XinMaster User guide


XinMaster User guide
XinMaster User guide XinMaster was built to save you time, organize and manage all your SEnuke data, and help you execute complex SEnuke scheduling. This guide is to help you understand and use all the tools in this system. There are several optional settings and tools, we suggest that you leave these unchanged or empty until you are familiar with the system and have imported and run nuke successfully. Enter all your basic information and slowly add complexity to your campaigns after you have seen some success. SEnukeXCr is a very complex system, XinMaster is creating a large xml file to import all your nuke data into the wizard. Once you have one or two campaigns working smoothly add more and start exploring the optional settings and tools. We offer several ways to create an account and log in. Once you have created an account log in the same way each time. If you create an account with the Twitter tool and log in the next time with the username and password it will probably create a new account. Try to create and use only one account. The system will log you out if dormant for over an hour. Hover over the username in the top right corner to log out or to contact support. The Dashboard Once you are logged in the dashboard is first thing you will see every day. The scheduler will list all the nuke runs that are up next. They will either be marked Ready or Late, "Ready" for runs that should be started today, "Late" for runs that should have already been started to stay on your preset schedule. The black nuke button is a short cut to launch that campaign's nuke page. Select the black "Nuke Button" to go directly to that nuke set up page. Keep in mind that this is just a scheduling tool, you can skip runs, let them wait for a few days, or use any other function in XinMaster from the dashboard. Recently Completed or skipped nuke runs are logged on the right Membership Basic membership to XinMaster is free. At this level users can access all the tools to set up one campaign and use the import campaign form a file tool on SEnukeXCr. Using XinMaster at the Basic level is a no strings attached way to see the system in action and how it works. Take a look at the membership page to see the different membership levels. Send us an email for any other membership questions. Profile User Profile -­‐ User Name -­‐ no spaces or characters, other fields self explanatory. External Accounts -­‐ XinMaster needs to access your accounts on supporting services. If applicable enter your username and password. If XinMaster has trouble verifying external accounts contact support and we will get you straightened out. Default Nuke Settings -­‐ We have moved most of the settings to the individual campaigns. There are a few remaining and we may add more settings to this space Templates XinMaster -­‐ The default ZontSEO templates from SEnukeXCr and a basic set of 16 XinMaster templates already loaded into XinMaster. To use the XinMaster templates you will need to download the zip file and place them in the right folder so SEnuke can access them. Custom -­‐ You can add any templates that you use in SEnukeXCr into XinMaster with the custom tool. XinMaster needs the XML file for each template in order to create the data file for import. You also must have the matching template in your SEnuke folder so everything matches up. If you need help with templates send a support email and we will walk you through it. SEnuke templates are stored in this file: C\Users\(your name)\AppData\Local\SENukeX\Templates Clients This is strictly a filing system to help you stay organized. You may add some or all of your client data in this section or just add yourself. * Note Folders are shown in the main navigation menu on the left. Campaigns are placed into folders and assigned to a client. For best results sketch out your desired folder list on a scratch paper. Placement in the menu is by order of creation. If you would like your files and folders to be in a particular order, build it that way from the start. We may add drag and drop tools to move folders around if there is demand, but for now build it right the first time. Enter your clients (even if only by name) create your folders (in the order you would like them to appear) and then add campaigns. Tools Add Campaign -­‐ Enter all your nuke data one time into XinMaster one time and never copy and paste into the SEnuke wizard again. There is a matching field in this section for every open field in the SEnukeXCr wizard. Only the images section is optional. Take your time and get this data entered correctly, you can make changes at any time, this is a tool not a system. See a full explanation of all the campaign fields in a following section. Manage Folders -­‐ name your folders and select the Add button. They will be organized by order of creation. You can only delete folders that contain zero campaigns. You can change the folder in which a campaign is in under the edit campaign tab. If you are unhappy with the order of your folders, place all your campaigns in the default folder, delete all the folders, enter them again in the order you desire and then assign the campaigns to the correct folder. These are only organizational tools and do not effect XinMaster output. Once you have at least one campaign created you are ready to start nuking. Open a folder, select a campaign and you will get to this point. From the Information tab you can view all the nuke data associated with the selected campaign. You can quickly scan down the page to see if everything is in order. If you need/want to make a change select the Edit Information tab. This will open up all the fields for changes. To create a file to import into SEnukeXCr select the Nuke tab. This page will allow changes to run settings but not nuke data. You can change all the fields that effect the nuke settings, but not your data. Make any needed changes and select the launch campaign button to create the file for import. Campaign data fields XinMaster creates an XML file with all the data needed to create and entire SEnukeXCr run. In order to accomplish this we need to have the correct information for every field in the wizard. This information needs to be formatted correctly for each project page in the wizard. If you are getting import errors, it's probably a data error. A space or a comma in the wrong place, an unrecognizable character, a messed up manual SPIN or something similar. Double check your data and then contact support to solve import errors. Client This is a drop down field pulling from all the clients you have entered. You can use a default name Folder This is also a drop down field showing all the folders that you have entered. Again you can use a default folder. You can change this setting as needed. Create a campaign, use the default folder... add a new folder, go back and change the folder in the edit information tab. Name This is the campaign name that will show in the menu on the left and on the main dashboard The first three fields are for XinMaster organization Short Name The short name will be used to create the run names in SEnukeXCr. No spaces, the fewer letters the better. The campaign name will be the short name plus the date and time the run was started. Here is a sample of a list of runs created with XinMaster Campaign Company This is for a filed on the second page of the wizard common settings. This is NOT necessarily the name of your business or the name of whatever you are nuking. Most users enter something believable with some keyword pop to it. You can enter as many names as you like in this field and XinMaster will SPIN the content and SEnuke will pull one from the SPIN each time it needs a campaign company name. You can use spun content in this field if you like to spin your own data. Templates XinMaster is designed to cycle through templates as it creates new runs. Choose which templates you would like to use for each campaign and when you are prompted to start a nuke run XinMaster will use the next template on the list. You can override this in the Nuke tab before you create the data file. This is a tool to manage the difficult task of using a systematic template strategy like promoted by Inferno. If you only use one template, just select that one template. Use the control key to select templates. Note..... You will need to rename your templates in the alphabetical order that you would like them to run if you are particular about the order in which you want them to run. These names need to match in the nuke/template folder on your C drive. Campaign Articles This field interacts with Article Builder to create content. Use the control key to select all the applicable categories. XinMaster will pull one article from Article builder and prep the content for the wizard. Profiles (Volume) Step #2 in the SEnukeXCr wizard on the basic information page. Set the number of profiles depending on your nuke strategy for each campaign. There is a detailed section in the fast start guide about this setting and ZontSEO has a lot of good information on nuke settings. Days (Frequency) This is a drop down from 1 to 21 days. If you want/need to go longer than 21 days, you can change this number on the Universal Settings page in the wizard The number of days to spread the submission over is another nuke setting that is an important factor in your nuke settings. Links per (Amplitude) This sets the number of links in the Common settings page in the wizard. You can modify this number on each project as you work your way through the wizard if you like. Priority This is another drop down menu, choose from Daily Every other day Every third day Once a week Every other Week Monthly This is not a nuke setting -­‐ rather a XinMaster setting to prompt you to start a new nuke run. Profiles (Volume) Days (Frequency) Links per (Amplitude) Priority These numbers are very important and need to be set carefully. There is a section in the fast start guide and there is an endless supply of opinions and training about these settings in ZontSEO, on the SEnuke forum, and in the Inferno guide. # of URLs in Spin (advanced settings) If you only have a handful of URLs you are Nuking, set this at 20 and forget it. If you have a lot of URLs in your campaign this will help you create a weighted link profile. # of Keywords in Spin (advanced settings) If you have a limited number of keywords this setting will be irrelevant for you. If you like to use a lot of keywords you can use this setting in conjunction with multiple keyword lists to create great weighted keyword spins. This is an advanced feature, if you would like more information please reach out individually and we will spend some time with you. If you have no idea what I am talking about, just set it at 20 and leave it alone. Category Keywords This matches a field on the common settings page in the wizard These are keywords for categories on websites we are publishing content. These are not the keywords you are trying to win, we are trying to match categories on third party websites where we are publishing content. If you were manually publishing an article on some website, you would need to choose a category to place your article from a list they provide. This is usually a drop down menu, SEnukeXCr is using some clever programming to choose a category based on what you enter in this field. If you get to this point after importing a file from XinMaster and the wizard says that there are not matching categories... look down the list for some ideas and go back to this field and put some more generic stuff in there. NOT YOUR KEYWORDS.... Guessing categories on someone else's site. Images (Advanced) Flickr Keyword Image Width Number of Images Flickr Page Image URLs This is a tricky tool and we only added it because someone asked nicely. This is to add photos to the Article, Wordpress, and Wiki projects. If you have the URL to your photos add the URLs to the Image URL field. You are welcome to experiment with the Flickr keyword tool. In my opinion... it is asking a lot to automate this function. The photos will most likely end up at the top or the bottom of you content, but if you know what you are doing have fun with this one. If you have no idea what I am talking about just skip this whole section and spare yourself some pain and red ink. Title This section helps you create great titles for your content. This is another field in the common settings page in the wizard you can enter titles into the field one at a time or use the Google Suggest title tools. We are using a Google API and it will come up with a ton of trending titles that you would never think of. The Google tool is great but you will need to go through the list generated and delete up to 20% of them. These titles will be used in the Article, the Wordpress and the Wiki projects as the title to the articles SEnuke is publishing. If these titles have trending relevant titles you can get some great direct traffic. Primary URL Group Enter your URLs one per line. If you have a large number of URLs and or want to create some weighted SPINs use the Add URL Group and number of URLs in SPIN tools to accomplish this. Advanced training upon request. Primary Keyword Group Add your Keywords one per line, add Keyword Groups to create multiple keyword groups. Tags You must have at least three Tags and they must be comma separated (no spaces). The Tag Min and Tag max tools with help you manage your keywords if you use large numbers The Tags will be added to all the basic info page on the wizard. These Tags will be added to every project and can be changed as you work your way through the wizard as needed. * Note about the XinMaster Spinning tools. Every time you create a new nuke run your spin will be different. If you have 50 keywords or 50 tags and you select 20 as you number of keywords in SPIN you will get a different 20 keywords each time. This is to help you create variety. If you have questions about this or any of the other tools please send us a support email and we will give you more information. Update Campaign button to save changes Setting up a Nuke Run Every day you will be prompted to start new nuke runs depending on the priority settings for each campaign. You can go directly to the nuke set up tab from here be selecting the black Nuke button. Or you can use the Nuke tab in the campaign menu. Make any needed changes and select the launch Campaign button The next thing you will see is the file processing window. XinMaster is pulling content from Article Builder and putting together the XML file for SEnuke. The more complicated the template the longer this will take. As soon as XinMaster is done building this file you will get a prompt to save the file. The default is to save to the downloads folder on your C drive. It will be easier to keep things straight if you keep this folder cleaned out. Once this file is in your download folder you can import it into SEnuke. Select the file If you get a upload failed warning check all your data for errors. If you keep getting the failed to import warning send us a support request and we will fix you up. Once the campaign is in SEnuke you can run through the wizard. All data some all fields will be filled in. you need to scan everything on each page looking for problems as you page through the wizard. You can make any changes you like as you go through the projects. XinMaster cannot build contextual keyword links. For the article, Wordpress, and Wiki projects it is best to have your links in the body of the article in context. You can do this will a little practice and