st. mary romanian orthodox church - Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox
st. mary romanian orthodox church - Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox
ST. MARY ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH 854 Woodbridge Street, St. Paul, MN 55117 Parish priest: Mircea Vasiu - home (651) 489-561 - office (651) 488-5669 / cell (734) 497-4544 - email: CINE CONDUCE IN FAMILIE? Aceasta constituie o intrebare capitala care ii framanta pe membrii multor familii. De raspunsul oferit acestei intrebari depinde in foarte mare masura o viata sanatoasa de familie. Desigur, exista raspunsuri si raspunsuri, oferite pe temeiuri istorice, antropologice, psihologice etc. O familie crestin ortodoxa ar trebui sa caute insa mai intai de toate raspunsul Bisericii in aceasta privinta. Iar Biserica, nu intarzie deloc a-l oferi, marturisindu-l mirilor inca de la inceputul vietii de familie, chiar in timpul Tainei Cununiei. Din pacate, din pericopa apostolica ce se citeste in cadrul acestei slujbe nu se retin decat doua expresii rostite raspicat, anume faptul ca “barbatul este cap femeii”, iar “femeia sa se teama de barbat”. Multi dintre cei care sunt de fata raman numai la aceste cuvinte, intelegand ca sotia trebuie sa se astepte la tot ceea ce este mai rau in viata de familie, refuzandu-i-se din start orice "drept la replica". Aceasta perspectiva superficiala si eronata asupra problemei ascultarii in viata de familie, ce pare a alimenta deopotriva orgoliul masculin si mentalitatile feministe, nu poate fi raspunsul Bisericii. De aceea, este nevoie sa nu desprindem aceste expresii de contextul in care au fost rostite. Sfantul Apostol Pavel aseamana nunta cu legatura sfanta dintre Hristos si Biserica, indemnand pe miri sa se iubeasca unul pe altul. In acelasi pasaj scripturistic Sfantul Apostol Pavel ii indeamna pe soti: "Supuneti-va unul altuia, intru frica lui Hristos" (Efes. 5, 21). Apoi, continua: "Femeile sa se supuna barbatilor ca Domnului" si, "precum se supune Biserica lui Hristos, asa si femeile barbatilor lor, intru toate" (Efes. 5, 22, 24). Cu alte cuvinte, Cel care conduce cu adevarat viata de familie nu poate fi Altul decat Hristos. Nu trebuie sa pierdem din vedere ca familia este o mica biserica, adica o mireasa a lui Hristos si, in consecinta, Capul si Mirele acesteia este Hristos. In familia crestina, sotii sunt chemati sa nu repete neascultarea protoparintilor Adam si Eva. In aceasta consta marea provocare adresata sotilor, si totodata mana salvatoare a Mantuitorului intinsa catre ei, faptul ca prin ascultarea fata de El si a unuia fata de celalalt, lupta si biruiesc impotriva egoismului, a iubirii de sine. Aceasta este calea catre adevarata iubire ce presupune sa-l porti si sa-l asculti pe cel pe care il iubesti. Deoarece Biserica stie ca aceasta cale a ascultarii este adesea anevoiasa, din cauza pacatelor si patimilor ce pun stapanire asupra noastra, ii indeamna pe membrii familiilor catre ascultarea duhovniceasca, care este strans legata de gasirea unui duhovnic indrumator. Totodata, in viata mirenilor, ascultarea fata de duhovnic trebuie armonizata cu ascultarea sotilor unul de altul, a copiilor de parinti, a subalternilor de superiori. In acest sens, Tito Colliander, in "Calea ascetilor", exemplifica: "Sotia ta iti spune sa-ti iei haina de ploaie, fa cum zice ea, si faci ascultare. Un coleg de serviciu te roaga sa-l insotesti o bucata de drum; du-te cu el, si faci ascultare. Nici ucenicul de manastire nu are mai multe prilejuri sa faca ascultare decat ai tu, la tine acasa". Daca in prezent asistam la numeroase crize ale vietii de familie, la neintelegeri si divorturi, se intampla pentru ca nu exista, mai intai de orice, iubire si ascultare fata de Hristos. Oricat de mult s-ar iubi cei doi soti, fara o viata in Hristos, iubirea inchisa in sine nu poate dainui. Altfel, mai devreme sau mai tarziu, sotii vor ceda ispitei de a conduce, a se impune, a avea ultimul cuvant, a da instructiuni, a face pe seful, a avea dreptate, a fi primul. Vor ceda iubirii de sine. De aici situatiile conflictuale, competitiile, certurile, fisurile, iar mai apoi rupturile, in viata de familie. Dar daca va plac totusi competitiile, atunci alegeti-o pe cea bineplacuta lui Dumnezeu. Sa nu va fie teama a va intrece in iubire si in ascultare. Supunerea unuia fata de celalalt, "intru frica lui Hristos", nu inseamna nici anularea de sine, nici "sclavie", nici injosire, ci smerenie - maica tuturor virtutilor. FAITH BRINGS HAPPINESS TO OUR CHILDREN “All your children shall be disciples of the Lord and they will enjoy a great happiness” Isaiah 54,13 To any family, children are God’s gift. They are the expression of God’s blessing and an immense mystery that reverberate the power of His love for us. In His hands this divine energy guides us to eternal happiness. The fact that our love comes in different tones and nuances, at different ages, point to this reality. Toward our infants, love is protective and prayerful. As they grow up it becomes directive and more intensely formative. When children mature (do they?!), parental love gains mixed tones of pride and humility. Even when they seem to be „accomplished” parents still wonder and pray because a parent ever worries. A parent’s love is a bay only when children sleep or are in church. In this light, love seems to be God’s method of guiding and shaping our characters, regardless of age or role in life. For this, I remind all parents to start bringing their children to God’s house and enable them to grow here in the Lord. As the life-long thermometer of love shows above, the endresult will be everyone’s happiness. Try to avoid the false pleasure of “sleeping in on Sunday” for it leads to disaster. Without your faith, commitment to the Lord and firm spiritual direction, our children become disoriented and they will cave into the world’s pressures. As opposed to this, the beauty of Christian tough love is that it leads to God. From this point on, love gains new dimensions which my words are too poor to describe now. Prophet Isaiah makes it clear that Israel’s children must always remain disciples of the Lord. We are the new Israel and he reassures us that if he we bring the children to be disciples, not only will their happiness be great, but they will be blessed. Jesus calls on you to let the children “come” to Him because He wants all to be forever happy and saved. Why be a volunteer? It’s not for money; it’s not for fame, It’s not for any personal gain. It’s just for love of fellowman. It’s just to lend a helping hand. It’s just to give a tithe of self. That something you can’t buy with wealth. It’s not medals won with pride. It’s for feeling deep inside. It’s that reward down in your heart. It’s that feeling that you’ve been a part Of helping others far and near That makes you be a volunteer! SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL WILL START ON SEPTEMBER 23, 2012 Invităm toate familiile creştin ortodoxe să îşi aducă copiii la Şcoala duminicală a bisericii noastre începând cu data de 23 Septembrie. Programul nostru este menit să educe copii cu vârsta cuprinsă între 3 ani şi jumătate şi 18 ani. Programul de educaţie religioasă va include: 10:00 a.m Participarea familiei la Sfanta Liturghie care urmează Sfintei Liturghii Pe parcursul anului Clasa de religie are menirea să formeze un caracter creştin ortodox puternic al copiilor nostri. Succesul efortului nostru depinde de elevii noştri şi în special de părinţi. Ne rugăm ca, împreună, să fim binecuvântaţi să transmitem credinţa cea adevărată tinerei generaţii. We cannot expect our children to be followers of Christ, if we are not setting the example for them. We cannot expect them to attend church when they are adult, if we refuse to teach them the value of prayer and worship when they are children. Bring your children to church and Sunday School! COMING EVENTS You are all invited to come next Sunday, 09/09/12, when we will take a picture with our congregation for 2013 “Solia Almanah” (2013 is our 100th Anniversary). GREEK FESTIVAL – SEPT. 7, 8 & 9 at St. Mary Greek Orthodox Church, 3450 Irving Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 55408. More information you can find online at: TASTE OF NORTHEAST FESTIVAL SEPT. 29, 2012 - St. Mary Cathedral Orthodox Church (11MA-8PM) - 1701 5th St. NE in Minneapolis More information here MEOCCA COOPERATIVE CATECHISM CLASSES - FALL 2012 - Introduction to Orthodox Christianity. EVERY Tuesdays 7:00 - 9:00PM starting on Tuesday September 11th. More information can be found at and registration can be completed online here too. Questions about the program can be directed to your parish priest or the program coordinator. Look forward to seeing you on September 11th. Cost: FREE (Sponsored by Clergy Association) Location: St. George Greek Orthodox Church, 1111 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105, 651-222-6220, 99TH ST. MARY ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ANNIVERSARY DINNER Sunday, October 14, 2012 –right after Divine Liturgy. ROMANIAN FALL COOKING & PICKLING BY HORA – Saturday, October 20, 2012 from 10am – 4pm at St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church. Join us for a fall family event. We’ll cook, eat, pickle veggies, collect and exchange recipes, and more. Don‘t forget to harvest any veggies that you still have in your garden (especially green tomatoes) and bring some medium sized jars along – HORA will provide the rest. For more info, email or call Raluca at 651-407-1733 ROMANIAN FESTIVAL WHEN: September 15 & 16, 2012 WHERE: ST. MARY ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ADDRESS: 854 Woodbridge St, St Paul, MN 55117 WEB: We are looking for your help and every member’s assistance is needed. How else can everyone help? 1. Please, spread the news. Advertising is a major part of it. We need all members to pass out flyers and invite their neighbors. 2. Be a sponsor by sending a donation marked for the Festival 3. Volunteer your time and energy to help…Thank you! The 4th Romanian Festival of our parish is coming soon. The committee invites all of you to volunteer time and effort and help us turn this into a success. Please sign up the Volunteers List as you leave the church (look for it in parish hall). Avem nevoie de voluntari! După cum ştim, doar câţiva oameni singuri nu pot sa se descurce cu un aşa eveniment. Avem nevoie de ajutor. Formularele (listele) pentru voluntariat vor fi afişate in sala pentru ca să puteţi să ne ajutatţi pe durata Festivalului (2 zile anul acesta). Este foarte important ca fiecare dintre noi sa participe şi să facă cunoscut tuturor, familiilor şi prietenilor nostri că acest eveniment va avea loc. Afisul (flyer) se gaseşte pe CANDLES IN THE FRONT AND INSIDE THE ALTAR În 08/26/2012 au fost donate de Nicoleta Agrigoroae Boloş cu ocazia zilei de naştere a mamei ei Valeria Boloş. La mulţi ani cu sănătate! On 08/29/2012 Anonymous for health and blessing from God. On 09/02/2012 were donated by Ioan Osvar IMO Vasilica Osvar Dumnezeu s-o ierte! On 09/02/2012 were donated by Constanta & John Korolchuk with the occasion of their grandson Liam’s 6th birthday. Happy birthday Liam! On 09/23/2012 were donated by Daniela & Thomas Hoolihan for the health of their son Teodor. COFFEE HOUR If you like to donate the Sunday Coffee hour please sign up at the parish hall or contact Psa Anca Vasiu at 651-489-5618. Thank you in advance. Thank you to the donors of coffee hour in the last months: Edith Stone & Psa. Eugenia Cerghizan BOTEZ – Saturday, August 25, 2012 was baptized Bianca Victoria Agrigoroae Bolos, daughter of Nicoleta & Victor Agrigoroae Bolos. Dumnezeu s-o binecuvinteze şi sănătate să-i dăruiască! MONTHLY OFFERINGS Doru Posteuca Georgia M. Omorean Tudor Felea Liliana Badea John Omorean Libby & Albert Imbrone Gabriela E. Jancik Fr. Mircea & Psa. Anca Vasiu Elisabeta & Dorin Vasin Ann M. Marinkov Iulian & Adelina Ciuta Anonymous Gabriela E. Jancik Mariana Tudosie Maria Nicu Dora Huisheere $ 150 $ 50 $ 25 $ 25 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 50 $ 100 $ 150 $ 50 $ 60 $ 100 $ 20 $ 15 $ 60 Nicolae Daniela Psa. Anca Cristian $ 125 $ 125 $ 125 $ 125 Grigore Hoolihan Vasiu Neculescu - Aug. pledge - IMO his father George - IMO Eli Tarziu - Romanian Festival donation - July & Aug. pledge - Romanian Festival donation - August pledge - for Dormintion of Mother of God - pledge donation - 2012 membership - 2012 membership - 2012 membership - 2012 membership Sfântul Ierarh Iosif Cel Nou De La Partoş ~ 15 Sept.Sfânta Sfântul Iosif cel Nou de la Partoş s-a născut în 1568, în oraşul Raguza din Dalmaţia. După moartea tatălui său, s-a mutat împreună cu mama sa în Ohrida, la sud de Dunare. Când a împlinit vârsta de 15 ani a intrat în mănăstirea Maicii Domnului din Ohrida. După cinci ani de vieţuire în aceasta mănăstire, ajunge în Muntele Athos, la Mănăstirea Pantocrator. Aici s-a călugarit şi a primit numele de Iosif. La cererea patriarhului de Constantinopol este trimis egumen pentru marea lavra a Sfântului Ştefan din Adrianopol, iar după şase ani este pus egumen în marea lavră românească Cutlumus. Este trimis de patriarhia din Constantinopol ca mitropolit al Timisoarei. Aşezarea în scaun a fost savarsita pe 20 iulie 1650. In anul 1653 s-a retras la Mănăstirea Partoş, aproape de Timişoara. Aici a mai vieţuit trei ani şi apoi şi-a dat sufletul în mâinile Domnului. Potrivit Tradiţiei, în momentul trecerii sale la cele veşnice, clopotele mănăstirii au început să bată singure. A fost înmormântat în naosul bisericii mănăstiresti. In anul 1956 moaştele sale au fost strămutate în Catedrala Mitropolitană din Timişoara. The Holy Prophet Zacharias ~ September 5 He was the father of St. John the Forerunner. Zacharias was a high priest who held the eighth degree of service in the Temple at Jerusalem. His wife Elizabeth was sister of St. Anna, who was the mother of the Virgin Mary. Zacharias was serving one day at the Temple of Jerusalem according to his turn. An angel of God appeared to him in the sanctuary, and Zacharias had great fear. The angel said to him: Fear not, Zacharias (Luke 1:13), and announced that Elizabeth would bear a son, in answer to their prayers. But both Zacharias and Elizabeth were old. When Zacharias doubted the words of the heavenly herald, the angel said: I am Gabriel that stands in the presence of God (Luke 1:19). Zacharias was struck dumb from that hour, and could not speak until his son was born and he had written on a tablet: His name is John (Luke 1:63). Then his speech returned, and he magnified God. Sometime later, when the Lord Jesus had been born and Herod began to slaughter the children of Bethlehem, he sent men to find and kill the son of Zacharias. Upon seeing the soldiers coming, Elizabeth took John into her arms-he was a year and a half old at that time-fled from the house with him, and ran to a rocky and desolate place. When she saw the soldiers following her, she cried out to the mountain: “O mountain of God, receive a mother with her child!'' and the rock opened and hid the mother and child. Then Herod enraged that the child John had not been slain, ordered that Zacharias be slain before the altar. In the place where Elizabeth hid with John a cave opened, water flowed out of it, and a fruit-bearing palm grew, all by the power of God. Forty days after the death of Zacharias, the blessed Elizabeth died. The child John remained in the wilderness, fed by an angel and protected by God's providence, until the day he appeared at the Jordan. Oil And Wine Donations Accepted We use a lot of olive oil (regular, not "extra-virgin" or "light") in our vigil lamps (candles) that burn before the altar icons. The church will always gladly accept donations of oil. We are also accepting donations to purchase a case of wine. We use Mavrodaphne of Patras, a sweet red Greek wine. If you have any questions or would like to know specifically how to donate, please contact Fr. Mircea Vasiu. “When we stand to pray, dear friends, we should pay wholehearted attention to what we are saying. Let all fleshly, worldly vanish, and our mind dwell solely on what it seeks… thus the celebrant, introducing the Eucharistic prayer, prepares our mind by saying ‘Lift up your hearts’… we are cautioned to think of nothing but the Lord”. Saint Cyprian of Carthage St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church 4th Annual ‘Taste of Romania’ Festival 2012 JOIN US FOR A LOVELY AFTERNOON OF ROMANIAN CULTURE, FOOD, DANCERS AND FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. Romanian sausage,(Cirnati) grilled meat (mici) Cabbage rolls & polenta (sarmale cu mamaliga),salads, Traditional mouthwatering desserts:(prajituri, Cozonac) LCD TV RAFFLES, auction, music, dance and much more... 854 Woodbridge St. (at Atwater St. ) St. Paul, Mn. 55117 IZVORASUL PERFORMANCES throughout the day
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