Impact of climate change on the Figuig aquifer using a numerical
Impact of climate change on the Figuig aquifer using a numerical
Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences ISSN: 2084-3577 EARTH SCIENCES ORIGINAL ARTICLE Impact of climate change on the Figuig aquifer using a numerical model: Oasis of Eastern Morocco Abdelhakim Jilali Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology – Aquapôle, University of Liège, Chemin des Chevreuils 1, Building B52/3, 4000 Liège, Belgium ABSTRACT Numerical groundwater modeling was applied to investigate the climate change impact on the groundwater resources in the unconfined aquifer of Figuig basin of Moroccan eastern High Atlas. The stresses imposed to the model were derived from the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) emission scenarios and included recharge variation. The Figuig aquifer consists of carbonates, alternating marl-limestone, sandstone and alluvial dated of Jurassic and Quaternary age respectively. The limits of the model are topographic boundaries except for the western boundary which has been truncated. The model is composed of a single layer representing the whole thickness of the aquifer. It has been studied in steady state conditions. Modeling improves the understanding of the interactions between groundwater and surface waters by measuring the exchange of water flow. The decline in recharge due to climate change has a negative effect of groundwater resources, and therefore on the Figuig oasis. Currently, the drawdown of the groundwater resources has affected both the number of springs that supply the oasis. Key words: Figuig; Groundwater; Numerical modeling; Climate change; IPCC scenario. J Biol Earth Sci 201 4; 4(1 ): E1 6-E24 Corresponding author: Abdelhakim Jilali E-mail: Original Submission: 01 December 201 3; Revised Submission: 03 January 201 4; Accepted: 09 January 201 4 Copyright © 201 4 Author(s). Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences © 201 4 T.M.Karpiński. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences, 201 4, Vol 4, Issue 1 , E1 6-E24 E1 6 Jilali Impact of climate change on the Figuig aquifer: Oasis in Eastern Morocco INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS The estimate of the potential impact of climate change on water resources is one of the most difficult challenges to explore. Thus, several studies have been the goal of this topic. The impact of climate change requires for groundwater systems a reliable estimate of the balance (input and output flow water on the aquifer). This depends at a good estimate of recharge and hydrogeological models to represent the observed phenomena. The objective of this study is to construct a model of groundwater flow across the watershed Figuig (327.5 km 2). The applied climate change scenarios are derived from IPCC [1 ] data. This data reinforces the idea that climate changes predict an increase in temperature and a decrease in rainfall, depending on the scenario that was selected. This causes an impact on groundwater resources. These scenarios indicate an increase in the average temperature of 2.8°C and a decrease in rainfall of around 1 2% by 2099 [1 ]. According to the methodology and objectives, several approaches have been applied, either by studying surface water or groundwater, by using simple or complex approaches. In addition to the choice of the modeling approach and climate scenarios, studies have adopted scenarios of general, regional circulation models [2-4] or IPCC scenarios [1 , 5-6]. Fig. 1. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Overall framework Oasis of Figuig is situated at the extremity of the Eastern High Atlas of Morocco (Fig. 1 ). This region is characterized by a hot climate in summer and cold in winter. The climate of this region is arid. The study area is encircled by several mountains. Figuig is known for its many springs that are used for irrigation. Tzadert, Tighzert, Tajamalt and Maghni are the most important springs (springs are captured by Study area and boundary conditions. Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences, 201 4, Vol 4, Issue 1 , E1 6-E24 E1 7 Jilali Impact of climate change on the Figuig aquifer: Oasis in Eastern Morocco Khettaras). Khettara is groundwater draining gallerie. It’s a long gallery (several kilometers) leading gravity drainage water from the groundwater to the soil surface for the purpose of irrigation of the oasis and palm trees. The average rainfall calculated between 1 935 and 2002 is 1 24 mm. The maximum rainfall occurs in October and the minimum in July. Rainfall is very irregular from one year to another; it never rains in the same quantity or in the same month. The catchment area of Figuig can receive 2 to 3 storm a year shortly but violently and may cause flooding. The frequency of drought is very variable. The wadis are temporary. The temperature calculated between Fig. 2. 1 937 and 1 967 is -2 to 1 °C in December, January and February, and up to 48°C in June, July and August. Geology Structurally, the study area is formed by anticlines of Jbels of Grouz, Haimeur and Maiz. Anticlines are separated by synclines of Tisserfine and Figuig. Anticlines are formed by Triassic red clay and carbonates of the Middle and Lower Lias. Synclines are composed of limestones of the Upper Lias, alternations of marl-limestones and sandstones of Bajocian (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). The Quaternary formations (alluvial silts, eolian sand and travertine) are Geology of the study area [1 2]. Fig. 3. Simplified cross-section of the study area (see location in Fig 2). Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences, 201 4, Vol 4, Issue 1 , E1 6-E24 E1 8 Jilali Impact of climate change on the Figuig aquifer: Oasis in Eastern Morocco present in the slopes and plains [7-1 3]. Various geological and geophysical studies [1 3-1 5] show three main fault directions: EW, NE-SW and NWSE. In the synclines, faults are hidden by recent Quaternary deposits. Tectonics plays an important role in the hydrogeology of the area. Hydrogeology Hydrogeological units of Figuig may be as follows: (1 ) fluvial terrace, silts and eolian sands; (2) marl-limestone and fractured carbonates formations. Carbonates and alternations of marl-limestone are considered essential to the aquifer in this region. The fault directions in the area are oriented ENE-WSW and ESE-WNW with a subvertical dip. Fracturing plays a very important role in the movement of groundwater. A piezometric map that shows the main flow directions is presented in [1 4, 1 6]. The pumping test conducted in the study area provide hydraulic conductivity values between 1 ,31 x1 0 -5 and 2,55x1 0 -3 m/s [1 6]. The average flow rate of the springs measured in: 1 975 (Official Bulletin No. 3292), 1 977 [1 7], 2004 [1 6] and 201 0 (Study outstanding) is shown in Fig. 4. The decrease in the volume of water of the springs is due to both: (1 ) a decrease in flow rates of some springs, such as the flow of Tzadert spring (decrease of 25 l/s between 1 994 to 2011 , in Fig. 5), with the exception of 2009-201 0 which was exceptional and it was very wet. It will have a positive effect on the flow rates of the spring; (2) obstruction or collapse of some others. Therefore, a numerical model was developed to study the possible impact of climate change on the basin of Figuig. Numerical model The proposed model is a single layer (aquifer consists of carbonates, alternating marl-limestone, sandstone and alluvial dated of Jurassic and Quaternary age respectively) and it was studied in steady state conditions. The surface of the modeled area is 327.5 km 2. The boundary conditions of the model have been defined based on the following arguments (Fig. 1 ): - In the upstream limit (limit West) and downstream (between Jbels Melias and Sidi Youssef) of basin, Piezometric head were imposed (Dirichlet condition). This type of condition allows an exchange flow (incoming or outgoing) in the model (Fig. 1 ). The inflow calculated by the model is compared with that estimated from the rest of the basin; it is calculated by multiplying the area surface by the recharge zone; - The north and south boundaries of the model correspond to topographic boundaries (Neumann condition). The finite difference mesh is a layer of rectangular cells of 250 meters. This network enables us to represent the geometry of the geological formations. The top of the aquifer is assumed to be the topographic surface. The bottom of the aquifer has been simplified in the light of the limited number of boreholes data (Fig. 6); - Piezometry of 2008 (81 wells) was taken as the initial reference value set in MODFLOW (is developed in Fortran by USGS. this version is running in GMS "Groundwater Modeling System". The calculations are based on the principles of hydraulic in underground porous media by finite difference method). Piezometric levels measured at the observation points were used for calibration of the model. The faults introduced into the model are 1 0. These Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences, 201 4, Vol 4, Issue 1 , E1 6-E24 Average flow rate of springs. Flow rate of Tzadert spring. E1 9 Jilali Impact of climate change on the Figuig aquifer: Oasis in Eastern Morocco Fig. 6. Spatial discretization of the modeled area. faults allow rapid drainage in their neighborhood; - Model calibration was done by comparing the computed values to the observed data. Hydraulic conductivity and conductance streams were adjusted in the model to better reproduce the measurements. Recharge (effective infiltration), calculated by different authors [1 3, 1 6-1 8], gave the following results: R = 0.1 *P (with: R: Recharge and P: Rainfall). The result of the hydrodynamic calibration piezometry is shown in Fig. 7. Nevertheless, the simulated levels are slightly lower than the levels observed. The flow is facilitated by the presence of faults. Groundwater discharged at the surface contributes to the flow of springs and the waters of the Oued Zouzfana. The general shape of the potentiometric surface calculated by the model is similar to that observed (Fig. 8). Hydraulic conductivities adjusted are heterogeneous. In contrast, the adjusted hydraulic conductivity in sandstone and faults is greater by a factor of 1 00 as introduced. These adjusted values facilitate the exchange of groundwater between the formations and allow a fair correlation between the calculated and the measured hydraulic head. They also facilitate the transfer of larger quantities of flow water in the neighboring faults. Significant hydraulic conductivities of faults constitute of important corridors for evacuation and transfer of groundwater to the east. The conductance value beds of rivers (3.1 0 -5 m 2/s) were applied to all stre- Fig. 7. Observed values vs Computed values. ams and at the springs. Global flow rates exchanged as calculated by the model are larger than those calculated by the HBAM (Hydraulic Basin Agency of Moulouya) on the entire basin. This difference remains after the reduction of inflow through the upstream during the calibration of hydraulic conductivities in this area border. The quantities of entering water calculated by the model are 37661 .76 m 3/day (Table 1 ). They come from the recharge of aquifers of 48% and of the West (upstream part of the basin of Figuig) to 52%. As for the water outflow system, 45.6% are extracted by pumping wells for drinking water, 1 2.1 % corresponds to the drains (wadis) and Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences, 201 4, Vol 4, Issue 1 , E1 6-E24 E20 Jilali Impact of climate change on the Figuig aquifer: Oasis in Eastern Morocco Fig. 8. Groundwater level contours. springs and, 42.1 % contributes to the stock of groundwater and flows out of the model to the southern border. IPCC scenarios The scenarios of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) were imposed for an estimate of changes in temperature and precipitation until the year 2099. The scenarios of the IPCC selected are: (1 ) A1 B reference scenario of the IPCC, (2) B1 scenario of the minimal variation, and (3) A1 F1 , scenario of maximum variation. Table 2 shows an example of the A1 B scenario with a 1 2% decrease in rainfall. Recharge calculated is proportional to rainfall and indicates the same percentage decrease (Table 3). Fig. 9 shows the results of differences in piezometry of the various scenarios of the IPCC applied to the aquifer of Figuig. Generally, it is demonstraTable 1. ted that the effect of the decrease in the recharge process involves a decrease of the groundwater level. The decrease in the groundwater level is in the range of 0.07 to 6.2 meters, with a major drawdown at the oasis of Figuig (springs area) by 1 .1 , 2.4 and 6.2 meters for B1 , A1 B of A1 F1 respectively. In other words, renewable freshwater resources are greatly diminishing. CONCLUSIONS A numerical model was used to study the predictions of climate change by 2099 derived from the IPCC data. It is not in any case providing definitive answers, nor the tools considered as a management strategy. Even if the models are a very good efficiency (in terms of data and calibration), they are still debatable. Simulations applied provide general trends in climate change projections. Simulation Flow balance. Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences, 201 4, Vol 4, Issue 1 , E1 6-E24 E21 Jilali Impact of climate change on the Figuig aquifer: Oasis in Eastern Morocco Variation of groundwater level in 2099, compared with the actual, imposing scenario B1 , A1 B and A1 F1 of IPCC data. Fig. 9. Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences, 201 4, Vol 4, Issue 1 , E1 6-E24 E22 Jilali Impact of climate change on the Figuig aquifer: Oasis in Eastern Morocco A1 B scenario of precipitation of the study area (30N to 48N coordinates, 1 0O to 40E) derived from the IPCC data [5]. Table 2. 4. 5. 6. Table 3. Climate scenario introduced in the model. 7. scenarios A1 B, B1 and A1 F1 were chosen in order to find possible variations of groundwater level in the area of Figuig. The area is currently in agricultural expansion (increase drilling) due to lower flow rates of springs and high salinity at the oasis area. This can increase the stress of the aquifer. According to the simulations, the drawdown can reach 6 meters at Oasis of Figuig for the extreme scenario, due to the decrease in recharge. The decrease of water resources and increasing water requirements may affect the socio-economical aspect of the region. TRANSPARENCY DECLARATION 8. 9. 1 0. 11 . The author declares no conflicts of interest. REFERENCES 1 . IPCC. Climate change 2007: impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. Contribution of working group II to the fourth assessment report of the intergovernmental panel on climate change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2007: pp. 976. 2. Fowler HJ, Kilsby CG, Stunell J. Modelling the impacts of projected future climate change on water resources in north-west England. 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