Registrul National al Furnizorilor Autorizati pe tip program
Registrul National al Furnizorilor Autorizati pe tip program
EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007 – 2013 Priority Axis 3 “INCREASING ADAPTABILITY OF WORKERS AND ENTERPRISES” Key Area of Intervention 3.3 “Development of partnerships and encouraging initiatives for social partners and civil society” Project title: “The Network of Competent Authorities for Professional Qualifications in Romania (IMI PQ NET Romania)” Beneficiary: the Ministry of National Education Contract no.: SOPHRD/93/3.3/S/53132 COMPETENCE AND CERTIFICATION PROCESSES AND QUALIFICATIONS RECOGNITION IN ITALY Author: Associate Professor Eng. Nicolae IONESCU, Ph.D Translation in English: Prof Trad March 2013 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 2 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 SUMMARY INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………........ 5 1. COMPETENCIES CERTIFICATION PROCESS IN ITALY ………………….…... 7 1.1. The education system and acquired certifications within it………..…………............ 7 1.2. Adults' education …….................................................................................................. 11 1.3. Aquired professional competencies evaluation and certification in formal and informal contexts…..................................................................................................................................... 14 1.4. National Qualifications Framework vs. European Qualifications Framework........... 18 2. THE RECOGNITION OF PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS IN ITALY……..... 22 2.1. Legal and institutional framework for recognition of qualifications acquired in other Member States of EU, EEA and Confederation Helvetica……………........................ 22 2.2. Regulated professions and competent authorities……………………………...…...... 27 2.2.1. Access to pursuit of the professions in Italy……………………………………. 27 2.2.2. Regulated professions in Italy…………………………………………….......... 27 2.3. The analysis of the regulated professions in Italy ………………………………........ 31 2.4. IMI PQ Statistics regarding regulated professions in Italy compared to those in Romania .................................................................................................................................. 58 Conclusions Bibliography 3 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 4 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 INTRODUCTION The present guide, as other similar studies of comparative analysis of the competencies process certification and qualification recognition in Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Denmark, United Kingdom and Czech Republic, is one of the results of the project called „The Network of Competent Authorities for Professional Qualifications in Romania (IMI PQ NET Romania)” implemented by the Ministry of National Education in partnership with the National Qualifications Authority and the Institute for Social Policies (IPS), cofinanced by the Social European Fund through the Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007– 2013(POSDRU). The General Objective of the project called „The Network of Competent Authorities for Professional Qualifications in Romania(IMI PQ NET Romania)”consists in creating and consolidating the IMI Network(Internal Market Information) for the professional qualifications in Romania (IMI PQ NET), with the purpose of sustaining the CE initiative regarding the development of the System for Informing the Internal Market, the development of a common initiative in this respect, at a national level, targeting the consolidation of the social partners’ capability (agencies and governmental organizations, professional associations) to promote durable development through the creation of proper instruments and communication channels and mutual consultancy with the purpose of gaining efficient communication with the similar organizations within the European Union and the European Economic Area (EEA), through the IMI platform. In order to reach the general objective, MNE, the applicant beneficiary of the project, aims to achieve the following objectives: OS1 - Creating and developing a national network to support the implementation of the Internal Market Information System (IMI), through strengthening of the capacity of the social partners, by creating channels of communication and mutual consultation; OS2 - Development and implementation of common terms of reference on certification standards for Romanian workers' skills and the recognition of professional qualifications of EU citizens; 5 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 OS3 - Involving Network members in the exchange of information mediated by IMI platform, by providing information / data to requests addressed through this platform by organizations / associations in the EU / EEA. For creating the comparative studies the methodological external experts of the National Qualifications Authority have examined the national information sources (of the analyzed countries and Romania) and at a Community level (comparative studies conducted at the European Union level) and have participated to a study visit in different EU Member States, thus having the chance to complete their work of documentation through the experience exchange with representatives of the Competent Authorities on different regulated professions within those countries. This comparative study was made based both on data presented within the international official reports and also by using the direct information that the Romania IMI PQ NET team acknowledged during the visit to Italy. A series of aspects regarding the professions for which there is a high number of applications from Romanian citizens in order to be recognized in Italy were highlighted (as, for example, nurse), and different issues that occur when it comes for the qualifications recognition for which there are big differences of training between the two countries (as, for example, beautician, hairdresser). For the received information during the visit and for the change of experience, the author and the management team would like to thank some ministries and department representatives from Italy: Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (Ministerul Dezvoltării Economice), Ministero della Salute (Ministry of Health, Dipartimento Politiche Europee (Europenean Policies Department), Dipartimento per lo Sviluppo e la Competitività del Turismo (Departament for Turism Development and Competivity), Ministerio de lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali (Ministry of Labor and Social Policies), Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca - MIUR (Ministry of Education, Universities and Research), ISFOL - Istituto per lo Sviluppo della Formazione Professionale dei Lavoratori (Training Institute of workers), the Ministry of Justice and the national IMI coordinator. 6 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 1. COMPETENCIES CERTIFICATION PROCESS IN ITALY 1.1. The education system and acquired certifications within it Obtaining a certain professional qualification is based on the national education system presented in fugure 1.1. Ministerio dell'Università e della Ricerca (Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, MIUR) is responsible for the regulation, monitoring, establishment in the general funding framework, the harmonization with the european system (Bologna Process) and setting the admission requirements for higher education. MIUR responsibility is also to coordinate the activities within the scientific research institutions. The universities have a wide autonomy range regarding the management, funding and the educational offer. Starting from 1998, a lot of non-university domain of MIUR responsibilities were delegated to local and regional authorities. The Ministry continues to be responsible for the criteria regarding the educational organization system and it`s evaluation, the tasks regarding the financial establishment and resources, and also for school`s staff allocation. Different regions are responsible for tasks, as per example the range planning of educational programs, curricula, school calendar and professional education organization. Starting from 1999 an important reform series took place, especially within the higher educational system. The binary system was introduced, with the three steps of university education, on one hand, and post-secondary professional education on the other hand. Also, a credit system was adopted, adapted to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in order to provide more flexible programs to the individual and to facilitate the continuity of the educational programs. A third reform was introducing a quality insurance system, with an evaluation unit within each university. In the year 2000, the mandatory educational system was extended to 8-9 years, for children with age from 6 to 15 years. The 7 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 teaching language is Italian and, in some cases, German (in some nordic regions of the country, if the majority of the population is german ethnic). Preschool and primary school education Preschool education from Italy is addressing to children with ages between 3 and 6 years. Although it is not mandatory, 96% of the children are pursuing the preparation step. Primary school (scuola primaria) lasts 5 years, for children with ages between 6 and 11 years. After graduating, the pupils are given a Primary School License Diploma (Diploma di Licenza della Scuola Primaria). Secondary school education Secondary school education is divided in two levels, as it follows: Junior General Secondary Education / Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado lasts three years and it is graduated by obtaining the Medium School License Diploma (Diploma di Licenza della Scuola Media). This is equivalent to an eight grades graduation certificate in Romania. Senior General Secondary Education / Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado lasts between 3 and 5 years and offers the following options: 1. Scientifical High School (Liceo Scientifico). This 5 years program is mainly focused on an academic training. 8 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 Fig. 1.1. Educational system in Italy ( 2. Classic High School (Classico Liceo) which lasts 5 years, with focus on human sciences and classic languages; 3. Linguistic High School (Linguistico Liceo), also lasts 5 years and it is focused on modern foreign languages, italian and latin; 4. Artistic high School (Liceo Artistico). A 4 year program that mainly trains the students for art domain education or for other university program, if the student registers for an additional preparation year; 5. Tehnical Institute (Istituto Tecnico). This program is divided in 2 levels: a general 2 years level and a 3 years level within which the students are specilized on a certain domain, as for instance the business administration, electrical engineering, computers sciences etc. 9 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 The five types of education mentioned above are completed by graduation with an „superior secondary training class public exam promotion diploma” (Diploma di Superamento dell’Esame di Stato Conclusivo dei Corsi di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore). This is equal to the Baccalaureate degree in Romania. The curricula provided by an Art High School (Liceo Artistico) and by a technical Institute (Tecnico Istituto) is different from the others provided by the Scientifical/ Clasic/ Linguistics (Liceo scientifico / Classico / Linguistico) from a central component of education. Secondary professional / vocational education This type of education is provided by the following insitutions: 1. Professional Institute (Istituto professionale). The programs are pursued during a 3 years timeframe and are completed by graduation with a Qualification Diploma (Diploma di Qualifica). The students are trained for a profession and can also obtain Diploma di Superamento dell’Esame di Stato Conclusivo dei Corsi di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore, after taking a 2 years additional class. 2. The Art Institute (Istituto d'Arte) – the programs last also 3 years and are completed by obtaing an Art Master Diploma (Diploma di Maestro d'Arte). In this program also the students have the opportunity of obtaining the Diploma di Superamento dell’Esame di Stato Conclusivo dei Corsi di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore, after taking a 2 years additional class. 10 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 1.2. Adult education – general education/on key competencies and continuous training The situation from Italy is characterized through the existence of some public and private education providers for adults for continuous training. According to recent political evolution for promoting the continuous growth of the competences of local and regional authorities, the responsibility for the adult education doman was gradually transferred to Regions 1. Permanent Territorial Centers (PTC) and evening schools are the main public specific structures foocused on promoting the adult education activities. On the other hand, the organizations and private companies work closely with public authorities, and many NGOs are operating on the territory in order to provide non-formal educations classes to the adults. The PTCs and the schools act both in formal education and also in non-formal one. The main purspose of the PTCs is to promote the basic culture, to develop and consolidate the basic skills and specific knowledge, to teach foreign languages (Italian fo foreigners) and to offer classes for obtaining a „Lower secondary school diploma” (Diploma de Scuola Secondaria Inferiore), in the case of the adults who have not graduated the lower secondary school on time (early dropout). The classes offered by PTC can be attended by adults and young people aged over 16 who have not passed the first "cycle" of education, or by people who want to improve education. The classes are tax free and are funded mainly by the ministry of Education. Decree of the Ministry 25/10/2007 (that was enforced in January of 2009) transformed the existent Permanent Territorial Centers (PTCs) into Regional Centers for Adult Education (Centri per l'Provinciali Istruzione degli Adulti), with the purpose of reorganizing its activity and management. Education and third party non-university training (IFTS) utilizes a national standard system based on compentencies aquirements since year 2000. Moreover, after adopting the Decree from 25th of January of 2008 that regulates the relations between the italian 11 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 government and some independent regions regarding the professional qualifications recognition, the Nationat Committee for IFTS decided the standards actualization (professional occupational and training) in order to confer more coherence and compatibilit with the approach based on education results. It has been developed, at a regional level, an offer of continuous training classes for an year, based on national occupational standards named „competencies units profiles”, but it was implemented according to the local needs, and another offer, at national level, of 2 years classes that are also based on the standards expressed in learning results. Schematically, the connection between the occupational standards, the training standards and standards of competencies certification, with the actors that play an important CERTIFICATION STANDARDS TRAINING STANDARDS (TRAINING) The Ministries of the regions / the autonomous provinces with the social partners determine which are the professional processes, provision of services or activities that define the concerned profession/occupation The Ministries of the regions / the autonomous provinces with the social partners determine the content and the criteria for the certification of the aquired competencies The Ministries of the regions / the autonomous provinces with the social partners determine the training standards in correlation with different training courses Regional definition sites regarding the specific details at a regional level of professional/occupation al standards Regional definition sites regarding the specific details at a regional level of competencies certifications recognition standards Regional definition sites regarding the specific details at a regional level of training/preparation REGIONAL LEVEL PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS (OCUPATIONAL) NATIONAL LEVEL role in each level, are presented in figure 1.2. Fig. 1.2. Standard Categories in Italy1 1 Author`s remake after Scienter – class regarding SO, SPP and SC, Bologna, May 2011, DEFIN project of IBR 12 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 According to ISFOL Report from 2012, the structure of certified profesional training providers in 2011 by the juridic form was: third-party sector (NGOs, professional associations etc.) – 34%, employers / companies – 26%, specialized trainers – 20%, schools / universities – 9%, other providers – 11%. The structure on levels of education of the formation bidders in 2011 was: with first cycle university diploma (Laurea) – 63%; nonuniversity diploma graduates – 30%, qualified – 7%. On ISFOL2 site, the competencies units system drawn up by ISFOL3 is presented, Nomenclatura delle Unità Professionali (NUP), and also the classes/ professions clusters, the 24th economic and professional areas within which are divided the occupational and training standards, based on which are created the processes of professional and certification competencies Comparatively, Romania has a training system for adults based on occupational standards and regulations authorizing training companies managed by the National Qualifications Authority - NCA and there is an occupational standard for the trainer profession. 2 3 13 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 1.3. Aquired professional competencies evaluation and certification in formal and informal contexts The competencies certification function is fulfilled by the regions, that within the autonomy`s specifiic rules, regulates the procedures of applying the constitutional law CL 3/20014, taking into consideration the minimum established standards at national level. A national level is defined as a system of minimum standards of competence, that identifies the minimum base of common competences of a reference professional profile. At a regional and autonomous provinces level, depending on the professional needs and through consultation with institutions and social partners, the training is planned at national standards and the competences based on some models and devided procedure are certified. The competence is registered in the training registry and the individual credits are recognized and can be used in national and european perspective. Taking into consideration the fact that the Regions are responsible with the application of the legislation regarding the competencies certification, are offered below the contact details of these authorities from all Italy`s regions (Table 1.1). The responsible authorities for training in Italy`s regions and autonomous provinces Nr. Region name Crt. 1 REGIONE ABRUZZO 2 REGIONE BASILICATA 3 REGIONE CALABRIA 4 Table 1.1 Authority name Contact details Assessorato politiche attive del lavoro formazione professionale - osservatorio sul mercato del lavoro - istruzione Dipartimento Formazione - Lavoro Culture– Sports (Training and vocational guidance, extracurricular educational activity and permanent education, school, university and right to study, activity and cultural services, institutions and cultural good, active policies within the labor youth policy, sport and leisure) Assessorato Formazione Professionale Lavoro E Cooperazione , Direzione Politiche Attive del Lavoro, della Formazione e dell'Istruzione, PESCARA (65124), v. Raffaello, Tel. 0857671. POTENZA (85100), c. Umberto I 28, Tel. 0971668111 0971668119 - 0971668027 - Fax 0971668480, CATANZARO (88100), v. Lucrezia della Valle, 24 Tel. 0961759624 - 0961759627 - Fax 0961752674. Dipartimento Formazione Professionale e Politiche del Lavoro. Settore Formazione Professionale e Orientamento CATANZARO LIDO (88100) (CZ), v. delle Legge costituzionale 18 ottobre 2001, n. 3, 14 EUROPEAN UNION 4 REGIONE CAMPANIA 5 REGIONE EMILIAROMAGNA 6 REGIONE FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 7 REGIONE LAZIO 8 REGIONE LIGURIA 9 REGIONE LOMBARDIA 10 REGIONE MARCHE 11 REGIONE MOLISE 12 REGIONE PIEMONTE 13 REGIONE PUGLIA 14 REGIONE AUTONOMA DELLA SARDEGNA 15 REGIONE SICILIANA 16 REGIONE TOSCANA 17 REGIONE UMBRIA ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 Repubbliche Marinare, Tel. 096134974 NAPOLI (80143), Centro Direzionale Isola A6 Area generale di coordinamento istruzione - educazione formazione - politiche giovanili e del forum regionale - O.R.ME.L., NAPOLI (80143), Centro Direzionale Isola A/6 Tel. 0817966145 - 0817966149 - Fax 0817966526 Assessorato Scuola - Formazione BOLOGNA (40127), vle Aldo Moro 38, Tel. 051283395 - Fax Professionale - Università - Lavoro - Pari 051283578, , Opportunità , Direzione Generale Cultura, Formazione e Lavoro, BOLOGNA (40127), vle Aldo Moro 38, Tel. 051283374 - Fax 051283954, , Servizio Formazione Professionale. Tel. 051283616 - Fax 051283917 Servizio Scuola - Università e Integrazione dei Sistemi Formativi. Tel. 051283965 - Fax 051283946 Assessorato Formazione Professionale UDINE (33100), v. Cotonificio 133, Tel. 0432555485 Lavoro - Previdenza - Cooperazione 0432555484 - Fax 0432555752, Artigianato Direzione Regionale del Lavoro, Previdenza, Cooperazione e Artigianato, TRIESTE (34126), v. Giulia 75/1, Tel. 0403771111. Assessorato Scuola, Formazione E Lavoro ROMA (00147), v. Cristoforo Colombo 212, Tel. 0651681. , Segreteria Particolare - ROMA (00145), v. Rosa Raimondi Garibaldi 7, Tel. 0651683485 0651686437. Direzione Regionale Scuola, Formazione e Politiche per il Lavoro,ROMA (00145), v. Rosa Raimondi Garibaldi 7, Tel. 06516814949 - Fax 0651686800 Assessorato Istruzione - Formazione GENOVA (16121), v. Gabriele D'Annunzio 113, Tel. 0105484760 Lavoro - Giovani - 0105485766. Direzione Generale Formazione, MILANO (20124), v. Sassetti 32, Tel. 0267652018 - 0267656306 Istruzione, Lavoro Fax 0267656276, http://www.formalavoro Assessorato Pianificazione Territoriale E ANCONA (60125), v. Tiziano 44, Tel. 0718063952 - Fax Urbanistica - Edilizia Pubblica E Privata – 0718063112, Politiche; Comunitarie - Trasporti Viabilità - Politiche Del Lavoro - Beni E Attività Culturali Assessorato Ambiente - Caccia E Pesca CAMPOBASSO (86100), v. D'Amato, Tel. 0874429501 Sportiva - Politiche Del Lavoro E 0874429522 - Fax 0874429543. Formazione Professionale Assessorato Industria, Lavoro e TORINO (10152), v. Pisano 6, Tel. 0114321650 - Fax Formazione Professionale, New Economy e 0114323304, Affari Internazionali (Industry, workforce, new economy, proofessional training, coordiination policies and Community funds, international business, internal and external commerce, budget and finances (ad interim)). Assessorato Formazione Professionale BARI (70123), v. Corigliano 1 z. ind., Tel. 0805402329 - Fax Politiche Dell'occupazione E Del Lavoro - 0805402376. , Settore Formazione Cooperazione -Pubblica Istruzione - Diritto Professionale, BARI (70123), v. Corigliano 1 z. ind., Tel. Allo Studio 0805407557. Assessorato Lavoro - Formazione CAGLIARI (09131), v. XXVIII Febbraio 5, Tel. 0706067003 - Fax Professionale - Cooperazione E Sicurezza 0706065532, , Direzione Generale Sociale Lavoro - Formazione Professionale - Cooperazione e Sicurezza Sociale,, Tel. 0706065704 Assessorato Lavoro PALERMO (90144), v. Pernice 3, Tel. 0916961111 - 0916968438 - 0916968428. Assessorato Istruzione E Formazione FIRENZE (50129), p. della Libertà 16, Tel. 0554382111 Politiche Del Lavoro - Concertazione Assessorato Ricerca, Politiche Formative, PERUGIA (06124), v. M. Angeloni 61, Tel. 0755045412 Politiche Attive Del Lavoro, Politiche 0755045483 - Fax 0755045428, http://www.regione.umbria.i , Sociali, Direzione Regionale Cultura, Turismo, Istruzione, Formazione e Lavoro, PERUGIA (06124), v. M. Angeloni 61, Tel. 0755045707 - Fax 0755045703, Assessorato Istruzione E Formazione, Lavoro E Politiche Sociali, Politiche Giovanili, Problemi Dell'immigrazione 15 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 18 REGIONE Dipartimento Politiche Del Lavoro AUTONOMA VALLE D'AOSTA 19 REGIONE DEL Assessorato Politiche Delle Risorse Umane, Organizzazione E Autonomie VENETO Locali Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 AOSTA (11100), v. Garin 1, Tel. 0165275504 - Fax 0165275786, Segreteria Regionale alla Formazione e al Lavoro, VENEZIA MESTRE (30170) (VE), ptta Allegri 29, Tel. 0412795150 - Fax 0412795140. Direzione Formazione; VENEZIA MESTRE (30170) (VE), ptta Allegri 29, Tel. 0412795030 - Fax 0412795085. In 2006, Italy started to develop a unitary methodology based on national level approach of the training processes in terms of learning results, laying the foundation of a better integration of all component parts / sub-systems of the qualification system. A regional competencies iventory standard was created and the methodology was tested in the tourism and mechanics sectors, which will be applied to other sectors such as the chemical industry, food industry and agriculture. Also, some regions apdopted the regional standards based on the same methodology, and ISFOL (Istituto per lo Sviluppo della Formazione Professionale dei Lavoratori), public institute with role in supporting the national policies for the creation of a National Qualifications Framework (equal to ANC in Italy, National Contact Point for EQF), supports the Ministry of Labor in creating a national database with occupational standards and training developed in the last years, that were not divided in 24 economical and professional areas. In 2010 an agreement between the Ministry of Labor, Regions of Italy and the solcial partners was signed, for the common implementation of the continuous training policies in the vision of EQF, with accent on the learning results in all contexts – formal, informal and non-formal, the very important role of the aquired competencies certification for the human capital `s competitive growth and for learning pursposes during the entire life being recognized. A non-formal education service is offered by the Popular Universities (Università Popolari), which are public and private universities whose main purpose is to promote the adult`s education. They organize different types of activities, the most of them being addressed to the adults, but are open, also to younger people. The first universities were opened at the beginning of the 20th century, following the example of the Holland and Sweden. The largest university is UPTER, based in Rome, which offers a range of courses (foreign languages, sports, Italian as a foreign language, etc..). Each reagion stipulates different norms for opening this kind of institutions, but there are more general requirements: To be Recognized as regulated associations; 16 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 To provide minimum 6 different classes of at least 100 hours each; Two thirds of the teachers must be higher education graduates; To be economically autonomous and have a regulated administrative structure To be members of the national or international associations of Università per la Terza ETA. In Italy there are four levels of the courses addressed to the adults: First level. (Target group: young people between 14 and 18 years, who completed the participation to the mandatory classes). The duration ranges from two to three years. Usually at the end of the course a certificate is issued; Second level (Target group: young people between 14 and 18 years, who completed the secondary studies). The duration ranges from 600 and 1200 hours. At the end of the course a certificate is issued; Third level. Addressed to young graduates or unemployed, this is designed to offer a higher specialization level Professional qualifications. The purpose of this courses is to consolidate the professional experience of the graduates. Organized at the private associations initiative, they are, usually, co-financed by the public institutions and are also subject to tax. 17 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 1.4. National Qualifications Framework vs. European Qualifications Framework At the time of this study in Italy has not yet been implemented a national qualifications framework in line with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), but the implementation process is in an advanced stage and is expected to be completed during the year 2013. In Romania, the European Qualifications Framework is implemented only for higher education, being created National Register of Qualifications in Higher Education in Romania. For secondary education National Qualification Framework (NQF) is in the public debate. According to the report by CEDEFOP in August 2010 on the National Qualifications Frameworks in the EU Member States, in line with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), the development of a national framework of qualifications and their certification began in Italy since 2003. The responsability of the developing initiative is divided between the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies and the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research. National Committee (Tavolo nazionale) established by the Ministry of Labour in 2006 played a key role in the development of CNC in Italy, because it includes not only representatives of the two ministries, but also representatives of the regions and the autonomous provinces of Italy, and the social partners. Adopting a national framework of qualifications in higher education (Italian Framework for Higher Education Qualifications - QTI) in accordance with the Bologna process started in 2008. The Dublin descriptors are used at national level for the three cycles of the Bologna system. Some short-term qualifications are defined by universities in subdescriptors, depending on the differences between specific elements of different qualifications (loading, duration, access etc..). The decision factors have focused on the need to align diplomas and certificates with the requirements of the Bologna system. In particular, the legislation reforming higher education (first cycle of three years) and Laurea Magistrale (Second cycle two years) 18 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 provides that new programs should be based on learning outcomes according to the Dublin descriptors. Thus, the descriptors were agreed with employers to achieve compliance with the real needs on the labor market. In table 1.2 is presented a comparative situation Italy-Romania. National Qualification Framework – comparative situation Italy-Romania Table 1.2 Italy Romania Is implemented the National Qualifications Calendar: Jun – Sept 2012 – improving the content of the reference report based Framework from the Higher Education – CNCIS on foreign experts and the annexes development; The National Register of Qualifications in Higher Education - RNCIS was developed National consultation; Processing the national consultation results and ( the optimization of the report; The National Register of Qualifications for preSept 2012 – forward the report to the advisory university education is under development Nov./Dec. 2012 – Approving the report at a regional and national level; Febr. 2013 – Final presentation of the referencing report to the advisory group ISFOL-Istituto per lo Sviluppo della Formazione Professionale dei Lavoratori NQA – National Qualifications Authority So far, the stages of the referencing process in Italy can be summarized as it follows: In 2009 ISFOL was appointed as EQF National Coordination Point (NCP Italy) by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies; Since the beginning of 2009 a Technical Group (TG) worked on the referencing process. TG is composed of experts from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Ministry of Education, University and Research, Department of EU Policies and ISFOL - NCP; Since 2011 the Regions were involved in the process, through its own technical committee called the „Technical Coordination Authority”. Also, the Social Partners were involved in the main working sessions; Italy completed the Referencing report in February 2013, after its formal approval by the competent authorities. Within the referencing process, the Technical Group conducted an overview of the Italian Qualification Systems, based on the key concepts EQF and shared regional inclusion qualification choices and references opportunities with the national institutions and of the Regions and though social partners involvement. 19 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 In May 2012 began the consultations with international experts who provided a valuable feedback for presenting the italian referencing process within the european context. The national consultation was held in the second half of 2012. The National Report Structure consists of three sections, namely: 1. General description of the various systems and subsystems of educational and vocational training; 2. Identifying the appropriate qualifications of these systems and subsystems; 3. The referencing framework based on european analysys criteria. Within the construction of the National Framework of Qualifications were included and placed on the appropriate EQF level, the qualifications obtained at regional level. In table 1.3 the Italy National Framework of Qualifications project is presented, which most probably will be adopted in this form during 2013. Table 1.3 EQF Level/ Qualificatio n Level 1 Qualification Lower secondary level leaving certificate Certificate of completion compulsory education Ministry of Education, University and Research Ministry of Education, University and Research or Regions Diploma of professional operator Certificate of professional operator Ministry of Education, University and Research Regions Vocational Diploma of technician Regions Classical and scientific upper secondary level leaving certificate Technical upper secondary level leaving certificate Vocational upper secondary level leaving certificate Certificate of higher technical specialisation Diploma of hig h level technician Ministry of Education, University and Research Ministry of Education, University and Research Ministry of Education, University and Research Regions 2 3 4 5 6 Competent Authority Bachelor degree Ministry of Education, University and Research Ministry of Education, University and Research Attendance Three years attendance in the lower secondary school After two years of superior secondary school, technical school, professional school, professional Education and Training system (3 and 4 years attendance) Three years attendance in the professional school Three years attendance in the professional education and in the training /discipleship Three years attendance in the professional education and in the training /discipleship Five years attendance in high school / Discipleship Five years attendance in technical school / Discipleship Five years attendance in professional school / Discipleship Training attendance and superior technical education (IFTS) Superior technical training (ITS) / discipleship Three years attendance (180 de credite – CFU)/ Internship 20 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU Graduate Diploma (first level) 7 8 European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 Ministry of Education, University and Research / high level of artistic and musical training Master’s Degree Ministry of Education, University and Research Graduate Diploma (second level) Ministry of Education, University and Research / high level of artistic and musical training First level Master Ministry of Education, University and Research Specialized graduate diploma (I) Ministry of Education, University and Research / high level of artistic and musical training Upgrade Diploma or master (I) Ministry of Education, University and Research / high level of artistic and musical training Doctoral Degree Ministry of Education, University and Research Graduate diploma for training research Ministry of Education, University and Research / high level of artistic and musical training Specialized Diploma Ministry of Education, University and Research Second level Master Ministry of Education, University and Research Specialized graduate diploma (II) Ministry of Education, University and Research / high level of artistic and musical training Upgrade Diploma or Master (II) Ministry of Education, University and Research / high level of artistic and musical training Three years attendance (180 de credite – CFA) Two years attendance (120 credits – CFU)/ Internship Two years attendance (120 credits – CFA) Minimum one year attendance (min. 60 credits – CFU)/ Internship Two years attendance (120 credits – CFA) Minimum one year attendance (min. 60 credits – CFA) Three years attendance / Internship Three years attendance Minimum two years attendance (120 de credite – CFU)/ Internship Minimum one year attendance (min. 60 credits – CFU)/ Internship Minimum two years attendance (120 de credite – CFA) Minimum one year attendance (min. 60 credits – CFA) 21 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 2. THE RECOGNITION OF PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS IN ITALY 2.1. The legal and institutional framework for recognition of qualifications acquired in other Member States of EU, EEA and Confederation Helvetica Italy has implemented the Directive 2005/36/EC on recognition of professional qualifications by Legislative Decree no. 206 of 6 November 2007 - "Attuazione della direttiva 2005/36/CE relativa al riconoscimento delle qualifiche professionali, nonche' della direttiva 2006/100/CE che adegua determinate direttive sulla libera circolazione delle persone a seguito dell'adesione di Bulgaria e Romania". This decree set the rules allowing the citizens of EU Member States to pursue a regulated profession in Italy for which they are qualified in the home Member State. The transposition text refers to the so-called "regulated" professions as defined in art. 4, paragraph 1, letter a) of this Decree. The decree applies to the citizens of the European Union Member States who wish to pursue a regulated profession on the Italian territory, as employees or as self-employed / freelancers, on the basis of professional qualifications acquired in a Member State of the European Union and sets the conditions under which the exercise of this profession is allowed. Also, the competence certification is based on general laws, of which the most important are: 1. Law 1378 / 12.08.1956 on "State examinations for entitlement to pursue professions"; 2. Ministerial Decree of 09.09.1957 with its amendments regarding the "Approval of Regulation on state examinations for entitlement to pursue professions "; 3. Law no. 323 of 04.02.1958 on "Rules regarding state examinations for entitlement to pursue professions "; 22 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 4. Presidential Decree no. 328 of 2 June 2001 - "Amendments to the requirements for admission to the state examinations related to the pursuit of certain professions and related laws"; 5. Ministerial Decree no. 509 of 3 November 1999, with subsequent amendments and additions- "Regulations on the curricular autonomy of universities"; 6. Presidential Decree no. 328 of 5 June 2001 on "Amendments of the procedure and requirements for admission to the state examination and specific tests related to the pursuit of certain professions and the organization of competent authorities"; 7. Presidential Decree no. 107 of 10 June 2002, transposed into Law 173 of 1 August 2002 - "Urgent provisions on access to regulated professions"; 8. Decree Law no. 105 of 9 May 2003, transposed into Law no. 170 of 11 July 2003 - "Urgent measures for universities and research institutes to enable certification for pursuit of professional activities." The profession which the applicant wishes to pursue in Italy will be the one for which he was qualified in the home Member State, if the activities are comparable and can be practices under the establishment or cross-border provision of services on a temporary and occasional basis. Based on art. 56, paragraph 4 and art. 57 of Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications, establishing that each Member State must designate a competent authority for coordinating the activities related to professional recognition and a national contact point, to promote the uniform application of this Directive, the article 6, paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree no. 206/2007 provides to the Department of Community policies coordination, on the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the tasks of national coordinator and National Contact Point. For the Italian National Contact Point, contact details are: Il Punto nazionale di contatto è composto da: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Dipartimento Politiche Comunitarie, Ufficio Mercato Interno e Competitività, Piazza Nicosia 20, 00186 ROMA, ITALIA e-mail: Website: 23 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 Contact persons: Dott.ssa Lucia Monaco e-mail: Dott.ssa Maria Giuseppina Castellano e-mail: Tel.: 0039 06 677 92 548- Fax: 0039 06 6779 5064 For professional qualifications recognition, the Directive 2005/36/EC provides three modes of recognition, namely: A system based on preventive harmonization of training providing automatic recognition. This system is applicable to the professions of nurse, dentist, veterinary, midwife, architect, pharmacist and doctor. A system based on mutual trust between Member States (known as the General System of Recognition). This system is applicable to a number of professions, which can vary between Member States since the Directive does not require any regulatory obligation for Member States. It applies when the profession is regulated in Italy and if the applicant has pursued or is entitled to pursue it in its home state. Recognition is not automatic, but requires a comparison of training courses in the two countries (in this case, Romania and Italy), and the possibility, in the event of "substantial differences", to impose compensatory measures (test of aptitudes or adjustment period - article 23 of the Decree). A system based on professional experience gained in the country of origin. This system applies to crafting, commercial or industrial activities specifically listed in Annex IV of the Directive and provides for automatic recognition if they meet the conditions expressly provided for each professional category. For recognition in the General System, the request is submitted to the competent authority of the host Member State (Italy). This application must be accompanied by a series of documents and certificates listed in Annex VII to the Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualification. 24 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 Usually, the documents required in Italy for EU citizens who wish to establish in this country are5: 1. The copy of a valid identity document; 2. A certified copy of the specific professional qualification (indicating the examinations taken, needed to determine the possible significant differences with the national training, referred to in Article 14 of the Directive); 3. A certified copy of the specific qualification, if it is provided by the country in which the qualification was obtained; 4. A certified copy of the enrollment in the Professional Register of the country in which the title was obtained, only if provided in this country; 5. The original value declaration* issued by the diplomatic authority or Italian Consulate in the country where the title for which recognition is sought was awarded, stating: a. that the title has been issued by a competent authority of the country of origin; b. access requirements for the course (basic education); c. that the title gives access to practice in the country where it was issued; d. duration of the training for the qualification in question; e. authenticity of the signature on the title (if authenticity is not proven, legalization of the title by competent authorities is required); f. professional activities that the title gives access to in the country of origin. * Requested only to non-EU citizens. 6. Attestation that there are no criminal or professional obstacles in the pursuit of the profession, issued by the competent authority in the country of origin and / or provenance; 7. Certificate that details any work activity in the country of origin, following the acquirement of the qualification for which recognition is requested (including stages of practical trainings); 5 Source: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, DIPARTIMENTO PER L’INFORMAZIONE E L’EDITORIA - GUIDA ALL’UTENTE, Direttiva 2005/36/CEE relativa al riconoscimento delle qualifiche professionali 25 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 In the case of regulated professions, in Romania and Italy the following documents are required: 1. Certificate or other attestation issued by the competent authority in Romania showing that the title gives access to the pursuit of profession in the country of origin; 2. The detailed program of studies, clearly indicating the number of hours and topics for each subject, as well as the number of hours of internship, issued by the education institution that awarded the diploma; 3. Certificate attesting the activity pursued in the country of origin or provenance, after the acquirement of the qualification for which recognition is sought; 4. Certificate attesting the completed internship periods, specialized courses attended or acquirement of other diplomas. For the non-regulated professions in Romania, but regulated in Italy, the following are needed for recognition: 1. Documents showing full exercise of that profession for two years in the last 10 years in the country where the title was obtained; 2. The detailed program of studies, clearly indicating the number of hours and topics for each subject, as well as the number of hours of internship, issued by the education institution that awarded the diploma; 3. Certificate attesting the attendance to any training courses or acquirement of other diplomas; All documents written in a foreign language must be accompanied by a translation in Italian, certified in accordance with the original text, issued by the Italian diplomatic or consular authorities in the state that awarded the diploma, or by an official translator of an Italian court. Photocopies must be used by EU citizens in respect to the Law DPR 445/2000 which requires that they be accompanied by a declaration from the applicant certifying it to be a true copy of the original. Authorities will check the veracity of these statements by random sampling. The documents cannot be subsequently withdrawn by the person concerned or by the representative, at the conclusion of title recognition. 26 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 2.2. Regulated professions and competent authorities 2.2.1. Acces to pursuit of the professions in Italy From the point of view of access to pursuit, in Italy professions can be classified into two broad categories, namely: 1. Regulated professions - performed in Italy, subject to national laws regulating the professional title, level of training required and the rules of professional conduct. For these professions, if the professional title was obtained in another Member State, for the lawful practice For regulated professions, professional recognition is performed under Community law (Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications), for the persons that are citizens of an EU Member State, and based on DPR 394/99 art. 49-50 and DPR 334/04 for people from non-EU countries 2. Non-regulated professions - which may be pursued by any citizen who has a bachelor's qualification in the profession, issued by an EU Member State. For those professions, if the professional title was obtained in another Member State, it is not necessary to obtain the recognition of qualifications by a competent authority in Italy for the lawful pursuit of the profession. 2.2.2. Regulated professions in Italy In Italy there are 155 regulated professions, according to official data of the European Commission on the European single market. Annexes 1 and 2 present these professions with their name in Italian, English and Romanian, together with some details of the competent authorities, contacts, qualifications recognition under Directive 2005/36/EC, statistics etc. In Table 2.1 is presented the main grouping of these professions on the main competent authorities. As the main difference from Romaniastands the management by the Ministry of Justice (Ministero della Giustizia) of a relatively large number of professions, 27 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 most of which are not in in the justice field (Agrotecnico, Chemical / Chemical junior industrial ingegnere etc.). This is justified by the fact that in Italy, the Ministry of Justice has been over the time the promoter of many legislative acts in various areas and, because of , traditional and historical reasons, a large number of heterogeneous professions remained under the Ministry of Justice authority. Regulated professions in Italy 6 Nr. Crt. 1 Conpetent authority Professions Ministero della Salute/ Ministry of Health Direzione Generale Risorse Umane e Professioni Sanitarie, Ufficio VII / The General Human Resources and Sanitary Professions, Office VII Ministero della Salute/ Ministry of Health Direzione Generale Risorse Umane e Professioni Sanitarie, Ufficio IV / The General Human Resources and Sanitary Professions, Office IV Medico / Medico Specialista; Odontoiatra; Farmacista; Farmacologia; Veterinario; Psicologo; Psicoterapeuta; Igiene e medicina preventiva; Igienista dentale; Infermiera pediatrica (incorporates vigilatrice d'infanzia); Infermiere professionale; Infirmiere generico e ota; Odontostomatologia; Dietista; Fisioterapista; Massofioterapista; Infermiere; Logopedista; Ostetrica; Ottico; Podologo; Tecnico audiometrista; Tecnico audioprotesista; Tecnico della fisiopatologia cardiocircolatoria e perfusione vascolare; Tecnico della prevenzione nell'ambiente e nei luoghi di lavoro; Tecnico della riabilitazione psichiatrica; Tecnico di neurofisiopatologia; Tecnico ortopedico; Tecnico di laboratorio medico; Tecnico sanitario di laboratorio biomedico; Tecnico sanitario di laboratorio; Tecnico sanitario di radiologia medica; Terapista della neuro e psicomotricità dell'età evolutiva; Allergologia ed immunologia clinica; Anatomia patologica; Anestesia e rianimazione; Assistente sanitario; Basic medical training – Italy; Biochimica clinica; Cardiologia; Chirurgia dell’apparato digerente; Chirurgia generale; Chirurgia maxillo-facciale; Chirurgia pediatrica; Chirurgia plastica e ricostruttiva; Chirurgia toracica; Cardiochirurgia; Chirurgia vascolare; Dentista specialista (Chirurgia odontostomatologia); Dentista specialista (Ortodonzia); Dermatologia e venerologia; Ematologia; Endocrinologia e malattie del ricambio; Gastroenterologia; Genetica medica; Geriatria; Ginecologia e ostetricia; Malattie dell'apparato respiratorio; Malattie infettive; Massaggiatore e bagnino terapeutico/balneoterapista/idroterapista; Medicina del lavoro; Medicina fisica e riabilitazione; Medicina interna; Medicina nucleare; Medicina tropicale; Medico di medicina generale; Microbiologia e virologia; Neurologia; Neuropsichiatria; Neuropsichiatria infantile; Odontotecnico; Oftalmologia; Oncologia medica; Operatore socio sanitario; Ortottista assistente di oftalmologia; Otorinolaringoiatria; Patologia clinica; Psichiatria; Puericultrice; Pédiatria; Radiodiagnostica; Radiologia; Radioterapia; Reumatologia; Terapista della riabilitazione; Urologia; Docente di scuola materna; Docente di scuola primaria; Docente di scuola secondaria di I e II grado (inferiore e/o superiore); Personale amministrativo, tecnico e ausiliario della scuola; Docente di istituti di istruzione secondaria di I e II grado; Docente di scuola dell’infanzia; Educatore professionale 2 3 Table 2.1 Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca - Dipartimento per l'Istruzione/ Ministry of Education, Universities and Research – Educational Department Direzione Generale Ordinamenti Scolastici, Ufficio IX / General School Ordinance Directorate, Office IX 6 Sursa:*#t op 28 EUROPEAN UNION 4 5 6 7 ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Ministero della Giustizia / Ministerul Justiţiei Direzione Generale della Giustizia Civile/ General Directorate of Civil Justice Dipartimento per gli Affari di Giustizia/ Department of the Justice Affairs Settore Internazionale/ International Sector Reparto II,- Ufficio III/ Departament II, Office III Ministero della Giustizia / Ministry of Justice Direzione Generale della Giustizia civile / General Directorate of Civil Justice Libere Professioni / Liberal professions Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca / Ministry of Education, Universities and Research – Educational Department Dipartimento Autonomia Universitaria/ Universitary auntonomy department Ufficio IX / Office IX Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico / Ministerul Dezvoltării Economice/ Ministry of Economy Dipartimento per l’Impresa e l’Internazionalizzazione/ Department of Business and Internationalization Direzione Generale per il mercato, la concorrenza, il consumatore, la vigilanza e la normativa tecnica / General Market Department, Competition, Consumer, Surveillance and Technical regulations Divisione VI – Servizi e professioni/ DivisionVI – Services and professions Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali/ Ministerul Muncii şi politicii Sociale Direzione Generale per le Politiche, 8 l’Orientamento e la Formazione - Div. I / Policy, Guidance and Training General department – Division I Ministero delle Attività produttive / Ministry of the Productive Activity Direzione Generale per il Turismo / Toursim general department ; Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri/ Preşedenţia Consiliului de 9 Miniştri; Dipartimento per lo Sviluppo e la Competitività del Turismo / The Tourism Competitiveness and development department; Ufficio I – Servizio relazioni comunitarie e attività internazionale/ Office I – Community Care Service and International activities Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri/ The Presidency of the Ministries Council 10 Ufficio per lo Sport / Sports Office Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 Agente di cambio; Agrotecnico; Assistente sociale /Assistente sociale specialista; Asistente sociale junior; Attuario / Attuario junior; Dottore commercialista ed esperto contabile; Chimico / Chimico junior;Consulente del lavoro; Formatore dei mediatori; Mediatore civile e commerciale; Psicologo iunior; Avvocato; Avvocato patrocinante davanti alla corte di cassazione; Biologo / Biologo junior; Dottore commercialista; Geometra e Geometra laureato; Giornalista; Ingegnere civile ambientale /Ingegnere civile ambientale junior; Ingegnere industriale / Ingegnere industriale junior; Ingegnere dell'informazione / Ingegnere ell'informazione junior; Perito agrario e Perito agrario laureato; Perito industriale e Perito industriale laureato; Ragioniere, perito commerciale; Revisore contabile 3; Tecnologo alimentare; Dottore agronomo e Dottore forestale / Agronomo e forestale / Zoonomo / Biotecnologo agrario; Geologo / Geologo junior; Architetto; Conservatore dei beni architettonici ed ambientali; Enologo; Paesaggista; Pianificatore territoriale; Pianificatore iunior; Ricercatore (nelle università e neglienti di ricerca); Architetto iunior; Architetto (diritti acquisiti); Impiantista (Installazione impianti elettrici; Installazione impianti elettronici; Installazione impianti idraulici; Installazione impianti termici; Installazione impianti di trasporto del gas; Installazione impianti di sollevamento persone; Installazione impianti antincendio); Attività di disinfestazione; Attività di derattizzazione; Attività di sanificazione; Carrozzeria; Meccanica e motoristica; Elettrauto; Gommista; Facchinaggio e movimentazione merci; Attività commerciale; Somministrazione di alimenti e bevande; Ausiliari del commercio (agente di commercio, agente di affari in mediazione, spedizioniere, mediatore marittimo); Acconciatore; Autoriparatore; Intermediari in materia del commercio all'ingrosso; Intermediario nell'asquisito, vendita o nolo di navi; Stimatore e pesatore pubblico; Consulente in proprietà industriale; Estetista; Istituti di bellezza ed attivita' di manicure, massaggio facciale; Accompagnatore turistico; Direttore tecnico di agenzia viaggi e turismo; Guida turistica; Guida alpina; Maestro di sci; snowboard. 29 EUROPEAN UNION 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Ministero delle Attività produttive / Ministry of the Productive Activity Direzione Generale per il Turismo / General Department of Toursim Ministero delle Attivita' Produttive / Ministry of the Productive Activity D.G. Sviluppo produttivo e competitività / General Department of Product and Competitive Development Ministero delle Attivita' Produttive/ Ministry of the Productive Activity D.G. per il commercio, le assiccurazioni e servizi/ Commerce, Insurance and Services general department Ministero delle Attività produttive / Ministry of the Productive Activity Direzione Generale per il Turismo/ General Department of Toursim Ministerio per i beni e attivita’ culturali/ Ministry of Cultural Goods and Activities Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile – ENAC/ National Authority of Civil Aviation Other authorities Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 Acccompagnatore turistico Acconciatore Acquisto, vendita di merci in forma ambulante; Attivita’ disinfezione, disinfestazione, derattizzazione e sanificazione Agente di viaggio Fabbricazione e riparazione di strumenti musicali; Gioelleria, taglio delle pietre preziose Controllore di volo Abilitazione a funzione direttive; Commercialista ed esperto contabile; Marittimi - inscrizione 3a categoria gente di mare; Ufficiale di coperta; Ufficiale di macchina; 30 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 2.3. The analysis of the regulated professions in Italy This chapter is presented a summary analysis of regulated professions in Italy, grouped by sectors of professions in the IMI system. The main differences to the approach of Romania, as derived from legal regulations of the two countries and visit data directly known from studies conducted by IMI PQ Romania team in Italy are highlighted. For an operative identification of the competent authorities in this chapter are used their original names, the Romanian translation is presented in Table 2.1. 2.3.1. Professions from architecture and construction sector In this sector we find a few professions managed by the following competent authorities:: 1. Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca: Architetto iunior/Junior architect/ Arhitect junior; Architetto/Architect/Arhitect; Architetto (diritti acquisiti)/Architect/Arhitect (drepturi dobandite); Pianificatore iunior/Planning and regional development engineer/physical planner/Planificator junior; Pianificatore territoriale/Planning and regional development engineer/physical planner/Planificator teritorial, Inginer specializat în amenajarea teritoriului şi dezvoltare regională; 2. Presidenza del Consiglio – Dipartimento per lo Sport: Paesaggista/Landscape expert/Peisagist; 3. Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico: Impiantista/Electrician / Senior electrician /Specialised electrician/Electrician ; 4. Ministero per i Beni Culturali - Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro: Conservatore dei beni architettonici e ambientali/Architectural and environmental curator/Conservator al patrimoniului arhitectural şi de mediu. As in Romania, a civil engineer can perform some construction and architecture but can not practice as an architect. In the electricians (impiantista) category, we can find 31 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 electricians specialized in constructions. In paragraph 2.3.6 are presented details on the skills certification of electricians. Similar to the Order of Architects from Romania, in Italy In Italy The Order of Architects, planners, landscape architects and conservators (Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori) is the professional organization that manages the professionals registry with right of pursuit of both the architect profession and the urbanist (territorial planner) and restorer / conservator. The registry contains two sections: Section A: architecture, land planning, landscaping, preservation of architectural and environmental goods. Professional titles: architect, territorial planner, landscaper, conservator of the architectural and environmental patrimony. Section B: architecture and planning. Professional titles: junior architect and junior territorial planner. 2.3.2. Aviation sector professions 1. ENAC - National Authority of Civil Aviation (Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile): Controllore di volo/Air traffic controller/Controlor trafic aerian; In Italy, the principles governing the granting of a license are the following: Italian Civil Aviation Authority stipulates in its regulation the requirements and procedures for issuing, maintaining, suspension and revocation of license for air traffic; The grant of a license is conditioned by the promotion of theoretical and practical tests designed to check the applicant's ability to perform activities of air traffic controller. The tests aim to verify the experience, skills, professional knowledge and linguistic knowledge within the programs approved by ENAC (National Civil Aviation Authority in Italy) in accordance with Community legislation;; Licences are issued by ENAC and are registered in a registry;; 32 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 The license, the qualifications or the attestations may be suspended by ENAC in the following cases: the violation of the laws and regulations regarding the air traffic control, for serious or repeated negligence in fulfilling the air traffic controller obligations and that compromised the safety of aircraft and, for other breaches of the deontological norms. The license can not be issued to those who were sentenced to prison more than five years for premeditated crimes. Under the regulation of 18th of June of 2008 prepared by the omanian Civil Aeronautical Authority RCAR-LCTA containing the „Licensing of air traffic controllers”, edition 1/2008 (published in Official Monitor 561 of 24th of July of 2008) in Romania the air traffic controller training includes theoretical courses, exercises, including simulation exercises and training in real traffic and must acquire and maintain the skills for providing air traffic control services safe and high quality. Although is doesn`t show up on the list of IMI regulated professions, in Italy there is a series of other pprofessions from aviation domain, regulated de facto, which can be also found in Romania: Pilots and aircraft officers: control of air traffic, airline pilot, helicopter pilot, test pilot, the pilot in command (civil aviation);; Aircraft Technicians: flight motorman, flight engineer, aerospace technician; Airport Traffic Technicians: air traffic, control tower traffic conductor, air traffic assistant conductor, head of airport, flight dispatcher, control tower operator, airport operator warning, flight expert assistance; Flight instructiors: aeronautical pilot instructor, school flight instructor. 2.3.3. Professions from the beautification sector Ministero delle Attivita' Produttive, D.G. Sviluppo Produttivo e Competitività: Acconciatore/Hairdresser / Barber /Wig-maker/Coafor/Frizer/Peruchier; 1. Ministerio de Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, Uff. Centrale Orientamento e Formaz.Professionale: Estetista/Aesthetician/Cosmetician; Istituti di bellezza ed 33 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 attivita' di manicure, massaggio facciale/Beauty care/Beauty parlour and manicurist services/Facial massage/ Înfrumuseţare, manichiură, masaj facial; 2. Ministero della Salute: Podologo/Chiropodist (podiatrist)/Pedichiurist. From the professions listed above, the beautician (aestheticist) and the hairdressers (aconciatore) are the most requested ones in Italy, by the Romanian citizens. In fact, for the aesthetician profession, the most of the requests from the EU countries, are received from the Romanian citizens. In 2010 there were 48 requests, in 2011 - 146, in 2012 – 2007, way above the official data presented in Section 2.4., which shows that not all the applications are processed through the IMI system. But for these two professions, there are also major recognition problems due to the big differences between the trainings in Romania and in Italy. The most important difference is that in Romania, the beautician trains for one year (1800 hours, but there are also older cases, with 500 hours), and in Italy, the training lasts for 3 years, hence the need for substantial compensatory measures. Besides the difference of time, there is also a difference in the studied programs, in Italy an important aspect is the equipment knowledge and skills, whose complexity increases exponentially. In the future, the problem will get worse, because, today, in Italy is being discussesed a law project to move from a 4 year training, to a 3 year basic training + 1 year training at work as self-employed worker.. The Law no. 4/04.01.1990 from Italy regulates the aesthetician activity and establishes the fact that trainings are organized by the regions in specialized schools. The training is organized in regions, and th state has the aptness in which concerns the recognition of the diplomas that are received from abroad – from EU Member States or non-EU countries. The last norm that regulates the studied programs is a Ministerial Decree on the use of electromechanical cosmetics. In Italy there has been great progress in this regard. The aesthetician needs to know how to use these machines, because its inappropriate use can have serious consequences for the health of the client. All the applications requested in order to obtain the recognition of this qualification can be accessed on the website of the Ministry of Labour 8. According to the Directive 7 8 Data obtained from the competent authorities after the visit in Italy 34 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 2005/36/EC, on the recognition of the professional qualifications in one month after the request is received, the Italian administration needs to confirm to the applicant if there are any documents missing. Then, after the complete documentation is completed, there is a 3 months period to communicate the decision. It is given a final decision of acceptance or rejection or an intermediate result regarding the recognition, after the completion of compensatory measures. If the person if the person is from Romania, it is being discussed if h needs to pass a skills exam (2 – 3 disciplines) or an adaptation period (usually 3 months). The subjects for the exam result after comparing the training from Romania with the one from Italy. A similar situation regarding the differences on the number of hours can be found in the the hairdresser profession (acconciatore). 2.3.4. Professions from the catering and food sector 1. Ministero della Giustizia, Direzione Generale della Giustizia Civile, Libere Professioni: Tecnologo alimentare/Food technologist/Tehnolog alimentar. In Italy there is only one regulated profession in the catering and food sector, Food technologist, the competent authority is the Ministero della Giustizia, Direzione Generale della Giustizia Civile, Libere Professioni. The recognition as per the Directive 2005/36/EC, is done unde the general system of recognition, and the skill level requires a certificate, attesting that the secondary education was achieved. 2.3.5. Professions from the education and training sector 1. Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca: Docente di istituti di istruzione secondaria di I e II grado/Secondary school teacher/Profesor de învăţământ secundar de gradul I şi II; Docente di scuola dell’infanzia/Kindergarten teacher/ Nursery school teacher/Preparatory school teacher/ Profesor de grădiniţă; Docente di scuola primaria/Primary school teacher/Profesor de şcoală primară; Educatore profesionale/Child care worker/ Educatoare; Ricercatore universitario/Research fellow/ Research associate/Lector universitar; 35 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 In Italy, the quality assurance and the accreditation in the higher education is assured by the Agenzia Nazionale di valutazione del Sistema Universitario de e della Ricerca – ANVUR (similar to the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education ARACIS in Romania) which is responsible for determinaning the general criteria for evaluation of universities, promoting, testing and dissemination of evaluation methodologies. Another important task for the agency is to define criterias and the methodologies for the harmonization of the evaluating procedures, that are being done by evaluating units, inside the universities. ANVUR works on an evaluation and accreditation system that will be applied nationally. Information regarding the recognition of the higher education studies and of the qualifications are availale on the CIMEA website - Centro di Informazione Sulla Mobilità e le Equivalenze Accademiche, Fondazione. CIMEA is also tasked with the mission to promote the international mobility of students. To find out if a program is recognized nationally, this website can be accessed9 and the search is done by entering the name of the studying level and the name of the institution. Information regarding the recognition of the higher education programs in the arts domain are available on the website of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR). To check if an art or music program inside a higher education institution is recognized, the website can be accessed and the name of the institution can be searched. For the recogniztion qualification of the teaching profession, after Romania joined the EU, the recognition can be done based on the license diploma, under which it can be done the framing of the educational system. There are recognition difficulties of th teacher’s diplomas from the special schools from Romania, because, in Italy, there are no special schools. Also, there are difficulties in the recognition of the teacher’s diplomas, that in Romania have attended the courses of a pedagogical school (5 years), because in Italy for these professions, a higher education is required. For the one who are attending the classes as per the new law, there will not be any problems, because higher education is requested in Romania too. But the ones who have attended the old system, there will still be recognition problems. 9 p/cercauniv 36 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 In Italy, it is very important to follow the terms of the Directive 2005/36/EC, on the professional qualification recognition (4 months). There may be longer terms if the documentation is not completed, but the procedure is retaken after its completion. According to the Law 249 on transparency, a citizen must know in maximum 30 days from submitting his request, if his fil is completed. The recognition process is centralized nationally, and the appeal is usually centralized, but it can be done by the local judicial authorities. In the last year, the number of recognition requests for some qualifications in the educational sector, originated in Romania, is increasing. Table 2.2 presents the comparision between the competent authorities involved in the management of educational professions, in Romania and Italy. Table 2.2 Education Italy Romania ANVUR - Agenzia Nazionale di valutazione del ARACIS - Romanian Agency for the Quality Sistema Universitario de e della Ricerca Assurance in Higher Education, CIMEA - Centro di Informazione Sulla Mobilità CNRED – National Centre for Equivalence and e le Equivalenze Accademiche, Fondazione Recognition of Diplomas MIUR - Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università MEN – Ministry of National Education e della Ricerca 2.3.6. Professions in the engineering domain and other technical professions 1. Ministero della Giustizia, Direzione Generale della Giustizia Civile, Libere Professioni: Ingegnere civile e ambientale iunior/Civil and environmental engineer/Inginer civil şi protecţia mediului, junior; Ingegnere civile ed ambientale/Engineer/Civil and environmental engineer/Inginer civil şi protectia mediului; Ingegnere dell'informazione/Information systems practitioner/Inginer sisteme de informare; Ingegnere dell'informazione iunior/Information systems 37 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 practitioner/Inginer de sisteme de informare junior; Ingegnere industriale iunior/Industrial engineer/Inginer industrial junior; Ingeniere industriale/Industrial engineer/Inginer industrial; Perito industriale/Industrial engineer/Expert industrial; 2. Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico: Autoriparatore/Car mechanic/Mecanic auto. For traditional and historical reasons, described at the beginning of the section 2.2, in Italy, a wide range of professions in engineering and other technical professions are administered by the Ministry of Justice. In Italy, the engineering profession is a regulated one, but not all the graduates from a technical institution receive the engineer title. In Romania, the engineering profession is not regulated, but the formation is. The person follows study classes of at least 4 years, followed by a license exam. An important difference towards Romania is the fact that, in Italy, the Autorita per L’Energia Elettrica e il Gas - AEEG (similar to the National Regulatory Authority in the Energy domain - NARE in Romania) has no powers of competent authority on training and / or qualification recognition, but only on the energy market regulation. The professions that in Romania are managed by NARE (the electricity and gas domains) are regulated in Italy by other ministries, primarily, the Ministry of Economic Development (table 2.3). Table 2.3 Energy and Gas Italy - Autorita per L’Energia Elettrica e il Gas (AEEG) - Only regulatory attributions on the enery market; - No kind of competent authority attributions regarding the training and/or the recognition of certain qualifications Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, Ministero Giustizia Romania – NARE - Tasks of the competent authority on training and / or recognition of qualifications - Authorized plumber for the design, construction and / or operation objectives / natural gas systems - Electricians to design, construct, verify and operate electric power system installations Another majordifference is for the professions that in Romania are administered by ISCIR (welders, crane operators, nondestructive testing, boiler operators), but in Italy they obey to regional and firm-level regulations (table 2.4). Table 2.4 Under-pressure systems and lifting installations Italy Regional and firm-level regulations Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, Ministero Giustizia Romania ISCIR - State Inspection for Control of Boilers, Pressure Vessels and Hoisting Stoker, crane, operator NDT, welders etc. In Italy the Ministry of Economic Development (Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico) deals with: 38 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 Technical standards at EU and national level; Provides support for all the necessary activities of the responses to applications for recognition; The procedure for registration in the Trade Register; Check the requirements for the development of installations; Recognition of Qualifications concerning installations, car repairs and cleaning; Recognition titles for hairdressing profession. The professions under the categories Installazione impianti elettrici/ Electrical systems installers; Installazione impianti idraulici/ Hydraulics plumbers; Installazione impianti termici/ Thermal systems plumbers; Installazione impianti di trasporto del gas/ Gas transmission systems plumbers; etc. are responsible for the overall technical occupation, that must be binding in any company. The CEI 11-27 norm regulates the nomination of the persons responsible (il Responsabile dell’Impianto - RI, Preposto ai Lavori - PL). For example, every hair or cosmetics salon in Italy, there must be a technical manager. Technical Officer Qualification Hair Stylist is released in Italy by the region, based on training, courses or extra practice. Training can be of different durations, depending on how much time the person has been working in the field. It is taken into account the skills acquired in informal and non - formal framework and longer courses are organized for people who have no experience. At the end, an exam is sustained, after which the person is entitled. A document that will prove the skills gained will be issued by the regional authority, and with this document, the person can open a salon autonomously, can have employees, can work independently or work as an employee in a salon. In Italy, the CEI 11-27 Norm presents the method of naming of the person responsible with the electrical installation (il Responsabile dell’Impianto - RI) and of the person responsible with leading the work activity (il Preposto ai Lavori - PL), who have established specific roles and responsibilities, and also the conditions of formation of 'superiors' and 'supervisors' in this area, owners of plant and workers, including occupational safety rules. Training involves the following curriculum: - Legislative acts and regulations on electrical safety; 39 EUROPEAN UNION - ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 The CEI EN 50110-1 Norm - ”Making Electrical installation ” and CEI 11-27 Norm – “Electrical installation work”: Professional profiles of electricians ; Criteria for the award of the expert qualifications (PES - Persona ESperta), approved person (PAV - Persona Avertita), and establish the ability to work under pressure, case studies; The way of determining the person responsible for carrying out electrical installation (il Responsabile dell’Impianto - RI) and the person responsible for directing the work activity (il Preposto ai Lavori - PL) – defining of such tasks, roles and operational responsibilities; General principles of safe performance of electrical work; Planning electrical work: work plan, action plan, deliver work; Working procedures for high tension electrical work, near high tensions installations and disconnected from the power plant; High tension non-electrical work (electrical work related), near the high tension plants and decoupled from power plants; - Temporary and mobile electrical work; - Risk assessment power under Decree 81/2008; - Final evaluation test. Training is provided by certified trainers, able to provide theoretical and practical training. The teachers are experts with experience in design, maintenance and verification of electrical installations, electrical engineering graduates, graduates of special courses "Formare Formatori” and registered in the electrical registers. The CEI 11-27 Norm divides the specialists in the electrical instalation domain, and the training courses, in four categories, as follows: 1A, 2A, 1B şi 2B. Levels 1A and 2A are dedicated to the responsibles with the development of the installations and managing of works and have the programs mentioned above. For levels 1B and 2B, dedicated to operators, the curricula, in accordance with CEI 11-27, is as follows: Level 1 B – knowledge and operating skills (training and proper understanding of a work plan and a contingency plan, define, identify, delimit the working area and the area of intervention, the introduction of insulation and protection, location of equipment and devices, grounding and 40 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 short circuit, check the voltage and safety ground binding, assessment of environmental conditions, knowledge of first aid) Level 2 B - knowledge of the techniques work under pressure: Organizational experience: preparing the work, risk prevention, transmission or exchange of information between individuals in the team, assuming specific roles. Specific experience for the type of activity for which the person must be eligible: workplace analysis, equipment selection, definition, identification and delineation of the workplace, protecting parties under high voltage training, mastery of operational sequences for execution of work. Exercises and practical tests: replacing a device under high voltage protection, for household and similar panels, replacing the voltage of a protective device for industrial use etc The final evaluation of participants is based on theoretical and practical tests exam. In Romania, for the electricians that design, construct, verify and operate electrical power system installations, the competent authority is NARE – National Regulatory Authority in the Energy domain, being authorized based on the Ord. 11 /2013- “Approval of the regulation for authorization of electricians, checkers projects, technic responsible with execution, like as a technical experts of quality and extrajudicial in electrical installation area”, published in the Official Gazette nr.152/21.03.2013. For the four professional categories, the order establishes the authorization procedure and upgrading to a superior or different degree/type, based on an examination, for the procedures for organizing and conducting the examination of authorization, re-authorization procedure for electricians who hold or have held the identity card issued by the competent authority, powers, rights and obligations of authorized and conditions of suspension or withdrawal of authorization, namely sanctions, both for individuals and for the Romanian foreign requesting authorization to conduct business in Romania. The professional categories are related to the ones in Italy. Besides, there were no reported problems on recognition in this area between the two countries. Thus, in Romania, the certified electricians to design / execute / verify the electrical installations connected to SEN may require, where appropriate, the following degrees of authorization: I, II, III and IV. For each of th II, III and IV grades, there are defined two types of authorization: authorization 41 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 type for electrical installation design and certification of type B for execution of electrical installations. For grade I there are not 2 types of authorization, based on the qualification level mentioned at art 24 from the Regulated - vocational school or training course; these qualifications entitling them to work only in execution under the direction of licensed electricians level IIB, IIIB or IVB. The authorities also permit, depending on the type and degree, the following competencies: - Degree I for execution - sub coordination or supervision authorized electricians of degree IIB, IIIB or IVB - a some parts from casing of the electrical installations, at a nominal voltage less than 1kV; - Degree IIA, for electrical installation design with any realizable technic instalate powerand at a nominal tension less than 1 kV; - Degree IIB, for electrical installations execution with any realizable technic installed power and at a nominal tension less than 1 kV; - Degree IIIA, for electrical installations design with any realizable technic installed power and at a nominal tension of maximum 20 kV; - Degree IIIB, for electrical installation design with any realizable technic instalate powerand at a nominal tension less than 20 kV; - Degree IVA,for electrical installations design with any realizable technic installed power and at any standardized nominal tension; - Degree IVB,for electrical installations execution, with any realizable technic installed power and at any standardized nominal tension. The Regulation approved by the Order 11/2013 sets out in detail the procedure for approval and renewal conditions and the conduct of examinations, tests, examination. Certified electricians have the right to pursue activities in accordance with the competences of the degree and type approval, as follows: A. As authorized individual, sole proprietorship or a member of a family business (only the II, III and IV grades); B. As an employee of an economical operator, operating on the basis of certificates issued by the competent authority; 42 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 C. As an employee of a network operator; D. As an employee of an operator, having a producer or consumer of electricity quality, industrial or similar. Unlike the situation in Romania, in which ISCIR is the competent authority responsible with the supervision of some installations (boilers, installation of high pressure devices), in Italy there is a law that indicates a wide variety of possibilities of interventions. The clients are forced to assign these activities to an individual or a judicial person. For example, the technical verification of the lift is performed by a Notified Organization, according to Directive 2005/36/EC. These are authorized organizations, in particular N 17020, who have professionists – 5 years engineers (seniors). The engineering title in Italy can be owned by a licensed person, who has sustained an examination and is registered in the order of engineers. It is not enough to have a license in engineering. There organizations, recognized at the Community level, together with the competent authorities from Italy, can make the periodical verifications, established by the law: ordinary (at 2 years) or extraordinary (when the the lift or an equivalent, lifting equipment and so on, are the subject to significant changes or had incidents). These organizations can evaluate other lifting systems (which amounts to over 2 m). In Italy there are authorizations regarding crane operators, welders, which are issued by the state or state companies authorized to do so. There is an office of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, dealing with these aspects. For the GPL technicians (GPL operators) there is a GPL Professional Technical Committee, which includes the trade unions and employers, recognized by the national decree 8108/2008 (single text on the occupational safety) conducting courses and issuing patents. The patents are considered to be a qualification title for the practice of this activity. Related to welders, the qualified experts are certified by a state organization called ISPESL (National Institute for Labor Security Assurance). For the ones who are working with lifts, before the appearence of the European Directives, there was a special office belonging to the Intrnal Ministry, that gave the qualification of the lift maintener and other similar qualifications. For the lifting of the equipments, there is an international organization in the UK, with offices in several European 43 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 countries, called IPAF10 (International Powered Access Federation). This association is recognized by different Member States to issue permits with specific program for mobile platforms high. The title is recognized by the Italian Ministry of Labour as IPAF is recognized as an association. In Italy, the engineer title is different than the similar one in Romania. For example, there is no profession such as engineering welder in Italy. There are two types of engineers and a category called Expert (Perito) industries that do engineering work. Engineering work is equated with the engineering. Duration for expert (Perito) is 5 years industrial school. Junior Engineer title is obtained after a course of higher education three years, followed by registration with the Junior Engineer and the Senior Engineer requires higher education 3 years + 2 years and other state exam in order to sign senior engineer. Differences between Italian law and the law of Romania appear regarding auto mechanic profession. Since Directive 2005/36/EC refers only to the recognition of qualifications concerning regulated professions in Italy the Directive auto repair companies (there are several types of qualifications under the same umbrella – mechanical, tinsmith, vulcanization operator, auto electrician). Here, the company must have a technical supervisor who meets the professional requirements. When the person with qualifications acquired abroad seeking recognition to work on their own or to be a technical manager in a company, they need to check what materials did and what is required in Italy. The authorizations extension for such different professions is made in accordance with regulations established at regional level. 2.3.7. Professions from the financial sector 1. Ministero della Giustizia, Direzione Generale della Giustizia Civile, Dipartimento per gli Affari di Giustizia: Attuario/Actuary/Actuar; Attuario iunior/Actuary/Actuar junior; Consulente del lavoro/Company technical consultant/Consultant tehnic; 2. Ministero della Giustizia, Direzione Generale della Giustizia civile, Libere Professioni: Dottore commercialista/Tax advisor/accountant/Expert contabil; Ragioniere, perito commerciale/Tax advisor/accountant/Contabil, Expert comercial; 10 44 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 Revisore contabile/Accountant/Auditor/Revizor contabil; Commercialista ed esperto contabile/Accountant/Auditor/Auditor şi expert contabil. It can be noticed that both Italy and Romania have two professions falling under the generic title of "Tax adviser / accountant" in Italy we find "Dottore commercialista" and "Ragioniere, perito commerciale" and in Romania "tax consultant" and "Chartered Accountant ". "Dottore commercialista" is equivalent to the chartered accountant, while the tax consultant in Italy does not exist as distinctive profession, not even among the reserved activities not included the accounting profession tax advice. The legal profession Avvocato (under the generic title "Lawyer / Barrister / Solicitor" in the IMI system) has reserved the activity of representation before the administrative authorities including tax aspects (non-exclusive reservation), but not the tax advisory work. Profession "Ragioniere, perito commerciale" might translate into novel "Accountant trade expert" and can be compared with the profession of Chartered Accountants in Romania because it is lower than the "dottore commercialista". Prior to 1997, the profession could have been accessed by the graduates of technical institutes enterprise economy trade and professional institutes (higher professional education), after a 3 year internship in accounting. Since 1997, access to this profession was conditioned by the graduation of the enterprise economy or law or political science or university. Since 2004, this profession was classified in the group of unified "Dottori commecrialisti ed espert accountants" except that "dottore commercialista" magistrate's degree (graduate classes from 64 / s to 84 / s) and "ragioniere" "perito commerciale "is a graduate of the class of 17-28 vocational education and training in Italy. Under the generic title "Accountant / auditor", Romania registered the authorized accountant (which is also accessible to graduates of secondary education, the title being lower than the of Chartered Accountant), while Italy scored profession "Revisore accounting" which is reserved for auditing activities, being equivalent to the financial auditor profession in Romania, but IMI registered under the generic name "Company auditor." The actuarial profession is regulated in Italy, is found under different names in Romania - the COR are the occupations of actuarial advisor, expert actuary, actuarial specialist inspector, reviewer expert actuary, actuary (higher education) in the core group in 2120, mathematicians , actuaries and statisticians and actuary in 3314 based group, specialists 45 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 statisticians, mathematicians and other associate professionals. There Actuaries Association from Romania (ARA), one of the associations insurance professional who is also co-founder of the Institute of Insurance and Pensions (IAP), but the actuarial profession is not listed as a regulated profession in Law 200/2004, in the law Romanian by taking on the reference to insurance as covered by sectoral directives of Directive 2005/36/EC. Recognition processes for regulated professions of accounting and financial audit based on international standards and EU are regulated by sectoral directives. 2.3.8. Professions in medical sector 1. Ministero della Salute: si Medicine/Alergie Allergologia imunologie immunologia clinică; patologică; Medicine/Anatonomie ed Anatomia Anestesia e clinica/Doctor of patologica/Doctor of rianimazione/Doctor of Medicine/Anestezie si reanimare; Assistente sanitario/Second level nurse/Asistent medical; Basic medical training – Italy/Doctor of Medicine/Formare medicala de bază- Italia; Biochimica clinica/Doctor of Medicine/Biochimie Clinică; Cardiologia/Doctor of Medicine/Cardiolog ; Chirurgia dell’apparato digerente/Doctor of Medicine/Chirurgie aparat digestiv; Medicine/Chirurgie generală; Medicine/Chirurgie maxilo-facială; Medicine/Chirurgie pediatrică; Medicine/Chirurgie plastică Cardiochirurgia/Doctor of Chirurgia Chirurgia si maxillo-facciale/Doctor Chirurgia Chirurgia plastica e reconstrucţie; Medicine/Chirurgie generale/Doctor of of pediatrica/Doctor of ricostruttiva/Doctor of Chirurgia toracică; toracica; Cardio-chirurgie; Chirurgia vascolare/Doctor of Medicine/Chirurgie vasculară; Dentista specialista (Chirurgia odontostomatologia)/Dental Practitioner/Stomatolog (chirurgie stomatologică); Dentista specialista (Ortodonzia)/Dental Practitioner/Stomatolog (Ortodonţie); Dermatologia e venerologia/Doctor of Medicine/Dermatologie şi venerologie; Ematologia/Doctor of Medicine/Hematologie; Endocrinologia e malattie del ricambio/Doctor of Medicine/Endocrinologie si boli metabolice; Farmacista/Pharmacist/Farmacist ; Farmacologia/Doctor of Medicine/Farmacolog; Gastroenterologia/Doctor of Medicine/Gastroentorologie; Genetica medica/Doctor of 46 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 Medicine/Genetică medicală; Geriatria/Doctor of Medicine/Geriatrie ; Ginecologia e ostetricia/Doctor of Medicine/Ginecologie şi obstetrică; Igiene e medicina preventiva/Doctor of Medicine/Igienă si medicină preventivă; Igienista dentale/Dental hygienist/Igienist dentar ; Infermiera pediatrica (incorporates vigilatrice d'infanzia)/ Nurse/Asistentă medicală pediatrică; Infermiere professionale /Nurse/Asistentă medicală ; Infirmiere generico e ota/Second level nurse/Asistentă medicală de nivel 2; Malattie dell'apparato respiratorio/Doctor of Medicine/Boli ale aparatului respirator; Malattie infettive/Doctor of Medicine/Boli infecţioase; Massaggiatore e bagnino terapeutico/balneoterapista/idroterapista/ Masseur/Massage therapist/Spa therapist/Masseur-Aesthetician/ Maseur / balneoterapeut/ hidroterapeut; Medicina del lavoro/Doctor of Medicine /Medicina muncii; Medicina fisica e riabilitazione/Doctor of Medicine/Medicină fizică şi recuperare; Medicina interna/Doctor of Medicine/Medicină internă; Medicina nucleare/Doctor of Medicine/Medicină nucleară; Medicina tropicale/Doctor of Medicine/Medicină tropicală; Medico di medicina generale /Doctor of Medicine/Doctor medicină generală; Microbiologia e virologia/Doctor of Medicine/Microbiologie şi virusologie; Neurologia/Doctor of Medicine/Neurologie; Medicine/Neuropsihiatrie; Neuropsichiatria/Doctor Neuropsichiatria infantile/Doctor of of Medicine/Neuropsihiatrie infantilă; Odontoiatra/Dental practitioner /Practician dentar; Odontostomatologia/Doctor Odontotecnico/Dental technician/Tehnician of Medicine/Stomatologie dentar ; Oftalmologia/Doctor ; of Medicine/Oftalmologie ; Oncologia medica/Doctor of Medicine/Medic oncolog ; Operatore socio sanitario/Health Care Worker/Operator socio-medical; Ortottista assistente di oftalmologia/Orthoptist/Asistent optician ortoptist; Ostetrica /Midwife/Moaşă ; Otorinolaringoiatria/Doctor of Medicine/Otorinolaringologie ; Ottico/Optician (Dispensing optician)/Optician ; Patologia clinica/Doctor of clinică; Medicine/Patologie Psichiatria/Doctor of Medicine/Psihiatrie ; Psicologo/Psychologist/Psiholog ; Puericultrice/Nursery nurse/Asistent puericultură; Pédiatria/Doctor of Medicine/Radiografie Medicine/Pediatrie ; Radiologia/Doctor ; Radiodiagnostica/Doctor of Medicine/Radiologie of ; Radioterapia/Doctor of Medicine/Radioterapie ; Reumatologia/Doctor of Medicine 47 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 /Reumatologie ; Tecnico audioprotesista/Hearing aid dispenser / audiometric technician/Tehnician audioprotezist; Tecnico di laboratorio medico/Medical/Biomedical laboratory technician/Tehnician de laborator medical ; Tecnico ortopedico/Prosthetist and orthotist / Orthopaedic technician /Surgical trussmaker/Protezist/Ortezist/Tehnician ortoped/Bandajist; Tecnico sanitario di laboratorio /Medical/Biomedical laboratory technician/Tehnician medical laborator; Tecnico sanitario di laboratorio biomedico/ Medical/Biomedical laboratory technician/Tehnician medical laborator biomedical; Tecnico sanitario di radiologia medica/Radiographer / Radiotherapist/Tehnician medical de radiologie ; Urologia/Doctor of Medicine/Urologie ; 2. Ministero della Giustizia, Direzione Generale della Giustizia civile, Libere Professioni: 3. Psicologo iunior/Psychologist/Psiholog junior ; Ministero della Salute - Direzione Generale Risorse Umane e Professioni Sanitarie: Dietista/dietologoDietician/Dietetician ; 4. Ministero delle Attività Produttive, Direzione Generale per il Turismo: Nefrologia/Doctor of Medicine/Nefrologie; 5. Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti: Neurochirurgia/Doctor of Medicine/Neurochirurgie; 6. Ministero delle Attivita' Produttive, D.G. per il Commercio, le Assiccurazioni e Servizi: Ortopedia e traumatologia/Doctor of Medicine/Ortopedie şi traumatologie. In the medical sector we encounter the largest number of regulated professions, both in Romania and also in Italy. The italian state recognizes certain qualifiications from medical field, based on a study diploma for the prophylactic, diagnosis, care and rehabilitation activities pursuit. Certain medical professions are organized in Orders and Colleges that have headquarters in each province from the national territory: Provincial Order of Medical Surgeons and Dental Practitioners11; Provincial Order of pharmacists12; Provincial College of professional care nurses13; Provincial College of medical radiology sanitary technicians14. 11 13 12 48 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 In Italy, the medical professions pursuit is allowed to the ones that have a diploma obtained abroad, previouslly regonized by the Italy`s Ministry of Health and registered in the respective Professional Registry. Those who wants to pursue in Italy another medical activity must address to ministry of Health, for the issuance of a compliance certificate of the studies did abroad, in accordance with the features provided by the professional guidelines and subsequently to aply for the respective professional college. The diplomas obtained by the Community and extra-Community citizens, approved for recognition, are the ones related to the following professions: pharmacist, surgeon/ specialist doctor, dental practitioner, veterinarian, nurse, midwife, nurse, pediatrical nurse, podiatrist, physiotherapist, speech therapist, ophthalmologist nurse, therapist neuro / psihomotric of old age, psychiatric rehabilitation technician, occupational therapist, professional audiometer technician, medical laboratory technician biomedical, medical radiology medical technician, neurophysio-pathology technician, orthopedic technician, audio prosthetic technician, technician of the pathophysiology of cardiocirculatory and perfusion, cardiovascular, dental hygienist, nutritionist, environmental technician at work, health care, hydrotherapy massage therapist for bases, optician, dental technician, child carers, social and health operator. The recognition procedure of the diplomas issued in Romania to the romanian citizens that intend to pursue their activity in a permanent manner in Italy, depends on the person`s profession Also, the authority that issues the recognition document of such a diploma depends on the profession. Although the differences are very small in terms of file and type of application content that must be submitted to the Ministry of Health foor recognition, there are four large situation categories: The recognition of surgeon, physician, veterinarian, pharmacist, dental practitioner obtained in Romania 14 The recognition of doctor in general medicine diploma obtained in Romania The recognition of nurse and midwife diploma obtained in Romania The recognition of the other qualifications from medical domain 49 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 The Directives regarding the surgeon, veterinarian, pharmacist, dental practitioner, nurse profession also stipulate the possibility, for the EU citizens, of achieving temporary or occasionally professional activities, without being obligated to register in the italian professional registry. For obtaining the diploma`s recognition with the purpose of being a freelancer in Italy, a standard application must be submitted to the Ministry of Health, accompanied by the following documents: Copy of a valid identity documen; The authenticated copy of the diploma The issued certificate by the competent authority of the state of origin or provenance from which results that the applicant legally pursues the respective profession in the stat. This document must have been issued maximum 12 months before the date of the present submitted application; Compliance certificate, based on the Community legislation regarding the specialization title and the minimum training criteria, issued by the competent authority with the country where the diploma was obtained; The justifying motivation of the provisions; Photocopies of all documents listed; List of all documents submitted, signed by the applicant; Authenticated empowerment, if the documents are not submitted by the applicant; Declaration containing the coordinates for the professional risk (pentru specializations: surgeon, specialized doctor, veterinarian, dental practitioner). 2.3.9. Professions from land transporation sector 1. Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico: Attivita' di facchinaggio/Forwarding agent / Haulage services/Agent expediţie/Servicii de transport. Within the IMI system we encounter a single regulated profession regarding the land transportation domain. In Italy, the land transporation is included in a wide range named „Transportation, warehousing and communications” that include the land transportaion, 50 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 pipelines transportation, inland waters maritime transportation, air transportation, additional and auxiliary activities of the tourism agencies, postal services and telecommunications. 2.3.10. Professions from the legal sector 1. Ministero della Giustizia, Direzione Generale della Giustizia civile, Libere Professioni: Avvocato/Lawyer/Barrister/Solicitor/Avocat; Avvocato patrocinante davanti alla corte di cassazione/Appeal court barrister/Avocat Curtea de Apel; 2. Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, L'Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale: Consulente in proprietà industriale/Patent Agent / Trademark agent/Consilier în proprietate industrială. The regulated professions in Italy, mentioned above, are less than the ones regulated in Romania in this sector within we encounter: Lawyer, authorized translator/ interpreter, insolvency practitioner, fireworks pyr, private detective, the legal advisor, probation officer, security guard, access control, order and intervention In the legal sector there are qualification recongition requirements for the lawyer qualification in Italy, from some romanian citizens that were rejected because they were not members of the National Union of the Bars from Romania but of others organizations notrecognized by the law. The training of the lawyers and the access conditions to the profession are similar in Italy and in Romania. The lawyer profession has an independent character. Legal advisors have, according to the law either civil servant status or subordinates. Legal advisor profession does not meet the defining elements to be considered an independent activity. 2.3.11. Professions in the maritime activity In the maritime activity sector we encounter a small number of regulated professions that can be grouped on competent authorities as per below: 1. Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico: Intermediario nell'asquisito, vendita o nolo di navi/Intermediary for purchase/sale/hire of vessels/Intermediar achiziţie, vânzare sau închiriere de nave; Mediatore marittimo/Maritime mediator/Mediator maritim; 51 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 Marittimi - inscrizione 3a categoria gente di mare/Ship's Deck officer class 1 merchant marine/Maritim– înscriere navigatori categoria a-3a ; 2. Other authorities: Ufficiale di coperta/Ship's Deck officer class I/Ofiţer de punte; Ufficiale di macchina / Marine engineering officer class I/ Ofiţer de marină de rangul I 2.3.12. Professions from mining sector InItaly, in the IMI system, there are no regulated professions in the mining sector. However, there are trainers in the mining domain that are in charge with the staff preparation fo certain specific professions, with high dregree of danger, as for example, the ones that involve the use of explosives. 2.3.13. Professions from the social assistance and therapy sector 1. Ministero della Giustizia, Direzione Generale della Giustizia Civile, Dipartimento per gli Affari di Giustizia: Assistente sociale/Social worker/Asistent social; Assistente sociale specialista/Social worker/Asistent socialspecialist; 2. Ministero della Salute: Fisioterapista /Physiotherapist/Fiziokinetoterapeut ; Logopedista/Speech and language therapist/Ortofonist / Logoped ; Terapista della riabilitazione/Physiotherapist/Fizioterapeut ; Terapista neuropsicimotricita dell'eta evolutiva/Psychomotor therapist/Terapeut psihomotor; Terapista occupazionale/ergoterapista/Occupational therapist/Terapeut ocupaţional / Ergoterapeut; In Italy there are not regulated the professions of maternal professionist nurse and sign language interpreter, while in Romania these are regulated. However, in Italy, the ministry of Labor has since 1994 an order and a registry regarding the blind masseurs, established by national law, kept by the Service for labor, a relatively new division. To this general Direction, taking into consideration that a new legislation that replaced this masseur profession with the physiotherapist one, there are some modifications in progress. 52 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 The physiotherapist profession is of Ministry of Health`s competence. In the last years in both countries, disability issues have been considered as the competence of the Ministry of Health, although the problem is primarily a social aspect. At EU level this approach is accepted and it is trying to separate medical problems that promotes the medical model approach. 2.3.14. Professions from the tourism, leisure and sports sector 1. Ministero delle Acccompagnatore Attività Produttive, Direzione Generale turistico/Courier/Interpreter-guide/ per Însoţitor il grup Turismo: turistic; Agente di viaggio/Travel agent/Agent de turism; 2. Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri Dipartimento per lo Sviluppo e la Competitività del Turismo: Direttore tecnico di agenzia di viaggi e turismo/Travel agency Manager/Manager agenţie de turism; 3. Presidenza del Consiglio – Dipartimento per lo Sport: Guida Alpina/Schi and/ or mountain/ canyon guide/ mountain leader/Ghid montan; Maestro di sci/Ski instructor/Monitor de schi. The toursim department in Italy (Ministero delle Attività produttive, Direzione Generale per il Turismo) was restructured and now there is one office that handles tourism national policies, Community relations and the relations with national agencies (Association of mountaineers, the automobile association, etc.). There are insitutions relations with EU from which suggestions, initiatives for tourism result. In Italy there is a big accent put on sustainable tourism on the natural and cultural heritage and relationship with the World Tourism Organization in Madrid - permanent secretariat for implementation of the Code of Ethics in Tourism. In this context appeared Adriatic Ionian Initiative developed - bilateral agreements with other countries and federations of Tourism; The main tourism professions are regulated in Italy: Travel Guide, Travel Companion, Travel Technical Director and Animator. In Italy travel guide has a different training and skills to Travel Companion. Travel companion accompanies the group and provides only general information only. He must have knowledge of economics, geography and general information in archeology. Tourist guide has specific training on the national heritage, history, art, history art, archeology etc., Is able to manage a groupto provide accurate information to make the tourist 53 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 to return to "educate" the group so that not evade objects, focus on safety archaeological sites, is able to provide first aid, taking care that the tourstis are not hurt or injuried. For all these the exam inlcudes the certification of the knowledge from different domains – geography, art history, Baroque, medieval art, gastronomical knowledge, knowledge of professional deontology etc.. No training plans at ministry level. Guide and the companion first get a local empowerment for a particular province. An impediment to the recognition of these qualifications is that in Italy a tour guide should know at least two languages (written + oral exam), and not just one as set out in the legislation of Romania. So far there have been very few applications (3) of the Romanian citizens to settle in Italy and practive the tourist guide profession. There were no applications for temporary pursuit of Romanian citizens, but from citizens in Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia. In Romania there are several trainers certified by the ANC. The program is not unique, but must respect specific occupational standard. In Italy there is a training at the university level (eg University of Perugia), including master's degree programs in the field of sustainable tourism, but formation depends on the region. For some regions require higher education while others just Baccalaureate. At Masters, access is allowed by criteria established by the university with wide autonomy. Bachelor graduates are accepted to law, economics or other similar majors. There are no degrees for the touristic guide. There is Alpine Guide, medium mountains guide, mountain-bike guide, underwater guide, volcano guide (Sicily) etc., but they are not tourist guides. One of the issues that will be discussed at the next meeting in Brussels is: the ability to verify that the temporary activity of a tourist guide in Italy is truly temporary, with the precise location and the date. Touristic animator organizes games, activities, events, etc. in holiday villages, especially during the summer. There is no recognized centrally but only in some regions such as, for example, Emilia Romana. Preparing the tourist animator is very diffuse. No specific training needs. He needs to show more creativity in organizing events. 54 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 The competent authorities in tourism are at regional level. At central level, only the title recognition is made. For the Italian citizens the recognition is done at regional level and is valid throughout the national territory. After obtaining the title in a region, the profession can be pursued in any other region. There are no regulations al central level regarding the operating authorization. The Italian Alpine Club has a big contribution in this way. The Technical Director is stipulated nationwide. There is also Tourism Innovation Manager, whose training is conducted after the valid standards at european level. He can practice as a hotel, restaurant, or pension director. In Italy agritourism depends on the Ministry of Agriculture. Another aspect is health tourism. There are more qualifications in the balneary regions. There is travel agent - the profession is regulated by the state, but the requirements are covered by the regions. It is necessary at least the baccalaureate and at least two foreign languages. 2.3.15. Other professions 1. Ministero della Giustizia, Direzione Generale della Giustizia Civile, Dipartimento per gli Affari di Giustizia: Agronomo e forestale iunior/Agriculture and forestry advisor / expert/Agronom şi silvicultor junior / expert; Agrotecnico/Assistant agronomist/Asistent agronom; Agrotecnico/Agricultural expert/technician/Expert agronom / tehnician; Biotecnologo agrario/Agricultural biotechnologist/Biotehnolog agrar; Chimico/Chemist/Chimist; Chimico iunior/Chemist/Chimist junior; 2. Ministero delle Attivita’ Produttive, D.G. per il commercio, le assiccurazioni e servizi: Attivita’ disinfezione, disinfestazione, derattizzazione e sanificazione/Pest control /Disinfection/ Handling of poisonous or non poisonous products/Activităţi de dezinfecţie, dezinsecţie, deratizare şi salubrizare ; 3. Ministero della Giustizia, Direzione Generale della Giustizia civile, Libere Professioni: Biologo/Biologist/Biolog ; Biologo iunior/Biologist/Biolog junior; Dottore forestale/Forester/Padurar ; Dottori in agronomia/Agronomist / agricultural engineer/Inginer agronom; Geologo/Geologist/Geolog ; Geologo 55 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU iunior/Geologist/Geolog European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 junior; Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 Geometra/Surveyor/Topograf ; Perito agrario/Agricultural expert/technician/Tehnician agrar; Perito agrario/Assistant agronomist/Asistent agronom; Zoonomo/Zoo technician/Zootehnician ; 4. Ministerio per i Beni e Attivita' Culturali: Gioelleria, taglio delle pietre preziose /Jewellery making and cutting of precious stones/Bijutier, Taietor în pietre preţioase; Fabbricazione e riparazione di strumenti musicali/Musical instrument manufacturer-repairer/Constructor-reparator instrumente muzicale (lutier); 5. Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico: Intermediari in materia del commercio all'ingrosso/Wholesale intermediary/Intermediar vânzări en-gros; Stimatore e pesatore pubblico/Public estimator and weighmaster/Estimator şi cantaragiu public; 6. Ministero della Salute: Veterinario/Veterinary Surgeon/Veterinar ; 7. Ministero delle Attivita' Produttive, D.G. per il Commercio, le Assiccurazioni e Servizi: Acquisto, vendita di merci in forma ambulante/Itinerant trader / Purchase and sale of goods on an itinerant basis/Comerciant ambulant/ Cumpărător-vânzător mărfuri în forma ambulantă; 8. Alte autorităţi: Abilitazione a funzione direttive/Civil servant/ Funcţionar public. Although not listed in IMI, professions weather and meteorological technician facto regulated in Romania and Italy. Compared to Romania, where the competent authority is the National Meteorology Administration (ANM) which, by the National School of Meteorology, dealing initial training, recognition and training in Italy meteorology are subordinated to the Army, with four institutions managing professions the weather, namely: Italy USAM Ufficio Generale Spazio Aereo e Meteorologia15 / General Office and Aerospace Meteorology; Italy CIRA Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali16 / Centrul Italian de Cercetări Aerospaţiale; Italy ARPA-SIMC ARPA Emilia Romagna Servizio Idro Meteo Clima17 / Hydrometeorological Service - Emilia Romagna Climate 15 16 17 56 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 Italy ARPA Piemonte Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale Piemonte18 / Piemonte Regional Agency for Environmental Protection. In table 2.5 a synthetic picture is presented with the comparation between Italy and Romania Comparative table between Italy and Romania in meteorological domain Tabelul 2.5 Meteorology Italia – fours institutions that manages the meteorological România professions domain Meteorology National School 1. Italy USAM Ufficio Generale Spazio Aereo e Meteorologia - Initial training, recognition, continuous training 2. Italy CIRA Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali 3. Italy ARPA-SIMC ARPA Emilia Romagna Servizio Idro Meteo Clima Italy 4. ARPA Piemonte Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale Piemonte 18 57 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 2.4. IMI PQ Statistics regarding regulated professions in Italy compared to those in Romania 2.4.1. Active authorities within IMI System In Italy, the number of active authorities in IMI is comparable to the one from Romania (table 2.6). Romania surpasses Italy regarding the professional qualifications authorities (Directive 2005/36/EC) and the services one (Directive 2006/123/EC), but has only two authorities when it comes for the workers detachment (Directive 96/71/EC) in comparison with the 105 of Italy. Active authorities number in the IMI19 system Table 2.6 Member State Austria (AT) Professional Qualifications (Directive2005/36/EC) Services (Directive 2006/123/EC) Workers Detachment (Directive 96/71/EC) Total number of authorities within IMI 45 55 13 71 …………….. ……………. ……………. ………… Czech Republic (CZ) 20 298 4 310 Germany (DE) 844 1930 18 2145 Denmark (DK) 23 16 2 27 …………. …………….. ……………. ……………. ………… Spain (ES) 105 927 27 948 Italy (IT) 30 34 105 140 …………. …………….. ……………. ……………. ………… 9 539 2 545 …………….. ……………. ……………. ………… Poland (PL) 148 410 2 487 Portugal (PT) 24 271 3 281 Romania (RO) 41 93 2 111 Sweden (SE) 13 40 2 44 …………….. ……………. ……………. ………… 34 418 2 444 1914 6364 263 7076 …………. Holland (NL) …………. …………. United Kingdom (UK) Total A very important aspect within the IMI system is the response time of the authorities regarding the submissions of the applicants that should not exceed four weeks. From a this point of view, the situation on the year 2012 can be summarized as it follows: 19 Statistics on the use of the Internal Market Information system December 2012, EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate General Internal Market and Services 58 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 Regarding the professional qualifications recognition (fig. 2.1), Italy registers a wide range (over 40%) of applications to which the answer is given in more than 4 weeks. For Romania, the percentage is significantly lower, of about 14%. For services provision, Itlay registers a high percentage of solved applications in less than a week (fig. 2.2), but in a significant percentage (about 12%), to which the answer may take longer than four weeks. Romania is characterized by a small percentage of soled applications in less than four weeks (about 5%) but also by a very low applications percentage to which the answer was given in less than a week Regarding the workers detachment (fig. 2.3), both Romania and Italy registered in 2012 a very high percentage of answers that were given after more than four weeks (about 75 % in Italy andi about 50 % in Romania). Fig. 2.1. Response times for professional qualifications (Directive 2005/36/EC)20 Fig. 2.2. Response times for services (Directive 2006/123/EC)15 20 Statistics on the use of the Internal Market Information system December 2012, EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate General Internal Market and Services; less than a week.; less than 2 weeks.; less than 4 weeks.; over 4 weeks. 59 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 Fig. 2.3. Response times for workers detachment (Directive 96/71/EC)15 2.4.2. Applications sent through IMI System Another important aspect of the IMI statistics consists of the high number of sent and received applications. From this perspective, the situation for 2012 can be summarized as it follows: Regarding the aplications regarding the professional qualifications recognition (tab. 2.7) it can be noticed that Romania and Italy are registering a small number of sent applications in comparision to other states but, regarding the received applications, Romania is on top with 15% of the totalul applications received by the Member States. Total number of sent/received applications in case of professional qualifications recognition in 20124 Tab. 2.7 Member State Sent % Statul membru Received applications applications United Kingdom (UK) 995 32.2% Romania (RO) 470 Sweden (SE ) Germany (DE) …………………. 12.9% 8.6% …. Poland (PL) Greece(GR) Spain (ES) 287 271 237 15.2 % 9.3% 8.8% 7.7% 4.6% ……… …. 1.1% Germany (DE) Italy (IT) 223 194 7.2% 6.3% United Kingdom (UK) 184 6.0% …………………. Romania (RO) 398 266 …………… ….. 143 …………… ….. 33 …………………. ……………….. ……. 3091 100% Italy (IT) …………………. Total: % Total: ……………….. ……. 3091 100% 60 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 For services provision (tab. 2.8) both Italy and Romania are registering a very low percentage of sent applications and low percentage of received applications (7,3 % Italy and 2,9 % Romania). Total number of sent/received applications in case of services in 20124 Tab. 2.8 Member State Sent % Member State applications Germany (DE) 177 43.3% Poland (PL) Austria (AT) 78 19.1% United Kingdom (UK) Slovenia (SI) 25 6.1% Germany (DE) Spain (ES) 16 3.9% Hungary (HU) Poland (PL) 15 3.7% France (FR) …………………. …………… …………. Czech Republic ….. (CZ) Italy (IT) 7 1.7% Italy (IT) Bulgaria (BG) 12 2.9% Holland (NL) …………………. …………… …………. ………………… ….. . Romania (RO) 1 0.2% Romania (RO) …………………. Total: ……………….. …………. 409 100% …………………. Total: Received applications 60 40 14.7% 9.8% 38 37 32 30 9.3% 9.0% 7.8% 7.3% 30 26 …………… ….. 12 7.3% 6.4% ……… …. 2.9% ……………….. ……. 409 100% Regarding the workers detachment (Tab. 2.9), Italy has a significant percentage of sent applications (10,8%), and Romania is on the second place at received applications (with 14,5%) after Poland Total number of sent/received applications regarding the workers detachment in 20124 2.9 Member State Sent % Member State Received applications applications France(FR) 271 33.6% Poland (PL) 147 Belgium (BE) 231 28.7% Romania (RO) 117 Italy (IT) 87 10.8% Portugal (PT) 97 Austria (AT) 69 8.6% Germany(DE) 56 Olanda (NL) 30 3.7% ………………… …………… . ….. Romania (RO) 13 1.6% Italy (IT) 18 …………………. Total: % ……………….. …………. 806 100% …………………. Total: Tab. % 18.2% 14.5% 12.0% 6.9% ……… …. 2.2% ……………….. …………. 806 100% 2.4.3. Information regarding the professional qualification recognition After processing the data presented in Annexes 1 and 2 a ranking of professions has been created for which registered so far the most of the professional qualifications recognition decisions in Italy of some applicaants fom Romania (table 2.10 and fig. 2.4). It can be noticed that for the nurse professiona were solved more applications than for all the others cumulated professions. After that, we can see at a big distance the Physiokinetotherapists, Beautician, professor of secondary education and second degree professions and so on. 61 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 Regulated Profession Database5 statistics do not provide data regarding the recognition of qualifications of applicants Romania Italians, but in Tables 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, one can deduce that the number is much smaller than the recognition in Italy. Decision recognition situation in 201221 Tab. 21 Total pozitive Total negative Total neutre 0 63 61 0 0 0 0 173 167 2 1 61 0 0 38 16 86 0 25 0 0 0 165 140 25 0 2 4 7 0 1 1 0 5 33 53 13 2 38 0 4 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 27 0 0 0 5 0 18 0 0 1 0 0 24 23 1 0 0 11 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 21 21 0 0 0 6 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 19 19 0 0 0 11 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 15 11 4 0 0 1 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 13 1 12 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 2 0 0 13 11 2 0 Taken decisions Negative - SGAR + professional experience 1608 Examination Pozitive after adjustment period (SGAR) 0 Negative after the skills test (SGAR) Negative after the adjustment period(SGAR) Adjustment period Pozitiv e after the skills test (SGAR) Infirmiere generico e ota / 1 Second level nurse / Asistentă medicală Fisioterapista / 2 Physiotherapist / Fiziokinetoterapeut Estetista / Aesthetician / 3 Cosmetician Docente di istituti di istruzione secondaria di I e II grado / Secondary school 4 teacher / Profesor de învăţământ secundar de gradul I si II Tecnico sanitario di radiologia medica / 5 Radiographer/ Radiotherapist / Tehnician medical de radiologie Docente di scuola primaria / 6 Primary school treacher / Profesor de şcoală primară Docente di scuola dell'infanzia / Kindergarten teacher/ Nursery school 7 teacher/ Preparatory school teacher/ Profesor de grădiniţă Impiantista / Electrician/ Senior electrician/ 8 Specialised electrician / Electrician Operatore socio sanitario / 9 Health Care Worker / Operator socio-medical Tecnico sanitario di 10 laboratorio biomedico / Medical / Biomedical Pozitiv e- SGAR (no comsenation measures) Nr.c rt. Automatic recognition of the professional experience 2.10 Source: The author was inspired by: 62 EUROPEAN UNION 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU laboratory technician / Tehnician medical laborator biomedical Autoriparatore / Car mechanic / Mecanic auto Acconciatore / Hairdresser/ Barber/ Wig-maker/ Coafor/ Frizer/ Peruchier Ingegnere civile ed ambientale / Engineer / Inginer Odontotecnico / Dental technician / Tehnician dentar Tecnico di laboratorio biomedico / Medical/Biomedical laboratory technician/ Tehnician laborator biomedical Assistente sociale / Social worker / Asistent social Guida turistica / Tourist guide / Ghid turistic Tecnologo alimentare / Food technologist / Tehnolog alimentar Architetto (diritti acquisiti) / Architect / Arhitect (drepturi dobândite) Biologo / Biologist / Biolog Tecnico sanitario di laboratorio / Medical/Biomedical laboratory technician/ Tehnician medical laborator biomedical Acccompagnatore turistico / Courier/Interpreter –guide/ Însoţitor grup turistic Attivita' disinfezione, disinfestazione, derattizzazione e sanificazione / Pest control/Disinfection/Handli ng of poisonous or non poisonous products / Activitati de dezinfectie, dezinsecţie, deratizare şi salubrizare Giornalista / Journalist / Jurnalist Maestro di sci / Ski instructor / Monitor de schi European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 11 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 1 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 7 1 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 63 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 Massaggiatore e bagnino terapeutico/balneoterapista/i droterapista / Masseur/Massage 26 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 therapist/Spa therapist/ Masseur-Aesthetician/ Maseur/Balneoterapeut/ Hidroterapeut Ricercatore universitario / Research fellow/ research 27 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 associate / Lector universitar SGAR - Sistemul General Automat de Recunoaştere (General Automated Recognition System) 2000 0 1 0 1 0 0 1732 1500 1000 500 0 165 53 27 24 21 19 15 13 13 S… Fig.2.4. The situation of the recognition decisions in 201222 22 Source: Author`s remake after 64 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 3. CONCLUSIONS Based on the presented in chapters 1 and 2, various conclusions can be summarized, as it follows: 1. In this study a series of highlited aspects regarding qualifications recognition for which there is a high number of applications from the romanian citizens (eg: nurse) or for which there are big differences within the training between the two countries (as, for example, cosmetician, hairdresser). 2. There are major differences between the education system from italy and the one from Romania 3. The situation in Italy is characterized by the existence of public and private providers of adult education for continuing training. Permanent Territorial Centres (CPT) and evening schools and popular universities (Università Popolare) are the main organizations focused on the promotion of adult education. 4. At the time of this study in Italy has not yet been implemented a national qualifications framework in line with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), but the implementation process is in an advanced stage and is expected to be completed during the year in 2013. In the Romania, the European Qualifications Framework is implemented only for higher education, being created National Register of Qualifications in Higher Education in Romania. 5. Italy implemented the Directive 2005/36/EC regarding the professional qualifications recognition through the legislative Decree number 206 from 6th of November of 2007 – “Attuazione della direttiva 2005/36/CE relativa al riconoscimento delle qualifiche professionali, nonche' della direttiva 2006/100/CE che adegua determinate direttive sulla libera circolazione delle persone a seguito dell'adesione di Bulgaria e Romania”. 6. In Italy there are 155 regulated profession, according to official data of the European Committee regarding the unique european market. 7. As a main difference from Romania As the main difference from Romania stands the management by the Ministry of Justice (Ministero della Giustizia) of a relatively large number of different professions (Agrotecnico, Chimico / Chimico junior, Ingegnere industriale etc.) t hat in Romania belong to other competent authorities. This is justified by the fact that in Italy, the Ministry of Justice has been along time promoter of many acts in various areas, traditional and historical reasons, a large number of heterogeneous jobs remained under the authority of this ministry. 8. In the beautification sector the beautician qualifications (aestheticist) and hairdressers (aconciatore) are required for recognition by Romanian citizens in Italy. But precisely for these two professions there are major problems of recognition because large differences in training between Italy and Romania. In the future this issue will be amplified as now, in Italy there is a law project for requiring a 4-3 years of training plus 1 year of preparation in order to work as an autonomous worker. There are 65 EUROPEAN UNION 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 currently difficulties for the recognition of teachers in special schools coming from Romania because in Italy there are no special schools There are also difficulties in the recognition of qualifications of teachers and educators that in Romania have been teaching high school (5 years), as in Italy these professions require higher education. For those who are preparing now for the new education law, there will be problems because they require higher education in Romania, but for those who have been trained on the old system will continue having recognition problems. An important difference from Romania consists in the fact that in Italy Autorita per L’Energia Elettrica e il Gas - AEEG (similar to National Regulatory Authority ANRE in Romania) has no statutory authority responsible for the training and / or recognition of qualifications, but only energy market regulationa. Professions in Romania are managed by ANRE (the electricity and gas) related to Italy by other ministries, primarily the Ministry of Economic Development. Another significant difference refers to the professions in Romania that are managed by ISCIR (welders, crane operators, nondestructive testing operators, boiler operators) and in Italy are subject to regulation at the regional level and at the firm level. The electrical professional categories professional in Romania are similar to those in Italy. There were no reported problems on recognition in this area between the two countries. In Italy the engineering differs from the similar one in Romania. There are two types of engineers in Italy and a category called Expert (Perito) industries that do engineering work. Engineering work is not assimilated to the engineering degree. The duration for expert degree (Perito) is 5 years industrial school. Junior Engineer title is obtained after a course of higher education three years, followed by registration with the Junior Engineer and the Senior Engineer requires higher education 3 years + 2 years and other state exam in order to sign up for senior engineer title. In the medical sector we encounter the largest number of regulated professions, both in Romania and in Italy, but through automatic system of recognition there are no major problems in this area. In Italy the professional maternal nurse and sign language interpreter are not regulated professions, while in Romania these are regulated. However, However, in Italy, the ministry of Labor has since 1994 an order and a registry regarding the blind masseurs, established by national law, kept by the Service for labor, a relatively new division. To this general Direction, taking into consideration that a new legislation that replaced this masseur profession with the physiotherapist one, there are some modifications in progress.The physiotherapist profession is of Ministry of Health`s competence. In the last years in both countries, disability issues have been considered as the competence of the Ministry of Health, although the problem is primarily a social aspect. 15. The main tourism professions are regulated in Italy: Travel Guide, Touristic Companion, Touristic Technical Director and Animator. In Italy the touristic guide training and skills are different from the Touristic Companion`s. 66 EUROPEAN UNION ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND ELDERLY AMPOSDRU European Social Fund POS DRU 2007-2013 Structural instruments 2007 - 2013 16. Based on the IMI system`s official statistics, within the study a rankining professions has been made for which registered so far most of the recognition decisions in Italy of the professional qualifications of some applicants from Romania. For the nurse assistant were more applications than for the other professions combined. Afterwords, at a big distance, we encounter Physioterapist, Cosmetician, secondary education degree I and II professor. 67