Property of Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, Florida.
Property of Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, Florida.
Property of Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, Florida. January 24, 1939 A-OFli'ICIATJ NAME OJ! STATION: · Biological Laboratory. C-GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION: Near Englewood, rlorida. 36 miles South of Sarasota by automobile. Latitude 26 90' , Longitude 82 20', subtropic1l zone, on Gulf of Mexico. D- ECOLOGICAL LOC ATION: A great variety 01 terrestiral hqbitats occur within a few !iles of the lqboratory , among which are: low sandy keys; high s'lndy scrub oal~ hammocks; t 11 bushy gr' around muck :onds; southern pine thickets; palmettos; meadows and ,1Iar-sh lands; cactus and dry lands. The marine and fresh water habitats are lil<:ewise V1 ied: a number of fresh water streams qnd ronds occur near the labor'ltory; the laboratory is located on Lemon. Bay, s xteen r'liles long, varying from one-quatter to two miles in width. This bay opens into the gulf' of Mexico through t~70 passes, anc1 into Ch'1rlotte harbor at the south pnd . It o1fers many dif'f'erpnt tYfes of bottom habitats: mud f l ats, oyster bars, S8lli!, eel ~rass, projections of limestone torma~ions, shallow bays and coves and deep ch8.nnels. Commercial an,~ s:"'ort fisjlin~ is vel'y nctive, in this vicinity. A list of E-HIS10RY: loc~l s ,ecies is enclosed. This s' tion was founded in 1932 . F- PURPOSE: The labor1.tory was 10unded to Llrnish research facilities to invest.i~!)tor.s in biologjcal fields where the fauna , tlora 'lnd clim1.te pay an impol' cant role in the problem under observition. 11' G-S~NSORSHIP AND INCOHE: The labor'1tory is independent • . Its income is derived from stoc.::s, bonds, and real est:c,te, which flu~late in value. H- STAFF: Join F . Bass J r., Director-Life histories; Stewart Springer, !lasmobranchii; J. :i.Je'lI' Grirn.:ier, .t er .... etology ; -!o ris Fraf;er, Invertebrate .tiemacytology; Don1.1d B. Powell, f'hyslolof7,Y . Ferd Dalton, Collector. There are six laborers. The entire staff is on duty the year around. I'-EQUIPMENT: Laboratory grounds, ten acres. Three one-~_tory 101Y laboratori es jtwo large f .i.'.~me storage houses; ttl'lteel~~g houses for staff and vi si ting investi l.~a t.ors; onR frame house serving as dining halJ"and cormi~ory for visit i nfY, inv e st,t~ptors; administr .ive living quarters; tool s nap; salt water laboratory; other SID:1ll buildings. BOATS: A 54 foot ·luxiliary sc looner; a 20' launCh; '1 lP ' launhh. The library is small, but there are 3. number of reprint.s [.m d public~tions of v~rl ' ils scienti.ftc societies. There is a scienti1ic sales de p trtm0nt orcrated in conjunction . Two Property of Mote MarinePage Laboratory, Sarasota, Florida. J-LIVING CONDITIONS: The laboratory provides food anel lod~ing for investigators. Thepe is a nomin~l fee of one dollar per day f'or room, board, and laboratory facilities . 12 is the maximum number ot investigators accomodated . K- INSTRUCTION: The laborfltory offers no instruction . Only exceptionally are advanced students accer-ted as fello',Ys of this laboratory . L- RESEARCH : Prim';trily , the Llbor8, tory f'acil i ties are grant ed to the faculty r.lembers of colleges,~niversities, and other esta~lished institutions , however , ~iceptions can be mad e to this lolicy. The organization is run in such a way tha t applications for vlrying periods of residence can be receiv ed throughout the year . No surervision oc instruction is affo rded by the laboratory . In making apl ,lic'l tion, a fairly d ef ; ni te outline of' the problem must be submitted. Alist of t1:;.e e,"!uipment needed should be enclosed. Reprints or a bib~iograr-hy of papers published should accomapny the aprlicatlon. Fellows will be expected to identify specimens used by them for the key - card index file of local f3.una and f l ora . A synopsis of tc.eir findings is requ i red as an addition to t he Ii hr',1 ry file s in order to aid futUre investigation in the field . The st1.tion is prepared pec i3lly to offer research fqcilities in the following br~ncheJ f biology: Marine biology ; ecology ; invertebr:lte and vertebrate zoology; entomology; parasitology . ,.. '1The of'" to investig,'ltors consist in the one dollar a day charge for board and rOOID. The station is open all year. No financial aid, other than the low fee charged, Is available . M- PUBLI CAI I ONS : No regular journ~l is published by the l~tor~tory . Articles by the staff members appesr from time to t~me in the publications of the National Museum, the Flo rida Academy of Sci e nce, and the American Mialand Nqturalist . A pamphlet describing the laboratory is enclosed . i'!e are also .enclosing, as mentioned in " D-2 " above, a copy of our local species list, which 3lthOtgh incom~lete, gives some idea 01" the v1rioty of animal li16 found near the l'1bor~tory . Yours truly, John } . Bas s Jr. Director.