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The Pennibanc Post DELIVERING NEWS AND OPINION TO THE PEOPLE ARROWHEAD RANCHES aka Arrowhead Land & Cattle Corp. (Or.) Liquidation ofRE assets under UCC Judgment Liens fide to these properties, situated in California and Oregon found vested in the stolen. embezzled Trusts and names of Alvin Joseph Hansen, Judgment Lien Creditor, secured party, PENNIBANCTRUST, ABVA GROUP TRUST INTERNA TIONAL, and imposter, Alvin James Hansen, dba "TWO ROCK FARMS, ARROWHEAD RANCHES, ARROWHEAD LAND & CATTLE Co LLP aquired by forgery, embezzlement, kidnap, murder since 1994; By:felons attorneys & banks for thier own gain since 1994 "Anderson, Ziegler, Disharoon, Ga/agher & Gray, Santa Rosa, Ca" "Hornecker, Cowling, Hassen, Huddleston, Thierolj, Medford, Or" Claiming both Hansens as their "Clients" As registered in County and Statewide UCC property records filed in California DeC Felony Judgment Lien Files; are offered by Owner, Judgment Lien Creditor for sale or trade in bulk or individually with rents, under warranty deed at market value or acceptable discount , Al Hansen, 541- 826-4429, email ••oennibanctrust(Q)JlOtmlli/.com.ah@clearwire.com • John Hansen, 541-951-6501, Bill Thomson COO 916-663-9447 owners agents, Yualchen Arrowlou, 604-633-2390, or John L. Scott Realty, 541-734-5270, All trades with unclouded title company titles considered. (Title companies are also felon debtors) Partial list; Alameda, Yolo, Plumas, Sonoma, Marin, Napa, and other California counties; Values. $ 4.5 Million 2915 Pepper Rd Petaluma, Ca. Eta!. 220 Acre Dairy Farm, 596 Acre vacant Subdivision land in Marin Co. $ 70, Million. Mondavi, Kornell Winery properties (Inquire. $ 10 Million 2909 N. Phoenix Rd Medford Oregon 200 Acre Arro\-\-head Ranch $ 450,000.00 ~ 1089 Brookdale Ave Medford, OrA BIR (Hooker Trust) 2708 Old Stage Rd Central Point 8 acre Vineyard, Home, 2 apartments Horse stable setup. Valley View. Cone property $ 1.6 Million 4608 Rockingham et, Oakland Ca. Panoramic bay view, 5000.sq ft $ 2.2 Million. 139 Country Lane Medford OR. 22 Acres $ 1.6 Million $ 2.] Million 4210 Remillard Ct Pleasanton, Ca. Home All real properties of attorneys and officials listed on Judgment Liens are also offered but are to many to list. LOANS. We loan uee Judgment Lien assets @ 4% Per annum for alifzed Busine.~s and humanitarian projects. Inquire. k------ Atyrt¥,seph ' \~ Hansen, Trustee secured party dgment Lien Creditor. )jJ~tT\~ ~\)\~~ \ \)~~~~ I~~~ S\ V 1- cY ~ . ~' al ?(.~! fJU" \0 ., t7 -- l.. -'" I 1. Publication Daily Commerce NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF BULK SALE BY AUCTION (SeeL6J05..6J88 UCC) PENNIBANCTRUST/ABY A GkOUP TRUST INTERNATIONAL Alvin J Hansen Trust "Two Rock Farms, Arrowhead Ranch, Arrowhead FmanciaJ Inc'· S.ee coo· ••••t I-; , ". ,' ••' , '-''''''' ;.!~.. .1~ ",.••. P._-t.-1 J'••..\- ~.' " ~•.••• , ,t!~,. "._ . ".'''.,. ~','" .. ,~ ~"'_' •• •• 1.. '# '.-. ••••• .-.- • 0" ~ " ••••••• _ •••.•••••• _ """"'.........-_ ,» •• .•••_·._' •. •••••• _h ••••• __ •••••••~_ ••••_ •••••• _,' 1 • NonCE OF JlJDGMENTLlEN CREDlTORtSMULn BILLION DOLLAR UQUIDATION OF ALL RECOVERED, EMBE7:~' ~D TRUST COLLATERAL REAL PROPERTY ASSETS Stolea by Uyear lo.....,..f C.lltorala origiaIT •.••. nee file No 94122638 Court Recovered by Jadpteat April U, 2eN ita s.. PnaciscoSaperior p•.•~••~ ABVA Tnttv Ran • ABleria. ••• No 968484 ~te ~ Corporate ageat Capitol s.niees lae. filed In CaIifonia UCC feIOIIy Judpaeat Lieas. ListiDg eoatrJIet breadaed IJy Keida D8BieIs, }'::~~·i.'l.t} ~~!( :k~:~~~! (Aquired by 'eJolI)' VCC JUDGMENT LIEN .,.4attt'tisdag bn*er)--:' . Felmlary 14. 2006 N•••• 7059St613J Cldeagol Fidelity Title Muter EsennvJadglllellt LieD Ne 86 •• 657'-SW .r wiIIbe doHd .~ ....• 4 payJPII ... Bidden t iDfuDamI"CaIiforaia wittWa to days. State\tide All properties are WatTalltedas title listed under UCC feloay.JudplentLieas FJoDdtY Reeonh" 8JI •to Miailaum bid.D 88% of ·Wltt.•• appraiJed YaIue. are requindto pust le% ·el •••••• twidl·bid wIaiclt l~~~~-:-?~~r::.:::r,,~~~ PENNIBANCfRUSTIS I ALSO A DELAWARE REGISTERED FINANCIAL ~ ..~_ . .Iosepk Hansea. Trustee OF REGISTERED uNlttD stATE SECURJ11ES, ' . 2. IN···· ·VTION ANJ>L£Nl)ER UCC fdollY Judgmeat LieD Creditor KJdDap, IDTbeft. Trust forgery, Murder Vidm Fer aU beaefidaries. Contad thr ••••• hlop, or owaen •• e•••• Trustee, CEO Ven Oaotoy, (510) 481-8733 Rkhard SeugOt (530) 891-5595 . ----.-------------- . j --.. /'/7' ~-~_...--"-' g.,. Keith Daniels "'.': Pre~ident &. CEO ':..lIi: ~:!..m!I' .. -l, ,',. .._r.~'~".~,-' PMHioAIIOIIMIKoItGft9t" of OoIHetftie ",~" .'.•. :,; T•. ::.;.r' •.f-:~ f)~ .. p....••• <•. J,;~. ~1iifL' :INl I .••.•• ' ~ 8«1.1,. C. \ wv.'f)'.,... T' Y~9'~l~..(i94i1 <~;i,~<:;.(Q~-~:(i .~;..~" ~t!t;If!;•.~ti.@ptttf';f;·"_"1IP. ','.,"\1 W.!'rt~''t1n:f.'''fJNt 1 ----------------------- --- ------ .•.•. .•.... ---------- .•.. .. -. I . 12/21/05 Alvin J. Hansen 2690 Merry Lane White City, OR 97503 RE: [AUCTION PROPERTY ADDRESS - To Be Determined] Dear Alvin, Thank you for giving Pacific Auction Exchange (PAX) the opportunity to present this proposal to auction your real estate assets. Our organization is dedicated to providing exceptional service based on your individual needs, assuring you of a well-organized and successful Auction sale of your property. U sing the Auction Method of Marketing, the principals of PAX have been successful in selling more than 1500 properties throughout the United States over the past 15 years. This rich heritage includes the marketing of all types of real estate from condominiums, co-ops, townhouses, single family dwellings, land, vacation properties, commercial and investment properties to high-end trophy properties and country estates. Our approach to marketing this property will offer promotional methods and sales techniques specifically designed for your auction. Methods of management, extraordinary benefits, and promotional details for the auction are shown in the following pages. The goal of Pacific Auction Exchange is to provide the most ethical, comprehensive, and professional auction service available in the marketplace. Please review carefully the enclosed marketing plan. We stand ready to begin the auction process immediately upon notification of acceptance of this proposal. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 888-851-60J9. Sincerely yours, PACIFIC AUCTION EXCHANGE Keith Daniels President & CEO Enclosures i Strategic Business Alliance Agreement iI ! corporation doing business as Pacific Auction Exchange OfDalifo'mia ("PAXOFCA") and Alv' . J. seph wing Alvin Hansen ("TRUSTEE") working as a trustee of numerous trusts including but not limited to the J. Hansen Trust, Pennibanc Trust, ABV A Group Trust International & the Bertha Hooker Estat T' st For good, adequate sufficient Service & Technology Enterprises, Inc. ("STE~.'! iNevada ("TRUSTS") hereby and enter into thisconsideration, agreement: 'I J • TRUSTEE will exclusively list all real estate that is to be sold by the TRUSTS through P.. estate auction services. Overview • PAXOFCA will seek to rovide Ii uidit and to obtain the true market value of the assets of A'S real I . e TRUSTS by so that working those toassets provide can clear be sold andusing marketable the auction title to method each real of marketing. estate asset rightfu y owned by iIRS' PAXOFCA will promote the TRUSTEE'S charitable and philanthropic efforts utilizing the TRUSTS. ~I ~. TRUSTEE's Oblhzations • a • • For a period of five years TRUSTEE will exclusively list all real estate that is to be sold by t through PAXOFCA'S real estate auction services. TRUSTEE understands that PAXOFCA will seek to consummate binding real estate contrac qualified purchasers for each individual real estate asset of the TRUSTS in which clear and .; ~etable title can be obtained with closing completed within 30 days of the auction date. The properties w ' 1q Is, Where-Is" with NO contingencies and with NO right of rescission.! i advertising and promotional expenses for each property. Upon the closing of successful aueti p . e TRUSTEE understands that the only investment responsibility for TRUSTEE or the TRUST be the TRUSTEE or the TRUSTS will be credited with 100% of the final bid price and will pay NO '0., '~t' For a period of five years PAXOFCA will use the auction method of marketing to sell each in ... dual real estate asset of the TRUSTS in which clear and marketable title can be obtained by utilizing p .Im tiona! i~~ methods and sales techni~ues specifically dOslgned for each auction to obtain maximum expo ,~for PAXOFCA's property soOblie:ations as to obtain the true market value of the real estate asset. ; I • The commission earned by PAXOFCA for each auction will be paid by the buyer in the form Buyer's Premium. • For a period of five years PAXOFCA will promote the TRUSTEE'S charitable and phil an utilizing the assets of the TRUSTS. Miscellaneous • a Any and all provisions of this agreement can be overridden by other subsequent agreements s exclusive listing agreements for each property sold. This agreement will automatically renew at the end of each five year period. unless either p agreement provides written notice to the other party within 90 days of the five year renewal Ii,' .'Y Agreed TRUSTEE A'ul\}~h ~bJr l1tf.s~ :L-vvd,~~T L.(e~ ~fi5i /'Z:.,Z ''''~ Date /tJ.;-.;1I-tf'5 eacb FROM :PENNIBRNCTRUST FRX NO. :530 735 5304 Rpr. 10 2005 11:05RM P4 California Ultimate Weapon Results Page 1 of 1 California Ultimate Weapon Results 4 Total Hits Original Query Information Business; Search Date: Monday, December 20, 2004 California Corporations LLCs and Database: California Real California Index Bilsiness: Anderson Zei~ler Business: Disharoon Busiutlss: Gallagher Database; Database; vce & Gray 50 OLD COURTIIOUSE SQUARE 5TH FL 12363 HARDIES LN b325 HARDIES LN iB 1498 SANTA ROSA VCC Index. https://www.merlindatacom/SearchASPs/loc/sqI/ca/uwlResults.ASP?Plain-text+Detailry(.-. 9/20/2004 FROM FAX NO. :PENNIBANCTRUST •••••••••.•.•- •."V- ~.,.,j ,J ('''' Nov. 06 2004 01:17PM :530 735 6304 P6 ..... ":'-~., Result List 6:s 45 hits. ,'arm. rec:ord. 1 tlaroa i Sti • full records SEARCH in plaiD. COST: text $0.00 • Show Use the BACK buttoD co your browser to retum to result list from full i • SHOW ALL RECORDS !Selee I NlUlle o I • SHOW SELECTED RECORDS Addrea o o f~] , 1@.tAkMS HALYJ~).H.A.N.s_EM.:m.JlS.1. 760ftTWQ.&Q.C..K.. ALVIN J HANSEN T~UST l\(IN J HANSE~ TRU.ST AL VIN J HANSEN TRlJST 3150 PEPPER RD ~.91$ PE,PPER SSe) BAILEY RD AVE RDILQO.P..A l.MS ETA LC\-IA PETALU\tA PETAll; \1 A (. IICali foro ia Stal'-'W,ide FROM : PENN I BANCTRUST FAX NO. :530 735 6304 Nov. 06 2004 01:18PM P7 Gt.WtK,Ur¥ .r ( • SHOW SELECTED RECORDS C.fu!k I '.. hem to see your current balance. FROM :PENNIBRNCTRUST California FRX NO. :530 735 6304 Ultimate Weapon Results Rpr. 10 2005 11:05RM P5 https://www_merlindata.com/SearchASPs/loc/sqI/caluw/Summary.A California Ultimate Weapon Results Original Query Information - ,-. First Name: Alvin Middle Initial: J Last Name: Date: Ha~en Tuesday, Decembe.r 21, 2004 I. __ -.~_ .--~"Search ......• ,-.---------- MARIN (county) .... -.,"'---.' ...... ... ......... -•••••••••••••• ... -.-. ---,-. ..-.---_.•••••••••••••••• n-'".-_._ _•••••- __ ",' ...... n""-·Y-"··--·' -••... . •. .-..... I.'. ,--,'., _.. ...~,,'-' : .- .•I·~·-r-H··~~ 'M"." .... ....... ~. ~.-•.•....."" __ .. Index LPs I Name 100Real PALMS 100 PALMS PALMS 100 PETALUMA PETALUMA UCC MARIN (county) Database City/County/District Property SONOMA (county) . PETALUMA ..-Real Property jPETALUMA - ..••..__Property Real Property . Corporations LLCs BERT LJ TR and .w••·_. ·_ ..•.__ ..•. Rea~~!operty EN ALVIN J TR __.._........__ ._.n.. _Addressl __ ...•. __'3!l.a}_?!~perty Real_~,r~.P~~y. ALVIN ~ .•....... _ ..ISONOMA .•. ---., ...... ' .... - ..•... ANSEN HANSEN ALVIN ALVIN J J TR TR ,X.-,:. •. l3.e~1 Property _, •._ ......,.c.....-. ......_~ KNIGHTS LANDING Real ........... --... ...... (county) NJ.1 TR _m_. Real ,~~-·--··-·ISONOMA (countY) Real Property Property J HANSEN ALVIN J HANSENALVIN ALVINJ J '; HANSEN ANSEN ALVIN J . .. _ ..•.. ---- .•.' •. .•..•.••.....•....•• I ••..••. - ...•.. '·M"_ ~.,".~_._X -ru.::b~~~S __ .......• ,_ , .•.... .. _n ___ --.- xX 1 of 1 12/21/2004 1:01 PM .. FROM :PENNIBANCTRUST California FAX NO. :530 735 6304 Real Property https:/ /www.merlindata.com/SearchASPs/Loc/sqVcalproplResults.A Query -- Name: Alvin J. Hansen Site Address Party Name Site City .t!!,._N_5_E_N_A_LV_IN_J_ ..._..... 022-100-019 HANSEN ALVIN J ALVIN J HANSEN TRUST ~~ __ '. •• N . 3096 PEPPER RD ••••••••• COl,lnty Mailing CitY ~~~:;~ .__...~2N_O_M~. ......_...__.. HANSEN ALVIN J 550 5~~~_~I.L~Y AVE HANSEN AlVIN J TR _____ ... Date: 12/21/2004 Client Reference: Hits Returned: 17 California Real Property Parcel # Apr. 10 2005 11:06AM P6 __ ._. PETALUMA SONOMA 100 PALMS SONOMA 2915 PEPPER PETALUMA PETALUMA SONOMA ~~5 PEPPER PETALUMA PETALUMA SONOMA 2915 PEPPER RD PETALUMA 100 PALMS SONOMA 2915 PEPPER RD PETALUMA RD _ HANSEN ALVIN J TR 022-100-020 HANSEN ALVIN J ALVIN J HANSEN TRUST ..... , 3150 PEPPER RD ------- ---_ .._------ HANSEN ALVIN J TR 022-100-034 HANSEN ALVIN J ALVIN J HANSEN TRUST _ •••••••• 29'5 PEPPER RD _ •• .-. •• n ••• ' •••• HANSEN ALVIN J TR 022.110-017 HANSEN ALVIN J ALVIN J HANSEN TRUST ..~.. .... -_ 022-110-018 ----- 7600 TWO ROCK RD - _ ... ------- HANSEN ALVIN J TR 7598 PETALUMA VALLEY FORD RD' .... ' ~ .... ... _--.-, ... _._-_ 022-110-019 HANSEN ALVIN J TR 7594 PETALUMA VALLEY FORD RD _n_n ••• , ••••• ---- .. _--------PETALUMA SONOMA 2915 PEPPER PETALUMA RD' -- --.... •• •• 022-110-020 HANSEN ALVIN J TR 7592 PETALUMA VALLEY FORD RD ------- ... PETALUMA SONOMA 2915 PEPPER RD PETALUMA' PETALUMA SONOMA 915 PEPPER RD PETALUMA 100 PALMS SONOMA 2915 PEPPER RD PETALUMA _ •• _ •• u. __ .,'------ HANSEN ALVIN J TR 022-110-024 HANSEN ALVIN J ALVIN J HANSEN _____ T_RUST 022-110--025 HANSEN ALVIN J --------- 022-140-017 HANSEN ALVIN J TR ...... 7615 NISSON -.- .. SONOMA -----.---.- PETALUMA . --.------7599 PEiALUMA VALLEY PETALUMA SONOMA 2915 PEPPER PETALUMA FORD RD RD ".~._----_.",. ,,-- .-------- -----~- 2915 PEPPER RD· ..... .. HANSEN ALVIN J TR 048-031-001 HANSEN ALVINJ ALVIN J HANSEN TRUST 550 BAILEY AVE PETALUMA SONOMA 2915 RD PEPPER ------.---------------.- 048-031-008 HANSEN ~VIN_~_~_R 56.0 BAII.EY~VE HANSEN ALVIN J (TR) 104-060-08 HANSEN ALVIN J 6195 CHILENO VALLEY RD ALVIN J HANSEN TRUST .. - .PETALUMA --- --~- PETALUMA SONOMA ~~~ .PE~.P~~, .. PETALUMA MARIN 2915 PEPPER RD PETALUMA MARIN 2915 PEPPER RD PETALUMA 100 PALMS SONOMA 2915 RD PEPPER PETALUMA TOMALES ._-.-._-~--- 104_060~1~.. ~~~SEN ALVIN J HANSEN ALVIN J TR 137-011-025 HANSEN ALVIN J ALVIN J HANSEN TRUST 10ft 36S ELY RD -===========_ m ••• ~ •• -_-_ .:.::~==========.-., _-- 12/21/2004 1:46 PM CGC-95-968484 http://www .sftc.org/Scripts/Magic94/mgrqispi94 .dll?APPNAME= I. .. Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco Case Number: CGC-95-968484 Title: STATE OF CALIF VS BANK OF AMERICA NT&SA Cause of Action: OTHER NON EXEMPT COMPLAINTS Generated: Jul-09-2007 Register of Actions Parties Attorneys 12:37 pm PST Calendar Payments Documents Payments Date Amount Payment Type 351567000000 Aug-06-1997 Aug-06-1997 SEQ#00000200 May-I 1-1999 003093000000 May-20-] 999 SEQ#OOOOOOOO Joo-]] -1999 SEQ#OOOOOOOO Dec-08-] 999 Joo-14-2007 Reason Receipt Number II ell! l $40.00 2POL· CHECK 38]993000000 W14076]4M014 MOTION \{df(C~.( eLecL 10fl 7/15/20072:18 PM CGC-95-968484 http://www.sftc.org/Scripts/Magic94/mgrqispi94.dll?APPNAME=I. .. Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco Case Number: CGC-95-968484 Title: STATE OF CALIF VS BANK OF AMERICA NT &SA Cause of Action: OTHER NON EXEMPT COMPLAINTS Generated: Jul-09-2007 Register of Actions Parties 12:37 pm PST Attorneys Calendar Payments Documents Attorneys f I ShowAddress Sort by Name Name Bar Address and Phone . Number Pro Per ALAMEDA COUNSEL COUNTY l-S-h-ow-P-art-i-es-- b f-J Submit I Parties Represented NUfTIber ~ CL 'JO d eu. d.(, ldft.ANSEN, ALVIN (J' (INTERVENOR) 14 1221 OAK ST - STE 463 OAKLAND, CA 94612 USA (415) 874-6851 ALAMEDA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATIO (INTERVENOR) COUNTY OF ALAMEDA (INTERVENOR) ARNOLD, BACK, MATHEWS, WOJKOWSKI & ZIRBEL 2901 NORTH VENTURA RD STE 240 OXNARD, CA 93030-1146 USA (805) 988-9886 CITY OF THOUSAND OAKS (INTERVENOR) CONEJO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOD DISTRICT (INTERVENOR) TRIUNFO SANITATION DISTRICT (INTERVENOR) VENTURA REGIONAL SANITATION DISTRICT (INTERVENOR) BERLINER BEST, BEST LLP & COHEN & KRIEGER CASEY, THOMAS F III TEN ALMADEN BLVD IITHFLR SAN JOSE, CA 95113-2233 USA (408) 286-5800 3750 UNIVERSITY STE400 RIVERSIDE, CA 92502-1028 USA (909) 686-1450 401 MARSHALL ST REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063 USA (415) 363-4750 1 of 11 AVE CITY OF GILROY (INTERVENOR) OTAY WATER DISTRICT (INTERVENOR) BAY SHORE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT (INTERVENOR) BELMONT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT (INTERVENOR) BRISBANE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT 7/15/2007 2: 17 PM ,. CGC-95-968484 http://www .sftc.org/Scripts/Magic94/mgrqispi94.dll? APPNAME= T •.• Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco Case Number: CGC-95-968484 Title: STATE OF CALIF VS BANK OF AMERICA NT&SA Cause of Action: OTHER NON EXEMPT COMPLAINTS , Generated: Jul-09-2007 12:37 pm PST Register of Actions Parties Attorneys Calendar Payments Documents Register of Actions Date Range: First Date !Apr-03-1995 Last Date IJul-15-2007 MMM-DD- YYYY) I-D-e-sc-e-n-di-ng--Da-t-e-S-eq-u-e-nc-e-r Date JUL-1O-2007 JUN-21-2007 1 of 80 -~ -- - -~ -~.- - ~ ------- (Dates must be entered as I-A-L-L-F-'L.•.•. 'N-G-TY-P-E-S----. - - ------- .------ I Submit r--- --- Proceedings -- . Document NOTICE OF ORDER OF RELEASE FILED BY INTERVENOR HANSEN, ALVIN ARREST WARRANT FAX SERVICE FILE ---ORDER TO ENFORCE ALL FELONY OBSTRUCTED SHERIFFS LEVYS/GARNISHMENT WRITS, FED EVICTIONS BLOCKED BY IMPOSTER THREATS FILED BY INTERVENOR HANSEN, ALVIN i Fee f.J porte .l JUN-21-2007 ARREST WARRANT FAX SERVICE FILE ---ORDER TO PAY ALL UCC FELONY JUDGMENT LIENS FILED BY INTERVENOR HANSEN, ALVIN JUN-21-2007 JUDGMENT ON CONFESSION DECLARATION "RESIGNATION OF DEBRA BOWEN, IMPOSTER PHIL ANGELIDES U.S. BANK, BANK OF AMERICA RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT ALL STATE DEBT FILED BY INTERVENOR HANSEN, ALVIN JUN-21-2007 SUBPOENA ROBIN WATKINS; ERNIE HARDING FILED BY INTERVENOR HANSEN, ALVIN JUN-21-2007 FAX SERVICE OF ARREST WARRAN [ORDER TO CLERK TO RE ISSSUE ARREST WARRANTS. FROM SEPTEMBER 26, 2002 RE ALL DEBTOR FELON CONFESSED IMPOSTERS] FILED BY INTERVENOR HANSEN, ALVIN JUN-21-2007 ALL INSTRUMENTS BANKS AND BROKERS OWNED BY PENNIBANCTRUS ABVA GROUP TRUST INTERNATIONAL DRAFTS, LOC'S CERTIFIED VALID TRADE INSTRUMENTS ON UCC FELONY JUDGMENTS LIENS AND BY COURT LETTER JULY 18, 2002 FILED BY INTERVENOR HANSEN, ALVIN JUN-21-2007 DECLARATION OF CORPORATE OWNERSHIP OF ALL DEBTORS FELONS TERMINATED CORPORATIONS ON 188 UCC FELONY JUDGMENT LIEN TRUST EMBEZZLEMENT FILED BY INTERVENOR HANSEN, ALVIN JUN-21-2007 TRANSFER OF CASE AND ASSIGNMENT IN SETTLEMENT AGAINST DEBTORS FELONS, SOCIAL SECURITY, U.S. BANK, BANK AMERICA CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, UNITED STATES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, STURDEVANT, 7/15/20072:09 PM SE E __ 'v"·' 1994048236 1992157456 12117/1992 UCC 025-000 HANSEN ALVIN JJ0 JJ 137..011025.000 025..000 001.000 019-000 Penn Penn Perm Date Filed Document Name BookIndex CHRISTENSEN GROVERMAN 1985016!HM 03120/1985 fJ C:;;;L! 137..011Penn WATER 2ST WATER ALVIN JJ 131..011Status HANSEN ALVIN BANK OFLICENSE AMER (+) CAMILLE LEANN 048..031· 022-100OTTOLINE JCALHANSEN CHRISTENSEN C (+) HANSEN ALVIN HANSEN ALVIN FAIRBANKS VERNON(+) BALLOU JEAN TRPenn = More Names SONOMACOU BANKOFAMER (+) Type Associated Name Legal (+) = More Names Description Page 0411211994 DEED RESOURCE MGT CAL ST WATER Perm flU -fb~cl1~t"' z..63~ ~ia I '" .. '3I I I I 1998-008337: a:5 ( :!I 8---------1 ~---::') ~ ~ .....• 0 z af I \ !!J ~c..I\U Offici.' JIRt C. RlCord, MlYER ~ FEE RlCtrd ••• ,..,. n I 13. I AEC Rtcard.d Callnty Of ;:. ~~1 11 ••3AM ll-Mov-l991 I Pi;' 11I111111111111111111111111111111 I JO 3 QG1'IClJUa Im.D THB tnlDUSIGNID TRAHSJ'BROR(S) DBCLARB(S) I OOCOJmNTARY 'l'RANSPD 'l'AlC TRAMSFBRS GRANTOR'S IHTBRES~TOA TRUST- No Con.14eration - R'T·111911 aLVU J. DJIA.· doe. hereby r_i •• , rel •••• and tor..,.: "ate•. ALVDI -------~I"~•• J. '1f/'r 'IZ1l81:e. qul~l.iII o. tile ALYDI to 1.. J••••.•_ '!n.t: Jl9Z'e __ t: the real property locatecl at: 619S CIIlleno Valley Road, in the City a Tamal•• , count:y of Karin, Stat:e ot california, de.cribed a. tallow.: •••• DI81'1 "&- &ftACDD D'" AD DICOaJlOD'ID •••• 1. BY ••• BUJ1C3 Datad: un.~ 3._.~ /' • --+oltq ~ COUNTY 01' SONOMA ) !/. ... /(/~,"IIf.~ . ~ \~ ~.l:~r~\J~S A---- STATZ On 01' CALIFOlUfIA ~/¥ftf ) ,. ~I ore ~ , f! the under.iCJl1ecl notary public, personall)' appearacl ALVIlf J. HABSD, pC80nally Jcnown to •• (or proved to m. on the b•• i. o~ •• i:i.~.CJt:ozy ..,4.a---t. _ be t.ke per. Oft vila•• NmA I_ . su):).cri):)ed to the vi thin In.trumen~ and aclalovl edged that he executed the same in hi. authorized capacity, and that by his .iCJl1ature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalt ot which the person acted, executact the witne ••• Y hancl and ottici.l inst.rument. T\MJ ~K-fAtL~, Kall '1''' It.t •• at. Alvia 3. Bu ••• 2.11 Pepp.~ ao•• P.teluaa, CA fe.S2 ••• 1. __ '1'0. G/LN~ fiC",,- PAX .. Pacific Auction Exchange http://www.paxauctionexpress.com/home.asp )J M S+~2 ..PD I e led ~. &... Pacific Auction Excl Express I 4011 Woodcreek Oa Roseville, CA Phone: 800781-7206 Home Auction Details Check om our UPCOMING REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS Single Family Auction Calendar Franchise Opportunities News &. About Us Alliances REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS are one of the fastest-growing forms of real-estate marketing in the United States. If you are a SELLER who wants to move your property at an accelerated pace and to earn true market value in return, then the auction method of marketing may be for you. If you are a BUYER who wants to make a smart investment at fair market value and is tired of endless AUCTIO~ negotiations with unresponsive sellers, then the purChase of properties at auction will work for you. the very t that it can Multi Family Luxury Estates Commercial Make you EXPERIE Land Luxury Estates ../ ../ SiQn Up fo Email NeVIl Questions SellerBuyer Ben Ben Frequently ../ Realtor Be Holding A 1st Class Auction Exclusively Featuring Your Property, Just Like Fine Art Or Collectibles, Is The Best Way To Sell For Top Dollar. On Nov. 15,2005, PAX Sold a Beachfront Estate in Hawaii for $14.6 Million Dollars! home I benefits of using the auction method I how auctions work I reasons for choosing the auction method I faqs glossary of auction terms I upcoming auctions I past auctions I franchise opportunities I why franchise? 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Status Definitions Name Availabilitv Corporate Records Business Entities Records Order Form Certificates Copies Status Reports For information about certification of corporate records or for additional corpor; information, please refer to Corporate Records. If you are unable to locate a record, you may request a more extensive search by ordering a status report. and instructions for ordering a status report are included on the Business Ent Records Order Form. Certificates and/or certified copies can also be requestl using the order form. FAQs Corporations Site Search Results of search for" PACIFIC AUCTION EXCHANGE" Main Paqe Click on the name of the corporation for additional information. Agent f Service Proce~ Corp Number Date Filed Status C2841885 8/25/2006 active , PACIFIC AUCTION EXCHANGE -WEALTH PROPERTIES, INC. PAULA L< active PACIFIC AUCTION EXCHANGE ALTERNATIVE REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS, INC. SHERR~ CROW C2890100 C2545997 7/21/2006 7/31/2003 Corporation Name PACIFIC AUCTION EXCHANGE suspended PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE MARKETING, INC. WE HIMMELM 6/3/2005 . active PACIFIC AUCTION EXCHANGE WEST COAST PROPERTIES, INC. C2163885 5/17/1999 . active PACIFIC AUCTION EXCHANGE, INC. E MCATI CHARLE C2665993 7/20/2004 active PACIFIC AUCTION EXCHANGE-K 0 REAL TV AUCTIONS, INC. JOSEPH KOZM, C2764124 lof2 I FABIA! CASARI 5/24/2007 1:18 PM ( - o~o 0"'\ xQ) - 0"'\ Ltj c..C'O u§~c: ..c: 0 "1J E:l III Q) ::J cW e3 .-2: I~.~ ~ .j"j~ ::J o _' IJ')-Q) Q) V') III N-~ "1J « \ /i Page I of34 Record Display ..:JClick button for results list Or use the BACK button on your browser THIS DATA IS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. CERTIFICATION CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THROUGH THE SACRAMENTO OFFICE OF THE CALIFORNIA SECRETARY OF STATE. Date: 04/02/2004 Mailing OF INCORPORATION 0159913 Mailing Addr: ~* President: Agent: - STOCK Statement Date: 04/08/1993 560 BAILEY AVE PETALUMA, CA 94952 ALVIN SAME ASJ HANSEN MAILING /1/U/0''3J;.,~ /JgwJ.e,.,v ADDRESS SAME AS PRESIDENT ~ SAME AS MAILING ADDRESS Date: 03/30/2004 File Date: Expiration Date: ~ UJ ~ Debtors: #1: C & R BULKLEY FARMS 5001 ENSLEY RD KNIGHTS LANDING, CA 06/16/1994 00/00/0000 93- 1/ 2 q th,tJT, cr CD S'fO~-v #2: HEIDRICK JOE JR 36826 COUNTY RD 24 WOODLAND, CA #3: RICHTER BROS 22474 KARNAK RD KNIGHTS LANDING, CA #4: BOND STREET HOLDINGS 555 CALIFORNIA ST SAN FRANCISCO, CA LTD https://www.merlindata.com/scripts/auth.dll?showrm?user=M17NOL4IV A&argl =9,0&arg ... 4/12/2004 Record Display ( 15. BOND STREET HOLDINGS POBOX 3700 SAN FRANCISCO, CA I'. BANK AMERICA 555 CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO, LTD CORPORATION ST CA - 94-1681731 17. BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATION POBOX 3700 SAN FRANCISCO, CA I•• JOB HBIDRICK FAMILY 36826 COUNTY RD 24 OODLAND, CA Page 2 of34 - 94-1681731 TRUST ~/ ,y' • ANGELO FAVA TRUST POBOX 82 ROBBINS, CA ABVA·CORP POBOX 82 ROBBINS, CA 13. STANGHELLINI POBOX 82 ROBBINS, CA 14. ALVIN J HANSEN POBOX ROBBINS, 82 CA Amendment ••VOIDED .,,-"~~~~" RANCHES INC ANGEL:J:NA FAVA ;6 f U(~ ROBERT L STANGHELLIV -;7..... ( f) ~ ( --.JLO{f/ RECORD ';:. Databas •• Data through. Record Added. County. Parce1. CALIFORNIA STATEWIDE 02/13/2004 09/23/1998 MARIN 104-060-08 Site Address. 6195 CHILENO PROPERTY ~ ,t to/~Z~~7;;;ad;o iY;tt;;-;;/~T:1J'!r FAX NO. :530 735 6304 FROM :PENNIBANCTRUST -.,.. ..--- Nov. 06 2004 01:17PM P6 ....•- ,J ..... (~ ... ~"'J ·:·~·t Result List ~ es 45 hits. RECEIVED plaJblll'ftonh 1 throll Ar •. i Sb • full records in plaiD text $0.00 - ShQYI SEARCH COST: Use the BACK button CD your browser to retum to result list from full • SHOW ALL RECORDS Naaae r.J I • SHOW SELECTED RECORDS Addrnt H CItY/COUD , HAL. YJlY)_J:{A~.s_.EN.DUlSJ: i760~tTWQ_,lQ.C.K RDll~_P.t\t.MS 1._." AL VIN J HANSEN TR{jST L VlN J HANSEl'J TRlJST ALVIN J HANSEN g.., •• TRliST 3' 50 PEPPER RD .JH$ PE.PPER RD PETAUJ\tA 5$Q BAILEY AVE IIPETALl;~fA IICali foro ia Stat,-'W.idc v I : .,:'0'" FROM : PENN I Bt=lNCTRUST FAX NO. :530 735 6304 Nov. 06 2004 01:18PM P7 &wac.U,. •• a .I' ( • SHOW SELECTED RECORDS C.lWk hem to ," I \, see your c:urrem ballllCc. FROM :PENNIB~NCTRUST F~X NO. :530 735 6304 California l.ntimate Weapon Results ~pr. 10 2005 11:05~M P5 https://www.merlindala.com/SearchASPs/loc/sql/ca/uw/Summary.A California Ultimate Weapon Results S~~~C~Date: Tuesday, December 21. 2004 First Name: Alvin Middle 'nitial: J Hansen ~ Last Nam,,; Originsl Query Information ,._~-------_. -. _-~_ -. ---- - ...... ..'.'" ~-•.•••• ,_.... __-.""...• --"w.,',.,'•' ••.•....lPs ...... __ ..•.. .... ...... "'_~"'M : .•.... -, .. . ~I ~....~~.'.~~ -..Name ~.--.~, --.-. ... .... ............... - ......... 100 PALMS 100 PALMS UCC Index HANSEN ALVIN J ALVIN HANSEN J Real TR TRUST '00 PETALUMA PAlMS PALMS PETAlUMA PETALUMA PETAlUMA Real Property Property Real PETALUMA SONOMA MARIN PETAlUMA (county) (county) Addressl City/CountvlDistrict ~ropertY Real Propeny - .. ----, Corporations LLCs and L J ALVIN J TR ..Real - - ... Property VIN Real_~r~,,",,~ __ .Property ... M._... __ .,-_ ...•.Database PET~U~ _•.. _ .... ',", "...... .... -.. KNIGHTS LANDING Real Property ISONOMA (county) --}SONOMA (countY) RSEN _m_ .. .; ALVlN HANSEN J J ". HANSEN ALVIN ALVIN J HANSEN TRUST J Real ProPerty ALVIN MARIN (county) jPETALUMA EN ALVIN ALVIN JJ J TR . HANSEN EN AXX-' -rLCb~~~J --. " ' ••••• .....•. ~ ••• _ ••••• ~ ••• ~ ••• M •• .•.•. _ xX 1 of I 12/2112004 1:01 PM .. FROM :PENNIBANCTRUST FAX NO. :530 735 6304 Califoroia Real Property Apr. 10 2005 11:06AM P6 https://www.merlindata.com/SearchASPslLoc/sq1/caiproplResults.A Date: 12/2112004 Client Reference: Hits Returnee!: 17 California Real Property Query - Name: Alvin Parcel # --------------------.-- J. Hansen -----.- Sits Address Party Name ........ttANSENALVINJ .._ .... Sits City _ , 022-100-019 HANSEN ALVIN J AlVIN J HANSEN TRUST _.~..- .. _ --- .... ... ,.---- ., ~3~:~ Mailing City COUnty .__ ..~2NO~ ......_...__ . HANSEN ALVIN J 550 5~~~~I.L~X AVE... HANSEN ALVIN J TR . PETALUMA SONOMA _ 100 PALMS SONOMA 2915 PEPPER RD PETALUMA ---- ------- PETALUMA SONOMA ~9rJ5 PEPPER PETALUMA 29'5 PEPPER RD PETALUMA SONOMA 2915 PEPPER RD PETAlUMA 3096 PEPPER RD --- -,----.-- ... .•. HANSEN ALVIN J TR 022-100-020 HANSEN ALVIN J ALVIN J HANSEN TRUST _ 3150 PEPPER RD HANSEN ALVIN J TA 022-100-034 HANSEN ALVIN J ALVIN J HANSEN TRUST .. _ .. ""'-'---" ---022- 11 --.- HANSEN ALVIN J TR HANSEN ALVIN J ()"()17 ALVIN J HANSEN TRUST -_~_ ••••••••• ----------.-----. ---.... .... ... -,--.------ 100 PALMS SONOMA 2915 PEPPER RD 7500 TWO ROCK RD - ," ••• n •• --- •• PETALUMA --------- 022-110-018 HANSEN ALVIN J TR 7598 PETALUMA VALLEY ... _..__ FOR.l?R~ ... · PETALUMA SONOMA 2915 PEPPER PETALUMA ... RD· .... _ 022-110-019 HANSEN ALVIN J TR 7594 PETAlUMA VAlLEY FORDRD PETALUMA SONOMA 2915 PEPPER RD PETALUMA' PETALUMA SONOMA 915 PEPPER RD PETALUMA _ 100 PAlMS PETALUMA '" • • 022-110-020 HANSENALVrN J TR 7592 PETALUMA VALLEY ____________ FORD RD HANSEN ALVIN J TR HANSEN AlVIN J 022-11~4 ALVIN J HANSEN 7615 NISSON TRUST --------- .------ 022-140-017 HANSEN ALVIN J TR 7599 PETALUMA VALLEY FORDRD , ... ..•. - "-- SONOMA 2915 RD PEPPER -------------.-- --------- 022-11()"()25 HANSEN ALVIN J .. •• 0. . .-.--- SONOMA 2915 PEPPER RD· .~---- PETALUMA . PETALUMA SONOMA 2915 PEPPER PETALUMA RD . ... --. HANSEN ALVIN J TR 048-031-001 HANSEN ALVINJ ALVIN J HANSEN TRUST 048-031-008 HANSEN ALVIN HANSEN ALVIN 104-060-08 ...... J TR 137-011-025 HANSEN ALVIN J ALVIN J HANSEN TRUST ---.--------------- I ---------------.- .... , --- ... 560 BAILEY AVE PETAlUMA SONOMA 2915 PEPPER PETALUMA RD . .... ,' 6195 CHILENO VALLEY RD TOMAlES MARIN 2915 PEPPER RD PETALUMA MARIN 2915 PEPPER PETALUMA 100 PAlMS SONOMA 2915 RD PEPPER PETALUMA ...,,'.------ --.-------- 104...060-12 HANSEN ALVIN J ......... (TR) HANSEN AlVIN J TR t of PETALUMA . ------------------------ J (TR) HANSEN ALVIN J ALVIN J HANSEN TRUST PETALUMA SONOMA 2915 PEPPEl; RD 550 BAILEY AVE __ ._ 368 ELY RD . -============:C-,'·. RD = ..'::::' ~....:~.. :'::'::= 12/2112004 1:46 PM ! \ . (( ( PENNIBANC TRUST.COM ABVA GROUP "rRUS"r IN"rERNA"rIONAL ALVIN HANSEN, "rRUS"rEE, CANDIDATE FOR SECRETARY OF STATE 200"~ FELONY JUDOMENT CREDITOR, VIC'rll\l, 9410 Locust Street PMB 927 Knights Landing, Ca. 95645 December 2, 2003 (530)735-6375 Jackie Levesque, Director (530)735-6304 Osten E. Saugstadt Sr, Trustee (541)772-6500 John Hansen, Trustee (abandoned June 26, 2003) $5000.00 REWARD For identity ofperson(s) responsible for criminal tresspass on Trust property at 9410 Locust Street, Knights Landing, Ca. who obstructed the administration of Justice by removing Postings, Court felony Judgment for Murder of Penni Hansen, May 31, 2002, and Contempt Judgment December 24,2002, Sheriffs levy, U.S. Marshall Order, Writ of Possession posted by owners agent, Registered Process Server, Attorneys Diversified Services, October 29, 2002, and reposted November 21,2003. Postings were removed in contempt on December 2, 2003. Contact; Attorneys Divenified Services CSC Corporation Agent 1421 21st Street Sacramento, Ca. 95814 (916) 441-4396 Sacramento, Ca. 800-222-2122 Owners Real estate agent; Stocking Realty & Investments Gerarda Stocking, 392 South LivermoreAvenue Livermore, Ca. (925)443-3000 7-730 ~Wl6~~ V U 101~U ~~tc~~1 San Francisco Superior Court Clerk, Supervisor, Wayne Parinas, . Or Trustee(s) at P.O Box 927 Knights landing, Ca. 95645 ~ vin Hansen, Trustee elony Judgment Creditor, Victim Secretary of State 2002 Osten E. Saugstad Sr. Trustee ~malJ 1:Susmess ~olunons U&tl t"age 1 0: ,,-c-, (' ...~ I IfIlIIE> Welcome to D&B Small Business Solutions. ~1!b§~riptiQI]$ I CI.j~tQm~r_SEHV'~ We have teamed up with Hoove(s !fyou aN a [ Contract Cust Online to bring you a variety of business research and credit reports from D&B. \bu have selected: l?~~~'tij ANDERSON, FRANK MASON AND NORA d • ;4ll/U:JuJ~ null UNKNOWN ANNE AL TA, CA 95701-5701 Choose from our selection of bu~~s wonnation, -r;~t.J I' Crtxllt and research reports: Compl'8henalve Report Learn more Contains in-depth analysis and all the key infonnatlon in a company's D&B file. Ideal for researching a company's background or making decisions about large-dollar transactions or long-term business relationships. .... ~.~", _.~.- ~ ~. ,.-, ..- ....•. ~ , -. --~-~.~ "•..~. , -....•.•. ~'"'~_.~.-.•. ~.~. -., ....•...•..,. - , ~ .•. , ~.-" '-'-'.'-'~' .. .~. "., _.~. ..~-' , ~,., ' .....•.•..•. - ..,.'--'-'~'''' -' ".•.•. ,.".~.., Bualn ••• lnfonnatlon Report Learn more ....•.• "_ .....•.•. .. .•... _ ..•. - _ '.-. .. ..•. ,~ f" C-Ld \ ,_. .- __ list Price: $121.99 i~~""i;~l See example ' ,~...•...• ' _,.~.~.,,~ ...............•. ~, , ~- ....•. ~.,'-, " List Price: $114.99 "'~""':'''':'''''':''~Y'~'''''':''~''''I ;.t:@-~': Provides detailed business infonnation and analysisresearch, about your prospects and suppliers. Ideal for planning sales calls, conducting company or customers, making medium-to-high risk credit decisions. See example ••• , ••••• ~._ •••••••• _. __ .,.~ •••• ",_ ••• _~,'._ •• , •• ' •• _ •••• ~ •• ~ •• , •••• , •• _~., .~, •••••••••••••••••• v •••••••• , __ ••••••••• ~ •••••••• _ ••••• ,., •••••••••••••••••• __ ••••• , ••••••• _, ••••••• , ••• , ••••••••• _ •.•• ,., ••• , ,_~., ••••• _._ •• _ •••••• _._._. '_"~""'''''''_''''_'_'' '.' ••••••• ' •• v ••••• Busln ••• Background Report\"'~~m.mo_~ Provides summary infonnation on the operations, history and background of a company and its senior management Ideal for "getting smart" for sales calls. ••••• • •• _ •••• H· ••• ,_ ••••••.•••••.••••• _, •••••••• - ••• -_ •••••••• q' •••••••• ,•••••••••••••••••• , •••• ---. """ •••• ~.- •• - •••• " •••• - •• , .• - ••••• ,. , ••••• -- ••••••••• , •••• List Price: $38.99 [i~t¥t;~;1 See example - ••••••••••••• List Price: $24.99 er.dit .Valuator Report Learn mont Provides an at-a-glanc:e surnmary of a company's creditworthiness and payment history. Ideal for making smaller, lower-risk aedit decisions. :,,·'~~:~l See example '" ••", ._ •••.-. _ ••• __ •••" •••••••••••• _k"~' •••, ••••••• ,~ ••• , ••••••••••• ,.~ ••••••••••• _ •••••••• " •••••.•••••• ~." •••••••• __ •••••••. h ••• " List Price: Company Profile Report Learn more Provides a cost-effective summary of a company's key sales and contact information. $1." ~,~,~'~j See example Renne "your search If this is not the company you were looking for search again. Business name: ------------- Country: ILJ~~~tes City (optional): State: IAlTA ICal~omia Advanced search .. :iI :if ""~~Y;I ~~:6:"I~~!'~:r'ie2~<' e'!-r~"';11·ft;tt£:CjI Q•• _Q"Oty I I T",~'''U., Pr" -,t-tS p~~~CJ~\ ~"lS+ +v1l~ http://Sm&lb~:ess.~:~~~y_~~.en:OOY~.~~od~!~~~ ... 5125/~ ( Home .::rg I.~ol(,ltl()ns Small Business , ~: "~~~"~l~ ;.-. ~ ,. ,,",,,,-1 w.;>,. .• ~,·, _ ~o_ •• Get Credit Reports ~."'''''' .- ••.•••• ~ ~I I Subscriptions Looking for your own company and it is not listed? 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Showing 1 of 1 Next > 2840 Fletcher Pky, EI Cajon, CA 92020 FINANCIAL GROUP INC 550 E Hospitality Ln Sle 210, San Bernardino, CA 92408-4205 ANDERSON, FRANK MASON AND NORA ANNE Also Trades As: ARROWHEAD FINANCIAL SERVICES) Null Unknown, Alia, CA 95701-5701 HQ ARROWHEAD 701 B St Sla 2100, San Diego, CA 92101-8197 HQ ARROWHEAD CAPITAL CORP 1615 Orenge Tree Ln Sle 100, Redlands, CA 92374-4501 '-Selecli ~ HQ ARROWHEAD LAKE ASSOCIATION 870 Slate Hwy 173, Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352-2352 !.~.!~ HQ ARROWHEAD RESEARCH CORPORATION HQ ARROWHEAD CLAIMS MANAGEMENT, HQ ARROWHEAD JOINT VENTURES HQ ARROWHEAD HQ ARROWHEAD CENTRAL CREDIT UNION 202 E Airport Dr Sle 200, San Bernardino, CA 92408-3429 HQ CALVARY CHAPEL OF lAKE 101 Grandview Rd, Twin Peaks, CA 92391-2391 HQ LAKE ARROWHEAD DISTRICT HQ ARROWHEAD HQ Mission liquor Store Also Trades As: +Arrowhead Liquors HQ LE ROY'S SHOES & CLOTHING COMPANY INC Also Trades As: LAKE ARROWHEAD SPORTS STORE 598 Paine Rd, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315-2315 HQ HIGHEST BIDDER INC Also Trades As: HARDIN MARINE ARROWHEAD 870 Slate Highway 173, Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352-2352 HQ CAl TUK INTERNATIONAL. INC. Also Trades As: REIMAX LAKE ARROWHEAD 28200 Hwy 189 Bldg J. Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352-2352 HQ ARROWHEAD 4718 San Fernando Rd 8te G, Glendale, CA 91204-1830 MANAGEMENT COMPANY INC ARROWHEAD COMMUNITY SERVICES EMANCIPATION PROGRAM,INC. PRODUCTS CORPORATION LAKE ARROWHEAD FINANCIAL LAKE ARROWHEAD FINANCIAL Arrowhead (DE CORPI150 S Robles, Ste 480, Pasadena, CA 91101-1101 GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY INC ARROW MARINE-ARROWHEAD 701 B StSte 2210, San Diego, CA92101·8197 ,-seleCtl 27984 Hwy 189, Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352-2352 ..-Seieetl 70.1B ~~J!!.3:!-Q9~an Diego, CA 92101-~~~ -= •. Sete<li' .-~~ 28200 Slate Hwy 189, Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352-2352 484 E Sacramento St, Altadena, CA 91001-2915 30030 Mission Blvd Ste 212, Hayward, CA 94544 Unknown, Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352 HA Computers 3696 Holland Rd, Courtland, CA 95615-5615 5050 Paloverde St, Ste 216, Montclair, CA 91763 ARROWHEAD INTERIORS Unknown, Sun City, CA 92586 ARROWHEAD MOTORS INC 830 The Alameda, San Jose, CA 95126-3145 Business name: .-selectj 44109 Yucca Dr, Indian Wells, CA 92210-7240 < Previous lof2 First time here? Register or lake a Quick tour of the D&B Small Business Solutions Web site. Sort by:1Relevance Financiallnc ARROWHEAD LOll In Already a member? Log in now. Don't see the company you are looking for? Try an advanced search, Arrowhead I Firld tlew Customers Manage YOUf,Busmess Credit C;ompany SCdfCh Hcsults < Previous Customer Service Page 1 Next > Country: 9/25/04 1:49 P Uc:'lttl Small Business Solutions http://smallbusiness. dnb. com/search-results. asp?name=arrowhead+F ( ( Home I Subscriptions Find flew Customers Get Credit Reports r Manage Your Business Credit - ,-1) Looking for your own company and it is not listed? You may need to Get a D-U-N-S number. Showing 1 of 1 Sort by:f Relevance ... ARROWHEAD FINANCIAL INC ;jJ.~" 723 S Casino Center Blvd FI2, Las Vegas, NV 89101-6716 1105 Terminal Way Ste 211, Reno, NV 89502-2162 ARROWHEAD SERVICE CORP 619 N Main SU 621, Las Vegas, NV 89101-1924 ARROWHEAD INVESTMENTS LLC 9570 W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89117-5301 ARROWHEAD PRODUCTION COMPANY INC 1802 N Carson St Ste 212, Cerson City, NV 89701 ARROWHEAD PRODUCTS INCORPORATED 5240-H1ghway5OE, Carson City, NV-89701"9701 ARROWHEAD SYSTEMS LTD Arrowhead 1475 Terminal W3I1 St9 E, Reno, DEVELOPMENT, Resources INC ~_l~Jti!j .~~ 't!~ NV 89502-3225 402 N Division, Carson City, NV 89703 ARROWHEAD TRANSPORT LLC 2400 Arrowhead Dr, Carson City, NV 897064106 ARROWHEAD PRINTING INC 2701 Conestoga Dr Sta 114, Carson City, NV 89706-0487 ARROWHEAD MANUFACTURING 5340 Sidehill Dr, Sparks, NV 89433 ARROWHEAD DATA ASSOC 4001 Warren Way, Reno, NV 89509-5245 ARROWHEAD DIVERSIFIED INC 1245 Baring Blvd 1# 205, Sparks, NV 89434 ARROWHEAD DIVERSIFIED INC 1475 Terminal Way Ste E, Reno, NV 89502 ARROWHEAD GARAGE Addrass Unknown, Moapa, NV 69025 COMPANY INC :~~ :i~~ !:~ 50 W Liberty St Ste 880, Reno, NV 89501-1977 ARROWHEAD CLAIMS MANAGEMENT ARROWHEAD CUSTOM FINISH 7800 LeavorltaOr, Las Vegas, NV 89128 ARROWHEAD REPORT SERVICE Null Address Unknown, Las Vegas, NV 89133-9133 202 S Minnesota St, Carson City, NV 89703 ARROWHEAD ARMORED 320 Western Rd, Reno, NV 89506-5743 ARROWHEAD GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY INC 502 E John St Ste e, Carson City, NV 89706 U~~ ARROWHEAD RANCH FAMIL Y LIMITED PARTNERSH 1261 Tem1\na\ W3l1 5te 117, Reno, NV 89502-3246 ..•.••• 'h~~~ ARROWHEAD 675 Fairview Dr Ste 246, Carson City, NV 89701-5428 CRUDE INC MOAPA VALLEY OIL CO INC Also Trades As: ARROWHEAD SERVICES Business name: .W~. Interstate 15, Moapa, NV 89025-9025 Next > < Previous lof2 Next > 1819 Candle Bright Dr, Henderson, NV 89074-5245 CorpOration LAKE ARROWHEAD DEVELOPMENT LOllln First time here? Reaister or take a Quick tour of the D&B Small Business Solutions Website. Don't see the company you are looking for? Try an advanced search. ARROWHEAD I Already a member? LOQin now. C(lmp,my S(",trChBt'sults < Previous !- Customer Service Country: 9/25/04 1:01 P :l.tt:~ Page 1 of , Get Credrt RcpOl1S •..•.••• I ~9m~ ~.:¥. ..•• " t..'laniige Your Busine'5S Credit , .... _-, .- ' ,~ .••......•.... -- ,....., ! - •••_, • Customer Serviee rind tlewCustomers Colle(;t Debt C'R' I Subscriptions ~u ,~.--.."" __ "" ,..,.'" Already a member? Log in now. (~on1pany Search Res.ults First time here? Register or take a ro.ur of the D&B Small Business Solutions Web site. Don't see the company you are looking for? Try an advanced search. Looking for your own company and it is not listed? You may need to Get a D-U-N-S number. < Previous HQ Showing 1 of 1 ARROWHEAD Arrowhead FINANCIAL Sort by:(Relevance GROUP INC 550 E Hospitality ln Ste 210, San Bernardino, CA 92408-4205 Financiallnc 2840 Fletcher Pky, EI Cajon, CA 92020 ARROWHEAD FINANCIAL INC 723 S Casino Center Blvd FI2, Las Vegas, NV 89101-6716 ARROWHEAD FINANCIAL CORP 119 Elm St, New Canaan, CT 06840 ARROWHEAD FINANCIAL CORPORAnoN 14703 E lehigh Ave, Aurora, CO 80014-4047 ARROWHEAD FINANCIAL GROt.Je 6382 Derbyshire Ln, Loveland, OH 45140-8173 ARROWHEAD FINANCIAL GROUP. INC. 1764 Leicester Rd, Richmond, VA 23225-2526 ARROWHEAD FINANCIAL INC 34700 Lakeland Blvd, VlJilloughby, OH 44095-5223 380 E Parkcenter Blvd, Boise, 10 83706 ARROWHEAD FINANCIAL GROUP Inc 4590 Arrowhead Dr, Colorado Springs. CO 80908 ARROWHEAD FINANCIAL GROUP 3036 S 1st St, Austin, TX 78704 ARROWHEAD FINANCIAL SERVICE, LLC 4324 Winterode Way, Baltimore, MD 21236-2731 SERVICES 610 E Highway 2, Grand Rapids, MN 55744-3153 A.BB..OWHEAD FINANCIAL lAKE ARROWHEAD FINANCIAL 44109 Yucca Dr, Indian Wells, CA 92210-7240 LA.....KE..ARROWHEAD 8.NAN.CIAL. Unknown, Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352 ARROWHEAD FINANCIAL 9734 W Alabama Ave, Sun City, AZ. 85351-3615 ARROWHEAD PAC FINANCIAL A..RROWHEAD FINANCIAL SERVI 3325 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010 SERVlCEJi 13438 Bandera R, Helotes, TX 78023 V Null Unknown, ANDERSON. FRANK MASON AND NORA ANNE Also Trades As: ARROWHEAD FINANCIAL SERVICES <.: ~ Alta, CA 95701-5701 Page1 :s..e 6\.t:t PrevIous r~1,-L1.J4gy;-g~(((~V AgU~ Business name: Country: \ArrOwhead Finandal IUnited States City (optional): State: http://smallbusiness.dnb. 1 ~qtf - 2-6tJ d 7 Ld" (}tL l(Lf comlsearch- results. asp?sType=normal&catalog=Home&prodid=O&name= ~r11-1....~3 Arro ... f 8/23/04