2012-13annualReport - Vigo County Education Foundation
2012-13annualReport - Vigo County Education Foundation
VIGO COUNTY EDUCATION FOUNDATION GRANTING OPPORTUNITIES FOR ENHANCED LEARNING ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Superintendent Daniel Tanoos ............................................................................................ 1 A Message From Your Foundation Leadership ............................................................ 2 About the VCEF .......................................................................................................................... 3 VCEF Programs .......................................................................................................................... 3 VCEF Funds .................................................................................................................................. 4 Board of Directors..................................................................................................................... 4 VCEF Fundraisers...................................................................................................................... 5 Mini-Grants .................................................................................................................................. 6 School-Wide Grants .................................................................................................................. 9 Individual Donors .................................................................................................................. 10 Business, Foundation, and Community Organizations .......................................... 11 Tributes ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Memorials .................................................................................................................................. 13 Payroll Deductions ................................................................................................................ 14 “Thank-A-Teacher” Donations/License Plates .......................................................... 15 VCEF Financial Information............................................................................................... 16 SUPERINTENDENT DANIEL TANOOS At the end of each school year when I am asked to compose a letter to be included in the Vigo County Education Foundation’s annual report, I take an opportunity to reflect back upon the successes and challenges of that year. The educational climate in our state and even our nation always presents a few challenges, particularly those of a fiscal nature. Our school corporation is often asked to do more and more for students and to do it with less and less dollars. I find, though, that the challenges pale in comparison to, and are overshadowed by, the successes the Vigo County School Corporation provides for students. An outstanding example of the success that I see is the work of the Vigo County Education Foundation (VCEF). The VCEF connects the generous, giving community in which we all live and work to the needs of our schools. Businesses, corporations, service organizations, foundations and many dedicated individual donors have joined with the Foundation to provide enhanced learning opportunities for our students. With the help of the VCEF, students are receiving extended day tutoring and becoming more proficient at reading with fluency at many of our schools. Through teacher and principal requested grants, chicks and ducklings are being hatched, science experiments conducted, engines and bat houses built, Family Math and Book Bingo nights held, and even art and physical education supplies supplemented. Children are enticed to attend school every day with creative attendance programs, and are acquiring lifelong skills such as hard work, self control, determination, and goal-setting in anti-bullying and character building programs. Please consider the Vigo County Education Foundation in your charitable giving plans – 15,500+ children will thank you! Danny Tanoos 1 A MESSAGE FROM YOUR FOUNDATION LEADERSHIP Throughout its history, the Vigo County Education Foundation has focused its fund raising efforts and its expenditures to enrich the educational experience of children enrolled in our public schools. Over the years, the Foundation has awarded grants, funded projects, and honored teachers to help this Mr. Donald T. Scott community’s school system thrive. President Nothing is easier today than it was when the Foundation was started—our school personnel confront many funding challenges and the needs of our children remain great. Yet, because of the generosity of our donors and the dedication of our volunteers, the Foundation is doing outstanding work. In the 2012-13 school year the Foundation awarded over $187,000 in grants for projects large and small. These projects may be targeted to a single class or to a school. We remain impressed by the resourcefulness and innovation reflected by school teachers and administrators—people who stretch the donated dollar to make a huge impact on students. Mrs. Jennifer Thomas, Executive Director Our public school leaders report success system-wide for improving academic achievement. The Foundation plays a role in supporting that momentum and considers itself a partner with the Vigo County School Corporation to continue a focus on student success and preparation. My wife and I are the parents of six children—the eldest of whom recently graduated, and the two youngest will enter the public school system soon. We have seen first-hand the dedicated work of teachers, the excellent environment in which our children and others learn, and the need as a community to support that work. Your contributions are stewarded with care and are deeply appreciated. Please read this annual report and share our Board’s pride in the achievements of the most recent school year—and please join in this critical mission to support public education in our community. You can follow our achievements at www.vigocountyeducationfoundation.org or support our work by sending your check to P. O. Box 3703, Terre Haute, IN 47803. Sincerely, Donald T. Scott President Vigo County Education Foundation Jenny Thomas Executive Director Vigo County Education Foundation PRINTING COMPLIMENTS OF WOODBURN GRAPHICS 2 ABOUT THE VCEF T he Vigo County Education Foundation (VCEF) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1984 to provide enhanced learning opportunities for the children in Vigo County. The VCEF is a self-reliant organization through fundraisers, personal donations, and corporate sponsorships and contributions. A volunteer Board of Directors that is comprised of parents, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders governs the Foundation. Our primary goal is to augment public education through building strong partnerships between the schools and the community. One successful way we accomplish this is through funding classroom educational project grants. The Foundation’s grant program funnels more assistance directly to projects designed to address the unmet needs of our children. As citizens of our community, we can take pride in providing the very best education for our children. The education that our children receive is a great benefit to their futures and to the future of our community. At the VCEF, we believe that “an investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” For more information about the Foundation, you can contact Jennifer Thomas at (812) 462-4077, via email at jat2@vigoschools.org or visit the VCEF website at vigocountyeducationfoundation.org T VCEF PROGRAMS hrough community support, the Vigo County Education Foundation provides programs and projects that enhance and enrich public education. Academic Funding Funding is provided for entry fees to allow academic teams to participate in competitions. Battle of the Books The VCEF funds transportation costs and equipment requests for a district-wide reading competition. School-Wide Grants School-wide grants are awards, generally $1,000—$3,000, given to principals for requested programs with a school-wide improvement focus. Transformational Tutoring Programs Career Technology This program provides extended day language arts instruction to students in a number of targeted schools. Give A Book This program provides media centers with multiple copies of the Young Hoosier Books to be used for Battle of the Books preparation. CTE requested robotics materials are purchased for the required middle school technology classes. Every VCSC kindergarten student is given a personalized book through the support of Betty Lanke, Terre Haute Savings Bank, St. Mary of the Woods College and the VCEF. Mini-Grants Mini-grants are awards of up to $750 given to teachers for enrichment programs they wish to offer in their classrooms. Performing Arts Workshop The Performing Arts Workshop is a summer musical production performed by high school students and earning them a fine arts credit. Young Hoosier Books Math Magic/Writing Wonders The VCEF helps to fund this summer enrichment program that serves third, fourth and fifth grade students. Students participate in problem solving and writing to learn about science activities. Field Trips The VCEF funds field trips for selected grade levels throughout the school corporation. These include the Fowler Park Pioneer Days, Terre Haute Children’s Museum and the Terre Haute Symphony Orchestra. Reading Recovery This program provides intensive remediation for first grade readers. The VCEF purchases Keep books that are sent to the participants’ homes during summer months. Read Live Intervention This program provides work in reading fluency and comprehension to students in targeted schools. DeVaney kindergarteners perform during a Family Fun Night 3 T VCEF FUNDS he VCEF offers many “named” funds with a focus on a particular school or subject content area. Arthur Lukens Memorial This fund, created by Mr. Lukens’ family, supports a teacher requested grant including the fields of business or finance. Cam Cameron Fund This fund, created upon the retirement of Cam’s jersey at Terre Haute South Vigo High School, supports a teacher requested grant involving student leadership at any VCSC School. Christopher Ray Memorial This fund, created by the family and friends of Christopher Todd Ray, provides payment of football camp expenses for one selected Terre Haute North Vigo High School athlete. Dr. Julie McLaughlin Memorial This fund, created by the family, friends and students of Dr. Julie McLaughlin, is used to support a teacher requested mathematics program. For the Love of Music This fund, created by Kathleen Culver, provides financial support to fifth or sixth grade students who otherwise might not have the funding to pursue their interest in music. Jerod Lawrence Memorial This fund, created by the family and friends of Jerod Hoke Lawrence, provides a one-time cash stipend for college expenses to the child of a Vigo County School Corporation employee. Rea Rourke Memorial This fund, created by Mrs. Rea Jane Linville, provides a grant requested by a preschool to grade three teacher for a parental/family involvement program. Robert Mardis Memorial This fund, created in honor of Mr. Mardis’ retirement from the VCSC, provides a teacher requested grant at Benjamin Franklin Elementary School. Steve Weatherford Fund This fund, created upon the retirement of Steve’s jersey at Terre Haute North Vigo High School, supports a teacher requested healthy lifestyle grant at any VCSC School. Danny Tanoos Fund This fund, created by the VCSC Administrators Association, is used to support a teacher requested grant in the name of Superintendent Danny Tanoos. Robert L. Piker Memorial Book Fund This fund, created by Mr. Piker’s family, provides funding for five third grade students at each elementary school to purchase books at their school’s annual book fair. Rodney Hill Memorial Fund This fund, provided by friends of the Hill family, is used to support a teacher requested creative writing program. High School Funds Funds restricted by donors and designated for use at North, South or West Vigo High School. 4 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2012-13 Dr. Brad Balch Mr. John Bitzegaio Mrs. Linda Brighton Mr. Jerome Case Treasurer Mr. Bart Colwell Vice President Mrs. Camilla Correll Mrs. Lori Danielson Mrs. Joanne Davignon Secretary Mr. Benjamin Fairhurst Dr. Karen Goeller Ex-Officio Mr. Tom Goss Mrs. Gretchen Jennermann Mr. Mark Lee, Ex-Officio Mrs. Rachel Leslie Mrs. Dierdre Llewellyn Treasurer Mrs. Jackie Lower School Board Representative Mrs. Britt Lowery Mrs. Diann McKee Dr. Joe Minnis Mrs. Jane Nichols Administrative Assistant Mrs. Alpa Patel Ms. Beverly Perdue Mr. David Piker Mrs. Janie Poths Mrs. Lakshmi Reddy Mr. Donald T. Scott President Mr. Daniel Tanoos Ex-Officio Mrs. Jennifer Thomas, Executive Director Mrs. Gail Thompson Mr. Charles Uhl T VCEF FUNDRAISERS he VCEF offers many different fundraisers and programs to foster community support of public education. These programs range from our annual golf scramble to payroll deductions to the Thank-A-Teacher program. You can play a vital role in enhancing education for Vigo County students by contributing to one of these great programs. Benefit Bowl Payroll Deduction The “I Believe It’s Not A Gutter” Benefit Bowl is a fun night of bowling, hors d’oeuvres, and an exciting live auction with Auctioneer Superintendent Tanoos. Held in September, this annual event raises money for Vigo County Education Foundation restricted funds. Generous contributions are made by Vigo County School Corporation employees who want to support the VCEF. Employees who enroll in the payroll deduction program have a small amount of money withheld from their pay every week. The resulting funds help the Foundation grow and expand its granting capacity. Just consider this: If 100 teachers gave $2.00/pay, we would have $5,200 more to grant! Fore the Kids Golf Tournament This golf scramble is held annually on the first Friday in August. The funds raised from this event help support VCEF sponsored programs such as classroom grants, academic competition funds, attendance programs and recognition of excellent teachers in Vigo County. Our golfers, sponsors, and volunteers make this event possible. Planned Giving This giving option allows patrons to consider the future of the Foundation during their estate planning process. A planned gift to the VCEF can help ensure the future prosperity of our schools. Please contact the Foundation office if you are contemplating such a gift. “Committed to Education” License Plates The Bureau of Motor Vehicles offers a specialized license plate that benefits the Vigo County Education Foundation. The license plate has been updated to feature the new Read On, Indiana! initiative beginning in 2011. By selecting the “Committed to Education” license plate at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, the VCEF will receive $18.75 of the $40.00 expenditure to help fund programs created by teachers throughout the Vigo County School Corporation. Thank-A-Teacher This program allows parents, students, or loved ones to make a contribution to the VCEF in the name of an outstanding teacher, coach, or school employee. In return for their hard work and dedication, the honoree will receive a special pin and certificate. The donation given to the VCEF will return to the schools through classroom grants awarded to teachers. Major Savers Tributes Spring sales of restaurant discount cards in elementary and middle schools throughout the Corporation provide a major source of income to individual schools and the Foundation. Tribute gifts are made to honor those whose accomplishments in life underscore their commitment to lifelong learning. Memorial Gifts The VCEF offers a way to honor the memory of friends or loved ones who believed in the power of education to change lives positively. Luau for Literacy Held in the spring, this new event featuring Caribbean food, music, and hula dancing, raises money for the VCSC summer enrichment and remediation programs. Sugar Grove Family Math Nights provide materials and training for families of second graders 5 M MINI-GRANTS ini-grants are awards of up to $750 given to teachers for enrichment programs that they wish to offer in their classrooms. These programs encourage creative thinking and benefit the children of Vigo County. The 2012-2013 grants were funded through your support of the Education Foundation. Mini-grants are listed here by title, description, teacher, and school. Adult Education and Bus Passes: Provide adult students transportation to GED classes & defray cost of GED exams Teachers: Jeff Clutter School: Administration Barbeque Grill: Purchase materials for seniors to design and fabricate their own grill Teachers: Gregg Dillion School: South Vigo High Cell-abrate Science: Purchase all needed supplies to dissect frogs Teachers: Melissa DeCarlo, Leslie McGrew School: Woodrow Wilson “Connecting to Science & Social Studies Creatively”: Purchase support materials for scrapbooks for Literacy Fair & other projects Teachers: Teresa Stuckey School: Consolidated Basketball Fever at the Grove: Fund free after-school basketball program Teachers: Donna Rockwood, Kitty Kellet School: Farrington Grove Classroom Enrichment: Purchase DVD series for AP World History classes Teachers: Christina Chattin School: South Vigo High Bingo for Books: Family night for entire school where families and students play bingo to win books Teachers: Ashley Schoen School: Meadows Community Connection: Transportation and supplies for outreach visits to Westminster Village Teachers: Abbi Pell School: Riley "If the Book Fits, Read It!”: Purchase books/materials for kindergarteners to read at home Teachers: Dianne Burpo, Christy Halls, Becca Campbell, Carol Sumner School: DeVaney Bobcats' "Paws" for Reading: Purchase 10 book sets and rewards to promote home and school reading partnership "One" By the Ouabache Ones: Purchase Teachers: Rita Myles, Dana Jeffers materials needed to perform anti-bullying School: Rio Grande Readers Theatre play Teachers: Kim Kesler Book Bingo Family Night: Purchase School: Ouabache books and snacks for family night Teachers: Karla Smith, Jayme McCul3D Rapid Prototype Adventure: Purlough, Lynn Sargent, Ella Clark chase 3D prototyping model & filler mate- School: Farrington Grove rial cartridges Teachers: Kyle Kraemer Book Walk (Festival Give Away): PurSchool: South Vigo High chase books for family night where all the children win books A Place to Chill: Create sensory room Teachers: Ashley Schoen (touch, vision, sound, smell, taste) for School: Meadows special needs children Teachers: Amy Funkhouser Book-A-Licious: Purchase 2 books for School: Davis Park each student at Ouabache Teachers: Susan Cobb African American History: Bulletin School: Ouabache board supplies, DVDs, and school assembly costs to celebrate/teach African Books For Listening: Purchase Listening American History Libraries for Fluency Teachers: Ann Smith Teachers: Sharon Youngblood School: Sarah Scott School: Sugar Grove AP Environmental Science: Take local field trips to collect data and perform experiments for AP science class Teachers: Ashley Cassell School: South Vigo High Brave's Books: Purchase books to develop 8 book clubs Teachers: Fern Edwards School: South Vigo High 6 Community Service: Provide transportation for fifth graders to participate in community service Teachers: Julie Bender School: Fuqua Conquering the Common Core: Purchase materials for 3rd grade learning centers to reinforce Common Core Teachers: Barbara Webster, Barb Reece, Coral Pickens, Lurissa Francis School: Sugar Grove Cooking Club: Supplies and field trip expenses for cooking club Teachers: Jackie Adams School: West Vigo Elementary Digital Microscope Upgrade: Replace outdated microscope used in biology class Teachers: Mike Williams School: North Vigo High Discover Intensive Phonics Instruction -Little Books for Reading Practice: Purchase books for supplemental reading program for at-risk students Teachers: Bonnie Shidler School: Hoosier Prairie Does the Inside of an Engine Really Look Like That?: Purchase education resource materials to demonstrate how an engine operates Teachers: Tony Haller School: South Vigo High Continued from page 6... Drink your M.I.L.K.(My Independent Learning Kit): Purchase supplies for athome learning kit & family night Teachers: Kim Kesler School: Ouabache First Grade Family Night-Book Bingo: Purchase books and materials for bingo prizes Teachers: Patti Oehl, Sue Wright School: Sugar Grove EGG-cellent Hands-On Project: Purchase all needed supplies to hatch chickens, teaching life science standards Teachers: Leslie McGrew School: Woodrow Wilson First Lego League Team: Purchase Lego robot set and other supplies to start Lego League team Teachers: Todd Warren, Tim Moss School: Dixie Bee ELMO in the Classroom: Purchase ELMO document camera Teachers: Jessica Johnson School: Woodrow Wilson Friendship Society: Purchase books with positive character traits for each 2nd grade class Teachers: Michelle Jahn, Ashley Luken, Kristin Malloy, Heather Meadors School: Farrington Grove Engineering a Hovercraft: Parts and materials to build a hovercraft Teachers: Marquis Songer School: South Vigo High Goin' Batty for Bats: Materials to design and mass produce bat houses Teachers: S. Paul Myers Enriching the Higher Readers: Purchase School: South Vigo High leveled books for high enrichment/ intervention group Green, Fun, & Interactive: Purchase dry Teachers: Kristen Browne erase boards, markers & cleaner for sciSchool: DeVaney ence classes Teachers: Jeremy Johnson Exciting Writing: Purchase 30 student School: Woodrow Wilson thesauruses per 4th grade classroom Teachers: Wendy Gehman, Amanda Hands-On Cytology: Purchase all supplies Hazelwood, Kristina Minger, Justin Moore necessary to hatch chickens, teach life School: Terre Town science standards Teachers: Melissa DeCarlo Falcon Financial: Purchase auction items School: Woodrow Wilson for ongoing math incentive program for 3rd grade Highlighting Reading With Reading Teachers: Kathy Jacobs, Jessyka Haton Buddies & Your Family: Books and supSchool: Fuqua plies to use in grade 2 take-home family reading program Fall Bingo For Books Purchase books Teachers: Cheryl Thornton, Sandy Johnand game pieces for family night son, Lisa Sluder, Amy Johnson, Tim Moss Teachers: Kristie Eaton School: Dixie Bee School: Terre Town Interactive ABC/Word Wall: Purchase Families for Fluency: Books & supplies resources to learn early literacy skills in for take-home bags with reading activities multi-sensory way Teachers: Lee Ann Wells Teachers: Angileah Bark School: Terre Town School: Consolidated Learning Made Easy: Purchase math & reading games/activities for 1st grade classes Teachers: Carol Harder, Kara Howard, Michelle Kemp, Robin Rudisel School: Farrington Grove LION Books: Purchase materials for organized home reading program Teachers: Monica Zimmerman School: Lost Creek Little Learners…BIG Readers: Materials for kindergarten & special needs reading comprehension program Teachers: Kari Beattie, Alison Lane School: West Vigo Elementary Lively Literacy Learning: Purchase supplies for two literacy centers Teachers: Melodie All, Ann Bartley School: Lost Creek Making Math Meaningful: Purchase supplies for Common Core math standards learning centers Teachers: Judy Lawler School: Farrington Grove Math is Science - Science is Math: Supplies for hands-on activities and visuals combining math and science Teachers: Brian Sullivan, Melissa DeCarlo School: Woodrow Wilson Meadowlarks on Horseback: Cover cost of therapeutic horseback riding for special needs children Teachers: Jodie Buckallew School: Meadows Meet My Family: A Monthly Family Involvement Activity: Monthly school related activities designed to involve families Teachers: Rebecca Boehler School: DeVaney Miss Pompey's Family Fun Nights: Supplies for seasonal 1st grade family nights Family Fun Events: Supplies for six kinIrespond: Student Response Remotes Teachers: Mitzi Pompey dergarten family events Replace broken iRespond remotes to com- School: Ouabache Teachers: Carol Sumner plete class set School: DeVaney Teachers: Dave Swingley, Jeremy Johnson Musical Theatre Company:T.E.A.M.School: Woodrow Wilson Together Everyone Achieves More: SupFamily Game Night: Purchase supplies plies for students to create & perform a for math and language arts games for fam- It's Cool to be in School: Purchase atten- musical production ily night dance pins for students with perfect atten- Teachers: Tim Moss, Kathleen Sabaini, Teachers: Ann Bartley, Melodie All, Mary dance Pam Anshutz Ellen Buck, Cynthie Wright, Berta Cottom Teachers: Claire Marchese School: Dixie Bee School: Lost Creek School: Riley 7 Continued from page 7... Northern Reflections Literary Magazine: Funding to publish studentgenerated literary magazine Teachers: John W. Petty School: North Vigo High Reading the OZ Way: Purchase materials needed for learning centers to prepare students for I-Read test Teachers: Coral Pickens School: Sugar Grove Super Mileage Challenge: Purchase engine for fuel-efficient car that class is designing Teachers: Patrick Mackey School: South Vigo High Parent University - A Family Math Training Event: Purchase math materials for families to use at home and parent training in Everyday Math Teachers: Stacey Samuels School: Sugar Grove Read-N-Feed, Sr.: Purchase books, activities, food and decorations for family night Teachers: Jacki Secrest School: Ouabache Support & Nurture: Hands-on reading resources for the parenting students club Teachers: Joan Zuerner School: South Vigo High Parents~Poetry~Prizes: Purchase multiple copies of poem books for all 2nd grade classes for "Great Poetry Race" Teachers: Rebecca Forsythe School: Terre Town Physical Maps in Science: Connect social studies concepts of mapping and geography to earth science standards Teachers: Melissa DeCarlo, Jim Cottom School: Woodrow Wilson Piecing It Together: Scraps of Our 5th Grade Year Continued: Purchase materials for writing and scrapbooking projects Teachers: Angela Foster School: Farrington Grove Raising Readers: Purchase early emergent and emergent leveled books as part of home/school reading program Teachers: Michelle Ernest, Brenda Keiser, Shelley Lutes School: Hoosier Prairie Ready Readers: Purchase books for 2nd grade enrichment groups Teachers: Ashley Luken, Michelle Jahn School: Farrington Grove Reverse Enginer It and Race to Win It: Materials needed for students to reverse engineer an off-road remote controlled buggy Teachers: Eric Dyer School: South Vigo High Sarah Scott Yearbooks: Purchase camcorders to produce video yearbook Teachers: Tony Smodilla School: Sarah Scott Science Buddies: Purchase materials for weekly hands-on science experiments for 2nd graders Teachers: Kristen Browne, Rebecca Boehler School: DeVaney Science Power Purchase materials to make habitat dioramas Teachers: Carla Bailey Razzle Dazzle Reading: Purchase books School: Franklin to enhance selection in grade 2 classroom libraries Scrapbook of our Lives: Purchase Teachers: Teresa Hewitt scrapbooking materials, also incorporatSchool: Franklin ing two parent nights Teachers: Ashley Luken, Michelle Jahn, Read and Feed, Jr.: Purchase books and Kristen Malloy, Heather Meadors snacks for adult & child book club School: Farrington Grove Teachers: Christina Staggs School: Ouabache Spring Bingo for Books: Purchase books to give away during family night Read LIVE!: Purchase books and writing Teachers: Becky Davidson supplies for Read LIVE! Program School: Terre Town Teachers: Lana Thralls School: West Vigo Middle Sugar Bears for Literacy: Purchase supplemental reading materials for 2nd Read the Writing on the Wall: Purgraders chase materials to line the halls with Teachers: Helen Joseph language arts activities School: Sugar Grove Teachers: Terri Hammond School: Ouabache 8 Tasty Tales: Purchase books and snack supplies tied to literature; teach parents and children healthy eating habits Teachers: Maja Alic School: Terre Town The M.A.T.H. Connection: Purchase math activities, resources, materials for family math nights Teachers: Dianna Lammey, Tim Moss, Becky Noble, Michelle Sullivan, Robynn Cornelison School: Dixie Bee Tuesday Folders: Purchase take-home folders for each child in school Teachers: Karla Smith, Lynn Sargent School: Farrington Grove Under Water Robotics - Indiana Sea Perch: Purchase kits to research, design, and test under water robots Teachers: Josh Speer School: South Vigo High Verse Novels: Purchase verse novels for media center Teachers: Lindsey Tanoos School: Woodrow Wilson Voyage to Mars Mission: Activities, transportation, training, for Mars mission at Challenger Learning Center Teachers: Mary Menestrina School: Rio Grande W.O.W.-Work On Writing: Supplies needed to publish students' books, including a family night Teachers: Sarah Gadberry School: Terre Town WeDo LEGOs: Materials to construct computer programmed robots from LEGOs Teachers: Karen Wells, Kathy Diehl, Linda England, Janet Gruelach, Tracy Laubert, Amy Thompson School: Lost Creek Continued from page 8... Weekly Wonders: Purchase science and social studies magazines for classroom use Teachers: Anita Greasor School: Franklin Why Try? Positive Behavior Supports: Purchase counseling materials to facilitate the “Why Try?” program Teachers: Connie Waters School: Fayette and Terre Town What's Next for Us After High School?: Support materials and transportation for special education seniors to research post grad opportunities in the community Teachers: Josie Newport, Marty Floyd, Bonnie Uzzell School: South Vigo High Writers' Notebook for Middle School Students: Purchase writing books and supplies for 7th grade students Teachers: Melanie Beaver School: West Vigo Middle S Writing Camp: Supplies for 3rd grade after school writing workshop Teachers: Myrna Easton, Karen Long School: West Vigo Elementary Zoo Memories: Supplies to create memory books Teachers: Jaymi Duncan School: Franklin SCHOOL-WIDE GRANTS chool-wide grants are awards, generally $1,000-$3,000, given to principals for programs with a school-wide focus. These programs impact students throughout the entire school. Schoolwide grants completed in the 2012-2013 school years are listed here by title, description, and school. After-School Academic Tutoring: Fund FlashMaster Fans Flourish: Purchase after-school tutoring in math and science FlashMasters, digital alternative to flashNorth Vigo High cards, to improve math proficiency at all levels Battle of the Books Winners Win Riley Elementary Again!: Update all elementary nonfiction collections to integrate science titles to FlashMasters for Dixie Bee Elemenimprove informational text standard tary: Purchase FlashMasters, digital All Elementary Media Centers alternative to flashcards, to improve math fluency and computation Bee on Target: Purchase items for atten- Dixie Bee Elementary dance/behavior incentive program Honey Creek Middle Journey to Success: Purchase book, "Inch and Miles-Journey to Success" and Bully Busters: Purchase new books for supplies for each classroom weekly anti-bullying lesson in classroom Terre Town Elementary Ouabache Elementary Leveling the Playing Field at Hoosier English Language Arts Enrichment: Prairie: Purchase high interest leveled Purchase classroom sets of novels to nonfiction books for 3rd graders meet IN and Common Core standards for Hoosier Prairie Elementary each grade level Woodrow Wilson Middle Mastering Measurement: Purchase Master Ruler classroom sets for use durEnhancing Learning Through Health, ing 4th and 5th grade Everyday Math Fitness & Physical Activity: Update and lessons replace worn fitness equipment to deSugar Grove Elementary liver curriculum Farrington Grove Elementary Math in a Flash: Purchase FlashMasters, digital alternative to flashcards, to imEvery Minute Counts: Purchase items prove math fluency and computation for attendance incentive program Rio Grande Elementary Benjamin Franklin Elementary 9 Novels for Otter Creek Middle: Purchase novels for each grade level, targeting specific reading comprehension skills Otter Creek Middle Parents & Students Sharing Books: Purchase books, food, and supplies for two family "read in" nights West Vigo Middle Pointing Toward Perfection: Purchase items for attendance incentive program Lost Creek Elementary Success With Six - Traits Writing: Purchase materials to implement schoolwide writing program Sugar Creek Consolidated Elementary Supporting Students with Outside Reading Books: Purchase novels for all 4th and 5th graders to read over Thanksgiving & Winter breaks West Vigo Elementary Using Educational Videos in the Classroom: Purchase new electronic equipment to update VOD server (Safari Montage) to meet State Common Core Standards Sarah Scott Middle T THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS! he generosity of the following has made it possible for the Vigo County Education Foundation to continue its mission of developing tomorrow’s leaders in our Vigo County Schools: Anonymous Jack and Flo All Dr. and Mrs. Frank B Anshutz Bruce and Margie Anshutz Barb and Leo Bach Bob and Julie Baesler Brad Balch Vicki Barrett Guy Belzile Shirley A.Bishop John and Bev Bitzegaio Matthew Blair Stacey Bocard David and Luann Bolk Gene and Shirley Bonfer, Sr. Bradley and Susan Bough Nancy Brentlinger Curt and Linda Brighton Tyler Brock Janet Brosmer Lin Bunch Penelope Burley Trudy and Tony Butwin David, Molly, John and Grace Callahan Jennifer Campbell Pat Carney Mary Ann Carroll Jerome Case Anita Cheesman Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Ciancone Megan Ciolli Lori Clark Peggy Cobb J. Bart Colwell Deborah Comelleri Derek Conner Frances A. Cook Gabe Cook Jim and Camilla Correll Barry and Sally Cowan Guille and Cindy Cox Jim and Bev Cristee Charles T. and Sandra W. Culp Kathleen Culver Steve and Lori Danielson Bruce and Lois Danner Joanne Davignon Patty Decker Tom and Laura Dever Guy Dillard John and Rolanda Dinkel Dan Doan Christopher and Bridgett Doll Jerry and Cookie Dooley Rob and Mary Doti Dorothy Drummond June and Jim Dunbar Brian Dyer P.J. and Peter Ekstrom Judge and Mrs. Michael Eldred Kal and Christy Ellis Benjamin Fairhurst Dr. Andy Farber Jeff and Janet Farmer Vern and Janice Fellows Dan and Lindy Fisher Tom and Connie Francis Dave and Janet Friedrich Bettina Galey-Horrall Gordon and Tharon Geckeler Mrs. John T. Gelder, Jr. John Gettinger Vanita Gibbs Tony and Linda Gibbs Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Gillespie Rene Goddard David and Barbara Goeller Tom and Ann Goss Mr. and Mrs. David Grimes Elizabeth Grimes Lynn Ha Garry and Cathy Handlin Nancy, Randy, and Tess Hankins John Hanley, IV Muriel Hannig David and Katherine Hannum David and Carol Harrah Kent Harris Jim and Judy Hatch Monica S. Hawkins Gail Hayes Bob and Jane Ann Heaton John and Sue Heck Larry Helman Andy and Libby Hendricks Rex and Carla Henry Alan Hill Catherine Hill Patricia Hilton Randy and Kristi Hitchmough Kelly Hoke Michael and Jeanne Hopper Ward, Rosemary, Courtney and Anne Hubbard Helen Huddleson Dale Hudson Mike Ireland Rex and Jessie Ireland Gretchen Bauer Jennermann Dr. Robert and Jan Jerry Dorothy Jerse Elizabeth Jungers Ayni Kamisli Wendy Keith Paul Kelley Amanda Kibler R. Hankins Family Ron and Susan Kiger Duane and Mary Alice Klueh Vani Koduru Roland Kohr Ted Kraly Girija Kunapareddy Julie Lautenschlager Kim and Harold Lawrence Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Layman Kathy Alexander and Robert Levy Mary Ellen and Steve Linn Dierdre Llewellyn Laurie and Mike Loveall Donald R. Lowder Jim Lowe Jacqueline Lower Britt Lowery Michael L. Maher Jim and Johnine Mann Claire and Neil Marchese Usha Marri Judy Martin John and Lynn Mast Jodi May Jack Maynard Scott McCullough John McDonnall Dale and Nancy McKee Diann and Craig McKee Nancy Meadows Laney Meis 10 Jane Mills Dr. and Mrs. Joe Minnis, Jr. Jerry and David Mitchell Terry R. Modesitt Donald E. Moffitt Sally Moulton Robert Murray Pamela Myers David E. Myers Krishna and Aruna Namburi Fred and Nancy Nation Susan and Dan Newton Magdy Nour Chad and Natalie Overton Margaret E. Pappas Parul Patel Sanjay and Priya Pathak Jami Patterson Jack and Sharon Pattison Rose Pepperman Beverly Perdue Ken and Susie Pierce Holly Pies David and Jennifer Piker Eileen and Ted Prose Amy Purdy Drs. J. Robert and Diana Quatroche Tracy and Scott Rader Jack Ragle Lakshmi Reddy Anthony and Holly Reedy Ronald Reeves Darrell A. Roundtree Fred and Nancy Rubey Ann and Paul Ryan Lynn Sargent Don and Wendy Schroeder Charles and Elaine Seitz Susan Shackelford Bradley Shike Jill Short Virginia L. Smith Jeff and Sara Smith Dr. Joyce Snyder William Southwick Kathryn Spelman Bryan K. Sponsler Jeri Stark Randall Stevens Kent Stultz Jim Sutch Individuals (Continued) Anthony A. Tanoos Donna Tarwater Jennifer Tarwater Ron and Cinda Taylor Scott and Sondra Teffeteller Tom and Carol Templeton Ronni Templeton Eileen Thomas Tom and Jenny Thomas Gail Thompson Michael and Mary Jo Tom Ruth Ann Tooloose Heather Truby Phyllis D. and Ned Turner Jennifer Turner Charles Uhl Peter Varda Mrs. William Veach Connie Waters Barbara Webster Suellen Wegner Bill Weiner William M. Welch Charlie and Kim Welker Denise Weltzin Bob and Linda Wiemuth Curtis and Leslie Wilkinson J. Scott and Armeen Williams David and Janie Williams Donna Wilson Dr. Curtis Winkle Martha Woods Mark and Ann Wright Peg and Rob York Matthew and Ancy Zachariah David and Joan Zaun Lost Creek students build and program moveable Lego robots Business, Foundation, and Community Organizations Anonymous Acorn Distributors, Inc. Allstate Insurance CompanyBryan Sponslor American Fidelity Assurance Anderson & Nichols Andrews Towing Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Aramark Uniform Services Associated Roofing Professionals, Inc. AT Ministry's, Incorporated Auto House, Inc. B & S Plumbing & Heating, Inc. B&B Food Distributors, Inc. Bemis Company, Inc. Benjamin Franklin Elementary School Beta Omicron Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma Betty Lanke- ReMax Realty Mr. Bitzegaio’s Class BR Associates, Inc. Brames & Oldham Brian M. Ross, O.D. C.H. Garmong & Son, Inc. Caboodle Cupcakes CF Industries CGFS Holdings City of Terre Haute Clabber Girl Clara Fairbanks Foundation CliftonLarsonAllen Committee to Elect Bob Heaton Conservatory of Music Crossroads Café Culp Ventures Dalex, Inc. Davis Park Elementary School Deming Elementary School DeVaney Elementary School Dixie Bee Elementary School Don's Service Center Dorsett Automotive Duke Energy Foundation Educational Heritage Association Edible Bouquets by Janicki Eli Lilly and Company Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Energy Systems Group Essence of Red Committee Farr & Associates Farrington Grove Elementary School First Financial Bank Fitzpatrick Funeral Home Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos & Newlin Forrest Sherer Inc Fort Harrison Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution Frontier Communications Fuqua Elementary School Fuson Automotive Gibson Teldata Gregory L. Gibson Charitable Foundation, Inc. Hamilton Center Inc Hank Metzger Landscape, Inc. 11 Hannig Construction, Inc. Harrison College Holiday Inn Honey Creek Collision & Custom Paint Honey Creek Middle School HSC Group @MorganStanleySmith Barney Indiana Business Equipment Indiana Chemical Trust Indiana State University Foundation ISU Bayh College of Education ISU Credit Union JADCORE, INC. Joink Kelly Educational Staffing Kelly Services Kiwanis Club of Terre Haute Kohl's Law Offices of Cox, Zwerner, Gambill & Sullivan, LLP Lee Company, Inc. Lifetouch National School Studios Lost Creek Elementary School LWC Incorporated Major Saver Holdings Martin Riley, Inc. Max and Jacqueline Gibson Foundation McGuire Excavating & Trucking, Inc. McLean High School Meadows Elementary School Merck Partnership for Giving Mic’s Pics Midtown Dentistry Midwest Transit Equipment Mike's Market millerwhite Marketing Nirvana MedSpa Old National Bancorp Old National Bank Old National Insurance Ossip-Ross Optometry Otter Creek Middle School Ouabache Elementary Oxford Financial Group Pfister and Company, Inc. Platolene 500 Reddy Law Firm, LLC Refreshment Services Pepsi Retec Corporation RICOH Riddell National Bank Riley Elementary School Riley Elementary School Faculty and Staff Rose-Hulman Homework Hotline (Rose-Hulman Institute) Sackrider & Company, Inc. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Sam's Club SMC, Inc. Smock & Etling Soggy Donuts Spence/Banks, Inc Stan's Nautilus and Fitness Center Business, Foundation, and Community Organizations ( Continued) Sugar Grove Elementary School Sycamore Engineering, Inc. Sycamore Insurance Associates Tabco Templeton Coal Company, Inc. Terre Haute Boys & Girls Club Terre Haute Chevrolet Terre Haute Convention and Visitors Bureau Terre Haute North Vigo High School Terre Haute Regional Hospital Terre Haute Rex Baseball Terre Haute Rotary Foundation, Inc. Terre Haute Savings Bank Terre Haute South Vigo High School Terre Haute Young Leaders Terre Town Elementary School Thiemann Office Products Tofaute & Spelman, LLC Toyota of Terre Haute T Treasurer of Vigo County Tribune Star Publishing Co. The Tulip Company UAP Clinic Union Hospital VCSC Administrative Funds Vicki’s School of Dance Vigo County Retired Teachers Association Vigo County School Administrators Association Vigo County School Corporation Vigo County Teachers Association Vigo Dodge, Inc. Wabash Valley Animal Hospital Wabash Valley Asphalt Wabash Valley Community Foundation Wabash Valley Goodwill Industries, Inc. Wellness for Life Medical LLC West Vigo High School West Vigo Middle School Weston Wabash Foundation Wilkinson, Goeller, Modesitt, Wilkinson & Drummy, LLP WilliamsRandall Marketiing Communications Woman's Department Club of Terre Haute Woodrow Wilson Middle School Wright, Shagley & Lowery, P.C. WTWO - NBC2 Students receive hands-on experience in CTE classes TRIBUTES he following tributes have been made to honor individuals whose accomplishments accentuate their lifelong commitment to learning. In honor of: Danny Tanoos on Bosses' Day for the “Backpack Program” From: Donna Wilson In honor of: John Orr's retirement From: Donna Wilson In honor of: Mayor Duke Bennett, Katherine Utley From: Educational Heritage Association In honor of: Amanda and Lant Davis From: Phyllis D. and Ned Turner In honor of: Susie Dewey From: Eileen and Ted Prose In honor of: Lori Danielson From: Shirley A. Bishop In honor of: Jeanne Bilyeu From: Patty Decker In honor of: Rebecca Boehler From: Gordon and Tharon Geckler In honor of: Deming Elementary School From: Mr. Anthony Tanoos In honor of: Dean Janet Coogan From: Shirley Bishop In honor of: Dee Walters' retirement from Chauncey Rose Middle School From: Michael and Jeanne Hopper In honor of: Claire Marchese at In honor of: Jennifer Hendrix Christmas From: Patricia Hilton From: Riley Elementary Faculty and Staff In honor of: Holly Ekberg, Alexa Ekberg, Sophie Wilensky From: Kathleen Culver 12 T MEMORIALS he following memorial donations have been made in honor of friends and loved ones who believed in the power of education to change lives positively. Richard Auer from Woodrow Wilson Middle School Marion Mellor Biel from Fort Harrison Chapter, Daughters of The American Revolution Rebecca S. Bough from Bradley and Susan Bough Tina Clem from Jim and Judy Hatch David and Carol Harrah William E. Cook from Francis A. Cook Betty Dodson from Woodrow Wilson Middle School Hillary Farmer from Jeff and Janet Farmer Charles A. Fouty from Barbara Webster David and Barbara Goeller Dale and Nancy McKee Duane and Mary Alice Kleuh Dr. Donald Fread from Dr. and Mrs. Frank B. Anshutz Tom and Jenny Thomas Jean J. Freed from Dr. and Mrs. Frank B. Anshutz Pauline and Rollie Galey from Vigo County School Administrators Association John T. Gelder from Mrs. John T. Gelder David Gibbs from Barbara Webster Vanita Gibbs Peggy Cobb Maver Gibbs from Vanita Gibbs Marcella Boyll Goodwin from Fort Harrison Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution William Hamrick from Vigo County School Administrators Association Hazel Herb from Connie Waters Ron and Cinda Taylor Sandra H. Hicks from Charles and Elaine Seitz Caye Hudson from Dale Hudson Paul Ray Kennedy from Kathleen Culver Charles D. "Chick" LaFollette from Diann and Craig McKee Gloria Marlowe from June and Jim Dunbar Amanda Kibler Nancy, Randy and Tess Hankins John and Lynn Mast Y Jerod Lawrence from Kim and Harold Lawrence Helen Huddleson Kelly Hoke Mary Ellen and Steve Linn Gary and Cathy Handlin Anthony and Holly Reedy Tyler Brock John Hanley, IV Derek Connor Megan Ciolli Wright, Shagley, and Lowery, P.C. First Financial Bank ISU Credit Union Honey Creek Collison & Custon Paint Art and Mary Mann from Jim and Johnine Mann Polly Elizabeth Marchese from Polly and Frank Anshutz Tom and Jenny Thomas Rosemary Menestrina from Ward, Rosemary, Courtney and Anne Hubbard Chandramati Namburi from Krishna and Aruna Namburi Nancy Redman Nesting from Dr. and Mrs. Frank B. Anshutz Patrick O'Leary from Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Gillespie Robert Piker from Amanda Kibler R. Hankins Family James Michael Quatroche from Drs. J. Robert and Diana Quatroche Christopher Todd Ray from David, Molly, John and Grace Callahan William Southwick Jack and Sharon Pattison Mildred Rees from Jack and Sharon Pattison Jim and Camilla Correll Sue Roundtree from Darrell A. Roundtree Travis J. Smith from Jerry and Cookie Dooley Richard "Dick" Tanoos from Ward, Rosemary, Courtney and Anne Hubbard John A. Templeton from Ronni Templeton Paul Thomas from Eileen Thomas George Von Spreckleson, Jr. from E.S. and Liz Ciancone Karen Wright from Jim and Judy Hatch ou can specify how your donation is used! Donations to the following funds help continue the work of the Vigo County Education Foundation: Annual Fund: This fund is used to finance mini-grants, school-wide grants, and operating expenses. Restricted Fund: This fund is used to finance a particular grant or project as requested by a donor. Endowment Fund: This fund is used to build assets of the Foundation; earnings may be used for grand funds; however, principal is to remain invested and not spent. General Donation: You can give a gift that can be used at the discretion of the Foundation. 13 W PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS e would like to thank the Vigo County School Corporation staff members for contributing to the payroll deduction program. These VCSC employees support the Foundation because they believe in funding our community’s future today. Diedre Adams Jacqueline Adams Melodie All Karen Allen Karen Andrews Gail Artis Raymond Azar Franklin Baile, Jr. Thomas Balitewicz Linda Ballman Jan Barbee Ann Bartley Melanie Beaver Tamara Beck Julie Bender John Bitzegaio Jeffrey Blake Rebecca Boehler Jennifer Bowling William Bray Debra Britton Janet Brosmer Rebecca Brown Scotia Brown Cathie Bryant Jodie Buckallew Ann Butwin Bekki Cahill Patricia Carrick Mika Cassell Anna Lee Chalos-McAleese Carol Cheesman Gregory Chiado Sandra Childress Jeffrey Cobb Tonia Cook Barbara Cooper Robynn Cornelison Sherri Cotner James Cottom Roberta Cottom Betty Crist Debra Dailey Kathy Deal Gary Dellmo Wilma Deardorff Peggy Diehl Nancy Dieter Douglas Dillion Scott Dillion Terri Dillion Heidi Dougherty arbara Edler Michelle Earley Myrna Easton Patricia Eaton Sue Edwards Susan Eisman Barbara Ellis Christi Fenton Jodi Fish Shirley Foster Lurissa Francis Erin Frazier Richard Friebus David Frisz Mark Frisz Bettina Galey-Horrall Sanae Glendening Cynthia Gloye Debra Goecker Karen Goeller Loanna Good Wilma Grayless Anita Greasor Carla Haley Elizabeth Haley Terri Hammond Crystal Harris Mary Beth Harris Jerrie Harrison Sherri Haymaker Diane Hayne Mara Hayne David Heath Tanya Hemmings Cynthia Hendrix Sherrie Herner Teresa Hewitt Jennifer Hicks Marcia Higham Andrea Hires David Hoffa Charles Holley, Jr. Jaye Holley John Daniel Hopkins Aaron Hughes Laura Hughes Steven Humphrey Michelle Hunt Kathy Jacobs Michelle Jahn Dana Jeffers Diane Jensen Sandra Johnson Diana Jones Marsha Jones Steve Joseph Linda Joy Kathy Kamp Robert Karr Dallas Kelsey Laura Kidwell Jesica King Janella Knierim Catherine Laska Bruce Lautenschlager Julie Lautenschlager April Lawrence Mark Lee Thomas Lentes Angela Leslie Carla Lewis Michele Loveall Ellen Lunsford Colleen Magnuson Connie MalloryJohnson Brian Mancuso Sharon Manley Sherrie Mansfield Claire Marchese Susan Mardis Brenda Marina Connie Marrs Suzanne Marrs Judith Martin Stacy Mason Christopher Mauk Debra May Jamie McDonald Karen McDonald Kelly McFarland Cheryl Meneely Mary Menestrina Ricky Menestrina Margaret Merrill Melissa Miller 14 Kimberline Minderman Scott Moore Molly Morecraft Kirsten Morrison Tim Moss Samuel Paul Myers Susan Myers John Newport Michael Newport April Newton Mary Nugent Cathy Nutter Michelle Nutter Patti Oehl John Olsen Karen Oxendine Nancy Padan Abbi Pell Pamela Pence Mia Perry-Killeen Debra Petty Susan Phillips Holly Pies Sharon Pitts Juliann Plasse Nancy Ralston Daniel Raubuck Lauri Reed Jeanine Reynolds Haley Ringwald Joyce Roads Donna Rockwood Dustin Roe Tammy Roeschlein Debra Roman Kristina Runyan Roberta Santilli Lynn Sargent Lorraine Scheidler Sandra Sell Susan Shackelford Charles Shacklee Marilyn Shaffer Hillary Shepherd Carol Siverly Sandra Small Karla Smith Robin Smith William Smith Sharon Snyder Kimberly Souder Kelly Stafford Virginia Stanley Rick Stevens Myla Stoffers Brenda Swagerle David Swingley Sarah Sykes Daniel Tanoos Cinda Taylor Jane Tennis Nancy Terkosky Victoria Thiede Amy Thompson Dana Thompson Cheryl Thornton Donna Tidd Scott Timbs Byron Tomlinson Michelle Toon Michelle Tracy Timothy Vislosky Kathrine Walker Connie Waters Margaret Weaver Karen Webb Barbara Webster Terri White Robbin Wilbur David Wilkinson Kara Wilkinson William Wilkinson Donna Williams Jennifer Williams Mary Lou Williams Rebecca Williams Donna Wilson Edra Wilson Rebecca Wiram Sharon Woelfle Jean Wright Susan Wright Janet Wrin Leslie Yocum Monica Zimmerman Joan Zuerner T “THANK-A-TEACHER” DONATIONS ributes to the following teachers have been made through a “Thank-A-Teacher” donation from students, colleagues, or parents. These tributes are accepted and acknowledged all year long and are especially meaningful during the holidays. Linda Afdahl Mariann Allen Gayle Arnold Amy Barbour Dana Bennett John Bitzegaio Bill Blankenbaker Dianne Bogle Margaret Bourne Sarah Butts Robert Compton Tonia Cook Glen Cook Dianna Cooper Trudy Cooper Robyn Cornelison Susan Cox Peggy Diehl Jamie Duncan T Chris Ellis Bob Fischer Kylee Anderson Fuqua Kyle Fuqua Susie Gallagher Jane Gardner Kristina Gomolisky Lacey Harden Dana Harlan Shawn Hawley Mara Hayne Carla Henry Teresa Hewitt Jennifer Hicks Christine Hopkins Melissa Hopper Aaron Hughes Katrina Jarvis Jessica Johnson Sandy Johnson Carrie LaVallie Meredith Lee Abby Livers Beth Mangin Barbara May Amanda McDowell Sandy McFarland Debra McKay Cathleen Miller Kim Minderman Nancy Mottel Rebecca Noble Jennifer Oricks Karla Orman Kris Painter Abbi Pell Debra Petty Debbie Raley Stephanie Ralston Kim Ray Sheri Reed Joyce Roads Beth Sagraves Erika Sullivan Lindsay Swan Karen Taylor Cinda Taylor Cheryl Thornton Brenda Toney Michelle Toon Connie Waters Julie Wheaton William Wilkinson Michael Williams LICENSE PLATES SALES he Education Foundation license plate has a new look this year but don’t let that look confuse you. The proceeds from the sale of these plates continues to illustrate your support of Education Foundation programs. You can help support the Vigo County Education Foundation and local schools by purchasing a “Committed to Education” license plate. The original design, featuring Garfield the Cat, has been updated to feature the new Read On, Indiana! initiative. The plates can be purchased from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles and the VCEF will receive $18.75 for every “Committed to Education” license plate purchased. Funds generated from the education license plate program help fund teacher created programs throughout the Vigo County School Corporation. To purchase an education plate, ask for the “Committed to Education” plate at your local license branch. Make sure to indicate that your contribution should go to the Vigo County Education Foundation. 15 VCEF FINANCIAL INFORMATION VCEF Balance Sheet June 30, 2013 VCEF Income Statement Year Ended June 30, 2013 Assets Revenue Cash Investments $161,092.56 58,875.46 Donations - Restricted Donations - Thank-a-Teacher 1,210.00 Savings and CD Endowment funds 96,808.38 673,728.46 Donations - Board Drive 8,197.50 Donations - Memorial Donations - VCSC Payroll 5,005.00 13,445.00 $990,504.86 Donations - Grants 93,865.01 Endowment Income License Plates 45,660.80 3,581.25 Major Savers 49,975.00 Golf Outing - net 44,986.17 Total Assets Liabilities and Fund Balance Liabilities Deferred Revenue Accrued Payroll Liability $2,500.00 1,619.09 Accrued SEP 393.18 Total liabilities 4,512.27 $135,955.41 Restricted Funds 117,433.26 Endowment Funds 732,603.92 Total fund balance Total liabilities and fund balance Annual Dinner - net 2,613.81 Miscellaneous 1,500.00 369.73 Interest Income Total Revenue $329,028.80 Operating Expenses Fund balances Unrestricted Funds $ 58,619.53 Awards and Grants Restricted Grants Personnel Expense General Office Expense Legal and Professional fees 985,992.59 Total expenses $990,504.86 Net income 16 $117,297.86 69,680.22 69,897.36 6,196.39 9,595.00 272,666.83 $ 56,361.97 Vigo County Education Foundation Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Terre Haute, IN Permit No. 86 686 Wabash, P.O. Box 3703 Terre Haute, IN 47803-0703 812.462.4077 WWW.VIGOCOUNTYEDUCATIONFOUNDATION.ORG 1
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