
on Cultural Heritage and Design
Giuseppe Faella
Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, Dipartimento di Architettura e Disegno industriale/ Second University of Naples, Department of Architecture and Industrial Design
Direttore responsabile
Ingrid Titomanlio
Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, Dipartimento di Architettura e Disegno industriale/ Second University of Naples, Department of Architecture and Industrial Design
Comitato scientifico
Giovanni Coppola
Università UNISOB degli Studi “Suor Orsola Benincasa” di Napoli, Facoltà di lettere /
University UNISOB “Suor Orsola Benincasa” of Naples, Faculty of letters
Domenico Nicoletti
Università degli Studi di Salerno, Dipartimento di Chimica e Biologia / University of
Salerno, Department of Chemistry and Biology
Nicola Pisacane
Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, Dipartimento di Architettura e Disegno industriale/ Second University of Naples, Department of Architecture and Industrial Design
Enzo Siviero
Università IUAV di Venezia / University IUAV of Venice
Andrey V. Vasilyev
Samara State Technical University
Paolo Zanenga
TWG Consulting
Il volume è stato inserito nella collana World Research Network (SSD ICAR/09
e ICAR/17), fondata e diretta da Giuseppe Faella e Ingrid Titomanlio, in seguito
a peer review anonimo da parte di due membri del Comitato Scientifico.
The volume has been included in the series World Research Network (SSD ICAR/09
and ICAR/17), founded and directed by Giuseppe Faella and Ingrid Titomanlio,
after an anonymous peer-review by two members of the Scientific Committee.
on Cultural Heritage and Design
L’architecture est le grand livre de l’humanité,
l’expression principale de l’homme à ses divers états de développement,
soit comme force, soit comme intelligence
Victor Hugo
(Notre Dame de Paris, 1482)
La collana World Research Network on Cultural Heritage and Design intende pubblicare ricerche scientifiche in lingua straniera, principalmente inglese.
Si identifica come una comune piattaforma multidisciplinare di interscambio
di informazione ai fini della conoscenza globale del patrimonio culturale e
del mondo del design. L’ambito di pertinenza della collana spazia nei settori
tipici dell’ingegneria e dell’ architettura e va dai temi generali a quelli specifici
della tutela, sicurezza e valorizzazione del patrimonio materiale ed immateriale. L’attenzione degli autori si focalizzerà sulle fase di conoscenza, analisi ed
indagine del manufatto e procederà secondo la specialità della disciplina dalla
quale proviene il contributo. Saranno divulgati in ambiti internazionali sia i
prodotti di ricerche scientifiche con approcci teorici sui Beni Intangibili che
quelli operativi sui Beni Tangibili.
World Research Network on Cultural Heritage and Design series intends to publish scientific research in foreign languages, mainly English. It is identified as a
common multidisciplinary platform to exchange information in order to make
know the cultural heritage and the design world products. Series relevance area
ranging from engineering to architecture topics, from general issues to specific
ones about protection, safety and Tangible and Intangible heritage development.
The authors will focuse their attention on the knowledge, analysis and investigation steps of artefact and the article will proceed according to the discipline
specialty from which the contribution comes. Both scientific research products
with theoretical approaches on Intangible assets, both those operating on Tangible assets will be disclosed in international forums.
Ingrid Titomanlio
B.I.M.4 S&D
Building Information Modeling
four Structures and Design
Copyright © MMXVI
ARACNE editrice int.le S.r.l.
via Quarto Negroni, 15
00040 Ariccia (RM)
(06) 93781065
isbn 978–88–548–9177–7
I diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica,
di riproduzione e di adattamento anche parziale,
con qualsiasi mezzo, sono riservati per tutti i Paesi.
Non sono assolutamente consentite le fotocopie
senza il permesso scritto dell’Editore.
I edizione: maggio 2016
Ai miei Genitori,
a Luigi, Giorgio e Gabriella
Architecti est scientia pluribus disciplinis
et variis eruditionibus ornata...
Marco Vitruvio Pollione,
De Architectura, Liber Primus
Table of contents
15Referee letter
17 Chapter 1
Historical evolution of graphic design for structures
1.1. Introduction 17 – 1.2. Roman and Greek Era 19 – 1.3.
Romanesque and Gothic style 20 – 1.4. Renaissance perspective 23 – 1.5. Baroque forms 24 – 1.6. Neoclassical
Architecture 26 – 1.7. Modern Movement 28 – 1.8. International style 30 – 1.9. Avant-garde design 32 – 1.10. –
Conclusions 35
39 Chapter 2
Digital representation of structural design
2.1. Introduction 39 – 2.2. CAD history and traditional
approach 41 – 2.3. Design by CAD technology 43 – 2.4.
2Dimentional design and 3Dimentional design 46 – 2.5.
Digital representation and structural morphology in seismic area 48 – 2.6. Graphic software for structural analysis
and modeling 62 – 2.7. Structural modeling 67 – 2.8. Conclusions 70
Table of contents
75Chapter 3
Structural design by using building information modeling
3.1. Introduction 75 – 3.2. Introduction to B.I.M. and its
principles 77 – 3.3. Creating a 3D structural design for
buildings 79 – 3.4. Design objects and parametric visualization 83 – 3.5. B.I.M. for architects, engineers and stakeholders 86 – 3.6. Conclusions 89
91Chapter 4
B.I.M.4 S&D
4.1. Introduction 91 – 4.2. Process modeling for structural and design fields 92 – 4.3. Digital interdisciplinary approach 95 – 4.4. 4D, 5D, 6D processes 97 – 4.5. Advantages
of B.I.M.4 S&D 100 – 4.6. Future perspectives of structural
designing and brevet 102 – 4.7. Conclusions 106
109 Conclusions
115 Acknoledgement
117 References
121 International references
127 Web references
by Andrey Vasilyev*
I met Ingrid for the first time in 2010 during the International
Summer School “Built Environment: Representation, Protection
and Safety” realized in Italy at the Department of Architecture
and Industrial Design (SUN) and in Russia at the Togliatti State
That experience was very important for us because it creates a
relationship between Italian and Russian universities comparing
with common themes in different territories, but using the same
Personally I established an advantageous and professional
relationship of collaboration that still produces scientific papers
both for the International Environmental Congress ELPIT in Russia every two years and for the international Forum Le vie dei
Mercanti each year.
In this book the relationship between architectural representation and structures fields is scientifically developed.
The research highlights the importance of the multi - disciplinary approach by using B.I.M.4 S&D methodology.
The different styles of approach to the reality of Cartesio, rational spirit of geometry and of Leibniz, linked to the intrinsic
quality of matter, lead necessarily to find a synthesis between the
outward appearance and the inwardness of a form. The existing
architecture, as presented to us, is a reality recognized by perception. But, to this perceptive reality are added the innate ideas that
originate in our minds when we look. They are small sensations
that experience can make clear and distinct. Therefore the object
of architecture, as it appears during the process of perception is
*Andrey Vasilyev, Doctor of technical science and Professor, Head of Department of
Samara State Technical University (Russia), Honoured ecologist of Samara Region of Russia
much wider than the purely geometric fact, which tends to define
geometrically the observed object. A contemporary designer is
one who, starting from the concept of sustainability, renewable
energies, is able to conceive a work of architecture which is a synthesis between Cartesian extension and Leibniz intension, which
reduces physical reality to immaterial and spiritual reality.
At this point, the concept of the complexity of the representation rises. So many elements, factors, requirements, needs, emergencies, failures, many evaluations to do before building indexes to evaluate, needs to respect and opportunities to offer. Nor
we can think of dealing with the question of building and urban
planning, by analyzing only the technical aspects of design, but
we have to put the different subjects together, opening to the new
multi – disciplinary concept of a multi – criteria design.
Only a careful knowledge and survey phase can give information about what may happen to the cultural heritage constantly
exposed to atmospheric agents.
The research aims to combine two architectural fields under
a unique interdisciplinary aspect. These union is accomplished
through the application of the interesting B.I.M.4 S&D brevet.
by Nicola Pisacane*
Since 2008 I followed the scientific activities of Ingrid.
Her first important step was the participation to the International Forum Le Vie dei Mercanti with a scientific paper published in the Conference proceeding. She still continues her activities participating to this and other national and international
scientific symposia.
Her propensity to foreign scientific studies was demonstrated in 2010 when she attended the Summer School at the Togliatti State University in Russia to which i participated actively as
Italian Professor.
Some years ago, as Erasmus Coordinator at Department of
Architecture, I addressed Ingrid to select the most appropriate
foreign destination for her Erasmus placement in Romania.
The research activities in structural representation field of
cultural heritage was developed in Cluj-Napoca during her living
Her collaborative activities to teaching fields in SSD ICAR17
(Drawing) and SSD ICAR 09 (Structural Engineering) has been
joined to the great passion for structures and structural modeling
for the purposes of analysis and seismic safety evaluation of historical buildings structures and design objects.
This book aims to be ring junction between the two scientific
fields that purpose by the Industrial Revolution had a separation:
the architectural representation and the structures.
The research analyzes the border point between the virtual
buildings modeling and structural analysis in seismic areas. The
* Nicola Pisacane, Associate Professor of Drawing, Department of Architecture and
Industrial Design, Second University of Naples
B.I.M.4 S&D patent is a methodology that develops concretely the
union between the architectural survey techniques and computerized earthquake engineering procedures.
The preliminary knowledge phase to develop for all structural
analysis on cultural and archaeological heritage is multidisciplinary.
The inter-operability of Ingrid studies is integrated perfectly
with the B.I.M. concept. It is a unique platform on which several
professionals exchange information, implement design data and
limited the design error to zero. This happens because it is possible to view future scenarios through a computer system so always
modify the design through construction.
The innovative idea of the BIM4 S&D patent gives an added
value to the multi-disciplinary scientific research.
Referee letter
by Léo Vincent*
* Léo Vincent, Directeur du départment Matériaux — Mécanique Physique, Ecole
Centrale de Lyon in France, Membre du comité national d’Evaluation des Universités CNE