Feb-13 - colonymensgolf.net
Feb-13 - colonymensgolf.net
February 2013, Volume XXIV, Issue #2 DON JOHNSON, PRESIDENT PRESIDENT DON JOHNSON DIRECTORS: VICE-PRESIDENT DENNIS MURPHY SECRETARY STEVE WAGSTAFF TREASURER BILL BRAUN HANDICAP WENDELL JACKSON MEMBERSHIP DON TOWER SOCIAL BILL TIFFANY TOURNAMENT BILLY BROWN PAST PRESIDENT HAL ACORD COMMITTEE CHAIR: NEWSLETTER DENNIS MURPHY SPECIAL EVENTS BILL TIFFANY SUNSHINE CLIFF GUTTING RULES CHARLES CRAVEN HOLE IN ONE JOHN HUESTIS SCGA DELEGATE DON FRANK HISTORIAN JIM ATKINSON TELEPHONE BOB KING 50/50 PROGRAM DON TOWER PUBLICITY BOB FULTON WEBSITE BILL CHARLES NEWSLTR. DIST. JOE BYRON Our thanks to Billy Brown our Tournament Director for his efforts in securing a “PlayAway” golf location. Several locations were considered with the final decision going to Summerly Golf Course in Lake Elsinore. The date has been revised to April 10th. It was gratifying to see the acceptance from all members. Sign-up sheets for play and car pool driving will be available. I am sure all players will enjoy Links-type golf for a change. be spaghetti. In closing the Board welcomes your comments and suggestions to improve your golf enjoyment. Once again a good sandwich and soup luncheon. Our thanks to Bill Tiffany and his crew. February will The Colony Men’s Golf Club Newsletter is a publication of the Colony Men’s Golf Club. All articles must be by Board Members, Committee Chairmen or have been approved by the President. All copy is to be submitted by (NOT ON) the 24th of the prior month to: Dennis Murphy 40085 Via Tonada. 909 241-6727 / e-mail dmurph44@verizon.net Visit the Newsletter on line at www.colonymgc.com BILL BRAUN, Treasurer Month Ended December 31, 2012 Balance Foreword November 30, 2012 Receipts Fifty fifty Dues Lunch Misc. Hats/Shirts $ 10,950.18 $ $ $ $ 80.00 1,170.00 192.00 735.00 Total Receipts $ Total Funds Available $ 13,127.18 Monthly Expenses Awards Dinner Bank Service Charge Directory Lunch Supplies Lunch (Net after cash tip) Misc.Hats, etc. Most Improved Golfer Newsletter Sunshine Web Page Total Expenses $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 26.85 5.00 2,005.09 151.41 292.50 777.45 50.00 125.00 50.00 167.28 Balance December 31, 2012 50/50 (YTD) $ 2,177.00 982.00 $ 3,650.58 $ 9,476.60 STEVE WAGSTAFF, Secretary THE COLONY MEN’S CLUB BOARD MEETING MINUTES January 9, 2013 I. Meeting called to order at 1:00PM by President IV. Board Member reports: Don Johnson/Pledge of Allegiance/Quorum A. President-. Don Johnson. Present, no report. verified B. Vice President-Dennis Murphy. Present. Stated II. Minutes of last Board Meeting approved as that Dave Reynolds is available for committee written. Copy to be posted in pro shop. work; just not golf tourney. III. Committee Chair reports: C. Secretary-Steve Wagstaff. Present, no report. A. Newsletter-Dennis Murphy. Present. Newsletter D. Treasurer- Bill Braun. Present. Distributed th articles in by the 24 ; please leave message if no treasurer’s report. Motion passed to accept report article. Membership down to 94 members, so as presented. Stated we will need to increase price reduced newsletter print quantity to 130. of lunch to members. Motion passed to increase to B. Special Events-Bill Tiffany. Present. COGC $8 in Feb; discuss subsequent months at Gen Mtg. sponsoring hamburger & beer bash Jan 30th. CMGC E. Handicap Director-Billy Brown. Present. No will buy the burgers. report. C. Sunshine-Cliff Gutting. Absent. See Cliff’s report F. Membership Director-Don Tower. Present. Sent for details on members with health issues. Hal out an invitation letter to a new resident. Has not Acord reported that Jack Nelson has passed. Also heard back on earlier letters. Ken Morrow check Boots Domville is at UCSD; awaiting results of liver has been lost. tests. G. Tournament Director- Billy Brown. Reported on D. Rules-Charlie Craven-Present. No report. his search for other courses to play tourney. After E. Hole In One-John Huestis. Absent. Jeri had hip some discussion, it was agreed he try for a Nassau surgery. format at another GC on April 3. F. SCGA Delegate-Don Frank. Absent. H. Social Director-Bill Tiffany-Present. January G. Historian-Jim Atkinson. Absent lunch will be in the Annex and will be Soup & H. 50/50-Don Tower. Present. $155 proceeds last Sandwich. February lunch will be Spaghetti. month. $75 paid out; $80 to Club. YTD balance I. Immediate Past President-Hal Acord. Present. No $982. Has golf balls to auction off at next Gen Mtg. report. I. Telephone-Bob King. Present. No report. V. Old Business: None. J. Web Site- Bob King. Working with John Murphy VI. New Business: None. on the website. VII. Motion to Adjourn-There being to further K. Newsletter Distribution-Joe Byron. Absent. business, meeting was adjourned at 1:50pm. L. Publicity-Bob Fulton. Present. Member’s Guide for 2013 produced a profit of $785.13 vs. a loss of $185.08 in 2012. 2 year net $550.05 CHARLES CRAVEN, PGA, Rules Environmentally Sensitive Area markers; The local rule will govern the play from this area. Normally stakes tip are Green with what kind of condition the area are designated. The white stakes with green are Out-ofBound, Yellow with green is water hazard, and Red with green tip is lateral hazard. You are prohibited from entering the environmentally sensitive area, so all play must be outside of the staked area with appropriate penalty applied. The area may be also marked as ground under repair, see local rule, no penalty. Tip of the Month To expand on last month’s tip, let me take you to the top of the swing of the take-a-way. As you swing (rotate) your body toward the target the hand and elbow is moving away (parallel to your rib cage) to create maxim arc for greater distance. Further you can separate from your body, faster the club head will be. The back shoulder does not dip down but should be moving toward the target. (Feels flat) Practice this move in slow motion first to get the coordination, balance, and the feel for the swing and gradually speed it up to your liking. You will be standing on your front leg when you finish the swing, and the back leg’s heel will be off the ground facing away from the target. BILL TIFFANY, Social Director NOTE: due to catering cost increases, we will need to raise the luncheon cost from $5.00 to $8.00 starting with the February luncheon. Further evaluation may be needed in the future. The luncheon for February will be spaghetti and Italian sausage rain or shine. BT DENNIS MURPHY, Newsletter Editor The series on “Why do golf stretches?” has now been put to rest. As I’m sure you will recall, there were nine sessions that comprised the total series from The Mayo Clinic specifically for golfers. I anyone wishes to receive the complete series in one document, I would be happy to provide them to you. I’m sure you will agree that stretching is a worthwhile activity for golfers and in particular the members of the Colony Men’s Golf Club. Even if you utilized one or two stretches each day you will receive a benefit from them. Let me know of your interest at dmurph44@verizon.net or give me a call at 909.241.6727. *****NEWS FLASH***** There has been a rumor going around that the “BANDITS” have dis-banded. I would like to take this opportunity to announce that the BANDITS are alive and well. The Friday activity has been picked up by our CMGC Treasures, Bill Braun [698-9454]. So if you have been a regular or occasional player in the BANDITS competition head on out to the Cal Oaks pro shop on Friday at 8:00 am for a morning on the links. Those who have yen for “happy” competition in the shamble format Friday 8:00 am also offers the Good Ole Boys with Don Dooley [698-1098] at the helm. Don’t forget that Wednesday 8:00 am offers a variety of games of play with the Men’s Club, contact tournament chairmen Billy Brown [600-7654 or sign up on our website at www.colonymgc.com]. NOTE: If anyone has a harmless, humorous or somewhat humorous [I would be happy to twist a few facts a little] golf story that you might like to share with the readers of the Newsletter, please forward to me. Any story submitted will be the property of the CMGC Newsletter. Names may be changed [or left out] to protect the anonymity of the submitter. Humor is the best medicine and there is no humor better than when we can laugh at ourselves. The Editor, dennisMurphy BILLY BROWN, Tournament Director Nassau A and B January 2, 2013 Front 9 Holes Placed Score 1st 30 2ndTie 31 Player Ganny Cornelio Back 9 Holes Prize ea Placed Score $19 1st 33 $11 2nd Tie 35 Brian Winnard William Jones $19 George Anderson $7 CLOSEST to the PIN Placed Score 1st 64 Ed King $19 2nd 66 Eric Zarfl $12 3rd 68 Bob Beal Don Tower Prize ea Russ Liedel 18 Holes Player Player Prize ea $9 PIN/Flt 5A Distance 4' 2" 14' 6" Player Jeffery Harmon Hal Acord Prize ea $7 $3 5B 17' 0" Dennis Murphy $7 27' 8" 8' 0" 10' O" 5' 2" 17' 0" Don Tower Don Dooley Bob Beal William Jones Bill Braun Bill Braun Billy Brown $3 $7 $3 $7 $3 $18 $18 15A 15B #2 #9 Challenge Challenge GOLF Quips THINGS TO REMEMBER! The stages of golf are Sudden Collapse, Radical Change, Complete Frustration, Slow Improvement, Brief Mastery, and Sudden Collapse. Best Balls of 4 Team Scramble January 9, 2013 January 16, 2013 Placed Score 1st 104 2nd 106 3rd 109 Player Bob Fulton Bob Clark Don Tower Jim Mancuso Charlie Craven Brian Winnard Eric Zarfl Bob King Bob Beal William Jones Malcolm Grant Prize ea Placed Score $14 1st 51.198 $9 2nd 51.244 $6 3rd 52.244 CLOSEST to the PIN PIN/Flt 5A 5B 15A 15B #2 #9 Distance 6' 3" 21' 2" 2' 9" 3' 3" 9' 6" 14' 9" 22' 7" 28' 7" Player Vern Bradstreet Charlie Craven Jerry Chabot William Jones Bob Fulton Mack Denney Don Tower Pete Lorusso Challenge Challenge Mack Denney Carry Over Player Mack Denney William Jones Dennis Murphy Vern Bradstreet Don Dooley Wendell Jackson George Anderson Russ Liedel Jeffrey Harmon Jim Atkinson Prize ea $24 $11 $10 CLOSEST to the PIN Prize $7 $3 $7 $3 $7 $3 $7 $3 $18 $18 PIN/Flt 5A 5B 15A 15B #2 #9 Distance 0' 11" 23' 8" 24' 0" 33' 8" 6' 7" 12' 3" 27' 5" 30' 6" Player Bob Fulton Granny Cornelio Eric Zarfl Dave Reynolds Mack Denney Hal Acord Jay Perry Jerry Chabot Challenge Challenge Bob Cochran Dennis Murphy Prize $7 $3 $7 $3 $7 $3 $7 $3 $21 $39 *****SPECIAL NOTICE***** Put this on your Calendar, CMGC is planning an “away tournament”, the course is Links at Summerly, on Wednesday, April 10, 2013. This will be a Scramble, Shot Gun start at 8:00 am. Green fees are $31.00, which must be paid in advance, no later than March 27, 2013. Let’s all try to participate and make this a successful, fun day for everyone. Applications will be in the March Newsletter. Individual Low Net A (0-23) B (24+) SHAMBLE January 23, 2013 January 30, 2013 Placed 1st 2nd Score A 62 B 62 Player Bill Tiffany Bob Beal A 63 Mac Denney TIE B 68 Don Johnson Hal Perry TIE Bob King Prize ea $26 Placed 1st Tie Score 115 Player Vern Bradstreet Bob Clark Bob Harrison Prize ea $11 George Anderson Bill Tiffany $13 1st Tie 115 Al Buelow Chuck Mokricki $11 Dave Reynolds Charlie Craven 3rd 116 Bob Timberlake $6 Dennis Murphy Pat Fedele CLOSEST to the PIN PIN/Flt 5A 5B 15A 15B CLOSEST to the PIN Distance 20' 5" Player Bob Fulton Prize 22' 7" Russ Liedel $3 0' 0" CARRY OVER $7 0' 0" CARRY OVER $3 10' 9" Gordon Yen $7 15' 6" Bob Beal $3 9' 3" Don Dooley $7 23' 6" Chuck Mokricki $3 $7 PIN/Flt 5A 5B 15A 15B Distance 19'3" 12'8" 22'4" 22'6" 5'8" 12'0" 25'2" 25'9" #2 Challenge Bill Tiffany $21 #2 Challenge #9 Challenge Don Tower $21 #9 Challenge Player Vern Bradstreet Russ Liedel Billy Brown Jerry Chabot Mack Denney Bob Fulton Wendell Jackson Bob Timberlake Bill Tiffany Bob Fulton Prize $7 $3 $7 $3 $7 $3 $7 $3 $16 $16 CLIFF GUTTING, Sunshine _ Jack Nelson died on January 7th. Jack was buried at The Riverside Veterans Cemetery on January 18th, with military honors provided by the U.S. Marine Corp. Boots Doomville is scheduled for surgery on January 23rd, to remove a tumor on his liver. The surgery will be performed at Hillcrest Hospital in San Diego. BOB FULTON, Publicity SUPPORT OUR SUPPORTERS Our 2013 Members’ Guide could not have been possible without the financial support of the 28 advertisers listed below. Kindly show your appreciation by patronizing them whenever possible and mention seeing their ad in the book. AUROMOBILE SERVICES A-1 Auto Cal Oaks Car Wash GOLF SERVICES Cal Oaks Golf Course Prestige Golf Cars DENTAL, EYES & HEARING Diez, Jolene, DDS Hearing Aid Systems Johnson & Johnson Hearing Vision Experience REALTORS Prudential Realty Tarbell Realty HAIR CARE Santiago's Salon and Barber Shop BOWLING Brunswick Cal Oaks Bowl DRUGGIST Walgreens ADV. SPECIALTIES Harold Craig RESTURANTS Anthony's Applebee's Calhoun's Texas Bar-B-Q Carini's Pizza Carnitas Express Farmer Boys Hana Sushi J. Carter's Tavern Jersey's Pizza Maxx Pizza Outback Steakhouse The Mill Spelly's Pub & Grille