August, 2014 No. 330 Published monthly by: Minato City Hall Tokyo Tel: 03-3578-2111 Edited by: Public Relations Subsection, Office of the Mayor, Minato City Hall 1-5-25, Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8511 Tel: 03-3578-2992, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fax: 03-3578-2034 E-mail: kuminkoho@city.minato.tokyo.jp URL: http://www.city.minato.tokyo.jp/ Monthly circulation: 10,000 copies Minato Call Published by Minato City Hall CITY INFORMATION SERVICE 03-5472-3710 E-mail: info@minato.call-center.jp Fax: 03-5777-8752 Minato at a Glance Egretta garzetta has a black bill and black legs with yellow feet. It can be seen at Shibaura-nishi Canal. A r t a n d C u l t u r e i n M i n a t o MINATO COLLECTION July 19 to August 31, 2014 Summer MINATO COLLECTION is back again this year. From Saturday, July 19 to Sunday, August 31, a stamp rally and a variety of events will be held at 29 galleries, museums, and other venues in Minato City. Make your summer vacation exciting by touring different venues and getting to know many cultures and artworks. How to participate in the stamp rally 1. Bring a stamp rally card and pamphlet. ・Available at participating galleries and museums ・Distributed to all students at municipal elementary and junior high schools 2. At each stop, stamp the rally card. One stamp at each gallery and museum. 3. If you collect three stamps, you will get an original pencil case with a mechanical pencil and ballpoint pen set. 4. Collect six stamps by visiting three more stops, you will receive an original tote bag. Pencil case Tote bag *Visit six galleries or museums, and receive both the original pencil case with a mechanical pencil and ballpoint pen and the original tote bag. *The stamp rally card and original gifts will be given away while supplies last. *Some galleries and museums may be closed during MINATO COLLECTION. Please check the days of operation in advance. *For more information, please see the pamphlet or visit the Minato City Web. Inquiries: Promotion of Art and Culture Subsection, 03-3578-2343 29 venues participating in the Minato Collection 2014 Summer Stamp Rally and Events: AJINOMOTO FOUNDATION FOR DIETARY CULTURE; ADVERTISING MUSEUM TOKYO; Isehan-Honten Museum of Beni; ITOCHU AOYAMA ART SQUARE; NHK Museum of Broadcasting; EPSON Shinagawa Aqua Stadium; Taro Okamoto Memorial Museum; Musée Tomo; Old Shimbashi Station [Railway History Exhibition Hall]; Institute of Nature Study, National Museum of Nature and Science Tokyo; The National Art Center, Tokyo; SUNTORY MUSEUM of ART; SEN-OKU HAKUKO KAN (Tokyo); Advanced Technology Exhibition Hall@tepia; 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT; The Museum of Fishery Sciences, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology; Tokyo Metropolitan Central Library; TOTO GALLERY・MA; Panasonic Shiodome Museum; Hatakeyama Memorial Museum of Fine Art; FUJIFILM SQUARE; Hotel Okura Tokyo; Museum of Logistics; Matsuoka Museum of Art; Minato City Local History Museum; MORI ART MUSEUM You can enjoy special drinks of the Events only: Shotaro Akiyama Photo Art Museum; Tokyo event at ITOCHU AOYAMA ART Midtown DESIGN HUB; NEZU MUSEUM SQUARE. Minato Monthly is delivered with The Japan Times/International New York Times on the first of each month. It is also available at municipal facilities, post offices and subway stations (Akabanebashi, Akasaka, Akasaka-mitsuke, Aoyama-itchome, Azabu-juban, Daimon, Gaien-mae, Hiroo, Kamiyacho, Mita, Nogizaka, Omotesando, Roppongi, Shimbashi, Shiodome, Shirokanedai, and Shirokane-Takanawa) in Minato City. The articles appearing in the Minato Monthly are also found on Minato City Web: Search Minato Monthly 2 Minato Monthly August 1, 2014 Minato Foreign Residents’ Discussion Meeting Be Careful of Heat Disorder Ever wonder what you would do in a natural disaster? We are hosting a series of meetings to jointly consider how foreign and Japanese residents of the same community can help and support each other in the event of an emergency. Views will also be exchanged on how to make Minato City safer, more secure, and more enjoyable. Everyone is welcome if you are interested in the themes. Eligibility: Residents, workers, and students in Minato City over 20 years of age Capacity: 15 people each *Participants will be decided by lot and foreign nationals and 3-time-participants have priority. A letter of invitation will be sent by September 10. Schedule: September 18, November 20, and February 13, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Place: Minato City Hall Theme *under consideration: Talk of experience — support activities for foreign nationals in the disaster; needs and issues of support for foreign nationals both in times of disaster and daily life; how volunteers can support foreign nationals. *An English-Japanese interpreter will be available. Application: Phone, fax, or post between August 1 and September 5 in English or Japanese. Please specify your 1) name, 2) address, 3) phone number, 4) nationality, 5) gender, 6) age group, 7) office, company, or school name and address, if you are not a Minato City resident 8) meeting(s) which you want to participate in, and 9) childcare service up to five, if needed. Application and inquiries: 105-8511 Global Community Planning Subsection, Minato City Hall Tel: 03-3578-2046/2308 FAX: 03-3438-8252 Heat disorder is caused not only by the circumstance such as air temperature but one’s physical condition or heat. Minato Kids’ Consultation Website is Started Minato City residents who are 18 years old or under can use this service. Children can register for this system from PCs, smartphones, and cellphones. They can send their problem 24 hours a day and get an answer in two to seven days. Also children can talk with an advisor on the phone or face to face. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Phone: Children and Family Support Center, 03-6400-0092 These services are conducted in Japanese. Lobby Concert At Minato City Hall 1) Handbell classic concert by Kissport Sweet Bells August 26, 12:15 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. 2) Viola and contrabass concert by Musica Celestial August 27, 12:15 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. Inquiries: Promotion of Art and Culture Subsection, 03-3578-2343 Minato Public TV Program Guide J:COM Minato-Shinjuku August Ch. 11 Program Time Summary of program Minato Quick Journal *20 min. program w/partly sign language and bilingual 10:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m. “Shibaura-konan, the Area of Canals and Bridges” Shibaura-konan Regional City Office introduces canals and bridges. Minato-ku Koho Topics, Topics in Minato City *30 min. program Updated on 1st, 11th, and 21st of each month. It is broadcasted in Chiibus and Odaiba Rainbow bus. <In-City Events> Introducing events that Minato City residents can participate in with their smiles. 10 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m., 5 p.m., 9 p.m. <Public Announcement> Delivering important announcements, new information, or events in Minato City. 1st -: “Minato Collection 2014 Summer” and “Azabu Library is reopen” 11th -: “Introducing Municipal Sanko Kindergarten” and “Enjoy Music Project” 21st -: “Countermeasure of disaster prevention for family” and “Daiba Children’s Hall” *You can also see the programs broadcast on this channel on the Minato City Web or YouTube. DVD lending is available at the Office of the Mayor, each Regional City Office, and at each public library. Videos/DVDs of programs broadcast from September 2013 to last month are available. <Note> Programs may change without notice. Inquiries: J:COM Minato-Shinjuku, 0120-914-000 or Minato Monthly Minato Voice InterFM 76.1 MHz Time: 6:26 to 6:29 a.m. and 5:56 to 5:59 p.m., 3 min. program Monday & Thursday: English, Tuesday: Japanese, Wednesday: Chinese, and Friday: Korean 8/4 - 8/8: “Minato Collection” and “The Exhibition of Peace” 8/11 - 8/15: “Minato Foreign Residents’ Discussion Meeting” and “Be careful for heat disorder” 8/18 - 8/22: “Free delivery of Minato Monthly” and “Temporary Welfare Benefit and Temporary Benefit of Child-rearing” 8/25 - 8/29: “Disaster prevention information email service” and “the Romanian International Music Competition” <Note> Programs may change without notice Inquiries: Public Relations Subsection, 03-3578-2036 Symptoms and severity of heat disorder Light: Nausea, lightheadedness, muscle aches, sweating nonstop Moderate: Headache, bout of vomiting, feeling of weariness, feeling of sinking Severe: Falling unconscious, convulsions, high body temperature, can’t walk straight Days to look out for Days with high air temperature, little wind, high humidity, or temperatures soaring. Prevention of heat disorder It is important to avoid heat all the time, so be careful about clothing. When you stay outside, try to shut out the sunlight with a hat, a cap, a parasol, etc. Then take plentiful water. Senior citizens and children need more care. Indoors, use an air conditioner or electric fan effectively according to your need. Peace Exhibition Date & time Place Program Mon. 4 to Fri. 15, *Weekdays only Minato City Hall, 1F Pictures and materials related to Tokyo air raid War-related materials from collection of Minato Local History Museum, etc. Mon. 4 to Sun. 17 Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Weekends: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Azabu Regional City Office, 1F The devastation drawn by Takanori Onda Map of devastated areas Pictures related to Tokyo air raid Mon. 4 to Sun. 17 Weekdays: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Weekends: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Akasaka Library, 3F Photos of Tokyo air raid and the battle of Okinawa Mon. 4 to Sun. 17 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. *Closed on Mon. 11 Takanawa Civic Center, Gallery The devastation drawn by Takanori Onda Pictures and materials related to Hiroshima/Nagasaki, etc. Tue. 5 to Sun. 17 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Pool Building, 1F Posters of Sadako and origami cranes Minato city lends out photo panels related to Hiroshima and Nagasaki to organizations in Minato City for Mini Exhibition on Atomic Bombs. An application can be downloaded from Minato City Web. For more details, inquire at Human Right and Gender Equality Subsection at 4F of Minato City Hall. Assembly for peace Date & time: Saturday, September 13, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., doors open at 2 p.m. Place: Azabu Civic Center, Civic Hall Capacity: 237 people, first-come basis Admission is free. Call 03-5472-3710 for baby-sitting service. Declaration as a City of Peace Minato City August 15, 1985 All people are one in wishing to preserve the beauty of the earth and the permanence of world peace. These sentiments will never change. We are working to build a community dedicated to the welfare of its citizens, while striving for true peace and the preservation of our cultural traditions. Our duty to the generations that will follow is to hand over into their keeping a society built on the brotherhood of all people and a natural environment that is flourishing and beautiful. We request our government to abide firmly by the “three nonnuclear principles” (renouncing possession, production, and introduction of nuclear weapons) and appealing to all citizens everywhere to seek the abolition of nuclear weapons. As it is our earnest wish for world peace, we hereby declare Minato City to be a City of Peace. Safe Bike Riding Please follow the traffic rules and ride your bike safely. When you are riding a bike, the following acts are prohibited. a) Drinking alcohol b) Carrying a passenger except a child in a child-seat c) Run in parallel d) Riding without lights after dark e) Using a cellphone/smartphone or putting up an umbrella Visiting Lectures for Companies Minato City offers one-time free lecture for the city workers. An authority will deliver a lecture. The lectures are conducted in Japanese. Inquiries: Gender Equality Center, 03-3456-4149 Minato Monthly August 1, 2014 3 BULLETIN BOARD Toei Kita-aoyama 1-chome Apt. No. 3 1-6-3-B1 Kita-aoyama 107-0061 Tel: 03-6440-0233 Fax: 03-6440-0234 office@minato-intl-assn.gr.jp http://www.minato-intl-assn.gr.jp/ Programs may change without notice. ●Register for STEP 1 and STEP 2 Japanese class for beginners Please come and study Japanese with us. STEP 1 is for complete beginners of Japanese language. STEP 2 is Japanese learners who are capable of simple greetings, conversation and can read/write hiragana. Class: Sat. 9/13 to Sat. 12/6, every Saturday from 9:45 to 11:45 a.m. 12 classes total and no class on 11/1. Two teachers take turns teaching. Capacity: First 20 to sign up for each class Eligible: STEP 1 is for complete beginners of Japanese language. STEP 2 is Japanese learners who are capable of simple greetings, conversation and can read/write hiragana. Place: STEP1: Mita NN Hall, Space B, 4-1-23 Shiba STEP2: Mita NN Hall, Space C, 4-1-23 Shiba Tuition: STEP1: ¥9,000 for MIA members and ¥10,000 for non-members STEP2: ¥9,500 for MIA members and ¥12,000 for non-members *Cost includes textbooks. Application: Call, fax, or send an □ 3 All events listed on this page are conducted in Japanese except M.I.A. events. Minato Monthly Editorial Desk, Public Relations Subsection, Office of the Mayor, Minato City Hall http://www.city.minato.tokyo.jp/e/kuse/koho/minatomonthly/index.html Tel: 03-3578-2992, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fax: 03-3578-2034 email to M.I.A. ●The Tokyo Bay Great Fireworks Viewing Event Let’s view the fireworks together. Date & time: Sunday, 8/10 3 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Please come on time. Meeting place: Exit of Shibaura-futo station of Yurikamome line Eligibility: 20s and 30s Capacity: 15 foreign nationals and 15 Japanese each, first-come basis Application: Call, fax, or send an email to M.I.A. Please bring snacks, drinks, plastic bags, rain apparel, medicines, etc. Note: Please prepare for battle with the heat and move quickly because traffic jam are projected on the day. areas of Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011. You will receive a lottery ticket and use municipal facilities for free or at a discount price. Inquiries: Kissport, 03-5770-6837 NEZU MUSEUM ●Odaiba Summer Festival 2014 Date & time: Fri. 8/22, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Sat. 8/23, 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fireworks will be shot on Saturday. *Cancelled if it rains. Place: Odaiba Rainbow Park Inquiries: Daiba Civic Center, 035500-2355 ●2nd Akasaka Fureai Concert Enjoy oldies songs, folk and rock music. Date & time: Sun. 9/7, 2 p.m. Doors open at 1:30 p.m. Place: Akasaka Civic Center, Civic Hall Performer: Golden Fruits Cocktail Admission: ¥500 Reservation and Inquiries: Kissport homepage or Akasaka Civic Center, 03-5413-2711 Network Information The 10th Edition of the Romanian International Music Competition Sponsored by the Embassy of Romania Minato Sports, Community, Culture, and Health Foundation Tel: 03-5770-6837 Fax: 03-5770-6884 http://www.kissport.or.jp Programs may change without notice. The Embassy of Romania will show the final competition of the musical instruments and vocal categories to the public. Date & time: Saturday, August 30 and Sunday, August 31, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Admission: Free Place: Takanawa Civic Center An exhibition of Romania Please enjoy pictures of industry, tourism, culture, and lifestyle in Romania and folkcraft articles at the gallery. Date & time: August 27 to 31, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Inquiries: Global Community Planning Subsection, 03-3578-2308 Romanian Music Society in Japan, 03-3436-2860 ●Minato Citizens’ Festival Badge Minato Citizens’ Festival will be held on Sat. 10/11 and Sun. 10/12. Festival badges will be sold for ¥200 from Fri. 9/12 to Fri. 10/10 at Community Promote Section on 3F of City Hall, each Regional City Office, each Civic Center, Sports Center, etc. Also it will be sold during the festival at the site. Benefits: 50% of proceeds from badge sale will be donated for the afflicted The 31st Minato International Goodwill Mixed Doubles Tennis Festival Sale of Recycled Bicycles Date & time: Tuesday, September 23, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Place: Azabu court, 5-6-33 Minami-azabu Players: Mixed doubles, 18 women and 18 men Fee: ¥2,000 per person. Please pay on the tournament day Revenues from the tournament will be donated to the UNESCO Fund. Application: Apply individually. Committee groups players into teams Email to john.ito@hotmail.co.jp with your name, address, email address, and tennis level - Advanced/Intermediate/Beginner by September 12. First-come basis. Minato City sells good conditioned recycled bikes that are removed and repaired. Date & time: Sunday, August 10, 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. After 10:30 a.m., the drawing for the number to purchase will start. Place: Minato Recycling and Management Office, Working Contact, 3-9-6 Moto-azabu Price of bikes: Approximately ¥8,000 Number of bikes: About 20 *Minato City residents have priority. Inquiries: Minato Call, 03-5472-3710 Minato Public Health Center Schedule for August Himawari Medical Facilities Consultation Service Tel. 03-5285-8181 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. http://www.himawari.metro.tokyo.jp/qq/qq13enmnlt.asp Eligibility: Registered residents or registered foreign residents of Minato City Minato City Resident Health Checkup All residents to undergo a physical examination, urine analysis, chest X-ray, blood-pressure check, and blood test. Certain residents are to undergo an electrocardiogram examination. Additional checkup: Osteoporosis examinations for female recipients of the Minato City resident health checkup except those who are 30 or 35 years old or have not had a medical checkup in five years. Minato Public Health Center: 1-4-10 Mita, 03-6400-0083 Appointment for HIV test: 03-6400-0081 HIV/STD test (R) Exam. Date Exam. results Check in time: available 8:45 to 10:30 a.m. Check in: 1 to 2 p.m. Eligibility City residents aged between 30 and 39 born in September Limited to 70 people daily Wed. 9/10 Wed. 10/8 Wed. 9/24 Wed. 10/22 Location Minato Public Health Center The result is two weeks later from the checkup day at the Minato Public Health Center. Eligibility Examination date Time Open to all Thursdays, 8/21, 9/4, 9/18 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Eligibility Date Time Date of preference in September *weekdays only 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays, 9/10, 9/24 2 to 2:45 p.m. Place Minato Public Health Center Other examinations Stomach, colon cancer Osteoporosis *individuals receiving osteoporosis treatment are not eligible Residents aged 35 or older *capacity 20 people Minato City residents aged 20 and over who have not received this exam. in the past 5 years. *capacity 20 people Place Kokoro to Karada no Genki Plaza Minato Public Health Center Checkup and consultation for babies/infants Those eligible must receive the notification - 4-month-old: Born in April, 2014 - 18-month-old: Born in Janaury, 2013 - 3-year-old: Born in July, 2011 Application and inquiries: 03-6400-0084 Note: Apply and make an appointment in advance. Inquiries and appointment: Minato Public Health Center, 03-6400-0083 Kokoro to Karada no Genki Plaza: 3-6-15 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku *A one-minute walk from Iidabashi Station of JR/Tozai/ Namboku lines For inquiries in English, contact Minato Call at 03-5472-3710 or Minato Monthly. 4 Minato Monthly August 1, 2014 Minato Events Mini Calendar Library Schedule for August PEACE FILM SCREENING Please come to Peace Film Screenings at Minato City libraries. Admission is free on a first-come basis. Doors open 30 min. prior to screening. Date & time in August Saturday, 2 2 p.m. Thursday, 7 1:30 p.m. Saturday, 9 2 p.m. Monday, 11 1:30 p.m. Thursday, 14 2 p.m. Friday, 15 2.p.m. Saturday, 16 2 p.m. Sunday, 17 2 p.m. Sunday, 24 2 p.m. Library/ capacity BS: Book-start, ST: Storytelling, FS: Film screening, D: DVD theater, CD: CD concert Time Place/ capacity Date Day Program 1 Fri. Noon to 1 p.m. D Famous Temples in Nara #8 Black Orpheus Title Mita/60 Akasaka/30 “10 Years of Peace Village International” – 2010, Japan, 97 min. 2 Sat. 2 to 3:45 p.m. FS Takanawa Annex/50 “Tree of Sweets in the Ruin of the War” and “Swimmy” – 2006, Japan, 45 min. *High school students and under 3 Sun. 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. BS Konan/45 “Beyond the Moving of Clouds” – 1953, Japan, 100 min. 3 Sun. 2 to 3 p.m. FS Woody Woodpecker, the Pilot Azabu/30 Minato/90 Gekidan Shiki “Lee Hsiang Lan” – 2009, Japan, 139 min. 4 Mon. 1:30 to 5 p.m. D 400-hour-evidence of Japanese Navy Minato/90 5 Tue. 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. BS 5 Tue. 2:40 to 3 p.m. ST Cheers Minato/90 Takanawa Annex/50 “Pearl Harbor and I” – 1991, Japan, 55 min. Takanawa/40 “Zero Fighter and I” – 1992, Japan, 60 min. “Battleplane, Hayabusa and I” – 1993, Japan, 47 min. Takanawa/40 Minato Daiba Daiba 5 Tue. 3 to 3:40 p.m. FS Swimmy, Muddy Harry and others for kids Azabu/30 “White Town, Hiroshima” – 1985, Japan, 105 min. 6 Wed. 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. FS Stitch! The Movie for kids ★1 Mita/60 “Beautiful Summer, Kirishima” – 2002, Japan, 118 min. 7 Thu. 10 to 11 a.m. ST For expected mothers 7 Thu. Noon to 1 p.m. D Visiting Europe #14 Swiss Programs may change without notice. Exhibition of books of peace July 18 to August 20: Minato, Akasaka, Takanawa Annex and Konan libraries July 18 to September 17: Mita, Azabu, and Takanawa libraries Inquiries: Minato Call, 03-5472-3710 Home-delivery Service of Minato Monthly We will deliver the Minato Monthly to the foreign resident’s home in Minato City free of charge. Contact or send a fax to Minato Call or Minato Monthly or e-mail to kuminkoho@city.minato.tokyo.jp Please write “Minato Monthly” in the subject line. Did you apply for Temporary Welfare Benefit or Temporary Benefit for Childrearing? If you don’t, please apply now. For more details, please see the July issue of Minato Monthly’s website. Inquiries: Minato Call, 03-5472-3710 Something about Japan Food in Summer What do you eat in the heat in your country? Many Japanese people think of watermelons. Speaking of watermelons, do you know the unique game in Japan called suika-wari, or watermelon splitting? If you know the Mexican piñata , it is similar. Usually people play suika-wari on the beach and at festivals or community events. Players are blindfolded and carry a stick about the same size as a baseball bat. The player walks to a watermelon on the ground and tries to break it. Sometimes they are spun around before playing and they may be dizzy, so they count on the audience’s cheers and their best guess to find the watermelon. Nagashi-somen, or flowing noodles, is also famous. It is difficult to explain nagushi-somen, but basically noodles flow with water in a long trough and diners catch them with chopsticks and eat them. It’s hard to catch noodles with chopsticks even for Japanese. Why don’t you try to catch some nagashi-somen? We like to eat kakigori, or shaved ice, on extremely hot days. Popular flavors are fruit-flavored syrup, including blue Hawaii and rainbow, or Japanese green tea and sweet red beans and others. If you want to eat kakigori, please look for the flag below. If you eat kakigori too quickly, you may get a headache. Please be careful not to eat too much. Minato Mita/60 Takanawa Annex/50 8 Fri. 1:30 to 3 p.m. FS 9 Sat. 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. BS 9 Sat. 11 a.m. ST Turn on a Faucet 9 Sat. 11 a.m. ST Sea Animals and Library Ship 9 Sat. 2 to 2:30 p.m. ST 9 Sat. 3 p.m. ST Watermelon 10 Sun. 2 to 3:45 p.m. FS She Wore a Yellow Ribbon 11 Mon. 2 to 3 p.m. BS 12 Tue. 3 p.m. to 3:50 p.m. FS Mimic Little Ape and others 13 Wed. 3 to 3:30 p.m. ST 14 Mice’s Washing 14 Thu. 10:30 to 11 a.m. ST Walk, Walk 14 Thu. Noon to 1 p.m. D Professional Work Style #5 Mita/60 The Haunted Mansion for kids ★1 Takanawa Minato Mita Takanawa Minato Azabu/30 Azabu Minato/90 Akasaka Takanawa 16 Sat. 11 p.m. ST Cheers Minato 16 Sat. 2:30 p.m. ST One-day Ghost Azabu 16 Sat. 3 p.m. ST A Spider’s House Minato 19 Tue. 10 to 11:20 a.m. Children’s Assembly 19 Tue. 1 to 2 p.m. BS 20 Wed. 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. BS 20 Wed. 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. FS Le Grand Bleu 20 Wed. 2:30 p.m. ST Famous Place of Watermelons Azabu/20 Takanawa Annex ★2 Akasaka Minato/90 Azabu 22 Fri. 11 a.m. to noon Library tour Azabu/10 23 Sat. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. FS Bullets Over Broadway Minato/90 23 Sat. 2 to 2:30 p.m. ST The Whale under the Moon 23 Sat. 2:30 p.m. ST Akasaka Azabu 24 Sun. 11 to 11:30 a.m. ST Lots of Raccoon Takanawa 24 Sun. 2 to 3:35 p.m. FS Etoiles et Tempetes Konan/45 26 Tue. 11 to 11:30 a.m. ST Who Is Behind You ★2 Takanawa Annex 27 Wed. 10:30 to 11 a.m. ST Animals’ Hide and Seek Konan 27 Wed. 3:15 to 4 p.m. BS 28 Thu. 10:30 a.m. ST 28 Thu. 11 a.m. to noon BS 30 Sat. 2 to 3:35 p.m. FS Konan Laundry Mita Mita His Girl Friday Akasaka/35 Programs may change without notice. ★1 Eligibility: High school students and under, pre-schoolers must be accompanied by an adult. ★2 Check in at the 1F counter before enter the Kids-teens Plaza ☆Book-start: Open to guardians of babies up to 12 month old who live in Minato City. The city libraries will provide the guardians with a 15-min. one-on-one briefing and a free picture book. Please take your mother-child record book with you. Toy Hospital August Schedule Repairs done free of charge. *Cost of new parts not included. Place: Children Halls listed below Time: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Last entry: 2:30 p.m. Date Day of week Children’s Hall Location 4th Mon. Shirokanedai 9th Sat. Shibaura 15th Fri Konan 16th Sat. Akasaka 21st Thu. Takanawa Population of Minato City As of July 1, 2014 Total 238,516 Japanese residents ..............................................220,078 Male 102,833 Female 117,245 Registered foreign residents ................................................18,438 Male 9,798 Female 8,640
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