Dept of Anthropology Faculty of Arts


Dept of Anthropology Faculty of Arts
Dept of Anthropology
<P050886> TAN Chee Beng. "Diaspora: Chinese". Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities ed. by Carl Skutch. 1st
ed. pp.382-385. New York: Routledge, 2005.
<P050893> TAN Chee Beng. "Southeast Asia and China Studies". Malaysia, Southeast Asia and the Emerging
China: Political, Economic and Cultural Perspectives ed. by Hou Kok Chung and Yeoh Kok-Kheng. 1st
ed. pp.231-239. Kuala Lumpur: Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya, 2005.
<P057965> TAN Chee Beng. "Malaysia". Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities ed. by Carl Skutch. 1st ed. New
York: Routledge, 2005.
<P060165> 呂烈丹. <The Pebble Tools in South China>. Paper presented in the 《Annual meeting of the
Archaeology Centre of South China 》 , organized by Archaeology Centre of South China, 5
頁. GuangzhouChina, 2006.11.
<P060402> MATHEWS Gordon Clark. "Hong Kong Chinese Professors Within the "Western" University
Model". Paper
Meeting, organized by American Anthropological Association, 15 pgs. San Jose, California, 2006.11.15.
<P061506> BOSCO Joseph. "Fake Shampoo in China: Consumer Desire and Fear". Paper presented in the panel
"Reconstituting the Body Through Consumption of Self and Other", organized by Society for East Asian
Anthropology 15 pgs. Hong Kong, 2006.07.13.
<P062537> 譚少薇. <香港高校的性別研究課程與性別平等實踐>. 《全國婦聯兩岸四地會議》 頁 24. 北
京, 2006.09.19.
<P063555> BOSCO Joseph. "Teaching 'Chinese Culture and Society' in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the panel
"Problems in Teaching East Asia", organized by Society for East Asian Anthropology 15 pgs. Hong
Kong, 2006.07.14.
<P063703> TAN Chee Beng. "The Shishan Ye People in Malaysia and the Ancestral Homeland in China". Chinese
Transnational Networks ed. by Tan Chee-Beng. 1st ed. pp.73-91. London: Routledge, 2007.
<P063875> CHEUNG Chin Hung Sidney. "Beyond the Korean Wave: Market Value Studies in Hong Kong of
Korean (in Korean)". 韓 國 文 化 vol.38 pp.485-497. Seoul, South Korea: Kyujanggak Institute for
Korean Studies, Seoul National University, 2006.12.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Anthropology
<P063946> TAM Siu Mi Maria. "The Female Face of Being Minority: Nepalese Women in Hong Kong". Paper
presented in the SASON International Conference "Social Sciences in a Multicultural World: Addressing
the Persistence of Deprivation, Conflict and Violence" 10 pgs. Kathmandu, Nepal, 2006.12.11.
<P064231> TAN Chee Beng. ed. Chinese Transnational Networks. no.1, 214 pgs. London: Routledge, 2007.
<P064277> TAN Chee Beng. "Book Review of Food Culture in the Near East, Middle East and North Africa by
Peter Heine". Journal of Chinese Dietary Culture vol.2 no.2 p.165-170. Taipei: Foundation of Chinese
Dietary Culture, 2006.
<P064515> TAN Chee Beng. "Introduction: Chinese Overseas, Transnational Networks, and China". Chinese
Transnational Networks ed. by Tan Chee-Beng. 1st ed. pp.1-19. London: Routledge, 2007.
<P064709> MATHEWS Gordon Clark. "If Anthropology is a Science, then the East-West Dichotomy is
Irrelevant: Moving Towards a Global Anthropology". Dismantling the East-West Dichotomy: Essays in
Honour of Jan Van Bremen ed. by Joy Hendry and Heung Wah Wong. pp.183-188. London and New
York: Routledge, 2006.
<P064850> MATHEWS Gordon Clark. "Final Days: Japanese Culture and Choice at the End of Life". Asian
Anthropology vol.5 p.169-171. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2006.
<P065471> LU Lie Dan. "Lithic Industries and Human Diaspora in Southern East Asia". Paper presented in the
Origin of Man, Lauguage
and Languages, organized by European Science
Foundation, 3
pgs. Uppsala, Sweden, 2006.12.13.
<P065512> LU
Dan. "The
China". Asian
Perspectives vol.45 no.2, pp.129-158. Hawai'i, United States of America: University of Hawai’i
Press, 2006.10.10.
<P065820> LU Lie Dan. "Cultural Dynamics in Prehistoric Hong Kong ". Society of East Asian
Anthropology Hong Kong, CUHK, 2006.07.15.
<P066147> MATHEWS Gordon Clark. "State, Market, and Self in the Mobilization and Manipulation of Cultural
Resources". Paper presented in the Conference: "Towards on Anthropology of Resources", organized by
"Towards on Anthropology of Resources" Research Project, Japan, 15 pgs. Tokyo University of Foreign
Studies, 2006.12.09.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Anthropology
<P067213> TAN Chee Beng. "Chinese Peranakan Society". The Encyclopedia of Malaysia: Peoples and
Traditions ed. by Hood Salleh. 1st ed. pp.68-69. Singapore: Archipelago Press, 2006.
<P067331> MATHEWS Gordon Clark. ed. Asian Anthropology. vol.5 195 pgs. Hong Kong: Chinese University
Press, 2006.09.
<P067804> TAN Chee Beng and DING Yuling. "Drinking Tea in Quanzhou, Fujian: A Re-invention of Tradition
China". Paper
Anthropology/Anthropology in East Asia, organized by Society for East Asian Anthropology and
Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 20 pgs. Hong Kong, 2006.07.13.
<P068079> BOSCO Joseph. "Soap and Shampoo as a Lens on Contemporary Chinese Consumption". Paper
presented in the 2006 Summer Camp of Anthropology: Material Culture, organized by the School of
Ethnological Studies of Southwestern Minzu University, Center for Theoretical and Methodological
Inquiries in Anthropology of Central Minzu University, and Beijing University, 15 pgs. Huaxi,
Guizhou, 2006.07.21.
<P068327> MATHEWS Gordon Clark. "Comparative Patriotisms: How Hong Kong, Chinese, and American
Country."". Paper
Asia", organized
Anthropology/Department of Anthropology, CUHK, 20 pgs. Hong Kong, 2006.07.13.
<P068686> MATHEWS Gordon Clark. "Happiness and the Pursuit of a Life Worth Living: An Anthropological
Approach". Happiness and Public Policy: Theory, Case Studies and Implications ed. by Yew-Kwang
Ng and Lok Sang Ho. pp.147-168. Houndmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
<P068770> BOSCO Joseph; LIU Huwy-min and WEST Mathew. "Informal Lotteries in China: The Occult
Economy and Capitalist Culture". Paper presented in the conference on 文 化 多 樣 性 與 當 代 世
界, organized by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 15 pgs. Guangzhou, China, 2006.11.24.
<P068948> 呂烈丹. <自然資源和食物原料:嶺南地區史前飲食文化芻議>. 《嶺南考古研究》 第 4 期, 頁 207
-213. ChinaGuangzhou, 2006.11.
<P069131> BOSCO Joseph; LIU Huwy-min and WEST Mathew. "Underground Lotteries in China: The Occult
Economy and Capitalist Culture". Paper presented in the 105th Annual Meeting of the American
Anthropological Association, organized by American Anthropological Association, 15 pgs. San Jose,
CA, 2006.11.18.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Anthropology
<P070083> TAN Chee Beng. "Book Review of The Way that Lives in the Heart: Chinese Popular Religion and
Spirit Mediums in Penang, Malaysia". Asian Folklore Studies vol.66(1-2) pp.275-276. Nagoya,
Japan: Asian Folklore Studies, 2007.
<P071398> TAN Chee Beng. "Review of State, Market, and Religions in Chinese Societies edited by Fenggang
Yang and Joseph B. Tamney". International Sociology vol.22 no.2 pp. 207-209. London: International
Sociological Association, 2007.
<P071468> TAN
Beng. "Buddhism
Engaged". Religious Pluralism in Democratic Societies: Challenges and Prospects for Southeast Asia,
Millennium ed.
Nathan. 1st
ed. pp.107-122. Singapore: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2007.
<P071837> MATHEWS Gordon Clark. "Japanese Individualism and "What Makes Life Worth Living"". Paper
presented in the Association for Asian Studies, organized by Association for Asian Studies, 15
pgs. Boston, MA, 2007.03.22.
<P072512> BOSCO Joseph. "Young People's Ghost Stories in Hong Kong". The Journal of Popular
Culture vol.40 no.5, 23 pgs. U.S.A.: Blackwell Publishing. Inc., 2007.
<P073226> TAN Chee Beng. "Confucianism". The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology ed. by G. Ritzer. 1st ed.
Vol. 2, pp.668-672. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing, 2007.
<P074712> TAN Chee Beng and Ann S. Chiu. "Teaching and Documentation of Chinese Overseas
Studies". Chinese Overseas: Migration Research and Documentation ed. by Tan Chee-Beng, Colin
Storey, and Julia Zimmerman. 1st ed. pp.201-254. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2007.
<P074811> 譚少薇 及 葉漢明. <中國香港高等院校性別研究/婦女學課程的問題>. 《教育:性別維度的審
視》 魏國英、王春梅編. 第 1 版 頁 128-141. 中國上海: 學林出版社, 2007.06.
<P074840> 呂烈丹. <香港舊區重建中的文化遺產保育問題>. 論文發表於 《城市文化國際研討會》, 主辦機構
為中國國家文物局, 5 頁. 中國北京, 2007.06.11.
<P074931> TAN Chee Beng. "Introduction: Chinese Migration, Research and Documentation". Chinese Overseas:
Migration, Research and Documentation ed. by Tan Chee-Beng, Colin Storey, Julia Zimmerman. 1st
ed. pp.xiii-xxv. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2007.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Anthropology
<P075624> 呂烈丹. <香港史前的自然資源和經濟形態>. 《考古》 第 6 期, 頁 36-45. ChinaBeijing: 考古雜誌
社, 2007.06.
<P075635> TAM Siu Mi Maria. "Convenient-involvement Foods and Production of the Family Meal in South
China". Food and Foodways in Asia: Resource, Tradition and Cooking pp.67-82. London and New
York: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), 2007.
<P075704> MATHEWS Gordon Clark; MA Kit Wai and LUI Tai Lok. Hong Kong, China: Learning to Belong
to a Nation. U.K., London: Routledge, 2007.
<P076804> TAM Siu Mi Maria. "Being Female and Ethnic Minority in Hong Kong: The Double Marginalization
of Nepalese Women and Its Policy Implications". Paper presented in the International Conference on
"Women’s Policy in China and Korea: Thinking from Women’s Lives" organized by Keimyung
University, 31 pgs. Daegu, Korea, 2007.05.24.
<P077426> TAM Siu Mi Maria. "Being Minority in Hong Kong: The Case of Nepalese Women and Its
Implications for the New Race Discrimination Bill". Paper presented in the Sociological Seminar, No.
75 organized by Department of Sociology, Nanjing University, 22 pgs. Nanjing, China, 2007.06.12.
<P077731> LU Lie Dan. " Economic Development and Archaeology in Mainland China" Paper presented in the
World Archaeology Congress Inter-Congress, organized by Jamaica Archaeological Society, 4
pgs. Kingston, Jamaica, 2007.05.25.
<P078587> Tan Chee-Beng; Colin Storey and Julia Zimmerman. ed. Chinese Overseas: Migration, Research
and Documentation. no.1, 416 pgs. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2007.
<P078775> TAM Siu Mi Maria. "Forced Mobility, Parental Power and Marriage Constraints: Femininities Among
Nepalese Women in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the The 5th Annual Hawaii International
Conference on Arts and Humanities, 12 pgs. Honolulu, 2007.01.12.
<P078776> BOSCO Joseph. "Review of "Looking Through Taiwan: American Anthropologists' Collusion with
Domination"". The
Journal vol.57 P.195-198. Australia: The
University, 2007.01.
<P078780> BOSCO Joseph. "Review of The Chinese in Silicon Valley: Globalization, Social Networks, and
Ethnic Identity". Journal of Chinese Overseas vol.3 no.1 p.165-167. Singapore: NUS Press for the
Chinese Heritage Centre, 2007.05.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Anthropology
<P078925> LU Lie Dan. "Heritage Preservation in Post-Colonial Hong Kong". Paper presented in the Heritage
and the Environment Conference, organized by Glasgow Caledonian University, 4 pgs. Isle of
Skye, United Kingdom, 2007.06.23.
<P079098> MATHEWS Gordon Clark. "A Companion to the Anthropology of Japan". Journal of Japanese
Studies vol.33(2) p.458-462. U.S.A.: University of Washington, 2007.
<P079714> TAM Siu Mi Maria. "Double Marginalization: The Experience of Nepalese Women in Hong
Kong". Faculty Seminar 28 pgs. Nursing Department, CUHK, 2007.04.11.
<P079918> MATHEWS Gordon Clark. "Ikigai, Death, and What Remains". Paper presented in the Japan
Anthropology Workshop, organized by Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo, 15 pgs. Oslo,
Norway, 2007.03.14.
See Also <P074481 >, <P078271 >
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Chinese Language and Literature
「後」諸字的關係>. 《簡帛》
(第一輯)223-228. 2006.10.
<P055865> 張光裕. <從簡帛所見「然句」看「句」
<P057946> ZHOU Jianyu. <項羽 / 呂布 / 關羽之敘述的文本互涉> 中國文學研究 (第 8 輯) 復旦大學中國
古代文學研究中心 第 8 輯 200-210. 中國上海: 復旦大學出版社, 2007.04.
<P060097> 程中山. <楊雲史香港時期(1938-1941)詩文紀事及其集外佚詩輯錄>. 《Journal of Chinese
Studies》 第 46 期, 頁 393-432. 香港特別行政區, 2006.10.01.
<P060178> 蔣英豪. <《道咸同光四朝詩史》考述>. 《清代詩話考述》 吳宏一編. 第 1 版 1243-1245. 台灣台
北, 2006.12.
<P060189> 張錦少. <-n 和-ng 韻尾>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.12.06.
<P060427> 張詠梅. <似「簡」非簡>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F7 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.09.15.
<P060453> 何杏楓. <華麗緣中的愛玲女神:《樸廉紳士》、《半生緣》、進念舞台改編探論>. 論文發表於 《張
愛玲逝世十週年紀念國際學術研討會》, 主辦機構為香港浸會大學中國語言文學系, 25 頁. 香港特
別行政區, 2006.09.30.
<P060492> 王晉光. <郁達夫與中國傳統文化>. 論文發表於 《傳統與現代-----郁達夫與 20 世紀中國文學國際
學術會議》, 主辦機構為中國文聯/中國作協/浙江省文聯/浙江省作協, 244-247 頁. 中國浙江富
陽, 2006.12.07.
<P060519> 張錦少. <n-和 l-聲母的分辨法>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.10.25.
<P060659> 蔣英豪. <《海天琴思錄》考述>. 《清代詩話考述》 吳宏一編. 第1版 頁 955-956. 台灣台北: 中央
研究院中國文哲研究所, 2006.12.
<P060666> 張錦少. <粵語的韻母(二)>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.11.29.
<P060731> 蔣英豪. <《清詩話》考述>. 《清代詩話考述》 吳宏一編. 第 1 版 頁 1297-1298. 台灣台北: 中央研
究院中國文哲研究所, 2006.12.
<P060941> 王晉光. <《遁窟讕言》之成書與香港文學>. 《學藝兼修:漢學大師------饒宗頤教授九十華誕國際
學術研討會》 頁 1-13. 香港特別行政區香港, 2006.12.15.
<P061004> 陳雄根. <《廣雅》釋《詩》與毛、鄭異義考>. 論文發表於 《學藝兼修.漢學大師﹕饒宗頤教授
九十華誕國際學術研討會》, 主辦機構為香港大學中文學院, 12 頁. 香港, 2006.12.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Chinese Language & Literature
<P061012> 楊利成. 《荊山玉屑.續編》. 160 頁. 香港特別行政區: 匯智出版有限公司, 2006.09.
<P061081> 張錦少. <粵語聲母複習>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.11.15.
<P061205> 蔣英豪. <《平等閣詩話》考述>. 《清代詩話考述》 吳宏一編. 第 1 版 頁 1273-1274. 台灣台北: 中
央研究院中國文哲研究所, 2006.12.
<P061206> 鄺可怡. <讀一車書:《魔鬼的辭典》、《五國語言圖像辭典》、《老上海行名辭典》、《老上海
的俗語圖說大全》>. 《字花》 第 4 期, 84 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.10.
<P061275> 張健. 《中國文學作品選注 第四卷》. 袁行霈主編. 第 1 版, 3-52,55-62. 中國北京: 中華書
局, 2007.06.
<P061441> 張詠梅. <馮婦不好重作>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F7 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.12.01.
<P061820> 王晉光. <關於俚諺傳播與變異之研究>. 《Chinese Language Review》 胡百華 姚德懷. 第 85 期, 頁
47-49. 香港: Chinese Language Soceity of Hong Kong, 2006.12.
<P061946> 黃坤堯. <澳門的觸動>. 《文化雜誌》 黃曉峰. 第 60 期, 頁 133-138. 澳門: 澳門特別行政區政府文
化局, 2006.07.
<P061956> 王晉光. <論王韜《遁窟讕言》>. 論文發表於 《第三屆中國古代小說國際研討會 2006.8.13-18》, 主
辦機構為哈爾濱師範大學, 117-136 頁. 中國黑龍江哈爾濱, 2006.08.15.
<P062028> 歐陽偉豪. <單位量詞聚光陰>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 1 頁. 2006.09.26.
<P062240> 張錦少. <粵語的聲母>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.10.11.
<P062359> 王晉光. 《 《高行健郁達夫王韜論》第二版》. 第2版, 251 頁. 香港特別行政區: 鷺達文化出版公
司, 2006.07.12.
<P062367> 歐陽偉豪. <跌打損傷看跌打>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 1 頁. 2006.11.10.
<P062915> 楊利成. 《劍氣集》. 香港特別行政區: 璞社, 2006.09.
<P062951> 萬波 及 張雙慶. <論宋代以來邵武方言的演變>. 論文發表於 《兩岸三地人文社會科學學術論壇
「 中 國 文 學 與 文 化 的 傳 統 及 變 革 」 學 術 研 討 會 》 , 主 辦 機 構 為 南 京 大 學 , 19 頁 . 中 國 南
京, 2006.10.14.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Chinese Language & Literature
<P062968> 張詠梅. <試論報章連載小說的本土意識 ── 以三蘇《經紀日記》及夢中人《懵人日記》為例>. 《第
六屆香港文學節研討會講稿匯編》 香港藝術發展局辦事處編. 第 1 版 頁 79-93. 香港特別行政
區, 2006.11.
<P063277> 曾志雄. 王和天子 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F7 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.09.22.
<P063289> 程中山. <清代詩話二十五種考述>. 《清代詩話考述》 吳宏一編. 第 1 版 臺灣省臺北: 臺灣中央研
究院中國文哲研究所, 2006.12.01.
<P063328> 張錦少. <粵語說略>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.10.04.
<P063669> 黃念欣. <[英譯中]埃德蒙.威爾遜[美]著︰《阿克瑟爾的城堡︰1870 至 1930 年的想像文學研
究 》 [Edmund Wilson, The Axel’s Castle: a Study in the Imaginative Literature of 1870-1930,
c.1931]>. 南京: 江蘇教育出版社, 2006.12.01.
<P063723> 歐陽偉豪. <點只牙牙學語咁簡單>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 1 頁. 2006.09.12.
<P063841> 何志華. 中國古籍索引編纂之源起與發展:兼論《先秦兩漢古籍逐字索引叢刊》在檢索以外的另
類功能 論文發表於 《漢學研究國際學術研討會》, 主辦機構為國立雲林科技大學漢學資料整理研
究所 1-16 頁. 臺灣雲林, 2006.10.27.
<P063881> 黃坤堯. <詩經洽川作品辨證>. 論文發表於 《第七屆詩經國際學術研討會》, 主辦機構為西華師範
大學, 6 頁. 中國南充, 2006.08.03.
<P064052> 蔣英豪. <《南社詩話》考述>. 《清代詩話考述》吳宏一編. 第 1 版 頁 1338-1339. 台灣台北, 2006.12.
<P064072> 陳寧. <《輟鍛錄》考述>. 《清代詩話考述》 吳宏一編. 第 1 版 頁 340-342. 臺灣臺北: 中央研究院
中國文哲研究所, 2006.12.
<P064073> 張錦少. <不圓唇與圓唇聲母>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.11.01.
<P064112> 曾志雄. <《史記》中的滎陽>. 論文發表於 《《史記論叢》第三集(主編:安平秋),陝西人民
出版社》, 主辦機構為中國史記研究會, 795-800. 中國陝西西安, 2006.08.
<P064153> 蔣英豪. <《石遺室詩話》考述>. 《清代詩話考述》 吳宏一編. 第 1 版 頁 1183-1184. 台灣台北: 中
央研究院中國文哲研究所, 2006.12.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Chinese Language & Literature
<P064161> 萬波 及 張雙慶. 論宋代以來邵武方言的演變 《語言暨語言學》專刊外編之六:《山高水長:丁
邦新先生七秩壽慶論文集》 何大安、張洪年、潘悟雲、吳福祥編. 第 1 版 頁 195-214. 台北: 台北中
央研究院語言學研究所, 2006.12.
<P064245> POON Ming Kay. <「李杜」和「四公子」>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 2006.12.05.
<P064364> 蔣英豪. <《湛此心齋詩話》考述>. 《清代詩話考述》吳宏一編. 第 1 版 頁 1276-1277. 台灣台北: 中
央研究院中國文哲研究所, 2006.12.
<P064425> 黃坤堯. <香港詩詞中的人文景觀>.《花大中文學報》林明珠,李正芬,杜世琪. 第 1 期, 頁 181-203. 台
灣花蓮: 國立花蓮教育大學中國語文學系, 2006.12.
<P064432> 黃坤堯. <玄應音系辨析>. 《佛經音義研究-首屆佛經音義研究國際學術研討會論文集》 徐時儀,
陳五雲,梁曉虹. 頁 1-24. 中國上海: 上海古籍出版社, 2006.07.
<P064436> 鄺可怡. <讀一車書:《美的歷史》、《西蒙波娃的越洋情書》的英文原著與中、法譯本>. 《字花》第
5 期, 94 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.12.
<P064627> 王晉光. 《王安石八論》. 第 1 版, 197 頁. 台灣台北: 大安出版社, 2006.08.20.
<P064648> 張光裕. <新見金文詞匯兩則>. 《古文字研究(第二十六輯)》 頁 179. 2006.11.
的成書年代及其版本考略>.《學術研究》第 2006 年卷 第 10 期, 頁 133-137. 廣
<P064759> 程中山. <黃節《詩學》
州, 2006.10.01.
<P064903> 萬波. <從漢語的反切傳統及方言音節結構差異論漢語拼音的教學>. 論文發表於 《中國文化研究
學會第四屆國際學術會議-- 21 世紀世界漢語教學理論與實踐》, 主辦機構為韓國淑明女子大學, 14
頁. 韓國首爾, 2006.12.01.
<P065102> 黃耀 . <法理與屈服 ── 韓愈〈論佛骨表〉與儒佛對話>. 論文發表於 《東方文化與現代社會──
儒釋道之哲學對話國際學術會議》, 主辦機構為香港中文大學哲學系中國哲學與文化研究中心、東
洋哲學研究所(日本)、東方哲學研究所(香港中心), 12 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.11.24.
<P065108> 黃坤堯. <敦煌《雲謠集》韻律新探>. 論文發表於 《學藝兼修.漢學大師 饒宗頤教授九十華誕國
際學術研討會》, 主辦機構為香港大學, 14 頁. 香港, 2006.12.14.
<P065167> 楊利成. <和而不同>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F7 頁. 香港特別行政區: 星島日報有限公
司, 2006.11.21.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Chinese Language & Literature
<P065194> 蔣英豪. <《五百石洞天揮麈》考述>. 《清代詩話考述》 吳宏一編. 第 1 版 頁 1293-1294. 台灣台
北: 中央研究院中國文哲研究所, 2006.12.
<P065215> 樊善標. <在月光下話舊--讀馬博良詩集《江山夢雨》>. 《字花》 第 4 期, 100-104. 香港特別行
政區: 水煮魚文化製作有限公司, 2006.10.
<P065274> 黃耀 . <韓愈與道釋 ── 讀饒宗頤教授《韓愈南山詩與曇無讖譯馬鳴佛所行讚》札記>. 論文發
表於 《學藝兼修‧漢學大師 ── 饒宗頤教授九十華誕國際學術研討會》, 主辦機構為香港大學‧
公開大學‧香港教育學院, 16 頁. 中國香港, 2006.12.15.
<P065294> 蔣英豪. <《南亭四話•莊諧詩話》考述>. 《清代詩話考述》 吳宏一編. 第 1 版 頁 1242-1243. 台灣
台北: 中央研究院中國文哲研究所, 2006.12.
<P065299> 楊利成. <科場古今>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F7 頁. 香港特別行政區: 星島日報有限公
司, 2006.09.08.
<P065382> 黃坤堯. <詩歌的和諧說辯證>. 論文發表於 《"弘揚中華詩詞藝術 承傳和諧社會精神"兩岸四地學
術研討會》, 主辦機構為澳門中華詩詞學會, 2 頁. 澳門, 2006.12.10.
<P065404> LO Ki Wai. <〈「願意」和「肯」的語義區別〉>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》F7 頁. 2006.12.15.
<P065463> 黃坤堯. <格物與易理新探>. 《第四屆海峽兩岸中華傳統文化與現代化研討會》 頁 1-6. 中國天
水: 中國葉聖陶研究會,中華民族文化促進會,中國伏羲文化研究會, 2006.10.06.
<P065486> 黃坤堯. <黃季剛《登高》絕筆遺墨研究>. 《量守廬學記續編》 曾誠. 頁 236-246. 中國北京: 生活、
讀書、新知三聯書店, 2006.11.
<P065877> 張光裕. <新見《秦子戈》二器跋>. 論文發表於 《《屈萬里先生百歲誕辰國際學術研討會論文
集》》, 261-268 頁. 2006.12.
<P066011> 蔣英豪. <《射鷹樓詩話》考述>. 《清代詩話考述》 吳宏一編. 第 1 版 頁 953-954. 台灣台北: 中央
研究院中國文哲研究所, 2006.12.
<P066012> 張詠梅 及 何杏楓. <《華僑日報》副刊研究計劃──訪問《華僑日報》社長岑才生先生及編輯甘
豐穗先生>. 《香港文學》 第 260 期, 80-83 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.08.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Chinese Language & Literature
<P066019> 黃坤堯. <加州行腳>. 《濠尚 Macaustyle》 程祥徽. 第 3 期, 頁 82-85. 澳門: 濠尚雜誌社有限公
司, 2006.09.
<P066126> 何志華. <《史記》「重」訓「還更」義例探究:兼論粵方言「重」、「仲」兩字淵源>. 《中國文
化研究所學報》 第 46 期, 頁 55-71. 香港, 2006.10.
<P066252> 張詠梅. <名家推介:推介《香港短篇小說選 2002-2003》>. 《香港書展:新書書評結集》 9 頁. 香
港特別行政區, 2006.07.
<P066334> 黃耀 . <漢字注音「三拼制」試探>. 論文發表於 《中國音韻學研究會第十四屆學術討論會暨漢
語音韻學第九屆國際學術研討會》, 主辦機構為中國音韻學研究會‧南京大學中文系‧徐州師範大
學語言研究所, 20 頁. 中國南京, 2006.08.25.
<P066446> 張健. 《清代詩話考述》. 吳宏一主編. 第 1 版, 181-184,486-487,531-532,562-563,572-573,879-883,
899-901,996,1299-1301,1383-1386…. 臺灣臺北: 中央研究院中國文哲研究所, 2006.12.
<P066520> 張詠梅. <試論報章連載小說的本土意識 ── 以三蘇《經紀日記》及夢中人《懵人日記》為例>. 論
文發表於 《第六屆香港文學節「香港文學:本土與跨地域意識」研討會》, 主辦機構為康樂及文
化事務署香港公共圖書館、香港藝術發展局, 11 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.07.08.
<P066637> 張雙慶. <論閩方言處置句>. 廣州暨南大學主辦《第三屆漢語方言語法國際研討會》 7 頁. 中國廣
州, 2006.12.02.
<P066655> 蔣英豪. <《今傳是樓詩話》考述>. 《清代詩話考述》吳宏一編. 第 1 版 頁 1315-1316. 台灣台北: 中
央研究院中國文哲研究所, 2006.12.
<P066794> 張光裕. <新見老簋銘文及其年代>. 《考古與文物》 第增刊期, 64-68, 71. 2006.10.
<P066816> 黃坤堯. <曾鞏,蘇軾,蘇轍同題作品《刑賞忠厚之至論》的高下比較>. 《第四屆宋代文學國際研討
會論文集》 沈松勤. 頁 390-395. 中國杭州: 浙江大學出版社, 2006.10.
<P066937> 張錦少. <零聲母和 ng-聲母>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.11.08.
<P066940> 楊利成. <顧左右而言他>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F5 頁. 香港特別行政區: 星島日報有
限公司, 2006.10.17.
<P066952> 張健. <從《永樂大典》本看《詩話總龜》的版本及增補問題>. 《北京大學學報》(哲學社會科學
版)》 第 5 期, 頁 96-102. 中國北京: 北京大學出版社, 2006.09.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Chinese Language & Literature
<P067138> ZHOU Jianyu. <《三國演義》的平行式敘述結構>. 《中國文化研究所學報》 46 301-311. 香港香
港: 香港中文大學中國文化研究所, 2006.10.
<P067284> 黃坤堯. <故國風雲酒一杯:讀曾敏之的詩詞>. 《文傳碧海-曾敏之的文學生涯與成就》許翼心. 頁
266-272. 香港特別行政區: 明報出版社, 2006.09.
<P067334> 陳寧. <《白華山人詩說》考述>. 《清代詩話考述》 吳宏一編. 第 1 版 頁 860-861. 臺灣臺北: 中央
研究院中國文哲研究所, 2006.12.
<P067588> 蔣英豪. <《海天琴思續錄》考述>. 《清代詩話考述》 吳宏一編. 第 1 版 頁 956-957. 台灣台北: 中
央研究院中國文哲研究所, 2006.12.
<P067609> 何瑞麟 及 王晉光. 編. 《 舊體詩立意與佈局研究》. 第 1 版, 348 頁. 香港特別行政區: 當代文藝
出版社, 2006.08.12.
<P067688> 張錦少. <粵語的韻母(一)>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.11.22.
<P067711> 張錦少. <罄竹難書>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 1 頁. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.10.
<P067863> 曾志雄. 〈傳統啟事的廣告技巧 〉‧
《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F76 頁. 香港特別行政
區, 2007.01.26.
<P067996> 張雙慶. <關於語言接觸>. 青海民族大學主辦《第二屆西北方言與民俗國際學術研討會》 張雙慶
及張振興 5 頁. 中國青海西寧, 2006.07.20.
<P068015> 蔣英豪. <《粵東詩話》考述>. 《清代詩話考述》 吳宏一編. 第 1 版 頁 1395-1396. 台灣台北: 中央
研究院中國文哲研究所, 2006.12.
<P068164> 張錦少. <粵語的 n-和 l-聲母>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.10.18.
<P068213> 曾志雄. 三百年前的粵語 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F73 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.12.19.
<P068237> 張洪年. <早期粵語「個」的研究>. 《山高水長:丁邦新先生七秩壽慶論文集》 何大安,張洪年,
潘悟雲,吳福祥編. 頁 813-836. 台灣台北: 中央研究院語言學研究所, 2006.12.
<P068303> 黃坤堯. <香港詩詞中的人文景觀>. 論文發表於 《第一屆人文化成之視野與策略國際學術研討
會》, 主辦機構為花蓮教育大學中國語文學系, 16 頁. 臺灣花蓮, 2006.11.25.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Chinese Language & Literature
<P068354> 黃耀 . <粵劇古腔再論 ── 小評雲惟利《古腔粵曲的音韻》(莫文暢與《唐字調音英語》研究又
一 )>. 論 文 發 表 於 《 第 十 一 屆 國 際 粵 方 言 研 討 會 》 , 主 辦 機 構 為 廣 西 大 學 , 12 頁 . 中 國 南
寧, 2006.12.08.
<P068404> 張光裕. <西周士百父盨銘所見史事試釋>. 論文發表於 《第一屆古文字與古代史學術研討會論文
集》, 主辦機構為中央研究院歷史語言研究所, 12.1-9. 2006.09.
. 第 1 版, 130 頁. 香港特別行政區: 鷺達文化出版公司, 2006.07.18.
<P068477> 王晉光.《粵閩客吳俚諺方言論》
<P068583> 黃坤堯. <洽川古意>. 《香港文學》 陶然. 第 263 期, 頁 62-64. 香港: 香港文學出版社有限公
司, 2006.11.
(哲學社會科學版)》英文作者:孫康宜, 23-32. 中
<P068636> 張健. <中晚明之交文學新探>. 《北京大學學報》
國北京: 北京大學出版社, 2006.11.
<P068684> 何志華. 《漢語大詞典》收錄《淮南子》罕用詞匯義例獻疑--兼論高誘注解之參考作用 《淮南子
研究》 安徽省《淮南子》研究會 5-18. 中國合肥市: 黃山書社, 2006.09.
<P068896> POON Ming Kay. <名和字>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 2006.11.07.
<P068976> 黃坤堯. <飲食之道與現代散文>. 《文學論衡》 王晉光,郭偉廷,劉楚華. 第 8 期, 頁 56-68. 香港: The
Chinese Language Society of Hong Kong , 2006.11.
<P068998> 蔣英豪. <《飲冰室詩話》考述>. 《清代詩話考述》 吳宏一編. 第 1 版 頁 1276-1277. 台灣台北: 中
央研究院中國文哲研究所, 2006.12.
<P069009> 樊善標. <爐外之丹──余光中六十年代「現代散文」的歷史意義>. 《人文中國學報》 人文中國學
報編輯委員會. 第 12 期, 頁 245-272. 香港特別行政區: 上海古籍出版社, 2006.09.
<P069170> ZHOU Jianyu. "Emotion (Qing 情) and Its Expression in Traditional Chinese Narrative and Chinese
Lyrics". Love, Hatred, and Other Passions: Questions and Themes on Emotions in Chinese
Civilization ed. by Paolo Santangelo with Donatella Guida. 2006 ed. pp.241-252. Leiden, Tne
Netherlands: Brill, 2006.07.
<P069236> 黃念欣. <食與寫——張愛玲散文中的飲食表述與邊緣性>. 論文發表於 《張愛玲逝世十週年紀念
國際學術研討會》, 主辦機構為香港浸會大學, 24 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.09.29.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Chinese Language & Literature
<P069376> 蔣英豪. <《光宣詩壇點將錄》考述>. 《清代詩話考述》 吳宏一編. 第 1 版 頁 1347-1348. 台灣台
北: 中央研究院中國文哲研究所, 2006.12.
<P069705> 張錦少. <-t 和-k 韻尾>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.12.13.
<P069956> 黃坤堯. <敦煌曲子詞與西北方言探究>. 論文發表於 《第二屆國際西北方言與民俗學術研討
會》, 主辦機構為青海民族學院文學院, 12 頁. 中國西寧, 2006.07.20.
<P070009> POON Ming Kay. <合成詞與諱字>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 2007.05.29.
《書》到《史記》 第 1 版, 228 頁. 香港: 中國古籍研究中心, 2007.03.02.
<P070022> 何志華. 經史考據--從《詩》
<P070096> 歐陽偉豪. <周星馳如何以舊式粵語產生時空落差的兀突感>. 《成報》 1 頁. 2007.01.10.
<P070104> 樊善標. <故事與散材--(馬博良)《江山夢雨》序>. 《江山夢雨》 第 1 版 頁 7-41. 香港特別行政
區: 麥穗出版有限公司, 2007.03.
<P070178> 張錦少. <說「狼戾」>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.03.21.
<P070342> AU YEUNG Wai Hoo. "Plastic bags". 《明報》 1 pgs. 2007.05.28.
<P070641> 歐陽偉豪. <資優兒童的雙語探索二>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 1 頁. 2007.05.11.
<P070657> 張錦少. <「哂」、「晒」粵讀別異>. 《星島日報》粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.04.25.
<P070684> 曾志雄. <漢字的讀音 >. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F7 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.02.02.
<P070725> 張詠梅. <「聲色雜陳」之古典篇>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F7 頁. 香港特別行政
區, 2007.04.17.
<P070781> POON Ming Kay. 編. 《《新書》與先秦兩漢典籍重見資料彙編》. 237 頁. 香港特別行政區: 中
文大學出版社, 2007.
<P071154> 歐陽偉豪. <調查之後有個調查>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 1 頁. 2007.06.08.
<P071164> 歐陽偉豪. <資優兒童的雙語探索一>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 1 頁. 2007.05.08.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Chinese Language & Literature
<P071190> 張錦少. <粵音教學獻策>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.06.27.
<P071254> 歐陽偉豪. <粵語長片的粵語>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 1 頁. 2007.01.05.
<P071256> 何志華、 劉殿爵 及 陳方正. 編. 《詩品逐字索引》. Collected Works No. 21 106 頁. 香港: 中文
大學出版社, 2007.05.
<P071326> 張錦少. <從「衣錦還鄉」到「天衣無縫」--談談漢語裏的「四聲別義」>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談
專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.04.04.
<P071352> 黃坤堯. <潘新安與«小山草堂詩稿»>.《文學研究》林曼叔. 第 5 期, 頁 120-128. 香港特別行政區: 香
港文學研究出版社有限公司, 2007.03.30.
<P071355> POON Ming Kay 及 陳寧. <古代文獻數位全文資料庫通假字檢索研究──以《四庫全書》電子版
為例>. 論文發表於 《第四屆兩岸四地中文數字化合作論壇》, 主辦機構為澳門特別行政區政府資
訊系統中文編碼工作組, 1-12 頁. 2007.01.
<P071494> 王晉光、 楊靜剛 及 劉楚華. 編. 《魯迅論壇專輯》. 172 頁. 香港: The Chinese Language Society
of Hong Kong , 2007.04.
<P072070> 何杏楓. <歷史與記憶:重讀張愛玲>. 《歷史與記憶:中國現代文學國際研討會》 香港中文大學中
國語言及文學系主辦, 頁 25. 2007.01.05.
<P072178> AU YEUNG Wai Hoo. "Multiplication basis of emergence of classifiers". language and
linguistics vol.8 no.4, pp.835-861. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 2007.06.29.
<P072204> 張錦少. <反切原理>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.02.14.
<P072297> AU YEUNG Wai Hoo. "Cantonese classifier di and genericity". Studies in Cantonese Linguistics
2 pp.1-16. hong kong, 2007.06.30.
<P072323> AU YEUNG Wai Hoo. "'Modn' or 'modern'". 《明報》 1 pgs. 2007.03.05.
<P072352> POON Ming Kay. <賈誼與荀子學術淵源考證>. 《經典與解釋》 第 17 卷 318-354. 中國北京: 華夏
出版社, 2007.01.
<P072395> 曾志雄. <荔枝的品牌 >. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F10 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.06.29.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Chinese Language & Literature
<P072495> 黃坤堯. <巴渝組曲與文化融合>. 論文發表於 《第五屆海峽兩岸中華文化與現代化研討會》, 主辦
機構為中國葉聖陶研究會,中華民族文化促進會, 10 頁. 中國重慶, 2007.06.19.
<P072552> 張詠梅. <「聲色雜陳」之現代篇(上)>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F7 頁. 香港特別行政
區, 2007.06.12.
<P072576> 張錦少. <「爍」、「礫」粵讀別異>. 《星島日報》粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.04.18.
<P072915> 鄺可怡. <讀一車書:《王蒙自傳》(第一部:半生多事)、A Genius in the Family : An Intimate Memory
of Jacqueline du Pré、A Life in Music (Daniel Barenboim)、Parallels and Paradoxes (Daniel Barenboim
and Edward W. Said)>. 《字花》 第 6 期, 86 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.02.
<P072966> 黃坤堯. <清代楹聯的人文精神-《合璧聯珠-樂常在軒藏清代楹聯》探索>. 論文發表於 《書海
觀瀾(二):帖學與對聯書法國際研討會》, 主辦機構為香港中文大學藝術系與文物館, 1-15 頁. 香港
特別行政區, 2007.03.16.
<P073176> 曾志雄. < 詞語的發展 >. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F7 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.05.18.
<P073529> POON Ming Kay. <以畜為名>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 2007.04.20.
<P073574> 王晉光. <柳宗元古文巧用四字聯合詞組略說>.《勵耘學刊第三輯》郭英德/北京師範大學文學院. 第
3 卷 頁 125-136. 中國北京: 學苑出版社, 2007.03.
<P073604> 張錦少. <風聲鶴唳>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.03.14.
<P073695> 何志華、 劉殿爵 及 陳方正. 編. 《人物志逐字索引、博物誌逐字索引》. 239, 252 頁. 香港: 中
文大學出版社, 2007.01.
<P073826> 樊善標. <閱讀香港《新生晚報‧新趣》1951 年的短篇故事──管窺「香港意識」的生產和傳播>. 《歷
史與記憶:中國現代文學國際研討會》 2007.01.
<P073982> 張雙慶. <香港粵語正音論爭所反映的文化問題>. 澳門文化基金會主辦《第八屆粵台港澳文化交流
研討會》 8 頁. 中國澳門, 2007.04.04.
<P074252> 楊利成. 《蘭亭集》. 32 頁. 香港特別行政區: 璞社, 2007.02.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Chinese Language & Literature
<P074310> 萬波 及 張雙慶. <漢語方言音節結構的差異與普通話語音教學>. 論文發表於 《全國漢語方言學
會 第 14 屆 年 會 暨 漢 語 方 言 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 》 , 主 辦 機 構 為 全 國 漢 語 方 言 學 會 , 14 頁 . 杭
州, 2007.04.09.
<P074396> 黃坤堯. <格物與易理新探>. 《中華傳統文化研究與評論》中國葉聖陶研究. 第 1 卷 頁 508-515. 中
國北京: 人民教育出版社, 2007.06.
<P074479> 王 晉 光 . < 高 行 健 〈 瞬 間 〉 - - 其 記 憶 、 其 歷 史 >. 《 歷 史 與 記 憶 : 中 國 現 代 文 學 國 際 研 討
會》 2007.1.5-8, 頁 1-25. 香港特別行政區香港, 2007.01.
<P074779> 萬波 及 張雙慶. <再論客贛方言「辮」讀如「邊鞭」的性質>. 論文發表於 《第七屆國際客家方
言研討會》, 主辦機構為香港中文大學, 6 頁. 香港, 2007.01.20.
<P074799> 黃坤堯. <樂常在軒藏聯的文學表現>. 合璧聯珠二:樂常在軒藏清代楹聯 莫家良. 頁 16-25. 香港特
別行政區: 香港中文大學中國文化研究所文物館, 2007.
<P074891> 黃坤堯. <香港碩果社詩人群的澳門描述>. 《第八屆粵台港澳文化交流研討會》 頁 1-7. 澳門: 澳門
基金會, 2007.04.05.
<P075054> 何杏楓. <記憶‧歷史‧流言——重讀張愛玲>. 《臺大文史哲學報》 國立臺灣大學臺大文史哲學
報編輯委員會. 第 66 期, 頁 53-92. 臺灣臺北: 國立臺灣大學出版委員會, 2007.05.
<P075138> 曾志雄. <“乍暖還寒”該是甚麼時節? >. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F5 頁. 香港特別行政
區, 2007.06.05.
<P075188> 黃念欣. <「小寫之可能」︰回歸前後香港小說選集中的「小眾」與歷史>. 論文發表於 《《歷史
與記憶:中國現代文學國際研討會》》, 主辦機構為香港中文大學中國語言及文學系, 20 頁. 香港特
別行政區, 2007.01.04.
<P075214> 張錦少. <談談粵音教學方法>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.06.20.
<P075436> POON Ming Kay. <邦國之間>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 2007.01.16.
<P075437> 曾 志 雄 . < 漢 語 的 外 圍 世 界 >. 《 星 島 日 報 . 大 學 語 文 . 中 文 頻 道 》 F7 頁 . 香 港 特 別 行 政
區, 2007.06.22.
<P075449> 張光裕. <讀鄭珍《儀禮私箋‧士昏禮》札迻>. 《中國經學(第二輯)》 彭林. 頁 14. 2007.05.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Chinese Language & Literature
<P075525> 曾志雄. <會話含義 >. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F5 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.04.03.
<P075681> 張錦少. <反切練習>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.03.07.
<P075691> 陳寧. <唐人盛愛牡丹、陶後鮮愛菊辨>. 論文發表於 《第三屆文學與資訊科技國際研討會》, 主辦
機構為東京學藝大學, 29-36. 2007.03.
<P075718> 張雙慶 及 莊初生. <閩北地區傳教士方言材料概述>. 廈門大學主辦《第十二屆中國東南部方言比
較研究計劃學術研討會》 7 頁. 中國廈門, 2007.05.11.
<P075905> 黃坤堯. <《經典釋文音義辭典》的編纂原理>. 《勵耘學刊》李運富. 第三期, 頁 41-62. 中國北京: 學
苑出版社, 2007.03.
(社會科學版)》吳定宇. 第 47 卷 第 1 期, 頁 11-14. 中
<P076058> 黃坤堯. <香港詩詞百年風貌>.《中山大學學報
國廣州: 中山大學學報編輯部, 2007.01.
<P076168> AU YEUNG Wai Hoo. "The Culture of X". 《明報》 1 pgs. 2007.06.01.
<P076563> 張雙慶. <客家方言古去聲字的演變考察>. 香港中文大學吳多泰中國語文研究中心主辦《第七屆國
際客方言研敦會》 張雙慶及練春招 9 頁. 中國香港, 2007.01.19.
<P076627> AU YEUNG Wai Hoo. "The Magic of Blogging Language". 《明報》 1 pgs. 2007.04.06.
<P076677> 曾志雄. < 中國地名中的文化與歷史 >. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F7 頁. 香港特別行政
區, 2007.04.23.
<P076811> 楊利成. <肇錫嘉名>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F3 頁. 香港特別行政區: 星島日報有限公
司, 2007.05.01.
<P076825> 黃耀 . <韓愈〈送窮文〉的聲律>. 論文發表於 《漢語與中國文學國際學術研討會》, 主辦機構為
中國南開大學、美國威斯康星大學麥迪遜校區, 11 頁. 中國天津, 2007.06.19.
<P076862> 曾志雄. <香港人應該一讀的《費宮人傳》 >. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F7 頁. 香港特別
行政區, 2007.05.22.
<P077235> 黃念欣. 《晚期風格——香港女作家三論》. 第 1 版, 242 頁. 香港特別行政區: Cosmos Books
Ltd, 2007.03.01.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Chinese Language & Literature
<P077319> 張詠梅. <「聲色雜陳」之現代篇(下)>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F10 頁. 香港特別行
政區, 2007.06.15.
<P077489> 萬波. <本字考證與語源探尋>. 論文發表於 《「中國東南部方言比較研究計劃」第十二屆研討
會》, 主辦機構為廈門大學, 6 頁. 中國廈門, 2007.05.11.
<P077505> 楊利成. 《瘞鶴經鳴集》. 20 頁. 香港特別行政區: 璞社, 2007.03.
<P077509> 張錦少. <談談廣州話裏的異讀字--從「無間道」說起>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特
別行政區, 2007.03.28.
<P077683> 張詠梅. <「花香」的聯想>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F7 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.03.09.
<P077807> ZHOU Jianyu. <書評:The Fragile Scholar: Power and Masculinity in Chinese Culture>. 《漢學研
究》漢學研究中心. 第 25 卷 第 1 期, 頁 495-501. 台灣台北: 漢學研究中心暨蔣經國國際學術交流基
金會, 2007.06.
<P077822> 楊利成. 《江西酬唱集》. 36 頁. 香港特別行政區: 璞社, 2007.04.
<P077910> LO Ki Wai. <〈「好容易」用法札記〉>. F8 頁. 2007.06.01.
<P077963> WONG Nim Yan. "The Lost City in Surfeit and Sorrow: A Post-colonial study of 1990s Hong Kong
fiction by Wong Bik-wan". Workshop on Gender and Development in Asian Literature ed. by United
Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia. pp.18. Madurai, India, 2007.05.18.
<P078013> 張錦少. <反切說略>. 《星島日報》 粵音趣談專欄, 1 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.02.07.
<P078228> LO Ki Wai. <〈「好不」用法札記〉>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F7 頁. 2007.01.19.
<P078326> 蔣英豪. <黃遵憲《已亥雜詩》中的新語詞>. 《黃遵憲研究新論》 中國史學會、中國社會科學院
近代史研究所編. 第 1 版 頁 496-505. 中國北京: 社會科學文獻出版社, 2007.05.
<P078346> 陳寧. <說不厭細>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 2007.01.09.
<P078535> 張詠梅. <《華僑日報》文藝副刊研究──試論《華僑日報.華嶽》(1938-42)>. 《中國現代文學
國際研討會》 頁 17. 香港特別行政區, 2007.01.04.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Chinese Language & Literature
<P078606> 蔣英豪. <研究工具與資料處理--《點石齋畫報》檢索系統的建立與應用>. 《性別、圖像、歷史
研討會》 台灣台北: 台灣大學婦女研究室, 2007.06.29.
<P078610> 陳寧. <詩歌用字偶談>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 2007.02.23.
<P078639> 楊利成. <蝴蝶杜鵑>. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F7 頁. 香港特別行政區: 星島日報有限公
司, 2007.05.15.
<P078769> 曾志雄. < 要一杯水的三個回應 >. 《星島日報.大學語文.中文頻道》 F7 頁. 香港特別行政
區, 2007.03.27.
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安, 2007.04.07.
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<P079615> AU YEUNG Wai Hoo. "Using Putonghua as Teaching Medium". 《明報》 1 pgs. 2007.03.05.
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Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences no.30, pp. 41-75. Taiwan: Tamkang University, 2007.06.
<P079829> AU YEUNG Wai Hoo. "Linguistic journey on a train". 《明報》 1 pgs. 2007.04.30.
<P943720> 張健. 《王士禛論詩絕句三十二首箋證》. 第 1 版, 239 頁. 臺灣臺北: 臺灣文史哲出版社, 1994.
See Also <P074182 >, <P078690 >
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Cultural and Religious Studies
<P008964> 李熾昌. 《關於嚴復翻譯的《馬可福音》》 第 64 輯 pp51-75. 中國: 上海古藉出版社, 2000.
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presented in the international conference for history, organized by Seoul National University, 101-110
pgs. Seoul, 2002.
<P034953> LAI Chi Tim. ""Daoism in China Today, 1980-2002"". Religion in China Today ed. by Daniel L.
Overmyer. 1 ed. pp.107-121. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
<P039583> XUE Yu. "Merit-Transfer and Life after Death in Buddhism". Ching Feng vol.4 no.1, pp.29-50. Hong
Kong, 2003.
<P041498> XUE Yu. Taixu (1890-1947). ed. by Phyllis G. Jestice. 1 pgs. Oxford: ABC - CLIO, 2004.
<P041526> XUE Yu. Yixing (683-727). ed. by Phyllis G. Jestice. 1 (930) pgs. Oxford: ABC - CLIO, 2004.
<P042468> XUE Yu. Yang Wenhui (1837-1911). ed. by Phyllis G. Jestice. 1(928) pgs. Oxford: ABC - CLIO, 2004.
<P043508> XUE Yu. Zhisheng. ed. by Phyllis G. Jestice. 1 (939) pgs. Oxford: ABC - CLIO, 2004.
<P045321> XUE Yu. Jianzhen (Japanese Ganjin 688-763). ed. by Phyllis G. Jestice. 429 pgs. Oxford: ABC CLIO, 2004.
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<P049021> XUE
Yu. "The
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<P056742> LAI
Chiu. "Typology
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Faculty of Arts
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<P057947> 學愚. <從太虛大師對基督教態度的變化看近代中國的佛耶相遇>. 論文發表於 《耶佛對話國際會
議》, 主辦機構為香港中文大學, 陝西師範大學, 102-117 頁. 中華書局北京, 2005.
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<P060008> 邢福增. <從中國文化看由失到得>. 《從聖經看由失到得》 謝慧兒編. 第 1 版 頁 169-196. 香港特
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<P060237> 李熾昌. <無辜受苦與面見神聖:約伯記之詮釋>. 《宗教研究.第1輯》徐小躍、徐如雷. 第 1 卷 頁
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<P061096> PANG Lai Kwan. Cultural Control and Globalization in Asia: Copyright, Piracy, and Cinema 1
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<P061549> 游子安. <善業弘開的梅州贊化宮──從廣東到泰國道堂研究>. 論文發表於 《Symposium for the
History of Daoist Temples in Guangdong》, 主辦機構為 Centre for the Studies of Daoist Culture,
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Faculty of Arts
Dept of Cultural and Religious Studies
<P061627> NG
Peter. "Christian
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<P061947> LAI Pan Chiu. "Kingdom of God and Pure Land: A Comparative Study of Eschatology and Social
Praxis". Paper presented in the Kingdom of God, Pure Land and the Human World - The International
Conference on Buddhist- Christian Dialogue, organized by Centre for the Study of Humanisitic
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<P062254> Francis Ching-Wah Yip. "Capitalism As Quasi-Religion? A Durkheimian Enhancement Of
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<P062343> TAM Wai Lun and ZENG Hanxiang. "Introduction to Traditional Society and Customs in Yangshan,
Lianshan and Liannan". Traditional Society and Customs in Yangshan, Lianshan and Liannan ed. by
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of Theology vol.20 no.2, pp.285-304. Bangalore, India: BTESSC, 2006.10.
<P062839> WONG Kun Chun Eric. "Jesus or Matthew as the One Teacher in the Gospel of
Matthew?". Sino-Christian Studies (forthcoming) vol.2 2006.12.
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Mary. "Small-fry:
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Forum, 10 pgs. Gwangju, Korea, South, 2006.
<P063007> 吳梓明. <〈從吳貽芳個案看個人成長與宗教教育〉>. 論文發表於 《性別與歷史: 近代中國婦女
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Faculty of Arts
Dept of Cultural and Religious Studies
<P063123> NG Tze Ming Peter. "“Education That is Religious Education". Paper presented in the International
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<P063742> 盧龍光. <宗教經驗對文化價值的影響–評釋使徒保羅在大馬士革路上的經驗>. 《宗教研究.第1
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<P063982> 賴品超. <自然宗教對話錄第十至十一章:一個漢語語境的解讀>. 《宗教研究.第1輯》 徐小躍、
徐如雷編. 頁 25-41. 中國南京: 南京大學出版社, 2006.12.
<P064264> 盧龍光 及 葉菁華. 編. <世界盃與體育事工>. 《教會智囊》 第 36 期, 12 頁. 香港特別行政區: 香
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<P064722> 賴品超. <文化多元與生物多樣--從跨文化對話的生態轉向反思基督宗教的環境倫理與宗教對
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<P064807> 賴品超 及 林宏星. 《儒耶對話與生態關懷》. 326 頁. 中國北京: 宗教文化出版社, 2006.10.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Cultural and Religious Studies
<P064840> 賴品超. <猶太人的不信:羅馬書中的處境神學反思 >. 《基督教學術.第四輯》 張慶熊.徐以驊
編. 頁 39-57. 中國上海: 上海古籍出版社, 2006.09.
<P065059> 盧龍光 及 葉菁華. <"尼西亞信經"系列(十四)照聖經第三日復活>. 《天風》第 294 期, 頁 30-32. 中
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<P065087> 盧龍光 及 葉菁華. <"尼西亞信經"系列(十三)"在本丟彼拉多手下,為我們釘十字架,受難,埋葬
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<P065380> LAI Pan Chiu. "The Kingdom of God and the Pure Land: A Dialogical Study of Eschatology and
Praxis". Ching Feng, n.s. vol.7 no.1-2, pp.183-210. 2006.
<P065410> PANG Lai Kwan. "City Branding and Cinema: The Case of Hong Kong Cinema". Paper presented in
the Proceedings of the Whither the Orient: Asians in Asian and Non-Asian Cinema
Conference, organized by Asia Culture Forum , 14 pgs. Gwangju, Korea, South, 2006.10.
<P065649> 龔立人. 《糾纏的靈性: 宗教, 社會與倫理》. 第 1 版, 181 頁. 香港特別行政區: 香港基督徒學
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China". Studies in World Christianity vol.12 no.2, pp.164-182. Edinburgh, United Kingdom: Edinburgh
University Press, 2006.08.
<P065742> WONG Kun Chun Eric. "A Critical Reflection of the New Testament Teaching on
Wealth". International conference on Buisness Ethics and Management 2006.10.
<P065819> 吳梓明. 《全球域化視角下的中國基督教大學》. Christain Higher Education in China_ As Seen from
the Perspective of Glocalization. 第 1 版, 259 頁. 台灣台北市: 宇宙光出版社, 2006.07.
<P066061> 賴品超. <休謨的《自然宗教對話錄》第十至十一章:一個跨文化的視角>. 《哲學門 (Beida Journal
of Philosophy)》 第 7 卷 第 2 期, 頁 97-123. 中國北京: 北京大學出版社, 2006.
<P066314> 盧龍光. 《基督教身分尋索-使徒行傳和新約書信導論》. 第一版, 372 頁. 香港: 天道書樓, 2006.09.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Cultural and Religious Studies
<P066577> 學愚. <太虛大師的民族主義與世界主義>. 論文發表於 《《佛教傳統與當代文化》》, 主辦機構為
香港中文大學, 61-79 頁. 中華書局北京, 2006.
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Feng, n.s. vol.7 no.1-2, pp.3-246. 2006.
<P066784> 學愚. <菩薩律儀與戒律的現代建設>. 論文發表於 《戒律的現代化意義研討會》, 主辦機構為僧伽
大學, 191-203 頁. 僧伽大學高雄, 2006.11.
<P066830> 譚偉倫. <儀式佛教的研究——廣東的「喃嘸佬」與江西的「香花和」>. 《佛教傳統與當代文化》方
立天、學愚編. 第 1 版 頁 307-328. 中國北京: 中華書局, 2006.12.
<P066845> 游子安. <從宣講聖諭到說善書——近代勸善方式之傳承>. 論文發表於 《International Academic
Conference on Hanchuan’s Morality Books 》 , 主 辦 機 構 為 Centre for Cultural Heritage
Studies ,Huazhong Normal University & Hanchuan People’s Government of Hubei Province,
Hanchuan, 12 頁. 2006.11.
<P067155> WONG
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<P067661> WONG Kun Chun Eric. "The Symbol of Kingdom of God and its Inheritance". Kingdom of God,
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<P067859> 黎志添. <清初廣東全真教--杜陽棟與曾一貫考>. 《2006 道文化國際學術研討會論文集》 黃忠
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Faculty of Arts
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<P068346> 邢福增. <試論中國宗教立法的三個問題>. 論文發表於 《法律與宗教學術研討會》, 主辦機構為汕
頭大學法學院,香港大學法律學院, 16 頁. 中國北京, 2006.12.21.
<P068429> 盧龍光. <《羅馬書》14:1 – 15:13 顯示的身份危機對中國基督徒祭祖爭議的引申意義>. 《基督教
學術 – 聖經研究》 徐以驊、張慶熊編. 頁 3-38. 中國上海: 上海古籍出版社, 2006.09.
<P068623> 盧龍光. <外邦基督信徒與猶太人在初期教會的相遇經驗--以《羅馬書》十四章一節至十五章十
三節為例>. 《基督宗教研究.第九輯》 卓新平、許志偉編. 第一版 117-141. 中國北京: 宗教文化
出版社, 2006.11.
<P068820> YING Fuk Tsang. "New Wine in Old Wineskins: An Appraisal of Religious Legislation in China and
society vol.34 no.4, pp.347-373. Abingdon, United
2005". religion,
Kingdom: Routledge
Group), 2006.12.
<P068982> 游子安. <清代以來關帝善書及其信仰的傳播>. 論文發表於《International Academic Conference on
Chinese Popular Religions :The Guan Gong cult and contemporary society》, 主辦機構為 Taiwan
Association for Religious Studies, 17 頁. 2006.10.
<P069019> 盧龍光 及 葉菁華. <"尼西亞信經"系列(十二)"在本丟彼拉多手下,為我們釘十字架,受難,埋葬
" (上篇)>. 《天風》 第 290 期, 頁 30-31. 中國上海: 中國基督教三自愛國運動委員會及中國基督教
協會, 2006.07.
<P069449> LEE Chi Chung Archie. "Proposta di un approccio testule incrociato nell'ermeneutica biblica
asiatica". Theologia in Asia ed. by M. Amaladoss and R. Gibellini. pp.180-98. Brescia, Italy: Editrice
Queriniana, 2006.
<P069522> LEE Chi Chung Archie. "The Names of God and Bible Translation: Engaging the Chinese Term
Question in the Context of Scriptural Interpretation". Journal of Theologies and Cultures in
Asia vol.5 pp.1-17. 2006.
<P069934> 邢福增. <大門外的傳道者--馬禮遜傳教思想探討>. 《基督宗教與和諧社會學術研討會》 中國
社會科學院基督教研究中心, 1-18. 中國北京: 中國社會科學院基督教研究中心, 2006.12.
<P070477> 賴品超. <論宗教間的和諧與交流>. 《中國宗教》國家宗教事務局. 第 87 期, 頁 30-33. 中國北京: 宗
教文化出版社, 2007.02.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Cultural and Religious Studies
<P070626> 游子安. <二十世紀上葉粵港地區黃大仙信仰的承傳與演變>. 《宗教信仰與想像》 陳國成、游子
安編. 第 1 版 115-131. 香港特別行政區: 香港城市大學出版社, 2007.06.
<P071100> 盧龍光 及 葉菁華. <"尼西亞信經"系列二十"獨一、聖潔、大公、使徒的教會">. 《天風》 第 312
期, 頁 30-32. 中國上海: 中國基督教三自愛國運動委員會及中國基督教協會, 2007.06.
<P071155> WONG Kun Chun Eric. Paul's Echo on Jesus and by Synoptics - A Study of the Continuity of Jesus Paul - Synoptics (Biträge zum Verstehen der Bibel). 210 pgs. Berlin, Hamburg, Münster, Wien and
London: LIT VERLAG, 2007.
<P071438> 學愚. <星雲禪與人間佛教>. 論文發表於 《禪與人間佛教》, 主辦機構為佛光山文教基金會, 19-50
頁. 佛光山文教基金會高雄, 2007.01.
<P071568> PANG Lai Kwan. "The Institutionalization of 'Chinese' Cinema as an Academic Discipline". Journal
of Chinese Cinemas vol.1 no.1, pp.55-61. 2007.01.
<P071714> 盧龍光 及 葉菁華. <"尼西亞信經"系列十八"我們信聖靈"(下)︰聖靈的工作>. 《天風》 第 308
期, 頁 30-32. 中國上海: 中國基督教三自愛國運動委員會及中國基督教協會, 2007.04.
<P071853> 盧龍光. <《羅馬書》14:1-15:13 顯示的身份危機-對中國基督教祭祖爭議的引申意義>. 《「聖經」
文學與文化–紀念朱維之教授百年誕辰論集》 盧龍光、王立新編. 頁 60-68. 中國天津: 南開大學出
版社, 2007.05.
<P071983> LAI Pan Chiu. "Religious Conviction and Tolerance: Fragmentary Reflections on the History of
Christianity". Studies in Inter-religious Dialogue vol.17 no.2, pp.153-170. 2007.
<P072111> 賴品超. <宗教與生態關懷>. 《現代文明的生態轉向》楊進通、高予遠編. 頁 274-291. 中國重慶: 重
慶出版社, 2007.04.
<P072305> 李熾昌. <上帝的中國名字-----聖經中上帝稱的中文翻譯>. 《聖經文學與文化》 盧龍先、王立新
編. 第 1 版 頁 131-44. 中國天津: 南開大學出版社, 2007.05.
<P072632> 盧龍光 及 葉菁華. 編. <教內普選結果分析>. 《教會智囊》 39-40 36 頁. 香港特別行政區: 香港
中文大學崇基學院神學院使命實踐支援計劃, 2007.01.
<P072705> LAI Pan Chiu. "Spirituality, Value and Inter-religious Harmony: A Case Study of Inter-religious
Dialogue on Environmental Ethics". Workshop on Spirituality, Happiness and Culture 18 pgs. Hong
Kong SAR: Lingnan University, 2007.06.22.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Cultural and Religious Studies
<P072973> KWAN Shui Man. "Hong Kong". The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity ed. by D. Patte, et al.. 1
ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
<P073268> 賴品超 及 蘇遠泰. <自北徂南、由大陸至邊緣:徐松石的本色化理論的轉變>. 論文發表於 《自
西徂東:基督新教來華二百週年紀念國際學術研討會》, 主辦機構為香港中文大學崇基學院宗教與
中國社會研究中心, 浸會大學近代史研究中心, 基督教文藝出版社等共九個機構, 10 頁. 香港特別
行政區, 2007.04.26.
<P073426> XUE Yu. "Sharing Hope for the Solution of Religious Conflict from a Buddhist Perspective". CTC
Bulletin vol.xxiii no.1, pp.60-69. Thailand, 2007.
<P073628> 盧龍光 及 葉菁華. <"尼西亞信經"系列十九"獨一、聖潔、大公、使徒的教會">. 《天風》 第 310
期, 頁 30-32. 中國上海: 中國基督教三自愛國運動委員會及中國基督教協會, 2007.05.
<P073741> 盧龍光 及 王立新. 編. 《「聖經」文學與文化–紀念朱維之教授百年誔辰論集》. 467 頁. 中國天
津: 南開大學出版社, 2007.05.
<P073854> 盧龍光. < 『因信稱義』的基石:『人稱義是因著信,不在乎遵行律法』(羅 3:28)在翻釋上的偏
差>. 《「自西徂東」-馬禮遜牧師來華二百週年紀念暨近代中國基督教史研討會》 香港特別行政
區, 2007.04.27.
<P074316> 邢福增. <反帝愛國與宗教革新--論中共建國初期的基督教〈革新宣言〉>. 《中央研究院近代史
研究所集刊》 中央研究院近代史研究所. 第 56 期, 91-141. 台灣台北: 中央研究院近代史研究
所, 2007.06.
<P074409> 游子安. 編. 《二十世紀上葉粵港地區黃大仙信仰的承傳與演變》. 178 頁. 香港特別行政區: 香港
城市大學出版社, 2007.06.
<P075030> 游子安. <近代澳門地區的慈善事業與教化----以同善堂等為例>. 《中國近代社會史研究集刊》 李
長莉、左玉河編. 第 1 版 頁 432-442. 北京: 社會科學文獻出版社, 2007.06.
<P075924> 盧龍光 及 葉菁華. <"尼西亞信經"系列十六"將來必帶著榮耀再臨,審判活人、死人;他的國永無
窮盡">. 《天風》 第 304 期, 頁 36-38. 中國上海: 中國基督教三自愛國運動委員會及中國基督教協
會, 2007.02.
<P076023> 盧龍光. 編. 《基督教聖經與神學詞典》. 修訂簡體版. 819 頁. 中國北京: 宗教文化出版社, 2007.04.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Cultural and Religious Studies
<P076151> 賴品超. <罪身、罪性與如來藏:一個基督論式人類學的探討>. 《基督教思想評論.第5輯》 許
志偉編. 頁 242-254. 中國上海: 上海人民出版社, 2007.02.
<P076173> KWAN Shui Man. "Trends in Christian Theology in Contemporary Asia". The Cambridge Dictionary
of Christianity ed. by D. Patte, et al.. 1 ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
<P076310> 邢 福 增 . < 革 命 時 代 的 反 革 命 分 子 - - 王 明 道 個 案 研 究 >. 《 基 督 教 與 中 國 學 術 年 會
2007》 2007.06.30.
<P076496> 邢福增. <大門口的傳道者--馬禮遜傳教思想探討>. 《中國神學研究院期刊》第 42 期, 13-51. 香
港特別行政區, 2007.01.
<P077064> 賴品超. <聖靈論與諸宗教神學>. 《神學人團契第九屆學術會議》 17 頁. 中國香港: 祟基學院神學
院, 2007.06.18.
<P077458> LO Lung Kwong. "Heaviness through Manifold Temptations". Forty-four Sermons to Serve the
Age ed.
Reisman. 1
ed. pp.254-257. Peterborough, United Kingdom: Epworth, 2007.
<P077914> LAI Pan Chiu and SO Yuen-tai. "Mahayana Interpretation of Christianity: A Case Study of Zhang
(1871-1955)". Buddhist-Christian
Studies vol.27 pp.67-87. Honolulu, United
America: University of Hawaii Press, 2007.
<P078035> 游子安. <六十年來香港德教會的歷史與發展:紫靖閣的例子>. 論文發表於 《「香港歷史與社會」
國際學術研討會》, 主辦機構為嶺南大學、香港歷史博物館、中國社會科學院近代史所、廣東省社
會科學院, 12 頁. 2007.06.
<P078135> 黎志添. 《《廣東地方道教研究--道觀、道士及科儀》[Guangdong Local Daoism: Daoist Temple,
Master, and Ritual]》. 第 1 版, 390 頁. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2007.06.
<P078197> 邢福增. <中國關門--來華傳教士的撤離與反思>. 《論文發表於 《自西徂東:基督新教來華二
百週年紀念國際學術研討會》,》 香港中文大學基督教研究中心等, 2007.04.
<P078514> 黃根春. “The Emergence of Early Christianity from its Religious and Cultural Background”. Jian Dao:
A Journal of Bible and Theology 第 27 卷 頁 145-154. Hong Kong: Alliance Bible Seminary, 2007.01.
<P078577> KWAN Shui Man. "Confucianism and Christianity in Hong Kong". The Cambridge Dictionary of
Christianity ed. by D. Patte, et al. 1 ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Cultural and Religious Studies
<P078827> 何慶昌 及 賴品超. <流離中的本色神學--對謝扶雅教授的研究>. 《中華本色--近代中國教會
史論》 李金強,湯紹源,梁家麟編. 頁 213-244. 中國香港: 建道神學院, 2007.04.
<P078885> 關瑞文. <「充滿接納的社群」在復康過程中的角色—「靈性」與「罪惡和癮好」的神學論述>.《化
危為機》 莫玉蘭及何秉光編. 第 1 版 頁 103-116. 香港特別行政區: 工業福音團契, 2007.01.
<P078936> 盧龍光 及 葉菁華. <"尼西亞信經"系列十七"我們信聖靈"(上)︰聖靈的位格>. 《天風》 第 306
期, 頁 28-30. 中國上海: 中國基督教三自愛國運動委員會及中國基督教協會, 2007.03.
<P079150> LAI Pan Chiu. "Timothy Richard's Interpretation of Chinese Buddhism in the Perspective of the
Orientalist Debate". World Congress on Sinology 2007 ed. by The Office of Chinese Language
Council International. 13 pgs. Beijing, China: Renmin University of China, 2007.03.27.
<P079163> 邢福增. <基督教在中國的失敗?--五十年代中國教會對基督教本色化的評議>. 《中華本色:近
代中國教會史論》 李金強等編. 第 1 版 65-107. 香港特別行政區: 建道神學院, 2007.04.
<P079197> 盧龍光 及 葉菁華. <尼西亞信經"系列十五"升天,坐在父的右邊>. 《天風》第 302 期, 頁 35-37. 中
國上海: 中國基督教三自愛國運動委員會及中國基督教協會, 2007.01.
<P079433> 邢福增. <中國基督教的區域發展:1918、1949、2004>. 《漢語基督教學術論評》曾慶豹. 第 3 期, 頁
153-197. 台灣中壢: 中原大學宗教研究所, 2007.06.
<P079448> 盧龍光. <充充滿滿有恩典–教會與健康社區的關係>.《慈聲》院牧事工雙月刊, 第 17 卷 第 2 期, 8-9
頁. 香港特別行政區: 香港醫院院牧事工聯會, 2007.03.
<P079751> LAI Ming Yan. "Articulating the Third World in/and Cultural Studies". International Journal of
Cultural Studies vol.10 no.3, pp.303-321. 2007.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of English
<P023316> HANSEN EDWARDS Jette Gjaldbaek. "Social Factors and Variation in Production in L2 Phonology
Book chapter in "Phonology and Second Language Acquisition"". Phonology and Second Language
Acquisition ed. by Hansen Edwards & Zampini 1st pp.46. Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins
Publishing Company, 2007.
<P057908> GONG Gwendolyn and BRAINE George Stanley. ed. Asian Journal of English Language
Teaching. vol.15 Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2005.
<P060400> GLECKMAN Jason Gawain. "The Externality of Shakespearean Character". Paper presented at the
International Shakespeare Conference (ISA). Brisbane, Australia. 2006.07.
<P060975> GONG Gwendolyn and BRAINE George Stanley. ed. Asian Journal of English Language
Teaching. vol.16 Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2006.
<P061847> HUDDART David Paul. "Singularity and Postcolonial Cultural Polities". Paper presented at the
Irresponsibility. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. 2006.09.29.
<P062481> CRISP Peter Gerald. "E-learning and Language and Style in Hong Kong". Language and
Literature Journal of the Poetics and Linguistics Association. vol.15 no.3, pp.277-290. London, United
Kingdom: SAGE Publications Ltd., 2006.08.
<P062701> BRAINE George Stanley. "Providing Feedback on Students' Writing". The Fifteenth International
EGP/ESP/EAP Taipei, Taiwan, 2006.11.11.
<P062710> BRAINE George Stanley. "Plenary: Teaching Academic Writing in Hong Kong: Opportunities &
Challenges". The 12th IALS Symposium for Language Teacher Educators: Teaching Languages for
Academic Purposes United Kingdom, 2006.11.15.
<P062762> BRAINE George Stanley. Plenary: "The Nonnative Speaker Movement: Achievements and
Challenges". Paper presented in the Fifteenth International Symposium on English Teaching: Border
Crossings: Taipei, Taiwan. 2006.11.12.
<P064457> TAM Kwok Kan. "A Dialogue between Chinese and English Literature ". Hong Kong Arts
Development Council pp.12. Hong Kong: The Central Library, 2006.07.02.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of English
<P065157> SKEHAN
Peter. "Task-based
Learning". International
Teaching Cummins J. and Davison C. (Eds.). Amsterdam: Kluwer, 2006.
<P065279> JACKSON Jane. "Ethnographic Pedagogy and Evaluation in Short-term Study Abroad". Living and
Studying Abroad ed. by Michael Byram and Anwei Feng. pp.134-156. United Kingdom: Multilingual
Matters & Channel View Publications, 2006.09.15.
<P065944> WEISS Timothy Francis. "Orality and the Reader: Cultural and Transcultural Elements in Achebe's
War". Journal
English Les
nouvelle . no.47, pp.177-191. Angers, France: Presses de l’universite d’Angers, 2006.12.01.
<P066567> PARKER David. <尼采倫理學文學研究:讀 «瞧!這個人»>. 《外國文學》 胡文仲. 雙月刊 第四
期, 頁 62-71. 中國北京: 外語教學與研究出版社, 2006.07.
<P067310> BRAINE
Stanley. "The
Challenges". Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Symposium on English Teaching. English
Teachers' Association pp.17-25. Taipei, Taiwan, 2006.
<P067651> WEISS Timothy Francis. "What Identity Tomorrow? East-West and North-South Translational
Identities". 104th Annual PAMLA Conference, University of California at Riverside 2006.11.10.
<P067735> GONG Gwendolyn. Organizing Committee, Pearl River Delta Graduate Student Conference, Macau
PRC, June 27-30. 2006.
<P067805> BRAINE George Stanley. "The Nonnative Speaker Movement: Growth & Challenges". ALAA 2006 Language and Languages: Global and Local Tensions Australia: The Applied Linguistics Association of
Australia (ALAA), 2006.07.07.
<P068393> TAM Kwok Kan. "Performing the Self: Race and Identity in Two Hong Kong English-Language
Plays". Paper presented in the Narrative Race between Nationalisms and Globalization, organized by
National University of Singapore, 15 pgs. 2006.07.06.
<P070198> HUDDART
Paul. "'Transnational
Select'". (Farmington Hill (MI): Thomson Gale). 2007.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of English
<P070302> ZHANG Benzi. "Writing Identity across Borders: A Study of Chinese Diaspora Poetry in a Global
Context". Paper presented in the Twentieth Century Literature and Culture Conference, 14
pgs. Louisville, USA, 2007.02.23.
<P070581> GLECKMAN Jason Gawain. "Being King Hereafter: Predestination in Macbeth". Paper presented at
the Annual Shakespeare Association of America Conference. San Diego, CA, USA. 2007.04.
<P070748> JACKSON Jane. "Identity Transformation: A L2 Sojourner's Discourse of Discovery". Paper
presented at the International Society for Language Studies - 2007 Conference organized by the
International Society for Language Studies (ISLS), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2007.04.04.
<P071099> GONG Gwendolyn. "Mississippi Chinese World War II Veterans' Narratives: Revelations of Evolving
'Third Culture' Identities". The Conference on College Composition and Communication New York,
NY, March 21-24, 2007.
<P071283> JACKSON Jane. "Maximizing Host-Sojourner Relationships". Paper presented at the NAFSA 2007
Annual Conference & Expo. Minneapolis, MN, USA 2007.05.30.
<P071306> BRAINE George Stanley. "Teaching Academic Writing in Hong Kong: Opportunities &
Challenges". Educating Legal English Specialists and Teacher Education in Teaching EAP CD-ROM,
edited by Tony Lynch and Jill Northcott. United Kingdom: Institute for Applied Language Studies,
University of Edinburgh, 2007.
<P071838> HANSEN EDWARDS Jette Gjaldbaek. "Teaching English Pronunciation in China in the 21st
Century: Models and Methods". English Teaching Approaches: New Approaches, Perspectives, and
Standards ed. by J. Liu. Continuum Publishers Limited, 2007.
<P072795> BRAINE George Stanley. "Writing Across the Curriculum in Hong Kong". TESOL 2007 - Spanning
the Globe Tides of Change USA, 2007.03.24.
<P073675> HUDDART David Paul. "'Homi K Bhabha', 'The Literary Encyclopedia'". (The Literary Dictionary
Company, 2007). 2007.02.28.
<P073766> CHING Yuet May. "'A Heap of Nameless Fragments': Sacrifice, Cannibalism, and Fragmentation in
The Secret Agent". Conradian. Spring 2007: Special issue for the Centenary of The Secret
Agent. vol.32-1 2007.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of English
<P074020> HUDDART
Paul. "Hybridity
Citizenship". Reconstructing Hybridity: Post-Colonial Studies in Transition ed. by Joel Kuortti and Jopi
Nyman. pp.21-42. USA: Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi Press, 2007.
<P074237> PARKER David. The Self in Moral Space: Life Narrative and the Good. 195 pgs. United States of
America: Cornell University Press, 2007.
<P074376> JACKSON
Jane. "Multuality,
Abroad". Invited paper presented at a colloquium at the 17th International Conference on Pragmatics
and language Learning. University of Hawai'i Manoa, USA, 2007.03.28.
<P074423> GONG Gwendolyn. "Gender and Literacies: The Korean "Comfort Women's" Testimonies". Women
and Literarcy: Local and Global Inquiries for a New Century ed. by Beth Daniell and Peter
Mortensen. pp. 259-273. New York, USA: Taylor & Francis Group, 2007.
<P074846> CHING Yuet May. "'A Heap of Nameless Fragments': Sacrifice, Cannibalism, and Fragmentation in
The Secret Agent". The Secret Agent: Centennial Essays. ed. by Allan Simmons and J.H.
Stape. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi Press, 2007.
<P075195> PARKER David. The Craft of Speech Writing (CD). Official Language Division, Civil Service
Bureau, 2007.
<P075608> HANSEN EDWARDS Jette Gjaldbaek. "Does Computer-Mediated Communication Facilitate Peer
Response in L2 Writing Classrooms? A Critical Review". Review of Appliced Linguistics in China
3. (co-authored with Jun Liu). 2007.
<P075662> JACKSON
Jane. "Assessing
Sojourners". Paper presented at the NAFSA 2007 Annual Conference & Expo. Minneapolis, MN,
USA 2007.06.01.
<P076037> WEISS Timothy Francis. "Translational Identities: The Plight of the Emigre in V.S. Naipaul and
Kundera". Tenth
Norway 2007.05.24.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of English
<P076285> HANSEN EDWARDS Jette Gjaldbaek. "The Immigrant Wo(man) and Gendered Access to Second
Language Use and Development: The Case of a Vietnamese Couple in the States". Gender, Ethnicity,
and Identity: Symbolic Struggles of Everyday Worlds ed. by Lin, Angel. pp.25. Mahwah, United States
of America: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2007.
<P076340> SKEHAN Peter. "Task Research and Language Teaching: Reciprocal Relationships". Form-Meaning
Relationships in Language: Pedagogy S. Fotos and H. Nassaji (Eds.). New York, USA: Oxford
University Press, 2007.
<P077020> HANSEN EDWARDS Jette Gjaldbaek and ZAMPINI Mary. ed. Phonology and Second Language
Acquisition. (Studies in Bilingualism Series). 500 pgs. Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins
Publishing Company, 2007.
<P077875> HUDDART David Paul. "Review of P. Bowman, 'Post-Marxism Vs. Cultural Studies'". Borderlands:
New Spaces in the Humanities. 2007.
<P078441> PARKER David. "Towards an Aesthetics of Autobiography". Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge,
UK. 2007.03.
<P078475> ZHANG Benzi. "Adaptation between the East and the West: A Cross-cultural Perspective". Paper
presented in the 2007 Popular Culture/American Culture Conference, organized by Popular Culture
Association and American Culture Association, 14 pgs. Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2007.04.06.
<P079513> SKEHAN Peter. "Second Language Learning and Teaching". Elsevier Encyclopedia of Language &
Linguistics ed. by B. Spolsky. 2nd edition. New York, USA: Elsevier, 2007.
<P079717> GONG
ed. Asian
Teaching. vol.17 161 pgs. Hong Kong SAR: The Chinese University Press, 2007.
Faculty of Arts
English Language Teaching Unit
<P060796> YAN Po Sheung Emily. "A Study of Teaching and Learning Modes Perceived as Conducive to
Academic Success". Paper presented at the 6th Biennial Communication Skills in University Education
Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 2006.11.30.
<P062377> BANIASSAD Esmail and YAN Po Sheung Emily. "A Report on the Collaboration between Architects
and English Teachers in an ESP Course". Paper presented at the 4th Asia TEFL International
Conference, Fukuoka, Japan: Asia TEFL, 2006.08.18.
<P062971> MORRISON Keith; JAKUBOWICZ Peter; FONG Ka In Shivonne; TONG Sai Tao Keith and
LAM NOGUEIRA Oi Ching Bernice. "Complexity Theory and Education". Paper presented at the
2006, Hong
SAR, 2006.11.29.
<P063215> JAKUBOWICZ Peter. "Can Online Learning be Fun?". Paper presented at the 4th Asia TEFL
International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, 2006.08.18.
<P065550> LAI Jose; TAM Po Yee Pauline; RUFFELL Yee Lin and WAI-COOK Misty. "Web-based
Language Awareness Learning Package for English Teachers". Quality Education Fund (QEF), Hong
Kong SAR, 2006.11.13.
<P067572> LEUNG Kit Chi Ella. "Teaching Group Discussion & Presentation Skills in a University Pre-Sessional
Program". The 14th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference. Korea, South, 2006.10.28.
<P067785> TAM Po Yee Pauline. "Anchor Points for Designing Intensive English Programs for Amotivated
Learners". Paper
Conference, Korea, South: Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 2006.07.27.
<P068862> LAI Jose. "Developing Teacher Language Awareness through WEBLA". Paper presented at the 9th
Teaching, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2006.08.31.
<P069698> RUFFELL Yee Lin. "Teaching How to Laugh: Humour in the EFL Classroom". Paper presented at
the 4th Asia TEFL International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan: Asia TEFL, 2006.08.18.
Faculty of Arts
English Language Teaching Unit
<P070076> TURNBULL Michael; CAREY Geoff J.; LEWTHWAITE Richard William and YU
Yat-tung. Systematic List: 2001-02. The Hong Kong Bird Report 2001-02. ed. by TURNBULL
Michael, CAREY Geoff J. and LOCKEY Helen. pp.38-48 and 84-100. Hong Kong SAR: The Hong
Kong Bird Watching Society Limited, 2007.
Yat-tung. "Hong
2000-2001". The Hong Kong Bird Report 2001-02. pp.213-238. Hong Kong SAR: The Hong Kong Bird
Watching Society Limited, 2007.
<P070996> CURTIS Andy. "Use of Film in Hong Kong English Language Classrooms". Hong Kong Association
for Applied Linguistics (HAAL) Seminar, Hong Kong SAR, 2007.04.16.
<P071411> CURTIS Andy and CHENG Liying. "Tapping into Teaching Effectiveness: A Collaborative
Approach to Performance Appraisal of ESL Teachers in a Canadian Context". Evaluating Teacher
Effectiveness in ESL/EFL Contexts. ed. by Christine Coombe, Mashael Al-Hamly, Peter Davidson and
Salah Troudi. pp.57-73. United States of America: The University of Michigan Press, 2007.
<P071801> GRAM Nicola Prio. "Listening a Sound Footing for Speaking". Paper presented at the 27th
International Thailand TESOL Conference, Thailand, 2007.01.28.
<P072096> TAM Po Yee Pauline. "Enhancing Acquisition of Academic Writing Skills through Sequencing of
Higher-Order Tasks". Paper presented at the Social & Cognitive Aspects of Second Language Learning
and Teaching Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 2007.04.12.
<P072185> CURTIS Andy. "Film in the ESL Classroom: Hearing the Student's Voice (Canada)". Language
Teacher Research in the Americas ed. by Hedy M. McGarrell pp.41-54. United States of
America: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc., 2007.
<P073422> LAI Jose; TAM Po Yee Pauline and RUFFELL Yee Lin. "Beyond Cognitive Empowerment of
English Teachers: Enhancing Language Awareness through WEBLA". Paper presented at the Social &
Cognitive Aspects of Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, Auckland, New
Zealand, 2007.04.13.
<P073520> CURTIS Andy. "Using Films to Improve Your English". Invited paper presented at the “21st Century
- Hong Kong Star Cup” National English Competition and the Sixth “21st Century” International
English Language Teaching Forum, Hong Kong SAR: organized by China Daily/21st Century English
Newspapers and The Chinese University of Hong Kong., 2007.03.27.
Faculty of Arts
English Language Teaching Unit
<P073892> GRAM Nicola Prio. Soundwaves: Developing Listening and Speaking Skills: Student Book 2 & Audio
CD2. 116. Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education, 2007.
<P074427> CURTIS Andy. "Academic Speaking Skills for ESL University Students". Paper presented at the 41st
Annual TESOL Convention and Exhibit, organized by the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other
Languages, Inc. United States of America, 2007.03.23.
<P075247> GRAM Nicola Prio. Soundwaves: Developing Listening and Speaking Skills: Student Book 1 & Audio
CD1. 116 pgs. Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education, 2007.
<P075289> MA Kuen Fong Beatrice and YAN Po Sheung Emily. "Strategy Development for High Achievers in a
Tertiary Context". Paper presented at the 42nd Regional Language Centre International
Seminar, Singapore, 2007.04.23.
<P075741> CURTIS Andy. "Narrative Inquiry and TESOL Professionals of Color ". Paper presented at the 41st
Annual TESOL Convention and Exhibit, organized by the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other
Languages, Inc. United States of America, 2007.03.22.
<P076619> CURTIS
Andy. "In-Service:
Read". ET
Teacher. vol.4 no.1, pp.11-12. United States of America: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other
Languages, Inc., 2007.03.
<P076734> GRAM Nicola Prio and BATTISTE Janet. Soundwaves: Developing Listening and Speaking Skills:
Teacher's Guide 1. 142 pgs. Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education, 2007.
<P077116> MA Kuen Fong Beatrice and YAN Po Sheung Emily. "Training of Academic Writing Skills in
University". Paper
Conference, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007.06.09.
<P077384> CURTIS
Andy. "In-Service:
Metaphorically". ET
Teacher. vol.4 no.2, pp.11-12. United States of America: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other
Languages, Inc., 2007.06.
<P077637> GRAM Nicola Prio. "Introducing Soundwaves: A Seminar on Teaching Listening and Speaking
Skills". Invited paper presented at the 2007 Asia ELT Conference organized by McGraw-Hill
Education, Malaysia, 2007.02.09.
Faculty of Arts
English Language Teaching Unit
<P078699> JAKUBOWICZ Peter. "Are Books Obsolete?". Paper presented at the 5th Asia TEFL International
Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007.06.09.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Fine Arts
<P042982> WAN Chui Ki. "The Visuality of the Eight Trigrams on Official Porcelain in the Jiajing Court
(1522-1566)". Artibus Asiae vol.63 no.2, pp.191-221. 2004.
<P044577> 唐錦騰. <〈以畫入篆 — 丁衍庸篆刻藝術〉>. 《香港視覺藝術年鑒 2003》 頁 14-57. 香港特別行
政區: 香港中文大學藝術系, 2004.
<P060077> 尹翠琪. <「道教與當代世界—道教養生的理論與實踐」國際學術會議綜述>. 《香港中文大學道教
文化研究中心通訊》 第 3 期, 頁 5. 香港特別行政區: 香港中文大學道教文化研究中心, 2006.07.
<P060100> VIGNERON Frank Joseph Emmanuel. Le Songe Creux – Heterotopias
280 pgs. Hong Kong
SAR: self published, 2006.09.
<P060134> 唐錦騰. <《第二屆廣東省南雅獎書法篆刻展》. 聯展,展出篆刻印拓十五方。>. 廣東省書法家協
會、東莞市長安鎮人民政府主辦,東莞市書法家協會協辦 東莞市長安鎮圖書館展出, 中國東莞
市, 2006.10.20.
<P060538> VIGNERON Frank Joseph Emmanuel. "Biennale… Triennial… and a new word for ‘artist’". Hong
Kong Visual Art Yearbook 2005 ed. by Harold Mok. pp.101-144. Hong Kong, China: Hong Kong Arts
Development Council and Fine Arts Department, CUHK, 2006.12.
<P061041> 莫家良. <水墨新意境──黃孝逵的山水創作>. 《黃孝逵》 黃孝逵編. 4 頁. 香港特別行政區: 廣州
柏濤房地產開發有限公司、香港柏濤有限公司, 2006.12.
<P061110> 莫家良. <香江先賢墨蹟──文化承傳與書法>. 《香江先賢墨蹟》 香港中文大學文物館編. 頁
15-24. 香港特別行政區: 香港中文大學文物館, 2006.
<P061112> WAN Chui Ki. "Ceramics in Contexts: Interpreting Subject Matters of Official Porcelain in the Jiajing
Court (1522-1566)". (D. Phil.). 421 pgs. Oxford, United Kingdom, 2006.09.
<P061187> 莫家良. <從傳統到現代──香港藝術雙年展書法的思考 (From the Traditional to the Modern:
Thoughts on Calligraphy in the Hong Kong Biennials)>. 《香港視覺藝術年鑑 2005 (Hong Kong Visual
Arts Yearbook 2005)》 莫家良編. 第1版 頁 63-99. 香港特別行政區: 香港中文大學藝術系, 2006.12.
<P062324> VIGNERON Frank Joseph Emmanuel. "“I Like Hong Kong VI: Dé/territorialisation au bistrot” (我
愛香港(六) — 茶餐廳裡的疆界消失)". Paroles 18-20 pgs. Hong Kong SAR: Alliance Francaise de
Hong Kong, 2006.11.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Fine Arts
<P062490> VIGNERON Frank Joseph Emmanuel. "Damned if you do; damned if you don’t". Is Art History
Global? (The Art Seminar) ed. by James Elkins . pp.322-341. London, United Kingdom: Routledge,
<P063412> 唐錦騰. <《藝術與人生.中國書畫金禧師生展》. 聯展,展出中國書法作品一件,篆刻印拓三方。
>. 香港大學專業進修學院主辦 香港大會堂低座展覽廳展出, 香港特別行政區, 2006.09.04.
<P063859> VIGNERON Frank Joseph Emmanuel. <“I Like Hong Kong V: Haute et Basse culture – bouffe et
bouquins” (我愛香港(五) — 高級文化與次文化 — 飲食和書籍)>. 《Paroles》 16-19 頁. Hong
Kong SAR: Alliance Francaise de Hong Kong, 2006.09.
<P064290> 唐錦騰. <《藝術與人生》中國書畫學術講座,主講<香港書法篆刻三名家>>. 香港大學專業進修
學院主辦 中環麗嘉酒店大禮堂舉行, 香港特別行政區, 2006.09.03.
<P064811> 莫家良. 編. 《香港視覺藝術年鑑 2005 (Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2005)》. 2 volumes. 671
頁. 香港特別行政區: 香港中文大學藝術系, 2006.12.
<P066360> VIGNERON Frank Joseph Emmanuel. "Deterritorialization – the arbitrariness of cultural
identity". White Text vol.3 pp.5-24. Hong Kong SAR: White Text, White Tube, Arts Center, 2006.09.06.
<P066463> 唐錦騰. <《香港大學專業進修學院第五屆中國書法文憑課程畢業展覽》. 聯展,展出中國書法作
品一件。>. 香港大學專業進修學院主辦 香港大會堂高座展覽館展出, 香港特別行政區, 2006.10.16.
<P066724> 唐錦騰. <《西泠印社第六屆篆刻藝術評展》.聯展,展出篆刻印拓七方。>. 西泠印社主辦 獲「優
秀獎」 杭州世贸中心展出, 中國杭州, 2006.10.12.
<P067657> ZHOU Jin. "《素描人体》作品一幅,载入《中国美术学院附中留校作品经典》,". 武汉, China: 湖
北美?出版社, 2006.07.
<P068507> 莫家良. <陳淳與王寵──明代書家品評一例>. 《乾坤清氣──青藤白陽書畫國際研討會》 澳門藝
術博物館主辦, 澳門: 澳門藝術博物館, 2006.11.18.
<P068620> 唐錦騰. <〈香港早期印壇概述〉>. 《香港視覺藝術年鑒 2005》 頁 145-182. 香港特別行政區: 香
港中文大學藝術系, 2006.
<P068688> ZHOU Jin. 《 風荷西湖-當代中國名家書畫展》,聯展,(展出中國畫作品一件). 杭州古都文
化研究會主辦,浙江大學經濟學院 CCE 中心協辦 浙江圖書館展出 HANGZHOU, China, 2007.01.13.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Fine Arts
<P068695> 唐錦騰. <《香港藝術界慶祝中華人民共和國成立 57 周年大匯展》. 聯展,展出中國書法作品一
件。>. 香港視藝界慶祝中華人民共和國國慶委員會主辦 香港中央圖書館展覽館展出, 香港特別行
政區, 2006.10.05.
<P070997> VIGNERON Frank Joseph Emmanuel. <“I Like Hong Kong IX: Dé/territorialisé” (我愛香港(九)—
疆界消失)>. 《Paroles》 35-36 頁. Hong Kong SAR: Alliance Francaise de Hong Kong, 2007.05.
<P071011> VIGNERON Frank Joseph Emmanuel. "At the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the
handover…". Diaaalogue Asia Art Archive newsletter. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.06.
<P071027> 尹翠琪. <嘉靖款瓷器、漆器的宗教紋飾與宮廷道教信仰>. 論文發表於 《向老子致敬──中國首屆
道教美術史國際研討會》, 主辦機構為西安美術學院, 頁 18, 41. 2007.05.12.
<P071373> 尹翠琪. <明清宮廷瓷器與宮廷生活>. 《2007 國際亞洲古玩及藝術品博覽會》 香港特別行政
區, 2007.05.27.
<P072074> ZHOU Jin. " 《 笔 法 BRUSHWORK 》 , 联 展 , 中 国 画 作 品 四 件 , 香 港 一 流 画 厂 展 出
". HONKONG, China, 2007.01.
<P072694> VIGNERON Frank Joseph Emmanuel.《之間 – 中西藝術賞析比較》. 第 1 版, 232 頁. Hong Kong
SAR: Chinese University Press, 2007.06.
<P072710> 莫家良. <清代前期書論中的崇董與貶董>. 《書海觀瀾──楹聯、帖學、書藝國際研討會》 香港中
文大學文物館及藝術系主辦, 10 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.03.16.
<P073186> ZHOU Jin. 《意溢于海——中国美术学院中国画系 2007 届研究生毕业作品展》,中国画作品一
艺术中心。". 寧海, 中國, 2007.06.
<P073911> 唐錦騰. <《第二屆南雅獎書法篆刻展》. 聯展,展出篆刻印拓十五方。>. 廣東省書法家協會、東
莞市長安鎮人民政府、佛山市南海區丹灶鎮人民政府、中山市小欖鎮人民政府主辦 廣州文化公園
展覽中心展出, 中國廣州, 2007.03.24.
<P074119> SO Jenny Fong Suk. "Finding Paradigms among Northern Song Jades. ". Paper presented in the
Founding Paradigms: The Art and Culture of the Northern Sung Dynasty, organized by Taipei National
Palace Museum, 28 pgs. 2007.02.05.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Fine Arts
<P075211> 周晉. 《中國美術學院 2007 屆實踐類博士畢業展》,中國畫作品 11 件,聯展,中國美術學院主
辦,中國美術學院美術館展出. 中國杭州, 2007.06.12.
<P075492> VIGNERON Frank Joseph Emmanuel. "“I Like Hong Kong VII: Dé/territorialisation, une bille à la
maison” ( 我 愛 香 港 ( 六 ) — 疆 界 消 失 — 屋 中 的 彈 子 )". Paroles 14-16 pgs. Hong Kong
SAR: Alliance Francaise de Hong Kong, 2007.01.
<P075549> 莫家良. <宋代書札小議 (A Cursory Discussion of Song Letters)>. 《國之重寶──故宮博物院藏晉唐
宋元書畫集 (The Pride of China: Masterpieces of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy of the Jin, Tang,
Song and Yuan Dynasties from the Palace Museum)》 香港藝術館 (Hong Kong Museum of Art)編. 第
1 版 頁 71-79. 香港特別行政區: 香港藝術館 (Hong Kong Museum of Art), 2007.06.
<P075731> 唐錦騰. <《當代篆刻藝術大展》. 聯展,展出篆刻印拓六方。>. 中國文學藝術界聯合會主辦,中
國書法家協會承辦。 中國美術館展出, 中國北京, 2007.05.09.
<P076442> SO Jenny Fong Suk. "The Case for (or against?) Huizong's Jades"". Christie's (New York) pp.38 51. 2007.03.21.
<P076519> 唐錦騰. <《2007 中國當代篆刻春季拍賣會》. 聯展,展出篆刻印拓三方。>. 北京長風拍賣有限公
司主辦 北京中國大飯店展出, 中國北京, 2007.03.18.
<P078444> 尹翠琪. <香爐與道教儀禮>. 《道教文化與通識教育 — 中學教師通識進修課程系列(二)》 香
港特別行政區, 2007.03.03.
<P078722> 唐錦騰. <《香港中文大學藝術系金禧暨系友會銀禧系友作品展》. 聯展,展出中國畫作品一件,
篆刻印拓二方。>. 香港中文大學藝術系、藝術系系友會合辦 香港中央圖書館展覽館展出, 香港特
別行政區, 2007.05.12.
<P079486> 莫家良. 編. 《合璧聯珠二──樂常在軒藏清代楹聯 (Double Beauty II: Qing Dynasty Couplets from
the Lechangzai Xuan Collection)》. 405 頁. 香港特別行政區: 香港中文大學文物館, 2007.03.
<P079791> VIGNERON Frank Joseph Emmanuel. <“I Like Hong Kong VIII: Dé/territorialisation sur les îles”
(我愛香港(七)— 島上的疆界消失)>. 《Paroles》 4-6 頁. Hong Kong SAR: Alliance Francaise de
Hong Kong, 2007.03.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of History
<P025042> 朱鴻林. <中國百家姓序>. 《中國百家姓》 《黃巴士叢書》, 4-5 頁. 香港特別行政區: 香港黃巴士
出版有限公司, 2002.
<P034786> 何 佩然 . <香港新界沙田 太平清醮的 特色及其社 會功能>. <> 譚偉倫 , 李剛編. 第 1 版 頁
237-258. 香港特別行政區: Chung Chi College, 2003.
<P059166> CHEUNG Hok Ming Frederick; FAN Ka Wai; YU Xinzhong and LAU Sze-nga. "Studies on Ming
Dynasty Infectious Diseases". Ming Qing Yanjiu pp.133-150. Napoli, Rome: Dept. of Asian Studies,
University of Napoli, Italy, 2005.
<P060229> 朱鴻林. <《四庫提要》所見盛清學術偏見一例>. 《中山大學學報(社會科學版)》 第 2006 卷 第
4 期, 頁 48-53. 中國廣州: 中山大學, 2006.07.15.
<P060269> 朱鴻林. <劉基《春秋明經》的著作年代問題>. 論文發表於 《國際劉基文化學術研討會》, 主辦機
構為浙江工貿職業技術學院, ca 15 頁. 中國溫州, 2006.12.08.
<P060299> MORLEY Ian Brandon. "The Post-Industrial Asian City, Industrialisation and Social and Economic
Integration". 19th Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia organized by
International Association of Historians of Asia, 16 pgs. Manila, Philippines, 2006.11.24.
<P060958> MORLEY Ian Brandon. "A Holistic View? Urban Elites, Urbanisation, Social and Economic
Assimilation". Paper presented in the Symposium on Daily Lives of Urban Elites in the 20th Century
France and China, organized by French Centre for Research on Contemporary China Centre for
Kong, 12
pgs. Hong
Kong, 2006.12.18.
<P060966> SO Kee Long Billy. "Logiques de marché dans la Chine maritime: Espace et institutions dans deux
regions préindustrielles". Annales Histoire, Sciences Sociales Édition de l'École des Hautes Études en
Sciences Sociales. vol.61 no.6, pp.1261-1288. Paris, 2006.12.
<P061173> 朱鴻林. <劉基《春秋明經》的著作年代問題>. 《浙江工貿職業技術學院學報》 浙江工貿職業技
術學院學報編輯部. 第 6 卷 第 4 期, 頁 4-12. 中國溫州市: 浙江工貿職業技術學院, 2006.12.
<P061410> 朱鴻林. <明清鄉約研究的若干反思>. 《明清研究﹕現狀的探討與方法的反思》 楊松年、容世誠
編. 第 1 版 頁 150-178. 香港特別行政區: 香港教育圖書公司, 2006.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of History
<P061523> 張瑞威. <九龍衙前圍村吳氏祖先的追尋>. 《田野與文獻﹕華南研究資料中心通訊》 香港科技大
學 華 南 研 究 中 心 ﹔ 中 山 大 學 歷 史 人 類 學 研 究 中 心 . 第 45 期 , 頁 3-11. 香 港 特 別 行 政
區: HKUST, 2006.10.15.
<P061540> 朱鴻林. <洪武朝的東宮官制與教育>. 論文發表於 《Chinese Culture, Past and Present: An
International Conference in Commemoration of Frederick W, Mote/“中國文化研究的傳承與創新—紀
念牟復禮教授國際學術研討會”》, 主辦機構為 Dept of East Asian Languages and Literature, Yale
University; Dept of East Asian Studies, Princeton University; Graduate Institute of History, National
Central Universtiy, Taiwan, 32 頁. TaiwanJhongli/中壢, 2006.11.21.
<P061975> 朱鴻林. <申時行的經筵講章>. 《屈萬里先生百歲誕辰國際學術研討會論文集》 國家圖書館、中
央研究院歷史語言研究所、國立臺灣大學中國文學系編. 第 1 版 頁 509-533. 臺灣台北市: 國立圖書
館、中央研究院歷史語言研究所、國立臺灣大學中國文學系, 2006.12.
<P063660> MORLEY Ian Brandon. "The City Beautiful Comes to Scotland: Dundee and James Thomson's
Redevelopment Scheme, 1910". Paper presented in the 12th International Planning Hisotry Society
Conference: Cross National Transfer of Planning Ideas and Local Identity, organized by International
Planning History Society, 15 pgs. New Delhi, India, 2006.12.11.
<P063712> 葉漢明. <「便從此處作根源」:從保良局楹聯看歷史>. 《保良局楹聯彙輯》 保良局歷史博物館
編. 第 1 版 6 頁. 香港特別行政區: 保良局歷史博物館, 2006.08.
<P063956> YIP Hon Ming. "Adaptation and Transformation: Gentry-Merchants in Early 20th Century Wei
County, Shandong". Symposium on Daily Lives of Urban Elite in the Twentieth Century--China and
France 23 pgs. Hong Kong SAR: History Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, French
Centre for Research on Contemporary China, 2006.12.18.
<P064247> 張學明. <記兩位中古史學家來訪中大>. 《新亞生活月刊》 第 34:3 期, 20-21 頁. 香港: 新亞生活月
刊, 2006.11.
<P064256> 蘇基朗. 現代法學詮釋中的 “中華法系”-以產權與合約中心 《法學》 華東政法學院. 第 12 期, 頁
62-68. 中國上海: 華東政法學院, 2006.12.
<P065105> 朱鴻林. <明神宗經筵進講書考>. 論文發表於 《學藝兼修.漢學大師﹕饒宗頤教授九十華誕國際
學術研討會》, 主辦機構為 香港大學、香港中文大學等, 13 頁. 中國香港, 2006.12.15.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of History
<P065302> 朱鴻林. <唐伯元對王陽明從祀孔廟決案的駁議>. 論文發表於 《羅香林教授百年誕辰國際學術研
討會》, 主辦機構為香港大學中文系、珠海書院、香港歷史博物館, ca 15 頁. 香港特別行政
區, 2006.10.04.
<P065396> MORLEY Ian Brandon. "Man Made Marvels Asia: Taipei 101 Tower". Media Interview with Radio
Singapore International, Berita Harian, the Star, New Straits Times, The Sun, and Property Times The
Discovery Channel, 2006.11.13.
<P065923> 張學明.
「為天地立心,為生民立命 - 記梁秉中榮休講座教授告別演講的一些感人片段」 《新
亞生活》 第 34:2 期, 12-13 頁. 香港: 香港中文大學新亞書院, 2006.10.
<P066872> MORLEY Ian Brandon. "Hong Kong Villages". Architecture Week pp.7. Eugene, USA, 2006.10.11.
<P066933> 張學明. <香港的慈善服務 - 以聖保祿修會為案例>. 《扶輪會(九龍區)》 會議地點:九龍美麗華酒
店, 香港: 香港九龍區扶輪會, 2006.11.22.
<P067549> 張學明. <歐洲中古的政教之爭>. 《公教報》 23 頁. 香港: 公教報, 2006.11.19.
<P068133> CHEUNG Hok Ming Frederick. "Response to Prof. Benjamin Elman's Golden Lecture: Who is
Responsible for the Limits of Scientific and Technical Transmission from Europe to China after
1600?". Hong Kong Baptist University’s 50th Anniversary Golden Lectures ed. by Hong Kong Baptist
University. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist Univeristy, 2006.11.01.
<P068191> CHEUNG Hok Ming Frederick. "The Social Contribution of the Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres in
Hong Kong". International Academic Symposium on "Daily Lives of Urban Elite in the 20th Century China & France" pp.22. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong and others, 2006.12.18.
<P068287> 朱鴻林. <黃佐與王陽明之會>. 《燕京學報》 燕京研究院. 第新 21 期卷 頁 69-84. 中國北京: 北京
大學出版社, 2006.11.
<P068358> 朱鴻林. <申時行的經筵講章>. 論文發表於 《屈萬里先生百歲冥誕學術研討會》, 主辦機構為國立
臺灣大學中國文學系,中央研究院歷史語言研究所,國家圖書館, 18 頁. 臺灣台北, 2006.09.16.
<P068413> MORLEY Ian Brandon. "Review of 'Transforming Barcelona: The Renewal of a European
Metropolis' by Tim Marshall (Ed.)". The Journal of Architecture pp.621-623. Abingdon, United
Kingdom: Routledge, 2006.11.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of History
<P068865> MORLEY Ian Brandon. "Endangered Star Ferry". Architecture Week pp.6. Engene, USA, 2006.12.
張學明. 「古希腊的神話世界」 《歷史講堂之十五》 香港: 香港浸會大學歷史系、香港中華書局
及香港三聯書店, 2006.09.09.
<P069204> 蘇基朗. <現代法學詮釋中的「中華法系」- 以產權與合約為中心>. 《「中華法系」國際學術研討
會》 中國政法大學法律史學研究中心 9 頁. 中國北京, 2006.09.16.
<P069446> HO Pui Yin. "Les marchands du Delta de la riviere des perles et de Chaozhou au
Guangdong". Citadins et citoyens dans la Chine du 20e siecle ed. by Yves CHEVRIER, Alain
ROUX. first ed. 450 pgs. Paris, France: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 2006.12.
<P070929> 朱 鴻 林 . < 明 代 思 想 史 研 究 的 空 間 與 進 路 >. 《 中 國 社 會 科 學 院 歷 史 研 究 所 網
頁》, 6 pages 頁. 中國北京: 中國社會科學院歷史研
究所, 2007.05.15.
<P071060> LEUNG Yuen Sang. The Legitimation of New Orders: Case Studies in World History. 243 pgs. Hong
Kong: Chinese University Press, 2007.
<P071314> 朱鴻林. <丘濬與成化元年(1465)藤峽之役的關係>. 論文發表於 《中國西南地區文化與社會變
遷國際學術研討會》, 主辦機構為中山大學歷史人類學研究中心、廣西師範大學歷史與旅遊文化學
院, 11 頁. ChinaGuilin, 2007.01.27.
<P071760> MORLEY Ian Brandon. Encyclopedia of the Age of Political Revolutions and New Ideologies,
1760-1815. (Volume 1 & 2) Research Output Title: Hotel de Ville de Paris / London Revolution Society
/ Naples, Kingdom of / Senate 7pgs. Westport, London: Greenwood Press, 2007.
<P072421> MORLEY Ian Brandon. "The Impact of the Internet Upon the Commodity of Knowledge and the
Craft of History". Paper presented in the 1st Global Conference on the Value of Knowledge, organized
by Inter-Disciplinary Net, 1 pgs. Sydney, Australia, 2007.02.13.
<P072554> 葉漢明. <圖文之間──《點石齋畫報》中的妓女形象>. 《性別‧圖像‧歷史研討會》 國立台灣大
學人口與性別研究中心, 12 頁. 台灣台北, 2007.06.29.
<P072631> 朱鴻林. <亮父詩稿>. 《聯合校刊/United Bulletin》Volume 62 (2005-2006)》 15 poems under 8
titles. 頁 99-100. 中國香港: 香港中文大學聯合書院, 2007.05.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of History
<P072680> MORLEY Ian Brandon. "Arquitectura, Oportunismo Y La Planificacion Del Rostro De Un
Imperio". REVISTA DE ARQUITECTURA vol.9 p.8. Navarra, Spain: University of Navarra, 2007.06.
<P073210> 葉漢明. <跋:在邊緣游走之趣>. 《點石齋畫報通檢》 葉漢明、蔣英豪、黃永松編. 第 1 版 頁
539-540. 香港特別行政區: 商務印書館(香港)有限公司, 2007.03.
<P073609> YIP Hon Ming. "Prostitutes in the Dianshizhai Pictorial". Paper presented in the International
Conference on the Sources for Chinese Women’s History, organized by Hong Kong Baptist
University, 19 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.06.22.
<P073681> LAI Ming Chiu. "Legitimation in Qin-Han China: From the Perspective of the Feng and Shan
Sacrifices (206 B.C. - A.D.220)". The Legitimation of New Orders: Case Studies in World History ed.
by Philip Yuen-sang Leung. 2007 ed. pp.1-26. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2007.
<P073699> 朱鴻林. <20 世紀初越南北寧省的村社俗例>. 《廣西民族大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》 第 29
卷 第 3 期, 頁 47-53. 中國南寧市: 廣西民族大學, 2007.05.
<P074077> CHEUNG Hok Ming Frederick. ed. "Conquest, Legitimation, and Consolidation in Norman
England". The Legitimation of New Orders - Cases Studies in World History ed. by Philip Yuen-sang
Leung. pp.179-195. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2007.
<P074254> 葉漢明. <代序:《點石齋畫報》與文化史研究>. 《點石齋畫報通檢》 葉漢明、蔣英豪、黃永松
編. 第 1 版 頁 i-v. 香港特別行政區: 商務印書館(香港)有限公司, 2007.03.
<P074683> 張學明. <「耶穌會在香港的歷史:自一九二六至今」>. 《香港中文大學天主教硏究中心》頁 20. 香
港: 香港中文大學天主教硏究中心, 2007.01.30.
<P074750> MORLEY
Brandon. "Saving
Mahal". Architecture
Week pp.6. USA: Artifice
Inc., 2007.04.11.
<P074920> 梁元生. <城市史硏究的三條進路 - 以上海、香港、新加坡為例>. 《史林 (Historical Review)》 第
2 期, 頁 132-136. 上海: Institute of History, Shanghai Academy of Social Science, 2007.04.
<P075511> MORLEY Ian Brandon. "Urbanisation's Costs under Capitalism: Victorian Britain's Annual War and
the Surfacing of the Garden Solution". Paper presented in the 2007 Asia-Pacific Economic and Business
History Conference, organized by Economic History Society of Australia and New Zealand, 1
pgs. Australia, 2007.02.13.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of History
<P075738> LEUNG Yuen Sang. ed. Christian Higher Education in China. 553 pgs. Hong Kong: Centre for the
Study of Religion and Chinese Society, Chung Chi College, 2007.
<P076105> MORLEY Ian Brandon. "Unsustainble". Architecture Week pp.8. USA: Artifice, Inc., 2007.01.17.
<P076406> CHU Hung Lam. "Confucian "Case Learning": The Genre of Xue'an Writings". Thinking with Cases:
Specialist Knowledge in Chinese Cultural History ed. by Charlotte Furth, Judith T. Zeitlin, and
Ping-chen Hsiung. 1st ed. pp.244-273. Honolulu, U.S.A: University of Hawaii Press, 2007.03.
<P076481> MORLEY Ian Brandon. "Book Review of Mervyn Millers "Arts and Crafts Utopia? Hampstead
Suburb"". The
Architecture vol.12 no.3, pp.4. Abingdon, United
Kingdom: Routledge, 2007.06.
<P077090> MORLEY Ian Brandon. "The Impact of the Internet upon the Commodity of Knowledge and the Craft
of History". The Value of Knowledge 2007 ed. pp.9. Oxford, United Kingdom: Inter-Disciplinary
Press, 2007.
<P077394> SO Kee Long Billy. "Legitimizing New Political Order Legally: Legal Reforms in Northern Song
China". The Legitimation of New Orders: Case Studies in World History ed. by Philip Yuen-sang
Leung. pp.27-52. Hong Kong SAR: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2007.01.
<P077487> 蘇基朗. <中國前近代商品市場的法律機制─閩南與松江地區>. 《中國文化與法治》 中國法律史學
會編. 頁 253-258. 北京: 社會科學文獻出版社, 2007.04.
<P078004> 黎明釗. <漢代亭長與盜賊>. 《中國史研究》 Journal of Chinese Historical Studies. 第 114 期, 頁
51-70. 中國北京: 中國社會科學院歷史研究所, 2007.05.20.
<P078607> LAI Ming Chiu. "The Zheng Sisters". Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: Antiquity Through
Sui 1600 B.C.E.-618 C.E. ed. by Lily Xiao Hong Lee and A. D. Stefanowska. 2007 ed. pp.253-255.
Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 2007.
<P078690> 葉漢明、 蔣英豪 及 黃永松. 《點石齋畫報通檢》. 第 1 版, 540 頁. 香港特別行政區: 商務印書館
(香港)有限公司, 2007.03.
<P078696> MORLEY Ian Brandon. ed. "Burnham, Daniel H., City Beautiful Movement, Garden Cities, Howard,
Ebenezer". ENCYCLOPEDIA of American Urban History Name of Editor: David Goldfield. 109,
150-152, 294-295, 364 pgs. Thousand OAKS, USA: Sage Publications Inc., 2007.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of History
<P078791> MORLEY Ian Brandon. "Urban Heritage - Urban Transformation and Cultural Heritage". Guest
Lecture for Prof. Tieben’s Course ARC4301B (’Issues of Architectural Theory and Design’), Dept. of
Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong 8 pgs. Hong Kong: Prof. Hendrik Tieben, 2007.02.06.
<P078934> MORLEY Ian Brandon. "Determining Shenzhen". Architecture Week pp.6. Eugene, USA: Artifice,
Inc., 2007.05.31.
<P079441> 張學明. <希臘神話與伊索寓言的智慧>. 《新亞生活月刊》 第 10 版, 第 34 期, 24-27 頁. 香港: 香
港中文大學新亞書院, 2007.06.
See Also <P074811 >
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Japanese Studies
<P007973> 邱淑婷. 編. <港日跨界:一個都不能少>. 《香港電影回顧特刊--跨界的香港電影》. 100-103. 中國
香港: 康樂及文化事務署, 2000.
<P036850> 邱 淑 婷 . 編 . < 從 亞 洲 影 展 的 變 遷 看 邵 氏 跟 日 本 電 影 公 司 的 聯 擊 及 競 爭 >. 《 邵 氏 電 影 初
探》. 231-241. 中國香港: 香港電影資料館, 2003.
<P041305> YAP Foong Ha; INOUE Yumi; SHIRAI Yasuhiro; MATTHEWS Stephen; WONG YING WAI
and CHAN Yi Heng. "Aspectual Asymmetries in Japanese: Insights from a Reaction Time
Study". Japanese/Korean Linguistics , volume 14, pp.113-124 edited by Timothy J. Vance and
Kimberly Jones. Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Stanford, California 2006.
<P047553> NG Wai Ming. "Book Review for Japanese Cybercultures". Asian Anthropology 164-166. United
States of America: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2006.10.
<P060034> MITO Takamichi. ""Rengogun no Nihon Senryo to Sangyo Hatten: Sekiyu Sangyo no Jirei (The
Allied Occupation and Industrial Development in Japan: the Case of the Petroleum Industry)". Paper
Beijing pp.1-25. 2006.10.21.
<P060258> MITO Takamichi. "The Political Economy of Energy Revolution in Japan". pp.1-22. 2006.10.29.
<P061809> NG Wai Ming. "Imagining and Consuming Japanese Food in Hong Kong, SAR, China: A Study of
Culinary Domestication and Hybridization". Asian Profile vol.34 no.4, pp.299-308. Canada: Asian
Research Service, 2006.08.
<P062037> NAKANO Lynne. "Writing for Common Ground: Rethinking Audience and Purpose in Japan
Anthropology". Dismantling the East-West Dichotomy: Essays in Honour of Jan Van Bremen ed. by Joy
Hendry and Heung Wah Wong. pp.189-195. New York, United States of America: Routledge, 2006.
<P062059> NG Wai Ming. " 香 港 に お け る 日 本 の デ ジ タ ル コ ン テ ン ツ の 受 容 ". Digital Content White
Paper 2006 198-200 pgs. Tokyo, Japan: Digital Content Association of Japan, 2006.08.
<P062581> NG Wai Ming. "Street Fighter and The King of Fighters in Hong Kong: A Study of Cultural
Consumption and Localization of Japanese Games in an Asian Context". Game Studies: International
Journal of Computer Game Research vol.6 no.1, pp.1-14. Denmark: Board of Game Studies, 2006.12.
<P062598> OHNO Kazutoshi. "Rendaku no Yuuin". Paper presented in the The 7th International Symposium on
Japanese Studies and Japanese Language Education, p.96. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.30.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Japanese Studies
<P063091> KOJIMA Yoshiharu. "日本語教育と韓国の漢字字形---184 個の孤立字形". Paper presented in the
「日語教育與日本文化研究」, organized by 台灣日語教育學會, p.177-195. Taiwan, 2006.12.09.
<P063529> LEE Wood Hung. "A Textual Comparison of Japanese and Chinese Editions of Manga: Translation as
Cultural Hybridization". International Journal of Comic Art Fall 2006. vol.8 no.2, pp.34-55. PA, United
States of America: International Journal of Comic Art, 2006.11.
<P064621> YAU Shuk Ting. "From Musicals to Martial Arts: Fifty Years of Hong Kong-Japanese Cinematic
Cooperation". How East Asian Films Are Reshaping National Identities-Essays on the Cinemas of
China, Japan, South Korea, and Hong Kong ed. by Andrew David Jackson, Michael Gibb, Dave
White. pp.185-209. New York, United States of America: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.
<P064747> UEDA Sanae. "野口壽美・上田早苗・阮亦光・藤嵜政子 (2006) 「日本語教科書現地化の試み-
『みんなの日本語 香港版』作成の実践報告」
ウム要旨集』,16". Paper presented in the The Seventh International Symposium on Japanese Studies
and Japanese Language Education, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Society of
Japanese Language Education, Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P064949> KOJIMA Yoshiharu. ed. 「手紙」を巡る日中間の現代若者の認識差. ed. by 多樣化日語教育研
究. 1 ed. p.19-29. Xi'an, China: Xi’an Jiaotong University Press, 2006.10.
<P065513> KOJIMA Yoshiharu. "漢字圏で孤立する日本字体 103 字とその字体源". Paper presented in the
The 7th International Symposium on Japanese Studies and Japanese Language Education, organized by
Department of Japanese Studies, CUHK, 84-89 pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2006.10.29.
<P066168> NG Wai Ming. "History of Japanese Pornographic Films in Hong Kong and Their Impact on Hong
Kong Category 3 Films". How East Asian Films are Reshaping National Indentities ed. by Andrew
Jackson. pp.211-220. New York, United States of America: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.
<P066448> YAU Shuk Ting. “A Study of Japanese, Korean, and Hong Kong Beauty Comedies,” Asian Cinema,
Asian Cinema Studies Society, USA. vol.17, no.2, Fall/Winter Asian Cinema United States of
America: Asian Cinema Studies Society, 2006.
<P067159> NG Wai Ming. "シンガポールにおける日本コンテンツの浸透状況と影響~アニメーションを
例として~". Digital Content White Paper 2006. 201-203 pgs. Tokyo, Japan: Digital Content
Association of Japan, 2006.08.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Japanese Studies
<P067286> KOJIMA Yoshiharu. "外から見た変貌する中国の日本語教育環境". 內蒙古自治區大學日語教
學研究會第二屆日語教學研討會, organized by 內蒙古自治區大學日語教學研究會, 7 pgs. 內蒙
古, China, 2006.07.01.
<P068116> 吳偉明. <從<街霸>與<拳皇>看日本電子遊戲在香港的本地化>. 《文化研究》Router: A Journal
of Cultural Studies. 第三期, 頁 129-155. 中國香港: 遠流出版公司, 2006.08.06.
<P069090> FONG Wan and WANG Gang. "A New Approach on Japanese Grammar Teaching – A Study on JSL
Learners of Mainland China and Hong Kong". Japanese Language Education Journal vol.34 5
pgs. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Language Institute, 2006.07.
<P069246> HO Chi Ming. " 何志明 2006 「日本語能力試験 2 級対策コース―合格までの 3 か月の挑戦―」
『第 7 回国際日本研究・日本語教育シンポジウム予稿集』131-136.". Paper presented in the The
Seventh International Symposium on Japanese Studies and Japanese Language Education, organized by
The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Society of Japanese Language Education, Hong Kong, 6
pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P069947> KOJIMA Yoshiharu. " 國 際 交 流 の タ イ プ ". Paper presented in the The Gathering of 10th
Anniversary of Home Stay at Inukai, 主 辦 機 構 為
犬 飼 町 わ か あ ゆ 國 際 交 流
會, 1. Oita, Japan, 2006.08.06.
<P070300> LEE Wood Hung. "Japanese Adaptation to Nature and Imamura's Ballad of Narayama: Based on the
比 較 文 化 研
究 vol.75 pp.55-61. Tokyo, Japan: The Japan Association of Comparative Cultrue, 2007.01.
<P071151> UEDA Sanae. "Ueda S. (2007) “Kaiwa no naka no Kihon dooshi (Basic verbs in conversation)”, The
April issue of Nihongo Journal, ALC, Japan". Nihongo Journal ed. by ALC. pp.6-10. Tokyo, Japan:
ALC, 2007.04.
<P071198> KOJIMA Yoshiharu. "韓国における日本語教育上の漢字字形". Aichi Sangyo University Institute
for Japanese Language Teaching Bulletin vol.4 Aichi, Japan: Aichi Sangyo University Institute for
Japanese Language Teaching, 2007.03.31.
<P071543> OHNO Kazutoshi. " 異 国 の 窓 か ら ". 日 本 語 教 育 新 聞 news paper article. no.37 1
pgs. Tokyo, Japan: 日本語教育新聞社, 2007.01.01.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Japanese Studies
<P071548> HO Chi Ming. " 何志明 2007 「香港における上級日本語学習者の複合動詞の習得及び使用実態
調査」『2007 年度日本語教育学会春季大会予稿集』47-52.". Paper presented in the Annual Spring
Convention of Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language in 2007, organized by Society for
Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language, 6 pgs. Tokyo, Japan, 2007.05.
<P072755> NG Wai Ming. "Study and Uses of the Yijing in Tokugawa Japan". Crossing the Yellow Sea
Sino-Japanese Cultural Contacts 1600-1950 ed. by Joshua A. Fogel. pp.10-33. USA: East Bridge, 2007.
<P073555> 吳偉明. 編. 《知日部屋:吳偉明日本文化隨筆》. 272 頁. 中國香港: 中華書局(香港)有限公
司, 2007.02.
<P074136> KOJIMA Yoshiharu. "濁点・半濁点記号の歴史". 香港日本語教育研究 ? vol.11 pp.86-93. Hong
Kong, China: 香港日本語教育研究?, 2007.06.
<P075907> KOJIMA Yoshiharu. "常用漢字字体・319 字の字体源". 2007 年中日文化的回顧與展望國際學術
研討會論文集 ed. by 陳鵬仁. pp.45. Taiwan: 中國文化大學日本語文學系所, 2007.06.
<P076660> OHNO Kazutoshi. ""Tsu" o Tsutsuku". Monthly Meeting of the Society of Japanese Language
Education, Hong Kong ed. by Society of Japanese Language Education, Hong Kong. pp.1. Hong Kong
SAR, 2007.01.20.
<P076684> OHNO Kazutoshi. "Nihongo no Rendaku to Kantongo no Seichou". Paper presented in the 2007 年上
海 外 國 語 大 學 日 本 學 研 究 國 際 研 討 會 , ed. by 上 海 外 國 語 大 學 日 本 文 化 經 濟 學
院. pp.126-127. Shanghai, China, 2007.03.24.
<P077627> KOJIMA Yoshiharu. "常用漢字字体・319 字の字体源". Paper presented in the The Symposium on
Sino-Japanese Culture and Relationship in PCCU, 2007, organized by 中國文化大學日本語文學
系, pp.2-6. Taiwan, 2007.05.12.
<P078030> NG Wai Ming. "Yao Wendong (1852-1927) and Japanology in Late Qing China". Crossing the Yellow
Sea Sino-Japanese Cultural Contacts 1600-1950 ed. by Joshua A. Fogel. pp.153-168. USA: East
Bridge, 2007.
<P078260> NG Wai Ming. "Filial Piety and Loyalty in Tokugawa Confucianism: Nakae Toju (1608-1648) and His
Reading of Xiaojing (Classic of Filial Piety)". Crossing the Yellow Sea Sino-Japanese Cultural Contacts
1600-1950 ed. by Joshua A. Fogel. pp.43-52. USA: East Bridge, 2007.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Japanese Studies
<P078396> FONG Wan and UEDA Sanae. "The Difference between the Conjunctive Forms, “-te” and
“-tekara”". Nihon Gakkan vol.11 pp.41-49. Hong Kong: Society of Japanese Language Education,
Hong Kong, 2007.06.
<P079270> KOJIMA Yoshiharu. 〈「國」字の字源への再考〉. Paper presented in the 2007 年上海外國語大
學日本學研究國際研討會, 主辦機構為上海外國語大學日本文化經濟學院, 2 頁. 上海, 中
國, 2007.03.24.
<P079587> MITO Takamichi. "Japan's Oil Industrial Law II and Oil industry during the High Growth Era: A
Study of Policy Impact on the Growth,Structure and Performance of Major Oil Whoesalers". pp.1-8.
<P079730> NG Wai Ming. "Mencius and the Meiji Restoration: A Study of Yoshida's Shoin's Ko-Mo Yowa
(Additional Notes in Explanation of the Mencius)". Crossing the Yellow Sea Sino-Japanese Cultural
Contacts 1600-1950 ed. by Joshua A. Fogel. pp.53-72. USA: East Bridge, 2007.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Linguistics and Modern Languages
<P023139> LORD Carol; IWASAKI Shoichi and YAP Foong Ha. "Grammaticalization of 'Give': African and
Asian Perspectives". New Reflections on Grammaticalization [Typological Studies in Language 49], ed.
by Ilse Wischer and Gabriele Diewald, pp.217-235. Amsterdam and Philadelphia, Netherlands and
USA: John Benjamins, 2002.
<P031925> YAP Foong Ha and IWASAKI Shoichi. "From Causative to Passive: A Passage in Some East and
Southeast Asian Languages". Cognitive Linguistics and Non-Indo-European Languages [Cognitive
Linguistics Research 18], ed. by Eugene H. Casad & Gary Palmer. pp. 419-446. Berlin, Germany:
Mouton de Gruyter, 2003.
<P047421> YAP Foong Ha; MATTHEWS Stephen and HORIE Kaoru. "From Pronominalizer to Pragmatic
Marker: Implications for Unidirectionality from a Crosslinguistic Perspective". Up and Down the Cline:
The Nature of Grammaticalization [Typological Studies in Language 59], ed. by Olga Fischer, Muriel
Norde and Harry Perridon, pp.137-168. Amsterdam and Philadelphia, Netherlands and USA: John
Benjamins, 2004.
<P060613> 蔣平. <福州話的輔音音變>. 《the 11th International Symposium on Contemporary Linguistics》 頁
10. 中國天津, 2006.10.15.
<P060616> TANG Wai Lan Gladys. "Acquisition of verb agreement in HKSL by deaf children,
with Scholastica Lam, Felix Sze, Jafi Lee and Prudence Lau". Paper presented in the The International
Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research 9, organized by Universidade de São
Paulo, Brazil, 16 pgs. 2006.11.
<P060660> YAP Foong Ha and GU Yang. "The Development of Stance Markers in East Asian Languages:
Diachronic, Syntactic and Semantic Perspectives". Paper presented in the 11th Symposium on
Comtemporary Linguistics, Tianjin Normal University, (handout and powerpoint). Tianjin, China,
<P060717> JIANG-KING Ping. "Consonant alternations in Fuzhou Chinese". Paper presented in the the 39th
International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, organized by University of
Washington, 10 pgs. Seattle, United States of America, 2006.09.16.
<P062044> 蔣 平 . < 福 州 話 輔 音 音 變 的 優 選 論 解 釋 >. 《 第 九 屆 漢 語 雙 語 雙 方 言 國 際 研 討 會 》 中 國 深
圳, 2006.07.08.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Linguistics and Modern Languages
<P062540> YAP Foong Ha; KWAN Wing Man; YIU Sze Man Emily; CHU Patrick and WONG
Stella. "Assessing Aspectual Asymmetries in Human Language Processing". In Antonis Botinis (ed.),
Proceedings of ISCA (International Speech and Communication Association) Tutorial and Workshop on
Experimental Linguistics, pp. 257-260. Athens, Greece, 2006.08.
<P063484> YIP Choy Yin Virginia. "Childhood Bilingualism and Second Language Acquisition". Paper
presented in the Invited lecture given at the School of English, organized by Tianjin Normal
University, 16 pgs. Tianjin, 2006.12.
<P063749> YAP Foong Ha; KWAN Wing Man; CHU Patrick; YIU Sze Man Emily; WONG Fat;
MATTHEWS Stephen and SHIRAI Yasuhiro. "Aspectual Asymmetries in the Mental Representation
of Events: Significance of Lexical Aspect". Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive
Science Society, COGSCI 2005 pp. 2410-2415. Vancouver, Canada, 2006.07.
<P065718> TANG Wai Lan Gladys. "Aspectual Distinctions: Insights from Asian sign languages". Paper
presented in the The Conference on Cross-Linguistic Comparisons in Signed Languages, organized by
Academia Sinica, 17 pgs. Taipei, Taiwan, 2006.09.
<P066008> YAP Foong Ha; KWAN Wing Man; YIU Sze Man Emily; CHU Patrick; WONG Fat; SHIRAI
Yasuhiro and MATTHEWS Stephen. "Aspectual Asymmetries in East Asian Languages". Paper
presented in the 7th Chronos Conference, (handout and powerpoint). Antwerp, Belgium, 2006.09.
<P066165> YAP Foong Ha and RUMIKO Shinzato. "Relativism vs. Universalism in the Development of
Modals". Paper presented in the 39th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, (handout
and powerpoint). Bremen, Germany, 2006.08.
<P066169> YAP Foong Ha; KWAN Wing Man; CHU Patrick; YIU Sze Man Emily; WONG Fat and RHEE
Seongha. "The Interaction of Lexical and Grammatical Aspect on Language Processing". Paper
presented in the 2006 Linguistic Society of Korea Seoul International Conference on Linguistics, SICOL
2006 (handout and powerpoint). Seoul, Korea, 2006.07.
<P066220> TANG Wai Lan Gladys. "Acquisition of ‘bei’ and ‘zeung’: Simultaneous Communication and
Development of Chinese Grammatical Structure by Deaf Children. Co-authored with Denise Chan
". Paper presented in the The 9th Asia Pacific Congress on Deafness, organized by National Technical
Institute for the Deaf, Tsukuba University, 18 pgs. Tokyo, Japan, 2006.10.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Linguistics and Modern Languages
<P066978> TANG Wai Lan Gladys. "A Simple Process for Creating Annotated Line Drawings and Photographs
of Sign Language, co-authored with William Clymer and
James Woodward". Paper presented in the
The 9th Asia Pacific Congress on Deafness, organized by National Technical Institute for the Deaf,
Tsukuba University, 12 pgs. Tokyo, Japan, 2006.10.
<P067102> YAP Foong Ha and HUANG Kwan Joan. "The Grammaticalization of Zhe in Classical
Chinese". Paper presented in the 2006 Annual Research Forum of the Linguistic Society of Hong
Kong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, (handout and powerpoint). Hong Kong, 2006.12.
<P067303> TANG Wai Lan Gladys. "Acquiring verb types in Hong Kong Sign Language by Deaf Children,
co-authored with Scholastica Lam ". Paper presented in the The 11th Conference on Contemporary
Linguistics, organized by Tianjin Normal University, 19 pgs. Tianjin, China, 2006.10.
<P067698> TANG Wai Lan Gladys. "Developing Sign Linguistics in Adult Deaf Education in the Asia-Pacific
Region, co-authored with James Woodward ". Paper presented in the The 9th Asia Pacific Congress on
Deafness, organized by National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Tsukuba University, Tokyo, 22
pgs. 2006.10.
<P069129> YIP Choy Yin Virginia and MATTHEWS Stephen. "Wh-interrogatives in Bilingual Acquisition and
Chinese Pidgin English". Paper presented in the Conference on Language Acquisition in the Chinese
Context (LACC), organized by University of Hong Kong., 12 pgs. 2006.12.
<P069671> MATTHEWS Stephen and YIP Choy Yin Virginia. "Current Issues in Bilingual First Language
Acquisition". Paper presented in the Invited lecture given at the International Forum on
Psycholinguistics and Sentence Processing in East Asian Languages at the Tohoku University, Sendai,
Japan., organized by Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 18 pgs. Japan, Sendai, 2006.10.
<P070143> GU Yang; LIU Hongyong and YAP Foong Ha. "Reduplication and Pluractionality". Paper presented
in the Vingt-et-uniemes Journees de Linguistique d’Asie Orientale, EHESS, Paris, pp.(handout and
powerpoint). 2007.06.
<P070221> MATTHEWS Stephen and YIP Choy Yin Virginia. "Theoretical and Methodological Issues in
Bilingual Acquisition. ". Paper presented in the the Colloquium on Bilingual and Multilingual First
Language Acquisition of Chinese Children at the international Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB6), 12
pgs. 2007.06.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Linguistics and Modern Languages
<P072218> YAP Foong Ha. "Nominalizers (and Copulas) in Malay". Paper presented in the International
Workshop on Nominalizers and Copulas in East Asian and Neighbouring Languages, Chinese
University of Hong Kong, (handout and powerpoint). 2007.01.
<P075501> YIP Choy Yin Virginia. "The Logical Problem of Bilingual Acquisition". Paper presented in the
Keynote speech delivered at the International Symposium of Bilingualism (ISB6), organized by
University of Hamburg, 20 pgs. Germany, Hamburg, 2007.06.
<P078127> YIP Choy Yin Virginia and MATTHEWS Stephen. "Relative Clauses in Cantonese-English
Bilingual Children: Typological Challenges and Processing Motivations". Studies in Second Language
(USA) vol.29 no.2, pp.277-300. United
America: Cambridge
Press, 2007.06.01.
<P078380> YIP Choy Yin Virginia and MATTHEWS Stephen. "The Bilingual Child and Language
Contact". Paper presented in the the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, organized by University
of Helsinki, 15 pgs. Finland, Helsinki, 2007.06.
<P079558> MATTHEWS Stephen and YIP Choy Yin Virginia. "Wh-interrogatives in Chinese Pidgin English
and Bilingual Acquisition". Paper presented in the the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics Annual
Meeting in conjunction with the Linguistic Society of America, organized by Society for Pidgin and
Creole Linguistics, 12 pgs. 2007.01.
<P079941> JIANG-KING Ping. "Verb reduplication in Dai". the 15th Annual Conference of International
Association of Chinese Linguistics ed. by Columbia University. pp.10. New York City, United States of
America, 2007.05.07.
See Also <P041305 >
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Music
<P004459> LAI Nga Ting Ada and CHEONG Wai Ling. "The Issue of Time in Messiaen's Music". CUHK PHIL
Thesis 2000.
<P060687> LO Hau Man. "The Voice of the Moon". 23 pgs. Hong Kong, 2006.09.27.
<P061300> CHAN Wai Kwong Victor. "String Quartet". Sound Installation "Contemporary Music and You" 11
minutes, 20 pgs. pgs. Hong Kong, Tsuen Wan Town Hall: Hong Kong Composers’ Guild, 2006.08.
<P061431> THOMPSON Brian Christopher. "Nationalism, the arts and identity in the music criticism of 1860s
Montreal". Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference 2006 8 pgs. Durham, United
Kingdom: University of Durham, 2006.07.08.
<P062147> LO Hau Man. "Fantasy and Fanfare (Version 2006) For Symphonic Band". Performed by Hong Kong
Band. 49
pgs. Hong
SAR, Queen
Stadium, 2006.07.27.
<P063053> LAW Daniel P L. Understanding Contemporary Music: Module 5 Indeterminacy. 70 pgs. Hong Kong
SAR: The Chinese University Press, 2006.08.01.
<P063905> THOMPSON Brian Christopher. "After the storm: Gustave Smith, Jacques Oliveira and music in
Orleans". 14th
Music pp.10. Manchester, United Kingdom: University of Manchester, 2006.07.05.
<P063916> YU Siu Wah. ""Folksong" in the Chinese context: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives of
caifeng: "Folksong" Collecting, Editing and Publishing". Paper presented in the 51st Annual Meeting of
the Society of Ethnomusicology, organized by Society of Ethnomusicology, 13 pgs. Honolulu, United
States of America, 2006.11.18.
<P064864> CHAN Wai Kwong Victor. "A Dream Too Short". Musicarama International Contemporary Music
Festival 2006 Commissioned by the Hong Kong Composers' Guild. 10 minutes, 17 pgs. Hong Kong
SAR: Hong Kong Composers'' Guild, 2006.10.24.
<P064905> CHEONG Wai Ling. "Twelve-tone painting of nature in Messiaen's Catalogue d'oiseaux". Paper
presented in the Royal Musical Association 42nd Annual Conference, organized by The Royal Musical
Association, 20 pgs. Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2006.07.12.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Music
<P066799> CHAN Wai Kwong Victor. ""When the Green Woods Laugh"". CUHK - Children’s Choir
Fundraising Concert Hong Kong Children's Choir conducted by Kathy Fok. 6 minutes, 33 pgs. Hong
Kong SAR: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2006.09.15.
<P067137> CHEONG Wai Ling. "A Play of Two Keys in Chopin's Second Ballade". Paper presented in the
Chopin in Paris International Conference, organized by Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina, 13
pgs. Warsaw, Poland, 2006.12.01.
<P067294> YU Siu Wah. "When both Chinese and Western music are no longer "Classics": Teaching Chinese
Music in Post-colonial Hong Kong.". Paper presented in the Pre-Conference Symposium "Whose
Asia-Pacific?": Representation and Presentation in Ethnomusicology, organized by Society of
Ethnomusicology , 8 pgs. Honolulu, United States of America, 2006.11.15.
<P070038> LO Hau Man. "Writing for Concert Band". Hong Kong Composers' Workshop and Seminar 2007,
Tsuen Wan Town Hall 18 pgs. Hong Kong, 2007.02.06.
<P070051> THOMPSON Brian Christopher. "Anton Bruckner: Locus iste; Leonard Bernstein: Chichester
Psalms". Programme notes. 2 pgs. Hong Kong SAR: Chung Chi College Choir, 2007.04.04.
<P070418> 余少華. <從《朱買臣休妻》看崑曲音樂伴奏>. 《崑劇朱買臣休妻 - 張繼青、姚繼焜演出版本》 雷
競璇編. 第一版 頁 179-195. 香港特別行政區香港: Oxford University Press, 2007.06.01.
<P071935> Mc CLELLAN Michael. "Review of Jean-Philippe Rameau: Platée, Pigmalion, Dardanus Ballet
Suites. European Union Baroque Orchestra, Roy Goodman. Naxos 8.557490 [CD]". Opera Today:
Opera News, Commentary and Reviews from around the World Online Music Journal. 2007.03.26.
<P071990> LO Hau Man. "Yun Yua Yoa". Hong Kong Composers' Workshop and Seminar 2007, Tsuen Wan
Town Hall for Sheng, Xiao, Percussion and Symphonic Band. 28 pgs. Hong Kong, 2007.03.02.
<P072317> CHEONG Wai Ling. "Symmetrical Permutation, the Twelve Tones and Messiaen’s Catalogue
d’oiseaux". Perspectives of New Music vol.45 no.1, pp.110-136. United States of America, 2007.03.
<P072852> THOMPSON Brian Christopher. "Review of 'Australian Piano Music of the Twentieth Century' by
Larry Sitsky". Music Reference Services Quarterly vol.9 no.3 33-36 pgs. Binghamton, NY, United
States of America: The Haworth Press, 2007.
<P074314> THOMPSON Brian Christopher. "Jacques Oliveira: From New York to New Orleans". 33rd Annual
Conference of the Society for American Music pp.8. Pittsburgh, United States of America, 2007.03.02.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Music
<P074544> CHAN Wai Kwong Victor. "Theme Music for the Hong Kong Franklin Graham Festival (for Choir
and Orchestra)". Hong Kong Franklin Graham Festival Music commissioned for the 'Hong Kong
Franklin Graham Festival 2007', in celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the HKSAR. 8 minutes, 43
pgs. Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Franklin Graham Festival, 2007.06.01.
<P074921> THOMPSON Brian Christopher. "American Visions: Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong
Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall". South China Morning Post Concert review. p.C6. Hong Kong
SAR: South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd., 2007.04.24.
<P075489> CHAN Wai Kwong Victor. "When the Green Woods Laugh". 35th Hong Kong Arts Festival Hong
Kong Children's Choir. 6 minutes, 33 pgs. Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Arts Festival Ltd., 2007.03.09.
<P075602> Mc CLELLAN Michael. "Review of André-Ernest-Modeste Grétry: Pierre le Grand. Helikon Opera.
Art Haus Musik 101 097". Opera Today: Opera News, Commentary and Reviews from around the
World Online Music Journal. 2007.03.26.
<P076321> YU Siu Wah. "Visual and Aural Representation of the Cross-dressed Image: Anita Mui Yim Fong's
Performance in the movie "Rouge"". Paper presented in the Annual Conference of Chinese Oral
Performance Literature (CHINOPERL), organized by Association of Asian Studies (AAS), 7
pgs. Boston, United States of America, 2007.03.22.
<P077083> CHAN Wai Kwong Victor. "Passions Within". Contemporary Music Showcase Nancy Loo Piano
Recital. 8 minutes, 10 pgs. Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Composers’Guild, 2007.01.26.
<P077956> THOMPSON Brian Christopher. "Mendelssohn: Midsummer Night's Dream Overture, Op. 21; Piano
Concerto No. 2 in D Minor, Op. 40; Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 4 in G, Op. 58". Pan Asia
Symphony Orchestra Programme notes. 3 pgs. Hong Kong SAR: Leisure and Cultural Services
Department, 2007.01.14.
<P079071> THOMPSON Brian Christopher. "The Legend Returns: Hong Kong Sinfonietta with Fou Ts’ong,
Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall". South China Morning Post Concert review. p.C6. Hong Kong
SAR: South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd., 2007.05.01.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Philosophy
<P052546> LAU Chong Fuk. "The Problem of Method in Transcendental Philosophy". Paper presented in the
Geburtstag, p.189-199. Kalingrad, Russia, 2005.
<P060239> 劉笑敢. <從超越逍遙到足性逍遙之轉化--兼論郭象《莊子注》之詮釋方法; The Transformation
from Transcendental to Self-Satisfactory Carefree Wandering, with discussion on the Hermeneutics of
Guo Xiang’s Annotation of the Zhuangzi>. 《中國哲學史》 第 3 期, 頁 5-14. 北京: 哲學研究雜誌
社, 2006.
<P061054> LAU
Fuk. "Language
Proposition". Hegel and Language ed. by Jere O'Neill Surber. pp.55-74. Albany, NY: SUNY
Press, 2006.07.
<P061391> 王慶節. <現象學的 "形相顯示" 與哲學翻譯中的核心譯名>. 論文發表於 《現象學漢語翻譯問題
工作坊》, 主辦機構為香港中文大學現象學與當代哲學資料中心, 中國現象學專業委員會協辦, 12
頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.12.13.
<P061783> 劉笑敢. <試論道家的人類責任感; A Tentative Discussion on the Taoistic Sense of Responsibility for
Human kinds>. 論文發表於 《2006 道文化國際學術研究會論文集(上)》, 49-59 頁. 高雄市:昶
景, 2006.08.
<P062058> 鄭宗義. <明儒羅整菴的朱子學>. 《東亞朱子學的同調與異趣》 黃俊傑、林維杰編. 頁 103-153. 台
灣台北: 臺大出版中心, 2006.12.
<P062789> 王慶節. <存在着一個老子的"物論"嗎?>. 《中國學術》劉東編. 第 6 卷 第 2 期, 頁 254-262. 北京: 商
務印書館, 2006.08.
<P062888> FRASER Christopher James. "Zhuangzi, Xunzi, and the Paradoxical Nature of Education". Journal of
Chinese Philosophy vol.33 no.4, pp.529-42. Hawaii, Honolulu,, 2006.
<P063016> 張燦輝 及 尹寶珊. <香港人的幸福觀>. 《社會發展的趨勢與挑戰:香港與台灣的經驗》 劉兆佳、
尹寶珊、李明堃、黃紹倫編. 第 1 版 頁 115-137. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific
Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2006.07.
<P063373> 王慶節. <作為示範倫理的儒家倫理>. 《學術月刊》 第 9 期, 頁 57-63. 上海: 上海人民出版
社, 2006.09.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Philosophy
<P063585> 鄭宗義. <「生命的學問」——當代建構「中國哲學」的一個嘗試>. 《「中國哲學」建構的當代反
思與未來前瞻國際學術研討會》 深圳大學國學研究所、澳洲國立大學亞洲研究院合辦, 2006.12.
<P063994> 鄭宗義. <從儒學的觀點看孝道>. 論文發表於 《東方文化與現代社會 -- 儒釋道之哲學對話國際
學術會議》, 主辦機構為香港中文大學哲學系中國哲學與文化研究中心、日本東洋哲學研究院、東
方哲學研究所(香港中心), 10 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.11.24.
<P064182> 鄭宗義. <唐君毅論人文學術>. 《香港中文大學的當代儒者》 鄭宗義編. 頁 345-366. 香港特別行政
區: 香港中文大學新亞書院新亞學術集刊第十九期, 2006.10.
<P064334> CHEUNG Chan Fai. "Fenomen Smierci I Umierania - Rozwazania O Mojej Smiertelnosci". Analiza i
Egzystencja vol.3 (2006) pp.139-156. Szczecin, Poland, 2006.
<P064415> 鄭宗義. <甘泉心學探微>. 《儒學、文化與宗教——劉述先先生七秩壽慶論文集》 李明輝、葉海
煙、鄭宗義編. 頁 125-155. 台灣台北: 台灣學生書局, 2006.09.
<P064671> FRASER Christopher James. ""Tang Junyi on Mencian and Mohist Conceptions of Mind"". New
Asia Academic Bulletin vol.19 pp.203-33. 2006.10.
<P064882> 鄭宗義、 李明輝 及 葉海煙. 編. 《儒學、文化與宗教——劉述先先生七秩壽慶論文集》. 413 頁.
台灣台北: 台灣學生書局, 2006.09.
<P065428> 王啟義 及 方克濤. <意志不堅: 中西哲學進比較及塞爾的"背景論">. 《現代哲學》 第 88 期, 頁
83-89. 中國, 2006.10.01.
<P066225> WANG Qingjie. "Thing, No-thing & Laozi's Metaphysics". Interim World Philosophy Congress World
Philosophy Congress 10 pgs. New Delhi, India, 2006.12.16.
<P066585> 劉國英. <去心理學化的心靈研究──現象學心理學的貢獻>. 《應用心理研究》 第 30 期, 頁 1-5,
16-17. 台灣台北: 應用心理研究雜誌社, 2006.
<P066590> 關子尹. <《教我心醉-教我心碎》[Intoxicating Melancholy: Essays in Memory of a Dear Son]>. 《誠
品叢書》 頁 165. 台北: 誠品出版, 2006.07.26.
<P066727> KWAN Tze Wan. "Phenomenological Distinctions and the Buddhist Doctrine of Two Truths
(satyadvaya)". Paper presented in the Phenomenology of East Asian Circle (PEACE) II, organized by
University of Tokyo, 26 pgs. Tokyo, Japan, 2006.09.23.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Philosophy
<P066750> 劉國英. <胡塞爾論佛教>. 《現象學與人文科學》 現象學與佛家哲學專輯. 第 3 期, 頁 9-26. 台灣台
北: 漫遊者文化事業股份有限公司, 2006.
<P067019> 劉國英 及 張燦輝. 編. 《現象學與人文科學》. 現象學與佛家哲學專輯. 第 3 期, 341 頁. 台灣台
北: 漫遊者文化事業股份有限公司, 2006.
<P067224> 劉笑敢. 編. 《中國哲學史 - 玄學與詮釋學專欄》 特邀主持人 vol.55 5-36 pgs. 北京: 哲學研究雜
誌社, 2006.08.
<P067260> YAO
Zhihua. "A
Asvabhava". Journal
Studies no.4, pp.251-258. 2006.09.01.
<P067356> 高基存. < 戈德曼的可靠主義及其困境>. 論文發表於 《哲學交流與文化融和》, 主辦機構為澳門
中國哲學會, 11 頁. 中國澳門, 2006.11.20.
<P067399> LI Hon Lam. "The Good of Philosophy". Aspects of General Education, New Asia College Hong
Kong, New Asia College, 2006.10.13.
<P067517> 鄭宗義. <情欲與理義——重讀戴東原的《孟子字義疏證》>. 《社會轉型與思想文化變遷學術研討
會》 南京大學中國思想家研究中心主辦, 2006.11.
<P067625> 劉笑敢. 《老子古今──五種對勘及析評引論,附五種對照逐字通檢 THE LAOZI FROM THE
ANCIENT TO THE MODERN: Comparative Studies of the Five Versions, including Introductory
Analyses and Criticisms (with Comparative Concordance)[in Chinese]》. 第 1 版, ChinaBeijing: China
Social Sciences Publisher, 2006.08.
<P067968> 鄭宗義. 編. 《香港中文大學的當代儒者》. 新亞學術集刋. 第 19 期, 615 頁. 香港特別行政區: 香
港中文大學新亞書院, 2006.10.
<P068341> 劉國英. <一種新的人文主義烏托邦──萊維納斯百年追思>. 《現象學與人文科學》 第 3 期, 頁
323-335. 台灣台北: 漫遊者文化事業股份有限公司, 2006.
<P068434> 劉笑敢. <兩種逍遙與兩種自由; Two Kinds of Carefree Wandering and Freedom>. 《哲學與文化》第
33 卷 第 7 期, 頁 29-42. 臺北: 哲學與文化月刊編輯委員會, 2006.07.
<P068460> 鄭宗義. <儒學與女性主義的對話>.《中國儒學》第 1 期, 頁 91-115. 中國北京: 商務印書館, 2006.11.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Philosophy
<P068497> 關子尹. <西方哲學東漸下有關語言的一些重要議題[Language related Issues amidst the Introduction
of Western Philosophy into China]>. 論文發表於 《西方哲學東漸會議》, 主辦機構為 Sun Yat-Sen
University & Shantou University, 16 頁. ChinaGuangzhou, 2006.12.04.
<P069728> 王啟義. <邏輯學與知識論的關聯>. 論文發表於 《第二屆兩岸邏輯教學學術會議》, 主辦機構為南
京大學哲學系、中國邏輯學會、江蘇省邏輯學會, 486-9 頁. 2006.10.30.
<P069775> 關子尹. <從語詞場域理論看哲學經典的漢語翻譯問題 [Lexical Field Theory and the Chinese
Translation of Philosophical Classics]>. 論文發表於 《現象學漢語翻譯問題工作坊》, 主辦機構為
Archive for Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy Department, the Chinese
University of Hong Kong, in collaboration with the Professional Committee for Phenomenology in
China, 17 頁. ChinaHong Kong, 2006.12.14.
<P069810> 高基存. < 戈德曼的社會知識論及其困難>. 論文發表於 《第二屆兩岸邏輯教學學術會議》, 主辦
機構為南京大學哲學系、中國邏輯學會、江蘇省邏輯學會, 23 頁. 中國南京, 2006.10.30.
<P070068> 劉笑敢. <古典與當代:順向發展的嘗試和探索--以人文自然和道家式責任感為例 (public
lecture)>. 武漢大學, 2007.05.18.
<P070356> 王啟義. <訴諸群眾的謬誤與社會知識論>. 《哲學研究》 2007 年增刊. 頁 213-216. 中國北京: 中國
社會科學研究所, 2007.03.25.
<P070522> 關子尹. <教我心醉-教我心碎 [Intoxicating Melancholy: Essays in Memory of a Dear Son],增訂二
版。 台北:漫遊者,2007.6.5 (Taipei: Azoth Books, 2007.6.5); 8+xii+196 (216) pages.>. 216
頁. TaiwanTaipei, 2007.06.05.
<P070649> 劉笑敢. <道家式責任感簡說; An Outline of Taoistic Sense of Resposiblilty>. 《和諧世界, 以道相
通:國際道德經論壇論文集》上卷 269-278 頁. 北京: 宗教文化出版社,, 2007.04.
<P070871> 關 子 尹 . < 寓 抽 象 於 具 體 - 漢 語 古 文 字 中 的 哲 學 工 夫 [From the Concrete to the Abstract:
Philosophical Thoughts in Archaic Chinese Script Forms], an invited lecture presented on 11 May 2007
at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities & Social Sciences, Nanjing University (南京大學人
文社會科學高級研究院), Nanjing, China.>. 19 頁. 2007.05.11.
<P070879> 鄭宗義. <徘徊在絕對與多元之間——論牟宗三先生的「判教」>. 《人文論叢(2006 年卷)》 馮
天瑜主編. 頁 239-257. 中國武漢: 武漢大學出版社, 2007.06.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Philosophy
<P070903> LAU Kwok Ying. "Patočka’s Concept of Europe: an Intercultural Consideration". Paper presented in
the An International Conference to Commemorate Jan Patocka 1907-2007 and the 37th Annual Meeting
of the Husserl Circle, organized by the Center for Theoretical Study, Charles University Prague, Center
for Phenomenological Research, Charles University Prague, and Institute for Philosophy of the Academy
of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 18 pgs. Prague, Czech Republic, 2007.04.28.
<P071029> 劉 笑 敢 . <思想 史 研 究中的 理 論 和方法 問 題 a public lecture>. 中 南 師範 大學 歷 史 文化學 院
wuhan, 2007.05.17.
<P071234> 鄭宗義. <生命的虛無、沉倫、悲情與覺情——當代新儒家的存在體驗>. 《第十五屆國際中國哲學
大會》 武漢大學哲學學院主辦, 2007.06.
<P071259> FRASER Christopher James. "Language and Ontology in Early Chinese Thought". Philosophy East
and West vol.57 no.4, pp.420-456. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2007.
<P071415> LAU Kwok Ying. "Foucault and Husserl’s Logical Investigations—the unsuspected French
Connection". Husserl’s Logical Investigations in the New Century: Western and Chinese
Perspectives ed.
Drummond. 1st
ed. pp.153-168. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2007.
<P071495> 王慶節. <論真理之為 "道-理" 的不斷凸現 --- 再談真理、道理與講理>. 《文本詮釋與對話研討
會》 台灣世新大學主辦, 頁 10. 2007.05.04.
<P071836> WANG
Qingjie. "Heidegger's
East-Asia". Euro-Mediterranean
Phenomenology for Intercultural Dialogue, Euro-Mediterranean Network of Phenomenology, 10
pages. Naples, Italy, 2007.06.25.
<P072268> LAU Kwok Ying. "Disenchanted World-view and Intercultural Understanding: from Husserl through
Kant to Chinese Culture". Paper presented in the International Conference on Philosophy of Culture and
Practice, organized
University, 24
pgs. Taipei, Taiwan, 2007.06.17.
<P072324> YAO
Zhihua. " 莊 子 ‘ 蝴 蝶 の 夢 ’ の 深 層 分 析 ".
東 洋 學 術 研
究 vol.46 no.2, pp.126-144. Tokyo, Japan, 2007.05.03.
<P072480> YAO Zhihua. 薩達提沙《佛教倫理學》. (姚治華、王曉紅譯). 148 頁. 中國上海: 上海譯文出版
社, 2007.04.01.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Philosophy
<P072568> 關 子 尹 . < 寓 抽 象 於 具 體 - 漢 語 古 文 字 中 的 哲 學 工 夫 [From the Concrete to the Abstract:
Philosophical Thoughts in Archaic Chinese Script Forms], an invited lecture presented on 20 April 2007
at the Institute for Philosophy, National Central University (國立中央大學哲學研究所), Chungli,
Taiwan.>. 15 頁. TaiwanZhongli, 2007.04.20.
<P072848> 鄧小虎. <自我與價值>. 論文發表於《現代性之反思: 以正當性問題為中心的討論》學術研討會 ,
主辦機構為上海華東師範大學, 8 頁. 中國上海, 2007.06.08.
<P072885> KWAN Tze Wan. "Towards a Phenomenology of Pronouns". International Journal of Philosophical
Studies vol.15 no.2, pp.247-268. London, United Kingdom, 2007.06.
<P073370> 劉笑敢. <老子的關切與責任感--我看道德經; My View of Daodejing: Laozi’s Concern and
Responsible Sense>. 《明報》 香港特別行政區: 《明報》報業有限公司, 2007.05.31.
<P073496> YAO Zhihua. <非認知與第三量>. 《國立政治大學哲學學報》 第 17 卷 頁 89-114. 2007.01.01.
<P074043> 劉笑敢. 《從先秦到二十一世紀的人性探索和展望--孟旦(Donald J. Munro)先生治學簡介;
Investigation and Perspective of Human Nature from Pre-Qin through 21th Century: Introduction to
Donald J. Munro’s Studies in Chinese Philosophy》. 《中國哲學與文化(第一輯)反向格義與全球哲
學》 第一期, 271-297 頁. 桂林: 廣西師範大學出版社, 2007.05.
<P074097> 張燦輝. <Universitas 與 Studium Generale: 大學理念與通識教育的關係>. 論文發表於 《大學理
念與通識教育學術研討會》, 主辦機構為香港中文大學通識教育研究中心及崇基學院, 10 頁. 香港
特別行政區, 2007.01.20.
<P074422> FRASER Christopher James. "The Mass Noun Hypothesis and Interpretive Methodology". The
Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture no.1, pp.58-107. Guilin, Guangxi, 2007.05.
<P074557> 劉笑敢. <注釋與創構:在兩種定向中的徘徊--以朱熹《論語集注》為例 (public lecture)>. 武漢
大學, 2007.05.16.
<P074832> LAU Kwok Ying. "Jan Patočka: Critical Consciousness and Non-Eurocentric Philosopher of the
Phenomenological Movement". Studia Phaenomenologica Special Issue: Jan Patočka and the European
Heritage. vol.7 pp.475-492. Bucharest, Romania: Humanitas, 2007.
<P075496> 劉笑敢. <老子與女性主義 Laozi and Fiminism (public lecture)>. 深圳市民大講堂, 2007.05.27.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Philosophy
<P075569> FRASER Christopher James. "On Wu-wei as a Unifying Metaphor". Philosophy East & West - A
Quarterly of Asian and Comparative Thought vol.57 no.1, pp.97-106. Honolulu, Hawaii, 2007.01.
<P075916> SHUN Kwong Loi. "Wholeness and Purity: Moral Trials in Confucian Thought". Paper presented in
the American Philosophical Association, 2007 Pacific Division Meeting, organized by American
Philosophical Association, 20 pgs. 2007.04.07.
<P075975> SHUN Kwong Loi. "Wholeness and Purity: Moral Trials in Confucian Thought". Keynote address at
15th International Conference on Chinese Philosophy organized by Wuhan University, China, 20
pages. 2007.06.26.
<P075982> KWAN
Wan. "The Overdominance
Response". Confucian Tradition & Global Education by Wm. Theodore de Bary pp.75-99. New
York/HongKong, USA/China: Columbia University Press, New York and The Chinese Univesity Press,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007.03.
<P076064> 劉笑敢. <從注釋到創構:兩種定向, 兩個標準--以朱熹《論語集注》為例; From Annotation to
Construction: Double Orientation and Criteria, An Example from Zhu Xi’s Annotation of the
Analects>. 《南京大學學報》 44 第 2 期, 頁 90-102. 南京: 南京大學學報編輯部, 2007.02.
<P076276> KWAN Tze Wan. "Subjekt und Person: Zwei Selbst-Bilder des modernen Menschen in
kulturübergreifender Perspektive, lecture presented on 26 June 2007 at the Institut für Philosophie, Freie
Universität Berlin, Germany, during a visit to FU Berlin in conjunction with the RGC funded
"Germany-HK Joint Research Scheme" on the topic "A Cross-Cultural Study of the Concepts of Subject
and Person" (RGC: G_HK008/06)". 28 pgs. Berlin, Germany, 2007.06.26.
<P076278> 劉國英. <梅洛龐蒂錯解海德格?──重探《存在與時間》與胡塞爾的關係及基本存在論計劃的一
些缺失>. 論文發表於 《詮釋現象學及其蛻變:海德格《存在與時間》出版八十週年學術會議》, 主
辦機構為香港中文大學現象學與人文科學研究中心, 19 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.05.26.
<P076587> LAU Kwok Ying and DRUMMOND John J.. ed. Husserl's Logical Investigations in the New
Perspectives Series:
Phenomenology. 175. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2007.
<P076852> LAU Chong Fuk. "Absoluteness and Historicity: Hegel's Idea of a Self-Transcending System". Von
Sprache ed.
R diger
Hindrichs. pp.109-134. Stuttgart, Germany: Klett-Cotta, 2007.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Philosophy
<P077111> 王慶節. <作為示範倫理的儒家倫理>. 《新華文摘》 頁 33-35. 北京: 人民出版社, 2007.02.
<P077180> 劉笑敢. <道家, 花開他鄉; Taoism, Blossomed Abroad>. 《光明日報》 北京: 光明日報報業集
團, 2007.01.18.
<P077246> SHUN Kwong Loi. "Wholeness & Purity: Moral Trials in Confucian Thought". Paper presented at the
Departmental Seminar 2006-2007, organized by the Department of Philosophy, The Chinese University
of Hong Kong. 20 pgs. 2007.06.04.
<P077287> 劉笑敢. 編. 《南京大學學報 - 思想史研究專欄》 特約主持人 vol.44 no.2, 90-127. 南京: 南京大學
學報編輯部, 2007.02.
<P077796> 張燦輝. 編. 《大學通識報》. 總第二期. 195 頁. 香港特別行政區: 香港中文大學通識教育研究中
心, 2007.03.
<P078222> 劉笑敢. 《“反向格義”與中國哲學研究的困境--以老子之道的詮釋為例; A Dilemma of Reverse
Analogical Interpretation: Examples from the Studies of Laozi’s Dao》. 《中國哲學與文化(第一輯)反
向格義與全球哲學》 第一期, 10-36 頁. 桂林: 廣西師範大學出版社, 2007.05.
<P078296> CHEUNG Chan Fai. "Tang Junyi and the Philosophy of 'General Education'". Confucian Tradition &
Global Education by Wm. Theodore de Bary pp.59-73. Columbia University Press, New York and The
Chinese Univesity Press, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007.
<P078311> 劉笑敢. <注釋與創構:兩種內在定向--以王弼《老子注》和郭象《莊子注》為例 (public
lecture)>. 武漢大學, 2007.05.15.
<P078357> FRASER Christopher James. "Mohism". Routledge History of Chinese Philosopy ed. by Bo
Mou. London, United Kingdom, 2007.
<P078359> LIU
Xiaogan. " 道 家 的 責 任 感 之 一 考 察 ".
東 洋 學 術 研 究
大 江 平 和
譯. vol.46 no.1, pp.47-68. Japan: 東洋哲學研究所, 2007.05.03.
<P078471> 劉笑敢. 編. 《中國哲學與文化(第一輯)反向格義與全球哲學》. 第一期, 桂林: 廣西師範大學出版
社, 2007.05.
<P078693> 高基存. <戈德曼求真主义的两个困境>. 《哲學研究》 《哲學研究》編輯部,李景源/ 2007 年增
刊. 頁 86-90. 中國北京: 哲學研究雜誌社, 2007.03.25.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Philosophy
<P078847> SHUN Kwong Loi. "Wholeness and Purity: Moral Trials in Confucian Thought". Keynote address at
International Symposium on Confucian Philosophy: Reconstruction and Interpretation, organized by
Soochow University, Taipei, 20 pgs. 2007.05.25.
<P079024> KWAN
Wan. "Intentionality
Standpoint". Husserl’s Logical Investigations in the New Century: Western and Chinese
Perspectives ed. by KY Lau and John J. Drummond. pp.83-103. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag,
<P079158> 張燦輝. <通識教育作為體現大學理念的場所: 香港中文大學的實踐模式>. 《大學通識報》 張燦
輝、梁美儀編 總第二期, 39-51. 香港特別行政區: 香港中文大學通識教育研究中心, 2007.03.
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議》, 主辦機構為香港中文大學現象學與人文科學研究中心, 8 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2007.05.25.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Translation
<P060590> 童元方. <不信出自同一人>. 載於《蘋果日報星期日名采版.思與花開專欄》. 香港特別行政區: 蘋
果日報社, 2006.12.
<P060883> 童元方. <兩個傳統:文言與白話>. 《兩岸三地人文社會科學學術論壇"中國文學與文化的傳統及
變革"學術研討會》 中國南京, 2006.10.14.
<P060987> 方梓勳. <本我的他者——黃佐臨寫意戲劇觀與外來戲劇的接受>. 論文發表於 《百年回眸看佐臨
(100th Anniversary of Huang Zuolin’s Birth)》, 307-313 頁. 中國上海, 2006.10.
<P061198> 童元方. <布魯克蘭書匠鋪>. 《書城》 中國上海: 上海三聯書店, 2006.09.
<P061413> 童元方. <如霧如謎——看歐本海默的一生>. 載於《蘋果日報星期日名采版.思與花開專欄》. 香
港特別行政區: 蘋果日報社, 2006.07.
<P062150> HE Yuanjian. "Lexicon as a Generating System: Restating the Case of Complex Word Formation in
Chinese". Journal of Chinese Language and Computing vol.16 no.2, pp.99-119. Singapore: Chinese and
Oriental Languages Information Processing Society, 2006.08.
<P062538> 童元方. <從《一星如月》到《看雲聽雨》>. 陳之藩教授桂冠文學家座談會, 台灣元智大學與天下
遠見文化事業群, 2006.12.17.
<P062644> 童元方. 引言:<陳之藩的散文>. 陳之藩教授桂冠文學獎頒獎禮, 台灣中壢元智大學, 2006.12.14.
<P063164> HE Yuanjian. ed. Journal of Translation Studies. vol.9 no.1, 160 pgs. Hong Kong, China: The
Chinese University Press & The Department of Translation of The Chinese University of Hong
Kong, 2006.11.30.
<P063225> 童元方. <在懷古的金陵>. 《文訊雜誌.人文關懷專欄》 頁 13-14. 2006.12.
<P063406> HE Yuanjian. "‘Dialectal Lexis Interference in Putonghua: With a Specific Reference to Question
Words and Interrogative Particles in Wh-questions of Chengdu Putonghua’. ". Journal of Asian Pacific
Communication vol.16 no.2, pp.279-298. Amstardam, Netherlands: Amsterdam: John Benjamins,
<P063501> WONG Laurence K B. "Also Sprach The Prince of Bei-jing Translating The Formal Style in The
Hong Lou Meng". 《南大語言文化學報》 vol.6 no.2, pp.1-18. Singapore: Centre for Chinese Language
and Culture Nanyang Technological University, 2006.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Translation
<P064107> FONG Chee Fun Gilbert. "《推銷員之死》Translation of Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller
". Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller for stage performance. Hong Kong, China: TNT Theatre
Company, 2006.
<P064262> 童元方. <"我們都是看你的文章長大的">. 《寂寞的畫廊(大家散文文存)》 頁 298-309. 南京: 江
蘇文藝出版社, 2007.06.
<P064809> 童元方. <夢憶京牆>. 《文訊雜誌.人文關懷專欄》 台灣: 文訊雜誌社, 2006.09.
<P065838> 童元方. <談談翻譯中的創作>. 崇基語文講座, 2006.11.
<P065971> 童元方. <四維的範式轉移>. 載於《蘋果日報星期日名采版.思與花開專欄》. 香港特別行政區: 蘋
果日報社, 2006.10.
<P067335> 童元方. <古城的鼓樓下>. 載於《蘋果日報星期日名采版.思與花開專欄》. 香港特別行政區: 蘋果
日報社, 2006.08.
<P067367> WONG Laurence K B. "Syntax and Translatability". babel vol.52 no.2, pp.124-132. John Benjamins
Publishing Company, 2006.
<P068782> 童元方. <東南第一山>. 載於《蘋果日報星期日名采版.思與花開專欄》. 香港特別行政區: 蘋果日
報社, 2006.11.
<P069496> 童元方. <漫談宋人筆記>. 載於《蘋果日報星期日名采版.思與花開專欄》. 香港特別行政區: 蘋果
日報社, 2006.09.
<P070011> HE Yuanjian. "An Inquiry of Many Turns?". 《 翻 譯 學 報 》 (Journal of Translation
Studies)》 vol.10 no.1, pp.165-170. Hong Kong, China: The Chinese University Press, 2007.06.05.
<P070055> WONG Laurence K B. 《莊子的蝴蝶起飛後——文學再定位》. 005-220 頁. 台灣台北: 九歌出版
社有限公司, 2007.04.10.
<P073871> 童元方. <沒有時間的世界>. 載於《蘋果日報星期日名采版.思與花開專欄》. 香港特別行政區: 蘋
果日報社, 2007.04.
<P073914> 方梓勳. <懸置的自我認同:香港戲劇翻譯的背後> 《香港戲劇學刊 - 他山之石戲劇研討會專
輯》 第六期, 頁 1-14. 中國香港: 中文大學出版社, 2007.
Faculty of Arts
Dept of Translation
<P074037> HE Yuanjian. ed. Journal of Translation Studies. vol.10 no.1, 176 pgs. Hong Kong, China: The
Chinese University Press, 2007.06.05.
<P074945> 童元方. <朱銘的兵雕>. 載於《蘋果日報星期日名采版.思與花開專欄》. 香港特別行政區: 蘋果日
報社, 2007.01.
<P075562> 童元方. 編. 《寂寞的畫廊(大家散文文存)》. 309 頁. 南京: 江蘇文藝出版社, 2007.06.
<P075575> 童元方. <天陰人鬱>. 載於《蘋果日報星期日名采版.思與花開專欄》. 香港特別行政區: 蘋果日報
社, 2007.02.
<P076051> 何元建 及 王玲玲. <論漢語中的名物化結構>. 《漢語學習》 第 1 期, 頁 13-24. 中國延邊: 延邊大
學, 2007.02.15.
<P076910> 童元方. <巨人的矛盾>. 載於《蘋果日報星期日名采版.思與花開專欄》. 香港特別行政區: 蘋果日
報社, 2007.03.
<P077507> HE Yuanjian. "A Fresh Cognitive Perspective to Horizontal Translation". 《翻譯學報》(Journal of
Studies) 》
vol.10 no.1, pp.77-90. Hong
Kong, China: The
Press, 2007.06.05.
<P078512> 童元方. <死在威尼斯>. 載於《蘋果日報星期日名采版.思與花開專欄》. 香港特別行政區: 蘋果日
報社, 2007.05.
<P078824> FONG Chee Fun Gilbert. Escape & The Man Who Questions Death. 114 pgs. Hong
Kong, China: The Chinese University Press, 2007.
<P079269> 童元方. <《猛虎集》與對稱>. 載於《蘋果日報星期日名采版.思與花開專欄》. 香港特別行政區: 蘋
果日報社, 2007.06.
Faculty of Arts
School of Accountancy
<P071791> HUANG Yasheng and RUI Meng. "A Study on Herd Behavior in China's Security Market: Using the
中 國 證 券 市 場 投 資 者 羊 群 行 為 研 究 ". China
Review vol.1 no.1, pp.203-218 (in English) pp. 89-104 (in Chinese). Shanghai, China: Oxford
University Press, 2007.
<P073390> FAN P. H. Joseph; WONG Tak Jun and ZHANG Tianyu. "Organizational Structure as a
Decentralization Device: Evidence from Corporate Pyramids". Paper presented in the Harvard Business
Conference, organized
, 44
pgs. Boston, United States of America, 2007.04.
<P076000> HOSTAK Peter; KARAOGLU Emre; LYS Thomas Z. and YANG Yong. "An Examination of the
Impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on the Attractiveness of US Capital Markets for Foreign
Firms". Paper presented in the 2007 Journal of Accounting Research Conference, organized by Journal
of Accounting Research, 56 pgs. United States of America, 2007.05.
<P077300> LEE
Meng. "Time-Series
Dividends". Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis vol.42 no.1, pp.119-142. Seattle, United
States of America: School fo Business Administration, University of Washington, 2007.03.
<P077760> FIRTH Michael; FUNG Peter M.y. and RUI Meng. "Ownership, two-tier board structure, and the
informativeness of earnings – Evidence from China". Journal of Accounting and Public
Policy vol.26 no.4, pp.463-496. United States of America: Elsevier, 2007.
<P078866> LOW Chee Keong. "Initial Public Offerings and Interest Income in Hong Kong". European Business
Law Review vol.18 no.3, pp.559-583. United Kingdom: Kluwer Law International, 2007.
Faculty of Business Administration
Dept of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics
<P057839> LI Eldon; DU Timon Chih Ting and WONG Wai Ting Jacqueline. Access Control in Collaborative
Commerce Decision Support Systems 43 675-685. 2007.
<P061077> TUAN Chyau. "China's FDI inflows and Effective City Links". Paper presented in the International
Conference on Regional Development, - pgs. Korea, South, 2006.12.15.
<P061269> LAI Fujun; ZHAO Xiande and WANG Qiang. "The Impact of Information Technology on the
Competitive Advantage of Logistics Firms in China". Industrial Management and Data Systems Vol.
106 Iss. 9 1249. 2006.
<P062067> FUNG Ka Yiu Michael; LAW Japhet Sebastian and NG Wing Kam. "Economic Contribution to
Hong Kong of the Aviation Sector". The Chinese Economy vol.39 no.6, pp.19-38. 2006.11.
<P063532> TUAN Chyau. "FDI Inflows and Regional Entrepreneurship Development in China". Paper presented
in the Conference on Chinese Culture and its sustainable Development, - pgs. ShaoXing, China, 2006.
<P064776> TUAN Chyau and NG Fung Yee Linda. "FDI Inflows and Growth of Private Business in
China". Journal of Entrepreneurship Research Vol. 1 No. 1 pp. 101-32. 2006.
<P065407> JIN Jang Cheon. "Openness, Growth and Inflation: Evidence from South Korea before the Economics
Crisis". Journal of Asian Economics pp.738-757. 2006.10.
<P066351> NG Fung Yee Linda and TUAN Chyau. "The Place of FDI in China's Economic Development:
Emergence of the Globalized Delta Economies". Paper presented in the China and World: Harmony,
Peace, The Second World Forum on China Studies, organized by Shanghai Academy of Social
Sciences, - pgs. Shanghai, China, 2006.09.20.
<P066557> ZHAO X.; ZHAO Xiande; YEUNG Hoi Yan Jeff and XIE J.. Sequence-to-customer goal with
stochastic demands for a mixed-model assembly line International Journal of Production Research Vol.
44 No. 24 pp. 5279-5305. 2006.12.17.
<P066714> LAI Fujun; ZHAO Xiande and LEE Tien Sheng. "Selecting forecasting model parameters in
systems". International
Management vol.4 no.4, pp.331-354. 2006.10.
Faculty of Business Administration
Dept of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics
<P066757> NG Fung Yee Linda and TUAN Chyau. "Hong Kong-Shanghai Competitiveness 2005: from City to
Metropolitan Region Perspective". Web Journal of Chinese Management Review vol.9 no.2, pp.1-14.
<P067072> NG Fung Yee Linda and TUAN Chyau. "Hong Kong-Shanghai Metropolis Competitiveness:
Reflections from Five Years Opinion Surveys of Multinationals (2001-2005)". Web Journal of Chinese
Management Review Vol. 9 No. 3 -. 2006.
<P067143> TUAN Chyau; NG Fung Yee Linda and LIN Hui. "Globalized Delta Economies in China - Yangtze
Environment". Globalized Delta Economies in China Program and Institute of Space and Earth
Information Science, CUHK - pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2006.
<P067205> DU Timon Chih Ting; WONG Mavis; CHEUNG Wai Man and CHU Sung Chi. "A Privacy and
Security Framework for the EPC Network Infrastructure". Center of Cyber Logistics for GS1 Hong
Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - pgs. Hong Kong, 2006.11.
<P068846> ZHAO Xiande; SUM Chee Chuong; QI Yinan; ZHANG Huiying and LEE Tien Sheng. "A
taxonomy of manufacturing strategies in China". Journal of Operations Management vol.24 pp.621-636.
<P069545> NG Fung Yee Linda and TUAN Chyau. "Hong Kong-Shanghai Metropolis Competitiveness:
Relfections from Opinion Surveys of Multinationals (2001-2005)". Paper presented in the China and
World: Harmony, Peace, The Second World Forum on China Studies, organized by Shanghai Academy
of Social Sciences, - pgs. Shanghai, China, 2006.09.20.
<P069793> ZHAO Xiande; FLYNN B. and ROTH A.. "Decision Sciences Research in China: A Critical Review
and Research Agenda". Decision Sciences vol.37 no.4, pp.451-496. 2006.
<P070173> WONG WAI HUNG; ZHANG Anming; HUI Yer Van and LEUNG Chi Kin Lawrence. "Optimal
Baggage Limit Policy: Airline Passenger and Cargo Allocation". Production and Operations
Management -. Dallas, United
America: Production
Society, 2007.05.04.
<P070304> CHOU Ling Yu, Charles; DU Timon Chih Ting and LAI Siu King Vincent. "Continuous auditing
with a multi-agent system". Decision Support Systems vol.42 pp.2274-2292. 2007.
Faculty of Business Administration
Dept of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics
<P070311> YEUNG Hoi Yan Jeff; SELEN Willem; ZHOU Deming and ZHANG, MIN. "Postponement strategy
from a supply chain perspective: cases from China". International Journal of Physical Distribution &
Logistics Management Vol. 37 No. 4, pp.331-356. 2007.
<P070551> TUAN Chyau and NG Fung Yee Linda. "The Place of FDI in China's Regional Economic
Economies". Journal
Economics vol.18 no.2, pp.348-364. 2007.
<P070552> DU Timon Chih Ting and LI Y Eldon. "Building Dynamic Business Process in P2P Semantic
Web". Advances
II ed.
Du. 1
ed. pp.180-198. PA, Hershey: IDEA Production Co., 2007.
<P070596> TUAN Chyau; LAM L.W. and NG Fung Yee Linda. "MNE Entry Strategy in China: Institutional
Influences on Ownership Mode, Location Choice and Country Origin". International Journal of
Business and Strategy vol.8 no.1, pp.1-25. 2007.
<P071341> ZHANG Anming; LANG Chunmei; HUI Y. V. and LEUNG Chi Kin Lawrence. "Intermodal
alliance and rivalry of transport chains: The air cargo market". Transportation Research Part
E vol.43 pp.234-246. Elsevier, 2007.
<P071888> DU Timon Chih Ting; HWANG Richard and CHOU Charles. "Access Control for Web Service
Applications: An Example in Collaborative Auditing". Advanced in Electronic Business II ed. by Eldon
Y. Li and Timon C. Du. 1 ed. pp.245-266. PA, Hershey, 2007.
<P072267> CHU Sung Chi; LEUNG Chi Kin Lawrence; HUI Y. V. and CHEUNG Wai Man. "Evolution of
study". Information
Management Vol. 44, Iss. 2. pp.154-164. 2007.03.
<P072921> ZHAO Xiande; HUO BAOFENG and FLYNN B. "The impact of power on supply chain integration
chain". Journal
Management (Forthcoming). pp.-. 2007.
<P073424> ZHAO Xiande; FLYNN B. and ROTH A. V. "Decision Sciences Research in China: Current Status,
Opportunities and Propositions for Research in Logistics, Supply Chain Management and Quality
Management". Decision Sciences vol.38 no.1, pp.39-80. 2007.
<P073448> XU, FANG and ZHOU Deming. "The effect of quality in port competition". Manufacturing & Service
Operations Management ed. by Jian Chen. pp.6. Beijing, China, 2007.06.18.
Faculty of Business Administration
Dept of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics
<P073571> TUAN Chyau. "Growth of Private Enterprises: The Second wave for the Rise of Chinese
Economy". Paper presented in the Annual Symposium, SASS, - pgs. Shanghai, China, 2006.12.21.
G. "Organizational
Comparisons". Paper presented in the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences, 1-10 pgs. Hawaii, 2007.01.
<P073896> TSE Raymond Wai Man; CHANG Eric C.; LI Leong Kwan and MOK Man Kwong
Henry. "Pricing and Hedging of Discrete Dynamic Guaranteed Funds". Journal of Risk and
Insurance 2007.
<P074506> DU Timon Chih Ting and CHEN Hsing Ling. "Building a Multiple-Criteria Negotiation Support
System". IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering vol.19 no.6, pp.804-. 2007.
<P074546> WANG Fu Kwun and DU Timon Chih Ting. "Applying Capability Index to the Supply Network
Analysis". Total Quality Management vol.18 no.4, pp.425-434. 2007.
<P075658> WANG Huiwen; LIU Qiang; MOK Man Kwong Henry; FU Linghui and TSE Wai Man. "A
Hyperspherical-Transformation Forecasting Model for Compositional Data". European Journal of
Operational Research vol.179 pp.459-468. 2007.
<P076624> DU Timon Chih Ting; WANG F. K. and LU Pu Yun. "A real-time vehicle-dipatching system for
consolidating milk runs". Transportation Research Part E vol.43 pp.565-577. 2007.
<P077067> JI Xiaoyu; ZHAO Xiande and ZHOU Deming. "A Fuzzy Programming Approach for Supply Chain
Design". International
Systems vol.15, Suppl. pp.75-87. World Scientific Publishing Company, 2007.04.
<P077140> TUAN Chyau and NG Fung Yee Linda. "FDI and Economic Development in the YRD and
PRD". Web Journal of Chinese Management Review vol.10 no.1, pp.1-43. 2007.
<P077143> LAI F.; ZHAO Xiande and WANG Q. "Taxonomy of information technology strategy and its impact
on the performance of third-party logistics (3PL) in China". International Journal of Production
Research vol.45 no.10, pp.2195-2218. 2007 Taylor & Francis, 2007.05.15.
<P077736> GOH Ka Leng; LAW Rob and MOK Man Kwong Henry. "Analyzing and forecasting tourism
demand: A Rough Sets approach". Journal of Travel Research pp.-. 2007.
Faculty of Business Administration
Dept of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics
<P077740> WANG, ZHIQIANG; GUILONG Zhu; ZHAO Xiande and YEUNG Hoi Yan Jeff. "The Impacts of
Internal Resouces and External Linkages on Innovation Capability of Chinese Manufacturers". Paper
presented in the International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management in
China, organized by School of Management, Xian Jiaotong University and Faculty of Business
Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 4 pgs. Xian, China, 2007.06.26.
<P078393> WONG WAI HUNG; WAN, YULAI; LEUNG Chi Kin Lawrence and HUI Yer Van. "An
Integrated Decision Scheme to Develop, Evaluate and Revise Forwarders' Shipment Plans". 18th Annual
Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, 4-7 May, 2007 pp.-. Dallas,
Texas, United States of America: Production and Operations Management Society, 2007.05.
<P078719> ZHAO Xiande; XIE Jinxing and WEI Jerry C. "The value of early order commitment in a two-level
supply chain". European Journal of Operational Research vol.180 pp.194-214. Elsevier, 2007.
<P079835> FLYNN Barbara B; ZHAO Xiande and ROTH Aleda. "The myth of the dragon: Operations
management in today's China". Business Horizons Vol. 50, Iss. 3. pp.177. 2007.05.
See Also <P073389 >
Faculty of Business Administration
Dept of Finance
<P033849> CHAN Wai Sum and CHAN W H Felix. "On Selection of the Discount Rate for Actuarial
Assessment of Damages in Personal Injury Litigation in Hong Kong". Law, Probability and
Risk vol.2 pp.15-24. 2003.
<P044172> CHAN Wai Sum and NG Man-wai. "Robustness of Alternative Non-linearity Tests for SETAR
Models". Journal of Forecasting vol.23 pp.215-231. 2004.
<P046394> CHAN Wai Sum; LI Siu-hang and FONG Pak Wing. "An Actuarial Analysis of Long-Term Care
Demand in Hong Kong". Geriatrics and Gerontology International vol.4 pp.S143-S145. 2004.
<P061470> CHAN Wai Sum and ZHANG Lianzeng. "Direct Derivation of Finite-Time Ruin Probabilities in the
Discrete Risk Model with Exponential or Geometric Claims". North American Actuarial
Journal vol.10 no.4, pp.269-279. 2006.
<P061988> CHAN
Sum. "Outliers
Time-Series". Journal
Economics vol.4 pp.75-83. 2006.
<P062678> McGUINNESS Paul Brian and BIRTCH Thomas. "The Behaviour of Share Prices in the Run-up to
and Aftermath of Stock Splits: Evidence for 'Share Subdivisions' in Hong Kong, 2003-2005". Applied
Financial Economics Letters vol.2 no.5, pp.285-293. London, United Kingdom: Routledge (Taylor &
Francis Group), 2006.09.
<P062979> FAN Kin Keung Dennis; LAU Chung Ming and YOUNG Michael. "Is China's Corporate
Governance Beginning to Come of Age? The Case of CEO Turnover". Pacific-Basin Finance
Journal 15: 105-120. 2007.04.
<P063309> CHAN W H Felix and CHAN Wai Sum. "An Empirical Inquiry into the Recent Trends of Personal
Injury Compensation in Hong Kong". The Business Review vol.5 no.1, pp.194-200. 2006.
<P065478> CHAN Wai Sum; NG M W and TONG H. "On a Simple Graphical Approach to Modelling
Economic Fluctuations with an Application to the UK Price Inflation, 1265–2005". Annals of Actuarial
Science vol.1 no.1, pp.103-128. 2006.
<P066150> HAN Li Ming and RICHARD Macminn. "Stock Options and The Corporate Demand for
Insurance". journal of risk and insurance vol.73 no.2, pp.231-260. 2006.
Faculty of Business Administration
Dept of Finance
<P067257> HAN Li Ming and CHEN Kim Heng. "Efficiency in Information Processing: A Study of Non-Nearby
Counterparts". Review
Economics vol.2 no.1, pp.13-41. 2006.
<P067534> YEUNG Raymond and CHAN Wai Sum. "Health Care Financing in Hong Kong". Hong Kong’s
Health System – Reflections, Perspectives and Visions ed. by Gabriel M Leung and John
Bacon-Shone. pp.435-439. 2006.
<P072188> CHAN Wai Sum and TSE Yiu-kuen. Financial and Actuarial Mathematics. 1st ed. 335
pgs. McGraw-Hill Education (Asia), 2007.
<P074835> LI Siu-hang and CHAN Wai Sum. "The Lee-Carter Model for Forecasting Mortality,
Revisited". North American Actuarial Journal vol.11 no.1, pp.68-89. 2007.
<P076001> LEUNG M Gabriel; TIN Y K Keith and CHAN Wai Sum. "Hong Kong’s Health Spending
Projections Through 2033". Health Policy vol.81 pp.93-101. Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd., 2007.
<P076626> FONG P.k.; LI W.k.; YAU C.w. and WONG Chun Shan. "On a Mixture Vector Autoregressive
Model". Canadian Journal of Statistics vol.35 no.1, pp.135-150. 2007.03.
<P078710> ZHANG Lixin; CHAN Wai Sum; CHEUNG Siu Hung and HU Feifang. "A Generalized
Sinica vol.17 pp.387-409. 2007.
See Also <P062974 >, <P071045 >
Faculty of Business Administration
Responses". Statistica
School of Hotel and Tourism Management
<P060901> LEE Kam-hon; YANG Guang and GRAHAM L. John. "Tension And Trust in International
Business Negotiation: American Executives Negotiating with Chinese Executives". Journal of
Studies vol.37 no.5, pp.623-641. United
Kingdom: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2006.09.
<P072457> HO Ying and LEE Kam-hon. China Marketing Handbook of Research on Asian Business ed. by
Henry Wai-chung Yeung. first ed. pp.182-207. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing
Ltd, 2007.
Faculty of Business Administration
Dept of Management
<P042181> FU Pingping; KENNEDY Jeff; TATA Jasmine; YUKL Gary; BOND H. Michael and ET
Al.. "The Impact of Societal Cultural Values and Individual Social Beliefs on the Perceived
Effectiveness of Managerial Influence Strategies: A Meso Approach". Journal of International
Business Studies vol.35 pp.284-305. 2004.
<P051807> 劉 軍、 富萍萍 及 吳 維庫. <企業環境、領導行為、領導績效互動影響分析>. 《管理科學學
報》 第 8 卷 第 5 期, 頁 61-68. 2005.
<P055822> WAN P William; HOSKISSON E Robert; KIM Hicheon and YIU Wing Yee. "Network
Opportunities and Constraints in Japan's Banking Industry: A Social Exchange Perspective on
Governance". Corporate Governance: Accountability, Enterprise and International Comparisons ed.
by Keasey, K., Thompson, S., and Wright, M.. 1 ed. pp.327-350. Chichester, United Kingdom: John
Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2005.
<P056570> 李 永娟、 富萍萍、 王 二平、 羅 鳳英 及 李 鋒. <高新技術企業領導集體有效性的理想與差
距研究>. 《吉林大學社會科學學報》 第 45 卷 第 6 期, 頁 123-128. 2005.
<P057315> MA Xufei and LU W. Jane. "The Critical Role of Business Groups in China". Ivey Business
Journal pp.1-12. 2005.
<P060607> CHOW Hau Siu Irene. "The Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance
in China". Society for Advancement of Management vol.71 no.3, pp.11-20. 2006.
<P060933> FU Pingping; TSUI S. Anne and DESS G. Gregory. "The Dynamics of Guanxi in Chinese High-tech
Firms: Implications for Knowledge Management and Decision Making". Management International
Review vol.46 no.3, pp.277-305. 2006.
<P060948> CHOW Hau Siu Irene; HUANG J C and LIU S S. "Strategic Hr Configuration for Competitive
Performance". Academy of Management Annual Meeing 35 pgs. Atlanta, USA, 2006.08.14.
<P061926> AHLSTROM David Christopher; NAIR Anil; YOUNG N. Michael and WANG C. Linda. "China:
Competitive Myths and Realities". SAM Advanced Management Journal vol.71 no.4, pp.4-10. 2006.
<P062039> LAU Chi Sun Dora; LAM W Long and ROBINSON Sandra. "Social Isolation at Work: Its Impact
on Performance". Academy of Management Annual Conference 36 pgs. 2006.08.
Faculty of Business Administration
Dept of Management
<P062113> LAU Pak Lung Victor; SHAFFER A. Margaret and AU Yuk Fai Kevin. "Entrepreneurial Career
Success from a Chinese Perspective: Conceptualization, Operationalization, and Validation". Journal of
International Business Studies vol.38 126-146. 2007.
<P062381> YIU Wing Yee and BRUTON Garry Don. "Antecedents and performance effects of diversification of
business groups in a transitional economy". Strategic Management Society Annual International
Conference pp.000. Vienna, Austria, 2006.09.
<P062431> CHOW Hau Siu Irene; TEO T.t. Stephen and LIU Shi Shan. "Influence of Strategic HRM on
Employee and Firm Performance in Southern China". Paper presented in the Asian Academy of
Meeting, organized
Conference, 30
pgs. Tokyo, Japan, 2006.12.19.
<P062624> FOLEY Sharon; NGO Hang Yue and LOI Raymond. "Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived
Personal Gender Discrimination: A Study of Solicitors in Hong Kong". Sex Roles: A Journal of
Research vol.55 pp.197-208. 2006.
<P063178> FOLEY S.; NGO Hang Yue and LOI Raymond. "How Do Cultural Types Affect Work-Related
Attitudes? The Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support". International Journal of
Employment Studies vol.14 no.2, pp.37-62. 2006.10.
<P063320> WONG Chi Sum and WONG P. M. "Validation of Wong's Career Interest Assessment Questionnaire
and Holland's Revised Hexagonal Model of Occupational Interests in Four Chinese Societies". Journal
of Career Development vol.32 no.4, pp.378-393. 2006.
<P063634> TJOSVOLD D.; LAW Shing Keung and SUN H. "Effectiveness of Chinese Teams: The Role of
Approaches". Management
Review vol.2 no.2, pp.231-252. 2006.
<P063976> LAU Chung Ming; NGO Hang Yue and YIU Wing Yee. "Organizational-Level Determinants of
Internationalization and Outward FDI of Chinese Firms". Paper presented in the Asia Academy of
Management Conference, organized by Asia Academy of Management, 2. Tokyo, Japan, 2006.12.
<P064311> ZHOU Lianxi; CHAN T. S. and LU Yuan. "Entrepreneurial Proclivity, Knowledge, and Early
Internationalization". Paper presented in the Academy of International Business Conference in
Beijing, 27 pgs. 2006.
Faculty of Business Administration
Dept of Management
<P064586> LU Yuan and YAO Jun. "Impact of state ownership and control mechanisms on the performance of
group affiliated companies in China.". Asia Pacific Journal of Management vol.23 no.4, pp.485-503.
singapore: Springer, 2006.12.01.
<P065081> PENG, ZHENGMIN and WONG Chi Sum. "The Role of Emotional Intelligence and Supervisor
Support in Buffering against Exhaustion: A Refinement of the Job Demand-Resource Model". Paper
AAOM, organized
Association, 32
pgs. Tokyo, Japan, 2006.12.21.
<P065561> GRAEN B. George; HUI Chun and TAYLOR A. Elizabeth. "Experience-Based Learning About
LMX Leadership and Fairness in Project Teams: A Dyadic Directional Approach". Academy of
Management Learning & Education vol.5 no.4, pp.448-460. 2006.
<P066050> LEONG L.t. Joyce; BOND H. Michael and FU Pingping. "Perceived Effectiveness of Influence
Strategies in the United States and Three Chinese Societies". International Journal of Cross Cultural
Management vol.6 no.1, pp.101-120. 2006.
<P066192> CHAN M Christine; MAKINO Shige and ISOBE Takehiko. Interdependent behavior in foreign
direct investment: the multi-level effects of prior entry and prior exit on foreign market entry Journal of
International Business Studies vol.37 no.5 pp.642-665. 2006.09.
<P066563> LU Yuan and YAO Jun. "Diversification, Internal Business Transactions, and Economc Performance
in Chinese Corporations". Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Atlanta, USA 5 pgs. 2006.
<P066787> BRUTON D. Garry; AHLSTROM David Christopher and RUBANIK Yuri. "An Institutional
Perspective of Entrepreneurship in an Emerging Economy: Institutional Change and Russian
Entrepreneurs". Paper presented in the Journal of Business Venturing Conference, 1-10 pgs. 2006.12.
<P067216> LU Yuan and YAO Jun. "Internal Transactions and Firm Economic Performance in Chinese
Corporations". Paper presented in the The Asia Academy of Management Conference, Tokyo,
Japan, 19-21 pgs. 2006.
<P067305> WONG Yui-tim; NGO Hang Yue and WONG Chi Sum. "Perceived Organizational Justice, Trust,
and OCB: A Study of Chinese Workers in Joint Ventures and State-Owned Enterprises". Journal of
World Business vol.41 pp.344-355. 2006.
Faculty of Business Administration
Dept of Management
<P067451> YEUNG Ping Kwong; LUI S Steven and LAU Chung Ming. "Corporate Entrepreneurship and
Learning from a Strategic Perspective". Paper presented in the Asia Academy of Management
Conference, organized by Asia Academy of Management, 1. Tokyo, Japan, 2006.12.
EVCIMEN I.; FU Pingping and ET. Al. "Cultural and Leadership Predictors of Corporate Social
Responsibility Values of Top Management: A Globe Study of 15 Countries". Journal of International
Business Studies vol.37 pp.823-837. 2006.
<P068269> CHAN Ka Wai; PENG, ZHENGMIN; YIU Wing Yee; WYATT A. Thomas and WONG Chi
Sum. "When do organizations act homogeneously and when do they act heterogeneously? A case study
China". Asian
Conference pp.000. Tokyo, Japan, 2006.12.
<P068379> ISOBE Takehiko; MAKINO Shige and GOERZEN Anthony. "Japanese horizontal keiretsu and the
membership". Asia
Management vol.23 no.4, pp.453-466. Springer Netherlands, 2006.
<P068612> JIAN Chunyan; MAKINO Shige and ZHAO Shuming. "Does Stage Matter in Chinese New
Ventures? Learning, Network, and Corporate Entrepreneurship". Paper presented in the Academy of
Management Annual Meeing, organized by Academy of Management, 30 pgs. Atlanta, 2006.08.14.
<P068646> MA Xufei; YAO Xiaotao and XI Youmin. "Business Group Affiliation and Firm Performance in a
Voids". Asia
Management vol.23 pp.467-483. 2006.
<P070063> YIU Wing Yee and LAU Chung Ming. "The Role of Entrepreneurial Transformation in the
Network-Performance Relationship in Emerging Market Firms". Entrepreneurship in Emerging
Markets Fort Worth, TX, USA, 2007.03.30.
<P070171> 劉 軍 及 富萍萍. <結構方程模型應用陷阱分析>. 《數理統計與管理》 第 27 卷 第 2 期, 頁
268-272. 2007.
<P070200> WANG, CHANG; AHLSTROM David Christopher; NAIR Anil and HANG Zheng. "Achieving
World Class Research and Development: China's Next Olympic Challenge". Paper presented in the
Paper presented at the SAM International Business Conference, Arlington, Virginia, USA, 10 pgs. 2007.
Faculty of Business Administration
Dept of Management
<P070909> AHLSTROM David Christopher; BRUTON Garry D. and YEH Kuang S.. "Venture Capital in
China: Past, Present, and Future". Asia Pacific Journal of Management vol.24 pp.247-268. 2007.
<P071630> 劉 軍、 富萍萍 及 劉 武. <組織成員為何參與創新--多理論視角解釋>. 《南大商學評論》 第 11
卷 頁 8-24. 2007.
<P071653> MAKINO Shige; CHAN M Christine; ISOBE Takehiko and BEAMISH W Paul. "Intended and
Ventures". Strategic
Journal 28 11 1113-1132. 2007.
<P071840> 劉忠明、 翟敏娟 及 劉柏能. 編. 《管理學精要》. 232 頁. 香港特別行政區: 匯智出版有限公
司, 2007.01.
<P072001> MARKOCZY Livia; LU Yuan; XU Erming; LI Weiwen and HAN Han Zhang. "The Effect of Top
Management Team Composition on R&D Decisions and on Managing Resource Dependence in the
Context of China". Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, USA 5 pgs. 2007.
<P072891> LI L.; QIAN Gongming and GABER B.. "The Chinese Enterprise Secret: Sustained Advantage in
Labor-Intensive Industries". Journal of Business Strategy vol.28 no.3, pp.26-33. 2007.
<P072967> LAU Chi Sun Dora; LIU Jun and FU Pingping. "Feeling Trusted by Business Leaders in China:
Congruence". Asia
Management vol.24 pp.321-340. 2007.04.21.
<P073111> 任 兵、 區玉輝 及 彭 維 剛. <連鎖董事與公司績效: 針對中國的研究>. 《Nankai Business
Review》 第 10 卷 第 1 期, 頁 8-15. 2007.
<P073150> LIU Shanshi; CHOW Hau Siu Irene and CHAO Gang. "In search of the best human resource
China". Frontiers
China vol.1 no.1, pp.155-166. Springer, 2007.02.
<P073384> CHAN M Christine and MAKINO Shige. "Legitimacy and multi-level institutional environments:
implications for foreign subsidiary ownership structure". Journal of International Business
Studies vol.38 no.4, pp.621-638. 2007.
Faculty of Business Administration
Dept of Management
<P073501> LEE Li; QIAN Gongming and QIAN Zhengming. "Product Diversification, Multinationality, and
Combination?". Journal
Marketing vol.20 no.4, pp.5-23. 2007.
<P073969> LAU
Ming. "Strategic
Performance". Paper presented in the SMS Special Conference on China Strategies, organized by
Strategic Management Society, 1. Shanghai, China, 2007.05.30.
<P074255> WONG Chi Sum; WONG Ping Man and LAW Shing Keung. "Evidence of the Practical Utility of
Wong's Emotional Intelligence Scale in Hong Kong and Mainland China". Asia Pacific Journal of
Management vol.24 pp.43-60. 2007.
<P074325> 劉忠明 及 富萍萍. 編. 《領導的藝術》. 195 頁. 香港: 匯智出版有限公司, 2007.05.
<P074332> YIU Wing Yee and LAU Chung Ming. "Corporate entrepreneurship as resources capital
firms". Entrepreneurship,
Practice pp.000. Texas, United States of America, 2007.03.
<P074501> LAU Chung Ming. "The First Decade of the Asia Academy of Management". Asia Pacific J
Manage vol.24 pp.401-410. 2007.
<P074607> HANG Zheng and AHLSTROM David Christopher. "Going Global: The Competitiveness and
Positioning of China's Largest Firms". Paper presented in the Academy of International Business
Annual Meeting, USA 2007, 10 pgs. 2007.06.
<P075157> CHILD John; LU Yuan and TSAI Soo Hung Terence. "Institutional Entrepreneurship in Building
an Environmental Protection System for the People's Republic of China". Organization
Studies vol.28 no.07, pp.1013-1034. 2007.
<P075159> 富萍萍、 薛 璽成 及 劉 軍. <策略: 高績效 HR:始於最高層 合於價值觀>. 《Management
People》 頁 27-30. 2007.
<P076005> AHLSTROM David Christopher and WANG, CHANG. "Groupthink and innovator's Dilemma:
France's Sudden and Shocking Defeat in 1940". Paper presented in the AOM of Sixty-Sixth Annual
Meeting, 10 pgs. 2007.
<P076664> 劉 善仕 及 周巧笑. 編. 《中國企業高績效工作系統研究》. 第 005969 卷 2007.
Faculty of Business Administration
Dept of Management
<P076813> CHIA H. B.; EGRI C. P.; RALSTON D. A.; FU Pingping; KUO M. H.; LEE C. H.; LI Y. and
MOON Y. L. "Four Tigers and the Dragon: Values Differences, Similarities, and Consensus". Asia
Pacific Journal of Management vol.24 pp.305-320. 2007.02.17.
<P077122> LOHRKE T. Franz; AHLSTROM David Christopher and BRUTON D. Garry. "Abraham Lincoln
and the Great Turnaround". Paper presented in the The 2007 Southern Management Association
Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 40 pgs. 2007.
<P077195> WONG Chi Sum; FOO M. D.; WANG C. W. and WONG P. M. "The Feasibility of Training and
Taiwan". Intelligence vol.35 pp.141-150. 2007.
<P078136> LU Yuan; ZHOU Lianxi and LI Weiwen. "Home-Based Product Strategies and Export Performance
in International Entrepreneurial Firms". Paper presented in the Academy of Management Annual
Meeting in Philadelphia, USA, 5 pgs. 2007.
<P078214> CHOW Hau Siu Irene; LAU Pak Lung Victor; LO Thamis Wing-chun; SHA Zhenquan and YUN
He. "Service quality in restaurant operations in China: Decision- and experiential-oriented
perspectives". Hospitality Management vol.26 pp.698-710. Elsevier, 2007.
<P078318> CHOW Hau Siu Irene. "Culture and Leadership in Hong Kong". Culture and Leadership Across the
World: The Globe Book of In-Depth Studies of 25 Societies ed. by Jagdeep S. Chhokar, Felix C.
Brodbeck and Robert J. House. pp.909-946. United States of America: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
Publishers, 2007.
<P078381> 劉 軍、 李 永娟 及 富萍萍. <高層管理團隊價值觀共享、沖突與績效: 一項實証檢驗>. 《管理
學報》 第 4 卷 第 5 期, 頁 644-653. 2007.
<P078543> 劉忠明 及 呂源. 編. 《競爭與策略》. 209 頁. 香港: 匯智出版有限公司, 2007.05.
<P078657> LAU Pak Lung Victor and SHAFFER A. Margaret. "Entrepreneurial Capital Theory of Career
Success: A Social Learning Perspective". Paper presented in the The Fifth Asia Academy of
Management Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 10 pgs. 2007.
<P078884> NAIR Anil; AHLSTROM David Christopher and FILER Larry. "Localized Advantage in a Global
Review vol.49 no.5, pp.591-618. 2007.
Faculty of Business Administration
Bangalore". Thunderbird
Dept of Management
<P079107> BRUTON G. D. and AHLSTROM David Christopher. ed. "An Institutional View of China's
Venture Capital Industry: Explaining the Differences between China and the West". International
Entrepreneurship ed. by Benjamin M. Oviatt, Patricia Phillips McDougall & William L.
Haeberle. pp.531-557. U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007.
<P079593> 富萍萍 及 劉 軍. <從中美文化價值差異看企業管理者之工作技巧>. 《管理人》 頁 18-21. 2007.
<P079716> CHOW Hau Siu Irene and LIU Shan S.. "Business Strategy, Organizational Culture, and
Planning vol.30 no.2, pp.47-55. 2007.
See Also <P060224 >, <P062979 >, <P073389 >, <P079907 >
Faculty of Business Administration
Industry". Human
Dept of Marketing
<P061385> AGGARWAL Pankaj and ZHANG Meng. "The Moderating Effect of Relationship Norm Salience
on Consumers' Loss Aversion". Journal of Consumer Research vol.33 pp.413-419. 2006.12.
<P061937> SO Lai Man Stella and YAU H.m. Oliver. "Chinese Husbands: A Path-Analytic Study of a Model of
Family Buying Decisions". Asia Pacific Management Review vol.11 no.5, pp.283-294. 2006.
<P062287> SIN Yat Ming Leo; TSE Ching-biu Alan; CHAN Hak Sin; HEUNG C.S. Vincent and YIM H.K.
Frederick. "The Effects of Relationship Marketing Orientation on Business Performance in the Hotel
Industry". Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research vol.30 no.4, pp.407-426. 2006 International
Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Indstitutional Education, 2006.11.
<P063388> KWONG Yuk Yee Jessica and WONG Kin Fai Ellick. "The Role of Ratio Differences in the
Information". International
Marketing vol.23 pp.385-394. 2006 Elsevier B.V., 2006.
<P064855> WONG Kin Fai Ellick; NG Ka Man and KWONG Yuk Yee Jessica. "Preference reversals in
performance evaluation: A range theory perspective". Paper presented in the The Academy of
Management Annual Meeting, CD-Rom. 2006.08.
<P065525> WONG Kin Fai Ellick and KWONG Yuk Yee Jessica. "Effects of rater goals on rating patterns:
Evidence from an experimental field study". Paper presented in the The Academy of Management
Annual Meeting, CD-Rom. 2006.08.
<P066962> TUNG HO Suk Ching S. and TANG Fangfang. "An Exploratory Investigation into the
Food-Shopping Attitudes and Behavior of Chinese Shoppers". Journal of International Consumer
Marketing vol.19 no.2, pp.53-74. International Business Press, 2006.
<P067374> WAN, CHUN YING and CHAN Hak Sin. "A Two-Step Model of Service Dissatisfaction: Theory
and Evidence.". Paper presented in the Association for Consumer Research Conference, organized by
Association for Consumer Research Conference, 1 pgs. 2006.09.27.
<P069032> WONG Kin Fai Ellick and KWONG Yuk Yee Jessica. "Effects of rater goals on rating leniency and
discriminability: Evidence from a field experiment". Paper presented in the The 26th International
Congress of Applied Psychology, CD-ROM. 2006.07.
<P071875> WONG Kin Fai Ellick and KWONG Yuk Yee Jessica. "Effects of Rater Goals on Rating Patterns:
Evidence From an Experimental Field Study". Journal of Applied Psychology vol.92 no.2, pp.577-585.
Faculty of Business Administration
Dept of Marketing
<P073146> HO, KA YAN and KWONG Yuk Yee Jessica. "Effect of Counterfactual Reasoning on Responses to
Service Failures Involving Multiple Suspects". Paper presented in the INFORMS Marketing Science
Conference 2007, organized by Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 1
pgs. 2007.06.28.
<P073389> HUI King Man; AU Yuk Fai Kevin and ZHAO Xiande. "Interactional Justice and the Fair Process
Uncertainty". Journal
Psychology vol.43 pp.210-220. Elsevier Inc., 2007.
<P074245> ALBAUM Gerald; ROSTER Catherine; YU Hung Hsua Julie and ROGERS Robert D.. "Simple
Response" International
Research vol.49 no.5, pp.633-650. The Market Research Society, 2007.
<P076115> KWONG Yuk Yee Jessica and SOMAN Dilip. "The role of fluency in the decision to spend loyalty
program points". Paper presented in the INFORMS Marketing Science Conference 2007.06.
<P077574> YIM Hong-kit Frederick; TSE Ching-biu Alan and WONG King Yin. "Encyclopedia of Mobile
Involvement". Information Science Reference ed. by David Taniar. pp.283-. Australia: Information
Science Reference, 2007.
<P077940> YU Hung Hsua Julie; ALBAUM Gerald; HERCHE Joel; EVANGELISTA Felicitas; MURPHY
Brain and POON Patrick. "Differences in Marketing Managers' Decision Making Styles within the
Alliances". Journal
Marketing vol.21 no.1, USA: International Business Press, 2007.
<P077955> WONG Kin Fai Ellick and KWONG Yuk Yee Jessica. "The Role of Anticipated Regret in
Escalation of Commitment". Journal of Applied Psychology vol.92 no.2, pp.545-554. 2007.
<P079065> TSE Ching-biu Alan; TSE Ka Chun; TSE Ka Ho; AU Alan and TIAN Vane-ing. "The Buddhist
Theory of Impermanence and Marketing". Innovative Marketing vol.3 no.2, pp.19-22. 2007.
Faculty of Business Administration
School of Accountancy
<P061748> HWANG Nen-chen Richard; LUI Gladie and TONG WU Yew Jen Marian. "Effects of
Cooperative Learning Pedagogy on Students' Ability to Acquire and Retain Knowledge: An Empirical
Examination". Paper presented in the Western Region AAA Annual Meeting, organized by American
Accounting Association, 30 pgs. Oregon, United States of America, 2006.
<P064164> CHENG Louis; FIRTH Michael; LEUNG T.y. and RUI Meng. "The effects of insider trading on
liquidity". Pacific-Basin
Journal vol.14 no.5, pp.467-483. United
America: Elsevier, 2006.11.
<P066415> 朱 雲、 吳 文鋒、 吳 衝鋒 及 芮萌. <市場分割下的股價微觀行為及其行為金融學解釋>. 《系
統工程理論與實踐》 第 10 卷 24-29 頁. 中國北京: 中國系統工程學會, 2006.
<P067902> LOW Chee Keong. "A Road Map for Corporate Governance in East Asia". Corporate Governance
Post-Enron: Comparative and International Perspectives ed. by Joseph J Norton, Jonathan Rickford
and Jan Kleineman 1 ed. pp.377-414. United Kingdom: The British Institute of International and
Comparative Law, 2006.
<P068342> FIRTH Michael; FUNG Peter M.y. and RUI Meng. "Firm Performance, Governance Structure, and
Economy". Journal
Studies vol.43 no.6, pp.1289-1330. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 2006.09.
<P069452> FAN P. H. Joseph and GOYAL Vidhan. "On the Patterns and Wealth Effects of Vertical
Mergers". Journal of Business vol.79 no.4, United States of America: Elsevier, 2006.07.
<P069724> FAN P. H. Joseph; ZHAO Mengxin and RUI Meng. "Rent Seeking and Corporate Finance:
Evidence from Corruption Cases". Paper presented in the 2006 TCFA-CICC, organized by The Chinese
Finance Association, 56 pgs. Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2006.
<P069771> LEE Chi-wen Jevons; LEE Hua and WANG Taychang. "Litigation Errors, Legal Regimes, and
Audit Quality". Paper presented in the Far Eastern Meeting of The Econometric Society
2006, organized by Tsinghua University, p.48. Beijing, China, 2006.07.
<P071699> LOW Chee Keong. "The Duties of Directors in "Irationally Exuberant" Initial Public
Offerings". Virginia Law and Business Review Spring. vol.2 no.1, pp.89-142. United States of
America: Virginia Law & Business Review, 2007.
Faculty of Business Administration
Dept of Curriculum and Instruction
<P051211> KONG Siu Cheung; LEE Fong Lok; LI Siu Cheung, Sandy and HENRI James. "A Study of the
Development of an Information Literacy Framework for Hong Kong Students". Towards Sustainable
and Scalable Educational Innovations Informed by the Learning Sciences. ed. by Looi C. K., Jonassen
D., Ikeda M. pp.156-163. 2005.
<P052421> KONG Siu Cheung; LEE Fong Lok and IP Shuk Fan. "The Implementation of an Information
Literacy Framework: Key Issues in Professional Development". Towards Sustainable and Scalable
Educational Innovations Informed by the Learning Sciences ed. by Looi C. K., Jonassen D., Ikeda
M. pp.172-179. 2005.
<P052954> 胡偉德 及 李芳樂. <香港教師在資訊科技素養方面之能力研究>. 《省港澳資訊科技教育應用大
會 2005》 34-41. 2005.
<P059931> 李芳樂 及 楊浩. 編. 《計算機教育研究: 方法與案例》. 204 頁. 北京交通大學出版社, 2005.
<P060132> 黃毅英、 林智中 及 孫旭花. 《變式教學課程設計原理:數學課程改革的可能出路》. 54 頁. 香
港: 香港中文大學教育學院香港教育研究所, 2006.08.
<P060164> DING Rui and WONG Ngai Ying. "Students' and teachers' conceptions of mathematics in the new
curriculum of Mainland China". Journal of the Korea Society of Mathematical Education Series
D vol.10 no.3, pp.205-213. korea, 2006.09.
<P060170> 黃顯華. <教育改革下的課程、教學與領導>. 《聯校教師專業發展日(中學)永光中學報告》 香
港特別行政區, 2006.12.01.
<P060241> 吳茂源 及 黃顯華. 《從課程設計角度剖析中學中文科教師對新修訂中學中國語文課程的意
見》. 第 1 版, 61 頁. 香港特別行政區: 香港中文大學 教育學院 香港教育研究所, 2006.12.
<P060405> 文可為、 陳淳泉、 余鴻展、 葉笑嫦 及 李芳樂. <網路探索 WebQuest 的應用:在香港中學會
考課程中地理議題的應用>.論文發表於 《第十屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會》, 主辦機構為全
球華人計算機教育應用學會, 67-80. 2006.
<P060460> 黃顯華. <大學與學校的夥伴協作:優質學校改進計畫>. 《復旦大學高等教育研究所 Seminar》 中
國上海, 2006.10.30.
<P060627> 葉慧虹 及 李芳樂. <探討香港通識教育科運用探索網站(WebQuest)作為教學工具的可行性>. 論
文發表於 《第十屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會》, 主辦機構為全球華人計算機教育應用學
Faculty of Education
Dept of Curriculum & Instruction
<P060899> 李芳樂. <資訊科技在中小學研究性學習活動中應用策略>. 《網絡科技時代》 4-6 頁. 2006.
<P061113> 黃毅英. <「老師,用『A 簿』還是用『B 簿』?」>. 《EduMath》 第 23 卷 頁 27-36. 香港, 2006.12.
<P061139> 黃顯華 . <課程改革範式的轉變: 研究與實踐>. 《北京大學教育學院 學術講座》 中國北
京, 2006.12.29.
<P061154> LEE Chi Kin John and WILLIAMS Michael. "Geography, environment, sustainability, culture and
education". Environmental and Geographical Education for Sustainability: Cultural contexts ed. by
LEE Chi Kin John and WILLIAMS Michael. 1st ed. pp.3-22. New York, United States of
America: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2006.10.
<P061202> LIN, A. M. Y.. "Hip Hop in Hong Kong: Cantonese Verbal Art in the Articulation of Youthful Defiant
Voices and Identities". Paper presented in the International Conference on Inter-Asian Culture,
Peace, organized
Chulalongkorn, 45
pgs. Thailand, Bangkok, 2006.07.
<P061278> LEE Chi Kin John and WILLIAMS Michael. ed. Environmental and Geographical Education for
Sustainability: Cultural contexts 359 pgs. New York, United States of America: Nova Science
Publishers, Inc., 2006.10.
<P061316> LEE Chi Kin John and WILLIAMS Michael. ed. School Improvement: International
perspectives. 396 pgs. New York, United States of America: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2006.10.
<P061326> 林智中 及 張爽. <香港課程改革的實施策略評析>. 《教育發展研究》 第 2006 卷 第 12A 期, 頁
8-13. 上海, 2006.12.
<P061338> SHANG Junjie; JONG Siu Yung, Morris; LEE Fong Lok and LEE Ho Man Jimmy. "VISOLE: A
New Game-based Situated Learning Paradigm". Paper presented in the The 6th IEEE International
Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, p.1082-1083. 2006.
<P061483> 李子建. <香港課程政策:取向、策略和脈絡>. 《建置台灣主題性的課程教學 台灣與國際教育》國
立 台 中 教 育 大 學 教 育 學 系 暨 課 程 與 教 學 教 學 研 究 所 編 . 第 1 版 頁 293-317. 台 灣 : 冠 學 文
化, 2006.10.
<P061528> 黃顯華 及 李玉蓉. 《 學校試行新修訂中學中國語文課程的經驗》. 第 1 版, 37 頁. 香港特別行
政區, 2006.09.18.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Curriculum & Instruction
<P061587> LEE Fong Lok; PUN Sai Wing; LI Siu Cheung, Sandy; KONG Siu Cheung and IP Wai Hung,
Christy. "Using Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) in Enhancing Learning and Teaching in Hong Kong
Schools". Learning
Understanding ed. by Mizoguchi R., Dillenbourg P., Zhu Z.. pp.439-442. 2006.
<P061656> LIN, A. M. Y. and TONG, A. "Fostering Informal Literacy through SMS Communication Activities:
Mobile Phones and Migrant Workers in Southern China". Paper presented in the SEAA
Conference—“East Asian Anthropology / Anthropology in East Asian”, organized by CUHK, 35
pgs. Hong Kong, 2006.07.
<P061854> HENRI James; KONG Siu Cheung; LEE Fong Lok and LI Siu Cheung, Sandy. "An information
literacy framework for schools: The Hong Kong experience". Paper presented in the World Library and
Information Congress: 72nd IFLA General Conference and Council, p.1-14. 2006.
<P061867> CONIAM David; CHIU Ming Ming and TANG Lai Yiu Eunice. "A statistical approach to second
students". Educational Research Journal vol.34 no.2, pp.195-215. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.
<P061945> 張善培. <化學教師實施探究為本實驗的憂慮>. 《香港數理教育學會會刊》 第 23 卷 第 2 期, 頁
1-7. 香港特別行政區: 香港數理教育學會, 2006.
<P061991> 黃顯華. < 課程實施評鑒:香港初中中國語文科課程改革研究>. 《全球教育展望》 第 35 卷 第
10 期, 頁 pp.41-46. 中國上海: 華東師範大學主辦, 2006.10.
<P061998> CAI Jinfa; PERRY Bob; WONG Ngai Ying; KAISER Gariele and MAASS Katja. "What is
effective mathematics teaching? East meets West". Paper presented in the 30th Conference of the
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, organized by International Group for
the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 1 pgs. Prague, 2006.07.
<P062080> LEE Fong Lok; PUN Sai Wing; LI Siu Cheung, Sandy and KONG Siu Cheung.
Development of Using Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) in Enhancing Learning and Teaching in
Schools. 2006.
<P062387> 吳潔慈 及 李子建. <英文科說話教學設計與實踐:行動研究個案>. 《香港教師中心學報》 第 5
卷 頁 9-20. 香港特別行政區: 教育統籌局, 2006.12.
<P062450> 黃顯華 . <Ways of Approaching NSS Liberal Studies>. Munsang College Seminar 民生書院
seminar, 75 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.09.28.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Curriculum & Instruction
<P062634> 羅浩源. <Developing Scoring Rubric for School-based Assessment in Mathematics>. 2006.11.03
Workshop for the Project "促進學習的評估:電子評量製作系統", 2006.11.03.
<P062790> YIP Din Yan. "Using History to Promote Understanding of Nature of Science in Science
Teachers". Teaching Education vol.17 no.2, pp.157-166. Australia: Routledge, 2006.10.
<P062814> 李子建 及 宋萑. <專業學習共同體與課程發展>. 《課程‧教材‧教法》 第 26 卷 第 12 期, 頁
24-28. 中國北京: 人民教育出版社 課程教材研究所, 2006.12.
<P062894> YEUNG Sze Yin Shirley and LAM Chi Chung. "The malfunctioning of the curriculum
policy-making system in Hong Kong: A case study of curriculum integration ". International Journal of
Educational Reform vol.15 no.3, pp.400-423. 2006.
<P063030> JONG Morris S.y.; SHANG JUNJIE; LEE Fong Lok; LEE Ho Man Jimmy and LAW Huk
Yuen. "An Exploratory Study on Teachers' Perceptions of Game-based Situated Learning". Learning
By Effective Utilization of Technologies: Facilitating Intercultural Understanding Mizoguchi R.,
Dillenbourg P., Zhu Z. pp. 525-532. 2006.12.
<P063122> CONIAM David. "What makes a 'good' teacher of English?". 2006.11.
<P063149> LAU Kit Ling. "Reading Strategy Use between Chinese Good and Poor Readers: A Think-aloud
Study". Journal of Research in Reading
23 vol.29 no.4, pp.367-382. United Kingdom: Backwell Publishing, 2006.11.
<P063514> SZE Man Man Paul. "An online peer observation platform for English Language teachers in Hong
Kong". Paper presented in the CLaSIC 2006 Conference on "Processes and Process-Orientation in
Foreign Language Teaching and Learning", organized by Centre for Language Studies, National
University of Singapore, 12 pgs. Singapore, 2006.12.08.
<P063558> 張善培. <再論課程實施程度的測量>. 論文發表於 《第八屆兩岸三地課程專家論壇論文集》, 主
辦機構為華東師範大學, 101-108 頁. 中國杭州, 2006.10.
<P063600> LEE Chi Kin John; WILLIAMS Michael and LO Nai Kwai Leslie. "Teachers, learners and
curriculum". School Improvement: International Perspectives ed. by LEE Chi Kin John and
WILLIAMS Michael. 1st ed. pp.49-63. New York, United States of America: Nova Science Publishers,
Inc., 2006.10.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Curriculum & Instruction
<P063724> 黃毅英 及 陳森泉. <空間感難教嗎?>. 《香港數理教育學會會刊》 第 23 卷 第 2 期, 頁
33-35. 2006.12.
<P063739> 劉潔玲. <新課程實施下香港中文科教師的閱讀教師觀與教學模式>. 《Education Journal》 第 34
卷 第 2 期, 頁 25-46. 香港特別行政區, 2006.
<P063835> LIN, A. M. Y. "Beyond Linguistic Purism in Language-in-education Policy and Practice: Exploring
Bilingual Pedagogies in a Hong Kong Science Classroom". Paper presented in the Sociolinguistics
Symposium 16, organized by Sociolinguistics Symposium 16, 38 pgs. Ireland, Limerick, 2006.07.
<P063889> TSE Wing Cheung, Alex; LEE Fong Lok and OU Yong. "Model of Evaluating the Roles of
Teachers in Computer-supported Collaborative Learning". Hong Kong International IT in Education
Conference 2006 pp.160-170. 2006.
<P063979> 余鴻展、 文可為、 陳淳泉、 葉笑嫦 及 李芳樂. <WebQuest「探究式網站」在電腦與資訊科技
科的應用經驗分享>.論文發表於 《第十屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會》,主辦機構為全球華人
<P063992> LEE
Michael. "Introduction:
improvement". School Improvement: International Perspectives ed. by LEE Chi Kin John and
WILLIAMS Michael. 1st ed. pp.3-19. New York, United States of America: Nova Science Publishers,
Inc., 2006.10.
<P064080> 尚俊傑、 莊紹勇、 李芳樂 及 李浩文. <網絡遊戲玩家參與動機的實証研究>. 《全球華人計算
機教育應用學報》 第 4 卷 第 1 & 2 期, 頁 65-84. 2006.
<P064558> ZHOU Yuxia; CHOW Yuen Mei, Winnie and LEE Fong Lok. "Provide Scaffolding in WebQuests
Classrooms". Paper presented in the The 10th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in
Education, organized by Global Chinese Society on Computers in Education, p.133-139. 2006.
<P064958> LIN, A. M. Y. "Drawing on Popular Cultural Resources and Music Genres for English Language
Education: ELT Rap and Language Arts for Hong Kong Student". Paper presented in the CLaSIC 2006
Learning", organized by National University of Singapore, 35 pgs. Singapore, 2006.12.
<P064991> 鄧國俊、 黃毅英、 霍秉坤、 顏明仁 及 黃家樂. 《香港近半世紀漫漫「小學數教路」:現代化、
本土化、普及化、規範化與專業化》. 310 頁. 香港: 香港數學教育學會, 2006.08.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Curriculum & Instruction
<P065011> LEE Chi Kin John; LIN Peiying and KWAN Yim Lin Tammy. "Environmental and geographical
education for sustainability in Hong Kong and China: Trends and issues". Environmental and
Geographical Education for Sustainability: Cultural contexts ed. by LEE Chi Kin John and
WILLIAMS Michael. 1st ed. pp.229-245. New York, United States of America: Nova Science
Publishers, Inc., 2006.10.
<P065185> 葉笑嫦、 文可為、 陳淳泉、 余鴻展 及 李芳樂. <.WebQuest「探究式網站」如何提升資訊素養
能力之課堂分析>. 論文發表於 《第十屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會》, 主辦機構為球華人計算
機教育應用學會, 391-397. 2006.
<P065275> 尚俊傑、 莊紹勇、 李芳樂 及 李浩文. <教育遊戲之研究與應用@CAITE>. 《Hong Kong
International IT in Education Conference 2006》 頁 303-313. 2006.
<P065283> CHEUNG Derek. "Implementing Inquiry-based Chemistry Experiments in Secondary Schools: The
Hong Kong Experience". The 19th International Conference on Chemical Education Seoul, Korea,
South, 2006.08.
<P065315> 劉 潔 玲 . < 香 港 中 文 科 教 師 的 閱 讀 教 學 觀 和 教 學 模 式 的 關 係 >. 論 文 發 表 於 《 Asia-Pacific
Educatiional Research Association International Conference, 2006 》 , 主 辦 機 構 為 Asia-Pacific
Educatiional Research Association, 15 頁. 香港特別行政區, 2006.11.30.
<P065317> 羅 浩 源 . < 如 何 在 數 學 課 堂 培 養 學 生 的 高 階 思 維 能 力 ? >. 2006.12.09, Maths Talk for
Longman/Pearson , 2006.12.09.
<P065368> CHEUNG Derek. "TCSS: A New Computer System for Developing Formative Assessments". School
Review vol.88 no.322, pp.61-70. United
Kingdom: Association
U.K., 2006.
<P065895> 黃顯華. < 教師專業成長與教師領導>. 基督教宣道會宣基小學報告 香港特別行政區, 2006.11.10.
<P065911> 黃顯華. <教育研究方法與研究實踐>. 《香港中文大學教育學院內地同學會第七屆研討會》 香港
特別行政區, 2006.12.08.
<P065974> 劉潔玲. <香港中文科教師對閱讀策略教學的觀感與實施情況: 兩個校本個案>. 《Educational
Research Journal》 第 21 卷 第 2 期, 頁 259-282. 香港特別行政區, 2006.
<P066266> MAK
Siu-ling. "A
Brush-Creeper". The
Teacher vol.44 no.9, pp.86-87. United States of America: AAPT, 2006.12.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Curriculum & Instruction
<P066310> 張善培. <科學課程改革的挑戰>. 《基礎教育學報》第 15 卷 第 1 期, 頁 55-57. 香港特別行政區: 香
港中文大學, 2006.
<P066364> 賴靈恩、 黃麗賢 及 林智中. <香港中學地理科推行 GIS 的現狀及前景>. 《兩岸四地地理教育研
討會》 2006.11.
<P066525> TSE Wing Cheung, Alex; LEE Fong Lok and OU Yong. "The Ten Neglects of Teachers in
Implementing Computer-supported Collaborative Learning". Paper presented in the The 10th Global
Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, organized by Global Chinese Society on Computers in
Education, p.73-86. 2006.
<P066544> 黃顯華 及 李玉蓉. 《新修訂中學中國語文課程下的學生學習經驗》. 第 1 版, 58 頁. 香港特別行
政區, 2006.09.18.
<P066551> CONIAM David. "Enhanced multimedia support for English language teacher education". The
Teacher Trainer vol.20 no.2, pp.11-15. Canterbury, United Kingdom: Pilgrims, 2006.08.
<P066553> LI Siu Cheung, Sandy; KONG Siu Cheung; LEE Fong Lok and HENRI James. "Capacity
building for lifelong learning: a study of practitioners’ perceptions on information literacy
framework". Informatics in Education vol.5 no.2, pp.219-232. 2006.
<P066574> 尹弘 及 李子建. <課程實施與教師心理變化>. 《全球教育展望》 2006 Chinese Social Sciences
Citation Index (CSSCI) Journal. 第 10 期, 頁 20-25, 77. 中國上海, 2006.10.
<P066698> 何 沛 凡 ; 文 可 為 ; 陳 淳 泉 ; 余 鴻 展 ; LEE Fong Lok and 笑 嫦 . "Using Bulletin Boards in
WebQuest". Paper presented in the The 10th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in
Education, organized by Global Chinese Society on Computers in Education, p.375-379. 2006.
<P066717> LIN, A. M. Y. Contexts of English-in-Education Policy and Practice in Postcolonial Hong
Kong. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching vol.16 25-44. 2006.09.
<P066760> 林智中 及 張爽. <香港課程改革的實施策略評述>. 論文發表於 《第八屆兩岸三地課程專家論壇
論文集》, 35-43 頁. 杭州, 2006.10.
<P066898> 李子建. <香港地理教育:議題與挑戰>. 《地理教學》 中國中文核心期刊. 第 11 期, 頁 6-9. 中國
上海, 2006.11.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Curriculum & Instruction
<P067043> 羅 浩 源 . < 數 學 新 體 驗 >. 2006.11.29, Maths Talk for Po Leung Kuk Yao Ling Sun
College, 2006.11.29.
<P067061> 黃顯華. <從對學生學習差異的理解去反思教學>. 《天主教南華中學反思教學示範交流會》 香港
特別行政區, 2006.12.16.
<P067185> 黃顯華. < 課程實施評鑒:香港初中中國語文科課程改革研究>. 第八屆兩岸三地課程專家論壇論
文集 pp.262-271 頁. 中國杭州, 2006.10.26.
<P067187> LIN, A. M. Y.. "Bilingual Education in Southeast Asian Contexts: Implications for Thai
Educators". Paper presented in the Bilingual Schools Principals' Association, organized by Bilingual
Schools Principals' Association, 32 pgs. Thailand, Bangkok, 2006.08.02.
<P067485> 陳淳泉 及 李芳樂. <運用探索網站訓練綜合語文能力之個案研究>. 論文發表於 《第十屆全球華
人計算機教育應用大會》, 主辦機構為全球華人計算機教育應用學會, 91-117. 2006.
<P067504> 黃顯華. 《新修訂中學中國語文課程下學習材料的選用和調適》. 第 1 版, 51 頁. 香港特別行政
區, 2006.09.18.
<P067613> YANG Hao, Harrison and LEE Fong Lok. " An Investigation of Knowledge Management on
Educational Technology". Paper presented in the The 10th Global Chinese Conference on Computers
in Education, organized by Global Chinese Society on Computers in Education, 10 pgs. 2006.
<P067620> SHANG JUNJIE; JONG Morris S.y.; LEE Fong Lok; LEE Ho Man Jimmy; WONG Kwok
Hung; LUK Tsun Hin and CHEUNG Ka Fung. "Using the "Record-Replay" Function for
Elaboration of Knowledge in Educational Games". Learning By Effective Utilization of Technologies:
Understanding Mizoguchi
Z. pp.
503-506. Netherlands, 2006.12.
<P067801> HUI Kp Eadaoin; WATKINS David; WONG Ngai Ying and SUN Cf Rachel. "Religion and
forgiveness from a Hong Kong Chinese perspective". Pastoral Psychology vol.55 pp.183-195. 2006.
<P067935> 羅浩源. <圖形與空間>. 2006.12.16, 香港中文大學 教育學院 大學與學校夥伴協作中心 <協助
小學數學教師建立專業學習社群>(2005-2006) , 2006.12.16.
<P068069> 黃顯華. <從普及義務教育的實施到課程改革: 研究與實踐>. 《北京師範大學教育學院 學術講
座》 中國北京, 2006.12.27.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Curriculum & Instruction
<P068093> YIP
Yan. "Integrating
Investigaiton". Teaching
Science vol.52 no.3, pp.26-29. Australia: Australian Science Teachers Association, 2006.09.
<P068101> 李芳樂 及 李浩文. <教育遊戲>. 《香港電腦教育學會 2005 年刊》. 2006.
<P068320> 黃顯華 及 李玉蓉. 《在協作文化中釋放學生潜能:新修訂中學中國語文課程實施個案研究》. 第
1 版, 51 頁. 香港特別行政區: 香港中文大學 教育學院 香港教育研究所, 2006.12.
<P068690> 黃顯華 及 李玉蓉. 《在改革的路上不斷跨越挑戰: 新修訂中學中國語文課程實施個案研究》. 第
1 版, 香港特別行政區, 2006.09.
<P068755> 李子建 及 何家騏. <課程領導及發展:綜合人文學科的經驗>. 《香港教師中心學報》 第 5 卷 頁
140-147. 香港特別行政區: 教育統籌局, 2006.12.
<P068831> CHEUNG Derek. "A Test Construction Support System for Chemistry Teachers". Journal of
Chemical Education vol.83 no.9, pp.1399-1405. United States of America: American Chemical
Society, 2006.
<P069113> WATKINS David; WONG Lap Wai and WONG Ngai Ying. "Cognitive and affective outcomes of
environment". Constructivist Foundations vol.1 pp.49-55. 2006.
<P069144> LEE Chi Kin John and MA Hing Tong. "Early Childhood Environmental Education: A Hong Kong
example". Applied Environmental Education and Communication vol.5 no.2, pp.83-94. United States
of America: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), 2006.10.
<P069172> 李芳樂 及 羅詠詩. 編.《網上溝通學習--跨科跨校跨地專題研習建立全球小學學習社群計劃 2006
香港區成果分享》. 72 頁. 2006.
<P069305> TSE Wing Cheung, Alex; LEE Fong Lok and OU Yong. " The Effectiveness of Knowledge
Building through Computer Supported Collaborative Learning among Elementary Students: A Case
Study". Learning By Effective Utilization of Technologies: Facilitating Intercultural Understanding ed.
by Mizoguchi R., Dillenbourg P., Zhu Z.. pp.209-216. 2006.
<P069358> LEE Chi Kin John. "Commentary on Papers Presented at the MORE Symposium at the ICSEI Annual
Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2005". Educational Research and Evaluation vol.12 no.6, pp.595-600.
United Kingdom: Routledge, 2006.12.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Curriculum & Instruction
<P069509> CONIAM David. "Evaluating computer-based and paper-based versions of an English language
listening test". ReCALL Journal vol.18 no.2, pp.193-211. United Kingdom, 2006.
<P069612> JONG Siu Yung, Morris; SHANG Junjie; LEE Fong Lok and LEE Ho Man Jimmy. "A New
Vision for Empowering Learning and Teaching with IT: The VISOLE Approach". Hong Kong
International IT in Education Conference 2006 pp.18-25. 2006.
<P069776> LEE Chi Kin John. "Hong Kong: Accelerated Schools for Quality Education Project (ASQEP)
experiences". School Improvement: International Perspectives ed. by LEE Chi Kin John and
WILLIAMS Michael. 1st ed. pp.159-174. New York, United States of America: Nova Science
Publishers, Inc., 2006.10.
<P069863> 黃顯華. <從歌聲中作退思>. 《優質學校改進計劃 2006 澳門退思會》 2006.09.08.
<P069888> 黃顯華. <課程變革: 研究與實踐>. 《人民教育出版社 學術講座》 中國北京, 2006.12.29.
<P070023> 羅浩源. <數學學習與數學潛能>. 2007.01.08, Maths Talk for 聖公會何澤雲小學, 2007.01.08.
<P070102> 黃顯華. 編. 《 中美學生數學學習的系列實證研究 ─ 他山之石,何以攻玉》. 蔡金法 著 353
頁. 中國北京: 教育科學出版社, 2007.04.
<P070124> 黃顯華. <課程實施評鑒: 香港初中中國語文科課程改革研究>. 《新課程》 全國基礎教育類核心
期刊. 第 54 期, 頁 pp.6-9. 中國上海: 新課程雜志社, 2007.03.
<P070283> CONIAM David and FALVEY Peter. "High-stakes testing and assessment: English language teacher
benchmarking". The international Handbook of English Language Teaching ed. by Cummins, Jim and
Davison, Chris . pp.457-485. United States of America: Springer, 2007.
<P070624> SHANG Junjie; JONG Siu Yung, Morris; LEE Fong Lok and LEE Ho Man Jimmy. "A Pilot
Study on Virtual Interactive Student-Oriented Learning Environment". Paper presented in the The First
IEEE International Workshop on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning, p.65-72. 2007.
<P070936> LEE Fong Lok; PUN Sai Wing; LI Siu Cheung, Sandy; KONG Siu Cheung and IP Wai Hung,
Christy. "Learning with Interactive Whiteboard —the Hong Kong Experience". Paper presented in the
2007 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, organized by American
Educational Research Association, . pgs. 2007.
<P071047> 孫旭花、 黃毅英 及 林智中. <變式的角度‧數學的眼光>. 《數學教學》第 241 期, 頁 13-16. 2007.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Curriculum & Instruction
<P071368> CHAN Anna Mei-yan; LAM Chi Chung and WONG Ngai Ying. "The effects of spiral bianshi
curriculum: a case study of the teaching of speed for Primary 6 students in Hong Kong.". Paper
presented in the 4th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematical Education, organized by
Universiti Sains Malaysia, pp.6. Penang, Malaysia, 2007.06.
<P071480> 黃顯華 及 朱嘉穎. 《課程領導與校本課程發展》. 第二次印刷 360 頁. 中國北京: 教育科學出版
社, 2007.04.
<P071505> LEE Chi Kin John; HO Ka Ki; LEUNG Yat Ming and LO Chuk Ching. "Curriculum
Development of the PSHE Key Learning Area in Junior Secondary Schools: Perspectives of Humanities
Teachers". curriculum and teaching vol.22 no.1, pp.67-86. Australia: James Nicholas, 2007.05.
<P071605> 周玉霞、 周婉薇、 徐淵 及 李芳樂. 對 WEBQUEST 的學生觀感研究 論文發表於 《第十一屆
全球華人計算機教育應用大會》, 主辦機構為全球華人計算機教育應用學會, 855-858 頁. 2007.
<P071727> 黃毅英. <三次數學危機 個人認知與體會>. 《中學數學教學研究》 第 2007 卷 第 2 期, 頁
7-10. 2007.02.
<P071820> 羅浩源. <The legend of Lawrence Stenhouse: The Humanities Project>. 2007.02.02, Guest Lecture for
the Master Course "Studies in Humanities Curriculum", 2007.02.05.
<P071844> 李子建、 鄭佩芸、 劉兆瑛、 羅浩源、 文綺芬、 吳茂源、 譚偉明、 謝均才 及 梁念明. 編. 《基
. 第 15 卷 第 2 期, 158 頁. 香港特別行政區: 香港中文大學.香港教育研究所, 2007.06.
<P071934> JONG Siu Yung, Morris; SHANG Junjie; LUK Tsun Hin, Eric; CHEUNG Ka Fung, Kevin; NG
King Yip, Franklin; LEE Fong Lok and LEE Ho Man Jimmy. " Teachers’ Perceptions of
Harnessing VISOLE for Learning and Teaching". Paper presented in the The Proceedings of the 11th
Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, organized by Global Chinese Society on
Computers in Education, 392-399 pgs. 2007.
<P072228> TSE Wing Cheung, Alex; LEE Fong Lok; PUN Sai Wing; IP Wai Hung, Christy; TSUI Yuen;
CHOW Yuen Mei, Winnie and ZHOU Yuxia. "Obstacles to Teachers’ Pedagogical Change in
Implementing WebQuest: A Case Study of Ten Schools". Paper presented in the 2007 Annual Meeting
of American Educational Research Association, organized by American Educational Research
Association, 2007.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Curriculum & Instruction
<P072298> JONG Siu Yung, Morris; SHANG Junjie; LEE Fong Lok and LEE Ho Man Jimmy. "Design and
(VISOLE)". Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Conference on IT in Education 2007 8 pgs. 2007.
<P072356> ZHOU Yuxia and LEE Fong Lok. "The barriers and suggestions of teachers’ ICT
integration". Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Conference on IT in Education 2007 8 pgs. 2007.
<P072365> CONIAM David. "Advances in computer assisted language learning". 2007.05.
<P072367> 王志聰 及 李芳樂. <網路沉迷程度、自尊感、以及長負面行為相互間之關係初探>. 《粵港澳資訊
科技教育研討會 2007》 15 頁. 2007.
<P072570> ZHOU Yuxia; LEE Fong Lok and MAN Ho Wai. "Scaffolding Creative Problem-Solving Leaning
in WebQuest". Hong Kong International IT in Education Conference 2006.
<P072663> 張善培 及 楊潔. <優化科學教學:實施探究性教學的研究>. 《兩岸四地教學理論研討會》 香港
特別行政區, 2007.05.
<P072713> 黃毅英. <從變式數學教學到題型分析>. 《現代教育通訊》 第 81 卷 頁 3-6. 香港, 2007.03.
<P072987> 黃顯華. <我的人本教育經驗>. 香港中文大學課程與教學學系主辦 午間講座 「人本主義教育:
臺灣與香港」, 香港特別行政區, 2007.05.17.
<P073079> SZE Man Man Paul. "Using Wikis for Online Collaborative Writing in English Language Teaching:
A Pilot Project". IT in Education Symposium 2007 2007.03.02.
<P073676> 梁歆 及 黃顯華. <以課程實施的取向爲基礎探討學校改進的實施>. 《課程與教學季刊》 第 10
卷 第 2 期, 頁 81-94. 台灣, 2007.05.
<P073830> 張善培 及 楊潔. <提升化學教師評價學生學習態度的能力>. 論文發表於 《全國化學教師教育第
三屆學術研討會論文集》, 主辦機構為中國教育學會化學教學專業委員會, 124-127 頁. 中國西
安, 2007.05.
<P074181> 羅浩源. <課堂教學行動研究>. 內地與香港教師交流及協作計劃 2006-2007 年度周年成果分享會
(數學科)專題講座 , 2007.06.29.
<P074844> CHEUNG Derek. "Investigating Activation Energies". Education in Chemistry vol.44 no.1, pp.23-26.
United Kingdom: The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2007.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Curriculum & Instruction
<P074949> 黃毅英. <從課程看回融入數學史>. 《HPM 通訊》 第 10 卷 第 2-3 期, 頁 3-7. 2007.03.
<P076757> 尹弘 及 李子建. <香港學前教育的現狀與發展趨勢探析>.《教育導刊‧ 幼稚教育》第 3 期, 頁
57-59. 中國廣州: 廣州市教育科學研究所, 2007.03.
<P076808> TSE Wing Cheung, Alex and LEE Fong Lok. " The elements facilitating effective teacher
professional development to implement information technology in education: WebQuest as an
example". Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Conference on IT in Education 2007 8 pgs. 2007.
<P076931> 何萬貫. <關於語文教師對作文批改素質判斷能力問題的研究>. 《Education Journal》 第 35 卷 第
1 期 , 頁 113-139. 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 : The Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research,
CUHK, 2007.06.15.
<P076959> 尹弘 及 李子建. <論課程改革中教師改變>. 《教育研究》 論文摘要轉載 《光明日報》2007
年 5 月 9 日第十一版. 第 3 期, 頁 23-29. 中國北京, 2007.05.
<P077015> 黃顯華. <教師學習與課程創新>. 《黃大仙區中學校長會 暨 學與教創意嘉年華 演講》 香港特
別行政區, 2007.05.12.
<P077057> 張善培. <再論課程實施程度的測量>. 《新課程》 第 2 卷 第 52 期, 頁 8-10. 中國上海: 新課程雜誌
社, 2007.
<P077142> 黃顯華. <課程改革與教學實踐範式的轉變>. 《香港教師中心 課程改革與教學研討會》 香港特
別行政區, 2007.03.24.
<P077152> 羅浩源. <數教育與通識>. 2007.03.10, Keynote Speaker of Maths Seminar organised by Longman
HK. Education, 2007.03.10.
<P077351> 羅 浩 源 . < 生 活 的 數 學 >. 2007.0131, Maths Talk for Choi Hung Estate Catholic Secondary
School, 2007.01.31.
<P077364> ZHAO, WEN and CONIAM David. "What's Next? College English Curriculum Requirements in
China". Paper presented in the The 5th Asia TEFL International Conference 2007, organized by Asia
TEFL Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 286 pgs. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007.06.08.
<P077392> 楊潔 及 張善培. <利用計算機實施化學形成性評價>. 《化學教學》 第 3 卷 第 238 期, 頁 1-3. 中
國上海: 華東師範大學, 2007.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Curriculum & Instruction
<P077518> 李子建 及 尹弘 . <教師情緒與課程實施>. 《新課程》 全國基礎教育類核心期刊. 第 2 期, 頁
11-15. 中國上海, 2007.02.
<P077937> 尚俊傑、 莊紹勇、 李芳樂 及 李浩文. <VISOLE 的動機策略及其成效>. 論文發表於 《第十一
屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會》, 主辦機構為全球華人計算機教育應用學會, 368-375 頁. 2007.
<P078072> 羅浩源. <Review on the School--based Assessement in Mathematics>. 2007.06.18, Workshop for the
Project "促進學習的評估:電子評量製作系統", 2007.06.30.
<P078820> SHANG Junjie; JONG Siu Yung, Morris; LEE Fong Lok and LEE Ho Man Jimmy. "An
Exploratory Study on VISOLE – A New Game-based Constructivist Online Learning Paradigm". Paper
presented in the 2007 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, organized by
American Educational Research Association, . pgs. 2007.
<P078889> 楊潔 及 張善培. <探究性實驗實施的問題與思考>. 《中學化學教學參考》 第 5 卷 第 285 期, 頁
19-21. 中國陝西: 陝西師範大學雜誌社, 2007.
<P078959> 羅浩源. <如何在數學課堂培養學生的高階思維能力?>. 《朗文小學教育專訊》 第 13 期, 3-8
頁. 香港特別行政區: 香港:培生教育出版社中國有限公司, 2007.05.
<P079030> 黃毅英、 鄧國俊、 霍秉坤、 顏明仁 及 黃家樂. <「以兒童為中心」數學教育再思:半世紀香
港小學數學課程發展的啟示。>. 《台灣數學教師電子期刊》 第 9 期, 頁 7-29. Taiwan, 2007.03.
<P079512> LAU Kit Ling and David W. Chan. "The effects of cognitive strategy instruction on Chinese reading
comprehension among Hong Kong low achieving students". Reading and Writing on-line publication
(DOI:10.1007/s11145-006-9047-5). 25 pgs. Springer Netherlands, 2007.
<P079738> OU Yong; TSE Wing Cheung, Alex; PUN Sai Wing and LEE Fong Lok. "Global Learning
Community among Primary Education through 3-I Project Learning". Hong Kong International IT in
Education Conference 2006 pp.119-124. 2006.
<P079765> CONIAM David. "Computer assisted language learning and the future". 2007.05.
<P079883> 尚俊傑、 莊紹勇、 李芳樂 及 李浩文. <個案研究方法在教育遊戲研究中的應用>.論文發表於
《第十一屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會 - 博士生論壇》,主辦機構為全球華人計算機教育應用
學會,1-6 頁.2007.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Curriculum & Instruction
See Also <P061372 >, <P064157 >, <P067919 >, <P078144 >, <P069144 >, <P071505 >
Faculty of Education
Dept of Educational Administration and Policy
<P050065> 譚偉明. <學校與社區關係:現實與張力>《Journal of Basic Education》第 14 卷 第 2 期, 頁 1-20. 香
港特別行政區: HK Institute of Education Research, 2005.
<P057875> 譚偉明 及 陳幗英. <中小學校學生事務的風險管理> 《Asian Journal of Counselling》 第 12 卷 第
1 & 2 期, 頁 1-16. 香港特別行政區: Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, CUHK, 2005.
<P060156> LAI Man Hong and LO Nai Kwai Leslie. "Decentralisation and the Development of Vocational
China". China:
Journal vol.4 no.2 pp.287-301. Singapore: Sage
Publications Inc., 2006.09.
<P060489> WALKER Allan David. Consultancy Report on Leadership in Education Programme (LEP) offered
by National Institute of Education, Singapore. 62 pgs. Singapore: National Insitute of Education,
Sinagore, 2006.07.
<P060625> GAMAGE David T. and PANG Sun Keung Nicholas. "Facing the challenges of the 21st century:
Preparation of school leaders in Australia and Hong Kong". Educational Research Journal Summer
2006. vol.21 no.1, pp.21-46. Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, the
Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2006.09.
<P061018> 彭新強 及 陳志威. <支援學生學習的需要:元認知與學習差異>. 優質教育基金計劃學校發展委
員會培訓課程單元三 55 頁. 香港特別行政區: 香港中文大學香港教育領導發展中心, 2006.10.07.
<P061339> PANG Sun Keung Nicholas. "Managing School Change Through Self-Evaluation in the Era of
Globalization". Globalization:
Reform ed.
Pang. pp.293-313. Hong Kong SAR: The Chinese University Press, the Hong Kong Educational
Research Association and the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, 2006.08.
<P061353> LAI Man Hong and LO Nai Kwai Leslie. "Decentralization and Social Partnership: The
Development of Vocational Education at Shanghai and Shenzhen in China". Educational Research for
Policy and Practice vol.5 no.2 pp.101-120. Netherlands: Springer, 2006.10.
<P061366> HUNG Fan Sing. "Property rights in the school sector in China: 1978-2003: From communal
ownership to private ownership". Paper presented in the Transformation Conference 2006: Culture and
the Environment in Human Development organized by The Australian National University &
pgs. Australia, Canberra,, 2006.11.28.
Faculty of Education
(FECCA) 38
Dept of Educational Administration & Policy
<P061372> YIP Din Yan and TSANG Wing Kwong. "Evaluation of the Effects of the Medium of Instruction on
Science.". International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Netherlands: Springer, 2006.
<P062325> TAM Wai Ming Frank and PUN Shuk-han. "The school community as a mediating factor in the
relationship between family processes and mathematics performance". Educational Research
Journal vol.21 no.2, pp.175-194. The Hong Kong Educational Research Association, 2006.
<P062870> 謝均才. <公民資質的論述 -- 中國大陸和台灣初級中學階段相關課程和課文的比較分析>. 《社會
重建課程的理念與實踐—覺醒、增能與行動》 陳麗華編. 頁 513-547. 台灣台中: 五南圖書出版股
份有限公司, 2006.09.09.
<P063127> 彭新強 及 李傑江. 《支援學生學習的需要:元認知的學與教》. 優質教育基金計劃學校發展委
員會培訓課程單元一 55 頁. 香港特別行政區: 香港中文大學香港教育領導發展中心, 2006.11.07.
<P063355> PANG Sun Keung Nicholas. "The Continuing Professional Development of Principals in Hong
Kong". International Forum on Teacher Education (2nd) 2006 pp.103-112. Shanghai, China, 2006.10.
<P063489> PANG Sun Keung Nicholas. "Globalization and Educational Change". Globalization: Educational
Research, Change and Reform ed. by N.S.K. Pang. pp.1-24. Hong Kong SAR: The Chinese University
Press, the Hong Kong Educational Research Association and the Hong Kong Institute of Educational
Research, 2006.08.
<P063533> WALKER Allan David. Views and Clues I: Making Meetings Works. 32 pgs. Hong Kong: Hong
Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership, 2006.07.
<P063814> 劉國強. <新亞書院—一個文化教育夢、一個中國夢>. 《新亞生活月刊》 第三十四卷 第四期, 頁
20-22. 香港特別行政區: 香港中文大學新亞書院, 2006.12.07.
<P063980> 盧乃桂 及 陳崢. <作為教師領導的教改策略:從組織層面探討歐美的做法與啟示>. 《教育發展
研究》 第 9 期, 頁 54-57. 中國上海, 2006.09.20.
<P064179> 劉國強. <道德教育須情智雙彰—從美國當代道德教育反思> 《教育政策研討系列》之 62 香港特
別行政區: 香港中文大學教育學院 香港教育研究所, 2006.11.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Educational Administration & Policy
<P064209> HO Sui Chu. "Zone of Acceptance of Parental Involvement in School Governance: Triangulating the
views of principals, teachers and parents". Paper presented in the Asia-Pacific Educational Research
Association International Conference 2006, organized by APERA, The Hong Kong Institute of
Education, HKERA, 19 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.11.28.
<P064328> 鍾宇平 及 陸根書. <社 資本因素对 體高等教育需求的影 >. 《高等教育研究》 第 27 卷 第
1 期, 頁 39-47. 中國: 《高等教育研究》雜誌社, 2006.10.12.
<P064453> 孔繁盛 及 占 盛麗. <香港幼兒教育資源分配的公平性研究>.《香港幼兒學報》第 5 卷 第 2 期, 頁
23-32. 香港特別行政區: 香港教育學院, 2006.11.13.
<P064808> LO Nai Kwai Leslie. "Teacher Professionalism and Their Capacity to Deal with Change". Paper
presented in the 2nd INTERNATIONAL Forum on Teacher Education, organized by International
Center for the Teacher Education of East China Normal University, UNESCO, & UNICEF, 12
pgs. Shanghai, China, 2006.10.26.
<P065416> CHEUNG Man-biu, Robin and WALKER Allan David. "Inner worlds and outer limits: The
Kong". Journal
Administration vol.44 no.4, pp.389-407. Emerald, 2006.08.
<P065621> 譚偉明 及 陳穎堅. <建構理論取向的學校組織學習>. 《香港中文大學教育學報》 第 34 卷 第 2
期, 頁 1-24. 香港 中文大學教育學院 香港教育研究所, 2006.
<P065898> 劉國強. <弘揚優秀傳統的條件轉好,人同此心故—第五屆中華美德教育行動師資培訓班報告與感
想>. 《新亞生活月刊》 頁 23-28. 香港特別行政區: 香港中文大學新亞書院, 2006.09.15.
<P066276> 譚偉明. 《<可持續學習:系統思考的概念與應用>》. 100 頁. 大埔中學校長會, 2006.11.
<P066487> WALKER Allan David. ed. Guest editor of a special issue of the Journal of Educational
Principalship, vol.44 no.4, Australia: Emerald, 2006.08.
<P066861> 陳霜葉 及 盧乃桂. <大學知識的組織化形式:大學本科專業及其設置的四個分析維度>. 《北京
大學教育評論》 第 4 卷 第 4 期, 頁 18-28. 中國北京, 2006.10.08.
<P067049> PANG Sun Keung Nicholas. ed. Schools as Learning Organizations. Nova Science Publishers,
Inc. John
America, 2006.10.06.
Faculty of Education
Williams pp.65-86. New
York, United
Dept of Educational Administration & Policy
<P067066> CHUNG Yue Ping Stephen and HUNG Fan Sing. "Resources Allocation and Utilization in School
Improvement". School Improvement: International Perspectives ed. by John Chi-kin Lee and Michael
Williams. pp.115-130. United States of America: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2006.10.20.
<P067169> 孔繁盛. <滬港學前教育財政體制比較研究>. 《教育發展研究》(全國中文核心期刊) (總第 208
期) 頁 71-75. 中國上海: 《教育發展研究》雜誌社, 2006.12.25.
<P067628> LAI Man Hong. "Approaches to teacher development in China: Hong Kong and Shanghai". Paper
presented in the 34th Annual Conference of the Australia and New Zealand Comparative and
International Education Society, organized by Australia and New Zealand Comparative and
International Education Society, 23. 2006.12.01.
<P067919> 譚萬鈞 及 林智中. <香港校本課程設計計畫的後期發展評估>.《課程研究》第 2006 卷 第 3 期, 頁
29-34. 中國北京, 2006.07.
<P067982> 鍾宇平 及 陸根書. 《高等教育需求影 因素分析》 第一版, 249 頁. 中國北京: 經濟日報出版
社, 2006.11.22.
<P068283> 何瑞珠、 鄺偉良、 盤淑嫻、 游薇薇 及 方敏聰. 《「澳門家長對教育改革、學校教育及子女成
長的意見及期望」調查研究計劃第一階段》. 65 頁. 香港特別行政區: 澳門特別行政區政府、香港
中文大學學生能力國際評估計劃香港中心, 2006.12.
<P068581> HO Sui Chu. "Social Disparity of Family Involvement in Hong Kong: Effect of Family Resources and
Family Network". The School Community Journal vol.16 no.2, pp.7-26. Hong Kong SAR: Academic
Development Institute, USA, 2006.11.29.
<P068630> PANG Sun Keung Nicholas. ed. Globalization: Educational Research, Change and Reform Hong
Kong SAR: The Chinese University Press, the Hong Kong Educational Research Association and the
Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, 2006.08.
<P068632> 劉國強. <唐君毅人文宗教觀與宗教寬容>. 《人文論壇 2006 年卷》 馮天瑜編. 頁 395-401. 中國武
昌: 武漢大學出版社, 2006.
<P068988> 操太聖 及 盧乃桂. <挑戰、支持與發展:伙伴協作模式下的教師成長>. 《教育研究》第 10 期, 頁
27-31. 中國北京, 2006.10.18.
<P069150> CHEN Shuangye. "Framing Principalship in China: Politics, Culture & Reform". Paper presented in
the UCEA annual convention, organized by UCEA, 2006.11.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Educational Administration & Policy
<P069429> WALKER Allan David and QIAN Haiyan. "Beginning principals: balancing at the top of the greasy
pole. ". Journal of Educational Administration vol.44 no.4, pp.297-309. Emerald, 2006.08.
<P069443> 彭新強 及 鄭志強. <支援學生學習的需要:自我管理學習>. 《優質教育基金計劃學校發展委員
會培訓課程單元二》 57 頁. 香港特別行政區: 香港中文大學香港教育領導發展中心, 2006.11.07.
<P069477> PANG Sun Keung Nicholas. "The Organizational Values of Gimnazija in Slovenia". Educational
Management Administration & Leadership vol.34 no.3, pp.319-343. 2006.09.
<P069693> 劉國強. <唐君毅從心物到心境的思考>. 《香港中文大學的當代儒者》新亞學術集刊第十九期 主
編:鄭宗義 頁 235-250. 香港特別行政區: 香港中文大學新亞書院, 2006.10.
<P070004> 劉國強. <首屆中華母親節盛大舉行及其重要意義>. 《新亞生活月刊》 第三十四卷 第十期, 頁
22-23. 香港特別行政區: 香港中文大學新亞書院, 2007.06.15.
<P070350> WALKER Allan David; QIAN Haiyan and CHEN SHUANGYE. "Leadership and moral literacy in
intercultural schools". Journal of Educational Administration vol.45 no.4, pp.379-397. Emerald Group
Publishing Limited, 2007.
<P070679> WALKER
David. "Values-driven
leadership.". ESF
Matters no.1, pp.3-7. Hong Kong: English Schools Foundation, 2007.01.
<P070953> WALKER Allan David and QUONG Edward Terrence. Views and Clues 6: Writing Report.. 45
pgs. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership, 2007.
<P070998> MOK Yan Fung; FAN Mei-tai Ruth and PANG Sun Keung Nicholas. "Developmental patterns of
Studies vol.33 no.1, pp.81-98. London, United
Kingdom: Routledge
competencies". Educational
Group), 2007.03.15.
<P071620> WALKER Allan David. "Keynote presentation: The Strong among the shared: A Reassertation of
Leadership.". Paper presented in the The Third HEAD Research Conference, organized by BI
Norwegian School of Management, 19 pgs. Oslo, Noway, 2007.06.11.
<P071716> 謝均才. <好公民觀:中國大陸和臺灣小學社會課程和課文的比較分析>. 論文發表於 《2006 年
華人社會的教育發展學術研討會論文集(系列一)》, 主辦機構為澳門大學教育學院, 1-250 頁. 澳
門, 2007.02.10.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Educational Administration & Policy
<P071717> WALKER Allan David and QUONG Edward Terrence. Views and Clues 3: Making It Clear:
Effective Presentations. 15 pgs. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Centre for the Development of
Educational Leadership, 2007.
<P071942> 劉國強. <對通識教育的意義進一解>. 《大學通識報》 張燦輝及梁美儀. 第二期, 頁 161-164. 香港
特別行政區: 香港中文大學通識教育研究中心, 2007.03.10.
<P072294> HO Sui Chu and KWONG Wai Man. Parental Involvement in Children's Education: What Works
and How It Works. Report of Earmarked Grant Research Project. 207 pgs. Hong Kong SAR: The
Chinese University of Hong Kong and City University of Hong Kong, 2007.05.
<P072463> TAM Wai Ming Frank. "Rethinking school and community relations in Hong Kong". International
Journal of Educational Management vol.21 no.4, pp.350-366. Bradford, United Kingdom: Emerald
Group Publishing Limited, 2007.
<P072673> 彭新強. <組織發展策略與學校自我評估>. 《基礎教育探索與創新》 庄輝明. 第二期, 頁 12-16. 中
國上海: 華東師範大學, 2007.03.08.
<P072682> 盧乃桂 及 張永平. <全球化背景下高等教育領域中的政府角色變遷>. 《北京大學教育評論》 第
5 卷 第 1 期, 頁 138-149. 中國北京, 2007.01.18.
<P072855> HO Sui Chu and WOO CHAK KEI JACQUELINE. "Educational Leadership for Parental
Involvement in An Asian Society: Insights from Bourdieu's Theory of Practices". 2007 CESA-CESHK
Conference 16 pgs. Hong Kong, 2007.01.06.
<P072985> 盧乃桂. <教師專業化與教師應對教育改革的能力>. 《開放教育研究》 13 2 頁 9-14. 中國上海: 上
海市教育委員會, 2007.04.05.
<P073519> WALKER Allan David. "Leading Upstream update.". ESF Education Matters no.2, pp.24-25. Hong
Kong: English Schools Foundation, 2007.04.
<P074107> WALKER Allan David and CHEN Shuangye. "Leader Authenticity in Intercultural School
Contexts". Educational Management Administration & Leadership vol.35 no.2, pp.185-204. 2007.04.
<P074264> PANG Sun Keung Nicholas. <Leading and Managing Educational Change through School-University
Partnership>. 2007
Education National Chiayi University pp.59-72. Chiayi, Taiwan, 2007.05.19.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Educational Administration & Policy
<P074450> 操太聖 及 盧乃桂. <激勵如何可能? 中國高校崗位津貼制度的實踐與反思>. 《教育與經濟》 第
2007 年卷 第 1 期, 頁 43-46. 中國武漢: 《教育與經濟》編輯部, 2007.01.10.
<P074581> PANG Sun Keung Nicholas. "The Leadership Forces within Educational Organizations in Hong
Kong". The 9th Global Leadership Forum: Leadership for Human Development organized by The
Siberian Academy for Public Administration, 14 pgs. Novosibirsk, Russia, 2007.05.02.
<P074894> LAU Kwok Keung. "Life Chronology of Tang Junyi". Confucian Tradition & Global Education by
Wm. Theodore de Bary pp.101-104. New York, United States of America: Columbia University Press,
The Chinese University Press, 2007.
<P075020> 劉國強. <中華美德教育的理論意義與當前時代意義>. 《教育政策研系列》之 63 香港特別行政
區: 香港中文大學教育學院 香港教育研究所, 2007.03.
<P075025> WALKER Allan David. "Keynote presentation: From Policy Imposition to real learning: New
Approaches to leader growth in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the International Conference on
Principal Learning, 30 pgs. Taichung, National Taichung University of Education, 2007.05.
<P075075> 盧乃桂 及 鍾亞妮. <教育專業發展理論基礎的探討>. 《教育研究》 第 2007 年卷 第 3 期, 頁
17-22. 中國北京: 教育研究雜誌社, 2007.03.01.
<P075142> LAI Man Hong and LO Nai Kwai Leslie. "The Changing Work Lives of Academics: The Experience
Mainland". Higher
Policy vol.20 pp.145-167. Hampshire, United Kingdom: Palgrave MacMillan Ltd., 2007.06.01.
<P075654> 彭新強. <透過學校自我評估管理組織變革>. 論文發表於 《2006 年華人社會的教育發展學術研
討會論文集(系列二)》, 主辦機構為澳門大學教育學院, 165-175 頁. 澳門, 2007.02.01.
<P076045> TSE Kwan Choi. "Whose Citizenship Education? Hong Kong from a spatial and cultural politics
perspective". Discourse:
Education vol.28 no.2, pp.159-177. Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), 2007.06.16.
<P076343> WALKER Allan David. "Leading authentically at the cross-roads of culture and context.". Journal of
Educational Change vol.8 no.3, pp.257-273. 2007.04.03.
<P076393> WALKER Allan David and QUONG Edward Terrence. Views and Clues 4: Managing Time.. 21
pgs. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership, 2007.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Educational Administration & Policy
<P076416> QUONG Edward Terrence and WALKER Allan David. Views and Clues 2: Observing Learning
(and Providing Useful Feedback). 36 pgs. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Centre for the Development of
Educational Leadership, 2007.
<P076568> 操太聖 及 盧乃桂. <高校初任教師的教學專業發展探析>. 《高等教育研究》 第 28 卷 第 3 期, 頁
52-57. 中國: China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House, 2007.03.22.
<P076620> 田愛麗 及 彭新強. <上海民辦中學與公辦中學管理文化的比較研究>. 論文發表於 《「教育策略
聯盟與經營管理」國際學術研討會》, 主辦機構為國立嘉義大學, 239-252 頁. 台灣嘉義, 2007.05.19.
<P077110> CHENG Hon Man Roger. "A Narrative Approach to the Christian Philosophy of (Higher) Education:
Storied Responses from Two Christian Educators at the Chung Chi College, CUHK, as a
Case". Christian Responses to Asian Challenges: A Glocalization View on Chrisitian Higher Education
in East Asia ed. by Philip Yuen Sang Leung & Peter Tze Ming Ng. pp.489-508. Hong Kong
SAR: Centre for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, Chung Chi College, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, 2007.06.
<P077145> 盧乃桂 及 柯政. <教育政策研究的類別、特徵和啟示>. 《比較教育研究》 顧明遠. 第 2 期, 頁
27-31. 中國北京: 北京師範大學出版社, 2007.
<P077535> 何瑞珠、 鄺偉良、 盤淑嫻、 游薇薇 及 方敏聰. 《「澳門家長對教育改革、學校教育及子女成
長的意見及期望」研究計劃第二階段》. 73 頁. 澳門: 澳門特別行政區政府、香港中文大學學生能
力評估計劃香港中心, 2007.01.
<P078144> HO Sui Chu and MAN Yee Fun Evelyn. "Student Performance in Chinese Medium-of-Instruction
(CMI) and English Medium-of-Instruction (EMI) Schools: What We Learned from the PISA
Study". Education Policy Studies Series No. 64 Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Institute of Educational
Research, Faculty of Education, 2007.03.
<P078257> WALKER Allan David. Developmental Needs Analysis for Aspiring Principals in Hong Kong Report on the Ninth and the Tenth Cycles. 65 pgs. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Centre for the Development
of Educational Leadership, 2007.05.
<P078317> TAM Wai Ming Frank; LAI Man Hong and LAM Ka Ka. "Caught between fantasy and reality:
Confucian values and dilemmas of education reform confronting Hong Kong's secondary
teachers". international journal of educational reform vol.16 no.1, pp.10-26. Maryland, USA: Rowman
and Littlefield Education, 2007.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Educational Administration & Policy
<P078399> LAI Man Hong and LO Nai Kwai Leslie. "Teacher Professionalism in educational reform: the
Shanghai". Compare vol.37 no.1, pp.53-68. United
Kingdom: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), 2007.01.03.
<P078770> PANG Sun Keung Nicholas and PISAPIA John. "The strategic thinking of school leaders in Hong
Kong". Paper presented in the AERA 2007 Annual Convention, organized by American Educational
Research Association 19 pgs. Chicago, United States of America, 2007.04.13.
<P078845> WALKER Allan David. "Keynote presentation: From Policy imposition to real learning: New
approaches to leader growth in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the International Conference on
Principal Learning: Concepts, Contents, Methods and Outcomes, organized by National Taipei
University of Education, 25 pgs. Taipei, Taiwan, 2007.05.
<P079130> HUNG Fan Sing. "Property Rights in the School Sector in China, 1978-2003: From Communal
Ownership to Private Ownership". The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations,
Communities and Nations vol.6 no.6, pp.197-207. Melbourne, Australia: Common Ground Publishing
Pty Ltd., 2007.06.03.
<P079557> 盧乃桂 及 張佳偉. <學校改進中的學生參與問題研究>. 《教育發展研究》 第 4B 期, 頁 6-9. 中國
上海: 《教育發展研究》雜誌社, 2007.04.25.
<P079853> QUONG Edward Terrence and WALKER Allan David. Views and Clues 5: Communication.. 25
pgs. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership, 2007.
<P079995> WALKER Allan David. "Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Eductional Leadership Update (leading above the) Blue Line: A Professional Learning Body for Serving Principals". HKIER
Newsletter no.22 Page 8 pgs. Hong Kong, 2007.05.
See Also <P063600 >, <P064157 >, <P068658 >, <P071844 >, <P076617 >
Faculty of Education
Dept of Educational Psychology
<P016107> WONG Wan Chi. "Visual Medium in the Service and Disservice of Education". Journal of Aesthetic
Education vol.35 no.2 pp.25-37. University of Illinois Press, 2001.
<P016614> LEUNG Seung Ming, Alvin. "Review of Styles in Perception of Affect Scale". Fourteenth Mental
Measurement Yearbook ed. by J. Impara and Plake, B. S.. pp.1141-1142. Lincoln, United States of
America: University of Nebraska Press, 2001.
<P017404> David W. Chan; CHEUNG Ping Chung; CHENG Pui Wan and YEUNG Pik Wah
Patricia. Educational and Emotional Needs of Gifted and Talented Students in Hong Kong. Final
Research Report submitted to Research Grants Council of Hong Kong. Hong Kong SAR, 2001.
<P017572> LEUNG Seung Ming, Alvin and HOU Zhi-jin. "Concurrent validity of the 1994 Self-Directed Search
for school students in Hong Kong". Journal of Career Assessment vol.9 pp.283-296. CA, United States
of America: Sage Publication, 2001.
<P018962> LEUNG Seung Ming, Alvin. Review of the Work Readiness Profile. The Fourteenth Mental
Measurement Yearbook ed. by J. Impara and Plake, B. S. pp.1385-1387. Lincoln, United States of
America: The University of Nebraska Press, 2001.
<P024028> LEUNG Seung Ming, Alvin. "Career counselling in Hong Kong: Meeting the social
challenges". Career Development Quarterly vol.50 pp.237-245. United States of America: National
Career Development Association, 2002.
<P031239> LEUNG Seung Ming, Alvin. "Supervision of counseling trainees: A developmental paradigm". Paper
presented in the Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association, organized by Hong Kong
Professional Counselling Association, 00 pgs. 2003.
<P031835> GUO Boliang and CHANG Lei. "A Meta-analysis of 20 Years of Research on Children's Aggressive
Behaviors". Psychological Science no.26, pp.843-856. 2003.
<P033104> David W. Chan; CHENG Pui Wan; CHEUNG Ping Chung; CHENG J.; CHEUNG J.; KWAN Q.
and LEUNG W.. " Successful leadership development program: Program activities and
evaluation" Projectg report submitted to Education and Manpower Bureau Hong Kong SAR, 2003.
<P034267> LEUNG Seung Ming, Alvin; LEUNG K. M. and CHAN P. O.. "Ethical counseling practice: A
schools.". Asian
Counselling vol.10, pp.71-94. Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Instutute of Educational Research, 2003.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Educational Psychology
<P035679> 雷靂 及 張雷. 編. <Adolescent development: Advances in Western Research>. 302 頁. 中國北
京, 2003.
<P036812> David W. Chan; CHEUNG Ping Chung; CHENG Pui Wan; YUNG K. K and CHAN L.
K. "Understanding the characteristics and needs of gifted students: Exploring different perspectives
from students, their parents, teachers, and peers.". Final Report submitted to Quality Education
Fund Hong Kong SAR, 2003.
<P037770> GUO Boliang and CHANG Lei. "A Meta-analytic Review on the Correlation of Children's
Competncies". Advances
Science vol.11 pp.529-533. 2003.
<P039004> LEUNG
Alvin. "Counseling
possibilities". Asian Journal of Counselling vol.10 pp.235-248. Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Institute
of Educational Research, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003.
<P039065> SANDHU D. S.; LEUNG Seung Ming, Alvin and TANG M. -.. "Counseling approaches with Asian
Americans and Pacific Islander Americans". Culture and Counseling: New Approaches ed. by F.D.
Harper and J. McFadden. 1st ed. pp.99-114. Boston, United States of America: Allyn and Bacon, 2003.
<P040364> WEN Zhonglin; CHANG Lei; HAU Kit Tai and LIU Hongyun. "Testing and Application of
Mediating Effects". Acta Psychologica Sinica no.36, pp.614-620. 2004.
<P041060> XU Y; FARVER J M; SCHWARTZ D and CHANG Lei. "Social Networks and Aggressive
Behavior in Chinese Children". International Journal of Behavioral Development no.28, pp.401-410.
<P042226> 宋瑾瑜、 曾蔚茵、 王燕燕 及 蕭寧波. <用例題自學>. 《EduMath》 第 19 期, 頁 51-62. 2004.
<P042499> 李茵 及 黃蘊智. <中國教師關於教育專長的內隱理論>。《教育研究與實驗》第 87 期, 頁 51-57. 中
國, 2004.
<P044963> LI L; WANG Y; GUO Boliang and CHANG Lei. "Effects of Classroom Norms on Individual
Sinica no.36, pp.563-567. 2004.
Faculty of Education
Associations". Acta
Dept of Educational Psychology
<P045438> YUEN Man Tak; CHAN Mow Chiu Raymond; LAU Siu Ying Patrick; LAM Man Ping and
SHEK Tan Lei Daniel. "The counselling self-estimate inventory (COSE): Does it work in Chinese
counselors?". Counselling Psychology Quarterly vol.17 no.2, pp.177-194. 2004.
<P045730> LIU Hongyun; CHANG Lei and MENG Q. "he Revised Scale of Teacher's Collective Efficacy in
China". Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology no.10, pp.28-32. 2004.
<P046974> CHANG Lei. "Factors Affecting Teachers' Attitude on Bullying Behaviors of Secondary School
Students". Psychological Exploration 2004.
<P047052> YANG Zhiming; CHANG Lei and MA S. "A Multivariate Generalizability Study of the College
Entrance Examination". Acta Psychologica Sinica no.36, pp.195-200. 2004.
<P048547> LIU Hongyun; MENG Q and CHANG Lei. "Teachers' Collective Efficacy and Self Efficacy as
Study". Psychological
Science no.27, pp.1073-1076. 2004.
<P051284> David W. Chan. "Self-Perceived Creativity, Family Hardiness, and Emotional Intelligence of Chinese
Gifted Students in Hong Kong". Journal of Secondary Gifted Education vol.16 pp.47-56. United States
of America, 2005.
<P052043> 李茵 及 黃蘊智. <內隱理論的歷史視野與當代探索: 概念澄清及方法考慮。>. 《北京大學教育
評論》 第 3 卷 第 4 期, 頁 116-127. 中國, 2005.
<P052451> LIU Hongyun; CHANG Lei and MENG Q. "eachers' Collective Efficacy and Self Efficacy as
Moderators of the Impact of Work Stress: A Multilevel Study". People’s University Press
Reprint no.2, pp.38-42. 2005.
<P053508> LIU Hongyun; CHANG Lei and MENG Q. "Teacher Collective Efficacy and Moderating Effect on
the Function of Teachers' Self-efficacy". Acta Psychologica Sinica no.37, pp.79-86. 2005.
<P053577> LANSFORD J. E and CHANG Lei. "Parenting practices and children’s adjustment across cultures:
Issue". International
Development vol.29 pp.465-467. 2005.
<P053764> CHEN X.; CHANG Lei; HE Y. and LIU H.. "The peer group as a context: Moderating effects on
relations between maternal parenting and social and school adjustment in Chinese children". Child
Development vol.76 pp.417-429. 2005.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Educational Psychology
<P054063> LI H. 及 張 雷 . <Family social capital and child development. Advances in Psychological
Science>. 《Advances in Psychological Science》 第 85 期, 頁 283-289. 2005.
<P054495> LANSFORD J. E and CHANG Lei. "Physical discipline and children's adjustment: Cultural
normativeness as a moderator". Child Development vol.76 pp.1234-1246. 2005.
<P055388> LAU Siu Ying Patrick. "Foreword: School guidance in basic education among Chinese
societies". Journal of Basic Education vol.14 no.1, pp.61-63. 2005.
<P055661> 梁湘明. <從校園到工作世界:生涯輔導工作的理念與實施 (School-to-transition: Principles and
strategies of career and life planning.)>. 《學校輔導與生涯輔導》 蘇肖好編. 第一版 頁 198-206. 澳
門: 澳門大學教育學院, 2005.
<P055920> 侯志瑾 及 梁湘明. <Gottfredson’s theory of career aspiration Development :Brief introduction and
research review>. 《Advances in Psychological Science》 第 13 期, 頁 201-210. 2005.
<P056331> 黃蘊智. <洞喻重釋。>.《北京大學教育評論》 (李茵譯,英文原稿載於基礎教育學報第七卷第二
期,107-111). 第 3 卷 第 1 期, 頁 111-112. 中國, 2005.
<P056606> WANG YAN and CHANG Lei. "Mediating influence of children's academic self-concept on the
relation between parenting style and children's academic achievement". Chinese Journal of Applied
Psychology no.11, pp.186-192. 2005.
<P057753> 劉 紅 云 及 張 雷 . <Longitudinal Data Analysis Methods and Applications>. 374 頁 . 中 國 北
京: Education and Science Press, 2005.
<P058625> LIU Hongyun; MENG Q and CHANG Lei. "The Efffects of Head Teachers' Classroom Management
Self-efficacy on Student's Attitudes Towards Learning and its Relationship with Academic
Efficacy". Psychological Development and Education no.21, pp.62-67. 2005.
<P058744> LEONG Che Kan; CHENG Pui Wan and TAN L. H. "The role of sensitivity to rhymes, phones, and
tones in reading English and Chinese pseudowords". Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary
Journal vol.18 no.1, pp.1-26. 2005.
<P059346> CHAN Mow Chiu Raymond; SHEA Man Kee Peter; LAU Siu Ying Patrick and YUEN Man
Tak. "Developing a supervision system for professional counsellors in primary schools: Some thoughts
Education vol.14 no.1, pp.121-139. 2005.
Faculty of Education
service". Journal
Dept of Educational Psychology
<P059467> 梁 湘 明 . < 生 涯 規 劃 : 跨 理 論 假 設 與 實 施 策 略 (Career and life planning: Trans-theoretical
Assumptions and Strategies)>. 《Asian Journal of Counselling》 第 12 卷 頁 79-93. 香港特別行政
區: Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, 2005.
<P059852> WANG YAN、 張雷 及 LIU H.. <The mediating influence of children's peer acceptance in their
social self-conceptualization>. 《Psychological Science》 第 28 期, 頁 1152-1155. 2005.
<P059962> GUO Boliang; WANG YAN and CHANG Lei. "Classroom Effects on the Relations between
Adjustment". Acta
Sinica no.37, pp.239-244. 2005.
<P060279> 李瓊 及 倪玉菁. <教師变數對小學生數學學習成績的多水准分析>. 《教師教育教研》 (北京師范
大學). 第 3 期, 頁 74-80. 2006.
<P060362> LEUNG Seung Ming, Alvin. "Counselling psychology globally: Common and divergent ground
across cultural contexts". International Congress of Applied Psychology 2006.07.
<P061086> YUEN Ka Ming and HAU Kit Tai. "Constructivist teaching and teacher-centred teaching: A
comparison of students’ learning in a university course". Innovations in Education and Teaching
International vol.43 no.3, pp.279-290. 2006.
<P061460> HAU Kit Tai and Marsh, Herbert W.. "Advances and empirical evidences in academic self-concept
research. Invited paper presented at the International Conference on Child Development in Family,
School and Cultural Contexts: With Specific Focus on Asia’s Educational Miracle". Paper presented in
the international conference on child development in family, school and cultural contexts: With Specific
Focus on Asia’s educational miracle, organized by Inha University, Incheon, Korea, 10 pgs. 2006.
<P062018> MA Hing Keung; CHEUNG Ping Chung and SHEK Tan Lei Daniel. "The Relation of Prosocial
Orientation to Peer Interactions, Family Social Environment and Personality of Chinese
Adolescents". International Journal of Behavioral Development vol.30 no.6, pp.1-7. Psychology
Press, 2006.
<P062220> 李茵 及 黃蘊智. <有經驗的教師關於教育專長的集体觀念>.《教育研究與實驗》 第 110 期, 頁
62-68. 2006.
<P062946> LAU Siu Ying Patrick. "Emotional competence as a positive youth development construct:
Conceptual bases and implications for curriculum development". International Journal of Adolescent
Medicine and Health vol.18 no.3, pp.355-362. 2006.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Educational Psychology
<P062978> NI Yujing; ZHANG ZHONGHUA and LI Qiong. "Propositional versus analog processing: A source
of developmental decalage?". Paper presented in the American Psychological Association Annual
Convention, 18 pgs. New Orleans, USA, 2006.08.
<P064157> 李子建、 鄭佩芸、 劉兆瑛、 羅浩源、 文綺芬、 吳茂源、 譚偉明、 謝均才 及 梁念明. 編. 《基
礎教育學報》. 第 15 卷 第 1 期, 158 頁. 中國香港: 香港中文大學.香港教育研究所, 2006.09.
<P064427> HAU Kit Tai; HO T I and SALILI F. "Effects of Self- and Task-related Cognitions on Chinese
Students’ Achievement Goal Orientation". Paper presented in the The 26th International Congress of
Psychology, organized
Psychology, 10
pgs. 2006.07.16.
<P064534> HAU Kit Tai; HO T I and HALPERN D. "Assessment of critical thinking in Chinese and U.S.
students: Cross-cultural construct validation". International Conference on Educational Evaluation
Conference pp.10. 2006.
<P064538> MARSH W H; HAU Kit Tai; ARTELT C; BAUMERT J and PESCHAR J L. "OECD’s brief
self-report measure of educational psychology’s most useful affective constructs: Cross-cultural,
countries". International
Testing vol.6 no.4, pp.311-360. 2006.
<P065161> CHEN GAOWEI and CHIU Ming Ming. "Online Discussion Processes: Effects of Earlier
Messsages' Evaluations, Knowledge Content, Social cues and Personal Information on Later
Messages". Paper presented in the The 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning
Technologies, 5 pgs. Netherlands, 2006.07.07.
<P066997> WONG Wan Chi; LI Yin and SHEN J. L. "The Gould versus Heckhausen and Schulz debate in the
light of control processes among Chinese students". Advances in Psychology Research, Vol
46 pp.129-164. Nova Science Publishers, 2006.
<P067012> WONG Wan Chi. "Understanding dialectical thinking from a cultural-historical perspective
". Philosophical Psychology vol.19 no.2, pp.239-260. Routledge, Taylor and Francis group, 2006.
<P067531> HAU Kit Tai; HO T I and KU L Y. "Predicting Chinese Students’ Critical Thinking Performance:
Critical Thinking Self-concept, Verbal Ability, Personality, and Need for Cognition". Fourth
International Biennial SELF Research Conference Michigan, United States of America, 2006.07.23.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Educational Psychology
<P067757> LEUNG Seung Ming, Alvin; CHAN Po-on Ella and CHEN H-y. "Counseling and psychology
around the world". The Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association. 2006.08.
<P068426> 張雷、 ZHANG L.、 LI H.、 WONG L. 及 LEI M.. <Folk physics and folk psychology: An
evolutionary psychological view>. 《Psychological Exploration》 第 26 期, 頁 9-13. 2006.
<P069332> 黃 蘊 智 . < 洞喻 重 釋 >. 《 中 國 科 技 發 展 精 典 文 庫 (Classical Collected Works of Science and
Technology in China)》 (李茵譯,英文原稿載於基礎教育學報第七卷第二期,107-111; 譯文原載於北
京大學教育評論第 3 卷第 1 期,111-112。) . 第 5 輯第 1 卷 頁 307-308. 中國北京: 中國檔案出版
社, 2006.
<P069423> SHIU Ling Po and CHENG Pui Wan. "Towards A Model of Training Teachers of AD/HD
Students". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology & Developmental Paediatrics
Education Bulle, organized by Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology & Developmental Paediatrics, 6
pgs. Hong Kong, 2006.11.13.
<P069889> LAU Siu Ying Patrick. "Spirituality as a positive youth development construct: Conceptual bases and
implications for curriculum development". International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and
Health vol.18 no.3, pp.363-370. 2006.
<P071540> LI XIAOXU; HAU Kit Tai and MARSH W Herbert. Relation between Population RMSEA and
p-Value: 2-Dimensional Approach in Assessing and Reporting Goodness of Fit in Structural
Equation Modeling American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. 11. 2007.04.09.
<P072737> Marsh, Herbert W.; HAU Kit Tai; SUNG Yn Tz Rita and YU C W. "Childhood Obesity Gender
Actual-Ideal Body Image Discrepancies and Physical Self-concept in Hong Kong Children: Cultural
Differences in the Value of Moderation". Developmental Psychology vol.43 no.3, pp.647-662. United
States of America, 2007.
<P073961> Marsh, Herbert W. and HAU Kit Tai. "Applications of latent-variable models in educational
psychology: The need for methodological-substantive synergies". Contemporary Educational
Psychology vol.32 pp.151-170. 2007.
<P074458> LI XIAOXU; HAU Kit Tai and MARSH W Herbert. " Structural Equation Models with Missing
Data: Exploring Situations in Which EM Behaves Better Than FIML". American Educational
Research Association Annual Conference. 15 pgs. 2007.04.11.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Educational Psychology
<P076270> ZHANG ZHONGHUA and NI Yujing. A Comparison of Fixed Common-Precalibrated Parameter
Method, Linking Separate Calibration, and Concurrent Calibration for Linking Different
Groups American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. 22 pg.. Chichago, United
States of America, 2007.05.08.
<P076523> CHEN, QISHAN and SHIU Ling Po. "Two Senses of Metacomprehension Monitoring". Association
for Psychological Science 19th Annual Convention pp.166. Washington,DC, United States of
America, 2007.05.24.
<P077333> LEONG Che Kan; HAU Kit Tai and TSE K S. "Component skills of text comprehension in less
competent Chinese comprehenders". Annals of Dyslexia vol.57 pp.75-97. 2007.
<P079775> HAU Kit Tai; HO T I and KU K K. "Role of feedback in the self-concept-achievement relationships:
Insights from a study on critical thinking. ". American Educational Research Association Annual
Conference. pp.10. 2007.
See Also <P061867 >, <P062397 >, <P062411 >, <P067278 >, <P067914 >, <P070231 >, <P071844 >, <P073509 >,
<P079512 >
Faculty of Education
Dept of Sports Science and Physical Education
<P060463> CHAN Wan Ka Daniel; SUM Kim Wai Raymond and LAU Kwok On. "Barriers to the
Implementation of Physical Education (PE) Assessment in Hong Kong". International Journal of
Learning vol.13 no.4, pp.165-170. Australia, 2006.
<P060490> HUI Sai Chuen. "Exercise Physiology". American College of Sports Medicine Resources Manual for
Personal Trainer Walter R. Thompson, Kenneth E. Baldwin, Neal I. Pire, Mike Niederpruem second
ed. pp.79-108. United States of America: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007.
<P060735> FONG Tik-Pui Daniel; HONG Youlian; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick; FUNG Kwai Yau and CHAN
Kai Ming. "Estimating complete ground reaction forces and ankle joint torques from pressure insole
data in walking and running". Paper presented in the 24th International Symposium on Biomechanics in
Sports, organized
Sports, 4
pgs. Salzburg, Austria, 2006.07.14.
<P061589> LONSDALE Christopher Sean. "Flow in surfing: A comparison between competitive and
contexts.". Association
Conference Madison, USA: Association
Psychology, 2006.09.27.
<P061942> FONG Tik-Pui Daniel; HONG Youlian; LUI Po Yee Pauline; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick; HUI Kin
Chuen; LIAO Wei Hsin; FUNG Kwai Yau and CHAN Kai Ming. "Designing An In-Shoe Sensor
System To Monitor Ankle Supination Torque For Future Development Of A Sprain-Free Sports
Shoe". Paper presented in the 26th Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.11.11.
<P062309> CHAN Wan Ka Daniel; CARROLL Robert and MELOGRANO Vincent. "The Development of
Generic Skills and the Use of the Physical Education Portfolio (PEP) Approach in the Aerobics
Course". Paper presented in the World Dance Alliance Global Assembly, 1 pgs. 2006.07.17.
<P062548> HA Sau Ching Amy and PANG, ON HEI BONNIE. "Gender and Age Differences in the Sports
Participation and Physical Activity Patterns of Hong Kong Children". AIESEP World Congress ed. by
Pilvikki Heikinaro-Johansson and Eileen McEvoy. pp.126. Jyvaskyla, Finland, 2006.07.06.
<P062680> SUM Kim Wai Raymond; HA Sau Ching Amy; CHAN Wan Ka Daniel and JOHNS David
Paul. "Factors affecting the professional lives of PE teachers in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the
Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, organized by European College of Sport
Science, p.393. Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006.07.05.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Sports Science & Physical Education
<P062908> LONSDALE Christopher Sean. "The Athlete Engagement Questionnaire: Instrument development
and initial validity evidence". Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology
Conference Madison, USA: Association
Psychology, 2006.09.27.
<P063076> SUM Kim Wai Raymond and HUI Sai Chuen. "Expected achievement in “generic skills” through
physical activity participation of Hong Kong primary school students". Paper presented in the Annual
Congress of the European College of Sport Science, organized by European College of Sport
Science, p.597-8. Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006.07.05.
<P064346> HUI Sai Chuen and SUM Kim Wai Raymond. A Report for the Study of the Physical Fitness Test for
the Community. 170. Hong Kong SAR: The Leisure and Cultural Services Department, 2006.08.07.
<P064657> 黃雅君 及 王香生. < 循證醫學在運動醫學與科學研究中的應用與啟示>. 《中國運動醫學雜誌
Chinese Journal of Sports Medicine》 第 25 卷 第 5 期, 頁 616-619,626. 中國, 2006.09.01.
<P064711> FONG Tik-Pui Daniel; HONG Youlian; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick; FUNG Kwai Yau and CHAN
Kai Ming. "An in-shoe ankle supination torque measuring method in running". Paper presented in the
24th International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports, organized by International Society of
Biomechanics in Sports, 4 pgs. Salzburg, Austria, 2006.07.14.
<P064839> WONG Pui-lam and HONG Youlian. "Plantar Pressure of Four Movements in Soccer". Paper
presented in the 24th International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports, organized by International
Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 4 pgs. Salzburg, Austria, 2006.
<P064936> HUI Sai Chuen; SUM Kim Wai Raymond and CHAN Wan Ka Daniel. A Report for Survey Study
on Students' Physical Fitness and Their Attitude Towards Physical Education 2005-06 (Primary
Students).. 150 pgs. Hong Kong SAR: Education and Manpower Bureau, 2006.07.31.
<P065183> LUK Tze Chung and HONG Youlian. "Comparison of Snowshoeing Kinematics on Grassland and
Sand Course - Pilot Study". Paper presented in the 24th International Symposium on Biomechanics in
Sports, organized by International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 4 pgs. salzberg, Austria, 2006.
<P066118> WONG Pui-lam; HONG Youlian and KONG R Y K. "Effects of Different Tennis Shoes on The
performance of Recreational Tennis Players". Paper presented in the 24th International Symposium on
Biomechanics in Sports, organized by International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 4
pgs. Salzburg, Austria, 2006.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Sports Science & Physical Education
<P066500> HUI Sai Chuen; WONG Jean Woo and KWOK Chi Yui Timothy. "Comparison of Training Effects
in Blood Profiles, Body Composition, and Aerobic Fitness between Tai Chi Chuan and Walking
Exercises.". Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport supplement. vol.9 no.6, pp.43, #102. 2006.10.01.
<P066668> CHAN Wan Ka Daniel; HUI Sai Chuen and SUM Kim Wai Raymond. "Content Validity and
Internal Consistency of Self-efficacy towards Generic Skills Test for Physical Education
Programme". Paper presented in the 11th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport
Science, p.383. 2006.07.05.
<P066873> HA Sau Ching Amy; CHAN Wan Ka Daniel; SUM Kim Wai Raymond and JOHNS David
Paul. "Effects of a Teacher Development Program and Student Assessment Scheme on Teachers' Value
Orientation and their Compatibility with the Physical Education Curriculum". Paper presented in the
AIESEP World Congress, 1 pgs. Jyvaskyla, Finalnd, 2006.07.05.
<P067088> CHAN Wan Ka Daniel; HUI Sai Chuen and SUM Kim Wai Raymond. "The Effectiveness of
Secondary School Physical Education in Developing Generic Skills of Junior Student". Paper presented
in the 11 th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science p.391. 2006.07.05.
<P067378> PANG, ON HEI BONNIE and HA Sau Ching Amy. "Physical Activity and Sport Participation of
Young People: A Hong Kong Parents' Perspective". AIESEP World Congress ed. by Pilvikki
Heikinaro-Johansson and Eileen McEvoy. p.249. Jyvaskyla, Finland, 2006.07.08.
<P067724> CHAN Wan Ka Daniel. "Physical Education Teacher’s Perception of the Status of Physical Education
Kong". International
Education vol.10 pp.247-254. Korea, 2006.
<P067963> SUM Kim Wai Raymond and DIMMOCK Clive. "A Conceptual Framework for Understanding the
Professional Lives of Hong Kong Primary School Physical Education Teachers". International Journal
of Learning 2006.12.31.
<P069274> HONG Youlian and MAO DEWEI. "Application of Plantar Force Measurement in Evaluation of
Soccer Shoes". Paper presented in the 24th International Symposium on Biomechanics in
Sports, organized by International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 2 pgs. Salzburg, Austria, 2006.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Sports Science & Physical Education
<P069357> FONG Tik-Pui Daniel; HONG Youlian; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick; LUI Po Yee Pauline; FUNG
Kwai Yau and CHAN Kai Ming. "Using Pressure Insoles To Predict Complete Ground Reaction
Forces In Gait And Running: A Pilot Test". Paper presented in the Biomedical Engineering Conference
2006, - pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.09.21.
<P069613> FONG Tik-Pui Daniel; HONG Youlian; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick; LUI Po Yee Pauline; FUNG
Kwai Yau and CHAN Kai Ming. "Effects Of One Year Programmed Brisk Walking And Tai Chi
Exercise On Bone Mineral Density And Neuromuscular Function In Postmenopausal Women". Paper
presented in the Biomedical Engineering Conference 2006, - pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.09.21.
<P069662> WONG Pui-lam; CHENG YUK LAP and HONG Youlian. "Can Laboratory-Based Biomechanical
Test Results Reflect The Perceived Comfort During Overground Running?". Paper presented in the
24th International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports, organized by International Society of
Biomechanics in Sports, 4 pgs. Salzburg, Austria, 2006.
<P069785> CHAN Wan Ka Daniel; SUM Kim Wai Raymond and LAU Kwok On. "The Implementation of the
Physical Education Assessment at the Beginning of Curriculum Reform in Hong Kong". International
Journal of Learning vol.13 no.8, pp.135-142. Australia, 2006.
<P070289> SUM Kim Wai Raymond and HUI Sai Chuen. "Do physical activity level of both father and mother
influence the physical activity participation of their children?". Medicine and Science in Sports and
Exercise American
Medicine. vol.39 no.5(Supplement), p.S492,#2597. New
Orleans, United States of America, 2007.05.30.
<P072075> WONG Pui-lam; MAO DEWEI and HONG Youlian. "Higher Plantar Pressure On The Medial Side
In Four Soccer-Related Movements". British Journal of Sports Medicine vol.41 no.2, pp.84-92. 2007.
<P072681> HONG Youlian and BARTLETT Roger. ed. Routledge Handbook of Biomechanics and Human
Movement Science. Oxfordshire, United Kingdom: Routeldge, an imprint of Taylor and Francis Books
Ltd., 2007.
<P072718> HUANG YAJUN and WONG Heung Sang Stephen. "Assessment of Physical Activity among
Hong Kong Primary Schoolchildren by Questionnaire: Validity and Reliability". Paper presented
in the medicine and science in sports and exercise, organized by The American College of Sports
Medicine, p.s188. 2007.05.01.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Sports Science & Physical Education
<P073115> YEUNG, DANIEL CHI SHING and HUI Sai Chuen. "Evaluation of the 1993 reference criteria for
assessing the prevalence of childhood obesity in Hong Kong.". Paper presented in the ACSM 54th
Annual Meeting, American College of Sports Medicine. vol.39 no.5 (Supplement), p.S378, #2127. New
Orleans, United States of America, 2007.05.30.
<P073312> CHIK TSZ KWAN and HUI Sai Chuen. "Validity of a Self-reported Physical Fitness Questionnaire
(SPFQ) in middle-aged Chinese.". Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise American College of
Medicine, 39 (5)(Supplement) S357,
pgs. New
Orleans, United
America, 2007.05.30.
<P074970> WONG Pui-lam; MAO DEWEI and HONG Youlian. "Difference In Plantar Pressure Between The
Preferred And Non-Preferred Feet In Four Soccer-Related Movements". British Journal of Sports
Medicine vol.41 no.2, pp.93-100. 2007.
<P075255> CHAN Wan Ka Daniel; CARROLL Robert and HONG Youlian. "Effectiveness of the Physical
Education Portfolio (PEP) Approach in Secondary School PE Teaching". Paper presented in the
Learning Conference, 1 pgs. Johannesburg, South Africa, 2007.06.26.
<P075539> WEN, XU and HUI Sai Chuen. "Comparison of the prevalence of obesity in adults among Hong
Kong, mainland China and United States". Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise American
College of Sports Medicine. 39 (5)(Supplement) p.S175, #1289. New Orleans, United States of
America, 2007.05.30.
<P075550> HUI Sai Chuen and SUM Kim Wai Raymond. "Influence of TV/computer watching on BMI and
physical activity participation in Chinese children and youth". Medicine and Science in Sports and
Exercise American
Medicine. vol.39 no.5(Supplement), p.S388,#2168. New
Orleans, United States of America, 2007.05.30.
<P076123> SUM Kim Wai Raymond and HUI Sai Chuen. "Do Physical Activity Level of Both Father and
Mother Influence the Physical Activity Participation of Their Children?". Paper presented in the ACSM
54th Annual Meeting, organized by Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 1 pgs. U.S.A., New
Orleans, 2007.06.02.
<P076526> PANG, ON HEI BONNIE and HA Sau Ching Amy. "Perceived Parental Values on Children's
Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity Participation in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the American
College of Sports Medicine 54th Annual Meeting, organized by American College of Sports
Medicine, p.S339. New Orleans, United States of America, 2007.05.31.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Sports Science & Physical Education
<P076590> TSE Man Mandy and HUI Sai Chuen. "Associations between health-related physical fitness and
physical activity participation in elementary school children in Hong Kong". Medicine and Science in
Sports and Exercise American College of Sports Medicine. vol.39 no.5(Supplement), p.S404,#2234.
New Orleans, United States of America, 2007.05.30.
<P077399> FONG Tik-Pui Daniel; HONG Youlian; CHAN Lap Ki; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick and CHAN Kai
Ming. "A
Sports". Sports
Medicine vol.37 no.1, pp.73-94. 2007 Acts Data Information BV, 2007.01.
<P078537> HUI Sai Chuen. "Development of virtual trainer for exercise promotion.". Paper presented in the
Sports Medicine And Rehabilitation Therapy (SMART) Convention 2007, organized by CUHK-WHO
Collaborating Centre for Sports Medicine and Health Promotion, p.22. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.06.09.
<P079439> FONG Tik-Pui Daniel; HONG Youlian; HUI Kin Chuen; ZHANG Ming; LI Wen Jung; LUI Po
Yee Pauline and CHAN Kai Ming. "Development of an In-shoe Sensing System for Real-time
Measurement of Ankle Supination Torque". Paper presented in the SMART Convention
2007, organized by CUHK, - pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.06.10.
<P079453> HA Sau Ching Amy; CHAN Wan Ka Daniel; SUM Kim Wai Raymond and JOHNS David
Paul. "Effects of a Health-related Physical Education Curriculum, Teacher Development and Students
Assessment on Children's Fitness Level and their Exercise Enjoyment". Paper presented in the ACSM
54th Annual Meeting, organized by The American College of Sports Medicines, 1 pgs. New
Orleans, United States of America, 2007.06.02.
See Also <P064614 >, <P067176 >, <P075217 >, <P070918 >, <P075748 >
Faculty of Education
Physical Education Unit
<P064614> LEUNG Fung Lin Elean and WONG Heung Sang Stephen. "A pilot study of the comparison of
attitudes towards physical activity and exercise habits of alumni from universities with different
physical education programs in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 11th Annual Congress of the
European College of Sport Science, organized by European College of Sport Science, p.1. 2006.07.
<P065289> CHENG Yuk Chuen. "Leisure Physical Activity of University Required Physical Education Course
Students in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the European Congress of Sports Science, organized by
University of Bern, University of Lausanne, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne & the Swiss
Society of Sports Medicine, 1 pgs. Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006.07.08.
<P075217> LEUNG Fung Lin Elean and WONG Heung Sang Stephen. "Attitudes and Exercise Habits of
University Alumni Receiving Different Physical Education Programs in Hong Kong". Paper presented
in the American College of Sports Medicine 54th Annual Meeting, organized by American College of
Sports Medicine, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2007.05.
Faculty of Education
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P018619> LEONG Philip Heng Wai; LEONG Monk Ping; CHEUNG Yu Hoi; TUNG T.; KWOK C. M.;
WONG M. Y. and LEE Kin Hong. Pilchard - A Reconfigurable Computing Platform with Memory
Slot Interface. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing
Machines (FCCM) pp.170-179. 2001.
<P027402> CHOWDHURY Rezaul Alam; KAYKOBAD M. and KING Kuo Chin Irwin. "An Efficient
Decoding Technique for Huffman Codes". Information Processing Letters vol.81 pp.305-308. 2002
Elsevier Science B.V., 2002.
<P036630> KING Kuo Chin Irwin and JIN Zhong. "Integrated Probability Function on its Application to
Feedback". Pattern
Recognition vol.36 pp.2177-2186. Elsevier Science Ltd, 2003.
<P037005> HUANG Kaizhu; KING Kuo Chin Irwin and LYU Rung Tsong Michael. "Finite Mixture Model of
Bounded Semi-naive Bayesian Networks Classifier". Paper presented in the Proceedings of Artificial
Neural Networks and Neural Information Processing Joint International Conference (ICANN/ICONIP
2003) (Also as Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 2714), pp. 115-122. 2003.
<P041976> XU
Lei. "Temporal
Determination". IEEE Trans on Neural Networks vol.15 no.5, pp.1276-1295. 2004.
<P059605> CHIU Kai Chun and XU Lei. "NFA for Factor Number Determination in APT". International
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance vol.7 no.3, pp.253-267. 2005.
<P060115> LYU Rung Tsong Michael and LU Shi. "Constructing Robust and Resilient Framework for
Cooperative Video Streaming". Paper presented in the IEEE ICEME, International Conference on
Multimedia & Expo, 4 pgs. 2006.07.
<P060143> TAM Yiu Cheong Henry; YOUNG Fung Yu and CHU Chris. "Analog Placement with Symmetry
and Other Placement Constraints". Paper presented in the IEEE International Conference on
Computer-Aided Design, 6 pgs. 2006.11.
<P060270> HUANG Kaizhu; YANG Haiqin; KING Kuo Chin Irwin and LYU Rung Tsong Michael. "Local
Support Vector Regression for Financial Time Series Prediction". Proceedings of 2006 International
Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2006), pp.1622-1627. 2006.07.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P060759> AN Yujia; HU XUELEI and XU Lei. "A Comparative Investigation on Model Selection in
Analysis". Journal
Algorithms vol.5 pp.447–473. Springer, 2006.
<P060792> WANG Zhenyuan; LEUNG Kwong Sak and KLIR George J.. "Integration on Finite
Sets". International Journal of Intelligent Systems vol.21 no.10, pp.1073-1092. 2006 Wiley Periodicals,
Inc., 2006.10.
<P060839> KING Kuo Chin Irwin; WANG Jun; CHAN Lai Wan and WANG Deliang. ed. Neural
Information Processing: 13th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP
2006) Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). vol.1 1164 pgs. Springer, 2006.11.13.
<P060916> OR Siu Hang; YU YING KIN; WONG Kin Hong and CHANG Michael. "Resolution Improvement
from Stereo Images with 3D Pose Differences". Paper presented in the IEEE International Conference
on Image Processing 2006, organized by IEEE Signal Processing Society, 4 pgs. Atlanta, United States
of America, 2006.10.08.
<P061007> WU DI; TIAN Ye and NG Kam Wing. "Achieving Resilient and Efficient Load Balancing in
DHT-based P2P Systems". Paper presented in the 31st IEEE Conference on Local Computer
Networks, organized by IEEE Computer Society, p.115-122. United States of America, 2006.11.
<P061265> SUN Quan- Sen; JIN Zhong; HENG Pheng Ann and XIA De- Shen. "An Indirect and Efficient
Approach for Solving Uncorrelated Optimal Discriminant Vectors". Paper presented in the Proceedings
of 2006 International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2006) (Also as Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS 4114)), pp. 1204-1209. 2006.08.
<P061337> XIAO Xiaokui and TAO Yufei. "Anatomy: Simple and Effective Privacy Preservation". Paper
presented in the Proceedings of the 32nd Very Large Data Bases conference (VLDB), organized by
VLDB Endowment, p.139-150. Seoul, Korea, 2006.
<P061395> LEE Ho Man Jimmy and SIU FAI KEUNG. "Weighted Constraint Satisfaction with Set
Variables". Paper presented in the Proceedings of Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial
(AAAI'06), organized
Intelligence, 6
pgs. Boston, United States of America, 2006.07.19.
<P061583> SZETO WAI MAN and WONG Man Hon. "A Graph-Theoretical Approach for Pattern Matching in
Post-Tonal Music Analysis". Journal of New Music Research vol.35 no.4, pp.307-321. 2006.12.01.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P061639> XIE Jun; JIANG YIFENG; TSUI Hung Tat and HENG Pheng Ann. "Boundary Enhancement and
Speckle Reduction for Ultrasound Images via Salient Structure Extraction". IEEE Transactions on
Biomedical Engineering vol.53 no.11, pp.2300-2309. IEEE, 2006.11.
<P061699> TAO Yufei; YIU Man Lung and MAMOULIS Nikos. "Reverse Nearest Neighbor Search in Metric
Spaces". IEEE
Engineering vol.18 no.9, pp.1239-1252. IEEE, 2006.
<P061730> HENG Pheng Ann; ZHANG S. X.; SHI Lin; XIE Yongming; WONG Tien Tsin and CHUI Yim
Pan. "Visible
Medicine". The
Reality vol.5 no.4, pp.13-20. 2006.12.
<P061781> HENG Pheng Ann; XIE Yongming; WONG Tien Tsin and CHUI Yim Pan. "Block-based
Fragment Filtration with Feasible Multi-GPU Acceleration for Real-time Volume Rendering on
Conventional Personal Computer". US Patent no. 7,154,500. 2006.12.26.
<P061856> CHEN Qiang; ZHOU Ze Ming; TANG Min; HENG Pheng Ann and XIA De- Shen. "Shape
Statistics Variational Approach for the Outer Contour Segmentation of Left Ventricle MR
Images". IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine vol.10 no.3, pp.588-597.
United States of America: 2006 IEEE, 2006.07.
<P062094> WANG GUANGYU; WONG Tien Tsin and HENG Pheng Ann. "Deringing Cartoons by Image
Analogies". ACM Transactions on Graphics vol.25 no.4, pp.1360-1379. ACM, 2006.10.
<P062105> ZHOU, YANGFAN; YANG HAIXUAN; LYU Rung Tsong Michael and NGAI CHEUK HAN. "A
Point-Distribution Index And Its Application to Sensor Grouping in Wireless Sensor Networks". Paper
presented in the Proc. of the International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Conference, 6 pgs. Vancouver, Canada, 2006.07.03.
<P062395> SHI LEI and XU Lei. "Local Factor Analysis with Automatic Model Selection: A Comparative Study
and Digits Recognition Application". Paper presented in the Artificial Neural Networks-ICANN
96, organized
(NTUA), 10
pgs. Athens, Greece, 2006.09.07.
<P062495> YANG HAIXUAN; KING Kuo Chin Irwin and LYU Rung Tsong Michael. "Predictive Random
Graph Ranking on The Web". Paper presented in the IEEE World Congress or Computational
Intelligence 2006, 8 pgs. Vancouver, Canada, 2006.07.15.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P062958> HO Tze- Yui; LAM Ping- Man; LEUNG Chi- Sing and WONG Tien Tsin. "GPU-Friendly
Images". Signal
Communication vol.21 pp.919-933. 2006 Elsevier B.V., 2006.
<P063181> SUN Haibin; LUI Chi Shing John and YAU K. Y. David. "Distributed Mechanism in Detecting and
Defending Against the Low-rate TCP Attack". Computer Networks vol.50 pp.2312-2330. Netherlands:
2005 Elsevier B.V., 2006.09.
<P063374> WU DI; TIAN Ye and NG Kam Wing. "Roogle: Supporting Efficient High-Dimensional Range
Queries in P2P Systems". Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4128 ed. by Wolfgang E. Nagel,
Wolfgang V. Walter and Wolfgang Lehner. pp.1005-1014. Springer Verlag, 2006.08.
<P063383> LUK H. L. Gilbert; CHIU Dickson Kak Wah and LEUNG Ho Fung. "Web-service Based Human
Resource Recruitment by Using Matchmaking Decision Support". Paper presented in the First
Science, p.
67. Hong
Kong, China, 2006.10.
<P063425> WONG Man- Leung and WONG Tien Tsin. "Parallel Hybrid Genetic Algorithms on
Consumer-Level Graphics Hardware". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 2006 IEEE Congress on
Evolutionary Computation, organized by IEEE, pp. 2973-2980. 2006.07.
<P063503> AU YEUNG Ching Man and LEUNG Ho Fung. "Ontology with Likeliness and Typicality of Objects
Concepts". Paper
Modeling, p.98-111. Tucson, Arizona, United States of America, 2006.11.
<P063565> LAM YUET MING; LEONG Philip Heng Wai and MAN-WAI Mak. "Frame-Based
Conversion". IEEE
Systems San
Juan, USA: IEEE, 2006.08.07.
<P063622> HOI CHU HONG; LYU Rung Tsong Michael and CHANG Edward. "Learning the Unified Kernel
Machines for Classification". Paper presented in the The Twelfth ACM SIGKDD International
Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-06), organized by SIGKDD, 10
pgs. Philadelphia, United States of America, 2006.08.20.
<P063711> WU DI; TIAN YE and NG Kam Wing. "On the Effectiveness of Migration-based Load Balancing
Strategies in DHT Systems". Paper presented in the The 15th International conference on Computer
Communications and Networks, organized by IEEE Computer Society, 6 pgs. Arlington, United States
of America, 2006.10.09.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P063799> HUANG Kaizhu; YANG Haiqin; KING Kuo Chin Irwin and LYU Rung Tsong
Michael. "Imbalanced Learning with a Biased Minimax Probability Machine". IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics vol.36 no.4, pp.913-923. 2006 IEEE, 2006.08.
<P063892> HAN Seung Chul; ZAROO Puneet; YAU K. Y. David; DONG Yu; GOPALAN Prem and LUI
Chi Shing John. "Quality of Service Provisioning for Composable Routing Elements". Computer
Networks vol.50 pp.2255-2270. Netherlands: 2005 Elsevier B.V., 2006.09.
<P063920> LAM KA MAN and LEUNG Ho Fung. "Expected Utility Maximization and Attractiveness
Maximization". Paper
Multi-Agents, p.638-643. Guilin, China, 2006.08.
<P064013> XIE Yongming; HENG Pheng Ann; WANG Xinghe; CHUI Yim Pan and HO Sze Ming
Simon. "Haptic Rendering for Percutaneous Needle Puncturing Simulation Based on Chinese Visible
Human Data". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 92nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting
(RSNA 2006), pp. 776. 2006.11.
<P064075> HAN F.; LI X. Q.; LYU Rung Tsong Michael and LOK Tat Ming. "A Modified Learning
Algorithm Incorporating Additional Functional Constraints into Neural Networks". International
Journal of Pattern Recognition & Artifical Intelligence vol.20 no.2, pp.129-142. 2006.
<P064211> FAN Bin; CHIU Dah Ming and LUI Chi Shing John. "The Delicate Tradeoffs in BitTorrent-like
File Sharing Protocol Design". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International
Conference on Network Protocols, organized by IEEE, pp. 239-248. 2006.11.
<P064308> WANG Changjie; CHIU Dickson Kak Wah and LEUNG Ho Fung. "A Persistent Conversation
Protocol Supporting Anonymity and Security". Paper presented in the Fourth International Conference
on Cooperative Internet Computing, p.23-32. Hong Kong, China, 2006.10.
<P064316> HUANG Z. K.; HUANG D. S.; LYU Rung Tsong Michael and LOK Tat Ming. "Classification
Based on Gabor Filter Using RBPNN Classification". Paper presented in the International Conference
on Computational Intelligence and Security, organized by IEEE, 4 pgs. 2006.11.03.
<P064445> LIN Zhenjiang; KING Kuo Chin Irwin and LYU Rung Tsong Michael. "PageSim: A Novel
Link-based Similarity Measure for the World Wide Web". Paper presented in the In Proceedings of the
International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI-2001), 7 pgs. 2006.09.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P064600> TAO Yufei; FALOUTSOS Christos and PAPADIAS Dimitris. "Spatial Query Estimation without
the Local Uniformity Assumption". Geoinformatica (2006) vol.10 pp.261-293. Springer Science, 2006.
<P064615> LEUNG Kwong Sak; NG Yuen Tok; LEE Kin Hong; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; TSUI Kwok Wing;
MOK Shu Kam Tony; TSE Chi Hang and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Data Mining on DNA
Sequences of Hepatitis B Virus by Nonlinear Integrals". Paper presented in the Proceedings of Third
Meeting of Taiwan-Japan Symposium on Fuzzy Systems & Innovational Computing, organized by
Taiwan-Japan Research Project, pp. 1-10. 2006.08.
<P064899> XIONG Xingguo; WU Yu Liang and JONE Wen- Ben. "Reliability Analysis of Self-Repairable
MEMS Accelerometer". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Symposium
on Defect and Fault-Tolerance in VLSI Systems (DFT’06), organized by IEEE Computer Society, pp.
236-244. 2006.
<P064909> CAI Leizhen; CHAN Siu Man and CHAN Siu On. "Random Separation: A New Method for Solving
Fixed-Cardinality Optimization Problems". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the Second
International Workshop in Parameterized and Exact Computation (IWPEC 2006) (Also as Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, LNCS No. 4169), pp. 239-250. 2006.09.
<P065300> WONG Sze-wing and NG Kam Wing. "MGS: An API for Developing Mobile Grid
Services". Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4276 ed. by Robert Meersman and Zahir Tari. 1st
ed. pp.1361-1375. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, 2006.10.29.
<P065547> WONG Tien Tsin and WONG Man Leung. "Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms on Consumer-Level
Graphics Processing Unit". Parallel Evolutionary Computations ed. by N. Nedjah, E. Alba, L. de
Macedo Mourelle. pp.133-155. Netherlands: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006, 2006.
<P065668> PENG Xiang and KING Kuo Chin Irwin. "Imbalanced Learning in Relevance Feedback with Biased
Minimax Probability Machine for Image Retrieval Tasks". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 13th
International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2006) Part I (Also as Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4232), pp. 342-351. 2006.
<P065762> LAW Yat Chiu; LEE Ho Man Jimmy and WOO Hiu Chun. "Speeding Up Weighted Constraint
Satisfaction Using Redundant Modeling". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 19th Australian Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2006) (Also as LNAI No. 4304), pp. 59-68. 2006.12.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P065887> YU YING KIN; WONG Kin Hong; CHANG M. M. Y. and OR Siu Hang. "Recursive Camera
Motion Estimation with Trifocal Tensor ". IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics part
B. vol.36 no.5, pp.1081-1090. 2006.10.
<P065933> LI JIAN and CHAN Lai Wan. "Reward Adjustment Reinforcement Learning for Risk-averse Asset
Allocation". Paper presented in the IJCNN, organized by International Neural Network Society and the
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, 8 pgs. Vancouver, Canada, 2006.07.16.
<P066014> SHI Lin; HENG Pheng Ann; WONG Tien Tsin; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; YEUNG Hiu Yan and
CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Morphometric Analysis for pathological abnormality Detection in the Skull
girls". Lecture
4190 vol.4190 pp.175-182. 2006.
<P066095> WONG SZE WING and NG Kam Wing. "Security Support for Mobile Grid Services". International
Journal of Web Services Practices vol.2 no.1, pp.11-20. Seoul, Korea, South, 2006.
<P066104> QIN JING; K.S. Choi; HENG Pheng Ann; C.F. Chan and F.L. Chung. "A Distributed Simulation
System for Virtual-Reality Based Medical Learning". Paper presented in the World Congress on
Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006, organized by IUPESM, IOMP, IFMBE, KSMP,
KOSOMBE, 4 pgs. Seoul, Korea, South, 2006.08.30.
<P066206> WANG GUANGYU; WONG Tien Tsin and HENG Pheng Ann. "GPU-Friendly Warped Display
for Scope-Maintained Video Surveillance". Multimedia Systems vol.12 pp.169-178. Springer, 2006.09.
<P066387> KING Kuo Chin Irwin; WANG Jun; CHAN Lai Wan and WANG Deliang. ed. Neural
Information Processing: 13th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP
2006) Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). vol.1 1203 pgs. Springer, 2006.11.13.
<P066527> SZETO WAI MAN and WONG Man Hon. "Stream Segregation Algorithm for Pattern Matching in
Polyphonic Music Databases". Multimedia Tools and Applications vol.30 no.1, pp.109-127. Springer,
<P066533> 尤 建洁、 王平安 及 夏 德深. <結合活動輪廓模型的無監督紋理圖像分割>. 《計算機輔助設計
與圖形學學報》 第 18 卷 第 12 期, 頁 1897-1903. 中國北京: 科學出版社, 2006.12.
<P066765> LI Wenye; LEE Kin Hong and LEUNG Kwong Sak. "Generalized Regularized Least-Squares
Learning with Predefined Features in a Hilbert Space". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 12th
Annual Conference on Neural Information Proceesing Systems, 8 pgs. 2006.12.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P067053> WU Tai- Pang; TANG Kam- Lun; TANG Chi- Keung and WONG Tien Tsin. "Dense Photometric
Stereo: A Markov Random Field Approach". IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence vol.28 no.11, pp.1830-1846. IEEE Computer Society, 2006.11.
<P067093> WANG Changjie; CHIU K. W. Dickson and LEUNG Ho Fung. "Anonymity and Security for
Persistent Conversion". Paper presented in the the 10th International IEEE Enterprise Distributed
Object Computing Conference, p.471-474. Hong Kong, China, 2006.10.
<P067149> SHUM Wing Ho; LEUNG Kwong Sak and WONG Man Leung. "Learning non-overlapping rules A
method based on Functional Dependency Network and MDL Genetic Programming". Paper presented
in the The 2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, organized by IEEE, 8 pgs. 2006.07.01.
<P067254> TAO Yufei; XIAO Xiaokui and ZHOU Shuigeng. "Mining Distance-based Outliers from Large
Databases in Any Metric Space". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 12th ACM International
(SIGKDD), organized
ACM, p.394-403. Philadelphia, USA, 2006.
<P067363> TIAN Ye; WU DI and NG Kam Wing. "Analyzing Multiple File Downloading in BitTorrent". Paper
presented in the international conference on parallel processing, organized by IEEE Computer
Society, p.297-306. United States of America, 2006.08.
<P067495> XIAO Xiaokui and TAO Yufei. "Personalized Privacy Preservation ". Paper presented in the
Proceedings of ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), organized by ACM, 229-240
pgs. Chicago, USA, 2006.
<P067643> LI Wenye; LEE Kin Hong and LEUNG Kwong Sak. "Clustering with a Semantic Criterion Based
on Dimensionality Analysis". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 13th International Conference
in Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2006) (Part II) (Also as Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
LNCS No. 4233), pp. 796-805. 2006.10.
<P067685> HUI YING KIN; LUI Chi Shing John and YAU K. Y. David. "Small-World Overlay P2P Networks:
Crowds". Computer
Networks vol.50 pp.2727-2746. Netherlands: 2005 Elsevier B.V., 2006.10.
<P067865> MA Tian Bai; LEE CHEUK MAN; LUI Chi Shing John and YAU K. Y. David. "Incentive and
Service Differentiation in P2P Networks: A Game Theoretic Approach". IEEE/ACM Transactions on
Networking vol.14 no.5, pp.978-991. United States of America: IEEE-INST Electrical Electronics
Engineers Inc, 2006.10.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P067879> JIA
pasting". ACM
Heung-yeung. "Drag-and-drop
2006) vol.25 no.3, pp.631-637. 2006.07.30.
<P067904> GUO S. B.; LYU Rung Tsong Michael and LOK Tat Ming. "Gene Selection Based on Mutual
Information for the Classification of Multi-class Cancer". Paper presented in the International
Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC-2006), organized by The Yunnan University, The Institute
of Intelligent Machines, The University of Science & Technology of China, Chinese Academy of
Sciences,The Queen's University Belfast, UK, 10 pgs. 2006.08.16.
<P067945> LAM KA MAN and LEUNG Ho Fung. "Formalizing Risk Strategies and Risk Strategy Equilibrium
in Agent Interactions Modeled as Infinitely Repeated Games". Paper presented in the Pacific Rim
International Workshop on Multi-Agents, p.138-149. Guilin, China, 2006.08.
<P068090> LAU WAI SHING; LEE Kin Hong and LEUNG Kwong Sak. "A Hybridized Genetic Parallel
Programming Logic Circuit Synthesizer". Paper presented in the Genetic and Evolutionary
2006, organized
Machinery, 7
pgs. Seattle, Unitied States of America, 2006.07.08.
<P068319> 朱立新、 王平安 及 夏德深. <非線性擴散圖像去噪中的耦合自適應保真項研究>. 《計算機輔助
設計與圖形學學報》 第 18 卷 第 10 期, 頁 1519-1524. 中國: 科學出版社, 2006.10.
<P068338> NGAI
Jiangchuan. "Reliable
Networks". Paper presented in the The 1st IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and
Sensor Systems, 8 pgs. 2006.10.
<P068444> CHOI Chiu Wo; HARVEY W.; LEE Ho Man Jimmy and STUCKEY P. J.. "Finite Domain
Bounds Consistency Revisited". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 19th Australian Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2006) (Also as LNAI No. 4304), pp. 49-58. 2006.12.
<P068470> PENG Xiang and KING Kuo Chin Irwin. "Biased Minimax Probability Machine Active Learning
for Relevance Feedback in Content-Based Image Retrieval". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 7th
International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL2006) (Also
as Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4224), pp. 953-960. 2006.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P068682> SHI LEI and XU Lei. "Comparative Investigation on Dimension Reduction and Regression in Three
Layer Feed-Forward Neural Network". Paper presented in the Artificial Neural Networks-ICANN
96, organized
(NTUA), 10
pgs. Athens, Greece, 2006.09.07.
<P068741> SHUM Wing Ho; LEUNG Kwong Sak and WONG Man Leung. "Learning acyclic decision trees
with Functional Dependency Network and MDL Genetic Programming". Paper presented in the The
International Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, organized by IEEE
Computer Society, 7 pgs. 2006.07.01.
<P068814> WU DI; TIAN YE and NG Kam Wing. "Analytical Study on Improving DHT Lookup Performance
under Churn". Paper presented in the The 6th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer
computing, organized by IEEE, 8 pgs. Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2006.09.06.
<P069093> QUAN Z. H.; HUANG D. S.; XIA X. L.; LYU Rung Tsong Michael and LOK Tat
Ming. "Spectrum Analysis Based on Windows with Variable Widths for Online Signature
Verification". Paper presented in the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
(ICPR-2006), organized by IEEE, 4 pgs. 2006.08.20.
<P069250> QU YINGGE; WONG Tien Tsin and HENG Pheng Ann. "Manga Colorization". ACM
2006) vol.25 no.3, pp.1214-1220. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 2006.07.
<P069314> CHING LAP SZE; YOUNG Fung Yu; LEUNG Chi Kwan and CHU Chris. "Post-placement
Voltage Island Generation". Paper presented in the IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided
Design, 6 pgs. 2006.11.
<P069466> WANG, JINFENG; LEE Kin Hong and LEUNG Kwong Sak. "Condition Matrix Based Genetic
Programming for Rule Learning". Paper presented in the The 18th IEEE International Conference on
Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 8 pgs. 2006.11.13.
<P069507> 王平安、 謝永明、 王興鶴、 徐嚴濱 及 黃田津. <虛擬針灸的開發與應用>. Proceedings of
ICETCM《中醫葯發展與現代科學技術》下冊 頁 693-700. 中國四川, 2006.09.
<P069772> WONG Chi Hang; SZETO Wai Man and WONG Kin Hong. "Automatic lyrics alignment for
Cantonese popular music". Multimedia Systems 12 4-5 307-323. 2007.03.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P069853> TAN Chee Wei; MOHAN Gurusamy and LUI Chi Shing John. "Achieving Multi-Class Service
Differentiation in WDM Optical Burst Switching Networks: A Probabilistic Preemptive Burst
Scheme". IEEE
Communications vol.24 no.12, pp.106-119. United States of America: IEEE-INST Electrical Electronics
Engineers Inc, 2006.12.
<P069890> WONG SZE WING and NG Kam Wing. "Security Support for Mobile Grid Services
Framework". Paper presented in the International Conference on Next Generation Web Services
Practices, 2006, organized by IEEE Computer Society, p.75-82. United States of America, 2006.09.25.
<P070119> 陳允杰、 張建偉、 韋志輝、 夏德深 及 王平安. <同時配準 - 分割腦 MR 圖像的耦合變分模型
>. 《計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報》第 19 卷 第 2 期, 頁 215-220. 中國北京: 科學出版社, 2007.02.
<P070199> XU Lei. "Bayesian Ying Yang Learning". Scholarpedia an online free peer-reviewed encyclopedia of
Computational Intelligence. p.18395 16 pgs. 2007.
<P070273> CHEN
Xiaogang. "Interactive
Deformations". Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds vol.18 no.3, pp.153-163. 2007 John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd., 2007.04.
<P070491> WONG Raymond Chi-wing; TAO Yufei; FU Wai Chee Ada and XIAO Xiaokui. "On Efficient
Spatial Matching.". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 33rd Very Large Data Bases conference
(VLDB), organized by VLDB Endowment, p.23-27. Vienna, Austria, 2007.
<P070528> TAO Yufei; LIAN Xiang; PAPADIAS Dimitris and HADJIELEFTHERIOU Marios. "Random
Sampling for Continuous Streams with Arbitrary Updates". IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and
Data Engineering vol.19 no.1, pp.96-110. IEEE, 2007.
<P070592> LI Wenye; LEE Kin Hong and LEUNG Kwong Sak. "Large-scale RLSC Learning Without
Agony". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Machine Learning
(ICML 2007), pp. 529-536. 2007.06.
<P070638> HENG Pheng Ann; XIE Yongming; WONG Tien Tsin and CHUI Yim Pan. "Block-based
Fragment Filtration with Feasible Multi-GPU Acceleration for Real-time Volume Rendering on
Conventional Personal Computer". US Patent no. 7,184,041. 2007.02.27.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P070680> QU Yingge; HENG Pheng Ann and WONG Tien Tsin. "Image Segmentation Using the Level Set
Method". Deformable Models ed. by Jasjit S. Suri and Aly A. Farag. pp.95-122. 2007 Springer Science
Business Media, LLC, 2007.
<P070797> TSE Sui Man; LIANG Yong; LEUNG Kwong Sak; LEE Kin Hong and MOK Shu Kam Tony. "A
Memetic Algorithm for Multiple-Drug Cancer Chemotherapy Schedule Optimization". IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics vol.37 no.1, pp.84-91. United
States of America: 2007 IEEE, 2007.02.
<P070891> ZHANG Xiwen; LYU Rung Tsong Michael and DAI Guo Zhong. "Extraction and Segmentation of
Model". Pattern
Recognition vol.40 pp.1855-1867. 2007.
<P071055> WANG Hui; CHIU Dah Ming; LUI Chi Shing John and CHANG Kow Chuen. "Inter-AS Inbound
service vol.4 no.1, pp.62-70. 2007.06.
<P071097> WANG Defeng; SHI Lin and HENG Pheng Ann. "Simultaneous Alignment and Landmark Labelling
of Shapes by Minimizing the Description Length". International Journal of Computer Assisted
Radiology and Surgery Supplement 1 (CARS 2007) vol.2 pp.S118-S119. Springer, 2007.06.
<P071098> WU DI; TIAN Ye and NG Kam Wing. "An Analytical Study on Optimizing the Lookup Performance
of Distributed Hash Table Systems under Churn". Concurrency and Computation: Practice and
Experience vol.19 no.4, pp.543-569. Wiley InterScience, 2007.
<P071101> HO Chun Hok; YU Chi Wai; LEONG Philip Heng Wai; LUK Wayne and WILTON S J
E. Domain-specific Hybrid FPGA: Architecture and Floating Point Applications. Proceedings
International Workshop on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), pp.196-201. 2007.01.01.
<P071236> LYU
Michael. "Software
Roadmap". 18
pgs. Minneapolis, 2007.03.
<P071313> XIONG Wei and JIA Jiaya. "Stereo Matching on Objects with Fractional Boundary". Paper
presented in the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, organized by IEEE, 8
pgs. United States of America, 2007.06.18.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P071430> LI Wenye; LEUNG Kwong Sak and LEE Kin Hong. "Generalizing the Bias Term of Support Vector
Machines". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (Volume One), pp. 919-924. 2007.01.
<P071489> CHAN Wing Yin; CHOW Po Wing; CHUI Yim Pan; YEW Tai Wai David and HENG Pheng
Ann. "An Automatic Annotation Tool for Virtual Anatomy". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the
Technology, organized
IEEE, pp.
269-274. 2007.03.
<P071591> HOI Chu Hong and LYU Rung Tsong Michael. "A Multi-Modal and Multi-Level Ranking
Framework for Content-Based Video Retrieval". Paper presented in the IEEE Conference on
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP-2007), 4 pgs. 2007.04.
<P071646> IP TAK SHUN; LIU Jiangchuan and LUI Chi Shing John. "COPACC: An Architecture of
Cooperative Proxy-Client Caching System for On-Demand Media Streaming". IEEE Transactions on
Parallel and Distributed Systems vol.18 no.1, pp.70-83. United States of America: IEEE Computer
Society, 2007.01.
<P071702> TANG Chu Yu; CHIN Wai; CHUI Yim Pan; POON Wai Sang and HENG Pheng Ann. "A Virtual
Reality-based Surgical Simulation System for Virtual Neuroendoscopy". Paper presented in the
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Integration Technology, organized by
IEEE, pp. 253-258. 2007.03.
<P071706> CHEN Qiang; LUO Jian; HENG Pheng Ann and XIA De-shen. "Fast and Active Texture
Segmentation Based on Orientation and Local Variance". Journal of Visual Communication & Image
Representation vol.18 pp.119-129. 2006 Elsevier Inc., 2007.
<P071722> XU Lei. "A Trend on Regularization and Model Selection in Statistical Learning: A Perspective from
Bayesian Ying Yang Learning". Challenges to Computational Intelligence ed. by Duch, W. and
Mandziuk, J. 1st ed. pp.365-405. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2007.
<P071876> YU Chiu Man and NG Kam Wing. "A Heterogeneous Authorization Policy Management Mechanism
for Grid Environments". Paper presented in the 2007 International Conference on Multimedia and
Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE’07), organized by Korean Bible University and IEEE Computer
Society, p.381-386. United States of America, 2007.04.26.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P072138> ZHANG Guofeng; QIN Xueying; HUA Wei; WONG Tien Tsin; HENG Pheng Ann and BAO
Hujun. "Robust Metric Reconstruction from Challenging Video Sequences". Paper presented in the
Proceedings of IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2007, organized by IEEE, 8
pgs. 2007.06.
<P072166> HOI CHU HONG; JIN Rong and LYU Rung Tsong Michael. "Learning Non-Parametric Kernel
Matrices from Pairwise Constraints". 8 pgs. 2007.06.
<P072455> 陳天機、 彭金滿 及 王永雄. <地心論面臨挑戰>. 《大學通識報》 張燦輝、梁美儀. 第 2 期, 頁
125-149. 香港特別行政區: 香港中文大學通識教育研究中心, 2007.03.
<P072571> ZHOU LIN; TANG Wai Chung and WU Yu Liang. "Fast Placement-Intact Logic Perturbation
Targeting for FPGA Performance Improvement". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 2007 3rd
Southern Conference on Programmable Logic, pp. 63-68. 2007.02.
<P072928> CHOU Cheng- Fu; GOLUBCHIK Leana and LUI Chi Shing John. "Multiclass Multiserver
Threshold-Based Systems: A Study of Noninstantaneous Server Activation". IEEE Transactions on
Parallel and Distributed Systems vol.18 no.1, pp.96-110. United States of America: IEEE Computer
Society, 2007.01.
<P072933> GUO Ping; LI Hongzhai and LYU Rung Tsong Michael. "Blind Image Restoration by Combining
Wavelet Transform and RBF Neural Network". International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and
Information Processing vol.5 no.1, pp.15-26. 2007.01.
<P072955> WEI Wei; LEE Ho Man Jimmy and KING Kuo Chin Irwin. "Measuring Credibility of Users in an
E-learning Environment". Proceedings of 16th International Conference on World Wide Web
(WWW2007) Poster Session, pp. 1279-1280. 2007.05.
<P073044> FAN Hongbing; LIU Jiping; WU Yu Liang and CHEUNG Chak- Chung. "The Exact Channel
Density and Compound Design for Generic Universal Switch Blocks". ACM Transactions on Design
Automation of Electronic Systems Article 19. vol.12 no.2, 12 pages. New York, United States of
America: ACM Press, 2007.04.
<P073294> ZHOU MI and WONG Man Hon. "Boundary-Based Lower-Bound Functions for Dynamic Time
Warping and Their Indexing". Paper presented in the 23rd IEEE Intenational Conference on Data
Engineering (ICDE), organized by IEEE, p.1307-1311. 2007.04.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P073410> ZHAO Keping; TAO Yufei and ZHOU Shuigeng. "Efficient Top-k Processing in Large-Scaled
Distributed Environments". Data Knowledge Engineering vol.63 no.2, pp.315-335. Elsevier Sciences
B.V., 2007.
<P073470> LEUNG Chun Ming; AU Pak Shing; KING Kuo Chin Irwin and YAU Hon Hei. "Remote
Augmented Reality for Multiple Players Over Network". Paper presented in the The International
Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE2007), organized by University
of Salzburg, 4 pgs. Salzburg, Austria, 2007.06.14.
<P073654> TANG, WAI CHUNG; LO Wing Hang and WU Yu Liang. "Further Improve Excellent
Graph-Based FPGA Technology Mapping by Rewiring". Paper presented in the IEEE International
Symposium on Circuit and Systems (ISCAS) 2007, 4 pgs. 2007.05.27.
<P073660> ZHOU
Jiangchuan. "POWER-SPEED: A Power-Controlled Real-Time Data Transport Protocol for Wireless
Sensor-Actuator Networks". Paper presented in the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking
Conference, 5 pgs. 2007.03.
<P073802> CHAN CHI KONG and LEUNG Ho Fung. "Rule Based Stability Criteria for Coalition Formation
under Uncertainty". 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information, co-organized by Institute
for Systems and Technologies of Information Control and Communication, and University of
Madeira, pg 171-177,. Portugal, 2007.06.12.
<P074027> ZHOU Yangfan and LYU Rung Tsong Michael. "An Energy-Efficient Mechanism for
Self-Monitoring Sensor Web". Paper presented in the Proceedings of IEEE Aerospace Conference
(IEEEAC Paper #1415), 8 pgs. 2007.03.
<P074370> WILTON S J E; HO Chun Hok; LEONG Philip Heng Wai; LUK Wayne and QUINTON
Brad. A Synthesizable Datapath-oriented Embedded FPGA Fabric. Paper presented in the The
Fifteenth ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA
'07), 33-41 pgs. 2007.01.01.
<P074449> LI SHAN and LEE Moon Chuen. "Fast Visual Tracking Using Motion Saliency in Video". Paper
presented in the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, organized
by IEEE, 4 pgs. Honolulu, United States of America, 2007.04.15.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P074514> LI Shaoming; YIN Qian; GUO Ping and LYU Rung Tsong Michael. "A Hierarchical Mixture
Prediction". Applied
Computation vol.185 no.2, pp.1120-1130. 2007.02.
<P074541> FOK Ka Ling; WONG Tien Tsin and WONG Man Leung. "Evolutionary Computing on Consumer
Graphics Hardware". IEEE Intelligent Systems - Evolutionary Algorithms pp.69-78. IEEE Computer
Society, 2007.03.
<P074547> WANG Defeng; SHI Lin; HENG Pheng Ann and HO Sze Ming Simon. "The Ellipsoidal Harmonic
Representation of 3D Shapes". International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and
Surgery Supplement 1 (CARS 2007) vol.2 p.S464. Springer, 2007.06.
<P074561> TANG Sze Wai; CHONG King Lung; QIN JING; CHUI Yim Pan; HO Sze Ming Simon and
HENG Pheng Ann. "ECiSS: A Middleware Based Development Framework for Enhancing
Collaboration in Surgical Simulation". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE
International Conference on Integration Technology, organized by IEEE, pp. 15-20. 2007.03.
<P074608> HENG Pheng Ann. "Visible Human Based Virtual Medicine". Paper presented in the Proceedings of
Asian Forum on Medical Imaging 2007 (The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication
Engineers (IEICE Technical Report Vol. 106 No. 510)), pp. 91-94. 2007.01.
<P074885> PANG Wai Man; QIN JING; CHUI Yim Pan; WONG Tien Tsin; HO Sze Ming Simon and
HENG Pheng Ann. "PPU-accelerated Medical Simulation for Skin Deformation Using Chinese
Visible Human Data". International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Supplement
1 (CARS 2007) vol.2 pp.S167-S169. Springer, 2007.06.
<P075032> SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; HENG Pheng Ann; WONG Tien Tsin; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie;
YEUNG Hiu Yan and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Skull Shape Analysis in Adolescent Idiopathic
Scoliosis Patients". International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Supplement 1
(CARS 2007) vol.2 p.S480. Springer, 2007.06.
<P075259> QIN JING; HENG Pheng Ann; CHOI Kup Sze and HO Sze Ming Simon. "An Adaptive
Framework Using Cluster-Based Hybrid Architecture for Enhancing Collaboration in Surgical
Simulation". Paper presented in the Medical Meets Virtual Reality 15, organized by Aligned
Management Associates, Inc., 6 pgs. Long Beach, United States of America, 2007.02.06.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P075553> ZHOU Lin; TANG Wai Chung; LO Wing Hang and WU Yu Liang. "How Much Can Logic
Perturbation Help from Netlist to Final Routing for FPGAs". Paper presented in the Proceedings of
Design Automation Conference (DAC) Organized by ACM pp. 922-927. 2007.06.04.
<P075667> CHEUNG, LAP CHI and MOON Yiu Sang. "Vision-based Vehicle Tracking using Image
Alignment with Symmetrical Function". Paper presented in the SPIE Symposium on Defense &
Security 2007, organized by The International Society for Optical Engineering, 12 pgs. 2007.
<P075686> CHEUNG, LAP CHI and MOON Yiu Sang. ""3-phase Vehicle Tracking using Image Alignment and
Haar Transform"". Paper presented in the Proceedings of IAPR Conference on Machine Vision
Applications 2007, 4 pgs. 2007.
<P075943> HENG Pheng Ann. "Imaging Technologies for Orthopaedic Visualization and Simulation". Advanced
Bioimaging Technologies in Assessment of the Quality of Bone and Scaffold Materials - Techniques and
Applications ed.
Leung. pp.51-64. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007, 2007.
<P075994> PENG Xiang and KING Kuo Chin Irwin. "Efficient Training on Biased Minimax Probability
Machine for Imbalanced Text Classification". Proceedings of 16th International Conference on World
Wide Web (WWW2007) Poster Session, pp. 1153-1154. 2007.05.
<P076102> CHIU Dickson Kak Wah; CHEUNG Shing Chi and LEUNG Ho Fung. "Mobile Workforce
Management in a Service-Oriented Enterprise: Capturing Concepts and Requirements in a Multi-Agent
Infrastructure". Enterprise Service Computing: From Concept to Deployment ed. by R. G.
QIU. Chapter 5. Idea Group Publishing, 2007.
<P076118> SHI Lin; WANG Defeng; HENG Pheng Ann and WONG Tien Tsin. "Outlier Reduction for
Analysis". International
Surgery Supplement 1 (CARS 2007) vol.2 pp.S119-S121. Springer, 2007.06.
<P076287> YANG Du; XIA Tian; TAO Yufei; ZHANG Donghui and ZHU Feng. "On Multidimensional
k-Anonymity with Local Recoding Generalization". Proceedings of the 23rd International
Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) IEEE. 3 pgs. Istanbul, Turkey, 2007.
<P076531> XU Lei. "One-Bit-Matching Theorem for ICA, Convex-Concave Programming on Polyhedral Set, and
Press, 2007.02.01.
Faculty of Engineering
Combinatorics". Neural
Computation vol.19 pp.546-569. MIT
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P076655> SUN Hanqiu; WANG Huawei; CHEN Hui and QIN Kaihuai. "Touch-enabled Haptic Modeling of
Deformable Multi-resolution Surfaces". The Journal of Virtual Reality: Research, Development and
Applications vol.11 46 pgs. Springer, 2007.
<P077255> JIA Jiaya. "Single Image Motion Deblurring Using Transparency". Paper presented in the IEEE
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, organized by IEEE, 8 pgs. United States of
America, 2007.06.18.
<P077475> ZHANG Fan; SUN Hanqiu and NYMAN Oskari. "Parallel-Split Shadow Maps on Programmable
GPUs". GPU Gems 3 ed. by Hubert Nguyen. pp.203-238. Addison Wesley Longman, 2007.
<P077605> HADJIELEFTHERIOU Marios; MAMOULIS Nikos and TAO Yufei. "Continuous Constraint
Query Evaluation For Spatiotemporal Streams". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 10th
International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD), p.348-365. Boston, USA, 2007.
<P077616> PANG Wai Man; WONG Tien Tsin and HENG Pheng Ann. "Implementing High-Quality PRNG
GPUs". Shader
Techniques ed.
Engel. 1st
ed. pp.579-590. United States of America: Charles River Media, Inc., 2007.
<P077809> WONG Tien Tsin; LEUNG Chi Sing; HENG Pheng Ann and WANG JIANQING. "Discrete
Hardware". IEEE
Multimedia vol.9 no.3, pp.668-673. 2007 IEEE, 2007.04.
<P078023> LEE Pak Ching; LUI Chi Shing John and YAU David K. Y.. "SEAL: A Secure Communication
Library for Building Dynamic Group Key Agreement Applications". The Journal of Systems and
Software vol.80 pp.356-370. 2006 Elsevier Inc., 2007.
<P078111> XU Lei. "A Unified Perspective and New Results on RHT Computing, Mixture Based Learning, and
Multi-learner Based Problem Solving". Pattern Recognition vol.40 pp.2129-2153. Elsevier, 2007.
<P078117> HUANG Chin Yu; KUO Sy-yen and LYU Rung Tsong Michael. "An Assessment of Testing-Effort
Models". IEEE
Reliability vol.56 no.2, pp.198-211. 2007.06.
<P078251> HENG Pheng Ann; ZHANG Shao Xiang; XIE Yongming; WONG Tien Tsin; CHUI Yim Pan and
CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Deploying Chinese Visible Human Data on Anatomical Exploration: From
Western Medicine to Chinese Acupuncture". Complex Medical Engineering ed. by J.L. Wu, K. Ito, S.
Tobimatsu, T. Nishida, H. Fukuyama. pp.351-360. Japan: Springer, 2007.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P078351> WANG Lisheng; BAI Jing; WONG Tien Tsin and HENG Pheng Ann. "Isosurfaces Computation
for Approximating Boundary Surfaces Within Three-dimensional Images". Journal of Electronic
Imaging vol.16 no.1, pp.013011-1 - 013011-12. 2007 SPIE and IS&T, 2007.01.
<P078373> WANG Defeng; SHI Lin; YEUNG Daniel S.; TSANG Eric C. C. and HENG Pheng
Ann. "Ellipsoidal Support Vector Clustering for Functional MRI Analysis". Pattern Recognition
Journal vol.40 pp.2685-2695. Elsevier Ltd., 2007.
<P078596> XU Zenglin; KING Kuo Chin Irwin and LYU Rung Tsong Michael. "Web page classification with
heterogeneous data fusion". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the International World Wide Web
Conference, 2 pgs. 2007.03.
<P078620> CHEN Jiansheng and MOON Yiu Sang. "A Minutiae-based Fingerprint Individuality Model". Paper
presented in the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(CVPR 2007), organized by IEEE, 7 pgs. Minnesota, United States of America, 2007.06.21.
<P078665> SHAM CHIU WING and YOUNG Fung Yu. "Area Reduction by Deadspace Utilization on
Interconnect Optimized Floorplan". ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic
Systems vol.12 no.1, pp.1-11. 2007.01.
<P079105> HUANG Kaizhu; XU Zenglin; KING Kuo Chin Irwin; LYU Rung Tsong Michael and ZHOU
Zhangbing. "A Novel Discriminative Naive Bayesian Network for Classification". Bayesian Network
Technologies: Applications and Graphical Models ed. by Ankush Mittal, Ashraf Kassim and Tele
Tan. pp.1-12. 2007.
<P079237> ZHU Jianke; HOI Chu Hong and LYU Rung Tsong Michael. "A Multi-Scale Tikhonov
Regularization Scheme for Implicit Surface Modelling". Paper presented in the IEEE Conference on
Recognition, organized
Society, 7
pgs. Minneapolis, United States of America, 2007.06.18.
<P079306> YAM Shing Chung Jonathan and WONG Man Hon. "Performance of Semantic-dependent Two-tier
Gossip Mechanisms". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Sensors Applications
Symposium (SAS 2007), organized by IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, 6 pgs. 2007.02.
<P079317> XIAO Xiaokui and TAO Yufei. "m-Invariance: Towards Privacy Preserving Re-publication of
Dynamic Datasets". Paper presented in the Proceedings of ACM Conference on Management of Data
(SIGMOD), organized by ACM, 689-700 pgs. Beijing, China, 2007.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
<P079383> XIE Yongming; HENG Pheng Ann; WANG GUANGYU and WONG Tien Tsin. "GPU-Friendly
Marching Cubes for Visualizing Translucent Isosurfaces". Paper presented in the Studies in Health
Technology and Informatics 125 (Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 15), pp. 500-502. 2007.
<P079461> ZHU, JIANKE and LYU Rung Tsong Michael. "Progressive Finite Newton Approach to Real-time
Nonrigid Surface Detection". Paper presented in the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition, organized
Scociety, 8
pgs. Minineapolis, United
America,, 2007.06.18.
<P079691> XU, YUEDONG; WANG, YUE; LUI Chi Shing John and CHIU Dah Ming. "Balancing
Throughput and Fairness for TCP Flows in Multihop Ad-Hoc Networks". Paper presented in the 5th
Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, organized
by IEEE, ACM, ICST, IFIP, 10 pgs. Limassol, Cyprus, 2007.04.16.
<P079706> ZHANG Donghui; YANG Du; XIA Tian and TAO Yufei. "Progressive Computation of The
Min-Dist Optimal-Location Query". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 32nd Very Large Data
Bases conference (VLDB), organized by VLDB Endowment, 643-654 pgs. Seoul, Korea, 2007.
<P079786> NGAI CHEUK HAN; LIU Jiangchuan and LYU Rung Tsong Michael. "Delay-Minimized Route
Design for Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks". Paper presented in the IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference, 6 pgs. 2007.03.
See Also <P045350 >, <P061338 >, <P063030 >, <P063923 >, <P064080 >, <P064706 >, <P065275 >, <P065872 >,
<P066836 >, <P067620 >, <P068076 >, <P068101 >, <P068293 >, <P069612 >, <P070624 >, <P071858 >, <P071934 >,
<P072298 >, <P072573 >, <P077010 >, <P077366 >, <P077937 >, <P078130 >, <P078820 >, <P079883 >
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P021463> J. Yao and Y.T. Zhang. "The Application of Bionic Wavelet Transform to Speech Signal Processing
in Cochlear Implants Using Neural Network Simulations". IEEE Transactions on Biomedical
Engineering vol.49 pp.1299-1309. 2002.
<P021975> Chen, F and Zhang, Y.T.. "Bionic Wavelet Transform: Some Properties and a Fast Algorithm". Paper
presented in the 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and 11th
International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, .. Singapore, 2002.
<P022060> Zhang, Y.T. and Teng, X.F.. "The Relationship Between Pulse Transit Time and Blood Pressure
During Step-Climbing Exercise". Paper presented in the 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Medical and
Biological Engineering and 11th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Singapore, 2002.
<P024288> Gu, Y.Y. 及 Zhang, Y.T.. <Medical Devices for Telemedicine>. 論文發表於 《Proc. of National
Conference on Telemedicine》, .. ChinaXiamen, 2002.
<P025095> Zhang, Y.T.; Hung, K.; Yip, L. and Gu, Y.Y.. "Telemedicine: Opportunities and Challenges". Paper
presented in the 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and 11th
International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Singapore, 2002.
<P026731> X.L. Hu; Y.T. Zhang and J. Yao. "Neuroengineering Modeling of Single Neuron and Neural
Interface". Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering vol.30 pp.219-248. 2002.
<P030854> Yip, L and Zhang, Y.T.. "Heart Sound Reduction in Auscultation By Acoustic Waveform Based
Algorithm". Paper presented in the 5th IFAC Symposium on Modeling and Control in Biomedical
Systems, Melbourne, Australia, 2003.
<P031801> Chen, F and Zhang, Y.T.. "An Adaptive Time-Frequency Transform Scheme for Dna Sequence
Analysis". Hong Kong International Medical Informatics Conference 2003 pp.54. 2003.
<P034458> Hung K; Lam A; Lui C; Yip L and Zhang Y.T.. "A Tele-Physiological Monitoring System Based on
Bluetoothtm and Wap Devices". Paper presented in the Hong Kong International Medical Informatics
Conference 2003, 38. 2003.
<P036516> Gu, Y.Y; Zhang, Y and Zhang, Y.T.. "A Novel Approach in Human Verification By
Photoplethysmography (Ppg) Signals". Paper presented in the 2003 Annual IEEE EMBS Special Topic
Kingdom, 2003.
Faculty of Engineering
Biomedicine, .. Birmingham, United
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P045215> T. Ma and Y.T. Zhang. "The Effects of the Firing Characteristics on the Power Density Spectrum of
Electrocardiographic Signal". Paper presented in the Proc. 2nd IEEE-EMBS ISSS-MDBS, 93 96. Hong Kong, 2004.
<P045350> LUDEWIG Ralf; SOFFKE Oliver; ZIPF Peter; GLESNER Manfred; PUN Kong Pang; TSOI
Kuen Hung; LEE Kin Hong and LEONG Philip Heng Wai. "IP Generation for an FPGA-Based
Audio DAC Sigma-Delta Converter". Paper presented in the International Conference on Field
Programmable Logic and Application, 526-535 pgs. 2004.
<P045678> K. Hung; Y.T. Zhang and B. Tai. "Wearable Medical Devices for Tele-Home Healthcare". Paper
presented in the Proc. 26th Ann. Int. Conf. IEEE-EMBS, p.5384 - 5387. San Francisco, 2004.
<P045779> Y.T. Zhang 及 S.D. Bao. "Telemedicine: Wearable Biomedical Device (Chinese)". 中國醫療器械信
息 "科學技術回顧與展望"專刊 .. 科學出版社, 2004.
<P047532> ZHANG Yuanting. Introduction to the Special Section on M-Health: Beyond Seamless Mobility and
Connectivity IEEE
Engineering 405-414. 2004.
<P047651> T. Ma and Y.T. Zhang. "Simulation Study for the Effect of Dispersion Filter on the SNR in
Myoelectric Multi-Channel Communication". Paper presented in the Society of Electrophysiology &
Kinesiology, Boston, 2004.
<P055209> W. W. Lam; L. H. Chu; C. L. Wong and Y. T. Zhang. "A Surface Plasmon Resonance System for
the Measurement of Glucose in Aqueous Solution". Sensors and Actuators B vol.105 pp.138-143. 2005.
<P059211> Y.M. Wong; C.C.Y. Poon and Y.T. Zhang. "The Aging Effect on the Characteristic of
Photoplethysmogram Waveform". Paper presented in the 6th Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical and
Biological Engineering, 2. Tsukuba, Japan, 2005.
<P060014> K. Xue; H.P. Ho and J.B. Xu. "Surface Chemical Reaction Observed in Nanometer Scale by In-Situ
Hot Scanning Tunneling Microscopy". International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology
2006 .. Switzerland, 2006.07.30.
<P060090> Teng XF and Zhang YT. "An Evaluation of a PTT-Based Method for Noninvasive and Cuffless
Estimation of Arterial Blood Pressure". Proc. 28th Ann. Int. Conf. IEEE-EMBS pp. 6049-6052. New
York, United States of America, 2006.08.30.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P060211> K.K. Chow; C. Shu; C. Lin and A. Bjarklev. "All-optical Wavelength Multicasting with Extinction
Ratio Enhancement using Pump-Modulated Four-Wave Mixing in a Dispersion-Flattened Nonlinear
Fiber". IEEE
Electron vol.12 no.4, pp.838-842. USA: IEEE, 2006.07.
<P060242> WANG William S Y. "Hooked on Language". Linguistic Studies in Chinese and Neighboring
Languages pp.20. 2006.
<P060313> Hai Hu; Jie Wang and Ke-Li Wu. "Physical Model Order Reduction for Multilayer Lossy RF
Passives". Proceedings
2006 APMC .. Yokohama, Japan, 2006.12.12.
<P060367> Tan Lee and Yao Qian. "Tone modeling for speech recognition". Advances in Chinese Spoken
Processing ed.
Huo. pp.179-200. Singapore: Springer-Verlag, 2006.12.
D. Van; DUMON P; BAETS R and TSANG Hon Ki. "High speed logic gate using two-photon
absorption in silicon waveguides ". Optics Communications vol.265 no.1, pp.171-174. Netherlands,
<P060769> LIU YANG; KWOK Chi Hang; CHOW Chi Wai; CHAN Po Shan; TSANG Hon Ki and LIN
Chinlon. "Multiple- Wavelength Dynamic Gain Transient Compensation based on Silicon
Platform". Paper presented in the IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting 2006, organized by IEEE LEOS, 2
pgs. Montreal, Canada, 2006.11.01.
<P060794> Nengheng Zheng; WANG Ning; Tan Lee and P.C. Ching. "Speaker verification using
complementary information from vocal source and vocal tract". Paper presented in the The 5th
International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing, p.518-528. Singapore, 2006.12.
<P060837> Zhang XY and Zhang YT. "The Effects of Local Mild Cold Exposure on Pulse Transit
Time". Physiological Measurement vol.27(7) pp.649-660. 2006.07.
<P060858> Y. Liu; C.H. Kwok; C.W. Chow; P.S. Chan; H.K. Tsang and Chinlon Lin. High Speed Gain
Transient Compensation Paper presented in the 11th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference
(OECC 2006) organized by IEEE LEOS, 2 pgs. USA, 2006.07.06.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P061071> 王士元. <索緒爾與雅柯布森: 現代語言學歷史略談>. 《四分溪論學集下冊. 慶祝李遠哲先生七十
壽辰. 劉翠溶主編.》 頁 18. 台灣臺北: 允晨文化, 2006.
<P061091> CHEN Fei and ZHANG Yuanting. "Frequency-Specific Fine Structure Cues from Mandarin for
Designing Electrical Stimulation Strategy of Cochlear Implant". Paper presented in the World Congress
on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006, 1 pgs. 2006.
<P061209> CHAN Cheong Fat; CHENG Wang Chi; CHOY Chiu Sing Oliver and PUN Kong Pang. "0.8V
GPS Band CMOS VCo with 29% Tuning Rang". Paper presented in the The IEEE Asia Pacific
Conference on Circuits and Systems, organized by IEEE, 4 pgs. Singapore, 2006.12.04.
<P061327> X.Y. Xiang; C.C.Y. Poon and Y.T. Zhang. "Modeling of the Cuffless Blood Pressure Measurement
Errors for the Evaluation of a Wearable Medical Device". in Proc. 3rd IEEE-EMBS ISSS-MDBS, pp.
105-108. MIT, Boston, USA, 2006.07.
<P061513> KALRA Love; GU J Jason and MENG Max Qing Hu. "A Wall Climbing Robot for Oil Tank
Inspection". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Biomimetics, organized by IEEE, 6 pgs. Kunming, China, 2006.12.17.
<P061574> Wei Meng and Ke-Li Wu. "Analytical Diagnosis and Tuning of Narrowband Multicoupled Resonator
Filters". IEEE
Techniques vol.54, No.
10 pp.3765-3771. United States of America: IEEE, 2006.10.
<P061739> WONG Kak Yeung Alex; PUN Kong Pang; ZHANG Yuanting and LEUNG Ka Nang. "A NIR
CMOS Preamplifier with DC Photocurrent Rejection for Pulsed Light Source". Paper presented in the
IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, p.9-12. 2006.12.
<P061833> TAO Dayong; CAI Jianfei; YI Haoran; RAJAN Deepu; CHIA Liang-tien and NGAN King Ngi. "
Dynamic Programming Based Reverse Frame Selection for VBR Video Delivery under Constrained
Resources". IEEE
Technology vol.16 no.11, pp.1362-1375. Piscataway, United States of America: Institute of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering (IEEE), 2006.11.
<P061845> J.B. Xu; K. Xue; H.Y. Guo; H.C. Ong and G.D. Hu. "Nanometric Investigation of Functional Oxides
- from Electropassive to Electroactive Ultrathin Films". International Conference on Nanoscience and
Basel ,
Switzerland, .. Switzerland, 2006.07.30.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P062146> W. Yuan; H.P. Ho; C.L. Wong; S.Y. Wu; Y.K. Suen; S.K. Kong and Chinlon Lin. "Sensitivity
of Phase-Sensitive
Interferometry". International
Resonance Biosensor using
Metamaterials .. Honzhou, China, 2006.10.16.
<P062178> REN Hong-liang and MENG Max Qing Hu. "Using Game Approach to Control Bioeffects for
Wireless Body Sensor Networks". Paper presented in the 2006 IEEE International Conference on
Robotics and Biomimetics, organized by IEEE, 5 pgs. Kunming, China, 2006.12.17.
<P062659> Chester Shu. ed. Associate Editor The HKIE (HK Institution of Engineers) Transactions, 10/06 6/07. vol. 13-14. Hong Kong: HKIE, 2006.10.
<P062697> Zhang X Y and Zhang Y T. "Model-Based Analysis of Effects of Systolic Blood Pressure on
Frequency Characteristics of the Second Heart Sound". Proc. 28th Ann. Int. Conf. IEEE-EMBS pp.
2888-2891. New York, United States of America, 2006.08.30.
<P062704> CHOW C. W.; KWOK Chi Hang; TSANG Hon Ki and LIN Chinlon. "Optical label switching of
fiber". Optics
Letters vol.31 no.17, pp.2535-2537. United States of America: Optical Soc Amer, 2006.09.02.
<P062751> CHAN Cheong Fat; CHENG Wang Chi; CHOY Chiu Sing Oliver and PUN Kong Pang. "Sub-1V
Current Mode CMOS Integrated Receiver Front-end for GPS System". Paper presented in the The IEEE
Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, organized by IEEE, 4 pgs. Singapore, 2006.12.04.
<P062821> Mable P. Fok and Chester Shu. "All-optical Amplitude Noise Reduction for DPSK Signal Using
Pump-Modulated Four-Wave Mixing in a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier". The 32nd European
(ECOC) organized
P72/2. Cannes, France, 2006.09.
<P063066> H.P. Ho; C.L. Wong; K.S. Chan; P.L. Wong; S. Y. Wu and F. Guo. "Application of 2-D Spectral
Surface Plasmon Resonance to Imaging of Pressure Distribution in Elastohydrodynamic (EHD)
Lubricant Films ". Applied Optics ,45(2006) . 5819-5826. 2006.08.10.
<P063124> XU KE; CHOY Chiu Sing Oliver; CHAN Cheong Fat and PUN Kong Pang. "A Low-Power
Bit-Stream Controller for H.264/AVC Baseline Decoding". Paper presented in the European Solid-State
Circuits Conference, p.162-165. Montreux, Switzerland, 2006.09.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P063133> LIU YINBO and ZHANG Yuanting. "The Effects of Dynamic Exercise on the Correlation between
Pulse Arrival Time and Arterial Blood Pressure". Paper presented in the World Congress on Medical
Physics and Biomedical Engineering: WC2003, organized by IUPESM, IOMP, IFMBE, KSMP,
KOSOMBE, 1 pgs. Seoul, Korea, South, 2006.08.26.
<P063175> L. Jin; D.Y. Chen; L. Huo; W. Yuan; Y.H. Luo; H.P. Ho and C. Lin. Technique for False Image
Polarization, International
Metamaterials .. Honzhou, China, 2006.10.16.
<P063179> LIU YINBO; POON C Y and ZHANG Yuanting. "The Changes in Pulse Transit Time at Specific
Cuff Pressures during Inflation and Deflation". Paper presented in the The 28th Annual International
Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’06), organized by
IEEE-EMBS, 2 pgs. New York, United States of America, 2006.08.31.
<P063205> WU, KIN FAI; CHAN Chun Hung and ZHANG Yuanting. "Contactless and Cuffless Monitoring of
Blood Pressure on a Chair Using e-Textile Materials". Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE-EMBS
Biosensors(ISSS-MDBS), organized by IEEE pp.98-100. Boston, United States of America, 2006.09.
<P063275> WANG Xiaona and MENG Max Qing Hu. "Design of a Magnetic Actuator for Active Capsule
Endoscope". Paper presented in the 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems (IROS’06), organized by IEEE/RSJ, 6 pgs. Beijing, China, 2006.10.09.
<P063324> CHAN Yeuk Chi Joyce; P.C. CHING; Tan Lee and CAO Houwei. " Automatic speech recognition
of Cantonese-English code-mixing utterances". Paper presented in the INTERSPEECH 2006, organized
Association, p.113-116. Pittsburgh, United
America, 2006.09.17.
<P063457> WONG Francis C K; MINETT James William and WANG William S Y. Reassessing
Combinatorial Productivity Exhibited by Simple Recurrent Networks in Language Acquisition. 2006
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IEEE 8 pgs. Vancouver, Canada, 2006.07.16.
<P063472> WEI, ZHENYU and NGAN King Ngi. "A Fast Macroblock Mode Decision Algorithm for
H.264". Paper presented in the The IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, organized
by Lim Yong Ching, p.773-776. Singapre City, Singapore, 2006.12.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P063516> REN Hong-liang and MENG Max Qing Hu. "Modeling the Group Mobility Pattern in Wireless Body
Sensor Networks". international journal of information acuqisition vol.3 no.4, pp.259-270. Singapore,
<P063643> CHAN Cheong Fat; CHENG Wang Chi; CHOY Chiu Sing Oliver and PUN Kong Pang. "A Sub
1V 1.6 GHz CMOS VCO with 29 % Tuning Range". European Microwave Integrated Circuit
Conference pp.165-168. Manchester, United Kingdom: IEEE, 2006.09.10.
<P063672> D.Y. Wang; W.L. Li; B. Chu; C.J. Liang; Z.R. Hong; M.T. Li; H.Z. Wei; Q. Xin; J.H. Niu and
J.B. Xu. "Effect of Exciplex Formation on Organic Light Emitting Diodes Based on Rare-Earth
Complex". Journal
Physics vol.100 no.2, pp.024506. USA: American
Physics, 2006.07.15.
<P063729> TSANG Hon Ki and LIU Yang. "Helium Implantation into Silicon:Nonlinear and Linear
Optoelectronic Applications". Paper presented in the IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting 2006, organized by
IEEE LEOS, 2 pgs. Montreal, Canada, 2006.10.30.
<P063822> Mable P. Fok and Chester Shu. "Tunable Pulse Delay using Four-Wave Mixing in a 35-cm Bismuth
Oxide Highly Nonlinear Fiber and Dispersion in a Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating". The 32nd European
We1.3.3/2. Cannes, France, 2006.09.
<P063865> Y.S. Yan and Y.T. Zhang. "Modeling the Effects of Radial Blood Pressure Change on Pulse Transit
Time". in Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Info. Tech. in Biomed. Greece, 2006.07.
<P063939> Wei Meng and Ke-Li Wu. "A Hybrid Synthesis Technique for N-Tuplets Microwave Filters Cascaded
Resonator". Proceedings
2006 APMC, Yokohama, Japan, 2006.12.12.
<P063942> Jian-Bin Xu. "Nanoscale Investigation of Functional Oxides - From Electropassive to Electroactive
Films". Materials Science & Technology 2006 Conference . American Ceramic Society, AIST, ASM,
TMS, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 2006.10.15.
<P064101> NI Weihai; AN Jin; LAI Chung Wing; ONG Hock Chun Daniel and XU Jianbin. "Emission
Films". Journal
Physics vol.100 026103. USA: American Institute of Physics, 2006.07.15.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P064126> XUE S. X.; WANG H.; WANG H. B.; YANG F. J.; WANG J. A.; CAO X.; GAO Y.; HUANG Z.
B.; LI Z. Y.; LI Quan and WONG Sai Peng Joseph. "(001) Textured CoPt-Ag Nanocomposite Films
for High-density Perpendicular Magentic Recording". Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials vol.306 pp.332-336. Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2006.11.11.
<P064148> WANG William S Y. "Linguistics in retrospective and prospective perspective". Fu Jen Journal of
Foreign Languages: Linguistics, Literature & Culture vol.2 pp.1-18. 2006.
<P064155> CHAN Cheong Fat; CHENG Wang Chi; CHOY Chiu Sing Oliver and PUN Kong Pang. "0.7V
Monolithic CMOS LNA for 802.11 A/B WLAN Application". Paper presented in the The IEEE Asia
Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, organized by IEEE, 4 pgs. Singapore, 2006.12.04.
<P064197> CHAN Cheong Fat; MOK King Keung; CHOY Chiu Sing Oliver and PUN Kong Pang. "Adiabatic
Smart Card". Paper presented in the Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, organized by
IEEE, 4 pgs. Singapore, 2006.12.04.
<P064418> 王士元 及 彭剛. 《語言、語音與技朮》. 261 頁. 中國上海: 上海教育出版社, 2006.
<P064537> LUO Chaomin; YANG X Simon and MENG Max Qing Hu. "Neurodynamics Based Complete
Coverage Navigation with Real-Time Map Building in Unknown Environments". Paper presented in
(IROS’2006), organized
pgs. Beijing, China, 2006.10.09.
<P064686> S.H. Lee; K.K. Chow and C. Shu. "All-Optical RZ-to-NRZ Data Format Conversion Using Spectral
Fiber". Optics
Communications vol.263 no.2, pp.152-155. The Netherlands: Elsevier, 2006.07.15.
<P064892> LI
Classification". Paper
Ngi. "Fast
Wireless, organized by Haohong Wang & Pascal Frossard, p.67-72. Vancouver, Canada, 2006.07.
<P065021> REN Hong-liang and MENG Max Qing Hu. "Bioeffects Control in Wireless Biomedical Sensor
Networks Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks". Paper presented in the 2006 Third
Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and
Networks, organized by IEEE, 4 pgs. Reston, USA, 2006.09.25.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P065280> CHEN Fei and ZHANG Yuanting. "A New Acoustic Model Incorporating Temporal Fine Structure
Cue for Cochlear Implant". Paper presented in the The International Special Topic Conference on
Information Technology in Biomedicine, 4 pgs. 2006.
<P065329> C.C.Y. Poon、 M.Y.M. Wong、 黃 健佳、 陳 樹楠 及 Y.T. Zhang. <頭戴式生理參數測量儀
>. Chinese Patent Application number: 200520001171.2., 2006.10.11.
<P065366> Poon CCY; Wong YM and Zhang YT. "M-Health: The Development of Cuff-Less and Wearable
Blood Pressure Meters for Body Sensor Networks". Proc. of IEEE/NLM Life Science Systems and
Applications Workshop NLM, NIH, .. Bethesda, United States of America, 2006.07.13.
<P065414> Y.T. Zhang; X.Y. Xiang and C.C.Y. Poon. "The Evaluation of Nodes of Body Sensor Networks:
Wearable Blood Pressure Measuring Devices". Proc. of International Workshop on Wearable and
Implantable Body Sensor Networks p.158 - 161. 2006.
<P065432> ZHENG Nengheng; P.C. CHING; WANG Ning and LEE Tan. "Integrating Complementary
Features with a Confidence Measure for Speaker Identification". Paper presented in the 5th
International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing, organized by NUS (Heidelberg,
Springer-Verlag) pp.549-557. Singapore, 2006.12.13.
<P065472> Yuan-ting Zhang; Carmen C.Y. Poon; Chun-hung Chan; Martin W.W. Tsang and Kin-fai
Wu. "A Health-Shirt using e-Textile Materials for the Continuous and Cuffless Monitoring of Arterial
Blood Pressure". Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE-EMBS ,IEEE, pp. 86 - 89. Boston, United States of
America, 2006.09.04.
<P065600> Xiaojiang Yu; Jianbin Xu and Jia Gao. "Double-Channel Conduction in CuPc/CoPc OTFT and Its
Implications for Designing High-Performance. Heterostructure OTFTs". 2006 MRS Fall Meeing p.239,
S6.10. Boston, MA, USA: Materials Research Society (USA), 2006.11.27.
<P065628> 陳樹楠、 黃健佳、 WONG Yee Man、 滕菲 及 張元亭. <監測生理系統參數的眼鏡>. Chinese
Patent Application number: 200520000160.2., 2006.07.19.
<P065721> Teng XF and Zhang YT. "M-Health: Trends in Wearable Medical Devices". Chinese Journal of
Medical Instrumentation vol.30(5) pp.330-340. 2006.09.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P065723> Zhang XY and Zhang YT. "A Model-Based Study of Relationship Between Timing of Second Heart
Sound and Systolic Blood Pressure". Proc. 28th Ann. Int. Conf. IEEE-EMBS pp. 1387-1390. New
York, United States of America, 2006.08.30.
<P065778> Yan YS and Zhang YT. "The Effects of Contact Force on Noninvasive Blood Pressure Measurement
Using Photoplethysmogram in Period Domain". Proc. World Cong. on Med. Phy. and Biomed. Eng. p.
4221. Seoul, Korea, South, 2006.08.27.
<P065892> C.L. Wong and H.P. Ho. "Imaging Differential Phase Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensors". The
19th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-optics Society (LEOS 06). Montreal,
QC, Canada, 2006.10.29.
<P065948> F. Chen and Y.T. Zhang. "An Efficient Algorithm to Reconstruct Heart Rate Signal Based on An
IPFM Model for the Spectral Analysis of HRV". Paper presented in the Proc. 27th Ann. Int. Conf.
IEEE-EMBS, Shanghai, p.936 - 939. 2005.
<P066194> Jian Yao and Wai-Kuen Cham. "3D Modeling and Rendering from Multiple Wide-Baseline Images
Propagation". Signal
Communication vol.21 No.
6 pp.506-518. Elsevier, 2006. 07.
<P066202> CHAN PO SHAN; CHOW C. Y. and TSANG Hon Ki. "Dynamic gain-tilt compensation using
electronic variable optical attenuators and a thin film filter spectral tilt monitor". OSA Optics
Express vol.14 no.20, pp.9022-9027. United States of America, 2006.10.02.
<P066476> Wong YM; Poon CCY and Zhang YT. "Can the Timing-Characteristics of Phonocardiographic
Signal be Used for Cuffless Systolic Blood Pressure Estimation?". Proceeding of the 28th Annual
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society ed. by C.C.Y. Poon
and Y.T. Zhang pp. 2878-2879. New York, United States of America, 2006.08.30.
<P066572> Lei Wang; Kun Xue and Jianbin Xu. "In-Situ Ultrahigh Vacuum Scanning Probe Microscopy
Characterization of Ultra-Thin Hf02 Films on Initial Growth Stage". 2006 MRS Fall Meeting .
Materials Research Society (USA), p.261, U4.5. Boston, MA, USA, 2006.11.27.
<P066614> Chester Shu. ed. Topical Editor (Optical Fiber Communications) Optics Letters, 7/06 - 6/07. Vol.
31-32. USA: Optical Society of America (OSA), 2006.07.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P066759> LIU Yang; CHOW C. W. and TSANG Hon Ki. "Silicon-on-Insulator Waveguide Wavelength
Combiner". Paper presented in the International Symposium on Biophotonics, Nanophotonics and
Metamaterials, organized by IEEE LEOS, 2 pgs. Hangzhou, China, 2006.10.17.
<P066788> CHEN Zhenzhong; HAN Junwei and NGAN King Ngi. "Dynamic Bit Allocation for Multiple Video
Object Coding". IEEE Transactions on Multimedia vol.8 no.6, pp.1117-1124. Piscataway, United States
of America: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE), 2006.12.
<P066844> CHEN Fei and ZHANG Yuanting. "Zerocrossing-based Representation of the Temporal Fine
Structure: Towards Improving the Tone Identification for Cochlear Implantees". Paper presented in the
Conference on Biomedical Engineering, BME 2006, 4 pgs. 2006.
<P066938> X.J. Yu; M. Zhu; J. Gao; K. Xue and J.B. Xu. "A Study on Interface Properties of MPcs-Based
Heterostructures". The 6th International Conference on Electroluminescence of Molecular Materials
and Related Phenomena Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, 2006.07.
<P067211> ZHANG Wei; XIA Xiang-gen and P.C. CHING. "Optimal Training and Pilot Pattern Design for
Fading". IEEE
Broadcasting vol.52 no.4, pp.505-514. United States of America: IEEE, 2006.12.
<P067290> Jian He and K.T. Chan. "Simulation and Experimental Studies of Gain Modulation Characteristics of
Semiconductor Optical Amplifier". The 11th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC
2006) pgs. 2. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2006.07.03.
<P067344> HU Chao; MENG Max Qing Hu and MANDAL Mandal. "The Calibration of 3-Axis Magnetic
Sensor Array System for Tracking Wireless Capsule Endoscope". Paper presented in the 2006
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’06), organized by IEEE, 4
pgs. Beijing, China, 2006.10.09.
<P067407> REN Hong-liang and MENG Max Qing Hu. "Rate Control to Reduce Bioeffects in Wireless
Biomedical Sensor Networks". Paper presented in the The 1st International Workshop on Advances in
Sensor Networks 2006 (IWASN 2006), organized by IEEE & others, 6 pgs. 2006.07.17.
<P067430> DONG, JIE and NGAN King Ngi. "16×16 Integer Cosine Transform for HD Video Coding". Paper
Pan, p.114-121. Hangzhou, China, 2006.11.
Faculty of Engineering
Multimedia, organized
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P067453> Teng XF and Zhang YT. "Study on the Beat-to-Beat Timing Features of Photoplethysmographic
Signals under the Different Levels of Sensor Contacting Force". Proc. World Cong. on Med. Phy. and
Biomed. Eng p. 4247. Seoul, Korea, South, 2006.08.27.
<P067566> Teng XF and Zhang YT. "The Effect of Applied Sensor Contact Force on Pulse Transit
Time". Physiological Measurement vol.27(8) pp.675-684. 2006.08.
<P067567> LI Baopu and MENG Max Qing Hu. " Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images Enhancement by Tensor
Based Diffusion". Paper presented in the The 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’06), organized by IEEE, 5 pgs. 2006.08.30.
<P067570> 王士元.<演化語言學中的電腦建模>.《北京大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》頁 6.2006.
<P067696> H.P. Ho; K.C. Lo and Y.Y. Hung. "Quantitative Phase Demodulation from Free-Running Michelson
Compensation". Optical Engineering, ,45(2006). paper 075601-7. 2006.07.
<P067741> GONG TAO; MINETT James William and WANG William S Y. "Language Origin And The
Effects Of Individuals’ Popularity". Paper presented in the IEEE World Congress or Computational
Intelligence 2006, organized by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, IEEE Evolutionary
Programming Society, IEEE International Neural Network Society, 8 pgs. Vancouver, CA, Proceedings
of IEEE WCCI 2006, 2006.07.16.
<P067748> GU J Jason; MENG Max Qing Hu; COOK Al and LIU X Peter. "Design, Sensing, and Control of
Movement". Journal
Biomechanics vol.3 no.1, pp.225-237. Abington, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing, 2006.07.01.
<P068049> HUNG, KING FAI KEVIN and ZHANG Yuanting. "Preliminary investigation of pupil size
variability: toward non-contact assessment of cardiovascular variability". Paper presented in the
Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE-EMBS International Summer School and Symposium on Medical Devices
Biosensors(ISSS-MDBS), organized
pgs. Boston, United
America, 2006.09.04.
<P068051> CHEN Fei and ZHANG Yuanting. "Loudness Normalization for Cochlear Implant Using Pulse-rate
Modulation to Convey Mandarin Tonal Information: A Model-based Study". Paper presented in the
Proc. 28th Ann. Int. Conf. IEEE-EMBS, 4 pgs. 2006.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P068123> Y.Y. Hung; H.P. Ho and X.Y. He. "Shearography: An Optical Measurement Technique and
Applications". Chinese Journal of Experimental Mechanics 21(2006). pp.667-688. 2006.12.
<P068154> NG Wai Man; Tan LEE and GU Wentao. "Towards automatic parameter extraction of
command-response model for Cantonese". Paper presented in the INTERSPEECH 2006, organized by
Association, p.2358-2361. Pittsburgh, United
America, 2006.09.17.
<P068173> Jian Bin Xu. "Study of Nanocrystalline and Polycrystalline Zinc Oxide for Spintronic and Photonic
Applications". The 5th Cross-Strait Workshop on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology HKUST, .. Hong
Kong, 2006.12.09.
<P068406> WANG, HUI and HO Ho Pui. "Synthesis of P-type ZnO Thin Films by (N,Ga) Co-doping Using
Dopant". Paper
Meeting Boston, United
America: Materials Research Society, 2006.11.27.
<P068425> H.P. Ho; C.L. Wong; S.Y. Wu; W. Yuan; C. Lin and S.K. Kong. Highly Sensitive Photonic
Biosensors Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance, International Symposium on Biophotonics,
Nanophotonics and Metamaterials .. Honzhou, China, 2006.10.16.
<P068492> WANG H.; WANG H. B.; YANG F. J.; CHEN Y.; ZHANG C.; YANG C. P.; LI Quan and
WONG Sai Peng Joseph. "Structure and Magnetic Properties of Zn1-xCoxO Single-crystalline
Nanorods Synthesized by a Wet Chemical Method". Nanotechnology vol.17 pp.4312-4316. United
Kingdom: IOP Publishing Ltd, 2006.09.14.
<P068789> M.P. Fok; C. Shu and W.W. Tang. "A Cascadable Approach to Produce Widely Selectable Spectral
Filters". IEEE
Lett. vol.18 no.18, pp.1937-1939. USA: IEEE, 2006.09.15.
<P068844> 王士元. <語言是一個複雜適應系統>.《清華大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》頁 9.2006.
<P068941> Mable P. Fok; Alan Cheng and Chester Shu. "Slow Light in Optical Fibers using Stimulated
Brillouin Scattering". the 5th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks
(ICOCN 2006) ,University of Electronic Science and Technology of Technology of China, pp.
237-240/4. Chengdu, China, 2006.09.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P069135> A P Huang; L Wang; J B Xu and Paul K Chu. "Plasma-Nitrided High-k Polycrystalline Nano-Array
Induced by Electron Irradiation". Nanotechnology vol.17 pp.4379-4383. United Kingdom: The Institute
of Physics, 2006.07.08.
<P069200> Y.S. Yan and Y.T. Zhang. "A Model-Based Calibration Method for Noninvasive and Cuffless
Measurement of Arterial Blood Pressure". IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference 2006 pp.
234 - 236. London, United Kingdom, 2006.11.
<P069281> Fai-Leung Wong and Kwok-Keung M. Cheng. "A Compact Rat Race Coupler Design for Dual-Band
Applications". Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2006 organized by IEEE MTTS, 4 pgs. 2006.12.13.
<P069306> CAO Houwei; P.C. CHING; LEE Tan and WANG Ning. "An Extended Cantonese-English
Code-Mixing Speech Corpus: exCUMIX". Paper presented in the International Conference on Speech
Database and Assessment, organized by USM, Malasia, 5 pgs. Malaysia, 2006.12.09.
<P069366> WANG Xiaona; MENG Max Qing Hu and HU Chao. "A Localization Method Using 3-axis
Magnetic Sensors for Tracking of Capsule Endoscope". Paper presented in the The 28th Annual
(EMBC’06), organized by IEEE, 4 pgs. New York, United States of America, 2006.08.30.
<P069473> P.C. Ching; Tan Lee; W.K. Lo and Helen Meng. "Cantonese Speech Recognition and
Synthesis". Advances in Chinese Spoken Language Processing ed. by C.H. Lee, H. Li, L.S. Lee, R.
Wang, Q. Huo. pp.365-386. Singapore: Springer-Verlag, 2006.12.
<P069479> J.B. Xu. "A Study of Nanocrystalline & Polycrystalline ZnO: Synthesis and Characterization". 14th 全
國化合物半導體材料;微波器件和光電器件學術會議 , 中科院半導體所 / 中國電子學會, .. 廣西
北海市, 中國, 2006.11.04.
<P069501> LIU YANG; CHOW Chi Wai and TSANG Hon Ki. "Silicon Waveguides Based Ultra-Wide-band
Filter for Raman Amplification". Paper presented in the IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting 2006, organized
by IEEE LEOS , 2 pgs. Montreal, Canada, 2006.11.01.
<P069523> C.L. Wong; H.P. Ho; Y.K. Suen; C. W. Yin; W.J. Li; S.K. Kong and Chinlon Lin. Biosensor
Arrays Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance Phase Imaging,
International Symposium on
Biophotonics, Nanophotonics and Metamaterials .. Honzhou, China, 2006.10.16.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P069573> Wong YM; Zhang XY and Zhang YT. "The Cuffless Arterial Blood Pressure Estimation Based on
the Timing-Characteristics of Second Heart Sound". Proc. 28th Ann. Int. Conf. IEEE-EMBS pp.
1487-1488. New York, United States of America, 2006.08.30.
<P069595> LEI Xin; SIU Manhung; HWANG Mei-yuh; OSTENDORF Mari and Tan LEE. "Improved tone
modeling for Mandarin broadcast news speech recognition". Paper presented in the INTERSPEECH
2006, organized by International Speech Communication Association, p.1237-1240. Pittsburgh, United
States of America, 2006.09.17.
<P069932> YANG Wenxian; LU Yan; WU Feng; CAI Jianfei and NGAN King Ngi. "4D wavelet-based
coding". IEEE
Technology vol.16 no.11, pp.1385-1396. Piscataway, United States of America: Institute of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering (IEEE), 2006.11.
<P070062> PAN Yajun; GU Jason; MENG Max Qing Hu and JAYACHANDRAN Jayaprashanth. "Bilateral
Tele-Operation of Robotic Systems with Predictive Control". Paper presented in the 2007 IEEE
Automation, organized
pgs. Rome, Italy, 2007.04.10.
<P070932> TONG Fung Ling and MENG Max Qing Hu. "Localization for legged robot with single
low-resolution camera using genetic algorithm". Paper presented in the IEEE Int. Conf. on Integration
Technology, organized by IEEE, 6 pgs. Shenzhen, China, 2007.03.20.
<P071215> M.P. Fok and C. Shu. "Performance Investigation of Tunable Optical Delay for ASK and DPSK
Signals Using Four-Wave Mixing Wavelength Conversion in a Bismuth Oxide Highly Nonlinear
Fiber". 2007 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic
Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC 2007) organized by OSA/IEEE, Paper JWA60/3. Anaheim,
California, USA, 2007.03.
<P071238> LIU Yu; WU Feng and NGAN King Ngi. "3-D Object-Based Scalable Wavelet Video Coding With
Suppression". IEEE
Technology vol.17 no.5, pp.639-644. Piscataway, United States of America: Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering (IEEE), 2007.05.
<P071241> LI Yingchun; WANG Zicoong; WEN Peng and MENG Max Qing Hu. "Accurately monitoring the
Depth of Anaesthesia using an intelligent method". Paper presented in the 2007 International
Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, organized by IEEE, 4 pgs. Beijing, China, 2007.05.23.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P071358> HUANG, SHENGYANG; MACPHERSON Emma and ZHANG Yuanting. "A Feasibility Study of
Burn Wound Depth Assessment Using Terahertz Pulsed Imaging". Paper presented in the Proceedings
of the 4th IEEE-EMBS International Summer School and Symposium on Medical Devices and
Biosensors(ISSS-MDBS), organized by IEEE EMBS, 4 pgs. 2007.
<P071482> REN Hong-liang and MENG Max Qing Hu. "Experimental Evaluation of On-body Transmission
Characteristics for Wireless Biosensors". Paper presented in the IEEE Int. Conf. on Integration
Technology, organized by IEEE, 5 pgs. Shenzhen, China, 2007.03.24.
<P071528> HU Chao; MA Tongxing and MENG Max Qing Hu. "Sensor Arrangement Optimization of Magnetic
Localization and Orientation System". Paper presented in the 2007 IEEE International Conference on
Intergration Technology, organized by IEEE, 4 pgs. Shenzhen, China, 2007.03.14.
<P071613> WEI, ZHENYU and NGAN King Ngi. "A Fast Rate-Distortion Optimization Algorithm for
H.264/AVC". Paper presented in the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal
Processing, organized by K. J. Ray Liu of IEEE pp.I1157-I1160. Honolulu, United States of
America, 2007.04.
<P071768> K. Xue; L. Wang; J. An; H.P. Ho and J.B. Xu. "Conformal Self-Organized Hf Silicide Nanodots on
Si by Thermal Annealing of Ultrathin HfOx/Si". International Conference on Nanoscience and
Technology, China 2007 p.171, 1P-055. Beijing, China: National Center for Nanoscience and
Technology of China, 2007.06.04.
<P071968> XU Lisheng; MENG Max Qing Hu and REN Hong-liang. "Effect of Subject Size on
Electromagnetic Radiation from Source in Human Body Following 2450MHz Radio Frequency
Exposure". Paper
Technology, organized by IEEE, 4 pgs. Shenzhen, China, 2007.03.20.
<P072087> K.C. Lo; H.P. Ho; K.Y. Fu and P.K. Chu. "Synthesis of Indium Oxide Nanorods on Indium
Implantation". Surface
Technology ,201(2007). 6816-6818. 2007.04.23.
<P072159> WU Ke Li; HUANG Yong and TANG Wai Cheung. "Compact Inverted-F Antenna". US Patent no.
7,183,976. 2007.02.27.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P072231> C.L. Wong; H.P. Ho; Y.K. Suen; Winnie W. Y. Chow; S.Y. Wu; W.C. Law; W. Yuan; W.J. Li;
S.K. Kong and Chinlon Lin. "Two Dimensional Biosensor Arrays Based on SPR Phase
Imaging". Applied Optics vol.46(2007) pp.2325-2332. 2007.04.20.
<P072483> Alan Cheng; M.P. Fok and C. Shu. "Wideband SBS Slow Light in a Single Mode Fiber Using a
Phase-Modulated Pump". 2007 OSA Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2007) organized
by OSA/IEEE, paper JWA49/2. Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2007.05.
<P072872> M.P. Fok; C. Shu and D.J. Blumenthal. "All-Optical ASK-DPSK Signal Regeneration Using a
Semiconductor Optical Amplifier". 2007 OSA Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO
2007) organized by OSA/IEEE, paper JTuA126/2. Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2007.05.
<P072950> ZHANG Wei; XIA Xiang-gen and P.C. CHING. "Clustered Pilot Tones for Carrier Frequency Offset
Systems". IEEE
Communications vol.6 no.1, pp.101-109. United States of America: IEEE, 2007.01.
<P073052> WANG Zicoong; LI Yingchun; WEN Peng and MENG Max Qing Hu. "An index of Depth of
Anaesthesia based on Wavelet Analysis of Middle Latency Auditory Evoked Potentials". Paper
presented in the 2007 International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, organized by IEEE, 4
pgs. Beijing, China, 2007.05.23.
<P073293> LIU Yu and NGAN King Ngi. "Fast multiresolution motion estimation algorithms for wavelet-based
coding". Signal
Communication vol.22 no.5, pp.448-465. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Sciences B.V., 2007.06.
<P073484> Nengheng Zheng; Tan Lee and P.C. CHING. "Integration of Complementary Acoustic Features for
Speaker Recognition". IEEE Signal Processing Letters vol.14 no.3, pp.181-184. 2007.03.
<P073494> H.K. Tsang and Y. Liu. "Dynamics of Free Carriers Generated by Two Photon Absorption in Silicon
Waveguides". OSA
Conference ,Optical
America, Hangzhou, China, 2007.06.18.
<P073594> M.P. Fok and C. Shu. "Polarization-Insensitive Wavelength Conversion of DPSK Signal Using
Four-Wave Mixing in 32-cm Bismuth-Oxide Highly Nonlinear Fiber". 2007 OSA Conference on
Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2007) organized by OSA/IEEE, paper CThF2/2. Baltimore,
Maryland, USA, 2007.05.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P073596> CHEN Zhenzhong and NGAN King Ngi. "Recent advances in rate control for video coding". Signal
Processing: Image Communication vol.22 no.1, pp.19-38. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Sciences
B.V., 2007.01.
<P073637> LIU YANG; CHOW Chi Wai; KWOK Chi Hang; TSANG Hon Ki and LIN Chinlon. "Optical
Burst and Transient Equalizer for 10Gb/s Amplified WDM-PON ". Paper presented in the Optical Fiber
Communication Conference (OFC) 2007, organized by OSA, 3 pgs. Anaheim, United States of
America, 2007.03.29.
<P073730> M.P. Fok; C. Shu and D.J. Blumenthal. "Dual-Pump Four-Wave Mixing in Bismuth-Oxide Highly
Nonlinear Fiber for Wide-Band DPSK Wavelength Conversion". 2007 Optical Fiber Communication
Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC
2007) OSA/IEEE Paper JThA52/3. Anaheim, California, USA, 2007.03.
<P073898> WONG YEE MAN; TENG Xiaofei; ZHANG Yuanting; LEUNG Kwok Sui and Jack C.Y.
Cheng. "A Continuous and Cuffless Blood Pressure Measurement Method Enabling the Design of a
Wearable System in Space Suit" The 16th Humans in Space Symposium of the International Academy
of Astronautics (IAA) organized by International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), co-organized by
Chinese Society of Space Research, the Chinese Society of Astronautics, the China Astronaut Research
and Training Center and the Beihang University 1 pgs. Beijing, China, 2007.05.20.
<P073959> LIU Yu; WU Feng and NGAN King Ngi. "3D Object-based Scalable Wavelet Video Coding with
Boundary Effects Suppression". Paper presented in the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and
Systems, organized by Magdy Bayoumi, p.1755-1758. New Orleans, United States of America, 2007.05.
<P074063> Shan Ouyang; Tan Lee and P.C. Ching. "A power-based adaptive method for eigenanalysis without
square-root operations". Digital Signal Processing vol.17 no.1, pp.209-224. 2007.01.
<P074160> MACPHERSON Emma; LO Thomas; FITZGERALD Anthony; WALLACE Vincent;
PROVENZANO Elena; PINDER Sarah and PURUSHOTHAM Arnaud. "Application of Finite
Difference Time Domain methods to Terahertz Spectroscopy Measurements of Breast Cancer". Paper
presented in the IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, organized by IEEE MTT-S, 3
pgs. 2007.06.02.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P074183> M.P. Fok; J.A. Summers; M. L. Masanovic; C. Shu and D.J. Blumenthal. "Tunable DPSK
Wavelength Converter Using an SOA-MZI Monolithically Integrated with a Sampled-Grating
Distributed Bragg Reflector". 2007 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the
International Quantum Electronics
Conference (CLEO/Europe-IQEC) vol.16 . organized by
EPS/OSA/IEEE, PP. 2299-2301 .paper CI1-5-TUE/1. Munich, Germany, 2007.06.
<P074186> Ke-Li Wu and Wei Meng. "A Direct Synthesis Approach for Microwave Filters with a Complex Load
and Its Application to Direct Diplexer Design". IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and
Techniques vol.55 no.5, pp.1010-1017. United States of America: IEEE, 2007.05.
<P074242> WANG Zcoong; LI Yingchun; WEN Peng and MENG Max Qing Hu. "Monitoring Depth of
Anaesthesia using AEP and Bispectrum Methods". Paper presented in the IEEE Int. Conf. on
Integration Technology, organized by IEEE, 4 pgs. Shenxhen, China, 2007.03.20.
<P074278> LI Hongliang and NGAN King Ngi. "Unsupervised segmentation of defocused video based on
matting model". Paper presented in the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, organized
by Monson Haynes, p.1825-1828. Atlanta, United States of America, 2006.10.
<P074297> W. Yuan; H.P. Ho; C.L. Wong; S.K. Kong and Chinlon Lin. "Surface Plasmon Resonance
Biosensor Incorporated in a Michelson Interferometer with Enhanced Sensitivity". IEEE Sensors
Journal , vol.7(2007). pp.70-73. 2007.01.
<P074317> WANG William S Y. "Talking and human evolution". Trends in Ecology and Evolution Review of
Why We Talk: The Evolutionary Origins of Language by Jean-Louis Dessalles, translated by James
Grieve. Oxford University Press, 2007. vol.22 no.6 290-291 pgs. 2007.
<P074430> WONG CHUN KIT and WANG William S Y. "Combinatorial productivity through the emergence of
categories in connectionist networks". Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series
Applications. vol.14 no.S1, pp.650-657. 2007.
<P074568> TSANG Hon Ki; WONG Sai Peng Joseph and POON Wing-on Andrew. "Recent Progress of
Silicon Photonics in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 5th IEICE Silicon Photonics Technical
Meeting, organized by IEICE, 6 pgs. Tokyo, Japan, 2007.01.23.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P074598> LIU Yang and TSANG Hon Ki. "Time dependent density of free carriers generated by two photon
waveguides". Applied
Letters vol.90 211105. United
America: AIP, 2007.05.21.
<P074787> CHEN Zhenzhong and NGAN King Ngi. "Towards Rate-Distortion Tradeoff in Real-Time Color
Coding". IEEE
Technology vol.17 no.2, pp.158-167. Piscataway, United States of America: Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering (IEEE), 2007.02.
<P074899> WONG CHUN KIT and WANG William S Y. "Generalisation towards combinatorial productivity in
language acquisition by simple recurrent networks". Paper presented in the 2007 International
Conference on Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems, 6 pgs. 2007.05.
<P074974> ZHANG Yuanting; YIP Lung and PUN Sio Hang. <信號頂端點搜尋裝置和方法以及其在血壓測
量中的應用>. Chinese Patent no. ZL03136659.7. 2007.04.04.
<P075038> W-C Law; A. Baev; S. Patskovsky; K-T. Yong; I. Roy; A. Kabashin; H.P. Ho and P.N.
Prasad. Sensitivity Enhancement of Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor by using Metallic
Nanoparticles, in 2nd Annual Advanced Optical Methods Workshop .. Shenzhen University,
Shenzhen, China, 2007.05.19.
<P075091> PUN Kong Pang; CHATTERJEE Shouri and KINGET Peter. "A 0.5-V 74-dB SNDR 25-kHz
Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulator with a Return-to-Open DAC". IEEE Journal of Solid-state
Circuits vol.42 no.3, pp.496-507. 2007.03.
<P075098> CHEN Wanming; LIANG Huawei; MEI Tao; YOU Zhuhong; MIAO Shifu; LI Shuang; ZHOU
Yajin and MENG Max Qing Hu. "Design and Implementation of Wireless Sensor Network for Robot
Navigation". International Journal of Information Acuqisition vol.4 no.1, pp.77-89. Singapore, 2007.
<P075100> XU Ke; CHOY Chiu Sing Oliver; CHAN Cheong Fat and PUN Kong Pang. "Priority-Based
Heading One Detector in H.264/AVC Decoding". EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems Article ID
60834. vol.2007 7 Pgs. 2007.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P075155> WANG Xiaona and MENG Max Qing Hu. "Guided Magnetic Actuator for Active Capsule
Endoscope". Paper presented in the 2nd Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro
(IEEE-NEMS), organized
pgs. Bangkok, Thailand, 2007.01.16.
<P075342> WANG Haohong; NGAN King Ngi and OSTERMANN Joern. "Guest Editorial: Advances in Visual
Content Analysis and Adaptation for Multimedia Communications". IEEE Communications
Magazine vol.45 no.1, pp.24-26. Piscataway, United States of America: Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering (IEEE), 2007.01.
<P075383> HU Chao; CHEN Dongmei; MENG Max Qing Hu and WANG Lei. "Control Strategy of Active
Actuation System of Wireless Capsule Endoscope". Paper presented in the 2007 IEEE International
Conference on Intergration Technology, organized by IEEE, 4 pgs. Shenzhen, China, 2007.03.20.
<P075476> M.P. Fok and C. Shu. "Tunable Dual-Wavelength Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Stabilized by
Fiber". Optics
Express vol.15 no.10, pp.5925-5930. USA: Optical Society of America (OSA), 2007.05.14.
<P075626> LI Baopu and MENG Max Qing Hu. "Adaptive Diffusion for Capsule Endoscopy Images". Paper
presented in the Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Integration
Technology, organized by IEEE, 6 pgs. Shenzhen, China, 2007.03.14.
<P075630> MINETT James William. "Modeling Language Competition". IIAS Seminar on Language, Evolution,
and the Brain 37 slides . 2007.
<P075646> LI Hongliang and NGAN King Ngi. "Automatic Video Segmentation and Tracking for Content-Based
Applications". IEEE Communications Magazine vol.45 no.1, pp.27-33. Piscataway, United States of
America: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE), 2007.01.
<P075694> L. Wang; K. Xue; J.B. Xu; A.P. Huang and Paul K. Chu. "Effects of Plasma Immersion Ion
Nitridation on Dielectric Properties of HfO2". Applied Physics Letters vol.90 p.122901. USA: American
Institute of Physics, 2007.03.20.
<P075714> Q. Chen; J. Yao and W.K. Cham. "3D Model-Based Pose Invariant Face Recognition from Multiple
Views". IET Computer Vison vol.1, Issue 1 pp.25-34. United Kingdom: Institution of Engineering and
Technology, 2007.03.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P075761> ZHANG Wei; XIA Xiang-gen and P.C. CHING. "High-Rate Full-Diversity Space-Time-Frequency
Channels". IEEE
Communications vol.55 no.1, pp.25-34. United States of America: IEEE, 2007.01.
<P075879> LIU Yang; CHOW Chi Wai; TSANG Hon Ki and LIN Chinlon. "Dynamic-channel-equalizer using
attenuator". Optics
Communications vol.272 no.1, pp.87-91. Netherlands: Elsevier Sciences B.V., 2007.04.01.
<P075913> D.Y. Lu; J. Chen; J. Zhou; S.Z. Deng; N.S. Xu and J.B. Xu. "Raman Spectroscopic Study of
Nanowires". Journal
Spectroscopy vol.38 pp.176-180. Germany, 2007.05.
<P076256> K Xue; H P Ho and J B Xu. "Local Study of Thickness-Dependent Electronic Properties of Ultrathin
Interface". Journal
Physics vol.40 pp.2886-2893. United Kingdom: The Institute of Physics, 2007.04.19.
<P076398> Huizhong Zeng; S.B. Lu; J.S. Liu; W. Huang; Y.R. Li; Jianbin Xu and H.Y. Guo. "Ferroelectric
Thin Films Investigated by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy". 2007 MRS Spring Meeting ,Materials
Research Society, I8.1. San Francisco, USA, 2007.04.09.
<P076420> ZHANG Wei; XIA Xiang-gen and P.C. CHING. "Full-Diversity and Fast ML Decoding Properties of
General Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes for MIMO-OFDM Systems". IEEE Transactions on
Wireless Communications vol.6 no.5, pp.1647-1653. United States of America: IEEE, 2007.05.
<P076424> M.P. Fok and C. Shu. "Tunable Pulse Delay Using Spectral Filtering from a Nonlinearly Broadened
Optical Spectrum and Propagation with Group Velocity Dispersion". 2007 Asia-Pacific Microwave
Photonics Conference (AP-MWP2007) organized by KICS/IEICE/IEEE, Paper D-26, 139-141/3. Jeju
Island, Korea, 2007.04.
<P076492> M.P. Fok and C. Shu. "Frequency Multiplication of Microwave Photonic Carrier Using Four-Wave
Mixing in a 32-cm Bismuth Oxide Highly Nonlinear Fiber and Spectral Filtering". 2007 Asia-Pacific
Microwave Photonics Conference (AP-MWP2007) organized by KICS/IEICE/IEEE, Paper I-4,
277-280/4. Jeju Island, Korea, 2007.04.
<P076906> LAU Sai Kit; MOK Kwok Tai Philip and LEUNG Ka Nang. "A Low-Dropout Regulator for SoC
with Q-Reduction". IEEE Journal of Solid-state Circuits vol.42 no.3, pp.658-664. 2007.03.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P076978> Chester Shu and Mable P. Fok. "Nonlinear Optical Processing of DPSK Communication Signals",
Communications organized
CUHK, W.10/1. Hong Kong, 2007.06.11.
<P077109> HAN Wei; HON Kwok Wai; CHAN Cheong Fat; CHOY Chiu Sing Oliver and PUN Kong
Pang. "A Speech Recognition IC Using Hidden Markov Models with Continuous Observation
Densities". Journal of VLSI Signal Processing vol.47 no.3, pp.223-232. 2007.06.
<P077292> K.C. Lo; H.P. Ho; K.Y. Fu and P.K. Chu. "Implantation-Assisted Synthesis of Gallium Oxide
Nanoribbons on Gallium Arsenide Using Carbon and Nitrogen ". Surface and Coatings
Technology ,201(2007). 6804-6807. 2007.04.23.
<P077385> WEI, ZHENYU; LI Hongliang and NGAN King Ngi. "An Efficient Intra Mode Selection Algorithm
for H.264 Based on Fast Edge Classification". Paper presented in the IEEE International Symposium on
Circuits and Systems, organized by Magdy Bayoumi, p.3630-3633. New Orleans, United States of
America, 2007.05.
<P077402> K.-K.M. Cheng and F.-L. Wong. "Dual-Band Rat-Race Coupler Design Using Tri-Section
Branch-Line". Electronic Letters vol.43 no.6, United Kingdom: IET, 2007.03.15.
<P077431> Chen Yang; Frank K. Soong and Tan Lee. "Static and dynamic spectral features: their noise
robustness and optimal weights for ASR". IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language
Processing vol.15 no.3, pp.1087-1097. 2007.03.
<P077570> TANG, KAI LAM and NGAN King Ngi. "Enhancement Techniques for Intra Block
Matching". Paper presented in the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo., organized
by Xinhua Zhuang & Wen Gao, p.420-423. Beijing, China, 2007.05.
<P077710> Fei Chen and Yuan-Ting Zhang. "An Integrated-and-Fire-Based Auditory Nerve Model and Its
Response to High-Rate Pulse Train". Neurocomputing vol.70 pp.1051-1055. Netherlands: Elsevier,
<P077772> Lawrence
LaRochelle. "Mode-Locked,
Spacing". 2007 OSA Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2007) organized by
OSA/IEEE, paper CMC3/2. Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2007.05.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P077901> MA Tongxing; HU Chao and MENG Max Qing Hu. "The Software Implementation of Magnetic
Localization and Orientation Detection for Capsule Endoscope". Paper presented in the 2007
Engineering, organized
pgs. Beijing, China, 2007.05.23.
<P077977> ZHOU Bin; HU Chao; GUO Ruiwen and MENG Max Qing Hu. "A Wireless Sensor Network for
Pervasive Medical Supervision". Paper presented in the 2007 IEEE International Conference on
Intergration Technology, organized by IEEE, 4 pgs. Shenzhen, China, 2007.03.20.
<P078126> CHAN Cheong Fat and CHENG Wang Chi. "Sub-1 V GPS band CMOS voltage-controlled oscillator
range". Analog
processing vol.51 no.3, pp.141-144. Netherlands: Springer Netherlands, 2007.06.
<P078283> Yao Qian; Tan Lee and Frank K. Soong. "Tone recognition in continuous Cantonese speech using
supratone models". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America vol.121 no.5, pp.2936-2945. United
States of America: Acoustical Society of America, 2007.05.
<P078626> Deqing Sun and Wai-Kuen Cham. "An Effective Postprocessing Method for Low Bit Rate Block
DCT Coded Images". Paper presented in the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal
Processing (ICASSP), organized by IEEE, 4 pgs. Hawaii, United States of America, 2007.04.17.
<P078725> DONG, JIE; NGAN King Ngi; FONG Chi Keung and CHAM Wai Kuen. "A Universal Approach
to Developing Fast Algorithm for Simplified Order-16 ICT". Paper presented in the IEEE International
Symposium on Circuits and Systems, organized by Magdy Bayoumi, p.281-284. New Orleans, United
States of America, 2007.05.
<P079064> SHU Haiyan and NGAN King Ngi. "Quality Enhancement in H.264 Transform Domain
Downsizing". Paper
Systems, organized by Magdy Bayoumi, p.2003-2006. New Orleans, United States of America, 2007.05.
<P079115> ZHANG Wei; LI Yabo; XIA Xiang-gen; P.C. CHING and LETAIEF Ben Khaled. "Distributed
Space-Frequency Coding in Broadband Ad Hoc Networks". Paper presented in the IEEE International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, organized by IEEE Signal Processing
Society, p.III 489-492. Hawaii, United States of America, 2007.04.13.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P079120> M.P. Fok and C. Shu. "Exclusive-OR Gate for RZ-DPSK Signals Using Four-Wave Mixing in a
Highly Nonlinear Bismuth-Oxide Fiber". 2007 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and
(CLEO/Europe-IQEC) organized
EPS/OSA/IEEE, paper CD6-3-WED/1. Munich, Germany, 2007.06.
<P079209> BROOKS R. Daniel; ERDEM Esra; ERDOGAN T. Selim; MINETT James William and RINGE
Don. Inferring Phylogenetic Trees Using Answer Set Programming Journal of Automated
Reasoning Electronic version published online; print version in press. 41 pgs. 2007.
<P079415> WU, KIN FAI; ZHANG Yuanting and WAYE Mary Miu Yee. "Fiber-optic Nano-biosensors and
Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy for Biological Imaging". Advanced Bioimaging Technologies
in Assessment of the Quality of Bone and Scaffold Materials - Techniques and Applications ed. by L
Qin, HK Genant, JF Griffith, KS Leung. 1 ed. pp.191-204. Springer, 2007.
<P079437> M.P. Fok; C. Shu and D.J. Blumenthal. "40-Gb/s Polarization Multiplexed RZ-ASK-DPSK Signal
Wavelength Conversion using a 32-cm Bismuth-Oxide Highly Nonlinear Fiber ". 2007 European
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the International Quantum Electronics Conference
(CLEO/Europe-IQEC) organized by EPS/OSA/IEEE, paper CI4-2-THU/1. Munich, Germany, 2007.06.
<P079464> K. Xue; H.P. Ho; J.B. Xu and R.Z. Wang. "Electron Interferometry in the Proximity of Amorphous
SiO2/Si". Applied
Letters vol.90 p.182108. USA: American
Physics, 2007.05.02.
<P079623> LIU Yang; CHOW C. W.; TSANG Hon Ki and WONG Sai Peng Joseph. "Enhancement of Self
Phase Modulation Induced Spectral Broadening in Silicon Waveguides by Ion Implantation". Paper
presented in the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science
Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies 2007, organized by Optical Society of
America, IEEE LEOS, 2 pgs. Baltimore, United States of America, 2007.05.06.
<P079624> Chester Shu; Ka-Lun Lee and Mable P. Fok. "Switching-Wavelength Pulsed Source and Its
Applications in Parallel Processing of High-Speed Signals". IEICE Trans. Electron., Special Section on
E90-C no.2, pp.397-404. Japan: IEICE, 2007.
Faculty of Engineering
Technology vol.
Dept of Electronic Engineering
<P079632> Jia Gao; Jianbin Xu; Xiaojiang Yu and Ning Ke. "Polymer/Ta205 Hybride Gate Dielectrics for
CuPc Thin-Film Transistors". 2007 MRS Spring Meeting p.140, O6.16. San Francisco, USA: Materials
Research Society (USA), 2007.04.09.
<P079817> SHU Haiyan and NGAN King Ngi. "Pre- and Post-shift Filtering for Removing Blocking Effects in
Downsizing Transcoding". Paper presented in the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and
Expo., organized by Xinhua Zhuang & Wen Gao, p.416-419. Beijing, China, 2007.05.
See Also <P060036 >, <P060055 >, <P061630 >, <P061639 >, <P066386 >, <P067589 >, <P068748 >, <P069744 >,
<P070388 >, <P071580 >, <P071643 >, <P072814 >, <P072830 >, <P073276 >, <P073556 >, <P074535 >,
<P074555 >, <P077010 >
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P060091> YU Juanyi; CHEN Lian Kuan; LU Guowei and HO SIU TING. "An Improved OXC Supervisory
Scheme Based on Different Time-Delay Recognition". Paper presented in the The Joint International
Conference on Optical Internet and Next Generation Network, COIN-NGNCON 2006, 3 pgs. Jeju, Korea,
South, 2006.07.
<P060188> LI Shuo-yen Robert and YEUNG Wai Ho Raymond. "On Convolutional Network Coding". Paper
presented in the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, organized by IEEE, 5
pgs. Seattle, USA, 2006.07.
<P060221> Silas L. Fong and Raymond W. Yeung. "Variable-Rate Linear Network Coding". Paper presented in
the 2006 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, organized by IEEE, 4 pgs. Chengdu, China, 2006.10.22.
<P060623> LIU Qingshan; TANG Xiaoou; LU Hanqing and MA Songde. "Face recognition using kernel
analysis". IEEE
Networks vol.17 no.4, pp.1081-1085. 2006.07.
<P060746> HO Kwok Shing and CHEUNG Kwok Wai. "A New Planning Methodology for Survivable IP
Networks with Dynamic Traffic Demand". Paper presented in the International Conference on Internet
Surveillance and Protection, organized by IEEE France, IARIA, IEEE Computer Society, 6
pgs. D.C., USA, 2006.08.27.
<P060908> TANG
A.. "Binary
Classification". IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering vol.31 no.3, pp.728-735. 2006.07.
<P061003> CHEUNG Man Hon and LOK Tat Ming. "Interference-Aware Routing in UWB Wireless
Networks". Paper presented in the IEEE Region 10 International Conference, organized by IEEE, 5
pgs. 2006.11.14.
<P061078> CHEN Shifeng; CAO Liangliang; LIU Jianzhuang and TANG Xiaoou. "Automatic Segmentation of
Lung Fields from Radiographic Images of SARS Patients Using a New Graph Cuts Algorithm". Paper
presented in the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2006, 4 pgs. 2006.08.20.
<P061220> HO SIU WAI and YEUNG Wai Ho Raymond. "On Information Divergence Measures and a Unified
Typicality". Paper presented in the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, organized by
IEEE, 5 pgs. Seattle, United States of America, 2006.07.09.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P061281> HO PO YEE and Jack Y. B. Lee. "Predictive Buffering for Multi-Source Video Streaming over the
Internet". Paper presented in the IEEE Globecom 2006, organized by IEEE Communications Society, 6
pgs. San Francisco, United States of America, 2006.11.28.
<P061368> WANG Zhaoxin; DENG NING; LIN Chinlon and CHAN Chun Kit. "Polarization-Insensitive Widely
High-Nonlinearity Photonic Crystal Fiber with Residual Birefringence". Paper presented in the European
Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), organized by SEE, IEEE LEOS, OSA, Paper
We3.P.18. Cannes, France, 2006.09.
<P061369> KWOK Pui-wing and YEUNG Wai Ho Raymond. "On the relation between linear dispersion and
generic network code". Paper presented in the 2006 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, organized by
IEEE, 44 pgs. China, Chengdu, 2006.10.
<P061379> WANG C.; WANG Y.; LIAN M.; ELDER B.; TANG Xiaoou and GUAN L.. "Special effects in
film/video making: A new media initiative project". Paper presented in the IEEE International Conference
on Multimedia and Expo., 4 pgs. 2006.07.
<P061654> HO Kwok Shing; ZHOU Minli and CHEUNG Kwok Wai. "A New Approach for Designing the Next
Generation Survivable Backbone Network". Paper presented in the Networks 2006, The 12th International
Telecommunications Strategy and Planning Symposium, organized by IEEE Computer Society, 6
pgs. Delhi, India, 2006.11.06.
<P061832> LAU Wing Cheong. ed. The special issue on High-speed Network Security of IEEE Journal of Selected
Areas in Communications (JSAC). 2006.10.01.
<P061874> ZHANG JIALIANG and LIEW Soung Chang. "Capacity Improvement of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Antennae". ACM
review vol.10 no.4, pp.17-19. 2006.10.
<P062365> MATSUSHITA Y.; OFEK E.; GE W.; TANG Xiaoou and SHUM H. "Full-frame video stabilization
inpainting". IEEE
Intelligence vol.28 no.7, pp.1150-1163. 2006.07.
<P062559> Ying Jun Zhang. "Dynamic Multiuser Resource Allocation and Adaptation for Wireless Systems". IEEE
Wireless Communications 12 pgs. 2006.08.01.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P062596> WONG Kenneth K. Y.; LU Guowei and CHEN Lian Kuan. "Simultaneous All-optical Inverted and
Non-inverted Wavelength Conversion Using a Single-stage Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifier". IEEE
Photonics Technology Letters vol.18 no.13, pp.1442-1444. United States of America: IEEE, 2006.07.
<P062845> CHAN Chun Kit; CHEN Lian Kuan and LIN Chinlon. "WDM PON for Next-Generation Optical
Broadband Access Networks". Paper presented in the OptoElectronics and Communications Conference
(OECC), organized by National Sun Yat Sen University, Paper 5E2-1. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2006.07.
<P062855> WANG, HUAN; YAN Shuicheng; HUANG T. and TANG Xiaoou. "Maximum Unfolded Embedding:
Formulation, Solution,and Application for Image Clustering". Paper presented in the ACM International
Conference on Multimedia (ACM-MM), 8 pgs. 2006.10.
<P063019> Jack Y. B. Lee. "System and Method for Highly Scalable Video on Demand". US Patent no.
7,107,606. 2006.09.12.
<P063089> TAN Wee Lum; YUE On Ching and LAU Wing Cheong. "Performance Evaluation of Differentiated
Services Mechanisms over Wireless Sensor Networks". Paper presented in the Vehicular Technology
Conference, organized by IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, 5 pgs. Montreal, Canada, 2006.09.25.
<P063106> Ying Jun Zhang. "Cross-Layer Adaptive Resource Management for Wireless Packet Networks with
OFDM Signaling". IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3244-3254. 2006.11.01.
<P063187> DENG Yun and LEE Tong Tony. "Crosstalk-free Optical Switching Networks". Paper presented in the
IEEE Globecom 2006, organized by IEEE, 5 pgs. San Francisco, United States of America, 2006.11.27.
<P063209> ZHANG, SHENGLI; LIEW Soung Chang and LAM Pak Kit. "Physical Layer Network
Coding". Paper presented in the mobicom2006, organized by ACM, 8 pgs. Los Angeles, United States of
America, 2006.09.26.
<P063334> LI Shuo-yen Robert and TAN Xuesong. "Analog Memory by Recursive 2-stage Switching". 2006
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory organized by IEEE Information Theory Society, 5
pgs. Seattle, USA, 2006.07.
<P063420> CHEN Chung Shue and WONG Wing Shing. "Resource Sharing in the Most Regular Scheduling:
Deterministic Performance and Guarantee". Paper presented in the Military Communications
Conference, organized by Northrup Grumman, Cisco Systems, IEEE Communications Society, 7
pgs. Washington D.C., United States of America, 2006.10.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P063431> TAO DACHENG; TANG Xiaoou; LI Xuelong and WU X. "Asymmetric bagging and random
subspace for support vector machines-based relevance feedback in image retrieval". IEEE Transactions
on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence vol.28 no.7, pp.1088-1099. 2006.07.
<P063911> LI Shuo-yen Robert. "Physical Implementation of Switching Fabrics Constructed from Recursive
2-Stage Interconnection". USA Patent 7,072,334 20 claims. United States of America: U. S. Patent &
Trademark Office, 2006.07.04.
<P063923> ZHANG J.; HUANG D. S.; LOK Tat Ming and LYU Rung Tsong Michael. "A Novel Adaptive
Sequential Niche Technique for Multimodal Function Optimization". Neurocomputing 2006.10.
<P064280> SHA Lifeng; ZHAO Feng and TANG Xiaoou. "Minutiae-based Fingerprint Matching Using Subset
Combination". Paper presented in the International Conference Pattern Recognition, 4 pgs. 2006.08.
<P064696> NG PING CHUNG; EDWARDS David J. and LIEW Soung Chang. "A Link-Directionality-Based
Dual Channel MaC Protocol with a Power Exchange Algorithm for IEEE 802.11 Ad-hoc
Networks". Paper presented in the IEEE PIMRC 06, 5 pgs. 2006.09.
<P064706> LAM KONG; CHIU Dah Ming and LUI Chi Shing John. "On the Access Pricing Issues of Wireless
Mesh Networks". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Distributed
Computing Systems, 2006, 9 pgs. Lisbon, Portugal, 2006.07.04.
<P064889> CHAN, AN and LIEW Soung Chang. "Merit of PHY-MAC Cross-Layer Carrier Sensing: A
MAC-Address-based Physical Carrier Sensing Scheme for Solving Hidden-Node and Exposed-Node
Problems in Large-Scale Wi-Fi Networks". Paper presented in the The 6th IEEE Workshop on Wireless
Networks, organized
Society, 8
pgs. Tampa, United
America, 2006.11.14.
<P064908> ZHENG W. and TANG Xiaoou. "A Robust Algorithm for Generalized Orthonormal Discriminant
Vectors". Paper presented in the International Conference Pattern Recognition, 4 pgs. 2006.08.
<P064934> ZHU Jian; LI Shuo-yen Robert and CHIANG Lu Wa. "Scalable 2-stage Interconnections". U.S.
Patent no.7,103,059 U. S. Patent & Trademark Office, 2006.09.05.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P065032> SAM Veng Tong; HO PO YEE and Jack Y. B. Lee. "A First Look at the Properties of Many-to-One
Data Flows". Paper presented in the Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Multimedia held in
conjunction with the International Conference on Parallel Processing, 7 pgs. Ohio, United States of
America, 2006.08.14.
<P065072> PANG Qixiang; LEUNG Victor C.m. and LIEW Soung Chang. "Improvement of WLAN Contention
Resolution by Loss Differentiation". IEEE transaction on wireless communications vol.5 no.12, pp.3605 3615. 2006.12.
<P065147> LI Shuo-yen Robert and TAN Xuesong. "Fiber Memory". Paper presented in the 44th Annual Allerton
Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, organized by University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, 799-808 pgs. Champaign, USA, 2006.09.
<P065282> CHENG Dong; WEI Keh Wei Victor and CHEN Kefei. "A GDH Group-Based Signature scheme with
Linkability". IEE Proceedings Communication vol.153 no.5, pp.639-644. 2006.10.01.
<P065397> KU YUEN CHING; CHAN Kit; CHAN Chun Kit and CHEN Lian Kuan. "Patterning Effect
Avoidance of SOA-based Demultiplexer in 80-Gb/s OTDM System Using RZ-DPSK Modulation
Format". Paper presented in the Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), organized by
National Sun Yat Sen University, Paper 7C1-4. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2006.07.
<P065581> LI Shuo-yen Robert. "General self-routing control mechanism over bit-permuting switching
networks". U.S. Patent no.7,099,314 U. S. Patent & Trademark Office, 2006.08.29.
<P065583> ZHAO Jian; CHEN Lian Kuan and CHAN Chun Kit. "Electronic Equalization for Unsynchronized
Modulation and Chromatic Dispersion Compensation in Supercontinuum-Based WDM-PON". Paper
presented in the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), organized by SEE, IEEE
LEOS, OSA, Paper We3.P.159. Cannes, France, 2006.09.
<P065602> DENG YUN and LEE Tong Tony. "Crosstalk-Free Conjugate Networks for Optical Multicast
Switching". IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology vol.24 no.10, 2006.10.
<P065630> DENG Ning; CHAN Kit; CHAN Chun Kit and CHEN Lian Kuan. "An All-Optical XOR Logic Gate
for High-Speed RZ-DPSK Signals by FWM in Semiconductor Optical Amplifier". IEEE Journal of
Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics vol.12 no.4, pp.702-707. United States of America, 2006.08.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P065739> CHAN Eric Y.k.; CHAN H.w.; CHAN K.m.; CHAN P.s.; CHANSON Samuel T.; CHEUNG M.h.;
CHONG C.f.; CHOW K.p.; HUI Albert K.t.; HUI Lucas C.k.; IP S.k.; LAM C.k.; LAU Wing
Cheong; PUN K.h.; TSANG Y.f.; TSANG W.w.; TSO C.w.; YEUNG D.y.; YIU S.m.; YU K.y. and
JU W.H. "Intrusion Detection Routers: Design, Implementation and Evaluation Using an Experimental
Testbed". IEEE Transactions on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) 14 pgs. 2006.10.01.
<P065743> YEUNG Wai Ho Raymond and CAI Ning. "Network error correction, Part I: Basic concepts and upper
bounds". Communications
Systems vol.6 no.1, pp.19-36. Hong
Kong, China: International Press, 2006.
<P065758> CAO Liangliang; LIU Jianzhuang and TANG Xiaoou. "3D Object Retrieval Using 2D Line Drawing
and Graph Based Relevance Feedback". Paper presented in the ACM Multimedia (ACM MM), 2006, 4
pgs. 2006.10.23.
<P065872> ZHANG G. J.; DU J. X.; HUANG D. S.; LOK Tat Ming and LYU Rung Tsong Michael. "Adaptive
Nearest Neighbor Classifier Based on Supervised Ellipsoid Clustering". Paper presented in the
International Conference on Natural Computation, organized by Xidian University , 4 pgs. 2006.09.24.
<P066065> WANG
Xiaoou. "Random
Recognition". International Journal of Computer Vision vol.70 no.1, pp.91-104. 2006.10.
<P066079> WANG C.; YANG Qiong; CHEN M.; TANG Xiaoou and YE Z.. "Progressive cut". Paper presented
in the ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM-MM), 10 pgs. 2006.10.
<P066186> LAM Fung; LEE Lei Wah; TAN Wee Lum; WONG Wing Hung Eric; MAK On Tik and LAU Wing
Cheong. Final Report for the Modeling and Measuring the Network Capacity of the 3G Networks in
Hong Kong. 124 pgs. 2006.07.21.
<P066338> HO WANG HEI and LIEW Soung Chang. "Distributed Adaptive Power Control in IEEE 802.11
Wireless Networks". Paper presented in the IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor
System, 10 pgs. 2006.10.
<P066413> LAU Wing Cheong; CHUAH M. C. and HERNANDEZ-VALENCIA E.. Backhaul Multicasting
Using Ethernet-based Radio Access Networks U.S. Patent No. 7,096,039 2006.08.22.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P066428> WANG C.; YANG Qiong; TANG Xiaoou and YE Z.F. "Salience preserving image fusion with
dynamic range compression". Paper presented in the International Conference on Image Processing, 4
pgs. 2006.10.
<P066522> LI Yun; XU Chunjing; LIU Jianzhuang and TANG Xiaoou. "Detecting Irregularity in Videos Using
Kernel Estimation and K-D Trees". Paper presented in the ACM Multimedia (ACM MM), 2006, 4
pgs. 2006.10.23.
<P066558> DENG Ning; CHAN Chun Kit and CHEN Lian Kuan. "A Novel Phase-modulated Label Pattern
Recognition Scheme Based on Parallel Bit Comparison Using Cross-phase Modulation". Paper presented
in the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), organized by SEE, IEEE LEOS,
OSA, Paper We3.P.86. Cannes, France, 2006.09.
<P066687> LI
Robert. "Switching
Concentrators". U.S.
Patent no.7,106,728 U. S. Patent & Trademark Office, 2006.09.12.
<P066805> YUAN Tianqiang; YAN Shuicheng and TANG Xiaoou. "Perspective Symmetry Invariant and Its
Applications". Paper presented in the International Conference Pattern Recognition, 4 pgs. 2006.08.
<P066836> LEE CHEUK MAN; JIANG WENJIE; CHIU Dah Ming and LUI Chi Shing John. "Interplay of
ISPs: Distributed Resource Allocation and Revenue Maximization". Paper presented in the IEEE ICDCS
2006, 10 pgs. 2006.07.03.
<P066839> LI Shuo-yen Robert. "Optimizing Switching Element for Minimal Latency (交換網路的封包路由方法
與系統)". People Republic of China Patent ZL03106082.X pgs. 2006.12.26.
<P066949> LI Shuo-yen Robert. Multistage Interconnection Networks of Multicast Concentrators with Self-routing
Control Mechanism U.S. Patent no.7,079,532 13 claims. United States of America: U. S. Patent &
Trademark Office, 2006.07.18.
<P067013> LI Zhenguo; LIU Jianzhuang and TANG Xiaoou. "Shape from Regularities for Interactive 3D
Reconstruction of Piecewise Planar Objects from Single Images". Paper presented in the ACM
Multimedia (ACM MM), 2006, 4 pgs. 2006.10.23.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P067323> KU YUEN CHING and CHAN Chun Kit. "High-Speed Data and Pulse-Carver Alignment in RZ-OOK
Systems Using Delay Tap Asynchronous Waveform Sampling". Paper presented in the European
Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), organized by SEE, IEEE LEOS, OSA, Paper
Tu4.2.2. Cannes, France, 2006.09.
<P067325> ZHENG, PENGXUAN; Ying Jun Zhang and LIEW Soung Chang. "Analysis of Exponential Backoff
with Multipacket Reception in Wireless Networks". Paper presented in the The 6th IEEE Workshop on
Wireless Local Networks, organized by IEEE Computer Society, 8 pgs. Tampa, United States of
America, 2006.11.14.
<P067603> LI
Robert. "Conditionally
Type". U.S.
Patent no.7,136,380 U. S. Patent & Trademark Office, 2006.11.14.
<P067791> CAI Ning and YEUNG Wai Ho Raymond. "Network error correction, Part II: Lower
bounds". communications
systems vol.6 no.1, pp.37-54. Hong
Kong, China: 2005
International Press, 2006.
<P068022> TAN Wee Lum; LAU Wing Cheong and YUE On Ching. An Adaptive, Energy-Efficient and
Receiver-Driven MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Paper presented in the 2006 Wireless And
2006, organized
pgs. Hangzhou, China, 2006.10.12.
<P068076> LI Qi Ming; CHIU Dah Ming and LUI Chi Shing John. "On the Practical and Security Issues of Batch
Content Distribution via Network Coding". Paper presented in the IEEE ICNP 2006, 10 pgs. Santa
Barbara, 2006.11.12.
<P068352> WONG Wing Shing and LI Fengjun. "Fairness Indices and Distributed Control in Communications
Networks". Communications in Information and Systems vol.6 no.2, pp.83-114. Boston, United States of
America: International Press, 2006.
<P068500> LI Shuo-yen Robert and CHIANG Lu Wa. "Configuring Equivalent Multistage Interconnection
Networks in the Bit-permuting Style". U.S. Patent no.7,139,266 U. S. Patent & Trademark
Office, 2006.11.21.
<P068550> LI Shuo-yen Robert; YEUNG Wai Ho Raymond and CAI Ning. "Reflection on Linear Network
Coding". IEEE Information Theory Society Newsletters vol.56 no.4, pp.5-8. IEEE Information Theory
Society, 2006.12.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P068638> DENG Ning and CHAN Chun Kit. "Optical Time Division Multiplexing of RZ-ASK and RZ-DPSK
Signals and Their Detection without Optical Demultiplexing". Paper presented in the European
Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), organized by SEE, IEEE LEOS, OSA, Paper
Th3.5.6. Cannes, France, 2006.09.
<P068838> WANG Zhaoxin; LIN Chinlon and CHAN Chun Kit. "A Single-Fiber Self-Healing CWDM Metro
Access Ring Network for Broadcast and Dedicated Broadband Services". Paper presented in the
OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), organized by National Sun Yat Sun
University, Paper 5E3-1. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2006.07.
<P069161> WANG Qiang; ZHANG Weiwei; TANG Xiaoou and SHUM H.. "Real-Time Bayesian 3-D Pose
Tracking". IEEE
(CSVT) vol.16 no.12, pp.1533-1541. 2006.12.
<P069193> CHEN Chung Shue and WONG Wing Shing. "A Robust Access Protocol for Wireless Sensor
Networks". Paper presented in the Military Communications Conference, organized by Northrop
Grumman, Cisco Systems, IEEE Communications Society, 6 pgs. Washington D.C., United States of
America, 2006.10.
<P069347> CHAN Chun Kit; KU YUEN CHING and CHEN Lian Kuan. "Novel Techniques for Optical
Performance Monitoring in Optical Systems". Paper presented in the Asia Pacific Optical Communication
(APOC), organized
Society, Paper
6354-45. Gwangju, Korea,
South, 2006.09.
<P069437> TAO DACHENG; TANG Xiaoou; LI Xuelong and RUI Y. "Direct kernel biased discriminant analysis:
a new content-based image retrieval relevance feedback algorithm". IEEE Transactions on
Multimedia vol.8 no.4, pp.716-727. 2006.08.
<P069600> TAN Xuesong and LI Shuo-yen Robert. "Mixed preservation of Conditionally Nonblocking Switches
under 2-stage Interconnection". Paper presented in the 2006 Internation Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, organized by IEEE Computer Society , 11-15
pgs. Taipei, Taiwan, 2006.12.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P069616> LU Guowei; TSAI Kuen Ting; WAY Winston I. and CHEN Lian Kuan. "Experimental
Demonstration of Resolution-Enhanced Residual Chromatic-Dispersion Monitoring Using Half-bit
Delay-interferometer Filtering for RZ-OOK System". Paper presented in the European Conference on
Optical Communication (ECOC), organized by SEE, IEEE LEOS, OSA, Paper We3.P.67, 2
pgs. Cannes, France, 2006.09.
<P069712> AYRES Paulo; SUN Huizhong; CHAO H. Jonathan and LAU Wing Cheong. "ALPi: A DDoS
defense System for High-speed networks". IEEE Transactions on Selected Areas in Communications
(JSAC) pp.12. 2006.10.01.
<P069744> K.K. Chow; Y. Takushima; C. Lin; C. Shu and A. Bjarklev. "Flat Super-Continuum Generation Based
Fibre". IEE
Letters vol.42 pp.989-991. United Kingdom: IEE, 2006.08.17.
<P069786> YAN Shuicheng and TANG Xiaoou. "Dimensionality Reduction with Adaptive Kernels". Paper
presented in the International Conference Pattern Recognition, 4 pgs. 2006.08.
<P069914> LIEW Soung Chang and Ying Jun Zhang. "Proportional Fairness in Multi-Channnel Multi-Rate
Wireless Networks". Paper presented in the IEEE Globecom 2006, 6 pgs. 2006.12.
<P069972> NG PING CHUNG; EDWARDS David. J. and LIEW Soung Chang. "Doubling Capacities by a
Link-directionality-based Dual Channel MAC Protocol for IEEE 802.11 Ad-hoc Networks". Paper
presented in the IEEE Globecome 2006, 5 pgs. 2006.11.
<P070261> LIN Dahua and TANG Xiaoou. "Quality-Driven Face Occlusion Detection and Recovery". Paper
presented in the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 7 pgs. 2007.06.
<P070323> ZHANG Bo; CHAN Chun Kit and LIN Chinlon. "A Survivable WDM Passive Optical Network with
Colorless Optical Network Units". Paper presented in the Optoelectronics and Communications
(OECC), organized
University, Paper
5E2-2. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2006.07.
<P070652> LI Shuo-yen Robert and TAN Xuesong. "Preservation of Conditionally Nonblocking Switches under
Interconnection". IEEE
Communications Society, 2007.05.
Faculty of Engineering
Communications vol.55 no.5, pp.973-980. IEEE
Dept of Information Engineering
<P070698> WANG, HUAN; YAN Shuicheng; XU Dong; TANG Xiaoou and HUANG T.. "Trace Ratio vs. Ratio
Trace for Dimensionality Reduction". Paper presented in the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition, 8 pgs. 2007.06.
<P070897> NG PING CHUNG and LIEW Soung Chang. "Throughput Analysis of IEEE 802.11 Multi-hop Ad-hoc
Networks". IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 14 pgs. United States of America: IEEE, 2007.06.
<P070924> HUI Ka Hung; LAU Wing Cheong and YUE On Ching. "Characterizing and Exploiting Partial
Interference in Wireless Mesh Networks". Paper presented in the IEEE International Conference on
Communications, ICC 2007, organized by IEEE, 7 pgs. Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2007.06.24.
<P071143> LI Shuo-yen Robert and TAN Xuesong. "Fast control over fiber memory". Paper presented in the IEEE
Theory, organized
Society, 2411-2415 pgs. Nice, France, 2007.06.
<P071386> WONG Kenneth K. Y.; LU Guowei; LAU Kwan Chi; WAI P. K. A. and CHEN Lian
Kuan. "All-Optical Wavelength Conversion and Multicasting by Cross-Gain Modulation in a
Single-Stage Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifier". Paper presented in the Optical Fiber Communication
Conference and National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC), organized by Optical Society
of America, 3 pgs. Anaheim, California, United States of America, 2007.03.
<P071515> YAN Shuicheng; XU Dong and TANG Xiaoou. "Face Verification with Balanced Thresholds". IEEE
Transactions on Image Processing vol.16 no.1, pp.262-268. 2007.01.
<P071579> TO KA KI and Jack Y. B. Lee. "Parallel Overlays for High Data-Rate Multicast Data
Transfer". Computer Networks vol.51 pp.31-42. Elsevier, 2007.
<P071612> CHEUNG Kwok Wai; CHAN Kwong Wing; CHAN Gin Man and LAM Wing Kai. "Method for
Delivering Large Amounts of Data with Interactivity in an On-demand System". U.S. Patent Washing
DC, USA: United States Government, 2007.02.06.
<P071761> Jack Y. B. Lee. "System and Method for Error-control for Multicast Video Distribution". US Patent no.
7,224,702. 2007.05.29.
<P071779> CHAN, AN and LIEW Soung Chang. "VoIP Capacity over Multiple IEEE 802.11 WLANs". Paper
presented in the IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2007, organized by IEEE
Communications Society, 8 pgs. Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2007.06.24.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P071799> TAN Xuesong and LI Shuo-yen Robert. "Rearrangeability of Tandem Cascade of Banyan-type
Networks". IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems vol.E90-D no.1, pp.67-74. IEICE, 2007.01.
<P071858> ZHANG J. R.; ZHANG J.; LOK Tat Ming and LYU Rung Tsong Michael. "A hybrid particle swarm
optimization–back-propagation algorithm for feedforward neural network training". Applied Mathematics
and Computation 2007.02.
<P071891> ZHAO Jian; CHEN Lian Kuan and CHAN Chun Kit. "A Novel Re-Modulation Scheme to Achieve
Colorless High-Speed WDM-PON with Enhanced Tolerance to Chromatic Dispersion and Re-Modulation
Misalignment ". Paper presented in the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and National Fiber
Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC), organized by Optical Society of America, Paper
OWD2. Anaheim, California, United States of America, 2007.03.
<P071933> YANG, SHENGHAO; NGAI CHI KIN and YEUNG Wai Ho Raymond. "Construction of Linear
Network Codes that Achieve a Refined Singleton Bound". Paper presented in the 2007 IEEE International
Theory, organized
Society, 5
pgs. Nice, France, 2007.06.23.
<P071937> YUEN CHING WAN; LAU Wing Cheong and YUE On Ching. "CAPEL: A Packet Discard Policy for
Real-time Traffic over Wireless Networks". Paper presented in the IEEE International Conference on
Communications, ICC 2007, organized by IEEE, 6 pgs. Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2007.06.24.
<P072140> TAN Wee Lum; LAM Fung and LAU Wing Cheong. "An Empirical Study on 3G Network Capacity
and Performance". Paper presented in the IEEE Infocom, organized by IEEE Communications Society, 9
pgs. Anchorage, United States of America, 2007.05.10.
<P072316> WONG Wing Shing. "New Protocol Sequences for Random-Access Channels Without Feedback". IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory vol.53 no.6, pp.2060-2070. United States of America: IEEE
Information Theory Society, 2007.06.
<P072347> Ying Jun Zhang. "Joint Channel State Based Random Access and Adaptive Modulation in Wireless
LAN with Multi-packet Reception". Paper presented in the IEEE International Conference on
Communications, ICC 2007, 6 pgs. 2007.06.
<P072439> HUA CUNQING and YUM Peter Tak Shing. "Asynchronous Random Sleeping for Sensor
Networks". ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 2007.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P072484> CHEUNG Man Hon and LOK Tat Ming. "Cooperative Routing in UWB Wireless Networks". Paper
presented in the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, organized by IEEE, 5
pgs. 2007.03.11.
<P072569> SO Chi Ho Joseph and WONG Po Choi. "Service Commitment and Load Balancing for Domain-based
P2P networks". Paper presented in the The Third International Conference on Networking and
Services, organized
Association, 6
pgs. Athens, Greece, 2007.06.19.
<P072573> ZHOU, YIPENG; CHIU Dah Ming and LUI Chi Shing John. "A Simple Model For Analyzing P2P
Protocols". Paper
ICNP, organized
University, 10
pgs. Beijing, China, 2007.06.29.
<P072759> WONG K. K. Y.; LU Guowei and CHEN Lian Kuan. "Polarization-Interleaved WDM Signals in a
Pumps". Optics
Express vol.15 no.1, pp.56-61. Optical Society of America, 2007.01.
<P072904> LI Zhenguo; LIU Jianzhuang and TANG Xiaoou. "A Closed-form Solution to 3D Reconstruction of
Piecewise Planar Objects from Single Images". Paper presented in the IEEE Computer Society
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2007), 6 pgs. 2007.06.18.
<P073011> MA Jing and Ying Jun Zhang. "Maximal Ratio Combining in Cellular MIMO-CDMA Downlink
Systems". Paper presented in the IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2007, 6
pgs. 2007.06.
<P073082> CUI J.; WEN F.; XIAO R.; TIAN Y. and TANG Xiaoou. "EasyAlbum: an interactive photo annotation
system based on face clustering and re-ranking". Paper presented in the CHI, 10 pgs. 2007.05.
<P073271> NG PING CHUNG; EDWARDS David.j. and LIEW Soung Chang. "Eliminating Inter-BSS
Co-channel Interference by MC-CDMA in WLANs". Paper presented in the IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference, 5 pgs. 2007.03.
<P073498> KE, BINGWEN; Ying Jun Zhang and LIEW Soung Chang. "Media Access Control with Spatial
Correlation for MIMO Ad Hoc Networks". Paper presented in the IEEE International Conference on
Communications, 6 pgs. 2007.06.24.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P073557> YEUNG Wai Ho Raymond. "Avalanche: A network coding analysis". Paper presented in the NetCod
2007, 5 pgs. San Diego, USA, 2007.01.29.
<P073565> CHEN Shifeng; CAO Liangliang; LIU Jianzhuang and TANG Xiaoou. "Iterative MAP and ML
Estimations for Image Segmentation". Paper presented in the IEEE Computer Society Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2007), 6 pgs. 2007.06.18.
<P073598> YAN Shuicheng; LIU Jianzhuang; TANG Xiaoou and HUANG S. Thomas. "A Parameter-Free
Framework for General Supervised Subspace Learning". IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics
and Security vol.2 no.1, pp.69-76. 2007.03.01.
<P073793> HUA CUNQING and YUM Peter Tak Shing. "Optimal Routing and Data Aggregation for Maximizing
Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks". IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 2007.
<P074085> SHEN, YUXIU; Ying Jun Zhang and WONG Wing Shing. "Cross-layer Scheduling for End-to-End
Throughput Maximization in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks". Paper presented in the IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference, 6 pgs. 2007.03.
<P074211> LIU Wei; TANG Xiaoou and LIU Jianzhuang. "Bayesian Tensor Inference for Sketch-based Facial
Photo Hallucination". Paper presented in the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IJCAI), 2007, 6 pgs. 2007.01.06.
<P074417> YAN Xijin; YEUNG Wai Ho Raymond and ZHANG Zhen. "The capacity region for multi-source
multi-sink network coding". Paper presented in the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Information
Theory, 5 pgs. 2007.06.24.
<P074710> WANG, HUAN; YAN Shuicheng; HUANG Thomas and TANG Xiaoou. A convergent solution to
Tensor Subspace Learning Paper presented in the Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, organized by the International AI society, 8pgs. Hyderabad, India, 2007.01.
<P074930> YAN Shuicheng; WANG, HUAN; TANG Xiaoou and HUANG T.. "Exploring Feature Descriptors for
Face Recognition". Paper presented in the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and
Signal Processing (ICASSP-2007), 4 pgs. 2007.04.
<P074967> SUN Jian; KANG Sing Bing; XU Zong-ben; TANG Xiaoou and SHUM H.. "Flash Cut: Foreground
Extraction with Flash and No-flash Image Pairs". Paper presented in the IEEE Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition, 8 pgs. 2007.06.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P075272> SUN Xiaofeng; CHAN Chun Kit; WANG Zhaoxin; LIN Chinlon and CHEN Lian Kuan. "A
Single-Fiber Bi-directional WDM Self-Healing Ring Network with Bi-directional OADM for
Applications". IEEE
Communications vol.25 no.4, pp.18-24. United States of America: IEEE, 2007.04.
<P075351> ZHAO Deli; LIN Zhouchen; XIAO Rong and TANG Xiaoou. "Linear Laplacian Discrimination for
Feature Extraction". Paper presented in the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition, 7 pgs. 2007.06.
<P075447> LU Guowei and CHEN Lian Kuan. "Enhancing the Monitoring Sensitivity of DOP-based OSNR
Monitors in High OSNR Region Using Off-center Narrow-band Optical Filtering". Optics
Express vol.15 no.3, pp.823-828. Optical Society of America, 2007.02.
<P075510> ZHAO Feng and TANG Xiaoou. "Preprocessing and postprocessing for skeleton-based fingerprint
minutiae extraction". Pattern Recognition Journal vol.40 no.4, pp.1270-1281. 2007.04.
<P075653> HUA CUNQING and YUM Peter Tak Shing. "Data Aggregated Maximum Lifetime Routing for
Wireless Sensor Networks". Journal of Ad Hoc Networks 2007.
<P075712> YEUNG Wai Ho Raymond and YANG, SHENGHAO. "Characterizations of network error
correction/detection and erasure correction". Paper presented in the NetCod 2007, 6 pgs. 2007.01.29.
<P075886> DENG Y.; YANG Q.; LIN X.y. and TANG Xiaoou. "Stereo Correspondence with Occlusion Handling
in a Symmetric Patch-Based Graph-Cuts Model". IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence vol.29 no.6, pp.1068-1079. 2007.06.
<P076021> ZHANG, SHENGLI; ZHU Yu; LIEW Soung Chang and LETAIEF Khaled Ben. "Joint Network
Coding and Channel Decoding Design for Wireless Network". Paper presented in the IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference, 6 pgs. 2007.03.
<P076130> LI ZHIFENG and TANG Xiaoou. "Using support vector machines to enhance the performance of
Recognition". IEEE
Security vol.2 no.2, pp.174-180. 2007.06.
<P076147> HO Siu-wai and YEUNG Wai Ho Raymond. "The interplay between entropy and variational
distance". Paper presented in the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on information theory, 5
pgs. 2007.06.24.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P076298> YE, CHONG and CHIU Dah Ming. "Peer-to-Peer Replication with Preferences". Paper presented in
the The Second International Conference on Scalable Information Systems, organized by ICST, 8
pgs. Suzhou, China, 2007.06.06.
<P076374> JAGGI Sidharth; LANGBERG Michael; KATTI Sachin; HO Tracey; KATABI Dina; MEDARD
Muriel and EFFROS Michelle. "Resilient network coding in the presence of Byzantine
adversaries". Information Theory and Applications Workshop ed. by University of California, San
Diego. 2007.01.29.
<P076377> ZHAO JIAN; CHEN Lian Kuan and CHAN Chun Kit. "Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation
for Chromatic Dispersion and Polarization Mode Dispersion Compensation in 3-Chip DPSK Modulation
Format" Paper presented in the Optical fiber communication conference (OFC) 2007, Optical Society of
America Paper OMG3. Anaheim, California, United States of America, 2007.03.25.
<P076740> WANG, HUAN; YAN Shuicheng; HUANG S. Thomas; LIU Jianzhuang and TANG
Xiaoou. "Transductive Regression Piloted by Inter-Manifold Relations". International Conference on
Machine Learning (ICML), 2007 8 pgs. 2007.06.20.
<P076758> ZHAO Jian; CHEN Lian Kuan and CHAN Chun Kit. "Tolerance of Misalignment between ASK and
DQPSK Modulation in ASK/DQPSK Orthogonal Modulation Systems". Paper presented in the
OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), organized by National Sun Yat Sen
University, Paper 5F3-3. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2006.07.
<P076820> KU YUEN CHING; CHAN Chun Kit and CHEN Lian Kuan. "A Robust OSNR Monitoring Scheme
Mirror". OSA
Letters vol.32 no.12, pp.1752-1754. United States of America: Optical Society of America, 2007.06.
<P076891> LIU Jianming and LEE Tong Tony. "Blocking and Delay Analysis of Optical Buffer with General
Packet Length Distribution". Paper presented in the IEEE Infocom 2007, organized by IEEE, pp.
2496-2500. Alaska, United States of America, 2007.05.06.
<P077082> CAI Ning and YEUNG Wai Ho Raymond. "A security condition for multi-source linear network
coding". Paper presented in the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on information theory, 5
pgs. 2007.06.24.
<P077366> LIN Minghong; FAN BIN; CHIU Dah Ming and LUI Chi Shing John. "Stochastic Analysis of File
Swarming Systems". Performation Evaluation pp.20. 2007.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P077712> LI Shuo-yen Robert and TAN Xuesong. "Recursive Construction of Parallel Distribution
Networks". Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing vol.67 no.6, pp.617-634. Elsevier, 2007.06.
<P077713> CHIU Dah Ming. "The Making of Internet: Challenges and Opportunities". Paper presented in the
CNGI-ETF2007, 15 pgs. 2007.06.
<P077738> JAGGI Sidharth; LANGBERG Michael; KATTI Sachin; HO Tracey; KATABI Dina and
MEDARD Muriel. "Resilient Network Coding In the Presence of Byzantine Adversaries". Paper
presented in the IEEE Infocom, organized by IEEE, 9 pgs. 2007.05.09.
<P077845> TIAN Yuandong; LIU WEI; XIAO Rong; WEN Fang and TANG Xiaoou. "A Face Annotation
Framework with Partial Clustering and Interactive Labeling". Paper presented in the IEEE Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 8 pgs. 2007.06.
<P077935> YEUNG Wai Ho Raymond. "Network coding and information security". International Conference on
Information Theoretic Security pp.0. 2007.05.25.
<P077958> YAN Shuicheng; XU Dong; TANG Q.; ZHANG L.; TANG Xiaoou and ZHANG H.. "Multilinear
recognition". IEEE
Processing vol.16 no.1, pp.212-220. 2007.01.
<P077988> WONG Kenneth K. Y.; LU Guowei and CHEN Lian Kuan. "Experimental Studies of the WDM
Amplifiers". Optics
Communications vol.270 no.2, pp.429-432. San Diego, California, United States of America: Elservier
Science Inc, 2007.
<P077990> Ying Jun Zhang. "User Identification for Opportunistic OFDM Based Broadband Wireless
Network". Paper presented in the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 6
pgs. 2007.03.
<P078130> WANG, YUE; CHIU Dah Ming and LUI Chi Shing John. "Characterizing the Capacity Gain of
Stream Control Scheduling in MIMO Wireless Mesh Networks". Paper presented in the The Sixth IFIP
TC-6 Networking Conference, organized by IFIP, 11 pgs. Atlanta, United States of America, 2007.05.14.
<P078176> DOSHI Vishal; SHAH Devavrat; MEDARD Muriel and JAGGI Sidharth. "Distributed Functional
Compression through Graph Coloring". Paper presented in the Data Compression Conference, 10
pgs. 2007.03.27.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P078179> CHEUNG Kwok Wai; CHAN Kwong Wing; CHAN Gin Man and LAM Wing Kai. "Method and
System for Delivering Large Amounts of Data with Interactivity in an On-demand System". U.S.
Patent Washing DC, USA: U. S. Patent & Trademark Office, 2007.04.03.
<P078207> WONG Ying Wai; Jack Y. B. Lee; LI O. K. Victor and CHAN S. H. Gary. "Supporting Interactive
Video-on-demand with Adaptive Multicast Streaming". IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for
Video Technology vol.17 no.2, pp.129-142. IEEE, 2007.02.
<P078210> KWAN H. Y. and LOK Tat Ming. "Binary-Code-Allocation Scheme in DS-CDMA Systems". IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol.56 no.1, 2007.01.
<P078223> ZHU Xiaorong; SHEN Lianfeng and YUM Peter Tak Shing. "Analysis of Cognitive Radio Spectrum
Access with Optimal Channel Reservation". IEEE Communications Letters vol.11 no.4, 2007.04.
<P078469> IP, YIN KI; LAU Wing Cheong and YUE On Ching. "Forwarding And Replication Strategies For
DTN With Resourece Constraints". Paper presented in the Vehicular Technology Conference, organized
by IEEE, 5 pgs. Dublin, Ireland, 2007.04.22.
<P078520> CHEN M.; YANG Q. and TANG Xiaoou. "Directed Graph Embedding". Paper presented in the
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2007, 6 pgs. 2007.01.
<P078633> HUO Li; LIN Chinlon; CHAN Chun Kit and CHEN Lian Kuan. "A Reconfigurable All-Optical
AND/OR Logic Gate Using Multilevel Modulation and Self-Phase Modulation". Paper presented in the
Optical Fiber Communication Conference and National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference
(OFC/NFOEC), organized by Optical Society of America, Paper OThI4. Anaheim, California, United
States of America, 2007.03.
<P078672> QIAO Yu; LIU Jianzhuang and TANG Xiaoou. "Offline Signature Verification Using Online
Handwriting Registration". Paper presented in the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2007), 8 pgs. 2007.06.18.
<P078683> JAGGI Sidharth and LANGBERG Michael. "Resilient network codes in the presence of
eavesdropping Byzantine adversaries". Paper presented in the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on
information theory, 5 pgs. 2007.05.25.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P078932> DENG Ning; CHAN Chun Kit and CHEN Lian Kuan. "A Centralized-Light-Source WDM Access
Network Utilizing Inverse-RZ Downstream Signal with Upstream Data Remodulation". Optical Fiber
Technology vol.13 no.1, pp.18-21. San Diego, California, United States of America: Elservier Science
Inc, 2007.01.
<P078996> ZHAO Jian; CHEN Lian Kuan and CHAN Chun Kit. "Joint Maximum Likelihood Sequence
Estimation for Chromatic Dispersion Compensation in ASK-DPSK Modulation Format". IEEE Photonics
Technology Letters vol.19 no.2, pp.73-75. United States of America: IEEE, 2007.01.
<P079008> JAGGI
Michelle. "Zero-error
Codes". Information Theory and Applications Workshop ed. by University of California, San
Diego. 2007.01.29.
<P079044> ZHANG Huanshui; WONG Wing Shing; GE Weiyan and CAINES E. Peter. "A Stochastic
Communications vol.55 no.5, pp.878-886. United
Problem". IEEE
America: IEEE
Society, 2007.05.
<P079067> KODIALAM Murali; NANDAGOPAL Thyaga and LAU Wing Cheong. Anonymous Tracking Using
RFID Tags Paper presented in the IEEE Infocom 2007, organized by IEEE, 9 pgs. Anchorage, United
States of America, 2007.05.06.
<P079518> LIN WING KAI; YE, CHONG and CHIU Dah Ming. "Decentralized Replication Algorithms for
Improving File Availability in P2P Networks". Paper presented in the The Fifteenth IEEE International
Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS) 2007, organized by IEEE, 9 pgs. Chicago, United States of
America, 2007.06.21.
<P079742> Chun-Ming Leung and Yuen-Yan Chan. "Network Forensic on Encrypted Peer-to-Peer VoIP Traffics
and The Detection, Blocking, and Prioritization of Skype Traffics". Paper presented in the 16th IEEE
Enterprises, organized
USA, 6
pgs. Paris, France, 2007.06.18.
<P079766> DENG NING and CHAN Chun Kit. "Enhanced Tolerance to Demultiplexing Misalignment in an
OTDM System with Hybrid RZ-ASK/DPSK Formats"
Paper presented in the Optical fiber
communication conference (OFC) 2007, Optical Society of America Paper JWA51. Anaheim,
California, United States of America, 2007.03.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Information Engineering
<P079834> LIU Tie; SUN Jian; ZHENG Nan Ning; TANG Xiaoou and SHUM H.. "Learning to Detect A Salient
Object". Paper presented in the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 8
pgs. 2007.06.
<P079924> WEI Keh Wei Victor. "Invisible Designated Confirmer Signatures without Random Oracles". Paper
presented in the AsiaCCS, organized by ACM, 3 pgs. 2007.03.21.
See Also <P060211 >, <P060769 >, <P060858 >, <P062146 >, <P062704 >, <P063175 >, <P064075 >, <P064211 >,
<P064316 >, <P067904 >, <P068425 >, <P069093 >, <P069523 >, <P070918 >, <P071055 >, <P072231 >,
<P073637 >, <P073989 >, <P074297 >, <P075748 >, <P075879 >, <P079691 >
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
<P023898> QIN Shui Jie Julia and LI Wen Jung. "Micromachining of Complex Channel Systems in 3D Quartz
Substrates Using Q-switched Nd:YAG Laser". Applied Physics - Section A - Materials Science and
Processing vol.74 no.6, pp.773-777. 2002.
<P053210> CHEN Zhiyomg and HUANG Jie. "Robust Input-to-State Stability and Small Gain Theorem for
Nonlinear Systems Containing Time-Varying Uncertainty". Advanced Robust and Adaptive Control
-Theory and Applications pp.31-40. Springer-Tsinghua, 2005.
<P055730> GUO W. Z. and DU Ruxu. "Mobility of Single-Loop N-Bar Linkage with One Active/Passive Prismatic
Joint". Transactions of ASME, Journal of Mechanical Design Vol. 128 pp. 1261-1271. 2006.11.
<P060074> LAM, MIU LING and LIU Yunhui. "Active Sensor Network Deployment and Coverage Enhancement
Using Circle Packings". Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Biomimetics organized by IEEE, 520-525. Kunming, China, 2006.12.17.
<P060081> FU YU and DU Ruxu. "A Study on the Swiss Lever Mechanism". Paper presented in the 2006
International Mechanisms and Machine Science Conference, p.308-311. Yingchuan, China, 2006.08.14.
<P060136> ZENG Zhigang and WANG Jun. "Synthesis of Bipolar Associative Memories Based on Cellular Neural
Networks with Two-Dimensional Space-Invariant Templates". 2006 International Joint Conference on
Neural Networks 1994-1999 pgs. Vancouver, Canada, 2006.07.16.
<P060137> DU Ruxu. "Monitoring and Diagnosis of Sheet Metal Stamping Processes". Condition-based Monitoring
and Control for Intelligent Manufacturing ed. by R. Gao and L. H. Wang. 2006.
<P060179> HUANG, BUFU; SHI Xi and XU Yangsheng. "Parameter Optimization of Power Control Strategy for
Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle". Paper presented in the IEEE World Congress on Computational
2006, organized
Society , 7342-7347. Vancouer, Canada, 2006.07.16.
<P060452> HE KAI; LI Weimin and DU Ruxu. "Dynamic Modeling with Kineto-Static Method and Experiment
Validation of A Novel Controllable Mechanical Metal Forming Press". International Journal of
Manufacturing Research vol.1 no.3, pp.354-378. 2006.10.
<P060520> LIU CHUNG YAN and DU Ruxu. "Expert Label Pattern Design System". WSEAS Transactions on
Computers vol.5 no.9, pp.2077-2083. 2006.09.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
<P060525> LI X.; OUYANG G.; GUAN X. P. and DU Ruxu. "Ram Position Control in Plastic Injection Molding
Machines with Higher-Order Iterative Learning". International Journal of Control and Intelligent
Systems vol.34 no.1, 9 pgs. 2006.
<P060777> ZHOU SHIWEI and WANG Michael Yu. "The Cahn-Hilliard Phase-Field Model for Topology
Optimization of Solids". IUTAM Symposium on Size Effects on Material and Structural Behavior at
Micron- and Nano-Scales ed. by Q. P. Sun and P. Tong. pp.133-141. Springer, Dordrecht,
Netherlands, 2006.
<P060868> LAI W.c., King; XI Ning; KWONG Chung Ping and LI Wen Jung. "Development of CNT Based
Sensor Array on a MUMPs Chip". Paper presented in the IEEE Nano 2006, organized by IEEE, 4
pgs. Cincinnati-Ohio, United States of America, 2006.07.
<P060889> ABU-KHALAF M.; LEWIS F. L. and HUANG Jie. "Policy Iterations on the Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs
Equation for H-Infinity State Feedback Control with Input Saturation". IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control vol.51 no.12, pp.1989-1995. 2006.12.
<P060915> ZENG Zhigang and WANG Jun. "Multiperiodicity of Discrete-Time Delayed Neural Networks Evoked
by Periodic External Inputs". IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks vol.17 no.5, pp.1141-1151. 2006.
<P060930> QIU Jia; LIANG JIAN; CHEN G. M. and DU Ruxu. "Numerical Simulation and Performance
Evaluation of a Novel Solar Air Conditioning System Driven by Bubble Pump with Energy
Storage". Renewable Energy 2006 -. Chiba, Japan, 2006.10.13.
<P060962> LIU A. Q.; LI J.; LIU Z.; LU C.; ZHANG X. M. and WANG Michael Yu. "Self-Latched
Micromachined Mechanism with Large Displacement Ratio". Journal of Microelectromechanical
Systems vol.15 no.6, pp.1576-1585. 2006.12.
<P061079> WEI Peng and WANG Michael Yu. "The Augmented Lagrangian Method in Structural Shape and
Topology Optimization with RBF Based Level Set Method". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 4th
China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems, 191-196
pgs. Kunming, China, 2006.11.06.
<P061306> FOK LO MING; LIU Yunhui and LI Wen Jung. "Fabrication and Characterization of Nanowires by
Atomic Force Microscope Lithography". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1927-1932 pgs. Beijing, China, 2006.10.09.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
<P061351> HUI Kin Chuen and LEUNG Hoi Chau. "Expression Modeling - A Boundary Element
Approach". Computers & Graphics vol.30 pp.981-993. 2006.
<P061599> HUANG Panfeng; YUAN Jianping; XU Yangsheng and LIU Rong. "Optimal Trajectory Planning of
Space Manipulator for Minimizing Impact at Capture". Paper presented in the Proceedings of IEEE
International Conference on Information Acquisition, 382-387. Shandong, China, 2006.08.20.
<P062141> SIN Lai Yi Mandy; CHOW Chun Tak; WONG M.k.; LI Wen Jung; LEONG H. W. Philip; WONG
K.w. and LEE Terry. "Chemically Functionalized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Sensors for
Ultra-Low-Power Alcohol Vapor Detection". Paper presented in the IEEE Nano 2006, 4 pgs. 2006.07.16.
<P062224> LIU CHUNG YAN and DU Ruxu. "Frame-Based Expert System for Label Pattern Design". Paper
COMPUTERS, organized
WSEAS, 795-799. 2006.07.10.
<P062574> WANG Heng; LOW K. H. and WANG Michael Yu. "Combined Impedance/Direct Control of Robot
Manipulators". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robotics and Systems, 3605-3610 pgs. Beijing, China, 2006.10.09.
<P062580> LIU Shengjun; JIN Xiaogang; Charlie C. L. Wang and CHEN Jim X.. Animation of Water Waves on
Mesh Surfaces Computing in Science & Engineering, IEEE Computer Society and American Institute of
Physics vol.81 no.5, pp.81-87. 2006.09.
<P062813> LIU Yunhui and WANG HESHENG. "Adaptive Visual Servoing of Robot Manipulators". Advances in
Robot Control from Everyday Physics to Human-Like Movements ed. by Sadao Kawamura Mikhail
Svinin. pp.55-82. Springer, 2006.
<P062820> Charlie C. L. Wang. "Bilateral Recovering of Sharp Edges on Feature-Insensitive Sampled
Meshes". IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics vol.12 no.4, pp.629-639. 2006.07.
<P062887> HUANG Panfeng; CHEN Kai and XU Yangsheng. "Optimal Path Planning for Minimizing
Disturbance of Space Robot". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 9th International Conference on
Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 139-144. Singapore, 2006.12.05.
<P062941> HUANG Panfeng; XU Yangsheng and LIANG Bin. "Tracking Trajectory Planning of Space
Operation". International
Systems vol.3 no.3, 211-218. 2006.09.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
<P063037> HU XIAOLIN and WANG Jun. "A Recurrent Neural Network for Solving Nonconvex Optimization
Problems". Paper presented in the 2006 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, organized by
IEEE, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, pp.8955-8961 (7 pgs). Vancouver, Canada, 2006.07.16.
<P063105> YUAN Ding and CHUNG Chi Kit Ronald. "Direct Estimation of the Stereo Geometry from Monocular
Flows". Lecture
978-3-540-48628-2. vol.4291/2006 pp.303-312. Berlin, Germany: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2006.11.
<P063146> ZENG Zhigang and WANG Jun. "Synthesis of Associative Memories Based on Cellular Neural
Networks with Two-Dimensional Space-Invariant Templates". Paper presented in the 2006 International
Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 1994-1999 pgs. Vancouver, Canada, 2006.07.16.
<P063221> CHEN Wei; HOU B.; LIU Z. J. and DU Ruxu. "A Study on Multi-Stage Sheet Metal Forming for
Automobile Structure-Pieces". Third International Conference on Advanced Forming and Die
Manufacturing Technology -. Busan, Korea, 2006.09.04.
<P063397> WEI Peng and WANG Michael Yu. "Parametric Structural Shape and Topology Optimization Method
with Radial Basis Functions and Level-Set Method". Paper presented in the Proceedings of ASME 2006
International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers and Information in Engineering
Conference, 10 pgs. Philadelphia, USA, 2006.09.10.
<P063429> XU Wenfu; LIANG Bin; QIANG Wenyi; HUANG Panfeng and XU Yangsheng. "Trajectory
Planning of Space Robot System for Target Berthing and Reorientation after Capturing". Paper presented
in the Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, - pgs. 2006.12.
<P063460> HU XIAOLIN and WANG Jun. "A Recurrent Neural Netowrk for Solving Nonconvex Optimization
Problems". Paper presented in the 2006 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 8955
pgs. Vancouver, Canada, 2006.07.16.
<P063544> HUANG Panfeng and XU Yangsheng. "PSO-Based Time-Optimal Trajectory Planning for Space Robot
with Dynamic Constraints". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 1402-1407 pgs. Kunming, China, 2006.12.17.
<P063706> KWOK KA WAI; LO Ka Wah and YAM Yeung. "Genetic Algorithm-Based Brush Stroke Generation
for Replication of Chinese Calligraphic Character". Paper presented in the The 2006 IEEE Congress on
Evolutionary Computation, organized by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, 8
pgs. Vancouver, Canada, 2006.07.16.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
<P063714> CHEN Wei; GUO Weizhong and DU Ruxu. "Weld-Bead Movement of Multi-Gauge Tailor-Welded
Blank During Drawing Square Cup with Reverse-Convex". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 2006
Engineering, -
pgs. Ypsilanti, USA, 2006.10.08.
<P063758> WANG
Optimization". Proceedings
Yu. "S-FEM
Conference 2
pgs. Budapest, Hungary, 2006.08.28.
<P064098> SHI Guangyi; CHAN Cheung-shing; LUO Yilun; ZHANG Guanglie; LI Wen Jung; LEONG H. W.
Philip and LEUNG Kwok-sui. "Development of a Human Airbag System for Falling Protection Using
MEMS Motion Sensing Technology". Paper presented in the 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems, 6 pgs. 2006.10.09.
<P064185> CHEN TAI and LIU Yunhui. "Robust Structure and Motion Estimation by Auto-Scale Random Sample
Consensus". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on
Information Acquisition, 37-42 pgs. Shandong, China, 2006.08.20.
<P064214> HUANG Panfeng; XU Wenfu; LIANG Bin and XU Yangsheng. "Configuration Control of Space
Robots for Impact Minimization". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 357-362 pgs. Kunming, China, 2006.12.17.
<P064647> CHENG Jun; CHUNG Chi Kit Ronald; LAM Edmund Y. and FUNG Kenneth S.m.. "Bit-pairing
Codification for Binary Pattern Projection System". Paper presented in the 18th International Conference
(ICPR-2006), organized
pgs. Hong
Kong, Hong
SAR, 2006.08.20.
<P064828> LIU LU and HUANG Jie. "Adaptive Robust Stabilization of Output Feedback Systems with Application
Circuit". IEEE
Briefs vol.53 no.9, pp.926-930. 2006.09.
<P064891> YUAN DING and CHUNG Chi Kit Ronald. "Direct Estimation of the Stereo Geometry from
Flows". Proceedings
Computing, Lake Tahoe, USA, 2006.11.06.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
<P064977> LIU TONG and WANG Michael Yu. "Haptic Simulation of Multibody Contact Dynamics for Fixture
Loading Planning". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on
Automation Science and Engineering, 304-309 pgs. Shanghai, China, 2006.10.07.
<P065001> WU Xiaojun; WANG Michael Yu and XIA Qi. "Orthogonal Least Square RBF Based Implicit Surface
Reconstruction Methods". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 12th International Conference Virtual
Systems and Multimedia, 232-241 pgs. Xian, China, 2006.10.18.
<P065020> HE KAI and DU Ruxu. "A Simple Parameter Calibration Method for A Novel Controllable Mechanical
Metal Forming Press". Materials Science Forum vol.505-507 pp.943-948. 2006.
<P065321> ABU-KHALAF M.; LEWIS F. L. and HUANG Jie. ed. <STRONG>Nonlinear H2/H-Infinity
</STRONG>. Advances in Industrial Control. Springer, 2006.
<P065444> JI Xinping; WU Xiaojun and WANG Michael Yu. "Algorithm of Scattered Data Reduction for Surface
Reconstruction Using Radial Basis Function". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 16th International
Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, 501-506 pgs. Hangzhou, China, 2006.11.29.
<P065623> YUEN C. L. Steve; LEE M. H. Johnny; LI Wen Jung and LEONG H. W. Philip. "An AA-sized
Micro Power Generator and its Application to a Wireless Sensor System". IEEE Pervasive
Computing pp.11. 2006.09.01.
<P065626> XU Wenfu; LIANG Bin; LI Cheng; QIANG Wenyi; XU Yangsheng and LEE Ka Keung
Caramon. "Non-Holonomic Path Planning of Space Robot Based On Genetic Algorithm". Paper
presented in the Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Biomimetics, 1471-1476 pgs. Kunming, China, 2006.12.17.
<P065629> LIU LU and HUANG Jie. "Global Robust Stabilization of Cascade-Connected Systems with Dynamic
Direction". IEEE
Control vol.51 no.10, pp.1693-1699. 2006.10.
<P065690> YE X.; HUANG Jie and UNBEHAUEN H. "Decentralized Robust Stabilization for Large-Scale
Feedforward Non-Linear Systems". International Journal of Control vol.79 no.12, pp.1505-1511. 2006.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
<P065715> WANG Zhancheng; LI Weimin; TONG Hang and XU Yangsheng. "A Novel On-Board Temperature
Monitoring Approach in the Reflow Soldering Process". Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 4245-4251. Beijing, China, 2006.10.09.
<P066131> HU XIAOLIN and WANG Jun. "Solving Pseudomonotone Variational Inequalities and Pseudoconvex
Optimization Problems Using the Projection Neural Network". IEEE Transactions on Neural
Networks vol.17 no.6, pp.1487-1499. 2006.11.
<P066320> LIU Shubao and WANG Jun. "A Simplified Dual Neural Network for Quadratic Programming with Its
KWTA Application". IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks vol.17 no.6, pp.1500-1510. 2006.11.
<P066367> HUANG Bufu; WANG Zhancheng and XU Yangsheng. "Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for
Hybrid Electric Vehicle Parameter Optimization". Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 5177-5182. Beijing, China, 2006.10.09.
<P066433> QIN Jianzhao; CHENG Jun; WU, XINYU and XU Yangsheng. "A Learning Based Approach to
Environment". International
Acquisition vol.3 no.3, pp.213-219. 2006.
<P066667> CHEN Jinzhou and LIAO Wei Hsin. "A Leg Exoskeleton Utilizing a Magnetorheological
Actuator". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Biomimetics, organized by IEEE, 6 pgs. China, 2006.12.
<P066672> HUANG Panfeng; XU Yangsheng and LIANG Bin. "Global Minimum-Jerk Trajectory Planning of
Manipulator". International
Systems vol.4 no.4, pp.405-413. 2006.08.
<P066851> CHEN Yufeng; ZHONG Zhi; LEE Ka Keung Caramon and XU Yangsheng. "Multi-Agent Based
Surveillance". Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems 2810-2815. Beijing, China, 2006.10.09.
<P066914> LIANG JIAN and DU Ruxu. "Model-Based FDD of HVAC Systems by Using the SVM
Method". International Journal of Refrigeration 2006.12.
<P067304> DU Ruxu. "The Science and Art of Mechanical Movement". Paper presented in the 2006 International
Mechanisms and Machine Science Conference, Yingchuan, China, 2006.08.14.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
<P067355> LAM Alan H. F. and LIAO Wei Hsin. "Transmissibilities of Two-Degree-of-Freedom Systems for
Semi-Active Vibration Control". Paper presented in the Proceedings of IMECE2006, 2006 ASME
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, organized by ASME, 10 pgs. United
States of America, 2006.11.
<P067441> KING Irwin; WANG Jun; CHAN Laiwan and WANG Deliang. Ed Neural Information
ICONIP 2006 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). vol.4232, 4233 and 4234 3583
pgs. Germany: Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 2006.10.
<P067513> MENG Xiaoning; LEE Ka Keung Caramon and XU Yangsheng. "Human Driving Behavior
Recognition Based on Hidden Markov Models". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE
International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 274-279 pgs. Kunming, China, 2006.12.17.
<P067618> CHEN SHIKUI and WANG Michael Yu. "Geometric Width Control in Topology Optimization Using
Level Set Method and A Quadratic Energy Functional". Paper presented in the Proceedings of ASME
2006 International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers and Information in
Engineering Conference, 10 pgs. Philadelphia, USA, 2006.09.10.
<P067878> SU, SHUANG and DU Ruxu. "Signature Analysis of Mechanical Watch Movements". Paper presented
in the Second Asian International Symposium on Mechatronics, - pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2006.12.12.
<P068070> HUANG Bufu; CHEN MENG; YE Weizhong and XU Yangsheng. "Intelligent Shoes for Human
Identification". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on
Robotics and Biomimetics, 601-606 pgs. kunming, China, 2006.12.17.
<P068108> LIU Qingshan and WANG Jun. "A Recurrent Neural Network for Non-Smooth Convex Programming
Subject to Linear Equality and Bound Constraints". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 13th
Processing, 1004-1013
pgs. Hong
Kong, China, 2006.10.03.
<P068199> CHEN MENG; HUANG, BUFU; LEE Ka Keung Caramon and XU Yangsheng. "An Intelligent
Shoe-Integrated System for Plantar Pressure Measurement". Paper presented in the Proceedings of IEEE
2006, 416-421. Kunming, China, 2006.12.17.
Faculty of Engineering
Biomimetics, organized
Dept of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
<P068217> DAI Ruoli and LIAO Wei Hsin. "Experimental Studies on Carbon Nanotube Composites for Vibration
Damping". Paper presented in the 17th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and
Technologies, 8 pgs. Taiwan, 2006.10.
<P068308> LIANG JIAN; XU Shiming; HE Yijian and DU Ruxu. "Design and Experimental Investigation of a
Diffusion Absorption Refrigeration System". Paper presented in the 8th Biennial ASMA Conference on
Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, - pgs. Torino, Italy, 2006.07.04.
<P068565> ZENG Zhigang and WANG Jun. "Global Exponential Stability of Recurrent Neural Networks with
Stimuli". Neural
Networks vol.19 no.10, pp.1528-1537. 2006.12.
<P068574> CHEN TAI and LIU Yunhui. "A Robust Estimator for Structure from Motion Based on Kernel Density
Estimation". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1298-1303 pgs. Beijing, China, 2006.10.09.
<P068637> HUANG Panfeng; OU Yongsheng; XU Yangsheng; XU Wenfu and LIANG Bin. Modeling Human
Intelligence for Robotic Capture of Space Objects". Intelligence for Space Robotics Ayanna M. Howard
and Edward W. Tunstel 165-179. TSI Press, 2006.07.
<P068746> WU Xinyu; LIANG Guoyuan; LEE Ka Keung Caramon and XU Yangsheng. "Crowd Density
Estimation Using Texture Analysis and Learning". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE
International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 214-219 pgs. Kunming, China, 2006.12.17.
<P068857> ZHU Minghui and HUANG Jie. "Small Gain Theorem with Restrictions for Uncertain Time-Varying
Nonlinear Systems". Communications in Information and Systems vol.6 no.2, pp.115-136. 2006.
<P069004> HUANG Panfeng; XU Yangsheng and LIANG Bin. "Minimum-Torque Path Planning of Space Robots
Using Genetic Algorithms". International Journal of Robotics and Automation vol.21 no.3, 2006.09.
<P069033> HU XIAOLIN and WANG Jun. "Solving Extended Linear Programming Problems Using A Class of
Recurrent Neural Networks". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 13th International Conference on
Neural Information Processing, 994-1003 pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2006.10.03.
<P069167> WANG Michael Yu and ZHANG Mike Tao. "Special Issue on Automation Science and
Engineering". ed. by Michael Y. Wang and Mike Tao Zhang. pp.8. 2006.12.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
<P069177> LIU LU and HUANG Jie. "A Remark on Stabilization of Chua's Circuit". Paper presented in the
Proceedings of the 25th Chinese Control Conference, p.2045-2049. Harbin, China, 2006.08.07.
<P069286> LIU Yunhui; WANG HESHENG; WANG Chengyou and LAM Kin Kwan. "Uncalibrated Visual
Servoing of Robots Using A Depth-Independent Interaction Matrix". IEEE Transactins on
Robotics vol.22 no.4, pp.804-817. 2006.08.
<P069318> LAI Wai Chiu King; FUNG Kar Man Carmen; WONG Tak Sing; SIN Lai Yi Mandy; LI Wen Jung
and KWONG Chung Ping. "Development of An Automated Microspotting System for Rapid
Dielectrophoretic Fabrication of Bundled Carbon Nanotube Sensors". IEEE Transactions on Automation
Science and Engineering vol.3 no.3, pp.218-227. 2006.
<P069391> LEE Hoi Chi Angie; LAI Yuen Hoo and HUI Kin Chuen. "Accelerating Refractive Rendering of
Transparent Objects". Computer Graphics Forum vol.25 no.3, pp.1-10. 2006.
<P069590> ZHOU Shiwei and WANG Michael Yu. "3D Multi-Material Structural Topology Optimization with the
Equations". Computer
Sciences vol.16 no.2, pp.83-101. 2006.
<P069740> WU Xiaojun; WANG Michael Yu and XIA QI. "Orthogonal Least Square RBF Based Implicit Surface
Reconstruction Methods, in Interactive Technologies and Sociotechnical Systems". Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Vol. 4270 ed. by Zha, H.; Pan, Z.; Thwaites, H.; Addison, A.C.; Forte,
M.. pp.232-241. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2006.10.12.
<P069918> LAM, MIU LING and LIU Yunhui. "ISOGRID: An Efficient Algorithm for Coverage Enhancement in
Mobile Sensor Networks". Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Beijing Institute of
Technology, 1458-1463. Beijing, China, 2006.10.09.
<P069920> WANG Zhancheng; HUANG Bufu; LI Weimin and XU Yangsheng. "Particle Swarm Optimization
for Operational Parameters of Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the
Biomimetics, 682-688
pgs. Kunming, China, 2006.12.17.
<P069994> WANG S. Y. and WANG Michael Yu. "Structural Shape and Topology Optimization Using An Implicit
Sciences vol.13 no.2, pp.119-147. 2006.
Faculty of Engineering
Method". Computer
Dept of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
<P070147> CHAN W. Y.; XU W. J. and DU Ruxu. "A Study on Cycloidal Gears". Paper presented in the CAD’
07, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2007.06.25.
<P070224> SUN Rong; ZHAO Tao; HUANG Jiawei; ZHENG Zhi; LENG Jing and DU Ruxu. "Preparation and
Application Research of Micro-structured Phase Change Materials for Highly Efficient Thermal Energy
Storage". Paper presented in the 6th China Urban Housing Conference, - pgs. Beijing, China, 2007.03.26.
<P070531> XU Wujiao; QIN Daton; FU YU and DU Ruxu. "A New Approach for Reducing the Cycloid Gear’s
Transmission". Proceedings
MicroNanoChina07 Hainan, China, 2007.01.10.
<P070539> LAM, MIU LING and LIU Yunhui. "Heterogeneous Sensor Network Deployment Using Circle
Packings". 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation organized by IEEE
RAS, 4442-4447. Rome, Italy, 2007.04.10.
<P070575> LI, YINGYING and LIU Yunhui. "Energy Saving Target Tracking Using Mobile Sensor
Networks". Paper presented in the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation, organized
Society pp.3653-3658
pgs). Roma, Italy,, 2007.04.10.
<P070578> TANG Yuk Ming; TSOI Ho Cheong Mathew; FONG Tik-Pui Daniel; LUI Po Yee Pauline; HUI Kin
Chuen and CHAN Kai Ming. "The Development of a Virtual Cycling Simulator". Paper presented in
the Edutainment 2007, 10 pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.06.
<P070984> GUAN Mingjie and LIAO Wei Hsin. "On the Efficiencies of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Circuits
towards Storage Device Voltages". Smart Materials and Structures vol.16 no.2, pp.498-505. United
Kingdom: IOP Publishing, 2007.04.
<P071137> FU Yu and DU Ruxu. "Swiss Lever Escapement Mechanism". Mechatronic Systems: Devices, Design,
Control, Operation and Monitoring ed. by C.W. de Silva. 17 pgs. Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, 2007.
<P071280> LIANG JIAN and DU Ruxu. "Research and Application of Novel Energy-Efficient HVAC
Technologies in Buildings". Paper presented in the 6th China Urban Housing Conference, pgs. Beijing, China, 2007.03.26.
<P071501> SU, SHUANG and DU Ruxu. "Signature Analysis of Mechanical Watch Movements". Journal of
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 12 pages. 2007.04.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
<P071611> ZHANG Y. T.; LIU CHUNG YAN and DU Ruxu. "Buckling Analysis of Plain Knitted Fabric Sheets
Direction". International
Structures vol.44 pp.7049-7060. 2007.
<P071615> QIN Jianzhao; WANG Zhi; HU Hanqing; CHENG Jun; WU, XINYU and XU Yangsheng. "A
Sparse Component Analysis Algorithm Based on Finite-Mixture-Model Learning". Paper presented in the
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Integration Technology, 112-116
pgs. Shenzhen, China, 2007.03.20.
<P071635> WEI Peng and WANG Michael Yu. "A Piecewise Constant Level Set Method for Structural Topology
Optimization". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 7th World Congress on Structural and
Multidisciplinary Optimization, 1659-1668 pgs. Seoul, Korea, 2007.05.21.
<P071713> HUANG Bufu; CHEN MENG; HUANG Panfeng and XU Yangsheng. "Gait Modeling for Human
Identification". Paper presented in the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation, 4833-4838 pgs. Roma, Italy, 2007.04.10.
<P071835> SHEN Jianbing; JIN Xiaogang; ZHOU Chuan and Charlie C. L. Wang. "Gradient Based Image
Completion by Solving the Poisson Equation". Computers & Graphics vol.31 no.1, pp.119-126. 2007.
<P071947> KO PUI HANG and DU Ruxu. "Nano-Bearing: A New Type of Air Bearing with Flexure
Structure". 機械工程學報 2007.03.
<P072081> WANG Heng; LOW K. H. and WANG Michael Yu. "Virtual Circle Mapping for Master-Slave Hand
Systems". Advanced Robotics vol.21 no.1-2, pp.183-208. 2007.02.
<P072184> WU, XINYU; CHUNG Wing Kwong; TONG Hang; CHENG Jun and XU Yangsheng. "A New
Solder Paste Inspection Device: Design and Algorithm". Paper presented in the 2007 IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, 680-685. Rome, Italy, 2007.04.10.
<P072404> CHAN Ngai Shing; KONG Ching Tom and DU Ruxu. "Development of Millimeter Scale Turning
Centre for Gear Hobbing". Proceedings of APCOM 2007, p.60. Hong Kong, China, 2007.01.
<P072431> LIN Han; ZHONG Zhanrong; LI Xuemin and DU Ruxu. "A Critical Review on Simulating Blood
Flow in Human Arterial System". Paper presented in the 2007 IEEE International Conference on
Integration Technology, - pgs. Shenzhen, China, 2007.03.20.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
<P072604> SONG ZHAN; CHUNG Chi Kit Ronald and YEUNG Steve Wai-leung. "Accurate Camera-Projector
System Calibration by the use of an LCD Panel". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 2007
International Conference on
and Pattern
(IPCV), organized by World Academy of Science, p.164-170. Las Vegas, USA, 2007.06.25.
<P072762> Charlie C. L. Wang and TANG Kai. "Woven Model Based Geometric Design of Elastic Medical
Braces". Computer-Aided Design vol.39 no.1, pp.69-79. 2007.
<P073045> XU Wenfu; LIANG Bin; XU Yangsheng; LI Cheng and QIANG Wenyi. "Path Planning of
Free-Floating Robot in Cartesian Space Using Direct Kinematics". International Journal of Advanced
Robotic Systems vol.4 no.1, pp.17-26. 2007.
<P073278> HUANG Jie. "An Alternative Approach to Global Robust Output Regulation of Output Feedback
Systems". Journal of Systems Science and Complexity no.10, pp.235-242. 2007.
<P073401> ZHONG Zhi; YE Weizhong; WANG Shengshu; YANG Ming and XU Yangsheng. "Crowd Energy
and Feature Analysis". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on
Integration Technology, pp.144-150. Shenzhen, China, 2007.03.20.
<P073402> LEUNG Hoi Chau and HUI Kin Chuen. "Deformation by Examples - A Density Flow
Approach". Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds vol.18 no.2, pp.95-105. 2007.
<P073471> LAU H. Y.; LI X. L. and DU Ruxu. "A New Method for Monitoring and Tuning Plastic Injection
Molding Machines". International Journal of Control and Intelligent Systems 2007.04.
<P073588> DAI Ruoli and LIAO Wei Hsin. "Modeling of carbon nanotube composites for vibration
damping". Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Smart Structures and Materials: Nanosensors,
Microsensors, and Biosensors and Systems 2007 SPIE 10 pgs. USA, 2007.03.
<P073672> HUI Kin Chuen; PAN Z.; CHUNG Chi Kit Ronald; Charlie C. L. Wang; JIN X.; GOBEL S. and LI
E.c.l.. ed. Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment. ISBN 978-3-540-73010-1; vol.4469 974. Springer, 2007.
<P073867> ZHOU Shiwei and WANG Michael Yu. "Multi-material Structural Topology Optimization with A
Generalized Cahn-Hilliard Model of Multi-phase Transition". Structural and Multidisciplinary
Optimization vol.33 no.2, pp.89-111. 2007.02.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
<P073949> WANG S. Y.; LIM K. M.; KHOO B. C. and WANG Michael Yu. "A Geometric Deformation
Constrained Level Set Method for Structural Shape and Topology Optimization". Computer Modeling in
Engineering & Sciences vol.18 no.3, pp.155-182. 2007.04.
<P074111> CHAN Yue Yan; FONG Tik-Pui Daniel; TANG Yuk Ming; HUI Kin Chuen and CHAN Kai
Ming. "A New And Simple Mechanical "Supination Sprain Simulator" for Evaluating the Protective
Effects of Footwear on Ankle Sprain". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Footwear
Biomechanics Symposium, 107-108 pgs. Taipei, Taiwan, 2007.
<P074226> CHAN Yue Yan; LI Wen Jung; FONG Tik-Pui Daniel; HUI Kin Chuen; ZHANG Ming; LIAO Wei
Hsin; LUI Po Yee Pauline; CHAN Kai Ming and YUNG Shu Hang Patrick. "Processing of Sensor
Signals for Detection of Ankle Sprain During Running". Paper presented in the SMART Convention
2007, organized by CUHK, - pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.06.10.
<P074347> LI Min and LIU Yunhui. "Dynamic Modeling and Experimental Validation for Interactive Endodontic
Simulation". IEEE Transactions on Robotics vol.23 no.3, pp.443-458. 2007.06.
<P074379> YAU Stephen S. T.; JIA Lixing and DU Ruxu. "Special Solutions to Some Kolmogorov Equations
Arising From Cubic Sensor Problems". CIS Special Volume Dedicated to Tyrone Duncan no.7.1, 2007.01.
<P074578> XU Wenfu; LIANG Bin; XU Yangsheng; LI Cheng and QIANG Wenyi. "A Ground Experiment
System of Free-Floating Robot for Capturing Space Target". Journal of Intelligent and Robotic
Systems vol.48 no.2, pp.187-208. 2007.02.
<P074580> XIA Qi and WANG Michael Yu. "Level Set Based Method for Simultaneous Optimization of Material
Property and Topology of Functionally Graded Structures". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 12th
ACM Solid and Physical Modeling Symposium, 12 pgs. Beijing, China, 2007.06.04.
<P074714> DONG MEI; CHUNG Chi Kit Ronald; LAM Edmund Y. and FUNG Kenneth S.m.. "Use of
Paraplanar Constraint for Parallel Inspection of Wafer Bump Heights". Paper presented in the Proceedings
of the 2007 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition
(IPCV), organized by World Academy of Science, pp.157-163. Las Vegas, USA, 2007.06.25.
<P074791> ZHANG Y. T.; REN S. G. and DU Ruxu. "Buckling Analysis of Plain-Knitted Fabric under Uniaxial
Tension in Arbitrary Direction". Journal of Textile Institute vol.98 no.2, pp.147-154. 2007.03.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
<P074802> WU Xiao J.; LIU Wei J. and WANG Michael Yu. "Modeling Heterogeneous Objects in
CAD". Proceedings
Exhibition vol.4
no.6 pp.731-740. Honolulu, Hawaii, 2007.06.25.
<P074825> YIN Fuliang; MEI Tiemin and WANG Jun. "Blind-Source Separation Based on Decorrelation and
Nonstationarity". IEEE
Papers vol.54 no.5, pp.1150-1158. 2007.05.
<P075057> LIU Shengjun; JIN Xiaogang; Charlie C. L. Wang and HUI Kin Chuen. "Ellipsoidal-Blob
Applications". Computers
Graphics vol.31 no.2, pp.243-251. 2007.
<P075063> Charlie C. L. Wang; HUI Kin Chuen and TONG Kai Man. "Volume Parameterization for Design
Automation of Customized Free-Form Products". IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and
Engineering vol.4 no.1, pp.11-21. 2007.01.
<P075127> LIU LU; LEWIS Frank L. and HUANG Jie. "Global Robust Tracking of a Class of Nonlinear Systems
and Its Application ". Paper presented in the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Control and
Automation, 1513-1518 pgs. Guangzhou, China, 2007.05.30.
<P075205> LI Chongguo; YAN Jingyu; CHENG Jun; WU, XINYU and XU Yangsheng. "Chatting
Robots". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Integration
Technology, 679-684 pgs. Shenzhen, China, 2007.03.20.
<P075605> XING, XIANGHUA; WANG Michael Yu and LUI Fung Yee. "Parametric Shape and Topology
Optimization with Moving Knots Radial Basis Functions and Level Set Methods". Paper presented in the
7th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, organized by International Society
for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, pp.1928-1936. Seoul, Korea, 2007.05.21.
<P076071> XU Yangsheng; LEE Ka Keung Caramon and LI Wen Jung.
Intelligent Wearable
Interface. Hoboken, USA: Wiley-Interscience, 2007.
<P076109> WANG HESHENG and LIU Yunhui. "Uncalibrated Dynamic Visual Tracking of Manipulators". Paper
presented in the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, organized by IEEE robotics
and automation society, p.3198-3203. Rome, Italy, 2007.04.10.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
<P076139> WANG HESHENG and LIU Yunhui. "Dynamic Visual Tracking with Eye-In-Hand Camera". Paper
presented in the Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Integration
Technology, 513-518 pgs. Shenzhen, China, 2007.03.20.
<P076444> WANG Michael Yu; WANG S. Y. and LIM K. M.. "A Density Filtering Approach for Topology
Optimization". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 7th World Congress on Structural and
Multidisciplinary Optimization, 1007-1016 pgs. Seoul, Korea, 2007.05.21.
<P076497> WANG Zhancheng; LI Weimin; HUANG Bufu and XU Yangsheng. "Optimization of Series Hybrid
Electric Vehicle Operational Parameters By Simulated Annealing Algorithm". Paper presented in the
Automation, 1536-1541
pgs. Guangzhou, China, 2007.05.30.
<P076922> XU Jijie; WANG Michael Yu; WANG Hong and LI Zexiang. "Force Analysis of Whole Hand Grasp
by Multifingered Robotic Hand". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, 211-216 pgs. Rome, Italy, 2007.04.10.
<P077010> CHOW CHUN TAK; SIN Lai Yi Mandy; LEONG Philip Heng Wai; LI Wen Jung and PUN Kong
Pang. "Design and Modeling of a CNT-CMOS Low-Power Sensor Chip". Paper presented in the IEEE
Systems, 1209-1214
pgs. Bangkok, Thailand, 2007.01.
<P077248> XIA Youshen and WANG Jun. "Solving Variational Inequality Problems with Linear Constraints Based
on A Novel Recurrent Neural Network". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 4th International
Symposium on Neural Networks, 99-104 pgs. Nanjing, China, 2007.06.
<P077252> WANG HESHENG; LIU Yunhui and ZHOU Dongxiang. "Dynamic Visual Tracking for Manipulators
Using an Uncalibrated Fixed Camera". IEEE Transactions on Robotics vol.23 no.3, pp.610-617. 2007.06.
<P077476> WANG Hairong; ZHAO Zexiang; JIANG Zhuangde and DU Ruxu. "An Instrument for Measuring
Mechanical Properties of MEMS Materials by Nanoindentation and Micro-Beam-Bending". Paper
presented in the Proceedings of MicroNanoChina 2007, - pgs. Hainan, China, 2007.01.10.
<P077540> HU XIAOLIN and WANG Jun. "Convergence of A Recurrent Neural Network for Nonconvex
Optimization Based on An Augmented Lagrangian Function". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 4th
International Symposium on Neural Networks, 194-203 pgs. Nanjing, China, 2007.06.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
<P077583> HU Hanqing; LIN Yaping; QIN Jianzhao; CHENG Jun; WU, XINYU and XU Yangsheng. "Visual
Tracking Based on Region Correlation Descriptor". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE
International Conference on Integration Technology, 275-280 pgs. Shenzhen, China, 2007.03.20.
<P077817> LAM,
Yunhui. "Sensor
Packings". Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Networking organized by
INESC-ID, 10 pgs. Lisbon, Portugal, 2007.01.23.
<P077945> LI Min; GAO Shuming and Charlie C. L. Wang. "Real-Time Collaborative Design with
Heterogeneous CAD Systems Based on Neutral Modeling Commands". Journal of Computing and
Information Science in Engineering vol.7 no.2, pp.113-125. 2007.06.
<P078043> XIE Xiaohui; DU Ruxu; SUN Lining and DU Zhijiang. "Internet Based Telesurgery with A
Bone-Setting System". Paper presented in the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Integration
Technology, - pgs. Shenzhen, China, 2007.03.20.
<P078585> WANG S. Y.; LIM K. M.; KHOO B. C. and WANG Michael Yu. "An Extended Level Set Method for
Optimization". Journal
Physics vol.221 no.1, pp.395-421. 2007.01.
<P078851> WANG Michael Yu and LUO Zhen. "Shape and Topology Optimization of Compliant Mechanisms
Using Level Set-Based Parameterization Method". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 12th World
Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, 8 pgs. Besancon, France, 2007.06.18.
<P078944> LIU Shengjun; Charlie C. L. Wang; HUI Kin Chuen; JIN Xiaogang and ZHAO
Hanli. "Ellipsoid-Tree Construction for Solid Objects". Paper presented in the ACM Solid and Physical
Modeling Symposium 2007, 303-308 pgs. Beijing, China, 2007.06.04.
<P079038> CHU Chih-hsing; Charlie C. L. Wang and TSAI Chi-rung. "Strip Approximation Using Developable
Bezier Patches: A Local Optimization Approach". Paper presented in the CAD’07 Conference, 807-816
pgs. Honolulu, Hawaii, 2007.06.25.
<P079177> SU, SHUANG and DU Ruxu. "Signature Analysis of Mechanical Watch Movements by Reassigned
Spectrogram". WSEAS Transactions on Computers vol.2 no.3, pp.139-146. 2007.01.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
<P079261> SU, SHUANG and DU Ruxu. "Signature Analysis of Mechanical Movements by Reassigned
Spectrogram". Paper presented in the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, pgs. Corfu Island, Greece, 2007.02.14.
<P079670> HU XIAOLIN and WANG Jun. "A Recurrent Neural Network for Solving A Class of General
Variational Inequalities". IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part B:
Cybernetics vol.37 no.3, pp.528-539. 2007.06.
<P079850> BASSIUNY Halim; LI Xiaoli and DU Ruxu. "Fault Diagnosis of Stamping Process Based on Empirical
Mode Decomposition and Learning Vector Quantization". International Journal of Machine Tools and
Manufacture 2007.
<P079864> LI, DANDAN and KWONG Chung Ping. "Understanding Latent Semantic Indexing: A Topological
Structure Analysis Using Q-Analysis Method". Paper presented in the International Conference on
Information and Knowledge Engineering, 7 pgs. United States of America, 2007.06.25.
<P079887> LI, DANDAN and KWONG Chung Ping. "Unified Linear Subspace Approach to Semantic
Analysis". Paper presented in the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, 7
pgs. United States of America, 2007.06.25.
<P079976> Charlie C. L. Wang. "Direct Extraction of Surface Meshes from Implicitly Represented Heterogeneous
Volumes". Computer-Aided Design vol.39 no.1, pp.35-50. 2007.
See Also <P061942 >, <P069523 >, <P071580 >, <P072231 >, <P072496 >, <P073062 >, <P074871 >, <P075787 >,
<P077673 >, <P079084 >, <P079439 >
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Systems Engineering & Engin. Management
<P023299> NG Chi Kong; LIAO Li-zhi and LI Duan. "A Globally Convergent and Efficient Method for
Control". Journal
Optimization vol.23 no.3-4, pp.401-421. 2002.
<P052465> CHEN H; CHEN J and CHEN Youhua. "A Coordination Mechanism for a Supply Chain with Demand
Updating". International
Economics first
online. vol.103 no.1, pp.347-361. The Netherlands, 2005.
<P053297> LUO Yi; LIU Zheng; LIN Xuemin; WANG Wei and YU Jeffrey Xu. "Similarity Search with Implicit
Object Features". 6th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management (WAIM’05) 12
pgs. Hangzhou, China, 2005.
<P060128> Grace Y. LIN; Yingdong LU and David D. YAO. "The Stochastic Knapsack Revisited:Switch-Over
Policies and Dynamic Pricing". Operations Research to appear. 2006.
<P060142> GAO WEI and WONG Kam Fai William. "Natural Document Clustering by Clique Percolation in
Random Graphs". Paper presented in the 3rd Asia Information Retrieval Symposium, 119-131
pgs. Germany, 2006.10.16.
<P060207> Mark S.K. LAU; Wuyi YUE; Ping LI and Duan LI. "Optimal Power Control of IDMA
Systems". IEICE Technical Report (Proceedings of the Institute of Electronics Information and
Communication Engineers Conference) 6 pgs. 2006.
<P060263> Xiaoling SUN; Hongbo SHENG and Duan LI. "An Exact Algorithm for 0-1 Polynomial Knapsack
Problems". Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization vol.3 no.2, 223-232. 2007.
<P060429> PANG Zhan and Youyi FENG. "Structuring Long-Term Supply Contracts in the Presence of Spot
Market". Paper presented in the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nov. 5-8, 2006, 1 pgs. Pittsburgh, United
States, 2006.11.05.
<P060449> Shan WANG; Zhaohui PENG; Jun ZHANG; Lu QIN; Sheng WANG; Jeffrey Xu YU and Bolin
DING. "NUITS: A Novel User Interface for Efficient Keyword Search over Databases". VLDB 2006,
Seoul, Korea 4 pgs. 2006.
<P060469> Kjetil K. HAUGEN and Stein W. WALLACE. "Stochastic Programming: Potential Hazards when
Research vol.142 119-127. Springer, 2006.
Faculty of Engineering
Interaction". Annals
Dept of Systems Engineering & Engin. Management
<P060609> Mei Choi CHIU and Duan LI. "Asset and Liability Management under a Continuous-time
Framework". Insurance:
Economics vol.39 330-355. Elsevier, 2006.
<P060798> Janny M.Y. LEUNG and Eugene LEVNER. "An Efficient Algorithm for Multi-hoist Cyclic Scheduling
with Fixed Processing Times". Operations Research Letters vol.34 no.4, pp.465-472. Elsevier, 2006.
<P061010> XU Wei; YUAN Chuanfa; LI Wenjie; WU Mingli and WONG Kam Fai William. "Building
Document Graphs for Multiple News Articles Summarization: An Event-based Approach". Paper
presented in the 21st International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages
(ICCPOL’2006), 181-188 pgs. Singapore, 2006.12.18.
<P061215> Mark S.K. LAU; Wuyi YUE; Li PING and Duan LI. "A Method to Compute All Fixed Points for the
Iterative MUD of a CDMA System with Chip-Level Interleavers". Proceedings of IEEE Region 10
Conference 2006 4 pgs. 2006.
<P061492> MATSUMOTO Yuji; SPROATS Richard; WONG Kam Fai William and ZHANG Min.
ed. Computer Processing of Oriental Languages. Beyond the Orient: The Research Challenges
Ahead. Lecture
978-3-540-49667-0). vol.4285 300
pgs. Springer-Verlag, 2006.11.
<P061502> FENG Qi; SETHI Suresh P.; YAN Houmin and ZHANG Hanqin. "Are Base-Stock Policies Optimal
in Inventory Problems with Multiple Delivery Modes?". Operations Research vol.54 no.4, pp.801-807.
INFORMS, 2006.07.
<P061658> WU Zhiyong; CAI Lianhong and Helen M. Meng. "Weight Estimation for Audio-Visual Multi-Level
Fusion in Bimodal Speaker Identification". Paper presented in the International Conference on Intelligent
Computing, 8 pgs. Kunming, China, 2006.08.16.
<P061680> YANG Hongwu; Helen M. Meng and CAI Lianhong. "Modeling the Acoustic Correlates of Expressive
Elements in Text Genres for Expressive Text-to-Speech Synthesis". Paper presented in the Interspeech
2006 - ICSLP, organized by Carnegie Mellon University, 4 pgs. Pittsburgh, USA, 2006.09.
<P061738> Pui Yu HUI and Helen M. MENG. "Joint Interpretation of Input Speech and Pen Gestures for
pgs. Pittsburgh, USA, 2006. 09.
Faculty of Engineering
Interaction". ISCA
Dept of Systems Engineering & Engin. Management
<P062001> Jeffrey Xu YU; Zhihong CHONG; Hongjun LU; Zhenjie ZHANG and Aoying ZHOU. "A false
Streams". Information Sciences vol.176 No.14 pp.1986-2015. 2005 Elsevier Inc., 2006.
<P062212> Heng Qing YE and David D. YAO. "Heavy-Traffic Optimality of a Stochastic Network under
Utility-Maximizing Resource Allocation". Operations Research to appear. 2006.
<P062292> Zhengyu ZHOU; Helen Meng and Wai Kit LO. "A Multi-Pass Error Detection and Correction
pgs. Pittsburgh, USA, 2006.09.
<P062356> Lei XIE; Helen MENG and Zhi Qiang LIU. "A Cantonese Speech-driven Talking Face using
Translingual Audio-to-Visual Conversion". International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language
Processing 2006, Springer 627-639. 2006.12.
<P062661> GAO WEI; WONG Kam Fai William; XIA Yunqing and XU Ruifeng. "Clique Percolation Method
for Finding Naturally Cohesive and Overlapping Clusters". Paper presented in the 21st International
Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (ICCPOL’2006), organized by Chinese and
Oriental Languages Computer Society, 97-108 pgs. Singapore, 2006.12.17.
<P062753> Xiping SONG and Xiaoqiang CAI. "On Optimal Payment Time for a Retailer under Permitted Delay of
Payment by the Wholesaler". International Journal Production Economic vol.103 pp.246-251. Elsevier,
<P062772> Z.Y. WU; Duan LI; L.S. ZHANG and X.M. YANG. "Peeling Off a Nonconvex Cover of an Actual
Convex Problem: Hidden Convexity". SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.18 no.2, 507-536. 2007.
<P062899> MAK Sui Tung Terrence; RACHMUTH Guy; LAM Kai Pui and POON Chi Sang. "A
Component-Based FPGA Design Framework for Neuronal Ion Channel Dynamics Simulations". IEEE
Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 2006.12.
<P062926> Xiaoling SUN; Jianling LI and Duan LI. "Convexification and Monotone Optimization". Continuous
Optimization: Current Trends and Applications A.Rubinov 275-291. Springer, 2006.
<P062974> PANG Zhan; Youyi FENG and ZHOU Yuqing. "Dynamic Pricing and Optimal Development Strategy
in Presales Housing Market". Paper presented in the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nov. 5-8, 2006, 1
pg. Pittsburgh, Unites States, 2006.11.05.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Systems Engineering & Engin. Management
<P062997> CHIU MEI CHOI and LI Duan. "Safety-first Dynamic Asset and Liability Management". Paper
presented in the Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, organized by Insurance: Mathematics and
Economics, 1 pgs. 2006.07.18.
<P063001> Peixiang ZHAO and Jeffrey Xu YU. "Fast Frequent Free Tree Mining in Graph Databases". Paper
presented in the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining-Workshops(ICDMW06), 5
pgs. 2006.
<P063135> BALAKRISHNAN Jaydeep and CHENG Chun Hung. "A Note on “a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for
Problem”". International
Economics vol.103 no.1, pp.87-89.
<P063491> Devon LI; Wai Kit LO and Helen MENG. "Initial Experiments on Automatic Story Segmentation in
Chinese Spoken Documents using Lexical Cohesion of Extracted Named Entities". International
Symposium on Chinese Conference Spoken Language Processing 2006, Springer 692-703. 2006.12.
<P063693> NG Chi Kong; LI Duan and ZHANG Lian-sheng. "Discrete Global Descent Method for Discrete
Global Optimization and Nonlinear Integer Programming". Journal of Global Optimization Vol. 37 No.
3 pp. 357-379. 2007.
<P063787> Hongwu YANG; Helen M. MENG; Zhiyong WU and Lianhong CAI. "Modelling the Global Acoustic
Correlates of Expressivity for Chinese Text-to-speech Synthesis". Paper presented in the IEEE/ACL 2006
Workshop on Spoken Language Technology 4 pgs. 2006.12.
<P063801> Jian PEI; Yidong YUAN; Xuemin LIN; Wen JIN; Martin ESTER; Qing LIU; Wei WANG; Yufei
TAO; Jeffrey Xu YU and Qing ZHANG. "Towards Multidimensional Subspace Skyline
Analysis". ACM Transactions on Database Systems vol.31 no.4, pp.1335-1381. 2006.
<P064041> Xiaoling SUN; RUAN Ning and Duan LI. "An Efficient Algorithm for Nonlinear Integer Programming
Systems". Optimization
Software vol.21 no.4, pp.617-633. Taylor and Francis, 2006.
<P064240> Tze Leung CHUNG; Robert Wing Pong LUK; Kam Fai WONG; Kui Lam KWOK and Dik Lun
LEE. "Adapting Pivoted Document-Length Normalization for Query Size: Experiments in Chinese and
English". ACM
(TALIP) vol.5 no.3, pp.245-263. 2006.09.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Systems Engineering & Engin. Management
<P064462> Yanchun ZHANG; Jeffrey Xu YU and Jingyu HOU. Web Communities Analysis and
Construction 187 pages. Springer, 2006.
<P064786> Kam Fai WONG; Yunqing XIA and Wenjie LI. "Linguistic and Behavioural Studies of Chinese Chat
Language". International
Scientific vol.19 no.2&3, pp.133-152. World Scientific, 2006.
<P064797> Christopher C. Yang; Chih Ping WEI and Kar Wing LI. "Using Associate Constraint Network with
Forward Evaluation to Overcome Cross-Lingual Semantic Interoperability Challenge for Crime
Information Extraction". Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and
Cybermetics 6 pgs. 2006.10.08.
<P065062> HE Huifen and Youyi FENG. "Optimal Dynamic Procurement Portfolio with Capacity Options
Contracts". INFORMS Annual Meeting 2006.11.05.
<P065065> Jeffrey Yu XU; Masaru KITSUREGAWA and Hong Va LEONG. ed. Advances in Web-Age
Information Management. 7th International Conference, WAIM 2006 606 pages. 2006.
<P065175> Sihem Amer YAHIA; Zohra BELLAHSENE; Ela HUNT; Rainer UNLAND and Jeffrey Xu YU.
ed. Database and XML Technologies. 4th International XML Database Symposium,XSym 2006, Seoul,
Korea 121 pages. 2006.
<P065235> Jun WANG; Mei LONG and Duan LI. "Actively Making Total Unimodularity in Branch-and-Bound
Method for Integer Programming". Paper presented in the IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and
Systems, 4 pgs. 2006.
<P065532> Duan LI and Jianjun GAO. "Cardinality Constrained Linear-quadratic Control in Discrete
Time". International Journal of Tomography and Statistics Winter 2007 vol.5 no.w07, 103-108. 2007.
<P066001> HUANG Xuexiang; YANG Xiaoqi and Duan LI. "Convergence of Optimal Values of Quadratic
Penalty Problems for Mathematical Problems with Complementarity Constraints". Journal of Industrial
Optimization vol.2 no.3, pp.287-296. American
Sciences, 2006.08.
<P066121> CHENG Chun Hung and WONG Kam Fai William. "An Analysis of Security Threats of Electronic
Election Systems". Journal of Information Privacy and Security vol.2 no.3, pp.4-20. 2006.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Systems Engineering & Engin. Management
<P066239> Xiaoqiang CAI and Xian ZHOU. "Stochastic Scheduling with Asymmetric Earliness and Tradiness
Penalties Under Random Machine Breakdowns". Probability in the Engineering and Informational
Sciences vol.20 pp.635-654. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
<P066318> XIA Yunqing; WONG Kam Fai William and LI Wenjie. "A Phonetic-Based Approach to Chinese
Chat Text Normalization". Paper presented in the 21st International Conference on Computational
Linguistics and 44th Annual Meeting of the ACL, pp. 993-1000. Sydney, Australia, 2006.07.
<P066406> Y.B. ZHAO and Duan LI. "Technical Note On KKT Points of Homogeneous ProgramS". Journal of
Optimization Theory and Applications vol.130 no.2, pp.367-374. Springer Science Business Media, Inc
2006, 2006.08.
<P066618> Zhiyong WU; Shen ZHANG; Lianhong CAI and Helen M. Meng. "Real-time Synthesis of Chinese
Visual Speech and Facial Expressions using MPEG-4 FAP Features in a Three-dimensional
Avatar". ISCA Conference on INTERSPEECH-2006 4 pgs. Pittsburgh, USA, 2006.09.
<P066681> X.L. SUN; H.Z. LUO and Duan LI. "Convexification of Nonsmooth Monotone Functions". Journal of
Optimization Theory and Applications vol.132 no.2, 339-351. Springer Science Business Media,
Inc., 2007.
<P067339> YAO D.D. and YE Hengqing. "Asymptotic Optimality of the Max-Min Fair Allocation". Proceedings of
the 8th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems p.352-357. 2006.07.10.
<P067574> XU Ruifeng; WONG Kam Fai William; LU Qin and LI Wenjie. "An Improved Method for Finding
Bilingual Co-location Correspondences from Monolingual Copora". Paper presented in the 21st
International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (ICCPOL’2006), organized by
Chinese and Oriental Languages Computer Society, 51-62 pgs. Singapore, 2006.12.17.
<P067583> WANG Jun and LI Duan. "A New Implicit Enumeration Method for Polynomial 0-1 Programming and
Applications". Theory and Practice of Systems Engineering vol.27 no.3, 21-27. 2007.
<P067830> Haixun WANG; Jian YIN; Jian PEI; Phili S. YU and Jeffrey Xu YU. "Suppressing Model Overfitting
in Mining Concept-Drifting Data Streams". Paper presented in the KDD 2006, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA, 736-741 pgs. 2006.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Systems Engineering & Engin. Management
<P067939> Defang CAO; Wenjie LI; Chunfa YUAN and Kam Fai WONG. "Automatic Chinese Aspectual
Indicators". International
Technology vol.11 no.4, pp.241-251. 2006.
<P068178> Ruizhang HUANG; Zhigang ZHANG and Wai LAM. "Text Clustering with Limited User Feedback
Under Local Metric Learning". Proceedings of the Asia Information Retrieval Symposium, Singapore 13
pgs. 2006.
<P068351> XIA
William. "Binarization
Categorization". Paper presented in the 21st International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental
Languages (ICCPOL2006), organized by Chinese and Oriental Languages Computer Society, 474-481
pgs. Singapore, 2006.12.18.
<P068360> Ruizhang HUANG; Zhigang ZHANG and Wai LAM. "Refining Hierarchical Taxonomy Structure Via
Semi-supervised Learning". Proceedings of the 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Seattle, Washington, USA 2 pgs. 2006.08.
<P068369> Zhiyong WU; Helen MENG; Hui NING and Sam C. TSE. "A Corpus-based Approach for Cooperative
Response Generation in a Dialog System". International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language
Processing 2006, Springer 614-626. 2006.12.
<P068377> CHAO Xiuli and Sean X. ZHOU. "Newsvendor Bounds and Heuristics for Optimal Policy of Serial
Supply Chains with and without Expedited Shippings". Paper presented in the Operations Research and
Its Applications, The Sixth International Symposium, ISORA’06, organized by Asia-Pacific Operations
Research Center (APORC), 21 pgs. 2006.08.
<P068457> Duan LI; J. WANG and X.L. SUN. "Computing Exact Solution to Nonlinear Integer Programming:
Method". Journal
Optimization vol.39 no.1, 127-154. Springer Science Business Media B.V., 2007.
<P068486> Christopher C. Yang and Rachel WONG. "Measuring Success Factors of E-Commerce
Infomediary". Proceedings
Lumpur,Malaysia 14 pgs. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2006.07.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Systems Engineering & Engin. Management
<P068558> Irina
WALLACE. "Optimization Model for a Livestock Collection Problem". International journal of
Physical distribution and Logistics Management vol.36 no.2, 136-152. Emerald Group Publishing
Limited, 2006.
<P068563> Xun LI and Xunyu ZHOU. "Continuous-Time Mean-Variance Efficiency: The 80% Rule". The Annals
of Applied Probability vol.16 no.4, pp.1751-1763. Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2006, 2006.
<P069055> Wenjie LI; Mingli WU; Qin LU and Kam Fai WONG. "Integrating Temporal Distribution Information
into Event-Based Summarization". International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages
(IJCPOL) vol.19 no.2&3, pp.201-222. World Scientific Publishing Co, 2006.
<P069364> Fu Lee WANG and Christopher C. YANG. "Impact of Document Structure to Hierarchical
Summarization". Proceedings of the International Conference on Asia Digital Libraries 12 pgs. 2006.11.
<P069450> H.S. NG and K.P. LAM. "Incremental Intraday Prediction of Extreme Values and Range-Based
Volatility". Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Financial Engineering and Applications
(FEA 2006) 9 pages. 2006.
<P069587> Christopher C. Yang and Nan LIU. "Measuring Similarity of Semi-structured Documents with Context
Weights". Proceedings of the 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference: Research and
Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) organized by ACM, p.719-720. Seattle, United States of
America, 2006.08.
<P069935> Yiqiu HAN; Wai LAM and Charles X. LING. "Customized Generalization of Support Patterns for
Classification". IEEE
Cybernetics vol.36 no.6 1306-1318. 2006.12.
<P070041> Nan CHEN and Paul GLASSERMAN. "Malliavin Greeks without Malliavin Calculus". Stochastic
Processes and Their Applications 117 1689-1723. Elsevier, 2007.06.05.
<P070163> Bin MA; Helen M. MENG and Man Wai MAK. "Effects of Device Mismatch, Language Mismatch
and Environmental Mismatch on Speaker Verification". IEEE Conference on International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP-2007) 4 pgs. 2007.04.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Systems Engineering & Engin. Management
<P070204> Kjetil HOYLAND and Stein W. WALLACE. "Stochastic Programming Models for Strategic and
Tactical Asset Allocation-A Study from Norwegian Life Insurance". Chapter 13 in Handbook of Asset
and Liability Management Edited by S.A. Zenious and W.T.Ziemba. vol.2 591-625 pgs. 2007 Elsevier
B.V., 2007.
<P070344> Y.F.CHEN and S.M. DISNEY. "The Myopic Order-Up-To Policy with a Proportional Feedback
Controller". International Journal of Production Research vol.45 no.2, pp.351-368. 2007 Taylor &
Francis, 2007.01.
<P070618> Ruifeng XU; Kam Fai WONG and Yunqing XIA. "Opinmine-Opinion Analysis System by CUHK for
NTCIR-06 Pilot Task". Proceedings of NTCIR-6 Workshop Meeting, Tokyo, Japan 8 pgs. 2007.05.
<P070914> BALAKRISHNAN Jaydeep and CHENG Chun Hung. "Multi-Period Planning and Uncertainty Issues
in Cellular Manufacturing: A Review and Future Directions". European Journal of Operational
Research vol.177 no.1, pp.281-309. 2007.
<P070918> WONG Kam Fai William; TANG Xiaoou; HO Ying Fai; LEUNG Kwok Yiu and CHU Hoi
Chung. "A Method of Automatically Modifying the Defect of Underexposure of the Digital Image and
the System Using the Same 對數字圖像曝光不足的缺陷進行自動修正的方法和系統". Hong Kong
Standard Patent no. HK1073908. 2007.05.18.
<P071035> Ka Kan LO and Wai LAM. "Building Knowledge Base for Reading from Encyclopedia". 2007 AAAI
Spring Symposium on Machine Reading Technical Report 6 pgs. 2007.
<P071065> Peixiang ZHAO and Jeffrey Xu YU. "Mining Closed Frequent Free Trees in Graph Databases". Paper
presented in the DASFAA 2007, 12 pgs. 2007.
<P071135> Terrence S.T. MAK; Pete SEDCOLE; Peter Y.K. CHEUNG; Wayne LUK and K.P. LAM. "A
Hybrid Analog-Digital Routing Network for NoC Dynamic Routing". Proceedings of the 1st Annual
International Symposium on Networks-on-chip (NOCS 2007) 10 pages. 2007.
<P071200> CAI
K.. Time-Varying
Optimization. 248. Springer, 2007.
<P071784> Wai LAM; Shing Kit CHAN and Ruizhang HUANG. "Named Entity Translation Matching and
Learning: With Application for Mining Unseen Translations". ACM Transactions on Information
Systems vol.25 no.1, 1-32. 2007.02.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Systems Engineering & Engin. Management
<P071987> Jacky C.F. WONG; Paul T.W. FUNG; Chun-Hung CHENG and Janny M.Y. LEUNG. "A
Map-Based Decision Support System for Delivery Planning". International Journal of Services
Operations and Informatics vol.2 no.1, pp.1-17. 2007.
<P072098> Henry Pak Sum HUI; Helen M. MENG and Man Wai MAK. "Adaptive Weight Estimation in
Multi-biometric Verification using Fuzzy Decision Fusion". Paper presented in the IEEE International
conference on Acoustics, speech and Signal Processing(ICASSP-2007), 4 pgs. 2007.04.
<P072251> BRINKHUIS Jan and ZHANG Shuzhong. "A D-Induced Duality and Its Applications". Mathematical
Programming DOI 10.1007/s10107-007-0097-5. 34 pgs. 2007.03.30.
<P072438> Jiyuan AN; Jeffrey Xu YU; Chotirat Ann RATANAMAHATANA and Yi Ping Phoebe CHEN. "A
Dimensionality Reduction Algorithm and its Application for Interactive Visualization". Journal of Visual
Languages and Computing vol.18 No.1 pp.48-70. Elsevier, 2007.
<P072471> Ruifeng XU; Qin LU; Kam Fai WONG and Wenjie LI. "Annotating Chinese Collocations with Multi
Information". Proceedings of the Linguistic Annotation Workshop 8 pgs. 2007.06.
<P072598> Michal KAUT and Stein W. WALLACE. "Evaluation of Scenario Generation Methods for Stochastic
Programming". Pacific Journal of Optimization vol.3 no.2, pp.257-271. Yokohama Publisher, 2007.05.
<P072609> Shen ZHANG; Zhiyong WU; Helen M. MENG and Lianhong CAI. "Head Movement Synthesis based
on Semantic and Prosodic Features for a Chinese Expressive Avatar". IEEE Conference on International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP-2007) 4 pgs. 2007.04.
<P072801> PANG ZHAN and FENG Youyi. "A Real Options Analysis on the Capacity Contracting Problem in the
Presence of B2B Exchanges Dynamic Options Pricing and Investment Analysis in a Pre-Sale Housing
Market". Paper presented in the The 18th Annual POMS Conference, organized by Production and
Operations Management Society, 1 pgs. Dallas, United States of America, 2007.05.14.
<P072823> Frank Y. CHEN; Jian CHEN and Yongbo XIAO. "Optimal Control of Selling Channels for an Online
Retailer with Cost-per-Click Payments and Seasonal Products". Production and Operations
Management vol.16 no.3, pp.292-305. 2007 Production and Operations Management Society, 2007.
<P073102> Christopher C. YANG; Tobun D. NG; Jau Hwang WANG; Chih Ping WEI and Hsin Chun
CHEN. "Analyzing and Visualizing Gray Web Forum Structure". Proceedings of the Pacific Asia
Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics 12 pgs. 2007.04.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Systems Engineering & Engin. Management
<P073195> Christopher C. YANG; Chin Sheng YANG; Chih Ping WEI and Yen Ming CHEN. "A
Reviews". Proceedings of the Workshop on e-Business(WeB2006) 12 pgs. 2006.12.
<P073636> LUO Zhi-quan; SIDIROPOULOS Nicholas; TSENG Paul and ZHANG Shuzhong. "Approximation
Bounds for Quadratic Optimization with Homogeneous Quadratic Constraints". SIAM Journal on
Optimization vol.18 no.1, p.1 - 28. 2007.02.02.
<P073754> CAI Xiaoqiang; LI Yongjian and TU Fengsheng. "Maximizing Dual Function by Genetic Algorithm-A
new Approach for Optimal Manpower Planning". Computational Intelligence,PT 2, Proceedings Lecture
Notes In Artificial Intelligence vol.4114 pp.1147-1157. Springer, 2007.
<P073946> Helen M. MENG. "Multilingual Dialog Systems". Advances
in Chinese Spoken Language
Processing ed. by C.H. Lee, H.Li, L.S. Lee, R.H. Wang, Q. Huo. pp.459-482. 2007.
<P073989> Zhifeng LI; Dahua LIN; Helen M. MENG and Xiaoou TANG. "Discriminant Mutual Subspace
Learning for Indoor and Outdoor Face Recognition". Paper presented in the IEEE Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 6 pgs. 2007.06.
<P073993> Christopher C. YANG and Jianfeng LIN. "Integrating Web Directories by Learning their
Structures". Proceedings of the International World Wide Web Conference (WWW’07) 2 pgs. 2007.05.
<P074357> Rachel C.W. WONG; Tony W.Y. YUEN; KWOK Wah Fung and Janny M.Y. LEUNG. "Optimizing
Timetable Synchronization for Rail Mass Transit". Transportation Science to appear. 2007.
<P074471> Frank CHEN and Mahmut PARLAR. "Value of a Put Option to the Risk-averse Newsvendor". IIE
Transactions vol.39 481-500. IIE, USA, 2007.
<P074487> Suresh P. SETHI; Houmin YAN; Hanqin ZHANG and Jing ZHOU. "A Supply Chain with a Service
Signal". Production
Management vol.16 no.3, pp.322-342. 2007 Production and Operations Management Society, 2007.
<P074539> Christopher C. YANG and Kar Wing LI. "An Associate Constraint Network Approach to Extract
Systems vol.43 no.4, pp.1348-1361. 2006 Elsevier B.V., 2006.08.
Faculty of Engineering
Analysis". Decision
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<P074654> Xiaoqiang CAI; Xianyi WU and Xian ZHOU. "Single-machine Scheduling with General Costs under
Compound-type Distributions". Journal of Scheduling vol.10 pp.77-84. Springer Science Business Media,
LLC, 2007.
<P074829> Jianfeng LIN; Christopher C. YANG and Chih Ping WEI. "Analyzing On-line Consumer
Reviews". Proceedings of the Workshop on e-Business (WeB2006) 12 pgs. 2006.12.
<P075309> David D. YAO and Xunyu ZHOU. "Financial Engineering". McGraw Hill Yearbook on Science and
Technology ed. by David Blumel. pp.125-128. 2007.
<P075594> Lei XIE; Chuan LIU and Helen M. MENG. "Combined Use of Speaker-and Tone-Normalized Pitch
Reset with Pause Duration for Automatic Story Segmentation in Mandarin Broadcast News". Paper
presented in The Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational
Linguistics (NAACL- HTL 2007) pp.193-6. 2007.04.
<P075748> WONG Kam Fai William; TANG Xiaoou; HO Ying Fai; LEUNG Kwok Yiu and CHU Hoi Chung. "
對數字圖像曝光不足的缺陷修正的方法和系統". Chinese Patent no. ZL200310117256.2. 2007.02.14.
<P076121> Haifeng WANG and Houmin YAN. "Optimal Multiperiod Inventory Decisions with Partially Observed
Markovian Supply Information". Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation 6 pgs. 2007.
<P076301> Ruizhang HUANG; Wai LAM and Zhigang ZHANG. "Active Learning of Constraints for
Semi-supervised Text Clustering". Proceedings of the 7th SIAM International Conference on Data
Mining, Minneapolis, Minnesota 12 pgs. 2007.
<P076371> Tak Lam WONG and Wai LAM. "Adapting Web Information Extraction Knowledge via Mining
Features". ACM
Technology vol.7 no.1, 1-40. 2007.02.
<P076401> Nan CHEN and Paul GLASSERMAN. "Additive and multiplicative duals for American option
pricing". Finance and Stochastics vol.11 153-179. Springer-Verlag, 2007.01.
<P076503> David D. YAO and Yongbo XIAO. "Asymptotically Optimal Decisions for Replenishment and
Transshipment". Proceedings of The International Conference on Manufacturing & Service Operations
Management (MSOM 2007) 4-5. 2007.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Systems Engineering & Engin. Management
<P076780> Jie XIONG and Xunyu ZHOU. "Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection Under Partial Information". SIAM
J. Control and Optimization vol.46 no.1, pp.156-175. SIAM, 2007.
<P076902> Michael CHAU; Xiao FANG and Christopher C .YANG. "Web Searching in Chinese: A Study of a
Search Engine in Hong Kong". Journal of the American Society for Information Science and
Technology vol.58 no.7, pp.1044-1054. Wiley Periodicals Inc, 2007.05.
<P076927> Youyi FENG and B. XIAO. "A Risk-Sensitive Model for Managing Perishable Products". Operations
Research INFORMS, 2007.
<P077096> Christopher C. YANG and Fu Lee WANG. "An Information Delivery System with Automatic
Summarization for Mobile Commerce". Decision Support Systems vol.43 no.1, pp.46-61. 2005 Elsevier
B.V., 2007.02.
<P077334> Arnt Gunnar LIUM; Teodor Gabriel CRAINIC and Stein W. WALLACE. "Correlations in
Stochastic Programming; A Case from Stochastic Service Network Design". Asia-Pacific Journal of
Operational Research vol.24 no.2, pp.161-179. World Scientific Publishing Co., & Operational Research
Society of Singapore, 2007.02.
<P077542> Guimei LIU; Hongjun LU and Jeffrey Xu YU. "CFP-tree: A Compact Disk-based Structure for Storing
Itemsets". Information
Systems vol.32 No.2 pp.295-319. 2005
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<P077668> Yongjian LI; Jian CHEN and Xiaoqiang CAI. "Heuristic Genetic Algorithm for Capacitated
Production Planning Problems with Batch Processing and Remanufacturing". International Journal of
Production Economics vol.105 pp.301-317. 2005 Elsevier B.V., 2007.
<P077785> Jianming
ZHOU. "Stock
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Finance vol.17 no.2, pp.307-317. Blackwell Publishing Inc., 2007.04.
<P077819> J.K. WINCH; Xiaoqiang CAI and G.L. VAIRAKTARAKIS. "Cyclic Job Scheduling in Paced
Workers". International
Research vol.45 no.4, pp.803-828. 2007 Taylor & Francis, 2007.02.
<P077890> Guozhu DONG; Xuemin LIN; Wei WANG; Yun YANG and Jeffrey Xu YU. ed. Advances in Data
and Web Management. 9th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2007 & 8th International Conference,
on Web-Age Information Management, WAIM 2007, Huang Shan, China 900 pages. 2007.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Systems Engineering & Engin. Management
<P078000> Xiang LIAN; Lei CHEN; Jeffrey Xu YU; Guoren WANG and Ge YU. "Similarity Match Over High
Speed Time-Series Streams". Paper presented in the ICDE 2007, 10 pgs. 2007.
<P078457> Nan Liu and Christopher C. Yang. "A Link Classification Based Approach to Website Topic Hierarchy
Generation". Proceedings of the International World Wide Web Conference (WWW’07) 2 pgs. 2007.05.
<P078583> Christopher C. YANG; Michael CHAU and Xiao FANG. "Analysis of the Bilingual Queries in a
Chinese Web Search Engine (Poster)". Proceedings of the Workshop on e-Business(WeB2006) 2
pgs. 2006.12.
<P078840> Christopher C. YANG and Tobun D. NG. "Terrorism and Crime Related Weblog Social Network:
Link, Content Analysis and Information Visualization". Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference
on Intelligence and Security Informatics 6 pgs. 2007.05.
<P079074> Terrence S.T. MAK; K.P. LAM; H.S. NG; G. RACHMUTH and C.S. POON. "A Current-Mode
Analog Circuit for Reinforcement Learning Problems". Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International
Symposium of Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2007) 4 pages. 2007.
<P079405> Ying ZHANG; Xuemin LIN; Yidong YUAN; Masaru KITSUREGAWA; Xiaofang ZHOU and
Jeffrey Xu YU. "Summarizing Order Statistics over Data Streams with Duplicates". Paper presented in
the ICDE 2007, 5 pgs. 2007.
<P079641> Jiefeng CHENG; Jeffrey Xu YU and Bolin DING. "Cost-Based Query Optimization for Multi
Reachability Joins". Paper presented in the DASFAA 2007, 13 pgs. 2007.
<P079783> LO, KA KAN and LAM Wai. "Enhance Legal Retrieval Applications with Automatically Induced
Knowledge Base". Paper presented in the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
Law, organized by International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law (IAAIL), 7 pgs. Palo
Alto, USA, 2007.06.04.
<P079940> Hong Cheu LIU; Jeffrey XU YU; John ZELEZNIKOW and Ying GUAN. "A Logic-Based Approach
to Mining Inductive Databases". Paper presented in the International Conference on Computational
Science 2007, 8 pgs. 2007.
<P907446> KUSIAK Andrew and CHENG Chun Hung. "A branch-and-bound algorithm for solving the group
technology problem". Annals of Operations Research vol.26 no.1-4, pp.415-431. 1990.
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Systems Engineering & Engin. Management
<P916537> BOE J Warren and CHENG Chun Hung. "A close neighbor algorithm for machine and part
grouping". International Journal of Production Research vol.29 no.10, pp.2097-2116. 1991.
<P926689> CHENG Chun Hung. "Algorithms for grouping machine groups in group technology". OMEGA
International Journal of Management Science vol.20 no.4, pp.493-501. 1992.
<P938954> CHENG Chun Hung. "A tree search algorithm for designing a cellular manufacturing system". OMEGA
International Journal of Management Science vol.21 no.4, pp.489-496. 1993.
See Also <P069473 >
Faculty of Engineering
Dept of Anatomical & Cellular Pathology
<P060292> LEE Y. T.; CHIU P W; CHOI Cheung Lung Paul and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Esophageal
Small-Cell Cancer Mimicking Stromal Tumor". Endoscopy vol.38 no.Suppl 2, pp.E21-2. 2006.
<P060346> SY Ming Hui; LAI Bo San Paul; PANG Yin Tung Etonia; WONG Lai Yung; TO Ka Fai;
JOHNSON J. Philip and WONG Nathalie. "Novel Identification of Zyxin Upregulations in the Motile
Phenotype of Hepatocellular Carcinoma". Modern Pathology vol.19 pp.1108-16. The United States and
Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc., 2006.08.
<P060553> LAU P. L. Patrick; TINT Khin Aye; TSE Man Kit Gary and LUI Chi Wai. "Primary Hepatic
Carcinoid Tumours: Report of Two Cases". Pathology vol.38 no.5, pp.458-461. 2006.10.01.
<P060686> TSE Man Kit Gary; CHAIWUN Benjaporn; LAU Kin Mang; SCOLYER Richard; LEE C Soon;
KARIM Z Rooshdiya; PUTTI C Thomas; LAW K Bonita; LUI Chi Wai and TAN Puay
Hoon. "Endothelin I Expression Correlates with Atypical Histological Features in Mammary Phyllodes
Tumours". J Clin Pathol 2006.12.08.
<P061472> LUI Chi Wai and LAU P. L. Patrick. "Fine Needle Aspiration Diagnosis of Metastatic Merkel Cell
Patient". Pathology vol.38 no.5, pp.456-458. 2006.10.05.
<P061647> TONG H. Y. Edith; GUO Jin-jun; HUANG Ai-long; LIU Han; HU Chang-deng; CHUNG S.m.
Stephen and KO Chi Bun. "Regulation of Nucleocytoplasmic Trafficking of Transcription Factor
OREBP/TonEBP/NFAT5". Journal of Biological Chemistry vol.281 no.33, pp.23870-9. 2006.08.18.
<P061659> HAU Pok Man; SIU Wai Yi; WONG Nathalie; LAI Bo San Paul and POON Randy Y.
C. "Polyploidization Increases the Sensitivity to DNA-damaging Agents in Mammalian Cells". FEBS
Letters vol.580 no.19, pp.4727-4736. Elsevier B.V., 2006.08.21.
and TSANG Kam Sze Kent. "Banking and Transplantation of Umbilical Cord blood in Guangzhou,
China". Cytotherapy vol.8 no.5, pp.488-497. 2006.11.05.
<P063082> POON Chuen Wai; WONG Nathalie; LAI Bo San Paul; RATTRAY Magnus; JOHNSON Philip
James and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "A Tumor Progression Model for Hepatocellular Carcinoma:
Bioinformatic Analysis of Genomic Data". Gastroenterology vol.131 no.4, pp.1262-1270. PHILADEL
INC, 2006.10.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Anatomical & Cellular Pathology
<P063362> IP Wai Ki; WONG Chun Kwok and LAM Wai Kei Christopher. "Interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-13
up-regulate monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 expression in human bronchial epithelial cells:
involvement of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 and Janus
kinase-2 but not c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase 1/2 signalling pathways". Clinical and Experimental
Immunology vol.145 no.1, pp.162-72. British Society for Immunology, 2006.07.
<P064139> YUE Gar Lee Grace; FUNG Kwok Pui; TSE Man Kit Gary; LEUNG Ping Chung and LAU Bik
San Clara. "Comparative Studies of Various Ganoderma Species and Different Parts with Regard to
Their Antitumor and Immunomodulating Activities In Vitro". The Journal of Alternative and
Complementary Medicine vol.12 no.8, pp.777-789. 2006.
<P064152> AU C M; LUK S K; JACKSON C J; NG Ho Keung; YOW C M and TO Shing Shun
Tony. "Differential effects of photofrin, 5-aminolevulinic acid and calphostin C on glioma cells". J
Photochem Photobiol B vol.85 no.2, pp.92-101. 2006.11.
<P064162> LUI Chi Wai; CHAU Kf Tony; WONG S Steven; LAU Pl Patrick; TSE Man Kit Gary; THOMAS
Mm Teresa and NG Ho Keung. "Cytology of Chordoid Meningioma: a Series of 5 Cases with Emphasis
on Differential Diagnoses.". J Clin Pathol 2006.07.12.
<P064413> SHI Wei; BASTIANUTOO Carlo; LI Anna; PEREZ-ORDONEZ Bayardo; NG Raymond; CHOW
Kan Yan; ZHANG Wendy; JURISICA Igor; LO Kwok Wai; BAYLEY Andrew; KIM John;
OSULLIVAN Brian; SIU Lillian; CHEN Eric and LIU Fei Fei. "Multiple Dysregulated Pathways in
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Revealed by Gene Expression Profiling". International Journal of
Cancer vol.119 no.10, pp.2467-75. 2006.11.15.
<P067557> ZHANG Li; MULROONEY B Scott; LEUNG F. K. Andy; ZENG Yibo; KO Chi Bun;
HAUSINGER P Robert and SUN Hongzhe. "Inhitition of Urease by Bismuth (III): Implications for the
Mechanism of Action of Bismuth Drugs". BioMetals vol.19 no.5, pp.503-511. 2006.10.
<P067768> HAU Pok M; SIU Wai Y; POON Randy Y; WONG John; WONG Nathalie and LAI Bo San
Paul. "Tetraploidization Promotes Sensitivity to Genotoxic Stress Induced by DNA-Damaging
Agents". Paper presented in the 7th World Congress of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary
Association, organized by International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, p.129. Hampshire, United
Kingdom, 2006.09.
<P068400> KOO Chuay Yeng; BAY Boo Huat; LUI Chi Wai; TSE Man Kit Gary; TAN Puay Hoon and YIP
Wai Cheong George. "Immunohistochemical Expression of Heparan Sulfate Correlates with Stromal
Cell Proliferation in Breast Phyllodes Tumors.". Modern Pathology 2006.07.07.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Anatomical & Cellular Pathology
<P068529> TSE Man Kit Gary; KING Ann Dorothy; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; CHEUNG S Humairah and
YANG Wei-tse. "In Vivo Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Breast Lesions: An
Update". Breast Cancer Research and Treatment ISSN 0167-6806 (Print) 1573-7217 (Online). Springer
Netherlands, 2006.10.19.
<P068685> CHIAO Ying Ann and LAM Hon Ming. "Nitrogen signaling in higher plants.". Advances in Plant
Physiology 8 149-168. 2005.
<P068809> IP Wai Ki; WONG Chun Kwok; LEUNG Ting Fan and LAM Wai Kei Christopher. ed. "Plasma
concentrations of soluble CTLA-4, CD28, CD80 and CD86 costimulatory molecules reflect disease
children". Pediatric
Pulmonology vol.41 pp.674-682. Wiley-Liss
Inc., 2006.07.
<P069707> CHAN Yat Yee; LAI Bo San Paul; SQUIRE Jeremy A.; BEHESHTI Ben; WONG Lai Yung; SY
Ming Hui and WONG Nathalie. "Positional Expression Profiling Indicates Candidate Genes in Deletion
Hotspots of Hepatocellular Carcinoma". Modern Pathology vol.19 no.12, pp.1546-1554. United States of
America: The United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc., 2006.12.
<P070749> WANG Gang; MAC-MOUNE LAI Fernand; LAI Ka Bik; CHOW Kai-Ming; LI Kam Tao Philip
and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Messenger RNA Expression of Podocyte-Associated Molecules in the
Nephropathy". Nephron
Practice vol.106 no.4, pp.169-179. 2007.06.26.
LIU F F. "Imaging the Modulation of Adenoviral Kinetics and Biodistribution for Cancer Gene
Therapy". Mol Ther vol.15 no.5, pp.921-9. 2007.05.
<P071604> CHANG Qing and NG Ho Keung. "Different hypermethylation status of RASSF1A in medulloblastoma
tumor". Zhonghua
Zhi vol.36 no.1, pp.24-28. China, 2007.01.
<P071711> LAU Kin Mang; CHENG Suk Hang; LO Kwok Wai; LEE Ka Wai Sharon; WOO Kong Sang John;
VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew; LEE S P; RICKINSON A B and NG Heung Ling
Margaret. "Increase in Circulating Foxp3+CD4+CD25high Regulatory T Cells in Nasopharyngeal
Carcinoma Patients ". English Journal of Cancer vol.96 no.4 pp.617-622. United Kingdom, 2007.02.26.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Anatomical & Cellular Pathology
<P072293> TSE Man Kit Gary; TAN Puay-hoon; CHEUNG S Humairah; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie and LAM
Wai Man Wynnie. "Intermediate to Highly Suspicious Calcification in Breast Lesions: a
Radio-Pathologic Correlation". Breast Cancer Res Treat vol.Epub ahead of print 2007.
<P072301> CHOW Kai-Ming; CHAN Pui Ha Natalie; CHUI Ka-lung and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Pancytopenia
in a patient with tuberculous peritonitis". Intern Med J vol.37 no.4, pp.277-278. 2007.04.
<P072575> KOSUGE Kazuhiro; CHUANG I Andrew; UEMATSU Satoko; TAN Kah Poh; OHASHI Kyoichi;
KO Chi Bun and ITO Shinya. "Discovery of Osmo-sensitive Transcriptional Regulation of Human
(TonEBP/NFAT5)". Molecular Pharmacology 2007.06.28.
<P072706> MAN C; ROSA J; LEE L T O; LEE V H Y; CHOW B K C; LO Kwok Wai; DOXSEY S; WU Z G;
KWONG Y L; JIN D Y; CHEUNG A L M and TSAO S W. "Latent membrane protein 1 suppresses
RASSF1A expression, disrupts microtubule structures and induces chromosomal aberrations in human
epithelial cells". Oncogene vol.26 no.21, pp.3069-80. 2007.05.10.
<P073036> LI Ka Wai Kay; PANG Chung Sean Jesse; CHUNG Y. F.; NG YEUNG LAM; CHAN N H; ZHOU
L; POON Wai Sang and NG Ho Keung. "EMP3 overexpression is associated with oligodendroglial
tumors retaining chromosome arms 1p and 19q". Int J Canter vol.120 no.4, pp.947-950. 2007.02.
<P073273> CHENG Suk Hang; NG Heung Ling Margaret; LAU Kin Mang; LIU Herman S Y; CHAN Joyce C
W; HUI B. Y. Angela; LO Kwok Wai; HUA Jiang; JIAN Hou; CHU Raymond W; WONG Wai
Shan; CHAN Pui Ha Natalie and NG Ho Keung. "4q Loss is Potentially an Important Genetic Event in
MM Tumorigenesis: Identification of a Tumor Suppressor Gene Regulated by Promoter Methylation at
4q13.3, Platelet Factor 4". Blood vol.109 no.5, pp.2089-2099. 2007.03.01.
<P073721> WONG, WING LEI; LUNG Wai Ming Raymond; LAW Tak Yin; LAI Bo San Paul; TO Ka Fai and
WONG Nathalie. "Frequent Up-regulations of miR-222 in Hepatitis-B related Hepatocellular
Carcinoma". Paper presented in the AACR, 1 pgs. LA, United States of America, 2007.04.14.
<P073996> HON Kam Lun; CHOI Cheung Lung Paul; BURD David Andrew Ross and LUK Nai Ming
Tommy. "Epidermolysis Bullosa Dystrophica in a Chinese Neonate". HK J Paediatr (new
series) vol.12 pp.137-143. Hong Kong, HKSAR: Medcom Ltd, Hong Kong, 2007.04.
F. "Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma of the Oral Cavity". Oral Diseases vol.13 no.2, pp.244-250.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Anatomical & Cellular Pathology
<P074377> SUN Chong Ran; WANG Chung Cheng; TSANG Kam Sze Kent; LI Jin; ZHANG Han and AN Yi
Hua. "Modulation and Impact of Class I Major Histocompatibility Complex by Neural Stem
Cell-Derived Neurotrophins on Neuroregeneration". Med Hypotheses vol.68 no.1, pp.176-9. 2007.
<P074412> CHIU Wai Yan Philip; CHAN Kui Fat; LEE Yuk Tong; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu; LAU Yun Wong
James and NG Enders Kwok-wai. "Endoscopic submucosal dissection used for treating early neoplasia
of the foregut using a combination of knives". Surgical Endoscopy 10.1007/s00464-007-9479-2. 2007.
<P074599> LI Wei; TRAN Nham; LEE C. Soon; O BRIEN J. Christopher; TSE Man Kit Gary; SCOLYER A.
Richard; HONG Angela; MILROSS Christopher; YU Kwok Hung and ROSE R. Barbara. "New
Carcinogenesis". Pathology vol.39 no.2, pp.217-222. 2007.04.
<P074963> LEUNG Wai K; TO Ka Fai; MAN Ellen P. S.; CHAN Michael W. Y.; HUI Aric J.; NG Siu Man
Simon; LAU Yun Wong James and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Detection of Hypermethylated DNA or
Cyclooxygenase-2 Messenger RNA in Fecal Samples of Patients With Colorectal Cancer or
Polyps". American Journal of Gastroenterology vol.102 no.1-7, 2007.
<P075006> IP Wai Ki; LAI Bo San Paul; WONG Lai Yung; SY Ming Hui; BEHESHTI Ben; SQUIRE Jeremy
A. and WONG Nathalie. "Identification of PEG10 as a Progression Related Biomarker for
Hepatocellular Carcinoma". Cancer Letters vol.250 no.2, pp.284-291. Oxford, United Kingdom: Elsevier
Ireland Ltd., 2007.06.08.
<P075156> GENG Hua; ZHAO Hai Lu; TONG Ling Ying; NG Ho Keung; LAI Fernand Mac-moune; TONG
Chun Yip; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and HO Yuanyuan. "Apolipoprotein E Promoter
Polymorphisms and Renal Insufficiency in Type 2 Diabetes". Paper presented in the American Diabetes
Sessions, organized
Association, 1
pgs. Chicago, United States of America, 2007.06.22.
<P075976> KWONG Joseph; CHOW Shuk Nga Lillian; WONG Yue Hang Albert; HUNG Wing Ki; CHUNG
Tin Yun Grace; TO Ka Fai; CHAN Leung Franky; DAIGO Yataro; NAKAMURA Yusuke;
HUANG POON Wai Sin Dolly and LO Kwok Wai. "Epigenetic inactivation of the deleted in lung and
Cancer vol.46 no.2, pp.171-180. 2007.02.
Faculty of Medicine
carcinoma". Genes
Dept of Anatomical & Cellular Pathology
<P076617> HO Yuen Sze; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; YEUNG Kit Ying; LAU, KIN CHONG; HUI Joannie
and Anthony W.I. Lo. "Abnormal Expressions of the Subunits of the UDP-N-Acetylglucosamine:
Lysosomal Enzyme, N-Acetylglucosamine-1-Phosphotransferase, Result in the Formation of Cytoplasmic
I-Cells". Journal
Medicine vol.85 no.4, pp.351-360. Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2007.04.
<P079080> LI Hongyan; FUNG King-leung; JIN Dong-yan; CHUNG Sm Stephen; CHING Yick-pang; NG
Oi-lin Irene; SZE Kong-hung; KO Chi Bun and SUN Hongzhe. "Solution Structures, Dynamics, and
Lipid-binding of the Sterile Alpha-motif Domain of the Deleted in Liver Cancer 2". Proteins: Structure,
Function, and Bioinformatics vol.67 pp.1154-1166. 2007.06.01.
<P079271> BOWLES Ella; CORSON Timothy W.; BAYANI Jane; SQUIRE Jeremy A.; WONG Nathalie; LAI
Bo San Paul and GALLIE Brenda L.. "Profiling Genomic Copy Number Changes in Retinoblastoma
Beyond Loss of RBI". Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer vol.46 no.2, pp.118-129. New York, United States
of America: Wiley-Liss, Inc., 2007.02.
See Also <P025003 >, <P038180 >, <P054184 >, <P060534 >, <P060688 >, <P060773 >, <P060785 >, <P060895 >,
<P062077 >, <P062271 >, <P062437 >, <P062455 >, <P062826 >, <P063111 >, <P063773 >, <P064368 >, <P064838
>, <P065113 >, <P065541 >, <P066175 >, <P066422 >, <P066908 >, <P067348 >, <P067437 >, <P067562 >,
<P067931 >, <P068107 >, <P068383 >, <P068514 >, <P068801 >, <P068890 >, <P069191 >, <P069343 >, <P069592
>, <P069919 >, <P070634 >, <P071174 >, <P071560 >, <P071631 >, <P071903 >, <P071923 >, <P071953 >,
<P071982 >, <P072807 >, <P073386 >, <P073423 >, <P073702 >, <P074129 >, <P074597 >, <P074837 >, <P075215
>, <P075323 >, <P076231 >, <P076318 >, <P076345 >, <P076528 >, <P076806 >, <P077551 >, <P077647 >,
<P077718 >, <P078330 >, <P078558 >, <P078691 >, <P078905 >, <P078971 >, <P079375 >, <P079906 >
Faculty of Medicine
Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit
<P060033> WONG Ling Ngan. "Topical Herbal Medicine Induced Contact Dermatitis". Paper presented in the 2nd
Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China.
20th - 21st October 2006, Programme & Abstracts P.19. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P060361> WAI A K C; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Undergraduate emergency medicine
future". Hong
Medicine vol.13 no.3, pp.178-184. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.07.
<P061026> CHENG Chi Hung. "Differences in Injury Pattern and Mortality Between Hong Kong Elderly and
Younger Patients". Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a
Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October 2006, Programme & Abstracts P.17. Hong
Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P061150> TAM Man Kit and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Prognostic value of non-invasive cardiac index
measurement in the emergency department using portable continuous wave doppler device (USCOM): a
pilot study". Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine (Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific
Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st
October 2006) vol.13 no.4 p.246. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P061315> MAN Shin Yan. "A New Clinical Decision Rule for Predicting Severity of Community Acquired
Pneumonia in the Emergency Department". Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on
Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October
2006, Programme & Abstracts P.18. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P061362> CHOI Kin Man; KI Chi Wing Samuel; LEUNG Pui Hang; LEUNG Ying Kit; MAK Siu Kuen
Paulina; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Evaluation and Validation of the Use of the
Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) in the Emergency Department Observation Ward". Paper
presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges,
Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October 2006, Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 2006; 13(4):
250. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P061500> TAM Man Kit. "Prognostic Value of Non-invasive Cardiac Index Measurement in the Emergency
Department Using Portable Continuous Wave Doppler Device (USCOM): A Pilot Study". Paper
presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges,
Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October 2006, Programme & Abstracts P.18. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
Faculty of Medicine
Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit
<P061569> YAN Ka Lok; NG K C; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Which antibiotic for
emergency department treatment of urinary tract infections?". Hong Kong Journal of Emergency
Medicine (Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade
of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October 2006) vol.13 no.4 p.246. Hong Kong
SAR, 2006.10.
<P062165> NG Man Ho. "To Meet the Needs of Psychological Care in Emergency Medicine in Coming
Decades". Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade
of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October 2006, Programme & Abstracts P.29. Hong Kong
SAR, 2006.10.
<P062269> TAM Man Kit and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Teaching effectiveness of the basic course on focused
ultrasound for emergency physicians and surgeons". Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine (Paper
presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges,
Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October 2006) vol.13 no.4 pp.249-250. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P062476> YIM Wai Ting. "Towards Improvement of Services for Elderly Fallers Attending Accident and
Emergency Department". Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine:
Meeting a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October 2006, Programme & Abstracts
P.18. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P062573> CHEUNG Nai Kwong; YEUNG Hiu Hung; CHAN Tak Shing Jimmy; CAMERON Peter Alistair;
GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Primary Trauma Diversion: Initial Experience in
Hong Kong". The Journal of Trauma Injury, Infection, and Critical Care vol.61 pp.954-960. Lippincott
William & Wilkins, 2006.10.
<P062837> CHEUNG Nai Kwong; YEUNG Hiu Hung; GRAHAM C A; YIM Wai Ting and RAINER Timothy
Hudson. "Evaluation of "Trauma Call" guidelines for trauma patients triaged to the resuscitation room of
an emergency department in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the The Faculty of Accident and
Emergency Medicine Annual Scientific Conference 2005, organized by The Faculty of Accident and
Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine Journal 2006; 23: 500. 2006.07.19.
<P063028> CHUNG Chin Hung. "Authorship and Contributorship". Hong Kong Journal of Emergency
Medicine vol.13 no.4, pp.195-196. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
Faculty of Medicine
Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit
<P063054> MAN Shin Yan; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; IP Margaret; ANTONIO Gregory; CHAU S S L; MAK Siu
Kuen Paulina; GRAHAM C A; CHAN P K S; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu; HUI
Shu Cheong David and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Prospective Comparison of Three Predictive
Rules for Assessing the Severity of Community Acquired Pneumonia in Hong Kong". Hong Kong
Journal of Emergency Medicine (Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency
a Decade
2006) vol.13 no.4 p.251. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P063248> LEE Lap Yip Larry; YEUNG K L; LO W Y L and CHAN Tak Shing Jimmy. "Pulse Oximetry: A
Survey of Knowledge Among Staff of an Emergency Department". Hong Kong Journal of Emergency
Medicine vol.13 no.4, pp.197-204. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P063550> CHAN K M; LAW Kam Leung and CHUNG Chin Hung. "Case Report: Thoracic Spinal Epidural
Pain". Hong
Medicine vol.13 no.4, pp.217-220. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P063688> CHEUNG Nai Kwong. "Evaluation of Trauma Call Guidelines for Trauma Patients Triaged to the
Resuscitation Room of an Emergency Department in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific
Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st
October 2006, Programme & Abstracts P.17. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P063738> MAN Shin Yan. "Prospective Comparison of Three Predictive Rules for Assessing Severity of
Community Acquired Pneumonia in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on
Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October
2006, Programme & Abstracts P.19. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P064039> LAM Mei Yee; SIU Wing Sze Venus; LAM Tsz Sum; CHEUNG Nai Kwong; GRAHAM C A and
RAINER Timothy Hudson. "The epidemiology of patients with dizziness in an emergency
department". Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.13 no.3, pp.133-139. Hong Kong
SAR, 2006.07.
<P064255> CHEUNG Nai Kwong. "Prehospital Trauma Diversion in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 2nd
Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China.
20th - 21st October 2006, Programme & Abstracts P. 31. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
Faculty of Medicine
Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit
<P064455> CHEUNG P S Y; LAM Mei Yee; YEUNG Hiu Hung; RAINER Timothy Hudson and GRAHAM C
A. "Outcome of Traumatic Extradural Haematoma in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific
Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st
October 2006, Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 2006; 13(4): 243. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P064624> LOK P Y; RAINER Timothy Hudson and CHAN Siu Wa Stewart. "Features of Patients Found
Disappeared from the Emergency Department and Their Outcomes". Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific
Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st
October 2006, Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 2006; 13(4): 253. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P064947> YEUNG Hiu Hung. "Geriatric Trauma". Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on
Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October
2006, Programme & Abstracts P.32. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P065231> CHEUNG Nai Kwong. "Survival Trends in Patients with Major Trauma Presenting to a Trauma Centre
in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a
Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October 2006, Programme & Abstracts P.17. Hong
Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P065347> TAM Man Kit. "Observer Agreement of Non-Invasive Cardiac Output Measurement in the Emergency
Department Using Portable Continuous Wave Doppler Device (USCOM)". Paper presented in the 2nd
Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China.
20th - 21st October 2006, Programme & Abstracts P.18. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P065358> YAN Ka Lok. "Which Antibiotic for Emergency Department Treatment of Urinary Tract
Infections?". Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a
Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October 2006, Programme & Abstracts P.18. Hong
Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P065391> LEE K H; WONG S K Y; MAN Chi Yin and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Nurse Initiated Protocol in
the Accident and Emergency Department". Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on
Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October
2006, Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 2006; 13(4): 254. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P065599> WYATT Jonathan P.; ILLINGWORTH Robin N.; GRAHAM C A; CLANCY Michael J. and
ROBERTSON Colin E.. ed. Oxford Handbook of Emergency Medicine. United Kingdom: Oxford
University Press, 2006.10.
Faculty of Medicine
Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit
<P065648> POON Wai Kwong. "All Personal Protective Equipment on Before All Cardiopulmonary
Resusitations?". Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a
Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October 2006, Programme & Abstracts P.19. Hong
Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P065861> TAN L T H and ONG Kim Lian. "Painless Benign Epidermoid Cyst of the Testis". Hong Kong Journal
of Emergency Medicine vol.13 no.4, pp.235-236. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P066346> CHUNG Chin Hung. "X-ray quiz: an elderly man with haemoptysis". Hong Kong Journal of
Emergency Medicine vol.13 no.3, pp.185-186. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.07.
<P066469> TAN L T H and ONG Kim Lian. "Painful malignant embryonal carcinoma of the testis". Hong Kong
Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.13 no.3, pp.175-177. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.07.
<P066540> MAN Shin Yan; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; IP Margaret; ANTONIO Gregory; CHAU S S L; MAK Siu
Kuen Paulina; GRAHAM C A; CHAN P K S; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; HUI Shu Cheong David;
SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "A New Clinical Decision Rule for Predicting
the Severity of Community Acquired Pneumonia in the Emergency Department". Hong Kong Journal of
Emergency Medicine vol. 13 no. 4 p.248. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P066593> MAN Chi Yin. "Focused Geriatric Assessment in the Observation Ward". Paper presented in the 2nd
Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China.
20th - 21st October 2006, Programme & Abstracts P. 30. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P067036> WONG Ling Ngan and CHAN Siu Wa Stewart. "Topical Herbal Medicine Induced Contact
Dermatitis". Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine (Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific
Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st
October 2006) vol.13 no.4 p.252. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P067120> CHENG Chi Hung. "Epidemiology of Pelvic Fractures in a Hong Kong Emergency Department Trauma
Centre". Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of
Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October 2006, Programme & Abstracts P.17. Hong Kong
SAR, 2006.10.
<P067568> GRAHAM C A. "Alcohol and drug addiction: An emergency department perspective". Clinical
Effectiveness in Nursing 9S3 e260-e268. Elsevier Ltd, 2006.
Faculty of Medicine
Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit
<P067787> CHENG Chi Hung; GRAHAM C A; CHEUNG Nai Kwong; YEUNG Hiu Hung; MAN Chi Yin and
RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Epidemiology of pelvic fractures in a Hong Kong Emergency Department
Trauma Centre". 2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges,
Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October 2006 Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 2006; 13(4):
243. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P067931> LEE Lai Shun Nelson; RAINER Timothy Hudson; IP Margaret; ZEE Chung Ying Benny; NG
Heung Ling Margaret; ANTONIO Gregory; CHAN Hoi Ying; LUI Chung Yan Grace; COCKRAM
Clive Stewart; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and HUI Shu Cheong David. "The role of laboratory variables
in differentiating SARS from other causes of community-acquired pneumonia within 72 hours of
hospitalization.". European
Diseases vol.25 765-772. 2006.
<P067948> CHEUNG Nai Kwong; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Survival Trends in Patients
with Major Trauma Presenting to a Trauma Centre in Hong Kong". Hong Kong Journal of Emergency
Medicine vol. 13 no. 4 (Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine:
Meeting a Decade of Challenges. Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October 2006) pp.243-244.. Hong Kong
SAR, 2006.10.
<P068104> YEUNG W Y; LEE Lap Yip Larry; TANG Yiu Hang Simon; YEUNG K L and CHAN Tak Shing
Jimmy. "Determining Triage Guidelines for Interfacility Patient Transfer". Paper presented in the 2nd
Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China.
20th - 21st October 2006, Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 2006; 13(4): 240. Hong Kong
SAR, 2006.10.
<P068267> TAM Man Kit; TANG Chi On; LAI K H W; YEUNG V T Y; MAN E L K; LAM A H L and
RAINER Timothy Hudson. Observer Agreement of Non-Invasive Cardiac Output Measurement in the
Emergency Department Using Portable Continuous Wave Doppler Device (USCOM) Hong Kong
Journal of Emergency Medicine (Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency
a Decade
2006) vol.13 no.4 p.247. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P068290> TAM Man Kit. "First Quality Assurance Report for Emergency Department Ultrasound in the New
Territories East Cluster (NTEC) Trauma Centre". Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on
Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October
2006, Programme & Abstracts P.17. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
Faculty of Medicine
Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit
<P068523> RAINER Timothy Hudson and LAM Yuk Lan. "Circulating Nucleic Acids and Critical
Illness". Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ed. by R. Swaminathan, Asif Butt, Peter
Gahan. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2006; 1075: 271-277. United States of
America: Blackwell Publishing, 2006.09.
<P068729> CHEUNG Nai Kwong; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Evaluation of Trauma Call
Guidelines for Trauma Patients Triaged to the Resuscitation Room of An Emergency Department in Hong
Kong". Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine (Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on
Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges. Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October
2006) vol.13 no.4 p.244. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P068736> CHAN K F and CHUNG Chin Hung. "A case of disseminated intravascular coagulopathy developing
snakebite". Hong
Medicine vol.13 no.3, pp.168-171. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.07.
<P069206> TAM Man Kit. "Teaching Effectiveness of the Basic Course on Focused Ultrasound for Emergency
Physicians and Surgeons". Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine:
Meeting a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October 2006, Programme & Abstracts
P.18. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P069230> POON Wai Kwong; NG W P and CHAN K K. "All Personal Protective Equipment On Before All
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitations?". Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine (Paper presented in the
2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China.
20th - 21st October 2006) vol.13 no.4 pp.253-254. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P069233> TAM Man Kit and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "First Quality Assurance Report for Emergency
Department Ultrasound in the New Territories East Cluster Trauma Centre". Hong Kong Journal of
Emergency Medicine (Paper presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting
a Decade of Challenges, Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21th October 2006) vol.13 no.4 p.244. Hong Kong
SAR, 2006.10.
<P069681> CHUNG
Hung. "The
dizziness". Hong
Medicine vol.13 no.3, pp.131-132. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.07.
Faculty of Medicine
Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit
<P069690> MAN Shin Yan; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; IP Margaret; ANTONIO Gregory; CHAU Sze Lok; MAK
Siu Kuen Paulina; GRAHAM C A; ZHANG Mingdong; LUI Chung Yan Grace; CHAN Kay
Sheung Paul; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; HUI Shu Cheong David; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and RAINER
Timothy Hudson. "Prospective comparison of three predictive rules for assessing severity of community
acquired pneumonia in Hong Kong". Thorax vol.22 2006.11.
<P069916> KWOK T Y T; MAK Siu Kuen Paulina; RAINER Timothy Hudson and GRAHAM C
A. "Treatment and outcome of acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema presenting to an emergency
department in Hong Kong: retrospective cohort study". Hong Kong Journal of Emergency
Medicine vol.13 no.3, pp.148-154. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.07.
<P070019> MAK Siu Kuen Paulina. "Early Administration of Antibiotics Does Not Shorten Length of
Hospitalisation in Patients with Community-acquired Pneumonia". Paper presented in the Hospital
Authority Convention 2007: Innovating for Health, organized by Hospital Authority, Abstract Book
P.33. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.05.
<P070073> CHAN K F; WONG W B; HO M K and CHUNG Chin Hung. "A Lady with Alarming Neck Swelling
After Minor Head Injury". Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.14 no.1, pp.45-47. Hong
Kong SAR, 2007.01.
<P070247> WONG Eliza M. L.; CHAN Holly M. S.; RAINER Timothy Hudson and CHAIR Sek Ying. "The
Effect of a Triage Pain Management Protocol for Minor Musculoskeletal Injury Patients in a Hong Kong
Emergency Department". Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal vol.10 no.2, pp.64-72. Australia:
Elsevier Ltd., 2007.05.
<P070630> GRAHAM C A; CHOI Kin Man; KI Chi Wing Samuel; LEUNG Ying Kit; LEUNG Pui Hang;
MAK Paulina S; LEUNG S M and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Evaluation and validation the use of
modified early warning score (Mews) in emergency department observation ward". Paper presented in the
4th Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine, organized by Asian Society for Emergency Medicine &
Malaysian Society for Traumatology and Emergency Medicine, Programme Book 2007:88. Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007.03.
<P070694> TAN L T H and ONG Kim Lian. "Painless Gross Haematuria". Hong Kong Journal of Emergency
Medicine vol.14 no.1, pp.58-59. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.01.
Faculty of Medicine
Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit
<P070864> ONG Yin Sheng; TSANG Y L; HO Y H; HO F K L; LAW W P; GRAHAM C A and RAINER
Timothy Hudson. "Nurses Treating Patients in the Emergency Department? A Patient Survey". Hong
Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.14 no.1, pp.10-15. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.01.
<P070939> GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Authors' Reply To "Treatment and Outcome of
Acute Cardiogenic Pulmonary Oedema Presenting to an Emergency Department in Hong Kong:
Retrospective Cohort Study"". Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.14 no.1, pp.60-61. Hong
Kong SAR, 2007.01.
<P071183> GRAHAM C A; LAM Mei Yee; YEUNG Hiu Hung; MAN Chi Yin; RAINER Timothy Hudson;
CHAN Po Nin David; ANTONIO Gregory and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Evaluation of the Impact on
Department". Paper presented in the 4th Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine, organized by Asian
Society for Emergency Medicine & Malaysian Society for Traumatology and Emergency
Medicine, Programme Book 2007:104. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007.03.
<P071213> YEUNG Hiu Hung. "Bicycle-related Injuries Presenting to a Trauma Centre in Hong Kong". Paper
presented in the Hospital Authority Convention 2007: Innovating for Health, organized by Hospital
Authority, Abstract Book P. 28. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.05.
<P071231> RAINER Timothy Hudson; SOLLICH P; PIOTROWSKI T; COOLEN A C C; LAM Mei Yee;
MAN Chi Yin; CHEUNG Nai Kwong; CHENG Chi Hung and GRAHAM C A. "Evaluating Acute
Medical Admissions Through Emergency Departments in Hong Kong - Can One Adjust for Case-mix
Variation?". Paper
Health, organized by Hospital Authority, Abstract P.93. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.05.
<P071285> WAI A K C; KWOK Wo Oi; CHAN M S; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy
Hudson. "Patients' Perceptions of Nasopharyngeal Aspiration in the Emergency Department of a
Teaching Hospital in Hong Kong". Emergency Medicine Journal vol.24 no.1, pp.35-36. BMJ Publishing
Group, 2007.
<P072359> GRAHAM
A. "Injury
doing?". Injury vol.38 no.5, pp.548-549. Elsevier, 2007.05.
Faculty of Medicine
Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit
<P072501> MAK Siu Kuen Paulina; GRAHAM C A; MAN Shin Yan and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Early
Administration of Antibiotics Does Not Shorten Length of Hospitalization In Patients with
Community-acquired Pneumonia (Cap)". Paper presented in the 4th Asian Conference on Emergency
Medicine, organized by Asian Society for Emergency Medicine & Malaysian Society for Traumatology
and Emergency Medicine, Programme Book 2007:100. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007.03.
<P072505> MAN Shin Yan; GRAHAM C A; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; IP Margaret; ANTONIO Gregory; CHAU
S S L; MAK Siu Kuen Paulina; ZHANG M D; LUI Chung Yan Grace; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul;
AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; HUI Shu Cheong David; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and RAINER Timothy
Hudson. "Epidemiology of Community-acquired Pneumonia in Hong Kong: A Prospective
Observational Study". Paper presented in the 4th Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine, organized
by Asian Society for Emergency Medicine & Malaysian Society for Traumatology and Emergency
Medicine, Programme Book 2007:100. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007.03.
<P072790> MAN Shin Yan; GRAHAM C A; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; IP Margaret; ANTONIO Gregory; CHAU
S S L; MAK Paulina S; ZHANG M D; LUI Chung Yan Grace; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; AHUJA
Anil Tejbhan; HUI Shu Cheong David; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "A
New Clinical Decision Rule for Predicting Severity of Community Acquired Pneumonia in the Emergency
Department". Paper presented in the 4th Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine, organized by Asian
Society for Emergency Medicine & Malaysian Society for Traumatology and Emergency
Medicine, Programme Book 2007:87. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007.03.
<P072976> RAINER Timothy Hudson; WONG Ka Sing Lawrence; LAM Wai Man Wynnie; LAM Yuk Lan;
GRAHAM C A and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Comparison of Plasma β-globin DNA and S-100 Protein
Concentrations in Acute Stroke". Clinica Chimica Acta vol.376 pp.190-196. Elsevier, 2007.
<P073055> YIM Wai Ting; YEUNG Hiu Hung; MAK Siu Kuen Paulina; GRAHAM C A; LAI Bo San Paul and
RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Five year analysis of Jockey Club horse-related injuries presenting to a
trauma centre in Hong Kong". Injury, Int. J. Care Injured Presented in poster format at the Scientific
Symposium of the Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine in Hong Kong on 28-29 October
2005 vol.38 issue 1 pp.98-103. Elsevier, 2007.01.
<P073536> RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Do Trauma Centres Make a Difference?". Paper presented in the Hospital
Authority Convention 2007: Innovating for Health, organized by Hospital Authority, Abstract Book
P.74. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.05.
Faculty of Medicine
Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit
<P074022> RAINER Timothy Hudson; CHEUNG Nai Kwong; YEUNG Hiu Hung; CHENG Chi Hung and
GRAHAM C A. "Evaluation of Under Trauma Call Activation and its Effect on Mortality and
Morbidity". Paper presented in the 4th Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine, organized by Asian
Society for Emergency Medicine & Malaysian Society for Traumatology and Emergency
Medicine, Programme Book 2007:91. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007.03.
<P074175> CHAN C Y; KAM K L; GRAHAM C A; RAINER Timothy Hudson and LUK Nai Ming
Tommy. "Clinical Profile of Skin Diseases in Accident and Emergency Department Attenders". Hong
Kong Journal of Dermatology & Venereology vol.15 no.1, pp.4-9. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.
<P074361> RAINER Timothy Hudson; CHEUNG Nai Kwong; YEUNG Hiu Hung and GRAHAM C A. "Do
study". Resuscitation vol.73 pp.374-381. Elsevier, 2007.
<P074605> MAN Shin Yan; CHAN Ka Man; WONG Fung Yi; WONG Kit Yi; YIM Chi Lap; MAK Siu Kuen
Paulina; KAM Chak Wah; LAU Chor Chiu; LAU Fei Lung; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy
Hudson. "Evaluation of the performance of a modified acute physiology and chronic health evaluation
(APACHE II) scoring system for critically ill patients in emergency departments in Hong
Kong". Resuscitation vol.74 pp.259-265. Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2007.
intubation in the emergency department: the Scottish district hospital perspective". Emergency Medicine
Journal vol.24 pp.394-397. 2007.
<P075524> GRAHAM C A; YAN Ka Lok; NG K C and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Susceptibility of
Uropathogens to Oral Antibiotics in Community Acquired Urinary Tract Infections in Patients Presenting
to the Emergency Department". Paper presented in the 4th Asian Conference on Emergency
Medicine, organized by Asian Society for Emergency Medicine & Malaysian Society for Traumatology
and Emergency Medicine, Programme Book 2007:88. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007.03.
<P075677> GRAHAM C A; CHOI Kin Man; KI C W; LEUNG Ying Kit; LEUNG Pui Hang; MAK Siu Kuen
Paulina; LEUNG S M and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Evaluation and Validation of the Use of
Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) in Emergency Department Observation Ward". Paper presented
in the SAEM Annual Meeting 2007, vol.14 no.5 suppl.1 organized by Society for Academic Emergency
Medicine, P. S199. Chicago, United States of America, 2007.05.
Faculty of Medicine
Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit
<P076157> RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Value of Serum Procalcitonin, Neopterin, and C-reactive Protein in
Screening Patients Presenting with Bacterial or Viral Respiratory Tract Infections: a Prospective
Study". Paper presented in the Hospital Authority Convention 2007: Innovating for Health, organized by
Hospital Authority, Abstract Book P.34. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.05.
<P076336> MAN Chi Yin; CHEUNG Tsz Fung Ian; CAMERON Peter Alistair and RAINER Timothy
Hudson. "Comparison
Combination Therapy in the Treatment of Acute Goutlike Arthritis: A Double-Blind, Randomized,
Controlled Trial". Annals of Emergency Medicine vol.49 no.5, pp.670-677. 2007.05.
<P076480> GRAHAM C A; GORDON Malcolm W. G.; ROY Christopher W. and HANLON Philip
W. "Long-term outcomes of major trauma without head injury in the West of Scotland: pilot case-control
study". European Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.14 no.1, pp.35-38. Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, 2007.
<P076688> MULLIGAN Joanne M; MILLER Thomas; MCGUFFIE Adam Crawford and GRAHAM C
A. "Spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality in a 4-year-old child: hypoperfusion injury or
direct trauma?". European Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.14 no.4, pp.216-218. Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins, 2007.
<P076919> RAINER Timothy Hudson; CHAN A; YIM Wai Ting; GRAHAM C A; TSANG A; LAM Yuk Lan
and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Prognostic Use of Circulating Plasma Nucleic Acid Concentrations in
Patients with Acute Abdominal Pain". Paper presented in the 4th Asian Conference on Emergency
Medicine, organized by Asian Society for Emergency Medicine & Malaysian Society for Traumatology
and Emergency Medicine, Programme Book 2007:91. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007.03.
<P076988> GRAHAM C A; CRAIG N and GORDON M W G. "Health Status Following Major Trauma in the
Study". Hong
Medicine vol.14 no.1, pp.29-36. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.01.
<P077530> KUNG S W; NG Wah Shan and NG Man Ho. "Aortic dissection in an accident and emergency
department in Hong Kong". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.13 no.2, pp.122-130. Hong Kong
SAR, 2007.04.
Faculty of Medicine
Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit
<P077660> MAN Shin Yan; GRAHAM C A; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; IP Margaret; ANTONIO Gregory; CHAU
S S L; MAK Siu Kuen Paulina; ZHANG M D; LUI Chung Yan Grace; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul;
AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; HUI Shu Cheong David; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and RAINER Timothy
Hudson. "Evaluation of Discrepancies Between Initial and Final Diagnosis in Patients Admitted to
Hospital with Community Acquired Pneumonia". Paper presented in the 4th Asian Conference on
Emergency Medicine, organized by Asian Society for Emergency Medicine & Malaysian Society for
Traumatology and Emergency Medicine, Programme Book 2007:100. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007.03.
<P077844> MAN Shin Yan; GRAHAM C A; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; IP Margaret; ANTONIO Gregory; CHAU
S S L; MAK Siu Kuen Paulina; ZHANG M D; LUI Chung Yan Grace; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul;
AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; HUI Shu Cheong David; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and RAINER Timothy
Hudson. "A New Clinical Decision Rule for Predicting Severity of Community Acquired Pneumonia in
the Emergency Department". Paper presented in the 4th Asian Conference on Emergency
Medicine, organized by Asian Society for Emergency Medicine & Malaysian Society for Traumatology
and Emergency Medicine, Programme Book 2007:100. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007.03.
<P078477> MAN Shin Yan; GRAHAM C A; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; IP Margaret; ANTONIO Gregory; CHAU
Sze Lok; MAK Siu Kuen Paulina; ZHANG M D; LUI G; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; AHUJA Anil
Tejbhan; HUI Shu Cheong David and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "A New Clinical Decision Rule for
Predicting Severity of Community Acquired Pneumonia in the Emergency Department". Paper presented
in the SAEM Annual Meeting 2007, organized by Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, P.
S47. Chicago, United States of America, 2007.05.
<P078510> MAN Shin Yan; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; IP Margaret; ANTONIO Gregory; CHAU Sze Lok; MAK
Siu Kuen Paulina; GRAHAM C A; ZHANG Mingdong; LUI Grace; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul;
AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; HUI Shu Cheong David; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and RAINER Timothy
Hudson. "Prospective comparison of three predictive rules for assessing severity of community-acquired
pneumonia in Hong Kong". Thorax vol.62 pp.348-353. 2007.
<P078616> KUNG S W and NG Man Ho. "Serotonin Syndrome with Tramadol and Dextromethorphan". Hong
Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine vol.14 no.1, pp.48-52. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.01.
<P078964> CHUNG Chin Hung. "Patients' Acceptance of "Emergency Nurse Practitioners"". Hong Kong Journal
of Emergency Medicine vol.14 no.1, pp.3-5. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.01.
Faculty of Medicine
Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit
<P079417> CHEUNG Phoebe S. Y.; LAM Mei Yee; YEUNG Hiu Hung; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy
Hudson. "Outcome of traumatic extradural haematoma in Hong Kong". Injury, Int. J. Care
Injured vol.38 pp.76-80. Elsevier, 2007.
<P079432> MAN Shin Yan; CHAN Kam Man; WONG F Y; WONG K Y; YIM C L; MAK Siu Kuen Paulina;
KAM C W; LAU C C; LAU F L; GRAHAM C A and RAINER Timothy Hudson. "Evaluation of the
Performance of a Modified Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE II) Scoring
System for Critically III Patients in Emergency Departments in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the
SAEM Annual Meeting 2007, organized by Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, P.
S85. Chicago, United States of America, 2007.05.
<P079701> RAINER Timothy Hudson; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; IP Margaret; GALVANI A. P.; ANTONIO
Gregory; WONG Ka Kwan; WONG K T; CHAN Po Nin David; NG Wing Hung; SHING Kwok
Kuen; CHAU Sze Lok; MAK Siu Kuen Paulina; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan;
HUI Shu Cheong David and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Features discriminating SARS from other severe
viral respiratory tract infections". European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious
Diseases vol.26 no.2, pp.121-129. Springer-Verlag, 2007.
<P079753> LEUNG G K K; HO W K W; HO H F; HUI S M; KAM C W; RAINER Timothy Hudson and
YUEN W K. "Three Years' Outcome from Five Trauma Centres in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the
Hospital Authority Convention 2007: Innovating for Health, organized by Hospital Authority, Abstract
Book P.91. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.05.
See Also <P061008 >, <P062236 >, <P066464 >, <P066502 >, <P068068 >, <P069539 >, <P070574 >, <P072145 >,
<P076483 >, <P078856 >, <P079313 >
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Anatomy
<P054184> CHEUNG Chun Pan; YU Shan; WONG Kam Bo; CHAN L. W.; MAC-MOUNE LAI Fernand;
WANG Wianghong; SUETSUGI Masatomo; CHEN Shiuan and CHAN Leung Franky. "Expression
and functional study of estrogen receptor-related receptors in human prostatic cells and tissues". Journal
of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism vol.90 pp.1830-1844. 2005.
<P060375> ZHANG Lihong; WANG Mingwei; LI Qi; YEW Tai Wai David and CEURVORST Lucille Teckla
Barale. "Degeneration in the Brains of Parkinson's Disease Patients". Neuroembryology and
Aging vol.3 pp.111-114. S. Karger AG, Basel, 2006.07.
<P060506> ZHANG Aiqun; LORKE Dietrich Ernst; WU Sheng Xi and YEW Tai Wai David. "Caspase-3
Immunoreactivity in Different Cortical Areas of Young and Aging Macaque (Macaca mulatta)
Monkeys". Neurosignals vol.15 no.2, pp.64-73. Switzerland: S. Karger AG, Basel, 2006.07.18.
<P060650> DENG W. J.; P. K. K. Louie; LIU Wing Keung Ken; BI X. H.; FU J. M. and WONG M.
H.. "Atmospheric Levels and Cytotoxicity of PAHs and Heavy Metals in TSP and PM2.5 at an Electronic
Waste Recycling Site in Southeast China". Atmospheric Environment vol.40 no.36, pp.6945-6955. United
States of America: Elsevier, 2006.11.
<P060727> CHEUNG Wan Suen; LING Eva; WONG Wai Kai and CHO Yu Pang Eric. "Immature and Adult
Sertoli Cells Promote Survival and Regenerative Sprouting of Retinal Ganglion Cells After Optic Nerve
Damage". Paper presented in the The 4th Congress of Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience
Societies, Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies P-B01. Hong Kong, 2006.
<P062335> WANG Liang; COPP Andrew J. and CHAN Wood Yee. "Vagal Neural Crest Cell Migration in
Embryos". Neurosignals, S.
AG, vol.15
pp.142. Basel, Switzerland, 2006.
<P063174> YEW Tai Wai David; LI Qi and CHAN Wood Yee. "Effects of Ginkgo Biloba Extract on the
Expression of BCL-2 Oncoprotein and Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Sensory Cortex of the
Mouse". Neurosignals, S.
AG, vol.15
pp.134. Basel, Switzerland, 2006.
<P063354> CHAN Ka Ki Alex; BURNS Alan J. and CHAN Wood Yee. "The Early Migratory Pathways of Mouse
Sacral Neural Crest Cells". International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, Pergamon-Elsevier
Science Ltd., vol.24 no.8, pp.509. Oxford, England, 2006.12.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Anatomy
<P064306> CHAN Ka Ki Alex; CHEUNG Kwok Kuen; MOK Samuel C.; YEW Tai Wai David and CHAN
Yee. "DOC-2/Dab2
Embryos". Neurosignals, S. Karger AG, vol.15 no.3, pp.152. Basel, Switzerland, 2006.
<P064399> CHAN Ka Ki Alex; BURNS Alan J. and CHAN Wood Yee. "The Early Migration of Sacral Neural
Embryo". Neurosignals, S.
AG, vol.15
pp.151-152. Basel, Switzerland, 2006.
<P064710> ACKERMANN Gabriele E.; MARENHOLZ Ingo; WOLFER David P.; CHAN Wood Yee;
SCHÄFER Beat; ERNE Paul and HEIZMANN Claus W.. "S100A1-deficient Male Mice Exhibit
Increased Exploratory Activity and Reduced Anxiety-related Responses". Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
- Molecular Cell Research vol.1763 no.11, pp.1307-1319. Netherlands: Elesevier B.V., 2006.11.
<P065155> HAO YANLI; CHAN Sun On and DONG Wei-ren. "Changes of Retinofugal Pathway Development in
Mouse Embryos After Sonic Hedgehog Antibody Perturbation". Journal of South Medical
University vol.26 no.12, pp.1679-1684. Guangzhou, China: South Medical University, 2006.12.
<P065505> WANG Liang; COPP Andrew J. and CHAN Wood Yee. "The Early Migration of Vagal Neural Crest
Cells to the Gut in Dominant Megacolon Mouse Embryos". Neurosignals, S. Karger AG, vol.15 no.3,
pp.117-118. Basel, Switzerland, 2006.
<P065808> TSE Kam Wah Herman; LEUNG Bo Wah; WOOLF S. Adrian; MENKE L. Aswin; HASTIE D.
Nicholas and SHUM Sau Wun Alisa. "Implication of Wt1 in the Pathogenesis of Nephrogenic Failure
Induced by Retinoic Acid in a Mouse Model". Nephrogenesis 2006 The Thirteenth Annual Nephrogenesis
Workshop, organized
Cambridge, 1
page. Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2006.07.
<P065886> FILALI El Z.; MINNEN Van J.; LIU Wing Keung Ken; SMIT B. A. and LI W. K.. Peptidomics
Analysis of Neuropeptides Involved in Copulatory Behavior of the Mollusk Lymnaea Stagnalis J.
Proteome Res. vol.5 pp.1611-1617. United States of America: American Chemical Society, 2006.07.
<P066020> DONG Dacui; ZHANG Yan; JIANG Yuyun; HU Yuhui; LIU Zilong and CHAN Wood
Yee. "Expression
Brains". Neuroembryology and Aging vol.3 pp.115-122. Basel, Switzerland: S. Karger AG,, 2006.07.13.
<P066261> LIU Wing Keung Ken; CHEUNG W K and CHE Chun Tao. "Stellettin A induces oxidative Stress
and apoptosis in HL-60human leukemia and LNCaP prostate cancer cell lines.". Journal of Natural
Products vol.69 pp.934-937. 2006.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Anatomy
<P066305> LIAO Subin; CHOW Pak Ham Patricia; CHEUNG P. L. and O W. S.. "Leptin in Embryos Sired by
Males without Accessory Sex Glands". Society for Reproduction and Fertility Conference 2006 and
National Ovarian Workshop, University of Leeds, 3-5 July 2006 Society for Reproduction and
Fertility Reproduction Abstract Series No.33, Abstract O16, 2006. 2006.07.
<P067314> DONG MING; YIP Fung Ping; BURNS Alan J. and CHAN Wood Yee. "Early Migration of the
Mouse Sacral Neural Crest". Neurosignals, S. Karger AG, vol.15 no.3, pp.122. Basel, Switzerland, 2006.
<P067677> LIU, YE and LEE Ka Ho Kenneth. "CyclinI and P53 are Differentially Expressed during the
Differentiation of the Postnatal Mouse Heart". Paper presented in the The American Society for Cell
Biology 46th Annual Meeting, organized by The American Society for Cell Biology, 1 pgs. San
Diego, America, 2006.12.10
<P068675> MAK Ying Tat; CHAN Wood Yee; LAM Wai Ping and YEW Tai Wai David. "Immunohistological
Evidences of Ginkgo biloba Extract Altering Bax to Bcl-2 Expression Ratio in the Hippocampus and
Mice". Microscopy
Technique vol.69 pp.601-605. United States of America: Wiley-Liss, Inc., 2006.08.
<P068823> WANG JUN and CHAN Sun On. "Role of Nogo on Axon Divergence in the Mouse Optic Chiasm
". Paper presented in the ISDN 2006, 16th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for
Developmental Neuroscience, organized by ELSEVIER, 1 pgs. BANFF, Canada, 2006.08.27.
<P069843> LIANG Yong; FANG Marong; LI Jicheng and YEW Tai Wai David. "Immunohistochemical
Localization of Endothelial Isoform (eNOS) in Human Cerebral Arteries and the Aorta". International
Neuroscience. vol.116 no.12, pp.1403-1417. United
America: Informa
Healthcare, 2006.12.
<P070377> LIU, YE; TANG Mei Kuen; CAI Dong Qing; LI Ming; WONG Wan Man; CHOW Pak Ham
Patricia and LEE Ka Ho Kenneth. "Cyclin I and p53 are differentially expressed during the terminal
heart". Proteomics vol.7 pp.23-32. Germany: Wiley-VCH
Verlag, 2007.01.01.
<P071120> LEE Man Yuen; WANG Chi Chiu and SHUM Sau Wun Alisa. "The Mechanism of Increased
Susceptibility to Retinoic Acid Teratogenicity in Diabetic Pregnancy". Reproduction: Advances and
Challenges, organized by Keystone Symposia, 1 page. Santa Fe, United States of America, 2007.02.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Anatomy
<P071719> LIN Ling; WANG Jun; CHAN Chung-kit and CHAN Sun On. "Localization of Hyaluronan in the
Embryos". NeuroReport vol.18 no.4, pp.355-358. London, United
Kingdom: Lippincott Wilkins & Williams, 2007.03.05.
<P072124> XU Jie; ZHU Jianhua; SHI Chun; GUO Kaihua and YEW Tai Wai David. "Effects of Genistein on
Rats". Journal
Neuroscience vol.31 no.2, pp.101-112. United States of America: Human Press Inc, 2007.
<P072287> SUN Jinhao; GAO Yingmao; YANG Lin; LI Zhenhua; LU Gang and YEW Tai Wai
David. "Neural-tube-derived Neuroepithelial Stem Cells: A New Transplant Resource for Parkinson's
Disease". Neuroreport vol.18 no.6, pp.543-547. United
Kingdom: Lippincott
Wilkins, 2007.04.16.
<P073893> CHAN Wood Yee; KOHSAKA S. and REZAIE P.. "The Origin and Cell Lineage of Microglia - New
Concepts". Brain Research Reviews vol.53 no.2, pp.344-354. Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2007.02.
<P074275> HAO Yan-li、 HONG Le-peng、 陳新安 及 DONG Wei-ren. <Changes of Smoothened Expression
During Retinofugal Pathway Development in Mouse Embryos>. 《 Journal of South Medical
University》 第 27 卷 第 3 期, 頁 293-295. 中國 Guangzhou: South Medical University, 2007.03.
<P074803> CHAN Wood Yee; ZEN S-s and LI H-b. "Neural Crest and Its Derivatives". Developmental
Neurobiology ed.
W-q. Second
ed. Chapter
pp.275-303. Beijing, China: Scientific
Publishing, 2007.
<P075648> XU Jie; SHI Chun; LI Qi; WU Jiajia; FORSTER Elizabeth Lucy and YEW Tai Wai
David. "Mitochondrial
Mice". Journal
Biomembranes vol.39 no.2, pp.195-202. United
America: Springer Netherlands, 2007.04.
<P075734> LIANG Y.; FANG Marong; LI Jicheng; WAI Sen Mun; LAM Wai Ping and YEW Tai Wai
David. "Vagus,
Development". Intern.
Neuroscience vol.117 no.4, pp.453-464. United States of America: Informa Healthcare, 2007.04.
<P075959> CHAN Sun On. "The Axon Growth Inhibitory Molecule Nogo Is Involved in Patterning Bilateral
Routing at The Mouse Optic Chiasm". Paper presented in the The 7th International Symposium of
Ophthalmology Hong Kong, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The European Society
of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, pp.136. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.06.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Anatomy
<P076013> WONG Chun Lung; LEE Ka Ho Kenneth; LO K. M.; CHAN Oi Chi; W. Goggins; O W. S. and
CHOW Pak Ham Patricia. "Ablation of Paternal Accessory Sex Glands Imparts Physical and
Hamster". Theriogenology vol.68 pp.654-662. United States of America: Elsevier, 2007.06.25.
<P076390> HUANG Yayu; WONG Chun Lung; HO Wing Ki Vicky; POON Hong Kit; O Wai Sum and CHOW
Pak Ham Patricia. "Identification of Growth-differentiation factor 8 (GDF-8) in Endometrium of the
Golden Hamster". Paper presented in the The FASEB Journal: Experimental Biology 2007, organized by
Federation of American Society of Experimental Biologists, 1 pgs, vol.21, no.5, 480.2. United States of
America, 2007.04.
<P076846> 陳 新 安
Jun. <Development
《 Developmental
Neurobiology》 Wen-Chin CAO 編. 第 1 版 頁 368-379. 中國 Beijing: Science Press, 2007.02.
<P078945> HAO YANLI; WANG Jun; CHAN Chung-kit and CHAN Sun On. "Disruption of Sonic Hedgehog
Chiasm". Neuroembryology
Aging vol.4 no.1-2, pp.76-84. Basel, Switzerland: Karger AG, Basel, 2007.06.
<P079599> LAU Wing Sze Josephine; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and SHUM Sau Wun Alisa. "The Mechanism of
Retinoic Acid-Induced Ocular Defects Studied Using a Mouse Model". Reproduction: Advances and
Challenges, organized by Keystone Symposia, 1 page. Santa Fe, United States of America, 2007.02.
<P079645> CHAN
Yee. "Experimental
Study". Developmental
Neurobiology ed.
W-q. Second
ed. Chapter
pp.640-656. Beijing, China: Scientific Publishing, 2007.
See Also <P060028 >, <P060702 >, <P061162 >, <P062765 >, <P063478 >, <P064867 >, <P067024 >, <P068080 >,
<P068498 >, <P069685 >, <P070436 >, <P071064 >, <P071205 >, <P071294 >, <P071489 >, <P073139 >, <P075167
>, <P075976 >, <P076770 >, <P077167 >, <P077874 >, <P078691 >, <P078767 >, <P079635 >, <P867071 >,
<P063965 >, <P073089 >
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care
<P052075> BOET Ronald; CHAN Matthew Tak Vai; POON Wai Sang and WONG George Kc. "Intravenous
Magnesium Sulphate to Improve Outcome After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage". Acta
Neurochirurgica Supplement vol.95 pp.263-4. 2005.
<P060187> YEUNG Lok See Cheryl. "Health-Related Outcomes of Patients Treated in a Multidisciplinary Pain
Centre in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology
2006, organized by The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists & The Society of Anaesthetists of
Hong Kong, p.35. Hong Kong, 2006.11.
<P060396> LEE Anna; COPAS John B; HENMI Masayuki; GIN Tony and CHUNG Chi Keung. "Publication
Bias Affected the Estimate of Postoperative Nausea in An Acupoint Stimulation Systematic
Review". Journal of Clinical Epidemiology vol.59 pp.980-983. United Kingdom, 2006.09.
<P061014> NG Siu Keung. "Pain Control for Thoracotomy Patients". Paper presented in the Annual Scientific
Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2006, organized by The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologitst & The
Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong, p.15. Hong Kong, 2006.11.
<P061120> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "Opioids for Labour Analgesia". Paper presented in the Obstetric
Anaesthetists Association Three-Day Course on Obstetric Anaesthesia and Analgesia, organized by
Obstetric Anaesthetists Association, 4 pgs. London, United Kingdom, 2006.11.20.
<P061212> CHAN Matthew Tak Vai and GIN Tony. "QTc Changes After Ondnasetron and Droperidol for the
Prevention of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting.". Anesthesiology pp.A1386. 2006.
<P061302> JOYNT Gavin Matthew and GOMERSALL Charles David. "Is 'More' Always 'Better'? Moving
Towards Optimal Utilization of High Dependency and Intensive Care Beds by Selecting the Right Patients
for Admission". Anaesthesia & Intensive Care vol.34 pp.423-425. Australia, 2006.08.
<P061508> TIAN, QI; GOMERSALL Charles David; LEUNG Pui Nga Patricia; CHOI Yuk Sang Gordon;
JOYNT Gavin Matthew; TAN Perpetua Elma and WONG Sum Yee April. "In Vitro Adsorption of
Hemofilters". Critical
Medicine vol.34 no.12(suppl.), pp.A97. 2006.12.
<P061566> HO Ming Hei Anthony and KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "Cuffed versus uncuffed pediatric
endotracheal tubes." Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia vol.53 no.1, pp.106. Canada, 2006.
<P062176> KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "Ultrasound Guided Regional Anaesthesia". Paper presented in the 5th
Asian Society of Paediatric Anaesthesia, organized by Christian Medical College, p.7-8. India, 2006.08.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care
<P062300> LEE Anna; CHUI Po Tong; AUN Sui Tee Cindy; LAU Suk Chu and GIN Tony. "Incidence and Risk
of Adverse Perioperative Events among Surgical Patients Taking Traditional Chinese Herbal
Medicines". Anesthesiology vol.105 no.3, pp.454-461. United States of America, 2006.09.
<P062371> YU Lin Yau; CRITCHLEY Lester Augustus Hall; LEE Anna and GIN Tony. "Alfentanil Dosage
When Inserting the Classic Laryngeal Mask Airway". Anesthesiology vol.105 pp.684-688. United States
of America, 2006.10.
<P062769> HO
Kumar. "Radiation
Children". Anesthesia & Analgesia vol.103 no.6, p.1630. United States of America, 2006.12.
<P063043> GOMERSALL Charles David; JOYNT Gavin Matthew; TAN Yuen Heng and LEUNG Pui Nga
Patricia. "Does
Patients". Anaesth Intensive Care ASM, ANZCA, May 13-17. vol.34 pp.544. Australia, 2006.08.
<P063068> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "Maternal Collapse". Paper presented in the Obstetric Anaesthetists
Association Three-Day Course on Obstetric Anaesthesia and Analgesia, organized by Obstetric
Anaesthetists Association, 4 pgs. London, United Kingdom, 2006.11.21.
<P063477> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "General Anaesthesia: Current Issues". Paper presented in the Obstetric
Anaesthetists Association Three-Day Course on Obstetric Anaesthesia and Analgesia, organized by
Obstetric Anaesthetists Association, 4 pgs. London, United Kingdom, 2006.11.21.
<P063665> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "Managing Hypotension During Spinal (or CSE) Analgesia". Paper
presented in the Obstetric Anaesthetists Association Three-Day Course on Obstetric Anaesthesia and
Analgesia, organized
Association, 4
pgs. London, United
Kingdom, 2006.11.20.
<P063790> CRITCHLEY Lester Augustus Hall and KHAW Kim Sun. "Bougie Assisted Insertion of ProSeal
LMA". Anaesth Intensive Care vol.34 pp.514-525. Australia, 2006.08.
<P063908> LAM Koon Ngai. "Infection Control for Anaesthetists and Intensivists". Paper presented in the Annual
Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2006, organized by The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists
& The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong, p.11. Hong Kong, 2006.11.
<P064026> LEE Anna. "Forewarned and Forearmed: Is Preoperative Patient Education Worthwhile?". Paper
presented in the 65th National Scientific Congress 2006, organized by Australian Society of
Anaesthetists, p.260-263. Queensland, Australia, 2006.10.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care
<P064300> GIN Tony; TANG Y K; CHAN Matthew Tak Vai and CHUI Po Tong. "Tracheal Tube Advancement
Techniques". Anesthesiology pp.A869. 2006.
<P064327> GOMERSALL Charles David and JOYNT Gavin Matthew. "Development of Core Competencies For
Medicine". Intensive
Medicine vol.32 pp.1371-1383. Germany, 2006.10.
<P064486> CHAN Matthew Tak Vai and GIN Tony. "Changes of Bispectral Index After a Bolus Dose of Muscle
Relaxant". Anesth Analg vol.103 pp.776-777. 2006.
<P064518> CHAN L; LEE Bee Beng and NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "A Randomized Double-Blinded
Controlled Trial of the Effect of Diluent Volume on the Efficacy of a Single Dose of Epidural
Analgesia". International
Anesthesia vol.15 pp.201-205. 2006.
<P064675> LEE Shara; KHAW Kim Sun and NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "A New Method for Detecting
Inferior Vena Cava Compression in Term Parturients". Paper presented in the Annual Scientific Meeting
in Anaesthesiology 2006, organized by The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists & The Society of
Anaesthetists of Hong Kong, p.38-39. Hong Kong, 2006.11.
<P064957> LEE Anna; CHAN Simon; CHEN Phoon Ping; GIN Tony and LAU Suk Chu. "How Much are
Patients Willing to Pay for an Acute Pain Service?". Asia Pacific EBM Network Conference ed. by
CUHK, HA, University of Oxford, Peking University. p.80. Hong Kong, 2006.12.
<P065112> LEE, WEE YEE SHARA; KHAW Kim Sun; NGAN KEE Warwick Dean; LEUNG Tak Yeung;
YING Tc Michael and HO Sin Yee Stella. "A New Method for Detecting Inferior Vena Cava
Compression in Term Parturients". Paper presented in the Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists
Scientific Meeting, pp.1. HK, Hong Kong SAR, 2006.11.19.
P. "Preoperative Folate and Homocysteine Status in Patients Undergoing Major Surgery". Clin
Nutr vol.25 pp.736-745. 2006.
<P065917> WILLIAMS G J; LEE Anna and CRAIG J C. "Long-Term Antibiotics for Preventing Recurrent
Kingdom, 2006.07.
Faculty of Medicine
(Review)". The
Library no.3, pp.1-23. United
Dept of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care
<P066105> GIN Tony. "Bispectral Index Monitoring to Reduce Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction". Paper
presented in the 65th National Scientific Congress 2006, organized by Australian Society of
Anaesthetists, p.169. Queensland, Australia, 2006.10.
<P066708> KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "The Impact of Ultrasound and the Practicalities of Hand-Carried
Anaesthesia". SonoSite
Publications 2
pgs. United
Kingdom, 2006.09.
<P067288> GOMERSALL Charles David; TAI Dessmon Y H; LOO Shi; DERRICK James Lachlan; GOH Mia
Siang; BUCKLEY Thomas Anthony; CHUA Catherine; HO Ka Man; RAGHAVAN Geeta P; HO
Oi Man; LEE Lay Beng and JOYNT Gavin Matthew. "Expanding ICU Facilities in an Epidemic:
Singapore". Intensive Care Medicine vol.32 pp.1004-1013. Germany, 2006.07.
<P067482> CHENG Ai Yu; TAN Kee Seng Ian; HO K M; CHAN D; LEE Anna and YAP Hiu Yi Florence. "To
Test the Inter-Rater Raliability of the Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) after Implementation in
an Adult Intensive Care Unit". Paper presented in the 14th Congress of Asia Pacific Association of
Critical Care Medicine, organized by Asia Pacific Association of Critical Care Medicine & China Society
of Critical Care Medicine, P.163-164. Beijing, China, 2006.08.
<P067713> HO Ming Hei Anthony; LI Tze Yan and KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "Risk of Hematoma After
Surgery". Anesthesia
Analgesia vol.103 no.5, p.1327. United States of America, 2006.11.
<P067747> SO Hing Yu. "Resuscitation Update". Paper presented in the Annual Scientific Meeting in
Anaesthesiology 2006, organized by The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists & The Society of
Anaesthetists of Hong Kong, p.11. Hong Kong, 2006.11.
<P068190> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean; KHAW Kim Sun; NG Fung and LEE Anna. "Pharmacodynamic
Interaction of Phenylephrine and Ephedrine during Spinal Anaesthesia for Caesarean Section". Paper
presented in the New Zealand and Anaesthesia Annual Scientific Meeting, organized by New Zealand
Society of Anaesthetists, 1 pgs. Dunedin, New Zealand, 2006.08.25.
<P068974> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "Which Vasporessor to Use in Regional Anaesthesia Induced
Hypotension?". Paper presented in the 12th Asian Australasian Congress of Anaesthesiologists, organized
by Asian Australasian Regional Section of the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists, 1
pgs. Singapore, 2006.11.07.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care
<P069331> CHAN Matthew Tak Vai; CHOI K C; GIN Tony; CHUI Po Tong; SHORT Timothy G; YUEN
Pong Mo; POON Ho Yan; APFEL Christian C and GAN Tong J. "The Additive Interactions
Between Ondansetron and Droperidol for Preventing Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting". Anesthesia
Analgesia vol.103 no.5, pp.1155-1162. United
America: Lippincott
Wilkins, 2006.11.
<P069435> GIN Tony; CHAN Matthew Tak Vai; WONG K George; BOET Ronald and POON Wai
Sang. "Intravenous Magnesium Sulphate to Improve Outcome After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid
Hemorrhage". Anaesth
Care ASM,
2006. vol.34 pp.542. Australia, 2006.08.
<P069447> TIAN, QI; GOMERSALL Charles David; WONG Sum Yee April; LEUNG Pui Nga Patricia;
CHOI Yuk Sang Gordon; JOYNT Gavin Matthew; TAN Perpetua Elma and LIPMAN
Jeffrey. "Effect of Drug Concentration on Adsorption of Levofloxacin by Polyacrylonitrile
Haemofilters". International
Agents vol.28 pp.147-150. United
Kingdom, 2006.08.
<P069639> LI Sing Tao Thomas; GOMERSALL Charles David; JOYNT Gavin Matthew; CHAN Pui Shan;
LEUNG Pui Nga Patricia and HUI Shu Cheong David. "Long-Term Outcome of Acute Respiratory
Distress Syndrome Caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS): An Observational
Study". Critical Care and Resuscitation vol.8 no.4, pp.302-308. Australia, 2006.12.
<P069751> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "Hypotension During Regional Anaesthesia in Obstetrics: Prevention,
Management and Implications for Maternal and Neonatal Outcome". Paper presented in the Symposium
on Perinatal Medicine 2006, organized by Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CUHK, p.1. Hong
Kong, 2006.09.23.
<P069762> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "Which Vasopressor to Use in Regional Anaesthesia Induced
Hypotension?". ASEAN Journal of Anaesthesiology vol.8 13 pgs. Singapore: Confederation of ASEA
Societies of Anaesthesiologists, 2006.11.
<P069964> DERRICK James Lachlan; LI Tze Yan; TANG Pui Yan and GOMERSALL Charles
David. "Protecting Staff Against Airborne Viral Particles: In Vivo Efficiency of Laser Masks". Journal
of Hospital Infection vol.64 pp.278-281. United Kingdom, 2006.11.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care
<P069984> LAU Suk Chu; LEE Anna; GIN Tony; CHAN Simon Kin Cheong and CHEN Phoon
Ping. "Economic Evaluation of Acute Pain Service Program: A Qualitative Systematic Review". Paper
presented in the Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2006, organized by The Hong Kong
College of Anaesthesiologists & The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong, p.36. Hong Kong, 2006.11.
<P071250> LEE Anna; COOPER M G; CRAIG J C; KNIGHT J F and KENEALLY J P. "Effects of
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs on Postoperative Renal Function in Adults with Normal Renal
Function (Review)". The Cochrane Library no.2, pp.1-31. United Kingdom, 2007.04.
<P071466> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean; KHAW Kim Sun; NG Fung; KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar;
CRITCHLEY Lester Augustus Hall and GIN Tony. "A Prospective Comparison of Vasopressor
Requirement and Hemodynamic Changes During Spinal Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery in Patients
Pregency". Anesthesia
Analgesia vol.104 no.2, pp.407-411. USA, 2007.02.
<P072226> KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "Paravertebral and Intercostal Blocks". Paper presented in the 1st
Pan-Asian NYSORA Symposium on Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, organized by The New
York School of Regional Anesthesia, 3 pgs. Singapore, 2007.02.
<P072840> CRITCHLEY Lester Augustus Hall; HO Ming Hei Anthony and LEE S Y. "Right Upper Lobe
Collapse Secondary To An Anomalous Bronchus After Endotracheal Intubation For Routine
Surgery". Anaesthesia & Intensive Care vol.35 pp.274-277. Australia, 2007.04.
<P073347> CHEN Phoon Ping; SAMY Winnie; YAP Jacqueline Claire Chooi Ma and LEE Anna. "A Survey of
Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment in Chinese Patients with Chronic Pain". Paper presented in the
Hospital Authority Convention 2007, 2007.
<P073715> MAN Kwan Yin; CHU Ming Chi; CHEN Phoon Ping; MA M. L.; WONG T C M; CHEUNG L;
Tony. "Clinical Experience of a Cognitive Behavioural-Based Pain Management Programme for Chinese
Chronic Pain Patients. Abstract Book". Paper presented in the HK Convention, 1 pgs. 2007.05.
<P074393> LIM Huey Sing; CHEN Phoon Ping; WONG T C; GIN Tony; WONG E; CHAN I S and CHU
J. "Validation
Analg vol.104 no.4, pp.918-923. 2007.04.
Faculty of Medicine
Questionnaire". Anesth
Dept of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care
<P075158> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "Combined Spinal-Epidural Block in Obstetrics: Fun, But is it
Useful?". Paper presented in the 5th International Conference on Pain Control and Regional
Anaesthesia, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2007.03.15.
<P075233> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "Prevention and Treatment of Hypotension During Regional Anaesthesia
for Caesarean Section". Paper presented in the 5th International Conference on Pain Control and Regional
Anaesthesia, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2007.03.16.
<P075286> HO Ming Hei Anthony and KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "A Simple Addition to the Swivel and
Arndt Multiport Adapters to Facilitate Fibre-Optic Bronchoscopy in Small Children". Ann R Coll Surg
Engl vol.89 p.532. 2007.
<P075690> LEE Anna; FAN Tak Yan Lawrence and DONE M. "Stimulation of the Wrist P6 Acupoint to Prevent
Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting: An Update". Paper presented in the Annual Scientifc
Meeting, organized by ANZCA, 1 pgs. Australia, 2007.05.26.
<P076140> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "Supplemental Oxygen Should Not Routinely Be Used During Cesarean
Section". Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology Newsletter pp.7-9. USA, 2007.01.
<P076182> HO Ming Hei Anthony; LEE Anna; JOYNT Gavin Matthew and KARMAKAR Manoj
Kumar. "Decision Analysis". Anaesthesia vol.62 pp.93. United Kingdom, 2007.01.
<P076351> HO Ming Hei Anthony; WONG Chau Ping; CHUI Po Tong and KARMAKAR Manoj
Kumar. "Case Report: Use of Two Ballon-Tipped Catheters During Thoracoscopic Repair of a Type C
Neonate". Canadian
Anaesthesia vol.54 no.3, pp.223-226. Canada, 2007.03.
<P076616> NGAN
Dean. "Managing
Section". Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine vol.8 no.7, pp.286-289. United Kingdom, 2007.06.
<P076732> LEE, WEE YEE SHARA; KHAW Kim Sun; NGAN KEE Warwick Dean; LEUNG Tak Yeung; HO
Sin Yee Stella; YING T C Michael and CRITCHLEY Lester Augustus Hall. "Application of venous
phasicity test for detecting inferior vena cava compression in term parturients". Paper presented in the
Third International Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and
Gynecology, organized by Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The University of Hong Kong;
International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, p.71 (P26). Hong Kong
SAR, 2007.02.25.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care
<P076965> LEE S W Y; KHAW Kim Sun; NGAN KEE Warwick Dean; LEUNG T Y; HO S S Y; YING M T C
and CRITCHLEY Lester Augustus Hall. "A New Bedside Technique for Detecting Inferior Vena Cava
Parturients". Anaesthesia
Care vol.35 no.2, p.638. Australia, 2007.04.
<P077039> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "General Anesthesia: Current Issues". Paper presented in the The Sol
Shnider M.D. Obstetrical Anesthesia Meeting 2007, organized by Department of Anesthesia &
Perioperative Care, University of California San Francisco, pp. 25-31. USA, San Francisco, 2007.03.23.
<P077108> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "Prevention & Management of Hypotension During Obstetrics Spinal
Anesthesia: The Search for the Holy Grail". Paper presented in the Stanford University Department of
Anesthesiology Grand Round 2007, organized by Department of Anesthesia & Perioperative Care,
University of California San Francisco, 1 pgs. USA, San Francisco, 2007.03.24.
<P077375> HO Ming Hei Anthony and KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar. "Intercostal Blocks". Textbook of Regional
Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management ed. by Hadzic A. 1 ed. pp.599-606. New York, United States of
America: McGraw Hill, 2007.01.
<P077482> CHEN Phoon Ping; HO K M; LEE T W; NG J K F; CHAN Matthew Tak Vai; CHIU A H F; AU D
T. "Innovation in Medical Clinical Crisis Training Using a Human Patient Simulator. Abstract
Book.". Paper presented in the HK Convention, 1 pgs. 2007.05.
<P077545> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "Supplement Oxygen During Regional Anesthesia for Cesarean
Delivery". Paper presented in the The Scol Shinder M.D. Obstetrical Anesthesia Meeting 2007, organized
by Department of Anesthesia & Perioperative Care, University of California San Francisco, pp.
377-384. USA, San Francisco, 2007.03.24.
<P077620> ARABI Yaseen; GOMERSALL Charles David and AHMED Qanta A. "The Critically Ill Avian
Influenza A (H5N1) Patient". Crit Care Med vol.35 no.5, pp.1397-1403. Germany, 2007.05.
<P078302> KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar; KWOK Wing Hong; HO Ming Hei Anthony; TSANG Ho Sze; CHUI
Po Tong and GIN Tony. "Ultrasound Guided Sciatic Nerve Block: description of a new approach at the
Subgluteal Space.". British Journal of Anaesthesia vol.93 no.3, pp.390-395. United Kingdom, 2007.
<P078332> LI Sing Tao Thomas; LEE Anna and JOYNT Gavin Matthew. "Importance of Realistic Sample Size
Calculations and Why the Next Randomized Trial Needs to Be Large and Multicentered". Critcal Care
Medicine vol.35 no.2, pp.675-676. USA, 2007.02.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care
<P078463> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "Comparison of Local Anesthesia in Obstetric Anesthesia: Reviewing the
Choices!". Paper presented in the The Sol Shnider M.D. Obstetrical Anesthesia Meeting 2007, organized
by Department of Anesthesia & Perioperative Care, University of California San Francisco, pp.
245-253. USA, San Francisco, 2007.03.24.
<P079454> KARMAKAR Manoj Kumar and HO Ming Hei Anthony. "Thoracic and Lumbar Paravertebral
Blocks". Textbook of Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management ed. by Hadzic A. 1
ed. pp.583-597. United States of America, 2007.01.
<P079539> NGAN KEE Warwick Dean. "Management of Hypotension During Obstetric Regional Anesthesia: Past,
Present and Future". Paper presented in the The Sol Shnider M.D. Obstetrical Anesthesia Meeting
2007, organized by Department of Anesthesia & Perioperative Care, University of California San
Francisco, pp. 81-88. USA, San Francisco, 2007.03.23.
See Also <P050698 >, <P056886 >, <P061553 >, <P063679 >, <P063978 >, <P064772 >, <P065334 >, <P066066 >,
<P068779 >, <P069898 >, <P072229 >, <P073808 >, <P075580 >, <P075980 >, <P076933 >, <P079331 >, <P079684
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Biochemistry (Medicine)
<P060284> CHAN Yuk Hang; CHENG Hon Ki Christopher and CHAN King Ming. "Study of Goldfish
Swapping". Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B vol. 146 pp. 384-395. 2007.03.
<P060496> LIN Zhi-xiu; LAU Cynthia S. T.; LEUNG Po-sing and CHENG Hon Ki Christopher. "Brucea
javanica Induces Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in Human Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Cell
Lines". Paper presented in the 2006 World Congress on Chinese Medicine: Charting the Course of
Development, organized
University, p.136. 2006.11.23.
<P060702> WANG YUN; LEE Kai Woo; CHAN Leung Franky; CHEN Shiuan and LEUNG Lai Kwok. "The
red wine polyphenol resveratrol displays bilevel inhibition on aromatase in breast cancer
cells.". Toxicological Sciences vol.92 no.1, pp.71-7. Cary, NC, United States of America: Oxford
University Press, 2006.07.
<P060859> LAU Tak Yi and LEUNG Lai Kwok. "Soya isoflavones suppress phorbol 12-myristate
". British
Nutrition vol.96 no.1, pp.169-76. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom: CABI Publishing, 2006.07.
<P062802> WAYE Mary Miu Yee and LI Sheila S. K.. "Truncation of Hepatitis B virus X protein abrogates its
mitochondrial localization". Paper presented in the BioScience2006 incorporating the Biochemical
Journal Centenary Symposium, 1 pgs. Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2006.07.23.
<P062869> WAYE Mary Miu Yee. "Influenza Report 2006". E-book. 2006.07.
<P062981> YUEN Yee Lok; CHEUNG Wing Tai and LEE Sau Tuen Susanna. "Characterization of a novel
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-regulating sulfotransferase-like gene". Paper presented in the
Oxidations, PS-I-43. Hungary, Budapest, 2006.09.03.
<P063176> TANG Patrick Ming Kuen; CHAN Yuet Wa; AU Wing Ngor Shannon; KONG Siu Kai; TSUI
Kwok Wing; WAYE Mary Miu Yee; MAK T. C.; FONG Wing Ping and FUNG Kwok
Pui. "Pheophorbide a, An Active Compound Isolated from Scutellaria barbata, Possesses Photodynamic
Activities by Inducing Apoptosis in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma". Cancer Biology and
Therapy vol.5 no.9, pp.1111-1116. 2006.09.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Biochemistry (Medicine)
<P063287> TSOI Yuen Kam Alex; NG Tzi Bun and FONG Wing Ping. "Immunomodulatory activity of a
chymotrypsin inhibitor from Momordica cochinchinensis seeds". Journal of Peptide Science vol.12 no.
9 pp.605-611. 2006.09.
<P063808> CHAN Wing Man and HO Yuanyuan. "Inhibition of cell proliferation by apolipoprotein E isoform
expression". Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics vol.451 pp.97-102. 2006.07.15.
<P063832> YUE Kevin; CHEN H. Y.; LEE K. W. and CHENG Hon Ki Christopher. "Tetramethylpyrazine
Prevents Onset of High Glucose Induced Oxidative Stress". Paper presented in the 2006 World Congress
on Chinese Medicine: Charting the Course of Development, organized by School of Chinese Medicine,
Hong Kong Baptist University, p.135. 2006.11.23.
<P064010> TSANG Wing Pui; KONG Siu Kai and KWOK Tim Tak. "Epidermal Growth Factor Induction of
Resistance to Topoisomerase II Toxins in Human Squamous Carcinoma A431 Cells". Oncology
Reports vol.16 no.4, pp.789-793. 2006.10.
<P064078> LAW Peggy Pui Ying; LIU Yuet Man; GENG Hua; KWAN Ka Ho; WAYE Mary Miu Yee and HO
Yuanyuan. "Expression and functional characterization of the putative protein 8b of the severe acute
respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus". FEBS Letters vol.580 pp.3643-3648. 2006.08.
<P064666> CHAN King Ming; XIAO Ping; WONG G. K. P. and CHENG Hon Ki Christopher. "Prolactin Gene
Regulations in Goldfish (Carassius Auratus)". Paper presented in the 23rd Conference of European
2006, p.92. Manchester, United
Kingdom, 2006.08.29.
<P064944> HO F. Y.; TSANG Wing Pui; KONG Siu Kai and KWOK Tim Tak. "The critical role of caspases
activation in hypoxia/reoxygenation induced apoptosis". Biochemical and Biophysical Research
Communications vol.345 pp.1131-1137. Elsevier Inc., 2006.07.
<P066753> YUE Kevin Kin Man; WONG H. M. and CHENG Hon Ki Christopher. "Extracts of Fructus lycii
Could Prevent the Onset of Glucose-induced Oxidative Stress in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells". Paper
presented in the 8th Hong Kong Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk Factors – East Meets West
Symposium, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2006.09.
<P067414> LIANG Rui-an; YANG Lei; CHEN Jun-xin; CHEN Han-wen; LI Zheng-dong; HUANG Pei-fen and
CHEUNG Wing Tai. "Framework-reengineering and its application in humanized antibody
fSM03". Chinese Journal of New Drugs vol.15 no.21, pp.1832-1836. 2006.12.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Biochemistry (Medicine)
<P067697> LAM Tsz Yan; SETO Sai Wang; KWAN Yiu Wa and TSUI Kwok Wing. "Comparison of in vitro
Lipolytic Effects of ß-Adrenoceptor Agonists in +m/+db and +db/+db Mice". 8th Hong Kong Diabetes
and Cardiovascular Risk Factors - East Meets West Symposium p.27. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.09.30.
<P068679> WAYE Mary Miu Yee. "Genetic susceptibility of Suicide: 14-3-3 epsilon or SSAT?". Paper presented
in the Gordon Research Conference on the theme "Biology of 14-3-3", 1 pgs. Oxford, United
Kingdom, 2006.08.26.
<P069184> CHAN W. L.; CHEUNG A. P. L. and CHAN King Ming. "Mechanism of Metallothionein Gene
Regulation in Tilapia". Paper presented in the VIIth International Congress on the Biology of Fish, 18-22
July 2006, p.75. Newfoundland, Canada, 2006.07.18.
<P069432> YEUNG George C. L.; CHOW Wing Shan; LAU Hiu Wai and CHAN King Ming. "Heavy Metal
Concentrations and Metallothionein mRNA Levels in Tilapia Collected from a Fish Pond and Shan Pui
River in Nam Shan Wai, Deep Bay, Hong Kong SAR, China". Paper presented in the International
Conference on Environmental and Public Health Management: Aquaculture and Environment, 7-9
December 2006, O34. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.12.07.
<P069905> WAYE Mary Miu Yee and TSUI Kwok Wing. "International HapMap Project". Paper presented in the
Inovation for Better Life, 1 pgs. Shenzhen, China, 2006.09.
<P070168> MAK Wing Yan Grace; WONG Chi Hang and Tsui Kwok Wing Stephen. "Green fluorescent protein
cells". Analytical
Biochemistry vol.362 no.2, pp.296-8. 2007.03.15.
<P070326> TSANG Tsun Yee; TANG WAN YEE; CHAU Pui Yee Sophia and KWOK Tim
Tak. "Hepatoma-Derived Growth Factor as a Survival Factor in Human Cancer Cells". Paper presented
in the 98th Annual Meeting of American Association of Cancer Research, 14-18 April 2007, 1 pgs. United
States of America, 2007.04.
<P070605> SHEK C. S. and CHAN King Ming. "Analyses of Heavy Metal Concentrations and Metallothionein
mRNA Levels in Tilapia Tissues Exposed to Copper and Zinc Ions". Paper presented in the 5th
International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, 3-6 June 2007, P - 29. Hong Kong
SAR, 2007.06.03.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Biochemistry (Medicine)
<P071074> WAYE Mary Miu Yee; POON Wing Ming Jodie; TSUI Kwok Wing and FUNG Kwok
Pui. "Characterization of a Ras-superfmaily member, RhoC, in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)". Paper
presented in the Advanced Study Institute on "Molecular Genetics, Cell Signaling in Cancer and Cancer
Metastasis", 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.01.29.
<P071530> LIN Zhixiu; TSE Wai Pui; CHENG Hon Ki Christopher and CHE Chun Tao. "Preclinical Studies of
a Topical Application Containing Radix Radix Rubiae for Psoriasis Treatment". Paper presented in the
Skin Diseases: Integrating Chinese and Western Medicine, pp.23-24. 2007.06.16.
<P071580> K.F. Lei; W.C. Law; Y.K. Suen; W.J. Li; Y. Yam; H.P. Ho and S.K. Kong. "A Vortex Pump-Based
Optically-Transparent Microfluidic Platform for Biotech and Medical Applications". Proceedings of the
Medicine 221
H2(2007), . pp.129-141. 2007.02.
<P071796> WONG Hei Yi; LAW Pui Ying Peggy and HO Yuanyuan. "Disease-associated Glut1 Single Amino
Acid Substitute Mutations S66F, R126C, and T295M Constitute Glut1-deficiency States In
Vitro". Molecular Genetics and Metabolism vol.90 pp.193-198. Elsevier Inc., 2007.03.
<P071860> CHENG Man; LEE Sau Tuen Susanna and CHEUNG Wing Tai. "Dual effect of endothelin 1 on
angiotensin II-potentiated purinergic neurotransmission in prostatic rat was deferens". European Journal
of Pharmacology vol.557 pp.204-211. 2007.02.
<P072034> ZHOU, LINLI and FUNG Kwok Pui. "Arsenic Trioxide Inhibited the Growth of Human Breast Cancer
Cells via Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis". Paper presented in the AACR Annual Meeting
2007, organized by American Association for Cancer Research, p.359. Los Angeles, Exhibit Hall, Los
Angeles Convention Center, 2007.04.17.
<P072500> CHOW W. S. and CHAN King Ming. "Analyses of Heavy Metal and Metallothionein mRNA Levels in
Tilapia Collected from Shan Pui River in Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long, HKSAR, China". Paper presented
in the 5th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, 3-6 June 2007, O - 9. Hong
Kong SAR, 2007.06.03.
<P072714> TIAN Jing and CHAN King Ming. "Is Somatolactin Related to Reproduction in Black Seabream
(Acanthopagrus schlegeli)?". Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium on Reproductive
Physiology of Fish, 3-8 June 2007, pp.26. Saint Malo, France, 2007.06.03.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Biochemistry (Medicine)
<P072769> TSANG Wing Pui; WONG Wing Leong Timothy; CHEUNG Albert H. H.; CO Chloe N. N. and
KWOK Tim Tak. "Induction of Drug Resistance and Transformation in Human Cancer Cells by the
Noncoding RNA CUDR". RNA vol.13 no.6, pp.890-898. 2007.06.
<P073043> HO, SIN CHU; CHAN King Ming and WONG Chong Kim. "Molecular and Demographic Indicators
of Environmental Stresses of Daphnia magna". Ecosummit 2007 2007.05.25.
<P073398> LAM Rosanna Y. Y.; WOO Yiu Ho Anthony; LEUNG Po Sing and CHENG Hon Ki
Christopher. "Antioxidant Actions of Phenolic Compounds Found in Dietary Plants on Low-Density
Vitro". Journal
Nutrition vol.26 no.3, pp.233-242. United States of America, 2007.06.
<P073889> WAYE Mary Miu Yee. "RhoC and Metastasis in Liver Cancer". Paper presented in the 5th Anniversary
of Drug Discovery Conference and Expo-Shanghai, 1 pgs. Shanghai, China, 2007.05.31.
<P074103> CHAN C M; CHAN Yuet Wa; LAU C H; LAU Tai Wai David; LAU K M; LAM F C; CHE Chun
Tao; LEUNG Ping Chung; FUNG Kwok Pui; LAU Bik San Clara and HO Yuanyuan. "Influence of
an Anti-diabetic Foot Ulcer Formula and Its Component Herbs on Tissue and Systemic Glucose
Homeostasis". Journal of Ethnopharmacology vol.109 pp.10-20. 2007.01.
<P074744> LEUNG Hau Yi; WANG YUN; CHAN Ho Yee and LEUNG Lai Kwok. "Developing a
high-throughput system for the screening of cytochrome P450 1A1 - Inhibitory polyphenols". Toxicology
in Vitro vol.21 no.6, pp.996-1002. Shannon, Ireland: Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2007.04.27.
<P075208> TSOI LO MING; WONG Kin Yee; LIU Yuet Man and HO Yuanyuan. "Apoprotein E
Isoform-Dependent Expression and Secretion of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines TNF-α and IL-6 in
Macrophages". Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics vol.460 pp.33-40. 2007.04.
<P075262> TSE Wai Pui; CHENG Hon Ki Christopher; CHE Chun Tao and LIN Zhixiu. "Flow Cytometric
Analysis of the Apoptotic Effects on HaCaT Cells Induced by Arsenic Compounds Present in
Realgar". Paper presented in the 12th Annual General Meeting and Scientific Meeting, organized by
Hong Kong Society of Flow Cytometry, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.03.24.
<P075322> WONG Pak Cheung Ronald; TSANG Wing Pui; CHAU Pui Yee Sophia; CO Chloe N. N.; TSANG
Tsun Yee and KWOK Tim Tak. "p53-R273H Gains New Function in Induction of Drug Resistance
Through Down-Regulation of Procaspase-3". Molecular Cancer Therapeutics vol.6 no.3, pp.1054-1061.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Biochemistry (Medicine)
<P075723> WAYE Mary Miu Yee. "The Use of Expression Profiling to Study Hepatocellular Carcinoma and the
Mechanism of Herbal Medicine Against Hepatitis B Virus". Paper presented in the Advanced Study
Institute on "Genome Informatics", 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.01.11.
<P075758> YU
Christopher. "Morin
(3,5,7,2',4'-Pentahydroxyflavone) Exhibits Potent Inhibitory Actions on Urate Transport by the Human
Urate Anion Transporter (hURAT1) Expressed in Human Embryonic Kidney Cells". Drug Metabolism
and Disposition vol.35 no.6, pp.981-986. United States of America, 2007.05.
<P075783> YEUNG, TAK WAI and CHENG Hon Ki Christopher. ed. "Baicalein Induces Astrocytoma
Apoptosis Via A Pro-Oxidant Mechanism". Paper presented in the 19th Lorne Cancer Conference
Erskine on the Beach, Lorne, Australia, organized by Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and Ludwig
Institute for Cancer Research , 2 pgs. Lorne, Australia, 2007.02.08.
<P076214> LIU Zhihao; WU Fengrui; JIAO Baowei; ZHANG Xiuyue; HU Chongjiang; HUANG Baofeng;
ZHOU Linyan; HUANG Xigui; WANG Zhijian; ZHANG Yaoguang; NGAGHAMA Yoshitaka;
CHENG Hon Ki Christopher and WANG Deshou. "Molecular Cloning of Doublesex and
Mab-3-related Transcription Factor 1, Forkhead Transcription Factor Gene 2, and Two Types of
Differnetiation". Journal of Endocrinology vol.194 pp.223-241. United Kingdom, 2007.06.
<P076364> TSANG Wing Pui and KWOK Tim Tak. "H19 Noncoding RNA Regulation of MDR1-Associated
Drug Resistance in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells". Paper presented in the 98th Annual Meeting
of American Association of Cancer Research, 14-18 April 2007, 1 pgs. United States of
America, 2007.04.
<P077412> LIN Huangquan; HO Michelle T; LAU Lesley S; WONG KIN KWAN KELVIN; SHAW Pang Chui
and WAN Chi Cheong David. "Searching for New Cholinesterases Inhibiting Drug Candidates from
Sources". Paper
Cholinesterases, p.134. Suzhou, China, 2007.05.06.
<P077469> WONG KIN KWAN KELVIN; LIN Huangquan; SHAW Pang Chui and WAN Chi Cheong
David. "Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor CT Ameliorates Scopolamine-Induced Memory Deficiit in Morris
Task". Paper
Cholinesterases, p.133. Suzhou, China, 2007.05.06.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Biochemistry (Medicine)
<P078128> WOO Yiu Ho Anthony; ZHAO Yu; ZHANG Rongping; ZHOU Changxin and CHENG Hon Ki
Christopher. "History and Scope of Functional Foods in China". Anti-Angiogenic Functional and
Medicinal Foods ed. by J. Losso, F. Shahidi and D. Bagchi. pp.97-125. New York, United States of
America: CRC Press, 2007.
<P078589> FUJII Tatsuya; HO Yuanyuan; WANG Dong; DE VIVO Darryl C.; MIYAJIMA Tomoko; WONG
Hei Yi; TSANG Po Ting; SHIRASAKA Yukiyoshi; KUDO Takashi and ITO Masatoshi. "Three
Syndrome". Brain
Development vol.29 pp.92-97. Elsevier B. V., 2007.03.
<P078671> CO Chloe N. N.; WONG Pak Cheung Ronald; TSANG Wing Pui; CHAU Pui Yee Sophia; TSANG
Tsun Yee and KWOK Tim Tak. "p53-R273H Mutant Suppression of Drug Induced Apoptosis Through
Downregulation of Procaspase-3.". Paper presented in the 98th Annual Meeting of American Association
of Cancer Research, 14-18 April 2007, 1 pgs. United States of America, 2007.04.
<P078954> WOO Yiu Ho Anthony; ZHAO Yu; ZHANG Rongping; ZHOU Changxin and CHENG Hon Ki
Christopher. "Angiogenesis and Chinese Medicinal Foods". Anti-Angiogenic Functional and Medicinal
Foods ed. by J. Losso, F. Shahidi and D. Bagchi. pp. 581-591. New York, United States of America: CRC
Press, 2007.
<P079681> FONG Wing Ping; CHENG Hon Ki Christopher and TANG Wai Kwan. Antiquitin, a Relatively
Unexplored Member in the Superfamily of Aldehyde Dehydrogenases with Diversified Physiological
Functions Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 63 2881-2885. 2006.
<P079979> TANG Patrick Ming Kuen; CHAN Yuet Wa; ZHANG Dong-mei; AU Wing Ngor Shannon; FONG
Wing Ping; KONG Siu Kai; TSUI Kwok Wing; WAYE Mary Miu Yee; MAK Chung Wai and
FUNG Kwok Pui. " Pheophorbide a, an Active Component in Scutellaria barbata, Reverses
P-glycoprotein-mediated Multidrug Resistance on a Human Hepatoma Cell Line R-HepG2". Cancer
Biology and Therapy vol.6 no.4, pp.504-509. 2007.04.
<P867071> NG Tzi Bun; TAM Ping Leung P. and WOO Norman Ying Shiu. "Sexual Maturation in the Black Sea
Bream, Mylio macrocephalus Teleostei, Sparidae: Changes in Pituitary Gonadotropes, Hepatocytes and
Serum". Cell
Research vol.245 pp.207-213. Berlin, Germany: Springer - Verlag, 1986.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Biochemistry (Medicine)
See Also <P060904 >, <P062112 >, <P062322 >, <P062474 >, <P062927 >, <P064076 >, <P064615 >, <P064945 >,
<P065255 >, <P065687 >, <P065783 >, <P067024 >, <P067712 >, <P067925 >, <P067990 >, <P068555 >, <P068633
>, <P069505 >, <P069685 >, <P069842 >, <P071118 >, <P072231 >, <P072446 >, <P072492 >, <P072997 >,
<P073905 >, <P073999 >, <P074055 >, <P074371 >, <P074523 >, <P074667 >, <P074910 >, <P075156 >, <P075185
>, <P075551 >, <P076243 >, <P076331 >, <P076382 >, <P076592 >, <P077894 >, <P078001 >, <P078146 >,
<P078269 >, <P079205 >, <P079415 >, <P079874 >,
Faculty of Medicine
<P060152 >, <P067931 >, <P074560 >
Centre for Epidemiology & Biostatistics
<P061180> SU Xiaoyou; LAU Tak Fai Joseph; TSUI Hi Yi; HO S P Y and TONG Edmond T F. "Utilization of
HIV-related services among Hong Kong Chinese female sex workers". Paper presented in the XVI
International AIDS Conference, Canada, organized by The International AIDS Society, - pgs. 2006.08.
<P063527> GU Jing; LAU Tak Fai Joseph; TSUI Hi Yi and TAM Ka Po. "Risk behaviors, social support and
perceived discrimination of Hong Kong Chinese men who have sex with men (MSM): a comparison
between internet-based vs. venue-based MSM". Paper presented in the XVI International AIDS
Conference, Canada, organized by The International AIDS Society, - pgs. 2006.08.
<P064509> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; TSUI Hi Yi; KIM Jean Hee and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Perceptions of
H5N1 transmission, anticipated and current preventive behaviors in response to an anticipated
human-to-human H5N1 epidemic in the Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 38th APACPH Conference,
2006, 0 pgs. 2006.12.
<P065055> TSUI Hi Yi and LAU Tak Fai Joseph. "Risk exposures, psychological and cultural barriers of
HIV/STD prevention in low-risk monogamous Chinese women attending public STD clinics". Paper
presented in the XVI International AIDS Conference, Canada, organized by The International AIDS
Society, - pgs. 2006.08.
<P065234> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; YANG Xilin; WONG M. C. Eric and TSUI Hi Yi. "Prevalence and factors
associated with social avoidance of recovered SARS patients in the Hong Kong general
population". Health Education Research vol.21 no.5, pp.662-673. 2006.10.
<P065593> LAU Tak Fai Joseph and TSUI Hi Yi. "A randomized controlled study To evaluate the relative efficacy
of using the voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) approach and the information distribution approach
to reduce HIV-related risk behaviors among Hong Kong male cross-border truck drivers". Paper
presented in the The International Symposium on “Urbanization, Gender, and Public Health in
China, organized
University, Shanghai, 2006.12.
<P065959> GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl; LAU Tak Fai Joseph; CHOW Kwai Wing; LEE Shui Shan; KAN YUEN
Mei Yin Pauline and LEE Sing. "Alcohol Use among Entrants to a Hong Kong University". Alcohol
and Alcoholism 41 5 560-565. 2006.09.
<P066231> LAU Tak Fai Joseph and CHOI K C. "Using stigmatization toward HIV-related vulnerable groups to
predict discriminatory attitudes toward people living with HIV/AIDS". Paper presented in the XVI
International AIDS Conference, Canada, organized by The International AIDS Society, 0 pgs. 2006.08.
Faculty of Medicine
Centre for Epidemiology & Biostatistics
<P066944> LAU Tak Fai Joseph and TSUI Hi Yi. "Randomized controlled study to investigate the efficacy of
Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) in increasing frequency of condom use among cross-border
truck drivers self-reporting at-risk behaviors". Paper presented in the XVI International AIDS
Conference, Canada, organized by The International AIDS Society, 0 pgs. 2006.08.
<P067258> TONG Edmond T F; HO P Y S; NG K K; YUNG W Y and LAU Tak Fai Joseph. "Behind the neon
nights: an outreach program to hostels and guest houses in Mongkok District, Hong Kong". Paper
presented in the XVI International AIDS Conference, Canada, organized by The International AIDS
Society, - pgs. 2006.08.
<P067280> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; TSUI Hi Yi and KIM Jean Hee. "Perceptions and anticipated responses related
to human-to-human H5N1 transmission – comparisons of the results of 2 serial surveys". Paper presented
in the The 9th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, organized by International Society of
Behavioral Medicine, Thai Society of Behavioral Medicine, 0 pgs. 2006.11.
<P068038> WANG R F; CHEN H Y; WANG Z; LEI Z Q; ZHONG X D; LAU Tak Fai Joseph and TONG
Edmond T F. "Evaluation of overall effectiveness of prevention programs for female sex workers in
Dazhou, Sichuan China by using behavioral surveillance data". Paper presented in the XVI International
AIDS Conference, Canada, organized by The International AIDS Society, - pgs. 2006.08.
<P069045> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; TSUI Hi Yi; LI Patrick C K; CHUNG Rita W Y and MOLASSIOTIS
Alexander. "Validation of a Chinese version of the Medical Outcomes Study HIV Health Survey
(MOS-HIV) among Chinese people living with HIV/AIDS in Hong Kong". Quality of Life
Research vol.15 no.6, pp.1079-1089. 2006.08.
<P069142> TONG T F Edmond; HO P Y S; NG K K; YUNG W Y and LAU Tak Fai Joseph. "A one month
follow up study of clients of a voluntary counselling and testing service". Paper presented in the XVI
International AIDS Conference, Canada, organized by The International AIDS Society, - pgs. 2006.08.
<P069415> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; LAU Man Chun Mason; KIM Jean Hee and TSUI Hi Yi. "Impacts of media
coverage on the community stress level in Hong Kong after the tsunami on 26 December 2004". Journal
of Epidemiology & Community Health vol.60 no.8, pp.675-682. 2006.08.
<P069944> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; YANG Xilin; TSUI Hi Yi; PANG Suet Yee and WING Yun Kwok. "Positive
mental health-related impacts of the SARS epidemic on the general public in Hong Kong and their
associations with other negative impacts". Journal of Infection vol.53 pp.114-124. 2006.08.
Faculty of Medicine
Centre for Epidemiology & Biostatistics
<P070822> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; KIM Jean Hee; TSUI Hi Yi and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Anticipated and
current preventive behaviors in response to an anticipated human-to-human H5N1 epidemic in the Hong
Kong Chinese general population". BMC Infectious Diseases vol.7 no.18, 2007.03.
<P071083> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; KIM Jean Hee; TSUI Hi Yi and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "Perceptions related
to human avian influenza and their associations with anticipated psychological and behavioral responses at
the onset of outbreak in the Hong Kong Chinese general population". American Journal of Infection
Control vol.35 no.1, pp.38-49. 2007.02.
<P071420> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; TSUI Hi Yi; CHENG F; ZHANG Y; ZHANG J X and WANG N. "Multiple
risk behaviors of injecting drug users". Paper presented in the 2007 Society of Behavioral Medicine
Annual Meeting, organized by The Society of Behavioral Medicine, 0. 2007.03.
<P072686> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; KIM Jean Hee and TSUI Hi Yi. "Prevalence and psychosocial factors
associated with being bothered by non-availability of sexual partners among Hong Kong Chinese: A
population-based study". Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy vol.33 no.3, pp.255-269. 2007.05.
<P072722> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; MUI Wai Ho; TSUI Hi Yi; WONG Ming Chung and HO Shara P
Y. "Prevalence of induced abortion and associated factors among Chinese Female Sex Workers in Hong
Kong". Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy vol.33 no.1, pp.19-29. 2007.01.
<P072989> LAU Tak Fai Joseph and TSUI Hi Yi. "Comparing the magnitude of discriminatory attitudes toward
people living with HIV/AIDS and toward people with mental illness in the Hong Kong general
population". Health Education Research vol.22 no.1, pp.139-152. 2007.02.
<P076453> LAU Tak Fai Joseph; TSUI Hi Yi and LAM Lawrence T. "Alcohol consumption, sex, and use of
users". Addictive Behaviors vol.32 no.4, pp.686-699. 2007.04.
See Also <P042731 >, <P060817 >, <P061581 >, <P062322 >, <P068819 >, <P068884 >, <P069114 >, <P069221 >,
<P073679 >, <P073947 >, <P074973 >, <P076608 >
Faculty of Medicine
Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases
<P060688> WONG Ka Hing; CHAN Kenny Chi Wai; LEE Shui Shan; LAI Sik To; LEE Lai Shun Nelson;
COCKRAM Clive Stewart; POON Wai Sang; TSANG Tak Yin; TSO Yuk Keung and TO Ka
Fai. "Smooth Muscle Tumour - An Uncommon but Existent Neoplasia in HIV-infected Patients.". Paper
presented in the XVI International AIDS Conference, Poster pgs. Toronto, Canada, 2006.08.
<P060815> PANG Ting Kai Ronald; POON Chuen Wai; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; CHAN Kwan Chee; CHIU Wai
Kwun Rossa; TONG YU KWAN; WONG Mei Ying; CHIM Siu Chung Stephen; NGAI Sai Ming;
SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Serum Proteomic Profiling identified
Beta-Thromboglobulin and Platelet Factor 4 as Prognostic Indicators in Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome". Paper presented in the 2006 American Assoication of Clinical Chemistry Annual
Meeting, organized by American Association of Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Chemistry 52 (6): A43-A43
B18 Suppl. S pgs. 2006.07.
<P063111> WONG Kh; CHAN Cw Kenny; LEE Shui Shan; LAI Sik To; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; COCKRAM
Clive Stewart; POON Wai Sang; TSANG Ty; TSO Yk and TO Ka Fai. "Epstein-Barr virus
associated smooth muscle tumour in patients with AIDS". Journal of Microbiology Immunology and
Infection 40 173-177. 2006.
<P063153> LEE Shui Shan; HE Mingliang; KUNG Hsiang Fu; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and GUO Liping. "The
Implication of a High Allelic Frequency of CYP2B6 G516T in Ethnic Chinese". Clin Infect
Dis 43 4 541-542. 2006.08.15.
<P064074> LEE Shui Shan. "Establishing CD4 Thresholds for HAART Initiation in a Cohort of HIV-infected Adult
Chinese in Hong Kong". AIDS Patient Care and STDs 21 2 106 -115. 2007.02.
<P064265> LEE Shui Shan and CHU Kam Ying. The phenomenon of missing dose in a cohort of HIV patients
with good adherence to HAART International Journal of STD and AIDS 18 3 167-170. 2006.
<P066141> DING Chunming and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for quantitative,
specific, and sensitive analysis of DNA and RNA". Ann N Y Acad Sci vol.1075 pp.282-7. 2006.09.
<P067676> DING Chunming. "Qualitative and quantitative DNA and RNA analysis by matrix-assisted laser
desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. ". methods mol biol ed. by Lo Yuk Ming Dennis
et al. 2 ed. pp.59-71. 2006.
<P068311> HE Mingliang; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu; KUNG Hsiang Fu and LEE Shui Shan. "Absence of CYP2B6
Promoter -82T>C Mutation in Chinese as an Additional Factor for Slow Metabolism of Drugs Commonly
Used in Infections". European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 62 7 585-586. 2006.07.
Faculty of Medicine
Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases
<P069813> LEE Shui Shan. "Screening of HIV infection in pregnancy - are there new angles?". Journal of
Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology 259-264. 2006.11.
<P070269> LEE Chi Kei. "Surveillance and reporting". HIV Manual 2007 ed. by SS Lee, Justin Wu, KH
Wong. pp.71-84. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.06.01.
<P071175> DING
Chunming. "'Other'
polymorphisms". Trends
Biotechnol vol.25 no.7, pp.279-83. 2007.05.09.
<P071833> LEE Shui Shan. "Evaluation of an In-house Genotyping Resistance Test for HIV-1 Drug Resistance
Interpretatation and Genotyping". Journal of Clinical Virology 39 125-131. 2007.
<P072621> LEE
Shan. "A
Good". Public
Health vol.121 pp.884-886. 2007.06.
<P073663> YU Tak Sun Ignatius; XIE Zhan Hong; TSOI K Kelvin; CHIU Yuk Lan; LOK Siu Wai; TANG
Xiao Ping; HUI Shu Cheong David; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; LI Yi Min; HUANG Zhi Tong; LIU
Tao; WONG Tze Wai; ZHONG Nan Shan and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Why Did Outbreaks of
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Occur in Some Hospital Wards but Not in Others?". Clin Infect
Dis vol.44 no.8, pp.1017-1025. Chicago, United States of America: Univ Chicago Press, 2007.04.15.
<P073956> LEE Shui Shan and HE Mingliang. "Achieving a High Coverage - the Challenge of Controlling HIV
Spread in Heroin Users". HARM REDUCTION JOURNAL doi:10.1186/1477-7517-4-8. 2007.02.15.
<P074564> LEE Chi Kei. "Epidemiology of HIV in Hong Kong and beyond". HIV Mannual 2007 ed. by SS Lee,
Justin Wu, KH Wong. pp.17-28. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.06.01.
<P077167> CHAN Chu Yan; LI Wai Ying; PANG Chi Pui Calvin; LAM Shun Chiu Dennis and YEW Tai Wai
David. "Revisiting the Trabecular Meshwork in the Eyes of the Developing Human". Neuroembryology
and Aging 2006-07. vol.4 no.1-2, pp.13-18. Basel, Switzerland: Karger AG, Basel, 2007.06.08.
<P077794> LEE Shui Shan. "Setting a minimum threshold CD4 count for initiation of highly active antiretroviral
therapy in HIV-infected patients". HIV Medicine vol.8 pp.181-185. 2007.04.
<P079061> LEE Shui Shan; KUNG Hsiang Fu and HE Mingliang. "The genetic variability of CYP2B6
Gastroenterol 13(14) 2100-2103. 2007.04.14.
Faculty of Medicine
populations". World
Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases
<P079529> LEE Shui Shan; ZHANG Bao; HE Mingliang and KUNG Hsiang Fu. "Screening of Active
3A4". Phytotherapy
Research 21 11 1096-1099. 2007.
See Also <P062765 >, <P063527 >, <P064477 >, <P065092 >, <P065107 >, <P065113 >, <P065334 >, <P065959 >,
<P071372 >, <P072485 >, <P074906 >, <P077871 >, <P078031 >, <P078420 >, <P078652 >
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Community and Family Medicine
<P053062> CONNELLY J; MCAVEARY M and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "National survey of working life in
survey". Public
Health vol.119 no.12, pp.1133-1137. 2005.
<P055484> GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl; THORPE A and WRIGHT J. Change and Development in Specialist
Public Health Practice Oxford: Radcliffe Medical Press, 2005.
<P060019> CHAN Ying Yang Emily. ". Evidence-Based public health practices: Challenges for health needs
assessments in disasters". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.12 no.4, pp.325-326. 2006.08.
<P060051> LEUNG Y L; AU K Y; CHENG S W; KOK S Y; LUI H K and WONG Chi Wai. "Practice of
breastfeeding and factors that affect breastfeeding in Hong Kong". Hong
Journal vol.12 no.6, pp.432-436. 2006.12.
余德新 及 謝立亞 <環境流行病學在分析香港淘大花園傳染性非典型肺炎傳播途徑中的應用>.《流
行病學研究實例第四卷》李立明,詹思延編.頁 21-28.中國北京:人民衛生出版社,2006.12.
<P060369> CHEN Yuming; HO CHAN Suzanne and WOO Jean. "Greater fruit and vegetable intake is associated
women". British
Nutrition vol.96 no.4, pp.745-51. 2006.10.
<P060416> YU Tak Sun Ignatius; LI Yuguo and WONG Tze Wai. "Evidence on the airborne transmission of
SARS". Paper presented in the Keystone Symposium on Respiratory Viruses of Animals Causing Disease
in Humans, organized by Keystone Symposia and Agency for Science, Technology and Researcy,
Singapore, p.33. Singapore, 2006.12.
<P060466> CHUH An Tung Antonio; WONG Chi Wai and ZAWAR Vijay. "The Skin and the Mind". Australian
Family Physician vol.35 no.9, pp.723-725. 2006.09.
<P060566> LEE Albert; CHUH An Tung Antonio and WONG Chi Wai. "The association of early infections and
atopic dermatitis. A retrospective case-contol study in Chinese children in primary care in Hong
Kong". European Journal of Pediatric Dermatology vol.16 no.2, pp.101-4. Italy, 2006.10.
<P060745> CHUH An Tung Antonio; ZAWAR Vijay; OOI Catriona and WONG Chi Wai. "Sexually
Transmitted Infections, Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection, and Their Manifestations in the Oral
Cavity". Hong Kong Dental Journal vol.3 no.2, pp.58-66. 2006.12.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Community and Family Medicine
<P061225> LEE Albert. "To establish and develop Health Promoting School and the Registry in Western Pacific
region". Paper presented in the Health Promoting School Program: The Role of the School Health
Practice in China, organized by Institute of Child and Adolescent Health, Peking Unviersity Health
Science Centre, 1 pgs. Peking, China, 2006.11.18.
<P061535> 唐 金 陵 . < 試 論 以 療 效 為 先 導 的 中 醫 藥 研 究 策 略 Research priorities in traditional Chinese
Medicine>. 論文發表於 《中國中西醫結合學會循証醫學專業委員會成立大會暨首屆全國中醫、中
西醫結合循証醫學專題研討會》, 2-6 頁. 2006.11.27.
<P061756> TSE Lap Ah and YU Tak Sun Ignatius. <SPAN class=titles-title>"Occupational Risk Factors For
China"</SPAN>. American
Epidemiology vol.164 no.4, p.402. United
America: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 2006.08.15.
<P062247> LEE Albert. "Evaluation of Healthy Cities and Indicators". Paper presented in the The 2nd General
Assembly and Conference of the Alliance for Healthy Cities, organized by Alliance for Healthy Cities and
Suzhou Healthy City, 7 pgs. Suzhou, China, 2006.10.28.
<P062288> LEE Albert and CHUA Hoi-wai. "Impact of Socio-economic Background on Children's Health and
Implications for Pre-School Services". Paper presented in the 5th International Conference on Social
Work in Health and Mental Health, organized by Social Welfare Dept, HKSARG; Dept of Social Work &
Social Administration, HKU; Hospital Authority; HK Social Workers Association; HK Council of Social
Service, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.12.10.
<P062379> TSE Lap Ah; YU Tak Sun Ignatius; MANG W. K. Oscar and WONG Siu Lan. "Incidence rate
trends of histological subtypes of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Hong Kong ". British Journal of
Cancer vol.95 no.9, pp.1269-1273. United Kingdom: Nature Publishing Group, 2006.11.06.
<P062726> 謝立亞 及 余德新.<混雜因子間接調整法在現代職業流行病學陳列研究中的應用>. 論文發表於
《第九次全國勞動衛生與職業病學術會議》, 主辦機構為中華預防醫學會勞動衛生與職業病分會, 頁
35-39. 中國昆明, 2006.09.
<P063023> TANG
Jinling. "Research
Medicine". British
Journal vol.333 pp.391-4. 2006.08.19.
<P063583> TSE Lap Ah and FU ZHENMING. "A prospective case-control study of ankle fracture in
postmenopausal women". Hong Kong Medical Journal Hong Kong Med J. vol.12 no.4, p.327. Hong
Kong SAR: Hong Kong Acadmemy of Medicine, 2006.08.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Community and Family Medicine
<P063615> LEE Albert. "Preventive Medicine: An Important Component of Primary Health Care". Paper presented
in the 8th Beijing/Hong Kong Medical Exchange, organized by The Hong Kong Medical Association and
Chinese Medical Association, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.11.12.
<P063912> HO CHAN Suzanne; CHAN Sui Yin Agnes; HO Yee Ping; ZEE Chung Ying Benny and WOO
Jean. "Effects of Soy Isoflavones Supplementation on Cognitive Function in Chinese Postmenopausal
Women: A Double-blind Randomized Controlled Trial". Paper presented in the North American
Menopause Soceity 17th Annual Meeting, organized by North American Menopause Society, 2
pgs. 2006.10.
<P063975> 唐 金 陵 . < 試 論 以 療 效 為 先 導 的 中 醫 藥 研 究 策 略 Research priorities in traditional Chinese
Medicine>. 《英國醫學雜誌中文版》 第 9 卷 第 4 期, 頁 222-226. 2006.08.
<P064183> TANG Jinling. "Choice of Clinical Outcomes and Efficacy of Treatment". Paper presented in The 2nd
EBM and Clinical Research Symposium 1 pgs. Shenzhen, China, 2006.08.26.
<P064288> LI Yuguo; QIAN Hua; YU Tak Sun Ignatius and WONG Tze Wai. "Probable Roles of Bio-Aerosol
Dispersion in the SARS Outbreak in Amoy Gardens, Hong Kong". Population Dynamics and
Infectious Diseases in Asia. ed. by Sleigh AC, Chee HL, Yeoh BSA, Phua KH, Safman
R. pp.305-327. United Kingdom: Imperial College Press, 2006.12.
<P064541> LEE Albert. "Health Promoting Schools Effectiveness: experience in Hong Kong and Western Pacific
Region". Paper presented in the Health Promoting School Program: The Role of the School Health
Practice in China, organized by Institute of Child and Adolescent Health, Peking University Health
Science Centre, 1 pgs. Peking, China, 2006.11.18.
<P064651> WU SHENGHUI; ZHANG Xin-Hua and WOO Jean. "Should Asian People Have Lower Threshold of
Overweight Than Caucasians? A Systematic Review of Cohort Studies". Chinese University Faculty
Research Day 2006 ed. by Wu SH, Zhang XH, Woo J . Hong Kong SAR: The Chinese University of
Hong Kong, 2006.08.19.
<P064714> 唐金陵. <循証醫療衛生決策>. 中華預防醫學會第二屆學術年會暨全球華人公共衛生協會第二屆年
會 主辦機構為中華預防醫學會,全球華人公共衛生協會, 98-99 頁. 2006.11.04.
<P064836> TSE Lap Ah and YU Tak Sun Ignatius. "Occupational exposures and risks of liver cancer among
study'". International
Epidemiology vol.35 no.5, pp.1359. Oxford, United Kingdom, 2006.10.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Community and Family Medicine
<P066847> LEE Albert. "Re-orientating School Health Services". Paper presented in the Asia Pacific Conference
Schools, organized
Education, 14
pgs. Taipei, Taiwan, 2006.11.13.
<P067029> YU Tak Sun Ignatius; LO H. Y. L. Karen and SUN Trevor. "Improving occupational health and
safety through participatory training – a potential means for preventing pneumoconiosis in
China". Paper presented in the ICOH Mini-Symposium on Pneumoconiosis Prevention, The 9th National
Conference on Occupational Health, organized by Chinese Society of Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Diseases, China Preventive Medical Association, p.1-2. Kunming, China, 2006.09.24.
<P067142> WONG Yeung Shan Samuel; HONG A.; LEUNG Jason C.s.; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; LEUNG
Ping Chung and WOO Jean. "Lower urinary tract symptoms and depressive symptoms in elderly
men". Journal of Affective Disorders vol.96 pp.83-88. 2006.
Meryl. "Sustainable
challenge". Public
Health vol.120 no.12, pp.1114-1116. 2006.11.13.
<P067256> LEE Albert. "Establishing a Healthy Culture by Healthy Setting Approach leading to Health
Improvement". Paper presented in the Taipei Healthy Cities-Leaders Roundtable & International Healthy
Conference, organized
Government, 1
pgs. Taipei, Taiwan, 2006.08.23.
<P067525> TANG Jinling. "Evidence-Based Medicine and Its Implications for Disease Control". Paper presented in
the 2nd EBM and Clinical Research Symposium organized by The Chinese Doctors Association and the
Chinese Association of Diabetes, 1 pgs. Beijing, China,, 2006.08.03.
<P068043> STRAIF Kurt; BAAN Robert; GROSSE Yann; SECRETAN Béatrice; ELGHISSASSI Fatiha;
COGLIANO Vincent and YU Tak Sun Ignatius. "Carcinogenicity of household solid fuel combustion
and of high-temperature frying". Lancet Oncology vol.7 pp.977-978. United Kingdom: The Lancet
Publishing Group, 2006.12.01.
<P068430> WONG Chi Wai. "Hong Kong and Toronto's Family Doctors Responded to the SARS
Epidemic". WONCA News vol.32 no.4, pp.10-11. 2006.08.
<P068701> 唐金陵. 編. 《循証醫學實踐和教學》. 309 頁. 中國北京: 北京大學醫學出版社, 2006.11.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Community and Family Medicine
<P068818> TANG Jinling. "Evidence and Its Role in Evidence-Based Medicine". Paper presented in the Scientific
Symposium on Emergency Medicine 2006, organized by Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine, 1
pgs. 2006.10.21.
<P069387> 余德新 及 謝立亞. <矽肺對肺癌及總死亡影響的回顧性佇列研究>. 論文發表於 《第九次全國勞動
衛生與職業病學術會議》, 主辦機構為中華預防醫學會勞動衛生與職業病分會, 頁 179-180. 中國昆
明, 2006.09.
<P070020> POON Wk Vickie; LAM Chiu Wa; WONG Yeung Shan Samuel and KO Sl Flora. "A Study of the
Validity and Reliability of the Chinese Version of the Hierarchic Dementia Scale (CV-HDS)". Paper
presented in the SIlver Congress of the International Psychogeriatric Association, organized by
International Psychogeriatric Association, p.237. Osaka, Japan, 2007.
<P070070> SIU Chi Hong, Damian; LEE Albert; AU Lap Yan Frederick; CHENG YAM FK Frances and
CHAN Yin Fun. "The Experience of Shared Care Programme in Promoting Health and Quality of Life
for Patient with Cumulative Trauma Disorders". Paper presented in the Hospital Authority Convention
2007, organized by Hospital Authority, 27. Hong Kong, 2007.05.05.
<P070319> LEE Albert; CHENG YAM FK Frances; YUEN Suk Kwan; HO Man; LO Siu Chee Amelia; FUNG
Wing Yan and LEUNG Chui Yee. "Achieving good standards in health promoting schools: Preliminary
analysis one year after the implementation of the Hong Kong Healthy Schools Award scheme". Journal
of the Royal Institute of Public Health vol.121 pp.752-760. United Kingdom: Elsevier, 2007.06.04.
<P070492> HO CHAN Suzanne; WOO Jean; CHAN Sophie S. G.; CHAN Cynthia Shiu Yee and LEUNG Ping
Chung. "A Study of Bone Mass and Bone Loss in Peri-menopausal Chinese Women". Hong Kong Med
J Supplement 4. vol.13 no.4, pp.S44-6. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.
<P070565> SIU Chi Hong, Damian; LEE Albert; CHENG YAM FK Frances; AU F. and CHAN
Y.F. "Effectiveness and Efficiency of a Pilot Cumulative Trauma Disorders Self-Management
Programme: Importance in Promoting Rehabilitation, Health and Independence for Patient with
Cumulative Trauma Disorders.". The 19th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion & Health
Education Vancouver, Canada, 2007.06.13.
<P070590> LEE Albert. "How to Handle Adolescent Health Problems in Primary Health Care". Paper presented in
the 2007 Dr. Stanley Ho Medical Development Foundation Symposium, organized by Dr Stanley Ho
Medical Development Foundation & The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong
SAR, 2007.01.12.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Community and Family Medicine
Anthony Severn. "Octachlorodipropyl ether (S-2) in human breast milk in Hong Kong". Paper presented
in the 5th International Conference on Marine Pollution & Ecotoxicology, organized by Hong Kong
Baptist University, 2 pgs. Hong Kong, 2007.06.03.
<P071456> LEE Albert. "Improving Health and Building Human Capital Through an Effective Primary Care
System". Paper presented in the HKCFP Annual Scientific Meeting 2007, organized by Hong Kong
College of Family Physicians, 8 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.05.27.
<P071499> GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl and THORPE Allison. "Public health in transition: views of the specialist
workforce". The
Health vol.127 no.5, pp.219-223. 2007.
<P071512> WONG Lai Yi; WONG Chi Kit; LAM Chi Kwan Annie; FONG Yuet Shim Carmen and LEUNG
Ping Chung. "Effect of YunZhi and Danshen in Post-treatment Breast Cancer Patients". Forsch
Komplementarmed vol.14 no.Suppl 1, pp.38. Munich, 2007.05.
<P071549> LEE Albert. "Research and Education Programe in Family Medicine at the Chinese University of Hong
Kong". Paper presented in the Luncheon Presentation at the University of Western Ontario, organized by
Centre for Studies in Family Medicine, UWO, 8 pgs. Western Ontario, Canada, 2007.06.18.
<P071746> WONG Chi Wai; CHAN King Chi; TANG Hiu Wai and LAM W H. "The Cycle Fear: A Qualitative
Study of SARS and Its Impacts on Kindergarten Parents One Year After the Outbreak". The Hong Kong
Practitioner vol.29 pp.146-155. 2007.04.
<P071814> LEE Albert. "The Importance of General Practice Research: The Role of General Practitioners in
Community Clinical Trials". Paper presented in the Working for a Healthier World: Through R&D and
Education, organized by Pfizer Corportion Hong Kong Limited, 10 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.05.26.
<P071854> LEE Albert. "Evaluating Effectiveness of Health Promotion Programmes". Paper presented in the 1st
Asia-Pacific Conference on Healthy Universities, organized by School of Public Health, CUHK, 7
pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.03.10.
<P072026> HO CHAN Suzanne. "Soy and bone health in adolescent girls and young women in Hong Kong and
implications on acquistion of peak bone mass.". Paper presented in the 7th International Soy
Symposium, 1 pgs. 2007.03.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Community and Family Medicine
<P072055> CHOI C.k. Bernard; FRANK John; MINDELL S Jennifer; ORLOVA Anna; LIN Vivian;
Marsha; MOKDAD H Ali; YU Shun-zhang; LINDNER Cristina; SHERMAN Gregory; BARRETO
M Sandhi; GREEN W Lawrence; SVENSON W Lawrence; SAINSBURY Peter; YAN Yongping;
ZHANG Zuo-feng; ZEVALLOS C Juan; HO CHAN Suzanne and DE SALAZAR M Ligia. "Vision
for a Global Registry of Anticipated Public Health Studies". American Journal of Public
Health vol.97 no.S1, pp.S82-87. 2007.
<P072110> WONG Chi Wai; CHEUNG Siu King and FONG Yuk Fai Ben. "Sexual Behaviour and Knowledge of
Cervical Cancer among University Female Students in Hong Kong: A Cross-sectional Survey". Paper
presented in the 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Healthy University, organized by School of Public Health,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.03.08.
<P072413> LEE Albert. "Important Role of Primary Care Physicians in Preventive Medicine". Paper presented in
the 2007 Dr. Stanley Ho Medical Development Foundation Symposium, organized by Dr Stanley Ho
Medical Development Foundation & The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong
SAR, 2007.01.12.
<P072799> CHEN Yuming; HO CHAN Suzanne; TEUCHER Brigit; HO Suk San Susan; DAINTY R Jack;
LEE Kwing Chin Kenneth; SO Kam Fung and WOO Jean. "Effects of soy isoflavones on calcium
metabolism and bone turnover in postmenopausal Chinese women: a randomized-controlled crossover
trial". Paper presented in the 7th International Soy Symposium, pp.1. 2007.03.
<P072888> CHAN Sophie S. G.; HO CHAN Suzanne; KREIGER N; DARLINGTON G; ADLAF Em; SO Kam
Fung and CHONG Yick Ying. "Validity and reporducibility of a semi-quantitative soy food frequency
questionnaire (SFFQ) for estimating isoflavone intake among Chinese mid-life women in Hong
Kong". Paper presented in the 7th International Soy Symposium, pp.1. 2007.03.
<P072960> SIU Chi Hong, Damian; CHENG YAM FK Frances; YUEN Wing Ki; TSUI Ka Pui; LEE Albert
and WONG Hock Man. "Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health at office settings in Hong
Kong.". The
Education Vancouver, Canada, 2007.06.12.
<P072969> WONG M.c.s.; SIU Chi Hong, Damian; LEE Albert; MOK E.s.f.; LAM C.c. and CHUNG Suet
Yee. "The Effectiveness of Healthy City Campaign in Promoting Social Mobilization and
Participation.". The
Education Vancouver, Canada, 2007.06.11.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Community and Family Medicine
<P073148> WONG Tze Wai. "Teaching Public Health in Undergraduate Education". Paper presented in the
Symposium on teaching preventive medicine for medical students in China, organized by School of Public
Health, Fudan University, China, 77 pgs. Shanghai, China, 2007.06.25.
<P073179> WONG Yeung Shan Samuel; WOO Jean; HONG A.; LEUNG Jason C.s. and LEUNG Ping
Chung. "Clinically Relevant Depressive Symptoms and Peripheral Arterial Disease in Elderly Men and
Women. Results from a Large Cohort Study in Southern China". Journal of Psychosomatic
Research vol.63 pp.471-476. Elsevier Inc., 2007.
<P073697> CHEN Yuming; TEUCHER Birgit; TANG Xinyi; DAINTY R Jack; LEE Kwing Chin Kenneth;
WOO Jean and HO CHAN Suzanne. "Calcium absorption in postmenopausal Chinese women: a
randomized crossover intervention study". British Journal of Nutrition vol.97 pp.160-166. 2007.
<P073947> HO CHAN Suzanne; CHAN C M; LAU Tak Fai Joseph and WOO Jean. "A Study of Informal
Caregivers and the Association of Caregiving Status with Health and Quality of Life". Hong Kong Med
J Supplement 5. vol.13 no.5, pp.S4-7. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.
<P074084> HUI S K; TANG W Y M; WONG Tze Wai; LAU K H; LEE S; CHONG L Y and LO K
K. "Cutaneous Melanoma: A Population-based Epidemiology Report with 989 Patients in Hong
Kong". Clinical
Dermatology vol.32 pp.265-267. United
Kingdom: Blackwell
Publishing Ltd., 2007.05.
<P074144> KO F.W.S.; TAM Wilson; WONG Tze Wai; LAI Kei Wai Christopher; WONG Wing Kin Gary;
LEUNG Ting Fan and HUI Shu Cheong David. "The Association Between Air Pollutants and Hospital
Admissions for Asthma in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the American Thoracic Society International
Conference 2007, organized by American Thoracic Society, pp.A163. San Francisco, USA, 2007.05.18.
<P074542> HO CHAN Suzanne; CHAN Sui Yin Agnes; HO Yee Ping; SO Kam Fung; SHAM Aprille; ZEE
Chung Ying Benny and WOO Jean. "Effects of soy isoflavone supplementation on cognitive function
in Chinese postmenopausal women: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial.". Menopause: The
Journal of The North American Menopause Society vol.14 no.3, pp.489-499. 2007.06.
<P074563> WONG Tze Wai; GAO Yang and TAM Wai San Wilson. "Anxiety among University Students during
the SARS Epidemic in Hong Kong". Stress and Health vol.23 p.31-35. United States of America: Wiley
InterScience, 2007.02.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Community and Family Medicine
<P074645> LEE Albert. "Re-orientating School Health Services: More Adolescent Friendly". Paper presented in the
The School’s Role in Promoting Positive Social Development and Mental Health, A Canadian and
Conference, organized
Association, 9
pgs. Vancouver, Canada, 2007.06.10.
<P075347> LEE Albert. "Effective Communication to Facilitate Patient Care in General Practice and The Unique
Consultation skills of General Practitioners in Community Setting". Paper presented in the HKDU sunday
Afternoon Symposium on Family Medicine, organized by Hong Kong Doctors Union, 12 pgs. Hong Kong
SAR, 2007.04.15.
<P075394> WU A W; XU G W; WANG H Y; JI J F and TANG JL, Reviewers. "Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Versus none for Resectable Gastric Cancer". Cochrane Library 2007.03.16.
<P075508> YU Tak Sun Ignatius and TSE Lap Ah. "Exploring the joint effects of silicosis and smoking on lung
cancer risks". International Journal of Cancer vol.120 no.1, pp.133-139. Wiley-Liss Inc., 2007.01.01.
<P075622> GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl; CROWN June and MCEVEN Jim. "The role of the Faculty of Public
Health (Medicine) in developing a multidisciplinary public health profession in the UK". Public
Health vol.121 no.6, pp.420-425. 2007.04.25.
<P075715> CHOW C. Y.; LEE Hencher; LAU Jess and YU Tak Sun Ignatius. "Transient risk factors for acute
traumatic hand injuries: a case-crossover study in Hong Kong". Occupational and Environmental
Medicine vol.64 no.1, pp.47-52. United Kingdom: B M J Publishing Group, 2007.01.
<P075865> HO CHAN Suzanne. "Cholesterol lowering effects of soy protein: a review of the clinical and
epidemiologic data". Paper presented in the 7th International Soy Symposium, organized by The Institute
of Nutrition, Mahidol University, ASA International Marketing, The Soy Food Forum Southeast Asia , 1
pgs. 2007.03.
<P075923> SIU Chi Hong, Damian and LEE Albert. "What are the needs for people living in a new town? The
usefulness of community diagnosis for government in enriching a safe and healthy living
environment". The 19th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion & Health Education 2007.06.11.
<P076219> ST LEGER Lawrence; KOLBE Lloyd; LEE Albert; MCCALL Douglas S and YOUNG Ian
M. "School Health Promotion: Achievements, Challenges and Priorities". Global Perspectives on Health
Promotion Effectiveness ed. by McQueen DV, Jones CM. pp.107-124. New York, United States of
America: Springer, 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Community and Family Medicine
<P076558> GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl and HUNTER David. ed. New perspectives in public health / edited by Siân
Griffiths and David J. Hunter ; foreword by Kenneth Calman. 376 pgs. Abingdon: Radcliffe Medical
Press, 2007.
<P076693> TSE Lap Ah; YU Tak Sun Ignatius; LEUNG C. C.; TAM Wai San Wilson and WONG Tze
Wai. "Mortality from non-malignant respiratory diseases among people with silicosis in Hong Kong:
dust". Occupational
Medicine vol.64 no.2, pp.87-92. United Kingdom: B M J Publishing Group, 2007.02.
<P076796> 謝立亞 及 余德新. <吸煙校正因素間接調整法在職業流行病學佇列研究中的應用>. 《中華流行病
學雜誌》 第 28 卷 第 1 期, 頁 88-91. 2007.01.
<P077184> YU Tak Sun Ignatius; TSE Lap Ah; LEUNG Chi Chiu; WONG Tze Wai; TAM Cheuck Ming and
CHAN C. K. Alan. " Lung cancer mortality among silicotic workers in Hong Kong—no evidence for a
link". Annals of Oncology vol.18 no.6, pp.1056-1063. Oxford University Press, 2007.06.
<P077217> TSE Lap Ah; YU Tak Sun Ignatius and MANG Oscar W-k. "Time trends of esophageal cancer in
Hong Kong: Age, period and birth cohort analyses". Int J Cancer vol.120 pp.853-858. Wiley-Liss,
Inc., 2007.02.15.
Ventilation in Airborne Transmission of Infectious Agents in the Built Environment - A Multidisciplinary
Systematic Review". Indoor Air vol.17 p.2-18. Singapore: Blackwell Munksgaard, 2007.01.
<P077263> GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl and JEWELL T. "Prioritizing care in a resource-limited health
service". Ethical,
Healthcare ed.
CARTLIDGE. Elsevier, 2007.
MCQUEEN D V. "The Global Programme on Health Promotion Effectiveness (GPHPE): A Global
Process for Assessing Health Promotion Effectiveness with Regional Diversity". Global Perspectives on
Health Promotion Effectiveness ed. by McQueen DV, Jones CM. pp.13-31. New York, USA, 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Community and Family Medicine
<P077604> SIU Chi Hong, Damian; LEE Albert; AU L. Y. F.; CHENG YAM FK Frances and CHAN Y.
F. "Social Functioning is an important Doman to Facilitate the Rehabilitation for Patient with Cumulative
Trauma Disorders". Paper presented in the 4th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress
2007, organized by Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association; Department of Rehabilitation
Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, p.30. Hong Kong, 2007.06.25.
<P078068> GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl and TSE Lap Ah. "Ecological model of Health in undergraduate
education". Paper presented in the Symposium on Teaching Preventive Medicine for Medical
Students, organized by FuDan University, 8 pgs. Shanghai, China, 2007.06.25.
<P078133> WONG Chi Wai. "Continuing and Future Challenges of Infectious Diseases in Primary Care". The
Hong Kong Practitioner vol.29 pp.121-122. 2007.04.
<P078202> HO CHAN Suzanne; CHEN Yu Ming; HO Suk San Susan and WOO Jean. "Soy Isoflavone
Supplementation and Fasting Serum Glucose and Lipid Profile Among Postmenopausal Chinese Women:
A Double-blind, Randomized, Placobo-controlled Trial". Menopause: The Journal of The North
American Menopause Society vol.14 no.5, pp.905-912. 2007.
<P078271> William C.W. Wong; Siumi Maria Tam and Phil W.S. Leung. "Cross-Border Truck Drivers in Hong
Kong: Their Psychological Health, Sexual Dysfunctions and Sexual Risk Behaviors". Journal of Travel
Medicine vol.14 no.1, pp.20-30. Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA: International Society of Travel
Medicine, 2007.
<P078472> LEE Shiu Hung and WONG Tze Wai. "Public Health Challenges and Reform". Paper presented in the
International Conference on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at Ten, organized by The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2007.06.18.
<P078484> CHENG Chun Yiu Jack; LAU J T F; HO CHAN Suzanne and GUO Xia. "Nutrition and Physical
Activity as Possible Factors Affecting Bone Mineral Status in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis:
Studies". Hong
Supplement vol.13 no.3, pp.33. Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press, 2007.06.
Yick Ying and HO CHAN Suzanne. "Development of a database for assessing soy isoflavone intake
among Chinese mid-life women in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 7th International Soy
Symposium, pp.1. 2007.03.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Community and Family Medicine
<P079018> SIU Chi Hong, Damian and TSE Lap Ah. "Prevalence of Computer Related Musculoskeletal
Discomfort Among Hong Kong Adolescents: Importance in Introducing Ergonomic Curriculum in School
Setting". Paper presented in the 4th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2007, organized by
Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association; Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, p.79. Hong Kong, 2007.06.25.
<P079036> LEE Albert. "The Social and Pathological Implication of Weight Control in Aged Care". Paper
presented in the Symposium on "Weight Control: Elders in-Control of Their Health", organized by NTW
Cluster, Hospital Authority & Pok Oi Hospital Care and Attention Home Service, 9 pgs. Hong Kong
SAR, 2007.05.29.
<P079112> LEE Albert. "Practical tips for management of adolescent in Family Medicine Practice". Paper
presented in the 2007 Beijing International Academic Summit of General Practice and Opening Ceremony
of General Practice Research and Development Centre of National Institute of Hospital
Management, organized
by 衞 生 部 醫 院 管 理 研 究 所 中 國 全 科 醫 學 雜 誌 社 , 12
pgs. Bejing, China, 2007.03.31.
<P079179> CHEUNG T K; WONG Chi Wai and ROBINSON Nicola. "Pattern and Determinants of Traditional
Chinese Medicine Use for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection among Adults Attending Primary Care
Clinics". The Hong Kong Practitioner vol.29 pp.134-144. 2007.04.
<P079435> HILL Alison; GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl and GILLAM Stephen. Public Health and Primary Care. 217
pgs. New York: Oxford Univeristy Press, 2007.
<P079748> LEE Albert; WONG Wing Suen; FUNG Wing Yan; LEUNG Wing Leung Patrick and LAM Wai
Man. "Children with a regular FP - Do they have better health behaviours and psycholosocial
health?". Australian Family Physician vol.36 no.3, pp.180-183. Australia: The Royal Australian College
of General Practitioners, 2007.03.13.
<P079818> SIU Chi Hong, Damian. "Primary Health Care: The Future Challenges and Opportunities for
Occupational Therapy in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 4th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy
Congress 2007, organized by Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association; Department of
Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, p.34. Hong Kong, 2007.06.25.
<P079872> 唐金陵. <循証衛生決策:證據、資源和價值的统一>. 論文發表於 《中國衛生政策支持項目-高級管
理人員培訓領域:第二期循証政策培訓班》, 主辦機構為衛生部人才交流服務中心, 第三講. 中國北
京, 2007.05.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Community and Family Medicine
See Also <P060152 >, <P061124 >, <P061932 >, <P062545 >, <P064509 >, <P065261 >, <P065959 >, <P066502 >,
<P066923 >, <P067280 >, <P067437 >, <P067539 >, <P067555 >, <P067725 >, <P067931 >, <P067961 >, <P067993
>, <P069415 >, <P069468 >, <P069489 >, <P070716 >, <P070822 >, <P070989 >, <P071083 >, <P071577 >,
<P072013 >, <P072686 >, <P073663 >, <P074256 >, <P074694 >, <P074879 >, <P075885 >, <P076606 >, <P077212
>, <P077259 >, <P078244 >
Faculty of Medicine
Centre for Health Education & Health Promotion
<P074879> TSUI Ka Pui; SIU Chi Hong, Damian; CHENG YAM FK Frances; YUEN Wing Ki; LEE Albert
and WONG Hock Man. "Safety Climate of Office Workers: Priorities for Promoting Occupational
Safety and Health in Offices in Hong Kong.". The 19th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion
& Health Education Vancouver, Canada, 2007.06.15.
<P078244> TSUI Ka Pui; SIU Chi Hong, Damian; CHENG YAM FK Frances; YUEN Wing Ki; LEE Albert
and WONG Hock Man. "Physical Environment and Perceived Comfort at the Offices in Hong
Kong". The
Education Vancouver, Canada, 2007.06.11.
See Also <P070070 >, <P070319 >, <P070565 >, <P072960 >, <P072969 >, <P077604 >, <P079748 >
Faculty of Medicine
Clinical Immunology Unit
<P066422> LEUNG Tze Ming; MAREN W C Van W; CHAN Ka Leung Francis; CHAN Wai Sing; Anthony
W.I. Lo; MA Chun Hung; TAM Chi Hang Frankie; TO Ka Fai; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; SUNG
Joseph Jao Yiu and LIM Pak Leong. "Extremely Low Exposure of a Community to Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus: False Seropositivity Due to Use of Bacterially Derived
Antigens". Journal of Virology vol.80 no.18, pp.8920-8928. 2006.09.
<P075325> TAM Chi Hang Frankie; MA Chun Hung; LEUNG Tze Ming; SUTTON Brian and LIM Pak
Leong. "Carrier-specificity of a phosphorylcholine-binding antibody requires the presence of the constant
domains and is not dependent on the unique VH49 glycine or VH30 threonine residues". Journal of
Immunological Methods vol.321 no.1-2, pp.152-163. Elsevier Sciences B.V., 2007.04.10.
See Also <P076806 >
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Clinical Oncology
<P060070> MA Buig Yue Brigette and CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung. "Transcriptional profiling of tumor biopsies
in oncology trials - a 'window' of opportunity for evaluating new drugs in nasopharyngeal
cancer?". Annals
Oncology vol.17 no.11, pp.1611-1613. United
Kingdom: Oxford
Press, 2006.11.
<P060152> LEUNG Sing Fai; ZEE Chung Ying Benny; MA Buig Yue Brigette; HUI Pun; MO Kwok Fai; LAI
Ming Po; CHAN Kwan Chee; CHAN Yuen Shan Lisa; KWAN Wing Hong; LO Yuk Ming Dennis
and CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung. "Plasma Epstein-Barr viral deoxyribonucleic acid quantitation
complements tumor-node-metastasis staging prognostication in nasopharyngeal carcinoma". Journal of
Clinical Oncology 2006 Dec. vol.24 no.34, pp.5414-5418. 2006.12.01.
<P061436> MOK Shu Kam Tony. "State-of-the-Art in the Management of Metastatic NSCLC". Annual Asian
Pacific Conference - Perspectives in Lung Cancer pp.95. 2006.08.
<P063186> MOK Shu Kam Tony. "Chemotherapy for Gastric Cancer". Paper presented in the 第四屆全國腫瘤化
療進展講習班, 4 pgs. 2006.10.
<P063570> MOK Shu Kam Tony. "Application of EGFR TKI in Asia". The 7th International Conference of the
Asian Clinical Oncology Society & The 9th Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Clinical
Oncology pp.277-280. 2006.09.16.
<P063709> MOK Shu Kam Tony. "The Expanding Roles of Premetrexed and Bevicizimab for NSCLC in
Asia". Paper presented in the 3rd Pan Pacific International Lung Cancer Conference & the 3rd China
North and South Lung Cancer Summit, 1 pgs. 2006.10.
<P064050> LINGBAO Ai; TAO Qian; ZHONG Sheng; FIELDS C.robert; KIM Wan-ju; LEE Michael W;
BROWN Kevin D and ROBERSTON Keith D. "Inactivation of Wnt inhibitory factor-1 (WIF1)
cancer". Carcinogenesis vol.27 no.7, pp.1341-8. United Kingdom: Irl Press At Oxford University
Press, 2006.07.
<P064431> YEO Winnie; MO Kwok Fai; KOH Chun; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung; LEUNG T; HUI P;
CHAN L; TANG A; LEE J J; MOK Shu Kam Tony; LAI Bo San Paul; JOHNSON J. Philip and
ZEE Benny. "La calidad de vida es predictive de supervivencia en pacientes con carcinoma hepatocelular
irresecable". Annals of Oncology (Spanish excerpted edition) vol.3 no.5, p.167-174. Spain: Oxford
University Press, 2006.10.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Clinical Oncology
<P065644> CHAN Lam; HUI Pun; LEUNG Sing Fai; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung and MA Buig Yue
Brigette. "Radiological, pathological and DNA remission in recurrent metastatic nasopharyngeal
carcinoma". BMC Cancer vol.6 no.259, pp.1-5. United Kingdom: BioMed Central Ltd., 2006.10.31.
<P066241> TSANG C W; LIN X.R.; GUDGEON N H; TAYLOR G S; JIA H; HUI Pun; CHAN Anthony Tak
Cheung; LIN C K and RICKINSON A B. "CD4+ T-cell responses to epstein-barr virus nuclear antigen
EBNA1 in chinese populations are highly focused on novel C-terminal domain-derived epitopes". Joural
of Virology vol.80 no.16, pp.8263-66. 2006.08.
<P067522> TAO Qian; YOUNG L S; WOODMAN C B and MURRAY P G. "Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) and its
Associated Human Cancers--Genetics, Epigenetics, Pathobiology and Novel Therapeutics". Frontiers in
Bioscience vol.11 pp.2672-713. United
America: Frontiers
Publications, 2006.09.01
M; KWONG Y L; LIANG R H and SRIVASTAVA G. "High BCL6 expression predicts better
prognosis, independent of BCL6 translocation status, translocation partner, or BCL6-deregulating
lymphoma.". Blood vol.108 no.7, pp.2373-2383. United
America: American Society of Hematology, 2006.10.01.
<P067961> YEO Winnie; MO Kwok Fai; KOH J.; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung; LEUNG To Wai; HUI Pun;
CHAN Lam; TANG A; LEE Jam Jun; MOK Shu Kam Tony; LAI Bo San Paul; JOHNSON P J and
ZEE Chung Ying Benny. "Quality of Life is Predictive of Survival in Patients with Unresectable
Carcinoma". Annals
Oncology vol.17 no.7, pp.1083-1089. Oxford, United
Kingdom: European Society for Medical Oncology, 2006.07.
<P069202> MOK Shu Kam Tony. "Therapeutic Strategies in 1st Line NSCLC". Paper presented in the Malaysian
Oncological Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2006, p.66. 2006.09.
<P069481> BAUJAT B; AUDRY H; BOURHIS J; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung; ONAT H; CHUA D T;
THEPHAMONGKHOL K and PIGNON J P. "Chemotherapy as an adjunct to radiotherapy in locally
advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma". Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online) no.4, pp.article
no.CD004329. United Kingdom: Wiley, 2006.10.18.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Clinical Oncology
<P069919> MOK Shu Kam Tony; LUI Chi Wai; TO Ka Fai; HOLMES J Alison; LAI Bo San Paul; WU Yi
Long; YIM Ping Chuen Anthony; HO Sze Ming Simon and JANNE A Pasi. "Epidermal Growth
Factor Receptor (EGFR) Exon 20 Mutations in Asian Lung and Liver Cancer". Annals of
Oncology vol.17 no.Supp. 9, pp.856P. 2006.09.
<P070431> LUI Wai Yan Vivian; WONG Yue Ling; YAU Mei Sze; CHAN Chin Ho and CHAN Anthony Tak
Cheung. "Active c-Met signaling contributes to enhanced metastatic potential of Nasopharyngeal
carcinoma (NPC)". Paper presented in the Croucher Advance Study Institute, Molecular Genetics and
Cell Signaling in Cancer and Cancer Metastasis: University of Hong Kong, 2007, organized by Dept of
Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, HKU, one page. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.01.29.
<P070493> TSANG J; YAU T; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung; LIANG R H; YEO Winnie and EPSTEIN R
J. "Costs and benefits of dose-dense chemotherapy scheduling in Hong Kong Chinese patients with
primary breast cancer". Paper presented in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2007 ASCO Annual
Meeting Proceedings Part I. Vol 25, No. 18S (June 20 Supplement), 2007, organized by ASCO, abstract
11054 pgs. Chicago, Illinois, United States of America, 2007.06.01.
<P070717> JIN Hongchuan; WANG Xian; YING JIANMING; WONG Ho Yan; SRIVASTAVA Gopesh;
KUPZIG Sabine; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung; CULLEN J Peter and TAO Qian. "Epigenetic
silencing of a Ras-antagonist RASAL1 acts as a new mechanism of Ras activation in human
cancers". Paper presented in the 98h American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual
Meeting, April 14-18, 2007, organized by AACR, Abst#1111 pgs. Los Angeles, United States of
America, 2007.04.14.
<P070776> LEUNG Sing Fai; CHENG Kin Fong Karis; LIANG H. S. Raymond; TAI W. M. Josepha and
YEUNG M. W. Rebecca. "Impact of Oropharyngeal Mucositis on Health-Related Quality of Life in
Patients with Cancer Therapy". Paper presented in the 20th Anniversary International Multinational
Association of Supportive Care in Cancer/International Society for Oral Oncology, organized by
Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer/International Society for Oral Oncology, 701-702
pgs. St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2007.06.28
<P070980> WU Yi-long; ZHONG Wen-zhao; LI Long-yun; ZHANG Xiao-tong; ZHANG Li; ZHOU Cai-cun;
LIU Wei; JIANG Bin; MU Xin-lin; LIN Jia-ying; ZHOU Qing; XU Chong-rui; WANG Zhen;
ZHANG Guo-chun and MOK Shu Kam Tony. "Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutations and
Their Correlaion with Gefitinib Therapy in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Meta-Analysis
Based on Updated Individual Patient Data from Six Medical Centers in Mainland China". Journal of
Thoracic Oncology vol.2 no.5, pp.430-439. 2007.05.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Clinical Oncology
<P070989> CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung; MA Buig Yue Brigette; TUNG S; HUI Pun; YUEN K K; KING Ann
Dorothy; LEUNG Sing Fai; CHAN I and ZEE Chung Ying Benny. "Biweekly gemcitabine and
oxaliplatin (GEMOX) in first-line metastatic or recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)--An early
report". Paper presented in the ASCO Annual Meeting, June1-5 2007, organized by ASCO, Abstract
6071 pgs. United States of America, 2007.06.01.
<P071110> ZEE Benny; WONG C; KUHN T; HOWARD R; YEO Winnie; KOH Chun; HUI Pui and CHAN
Anthony Tak Cheung. "Detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in patients with hepatocellular
carcinoma (HCC)". Paper presented in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2007 ASCO Annual Meeting
Proceedings Part I. Vol 25, No. 18S (June 20 Supplement), 2007, organized by ASCO, abstract
15037. Chicago, Illinois, United States of America, 2007.06.01.
<P071161> YEO Winnie; LIM R; MA Buig Yue Brigette; HUI Pui; CHAN L; MO Kwok Fai; YU C H; HO S
M; KOH Chun; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung and GOH B C. "A phase I/II study of Belinostat
(PXD101) in patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma". Paper presented in the Journal of
Clinical Oncology, 2007 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings Part I. Vol 25, No. 18S (June 20
2007, organized
ASCO, abstract
15081. Chicago,
Illinois, United
America, 2007.06.01.
<P071289> MOK Shu Kam Tony. "Current Status of Biomarker Research in NSCLC". Paper presented in the
Horizons II Lung Cancer Expert Forum, 1 pgs. 2007.03.29.
<P071410> MA Buig Yue Brigette; LUI Wai Yan Vivian; CHAN Chin Ho; WONG Yue Ling; HUI Pun and
Cheung. "Attenuated
gefitinib-sensitivity in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells". Paper presented in the 2007 AACR Annual
Meeting, 14-18 April 07, Los Angeles, CA, USA, organized by American Association for Cancer
research, Abstract No: 4010 pgs. United States of America, 2007.04.14.
<P071561> YEO Winnie; MO Kwok Fai; CHAN Lam; LEUNG Nancy; HUI Pun; LAM Wai Yip; MOK Shu
Kam Tony; LAM Kwok Chi; HO Wing Ming; KOH Chun; TANG Julian Wei Tze; CHAN Anthony
Tak Cheung and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Hepatitis B Viral Load Predicts Survival of HCC Patients
America, 2007.06.
Faculty of Medicine
Chemotherapy". Hepatology vol.45 no.6, pp.1382-1389. United
Dept of Clinical Oncology
<P071577> HUI Pun; MA Buig Yue Brigette; LEUNG Sing Fai; KING Ann Dorothy; MO Kwok Fai; KAM
Koon Ming Michael; YU Kwok Hung; KWAN W H; ZEE Chung Ying Benny and CHAN Anthony
Cheung. "Efficacy
cisplatin-radiotherapy in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC): A randomized phase II
study.". Paper presented in the ASCO Annual Meeting, June1-5 2007, organized by ASCO, Abstract
6037 pgs. United States of America, 2007.06.01.
<P071693> LI Wing Yan; CHIU Chi Ming Lawrence; LAM Wing Sze; WONG Wing Yin; CHAN Yee Ting;
HO Yuk Ping; WONG Yue Ling; WONG Yum Shing and OOI Vincent Eng Choon. "Ethyl Acetate
Extract of Chinese Medicinal Herb Sarcandra Glabra Induces Growth Inhibition on Human Leukemic
HL-60 Cells, Associated with Cell Cycle Arrest and Up-Regulation of Pro-Apoptotic Bax/Bcl-2
Ratio". Oncology Reports vol.17 no.2, pp.425-431. Athens, Greece, 2007.02.
<P071960> CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; CHANG Marie Anne; LEUNG Sing Fai and MAK S S.
Reducing Breathlessness, Fatigue, and Anxiety in Chinese Patients Undergoing Lung Cancer
Radiotherapy in Hong Kong Hong Kong Medical Journal Supplement 13 2 Suppl 4-7. Hong Kong
SAR: Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press, 2007.04.
<P071982> LEE S.; MOK Shu Kam Tony; LI H; YIM Ping Chuen Anthony; WAN Y P Innes; LAM Kwok
Chi; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung; TO Ka Fai and TAO Qian. "Possible Correlation between SOCS1
Methylation and EGFR Exon 19 Mutation but Not Exon 21 Nutation in Chinese NSCLC Patients". Paper
presented in the ASCO Annual Meeting 2007, organized by ASCO, 1 pgs. 2007.06.
<P072032> LUI Wai Yan Vivian. "Cross-talk in Head and Neck Cancers". Paper presented in the Cancer 2007
Symposium, organized by Anatoomical and Cellular pathology, CUHK; International Academy of
Pathology, 29-30 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.03.02.
<P072125> LUI Wai Yan Vivian; WONG Yue Ling; YAU Mei Sze; CHAN Chin Ho and CHAN Anthony Tak
Cheung. "Active c-Met signaling contributes to enhanced metastatic potential of Nasopharyngeal
carcinoma (NPC)". Paper presented in the 2007 AACR Annual Meeting, 14-18 April 07, Los Angeles,
CA, USA, organized by American Association for Cancer research, Abstract No: 2078 pgs. United States
of America, 2007.04.14.
<P072349> CHENG Kin Fong Karis; LEUNG Sing Fai; THOMPSON David Robert; TAI W. M. Josepha;
LIANG H. S. Raymond; KAN S. T. Alta; YING Wai On and YEUNG M. W. Rebecca. "New
Measure of Health-Related Quality of Life for Patients with Oropharyngeal Mucositis: Development and
Prelimiary Evaluation". Cancer American cancer Society. vol.109 12 pp.2590-2599. United States of
America: Wiley InterScience, 2007.05.09.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Clinical Oncology
CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung and TAO Qian. "The major 8p22 tumor suppressor DLC1 is frequently
silenced by methylation in both endemic and sporadic nasopharyngeal, esophageal, and cervical
carcinomas, and inhibits tumor cell colony formation". Oncogene vol.26 no.6, pp.934-44. United
Kingdom: Nature Publishing Group, 2007.02.08.
<P073155> HUANG Y P; ZHENG Y P; LEUNG Sing Fai and MAK A F. "Reliability of measurement of skin
ultrasonic properties in vivo: a potential technique for assessing irradiated skin". Skin research and
technology vol.13 no.1, pp.55-61. Denmark: Munksgaard, 2007.02.
<P073235> TAO Qian and CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung. "Nasopharyngeal carcinoma: molecular pathogenesis
and therapeutic developments". expert reviews in molecular medicine vol.9 no.12, pp.1-24. United
Kingdom: Published by Cambridge University Press in association with the Clinical and Biomedical
Computing Unit of the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, 2007.05.04.
<P073664> ZHANG N; GOH B C; KHOO Y M; YEO Winnie and LEE H S. "A simple and sensitive
high-performance liquid chromatographic method for quantification of PXD101, a histone deacetylase
inhibitor in human plasma". Therapeutic Drug Monitoring vol.29 no.2, pp.231-235. Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins, Inc., 2007.04.
<P073702> LUI Wai Yan Vivian; WONG Yue Ling; YAU Mei Sze; WONG Sze Chuen Cesar; LAM Yan Yee;
WONG Nathalie; LO Kwok Wai; CHAN Chin Ho; STABILE P Laura; SIEGFRIED M Jill and
CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung. "Intrinsic regulation of c-Met induction by STAT3 in Nasopharyngeal
cancer (NPC): A point for therapeutic intervention for aggressive NPC". Paper presented in the 2007
AACR Annual Meeting, 14-18 April 07, Los Angeles, CA, USA, organized by American Association for
Cancer research, Abstract No: 2149 pgs. United States of America, 2007.04.
<P074157> CHAN Ming Lok; MA Buig Yue Brigette; HUI Pui; WONG Sze Chuen Cesar; MO Kwok Fai;
LEUNG Sing Fai; KAM Koon Ming Michael and CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung. "Cyclooxygenase-2
expression in advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma--a prognostic evaluation and correlation with hypoxia
factor". Oral
Oncology vol.43 no.4, pp.373-8. United Kingdom: Pergamon, 2007.04.
<P074192> MOK Shu Kam Tony. "Global Perspectives I - Asia Pacific". Paper presented in the Horizons II Lung
Cancer Expert Forum, 1 pgs. 2007.03.29.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Clinical Oncology
<P074444> MA Buig Yue Brigette; TAN E H; MOK Shu Kam Tony; LAM K. C.; SOO S; LEONG S S; WANG
L Z; MO Kwok Fai; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung and GOH B C. "High Incidence of Sysptomatic
Methemoglobinemia (metHb) in Asian Patients (pts) Treated with 3-Aminopyridine-2-Carboxaldehyde
Thiosemicarbazone (3-AP, Triapine) and Gemcitabine (GEM) in a Second-Line Phase II Trial of
Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer". Paper presented in the ASCO Annual Meeting 2007, organized
by ASCO, 1 pgs. 2007.06.
<P074526> MAK S; YEO Winnie; MO Kwok Fai; TSE K Y; LEE Y M; TSE S M; HO F P and KWAN W
H. "A case control study on risk factors of lymphedema after axillary lymph node dissection for breast
cancer in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2007 ASCO Annual Meeting
Proceedings Part I. Vol 25, No. 18S (June 20 Supplement), 2007, organized by ASCO, abstract 9048
pgs. Chicago, Illinois, United States of America, 2007.06.01.
<P074587> ZHANG Qian; YING JIANMING; ZHANG Kai; LI Hongyu; NG Ka Man; ZHAO Yayuan; HE
Qun; YANG Xinyu; XIN Dianqi; LIAO Shuen Kuei; TAO Qian and JIN Jie. "Aberrant methylation
carcinoma". Cancer
Letters vol.249 no.2, pp.220-226. United Kingdom: Elsevier Science Ireland, 2007.05.08.
Cheung and TAO Qian. "Frequent epigenetic silencing of protocadherin 10 by methylation in multiple
malignancies". British
Haematology vol.136 no.6, pp.829-832. United
Kingdom: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 2007.03.
<P074597> MOK Shu Kam Tony; HUI Pun; LAM Kwok Chi; YIM Ping Chuen Anthony; WAN Y P Innes;
LEE S.; HSIN Michael Kuan Yew; LEUNG Kam Suet Linda and TO Ka Fai. "Novel Mutations and
Mutation Pattern f Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Gene in Chinese Patients with Primary
Lung Adenocarcinoma". Paper presented in the ASCO 2007 Annual Meeting, organized by ASCO, 1
pgs. 2007.06.
<P074694> MOK Shu Kam Tony; YEO Winnie; JOHNSON P J; HUI Pun; HO Wing Ming; LAM Kwok Chi;
XU M; CHAK Yin Mui Karen; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung; WONG H.; MO Kwok Fai and ZEE
Chung Ying Benny. "A double-blind placebo-controlled randomized study of Chinese herbal medicine
as complementary therapy for reduction of chemotherapy-induced toxicity". Annals of Oncology 2007
April. vol.18 no.4, pp.768-774. 2007.04.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Clinical Oncology
<P074988> MA Buig Yue Brigette; SUNG Lan; TAO Qian; WONG H T; ARA Gukshan; YEO Winnie and
CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung. "The effect of the histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) PXD101 on cell
growth and expression of viral and host genes in hepatitis B virus (HBV)-carrying hepatocellular
carcinoma (HCC) cell lines". Paper presented in the 98th American Association for Cancer Research
(AACR) Annual Meeting, April 14-18, 2007, organized by AACR, Abst#696 pgs. Los Angeles, United
States of America, 2007.04.14.
<P075116> AN She-juan; NIE Qiang; CHEN Zhi-hong; LIN Qiu-xiong; WANG Zhen; XIE Zhi; CHEN
Shi-liang; HUANG Ying; ZHANG Ai-ye; YAN Jin-feng; WU Hong-sui; LIN Jia-ying; LI Rong;
ZHANG Xu-chao; GUO Ai-lin; MOK Shu Kam Tony and WU Yi-long. "KDR Expression is
Associated with the Stage and Cigarette Smoking of the Patients with Lung Cancer". Journal of Cancer
Research and Clinical Oncology DOI 10.1007/s00432-007-0214-0. 8 pgs. 2007.05.07.
Charles Andrew; ZENG Mu Sheng; JIA Wei Hua; ZENG Yi Xin and CHAN Anthony Tak
Cheung. "Pharmacologic demethylation identifies UCHL1 as a tumor suppressor gene frequently
silenced in nasopharyngeal and multiple other carcinomas". Paper presented in the 98th American
Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting, April 14-18, 2007, organized by
AACR, Abst#257 pgs. Los Angeles, United States of America, 2007.04.14.
<P075700> YEO Winnie. "Epigenetic Inactivation of Tumor Suppressor Genes in Hepatocellular Carcinoma". Paper
presented in the Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium 2007, Jan 19-21, Oralando World Center Marriott,
Orlando, Florida, USA, organized by ASCO, ASTRO, AGA Institute, SSO, 61-62 pgs. Orlando,
Florida, United States of America, 2007.01.19.
<P076114> LUI Wai Yan Vivian; WONG Yue Ling; YAU Mei Sze; GRANDIS R Jennifer and CHAN Anthony
Tak Cheung. "STAT3 targeting inhibits growth and invasion of Nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC)". Paper
presented in the 2007 AACR Annual Meeting, 14-18 April 07, Los Angeles, CA, USA, organized by
American Association for Cancer research, Abstract No: 304 pgs. United States of America, 2007.04.
<P076540> ZHANG Qing; BHOLA E Neil; LUI Wai Yan Vivian; SIWAK R Doris; THOMAS M Sufi;
GUBISH T Christopher; SIEGFRIED M Jill; MILLS B Gordon; SHIN Dong and GRANDIS
Jennifer Rubin. "Antitumor mechanisms of combined gastrin-releasing peptide receptor and epidermal
cancer.". Molecular
Therapeutics vol.6 no.4, pp.1414-24. United States of America: American Association for Cancer
Research, Inc., 2007.04.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Clinical Oncology
<P076729> JIN Hongchuan; WANG Xian; YING JIANMING; WONG Ho Yan; LEE Kwan Yeung;
SRIVASTAVA Gopesh; SHEN Zhong Ying; XU Li Yan; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung and TAO
Qian. "Integrative epigenetics identifies a novel 16q23 tumor suppressor gene ADAMTS18 silenced by
methylation in multiple tumors". Paper presented in the 98th American Association for Cancer Research
(AACR) Annual Meeting, April 14-18, 2007, organized by AACR, Abst#240 pgs. Los Angeles, United
States of America, 2007.04.14.
<P076844> YEO Winnie; BOYER M; CHUNG H C; ONG Y K; LIM R; ZEE Benny; MA Buig Yue Brigette;
LAM K. C.; MO Kwok Fai; NG K W; HO Ngan Ling; CLARKE S; ROH J K; BEALE P; RHA S
Y; JEUNG H C; SOO R; GOH B C and CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung. "Irofulven as first line therapy
in recurrent or metastatic gastric cancer: a phase II multicenter study by the Cancer Therapeutics Research
(CTRG)". Cancer
Pharmacol. vol.3 no.59, pp.295-300. United
America: Springer, 2007.02.
<P076905> ENGELMAN Jeffrey; ZEJNULLAHU Kreshnik; MITSUDOMI Tetsuya; SONG Youngchul;
HYLAND Courtney; PARK Joon Oh; LINDEMAN Neal; GALE Christopher-michael; ZHAO
Xiaojun; CHRISTENSEN James; KOSAKA Takayuki; HOLMES Alison; ROGERS Andrew;
CAPPUZZO Federico; MOK Shu Kam Tony; LEE Charles; JOHNSON Bruce; CANTLEY Lewis
and JANNE Pasi. "MET Amplification Leads to Gefitinib Resistance in Lung Cancer by Activating
ERBB3 Signaling". Science vol.316 pp.1039-1043. 2007.05.18.
CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung; AMBINDER R F and SRIVASTAVA G. "Tumor-specific methylation
of the 8p22 tumor suppressor gene DLC1 is an epigenetic biomarker for Hodgkin, nasal NK/T-cell and
other types of lymphomas". epigenetics No.2 15-21. United Kingdom, 2007.
<P078391> YING JIANMING; LI Hongyu; JIN Hongchuan; SRIVASTAVA Gopesh; RHA Sun Young; CHAN
Anthony Tak Cheung and TAO Qian. "Epigenetic subtraction of HCT116 cells deficient in DNA
methyltransferases identify DLC1L1 - a RhoA-GAP, as a novel tumor suppressor silenced by methylation
in colorectal and other types of carcinomas.". Paper presented in the 98th American Association for
Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting, April 14-18, 2007, organized by AACR, Abst#2865 pgs. Los
Angeles, United States of America, 2007.04.14.
<P078525> CHAN Lam; YING JIANMING; VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew; LI Hongyu; POON Fan Fong;
CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung and TAO Qian. "Epigenetic inactivation of Secreted Frizzled related
protein genes (SFRP1-5) in nasopharyngeal carcinoma". Paper presented in the 98th American
Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting, April 14-18, 2007, organized by
AACR, Abst#2886 pgs. Los Angeles, United States of America, 2007.04.14.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Clinical Oncology
<P078532> MOK Shu Kam Tony. "A Molecular Era in Oncology". Paper presented in the 2007 Dr. Stanley Ho
Medical Development Foundation Symposium, organized by Dr. Stanley Ho Medical Development
Foundation & The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2 pgs. 2007.01.12.
<P078659> TSANG W K; LEUNG Sing Fai; CHIU K W; YEUNG W W; NG E K; YEO Winnie; LAM K. C.;
CHIU P W; MA Buig Yue Brigette; KWAN W H and CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung. "Adjuvant
chemoradiation for gastric cancer: experience in the chinese population". Clinical oncology (Royal
Britain)) vol.19 no.5, pp.333-340. United
Kingdom: W.B.
Saunders, 2007.06.
<P078708> LUI Wai Yan Vivian; BOEHM L Amanda; KOPPIKAR Priya; LEEMAN J Rebecca; JOHNSON
Daniel; OGAGAN Michelene; CHILDS Erin; FREILINO Maria and GRANDIS Jennifer
Rubin. "Antiproliferative mechanisms of a transcription factor decoy targeting signal transducer and
Pharmacology vol.71 no.5, pp.1435-43. United
America: The
STAT1". Molecular
Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2007.05.
<P079181> YING JIANMING; WONG Ho Yan; LI Hongyu; SENG Tzer Jing; LANGFORD Langford and
TAO Qian. "Integrative cancer genomic and epigenetic analyses identify critical novel tumor suppressor
genes at 3p14-12 for nasopharyngeal carcinoma". Paper presented in the 97th American Association for
Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting, April 1-5, 2006, organized by AACR, Abst#222
pgs. Washington, United States of America, 2007.04.01.
<P079488> CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; CHANG Marie Anne; LEUNG Sing Fai and MAK So Shan. "A
Randomized Clinical Trial of the Effectiveness of a Psycho-educational Intervention in Combating a
Cancer". Oncology
Forum vol.34 no.1, pp.217-218. Oncology Nursing Society, 2007.01.
BEBOUT S; HARBOTT A; LI J and JOHRI A R. "Evaluation of Patupilone as Monotherapy in
Patients with Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)". Paper presented in the ASCO Annual
Meeting 2007, organized by ASCO, 1 pgs. 2007.06.
<P079602> SHIH Chun-hat; SIU Siu-on; NG Ricky; WONG Yue Ling; CHIU Chi Ming Lawrence; CHU Ivan
K. and LO Clive. "Quantitative Analysis of Anticancer 3-Deoxyanthocyanidins in Infected Sorghum
Seedlings". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry vol.55 pp.254-259. 2007.01.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Clinical Oncology
<P079906> LUI Wai Yan Vivian; WONG Yue Ling; WONG Sze Chuen Cesar; LAM Yan Yee; YAU MEI SZE;
TSAO S W; WONG Nathalie; LO Kwok Wai; CHAN Chin Ho; STABILE P Laura; SIEGFRIED M
Jill and CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung. "A Novel Link Between c-Met and STAT3: Implication for the
Treatment of Aggressive Nasopharyngeal Cancer (NPC)". Paper presented in the Symposium for the
Celebration of 35th Anniversary of Department of Biochemistry & 25th Anniversary of Faculty of
Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007, organized by Dept of Biochemistry, CUHK, one
page pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.01.13.
See Also <P060619 >, <P061108 >, <P061493 >, <P062455 >, <P063082 >, <P064069 >, <P064615 >, <P065107 >,
<P066082 >, <P066990 >, <P067348 >, <P068555 >, <P068890 >, <P069550 >, <P070151 >, <P070516 >, <P070797
>, <P073489 >, <P073756 >, <P074185 >, <P074599 >, <P077465 >, <P078521 >, <P078614 >, <P078691 >,
<P998921 >
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Chemical Pathology
<P012233> LAM Wai Kei Christopher and WONG Chun Kwok. "Apoptosis, Part 1: Biochemical
Chemistry ed.
Herbert. vol.36 pp.64-98. USA: Academic Press, 2001.
<P061693> CHAN D K H; LAM S T S and LAM Ching Wan. "Diagnostic Difficulties in Sanfilippo Disease". HK
J Paediatr (new series) vol.11 pp.337-340. 2006.11.
<P061922> LEE Lai Shun Nelson; WONG Chun Kwok; LAM Wy; WONG Ann; LIM Wilina; LAM Wai Kei
Christopher; COCKRAM Clive Stewart; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul and
TANG Julian Wei Tze. "The viral phylogeny and cytokine profile of Hong Kong's first case of
Chikungunya". Emerging Infectious Diseases vol.12 (11) pp.1790-1792. 2006.11.
<P062322> POON Priscilla M. K.; WONG Chun Kwok; FUNG Kwok Pui; FONG Yuet Shim Carmen; WONG
Lai Yee; LAU Tak Fai Joseph; LEUNG Ping Chung; TSUI Kwok Wing; WAN Chi Cheong David;
WAYE Mary Miu Yee; AU Wing Ngor Shannon; LAU Bik San Clara and LAM Wai Kei
Christopher. "Immunomodulatory Effects of A Traditional Chinese Medicine with Potential Antiviral
Activity: A Self-Control Study". The American Journal of Chiense Medicine vol.34 no.1, pp.13-21. 2006.
<P062817> WONG Chi Kwan Blenda and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Plasma RNA Integrity Analysis. Methodology
and Validation". Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences vol.1075 pp.174-178. 2006.09.
<P062972> MOK Ngai Shing; LAM Ching Wan; FONG Nai Chung; HUI Yim Wo; CHOI Yuen Choi and
CHAN Kwok Yin. "Cardiac ryanodine receptor gene (hRyR2) mutation underlying catecholaminergic
polymorphic ventricular tachycardia in a Chinese adolescent presenting with sudden cardiac arrest and
cardiac syncope". Chinese Medical Journal vol.119 no.24, pp.2129-2133. 2006.12.
<P063689> QIU Xusheng; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; QIU Yong; YEUNG Hiu Yan; KWOK Hoi Kei; QIN
Ling; LEE Kwong Man Simon and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Association between Melatonin
Receptor 1B Gene (MTNR1B) and Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". Paper presented in the 26th Annual
Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic
Surgery), organized by HKOA & HKCOS, p.32. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.11.
<P064450> TANG Leung Sang Nelson. "Expanding newborn screening for inherited metabolic diseases in Hong
Kong". Sixth Perinatal Symposium 2006 - Topics in Perinatal Medicine pp.11. Hong Kong
SAR, 2006.10.12.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Chemical Pathology
<P064477> TONG Yu Kwan; DING Chunming; CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa; GEROVASSILI Ageliki; CHIM Siu
Chung Stephen; LEUNG Tak Yeung; LEUNG Tse Ngong; LAU Tze Kin; NICOLAIDES Kypros H
and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Noninvasive Prenatal Detection of Fetal Trisomy 18 by Epigenetic Allelic
Chemistry vol.52 no.12, pp.2194-2202. United
Considerations". Clinical
America: Amer
Chemistry, 2006.12.01.
<P065113> CHAN Kwan Chee; DING Chunming; GEROVASSILI Ageliki; YEUNG Sze Wan; CHIU Wai
Kwun Rossa; LEUNG Tse Ngong; LAU Tze Kin; CHIM Siu Chung Stephen; CHUNG Tin Yun
Grace; NICOLAIDES Kypros H and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Hypermethylated RASSF1A in
Maternal Plasma: A Universal Fetal DNA Marker that Improves the Reliability of Noninvasive Prenatal
Diagnosis". Clinical Chemistry vol.52 no.12, pp.2211-2218. United States of America: Amer Assoc
Clinical Chemistry, 2006.12.01.
<P065541> CHEUNG FUNG YI; WONG Chun Kwok; IP Wai Ki and LAM Wai Kei Christopher. "IL-25
regulates the expression of adhesion molecules on eosinophils: mechanism of eosinophilia in allergic
inflammation". Allergy vol.61 pp.878-885. 2006.07.
<P065681> LEUNG Ting Fan; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; SUNG Ying Man Mandy; LI Chung Yi; MA Suk
Ling; LAM Wai Kei Christopher and WONG Wing Kin Gary. "Genetic Association Study Between
Children". Pediatric
Immunology vol.17 no.7, p.501-507. Oxford, United Kingdom: Blackwell Munksgaard, 2006.11.
<P065927> TSUI Bo Yin Nancy and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Placental RNA in Maternal Plasma. Toward
Profiling". Annals
Sciences vol.1075 pp.96-102. 2006.09.
<P066626> CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa. "Detection of Fetal Point Mutations in Maternal Plasma". Paper presented in
the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by The Chinese University of Hong
kong and Guangzhou Association for Science and Technology, p.81. Guangzhou, 2006.09.22.
<P068092> MA SUK LING; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; LAM Chiu Wa; TAM Woon Chi; LUI Wing Cheong
and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Lack of Association between Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor
Superfamily Gene Polymorphisms and the Risk of ALzheimer's Disease in A CHinese Population". Hong
Kong Journal of Psychiatry vol.16 pp.128-131. Hong Kong, 2006.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Chemical Pathology
<P068555> BAO Yixi; WONG Chun Kwok; LEUNG Sing Fai; CHAN Anthony Tak Cheung; LI Pok Wai;
WONG Lai Yee; LEUNG Ping Chung; FUNG Kwok Pui; YIN Yi Bing and LAM Wai Kei
Christopher. "Clinical Studies of Immunomodulatory Activities of Yunzhi-Danshen in Patients with
Carcinoma". The
Medicine vol.12 no.8, pp.771-776. United States of America: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 2006.10.
<P068776> LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Fetal DNA in Maternal Plasma Progress through Epigenetics". Annals of the
New York Academy of Sciences vol.1075 pp.74-80. 2006.09.
<P069505> LAM Tsz Yan; SETO Sai Wang; LAU Yee Man; AU Lai Shan; KWAN Yiu Wa; NGAI Sai Ming
and TSUI Kwok Wing. "Impairment of the Vascular Relaxation and Differential Expression of
Mice". European
Pharmacology vol.546 pp.134-141. Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2006.07.
<P069801> TANG Leung Sang Nelson; MA SUK LING; LAM Chiu Wa and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Tagging
SNPS of Estrogen Receptor alpha (ERα) gene is associated to the risk of ALzheimer's disease in
Chinese". Paper presented in the International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related
Disorders, organized by ALzheimer's Association, 1 pgs. 2006.07.
<P069989> PANESAR Nirmal Singh and CHAN Kam Wing. "Evidence for nitrite reductase activity in intact
mouse Leydig tumor cells". Steroids vol.71 no.11-12, pp.984-992. USA: Elsevier, 2006.11.
<P071174> LO Yuk Ming Dennis; CHAN Wing Yee and NG Enders Kwok-wai. "Circulating Epstein-barr Virus
DNA in the Serum of Patients withGastric Carcinoma". European Patent no. EP1356124. 2007.01.24.
<P071226> WONG Chun Kwok; HO W Y Amy; TONG Peter Chun Yip; YEUNG Chun Yip; KONG Pik Shan;
LUN Samantha Wei Man; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and LAM Wai Kei Christopher. "Aberrant
activation profile of cytokines and mitogen-activated protein kinase in type 2 diabetic patients with
nephropathy". Clinical and Experimental Immunology vol.149 pp.123-131. 2007.
<P071372> TSUI Bo Yin Nancy; CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa; DING Chunming and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "
Detection of placental RNA allelic ratio in maternal plasma by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization
time-of-flight mass spectrometry". Nature Protocols DOI: 10.1038/nprot.2007.82. 2007.01.
<P071572> LIT C. W. LydiA; WONG Chun Kwok; LI Kwok Ming Edmund; TAM Lai Shan; LAM Wai Kei
Christopher and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Elevated Gene Expression of Th1/Th2 Associated
Transcription Factors Is Correlated with Disease Activity in Patients with Systemic Lupus
Erythematosus". Journal of Rheumatology vol.34 no.1, 2007.01.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Chemical Pathology
<P071593> CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa. "Circulating Nucleic Acids: a Non-invasive Approach to Molecular
Diagnostics". Paper presented in the Euromedlab Amsterdam 2007, organized by Forum of the European
Societies of Clinical Chemistry, p.S30. Berlin, 2007.06.04.
<P072056> LEUNG Ting Fan; WONG, KIN YEE; WONG Chun Kwok; LAM Man Ching Adrian; FUNG
Kwok Pui; LAM Wai Kei Christopher; LEUNG Ping Chung and HON Kam Lun. "In Vitro
Immunomodulatory Effects of a Newly Concocted Pentaherbs Formula for Allergic Inflammation". Paper
presented in the 26th Congress of European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, organized
by European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, pp.323-324. Goteborg, Sweden, 2007.
<P072128> LO Yuk Ming Dennis and CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa. "Principles of Molecular Biology". Fundamentals
Diagnostics ed.
CA. pp.267. USA, Missouri: Saunders, 2007.
<P072205> YOW C M N; WONG Chun Kwok; HUANG Z and HO R J. "Study of the efficacy and mechanism of
cell". Liver
International 27 pp.201-208. 2007.
<P073028> LO Yuk Ming Dennis; NG Kai On; TSUI Bo Yin Nancy and CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa. "Circulating
Disorders". Australian
2004205774. 2007.04.05.
<P073099> LO
HO. "
plasma/serum". Pathology vol.39 no.2, pp.197-207. 2007.04.
<P073649> CHEUNG FUNG YI; WONG C K and LAM Wai Kei Christopher. "Il-31 Induces Cytokine and
Chemokine Release and Adhesion Molecule Expression in Co-Culture of Eosinophils and
Keratinocytes". Paper presented in the The 26th Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and
Clinical Immunology, organized by The European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, 1
pgs. Gothenburg, Sweden, 2007.06.09.
<P073753> LO Yuk Ming Dennis and CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa. "Prenatal diagnosis: progress through plasma
nucleic acids". Nature Reviews Genetics vol.8 no.1, pp.71-7. 2007.01.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Chemical Pathology
<P074853> MA SUK LING; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; ZHANG Yp; JI Ld; TAM Woon Chi; LUI Wing
Cheong; CHIU Fung Kum Helen and LAM Chiu Wa. "Association of Prostaglandin-Endoperoxide
Synthase 2 (PTGS2) Polymorphisms and Alzheimer's Disease In Chinese". Neurobiology of Aging Epub
ahead of print. 2007.01.17.
<P074893> WONG
Christopher. "Intracellular Signaling Mechanisms Regulating Toll-Like Receptor-Mediated Activation
of Eosinophils". Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol vol.37 pp.85-96. 2007.
<P075051> LUN, MIU FAN; CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa; LEUNG Tak Yeung; LEUNG Tse Ngong; LAU Tze Kin
and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Epigenetic Analysis of RASSF1A Gene in Cell-Free DNA in Amniotic
Fluid". Clinical Chemistry vol.53 no.4, pp.796-798. United States of America: Amer Assoc Clinical
Chemistry, 2007.04.
<P075295> LAM Ching Wan; TONG Sui Fan; WONG Keong; LUI Y F; TANG Hoi Yin; HA Shau Yin and
CHAN H M. "DNA-based diagnosis of malignant osteopetrosis by whole-genome scan using a
single-nucleotide polymorphism microarray: standardization of molecular investigations of genetic
diseases due to consanguinity". J Hum Genet vol.52 pp.98-101. 2007.01.
<P075980> MANN D.V.; HO Chung Shun; CRITCHLEY Lester Augustus Hall; FOK SP; PANG Wing Hang;
LAM Wai Kei Christopher and HJELM Nils Magnus. "Affordable Measurement of Human Total
Water". International Journal of Obesity vol.31 pp.751-755. United States of America, 2007.05.
<P076585> YUEN Yuet Ping; LAI Chi Kong; CHAN Y. W.; LAM Ching Wan; TONG Sui Fan and CHAN
Kwok Yin. "DNA-based diagnosis of methylmalonic aciduria and homocystinuria, cblC type in a
delay". Clinica
Acta vol.375 pp.171-172. 2007.01.
<P077212> BAUM Larry; LAM Wai Kei Christopher; CHEUNG Stanley; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; LUI
Victor; TSOH Mei Yuek Joshua; LAM Linda; LEUNG Pui Yiu Vivian; HUI Elsie; NG Chuck Ying
Chelsia; WOO Jean; CHIU Fung Kum Helen; GOGGINS III William Bernard; ZEE Chung Ying
Benny; CHENG King Fai; FONG Yuet Shim Carmen; WONG ADRIAN; MOK Hazel; CHOW
Sing Sum Moses; HO Ping Chuen; IP Siu Po; HO Chung Shun; YU XIONGWEN; LAI Yau Lin
Caroline; CHAN Ming Houng; SZETO Samuel; CHAN Hiu Shuen and MOK Chung Tong
Vincent. "Six Month Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Double-blind, Pilot Clinical Trial of Curcumin in
Alzheimer's Disease Patients.". Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Chemical Pathology
<P077694> LO Yuk Ming Dennis; NG Kai On; TSUI Bo Yin Nancy and CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa. "Method for
diagnosing preeclampsia by detecting hCRH mRNA". US Patent no. 7,235,359. 2007.06.26.
<P078018> KO Wai San Fanny; LUN Samantha Wei Man; WONG Chun Kwok; SZETO Cheuk Chun; LAM
Wai Kei Christopher; LEUNG Ting Fan and HUI Shu Cheong David. "Decreased T-bet expression
asthma.". Clinical
Immunology vol.147 pp.526-532. 2007.03.
<P078069> WONG Chun Kwok; SZETO Cheuk Chun; CHAN H M; LEUNG Chi Bon; LI Kam Tao Philip and
LAM Wai Kei Christopher. "Elevation of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines, C-Reactive Protein and Cardiac
Dialysis". Immunology
Investigations vol.36 pp.47-57. USA, New York: Informa Healthcare, 2007.01.
<P078170> CHAN Kwan Chee and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Circulating tumour-derived nucleic acids in cancer
patients: potential applications as tumour markers". British Journal of Cancer 96 5 681-685. 2007.03.12.
<P078410> LO Yuk Ming Dennis and POON Lit Man. "Methods for Detecting DNA Originating from Different
Individuals". European Patent no. EP1421211. 2007.02.14.
<P078420> LO Yuk Ming Dennis; TSUI Bo Yin Nancy; CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa; LAU Tze Kin; LEUNG Tse
Ngong; HEUNG May Sze; GEROVASSILI Ageliki; JIN Yongjie Yoyo; NICOLAIDES Kypros H;
CANTOR Charles R and DING Chunming. "Plasma placental RNA allelic ratio permits noninvasive
prenatal chromosomal aneuploidy detection". Nature Medicine vol.13 no.2, pp.218-223. United States of
America: Nature Publishing Group, 2007.02.
<P078553> LO Yuk Ming Dennis and POON Lit Man. "Fremgangsmåder til detektion af DNA, som stammer fra
forskellige individer". Danish Patent no. DK/EP 1421211. 2007.02.14.
<P078652> CHOW Ching Kei; CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa; TSUI Bo Yin Nancy; DING Chunming; LAU Tze Kin;
LEUNG Tse Ngong and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Mass Spectrometric Detection of an SNP Panel as an
Chemistry vol.53 no.1, pp.141-142. 2007.01.
Faculty of Medicine
Plasma". Clinical
Dept of Chemical Pathology
<P078691> CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa; CHIM Siu Chung Stephen; WONG Hing Nam; WONG Sze Chuen Cesar;
LEE Wing Shan; TO Ka Fai; TONG Hung Man Joanna; YUEN, KA CHUN; SHUM Sau Wun
Alisa; CHAN John K C; CHAN Yuen Shan Lisa; YUEN Wai Fong; TONG Yu Kwan; WEIER
Jingly F; FERLATTE Christy; LEUNG Tse Ngong; LAU Tze Kin; LO Kwok Wai and LO Yuk
Ming Dennis. "Hypermethylation of RASSF1A in Human and Rhesus Placentas". American Journal of
Pathology vol.170 no.3, pp.941-950. United States of America: Amer Soc Investigative Pathology,
Inc, 2007.03.
<P078999> LAM Ching Wan; YAN Matthew Shu Ching; LAU, KIN CHONG; TONG Sui Fan; LI Chi Kong
and TANG Hoi Yin. "DNA-based diagnosis of mucolipidosis type IIIA and mucopolysacchariodisis type
trillion". Clinica
Acta vol.376 pp.250-252. 2007.02.01.
<P079126> TANG Leung Sang Nelson; CHOW Chun Chung; KO Gary T C; TAI Hok Leung Morris; KWOK
Hoi Kei; YAO Xiaoqiang and COCKRAM Clive Stewart. "The α1s subunit of the L-type calcium
paralysis". Clinical
Endocrinology vol.66 pp.229-234. 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007.01.
<P079466> WONG Chun Kwok; CHEUNG FUNG YI and LAM Wai Kei Christopher. "Leptin-mediated
cytokine release and migration of eosinophils:Implications for immunopathophysiology of allergic
inflammation". European Journal of Immunology vol.37 pp.2337-2348. 2007.
<P079722> LO Yuk Ming Dennis and CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa. "Nucleic Acid Isolation". Fundamentals of
Diagnostics ed.
CA. pp.267. USA, Missouri: Saunders, 2007.
See Also <P060023 >, <P060078 >, <P060123 >, <P060152 >, <P060502 >, <P060534 >, <P060815 >, <P061177 >,
<P062436 >, <P062602 >, <P063185 >, <P063362 >, <P063474 >, <P063965 >, <P064208 >, <P064270 >, <P064368
>, <P064388 >, <P064702 >, <P065309 >, <P066141 >, <P066281 >, <P066658 >, <P066730 >, <P066908 >,
<P066990 >, <P067437 >, <P068474 >, <P068514 >, <P068538 >, <P068639 >, <P068809 >, <P069365 >, <P071163
>, <P071788 >, <P072047 >, <P072120 >, <P072229 >, <P072691 >, <P072807 >, <P072976 >, <P073145 >,
<P073431 >, <P073773 >, <P074367 >, <P075620 >, <P076179 >, <P076617 >, <P076772 >, <P076830 >, <P076919
>, <P077516 >, <P077716 >, <P078031 >, <P078078 >, <P078087 >, <P078971 >, <P079205 >, <P079246 >,
<P079697 >, <P079846 >, <P941308 >
Faculty of Medicine
Hong Kong Mood Disorders Centre
<P077886> WU Che Yuen Justin; TSANG Cheuk Him Adley; NG King Lam Jenny; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and
LEE Sing. "Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Is Strongly Associated With Generalized Anxiety Disorder
(GAD): A Population-Based Study". Paper presented in the Digestive Disease Week, Washington, DC,
May 19-24, 2007, organized by Americal Gastroenterological Association Institute, p.25. 2007.04.01.
See Also <P061682 >, <P071117 >, <P075567 >, <P040747 >, <P046193 >, <P063837 >
Faculty of Medicine
Lee Hysan Clinical Research Laboratories
<P060920> CHAN Chun Wai; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling; YEUNG Hiu Yan; WONG Hoi Kin
Kenneth; FAN Hongbin; HU Yun Yu; YIP Raymond Churk Lun and CHENG Chun Yiu
Jack. "Pretreatment of Osteogenic Supplement on Mesenchymal Stem Cells Augmented Bone Formation
in Undecorticated Posterior Spinal Fusion". Paper presented in the The 26th Annual Congress of the
Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery), p.101. Hong Kong
SAR, 2006.11.
<P061276> CHAN Chun Wai; QIN Ling; LEE Kwong Man Simon; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; CHENG Chun Yiu
Jack and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Dose-dependent Effect of Low-intensity Pulsed Ultrasound on Callus
Formation During Rapid Distraction Osteogenesis.". J Orthop Res vol.24 no.11, pp.2072-2079. 2006.11.
<P061516> CHAN Chun Wai; WONG Hoi Kin Kenneth; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling; YEUNG Hiu
Yan; FAN Hongbin; HU Y Y and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Can Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor
pre-Treatment Enhance Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy in Undecorticated Posterior Spinal
Fusion?". Paper
Medicine, p.1137-1140. Chengdu, China, 2006.10.10.
<P062000> CHAN Chun Wai; WONG Hoi Kin Kenneth; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling; FAN Hongbin;
HU Y Y and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Mesenchymal Stem Cells Pre-exposed to Basic Fibroblast
Growth Factor Did Not Enhance Additional Bone Formational in Posterior Spinal Fusion". Paper
presented in the AO Foundation – Biotechnology Symposium – From Basic Research to Clinical
Applications using Biotechnology and Bioengineering, p.1-1. Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006.10.19.
<P064438> LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling; WONG Hoi Kin Kenneth; YEUNG Hiu Yan; FAN Hongbin;
HU Y Y and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derived Osteogenic Cells is Superior
to Bone Marrow Aspirate Impregnated Biomaterial Complex in Posterior Spinal Fusion". Paper presented
Medicine, p.1149-1152. Chengdu, China, 2006.10.10.
<P066191> CHAN Chun Wai; LEE Kwong Man Simon; YIP Raymond Churk Lun; QIN Ling; YEUNG Hiu
Yan; WONG Hoi Kin Kenneth; FAN Hongbin; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack and HU Yun Yu. "Bone
Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell is Superior to Fresh Bone Marrow Aspirate Impregnated
Tricalcium Phosphate Composite in Enhancing Posterior Spinal Fusion". Paper presented in the 26th
Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic
Surgery), organized by HKOA & HKCOS, p.33. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.11.
Faculty of Medicine
Lee Hysan Clinical Research Laboratories
<P070733> CHAN Chun Wai; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling; LEUNG Kwok Sui and CHENG Chun Yiu
Jack. "Enhanced Bone Formation by Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound in Posterior Spinal Fusion with
Hydroxyapatite / Tricalcium Phosphate Implant". European Cells and Materials vol.13 no.Suppl.
2, pp.52. 2007.
See Also <P060822 >, <P061846 >, <P062558 >, <P062602 >, <P063689 >, <P063864 >, <P064037 >, <P064424 >,
<P064583 >, <P064702 >, <P065042 >, <P065537 >, <P065857 >, <P066076 >, <P066658 >, <P067055 >, <P068045
>, <P068906 >, <P069365 >, <P069699 >, <P069950 >, <P070162 >, <P070580 >, <P070686 >, <P070829 >,
<P070957 >, <P071308 >, <P072371 >, <P072932 >, <P073007 >, <P073335 >, <P075152 >, <P075573 >, <P075739
>, <P075842 >, <P076281 >, <P077163 >, <P077305 >, <P077632 >, <P077784 >, <P077892 >, <P077903 >,
<P078474 >, <P078478 >, <P079053 >
Faculty of Medicine
Centre of Research and Promotion of Women's Health
<P064084> LEE Tak Shing Dominic; CHEN Yanfang; CHEN Zhong; YIP Winnie; MENG Qingyun and
Arthur KLEINMAN. "A Psychiatric Epidemiological Study in Rural China". Paper presented in the 中
華醫學會精神病分會第七屆學術年會, organized by 中華醫學會精神病分會; 北京大學精神衛生研
究所, 15 pgs. Beijing, China, 2006.09.10.
<P065769> QIU J. Y.; LUO L. M.; LEE Tak Shing Dominic and XIE B.. "Detecting Depressive Symptoms and
Pregnancy". Chinese
Journal vol.20 no.7, pp.469-471. Beijing, China: China Association for Mental Health, 2006.07.
<P066630> LEE Tak Shing Dominic; SAHOTA Daljit Singh; LEUNG Tse Ngong; YIP Shing Kai Alexander;
LEE Fung Yee and CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony. "Psychological responses of pregnant women to an
infectious outbreak: a case-control study of the 2003 SARS outbreak in Hong Kong". Journal of
Research vol.61 no.5, pp.707-713. United
Kingdom: Pergamon-Elsevier
Ltd., 2006.11.
<P069597> LIU K. Y.; CHEN Eric; CHAN Cecilia; LEE Tak Shing Dominic; LAW Y. W.; CONWELL Yeates
and YIP Paul. "Socio-economic and psychological correlates of suicidality among Hong Kong
survey". Psychological
Medicine vol.36 no.12, pp.1759-1767. United Kingdom: Cambridge Univeristy Press, 2006.12.
See Also <P060603 >, <P066390 >, <P075680 >, <P078200 >, <P078443 >
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P004286> AU YEUNG Kai Ming Paul and GRIFFITH James Francis. "Avascular Necrosis of the T12 and L1
vertebal bodies". Australia Radiology vol.44 pp.355-356. Australia, 2000.
<P014819> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; YING M. and KING Ann Dorothy. "Review of Ultrasound of Cervical Lymph
Nodes.". The Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (ASUM) Bulletin pp.6-9. Australia, 2001.
<P015535> PANG Lai Man; ROEBUCK Derek John; GRIFFITH James Francis; KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar
and METREWELI Constantine. "Alveolar soft-part sarcoma: a rare soft-tissue malignancy with
distinctive clinical and radiological features.". Pediatr Radiol vol.31 pp.196-199. 2001.
<P045992> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; KING Ann Dorothy; YUEN H Y and YU
Simon. "Vascular Lesions of Parotid Gland in Adult Patients: Diagnosis with High-Resolution
Ultrasound and MRI". British Journal of Radiology vol.77 600-606. United Kingdom: British Institute of
Radiology, 2004.
<P051059> YU Chun Ho and WONG Kwok Chu. "Endovascular Coiling Versus Neurosurgical Clipping for
Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms". Paper presented in the World Federation of Interventional
Neuroradiology Meeting, 2 (p.90-1) pgs. 2005.
<P060377> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Ulnar-sided wrist pain". Paper presented in the 33rd Annual Radiology of
International Skeletal Society, 2 pgs. Vancouver, Canada, 2006.09.13.
<P060956> CHAN Yu Leung; SHING Kwok Kuen; WONG Kwok Chu and POON Wai Sang. "Transvenous
Fistula". Hong
Journal vol.12 no.4, pp.310-2. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.08.
<P061143> KING Ann Dorothy; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd and FONG Kwan Ying. "Squamous Cell Carcinoma of
the Head and Neck: Can Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H-MRS) Predict and Monitor Early
Therapeutic Response?". Paper presented in the 11th Asian Oceanian Congress of Radiology, 6-9th
August 2006, Hong Kong, organized by Asian Oceanian Society of Radiology/Hong Kong College of
Radiologists, 228 pgs. Hong Kong, 2006.08.
<P061162> ZHANG Lihong; LI Qi; WOLFF Lucille T; ANTONIO Gregory; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; ZHANG
Aiqun; WU Yau and YEW Tai Wai David. "Changes of brain activity in the aged SAMP
mouse". Biogerontology vol.8, no.2, 81-88. Netherlands: Springer Netherlands, 2006.09.06.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
M; KWOK K M; FONG M C; WONG O Y; YU Y W and WONG Y S. "New sequence of
high-resolution three dimensional MR imaging to visualize extracranial facial nerve". Paper presented in
the AOCR 2006 Hong Kong - 11th Asian Oceanian Congress of Radiology, organized by Asian Oceanian
Society of Radiology, p.251-252. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.08.06.
<P061640> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; YEUNG Hiu Yan; CHAU Wai Wang; LAM Wai Man Wynnie; NG Kin
Wah Bobby; LAM Tsz Ping; LEE Kwong Man, Simon and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Changes in
Vertebral Neural Arch Morphometry and Functional Tethering of Spinal Cord in Adolescent Idiopathic
Scoliosis - Study with Multi-Planar Reformat Magnetic Resonance Imaging". Stud Health Technol
Inform vol.123 pp.27-33. 2006.
<P062072> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Imaging of Cervical Spine in Children with Trauma". Paper presented in the
2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine - Meeting a Decade of Challenges, 20-21 October,
2006, organized by Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine, 66 pgs. Hong Kong, 2006.10.
<P062660> KING Ann Dorothy. "Imaging Cervical Node Metastases and Potential Problems for Staging in
Africa". Paper presented in the The 24th International Congress of Radiology, organized by Radiological
Society of South Africa, 18 pgs. South Africa, Capetown, 2006.09.
<P062969> HO Sze Ming Simon. "Imaging in Abdominal Trauma". Paper presented in the 3rd NTUH Radiology
Course, organized
Hospital, p.31-33. Taiwan, 2006.10.
<P063107> LEE Yim Ping; KING Ann Dorothy and FONG Kwan Ying. "Characterization of Malignant Cervical
Lymphadenopathy: MR Evaluation by Diffusion weighted Imaging". Paper presented in the 11th Asian
Oceanian Congress of Radiology, 6-9th August 2006, Hong Kong, organized by Asian Oceanian Society
of Radiology/Hong Kong College of Radiologists, 217 pgs. Hong Kong, 2006.08.
<P063587> GRIFFITH James Francis and BROCKWELL Jason. "Diagnosis and Imaging of Ankle
Instability". Foot and Ankle Clinics vol.11 no.3, pp.475-496. 2006.09.
<P063679> PENG
Francis. "Comparison of Blunt Versus Surgical Dissection for Aortic Flow Probe Placement in the
Dog". Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science vol.33 no.4, p.227. Denmark, 2006.12.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P063915> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; MOK Chi Fung Geoffrey; LAM Wai Man Wynnie and SUNG Yn Tz
Rita. "Assessment of Coronary Artery Aneurysms in Pediatric Patients with Kawasaki Disease by MDCT
Anagiograpy: Feasibility and Comparison with Echocardiography". Paediatrics Radiology Suppl
1. vol.36 pp.68. 2006.
<P063971> HO Sze Ming Simon. "Imaging in Lower GI Bleeding and GI Bleeding of Obscure Origin". Paper
presented in the 3rd NTUH Radiology Course, organized by Department of Medical Imaging, National
Taiwan University Hospital, p.39-40. Taiwan, 2006.10.28.
<P063978> ANTONIO Gregory; YU Alfred Brian; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; SHING Kwok Kuen; WONG Ka
Tak Jeffrey; YIM Ping Chuen Anthony; LEE Tak Wai; GOMERSALL Charles David; HUI Shu
Cheong David and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Utility of oxygen-enhanced MR ventilation in
endobronchial valve deployment". Paper presented in the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in
Medicine and Biology, 1 pgs. 2006.09.21.
<P064269> WONG Y. Y.; LAM Wai Man Wynnie; SO Man Ching; LEE Fung Yee Janet and LEUNG Ka
Lau. "Air-Inflated Magnetic Resonance Colonography in Patients with Incomplete Conventional
Colonoscopy: Comparison with Intraoperative Findings, Pathology Specimens, and Follow-Up
Conventional Colonoscopy". American Journal of Gastroenterology 102 1 p.56-63. United States of
America: Blackwell Publishing, 2007.01.
<P064668> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Miscellaneous lumps and bumps in the neck - why sonography is ideal initial
examination?". Paper presented in the 17th International Congress of Head & Neck Radiology, 1
pgs. Budapest, Hungary, 2006.09.28.
<P064673> ANTONIO Gregory; GRIFFITH James Francis; YU Alfred Brian; CHANG Jht; YUNG Shu Hang
Patrick; CHAN Kai Ming and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Shoulder abnormalities after First-time
Dislocation: an MR Arthrography (MRA) prospective study". Paper presented in the 26th Annual
Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedics Association, 1 pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2006.11.11.
<P065339> LEE Yim Ping; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; ANTONIO Gregory and GRIFFITH James Francis. "MRI
of medial meniscal posterior horn tears with knee flexion". Paper presented in the AOCR 2006 Hong
Kong - 11th Asian Oceanian Congress of Radiology, organized by Asian Oceanian Society of
Radiology, p.226. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.08.06.
<P065340> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Role of Radiologists in the Management of Primary Bone
Sarcoma". Paper presented in the RCSEd and CSHK Conjoint Scientific Congress 2006, NIL
pgs. 2006.10.10.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P065537> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; YEUNG Hiu Yan; MAN Chi Wai; CHAU Wai Wang; LAM Wai Man
Wynnie; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LAM Tsz Ping; LEE Kwong Man Simon and CHENG Chun Yiu
Jack. "Changes in Vertebral Neural Arch Morphometry and Symmetry in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
- Study with Reformat Magnetic Resonance Imaging". Paper presented in the The 26th Annual Congress
of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, 29
pgs. Hong Kong, 2006.11.
<P065575> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; ANTONIO Gregory; WONG K T and YUEN H Y. ed. Case Studies in
Medicial Imaging. 487 pgs. London, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2006.10.
<P065625> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; WONG K T; LEE Yim Ping and KING Ann Dorothy. "Imaging of salivary
glands". Paper presented in the 11th Asian Oceanian Congress of Radiology, organized by Asian
Oceanian Society of Radiology, p.191. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.08.06.
<P066770> KING Ann Dorothy. "Complications of Radiotherapy to the Skull Base". Paper presented in the The
24th International Congress of Radiology, organized by Radiological Society of South Africa, 21
pgs. South Africa, Capetown, 2006.09.
<P066876> WONG Yuen Yee; LAM Wai Man Wynnie and LAU Tze Kin. "Foetal Magnetic Resonance
Imaging". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.12 no.6, p.486-487. Hong Kong, 2006.12.
<P066990> MA Buig Yue Brigette; KING Ann Dorothy; LO Yuk Ming Dennis; YAU Y Y; ZEE Benny; HUI
Pun; LEUNG Sing Fai; MO Kwok Fai; KAM M K; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; KWAN W H and CHAN
Anthony Tak Cheung. Pre-treatment level of plasma Epstein Barr virus DNA and relationship with
magnetic resonance delineated tumor volume and [F-18]-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission
physics vol.66 no.3, pp.714-20. United States of America, 2006.11.01.
<P067111> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; MOK Chi Fung Geoffrey; LAM Wai Man Wynnie; YAM Man Ching and
SUNG Yn Tz Rita. "Assessment of Coronary Artery Aneurysms in Paediatric Patients with Kawasaki
Echocardiography". Pediatric Radiology vol.36 pp.1148-1153. Springer, 2006.08.
<P067500> TAM Tak Lap Derek; LEE Kit Fai; LEE Sing Fun Paul and LAI Bo San Paul. "Skin Metastasis
After Radiofrequency Ablation of Colorectal Liver Metastasis". Paper presented in the 7th World
Congress of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, organized by International
Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, p.136. Hampshire, United Kingdom, 2006.09.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P067555> GRIFFITH James Francis; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; ANTONIO Gregory; WONG Yeung Shan
Samuel; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; WOO Jean and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Vertebral Marrow Fat
Content and Diffusion and Perfusion Indexes in Women with Varying Bone Density: MR
Evaluation". Radiology vol.241 no.3, pp.831-838. 2006.12.
<P068077> GRIFFITH James Francis. "MR Imaging of osteoporosis". Paper presented in the AOCR 2006 Hong
Kong - 11th Asian Oceanian Congress of Radiology, 178 pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2006.08.06.
<P068293> XIE Jun; HENG Pheng Ann; HO Sze Ming Simon and SHAH Mubarak. "Image Diffusion Using
Saliency Bilateral Filter". Paper presented in the Proceedings of 9th International Conference in Medical
Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2006) (Part II) (Also as Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, LNCS No. 4191), pp. 67-75. 2006.10.
<P068743> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Imaging of Paediatric Oncology Patients Presenting with Acute Neurological
Symptoms". Paper presented in the 38th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric
Oncology, organized
Oncology, 40
pgs. Geneva, Switzerland, 2006.09.
<P068763> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; WONG K T; LEE Yim Ping and KING Ann Dorothy. "Lumps in the neck:
the role of ultrasound". Paper presented in the 11th Asian Oceanian Congress of Radiology, organized by
Asian Oceanian Society of Radiology, p.176. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.08.06.
<P068828> WONG K T; YUEN H Y and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Chest". Case Studies in Medical Imaging ed. by
Ahuja, Antonio, Wong and Yuen. 1st ed. pp.1-56. London, United Kingdom: Cambridge University
Press, 2006.10.
<P069062> WONG ADRIAN; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; HO Sze Ming Simon; LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas
and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "A pilot randomized double blind controlled study on the efficacy and
safety of rivastigmine in Chinese patients with subcortical vascular dementia". Paper presented in the
International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, organized by Alzheimer's
Association, 2 pgs. Madrid, Spain, 2006.07.18.
<P069256> WONG K T and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Ultrasound in thyroid cancer". Paper presented in the 6th
Annual Teaching Course of the International Cancer Imaging Society, organized by International Cancer
Imaging Society, p.S140. Dublin, Ireland, 2006.10.17.
<P069506> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Sonography of neck nodes". Paper presented in the 17th International Congress
of Head & Neck Radiology, 1 pgs. Budapest, Hungary, 2006.09.29.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P069697> LEUNG Vivian Y. F.; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; YEUNG Chung Kwong and METREWELI
Constantine. "Gender Difference in Achieving rate of Maturity of the Vesicoureteric Junction". Pediatr
Radiol [Epub ahead of print]. 2006.
<P070018> HO Sin Yee Stella. "Perigraft Fluid Collections". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.5-10-13. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P070080> HO Sin Yee Stella. "Prostatic Carcinoma". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.5-120-123. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P070151> KING Ann Dorothy; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey; LEE
Yim Ping; LAM Wai Man Wynnie; HO Sze Ming Simon; YU Simon and LEUNG Sing
Fai. "Delayed Complications of Radiotherapy Treatment for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Imaging
Findings". Clinical Radiology vol.62 no.3, pp.195-203. United Kingdom, 2007.03.
<P070184> PAUNIPAGAR Bhawan Krishna. ed. Epidermoid Cyst. 10(16-17) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P070250> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Joint Infection. 13(88-91) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P070278> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. ed. Calculi and Calcinosis "Nephrocalcinosis" Diagnostic Imaging:
Ultrasound Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Antonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge, Paunipagar, Kennedy, Zwiebel, Sohaey, Ho,
Woodward pp.5-36. Elsevier, 2007.
<P070303> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Hepatic Adenoma. 1(61-64) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P070314> HO Sze Ming Simon. ed. Abdominal Vessels: Aortic/Iliac Aneurysm. Section 14. 14 (18-23) pgs. Hong
Kong, China: Amirsys, 2007.
<P070405> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Inflammatory Arthritis. 13(54-57) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P070460> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Parathyroid
Space". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-36-39. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P070505> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Baker Cyst. 13(104-109) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P070507> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Non-Hodgkin
Nodes". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-48-51. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P070516> KU K. M. Peter; YUEN Hok Yuen; CHEUNG Mei Chi Dilys; CHAN Yin Tim; AHUJA Anil
Tejbhan; LEUNG Sing Fai; TONG Chi Fai Michael and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Early
Swallowing Problems in a Cohort of Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Symptomatology and
Findings". Laryngoscope vol.117 no.1 pp.142-146. USA: Lippincott
Wilkins, Inc., 2007.01.
<P070517> PAUNIPAGAR Bhawan Krishna. ed. Tubular Ectasia. 10(26-27) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P070533> GRIFFITH
ed. Developmental
Dysplasia. 13(58-61)
pgs. Hong
Kong, China, 2007.
<P070557> PAUNIPAGAR Bhawan Krishna. ed. Scrotal Trauma. 10(32-33) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P070572> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Tuberculous
Adenopathy". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-46-47. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P070580> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; MAN Chi Wai; LAM Wai Man Wynnie; YEUNG Hiu Yan; CHAU Wai
Wang; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LAM Tsz Ping; LEE Kwong Man Simon and CHENG Chun Yiu
Jack. "Is Obstructed Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Flow A Feature At The Craniocervical Junctional in
Adolescent Idiopathic scoliosis (AIS)?: Phase Contrast MR Study And Comparison With Normal
Controls". Paper presented in the European Society of Paediatric Radiology - 44th Annual Meeting and
30th Postgraduate Course, 3-7 June 2007, Barcelona, Spain, organized by European Society of Paediatric
Radiology, pp.S140-141. Europe, 2007.06.
<P070603> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Caroli Disease. 1(33-36) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P070705> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Lipoma". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.11-110-113. United States of
America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P070720> LEE Y P; WONG K T; KING Ann Dorothy and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Ultrasound of the thyroid
and parathyroid". Paper presented in the Indian Radiological & Imaging Association 60th Annual
Conference, organized by Indian Radiological & Imaging Association, 1 pgs. Mumbai, India, 2007.01.04.
<P070773> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Lymphangioma". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.11-92-97. United States
of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P070835> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey. "Chronic Cholecystitis". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.2-28-29. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P070872> WONG
Jeffrey. "Recurrent
Cholangitis". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.2-60-63. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P070876> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Parenchymal Calcification, Hepatic. 1(24-25) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P070887> HO Sze Ming Simon. ed. Extremities: Peripheral Arterial Pseudoaneurysm. Section 14. 14 (48-53)
pgs. Hong Kong, China: Amirsys, 2007.
<P070916> HO Sin Yee Stella. "Focal Bacterial Nephritis". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.72-73. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
ed. Gonadal
Tumor. 10(22-23)
pgs. Hong
Kong, China, 2007.
<P070970> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey. "Choledochal Cyst". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.2-42-45. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P071002> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Peripheral Lipoma. 13(130-133) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P071071> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Dermoid and Epidermoid". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.11-124. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P071300> HO
Stella. "Transitional
Carcinoma". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.5-98-103. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P071309> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Medullary
Carcinoma". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-12-15. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P071381> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Nerve Injury. 13(62-65) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P071385> HO Sin Yee Stella. "Renal Papillary Necrosis". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.60-61. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.
<P071394> LEE Y P; WONG K T; KING Ann Dorothy and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Imaging of Salivary
Gland". Paper presented in the 1st Head Neck Imaging Course, organized by Aegis of Academy of
Imaging Sciences, 13 pgs. Pune, India, 2007.05.05.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P071417> GRIFFITH
ed. Hemarthrosis
Lipohemarthrosis. 13(96-99)
pgs. Hong
Kong, China, 2007.
<P071446> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Mucoepidermoid
Parotid". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-80-83. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P071491> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Rotator Cuff Tendinosis. 13(6-9) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P071585> HO Sze Ming Simon. ed. Extremities: Peripheral Arteriovenous Fistula. Section 14. 14 (54-57)
pgs. Hong Kong, China: Amirsys, 2007.
<P071633> LEE Y P; WONG K T; KING Ann Dorothy; YING T C Michael and AHUJA Anil
Tejbhan. "Ultrasound of Neck Nodes". Paper presented in the 1st Head Neck Imaging Course, organized
by Aegis of Academy of Imaging Sciences, 10 pgs. Pune, India, 2007.05.06.
<P071651> HO Sin Yee Stella. "Simple Renal Cyst". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.5-44-47. United States of
America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P071687> PAUNIPAGAR Bhawan Krishna. ed. Testicular Atrophy. 10(6-7) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P071700> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Benign Mixed Tumor, Submandibular Gland". Diagnostic Imaging:
Ultrasound pp.11-58-61. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P071705> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey; LAM Wai Man Wynnie and YU Simon. "MDCT of an Aberrant Right
Subclavian Artery and of Bilateral Vertebral Arteries with Anomalous Origins". American Journal of
Roentgenology vol.188 p.W274-W275. USA: American Roentgen Ray Society, 2007.03.
<P071744> LEUNG Vivian Y. F.; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; YEUNG Chung Kwong; SREEDHAR B; LIU
Juxian; WONG Eric and METREWELI Constantine. "Nomograms of Total Renal Volume, Urinary
Bladder Volume and Bladder Wall Thickness Index in 3,376 children with a Normal Urinary
Tract". Pediatr Radiol vol.37 pp.181-188. Springer - Verlag, 2007.01.
<P071794> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Diffuse Microabscesses Hepatic. 1(26-27) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P071899> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Shoulder Imaging". Paper presented in the Combined Spring Meeting of
Musculoskeletal Imaging, PP.1-9. Ireland, United Kingdom, 2007.04.20.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P071929> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Brachial
Schwannoma". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-118-119. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P072072> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Reactive Adenopathy". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.11-40-41. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P072093> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Bladder "Schistosomiasis, Bladder"". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound ed.
by Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Antonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge, Paunipagar, Kennedy, Zwiebel, Sohaey, Ho,
Woodward. pp.5-144. Elsevier, 2007.
<P072215> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Steatosis Hepatic. 1(20-23) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P072216> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Fat Injury. 13(38-41) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P072290> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Benign
Parotid". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-72-75. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P072321> KING
Tejbhan. "Complications of Radiotherapy to the Skull Base". Paper presented in the 6th Asian &
Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology and Head & Neck Radiology, 2-5 February 2007,
Singapore, organized by Singaopre Raidological Society, 39 pgs. Singapore, 2007.02.
<P072325> PAUNIPAGAR Bhawan Krishna. ed. Hydrocele. 10(10-11) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P072389> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey; LEE Y P; YING Michael; KING Ann Dorothy and AHUJA Anil
Tejbhan. "Ultrasound checks out suspicious neck lumps". Diagnostic Imaging pp.21-27. United States
of America: CMP Healthcare Media Group LLC, 2007.04.
<P072398> LEE Y P; WONG K T; KING Ann Dorothy and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Sonography of thyroid
nodules". Paper presented in the 6th Asian & Oceanian Congress of Meuroradiology and Head & Neck
Radiology, organized by Singapore Radiological Society, p.43. Singapore, 2007.01.02.
<P072461> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Hepatocellular Carcinoma. 1(69-72) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P072470> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Post-Operative Infection. 13(92-95) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P072615> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Differentiated
Carcinoma". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-6-11. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P072652> WONG
Jeffrey. "Acute
Cholecystitis". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.2-22-25. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P072820> WANG Yixiang; GRIFFITH James Francis; ZHANG Ge; SHENG Hui and QIN Ling. "In vivo high
resolution MRI demostrates truncation artifact in rat articular cartilage and growth plate: an unrecognized
finding". Paper presented in the The 5th International Conference on Bone and Mineral Research & the
7th International Osteoporosis Symposium, 61-62 pgs. Urumqi, China, 2007.05.18.
<P072868> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey. "Islet Cell Tumors". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.3-28-31. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P072877> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey. "Porcelain Gallbladder". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.2-30-31. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P072911> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "HashimotoThyroiditis". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.11-24-27. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P072914> HO Sin Yee Stella. "Urinary Tract Tuberculosis". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.5-82-85. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P072918> GRIFFITH
ed. Peripheral
Tumor. 13(66-71)
pgs. Hong
Kong, China, 2007.
<P072957> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Schistosomiasis Hepatic. pp.(16-19). Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P072977> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Focal Nodular Hyperplasia. 1(65-68) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P072979> HO Sin Yee Stella. "Prostatic Hypertrophy". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.5-116-119. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P072984> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Synovial Tumor. 13(122-125) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P073067> HO Sze Ming Simon. ed. Cerebrovascular: Vertebral Stenosis/Occlusion. Section 14. 14 (12-17)
pgs. Hong Kong, China: Amirsys, 2007.
<P073122> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Muscule Injury. 13(46-49) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P073152> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Bladder "Ureterocele"". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound ed. by Ahuja,
Woodward. pp.5-132. Elsevier, 2007.
<P073166> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Submandinular
Carcinoma". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-62-63. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P073199> PAUNIPAGAR Bhawan Krishna. ed. Undescended Testis. 10(8-9) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P073300> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Foreign body and injection granulomas. 13(144-147) pgs. Hong
Kong, China, 2007.
<P073377> LAM Wai Man Wynnie. "Advances in Stroke Imaging". Paper presented in the Hong Kong
Neuroendovascular 2007, organized by Hong Kong Society of Interventional & Therapeutic
Neuroradiology, 0 pgs. Hong Kong, 2007.05.19.
<P073459> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Osteoarthrosis. 13(50-53) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P073463> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Adenoid
Parotid". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-84-85. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P073478> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey. "Chronic Pancreatitis". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.3-14-17. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P073502> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Muscle Infarction. 13(42-45) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P073530> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey. "Biliary Ductal Gas". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.2-50-51. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.
<P073546> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey. "Ascending Cholangitis". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.2-56-59. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P073566> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Kimura Disease". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.11-64-67. United States
of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P073592> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Amebic Hepatic Abscess. 1(49-50) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P073786> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Carotid
Paraganglioma". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-102-104. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P073903> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. ed. Calculi and Calcinosis "Hydronephrosis" Diagnostic Imaging:
Ultrasound Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Antonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge, Paunipagar, Kennedy, Zwiebel, Sohaey, Ho,
Woodward PP.5-40. Elsevier, 2007.
<P073962> HO Sze Ming Simon. ed. Extremities: Extremity Arterial Occlusive Disease. Section 14. 14 (42-47)
pgs. Hong Kong, China: Amirsys, 2007.
<P074073> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Hepatic Echinococcus Cyst. 1(51-54) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P074096> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "2nd
Cyst". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-98-101. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P074132> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. ed. Cysts and Cystic Disorders "Multilocular Cystic Nephroma" Diagnostic
Imaging: Ultrasound Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Antonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge, Paunipagar, Kennedy, Zwiebel,
Sohaey, Ho, Woodward PP. 5-58. Elsevier, 2007.
<P074167> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey. "Cholangiocarcinoma". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.2-52-55. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P074234> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Cirrhosis Hepatic. 1(10-15) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P074244> HO Sze Ming Simon. ed. Abdominal Vessels: Aorto-Iliac Occlusive Disease. Section 14. 14 (24-29)
pgs. China, Hong Kong: Amirsys, 2007.
<P074339> HO Sin Yee Stella. "Allograft Hydronephrosis". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.6-6-9. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P074491> HO Sze Ming Simon. ed. Extremities: Deep Vein Thrombosis. Section 14. 14 (36-41) pgs. Hong
Kong, China: Amirsys, 2007.
<P074496> HO Sin Yee Stella. "Renal Angiomyolipoma". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.5-94-97. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P074508> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Soft Tissue Sarcoma. 13(134-137) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P074648> CHU
ed. Normal
Kidney" Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Antonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge, Paunipagar,
Kennedy, Zwiebel, Sohaey, Ho, Woodward pp. 5-6. Elsevier, 2007.
<P074695> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. ed. Normal Variants and Pseudolesions "Ureteral Ectopia" Diagnostic
Imaging: Ultrasound Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Antonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge, Paunipagar, Kennedy, Zwiebel,
Sohaey, Ho, Woodward pp. 5-22. Elsevier, 2007.
<P074734> HO Sin Yee Stella. "Acute Pyelonephritis". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.5-70-71. United States
of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P074753> HO Sin Yee Stella. "Renal Cell Carcinoma". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.5-86-91. United States
of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P074821> WANG
Ling. "Mono-iodoacetate Induced Arthritis and Meniscal Transection Induced Arthritis in Rats: A
Longitudinal Comparison Study with High Resolution MRI". Paper presented in the 5th International
Conference on Bone and Mineral Research & 7th International Osteoporosis Symposium, organized by
Osteoporosis Committee of China Gerontological Society, p.61-64. China, 2007.
<P074858> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; TAM Yuk Him; LAM Wai Man Wynnie; NG Wing Hung; SIT F K Y and
YEUNG Chung Kwong. "Dynamic MR Assessment of the Anorectal Angle and Puborectalis Muscle in
Pedtiatric Patients With Anismus: Technique and Feasibility". Journal of Magnetic Resonance
Imaging vol.25 pp.1067-1072. 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc., 2007.
<P074868> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Sialadenitis". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.11-54-57. United States of
America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P074907> WONG
Jeffrey. "Biliary
Dilatation". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.2-40-41. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P074912> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Thyroid
Lymphoma". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-20-23. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P074925> GRIFFITH
ed. Peripheral
Anomaly. 13(138-143)
Kong, China, 2007.
<P074934> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Acute Hepatitis. PP.1(6-9). Hong Kong, China, 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
pgs. Hong
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P074965> LEE Y P; WONG K T; KING Ann Dorothy and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Ultrasound of cystic neck
masses". Paper presented in the Indian Radiological & Imaging Association 60th Annual
Conference, organized by Indian Radiological & Imaging Association, 1 pgs. Mumbai, India, 2007.01.04.
<P074973> GRIFFITH James Francis; WANG Yixiang; ANTONIO Gregory; CHOI Kai Chow; YU Alfred
Brian; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Modified Pfirrmann Grading System for
Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Degeneration". Spine vol.32 no.24, pp.E708-E712. 2007.
<P075121> PAUNIPAGAR Bhawan Krishna. Ed. Scrotal Sonography. 10(2-5) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P075182> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. ed. Normal Variants and Pseudolesions "Ureteral Duplication" Diagnostic
Imaging: Ultrasound Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Antonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge, Paunipagar, Kennedy, Zwiebel,
Sohaey, Ho, Woodward PP.5-18. Elsevier, 2007.
<P075265> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey. "Serous Cystadenoma". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.3-20-23. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P075267> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey; LEE Y P and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Posterior Triangle". Diagnostic and
Ultrasound ed.
Wong. 1st
Nodes". Diagnostic
ed. pp.II-46-51. United States of America: Amirsys, 2007.
<P075273> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Systemic
Ultrasound pp.11-52-53. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P075300> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Sjogren
Parotid". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-68-71. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P075311> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Bladder "Bladder Calculi"". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound ed. by Ahuja,
Woodward. pp.5-142. Elsevier, 2007.
<P075318> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Hepatic Cavernous Hemangioma. PP.1(73-78). Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P075323> PAUNIPAGAR Bhawan Krishna; GRIFFITH James Francis; ANTONIO Gregory; CHOW Tsun
Cheung Louis; KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Sonographic features of
subfascial lipomas". Paper presented in the 60th Annual Congress Indian Radiological & Imaging
Association, NIL pgs. Mumbai, India, 2007.01.04.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P075339> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Anaplastic
Carcinoma". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-16-19. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P075370> HO Sze Ming Simon. ed. Extremities: Varicose Veins/Incompetent Perforator. Section 14. 14 (58-61)
pgs. Hong Kong, China: Amirsys, 2007.
<P075376> LEE Y P; WONG K T; KING Ann Dorothy and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Ultrasound of neck masses
that may simulate metastases". Paper presented in the Cancer Imaging 2007, organized by International
Cancer Imaging Society and Hong Kong College of Radiologists, p.48. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.02.10.
<P075398> CHU
ed. Calculi
"Urolithiasis" Diagnostic
Ultrasound Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Antonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge, Paunipagar, Kennedy, Zwiebel, Sohaey, Ho,
Woodward pp. 5-30. Elsevier, 2007.
<P075443> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey. "Cholelithiasis". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.2-6-11. United States of
America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P075446> GRIFFITH James Francis; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack and WONG M. C. Eric. "Are western skeletal
age standards applicable to the Hong Kong Chinese population? A comparsion of the Greulich and Pyle
method". Hong
Journal vol.13 no.3, pp.28-32. Hong Kong, China, 2007.06.
<P075453> PAUNIPAGAR Bhawan Krishna. ed. Epididymitis/Orchitis. pp. 10(38-43). Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P075495> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Venous
Malformation". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-120-123. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P075531> CHU
Winnie. "Urinary
"Pyonephrosis"". Diagnostic
Ultrasound ed. by Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Antonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge, Paunipagar, Kennedy, Zwiebel,
Sohaey, Ho, Woodward. pp.5-76. Elsevier, 2007.
<P075538> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Compromised blood flow in osteoporosis". Paper presented in the The 5th
International Conference on Bone and Mineral Research & the 7th International Osteoporosis
Symposium, 24 pgs. Urimqi, China, 2007.05.18.
<P075600> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Soft Tissue Infection. 13(76-81) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P075671> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Multinodular Goiter". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.11-28-31. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P075811> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Hepatic Trauma. 1(55-60) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P075814> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Biloma. 1(37-40) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P075816> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Benign
Hypertrophy". Diangostic
Ultrasound pp.11-86-87. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P075823> LEE Y P; WONG K T; KING Ann Dorothy and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Ultrasound of neck nodes
of cancer". Paper presented in the Cancer Imaging 2007, organized by Internation Cancer Imaging
Society and Hong Kong College of Radiologists, p.39. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.02.11.
<P075881> HO Sze Ming Simon. "Radiofrequency Ablation of the Long Saphenous Vein in the Treatment of
Varicose Veins and Vascular Intervention in Venous Diseases". Paper presented in the 56th Annual
Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China, organized by Radiological Society of the
Republic of China, p.69. Taipei, Taiwan, 2007.03.25.
<P075928> HO Sin Yee Stella. "Allograft Rejection". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound 6-14-17. United States of
America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P075992> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey. "Pancreatic Sonography". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.3-2-5. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P076039> HO Sin Yee Stella. "Complex Renal Cyst". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.5-48-53. United States
of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P076042> WONG
Jeffrey. "Acute
Cholecystitis". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.2-26-27. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P076053> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Ganglion Cyst. 13(114-117) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P076150> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. ed. Normal Variants and Pseudolesions "Renal Ectopia" Diagnostic Imaging:
Ultrasound Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Antonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge, Paunipagar, Kennedy, Zwiebel, Sohaey, Ho,
Woodward pp.5-10. Elsevier, 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P076164> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey. "Choledocholithiasis". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.2-46-49. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P076247> GRIFFITH James Francis. "MRI Evaluation of Osteoporosis". Advanced Bioimaging Technologies in
Applications pp.475-484. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P076312> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Pyogenic Hepatic Abscess. 1(41-42) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P076332> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Squamous
Nodes". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-42-45. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P076345> TSE Man Kit Gary; CHAIWUN Benjaporn; WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey; YEUNG Kw David; PANG
Lai Man; TANG P. Y. Alice and CHEUNG S. Humairah. "Magnetic Resoance Imaging of Breast
Correlation". Breast
Treatment vol.103 no.1, pp.1-10. 2007.05.
<P076365> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey. "Pancreatic Pseudocysts". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.3-10-13. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P076379> WONG
Jeffrey. "Hyperplastic
Cholecystosis". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.2-32-35. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P076384> PAUNIPAGAR Bhawan Krishna. ed. Epididymal Masses. 10(34-37) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P076414> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Elbow Epicondylitis. 13(32-37) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P076440> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Avascular necrosis - MRI evaluation". Paper presented in the 第五屇國家
級繼續教育學習班骨壞死與髖關節保留重建講議, 22-23 pgs. China, 2007.06.08.
<P076447> WANG Yixiang; GRIFFITH James Francis; ZHANG Ge; SHENG Hui and QIN Ling. "High
Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging Demonstrates Truncation Artifact in Rat Articular Cartilage and
Growth Plate: an Unrecognized Finding. ". Paper presented in the 5th International Conference on Bone
and Mineral Research & 7th International Osteoporosis Symposium, organized by Osteoporosis
committee of China Gerontological Society, p.61-63. China, 2007.
<P076504> WONG
Jeffrey. "Gallbladder
Polyp". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.3-16-19. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P076530> LEUNG Vivian Y. F.; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; YEUNG Chung Kwong and METREWELI
Constantine. "Doppler Waveforms of the ureteric jet: an overview and implications for the presence of a
junction". Pediatric
Radiology vol.37 pp.417-423. Springer-Verlag 2007, 2007.05.
<P076649> LEE Y P; WONG K T; KING Ann Dorothy and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Ultrasound of Thyroid and
Parathyroid". Paper presented in the 1st Head Neck Imaging Course, organized by Aegis of Academy of
Imaging Sciences, 13 pgs. Pune, India, 2007.05.06.
<P076687> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Thyroglossal
Cyst". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-106-109. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P076756> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey. "Gallbladder Carcinoma". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.2-36-39. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P076842> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Recent Advances in CT Imaging of Chest for Children". Paper presented in
the An Update on Paediatric Respiratory Diseases 14-15 April 2007, organized by The Chinese University
of Hong Kong, 10 pgs. Hong Kong, 2007.04.
<P076870> GRIFFITH James Francis and ANTONIO Gregory. "Musculoskeletal Tumours - Imaging
Aspects". Paper presented in the Cancer Imaging 2007, 0 pgs. 2007.02.10.
<P076951> WONG
Jeffrey. "AIDS-
Cholangiopathy". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.2-64-65. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P076974> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Carpal Tunnel Sydrome. 13(72-75) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P076976> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Graves Disease". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.11-32-35. United States
of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P077019> ANTONIO Gregory; GRIFFITH James Francis; CHAN Kai Ming and AHUJA Anil
Tejbhan. "Difference and similarities between young and older first-time dislocators: An MR
arthrography-based study". Paper presented in the 107 Annual Meeting of American Roentgen Ray
Society, pp.A163. Orlando, United States of America, 2007.05.06.
<P077144> PAUNIPAGAR Bhawan Krishna. ed. Testicular & Epididymal Cysts. 10(12-15) pgs. Hong
Kong, China, 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P077237> HO Sin Yee Stella. "Cystic Disease of Dialysis". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.5-54-57. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P077330> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Vagus Schwannoma, Infrahyoid Carotid Space". Diagnostic Imaging:
Ultrasound pp.11-114-117. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P077339> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Hepatic Metastases. 1(79-82) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P077403> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Rotator Cuff Tear. 13(10-15) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P077513> WONG
Jeffrey. "Ductal
Carcinoma". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.3-24-27. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P077541> WONG
Jeffrey. "Echogenic
Parasites". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.2-12-15. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P077543> HO Sze Ming Simon. ed. Introduction and Overview: Vascular Imaging & Doppler. Section 14. 14
(2-5) pgs. Hong Kong, China: Amirsys, 2007.
<P077597> PAUNIPAGAR Bhawan Krishna. ed. Testicular Carcinoma. 10(18-21) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P077653> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Bladder "Bladder Carcinoma"". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound ed. by
Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Antonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge, Paunipagar, Kennedy, Zwiebel, Sohaey, Ho,
Woodward. pp.5-128. Elsevier, 2007.
<P077674> GRIFFITH
ed. Non-Rotator
Tears. 13(22-27)
pgs. Hong
Kong, China, 2007.
<P077744> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey. "Biliary Sonography". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.2-2-5. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P077770> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Bone Infection. 13(82-87) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P077790> CHAN Sze Man Monica; WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey and YUEN H Y. "Paediatric". Case Studies in
Medical Imaging - Radiology for Students and Trainees pp.425-456. United Kingdom: Cambridge
University Press, 2007.03.
<P077791> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Parameniscal Cyst. 13(118-121) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P077892> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; MAN Chi Wai; LAM Wai Man Wynnie; YEUNG Hiu Yan; CHAU Wai
Wang; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LAM Tsz Ping; LEE Kwong Man Simon and CHENG Chun Yiu
Jack. "A Detailed Morphologic and Functional Magnetic Rsonance Imaging Study of the Craniocervical
Junction in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". Spine vol.32 no.15, pp.1667-1674. Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, 2007.
<P078017> WONG
Jeffrey. "Solid
Neoplasm". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.3-32-33. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P078059> LEE Y P; WONG K T; KING Ann Dorothy and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Ultrasound of Neck
masses". Paper presented in the 1st Head Neck Imaging Course, organized by Aeigis of Academy of
Imaging Sciences, 13 pgs. Pune, India, 2007.05.
<P078151> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Current Imaging - can MRI replace arthrogram or arthroscopy for wrist
pain?". Paper presented in the 2007 Arthroscopic Wrist Surgery Seminar and Workshop, NIL
pgs. 2007.02.03.
ed. Testicular
Torsion/Infarction. 10(28-31)
pgs. Hong
Kong, China, 2007.
<P078181> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. ed. Normal Variants and Pseudolesions "Ureteropelvic Junction
Obstruction" Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Antonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge,
Paunipagar, Kennedy, Zwiebel, Sohaey, Ho, Woodward pp.5-26. Elsevier, 2007.
<P078254> HO Sin Yee Stella. "Renal Lymphoma". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.5-104-107. United States
of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P078280> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Cysts and Cystic Disorders "Renal Trauma"". Diagnostic Imaging:
Ultrasound ed. by Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Antonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge, Paunipagar, Kennedy, Zwiebel,
Sohaey, Ho, Woodward. pp.5-62. Elsevier, 2007.
<P078297> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Ranula". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.11-88-91. United States of
America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P078433> HO Sin Yee Stella. "Renal abscess". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.5-78-79. United States of
America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P078458> PAUNIPAGAR Bhawan Krishna. ed. Varicocele. 10(44-47) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P078563> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Hepatic Sonography. pp.1(2-5). Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P078584> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. ed. Normal Variants and Pseudolesions "Renal Junction Line" Diagnostic
Imaging: Ultrasound Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Antonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge, Paunipagar, Kennedy, Zwiebel,
Sohaey, Ho, Woodward pp.5-8. Elsevier, 2007.
<P078586> HO Sin Yee Stella. "Perinephric Fluid Collections". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.66-69. United
States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P078605> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Musculoskeletal Sonography. 13(2-5) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P078658> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Lymphoma, Hepatic. pp.1(28-31). Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P078788> WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey. "Acute Pancreatitis". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.3-6-9. United States
of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P078826> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Bursitis. 13(110-113) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P078846> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; GRIFFITH James Francis; WONG K T; ANTONIO Gregory; CHU Chiu
Wing Winnie; HO S. S. Y.; LOLGE Shlok Jagdish; PAUNIPAGAR Bhawan Krishna; KENNEDY
Anne; SOHAEY Roya; HO Sze Ming Simon; WOODWARD J Paula and ZWIEBEL J William.
ed. Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound. 1092 pgs. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
ed. Testicular
Microlithiasis. pp.10(24-25)
pgs. Hong
Kong, China, 2007.
<P078948> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Gout and Pseudogout. 13(100-103) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P079005> HO
Stella. "Xanthogranulomatous
Pyelonephritis". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.5-80-81. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P079058> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Pyogenic Peri-Hepatic Abscess. pp.1(43-48). Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P079147> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Non-rotator cuff tendinosis. 13(16-21) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P079165> HO Sin Yee Stella. "Renal Metastases". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.5-92-93. United States of
America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P079198> GRIFFITH
ed. Plantar
Fibromatosis. 13(126-129)
pgs. Hong
Kong, China, 2007.
<P079210> HO
Stella. "Sonographic
Allografts". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.6-2-5. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P079212> ANTONIO Gregory. ed. Hepatic Cyst. pp.1(32-35). Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P079213> HO Sze Ming Simon. ed. Cerebrovascular: Carotid Stenosis/Occlusion. Section 14. 14 (6-11)
pgs. Hong Kong, China: Amirsys, 2007.
<P079291> AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Warthin Tumor". Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound pp.11-76-79. United States
of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P079416> AHUJA
Tejbhan. "Head
Sonography". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.11-2-5. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P079420> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Never Injury. 13(62-65) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P079451> HO Sze Ming Simon. "Current Concepts in Peripheral Vascular Disease". Paper presented in the 56th
Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China, organized by Radiological Society
of the Republic of China, p.68. Taipei, Taiwan, 2007.03.25.
<P079616> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. ed. Normal Variants and Pseudolesions "Horseshoe Kidney" Diagnostic
Imaging: Ultrasound Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Antonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge, Paunipagar, Kennedy, Zwiebel,
Sohaey, Ho, Woodward pp.5-14. Elsevier, 2007.
<P079629> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Bladder "Diffuse Bladder Wall Thickening"". Diagnostic Imaging:
Ultrasound ed. by Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Antonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge, Paunipagar, Kennedy, Zwiebel,
Sohaey, Ho, Woodward. pp.5-124. Elsevier, 2007.
<P079693> LEUNG Vivian Y. F.; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; YEUNG Chung Kwong and METREWELI
Constantine. "Gender Difference in Achieving Rate of Maturity of the Vesicoureteric Junction". Pediatr
Radiol vol.37 pp.189-193. Springer - Verlag, 2007.02.
<P079724> HO Sze Ming Simon. ed. Abdominal Vessels: IVC Obstruction. Section 14. 14 (30-35) pgs. Hong
Kong, China: Amirsys, 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology & Organ Imaging
<P079733> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. "Urinary Tract Infection "Emphysematous Pyelonephritis"". Diagnostic
Imaging: Ultrasound ed. by Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Antonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge, Paunipagar, Kennedy,
Zwiebel, Sohaey, Ho, Woodward. pp.5-74. Elsevier, 2007.
<P079763> GRIFFITH James Francis. ed. Tenosynovitis. 13(28-31) pgs. Hong Kong, China, 2007.
<P079803> GRIFFITH James Francis. "Crystal Diseases". Paper presented in the Combined Spring Meeting of
Musculoskeletal Imaging, pp.1-8. Ireland, United Kingdom, 2007.04.20.
<P079805> WONG
Jeffrey. "Mucinous
Tumor". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.3-18-19. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P079844> CHU Chiu Wing Winnie. ed. Introduction and Overview "Urinary Tract Sonography". Diagnostic
Imaging: Ultrasound Ahuja, Griffith, Wong, Antonio, Chu, Ho, Lolge, Paunipagar, Kennedy, Zwiebel,
Sohaey, Ho, Woodward pp.5-2. Elsevier, 2007.
<P079953> LEE Y P; WONG K T; KING Ann Dorothy and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Ultrasound applications in
the head & neck". Paper presented in the Indian Radiological & Imaging Assoication 60h Annual
Conference, organized by Indian Radiological & Imaging Association, 1 pgs. Mumbai, India, 2007.01.04.
<P079998> WONG
Jeffrey. "Thickened
Wall". Diagnostic
Ultrasound pp.2-20-21. United States of America: Elsevier Saunders, 2007.03.
<P982974> Chan, P.N. and GRIFFITH James Francis. "The Knee Joint". Journal of the Hong Kong College of
Radiologists vol.1 no.1 pp.74-79. Hong Kong, 1998.
<P998921> KEW Jacqueline; TONG M.H.; KING Ann Dorothy; LEUNG Sing Fai; METREWELI Constantine
and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Audiological assessment of
Middle Ear Effusion in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Before Radiation Therapy". The
American Journal of Otology vol.20 pp.74-76. 1999.
See Also <P009405 >, <P011065 >, <P016536 >, <P035700 >, <P048344 >, <P060039 >, <P060089 >, <P060409 >,
<P060773 >, <P061008 >, <P061962 >, <P062022 >, <P062077 >, <P062197 >, <P062437 >, <P062668 >, <P063054
>, <P063115 >, <P064013 >, <P064424 >, <P064772 >, <P064838 >, <P065112 >, <P065145 >, <P065576 >,
<P065920 >, <P066014 >, <P066464 >, <P066502 >, <P066540 >, <P067842 >, <P067931 >, <P068107 >, <P068529
>, <P068779 >, <P068801 >, <P069690 >, <P069743 >, <P069898 >, <P069919 >, <P070372 >, <P070829 >,
<P070989 >, <P071183 >, <P071560 >, <P071577 >, <P072145 >, <P072293 >, <P072505 >, <P072790 >, <P072976
>, <P073007 >, <P074330 >, <P074500 >, <P074547 >, <P074561 >, <P074885 >, <P075032 >, <P075152 >,
<P075167 >, <P075259 >, <P075566 >, <P075573 >, <P075794 >, <P075935 >, <P076281 >, <P076483 >, <P076727
>, <P076732 >, <P076896 >, <P076933 >, <P077156 >, <P077163 >, <P077465 >, <P077632 >, <P077660 >,
<P077844 >, <P077896 >, <P078477 >, <P078478 >, <P078510 >, <P078905 >, <P079313 >, <P079571 >,
<P079701 >
Faculty of Medicine
Epithelial Cell Biology Research Centre
<P063478> LI Ming; SANDERSON John Elsby; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu; LEE Ka Ho Kenneth; CHENG Chun
Yiu Jack and CHEUNG Ngai Man Edmund. "Compositions Comprising Organic Extracts of Geum
Japonicum Thunb Var. and the Use Thereof". Singaporean Patent no. 103791. 2006.10.31.
<P064867> LI Ming; YU Cheuk Man; CHENG Lei; WANG Mei; LEE Ka Ho Kenneth; WANG Tian; SUNG
Yn Tz Rita and SANDERSON E John. "Repair of infarcted myocardium by ab extract of Geum
myogenesis". Clinical
Chemistry vol.53 no.8, pp.1460-1468. Stanford, United States of America: highwire press, 2006.07.
<P072038> LI Ming; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu; LEUNG Ping Chung; DONG Hui and CHAN Kai Ming. "An
Organic Extract of Geum Japonicum thumb Variant and Use Thereof". Singaporean Patent no.
112670. 2007.06.29.
<P073404> LI Ming; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu; LEUNG Ping Chung; DONG Hui and CHAN Kai Ming. "An
Organic Extract of Geum Japonicum thumb Variant and Use Thereof". Australian Patent no.
2002350380. 2007.03.16.
See Also <P070377 >
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
<P034107> LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Factors Contributing to Tone
Perception Performance: Implications for Designing Paediatric Assessment Instruments". Paper
presented in the 4rd Congress of Asia Pacific Symposium on Cochlear Implant and Related Sciences., 1
pgs. 2003.
<P035700> VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew; AHUJA Anil Tejbhan; KING Ann Dorothy and EVANS R. M.
ed. Magnetic
Approach. 25-36. London: Greenwich Medical Media Ltd., 2003.
<P060027> LO Suk Yee Phoebe; TONG M. C. F.; WONG M. C. Eric and VAN HASSELT Charles
Andrew. "Parental Suspicion of Hearing Loss in Children with Otitis Media with Effusion". The
Pediatrics vol.165 pp.851-857. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag
GmbH, 2006.12.
<P060388> 唐志輝. <香港中文大学人工耳蜗植入工作和人类传意科学研究所>. 《中醫學文摘耳鼻咽喉科
學》 第 21 卷 第 4 期, 頁 216-217. ChinaBeijing: 中醫學文摘耳鼻咽喉科學編輯委員會, 2006.07.
<P060863> SOO Gordon Ming Soon and TONG Chi Fai Michael. "A Simple Method for Re-Dilatation of an
Acute Tracheostoma Stenosis". The Journal of Laryngology & Otology vol.120 pp.1059-1060. United
Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2006.12.
<P064452> LEE Yuet Sheung, Kathy; TONG Chi Fai Michael and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Long
Term Speech Perception of Outcome of Children with Cochlear Implants". Paper presented in the 2006
CUHK ENT Conference on Implant & Rehabilitative Otology, organized by Department of Surgery and
The Institute of Human Communicative Research, CUHK, 47-48 pgs. Hong Kong, 2006.11.
<P065426> VLANTIS Alexander Chris and NG Siu Kwan. "Common Head and Neck Cancers - Clinician's Role
in the Primary Care Setting". The Hong Kong Practitioner vol.28 pp.464-474. Hong Kong, 2006.11.
<P066082> VLANTIS Alexander Chris; TSANG King Yin Raymond; YU Kwok Hung; KAM Koon Ming
Michael; TONG Chi Fai Michael; LO Suk Yee Phoebe and VAN HASSELT Charles
Andrew. "Does the Approach to the Nasopharynx Affect Survival in Patients Undergoing Salvage
Surgery for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma?". Paper presented in the 12th British Academic Conference in
Otolaryngology and ENT Expo, Birmingham, U.K., 5th - 7th July 2006, organized by British Association
of Otorhinolaryngologists Head & Neck Surgeons, 12 pgs. U.K., 2006.07.
<P066519> LIU Wei Wei 及 唐志輝. <香港中文大学耳鼻咽喉头颈外科>. 《中國醫學文摘耳鼻咽喉科學》 第
21 卷 第 4 期, 頁 208-209. ChinaBeijing: 中國醫學文摘耳鼻咽喉科學編輯委員會, 2006.07.
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
<P066833> HUNG Che Wai Terry; CHANG Wai Tsz; TONG Chi Fai Michael and VAN HASSELT Charles
Andrew. "Patient Satisfaction After Closed Reduction of Nasal Fractures". Paper presented in the 12th
Btitish Academic Conference in Otolaryngology and ENT Expo, Birmingham, U.K., 5th - 7th July
2006, organized by British Association of Otorhinolaryngologysits Head & Neck Surgeons, 51
pgs. U.K., 2006.07.
<P066901> LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung. "The Construction and Validation Process of Developing Speech
Perception Tests for Pediatric Cochlear Implantees". Paper presented in the 2006 CUHK ENT
Conference on Implant & Rehabilitative Otology, 10th - 11th November 2006, Hong Kong, organized by
Department of Surgery and The Institute of Human Communicative Research, CUHK, 59 pgs. 2006.11.
<P067350> HUNG Che Wai Terry; VLANTIS Alexander Chris; TONG Chi Fai Michael and VAN HASSELT
Andrew. "Student
Otorhinolaryngology". Medical
Education vol.40 pp.1136-1137. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2006.10.
<P068107> WONG K T; TSANG King Yin Raymond; TSE Man Kit Gary; YUEN H Y and AHUJA Anil
Tejbhan. "Biopsy of deep-seated head and neck lesions under intraoral ultrasound guidance". American
Journal of Neuroradiology vol.27 no.8, pp.1654-7. United States of America, 2006.09.
<P068873> HUNG Che Wai Terry; LEUNG Natalie; LIU Kwok Chung; TONG Chi Fai Michael and VAN
HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Long-Term Outcome of the Hong Kong Vascularised Temporalis Flap for
Mastoid Cavity Reconstruction". Paper presented in the 12th British Academic Conference in
Otolaryngology and ENT Expo, Birmingham, U.K., 5th - 7th July 2006, organized by British Assocation
of Otorhinolaryngologists Head and Neck Surgeons, 26 pgs. U.K., 2006.07.
<P068890> SOO Gordon Ming Soon; TSANG Sung Shan Willis; WONG K T; TO Ka Fai; LEUNG Sing Fai;
WOO Kong Sang John; VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew and TONG Chi Fai Michael. "
ΒΑΗΑ® for Irradiated Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients". Paper presented in the 2006 CUHK ENT
Conference on Implant & Rehabilitative Otology, 10th - 11th November 2006, Hong Kong, organized by
Department of Surgery and The Institute of Human Communicative Research, CUHK, 46 pgs. Hong
Kong, 2006.11.
<P069558> LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung. "Speech and Language Outcomes in Children with Various Degrees of
Hearing Impairment". Paper presented in the 2006 CUHK ENT Conference on Implant & Rehabilitative
Otology, 10th - 11th November 2006, Hong Kong, organized by Department of Surgery and The Institute
of Human Communicative Research, 22 pgs. 2006.11.
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
<P069621> LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung. "Managing childhood speech disorder: the evaluation on conducting speech
screening and educational talk". Newsletter, the Institute of Human Communicative Research 2006.08.
<P069850> VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma - The Advances in Diagnosis and
Treatment". Otorynolaryngologia vol.5(Supplement
1) pp.2-4. Poland, Lodz: Mediton
Wydawnicza, 2006.11.
<P070025> NG Siu Kwan and VLANTIS Alexander Chris. "Management Approach of Salivary Gland
Swellings". The Hong Kong Practitioner vol.29 no.1, pp.10-15. Hong Kong: The Hogn Kong College of
Family Physicians, 2007.02.
<P070390> CHAN Hing Sang; CHIU P. W. Y.; VLANTIS Alexander Chris; TSANG King Yin Raymond; VAN
HASSELT Charles Andrew; NG Siu Kwan and TONG Chi Fai Michael. "Endoscopic Screening:
NBI, AFI and SMR of Early Laryngeal and Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma". Paper presented in the 10th
Chinese Congress on Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Nanjing, China, 11th - 14th October
2007, organized by Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Sub-Committee, The Chinese Medical
Association, pp.359-360. Nanjing, China, 2007.
<P070467> HUNG Che Wai Terry. "The Essence of Osteotomy Technique in Rhinoplasty". Paper presented in the
2nd International Conference of Facial Plastic Surgery, Hangzhou, China, 20th - 22nd April
2007, organized by International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies, Chinese Medical
Association Zhejiang Branch, 71 pgs. Hangzhou, China, 2007.04.
<P070802> VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Cochlear Implantation and Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Southern
China". Paper presented in the 2007 Dr. Stanley Ho Medical Development Foundation Symposium,
Macau, 12th - 13th January 2007, organized by Dr. Stanely Ho Medical Development Foundation and The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, 11 pgs. Macau, 2007.01.
<P072789> LEE Yuet Sheung, Kathy; TONG Chi Fai Michael and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "The
Tone Production Performance of Children Receiving Cochlear Implants at Different Ages". Ear &
Hearing vol.28 no.2(Supplement) pp.34S-37S. USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007.04.
<P072830> Kevin Yuen; Meng Yuan; Tan Lee; Sigfrid Soli; Michael C.F. Tong and Charles A. van
Hasselt. "Frequency-specific temporal envelope and periodicity components for lexical tone
identification in Cantonese". Ear & Hearing vol.28 no.2 (Supplement), pp.107S - 113S. USA, 2007.02.
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
<P073291> CHAN Vanessa Sze Wen; TONG Chi Fai Michael; YUE Virgil; WONG Ka Cheong Terence;
LEUNG Kwok Shun; YUEN Chi Pun and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Performance of Older
Kong". Ear
Hearing vol.28 no.2(Supplement) pp.52S-55S. USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007.04.
<P073534> KU K. M. Peter; TONG Chi Fai Michael and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Application of
Holmium Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (YAG) Laser in Treatment of Acquired Posterior Choanal Atresia
Carcinoma". Journal
Otology vol.121 pp.138-142. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2007.02.
<P073635> HUNG Che Wai Terry; CHANG Wai Tsz; VLANTIS Alexander Chris; TONG Chi Fai Michael and
VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Patient Satisfaction After Closed Reduction of Nasal
Fractures". Archives
Surgery vol.9 pp.40-43. USA: American
Association, 2007.01.
<P073756> VLANTIS Alexander Chris; TSANG King Yin Raymond; YU Kwok Hung; KAM Koon Ming
Michael; TONG Chi Fai Michael and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Do Clear Surgical Margins
Significantly Influence Survival in Patients Undergoing Salvage Surgery for Nasopharyngeal
Carcinoma?". Paper presented in the 2007 Annual Meeting Program of American Head & Neck Sodiety,
Los Angeles, U.S.A., 28th - 29th April 2007, organized by The American Head & Neck Society, 51
pgs. U.S.A., 2007.04.
<P074195> HUNG Che Wai Terry. "Static Facial & Eyelid Reanimation in Permanent Facial Palsy After Ear &
Skull Base Surgery". Paper presented in the 5th International Conference on Vestibular Schwannoma and
Other CPA Lesions, Barcelona, Spain, 5th - 9th June 2007, 86 pgs. Barcelona, Spain, 2007.06.
<P075478> LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung; TONG Chi Fai Michael and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Tone
Production Performance in Children Receiving Cochlear Implants at Different Ages.". Ear and
Hearing vol.28 no.2, pp.34S - 37S. 2007.
<P076026> TONG Chi Fai Michael; CHAN Vanessa Sze Wen and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Editorial:
Before the First Asia-Pacific Symposium on Cochlear Implant and Related Sciences (APSCI) Ten Years
Ago". Ear & Hearing vol.28 no.2(Supplement), pp.1S-2S. U.S.A., 2007.04.
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
<P077121> TONG Chi Fai Michael; LEUNG Kwok Shun; AU Albert; LEE William; YUE Virgil; LEE Kathy
Yuet Sheung; CHAN S W Vanessa; WONG Ka Cheong Terence; CHEUNG Mei Chi Dilys and
VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "Age and Outcome of cochlear Implantation for Patients with
Bilateral Congenital Deafness in a Cantonese-Speaking Polulation". Ear & Hearing vol.28 no.2(April
Supplement), pp.56S-58S. USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007.06.
<P078614> VLANTIS Alexander Chris; CHAN Hing Sang; YU Kwok Hung; KAM Koon Ming Michael;
TONG Chi Fai Michael and VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew. "A Survival Analysis of Malignant
Major Salivary Gland Tumours in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 12th ASEAN ORL Head and
Neck Congress, Hochiminh City, Vietnam, 22nd - 24th August 2007, organized by ASEAN
Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Federation and Vietnamese Society of Otorhinolaryngology, 68
pgs. Hochiminh City, Vietnam, 2007.
<P078904> TONG Chi Fai Michael. "Cochlear Implant in Chinese Speakers". Paper presented in the Guangdong
International Congress of Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery 2007, Guangzhou, China, 14th - 17th
June 2007, organized by The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, 59-61
pgs. Guangzhou, China, 2007.06.
<P079207> LAM Hilary; LI Ming; BUT Pui Hay Paul; SHAW Pang Chui; TECHEN Natascha and KHAN
Ikhlas A.. "Molecular Authentication of the Chinese Herb Mutong". Paper presented in the 6th Oxford
International Conference on the Science of Botanicals, 1 pgs. Mississippi, India, 2007.04.30.
See Also <P060078 >, <P060106 >, <P063543 >, <P064388 >, <P065018 >, <P065042 >, <P069811 >, <P070162 >,
<P070516 >, <P070532 >, <P070957 >, <P071361 >, <P071711 >, <P075215 >, <P075341 >, <P075842 >, <P075844
>, <P076877 >, <P077718 >, <P078336 >, <P078525 >, <P079308 >, <P998921 >
Faculty of Medicine
CUHK Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control
<P060036> Heather T. Ma and ZHANG Yuanting. "Spectral analysis of pulse transit time variability and its
coherence with other cardiovascular variabilities". Paper presented in the IEEE International Conference
of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2006 (IEEE-EMBC2006), organized by IEEE
EMBS, 4 pgs. New York, United States of America, 2006.09.
<P061630> MA Ting and ZHANG Yuanting. "Bio-model-based analysis of the heart rate variabilities derived from
the electrocardiogram and photoplethysmogram". Paper presented in the World Congress on Medical
Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006 (WC2006), 1 pgs. Seoul, Korea, South, 2006.09.
<P067539> WONG Yeung Shan Samuel; CHAN Cheong Chun; HONG Wai Lin; LEUNG Ping Chung and
WOO Jean. "Depression and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: Two Important Correlates of Erectile
Dysfunction in Middle-Aged Men in Hong Kong, China". International Journal of Urology original
article. vol.13 no.10, pp.1304-1310. Japan: Japanese Urological Association, 2006.10.
<P067993> WONG Yeung Shan Samuel; CHAN Cheong Chun; HONG Wai Lin and WOO Jean. "Prevalence
of and Risk Factors for Androgen Deficiency in Middle-Aged Men in Hong Kong". Metabolism Clinical
and Experimental vol.55 no.11, pp.1488-1494. Elsevier Inc., 2006.11.
See Also <P062237 >, <P067725 >, <P072532 >, <P072691 >, <P078867 >, <P079246 >
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P003502> LEE Lai Shun Nelson and CHEUNG R T F. ed. "An Non-alcoholic Case of Wernicke's
Encephalopathy.". The HK Practitioner vol.22 p.457-461. 2000.
<P006106> LEE Lai Shun Nelson; LEUNG Y H; YEUNG C K and YUEN K Y. "Clostridium Difficile-associated
Transplantation". 7th
Congress. pp.Poster. 2000.
<P009405> CHAN W. B.; CHOW Chun Chung; KING Ann Dorothy; YEUNG V. T.; LI J.K.; SO Wing Yee
and COCKRAM Clive Stewart. "Spontaneous Necrosis of Parathyroid Adenoma: Biochemical and
Imaging Follow-up for Two Years". Postgraduate Medical Journal vol.76 pp.96-106. 2000.
<P011065> WONG Shiu Man Jude; LI Kwok Ming Edmund and GRIFFITH James Francis. "Ultrasound
Guided Injection of Plantar Fasciitis". Annals of the Rheumatic Disease vol.60 pp.639. 2001.
<P015318> LEE Lai Shun Nelson; TSE W S; LAI J Y and LAI S T. "The Impact of Anti-microbial Resistance on
The Choice of Therapy for Gram-negative Bacteraemia.". Paper presented in the ISAAR, poster D-29
pgs. 2001.
<P025003> HUI Yui; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; CHUI Ka Keung Albert; RAO Araga Ramesha Nitin; LIEW
Choong Tsek; LAU Wy; CHAN Ka Leung Francis and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Incidental
hepatocellular carcinoma in liver explants from chronic hepatitis B patients undergoing liver
transplantation: The prevalence and histologic characteristics. ". Paper presented in the Annual meeting of
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseasaes, p.A658. 2002.
<P028561> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry and LEUNG Wai Yee Nancy. ed. "Hepatitis". Principles and Practice of
Clinical Medicine in Asia Treating the Asian Patient pp.289-300 pgs. Hong Kong SAR: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins Asia Ltd, 2002.
<P038180> CHENG Alfred S L; CHAN Ka Kui; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; TO Ka Fai; LIEW Choong Tsek and
SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Cyclooxygenase-2 regulates vascular endothelial growth factor expression in
human hepatocellular carcinoma cells". Paper presented in the Proceedings of the American Association
for Cancer Research, p.A99. 2003.
<P038487> LEE Lai Shun Nelson and WU Ka Lun Alan. "A Case Series of Rickettsial Infections in Hong
Kong.". Paper presented in the Annual Scientific Meeting, organized by Hong Kong Society of Infectious
Diseases, poster pgs. 2003.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P040832> KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; SZETO Cheuk Chun; WONG Wai Sun Vincent; CHAN Lik Yuen
Henry; CHOW Kai-Ming; LEUNG Chi Bon and LI Kam Tao Philip. "The risk of contracting
hepatitis B during renal transplantation in developing countries.". Paper presented in the J Am Soc
Nephrol, p.876A. 2004.
<P042731> LI Sze Chun; ONG Sc; LIM Sg; YEOH Kg; KWONG Ks; LEE Wai Man Vivienne; LEE W; LAU
Tak Fai Joseph; WONG I; KUNG N; LEUNG Wt; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; CHAN Ka Leung
Francis; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and LEE Kwing Chin Kenneth. "A cost comparison of management
of chronic hepatitis B and its associated complications in Hong Kong and Singapore". Journal of Clinical
Gastroenterology vol.38 pp.S136-43. 2004.
Ee; CHAN Yat Sun Joseph; CHAN Kit Wan Skiva and BAX Jj. "Lack of Early LV Reverse Predicts
Long-Term Heart Failure Events and Mortality after Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy". American
Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2005 1 pgs. 2005.
<P053446> KWAN Shuk Ying; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; LAM Chiu Wa; WOO Jean and CHIU Fung Kum
Helen. "A Pilot Study of Associated Factors of Weight Cahnges in COmmuntiy-dwelling patients with
Alzheimer's disease". Nutrition Research vol.25 pp.111-118. 2005.
<P054315> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Pegylated interferon alfa-2b and lamivudine in
HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B - Reply.". Annals of Internal Medicine vol.143 pp.391-2. 2005.
<P055068> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Update of peginterferon for hepatitis B.". Paper presented in the Chinese
Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12 supp:36. 2005.
<P056617> YU Cheuk Man; FUNG W. H.; ZHANG QING; CHAN Yat Sun Joseph; CHAN Ck; KONG Sl and
SANDERSON Je. "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy for Heart Failure Patients With Normal QRS
Duration and Coexisting Mechanical Asynchrony". American College of Cardiology 54th Annual
Scientific Session 1 pgs. 2005.
<P058867> CHAN Kin Yin; ZHANG QING; YIP Wai Kwok Gabriel; LAM W; YU Cheuk Man and
SANDERSON Je. "Absence of infarct regression one year after acute myocardial infarction: serial
measurements by contrast hyperenhancement magnetic resonance imaging". American College of
Cardiology 54th Annual Scientific Session 1 pgs. 2005.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P059324> YU Cheuk Man; YANG Mo; SPERZEL J; FUNG W. H.; CHAN Yat Sun Joseph; FROHLIG G;
GELDER Rn and FALKENBERG E. "Clinical Feasibility Study of Far-Field Signal Reduction (FSR)
Pacing Leads in the Right Atrium". Europace 2005 1 pgs. 2005.
<P060023> MA Ching Wan Ronald; LO See Kit Raymond; TAI Hok Leung Morris; CHAN Chung Ngor
Juliana; CHOW Chun Chung Francis and WOO Jean. "Recurrent Hypoglycaemia in a patient with
metastatic pancreatic carcinoma". Plos Medicine vol.3 no.8, pp.1255-1255. 2006.08.
<P060409> ZHANG YAN; CHAN Kin Yin; LAM Wai Man Wynnie; SO Man Ching; YIP Gabriel; WANG M;
HO P; YU Cheuk Man and SANDERSON John Elsby. "Strain Rate Imaging Diferentiates Transmural
from Nontransmural Myocardial Infarction". Circulation vol.108 no.17, pp.516. USA, 2006.10.
<P060474> NG Chor Yin; BAUM Lawrence William; SO Wing Yee; LAM Kwok Lim; WANG Ying; POON
Wai Mei Emily; TOMLINSON Brian; CHENG Suzanne; LINDPAINTNER K. and CHAN Chung
Ngor Juliana. "Association of Lipoprotein Lipase S447X, Apolipoprotein E Exon 4, And ApoC3
Nephropathy". Clinical
Genetics vol.70 no.1, pp.20-28. Blackwell Synergy, 2006.07.
<P060550> SZETO Cheuk Chun and TAM Lai Shan. "Maintenance treatment of proliferative lupus nephritis can
patients". Nat
Nephrol vol.2 no.12, pp.672-673. 2006.12.
<P060563> YU Oi Yan; POON Chuen Wai and ANG Ling. "A Magnetic Bead-based Approach to
High-Throughput Serum Proteomic Fingerprinting ". Paper presented in the Joint 3rd AOHUPO and
4th Structural Biology and Functional Genomics Conference, Abstract 64 pgs. Singapore, 2006.12.
<P060771> LAM Yat Yin and YU Cheuk Man. "Improvement of biventricular function after transcatheter closure
report". catheterization
intervention vol.68 no.5, pp.775-7. 2006.11.15.
<P060773> CHOW Kai Ming; GRIFFITH James Francis; CHOW Tsun Cheung Louis; LEUNG Chi Bon and
Chun. "Destructive
spondyloarthropathy". Kidney
International vol.70 no.2, pp.237. 2006.07.
<P060867> LEE Y. K. Linda; LEE Tze Fan Diana; WOO Jean and WONG M. C. Eric. "Validation of the
Chinese Version of the Satisfaction with the Nursing Home Instrument". Journal of Clinical
Nursing vol.15 no.12, pp.1574-1582. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2006.12.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P060880> LEE Y. K. Linda; LEE Tze Fan Diana and WOO Jean. "Establishing Validity and Reliability of the
Chinese Version of the Satisfaction with the Nursing Home Instrument". Asian Journal of Gerontology
and Geriatrics vol.2 no.1, pp.9-14. Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Geriatrics Society, 2007.
<P060895> WONG Wai Sun; HUI Yui; TSANG Woon Choy Steven; CHAN Lai Yee Joyce; TSE Mei Ling;
CHAN Kui Fat; SO Wing Yee; CHENG Yuen Shan Angela; NG Wing Fung; WONG Lai Hung;
SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Metabolic and Adipokine Profile of Chinese
Disease". Clinical
Hepatology vol.4 no.9, pp.1154-61. 2006.09.
<P061008> WANG Xin; LAM Wai Man Wynnie; FAN Yuhua; GRAHAM C A; RAINER Timothy Hudson and
WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Topographic Patterns of Small Subcortical Infarcts Associated with MCA
Study". Journal
Neuroimaging vol.16 no.3, p.266-271. USA: Blackwell, 2006.07.
<P061046> LEE Wing Yan Vivian; CHAN Wai Kwong and LEE Kwing Chin Kenneth. "A Cost Analysis in
Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome Using Clopidogrel in Addition to Aspirin in a Hong Kong Public
Hospital". international heart journal vol.47 pp.739-744. Tokyo, Japan: International Heart Journal
Association, 2006.09.
<P061177> SO Wing Yee; KONG Pik Shan; MA Ching Wan Ronald; OZAKI Risa; SZETO Cheuk Chun;
CHAN N Norman; NG Wan Sze Vanessa; HO Chung Shun; LAM Wai Kei Christopher; CHOW
Chun Chung Francis; COCKRAM Clive Stewart; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and TONG Peter
Chun Yip. "Glomerular Filtration Rate, Cardiorenal End Points, and All-Cause Mortality in Type 2
Diabetic Patients". Diabetes Care vol.29 no.9, pp.2046-2052. American Diabetes Association, 2006.09.
<P061415> LO See Kit Raymond and WOO Jean. "Palliative care in old age". Reviews in Clinical
Gerontology vol.16 pp.35-44. 2006.
<P061581> CHAN L. Y.; CHIM Mei Ling Angel; LAU Tak Fai Joseph; HUI Yui; WONG Wai Sun Vincent and
SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Evaluation of model for end-stage liver disease for prediction of mortality in
B". American
Gastroenterology vol.101 no.7, pp.1516-23. 2006.07.
<P061918> KWOK T.; WOO Jean and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Soy Intake Is Associated with Less Decline in
Total Hip Bone Mineral Density in Older Chinese Men". Paper presented in the Osteoporos Int, organized
by International Osteoporosis Foundation and National Osteoporosis Foundation, S161 pgs. 2006.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P061932> CHAN Wan Kin; WOO Jean; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy and GRIFFITHS Sian Meryl. "More
research on patients' needs should be done for the Hong Kong hypertensive older people". Paper
2006, organized
pgs. Bangkok, Thailand, 2006.12.05.
<P061962> WONG ADRIAN; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; LAM Wai Man Wynnie; BAUM Lawrence William
and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Progression of cognition in patients with stroke associated lacunar
infarcts". Paper presented in the International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related
Disorders, organized by Alzheimer's Association, 2 pgs. Madrid, Spain, 2006.07.18.
<P061968> LAM Lk Carol; LAM Py Daisy; HUI Shu Cheong David and AU YEUNG Yee Man. "Influenza
Vaccination Rate in Patients with Chronic Pulmonary Disease in Hong Kong". Hong Kong Pharmacy
Conference 2006 ed. by CUHK, DH, HA, PSHK, PPA, SHPHK. 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.21.
<P062077> CHEN Xiangyan; LAM Wai Man Wynnie; NG Ho Keung; ZHAO H.L. and WONG Ka Sing
Lawrence. "Diagnostic Accuracy of MRI for Middle Cerebral Artery Stenosis: A Postmortem
Study". Journal of Neuroimaging vol.16 no.3, p.1-5. USA: Blackwell Publication, 2006.07.
<P062193> YU Cheuk Man; ZHANG Qing; YIP Wai Kwok Gabriel; LEE Pui Wai; KUM Chi Chiu Leo; LAM
Yat Yin and FUNG Wing Hong. "Diastolic and Systolic Asynchrony in Patients with Diastolic Heart
Failure". Journal of the American College of Cardiology pp.97. 2006.10.
<P062207> WONG Lai Hung; IP Ki; KWAN Lw; LI Yw; MAK Msc; TAN Gm; LAI Bo San Paul and CHAN
Lik Yuen Henry. "Screening program for hepatocellular carcinoma can improve survival in patients with
chronic viral hepatitis". Paper presented in the Annual meeting of American Association for the Study of
Liver Diseasaes, p.496A. 2006.10.
<P062236> YEUNG P Y; WOO Jean; YIM Wai Ting; RAINER Timothy Hudson and WONG S. "Towards the
Improvement of Services for Elderly Fallers Attending an Accident and Emergency Department". Paper
presented in the 2nd Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine: Meeting a Decade of Challenges,
Hong Kong, China. 20th - 21st October 2006, Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 2006; 13(4):
250. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.10.
<P062272> WONG Wai Sun Vincent; HUI Yui; WONG Lai Hung; TSANG Woon Choy Steven; SUNG Joseph
Jao Yiu and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Post-challenge hyperglycemia is common among Chinese
patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and is associated with histological severity". Paper presented
in the Asian Pacific Digestive Week, p.A442. 2006.11.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P062437> WEN Hongmei; BAUM Lawrence William; CHEUNG Wing Sze; MOK Chung Tong Vincent;
LAM Wai Man Wynnie; TOMLINSON Brian; WONG Ka Sing Lawrence and NG Ho
Keung. "Apolipoprotein E epsilon4 allele is associated with the volume of white matter changes in
patients with lacunar infarcts". European Journal of Neurology vol.13 no.11, pp.1216-20. Blackwell
Publishing, 2006.11.
<P062459> CHOW Kai-Ming; SZETO Cheuk Chun; LEUNG Chi Bon; LUI Siu Fai; TONG Yuen-fun and LI
Kam Tao Philip. "Body mass index as a predictive factor for long-term renal transplant outcomes in
Asians". Clinical Transplantation vol.20 no.5, pp.582-589. 2006.09.
<P062470> LUI Chung Yan Grace; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; IP Margaret; CHOI Kin Wing; TSO Y K; LAM Tin
Keung Edman; CHAU Sze Lok; LAI Wai Man and COCKRAM Clive Stewart. "Cryptococcosis in
Apparently Immunocompetent Patients.". Paper presented in the Annual Scientific Meeting, organized by
Hong Kong Society of Infectious Diseases, Poster pgs. 2006.
<P062504> CHUI Chung Hin; WONG Raymond; CHENG Gregory; LAU Fung Yi; KOK Hon Lung Stanton;
CHENG C H; CHEUNG F; TANG W K; TEO I T N; CHAN Sun Chi Albert and TANG Cheuk On
Johnny. "Antiproliferative Ability of a Combination Regimen of Crocodile Egg Extract, Wild Radix
Leukemia.". Oncol
Rep. vol.16 no.6, pp.1313-1316. Greece: D.A. Spandidos, 2006.12.
<P062599> KUM Chi Chiu Leo; CHAN W.L.; HUI Hoi Yun; YOUNG Wai Man; HO Suk San Susan;
SANDERSON John Elsby; YU Cheuk Man and FUNG W. H.. "Prevalence of Amiodarone-Related
Hepatotoxicity in 720 Chinese Patients with or without Baseline Liver Dysfunction". Clinical
Cardiology vol. 29 pp.295-299. USA: Wiley-Inter Science, 2006.07.
<P062617> HUI Shu Cheong David. "Plenary Symposium: Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and Stroke. ". Paper
presented in the Korean Association of Sleep Societies First Annual Conference, organized by Korean
Association of Sleep Societies, 1 pgs. Seoul, Korea, South, 2006.10.21.
<P062826> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; WONG Wai Sun Vincent; CHIM Mei Ling Angel; CHAN Hoi Yun; HUI
Yui; WONG Lai Hung; CHOI Cheung Lung Paul and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "A Study of Serum
and Intrahepatic HBV DNA on Different Combination Treatment Regimes of Peginterferon Alpha-2b and
Lamivudine for Chronic Hepatitis B". Paper presented in the Annual meeting of American Association
for the Study of Liver Diseasaes, p.562A. 2006.10.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P062831> ZHAO
Hailu. "Beta-cell
(Comments)". Diabetologia vol.49 no.11, pp.2801-02. 2006.11.
<P062934> TAM Lai Shan; LI Kwok Ming Edmund and TOMLINSON Brian. "Premature Atherosclerosis in
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Considerations". Hong Kong Journal of
Nephrology vol.8 no.2, pp.48-54. Hong Kong Journal of Nephrology, 2006.10.
<P063027> LEUNG Wai Keung and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Chemoprevention of Gastric Cancer". Eur J
Gastroenterol Hepatol vol.18 no.8, pp.867-71. 2006.08.
<P063331> LEE Wing Yan Vivian; LEUNG P H; TOMLINSON Brian and LEE Kwing Chin Kenneth. Drug
Use Evaluation of Rosuvastatin in a Hong Kong Public Hospital Value in Health abstract from the ISPOR
9th Annual European Congress. vol.9 no.6, pp.A356. Blackwell Synergy, 2006.11.
<P063352> CHAN Ka Leung Francis. "Management of High-risk Patients on Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory
Drugs or Aspirin". Drugs discussion 29-33. vol.66 no.Suppl 1, pp.23-28. 2006.
<P063451> LEUNG Wai Keung; WU Che Yuen Justin; LIANG Songming; CHAN Lap Sun; CHAN Ka Leung
Francis; XIE He; FUNG Shuk Ling Sara; HUI Aric Josun; WONG Wai Sun; CHE Chun Tao and
SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Treatment of Diarrhea-Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Traditional
Chinese Herbal Medicine: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial". The American Journal of
Gastroenterology vol.101 no.7, pp.1574-1580. 2006.07.
C. and MCCARTHY M. I.. "Variation within the Gene Encoding the Upstream Stimulatory Factor 1
Does Not Influence Susceptibility to Type 2 Diabetes in Samples From Populations with Replicated
Evidence of Linkage to Chromosome 1q". Diabetes vol.55 no.9, pp.2541-2548. 2006.09.
<P063773> LEUNG Wai Keung; NG Enders K. W.; CHAN Ka Leung Francis; CHAN Wing Yan Michael;
CHAN Kui Fat; AU YEUNG Chi Man; LAM Chuen Hing; LAU Yun Wong James and SUNG
Joseph Jao Yiu. "Effects of Long-Term Rofecoxib on Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia: Results of a
Randomized Controlled Trial". Clinical Cancer Research vol.12 no.15, pp.4766-72. 2006.08.01.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P063932> CHUI Chung Hin; GAMBARI R; LAU Fung Yi; HAU Dk P; WONG Raymond; CHENG Gregory;
KOK Hon Lung Stanton; HIGA T; KE B; CHAN Sun Chi Albert; FONG Dw F and TANG Cheuk
On Johnny. "Antiangiogenic Activity of a Concentrated Effective Microorganism Fermentation
Extract.". Int J Mol Med vol.18 no.5, pp.975-979. Greece: D.A. Spandidos, 2006.11.
<P063997> LEUNG Wai Keung; HO Khek Yu; KIM Won Ho; LAU Yun Wong James; ONG Euan; HILMI
Murdan; TANDON Rakesh and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Colorectal Neoplasia in Asia: A Multicenter
Patients". American
Endoscopy vol.64 no.5, pp.751-9. Gastrointestinal endoscopy, 2006.
<P064178> HUI Shu Cheong David. "Human H5N1 infection: epidemiology, clinical spectrum and management.
Symposium: “The Next Influenza Pandemic”.". Paper presented in the 9th Annual Congress of the
Society, organized
Society, 2
pgs. Penang, Malaysia, 2006.07.16.
<P064272> CHAN Yan Keung Thomas. "Prevention of medication error and unintentional drug poisoning in the
elderly". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.12 no.5 pp.332-333. Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Academy
of Medicine Press, 2006.10.
<P064368> YANG Xilin; SO Wing Yee; KONG Pik Shan; CLARKE P; HO Chung Shun; LAM Wai Kei
Christopher; NG Heung Ling Margaret; LYU R R; YIN D D; CHOW Chun Chung Francis;
COCKRAM Clive Stewart; TONG Peter Chun Yip and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "End-stage
renal disease risk equations for Hong Kong Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes: Hong Kong Diabetes
Registry". Diabetologia vol.49 pp.2299-2308. Springer-Verlag, 2006.
<P064838> WEN Hongmei; BAUM Lawrence William; CHEUNG Wing Sze; MOK Chung Tong Vincent;
LAM Wai Man Wynnie; TOMLINSON Brian; WONG Ka Sing Lawrence and NG Ho
Keung. "Apolipoprotein E e4 allele is associated with the volume of white matter changes in patients
with lacunar infarcts". European Journal of Neurology vol.13 no.11, pp.1216-20. 2006.
<P064942> SZETO Cheuk Chun; CHOW Kai-Ming; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; LEUNG Chi Bon; CHUNG
Kwok Yi; LAW M. C. and LI Kam Tao Philip. "Relation between number of prescribed medication
and outcome in peritoneal dialysis patients". Clinical Nephrology vol.66 no.4, pp.256-262. 2006.10.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P065309> TING S Rose; SZETO Cheuk Chun; CHAN Ho Ming; MA Kk and CHOW Kai-Ming. "Risk factors
metformin". Archive
Medicine vol.166 no.18, pp.1975-1979. 2006.10.
<P065398> YU Cheuk Man; HAYES L David and AURICCHIO Angelo. ed. Cardiac Resynchronization
Therapy. 344 pgs. 2006.09.
<P065468> HUI Shu Cheong David. "Sleep-disordered breathing in pregnancy. Symposium: Maternal
Medicine.". Paper presented in the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by
2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, 2 pgs. Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.21.
<P065576> WONG ADRIAN; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; TANG Wai Kwong; LAM Wai Man Wynnie and
WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "MDRS I/P and FAB are equally useful in discriminating controls and
patients with stroke associated with small vessel disease: A hospital-based study". Paper presented in the
International Conference for Alzheimer’s Disease 2006, organized by Alzheimer's Association, 2
pgs. Madrid, Spain, 2006.07.18.
<P065790> COCKRAM Clive Stewart and LEFEBVRE Pierre. "The IDF Education Foundation: promoting
excellence in diabetes care". Diabetes Voice vol.51 no.4, pp.42-45. Diabetes Voice, 2006.12.
<P065858> COCKRAM Clive Stewart; BINH T Van and GALEA G. "Diabetes prevention and control in Viet
provinces". Practical
International vol.23 no.8, pp.361-354. John Wiley & Sons, 2006.10.
<P066007> ZHANG QING; CHAN Yat Sun Joseph; FUNG W. H.; CHAN Ck; YIP Wai Kwok Gabriel; KUM
Chi Chiu Leo; WU E B; LEE Pui Wai; LAM Yat Yin; CHAN Kit Wan Skiva; WU Lw and YU
Cheuk Man. "Can Displacement or Strain Imaging Predict a Favorable Response to Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy?". The 54th Annual Scientific Session of the Japanese College of
Cardiology 1 pgs. 2006.
<P066281> LEE Lai Shun Nelson; WONG Chun Kwok; LAM Wai Yip; WONG Ann; LIM Wilina; LAM Wai
Kei Christopher; COCKRAM Clive Stewart; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul and
Tze. "Chikungunya
Kong". Emerging
Diseases vol.12 no.11, pp.1790-1792. 2006.11.
<P066410> LEE Lai Shun Nelson and LAI J Y. "HIV/AIDS - Crossing The Borders of Specialization.". Bulletin of
the Hong Kong Society of Infectious Diseaes 2006.12.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P066464> LEE Lai Shun Nelson; RAINER Timothy Hudson; IP Margaret; ZEE B; NG M.H.; ANTONIO
Gregory; CHAN E; LUI Chung Yan Grace; COCKRAM Clive Stewart; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and
HUI Shu Cheong David. "Role of laboratory variables in differentiating SARS-coronavirus from other
causes of community-acquired pneumonia within the first 72 h of hospitalization". The European Journal
of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases vol.25 no.12 pp.765-772. Springer, 2006
<P066502> LEE Lai Shun Nelson; RAINER Timothy Hudson; IP Margaret; ZEE Chung Ying Benny; NG M
H; ANTONIO Gregory; CHAN E; LUI Chung Yan Grace; COCKRAM Clive Stewart and HUI
Shu Cheong David. "Can Routine Laboratory Variable Changes Discriminate SARS from Other Causes
(CAP)?". Paper
Meeting, organized by Hong Kong Society of Infectious Diseases, Poster pgs. 2006.
<P066571> KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; LO See Kit Raymond; WONG M. C. Eric; TANG Wai Kwong; MOK
Chung Tong Vincent and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Quality of Life of Stroke Survivors: A 1-year
Follow-up Study". Arch Phys Med Rehabil vol.87 no.9, pp.1177-82. 2006.09.
<P066906> CHAN Ka Leung Francis. "Primer: managing NSAID-induced ulcer complications-balancing
risks". Nature
Hepatology vol.3 no.10, pp.563-73. 2006.10.
<P066908> TONG Peter Chun Yip; KONG Alice P S; SO Wing Yee; NG Heung Ling Margaret; YANG Xilin;
NG Maggie C Y; MA Ching Wan Ronald; HO Chung Shun; LAM Wai Kei Christopher; CHOW
Chun Chung; COCKRAM Clive Stewart and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Hematocrit, Independent
of Chronic Kidney Disease, Predicts Adverse Cardiovascular Outcomes in Chinese Patients with Type 2
Diabetes". Diabetes Care vol.29 no.11, pp.2439-44. 2006.
<P066991> CHENG Yuen Shan Angela; KONG Pik Shan; WONG Wai Sun; SO Wing Yee; CHAN Lik Yuen
Henry; HO S. C.; LAM Wai Kwan; TAM Siu Lun John; CHOW Chun Chung Francis;
COCKRAM Clive Stewart; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and TONG Peter Chun Yip. "Chronic
patients". Diabetologia vol.49 no.8, pp.1777-84. 2006.08.
<P067030> CHAN Y K; LI Kwok Ming Edmund; WONG Lai Hung and LIU Ta Li. "Cerebellum vasculopathy
and normal tension glaucoma in systemic lupus erythematosus: report of a case and review of the
literature". Rheumatol International vol.27 pp.101-102. Springer-Verlag 2006, 2006.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P067077> YU Cheuk Man; CHAN Yat Sun Joseph; ZHANG Qing; YIP Wai Kwok Gabriel; CHAN Chi Kin
Hamish; KUM Chi Chiu Leo; WU Liwen; LEE Pui Wai; LAM Yat Yin and FUNG Wing
Hong. "Benefits of cardiac resynchronization therapy for heart failure patients with narroe QRS
complexes and coexisting systolic asynchrony by echocardiography". Journal of the American College of
Cardiology vol.48 no.11, pp.2251-7. 2006.12.05.
<P067345> YU Cheuk Man; ZHANG QING; CHAN Yat Sun Joseph; CHAN Ck; YIP Wai Kwok Gabriel;
CHAN Kit Wan Skiva; WU E B; LAM Yat Yin; LEE Pui Wai; CHAN Kin Yin and FUNG W.
H.. "Biventicular Pacing in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure with Narrow QRS Complexes:
Comparison of Changes in LV Volume During Pacing “On” and “Off’ Periods". American Heart
Association Scientific Sessions 2005 1 pgs. 2005.
<P067349> CHOW Kai-Ming; LIU Zc and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Lead nephropathy: early leads from descriptive
studies". Intern Med J vol.36 no.10, pp.678-682. 2006.10.
<P067420> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Clinical Impact of Molecular Research in Hepatitis B Virus
Infection". Frontiers in DNA Research ed. by Woods CR. pp.21-36. New York, United States of
America: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2006.
<P067592> KOK Hon Lung Stanton; CHUI Chung Hin; LAM Wing Sze; CHEN Jien; LAU Fung Yi; WONG
Raymond; CHENG Gregory; TANG W K; CHENG C H; TANG Cheuk On Johnny and CHAN
Sun Chi Albert. "Mechanistic Insight into a Novel Synthetic Cantharidin Analogue in a Leukaemia
Model.". Int J Mol Med vol.18 no.2, pp.375-379. Greece: D.A. Spandidos, 2006.08.
<P067623> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; REN H; LUO D; ZHOU X and LIU Z. "Interferon-beta-1a with or without
ribavirin in Asian patients with chronic hepatitis C: results from a multicentre, randomized,
placebo-controlled trial.". Paper presented in the Asian Pacific Digestive Week, p.A451. 2006.11.
<P067653> ZHAO
YI. "The
emperors". JAGS vol.54 no.8, pp.1295-96. 2006.08.09.
<P067695> TONG Peter Chun Yip; ZHAO Hailu; SUI YI; ZHU Xun and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "The
effect of two Chinese medicines and food restriction on glucose intolerance and insulin sensitivity in
Zucker diabetic rats". Paper presented in the The International Diabetes Federation’s 19th World Diabetes
Congress, organized
Africa, 2006.12.03.
Faculty of Medicine
Federation, 1
pgs. Cape
Town, South
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P067725> WONG Yeung Shan Samuel; WOO Jean; HONG Wai Lin; LEUNG Chi Shun; KWOK Chi Yui
Timothy and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Risk Factors for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Southern
Chinese Men". Urology vol.68 no.5, pp.1009-1014. Elsevier Inc., 2006.11.
<P067967> NG Sik Hung; WOO Jean; KWAN Alex and CHONG Alice. "Positive ageing: A conceptual
framework". Korean Journal of Psychological and Social Issues vol.12 no.5, pp.29-43. 2006.
<P068035> KOK Hon Lung Stanton; CHUI Chung Hin; LAM Wing Sze; CHEN Jien; LAU Fung Yi; WONG
Raymond; CHENG Gregory; TANG W K; TEO I T N; CHEUNG F; CHENG C H; CHAN Sun Chi
Albert and TANG Cheuk On Johnny. "Apoptogenic Activity of a Synthetic Cantharimide in
Relationship.". Int
Med vol.18 no.6, pp.1217-1221. Greece: D.A. Spandidos, 2006.12.
<P068040> CHOW Kai-Ming and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Secular trends in the medical discharge summary in an
acute medical hospital". Postgrad Med J vol.82 no.971, pp.615-618. 2006.09.
<P068201> CHAN Ka Leung Francis and WONG Wai Sun. "Bovine lactoferrin added to triple therapy increased
Helicobacter pylori eradication rate". ACP Journal Club vol.145 no.2, pp.49. 2006.10.
<P068232> YU Cheuk Man; ZHANG Qing; YIP Wai Kwok Gabriel; CHAN Yat Sun Joseph; LEE Pui Wai;
WU Liwen; LAM Yat Yin; KUM Chi Chiu Leo; CHAN Chi Kin Hamish; CHAN Kit Wan Skiva
and FUNG Wing Hong. "Are left ventricular diastolic function and diastolic asynchrony important
therapy?". American
Cardiology vol.98 no.8, pp.1083-7. 2006.10.15.
<P068442> TOMLINSON Brian. "Drug Evaluation: Tesamorelin, a Synthetic Human Growth Hormone Releasing
Factor". Current
Drugs vol.7 no.10, pp.936-945. London, United
Kingdom: Thomson Scientific, 2006.10.
<P068639> ANG Ling; NG Pak Cheung; POON Chuen Wai; YU Oi Yan; CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa; LI Kwai
Har Karen and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Application of Plasma Proteomic Fingerprinting to Diagnosis
of Sepsis in Preterm Neonates". Paper presented in the Joint 3rd AOHUPO and 4th Structural Biology
and Functional Genomics Conference, Abstract 63 pgs. Singapore, 2006.12.
<P069085> HUI Elsie; YANG Hui; CHAN Lap Sun; OR Ka Hang; LEE Tze Fan Diana; YU Cheuk Man and
WOO Jean. "A community model of group rehabilitation for older patients with chronic heart failure: A
pilot study". Disability and Rehabilitation vol.28 no.23, pp.1491-1497. 2006.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P069156> KONG Pik Shan; YANG Xilin; WONG Wing Kin Gary; CHAN H M; KO Tin Choi Gary; SO Wing
Yee; TONG Peter Chun Yip and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Obesity in adolescents is
independently associated with insulin resistance state and elevated C-reactive protein levels". Paper
presented in the World Diabetes Congress, organized by International Diabetes Federation, p.375. Cape
Town, South Africa, 2006.12.07.
<P069191> WONG Wai Sun; HUI Yui; TSANG Woon Choy Steven; CHAN Lai Yee Joyce; WONG Lai Hung;
CHAN Wing Hung Anthony; SO Wing Yee; CHENG Yuen Shan Angela; TONG Peter Chun Yip;
CHAN Ka Leung Francis; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Prevalence of
undiagnosed diabetes and postchallenge hyperglycaemia in Chinese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver
disease. ". Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics vol.24 no.8, pp.1215-22. 2006.10.
CHAO G and BROWN N. "A Randomized Trial of Telbivudine (LdT) vs. Adefovir for HBeAg-Positive
Chronic Hepatitis B: Final Week 52 Results". Paper presented in the Annual meeting of American
Association for the Study of Liver Diseasaes, p.554A. 2006.10.
<P069489> KO Wai San Fanny; LAI Christopher K.W. Lai; WOO Jean; HO CHAN Suzanne; HO Wai Mun;
GOGGINS III William Bernard and HUI Shu Cheong David. "12-year change in prevalence of
respiratory symptoms in elderly Chinese living in Hong Kong". Respiratory Medicine - An Asian
Perspective vol.100 9 pp.1598-1607. Elsevier Ltd, 2006.09.
<P069521> SHANG, QING; TAM Lai Shan; YIP Gabriel; LI Kwok Ming Edmund; LI Chunmei and YU
Cheuk Man. "Combined Measurement of PWV, ABI and IMT to Evaluate Atherosclerosis in Systemic
Lupus Erythematosus". clinical cardioglogy 2006.11.
<P069644> CHOW Kai Ming; SZETO Cheuk Chun; CHEUNG Kitty; LEUNG Chi Bon; WONG Sze Ho
Sunny; LAW M. C.; HO Yiu Wing and LI Kam Tao Philip. "Predictive value of dialysate cell counts
in peritonitis complicating peritoneal dialysis.". Clinical Journal of the American Society of
Nephrology vol.1 pp.768-773. 2006.07.
<P069672> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; WONG Wai Sun; HUI Yui; TSANG Woon Choy Steven; CHAN Lai Yee
Joyce; CHAN Hoi Yun; WONG Lai Hung and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Long-term lamivudine
treatment is associated with a good maintained response in severe acute exacerbation of chronic
HBeAg-negative hepatitis B". Antiviral Therapy vol.11 no.4, pp.465-71. 2006.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P070287> WONG Ka Sing Lawrence; CHEN Christopher; NG Ping Wing; TSOI Tak Hong; LI Ho Lun;
FONG Wing Chi; YEUNG Hon Ming Jonas; WONG Chi Keung; YIP Kin Keung; GAO Hong and
WONG Hwee Bee. "Low-molecular-weight heparin compared with aspirin for the treatment of acute
ischaemic stroke in Asian patients with large artery occlusive disease: a randomised study". Lancet
Neurology vol.6 pp.407-13. 2007.
<P070322> LEE Lai Shun Nelson; LEUNG C C Eric and TAM C M. "Tuberculosis in HIV/AIDS.". HIV
Mannual 2007 pp.Chapter 27. 2007.
<P070332> FUNG Wing Hong; CHAN Yat Sun Joseph; KUM Chi Chiu Leo; CHAN Chi Kin Hamish; YIP Wai
Kwok Gabriel; ZHANG Qing and YU Cheuk Man. "Suboptimal medical therapy in patients with
therapy". International Journal of Cardiology vol.115 no.2, pp.214-9. 2007.02.07.
<P070570> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; WONG Wai Sun; TSE Chi Hang; CHIM Mei Ling Angel; CHAN Hoi
Yun; WONG Lai Hung and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Early virological suppression is associated with
good maintained response to adefovir dipivoxil in lamivudine resistant chronic hepatitis B". Alimentary
Pharmacology & Therapeutics vol.25 no.8, pp.891-8. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2007.04.15.
<P070604> HUANG Q; BAUM Lawrence William; HUANG J F; YOU J P; WANG F; WANG J; ZHENG J;
YAN X C; XIA H; ZHAO Y H; KUANG H and FU W L. "Isolation and enrichment of human
selection.". Analytical
Biochemistry vol.365 no.2, pp.153-64. 2007.06.15.
<P070616> KOK Stanton Hon Lung; GAMBARI Roberto; CHUI Chung Hin; LAU Fung Yi; CHENG
Gregory; LAI Bo San Paul; LAM Wing Sze; CHAN Albert Sun Chi; CHENG Chor Hing; TEO Ivy
Tuang Ngo; YU Michael Wing Yiu; TANG Johnny Cheuk On; CHEUNG Filly and WONG
Raymond Siu Ming. "Paradoxical Proliferative Potential of Iron (II) Sulphate on Cancer Cells after the
Assay". International Journal of Molecular Medicine vol.19 no.6, pp.971-975. Philadelphia, United
States of America: Institute for Scientific Information, 2007.06.
<P070634> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; WONG Wai Sun Vincent; CHIM Mei Ling Angel; CHAN Hoi Yun; HUI
Yui; WONG Lai Hung; CHOI Cheung Lung Paul and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Simultaneous
peginterferon and lamivudine combination suppresses HBV faster than staggered regimes". Paper
presented in the annual meeting of Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver, p.18. 2007.03.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P070667> GUAN, JING; SUI YI; ZHAO Hailu; Fernand LAI; TONG Peter Chun Yip and CHAN Chung
Ngor Juliana. "Extra-Islet β-Cells in Adult Human Pancreas". Paper presented in the American
Diabetes Association 67th Scientific Sessions, 2007.06.22.
<P070682> WONG Wai Sun Vincent and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Hepatitis B and C in HIV". Manual of HIV
2007 pp.415-26. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.
<P070715> FUNG Wing Hong; CHAN Yat Sun Joseph; YIP Wai Kwok Gabriel; CHAN Chi Kin Hamish;
CHAN Wai Man Wilson; ZHANG Qing and YU Cheuk Man. "Effect of left ventricular endocardial
therapy". Heart vol.93 no.4, pp.432-7. 2007.04.15.
<P070729> LEUNG Y Y; TAM Lai Shan; KUN E W and LI Kwok Ming Edmund. "Psoriatic arthritis as a
distinct disease entity". Journal of Postgratudate Medicine vol.53 no.1, pp.63-71. Medknow Publications
Pvt. Ltd., 2007.01.
<P070834> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; WANG H; NIU J; CHIM Mei Ling Angel and SUNG Joseph Jao
Yiu. "Two-year lamivudine treatment for hepatitis B e antigen-negative chronic hepatitis B: a
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. ". Antiviral Therapy vol.12 no.3, pp.345-53. 2007.
<P070898> WU Che Yuen Justin; CHEUNG Man Yuen; WONG Wai Sun and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. Distinct
Clinical Characteristics Between Patients With Nonerosive Reflux Disease and Those With Reflux
Esophagitis Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2007. vol.5 no.6, pp.690. 2007.06.01.
<P070951> ZHANG James X.; WOO Jean; LAU Wallace; LEE Polly; CHIU Peter and LAM Daniel. "Effects
of use of alternative therapies on quality of life and healthcare spending". The American Journal of
Chinese Medicine vol.35 no.2, pp.183-193. World Scientific Publishing Company, 2007.
<P070971> WOO Jean. "Development of elderly care services in Hong Kong: challenges and creative
solutions". Clinical Medicine vol.7 no.6, pp.548-550. 2007.
<P071064> REN Tianhua; WU Che Yuen Justin; YEW Tai Wai David; ZIEA Tat Chi; LAO Lixing; LEUNG
Wai Keung; BERMAN Brian; HU Pin-jin and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Effects of Neonatal Maternal
Separation on Neurochemical and Sensory Response to Colonic Distension in a Rat Model of Irritable
Syndrome". American
Physiology 2007. vol.292 pp.G849. 2007.03.01.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P071072> HAO, QING; LAJOIE Marc; GAO Shan and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "A New Diagnostic
Criterion of Middle Cerebral Artery Stenosis by Transcranial Doppler". Paper presented in the 16th
European Stroke Conference, 1 pgs. Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2007.05.30.
<P071163> YANG Xilin; KONG Pik Shan; SO Wing Yee; MA Ching Wan Ronald; HO Chung Shun; LAM
Wai Kei Christopher; CHOW Chun Chung Francis; COCKRAM Clive Stewart; TONG Peter
Chun Yip and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Effects of chronic hyperglycaemia on incident stroke in
Chinese patients
type 2
diabetes". Diabetes
Reviews vol.23 pp.220-226. 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2007.
<P071409> WANG Yee Moon Angela; LAM Christopher Wai-kei; WANG Mei; CHAN Iris Hiu-shuen;
GOGGINS B William; YU Cheuk Man; LUI Siu Fai and SANDERSON John Elsby. "Prognostic
Value of Cardiac Troponin T is Independent of Inflammation, Residual Renal Function, and Cardiac
Hypertrophy and Dysfunction in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients". Clinical Chemistry pp.882. 2007.03.01.
<P071527> ZHAO Hailu; LIU Lizhong; KONG Pik Shan; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and TONG Peter Chun
Yip. "Insulin-Induced Actin Remodeling and Glucose Uptake in Skeletal Muscle". Paper presented
in the American Diabetes Association 67th Scientific Sessions, organized by American Diabetes
Association, 1 pgs. Chicago, USA, 2007.06.22.
<P071631> BAUM Lawrence William; CHEN Xiangyan; CHEUNG Wing Sze; CHEUNG Chi Kin; CHEUNG
Lap Woon; CHIU Ka Fung; WEN Hong Mei; POON Y.K. Peter; WOO Kam Sang; NG Ho Keung
and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Polymorphisms and Vascular Cognitive Impairment After Ischemic
Stroke". J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol vol.20 pp.93-99. Sage Publications, 2007.
<P071783> SZETO Cheuk Chun; CHOW Kai-Ming; WOO Kam Sang; CHOOK Ping; KWAN Ching Ha
Bonnie; LEUNG Chi Bon and LI Kam Tao Philip. "Carotid intima media thickness predicts
cardiovascular diseases in chinese predialysis patients with chronic kidney disease". Journal of American
Society of Nephrology vol.18 no.6, pp.1966-1972. 2007.06.
<P071788> LEE Lai Shun Nelson; WONG Chun Kwok; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; LUN Samantha Wei Man;
LUI Chung Yan Grace; WONG Chun Kwan Bonnie; CHOI Kin Wing; LAM Wai Kei Christopher;
COCKRAM Clive Stewart; HUI Shu Cheong David and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Hypercytokinemia
in Severe Human Influenza A Infections". Paper presented in the IX International Symposium on
Respiratory Viral Infections, poster pgs. 2007.03.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P071903> SZETO Cheuk Chun; TO Ka Fai; MAC-MOUNE LAI Fernand; CHOW Kai Ming; TAM Wing
Hung; CHUNG Kwok Yi; LEUNG Chi Bon; LUI Siu Fai; LI Kam Tao Philip and LAU Tze
Kin. "Prevalence and Implications of Isolated Microscopic Hematuria in Asymptomatic Chinese
Pregnant Women". Nephron Clinical Practice vol.105 no.4, pp.c147-c152. Switzerland: Karger, 2007.01.
<P072018> LEUNG Wai Keung; INGVAR Bjarnason; WONG Wai Sun; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and CHAN Ka
Leung Francis. "Small bowel enteropathy associated with chronic low-dose aspirin therapy". The
Lancet vol.369 no.9561, pp.614. 2007.02.
<P072047> NG Wan Sze Vanessa; KONG Pik Shan; CHOI K C; OZAKI Risa; WONG Wing Kin Gary; SO
Wing Yee; TONG Peter Chun Yip; SUNG Yn Tz Rita; CHAN H M; HO Chung Shun; LAM Wai
Kei Christopher and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "BMI and Waist Circumference in Predicting
Cardiovascular Risk Factor Clustering in Chinese Adolescents". Obesity vol.15 no.2, p.494-503. Boston,
USA: NAASO, The Obesity Society, 2007.02.02.
BROWN N. "Antiviral efficacy of switching suboptimally responding adefovir patients to telbivudine
". Paper presented in the annual meeting of Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the
Liver, p.70. 2007.03.
<P072307> FUNG Wing Hong; CHAN Yat Sun Joseph; OMAR Razali; HUSSIN Azlan; ZHANG Qing; YIP
Wai Kwok Gabriel; LAM Kai-huat; FANG Fang and YU Cheuk Man. "The Pacing to Avoid Cardiac
Enlargement (PACE) Trial: Clinical Background, Rationale, Design, and Implementation". Journal of
Cardiovascular Electrophysiology pp.735. 2007.05.19.
<P072446> MONG, LOK YEE; NG Chor Yin; GULDAN Georgia Sue; KONG Pik Shan; CHAN Chung Ngor
Juliana; WONG Wing Kin Gary and WAYE Mary Miu Yee. "Association of Growth
Adolescents". Paper presented in the 12th International Human Genome Meeting, organized by Human
Genome Organization, 1 pgs. Montreal, Canada, 2007.05.21.
<P072485> LEE Shui Shan; WU Che Yuen Justin and WONG Ka Hing. ed. HIV Manual 2007. Hong Kong
SAR, 2007.06.01.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P072532> WOO Jean; LEUNG Chi Shun and KWOK Chi Yui Timothy. "BMI, body composition, and physical
functioning in older adults". Obesity vol.15 no.7, pp.1886-94. 2007.
<P072691> WOO Jean; LAU Wan Yee Winny; XU Ling; LAM Wai Kei Christopher; ZHAO Xihe; YU Wei;
XING Xiaoping; LAU Edith; KUHN-SHERLOCK Barbara; POCOCK Nicholas and EASTELL
Richard. "Milk Supplementation and Bone Health in Young Adult Chinese Women". Journal of
Women’s Health vol.16 no.5, pp.692-702. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 2007.
<P072815> WANG Yee Moon Angela; SEA Man Mei; NG Kenway; KWAN Mandy; LUI Siu Fai and WOO
Jean. "Nutrient intake during peritoneal dialysis at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Hong
Kong". American Journal of Kidney Diseases vol.49 no.5, pp.682-92. 2007.
<P072821> KONG Pik Shan; YANG Xilin; KO Tin Choi; SO Wing Yee; CHAN Wing Bun; MA Ching Wan
Ronald; NG Wan Sze Vanessa; CHOW Chun Chung Francis; COCKRAM Clive Stewart; TONG
Peter Chun Yip; WONG Vivian and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Effects of Treatment Targets on
Diabetes". Diabetes
Care vol.30 no.4, pp.953-9. OVID Technologies, Inc, 2007.04.
<P072854> CHEUNG Bernard; WAT Nelson; MAN Yu Bun; TAM Sidney; THOMAS G Neil; LEUNG
Gabriel; CHENG Chun Ho; WOO Jean; JANUS Edward D; LAU Chu Pak; LAM Tai Hing and
LAM Karen. "Development of diabetes in Chinese with the metabolic syndrome: a 6-year prospective
study". Diabetes Care vol.30 no.6, pp.1430-1436. 2007.
<P072924> NEIL Thomas; CHEUNG Bernard; HO Sai Yin; MACFARLANE Duncan J; DENG Han Bing;
MCGHEE Sarah M; WOO Jean; LAM Tai Hing and TOMLINSON Brian. "Overview of dietary
influences on atherosclerotic vascular disease: epidemiology and prevention". Cardiovascular &
Hematological Disorders Drug Targets vol.7 no.2, pp.87-97. 2007.06.
<P072935> LO See Kit Raymond; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; CHENG Oi Yue; YANG Hui; YUAN Hong Jiang;
HARWOOD Rowan and WOO Jean. "Cross-cultural Validation of the London Handicap Scale and
Populations". Age
Ageing vol.36 pp.544-548. 2007.
<P073040> CHOW Kai-Ming and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Cerebral atrophy and skull thickening due to chronic
phenytoin therapy". CMAJ vol.176 no.3, pp.321-323. 2007.01.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P073205> LAM Kuen; LAM Florence Kwai Yi; LAU Kwok Kwong; CHAN Yiu Kay; KAN Elaine Yee Ling;
WOO Jean; WONG Fat Kee and KO Andrew. "Simple clinical tests may predict severe oropharyngeal
dysphagia in Parkinson's disease". Movement Disorders vol.22 no.5, pp.640-4. 2007.
<P073341> YUE Alex; WOO Jean; IP Kenny; SUM Cecilia; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy and HUI
Stanley. "Effect of age and gender on energy expenditure in common activities of daily living in a
Chinese population". Disability & Rehabilitation vol.29 no.2, pp.91-6. 2007.01.
<P073423> SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu; WONG Wai Sun Vincent; CHIM Mei Ling Angel; CHAN Hoi Yun; HUI
Yui; WONG Lai Hung; CHOI Cheung Lung Paul and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Rapid viral
suppression can predict sustained virological response to peginterferon and lamivudine combination
treatment in chronic hepatitis B.". Paper presented in the annual meeting of European Association for the
Study of the Liver, p.S197-8. 2007.04.
<P073431> SZETO Cheuk Chun; CHOW Kai-Ming; LAM Wai Kei Christopher; LEUNG Chi Bon; KWAN
Ching Ha Bonnie; CHUNG Kwok Yi; LAW M. C. and LI Kam Tao Philip. "Clinical
biocompatibility of a neutral peritoneal dialysis solution with minimal glucose-degradation products--a
1-year randomized control trial". Nephrology Dialysis Transplanation vol.22 no.2, pp.552-559. 2007.02.
<P073486> CHUANG Lee Ming; SOEGONDO Sidartawan; SOEWONDO Pradana; KIN Young Seol;
MOHAMED Mafauzy; DALISAY Edith; GO Ruby; LEE Warren; TAI Tong Yuan;
TANDHANAND Sunthorn; NITIYANANT Wannee; MAI The Trach; COCKRAM Clive Stewart
and YEO Jing Ping. "Comparisons of the outcomes on control, type of management and complications
status in early onset and late onset type 2 diabetes in Asia". Diabetes Research and Clinical
Practice vol.71 pp.146-155. 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2007.
<P073696> CHAN Yat Sun Joseph; FUNG Wing Hong; YU Cheuk Man and FELD G K. "Preliminary results
with percutaneous transcatheter microwave ablation of typical atrial flutter". J Cardiovasc
Electrophysiol vol.18 no.3, pp.286-9. 2007.03.01.
<P073706> CHAN Yw Jessie; CHE Kit I; LAM Mc Karry; CHOW Kai-Ming; CHUNG Kwok Yi; LI Kam Tao
Philip and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Comprehensive malnutrition inflammation score as a marker of
nutritional status in Chinese peritoneal dialysis patients". Nephrology vol.12 no.2, pp.130-134. 2007.04.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P073752> SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu; WONG Wai Sun Vincent; CHIM Mei Ling Angel; HUI Yui; WONG Lai
Hung and CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Rapid HBV DNA suppression can predict response to
peginterferon and lamivudine combination treatment". Paper presented in the annual meeting of Asian
Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver, p.18. 2007.03.
<P073773> LUM Chor Ming Christopher; LO See Kit Raymond; NG Kenway; WOO Jean; TANG Leung Sang
Nelson and FALLOWS Stephen. "A Study on Whey Protein Supplement on Physical Performance and
Quality of Life among Elderly Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease". Australasian
Journal on Ageing vol.26 no.4, pp.168-172. 2007.
<P073915> WONG Ka Sing Lawrence; NG Ping Wing; TANG A; LIU Kwok Chee Roxanna; YEUNG Tok Fai
Vincent and TOMLINSON Brian. "Prevalence of asymptomatic intracranial atherosclerosis in high-risk
patients". Neurology vol.68 pp.2035-2038. AAN Enterprises, Inc, 2007.
<P073967> TAM Lai Shan; CHAN Yee Kit and LI Kwok Ming Edmund. "The Influence of Illness and Variables
Associated with Functional Limitations in Chinese Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis". The Journal of
Rheumatology vol.34 no.5, pp.1032-1039. The Journal of Rheumatology, 2007.
<P074179> WONG Chun Kwan Bonnie; SIN Wing Yin Winnie; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; CHOI Kin Wing; LAM
Kit Yi; LEUNG Tsz Kin; NG Tony K. C. and LAI Wai Man. "Hospital Outbreaks of Norovirus
Infections in Hong Kong.". Paper presented in the Annual Scientific Meeting, organized by Hong Kong
Society of Infectious Diseases, Poster pgs. 2007.03.
<P074197> SZETO Cheuk Chun; CHOW Kai Ming; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; LAW M. C.; CHUNG Kwok
Yi; YU Samuel Wayne; LEUNG Chi Bon and LI Kam Tao Philip. "Staphylococcus aureus peritonitis
complicates peritoneal dialysis: Review of 245 consecutive cases.". Clinical Journal of the American
Society of Nephrology vol.2 pp.245-251. 2007.03.
<P074231> ZHAO Hailu; LAI F. M.; TONG Peter Chun Yip and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Gender
Differential in Type 2 Diabetes-Associated Islet Amyloid". Paper presented in the American Diabetes
pgs. Chicago, USA, 2007.06.22.
Faculty of Medicine
Sessions, organized
Association, 1
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P074307> WU Che Yuen Justin; CHAN Yawen; WONG Wai Sun Vincent; WONG Lai Hung; LAI Hin;
CHOW Kai Lai; CHAN Ka Leung Francis and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "The Clinical Course of
Patients with Non-Cardiac Chest Pain (NCCP) After Empirical Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) Test: A
Prospective Cohort Study". Paper presented in the Digestive Disease Week, Washington, DC, May 19-24,
2007, organized by Americal Gastroenterological Association Institute, p.282. 2007.04.01.
<P074367> TONG Peter Chun Yip; KONG Pik Shan; SO Wing Yee; YANG Xilin; HO Chung Shun; MA
Ching Wan Ronald; OZAKI Risa; CHOW Chun Chung Francis; LAM Wai Kei Christopher;
CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and COCKRAM Clive Stewart. "The Usefulness of the International
Diabetes Federation and the National Cholesterol Education Program's Adult Treatment Panel III
Definitions of the Metabolic Syndrome in Predicting Coronary Heart Disease in Subjects With Type 2
Diabetes". Diabetes Care vol.30 no.5, pp.1206-11. American Diabetes Association, 2007.05.
<P074399> MARCELLIN P; BZOWEJ N; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; LAI Cl; CHO M; MOON Ym;
BRWON Na. "76 week follw fup of HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B patients treated with
telbivudine, adefovir or switched from adefovir to telbivudine". Paper presented in the annual meeting of
European Association for the Study of the Liver, p.S55. 2007.04.
<P074420> CHAN Kin Yin; SANDERSON John Elsby; WANG Tian; LAM Wynnie; YIP Wai Kwok Gabriel;
WANG Mei; LAM Yat Yin; ZHANG YAN; YEUNG Leata Y.C.; WU E B; CHAN Wai Man
Wilson; WONG Tai Hung John; SO Nina and YU Cheuk Man. "Aldosterone Receptor Antagonism
Induces Reverse Remodeling When Added to Angiotensin Receptor Blockade in Chronic Heart
Failurejourna". Journal of the American College of Cardiology pp.591. 2007.06.
<P074473> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry and WONG Wai Sun. "Can dietetic intervention for obesity ever succeed in
real life?". Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology vol.22 no.4, pp.459-60. 2007.04.
<P074474> CHAN Yk Alice; LI Kwok Ming Edmund; CHOI C. L. Paul; LIU D L David; LAM Tsze Ho Philip
and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Unusual eye signs in Wegener's granulomatosis". Hong Kong Medical
Journal vol.13 no.3, pp.241-2. 2007.06.
<P074503> MA Ching Wan Ronald; YIP Wai Kwok Gabriel; CHOW Chun Chung Francis and COCKRAM
Clive Stewart. "A woman with recurrent cardiac ischemia without coronary artery disease". Canadian
Medical Association Journal vol.176 no.2, pp.171-173. Canadian MEdical Association, 2007.01.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P074667> ZHOU Junwei; NG Maggie C Y; LUI Ming Yin; GENG Hua; LAW Peggy Pui Ying; CHAN Chung
Ngor Juliana and HO Yuanyuan. "Exclusion of APOM as Candidate Gene for Type 2 Diabetes in a
Hong Kong Chinese Population". Paper presented in the 20th Spring Congress of Korean Diabetes
Association "Treatment of Prediabetes and Metabolic Syndrome", organized by Korean Diabetes
Association, 1 pgs. Seoul, Korea, South, 2007.05.10.
<P074792> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; DE SILVA Hj; LEUNG Wai Yee Nancy; DE SILVA Hj; LIM Sg and
FARRELL Gc. "How should we manage patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in 2007? ". J
Gastroenterol Hepatol vol.22 no.6, pp.801-8. 2007.06.
<P074837> CHAN Ka Leung Francis; WONG Wai Sun; SUEN Bing Yee; WU Che Yuen Justin; CHING Yuet
Ling Jessica; HUNG Cheung Tsui; HUI Aric Josun; LEUNG K. S. Vincent; LEE Wing Yan Vivian;
LAI Hin; WONG Lai Hung; CHOW Kai Lai; TO Ka Fai; LEUNG Wai Keung; CHIU Wai Yan
Philip; LEE Yuk Tong; LAU Yun Wong James; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; NG Enders Kwok-wai
and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Combination of a cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitor and a proton-pump inhibitor
for prevention of recurrent ulcer bleeding in patients at very high risk: a double-blind, randomised
trial.". Lancet vol.369 no.9573, pp.1621-6. 2007.05.12.
<P075013> SZETO Cheuk Chun; CHOW Kai-Ming; LEUNG Chi Bon; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; CHUNG
Kwok Yi; LAW M. C. and LI Kam Tao Philip. "Increased subcutaneous insulin requirements in
dialysis". Nephrology
Transplanation vol.22 no.6, pp.1697-1702. 2007.06.
<P075165> HAN JINGHAO; LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas; SOO Oi Yan; MOK Chung Tong Vincent and
WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "External Counterpulsation (ECP) for patients with progressing stroke". 59
th annual meeting of American Academic of Neurology Boston, United States of America: America
Academy of America and Lippincott, Williams &Wilkins, 2007.05.01.
<P075493> WONG Wai Sun Vincent; CHIM Mei Ling Angel; WONG Lai Hung; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and
CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Validation of the new MELD-Na score in predicting long-term survival in
patients with chronic hepatitis B.". Paper presented in the annual meeting of European Association for the
Study of the Liver, p.S184. 2007.04.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P075504> WU Che Yuen Justin; CHING Yuet Ling Jessica; AU Wing Lam; CHU Lut Hey; CHEUNG Kwan
Yui Cynthia; CHAN Yawen; CHAN Ka Leung Francis and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Clinical Course
of Patients with Non-Erosive Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (NERD) On Step-Down Acid Suppressive
Therapy: A Prospective Cohort Study". Paper presented in the Digestive Disease Week, Washington, DC,
May 19-24, 2007, organized by American Gastroenterological Association Institute, p.139. 2007.04.01.
<P075506> CHOW Kai-Ming; SZETO Cheuk Chun and LI Kam Tao Philip. "Pseudoclubbing of
fingers". Nephrology vol.12 no.2, pp.206. 2007.04.
<P075588> CHIU Wai Yan Philip; LEE Yuk Tong and NG Enders Kwok-wai. "Endoscopic submucosal
dissection for treatment of early gastric cancer in a patient with submucosal gastric varices and child's B
liver cirrhosis". Endoscopy vol.39 no.suppl I, pp.A32. 2007.
<P075620> TONG Peter Chun Yip; KONG Pik Shan; SO Wing Yee; YANG Xilin; NG Chor Yin; HO Chung
Shun; MA Ching Wan Ronald; OZAKI R; NG Wan Sze Vanessa; CHOW Chun Chung Francis;
Stewart. "Interactive effect of retinopathy and macroalbuminuria on all-cause mortality, cardiovascular
mellitus". Diabetic
Medicine vol.24 pp.741-746. 2007 Diabetes UK, 2007.
<P075784> YU Cheuk Man; SANDERSON John Elsby; MARWICK Th and OH Jk. "Tissue Doppler imaging:
diseases". Journal
Cardiology vol.49 no.19, pp.1903-14. 2007.05.15.
<P075804> SZETO Cheuk Chun; CHOW Kai-Ming; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie; CHUNG Kwok Yi; LEUNG
Chi Bon and LI Kam Tao Philip. "New-onset hyperglycemia in nondiabetic chinese patients started on
peritoneal dialysis". American Journal of Kidney Diseases vol.49 no.4, pp.524-532. 2007.04.
<P075935> TAM Lai Shan; GRIFFITH James Francis; YU Alfred Brian; LI Ka Yan and LI Kwok Ming
Edmund. "Rapid improvement in rheumatoid arthritis patients on combination of methotrexate and
evaluation". Clinical
Rheumatology vol.26 pp.941-946. Springer, 2007.
<P075949> MA Ching Wan Ronald; CHOW Chun Chung Francis; YEUNG T F; SO Wing Yee; KONG Pik
Shan; TONG Peter Chun Yip; COCKRAM Clive Stewart and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Acute
Renal Failure Following Oral Sodium Phosphate Bowel Preparation in Diabetes". Diabetes Care
(Letters) vol.30 no.1, pp.182-183. American Diabetes Assoication, 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P076028> MOK Lai Fan; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy and LAM Chiu Wa. "Dietary Intake of Old Age Hostel
Residents with Mild Cognitive Impairment". Paper presented in the SIlver Congress of the International
Psychgoeriatric Association, organized by International Psychogeriatric Association, p.373. Osaka, Japan,
<P076082> BYEON Jeong Sik; YANG Suk Kyun; KIM Tae Il; KIM Won Ho; LAU Y. W. J.; LEUNG Wai
Jose; YEOH Khay Guan; WU Deng Chyang; CHEN Min Hu; KONGKAM Pradermchai and
SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Colorectal Neoplasm in Asymptomatic Asians: A Prospective Multinational
Survey.". American
Endoscopy vol.65 no.7, pp.1015-22. 2007.06.
<P076231> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; WONG Wai Sun Vincent; CHIM Mei Ling Angel; CHOI Cheung Lung
Paul; CHAN Hoi Yun; HUI Yui; WONG Lai Hung and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Virological
response to different combination regimes of peginterferon alpha-2b and lamivudine in hepatitis B e
antigen positive chronic hepatitis B. ". Antiviral Therapy vol.12 no.5, pp.815-23. 2007.
<P076435> SHANG, QING; HUI Shu Cheong David; KO Wai San Fanny; TO Kin Wang; YIP Gabriel; LEE
Pui Wai and YU Cheuk Man. "Increase in Arterial Stiffness in Patients with Obstructive Sleep
Apnea". Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2007.03.
<P076482> TAM Lai Shan; TOMLINSON Brian; CHU Ten Wah Tanya; LI Ka Yan and LI Kwok Ming
Edmund. "Impact of TNF inhibition on insulin resistance and lipids levels in patients with rheumatoid
arthritis". Clinical Rheumatology vol.26 pp.1495-1498. Springer London Ltd, 2007.
<P076522> YU Cheuk Man; ZHANG Qing; YIP Wai Kwok Gabriel; LEE Pui Wai; KUM Chi Chiu Leo; LAM
Yat Yin and FUNG Wing Hong. "Diastolic and systolic asynchrony in patients with diastolic heart
condition". Journal
Cardiology vol.49 no.1, pp.97-105. 2007.01.02.
<P076640> KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; LEE Shun Wah Jenny; LAM Chiu Wa and WOO Jean. "Vitamin B12
Supplementation did Not Improve Cognition but Reduced Delirium in Demented Patients with Vitamin
B12 Deficiency". Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics Epub ahead of print. 2007.06.08.
<P076727> MA Ching Wan Ronald; YIU Kwok Hing; WONG Ho Chung Edward; LIU Kin Hung; CHAN Yat
Sun Joseph; CHOW Chun Chung Francis and COCKRAM Clive Stewart. "A Man with Labile
Blood Pressure". Plos Medicine vol.4 no.4, pp.e111. 2007.04.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P076772> HAN JINGHAO; LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas; CHAN Ho Ming; LAM Ching Wan; SOO Oi Yan
and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Change of Serum Levels of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
(VEGF) in Ischemic Stroke Patients after External Counterpulsation". 59 th Annual meeting of
American Academic of Neurology BOSTON, United States of America, 2007.05.03.
<P076806> YU Jun; HUI Yui; CHU Siu Hong; CHENG Alfred S L; GO Yin Yin; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry;
LEUNG Wai Keung; CHEUNG Kin Fai; CHING Kar Keung; CHUI Yiu Loon; CHAN Ka Kui and
SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Expression of a Cyclo-Oxygenase-2 Transgene in Murine Liver Causes
Hepatitis". Gut vol.56 pp.991-9. 2007.
<P076830> LEUNG Ying Ying; SZETO Cheuk Chun; TAM Lai Shan; LAM Wai Kei Christopher; LI Kwok
Ming Edmund; WONG Kong Chiu; YU Samuel Wayne and KUN Wai Lin Emily. "Urine
protein-to-creatinine ratio in an untimed urine collection is a reliable measure of proteinuria in lupus
nephritis". Rheumatology (Oxford) vol.46 no.4, pp.649-652. 2007.04.
<P076933> LUI Chung Yan Grace; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; WONG Chun Kwan Bonnie; HUI Shu Cheong
David; COCKRAM Clive Stewart; WONG Ka Tak Jeffrey; LAM R and JOYNT Gavin
Matthew. "Incidental Administration of Corticosteroid Can Mask the Diabnosis of Tuberculosis". The
American Journal of Medicine vol.120 no.12, pp.e7-e10. 2007 Elsevier Inc., 2007.
<P076942> BAUM Lawrence William; NG Maggie C Y; SO Wing Yee; POON Wai Mei Emily; WANG Ying;
LAM Kwok Lim; TOMLINSON Brian and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "A case-control study of
apoA5 -1131T→C polymorphism that examines the role of triglyceride levels in diabetic
nephropathy". Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications vol.21 no.3, pp.158-63. 2007.05.
<P077084> WONG Ka Sing Lawrence; HUANG Y N; YANG H B; GAO S; LI H; LIU J Y; LIU Y and TANG
A. "A
China". Neurology vol.68 pp.2031-2034. AAN Enterprises, Inc, 2007.
<P077085> LIU Lizhong; ZHAO Hailu and TONG Peter Chun Yip. "PKC zeta Locates Upstream PKB and
Mediates Insulin Effect on Glucose Transport through PKB in L6 Muscle Cells". Paper presented in
the American Diabetes Association 67th Scientific Sessions, organized by American Diabetes
Association, 1 pgs. Chicago, USA, 2007.06.22.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P077089> WANG Yee Moon Angela; LAM Chak Wah; YU Cheuk Man; WANG Mei; CHAN I H; ZHANG
YAN; LUI Siu Fai and SANDERSON John Elsby. "N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide: an
independent risk predictor of cardiovascular congestion, mortality, and adverse cardiovascular outcomes
in chronic peritoneal dialysis patients". J Am Soc Nephrol vol.18 no.1, pp.321-30. 2007.01.15.
<P077227> FUNG Wing Hong; SZETO Cheuk Chun and YU Cheuk Man. "Preventing Contrast Nephropathy in
Catheter Laboratory". Heart vol.93 no.6, pp.654-655. 2007.06.
<P077259> KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; WOO Jean; LAU Edith Ming Chu; LEE Tze Fan Diana; TANG So Kum
Catherine and MCGHEE S M. "Community Nurse Specialists and Prevention of Readmissions in
Older Patients with Chronic Lung Disease and Cardiac Failure". Hong Kong Med J Supplement
5. vol.13 no.5, pp.S8-12. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.
<P077355> CHAN W Y; LAI F. M.; LI Kwok Ming Edmund; TAM Lai Shan; CHOW Kai Ming; LI Kam Tao
Philip and SZETO Cheuk Chun. "Expression of T-bet, a type 1 T-helper cell transcription factor, in the
urinary sediment of lupus patients predicts disease flare". Rheumatology vol.46 pp.44-48. Oxford
University Press Inc., 2007.
<P077409> HUI Andrew Che Fai; KWAN Kwok Leung Patrick; LEUNG Wai Hong Thomas; SOO Oi Yan;
MOK Chung Tong Vincent and WONG Ka Sing Lawrence. "Diagnostic value and safety of long-term
video EEG monitoring". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.13 no.3, pp.228-30. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.06.
<P077589> LUM Chor Ming Christopher; WOO Jean; YEUNG Fai; HUI Shu Cheong David and HUI
Elsie. "Semi-supervised, Domiciliary Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme: A Controlled Clinical
Trial". Hong Kong Med J Supplement 5. vol.13 no.5, pp.S42-5. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.
<P077647> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; TSE Mei Ling; CHIM Mei Ling Angel; WONG Wai Sun Vincent; CHOI
Cheung Lung Paul; YU Jun; ZHANG Md and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Low interleukin-10
production genotypes are associated with severe liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B.". Paper presented in
the annual meeting of Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver, p.73. 2007.03.
<P077838> LEE Shun Wah Jenny; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; LAM Chiu Wa; CHAN Man Wai and WOO
Jean. "Lower fruits, Vegetables and Fluids Intake Are Associated with Very Mild Dementia (VMD) in
Hong Kong Chinese: A Cross-sectional study". Paper presented in the SIlver Congress of the
Association, organized
Association, p.375. Osaka, Japan, 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P078087> MA Ching Wan Ronald; LAM Ching Wan; CHAN Wing Bun; SO Wing Yee; TONG S F; CHOW
Chun Chung Francis and COCKRAM Clive Stewart. "A Chinese family with familial paraganglioma
deficiency". Hong
Journal vol.13 no.2, pp.151-4. Hong Kong Medical Journal, 2007.04.
<P078304> LEE Lai Shun Nelson and TSE C T Ian. "Herpes Simplex and Zoster in HIV/AIDS.". HIV Manual
2007 pp.Chapter 25. 2007.
<P078387> KOK Hon Lung Stanton; CHUI Chung Hin; LAM Wing Sze; CHEN Jien; LAU Fung Yi; WONG
Siu Ming Raymond; CHENG Gregory; LAI Bo San Paul; LEUNG Wai Tong Thomas; YU Wing
Yiu Michael; TANG Cheuk On Johnny and CHAN Sun Chi Albert. "Synthesis and Structure
Evaluation of a Novel Cantharimide and Its Cytotoxicity on SK-Hep-1 Hepatoma Cells". Bioorganic and
Medicinal Chemistry Letters vol.17 no.5, pp.1155-1159. San Diego, United States of America: Elsevier
B.V., 2007.03.01.
<P078533> WOO Jean; SEA Man Mei; TONG Peter Chun Yip; KO Tin Choi; LEE Zoe; CHAN Chung Ngor
Juliana and CHOW Chun Chung Francis. "Effectiveness of a Lifestyle Modification Programme in
Weight Maintenance in Obese Subjects after Cessation of Treatment with Orlistat". Journal of Evaluation
in Clinical Practice vol.13 pp.853-859. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2007.
<P078538> LEE Lai Shun Nelson; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; CHOI Kin Wing; LUI Chung Yan Grace; WONG
Chun Kwan Bonnie; COCKRAM Clive Stewart; HUI Shu Cheong David; LAI Wai Man; TANG
Julian Wei Tze and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Factors Associated with Early Hospital Discharge of
Adult Influenza Patients". Antiviral Therapy vol.12 pp.501-508. 2007.
<P078558> MAN Bik Ling; KWAN Kwok Leung Patrick; BAUM Lawrence William; YU Mei Yin; LAU Kin
Mang; CHENG Suk Hang and NG Heung Ling Margaret. "Association between HLA-B*1502 Allele
Chinese.". Epilepsia vol.48 no.5, pp.1015-1018. 2007.05.
<P078764> CHOW Kai-Ming; SZETO Cheuk Chun; LEUNG Chi Bon; LAW M. C.; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie
and LI Kam Tao Philip. "Adherence to peritoneal dialysis training schedule". Nephrology Dialysis
Transplantation vol.22 no.2, pp.545-551. 2007.02.
<P078961> SZETO Cheuk Chun and CHOW Kai-Ming. "Residual renal function and recovery of renal
function". Peritoneal Dialysis International vol.27 no.2, pp.159-161. 2007.03.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P078970> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry. "Response to Drs. Navaneethan and Jayanthi. Evaluation of MELD for
". American
Gastroenterology vol.102 pp.456. 2007.
<P079246> WOO Jean; LAM Wai Kei Christopher; LEUNG Jason C.s.; LAU Wan Yee Winny; LAU Edith;
LING Xu; XING Xiaoping; ZHAO Xi He; SKEAFF C Murray; BACON Catherine J; ROCKELL
Jennifer Ep; LAMBERT Aaron; WHITING Susan J and GREEN Timothy J. "Very High Rates of
Vitamin D Insufficiency in Women of Child-bearing Age Living in Beijing and Hong Kong". British
Journal of Nutrition doi: 10.1017/S0007114507844382. 2007.
<P079255> WANG Tian; WANG Mei; FUNG Wing Hong; YIP Wai Kwok Gabriel; ZHANG YAN;
SANDERSON John Elsby and YU Cheuk Man. "Atrial strain rate echocardiography can predict
success or failure fibrillation: A combined transthoracic Tissue Doppler and transoesophageal imaging
study". International Journal of Cardiology vol.114 no.2, pp.202-9. 2007.01.16.
<P079277> CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; WONG Wai Sun Vincent; TSE Mei Ling; TSE Chi Hang; CHIM Mei Ling
Angel; CHAN Hoi Yun; WONG Lai Hung and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Serum hepatitis B surface
antigen (HBsAg) level can reflect hepatitis B virus in the liver and predict treatment response". Paper
presented in the annual meeting of European Association for the Study of the Liver, p.S186. 2007.04.
<P079313> LUI Chung Yan Grace; IP Margaret; RAINER Timothy Hudson; ANTONIO Gregory; HUI Shu
Cheong David; COCKRAM Clive Stewart and LEE Lai Shun Nelson. "Discriminating Atypical
Pneumonia from Other Causes of Community-acquired Pneumonia". Paper presented in the Annual
Scientific Meeting, organized by Hong Kong Society of Infectious Diseases, poster pgs. 2007.03.
<P079372> LAM Yat Yin; CHAN Kin Yin and YU Cheuk Man. "Diagnostic dilemma in a middle-aged man with
heart failure". International Journal of Cardiology 2007.04.13.
Yc; MYERS R; HARB G and BROWN Na. "In hepatitis B patients treated with either adefovir or
telbivudine, maximal early HBV suppression at week 24 predicts optimal one-year efficacy.". Paper
presented in the annual meeting of European Association for the Study of the Liver, p.S193. 2007.04.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
<P079697> YANG Xilin; SO Wing Yee; KONG Pik Shan; HO Chung Shun; LAM Wai Kei Christopher;
STEVENS Richard J; LYU Ramon R; YIN Donald D; COCKRAM Clive Stewart; TONG Peter
Chun Yip; WONG Vivian and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Development and Validation of Stroke
Diabetes". Diabetes
Care vol.30 no.1, pp.65-70. American Diabetes Association, 2007.01.
<P079704> CHOW Kai-Ming; SZETO Cheuk Chun; KWAN Ching Ha Bonnie and LI Kam Tao
Philip. "Influence of climate on the incidence of thiazide-induced hyponatraemia". Int J Clin
Pract vol.61 no.3, pp.449-452. 2007.03.
<P079784> YU Cheuk Man; ZHANG Qing; LAM Linda; HONG Wai Lin; KONG Shun Ling; CHAN Wai Man
Wilson; FUNG Wing Hong; CHENG Ka King; CHAN Iris Hiu-shuen; LEE Stephen Wai-luen;
SANDERSON John Elsby and LAM Christopher Wai-kei. "Comparison of Intensive and Low-dose
atorvastatin Therapy in the Reduction of Carotid Intimal-medial Thickness in Patients with Coronary
Heart Disease". Heart pp.933. 2007.02.19
<P079846> YANG Xilin; SO Wing Yee; KONG Pik Shan; HO Chung Shun; LAM Wai Kei Christopher; NG
M.H.; LYU R R; YIN D D; CHOW Chun Chung Francis; COCKRAM Clive Stewart; TONG Peter
Chun Yip and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. "Modified end-stage renal disease risk score for Chinese
Registry". Diabetologia vol.50 no.6, pp.1348-50. Springer-Verlag 2007, 2007.06.
<P079851> YU Jun; CHU Siu Hong; HUI Yui; CHEUNG Kin Fai; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; LEUNG Wai
Keung; FARRELL G and SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu. "Lipoprotein lipase activator ameliorates the
severity of dietary steatohepatitis. ". Biochem Biophys Res Commun vol.356 no.1, pp.53-9. 2007.04.27.
<P991445> LI L S W; LEE Lai Shun Nelson and LEUNG T K P. ed. Rehabilitation of Lumbrosacral Plexopathy
with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A Case Report.. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 80 1169 pgs. 1999.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics
See Also <P022802 >, <P023954 >, <P029523 >, <P029554 >, <P036451 >, <P056886 >, <P060028 >, <P060089 >,
<P060123 >, <P060158 >, <P060292 >, <P060369 >, <P060542 >, <P060688 >, <P060815 >, <P061124 >, <P061217
>, <P061682 >, <P061922 >, <P062703 >, <P063054 >, <P063082 >, <P063111 >, <P063153 >, <P063250 >,
<P063298 >, <P063478 >, <P063912 >, <P063965 >, <P063978 >, <P064554 >, <P064574 >, <P064615 >, <P064651
>, <P064665 >, <P064712 >, <P064867 >, <P065107 >, <P065216 >, <P065234 >, <P065334 >, <P065870 >,
<P065992 >, <P066403 >, <P066422 >, <P066500 >, <P066540 >, <P066604 >, <P066841 >, <P067142 >, <P067308
>, <P067437 >, <P067539 >, <P067555 >, <P067585 >, <P067813 >, <P067893 >, <P067929 >, <P067931 >,
<P067993 >, <P068311 >, <P068387 >, <P068514 >, <P068547 >, <P069062 >, <P069550 >, <P069596 >, <P069639
>, <P069690 >, <P069944 >, <P070211 >, <P070232 >, <P070345 >, <P070366 >, <P070492 >, <P070749 >,
<P071226 >, <P071268 >, <P071324 >, <P071343 >, <P071369 >, <P071572 >, <P071890 >, <P072013 >, <P072038
>, <P072145 >, <P072301 >, <P072312 >, <P072505 >, <P072540 >, <P072728 >, <P072790 >, <P072799 >,
<P072807 >, <P072976 >, <P073018 >, <P073120 >, <P073179 >, <P073404 >, <P073532 >, <P073663 >, <P073686
>, <P073697 >, <P073929 >, <P073947 >, <P073996 >, <P074055 >, <P074144 >, <P074175 >, <P074412 >,
<P074542 >, <P074963 >, <P075134 >, <P075156 >, <P075227 >, <P075551 >, <P076090 >, <P076299 >, <P076318
>, <P076483 >, <P076548 >, <P076608 >, <P076724 >, <P077166 >, <P077212 >, <P077660 >, <P077844 >,
<P077886 >, <P077968 >, <P077992 >, <P078018 >, <P078069 >, <P078202 >, <P078477 >, <P078510 >, <P078870
>, <P078902 >, <P078968 >, <P079089 >, <P079126 >, <P079136 >, <P079353 >, <P079375 >, <P079701 >
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine (Planning Office)
<P061944> LAU Wan Yee Joseph. "The Role of Neoadjuvant / Adjuvant Therapy and Tumour-Downstaging in
Hepatocellular Carcinoma". Paper presented in the China International Forum on Hepatobiliary Surgery
2006, 6 - 8 pgs. Beijing, China, 2006.08.
<P064394> 劉允怡. <普外醫生的過去、現在和未來>. 論文發表於 《山東大學 2006 中國國際現代普通外科進
展學術會議》, 22-24 頁. 中國, 2006.11.
<P067836> LAU Wan Yee Joseph. "Liver Surgery and Transplantation in China:- Progress and Challenge". Paper
Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, 1-3 pgs. Wuhan, China, 2006.10.
<P070664> LAU Wan Yee Joseph. "Diagnosis and Treatment of Gallbladder Cancer". Paper presented in the First
Biennial Congress of the Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, 21-23 March 2007,
Fukuoka, Japan, p. 69. Japan, 2007.03.
<P071121> YAMASHITA Yuichi; TAKADA Tadahiro; KAWARADA Yoshifumi; NIMURA Yuji; HIROTA
Masahiko; MIURA Fumihiko; MAYUMI Toshihiko; YOSHIDA Masahiro; STRASBERG Steven;
J. Dirk; FAN Sheung Tat; HILVANO C. Serafin; LAU Wan Yee Joseph; KIM Sun Whe; BELLI
Giulio; WINDSOR A. John; LIAU Kui Hin and SACHAKUL Vibul. "Surgical treatment of patients
Guidelines". J
Surg vol.14 no.1, pp.91-97. Japan: Springer, 2007.01.
<P071339> OU Jin-rui; CHEN Wei and LAU Wan Yee Joseph. "A New Technique of Hepatic Segmentectomy by
Selective Portal Venous Occlusion Using a Balloon Cahteter through a Branch of the Superior Mesenteric
Vein". World Journal of Surgery vol.31 no.6, pp.1240-42. Springer New York, 2007.06.
<P076544> OU Jin-rui; CHEN Wei and LAU Wan Yee Joseph. "Hepatic segmentectomy by selective portal
venous occlusion using a balloon catheter through a branch of the superior mesenteric vein". Paper
presented in the First Biennial Congress of the Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, 21-23
March 2007, Fukuoka, Japan, p. 217 pgs. Japan, 2007.03.
<P077693> 劉允怡. <門靜脈分支栓塞在原發性肝癌中的應用>. 論文發表於 《2007 中國臨床普外科前沿與爭
論高峰論壇》, 3-4 頁. 中國新彊, 2007.06.
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine (Planning Office)
<P078850> ZHANG Yewei; LI Ping; LI Guoqiang; HUANG Xinlin; MENG Qingyang; LAU Wan Yee Joseph
and WANG Xuehao. "The Mechanism of How Anti-IL-18 Prevents Convanavalin-A-Induced Hepatic
Fibrosis on a Mouse Model". Journal of Surgical Research vol.142 no.1, pp.175-183. United States of
America, 2007.06.
<P078955> SHI Ming; GUO Rong Ping; LIN Xiao Jun; ZHANG Ya Qi; CHEN Min Shan; ZHANG Chang
Qing; LAU Wan Yee Joseph and LI Jin Qing. "Partial Hepatectomy With Wide Versus Narrow
Resection Margin for Solitary Hepatocellular Carcinoma. A Prospective Randomized Trial.". Annals of
Surgery vol.245 no.1, pp.36-43. United States of America: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007.01.
<P079485> 劉允怡 及 賴俊雄. <肝癌治療新進展>. 《臨床外科雜誌》 第 25 卷 第 1 期, 頁 2-6. 中國, 2007.01.
See Also <P004240 >, <P011708 >, <P062327 >, <P065145 >, <P079758 >, <P940247 >, <P984518 >, <P991290 >,
<P994214 >, <P994216 >
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Microbiology
STROBEL S and SCHALASTA G. "Second Trimester Congenital Rubella Infection: a Case
Report". 5th Annual European Society for Clinical Virology Meeting, 2 Sept 2001, Lahti,
Finland pp.162. Finland, 2001.
and WARD K N. "Brainstem Encephalitis due to Primary Herpes Simplex Virus 2 Infection in a Young
Woman". Paper presented in the 6th Aisa Pacific Congress of Medical Virology, S59 pgs. 2003.
<P060560> CHEUNG Lai Ken Jo; HO C S W; WONG Yick Fu; CHEUNG Tak Hong and CHAN Kay Sheung
Paul. "Integration events of HPV16 in different grades of cervcial lesion". Paper presented in the 23rd
Workshop, MSD P-022. Prague, Czech
Republic, 2006.09.04.
<P060598> BARNARD Dale L; DAY Craig W; BAILEY Kevin; HEINER Matthew; MONTGOMERY Robert;
LAURIDSEN Larry; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul and SIDWELL Robert W. "Evaluation of
Immunomodulators, Interferons and Known in vitro SARS-CoV Inhibitors for Inhibition of SARS-CoV
Replication in BALB/c Mice". Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy vol.17 pp.275-284. 2006.
<P061354> LEUNG KAM TONG; CHIU Chi Ming Lawrence; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; OOI Vincent Eng
Choon and SUN Sai Ming Samuel. "JNK Mediates BimEL Degradation to Etoposide Resistance in
T-ALL Sup-T1 Cells". Paper presented in the Molecular Target-Based Chemoprevention and
Cytoprotection with Phytopharmaceuticals and Phytonutrients, organized by College of Pharmacy, Seoul
National University, p.32-34. Seoul, Korea, South, 2006.11.17.
<P061684> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "The Secrets of Human and Avian Influenza Viruses". Paper presented in the
Young Scholar Programme for Biology of the 21st Century, 2006, organized by Department of Biology,
CUHK, p.4. 2006.07.
<P062271> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; CHEUNG Lai Ken Jo; HO W C S; TANG Julian Wei Tze; CHEUNG
Tak Hong; YU Mei Yung; LO Wing Kit and TO Ka Fai. "HLA class II allele polymorphisms and risk
for cervical cancer in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 23rd International Papillomavirus Conference
& Clinical Workshop, MSD P-087. Prague, Czech Republic, 2006.09.03.
<P062479> IP Margaret; CHEUK Shing Ching; TSUI H Y Michelle; KONG Fanrong; LEUNG T N and
GILBERT L Gwendolyn. "Identification of a Streptococcus agalactiae Serotype III Subtype 4 Clone in
Microbiology vol.44 no.11, pp.4252-4254. 2006.11.
Faculty of Medicine
Kong.". Journal
Dept of Microbiology
<P062703> TANG Julian Wei Tze; CHEUNG Lai Ken Jo; CHU Miu Ting; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu; PEIRIS
Malik and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "The Large 386-nt Deletion in SARS-Associated Coronavirus:
Evidence for Quasispecies?". Journal of Infectious Diseases vol.194 pp.808-813. 2006.09.15.
<P062965> IP Margaret; LUI Sau Lai; CHAU Sze Lok; LUNG Wing Hung and BURD David Andrew
Ross. "The
Unit". Journal
Infection vol.63 pp.342-344. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier Ltd, 2006.07.
<P063606> IP Margaret; LUI Sau Lai; POON Kwok Man; LUNG W H Ivan and BURD David Andrew
Ross. "Antimicrobial Activities of Silver Dressings: an In Vitro Comparison". Journal of Medical
Microbiology vol.55 pp.59-63. United Kingdom, 2006.
<P063918> TANG Julian Wei Tze. "Hypothesis: Influenza A (H3N2) Originates in Hong Kong/China before
Spreading Worldwide with Further Antigenic Change". Paper presented in the 12th International
Bioinformatics Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology, 56-57 pgs. Greece, 2006.09.
<P064359> TANG Julian Wei Tze. "The Epidemiology of Influenza A (H3N2) in Hong Kong". Paper presented in
the 7th Asia-Pacific Congress of Medical Vriology, p.50. India, 2006.11.
<P064588> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Avian Influenza Virus - its Threat to Human Health". Paper presented in the
6th International Symposium of Frontiers in Life Sciences - Molecular Basis of Diseases, Prevention and
Treatment, organized by Qingdao University, 1 pgs. China, Qingdao, 2006.09.
<P064606> HO W C S; CHEUNG Lai Ken Jo; CHEUNG Tak Hong; WONG Yick Fu and CHAN Kay Sheung
Paul. "Sequence variations of HPV52 E6, E7, L1 and LCR genes and risk for cervical neoplasia in
chinese women". Paper presented in the 23rd International Papillomavirus Conference & Clinical
Workshop, MSD P-050. Prague, Czech Republic, 2006.09.04.
<P065082> CHEUNG Lai Ken Jo; LO Wing Kit; CHEUNG Tak Hong; TANG Julian Wei Tze and CHAN Kay
Sheung Paul. "Viral Load, E2 Gene Disruption Status, and Lineage of Human Papillomavirus Type 16
Infection in Cervical Neoplasia". The Journal of Infectious Diseases vol.194 no.12, pp.1706-1712. United
States of America: Univ Chicago Press, 2006.12.15.
<P065334> IP Margaret; TANG Julian Wei Tze; HUI Shu Cheong David; WONG Chi Hang; CHAN Mark S.
H.; JOYNT Gavin Matthew; SO A; HALL S; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul and SUNG Joseph Jao
Yiu. "A Method to Visualize Exhaled Aerosols Produced During the use of Oxygen Masks using Optical
Flow". Paper presented in the 6th Internationl Conference of the Hospital Infection Society, s49-s50
pgs. Netherlands, 2006.10.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Microbiology
<P066214> TANG Julian Wei Tze and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Laboratory Diagnosis of Avian Influenza". The
Hong Kong Practitioner vol.28 pp.326-334. 2006.08.
<P066507> HUI Mamie; CHAN Ping Lung; CHIN Miu Ling; CHU Ka Yi; CHAN Lap Kwan and CHAN Chiu
Yeung Raphael. "Candida albicans ALS1 and ALS6 Genes Contribute to the Adherence on FEP
(Tetrafluoroethylene and Hexafloropropylene Polymer) Vascular Catheter.". Paper presented in the 10th
WPCCID, 3-6 Dec 2006, Japan, 1. Japan, 2006.12.
<P066887> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; CHEUNG Lai Ken Jo; HO W C; TANG Julian Wei Tze; LIN C K; SIU
Shing Shun Nelson; YIM So Fan; LO Wing Kit and CHEUNG Tak Hong. "High-risk HPV,
HLA-DRB1 alleles and risk of cervical cancer". Paper presented in the 23rd International Papillomavirus
Conference & Clinical Workshop, MSD P-088. Prague, Czech Republic, 2006.09.04.
Timothy Hudson and SCHENNACH H. "Neopterin screening to improve safety of blood
transfusion". Pteridines vol.17 pp.103-104. 2006.
<P069847> FU Lai Hong; SETO Tai Chi; CLARKE L A; KERMODE A R and JIANG Liwen. "Plant-derived
human lysosomal enzyme a-iduorandiase (IDUA): expression, antibody production, subcellular
localization and purification". Paper presented in the Plant Biology 2006, Massachusetts, 1
pgs. USA, Boston, 2006.08.
<P070991> TANG Julian Wei Tze; CHEUNG Lai Ken Jo; CHU Miu Ting; IP Margaret; HUI Mamie; PEIRIS
Malik and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Characterizing 56 Complete SARS-CoV S-gene Sequences from
Hong Kong". Journal of Clinical Virology vol.38 pp.19-26. 2007.
<P072025> CHENG Yee Wan; CHAN Chiu Yeung Raphael and WONG Po Keung. "Disinfection of Legionella
pneumophila by photocatalytic Oxidation". Water Research vol.41 pp.842-852. 2007.
<P072145> IP Margaret; RAINER Timothy Hudson; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; CHAN Cangel; CHAU Sze Lok;
LEUNG Wing Man; LEUNG Man Fai; TAM Tze Kin; ANTONIO Gregory; LUI Chung Yan
Grace; LAU Tze Kin; HUI Shu Cheong David; FUCHS Dietmar; RENNEBERG Reinhard and
CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Value of Serum Procalcitonin, Neopterin, and C-reactive Protein in
Differentiating Bacterial from Viral Etiologies in Patients Presenting with Lower Respiratory Tract
Infections". Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease published on line. 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Microbiology
<P072807> TANG Leung Sang Nelson; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; HUI Shu Cheong David; TO Ka Fai; ZHANG
Weimin; CHAN Ka Leung Francis; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Lack of
support for an association between CLEC4M homozygosity and protection against SARS coronavirus
infection". Nature Genetics vol.39 no.6, pp.691-692. 2007.06.
<P073296> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; CHEUNG Lai Ken Jo; CHEUNG Tak Hong; LO Wing Kit; YIM So Fan;
SIU Shing Shun Nelson and TANG Julian Wei Tze. "Profile of Viral Load, Integration, and E2 Gene
Disruption of HPV58 in Normal Cervix and Cervical Neoplasia". The Journal of Infectious
Diseases vol.196 pp.868-75. 2007.
<P073532> KO F.W.S.; IP Margaret; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; FOK Pui-chu Joan; CHAN C Michael; NGAI
Chun Li; CHAN Pui Shan and HUI Shu Cheong David. "A one-year prospective study of the
infectious etiology in patients hospitalized with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease". CHEST: The Cardiopulmonary and Critical Care Journal vol.131 pp.44-52. 2007.01.11.
<P073897> IP Margaret; CHAU Sze Lok; CHI Fang; CHEUK Shing Ching; MA Hok Lun; LAI Wai Man and
CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Longitudinally Tracking Fluoroquinolone Resistance and Its Determinants in
Penicillin-Susceptible and -Nonsusceptible Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolates in Hong Kong, 2000 to
2005". Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy vol.51 no.6, pp.2192-2194. 2007.06.
<P073960> TANG Julian Wei Tze; LAU S M June; WONG Y N Stephanie; CHEUNG Lai Ken Jo; CHAN C H;
WONG K F; WONG Ann and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Dose-by-Dose Virological and
Hematological Responses to Intravenous Immunoglobulin in an Immunocompromised Patient with
Persistent Parvovirus B19 Infection". Journal of Medical Virology vol.79 pp.1401-1405. 2007.
<P074065> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; LAM Wai Yip; YEUNG Chung Man; CHU Miu Ting and TANG Julian
Wei Tze. "Cytokine Induction Profile of Avian and Human Influenza Viruses - A Preliminary
Report". Paper presented in the Options for the Control of Influenza VI, Canada, 17-23 June
2007, pp.264. 2007.06.
<P074129> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; CHEUNG Lai Ken Jo; CHEUNG Tak Hong; LIN C K; SIU Shing Shun
Nelson; YU Mei Yung; TANG Julian Wei Tze; LO Wing Kit; YIM So Fan; WONG Yick Fu; TO
Ka Fai; NG Ho Keung and CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony. "HLA-DQB1 Polymorphisms and Risk for
Oncology vol.105 no.3 pp.736-741. United
Science, 2007.06.
Faculty of Medicine
Population". Gynecologic
America: Academic
Dept of Microbiology
<P074153> LEUNG Ting Fan and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Feasibility Study of Oseltamivir Self-Initiation in
Asthmatic Children with Febrile Upper Respiratory Illnesses". Paper presented in the 26th Congress of
European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, organized by European Academy of
Allergology and Clinical Immunology, pp.397-398. Goteborg, Sweden, 2007.06.09.
<P075215> TANG Julian Wei Tze; ROHWADER Edda; CHU Miu Ting; TSANG King Yin Raymond;
STEINHAGEN Katja; YEUNG Chung Man; TO Ka Fai and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Evaluation
of Epstein-Barr Virus Antigen-based Immunoassays for Serological Diagnosis of Nasopharyngeal
Carcinoma". Journal of Clinical Virology vol.40 pp.284-288. 2007.
<P075956> CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; LAM Wai Yip; YEUNG Chung Man; CHU Miu Ting; TANG Julian Wei
Tze; CHAN Wai Chi and IP Margaret. "Rapid Multiplex Nested-PCR for the Detection of Avian
Influenza and other Respiratory viruses". Paper presented in the Options for the Control of Influenza VI,
Canada, 17-23 June 2007, p.155. Canada, 2007.06.
<P076097> CHAN Chiu Yeung Raphael; HUI Mamie; CHAN Wai Chi; AU Tai Kong; CHIN Miu Ling; YIP
Chun Kit; AU YEANG Ka Wai Carrie; YEUNG Yau Ling; KAM K. M.; YIP C. W. and CHENG
Fun Bun Augustine. "Genetic and Phenotypic Characterization of Drug-resistant Mycobacterium
tuberculosis Isolates in Hong Kong". Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy vol.59 pp.866-873. 2007.
<P076483> IP Margaret; RAINER Timothy Hudson; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; CHAN Cangel; CHAU Sze Lok;
LEUNG Wingman; LEUNG Man Fai; TAM Tze Kin; ANTONIO Gregory; LUI Chung Yan Grace;
LAU Tze Kin; HUI Shu Cheong David; FUCHS Dietmar; RENNEBERG Reinhard and CHAN Kay
Sheung Paul. "Value of Serum Procalcitonin, Neopterin, C-reactive Protein in Differentiating Bacterial
from Viral Etiologies in Patients Presenting with Lower Respiratory Tract Infections". Diagnostic
Microbiology and Infectious Disease vol.59 pp.131-136. 2007.
<P076484> TANG Julian Wei Tze and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Virology of Human Immunodeficiency
Virus". HIV Manual 2007 ed. by S S Lee et cl. 2007.
P. "Association of Serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae with Disease Severity and Outcome in Adults:
An International Study". Clinical Infectious Diseases vol.46 pp.46-51. 2007.
<P078152> IP Margaret. "50 Years Ago in The Journal of Pediatrics : A Comparison of Intramuscular and Oral
Benzathine Penicillin G in the Treatment of Streptococcal Infections in Children". The Journal of
Pediatrics vol.151 pp.92. 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Microbiology
<P078448> HUI Mamie; CHIN Miu Ling; CHAN Lap Kwan; CHU K. C. and CHAN Chiu Yeung Raphael. "In
vitro Activity of Fluconazole and Voriconazole against Invasive Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis
and Candida glabrata Isolates in Patients with Candidaemia from 2001-2005 in Hong Kong". Paper
presented in the 17th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases,
Munich/Germany, 31 Mar - 3 Apr 2007, p1953. 2007.
<P078735> IP Margaret; NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn; CHEUK Shing Ching; SUNG Yn Tz Rita; LI
Man Chim Albert Martin; MA Hok Lun and CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Serotype Distribution and
Antimicrobial Susceptibilites of Nasopharyngeal Isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae from Children
Kong". Journal
Microbiology vol.45 no.6, pp.1969-1971. 2007.06.
<P079353> CHOW Kai-Ming; CHOW Chi Ying; SZETO Cheuk Chun; LAW M. C.; LEUNG Chi Bon and LI
Kam Tao Philip. "Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis peritonitis: broth inoculation culture versus
water lysis method". Nephron Clinical Practice vol.105 no.3, pp.121-125. 2007.
<P079375> TANG Julian Wei Tze; TO Ka Fai; Anthony W.I. Lo; SUNG Joseph Jao Yiu; NG Ho Keung and
CHAN Kay Sheung Paul. "Quantitative Temporal-Spatial Distribution of Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in Post-Mortem Tissues". Journal of Medical
Virology vol.79 pp.1245-1253. 2007.
<P927427> TANG Julian Wei Tze and WARDLE C S. "Power Output of Two Sizes of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo
Speeds". Journal
Biology vol.166 pp.33-46. 1992.
<P933990> LUCAS M C; JOHNSTONE A D F and TANG Julian Wei Tze. "An Annular Respirometer for
Measuring Aerobic Metabolic Rates of Large, Schooling Fishes". Journal of Experimental
Biology vol.175 pp.325-331. 1993.
See Also <P060649 >, <P061331 >, <P061922 >, <P062470 >, <P063054 >, <P066281 >, <P066422 >, <P066464 >,
<P066502 >, <P066540 >, <P066991 >, <P067893 >, <P067931 >, <P068193 >, <P068422 >, <P069690 >, <P069921
>, <P070732 >, <P071561 >, <P071788 >, <P072254 >, <P072505 >, <P072790 >, <P074179 >, <P075440 >,
<P076299 >, <P076324 >, <P076331 >, <P077454 >, <P077660 >, <P077844 >, <P078477 >, <P078510 >, <P078538
>, <P079313 >, <P079701 >
Faculty of Medicine
The Nethersole School of Nursing
<P060435> CHAU Pak Chun Janita; THOMPSON R David; CHAN David and LO Hoi Shan. "An innovative
approach to enhance research utilization in acute care settings. ". Paper presented in the Joanna Briggs
Colloquium, South Africa, organized by Joanna Briggs Institute, 1 pgs. 2006.08.
<P060578> WONG Kit Yee Irene; LEE Tze Fan Diana and THOMPSON David Robert. "Moderne
Wundversorgung und Kompression". Vascular Surgery vasomed. vol.18 pp.149-150. Germany, 2006.08.
<P061021> TWINN Sheila Frances; HOLROYD Eleanor Anne and ADAB P. "The Influence of Extrinsic and
Intrinsic Factors on Upake Rates for Cervical Screening: A Comparison of the Perceptions of Hong Kong
Chinese Women and Practitioners". Hong Kong Medical Journal Supplement vol.12 no.4 Supp
2, pp.19-21. Hong Kong, 2006.08.
<P061024> WONG Kit Yee Irene; LEE Tze Fan Diana and THOMPSON David Robert. "What is new about
compresssion: A randomized controlled trial comparing modern wound management alone or in
combination with either short stretch or long stretch compression bandages for the treatment of venous
ulceration". Paper
Surgery, organized
UIP, 1
pgs. Germany, 2006.10.05.
<P061088> 李子芬. <Care of the Older People>. 《A 4-day workshop organized by School of Nursing, Fudan
University, China》 中國, 2006.10.
<P061954> LEE Fung Kam Iris; LEE Tze Fan Diana and MACKENZIE E Ann. "Correlates of functional
limitations in older Chinese patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Hong Kong". Heart &
Lung vol.35 no.5, pp.324-333. 2006.09.01.
<P062046> LEE Tze Fan Diana. "Promoting Person-Centred Care for Elders in Chinese Residential Care
Homes". Faculty Seminar of the Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, Kingston University - St.
George’s London University United Kingdom, 2006.09.
<P062276> CHAN Wai Chi Sally. "Continuity of Nursing Care". Psychiatric Nursing ed. by Li Xiaomei. 1st
ed. pp.894-933. Beijing, China: People’s Medicine Publishing House, 2006.08.
<P062278> SZETO Yan and CHENG Kin Fong Karis. "Quality of Life of Patients with Terminal Cancer
Care". Journal
Care vol.22 no.4, pp.261-266. Montreal, Canada: Centre for Bioethics, Clinical Research Institute of
Montreal, 2006.
Faculty of Medicine
The Nethersole School of Nursing
<P062489> TWINN Sheila Frances. "Balancing Uncertainty and Acceptance: Understanding Chinese Women's
Result". Journal
Nursing vol.15 no.9, pp.1140-1148. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2006.09.
<P062718> SHIU Tak Ying Ann. "Weight Control in Diabetes Education Encounters: A roter Interaction Analysis
in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 10th International Congress on Obesity, organized by The
International Association for the Study of Obesity, 1 pgs. Sydney, Australia, 2006.09.03.
<P063306> WONG Kit Yee Irene; LEE Tze Fan Diana and THOMPSON David Robert. "A randomised
controlled trial comparing modern wound management alone or in combination with either short stretch or
uclercation". Vascular
Surgery Phlebologie. vol.35 pp.A54. Germany, 2006.09.
<P063782> SHIU Tak Ying Ann. "Communication Styles of Hong Kong Nurses and Patients in Diabetes Education
Encounters". Paper presented in the 8th Hong Kong Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk Factors - East
Meets West Symposium, organized by Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity , 1 pgs. 2006.09.30.
<P063791> CHAN S. Y.; YU Sau Fung Doris and LEE Tze Fan Diana. "Predictors of Psychological Distress of
Patients after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery". Journal of the Hong Kong College of
Cardiology vol.14 no.Suppl. 2, p.B4. Hong Kong SAR: Medcom Limited, 2006.
<P063897> YU Sau Fung Doris. "Relaxation Therapy in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure: A Randomized
Trial". Supplement
Circulation vol.114 no.18, pp.II-517. American
Association, 2006.10.
<P064094> CHIEN Wai Tong and IP Wan Yim. "Letter to the Editor: Healthcare Research Without Ethical
JCN". Journal
Nursing vol.15 no.10, pp.1346-1347. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2006.10.
<P064279> YU Sau Fung Doris. "Predictors of Psychological Distress of Older Patients with Chronic Heart
Failure". European Heart Journal vol.27 no.Abstract Suppl., p.387. United Kingdom: Oxford University
Press, 2006.09.
<P064281> CHIEN Wai Tong; CHAN Wai Chi Sally and THOMPSON David Robert. "Effects of A Mutual
Support Group for Families of Chinese People with Schizophrenia: 18-Month Follow-Up". British
Journal of Psychiatry vol.189 no.1, pp.41-49. United Kingdom: Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2006.07.
Faculty of Medicine
The Nethersole School of Nursing
<P064411> LAM Lai Wah; CHANG Anne M. and MORRISSEY Jean. "Parents' Experiences of Participation in
the Care of Hospitalised Children: A Qualitative Study". International Journal of Nursing
Studies vol.43 no.5, pp.535-545. United Kingdom: Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd., 2006.07.
<P064501> TSANG Yuk Ling Anna and YU Sau Fung Doris. "Determinants Of Psychological Distress in Chinese
Older People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.". Paper presented in the 14th Annual Congress of
Gerontology, Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, organized by Hong Kong Association of
Gerontology, 483 pgs. Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, 2006.11.
<P064554> THOMPSON David Robert; YU Sau Fung Doris; OLDRIDGE Neil and YU Cheuk
Man. "Psychometric Evaluation of Two Coronary Heart Disease HRQL Questionnaires in Chinese
Patients". Supplement to Circulation vol.114 no.18, pp.II-701-702. American Heart Association, 2006.11.
<P064665> YU Sau Fung Doris; LEE Tze Fan Diana and WOO Jean. "Psychological Distress in Elderly Patients
with Congestive Heart Failure". Asian Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics vol.1 no.3, pp.93-98. Hong
Kong SAR, 2006.
<P064739> MAN S. L. Elaine and LOW Lisa Pau Le. "Perceived Effective Measures for Managing Recurrent
Urinary Tract Infection of Cognitively-Imparied Older Patients". Paper presented in the 14th Annual
Congress of Gerontolgy, organized by Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, 64 pgs. Hong Kong
SAR, 2006.11.25.
<P065437> CHAN Wai Chi Sally; CHIEN Wai Tong; THOMPSON David Robert; CHIU Fung Kum Helen and
LAM Chiu Wa. "Quality of Life Measures for Depressed and Non-depressed Chinese Older
People". International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry vol.21 11 pp.1086-1092. United Kingdom: John
Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2006.09.
<P065589> WAN Sau Yan and CHAIR Sek Ying. "Reflections of a Critical Care Nurse Regarding Termination of
Support". CONNECT:
Nursing vol.5 no.2, pp.61-64. Huntleigh Health Care, 2006.
<P065738> LUI How Lin May; THOMPSON R David; CHAU Pak Chun Janita; LAM Lai Wah and CHAN
Wai Chi Sally. "Exploring practising nurses’ perceptions’ of facilitators of research utilization". Paper
presented in the Asia Pacific EBM Network Conference 2006, 1 pgs. 2006.12.
<P065945> TWINN Sheila Frances. "The Contribution of Nursing to Primary Care in Hong Kong". Paper
presented in the Primary care: The Way Forward, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1
pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.09.09.
Faculty of Medicine
The Nethersole School of Nursing
<P066036> IP Wan Yim and SIN Louise Lok Yun. "Knowledge and Self-Efficacy of Contraception Among
Chinese Women with Unplanned Pregnancy". Paper presented in the 9th Asia Oceania Congress of
Sexology, organized by Consortium of Thai Training Institutes for STDs and AIDs (COTTISA), 1
pgs. Thailand, 2006.11.01.
<P066550> CHENG Kin Fong Karis. "Development and Content Validity of An Oral Mucositis Quality of Life
Instrument". Faculty Research Day 2006, CUHK Hong Kong SAR, 2006.08.19.
<P066592> TUNG Wai Ching and LEE Fung Kam Iris. "Effects of an osteoporosis educational programme for
men.". Journal of Advanced Nursing vol.56 no.1, pp.26-34. 2006.09.13.
<P066613> LUI How Lin May; LEE Tze Fan Diana; ROSS Fiona and YEUNG Sue. "Psychometric Evaluation
of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale in Chinese Poststroke Older Adults". Journal
of Nursing Scholarship vol.38 no.4, pp.366-369. United States of America: Blackwell Publishing,
Inc., 2006.12.
<P066766> SHIU Tak Ying Ann. "Translation and Validation of the Chinese Version of the Gastrointestinal Quality
Tumor". Journal
Research vol.61 no.4, pp.469-477. United States of America: Elsevier Inc., 2006.10.
<P066859> TIWARI Agnes; CHAN Sophia; WONG Emma; CHUI Ying Yu; WONG David; WONG Alan and
PATIL Niv. "The Effect of Problem-Based Learning on Students' Approaches to Learning in the Context
of Clinical Nursing Education". Nurse Education Today vol.26 no.5, pp.430-438. Elsevier Ltd., 2006.07.
<P066895> 李子芬、 羅佩麗 及 陳穎賢.<香港安老院老年人對隱私的理解及需求>.《中華護理雜誌》第 41 卷第
12 期,頁 Nursing Association, 2006.12.
<P066922> FRENCH H Peter; BOOST Maureen; CHAN Mf Tony; HO K; LEE Sw A; SUEN Kwai Ping Lorna
and YOUNG P. "Estimating patients adherence to prescribed medication for nursing research: A pilot
study." Asian Journal of Nursing Studies《亞洲護理學雜誌》 vol.9 no.1, pp.34-42. 2006.
<P067000> CHIEN Wai Tong. "Evaluation of A Mutual Support Group for Family Carers of Patients with
Schizophrenia". Ph.D. Thesis. 481 pgs. London, United Kingdom: King’s College London, 2006.10.01.
<P067239> THOMPSON David Robert; YU Sau Fung Doris and CHAIR Sek Ying. "Cardiac Nursing in Hong
Kong : An Overseas Perspective". British Journal of Cardiac Nursing vol.1 no.12 pp.589-594. United
Kingdom, 2006.12.
Faculty of Medicine
The Nethersole School of Nursing
<P067611> YU Sau Fung Doris and THOMPSON David Robert. "Disease management programmes for heart
failure: what make a difference?". 1st Asian Preventive Cardiology and Cardiac Rehabilitation
conference Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, 2006.12.04.
<P067871> WONG Mi Ling Eliza and CHAN Wai Chi Sally. "Development of a Cognitive Behavior Approach
Education Program for Pain Management for Patients with Fracture Limb and Undergoing Surgery
". Paper presented in the 17th International Nursing Research Congress, organized by Sigma Theta Tau
International Honor Society of Nursing, 1 pgs. Canada, 2006.07.
<P067911> WU Kit Man and CHAU Pak Chun Janita. "The Roles of Self-Efficacy in Stoma Patients'
Self-Management". Paper presented in the 16th Biennial Congress of the World Council of Enterostomal
Therapists, organized by World Council of Enterostomal Therapists, 1 pgs. 2006.07.02.
<P068266> HE Cai Yun and SHIU Tak Ying Ann. "Sense of Coherence and Diabetes-Specific Stress Perceptions
of Diabetic Patients in Central Mainland China". Journal of Clinical Nursing Research in
Brief. vol.15 no.11, pp.1460-1462. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2006.11.
<P068378> 邵德英. <Invited Conference Paper Presented and Published in Conference Proceedings>. 論文發表於
《The Third Management Forum on Sustainable Development of Community Healthcare》, 上海市衛生
局和上海市衛生工作者協會 1 頁. ChinaShanghai, 2006.12.15.
<P068427> CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. "Using Mixed Methods in Evaluating Complex Intervention". Paper
presented in the Mixed Methods Conference 2006, organized by Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, 1
pgs. United Kingdom, 2006.07.
<P068613> CHAN Wai Chi Sally; MACKENZIE E Ann; CHAN Oi Wah; KU Betty and LEUNG Winnie. "An
Evaluation of the Implementation of Case Management in the Community Psychiatric Nursing
Service". Hong Kong Medical Journal Supplement 3. vol.12 no.6, pp.S28-32. Hong Kong SAR: Hong
Kong Academy of Medicine Press, 2006.12.
<P069020> SUEN Kwai Ping Lorna; LAI Ky Claudia; WONG Ks Thomas; CHOW Ky Susan; KONG Kf
Sarah; HO Yl Josephine; KONG K T; LEUNG Sc J and WONG Yc Ivan. Use of restraints in
rehabilitation settings: Staff knowledge, attitudes and predictors. J Adv Nurs vol.55 no.1, pp.20-28. 2006.
<P069187> CHANG A. M.; IP Wan Yim; WOOTTON Y. S. and CHEUNG T. H.. "Comparative Analysis of
Patient-Controlled Analgesia Versus Traditional Intramuscular Injection in Chinese Women Undergoing
Elective Gynaecological Surgery". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.12 no.(Suppl. 2), pp.S45-47. Hong
Kong SAR: Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and the Hong Kong Medical Association, 2006.08.
Faculty of Medicine
The Nethersole School of Nursing
<P069240> LOW Lisa Pau Le; LEE Tze Fan Diana; CHAN Wing Yin and LEE Kit Yan. "Privacy in Residential
Care Homes - Perspectives of Older People". Paper presented in the 4th World Congress on Long Term
Care in Chinese Communities, 1 pgs. Macau, 2006.10.18.
<P069242> TSANG Yuk Ling Anna and YU Sau Fung Doris. "Correlates Of Psychological Distress in Chinese
Elderly Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus". HK Med J vol.12 no.6 (Suppl4), pp.124. Hong
Kong, Hong Kong SAR, 2006.12.
<P069414> CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han. "Psychoeducational Intervention: A Critical Review of Systematic
Analyses". Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing Review. vol.9 no.3-4, pp.101-111. Elsevier Ltd., 2006.09.
<P069542> LEE Tze Fan Diana and MACKENZIE Ann. "Adjusting to Residential Care Placement of Their Older
Relatives: Chinese Families Perspectives". Paper presented in the British Society of Gerontology 35th
Meeting, organized
Gerontology, p.87. United
Kingdom, 2006.09.
<P069995> SHIU Tak Ying Ann. "Development of an Analytical Scheme for Diabetes Education Strategies". Paper
presented in the 19th World Diabetes Congress, organized by International Diabetes Federation, 1
pgs. 2006.12.03.
<P070176> IP Wan Yim and WONG Man Ki Maggie. "Compliance of Pregnant Women with Gestational Diabetes
Mellitus: Does Family Have a Role to Play?". Paper presented in the The 8th International Family
Conference, organized
University, 141
pgs. Bangkok, Thailand, 2007.06.04.
<P070239> HENDERSON Amanda and CHIEN Wai Tong. "Health Beliefs and Expectations Implicit in
Population". Journal
Nursing vol.16 no.3, pp.603-609. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2007.03.
<P070317> TSANG Yuk Ling Anna and YU Sau Fung Doris. "Determinants OF Psychological Distrss in Chinese
Older Peoplw with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.". Paper presented in the Hospital Authority Convention
2007, organized by Hong Kong Hospital Authority, 89 pgs. Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, 2007.05.
<P070328> CHENG Kin Fong Karis. "Oral Mucositis and Quality of Life of Hong Kong Chinese Patients with
Therapy". European
Kingdom: Elsevier, 2007.02.
Faculty of Medicine
Nursing vol.11 no.1, pp.36-42. United
The Nethersole School of Nursing
<P070345> YU Sau Fung Doris; LEE Tze Fan Diana; WOO Jean and HUI Elsie. "Non-Pharmacological
Interventions in Older People with Heart Failure: Effects of Exercise Training and Relaxation
Therapy". Gerontology vol.53 no.2, pp.74-81. Switzerland: S. Karger AG, Basel, 2007.02.
<P070598> LEE C. Y. Esther; LOW Lisa Pau Le and TWINN Sheila Frances. "Older Patients' Experience of
Sleep in the Hospital: Disruptions and Remedies". First Scientific Meeting CUM 10th AGM Hong Kong
SAR: Hong Kong Nursing Association of Gerontology, 2007.04.28.
<P070716> TAM Wai San Wilson and WONG Tze Wai. "Estimating Incubation Period with Multiple Contact
Days". Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Disease vol.39 no.6, pp.609-611. United Kingdom: Taylor &
Francis, 2007.06.
<P070981> CHAN Keung Sum and TWINN Sheila Frances. "An Analysis of the Stressors and Coping Strategies
of Chinese Adults with a Partner Admitted to An Intensive Care Unit in Hong Kong: An Exploratory
Study". Journal of Clinical Nursing vol.16 no.1, pp.185-193. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing
Ltd., 2007.01.
<P071343> LEE Linda; LEE Tze Fan Diana and WOO Jean. "Effect of Tai Chi on state self-esteem and
health-related quality of life in older Chinese residential care home residents". Journal of Clinical
Nursing pp.1580-1582. 2007.
<P071758> LEUNG Sharron Shuk Kam; MAK Yim Wah; CHUI Ying Yu; CHIANG Vico Chung Lim and
LEE Angel Chu Kee. "Cognitive-Behavioral Program for Reducing Work-Related Stress and Promoting
Mental Health Among Secondary School Teachers in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 20th Annual
Pacific Nursing Reserach Conference, organized by University of Hawaii, p.110. Hawaii, United States of
America, 2007.03.23.
<P071808> SUEN Kwai Ping Lorna; WONG Ks Thomas; CHUNG Wy Joanne and YIP Yb
Vera. "Auriculotherapy on low back pain in the elderly.". Complementary Therapies in Clinical
Practice vol.13 pp.63-69. 2007.
<P072013> WOO Jean; HONG Wai Lin; LAU Edith Ming Chu and LYNN Henry. "A Randomised Controlled
Trial of Tai Chi and Resistance Exercise on Bone Health, Muscle Strength and Balance in
Community-Living Elderly People". Age and Ageing Research Paper. vol.36 no.3, pp.262-268. Oxford
University Press, 2007.03.
Faculty of Medicine
The Nethersole School of Nursing
<P072068> TWINN Sheila Frances and LO S. "Hong Kong Chinese Women's Responses to An Abnormal Cervical
Smear Result". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.13 no.2 Suppl 2, pp.13-15. Hong Kong SAR: Hong
Kong Academy of Medicine Press, 2007.04.
<P072312> LAM Ching; CHAU Pak Chun Janita and WOO Jean. "Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms and Its
Relationship with Social Support Among Older Stroke Patients". Paper presented in the Evidence-based
practice in nursing: Paradigms & Dialogue, organized by Pi lota chapter, the Honor Society of Nursing,
Sigma Theta Tau International, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic Unviersity, p.30. Hong
Kong SAR, 2007.04.19.
<P072507> CHIU Fung Lan Angelisa and IP Wan Yim. "Does Fear of Childbirth During Pregnancy Have Any
Relationship with the Feelings in Childbirth?". Paper presented in the Evidence-Based Practice in
Nursing: Paradigms & Dialogue, organized by Pi lote Chapter, the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma
Theta Tau International, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 40 pgs. Hong
Kong, 2007.04.19.
<P072684> LAI Y. L.; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han and LOPEZ Violeta. "Perceptions of Dyspnea and Helpful
Cancer". Cancer
Nursing vol.30 no.2, pp.E1-E8. Lippincott William & Wilkins, 2007.03.
<P072698> SUEN Kwai Ping Lorna and THOMPSON D R. "The role of complementary therapies in cardiac care:
Where are we now?". British Journal of Cardiac Nursing vol.2 no.2, pp.80-85. 2007.
<P072766> TWINN Sheila Frances; HOLROYD Eleanor Anne; FABRIZIO C; MOORE A and DICKINSON J.
A. "Increasing Knowledge About and Uptake of Cervical Cancer Screening in Hong Kong Chinese
Women Over 40 Years". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.13 no.2, Suppl 2, pp.16-20. Hong Kong
SAR: Hong Kong Academiy of Medicine Press, 2007.04.
<P072817> CHAN S. C. Sophia; CHOW M. K. Denise; LOH K. Y. Edith; WONG C. N. David; CHENG Kin
Fong Karis; FUNG Y. C. Wendy and CHEUNG S. Y. Polly. "Using a Community-Based Outreach
Program to Improve Breast Health Awareness Among Women in Hong Kong". Public Health
Nursing vol.24 no.3, pp.265-273. Blackwell Publishing Inc., 2007.
<P072828> CHUI Yuen Yee Winter and CHAN Wai Chi Sally. "Stress and Coping of Hong Kong Chinese Family
Members During a Critical Illness". Journal of Clinical Nursing vol.16 no.2, pp.372-381. United
Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2007.02.
Faculty of Medicine
The Nethersole School of Nursing
<P072926> YEUNG Sue; LUI How Lin May; ROSS Fiona and MURRELLS Trevor. "Family Carers in Stroke
Care: Examining the Relationship Between Problem-Solving, Depression and General Health". Journal of
Clinical Nursing Articles. vol.16 no.2, pp.344-352. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2007.02.
<P072980> IP Wan Yim and CHIU Fung Lan. "Does Fear of Childbirth Matter?". Paper presented in the
Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Paradigms & Dialogue, organized by Pi lote Chapter, the Honor
Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, 40 pgs. Hong Kong, 2007.04.19.
<P073018> KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; TWINN Sheila Frances and YAN Elsie. "The Attitudes of Chinese Family
Caregivers of Older People with Dementia Towards Life Sustatining Treatments". Journal of Advanced
Nursing vol.58 no.3, pp.256-262. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2007.05.
<P073225> TWINN Sheila Frances; LEE Chor To and THOMPSON David Robert. "Managing Chronic
Diseases in Primary Care: A Case Study of a Model of Shared Care for Hong Kong Chinese
Patients". Paper presented in the International Health and Social Care Conference, organized by The
Department, 1
pgs. Guernsey, 2007.04.25.
<P073385> SUEN Kwai Ping Lorna. "Sleep hygiene knowledge and practice as predictors of sleep behaviours
among university students.". TBC Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2007.
<P073924> CHOW Ky Susan; LAI Ky Claudia; WONG Ks Thomas; SUEN Kwai Ping Lorna; KONG Kf
Sarah; HO Yl Josephine; KONG K T; LEUNG Sc J and WONG Yc Ivan. "Evaluation of the Morse
Fall Scale: Applicability in Chinese hospital populations.". International Journal of Nursing
Studies vol.44 no.2007, pp.556-565. 2007.
<P073929> YU Sau Fung Doris; LEE Tze Fan Diana and WOO Jean. "Effects of Relaxation Therapy on
Psychologic Distress amd Symptom Status in Older Chinese Patients with Heart Failure". Journal of
Psychosomatic Research original article. vol.62 no.4, pp.427-437. Elsevier Inc., 2007.04.
<P074196> CHIEN Wai Tong. "Assessment of Educational Needs of Chinese Patients with Schizophrenia:
Comparison Between Patients', Family Carers' and Psychiatric Nurses' Perspectives.". Paper presented in
the Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Paradigms & Dialogue, organized by Pi lote Chapter, the Honor
Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, 44 pgs. Hong Kong, 2007.04.19.
Faculty of Medicine
The Nethersole School of Nursing
<P074485> CHUI Ying Yu. "Innovative Online Self-Help Forum for Stress Management of Secondary School
Teachers". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Chapter of the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau
International, organized by Pi lota Chapter, the Honor Society of Nursing, Signma Theta Tau
International, p.32. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.04.20.
<P074507> WU Kit Man Helen; CHAU Pak Chun Janita and TWINN Sheila Frances. "Self Efficacy and
Kong". Cancer
Nursing vol.30 no.3, pp.186-193. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., 2007.05.
<P074745> LAU V. M. H.; CALLAGHAN Patrick; TWINN Sheila Frances and GOODFELLOW
Barbara. "The Nursing Gaze: Power Relations in a Study of Nurse-Resident Interactions in Learning
Disability". Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing vol.14 no.4, pp.346-355. Blackwell
Publishing Ltd., 2007.05.
<P074927> LEE Chau Yuen; LOW Lisa Pau Le and TWINN Sheila Frances. "Older Mens's Experiences of
Sleep in the Hospital". Journal of Clinical Nursing Older People. vol.16 no.2, pp.336-343. United
Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2007.02.
<P074982> CHUI Ying Yu. "Methodological and Ethical Issues Encountered in Studies Conducted with Palliative
Cancer Patients". Paper presented in the Shanghai International Nursing Conference, organized by
Second Military Medical University, 96-97 pgs. 2007.05.15.
<P075053> SUEN Kwai Ping Lorna and WONG Ming Chung. "Auriculotherapy supported longitudinal changes
in sleep parameters of elderly patients with insomnia.". The Journal of Alternative and Complementary
Medicine vol.13 no.3, pp.306-307. 2007.04.
<P075132> CHANG Marie Anne; MOLASSIOTIS Alexandros; CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han and LEE I Y.
M.. "Nursing
Patients". Hong
Journal Supplement. vol.13 no.1 Suppl, pp.20-23. Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
Press, 2007.02.
<P075771> CHAN Wai Chi Sally. "Evaluating Innovations in Nursing Practice". 1st International Nursing
Congress 2007 p.19. University Malaya Medical Centre, 2007.06.
<P075885> YEUNG John W K; TAM Wai San Wilson and WONG Tze Wai. "A Review of the Evidence for
Hand Hygiene in Different Clinical and Community Settings for Family Physicians". Hong Kong
Practitioner vol.29 no.4, p.157-163. Hong Kong: The Journal of The Hong Kong College of Family
Physicians, 2007.04.
Faculty of Medicine
The Nethersole School of Nursing
<P075981> MAK K. M. Annie; MACKENZIE Ann and LUI How Lin May. "Changing Needs of Chinese Family
Caregivers of Stroke Survivors". Journal of Clinical Nursing Articles. vol.16 no.5, pp.971-979. Blackwell
Publishing Ltd., 2007.05.
<P076218> LEUNG Sin Ying and SHIU Tak Ying Ann. "New Approach in Diabetes Foot Care Education:
Assessment and Individualized Education Seasons.". Paper presented in the 5th International Symposium
on the Diabetic Foot, organized by The Diabetic Foot, 69 pgs. Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, 2007.05.09.
<P076601> SUEN Kwai Ping Lorna and HON Kam Lun. "Sleep behaviours of university students. ". Paper
presented in the 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Healthy Universities (8-10 March 2007)., organized by
School of Public Health, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 43 pgs. Hong Kong, 2007.03.08.
<P076876> CHEUNG Wing; IP Wan Yim and CHAN Dominic Shun Kit. "Maternal Anxiety and Feelings of
Women". Midwifery vol.23 pp.123-130. United Kingdom: Elsevier Ltd., 2007.
<P076898> TWINN Sheila Frances; CHIU Ivy Wing Sze; CHAN Wai Man and LEE Yuk Man
Susanna. "Promoting Healthy Lifestyles in the Community: The Contribution of a University Wellness
Centre". Paper presented in the 1st Asia Pacific Conference on Healthy Universities, organized by The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.03.08.
<P077107> CHENG Kin Fong Karis. "Oral Mucositis, Dysfunction, and Distress in Patients Undergoing Cancer
Therapy". Journal of Clinical Nursing online article 1. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2007.02.21.
<P077225> LOW Lisa Pau Le; LEE Tze Fan Diana and CHAN Wing Yin Anna. "An Exploratory Study of
Chinese Older People's Perceptions of Privacy in Residential Care Homes". Journal of Advanced
Nursing vol.57 no.6, pp.605-613. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2007.03.
<P077870> CHAN YIP Carmen Wing Han; CHENG Kin Fong Karis; LAM Lai Wah; LI Chi Kong; CHIK Ki
Wai and CHEUNG Jeanny S. S.. "Theory-Driven Intervention for Reducing Nausea and Vomiting and
Promoting Quality of Life in Pediatric Cancer Patients: A Pilot Study". Paper presented in the Shanghai
Conference, organized
University, 125-126
pgs. Shanghai, China, 2007.05.14.
<P077879> CHIEN Wai Tong; CHAN Wai Chi Sally and MORRISSEY Jean. "The Perceived Burden Among
Chinese Family Caregivers of People with Schizophrenia". The Journal of Clinical Nursing Mental
Health Nursing. vol.16 no.6, pp.1151-1161. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2007.06.
Faculty of Medicine
The Nethersole School of Nursing
<P077929> SUEN Kwai Ping Lorna. "Complementary therapies for cardiac health. In (eds.). Cardiac Nursing: a
comprehensive guide.". Cardiac Nursing: A comprehensive guide ed. by R. Hatchett & D.R.
Thompson . 2nd ed. pp.599-615. New York, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2007.
<P078200> CHAN Wai Chi Sally; LEVY Valerie Anne; CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony and LEE Tak Shing
Dominic. "A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Hong Kong Chinese Women Diagnosed with
Postnatal Depression". Hong Kong Medical Journal Vol.13 No.1 Suppl.1 pp.24-27. Hong Kong: Hong
Kong Academy of Medicine Press, 2007.02.
<P078320> CHAN Wai Chi Sally. "Implementary Evidence Based Nursing in Clinical Practice". 1st International
Nursing Congress 2007 pp.34. University Malaya Medical Centre, 2007.06.28.
<P078370> WONG Man Ki and IP Wan Yim. "Impact of Social Support on the Regimen Compliance of Pregnant
Women Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the
Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Paradigms & Dialogue, organized by Pi lote Chapter, the Honor
Societyt of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, 32 pgs. Hong Kong, 2007.04.20.
<P078714> LI Wai Ling Florence; LOW Lisa Pau Le and LEE Tze Fan Diana. "Chinese women's experiences in
Incontinence". Journal
Nursing Research
Brief. vol.16 no.3, pp.610-612. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2007.03.
<P078975> LEE Tze Fan Diana. "Oral Health Status and Oral Health-related Quality of Life of Older
Patients". Paper presented in the First Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Nurses Association of
Gerontology, organized by The Hong Kong Nurses Association of Gerontology, -- pgs. Hong Kong
SAR, 2007.04.
<P079089> CHAU Pak Chun Janita; WOO Jean and CHANG A M. "Psychosocial and Physical Factors
Predicting Handicap Following Stroke". Hong Kong Med J Supplement 5. vol.13 no.5, pp.S35-7. Hong
Kong SAR, 2007.
<P079185> 孫 桂 萍 . "A clinical trial to evaluate the effect of auriculotherapy on low back pain in the
《Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion》 [中國針灸] [耳穴療法治療老人腰背痛臨床研
究]。 第 27 卷 第 2 期, 頁 112-114. 2007.04.
Faculty of Medicine
The Nethersole School of Nursing
<P079379> LI Ling Wai Florence; LOW Lisa Pau Le and LEE Tze Fan Diana. "Chinese Women's Experiences
of Coping with Urinary Incontinence". Paper presented in the Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing:
Paradigms & Dialogue, organized by Pi lota Chapter, the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau
International, School of Nursing , The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 43 pgs. Hong
Kong, 2007.04.19.
<P079778> CHENG Kin Fong Karis. "Risk Factor Modeling of Mucositis: Issues and Challenges". Mucositis
Research Workshop of the 20th Anniversary International Multinational Association of Supportive Care
in Cancer/International Society for Oral Oncology St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2007.06.26.
<P079832> CHAN Wai Chi Sally; CHIEN Wai Tong and TO Yuen Fung Maggie. "An Evaluation of the Clinical
Effectiveness of a Multisensory Therapy on Individuals with Learning Disability". Hong Kong Medical
Journal Supplement. vol.13 no.1, pp.S28-31. Hong
Kong: Hong
Press, 2007.02.
<P079974> LEE Tze Fan Diana. "Use of Restraints and Falls in Hospital: Local Practice". Paper presented in the
Annual Symposium of the SH Ho Centre for Gerontology and Geriatrics, organized by SH Ho Centre for
Gerontology & Geriatrics, School of Public Health, CUHK & The Nethersole School of Nursing,
CUHK, -- pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.03.
See Also <P060298 >, <P060787 >, <P060867 >, <P060880 >, <P061243 >, <P061719 >, <P064550 >, <P066187 >,
<P067539 >, <P067585 >, <P067725 >, <P067737 >, <P067993 >, <P069085 >, <P069489 >, <P069584 >, <P070247
>, <P070776 >, <P071960 >, <P072349 >, <P073113 >, <P074185 >, <P074563 >, <P076528 >, <P076693 >,
<P077212 >, <P077259 >, <P077606 >, <P077884 >, <P078220 >, <P079488 >
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P055703> NG Pek Cheong; LIO Veng Hei Jacky; HUANG Lin and KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar. "The
Significance of Molecular Markers in Giant Cell Tumour of Bone". Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic
Surgery (Paper presented in the The 26th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association) 1
pgs. Hong Kong, 2006.11.11.
<P060099> HAN Yibing; LAM Po Mui; HAINES Christopher John and FENG H L. "TCTEX5, a novel
candidate regulative protein for protein phosphatase 1, expresses in the testis, epididymis and spermatozoa
in mice". Paper presented in the American Society for Reproductive Medicine 62nd Annual
Meeting, organized by American Society for Reproductive Medicine, S497 (P-979). New Orleans, United
States of America, 2006.10.21.
<P060126> LEUNG Tse Ngong. "Special complications of monochorionic twins". Paper presented in the 2nd Asia
Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics
& Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation, United Kingdom; Guangzhou Maternal and
China, 1. Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.23.
<P060158> WANG Chi Chiu; YIM Ka Wing; POON Chuen Wai; CHOY Kwong Wai; CHU Ching Yan; LUI
Wai Ting; LAU Tze Kin; ROGERS Michael Scott and LEUNG Tse Ngong. "Ficolin Mediated
Placental and Systemic Innate Immune Response in Clinical Preeclampsia.". Paper presented in the AIMS
AACB Scientific conference 2006, organized by Australia Association of Clinical Biochemists
Inc, p.103-104. Tasmania, Australia, 2006.10.23.
<P060410> LO Wing Kit; WONG Yick Fu; CHEUNG Tak Hong; SIU Shing Shun Nelson; YIM So Fan and
CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony. "Osteopontin as a diagnostic and prognostic marker for cervical squamous
cell carcinoma". Paper presented in the 11th Biennial Meeting - International Gynecologic Cancer
Society, organized
International, p.733
(0471). Santa
Monica, United
America, 2006.10.16.
<P060481> FUNG Tak Yuen; CHAN Lin Wai Daniel; LEUNG Tse Ngong; LEUNG Tak Yeung and LAU Tze
Kin. "Dextrocardia
experience". Journal
Medicine vol.51 no.7, pp.573-577. United States of America: Sci Printers & Publ Inc, 2006.07.
<P060539> SHIBATA David; MORI Yuriko; CAI Kun; ZHANG Li; YIN Jing; ELAHI Abul; HAMELIN
Richard; WONG Yick Fu; LO Wing Kit; CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony; SATO Fumiaki; KARPEH
Martin S Jr and MELTZER Stephen J. "RAB32 hypermethylation and microsatellite instability in
adenocarcinomas". International
Cancer vol.119 no.4, pp.801-806. Switzerland: Wiley-Liss, 2006.08.15.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P060542> FOK Wing Yee; CHAN Yik Si Louis; WONG Tai Hung John; YU Cheuk Man and LAU Tze
Kin. "Left ventricular diastolic function during normal pregnancy: assessment by spectral tissue Doppler
imaging". Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology vol.28 no.6, pp.789-793. United Kingdom: John Wiley
& Sons Ltd, 2006.11.
<P060603> PANG Man Wah Selina; LEUNG Tse Ngong; LEUNG Kwok Ling Ares; LEE Tak Shing Dominic;
LAU Tze Kin and CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony. "The Impact of First Childbirth and Women's
Preference for Mode of Delivery - A Longitudinal Cohort Study". Paper presented in the 2nd Asia Pacific
Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics &
Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation, United Kingdom; Guangzhou Maternal and
Neonatal Hospital, China; Guangzhou Association For Science & Technology, China, p.145-146
(P-41). Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.21.
<P060708> FENG H L; HAN Yibing; HERSHLAG A and ZHENG L J. "Impact of Ca2+ flux inhibitors on
acrosome reaction of hamster spermatozoa in vitro". Paper presented in the American Society for
Reproductive Medicine 62nd Annual Meeting, organized by American Society for Reproductive
Medicine, S497 (P-978). New Orleans, United States of America, 2006.10.21.
<P060744> SIU Shing Shun Nelson; CHEUNG Tak Hong; LO Wing Kit; YIM So Fan and CHUNG Kwok
Hung Tony. "Is common iliac lymph node dissection necessary in early stage cervical
carcinoma?". Gynecologic Oncology vol.103 no.1, pp.58-61. United States of America: Academic Press
Inc Elsevier Science, 2006.10.
<P060824> YIP Shing Kai Alexander; WONG Sze Wai; CHEUNG Grace Wai Yan; PANG Man Wah Selina;
LEE Lai Loi and CHOY Kwong Wai. "Antepartum Urinary Incontinence Among Nulliparous and
Women". Paper
Meeting, p.S205-S206 (262). Athens, Greece, 2006.09.06.
<P060949> CHAN Yik Si Louis; LO Wing Kit and CHEUNG Tak Hong. "Radiographic appearance of pyometra
abscess". Acta
Scandinavica vol.85 no.9, pp.1144-1151. Denmark: Taylor & Francis AS, 2006.09.
<P060989> SIU Shing Shun Nelson; CHOY Mei Yee; LEUNG Tse Ngong and LAU Tze Kin. "Lack of
site-specific production of decidual alpha-2 macroglobulin in human pregnancy". Journal of Society for
Gynecologic Investigations vol.13 no.7, pp.491-496. Elsevier Inc, 2006.10.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P061109> YIP Shing Kai Alexander; CHEON Ceilia; WONG To; PANG Man Wah Selina; LEE Lai Loi;
YUEN Lai Yuk and CHOY Kwong Wai. "Preventing Female Urinary Tract Infection Caused by
Augmentin". Paper
Meeting, p.S85
(047). Athens, Greece, 2006.09.06.
<P061127> CHAN Yiu Man; LEUNG Tse Ngong; LEUNG Tak Yeung; FUNG Tak Yuen; CHAN Lin Wai
Daniel and LAU Tze Kin. "The utility assessment of Chinese pregnant women towards the birth of a
miscarriage". Prenatal
Diagnosis vol.26 no.9, pp.819-824. United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2006.09.
<P061708> LEUNG See Wai Sylvia; NG Pui Shan; WONG Wai Yee and CHEUNG Tak Hong. "A randomised
trial of carbetocin versus syntometrine in the management of the third stage of labour". BJOG-An
Gynaecology vol.113 no.12, pp.1549-1464. United
Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing, 2006.12.
<P061767> TANG Ling Yin; CHOY Kwong Wai; LUI Wai Ting; CHU Ching Yan; SIU Shing Shun Nelson;
XIAO X M; XU J P; ZHANG X M; ROGERS Michael Scott; PANG Chi Pui Calvin; LAU Tze Kin
and WANG Chi Chiu. "Differentially expressed POU-IV domain transcription factor BRN3A in retinal
ganglion cells during early human eye development". Paper presented in the The 6th International
Symposium of Ophthalmology, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong
SAR, 2006.08.13.
<P061814> LEUNG Tse Ngong. "Why do women in Hong Kong choose Caesarean delivery?". Paper presented in
the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit,
Dept Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation, United Kingdom; Guangzhou
Maternal and Neonatal Hospital, China; Guangzhou Association For Science & Technology,
China, 1. Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.23.
<P061886> WONG To; LAU Yuen Ting Betty; MAK Ho Leung; PANG Man Wah Selina; CHEON Cecilia and
YIP Shing Kai Alexander. "Changing prevalence and knowledge of urinary incontinence among Hong
women". International
Dysfunction vol.17 no.6, pp.593-597. United Kingdom: Springer London Ltd, 2006.11.
<P061972> FOK Wing Yee; CHAN Yik Si Louis and LAU Tze Kin. "The influence of fetal position on amniotic
pocket". Ultrasound
Gynecology vol.28 no.2, pp.162-165. United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2006.08.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P062114> LAM Po Mui and RAINE-FENNING Nick. "The role of three-dimensional ultrasonography in
polycystic ovary syndrome". Human Reproduction vol.21 no.9, pp.2209-2215. United Kingdom: Oxford
Univ Press, 2006.09.
<P062184> YIP Shing Kai Alexander; CHEON Cecilia; PANG Man Wah Selina; WONG To; MAK Jimmy and
CHOY Kwong Wai. "Epidemiology of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Hong Kong
Women". Paper presented in the First Biennial Meeting, Pan-Asian Urogynecologic Association
(PAUGA), organized by Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, p.97-98 (OP11). Taiwan, 2006.09.22.
<P062672> LEUNG Tse Ngong. "Cervical Cerclage Revisited: A Stitch in Time Saves Nine?". Paper presented in
the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit,
Dept Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation, United Kingdom; Guangzhou
Maternal and Neonatal Hospital, China; Guangzhou Association For Science & Technology,
China, p.113-114. Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.23.
<P062745> OGURA A; CHOY Kwong Wai; WANG Chi Chiu; IKEO K; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and
GOJOBORI T. "Evolution of Gene Regulatory System in Camera Eye". Paper presented in the Marine
Genomics 2006: An International Conference, 1 pgs. Sorrento, Italy, 2006.10.28.
<P062953> TANG So Kum Catherine. "Traumatic Stress Responses, Coping, and Perceived Positive Changes
Among Southeast Asian Earthquake Survivors.". Paper presented in the ASTSS/ACMPH Joint Annual
Conference, organized
Societies, 1
pgs. Adelaide, Australia, 2006.09.12.
<P063094> YIP Shing Kai Alexander; PANG Man Wah Selina and LO Wing Kit. "Discrepancies in pelvic
anatomy". American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology vol.195 no.3, pp.875. United States of
America: Mosby, Inc., 2006.09.
<P063250> LEUNG Tse Ngong; CHOY Kwong Wai; CHU Ching Yan; LUI Wai Ting; LAU Tze Kin; ROGERS
Michael Scott; YIM Ka Wing; POON Chuen Wai and WANG Chi Chiu. "Specific binding of
ficolins to apoptotic trophoblasts in preeclampsia". 15th World Congress International Society for the
(O050). Lisbon, Portugal, 2006.07.02.
Faculty of Medicine
(ISSHP) Taylor
LLC p.43
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P063335> FUNG Tak Yuen; SAHOTA Daljit Singh; LEUNG Tse Ngong; LEUNG Tak Yeung; CHAN Lin
Wai Daniel and LAU Tze Kin. "Effect of change of partner on pregnancy outcome: 10 years
experience". Paper presented in the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by
Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation,
United Kingdom; Guangzhou Maternal and Neonatal Hospital, China; Guangzhou Association For
Science & Technology, China, p.132-133 (P-19). Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.21.
<P063408> TANG Ling Yin; WANG Chi Chiu; CHOY Kwong Wai; ROGERS Michael Scott; GOJOBORI T
and IKEO K. "New transcription factors for early eye formation in mouse". Paper presented in the
Frontier Biosciences COE Summer School 2nd, organized by Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences,
Osaka University, p.5. Osaka, Japan, 2006.07.03.
<P063474> CHIM Siu Chung Stephen; CHAN Yuen Shan Lisa; YAN P S; LAU Tze Kin; HUANG T H M and
LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Screening for Fetal Epigenetic Markers in Maternal Plasma Using a
Microarray-Based Approach". Paper presented in the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal
Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal
Medicine Foundation, United Kingdom; Guangzhou Maternal and Neonatal Hospital, China; Guangzhou
Association For Science & Technology, China, p.128-129 (P-13). Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.21.
<P063505> WANG Chi Chiu; ROGERS Michael Scott and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Measurements of Total
Antioxidant Activity". New Developments in Antioxidants Research ed. by Harold V. Panglossi. 1
ed. pp.153-175. New York, United States of America: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2006.11.
<P063554> CHEUNG Tak Hong; CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa and LO Wing Kit. "Attitudes towards the use
of HPV vaccine among youths". Paper presented in the 11th Biennial Meeting - International
Gynecologic Cancer Society, organized by Kenes International, p.740 (0496). Santa Monica, United
States of America, 2006.10.16.
<P063772> FOK Wing Yee; CHAN Yik Si Louis and CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony. "The effect of learning curve
on the outcome of caesarean section". BJOG-An International Journal of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology vol.113 no.11, pp.1259-1263. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing, 2006.11.
<P063817> FUNG Tak Yuen. "Complications of twins: case-studies". Paper presented in the 2nd Asia Pacific
Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics &
Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation, United Kingdom; Guangzhou Maternal and
China, 1. Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.23.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P063860> CHAN Wing Kwong. "Cytogenetics In Prenatal Diagnosis: What is the Future?". Paper presented in the
2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept
Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation, United Kingdom; Guangzhou
Maternal and Neonatal Hospital, China; Guangzhou Association For Science & Technology,
China, p.99-100. Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.23.
<P063901> HAN Yibing; FENG Huai Liang; CHEUNG Che Kwok; LAM Po Mui; WANG Chi Chiu and
HAINES Christopher John. "Expression of a novel protein, T-complex testis expressed 5 (Tctex5) in
mouse testis, epididymis and spermatozoa". Paper presented in the 20th Anniversary Symposium Reproductive Medicine: Where We Are Heading, organized by University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong
Kong SAR, 2006.11.11.
<P063965> HAINES Christopher John; JAMES Anthony Edward; SAHOTA Daljit Singh; CHEN Zhenyu;
PANESAR Nirmal Singh; TOMLINSON Brian; CHOW Shuk Nga Lillian; BENZIE I and
HUSBAND A. "Comparison between phytoestrogens and estradiol in the preventionof atheroma in
ovariectomized cholesterol-fed rabbits". Climacteric vol.9 no.6, pp.430-436. United Kingdom: Taylor &
Francis Ltd, 2006.12.
<P064030> TSUI Hang Yuet Michelle; PANG Man Wah Selina; MELENDER Hanna Leena; XU L; LAU Tze
Kin and LEUNG Tse Ngong. "Maternal Fear Toward Pregnancy and Childbirth in Hong Kong Chinese
Women". Paper presented in the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by
Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation,
United Kingdom; Guangzhou Maternal and Neonatal Hospital, China; Guangzhou Association For
Science & Technology, China, p.153 (P-54). Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.21.
<P064266> TAM Wing Hung; YUEN Pong Mo; NG Pui Shan; LEUNG Pui Ling; LOK Hung Ingrid and
ROGERS Michael Scott. "Health Status Function after Treatment with Thermal Balloon Endometrial
Ablation and Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System for Idiopathic Menorrhagia: A Randomized
Study". Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation vol.62 no.2, pp.84-88. Switzerland: Karger, 2006.08.
<P064421> LAU Tze Kin. "Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling: experience from Hong Kong". Paper
presented in the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal
Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation, United
Kingdom; Guangzhou Maternal and Neonatal Hospital, China; Guangzhou Association For Science &
Technology, China, p.45-47. Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.21.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P064605> HAN Yibing; ZHANG X; FENG H L; CHEUNG Che Kwok; LAM Po Mui and HAINES
Christopher John. "TCTEX5 mRNA Transcripts in Testis and Their Relationship with Sperm Function
in Mice". Paper presented in the IVth International Workshop on Epididymis, organized by International
Society of Andrology, Poster 12. Auvergne, France, 2006.12.04.
<P064751> FENG H L; HERSHLAG A; HAN Yibing and ZHENG L J. "Localizations of intracellular calcium
and Ca(2+)-ATPase in hamster spermatogenic cells and spermatozoa". Microscopy Research and
Technique vol.69 no.8, pp.618-623. United States of America: Wiley-Liss, 2006.08.
<P064898> TAM Wing Hung. "Conservative management of HELLP syndrome". Paper presented in the 2nd Asia
Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics
& Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation, United Kingdom; Guangzhou Maternal and
China, p.71-72. Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.21.
<P064923> CHIM Siu Chung Stephen. "Development of fetal epigenetic markers in maternal plasma". Paper
presented in the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal
Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation, United
Kingdom; Guangzhou Maternal and Neonatal Hospital, China; Guangzhou Association For Science &
Technology, China, p.83-84. Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.22.
<P065109> YIM So Fan; CHEUNG Tak Hong; LO Wing Kit and CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony. "High Risk
Uterine Adenocarcinoma: 15-year Experience at a Tertiary Referral Centre in Hong Kong". Paper
presented in the 14th International Meeting of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology
(ESGO), organized
Oncology, p.166
(000415). Istanbul, Turkey, 2006.09.28.
<P065137> LAU Tze Kin. "Tocolytics: which and when?". Paper presented in the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress in
Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation, United Kingdom; Guangzhou Maternal and Neonatal Hospital,
China; Guangzhou Association For Science & Technology, China, 1. Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.23.
<P065160> ROGERS Michael Scott; WANG Chi Chiu; LI Chi Yin; TAM Wing Hung; CHU Kai On and CHU
Ching Yan. "Oxidative stress in mid-pregnancy as a predictor of gestational hypertension and
pre-eclampsia". 15th World Congress International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy
(ISSHP) Taylor & Francis Group, LLC p.76 (P007). Lisbon, Portugal, 2006.07.02.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P065393> CHOY Kwong Wai; YUEN Sheung Ching; CHAN Wai Man; CHENG Jason; LIU D L David; TAM
Sau Man Barbara; YIP Wai Kuen; LI Wai Ying; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and LAM Shun Chiu
Dennis. "Choroidal melanoma: the incidence, molecular findings and clinical presentation in
chinese". Paper presented in the The 6th International Symposium of Ophthalmology, organized by The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.188. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.08.13.
<P065469> CHAN Wing Kwong. "Quality Control And Quality Assurance in Cytogenetics". Paper presented in the
2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept
Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation, United Kingdom; Guangzhou
Maternal and Neonatal Hospital, China; Guangzhou Association For Science & Technology,
China, p.103-104. Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.22.
<P065549> CHOY Kwong Wai and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Finding the retinoblastoma associated genes". Paper
presented in the The 6th International Symposium of Ophthalmology, organized by The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, p.168. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.08.14.
<P065597> TANG Ling Yin; CHOY Kwong Wai; PANG Chi Pui Calvin; GOJOBORI T; IKEO K and WANG
Chi Chiu. "Molecular Characteristics of New Transcriptional Factors in Early Eye Formation in Mouse
Embryos". Paper presented in the The 6th International Symposium of Ophthalmology, organized by The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.08.13.
<P065610> YOU Hoi Sze Joyce; SAHOTA Daljit Singh and YUEN Pong Mo. "A cost-utility analysis of
hysterectomy, endometrial resection and ablation and medical therapy for menorrhagia". Human
Reproduction vol.21 no.7, pp.1878-1883. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2006.07.
<P065833> CHOY Kwong Wai; WANG Chi Chiu and LAU Tze Kin. "Application of Comparative Genomic
Syndrome". Paper presented in the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by
Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation,
United Kingdom; Guangzhou Maternal and Neonatal Hospital, China; Guangzhou Association For
Science & Technology, China,, p.158 (P-64). Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.21.
<P065897> NG Pui Shan; CHAN S.; SAHOTA Daljit Singh and YUEN Pong Mo. "The rectus sheath block in
preventing post-operative wound pain after laparoscopic gynaecological surgery". Paper presented in the
The Limits of Endoscopic Surgery - An Ages Meeting in Association with APAGE, organized by
Australian Gynaecological Endoscopy Society Ltd, p.46. Australia, 2006.08.19.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P065913> YIM So Fan; CHEUNG Tak Hong; LO Wing Kit and CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony. "Uterine
Sarcoma: 15-year Experience at a Tertiary Referral Centre in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the 14th
International Meeting of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO), organized by
European Society of Gynaecological Oncology, p.166 (000414). Istanbul, Turkey, 2006.09.28.
<P065992> FOK Wing Yee; CHAN Yik Si Louis; WONG Tai Hung John; YU Cheuk Man and LAU Tze
Kin. "Measurement of Ventricular Diastolic Function Among Normal Pregnant Women by Tissue
Doppler Imaging". Paper presented in the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal
Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal
Medicine Foundation, United Kingdom; Guangzhou Maternal and Neonatal Hospital, China; Guangzhou
Association For Science & Technology, China, p.131-132 (P-18). Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.21.
<P066300> FENG H L; HAN Yibing; HERSHLAG A and YANG H. "New hope for infertility therapy:
fabricating gametes from stem cells". Archives of Andrology vol.52 no.4, pp.233-238. United States of
America: Taylor & Francis Inc, 2006.07.
<P066323> LOK Hung Ingrid. "Psychological Morbidity and Miscarriage". Paper presented in the XVIII FIGO
World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, organized by International Federation of Gynecology and
Obstetrics (FIGO), p.1 (CS-G2.2.1). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2006.11.07.
<P066335> WONG Yick Fu; CHEUNG Tak Hong; LO Wing Kit; YIM So Fan and CHUNG Kwok Hung
Tony. "Hypermethylation Induced Sparc, Timp-3 and Penk Down-Regulation in Endometrial
Cancer". 11th Biennial Meeting - International Gynecologic Cancer Society organized by Kenes
International, p.619-620 (0070). Santa Monica, United States of America, 2006.10.14.
<P066390> LAW Lai Wa; LAU Tze Kin; LEUNG Tse Ngong; LEE Tak Shing Dominic and CHUNG Kwok
Hung Tony. "Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Section - Effect on Maternal Psychosocial Function". Paper
presented in the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal
Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation, United
Kingdom; Guangzhou Maternal and Neonatal Hospital, China; Guangzhou Association For Science &
Technology, China, p.134-135 (P-23). Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.21.
<P066796> SAHOTA Daljit Singh; NG Pui Shan and YUEN Pong Mo. "Measurement of the force required for
trocar insertion during gynaecological laparoscopic surgery". Paper presented in the The Limits of
Endoscopic Surgery - An Ages Meeting in Association with APAGE, organized by Australian
Gynaecological Endoscopy Society Ltd, p.56. Australia, 2006.08.19.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P066864> TANG Ling Yin; CHOY Kwong Wai; PANG Chi Pui Calvin; GOJOBORI T; IKEO K and WANG
Chi Chiu. "Molecular Characteristics of New Transcriptional Factors in Early Eye Formation in Mouse
Embryos". Paper
Research Day:
Collaboration, organized by Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.47
(P13). Hong Kong SAR, 2006.08.19.
<P067267> LOK Hung Ingrid. "Is Aspirin Useful?". Paper presented in the XVIII FIGO World Congress of
Gynecology and Obstetrics, organized by International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics
(FIGO), p.19 (CS-R2.3.3). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2006.11.07.
<P067511> YUEN Pong Mo. "Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding: Current Treatment - Role of Thermal
Balloon". Paper presented in the XVIII FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, organized
(FIGO), p.2
(CS-G5.1.1). Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, 2006.11.10.
<P067766> SIU Shing Shun Nelson; LO Wing Kit; CHEUNG Tak Hong; YIM So Fan and CHUNG Kwok
Hung Tony. "Is there a therapeutic role in lymphadenectomy for the management of endometrial
cancer". Paper presented in the 11th Biennial Meeting - International Gynecologic Cancer
Society, organized
International, p.798
(0706). Santa
Monica, United
America, 2006.10.17.
<P067772> LEUNG Tak Yeung. "Can fetal growth restriction be predicted?". Paper presented in the 2nd Asia
Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics
& Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation, United Kingdom; Guangzhou Maternal and
China, p.75-76. Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.22.
<P067855> LAW Lai Wa; LEUNG Tak Yeung; CHAN Lin Wai Daniel and LAU Tze Kin. "External Cephalic
Version Under Spinal Anaesthesia Improves Successful Rate and Reduces the Force Required for a
Successful Version - a Preliminary Report". Paper presented in the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal
Fetal Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CUHK;The
Fetal Medicine Foundation, United Kingdom; Guangzhou Maternal and Neonatal Hospital, China;
(P-22). Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.21.
Faculty of Medicine
China, p.133-134
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P067886> CHOY Kwong Wai; WANG Chi Chiu and LAU Tze Kin. "Application of array CGH in molecular
characterization of human diseases". Paper presented in the 40th Anniversary Celebration(1966-2006)
Annual Scientific Meeting & Annual General Meeting 2006, organized by Hong Kong Institute of
Medical Laboratory Sciences, p.28. Hong Kong, 2006.07.30.
<P067927> ROGERS Michael Scott; WANG Chi Chiu; TAM Wing Hung; LI Chi Yin; CHU Kai On and CHU
Ching Yan. "Oxidative stress in midpregnancy as a predictor of gestational hypertension and
pre-eclampsia". BJOG vol.113 no.9, pp.1053-1059. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing, 2006.09.
<P068383> CHAN Shing Chee Symphorosa; LAU Pui Kei Amy; TO Ka Fai; LEUNG Tak Yeung; LAU Tze
Kin and LEUNG Tse Ngong. "Umbilical Cord Ulceration as a Cause of Fetal Haemorrhage and
Stillbirth: Case Report and Review of the Literature". Paper presented in the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress in
Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation, United Kingdom; Guangzhou Maternal and Neonatal Hospital,
China, p.124
(P-4). Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.21.
<P068473> CHIM Siu Chung Stephen. "Development of chromosome 21-specific epigenetic markers for
diagnosis". Paper
Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, 1. Hong Kong, 2006.09.24.
<P068504> TANG Tao; WANG Chi Chiu and CHOY Kwong Wai. "Investigating the miRNA Profiling in Human
Cervical Cancer". Paper presented in the Faculty Research Day: Accelerating Research Through
Collaboration, organized by Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.28 (O7). Hong
Kong SAR, 2006.08.19.
<P068777> YEUNG, CHUN YIU and TANG So Kum Catherine. "Intentions to Use Condoms: The Role of
Self-efficacy and Type of Sexual Experience". Ninth International Congress of Behavioral
Medicine pp.310. Bangkok, Thailand, 2006.11.29.
<P068779> WONG Sze Wai; CHEUNG Grace Wai Yan; MANLULU Anthony Voan; WAN Yuk Pui Innes;
CHU Ming Chi; YU Chun Ho; TAM Wing Hung and YIM Ping Chuen Anthony. "Ruptured
Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation During Pregnancy". Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica
Scandinavica vol.85 no.10, pp.1273-1275. Denmark: Taylor & Francis AS, 2006.10.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P068806> TANG Ling Yin; CHOY Kwong Wai; PANG Chi Pui Calvin; GOJOBORI Takashi; IKEO Kazuho
and WANG Chi Chiu. "Functional studies of new transcription factors for early eye formation". Paper
presented in the The 6th International Symposium of Ophthalmology, organized by The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.08.14.
<P068927> LEUNG Tak Yeung. "First Trimester Screening for Down Syndrome: Experience from Hong
Kong". Paper presented in the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by
Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation,
United Kingdom; Guangzhou Maternal and Neonatal Hospital, China; Guangzhou Association For
Science & Technology, China, p.41-42. Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.21.
<P069005> CHAN Yik Si Louis and LAU Tze Kin. "Effect of rosiglitazone on embryonic growth and morphology:
a study using a whole rat embryo culture model". Fertility and Sterility vol.86 no.2, pp.490-492. United
States of America: Elsevier Science Inc, 2006.08.
<P069064> CHAN Lin Wai Daniel; YEUNG Sin Yu; LEUNG Tak Yeung; FUNG Tak Yuen; LAU Tze Kin and
LEUNG Tse Ngong. "Side-effect profile of nifedipine as tocolytics for preterm labour". Paper presented
in the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit,
Dept Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation, United Kingdom; Guangzhou
Maternal and Neonatal Hospital, China; Guangzhou Association For Science & Technology,
China, p.123-124 (P-3). Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.21.
<P069343> CHEUNG Tak Hong; YU Mei Yung; LO Wing Kit and YIM So Fan. "Identification of high risk
cervical carcinoma patients by laparoscopic ultrasonography". Paper presented in the 11th Biennial
Meeting - International Gynecologic Cancer Society, organized by Kenes International, p.740
(0497). Santa Monica, United States of America, 2006.10.16.
<P069352> YUEN Pong Mo. "Laparoscopic ovarian surgery beyond the first trimester of pregnancy". Paper
presented in the Korean Journal of Gynaecologic Endoscopy, organized by 大韓產婦人科內視鏡學
會, 49-51 pgs. Korea, South, 2006.10.
<P069584> IP Wan Yim; CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony and TANG So Kum Catherine. "A Theory-Based
Childbirth Education Porgram Makes a Difference Among Hong Kong Chinese Pregnant
Women". Australasian
Association of Childbirth Educators, 2006.09.15.
Faculty of Medicine
Voice pp.1. Adelaide, Australia: National
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P069592> LEUNG Tse Ngong; LEUNG B F H; TO Ka Fai and LEUNG Tak Yeung. "Umbilical Cord Stricture
as a Rare Cause of Recurrent Fetal Death: Case Report and Review of the Literature". Paper presented in
the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit,
Dept Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation, United Kingdom; Guangzhou
Maternal and Neonatal Hospital, China; Guangzhou Association For Science & Technology,
China, p.135-136 (P-25). Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.21.
<P069778> YUEN Pong Mo. "Current evidence on laparoscopic surgery for pelvic endometriosis". Paper presented
in the The Congress of Endoscopic & Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia 2006, organized by Korean Society
of Endoscopic & Laparoscopic Surgeons, p.76 (S06-2). Seoul, Korea, South, 2006.10.19.
<P069819> NG Pek Cheong; CHAND S; LIO Veng Hei Jacky; HUANG Lin and KUMTA Shekhar
Madhukar. "Protein Prenylation and Its Inhibitions: Applications in Musculosketal Tumours". Paper
presented in the The 26th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (Hong Kong
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery), 1 pgs. HONG KONG, 2006.11.11.
<P070047> LO Wing Kit. "Mesenteric Fibromatosis as a Potential Source of False-Positive Interpretation of
FDG-PET: Report of a Case". Diseases of the Colon & Rectum vol.50 no.6, pp.924-926. United States of
America: Springer, 2007.06.
<P070086> ROGERS Michael Scott. "To assess the predictive value of ultrasonic assessment of umbilical cord
distress". Hong
Supplement vol.13 no.1, pp.44-46. Hong Kong SAR: The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and the
Hong Kong Medical Association, 2007.02.
<P070321> TANG So Kum Catherine. "Assessment of PTSD and Psychiatric Comorbidity in Contemporary
Chinese Societies". Cross Cultural Assessment of Psychological Trauma and PTSD ed. by Wilson, J., &
Tang, C.. pp.135-168. New York, United States: Springer, 2007.06.01.
<P070330> NG Pui Shan; LAI C. Y.; SAHOTA Daljit Singh and YUEN Pong Mo. "A Double-Blind Randomized
Controlled Trial of Oral Misoprostol and Intramuscular Syntometrine in the Management of the Third
Stage of Labor". Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation vol.63 no.1, pp.55-60. Switzerland: Karger,
<P070547> SAHOTA Daljit Singh; YUEN Pong Mo and ROGERS Michael Scott. "Treatment of suspected fetal
analysis". American
Gynecology vol.196 no.3, pp.e24-e25. United States of America: Mosby-Elsevier, 2007.03.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P070960> SIU Shing Shun Nelson; LO Wing Kit; CHEUNG Tak Hong; YIM So Fan and CHUNG Kwok
Tony. "Is
carcinoma?". European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology vol.28 no.2, pp.98-102. Canada: I R O G
Canada, Inc, 2007.
<P071490> YEUNG, CHUN YIU and TANG So Kum Catherine. "Definitions of Risky Vaginal Intercourses and
Self-Efficacy: Important for Promoting Condom Use". Paper presented in the Congress for Sexual Health,
18th Congress of World Association for Sexual Health, organized by World Association for Sexual
Health, p.78. Sydney, Australia, 2007.04.15.
<P071496> TANG So Kum Catherine; WU Anise and TANG Joe. "Gender Differences in Characteristics of
Chinese Treatment-Seeking Problem Gamblers ". Journal of Gambling Studies vol.23 pp.145-156. United
States of America: Springer Publications, 2007.06.01.
<P072112> WANG Chi Chiu; TANG Ling Yin; CHOY Kwong Wai; GOJOBORI T; IKEO K and PANG Chi
Pui Calvin. "A novel transcription factor for optic vesicle induction and neuroepithelium differentiation
during eye development in mouse". Asian Journal of Ophthalmology vol.9 no.1, 100. Scientific
Communications International Limited, 2007.02.
<P072212> LAW Lai Wa; LAU Po Ying and LAU Tze Kin. "First and Second Trimester Markers and Infant Birth
Weight". Paper presented in the Third International Scientific Meeting of the International Society of
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, organized by Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The
University of Hong Kong; International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, p.79
(P38). Hong Kong SAR, 2007.02.25.
<P072235> ROGERS Michael Scott; YUEN Pong Mo and WONG Shell. "Avoiding manual removal of placenta:
evaluation of intra-umbilical injection of uterotonics using the Pipingas technique for management of
placenta". Acta
Scandinavica vol.86 no.1, pp.48-54. Denmark: Taylor & Francis AS, 2007.01.
<P072254> SIU Shing Shun Nelson; CHEUNG Tak Hong; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; LIN C K and LO Wing
Kit. "Patients with Malignant or Pre-Malignant Cervical Lesion have Increased Risk of Becoming
Carrier". Journal
Research vol.26 no.1, pp.77-81. Italy: Apsit Assoc Prom Stud Immunol Tumor, 2007.03.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P072273> WANG Chi Chiu; TANG Ling Yin; CHOY Kwong Wai; GOJOBORI T; IKEO K and PANG Chi
Pui Calvin. "A novel transcription factor for optic vesicle induction and neuroepithelium differentiation
during eye development in mouse". Paper presented in the 2007 Asia-Arvo Meeting on Research in
Ophthalmology, organized
Limited, 100. Singapore, 2007.03.02.
<P072551> WANG Chi Chiu. "Proteomic Analysis of Pathways Regulating Multipotent Germline Stem Cells form
Testis". Paper presented in the Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology 2007, organized
by Keystone Symposia, p.59 (221). Santa Fe, Mexico, 2007.02.22.
<P072733> LEUNG Tak Yeung; CHAN Lin Wai Daniel; LEUNG Tse Ngong; FUNG Tak Yuen; SAHOTA
Daljit Singh; SPENCER K and LAU Tze Kin. "First-trimester combined screening for trisomy 21 in a
population". Ultrasound
Gynecology vol.29 no.1, pp.14-17. United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2007.01.
<P073071> WILSON John and TANG So Kum Catherine. ed. Cross Cultural Assessment of Psychological
Trauma and PTSD. 406 pgs. New York, United States: Springer, 2007.06.15.
<P073145> VAN DIJK Marie; VAN BEZU Jan; CHIM Siu Chung Stephen; LO Yuk Ming Dennis;
BLANKENSTEIN Marinus A and OUDEJANS Cees B M. "Reply to "STOX1 is not imprinted and is
not likely to be involved in preeclampsia"". Nature Genetics vol.39 no.3, pp.280-281. United States of
America: Nature Publishing Group, 2007.03.
<P073196> LEUNG See Wai Sylvia; CHAN Chung Sum; LO Leslie Siu Fai; PANG Chung Pui; PUN Ting
Chung and YUEN Pong Mo. "Comparison of the different types of "laparoscopic total
hysterectomy"". Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology vol.14 no.1, pp.91-96. Ukraine: Elsevier
Science Inc, 2007.01.
<P073386> CHOY Kwong Wai; TANG Tao; WANG Chi Chiu; YU Mei Yung; LO Wing Kit; CHEUNG Tak
Hong; WONG Yick Fu; TO Ka Fai and CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony. "Tumor Classification Based on
Coding and Regulatory Transcriptomes". Paper presented in the American Association for Cancer
Research - Annual Meeting 2007, organized by American Association for Cancer Research, #2965. Los
Angeles, United States of America, 2007.04.14.
CHENG L and VIJAYARAGHAVAN S. "The molecular basis of "curlicue": a sperm motility
abnormality linked to the sterility of t haplotype homozygous male mice". Society of Reproduction and
Fertility supplement vol.63 pp.123-133. United Kingdom: Nottingham University Press, 2007.06.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P073686> TAM Wing Hung; XI Lin Yang; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana; KO Tin Choi; TONG Peter Chun
Yip; MA Ching Wan Ronald; COCKRAM Clive Stewart; SAHOTA Daljit Singh and ROGERS
Michael Scott. "Progression to impaired glucose regulation, diabetes and metabolic syndrome in Chinese
diabetes". Diabetes/Metabolism
Reviews vol.23 pp.485-489. 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2007.
<P073839> TANG Tao; WANG Chi Chiu; WONG Yick Fu; LO Wing Kit; LUI Wai Ting; CHUNG Kwok
Hung Tony and CHOY Kwong Wai. "Characterising abberrantly expressed microRNAs in
chromosome 7 in cervical carcinoma". Paper presented in the American Association for Cancer Research
- Annual Meeting 2007, organized by American Association for Cancer Research, #400. Los
Angeles, United States of America, 2007.04.14.
<P074280> LO Wing Kit; LAW Lai Wa and YIP Shing Kai Alexander. "The role of laparoscopic surgery in the
review". Surgical
Innovation vol.14 no.1, pp.24-26. SAGE Publications, 2007.03.
<P074338> LOK
miscarriage". Best
Richard. "Psychological
Gynaecology vol.21 no.2, pp.229-247. United Kingdom: Bailliere Tindall, 2007.04.
<P074366> TSUI Hang Yuet Michelle; PANG Man Wah Selina; MELENDER Hanna Leena; XU L; LAU Tze
Kin and LEUNG Tse Ngong. "Maternal Fear Associated with Pregnancy and Childbirth in Hong Kong
Chinese Women". Women & Health vol.44 no.4, pp.79-92. Canada: The Haworth Press, Inc., 2007.03.
<P074747> LEUNG Tak Yeung. "First trimester Down syndrome screening". Paper presented in the Third
International Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and
Gynecology, organized by Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The University of Hong Kong;
International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, IO13.2. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.02.27.
<P074773> PANG Man Wah Selina. "Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy for Vaginal Vault Prolapse". Paper presented
in the 婦 科 微 創 技 術 新 進 展 學 習 研 討 班 , organized by 南 京 醫 科 大 學 , p.34-38. 南
京, China, 2007.05.26.
<P074806> TANG So Kum Catherine. "Posttraumatic Growth of Southeast Asian Survivors with Physical Injuries:
Six Months after the 2004 Southeast Asian Earthquake-Tsunami". Australasian Journal of Disaster and
Traumatic Studies vol.2007 no.1, pp.1-10. Australia: Massey University, 2007.06.25.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P075105> CHEUNG Tak Hong; YIM So Fan; LO Wing Kit and YIP Shing Kai Alexander. "Urodynamic
Studies on Nerve Sparing Radical Hysterecomy for Cervical Cancer". Paper presented in the The 16th
Annual Review Course on Gynecologic Oncology and Pathology as "International Symposium on Radical
Hysterectomy Dedicated to Hidekazu Okabayashi", organized by The American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists, p.153 (P8). Kyoto, Japan, 2007.02.08.
<P075298> WANG Chi Chiu; KAI Yoshiteru and OSHIMURA Mitsuo. "A Novel Molecular Pathway
Responsible for the Defective Neuronal Differentiation and Neurodegerenation in Aneuploidy Mouse
Embryonic Stem Cell Lines and Transgenic Mice". Paper presented in the 5th Annual International
Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Annual Meeting, organized by International Society for Stem
Cell Research, p.319 (WED-269). Queensland, Australia, 2007.06.20.
<P075537> CHOY Kwong Wai; WONG Hong Kin; TANG Ling Yin; WANG Chi Chiu; LAU Tze Kin and
PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Gene expression of human fetal retinal ganglion cell during early eye
development". Asian Journal of Ophthalmology vol.9 no.1, 101. Scientific Communications International
Limited, 2007.02.
<P075680> CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony and LEE Tak Shing Dominic. "Postnatal depression: an update". Best
Gynaecology vol.21 no.2, pp.183-191. United
Kingdom: Bailliere Tindall, 2007.04.
<P075896> LO Wing Kit. "Practical Questions to HPV vaccine". Paper presented in the Advances in Medicine
2007, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.06.09.
<P076246> TANG So Kum Catherine. "Cultural Relevant Meanings and their Implications on Therapy for
Traumatic Grief: Lessons Learned from a Chinese Female Client and Her Fortune Teller". Are We Lost in
Translation? On Intercultural Encounters in Treatment of Complex Trauma and PTSD ed. by Drozdek,
B., & Wilson, J.. pp.127-149. New York, United States: Springer, 2007.06.01.
<P076324> LEUNG Tse Ngong; LEUNG Tak Yeung; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; FUNG Tak Yuen and LAU Tze
Kin. "Fetal parvovirus B19 infection in a twin pregnancy with 1 twin presenting with hydrops fetalis and
report". Journal
Medicine vol.52 no.5, pp.419-421. United States of America: Sci Printers & Publ Inc, 2007.05.
<P076409> WANG Chi Chiu. "Establishing Trisomy Human Embryonic Cell Lines by Chromosome Transfer
Technology". Paper presented in the 5th Annual International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR)
Meeting, organized
(TUE-309). Queensland, Australia, 2007.06.19.
Faculty of Medicine
Research, p.241
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P076528> WONG Yick Fu; CHEUNG Tak Hong; LO Wing Kit; YIM So Fan; SIU Shing Shun Nelson; CHAN
Chun Sing; HO Wai Fong; WONG Wai Yin; YU Mei Yung; WANG V W; LI C; GARDNER G J;
J. "Identification of molecular markers and signaling pathway in endometrial cancer in Hong Kong
profiling". Oncogene vol.26 no.13, pp.1971-1982. United
Kingdom: Nature
Group, 2007.03.22.
<P076724> WANG Chi Chiu; YIM Ka Wing; POON Chuen Wai; CHOY Kwong Wai; CHU Ching Yan; LUI
Wai Ting; LAU Tze Kin; ROGERS Michael Scott and LEUNG Tse Ngong. "Innate immune response
preeclampsia". Clinical Chemistry vol.53 no.1, pp.42-52. United States of America: Amer Assoc Clinical
Chemistry, 2007.01.
<P076789> PANG Man Wah Selina and YIP Shing Kai Alexander. "Comparison of the Surgical Outcomes of
Women with Tension Free Trans-Obturator Tape (TOT) Alone and Women with Pelvic Organ Prolapse
(POP) Surgery with Concomitant TOT (POP+TOT)". Paper presented in the 31st Annual IUGA
Meeting, p.S272 (390). Athens, Greece, 2006.09.06.
<P076882> LEUNG Tse Ngong. "Cervix in chinese women". Paper presented in the Third International Scientific
Meeting of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, organized by
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The University of Hong Kong; International Society of
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, IO9.2. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.02.27.
<P076894> WANG Chi Chiu; CHU Ching Yan; LEUNG Tse Ngong; LAU Tze Kin and ROGERS Michael
Scott. "Early
Pre-eclampsia". Paper presented in the Euromedlab Amsterdam 2007, organized by International
Medicine, S382
(W165). Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2007.06.06.
Michael Scott and PARIS Collaborative Group. "Antiplatelet Agents for Prevention of Pre-eclampsia:
a Meta-Analysis of Individual Patient Data". Lancet (PARIS Collaborative Group included 110 peoples,
Rogers Michael Scott is one of the member) vol.369 no.9575, pp.1791-1798. United Kingdom: Lancet
Ltd, 2007.05.26.
<P077199> TANG So Kum Catherine. "Trajectory of traumatic stress symptoms in the aftermath of exteme natural
disaster". Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases vol.195 no.1, pp.54-59. 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P077301> WANG Chi Chiu; CHU Ching Yan; LEUNG Tse Ngong; LAU Tze Kin and ROGERS Michael
Scott. "Early
Pre-eclampsia". Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine vol.45 p.S382. Germany: Walter de
Gruyter & Co., 2007.06.
<P077657> LO Wing Kit. "Is Aortic Lymphadenectomy Necessary in the Management of Endometrial
Carcinoma". Paper presented in the 婦科微創技術新進展學習研討班, organized by 南京醫科大
學, p.31-33. 南京, China, 2007.05.26.
<P077662> PANG Man Wah Selina; LEUNG Tse Ngong; LEUNG Tak Yeung; LAI C. Y.; LAU Tze Kin and
CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony. "Determinants of preference for elective caesarean section in Hong Kong
Chinese pregnant women". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.13 no.2, pp.100-105. Hong Kong SAR: The
Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and the Hong Kong Medical Association, 2007.04.
<P077733> CHOY Kwong Wai; WONG Hong Kin; TANG Ling Yin; WANG Chi Chiu; LAU Tze Kin and
PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Gene expression of human fetal retinal ganglion cell during early eye
development". Paper presented in the 2007 Asia-Arvo Meeting on Research in Vision and
Ophthalmology, organized
Limited, 101. Singapore, 2007.03.02.
<P077942> CHOY Kwong Wai; NG Wing Chi Linda; WANG Chi Chiu; LUI Wai Ting; LIU Yuet Man and
YIP Shing Kai Alexander. "The Proliferation and Differentiation Capacity of Human Adipose
Tissue-derived Stem Cells among Different Individuals". Paper presented in the 5th Annual International
Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Annual Meeting, organized by International Society for Stem
Cell Research, p.7-8 (SUN-124). Queensland, Australia, 2007.06.17.
<P078031> LEUNG Tak Yeung; TONG Yu Kwan; DING Chunming; CHIU Wai Kwun Rossa;
GEROVASSILI Ageliki; CHIM Siu Chung Stephen; LEUNG Tse Ngong; LAU Tze Kin;
NICOLAIDES Kypros H and LO Yuk Ming Dennis. "Noninvasive Prenatal Detection of Fetal
Trisomy 18 by Epigenetic Allelic Ratio Analysis in Maternal Plasma - Theoretical and Empirical
Considerations.". Paper presented in the 54th Society for Gynecologic Investigation Annual Meeting Science in the Service of Womens Health, organized by Society for Gynecologic Investigation, 254A
(695). Nevada, United States of America, 2007.03.17.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P078240> YIM So Fan; LO Wing Kit; CHEUNG Tak Hong; YING Shun Yuen and CHUNG Kwok Hung
Tony. "The Use of Alt Flap in Management of Cervical Cancer Re-currence - A Case Report". Paper
presented in the The 16th Annual Review Course on Gynecologic Oncology and Pathology as
"International Symposium on Radical Hysterectomy Dedicated to Hidekazu Okabayashi", organized by
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, p.160 (P21). Kyoto, Japan, 2007.02.08.
<P078330> LI Hang Wun; LEUNG See Wai Sylvia; CHAN Chun Sing; YU Mei Yung and WONG Yick
Fu. "Expression
endometrium". Oncology
Reports vol.17 no.2, pp.393-398. Greece: Professor D A Spandidos, 2007.02.
<P078376> OGURA A; CHOY Kwong Wai; WANG Chi Chiu; IKEO K; TATENO Y; PANG Chi Pui Calvin
and GOJOBORI T. "Evolution of miRNA target genes in camera eye of vertebrates". Paper presented
in the Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution 2007, organized by Canadian
Institute for Advanced Research, 1 pgs. Nova Scotia, Canada, 2007.06.27.
<P078443> PANG Man Wah Selina; LEE Tak Shing Dominic; LEUNG Kwok Ling Ares; LEUNG Tak Yeung;
LAU Tze Kin and LEUNG Tse Ngong. "A longitudinal observational study of preference for elective
caesarean section among nulliparous Hong Kong Chinese women". BJOG-An International Journal of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology vol.114 no.5, pp.623–629. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing, 2007.05.
<P078489> WANG Chi Chiu and LAU Tze Kin. "Safety Profiles of Chinese Herbal-Medicines in Early Embyro
Development". Paper presented in the Euromedlab Amsterdam 2007, organized by International
Medicine, S311
(T316). Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2007.06.05.
<P078507> KUROSAKI Hajime; KAZUKI Yasuhiro; HIRATSUKA Masaharu; INOUE Toshiaki; MATSUI
Yasuhisa; WANG Chi Chiu; KANATSU-SHINOHA Mito; SHINOHARA Takashi; TODA Tosifusa
and OSHIMURA Mitsuo. "A comparison study in the proteomic signatures of multipotent germline
stem cells, embryonic stem cells, and germline stem cells". Biochemical and Biophysical Research
Communications vol.353 no.2, pp.259-267. United States of America: Academic Press Inc Elsevier
Science, 2007.02.09.
<P078509> WANG Chi Chiu and LAU Tze Kin. "Safety Profiles of Chinese Herbal-Medicines in Early Embyro
Development". Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine vol.45 p.S311. Germany: Walter de Gruyter
& Co., 2007.06.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P078642> NG Wing Chi Linda; WANG Chi Chiu and CHOY Kwong Wai. "Studying the MicroRNA
Expression Profile During Chondrogenic Differentiation of Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem
Cells". Paper presented in the 5th Annual International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Annual
Meeting, organized
Research, p.134
(MON-266). Queensland, Australia, 2007.06.18.
<P078870> WANG Chi Chiu; YIM Ka Wing; POON Chuen Wai; CHOY Kwong Wai; CHU Ching Yan; LUI
Wai Ting; LEUNG Tse Ngong; LAU Tze Kin and ROGERS Michael Scott. "The role of
lectin-complement pathway in innate immune responses in clinical preeclampsia". Paper presented in the
X International Congress of Reproductive Immunology, organized by The International Society for
Immunology of Reproduction (ISIR), p.467 (ICRI-07-2-87). Opatija, Croatia, 2007.06.10.
<P078968> WANG Chi Chiu; YIM Ka Wing; POON Chuen Wai; CHOY Kwong Wai; CHU Ching Yan; LUI
Wai Ting; LEUNG Tse Ngong; LAU Tze Kin and ROGERS Michael Scott. "The role of
lectin-complement pathway in innate immune responses in clinical preeclampsia". American Journal of
Reproductive Immunology vol.57 no.6, p.467. United States of America: Blackwell Publishing, 2007.06.
<P078973> LAU Tze Kin. "Mode of delivery after previous Caesarean section". Paper presented in the 2nd Asia
Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, organized by Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics
& Gynaecology, CUHK;The Fetal Medicine Foundation, United Kingdom; Guangzhou Maternal and
China, p.85-88. Guangzhou, China, 2006.09.22.
<P079180> LAU Tze Kin. "Complications of monochorionic twin". Paper presented in the Third International
Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, organized by
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The University of Hong Kong; International Society of
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, IO15.2. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.02.28.
<P079258> SAHOTA Daljit Singh; KAGAN Karl; LAU Tze Kin; LEUNG Tak Yeung and NICOLAIDES
Kypros H. "Predicting Small and Large for Gestational Age Fetus with First Trimester Maternal Serum
fβhCG and PAPP-A". Paper presented in the 54th Society for Gynecologic Investigation Annual Meeting
Health, organized
Investigation, 291A-292A (832). Nevada, United States of America, 2007.03.17.
<P079259> TAM Wing Hung and CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony. "Psychosomatic disorders in pregnancy". Current
Opinion In Obstetrics & Gynecology vol.19 no.2, pp.126-132. United States of America: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, 2007.04.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
<P079389> CHEUNG Tak Hong. "Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy". Paper presented in the 婦科微創技術新
進展學習研討班, organized by 南京醫科大學, p.22-25. 南京, China, 2007.05.26.
<P079585> TANG So Kum Catherine and LAI Beatrice. "A Review of Empirical Literature on the Prevalence and
1987-2006". Aggression and Violent Behavior vol.59 United States, 2007.06.16.
<P079773> YIP Shing Kai Alexander. "Use of ultrasound in the assessment of the anal sphincter and the lower
urinary tract". Paper presented in the Third International Scientific Meeting of the International Society of
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, organized by Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The
Gynecology, IO14.1. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.02.27.
<P079914> YIP Shing Kai Alexander and CARDOZO Linda. "Psychological morbidity and female urinary
incontinence". Best
Gynaecology vol.21 no.2, pp.321-329. United Kingdom: Bailliere Tindall, 2007.04.
<P079938> CHEUNG Tak Hong. "Robotic Surgery in Gynaecology". Paper presented in the 婦科微創技術新進
展學習研討班, organized by 南京醫科大學, p.26-30. China, 2007.05.26.
<P900732> LOONG Edward Ping Leung and YUEN Pong Mo. "Acute Urinary Retention Caused by a Unilateral
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics vol.247 no.4 pp.211-213. Germany: Springer-
Verlag, 1990.
<P940247> HAINES
Denis. "Transvaginal
Abortion" Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation vol.37 no.1 pp.14-17. Switzerland: Karger, 1994.
<P941308> ROGERS Michael Scott; CHUNG Kwok Hung Tony; Sally Baldwin; C.S. Ho and
SWAMINATHAN Ramasamyiyer. "A Comparison of Second Trimester Urinary Electrolytes,
Micro-albumin and N-acetyl Beta-glucosaminidase for Prediction of Gestational Hypertension and
Pre-eclampsia" Hypertension in Pregnancy vol.13 no.2 pp.179-192. United States of America: Taylor &
Francis Inc, 1994.
<P964542> YUEN Pong Mo. "Controversies in laparoscopic management of ovarian tumours". Journal of the
Society of Endoscopic & Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia vol.1 no.4, pp.84-85. Hong Kong SAR, 1996.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
See Also <P060560 >, <P060815 >, <P061130 >, <P062027 >, <P062271 >, <P062493 >, <P064037 >, <P064477 >,
<P064606 >, <P064791 >, <P065082 >, <P065112 >, <P065113 >, <P065824 >, <P066630 >, <P066876 >, <P066887
>, <P068189 >, <P069331 >, <P070229 >, <P071120 >, <P071903 >, <P072145 >, <P072540 >, <P073089 >,
<P073296 >, <P073469 >, <P074129 >, <P075051 >, <P075134 >, <P076179 >, <P076314 >, <P076483 >, <P076732
>, <P077259 >, <P078200 >, <P078420 >, <P078652 >, <P078691 >
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P010564> 秦嶺 及 胡声宇.<體育生物醫學實驗研究方法學概論>.《體育生物醫學基礎研究與進展》頁 2-9.2001.
<P013591> 希士律、 伍韶坦 及 秦嶺.<科研基金要素及科研基金申請準则>. 《體育生物醫學基礎研究與進
<P013803> 秦嶺、 胡声宇 及 陈启明.學位論文的備,寫作與各答辯要素 《體育生物醫學基礎研究與進展》 頁
<P016260> 秦嶺、 陈启明 及 梁国穗. 編.骨科基礎科學(中文版第一版)頁 735.人民衛生出版社,2001.
<P035082> 秦嶺、 陈俊、 符立勤 及 梁国穗.兔骨腱複合體中骨-骨癒合和骨-腱癒合的比研究臨床生物力學雜
誌第 18 卷頁 1-6.2003.
<P044425> 秦嶺 及 梁国穗.如何申請境外或國外科研基金中華骨科雜誌第 24 卷第 6 期,頁 378-381.2004.
<P048857> 秦嶺、 陈启明 及 梁国穗.體育運動與骨骼- 骨密度和结構與生物力學適應性 《中國運動醫學雜
誌》第 23 卷第 5 期,頁 532-536,551.2004.
<P051068> 梁国穗 及 秦嶺.<外科導航技術在創傷骨科的應用>. 《中華創傷骨科雜誌》 第 7 卷 第 7 期, 頁
<P051685> 秦嶺、 梁國穗、 鄧甯 及 張戈.<電腦輔助矯形外科手術常用器具和醫学辭彙中英文對照表>.中華
創傷骨科雜誌第 7 卷第 7 期,頁 703.2005.
<P051727> 秦嶺、 鄭振耀、 唐盛平、 朱鋒 及 郭霞.<實驗性脊柱融合術骨與植入物介面融合的評估方法>.《中
國脊柱脊髓雜誌》第 15 卷第 7 期,頁 56-59.2005.
<P055684> 秦嶺、 呂紅斌、 陳啟明 及 梁國穗.<北美人口老齡化問题:骨科界面臨的新挑戰>.《中國骨質疏
鬆雜誌》第 11 卷第 3 期,頁 399-408.2005.
<P058135> 秦嶺 及 梁国穗.<防治骨質疏鬆藥物開發中骨生物力學的基礎與檢测方法>.骨質疏鬆 - 鑒別診斷
<P059108> 楊曉恩、 朱鋒、 邱勇、 唐盛平、 秦嶺、 李廣文 及 鄭振耀.<特發性脊柱侧凸患者脊柱不同部
位鬆質骨三维微结構比較>.中華外科雜誌第 43 卷第 12 期,頁 777-80.2005.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P060038> 陳啟明.<雙束重建是前叉韌帶損傷的終結者嗎?>. 論文發表於 《中華骨科學術交流會議》,-. 台
<P060039> QIN Ling; ZHANG Ge; SHENG Hui; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; YEUNG Hiu Yan; CHAN Chun
Wai; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; GRIFFITH James Francis; CHIU Kwok Hing and LEUNG Kwok
Sui. "Multiple bioimaging modalities in evaluation of an experimental osteonecrosis induced by a
combination of lipopolysaccharide and methylprednisolone". Bone vol.39 no.4 pp.863-871. 2006.10.
<P060315> QIN Ling; YEUNG Hiu Yan; LEUNG Kwok Sui and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Quantification of
Porosity, Connectivity and Material Density of Calcium Phosphate Ceramic Implants Using Micro
Computed Tomography". Paper presented in the AO Foundation – Biotechnology Symposium – From
Bioengineering, p.75. Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006.10.19.
<P060376> CHOW Cs; WONG Kwok Chuen and KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar. "Reconstruction of the Proximal
Femur Following Tumour Resection in Paediatric Patients: Long-Term Follow-up". Paper presented in
the The 26th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (Hong Kong Journal of
Orthopaedic Surgery), 1 pgs. HONG KONG, 2006.11.11.
<P060545> 秦嶺、 張明、 張戈 及 梁國穗. 編. 《骨組織生物力學的測試》。第 33 期頁 875-882.中國北京:中
<P060799> 秦嶺、 呂紅斌、 陳啟明 及 梁國穗.<運動和骨代謝<運動生物化學研究進展> 頁 136-180.中國北
<P060822> CHENG Chun Yiu Jack; CHAN Chun Wai; QIN Ling; LEE Kwong Man Simon; FAN Hongbin;
YEUNG Hiu Yan; WONG Hoi Kin Kenneth and HU Yun Yu. "Enhanced Spinal Fusion by Tissue
Engineering of Mesenchymal Stem Cell / Tricalcium Phosphate Ceramics Composite - An Experience
Study with non-Decorticated Posterior Spinal Fusion". Paper presented in the AO Foundation –
Biotechnology Symposium – From Basic Research to Clinical Applications using Biotechnology and
Bioengineering, p.41. Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006.10.19.
<P061114> QIN Ling and ZHANG Ge. "Strontium Ranelate - An Anti-Osteoporotic Agent with Dual Action
Mechanism. ". Medical Progress vol.9 pp.447-450. 2006.09.
<P061164> CHAN Kai Ming. "Management of ACL injuries Old Controversies, New Concepts & Future
Challenges". Paper presented in the <第一屆國際澳門骨科論壇暨澳門骨科學會開幕典禮>,organized
by 澳門骨科學會,- pgs. Macau, 2006.09.24.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P061619> LAW Ky; HO Pc; CHOW Cs; TSE Wl and HUNG Leung Kim. "arthroscopic Resection of Volar
Ganglion of the Wrist - A Long-term Study". Paper presented in the The 26th Annual Congress of the
Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.41. Hong
Kong SAR, 2006.11.11.
<P061679> CHAN Kai Ming. "Ankle Injuries in Sports - What's New on the Horizon?". Journal of Medical
Biomechanics vol.21 no.12, p.6-7. 2006.12.
<P061908> HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; YEUNG Hiu Yan; LAM Tsz Ping; NG Kin Wah Bobby; GUO Xia; QIN
Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Persistent Low Bone Mass in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A
Progression". Osteoporosis
International vol.17 no.2
suppl, pp.12-13. 2006.
<P061950> CHENG Chun Yiu Jack; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; LEE Tak Keung Warren; YEUNG Hiu Yan;
LAM Tsz Ping; NG Kin Wah Bobby; GUO Xia and QIN Ling. Persistent Osteopenia in Adolescent
Idiopathic Scoliosis--Longitudinal Monitoring of Bone Mineral Density Until Skeletal Maturity Studies in
Health Technology and Informatics Research into Spinal Deformities 5, Edited by Dirk Uyttendaele, Peter
H. Dangerfield, ISBN 978-1-58603-630-0. vol.123 pp.47 - 51. 2006.
<P062022> QIN Ling; ZHANG Ge; SHENG Hui; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; YEUNG Hiu Yan; CHAN Chun
Wai; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; GRIFFITH James Francis; CHIU Kwok Hing and LEUNG Kwok
Sui. "Bioimaging Technologies Adopted for Evaluation of An Eimedium-Derived Phytoestrogen in
Prevention of Steroid-associated Osteonecrosis". Paper presented in the 26th Annual Congress of the
Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (The Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery), organized by
Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, -. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.11.
<P062237> LUI Po Yee Pauline; QIN Ling; CHOY Wing Yee; AU Sze Ki and CHAN Kai Ming. "Effects Of
One Year Programmed Brisk Walking And Tai Chi Exercise On Bone Mineral Density And
Neuromuscular Function In Postmenopausal Women". Paper presented in the 2006 International
Osteoporosis Conference - Bone and Joint Decade (2006 IOC-CBJD), organized by Bone and Joint
Decade, - pgs. Chengdu, China, 2006.10.19.
<P062376> CHEUNG Kin Wing; CHENG Hi Shan and CHIU Kwok Hing. Infection in Total Knee
Arthroplasty Paper presented in the the 26th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association
and published in the Hong KOng Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 2006; 10 (Supp), 1 pgs. 2006.11.11.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P062456> ZHANG Ge; QIN Ling and SHI Y Y. "Phytoestrogenic Fraction From Herbal Epimedium Prevents
Bone Loss in Postmenopausal Chinese Women: A Radomized Controlled Clinical Trial of Two
years". Osteoporosis International vol.17 no.2 suppl, pp.109. 2006.
<P062475> CHAN Kai Ming and CHENG Cheng Kung. ed. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research
(JOSR). Chinese Speaking Orthopaedics Society. vol.1 no.1, 218 pgs. China, 2006.09.
<P062501> KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar. "Clinical Applications of Bone Allografts in Paediatric Patients". Paper
presented in the 11th International Conference of the Asia Pacific Association of Surgical Tissue Banks, 1
pgs. India, Mumbai, 2006.11.24.
<P062558> WEN Chun Yi; LUI Po Yee Pauline; FU Sai Chuen Bruma; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; WONG Wan
Nar Margaret; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling and CHAN Kai Ming. "Local Bone Loss After
ACL Reconstruction-A Pqct Study In A Rabbit Model". Paper presented in the 26th Annual Congress of
The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, - pgs. Hong
Kong SAR, 2006.11.11.
<P062592> CHAN Kai Ming. "Intriguing Tendinopathies – from Bench Research to Sport Field". Paper presented
in the 9th Congress of Asian Federation of Sports Medicine, - pgs. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2006.11.18.
<P062602> QIU Xusheng; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; YEUNG Hiu Yan; QIU Yong; QIN Ling; LEE Kwong
Man Simon and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "The Role of Melatonin Receptor 1B Gene (MTNR1B) in
Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis--A Genetic Association Study". Studies in Health Technology and
Informatics Research into Spinal Deformities 5, Edited by Dirk Uyttendaele, Peter H. Dangerfield, ISBN
978-1-58603-630-0. vol.123 pp.3-8. 2006.
<P062724> CHAN Kai Ming. "Tendinopathies In Sports From Bench To Field". Paper presented in the 28th Indian
Association of Sports Medicine Conference, - pgs. Pune, India, 2006.10.26.
<P062741> 秦嶺、 宮 赫 及 張明. 編.《骨組織生物力學》.頁 216-228.中國北京:中國科學技術出版社,2006.
<P062849> 秦嶺、 林華、 梁秉中 及 梁國穗. 編.〈骨質疏鬆鑒別診斷〉。第 11 卷頁 262-266.中國北京,2006.
<P063090> CHAN Kai Ming."Early Arthroscopic Bankart Repair for First Time Anterior Shoulder Dislocation – The
Rationale and Preliminary Experience".Paper presented in the APKS,organized by Department of Orhopaedic
Surgery, Madi Hospital,- pgs.Seoul,Korea,2006.09.20.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P063138> 陳鴻輝、 楊小紅、 王文、 梁佩紅、 徐鋼 及 秦嶺.<物理療法促進髕骨-髕腱結合部損傷早期恢復
的實驗研究>.《中華物理醫學與康復》第 28 卷第 5 期,頁 291-294.2006.
<P063246> CHAN Kai Ming. "FIMS Presidential Lecture". Paper presented in the 28th Indian Association of Sports
Medicine Conference, - pgs. Pune, India, 2006.10.26.
<P063317> WONG Wan Nar Margaret and TO WK William. "Comparison of quality of life scores among young
women with exercise induced menstrual dysfunction and oligo-amenorrhea with polycystic or normal
ovaries on ultrasound". Journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and
Gynecology 16th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Bynecology held on 3-7 Sept
2006. vol.28 no.4, pp.609. Hilton London Metropole, United Kingdom: Wiley, 2006.09.03.
<P063372> LEUNG Kwok Sui; TAM Kam Fai; QIN Ling; CHEUNG Wing Hoi and CHOW Kwoon Ho
Simon. "Optimization of Bone Cement with Carboxy Methylcellulose for Screw Fixation on Osteopenic
Goat". Paper presented in the Conference on Biomedical Engineering, BME 2006, organized by
Biomedical Division, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, p.43-46. Hong Kong, China, 2006.09.21.
<P063677> 秦嶺、 陳惠成 及 梁國穗. 編.《骨質疏鬆骨折病人的康復治療》。第 20 期頁 591-597.中國北京:中
<P063759> WARE James; TSE Carol; KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Impact of a
Web-based Interactive Self Directed Learning System on Student Outcomes and Study Style". Paper
presented in the AMEE, 1 pgs. Italy, Genova, 2006.09.14.
<P063781> HU Xl; TONG Ky and HUNG Leung Kim. "Firing Properties of Motor Units During Fatigue in
Subjects after Stroke". Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology vol.16 no.5, pp.469-476. Elsevier,
<P063864> HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; YEUNG Hiu Yan; LEE Kwong Man Simon; CHEUNG Siu King; QIN
Ling; GUO Xia and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Poor Bone Quality in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
Girls – a Study with Non-invasive Quantitative Ultrasound". Paper presented in the 26th Annual
Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic
Surgery), organized by HKOA & HKCOS, p.99. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.11.
<P064160> CHAN Kai Ming. "Ankle Injuries In Sports – What’s New On The Horizon?". Paper presented in the
8th China National Conference on Biomechanics, - pgs. Hong Kong, 2006.12.19.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P064372> KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar. "Bisphosphonates in Giant Cell Tumor & Osteolytic Neoplasms". Paper
Association, 1
pgs. Philippine, 2006.11.20.
<P064401> 秦嶺、 張戈、 石印玉 及 梁國穗. <中藥在預防骨折方面的新思考中國骨質疏鬆論壇——骨礦與
骨病最新動態>. 第 II(VI)卷第 1 期,2006.
<P064424> YEUNG Hiu Yan; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; MAN Chi Wai; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling
and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Abnormal Skull Morphology in Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic
Scoliosis". Paper presented in the The 26th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic
Association, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, 55 pgs. Hong Kong, 2006.11.
<P064521> 陳啟明. <領袖才能培訓訓練計劃>. 《三亞會議》 頁-. 中國三亞, 2006.12.
<P064583> YEUNG Hiu Yan; QIN Ling; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah
Bobby; GUO Xia and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. Lower Degree of Mineralization Found in Cortical
Bone of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) Studies in Health Technology and Informatics Research
978-1-58603-630-0. vol.123 pp.599 - 604. 2006.
<P064608> QIN Ling; ZHANG Ge; SHENG Hui; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; CHEUNG Wing Hoi and LEUNG
Kwok Sui. "Steroid-Dependent Osteonecrosis Rabbits with Both Ineffective and Catabolic Shift of
Mechanostat". Osteoporosis International vol.17 no.2 suppl, pp.188. 2006.
<P064628> CHAN Kai Ming. "Knee Injury In Sports". Paper presented in the 28th Indian Association of Sports
Medicine Conference, - pgs. Pune, India, 2006.10.26.
<P064655> CHAN Pui Barbara; FU Sai Chuen Bruma; QIN Ling; ROLF Christer and CHAN Kai
Ming. "Supplementation-time Dependence of Growth Factors in Promoting Tendon Healing". Clinical
Orthopaedics and Related Research no.448, p.240-247. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.07.
<P064702> TANG Leung Sang Nelson; YEUNG Hiu Yan; LEE Kwong Man Simon; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian;
CHEUNG Siu King; NG Kin Wah Bobby; KWOK Hoi Kei; GUO Xia; QIN Ling and CHENG
Chun Yiu Jack. A Relook Into the Association of the Estrogen Receptor α Gene (PvuII, XbaI) and
Cases Spine vol.31 no.21, pp.2463-8. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., 2006.10.01.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P064745> 熊良儉. <香港顯微外科應用的回顧與進展>. 論文發表於 《第八屆全國顯微外科學術會議暨國際顯
微外科研討會》, 主辦機構為 The Society of Microsurgery of Chinesse Medical Association, The 401st
Hospital of C.P.L.A, 29-32 頁. 中國 Qingdao, 2006.09.14.
<P064800> 梁國穗 及 秦嶺. 〈骨質疏鬆骨折病人的康復治療〉. 論文發表於全國骨質疏鬆骨折的外科治療繼
續教育學習班, 主辦機構為 北京友誼醫院, 頁1-4. 中國, 2006.09.21.
<P065037> CHAN Kai Ming. "Controversies ACL surgery: is Double bundle the ultimate solution?". Paper
presented in the 28th Indian Association of Sports Medicine Conference, - pgs. Pune, India, 2006.10.26.
<P065039> CHAN Chak Ming; WONG Siu Lun and CHAN Ho Yin Edwin. "Genetic and Structure-Function
Study of a Pro-apoptotic SARS-Coronavirus Viral Protein 3a in Drosophila". Paper presented in the
Faculty Research Day: Accelerating Research Through Collaboration, organized by Faculty of Medicine,
CUHK, p.52. HKG, Hong Kong, 2006.08.19.
<P065307> SHENG Hui; QIN Ling; ZHANG Ge; LEUNG Kwok Sui; JIN W F and WANG H
F. "Colony-Forming-Units Fibroblast and their Differentiation in Bone Marrow Obtained From the
Steroids-induced Osteoprorsis in Rats". Osteoporosis International vol.17 no.2 suppl, pp.198. 2006.
<P065375> CHOW Cs; HO Pc; TSE Wl; LAW Ky and HUNG Leung Kim. "Metacarpophalangeal Joint
Arthroscopy: a Preliminary Report in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the The 26th Annual Congress of
the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.42. Hong
Kong SAR, 2006.11.11.
<P065570> SHUM Wt; FU Sai Chuen Bruma; QIN Ling and HUNG Leung Kim. "Effects of Low-intensity
Pulsed Ultrasound on Apoptosis in Different Stages of Tendon Healing". Paper presented in the The 26th
Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic
Association, p.94. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.11.11.
<P065679> WONG Wan Nar Margaret and TO WK William. "Quantitative ultrasound measurement of bone
mineral density changes in pregnancy and the association with back pain symptoms during and 24 months
pregnancy". Journal
Gynecology vol.28 no.4, pp.596. Hilton London Metropole, United Kingdom: wiley, 2006.09.03.
<P065704> 秦嶺、 呂紅斌、 陳啟明 及 梁國穗. 編. 運動和骨代謝 136-180. 中國北京: 北京體育大學出版
社, 2006.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P065900> 王琳、 胡揚、 秦嶺 及 陳啟明. 骨腱結合部損傷及體外衝擊波對治療的研究與進展 《中國運動
醫學雜誌》 第 25 卷 第 4 期, 頁 459-462. 中國: China Sports Science Society, 2006.07.
<P066076> HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; YEUNG Hiu Yan; QIN Ling; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah
Bobby and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Assessment of Low Bone Mass in Adolescent Idiopathic
Ultrasound". Osteoporosis
International vol.17 no.2 suppl, pp.160-161. 2006.
<P066193> CHOW Daniel H K; KWOK Monica L Y; AU-YANG Alexander C K; HOLMES Andrew D;
CHENG Chun Yiu Jack; YAO Fiona Y D and WONG M S. "The Effect of Load Carriage on the Gait
of Girls with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis and Normal Controls". Medical Engineering &
Physics vol.28 no.5, pp.430-437. Elsevier Ltd, 2006.
<P066282> WONG Kwok Chuen; KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar; CHIU Kwok Hing; CHEUNG Kin Wing;
LEUNG Kwok Sui; UNWIN Paul; WONG Ir; NG Wai Kin and LEE Kam Shing. "Computer-Aided
Musculoskeletal Tumour Surgery: Innovative Adaption Using Existing Navigation Platforms and Its
Validation in Pelvic and Extremity Tumours". Paper presented in the The 26th Annual Congress of the
Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery), 1 pgs. Hong
Kong, 2006.11.11.
<P066517> CHAN Kai Ming. "Standard of Care in Management and Rehabilitation of Elite Athlete". Paper
presented in the 8th China National Conference on Biomechanics, - pgs. Hong Kong, 2006.12.19.
<P066581> LAW Ky; HO Pc; TSE Wl; CHOW Cs; CHUNG Ky and HUNG Leung Kim. "Attainment of
Five-digit Hands in Complex Apert Syndrome through Staged Reconstructive Procedure". Paper
presented in the The 26th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, organized by
Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.45. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.11.11.
<P066610> 王琳、 呂紅斌、 霍碧君、 張穎愷、 梁國穗 及 秦嶺. <兔髕骨-髕腱結合部新骨形成與大小預測
其癒合程度>.《臨床生物力學雜誌》第 21 卷第 4 期,頁 291-97.2006.
<P066658> YEUNG Hiu Yan; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; LEE Kwong Man Simon; NG Kin Wah Bobby;
HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; KWOK Hoi Kei; GUO Xia; QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu
Jack. "Genetic Association Study of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) Gene with Curve Severity
Scoliosis". Studies
Informatics Research into Spinal Deformities 5, Edited by Dirk Uyttendaele, Peter H. Dangerfield, ISBN
978-1-58603-630-0. vol.123 pp.18 - 24. 2006.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P066740> CHIU Kwok Hing and CHEUNG Kin Wing. Extensively Hydroxyapatite-coated Femoral Stem in
Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty Paper presented in the First International Congress of Chinese
Orthopaedic Association, 1 pgs. 2006.11.
<P066834> CHAN Kai Ming. "Tendinopaties in Sports: The Intriguing Problem of All Athletes". Paper presented in
the GCC Pre-Conference Sports Medicine Course, - pgs. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2006.11.27.
<P067055> QIN Ling; LU Hongbin; FOK Pik Kwan; CHEUNG W C; ZHENG Y P; LEE Kwong Man Simon
and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Accelerates Osteogenesis at Bone-Tendon
Junction Healing Junction". Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology vol.32 no.12, pp.1905-1911. 2006.
<P067089> CHAN Kai Ming. "Recent Advances in the Management of Overuse Tendinopathies". Paper presented
Commission, -
pgs. Myanmar, Yangon, 2006.10.02.
<P067292> LAU Yan On; WONG Kwok Chuen and KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar. "The Treatment of
Impending and Existing Pathological Femoral Fractures Using Long Gamma Nail". Paper presented in
the The 26th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (Hong Kong Journal of
Orthopaedic Surgery), 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2006.11.11.
<P067503> KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar. "Tumour Tissue Bank". Paper presented in the 11th International
Conference of the Asia Pacific Association of Surgical Tissue Banks, 1 pgs. India, Mumbai, 2006.11.24.
<P067658> 梁國穗.<外科機器人的發展歷程及臨床應用>.《Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics》第26卷第10期,頁
<P067827> CHAN Kai Ming and CHENG Cheng Kung. ed. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research
(JOSR). Chinese Speaking Orthopaedics Society. vol.1 no.2, 58 pgs. China, 2006.12.
<P067874> WONG Wan Nar Margaret; CHEUK Yau Chuk; FU Sai Chuen Bruma; LUI Po Yee Pauline;
KWAN Pui Chun; HO Grace and CHAN Kai Ming. "Characterization Of Spontaneous Healing In A
Rabbit Osteochondral Defect Model". Paper presented in the 26th Annual Congress of The Hong Kong
Orthopaedic Association, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, - pgs. Hong Kong
SAR, 2006.11.11.
<P067976> HO
Kim. "Arthroscopic
Ganglionectomy". Chirurgie De La Main vol.25 pp.S221-S230. France: Elsevier, 2006.07.28.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P068045> WEN Chun Yi; LUI Po Yee Pauline; FU Sai Chuen Bruma; WONG Wan Nar Margaret; LEE
Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling and CHAN Kai Ming. "Using Pressure Insoles to Predict Complete
Ground Reaction Forces in Gait and Running: A Pilot Test". Faculty Research Day 2006,
CUHK pp.-. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.08.19.
<P068147> CHAN Kai Ming. "Early Arthrosopic Bankart Repair for First Time Anterior Shoulder Dislocation – The
Rationale and Preliminary Experience". Paper presented in the 9th Congress of Asian Federation of
Sports Medicine, - pgs. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2006.11.18.
<P068195> CHEUNG Kin Wing; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick; LO Wing Nin Raphael and CHIU Kwok
Hing. Imageless Computer Aided Orthopaedic Surgery in Total Knee Arthroplasty Paper presented in
the First International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, 1 pgs. 2006.11.
<P068255> 秦嶺. 中藥防治骨質疏鬆症及其骨折的臨床前和臨床評價指導原則(ISBN 7-117-07879-0)頁 77.中國北
<P068508> CHAU Wai Wang; LAM Tsz Ping; KWOK Hoi Kei; CHEUNG Siu King; KWOK N; SIN Sai Wing;
NG Kin Wah Bobby; WONG M S and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Quality of Life Assessment for
Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis having Rigid Brace Treatment – a Retrospective
Study". Paper presented in the 26th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (Hong
Kong Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery), organized by HKOA & HKCOS, p.100. Hong Kong
SAR, 2006.11.
<P068509> 陳啟明. <運動醫學-科研與成果發表>. 《三亞會議》 頁-. 中國三亞, 2006.12.
<P068773> 張 超、 梁國穗、 張穎愷 及 胡 蘊 玉. <動態力學應變對人骨膜細胞的生物學作用>.《J Biomed
<P068827> NG Kin Wah Bobby; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack; LAM Tsz Ping and LIU King Lok. "Treatment of
Fibula Hemimelia – Prediction of Leg Length Discrepancy and Timing of Limb Deformity Correction and
Lengthening". Paper presented in the 26th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association
(Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery), organized by HKOA & HKCOS, p.54. Hong Kong
SAR, 2006.11.
<P068842> HUNG Leung Kim; LAM Tsz Ping; CHAN Kai Ming and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Musculoskeletal
Medicine in the "Bone and Joint Decade" and Implications for Training and Practice". Paper presented in
the The 26th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, organized by Hong Kong
Orthopaedic Association, p.96. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.11.11.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P068910> CHAN Kai Ming. "Management of ACL injuries – Old Controversies, New Concepts & Future
Challenges 前叉韌帶損傷的治療, 持續爭議,嶄新觀念, 未來挑戰".Paper presented in the 5th CSOS
Congress,- pgs.Xian,China,2006.09.15.
<P068955> TSE Wl; HO Pc and HUNG Leung Kim. "Delayed Union or Established Scaphoid Nonunion: Would
Wrist Arthroscopy Help to Differentiate?". Paper presented in the The 26th Annual Congress of the Hong
Kong Orthopaedic Association, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.46. Hong Kong
SAR, 2006.11.11.
<P069114> LEE Tak Keung Warren; LUI Susan S H; CHAN Veronica; WONG M. C. Eric and LAU Tak Fai
Joseph. "A Population-based Survey on Infant Feeding Practice (0-2 years) in Hong Kong –
Breastfeeding Rate and Patterns among 3,161 Infants below 6 months old". Asia Pacific Journal of
Clinical Nutrition vol.15 no.3, pp.377-387. 2006.09.
<P069169> LIU King Lok; NG Kin Wah Bobby; YIP W H; CHU E and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Incidence of
Developmental Dysplasia of Hip in Southern Chinese – Experience from a Regional Centre Applying
Selective Ultrasound Screening". Paper presented in the 26th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong
Orthopaedic Association (Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery), organized by HKOA &
HKCOS, p.57. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.11.
<P069319> 鄭振耀. <兒童骨折>. 論文發表於 《中華醫學會第八屆骨科學術會議暨第一屆國際 COA 學術大
會》, 主辦機構為中華醫學會, 中華醫學會骨科學分會, 40 頁. 中國北京, 2006.11.14.
<P069339> CHAU Wai Wang; FU Lap Kun; NG Kin Wah Bobby; LAM Tsz Ping; GUO Xia and CHENG
Chun Yiu Jack. "Preoperative Somatosensory Evoked Potential for Severe Adolescent Idiopathic
Scoliosis Cases – a 10-Year Review". Paper presented in the 26th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong
Orthopaedic Association (Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery), organized by HKOA &
HKCOS, p.31. Hong Konog SAR, 2006.11.
<P069348> HUNG Leung Kim; HO Pc; TSE Wl and WONG Ch. "Dangling Fingers" - Treatment Modalities
Illustrated with a Case Study Paper presented in the The 26th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong
Orthopaedic Association, organized by Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, p.98. Hong Kong
SAR, 2006.11.11.
<P069365> HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; YEUNG Hiu Yan; LEE Kwong Man Simon;
QIN Ling and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Collagen I Alpha Gene Polymorphism Association with
International vol.17 no.2 suppl, pp.221. 2006.
Faculty of Medicine
Girls". Osteoporosis
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P069436> KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar. "Musculoskeletal Tumors: Pitfalls in Diagnosis". Paper presented in the
57th Annual Convention of the Philippine Orthopaedic Association, 1 pgs. Philippines, 2006.11.20.
<P069460> KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar. "Actuality and Problems in Treatment of Bone Tumors on Pelvis". Paper
presented in the First International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, organized by Chinese
Orthopaedic Association, 1 pgs. China, Beijing, 2006.11.13.
<P069475> CHEUNG Tsen Koo Raymond; FU Siu Ngor Amy; FONG Tik-Pui Daniel; LUI Po Yee Pauline and
CHAN Kai Ming. "Muscle Activity When Riding On Passive Saddle Type Riding Machine". Paper
presented in the 26th Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, organized by Hong
Kong Orthopaedic Association, - pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.11.11.
<P069574> LEE Wing Sze; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; QIN Ling; TANG Ning and LEUNG Kwok
Sui. "Age-associated Decrease of Type IIA/B Human Skeletal Muscle Fibers". Clinical Orthopaedics
and Related Research NO.450 p231-237. 2006.09.
<P069699> YEUNG Hiu Yan; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; LEE Kwong Man Simon; CHEUNG Siu King; QIN
Ling; GUO Xia and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Abnormal Peripubertal Growth Pattern and Velocity in
Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". Paper presented in the 26th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong
Orthopaedic Association (Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery), organized by HKOA &
HKCOS, p.99. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.11.
<P069732> CHAN Kai Ming. "Alternative Approaches in the Management of Tendinopathies - Traditional Chinese
Medicine From Basic Science to Clinical Perspective". Tendinopathy in Athletes ed. by Savio LY Woo,
Per A F H Renstrom and Steven P Arnoczky. 1st ed. pp.203-214. Oxford, United Kingdom: Blackwell
Publishing Ltd., 2006.
<P069950> LU Hong Bin; QIN Ling; FOK Pik Kwan; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; LEE Kwong Man Simon; GUO
Xia; WONG Wan Nar Margaret and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound
Accelerates Bone-Tendon-Junction Healing - A Partial Patellectomy Model in Rabbits". The American
Journal of Sports Medicine vol.34 no.8, p.1287-1296. 2006.08.
<P069968> CHAN Kai Ming. "FIMS Team Physician Course: Specific Role of Team Physicians, Qualification and
Continuous Professional Development". Paper presented in the 2006 National Sport Medicine
Symposium, organized
pgs. Taipei, Taiwan, 2006.10.05.
Faculty of Medicine
(IOC), -
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P070372> WONG Kwok Chuen; KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar; GRIFFITH James Francis; LEUNG Kwok
Sui; NGAI Wai Kit; LEE Kam Shing and CHEUNG Kin Wing. "Computer assisted core
decompression of early hip osteonecrosis by using fusion images from Iso-C 3D fluoroscopy and
preoperative MRI and navigated endoscopic analysis of bone core tract". Paper presented in the 7th
Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery, organized by
CAOS, pp.533-535. Heidelberg, Germany, 2007.06.20.
<P070525> WONG Kwok Chuen; KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar; LEUNG Kwok Sui; UNWIN Paul; CHEUNG
Kin Wing; NG Wai Kin and LEE Kam Shing. "Computer assisted surgery in musculoskeletal bone
tumor using CT based navigation spine system". Paper presented in the 7th Annual Meeting of the
Surgery, organized
CAOS, pp.218-221. Heidelberg, Germany, 2007.06.20.
<P070686> WEN Chun Yi; LUI Po Yee Pauline; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling
and CHAN Kai Ming. "Special Variation of Grafted Tendon Healing Inside Bone Tunnel – A
Histological and Biomechanical Study in Rabbit". Paper presented in the International Symposium of
Tendon and ligament, - pgs. San Diego, USA, 2007.02.10.
<P070817> LUI Po Yee Pauline; CHEUK Yau Chuk; HUNG Leung Kim; FU Sai Chuen Bruma and CHAN
Kai Ming. "Increased Apoptosis at the Late Stage of Tendon Healing". Wound Repair and
Regeneration vol.15 pp.702-707. 2007.03.17.
<P070829> ZHANG Ge; SHENG Hui; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; WANG Yixiang; CHAN Chun Wai; CHEUNG
Wing Hoi; LEE Kwong Man Simon; LEUNG Kwok Sui; GRIFFITH James Francis and QIN
Ling. "Implantation
pulsed-steriod-administration exerted beneficial effect on facilitating restoration of local perfusion
function in steriod-assoicated osteonecrosis lesion in rabbit". Paper presented in the The 5th International
Symposium, pp.68-69. Urumqi, China, 2007.05.18.
<P070842> TSE Wing Lim; TSO Chi Yin; CHEUNG Phoebe; KWOK Ka Bong; HO Pak Cheong and HUNG
Leung Kim. "Outcome of a New Cosmetic Dorsally Based Flap for Extrathumb Reconstruction". Paper
presented in the Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand 20th Annual Congress, organized by Hong
Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand, p.61. Hong Kong, China, 2007.02.10.
<P071082> CHAN Kai Ming. "ACL Reconstruction - Can Double-Bundle Solve All The Problems?". Paper
presented in the Severance Arthroscopy Course, - pgs. Seoul, Korea, 2007.06.23.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P071305> CHAN Chun Wai; CHENG Chun Yiu Jack; YEUNG Hiu Yan and QIN Ling. "Bio-imaging
Fusion". Advanced Bioimaging Technologies in Assessment of Quality of Bone and Scaffold
Biomaterials ed. by Qin L, Genant HK, Griffith J, Leung KS. pp.333-351. Springer Verlag, 2007.
<P071308> SHI, HONGFEI; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; QIN Ling; LEE Kwong Man Simon and LEUNG Kwok
Sui. "Effect of Low-magnitude, High-frequency Vibration Therapy on Fracture Healing in Rats: Pilot
Study". 53rd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society San Diego, United States of
America, 2007.02.11.
<P071335> 秦嶺.<生物醫學學術論文投稿要素>.《臨床生物力學雜誌》第 22 卷第 3 期,頁 227-31.2007.
<P071497> LAM Wai Ling; GUO Xia; KWONG Shek Chuen and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Peripheral Nerve Injury
Reduces Callus Response to Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound". Paper presented in the 4th World
Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, organized by
ISPRM, pp.473. Seoul, Korea, 2007.06.10.
<P071627> LEE Ka Lok; TSE Wl; HO Pc and HUNG Leung Kim. "Distal Phalangeal Fracture in
Adult-Complication and Risk Factors for Poor Outcome". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Society for
Surgery of the Hand 20th Annual Congress, organized by Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the
Hand, p.54. Hong Kong, China, 2007.02.10.
<P071733> CHOW Cs; HO Pc; HUNG Leung Kim and TSE Wl. "Neurovascular Pulp Island Flap for Pulp
Augmentation in Extra Thumb Reconstruction". Paper presented in the Hong Kong Society for Surgery of
the Hand 20th Annual Congress, organized by Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand, p.60. Hong
Kong, China, 2007.02.10.
<P071754> HUNG Leung Kim. "Burn management in Paediatric Patient". Paper presented in the Hong Kong
Society for Surgery of the Hand 20th Annual Congress, organized by Hong Kong Society for Surgery of
the Hand, p.16. Hong Kong, China, 2007.02.10.
<P072008> CHENG Chun Yiu Jack; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; QIN Ling and GUO Xia. "Bone Densitometres in
Scoliosis". Advanced Bioimaging Technologies in Assessment of Quality of Bone and Scaffold
Biomaterials ed. by Qin L, Genant HK, Griffith J, Leung KS. pp.307-322. Springer Verlag, 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P072371> YEUNG Hiu Yan; QIN Ling; LEE Kwong Man Simon; LEUNG Kwok Sui and CHENG Chun Yiu
Jack. "Objective Quantification of Porous Structure in Orthopaedic Biomaterial Implants Using Micro
Computed Tomography". Key Engineering Materials vol.334-335 pp.1205-1208. Switzerland: Trans
Tech Publication Ltd, 2007.01.
<P072394> LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Fluoro-navigation surgery in orthopaedic trauma - A summay of clinical results and
critical reveiw". Paper presented in the 7th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer
Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery, organized by CAOS, pp.435-437. Heidelberg, Germany, 2007.06.20.
Bone Mineral Density and Structures in Humans: From Insotom Over Densiscan to XtremCT". Advanced
Bioimaging Technologies in Assessment of Quality of Bone and Scaffold Biomaterials ed. by Qin L,
Genant HK, Griffith J, Leung KS. pp.65-78. Springer Verlag, 2007.
<P072898> CHAN Kai Ming. "Recent Advances in the Management of Athletic Ankle Injuries". Paper presented in
the IOC - Medical Course, - pgs. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 2007.04.23.
<P072932> WEN Chun Yi; LUI Po Yee Pauline; FU Sai Chuen Bruma; WONG Wan Nar Margaret; LEE
Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian and CHAN Kai Ming. "Local bone loss
after ACL reconstruction - A pQCT study in a rabbit model". Paper presented in the International
Symposium of Tendon and Ligament, - pgs. San Diego, USA, 2007.02.10.
<P072992> CHAN Kai Ming. "Pathogenesis Of Chronic Tendinopathy – An Integrative Model". Paper presented in
the 6th Biennial ISAKOS Congress, - pgs. Florence, Italy, 2007.05.28.
<P073007> ZHANG Ge; QIN Ling; SHENG Hui; WANG Y X; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; YEUNG Hiu Yan;
CHAN Chun Wai; LEE Kwong Man Simon; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; GRIFFITH James Francis and
LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Decreased Activity of Marrow Stem Cell Pool and Uncontrolled VEGFA-VEGFR2
Expression Account for Abnormal Neovascular Formation during Inadequate Repair of Steroid-associated
Osteonecrosis". Bone vol.40 no.suppl, pp.234-235. 2007.
<P073062> TANG Yuk Ming; LIAO Wei Hsin; LUI Po Yee Pauline and CHAN Kai Ming. "Development of
Smart Material for Protection of Ankle Sprain". Paper presented in the SMART Convention
2007, organized by CUHK, - pgs. Hong Kong, 2007.06.09.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P073139> CHAN Chak Ming; MA Cheuk Wing; CHAN Wood Yee and CHAN Ho Yin Edwin. "The
SARS-Coronavirus Membrane protein induces apoptosis through modulating the Akt survival
pathway". Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics vol.459 no.2, pp.197-207. Amsterdam, Netherlands:
Elsevier, 2007.03.15.
<P073335> SHENG Hui; ZHANG Ge; QIN Ling; CHEN C W; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; LEE Kwong Man Simon
and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "The Stage-Dependent Change of Bone Marrow Fat Cells in the Process of
Steroid-Associated Osteonecrosis Development". Bone vol.40 no.suppl, pp.85. 2007.
<P073445> CHEUNG Wing Hoi; QIN Ling; TAM Kam Fai; SIU Wing Sum and LEUNG Kwok
Sui. "Enhancement of Osteoporotic Bone Using Injectable Hydroxyapatite in OVX Goats Evaluated by
Multi-Imaging Modalities". Advanced Bioimaging Technologies in Assessment of Quality of Bone and
Scaffold Biomaterials ed. by Qin L, Genant HK, Griffith J, Leung KS. pp.517-527. Springer Verlag, 2007.
<P073477> CHEUNG Kin Wing; YAU Wai Pang; CHIU Kwok Hing and CHIU K Y Peter. "Navigated High
Tibial Osteotomy with Vector Vision System". Navigation and MIS Orthopedic Surgery ed. by Stiehl JB,
Konermann WH, Haaker RG, DiGioia AM. pp.501-507. Springer - Verlag, 2007.
<P073601> CHAN Kai Ming. "Basic Research in Sports Injuries 運動創傷基礎研究".Paper presented in the 2nd
International Summit Forum for Orthopaedic Trauma 第 二 屆 國 際 創 傷 骨 科 高 鋒 討 壇 ,pgs.Guangzhou,China,2007.03.23.
<P073679> LEE Tak Keung Warren; WONG M. C. Eric; LUI Susan S H; CHAN Veronica and LAU Tak Fai
Joseph. "Decision to breastfeed and early cessation of breastfeeding in infants below 6 months old - a
population-based study of 3,204 infants in Hong Kong". Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical
Nutrition vol.16 no.1, pp.163-71. 2007.03.
<P073902> 楊小紅、 陳鴻輝、 王文、 梁佩紅、 譚見容 及 秦嶺.<低強度脈衝超聲在骨-腱結合部纖維軟朋帶
修復中的作用>.《廣州醫藥》第 38 卷第 2 期,頁 53-56.中國廣州,2007.
<P073972> 梁國穗.<導航手術正在改革創傷骨科和外科>.《中國醫藥生物技術》第2卷第2期,頁87-88.中
<P074215> ZHANG Ge; QIN Ling and SHI Y Y. "Multiple Bio-imaging Modalities in Evaluation of
Epimedium-derived Phytoestrogenic Fraction for Prevention of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis". Advanced
Bioimaging Technologies in Assessment of Quality of Bone and Scaffold Biomaterials ed. by Qin L,
Genant HK, Griffith J, Leung KS. pp.485-504. Springer Verlag, 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P074225> CHAN Kai Ming and CHENG Cheng Kung. ed. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research
(JOSR). vol.2 no.1, 58 pgs. China, 2007.04.
<P074330> QIN Ling; ZHANG Ge; SHENG Hui; GRIFFITH James Francis; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd and
LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Contrast-enhanced MRI and MicroCT Adopted for Evaluation of a Lipid-lowering
and Anticoagulant Herbal Epimedium-derived Phytoestrogenic Extract for Prevention f Steroid-associated
Osteonecross". Advanced Bioimaging Technologies in Assessment of Quality of Bone and Scaffold
Biomaterials ed. by Qin L, Genant HK, Griffith J, Leung KS. pp.539-611. Springer Verlag, 2007.
<P074432> ZHOU X Z; DONG Q R; ZHANG Ge; ZHANG J; HUNG Wing Yin Vivian; SHENG Hui;
CHEUNG Wing Hoi; LEUNG Kwok Sui and QIN Ling. "Low Dos X-Irradiation Exerts Beneficial
Effect on Fracture Callus Mineralization in a Rat Model". Bone vol.40 no.suppl, pp.267. 2007.
<P074472> CHENG Shu Kei Andy and HUNG Leung Kim. "Randomized Controlled Trial of Workplace-based
Rehabilitation for Work-related Rotator Cuff Disorder". Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation Vo. 17,
No. 3 p. 487-503. 2005 Springer Science and Business Media, Inc., 2007.04.30.
<P074626> CHAN Kai Ming. "Exercise for Health & Injury Prevention - The CUHK Model". Paper presented in
the 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Healthy Universities in Hong Kong, - pgs. Hong Kong, 2007.03.08.
<P074824> FU Sai Chuen Bruma; CHAN Kai Ming and ROLF Christer E G. "Increased Deposition of Sulfated
Glycosaminoglycans in Human Patellar Tendinopathy". Clin J Sport Med vol.17 no.2, pp.129-34. 2007.
<P074871> TANG Yuk Ming; HUI Kin Chuen; LUI Po Yee Pauline; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick and CHAN Kai
Ming. "Estimation
Approach". Paper presented in the International Symposium of Tendon and Ligament, - pgs. San
Diego, USA, 2007.02.10.
<P074952> CHAN Kai Ming. "ACL Reconstructions - Current Concepts, Controversies & Challenge 前交叉韌帶
重建術的前瞻性研究 -當代概念, 爭議與挑戰".Paper presented in the 第四屆全軍關節鏡暨運動醫學,pgs.Guangzhou,China,2007.03.27.
<P075087> LEUNG Kwok Sui; WANG Jun Jiang; NG Wai Kin and TANG Ning. "New imaging protocol for
fluoro-navigation surgery in pelvi-acetabular fractures". Paper presented in the 7th Annual Meeting of the
CAOS, pp.412-414. Heidelberg, Germany, 2007.06.20.
Faculty of Medicine
Surgery, organized
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P075152> ZHANG Ge; SHENG Hui; QIN Ling; WANG Y X; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; CHEUNG Wing Hoi;
LEE Kwong Man Simon; GRIFFITH James Francis and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Local Implantation of
Autologous-marrow-mononulcear-cell Cryopreserved Prior to Pulsed-steroid-administration Exerted
Beneficial Effect on Restoration of Perfusion Function in Rabbit Steroid-Associated Osteonecrosis
Lesion". Bone vol.40 no.suppl, pp.282. 2007.
<P075189> CHAN Kai Ming. "Management of Sports Trauma - New Technology and Community
Aspiration". Paper presented in the HA Convention, organized by Hospital Authority, - pgs. Hong
Kong, 2007.05.08.
<P075486> CHAN Kai Ming. "Modern Advanced Organization - Management for Sports Injury & Rehabilitation
Centres". Paper presented in the IOC – Medical Course, - pgs. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 2007.04.23.
<P075573> ZHANG Ge; SHENG Hui; QIN Ling; WANG Yixiang; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; CHAN Chun Wai;
LEE Kwong Man Simon; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; GRIFFITH James Francis and LEUNG Kwok
Sui. "Local
Pulsed-steroid-administration Exerted Beneficial Effect on Restoration of Perfusion Function in Rabbit
Steroid- associated Osteonecrosis Lesion". Paper presented in the 17th Scientific Meeting of the
International Bone and Mineral Society (IBMS), organized by International Bone and Mineral
Society, p.S282. Canada, 2007.
<P075643> TANG Ning; LEE Kam Shing; NG Wai Kin and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Navigation with fused
pre-operative CT/MRI and intra-operative 3D fluoroscopy - Introduction to a new navigation technique
and the clinical applications.". Paper presented in the 7th Annual Meeting of the International Society for
Surgery, organized
Surgery , pp.604-607. Heidelberg, Germany, 2007.06.20.
<P075739> YEUNG Hiu Yan; QIN Ling; LEE Kwong Man Simon; LEUNG Kwok Sui and CHENG Chun Yiu
Jack. "Quantification of Porosity, Connectivity and Material Density of Calcium Phosphate Ceramic
Implants Using Micro Computed Tomography". Advanced Bioimaging Technologies in Assessment of
Quality of Bone and Scaffold Biomaterials ed. by Qin L, Genant HK, Griffith J, Leung
KS. pp.289-305. Springer Verlag, 2007.
<P076143> LEUNG Kwok Sui; TANG Ning and NG Wai Kin. "The development of robotic arm in
fluoro-navigation for orthopaedic trauma surgery in the Chinese University of Hong Kong". Paper
presented in the 7th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic
Surgery, organized by CAOS, pp.54-56. Heidelberg, Germany, 2007.06.20.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P076281> LEUNG Kwok Sui; TAM Kam Fai; ZHANG Ge; WANG Yixiang; NG Wai Kin; LEE Kwong Man
Simon; SHENG Hui; FU Sai Chuen Bruma; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; QIN Ling; LI Y H; LIU Y;
WANG H H; WANG Y M and LING S K. "Micro-gravity-induced systemic deterioration of
musculoskeletal system and development of preventive strategy - a rat tail suspension model". Paper
presented in the 16th IAA Humans in Space Symposium, pp.56-57. Beijing, China, 2007.05.21.
<P076394> FONG Tik-Pui Daniel; FUNG Kwai Yau; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick; LUI Po Yee Pauline; LAM
Mak Ham and CHAN Kai Ming. "Medial Arch-heel Support in Inserts reduces Ankle Eversion in Gait
in Pronators". Paper presented in the SMART Convention 2007, organized by CUHK, - pgs. Hong Kong
SAR, 2007.06.10.
<P076884> CHAN Kai Ming. "ACL Reconstructions - Current Concepts, Controversies & Challenge 前十字韧带
重建术的前瞻性研究 -當代概念, 爭議與挑戰". Paper presented in the SICOT Shanghai Congress
2007 - Update Knowledge & New Achievements in Orthopedics, - pgs. Shanghai, China, 2007.04.06.
<P076896> SHENG Hui; WANG Yixiang; ZHANG Ge; ZHOU C J; CHAN Chun Wai; ZUO B S; GRIFFITH
James Francis and QIN Ling. "A new Silica-coated Super-Paramagnetic Iron Oxide Nano-particles for
in-vivo MR Monitoring: An In Vitro Study in rabbit bone marrow derived mesenchymal Stem Cells.
". Paper presented in the 5th International Conference on Bone and Mineral Research & 7th International
Symposium., organized
Society, p.66-67. China, 2007.
<P076995> QIN Ling; ZHANG Ge and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Once-Monthly Ibandronate: A Convenient Dosing
Osteoporosis". Medical
Progress vol.34 no.4, pp.188-192. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.04.
<P077070> CHAN Kai Ming. "Knee Injuries, Prevention And Treatment". Paper presented in the IOC – Medical
Course, - pgs. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 2007.04.23.
<P077156> WONG Kwok Chuen; KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar; ANTONIO Gregory; GRIFFITH James
Francis and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Musculoskeletal tumor surgical planning and simulation in a
stereoscopic three-dimensional virtual reality environment". Paper presented in the 7th Annual Meeting
CAOS, pp.726-728. Heidelberg, Germany, 2007.06.20.
Faculty of Medicine
Surgery, organized
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P077163> ZHANG Ge; QIN Ling; SHENG Hui; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; GRIFFITH
James Francis; CHAN Chun Wing; CHAN Chun Wai; LEE Kwong Man Simon and LEUNG Kwok
Sui. "Epimedium-derived phytostrogen exert beneficial effect on preventing steriod-associated
lipid-deposition". Bone vol.40 no.3, pp.685-692. 2007.03.
<P077305> CHAN Chun Wai; YIP Raymond Churk Lun; WONG Hoi Kin Kenneth; LEE Kwong Man Simon;
QIN Ling; YEUNG Hiu Yan; HU Yun Yu and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. "Effectiveness of Highly
Osteo-Differentiated Rabbit Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Calcium Phosphate Ceramic Composite in Posterior
Spinal Fusion Model". Paper presented in the 5th Annual International Society for Stem Cell Research
Annual Meeting, organized by Australian Stem Cell Centre, p.69. Queensland, Australia, 2007.06.17.
<P077320> CHAN Kai Ming. "Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Therapy Convention 2007". Paper presented in
the SMART Convention 2007, - pgs. Hong Kong, 2007.06.09.
<P077365> ZHANG Ge; QIN Ling and SHI Y Y. "Phytoestrogen Flavonoids, Derved From Non-Leguminous Plant
Epimedium, Exert Beneficial Effect on Preventing Bone Loss in Late Postmenopausal Women: A 24
Month Randomized, Double-Blind and Placebo-Controllec Trial". Bone vol.40 no.suppl, pp.135. 2007.
<P077632> ZHANG Ge; QIN Ling; SHENG Hui; WANG Yixiang; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; YEUNG Hiu Yan;
CHAN Chun Wai; LEE Kwong Man Simon; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; GRIFFITH James Francis and
LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Decreased Activity of Marrow Stem Cell Pool and Uncontrolled VEGFA-VEGFR2
Expression Account for Abnormal Neovascular Formation during Inadequate Repair of Steroid-associated
Osteonecrosis.". Paper presented in the 17th Scientific Meeting of the International Bone and Mineral
Society (IBMS), organized by International Bone and Mineral Society, p.S234. Canada, 2007.
<P077673> TANG Yuk Ming; HUI Kin Chuen; LUI Po Yee Pauline; YUNG Shu Hang Patrick and CHAN Kai
Ming. "A Fast Tendon Deformation Technique for Motion Study in Computer". Paper presented in the
International Symposium of Tendon and Ligament, - pgs. San Diego, USA, 2007.02.10.
<P077675> HE G; ZHANG Ming and QIN Ling. "Mechanical Properties of Vertebral Trabeculae with Aging
Evaluated with MicroCT". Advanced Bioimaging Technologies in Assessment of Quality of Bone and
Scaffold Biomaterials ed. by Qin L, Genant HK, Griffith J, Leung KS. pp.463-73. Springer Verlag, 2007.
<P077716> QIU Xusheng; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; YEUNG Hiu Yan; QIU Yong and CHENG Chun Yiu
Jack. "Genetic Association Study of Growth Hormone Receptor and Idiopathic Scoliosis". Clin Orthop
Relat Res PMID: 17514010 . DOI: 10.1097/BLO.0b013e3180986dc2 462 53-58. Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, 2007.05.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P077876> 戴尅戎、 陳啟明、 郭耿南 及 羅惠熙. 編.《現代關節外科學》.ISBN 978-7-03-019027-7.1250 頁.中
<P077903> SHENG Hui; QIN Ling; ZHANG Ge; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; LEE Kwong Man Simon and LEUNG
Kwok Sui. "Cryopreserved Mononuclear Cells Activity in Steroid-Associated Osteonecrosis Rabbit
Model". Bone vol.40 no.suppl, pp.281-2. 2007.
<P077938> TANG Ning; LEE Kam Shing; NG Wai Kin and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Defining safety margin for
percutaneous sacral-iliac screw and acetabular column screws insertion with high resolution CT and 3D
navigation surgical planner". Paper presented in the 7th Annual Meeting of the International Society for
Surgery, organized
CAOS, pp.395-398. Heidelberg, Germany, 2007.06.10.
<P078474> WONG Wan Nar Margaret; TAI Ka On Jenny; LEE Kwong Man Simon; QIN Ling and LEUNG
Kwok Sui. "Bone Tendon Junction Regeneration with Articular Cartilage". Calcified Tissue
International 34th
2007. vol.80 no.P083-S, pp.s59. Copenhagen, Denmark: Springer, 2007.
<P078478> ZHANG Ge; SHENG Hui; WANG Yixiang; YEUNG Ka Wai Daivd; YEUNG Hiu Yan; CHAN
Chun Wai; CHEUNG Wing Hoi; LEE Kwong Man Simon; LEUNG Kwok Sui; GRIFFITH James
Francis and QIN Ling. "Insufficient neovascularization and increased vascular permeability during
inadequate repair of steriod-associated osteonecrosis lesion in a rabbit model". Paper presented in the The
5th International Conference on Bone and Mineral Research & the 7th International Osteoporosis
Symposium, pp.72-73. Urumqi, China, 2007.05.18.
<P078549> WANG Jun Qiang; NG Wai Kin; TANG Ning; ZHAO Chun Peng; SU Yong Gang; WANG Man Yi
and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Imaging for the percutaneous screws fixation of fractures of acetabular
columns using navigation system: a cadaver model". Paper presented in the 7th Annual Meeting of the
Surgery, organized
CAOS, pp.447-450. Heidelberg, Germany, 2007.06.20.
<P078797> 古明達.<配合個案研習的自動化反饋>.《導向學習的評估》梁佩雲; 張淑賢編.第 1 版頁 131-132.Hong
<P078867> QIN Ling; CHOY Wing Yee; AU Sze Ki; FAN Miu Sze and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Alendronate
Increases BMD at Appendicular and Axial Skeletons in Patients with Established Osteoporosis". Journal
of orthopaedic surgery and research vol.2 no.9, 2007.05.21.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
<P078905> TSE Lung Fung; WONG Kwok Chuen; KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar; HUANG Lin; CHOW Tsun
Cheung Louis and GRIFFITH James Francis. "Bisphosphonates reduce local recurrence in extremity
giant cell tumor of bone: a case-control study". Journal of Bone vol.42 1 pp.68-73. 2007.05.
<P079001> 熊良儉.<從功能恢復看手外科手術方法、時機及與康復的配合>.論文發表於 《全國手外科康復論壇
會,9 頁.2007.05.31.
<P079053> CHAN Chun Wai; QIN Ling; LEE Kwong Man Simon; YEUNG Hiu Yan; HU Yun Yu; WONG
Hoi Kin Kenneth; YIP Raymond Churk Lun and CHENG Chun Yiu Jack. Bio-engineered
Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Tricalcium Phosphate Ceramics Composite Augmented Bone Regeneration in
Posterior Spinal Fusion Key Engineering Materials vol.334-335 pp.1201-1203. Switzerland: Trans Tech
Publications, 2007.
<P079280> 秦嶺、 張戈、 盛輝 及 梁國穗.<建立臨床前動物模型以驗證中草藥預防激素性骨壞死療效>.《中
華中醫藥雜誌》第 22 卷頁 36-37.2007.
<P079630> TANG Ning; LEE Kam Shing; NG Wai Kin and LEUNG Kwok Sui. "Intra-operative 3D navigation
in orthopaedic trauma surgery". Paper presented in the 7th Annual Meeting of the International Society
Surgery, organized
CAOS, pp.409-411. Heidelberg, Germany, 2007.06.20.
<P079873> QIN Ling; Genant HK; Griffith J and Leung KS. "Advanced Bioimaging Technologies in Assessment
of Quality of Bone and Scaffold Biomaterials". Springer Verlag pp.600. 2007.
<P977511> CHENG Chun Yiu Jack and GUO Xia. "Osteoporosis in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis – A Primary
Problem or Secondary to the Spinal Deformity?". Spine vol.22 no.15, pp.1716-1721. Lippincott-Raven
Publishers, 1997.
See Also <P015535 >, <P055703 >, <P056308 >, <P060735 >, <P060920 >, <P061276 >, <P061516 >, <P061640 >,
<P061942 >, <P062000 >, <P063478 >, <P063689 >, <P064438 >, <P064673 >, <P064711 >, <P065537 >, <P066014
>, <P066191 >, <P067176 >, <P069357 >, <P069613 >, <P069819 >, <P070578 >, <P070580 >, <P070723 >,
<P070733 >, <P072038 >, <P072212 >, <P072820 >, <P073404 >, <P073898 >, <P074111 >, <P074226 >, <P074821
>, <P075032 >, <P075323 >, <P075446 >, <P076447 >, <P077019 >, <P077399 >, <P077892 >, <P078003 >,
<P078251 >, <P078484 >, <P079126 >, <P079439 >
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
<P048344> CHIU Yee Hang Thomas; FAN Shu Ping Dorothy; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; CHAN Nongnart
Romayananda and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Ocular Manifestations and Surgical Management of Lid
Coloboma in a Chinese Infant with Linear Nevus Sebaceous Syndrome". Journal of Pediatric
Ophthalmology and Strabismus vol.41 no.5, pp.312-314. 2004.
<P053865> KWONG Yuen Ying Yolanda; THAM Chee Yung Clement; LEUNG Yu Lung and LAM Shun
Dennis. "Scleral
Cyclophotocoagulation.". Eye Epub 2005 Nov 25. 2006.11.
<P055806> LIU Ta Li; LEE Yau Wing, Vincent and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Effectiveness of Emergency
Argon Laser Retinopexy Performed by Trainee Doctors.". Eye 20 11 1311-2. 2006.11.
<P058455> CHENG Chak Kwan Arthur; YUEN Sheung Ching; RAO Srinivas Kamalakara and LAM Shun
Dennis. "Surgical
Devices". Eye 20 7 850. 2006.07.
<P060479> LEUNG Yu Lung; RAO Srinivas Kamalakara and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Pressure phosphene
syndrome". Clinical
Ophthalmology vol.34 no.6, pp.513-5. 2006.08.
<P060720> LUK Oi Jing Fiona; LEUNG Yu Lung; YUEN Kwok Lai and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Late
pseudotumor". European
Ophthalmology vol.16 no.4, pp.611-3. 2006.07.
<P060754> LEUNG Kai Shun; MOHAMED Shaheeda; LEUNG King Sai; CHEUNG Yim Lui; CHAN Lai Wa;
CHENG Ka Yee; LEE Ki Cheung; LEUNG Yuk Oi; RAO Srinivas Kamalakara and LAM Shun
Chiu Dennis. "Retinal nerve fiber layer measurements in myopia: An optical coherence tomography
study". Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science vol.47 no.12, pp.5171-6. 2006.12.
<P061322> HO Chuen Kwong Thomas. "Acanthamoeba keratitis". Ophthalmology vol.113 no.12, pp.2377. 2006.
<P061347> HO Chuen Kwong Thomas. "Adherence of triamcinolone acetonide to various intraocular lens
materials.". Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery vol.32 no.8, pp.1246. 2006.08.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
<P061585> KWOK Alvin K. H.; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; LEE Yau Wing, Vincent; YEUNG Yat Shan; CHU
Kai On and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Effect of Application Duration of 2% Lidocaine Jelly on Aqueous
Lidocaine Concentration for Topical Anesthesia in Cataract Surgery". Graefe's Arch Clin Exp
Ophthalmol vol.244 no.9, pp.1096-1100. 2006.09.
<P061834> LEUNG Yu Lung; LAM King Tak Douglas; YEUNG Yat Ming Barry and LAM Shun Chiu
Dennis. "Comparison between central corneal thickness measurements by ultrasound pachymetry and
optical coherence tomography. ". Clin Experiment Ophthalmology vol.34 no.8, pp.751-4. 2006.11.
<P061973> YUEN Kwok Lai; LIU Ta Li and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Corneal leproma as an initial feature of
lepromatous leprosy. ". Arch Ophthalmol vol.124 no.11, pp.1661-2. 2006.11.
<P062124> RAO Srinivas Kamalakara; BASTI Surendra; LIN Amy; IYER K Geetha; SEETHALAKSHMI G
and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "The itching, burning eye: diagnostic algorithm and management options
". Comphrensive Ophthalmology Update vol.7 no.4, pp.157-67. 2006.07.
<P062186> WANG Danyi; FAN Baojian; CHUA Kien Han John; TAM Oi Sin Pancy; LEUNG Kai Shun; LAM
Shun Chiu Dennis and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "A genome-wide scan maps a novel juvenile-onset
Sciences vol.47 no.12, pp.5315-21. 2006.12.
<P062493> ZHANG Xinmei; CHOY Kwong Wai; LAM Shun Chiu Dennis and PANG Chi Pui
Calvin. "Expression studies on human retinal ganglion cells". Paper presented in the The 6th
International Symposium of Ophthalmology, organized by The Chinese University of Hong
Kong, p.172. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.08.14.
<P062565> TANG W.h. Emily; LAW Wai Kee and LAI Shiu Ming Jimmy. "Corneal injury by wild
taro". Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology vol.34 no.9, pp.895-6. 2006.12.
<P062651> LONG Qin; CHU Renyuan; ZHOU Xingtao; DAI Junhui; CHEN Chongda; RAO Srinivas
Kamalakara and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Correlation between TGF-beta1 in tears and corneal haze
following LASEK and epi-LASIK.". Journal of Refractive Surgery vol.22 no.7, pp.708-12. 2006.09.
<P063065> LIU Ta Li; LI Chi Lai and LEE Yau Wing, Vincent. "The surgical management of chronic hypotony
due to uveitis". Eye vol.20 no.12, pp.1373-4. 2006.12.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
<P063197> CHENG Chak Kwan Arthur; YOUNG Alvin Lerrmann; LAW Wai Kee and LAM Shun Chiu
Dennis. "Prospective randomized double-masked trial to evaluate perioperative pain profile in different
stages of simultaneous bilateral LASIK. ". Cornea vol.25 no.8, pp.919-22. 2006.09.
<P063281> HO Chuen Kwong Thomas. "The efficacy of photodynamic therapy combined with intravitreal
triamcinolone acetonide (TA) for treatment of occult choroidal neovascularization secondary to
degeneration". Retina,
Diseases vol.26 no.6, pp.714. 2006.07.
<P063579> LAM Robert Fung; LAI Wai Kwan Wico; CHEUNG Tze On Benson; YUEN Yin Fun; WONG Tak
Hung; PALANIVELU Mahesh Shanmugam and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Pars plana vitrectomy
and perfluoropropane (C3F8) tamponade for retinal detachment due to myopic macular hole: a prognostic
factor analysis ". American Journal of Ophthalmology vol.142 no.6, pp.938-44. 2006.12.
<P063732> FAN Shu Ping Dorothy; YIP Wai Kuen; YU Bing On Christopher; RAO Srinivas Kamalakara and
LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Updates on the surgical management of paediatric cataract with primary
". Annals
Singapore vol.35 no.8, pp.564-70. 2006.08.
<P064777> LIU Ta Li; RAO Srinivas Kamalakara; LEE Yau Wing, Vincent; CHAN Wai Man and LAM Shun
Chiu Dennis. "Unusual Acute Angle Closure After Air Descemetopexy.". Eye 20 12 1378-9. 2006.12.
<P064791> CHAN Kwok Ping; CHU Kai On; WANG Chi Chiu; CHU Ching Yan; CHOY Kwong Wai and
PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Determination of catechins and its antioxidative power in the rat aqueous and
vitreous humor". Paper presented in the The 6th International Symposium of Ophthalmology, organized
by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.187. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.08.13.
<P065070> CHENG Chak Kwan Arthur; YUEN Sheung Ching and LAI Shiu Ming Jimmy. "The Ahmed
glaucoma valve in refractory glaucoma: experiences in Indian eyes ". Eye vol.20 no.7, pp.848-9. 2006.07.
<P065342> HO Chuen Kwong Thomas. "Artificial tears for clearing tear-film precipitation during cataract
surgery". Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery vol.32 no.8, pp.1245. 2006.08.
<P065408> CHEN Lijia; LIU Ta Li; TAM Oi Sin Pancy; CHAN Wai Man; LIU Ke; CHONG Kam Lung; LAM
Shun Chiu Dennis and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Association of complement factor H polymorphisms
with exudative age-related macular degeneration. ". Molecular Vision vol.12 pp.1536-42. 2006.12.05.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
<P065809> CHENG Chak Kwan Arthur; TANG Wai Ho Emily; MOHAMED Shaheeda and LAM Shun Chiu
Dennis. "Correction
". Cornea vol.25 no.10, pp.1158-61. 2006.12.
<P066057> THAM Chee Yung Clement; LI Chi Hong Felix; LEUNG Yu Lung; KWONG Yuen Ying Yolanda;
YICK Wai Fong; CHI Chung Chai and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Intrableb Triamcinolone Acetonide
Trabeculectomy Revision by Needling): A Pilot Study". Eye 20 12 1484-6. 2006.12.
<P066303> FAN Shu Ping Dorothy; RAO Srinivas Kamalakara; YU Bing On Christopher; WONG Chun Yu
and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Changes in refraction and ocular dimensions after cataract surgery and
infants". Journal
Surgery vol.32 no.7, pp.1104-8. 2006.07.
<P066516> HO Chuen Kwong Thomas and LAI Wai Kwan Wico. "Combination therapy for choroidal
neovascularization". Ophthalmology vol.113 no.8, pp.1470-1. 2006.08.
<P066629> GOPWANI Rita Jiwatram; CHENG Lu Lulu; TANG Wai Tat and LAM Shun Chiu
Dennis. "Surgical technique for recurrent pterygium". Ophthalmology vol.113 no.8, pp.1469-70. 2006.
<P066932> LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; KWOK Kwan Ho; AU Wai Hing and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. Assessment
of Macular Function by Multifocal Electroretinography following Epiretinal Membrane Surgery with
Indocyanine Green-assisted Internal Limiting Membrane Peeling. Grafes' Archives of Clinical and
Experimental Ophthalmology Issue:245 -1 pp.148-154. 2007.01.
<P067285> DEWAN Andrew; LIU Mugen; HARTMAN Stephen; ZHANG Shao-min Samuel; LIU Ta Li;
ZHAO Connie; TAM Oi Sin Pancy; CHAN Wai Man; LAM Shun Chiu Dennis; SNYDER Michael;
BARNSTABLE Colin; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and HOH Josephine. "HTRA1 promoter polymorphism
in wet age-related macular degeneration. ". Science vol.314 no.5801, pp.989-92. 2006.11.10.
<P067324> GOPWANI Rita Jiwatram; LIU Ta Li; LEE Yau Wing, Vincent and LAM Shun Chiu
Dennis. "Pars plana vitrectomy for RD. ". Ophthalmology vol.113 no.9, pp.1688-9. 2006.09.
<P068189> TONG Jianping; LAM Shun Chiu Dennis; CHAN Wai Man; CHOY Kwong Wai; CHAN Kwok
Ping and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Effects of triamcinolone on the expression of VEGF and PEDF in
Vision vol.12 pp.1490-1495. United States of America: Molecular Vision, 2006.12.04.
Faculty of Medicine
cells". Molecular
Dept of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
<P068566> LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; FAN Shu Ping Dorothy; LAI Wai Kwan Wico and LAM Shun Chiu
Dennis. "Peripheral and posterior pole retinal lesions in association with high myopia: a cross-sectional
community-based study in Hong Kong". Eye pp.Epub ahead of print. 2006.09.
<P068608> HO Chuen Kwong Thomas. "Phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation for acute angle
closure". Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery vol.32 no.9, pp.1407. 2006.09.
<P068666> THAM Chee Yung Clement; LI Chi Hong Felix; LEUNG Yu Lung; KWONG Yuen Ying Yolanda;
YICK Wai Fong and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Microincision bimanual phacotrabeculectomy in eyes
cataract". Journal
Surgery vol.32 no.11, pp.1917-20. 2006.11.
<P069097> LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; CHAN Wai Man; LI Haitao; LAI Yiu Kwong Ricky; LIU Ta Li and LAM
Shun Chiu Dennis. "Safety enhanced photodynamic therapy with half dose verteporfin for chronic
study". British
Ophthalmology vol.90 no.7, pp.869-74. 2006.07.
<P069133> THAM Chee Yung Clement; KWONG Yuen Ying Yolanda; LAI Shiu Ming Jimmy and LAM Shun
Chiu Dennis. "Effect of a previous acute angle closure attack on the corneal endothelial cell density in
chronic angle closure glaucoma patients. ". Journal of Glaucoma vol.15 no.6, pp.482-5. 2006.12.
<P069210> LIU Ta Li; LEE Yau Wing, Vincent and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Clinical evaluation of the arched
blade for cataract surgery. ". Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica vol.84 no.4, pp.559. 2006.08.
<P069767> LI Chi Lai; LIU Ta Li; CHAN Wai Man and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Local anesthesia for
vitrectomy.". Ophthalmology vol.113 no.10, pp.1887-8. 2006.10.
<P069961> WONG Lee; LEUNG Yu Lung and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Accommodation affected by warming?
". Ophthalmology vol.113 no.7, pp.1249-50. 2006.07.
<P070229> CHU Kai On; WANG Chi Chiu; CHU Ching Yan; CHOY Kwong Wai; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and
ROGERS Michael Scott. "Uptake and distribution of catechins in fetal organs following in utero
rats". Human
Reproduction vol.22 no.1, pp.280-287. United
Kingdom: Oxford
Press, 2007.01.
<P070771> FAN Baojian; KO Wendy Charles; WANG Danyi; CANLAS Oscar; RITCH Robert; LAM Shun
Chiu Dennis and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Fine mapping of new glaucoma locus GLC1M and exclusion
of neuregulin 2 as the causative gene ". Molecular Vision vol.13 pp.779-84. 2007.05.23.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
<P071316> WONG Lee; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; LEE Ka Yau; LAM Tsze Ho Philip and LAM Shun Chiu
Dennis. "Safety and efficacy of micro-incisional cataract surgery with bimanual phacoemulsification for
white mature cataract. ". Ophthalmologica vol.221 no.1, pp.24-8. 2007.01.
<P071325> BISWAS Jyotirmay; HO Chuen Kwong Thomas and BHAVSAR Kaushal. "Bilateral metastasis to
the retina, choroids and optic nerve from breast cancer: a clinicopathological case". Indian Journal of
Ophthalmology vol.55 no.1, pp.71-2. 2007.01.
<P071340> LAM Shun Chiu Dennis; CHAN Kar Mun Carmen; MOHAMED Shaheeda; LAI Yuk Yau
Timothy; LEE Yau Wing, Vincent; LIU Ta Li; LI Kai Wang Kenneth; LI Siu Hung and
PALANIVELU Mahesh Shanmugam. "Intravitreal Triamcinolone plus Sequential Grid Laser versus
Triamcinolone or Laser Alone for Treating Diabetic Macular Edema Six-Month Outcomes.
". Ophthalmology pp.Epub ahead of print. 2007.04.23.
<P071816> CHAN Wai Man; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; LIU Ta Li and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Intravitreal
Bevacizumab (Avastin) for Myopic Choroidal Neovascularization Six-Month Results of a Prospective
Pilot Study". Ophthalmology pp.Epub ahead of print. 2007.06.26.
<P072390> LAM Shun Chiu Dennis; LEUNG King Sai; MOHAMED Shaheeda; CHAN Wai Man;
PALANIVELU Mahesh Shanmugam; CHEUNG Yim Lui; LI Yuen Mei Emmy; LAI Yiu Kwong
Ricky and LEUNG Kai Shun. "Regional variations in the relationship between macular thickness
measurements and myopia". Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 48 1 pp.376-82. 2007.01.
<P072540> PONG Chiu Fai; CHU Ching Yan; WANG Chi Chiu; POON Chuen Wai; RAO Srinivas
Kamalakara; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "From tear proteomic analysis to
of vernal
keratoconjunctivitis". Asian
Journal of
Ophthalmology vol.9 no.1, 447-B88. Scientific Communications International Limited, 2007.02.
<P072659> CUI Qi; HODGETTS S; HU Y; LUO J and HARVEY A. "Strain-specific differences in the effects of
cyclosporin A and FK 506 on the survival and regeneration of axotomized retinal ganglion cells in adult
rats". Neuroscience vol.146 no.3, pp.986-999. Not known, Unknown: Elsevier, 2007.05.25.
<P072947> CHAN Wai Man; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; LIU Ta Li and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Intravitreal
bevacizumab (avastin) for choroidal neovascularization secondary to central serous chorioretinopathy,
secondary to punctate inner choroidopathy, or of idiopathic origin.". American Journal of
Ophthalmology pp.977-983. 2007.06.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
<P073910> LI Haitao; LEUNG Kai Shun; CHEUNG Yim Lui; WONG Lee; PANG Chi Pui Calvin; WEINREB
Neal Robert and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Repeatability and Reproducibility of Anterior Chamber
Angle Measurement with Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography. ". British Journal of
Ophthalmology pp.Epub ahead of print. 2007.05.02.
<P073950> LAM Shun Chiu Dennis; CHAN Kar Mun Carmen; MOHAMED Shaheeda; LAI Yuk Yau
Timothy; LI Kai Wang Kenneth; LI Siu Hung; TSANG Chi Wai; CHAN Wai Man and
PALANIVELU Mahesh Shanmugam. "A prospective randomised trial of different doses of intravitreal
oedema". British
Ophthalmology 91 2 pp.199-203. 2007.02.
<P073965> GAO L.; DONG F. and CHAN Wai Man. "Traumatic macular hole secondary to Nd:YAG
laser.". Eye vol.21 no.4, pp.571-3. 2007.04.
<P074327> LAM Shun Chiu Dennis; THAM Chee Yung Clement; LAI Shiu Ming Jimmy and LEUNG Yu
Lung. "Current approaches to the management of acute primary angle closure.". Current Opinion in
Ophthalmology 146-51 pp.146-51. 2007.03.
<P074464> CHEUNG Tze On Benson; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; YUEN Yin Fun; LAI Wai Kwan Wico; TSANG
Chi Wai and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Results of high-density silicone oil as a tamponade agent in
myopia.". British
Ophthalmology pp.719-21. 2007.06.
<P074560> FAN Shu Ping Dorothy; LAM Shun Chiu Dennis; CHAN Kar Mun Carmen; FAN Hoi; CHEUNG
Yan Yan and RAO Srinivas Kamalakara. "Topical atropine in retarding myopic progression and axial
length growth in children with moderate to severe myopia: a pilot study. ". Japanese Journal of
Ophthalmology vol.51 no.1, pp.27-33. 2007.01.
<P074909> WONG Wing Yee Victoria; RAO Srinivas Kamalakara and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Polyglactin
sutures versus nylon sutures for suturing of conjunctival autograft in pterygium surgery: a randomized,
controlled trial. ". Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica pp.Epub ahead of print. 2007.05.22.
<P075134> PONG Chiu Fai; CHU Ching Yan; WANG Chi Chiu; POON Chuen Wai; RAO Srinivas
Kamalakara; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "From tear proteomic analysis to
understand development and management of vernal keratoconjunctivitis". Paper presented in the 2007
Asia-Arvo Meeting on Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, organized by Scientific Communications
International Limited, 447-B88. Singapore, 2007.03.02.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
<P075145> LEUNG Kai Shun; YICK Wai Fong; KWONG Yuen Ying Yolanda; LI Chi Hong Felix; LEUNG
Yu Lung; MOHAMED Shaheeda; THAM Chee Yung Clement; CHI Chung Chai and LAM Shun
Chiu Dennis. "Analysis of bleb morphology after trabeculectomy with Visante anterior segment optical
coherence tomography.". British Journal of Ophthalmology 91 3 pp.340-4. 2007.03.
<P075234> LI Yuen Mei Emmy; MOHAMED Shaheeda; LEUNG Kai Shun; RAO Srinivas Kamalakara;
CHENG Chak Kwan Arthur; CHEUNG Yim Lui and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Agreement among
3 Methods to Measure Corneal Thickness: Ultrasound Pachymetry, Orbscan II, and Visante Anterior
Segment Optical Coherence Tomography. ". Ophthalmology pp.Epub ahead of print. 2007.05.14.
<P075448> NG, TSZ KIN; CHEN Lijia; CHAN Wai Man; TAM Oi Sin Pancy; LIU D L David; LAM Shun
Chiu Dennis and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Association of Complement Factor H Polymorphisms
with Exudative Age-related Macular Degeneration in Ethnic Chinese". Human Genome Meeting
2002 ed. by Human Genome Organization. pp.1. Montreal, Canada, 2007.05.21.
<P075711> ABD EL-AZIZ M. M.; EL-ASHRY F. M.; CHAN Wai Man; CHONG Kam Lung; BARRAGAN I.;
ANTINOLO G.; PANG Chi Pui Calvin and BHATTACHARYA S. S.. "A Novel Genetic Study of
Pigmentosa". Annals
Genetics vol.71 no.Pt 3, pp.281-94. 2007.05.
<P075828> LIU Ta Li; LEE Yau Wing, Vincent; LAM Tsze Ho Philip and LAM Shun Chiu
Dennis. Acyclovir-induced nephrotoxicity in a patient with acute retinal necrosis. Hong Kong Medical
Journal 13 2 pp.155-6. 2007.04.
<P076314> CHU Kai On; HO Chuen Kwong Thomas; CHIANG Wai Yee Sylvia; WANG Chi Chiu; LAM Shun
Chiu Dennis and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Measuring triamcinolone acetonide in aqueous humor by gas
spectrometry". Journal
B-Analytical Technologies in The Biomedical and Life Sciences vol.847 no.2, pp.199-204. Netherlands:
Elsevier Science BV, 2007.03.01.
<P076675> LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; CHAN Wai Man; LAI Yiu Kwong Ricky; NGAI Wing Sang; LI Haitao and
LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "The clinical applications of multifocal electroretinography: a systematic
review. ". Survey of Ophthalmology vol.52 no.1, pp.61-96. 2007.01.
<P076810> LUK Oi Jing Fiona; WONG Wing Yee Victoria; RAO Srinivas Kamalakara and LAM Shun Chiu
Dennis. "Perilimbal conjunctival pigmentation in Chinese patients with vernal keratoconjunctivitis
". Eye pp.Epub ahead of print. 2007.04.27.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
<P076883> CHAN Wai Man; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; WONG Lee; LIU Ta Li and LAM Shun Chiu
Dennis. "Combined photodynamic therapy and intravitreal triamcinolone injection for the treatment of
choroidal neovascularisation". British Journal of Ophthalmology 91 2 174-9. 2007.02.
<P076928> ZHONG Yi-sheng; LEUNG Kai Shun and PANG Chi Pui Calvin. "Glial cells and glaucomatous
neuropathy". Chinese Medical Journal vol.120 no.4, pp.326-35. 2007.02.20.
<P077016> CONGDON Nathan Greenleaf; PATEL Nita; ESTESO Paul; CHIKWEMBANI Florence;
WEBBER Fiona; MSITHINI Bongi Robert and RATCLIFFE Amy. "The association between
refractive cutoffs for spectacle provision and visual improvement among school-aged children in South
Africa. ". British Journal of Ophthalmology pp.Epub ahead of print. 2007.06.25.
<P077033> WANG Ningli; WANG Bingsong; ZHAI Gaoshou; LEI Kun; WANG Lan and CONGDON Nathan
Greenleaf. "A method of measuring anterior chamber volume using the anterior segment optical
software". American
Ophthalmology vol.143 no.5, pp.879-81. 2007.05.
<P077774> CHAN Wai Man; LIU Ta Li and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Precautions in ophthalmic practice in a
". Eye 21 2 pp.305-6. 2007.02.
<P077805> FOK Chung Tin Andrew; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; WONG Wing Yee Victoria; WONG Lee and
LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Spontaneous resolution of retinal pigment epithelial tears and pigment
epithelial detachment following blunt trauma". Eye pp.891-3. 2007.06.
<P077874> Winnie Wai-Ying LI; LU Gang; PANG Chi Pui Calvin; LAM Shun Chiu Dennis and YEW Tai Wai
David. "The
Evaluation". Intern.
Neuroscience vol.117 pp.121-134. United
America: Informa
Healthcare, 2007.
<P078365> RITCH Robert; THAM Chee Yung Clement and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Argon laser peripheral
iridoplasty (ALPI): an update. ". Survey of Ophthalmology vol.52 no.3, pp.279-88. 2007.05.
<P078578> SHAO Yunliang; HUANG Yuqiang; LIU Yingpeng; ZHANG Ming Zhi; LAM Shun Chiu Dennis
and RAO Srinivas Kamalakara. "Corneal endothelial cell density and morphology in healthy Chinese
eyes". Cornea vol.26 no.2, pp.130-2. 2007.02.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
<P078617> LEUNG Kai Shun; CHAN Wai Man; CHONG Kam Lung; CHAN Kwok-cheung; YUNG Wing Ho;
TSANG Moon-kong; TSE Kwok Kay Raymond and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Alignment artifacts
in optical coherence tomography analyzed images. ". Ophthalmology 114 2 pp.263-70. 2007.02.
<P078881> LEUNG Kai Shun; MEDEIROS A Felipe; ZANGWILL M. Linda; SAMPLE A. Pamela; BOWD
Christopher; NG Diana; CHEUNG Yim Lui; LAM Shun Chiu Dennis and WEINREB N.
Robert. "American Chinese glaucoma imaging study: a comparison of the optic disc and retinal nerve
damage.". Investigative
Science vol.48 no.6, pp.2644-52. 2007.06.
<P079343> KWONG Yuen Ying Yolanda; YUEN Kwok Lai; LAM Robert Fung; LEE Yau Wing, Vincent;
RAO Srinivas Kamalakara and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Comparison of outcomes of primary
scleral-fixated versus primary anterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in complicated cataract
surgeries. ". Ophthalmology vol.114 no.1, pp.80-5. 2007.01.
<P079438> LEE Ka Yau; LAI Yuk Yau Timothy; CHAN Wai Man and LAM Shun Chiu Dennis. "Retinal
pigment epithelial tear following intravitreal ranibizumab injections for neovascular age-related macular
degeneration". Grafes' Archives of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology pp.Epub ahead of
print. 2007.02.08.
<P079660> CHENG Chak Kwan Arthur; WONG Wing Yee Victoria; RAO Srinivas Kamalakara and LAM
Shun Chiu Dennis. "Repositioning of free cap four days after LASIK.". Journal of Refractive
Surgery vol.23 no.6, pp.625-7. 2007.06.
See Also <P060144 >, <P061767 >, <P062745 >, <P063505 >, <P065160 >, <P065393 >, <P065549 >, <P065597 >,
<P066864 >, <P067030 >, <P067927 >, <P068514 >, <P068806 >, <P072112 >, <P072273 >, <P074474 >, <P075537
>, <P077167 >, <P077733 >, <P078376 >, <P079599 >
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Paediatrics
NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn and BAUR A. Louise. "Childhood Obesity". Recent Advances in
Pediatrics-12 ed.
Suraj. pp.86-99. New
India: Jaypee
Publishers, 2002.
<P049022> HON Kam Lun; LI Man Chim Albert Martin; NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn; LEUNG Chik
Wa and CHERRY D James. "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)". Feigin RD, Cherry J.D.
Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases ed. by W.B. Saundus Company. Philadelphia, United States of
America, 2004.
<P056308> CHAN S.M.; NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn; LEUNG Suk Fong Sophie and CHENG Chun
Yiu Jack. "Bone mineral density and calcium metabolism of Hong Kong Chinese postpartum women-a
1-y longitudinal study". European Journal of Clinical Nutrition vol.59 pp.868-876. Nature Publishing
Group, 2005.
<P056886> CHENG Wai Tsoi Frankie; LEUNG Ting Fan; LEE Lai Shun Nelson; YAP Hiu Yi Florence; HUI
Joannie; FOK Tai Fai and NG Pak Cheung. Fever, pulmonary hemorrhage and acute renal failure in a
young girl. Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.11 pp.408-410. 2005.
<P060012> HUI Lai Ling and NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn. "Dietary Characteristics of Hong Kong Young
Children: Implications for Nutrition Education". Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics (New
Series) vol.11 pp.255-262. Hong Kong SAR: Medcom Ltd, 2006.07.
<P060028> LI Kwai Har Karen; SUNG Yn Tz Rita; HUANG W Z; YANG Mo; PONG Nga Hin Henry; LEE S
M; CHAN Wood Yee; ZHAO Hailu; TO Man Yin; FOK Tai Fai; LI Chi Kong; WONG Yeuk Oi
and NG Pak Cheung. "Thrombopoietin protects against in vitro and in vivo cardiotoxicity induced by
doxorubicin". Circulation vol.113 no.18, pp.2211-2220. 2006.
<P060078> LI Man Chim Albert Martin; CHAN Ho Ming; YIN Ai Tsang Jane; SO Hung Kwan; NG Siu
Kwan; CHAN I H S; LAM Wai Kei Christopher and NG Pak Cheung. "C-reactive Protein in
Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and the Effects of Treatment". Paper presented in the 5th ASRS
Seoul Congress 2006, organized by Korean Academy of Sleep Medicine, p.59 (P3-2). 2006.09.20.
<P060123> OSAKI Risa; QIAO Qing; WONG Wing Kin Gary; CHAN Ho Ming; SO Wing Yee; TONG Peter
Chun Yip; HO C S; KO Tin Choi; KONG Pik Shan; LAM Wai Kei Christopher; TUOMILEHTO
Jaakko and CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana. Overweight, family history of diabetes and attending schools
of lower academic grading are independent predictors for metabolic syndrome in Hong Kong Chinese
adolescents Archives of Disease in Childhood 2007 vol.92 p.224-228. London, United Kingdom: B M J
Publishing Group, 2006.11.06.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Paediatrics
<P060502> LEUNG Ting Fan; LIU K. H. Eric; LI Chung Yi; CHAN I H S; YUNG Chung Ming Edmund;
LAM Wai Kei Christopher and WONG Wing Kin Gary. "Lack of Association Between NOS2
Concentration". Pediatric Pulmonology vol.41 no.7, p.649-655. USA: Wiley-Liss, Inc., 2006.07.
<P060649> LEUNG Ting Fan; CHENG Wai Tsoi Frankie; LAI Wai Man; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; CHAN
Fung Yee Regina; LI Chi Kong and NG Pak Cheung. "Infection Control for Norovirus Gastroenteritis
Outbreak in Acute Open-Designed Paediatric Ward". Paper presented in the Sixth International
Society, organized
Society, p.S76-77. Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2006.10.15.
<P060653> HON Kam Lun; KAM Wai Yan; LAM Man Ching Adrian; LEUNG Ting Fan and NG Pak
Cheung. "CDLQI,
correlated?". Quality
Research vol.15 pp.1551-1558. Springer, 2006.
<P060793> WONG Wing Kin Gary. "Developing world: Asthma in a rural setting". Paper presented in the 7th
VII), organized
Secretariat , S119-S120 pgs. Montreal, Canada, 2006.07.08.
<P060817> FOK Tai Fai; HON Kam Lun; NG Pak Cheung; WONG M. C. Eric; SO Hung Kwan; LAU Tak Fai
Joseph; CHOW Chun Bong; LEE Wai Hong. "Normative data for triceps and subscapular skinfold
thicknesses of Chinese infants". Acta Paediatrica vol.95 pp.1614-1619. Taylor & Francis, 2006.
<P061105> HON Kam Lun; LAM Man Ching Adrian; KAM Wai Yan; LEUNG Ting Fan; WONG Kin Yi;
LEE Kwing Chin Kenneth; FOK Tai Fai and NG Pak Cheung. "CDLQI, SCORAD and NESS: Are
They Correlated?". Paper presented in the British Association of Dermatologists 86th Annual
Meeting, organized by British Association of Dermatologists , 117 pgs. 2006.07.04.
<P061130> CHAN Fung Ying; LEE Cheuk Hon; FUNG Tak Yuen; CHAN Lin Wai Daniel; ABDULLAH
Victor and NG Pak Cheung. "Ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) for congenital giant ranula". Acta
Paediatrica vol.95 no.10 pp.1303-1305. Norway: Taylor & Francis AS, 2006.10.
<P061217> SUNG Yn Tz Rita; YU C Cw; CHOI K C; MCMANUS A; LI Man Chim Albert Martin; XU Sl Y;
CHAN Dorothy; LO Fung Cheung Amy; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and FOK Tai Fai. "Waist
circumference and body mass index in Chinese children: cutoff values for predicting cardiovascular risk
factors". International Journal of Obesity Nature Publishing Group, 2006.09.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Paediatrics
<P061264> NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn. "Rotavirus vaccine: Disease burden vs vaccine efficacy and
safety". Paper
Perspectives, organized by Asian Pacific Pediatric Association, 1 pgs. Pattaya, Thailand, 2006.07.22.
<P061331> CHENG Ling Ling; NG Pak Cheung; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; WONG Hiu Lei; CHENG Wai Tsoi
Frankie and TANG Julian Wei Tze. "Probable Intrafamilial Transmission of Coxsackievirus B3 With
Shedding". Pediatrics vol.118 no.3, pp.929-933. USA: American Academy of Pediatrics, 2006.09.
<P061871> FUNG
Severn. "Oligohydrosis
Topiramate". Pediatric Neurology vol.35 no.6, pp.446. Elsevier Inc., 2006.
<P061933> SENOK A. C.; CHUNG Kin Wah; LI Kwai Har Karen and NELSON Edmund Anthony
Severn. "Oxidant Modulating Agents Modify Sensitivity to Artemether". Paper presented in the XI
International Congress of Parasitology, 1 pgs. Glasgow, Scotland, 2006.08.
<P062027> TONG J W S; FAN K Y; KO S F; MAN T W; TONG S K; XIA Wenjie; Goldie Jia-shi GU; NG Pak
Cheung; FOK Tai Fai; ROGERS Michael Scott and WANG Chi Chiu. "Distinct Molecular
Mechanisms of Hypoxia and Hyperoxia Induced Hippocampus Neuronal Apoptosis in Rat
Neonates". Paper presented in the Faculty Research Day: Accelerating Research Through
Collaboration, organized by Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, p.45
(P11). Hong Kong SAR, 2006.08.19.
<P062163> HON Kam Lun and NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn. "Gender Disparity in Paediatric Hospital
Admissions". Annals Academy Medicine Singapore vol.35 no.12, pp.882-888. Singapore: Academy of
Medicine Singapore, 2006.12.
<P062233> WONG Wing Kin Gary; CHENG Ling Ling and CHENG Pik Shun. "Effects of insulin glargine in
Chinese children with type 1 diabetes". Paper presented in the World Diabetes Congress, organized by
International Diabetes Federation, 348. Cape Town, South Africa, 2006.12.07.
<P062380> HON Kam Lun; LAM MAN CHING; KAM Wai Yan; LEUNG Ting Fan; LEE Kwing Chin
Kenneth; FOK Tai Fai and NG Pak Cheung. "Fears about Topical Corticosteroid Use in Children with
Eczema". BJDE p.117. 2006.07.04.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Paediatrics
<P062397> YU C. W.; CHAN Scarlet; CHENG F; SUNG Yn Tz Rita and HAU Kit Tai. "Compatibility of
Physical Activity and Academic Performance among Hong Kong Chinese Primary School Children:
Conduct, Physical Activity and Self-esteem as determinants". Fourth International Biennial SELF
Research Conference pp.10. Michigan, United States of America, 2006.07.23.
<P062436> LI Man Chim Albert Martin; CHAN Ho Ming; CHAN Fung Ying; LAM Hugh Simon Hung San;
WONG Eric; SO Hung Kwan; CHAN I H S; LAM Wai Kei Christopher and NELSON Edmund
Anthony Severn. "Insulin and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in Obese Children Children". Paper presented
2006, organized
Medicine, p.199. 2006.09.20.
<P062528> NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn. "Rotavirus epidemiology: Global and Asian countries". Paper
presented in the APPA Meeting: Vaccinology 2006: Focus on Rotavirus and Poliovirus in Asia, organized
by Asian Pacific Pediatric Association, 1 pgs. Pattaya, Thailand, 2006.07.20.
<P062960> HON Kam Lun; LAM MAN CHING; KAM Wai Yan; LEUNG Ting Fan; FOK Tai Fai and NG
Pak Cheung. "The pattern of dietary restriction and supplementation in children with atopic
eczema". British Journal of Dermatology ed. by K.L.E .Hon, M.C.A. Lam, W.Y.C. Kam, T.F. Leung,
T.F. Fok and P.C. Ng. p.116. 2006.07.04.
<P063185> LEUNG Ting Fan; WONG Yun Sze; LI Chung Yi; CHAN I H S; YUNG Chung Ming Edmund;
LAM Wai Kei Christopher and WONG Wing Kin Gary. "CD14 Promoter Polymorphisms are
Associated with Atopy and Plasma Total IgE But not Asthma in Chinese Children". Paper presented in
the 11th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, organized by Asian Pacific Society of
Respirology, p.A142. Kyoto, Japan, 2006.11.19.
<P063784> HON Kam Lun; LAM Man Ching Adrian; LEUNG Ting Fan; KAM Wai Yan; WONG Kin Yi;
YUNG Chung Ming Edmund and FOK Tai Fai. "No Correlation Between Eczema Severity and
Exhaled Nitric Oxide Levels in Chinese Children with Atopic Dermatitis". Paper presented in the British
Meeting, organized
Dermatologists, 118 pgs. 2006.07.04.
<P064270> LI Man Chim Albert Martin; HUNG Chi Wan; TSANG Wing Tai; YIN Ai Tsang Jane; CHAN
Fung Ying; WONG Eric; FOK Tai Fai and NG Pak Cheung. "Induced Sputum Inflammatory
Measures Correlate with Disease Severity in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea". Paper presented
Medicine, p.P3-3. 2006.09.20.
Faculty of Medicine
2006, organized
Dept of Paediatrics
<P064323> FOK Oi Ling Annie; LEUNG Ting Fan; LIU K. H. Eric; YUNG Chung Ming Edmund and WONG
Wing Kin Gary. "Asthma and allergies in preschool children: prevalence and risk factors". Paper
presented in the 7th International Congress on Pediatric Pulmonology (CIPP VII), organized by CIPP
VII, S308 pgs. Montreal, Canada, 2006.07.08.
<P064388> LI Man Chim Albert Martin; CHAN H M; AU Jun Ting; YIN Ai Tsang Jane; SO Hung Kwan; NG
Siu Kwan; CHAN I H S; LAM Wai Kei Christopher and NG Pak Cheung. "C-Reactive Protein in
Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and The Effects of Treatment". Paper presented in the Joint
Annual Scientific Meeting for Paediatricians and Paediatric Nurses, organized by The Hong Kong
Paediatric Society and Hong Kong Paediatric Nurses Association Ltd, p.19. Hong Kong, 2006.11.25.
<P064517> HON Kam Lun. "Childhood Atopic Dermatitis: Myths and Practices Among the Chinese". Paper
presented in the 3rd CUHK Dermatology Sympososium, organized by Department of Medicien &
Therapeutics & Paediatrics, p.5. Hong Kong, 2006.10.29.
<P065131> HON Kam Lun; LAM Man Ching Adrian; KAM Wai Yan; LEUNG Ting Fan; WONG Kin Yi;
LEE Kwing Chin Kenneth; FOK Tai Fai and NG Pak Cheung. "Fears About Topical Corticosteroid
Use in Children with Eczema". Paper presented in the British Association of Dermatologists 86th Annual
Meeting, organized by British Association of Dermatologists, 117 pgs. 2006.07.04.
<P065216> CHENG Ling Ling; CHENG Pik Shun; CHAN Chung Ngor Juliana and WONG Wing Kin
Gary. "Islet cell autoimmunity in Chinese children with type 1 diabetes". Paper presented in the World
Congress, organized
Federation, p.191. Cape
Town, South
Africa, 2006.12.07.
<P065419> HON Kam Lun; LAM MAN CHING; LEUNG Ting Fan; KAM Wai Yan; YUNG Chung Ming
Edmund and FOK Tai Fai. "No Correlation between Eczema Severity and Exhaled Nitric Oxide Levels
in Chinese Children with Atopic Dermatitis". British Journal of Dermatology p.118. 2006.07.04.
<P065980> WONG Wing Kin Gary. "The future trend of asthma monitoring and treatment". Paper presented in the
10th Chinese National Conference of Pediatric Pulmonology (CNCPPX), organized by 中華醫學會兒科
分會呼吸學組, p.15. Huangzhan, Bejing, China, 2006.09.12.
<P066235> WONG Wing Kin Gary. "Current concepts in the treatment of asthma". Paper presented in the
Abstracts of the semi-annual meeting of the Allergy and Immunology Society of Thailand, organized by
The Allergy and Immunology Society of Thailand, 7-8 pgs. Bangkok, Thailand, 2006.10.05.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Paediatrics
<P066578> LI Man Chim Albert Martin; YIN Ai Tsang Jane; AU Jun Ting; SO Hung Kwan; TSANG Wing
Tai; WONG M. C. Eric; FOK Tai Fai and NG Pak Cheung. "Reference Centile Curves for the
Six-Minute Walk Distance in Healthy Children". Paper presented in the 2nd Congress of Asian Society
for Pediatric Research, organized by Japan Pediatric Society, p.154 (P-107). 2006.12.08.
<P066723> HON Kam Lun. "Emerging Perinatal Infection in Asia and Oceania". Paper presented in the 14th
Congress of FAOPS 2006, organized by The Perinatal Society of Thailand, p.109. 2006.10.01.
<P066730> LI Man Chim Albert Martin; CHAN H M; CHAN Fung Ying; LAM Hugh Simon Hung San;
WONG Eric; SO Hung Kwan; CHAN I H S; LAM Wai Kei Christopher and NELSON Edmund
Anthony Severn. "Insulin and Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Obese Chinese Chidlren". Pediatric
Pulmonology 41 1175-1181. Wiley InterScience, 2006.
<P067024> WONG Yeuk Oi; SUNG Yn Tz Rita; CHAN Wood Yee; LI Kwai Har Karen; ZHAO YU; LI Man
Chim Albert Martin; LEUNG Ping Chung and FUNG Kwok Pui. "The Chinese Herbal Formula
CUF2 Exhibits Anti–airway Inflammation and Immunomodulatory Effect in Ovalbumin-sensitized
Rats". Paper presented in the 2006 World Congress on Chinese Medicine, organized by Hong Kong
Baptist University, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.11.
<P067190> WONG Wing Kin Gary; LEUNG Ting Fan; LIU K. H. Eric and MA Yu. "Wheezing Disorders in
Preschool Children: Prevalence and Risk Factors". Paper presented in the 11th Congress of the Asian
Respirology, organized
Respirology, p.A256. Kyoto, Japan, 2006.11.19.
<P067278> YU C. W.; CHAN Scarlet; CHENG Frances; SUNG Yn Tz Rita and HAU Kit Tai. "Are Physical
Activity and Academic Performance Compatible? Academic Achievement, Conduct, Physical Activity
Children". Educational
Studies vol.32 no.4, pp.331-341. 2006.
<P067307> HON Kam Lun; LAM MAN CHING; KAM Wai Yan; LEUNG Ting Fan; LEE Kwing Chin
Kenneth; FOK Tai Fai and NG Pak Cheung. "CDLQI, SCORAD and NESS: are they
correlated?". British Journal of Dermatology pp.117. 2006.07.04.
<P067437> NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn; TO Ka Fai; WONG Yuk Ying Delanda; CHOW Chun Bong;
DICKINSON James Arthur; OU Yvonne; Yu LM; CHOI K C; WONG M. C. Eric; TANG Leung
Sang Nelson; HJELM Nils Magnus and CHEN L. "A case-control study of unexpected infant death in
Hong Kong". Hong Kong Medical Journal vol.12 no.6, pp.37-40. Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong
Academy of Medicine Press, 2006.12.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Paediatrics
<P067844> NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn. "Epidemiology of Rotavirus Infection and The Need For A
Asia". Paper
Countries, organized
Foundation, 1
pgs. Yokohama, Japan, 2006.07.27.
<P067929> HON Kam Lun; KAM Wai Yan; LEUNG Ting Fan; LAM Man Ching Adrian; WONG, KIN YEE;
LEE Kwing Chin Kenneth; LUK Nai Ming Tommy; FOK Tai Fai and NG Pak Cheung. "Steroid
fears in children with eczema". Acta Paediatrica vol.95 pp.1451-1455. Taylor & Francis, 2006.
<P068225> WONG Wing Kin Gary. "The future trend of asthma monitoring and treatment". Paper presented in the
56th Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Allergology, organized by Japanese Society of
Allergology, p.42. Tokyo, Japan, 2006.11.02.
<P068294> LEUNG Ting Fan. "Allergy Genetics in Chinese Children". Paper presented in the Third CUHK
Dermatology Symposium, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Centre for Health
Protection of Hong Kong, p.12. Hong Kong, 2006.10.29.
<P068422> LEUNG Ting Fan; CHENG Wai Tsoi Frankie; CHAN Kay Sheung Paul; CHU Yuen Ling; TANG
Julian Wei Tze; LI Chi Kong and YUEN Man Pan Patrick. "Humoral Immunity to
Vaccine-Preventable Infectious Diseases in Children with Solid Tumours Following Intensive
Chemo-Radiotherapy". Paper presented in the Sixth International Conference of the Hospital Infection
Society, organized by Hospital Infection Society, p.S12. Netherlands, Amsterdam, 2006.10.15.
<P068474> LI Man Chim Albert Martin; HUNG Chi Wan; TSANG Wing Tai; YIN Ai Tsang Jane; SO Hung
Kwan; WONG M. C. Eric; FOK Tai Fai and NG Pak Cheung. "Induced Sputum Inflammatory
Measures Correlate with Disease Severity in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea". Paper presented
in the 2nd Congress of Asian Society for Pediatric Research, organized by Japan Pediatric Society, p.100
(O-059). 2006.12.08.
<P068538> LEUNG Ting Fan; CHAN I H S; WONG Wing Kin Gary; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; MA Suk
Ling; LAM Wai Kei Christopher; FOK Tai Fai and NG Pak Cheung. "IL1B Promoter Haplotypes
Are Associated with Spirometric Indices and Plasma Total IgE in Chinese Children". Hong Kong Journal
of Paediatrics (New Series) vol.11 no.3, p.179-185. Hong Kong: Hong Kong College of Paediatricians
and Hong Kong Paediatric Society, 2006.07.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Paediatrics
<P068547> WONG Wing Kin Gary; LEUNG Ting Fan; MA Yu; LIU K. H. Eric; YUNG Chung Ming Edmund
and LAI Kei Wai Christopher. Symptoms of Asthma and Atopic Disorders in Preschool Children:
Factors Clinical
Allergy 37 2 174-179. United
Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2007.02.
<P068799> XIE, HUI; LI Man Chim Albert Martin and YUNG Wing Ho. " Effect of Intermittent Hypoxia on
". Neuroscience 1
pgs. Atlanta, USA, 2006.10.18.
<P068819> LI Man Chim Albert Martin; CHEUNG Yuk Mei; CHAN Fung Ying; WONG Eric; HO Kwok Wah
Crover; LAU Tak Fai Joseph and WING Yun Kwok. "Validation of A Questionnaire Instrument for
Prediction of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Hong Kong Chinese Children". Pediatric Pulmonology 2006.
<P068884> LI Man Chim Albert Martin; CHEUNG Yuk Mei; WONG Eric; LAU Tak Fai Joseph and WING
Yun Kwok. "Prevalence and Correlates of Habitual Snoring in Primary Shcool Children in Hong
Kong". Paper presented in the 5th ASRS Seoul Congress 2006, organized by Korean Academy of Sleep
Medicine, p.133. 2006.09.20.
<P069126> NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn. "Rotavirus disease burden and prospects for vaccine introduction
in Asia". Paper presented in the Cambodian Pediatric Association Meeting - Cambodge Sante
2006, organized by Cambodian Pediatric Association, 1 pgs. Phnom Penh, 2006.10.24.
<P069213> LI Man Chim Albert Martin; YIN Ai Tsang Jane; AU Jun Ting; LAM Hugh Simon Hung San; SO
Hung Kwan; TSANG Wing Tai; WONG M. C. Eric; FOK Tai Fai and NG Pak Cheung. "Standard
Reference for the 6-Minute Walk Test in Healthy Children Aged 7 to 16 Years". Paper presented in the
Joint Annual Scientific Meeting for Paediatricians and Paediatric Nurses, organized by The Hong Kong
Paediatric Society and Hong Kong Paediatric Nurses Association Ltd, p.20. Hong Kong, 2006.11.25.
<P069277> WONG Wing Kin Gary. "The future of non-invasive asthma monitoring". Paper presented in the
Abstracts of the semi-annual meeting of the allergy and immunology society of Thailand, organized by
The Allergy and immunology Society of Thailand, 8 pgs. Bangkok, Thailand, 2006.10.05.
<P069559> XIAO Da Wei; YANG Mo; YANG Jie; HON Kam Lun and FOK Tai Fai. "Lung Damage May
Induce Thrombocytopenia". Platelets vol.17 no.5, pp.347-349(3). Taylor and Francis Ltd, 2006.08.
<P069782> HON Kam Lun; LAM Man Ching Adrian; LEUNG Ting Fan; CHIK Ki Wai and LEUNG
Kc. "A
Itch". Journal
Assocation vol.98 no.12, p.1992-1994. 2006.12.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Paediatrics
<P069783> LI Man Chim Albert Martin. "Induced Sputum, Looks can be Deceptive". Paper presented in the Ninth
Annual Scientific Meeting, organized by Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology, p.8. Hong Kong
SAR, 2006.10.15.
<P069921> NG Pak Cheung; CHOW Chi Ying; LEE Cheuk Hon; LING Mei Lun Julia; WONG Hiu Lei and
CHAN Chiu Yeung Raphael. "Persistent Staphylococcus capitis Septicemia in a Preterm Infant". The
Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal vol.25 no.7, pp.652-654. 2006.07.
<P069997> HON Kam Lun; LAM Man Ching Adrian; KAM Wai Yan; LEUNG Ting Fan; FOK Tai Fai and
NG Pak Cheung. "The Pattern of Dietary Restriction and Supplementation in Children with Atopic
Eczema". Paper presented in the British Association of Dermatologists 86th Annual Meeting, organized
by British Association of Dermatologists, 116 pgs. 2006.07.04.
<P070033> PETSKY H L; KYNASTON J A; TURNER C; LI Man Chim Albert Martin; CATES C J;
LASSERSON T J and CHANG A B. "Tailored Interventions Based on Sputum Eosinophils Versus
Clinical Symptoms for Asthma in Children and Adults (Review)". The Cochrane Library vol.2 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2007.04.18.
<P070110> 李偉生 及 李志光.<急性淋巴細胞性白血病患兒中樞神經系統白血病預防的研究進展>.《中華兒科
雜誌》第 45 卷第 5 期,頁 339-343.中國北京:中華醫學會雜誌社,2007.05.
<P070232> HON Kam Lun; LEUNG Ting Fan; LAM Man Ching Adrian; WONG, KIN YEE; CHOW Chung
Mo; KO Wai San Fanny; FOK Tai Fai and LEUNG Alexander Kc. "Eczema Exacerbation And Food
Atopy Beyond Infancy: How Should We Advise Chinese Parents About Dietary History, Eczema
Severity, and Skin Prick Testing?". Advances in Therapy vol.24 no.2, pp.223-230. 2007.
<P070346> 伍百祥.<香港中文大學醫學院兒科學系簡介>.《中國循証兒科雜誌》第 2 卷第 1 期,頁,2007.01.
<P070366> WONG Wing Kin Gary; WANG H. Y.; LEUNG Ting Fan; KO F.W.S.; HUI Shu Cheong David;
ZHONG N. S. and LAI Kei Wai Christopher. "Comparative Study of Asthma Prevalence in Chinese
Children". Paper presented in the American Thoracic Society International Conference 2007, organized
by American Thoracic Society, p.A77. San Francisco, USA, 2007.05.18.
<P070574> HON Kam Lun; FU Chun Cheung Antony; CHOR Chung Ming; TANG Pui Shan Helen; LEUNG
Ting Fan; MAN Chi Yin and NG Pak Cheung. "Issues Associated with Dog Bite Injuries in Children
Care vol.23 no.7, pp.1-5. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007.
Faculty of Medicine
Department". Pediatric
Dept of Paediatrics
<P070786> 李志光.<兒童急性淋巴細胞性白血病誘導化療強度與治愈的關系>.《中華兒科雜誌》李志光.第 45
卷第 5 期,頁 321-323.中國北京:中華醫學會雜誌社,2007.05.
<P071108> LAM Hugh Simon Hung San and NG Pak Cheung. "Diagnostic Markers in Neonatal Sepsis". Fetal
and Maternal Medicine Review vol.18 pp.53-65. Cambridge University Press, 2007.
<P071214> LAM Hugh Simon Hung San and NG Pak Cheung. "Biomarkers in neonatal infection". Biomarkers
Medicine vol.1 pp.133-143. Future Medicine Ltd., 2007.
<P071457> LAM Hugh Simon Hung San; SO King Woon Alan and NG Pak Cheung. "Osteopenia in Neonates:
A Review". Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics (New Series) vol.12 pp.118-124. Hong Kong
SAR: Medcom Ltd., 2007.04.
<P072114> LEUNG Ting Fan; WONG Yun Sze; YUNG Chung Ming Edmund; LI Chung Yi and WONG Wing
Kin Gary. "Indoor Endotoxin Exposure Among Asthmatic Children in Hong Kong". Paper presented in
the American Thoracic Society International Conference 2007, organized by American Thoracic
Society, pp.A270. San Francisco, USA, 2007.05.18.
<P072120> WONG, YUN SZE; LI Chung Yi; YUNG Chung Ming Edmund; WONG Wing Kin Gary; LAM
Ching Wan and LEUNG Ting Fan. "Genetic Association between Asthma-related Traits and CD14
Promoter Polymorphisms in Chinese Children". Paper presented in the European Academy of
Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Annual Congress, organized by European Academy of
Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), 1 pgs. 2007.06.09.
<P072728> HON Kam Lun; CHIU Lai Shan; LAM Man Ching Adrian; CHOI C.L.; CHAN S. and LUK Nai
Ming Tommy. "Normal Neonatal Outcome in A Chinese Woman with Pemphigoid Gestations, Graves'
Chorioangioma". International
Dermatology vol.46 pp.996-997. 2007.
<P072735> LI Man Chim Albert Martin; HUNG E.C.W.; TSANG Wing Tai; YIN Ai Tsang Jane; SO Hung
Kwan; WONG Eric; FOK Tai Fai and NG Pak Cheung. "Induced Sputum Inflammatory Measures
Apnoea". Thorax vol.62 pp.75-79. 2007.
<P072929> LI Man Chim Albert Martin; YIN Ai Tsang Jane; AU Jun Ting; SO Hung Kwan; TSANG Wing
Tai; WONG Eric; FOK Tai Fai and NG Pak Cheung. "Standard Reference for the Six-Minute-Walk
Test in Healthy Children Aged 7 to 16 Years". American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care
Medicine vol.176 pp.174-180. 2007.04.26.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Paediatrics
<P073089> YANG Mo; LI Kwai Har Karen; NG Pak Cheung; CHUEN Ka Yee; LAU Tze Kin; CHENG Yuan
Shan; LIU Yuan Sheng; LI Chi Kong; YUEN Man Pan Patrick; JAMES Anthony Edward; LEE
Shuk Man and FOK Tai Fai. "Promoting Effects of Serotonin on Hematopoiesis: Ex Vivo Expansion of
Cord Blood CD34+ Stem/Progenitor Cells, Proliferation of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells and
Anti-Apoptosis". Stem Cells pp.1-16. AlphaMed Press, 2007.04.
<P073297> NG Pak Cheung; LEE Cheuk Hon; WONG Po Shing; LAM Hugh Simon Hung San; LIU Yuen Big
Flora; SO King Woon Alan; LEE Cheuk Yan and FOK Tai Fai. "High-Dose Oral Erythromycin
Infants". Gastroenterology vol.132 pp.1726-1739. AGA Institute, 2007.
<P073573> NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn. "Infective Diarrhoea in Hong Kong Children". Paper presented in
the The Hong Kong Society for Infectious Diseases 11th Annual Scientific Meeting, organized by The
Hong Kong Society for Infectious Diseases, 1 pgs. Hong Kong SAR, 2007.03.03.
<P073707> HON Kam Lun and LAM Ming Ching Adrian. "How I Measure Pruritus Using A Wrist Movement
Detector". Hong Kong Journal of Dermatology & Venereology vol.15 no.2, pp.75-77. Hong Kong, 2007.
<P074500> NG Pak Cheung; LI Kwai Har Karen; CHUI Kit Man Kitty; LEUNG Ting Fan; WONG Raymond
P. O.; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; WONG M. C. Eric and FOK Tai Fai. "IP-10 Is an Early Diagnostic
Infants". Pediatric
Research vol.61 no.1, pp.93-98. USA: 2006 International Pediatric Research Foundation, Inc., 2007.01.
<P075185> HON Kam Lun; LEUNG Ting Fan; NG Pak Cheung; LAM Man Ching Adrian; KAM Wai Yan;
WONG Kin Yi; LEE Kwing Chin Kenneth; SUNG Yn Tz Rita; CHENG King Fai; FOK Tai Fai;
FUNG Kwok Pui and LEUNG Ping Chung. "Efficacy and Tolerability of a Chinese Herbal Medicine
Concoction for Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis: a Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled
Study". British Journal of Dermatology 157 2 357-363. 2007.
<P075227> LEUNG Ting Fan; KO F.W.S.; LI Chung Yi; YUNG Chung Ming Edmund; WONG Wing Kin
Gary and LAI Kei Wai Christopher. "Childhood Asthma Control Test is Useful in Classifying Disease
Control in Chinese Asthmatic Children". Paper presented in the 26th Congress of European Academy of
Allergology and Clinical Immunology, organized by European Academy of Allergology and Clinical
Immunology, pp.88. Goteborg, Sweden, 2007.06.09.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Paediatrics
<P075278> WONG, KIN YEE; HON Kam Lun; LAM MAN CHING and KAM Wai Yan. "Significant
colonization of staphylococcus aureus is associated with more severe disease and higher
thymus-and-activation-regulated-chemokine (TARC) in children with atopic dermatitis". Poster
Presented in 25th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases – ESPID,
Porto, Portugal, May 2 – 4, 2007 Poster number: 706 Porto, Portugal, 2007.05.02.
<P075487> WONG Wing Kin Gary and LEUNG Ting Fan. "Bird Flu: Lessons from SARS". Paediatric
Respiratory Reviews vol.8 no.2, pp.171-176. USA: Elsevier, 2007.06.
<P075794> LAM Hugh Simon Hung San; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; LEE Cheuk Hon; WONG William Lok
Chuen and NG Pak Cheung. "Renal artery thrombosis and ischaemia presenting as severe neonatal
hypertension". Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed vol.92 pp.264. 2007.
<P076179> FOK Tai Fai; LAM Hugh Simon Hung San; NG Pak Cheung; YIP Shing Kai Alexander; SIN Ngai
Chuen; CHAN Hiu Shuen; Goldie Jia-shi GU; SO Hung Kwan; WONG M. C. Eric and LAM Wai
Kei Christopher. "Fetal methylmercury exposure as measured by cord blood mercury concentrations in a
mother-infant cohort in Hong Kong". Environment International vol.33 no.1, pp.84-92. United States of
America: Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd., 2007.01.
S. "Implementing Rotavirus Vaccination in Asia". Vaccine vol.25 pp.7711-7716. Elsevier, 2007.
<P076234> 韓錦倫.《兒病百問》.第1版,196 頁.香港:ET Press,2007.
<P076318> FONG Shu Pan; TSANG Kam Sze Kent; CHAN Bik Wan; LU Gang; POON Wai Sang; LI Kwai
Har Karen; BAUM Lawrence William and NG Ho Keung. "Trophism of Neural Progenitor Cells to
Embryonic Stem Cells: Neural Induction and transplantation in a mouse ischemic stroke model". Journal
of Neuroscience Research vol.85 no.9, pp.1851-1862. 2007.05.10.
<P077454> NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn; TAM Siu Lun John; YU L M; LI Man Chim Albert Martin;
CHAN Kay Sheung Paul and SUNG Yn Tz Rita. "Assessing Disease Burden of Respiratory Disorders
in Hong Kong Children with Hospital Discharge Data and Linked Laboratory Data". Hong Kong Med
J vol.13 no.2, pp.114-121. 2007.04.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Paediatrics
<P077606> CHENG Kin Fong Karis; CHIK Ki Wai; LEE Vincent and THOMPSON David Robert. "Risk
Factor for Oral Mucositis in Children Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Matched Case-Control Study". Paper
presented in the 20th Anniversary International Multinational Association of Supportive Care in
Cancer/International Society for Oral Oncology, organized by Multinational Association of Supportive
Care in Cancer, 702 pgs. St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2007.06.29.
<P078505> HON Kam Lun; LAM Man Ching Adrian; LEUNG Ting Fan; CHOW Chung Mo; WONG M. C.
Eric and LEUNG Alexander K. "Assessing Itch in Children With Atopic Dermatitis Treated With
Tacrolimus: Objective Versus Subjective Assessment". Advances in Therapy vol.24 no.1, pp.23-29. 2007.
<P079136> KO F.W.S.; LEUNG Ting Fan and HUI Shu Cheong David. "Are Exhaled Breath Condensates Useful
Asthma?". Current
Reports vol.7 no.1, pp.65-71. United
Kingdom: Current Science Inc., 2007.04.
<P079223> NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn. "Rotavirus Vaccine Introduction in Asia-Pacific Region". Paper
presented in the The 7th International Advanced Course on Vaccinology, organized by International
Vaccine Institute, 1 pgs. Seoul, Korea, South, 2007.05.11.
<P079407> LI Chi Kong; ZEE Benny; LEE J; CHIK Ki Wai; HA Shau-yin and LEE Vincent. "Impact of SARS
on Development of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia". Leukemia vol.21 pp.1353-1356. Nature
Publishing Group, 2007.
<P079571> WONG John; SIN Ngai Chuen; SUNG Yn Tz Rita; LEE Sing Fun Paul; LEE Kit Fai and LAI Bo
Paul. "Budd-Chiari-Induced
Transplantation". Transplantation
Proceedings vol.39 no.5, pp.1554-1557. United
America: Elsevier Inc., 2007.06.
<P079967> NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn. "Poverty focused assistance and mobilising funding for
vaccination". Paper presented in the The 4th International Conference on Vaccines for Enteric
Diseases, organized by Meetings Management, 1 pgs. Portugal, Lisbon, 2007.04.27.
See Also <P059324 >, <P062112 >, <P063427 >, <P063915 >, <P064037 >, <P064867 >, <P065681 >, <P067111 >,
<P067990 >, <P068639 >, <P068809 >, <P069156 >, <P069221 >, <P070735 >, <P071118 >, <P072047 >, <P072056
>, <P072446 >, <P072737 >, <P073489 >, <P073909 >, <P073996 >, <P074144 >, <P074153 >, <P076601 >,
<P076617 >, <P078018 >, <P078735 >, <P078971 >, <P079979 >
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Psychiatry
<P035515> CHAN Sau Fan Teresa; LAM Chiu Wa; CHIU Fung Kum Helen and PRINCE Martin. "Validity
and Applicability of the Chinese version of Community Screening Instrument For Dementia
(CSI-D)". Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders vol.15 pp.10. 2003.
<P045220> LAM Chiu Wa; TSOH Mei Yuek Joshua; TANG Cara; CHAN Lilian and CHIU Fung Kum
Helen. "A Preliminary Survey of Caregiver Attitude Towards Genetic Counseling for Dementia in Hong
Kong". Paper
International, organized by Alzheimer's Association, p.289. Kyoto, Japan, 2004.
<P046936> LAM
Helen. "Neuropsychological Profile of Community Active Chinese Elders with Questionable
Dementia". Paper
International, organized by Alzheimer's Association, p.130. Japan, 2004.
<P048966> LUI Wing Cheong; LAM Chiu Wa and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Unawareness of Memory Deficits
in Chinese Patients with Alzheimer's Dsiease". Paper presented in the 20th International Conference of
Alzheimer’s Disease International, organized by ALzheimer's Association, p.338. Kyoto, Japan, 2004.
<P051364> LEUNG Chi Wah Jimmy; LUI Wing Cheong and LAM Chiu Wa. "Screening for early Alzheimer's
disease in Elderly CHinese Patients Using the CHinese Clock Drawing Test". Hong Kong Journal of
Psychiatry vol.15 pp.14-17. Hong Kong: Scientific Communications (Hong Kong) Ltd, 2005.
<P051901> LUI Wing Cheong; LAM Chiu Wa and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Validation of a Memory Inventory
for the Assessment of Awareness of Memory Deficits in Alzheimer's Disease In Chinese
elderly.". International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry vol.21 pp.917-923. 2005.
<P054660> CHAN Sau Fan Teresa; LAM Chiu Wa and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Validation of the Chinese
Version of Zarit Burden Interview.". Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry vol.15 pp.14-17. Hong
Kong: Scientific Communications (Hong Kong) Ltd, 2005.
<P060089> TANG Wai Kwong; CHAN Sau Man Sandra; CHIU Fung Kum Helen; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor;
WONG Ka Sing Lawrence; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; WONG K T;
RICHARDS Polly Sara Mariabella and AHUJA Anil Tejbhan. "Frequency and Clinical Determinants
of Poststroke Cognitive Impairment in Nondemented Stroke Patients". J Geriatr Psychiatry
Neurol vol.19 no.2, pp.65-71. 2006.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Psychiatry
<P060280> CHIU Marcus Yu Lung; WEI Grace Fang Wan and LEE Sing. "Personal Tragedy or System Failure:
A Qualitative Analysis of Narratives of Caregivers of People with Severe Mental Illness in Hong Kong
and Taiwan". International Journal of Social Psychiatry vol.52 no.5, pp.413-423. London, United
Kingdom: Avenue Pub. Co., 2006.09.
<P060340> TANG Wai Kwong. "Commentary on ‘Screening for depression and anxiety after stroke: a review of
screening”". international
rehabilitaion vol.13 9 406. 2006.09.
<P060608> LAM Chiu Wa; LEUNG TONY; LUI Wing Cheong; LEUNG Pui Yiu Vivian and CHIU Fung Kum
Helen. "Association between cognitive function, behavioral syndromes and two year clinical outcome in
disease". International
Psychogeriatrics vol.18 no.3, pp.517. Cambridge Univeristy Press, 2006.09.18.
<P061419> UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "The Modern Face of Rehabilitation". Hong Kong J Psychiatry vol.16 pp.85
- 86. 2006.
<P061682> LEE Sing; CHIU Pui Ying Alice; TSANG Cheuk Him Adley; CHOW Chun Chung and CHAN
Wing Bun. "Treatment-related Stresses and Anxiety-depressive Symptoms among Chinese Outpatients
Kong". Biabetes
Practice vol.74 pp.282-288. Ireland: Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2006.12.
<P061725> DOO Sylvia and WING Yun Kwok. "Sleep problems of children with pervasive developmental
distress". Developmental
Neurology vol.48 pp.650-655. 2006.08.
<P061920> TANG Wai Kwong; CHAN Man Lui; CHIU Fung Kum Helen and UNGVARI Gabor
Sandor. "Depression in Chinese patients with Parksinson’s disease: frequency, psychosocial and clinical
determinants". Paper presented in the The 19th ECNP Congress, pp.S291-292. 2006.09.
<P062556> LAM Chiu Wa; TAM Woon Chi and LUI Wing Cheong. "A Preliminary Study on the Cognitive
Predictors of Conversion to Clinical Dementia in Chinese Subjects with Questionable Dementia". Paper
presented in the International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, organized by
Alzheimer's Association, 395 pgs. 2006.07.
<P062698> LAM Chiu Wa; HO Patty; LUI Wing Cheong and TAM Woon Chi. "Reduced Semantic Fluency as
an Additional Screening Tool for Subjects wuth Questionable Dementia". Dementia and Geriatric
Cognitive Disorders vol.22 no.2, pp.159. Karger AG, Basel, 2006.07.12.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Psychiatry
<P062830> UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "Long-term patterns of antipsychotic treatment of putpatients with
schizophrenia: 24-month results from the intercontinental schizophrenia outpatient health outcomes
(IC-SOHO) study". Paper presented in the XXV CINP Congress, Chicago, Il, USA, 9-13 July
2006, P01.183 pgs. 2006.07.
<P063130> UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "Prevalence of Depression in Chinese People with Parkinson's
Disease". Hong Kong J Psychiatry vol.16 pp.137 - 143. 2006.
<P063204> UNGVARI
Sandor. "Schizophrenia
schizophrenia').II. Factor analysis of the catatonic syndrome". Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol
Psychiatry 2006.12.21.
<P063561> LEE S Joyce; LAM Chiu Wa and TANG S Cara. "Attitudes of demented and non-demented Chinese
Making". Hong
Psychiatry vol.16 pp.45-49. Hong Kong, 2006.
<P063604> TAM Woon Chi and LAM Chiu Wa. "Neuropsychological Profiles of Elderly CHinese People with
Impairment". Hong
Psychiatry vol.16 pp.21-26. Hong Kong, 2006.
<P063626> UNGVARI Gabor Sandor; WONG E; LEUNG Sk and TANG Wai Kwong. "Measuring catatonia:
application of an item response theory model.". Paper presented in the The 19th ECNP
Congress, p.S367-368. 2006.09.
<P064220> UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "Subjective quality of life in outpatients with schizophrenia in Hong Kong
and Beijing: Relationship to sociodempgraphic and related clinical factors". Paper presented in the 12th
Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists Scientific Meeting, p.148. 2006.10.
<P064291> UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "Factor analysis of the catatonic syndrome". Paper presented in the 12th
Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists Scientific Meeting, p. 155. 2006.12.
<P064330> XIANG Y; WENG Yz; LEUNG Chi Ming; TANG Wai Kwong and UNGVARI Gabor
Sandor. "Clinical correlates of clozapine prescription for schizophrenia in China.". Human
Psychopharmacology vol.22 no.1 pp.17-25. 2007.02.
<P064500> UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "Schizophrenia with catatonic features: a factor analytic study". Paper
presented in the The 19th ECNP Congress, S368 - 369 pgs. 2006.09.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Psychiatry
<P064574> CHAN Dml; TANG Wai Kwong; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor; WONG Ka Sing Lawrence; MOK
Chung Tong Vincent; YEUNG Hm and AUYEUNG M. "Prevalence of depression in Chinese
Parkinson disease patients. ". Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry vol.16 pp.137-43. 2006.12.15.
<P064913> FUH
Jeffery. "Neuropsychiatric Inventory workshop: Behavioral and Psycholgoical Symptoms of Dementia In
Asia". Alzheimer’s Disease and Associated Disorders vol.20 pp.314-417.. 2006.
<P064979> WING Yun Kwok; CHEN Lei Angie; FONG Yat Yuk Samson; HO Kwok Wah Crover and LAM
Siu Ping Joyce. "Narcolepsy with and without cataplexy in Hong Kong Chinese". Paper presented in the
5th ASRS Seoul Congress 2006, organized by Asian Sleep Research Society, p.183. 2006.09.21.
<P065096> XIANG Y; WENG Y Z; LEUNG Chi Ming; TANG Wai Kwong and UNGVARI Gabor
Sandor. "Quality of Life in Outpatients with Schizophrenia in Hong Kong and Beijing: relationship to
socio-demographic and related clinical factors". Paper presented in the 12th Scientific Meeting of the
Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists (PRCP), 1 pgs. 2006.09.
<P065330> TUET W Ricky and LAM Chiu Wa. "A Preliminary Study of the Effects of Music Therapy on
Agitation in CHinese Patients with Dementia". Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry vol.16 pp.87-91. Hong
Kong, 2006.
<P065544> WONG Ho Yan Candy; LAM Chiu Wa; LUI Wing Cheong Victor; CHIU Fung Kum Helen; CHAN
Sau Man Sandra and TAM Woon Chi Cindy. "Subjective Complaints and Self-Evaluation of Memory
Dementia". International
Psychiatry vol.21 pp.937-944. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2006.
<P065672> TANG Wai Kwong; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor; CHIU Fung Kum Helen and LUM C M. "Does
pneumoconiosis lead to cognitive dysfunction?". Paper presented in the The 19th ECNP
Congress, p.S487. 2006.09.
<P066604> LAM Siu Ping Joyce; WING Yun Kwok; YU Wai Man Mandy and WOO Jean. "Socioeconomic
Status and Insomnia in Elderly". Paper presented in the 5th ASRS Seoul Congress 2006, organized by
Asian Sleep Research Society, p.254. 2006.09.22.
<P066778> UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "Clinical and Social Determinants of Use of Depot Antipsychotics for
Patients with Schizophrenia in Hong Kong". Hong Kong J Psychiatry vol.16 pp.71 - 75. 2006.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Psychiatry
<P066958> UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "Chapters from the history of biological psychiatry: efforts made to increase
the efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy.". Psychiatr Hung vol.21 no.5, pp.351 - 359. 2006.
<P067812> WING Yun Kwok; CHEN Lei Angie; FONG Yat Yuk Samson; LAM Joyce Siu Ping and HO Kwok
Wah Crover. "Familial risk and HLA susceptibility among narcolepsy patients in Hong Kong
Chinese". Paper presented in the 5th ASRS Seoul Congress 2006, 2006.09.21.
<P068037> XIANG Y; WENG Y Z; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor; LEUNG Chi Ming and TANG Wai
Kwong. "Exploring the socio-cultural components of prescription patterns in schizophrenia: a
comparative study.". Paper presented in the The 19th ECNP Congress, pp.S366-367. 2006.09.
<P068044> UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "A geriatric depression scale detects depression in Hong Kong Chinese
elderly patients with pneumoconiosis?". Paper presented in the The 19th ECNP Congress, S283 - 284
pgs. 2006.09.
<P068514> BAUM Lawrence William; LAM Chiu Wa; KWOK Chi Yui Timothy; LEE Shun Wah Jenny;
CHIU Fung Kum Helen; MOK Chung Tong Vincent; WONG ADRIAN; CHEN Xiangyan;
CHEUNG Wing Sze; PANG Chi Pui Calvin; MA SUK LING; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; WONG
Ka Sing Lawrence and NG Ho Keung. "Apolipoprotein E 4 Allele Is Associated with Vascular
Dementia." Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders vol.22 no.4, pp.301-305. Basel, Switzerland:
Karger, 2006.08.22.
<P068759> LAM Leung Chi; CHAN Wai Chi; MOK Ching Man Cycbie; LI Siu Wah and LAM Chiu
Wa. "Validation of the Chinese Challenging Behavior Scale: Clinical Correlates of Challenging
Behaviours in Nursing Home Residents with Dementia". International Journal of Geriatric
Psychiatry vol.21 no.8, p.792. John Wiley & Sons, 2006.08.22.
<P068765> LAI Yee Ching Kelly. "The establishment of a triage system in a child and adolescent psychiatry clinic
Kong". child
health vol.11 no.4, pp.204-207. Oxford, United
Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing, 2006.11.
<P068965> TANG Wai Kwong; LUM C M; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Can
geriatric depression
scale detect depression
chinese elderly
patients with
pneumoconiosis?". Paper presented in the The 19th ECNP Congress, p.S283-284. 2006.09.
<P069154> TANG Wai Kwong; WONG Eric; CHIU Fung Kum Helen and UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. Rasch
analysis of the scoring scheme of the HADS Depression subscale in Chinese stroke patients Psychiatry
Res 150 1 97 - 103. 2007.02.28.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Psychiatry
<P069221> WING Yun Kwok; LI Man Chim Albert Martin; CHEUNG Yuk Mei; WONG Eric; HO Kwok
Wah Crover and LAU Tak Fai Joseph. "Sleep Duration and Body Weight in Hong Kong Chinese
School Children". Paper presented in the 5th ASRS Seoul Congress 2006, organized by Korean Academy
of Sleep Medicine, p.197. 2006.09.20.
<P069637> 李誠. 《見焦拆焦 - 戰勝經常焦慮症》. 第 1 版,339 頁. 香港特別行政區: SCMP Book Publishing
Limited, 2006.09.
<P070610> XIANG Y; WENG Yz; LEUNG Chi Ming; TANG Wai Kwong and UNGVARI Gabor
Sandor. "Quality of life of Chinese schizophrenia outpatients in Hong Kong: relationship to
symptomatology.". Australian
Psychiatry vol.41 no.5 pp.442-449. 2007.05.01.
<P070656> LAM Chiu Wa; TAM Woon Chi; CHIU Fung Kum Helen and LUI Wing Cheong. "Depression and
Apathy Affect Functioning Community Active Subjects with Questionable Dementia and Mild
Alzheimer's Disease". International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry vol.22 pp.431-437. 2007.
<P070988> CHAN Sau Man Sandra; LYNESS M Jeoffrey and CONWELL Yeates. "Do cerebrovascular risk
factors confer risk for suicide in later life? A Case-Control Study". American Journal of Geriatric
Psychiatry vol.15 no.6, pp.541-544. 2007.06.
Vivianne; ANGERMEYER Matthias C.; LEVINSON Daphna; DE GIROLAMO Giovanni;
NAKANE Hideyuki; MNEIMNEH Zeina; LARA Carmen; DE GRAFF Ron; SCOTT Kate
Margaret; GUREJE Oye; STEIN Dan J.; HARO Josep Maria; BROMET Evelyn J.; KESSLER
Ronald C.; ALONSO Jordi and VON KORFF Michael. "Mental Disorders Among Persons with
Survey.". Pain vol.129 no.3, pp.332-342. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Sciences B.V., 2007.06.
<P071117> LEE Sing; TSANG Cheuk Him Adley; ZHANG M Y; HUANG Y Q; HE Y L; LIU Z R; SHEN Y C
and KESSLER R C. "Lifetime Prevalence and Inter-cohort Variation in DSM-IV Disorders in
Metropolitan China". Psychological Medicine vol.37 pp.61-71. United Kingdom: Cambridge University
Press, 2007.01.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Psychiatry
<P071371> LAM Chiu Wa; TAM Woon Chi; LUI Wing Cheong; CHAN Wai Chi; CHIU Fung Kum Helen;
CHAN Man Wai and CHAN Sau Man Sandra. "Practice of Mind Body Exercise is Associated with
Better Cognitive Function in Chinese Older Persons in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the SIlver
Congress of the International Psychogeriatric Association, organized by International Psychogeriatric
Association, p.266. Osaka, Japan, 2007.
<P071481> LAM Chiu Wa; TAM Woon Chi; LUI Wing Cheong and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Cognitive
Predictors For Conversion to Clinical Dementia in CHinese Older Persons over a 20 Month
Period". Paper
Association, organized by International Psychogeriatric Association, p.372. Osaka, Japan, 2007.
<P071688> UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "Rating catatonia in patients with chronic schizophrenia: Rasch analysis of
the Bush-Francis Catatonia Rating Scale". International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric
Research vol.16 no.3, pp.161 - 170. 2007.
<P072240> CHIU Fung Kum Helen and LAM Chiu Wa. "Relevance of Outcome Measures in Different Cultural
Groups - Does One Size Fit All?". International Psychogeriatrics vol.19 no.3, pp.457-466. United
Kingdom, 2007.
<P072524> TANG Wai Kwong. "Neuropsychiatry in Stroke". Mini Symposium on Neuropsychiatry ed. by Hong
Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association. 2007.03.11.
<P073031> TAM Woon Chi; LAM Chiu Wa; LUI Wing Cheong and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Characteristic
Profiles of isntrumental Activities of Daily Living in CHinese Older Persons with Mild Cognitive
Impairment". American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias vol.22 pp.211-217. 2007.
<P073172> TAM Peter; KO Flora; CHING Raymond; CHIU Julian; LAM Chiu Wa and LUI Wing
Cheong. "Therapeutic Activities Significant to the Chinese Elders with Dementia in Hong Kong ". Paper
presented in the Silver Congress of the International Psychogeriatric Association, organized by
International Psychogeriatric Association, p.423. Osaka, Japan, 2007.
<P073188> LIN W Pamela; CHAN Wai Chi; NG Bf and LAM Chiu Wa. "Efficacy of Aromatherapy (Lavendula
Angustifolia) as an Intervention for Agitated Behaviors in CHinese Older Persons with Dementia: a
Cross-Over Randomized Trial". International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry vol.22 pp.405-410. 2007.
<P073517> WING Yun Kwok; FONG Yat Yuk Samson; LAM Joyce Siu Ping and YIU Gar Chung. "Fahr's
Journal vol.13 no.1, pp.75-77. 2007.02.
Faculty of Medicine
Syndrome". Hong
Dept of Psychiatry
<P074224> WING Yun Kwok; LAM Siu Ping and FONG Yat Yuk Samson. "Status Cataplecticus Leading to the
Labor". Journal
medicine vol.3 no.1, pp.53-54. 2007.05.12.
<P074418> UNGVARI
Sandor. "Catatonia
Therapy". Psychiatric Annals vol.37 no.1, pp.57 - 64. 2007.01.
<P075216> TANG Wai Kwong; WONG M. C. Eric; CHIU Fung Kum Helen and UNGVARI Gabor
Sandor. "Rasch analysis of the scoring scheme of the HADS Depression subscale in Chinese stroke
patients". Psychiatry Research vol.150 pp.97-103. 2007.02.
<P075226> TANG Wai Kwong. "Tang WK. Poststroke Cognitive Impairment and Dementia". Paper presented in
the World Congress on Ageing and Dementia in Chinese Communities, organized by Hong Kong
Alzheimer’s Disease Association, 1 pgs. 2007.03.10.
<P075567> LEE Sing; TSANG Cheuk Him Adley and KWOK Pik San Kathleen. "Twelve-month Prevalence,
Correlates, and Treatment Preference of Adults with DSM-IV Major Depressive Episode in Hong
Kong". Journal of Affective Disorders vol.98 pp.129-136. United Kingdom: Elsevier, 2007.01.
<P075591> CHAU Ching Man; LAM Chiu Wa; LUI Wing Cheong; KO Flora; CHING Raymond; CHIU
Julian; TAM Peter; POON Vickie; LO Henry and SO Clifton. "Motor and Processing Skills after
FUnctional Enhancement Program (FEP) for CHinese Elders with Dementia". Paper presented in the
Silver Congress of the International Psychogeriatric Association, organized by International
Psychogeriatric Association, p.261. Osaka, Japan, 2007.
<P075788> XIANG Yutao; WENG Yz; LEUNG Chi Ming; TANG Wai Kwong and UNGVARI Gabor
Sandor. "Exploring the clinical and social determinants of prescribing anticholinergic medication for
Chinese patients with schizophrenia.". Human Psychopharmacology vol.22, no.3 pp.173-80. 2007.04.
<P076589> WING Yun Kwok; FONG Yat Yuk Samson and LAM Marco Ho Bun. "Sexual Disinhibition in
Quetiapine". Psychiatry
Neurosciences vol.61 no.3, pp.333. 2007.02.06.
<P076725> XIANG Yutao; WENG Yz; LEUNG Chi Ming; TANG Wai Kwong; UNGVARI Gabor Sandor and
GEREVICH Jozsef. "Clinical and social determinants of psychotropic drug prescription for
China". Progress
Psychiatry vol.31 pp.756-760. 2007.04.17.
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Psychiatry
<P076954> TAM W Peter; CHING Wk; KO Flora; LAM Chiu Wa; LUI Wing Cheong and SO
Clifton. "Identification of Functional Deficits For Rehabilitation in Dementia". Paper presented in the
Silver Congress of the International Psychogeriatric Association, organized by International
Psychogeriatric Association, p.116. Osaka, Japan, 2007.
<P077329> TAM Woon Chi and LAM Chiu Wa. "Prevalence and Clinical Correlates of Parkinsonian Signs in
Community Dwelling Chinese Older Persons". Paper presented in the Silver Congress of the International
Association, organized
Association, p.268. Osaka, Japan, 2007.
<P077502> XIANG Yutao; WENG Yz; LEUNG Chi Ming; TANG Wai Kwong and UNGVARI Gabor
Sandor. "Clinical and social determinants of antipsychotic polypharmacy for chinese patients with
schizophrenia.". Pharmacopsychiatry vol.40 no.2 pp.47-52. 2007.03.15.
<P077586> LAM Chiu Wa; LUI Wing Cheong; TAM Woon Chi and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Are Subjective
Memory COmplaints (SMC) USeful in Screenign for Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Predicting
Further Cognitive Deterioration in Chinese Community". Paper presented in the Silver congress of the
Association, organized
Association, p.55. Osaka, Japan, 2007.
<P077677> LUI Wing Cheong; LAM Chiu Wa and CHIU Fung Kum Helen. "Capacity to Make Treatment
Decisions in Chinese Patients with Mild and Very Mild Dementia". Paper presented in the silver congress
Association, organized
Association, p.94. Osaka, Japan, 2007.
<P078971> CHEN Lei Angie; FONG Yat Yuk Samson; LAM Ching Wan; TANG Leung Sang Nelson; NG
Heung Ling Margaret; LI Man Chim Albert Martin; HO Kwok Wah Crover; CHENG Suk Hang;
LAU Kin Mang and WING Yun Kwok. "The Familial Risk and HLA Susceptibility Among
Narcolepsy Patients in Hong Kong Chinese". Sleep vol.30 no.7, pp.851-858. 2007.
<P079194> WING Yun Kwok; HUEN E Lok Lam; CHAN G Tze Wai and YU Wai Man Mandy. "Do Medical
Sleep?". Sleep
rhythms vol.5 no.3, pp.226-230. 2007.02.14.
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UNGVARI Gabor Sandor. "Efficacy of the Community Re-Entry Module for patients with
Psychiatry vol.190 no.49-56, 2007.01.
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Sandor. "Expanding
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<P079764> YANG Lawrence Hsin; KLEINMAN Arthur; LINK Bruce G.; PHELAN Jo C.; LEE Sing and
GOOD Byron. "Culture and Stigma: Adding Moral Experience to Stigma Theory". Social Science and
Medicine vol.64 no.7, pp.1524-1535. Oxford, United Kingdom: Pergamon, 2007.04.
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P068092 >, <P068535 >, <P068819 >, <P068884 >, <P069801 >, <P069944 >, <P070020 >, <P074853 >, <P076028 >,
<P076640 >, <P077212 >, <P077838 >, <P077886 >
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<P060528> LIN Ge. "An Integrated Approach for the Globalization of Chinese Medicines with Known Active
Ingredients and Verified Oral Absorbability". 2006 World Congress on Chinese Medicine: Charting the
Course of Development p.121. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.11.25.
<P060554> YAN Ru; KO NGA LING; LIN Ge and TAM Yun Kau. "Low Oral Bioavailability of Senkyunolide
A, the Major Bioactive Component in Rhizoma Chuanxiong". the 14th North American ISSX
Meeting ISSX p.37. Peurto Rico, United States of America, 2006.10.22.
<P061131> JONES Robert Leslie; CHAN SUN KIN SUNNY and LIN Ge. "Herb-Drug Synergism: a Study of the
Vasorelaxing Effects of Butylidenephthalide, a Constituent of Ligusticum chuanxiong, and Sodium
Nitroprusside". Acta
Sinica vol.27 Suppl.1, p.149. Beijing, China: Blackwell
Publishing, 2006.07.02.
<P061544> LIU Andrew M. F.; LO Rico K. H.; WONG Cecilia S. S.; MORRIS Christina; WISE Helen and
WONG Yung H.. "Activation of STAT3 by Gαs Distinctively Requires Protein Kinase A, JNK, and
Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase". Journal of Biological Chemistry vol.281 no.47, pp.35812-35825. United
States of America: American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc, 2006.11.24.
<P061652> JONES Robert Leslie; WISE Helen; CLARK R.; WHITING R. L. and BLEY K. R. "Investigation
of the Prostacyclin (IP) Receptor Antagonist RO1138452 on Isolated Blood Vessel and Platelet
Preparations". British Journal of Pharmacology vol.149 no.1, pp.110-120. United Kingdom: Nature
Publishing Group, 2006.09.
<P061740> ZHANG Li; ZUO Zhong and LIN Ge. "Absorption and Disposition of Baicalein in Caco-2 Monolayer
Model". Drug Metabolism Reviews - Biotransformation and Disposition of Xenobiotics abstract from the
14th North American ISSX Meeting. pp.228. Informa Healthcare, 2006.10.
<P061931> LAM Fu Yuen; YEUNG Hok Keung John; KWAN Yiu Wa; CHAN Kam Ming and OR Mei
Yu. "Salvianolic Acid B, an Aqueous Component of Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza), Relaxes Rat
Channels". European
Pharmacology vol.553 pp.240-245. Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2006.09.23.
<P062256> CHENG Ho Man Frankie; RUDD John Anthony and MOREAUX Benoit. "Actions of NK1 Receptor
Antagonists on [Sar9Met(O2)11] Substance P-induced Contractions of Suncus murinus (House Musk
Shrew) Isolated Ileum". Acta Pharmacologica Sinica vol.27 Suppl.1, p.393. Beijing, China: Blackwell
Publishing, 2006.07.02.
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<P062294> JIANG Yan; FU Peter and LIN Ge. "Hepatotoxicity of Naturally Occurring Pyrrolizidine
Alkaloids". Asian Journal of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics vol.6 no.3, pp.187-192. Hong
Kong SAR: Hong Kong Medical Publisher, 2006.09.
<P062613> LIN Li Gen; ZHONG Qiong Xing; CHENG Tin Yan; TANG Chun Ping; KE Chang Qiang; LIN Ge
and YE Yang. "Stemoninines from the Roots of Stemona tuberosa". Journal of Natural
Products vol.69 no.7, pp.1051-1054. United States of America: American Chemical Society and
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<P062716> LIU Andrew M. F.; LO Rico K. H.; WONG Cecilia S. S.; MORRIS Christina; WISE Helen and
WONG Yung H.. "Gαs Mediates β2-Adrenergic Receptor-Induced STAT3 Phosphorylation". The 4th
Societies pp.101-102. Hong
SAR, 2006.11.30.
<P062765> LIANG Yong; FANG Marong; LI Jicheng; LIU Chi Bo; RUDD John Anthony; KUNG Hsiang Fu
and YEW Tai Wai David. "Serum Proteomic Patterns for Gastric Lesions As Revealed by SELDI Mass
Spectrometry". Experimental
Pathology vol.81 pp.176-180. United
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<P063220> CHAN SUN KIN SUNNY; CHUNG Hoi Sing and LIN Ge. "Establishment of the Pharmacological
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Cardiovascular Diseases". Acta Pharmacologica Sinica vol.27 Suppl.1, p.321. Beijing, China: Blackwell
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<P063639> CHAN Sze Wa; RUDD John Anthony; LIN Ge; HE Ju Fang and YAMAMOTO Kouichi. "Action
of Exendin(9-39) Amide on GLP-1(7-36) Amide and Exendin-4 Mediated Contractions of the Suncus
Ileum". Acta
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<P063730> YUNG Him Shun; WONG Yung Hou and WISE Helen. "Forskolin Gives a Greater Activation on
Adenylate Cyclase Activity in NGF-Differentiated PC12 Cells". 9th Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong
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<P064076> CHOW Bing Shui; CHENG Hon Ki Christopher and WISE Helen. "An Excess of Prostanoid EP3
Receptors Decreases Hetero - Oligomerization with Thromboxane A2 Receptors". Acta Pharmacologica
Sinica Vol.27 Suppl.1 p.388. Beijing, China: Blackwell Publishing, 2006.07.06.
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<P064690> YUNG Him Shun; WONG Yung Hou and WISE Helen. "A Time-Dependent Loss of Prostaglandin
EP3 Receptors in PC12 Cells During Neuronal Differentiation". The 4th Congress of Federation of
Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies pp.113-114. Hong Kong SAR, 2006.11.30.
<P064757> JIANG Yan; LI Mi; LIN Ge; JIANG Zhi Hong and ZHAO Zhong Zhen. "Hepatotoxicity of
Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids-Containing Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs". The 9th International
Congress on Ethnopharmacology pp.470-472. Nanning, China, 2006.08.22.
<P065698> WANG Xian Song and LAU Hang Yung Alaster. "β-Adrenoceptor-Mediated Inhibition of Mediator
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<P065941> WANG XIN and YEUNG Hok Keung John. "Effects of Danshen and Its Tanshinones Components on
CYP3A - mediated Metabolism of Testosterone in Rat and Human Liver in Vitro". Acta Pharmacologica
Sinica Vol.27 Suppl.1 p.208. Beijing, China: Blackwell Publishing, 2006.07.02.
<P066378> ANDREWS Paul L. R.; CHU Kit Man; RUDD John Anthony and WAI Man Keung. "Potential of
Olvanil and Resiniferatoxin to Antagonize Copper Sulphate-Induced Emesis in the Ferret". The 4th
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<P066773> CHENG Ho Man Frankie and RUDD John Anthony. "Behavioural Effects of Tachykinin Receptor
Agonists in Suncus murinus (House Musk Shrew)". The 4th Congress of Federation of Asian-Oceanian
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<P067366> CHAN Shun Wan; RUDD John Anthony; LIN Ge and LI Ping. "Action of Anti-Tussive Drugs on the
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<P067796> YUNG Him Shun; WONG Yung Hou and WISE Helen. "The Down - Regulation of Prostaglandin
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<P067819> LAM Fu Yuen; SETO Sai Wang; KWAN Yiu Wa; YEUNG Hok Keung John and CHAN
Paul. "Activation of the Iberiotoxin-Sensitive BKCa Channels by Salvianolic Acid B of the Porcine
Cells". European
Pharmacology vol.546 pp.28-35. Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2006.07.
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<P068126> CHAN Siu Lung Kelvin and YEUNG Hok Keung John. "Modulation of Antipyrine Clearance by
Polysaccharide Peptide (PSP) Isolated from Coriolus versicolor in the Rat". Food and Chemical
Toxicology vol.44 pp.1607-1612. New York, United States of America: Elsevier Ltd, 2006.09.
<P068153> LIN Ge; JIANG Yan and LI Mi. "Investigation of Hepatotoxicity of Three Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid Containing
Herbs". Acta
Sinica vol.27 Suppl.1, pp.358-359. China: Blackwell Publishing, 2006.07.02.
<P068181> RUDD John Anthony; SAM Sze Wing and NGAN Man Piu. "A Combined COX and LOX Inhibitor
Regimen Fails to Mimic the Action of Dexamethasone Against Cisplatin - Induced Acute and Delayed
Emesis in the Ferret". Acta Pharmacologica Sinica Vol.27 Suppl.1 p.276. Beijing, China: Blackwell
Publishing, 2006.07.02.
<P068482> YEUNG Hok Keung John; CHAN Siu Lung Kelvin and OR Mei Yu. "Polysaccharide Peptides from
COV-1 Strain of Coriolus versicolor Inhibit Tolbutamide 4-Hydroxylation in the Rat In Vitro and In
Vivo". Food
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<P069265> LAM Fu Yuen; YEUNG Hok Keung John and CHAN Kam Ming. "Mechanisms of the Relaxant
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Sinica vol.27 Suppl.1, p.151. Beijing, China: Blackwell Publishing, 2006.07.02.
<P069721> AU Lai Shan; SETO Sai Wang; CHAN Shuk Wun; CHAN Man Sum and KWAN Yiu
Wa. "Modulation by Homocysteine of the Iberiotoxin-Sensitive, Ca2+-Activated K+ Channels of Porcine
Cells". European
Pharmacology vol.546 pp.109-119. Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2006.07.
<P070114> WISE Helen. "Interactions Between the Ghrelin Receptor and Its Truncated Splice Variant,
GHS-R1b". Paper presented in the Gordon Research Conference - Molecular Pharmacology, 1
pgs. Ventura, United States of America, 2007.01.30.
<P070129> YAN Ru; LIN Ge; KO NGA LING and TAM Yun Kau. "Low Oral Bioavailability and
Pharmacokinetics of Senkyunolide A, a Major Bioactive Component in Rhizoma Chuanxiong, in the
Rat". Therapeutic Drug Monitoring vol.29 no.1, pp.49-56. United States of America: Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins, 2007.02.
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<P070814> LAM Fu Yuen; LUK Wing Sze Phoebe and NG Sau Kuen. "Anandamide in Joint Inflammation". The
Inaugural Singapore-Taiwan-Hong Kong (CU) Meeting of Pharmacologists pp.14. Singapore: National
University of Singapore, 2007.05.28.
<P070930> ZH

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