Stakeholder Identification Form
Stakeholder Identification Form
ANNEX 2.1 - KAVALA STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID LP_S01 LP_S02 LP_S03 LP_S04 Δαςαρχείο Καβάλασ Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Δήμοσ Καβάλασ, Διεφθυνςη Πολεοδομίασ Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Legal status public mark with X private civil society education and research Level of functioning national mark with X regional local Type of organisation national authority mark with X regional authority local authority local development agency LP_S05 18η εφορεία Προϊςτορικών και Κλαςςικών Αρχαιοτθτων LP_S06 ΔΗΜΩΦΕΛΕΙΑ LP_S07 Ιερά Μητρόπολη Φιλίππων, Νεαπόλεωσ και Θάςου LP_S08 12η εφορεία βυζαντινών αρχαιοτθτων Τ.Ε.Ι. Καβάλασ Technological Municipality of Kavala Educational Institut of Planning Department Kavala x Forestry of Kavala 18th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities X Public Benefit Organisation of the City of Kavala (DIMOFELIA). X Holy Metropolis of Philippoi, Neapolis and Thasos X 12th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities X X LP_S09 LP_S10 LP_S11 Περιφερεαική Περιφερεαική Ενότητα Καβάλασ, Ενότητα Καβάλασ, Διεφθυνςη Αγροτικήσ Τεχνικό Επιμελητήριο Διεφθυνςη Τεχνικών Οικονομίασ και Ανατολικήσ Ζργων Κτηνοτροφίασ Μακεδονίασ LP_S12 Οικονομικό Επιμελητήριο Ανατολικήσ Μακεδονίασ Regional Unit of Regional Unit of Kavala, Department of Kavala , Department Agricultural Economy Technical Chamber of Economic Chamber of of Technical Works and Livestock East Macedonia Eastern Macedonia x x x x LP_S13 Γεωτεχνικό Επιμελητήριο Ανατολικήσ Μακεδονίασ Geotechnical Chamber of Kavala x LP_S14 Σφλλογοσ Αρχιτεκτόνων Καβάλασ LP_S15 LP_S16 LP_S17 Δημοτικό Συμβοφλιο Δήμοσ Καβάλασ, Επιτροπή Πολεοδομικοφ Σχεδιαςμοφ Δήμοσ Καβάλασ, Επιτροπή Περιβάλλοντοσ Επιμελητήριο Καβάλασ City Council x Municipality of Kavala, Planning Committee x Municipality of Kavala, Environment Committee x Chamber of Kavala x Association of Architects of Kavala x x X x x X X X x X X X X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X X X regional development agency local development agency technological and scientific education and training center public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry x Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water University/Institute of applied science International organisation Other Official address Street and number Post code Town/City Region Location according to NUTS II Country Last name First name Ethnikis Antistasis 20 Agios Loukas 65404 65403 Kavala Kavala end of Argyrokastrou street Erythrou Stavrou 17 64404 65403 Kavala Kavala Omonoias 117 65403 Kavala Mitropoleos 1 65403 Kavala Kyprou 14 Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Eastern Macedonia and Thrace GR11 GR11 GR11 GR11 Greece Greece Greece Greece Vogiatzis Anastasios Mitropoulos Athanasios Position Head of Department President Telephone No +0030 2513503343 +0030 2510 462 177 Georgousi Zoi Manager +0030 2510461861 Level of power Level of interest Potential role in the project implementation E-mail high medium low high medium low x X X Kavala Kyprou 10 65403 Kavala Kyprou 10 65403 Kavala Omomoias 50 65302 Kavala Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Eastern Macedonia and Thrace GR11 GR11 GR11 GR11 GR11 GR11 GR11 GR11 GR11 GR11 GR11 GR11 GR11 Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece http://www.oe http://www.pekavalas http://www.pekavalas http://www.geoteehttp://architects/g1540.jsp?obj_id=80 .eu/ .eu/ 2 anmak.g Shoinakis Nikolaos Monsignor Prokopios Dadaki Stavroula Manager +0030 2510 228660,222335 Manager Metropolitan +0030 2510831388 +0030 2510222113 X X Manager 2510 224716, +30 2510 228689, Kastanas Leonidas Vasiliadis Lazaros Klitsiotis Konstantinos Mistakidis Zafiris Gounaropoulou Foteini Spandoni - Parashou Anna Mouriadis Theodoros Papadopoulos Theodoros Tsatsoulis Aggelos Head of Department Head of Department President President +0030 2510232966 President President +0030 2510227430 President Vice Mayor Vice Mayor President +0030 2513503319 +0030 2513503461 +0030 2510227430 +0030 2513500 100 +0030 2513500 100 +0030 2513500 100 +0030 2510222212 dte.kavalas@pamth.g daokkavalas@pamth. X X X info@chamberofkaval X X X X X X X fofogounaropoulou@ X X +0030 2510222942 X X http://www.kavala.go http://www.kavala.go http://www.kavala.go ntact Karavas Thomas X X x Kyprou 10 65403 Kavala 65403 Nikolaidou Maria X x Ethnikis Antistasis 20 Ethnikis Antistasis 20 Votsi 2 65110 65110 65403 Kavala Kavala Kavala mnikolaidou@culture. tourism@kavalagreec gr, x Eleftheriou Venizelou Eleftheriou Venizelou 34 55 Votsi 2 65403 65403 65403 Kavala Kavala Kavala http://www.kavala.go http://www.teikav.ed www.dasarxeiokavala http://www.kavalagre /g1540.jsp?obj_id=61 Homepage Contact person x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X legislation regarding the presevation of antiquities, consultancy on issues concerning preservation, promotion of antiquities and data on the area's arcaeological sites, forest resources. matters regarding the providing scientific Providing geodata and management of support on thei sector maps. Consultancy on arcaeological sites, of specialty environmental drafting interventions (indicatively forestry, management and for the Philippoi Supervising authority landscape architeture) protection of forests. arcaeological site consultancy on planning and tourism development. Drafting interventions regarding the promotion and development of the mudbaths. Submitting the ideas and visions of the area's cutlural and environmental associations and unions. legislation regarding the presevation of antiquities, providing information consultancy on issues regarding relevant promotion of religious concerning programmed monuments. preservation, technical projects and Proposals on promotion of consultancy on developping religious byzantine monuments proposed technical tourism and antiquities projects providing information regarding relevant programmed agricultural projects and agricultural development plans. Information regarding the area's natural resources and data regarding livestock . providing scientific support on their specialty sector providing scientific support on their specialty sector providing scientific support on their specialty sector, information and data providing scientific support on their specialty sector Providing guidelines for drafting the strategy and interventions. Providing scientific Approving the final consultancy and Strategy, Agenda and support regarding Interventions Urban planning issues Providing scientific consultancy and support regarding Environmental planning issues providing information on the entrepreneurial sector focusing on the professionals of tourim ANNEX 2.2 - ALBA IULIA STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Legal status public mark with X private civil society education and research Level of functioning national mark with X regional local Type of organisation national authority mark with X regional authority local authority local development agency regional development agency NGO in the field of health NGO in the field of social services LP_S01 LP_S02 LP_S03 Asociatia “AS 2001 Alba Iulia” Organizatia Caritas din Arhidioceza RomanoCatolica de Alba Iulia Liga Studentilor din Universitatea “1 Decembrie 1918” Alba Iulia X X X X LP_S04 LP_S05 Asociatia Asociatia Filantropia “Sprijiniti Ortodoxa Alba copiii” Iulia X X X LP_S06 LP_S07 Clubul de Ecologie si Turism Montan Albamont CENTRUL DE AFACERI FUNDAŢIA TRANSILVANIA PAEM - ALBA – ALBA X X X LP_S08 X LP_S09 LP_S10 Uniunea Artistilor Plastici Alba Iulia X LP_S11 LP_S12 Asociatia Arta Asociatia Sf si Traditii Speromax Alba Andrei Mestesugarest Barabant i Alba X X X LP_S13 Asociatia "Maria Beatrice" X LP_S14 LP_S15 LP_S16 Rotary Civitas Asociatia Pakiv Asociatia Solis Romania Agora X X X X X LP_S17 LP_S18 Uniunea Asociatia Scriitorilor din Diakonia Romania X X X X LP_S19 Fundatia Comunitara Alba X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Level of power Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation Agentia Nationala de Protectie a Mediului Agentia Judeteana pentru Ocuparea Fortei de Munca Agentia pentru Directia de Dezvoltare Sanatate Regionala Publica Centru Biroul Judetean pentru Romi Casa Casa Judeteana de Judeteana de Asigurari de Pensii Alba sanatate Alba Centrul Regional de Plati pentru Dezvoltare Rurala si Pescuit X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Vasile Goldis nr.5 Tudor Vladimirescu nr 61 Str. Decebal nr. 2 X X X X X X X X X X X X Pacii nr 3 Nicolae Iorga nr 13 Mitropolit bdul.1 Mihai Viteazu Gladiolelor nr Vanatorilor nr Simion Stefan Bucovinei nr 6 Decembrie nr 16 25 26 nr 3 1918, bl.M9 Regina Maria, nr. 6 Strada Unirii nr 1 – 3 str. Cornişei, nr. 12 B-dul 1 Decembrie 1918, nr. 35 B-ul Revolutiei str. Republicii, nr.67 nr. 40 Dacilor 2A Bucureşti nr. 2A 510080 Nicolae str. G. Cosbuc, Str. Ardealului Lalelelor nr 7 B Titulescu nr nr. 20B nr.1 10B Piata Consiliul Bdul Revolutie Ion I.C. Europei nr 32D 19189 nr 23 Bratianu nr 1 510118 510118 510007 Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania www.filantropi www.sprijinitic www.albamon www.paemalb uniuneaartistil www.comorile www.smalba.r www.asezama www.mariabe www.rotaryalb www.asociatia o Podorean Marton Lapadus Adriana Mioara Andras President 0258-835927 Ignat http://www.fu www.apmab.a www.alba.ano www.adrcentr ndatiacomunit www.prefectu www.casalba.r www.pensiialb o Ilea Moisa Clit Bora Marza Pop Ciortea Tarau Onac Fracea Bumbu Bucur Pantea Wagner Sava Mih-Dehelean Katona Cretu Timis Feneser Matei Retegan Sincu Janeta Corina Nicolae Calin Maria Vasile Nicolae Vasile Voicu Traian Petruta Florin Mihai Sebastian Valentin Gruia Lenica Aurel Gerhard Dorin Mihaela Andrea Elena Simion Horea Sorin Gheorghe Adela Alexandru Ioan Nicolae President President President President President President President President VicePresident President President President President President President President President Executive Director ExecutiveDirec Director tor Director Prefect PresidentGeneral Director Executive Director General Assistant Director 0258-811499 0258-840165 0258-817766 0258-813800 0258-813947 0258-834550 0728/444628 0784 132 373 0358/103535 0258-813803 0358/401201 0 258 830 315 0258-813248 0258-811470 0258-835243 0788-646222 0258-834339 0258-811531 0258-813737 Position E-mail high medium low high medium low LP_S27 X Homepage Telephone No LP_S26 X www.as2001al First name LP_S25 X Street and number Last name LP_S24 X X 510125 Contact person LP_S23 X Bradisor nr 18B Location according to NUTS II Country LP_S22 X education and training center public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water University/Institute of applied science International organisation Agency for employment Private Investors Other Post code Town/City Region LP_S21 X X NGO in the field of education NGO local development NGO environment NGO art and culture technological and scientific Official address LP_S20 0258-818488 258818112 358566186 749264927 0258 811170 filantropiaorto ongmariabeatr as2001albaiuli caritas@carita newLSUA@ya ceress@email. catalba@apul paem@apulu marzatraian@ asociatia.atma smalba@smro asa_barabant valifracea@ya pakiv_romania doxa@yahoo.c cetmalbamont ro om m X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X prefectura@pr usrfilialaalba@ diakonia@alba contact@fund office@apmab alba@ajofm.a office@adrcen sanatate_publi efecturaalba.r atiacomunitar o X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy 0258-818616 X X X X X X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy X X apulumretega crpdrp7albaiul X X X X X X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy ANNEX 2.2 - ALBA IULIA STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID LP_S28 Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Legal status public mark with X private civil society education and research Level of functioning national mark with X regional local Type of organisation national authority mark with X regional authority local authority local development agency LP_S29 LP_S30 LP_S31 Directia Generala a Municipiul Finantelor Alba Iulia Publice a Judetului Alba Directia Regionala de Statistica Directia Judeteana Directia pentru Judeteana Cultura, Culte pentru Tineret si Patrimoniu Alba Cultural National Directia Agenţia Directia pentru SanitarJudeteana Directia pentru Agricultura si Veterinara si pentru Plăţi şi Sport a Dezvoltare Pentru Inspecţie Judetului Alba Rurala Siguranta Socială Alimentelor Garda Nationala de Directia Silvica Mediu Alba Iulia Comisariatul Judetean Alba Inspectoratul pentru Situatii Inspectoratul de Urgenta Scolar "Unirea" al Judetean Judetului Alba X X X X X X X LP_S32 X LP_S33 LP_S34 X LP_S35 X LP_S36 X LP_S37 LP_S38 X LP_S39 LP_S40 X LP_S41 LP_S42 LP_S43 LP_S44 Inspectoratul Teritorial de Munca Oficiul de Cadastru si Publicitate Imobiliara Oficiul Registrului Sectia de Comertului de Drumuri pe langa Nationale Tribunalul Alba X X X X LP_S45 LP_S46 LP_S47 LP_S48 Camera de Sistemul de Comert, Gospodarire a Industrie si Apelor Alba Agricultura Alba Directia Generala Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Copilului Alba X X X X LP_S49 LP_S50 LP_S51 LP_S52 LP_S53 LP_S54 Ordinul Arhitectilor din Romania AGRAS SA filiala teritoriala Alba Iulia ALBALACT SA ALPIN 57 LUX S.R.L APULUM SA APA CTTA SA BELL FLOVER S.R.L X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X regional development agency NGO in the field of health NGO in the field of social services NGO in the field of education NGO local development NGO environment NGO art and culture technological and scientific education and training center public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water University/Institute of applied science International organisation Agency for employment Private Investors Other X X X Str. Octavian Goga nr 9 Street and number Str. Gheorghe Str. Regina Pop de Basesti Maria nr 20 nr 2 Nicolae Str. Motilor nr Titulescua nr 112 10B Doctor Ioan Ratiu nr 34 Lalelelor nr 7A Str. Basarabiei Str. Lalelelor nr 9 nr 7B Alexandru Ioan Cuza nr 10 Gabriel Bethlen nr 7 Frederik Mistral nr 7 510215 Post code Town/City Region Location according to NUTS II Country X X X X X Str. Biruintei nr. 25 DN 1, Km 392+600 Str. M. Kogalniceanu Nr.46 Str. Viilor, Nr.128 X Str. Primaverii Calea Motilor nr 10 nr 5A Official address X Str. Tudor Septimius Vladimirescu Severus nr 59 nr 26 510110 Garii nr 2 Lalelelor nr 7A 510095 Frederik Mistral nr 3 Str. Mihai Viteazu Nr. 2 510217 Calea Moţilor nr. 5 510093 510134 515800 Str. Vasile Goldiș, Nr.3 510154 Str. B-dul Ferdinand I, Nr. 10 B 510007 Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru 510065 Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Sebes 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania www.apulum.r www.alba.inss o Iacob Hava Crisan Pastina Drimbarean Stanciu Cozuc Dirlosan Miclea Morar Adam Sofica Sandea Fit Retegan Oarga Hondola Cretu Orzea Chirila Maria Mircea Ioan Adrian Matei Ioan Flavius Dorin Ioan Ioan Mircea Lucian Paraschiva Dorel Dorin Dorel Dorin Adelina Vasilica Liviu Marcela Cornel Executive Director Mayor Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director Director Director Director Comisar Inspector sef Inspector general Inspector sef Director Director Director Director President 0258-813575 0258-819462 0258-811158 0258-834510 0258-819212 0258-835342 0258-812736 0258-812138 0258-816834 0258-810411 0258-811662 0258-818591 0258-813472 0258-810336 0258-811152 0258-833578 0258-811772 www.alba.djc.r www.dadralba o .ro www.sportalb www.silvaab.r o www.isualba.r www.isj.alban www.itmalba.r www.ocpialba. o o ro www.cciaalba. www.protectia agras@mezelu www.albalact. www.alpin57lu www.apulum.c www.apaalba. www.toskanag ro o ro om ro Homepage Contact person Last name First name Position Telephone No Level of power Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation E-mail high medium low high medium low admin.ababju office@apulu dx01.AB@mfin ioan.crisan@al X X X 728009898 0258-835915 contact@alba. office@dadral ajps.alba@pre sport@alba.rd X X X X X X X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy cjalba@gnm.r isujab@isualb itmalba@itmal dorin.retegan orcab@ab.onr o X X X X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy X X X X X X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy X X X X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy Sarmasan Ciurtin Istrate Voican Lazar Marginean Sorin Valerian Stelian Dan Raul Ioan Ioan Viorel Daniel Florin Executive Director Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer President 755069444 0258 833 202 0 258 81 17 14 0258 815.601 0258 730 203 office@apaalb toskana4garde X X X X X X X X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy 258813703 0258-834.501 0722 870 248 dgaspc@prote corneliu.orzea oar.alba@gma agras@mezelu office@albalac comercial@alp office@apulu ctiasocialaalba .ro X X X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy X Fleschin X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy X X X X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy X X X X X X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy ANNEX 2.2 - ALBA IULIA STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Legal status public mark with X private civil society education and research Level of functioning national mark with X regional local Type of organisation national authority mark with X regional authority local authority local development agency LP_S55 LP_S56 LP_S57 LP_S58 BIROU PROIECTARE STRĂJAN CLINIMED S.R.L INDEPENDENT ELIT S.R.L MEDIA X X X X X X LP_S59 LP_S60 LP_S61 LP_S62 LP_S63 LP_S64 LP_S65 LP_S66 LP_S67 LP_S68 FLOREA GRUP GRUP CORINT INSTALATORU IPEC SA S.R.L SA L SA MALL ALBA S.R.L MATIN MAIER MARINEX S.R.L PARC SA S.R.L REKORD S.R.L X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X LP_S69 LP_S70 LP_S71 LP_S72 LP_S73 LP_S74 LP_S75 LP_S76 SALPREST S.R.L SATURN SA SIMODOR IMPEX S.R.L SEWS Societatea de Transport UNIREA PRES TIPOREX S.R.L TRANSAVIA SA Public Alba S.R.L Iulia SA VCST Automotive Production Alba SR X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X regional development agency NGO in the field of health NGO in the field of social services NGO in the field of education NGO local development NGO environment NGO art and culture technological and scientific education and training center public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water University/Institute of applied science International organisation Agency for employment Private Investors Other Official address Street and number X X X X X X X X Str. B-dul. Ferdinand I, Nr. 68 Oituz nr. 29 Piata I.C. Bratianu, Nr. 18 Str. Victoriei, Nr. 16 DN1, Km 387 Str. Nicolae Str. Regina Titulescu, nr. 1 Maria, Nr. 5 X X X Location according to NUTS II Country X X Str. Alexandru Str. Tudor Primăverii, Ioan Cuza, Nr. Vladimirescu, Livezii, Nr. 35 C CalarasiNr. 15 Nr.4 33 – 38 Nr. 50 A 510167 Post code Town/City Region X 510170 510086 X X Str. Alexandru Str. Tudor Str. Cabanei, Ioan Cuza, Nr. Vladimirescu, Nr. 57 40A Nr. 48 510110 X X B-dul Gheorghe Revoluției, Nr. Sincai Nr 12 106/2 510193 B-dul Str. Vasile Șoseaua Alba Str. Decebal, Republicii, Nr. Alecsandri Nr. Iulia - Cluj nr. 27 27 68 Napoca, km 11 510200 510119 517293 Calea Motilor nr.114B 510093 Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Cugir 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia 7 Centru Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania www.simodor www.stpalba.r www.tiporex.r www.transavia www.ziaruluni o o .ro www.bpstraja www.clinimed. www.indepen www.mezeluri. www.floreagru ro ro www.instalato www.mallalba. ro www.hotelpar www.rekord.r o Homepage Contact person Last name First name Position Telephone No Level of power Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation E-mail high medium low high medium low Strajan Lamurean Makkai Putan Florea Sabau Gheberta Covaciu Vuscan Bota Igna Popescu Puscas Suciu Constantinesc Decean u Lupean Milian Nelson Nicola Ciuca Popa Aslau Ciul Goia Ioan Mircea Claudiu Silviu David Dan Vasile Elena Voicu Marian Raluca Nicolae Ioan Petru Nicu Stelian Gheorghe Ioan Gheorghe Alexandru Virgil Petru Richard Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer 0 258 810 123 0258 811 603 0258 812 702 0258 811 956 0 258 842 275 258811950 258 813 334 0 258 814 481 0258 817 505 0258 811.953 0258 811 410 0258-811.723 40 258 819 503 0258-818385 0 258 811 490 0258 831 222 0258-805100 contact@inde office@bpstraj marketing@cli office@elitcugi contact@flore instalatorul@y office@mallalb marinex@zapp matinmaier@p office@hotelp office@rekord. salprestab@ya saturn@satur office@simod info@sewspendentmedia grupcorint@ya ro .ro X X X X X X X X X X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy stp@stpalba.r office@tiporex office@transa unirea@unirea- jobs.alba@vcs o .ro X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 258 815 434 0258 812 320 0258- 814 466 0729/399891 X X X X X X X X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy X X X X X X X X X X X X To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy To generate ideas which sustain the Alba Iulia Municipality Strategy ANNEX 2.3 - BAIA MARE STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Legal status mark with X Level of functioning mark with X Type of organisation mark with X BMMA_S01 Municpiul Baia Mare public private civil society education and research national regional local national authority regional authority local authority local development agency regional development agency local development agency technological and scientific research center education and training center public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry BMMA_S02 Oraş Baia Sprie BMMA_S03 Oraş Cavnic BMMA_S04 Oraş Seini BMMA_S05 Oraş Şomcuta Mare BMMA_S06 Oraş Tăuţii Măgherăuş BMMA_S07 Comuna Cerneşti BMMA_S08 Comuna Cicârlău BMMA_S09 BMMA_S10 Comuna Coaş Comuna Copalnic Mănăştur Baia Mare City x Baia Sprie Town x Cavnic Town x Seini Town x Somcuta Mare Town x Tautii Magheraus Town Cernesti Commune x x Cicarlau Commune x Coas Commune x Copalnic Manastur Commune x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water management, natural resource management University/Institute of applied science International organisation Other Official address Street and number Post code Town/City/Commune Homepage Contact person Level of power Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation Gheorghe SINCAI Street, 22 December Street No. No 37 Libertatii Square No. 4 7 Unirii Square No. 16 Republicii Street No. 7 1st Street No. 194 Main Street No. 146 Main Street No. 389 Main Street No. 265A Main Street No. 225A 430311 435100 435300 435400 437335 437345 437085 437095 437282 437100 Region Location according to NUTS II Country Baia Mare North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania Baia Sprie North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania Cavnic North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania Seini North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania Somcuta Mare North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania Tautii Magheraus North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania Cernesti North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania Cicarlau North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania Coas North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania Copalnic Manastur North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania Last name First name Position Telephone No CHERECHES Catalin Mayor 004 0262 211001 PASCA Dorin Vasile Mayor 004 0262 260000 E-mail high medium low high medium low x x DRAGOS Alexandru Mayor 004 0262 295101 primariacavnic@yahoo.c om x TULBURE Florica Gabriela Mayor 004 0262 491090 m x TALPOS Vasile Florin Mayor 004 0262 280055 primaria@somcutamare. ro x ARDELEAN Anton Mayor 004 0262 293048 primariatautiimagheraus x SOVRE Nelu Mayor 004 0262 382021 cernestimm@comunace x ZETE Vasile Mayor 004 0262 481002 primariacicarlau@yahoo. com x RAT Sabin Mayor 004 0262 286233 primaria_coas@yahoo.c om x MIHALCA Stefan Vasile Mayor 004 0262 497455 copalnicmanastur@yaho x x x x x x x x x x x Member of the Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association_Involved stakeholder & beneficiary of the Territorial Strategic Agenda. Responsible of the design & implementation of the City's Strategy Member of the Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association_Involved stakeholder & beneficiary of the Territorial Strategic Agenda. Responsible of the design & implementation of the Town's Strategy. Member of the Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association_Involved stakeholder & beneficiary of the Territorial Strategic Agenda. Responsible of the design & implementation of the Town's Strategy. Member of the Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association_Involved stakeholder & beneficiary of the Territorial Strategic Agenda. Responsible of the design & implementation of the Town's Strategy. Member of the Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association_Involved stakeholder & beneficiary of the Territorial Strategic Agenda. Responsible of the design & implementation of the Town's Strategy. Member of the Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association_Involved stakeholder & beneficiary of the Territorial Strategic Agenda. Responsible of the design & implementation of the Town's Strategy. Member of the Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association_Involved stakeholder & beneficiary of the Territorial Strategic Agenda. Responsible of the design & implementation of the Commune's Strategy. Member of the Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association_Involved stakeholder & beneficiary of the Territorial Strategic Agenda. Responsible of the design & implementation of the Commune's Strategy. Member of the Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association_Involved stakeholder & beneficiary of the Territorial Strategic Agenda. Responsible of the design & implementation of the Commune's Strategy. Member of the Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association_Involved stakeholder & beneficiary of the Territorial Strategic Agenda.Responsible of the design & implementation of the Commune's Strategy. ANNEX 2.3 - BAIA MARE STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Legal status mark with X Level of functioning mark with X Type of organisation mark with X BMMA_S11 Comuna Dumbrăviţa public private civil society education and research national regional local national authority regional authority local authority local development agency regional development agency local development agency technological and scientific research center education and training center public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry BMMA_S12 Comuna Groşi BMMA_S13 Comuna Mireşu Mare BMMA_S14 BMMA_S15 Comuna Recea Comuna Remetea Chioarului BMMA_S16 Comuna Satulung BMMA_S17 BMMA_S18 Comuna Săcălăşeni Consiliul Judeţean Comuna Valea Chioarului Maramureş Agenţia de dezvoltare regională Nord Vest Maramures County Council x North West Regional Development Agency x Satulung Commune x Sacalaseni Commune x Valea Chioarului Commune x BMMA_S19 Dumbravita Commune x Grosi Commune x Miresu Mare Commune Recea Commune x x Remetea Chioarului Commune x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x BMMA_S20 x x Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water management, natural resource management University/Institute of applied science International organisation Other Official address Street and number Post code Town/City/Commune Region Location according to NUTS II Country Homepage Contact person Level of power Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation Last name First name Position Telephone No E-mail high medium low high medium low Gheorghe Sincai Street Main Street No. 225 Main Street No. 187 Main Street No. 486 Hall Street No. 2 Main Street No. 80 Main Street No. 128 Main Street No. 67 Main Street No. 194 No. 46 Main Street No. 50 437145 437165 437185 437225 437230 437270 437280 437370 430311 407055 Radaia Village, Baciu Commune, Cluj County North West Region, Cluj County North West Region Romania Dumbravita North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania Grosi North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania Miresu Mare North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania Recea North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania Remetea Chioarului North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania Satulung North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania Sacalaseni North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania Valea Chioarului North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania Baia Mare North West Region, Maramures County North West Region Romania CICEU Felician Gheorghe Mayor 004 0262 299688 primariadumbravita@ya x LUPAN Gheorghe Mayor 004 0262 258804 primarie.grosi@maramu x PRUNA Virgil Mayor 004 0262 284205 m x PAVEL Octavian Mayor 004 0262 287555 primariarecea2000@yah x BUZDUGAN Ioan Mayor 004 0262 288212 primariaremeteachioarul x MURESAN Bujorel Mayor 004 0262 283001 primariasatulung@yaho x POP Emilian Gheorghe Mayor 004 0262 289333 primaria_sacalaseni@ya x BURDE Ioan Sorin Mayor 004 0262 480418 primaria_chioar@yahoo. com x CICEU Zamfir President 004 0262 212110 x CATANA Sanda General Director 004 0264 431550 x x x x x x x x x x x Member of the Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association_Involved stakeholder & beneficiary of the Territorial Strategic Agenda.Responsible of the design & implementation of the Commune's Strategy. Member of the Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association_Involved stakeholder & beneficiary of the Territorial Strategic Agenda.Responsible of the design & implementation of the Commune's Strategy. Member of the Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association_Involved stakeholder & beneficiary of the Territorial Strategic Agenda. Responsible of the design & implementation of the Commune's Strategy. Member of the Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association_Involved stakeholder & beneficiary of the Territorial Strategic Agenda. Responsible of the design & implementation of the Commune's Strategy. Member of the Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association_Involved stakeholder & beneficiary of the Territorial Strategic Agenda. Responsible of the design & implementation of the Commune's Strategy. Member of the Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association_Involved stakeholder & beneficiary of the Territorial Strategic Agenda. Responsible of the design & implementation of the Commune's Strategy. Member of the Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association_Involved stakeholder & beneficiary of the Territorial Strategic Agenda. Responsible of the design & implementation of the Commune's Strategy. Member of the Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association_Involved stakeholder & beneficiary of the Territorial Strategic Agenda. Responsible of the design & implementation of the Commune's Strategy. Stakeholder, responsible of the Maramures County Territorial & Development Agenda design and implementation. Stakeholder, financing & monitoring autorithy of the regional development projects (North West region). ANNEX 2.4 -FOGGIA STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Legal status mark with X Level of functioning mark with X Type of organisation mark with X ERDF PP6_S01 ERDF PP6_S02 Comune di Monteleone di Comune di Anzano di Puglia Puglia public private civil society education and research national regional local national authority regional authority local authority local development agency regional development agency local development agency technological and scientific research center education and training center public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water management, natural resource management University/Institute of applied science International organisation Other Municipality of Monteleone di Puglia X ERDF PP6_S03 ERDF PP6_S04 ERDF PP6_S05 ERDF PP6_S06 ERDF PP6_07 ERDF PP6_S08 LP_S09 Comune di Sant'Agata di Puglia Comune di Rocchetta S. Antonio Comune di Candela Regione Puglia - Ufficio Tratturi Gruppo di Azione Locale 'Merdaunia' Confagricoltura Foggia Copagri Foggia Tratturi Office of Apulia Region X Local Action Group ' Meridaunia' X X X X X X X X V.le Manfredi , 1 Via Trento, 53 Municipality of Anzano di Municipality of Sant'Agata Municipality of Rocchetta Puglia di Puglia S. Antonio Municipality of Candela X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Piazza Municipio 1 Official address Homepage Contact person Street and number Post code Town/City Region Location according to NUTS II Country Piazza Municipio, 1 71020 Monteleone di Puglia Anzano di Puglia piazza Aldo Moro, 5 Piazza XX Settembre, 7 Piazza A. Moro, 12 71020 71028 Sant'Agata di Puglia Rocchetta S. Antonio Piazza Municipio, 2 71024 71023 Candela Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation 71121 Foggia http://www.comune.monteleonedi http://www.comune.anzanodipuglia http://www.comune.santagatadipu http://www.comune.rocchettasanta Last name First name Position Morra Carmelo Mayor De Martinis Donato functionary responsible Borrelli Daniele technical director Giordano Alfredo director Inneo Luigi president Telephone No 0039 0881 983397 0039 0881.912007 0039 0881 778468 0039 0881 580113 involve and make aware farmers of action project; produce snowball effect; coordinatio of farmers at operational level involve and make aware farmers of action project; produce snowball effect; coordinatio of farmers at operational level Lavanga Paolo Mayor Russo Lorenzo Mayor Castelli Ranieri Mayor 0039 0881984007 0039 0885654360 Gatta Nicola Mayor 0039 0885 653102 0039 0881 706195 Level of power 71121 Foggia E-mail high medium low high medium low comune.monteleonedipuglia.fg@an affarigenerali@pec.comune.anzano sindaco@comune.rocchettasantant X X X X X X X X X X X X X to come to formal come to formal agreement come to formal agreement come to formal agreement come to formal agreement agreement on executive on executive provincial on executive provincial on executive provincial on executive provincial provincial plan; to plan; implement provincial plan; implement provincial plan; implement provincial plan; implement provincial implement provincial plan plan into municipal one; plan into municipal one; plan into municipal one; plan into municipal one; into municipal one; to promote local action; promote local action; promote local action; promote local action; promote local action; to areas management; make aware actors and make aware actors and make aware actors and make aware actors and make aware actors and policies definition; people of project progress people of project progress people of project progress people of project progress people of project progress institutional coordination X make aware workers of action project; monitoring and searching fundind system; produce snowball effect; coordinatio at operational level ANNEX 2.4 -FOGGIA STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Legal status mark with X Level of functioning mark with X Type of organisation mark with X Official address Homepage Contact person public private civil society education and research national regional local national authority regional authority local authority local development agency regional development agency local development agency technological and scientific research center education and training center public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water management, natural resource management University/Institute of applied science International organisation Other Street and number Post code Town/City Region Location according to NUTS II Country ERDF PP6_S10 ERDF PP6_S11 ERDF PP6_S12 ERDF PP6_S13 ERDF PP6_S14 ERDF PP6_S15 Coldiretti Foggia Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori ConfCoperative Foggia Pro Loco di Sant'Agata di Puglia Pro Loco di Candela Associazione 'Terre e Associazione 'Liberamente' uomini dei Monti Dauni' X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ERDF PP6_S16 X X X X ERDF PP6_S17 ERDF PP6_S18 Associazione 'Verde Mediterraneo' Ciccolella S.p.A. X X X X X X X via S. Alfonso M. de’ Liguori, 125 via Fiume, 40 71121 via Marinaccio, 4D 71121 X X Rocchetta S. Antonio Candela X Vico Farmacia, 8 71121 Foggia Foggia Foggia Sant'Agata di Puglia http://www.confcooperativefoggia.i http://www.comune.santagatadipu t/ .candela Last name First name Position Donnini Giorgio director Colangelo Michele president Telephone No 0039 0881 767111 0039 0881 580449 881,612,603 0039 0881 984433 Candela Accadia Candela Capobianco Clemente Grisoldi Andrea Favata' Giovanni Michele Fabio Ferro 320-0138036 0039 347 2518300 0039 347 5144086 0039 338 1032656 Level of power Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation E-mail high medium low high medium low X X X X X X X X X X X X involve and make aware farmers of action project; produce snowball effect; coordinatio of farmers at operational level involve and make aware farmers of action project; produce snowball effect; coordinatio of farmers at operational level the cultural mission involve and make aware theexperience of turistical theexperience of turistical oriented to study local local cooperatives of promotion is important promotion is important identy and local lifestyle action project; produce above all to define above all to define can contribute to identify snowball effect; strategies of usability of strategies of usability of relationship with tratturo coordinatio ofcooperatives places and information places and information and transhumance at operational level dissemination dissemination phenomenon the cultural mission oriented to study local identy and local lifestyle can contribute to identify relationship with tratturo and transhumance phenomenon the environmental mission oriented to organize territorial tours and excursions can contribute to definine above all usability strategies It's flower growing firm that can contribute on technical definition and possibly experimaentation about some action forseen in pilot project ANNEX 2.5 - SCHWECHAT STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID LP_S01 Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Level of functioning mark with X Type of organisation mark with X public private civil society education and research national regional local national authority regional authority local authority local development agency regional development agency local development agency technological and scientific research center education and training center public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water management, natural resource management University/Institute of applied science International organisation Street and number Post code Town/City Region Location according to NUTS II Country LP_S05 x x x Potential role in the project implementation E-mail high medium low high medium low LP_S08 LP_S09 LP_S10 LP_S11 Planungsgemei nschaft Ost (PGO) Organisation Statistik zur Niederösterreic Raumordnung h/ Österreich in der österreichische n Länderregion Ost LP_S12 LP_S13 LP_S14 LP_S15 Abteilung Raumordnung und Landesentwickl Vienna Region Regionalpolitik, ung -Strategie ASFINAG (ecoplus in NÖ) Amt der NÖ NÖ Landesregierun g LP_S16 ÖIR – Immobilienfirm Österreichische en? s Institut für Raumplanung LP_S17 LP_S18 AGEO – Österreichische r Dachverband für Geographische Information WIFO Österreichische Medien, s Institut für national - Der Wirtschaftsfors Standard chung Wien AGEO – Austrian ÖIR – Austrian Umbrella Institute for Organisation Spatial Planning for Geographic Information x LP_S19 LP_S20 LP_S21 LP_S22 Medien, regional Caritas Niederösterreic Österreich her Nachrichten Austrian Institute of Economic Research STRABAG LP_S23 LP_S24 ÖBB – Schwechat’s Municipal Information Society Initiative (IST) – Schwechat’s Municipal Information Society Initiative (IST) Caritas Austria x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (National organisation) Ballhausplatz 1 (Hofburg) Rathausplatz 9 Rathausplatz 9 Rathausplatz 9 1014 2320 2320 2320 Vienna Schwechat Schwechat Schwechat Austria Austria Last name First name Telephone No Level of interest LP_S07 Wirtschaftskam Stadtamtsdirekt mer LivingLab ion Niederösterreic Schwechat h/ Österreich x Austria Austria http://www.ka e/news.aspx http://www.sch e/buergerbeteil igung/beiraete Pristusek Andreas Position Level of power Vereine in Schwechat LP_S06 Lower Austria Economic Chamber www.oerok.gv. at Homepage Contact person LP_S04 Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning Other Official address LP_S03 ÖROK Schwechat Schwechat Österreichische Beiräte in Wirtschaftsförd Wirtschaftsplatt Raumordungsk Schwechat erung form onferenz Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Legal status mark with X LP_S02 0043 1 535 34 44 0043 1 70 108 299 oerok@oerok.g x x 0043 699 10797326 x x 0043 1 701 08 0 stadtgemeinde @schwechat.gv .at x x Rathausplatz 9 2320 Schwechat Lower Austria Landsbergerstr aße 1 3100 St. Pölten Lower Austria Rathausplatz 9 2320 Schwechat Lower Austria Austria Austria Austria http://www.sch e/verwaltung/s tadtamtsdirekti on http://portal.w eite_dst.wk?dst www.eschwech Zukunft/Zahlene=Wirtschaftsk at Fakten.wai.htm ammer%20Nie l der%C3%B6ster reich Austria Landhausplatz Rockhgasse 6/3 1/16 1010 3109 Vienna St. Pölten Vienna Niederösterreic h Ring 1a 3100 St. Pölten Niederösterreic hring 2a 3100 St. Pölten Rotenturmstras se 5-9 1011 Vienna Franz-Josefs-Kai 27 1010 Vienna Vienna Bürgerstraße 34 6010 Innsbruck Tirol Arsenal, Object 20 1030 Vienna Vienna Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria http://derstand Austria Wachter Johann Stadtamsdirekt or 0043 1 701 08 0043 (0)2 742 247 851 0 Wollansky Ilse Manager 0043 2 742 9005-14783 wknoe@wknoe .at x desverwaltung/ www.ecoplus.a Amt-der-NOet Landesregierun g/LV_Abt_RU2. html 0043 2 742 9000-19600 0043 1 955 1266 post.ru2@noel. office@pronoe. headoffice@ec at x x x x x x x Austria Schennach Gerda Generalsekretä rin 0043/512 0043 1 798 26 0043 1 5338747 588091-1301 01 - 0 x at x x x x x x x x x Implementer of the agendas on technical and policy level, user of the results; contributes to indicator definition, data modelling, etc. Implementer of the agendas on technical and policy level, user of the results; contributes to indicator definition, data modelling, etc. Data provider; user of the results; contributes to the attractiveness of the territory Data provider; user of the results; contributes to the attractiveness of the territory Data provider; user of results, decision makers; contributes to indicator definition, data modelling, etc. Data provider; user of results; decision-maker; contributes to indicator definition, data modelling, etc. Knowledge provider; user of results, decision makers; contributes to indicator definition, data modelling, etc. Knowledge and Information provider; user Data provider; of results, contributes to decision indicator makers; definition, data contributes to modelling, etc. indicator definition, data modelling, etc. Data provider; user of results, decision makers: networking; connecting stakeholders Data provider; user of results, decision makers: networking; connecting stakeholders Data provider; user of results, decision makers: networking; connecting stakeholders contributes to the attractiveness of the territory Knowledge provider; user of results, decision makers; contributes to indicator definition, data modelling, etc. Knowledge and information provider; user of results, decision makers; contributes to indicator definition, data modelling, etc. Knowledge and information provider; user of results, decision makers; contributes to indicator definition, data modelling, etc. dissemination activities, informing of all kinds of stakeholders dissemination activities, informing of all kinds of stakeholders Data provider; user of the contributes to results; the decision-maker; attractiveness contributes to of the territory the attractiveness of the territory Data provider, dissemination activities, informing of all kinds of stakeholders ANNEX 2.6 - ABRUZZO STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID PP10_S01 Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Provincia di Teramo Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Provincia di Teramo Legal status mark with X Level of functioning mark with X Type of organisation mark with X Official address public private civil society education and research national regional local national authority regional authority local authority local development agency regional development agency local development agency technological and scientific research center education and training center public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water management, natural resource management University/Institute of applied science International organisation Other Street and number Post code Town/City Region Location according to NUTS II Country Homepage Contact person X PP10_S02 PP10_S13 PP10_S14 Parco Nazionale comune di comune di comune di comune di comune di comune di comune di comune di Comune di comune di comune di Fondazione Gran Sasso Rocca Santa Mosciano Roseto degli Cortino Torricella Sicura Teramo Canzano Castellalto Bellante Notaresco Giulianova TERCAS Italia e Monti Maria Sant'Angelo Abruzzi della Laga Gran SassoMunicipality of Municipality of Municipality of Municipality of Municipality of Municipality of Municipality of Municipality of Municipality of Municipality of Municipality of Monti della Tercas Rocca Santa Mosciano Roseto degli Cortino Torricella Sicura Teramo Canzano Castellalto Bellante Notaresco Giulianova Laga National Foundation Maria Sant'Angelo Abruzzi Park X PP10_S03 X PP10_S04 x PP10_S05 X PP10_S06 X PP10_S07 X PP10_S08 X PP10_S09 X PP10_S10 X PP10_S11 X PP10_S12 X X x X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X x via G. Milli, 2 frazione Pagliaroli frazione Imposte piazza Mario Capuani 64100 64040 64010 64010 Teramo Cortino / Teramo Abruzzo Abruzzo Abruzzo Italy Italy Italy Rocca Santa Torricella Sicura Maria / Teramo / Teramo Abruzzo X X X X piazza V. Orsini, via G. Garibaldi, via Madonna piazza Mazzini, 1 15 degli Angeli, 21 1 X via Ponte Cavalcavia, 36 64100 64020 64020 64020 64024 Teramo Canzano / Teramo Castellalto / Teramo Bellante / Teramo Notaresco / Teramo Abruzzo Abruzzo Abruzzo Abruzzo Abruzzo X X X via San Rocco, coros Garibaldi, 30 109 piazza della Repubblica largo Melatini 17/23 largo Melatini 17/23 64023 Mosciano Sant'Angelo / Teramo Abruzzo 64026 Roseto degli Abruzzi / Teramo Abruzzo 64100 64100 Teramo Teramo Abruzzo Abruzzo 64021 Giulianova / Teramo Abruzzo Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy www.comune.t www.http://ww www.http://ww www.provincia. www.comunedi www.comune.t www.comune.c www.comune.c www.comune.b www.comune.n www.comune. www.comune.g www.comune.r orricellasicura.t w.fondazionete w.fondazionete anzano.te.ut Prof. Avv. Nuzzo Prof. Avv. Nuzzo Last name First name Position Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation E-mail high medium low high medium low X x Antonio President 0039 0861 241883 Telephone No Level of power x Antonio President 0039 0861 241883 info@fondazion info@fondazion X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ANNEX 2.6 - ABRUZZO STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID PP10_S15 Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Banca TERCAS Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) TERCAS Foundation Bank Legal status mark with X Level of functioning mark with X Type of organisation mark with X Official address public private civil society education and research national regional local national authority regional authority local authority local development agency regional development agency local development agency technological and scientific research center education and training center public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water management, natural resource management University/Institute of applied science International organisation Other Street and number Post code Town/City Region Location according to NUTS II Country Homepage Contact person Last name First name Position Telephone No Level of power Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation E-mail high medium low high medium low PP10_S16 PP10_S17 PP10_S18 PP10_S19 PP10_S20 Banca di credito Banca di Banca A.N.C.E. cooperativo dell A.N.C.E. Teramo Teramo; dell’Adriatico Abruzzo adriatico Teramano National National Builders Builders Teramo Bank BCC Bank Adriatic Bank Association Association Teramo Abruzzo X X X x X PP10_S21 Camera di Commercio Teramo PP10_S22 PP10_S21 PP10_S22 PP10_S23 PP10_S24 PP10_S25 Associazione Consorzio per lo Piccole e medie Confindustria sviluppo G.A.L. Montorio Ferrovie S.p.A. A.R.P.A. SpA Teramo Imprese della Industriale della Provincia di Provincia di x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Ente porto Giulianova Port authority of Giulianova x X PP10_S26 X x X X X X X X X X X x X X X x x x x x x x corso San Gioregio, 36 Via Nazionale viale Crucioli, 3 per Teramo, 14 64100 64100 Teramo Teramo Abruzzo Abruzzo Italy Italy 64023 Mosciano Sant’Angelo (TE) Abruzzo viale Alcide De Gasperi 60 via Savini, 48/50. Via Gammarana Zona Industriale Via n. 8 Servizi Gammarana, 8 64100 67100 64100 64100 64100 64100 Teramo L'Aquila Teramo Teramo Sant'Atto (TE) Teramo Chieti Giulianova (TE) Abruzzo Abruzzo Abruzzo Abruzzo Abruzzo Abruzzo Abruzzo Abruzzo Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy http://www.bcc http://www.con http://www.ind www.bancadite www.teramo.a http://www.abr http://www.te. http://www.api adriaticoterama ncadelladriatico findustriateram ustrialeteramo.i .it/ t/ dott. Di dott. Pompili Carlantonio Primo giustino Adviser President 0039 085 0039 0861 0039 0862 0039 0861 0039 0861 0039 0861 0039 0861 0039 0861 3251 8071544 244748 62172 335302 212226 232417 210960 cciaa.teramo@t teramosede@te info@apiteram info@confindus consorzio@indu info@bancadite infobcc@fedam X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Lungomare via Asinio Herio, Spalato Porto 75 molo sud 66100 64022 viale Brigiotti, 12 X X X X X X Italy Italy http://www.ent http://www.arp eportogiulianov 0039 0871 4243204 0039 085 8005888 info@enteporto X X X X X X X X ANNEX 2.6 - ABRUZZO STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID PP10_S27 Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Autorità di Bacino Regione Abruzzo Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Regional Dam Authority Legal status mark with X Level of functioning mark with X Type of organisation mark with X public private civil society education and research national regional local national authority regional authority local authority local development agency regional development agency local development agency technological and scientific research center education and training center public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water management, natural resource management University/Institute of applied science International organisation Other X PP10_S28 Bacino Imbrifero Montano PP10_S30 Università degli Studi di Teramo ISTITUTO CAPORALE University of Teramo Caporale Istitut X PP10_S31 PP10_S32 PP10_S33 PP10_S34 PP10_S35 PP10_S36 Istituto proloco Rocca proloco Nazionale di proloco Cortino Santa Maria Torricella Sicura Urbanistica Abruzzo PP10_S37 Amadori S.p.A. Rolli S.p.A. Tetraktis X X X x x x x x X X X X X x X X X x x x x X X X X X x PP10_S29 x x x x x x x x x x Viale Cavour, 25 Viale Cavour, 25 Official address Street and number Post code Town/City Region Location according to NUTS II Country Homepage Contact person Last name First name Position Telephone No Level of power Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation E-mail high medium low high medium low 64100 64100 Teramo Teramo Abruzzo Abruzzo Italy Italy Iachetti Iachetti Franco President 0039 0861 245741 Franco President 0039 0861 245741 presidente@bi presidente@bi X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ANNEX 2.6 - ABRUZZO STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID PP10_S38 Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) PP10_S39 PP10_S40 PP10_S41 PP10_S42 PP10_S43 PP10_S44 PP10_S45 PP10_S46 LIPU PP10_S47 PP10_S48 PP10_S49 PP10_S50 PP10_S51 Italianostra CGIL CISL UIL UGL P. Riccitelli corale Verdi Teramo nostra TeknoAlp Detto tra noi corale Verdi WWF Legambiente X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x x x x x x Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Legal status mark with X Level of functioning mark with X Type of organisation mark with X Official address public private civil society education and research national regional local national authority regional authority local authority local development agency regional development agency local development agency technological and scientific research center education and training center public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water management, natural resource management University/Institute of applied science International organisation Other x x x x x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Street and number Post code Town/City Region Location according to NUTS II Country Homepage Contact person Last name First name Position Telephone No Level of power Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation E-mail high medium low high medium low ANNEX 2.7 - SATU MARE STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID LP_S01 Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Legal status mark with X Level of functioning mark with X Type of organisation mark with X LP_S02 LP_S03 Camera de Comert Directia de Impozite si Directia Generala a Industrie si Taxe Locale Satu Finantelor Publice Agricultura Satu Mare Mare Satu Mare public private civil society education and research national regional local national authority regional authority local authority local development agency regional development agency local development agency technological and scientific research education and training center Satu Mare Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture X Satu Mare Local Taxes and Contributions Department X LP_S04 Asociatia Camera Mestesugarilor Satu Mare LP_S05 LP_S06 Asociatia Economica Romano-Germana Satu Mare Oficiul Registrului Comertului de pe langa Tribunalul Satu METABOMOB SATU Mare MARE Satu Mare General Romanian-German Directorate of Public Satu Mare Craftsmen Economic Association Satu Mare Trade Local Finances Chamber Satu Mare Register Office X X X LP_S07 LP_S08 TIE SERVICES INTERNATIONAL LP_S09 LP_S10 SC SCHLEMMER ROMANIA SRL Agentia Judeteana Serviciul Public de pentru Ocuparea Asistenta Sociala Satu Fortei de Munca Satu Casa Judeteana de Mare Mare Pensii Satu Mare METABOMOB SATU MARE TIE SERVICES INTERNATIONAL SC SCHLEMMER ROMANIA SRL X X X X X LP_S11 LP_S12 Satu Mare Agency for Satu Mare Social Labour and Welfare Department Unemployment X X Satu Mare County House of Pensions and Other Social Insurance Rights X X X X X (county) X (county) X X X X X X X X (county) X X (county) public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry X Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body X X X Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water management, natural resource University/Institute of applied science International organisation Other Official address Homepage Contact person Level of power Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation X X P-TA ROMANA, BLOC STR. DECEBAL,NR.6 D8 P-TA ROMANA,NR 3-5 STR.FAGILOR, NR 1 STR. FAGILOR, NR 1 STR. FABRICII, NR 82 440006 440012 440012 440073 440073 440108 SATU MARE SATU MARE SATU MARE SATU MARE SATU MARE SATU MARE SATU MARE SATU MARE SATU MARE SATU MARE SATU MARE SATU MARE STR. AUREL VLAICU NR 74 440122 SATU MARE SATU MARE STR. SPICULUI, NR 17 STR.CAREIULUI NR. /B4 8/A STR. ILISESTI, NR 4 447360 440180 440132 SATU MARE SATU MARE SATU MARE SATU MARE STR. ION GHICA, NR 36 440091 SATU MARE SATU MARE STR. VASILE LUCACIU, NR. 4-6 440091 SATU MARE SATU MARE ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA Last name First name CULIC DANIELA DRIMUS IOSIF ARDELEAN MIRCEA HOLCZLI IOSIF BRUMBOIU DAN POP VICTOR PETRU HUTTON ISTVAN TURNER CORINA VASUT DOINA MARUSCA SEPTIMIU SABOU EUGENIA Position Telephone No MANAGER MANAGER GENERAL MANAGER 40261710790 40261768209 0040 0261768772 dgfpsm@sm.rdsnet.r o X X X MANAGER 40261714196 doinavasut@spassatu X MANAGER 40261770237 satu_@ajofm.anofm.r o X MANAGER 0040261-706820 X X X UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER Street and number Post code Town/City Region Location according to NUTS II Country E-mail high medium low high medium low X X X UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER ASISTENT MANAGER MANAGER MANAGER 40261710316 40261710316 40261716926 SM@cameramestesu X X X UTF MEMBER MANAGER MANAGER 40261711511 40261768600 metamob@metamob corina.turner@tiesi.r .ro o X X UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER X X X X X X X UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER ANNEX 2.7 - SATU MARE STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID LP_S13 LP_S14 Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Directia de Sanatate Publica Satu Mare Organizatia Caritas Prefectura Satu Mare Satu Mare Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Legal status mark with X Level of functioning mark with X Type of organisation mark with X public private civil society education and research national regional local national authority regional authority local authority local development agency regional development agency local development agency technological and scientific research education and training center Satu Mare Public Health Department X Satu Mare Prefect's Office X LP_S15 Caritas Organization Satu Mare LP_S16 LP_S17 LP_S18 LP_S19 LP_S20 LP_S21 LP_S22 Inspectoratul Scolar Satu Mare Directia Judeteana pentru Sport si Tineret Universitatea de Vest Universitatea Tehnica Liceul Tehnologic "Vasile Goldis", Filiala din Cluj - Napoca, Constructii de Masini Scoala Generala "Ion Scoala Generala Satu Mare Filiala Satu Mare UNIO Creanga" "Mircea Eliade" Satu Mare School Inspectorate X UNIO Satu Mare Vasile Goldis West Cluj - Napoca Machinebuilding Department for Youth University, Satu Mare Technical University, Technological High and Sports Subsidiary Satu Mare Subsidiary School X Ion Creanga Secondary School Mircea Eliade Secondary School LP_S23 LP_S24 Club Sportiv Club Sportiv ADEP Municipal Satu Mare Satu Mare Satu Mare Municipal ADEP Sports Club, Sports Club Satu Mare X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X (county) X (county) X (county) X (county) public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body X X X X X Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water management, natural resource University/Institute of applied science International organisation Other Official address Homepage Contact person Street and number Post code Town/City Region Location according to NUTS II Country Last name First name Position Telephone No Level of power Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation E-mail high medium low high medium low X X STR. AVRAM IANCU NR. 16 440079 SATU MARE SATU MARE P-TA 25 OCTOMBRIE NR. 1 440026 SATU MARE SATU MARE P-TA LIBERTATII NR. 20 440014 SATU MARE SATU MARE STR. I DECEMBRIE 1918, NR. 6 440010 SATU MARE SATU MARE STR. VASILE CONTA NR. 2 440074 SATU MARE SATU MARE STR. MIHAI VITEAZU, NR. 26 440030 SATU MARE SATU MARE STR. VASILE LUCACIU, NR.1 440031 SATU MARE SATU MARE STR. MIHAI EMINESCU, NR.1 STR. SOMESULUI NR.6 440014 440260 SATU MARE SATU MARE SATU MARE SATU MARE STR. MIRCEA ELIADE NR.3 440152 SATU MARE SATU MARE STR. MIHAIL KOGALNICEANU, NR.5 440024 SATU MARE SATU MARE STR. ANA IPATESCU, NR.5 440020 SATU MARE SATU MARE ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA BONDREA ROZALIA Expert for Roma People's Problems 40261768103 40261715683 dspj.satumare1@ser prefect@prefecturasa X X LOCHLI TEREZIA GHIT LEONTINA ARDELEAN GAVRIL MERA MIRCEA URS GABRIELA FLORICA VOLCOVINSCHI TAMARA SALAGEAN MARIANA NEAGU VALERIU PROCOPIE ADRIAN X X MANAGER Chief Inspector 40261716845 40261712175 X X X PRORECTOR DIRECTOR 40261711604 40261716230 40261768100 djst.satumare@mts.r mircea_mera@yahoo o .com X X X UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER X X X X X X X UTF MEMBER PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRESIDENT 40361401093 4361761287 4261742290 4261714080 secretariat@grupscol scoala.eliade@yahoo. com UTF MEMBER X X X X X X X UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER ANNEX 2.7 - SATU MARE STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID LP_S25 LP_S26 LP_S27 Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Primaria Satu Mare, SADPPSP, Compartiment Autorizare Servicii de Transport Public Local Primaria Satu Mare, SADPPSP, Compartiment Reparatii Strazi Primaria Satu Mare, SADPPSP, Compartiment Salubritate Si Protectia Mediului Satu Mare City Hall. SADPPSP, Street Repairs Department X Satu Mare City Hall, Sanitation and Environment Protection Department X Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Legal status mark with X Level of functioning mark with X Type of organisation mark with X public private civil society education and research national regional local national authority regional authority local authority local development agency regional development agency local development agency technological and scientific research education and training center Satu Mare City Hal,SADPPSP, Local Public Transport Services Authorisation Department X X X X LP_S28 LP_S29 LP_S30 Primaria Satu Mare, Arhitect Sef Ordinul Arhitectilor din Romania, Filiala Satu Mare Satu Mare City Hall, Chief Architect X Romanian Order of Architects, Satu Mare subsidiary S.C Transurban S.A X X X X S.C Transurban S.A X LP_S31 LP_S32 LP_S33 LP_S34 Agentia de Protectia Mediului Administrarea Domeniului Public, Satu Mare, Serviciul Parcari Asociatii de proprietari Reprezentant al locuitorilor din Cartierul Satmarel Enviroment Protection Agency X Satu Mare Administration of the Public Domain , Condominium Flats Parking Departement Owners’ Association X X X Satmarel Inhabitants Representative X X X X X X UMHAUSER PALLAI ALIZ SARKOZI GHEORGHE X (county) X X X X X public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body X X Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water management, natural resource University/Institute of applied science International organisation Other Official address Homepage Contact person Level of power Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation X X P-TA 25 OCTOMBRIE NR.1, CAMERA 1 440026 SATU MARE SATU MARE P-TA 25 OCTOMBRIE NR.1, CAMERA 1 440026 SATU MARE SATU MARE P-TA 25 OCTOMBRIE NR.1, CAMERA 1 440026 SATU MARE SATU MARE P-TA 25 OCTOMBRIE NR.1, CAMERA 34 440026 SATU MARE SATU MARE P-TA LIBERTATII NR.20, CAMERA 201 440014 SATU MARE SATU MARE STR, GARA FERESTRAU NR.9 440210 SATU MARE SATU MARE STR MIRCEA CEL BATRAN, NR. 8B 440012 SATU MARE SATU MARE ALEEA PRAHOVEI NR.18 440152 SATU MARE SATU MARE ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA ROMANIA Last name First name SURULESCU LUMINITA STINCEL TOADER DAN CRISTE RAMONA BASA ALEXANDRA SABAU TRIFU LUCIAN IVAN SIMION BEKESSY ELISABETA JERCA MARIUS Position Telephone No ADVISER ADVISER ADVISER Street and number Post code Town/City Region Location according to NUTS II Country E-mail high medium low high medium low ARCHITECT PRESIDENT MANAGER MANAGER ADVISER ADMINISTRATOR 4261807514 40261807514 40261807514 4261807523 40731264964 40261721971 40261736003 40261769272 sadppsp@satusadppsp@satusadppsp@satusecretariat@oarsm.or info@transurbansatu g X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER UTF MEMBER 40744835909 X X UTF MEMBER ANNEX 2.8 - DRAMA STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID LP_S01 LP_S02 LP_S03 LP_S04 Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Δήμος Δράμας Επιμελητήριο Δράμα Πολεοδομία ΔΡάμας Αναπτυξιακή Εταιρία Δράμας Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Legal status mark with X Level of functioning mark with X Type of organisation mark with X Official address public private civil society education and research national regional local national authority regional authority local authority local development agency regional development agency local development agency technological and scientific research center education and training center public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water management, natural resource management University/Institute of applied science International organisation Other Street and number Post code Municipality of Drama x DRAMA MUNICIPALITY DEKPOTA (Municipal Enterprise for Touristic and Cultural Development) Planning Deparment of Drama Regional Authority x Drama Chamber x LP_S05 ΔΗΜΟ ΔΡΑΜΑ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΗ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΣΙΣΙΚΗ ΚΑΙ ΣΟΤΡΙΣΙΚΗ ΑΝΑΠΣΤΞΗ (Δ.Ε.Κ.ΠΟ.Σ.Α.) Development Agency of Drama x x x x x x x x x x 2 Vermiou & 1st of July Avenue x Diikitirio Drama 40 Lambrianidis Street 66100 66100 x 2 Konstantinoupoleos Street 66100 Patr. Dionisiou PoB23 66100 66100 Drama Town/City Region Location according to NUTS II Country Homepage Contact person Level of power Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation Last name First name Position Telephone No E-mail high medium low high medium low Drama East Macedonia - Thrace East Macedonia - Thrace Greece Iosifidou Katerina Plannind department 003025210-21420 Drama East Macedonia - Thrace East Macedonia - Thrace Greece Charalambos Alexandriids Director 0030-252510-22750 x Drama East Macedonia - Thrace East Macedonia - Thrace Greece Giorgos Pantazidis Director 0030-25210-351514 x Drama East Macedonia - Thrace East Macedonia - Thrace Greece Manolis Chatzopoulos Director 0030 25210 47611 x East Macedonia - Thrace East Macedonia - Thrace Greece Athanasia Berdebe Project Manager 0030 2521048304 x x x x x x coordinate all activities within the Drama Municipality coordinate all the activities of the STATUS project since the Drama Chamber will have the partner's role for the region of Drama the most important organization in terms of urban planning coordination of all investment activities in the Regional Unit of Drama coordination of public events and consultations x ANNEX 2.9 - HERCEG NOVI STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID HN_S01 Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Legal status mark with X Level of functioning mark with X Type of organisation mark with X Official address Homepage Contact person Level of power Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation JU Herceg Fest public private civil society education and research national regional local national authority regional authority local authority local development agency regional development agency local development agency technological and scientific research center education and training center public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services environmental agency water agency Protected areas management body Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of environment, water management, natural resource management University/Institute of applied science International organisation Other Street and number Post code Town/City Region Location according to NUTS II Country Herceg Fest X HN_S02 HN_S03 Turisticka Organizacija Herceg Novi Sekretarijat za Prostorno Planiranje I Izgradnju Opstine Herceg Novi Tourism Organization of Herceg Novi X Department for Planning and Development of Municipality of Herceg Novi X HN_S04 HN_S05 Ministarstvo održivog razvoja i Ministarstvo saobradaja i turizma pomorstva Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism X Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs X HN_S06 HN_S07 Uprava za zaštitu kulturnih Javno preduzede za upravljanje dobara Crne Gore-Područna Morskim dobrom Crne Gore jedinica Kotor Public Organization for management of Coastal Zone of Montenegro X HN_S08 HN_S09 EXPEDITIO- Centar za održivi prostorni razvoj Udruženje arhitekata Herceg Novog Center for protection of EXPEDITIO- Center for cultural and architectural Sustainable Spatial heritage of Montenegro-Kotor Development X X X X X X HN_S11 Skretarijat za komunalno stambene poslove i zastitu Udruženje pejzažnih arhitekata zivotne sredine Opstine Herceg Crne Gore Novi Architectural Association of Herceg Novi Landscaping Architects Association of Montenegro X X X X HN_S10 X X X X X Department for communal and housing affairs and protection of environment of Municipality of Herceg Novi X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Njegoševa 66 85340 Herceg Novi Boka Kotorska Jova Dabovica 12 85340 Herceg Novi Boka Kotorska Trg Marsala Tita 2 85340 Herceg Novi Boka Kotorska IV Proleterske brigade 19 81000 Podgorica Rimski Trg 46 81000 Podgorica Popa Jola Zeca bb 85310 Budva Palata Drago, Stari Grad 85330 Kotor Boka Kotorska Škaljari bb 85330 Kotor Boka Kotorska NA 85340 Herceg Novi Boka Kotorska NA NA Herceg Novi Boka Kotorska Trg Marsala Tita 2 85340 Herceg Novi Boka Kotorska Last name First name Montenegro Kovacevic Milina Montenegro Djuraskovic Ana Montenegro Perikoti-Matijasevic Irina Montenegro Lješkovid-Mitrovid Sanja Montenegro Vulovic Milica Montenegro Mihovic Rajko Montenegro N.A. Čubrovid Zorica Montenegro Rajid Tatjana Montenegro NA Cvjetkovid Bogdan Montenegro NA Berberovid-Stankovid Milica Montenegro Jokic Sofija Position Telephone No Editor and manager 382.6845978 manager 382.68.833.136 architect and planner 382.31.321.052 ex.310 assistant minister 382.20.446.207 Officer 382.63.209.084 Co-director 382.32.302.250 Principal 382.69.012.795 Principal 382.69.047.640 E-mail high medium low high medium low X X X sanja.č X N.A. X Vice director Architect 382.33.453.016 382.69.422.297 rajko.mihovic@morskodobro.c om N.A. X X NA X X X X X X X X Herceg Fest plays a major role in organizing all local cultural events, including International Film Festival, International Music Festival, Mimosa Fest, etc. With their work they significantly influence the Promotion of Touristic quality of the tourism offerings Development of the in the municipality. municipality. X Landscape Architect 382.31.321.052 eko_saglasnost@hercegnovi.m e X X X X X Non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region Morsko Dobro is the main through activity in the fields of The ministary is the main The ministary is the main regional authority for the sustainable architecture, national authority for the national authority for the coastal zone of Montenegro. cultural heritage, urban sustainable development and transport and the marinetime In order to implement any Regional authority incharged planning and through projects tourism. They can help the affairs. They can help the projects in their zone (which is for documenting, researching, that encourage overall Coordination, development implementation logisticly and implementation logisticly and the entire coastal zone), their protecting, etc. of all cultural development of the civil and realization of city planning. with the appropriate contacts. with the appropriate contacts. permission is required. heritage. society. Advising and providing ideas. X Advising and providing ideas. Local authority for all communal and housing affairs and protection of environment of Municipality of Herceg Novi ANNEX 2.9 - HERCEG NOVI STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID HN_S12 Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Skretarijat za finansije, turizam i ekonomski razvoj Opstine Agencija za razvoj i zastitu Herceg Novi Orjena, Herceg Novi Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Legal status mark with X Level of functioning mark with X Type of organisation mark with X Official address Homepage Contact person public private civil society education and research national regional local national authority regional authority local authority local development agency regional development agency local development agency technological and scientific research center education and training center public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services environmental agency water agency Protected areas management body Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of environment, water management, natural resource management University/Institute of applied science International organisation Other Street and number Post code Town/City Region Location according to NUTS II Country Last name First name Position Telephone No Level of power Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation E-mail high medium low high medium low Department for finances, tourism and economic development of Municipality of Herceg Novi X X HN_S13 Agency for development and protection of Mountain Orjen in Herceg Novi X HN_S14 HN_S15 HN_S16 HN_S17 HN_S18 HN_S19 HN_S20 Agencija za izgradnju i razvoj Herceg Novog Javno Preduzece Cistoca Institut "Dr. Simo Milosevic", Igalo Jadransko Brodogradiliste Bijela Plivački vaterpolo klub Jadran Predstavnik Bankarskog Sektora iz Herceg Novog Predstavnik Preduzetnika i Real Estate sektora iz Herceg Novog Azmont Agency for construction and development of Herceg Novi X X X X X Public Company Cistoca X HN_S21 Institute for physical medicine, rehabilitatiton and rheumatology „Dr Simo Milosevic“ JSC Igalo Bijela Adriatic Shipyard X X Representative of the business Representative of the banking owners and realestate sector Swimming and water polo club sector from the Municipality of from the Municipality of Jadran Herceg Novi Herceg Novi Azmont X X X X X X X X HN_S22 Predstavnik ustanova visokog skolstva iz Herceg Novog Representative of the high education (university) sector from the Municipality of Herceg Novi X X X X X X X Trg Marsala Tita 2 85340 Herceg Novi Boka Kotorska Trg Marsala Tita 2 85340 Herceg Novi Boka Kotorska Partizanski put 1 85340 Herceg Novi Boka Kotorska Prve bokeške brigade bb 85340 Herceg Novi Boka Kotorska X Sava Ilida 5 85347 Igalo Boka Kotorska Montenegro Bozovic Radovan Head of Department, Economist 382.67.800.531 radovan.bozovic@hercegnovi. me X Montenegro Vukovic Branislav Montenegro Stamenovid Milan Montenegro Bonic Borivoje Montenegro Kovacevic Zoran Director, Mechanical Engineer Civil Engineer 382.31.321.439 382.31.321.600 branislav.vukovic@hercegnovi. me Director 382.31.345.755 Director 382.31.658.555 Montenegro Zlokovic Stanko President of the Board of Managers 382.67.641.923 X X X X X X X X Bijela bb 85343 Bijela Boka Kotorska X Šetalište pet Danica 34 85340 Herceg Novi Boka Kotorska X Trg Nikole Đurkovida 85340 Herceg Novi Boka Kotorska X Nikole Ljubibratida bb 85340 Herceg Novi Boka Kotorska X Kumbor bb 85340 Herceg Novi Boka Kotorska X Norveška 2 85347 Igalo Boka Kotorska Montenegro Mracevic Milos Montenegro Radojicic Marko Montenegro N.A. Bodiroga Boris Montenegro Celik Dijana Montenegro Zupanovic Ivo Director 382.67.282.243 executive manager 382.68.887.733 entrepreneur 382.69.568.422 Manager 382.67.214.516 professor 382.67.170.111 X X X X X X X X X X X X The "Adriatic Shipyard Bijela" is the biggest shiprepairing yard in the Southern Adriatic. It is located in Boka Kotorska bay in Municipality of Herceg Novi. Swimming and water polo club Jadran is the most significant and the most recognized sport club from Herceg Novi. NLB Montengro bank is one of three largest Montenegrin banks, and branch in Herceg Novi is best in their network. He is lawyer and have one of the most respectful realestate offices in town. Advising and providing ideas. X X Institute is one of the largest and the most famous institutions for Local development agency multidisciplinary spa treatment which focuses on management on the Balkan. It is a pioneer of Local authority for finances, Local development agency with of smaller projects for the Local provider of public the modern physical and tourism and economic a focus on Mountain Orjen. municipality. They can help services dealing with preventive medicine, development of Municipality of They can help with ideas and with ideas, suggestions and communal affairs and they rehabilitation, talasotherapy Herceg Novi suggestions. documentation. manage the municipal landfill. and wellness. Advising and providing ideas. ANNEX 2.10 - TEMERIN STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) Legal status mark with X Level of functioning mark with X Type of organisation mark with X Official address Homepage Contact person public private civil society education and research national regional local national authority regional authority local authority local development agency regional development agency local development agency technological and scientific research center education and training center public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water management, natural resource management University/Institute of applied science International organisation Other Street and number Post code Town/City Region Location according to NUTS II Country Last name First name Position Telephone No Level of power Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation E-mail high medium low high medium low IPA-I PP2_S01 JP "Direkcija za izgradnju i urbanizam opštine Temerin" Directorate for Development and Urbanism of Temerin Municipality X IPA-I PP2_S02 IPA-I PP2_S03 IPA-I PP2_S04 IPA-I PP2_S05 IPA-I PP2_S06 IPA-I PP2_S07 Javno komunalno preduzede "Temerin" Mesna Zajednica Bački Jarak Mesna Zajednica Staro Đurđevo Mesna Zajednica Sirig Prva Mesna Zajednica Temerin Turistička organizacija opštine KIC "Lukijan Temerin Mušicki" Local Community Temerin X Touristic organization of Temerin Municipality X Public Utility Local Community Company "Temerin" Backi Jarak X X Local Community Staro Djurdjevo X Local Community Sirig X IPA-I PP2_S08 IPA-I PP2_S09 IPA-I PP2_S10 Centar za socijalni rad Vojvođanski Kancelarija za mlade Metalski Klaster opštine Temerin VMC Cultural Informative Center "Lukijan Center for Social Musicki" Work Services X X Temerin Youth Office X IPA-I PP2_S11 Vojvodina Metal Cluster - VMC X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Novosadska 330 21235 Temerin Vojvodina RS12 Serbia www.direkcijatemeri Svitic Zoran Košut Lajoša br. 31/1 21235 Temerin Vojvodina RS12 Serbia http://www.jkpteme Veres Vladimir Novosadska 86 21234 Backi Jarak Vojvodina RS12 Serbia Director 021/842-122 zoran@direkcijatem Engineer +381 21 843-666 office@jkptemerin.c om Member of Council 021 848 026 X X Bojanic Veljko Novosadska 142 21235 Temerin Vojvodina RS12 Serbia Tomic Nebojsa Novosadska 38 21214 Sirig Vojvodina RS12 Serbia Novosadska 403 21235 Temerin Vojvodina RS12 Serbia Breznjak Jozef Adam Istvan Member of Council 845 708 mzbackijarak@open. mz.neni.starodjurdje Member of Council 021 849 005 mzsirig@parabolane Member of Council 021/842-847 X X X X Novosadska 326 21235 Temerin Vojvodina RS12 Serbia www.temerintouris Pejovic Ivana Director +381 (0)21 843 888 1mztemerin@gmail.c temturorg@hotmail. om com X X X X Novosadska 324 21235 Temerin Vojvodina RS12 Serbia X Novosadska 403 21235 Temerin Vojvodina RS12 Serbia http://www.csrteme Agoston Hajduk Maria Danijel Novosadska 352 21235 Temerin Vojvodina RS12 Serbia Jerkov Ivana Novosadska 322 21235 Temerin Vojvodina RS12 Serbia Director 021 843 695 Director 843 181 Financial Manager 851956 kzm.opstinatemerin Director 021/842-888 danijelhajduk@gmai m X X X X X X X X "Mesne Zajednice", This is the local Local Communities public company The local public are a subcharged with urban utility company has municipality level of and territorial a natural role in the territorial planning project organisations "Mesne Zajednice", Local Communities are a submunicipality level of territorial organisations "Mesne Zajednice", Local Communities are a submunicipality level of territorial organisations "Mesne Zajednice", Local Communities are a submunicipality level of territorial organisations Tomin Mirjana X X X X X The local/regional radio station, main cultural events organizer and information center The local youth association ANNEX 2.11 BALTI STAKEHOLDERS IDENTIFICATION FORM Stakeholder ID ENPI_S01 Official name of the institution and involved department (in original language) Consiliul Municipal Balti, Consiliul Municipal Balti, Comisia consultativă de Comisia consultativa de specialitate pentru specialitate pentru gospodărie municipală, Primaria mun. Balti, Primaria mun. Balti, Direcția economică și Departamentul servicii activități financiare și administrarea activelor și Departamentul de comunale economice de protecție a mediului Arhitectură și Construcții financiară Primaria mun. Balti Departamentul Primaria mun. Balti Primaria mun. Balti Proprietatea Municipala Secția Administrația Primaria mun. Balti Primaria mun. Balti Serviciul Atragerea și Relații Funciare Publica Locala Sectia relatii publice Sectia Cultura Investitiilor Council of Balti Municipality, Specialized Consultative Council of Balti Commission for Municipality, household municipal, Specialized Consultative administration of assets Commission for financial and environmental and economic activities protection x x City Hall of Balti Municipality , Architecture and Construction Department x City Hall of Balti Municipality , Financial and Economic Department x City Hall of Balti Municipality , Communal services Department x Municipal Property and Land Relations Department x City Hall of Balti Municipality , Local Public Administration Department x City Hall of Balti Municipality , Public Relations Department x City Hall of Balti Municipality , Department of Culture x City Hall of Balti Municipality , Attracting Investments Department x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Street and number Post code Town/City/Commune Region Location according to NUTS II Country 1 Independentei street MD‐3106 Balti 1 Independentei street MD‐3106 Balti of. 107 / 1 Independentei street MD‐3106 Balti 1 Independentei street MD‐3106 Balti of. 450 /1 Independentei street MD‐3106 Balti of. 315 / 1 Independentei street MD‐3106 Balti of. 331 / 1 Independentei street MD‐3106 Balti of. 114 / 1 Independentei street MD‐3106 Balti of. 444 /1 Independentei street MD‐3106 Balti 453 / 1 Independentei street MD‐3106 Balti North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva Last name First name MANOIL Andrei Secretary of the Consultative Commission 69170548 GUSTOI Alexandr Member of the Consultative Commission COADA Veaceslav RUSU Vera ZINCOVSCHI Veaceslav POPA Andrei DOVGANI Ludmila PREACHINA Margarita CARAULAN Vera CIUBUC Nina head of Department 37.323.125.083 deputy head of Department 37.323.154.621 Official English translation of the name of the institution and involved department (if available) public Legal status private civil society education and research national Level of functioning regional local Type of organisation national authority regional authority local authority local development agency regional development agency local development agency technological and scientific research center education and training center public/private organisation representing enterprises and especially SMEs Chamber of commerce and Industry ENPI_S02 ENPI_S03 ENPI_S04 ENPI_S05 ENPI_S06 ENPI_S07 ENPI_S08 ENPI_S09 ENPI_S10 Public and non profit oriented transport provider Provider of public services enviromental agency water agency Protected areas management body Energy agency and similar institutions NGO/NPO in the fields of enviroment, water management, natural resource management University/Institute of applied science International organisation Other Official address Homepage Contact person Position Telephone No Level of power Level of interst Potential role in the project implementation E‐mail high medium low high medium low consilier‐ x x architect of the Municipality head of the Department head of the department 37.379.587.675 37.323.120.034 373.231.223.028 dgc.primaria.balti@mail. ru x x x deputy head of inspector of the department head of Department Department 3.732.354.633 37.323.154.695 37.323.154.614 margarita_preach@mail. ru x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration and monitoring of its implementation the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration and monitoring of its implementation To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration and its implementation. To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration and its implementation. To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration and its implementation. To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration and its implementation. To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration and its implementation. To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration and its implementation. To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration and its implementation. To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration and its implementation. 69872101 ENPI_S11 ENPI_S12 ENPI_S13 Întreprinderea Intreprindere municipală Intreprindere municipală Municipala Direcţia de "Biroul de arhitectură și "spații verzi și construcţii capitale sistematizare" amenajarea teritoriului" comandatar unic" Municipal Enterprise "Bureau of architecture and systematization" x Municipal Enterprise “Green spaces and territorial planning” x Municipal Enterprise “Department of capital construction unique commendatory” x ENPI_S14 ENPI_S15 ENPI_S16 Zona Economică Liberă "Bălți" Parcul Industrial "Răut" Universitatea Alecu Institutul de cercetare Russo / facultatea de pentru culturile de cimp Camera de comert si Industrie Balti economie si stiinte reale "Selectia " Industrial Park "Raut" A. Russo University / Faculty of Economics and real science Regional Resource Research Institut of the Chamber of Commerce Public Associtation « Pro‐ Center for Youth field crops "Selectia" and Industry Balti Business Nord” “Mostenitorii’ x x x x x Free Economic Zone "Balti" x ENPI_S17 ENPI_S18 ENPI_S19 ENPI_S20 ENPI_S21 Asocitatia obsteasca « Pro‐Business Nord” Centrul Regional de Resurse pentru Tineret "Mostenitorii" Centrul Regional pentru Instruire "Spectrum" Regional Training Centre « Spectrum » x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 118 / 1 Independentei street 19 Moscovei street MD‐3106 MD‐3100 Balti Balti 38 Pacii street MD‐3101 Balti 4 Industrial street MD‐3100 Balti 13 Decebal street MD‐3100 Balti MD‐3121 Balti 28 Calea Esilor street MD ‐ 3101 Balti 20 ‐ B 31August street MD ‐ 3101 Balti 905 / 20 ‐ B 31August street MD ‐ 3101 Balti 7 Konev street MD ‐ 3100 Balti 38/1 Independentei street MD ‐ 3101 Balti North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva North Region Republic of Molodva GRATII Eugenia NOVICOV Svetlana BRAGARI Larisa SOLDAN Vasile MUNTEAN Anatol BALINSCHI Andrei CODITA Galina ROSOSENCO Elena MOSCALU Nicolai SCOBIOALA Serghei General Director 37.323.123.090 Senior Lecturer, PhD in Economics 37.379.936.362 Director 373 231 2 7035 Executive Director 37.323.177.298 x Executive Director 37.323.120.038 elena.rososhenco@pbn. x Program Director 37.378.300.444 centrul.spectrum@gmail .com x x 38 Puskin street x x x x anatolie.munteanu@raut x x BOINCEAN Boris head of research department, PhD in agriculture 37.323.135.040 m x x x x x x x x x x x x To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration and its implementation. To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration and its implementation. To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration and its implementation. To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration To generate ideas for the Balti Municipality Strategic Agenda elaboration Director of the Municipal Director of the Municipal Director of the Municipal Enterprise Deputy Administrator Enterprise Enterprise 37.323.122.436 37.323.124.322 37.323.188.882 37.323.122.013