the Church of Santa Maria
the Church of Santa Maria
Santa Maria Church Pastoral Team Rev. George Alengadan,SDB, x305 Parochial Administrator Church of Santa Maria Body & Blood of Christ June 2, 2013 Sister Mary Anh Cong, LHC, x309 Pastoral Care of the Sick Deacon Maurice Custodio, x373 Permanent Deacon Emeritus, Megan Dagang, x308 Youth Minister Sr. Theresa Lan Do, LHC, x306 Faith Formation HeadStart to Grade 5 Kristin McNamara, x308 Assistant Youth Minister 40 Santa Maria Way , Orinda, Ca 94563 Tel: 925-254-2426 Anthony Millette, x310 Music, Liturgy Sr. Claire Pham, LHC, x303 Secretarial Support Francy Rasimus, x309 Pastoral Care Associate Diane Siegmund, x302 Bookkeeper Linda Zunino, x301 Administrative Assistant Fax: 925-254-2468 E-mail: Web: OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday: 9am to Noon, 1pm to 5pm Friday, 9am to 2pm LITURGY SCHEDULE Weekdays Tuesday 8am (Chapel) 12 Noon to 3pm Eucharistic Adoration (Chapel) Saturday 4pm Reconciliation 5pm Vigil Liturgy Sunday Holydays 8:30am, 10:30am & 5pm Liturgies 8am & 7pm (September to June) (NO Adoration June through August) Body and Blood of Christ Reflecting on God’s Word I came across a little book not too long ago that offered a selection of “B and Bs” (“Bed and Breakfast” residences) where travelers could stay in a certain state. The promise of a good “B and B” is a clean place, a good night’s sleep, and a good meal to begin the day. In short, rest and sustenance. Is it too irreverent to propose that today’s feast is a reminder that we believers have available the “B and B” of all “B and Bs” in the Eucharist? This sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ offers an ongoing opportunity for rest and sustenance with the Lord. Today’s scriptures all deal with offering sustenance, beginning with Melchizedek presenting Abraham a little bread and wine along with a blessing. Then there is Paul reminding the fractious Corinthians how eating the bread and wine sustains them as they proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes. Finally, Jesus provides rest and sustenance for his disciples, along with five thousand others who show up. My late stepfather worked off a truck, checking gas meters and doing repairs for the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company. He used to stop in a church and have his lunch there. He said it provided him a chance to talk to the Lord and rest for a few moments in the Lord’s presence. It sustained him over the years. Again, rest and sustenance. God’s ongoing hospitality in the Eucharist has continued over generations to offer rest and sustenance. What could be better than having the Lord coming to dwell within us, giving us the nourishment necessary to sustain us on our journey? —James A. Wallace, C.SS.R. Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. June 2, 2013 THANK YOU Dear Friends, Serving as pastor of Santa Maria Parish has been an experience of growth and blessing – a maturing of my priestly vocation. I am profoundly grateful to God and to each member of the community for being part of that growth. I thank my brothers in the priesthood who served with me, in particular Father George Alengadan. I am indebted to each member of our pastoral team, to those whose ministries are quietly and effectively performed behind the scenes enabling our pastoral services. To each member of our community, thank you for your love and affection. I love you all very much. If I wasn’t always a clear sign of God’s love, I express my apology asking only for your prayer that I may become more configured to Christ, the Eternal Priest. You will always be in my prayer. Msgr. Ted Kraus The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults An Invitation to Explore the Catholic Faith Eucharistic Adoration will not be held During the summer months Adoration will return in September! THE SPIRITUAL LIBRARY The spiritual reading cart in the narthex of the church has been emptied and filled several times and we are happy our parishioners are reading. Please keep up your reading and if you have any books which you would like to share with the parishioners, please bring them by the parish office. Thank you! As Catholics we believe that we are guided by God’s Word and through this Word we find guidance and we meet God’s Son, Jesus Christ. Prayer Brings Us Joy and Peace. The 2000 years of history of the Catholic Church has a rich treasure of prayer and spirituality. As Catholics we Seek Goodness for All- for each person was created by God and in God’s image. We Gather to Give Praise and Worship weekly at Sunday liturgy, and other times throughout the year. Through our community of faith and through our prayer we Discover God’s Plan for Us, which leads us to Help Those in Need. All of this is done by A Community Working Together – working together to build the Kingdom of God here on earth – for finding life in Christ as a Catholic is both personal and communal. If you or someone you know would like to know more about how Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church can make a positive difference in your life, please contact a member of the RCIA Team at: Santa Maria Parish Office, (925) 254-2426 A Friendly Place San Damiano Retreat Center (please contact retreat center for registration information at 925-837-9141, ext 315) Scripture & Spirituality - Fr. Tom Bonacci, CP June 7-9 Silent Contemplative—Sr. Ishpriya June 10-14 Dreams Workshop - Dr. Jeremy Taylor June 14-16 The first Sunday of each month, the Santa Maria Women’s Guild collects supplies for A Friendly Place, a daytime women’s shelter in Oakland. Donations may be placed on the marked shelves in the Outreach Closet, to the left when you enter the church. Especially needed are: paper plates, napkins, coffee and tea, feminine hygiene products, travel-size shampoo, and lotion. Please call parishioner Jane Feusier (925) 451-4631 if you have questions or are interested in volunteering. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION We owe today’s beautiful feast to a valiant woman who suffered a great deal to establish a feast out of her love for the Eucharist. Juliana was a nun in Belgium in the thirteenth century. She served in a hospital for lepers. She became convinced through her prayer that the liturgical year was incomplete because it had no feast for the Eucharist. Her efforts were not welcome, and a supervising priest sought to punish her for promoting a feast that “nobody wanted.” He even had her accused of financial mismanagement and banished her from her convent. Shortly after she was exiled, the bishop approved the feast. It quickly spread through Europe. In those days, people very seldom received Holy Communion, and so the processions through the streets with the eucharistic bread not only led to an awareness of Christ’s hunger to be with us, but prepared the way for a deeper desire to receive Christ’s Body and Blood in more frequent Communion. The feast grew rapidly, but Juliana disappeared into poverty and a hidden life. She ended her days as an “anchoress,” a woman living in seclusion in a room attached to a parish church. Imagine her delight at seeing us gathered at the table of the Lord on this day, aware of Christ’s presence in our midst, sharing fully in Christ’s Body and Blood. Our celebration today invests her struggle and sorrows with dignity and meaning. —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend “Warmth, generosity, deep profound love, respect, Christ in our marriage” - these are just a few comments married couples have shared with us as to what they “discovered” by attending a WWME weekend. Come and uncover your own words/meaning by attending the upcoming WWME weekend being held in Pleasanton June 21-23. For moiré information call Mike & Jeanne at 925-672-2016 or Joe & Sue at 925-680-7767 now, or go to Registrations must be received by May 26; this is a firm deadline. Magnificat Ministry to Women invites you to join them at their next Prayer Breakfast June 15, 2013 - 9:30-12:30p San Ramon Marriott-2600 Bishop Drive, San Ramon, CA Speaker: Rev. John H. Hampsch, C.M.F. Tickets are $25-$35 after June 8th Make online reservations at or mail it to Magnificat SOTI PO Box 4626 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 There will be a $2 parking fee. Father’s Day Novena Cards are available this weekend in the Narthex. Envelopes should be returned by June 16th either by the collection basket or by delivering them to the Parish Office. All envelopes will be present on the altar during the nine day novena. Pastoral Care Ministries The Pastoral Care Ministry of Santa Maria Parish focuses on visiting parishioners who are incapacitated by age or illness and are homebound, hospitalized, or are residents of nursing home facilities. Our ministry is focused on individuals who are no longer able to come, worship, and pray with their Church community on a regular basis. Pastoral Care Ministers of Santa Maria Parish, who are trained volunteers, support those entrusted to their care in practical ways such as visits, bringing communion, as well as supplying news of events and parish literature. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick can be arranged for those who are ill or those preparing for surgery. To request assistance or more information Please contact the Parish office or at 254-2426 or Email: Joan Artmann, Bert Azaro, Sonya Cavazos, Blanca Christie, Tom Crosby, Yolanda Eldred, Nancy Flynn, Emidio Fonseca, Bridget Gallagher, Maria Garven, Carol Koupus, George & Catherine Linehan, Yal Liu, Patricia McGuire, Winifred McKenna, Stephen O’Brien, Tom O’Brien, Giuseppe Paolucci, Carolyn Parsons, Don & Marian Potter, Ann Powell, Raymond Protti, Ann Rothwell, Susie Castillo-Robson, Betty Sammon, Helen Sullivan, Steve Tool, Margaret Wiegand, Jim Woods, Joan Zappettini LITURGY INTENTIONS WEEKEND of June 8 - 9, 2013 WEEK of June 3 - 7, 2013 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday D = Deceased L =Living 8:00a 8:00a 8:00a 8:00a 8:00a Gene Kraus (D) Martha Nguyen (D) Maria Tran (D) Joseph Nguyen (D) Int: Vessa Benitez Quitasol Saturday Sunday 5:00p Int: Abinsay-Walsh Family 8:30a Jenna Bockmiller (D) 10:30a Int: Adriano Fonseca 5:00p For the Parish Treasure WEEKLY NEED: $10,350.00 5% of the plate collection is given to Social Justice, which gives to 10 different charities charities.. ACTUAL ACTUAL:: May 25 - 26, 2013 $ 3,782.35 Plate 739.38 EFT $ 1,557.28 Credit $ 6,079.01 Total Catholic Voice $ 981.95 Upcoming second & special collections: 06/02/13 Faith Formation 06/09/13 Communication/Black/ Indian Missions 06/30/13 Maintenance Fund THANK YOU for Your Time, Talent and Treasure! Week at a Glance Mon 8:00a Tues 8:00a Wed 8a Thur. 8a 9:30a Fri. 8a 2pm Sat. 8a 9a 4:00p 5:00p Sun. 8:30a 9:30a 10:30a 11:30a 5:00p June 3 Euch Liturgy June 4 Euch Liturgy June 5 Euch Liturgy June 6 Euch Liturgy Orinda Academy Graduation June 7 Euch Liturgy Orinda Academy Graduation June 8 Eucharistic Celebration Minister of Word Practice Sacrament of Reconciliation Euch Liturgy June 9 Euch Liturgy Coffee & Doughnuts Euch Liturgy Coffee & Doughnuts Euch Liturgy chapel chapel chapel chapel parish hall chapel church chapel church church church church parish hall church parish hall church Cruise from Rome to Barcelona with Catholic Charities All are invited to join a Catholic Charities of the East Bay Mediterranean Medley cruise, sailing from Rome to Barcelona on the 6Star Crystal Serenity. Ports of call include Florence/Livorno, Porto Venere, Monte Carlo, and Palamos, Spain. Fares begin at $2,280 per person including meals and entertainment on board, gratuities, and complimentary beverages. Please contact travel agent Gale Lydecker at Orinda Travel, 925-937-7748. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ AMAZON WE WISH TO THANK ALL THOSE WHO WORKED SO HARD AND LONG TO MAKE OUR PENTECOST LITURGIES SO MEANINGFUL AND AWE INSPIRING. Here’s another way to help your parish. When you order from Amazon, go to our Web Site, www. and use the Amazon Link on the top of the opening page. Santa Maria will be a beneficiary from your order. Select your favorite book(s) or other products and help your parish community, too. There is no enrollment process.
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