April - National Corvette Restorers Society
April - National Corvette Restorers Society
The Side Draft Volume 22, Issue 04 April 2015 Chairman’s Message April Meeting Info …… Steve Hack …. Tom James Looks like spring has finally sprung, we are slowly starting to see more old cars out on the road after that white out of a winter. What better way to start the fun car season than to help out our Heart of Ohio friends at their April 12th Chapter Meet. Registration forms for the Coughlin Chevrolet event are available in the Driveline. The following weekend on the 18th lands our Ray Skillman Museum bus trip. There are still seats available for this trip to Indiana at the fair price of $20 per person. Please call Wayne McKee or me to reserve a spot. Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Many of our members will also be attending the April 23-25 Regional in Charlotte, North Carolina. This is a very well attended regional with all sorts of amazing things to keep you entertained. Congratulations to the Queen City Chapter as we voted to make a charitable donation to the Hendrick's Foundation at our last meeting. If any of our members are Vietnam Veterans, we have been given decals for your Corvette Time: 7:00PM Location: Tom James’ Garage Phone: 513-377-8182 Directions: 275 to exit #7 (Hamilton - Cleves) RT128 go South on RT128 5 miles to dead end into River Rd (Rt 50) Turn left go 1 mile turn left at 2nd light (Mt Nebo) Park in Skyline Chili Parking lot If coming west on River Rd (Rt 50) turn right at light on Mt Nebo which is 9 miles from I 75 and Rt 50 .Food: Beverages and available… as always. food Features:. Tom interesting going on. has 1 Chairman’s Message, April Meeting, Website 2 Minutes March 2015 3 2015 QCNCRS Officers Swap Meet Pictures 4 Swap Meet Pictures 5 Membership News, Restoration Station Mtg. 6 Membership Application. 7+ 2015 QCNCRS Schedule be something Suggestion: Bring your own chair… unless you really love standing up. NOTICE! Newsletter Deadlines Continued on Page 2 INSIDE THIS ISSUE always will The deadline for getting information, into the newsletter is the 6th of each month. If it isn’t here we will publish without you. Website Information Queen City Chapter Web Site: http://www.ncrs.org/qc/ Webmaster: Dale Maris qc@ncrs.org The Side Draft 1 please ask for them at the meetings. See you at Tom James' Garage on Tuesday April 21st, and don't forget to bring your chairs. Happy Easter Steve Minutes March 2015 … Chris Rockenfield The March 2015 meeting of the QCNCRS was held at Antique Auto Restorations in Northern Ky. Once again another GREAT place to have a monthly meeting. Steve Hack began our meeting by introducing and thanking Terry Kesselring and all his staff for having our chapter meeting. Steve also introduced our newest member Martin O’Brien. Martin is going to make a great fit for our group. WELCOME MARTIN!!! Otto Takacs and Chris Rockenfield (VP, Secretary) had nothing to report at this time. Wayne McKee (Treasurer) then gave the Treasurer’s Report, a motion was made to accept it and the club voted to do so. Steve also mentioned that Joe Sieve, (Membership Chair) was absent, but feeling much better. We hope to see Joe soon. will be held at Columbia Chevy on May 16th 2015 at 9:00 am . Paul Oslansky absent. (Regional Director) was Wayne McKee then took the floor again with preliminary numbers from the swap meet. Numbers look pretty good right now. Final numbers will be presented at next meeting. Along with the numbers the group talked about the tremendous support from the Shriners this year, and Ken Johnson commended the Wives and Women of this club. GREAT JOB GIRLS!!! Steve Hack took the floor. If interested the Swap Meet Committee’s final meeting will be held on Tuesday 3/18/15. This one will be held at Rudino’s Restaurant next door to Columbia Chevy. Joins us for a drink and great food. Steve brought a vote to the floor for the $250.00 donation to the Hendrick’s Foundation, the motion was approve by the group and seconded. John Ballard (Judging Chairman) brought up the Tucson Regional Event. John stated that the event was good. John also stated the Corvette Expo in Sevierville Tennessee is coming up and the Southeast chapter will have approximately four or more cars being judged there. Steve also stated in “NEW NEWS” a list for upcoming events. On 4/3/15 is the Indiana Chapter Meet, 4/12/15 Heart of Ohio Chapter Meet, The Ray Skillman trip is set for April 18th 2015. The trip cost is $20.00 per person, all women are welcome. If you plan on going, IT MUST BE PAID UPFRONT! Deadline is March 17th. At this point, it is first come, first serve for a seat on the bus. Remember your lunches and all other expenses are on your own, and on 4/23-25/15 is the Carolina Regional. Dale Maris (Web Master) took the floor stating that if you have the Side Draft Letter mailed to you, you will not receive the photo pages. Photo pages are on-line only! In closing Steve, thanked Terry and his crew again and reminded everyone that the next meeting is at Tom James Garage on April 21. Joe Eyl took the floor stating that two tech sessions are coming up. Shannon Urton’s session on Condition Judging will be held at Nelson Auto group in Marysville Ohio on March 28th 2015 at 10:00 am and Paul Oslansky’s tech session on Chassis Judging Terry than took to floor and talked about his facility and a tour commenced. The Side Draft 2 2015 QCNCRS OFFICERS Chairman: V. Chairman: . Steve Hack (513)553-2080 2110 Beech Cove New Richmond, OH 45157-8661 steve@easterncorvettes.com Otto Takacs, Jr. (937)294-2179 4331 Overland Trail Dayton, OH 45429-1835 genevagear@sbcglobal.net Judging: Secretary: Treasurer: Membership: Historian: Editor: John Ballard (502) 426-2184 10102 Kimblewick Drive Louisville, KY 40223-2184 john.ballard@burgesspigment.com Chris & Shannon Rockenfield 3208 Golden Fox Trail Lebanon, OH 45036 513-836-3686 Dr. Wayne McKee 10737 Wellerwoods Drive Cincinnati, OH 45242-3406 wayno648@yahoo.com Joe Sieve (513) 574-6112 5959 Snyder Road Cincinnati, OH 45247 Jsieve@fuse.net Joe Eyl (513) 896-9563 5851 Allison Avenue Indian Springs, OH 45011-2024 joeeyl@aol.com . Rod Russell (812) 657-7610 2150 Washington Street Columbus, IN 47201 solver7742@gmail.com Swap Meet 2015 … …… Joe Eyl The Side Draft 3 Swap Meet 2015 (Cont.) The Side Draft 4 Membership News …… Joe Sieve The following members have been dropped from the QCNCRS chapter for non-payment of dues: Philip Bock Brian Bridgeford Bill Connell Michael Croake Eric Diehl Randy Diehl Mark Donnally Bill Hengstebeck Dave Hoether Jim Kuetz Bob Puls Brain Wehking Gary Whitaker The Restoration Station Mtg. We did not get as many pictures from this event as we would have liked … but it was so interesting, we forgot. Terry Kesselring has a very interesting operation, it was a privilege for all of us to be his guests for our March QCNCRS meeting. There were four or five old Packards from the 30’s. One was in very bad shape and was literally being brought back from the dead. The Side Draft 5 The Side Draft 6 QUEEN CITY CHAPTER NCRS - CINCINNATI, OHIO 2015 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Jan. 6 TUE Jan 10 SAT Jan. 13 TUE, Jan. 21-24 Swap Meet Planning Meeting, 6 pm, Steak & Shake, 7pm Columbia Chevrolet Technical Seminar, "History & Function of the Corvette Overdrive Automatic Transmission" QCC Monthly Meeting – 7 pm, Trim Parts, Lebanon, OH Florida Winter Regional, Lakeland, Florida Indiana Chapter Judging School at Ed Foss’s Car Museum, 5283 E. State Rd. 114-92, Roanoke, IN 46173 Feb. 10 TUE QCNCRS Swap Meet Planning Session – 6PM Steak & Shake, 7PM Columbia Chevrolet Feb. 24 TUE QCC Monthly Meeting – 7pm – Columbia Chevrolet Feb. 7 SAT Mar. 3 TUE QCNCRS Swap Meet Planning Session – 6PM Dinner, 7PM Columbia Chevrolet Mar. 15 SUN QCC Swap Meet – 8am-2pm – Columbia Chevrolet, Montgomery Rd. Mar. 17TUE QCC Monthly Meeting – The Antique Auto Shop, 2961 Ariens Drive, Hebron, Kentucky WEB Site: http://theantiqueautoshop.com/ Mar 28 NCRS Standards for Judging Condition by Shannon Urton, Nelson Automotive, Marysville, Ohio Apr. 3-4 FRI Indiana Chapter Meet, Auburn IN 46706 Apr. 12 SUN Heart of Ohio Chapter Judging Meet. For information see the link. http://www.ncrs.org/hoo/chapterjudgingmeet.html Apr. 18 SAT Buss Trip to Ray Skillman's Museum & Greenwood Park Mall Apr. 21 TUE QCC Monthly Meeting – 7 pm Tom James Garage, Cleves, Ohio May 16 SAT Part 2 OF C3 Chassis Judging School by Paul Oslansky, from 9am-12, Columbia Chevrolet May 19 TUE QCC Monthly Meeting – 7 pm Eastern Corvettes, 1299 W. Ohio Pike, Amelia, OH 45102 WEB Site: http://www.easterncorvettes.com/ May 30 SAT Miami Valley Chapter Meet at Voss Chevrolet, Dayton, Ohio June 16 TUE QCC Monthly Meeting – 7 pm, George Swartz July 18 – 24 – National Convention, Denver Colorado July ?? TUE QCC Monthly Meeting – 7 pm, Chris & Shannon, Lebanon, OH Aug 14-15 Indiana Chapter Meet, Auburn IN 46706 Aug. 18 TUE QCC Monthly Meeting – 7 pm – Dan Lobaugh’s Sept. 15 TUE QCC Monthly Meeting – 7 pm Kathy Plummer’s, 866 E. Columbia Ave, Cincy, OH 45231 Sept. 13 SUN QCC Annual Family Picnic, Fernbank Park, Saylor Park, Ohio Oct. 10 SAT Oct. 20 TUE QCC Chapter Meet at Columbia Chevrolet QCC Monthly Meeting – 7 pm Bruce & Karen Slattery’s Nov 17 TUE QCC Monthly Meeting – 7 pm Columbia Chevrolet Dec 6 SUN QCC Christmas Party – Aston Oaks Country Club For information for Queen City NCRS: Go to www.ncrs.org/qc Updated 2/26/2015 The Side Draft 7
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