JSEM Conference Submittal
JSEM Conference Submittal
Groundwater Remediation Goals & Timelines Stuck in the Basement? Re-evaluate Facility Infrastructure Impact on Groundwater Remediation NDIA Symposium & Exhibition June 2010 Joseph Lukas, CA. PG, Integrated Science Solutions, Inc. Donald M. Chuck, NASA Ames Restoration Program Manager Brian Reddig, CA. PG, Integrated Science Solutions, Inc. Site Setting and Contaminant History NASA Ames Research Center and former Naval Air Station Moffett Field (NASMF) (circa 1930‟s) located in the southern portion of the San Francisco Bay Area, California NASA acquired the former NASMF in 1994 as part of BRAC closure process NASA Ames lies down-gradient of EPA NPL sites Primary groundwater contaminants are TCE and PCE Secondary contaminants include cis-1,2-DCE, vinyl chloride, and 1,4-Dioxane Other contaminants include petroleum fuels Site Geology & Facility Infrastructure Distal end of fluvial system interacting with bay tidal influences Classic channel sand sequences in southern portion of plume Medial fluvial sand channel sequences in the core of site plume Majority of plume contaminants in upper 30 feet 1- to 2- story below-grade building infrastructure in plume core Engineered backfill surrounding below-grade infrastructure „E‟-backfill = high hydraulic conductivity “aquifer” material Depositional System Plume Definition Groundwater monitored since the early 1980s Three existing onsite groundwater pump and treat systems (installed 1999-2001) ~200 wells used to define onsite TCE plume boundary Semi-annual potentiometric maps Annual TCE plume boundary and capture zones maps Groundwater Model = Isotropic/Homogeneous Aquifer Remedial System Impacts Effectiveness of remedial design reduced due to facility building and underground utility infrastructure influence on contaminant flow Extraction system not effectively capturing existing solvent plume as designed Extended timeframe for operation of remedial system = $$$ Relocation of extraction wells due to infrastructure impacts = $$$ Future action levels/MCLs may be decreased/lowered = $$$ Infrastructure Evaluations Target specific areas where facility infrastructure may potentially impact contaminated aquifer flow pathways Collect lithologic/geologic and groundwater data at target sites Install temporary/permanent pieziometers at select locations Complete adequate series of pump tests to determine actual infrastructure influences on groundwater flow pathways. Revise/modify existing remedial design to improve contaminant capture Contact Information Donald Chuck: donald.m.chuck@nasa.gov; 650/604-0237 Joe Lukas: jlukas@issi-net.com; 650/604-2057 Brian Reddig, breddig@issi-net.com; 650/604-1315