summer young artist program at ccs where kids ages 8
summer young artist program at ccs where kids ages 8
2016 ONE WEEK AT A TIME WEEKLY COURSE OFFERINGS Young minds are full of curiosity and the need to learn. Each of our young artist classes is designed to fulfill those desires and teach basic art and design skills to inspire and foster creativity. We offer a variety of studio- and digital-based courses for several age groups to provide a supportive learning environment for all. Students must have turned eight prior to July 1, 2015. WEEK 1: JUNE 20 – 24 SCULPTURE Students will learn to take their ideas and communicate them through a three-dimensional form. Students will work with clay, found objects, fabric, wire and more as they develop their concepts. AYTH 202 A | AYTH 202 B | $250 AUTO DESIGN important to understand how to translate 2D design into three dimensions. In this session, students will learn drawing techniques specific to auto design such as perspective, proportion and accuracy of shape. COLOR BY MATISSE understanding of drawing. Working from still lives, Important techniques for creating shadow, value AYTH 040 A | AYTH 040 B | $250 FASHION Students will develop a strong foundational artists will develop and improve their drawing skills. own designs. WEEK 3: JULY 11 – 15 DRAWING clothed models, architecture and nature, young Students will also create basic 3D models of their WEEK 2: JUNE 27 – JULY 1 Incorporating the non-traditional materials with WEEK 4: JULY 18 – 22 While drawing cars is complex and exciting, it is also and form will be introduced. AYTH 201 A | AYTH 201 B | $250 WEEK 5: JULY 25 – 29 Students will explore the vividness and freedom HEROES AND MONSTERS traditional fashion materials to create design of color inspired by studying the works of the collections will be the key to this week. Students artist Henri Matisse and other post-Impressionist will be guided through the design process, including artists. By creating bright still lives, portraits, inspiration, research, drawing out ideas and design prints and collages, students will expand their concepts. Students will learn about fashion designers artistic expression. who successfully use non-traditional materials to AYTH 033 A | AYTH 033 B | $250 Bring your imagination to life! Discover the methods and tools that illustrators use to create wonderful heroes and monsters. Students will learn how to create figures and place them in surreal environments that tell a story. AYTH 153 A | AYTH 153 B | $250JULY 2 create wearable fashion. Both traditional and nontraditional sewing techniques will be taught. AYTH 205 A | AYTH 205 B | $250 ONE WEEK AT A TIME SUMMER YOUNG ARTIST PROGRAM AT CCS WHERE KIDS AGES 8 — 12 CAN STUDY ART ALL DAY 313.664.7456 Detroit, MI 48202 201 East Kirby Precollege and Continuing Studies 2016 ONE WEEK AT A TIME REGISTRATION FORM 2016 ONE WEEK AT A TIME POLICIES AND INFORMATION TO REGISTER CALL 313.664.7456 REGISTRATION FORM To withdraw, call 313.664.7456 or email WEEKLY OFFERINGS AND SCHEDULE Complete one form for each student enrolling. Register by phone at 313.664.7456, or mail this completed form and payment to: College for Creative Studies, Attn: Precollege and Continuing Studies, 201 East Kirby, Detroit, MI 48202 Student First Name Student Last Name DOB (MM/DD/YY) TUITION, DISCOUNTS AND PAYMENTS WEEKLY OFFERINGS SINGLE-WEEK PRICING PER STUDENT All sessions meet Monday – Friday, 9:30 a.m. – $250 per student per week. Single weeks must 4 p.m., unless otherwise specified. be paid in full at time of registration. Registrations taken after May 1, 2016, will not be discounted. Student Address City State Week 1: June 20 – 24 ZIP Sculpture CLUSTER PRICING DISCOUNTS Parent/Guardian First Name Parent/Guardian Last Name Parent/Guardian Address (if different from above) Home Phone Parent/Guardian Email Work Phone Week 2: June 27 – July 1 Fashion Auto Design Week 3: July 11 – 15 Color by Matisse Week 4: July 18 – 22 Drawing Week 5: July 25 – 29 Heroes and Monsters Cell Phone › Select preferred weeks below. › Select Enrichment for each week as desired. Enrichment fees are in addition to weekly fees. ■ WEEK 1: JUNE 20 – 24 SCULPTURE Enrichment ■ Yes ■ No ■ WEEK 2: JUNE 27 – JULY 1 ■ FASHION OR ■ AUTO DESIGN Enrichment ■ Yes ■ No ■ WEEK 3: JULY 11 – 15 COLOR BY MATISSE Enrichment ■ Yes ■ No ■ WEEK 4: JULY 18 – 22 DRAWING Enrichment ■ Yes ■ No $250 Enrichment $50 Two Weeks $500 Enrichment $50 Three Weeks $750 Enrichment $50 Four Weeks** $1,000 Enrichment $50 Five Weeks** $1,250 Enrichment $50 (Tuition) SUBTOTAL CLUSTER: midday project and a PM course. Those who same week. Sibling discounts cannot be combined register for all four weeks prior to May 1, 2016, with Cluster Pricing. › Enrichment fees are in addition to any tuition for weekly courses and covers both the AM and PM Enrichment sessions › Students must be pre-registered › No discount on Enrichment for multiple students › Students must be signed in and out daily by a parent or guardian with ID AM Enrichment* Pay 100% at time of registration. SCHOLARSHIPS THREE, FOUR OR FIVE WEEKS: APPLICATION AND REGISTRATION Pay non-refundable 50% deposit at time of FORMS DUE: MARCH 31, 2016 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. AM Course registration; 25% remaining balance due June 1, Families interested in applying for tuition Instructor: 2016, and final remaining balance due July 1, 2016. scholarships must download and complete Jones and Assistant the CCS Young Artist Scholarship Application BILLING Form available on our website: Lunch; Meals Are Bills for three-, four- or five-week registrations will and DEPOSIT – Not Provided be sent on: May 18 (due June 1, 2016) and June 16 submit it with a complete Registration Form (due July 1, 2016). by March 31, 2016. 12:45 – 4 p.m. PM Course Instructor: REFUNDS Scholarship Application Checklist: Smith and Assistant Refund requests must be made by phone, email › Complete Scholarship Application Form or in person before May 20, 2016. A full refund is › Complete Registration Form available if official withdrawal request is made › Submit a copy of your official 2015 4 – 5:30 p.m. Please attach check payable to: “College for Creative Studies,” or you may charge $ ■ American Express Expiration Date PM Enrichment* by phone, email or in person with the Precollege to: ■ Discover and Continuing Studies (PCS) office. If official 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. and 4 – 5:30 p.m. Monday withdrawal occurs after May 31, 2016, a full refund Majority of scholarships available are partial-tuition through Friday. minus 50% of your original deposit will be issued. awards. Families should make plans to pay for some One-, two- or three-week withdrawals will be ■ I understand that I am required to provide lunch daily for my child/dependent. Detach and submit with payment. Cardholder’s Signature Scholarship awards will be announced by email to parents between April 1 – 15, 2016. If you do not Signing this, I agree to have the Total Due amount charged to my credit card. Federal Income Tax Return *Enrichment programs are available from portion or all the tuition. Security Code Signature of student’s parent or legal guardian is required if enrollee is under age 18. and afternoon snack) 12 – 12:45 p.m. ■ Four-week discount: $100 Cardholder’s Name (Print) $50 per week per student (includes materials ONE OR TWO WEEKS: refunded at the $250 rate. Please note: Lunch is not provided. Please plan accordingly. afternoon or drop them off every morning. – Please refer to back page for cluster pricing details. Credit Card Number day creating art and focusing on projects separate CLUSTER DISCOUNT** **CLUSTER DISCOUNT is only available to you if registering for all four weeks prior to May 1, 2016. ■ MasterCard Enrichment course. They will begin and/or end each room, where you can expect to find them every enrolling more than one dependent child in the (Tuition + Enrichment — Cluster Discount** — Deposit) TOTAL DUE after class end will need to be enrolled in our daily classroom and escort him/her to the Enrichment Each week focuses on a theme with an AM course, CARTOONING WEEK (Enrichment) SUBTOTAL who need to be on campus prior to class start or a cluster discount. A $25 discount per child is available for families 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. on campus unsupervised at any time. Students instructor will pick your child up from his/her DAILY SCHEDULE EXAMPLE SCHEDULE: Please note, students under age 16 are not allowed of camp (not required to be consecutive) to receive PAYMENT OPTIONS TOTAL TUITION ■ Visa ■ WEEK 5: JULY 25 – 29 HEROES AND MONSTERS Enrichment ■ Yes ■ No One Week ENRICHMENT from their weekly “theme.” The Enrichment will receive a discount. ENRICHMENT FEE TUITION (PER WEEK) not show for up to two statement cycles. Students must register for either four or five weeks $1,250 per student (includes materials) TUITION AND PAYMENT usually take between 15 – 21 days and may PRIOR TO MAY 1, 2016 SIBLING DISCOUNTS WEEKLY COURSE OFFERINGS Refunds Four- and five-week withdrawals for any week accept an award and confirm your enrollment within a cluster registration will be refunded by June 1, the scholarship award will be granted at the cluster pricing of $225 per week. to someone else. CCS does not prorate refunds or offer make-up dates for missed classes/sessions. To register call 313.664.7456