Approved 9-15-2014 Strafford County UNH Cooperative Extension


Approved 9-15-2014 Strafford County UNH Cooperative Extension
Approved 9-15-2014
Strafford County UNH Cooperative Extension
Advisory Council Meeting Minutes – May 19, 2014
Present: Liz Rivet, John Huckins, Hiram Watson, Tim Huppe, Tory Jennison, Kelly McAdam, Jack Savage,
Andy Fast, Ruth Scruton, Pam Hubbard
Meeting called to order at 6:09 P.M.
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Civil Rights
3. Review Minutes Since there was no quorum for the April 21st meeting, minutes for the March
17th and April 21st meeting needed to be approved. Motion made (m/s John Huckins/Tim
Huppe) to accept the April minutes as presented. Motion made (m/s Pam Hubbard/Liz Rivet) to
accept the March minutes as presented.
4. Budget Report Andy Fast indicated we are “right on track” with our budget. Darrell Covell, Asst.
Dir. Finance & Human Resources gave a budget update at the State Advisory Council meeting
and informed them that they have finished the year in the black.
5. Staff Program Updates Kelly McAdam will be taking maternity leave from September through
January 1, 2015. Kelly would like to have someone part-time to fill in while she is gone. She
suggested retired fruit specialist Bill Lord. Kelly plans to return to full employment.
6. AC Housekeeping
 Joint Strafford – Belknap AC Meeting -There will be a joint meeting of the Belknap and
Strafford Advisory Boards this fall. Sanborn Mills Farm was suggested as a possible
location. The joint meeting will take place in September or October.
 Additional Advisory Council Members - The Strafford county map was studied in order
to identify areas that need Advisory Council representation. The Council has no
representation in the Madbury, Lee and Durham area. There is also no representation
in Somersworth, Rollinsford and Milton. Tory asked Andy where there was a need for
program growth in the various program areas. Tory mentioned that Somersworth is
second to Rochester in poverty/children on free & reduced lunch. Andy said he was
thinking in terms of where Extension wants/needs to go to serve the public. He
mentioned the math/science are areas of need and perhaps a partnership with private
business. Council members discussed speaking to local Rotary Clubs and Chambers of
Commerce. Tory suggested SW Cole, a company in Somersworth which has donated to
schools. SW Cole does environmental geo/thermal work. Jack Savage asked how many
people the electronic Ag newsletter goes out to. He suggested it may give us the name
of a new Council candidate. Brett MacKenzie was suggested as a possible choice. The email list would be helpful. We need one more Council member for a full board. Some
councils have alternates. Kelly said that she would contact Brett. Council members
agreed that reaching out to Somersworth is important due to their population and need.
Approved 9-15-2014
Volunteer agreements - Volunteer Service Agreements are needed from Hiram Watson
and Ruth Scruton. These forms were filled out. Jacob Scruton and Rep. Bob Perry also
need to sign the forms.
Nutrition Connections Position – Rebecca Betts is the new Strafford County Nutrition
Connections staff member and we are very pleased to have her join our office. Rebecca
will be attending our June AC meeting.
State Advisory Council Meeting – October 16, 2014 – Granite State College
John Pike – John Pike will retire on June 30th. There is a Legacy Fund being set up to
honor John’s interest in and passion for Cooperative Extension volunteers.
7. Public Awareness Team – Tim Huppe, John & Cheryl Huckins - There was no report from the Public
Awareness Team.
9. Other Business: - The next Advisory Council meeting will be on June 16th.
10. Adjourn – Motion made (m/s John Huckins/Tim Huppe) to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at
6:50 p.m.