CHATTER - The Mechanicsburg Chamber of Commerce
Chamber CHATTER 6 West Strawberry Avenue, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 In This Issue: (717) 796-0811 11.5.15 CHAMBER EVENTS Chamber hosts Night Out with Hershey Bears.............................................................4 Mechanicsburg Downtown Cleanup Day.......5 Friends of Simpson Public Library celebrate 35th Anniversary........................................7 Member News, Events & more! Mechanicsburg Chamber Will Hold Election for Board of Directors at January Meeting If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors for the Mechanicsburg Chamber of Commerce, click here to review job description, nomination policies, procedures and application. We are accepting applications! November 10 - Business Women’s Networking Luncheon sponsored by Konhaus Marketing. The event will be held at Strock’s Catering Barn, 729 Williams Grove Rd, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055. 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM. Enjoy networking, lunch, music by the Mechanicsburg High School String Quartet, and a FREE professional headshot by Revelation Photography. FREE for members. $10 for non-members. 13 - Ribbon Cutting at Fleet Feet Sports, 6416 Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050. 3:00 PM. 17 - After-Hours Mixer. at Centric Bank, 6480 Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055. 5:00 - 7:00 PM. Free event. 27 - Annual Community Tree Lighting at 2 East Main Street in front of PNC Bank in Downtown Mechanicsburg. Program begins at 5:15 with lighting at 5:30 PM. Holiday music, shopping and more! December 8 - Business Women’s Networking Luncheon at H2L Studio, 2151 Fisher Rd, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055. 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM. FREE for members. $10 for non-members. For a full calendar of chamber and member events, visit Thank You For Renewing Your Membership! Bethany Village Retirement Center Esther Crawford - Independent doTERRA & Photo Organizing Representative OSS Health You’re Invited... Mechanicsburg Chamber’s Business Women’s Luncheon Here’s What YOU can expect… Networking - Make sure to bring your business cards! Delicious Lunch will be provided ʌ Door Prizes ♦ 11:30 ʌ Enjoy the Tuesday, November 2015String AM-1:00PM Mechanicsburg High10, School Quartet ʌ FREE Professional Headshots by Strock Enterprises atREVELATION the Catering Barn ʌ ʌ 729 Williams Grove Road ♦ Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Photography RSVP to Jaime at *This event is FREE to attend for Mechanicsburg Chamber Members and or call 717-796-0811. $10 for Non-Members. Must RSVP to attend in advance. Hosted by: Here’s What YOU can expect… Networking - Make sure to bring your business cards! Delicious Lunch will be provided ʌ Door Prizes ʌ Enjoy the Mechanicsburg High School String Quartet ʌ FREE Professional Headshots by REVELATION ʌ 717.731.9456 We look forward to spending lunch with you! See you on the 10th! PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PA ID Permit No. 762 Harrisburg, PA ʌ Photography *This event is FREE to attend for Mechanicsburg Chamber Members and $10 for Non-Members. Must RSVP to attend in advance. Hosted by: 717.731.9456 We look forward to spending lunch with you! Chamber Chatter is published every Thursday. We encourage member businesses to send us information on sales, promoSeeoryou on the 10th! Chamber Chatter advertisements will tions, news and events. It is a great way to promote your business organization. remain for up to 4 weeks, or as space permits. If you have something to share, please submit it by Wednesday at noon to **Chamber Chatter advertising is a FREE member benefit.** The Mechanicsburg Chamber of Commerce presents: After-Hours Mixer Tuesday, November 17 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Hosted by: Centric Bank 6480 Carlisle Pike Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 FRE E EVE NT! Enjoy networking with fellow business professionals, refreshments, and a chance to win a door prize! Feel free to bring a friend or business associate and introduce them to the Chamber & our Host! RSVPing is easy, simply email, RSVP online, or call 717-796-0811 Mechanicsburg’s Annual Community TREE LIGHTING Friday, November 27 | 5:30 p.m. Downtown Mechanicsburg Corner of Main & Market Streets Enjoy music, FREE hot cocoa, and caroling led by Mechanicsburg Brethren in Christ Church beginning at 5:15 p.m. FREE post-ceremony festivities at Myers-Buhrig Funeral Home & Crematory, 37 E. Main Street : • • • • Visit with Santa Claus Live musical performance Balloon Twisting by Top Nozzle Refreshments Visit our downtown merchants for Black Friday Shopping! Many will haveextended hours and specials! FREE PARKING: Myers-Buhrig Funeral Home & Crematory 37 E. Main Street, Mechanicsburg Event Sponsors: Borough of Mechanicsburg Boy Scout Troop #283 GIANT Food Stores Mayor Jack Ritter Mechanicsburg Brethren in Christ Church (McBIC) Myers-Buhrig Funeral Home and Crematory PNC Bank Sam’s Club Join us for a night with the Hershey Bears! vs. Sunday, December 6, 2015 5:00 p.m. GIANT Center, 550 W. Hersheypark Dr., Hershey, PA Discount Ticket price: $17.50 ($3.50 savings from gate price!) Teddy Bear Toss Night sponsored by Chamber Member, WGAL 8 Check out a clip from 2013's Teddy Bear Toss: Fan View You are encouraged to bring a new teddy bear to toss onto the ice when the Bears score their first goal. Tickets are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Section 207 (center ice) Cash or check accepted. Contact the Chamber to reserve yours today! (717) 796-0811 | MECHANICSBURG MUSEUM Saturday, November 7 Christmas Indoor Yard Sale 9:00 - 3:00 in the Passenger Station Sunday, November 15 at 2:00 p.m. ‘A HIGHER CALL – A TRUE ACCOUNT OF CHIVALRY - WW11. By Larry Alexander, Co-Author. Mr. Alexander will describe the act of chivalry between two enemies during World War II. The Mechanicsburg Museum Association 2 W. Strawberry Avenue, Mechanicsburg 717-697-6088 Hours: Wed. - Sat. Noon - 3p.m. For more details on events, visit You are Invited…. Holiday Open House at Brittle Bark Friday, November 13th Saturday, November 14th 10am – 8pm 10am – 3pm Begin the Holiday Season at Brittle Bark on November 13th and 14th as we showcase our lovely and unique made in Mechanicsburg gifts! Tempting snacks and sweets especially prepared for this special event will be served throughout the day featuring: Appetizers made using herbs and spices from the Rosemary House. Handmade Wine Truffles made using Larsen Meadworks unique artisan wine. They will be our new neighbor at 35 West Main Street and we will make the truffles and sample one of their wines from 58pm Friday night. Cooking With Brittle Bark: Home entertaining appetizer, salad and desert ideas made using a selection of different varieties of brittle and chocolate. Door prizes throughout the day (enter when you come but you do not have to be present to win) as well as a special prize with each purchase will make this a great time for all. Our holiday gift discount program offers special incentives as well: 5% off orders 10% off orders 15% off orders $500 - $1,500 $1,501 - $3,000 $3,001 & Up (Discounts on Merchandise only. Cannot be combined with other discounts or promotions.) Conveniently located at 33 West Main Street next to Ritter's Hardware store in downtown Mechanicsburg, there is free on-street parking too! Stop in and see all the beautiful gifts and stocking stuffers. Remember we ship nationwide we'd be happy to make your gift-giving simple this year. Come experience this one-of-a-kind destination for local - fresh - handmade and absolutely delicious! Happy Holidays! Vonny, Diane, Nina & Sue The Downtown Mechanicsburg Partnership is sponsoring a Downtown Clean-up Day on Saturday, November 14th. Everyone is invited to help out. Join us at the Welcome to Mechanicsburg sign located near Hellenic Kouzina on East Main Street at 10 AM 905 Kranzel Drive, Camp Hill, PA 17011 • 717-798-2515 Sun. Nov. 8 12 till 4. We’re all set for a wag-worthy Open House with plenty of holiday fun and special offers and Refreshments! Do some early holiday shopping for your furry friend We are celebrating with Professional Pet Pictures by Elaine Gates and Professional Complimentary Pet Massage from Kelly Straub! Holiday Shopping!! 309 E. Elmwood Ave. Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 717.805.4953 Kelly Straub Canine Rehab My heart and hands helping your pet stay happy, healthy and active Kelly Straub MPT, CCRP Certified Canine Rehab Practitioner 717-856-9385 Shopping List Part of the proceeds go to AniMeals that provides food & pet care for the elderly in the area. Join us on Transitions at Claremont for a cooking demonstration and sampling. RSVP by November 11th to Helen T. Schultz Phone :717-243-2031 Cell: 717-448-9568 CLAREMONT NURSING AND REHAB CENTER 1000 CLAREMONT ROAD CARLISLE PA 17013 To view other job openings at member businesses, click here. JAZZ ME BA N D Public Performances: October 30 – The NEW A-ville Inn, 27 N. High Street, Arendtsville…Full Band 8:30-11:30 PM. Call 717-677-9259 for information. 31 Gigi’s Restaurant – Southern Table & Bar… Kirk solo Brunch Noon-3 2080 Cato Ave, State College, PA 16801 November 3 – AACA Museum Chamber Event sponsored by Classic Drycleaners- Duo? 11-2 (tentative) 5 – The Roadhouse Restaurant, Eisenhower Blvd. Harrisburg Jazz Me Trio 7-10 6 -Reid’s Winery Cider Mill, 400 Baltimore St. Gettysburg …Kirk solo acoustic 7-10 PM. 6 – Hoffman Homes Event (Trio) Hanover 7-10 7 – Gettysburg American Legion …7-10. Call 717-334-4513 for more information. Kirk solo Acoustic Show. Open to the public, just to sign in as guest of band. Friends 35th Anniversary Celebration For complete up-to-date schedule, information, and photos go to Join us on Saturday, November 21, to celebrate the Friends of the Joseph T. Simpson Public Library’s 35th Anniversary with the music of Pentagon! This event will be held at the Appalachian Harley Davidson Showroom in Mechanicsburg and tickets are $35.00 per person. Tickets are available for purchase at Simpson Library, or purchase tickets online. Purchasing eight tickets reserves a full table. Special thanks to our presenting sponsor, PinnacleHealth and site sponsor Appalachian Harley Davidson. Bookings: call Kirk at 717-979-0341 or E-mail The Jazz Me Band is sponsored annually by: FARNHAM INSURANCE AGENCY, MEMBERS 1st FCU, KEISER’S AUTOMOTIVE, TIMBERVIEW VETERINARY HOSPITAL & LANDON WISE PHOTOGRAPHY When: Where: Details: Saturday, November 21, 2015, from 6:00 - 9:00 pm Appalachian Harley Davidson Showroom 6695 Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA Tickets are $35.00 per person and include heavy hors d’oeuvres, snacks, desserts, beer, wine and sodas. More information Cumberland County 1 Alexandra Ct, Carlisle, Pa 17015 Phone: 717-243-4431 Email: P A CareerLink® Cumberland County will be hosting an Informational Recruiting Event for Advanced Manufacturing Mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 17th 9:30 AM - 12:00 Noon. Cumberland County Pennsylvania is home to 189 manufacturing companies who collectively employ over 8,000 employees with life sustaining wages. Many are expanding and looking for new employees. Come meet eight of Cumberland County’s manufacturers on November 17th! Some of the participating employers include: Ames True Temper in Camp Hill/Carlisle produces lawn and garden tools. Brother & Sister Food Services in Camp Hill produce meat products. Carlisle Syntec in Carlisle produces Rubber Roofing products. Dairy Farmers of America in Mechanicsburg produces Frappuccino’s. Land O’ Lakes in Camp Hill produces Horse Feed. Land O’ Lakes near Mt. Holly Springs produces Butter. Pfizer Inc., in Carlisle produces Sports Drinks. PPG Industries Inc., Near Mt Holly Springs produces glass products. Auxiliary Aids & Services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. COOKIES WITH MRS. CLAUS Holiday Shopping Saturday, December 5, 2015 Tuesday, December 1 Open House 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Upper Allen Twp. Building 100 Gettysburg Pike 2:00 - 8:00 pm Come complete your holiday shopping with this one-stop-shop of various vendors! Donation: $5.00 Children Under 12 Handmade jewelry, home-based businesses and more! $2.00 Adults Questions? Call Linda at 608-7519 Proceeds Benefit: Rhona W. Ellis Memorial Scholarship Mechanicsburg Crafter’s Retreat 304 W. Main St. Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 For information or tickets contact: Karen at Sponsored by: Upper Allen Woman’s Club Foundation Asma Gifts 115 W. Main St. Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 795-1939 WEBKINZ Large selection of Melissa & Doug items Avanti, Blue Mountain Arts and Tree-Free Cards 10% Off Large selection of other greeting cards 50% off and .50 each Showcase for “Heritage Lace” Doilies and Curtains Sterling Silver Jewelry & much MORE Incense Sticks and Cones 20/$1, Fragrant Oils and Accessories Bring this flyer and receive 20% off any one regular priced item Gift Certificates are available. We accept major credit cards.
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