March/April 2012 Newsletter
March/April 2012 Newsletter
NEWSLETTER March / April CHIEF’S MESSAGE Publication Agreement # 40040319 Aaniin Brothers & Sisters It’s a welcome sight to see the first real signs of spring, the trees budding and the early flowers finding their way towards the sun. It is that time of renewal after the long winter shadows and everyone feels the excitement of new beginnings. We continue to work very hard on your behalf and have recently approved and implemented an Investment Policy Statement with the assistance of our appointed investment Counsel (TD Waterhouse), which reflects our policy of risk management for the Boundary Claim Settlement Trust Agreement. Over the past four years, and in accordance to the strict guidelines in the Trust Agreement, Chief and Council have adhered to the requirements of the Trust and maintained a conservative approach in the Global Investment Markets and as such, have minimized the risk of loss over the long period. We have fulfilled our mandate as required by the Trust Agreement, in order that we may continue to provide benefits to all of our members, equally as intended. We continue to build on our relationships within the mining communities and work to create opportunities for our members in the region. We have provided training opportunities towards this end, within our budget constraints and as a result, some of our members have been successful, where others have not taken advantage of the job openings when provided. We encourage members to think about long term commitments when asking the First Nation for large investments in training and education. We want there to be sufficient funding available to our youth who are just beginning their journey, in creating a future for themselves and who will be the leaders of our First Nation. We recognize that our Youth are in peril without the benefits of a solid education, training opportunities geared towards building careers and the dangers of day to day living without hope. We see the results of despair in our own communities and urban centres. We need to build a strong foundation based upon the Education System, industry and business and negotiate in all areas for the future of our Youth. We want to commend and congratulate our students who will be completing training courses or graduating soon, for your hard work, dedication and resolve to succeed. Chi Miigwetch, Chief Joe Buckell Onaabani-Giizis March Crust on the Snow Moon Iskigamizige-Giizis April Sap Boiling Moon Table of Contents Indian Beach Pictures 2 Staff Directory 3 Your Chief and Council 3 Band Business 4 Band Business Cont’d Birthdates Birthdates cont’d 5 6 7 Missing Members List 8 Anishanabek Employment & Training 9 Y&EG Sponsorship Request 10 Y&EG/Pow-wow ad 11 MICHIPICOTEN FIRST NATION Indian Beach Look Ahead / Dates to Remember MAY JUNE Sunday - 13th Mothers’ Day Saturday - 2nd Nat. Kids’ Day Monday - 21st Victoria Day (Holiday) Sunday - 17th Fathers’ Day Thursday - 21st Nat. Aboriginal Day Thursday - 21st Summer solstice Friday - 29th School - Summer Holidays Page 2 - Niish MICHIPICOTEN FIRST NATION STAFF DIRECTORY Name Position Ext. Joe Buckell Chief 215 Carol Sanders Band Manager 213 MiShele-Lee Lapham Executive Secretary to Chief & Council 214 Sherrie Clement Executive & Administrative Asst 233 Business Office Kara Heffell Business Office Supervisor, Finance & Administration 212 Roberta Day Accounting & Communications Clerk 211 Paula Penno Business Office Assistant 210 Lynn Lavigne EDO, Business Resource, Training 227 Community Services Linda Peterson Community Services Supervisor, Education/Membership 218 Lee-Ann Andre-Swanson Librarian 219 Lena Andre Community Health Representative 224 Joanne Nelson Family Support Worker 228 Doris Jacques Community Health Promotion Worker/ASW 226 Chris Buckell Infrastructure/Assets Coordinator 217 Internet & Technology Kylie Conway I.T. Intern 222 Operations & Maintenance Emile Neyland Operations and Maintenance 705-856-4825 Water Treatment & Fire Gilbert Clement Water Treatment Plant Manager 705-856-9672 Chief & Council 2011-13 Chief Joseph Buckell Councillor Councillor Linda Myrtle Peterson Swanson Councillor Councillor Councillor Kathryn William Evelyn Campbell Swanson Sr. Stone Councillor Emile Neyland Page 3 - Niswe MICHIPICOTEN FIRST NATION BAND BUSINESS for MARCH / APRIL 2012 CHIEF AND COUNCIL attended in camera and regular meetings at which they reviewed the minutes from previous meetings, cheque distributions, Council and Band Manager reports including meetings held with legal counsel and the BC Settlement Trust Agreement Corporate Trustees. They considered for approval: Recommendations from the Housing Committee for amendments to the Housing Policy. Directed the Band Manager to contact members regarding Certificates of Possession. Approved the appointment of TD Waterhouse as Investment Counsel to the Corporate Trust (Private Trust) per the Boundary Claim Settlement Trust Agreement. Approved the Boundary Claim Settlement Trust - Investment Policy Statement as developed with TD Waterhouse Investment Counsel. Approved the appointment of legal counsel on behalf of the Boundary Claim Settlement Trust for the Passing of Accounts of the Boundary Claim Settlement Trust as provided for in the Settlement Trust Agreement. Approved a funding application under the P&ID (Governance Capacity Development) for the continued development and implementation of the Governance Strategic Planning initiatives. Supported the forestry funding initiative through the Northeast Superior Regional Chiefs Forum. Financial and activity reports for funding agencies for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2012 have been submitted and all funding for 2011-2012 has been received from Indian Affairs. The fiscal year end preparation for audit has been initiated as well as preparation of the annual consolidated operating budget in accordance to policy for presentation in late June or early July. Better Living & Funeral Policy (update) As of March 31, 2012 a total of approximately $1.3 million was expended to members and their families through the Better Living and Funeral Policies, funds of which are provided solely through the BC Settlement Trust Agreement and its revenues on investments. Membership update – there are currently 929 members listed on the Indian Registry as a result of Bill C3, and the Gender Equity Act, an increase of approximately 160 new members in the past nine months. The moratorium on transfers in from other First Nations as previously approved by Council remains in place until a membership code is developed and approved with the changes which have occurred through the Indian Act and until studies can be completed as to how the First Nation will continue to provide benefits to all of its members into the future. MFN CommunityTrust – the terms of the Community Trust did not require a “passing of accounts” on a regular basis, and Chief and Council, in answer to continued membership concerns, commenced the passing in court format for which all members may have access when presented. Legal counsel is required in all matters of court and is a part of the process. Corporate Trust - With the court passing of accounts automatically done every 4 years by the Corporate Trust under the Boundary Claim Settlement Trust Agreement terms, legal counsel is retained by both the Trustee and the First Nation to ensure no conflict of interest. Members also may have access when presented. Copies of the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements may be obtained by contacting Carol Sanders, Band Manager or Kara Heffell, Business Office Supervisor. Page 4 - Niiwin MICHIPICOTEN FIRST NATION March / April 2012 MFN legal counsel has determined there is no area of concern with the Corporate passing of accounts as reviewed by both MFN’s lawyer and BDO Dunwoody. Community – Spring cleanup has started in the community and plans for the annual Youth and Elders Gathering and Pow Wow are underway. We appreciate the input and great ideas as provided by the newly developed Youth Council and look forward to working together to bring another successful gathering this year. Members on reserve have been able to access RRAP funding to facilitate repairs to their homes. Although MFN did not receive any funding for the development of the road base on the abandoned rail bed there will be some clearing and work done to roadways to minimize damage and risk. Our Community Services staff continue to develop programs of interest and have worked with the Municipality of Wawa on cultural awareness initiatives. Our website does contain a calendar of monthly community events on reserve as well as special programming. MEMBERS ARE WELCOME TO CONTACT THE CHIEF OR THE BAND MANAGER, FOR ANY INQUIRIES REGARDING THE BUSINESS OF THE FIRST NATION AND THE COMMUNITY. Native Serenity Prayer God, grant me the strength of eagles wings, the faith and courage to fly to new heights, and the wisdom to rely on his spirit to carry me there. MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Michipicoten First Nation has been assessed as a “low risk” First Nation in its overall performance under the agreement with Indian and Northern Affairs, clearly indicating that the First Nation has the capacity to operate and manage its affairs effectively. The detailed portion of the report has been provided for our Membership on our website at: which reinforces our commitment to transparency and accountability, working on your behalf. Tax Exempt Gas Card updated information Four requirements when requesting for “GAS CARD” #1: Photo copy of STATUS CARD - both sides #2: Your complete mailing address #3: Your current telephone number #4: Your reason for requesting the “GAS CARD” You can either fax in or mail your information to address below. Fax number: (905) 433-5680 Telephone number: (905) 433-6432 Address: Ministry of Revenue P.O. Box 625 33 King Street West Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8H9 Please allow 3-4 weeks for processing. Page 5 - Naanan MICHIPICOTEN FIRST NATION BIRTHDAY GREETINGS MARCH Andre, Brett Richard Ambrose Andre, Kyle Thomas Andre, Tyler Martin Belisle, Bertrand Francis Biron, Marlene D. Biron, Taylor H. Black, Gail Jo Ann Black, Justin Robert Dennis Brand, Madeline Celine Chalykoff, Justine F. M. Chambette, Alan Lorne Chapman, Alfred Gordon III Cole, Kayla Marina Coverett, Nathaniel Keagan Darlington, Alice Diana Davidson, Karma Joy Davidson, Ramona May Desmeules, Brittany Doyle, Sylvia Crystal Finley, Erin Margaret Fortin-Tangie, Katrina Yvette Maria Godick, Gavin Albert Goodfellow, John Fraser Goodfellow, Joseph Henry Grant, Alesha Lynn Hudie, Thomas John Humphries, Dennis Duncan Hutchings, Mackenzie M. C. Jacques, Dorothy Louise Jarrell, Zoey Michelle Rose Keen, Georgina E. M. Kosak, Karl Edward Robert Kosak, Stephanie Elizabeth Lachance, Marie A. B. Lambert, Tina M. T. Lane (Perras), Denise Ann Lannigan, Derinda Martina Lapham, Mishele-Lee Laroche, Allen Claude Laroche, Arthur Gilbert Jr. Lecuyer, Andre Lecuyer, Calvin Legault, Marcel Andre Lesage, Michelle Lynn Lewis, Christopher Laverne Lewis, Ernie Joseph Lewis, Randy Lewis, Taylor Dawn Josette Lewis, Vanessa Marie Manary, Marcella E. A. McMillan, Charles David McMillan, Daisy May McMillan, Traves John McMillan, William Jr. E. Mieczkowski, Micheal Christopher Miller, Cain Edmond Phillip Milne, Lawrence George Moreau, Conrad Raymond O’Donnell, Bryan Joseph Paul, Clara Esther Paul, Douglas S. L. Perrigo, Haley J. L. Piche, Debra Jean Rice, Peggy Lynn Roberts, Debra Pearl Robinson, Bernard Ambrose Rotondo, Toni Andrea Roy, Shelby-Lynn Sayers, Hubert Ambrose Schelleau, James Skouris, William Thomas Souliere, Brian David Souliere, David Ernest Souliere, Rolande Bettina Stone, Donna Marie Stone, Gilbert Joseph Stone, Ronald Aaron Stone, Samuel Robert Swanson, Harvey Brian Swanson, Jamie Keith Swanson, Trudy Melanie Tangie, Lawrence Alfred Telford, Kristina Karen Thompson, Jessica Susan Treiber, Patricia Giselle Turmel, Theresa Marie Vallee, Courtney G. Vernier, Ida May Virta, August Zoe Watson, Samuel Richard Wilson, Phyllis Ann APRIL Andre-Auclair, Brandon Henry William Bakalyar, Bonnie Jeanne Beaupre, Pierre J. Belisle, Tyler Mitchell Bertolo, Margaret F. Black, Angela Black, Lorrie-Ann J. Buckell, William W. Chalykoff, Marie Therese Anne Chambette, Eythan Allan Chapman, Emma Rose Chartrand, Catherine Ann Chenier, Terry Henry Desjardine, Keith Paul Dickinson, Keeven Joy Doman, Vivian Lee Esquib, Dennis B. Gascon, Joseph Honorio Marc Gascon, Marie Carmen Gascon, Nancy Marie Gay, James David Glave, Rashean Goddard, Mark E. M. Gravelle, Christopher Justin Grove, Nancy Jane Harnden, Patricia Joanne Heenan, April Frances If your name appears on the Birthday List incorrectly, please contact the Membership Clerk for information that is required by Indian Affairs to have this corrected. If you see a deceased Member’s name on the list, please contact the Membership Office for information that is required by Indian Affairs to have the name removed for the Membership Listing. Thank You! Page 6 - N’godwaaswi MICHIPICOTEN FIRST NATION MARCH / APRIL 2012 Birthday Greetings Continued APRIL Heenan, Darcy Frances Higo, Britt I. D. Higo, David Paul Howlett, Rochelle Lucy Hunter, Donna Lee Irvine, Brittany Stacey Jarrell, Larry Joseph Keen, Alex Bradley David Keen, Bradley Alexander David Keen, Christopher Gerald Laliberte, Susan Martien Levesque, Dale Martin Levesque, Gauge M. D. R. Lewis, Emily Judy Lewis, Theresa Corinne Manary, Linda Louise Mann, Norman Douglas McGauley, Mary J. McGie, William Wesley McInnis, Scott Michael McKenzie, Arthur Alexander McKenzie, Robin Dale Meunier, Kay Ernestine Meunier, William George O’Leary, Connie Jill O’Leary, Ryan Arthur Panhuyzen, Emily Arina Paul, James M. Paul, Noah Mathew James Paul-Stone, Jaylene A. M. M. Penno, Jamie Michael Perras, Andre Irwin Perras, Raymond A. Peterson, Bertha Alice Picody, David Henry Ramsarran, Vishal J. Robinson, Alexandra F. G. Robinson, Fay Darline Brenda Robinson, Matthew Ross, Tyler Ken Samakese, Albert John Samakese, Jill Arlene Samson, Christopher M. Saunders, Keesha Carmen Simon, Sierra Catherine Souliere, Aekana Erica M. Souliere, Myrtle Alma Souliere, Sheila Frances St. Denis, Angela St. Germain, James John Stone, Krista Star Swanson, Caleb Harvey Swanson, Hunter G. Swanson, Karen Kathleen Wright, Skylar L. C. The School year is coming to an end. Good Luck To all with your Exams! And be good on the Bus ride home! Page 7 - Niizhwaaswi MICHIPICOTEN FIRST NATION Missing Members OUR MISSING ADDRESS LIST fluctuates as members move around and do not send in their new address. The bi-monthly newsletter is returned by the Post Office, and when this happens, we try to contact the members from the current information on the membership database according to what has been submitted by each member. If you know anyone on the missing member address list, please e-mail the Membership Clerk’s office: or call the toll free number: 1-888-303-7723 Ext. #218. Voice mail is now available so members may leave relevant information. Members, please phone in your new address so you don’t miss out on pertinent information regarding band business. Miigwetch, Linda Peterson Education & Training Counsellor / Membership Clerk Anyone with funeral information ie: name of funeral home, where, deceased date, death certificate or whom may be contacted for this information, please notify Linda Peterson at the above number/e-mail address. Last Name First Name Last Name First Name 1 Agawa Marie Margaret 22 Lemieux Steven Charles Joseph 2 Baillargeon Rachel Louise 23 McGie Micheal 3 Benoit Edgar Richard 24 McKenzie Duncan Angus 4 Black Lionel M. G. 25 Medeiros Jennifer Lynn 5 Black Lorrie A. 26 O’Leary James Edward 6 Brown Marilyn Brigette 27 Palmer Connie Lynn 7 Chaban Nicole Lynn 28 Paul James M. 8 Cheese Lizzie 29 Pelletier Katherine 9 Cloutier Richard 30 Piche Debra Jean 10 Crane Black Amanda 31 Quackegesig Betty Ann 11 Cross Lisa Diane 32 Rattray Carl Fernand 12 Dalton Colleen Elizabeth 33 Robinson Fay Darline Brenda 13 Gascon Joseph Honorio Marc 34 Robinson Norman Edward (deceased) 14 Gascon Joseph Raoul George 35 Sayers Patrick Isidore 15 Gascon Joseph Rodolphe Denis 36 Skouris William Thomas 16 Gascon Marie Carmen 37 Siemers Darlene Mary Louise 17 Gauthier Diane Lewis 38 Smith Renee Susan Pearl 18 Johnson Cindy Lee 39 Souliere Myrtle Alma 19 Johnson Sandra Jean 40 Swanson Derek Michael 20 Lachance Raoul Paul 41 Swanson Jonathon Kenneth 21 Lecuyer Rodger Eugene 42 Page 8 - Shwaaswi MICHIPICOTEN FIRST NATION Anishinabek Employment and Training Services Natural Resources Training to Employment Programs for Aboriginal People (2011 to 2013) in co-operation with Nokiiwin Tribal Council and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities will be offering a variety of training opportunities to all of the AETS Communities, including Michipicoten First Nation. Sector Training - Programs: A-Z Truck Driving Aboriginal Hospitality and Tourism Pro-gram (with an option to focus on additional modules such as Food & Lodging Assistant, Cook, Grounds Maintenance, Dock Hand, Fishing and Hunting Guide/Fur Harvesting) Business Management & Entrepreneurship Commercial Fisherman I Deckhand Diamond Driller Helper Forest Inventory Management Line Cutting Sawmill Worker Program Entrance Requirements 18 years of age or older Should have a minimum of Grade 10 (due to Health & Safety reasons, but this can be discussed with an AETS Employment Advisor) Out of School and/or Out of Work for 26 weeks (which can also be discussed with an AETS Employment Advisor) Member of one of the nine identified First Nations communities Able to work in Canada (with a Social Insurance Number) For more information, please contact: Jackie Fitzpatrick, Employment Advisor 807-630-8392 cell Lynn Lavigne, EDO 705-856-1993 ext. 227 Or visit: for additional details! Page 9 - Zhaangaswi MICHIPICOTEN FIRST NATION From August 7 to 12, 2012, we are hosting our Annual Youth and Elders’ Gathering to promote our community and cultural awareness through ceremonies, traditional teachings and healing, crafts, community feasts, entertainment and last but no least, a Pow Wow . Our members and their families, other First Nations and the public are all welcome to attend the festivities; and each year we greet from 300-400 people during the event. We provide rough camping facilities and most meals are provided to accommodate those participating in events and workshops for which we do not charge a fee. This is a drug and alcohol free celebration. Michipicoten First Nation supports many of our local and regional and corporate partners throughout the year and we are asking for your support this year. We rely upon your generosity to help us host this annual event. Support may be provided by pledging: Cash donations Prizes for Draws Tents for Shade Benches or lawn chairs Picnic Tables and equipment Wood or Building Materials Sponsoring a Community Feast Volunteering for Events Our Youth and Elders’ Committee Members are authorized to hold fund raisers and to solicit and accept sponsorships and donations on behalf of Michipicoten First Nation or you maycontact us to make a pledge. We are counting on your generous support for this important community and regional event. Everyone is welcome to join us and to experience our hospitality and culture. Chi Miigwetch Contact Information Carol Sanders, Band Manager (Ext 213) Roberta Day, Communication & Accounting (Ext 211) MICHIPICOTEN FIRST NATION Box 1, Site 8, RR 1, Wawa, ON P0S 1K0 Phone 705-856-1993 or Toll Free 888-303-7723, Fax 705-856-1642 Page 10– Midaaswi MICHIPICOTEN FIRST NATION Youth & Elders’ Gathering MICHIPICOTEN FIRST NATION Cordially invites you to our Annual Youth & Elders’ Gathering Traditional Teachings Cedar Baths Traditional Massages Elders’ Circles Youth Circles Sweat Lodges Sunrise Ceremonies Water Ceremony Medicine Walks Evening Socials Youth Activities Crafts Fun & Games Dance Bingo And Much More…. We are having Traditional pow-wow! ABSOLUTELY NO DRUGS OR ALCOHOL NIGHTLY SECURITY AVAILABLE ON SITE Please Contact: The Business Office Phone #: (705) 856-1993 Fax #: (705) 856-1642 Toll Free: 1-888-303-7723 Rough Camping Area / Firewood / Portable Toilets Should you want to stay in a Motel; here are some phone #’s of motels that are nearby: Parkway Motel 705-856-7020 Beaver Motel 705-856-2294 Best Northern Resort 705-856-7302 Mystic Isle Motel 705-856-1737 Bristol Motel 705-856-2385 Wawa Motor Inn 705-856-2278 Wawa RV Resort 705-856-4368 Algoma Motel 705-856-7010 Page 11 - Midaaswi shi bezhig March / April 2012 Place mail label here 107 Hiawatha Dr., MFN RR#1, Site 8, Box 1 WAWA, ON P0S 1K0 Phone: (705) 856-1993 Toll Free: 1-888-303-7723 Fax: (705) 856– 1642 MFN Community Trust 16 Whitesands Dr., MFN RR#1, Site 8, Box 24 WAWA, ON P0S 1K0 Phone: 1-888-818-4417 (705)856-9559 Fax: (705) 856-7872 Let us Know! If you have a little bit of good news to share. Let us know. The information/articles submitted to the newsletter do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the Editor or Michipicoten First Nation. We pledge to do our best to keep you informed in a timely manner on events of interest to all members. Submission deadline is the 15th of the month for the month following. We reserve the right to refuse potentially damaging or inflammatory articles. Send submissions to the Editor or e-mail: MFN newsletter Schedule: Jan./Feb.– Mail out by Feb. 25, 2012 Mar./Apr.– Mail out by Apr. 25, 2012 May/June– Mail out by June 25, 2012 July/Aug.-Mail out by Aug. 25, 2012 Sept./Oct.– Mail out by Oct. 25, 2012 Nov./Dec.– Mail out by Dec. 20, 2012
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