIU King Lok; LAM Tsz Ping and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Abnormal Bone Quality in Osteopenic Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Girls– A Case-control Study". Paper presented in the 47th Annual Meeting of Scoliosis Research Society (SRS), 1 pgs. Chicago, United States of America, 2012.09.05. <P123077> NEL Juan; YI Huso; SANDFORT Theo and RICH Eileen. "HIV-Untested Men Who Have Sex with Men in South Africa: The Perception of Not Being at Risk and Fear of Being Tested". AIDS and Behavior 17 (1): S51–S59. 2013.05. <P123078> WANG Jia Ji 、 ZHOU Quan 、 ZHOU Zhi Heng 、 WANG Xin Wang 及 WANG Haoxiang. 《General Practice Mock Papers for National Health Professional Technical Qualifying Examination 2013 [In Chinese] 》 . ISBN 978-7-117-16594-5/R•16595. Beijing: People''s Medical Publishing House, 2012.12. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P123099> WEI Xiaolin; YANG Nan; ZHANG Zhenzhen; GAO Yang; WONG Chi Sang; WONG Yeung Shan Samuel; TANG Jinling and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "The developing models of primary-care provision in the Pearl River Delta". Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research pp.84. Beijing: Health System Global, 2012.10.31. <P123172> ZHANG Lihong; YU Wan-hua Amy; WANG Yixiang; WANG Chunmei; ZHAO, Feng; QI Wei; CHAN Wai Man; HUANG Yin; WAI Sen Mun; DONG Jinghui and YEW Dt. "DL-3-n-Butylphthalide, an Anti-Oxidant Agent, Prevents Neurological Deficitis and Cerebral Injury Following Stroke Per Functional Analysis, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Histological Assessment". Current Neurovascular Research vol.9 no.3, pp.167-175. United States of America: 2012 Bentham Science Publishers, 2012.08.01. <P123196> WANG Jia Ji 、 ZHOU Quan 、 CHEN An Wei 、 LI Hong 、 HU Yi Ping 及 WANG Haoxiang. 《General Practice Featured Exam Kits for National Health Professional Technical Qualifying Examination 2013 [In Chinese] 》 . ISBN 978-7-117-16596-9/R•16597. Beijing: People''s Medical Publishing House, 2012.12. <P123233> LEE Albert. "Health Services Research: Reflection from Three decades' Journey". Paper presented in the Malaysian Primary Care Research Group in collaboration with Department of Primary Care Medicine, University Malaya ’Primary Care Research Networking and Collaboration’, organized by University of Malaya, 5 pgs. Malaysia, 2012.11.10. <P123523> YU Tak Sun Ignatius and TSE Lap Ah. "Clinical Epidemiology Workshop 8 — Appraising a Study on Therapy". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.18 no.5, pp.419–420. 2012.10. <P123570> YIN Jia、 ZOU Guanyang、 CHEN J、 YANG H、 MEI J 及 WEI Xiaolin. <流动人口结核病患 者经济补助项目经济学评价>. 《中國公共衛生》 2013.06. <P123576> KIM Jean Hee; WONG, Ho Cheuk Alvin; GOGGINS III William Bernard and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Prevalence and Correlates of Drinking and Driving in Hong Kong Revisited". Paper presented in the Asia-Pacific Conference on Public Health, organized by APACPH, 1 pgs. Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2012.10.15. <P123594> WANG Xiaorong; LIN Sihao; YU Tak Sun Ignatius; QIU Hong; TSE Lap Ah and LAN Yj. "Exposure to chrysotile asbestos increases cancer mortality – a Chinese miner cohort study". Paper presented in the 2012 Annual Scientific Meeting Hong Kong College of Community Medicine: “Occupational Health for All: From Prevention to Rehabilitation”, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2012.09.15. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P123644> MAO Chen and YANG Zuyao Joey. "Re: Mauro Gacci, Giovanni Corona, Matteo Salvi, et al. A systematic review and meta-analysis on the use of phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors alone or in combination with α-blockers for lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic hyperplasia. Eur Urol 2012;61:994-1003". European Urology vol.62 no.2, pp.335. 2012.08.08. <P123677> ABDULLAH Abu Saleh Md.; FU Hua; XIAO Xia; HURLBURT Sarah; NG Patrick; MACLEOD William; GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl and ZHANG Zhiyong. "Second-hand Somke Exposure and Household Smoking Bans in Chinese Families: a Qualitative Study". health and social care in the community vol.20 no.4, pp.356-364. 2012.07. <P123791> TIAN Linwei; PUN Chit Vivian; LIN Hualiang; HOSSAIN Sarah Rafat; WEI Xiaolin and YU Tak Sun Ignatius. "Rapid Reductions in Acute Myocardial Infarction Mortality after Changes in Smoking Policy in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 24th Annual International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Conference, organized by School of Public Health, University of South Carolina, 26–30 August 2013, 1 pgs. Columbia, South Carolina, USA, 2012.08. <P123872> WEI Xiaolin. <珠三角六城市社區衛生服務體系比較研究>. 論文發表於 《第七屆中國社區衛生服 務發展論壇》, 主辦機構為中國社區衛生協會, 1 頁. 上海, 2012.11.27. <P123892> YEOH Eng Kiong; WONG Yan Yan Fiona and CHAN Wan Kin. "Connectivity in Health Systems: An Imperative for Quality and Cost-effectiveness. Health Systems: Challenges, Visions, and Reforms from a Comparative Global Perspective". Asia-Pacific 21st Century Book Series ed. by Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies. pp.1. Hong Kong SAR, 2012. <P123902> YANG Guojing; TANNER Marcel; UTZINGER Jurg; MALONE John; BERGQUIST Robert; CHAN Ying Yang Emily; AO Qi; GAO Qi and ZHOU Xiaonong. "Malaria Surveillance-response Strategies in Different Transmission Zones of the People's Republic of China: Preparing for Climate Change". Malaria Journal vol.11 no.426, pp.8 pages. 2012.12. <P123908> BAIRD Macaran A; RIBA Michelle; LEE Albert; GALVEZ Luis and DENEKE D Edward. "Ch 7 Managing the interface in primary care mental health clinics". Companion to Primary Care Mental Health ed. by Gabriel Ivbijaro. pp.116-137. London, United Kingdom, 2012. <P124060> HO Steven; HO Kin Fai; LIU Suixin; LIU Wandong; LEE Shun Cheng; FUNG Kochy; CAO Junji; ZHANG Renjian; HUANG Yu; FENG Natele and CHENG Yan. "Quantification of Carbonate Carbon in Aerosol Filter Samples Using a Modified Thermal/Optical Carbon Analyzer (M-TOCA)". Analytical Methods vol.4 no.8, pp.2578–2584. 2012.08. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P124156> LEE Albert. "Primary Care Health Services Research: 3 Decades Journey in Health Services". Paper presented in the Malaysia Research Network Group Workshop, organized by Department of Primary Care Medicine, University of Malaya and Malaysian Academy of Family Physicians. University of Malaya, Malaysia 10 November 2012, 1 pgs. 2012.11.10. <P124183> YIN Jia; WEI Xiaolin; ZOU Guanyang and SUN Qiang. "Analysis on TB Patients' Diagnosis and Treatment in Different Approaches of Hospital-TB Linkage". Chinese Journal of Public Health Management vol.28 no.4, pp.407–409. 2012.08. <P124226> HE Yonghua. < 第 六 章 接 觸 評 估 >. 《 毒 理 學 原 理 和 方 法 》 金 泰 廙 編 . 頁 6. ISBN: 978-7-309-09304-9: 复旦大學出版社, 2012.12. <P124301> WANG Haitian; LO Shawhwa; ZHENG Tian and HU Inchi. "Interaction-Based Feature Selection and Classification for High-Dimensional Biological Data". Bioinformatics vol.28 no.21 2834–2842. 2012.11. <P124355> PRICE Rohan; HO John Kong Shan and TSE Lap Ah. "Diesel exhaust disease liability in Hong Kong: The case for a cross-borader legal transplant". The Journal of Comparative Law vol.7 no.1, pp.172-195. Wallinton, United Kingdom, 2012. <P124402> PUN Chit Vivian; LIN Hualiang; KIM Jean Hee; GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl; YU Tak Sun Ignatius and TIAN Linwei. "Impacts of Alcohol Duty Reductions on Cardiovascular Mortality among Elderly Chinese: A 10-year Time-series Analysis". 24th Annual International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Conference organized by School of Public Health, University of South Carolina, 26–30 August 2012, 1 pgs. Columbia, South Carolina, USA, 2012.08. <P124446> HE Yonghua. "Participatory Training on Occupational Safety and Health for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in China". Paper presented in the 2012 International Symposium of Prevention and Rehabilitation of Work Injury, organized by 25–28 October 2012, 1 pgs. Shanghai, China, 2012.10. <P124508> SUN Qiang; ZHAO Mei; HALEY R and WEI Xiaolin. "Hospital Performance in China—Do Location and Hospital Level Matter". Nursing Economics 2012.07.06. <P124559> CHAN Wan Kin; WONG Yan Yan Fiona and CHAN Louis. "What are the Factors Affecting Private Specialists in Choosing a Private Hospital to Admit their Patients?". Paper presented in the Annual Scientific Meeting 2012, organized by Hong Kong College of Community Medicine, 1 pgs. 2012.09.15. <P124582> LEE Albert. "Impact of rapid urbanisation on health". Invited lecture for the Global Health Promotion Module (NA7123), Graduate Programme in Health & Social Science (GPHSS) organized by University of Brighton, 5 pgs. United Kingdom, 2012.12.06. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P124624> WANG Xiaorong; LIN Sihao; YU Tak Sun Ignatius; TSE Lap Ah; LAN Yj and YANO E. "Digestive cancer mortality in chrysotile asbestos miners". Paper presented in the 2012 International Society of Environmental Epidemiology, organized by International Society of Environmental Epidemiology, 1 pgs. South Carolina, United States of America, 2012.08.26. <P124644> WU Siying; ZHU Wei; LI Huangyuan; LIN Shaowei; CHAI Wenli and WANG Xiaorong. "Workplace Violence and its Influencing Factors among Medical Professionals in China". American Journal of Industrial Medicine 55 (11): 1000–1008. 2012.11. <P124646> CHAN Ying Yang Emily. "Is Previous Disaster Experience a Good Predictor for Disaster Preparedness in Community with Extreme Poverty?". Paper presented in the The 1st Annual Congress on Disaster Medicine of Chinese Medical Association, organized by Chinese Medioal Assocation, 100 pgs. Tianjin, China, 2012.10.27. <P124714> SU Xuefen; COLDITZ Graham; COLLINS Laura; BAER Heather; SAMPSON Laura; WILLETT Walter; BERKEY Catherine; SCHNITT Stuart; CONNOLLY James; ROSNER Bernard and TAMIMI Rulla. "Adolescent Intakes of Vitamin D and Calcium and Incidence of Proliferative Benign Breast Disease". Breast Cancer Research and Treatment vol.134 no.2 783–791. 2012.07. <P124869> WANG Haoxiang; ZHAO Qian and WANG Jia Ji. trans. <Risk Communication - An Overlooked Tool for Improving Public Health [In Chinese]>. 《Maxcy-Rosenau-Last Public Health and Preventive Medicine: Fifteenth Edition [Trans] 》 ISBN 978-7-117-15316-4/R•15317 pp. 1157-65. Beijing: People''s Medical Publishing House, 2012.08. <P124870> WU Yunfei; ZHANG Renjian; PU Yifen; ZHANG Leiming; HO Kin Fai and FU Congbin. "Aerosol Optical Properties Observed at a Semi-Arid Rural Site in Northeastern China". Aerosol and Air Quality Research vol.12 no.4, pp.503–514. Taiwan, 2012.08. <P124932> ANSA Gloria Akosua; WALLEY John; SIDDIQI Kamran and WEI Xiaolin. "Assessing the Impact of TB/HIV Services Integration on TB Treatment Outcomes and Their Relevance in TB/HIV Monitoring in Ghana". Infectious Diseases of Poverty 1 :13, 8 pages. 2012.12. <P125066> DAI Wenting; HO Steven; HO Kin Fai; LIU Wandong; CAO Junji and LEE Shun Cheng. "Seasonal and Diurnal Variations of Mono- and Di-carbonyls in Xi'an, China". Atmospheric Research vol.113 pp.102–112. 2012.09. <P125138> CHAN Ying Yang Emily; HUNG Kei Ching Kevin; ZHU Yingjia and LEE Po Yi. Disaster Case Study Series Technical Report 4: Hainan Disaster Case Study: Flooding in October of 2010. Disaster Technical Case Report Series 1 pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2012.07. CCOUC The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P125196> GE Erjia and LEUNG Yee. "Detection of Crossover Time Scales in Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis". Journal of Geographical Systems 15 (2): 115–147. 2013.04. <P125238> SONG Qingkun; WANG Xiaorong; YU Tak Sun Ignatius; HUANG Chengyu; ZHOU Xiaoqiao; LI Jun and WANG Dong. "Processed Food Consumption and Risk of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Case-Control Study in the High Risk Area". Cancer Science 103 (11): 2007–2011. 2012.11. <P125260> YANG Zuyao Joey; MAO Chen; WU Xinyin; HUANG Yafang; HU Xuefeng and TANG Jinling. "Chemotherapy with Cetuximab Versus Chemotherapy Along for Chemotherapy-naive Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer". Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 7, Article No.:CD009948, 10 pages. 2012.07. <P125277> MAO Chen; YANG Zuyao Joey; HE Benfu; LIU Shan; ZHOU Junhua; LUO Rongcheng; CHEN Qing and TANG Jinling. "Intervention Review: Toremifene versus Tamoxifen for Advanced Breast Cancer". Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 7, Art.No.: CD008926, 53 pages. 2012.07. <P125387> HUANG Yu; LEE Shun Cheng; HO Kin Fai; HO Steven; CAO Nanying; CHENG Yan and GAO Yuan. "Effect of Ammonia and Ozone-initiated Formation of Indoor Secondary Products with Emissions from Cleaning Products". Atmospheric Environment vol.59 pp.224–231. 2012.11. <P125579> GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl and LEE Jeff. "Developing Primary Care in Hong Kong: Evidence into Practice and the Development of Reference Frameworks". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.18 no.5, pp.429–434. 2012.10. <P125639> WONG Tze Wai; WONG Andromeda Hin Shun; NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn; QIU, Hong and KU Yuk Kwan Susanna. "Levels of PCDDs, PCDFs and Dioxin-like PCBs in Human Milk in Hong Kong Mothers". Science of the total environment vol.463-464 pp.1230-1238. Elsevier, 2012.08.30. <P125803> CHUNG Chi Ho; MA Haixia; LAU Chun Hong and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Organizational Determinants of Interprofessional Collaboration in Integrative Health Care: Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies". PLoS ONE vol.7, Issue 11: e50022, 9 pages. 2012.11. <P126007> RODAS Jamie Rocio; KIM Jean Hee; LAU Chun Hong and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Exploring Anticipated and Actual Acceptability of A/H1N1 vaccinations: A Cohort Study of University Students.". Paper presented in the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health, organized by American Public Health Association, 1 pgs. San Francisco, 2012.10.29. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P126091> YU Tak Sun Ignatius. "Exposure-response Relationship between Cooking Fumes Exposures and Lung Cancer Risk". Paper presented in the 4th ENOC International Occupational Health Conference, organized by Emirates National Oil Company, 18–19 November 2012, 1 pgs. Dubai, 2012.11. <P126385> YU Wenzhou; YU Tak Sun Ignatius; LI Zhimin; WANG Xiaorong; SUN Trevor; LIN Hui; WAN Sabrina; QIU Hong and XIE Shaohua. "Work-related Injuries and Musculoskeletal Disorders among Factory Workers in a Major City of China". Accident Analysis and Prevention vol.48 pp.457–463. 2012.09. <P126392> QIAN Menbao; CHEN Yingdan; LIANG Song; YANG Guojing and ZHOU Xiaonong. "The Global Epidemiology of Clonorchiasis and Its Relation with Cholangiocarcinoma". Infectious Diseases of Poverty vol.1 no.4, 11 pgs. 2012.10. <P126426> WONG Lai Yi. "Overview of Public Private Partnership Framework". Global Symposium of Health Service Research 2012 Beijing 1 pgs. 2012.10.31. <P126490> TSE Lap Ah and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Guest Editorial: Health Protection and Communicable Disease Control in Hong Kong, China". Public Health 126 (12): 999–1000. 2012.12. <P126615> WONG Lai Yi; COULTER Angela; CHEUNG Wai Ling; YAM Ho Kwan; YEOH Eng Kiong and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Patient Experiences with Public Hospital Care: First Benchmark Survey in Hong Kong". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.18 no.5, pp.371–375. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.10. <P126801> LEE Albert. "Home, School and Doctors Partnership to Break the Barriers of HPV Vaccination". Paper presented in the 50th Anniversary Multidisciplinary Conference on Child Health, organized by The Hong Kong Paediatric Society. In collaboration with American Academy of Pediatrics, 5 pgs. Hong Kong, 2012.08.17. <P126879> TSOI, Chi Tak and TSE Lap Ah. "Professional Drivers and Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis". Occupational and Environmental Medicine vol.69 no.11 pp. 831–836. 2012.11. <P126940> WONG Chi Sang; TAM Wai San Wilson; CHEUNG Clement; TONG Ellen; SEK Antonio; CHEUNG N T; LEEDER Stephen and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Medication Adherence to First-line Antihypertensive Drug Class in a Cardiology 167 (4): 1438–1442. 2012.08. Large Chinese Population". International Journal of The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P127275> YANG Zuyao Joey; SHEN Weixi; HU Xuefeng; ZHENG Dayong; WU Xinyin; HUANG Yafang; CHEN Jinzhang; MAO Chen and TANG Jinling. "EGFR Gene Copy Number as a Predictive Biomarker for the Treatment of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer with Anti-EGFR Monoclonal Antibodies: A Meta-analysis". Journal of Hematology and Oncology vol.5 : 52, 9 pages. 2012.08. <P127422> YU Tak Sun Ignatius and TSE Lap Ah. "Clinical Epidemiology Workshop 9—Appraising a study on prognosis". Hong Kong Medical Jouranl 18 (6): 507–508. 2012.12. <P127471> YU, Wing Sze; CHAN Ka Yan; YU Wai Ping Fiona; YEUNG Hiu Yan; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LAM Tsz Ping and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Lower Handgrip Strength in Girls with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) – A Case-control Study". Paper presented in the 9th International Research Society of Spinal Deformity Biannual Scientific Meeting (IRSSD), p.475. Poznan, Poland, 2012.07.01. <P127498> ZHAO Jin; CAI Wende; GAN Yongxia; ZHANG Yan; YANG Zhengrong; CHENG Jinquan; LIN Sihao; HE Mingliang; CHEN Lin and WANG Xiaorong. "A Comparison of HIV Infection and Related Risk Factors Between Money Boys and Noncommercial Men Who Have Sex With Men in Shenzhen, China". Sexually Transmitted Diseases 39 (12): 942–948. 2012.12. <P127559> RAMIREZ Andrea; SARMIENTO Olga; DUPERLY John; WONG Tze Wai; ROJAS Nestor; ARANGO Carlos; MALDONADO Andrea; ARISTIZABAL Gustavo; PEREZ Ligia and LOBELO Felipe. "Should They Play Outside? Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Air Pollution among Schoolchildren in Bogota". Rev. Salud Publica vol.14 no.4, pp.570–583. 2012.08. <P127670> YUAN, Qi and LIU Su. "Using Positive Psychology to Improve Occupational Health: A Systematic Review". Poster presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong College of Community Medicine 2012.09.15. <P127690> WEI Xiaolin; ZOU Guanyang; YIN Jia; WALLEY John; YANG Huaxia; KLINER Merav and MEI Jian. "Providing Financial Incentives to Rural-to-urban TB Migrants in Shanghai: An Intervention Study". Infectious Diseases of Poverty vol.1 no.9, 8 pages. 2012.11. <P127699> GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl; CHUNG Chi Ho; YEOH Eng Kiong; WONG Eric; LAU Chun Hong and MOK Peter Ka Lok. "Attitude Toward Traditional Chinese Medicine among Allopathic Physicians in Hong Kong". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.18 (Suppl.6): S27–29. 2012.12. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P127747> WONG Yan Yan Fiona; CHAN Wan Kin; YAM Ho Kwan; WONG Lai Yi; CHEUNG Wai Ling and YEOH Eng Kiong. "Effective Discharge Planning System in Local Acute and Rehabilitation Hospitals: A Pilot Study". Paper presented in the Annual Scientific Meeting 2012, organized by Hong Kong College of Community Medicine, 1 pgs. 2012.09.15. <P127756> LIN Sihao; WANG Xiaorong; YU Tak Sun Ignatius; MIAO Jy and LI J. "An investigation of children’s health effects of environmental lead pollution resulting from local industries in a rural area of China". Paper presented in the 2012 International Society of Environmental Epidemiology, organized by International Society of Environmental Epidemiology, 1 pgs. South Carolina, United States of America, 2012.08.26. <P127806> WANG Haoxiang; WANG Jia Ji; XU Liang; LI Fang Jian; WANG Wen; WANG Zeng Wu; CHEN Wen Wen; WONG Chi Sang and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Effect of cardiovascular risk-based approach in primary care physician-led management for 19,400 hypertensive patients in southern China". J Hypertens doi: 10.1097/01.hjh.0000419838.43636.bb. vol.30 no.e-Suppl 1 e4. 2012.09. <P127862> WONG Yan Yan Fiona; CHAN Wan Kin; YOU Hoi Sze Joyce; WONG Lai Yi and YEOH Eng Kiong. "A Consensus-based Policy framework on Pharmacist-led Self-management Using the Delphi Process". Journal of Service Science and Management vol.5 no.3 pp.223–229. 2012.09. <P127901> WONG Chi Sang; WANG Haoxiang; WONG Yeung Shan Samuel; WEI Xiaolin; YANG Nan; ZHANG Zhenzhen; LI, Haitao; GAO Yang; LI Donald; TANG Jinling; WANG Jiaji and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Performance Comparison among the Major Healthcare Financing Systems in Six Cities of the Pearl River Delta Region, Mainland China". PLoS ONE vol.7, Issue 9: e46309, 9 pages. 2012.09. <P127951> TSE Lap Ah; CHEN, Minghui; ZHANG Hao and CHEN Wei Hong. "Prediction Models and Optimal Intervals of Radiographic Surveillance for Workers at Different Risks of Silicosis". Paper presented in the 2012 Annual Scientific Meeting Hong Kong College of Community Medicine: “Occupational Health for All: From Prevention to Rehabilitation”, organized by Hong Kong College of Community Medicine, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2012.09.15. <P128029> KIM Jean Hee; CHUNG Chi Ho and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Prevalence and Factors Associated with Acute Adverse Events from Over-the-counter Chinese Herbal Medicines: A Population-based Survey of Hong Kong Chinese Adults". Paper presented in the Annual Meeting of the American of Public Health, organized by American Public Health Association, 1 pgs. San Francisco, 2012.10.29. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P128076> COURTICE Midori; LIN Sihao and WANG Xiaorong. "An updated review on asbestos and related diseases in China". International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health vol.18 no.3, pp.247–253. 2012.09. <P128080> CHAN Wan Kin; WONG Yan Yan Fiona; SO Wing Yee; WONG Carmen and KUNG Kenny. "How Much do Patients Know about Their Medications?". Paper presented in the Annual Scientific Meeting 2012, organized by Hong Kong College of Community Medicine, 1 pgs. 2012.09.15. <P128146> SANDFORT Theo; YI Huso; KNOX Justin and REDDY Vasu. "Sexual Partnership Types as Determinant of HIV Risk in South African MSM: An Event-Level Cluster Analysis". AIDS and Behavior 17 (1): 23–32. 2013.05. <P128160> GUPTA Saurabh; CARMICHAEL Catriona; SIMPSON Christina; CLARKE J Mike; ALLEN Claire; GAO Yang; CHAN Ying Yang Emily and MURRAY Virginia. "Electric Fans for Reducing Adverse Health Impacts in Heatwaves". Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews vol.5 issue 7, Art.No.:CD009888 21 pgs. 2012.07. <P128232> TSE Lap Ah; YU Tak Sun Ignatius; WANG Xiaorong; QIU Hong and AU Joseph Siu Kie. "Synergistic Effect between Alcohol Consumption and Familial Susceptibility on Lung Cancer Risk among Chinese Men". PLoS ONE vol.7, Isssue 7: e40647, 5 pages. 2012.07. <P128285> NGAI Shirley; JONES Alice and TAM Wai San Wilson. "Tai Chi for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)". Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews vol.2012 Issue 7, Art.No.:CD009953, 11 pages. 2012.07. <P128349> WONG Yeung Shan Samuel; KUNG Kenny; WONG Chi Sang; WONG Carmen; TSUI Wendy; CHAN King; LIANG Jun; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; CHEUNG Wai Ling and WONG Lai Yi. "Primary Care Physicians' Response to Pandemic Influenza in Hong Kong: A Mixed Quantitative and Qualitative Study". International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol.16 no.9 687–691. 2012.09. <P128451> CHENG Yan; HO Kin Fai; WU Wenjing; HO Steven; LEE Shun Cheng; HUANG Yu; ZHANG Yunwei; YAU Pui Shan; GAO Yuan and CHAN Chi Sing. "Real-Time Characterization of Particle-Bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons at a Heavily Trafficked Roadside Site". Aerosol and Air Quality Research 12 (6): 1181–1188. 2012.12. <P128486> ROTHERAY K R; AITKEN P; GOGGINS III William Bernard; RAINER Timothy Hudson and GRAHAM C A. "Epidemiology of Injuries Due to Tropical Cyclones in Hong Kong: A retrospective Observational Study". Injury 43 (12): 2055–2059. 2012.12. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P128488> CHAN Ying Yang Emily; GOGGINS III William Bernard; LEE Po Yi; YUE So Kuen; RODAS Jamie Rocio and GAO Yang. "Epidemiological Relationship between Temperature and Injury in an Urban Chinese City". Paper presented in the The 44th Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, organized by The Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health , 180 pgs. Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2012.10. <P128501> YU Tak Sun Ignatius. "Evidence-based Occupational Health Practice". Paper presented in the 2nd Shenzhen-Hong Kong Occupational Health Forum, organized by 3 November 2012, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11. <P128508> CHEN, Minghui and TSE Lap Ah. "Laryngeal Cancer and Silica Dust Exposure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis". American Journal of Industrial Medicine vol.55 no.8 pp.669–676. 2012.08. <P128577> WANG Haoxiang and WANG Jia Ji. "Effects of community-based general practitioners-led care for 12,864 patients with hypertension: study of cardiovascular risk intervention - hypertension (SCRI-HTN) in China". Eur Heart Journal doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehs283. vol.33 no.suppl 1 762-3. 2012.08. <P128590> CHAN Ying Yang Emily; KIM Jean Hee; LIN Lee Yung; CHEUNG Yee Lai Eliza and LEE Po Yi. "Is Previous Disaster Experience a Good Predictor for Disaster Preparedness in Extreme Poverty Households in Remote Muslim Minority Based Community in China?" Journal of Immigrants and Minority Health , published online 22 Dec 2012, doi:10.1007/s10903-012-9761-9 2012. <P128616> LIU Su; YAM, Ho Kwan; HUANG Hoi Yee Olivia and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Evaluation of the Elderly Healthcare Voucher Scheme in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the the Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, pgs. 2012.11.02. <P128687> XU Fei; WANG Youfa; WARE Robert S; TSE Lap Ah; WANG Zhiyong; HONG Xin; DUNSTAN David W and OWEN Neville. "Joint Impact of Physical Activity and Family History on Development of Diabetes among Urban Adults in Mainland China: A Pooled Analysis of Community-based Prospective Cohort Studies". Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health , published online 24 April 2012, doi:10.1177/1010539512443700 pp.1-10. 2012. <P128727> ZHANG Renjian; TAO Jun; HO Kin Fai; SHEN Zhenxing; WANG Gehui; CAO Junji; LIU Suixin; ZHANG Leiming and LEE Shun Cheng. "Characterization of Atmospheric Organic and Elemental Carbon of PM2.5 in a Typical Semi-Arid Area of Northeastern China". Aerosol and Air Quality Research vol.12 no.5, pp.792–802. Taiwan, 2012.10. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P128730> KIM Jean Hee; CHUNG Chi Ho; GOGGINS III William Bernard; KWONG Ming Sum Elizabeth and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Adverse Events in Over-the-Counter Traditional Chinese Medicine Use". Paper presented in the Asia-Pacific Conference on Public Health, organized by Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health, 1 pgs. Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2012.10.15. <P128833> HE Yonghua and YU Tak Sun Ignatius. "Prediction of Return to Work Outcomes under an Injured Worker Case Management Program". p.230-240. 2012.10.17. <P128847> HUANG Jiahao; SU Xuefen and LI Zhigang. "Enzyme-Free and Amplified Fluorescence DNA Detection Using Bimolecular Beacons". Analytical Chemistry vol.84 no.14 pp.5939–5943. 2012.07. <P128923> GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl and ZHOU Xiao-nong. "Why Research Infectious Diseases of Poverty?". Global Report for Research on Infectious Diseases of Poverty pp.8-43. 2012. <P128965> CHAN S.M.; CHAN Cheong Chun; WOO Jean; OBLSSON Claes; MELLSTROM Dan; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Not All Elderly People Benefit from Vitamin D Supplementation with Respect to Physical Function: Results from the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study, Hong Kong". JAGS vol.60 pp.290-295. The American Geriatrics Society, 2012. <P129026> CHAN Louis; CHAN Wan Kin and WONG Yan Yan Fiona. "The Development of a Private Hospital in Hong Kong: A Study on the Perceived Needs of Patient and Affordability". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Annual Scientific Meetiing 2012, organized by Hong Kong College of Community Medicine, 1 pgs. 2012.09.15. <P129387> TSE Lap Ah; FANG Xianghua; WANG Wenzhi; QIU Hong and YU Tak Sun Ignatius. "Incidence of ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke and the association with smoking and smoking cessation: a 10-year multicentre prospective study in China". Public Health 126 (11): 960–966. 2012.11. <P129483> CHEN Xinyu; RAN Pixin; HO Kin Fai; LU Wenju; LI Bing; GU Zhongpeng; SONG Chaojie and WANG Jian. "Concentrations and Size Distributions of Airborne Microorganisms in Guangzhou During Summer". Aerosol and Air Quality Research 12 (6): 1336–1344. 2012.12. <P129499> LEE Albert and KEUNG Mei Wan. "Epidemic of Childhood Obesity Among Chinese Children and Effectiveness of School-Based Interventions". The Health Education Monograph Series vol.29 no.1, pp.37-46. USA, 2012. <P129592> CAO Junji; HUANG H; LEE Shun Cheng; CHOW Judith; ZOU C W; HO Kin Fai and WATSON John. "Indoor/Outdoor Relationships for Organic and Elemental Carbon in PM 2.5 at Residential Homes in Guangzhou, China". Aerosol and Air Quality Research vol.12 no.5, pp.902–910. 2012.10. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P129673> WONG Lai Yi. "Performance Indicators on Patient Experience in Hong Kong Discharge Population". Paper presented in the ISQua’s 29th International Conference Geneva 2012 Switzerland, 1 pgs. 2012.10.21. <P129706> CHAN Wai Kiu and LEE Albert. "Tai Chi Qigong Improves Physiological and Psychosocial Health in People with COPD: A Single-blind, Randomized Controlled Trial". Outstanding Paper Presentation in the 19th Annual Congress of Gerontology organized by Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, 23-26 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.11.24. <P129753> LEE Albert. "Paradigm shift in managing Non-communicable diseases: The Role of Family Physicians". Invited lecture in the Seminar for Department of Family Medicine, University Sains Malaysia 9. Malaysia, 2012.11.06. <P129794> LEE Albert. "Paradigm shift in managing Non-communicable diseases: Moving beyond health sector". Paper presented in the The Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators’ Conference "Benefitting from the Boom - Challenges for the healthcare system’, organized by The Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators, 3 pgs. Perth, Australian, 2012.09.06. <P129800> DAI Wenting; HO Steven; HO Kin Fai and CAO Junji. "Characterization of Particulate-Phase High Molecular Weight Mono-Carbonyls (C#>5) and Dicarbonyls in Urban Atmosphere of Xi'an, China". Aerosol and Air Quality Research vol.12 no.5, pp.892–901. 2012.10. <P129877> KIM Jean Hee; LO Fung Kuk; LAU Chun Hong; KWONG Ming Elizabeth and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Prevalence and correlates of Computer Vision Syndrome in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, organized by American Public Health Association, 1 pgs. San Francisco, 2012.10.28. <P130046> BAIRD M A; RIBA M; LEE Albert and GALVEZ Edward Deneke. "Managing the Interface in Primary Care Mental Health Clinics". Companion to Primary Care Mental Health ed. by Ivbijaro G. pp.1116–1137. London-New York: WONCA and Radcliff Publishing. ISHN-13: 978 1846619 976 9, 2013.02. <P130212> CHAN Wan Kin; WONG Yan Yan Fiona; SO Wing Yee; KUNG Kenny and WONG Carmen. "How Much Do Elders with Chronic Conditions Know About Their Medications?". BMC Geriatrics 13: 59, 7 pages. 2013.06. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P130347> XIE Huiyan; YAO Zhibin; ZHANG Yonghui; XU Yanjun; XU Xiaojun; LIU Tao; LIN Hualiang; LAO Xiangqian; RUTHERFORD Shannon; CHU Cordia; HUANG Cunrui; BAUM Scott and MA Weijun. "Short-term Effects of the 2008 Cold Spell on Mortality in Three Subtropical Cities in Guangdong Province, China". Environmental Health Perspectives vol.121 no.2, pp.210–216. 2013.02. <P130446> MOU J; FELLMETH G; GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl; DAWES M and CHENG Jq. "Tobacco Smoking among Migrant Factory Workers in Shenzhen, China". Nicotine & Tabacco Research vol.15 no.1, pp.69-76. 2013.01. <P130643> YANG Nan; WEI Xiaolin; LI, Haitao; ZHANG Zhenzhen; RODAS Jamie Rocio; WONG Yeung Shan Samuel; WONG Chi Sang; GAO Yang; WANG Jiaji; LI Kwok Tung Donald; TANG Jinling and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Elderly Healthcare Service at the Community Health Centers in the Pearl River Delta Region, China". Family Medicine and Community Health 1 (1): 30–36. 2013.03. <P130976> YU Tak Sun Ignatius; TSE Lap Ah; QIU Hong and LEUNG Chi Chiu. "Impact of smoking on total and major causes of mortality among Chinese silicotics in Hong Kong: effect modifier or confounder?". Paper presented in the 23rd Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH 2.0.13), June 18-2, 2013 in Utrecht, The Netherlands., 1 pgs. 2013.06. <P131046> HUNG Kc Kevin; LAM Chor Chiu; WONG Chi Sang; WONG Tai Wai; CHAN Ying Yang Emily and GRAHAM C A. "Emergency physicians' preparedness for CBRNE incidents in Hong Kong". Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 20 (2): 90–97. 2013.03. <P131168> NAN Hairong; NI Michael; LEE Paul; TAM Wai San Wilson; YU Ying Ying; LAM Tai Hing; LEUNG Gabriel and MCDOWELL Ian. "Psychometric Evaluation of the Chinese Version of the Subjective Happiness Scale". Paper presented in the 46th Annual SER Meeting, organized by The Society of Epidemiologic Research, American Journal of Epidemiology, 177(11 Suppl):S83 pgs. Boston, Massachusetts, 18–21 June 2013, 2013.06. <P131244> YANG Zuyao Joey; YUAN, Jinqiu; MAO Chen; HUANG Yafang; WU Xinyin; GAO Yuanmei and TANG Jinling. "Yoga for Asthma". Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews vol.2013, Issue 2, Art. No.: CD010346, 11 pages. 2013.02. <P131249> WANG Haoxiang and WANG Jia Ji. trans. <Dermatologic Neoplasms [In Chinese]>. 《 Family Medicine - Ambulatory Care and Prevention: Fifth Edition [Trans] 》 ISBN 978-7-5091-6374-0 pp. 96-102. Beijing: People''s Military Medical Press, 2013.01. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P131369> KIM Jean Hee; WONG Ho Cheuk Alvin; GOGGINS III William Bernard and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Drink Driving in Hong Kong: The Competing Effects of Random Breath Testing and Alcohol Tax Reductions". Addiction vol.108 no.7, pp.1217-28. 2013.03.01. <P131377> TSE Lap Ah; CHEN, Minghui; ZHANG Hao; LEUNG Chi Chiu; KROMHOUT Hans; MEIJER Evert; CHEN Wei Hong; YU Tak Sun Ignatius and WONG Tze Wai. "Prediction of Optimal Intervals of Radiological Surveillance for Workers at Different Risks of Silicosis – China’s Experience". Paper presented in the 23rd Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH 2.0.13), June 18-21, 2013 in Utrecht, The Netherlands., 1 pgs. 2013.06. <P131441> LEE Gabrielle Ky; WANG Haoxiang; LIU Kirin Ql; CHEUNG Y; MORISKY Donald E and WONG Chi Sang. "Determinants of medication adherence to antihypertensive medications among a Chinese population using Morisky Medication Adherence Scale". PLoS ONE doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0062775. vol.8 no.4, pp.e62775. 2013.04. <P131690> PUN Chit Vivian; LIN Hualiang; KIM Jean Hee; YIP Hon Kei; CHUNG Chi Ho; WONG Chi Sang; YU Tak Sun Ignatius; GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl and TIAN Linwei. "Impacts of Alcohol Duty Reductions on Cardiovascular Mortality among Elderly Chinese: A 10-year Time Series Analysis". Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 67 (6): 514–518. 2013.06. <P131848> ZHANG Caixia; PAN Mei-xia; LI Bin; WANG Lian; MO Xiong-fei; CHEN Yu-ming; LIN Fang-yu and HO CHAN Suzanne. "Choline and betaine intake is inversely associated with breast cancer risk: a two-stage case-control study in China". Cancer Science 2013. vol.104 no.2, pp.250-8. Japanese Cancer Association, 2013.02. <P131862> FU Chunagdong; ZHU Meifeng; YU Tak Sun Ignatius and HE Yonghua. "Effectiveness of participatory training on improving occupational health in small and medium enterprises in China". International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 19 (2): 85–90. 2013.06. <P131868> MAO Chen; HUANG Yafang; YANG Zuyao Joey; ZHENG Dayong; CHEN Jinzhang and TANG Jinling. "KRAS p.G13D Mutation and Codon 12 Mutations Are Not Created Equal in Predicting Clinical Outcomes of Cetuximab in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer". Cancer 119 (4): 714–721. 2013.02. <P131896> SUN Qiang; YIN Jia; YIN Xiao; ZOU Guanyang; LIANG Mingli; ZHONG Jiemin; WALLEY John and WEI Xiaolin. "Does the Integration of TB Medical Services in the General Hospital Improve the Quality of TB Care? Evidence from a Case Study in China". Journal of Public Health 35 (2): 322–328. 2013.06. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P131911> GAO Yang; CHAN Ying Yang Emily; ZHU Yingjia and WONG Tze Wai. "Adverse Effect of Outdoor Air Pollution on Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Chinese Children". Atmospheric Environment 64 (1): 10–17. 2013.01. <P132012> LEE Jock Wai; ZEE Chung Ying Benny and LI Qing. "Segmentation and Texture Analysis with Multimodel Inference for the Automatic Detection of Exudates in Early Diabetic Retinopathy". Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering vol.6 no.3, pp.298-307. 2013.03. <P132048> YANG Zuyao Joey; YUAN, Jinqiu; DI, Mengyang; ZHENG Dayong; CHEN Jinzhang; DING Hong; WU Xinyin; HUANG Yafang; MAO Chen and TANG Jinling. "Gemcitabine Plus Erlotinib for Advanced Pancreatic Cancer: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis". PLoS ONE 8 (3): e57528, 10 pages. 2013.03. <P132372> CHAN Ying Yang Emily. "Commentary: Bottom Up Disaster Resilience". Nature Geoscience vol.6 pp.327–328. MacMillan Publishers Limited, 2013.05. <P132463> WONG Tze Wai and YIP Sung Tat. "Research Paper: Radiation and Public Health". CIVIC EXCHANGE – Hong Kong’s Independent Non-profit Think Tank 思 滙 – 香 港 的 獨 立 非 牟 利 智 庫. vol.2013 no.4, 54 pgs. 2013.04. <P132744> FUNG Colman Siu-cheung; WONG William Chi-wai; WONG Carlos King-ho; LEE Albert and LAM Cindy Lo-kuen. "Home blood pressure monitoring: A trial on the effect of a structured education program". Austrailian Family Physician vol.42 no.4, pp.233-237. 2013.04. <P132781> WEI Xiaolin; ZOU Guanyang; YIN Jia; WALLY John; ZHOU Biao; YU Yunxian; TIAN Linwei and CHEN Kun. "Characteristics of High Risk People with Cardiovascular Disease in Chinese Rural Areas: Clinical Indicators, Disease Patterns and Drug Treatment". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.1, pp.e54169. 2013.01.18. <P133106> TSE Lap Ah; WANG Feng; YU Tak Sun Ignatius; CHAN Wing Cheong; KWOK Chi Hei and LEUNG Siu Lan. "Preliminary results of a case-control study of night shift work and breast cancer among Hong Kong women". Paper presented in the 23rd Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH 2.0.13), June 18-2, 2013 in Utrecht, The Netherlands., 1 pgs. 2013.06. <P133142> WONG Lai Yi; HUANG Fenwei; WONG Carmen; CHEUNG Wai Ling and WONG Yeung Shan Samuel. "Menopausal Symptoms and Health Outcomes in Hong Kong Women (Global Issues – Public Health)". Poster Presentation in the 20th WONCA World Conference 2013 organized by WONCA, 25–29th June, 2013, 1 pgs. Prague, Czech Republic, 2013.06. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P133534> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; WANG Zixin Johnson; KIM Jean Hee; LAU Man Chun Mason; LAI Hiu Yan and MO Phoenix Kit Han. "Acceptability of HPV Vaccines and Associations with Perceptions Related to HPV and HPV Vaccines among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Hong Kong". PLoS ONE 8 (2): e57204, 12 pages. 2013.02. <P133596> ZHANG Yuanzhi and GE Erjia. "Temporal Scaling Behavior of Sea-level Change in Hong Kong – Multifractal Temporally Weighted Detrended Fluctuation Analysis". Global and Planetary Change vol.100 no.1, pp.362–370. 2013.01. <P133607> TSE Lap Ah; LEUNG Chi Chiu; QIU Hong and YU Tak Sun Ignatius. "Smoking cessation and lung cancer mortality in a historical cohort of workers with silicosis in Hong Kong, 1981-2006". Paper presented in the 23rd Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH 2.0.13), June 18-2, 2013 in Utrecht, The Netherlands., 1 pgs. 2013.06. <P133815> CHUNG Chi Ho; MAO Chen; QIN Ying; TAM Wai San Wilson; WU Xinyin; MA Haixia; ZIEA Eric; WONG Vivian and TANG Jinling. "Add-On Effect of Chinese Herbal Medicine on Mortality in Myocardial Infarction: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trial". Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine vol.2013, Article ID: 675906, 12 pages. 2013.01. <P134007> TAM Wai San Wilson; WONG Lai Yi; WONG, Cho Ying and HUI Shu Cheong David. "Citation Classics: Top 50 Cited Articles in Respiratory System". Respirology vol.18 no.1, pp.71–81. 2013.01. <P134047> QIU Hong; YU Tak Sun Ignatius; WANG Xiaorong; TIAN Linwei; TSE Lap Ah and WONG Tze Wai. "Differential Effects of Fine and Coarse Particles on Daily Emergency Cardiovascular Hospitalizations in Hong Kong". Atmospheric Environment vol.64 pp.296–302. 2013.01. <P134385> WANG Haoxiang; WONG Chi Sang; WONG Yeung Shan Samuel; TANG Jinling; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; YU Cheuk Man; WANG Jia Ji; LI Donald Kt and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "The impact of cardiovascular multimorbidity on healthcare service utilisation under three primary care organisational models in China". Int J Cardiol doi: 10.1016/S0167-5273(13)70530-8. vol.163 no.Suppl 2 S1-S2. 2013.04. <P134455> WANG Haoxiang; WONG Chi Sang; WONG Yeung Shan Samuel; TANG Jinling; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; YU Cheuk Man; WANG Jia Ji; LI Donald Kt and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Factors associated with cardiovascular multimorbidity among primary care patients in southern China". Int J Cardiol doi: 10.1016/S0167-5273(13)70548-5. vol.163 no.Suppl 2 S8-S9. 2013.04. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P134693> WEI Xiaolin; ZOU Guanyang; YIN Jia; WALLY John and SUN Qiang. "Comparing patient care seeking pathways in three models of hospital and TB programme collaboration in China". BMC Infectious Diseases vol.13 no.93, pp.93. 2013.02.20. <P134856> YU Tak Sun Ignatius and TSE Lap Ah. "Workshop 10 — Appraising a Study on Risk Factors or Aetiology". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.19 no.1, pp.50–51. 2013.02. <P134872> LEE Albert. "Helping children and families to combat childhood obesity - a local perspective". Wyeth Nutrition Academy Inaugural Scientific Meeting 6 pgs. Hong Kong, 2013.03.09. <P135094> WONG Lai Yi; LEUNG Ping Chung; PANG Suet Yee; CHENG King Fai; WONG Chun Kwok; LAM Wai Kei Christopher; FUNG Kwok Pui; LAU Tak Fai Joseph; TSE Yee K and KWOK Chi Yui Timothy. "A Herbal Formula for Prevention of Influenza-Like Syndrome: A Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial". Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine vol.19 no.4, pp.253-259. Springer, 2013.04. <P135135> XIE Shaohua; YU Tak Sun Ignatius; TSE Lap Ah; MANG Oscar and YUE Li. "Sex Difference in the Incidence of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Hong Kong 1983–2008: Suggestion of a Potential Protective Role of Oestrogen". European Journal of Cancer vol.49 no.1, pp.150–155. 2013.01. <P135798> WANG Feng; TSE Lap Ah and YU Tak Sun Ignatius. "Night-shift Work and Risk of Breast Cancer: a Meta-analysis". Paper presented in the 23rd Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH 2.0.13), June 18-21, 2013 in Utrecht, The Netherlands., organized by the 23rd Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH 2.0.13), 1 pgs. Utrecht, Netherlands, 2013.06.20. <P135983> ABRAHAM Anisha; WONG Bonnie; YIP Hon Kei and WONG Lillian. "Knowledge, Attitude and Skills Related to Adolescent Sexual Health Education and Counseling among Pediatric Nurses in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 2013 Annual Meeting of HKCCM Society of Adolescent Health, organized by Hong Kong College of Community Medicine, March 2013, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.03. <P136063> LEE Albert and GIBBS Susannah E. "Neurobiology of Food Addiction and Adolescent Obesity Prevention in Low- and Middle-Income Countries". Journal of Adolescent Health vol.52 no.2, Supplement 2: S39–S42. 2013.02. <P137070> CAO J J; ZHU C S; TIE X X; GENG F H; XU H M; HO S H; WANG G H; HAN Y M and HO Kin Fai. "Characteristics and Sources of Carbonaceous Aerosols from Shanghai, China". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (2): 803–817. 2013.01. <P137486> LIU Su and YEUNG Chun. "Measuring Fragmentation of Ambulatory Care in a Tripartite Healthcare The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care System". BMC Health Services Research vol.13 no.176, pp.1–10. 2013.05. <P137592> WANG Xiaorong; COURTICE Midori and LIN Sihao. "Mortality in chrysotile asbestos workers in China". Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine 19 (2): 169–173. 2013.03. <P137702> WANG Xiaorong; LIN Sihao; YU Tak Sun Ignatius; QIU Hong; LAN Yaijia and YANO Eiji. "Cause-specific mortality in a Chinese chrysotile textile worker cohort". Cancer Science 104 (2): 245–249. 2013.02. <P137853> WANG Xiaorong; YANO E; LIN Sihao; COURTICE Midori and YU Tak Sun Ignatius. "Lung cancer mortality in Chinese chrysotile textile workers and mining workers". Paper presented in the Am J Respir Crit Care Med 187: A3666;2013, organized by in American Thoracic Society, 2013 International Conference , 1 pgs. Philadelphia, USA, 2013.05.17. <P137946> WEI Xiaolin. "Financial protection and effective coverage of the rural health insurance scheme in treating uncomplicated tuberculosis patients in China". 4th Union Asia Pacific Region Conference on Lung Health 1 pgs. 2013.04. <P138102> YU Wenzhou; YU Tak Sun Ignatius; WANG Xiaorong; LI Zhimin; WAN Sabrina; QIU Hong; LIN Hui; XIE Shaohua and SUN Trevor. "Effectiveness of Participatory Training for Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial". International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health vol.86 no.4, pp.431–440. 2013.04. <P138137> LIN Z J; TAO J; CHAI F H; FAN S J; YUE J H; ZHU L H; HO Kin Fai and ZHANG R J. "Impact of Relative Humidity and Particles Number Size Distribution on Aerosol Light Extinction in the Urban Area of Guangzhou". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (2): 1115–1128. 2013.02. <P138290> SUGANDHI Nandita and HARWELL Joseph Irvin. "Children With HIV in Low-Prevalence Settings: Finding the Needle in a Haystack.". Clinical Infectious Diseases vol.56 no.5, pp.745-6. 2013.03. <P138367> LIU Su; HU, Xiaojie and MAK Selene Synn Lum. "Comparison of Health Status and Health Care Services Utilization Between Migrants and Natives of the Same Ethnic Origin — The Case of Hong Kong". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 10 (2): 606–622. 2013.02. <P138420> WANG Haoxiang; WONG Chi Sang; WONG Yeung Shan Samuel; TANG Jinling; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; YU Cheuk Man; WANG Jia Ji; LI Donald Kt and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "The profile of cardiovascular multimorbidity among patients in primary care in southern China: a cross-sectional study". Int J Cardiol doi: 10.1016/S0167-5273(13)70603-X. vol.163 no.Suppl 2 S28. 2013.04. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P138490> YUAN Jinqiu; ZHANG, Renjie; YANG Zuyao Joey; LEE Jock Wai; LIU Yali; TIAN Jinhui; QIN, Xiwen; REN Zhengjia; DING Hong; CHEN Qing; MAO Chen and TANG Jinling. "The Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of Oral Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitors for Erectile Dysfunction: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis". European Urology 63 (5): 902–912. 2013.05. <P138663> CAO Shiyi; WANG Feng; TAM Wai San Wilson; TSE Lap Ah; KIM Jean Hee; LIU Junan and LU Zuxun. "A Hybrid Seasonal Prediction Model for Tuberculosis Incidence in China". BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 13: 56, 7 pages. 2013.05. <P138816> WONG Chi Sang; TAM Wai San Wilson; CHEUNG Clement; TONG Ellen; SEK Antonio; JOHN George; CHEUNG N T; YAN Ping Yen Bryan; YU Cheuk Man; LEEDER Stephen and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Initial Antihypertensive Prescription and Switching: A 5 Year Cohort Study from 250,851 Patients". PLoS ONE 8 (1): e53625, 7 pages. 2013.01. <P138875> LIN Hualiang; WANG Hongchun; WU Wei; LANG Lingling; WANG Qinzhou and TIAN Linwei. "The Effects of Smoke-free Legislation on Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis". BMC Public Health 13: 529, 7 pages. 2013.05. <P139013> WANG Haoxiang and WANG Jia Ji. trans. <Cellulitis and Other Bacterial Skin Infections [In Chinese]>. 《 Family Medicine - Ambulatory Care and Prevention: Fifth Edition [Trans] 》 ISBN 978-7-5091-6374-0 pp. 50-8. Beijing: People''s Military Medical Press, 2013.01. <P139387> CHUNG Chi Ho; MA Haixia; WANG Haoxiang; WANG Jiaji; LAU Chun Hong; WEI Xiaolin; WONG Yeung Shan Samuel; TANG Jinling and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine Services in Community Health Centers: Insights into Utilization Patterns in the Pearl River Region of China". Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine vol.2013, Article ID 426360, 8 pages. 2013.01. <P139409> GAO Yang; LI Liping; CHAN Ying Yang Emily; LAU Tak Fai Joseph and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Parental Migration, Self-Efficacy and Cigarette Smoking among Rural Adolescents in South China". PLoS ONE 8 (3): e57569, 8 pages. 2013.03. <P139591> WANG Haoxiang and WANG Jia Ji. trans. <Dermatitis and Other Pruritic Dermatoses [In Chinese]>. 《 Family Medicine - Ambulatory Care and Prevention: Fifth Edition [Trans] 》 ISBN 978-7-5091-6374-0 pp. 86-95. Beijing: People''s Military Medical Press, 2013.01. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care <P139852> XING L; FU Tzungmay; CAO Junji; LEE Shun Cheng; WANG G H; HO Kin Fai; CHENG M C; YOU C F and WANG T J. "Seasonal and Spatial Variability of the OM/OC Mass Ratios and High Regional Correlation Between Oxalic Acid and Zinc in Chinese Urban Organic Aerosols". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics vol.13 no.8, pp.4307–4318. 2013.04. <P139970> HUANG R J; THORENZ U R; KUNDEL M; VENABLES D S; CEBURNIS D; HO Kin Fai; CHEN J; VOGEL A L; KUPPER F C; SMYTH P A; NITSCHKE U; STENGEL D B; BERRESHEIM H; ODOWD C D and HOFFMANN T. "The Seaweeds Fucus Vesiculosus and Ascophyllum Nodosum are Significant Contributors to Coastal Iodine Emissions". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics vol.13 no.10, pp.5255–5264. 2013.05. See Also<P117412 >, <P120261 >, <P120263 >, <P120578 >, <P121143 >, <P121184 >, <P121805 >, <P123463 >, <P123878 >, <P124282 >, <P124490 >, <P124735 >, <P125216 >, <P125276 >, <P125544 >, <P125955 >, <P126649 >, <P126709 >, <P127004 >, <P127249 >, <P128075 >, <P128108 >, <P128131 >, <P128257 >, <P128388 >, <P128623 >, <P128922 >, <P129399 >, <P129773 >, <P130027 >, <P130029 >, <P130268 >, <P130847 >, <P130871 >, <P130874 >, <P131112 >, <P131121 >, <P131175 >, <P131697 >, <P131757 >, <P132083 >, <P132462 >, <P132584 >, <P132730 >, <P134024 >, <P134064 >, <P134628 >, <P135145 >, <P135711 >, <P136028 >, <P136108 >, <P136136 >, <P136731 >, <P136780 >, <P137058 >, <P138121 >, <P138257 >, <P138268 >, <P139557 >, <P139607 >, <P139675 > Centre for Health Behaviours Research <P120853> HAO Chun; HUAN Xiping; YAN Hongjing; YANG Haitao; GUAN Wenhui; XU Xiaoqin; ZHANG Min; WANG Na; TANG Weiming; GU Jing and LAU Tak Fai Joseph. "A Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Relative Efficacy of Enhanced Versus Standard Voluntary Counseling and Testing on Promoting Condom Use among Men Who Have Sex with Men in China". AIDS and Behavior vol.16 no.5, pp.1138–1147. 2012.07. <P121723> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; CHENG Yu; GU Jing; ZHOU Runan; YU Chengpu; HOLROYD Eleanor and YEUNG Nelson. "Letter – Suicides in a Mega-size Factory in China: Poor Mental Health among Young Migrant Workers in China". Occupational and Environmental Medicine vol.69 no.7 pp.526. 2012.07. <P121904> BLAKE Holly; MO Phoenix Kit Han; LEE Sandra and BATT Mark. "Health in the NHS: Lifestyle Behaviours of Hospital Employees". Perspectives in Public Health vol.132 no.5, pp.213–215. 2012.09. <P122376> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; GU Jing; TSUI Hi Yi; CHEN Hongyao; HOLROYD Eleanor; WANG Renfan and HU Xianyou. "Prevalence and Associated Factors of Condom Use During Commercial Sex by Female Sex Workers Who were or were not Injecting Drug Users in China". Sexual Health vol.9 no.4 368–376. 2012.08. <P122595> LAU Tak Fai Joseph. "The Role of Behaviorial Medicine Research in HIV Research in China". Paper presented in the 12th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, organized by Behavioral Medicine, 29 August – 1 September 2012, 1 pgs. Budapest, Hungary, 2012.09. <P123697> LAU Tak Fai Joseph. "Planning for a Campaign to Promote HPV Vaccines among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the European Social Marketing Conference 2012, organized by European Social Marketing, 26–27 November 2012, 1 pgs. Lisbon, 2012.11. <P124873> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; CAI Wende; TSUI Hi Yi; CHENG Jinquan; CHEN Lin; CHOI Kai Chow and LIN Chunqing. "Prevalence and Correlates of Unprotected Anal Intercourse among Hong Kong Men who have Sex with Men Traveling to Shenzhen, China". AIDS and Behavior 17 (4): 1395–1405. 2013.05. <P124938> GU Jing; ZHONG Ying; HAO Yuantao; ZHOU Daming; TSUI Hi Yi; HAO Chun; GAO Qi; LING Wenhua and LAU Tak Fai Joseph. "Preventive Behaviors and Mental Distress in Response to H1N1 among University Students in Guangzhou, China". Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health , published online 24 April 2012, doi:10.1177/1010539512443699. 2012. <P125159> SILLENCE Elizabeth and MO Phoenix Kit Han. "Communicating Health Decisions: An Analysis of Messages Posted to Online Prostate Cancer Forums". Health Expectations , published online Feb 2012, doi:10.1111/j.1369-7625.2011.00745.x. 2012. Centre for Health Behaviours Research <P125544> YAN Jin; LAU Tak Fai Joseph; TSUI Hi Yi; GU Jing and WANG Zixin Johnson. "Prevalence and Factors Associaed with Condom Use among Chinese Monogamous Female Patients with Sexually Transmitted Infection in Hong Kong". Journal of Sexual Medicine 9 (12): 3009–3017. 2012.12. <P125955> WANG Zixin Johnson; LAU Tak Fai Joseph and GU Jing. "Acceptability of Circumcision among Clients of Female Sex Worker in Hong Kong". AIDS and Behavior vol.16 no.7 pp.1836–1845. 2012.10. <P126532> LAU Tak Fai Joseph and TSUI Hi Yi. "Voluntary Counselling and Testing Plus Information Distribution to Reduce HIV-related Risk Behaviours among Hong Kong Male Cross-border Truck Drivers: A Randomised Controlled Study". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.18 no.4 (Supplement 3), pp.39–41. 2012.08. <P127718> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; AU Doreen; TSUI Hi Yi and CHOI Kai Chow. "Prevalence and Determinants of Influenza Vaccination in the Hong Kong Chinese Adult Population". American Journal of Infection Control vol.40, no.7, e225–e227. 2012.09. <P128922> TSUI Hi Yi; LAU Tak Fai Joseph; XIANG Weina; GU Jing and WANG Zixin Johnson. "Should Associations Between HIV-related Risk Perceptions and Behaviors or Intentions be Positive or Negative?". PLoS ONE 7 (12): e52124, 9 pages. 2012.12. <P128952> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; WANG Zixin; LAU Man Chun Mason and LAI Hiu Yan. "Perceptions of HPV, genital warts and penile/anal cancer and high risk behaviors among men who have sex with men in Hong Kong". The Frontier of HIV/AIDS in China Washington DC, US, 2012.07. <P129540> GU Jing; XU Huifang; LAU Tak Fai Joseph; HAO Yuantao; ZHONG Ying; FAN Lirui; ZHAO Yuteng; HAO Chun and LING Wenhua. "Misconceptions Predict Dropout and Poor Adherence Prospectively among Newly Admitted First-time Methadone Maintenance Treatment Clients in Guangzhou, China". Addiction vol.107 no.9, pp.1641–1649. 2012.09. <P130268> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; ZHAO Jinkou; WU Xiaobing; GU Jing and HAO Chun. "Gay Saunas and the Risks of HIV and Syphilis Transmissions in China — Results of a Meta Analysis". Journal of Sexual Medicine 10 (3): 642–652. 2013.03. <P131112> YOU Hua; LAU Tak Fai Joseph; GU Jing; TSUI Hi Yi; WANG Zixin Johnson and KIM Jean Hee. "Awareness and Acceptability of Female Condoms Among Monogamous Hong Kong Chinese Female Sexually Transmitted Infection Patients". AIDS and Behavior 17 (3): 1195–1204. 2013.03. Centre for Health Behaviours Research <P133592> LAU Tak Fai Joseph. "Introduction to Social Marketing for NGOs". Paper presented in the Social Marketing Seminar, organized by Hong Kong Council of Social Service, 9 April 2013, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04. <P135057> YU Chengpu; HOLROYD Eleanor; CHENG Yu and LAU Tak Fai Joseph. "Institutional Incentives for Altruism: Gifting Blood in China". BMC Public Health 13: 524, 8 pages. 2013.05. <P135888> TSUI Hi Yi; LAU Tak Fai Joseph; LIN Chunqing and CHOI Kai Chow. "Prevalence of Seasonal Influenza Vaccination and Associated Factors in People with Chronic Diseases in Hong Kong". Epidemiology & Infection 141 (2): 377–389. 2013.02. See Also<P130874 >, <P133534 >, <P135094 >, <P138415 >, <P139142 >, <P139409 > Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion <P138257> LEE Albert; KEUNG Mei Wan and CHEUNG G. C. L.. "Compensation consumption of high-energy-density food among pre-school children leading to suboptimal intake of recommended food groups: Case study in Hong Kong". Public Health 127 (2): 182–185. 2013.02. See Also<P129499 > Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases <P121805> LEE Shui Shan and WONG, Ngai Sze. "Relationship between Population Configuration and the Spatial Pattern of Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 in Hong Kong". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.18 no.4, pp.310-317. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.08. <P124003> YIN Fengqiong; XU Zhenhua; WANG Zifeng; YAO Hong; SHEN Zan; YU Fang; TANG Yiping; FU Dengli; LIN Sheng; LU Gang; KUNG Hsiang Fu; POON Wai Sang; HUANG Yunchao and LIN Marie Chia-mi. "Elevated Chemokine CC-motif Receptor-like 2 (CCRL2) Promotes Cell Migration and Invasion in Glioblastoma". Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications vol.429 pp.168-172. 2012.11.06. <P124863> YAO Y; FANG Zp; CHEN H; YUE Y; MIN Dl; TANG Ln; YU Wx; KUNG Hsiang Fu; LIN Marie Chia-mi and SHEN Z. HGFK1 Inhibits Bone Metastasis in Breast Cancer Through the TAK1/p38 MAPK Signaling Pathway cancer gene therapy vol.19 no.9, pp.601-608. 2012.09.01. <P126649> WONG, Ngai Sze; CHAN Pui Chung Denise; LEE Shui Shan and LEE Chi Kei. "A Multilevel Approach for Assessing the Variability of Hepatitis C Prevalence in Injection Drug Users by their Gathering Places". International Journal of Infectious Diseases 6 pgs. 2012.11.16. <P127727> HUI Shu Cheong David; Benny KM Chow; CHU Chung Yin; NG Susanna; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; GIN Tony and CHAN Matthew Tak Vai. "Exhaled Air Dispersion During Coughing With and Without Wearing a Surgical or N95 Mask". Public Library of Science one vol.7 no.12, pp.e50845. United States of America, 2012.12.05. <P129049> CHAN Matthew Tak Vai; Benny KM Chow; CHU Chung Yin and HUI Shu Cheong David. "Mask Ventilation and Dispersion of Exhaled Air". Am J Resp Med Crit Care v.187 n.7 pp.e12-e14. United States of America, 2013.04.01. <P130847> LEE Shui Shan and WONG, Ngai Sze. "Concerns for Low Coverage of Influenza Vaccination in Middle-aged Adults". Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics vol.9 no.9, pp.1989 - 1990. 2013.06.21. <P131009> CHENG Xiaowen; TAN Yi; HE Mingliang; LAM Tommy Tsan Yuk; LU Xing; VIBOUD Cecile; HE Jianfan; ZHANG Shunxiang; LU Jianhua; WU Chunli; FANG Shishong; WANG Xin; XIE Xu; MA Hanwu; NELSON Martha I.; KUNG Hsiang Fu; HOLMES Edward C. and CHENG Jinquan. "Epidemiological Dynamics and Phylogeography of Influenza Virus in Southern China". The Journal of Infectious Diseases vol.207 no.1, pp.106-114. 2013.01. <P131697> POON, Chin Man; LEE Cheuk Kwong and LEE Shui Shan. "Variation of Motivation between Weekday and Weekend Donors and their Association with Distance from Blood Donation Centres" Transfusion Medicine 2013.04.02. Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases <P131857> KUNG Hsiang Fu. "The Telomere/telomerase Binding Factor PinX1 is a New Target to Improve the Radiotherapy Effect of Oesophageal Squamous Cell Carcinomas". J Pathol. 2013.04. <P134628> WU Chun Li; LU Juan; WANG Haitian; LV Xing; CHEN Ying; KUNG Hsiang Fu; ZEE Chung Ying Benny; CHENG Xiaowen and HE Mingliang. "Cross Sectional Survey of Influenza Antibodies Before and During the 2009 Pandemic in Shenzhen, China". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.1, pp.e53847. 2013.01. <P136108> POON, Chin Man and LEE Shui Shan. "Sauna affiliation networks of men having sex with men in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 7th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, 1 pgs. 2013.06.30. <P136136> LEE Shui Shan; WONG, Ngai Sze and LEUNG Chi Chiu. "Exposure to Avian Influenza H7N9 in Farms and Wet Market". Lancet 2013.05.10. <P137737> TAM, Yeuk Fei; CHEUNG, Hang Cheong; KUNG Hsiang Fu; HUANG Jun Jian and SHAW Pang Chui. "Characterization of Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein C (hnRNP C), a Potential telomerase Inhibitor, on Telomerase Function". Paper presented in the 2013 Hong Kong Inter-University Biochemistry Postgraduate Symposium, P13. 2013.06.15. <P137973> KUNG Hsiang Fu. "β-Catenin/POU5F1/SOX2 Transcription Factor Complex Mediates IGF-I Receptor Signaling and Predicts Poor Prognosis in Lung Adenocarcinoma". Cancer Res. 2013.05.15. <P138305> LEE Shui Shan; Chiu. "Management MEINTJES Graeme; of Tuberculosis and KAMARULZAMAN Latent Tuberculosis Adeeba and LEUNG Chi Infection in HIV-infected Persons". Respirology 2013.05.20. See Also<P120782 >, <P121116 >, <P121592 >, <P123079 >, <P123878 >, <P127498 >, <P127846 >, <P128888 >, <P129445 >, <P130818 >, <P131790 >, <P133403 >, <P135063 >, <P136346 >, <P138121 > Department of Surgery <P120039> CHEN Gong George. ed. Estrogen Receptors: Mechanisms, Structure and Role in Disease 186 pgs. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2012.11. <P120114> TEPH J Y; KAN C F; TSUI B; CHIU P K; MAN C Y; HOU See Ming Simon and NG Chi Fai. "Ambulatory Care Program for Patients Presenting with Acute Urinary Retention Secondary to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia". Int Urol Nephrol PubMed PMID: 22914880. 2012.08. <P120125> WONG Kwok Chu; LEUNG Joyce H Y; YU Janice W.l.; WOO Peter Ym; TAN Hai Bin; SIU Yung Woon Deyond and POON Wai Sang. Reliability of Computed Tomographic Angiography 3-D Method of Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysm Measurements Surgical Practice vol.17 no.3, pp.97-100. 2012. <P120136> LEUNG Wing Wa; NG Siu Man Simon; CHAN Simon Kin Cheong; WONG Yee Ni and LEE Fung Yee Janet. "Electroacupuncture analgesia for colonoscopy: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study.". Paper presented in the The Conjoint Scientific Congress of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, 22-23 September 2012, organized by The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, p.B2 (Abstract No: F05). 2012.09. <P120167> HUANG Lin and BURD David Andrew Ross. "An Update Review of Stem Cell Applications in Burns and Wound Care". Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery vol.45 no.2, pp.229-236. India: Wolter Kluwer Health, 2012.08. <P120370> MAK Wing Chung Tony; HON Sok Fei; NGO Kwok Yu Dennis; LEE Fung Yee Janet; NG Siu Man Simon and LAI Bo San Paul. "Short-term surgical outcomes between high vs. low volume hospitals for laparosocpic rectal surgery". Paper presented in the The Conjoint Scientific Congress of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, 22-23 September 2012, organized by The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, p.B3 (Abstract no: F07). 2012.09. <P120462> WONG Kwok Chu; POON Wai Sang and WONG Rosanna. "Cognitive Outcomes and Activity of Daily Living for Neurosurgical Patients with Intrinsic Brain Lesions: A One-Year Prevalence Study.". Brain Injury 2012. vol.26 no.4-5, pp.361. 2012. <P120501> TEOH Yuen Bun Anthony; CHIU Wai Yan Philip; YEUNG Wing Kay; LIU Yuk Wah; WONG Kin Hung Simon and NG Enders Kwok-wai. "Long-term survival outcomes after definitive chemoradiation versus surgery in patients with resectable squamous carcinoma of the esophagus: results from a randomized controlled trial.". Annals of Oncology 7 pgs. Oxford University Press, 2012.08.10. Department of Surgery <P120579> WANG G; CHAN Shu Yin Eddie; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; LI Kam Tao Philip; YIP Kam Hung; SZETO C. C. and NG Chi Fai. "Expression of MicroRNAs in the Urine of Patients with Bladder Cancer". Clin Geniotourin Cancer vol.10 no.2, pp.106-13. 2012. <P120706> LEE Kit Fai; CHEUNG Yue Sun; WONG John; CHONG Ching Ning; WONG Siu Wang and LAI Bo San Paul. "Randomized clinical trial of open hepatectomy with or without intermittent Pringle manoeuvre.". Br. J Surg John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2012.07.24. <P120770> CHEN Gong George; LIANG Nianci and LI Mingyue. "Ent-11α-hydroxy-15-oxo-kaur-16-en-19-oic-acid Induces Apoptosis of Human Malignant Cancer Cells". Current Drug Targets vol.13 no.14, p.1730-1737. 2012. <P120850> WONG Kwok Chu; LAM W Sandy; WONG ADRIAN; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; POON Wai Sang and NGAI Ka Ying Karine. "Evaluation of Cognitive Impairment by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment in Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Correlations with 3 Month Outcomes". J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry vol.83 no.11, pp.1112-1117. group.bmj.com, 2012.10.09. <P120958> ZHANG Yuanting; POON Chung Yan Carmen and MACPHERSON Emma. "From "Information Technology in Biomedicine" to "Biomedical and Health Informatics"". IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine pp.1003. 2012.11. <P121054> WONG Wai Yin Vivien; HON Sok Fei; CHIU Wai Yan Philip and NG Siu Man Simon. "Colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) after two different training pathways: a comparison of early outcomes.". Paper presented in the The Conjoint Scientific Congress of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, 22-23 September 2012, organized by The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, p.B24 (Abstract no: P12). 2012.09. <P121184> CHONG Ching Ning Charing; LEE Kit Fai; IP Ching Tak; WONG Siu Wang; CHEUNG Yuen Sun Sunny; WONG John; HO CHAN Suzanne and LAI Bo San Paul. "Pre-operative predictors of post-hepatectomy recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma: can we predict earlier?". The Surgeon 2012. vol.10 no.5, pp.260-6. Elsevier Ltd, 2012.10. <P121251> HOUBEN Heinrich Christopherus; TSUI Bess; CHAN Kin Wai Edwin; TAM Yuk Him and LEE Kim Hung. "Reconstructive Surgery for Females with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency: a Review from the Prince of Wales Hospital". Paper presented in the RCSEd/CSHK Conjoint Scientific Congress Autumn 2012, organized by CSHK , 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.09.23. Department of Surgery <P121422> YANG Shu Hua; POON Wai Sang; GAO Qing; BAO Li Hua; ZHANG Jing; HU Yan Lai; BING Lu Jun; SUN Jin Long; HAO Jing; CHEN Chao; LI Shang Zhi; SUN Jin Hao and GAO Ying Mao. "Striatal extracts promote the dopaminergic differentiation of GFP-bone mesenchymal stem cells". Neuroscience Letters vol.530 no.2, pp.115-20. Elsevier, 2012.11.21. <P121473> 萬松. <年輕外科醫生的成長>. 《2012 同濟微創心血管外科論壇暨二尖瓣成形學習班》 同濟醫院心 胸外科 頁-. 中國武漢, 2012.11.18. <P121592> WANG Zifeng; YAO Hong; LIN Sheng; ZHU Xiao; SHEN Zan; LU Gang; POON Wai Sang; XIE Dan; LIN Marie Chia-mi and KUNG Hsaing-fu. "Transcriptional and Epigenetic Regulation of Human MicroRNAs". Cancer Letters vol.331 pp.1-10. 2012.12.04. <P121610> WOO Peter Ym; WONG Kwok Chu; CHAN Matthew Tak Vai and POON Wai Sang. Magnesium in Ischemic Stroke and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Metal Ion in Stroke 481-521 pgs. Springer Link, 2012. <P121710> LO C Y; LEE Wai Man; HOU See Ming Simon; YIP Kam Hung and NG Chi Fai. "A Comparison of the Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease in Male Patient with or without Erectile Dysfunction". Surgical Practice vol.16 pp.S9(suppl). 2012. <P121811> UNDERWOOD Malcolm John. "Panel Discussion: How to Build Robotic Surgical Program". The 3rd Beijing International Symposium and Workshop on Robotic Cardiac Surgery pp.12. Beijing, China, 2012.07.16. <P121831> WONG Kwok Chu; KAM Koon Ming Michael; CHIU Kwok Wing Samuel; LAM Ming Kuen Joseph; LEUNG Clarence Hin Shuen; NG Wing Kit; NGAR Y.k. and POON Wai Sang. Validation of The Modified Radiosurgery-Based Arteriovenous Malformation Score in a Linear Accelerator Radiosurgery Experience in Hong Kong Journal of Clinical Neuroscience vol.19 pp.1252-1254. Elsevier, 2012.09. <P121889> POON Chung Yan Carmen and ZHANG Yuanting. "Cardiovascular Health Informatics". The Biomedical Engineering Handbook pp.n/a. 2012. <P121908> HUANG Lin; CAI Yi Jun; LUNG Ivan; LEUNG Cheuk Sing Billy and BURD David Andrew Ross. "A Study of the Synergy of Triamcinolone and 5-Flurouracil in Modulating Keloid Fibroblasts in Vitro". Paper presented in the 4th Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS 2012), organized by Japanese Society of Pressure Ulcers, Japan Society for Surgical Wound Care, Japanese Society of Limb Salvage and Podiatric Medicine and Japanese Society of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Management, p.384. Yokohama, Japan, 2012.09.06. Department of Surgery <P121971> UNDERWOOD Malcolm John. "Intervention on Tricuspid Valve". Paper presented in the 7th Asian Cardiothoracic Surgery Specialty Update Course, organized by National University Heart Centre Singapore, Royal Colleage of Surgeons of Edinburgh & CUHK, 10 pgs. Singapore, 2012.11.23. <P122028> CHEN Gong George; HUANG Runyue; LI Mingyue; WAN Yuk Pui; NG Sze Hang and UNDERWOOD Malcolm John. "Thromboxane A2 Receptor-α Facilitates Lung Tumor Growth Through an Auto-activation Mechanism". Journal of Thoracic Oncology vol.7 no.9 Suppl 4, p.S226. 2012. <P122285> Li Li; CHEN Gong George; LU Ying-nian; LIU Yi; WU Ke-feng; GONG Xian-ling; GOU Zhan-ping; LI Mingyue and LIANG Nian-ci. "Ent-11α-hydroxy-15-oxo-kaur-16-en-19-oic-acid Inhibits Growth of Human Lung Cancer A549 Cells by Arresting Cell Cycle and Triggering Apoptosis". Chinese Journal of Cancer Research vol.24 no.2, p.109-115. 2012. <P122333> WAN Song. Mitral Clip: Is This Really a Minimally Invasive Repair? International Symposium and Workshop on Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery -. Guangzhou, China, 2012.08. <P122336> NGO Kwok Yu Dennis; NG Siu Man Simon; Anthony W.I. Lo; HON Sok Fei; LEE Fung Yee Janet and MAK Wing Chung Tony. "Oncological outcomes and prognostic factors in rectal cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy: experience from an university colorectal unit". Paper presented in the The Conjoint Scientific Congress of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, 22-23 September 2012, organized by The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, p.B27 (Abstract no:P24). 2012.09. <P122382> UNDERWOOD Malcolm John. Chair for Sessions Entitled: Decision Making in Valve Surgery Birmingham Review Course in Cardiothoracic Surgery -. Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2012.09.23. <P122412> BURD David Andrew Ross. "Andrew Burd on Toxic Beauty Treatments". BMJ Group Blogs 1 pgs. United Kingdom: BMJ group, 2012.10.12. <P122486> NG Chi Fai; LO, Kin Yin Anthony; LEE Wai Man; WONG K T; CHUNG W Y and GOHEL D. "A Prospective, Randomized Study of the Clinical Effects of Shock Wave Delivery for Unilateral Kidney Stones: 60 versus 120 Shocks Per Minute". J Urol PubMed PMID: 22819406. vol.188 no.3, pp.837-42. 2012.07. Department of Surgery <P122506> YANG Qin; SHIGEMURA Norihisa; UNDERWOOD Malcolm John; HSIN Michael Kuan Yew; XUE, Hongmei; HUANG Yu; HE Guo Wei and YU Cheuk Man. "NO and EDHF Pathways in Pulmonary Arteries and Veins are Impaired in COPD Patients". Vascular Pharmacology vol.57 no.2-4, pp.113-118. 2012.09. <P122567> YUEN J W; GOHEL M D and NG Chi Fai. "Synergistic Cytotoxic Effects of Ganoderma Lucidum and Bacillus Calmette Guerin on Premalignant Urothelial HUC-PC Cells and Its Regulation on Proinflammatory Cytokine Secretion". Evid Based Complement Alternat Med PubMed PMCID: PMC3434421. 2012.08. <P122588> Lau JY. "Confocal microscopy". Paper presented in the The 5th National ERCP Symposium and The 4th Eastern Biliary-Pancreatic Endoscopy Forum, -- pgs. 2012.09.01. <P122618> HARTLEY C J; NAGHAVI M; PARODI O; POON Chung Yan Carmen and ZHANG Yuanting. "Guest editorial cardiovascular health informatics: Risk screening and intervention". IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine pp.791. 2012. <P122679> BURD David Andrew Ross and HUANG Lin. "Advanced Skin, Scar and Wound Care Centre for Children: A New Era of Care". Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery vol.45 no.2, pp.184-192. India: Wolters Kluwer Health, 2012.08. <P123186> TEOH J Y; MAK Wing Chung Tony; NG Siu Man Simon and LEE Fung Yee Janet. "Postoperative anastomotic bleeding following intra-operative colonoscopy for left-sided colorectal surgery using circular stapler". Paper presented in the The Conjoint Scientific Congress of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, 22-23 September 2012, organized by The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, p.B45 (Abstract no:P74). 2012.09. <P123299> Lau JY. "Endoscopic Treatment of Acute Biliary Pancreatitis and its Complication". Paper presented in the Inaugural Conference of Macau Society of Digestive Endoscopy, -- pgs. 2012.10.28. <P123369> NG Sze Hang Calvin; WONG H. L. Randolph; KWOK Wai Ting Micky and HO Ming Hei Anthony. "eComment. Thromboendarterectomy and Aortic Occlusion: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.". Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery vol.14 no.4, p.377. Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 2012. <P123571> WONG John; LEE Kit Fai; YU S C; LEE P S; CHEUNG Yue Sun; CHONG Ching Ning; IP Ping C. and LAI Bo San Paul. "Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation versus surgical radiofrequency ablation for malignant liver tumours: the long-term results.". HPB (Oxford) vol.10 no.1111, pp.12014. 2012.11.28. Department of Surgery <P123651> HU, Jia and WAN Song. "External Support in Preventing Vein Graft Failure". Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals vol.20 no.5, pp.615-622. Sage Publications, 2012. <P123738> ZHANG Haitao; CHEN Gong George; ZHANG, Zhiyi; CHUN Suk Ying; LEUNG Cheuk Sing Billy and LAI Bo San Paul. "Induction of Autophagy in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by SB203580 Requires Activation of AMPK and DAPK but not p38 MAPK". Apoptosis vol.17 no.4, p.325-334. 2012. <P124055> NG Chi Fai; LAW V T; CHIU Ka Fung Peter; TAN C B; MAN Chi Wai and CHU Sau Kwan. "Hepatic Haematoma after Shockwave Lithotripsy for Renal Stones". Urol Res PubMed PMID: 22782117. 2012.07. <P124113> 萬松. <微創對冠脈外科的意義所在>. 《第四届國際微創胸腔鏡學術會議》 頁 7. 中國上海, 2012.12. <P124114> TSANG Kam Sze Kent. "The combined expression of Pdx1 and MafA with either Ngn3 or NeuroD improve the differentiation efficiency of mouse embryonic stem cells into insulin-producing cells". Cell Transplantation 2013. vol.22 no.1, pp.147-158. 2012.07.05. <P124155> LEE Wei-jei; HUR Kyung Yui; LAKADAWALA Muffazal; KASAMA Kazunori; WONG Kin Hung Simon; CHEN Shu-chun; LEE Yi-chih and SER Kong-han. "Predicting Success of Metabolic Surgery: Age, Body Mass Index, C-Peptide, and Duration Score.". Elsevier Inc. 2012.08.06. <P124164> CHEN Gong George; LEUNG Jackie; LIANG Nian Ci; Li Li; WU Kefeng; CHAN Pik Fong Ursula; LEUNG Cheuk Sing Billy; LI Mingyue; DU Jing; DENG Yi Feng; GONG Xianling; LV Yingnian; CHAK Chi Wai and LAI Bo San Paul. "Ent-11α-hydroxy-15-oxo-kaur-16-en-19-oic-acid Inhibits Hepatocellular Carcinoma in vitro and in vivo via Stabilizing IkBα". Investigational new drugs vol.30 no.6, p.2210-2218. 2012. <P124340> TEOH Yuen Bun Anthony; CHIU Wai Yan Philip; WONG T C; POON M C; WONG K. H. Simon; LEONG H T; LEONG Heng Tat; LAI Bo San Paul and NG Enders K. W.. "A double-blinded randomized controlled trial of laparoendoscopic single-site access versus conventional 3-port appendectomy.". Annals of Surg vol.256 no.6, pp.909-14. 2012.12. <P124494> WONG Kwok Chu and POON Wai Sang. " Catheter Impregnation to Reduce External Ventricular Drain Infection: Reflection on SILVER Trial". Paper presented in the Congress of Neurological Surgeons., 1 pgs. 2012.10. <P124530> LIU Lili; ZHANG Zy Chris; CAI Muyan; FU Jia; CHEN Gong George and YUN Jing Ping. "Downregulation of Polo-Like Kinase 4 in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Associates with Poor Prognosis". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.7, e41293. 2012. Department of Surgery <P124661> Lau JY. "Novel Endoscopic Treatment to Acute Nonvariceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding". Paper presented in the Inaugural Conference of Macaul Society of Digestive Endoscopy, -- pgs. 2012.10.28. <P124682> 萬松. <如何成為一名優秀的外科醫生?>. 《如何成為一名優秀的外科醫生的專題報告會》 廣州中 醫藥大學第一附屬醫院, 中國廣州, 2012.12.21. <P124700> WONG Kwok Chu and POON Wai Sang. "Catheter Impregnation to Reduce External Ventricular Drain Infection: Reflection Upon SILVER Trial". Neurosurgery 3 pgs. 2012.07. <P124731> UNDERWOOD Malcolm John. Chair for Sessions Entitled: Aortic Surgery Birmingham Review Course in Cardiothoracic Surgery -. Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2012.09. <P124988> 萬松. 二尖瓣成形: 如何克服‘萬事開頭難’ 《2012 同濟微創心血管外科論壇暨二尖瓣成形學習 班》 同濟醫院心胸外科 頁-. 中國武漢, 2012.11.17. <P125023> CHEN Gong George; CHU, Yui Ryan; VLANTIS Alexander Chris; NG Enders Kwok-wai; LIU Yuk Wah Shirley and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Anti-tumor Property of PPARγ agonist Rosiglitazone is Upregulated by Estrogen Receptor Beta in Thyroid Cancer Cells". International Journal of Molecular Medicine vol.30 no.Suppl 1, p.S56. 2012. <P125137> WONG Kwok Chu; LAM W Sandy and POON Wai Sang. Long Term Outcome after Hemorrhagic Stroke Surgery (LOMSS) in Hong Kong Chinese British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research vol.3 no.1, pp.182-188. SCIENCEDOMAIN international, 2012.12.28. <P125147> CHAN Cecilia Ka Wing and POON Chung Yan Carmen. "The Inauguration Meeting of the EMBS International Conference on BHI Meets in China". IEEE Pulse vol.3 no.4, pp.62-65. 2012.07. <P125222> REN Jianwei; CHAN Kam Ming; LAI Kwok Kin; LAU Bik San Clara; YU Hua; LEUNG Ping Chung; FUNG Kwok Pui; YU Fa Xi and CHO Chi Hin. "Extracts from Radix Astragali and Radix Rehmanniae Promote Keratinocyte Proliferation by Regulating Expression of Growth Factor Receptors". Phytotherapy Research Vol .26 no.10 pp.1547-1554. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2012.10. <P125245> ZHANG, Zhiyi; ZHANG Haitao; YUN Jingping; CHEN Gong George and LAI Bo San Paul. "Dihydroartemisinin Exhibits Antitumor Activity toward Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Vitro and in Vivo". Biochemical Pharmacology vol.83 no.9, p.1278-1289. 2012. <P125323> NG Chi Fai; YEUNG Y; CHIU P K; LAM Nga Yee; CHOW J and CHAN B. "The Role of Urine Prostate Cancer Antigen 3 mRNA Levels in the Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer Among Hong Kong Chinese Patients". The Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.18 no.6, pp.459-465. 2012.12. Department of Surgery <P125392> TEOH Y C; CHIU K F; CHEUNG Ho Yuen; HOU See Ming Simon; YIP Kam Hung and NG Chi Fai. "Survival Outcomes of Carcinoma of Prostate after Bilateral Orchidectomy". Surgical Practice vol.16 pp.S5(suppl). 2012. <P125448> CHAN E S; LO K L; NG Chi Fai; HOU S M and YIP S K. "Randomized Controlled Trial of Antibiotic Prophylaxis Regimens for Transrectal Ultrasound-guided Prostate Biopsy". Chinese Medicine Journal (English) PubMed PMID: 22882916. vol.125 no.14, pp.2432-2435. 2012.07. <P125462> HOUBEN Heinrich Christopherus; CHAN Kin Wai Edwin; TAM Yuk Him and LEE Kim Hung. "Surgical Management of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome: a Review from the Prince of Wales Hospital ". Paper presented in the RCSEd/CSHK Conjoint Scientific Congress 2012, organized by CSHK , 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2012.09.22. <P125516> YIP Kam Hung; LEUNG Chi Bon; SZETO C. C.; LAM Nga Yee; CHAN Chi Kwok; TONG Y F; NG Chi Fai; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; CHAN Shu Yin Eddie and HOU See Ming Simon. "Laparoscopic Live Donor Nephrectomy: Current Practice and Results of Renal Transplantation". Surgical Practice vol.16 pp.17-21. 2012. <P125521> BURD David Andrew Ross. "Reconstruction of Complex Wounds in the Trunk and Pelvic Area". Paper presented in the 4th Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS 2012), organized by Japanese Society of Pressure Ulcers, Japan Society for Surgical Wound Care, Japanese Society of Limb Salvage and Podiatric Medicine and Japanese Society of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Management, p.216. Yokohama, Japan, 2012.09.06. <P125686> FONG Kwong Wai Anthony; WONG Kin Hung Simon; LAM Chuen Hing and NG Enders Kwok-wai. "Ghrelin level and weight loss after laparoscopic sleeve gastectomy and gastric mini-bypass for prader-willi syndrome in Chinese.". Obesity Surgery 4 pgs. Springer, 2012.08.26. <P125718> YIP Kam Hung; YEE Chi Hang; NG Chi Fai; LAM Nga Yee; HO K L; MA W K; LI C M; HOU See Ming Simon; TAM P C; YIU Ming Kwong and FAN C W. "Robot-assisted Radical Prostatectomy in Hong Kong: A Review of 235 Cases". Journal of Endourology vol.26 no.3, pp.258-63. 2012. <P125904> UNDERWOOD Malcolm John and LEE C N. "Chairpersons: Evidence and Innovation". Paper presented in the 7th Asian Cardiothoracic Surgery Specialty Update Course, pp.10. Singapore, 2012.11.23. <P126023> NG Chi Fai; LOK H T; HUNG H Y; TAM H T; CHAN Shu Yin Eddie; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and YIP Kam Hung. "Efficacay Practice vol.16 pp.S5(suppl). 2012. of HIFU in Management of BPH Patients". Surgical Department of Surgery <P126427> CHEN Gong George; YE Caiguo; ZHANG, Zhiyi; HO Lok Kee and LAI Bo San Paul. "ZBP-89 Enhances the Killing/Toxic Effects of Anti-tumor Agents on Hepatocellular Carcinoma via Multiple Channels". Journal of Clinical Toxicology vol.2 no.9, p.47. 2012. <P126461> LEUNG Wai K; HO S M Simon; SUEN Bing Yee; LAI H Larry; YU Chun Ho; NG Enders Kwok-wai; NG Siu Man Simon; CHIU Wai Yan Philip; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu; CHAN Ka Leung Francis and Lau JY. "Capsule Endoscopy or Angiography in Patients With Acute Overt Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Prospective Randomized Study With Long-Term Follow-Up". The American Journal of Gastroenterology Nature Publishing Group, 2012.09. <P126499> WAN Song. Mitral Clip: Is This a Minimally Invasive Repair? International Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery Symposium -. Changsha, China, 2012.07. <P126616> LI Mingyue; KONG Wing Yan; YUAN Huiling; MA Tung Lily; HSIN Michael Kuan Yew; WAN Y P Innes; UNDERWOOD Malcolm John and CHEN Gong George. "Pioglitazone Prevents Smoking Carcinogen-induced Lung Tumor Development in Mice". Current Cancer Drug Targets vol.12 no.2, p.597-606. 2012. <P126648> NG Siu Man Simon; HON Sok Fei; MAK Wing Chung Tony; LEE Fung Yee Janet; YIU Ying Cheung Raymond; LI Chak Man Jimmy; LEUNG Wing Wa and LEUNG Ka Lau. "Long-term oncologic outcomes of laparoscopic versus open surgery for rectal cancer: a pooled analysis of three randomized controlled trials". Paper presented in the The 7th Scientific and Annual Meeting of the European Society of Coloproctology, 26-28 September 2012, Vienna, Austria, organized by The European Society of Coloproctology, p.10 (Abstract no:OP18). 2012.09. <P126731> KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar; BURD David Andrew Ross; NG Siu Man Simon; VLANTIS Alexander Chris; JIN Yan; YUNG Lik Kin Alex and LEUNG Yiu Cho Joseph. "Training Graduating Medical Students to Develop the Non-technical Domains Necessary for Holistic Competence in Practical Procedural Skills". Paper presented in the Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2012, organized by eLeatning Service @CU, p.28-29. Hong Kong, HKSAR, 2012.12.13. <P126860> WONG Kwok Chu; NGAI Ka Ying Karine; WONG ADRIAN; LAM W Sandy; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; YEUNG Hiu Hung; RAINER Timothy Hudson; WONG Rosanna and POON Wai Sang. "Long-term Cognitive Dysfunction in Patients with Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Prevalence and Risk Factors". Acta Neurochir vol.154 pp.105-111. 2012. Department of Surgery <P126864> NG Sze Hang Calvin; WAN Song; WONG H. L. Randolph; HO Ming Hei Anthony and YIM Ping Chuen Anthony. "Angiogenic Response to Major Lung Resection for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer with Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgical and Open Access". The Scientific World Journal 5 pgs. United States of America, 2012.09. <P126874> HON Sok Fei; CHIU Wai Yan Philip and NG Siu Man Simon. "Colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) after two different training pathways: a comparison of early outcomes". Paper presented in the The 7th Scientific and Annual Meeting of the European Society of Coloproctology, 26-28 September 2012, Vienna, Austria, organized by The European Society of Coloproctology, p.49 (Abstract no: P171). 2012.09. <P126933> NG C Siew; TSOI Kelvin K F; HIRAI Hoyee W; BMATH -; LEE Yuk Tong; WU Justin Cy; SUNG Joseph J Y; CHAN F K L and Lau JY. "The Efficacy of Cap-Assisted Colonoscopy in Polyp Detection and Cecal Intubation: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials". Am J Gastroenterol. pp.1165-73. 2012.08. <P126938> TAM Yuk Him; LI Man Chim Albert Martin; SO Hung Kwan; SHIT Kam Yee; PANG Kit Yi Kristine; WONG Yuen Shan; TSUI Siu Yan; MOU Wai Cheung; CHAN Kin Wai Edwin and LEE Kim Hung. "Socioenvironmental Factors Associated With Constipation in Hong Kong Children and Rome III Criteria". Journal of Pediatric Gasroenterology and Nutrition vol.55 no.1, p.56-61. 2012.07. <P126946> NG Siu Man Simon; MAK Wing Chung Tony; HON Sok Fei; LEUNG Wing Wa; YIU Raymond; LI Chak Man Jimmy and LEE Fung Yee Janet. "A prospective study of an open access colonoscopy service for symptomatic large bowel patients referred by the Accident and Emergency Department.". Paper presented in the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britian and Ireland Annual Meeting, 1 - 3 July 2012 in Dublin, Ireland, Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland Colorectal Disease 2012; 14 (Suppl. 1): 13 (abstract no: P012). 2012.07. <P127065> WAN Song. Debate: Surgery is the Best Treatment for FMR Singapore VALVE - Heart Valve and Latest Therapies 3. Singapore, 2012.09. <P127078> LEUNG En-ling Ki and Lau JY. "New Endoscopic Hemostasis Methods.". Clin Endosc. pp.224-9. 2012.09.01. <P127111> ZHANG, Zhiyi; CHEN Gong George; MERCHANT L Juanita and LAI Bo San Paul. "Interaction between ZBP-89 and p53 Mutants and Its Contribution to Effects of HDACi on Hepatocellular Carcinoma". Cell Cycle vol.11 no.2, p.322-334. 2012. Department of Surgery <P127135> NG Siu Man Simon. "Colorectal robotic program in Prince of Wales Hospital". Paper presented in the Yonsei Severance Live 2012 & WRS Joint Symposium, 17 - 19 September 2012, Seoul, Korea, organized by Yonsei University, Course proceedings. 2012.09. <P127152> ZHU Fang; LEE Anna; UNDERWOOD Malcolm John and GOMERSALL Charles David. "External Validation and Recalibration of the St Mary's Fast Track Failure Propensity Score for Adult Cardiac Surgical Patients". Paper presented in the 11th EBPOM: Congress in Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine with The Great World Fluid Debate, organized by Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine Organization, 1 pgs. London, United Kingdom, 2012.07.02. <P127192> WONG Kwok Chu. "Magnesium for aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage". The Lancet vol.380 no.9851, pp.1381. Elsevier, 2012.10.20. <P127587> CHAN R C and BURD David Andrew Ross. "Suicidal Burn in Hong Kong". Burns vol.38 pp.937-941. United Kingdom: 2012 Elsevier Ltd, 2012.09. <P127609> UNDERWOOD Malcolm John and EHRLICH Marek. "Cardiac Case Studies". Paper presented in the 7th Asian Cardiothoracic Surgery Specialty Update Course, organized by National University Heart Centre Singapore, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh & CUHK, 9 pgs. Singapore, 2012.11.22. <P127774> POON Chung Yan Carmen; ZHENG Yali and ZHANG Yuanting. "Neural Modelling: Neural Information Processing and Selected Applications". Neural Engineering pp.60. 2012. <P127943> ZHANG Zhiyi Chris; PAN Yinghua; CAO Yun; LAI Bo San Paul; LIU Lili; CHEN Gong George and YUN Jingping. "Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors Facilitate Dihydroartemisinin-Induced Apoptosis in Liver Cancer in Vitro and in Vivo". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.6, e39870. 2012. <P128165> UNDERWOOD Malcolm John. "Invited Moderator: Plenary Session". The 3rd Beijing International Symposium and Workshop on Robotic Cardiac Surgery pp.9. Beijing, China, 2012.07.14. <P128453> YU Simon Chun-ho; KWOK Ching-kwong; CHENG Pui-wai; CHAN Kwong-yau; LAU Samuel Shun; LUI Wai-man; LEUNG Ka-ming; LEE Raymand; CHENG Harold Kin-ming; CHEUNG Yuk-ling; CHAN Chi-ming; WONG Kwok Chu; HUI Joyce Wai-yi; WONG Yiu-chung; TAN Chong-boon; POON Wai-lun; PANG Kai-yuen; WONG Alain Kai-sing and FUNG Kai-hung. "Intracranial Aneurysms: Midterm Outcome of Pipeline Embolization Device—A Prospective Study in 143 Patients with 178 Aneurysms1". Radiology vol.265 no.3, pp.893-901. radiology.rsna.org, 2012.12. Department of Surgery <P128816> Lau JY. "Evidence-Based Management of Patients with Acute Non-Variceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding". Gastrointestinal Intervention pp.53-57. 2012.08. <P129100> ZHENG, Yali; LEUNG Hin Kwong; SY Ming Yiu; ZHANG Yuanting and POON Chung Yan Carmen. "A clip-free eyeglasses-based wearable monitoring device for measuring photoplethysmograhic signals". Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Society pp.5022. 2012. <P129113> WONG Kwok Chu; POON Wai Sang and NGAI Ka Ying Karine. "Long-Term Cognitive Dysfunction in Patients with Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Prevalence and Risk Factors". Brain Injury 2012. vol.26 no.4-5, pp.361. International Brain Injury Association, 2012. <P129139> WAN Song. "What Really Matters for CABG". The Second Shenzhen Cardiovascular Forum 6. Shenzhen, China, 2012.11.10. <P129186> TAM Mandy; WONG Kwok Chu; IP Margaret; KAM Koon Ming Michael; ABRIGO Jill Morales; ZHU Xian Lun Cannon and POON Wai Sang. "Management outcome of NPC-related and non-NPC-related brain abscess in Hong Kong". Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery vol.114 pp.560-563. 2012. <P129244> CHAU Kin Fan Davor; CHEN Gong George; ZHANG Haitao; LEUNG Cheuk Sing Billy; CHUN Suk Ying and LAI Bo San Paul. "Differential Functions of C- and N-terminal Hepatitis B x Protein in Liver Cells Treated with Doxorubicin in Normoxic or Hypoxic Condition". PLoS ONE vol.7 no.11, e50118. 2012. <P129348> 萬松. <ニ尖瓣成形瓣環選擇>. 《中華醫學會第+二次全國胸心血管外科學術會議》中華醫學會, 頁 19. 中國南京, 2012.11. <P129446> Lau JY. "New insights into upper GI bleeding". Paper presented in the Festival of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy 2012, -- pgs. 2012.10.14. <P129479> MAK Calvin H. K.; WONG Stephen K. H.; WONG Kwok Chu; NG Chi Ping; WANG Kevin K. W.; LAM Ping Kuen and POON Wai Sang. "Traumatic Brain Injury in the Elderly: Is it as Bad as we Think?". Curr Tran Geriatr Gerontol Rep vol.1 pp.171-178. Springer Link, 2012.07.06. <P129529> ZHANG, Zhiyi; CAO Yun; YUN Jingping; CHEN Gong George and LAI Bo San Paul. "Increased Expression of ZBP-89 and Its Prognostic Significance in Hepatocellular Carcinoma". Histopathology vol.60 no.7, p.1114-1124. 2012. Department of Surgery <P129623> BURD David Andrew Ross; CAI Yi Jun and HUANG Lin. "Self-study Courseware Packages to Enable Students Attain Key-learning Outcomes Specific to a Compulsory PRS Module". Paper presented in the Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2012, organized by eLeatning Service @CU, p.43-49. Hong Kong, HKSAR, 2012.12.13. <P129635> WONG Kwok Chu; LAM W Sandy; NGAI Karine; WONG ADRIAN; POON Wai Sang and MOK Chung Tong Vincent. Validation of the Stroke-Specific Quality of Life for Patients after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Proposed Summary Subscores Journal of the Neurological Sciences vol.320 pp.97-101. Elsevier, 2012.07.18. <P129813> ZHANG D Z; LAU K M; CHAN Shu Yin Eddie; WANG G; SZETO C C; TIP K H and NG Chi Fai. "MicroRNAs in Urine Supernatant: Useful Tumor Markers for the Diagnosis of Bladder Cancer". European Urology suppl. vol.11 no.1, pp.e335. 2012. <P129837> CHEN Gong George and LAI Bo San Paul. ed. Novel Apoptotic Regulators in Carcinogenesis Springer Netherlands, 2012. <P129867> UNDERWOOD Malcolm John. Chair for Session Entitled: Mitral and Tricuspid Valve Disease Birmingham Review Course in Cardiothoracic Surgery -. Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2012.09.22. <P129937> NG M H; CHENG S H; LAI Bo San Paul; LING K K; LAU K M; CHENG C K; WONG N; ZEE B C and LIN C K. "Association of polymorphism of human leukocyte antigen alleles with development of hepatocellular carcinoma in Hong Kong Chinese.". Hong Kong Med J. vol.18 Suppl no.6, pp.37-40. PubMed, 2012.12. Department of Surgery <P129985> GUDMUNDSSON Julius; SULEM Patrick; GUDBJARTSSON Daniel F; MASSON Gisli; AGNARSSON Bjami A; BENEDIKTSDOTTIR Kristrun R; SIGURDSSON Asgeir; MAGNUSSON Olafur Th; GUDJONSSON Sigurjon A; MAGNUSDOTTIR Droplaug N; JOHANNSDOTTIR Hrefna; HELGADOTTIR Hafdis Th; STACEY Simon N; JONASDOTTIR Adalbjorg; OLAFSDOTTIR Stefania B; THORLEIFSSON Gudmar; JONASSON Jon G; TRYGGVADOTTIR Laufey; NAVARRETE Sebastian; FUERTES Fernando; HELFAND Brian T; HU Qiaoyan; CSIKI Irma E; MATES Ioan N; JINGA Viorel; ABEN Katja; OORT Inge M Van; VERMEULEN Sita H; DONOVAN Jenny L; HAMDY Freddy C; NG Chi Fai; CHIU Ka Fung Peter; LAU Kin Mang; NG Maggie C Y; GULCHER Jeffrey R; KONG Augustine; CATALONA William J; MAYORDOMO Jose I; EINARSSON Gudmundur V; BARKARDOTTIR Rosa B; JONSSON Eirikur; MATES Dana; NEAL David E; KIEMENEY Lambertus A; THORSTEINSDOTTIR Unnur; RAFNAR Thorunn and STEFANSSON Kari. "A study based on whole-genome sequencing yields a rare variant at 8q24 associated with prostate cancer". Nat Genet vol.44 no.12, pp.1326-9. NIH Public Access, 2012.12. <P130244> TEOH Yuen Bun Anthony; CHIU Wai Yan Philip; CHAN Melissa Shannon; WONG Tiffany; Lau JY and NG Enders Kwok-wai. "Direct Incision Versus Submucosal Tunneling as A Method of Creating Transgastric Accesses for Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) Peritoneoscopy : Randomised Controlled Trial". Digestive Endoscopy pp.281-287. 2013.05. <P130418> CHEN J; CHAN A W; TO K F; CHEN W; ZHANG Z; REN J; SONG C; CHEUNG Yue Sun; LAI Bo San Paul; CHENG S H; NG M H; HUANG A and KO B C. "SIRT2 overexpression in hepatocellular carcinoma mediates epithelial to mesenchymal transition via akt/GSK-3β/β-catenin signaling (revised version).". Hepatology vol.10 no.1002, pp.26278. PubMed, 2013.01.24. <P130509> WONG Kwok Chu; NGAI K and POON Wai Sang. "Montreal Cognitive Assessment for traumatic brain injury patients with intracranial haemorrhage". ISCBFM 2013 meeting abstract book 296 pgs. 2013.05. <P130726> LAM Ping Kuen; LO A W; WANG K K; LAU H. C. H.; LEUNG Kam Kuen; LI K T; LAI Bo San Paul and POON Wai Sang. "Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells to the brain by topical application in an experimental traumatic brain injury model.". J Clin Neurosci vol.20 no.2, pp.306-9. Epub, 2013.02. <P130819> WONG Kwok Chu; LAM W Sandy; NGAI Karine; WONG Adrian; SIU Yung Woon Deyond; POON Wai Sang and MOK Chung Tong Vincent. "Cognitive Domain Deficits in Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage at 1 Year". J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry vol.84 pp.1054-1058. Hong Kong SAR: group.bmj.com, 2013.04.20. Department of Surgery <P131006> WONG H. L. Randolph; CHOW Chee Yuen; LOK K.h. Jerry; NG Sze Hang Calvin; YU Ch Simon; Lau JY and UNDERWOOD Malcolm John. "Hybrid Treatment for Ruptured Diverticulum of Kommerell: A minmally Invasive Option". Ann Thorac Surg. e95-6. 2013.04. <P131070> Lau JY; BARKUN Alan; FAN Dai-ming; KUIPERS J Ernst; YANG Yun-sheng and CHAN F K L. "Challenges in The Management of Acute Peptic Ulcer Bleeding". The Lancet vol.381 no.9882, pp.2033-43. 2013.06.08. <P131184> WONG Kwok Chu. "Endovascular Treatment of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation". Interventional Neuroradiology vol.18 no.4, pp.17-19. The Hong Kong Medical Diary, 2013.04. <P131320> DONG Yujuan; ZHAO Junhong; WU Chung Wah; ZHANG L; LIU, Xin; KANG W; LEUNG Wing Wa; ZHANG Ning; CHAN Ka Leung Francis; SUNG Joseph Jao-yiu; NG Siu Man Simon and YU Jun. "MiR-133a activates the p53/p21 pathway and functions as a tumor suppressor in colorectal cancer by repressing RFFL". Molecular Cancer Research doi: 10.1158/1541-7786 MCR-13-0061. 2013.05. <P131388> Lau JY. "Structuring a graduated program". Paper presented in the WEO Program for Endoscopic Teachers, organized by World Endoscopy Organization, -- pgs. 2013.01.05. <P131444> WONG Kwok Chu. "Cognitive Domain Deficits in Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Prognostic Significance and Screening Tool". ISCBFM 2013 meeting abstract book 663 pgs. 2013.05. <P131538> Lau JY. "EPLBD, current status". Paper presented in the Tokyo Conference of Asia Pancreatol-biliary Interventional Endoscopist, -- pgs. 2013.06.22. <P131655> LEUNG Wing Wa; NG Siu Man Simon; WONG Yee Ni and LEE Fung Yee Janet. "Acupuncture transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation reduces discomfort associated with barostat-induced rectal distension: a randomized-controlled study". World Journal of Gastroenterology vol.19 no.(3), p.381 388. 2013.01. <P131746> NG Siu Man Simon; LEE Fung Yee Janet; YIU Ying Chang Raymond; LI Chak Man Jimmy; HON Sok Fei; MAK Wing Chung Tony; LEUNG Wing Wa and LEUNG Ka Lau. "Long-term oncologic outcomes of laparoscopic versus open surgery for rectal cancer: a pooled analysis of 3 randomized controlled trials". Annals of Surgery doi: 10.1097/SLA.obo13e31828fe119. 2013.04. Department of Surgery <P131803> WAN Song. "Surgical Treatment for Ischemic MR: An Update". Paper presented in the ICC CUHK Mayo Clinic-Asia Cardiovascular Summit & 2nd Antithrombotic Pharmaceutical Symposium, organized by CUHK & Mayo Clinic, 25 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2013.04.13. <P131899> UNDERWOOD Malcolm John. Fixing Hearts & Protecting Minds: A Cardiac Surgeon's Perspective on Neuroprotection SCTS Meeting & Cardiothoracic Forum The Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery in Great Britain and Ireland 55. Brighton, United Kingdom, 2013.03.18. <P131909> NG Siu Man Simon; LEUNG Wing Wa; MAK Wing Chung Tony; HON Sok Fei; LI Chak Man Jimmy; WONG Yee Ni; TSOI K F Kelvin and LEE Fung Yee Janet. "Electroacupuncture reduces duration of postoperative ileus after laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer". Gastroenterology vol.144 no.(2), p.307 - 313. 2013.02. <P131940> POON Wai Sang; MAN Daivd Wai Kwong and LAM Chow. "The Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligent 3-D Virtual Reality Vocational Problem-solving Training in Enhancing Employment Opportunities for People with Traumatic Brain Injury". Brain Injury vol.2013 no.27(9), pp.1016-25. Informa Healthcare, 2013.05.10. <P131990> TEOH J Y; CHAN N H; CHEUNG H Y; HOU S S and NG Chi Fai. "Bleeding Renal Angiomyolipoma Presenting as Duodenal Obstruction". International Urology and Nephrology vol.45 no.4, pp.975-977. Springer, 2013.06. <P132009> LEE Anna; ZHU Fang; UNDERWOOD Malcolm John and GOMERSALL Charles David. "Fast-Track Failure After Cardiac Surgery: External Model Validation and Implications to ICU Bed Utilization". Critical Care Medicine vol.41 no.5, pp.1205-1213. United States of America: LWW, 2013.05. <P132039> TAM Y H; WONG Y S; PANG K K; TSUI S Y; MOU J W; HOUBEN Heinrich Christopherus; CHAN K W and LEE K H. "Unexpected Metachronous Hernia Development in Children Following Laparoscopic Unilateral Hernia Repair with Negative Evaluation for Contralateral Patent Processus Vaginalis.". J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A vol.23 no.3, pp.287-290. 2013.01.02. <P132091> UNDERWOOD Malcolm John. "Invited Chairman: Complex AAA: How Would You Do It? Aortic Asia: Unmet Needs in Aortic Disease -. Singapore, 2013.04.26. <P132196> WONG Kwok Chu and POON Wai Sang. "Clinical, Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound, Radiological Features and, Prognostic Significance of Delayed Cerebral Ischemia". Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement vol.115 pp.9-11. 2013.01. Department of Surgery <P132243> HU, Jia 及 萬 松 . " 胸 主 動 脈 鈍 性 創 傷 的 診 治 進 展 ". 中 華 創 傷 雜 誌 vol.29 no.3, pp.229-232. 2013.03.15. <P132263> CHEN Gong George. ed. Cigarette Consumption and Health Effects 241 pgs. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2013.01. <P132462> WU Shenghui; HO CHAN Suzanne; SO Kam Fung; LAM Tsz Ping; WOO Jean; YUEN Pak Yan; QIN Ling and KU Yuk Kwan Susanna. "Sunlight Exposure and Breast Density: A Population-based Study". Journal of Breast Cancer vol.16 no.2, pp.171–177. Korean Breast Cancer Society, 2013.06. <P132727> SUNG Joseph Jao-yiu; LAM Thomas Y; NG Siu Man Simon; LEE Janet F Y; CHING Yuet Ling Jessica; TSE Yee Kit; WONG Martin C; CHAN Ka Leung Francis and HEVLER Joachim. "The use of a new stool test M2-PK in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer: a case-control study". Paper presented in the Digestive Disease Week , 19-21 May 2013, Orlando, Florida, USA, organized by Digestive Disease Week, Vol 144, Issue 5 (Suppl.) Page S (Abstract no:S602). 2013.05. <P132769> TEOH Yuen Bun Anthony; CHIU Wai Yan Philip; HON Sok Fei; MAK Wing Chung Tony; NG Enders Kwok-wai and Lau JY. "Ex Vivo Comparative Study Using the Endolifter® As A Traction Device for Enhancing Submucosal Visualization During Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection". Surgical Endoscopy vol.27 no.4, pp.1422-7. 2013.04. <P132850> Lau JY. "Biliary Pancreatitis : How to recognize and how to treat". Paper presented in the 6th Sydney International Endoscopy Symposium 2013, -- pgs. 2013.03.08. <P133089> LU, Ye and NG Chi Fai. "Effects of Different Treatment Protocols on Renal Injury During Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy". Paper presented in the american urological association annual meeting 2013, organized by American urological association, 1 pgs. San Diego, USA, 2013.05. <P133120> TAM Y H; CHAN K W; WONG Y S; HOUBEN Heinrich Christopherus; PANG K K; TSUI S Y; MOU J W and LEE K H. "Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery in Diagnosis and Treatment for Gastrointestinal Bleeding of Obscure Origin in Children.". Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. vol.23 no.3, pp.e106-e108. 2013.06.01. <P133250> NG C Siew; Lau JY; CHAN F K L; SUEN B Y; LEUNG Wai Keung; TSE Yee Kit; NG S.S.M.; LEE Fung Yee Janet; TO Ka Fai; WU Justin Cy and SUNG Joseph J Y. "Increased Risk of Advanced Neoplasms Among Asymptomatic Cancer.". Gastroenterology pp.544-50. 2013.03.01. Siblings of Patients with Colorectal Department of Surgery <P133341> CHEUNG Wing Hoi; CHIN Wai Ching; WEI Fang-yuan; LI Gang and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Applications of exogenous mesenchymal stem cells and low intensity pulsed ultrasound enhance fracture healing in rat model". Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology vol.39 no.1, pp.117-125. 2013.01. <P133664> TIAN H David; WAN Benjamin; BANNON G Paul; MISFIELD Martin; LEMAIRE A Scott; KAZUI Teruhisa; KOUCHOUKOS T Nicholas; ELEFTERIADES A John; BAVARIA E Joseph; COSELLI S Joseph; GRIEPP B Randall; MOHR W Friedrich; OO Aung; SVENSSON G Lars; HUGHES Chad G.; UNDERWOOD Malcolm John; CHEN P Edward; SUNDT M Thoralf and YAN D Tristan. "A Meta-Analysis of Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest Alone Versus with Adjunctive Selective Antegrade Cerebral Perfusion". Ann Cardiothorac Surg vol.2 no.3, pp.261-270. AME Publishing Company, 2013.05. <P133875> LI Chai Man Jimmy; MAK Wing Chung Tony; HON Sok Fei; NGO Kwok Yu Dennis; NG Siu Man Simon; LEE Fung Yee Janet and LEUNG Ka Lau. "Laparoscopic colorectal fellowship training programme: a 6-year experience in an university colorectal unit". International Journal of Colorectal Disease vol.28 no.(6), p.823 - 828. 2013.06. <P133900> WONG J S; WONG G L; CHAN A W; WONG V W; CHEUNG Yue Sun; CHONG Ching Ning; WONG John; LEE Kit Fai; CHAN H L and LAI Bo San Paul. "Liver stiffness measurement by transient elastography as a predictor on posthepatectomy outcomes.". Ann Surg vol.257 no.5, pp.922-8. PubMed, 2013.05. <P134119> Lau JY. "Update the progress of Esophagus studey & result colon". 4th NFEF pp.--. 2013.01.27. <P134128> YU C.h. Simon; CHENG Harold Km; CHENG Pw; LUI Wm; LEUNG Km; TAN Cb; PANG Ky; WONG Kwok Chu; CHEUNG Yl; LEE Raymand; WONG Yc; WONG Ck and KWOK John Ck. "Angioplasty And Stenting for Intracranial Atherosclerotic Stenosis: Position Statement of The Hong Kong Society of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology". Hong Kong Med J vol.19 no.1, pp.69-73. 2013.02. <P134304> Lau JY. "Management of Non variceal upper GI Bleeding 2013". Paper presented in the GIHep Singapore 2013, -- pgs. 2013.06.29. <P134757> Lau JY. "Which way? Coagulation or mechanical, Monotherapy or combination therapy". Paper presented in the International Digestive Endoscopy Network 2013, -- pgs. 2013.06.09. Department of Surgery <P134822> HU Jia; LIU Jian; KWOK Wai Ting Micky; WONG H. L. Randolph; HUANG Yu and WAN Song. "Bone morphogenic protein-4 contributes to venous endothelial dysfunction in diabetic patients undergoing coronary revascularization". Annals of Thoracic Surgery vol.95 no.4, pp. 1331-1339. 2013.04. <P134843> CHAN R W; WONG John; LAI Bo San Paul; LO Y M and CHIU R W. "The potential clinical utility of serial plasma albumin mRNA monitoring for the post-liver transplantation management.". Clin Biochem vol.S00009-9120 no.13, pp.00162-8. Epub, 2013.04.30. <P134961> FUJISHIRO Mitsuhiro; CHIU Wai Yan Philip and WANG Hsui Po. "Role of Antisecretory Agents for Gastric Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection". Digestive Endoscopy vol.25 no.Suppl 1, pp.86-93. 2013.03. <P135087> HE Xin Qi; DONG Yujuan; WU Chung Wah; ZHAO Zengren; NG Siu Man Simon; CHAN Ka Leung Francis; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and YU Jun. "MicroRNA-218 inhibits cell cycle progression and promotes apoptosis in colon cancer by downregulating BMI1 polycomb ring finger oncogene". Molecular Medicine vol.18 p.1491 - 1498. 2013.02. <P135404> WONG Kwok Chu and POON Wai Sang. Why Current Evidence Is Against Flow Diverters for Treatment of Carotid Blowout Syndrome European Journal of Radiology vol.82 pp.191. Elsevier, 2013.01. <P135456> WONG H. L. Randolph; BAGHAI Max Mohammad Houman; YU Chun Ho and UNDERWOOD Malcolm John. "Aortic Arch/Elephant Trunk Procedure with Sienna TM Graft and Endovascular Stenting of Thoraco-abdominal Aorta for Treatment of Complex Chronic Dissection". Ann Cardioborac Surg vol.2 no.3, p.358-361. USA: AME Publishing Company, 2013.05. <P135493> NG Chi Fai; YEE C H and CHIU P K. "Clarification of the Pre- and Post-treatment Parameter for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment". Journal fo the American College of Cardiology doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2013.02.056. vol.61 no.25, pp.2569. 2013.06. <P135747> Lau JY. "GI Bleeding 2013: Current status and new therapeutic approaches". Paper presented in the 6th Sydney International Endoscopy Symposium 2013, -- pgs. 2013.03.07. <P135750> WONG Kwok Chu; LAM W Sandy; WONG ADRIAN; NGAI Karine; POON Wai Sang and MOK Chung Tong Vincent. "Comparison of Montreal Cognitive Assessment and Mini-Mental State Examination in Evaluating Cognitive Domain Deficit Haemorrhage". PLoS ONE vol.8 no.4, pp.E59946. 2013.04.03. Following Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Department of Surgery <P135850> ZHANG Lijing; DONG Yujuan; ZHU Nana; WU, Chung Wah; ZHAO Junhong; SUNG Joseph Jao-yiu; NG Siu Man Simon and YU Jun. "MicroRNA-139-5p exerts tumor suppressor function by targeting notch1 and Jun in colorectal cancer". Paper presented in the Digestive Disease Week , 19-21 May 2013, Orlando, Florida, USA, organized by Digestive Disease Week, Vol 144, Issue 5 (Suppl.) Page 8 (Abstract no:S288). 2013.05. <P135878> NG Siu Man Simon. "Multicentre observational study of performance variation in provision and outcome of emergency appendicectomy". British Journal of Survey vol.100 p.1240 - 1252. 2013.01. <P136112> BARONE James E. and WONG Kwok Chu. Flow Diversion Resolves Intracranial Aneurysms, With Frequent Complications Stroke United States of America: Reuters Health Information @2013, 2013.01.25. <P136263> ZHOU, Jingye; LIU Pi Chu; LIU Yao-chung and LU Gang. "MICRORNA-ENHANCED NEUROSPHERE FORMATION FROM MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS". 11th International Society ofStem Cell Research Annual Meeting, 2013. 1 pgs. Boston, United States of America: ISSCR, 2013.04.04. <P136295> WONG Kwok Chu; NGAI Karine; LAM W Sandy; WONG ADRIAN; MOK Chung Tong Vincent and POON Wai Sang. "Validity of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment for Traumatic Brain Injury Patients with Intracranial Haemorrhage.". Brain Injury vol.27 no.4, pp.394-398. Informa Healthcare, 2013.04.19. <P136411> POON Chung Yan Carmen. "Editorial: Special Issue on Health Informatics and Personalized Medicine". IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering pp.143. 2013.01. <P136434> TEOH Yuen Bun Anthony; NG Enders Kwok-wai and HAWES Robert. "EUS-Guided Rendezvous Pancreaticogastrostomy in A Patient with Central Pancreatectomy". Gastrointestinal Endoscopy vol.77 no.3, pp.500-501. 2013.03. <P136452> WONG Kwok Chu; TEOH Jeremy; CHAN Kit Ying; NG Chi Ping and POON Wai Sang. Intracranial Aneurysm Size Responsible for Spontaneous Subarachnoid Haemorrhage British Journal of Neurosurgery vol.27 no.1, pp.34-39. Informa Healthcare, 2013.02. <P136710> UNDERWOOD Malcolm John. Managing the Arch in Type A Dissection Aortic Asia: Unmet Needs in Aortic Disease -. Singapore, 2013.04.27. Department of Surgery <P136768> NG Yuen Ting; SIU Yung Woon Deyond; WONG Kwok Chu; NG Ho Keung and POON Wai Sang. "An Uncommon Mimic of Spontaneous Subarachnoid Haemorrhage". Hong Kong Med J vol.19 pp.80-1. 2013.02. <P136856> NG Siew Chien; LAU J. Y. W.; CHAN F K L; SUEN B Y; LEUNG Wai-keung; TSE Yee Kit; NG Siu Man Simon; LEE Fung Yee Janet; TO Ka Fai; WU Justin C.y. and SUNG Joseph J Y. "Increased Risk of Advanced Neoplasms Among Asymptomatic Siblings of Patients with Colorectal Cancer". Gastroenterology vol.144 no.3, pp.544-550. 2013.03. <P137197> TEOH Y. C. Jeremy; TEOH Yuen Bun Anthony; CHIU Wai Yan Philip and NG Enders Kwok-wai. "Chylothorax as A Rare Complication after Severe Necrotizing Pancreatitis and Endoscopic Pancreatic Necrosectomy". Gastrointestinal Endoscopy vol.77 no.3, pp.498-500. 2013.03. <P137512> WAN Song. "CABG In China: Is The Pump Still A Concern?". Paper presented in the 21st Annual Meeting of The Asian Society for Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, organized by Asian Society for Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, 182 pgs. Kobe, Japan, 2013.04. <P137579> TAM Y H; PANG K K; TSUI S Y; WONG Y S; WONG H Y; MOU J W; CHAN K W; HOUBEN Heinrich Christopherus; SIHOE J D and LEE K H. "Laparoendoscopic Single-site Nephrectomy and Heminephroureterectomy in Children Using Standard Laparoscopic Setup Versus Conventional Laparoscopy.". Urology vol.82 no.2, pp.430-436. 2013.05.02. <P137686> 萬松. <辯論題目:微創冠脈搭橋術是否影响血管遠期通暢率?>. 《第四届上海國際微創心血管外 科論壇(SISMICS 2013)》 中國上海, 2013.05. <P137724> 吳志輝、 鄭景輝 及 梁秉中. <舒尿寶 (棕櫚子加三妙散) 膠囊治療前列腺增生隨機雙盲安慰劑對 照臨床研究>. 《現代泌尿外科雜誌》 第 18 卷 第 2 期, 頁 121-125. 2013.03. <P137794> LIU, Yao; LU Gang; ZHOU Jingye and POON Wai Sang. "AXON REGENERATION AFTER PLURIPOTENT MESENCHYMAL STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION IN CHRONIC INTRACEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE MODEL". International Society for Stem Cell Research 11th Annual Meeting ed. by LIU, Yao, ZHOU, Jing Ye, LI, Ling Fei, TSANG, Kam Sze Kent, LU, Gang, POON, Wai Sang. pp.2013-P-1525-ISSCR. 2013.06.14. Department of Surgery <P138049> CHIU Wai Yan Philip; WU Che Yuen Justin; TEOH Yuen Bun Anthony; CHAN Yawen; WONG Kin Hung Simon; LIU Yuk Wah; CHAN YUNG Man Yee; LAM Chuen Hing; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu; CHAN Ka Leung Francis; Lau JY and NG Enders Kwok-wai. "Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy for Treatment of Achalasia: from Bench to Bedside (with Video)". Gastrointestial Endoscopy vol.77 no.1, pp.29-38. 2013.01. <P138436> 萬松. <鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的 - 心血管專科醫生的成才之路>. 《第三届中國老年學學會心腦血管病學 術年會和第三届北方國際心臟學術會議》 9. 中國天津, 2013.06.01. <P138442> TEOH Yuen Bun Anthony; CHEUNG Ka Yin; HU Bing; PAN Ya Min; LAI Hin; CHIU Wai Yan Philip; WONG Kin Hung Simon; CHAN Ka Leung Francis and Lau JY. "Randomized Trial of Endoscopic Sphincterotomy With Balloon Dilation Versus Endoscopic Sphincterotomy Alone for Removal of Bile Duct Stones". Gastroenterology vol.144 no.2, pp.341-345. 2013.02. <P138761> 萬松. <風濕性二尖瓣成形的病例選擇和手術原則>. 《第九届中國心血管外科醫師年會》 中國醫師 協會心血管外科醫師分會 -. 中國哈爾濱, 2013.06.29. <P138772> NG Yuen Keng; LAU Wing Sze; LUI Vivian Wai Yan; CHENG Sze Lok; NG Patrick Kwok-shing; TSUI Kwok Wing; CHEUNG Yue Sun and LAI Bo San Paul. "Full-length Mst1 Exhibits Growth Promoting Function in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells". FEBS Letters vol.587 no.5, pp.496-503. 2013.03. <P138950> NG Siu Man Simon; LEUNG Wing Wa; CHAN Simon K; WONG Yee Ni and LEE Fung Yee Janet. "Electroacupuncture Analgesia for Colonoscopy: A prospective, randomized, sham-controlled study". Paper presented in the Digestive Disease Week , 19-21 May 2013, Orlando, Florida, USA, organized by Digestive Disease Week, Vol 77, Issue 5 (Suppl.) Page AB176 (Abstract no:1013). 2013.05. <P139003> WONG Kwok Chu; LIANG Min; TAN Haibin; LEE Michael Wing Yan; PO Yin Chung; CHAN Kwong Yau and POON Wai Sang. "High-Dose Simvastatin for Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled, Double-Blind Clinical Trial Protocol". Neurosurgery vol.72 no.5, pp.840-4. 2013.02.06. <P139072> Lau JY. "New and innovative treatment modality for nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding". Paper presented in the International Digestive Endoscopy Network 2013, -- pgs. 2013.06.09. <P139319> UNDERWOOD Malcolm John. My Best and Worst Case Aortic Asia: Unmet Needs in Aortic Disease -. Singapore, 2013.04.26. Department of Surgery <P139346> LEE Kit Fai; WONG John; CHEUNG Yuen Sun Sunny; CHONG Ching Ning Charing and LAI Bo San Paul. "Robotic Excision of Gastric Duplication Cyst 機 器 人 胃 重 複 囊 腫 切 除 術 ". Robotic Surgery vol.4 pp.64 - 67. Beijing: Clinical Robotic Surgery Association, 2013.04. <P139485> WONG Kwok Chu; LEUNG Joyce H Y; YU J; SIU Yung Woon Deyond; LAM W Sandy and POON Wai Sang. "Extent of Early Cerebral Infarction After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Risk Factor And Prognostic Significance". ISCBFM 2013 meeting abstract book 297 pgs. 2013.05. <P139552> WOO Peter Ym; TEOH Jeremy Yuen Chun; WONG Kwok Chu; ZHU Xian Lun Cannon; SIU Yung Woon Deyond; KWAN Cheuk Lun and POON Wai Sang. "Clinical Reasoning: A 45-year-old woman with reversible bilateral hearing loss". Neurology vol.80 pp.e23. American Academy of Neurology, 2013.01.14. <P139713> ZHANG T; WATSON D G; WANG L; ABBAS M; MURDOCH L; BASHFORD L; AHMAD I; LAM Nga Yee; NG Chi Fai and LEUNG H Y. "Application of Holistic Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Based Urinary Metabolomics for Prostate Cancer Detection and Biomarker Discovery". PLoS ONE PMID: 23823321; PMCID: PMC3688815. vol.8 no.6, pp.e65880. 2013.06. <P139750> 萬松. <外科治療缺血性ニ尖瓣關閉不全的新進展>. 《第 15 届中國南方國際心血管病學術會議》頁 64. 中國廣州, 2013.04.12. <P139827> CHONG Ching Ning and LAI Bo San Paul. "Antiviral therapy after curative resection for patients with hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma.". The British Journal of Surgery vol.100 no.6, pp.724-5. PubMed, 2013.05. <P139864> WONG Kwok Chu; CHAN Matthew Tak Vai and POON Wai Sang. "Preconditioning Strategy: Coronary Bypass, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Temporary Proximal Vessel Occlusion in Carotid Revascularization, and Intracranial Aneurysm Surgery". Innate Tolerance in the CNS pp.567-577. Springer New York, 2012. <P139962> MCDONALD A Robert; WHITE M Katie; WU Junxi; COOLEY C Brian; ROBERTSON E Keith; HALLIDAY A Crawford; MCCLURE D John; FRANCIS Sheila; LU Ruifaug; KENNEDY Simon; GEORGE J Sarah; WAN Song; ROOIJ Van Eva and BAKER H Andrew. "miRNA-21 is Dysregulated in Response to Vein Grafting in Multiple Models and Genetic Ablation in Mice Attenuates Neointima Formation". Eur Heart Journal vol.34 no.22, pp.1636-1643. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2013.06.07. Department of Surgery See Also <P120844 >, <P120953 >, <P121116 >, <P121162 >, <P121278 >, <P121601 >, <P121859 >, <P121996 >, <P122254 >, <P122713 >, <P122738 >, <P122779 >, <P122919 >, <P122938 >, <P123012 >, <P123091 >, <P123402 >, <P123490 >, <P123857 >, <P124003 >, <P124475 >, <P124482 >, <P124522 >, <P124778 >, <P124863 >, <P125030 >, <P125223 >, <P125570 >, <P125982 >, <P126410 >, <P126650 >, <P126678 >, <P126714 >, <P126758 >, <P126999 >, <P127148 >, <P127241 >, <P127323 >, <P127403 >, <P127899 >, <P127959 >, <P128134 >, <P128212 >, <P128266 >, <P128384 >, <P129242 >, <P129349 >, <P129482 >, <P129538 >, <P130468 >, <P130685 >, <P130818 >, <P130873 >, <P131124 >, <P131583 >, <P131778 >, <P132722 >, <P133165 >, <P133837 >, <P133929 >, <P134117 >, <P134689 >, <P134890 >, <P135222 >, <P135535 >, <P135836 >, <P136268 >, <P136346 >, <P136594 >, <P138271 >, <P138556 >, <P138699 >, <P139283 >, <P139398 >, <P139987 > CUHK Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control <P120212> MA Ting; LV Hy; GRIFFITH James Francis; LI Fu Wing; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; LEUNG Ping Chung; LEUNG Chi Shun and YUAN Jing. "Perfusion and Bone Mineral Density as Function of Vertebral Level at LumbarSpine". Paper presented in the 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, organized by IEEE EMBS, p.3488-3491. San Diego, USA, 2012.08. <P125216> LEUNG Chi Shun; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; CHAN Cheong Chun; YUEN Wing Ki; KWOK Wai Leung Anthony; CHOY Tak Kee Dicky; LAU Edith M.c. and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Visual Functioning and Quality of Life Among the Older People in Hong Kong". International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry doi: 10.1002/gps.2789. vol.27 no.8, pp.807-815. 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2012.08. <P131121> CHOR Sin Yee; LEUNG Chi Shun; GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Assessment of Malnutrition in Community Chinese Elderly: A Hidden Problem in a Developed Society". ISRN Geriatrics vol.2013, Article ID 564342, 9 pages. 2013.01. See Also<P121401 >, <P121536 >, <P122119 >, <P122853 >, <P124735 >, <P124990 >, <P125215 >, <P127146 >, <P127363 >, <P128216 >, <P128701 >, <P128794 >, <P129148 >, <P129712 >, <P129783 >, <P131192 >, <P131742 >, <P134817 >, <P134972 >, <P136927 >, <P139094 >, <P139365 > Lee Hysan Clinical Research Laboratories <P121996> LIU, Yi; CHUN Suk Ying; LEUNG Cheuk Sing Billy; LI Mingyue and CHEN Gong George. "Phloroglucinol Induces Lung Cancer Cells Apoptosis via Inhibiting Thromboxane Synthase". Paper presented in the 17th Annual Scientific Symposium of the Hong Kong Cancer Institute – Clinical Application of Biomarkers in Cancer Therapy, p.58. 2012.11. <P125570> LIU, Liping; HO Lok Kee; CHEN Gong George and LAI Bo San Paul. "Sorafenib Inhibits Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1α Synthesis: Implications for Antiangiogenic Activity in Hepatocellular Carcinoma". Clinical Cancer Research vol.18 no.20, p.5662-5671. 2012. <P129609> FU Sai Chuen Bruma; CHEUK Yau Chuk; HUNG Leung Kim and CHAN Kai Ming. "Limb Idleness Index (LII): a Novel Measurement of Pain in a Rat Model of Osteoarthritis". Osteoarthritis and Cartilage vol.20 pp.1409-1416. Elsevier Ltd, 2012. See Also<P120031 >, <P120391 >, <P120598 >, <P121006 >, <P121129 >, <P121494 >, <P121908 >, <P121997 >, <P122322 >, <P122334 >, <P122661 >, <P123025 >, <P123248 >, <P123310 >, <P123738 >, <P124164 >, <P124282 >, <P124346 >, <P124452 >, <P124560 >, <P124844 >, <P124888 >, <P125541 >, <P125601 >, <P126219 >, <P126427 >, <P127159 >, <P127264 >, <P127471 >, <P127855 >, <P128278 >, <P129244 >, <P129863 >, <P129976 >, <P130113 >, <P130756 >, <P130871 >, <P131175 >, <P131810 >, <P132066 >, <P134024 >, <P134064 >, <P134276 >, <P135164 >, <P136028 >, <P137616 >, <P137732 >, <P138706 >, <P138730 >, <P139462 >, <P139607 >
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