Conference Guide 2016 - Trading Standards Institute
Conference Guide 2016 - Trading Standards Institute
Conference Guide 2016 #CTSIConf Consumer Affairs & Trading Standards Conference & Exhibition 2016 #CTSICONF The leading consumer affairs & trading standards event in Europe The International Centre, Telford Monday 20 June - Thursday 23 June 2016 Making connections, sharing knowledge Main Sponsor CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 1 KENYON BLOCK Consultants Specialist Recruitment Your Connection to Success Tel: 020 8360 7289 2 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 Associate Member of Chartered Institute of Environmental Health #CTSIConf Contents Page Number Welcome 4-5 Conference Programme 6-7 Mini Theatre Guide 8 - 11 Plenary One 12 - 13 Plenary Two 14 - 15 Plenary Three 16 - 17 Hero Awards 17 Playsafe 18 Consumer Challenge Quiz 19 Young Consumers of the Year 20 Exhibitor List 22 Exhibition Plan 23 Exhibitor Profiles 24 - 37 Demonstrations 32 Consumer Day 35 Map 38 CTSI Midlands Branch Chairman’s Welcome to Telford I am pleased to welcome you all to Conference 2016. I and my colleagues in the Midland Branch offer you a very warm welcome to Telford. Last year was the first Conference as a Chartered Institute and was a brilliant success with the exhibition being a sell out along with the mini-theatres. This year Conference is in the heart of industry and we hope that you will also take time to explore surrounding areas, especially Ironbridge; the birthplace of the industrial revolution. Our Conference has a varied programme, excellent speakers, interesting exhibitors and provides excellent networking opportunities. There are plenary and mini-theatre sessions that will enable you to gain CPPD. As the days close there are the excellent social events starting with the welcome reception on Monday night and awards, dinners and party night as we go through the week. I have no doubt that Conference’s first visit to Telford in 2016 will be a success. Our profession continues to face challenges but together we can rise to those challenges and push forward. I am really proud to be in our profession and to be the Chair of the Midland Branch and wish you all a thoroughly enjoyable Conference 2016. Donna Bensley, Midland branch Chairman Consumer Affairs & Trading Standards Conference & Exhibition 2016 #CTSICONF CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 3 Welcome Chair’s welcomE It is my great privilege to welcome you all to the annual Conference of the Chartered Trading Standards Institute here in Telford I particularly welcome delegates who are visiting Conference for the first time. I remember my first time and how much I enjoyed the whole experience so I hope for you it will be the first of many. The CTSI Conference always highlights our profession’s commitment and will to enhance consumer protection, encourage best practice and to promote excellence and good standards nationally; and as usual there will be excellent and thought provoking speakers providing an incredibly diverse range of plenary sessions, master classes, plus a full programme of mini-theatres, networking opportunities, celebrations of success, our fantastic exhibitors and last but not least the evening events to discuss the days hot topics and of course take some time to relax and enjoy ourselves. This is set of course against the ever changing consumer landscape and a backdrop of the fallout from stringent economies in local authorities. Never before has our profession experienced more difficult, pressured and challenging times, and this will no doubt be a major discussion point. We know that there are no easy solutions to address these issues but it is our responsibility to find sustainable and viable local and national solutions. During the week’s activities we can all engage to develop plans and recommendations that can be implemented to safeguard consumer interests and support the legitimate business environment, by improving market surveillance and setting standards. We can be part of a social and economic solution and we will be discussing our key issues and strategies to influence change and improve consumer and business confidence. As you arrive and start to enjoy the unique Conference atmosphere I am sure you would like me to thank on your behalf the head office team and all the other individuals who volunteer to ensure such a successful Conference – one which I hope you will all enjoy, celebrate and remember for all the best reasons and 2016, I am sure, will be the best yet. Christine Heemskerk, CTSI Chair Chief Executive’s Welcome As always it is a pleasure to welcome colleagues and key stakeholders to Conference. This year sees a new venue for us in Telford and I’m sure that we will enjoy the fantastic facilities of the centre and surrounding area. The last few years has seen many changes in the environment within which we work and the coming years promise the same. Indeed the Thursday of Conference will see the vote on the EU referendum take place. Whatever your personal views are on our continued membership it cannot be denied the influence the EU has had on consumer protection legislation and our profession. Whatever the outcome of the vote the UK needs a strong trading standards service whether we are in or out of the EU. Our continued fight will not cease until the profile of the profession is raised and we have funding and structures in place to take the service forward. The ongoing reviews into our profession are to be welcomed but urgent action is also needed. Our Council of members sit at the heart of our work and ensure that, as far as possible, we remain a member led organisation. I would like to thank them for their drive, commitment and support during these challenging times. Conference is a time not only to thank them but the wide range of people who support our work – lead officers, non-executive directors, president and vice-presidents amongst them. Conference provides an opportunity to meet with all these and many more. The team has worked hard to put on a mixed programme that caters for a wide range of needs. The ability for our members to gain a large number of CPPD hours whilst at the same time engage in high level debate and socialise with colleagues is important to us. Conference doesn’t happen without a lot of hard work behind the scenes. The team and head office, our army of volunteers and our commercial partners are committed to ensuring that you get what you need out of Conference. It is your Conference and I hope you have a great one. Leon Livermore, CTSI Chief Executive 4 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 Welcome #CTSIConf President’s Welcome It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to this year’s Conference. I look forward to meeting with you over the coming days to discuss the major issues that impact on the profession. Since becoming President in 2009 I have been proud to become a part of the trading standards community and contribute to your vital work. In parliament over the past year colleagues and I have sought to work with and hold the government to account on the major issues facing the profession. Merely prescribing in law that trading standards must enforce regulation without considering the impact of falling officer numbers and budgets is something that we will always question, but we will also work with the CTSI team to innovate to be an influence for good. It is timely that the 2016 Conference takes place with so many relevant events that impact on trading standards to discuss. The referendum on Britain’s future in the European Union is only days away. Remain or leave, this Conference is an ideal chance to consider where over 40 years of EU membership has taken us and where the future should take trading standards. My personal belief is that we should remain in the EU, not least for the protection its laws have brought British consumers. No talk on the future of trading standards can ignore the direction that the government review has taken. From the original review announced in June 2015 looking solely at Trading Standards this has now changed into an examination of all local government impacts on businesses. When this review finally reports it will present the profession with an opportunity to engage with the government’s findings, with the hope of securing a sustainable future for trading standards. The 2016 Conference will be our opportunity to discuss all of these topics and so many more. The plenaries will provide an excellent platform to get to grips with the issues and share good practice while the mini-theatres will bring the latest in law and methodology. As usual the CTSI team have organised some fabulous social events to round off each busy day and I hope you have a wonderful time, learning, networking and socialising. I would like to thank all who support our Conference, including sponsors, exhibitors and members and make it such a great event. Christine Crawley, CTSI President Sponsors CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 5 Conference Programme Monday 20 June Time 11:45 Event Jeanne Bisgood golf tournament Location Horsehay Village Golf Club, Wellington Road, Horsehay, Telford, Shropshire TF4 3BT 13:00 Registration and information desks open Hall 3 Foyer 13:00 Branch 5-a-side Football Match AFC Telford United, Goalzone 5 a side, Watling St, Wellington, Telford TF1 2TU 13:30 36 Bedford Row Cricket Match St George’s Cricket Club, Church Street, St George’s, Telford TF2 9LU 15:00 - 17:30 Mini-theatre sessions Coalport and Wenlock Suites 18:30 - 20:00 Welcome Reception and official opening of Conference • Christine Heemskerk, CTSI Chair • Baroness Crawley, CTSI President Hall 3 20:00 Ashfords Regulatory Consultancy Reception Invitation only Newport Suite 20:00 Midlands Branch Welcome Thomas Botfield, Telford Tuesday 21 June Time 08:00 Event Registration and information desks open Location Hall 3 Foyer 08:30 - 11:00 Lead Officer Breakfast Meeting Lead officers only Beckbury 3 09:00 Exhibition opens Hall 3 09:00 - 17:00 HR session with Park City By appointment only, look online for further details Jackfield 09:00 - 13:00 The Portman Group Code and Local Alcohol Partnership Groups Beckbury 4 09:30 - 11:00 College of Fellows Committee Meeting Newport Suite 09:30 - 17:00 Mini-theatre sessions Coalport and Wenlock Suites 11:30 - 12:45 College of Fellows Annual General Meeting Newport Suite 11:45 - 13:10 Plenary Session Question Time Ludlow Suite 16:00 Playsafe Judging Roland Earl, Director General, British Toy and Hobby Association and a panel of judges will determine the winner from the displayed entries Playsafe stand, K2 16:00 - 17:30 The Institute celebrates success • Honorary Awards • College of Fellows Annual Lecture • Graduation Ceremony Ludlow Suite 17:30 Exhibition closes Hall 3 18:00 Registration desk closes Hall 3 Foyer 18:30 Trainee TSO dinner Hosted by the British Toy and Hobby Association The Historic Madeley Court Hotel, Telford 19:00 CTSI/Status International Awards Dinner drinks reception The Gallery, The International Centre, Telford 19:30 CTSI/Status International Awards Dinner • TSQF Awards – Legal Metrology, Fair Trading Criminal, Product Safety, Fair Trading Civil, Intellectual Property • Touchstone award • Status International Award • Dress code: Black Tie Preferred Ludlow Suite 6 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 Conference Programme #CTSIConf Wednesday 22 June Time 08:00 Event Registration and information desks open Location Hall 3 Foyer 09:00 Exhibition opens Hall 3 09:30 - 17:20 Mini-theatre sessions Coalport and Wenlock Suites 09:00 - 17:00 HR session with Park City By appointment only, look online for further details Jackfield 10:00 - 11:30 Vice Presidents meeting Beckbury 3 11:45 - 13:00 Plenary Session Raising standards with Matt Allwright Ludlow Suite 13:30 - 14:30 Apex Chambers Session Disclosure in Major Investigations Ludlow Suite 15:30 - 17:30 LTS and 5 Paper Buildings IP Prosecutions in the 21st Century Ludlow Suite 16:00 - 18:00 36 Bedford Row Consumer and trading standards law and practice book launch Beckbury 3 17:00 - 19:30 Bournemouth University and CTSI drinks reception and research update Beckbury 4 17:30 Exhibition closes Hall 3 18:00 Registration desk closes Hall 3 Foyer 18:00 BMG AGM Invitation only The White Hart, Ironbridge 18:30 - 19:30 ACTSO drinks Invitation only Holiday Inn Conservatory 21:00 CTSI Party Night ‘Come as you were’ Club Crush Thursday 23 June Time 08:00 Event Registration and information desks open Location Hall 3 Foyer 09:00 Exhibition opens Hall 3 10:30 Presentations • Best exhibitor awards • Playsafe Winners announced Demo Area, Hall 3 10:35 - 11:05 Mini-theatre sessions Coalport and Wenlock Suites 11:20 - 11:40 Branch farewell brunch First come, first served for 100 people Consumer Area 11:45 - 13:00 Plenary Session Public health and sustainability Ludlow Suite 13:00 Exhibition and registration closes Hall 3 and Foyer 13:30 - 15:45 Consumer workshops • NatWest and NTS Scam Team Workshop • Furniture Ombudsman Wenlock Suite CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 7 Mini Theatre Guide Reserved tickets may be collected as advised by the session holder. Unless informed otherwise, all remaining tickets will be made available on the day of the session on a first come first served basis from the information desk. You will appreciate that the sessions are very popular, so please ensure that you arrive promptly. We cannot guarantee your place if you arrive after the start time. Monday 20 June # 1 Room 2 Time 15:00 15:30 Session Information Advertising Standards Authority ASA and Trading Standards: Working together to enhance consumer protection How ad regulation works; Key issues/cases; ASA and TS action – the system working; Looking ahead – opportunities for closer working. Ticket Information Information desk – foyer 1a 1 15:00 15:30 Stericycle Recall Management – Does it need a complete overhaul? Do you understand the true impact recalls can have on your brand? Is there sufficient support in place for companies to successfully manage their own product recalls? Join the debate at the Stericycle ExpertSOLUTIONS discussion panel. Information desk – foyer 2 3 16:00 16:30 5 Paper Buildings Trading Standards Prosecutions in the New Era of Criminal Litigation Delegates will discuss how prosecutions by trading standards departments fit into developments to streamline the criminal litigation process. Presented by Andrew Johnson and Carolina Bracken. Information desk – foyer 3 1 16:00 16:30 Alliance for Intellectual Property Protecting consumers from faux brands. The available remedies and how to use them Brands inform shoppers’ choices, whether on the high street or online. This session will discuss how brands work before exploring, using current examples, how they are hijacked by products that, while not counterfeit, are not what they seem. Remedies will be presented on how to address ‘faux’ brands that mislead consumers and distort their choices. Information desk – foyer 4 2 17:00 17:30 Bathroom Manufacturers’ Association Non policing of regulation is costing UK business and a significant risk to consumer safety Understanding regulation, their applicable requirements for bathroom products sold in the UK that protects consumer safety. What are they, what do they mean, what is product. Information desk – foyer 5 3 17:00 17:30 British Standards Institution (BSI) Consumer standards – a benchmark for confidence and trust amidst European and global uncertainty In an uncertain and insecure world, consumer standards help to build trust and confidence. On 23 June, UK consumers will vote to stay in or leave Europe. EU legislation has provided safeguards for consumers for many years, but with a global economy, principle-based international standards are the key to building a safer and fairer world. Information desk – foyer Tuesday 21 June # 6 Room 1 Time 09:30 10:00 Session Information National Trading Standards Estate Agency Team Trading Standards, Estate Agency, and the multi-billion pound housing market – an overlooked industry? Discover what the National Trading Standards Estate Agency Team has been doing, and how it can help Trading Standards to get results locally with minimum resources. Get up to date with latest developments and be the first to receive a copy of the free, easy to use, newly updated toolkit for Trading Standards Services. Ticket Information Information desk – foyer 7 2 09:30 10:00 Ombudsman Services ADR – what are you waiting for? The current consumer landscape – where we are now. The value of ADR – the cost of doing nothing v the benefits of doing something. What does the future hold for ADR? Information desk – foyer 8 3 09:30 10:15 Competition and Markets Authority Unfair Contract Terms – Overview and Update This session will provide a short introduction to the key legal concepts in unfair contract terms as well as recent key developments and upcoming legal, policy and other issues. Information desk – foyer 9 1 10:20 10:50 BIS Regulatory Delivery Primary Authority – Growing Together Information desk – foyer 10 2 10:20 10:50 CEnTSA From initiation to implementation and review, CEnTSA’s journey through the IOM This session looks into how CEnTSA undertakes its regional tasking process and the governance arrangements it has in place in order to effectively task work out to either Operational Groups, Scambusters or refer nationally to NTG. The session will also cover particular case studies from tasked activities and lessons learned through the process. Information desk – foyer 11 3 10:30 11:15 British Toy & Hobby Association Effective enforcement of toy safety – practical, cost-effective tips for the trading standards service The presentation would be based on how the BTHA would enforce the Toy Safety Directive. It will include what to look for on websites, which Economic Operator is responsible for what obligations, what to look for on products. It will cover Technical File contents and which products can be considered high risk toys. Information desk – foyer 12 1 11:05 11:35 Marks and Clerk LLP Recent Developments on Non-traditional Trade Mark Protection An overview of recent development in the law relating to non-traditional trade marks, such as shapes, smells, moving images and sounds. Changes relating to the recent EU Reforms and recent court decisions will be covered along with an overview on how enforcement might be affected. Information desk – foyer 8 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 Mini Theatre Guide #CTSIConf Tuesday 21 June # 13 Room 2 Time 11:05 11:35 Session Information Gough Square Chambers Confiscation for Trading Standards: A workshop Gough Square Chambers will deliver an interactive workshop on confiscation proceedings in the Trading Standards context. The session will provide an overview of the confiscation legal framework under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, explain how that framework operates in practice and address how to use confiscation proceedings efficiently and effectively. Ticket Information Information desk – foyer 14 2 14:00 14:30 5 Paper Buildings Legal highs and lows; the past year in review Charlene Sumnall and Anthony Hucklesby provide a whistlestop tour of recent judgements potentially impacting on the work of Trading Standards services. Information desk – foyer 15 3 14:00 14:30 The Tackling Illicit Tobacco for Better Health Partnership Illegal Tobacco; how to reduce demand AND disrupt supply The Tackling Illicit Tobacco for Better Health Partnership will be presenting on their experiences in really effectively tackling illegal tobacco, by going beyond an enforcement only approach. Information desk – foyer 16 1 14:00 14:30 187 Fleet Street Chambers Current issues and tactics in TSS enforcement An overview of some important current issues and suggestions for a tactical approach as an aid to aiding enforcement and avoiding some common pitfalls. Fraud, POCA, CPUTRs, Part 8 EA2002 and CRA 2015 will be the main focus. Some material will not be disclosed during the session but will be emailed to LATSS delegates only separately. Information desk – foyer 17 1 14:40 15:10 Competition and Markets Authority and Payment Systems Regulator “Can I pay by card?” The Enterprise Act and enforcing the EU Interchange Fee Regulations The EU Interchange Fee Regulation (IFR) requires merchants accepting some but not all types of payment cards to make this clear to consumers. In this session, the PSR will explain the law and how it will work together with the Part 8 EA02 general enforcers to ensure compliance. Information desk – foyer 18 2 14:40 15:10 National Trading Standards Feed Delivery Programme An update on the FSA/NTS Feed Delivery Programme. Lessons learnt and challenges ahead What the key achievements have been; the challenges going forward and how LAs might need to be prepared to respond. Information desk – foyer 19 3 14:40 15:25 National Trading Standards Scambuster Teams Dealing with the Disclosure Challenge 450 witnesses, 50,000 pages of exhibits, 3,000 complaints and £2.5m consumer detriment... and that was just the evidence. How we planned for, and tackled, the disclosure challenges from the mountain of unused material generated by the investigation. Information desk – foyer 20 1 15:30 16:00 36 Bedford Row Psychoactive Substances Act 2016: A legal high? There has been a range of attempts, mainly by local authorities, to use current legislation to prevent the sale of so-called ‘legal highs’ with varying degrees of success. This session considers the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, which creates a blanket ban on the production, distribution, sale and supply of psychoactive substances in the United Kingdom. Information desk – foyer 21 2 15:30 16:15 Together We’re Stronger – Local Authority Trading Standards and Checkatrade working in partnership For the past 18 years Checkatrade have been working hard to combat rogues trades and services. Four years ago Suffolk CC TS joined us and today we stand in partnership with eight Local Authority Trading Standards. This session is about our journey, the partnership model and the awesome results we’re achieving together for residents. Information desk – foyer 22 3 15:45 16:30 Competition and Markets Authority Online Reviews and Endorsements – working together to improve the standards of trusted trader sites Fake reviews can lead to people making the wrong decisions and fair-playing businesses losing out. The CMA call for information into Online Reviews highlighted issues. The session will look at how we used that information and will detail the undertaking we received from several traders. Exhibition Stand E2 23 1 16:20 16:50 National Animal Health & Welfare Panel What’s Happening in Animal Health An update on the current and recent work streams of the National Animal Health & Welfare Panel. To include details on the TB Regulators Guidance, Welfare Complaints Protocol, Illegal Landings/Puppies, and Horizon Scanning – invaluable information for field officers to Heads of Service. Information desk – foyer 24 2 16:30 17:00 National Trading Standards Ports & Borders Team SOS – Secure Our Safety NTS Ports & Borders and SPoC teams will discuss how to ensure high levels of consumer safety with limited resources. Using case studies from interventions undertaken in the past year, the Teams will provide delegates with practical examples of effective coordination and collaboration with inland authorities in the area of product safety. Information desk – foyer 25 3 16:40 17:10 Drystone Chambers Costs – how to improve your chances of getting them and not having them awarded against you Government reform has made regulators more exposed to the risk of applications for costs from defendants who are unable to seek any or all of their costs from any other source. Information desk – foyer CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 9 Mini Theatre Guide Wednesday 22 June # 26 Room 1 Time 09:30 10:00 Session Information National Trading Standards Scams Teams Take a Stand Against Scams This session will cover how the National Team tackles scams and stops scam mail from entering the country and the UK Mailing system; how the Team supports local communities to fight back and take a stand against scams; its Banning the Scam initiative; and how it raises the issues locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Ticket Information Information desk – foyer 27 2 09:30 10:00 36 Bedford Row Enforcing your enforcement order: A guide to contempt of court proceedings This session will provide an overview of the key aspects of the various stages involved in contempt of court proceedings, from the legal background to evidence preparation, procedure and court hearings. Information desk – foyer 28 3 09:30 10:15 Competition and Markets Authority Working with small businesses – towards Fair Contract Terms To help small businesses comply with The Consumer Rights Act 2015 the CMA has produced a series of individual at-a-glance guides that provide information on some of the common contract terms which may be unfair. The session will discuss the guides and the other work the CMA is doing to support businesses on unfair terms. Information desk – foyer 29 1 10:20 10:50 Scams are now Eliminated Forever – No more Fraud, No more Cowboys – via Escrow Secure escrow is the only method that guarantees a buyer receives the goods or services they were promised or their money back, whilst simultaneously guaranteeing a seller will receive 100% payment. By spending from 57p, FCA authorised escrow services now eliminate scams. Also, for the first time, it is possible to abolish Caveat Emptor (‘buyer beware’). Information desk – foyer 30 2 10:20 10:50 National Markets Group, Real Deal and NTSeCT re OP JASPER NMG, Real Deal and Operation Jasper: Tackling IP crime in physical and online marketplaces Find out how the National Market Group’s intelligence-led approach is complemented by the Real Deal’s voluntary charter which, together, offer local authorities an effective, two-pronged approach of prevention and enforcement to reduce IP crime at markets and car boot fairs. Operation Jasper extends this approach by tackling counterfeit and pirated goods on social media platforms. Information desk – foyer 31 3 10:30 11:15 National Trading Standards Scambuster Teams Dealing with the Disclosure Challenge 450 witnesses, 50,000 pages of exhibits, 3,000 complaints and £2.5m consumer detriment... and that was just the evidence. How we planned for, and tackled, the disclosure challenges from the mountain of unused material generated by the investigation. Information desk – foyer 32 1 11:05 11:35 BIS Regulatory Delivery Strategic Local Regulation – Lessons from Devolution Deals Information desk – foyer 33 2 11:05 11:35 Gough Square Chambers Flushed Away : A High Court Challenge for Primary Authorities Jonathan Kirk QC and Anna Medvinskaia will discuss the implications of the High Court judgment in R (Kingston-upon-Hull City Council) v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills [2016] EWHC 1064 (Admin) on the Primary Authority Scheme. In particular, they will consider the kind of advice that may be provided by Primary Authorities following the judgment. Information desk – foyer 34 3 14:40 15:10 GB Group PLC Using Open Source Data in Investigation and Tracing – linking phones and emails to people Demonstration of how ConnexusIQ can link one person to another person; to an address; to a business; to a communication device; and to their internet identity; or any of those characteristics to any other. Demonstration will include mapping Social Media activity to Geographical locations, reverse phone and e-mail searching and linking email to Social Media. Information desk – foyer 35 2 14:40 15:10 National Trading Standards eCrime Team Counterfeits to copycats – a year in e-crime! Come and get an update on the work of the National Trading Standards eCrime Team and learn more about how the Team can help you in your own online investigations. Information desk – foyer 36 1 14:40 15:25 British Toy & Hobby Association Effective enforcement of toy safety – practical, cost-effective tips for the trading standards service The presentation would be based on how the BTHA would enforce the Toy Safety Directive. It will include what to look for on websites, which Economic Operator is responsible for what obligations, what to look for on products. It will cover Technical File contents and which products can be considered high risk toys. Information desk – foyer 37 3 15:30 16:15 TÜV SÜD Product Service Hover Boards – The Risks and Hazards This presentation provides an introduction to the main risks and hazards that TÜV SÜD Product Service encountered in the hoverboards they assessed over the last 12 months. The presentation will give you an insight into what the risks are and why they pose a potential risk. Information desk – foyer 38 2 15:30 16:00 National Trading Standards – Intelligence and Tasking National Trading Standards Intelligence and National Tasking See the benefits and outcomes from using the NTS Intelligence Operating Model and an intelligence-led approach to enforcement. Updates will be provided from the National Tasking Group (covering the Fulfilment House Project and other tasking) and work of the NTS. Information desk – foyer 39 1 15:45 16:15 Henderson Chambers Financial Services and the Older Consumer The legal and regulatory protection that is particularly appropriate to an ageing population. Information desk – foyer 10 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 Mini Theatre Guide #CTSIConf Wednesday 22 June # 41 Room 3 Time 16:35 17:05 Session Information National Trading Standards Illegal Money Lending Teams Bite Back Against the Sharks A session looking at the work of the English and Welsh Illegal Money Lending Teams – come along to find out what the teams have been up to, what they have planned and what on earth a Loan Dolphin is... Ticket Information Information desk – foyer 42 1 16:35 17:20 Competition and Markets Authority Enforcement – using Part 8 of the Enterprise Act The session will provide an overview of Part 8, of the Enterprise Act and will include some dos and don’ts, pitfalls and helpful hints; we will cover an introduction to the new enhanced consumer measures; and we will discuss some analytical tools to help you to prepare your case. Information desk – foyer 40 2 17:05 17:35 Six Pump Court Chambers When is a food not a food? When it’s a medicine! Many foods claim to be ‘good for you’. They help maintain normal bones or contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. But statements can go too far and promise a food that will cure all ills. This session will discuss the borderline between foods and medicines and the implications for regulators, businesses and consumers. Information desk – foyer Thursday 23 June # 43 Room 1 Time 10:35 11:20 Session Information Electrical Safety First The true cost of counterfeit electrical products This session aims to raise awareness of the issue and provides an opportunity present the key findings of our research into the very real threat that counterfeits pose to consumers. Ticket Information Information desk – foyer 44 2 10:35 11:05 KwikChex Effective detection and action against online deception and fraud Presented by Chris Emmins, Director and Co-Founder, KwikChex: How KwikChex detects and acts against online fraudsters and rogue businesses including: early stage detection using key indicators of illegal behaviour and online content. Information desk – foyer 45 3 10:35 11:05 Drystone Chambers Discussing the End Game – Confiscation and Extradition in Trading Standards Prosecutions Delegates will learn how money can be recovered in trading standard cases (both nationally and internationally) and how to deal with absconding defendants. Information desk – foyer Local Alcohol Partnerships Raising Standards of Alcohol Marketing A practical workshop for Trading Standards Officers Working Together to Create Safer Communities A panel discussion Tuesday 21 June | 9.30 - 10.15am Breakfast served from 9.00am Tuesday 21 June | 10.45 - 11.15am Followed by informal networking and refreshments Lunch served from 12pm Come and find out more about the Portman Group Codes, complaints, compliance and enforcement. Join an expert panel of speakers to discuss how local partnerships can create safer communities by reducing underage sales and encouraging responsible marketing. Discuss the role the CTSI can play in helping to keep alcohol retailing responsible. Chaired by Reading Borough Council’s Head of Trading Standards, Matthew Golledge, the panellists will include the Association of Convenience Stores, Proof of Age Standards Scheme (PASS) and Community Alcohol Partnerships (CAP). Learn about our free CPD certified Alcohol Marketing Accreditation. Visit Beckbury 4 to learn more about the Portman Group Codes and Local Alcohol Partnerships. @PortmanGroup @Loc_Alc_Partner CTSI Conference 2016 | Telford 8853 POR01 Ad_v4.indd 1 10/05/2016 16:54:02 CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 11 Plenary One Tuesday 21 June Question time: Hear a panel of experts discuss the hot topics of the day, with questions from the floor. After 25 years in local government Leon joined the Chartered Trading Standards Institute as its chief executive in February 2013. He started his career in Kingston-upon-Thames as a trainee trading standards officer. After qualifying he spent another eight years working for Kingston before moving to Westminster, where he established 24 hour multi-agency in the West End. In 2003 he moved to Cambridgeshire and enjoyed a successful 10 years managing services such as trading standards, waste management and the environment team. He finished his career at Cambridgeshire as head of supporting businesses and communities, a role that brought a real culture change and focus on what was important to people. Success during his time at Cambridgeshire included winning Beacon Status and the National Business Awards, as well as establishing the first Community Alcohol Partnership and Kick Ash. He also played a key role in Cambridgeshire’s Total Places Pilot. Leon Livermore facilitator Catherine Brown took up post as Chief Executive of the Food Standards Agency on 16 October 2012. Catherine was previously Chief Executive of the Animal and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA), which is an executive Agency of Defra. She joined Animal Health, one of the AHVLA’s predecessor bodies in 2007 as Chief Operating Officer, before becoming Chief Executive and leading the Agency into the newly merged AHVLA. Before joining the civil service in 2007, Catherine had started her career with Unilever, where she worked in the UK and abroad for five years and qualified as a management accountant. She then worked in the NHS in East London, helping to set up Newham Community Health Services NHS Trust before becoming its Finance Director and Deputy Chief Executive. From there Catherine joined BUPA, where she worked for ten years. As Managing Director of BUPA Wellness, and as Director of Change for BUPA’s health insurance business, her roles included running hospitals. In the past, Catherine has also been a non-executive Board member or Chair of various charities. Catherine Brown Speaker Councillor Anita Lower was first elected to Council on 5 May 1994 representing Blakelaw Ward. Following boundary changes in June 2004 Anita now represents Castle Ward. She has been a member of the Liberal Democrat Executive since June 2004. She was Deputy Leader of the Council from September 2010 until May 2011 and held the portfolio for Neighbourhoods and Public Protection. Anita was Deputy Leader of the Opposition from 2011 - 2013 and became Leader in May 2013. She chairs the Council’s Scrutiny Overview Committee and serves on numerous other committees including Constitutional Committee, Licensing Committee and Regulatory Committee, as well as attending Cabinet Meetings. Anita was Chair of Safe Newcastle, which is the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership and Drug Action Team for Newcastle-upon-Tyne. In addition, Anita sits on the Newcastle Fairtrade Partnership and the Local Government Association’s Safer Communities Board and is the national champion for Anti-social Behaviour. Cllr Anita Lower Speaker Yvonne Rees is Chief Executive of Mole Valley District Council and also holds the joint position of Strategic Director of Customer and Communities at Surrey County Council. The creation of this partnership was a National first with its ongoing success delivering benefits for communities, residents, businesses and staff. Yvonne has been passionate throughout her career to lead real change and progress in organisations, people and partners. Yvonne drives a joined up approach to critical agendas defined by ‘place’ and locality, such as the response to emerging health agenda, economic sustainability and regeneration. Yvonne also led and is delivering a £100m town centre regeneration project – Transform Leatherhead, a major scheme within the Coast to Capital (C2C) Local Enterprise Partnership LEP. Yvonne Rees Speaker Yvonne has used her role to deliver an ongoing programme of integration and innovation in service delivery. Working across communities, Parish Councils, District and Boroughs and County Council functions and boundaries, she has worked to accelerate the delivery of organisational priorities for the benefit of residents. Examples have included the Surrey County Council and Buckinghamshire County Council joint Trading Standards Service, and devolved responsibility for local functions to Parish Councils and Resident Associations ensuring greater community accountability and improved outcomes for residents. She has also led on maximising the benefits of co-location with Police and Surrey County Council services such as the Adult Social Care Team, Partnerships, Health partners and the voluntary sector. 12 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 Plenary One #CTSIConf Emran is the director of the Social Market Foundation, an independent public policy think tank that works across a range of economic and social policy issues. The SMF is not aligned to any political party. The Social Market Foundation (SMF) is a centrist, non-partisan think tank of which believes that fair markets, complemented by open public services, increase prosperity and help people to live well. The SMF conduct research and run events looking at a wide range of economic and social policy areas, focusing on economic prosperity, public services and consumer markets. The SMF is resolutely independent, and the range of backgrounds and opinions amongst its staff, trustees and advisory board reflects this. Until September 2013, he was a civil servant. His previous roles include policy responsibility for constitutional reform; Secretary to the Browne Review of Higher Education Funding and Student Finance and Director of Strategy at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Emran Mian Speaker Most recently, Emran was Director responsible for the Cabinet Office and Number 10 Business Partnerships team and working with Government Non-Executives. He is the author of two books, Send In The Idiots (Bloomsbury) and The Banker’s Daughter (Harvill Secker). Bill Good is CEO of Diverco Ltd and supporter of Vote Leave. He has a mechanical engineering degree from Birmingham University and qualified as a Chartered Accountant at Robson Rhodes in London. Bill went on to gain his commercial experience within FMCG within the food processing industry at Brooke Bond PLC. For the last 31 years he has held senior positions within manufacturing and service related companies. He was Managing Director of a TI Group PLC subsidiary, TI Stainless Tubes. The company employed over 620 employees in the steel processing industry selling to the nuclear, power generation, chemical, processing and distributors. He managed the sale of this company to Sandvik Group PLC and continued to run the business for a further 13 years, taking on the additional role of head of Sandvik Steel in the UK overseeing steel related companies including cutting blades for the packaging and printing industry, medical and dental implant materials, as well as a distributor of Sandvik imported products. bill good Speaker After leaving Sandvik he personally bought into a street furniture company – Ollerton Ltd which he subsequently sold to Marshalls PLC. He became Group MD of Thomas Walker PLC a manufacturer of metal fittings for the clothing industry, supplier of lanyards and badges for corporate wear and the exhibition industry, and with a stampings operation supplying hardware principally into various elements of the construction industry. Alongside his role with Diverco he also holds roles as Director Chinese Community Centre Birmingham, Director and co-founder of England China Business Forum, President of Birmingham China Business Forum, Director People & Organisation, Director R2M and Chairman of the Green Life Agency. Agriculture Credits Act 1928 Agriculture Join the Trading Standards national Marketing Act 1958 Agriculture Act 1967 Agriculture Act 1970 subscription to PNLD PNLD’s well presented and easy to understandAct format ensures that those using it are Liquor Agriculture and Horticulture 1964 Alcohol interpreting the law and the powers it contains in a reliable, consistent and legally precise way Duties Act 1979 Animal Boarding Establishment Act Subscribing areas have access to the same legislation and guidance available to the Police Service 1963 Animal Health Act 2002 Animal Welfare Act Find easy access to a wealth of current, up to date criminal legislation 2006 Companies Act 2006 Consumer Credit Act Acts and Regulations Statutory Instruments 1974 Consumer Protection Act 1987 Consumer Standard Offence Wordings Case law summaries Rights Act 2015 Co-operative and Community Legal news Notable legal queries Points to proveCopyright Designs and Benefit Societies Act 2014 Helpful guidance notes that explain and interpret the law Patents Act 1988 Enterprise Act 2002 Estate PLUS legal team Trading are always availableAct to answer Agents Act 1979PNLD’s Fair 1973 Food and customer emails to help clarify legislation Environmental Protection Act 1985 Food Safety Act Contact us for details on how to join OR with suggestions of additional Trading Standards legislation to include onInsolvency 1990 Hallmarking Act 1973 Act 1986 CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 13 Plenary Two Wednesday 22 June Raising standards: Conference will investigate the various approaches to raising standards in products and consumer care in business. Under a government that wants to keep cutting the red tape, which methods ensure that businesses, large and small, retain and grow the confidence of consumers? What will have the greatest impact on improving the standards of service, safety, quality and pricing? Our speakers will look at the tools in place to improve and protect business and businesses intellectual property, the rise of numerous different service models in local authorities to drive delivery, and the role of us all in maintaining and raising standards, both in business and in regulation and enforcement. Matt Allwright is television presenter and journalist with integrity and his own distinctive style. Full of originality and ideas, he brings something fresh to every project he works on. His trademark programme is BBC1 hit ‘Rogue Traders’, which is now in its fifteenth year, but his abilities and passions stretch beyond the consumer journalism where he’s made his name. Most recently, Matt hosted BBC One’s newest quiz show ‘The Code’. Matt Allwright facilitator Matt’s been a fixture of the TV schedules for nearly twenty years. After teaching in Japan, he qualified as a broadcast journalist, starting out as a presenter and producer in BBC newsrooms. Since then, he has crossed the globe to make ‘Scambusters’, ‘Brassed off Britain’, ‘Rogue Restaurants’, ‘Christmas on the Frontline’ and ‘The Secret Tourist’, amongst many others. Other recent BBC projects include ‘The Housing Enforcers’, which he co-devised with Two-Four Productions, ‘Watchdog’, ‘You’ve Been Scammed’, ‘Fake Britain’ and ‘Food Inspectors’. Matt is a BBC go-to for live TV playing a key role in the BBC’s Royal Wedding coverage over the summer of 2011, and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 2012. He is also a regular presenter and reporter on ‘The One Show’. Matt thoroughly enjoys putting pen to paper, and was nominated for PPA columnist of the year in 2013. He is also a skilled radio presenter. His passions include music, which he performs in a variety of bands, tennis, which he plays badly, and Liverpool Football Club, for whom he lives in hope. Amongst the charities Matt supports is SANDS, of which he is proud to be a patron. Vicky Pryce’s recent posts have included: Senior Managing Director at FTI Consulting; Director General for Economics at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS); and Joint Head of the UK Government Economics Service where she was responsible for evidence based policy and for encouraging measures that promoted greater productivity in the UK economy. She had previously been Partner and Chief Economist at KPMG and earlier held chief economist positions in banking and the oil sector. Vicky co-founded GoodCorporation, a company set up to promote corporate social responsibility. At various stages in her career she has been on the Council of the Royal Economic Society, on the Council of the University of Kent, on the board of trustees at the RSA, on the Court of the London School of Economics, a fellow of the Society of Business Economists, on the Executive Committee and the Council of the IFS, an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences, a Visiting Professor at the Cass Business School, a Visiting Fellow at Nuffield College, Adjunct Professor at Imperial College and Visiting Professor at Queen Mary, University of London. Vicky Pryce Speaker She is patron of ‘Pro-bono Economics’ and has served as Master of one of the City of London’s Livery Companies. She sits on the Department for Business Innovation and Skills’ panel monitoring the economy and is on City AM’s Shadow Monetary Policy Committee. Dave Holland is the Head of Shared Regulatory Services covering Bridgend, Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. The service delivers the Trading Standards, Licensing and Environmental Health functions across the three Councils. Dave has worked in Regulatory Services for over thirty years, twenty of those as Chief Inspector of Weights and Measures. Dave spends a considerable amount of his time working on partnership initiatives to improve service delivery. Some of those partnership initiatives include Consumer Direct Wales (now sadly moved elsewhere), the Wales Illegal Money Lending Unit, the Glamorgan Group, and, through 2014, Dave project managed the creation of the Shared Regulatory Service. Dave works with government and other regulators on a range of issues including determining national enforcement priorities for local authority regulatory services in Wales, chairing the virtual LGA Law and Evidence group that provides advice to local authorities on legal matters and is an Executive member of the Directors of Public Protection in Wales. Dave Holland Speaker 14 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 Plenary Two #CTSIConf Paul started his retail career as a buyer for Sainsbury’s, where he covered a wide range of products both food and non-food. After a spell with Safeway, Paul became Buying Director for Gateway Foodmarkets, before moving to Somerfield as Marketing Director. A change of scene followed as Paul moved into retail and marketing consultancy, working with clients in both his native Liverpool and the Russian Federation. Returning to the retail sector Paul was Commercial Director for Alldays, followed by a senior role at TM Retail, now Martin McColl. Paul joined the NFRN in July 2011 having worked in property consultancy. As Chief Executive of one of Europe’s largest employers associations, Paul has sought to maximise the benefit of membership, streamlining the organisation, improving the range of services offered to members and overseeing a step change in the NFRNs political engagement. With the launch of NFRN Shoplink Paul has overseen a reinvigorated offering from the NFRNs trading arm, NFRN Commercial. Paul Baxter speaker Always promoting the cause of independent retailers, Paul has become a regular on radio and television, including BBC1’s The Big Questions and BBC national and local radio. Paul lives in Berkshire with his wife, two daughters and two cats. Lord Jamie Lindsay is Chairman of the United Kingdom Accreditation Service, the Government appointed National Accreditation Body. His career has seen him serve in a number of senior Government posts and on Government advisory committees. Notably he was, from 1995 to 1997, Under Secretary of State for Scotland, and, more recently, Jamie has served as vice chairman of the Better Regulation Commission and been a member of the Risk and Regulation Advisory Council and the Better Regulation Strategy Group. In addition to his current chairmanship of UKAS, Jamie has served as chairman of the agricultural group SRUC and SAC Commercial Ltd., and remains chairman of the BPI Pension Trustees Limited. Other positions in the Private Sector have included serving as a Non-Executive Director with Scottish Resources Group Ltd, UA plc and BPI plc. Jamie is President of the National Trust for Scotland, a Vice President of RSPB and the International Tree Foundation, and is a former chairman of Elmwood College. Lord Jamie Lindsay Speaker St Ives Chambers is a Barristers Set based in Birmingham City Centre. We are highly respected for our legal expertise in the Trading Standards sector. Members of Chambers are regularly instructed to act for and against a large number of Trading Standards Authorities and are recognised for the breadth and depth of their knowledge in this legally complex and challenging area. The team’s expertise spans all aspects of consumer protection, including large-scale consumer fraud, product mis-selling, doorstep crime and Enterprise Act enforcement orders. Members also have specialisms in Food Standards, Animal Health, Intellectual Property infringement, and Health and Safety Act offences and provide training to officers in all of these areas. Chambers prides itself on providing the highest standards of service and delivering a team-based approach to its cases. Members are well used to dealing with urgent requests for advice and are often instructed at the earliest stage to advise on an investigation before criminal charges have been laid. Our clerks are always available to assist with any enquiries that are made and provide fee quotes in advance of any work being carried out. Clare Radburn – Practice Manager t: 0121 262 1702 Ross Hands – Assistant Practice Manager e: t: 0121 262 1700 St Ives Chambers 1-3 Whittall Street, Birmingham, B4 6DH | 0121 236 0863 CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 15 Plenary Three Thursday 23 June Public health, wellbeing and sustainability: Where does responsibility for our health and wellbeing lie? Is it down to the state to intervene and regulate? Or should individuals, businesses and communities use their assets and leadership positions to empower people to help and protect themselves? Since the 2010 Marmot review ‘Fair Society, Healthy Lives’, several reports and local case studies highlight the impact of using local assets to drive positive change. Evidence shows that it is not always rules, buildings and enforcers which improve our health and wellbeing, but feeling supported, valued, and empowered to make our own choices. Conference asks, do government spending cuts and the shrinking capacity for state intervention challenge regulators to think differently about how to achieve shared outcomes such as promoting public health and supporting an ageing population to live independently in their own homes? What role should the private sector play in protecting, informing and empowering consumers? Should government and trading standards focus on introducing and enforcing more legislation and regulations such as the sugar tax, or on building partnerships that empower individuals to make informed choices, drive down inequalities, and increase health and wellbeing? Victoria Macdonald is an award-winning journalist, who has been covering health and social care issues for Channel 4 News since 1999. She closely follows the changes and developments in the NHS and the care system from the scandal at Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust to the whole sale reforms of the health service. Victoria also reports on medical developments, mental health issues as well as covering stories on how welfare reforms are affecting those with physical disabilities and she closely watches developments in HIV/Aids and TB. Victoria is originally from New Zealand and worked for the Sunday Telegraph before joining Channel 4 News. Victoria Macdonald facilitator Stephen Morton is a Programme Director in Public health England currently working on Sustainability for Public Health Benefits. The rational for this role is to try and integrate different strands of work within PHE that each have the potential to both improve the health of our people and to protect the earth’s environment, now and in the future. Stephen is an experienced public health physician who qualified in Belfast and worked for a number of years in the City Hospital before training in Public Health in the North West of England. As a DPH in East Lancashire during the 1990’s, he was very involved in the UK Healthy Cities Network before spending some time working in Health Protection and moving to Yorkshire and the Humber as a Regional Director in the Health Protection Agency. He joined Public Health England when it was created in 2013. Dr Stephen Morton Speaker Stephen will argue that there are three inter-related domains that affect the health of those of us alive today and will determine the wellbeing of future generations; these are the environment, our social wellbeing and the economy. Unfortunately, our human endeavours on these domains are often fail to recognise the inter-dependency or seek to maximise one domain at the expense of another. The model of sustainability for public health benefits is to look at what would make both a sustainable environment and a sustainable economy and see how we can achieve these goals in a way that maximises our social capital and health improving behaviours. After 22 years in local authority trading standards Mark became the chairman of the Chartered Trading Standards Institute in September 2014. He started his career in Lothian Region as a trainee assistant enforcement officer following brief spells as a student in Fife and Tayside regions. Mark gained experience and obtained the DCA before moving to Angus Council in 1997. After obtaining the DTS in 2003 he moved to Highland Council as a trading standards officer. Promoted in 2010 to team leader, and as part of the management team, his key areas of service delivery include weights and measures, petroleum, product safety, community safety and age restricted sales. A Trading Standards Practitioner, Mark works to demonstrate the important role the profession has, working collaboratively and sharing resources to best serve the community. Mark McGinty Speaker Throughout his career Mark has always been a supporter of CTSI. Joining the Scottish Branch Executive in 2003 Mark has been Conference director, education secretary, vice chairman and chairman in 2008. Since 2008 he has been branch representative on the CTSI Council and is currently CTSI Council representative on the qualifications and awards board, where he is passionate in his role in steering the direction of education and learning for future professionals. 16 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 Plenary Three/Hero Awards #CTSIConf Alasdair is Head of Customer Security, RBS/NatWest. He joined RBS Group in July 2010, and is currently Head of Customer Security. His Customer Security team work across the bank to provide security and resilience solutions through understanding policy requirements/gaps, key initiatives and emerging threats. Alasdair and his team engage and work in partnership across the financial sector and represent the bank at industry forums. They also deliver colleague and customer training and awareness initiatives aimed at encouraging positive security behaviours, which will help protect themselves, the bank and their businesses from the risk of financial crime, fraud and scams. Alasdair has several years experience in risk and financial crime leadership roles within the financial sector including at Lloyds Banking Group and HBOS plc, most recently in the post of Fraud Director. He holds an MBA from Manchester Business School and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Scotland. Alasdair MacFarlane Speaker Adam Pritchard is a businessman who has worked in food and drink for the majority of his career. Adam embarked on an entrepreneurially driven business career on leaving school, he has owned, advised, bought and sold a number of brands and business’ within the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Market. His main role over the last 10 years was the creation of Pomegreat, a UK based pomegranate juice brand. This brand achieved retail sales under his tenure of in excess of £150m and was at the forefront of creating the pomegranate juice industry across Europe, now valued at more than £100m per annum. He now advises a number of food and drink brands as a non-executive director, whilst spending an ever increasing amount of his time focussed on entrepreneurial driven start-up opportunities in the technology sector. Adam is married with three children, a dog and two rabbits. He enjoys spending time with his family and playing sport. Adam Pritchard Speaker The hero Awards One of the Conference’s most cherished annual traditions will be upheld once again when CTSI announces the recipients of this year’s Hero Awards. The awards recognise outstanding contributions in the consumer protection field by individuals and groups, each nominated by the trading standards community. Previous winners include trading standards teams, individual officers, consumer journalists, financial organisations and brave individuals who have stood up to rogue traders. Twelve finalists have been selected and those that do not receive an award will get a certificate of commendation. Announcements, including details of the nominations, will be made at the official welcome reception and each of the three plenaries. Details will also be in the July edition of TS Today and the wider press. The 2016 finalists: Martina Stewart, who has championed disadvantaged consumers Nominated by Surrey and Buckinghamshire Trading Standards. Staffordshire Police’s rural and wildlife crime officers Nominated by Staffordshire County Council. Helen Benson, a coordinator from the Farming Community Network Nominated by North Yorkshire Trading Standards. John Bell, a key witness in a major fraud investigation Nominated by Bromley Trading Standards. Michael King, a fraud specialist with the RBS Group Devon and Somerset Trading Standards Lin Griffin, an information officer with Age UK Nominated by North Somerset Trading Standards. Bishop Auckland Theatre Group, a performing arts group Nominated by the Illegal Money Lending Team (England). Jim Jones, a Carmarthenshire councillor Nominated by Carmarthenshire Trading Standards. Dudley Trading Standards Nominated by Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council. Jackie Brambles, a television presenter Nominated by Chartered Trading Standards Institute (Scottish branch). Alfie, a tobacco detection dog Nominated by Wagtail Specialist Dog Services. Jim and Helen Mallon, who spoke out after being targeted by scammers Trading Standards Service (Northern Ireland). CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 17 Playsafe The search is on to find the next George, the giggling Giraffe at this year’s annual Conference. Playsafe, is a competition that aims to raise children’s awareness of consumer issues and aspects of product safety and judging takes place at the Conference. Last year, Sophie Lazenby was the overall winner and impressed judges with her design ‘Go! George, the giggling Giraffe’ a toy to improve balance and language skills. The 14-year-old was chosen from more than 250 entries across the UK. Judges said her design showed creativity and imagination but also included realistic safety features that are required on toys on the market today. Playsafe encourages children to incorporate safety features into toy design drawings and the top entries in each age category are showcased to judges for their consideration at CTSI’s Conference. Leon Livermore, CTSI chief executive, said: “Every year I enjoy seeing the fantastic fruits of children’s imagination as they dream up a toy for Playsafe. I’m so impressed with the creativity that we see and the level of attention to detail. This competition is a great way to engage children and young people in a fun way while making them aware of what to look out for in terms of safety. We are grateful for the support we have received from the British Toy and Hobby Association (BTHA) for more than 20 years in making this competition happen.” The competition is organised by CTSI and BTHA and is run locally by schools and open to students aged six to 17. Natasha Crookes, BTHA’s director of communications, said: “There were some amazingly creative entries this year and the judging panel had a hard time picking out the winners from a very strong field. We all thought the ideas were some of the most imaginative, and importantly fun, ideas for toys we had seen for a while.” Judging for the 2016 Playsafe winner will take place at the CTSI Conference on Tuesday, June 21, at 4pm, on stand K2 in the main exhibition hall. Support for Students and the YCOY ’llcan HWe ow inspire you w he e? ievlp ach to e more... 18 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 Currently the College is a major sponsor of the high profile Young Consumers of the Year competition to ensure it remains a way to educate young people to be ‘aware’ consumers. The local, regional and national events and prizes need considerable financial support to which you could contribute. We rely on your support by way of donations to enable this support. If you are interested please contact us at Consumer Challenge Quiz #CTSIConf Although the Consumer Challenge Quiz will have no formal national final in 2016 due to planned changes to the structure of the competition, a number of regional competitions took place and Oxfordshire County Council’s Trading Standards Service has carried on expanding their 17 year annual event adding another school to their tally this year. Shelley Edwards, Oxfordshire County Council reflects on her regional competition. Ten teams competed with Wheatley’s John Watson School as worthy winners of the competition. The Iffley Academy were runners up, being narrowly beaten in a tie breaker. There were only 11 points dividing all 10 teams. The quiz, held at Unipart House in Oxford is an annual event for children with learning difficulties and is designed to give them a chance to demonstrate their consumer skills and knowledge. This year we included a round on fire safety which also involved playing fire safety bingo. Trading Standards and Community Safety Manager, Richard Webb kept a noisy and lively competition flowing, giving the team members encouragement and confidence in finding the right answers. It was his first year on the microphone, but from his performance you would have thought he had been the question master since the beginning of time! This year we also included a poetry competition which had to be four lines or more and could be about Fire safety, scams or savvy shopper. This was won by Woodeaton Manor titled ‘Be Wary of Online Scammers’. We also ran a mascot making competition which was won by Kingfisher school from Abingdon who took the prize for their hand made pottery kingfisher. The idea of adding these two elements to our local competition was to enable other members of the school to take part in the competition who may never get the opportunity to be in a CCQ team and also to allow ‘another’ school to go home as winners! Another lively, successful Consumer Challenge Quiz in Oxfordshire. Thank you to sponsors, trading standards and other volunteers for all of your help. Kent Oxfordshire CCQ Sponsors CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 19 Young Consumers of the Year Each year, hundreds of young people across the UK enter the Young Consumers of the Year (YCOY) competition, an event that tests applicants on their consumer and financial knowledge. In 2015 the national competition was, for the first time, held outside of the annual Conference with finalists competing for the prestigious winning title at the House of Commons in Westminster. Students from Porthcawl Comprehensive School were the grand final winners of the competition taking home a trophy, £50 gift voucher and £1,000 for their school. Television and radio personality, Charlie Higson, was the special guest celebrity quizmaster during the two day event with the winners revealed whilst on board a luxury Elizabethan charter. Set up more than 20 years ago, young people from all schools can take part in the contest as well as youth groups, police cadets, and sixth form colleges. YCOY is a valuable learning tool for the pupils that take part as the skills they gain will be useful for their life ahead as consumers and the new social skills they gain will help them travel and mix with others. The local rounds of the competition take the form of an online quiz and live local finals with the winners invited to regional finals around the UK before being tested at the YCOY final. In October, it was decided that organisation of the 2016 finals would be taken over with the support of Consumer Empowerment Alliance (CEA) by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI). The 2016 finals took place on June 9 and 10 in London and were sponsored by the British Standards Institute (BSI), British Toy and Hobby Association (BTHA), Experian and the CTSI College of Fellows. Organisers would like to thank all heads of service who support this event in their local community and the vital, on the ground work it does in educating the consumers of the future. Every regional event has been great fun for all involved, thanks to the work of local trading standards, regional coordinators and local sponsorship. We hope you will continue to support this important work. The 2016 finalists: Scotland – Boroughmuir High School South – Wrotham School London – Lampton School North – Barrow Sixth Form College YCOY Sponsors 20 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 #CTSIConf Business Companion - a free information resource for business This government sponsored information website provides free impartial legal guidance to help business owners untangle what is sometimes a complicated and confusing world of trading standards and consumer protection legislation. Designed to offer a basic understanding of how the law views businesses that sell goods and or services to consumers. Quick guides provide the answers and direct you to more in-depth and specific guidance that delivers the detail. “ Consumer Affairs Minister Jo Swinson says CTSI’s new Business Companion website will provide an invaluable free and easy to use resource to help companies remain compliant - that’s not only good for business but reassuring for consumers too. ” Visit Business Companion today for quick and easy legal guidance to help your business keep on top of laws and remain compliant. Local Authorities to benefit from practical Local Authorities benefit from practical online legislation to guidance online legislation guidance By offering legislative training to your retail business partners, you can nowlegislative generate training additional income. By offering to your retail business partners, can now generate additional income. you This provides a simple way of generating Working in partnership with Virtual College under the joint ‘TradeSimple’ brand, CTSI Working in partnership Virtual College has developed a suite ofwith practical online under the jointoffer ‘TradeSimple’ brand, CTSI courses which traders jargon free, has developed a suite of online step-by-step guidance topractical important courses which offer traders jargon free, legislation. step-by-step guidance to important legislation. As a local authority reseller, you will have the benefit of your own branded As a local authority reseller, youused will to e-commerce site which can be have the the benefi t of your own branded promote above courses. e-commerce site which can be used to promote the above courses. income whilst adding value to your This provides a simple way of generating business partnerships. income whilst adding value to your business partnerships. Courses currently available • Prevention of Underage Sales Courses currently available • Consumer Contracts – Distance Sales • Prevention of Underage Sales • Consumer Rights Act 2015 • Consumer Contracts – Distance Sales • Trading Fairly • Consumer Rights Act 2015 • Storing and Selling Fireworks Safely and Legally • Trading Fairly • Consumer Contracts – Off Premises Sales • Storing and Selling Fireworks Safely and Legally • Consumer Contracts – Off Premises Sales Coming soon • Alternative Dispute Resolution Coming soon • Alternative Dispute Resolution For further details please visit or email For further details please visit or email CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 21 Exhibitor List Company Stand Company Stand 12 College Place K1 Kent Scientific Services E3 - E5 Advertising Standards Authority A6 Kenyon Block Consultants Ltd D1 & D10 Anti-Counterfeiting Group I6 KwikChex Ltd D3 Arcus Global D6 LMB & Co/Sports Traider C4 Ashfords LLP D2 Marks and Clerk J1 Autodata Ltd CA1 Moët Hennessy B9 Bathroom Manufacturers Association F7 Motor Codes Ltd B1 Beama Ltd F3 National Animal Health & Welfare Panel T3 BIS Regulatory Delivery F5 - F6 National Caravan Council M3 Bond Solon Training Ltd J2 National Trading Standards (NTS) M7 & M8 Brand Enforcement L2 NatWest CA5 British Phonographic Industry Limited D4 Ombudsman Services A3 British Toy & Hobby Association E10 Planet Zero F12 BSI A4 Playsafe K2 Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards E3 - E8 Procter & Gamble I8 Buy With Confidence J6 Public Fundraising Regulatory Association Ltd G1 Carmarthenshire County Council L3 React Service UK Ltd B8 CEnTSA H2 Registry Trust Ltd H3 Chartered Trading Standards Institute CTSI Shropshire County Council M1 Checkatrade H6 Siteon D9 Citizens Advice A2 Sonic Communications (Int.) Ltd J4 Civica I1 St Ives Chambers J7 College of Fellows T4 Staffordshire County Council H4 Competition and Markets Authority E2 Stonely Training M9 Consumer Code Approval Scheme CA7 Tascomi Ltd F2 Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd F11 Tenancy Deposit Scheme J9 CPR Call Blocker L1 The British Board of Film Classification I5 CTSI Midlands Branch T2 The Furniture Ombudsman CA10 David Horn Communications Ltd M10 The Insolvency Service J8 Delphic HSE Solutions Ltd E3 - E8 The Property Ombudsman D8 Drystone Chambers M5 The Retail Ombudsman C2 Electrical Safety First G6 M2 Estee Lauder Group I10a trueCall Ltd H1 European Consumer Centre for Services I3 Trustmark E3 - E8 Federation Against Copyright Theft E9 Tüv Rheinland M6 Financial Ombudsman Service F9 Tüv Süd Product Service Limited I4 GB Group Plc F1 UK European Consumer Centre I2 General Dental Council A1 UK Intellectual Property Office I7 General Optical Council F10 Under Age Sales Ltd D7 Gough Square Chambers C1 Unilever Uk Limited I10b Henderson Chambers J3 Vale of Glamorgan E3 - E8 Iken Business Ltd F4 Wagtail UK Ltd E1 Information Commissioner Office L4 Which? M4 Institute of Food Research J10 WPC Software G4 Jaguar Landrover B4 Wragg Bros Limited F8 Keltic Clothing Ltd D5 22 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 Exhibition Plan #CTSIConf CTSI MEETING AREA CA8 T3 CA4 CA10 SEATING AREA T2 CA5 CA7 SEATING AREA CA3 T4 CA1 K2 L2 L3 K1 L1 L4 F6 CATERING SEATING AREA C4 C2 C1 D5 D6 D4 D7 D3 D8 D2 D9 D1 D10 F7 F5 F8 F4 F9 F3 F10 F2 F1 E10 M10 M9 M8 M7 M6 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 J10 J9 J8 J7 J1 J2 J3 J4 CATERING J6 I5 I6 I4 I7 I3 I8 B9 H3 G3 I2 G4 H2 F11 G1 E7 B8 I1 H1 E8 I10a I10b H5 G6 F12 E9 H4 H6 E6 B4 DEMO AREA E1 E2 A1 E3 A2 E4 A3 E5 B1 A4 A6 MAIN ENTRANCE Premium Positions Anti-counterfeiting Group Catering CTSI Stand Consumer Area CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 23 Exhibitor Profiles 12 College Place Ashfords LLP Clerks T: 02380 320 320 E: Gabrielle Broomhead T: 02075 442 430 E: 12CP’s Trading Standards team are experts in their field. Tendered to over fifty Local Authorities our specialist barristers provide full support and representation to investigators, hard-pressed legal departments and individuals alike. We operate nationally and cost-effectively, prosecute and defend, and would love you to stop by for an informal chat. Ashfords recently launched an innovative one-stop-shop for regulatory consultancy and primary authority and have entered into an exciting partnership with CTSI. The regulatory consultancy can help to take the burden of compliance off your shoulders, backed up with specialist legal advice, so that you are free to run your business. Advertising Standards Authority Autodata Ltd Advertising Standards Authority T: 02074 922 222 E: Mr James Legate Autodata Ltd, Priors Way, Maidenhead SL6 2HP T: 01628 634 321 E: Stand K1 Stand A6 The Advertising Standards Authority is the UK’s independent regulator of advertising across all media. They apply the Advertising Codes, which are written by the Committees of Advertising Practice. Their work includes acting on complaints and proactively checking the media to take action against misleading, harmful or offensive advertisements. Anti-Counterfeiting Group Stand D2 Stand CA1 Autodata Limited, the leading provider of technical information to the automotive aftermarket. Our data covers 29,000 models from over 80 manufacturers. Trading Standards professionals can gain full access to use our data; invaluable when carrying out servicing and garage surveys. Come and visit us at CA1. Stand I6 Bathroom Manufacturers Association Mrs Alison Statham PO Box 578, High Wycombe HP11 1YD T: 01494 449 165 E: Yvonne Orgill T: 01782 631 619 E: ACG enhances its members’ own anti-counterfeiting strategies with IP training events, coordinated intelligence sharing and support for enforcement activities. We work closely with the media and lobby government, to change society’s perception of counterfeiting and to highlight the need for more resources to tackle the economic and social cost of this serious organised crime. Arcus Global Stand D6 Debra Wilkins T: 01223 911 841 E: Arcus Global offers cloud-based Public Sector applications for services such as Trading Standards, Environmental Health, Licensing, Building Control, Planning and Land Charges. All Arcus solutions are mobile by default with full reporting and a modern, interactive, user interface. Modern technology that offers long term savings from a true digital platform. 24 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 Stand F7 The prime objective of the BMA is to provide an independent forum for bathroom manufacturers trading in the UK to properly discuss and debate matters of mutual interest. The BMA acts as the information highway between industry Government and the consumer on issues that effect the industry in the UK. Beama Ltd Stand F3 Keith Smith T: 02077 933 000 E: BEAMA is the lead trade association representing manufacturers of electrical infrastructure products and systems from transmission through distribution to the environmental systems and services. We work with the UK Government, and other law enforcement agencies, to crack down on the manufacture and distribution of counterfeit and non-compliant electrical installation products. Exhibitor Profiles #CTSIConf Bond Solon Training Ltd Buy With Confidence Ms Gabriella Brindisi 6 - 14 Underwood Street, London N1 7JQ T: 02075 492 549 E: Tim Isaac T: 01392 383 057 E: Stand J2 Bond Solon is the UK’s leading legal training company for non-lawyers. We work with a variety of public and commercial organisations, and are working with a growing number of Trading Standards Departments delivering accredited, competency-based investigative training programmes to ensure officers gather and present evidence to best practice standards. Brand Enforcement Stand L2 Brand Enforcement UK Ltd T: 08432 726 385 E: Brand Enforcement UK Ltd BEUK specialises in the enforcement of intellectual property rights (trademark, design, copyright and patent) and assists brands with their global brand protection strategies. With two decades of experience, our team works alongside numerous brands to identity both genuine and counterfeit goods. British Phonographic Industry Limited Stand D4 Tim Cooper T: 02078 031 336 E: BPI promotes British music and represents the UK recorded music industry – one of the most dynamic music markets in the world. BPI’s Content Protection team of investigators, analysts, member services executives and forensic experts works to reduce piracy, promote the value of music and encourage fans towards legal services. British Toy & Hobby Association Stand E10 Mr Matthew Jones 80 Camberwell Road, London SE5 0EG E: The BTHA’s uppermost concern is that toys are manufactured safely so that customers can enjoy them to the full, with confidence in their quality. Come and visit the BTHA on stand E10 to talk to us about the effective enforcement of toy safety. BSI Stand J6 Buy With Confidence is a national Trader Approval scheme, run by Trading Standards services and backed by over 50 local authorities across the country. As the scheme expands, what it offers councils is constantly growing and becoming more flexible, to ensure both businesses and consumers are protected. Carmarthenshire County Council Stand L3 Quita Davies T: 01267 242 442 E: The Financial Exploitation Safeguarding Scheme is a multi agency initiative designed to prevent, detect and support victims of financial abuse. Drawing on trading standards measures and viewing them from a social care perspective, we intend to academically evaluate interventions to raise the profile of Trading Standards Services and influence policy. CEnTSA Stand H2 Nick Harrison T: 01926 414 058 E: CEnTSA is a partnership of 14 Local Authorities across the Midlands and operates a Training Facility which provides TS Officers across the country with opportunities to maintain and develop their competences. Trading Standards Business News (TSBN) is a digital publication which brings business the latest regulation changes and best practice. Chartered Trading Standards Institute CTSI stand Judith Thurston T: 01268 582 221 E: The Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) – supporting and representing trading standards professionals in the UK and abroad. Take a look at TradeSimple e-learning for businesses with reselling opportunities for local authorities. Also hear the latest on the TSQF Review. Melissa Dring, Richard Strawson and Rob Taylour will be available from 1-2pm on Wednesday to discuss the future proposals for changes to the professional qualifications framework including apprenticeships. The National Animal Health & Welfare Panel will be joining us on the stand. Come along, be involved in the debate and ask any questions you may have. Stand A4 BSI Consumer & Public Interest Unit T: 02089 967 085 E: EU legislation provides safeguards for consumers, but with a global economy, principle-based international standards are the key to building a safer and fairer world. Consumer standards help to build trust and confidence and, as a benchmark of good practice, support the work of TSOs and others involved in consumer protection. CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 25 Exhibitor Profiles Checkatrade Stand H6 David Price Evans T: 01243 608 828 E: Checkatrade are committed to supporting legitimate businesses, stopping rogue traders and protecting consumers. Our work with Trading Standards partners further enhances the rigorous checks we already have in place, resulting in a unique trader scheme. Businesses can promote their double accreditation of being Trading Standards Approved, and their Checkatrade membership. Citizens Advice Stand A2 Jo Orsler T: 08448 448 801 E: The Citizens Advice consumer service team will be available to discuss how the service is delivered and how we engage with our partners. We can outline changes being made to our codes, explore opportunities to work closer together and share our plans for the future of the service. Civica Stand I1 Steve Ainsworth Spectrum Building, Bond Street, Bristol BS1 3LG T: 01179 242 700 E: Civica remains the market leading supplier of software solutions supporting community protection and well-being. Recent innovative additions to our portfolio include: • Community Mobile: enabling effective mobile working • Community Clean-up: automating environmental service requests • National Scams Team Database: protecting vulnerable persons To explore these new solutions visit us at Stand I1. College of Fellows Stand T4 Phil Bottomley CTSI, 1 Sylvan Court, Sylvan Way, Southfields Business Park, Basildon, Essex SS14 6TH T: 08456 089 400 Information about the College will be available on stand T4. The College always welcomes donations to the charitable trust fund to continue its work. Established in 1950, the College of Fellows was registered as a charity in 1957, with a declaration of trust that sets out its educational and charitable aims. The College plays a vital role in supporting the profession by contributing to educational events and provision of educational and welfare grants. 26 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 Exhibitor Profiles Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards #CTSIConf Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards partners featured on the stand include: Stand E3 - E8 Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards T: 03001 232 329 E: The joint Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards service, is already delivering excellent results for residents and local businesses. In the first year of our joint operation our partnership has: • Successfully achieved all our income generation and savings targets • Doubled the number of Primary Authority Partnerships from 40 to 80 • Increased the number of trading standards approved traders from 518 to 1834 • Stopped rogue traders operating in both counties – 14 year prison sentences have been given to rogue traders and money launderers prosecuted by the Service • Achieved our biggest ever recovery of criminal assets – rogue traders forfeited £1.4M of criminal assets, of which victims will receive over £100,000 in compensation, and the two local authorities over £200,000 to help tackle local crime priorities • Increased the savings achieved for residents from our interventions by 40% The joint service continues to build on its successful foundation and we are keen to share our learning and experience to help others explore new service delivery opportunities. If you want to do something similar locally, or are interested in what we can offer your service then come and talk to us on our stand. ‘Powered by partnerships’ at our very core, we combine the strengths and skills of partners enabling us to deliver greater consumer protection and high quality, sustainable support for businesses. Trustmark Stand E3 - E8 Simon Ayers T: 03335 550 350 E: Through a new ‘primary authority’ partnership with Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading standards, TrustMark is now able to provide support and assured advice to its registered firms, and where required, develop bespoke information for them. Delphic HSE Solutions Ltd Stand E3 - E8 T: 01252 856 700 E: A company with the expertise and e-learning course to provide the technical back-up you need to deliver cosmetic advice. Toxicology and the effects of combining ingredients are specialties of theirs. Checkatrade Stand E3 - E8 David Price-Evans T: 01243 608 828 E: Powered by partnerships Working in partnership with trading standards to offer trading standards approved traders to give peace of mind to residents and help drive out rogue traders. Buckinghamshire & Surrey Trading Standards Stand E3 - E8 At our very core, we combine with the strengths and skills of partners enabling us to deliver greater consumer protection and high quality, sustainable support for businesses. Let us introduce you to a selection of our partners who will be accompanying us to Telford. Interested in what we can offer your service? Visit us at CTSI conference: stand E3 – E8 Vale of Glamorgan Helen Picton T: 01656 643 237 E: Are you a Primary Authority, considering the challenge of devolved legislation for Wales, this authority is here to help. Kent Scientific Services Stand E3 - E8 T: 03000 415 100 (Kent) or 02392 829 501 (Hampshire) E: or Now offering analytical services to help you to support your local businesses. CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 27 Exhibitor Profiles Competition and Markets Authority CTSI Midlands Branch Pauline Lloyd Roberts T: 02037 386 879 E: Brandon Cook T: 07751 873 969 E: Stand E2 The CMA aims to make markets work well for consumers, businesses and the economy. Achieving this depends on our working effectively with key partners. Conference will highlight the successes of our engagement with you and demonstrate how we aim to support you in our lead role for Unfair Contract Terms. Stand T2 The Midlands Branch of CTSI are delighted to be the host branch for Conference once again. Our stand will act as a meeting place for branch members and friends old and new. David Horn Communications Ltd Stand M10 Consumer Code Approval Scheme Stand CA7 Adrian Simpson T: 01268 888 054 E: The CCAS is facilitated self-regulation. It aims to bolster consumer protection and improve customer service standards through the approval and promotion of codes of practice, setting out the principles of effective customer service and recognising approved traders – look for the CTSI approved code logo. Jeffrey Horn T: 01582 490 300 E: David Horn Communications Ltd is pleased to announce that the team will be at Telford (stand M10) for the annual Conference and Exhibition. The company has been supplying specialist overt and covert audio and video surveillance equipment, together with PACE interview machines to Trading Standards for almost thirty years. Drystone Chambers Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd Stand F11 Alexandra Reed Copyright Licensing Agency, Barnard’s Inn, 86 Fetter Lane T: 02074 003 143 E: Since 1983, the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) has been the recognised UK collective rights licensing body for text and images from book, journal and magazine content. We provide rights, content and licensing services to customers in the academic, professional and public sector. Licence revenue is returned to copyright owners. CPR Call Blocker Stand L1 Lee Hare T: 08006 527 780 E: CPR Global Manufacture and distribute Globally the market leading CPR Call Blocker range of products, supplying to Retail, Police, Trading Standards, Protective agencies, distributors, re-sellers and high profile members of society. We have also been involved at Government level suggesting ways to help protect people from nuisance and scam calls. Stand M5 David Green T: 02074 041 881 E: Drystone Chambers was formed in July 2015 following the merger of Dyers Chambers and One Paper Buildings. Our members are recognised as leaders in consumer law and confiscation. With proven expertise in trading standards work, we appear in some of the most high profile and complex cases of recent times. Electrical Safety First Stand G6 Electrical Safety First T: 02034 635 100 E: As a consumer protection charity, Electrical Safety First has a long-standing relationship with CTSI and we undertake a range of partnership activities with them and its members. Our workshops always attract a high level of interest and the Conference ensures we keep up-to-date with developments and key contacts. Estee Lauder Group Stand I10a Mandy Parish T: 03700 342 336 E: Don’t be fooled into buying cheap makeup or fragrances. They are likely to be counterfeit and may cause you harm. Visit our stand to get advice and take a look at counterfeits. 28 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 Exhibitor Profiles European Consumer Centre for Services Stand I3 Jane Negus T: 01268 886 690 E: The European Consumer Centre for Services (ECCS), delivered by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute is a free consumer advice service. The ECCS offers ‘preshopping’ advice to consumers looking to access services across the EU. The ECCS can provide advice on consumer rights when buying services, contact details of organisations that can offer assistance in the case of a dispute, redress mechanism, traders’ obligations under the directive and can source information on applicable laws for contracts formed in any of the EES countries. The service was created in response to the EU Services Directive and is funded by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Federation Against Copyright Theft Stand E9 Federation Against Copyright Theft Ltd T: 02088 911 217 E: The Federation Against Copyright Theft is the UK’s leading trade organisation established to protect and represent the interests of its members’ Intellectual Property (IP). Established in 1983, FACT works closely with statutory law enforcement agencies to combat all forms of piracy and members include global and UK film distributors, TV broadcasters and sport rights owners. The creative industries support 1.8 million jobs in the UK and are worth £10 million an hour to UK economy. FACT’s work is vital to ensuring that this important engine of the economy continues to flourish. Financial Ombudsman Service #CTSIConf General Dental Council Stand A1 Francesca Keen T: 02071 676 000 E: We are the UK-wide statutory regulator of dentists and dental care professionals. We regulate so that patients receive treatment from properly qualified professionals who meet our standards. Where there are concerns about the quality of treatment or how a dental professional behaves, we will investigate and take action if appropriate. General Optical Council Stand F10 General Optical Council T: 02075 803 898 E: We are the regulator for the optical professions in the UK. At CTSI conference, we will be talking about the dangers involved with the illegal sales of cosmetic contact lenses, and how Trading Standards officers can help in identifying illegal sales of these contact lenses. Gough Square Chambers Stand C1 Bob Weekes T: 02073 530 924 E: Gough Square Chambers specialises in Consumer and Regulatory Law. Our wealth of experience has enabled us to maintain our position as the leading specialist set in this field for over 20 years. We aim to be responsive to the needs of our clients, providing a friendly, flexible, cost effective and efficient service. Stand F9 Outreach team T: 02079 641 400 E: We are a not for profit organisation, approved by government to provide alternative dispute resolution (ADR). For nearly 25 years we have been providing independent help and advice to consumers and retailers within the furniture and home improvement sector. We raise industry standards by providing accredited training and expert advice. GB Group Plc Stand F1 Neil Cole T: 07803 672 173 E: GBG provide innovative Open Source Data to the Law Enforcement and Investigation community, including the Award Winning ConnexusIQ which this year add the ability to map Social Media around the world to the existing communications and tracing data already available. Come and see what we hold on you! Henderson Chambers Stand J3 Helen Ghalem T: 02075 839 020 E: Consumer and Regulatory Law Specialists. Experienced in all aspects of Consumer Protection, Consumer Credit, Health and Product Safety and Local Government Law. Instructed by regulators, acting in civil and criminal enforcement across England and Wales. Mini-theatre talks on Wednesday 22nd June. Tickets available at our Stand J3. Iken Business Ltd Stand F4 Iken Business T: 08448 933 910 E: We are the UK’s leading provider of case management, workflow management and reporting software. Iken works intuitively to increase efficiency, drive productivity and minimise risk as well as providing detailed management information, in real time, at the touch of a button. CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 29 Exhibitor Profiles Jaguar Landrover Stand B4 Amanda Beaton T: 01926 694 235 E: Jaguar Land Rover is the UK’s largest automotive manufacturing business, built around two iconic British car brands: Land Rover, the world’s leading manufacturer of premium all-wheel drive vehicles and Jaguar, one of the world’s premier luxury sports saloon and sports car marques. Improve Consumer Confidence • Become a consumer representative • Learn more about consumer standards • Keep up with ‘best practice’ for businesses Talk to our team on stand A4 Or visit Keltic Clothing Ltd Stand D5 Serena Groom T: 08450 666 699 E: Keltic are one of the UK’s largest body armour suppliers to Councils. Our body armour is Government Certified and offers protection from knives and guns including spike resistance, plus it includes syringe protection including hypodermic and blunt trauma. It is the lightest weight armour on the market with this certification. Kenyon Block Consultants Ltd Stand D1 & D10 Neville Kenyon T: 02083 607 289 E: Stand L4 Kenyon Block Consultants is your natural partner during these uncertain times for Trading Standards. We will understand your needs better than any other organisation and we would like to work with you to ensure you achieve the outcomes you are looking for. Please visit us on stands D1 and D10. Information Commissioner’s Office T: 03031 231 113 E: KwikChex Ltd Information Commissioner Office The UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals. Institute of Food Research Stand J10 Olivia Shaw T: 01603 251 431 E: The Institute of Food Research manages UK food composition data that can be used as the basis for calculating nutrient values for food products as required by EU food information regulations. Our Nutritional Information Solutions service and expertise can help food producers to provide reliable nutrient information to consumers. Stand D3 Chris Emmins T: 01202 832 992 E: KwikChex is an internationally renowned online investigation, verification and resolutions business. An important part of our work is our cooperation with law enforcement and consumer organisations. We are able to provide evidence of breaches of Consumer Protection Regulations and to identify those responsible. LMB & Co/Sports Traider Stand C4 C Hayes T: 07747 743 817 E: Sports Traider is a youth-focused charity offering youngsters the kit and support they need to discover and fulfill their sporting ambition and potential, whatever their background, ability or disability. Help us rebrand or recycle counter fit stock to make a difference. 30 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 Exhibitor Profiles #CTSIConf Marks and Clerk National Trading Standards (NTS) Matthew Sammon T: 01612 335 800 E: Wendy Martin T: 03456 089 515 E: Marks & Clerk is a well-established intellectual property firm with over 125 years’ experience, advising clients in protecting patents, trade marks, designs and copyright. Our strong local and international presence is represented by seventeen offices across Europe, Asia and the Americas. National Trading Standards supports trading standards services in England and Wales with leadership, influence and resources to reduce consumer and business detriment locally, regionally and nationally. It delivers cross-boundary consumer protection through sound intelligence that identifies and tackles emerging threats; and ensures food chain safety through feed hygiene enforcement. Stand J1 Stand M7 & M8 Moët Hennessy Stand B9 Alexandra Ziegenfeuter CTSI T: +33 (0)158 976 470 Save The Date Quarter Page Advert Design 2 E: May 2016 Motor Codes ltd Stand B1 Motor Codes T: 0843 910 9000 E: Motor Codes is the government backed, self-regulatory body for the motor industry offering a suite of CTSI-approved codes covering car servicing and repair, new cars and vehicle warranty products and also provides a CTSI certified ADR service to over 7,500 subscriibers and their customers. NatWest Stand CA5 Veda Harrison T: 02076 721 240 E: NatWest is one of the UK’s leading retail and business banks, serving needs of hundreds of thousands of customers everyday. Keeping our customers’ finances safe and secure is a priority for us; we work around the clock to protect them from financial harm. Visit our stall to find out more. Important date for your dIary CTSI Conference Venue 2017 National Animal Health & Welfare Panel Stand T3 Michelle Beer T: 01872 323 274 E: Representatives of the National Animal Health & Welfare Panel will be available for expert advice and discussion and to explain support and coordination opportunities available. the Harrogate International Centre National Caravan Council monday 26 June - thursday 29 June 2017 Stand M3 Frank Finch T: 01252 796 097 E: As a proud CTSI Corporate member, NCC (National Caravan Council) will provide information on its wide ranging initiatives to protect consumers, promote industry best practice and high business/product standards, including the NCC Approved Consumer Codes covering holiday home, touring caravan and motorhome sales. Let’s work together. for further details on sponsorship, advertising, exhibition stands, mini-theatre sessions and other opportunities please contact CtSI conference sales on: Telephone: 01268 582236 Email: CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 31 Demonstrations Tuesday 21 June Session No. 14:15 - 14:45 Company trueCall Demonstration Information Demonstration of a secret trueCall prototype with a completely new way of getting rid of nuisance callers 15:15 - 15:45 Wagtail Demonstration of the capabilities of a tobacco detection dog Wednesday 22 June Session No. 14:15 - 14:45 Company trueCall Demonstration Information Demonstration of a secret trueCall prototype with a completely new way of getting rid of nuisance callers 15:15 - 15:45 Wagtail Demonstration of the capabilities of a tobacco detection dog 32 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 Exhibitor Profiles #CTSIConf Ombudsman Services Public Fundraising Regulatory Association Ltd Stand A3 Stand G1 Emily Firminger T: 01925 430 995 E: Stephen Service T: 02074 018 452 E: Ombudsman Services is a successful and growing private not-for-profit company, providing an expert independent dispute resolution service for consumers and businesses. The Public Fundraising Association (PFRA) is the nationally recognised membership body for door and street fundraising. The PFRA seeks to guarantee the sustainability of public fundraising by forming co-regulatory agreements between its member charities and local authorities. We now operate voluntary Site Management Agreements across over 100 local authority areas. The service focuses on encouraging both parties to agree a proposed resolution wherever possible and takes into account all the evidence in a case to make a balanced decision. Planet Zero (The Fake Shop) Stand F12 React Service UK Ltd Mick Bonito T: 08000 235 811 E: Tony Williams T: 01925 422 930 E: The Fake Shop is the first public facing initiative of its kind. The aim is to help consumers discover a wealth of information on counterfeit goods, scams and services and help them make informed decisions. Playsafe Stand K2 Angela Driver E: This successful long-running national competition challenges young people six to seventeen to design a toy safe for a child aged three to seven years. A showcase of the entries will be displayed on the stand for judging to take place on Tuesday, 21 June at 16:00. The winners of each category will be revealed on Thursday, 23 June during the presentations at 11:00. Many thanks to the British Toy and Hobby Association for their continued support and sponsorship of this competition. Stand B8 REACT UK provides a Brand Protection service for a range of clients who have problems with counterfeit goods in the UK. In doing so we act as the first point of contact for all enforcement agencies for all enquiries relating to our clients. Registry Trust Ltd Stand H3 Michelle Rajaratnam T: 02073 917 282 E: TrustOnline is the Registry Trust Limited website delivering online results showing judgments, orders and fines for England and Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, IOM, Jersey and the Republic of Ireland. Registry Trust also provides a range of activities from data supply to data enhancement and analytical services. Procter & Gamble Siteon Greg Smith T: 01784 498 701 E: Peter Juniper T: 01212 888 980 E: P&G is a leading global manufacturer of more than 300 brands. Our recognisable brands include Always, Ariel, Braun, Daz, Fairy, Flash, Gillette, Head & Shoulders, Lenor, Max Factor, Olay, Oral-B, Pantene, Pampers, Vicks and Wella. We also produce fine fragrances such as Hugo Boss, Lacoste, Gucci and Dolce & Gabbana. Siteon design, build and manage bespoke Software Applications delivered on demand via the internet, Siteon’s applications are secure, easy to use and are continually being modified and developed and are fully Managed and Hosted by Siteon and require no user licences or expensive equipment. Stand I8 Stand D9 CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 33 Exhibitor Profiles Sonic Communications (Int.) Ltd Stand J4 James Jones T: 01217 814 400 E: Sonic Communications enjoy a well-established relationship with all UK Emergency Services and Homeland Security organisations, supporting overt and covert operations with traditional communications equipment and audio/video/data gathering, distribution and recording equipment. Sonic also offer consultation, installation and training services bespoke to client needs which will enhance client investment in equipment. Sonic Communications enjoy a well-established relationship with all UK Emergency Services and Homeland Security organisations, supporting operational officers with traditional and covert voice communications equipment also, audio/video/data gathering, distribution and recording devices. Sonic is a manufacturer and integrator of equipment, providing solutions directly to end users meeting specific challenges their operational duties present. Sonic are a leading vehicle installations company providing mobile communications and intelligence gathering resources to clients globally. Sonic also offer consultation, installation and training services bespoke to client needs, designed to enhance operator competence and subsequently client investment. Tascomi Ltd Stand F2 Bryan Snowden T: 08451 196 020 E: Tascomi are a highly dedicated team of individuals forging the future in innovative mobile working solutions. We have over ten years experience not only developing exceptional services, but also creating industry-leading web-based software solutions helping local authorities and government departments throughout the UK and Ireland. Tenancy Deposit Scheme Stand J9 The Tenancy Deposit Scheme T: 03000 371 000 E: TDS is the largest insurance backed deposit protection scheme and is now accepting deposits for their highly anticipated custodial scheme, which was released on the 1st April this. Its outstanding service has achieved the prestigious Customer Service Excellence® Standard and named tenancy deposit scheme of the year in the past. St Ives Chambers Stand J7 Clare Radburn T: 01212 360 863 E: St Ives Chambers is a Barristers Set based in Birmingham with legal expertise in the Trading Standards sector. Members of Chambers are regularly instructed to act for and against a large number of Trading Standards Authorities and pride themselves on providing the highest standards of service. The British Board of Film Classification Stand I5 British Board of Film Classification T: 02074 400 299 E: Have you seized any DVDs/Blu-rays? The Video Recordings Act 1984 requires that all videos supplied in the UK carry a BBFC classification, unless exempt. We can assist you by providing evidence under Section 19 of the VRA or Section 280(1) and Schedule 9 of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995. Staffordshire County Council Stand H4 Michelle Evans T: 01785 277 825 E: Staffordshire Scientific Services has been working to protect the public since 1929. Stonely Training Stand M9 Peter Stonely T: 07944 065 785 E: We provide trading standards law training and consultancy for regulators and industry. Our high quality training is always tailored to your needs. We have vast experience of working with businesses and with local trading standards services. Visit us to find out how we can help you. 34 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 The Furniture Ombudsman Stand CA10 Alexandra Dobocan T: 02070 426 497 E: We are a not for profit organisation, approved by government to provide alternative dispute resolution (ADR). For nearly 25 years we have been providing independent help and advice to consumers and retailers within the furniture and home improvement sector. We raise industry standards by providing accredited training and expert advice. Consumer Day #CTSIConf We are hosting a day for local consumers, consumer organisations and business to engage with one another and hear about the issues that are affecting consumers right now! Visit our ‘Consumer Area’ in the main exhibition hall and join in a plenary session on Public Health, Wellbeing and Sustainability followed by afternoon workshops on fraud and scams with NatWest and National Trading Standards Scam Team, and hear how to resolve consumer disputes from the Furniture Ombudsman. Thursday Plenary Title: Public health, wellbeing and sustainability Date: Thursday 23 June 2016 Time: 11.45 - 13.00 Full session details available on page 16, Exhibition closes at 13:00, networking opportunities will be available with a number of consumer organisations in the workshop room from 13:00. Sponsored by: Consumer Day Workshops Session No. 13:30 - 15:00 Title Fraud and scams with NatWest and National Trading Standards Scam Team Demonstration Information Come and find out about Friends Against Scams – an NTS Scams Team initiative which is being rolled out in partnership with NatWest. Attend this training session and become one of the pioneer Friends Against Scams. 15:00 - 15:45 Raising Standards with The Furniture Ombudsman Where can consumers go when things go wrong with a purchase, be it goods or services? We assess the role of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in consumer complaints as an easier and quicker alternative to taking a case to the small claims court. CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 35 Exhibitor Profiles The Insolvency Service trueCall Ltd Gary Crosby T: 02076 371 110 E: Steve Smith T: 02089 404 111 E: We support fair and open markets by enforcing statutory company and insolvency regimes. We investigate misconduct by live companies and directors of insolvent companies. We receive complaints about live companies, and company directors. Actions we take include: winding up companies, disqualifying directors, and passing information to prosecutors and other regulators. Please pop over to see us for all the news on scam phone calls. If you already work with us you can see your latest stats, if you’re not yet working with us then come and see why 150 local authorities, charities and police forces are using trueCall! Stand J8 Stand H1 TüV Rheinland The Property Ombudsman Stand D8 Peter Habert T: 01722 333 306 E: TPO has provided independent dispute resolution to the property industry for 25 years. Its Codes of Practice are approved by CTSI’s Consumer Codes Scheme and followed by 11,000+ agents, covering 34,000+ branches. TPO is approved by the National Trading Standards Estate Agency Team, DCLG and CTSI under the ADR Regulations. Stand M6 Tony Woodford T: 01217 969 400 E: TüV Rhineland’s state of the art laboratory in Birmingham focuses on testing, compliance and certification of electrical devices. Accredited to UKAS 17025 we specialise in services including; safety screening, documentation reviews, fault investigations and benchmarking. Tüv Süd Product Service Limited Stand I4 The Retail Ombudsman Stand C2 Dean Dunham T: 02035 408 063 E: The Retail Ombudsman is an independent ‘not for profit’ and impartial organisation that specialises in resolving disputes between consumers and retailers (in-store and online); British Gas (non-regulated complaints); garden centres; restaurants and takeaways; and hotels and leisure providers. Luke Kington T: 01489 558 100 E: TüV SüD Product Service – helping protect consumers. Every year we perform testing and screening checks on thousands of products intended for consumers. We work closely with Trading Standards authorities across the UK to guarantee consumer safety. Providing peace of mind that products are safe, reliable and compliant. We are the dominant ADR provider in the retail sector. UK European Consumer Centre Stand M2 Andy Allen T: 01268 582 225 E: Andrew Kaye T: 02071 937 010 E: The UK ECC is part of the European Consumer Centre Network (ECC-Net), which is made up of 30 centres (one in each EU country plus Iceland and Norway). Our aim is to give consumers the same confidence when shopping within Europe as they have at home. Escrow is the only method where both a buyer and a seller can simultaneously be fully protected in a transaction. Escrow eliminates fraud and scams, and provides complete security for a few pennies. And with our Consumer Protection Guarantee, Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware) is finally forever eliminated. 36 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 Stand I2 Exhibitor Profiles #CTSIConf UK Intellectual Property Office Which? Helen Barnham T: 03003 002 000 E: Tim Wade T: 01179 812 918 E: The Intellectual Property Office – the national coordinator on intellectual property crime (counterfeiting and piracy) and the government body responsible for UK intellectual property rights (patents, design, trade marks and copyright). Its Intelligence Hub coordinates and exchanges criminal intelligence between enforcement agencies and the private sector in the UK and overseas. Which? Trusted Traders is an endorsement scheme that recognises reputable traders that pass our assessment. Come and have a chat (you’ll catch us at M4) to find out how we’re working together to raise standards for consumers and don’t forget to ask us about our new partnership with Hertfordshire County Council! Stand I7 Under Age Sales Ltd Stand D7 Under Age Sales Ltd T: 03452 570 018 E: Under Age Sales Ltd specialise in helping retailers to achieve age restricted sales compliance. We offer comprehensive and intensive support to mainly small, independent retailers. We can help you to secure your business and retain your trading licences. Unilever Uk Limited Stand I10b Anne Edwicker T: 07710 363 538 E: Unilever is one of the largest brand owners. Some brands include Brylcreem, Comfort, Dove, Impulse, Knorr, Lipton, Lux, Lynx, Persil, PG Tips, Ponds, Radox, Signal, Simple, Sunsilk, Sure, Surf, TRESemme, Vaseline, V05. We take counterfeiting matters very seriously and will always support the authorities to protect our brands and consumers. Stand M4 Wragg Bros Limited Stand F8 Derek Wragg T: 01268 732 607 E: Manufacturers of Capacity Measures for 55 years. our products are well tried and tested, have proved to be reliable and liked for ease of use throughout the world. Contact us for more information. NO NONSENSE, EASY READ, FOOL PROOF MEASURES AT SENSIBLE PRICES. WPC Software Stand G4 Alex Newman T: 01179 081 484 E: WPC Software is an established provider of information technology solutions with a strong focus on the public sector. We design and develop complex applications across a number of business areas, including flexible investigation management systems. This includes Crimson, a case management solution for Trading Standards teams. Wagtail UK Ltd Stand E1 Collin Singer T: 01745 561 166 E: Wagtail UK Ltd provides specialist detection dogs for government agencies such as the UK Border Force, Trading Standards, HMRC, Police and Armed Forces. Wagtail UK Detection dogs work alongside health authorities in the fight against illicit tobacco. The company has multiple tobacco/cash dog teams available 24/7, 365 day a year. CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 37 Map Ground Floor Conference & Banqueting Hall Space WC 2 1 Press Office HALL HALL HALL 2 1 3 Exhibition Hall 3 3 Events Office Newport Suite Registration Hall 3 Foyer Pattingham Suite Jackfield Suite HR Sessions Jackfield 2 1 Ryton Suite 1 2 Ludlow Suite Plenary Ludlow Suite 2 1 Beckbury Suite 2 1 3 4 6/9/05 11:36:42 am Staff & Stewards Room Beckbury 1 Beckbury 4 Stewards Briefing Beckbury 2 Beckbury 3 College of Fellows AGM Newport Suite Speakers Lounge Ryton Suite First Floor Conference & Banqueting Hall Space Awards Dinner / Drinks Reception The Gallery Coalport Suite Atcham Suite Ironbridge Suite Coalport Suite 3 2 1 1 Wenlock Suite 1 Wenlock Suite 38 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 2 3 Mini Theatres 4 2 #CTSIConf CTSI Conference Guide 2016 | 39 Leading Criminal & Regulatory Barristers Practice Areas: Local Authority Specialists y Asset Forfeiture & Confiscation y Bribery & Corruption y Criminal defence y Criminal Prosecution y Fraud y Military & Courts Martial y Professional Discipline y Regulatory Law y Tax Appeals y Traffic Lawyers y Sports Law y Trading Standards Tel: 40 | CTSI Conference Guide 2016 020 7430 7430