October 2012
October 2012
OCTOBER 2012 MAIDSTONE ALLOTMENTS NEWSLETTER IE! WHAT A BIGG Plotholders ONTEST P U M P K I NI GC H THAT UP! PHEW! WE Welcome to our latest newsletter. We hope you find it useful. As ever, we need your news, tips and photographs - please send ideas to the Chairman. O PEN MEE TING - 6t h D ec ember ur next Allotments Open Evening is on Thursday 6th December, at 7.30pm Maidstone Hockey Club in Armstrong Road (ME15 6AZ). There is on-road parking and a free public car park. Our speaker will be Dusty Miller, whose screenillustrated talk is ‘Growing Vegetables from Scratch’. Dusty covers the basic requirements of soil and plot, cultivation techniques, how specific pesticides and fertilisers work, and various other aspects. * Prizes, Cups and Certificates will be presented to our competition winners. * There will be a brief report on our year so far on the allotments, from the Chair. O * The pay bar is then open with the opportunity to chat, ask questions, and catch up. * We do hope you can come; it’s a really good evening. CAN YOU HELP? As you know reps, managers and the committee all give their time voluntarily in many ways to help maintain the allotment sites and keep them enjoyable for all. Can you spare some time to join us? We would really appreciate it, it’s good fun and rewarding too. And you get to know a lot of folk on the site. Please speak to your site manager or rep about what you can help with on your site. With 12 sites, 710 plotholders, please help. We have welcomed new plotholders on all sites as some plots have been given up for varying reasons. Some newcomers have struggled but with advice most have kept going. We always say it is a little different to the television programmes! There are several publications we can recommend to make it all seem less daunting and give the very best advice on getting started. See your Site Manager. It is unlikely, if not unknown, (and that’s countrywide) for a plot to be taken on without needing a lot of work. But that work makes it even more rewarding when you taste your first produce. Invoices 2013 Just a reminder that, as advised in our February Newsletter, we are changing our invoicing year. The start will move from March to October. each year So, invoices will be sent out in February 2013 requesting payment in March for a six month period. Then an invoice will be sent out in September 2013 for October payment for the full twelve months. The annual invoice will be payable in October from then on. We now have on-line banking as well. E Mails We need your e mail addresses. It speeds communications and is free to us. Let us know if yours changes. Please contact Anna. COMPETITIONS We went for a mix of serious and fun competitions this year as there had not been any for many years. Best Scarecrow created much amusement and was a difficult one to choose – John Larkin at Glebe was winner, picture opposite and on our website. But there were some very creative scarecrows out there. Let’s hope they are doing their job! Best Photo was interesting too, again pictures on website. We didn’t print the one of the slowworm eating a slug as it is a bit gruesome, but that’s nature for you. But again some great photos and Ben Kirby from Sandling Lane was the winner. Best Plot was David Torrens at Upper Fant. The runners up were Kevin Finn and Mr Overy, both at Loose, and Peter Kirby at Sandling Lane. They had a great mix of planting and inspired us. Most Attractive Site had two categories allowing for the differing size of our sites. The outstanding small site was James Street. Really well done to them. The large site was Loose [new site as it is still called]. Our final competition was the Largest Pumpkin. We brought the judging date forward as we realized that by end of October there could be some early frosts [knowing our climate], and an early frost would have deflated them and reduced them to pulp! So again two winners. Bob Pearsall at Glebe with initially the largest and certainly the heaviest and Nigel Trute at Upper Fant with a slightly later and slightly larger measurement. Can you believe 63” and 65 “ and a weight of over 65lbs on the 63” one! Bob’s pumpkin is on the front page, overleaf. Mix of photographs opposite. COMMITTEE CONTACTS Judith Chappell! Chairman mikeandjudith@mac.com % 07766 011183 Chris Di Marco! Vice Chairman % % % 01622 728583% 07821 398839 Anna Watts! ! Secretary % maidstoneallotments@hotmail.co.uk 01622 664528 131 London Road, Maidstone ME16 0HF {9.30 to 12.30] Brian Prentice! Treasurer % % % 01622 205757 Bob Pearsall % bob.josiepearsall@btinternet.com % % % 01622 726556% 07979 280795 Louise Tarleton Hodgson % louisethodgson@yahoo.co.uk % % % 01622 762816 07748 968992 Sandra Walker sandra.c.walker@virgin.net% 01622 670888 % BONFIRES These are allowed from now until the end of March but as most have been piled up for some time, getting wet[!] do please check that hedgehogs or other wildlife haven’t taken up residence underneath them. And, as always, consider neighbouring houses and choose a non-windy day. And you must stay with the bonfire until it is totally out, never leave it unattended. Potatoes, onions and shallots at our usual great prices will be on sale at the beginning of January 2013 at all our allotment shops. Prices and details of the wide range of potatoes [some of you may not have tried some before!], are at the shops and on your site notice boards.