Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy - HS-OWL
Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy - HS-OWL
Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators (Magnetische Fluidsteuerung zur Optimierung der Energieeffizienz von MRF-Aktoren) Dirk Güth, Jürgen Maas Workshop der Nachwuchswissenschaftler im Rahmen der Fachausschusssitzung „Unkonventionelle Aktorik” (23. Oktober 2014) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems Liebigstraße 87, Lemgo, Germany, Outline Introduction and motivation Introductions and methodology of MR-fluid control Concept for MRF-Clutch System with fluid control Conclusion (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 2 1. Introduction and motivation Magnetorheological fluids are suspensions of micrometer-sized magnetic particles (e.g. carbonyl iron powder) in a carrier fluid, usually a type of oil. Carbonyl iron powder particles on a human hair: (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 3 1. Introduction and motivation Carbonyl iron powder particles are suspended in a carrier oil by using additives for reducing e.g. the sedimentation processes. By applying a magnetic field, these particles form chains in the direction of the magnetic flux, which change the yield stress up to 100 kPa of the MRF within milliseconds depending on the magnetic flux density. Operating mode for B=0 brakes and clutches F MRF B shear mode B≠0 rotational actuators (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 4 1. Introduction and motivation Shear gap design of MRF actuators based on the shear mode radial shear gap: axial shear gap: particle concentration due to centrifugal forces r r Axial shear gaps offer: • Advantages considering particle centrifugation at high rotational speeds due to an inherent mixing effect (Taylor vortex flow) and an • optimized torque generation due to the outside placed shear gap. Güth, D.; Wiehe, A.; Maas, J.: Modeling approach for the particle behavior in MR Fluids between moving surfaces. 12th International Conference on Electrorheological (ER) Fluids and Magnetorheological (MR) Suspensions, World Scientific, 2010. (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 5 1. Introduction and motivation Brakes and clutches based on MRF offer an enormous potential for high energy application with high rotational speeds: Advanced dissipation of energy in MRF brakes and clutches: • the scalable volume based energy dissipation in MRF brakes and clutches • the advanced compensation of thermal load peaks due to a braking fluid volume • the better dissipation of energy due to an advanced heat conductance Challenge opposing a commercial use: • high rotational speeds can be solved by an adequate design of shear gaps • viscous torque at high rotational speeds in idle mode disadvantageous from an energy point of view of an application e.g. HEV needless reduction of lifetime of the MRF (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 6 1. Introduction and motivation MRF-Brake with axial shear gap for high rotational speeds up to 6.000 min-1 electromagnet housing shear gap bearing rotor shaft B magnetic circuit seal Dimensions of shear gap: mean radius r = 41mm, height h = 3mm, length l = 40mm, volume VMRF = 32ml. Güth, D.; Wiebe, A.; Maas, J.: Design of Shear Gaps for High-Speed and High-Load MRF Brakes and Clutches. 13th International Conference on Electrorheological (ER) Fluids and Magnetorheological (MR) Suspensions, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2013, 412, 012046. (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 7 1. Introduction and motivation MRF-Brake with an axial shear gap for high rotational speeds Measurements showing control characteristic lines for different rotational speeds at 𝜗𝑀𝑅𝐹 = 50°𝐶 Discussion: 30 n=500 min-1 25 n=2000 min-1 • MRF brakes for applications with high rotational speeds can be realized • reproducible braking torque even at high rotational speeds • high viscous torque at high rotational speed n (without excitation, (I = 0A) • temperature depending torque behavior needs to be considered n=3000 min-1 torque T in Nm n=5000 min-1 20 n=6000 min-1 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 current I in A 4 5 Necessary conclusion: • approach for reducing the viscous idle torque of MRF brakes and clutches Güth, D.; Erbis, V.; Schamoni, M.; Maas, J.: Design and characteristics of MRF-based actuators for torque transmission under influence of high shear rates up to 34,000 1/s. SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, Volume 9057, 90572P, 2014. (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 8 2. Simple concepts of MR-fluid control induced by force fields • Shear gap volume are not completely filled with MRF for enabling a movement of the fluid. • Use of different force effects like gravitational (orientation), centrifugal (rotation) and magnetic Engaged modes forces for moving the MRF to achieve an engaged or disengaged mode. Disengaged modes use of gravitational force for disengagement and magnetic forces for engagement • • use of centrifugal force for disengagement and magnetic forces for engagement US patent application, US 7,306,083, Magnetorheological fluid device, GM Global Technology Operations, 2005) Patent application, “Magnetic Fluid Control”, 10 2011 119 919.9, Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences, Germany, 2011. (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 9 2. Basic design concept of MR-fluid control • Advanced concept for complete disengagement during rotation and standstill. • Integration of a permanent magnet for achieving states like a current less braking torque. • Half section of the magnetically induced fluid control approach with a partially filled gap. flange electromagnet housing active shearing gap seal inactive shearing gap magnetic circuit permanent magnet shaft ω • MRF movement between an active and inactive shear gap. • Energy input and idle losses can be reduced or at best completely avoided. Güth, D.; Maas, J.: MRF actuators with reduced no-load losses. SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, Vol. 8341, S. 834121, 2012. (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 10 2. Basic design concept of MR-fluid control • Motion of the MRF is induced by a controlled leading of the magnetic flux resulting in magnetic force acting on the MRF. • MRF can be switched between an active and inactive volume of the shear gap. b) braking/coupling transition between braking/coupling and idle mode idle mode Güth, D.; Schamoni, M.; Maas, J.: Magnetic fluid control for viscous loss reduction of high-speed MRF brakes and clutches with welldefined fail-safe behavior. Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 22, 094010, 2013. (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 11 2. Design methodology for MR-fluid control •(Fig. 2/5) •(Fig. 4) •disengaged - current direction is moving into the page - current direction is moving up out of the page i - inside EM o - outside EM •disengaged •disengaged torque transmission region polarity of the PM χr = 0 inactive region electromagnet (EM) χr >> 0 Güth, D.; Schamoni, M.; Maas, J.: Magnetic fluid control for viscous loss reduction of high-speed MRF brakes and clutches with welldefined fail-safe behavior. Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 22, 094010, 2013. (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 12 3. Concept for MRF-clutch system with fluid control Development of a new clutch systems for energy-efficient use: • Proof-of-Concept demonstrator as a clutch based on the fluid control for high rotational speeds using magnetic forces of a permanent- and electro-magnet. • Integration of the fluid control in a sophisticated clutch design avoiding disadvantageous slip rings for power supply. 1 Basic Concept: driven shaft/inner rotor stator/housing electromagnet active shearing gap Performance Specification: • Two permanent magnets are used for a fail safe torque transmission No electrical control power for torque transmission permanent magnet inactive shearing gap 2 • • • The electromagnet is used for the idle mode permanent magnet The idle losses can be drive shaft/outer rotor completely avoided International patent application, PCT/DE2010/000230, WO2010/099788A1, „Apparatus for transmitting torque“ (Europe/USA/China), 2009. Patent application, “Magnetic Fluid Control”, 10 2011 119 919.9, Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences, Germany, 2011. (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 13 3. Concept for MRF-clutch system with fluid control Development of a new clutch systems for energy-efficient use: • Proof-of-Concept demonstrator as a clutch based on the fluid control for high rotational speeds using magnetic forces of a permanent- and electro-magnet. Basic concept: Engaged modes 1 Magnification shown in the simulation results B (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth B Engaged mode Disengaged mode 2 Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 14 3. Modeling of the magnetic field and the fluid movement • using an approach adapted from the theoretical model of ferrohydrodynamics • investigation of magnetic fields and their interaction with a magnetic fluid by magnetic dipoles (fluid treated as a continuum with magnetic properties) • dipoles are accelerated in the magnetic field by Kelvin forces fK f K 0 M H 0 J TH M • theory for the model based on Maxwells equations for the magnetic field and NavierStokes equations for the fluid flow • magnetic volume force from a calculated magnetic field coupled with a fluid-flow problem v v v p v (g 2 r ) 0 J TH M t Navier-Stokes equations • Kelvin force two fluid domains (MRF and air) need to be considered due to the only partly filled shear gaps • the interface between MRF and air is modeled by the level set method (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 15 3. Simulation of MRF-clutch system with fluid control Simulation of fluid flow induced by magnetic fields for a clutch system • Results showing the transition from coupling to idle mode in standstill (rotational speed n = 0 min-1). t=0ms t=10ms volume fraction of MRF 100% t=95ms 50% (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 1.6T 1.4T 1.2T 1.0T 0.8T 0.6T 0.4T 0.2T 0T flux density Magnetic 0% 16 3. Realization of MRF-Clutch System with Fluid Control Concept finalized for realization with two magnetic cascades for increasing the maximum coupling torque. 1 sectional model 3D sectional driven shaft stator/housing model of realized clutch system permanent magnet winding shear gap drive shaft driven shaft permanent magnet Design figures shear gap radius: 2 MRF magnification of shear gap (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth 63 mm main length: 71,5 mm outer diameter 140 mm drive shaft Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 17 3. Measurements of MRF-clutch system with fluid control • Measurement of the steady state characteristic of torque behavior. • Measurement of the transient behavior for the transition from engaged in disengaged mode. steady state characteristic 8 transient behavior 7 n=2000min-1 n=1000min 6 -1 n=500min-1 n=250min-1 5 8 n=500min-1 6 4 2 0 -50 n=100min-1 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 4 2 3 current I in A torque T in Nm torque T in Nm n=3000min-1 2 1 0 -5 -4 -3 -2 current i in A -1 0 desired current measured current 0 -2 -4 -6 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 time t in ms 20 30 40 50 Discussion: • High torque capability and idle mode with complete drag torque free operation. • Fast response times by switching from the engaged in disengaged mode within 15ms. (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 18 3. Measurements of MRF-clutch system with fluid control Integration in the power train of hybrid electrical cars (HEV): • A fast response time, an excellent controllability and no idle losses of the presented clutch systems can provide significant benefits in terms of safety and efficiency for application in HEV. • Investigations utilizing a HIL test system, shows a good performance for application as switching elements in power trains of HEV, e.g. as disengagement clutch in axle-split-hybrids. Acceleration E MRF clutch axle / street electrical drive) 2000 0 0 5 transmitted torque T in Nm 10 15 Disengagement 20 25 30 Engagement 0 -5 -10 0 (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth (combustion engine ) electrical drive) 5 HIL test rig (combustion engine and driven shaft drive shaft current I in A electrical drive rotational speed in min-1 P 4000 Deceleration Acceleration (combustion engine and 5 10 5 10 15 20 25 30 20 25 30 10 5 0 -5 0 15 time t in s Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 19 3. Measurements of MRF-clutch system with fluid control Presenting the demonstrator on an “Island of Excellence” at FISITA 2012 in Bejing: • Using the great opportunity of presenting the work on MRFclutches and brakes Realized Demonstrator Güth, D.; Schamoni, M.; Cording, D.; Maas, J.: New technology for a high dynamical MRF-clutch for safe and energy-efficient use in powertrains. Student Journal of FISITA, FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress, Peking, 2013. Starting new research work on MRF-clutches for application in transmissions: • For application in transmission for HEV, the torqueto-volume density needs to be increased. • Initiation of a new research project “PHEVplus” beginning 2014 (partner GKN Driveline International, financially funded by BMWi. (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 20 5. Conclusion • Necessity of reducing the viscous losses of MRF actuators was shown by measurements of an actuator with maximum rotational speeds. • Idea of moving MRF within the shear gap for reducing the viscous drag losses in the disengaged mode was introduced. • Approach for a novel actuator design was presented. • The functionality of the basic concepts is proven by measurement with a first design. • Development, modeling and simulation of an enhanced clutch design were shown and a realized proof-of-concept clutch actuator was introduced. • Measurements with the proof-of-concept clutch actuator were performed that show the feasibility and the high potential of MRF clutches without idle losses e.g. for the use in drive trains of vehicles. • Improved concepts with higher torque exploitation are introduced. • Considering the application in hybrid electrical cars (e.g. axle-split-parallelhybrids), a fast response time, an excellent controllability and no idle losses of the presented clutch systems provide significant benefits in terms of safety and efficiency. (C) Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, Dirk Güth Magnetic Fluid Control for Optimizing the Energy Efficiency for MRF-Actuators 21 Thanks for your attention! Dirk Güth M.Sc Phone: +49 (0)5261 702-489 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Maas Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems Phone: +49 (0)5261 702-192 Research project PHEVplus, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) of Germany under grant number 01MY13004B.