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Sum m er 2 0 16
2016 Arbour Day crew
t’s finally Summer 2016! After a long winter, and virtually
no spring, summer has actually arrived at Tory’s Landing.
The pool is opening this weekend, the boats are ready, and
our owners and guests are all set to enjoy the property and all
it has to offer. Recent research shows that people who spend
time outside in sunny, green, and natural spaces tend to be
happier and have less stress than those who don’t. Now we
have documented proof of how being at Tory’s Landing can
contribute to our good health. Thanks to Dianne, John, and
their team, our cottages, grounds, and facilities are in excellent
shape for the busy summer vacation season ahead.
Annual General Meeting
Marine police’s newest recruit
have a new load of beach sand the kids can play in, some new
I’d like to thank everyone who attended and participated in
paddles for your watercraft and a four-person pedal boat to add
our AGM this year. It was again a productive and informa-
to the fleet. Joanne is in the Tory's office on Tuesdays from
tive meeting with great cooperation between our Board and
10:00 am to 2:00 pm, and all day on Fridays and Sundays. She
owners. I’d also like to thank those of you who couldn’t attend
welcomes visitors and is happy to assist you with any issues.
and sent in your proxies. As you’ve already received my AGM
Susan is available at Bayview Wildwood on Tuesdays, Fridays,
report, I’ll re-introduce you to our current Board of Directors:
and Saturdays – she enjoys her conversations with the Tory’s
President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Franci Alter
owners. John or his summer assistant will be on-site at Tory’s
Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ralf Klopf
Landing all summer. Guest Services at Bayview Wildwood is
Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary McKay
available from 7:30 am to 11:30 pm in the summer to assist
Director, Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leon Shienfield
you if Joanne or Susan are not available. I am also available for
Director and Chair, Purchasing Committee . . . Sandra Srigley
assistance and enjoy visiting with owners when I can.
Director at Large & Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Howard Detsky
Please call us if you’re interested in reserving dining in
I’d like to voice my appreciation to my fellow board members
Bayview’s Echo Dining Lounge, or to book a massage, reflexol-
for stepping up again this year to help make Tory’s a better
ogy, or osteopathy appointment during your stay at Tory’s.
place for all of us. As always, you’ll receive regular e-mail
The Summer Watersports ski show is at 7:30 pm on Thursday
reports on our progress throughout the year. We appreciate
nights this summer. You’re welcome to watch the show from
your feedback and encourage your input. Every request or
Bayview Wildwood’s beach or from your boat. Have a wonder-
e-mail from an owner is responded to. Please feel free to e-mail
ful summer.
me anytime at francialter@gmail.com.
Franci Alter
Many of our owners have indicated an interest in renting
paddleboards this summer. Susan has kindly found a local
The speed limit on the Tory’s Landing road is 30 km/hr. Too many
source for rentals. So, if you want to enjoy paddleboarding,
owners are entering and leaving the property at much higher
you can call Muskoka Paddle Shack at 1 888 448-4423. They
speeds. Please respect the speed limit for everyone’s safety.
are located at 2332 Hwy 11 north in Gravenhurst.
TEAM: Dianne, John, Susan, and Joanne!
You have received confirmation of your 2017 floating weeks
We are heading into summer at Tory’s Landing and looking
from Susan. Our thanks to Susan for completing the process
forward to seeing everyone enjoying their cottages and beauti-
in a timely manner and dealing with our owners’ concerns
ful property. John is working on opening the pool, getting the
patiently and efficiently. If you did not receive your weeks,
high cut done, and preparing the grounds for summer. We
please contact Susan.
Our cottages look great! The new couches, dishes, pots, and
silverware have been really well received. They’ve added a
lot to our comfort and enjoyment of the cottage, as well as
increasing our property’s value. In fact, our silverware continues to be a little too attractive to people and/or garbage
cans. Please be very careful to replace the silverware in the
drawers after it is used and cleaned. You’ll notice a new set of
square plastic storage bowls in your cottage this summer. We
could not find an exact replacement for our current bowls. We
hope you like the new ones. One final reminder: Do not wash
the light-coloured linens with anything dark. And please don’t
take any cottage linens out to the pool or beach.
As you are aware, geese and the mess they leave behind are an
ongoing problem at Tory’s Landing. We have hired a new shooter
who we hope is having more success at deterring the geese from
making our property their home. John and his assistant also do
their best to keep the beach and paths free of goose “poo”, but it’s
a tough job. And they can’t spend hours every day dealing with
this single issue, or too many other jobs will remain undone. So,
please understand we’re doing our best and constantly exploring
alternatives to deal with this issue.
As mentioned at the AGM, we have been in negotiation with Shaw
regarding our satellite TV contract that expires in early July. We
did get a quote from Bell as well; however, their price was much
higher than Shaw and their equipment warranty was only for one
year of the five-year contract. So, we will be sticking with Shaw for
the next five years. Our dishes will all be upgraded in order that we
can receive the maximum number of HD channels. All equipment
is under warranty for the five years of the contract. PVRs were too
expensive to add to our cottages, especially as there was already
an increase in the cost of our package compared to the price five
years ago. However, due to popular demand, we will be adding HD
sports channels just in time for this summer’s Olympics.
Future member of the Landscape Committee
A complete update of our reserve fund study is currently
underway by Cion/Coulter, an engineering science and building company. We’ll get the results by the end of August so they
can be incorporated into our budgeting process for 2017. We’ll
email the reserve fund study report to all owners in the fall.
If you choose to use the air conditioner, in the interest of keeping our energy costs as low as possible:
• Leave system on COOL and fan on AUTO
• Please do not set the thermostat below 22 degrees C.
• Shut all windows and doors.
• Close main floor vents to make upstairs cooler.
• On departure, set thermostat to 25 degrees C. Leave system
on COOL.
In addition, please take “Time of Day Billing” rates into
account when using major appliances at the cottage. If possible, use your dishwasher, washer, and dryer during off-peak
hours from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am and on weekends.
When you arrive for your summer week, you’ll notice the following
work completed or underway by John and our summer student:
• Bikes have been serviced.
• BBQs cleaned and ready for summer season.
• Muskoka chairs being painted.
• Screen doors, deck repairs, pressure washing underway.
• Culvert work completed between cottages 11 and 12, and
also near cottage 9 to reduce flooding.
• Quotes being obtained for: roofs, siding repairs, interior and
exterior painting.
• High cut of the weeds on the lakeside of the cottages to
maintain our views.
• Sand has been added to the beach.
• Badminton net set up at the beach with poles secured in
the sand.
• Weeds under the front and back porches will be sprayed.
• High windows in Severn cottages cleaned.
• Window replacement (under warranty) pretty much complete.
• Broken pool furniture replaced.
• Hardwood floor refinishing completed. Take care with our
new floors!
• Light bulb and fixture replacement with those that are more
energy efficient continues.
We extend a huge thanks to John for all his hard work to
keep our property looking its best, and especially for identifying small or potential problems and fixing them before they
become costly major repairs.
Arbour Day was held on April 23 this year and was a huge
success. Many owners turned out to help clear the property of
broken branches, leaves, and other debris. We had a great bbq
lunch and lots of fun on a beautiful spring day. Our Landscape
Committee is continuing to spearhead our weed management
program this year. Many patches of goldenrod, thistle, and burdock are again being removed and/or thinned out this spring
and fall to add to our enjoyment of the natural beauty of our
property. The members of this dedicated committee are unofficially at work every time they’re at the cottage. Thanks again for
your efforts.
Our pool was opened this year for limited hours beginning
the weekend of June 10. Extra weeks of swimming are always
appreciated. Another thanks to John for getting our pool
swimming-ready so quickly. From June 24, our pool hours will
be the same as last summer – 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. Please
make sure your children are supervised in the pool area and
don’t forget to bring your beach towels. Cottage towels and
other linens are for use inside the cottage only! Please also
remind your guests and renters to bring beach and pool towels
from home.
A note to all fishermen/women: The marine police do stop at
our dock to check if people fishing have fishing licenses. These
licenses are required by anyone between the ages of 18 and 64,
even if they are only fishing off a dock. Also, if you keep fishing rods in the cottage basement, please store them without
the hooks for safety.
Despite John’s best efforts to control it, there is a lot of poison
ivy on our property. With current weed control products available, we cannot eradicate it. Please stay on the paths and you’ll
be able to avoid these unpleasant weeds. To help keep ants at
bay, please do not leave sweet snacks on the counters and keep
all food surfaces really clean.
www.toryslanding.com is a great resource for your guests,
prospective purchasers, and renters. It’s full of great information including directions, our facilities, and intervals for sale
or rent. Please do not send emails regarding cottage weeks,
maintenance, etc. to the website administrator. These emails
need to go to the Tory’s office. Also, please be aware that the
website administrator does not delete listings. All listings
expire naturally after 90 days and will be deleted automatic-
ally at that time. We are looking into the cost of modifying our
website so that owners could delete or change their listings
Open windows and lots of people having fun can lead to lots of
noise. Please be respectful of your fellow owners. If you’re watching TV at a loud volume, please close the window closest to your
television so your neighbours can enjoy their time outside. Also,
sound travels very well across our property. Have fun at your
nighttime campfire, but please remember others are sleeping.
If you book your tee-off time at the Lake St. George Golf Club
through Bayview Wildwood, you’ll receive 10 percent off the regular fee. Thanks to Dianne for extending this offer to our owners.
Please remember to keep your eyes and ears open at the cottage. If you see anything unusual, suspicious, or dangerous,
please call the office or police.
Here’s an easy appetizer recipe that’s sure to please young and
old alike:
Glazed Cocktail Hotdogs
1 cup ketchup
½ cup brown sugar
2 lbs. cocktail hotdogs
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix ketchup and brown sugar in
small baking dish. Stir in cocktail hotdogs and mix until coated.
Bake uncovered for one hour. Spear with toothpicks and serve.
Please let the office know if you have moved, or have a new
e-mail address or phone number. This is extremely important
so you can receive all our communications. Also, if you would
like to be added to our Cottage Owners’ Directory, please let
Susan know. If for some reason, you leave your cottage before
your week is up, please let the office know so we can get some
extra maintenance or cleaning done.
We look forward to seeing you throughout the seasons at
Tory’s. On behalf of your Board of Directors, we wish you a
safe, fun, and healthy summer.
Tory’s Landing Cottage Owners’ Association
c/o Franci Alter (905)731-0033 francialter@gmail.com