ffi* re ffi - Brock Commodore Owners Association of Australia, Inc.
ffi* re ffi - Brock Commodore Owners Association of Australia, Inc.
reEre ffi* ffi It was a mean beast of a car that VK GroupA Commodore.Of all the Brock inspiredCommodorespecials,that blue blasterwas a pinnacle.Releasedin 1985, it had takenHoldenDealerTeam SpecialVehiclesvirtuallyfive years to come up with the machinethat still remainsone of the rarestand most coveted of the breed. Only 500 were ever built,so today a good examplefetches up to $5000 MOREthan it cost new - if you can find one! '85 GroupA wasn't a Oddly enoughthe pure Brock specialbecauseit was developedjointlywith Holden's.lt was basedon the CommodoreSL in SS form. and was unashamedlya thinlydisguised racer. To those who are not of the HDT faith it's pretty hard to find a way throughthe jungleof HDTmodelswhich havebeen producedover the years. There have been plentyof them. Even before the '1985 GroupA, HDT SpecialVehicleshad built more than 1000 cars. '1 The first was 980 VC Commodore SUE based.lt arose out of Peter Brock's need to homologatenumerousracing partsfor the MarlboroHoldenDealer Team:s198'l Group C racingeffort. At that time Brock had just taken over leadershipof the HDT from John Sheppard. Availablein red. black or white - HDT's colors- the car had the 308 V 8 engine and M 21 four speed gearbox.A turbo Hydramaticauto transmissionwas optional.The cylinderheadswere machinedand fitted'withbiggervalves. Therewas cold air box for the carburettor intakeand the inlet manifoldwas considerablymodified.This also calledfor to the fuel pump and fuel improvements supply system. Chromedrocker covers and a chromed air cleanergave the enginebay plentyof style. Other modificationsincludeda bigger mastercylinderfor the improvedfour wheel disc bakes.and revised It wasa nistake to basethe first Broc( Conplentyot modoreon the SL/E, necessitating excessweightto be caniedin racing. resultantrace car had to competeat the same standardkerb weight. That meant the Group C modelwas forced to carry aroundsuch uselessadditionsas the air suspensionwith new springsand Bilstein conditioning equipment.Therewas no gas pressureshock absorbers.German other choice however,as the engine'sbig lrmscheralloywheels fitted with Uniroyal valveheadswere only eligiblein the one 6O seriesWildcatswere the only bits that pacKage. touchedthe ground. It was a mistakeHDT was not to make A front air dam and rear spoiler, again! togetherwith wheelarchflaresto cover By 1982 the VC had given way to the the wider wheels,completedthe exterior VH modelCommodore.Needlessto say, of the car. plentyof thoughtwent into the creationof Insidetherewas SLiE red trim,a Momo a homologation specialon this basis. steeringwheel and a wooden gearshift Indeed,Holden'sitself launchedthe base knob. There was also a driver'sleft side modelas the SS, pickingup where the foot rest. old Monaroshad left off. Brockbuilt413 of thesecars As a sporty special the VH SS was eventually,but they were nothinglike as fairlyunpretentious.Keepingweight to a successfulas some laterexamples. bareminimum,the A 9K fleet Furthermorethey causedquite a ruckus specificationmodelwas chosen, its in racingcircles,the argumentgoing on relativelyspartaninteriorremaining for some time. unmodified.Underthe hood thoughthe You see by homologating a developed standardversioncame with Holden's4.2 versionof the CommodoreSL/E, the litre V8, but with a dual exhaust.As is well known, HoldenV 8s are amenableto GMHbuift SS Connodoresarrive at the old exhausttuning.The 308 inch enginewas ChetwyndEtreetHDT SpecialVehiclestacility. an option,againwith dual exhaust system. Standardwas the M 21 lour speed manualgearbox,takingdrive to the 3.O8 limitedslip diff'. Therewere four wheel disc brakesof course.while the whole thing was set off by AungerQuattroalloy wheels,fitted with UniroyalER 7OH Wildcats.Exteriorfinishon all SS decalled models was Maranellored. Whilethe basicSS was made and sold by tlolden's and its dealers,Holden DealerTeam SpecialVehiclesproduced three derivationsof the theme. For the price of the SS, plus an additional $1250, you couldbuy the HDTGroup One version. This had Brock modifiedsuspension with his favoriteBilsteingas pressure shock absorbers.There was still the choice ol 4.2 litre or five litre V8 engines, but these were modifiedto some degree, woTsHoT31 tI I the carburettbrbeing fed by an HDT 125 fuel pump. A Biggerone inch master cylinder was fitted also. Insidethere was sports steeringwheel and HDT gearshiftknob, plus of course, the driver'sleft foot rest. The Maranello red exteriorfinish carried"Group One Tuned" decals to completethe job. All of the above, plus a fully blueprinted HDT five litre engine,fitted with chrome rocker covers and a gas flowed inlet manifold,made up the GroupTwo kit. In additionthere was an air dam, boot lid spoilerand "aero fences" on top of the front guards.Completewith "GroupTwo Tuned" decals.the cost was a further $2500. It was the GroupThree which was the daddyof the lot, beingthe true homologationspecialfor the racing season. ln additionto all the items includedin the Group One and Two modifications, the GrouoThree had extractorsand a low restrictionsports exhaustsystem,plus a Scorcher electronicignitionset-up. There were the same lrmscheralloy wheels previouslyseen on the first Brock Commodore,fitted with 60 seriestyres. Still finishedin Maranellored, the body carriedthe "Group ThreeTuned" decals, and was equippedwith a more effective front air dam, side skirts and a rear wing. Also the enginehood was bulged. Whilea fair few standardSS models were sold, demandfor GroupOne and Two cars was light to say the least.The GroupThree thoughreallywowed them! The final cost of a Commodorewith the works was $7500 abovethe base cost of the A 9K sedan,addingits $3750 to the $2500 and $1250 respectively of the GrouoOne and Two versions. However,there were plentyof people who were happyto spend much more. They were the ones who orderedthe full Grouo Three treatmenton an SUE base. It was no problemto buildtheir cars so long as sufficientnumbersof the homologationmodels were produced. Accordingto HDT expert Mike Oliver, of DenisOliverHDT, the VH SS Group Three was a real winner,and one that is a popularbuy today - again,if you can find one. As so often happens,there were plenty of other peoplewho wantedthe performanceof a GroupThree, but didn't want the banglesand baublesthat went with it. As a result a numberof stocK lookingCommodoreswith GroupThree innardshit the streets. Up until the aqrival of the VK Commodore,1250 SS models of all types were built by HDT Specid Vehicles. Untilnow Holden'shad put up with:the complicationswraughtby the HDT cars on th productionlines.By 1984 however, wilh the VK comingalong,it was decided to do thingsdifferently.Priorto the VK, and with Holden'sdifficulties firmlyin mind,PeterBrockhad been looking seriouslyat Opel's Monzacoupe as a possiblebasisfor an HDT specialvehicle. A basicprototypewas actuallybuilt, but nothinglurther came of the projectas easier alternativespresentedthemselves. Policespecialshad to be toleratedin production,so to overcomethe Brock problems,a proportionof these went to SpecialVehiclesfor completionas SS version.Firstof them was the LM 5OOO, a stop gap modelbuiltin smallnumbers. It had the police pack, includingthe Brock engine,M 21 four speed gearbox, togetherwith a 3.08 diff ratio. In addition there was the sports heavyduty suspensionwith Bilsteingas shocks. HDT SpecialVehiclesaddedchromerocker coversand air cleaner,replacingthe steel wheels with lrmschers. Body additionsincludea rear spoiler, side skirts,aero strakeson top of the front guardsand color coded front and rear bumpers.Insidethere was a Momo steeringwheel and all the other usual Brock additions.Numerousoptions includedScheelseats, largeralloy wheels and a few other things. After only a short while the HDT Special Vehiclesoperationseriouslybegan bulidingtwo basic lineson the VK - an SS and a new Group Three. The SS was fitted with the GroupThree engine,sports suspensionand HDT wheels,alongwith an upgradedinterior featuringan up marketsound system. The GroupThree properwas given the completeaerodynamictreatment, includingthe new slottedair intakefront end.Therewere alsobigger16 inch wheelswith lower profiletyres. The GroupThreewas availableonly in either silver or white. It was in 1984 that the first HDT SpecialVehiclesluxuryofferingappeared. This was the CalaisDirector,a machine that sufferedfrom beinga little too expensivefor its time. Nevertheless, Still the mostsoughtaftet nodel is the blue - the GroupA basedon the VKComnodore tirst with the true tive litre engine. it was the equalof many equipment-wise, other more expensivecars. It was also in 1984 that HDT Special Vehiclesmade its fourth move since 1980. Thistime it was to the extensive Port Melbourneaddressin BertieStreet. It was there that the best of all Brock yet, the 1985 GroupA Commodores "Blue Meanie"was created. As alreadynoted,the '85 SS Group A was the resultof a joint effort by Brock and Holden's.lt had to be becauseof the relativelyradicalrevisionsto the engine. The car was aimedat homologatingthe HoldenDealerTeam's1986 racecars which had to complywith international Group A rules for the first time. One of the featuresof the rules is that minimum all up weightsare tied to enginecapacity classes.Thus,with the Holden308 enginemeasuring5o44cc, it was destinedto run in the over 5000 cc class,coppinga minimumweightof 1400 kilograms.lf the enginecould be reduced to below that five litre markthe car could - a valuable run at 1325 kilograms saving in anyone'slanguage. Thus,in conjunction with Holden's engineers,the 308 was revised,a 1 mm shorterstroke givingit a capacityof 4987 cc. Insteadof the expensiveCarillo connectingrods used on the GroupC cars, L 34 rods were fitted. Surprisingly, insteadof resultingin a loss of performance,power output actuallyrose trom 177 kW at 4500 rpm to 196 kW at 5 2 O Or p m . Headswere reworkedby Dave Bennett'sPerfectuneorganisation, with compression ratiodown from 9.2:1 to 8.8:1, whilea new Cranecam gavea .3 inch lift. There were Cranerollerrockers and a biggerinlet manifoldmatchedto the ports. On the exhaustside there were tubularheadersto replacethe cast iron manifold.These were developedby HM Headers.A doublerow timingchain replacedthe old singlechain,whilea lighterflywheelhelpedwith engine response. woTsHoT33 Power steeringwas standardon the Group A, which also had the M 21 gearbox,togetherwith the originalGroup Three Bilsteinshocked suspension. Sixteeninch wheels wore Bridgestone 2251sORPotenzas. All these Group As were finishedin "FormulaBlue", but bodyworkwas nothinglike as radicalas the previouscar. The air dam was half way betweena Group C Racerand the GroupThreeroad car, while th rear spoilerlookedas though it was meantto be there. No side skirts or bulgedwheelarchesmarredthe VK's lines however. lnsidethere was a mixtureof bits from variousCommodoremodelsbut, as alwaysthere was the Momo steering wheel, Scheelseats and driver'sfoot rest. Cars were orderedlong beforethey were built,and they spent the minimum amountof time at dealerships.Now, three years later,if you can find an example you'll pay up to $26,000 for the pleasure of owningone in top condition.When originallysold, the "Blue Meanie"cost $21.950! An upgradingof the VK GroupThreein 1986 becamethe SeriesTwo. This was a more civilisedversionof the line. orientated more towards high speed touring than to racing. For this reason it was given a more compliantsuspension, ironingout the fairlyfirm ride of its sire. lt was also givena higherlevelof trim to highlightits more civilisedintendeduse. In 1986 the VL seriesreplacethe VK, resultingin HDT SpecialVehicles'last real associationwith Holden's. From the start there were rows between Brock and Holdenmanagementover equipment,this ultimatelyincludingthe imfamousEnergy Polariser.Brock stood his ground, refusingto allow an HDT buildnumberto be appliedto those cars sold by dealers which did not emanatefrom HDTSpecial I t I I I An interin nodel basedon the Holdenpolice specialswas the LM 5000,basedon the VK Connodores. Vehicles. In fact, the '86/87 VL GroupA is a very good car which alreadycommandsa $4000 premiumfor second hand examplesin good condition.lt's available only in the one dark red finish. It was created to meet fuel regulations regardingULP, being poweredby the 4.9 litre V 8 engine,now drivingthrougha Borg WarnerT 5 five speed manual gearbox.lt was the last homologation exercisefor the Mobil HoldenDealer Team.In road going guise however,there was nothinglike the same numberof uncomprosedfeatures as on the blue GroupAs built in 1985. Suspensionwas more compliantfor a start. And yet the racing image was still there. Becauseof the row betweenHolden and Brock, the VL offeringwound up as two cars ratherthan one. Those sold withoutthe specialBrock equipment- in which was includedthe oolariser- were minusthe Brock signaturewhich graces all HDT SpecialVehiclesbuilt cars. Where Brock was satisfiedthat thingswere being done his way, the signaturewas appliedand the car was referred to as a Group A Plus. In practicalterms there was very little differencebetweenthe GroupA and GroupA Plus,althoughthe latterhad a few extra enginetweaks. lt causedquite a deal of head scratchingin the HDT OwnersClub however.For a while only GroupA Plus modelswere eligiblefor membership.Now the normalGroup A is accepted. The story of the famousBrock Director, that dramaticallyrestyled car with its Opel Senatorderived independentrear suspension,is well known. lt was the last straw which finallysaw the severingof connectionsbetweenHDT Secial Anongst Peter Brock's last ofterings as Holden'soflicial SpecialVehiclesbosswere the CalaisDirector(left) and the Commodore SSGrouplll. gf s & TTT ,#x, Sr"rr .q*''" * x $ t j r ffi ;j '*'*&*i' r.t il *ffi#T l*$" 34 WOTSHOT s i Vehiclesand Holden's.lt did not, however,see the end of Brock's CommodoreSpecials. Holden'sestablishedits HoldenMotor SportsGroup underJohn Lindell,with inputfrom Britain'sTom Walkinshawand his TWR organisation.Developmentof the fuel injectedversionof the 4.9 litre enginewas aimedat fitmentto a new CommodoreSS Group A modelin early 1988. That car has now appearedand is featuredelsewherein this edition. Brock had plansfor his own fuel injectedGroupA car also, but in the interim,for 1987 HDTSpecialVehicles offered four modelsfrom which loyal customerscould choose. Basedon the Berlina,the GroupThree SignatureSeries was the high performancetouring machinewith specificationas near as dammitto the Group A, but with a little more road going refinement.Finishedin white, buyers could choose betweenthe T 5 manualor three speed automatic transmision. The GroupThreeSignaturemodel's4.9 litre V 8 had a 9.3:1 compressionratio, even in unleadedform. The carburettor was blueprintedand the manifolds matchedto the cylinderhead ports. A Wade 242 camshaftwas used, this providingsmoothrunningat high engine speeds, but a rough idle. As on the earlierGroupA, transmissionwas through a T 5 five speed manual.HDT'salloy Aero wheelswere fitted with 225150 VR 16 Bridggstones,so there was always plenty of rubberon the road, even at Brock's recommended22 psi tyre pressures! Standing4OOmetre times of well under 15 secondwere commonwith the '87 GroupThree, makingit a far stronger runnerthan the Group A. For Brock though,it was hard going withoutthe benefitof a close relationshipwith Holden's,'somuch store was put on less radicalconversionsas HDT Special Vehicles'bread and butter. First of these was the Sports Pack suitedto all SL, Executiveand Berlina models,as well as the Calais.Turbo enginedcars were given improvedco[d air inductionand a largerdiameter exhaust,while V8s were blueprintedwith variousinductionand exhaust modifications."SystemOne" springs,gas pressure shock absorbers and alloy wheelswere fitted. Momo alloywheels were optional. As an economicalway of gettinginto HDT gear there was the HDT Designer Series.A CalaisSport rear spoiler, revisedgrille,deeper front air dam and HDT Aero wheels made up the kit. There was also body color finishfor the front and rear bumpers,togetherwith the side moundings.Insidea Momo steering wheel was included. Finallythere was the famousHDT Directorwith two choicesof enginetune (V 8 only), five speed manualor three speed auto transmission,Momoalloy wheels and the fairlyradicalbody kit. Far too radicalfor Holden'shad been the Director'sOpel Senatorderived independentrear suspension.A whole host of luxuryoptionsmadea standard price for the car impossibleto pin down. At least one very comprehensively optioned version is said to have cost well over $80,00O, makingit the most expensive Australianmade car ever. Like so many marqueswhich cameto life over the years, these Commodore specialscommandan incredibledevotion from their adherents.This is clearly proved by the vigorousactivitiesof the HDT OwnersClub. The Club holds competitionsevery coupleof months, with a highlightof the year being a nationalmeeting.This year it's at Oran Parkfrom the 1st Apriluntil the 4th. In additionthere's the regularday out held at Calder. lt attracts literallyhundredsof owners with their superblyturnedout Commodores. To his credit, Mike Oliverof Denis Oliver HDT was one of the first to With the introduction of the lead-free VB enginecane the VL Connodore$S AroupA, all versionsbeingtinishedin deepred. recognisethe widespreadenthusiasmfor Brock Commodores,and the factory specials.lt was three years ago that he opened his businessas a dealer in the marque.In his secondyear, 1986, he sold 176 of them. Last year the totalrose to 300. Up to January2Oth this year he had alreadysold no less than 16! "All Brock Commodoresappreciate,,' says Mike, ':but they're gettingmore difficultto find." Denis Oliver HDT has buyers all over the countryscoutingfor good used Brock models.The companyis also kept busy puttingvalueson examplesstockedby other dealersalmosteverywhere.,,We valueanythingup to 20 a week," commentsMike. He has a strong involvementwith the HDT Owners Club, and until recenflykept in close contactwith Peter Brock's current organisation.lt would seem however,that the writingis on the wall in that area now that the Brock racing effort is concentratedon BMWs. The VL GroupThree SignatureSeries cars were Oliver'sidea. Laterthis year, in conjuctionwith race preparationace Les Small,he intendsbuildinghalf a dozen or so of his own specialsbasedon the VL. Mike says it will be a high performance GroupA type of vehicle,but it will be luxuryorientatedin the fashionof Euopeanmodels. It is intendedthat the cars will be completerebuildsbasedon new vehicles. They will be gutted before total seam weldingto obviatethe rattleswhich always seem to develop in the factory built versions.They will be fitted with an unobtrusive,but effective roll bar system before being retrimmedwith all new materialsand carpets.There will be a choiceof cloth or leatherfor seat trim, while a completelynew dashboardwill be featured. Powerwill come from the latestfactory GroupA's five litre fuel injectedV 8, drivingthrougha Borg WarnerT 5 five speed manualtransmission. Mike says the car will look nothinglike a Commodore,and will have a new name. As yet however,he hasn'tcome up with the latter.Builtto the higheststandards with the best equipmentavailable,the DenisOliverHDT Commodorewill cost around$50,000. Therewill be a higherprofilefor the companyin motor racingtoo. Again,with help from Les Small,two VL Commodores are being readiedfor the AUSCARseries on Calder'shigh bankedsuper speedway. MikeOliverhimselfwill driveone, while his servicemanager,Mike Freeman,will handlethe other.CustomerAUSCAR racerswill also be built to order, all of them fitted with Les Smallengines. Whateverelse happens,Commodores are going to figure as both race cars and collectors'itemsfor a numberof years to come.To find the pick of them though, DenisOliverHDT would seem to be a reasonableplace to start! WOTSHOT 35 Speal<to theenfhusiasfs -DenisOliverPertomtance Calsj DennisOliverPerformonce No,enthusiosts. Andtheystock CorsoreH.D.T.Commodorespeciolists. themoll.. . from'theoriginolVCBrockmodels,to theVK&VL Directors ondGroupAs.Andremember, you'llstillgetthefre H.D.T.Owners witheveryH.D.T.vehicle sold. Clubmembershrp Alongwithfull partsondservice modificotion whether bockup,theyconhandleonyperformonce preporotion T-5Gurboxswops,Multi-Weber Strokers, Carbs&Manifolds.RoceCorTuningond includingSuspension, Brokes, etc. You'll want theexcitement too.Afterall,that\what heselb, ' H.DT.Owners Clubmembenhip withevery H.D.T. carsold. dboutyournextHfficar: - l,C.VH,VK.V[ r H.D.L . FULL . SBIRE . PERF0RMANCE . VEHICIES NEW &USED PAF|IS MiIGE0FH.DJ. M0DlFlClTlONS SERIIICE 1593-1599 (0315693055 DAl{DEil0l{G R0ADmKLEIGH 3166,pH01{E LMcr6e83