event sponsor package
event sponsor package
In honor of May being Mental Health Awareness Month “Because Health and Wellness Begins in Our Minds” EVENT SPONSOR PACKAGE In honor of May being Mental Health Awareness Month “Beat Your Mind” Because Health and Wellness Begins in our Minds Health and Wellness Campaign May 13-16 Campaign Events Events Mental Health and the Media Press Conference Date/Time Wednesday May 13, 2015 Location CITY HALL/CAPITOL The media plays an important role in influencing perceptions of, and social attitudes towards, mental illness. The mental health sector can work with the media to raise awareness of the realities of mental illness, advising people where to seek help, and improving understanding and accuracy about what mental health is. This will kick off the campaign and include presentations by notable spokespersons who will share their experiences with mental illness. Men’s Health and Wellness Symposium Health and Wellness begins in our minds. Men are the least likely to seek professional help for health in general. Specifically designed for men, this symposium will welcome male health experts who will address mental, physical, social, and financial health. “A Song For You” Production “A Song For You”, a blues tune crooned by the musical legend Donny Hathaway, will provide the theme for this production. “A Song For You” will portray the signs and symptoms of some of the most common mental health illnesses. A special dedication will be made to families who lost loves ones to suicide. Donny Hathaway himself committed suicide in 1979 and will be remembered for years to come for his great contributions to music history Health and Wellness 5K Walk/Run Every journey begins with that first step! Through our Health and Wellness 5 K Walk/Run the public will take part in an active display of support for Health and Wellness. Please join us as we improve lives and our communities, one step at a time Special Guests/Speakers Stevie Baggs City of Atlanta Health and Wellness Ambassador KD Bowe Host Praise 102.5 Kwanza Hall City of Atlanta Councilman Thursday May 14, 2015 6pm-9pm Common Grounds Friday May 15, 2015 6pm Common Grounds Saturday May 16th 9:00am KD Bowe Host Praise 102.5 CHANDLER PARK In honor of May being Mental Health Awareness Month “Beat Your Mind” Because Health and Wellness Begins in our Minds Health and Wellness Campaign May 13-16 2015 A SPONSOR’S IMPACT HEALTH AND WELLNESS CAMPAIGN HOST COMMITTEE: YOUTHNIQUE NONPROFIT MANAGEMENT COMPANY CETA FOUNDATION Dear Potential Sponsor or Supporter, Health and Wellness starts in our homes, schools, workplaces, neighborhoods, and communities. We know that taking care of ourselves by eating well and staying active, not smoking, getting the recommended immunizations and screening tests and seeing a doctor when we are sick all influence our health. Our health is also determined in part by access to social and economic opportunities, the quality of our schooling, the nature of our social interactions and most important, our mental health. Mental illness affects everyone. Nearly 60 million Americans experience a mental health condition every year. Regardless of race, age, religion or economic status, mental illness impacts the lives of at least one in four adults and one in 10 children across the United States (National Alliance on Mental illness). In honor of May being Mental Health Awareness Month the CETA Foundation and YouthNique Nonprofit Management have collaborated to implement “Beat your mind”. “Beat Your Mind” is a Health and Wellness Awareness Campaign that will bring awareness to the impact that our minds have on our overall well-being. CITY OF ATLANTA THE MANUP! COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH AMERICA OF GEORGIA “Beat Your Mind” will engage an audience of 200 + mental health sufferers/survivors, Health and Wellness experts, legislators, and general public in four days filled with media engagement, notable speaker presentations, survivor stories, dedications, and more. The success of “Beat your mind” will be credited largely to our sponsors who lend their names, participation, and financial support to the events. As a result of your sponsorship we will be able to move individuals and communities beyond just controlling diseases to addressing the many factors that can be the root causes of diseases, ultimately increasing the likelihood of overall well-being. We urge you to make your commitment by completing the enclosed Sponsor Registration Form no later than April 24th, 2015. Please email your commitment form back promptly to info@youthnique.com Should you have any questions please feel free to contact us directly at 404-399-1131. We appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you soon, Sincerely, Torri Hicks President, YouthNique Stevie Baggs Jr. Founder, CETA Foundation In honor of May being Mental Health Awareness Month “Beat Your Mind” Because Health and Wellness Begins in our Minds Health and Wellness Campaign May 13-16 2015 EVENT SPONSOR PACKAGES EVENT SPONSOR PACKAGES BENEFITS $5,000 Enjoy Life Sponsor $2,500 Live Well Sponsor $1,000 Eat Well Sponsor Ad in campaign booklet Yes Recognition in campaign PSA video Yes Logo placement on campaign t-shirt Yes Prominent Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Logo placement on campaign electronic communications, event notifications, and save the dates. Yes Yes Yes Recognition of sponsorship in all news, general media and social media efforts Yes Company sign/banner displayed at all events (banner provided by sponsor) Yes Exhibitor table at 5k Walk/Run (provided by campaign) to promote product line/service and to distribute giveaways and materials. Yes Yes Health and Wellness 5k Walk/Run Registration Yes 20 Yes 10 Logo placed on campaign marketing collateral to include press releases, flyers, and banners Logo placement on campaign site with link to yours Yes 5 In honor of May being Mental Health Awareness Month “Beat Your Mind” Because Health and Wellness Begins in our Minds Health and Wellness Campaign May 13-16 2015 SPONSOR REGISTRATION EVENT SPONSOR REGISTRATION FORM Company / Organization / Individual Name: ______________________________________________________ Company / Organization Contact Person if applicable: ______________________________________________ Street Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Bldg. / Suite / Unit #: ________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________ State: ______________________ Zip: ___________________ Work Number: _______________________________ Cell Number: __________________________________ Fax Number: _____________________________________ Email: ___________________________________ Please Check The Box To Indicate Sponsorship Level: BEAT YOUR MIND SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES ENJOY LIFE $5,000 LIVE WELL $2,500 EAT WELL $1,000 YES, I would like to be a sponsor at the above checked donation level AND WILL BE attending. YES, I would like to be a sponsor at the level checked above. BUT, I WILL NOT be attending. Payment Options & Registration Methods: Prefer check: Make check payable to CETA Foundation The media & marketing deadline is April 24th, 2015 Prefer credit card: To Use secure online option, Go to: www.beatyourmind.org