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the jewish voice - Maximum Impact Media
THE JEWISH VOICE AND OPINION Promoting Classical Judaism October 2006 Vol. 20 • No. 2 Cheshvan 5767 What Outraged the Muslim World Last Month: The Pope, the Opera, Police Guarding an Israeli Embassy, Cabbies Transporting Fares with Wine (in Minneapolis), and Bobbleheads of the Prophet on the Dashboard N o sooner did the Muslim world erupt last month in the wake of remarks by Pope Benedict XVI which were taken as being an insult to Islam, than Muslim leaders began pointing their fingers at the group they said was clearly responsible: The Jews. Throughout the Muslim world, especially in Bahrain, Jordan, and Egypt, antisemitic articles and cartoons were published by the major media, promoting the notion that the Pope had been manipulated by Jews to attack Islam. It reminded Orthodox columnist Jonathan Rosenblum of then-Prime Minister Menachem Begin’s remark in the wake of the Sabra and Shatilla massacre in Lebanon: “Goyim kill goyim and the Jews get blamed.” Muslim Control The entire episode concerning the Pope’s remarks and the Muslim reaction continued on page 21 Mayoralty Race in Englewood Echoes Senate Race in Connecticut, but, in NJ, the Orthodox Candidate is the Democrat and the Left-Wing Is Supporting the Independent A race for mayor in Englewood, NJ, seems to be paralleling the race for US Senate in Connecticut, with many of the players in the small New Jersey town echoing the political sentiments of those in the Connecticut race. But there is one big difference. In the Connecticut race, many mainstream Democrats (to say nothing of Republicans and Independents) are supporting Senator Joseph Lieberman and Mayor Michael Wildes Kashruth in Monsey.... .................. 3 Kol Ami: Problems?...................... 4 The Current Crisis.......................... 5 Marathon Minyan........................ 18 Royal Persian Grill....................... 31 Dr. Rachel Does Jeopardy............ 33 IBA Promoted Unity.................... 34 Inside the Voice Heritage’s Poland......................... 35 The Log........................................ 36 New Classes This Month............. 40 Mazal Tov.................................... 42 Bill Pascrell Speaks Out............... 51 Jose Sandoval Speaks Out........... 51 Trujillo, the Pope, and the Jews... 54 Joseph Lieberman, the threeterm Democratic incumbent who lost the primary to Ned Lamont and is now running as an Independent. Left-wing Democrats, who propelled Mr. Lamont to his victory in the primary, argue that while Mr. Lieberman has the legal right to run as an Independent, as a Democrat, he has no moral right to challenge the Democratic Party’s candidate. continued on page 43 Ess Gezint: Biblical Food............ 62 Index of Advertisers..................... 63 Give to the UJA?.......................... 66 Wearing Orange........................... 66 Honor the Professional................. 67 Letters to the Editor..................... 68 Walk to Shul................................. 71 Page - The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” Our newest amenity upholds a tradition over 3,000 years old. Jessica and Yehuda Kohn and family of Teaneck, New Jersey Englewood Hospital introduces program for observant Jewish patients and families. Englewood Hospital and Medical Center proudly offers an environment that adheres to religious laws for observant Jewish patients and their families. In addition to our expert medical care, Englewood Hospital and Medical Center offers amenities that adhere to Sabbath laws such as a designated Shabbat entrance/elevator, Shabbat lamps, a Shabbat overnight room, and a kosher kitchen supplied with all meal items and kosher foods for the Sabbath. Religious services are in easy walking distance. For more information, call (201) 894-3228. Discover how our expert care just got better. B Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - Kashruth Scandal in Monsey: Possible Rabbinic Changes, but Butcher May Not Have to Answer to Secular Authorities at All ecause of the way in which kosher laws are written and, more importantly, enforced in New York, it now seems doubtful that there will be any major secular-legal repercussions against the proprietor of Shevach Meats, an ostensibly kosher butcher in Monsey, NY, who was caught selling non-kosher poultry as kosher last month. This is not to say that the proprietor, Moshe Finkel, is getting off scott free. According to KosherToday, a prominent on-line magazine of the kosher food industry, he is said to have fled the country after being forced to divorce his wife and sever his ties with his eight children, five of whom are already married. Stories and rumors concerning Mr. Finkel, including speculation about his ancestors, were rampant, causing some, but by no means all, religious authorities to caution community members against violations of the halachic requirement to avoid idle gossip. Some Justice “The departure of the disgraced kosher butcher brings some closure to the scandal, but the kosher community is still reeling from the aftershocks of the events in Mon- sey,” said KosherToday. The publication cited an unnamed local rabbi who said, “Justice has been served in that within the span of about three weeks, this man lost his livelihood, his ties to the community, his wife, his house, and his children.” Monsey resident Rabbi David Eidensohn agreed, saying Mr. Finkel had brought great shame on his family. “His whole life now is going to be dealing with this. He undoubtedly has cried great, bitter tears from this,” he said. Search for Reasons No official reason has been proffered to explain Mr. Finkel’s actions. Some say he simply owed a fortune to kosher meat companies and, unable to pay for more poultry, he resorted to using non-kosher products. Others wondered if he might not have accumulated debts from more nefarious sources, such as gambling, and, thus, needed the extra money that would come from selling treif meet as kosher. Non-kosher food--comestibles which violate Jewish dietary laws—is called treif. The term comes from the Hebrew word “teref” which means “torn.” continued on page 6 THE JEWISH VOICE AND OPINION, Inc. © 2004; Publisher and Editor-in-Chief: Susan L. Rosenbluth Phone (201)569-2845 Managing Editor: Sharon Hes, Advertising: Rivkie Lichstein The Jewish Voice & Opinion (ISSN # 1527-3814), POB 8097, Englewood, NJ 07631, is published monthly in coordination with The Central Fund of Israel. A one-year subscription is $15. Periodicals postage is paid at Englewood, NJ and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Jewish Voice and Opinion, POB 8097, Englewood, NJ 07631. All advertising in the Jewish Voice and Opinion must conform to the standards of the Orthodox Rabbinic kashruth. Editorial content reflects the views of the writer and not necessarily any other group. The Jewish Voice is not responsible for typographical errors. Page - The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” Kol Ami: Problems? By Susan Rosenbluth It’s a New Year on the Jewish calendar, and the 2006 election cycle is coming to a close. Politicians are quick to tell us what our most important problems are: Liberals say it’s health care, unemployment, and a quick exit from the Iraq War; Conservatives say it’s security. At the Royal Persian Grill restaurant in Teaneck last month, the question was: What is the most pressing problem facing the American-Jewish community? Y There are so many problems, but the one that is uniquely Jewish is the shidduch crisis. If you find the right woman to marry, then everything is good. Oshi Cubani Teaneck, NJ Terrorism is our most pressing problem. After 9-11, we know terrorism will never be eliminated in our lifetime. It’s an ongoing problem that affects our economy and our everyday life. Cory Fleishman Woodcliff Lake, NJ Terrorism is the most important problem today, and it will be the most important problem our children will face, too. We have to fight it, not so much because we’re going to eliminate it, but because by struggling against it, we may keep it from getting worse. Andrew Gurin Montville, NJ Iran and its push to develop nuclear weapons is the most serious problem we face. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be able to destroy the world if he feels like it. No one really knows what to do about it, but that’s the problem. Ethan Keiser Teaneck, NJ Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion The Current Crisis: “Even in Laughter, the Heart Can Ache” Friends in Israel just sent us this help-wanted ad from a small Middle East nation we all know and love: Positions available, or soon-to-be available— President, Prime Minister, Minister of Security, Minister of Justice, Armed Forces Chief of Staff, Chief of Police Experience not necessary. Good Benefits. *** Heard on Jay Leno last month: “Germany has offered to send troops to the Lebanon border. You can bet Israel’s breathing a sigh of relief there. Because nothing makes Jewish people feel safer and more secure than having the German army marching on their border.” *** At Newark Airport last month, a teacher was arrested as he attempted to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, and a math book. He was charged with carrying weapons of math instruction and thought to be a member of the Al-gebra terrorist group. Al-gebra members desire solutions by means and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in a search for absolute values. They use secret code names like x and y, and refer to themselves as unknowns. Fortunately, we have determined that they belong to a common denominator of the axis of medieval with coordinates in every country. *** With the 2006 election campaigns coming to a head, we received a complaint from the camp of Bob Menendez, concerning one Larry Giancola, who’s featured on a radio ad for Tom Kean, Jr. Although he’s a lifelong Hudson County Democrat, Page - Mr. Giancola is voting for Kean this year. Outraged, the Menendez campaign sent out a bunch of letters Mr. Giancola has written over the years to a number of local newspapers. In one that stands as a pretty good example, Mr. Giancola warned that some Americans were forgetting about 911 and turning into “the biggest wimps this country has ever seen.” “It will be a miracle if we keep our freedom with such ‘brave’ citizens,” he said, adding that “we should fight Islamic terrorists wherever they may be found, and the countries that support them.” “Instead of cowering like scared little rabbits, let’s stand up for freedom all over the world. I do not want to live under Islamic law. This individual will fight for this country, its values, and its traditions,” he wrote. In 2005, he wrote about the problems on college campuses: “What cultural diversity has to do with expertise in one’s field of work is anyone’s guess. I would much rather be under the care of a competent physician than some politically correct doctor,” he wrote, adding that some college courses, such as “Gender, Race, and Class,” and “History of Ethnic Fashion Design,” “are an absolute joke.” “What are parents paying for these days and what kind of education are our children getting? There appears to be no difference in useful knowledge learned by those who go to a liberal college and by those who stay home,” he wrote. Well, we, too have a complaint: How come Mr. Giancola isn’t running for office? Chag Sameach, everyone, S.L.R. Page - The Jewish Voice and Opinion Monsey Kashruth On average, kosher meat costs about 25 percent more than its non-kosher counterpart. The extra costs come from the different and more expensive slaughtering, inspection, and preparation methods. While many non-Jewish consumers buy kosher-certified products for a variety of reasons, including the belief that the foods are more sanitary, healthier, or “blessed” than the non-kosher alternatives, Orthodox Jews observe the dietary laws simply because they believe G-d has mandated them. Most statistics show the value of kosher products in the US to be approximately $180 billion and growing annually by 15 percent. There are approximately 82,000 different kosher-certified products on market shelves and more than 10 million consumers of kosher products in the US. According to Rabbi Moshe Elefant, chief operating officer of the Orthodox Union’s Kosher Division, the problem is that sometimes the temptation to switch non-kosher for kosher meats on an unsuspecting public is too great. “Non-kosher meat is cheaper and selling it as kosher can be a source of significant profits,” said Rabbi Elefant. Precedent October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” continued from page 3 Some observers pointed out that the case in Monsey is not without precedent. A few years ago, there was an incident in which a Jew who owned two slaughterhouses, one kosher and the other treif, was suspected of knowingly marketing the non-kosher meat under a kosher label. In recent years, several kosher butcher shops have been cited for selling regular kosher meat as “glatt kosher,” an issue much less problematic than the case of Shevach meats. Calling the Monsey scandal an “appalling transgression,” Rabbi Meir Weissmandel, a revered community spiritual leader, said it represented “the conspiracy of betrayers who misled the many and deceived in order to mislead Jewish souls and make them impure.” “To sell non-kosher as kosher is one of the biggest acts of betrayal that a Jew can do to another. The day the scandal was uncovered is the darkest day in the history of the Monsey community since its establishment long ago,” he said. Looking Within Itzhak Schier, editor and general manager of the website,, suggested that part of the problem may lie with kosher community members who forget that their butchers and grocers have great expenses “just like the rest of us.” Too often, he said, the kosher community believes its food merchants are all wealthy. “We wrongly assume that because the price of glatt kosher meat or ‘heimishe’ products, ranging from canned vegetables to the latest gourmet offerings from France or Israel, are so high, that our community food retailers are far better off financially than they really are,” the cause of this situation earlier. Why would a respected member of a Torah community sell treif meat?” he said. “If we see our fellow Jew falling or suffering, it is our obligation to at least attempt to help him. How much more so when we depend on him for the food that we eat which, in and of itself, is part of our avodah as Torah Jews.” Sterling Reputation For almost 11 ten years, Mr. Finkel’s Shevach Meats Rav Matisyahu Salomon he said. “With the exception of owners of the new large supermarkets that are appearing in our neighborhoods, our retail food suppliers are basically small businessmen whose profit margins are not all that high and who have a great deal of expenses.” In the case of Shevach Meat, Mr. Schier said, “someone should have noticed that there were problems.” While recognizing that meat suppliers cannot be expected to offer charity to one of their clients, Mr. Schier said the suppliers, who would have been the first to recognize that Mr. Finkel was in trouble, should have provided some marketing assistance or discreetly contacted one of the community’s rabbis. “As Torah Jews, we may have failed by not looking into rented space in the back of one of Monsey’s largest kosher supermarkets, Hatzlocha. Shevach was the meat supplier not only for the supermarket, but also for several local kosher caterers, religious schools, and ultra-Orthodox camps in the Catskill Mountains. Mr. Finkel’s customers believed Shevach offered poultry and meat from several devoutly-observant slaughter houses, including Belz, Empire, Meal Mart, Vineland Kosher, and KJ (Satmar) Meats. Mr. Finkel then legally repackaged those meats, designating them, for example, “Shevach-Vineland” on the new wrapping. There was no reason not to trust Mr. Finkel, whose continued on page 8 Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - Page - The Jewish Voice and Opinion Monsey Kashruth credentials were considered extraordinary and whose mashgiach, Rabbi Shlomo Mordechai Breslauer, head rabbinical judge of the Beis Tefillah Synagogue, is still regarded as a gaon. According to reports, Mr. Finkel was the president of his shul who often served as ba’al koreh and always davened for the amud on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. He was reportedly a member of the board of directors of the Yeshiva of Spring Valley and a member of the school’s tuition committee. He reportedly led a Daf Yomi shiur every morning, and was, in the words of one Monsey resident who knew him and his family well, “just the nicest fellow.” “What do you do when the guy you actually trusted turns out to be a fraud? That is why everybody is so shocked and awed by this story. We are very simply afraid to trust anybody at this point,” said the resident. An unnamed rabbi, cited by KosherToday, agreed. “This man had the perfect resume of credibility for kashrus. Rabbis would be hard-pressed to second-guess or question the integrity of a man with such impeccable communal and family-life credentials,” he said. October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” continued from page 6 Discovery Mr. Finkel’s downfall reportedly came as the result of an offhand discussion between two brothers-in-law at a family celebration. At the affair, one of the owners of the Hatzlocha Grocery, Mordechai Grunsweig, allegedly spoke with his brother-in-law, a key officer of KJ Meats, which is in Kiryas Joel, the Monroe, NY, Satmar community. The brother-in-law told Mr. Grunsweig that Mr. Finkel had not purchased any KJ meats for about three weeks. The news allegedly shocked Mr. Grunsweig, who had seen a great deal of meat in his store that was labeled as having come from KJ. Deeply concerned, Mr. Grunsweig immediately called Rabbi Breslauer and, in the company of several local rabbis, broke into the Shevach Meats cooler room, where their suspicions were confirmed. They found 15 cases of unmarked chickens whose skin was pale, as opposed to the normally very yellow kosher chickens; was not salty at all; and had none of the feathers which are invariably found on kosher chickens. In addition, the chickens’ kidneys were still intact, a tell-tale sign because kosher chickens are always disemboweled before the required salting to remove all traces of blood takes place. No stamps or seals from any kosher butcher were found on the boxes containing the chickens. Confronted by the rabbis, Mr. Finkel reportedly responded that he had bought the poultry on Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 29 and 30, from “a black market” truck driver who had assured him that the chickens were kosher. The rabbis didn’t buy his story. Community Ruling On Monday, Sept 4, a meeting of 20 rabbinic leaders from Monsey was held for the purpose of issuing a single, united ruling on the issue of Shevach Meats. According to the ruling, all chickens and meats purchased from Shevach on or after the 29th of August must be regarded as non-kosher, and all cooking utensils used for meat products had to be re-kashered. Rabbi Breslauer immediately announced that he had withdrawn his supervision from Shevach. Long-Term Problem Nobody could say for certain how long Mr. Finkel had been purchasing and reselling non-kosher meat products, but stories quickly began surfacing. One Monsey resident recalls that more than 10 years ago, a family member who insists on purchasing only kosher meat which adheres to the Bais Yosef Glatt standard, usually used by Sephardim, asked Mr. Finkel which, if any, of his meats met this requirement. According to the Monsey resident, Mr. Finkel told the prospective customer that all of his meats were “Bais Yosef Glatt.” More than a little surprised, the customer asked to see the original packaging. When he was allowed into the back of the store, he saw only one package which was so designated and drew the conclusion that Mr. Finkel had been less than honest. “Our family member told us never to shop in Shevach, and that is why we were spared,” said the Monsey resident. A Question of Tongue Others maintain that, in the past, there have been questions regarding meat without kosher certification seals delivered by Shevach to caterers and other commercial establishments. On his website, entitled “Yudel’s Rest of the Story,” Lakewood-based veteran kashruth supervisor Rabbi continued on page 10 Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - Page - 10 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Monsey Kashruth Yudel Shain recalled that about eight years ago, he had an experience with Mr. Finkel that left him unsurprised by the present Monsey scandal. Rabbi Shain explained that, as a kashruth supervisor, his procedure is to keep all meat and poultry sealed until he can inspect it. For a wedding held at the Atrium, a wedding hall in Monsey, he had some questions about a delivery of tongue that came from Shevach for the affair. When Rabbi Shain contacted Mr. Finkel for verification, the Shevach owner told him the tongue had come from a recognized kosher butcher, Alle, and was kosher according to the standards of Bais Yosef. On his website, Rabbi Shain said that when he checked with Alle, he was told they had not sent any tongue to Mr. Finkel in more than a year and certainly not October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” continued from page “Bais Yosef.” “I checked with the other glatt purveyors and found that none had delivered to him these tongues,” said Rabbi Shain. Checking “the Operation” Concerned, Rabbi Shain said he went to Shevach to see for himself “the operation.” “I left his place after a half hour, not with questions, but with answers that indicated to me clearly what type of so-called kosher operation he’s operating,” said Rabbi Shain. But when Rabbi Shain tried to make others aware of what he had discovered, he hit an iron door. No one would consider questioning Mr. Finkel or especially Rav Breslauer, his mashgiach. Rabbi Shain said he kashered the Atrium’s kitchen at that time and, he said, since then, the owners of the Atrium had not purchased any meat from Shevach. “They may be the only caterer in Monsey that doesn’t have to kasher,” said Rabbi Shain. Rabbi Shain said he is certain Monsey is not the only Orthodox-Jewish community facing kashruth problems. “If you think that I have a doubt that this kind of game is going on in other places— I’m telling you that it is,” said Rabbi Shain. Less Salt When the non-kosher chickens were discovered at the Hatzlocha Grocery, Mr. Finkel allegedly told the rabbis the kosher meat producers were refusing to sell him merchandise and that he had been falsifying the products’ kosher status for only a few days. Writing in the Brooklynbased Jewish Press, Rabbi Gershon Tannenbaum said that, in recent months, some Shevach customers had noticed that his meats and meat products, especially chicken soup, were unusually less salty. According to Rabbi Tannenbaum, Mr. Finkel replied that Kiryas Joel was using “a new low-sodium salt in order to provide healthier chickens.” “Sometimes the response would be that Kiryas Joel Meats was cutting back on the amount of salt used to the absolute minimum required by kosher law because of costs or that inferior salt was being used by Kiryas Joel,” said Rabbi Tannenbaum. Rabbinic Instructions In their ruling, the 20 rabbis said anyone who had cooked chicken or meat purchased from Shevach prior to Aug. 29th should consult his or her own rabbi for instructions. The Hatzlocha Grocery announced it would issue a complete refund for all meat and chicken returned to the store, regardless of the date purchased. Some rabbis issued detailed steps for congregants to take, including laundering tablecloths and turning ovens to 500˚ for at least one hour. Rabbi Weissmandel instructed Jews to take “severe measures” with all dishes and utensils, including “pots, covers, gloves, forks and knives, ovens, table counters, blenders, microwaves, porcelain bowls of various sorts, glass dishes, and anything that was used hot or with spicy matters.” Rabbi Shulem Nosson Spiegel of Congregation Tefillah L’Moshe organized a public kashering of pots and silverware in his shul. Other synagogues followed suit, as did the Hatzlocha Grocery itself. Glauber’s Bakeries reportedly provided facilities for those who needed to “burn” their pots and pans in order to kasher them. Fasting Sunday, Sept 17, was declared a fast day in the community for all men over the age of 18 to atone for the unsuspecting violation of kashrus by residents, many of whom were still asking “how it could have happened” in Monsey. Women and children were not expected to fast, but were asked to recite Psalms and give $18 to charity. Those too weak or old to fast were also urged to give tzedaka. Some residents reportedly decided to switch to alldairy or vegetarian meals, at least temporarily, while others relied on paper and plastic plates and utensils. Trying to Recover After details on how to recover physically from the fraud were underway, Monsey’s spiritual leaders turned to continued on page 12 Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 11 Page - 12 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Monsey Kashruth October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” continued from page 10 the issue of repairing the community’s soul and confidence. The community’s rabbinic leaders seemed concerned not so much with how to punish those responsible for the fraud, as how to avoid its repetition. On Sunday, Sept. 17, an overflowing crowd of men and women, representing all streams of Orthodox Judaism came to the Yeshiva of Spring Valley Boys School in Monsey to thank G-d for His blessings, recite Psalms, and hear words of encouragement from Rav Matisyahu Salomon, the revered mashgiach ruchani of Lakewood’s Beis Medrash Gevoha. According to a community member who attended the Kinus Torah event, the rav offered a Torah analysis of the kashruth scandal in which he exhorted the Jewish community to seek greater levels of holiness through thoughts, speech, and deeds. Rav Matisyahu urged the community to “learn the lesson that Hashem has given us in this unfortunate event.” Praising Those Who Helped At the meeting, Mr. Grunsweig was praised for disregarding his own financial loss and immediately notifying Rabbi Breslauer. Rabbi Breslauer was praised for going to Hatzlocha in the middle of night and refusing to accept Mr. Finkel’s explanation. Mr. Grunsweig, who, along with his Hatzlocha partners, is viewed as one of Mr. Finkel’s chief victims, did more than merely discard all the Shevach meat and poultry in his store. He and his partners phoned customers and posted fliers and posters inside and outside the store as well as throughout the community, warning consumers about the non-kosher chickens and urging them to bring whatever was left for a full refund. “Our job was to educate,” said Mr. Grunsweig. “It’s more than a business practice. We felt it was our obligation from a religious point of view. We go to great pains to keep kosher and adhere to kosher regulations. For something like this to be sold to the community is very, very painful.” Implementing Suggestions Eager to dispel many of the rumors and general misinformation circulating in Monsey about the scandal and the people involved, Rabbi Naftoli Heinemann, president of Congregation Beis Tefillah, which had given Shevach Meats its kosher certification, said many of the suggestions offered in the wake of the scandal are actually already in place in the shul’s mashgiach services, which is headed by Rabbi Breslauer. For example, many observers have noted that the mashgiach’s salary should be independent of the number of stores and institutions under his supervision, giving him no incentive to add or drop any particular merchant. In fact, that is the case with Rabbi Breslauer, who, according to Rabbi Heinemann, does not actively recruit establishments for certification. “We only accept establishments that request a certification. We turn down more applicants than we accept,” said Rabbi Heinemann. He explained that Rabbi Breslauer works with a team of mashgichim who report on a daily basis. These include mashgichim who work per diem at affairs, those who supervise kashruth at events held on Shabbat and/or holidays, and back-up supervisors. Those who report on a daily basis carry out random checks on the establishments under their supervision three or four times each week, and sometimes more frequently, he said. According to Rabbi Heinemann, the mashgichim did not notice a problem at Shevach because Mr. Finkel had access to every possible kosher label and seal. When the mashgichim came, during the day and normal hours of operation, all products were properly labeled. Mashgiach Temidi But other issues surrounding Beis Tefillah’s kashruth certification indicate how Mr. Finkel was able to circumvent his supervisors. According to Rabbi Heinemann, Beis Tefillah’s kashruth certification is granted by relying on the “intimate and personal relationship and trust that the proprietor of an establishment has with us.” “We accept only those proprietors of establishments who have a sterling character and reputation and who agree to abide by our rules,” he said, adding that because of the agency’s “stringent screening process,” Beis Tefillah “does not require a mashgiach temidi,” a fulltime, on-site kashruth supervisor. This is a major sticking point which, in light of the Monsey scandal, has been raised by kosher-supervision agencies unconnected with Shevach Meats or the Hatzlocha Grocery. Would It Help? Some say the problem would be solved if all stores purporting to be kosher, whether owned by Jews or non-Jews, retained full-time rabbinic supervisors to oversee all procedures. Others, however, dismiss this suggestion as onerous, too expensive, and, in the end, useless. “What would stop someone in the store from sneaking in non-kosher products on the sly. It is impossible to observe every cook all the time. At some point, there has to be an element of trust,” said an observer, commenting on the PassaicShuls list, just one of many blogs that devoted reams of posts on the Monsey kashruth issue. According to KosherToday, a prominent rabbi in Flatbush blamed kosher consumers who, he said, have become “too complacent.” The unnamed rabbi allegedly urged kosher consumers to demand the presence of an on-site kosher supervisor in every establishment which sells fresh meat “even if it has to cost $50,000 a year, which will surely result Cheshvan 5767 in higher prices.” According to KosherToday, it has become common practice for grocers to buy kosher products in bulk and then repackage them in different sizes. “How reliable is it to have a store employee repack goods and then stick a kosher label on it, even if the store is owned and managed by an Orthodox Jew?” an unnamed member of the CRC told KosherToday. Relying on Trust Nevertheless, Rabbi Heinemann maintained that because of Rabbi Breslauer’s selection process (“Rav Breslauer granted kashruth certification only to a select, few individuals deemed worthy The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 13 enough of the Rav’s trust because of their outstanding religious character”), Beis Tefillah “does not suspect individuals of being less than stringent and scrupulous in maintaining our kashruth standards and regulations.” “While we are still vigilant in inspecting establishments under our certification, we don’t expect any to engage in subterfuge to circumvent the trust we have in them,” said Rabbi Heinemann. He urged all consumers of establishments under the supervision of Rabbi Breslauer to report any suspicions of kashruth misconduct. “Rav Breslauer always takes ap- continued on page 14 Page - 14 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Monsey Kashruth propriate action according to the Shulchan Aruch to correct the situation, even at the cost of public scrutiny, which he heroically did here, to do the right thing,” said Rabbi Heinemann. Reviewing Procedures Speaking for himself at the meeting at the Yeshiva of Spring Valley, Rav Breslauer issued an apology to all those affected by the scandal and beseeched Divine mercy. He then discussed various rabbinic opinions regarding possible spiritual impurity resulting from the consumption of treif poultry by otherwise G-d-fearing Jews. In addition to the on-going re-kashering, he suggested other measures of atonement, including fasting and increased learning, especially in areas related to kashruth. Acknowledging that the trust he had placed in Mr. October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” continued from page 13 Finkel was violated, Rav Breslauer said all kosher-certifying agencies would have to review their procedures for ensuring kashruth integrity. New Proposals This was exactly the purpose of a meeting convened the following day, Monday, Sept. 18, by the Orthodox Union (one of the largest kosher-supervision agencies in the world) and the Williamsburg, Brooklyn-based Hisachdus Harabonim (Central Rabbinical Congress). Among the proposals suggested at the meeting were using holograms to preserve the integrity of repackaged meats; requiring that distributors as well as manufacturers be certified kosher; and insisting on tighter control for the repackaging of foods in general. One proposal called for certifying rabbis and agencies to have the keys, codes for alarms, and combinations to establishments selling fresh meat, allowing the certifiers to visit the establishments, unannounced, at any time of the day or night. Some rabbis have suggested banning the sale of fresh meats in supermarkets, where the products are usually sold after being repackaged, and returning to the use of the local kosher butcher. Other rabbis took a more spiritual outlook, saying the lesson that should be learned from the events in Monsey is that Orthodox Jews should stop gossiping and slandering other Orthodox Jews, especially those who are from different sects. One Orthodox rabbi who was cited anonymously by Ha’aretz told the newspaper, “Orthodox Jews are more meticulous about what goes into their mouths than about what comes out.” A Kiddush Hashem Frumspace’s Mr. Schier, on the other hand, saw, especially in the aftermath of the scandal, so much kiddush Hashem “that it counteracted the chilul Hashem of the original sale of treif meat.” He referred specifically to the photographs and articles showing Monsey’s Orthodox Jewish community kashering their kitchens. Some of Monsey’s Jews went so far as to discard expensive china because it had come into contact with the treif meet and was impossible to kasher. “Online and offline media alike were filled with pictures of haimishe Yidden who responded without question to the calls of respected local rabbis; never mind that, as one person who was interviewed said, we cannot see treif—it is something that affects our souls and especially now before the High Holidays, we must remove all treif, foodwise, thoughtwise and deedwise, from ourselves and our souls—and by responding to the call to remove it from our dishes despite the inconvenience and expense, we showed Hashem that we are dedicated to Him and to His Torah,” said Mr. Schier. Bar Codes But Mr. Schier also had some practical suggestions for the kosher community, especially the adoption of the UPC bar code, which allows information to be stored and tracked. “Soon it will be supplanted by a radio tag that is just ideal for meat and chicken, to the point that I even wonder whether Hashem davka revealed this technology to prevent another situation like [the one in Monsey],” he said. He explained that, by using the bar code, a mashgiach could immediately discover if a store had more meat than was possible from a given shipment. “And if meat came into the store without a bar code, it could be immediately banned at least until other supporting documentation is provided,” he said. Too Orthodox In New York, the state’s Department of Agriculture and Markets, Division of Kosher Law Enforcement handles all charges of kashruth fraud. For 118 years, the state pretty much accepted the Jewish traditional definition of kashruth, mostly because it was unchallenged by any of the other streams of Judaism. But in 2002, a federal appeals court, citing churchstate separation requirements, continued on page 16 Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 15 Stand together proudly with the Jewish Community of Hebron �nnua��inne� The Hebron Fund at In Tribute to Jewish Heroism SUNDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 5, 2006 The New York Marriott Marquis, 1535 Broadway at 45th Street, Times Square, New York City Reception: 5:00 PM Dinner: 6:00 PM Honoring: Bonei Hebron Awardees Harriet & Jack Deutsch Lev Avot U’Banim Awardees Debbie & Shlomie Ross Rabbinical Leadership Awardee Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum Dinner Chairmen Moshe & Amy Bodner Michael & Dahlia Rosen The Jewish Community of Hebron: Director General Rabbi Hillel Horowitz Director of Tourism Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum The Hebron Fund: Spokesman Noam Arnon Spokesman David Wilder President Lenny Gamss Executive Director Yossi Baumol Dinner Committee: Tammy & David Katz Steven & Renee Adelsberg Chayah & Yoel Fuld Ronnie & Robert Mendeles Terry & Richie Kalker Jennifer & Ronnie Aranoff Madeline & Robert Friedbauer Joelle & David Metzman Deena & Saul Kaszovitz Jody & Michele Bardash Sheila & Lenny Gamss Gloria & Shaul Nakash Chanie & Shimie Klein Marilyn & Roy Barth Michelle & David Gellman Miriam & Allen Pfeiffer Heddy & Mendy Klein Hope & Norman Beckoff Shani & Jay Gelman Drs. Vicki & Jerry Platt Drs. Steni & Michael Kram Lisa & Moshe Benjamin Estelle & Lenny Glass Judy & Marvin Rosen Dr. & Mrs. Murray Leben Ruthie & Joey Bodner Sarah & Josh Glatt Laura & Kenny Rosen Astrid & Mordy Leifer Chaim Boiangiu Dr. Jonathan & Paula Gold Malki & Philip Rosen Jamie & Yoni Leifer Franny & Ben Cohen Mindy & Eddie Goldberg Carol & Mike Roth Cheryl & Aaron Liberman Lisa & Elliot Rothschild Yocheved & Bennet Deutsch Beth & Brian Haimm Michael & Elana Dr. Steve & Evvi Heller Mimi & Stuart Samuels Fischberger Toby & Ronnie Hersh Journal Committee: Bonnie & Heshie Schertz Linda & Tzvi Fischer Sari & Ari Horowitz Irving Feigenblum Sari & Robby Schiff Shani & Joey Folkman Bernice & Seme Joszef Dr. Dov Stern Patrice & Marc Schoenbrun Mimi & Ari Schreier Jill & James Schwalbe Judith & Alvin Segal Jane & David Seidman Sarah & Barry Simanowitz Beth & Ronnie Stern Chani & Jason Teigman Debbie & Bernie Thau Marcia & Lee Weinblatt Gila & David Weinstein Ilana & Moshe Wertenteil Adina & Chesky Wertman Elisa & Chaim Wietschner Esther & Jerry Williams Reservations: Tel. 718-677-6886 • fax: 718-677-6883 • or "Remember the kindness of our Patriarchs and bring redemption to their children!" וזוכר חסדי אבות ומביא גואל לבני בניהם Contact us today for information on our Shabbat Hebron - Parashat Chaye Sarah Mission! Page - 16 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Monsey Kashruth ruled that New York’s Kosher Fraud law was unconstitutional because it excessively entangled the State of New York with religion and “impermissibly advanced Orthodox Judaism.” The appeals court’s ruling, which affirmed a lower court decision, concerned a lawsuit by Brian and Jeffrey Yarmeisch, owners of “Commack Self-Service Kosher Meats” in Commack, Long Island. Their store had been fined for failing to comply with the law’s mandate that foods sold as “kosher” had to satisfy “Orthodox Hebrew religious requirements.” The Yarmeisches contended that their store was under a Conservative rabbi’s supervision and that New York State therefore acted October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” continued from page 14 unconstitutionally. Consumer Protection Those who supported the original law argued that kashruth is simply a set of standards and, therefore, was no more a church-state issue than labeling a product “low sodium” or “high-fiber.” At the time, David Zweibel, executive director of Agudath Israel, argued that the New York Kosher law was “a question of consumer protection, not religious establishment.” “Government has every right to insist that a product claiming a certain feature actually possesses that feature, as a typical, reasonable consumer would understand it. That right is no less present in the context of kosher food than it is in the context of used cars and designer Heritage Seminars for Adults Your children went on Heritage Now It’s Your Turn! Heritage Seminars will coordinate your synagogue, group or organizational seminar to Eastern Europe. Visit the centers of preWWII Jewish life and analyze the demise of that life during the Holocaust. Search for family roots, knowledge and insight in a unique, singular experience. All programs require a minimum of 35 people and include: Resident Historian, Glatt Mehadrin Food Services, Security, Orientation and Logistics Coordinator For information: Alice Miller or Carrie Teitcher - jeans,” he said. New Jersey’s Precedent In ruling against the original Kosher Fraud laws, the New York courts acted just as the courts in New Jersey had several years earlier in 1996. In New Jersey, despite the fact that the state managed to present a unified statement from rabbinic leaders of the Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist movements on a definition of “kosher,” the courts ruled that the state had no right to involve itself in any determination of religious law. In New Jersey, the butcher shop that had been found guilty of substituting kosher labels on non-kosher poultry, argued that if anyone were to wake up one morning and say he had a vision that pig’s feet were kosher, the state had no right to interfere with that interpretation of religious law. With its original kosher law defunct, New Jersey’s Department of Consumer Affairs responded by creating a new law which avoids any definition or standards for kashruth. Instead, establishments which claim to be kosher must publicize their own definitions and standards and the state assumes the right to ensure that whatever standard the establishment claims is actually followed. For example, kosher restaurants must display a poster, provided by the NJ Kosher Food Enforcement Bureau, on which proprietors display the name of the rabbinic supervisor (if any), how often he inspects the premises, whether or not he requires all ingredients to be kosher, and so forth. If there is no rabbinic supervisor, the establishment must disclose that fact and then answer questions such as: Do you sell only koshercertified products? If so, by whom are they certified? If the state finds that the establishment is not fulfilling the standards it set for itself, the state can prosecute the offending establishment. No one has suggested that this system is anything other than consumer-protection which avoids the problem of advancing any particular religious view. New York’s Law New York adopted similar procedures in 2004 with its NY State Kosher Law Protection Act, which requires establishments representing themselves as kosher to post the “person or organization certifying that food as kosher.” The law requires kosher food establishments, including restaurants and caterers, to file information about their kosher certifiers and to post a “Kosher Certification Form,” similar to the one in use in New Jersey, in a location readily visible to consumers. But while those forms are virtually universal in New Jersey’s kosher establishments, KosherToday found, during a random spot check of several kosher establishments in New York, that, in many cases, the forms were not posted publicly and, in one case, the information on the form was outdated because the certification listed had changed months earlier. Several former Shevach customers said they had never seen a New York State kosher form posted at the butcher shop, which, if true, means Mr. Finkel could not be sited by New York State for lying about his standards, because he never filed them. For mislabeling a food product, Mr. Finkel could be subjected to a fine of up to $1,000. The pun- ishment for fraud would theoretically be much stiffer, but, by not posting his standards at all, Mr. Finkel may have been able to escape that charge. “He could theoretically use the ‘G-d-told-me-pig’sfeet-were-kosher argument,’ and, in the eyes of the state, not be guilty of fraud at all,” said one observer. According to Ramapo and Spring Valley police, no criminal charges have been filed against Mr. Finkel. Kosher On-Line But the Monsey incident has not gone unnoticed by New York State officials, who, according to KosherToday, have promised increased enforcement in the future. New York is second only to Israel in the manufacturing and consumption of kosher foods. In January 2005, as part of the Kosher Law Protection Act, consumers were able to view the state’s Kosher Registry on 4444-ZOA Ad_JVO.p2 10/4/06 line and then search for infor- Cheshvan 5767 mation by product name, certifier, or food establishment. According to Governor George Pataki, the on-line registry was supposed to provide kosher consumers “with important safeguards against fraudulently packaged and misbranded kosher products and easy access to information they need to make food choices that conform to their religious and dietary needs.” Stiffer Enforcement Rabbi Luzer Weiss, who heads the New York Kosher Law Enforcement Agency, said stepped up enforcement could lead his inspectors to impose stiff fines on kosher establishments found to be in violation of the law. But it is unclear if that would have prevented Mr. Finkel’s actions. The state law enables consumers to know who the certifying rabbi is at the point of purchase. The entire community knew 1:47 PM Page 1 Shevach was under the su- The Jewish Voice and Opinion pervision of Rabbi Breslauer. According to Jessica Chittenden, a spokeswoman for the NY Kosher Enforcement Agency, her department quarantined the cases of chicken found in the Shevach cooler room and sent samples to be tested for salt, but she admitted the effort may be futile. “The tough thing is you can’t test for kosher. We’re trying to figure out who’s at fault and for what,” she said. Prompting Action At the kashruth supervisors’ meeting in Brooklyn, one of the participating rabbis recalled that, after a scandal two years ago in which a Flatbush takeout store was found selling regular kosher meat as “glatt kosher,” there were promises by the state of change. “But nothing happened,” said the rabbi. In fact, after that episode, many stores in Brooklyn, even those owned and operated by Orthodox Jews, accepted the Page - 17 Tapes, CDs, and DVDs of the September 17th Kinus Torah event by Congregation Bais Tefillah at the Yeshiva of Spring Valley are available from Maximum Impact Media, Inc, which can be reached at 845-425-1500. need for a mashgiach temidi. “With kosher grocers getting bigger all the time, the management can’t possibly police the preparation of all foods, particularly meats,” one Flatbush rabbi told KosherToday. “What happened in Monsey is so much worse than the story with the takeout store in Flatbush.” KosherToday agreed. “The question that many are asking these days is if the more serious scandal in Monsey will at last prompt both rabbis and the community into action,” said the publication. S.L.R. AN EVENING OF SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL. COME TO THE ZOA DINNER. The ZOA Justice Louis D. Brandeis Award Dinner will be honoring exemplary leaders of the Jewish Community for outstanding pro-Israel Activism Justice Louis D. Brandeis Award MORTIMER B. ZUCKERMAN Chairman, Boston Properties & Editor-in-Chief, US News and World Report, Former Chairman, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Dinner Co-Chairmen RONALD S. LAUDER JAMES S. TISCH Former Chairmen, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations MORTON A. KLEIN National President, Zionist Organization of America Sunday, November 19, 2006 Marriott Marquis Hotel 1535 Broadway (at 46th Street) Reception 5:30 p.m., Dinner 6:30 p.m. Couvert $450 per person $4,500 Table of Ten For more information, call Felice Capustin at 212-481-1500 Keynote Speaker and recipient of the Defender of Israel Award R. JAMES WOOLSEY, JR. Former Director of the CIA, Served five U.S. Presidents Distinguished Leadership Award Ben Hecht Award for Outstanding Journalism on the Mideast Managing General Partner & Co-Founder, NGN Capital Director, Palestinian Media Watch KENNETH S. ABRAMOWITZ Dr. Michael Goldblatt, Chairman of the Board Dr. Alan A. Mazurek, Chairman, National Executive Committee Henry Schwartz, National Treasurer ZIONIST ORGANIZATION OF AMERICA 4 East 34th Street, New York, NY 10016 Tel. (212) 481-1500 Fax (212) 481-1515 Email: ITAMAR MARCUS Founded 1897 Page - 18 T The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” Get Ready, Get Set, Daven: Israeli Disabled Runners To Participate in This Year’s Marathon Minyan his year, the New York City Marathon, scheduled for Sunday, November 5, is expected to attract more than 30,000 athletes. As they have for the past 15 years, many Jewish participants in the event will begin the day with the Marathon Minyan at 8:15am at the staging area in Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, adjacent to the orange corrals. While the davening is Orthodox, the minyan is made up of a wide variety of Jews from throughout the US (especially the tri-state Metropolitan area, but also Pennsylvania, Florida, and California), Canada, Israel, South and Central America, Europe, South Africa, and Australia. Among the more than 100 men who show up, some wear kippoth, others wear baseball caps, or no head covering at all. Some women come in long skirts; others wear running tights or shorts. There is usually a light kosher breakfast courtesy of the minyan organizers. In addition, some of the Orthodox-Jewish runners participate in pre-Marathon kosher pasta-loading parties, and some order kosher food for post-Marathon celebrations. Stephen Loeb, an experienced participant from West Orange, suggests taking a bus to Fort Wadsworth, Yosef Kalvo, hand-bike cyclist and an amputee, will compete in the marathon for Beith Halochem. either from Bryant Park in Manhattan or the Meadowlands Arena in Rutherford, NJ. Leaving the car at home is a good way to avoid traffic and road-rage energy before the 26.2-mile run begins. Disabled Israelis This year, there will be a Marathon Minyan within the Marathon Minyan. Because the New York Marathon is open to disabled athletes, ten Israelis, hosted by Friends of Israeli Disabled Veterans-Beit Halochem, will be participating. Calling themselves the Marathon Minyan, the ten athletes will be hand cycling, a sport which requires enormous strength and skill. Nine of the ten Israelis athletes were disabled during their service in the IDF. One was a victim of terrorist violence. “These athletes have given their all for Israel and the Jewish people. Now they are going to ‘run’ this race with the same determination and courage,” said Hillary Charap, Friends of Israeli Disabled Veterans-Beit Halochem’s director of development. The organization is encouraging all IDF supporters who will be in New York on November 5th to come out and cheer these athletes on. “They most certainly deserve a tremendous showing of support from all of us,” said Ms. Charap. Places to Watch Mr. Loeb, an attorney, suggests those who want to watch the race and cheer on their favorite runners, find a spot in Brooklyn, just south of Park Slope, at about the 6-mile mark along 4th Avenue at the beginning of the numbered streets. “Just make sure you know if the runner you are looking for will be on the east or west side of 4th Avenue,” he said, explaining that it is a two-way street divided by a median. First Avenue in Manhattan is another classic site to runner-watch, he said, cautioning that the street tends to get very crowded. Another good spot, he said, is mile 23, Carl Shurz Park, around 86th Street and the FDR Drive along the East River. “By that time, your runner, regardless of shape or ability, will be happy to see a friendly face for support,” he said, adding that runners and their special cheer-leading squad should pick a location in advance so that everyone will be on the right side of the street during the marathon. He suggested that runners give their cheer leaders a distinctive name to call. “Don’t use ‘mom’ or ‘dad,’ because many of the runners will be ‘mom and dad,’” he said. Running for Charity While runners participate in the race for a variety of reasons, many run for various charities. In fact, running for a charity is the best way to be able to win continued on page 20 Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 19 Page - 20 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Marathon Minyan coveted permission to participate in the marathon. Most charities sponsoring runners are all sold out, but as we went to press, three still had spots available: The American Legacy Foundation, a national public health foundation dedicated to building a world in which young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit (1-800-243-7000); the Thomas G. Labrecque Foundation, which raises funds for lung cancer research and seeks to increase awareness about the disease (212-651-6420); and the Children’s Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center at Mount Sinai Hospital (212241-5415). Although Friends of Israeli Disabled Veterans-Beit Halochem is not sponsoring independent runners, the organization is seeking sponsors for the group’s Marathon visit. Ms. Charap, who can October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” continued from page 18 be reached at 212-689-3220, said there are many levels of sponsorship, “and we’re certain that one will be perfect for you.” Fred Lebow, z”l For many of the Jewish participants in the Marathon, the late Fred Lebow, the Marathon’s founding father, was a guiding inspiration.AHolocaust survivor turned sports entrepreneur, Mr. Lebow transformed the New York Marathon from an sprint that was little more than a few laps around Central Park for a few dozen aficionados, into an international event throughout the city that attracts tens of thousands. Mr. Lebow, who had battled brain cancer for four years before he died at the age of 62 in October 1994, three weeks before the marathon that year, is the subject of a biography entitled “Anything for a T-Shirt: Fred Leb- ow,” by Ron Rubin. Mr. Rubin said he wrote the book because he was intrigued with the way Mr. Lebow, who worked in Manhattan’s garment district and took up running to get in shape for tennis, made things happen. “How was this Holocaust survivor who never finished high school able to change the popular culture of the nation? He mainstreamed the notion of a marathon,” said Mr. Rubin. Chutzpah and Nachas The answer, said Mr. Rubin, is that Mr. Lebow, who kept “his own modified version of kosher” by being a vegetarian, attended synagogue on the High Holy Days, fasted on Yom Kippur, held Passover seders and lit Chanukah candles with his running club friends, had “chutzpah.” According to Mr. Rubin, it was Mr. Lebow himself who made sure the marathon wound its way through the chassidic neighborhood of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and personally posted the “no parking” signs in Yiddish. He also could be seen shouting encouragement to the runners in Yiddish from his official car. The sites along the route of the marathon are important also to Mr. Loeb, who suggested that all participants, especially first-timers, make the most of the entire experience. “Take in the sights and sounds. In the anxiety of competing and completing 26.2 miles, remember to enjoy the day. It’s not just another race,” he said. No one has any doubt that Mr. Lebow took pride each year in the growth of his marathon, and he also probably would have shepped special nachas from the Israeli athletes from Beit Halochem. S.L.R. Muslims Are Outraged Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 21 continued from page 1 to them, fit a pattern which some observers began calling the “Islam-vs.-the-West” syndrome. Epitomized by the issues between the US and Iran, this syndrome pits deeply held Western values and principles, such as freedom of speech and religion, against Muslim demands to control words, actions, and even beliefs. difficult to predict what else will enflame the devout, Islam has to be treated with unusual deference, like a three-year-old child with anger-management problems,” said columnist James Lileks. Calls for Unity Last month, the violent pattern repeated itself after Pope Benedict delivered an academic lecture which In a speech at the Los Angeles World Affairs Council, British Prime Minister Tony Blair described the battle between the extremist Islamist world and the West as a struggle between the democratic values of tolerance, respect, and freedom and those of “reaction, division, and hatred.” The Islamists’ goals, he said, are twofold: to prevent any Islamic country from moving towards democracy and freedom in any form, and to spread the rule of Islam throughout the entire world. All too often, when these goals are thwarted, the result has been uncontrolled violence, as was seen in the riots that erupted in the fall and winter of 2005 in the wake of the publication of cartoons about Islam and the Prophet Mohammed in a Danish magazine. “Now history itself cannot be discussed. Since it’s many Muslims took as an insult. There were also a slew of other incidents which indicated new steps in what appears to be Islam’s cultural war with the West. Some commentators said the only solution is for supporters of Western culture to unite in its defense. “True, these principles sound pretty elementary— ‘we’re pro-free speech and anti-gratuitous violence’— but in the days since the Pope’s lecture, I don’t feel that I’ve heard them defended in anything like a unanimous chorus. A lot more time has been spent analyzing what the pontiff meant to say, or should have said, or might have said if he had been given better advice. All of which is simply beside the point, since nothing the Pope has ever said comes even close to matching the vitriol, extremism, and hatred that pour out of the mouths of radical imams and fanatical clerics every day, all across Europe and the Muslim world, almost none of which ever provokes any Western response at all. And maybe it’s time that it should,” said columnist Anne Applebaum, writing in the Washington Post. Jews Speak Out Although many Jewish writers condemned the Muslim violence and threats prompted by the Pope’s remarks, very few American-Jewish organizations spoke out publicly. The exception was the AntiDefamation League, which, in a press release, condemned the Muslim media for accusing Jews of plotting the Pope’s statements. In Israel, Chief Sephardic Rabbi Shlomo Amar actually condemned the Pope, sending a letter to Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a leading Sunni Muslim leader in Qatar who has been banned from entering the US because of his advocacy of violence, including suicide bombings in Israel and Iraq. In his letter, written in Arabic, Rabbi Amar said, “Our way is to honor every religion and every nation according to their paths.” Citing the Bible, Rabbi Amar said, “Even when there is a struggle between nations, it cannot be turned into a war of religions.” Medieval History On September 12, the Pope delivered an academic lecture at the University of Regensburg in Germany in which he quoted a 14th-century Byzantine emperor on the subject of jihad or holy war. According to the Pope, Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos said, “Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.” Although the press was concerned only with the quote, the Pope explained that the Byzantine emperor, whose empire was about to fall to the Muslims, issued the statement as part of a dialogue with a Persian scholar of Islam in 1391. The emperor was criticizing the Islamic practice of forcibly converting non-Muslims to Islam and, as the Pope said, was “addressing his interlocutor with a startling brusqueness on the central question about the relationship between religion and violence.” “The emperor, after having expressed himself so forcefully, goes on to explain in detail the reasons why spreading the faith through violence is something unreasonable. Violence is in- continued on page 22 Page - 22 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Muslims Are Outraged compatible with the nature of G-d and the nature of the soul. ‘G-d,’ he says, ‘is not pleased by blood—and not acting reasonably is contrary to G-d’s nature,’” said the Pope. Expanding on this theme, the Pope went on to explain that European civilization itself is a fusion of Christian faith and Greek philosophy. Europe’s current drift, he argued, stems from the cultural separation between faith and reason that began with the Reformation and continued with the Enlightenment. By relegating faith to a subculture that has no place in discussions of practical human endeavors, Europeans have rendered themselves incapable of understanding who they are or knowing how to defend themselves and their values—something the 14th-century Byzantine emperor seemed to understand effortlessly, he said. Dialogue Marathon Some historians have pointed out that the dialogue between the emperor and the Islamic scholar went on for some 26 sessions, during which the Muslim was allegedly overwhelmed by “continuous glimpses of Christian truth.” Although the dialogue did not end with the Muslim embracing Christianity, he did agree to journey to Constantinople, the last significant stronghold of the Byzantine Christian empire, to study with Christian theologians there. The Pope’s chief message seemed to be that, for a culture to survive, it must October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” continued from page 21 be willing to embrace its identity. If it does not, it won’t be capable of understanding why it should survive. While the Pope’s message could speak to Jews and Muslims as well as the Christians to whom it was addressed, it was drowned out almost immediately by Muslims and their supporters who heard only the emperor’s quote. “Rhetorical Bomb Writing in American Prospect Online, a far-left publication, Adele Stan argued that “to throw a rhetorical bomb such as that the Pope tossed into the teeming cities of the Muslim world is to commit an act tantamount to violence.” Demands for a formal apology were the mildest Muslim reaction, followed by severe criticism of the Pope by Muslim clerics and political cartoonists. British Muslims demonstrated outside Westminster Cathedral with signs reading “Pope Go to Hell” and “Islam Will Conquer Rome,” while the head of the Society of Muslim Lawyers declared that the Pope must be “subject to capital punishment.” Vilification According to Palestinian Media Watch, PA cleric Osama al-Mazini vilified the Pope in a sermon broadcast on PA TV as “ignorant and stupid” and “criminal and arrogant.” In the Hamas weekly, al-Risala, a cartoon depicted the Pope with the Danish and US flags, holding a swastika. Mr. al-Mazini warned that Allah would punish “the criminal Benedict the 16th, the Vatican Pope,” and threatened heavenly retribution. In Gaza, Sheikh Abu Saqer, a preacher affiliated with the Islamic Salafiya Jihad, called for a holy war against the Pope, terming him “a puppet” for “that Crusader George Bush.” Mr. Abu Saqer said the only ChristianMuslim dialogue that would be acceptable is one in which “all religions agree to convert to Islam.” “The call for so-called dialogue by this little racist Pope is a Trojan horse with the main goal of reaching a new system in which the ideals [of Christianity] are a new ideology that will rule relations between nations and people. The dialogue he wants is dangerous,” Mr. Abu Saqer told WorldNetDaily, adding that “it is an open war—the Muslims against all the others.” Warning the Pope Other Muslim leaders in the PA also warned the Pope that he must “accept” Islam if he wanted to live in peace. In Iraq, al-Qaeda’s second in command, Ayman al-Zawahri, implied that by demanding the Pope and Christians convert to Islam, he was offering them something beneficial. “If Benedict attacked us, we will respond to his insults with good things. We will call upon him and all of the Christians to become Muslims who do not recognize the Trinity or the crucifixion,” said Mr. al-Zawahri. Mr. Lileks, the columnist, pointed out that the West’s general lack of interest in converting to Islam is in itself taken as an affront to Islam in the Muslim world. Calling for Murder Acting on behalf of the International Islamic Front for Jihad against the Crusaders and the Jewish People (a group headed by Osama bin Laden), a Pakistani militant organization reportedly issued a fatwa calling on Muslims to murder the Pope in retaliation for his speech. In London, Muslim extremist Anjem Choudary took up the challenge, telling Muslim protesters that the Pope should face execution. He said those who insulted Islam would be “subject to capital punishment,” because, according to Islamic law, sharia, blasphemy, as defined by Islam, is a capital offense. It did not seem to matter that, in London, it would be considered murder. Acts of Violence Inevitably, acts of physical violence followed. Seven churches of several different Christian sects were attacked by Arabs in the Palestinian Authority in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. Writing in the Jerusalem Post, columnist Saul Singer said the headline for the episode should read “Pope calls Islam violent, Muslims riot.” “The irony here presumably escapes no one except the rioters themselves. Torching churches would seem to be a poor method of disproving the Pope’s delicate suggestion that Islam is a religion of the sword,” said Mr. Singer. Almost to prove his point, a Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokeswoman responded, “Anyone who describes Islam as a religion as intolerant encourages violence.” “But let us not dare suggest that even a whiff of intolerance can be detected in the Islamic world. If you say otherwise, I will cut off your head,” quipped columnist Jonah Goldberg. Proving the Point Writing in the Canadian-based National Post, George Jonas wondered why “some Muslims have such an uncanny talent for proving the case of their critics.” “When accused of violence, they threaten violence. Better still, they engage in it. ‘Call us unruly and we riot,’ they say in essence. ‘Call us murderers and we kill you.’ Don’t they see that this makes them a joke?” he wrote. Answering his own question, he said, “Well, no, they don’t—and they’re right. They don’t care about winning the debate, what they want to win is their Kampf, better known these days as Jihad.” They can win, he said, because their threats intimidate Westerners, even those who believe they are winning the debate at the Muslims’ expense. This behavior, he said, leads Muslim imams to believe, “Logic may be essential for pundits. It isn’t essential for our followers who are willing to blow themselves up to get their way.” “The sheiks and mullahs of conquer- Cheshvan 5767 ing Islam don’t give a hoot about the hearts and minds of the West. They figure, not without justification, that if they get us by the short hairs, our hearts and minds will follow,” said Mr. Jonas. Who’s Panicking? Mr. Saqer’s analysis confirmed Mr. Jonas’s point. The Islamic leader told WorldNetDaily that the Pope and the Christian world are “panicking” because “they realize who is winning.” “See how Islam is progressing and gaining more and more members, and The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 23 see the moral crisis in the West. See today the support of Islam in the Arab and Muslim world and how Islam is gaining more and more adherents in Europe and even in the US, and you understand that Islam is the future and that this dwarf Pope was wrong. But I can sympathize with him. He is frustrated because he understands where things are heading,” said Mr. Saqer. According to William Donahue, president of the Catholic League in the continued on page 24 Page - 24 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Muslims Are Outraged US, the Pope’s point in the lecture was not only to criticize secularists for lacking faith, but also to argue that faith must be coupled with, and backed by, reason. “Faith unhinged from reason leaves a trail of blood,” said Mr. Donahue. “This was the critical reference to un-anchored radical Islam. Until tolerance and respect are inculcated into a given people, there is not much hope for dialogue. Dialogue is a means to an end, not an end in and of itself.” Not an Apology Through the Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Pope expressed his regret over the incident, but did not offer a specific apology. Cardinal Bertone issued a statement, saying the Pope “sincerely regrets that certain passages of his address have sounded offensive to the sensitivities of the Muslim faithful and should have been interpreted in a manner that in no way corresponds to his intentions.” The statement was deemed insufficient by most Muslim leaders, and a senior member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammed Bishr, called it “a pretext that the Pope was quoting October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” continued from page 23 someone else as saying so and so.” “We need the Pope to admit the big mistake he has committed and then agree on apologizing, because we will not accept others to apologize on his behalf,” said Mr. Bishr. Not that they didn’t try, especially in territory ruled by the PA. Just after four masked gunmen doused the main doors of his church with lighter fluid and then set them on fire, George Awad, a cleric at the Greek Orthodox church in Nablus, attempted to apologize for the Pope’s remarks and urged Muslims to use restraint. “There is no reason to burn our churches,” he pleaded. Small Minority Christians, who number in the tens of thousands in the PA, comprise a small—and dwindling—minority among the PA’s 3 million Muslims. Adding to Christian anxiety in the region, the radical Islamic leader, Sheikh Raed Salah, head of the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel, addressed a mass rally in Um El-Fahm, one of Israel’s largest Arab cities, saying he hoped the Pope’s remarks were “a slip of the tongue, because, if not, his words are a direct call to the nations of Europe to stand behind President Bush and Israel in their war against Islam.” Mr. Salah predicted that Jerusalem would soon be taken over by the Muslims. “Very soon, Jerusalem will be the capital of the new Muslim Caliphate, and the Caliph will dwell there,” he said. Murder in Somalia In the Somalian capital of Mogadishu, a 65-year-old Italian nun and her bodyguard were killed at the entrance to a hospital where she worked. A doctor said Sister Leonella Sgorbati from Piacenza, in northern Italy, had been shot four times in the back by two men with pistols. In Indonesia, four Christian schoolgirls were beheaded. Many commentators linked both incidents to the Pope’s remarks, although, in Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, there has been ongoing persecution and murder of Christians. Shortly before Sister Leonella was murdered, a prominent Somali cleric, Sheik Abubukar Hassan Malin, had called on Muslims to kill the Pope. “Sister Leonella was not the Pope, but she was presumably close enough for purposes of the local jihadis,” said Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby. According to reports, Sister Leonella, who served in Africa for almost 40 years as a nurse caring for mothers and children, forgave her killers as she lay dying. Her last words, murmured in her native Italian, were, “Perdono, perdono,” I forgive. “Islam or Death” On the Internet, the Mujahideen Shura Council, an umbrella group led by Iraq’s branch of Al Qaeda, threatened reprisals against “worshippers of the cross.” “We shall break the cross and spill the wine. You will have no choice but Islam or death,” said the statement, citing a quote said to come from the Prophet Mohammed, promising Muslims that they would “conquer Rome as they conquered Constantinople.” “We tell the worshippers of the cross that you and the West will be defeated, as is the case in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya. Allah enable us to slit their throats, and make their money and descendants the bounty of the Mujahideen,” said the group’s statement. A few days after the Pope’s lecture in Germany, he once again raised eyebrows when he cited a passage from the Christian Bible in which the crucifixion is described as “a scandal for the Jews, a folly for the pagans.” Although, in London, the Guardian reported that some Jewish representatives expressed surprise, there were no reports of Jews attacking the Pope verbally or resorting to violence, just as there were none when an Iranian newspaper, with Iranian-government support, sponsored a “contest” for antisemitic Holocaust-denying cartoons. One showed the Statue of Liberty holding a book on the Holocaust in one hand and offering a Nazistyle salute with the other. Still No Apology When the Pope finally addressed the issue of the Muslim response personally, his comments did not differ in substance from the statement made by Cardinal Bertone. The Pope said he was “deeply sorry for the reactions in some countries to the passages of my address, which were considered offensive to the sensibility of Muslims.” Cheshvan 5767 “These in fact were a quotation from a medieval text, which do not in any way express my personal thoughts,” he said, indicating that while he was sorry for the misunderstanding, he did not regret using the quotation to make his point. The Pope made his explanation, reading from a prepared statement, at a meeting in the Vatican that had been billed as a “summit” with Muslim leaders from across Europe. Some observers said the photographs of the event told the real story. “There sat the leader of Christendom, resplendent on a golden throne and separated from the assembled dignitaries by a vast expanse of polished black-andwhite marble floor. He did not take ques- The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 25 tions,” said columnist Michael Meyers, writing in the New York Post. “This was hardly appeasement, nor was it the ‘dialogue’ the Pope had promised.” Prof Rafi Yisraeli, who has just completed a book on the integration of Islam into Europe, said it was possible the Pope’s partial apology stemmed from his concern for Christian minorities in Muslim countries. Muslim Dissatisfaction The Muslim world was not appeased. In Turkey, Member of Parliament Mehmet Aydin said the Pope seemed to be saying he was sorry for the outrage, but not necessarily for the remarks themselves. continued on page 27 Page - 26 The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” Muslims Are Outraged Some observers said that was exactly the message the Pope wished to convey, but Mr. Aydin found it infuriating. “You either have to say ‘I’m sorry’ in a proper way or not say it at all,” said Mr. Aydin. In Iran, an influential cleric, Ahmad Khatami, warned that if the Pope did not apologize properly, the “outcry will continue until he fully regrets his remarks.” Mr. Khatami suggested “the Pope should fall on his knees in front of a senior Muslim cleric and try to understand Islam.” Europe’s Muslim Problem Many observers pointed out that the Pope’s lecture could not have been a mere slip of the Papal tongue, but, rather, may signal a new policy in the Vatican. Just last winter, the Vatican’s position on the Danish cartoons was that the Danish newspaper should have been more careful not to give offense. Writing in the Jerusalem Post, Anshel Pfeffer pointed out that while the Pope is not particularly proIsrael, he is aware that, like the Jewish State, Europe has a Muslim problem, particularly concerning violence. “He sees the spread of Islam through Europe as a definite threat, and a more robust brand of Catholicism is the only weapon he knows to counter it,” said Mr. Pfeffer. A “Precise” German Father Pedro Medros, a lecturer at Bethlehem University and a Catholic priest, agreed. “You have to realize two things about this Pope: first, he is not a diplomat. Second, he is German, so he likes things to be very clear, even difficult things,” he Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 27 continued from page 25 said. According to Father Medros, who in no way is a representative of the Vatican, the Pope, in speaking at the German university, was warning secular Europeans, expressing his concern about the Muslims who have settled throughout Europe and yet have little or no allegiance to the European countries in which they live. Muslim immigrants in Europe are viewed as practicing Sharia, Islamic law, even when it runs contrary to the laws of their countries of residence. The Pope believes that, for Muslims to live peacefully in Europe, they will have to alter some of their religious principles, said Father Medros. “His main concerns are the atheism in Europe and the infiltration of Islam into those countries,” said Father Medros, adding that he believes the Pope’s intention was “to start an initiative of dialogue, not one of violence.” Not a Two-Way Street Actually, the initiative was begun in 1962, when the Vatican, through its Pontifical Council for Intra-Religious Dialogue, offered to begin speaking seriously with Muslims, but, according to Father Medros, in almost 45 years, there has never been a single document of rapprochement from the Islamic side. Father Medros seemed to feel that, with this speech, the Pope was signaling that he was no longer prepared simply to turn the other cheek in the face of Islamic intransigence. Since assuming the papacy, Pope Benedict has opposed Turkey’s joining the European Union as a full member and has condemned terror, placing responsibility for the violence with Muslim leaders. In the US, Mideast expert Michael Ledeen agreed that the Pope had made his remarks carefully and fully anticipated the reaction they would engender in the Muslim world. “Of course he knows that, for several centuries, Islam conserved the wisdom of the West, the same ‘Greek’ wisdom he invoked as the indispensable partner of Christian faith. He’s defying the Muslims to admit that, because he knows that the jihadis don’t want to hear about it, and that an open debate about it may undermine the sway of so many dogmatic mosques, schools, TV stations, and Internet sites,” said Mr. Ledeen. Archbishop’s Concern And, it seems, the Pope was heard, at least by some other Christian leaders in Europe. The former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, said the West’s problem was not with a minority of Muslims, but with Islam itself. He noted that while the majority of Muslims do not engage in violence, they do not actively oppose it, either. The archbishop may have been reacting to recent polls which show that the British have realized they have a serious Muslim problem. According to a Telegraph YouGov poll taken last month, 53 percent of Britons view Islam as a threat to society. Observers said this sentiment came in the wake of the bombings last summer in the London underground, the recently uncovered plot to blow up ten or more planes continued on page 28 Page - 28 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Muslims Are Outraged on route from London to the US, and the discovery that a young English-born Muslim couple planned to blow up one airliner by igniting their six-month-old baby’s bottle of formula. Many Western observers say what is even more upsetting is the lack of protest by other Muslims. “Where are the demonstrations in the Muslim street when the president of Iran denies the Holocaust and calls for the destruction of Israel? Or when Palestinian kidnappers force two Western journalists to convert to Islam at gunpoint? Or when Sunni terrorists in Iraq bomb Shiite mosques and slaughter hundreds of worshippers?” said Max Boot, Olin Senior Fellow in National Security Studies at the Council of Foreign Relations in New York. Concessions at the Opera Since the episode concerning the Pope, there have been a number of other incidents, which experts say point out that what the Muslims want is not equal respect, but, rather, special consideration, bordering on homage. The incident that received the most publicity concerned Berlin’s Deutsche Opera which, on the eve of the first German-Islam Conference, barely two weeks after the Pope’s lecture, cancelled a October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” con. from p. 27 production of Mozart’s opera, Idomeneo, because, in one scene, King Idomeneo sets the severed heads of Poseidon, Jesus, Buddha, and the Prophet Mohammed on chairs and laughs at them. The government-sponsored conference was designed to promote dialogue between German officials and the country’s 3.2 million Muslims, many of whom are either from Turkey or are the children of Turkish unskilled workers who were brought to Germany after World War II to help drive the country’s economic boom. To Attend Together At the conference, the cancellation of the opera overshadowed other issues, with the German Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble decrying what he called the tendency of some Muslim radicals to act in a “crazy” manner with minimal provocation. When the conference closed, Mr. Schaeuble told reporters he had persuaded all participants to unite in a call for the opera to reschedule performances of “Idomeneo.” “I’m glad we all agreed we would like the production to resume,” he said, adding that he hoped when performances were announced, all 30 participants, equally divided between central and local government officials and Muslim representatives, would attend together “to send a signal.” Who’s Next? At the production’s premier in December 2003, there were protests from the audience, but many reviewers interpreted the opera as a radical critique of religion and religious wars. In the Wall Street Journal, reviewer Roger Kimball, however, called it a “horror” and said the director, Hans Neuenfels, was “more interested in nurturing his own pathologies than in offering a faithful presentation of the geniuses with whose work he has been entrusted.” Nevertheless, Mr. Kimball said, the only thing “less pleasing than having to sit through Mr. Neuenfels’s production” was the news that the opera company had cancelled it because of fears of enraged Muslims. “Today it was Mozart. Tomorrow, perhaps, it will be Shakespeare. Or Dante, who after all has a pretty hot place reserved for Mohammed in ‘The Divine Comedy.’ It is not—not yet—too late to put a stop to our habit of appeasing a murderous faction that demands privileges and indulgences it refuses to grant others,” said Mr. Kimball. When the opera was first performed in 1781, it was set in ancient Crete after the Trojan War. The text deals with human resistance to making sacrifices to the gods, and it ends with King Idomeneo issuing as his last command before ceding power to his son, “I announce peace.” Police Warning In a statement referring to the furor over the Danish cartoons, the opera company’s manager, Kirstin Harms, said police had warned her that all the press publicity surrounding the production would make a performance of the scene an “incalculable security risk” for the theatre and its visitors. A spokesman for the Berlin Police Department said an analysis of security risks based on the riots that followed the publication of the Danish cartoons caused them to warn the company. “We told the opera that possible disturbances relating to the performance in its planned form couldn’t be ruled out,” the spokesman said. Writing in the German magazine Der Spiegel, Henryk Broder said that, as a “secular, atheist Jew,” he was offended that the production did not include Moses’s head. “What am I to do? Run amok and set the opera on fire?” he quipped. continued on page 30 Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 29 SALES•LEASING•SERVICE PARTS•AUTO BODY SATISFYING CUSTOMERS SINCE 1932! -DAY * 10 USED CAR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Anytime you stop in for service 48 HOUR Monday thru Friday, Breakfast is on us! NEW CAR MONEY BACK ^ HOT COFFEE & FRESH BAGELS! GUARANTEE! • SHUTTLE SERVICE • 28 COUNTY ROAD, TENAFLY, NJ COME SEE OUR NEW & PRE-OWNED INVENTORY IN PERSON OR SHOP US ON-LINE. 1-201-569-5515 ^2 Day Money Back Guarantee applies to new car purchases only. Customer can bring back the vehicle for any reason. Vehicles must have less than 300 miles on it and be in exact condition it was sold in. *10 Day used car money back guarantee applies to used car purchases only. Vehicle must be returned in exact condition it was sold in. Page - 30 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Muslims Are Outraged He noted that there would have been no “risk analysis” if Idomeneo had chosen to slaughter only Poseidon, Buddha, and Jesus—leaving Mohammed out. Cancellation Furor The decision to cancel sparked rage in Germany, with top political and cultural figures arguing that the threat of violent retaliation should not constrain freedom of expression in a Western Democracy. Calling the cancellation “a mistake,” Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Germans not to bow to fears of Islamist violence. “I think self-censorship does not help us against people who want to practice violence in the name of Islam,” she said. “It makes no sense to retreat.” “If concern about possible protests already leads to self-censorship, then the democratic culture of free speech is in danger,” said German Culture Minister, Bernd Neumann. Fear of Violence Interior Minister Schaeuble accused some non-Muslims of going “too far” in their attempts to accommodate Muslim sensitivities. By showing too much deference to Muslims on such matters, he said, the non-Muslim world “will not succeed in convincing people” that free speech and tolerance “are better than fundamentalism.” October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” continued from page 28 “It’s a difficult situation with some Muslims. They tend to use anything to become crazy. I can’t accept that,” he said. The parliamentary leader of the German conservative Christian Social Union, Peter Ramsauer, called the cancellation “cowardly.” “It’s an incredible occurrence that has never happened in Germany before in this form,” he said, denying that the cancellation had anything to do with respect for religion. “It’s naked fear of violence. That’s nothing but pure cowardice,” he said. Looking to Muslim Moderates In Denmark, Flemming Rose, culture editor of Jyllands-Posten, which began the storm of Muslim protest after publishing the satirical cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, said bowing to fears of a violent Muslim reaction would only worsen the problem. “You play into the hands of the radicals. You are telling them: your tactics are working. This is a victory for the radicals. It’s weakening the moderate Muslims who are our allies in this battle of ideas,” he said. In fact, although the head of Germany’s Islamic Council, Ali Kizilkaya, welcomed the decision to cancel the opera because, he said, it was taking Muslim sensitivities into account, Kenan Kolat, another German-Muslim leader disagreed. Mr. Kolat said it was high time for Muslims of all ethnic stripes to accept principles of free speech and other tenets of European democracy. “This is about art, not politics,” he told Bavarian radio, adding that anything else represented a retreat to “the Middle Ages.” Policing the London Police Other incidents also occurred that seem to fall into the Islam-vs.-the West syndrome. In England, British police made the decision to excuse a London policeman from guarding the Israeli Embassy because the officer, Alexander Omar Basha, told his superiors he was unable to carry out his duties due to his objection to Israeli bombings in Lebanon. Mr. Basha, 26, who is attached to the London Police Department’s Diplomatic Protection Group, has reportedly taken part in recent anti-war protests. The former London police chief, John O’Connor, called the request and its acceptance “the beginning of the end for British policing.” “If they can allow this, surely they’ll have to accept a Jewish officer not wanting to work at an Islamic national embassy. Will Catholic cops be let off working at Protestant churches? Where will it end? This decision is going to allow officers to act in a discriminating and racist way,” he said, adding that when an officer joins the police force, it must be in order to provide a service to the public. “If you cannot perform those duties, you leave,” said Mr. O’Connor. He accused the Metropolitan Police of setting a precedent “they will come to bitterly regret.” “Top brass granted his wish as they were probably frightened of being accused of racism. But what they’ve done is an insult to the Jewish community,” said Mr. O’Connor. Muslim Chief Says No Another angry policeman told Mike Sullivan, the crime editor of the London Sun, “This decision beggars belief. It goes against everything the police should stand for—providing a service to the public no matter who they are.” Even Police Superintendent Dal Babu, who serves as chairman of the Association of Muslim Police, said he disapproved of excusing Mr. Basha, saying his request dealt with “the welfare of an individual” and was “not about a moral issue.” “I think we are going down a very, very slippery slope if we start having postings based on individual officers’ conscience,” he said. “As police officers, we have to deal with some very, very difficult situations and we need to be objective and make sure that we police all members of the community fairly. We can’t pick and choose.” Urgent Review After the Sun carried the story of Mr. Basha’s excusal by his superiors, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair ordered an immediate inquiry. “Having learned of this issue, I have asked for an urgent review of the situation and a full report,” he told the paper. continued on page 59 Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 31 New Royal Persian Grill: A Family Affair for Food and Yiddishkeit T he new Royal Persian Grill restaurant, located in the heart of “kosher restaurant row” on West Englewood Avenue in Teaneck is a family affair that represents the marriage of several traditions. The owner, Efraim Azari, was born in Teheran, Iran; his wife, Tova, is originally from Baghdad. Their children, however, were born in Israel, and, said Mr. Azari, their various heritages are reflected in the menu currently available at the Royal Persian Grill. “We use a lot of Sephardic spices, vegetables, and meats, and everything is made with love for klal Yisrael,” said Mr. Azari. The mixture of food and Yiddishkeit comes naturally to the Azari family. Both Efraim and Yosef study at the Ohr Yisrael Sephardic Yeshiva in Monsey. Yosef Azari expects to earn smicha next year, while his father is just beginning. From Israel to Florida In Israel, the Azaris owned several successful restaurants, including one in Ra’anana, called Sunflower, and another on Dizengoff in Tel Aviv, called Sami Burekas. In 1998, Mr. and Mrs. Azari came to the US with their youngest son, Yosef, who is now 29. Their three older children remained in Israel. Settling in South Florida, the Azaris opened a dry cleaning business, but, after two years, Yosef decided to return to Israel to study in a yeshiva. While in Israel, he married his wife, Dana, and then with her, returned to the US, to continue his studies at the Sephardic Yeshiva in Monsey. They now have two children. From Florida to Monsey Two years ago, Yosef and Dana invited his parents to spend the High Holidays with them in Monsey, and, said Efraim Azari, he found the Rockland County community very appealing. “I saw my heart leaving Florida,” he said. By Rosh Hashana 2005, Efraim and Tova had relocated, and Efraim began joining his son at the yeshiva. Yemenite Chef The family’s thoughts also turned to parnassah. With the help of friends, they settled on the West Englewood Ave location in Teaneck and began making plans to open a restaurant. One of their first decisions was choosing their chef, Oshri Cubani, whose cooking experience began at the Dan Acadia Hotel in Herzliya. In the US, he served as a chef for several Lubavitch institutions in Crown Heights as well as at the Lexington Restaurant in Manhattan. Mr. Cubani said he enjoys using traditional Yemenite recipes, which he remembers from his childhood in Israel. He also enjoys Indian cooking and frequently uses Indian spices in his cooking. Sephardic Delicacies A careful perusal of the Royal Persian Grill’s menu is a culinary study of Sephardic delicacies. Jachmoon, a bread made with honey, sugar, and oil, is used like a roll. Cubana uses the same ingredients, but depends on yeast to make the dough rise and keeps it soft. Persian red rice, an Iraqi recipe, is a combination of Basmati rice served in a tomato sauce, and gharme sabzi is a stew-like dish consisting of celery, cilantro, parsley, red kidney beans, and beef. It can be served mild or spicy, and its secret ingredient is “dry lemon,” a special variety originally from Iran. continued on page 33 Page - 32 The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” L Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 33 Dr. Rachel Jacobs: “I’ll Take Dentistry for $200, Alex” ast month, Dr. Herbert Schneider happily welcomed his daughter, Dr. Rachel Jacobs, into his practice of family, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry, located at 55 Grant Street in Dumont.. From digital x-rays with reduced radiation to his latest addition, a laser, which lessens the need for numbing injections, Dr Schneider has always provided his patients with the newest technology combined with the highest level of care for over 25 years. After spending time in her father’s office, Dr. Rachel, as she is known, knew dentistry would be the right choice for her. “Rachel has already brought so much to our practice because her clinical excellence, her training and her values are a perfect fit with those of our practice team,” Dr. Schneider said, adding that he always knew this would be the case. No Work on Saturday But the father-daughter team share more than dentistry, both are also avid watchers of the game show “Jeopardy,” and, several years ago, while she was still a student at Stern College, Dr. Rachel leaped at the chance to audition for the program when the producers came to the New York area. After taking both a written and oral exam, she learned that she would be one of 15 students on the college tournament. Stern’s administration was thrilled to learn that she would be the first yeshiva student ever to appear on “Jeopardy.” But things didn’t go as smoothly as Dr. Rachel and Stern hoped. Very quickly, she was told that the show on which she was scheduled to appear would be taped on Shabbat. Worse, the producers told her if she could not participate on Saturday, they could not place her in the show’s college tournament at all. Flying to California Her disappointment abated, however, when the staff accommodated her religious beliefs by offering her the opportunity to appear on a regular “Jeopardy” program as opposed to the college tournament. “And that’s how Rachel, at the age of 19, ended up on the regular show,” said her Royal Persian Grill Those with a hankering for lamb will not be disappointed at the Royal Persian Grill, where kabobs, lamb chops, and shwarma are all on the menu. The restaurant also features beef, veal, and chicken dishes. Its baby chicken shwarma literally melts in the mouth. Expansion The Azaris have plans for their restaurant, which, right now, seats about 30. The family wants to enlarge the seating cont. from p. 31 area and make sure the vertical grill, on which the shwarma is cooked, is readily visible. “We want the Royal Persian Grill to be a family place that’s nice enough for a special night out, but casual enough to enjoy often,” said Yosef Azari. The restaurant is located at 102 W Englewood Ave, in Teaneck. The phone number is 201-833-1555. Catering and take-out are available. S.L.R. proud father. To make up for the $2500 that Rachel had been guaranteed just for making the cut to appear on the college tournament, the “Jeopardy” staff paid for her airfare to Los Angeles and a three-night stay at the Beverly Hilton. “Swahili” The two contestants with whom she appeared were much older—one was an attorney and the other a former stockbroker—but Dr. Rachel held her own. “She was even leading after the first commercial break, answering a Daily Double correctly putting her way in the lead,” her father recalled. The Final Jeopardy Category of “Swahili Phrases,” unfortunately sealed her fate and ended her participation. “But she left the show with some lovely parting gifts and a deep sense of accomplishment,” said Dr. Schneider. DDS and Motherhood Since then, of course, Dr. Rachel has continued to achieve great accomplishments. A graduate of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, she completed her residency at the Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. Dr. Rachel and her husband Brian, an attorney in the entertainment industry, enjoy their adorable son, Dovi, who was born last December (Dr. Schneider doesn’t mind him too much, either.) Besides playing with Dovi, Dr. Rachel enjoys reading, cooking, and, natch, Trivia. To contact Dr. Schneider or Dr. Rachel, call 201-3855538. Y Page - 34 The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” When Israel Was at War, Camp IBA Organized a Unity Program of Prayer and Education for All Jewish Campers in Upstate New York F aced with the unfortunate situation in Israel last summer, the senior staff at Camp IBA, a sports camp imbued with Zionist ideals, had an idea: Let’s invite all Jewish sleep-away camps in Upstate NY and Pennsylvania to send representatives to join us at Camp IBA for a day of unity tant for people to stay behind to support Israel’s troops through tefillot (prayer). With this in mind, each camp selected representatives to participate in the special program actively showing support of our brethren in Israel who were fighting a battle on two fronts. your big toe your entire body feels the pain. The same is true for the Jewish people. If our soldiers are hurting in Lebanon, we feel it here.” The theme presented throughout the day was how the campers could make a difference in the situation through prayer and action. and support for Israel. Calls were made and, with input from all the camps that responded, an initial meeting was set. The theme of the entire program was one of achdut (unity), and all agreed to come together Tuesday, August 1st. One may ask, what difference could a group of sleep-away campers make, all of whom were 6,000 miles away from Israel? The 500 campers of IBA, Mesorah, Morasha, Moshava, Nesher, and Ramah heard from a series of speakers that while fighting on the front lines was vital, it was also impor- Prayers After the opening address from Joel Jerozolim, head counselor at IBA, the program began with Hatikva, the Star Spangled Banner, and prayers: for the State of Israel, THE IDF, and for the missing and captured soldiers. A special prayer composed by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel was recited simultaneously with an estimated 1,000,000 Jews from around the world. Afterwards, the assembled campers heard a dvar Torah from Rabbi Judah Mischel of Camp HASC, who told them, “If you stub History The campers were treated to a video presentation, prepared by Camp Moshava, on the current situation. After giving some background on Hezbollah and Israel’s history with Lebanon, the video gave a day-by-day recap of the current events. Using the video as a springboard to understand the severity of the situation more fully, the youngsters and their counselors divided into smaller groups moderated by various educational advisors. In these smaller sessions, campers had an opportunity to discuss how they felt about the current situation as well as write letters to affected members of the IDF and families who have been displaced from areas in Northern Israel. Many of the youngsters who participated in the day of unity were Israelis who were spending the summer in the US. The day devoted to Israel and the war offered them an opportunity to feel closer to their loved ones at home. Psalms After a lunch provided by the IBA hosts, the 500 campers returned to the gym for the closing program, which consisted of a group recitation of Pirkei Tehillim and an intense period of “slow shirah” (slow singing) led by Rabbi Mordechai Kaplan of IBA. Between each song, the campers heard personal stories from different staff members, among them, famed Jewish basketball star, Tamir Goodman. At the end of the program, the campers were privileged to hear from Rabbi Meir Goldwicht, of Mesorah, about the role that tefillah—especially those of children—plays in changing the world. Having crystallized the purpose of the gathering, Rabbi Goldwicht led the entire assembly in a roofshaking “Shema Yisrael” and “Baruch Shem K’vod Malchulto L’Olam Va’ed.” The weather that day was very hot and it was difficult to tell if people were wiping their faces from sweat or tears—or both. However, at the end of the day, those who had participated felt they had made a difference and, based on what people of faith know, they most certainly had. Y D Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 35 Heritage Foundation Plans Trips to Poland uring the summer of 2007, Heritage Moreshet Seminars will run specially designed seminars to Poland for adults. The seminars are especially conducive to groups put together by individual synagogues or groups of shuls from one area. Conceived as a seminar with special emphasis on the cultural richness of Eastern European Jewry before the war and its demise during the Holocaust, Heritage is not simply a “concentration camp” tour, although extensive study time is spent at Treblinka, Majdanek, Belzec, Auschwitz, and Birkenau. Full days are spent in Warsaw, Cracow (where the group observes Shabbat), Lublin, and the shtetlach of Galicia. Evening programs and analysis take place each day. Specialized Approach The seminar features special programming at the tombs of Rabbi Elimelech of Lezajsk and the concentration camps, among other sites. All Heritage programs include orientation and advance preparation. All seminars are accompanied by an historian, security staff, physician, and food coordinator. A Holocaust witness is an optional addition to the group. Heritage has refined a specialized approach that reflects a balance between academic study, attention to the emotional sites in Eastern Europe, and the study of Jewish sources, personalities, and the demise of Jewish life during the Holocaust. Fees Depending on specific issues which can be deter- mined by each individual synagogue group planning a Heritage Seminar, the cost of this seminar in Poland is approximately $3,000 with an approximately $500 addition for a two-day extension to Prague. Single supplements entail additional costs. Fees include: a group orientation session; roundtrip airfare; all land arrangements, including five star accommodations; deluxe buses; a Heritage historian/scholar in residence; security in Poland and Prague; educational materials; three mehadrin kosher meals daily; entry fees to all sites; porterage and all gratuities; local guides; a Gesher Tours logistical person; and all administrative preparation. Travel and medical insurance is not included. A minimum group of 35 is required for this seminar. Families, including children 16 and over, are encouraged to attend. Dates The date for this trip will be determined by each participating synagogue group. Carrie Teitcher, who recently returned from a Heritage Seminar with the Young Israel of Oceanside, said she is happy to meet with groups considering the trip. “If there is an interest in this program, it would be best if a chairperson can be appointed by your shul to coordinate such a meeting with me, as well as future specifics of a potential seminar,” she said. Ms. Teitcher can be reached by phone at 516-5364306 or email, heritagect@ Y Page - 36 The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” The Log: Wed., Oct 11 “Elul, Teshuvah, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot,” Rabbi Uri Goldstein, spons by the Orthodox Union online at Reality Interviewing Workshop, Rhonda Goodman, spons by the Jewish Family Service Job Search Network, Jewish Family Service, Teaneck, 10am, 201-837-9090 “From Generation to Generation: Yiddish Art Songs,” Reyna and Robert Abelson, JCC, Tenafly, 11:30am “Being a Teenager with a Chronic Illness,” for teenagers, Tamar Stern, JCC, West Orange, 7pm Dinner in the Sukkah for Empty Nesters and Seniors, Cong Ohav Emeth, Highland Park, 7pm Healing from the Death of a Parent, Sherry Woocher, JCC, West Orange, 7:30pm Family Simchat Beit Hashoeva: Live Band, Khal Tzemach Tzedek, Monsey, 7:45pm, 845-371-7258 Film: “The Lost Song,” for women and girls, spons by the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation, at Yeshiva Gedolah, Teaneck, 8:30pm Thurs, Oct 12 “Elul, Teshuvah, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot,” Rabbi David Fine, spons by the Orthodox Union online at Israel’s National Junior Hockey Team, Chelsea Piers, Manhattan, 6pm “Farbrengen in the Sukkah: Shemini Atzeret—Rejoice and Refuel, Simchas Torah—Joy to the World,” Rabbi Boruch Klar, Lubavitch Center, West Orange, 7:30pm Leil Hoshana Rabba: “Defining Torah in Simchat Torah—Halacha, Kabbala, and Philosophy,” Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schachter, Cong Beth Abraham, Bergenfield, 7:30pm Tikun Layl Hoshana Rabba: Family Learning for Chil- dren and Adults, Young Israel of Monsey and Wesley Hills, 8pm, 845-354-5218 Fri., Oct 13 Deadline to order tickets through Netivot Shalom for Jewish Family Night: NJ Devils vs the Florida Panthers, at the Continental Arena on Nov 11, 201-837-7849 NCSY Simchaton, Cong Ohav Emeth, Highland Park, through Sun, Oct. 15 Sat., Oct 14, Shemini Atzeret Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (R-IL), spons by NORPAC, private home in Englewood, 8pm, 201-788-5133 Tues., Oct. 17 Rep Dan Burton (R-IN), spons by NORPAC, private home in Englewood, 8pm, 201788-5133 Wed., Oct 18 Women’s Kriah, Ann Shinnar, Netivot Shalom, Teaneck Women’s Simchat Torah Reading, private home in Englewood, 10am, 201-503-0609 “The Mystery of the History of Simchat Torah,” Ilene Strauss, spons by AMIT, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 10:45am Young Israel of Teaneck Simchat Torah Kiddush/Luncheon Simchat Torah Family Luncheon, Teaneck Jewish Center. 1pm Ahavas Family Simchas Torah Luncheon, Cong Ahavas Yisroel, Passaic, 3pm “Understanding Volunteering” Volunteer Center of Bergen County, Hackensack, 9am Trip to the Jewish Museum in Manhattan, leave the JCC, Tenafly, 9am “Net Gain: Finding Family on the World Wide Web,” Sandra Lanman, Jewish Historical Society of Central Jersey, New Brunswick, 10am, 732-249-4894 Jewish Enrichment Time for Seniors: Tickling Your Brain with Puzzles and Games, Bill Levy, Lautenberg JCC, Whippany, 11am “Planning Your Volunteer Program,” Volunteer Center of Bergen County, Hackensack, 1pm Wednesdays with Fred: Pizza, Gym, and Swim, for 7th10th Graders, Teaneck Jewish Center, 6pm Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David Sisterhood Dinner, shul, West Orange, 7pm “Being a Teenager with a Chronic Illness,” for teenagers, Tamar Stern, JCC, West Orange, 7pm NJ Senate Candidates’ Debate: US Sen Robert Menendez (D) and NJ State Sen Tom Kean, Jr (R), Temple Beth Shalom, Livingston, 7:30pm Healing from the Death of a Parent, Sherry Woocher, JCC, West Orange, 7:30pm “Developing the Mind, Transmitting the Mesorah, Instilling the Midot,” Moriah School of Englewood Open House, 8pm “Translating the Bible: A Symposium,” Prof Everett Fox, Prof Jack Sasson, Prof Naomi Seidman, and Prof Gary Rendsburg, Douglass College Center, New Brunswick, 7pm “Jewish Communities of Cuba: Small but Thriving,” Nancy Katz, photographer, Englewood Public Library, 7:30pm “Connecting with and Correcting Media Coverage Simchat Torah Minyan for Israelis Who Keep One Day of Yom Tov, private home in Teaneck, 646-339-4139 Children’s Hakafot, spons by Sephardic Center of Fair Lawn, Young Israel of Fair Lawn, and Cong Ahavat Achim, in the Ahavat Achim Sukkah, Fair Lawn, 3:45pm Simchat Torah Celebration, Union County Torah Center, Westfield, 7pm “The End Is Also the Beginning: Devarim to Bereshit, Parsha Synopsis and Presentations,” for women of all ages, Cong Ohav Emeth, Highland Park, 7:45pm, also Sun, Oct 15, 10am Sun., Oct 15, Simchat Torah Mon., Oct 16 Thurs., Oct. 19 Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 37 “Separate Yourself Not from the Community” of Israel,” Fran Dauth and Harry Glazer, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 7:30pm Rep Bill Pascrell (D-NJ), spons by NOPAC, private home in Englewood, 8pm, 201-788-5133 Sat., Oct 21 Young Israel of Monsey and Wesley Hills/ASHAR Yachad Shabbaton, at the Young Israel, 845-354-5218 “Rabbi’s Tish for a Taste of the 3 C’s: Cholent, Cugel, and Conversation,” Rabbi Lawrence Zierler, Teaneck Jewish Center, noon “A Tale of Love and Darkness” by Amos Oz and Tales of the Founding of Petach Tikvah, Shuly Kustanowitz, spons by the History Club of Cong Ahavat Achim, private home in Fair Lawn, 8pm, 201-796-9273 Navi Shiur, Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, by Satellite, Khal Zichron Mordechai, Airmont, NY, 9pm, 845-356-7078 Sun., Oct 22 TV Film: “A Journey of Spirit,” story of Jewish singer Debbie Friedman, Hallmark Channel, 7am Trip to “Imagine That” in Florham Park for Grades Nursery through 2nd, leave Cong Ohr Torah, Edison, 10am Chug Ivrit for Intermediate to Advanced Hebrew Speakers, spons by Raritan Valley Chapter of Hadassah, private home in Highland Park, 11am, 732-819-9298 “Translating Tradition: Reviving and Reliving Yiddish Culture in a Modern World,” Dr. Carl Rheins, YMHA, Riverdale, noon 70s and ‘80s Ladies Night at Picante Restaurant, Teaneck, spons by Cong Beth Aaron Sisterhood, 6pm NY Yankee and “Designated Hebrew,” Ron Blomberg, JCC, Bridgewater, 7pm Moshav Band and The Big Blue Accident, in Concert, Mexicali Blues, Teaneck, 7pm Sen Robert Menendez, Democratic Candidate for Sen- ate, spons by the Orthodox Union, Cong Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck, 7pm Mon., Oct 23 Leah Sokoloff Nursery School of Shomrei Torah Open House, Fair Lawn, 9:30-11am “Three Scholars, Three Texts: Reading Rabbinic Literature,” Beth Berkowitz, Jeffrey Rubenstein, and Azzan Yadin, Alexander Library, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, 6:30pm “Everything You Wanted to Know about Judaism but Were Afraid to Ask: Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah,” Rabbi Ely Allen, JCC, Tenafly, 8pm Cong Bnai Yeshurun Nursery School Open House for 3s, pre-k for 4s and young 5s, Teaneck, 8pm Mazal Shidduch Group of Raritan Valley, private home in Edison, 8:30pm, 732-985-3808 Tues., Oct 24 Ben Porat Yosef, the Sephardic Yeshiva of Bergen County, Open House for Parents with Children entering Toddlers (2½) through Grade 4, Leonia, 8pm Sen Hillary Clinton (DNY), spons by NORPAC, minimum donation $2100 per person, private home in Englewood, 8pm, 201-568-7932 “Genealogy Resources in the New York Metropolitan Area: A Paradise for Genealogy Work,” Dr. Nathan Reiss, Jewish Historical Society of Central Jersey, New Brunswick, 732-249-4894 Wed., Oct 25 “Recruiting and Placing Volunteers,” Volunteer Center of Bergen County, Hackensack, 9am Jewish Enrichment Time for Seniors: Project SHIN, Nurse Karen Frank, Lautenberg JCC, Whippany, 11am Fundraiser and Consciousness-Raising for Muscular Dystrophy, RCBC-approved kosher food provided, Assembly Steak House, Englewood Cliffs, 12-3pm “Orienting and Training continued on page 38 Page - 38 The Jewish Voice and Opinion The Log October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” continued from page 37 Volunteers,” Volunteer Center of Bergen County, Hackensack, 1pm Healing from the Death of a Parent, Sherry Woocher, JCC, West Orange, 7:30pm “Kavanah During Davening,” spons by Achieving Change Through Torah, Cong Ohav Emeth, Highland Park, 8pm Yavneh Academy Open House for Prospective Families, Paramus, 8pm Thurs., Oct 26 ATARA: Sisterhood of Keter Torah, Teraneck, Benefit Bash at Lord & Taylor, Ridgewood, $5 admission ticket gets big savings, 9am-10pm, 201-483-8268 Tomchei Shabbos of Bergen County, Benefit Bash at Lord & Taylor, Ridge- wood, $5 admission ticket gets big savings, 9am-10pm, 201-837-7837 Sharsheret, a national not-for-profit organization supporting young Jewish women facing breast cancer, participates in “The Shopping Benefit,” at Bloomingdale’s, Hackensack, Bridgewater, Short Hills, and Willowbrook. Buy a ticket from Sharsheret and save, 10am-10pm, 866-474-2774 Simply Manischewitz Cook-Off, featuring 30 semi-finalists in the competition, Hilton Newark Airport Hotel, Elizabeth, 11am “The Many Faces of Israeli Society,” David Hyman, JCC, Tenafly, 11:15am JCC MetroWest Patron Gala Dinner, honoring Sharon and Stephen Seiden and Robin Eichler, JCC, West Orange, 6pm “Stars of David: Prominent Jews Talk,” Abigail Pogrebin, JCC, Bridgewater, 7:30pm Ladino Club, Enrique Levy, JCC, Tenafly, 7:30pm Fri., Oct 27 Jr. NCSY Shabbaton, Jewish Educational Center, Elizabeth, through Sat., Oct. 28 Carlebach Yarzheit Shabbaton, Rabbi Sammy Intrator, Rodda Center, Teaneck, lodging and meals available, through Sat. Oct. 28, 201-708-6629 Sat., Oct 28 “Those Who Save Us” by Jenna Blum, reviewed by Meri Bodoff, spons by Cong Ahavat Achim Sisterhood Book Club, private home in Fair Lawn, 3:30pm, 201-797-0502 Hoop Zone in Englewood, spons by Cong Rinat Yisrael and Cong Bnai Yeshurun, for Grades 2-5, 8-10pm Melave Malka, spons by the Teaneck Carlebach Minyan, Rodda Center, Teaneck, 8pm Navi Shiur, Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, by Satellite, Khal Zichron Mordechai, Airmont, NY, 9pm, 845-356-7078 Sun., Oct 29 Cong Beth Aaron Shul Hike along the Palisades, led by Daniel Chazin, meet at the shul, Teaneck, 9am Shabbos Arts and Crafts, Mayer Berg, Cong Ohr Torah, Edison, 10am Noach’s Petting Zoo and Pony Rides, in honor of Parshat Noach, Cong Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck, 10am-noon “Tripping the Prom Queen,” brunch, book discussion, and signing by author Susan Shapiro Barash, JCC, Tenafly, 11am Film: “The Last Jews of Baghdad: End of an Exile, Beginning of a Journey,” with filmmakers Carole Basri and Adriana Davis, Fair Lawn Jewish Center, 6:30pm Benefit Concert for Darfur, featuring Naqshon’s Leap, JCC, Tenafly, 7:30pm Yeshivat Noam Open House for Prospective Parents, Paramus, 8pm Mon., Oct 30 Leah Sokoloff Nursery School of Shomrei Torah Open House, Fair Lawn, 9:30-11am Information Tea for Leah Sokoloff Nursery School of Shomrei Torah Pre-K, Fair Lawn, 7:45pm “Deepening Facets of Stem-Cell Research and How It May Impel New Bioethics,” Rabbi David Feldman and Dr. Carl Feit, Teaneck Jewish Center, 8pm “Jewish Genetic Conditions among the Ashkenazim,” Shannon Barrett, JCC, Tenafly, 8pm Wed., Nov 1 “Supervising Volunteers,” Volunteer Center of Bergen County, Hackensack, 9am Ben Porat Yosef, the Sephardic Yeshiva of Bergen County, Open House for Parents with Children entering Toddlers (2½) through Grade 4, Leonia, 9:15am “Evaluating Your Volunteer Program,” Volunteer Center of Bergen County, Hackensack, 1pm “A Nation of Priests and Pundits,” Andrew Silow-Carroll, JCC, Tenafly, 7:30pm Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey Open House for Prospective Parents, River Edge, 8pm Thurs., Nov 2 Concert: “Mom with a View,” Sandy Cash, private home in Cherry Hill, 7:30pm, 609-502-2597 Sat., Nov 4 In Concert: Simply Tsfat, benefit of the Yeshiva Shalom Rav community in Tsfat, Cong Ohr Torah, Edison, 8pm, 732-261-3666 Parlor Meeting for Mesivta Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin, featuring Rosh HaYeshiva Harav Aharon Schechter and Harav Yosef Fruchthandler, private home in Clifton, 8pm, 973-773-0259 Sun., Nov 5 NYC Marathon Orthodox Minyan, bring your own tefillin and siddur or borrow those belonging to the organizers, kosher breakfast available, Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, adjacent to the Orange Corrals, 8:15am Annual Sisterhood Coat Drive, spons by Cong Ahavat Achim, private home in Fair Lawn, 201-791-5369 UJA of Northern NJ Mitzvah Day, River Edge, 9am-5pm Kristallnacht Commemoration: The Undying Flame—a Concert/Lecture Presentation, Jerry Silverman, JCC, Tenafly, 2pm Mon., Nov 6 “What We Share and Where We Differ: Approaches to Jewish Law, an Interdenominational Discussion,” Orthodox Rabbi Saul Berman, Conservative Rabbi Neil Gillman, and Reform Rabbi Aaron Panken, JCC, Tenafly, 7:30pm Wed., Nov 8 Concert: “Mom with a View,” Sandy Cash, private home in Riverdale, 7:30pm, 718-796-4613 Women’s Shiur: “How an Ordinary Jew Can Achieve Extraordinary Heights,” Sara Yoheved Rigler, Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, 8pm Yeshivat Ahavat Yisrael Jewish Montessori Day School Open House, for prospective parents of primary school (2 ½-6 year olds), Lower Elementary (6-9 year olds), and Upper Elementary (9-12 year olds), New Milford, 8pm Thurs., Nov 9 Mission to Cuba, spons by the Jewish Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 39 Federation of Atlantic and Cape May Counties, 609-822-4404 Red Cross Holocaust Tracing, Ed Pavlick, JCC, Tenafly, 11am Orthodox-Jewish Network for Orthodox Adults Diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum (Asperger Syndrome, Autism, or PDD), Fifth Ave Synagogue, NYC, 6pm 646-242-4003, 212-529-9996 Rutgers Jewish Film Festival: “Live and Become,” Sirak Sabahat, Regal Cinema Commerce Center, North Brunswick, 7pm Concert: “Mom with a View,” Sandy Cash, private home in Teaneck, 7:30pm, 201-836-6985 ham, Bergenfield Rutgers Jewish Film Festival: “The First Time I was 20,” Regal Cinema Commerce Center, North Brunswick, 7:15pm Jewish Family Night: New Jersey Devils vs the Florida Panthers, Continental Airlines Arena, E Rutherford, 7:30pm Navi Shiur, Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, by Satellite, Khal Zichron Mordechai, Airmont, NY, 7:30pm, 845-356-7078 Rutgers Jewish Film Festival: Metallic Blues,” Prof Yael Zerubavel, Regal Cinema Commerce Center, North Brunswick, 9:15pm Baby Girl Kiddush, Cong Beth Abra- continued on page 40 Sat., Nov 11 Sun., Nov 12 “Translating Tradition: Reviving and RelivingYiddish Culture in a Modern Page - 40 The Jewish Voice and Opinion The Log October 2006 continued from page 38 World—Shlepping through the Alps,” Sam Apple, YMHA, Riverdale, noon Rutgers Jewish Film Festival: “Live and Become,” Dr. Ephraim Isaac, Regal Cinema Commerce Center, North Brunswick, 1:30pm Artist Morris Katz, spons by the Ahavath Torah Road Scholars Program, private home in Englewood, 4pm, 201-871-1165 Rutgers Jewish Film Festival: “Metallic Blues,” Prof Michael Levine, Regal Cinema Commerce Center, North Brunswick, 4:45pm Dinner and Concert: Howard Birnbaum, trumpet, and Neil Weintrob, violin, accompanied by Jackie Schilloer Audi, Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, 6pm Night of 100 Dinners, fundraiser for the Jewish Family Service of Teaneck, begins with “Envelope Cocktail Party” at Englewood Hospital, 6pm, 201-837-9090 Rutgers Jewish Film Festival: “Fateless,” Anne-Marie Baron, Regal Cinema Commerce Center, North Brunswick, 7:30pm “Anger Management for Positive Results,” spons by Achieving Change Through Torah, private home in Highland Park, 8pm, 732-993-5376 Sun, Nov. 15 Areyvut’s Bnai Mitzvah Essay Contest Deadline, for students in Grades 6-9 (12-15) to write a 250-750 word essay that describes how and why the student incorporated or will incorporate the values of chesed, tzedaka, and tikkun olam into a bar or bat mitzvah celebration. For more information, call Daniel Rothner at 212-813-2950 or email “Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer: Exploring the Connection,” Drs. Elizabeth Povnor and Noah Kauff and Shera Dubitsky, spons by Sharsheret, Teaneck, 6:30pm, 866-474-2774 Y Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” New Classes This Month Sundays “Topics in Halacha,” Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky, Cong Ohr HaTorah, Bergenfield, 7:50am Gemara Shiur, Rabbi Botnick, Cong Ohav Emeth, Highland Park, 9am “The Power of Words” by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin, Chofetz Chaim Women’s Learning Group, private home in Teaneck, 9am, 201-8361606 Afternoon Film Course: Jews in New York, Dr. Ilana Abramovitch, Riverdale YMHA, 2pm Yeshiva Hockey Winter Program for Ages 8-13, private rink in Monsey, new participants, 4:15pm; younger returning players, 5:15pm; older returning players, 6:15pm, 845-548-7223, begins Oct 22 Father and Son Learning, Yeshiva Gedolah, Teaneck, 7pm Shiur, Rabbi Klughaupt, Cong Ohav Emeth, Highland Park, 8pm “Jewish Life Cycle: How to Run a Jewish Home” for men and women, Rav Eisenman, Cong Ahavas Yisrael, Passaic, 8:30pm Mondays Pirkei Avot, Rabbi Uri Goldstein, Cong Ahavat Achim, Fair Lawn, 9:15am, begins Oct 16 Sefer Ohel Rachel, Penina Rothman, private home in Passaic, 9:30am, 973-778-5375 Women’s Tehillim Group, Ora Bloom, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 7pm Rambam, Rabbi David Waxman, Community Synagogue of Monsey, 7:15pm “The What and Why of Contemporary Issues in Halacha,” Rabbi Gidon Lane, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 8pm Tai Chi for Adults, Cong Ahavath Torah, 8pm Gemara Moed Koton, Rabbi Yaakov Neuberger, Cong Beth Abraham, Bergenfield, 8pm Shiur for Women and Girls, spons by Hachnosas Kallah of Monsey, private home in Monsey, 8pm, Gemara Shiur:Tractate Kesubos, Rabbi Botnick, Cong Ohav Emeth, Highland Park, 8:30pm Weekly Torah Portion, Rabbi Jordan Yasgur, Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, 8:30pm Weight Watchers, Sari Samuel, Cong Beth Aaron, Teaneck, 8:45pm, 201-836-6868 Tuesdays Tehillim for Cholei Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael, private home in Teaneck, 9:30am, 201-837-9682 Chumash Class for Women, Rabbi Eliezer Zwickler, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 10am Lunch and Learn: “User’s Manual for Your Soul—The Tanya,” Rabbi Ephraim Simon, spons by Friends of Lubavitch of Bergen County, at The Pasta Factory, Teaneck, 1pm Shiur for Women, Rabbi Eliyahu Kaufman, Cong Ohav Emeth, Highland Park, 1:30pm Tora Dojo Karate, Mark Grebenau, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, children 5 and up, 6pm; teens and adults, 7pm Beth Aaron Chapter of Teaneck NCSY: Games, Scott and Adrianne Burgher, Teaneck Jewish Center, 7pm Directing and Sketch Writing for Teens 12-18, Matt Okin, JCC, Tenafly, 7pm, begins Oct 17 Beginners Hebrew Reading, Laurette Sasson, JCC, Tenafly, 7:30pm, begins Oct 17 “Estate Planning and Jewish Tradition,” Rabbi Howard Jachter and Martin Shenkman, Esq, JCC, Tenafly, 7:30pm, begins Oct. 24 Tehillim, Rabbi Emanuel Schwartz, Community Synagogue of Monsey, 7:45pm “You Be the Judge: Behind the Steering Wheel of Jewish Law,” Rabbi Ephraim Simon, Chabad House, Teaneck, 8pm, begins Nov 7 Advanced Talmud: Mesechet Gittin, Rabbi Tony Glickman, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 8pm Rayut Women’s Tehillim Group, Yaffa Hollander, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 8pm “You Don’t Have to Be a Mechanic to Have the Tools for Learning Chumash,” Rabbi Berel Hirschman, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 8pm “Vos is Dos?: Beginners Yiddish,” Moshe Schreiber, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 8pm Playwriting/Screenwriting for Ages 16 and Up, Matt Okin, JCC, Tenafly, 8pm Shiur for Women, Dr. Presby, private home in Highland Park, 8:30pm, 732-572-6231 Parshat Hashavua, Rabbi Meir Goldwicht, Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, 8:30pm, begins Oct 17 Shiur, Rabbi Daniel Feldman, Cong Beth Aaron, Teaneck, 8:30pm Chumah/Hashkofah Shiur, Rabbi Yosef Veiner, by Satellite, Khal Zichron Mordechai, Airmont, NY, 8:45pm Orach Chaim, Rabbi Daniel Hartstein, Cong Beth Abraham, Bergenfield, 9pm Gemara, Rabbi Dr. Yacov Tendler, Community Synagogue of Monsey, 9:30pm Wednesdays Beginner Hebrew, YJCC, Washington Twnshp, 9:30am, begins Oct 18 Advanced Beginner Hebrew, YJCC, Washington Twnshp, 11am, begins Oct 18 Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 41 Israeli Dance, Stephanie Kaye, Young Israel of Teaneck, Grades K-3, 4:30pm; Grades 4-8, 5:30pm NCSY Teen Learning, Scott and Adrianne Burgher, spons by Cong Beth Aaron, at Starbucks Café in Barnes and Noble, Riverside Square Mall, Hackensack, 7pm “Take a Spiritual Journey,” Karen Frank, JCC, West Orange, 7:30pm “The Path of the Prophets,” Rabbi Ephraim Simon, Chabad House, Teaneck, 7:30pm Tanach, Rabbi Scot Berman, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 8pm, begins Oct 18 Parsha Class, Rabbi Uri Goldstein, Cong Ahavat Achim, Fair Lawn, 8:30pm, begins Oct 18 Gemara: Mesechet Taanit, Rabbi Eliezer Zwickler, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 8:30pm Beginners Talmud Shiur: Gemara Megillah, Rabbi Baruch Price, spons by the Jewish Learning Experience, Torah Academy of Bergen County, Teaneck, 8:30pm Bava Kama Shiur, Rabbi Larry Rothwachs, Cong Beth Aaron, Teaneck, 8:30pm Shiur, Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky, Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, 9:15pm Mishnayos B’chavrusa, Rabbi Dr. Yacov Tendler, Community Synagogue of Monsey, 9:30pm Thursdays Beginners Hebrew Reading, Lucille Foster, JCC, Tenafly, 9:30am, begins Oct 26 Torah Class for Women, Rabbi Teichman, private home in Teaneck, babysitting available, 9:30am, 201-385-2575 Shorashim for 4th-6th Graders, gym and swim, Teaneck Jewish Center, 7pm, begins Oct. 19 continued on page 42 Page - 42 The Jewish Voice and Opinion New Classes October 2006 continued from page 41 Chumash Shiur, Rab Eli Roberts, private home in Teaneck, 7:45pm, 201-837-9436 Kol Dodi: MetroWest Community Choir, Cantor Joel Caplan, JCC, West Orange, 7:50pm, begins Oct. 19 Choson Mishpat and Tractate Taanis, Dr. Presby, Cong Ohav Emeth, Highland Park, 8pm Meseches Brachos, Rabbi Elozor Preil, Cong Beth Abraham, Bergenfield, 8pm Parshat Hashavua, Rabbi Yissocher Frand, by satellite, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park; Khal Zichron Mordechai, Airmont, NY; Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck, 9pm Michas Chinuch, Rabbi Yaakov Neuberger, Cong Beth Abraham, Bergenfield, 9:15pm Hilchos Shabbos, Dr. Barry Finkelstein, Cong Beth Abraham, Bergenfield, 9:20pm Gemara, Rabbi Dr. Yacov Tendler, Community Synagogue of Monsey, 9:30pm Halachic Topics in the Parsha, Rabbi Michael Taubes, Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, 10:10pm Fridays Yeshiva Mesivta Hockey for ages 14-17, private rink in Monsey, 1:15pm, 845-548-7223, begins Nov 3 Saturdays Shabbos Pirchei Program for Boys 6-11, Yeshiva Gedola of Teaneck, 1 hour before mincha Special Beis Medresh Program, Rabbi Rockoff, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, Mon-Thurs, 8-9:45pm Y Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” Mazal Tov Mazal Tov to the Bar Mitzvah Boys: Max Agress, Yossi Alter, Oryah Amrani, Alex Anhalt, David Borghard, Marty Elefant, Matthew Federbush, Jordan Michael Hod, Benjamin Kaplan, Avraham Lerer, Moshe Lewy, Ariel Rotenberg, Jonathan Taubes, Jonathan Weinrib, and Max Zeigerman; and the Bat Mitzvah Girls: Michaela Elias, Estee Levy, Raquel Miller, Shoshana Oster, Yosefa Sebrow, and Lauren Szpilzinger Mazal Tov to Atara Weisberger on winning a $900 grant from the Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE) for a proposal to spark creativity in Jewish education: “Engaging Orthodox Jewish Students on Environmental Issues.” Mazal Tov to the Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey on becoming the first Orthodox regular elementary school in Northern NJ to be awarded the prestigious Middle States Accreditation (full story next month). Y The Log is a free service provided to the Jewish community in northern and central New Jersey, Rockland County and Riverdale. Events that we list include special and guest lectures, concerts, boutiques, dinners, open houses, club meetings, and new classes. Announcements are requested by the 25th of the month prior to the month of the event. Due to space and editorial constraints, we cannot guarantee publication of any announcement. Please email them to : The Englewood Mayoralty On Its Head In Englewood, the leftwing of the Democratic Party has stood that argument on its head. The Democratic candidate for Mayor is Michael Wildes, a highly regarded immigration attorney and former prosecutor who, like Mr. Lieberman, is usually viewed as liberal but mainstream. Both Messrs Lieberman and Wildes are Orthodox Jews. In Englewood, the leftwingers are supporting Mr. Wildes’ Independent challenger, Robert Stern, a retired dentist whose public record includes service to the town’s Little League and its theatre, the Bergen Performing Arts Center, formerly the John Harms Theatre. Mr. Wildes, who was first elected mayor in 2003, after two terms on the City Council, has been recognized as an expert on anti-terrorism, testifying before Congress on Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 43 continued from page 1 anti-terrorism legislation and assisting the media in informing the public of legal and policy considerations. He has won international acclaim for his successful representation of several defectors who have provided US intelligence agencies with difficult-to-obtain national security information. Mr. Wildes, who serves as chairman of the American Jewish Congress’s Committee on International Terrorism and Israel, has run forums for mayors and police chiefs on the issue. Last year, at a forum on terrorism and homeland security, held at Englewood Hospital, he hosted Chris Christie, a Republican who serves as New Jersey’s chief federal prosecutor. Mr. Wildes conducted the forum after returning to the US from a Mayor’s Conference in Jerusalem. Résumé A frequent commenta- tor and guest on network television, Mr. Wildes was appointed to the District Appeals Board of the Selective Service System for the State of NJ. From 1982 to 1992, Mr. Wildes also served with the New York Police Department as an Auxiliary Police Officer. A certified Emergency Medical Technician, Mr. Wildes has been a member of the Hatzoloh Volunteer Ambulance Corps of New York for more than ten years. He also sits on the board of directors of Boys Town Jerusalem. Democratic Town In Englewood this year, all three candidates for mayor are Jewish. Like Mr. Wildes, the Republican candidate, Bruce Prince, is a member of the city’s Orthodox-Jewish community. Dr. Stern is unaffiliated. Just like his Connecticut counterpart in the race for US Senate, Alan Schlessinger, Mr. Prince is not given much of a chance for victory in Englewood, a Democratic stronghold in which the Republican Party plays little or no role. As a rule, in Englewood, the Democratic primary is the only interesting political race. The winner of that primary almost invariably goes on to win in the general election. Mr. Wildes did not face a primary challenge to his candidacy for mayor this year, but one of the town’s councilman—the city council’s fifth member, a councilmanat-large—did. For a variety of reasons, Mr. Wildes supported the incumbent, Rev. Vernon Walton, against a challenge by NJ Assemblyman Gordon M. Johnson. Dirty Campaigns Many observers noted continued on page 44 Page - 44 The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 The Englewood Mayoralty that the primary race between Mr. Johnson and Rev Walton, both of whom are African Americans, was one of the dirtiest in Englewood’s history and virtually divided the city’s black community. On Primary Day, June 6, Mr. Johnson won, and is, therefore, expected to sail to victory on Election Day in November. At the beginning of the primary campaign, Mr. Wildes endorsed neither Mr. Johnson nor Rev Walton, but, in early June, four days before the primary, the mayor said he had finally made a decision and formally came out for Rev Walton. “I made a choice in the Democratic Primary this year, as did Gordon Johnson,” said Mr. Wildes. “I believed it was important not to have a divided African-American community in Englewood and that Gordon, whatever his arguments, should not deny Vernon, whom I believed was a promising young African-American Councilman, another term to grow further in the job.” Mr. Wildes also took issue with Mr. Johnson’s holding two political positions simultaneously: NJ Assemblyman and Englewood Councilman. “It may have been good politics for Gordon Johnson, Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” continued from page 43 but it wasn’t about good government for Englewood,” said Mr. Wildes. Threats According to Mr. Wildes, throughout the primary campaign, Mr. Johnson and his supporters issued threats, warning the mayor that should he come out publicly for Rev Walton, Mr. Johnson and his supporters would find another candidate to run against Mr. Wildes in the fall. Mr. Wildes said that as long as he remained unsure which of the candidates to support in the primary, the threats made no difference to him. Supporters of Mr. Johnson indicated that they believed Mr. Wildes deliberately withheld his endorsement of Rev Walton until it was too late for them to field their own candidate in the primary. Mr. Wildes’s supporters maintain that as soon as Mr. Johnson won his primary, he and his Chief-of-Staff, in an act of vengeance, filed petitions to nominate an independent candidate against Mr. Wildes in the General Election. Why the Selection The candidate they selected was Dr. Stern, a member of the Democratic Party, who said his candidacy was not dependent on Mr. Johnson or anyone else. “I’m the one who decided to run,” he said. But he had no reasonable explanation for why he did not mount a primary challenge to Mr. Wildes. “I needed to wait until I gained sufficient support,” he said, adding that Mr. Wildes “and his war chest was an intimidating presence.” Asked why it was any less intimidating to run against Mr. Wildes as an Independent in the general election, Dr. Stern had no response, but his supporters made clear that one of their major issues with Mr. Wildes was the fact that he supported Rev Walton against Mr. Johnson. “Michael swore to me he wasn’t supporting any candidate in the Johnson-Walton race, but he lied,” said Englewood Council President Scott Reddin, a self-identified “left-wing liberal,” who represents Englewood’s Third Ward and said he is supporting Dr. Stern. Asked if it were not possible that Mr. Wildes withheld the endorsement because he had not yet made up his mind which candidate to support, Mr. Reddin said he did not believe that was the case. Asked to substantiate his claim, Mr. Reddin said, “Someone told me Wildes had already decided to support Walton weeks before he came out with the endorsement.” Mr. Reddin declined to name his source. Mr. Wildes’s supporters have questioned the entire issue of a local Democratic official supporting, let alone fielding, a candidate as an Independent simply because the Democratic incumbent supported someone else in the primary. “I was threatened on more than one occasion, that if I did not stay out of Gordon Johnson’s way in a Council primary, his backers would run an Independent against me in November. I ignored them, as I do most people who threaten me in such a fashion, and, ultimately, supported Rev Walton, the incumbent,” said Mr. Wildes. “I never imagined that, as a result, Gordon Johnson himself, and his staff, would personally carry a petition gathering dozens of signatures to place an Independent on the ballot against me as retribution.” “Development” While Mr. Johnson did not return phone calls to discuss the issue, political sources in Englewood said the Assemblyman’s support for Dr. Stern was based on their opposition to Mr. Wildes’s efforts to develop Englewood. Mr. Johnson and Dr. Stern have termed those efforts “overdevelopment.” “I want community-controlled development, not development-controlled community,” said Dr. Stern. Development in Englewood is a key issue on which Mr. Wildes and Dr. Stern disagree. Mr. Wildes has worked hard to attract new businesses and other ratables designed to keep the city’s property taxes from skyrocketing out of control. During the recent election campaign for Town Council in Teaneck, the four OrthodoxJewish winning candidates said they viewed Englewood as a model to be emulated. Many residents agree that with its new upscale shops and restaurants, Englewood has become a shopping destination to rival the ubiquitous malls. Even Dr. Stern agreed that, during Mr. Wildes’s tenure, Englewood has become “more exciting.” “But lots continued on page 46 Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 45 Page - 46 The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 The Englewood Mayoralty of people find Epcot Center in Florida exciting. That doesn’t mean you’d want to live there,” he said. Quashing Housing Asked how he would confront the issue of spiraling property taxes in Englewood, Dr. Stern spoke more about “getting real value for our tax dollars” than he did about lowering them. He said that, as mayor, he would demand “financial impact statements” for all new development projects. Mr. Wildes said he already requires financial impact statements. “But I require that they be interpedently reviewed by the city’s engineering department and not just by the developer. Before I accept a project, it must be a win-win-win,” he said. Last year, Dr. Stern took credit for quashing a building project Mr. Wildes had championed, an episode that some observers said is emblematic of the differences between the two candidates. In an area within walking distance of two comparatively new Orthodox synagogues (and, coincidentally, where Dr. Stern resides), Jonathan Fischer, a developer who resides in Englewood, had sought to erect a small con- Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” cont. from page 44 dominium complex. Calling the proposed project Cobblestone Mews, Mr. Fischer, who is also Orthodox, saw the complex as a site which would have allowed young people, who cannot afford Englewood’s high-priced homes, especially in the Orthodox areas, to gain a more modest foothold in the community. No Common Ground In principle, Mr. Wildes, who never viewed any of the actual plans, saw the proposed project as a positive development; Dr. Stern did not. At one point, Mr. Wildes called Dr. Stern and asked him to speak to Mr. Fischer directly, telling the retired dentist that the developer was really “a nice guy.” But Dr. Stern, who claims to be open to all new ideas, said he refused to speak to Mr. Fischer and, instead, battled the project legally until Mr. Fischer withdrew his plans. Calling the project’s failure “a shame,” Mr. Wildes bemoaned the fact that too many young people are closed out of Englewood because they cannot afford the “$1 million plus you need to buy a home here.” Cost and Benefit Asked about that prob- Join Us For an Evening of Music, Ruach, Inspiration and Tsfat Benefit Concert with Simply Tsfat Profits will go to Yeshiva Shalom Rav families of Tsfat who suffered financial hardship due to the war. MOTZEI SHABBOS, NOVEMBER 4TH, 2006 8:00 pm at CONGREGATION OHR TORAH, Edison, NJ TICKETS: Students $10, Individual $18 ($20 at the door), Family $54, ($60 at the door) . Sponsors (please call about special benefits): $100, $180, $250, $500 SEPARATE AND FAMILY SEATING To reserve tickets or for more information: Call 732-261-3666 or Email lem, Dr. Stern said Englewood’s new multi-unit building complexes, which Mr. Wildes has supported, have cost city taxpayers in terms of necessary services to many more people. “With the softening real estate market and inadequate fiscal impact statements, I fear that Bob Stern’s campaign manager, his son Teddy we will be lucky Campaign Donations to break even—in spite of The need for affordable Wildes’s hype about lowered housing in Englewood is one taxes,” said Dr. Stern. of the issues Mr. Wildes said Mr. Wildes dismissed the he has tried to address, but charge. “Stabilized taxes will Dr. Stern and his supporters, occur only with controlled deespecially Mr. Reddin, intivelopment which protects our mated that Mr. Wildes was residential corridors and creguilty of accepting campaign ates ratables that are millions donations from developers in of dollars ahead of the services exchange for promoting their which they cost us,” he said. projects. Dr. Stern pointed out Understanding the Needs that Mr. Fischer and his wife, While Mr. Wildes underAllyson, gave Mr. Wildes stands intimately the needs of $8,000 towards his campaign. Orthodox young people to live “I guess Michael figured within walking distance of $8,000 was worth making a synagogues, Dr. Stern seemed phone call to me when Fischer to believe there was room was trying to build his highfor compromise so that some density condos,” said Dr. Stern. Orthodox Jews could locate Mr. Wildes acknowlto parts of Englewood where edged the Fischers’ support, property values are lower. but he denied it was in any “During the High Holiway payment for favors. In days, some of the rabbis fact, the donation had nothcalled on their congregants ing to do with the mayoralty to be careful of parking too race, he said. The Fischers’ close to the synagogue’s donation was earmarked for neighbors, so maybe they a separate account for what can walk part of the way and Mr. Wildes anticipates will drive the rest,” he suggested. be a future campaign for When told that Orthodox Congress if the district’s curJews might drive to synagogue rent representative, Steve before and after the Sabbath Rothman, steps down to run and holidays, but not at all on for US Senate, as he has indithe holy days themselves, Dr. cated he might, in 2008. Stern seemed surprised. Mr. Wildes said, in con- trast to former mayors of Englewood, he takes pride in recusing himself from all projects in which any interested party may have supported him or any of the candidates for whom he has worked. “Sitting attorneys have assured me that I would be within my First Amendment rights to vote on these projects. I think not,” said Mr. Wildes. “I am exceedingly careful when I vote on my planning board, and I refuse to meet with developers alone to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.” He added that, as a former federal prosecutor, he often targeted corrupt politicians. “I do not need lectures on government ethics from politicians with questionable political motivations,” he said. What Changed? Mr. Wildes’s development plans for Englewood did not seem to be a problem for Mr. Johnson, until the mayor endorsed Rev Wal- ton for City Council. In fact, in April 2006, Mr. Johnson signed Mr. Wildes’s nominating petition for re-election. “What changed in the few weeks between April and June? Nothing changed, except I did not support Gordon in his City Council campaign,” said Mr. Wildes, calling Mr. Johnson and his supporters “sore winners” who are “dividing the Democratic Party in Englewood, and beyond, while, at the same time, having the temerity to claim they are the ones who have been wronged and are justified in their actions.” “Their claim is simply that it was unfair that Gordon Johnson was opposed in the Democratic primary for Englewood Council,” said Mr. Wildes, arguing that the Democratic Party is supposed to endorse “personal freedoms, especially freedom of speech.” “To me, those freedoms Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion also include the freedom to support the candidate of your choice in a Democratic primary without fear of retribution in a general election. Well, it is clear that Johnson and his backers do not tolerate anyone disagreeing with them,” said Mr. Wildes. Signs for Everyone Another Democratic elected official who may be supporting Dr. Stern over Mr. Wildes is Councilwoman Charlotte Schoen, the far left-wing representative of Englewood’s Second Ward, which is heavily Orthodox. When she ran for office in 2005, Mr. Wildes supported her candidacy. She, however, signed Dr. Stern’s petition to run as an Independent. Reached by phone, Ms. Schoen said she signed Dr. Stern’s petition “because everyone has the right to run for office.” “If anyone who is not a supporter of Lyndon LaRouche wants to run, I will Page - 47 sign his or her petition,” she said, referring to the extremist political cult leader. She refused to answer if that meant she might not be supporting Dr. Stern for office. Last June, she publicly supported Mr. Johnson over Rev Walton. Asked about the similarities between the Englewood and Connecticut races, Ms. Schoen said only that she considered Mr. Lieberman to be “a mensch.” She did not respond when asked if she thought he had the moral right to run against the elected Democratic candidate. Supporting a “Good Friend” Other Democratic leaders in New Jersey suspected of supporting Dr. Stern were not much more forthcoming. NJ Assemblywoman Valerie Huttle, a Democrat who represents the 37th District, which includes Englewood, Tenafly, Teaneck, and Ber- continued on page 48 Page - 48 The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 The Englewood Mayoralty genfield, is, according to her Chief of Staff, a “good friend” of Dr. Stern’s who “would like to see him elected.” “But she is not endorsing anyone,” said Rocco Mazza. Her husband, attorney Frank Huttle, served as an advisor to Dr. Stern in his petition challenge to run as an Independent. Mr. Mazza said Mr. Huttle’s involvement had nothing to do with the Assemblywoman’s position. Ms. Huttle’s co-Assemblyman representing the district is Mr. Johnson. Personal Opinions Asked if Ms. Huttle, as a Democrat, was supporting Mr. Lamont in Connecticut, Mr. Mazza said, “She has no interest in the Connecticut election. She is interested only in her constituents in the 37th District.” Mr. Mazza said Ms. Huttle has “opinions” about the race Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” continued from page 47 in Connecticut, but, he said, “Her opinions are personal.” Further, he said, somewhat contradicting his own earlier statement, “She has no opinion about the Englewood mayoralty.” Mr. Mazza said he did not think it was strange for Ms. Huttle, as a Democratic leader, not to be supporting the only Democratic candidate for mayor in one of her own constituent communities. “Why don’t you call Senator Kennedy’s office and ask if he, as a Democrat, is supporting Michael Wildes,” said Mr. Mazza, In fact, Mr. Kennedy has offered Mr. Wildes his support, saying about his fellow Democrat, “Many of us have great expectations for Michael Wildes, because we need him.” Explaining the Shift Mr. Wildes has his own suspicions to explain why Ms. Huttle followed Mr. Johnson to support Dr. Stern. According to Mr. Wildes, as a result of efforts by her and Mr. Johnson’s supporters on the Englewood Council, Mr. Huttle’s law firm recently received a lucrative contract with Englewood’s municipal government. Mr. Wildes said he privately questioned the ethics involved in the transaction. Perhaps more importantly for Ms. Huttle, at last year’s District 37 Democratic convention, Mr. Wildes opposed her candidacy for State Assembly. “But that was an internal party convention for Loretta Weinberg’s vacant Assembly seat, and I never attacked Valerie,” said Mr. Wildes, adding that once Ms. Huttle won the party’s nomination, he supported her “100 percent.” Mixed Support In Englewood, the Dem- ocratic leaders who are supporting Mr. Wildes include Jack Drakeford, who represents the Fourth Ward, and Dr. Kenneth E. Rosenzweig, an Orthodox Jew who represents the First Ward, another area which boasts a growing Orthodox community. In the Orthodox community, Mr. Wildes’s reputation is mixed. Admired for his support of Israel and Jewish causes in general, he is also viewed as too by some as too progressive on domestic matters. In 2004, his position in support of a new public school that will cost taxpayers millions of dollars was opposed by many of his constituents who felt that management would simply siphon the funds from the children who need them. Few in the Orthodox community, however, deny that, when he is needed for important issues, Mr. Wildes has made it his business to be there. He has been a supporter of virtually all Jewish institutions—in Englewood and beyond—used by his constituents. Buses and Yeshivas Last year, when the Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey was in danger of losing its busing service between the school in River Edge and its Englewood students, Mr. Wildes stepped in and solved the problem, actually sponsoring the Englewood bus. “He has clearly demonstrated his commitment to Torah education and we are profoundly grateful,” said Rabbi Shmuel Goldstein, principal of RYNJ. Yeshiva Ohr HaSimcha, an Agudah high school in Englewood, has been the recipient of Mr. Wildes’s positive attention since it first opened in 1997. Mr. Wildes supported the school, despite some hostility towards it from some officials in Englewood’s city government. Officials at Congregation Ahavath Torah, where Mr. Wildes davens, have publicly thanked him for his help in facilitating the synagogue’s major building project. Campaign Manager’s Website While Dr. Stern himself expressed no ill will towards any of Englewood’s Orthodox-Jewish institutions, some of his supporters have not been as welcoming. Dr. Stern’s son, Teddy, who serves as his father’s campaign manager, maintains a website ( that, last summer, in the middle of Israel’s war with Hezbollah, made clear that he thought the Jewish State and Hezbollah were equally culpable. He called the statements “Israel has a right to defend itself” and “Lebanon is a hapless victim of Israeli ag- gression” “rationalizations” which “do not excuse violence against civilian populations, which have carried the vast majority of casualties.” Ignoring the kidnappings and missile attacks which triggered the summer’s violence, Teddy Stern wrote: “The United States must demand that both sides adhere to the Geneva Conventions, which state that civilians not be targets of military conflict.” Removed for Political Reasons When a reader wrote that “the Geneva convention accords do not deal with the situation on hand in Lebanon,” Teddy Stern responded: “Of course, this is the same line of reasoning that the Bush administration uses to justify Guantanamo Bay.” The post, which was dated July 17, 2006, remained on the website until August. Some of Mr. Wildes’s supporters said it disappeared when Dr. Stern discovered people were questioning it. “It was removed when the politics demanded it,” said a Wildes supporter, who asked for anonymity. Stepping Stone While Dr. Stern said he has no plans to run for any higher office than Mayor of Englewood, he has bitterly criticized Mr. Wildes, who has made no secret of his future ambitions. Mr. Wildes already has a website set up for donations for a possible 2008 run for Congress for a seat he hopes will be vacated by Rep Steven Rothman. Mr. Rothman is hoping to run for US Senate that year. Mr. Wildes said he believes his background as an attorney with a career in matters related to foreign relations and fighting domestic terrorism, as well as his background in law enforcement continued on page 50 Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 49 Page - 50 The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 The Englewood Mayoralty and government makes him “uniquely qualified” to serve in the US Congress. Dismissing Dr. Stern’s criticism that his website ( offers no concrete policies, Mr. Wildes said disseminating campaign issues was not the purpose of the website at the present time; fundraising was. In general, Dr. Stern said he believed national and international issues have no role in local politics. He said he disapproved of the efforts by some of his supporters to give Englewood a “foreign policy.” Some of Dr. Stern’s supporters were instrumental in trying to force a Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” continued from page 49 resolution declaring that Englewood opposed the war in Iraq. Prodigious Fundraiser Over the years, Mr. Wildes has won a reputation in Democratic circles for loyalty as well as fundraising ability. He has raised and donated hundreds of thousands of dollars for the campaigns of many Democrats, including national figures, such as Hillary Clinton and Charles Schumer, and local politicians, including Ms. Huttle and Mr. Johnson. This past September, despite his own re-election campaign pressures, Mr. Wildes held two back-to-back fundrais- ers for Rep Harold Ford (D-TN), who is running in a very tight race for Senate. “If he is elected, Harold will join Illinois’s Barack Obama to become one of only two African-Americans currently serving in the US Senate,” said Mr. Wildes, explaining that he took the time to hold the fundraiser because “real progress happens only if African Americans are included at the table.” Support for Lieberman One of the candidates he has supported for many years is Mr. Lieberman, whom Mr. Wildes called “a mentor who has blended character and middos in an arena which has too long been woefully shy of both.” Like most mainstream Democrats, Mr. Wildes said he was “saddened” by Mr. Lieberman’s loss in the primary, but while their friendship is still intact, Mr. Wildes said he would not be holding any Lieberman fundraisers in this campaign cycle. “I had hoped that he would be our party’s nominee, but I must honor the choice of the Connecticut Democrats,” said Mr. Wildes. As an Independent candidate, Dr. Stern made clear that while he was supporting Mr. Lamont, he had no issues with Democrats who are supporting Mr. Lieberman. He also did not find Mr. Lieberman’s decision to run as an Independent after losing the primary, problematic. “If Lieberman feels that Lamont is the wrong candidate and that he—Lieberman— is the right one, then he has the moral imperative to run,” said Dr. Stern. S.L.R. Received just as we went to press: Regarding the mayoralty race in Englewood, I have to agree with Mayor Michael Wildes’s campaign team that candidate Bob Stern seems to be “a fringe” and “revenge” candidate propped up by left-wing Democrats. While it’s an uphill battle to beat Mayor Wildes, I’d like to add that what Democrats Gordon Johnson and Valerie Huttle are doing is the best thing for the Englewood Republican Party in years. I’d like to thank them both. Baruch “Bruce’ Prince Republican candidate for Mayor, Englewood Leaving Iraq Will Make the US Stronger for All Allies, Including Israel By Rep Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ), Eighth Congressional District merica faces grave challenges at home and abroad. We have troops stuck in the middle of a growing civil war in Iraq that costs American taxpayers $8 billion a month; a resurgent Al Qaeda and Taliban on the offensive in Afghanistan; Islamist terrorist groups attacking Israel’s borders; global terrorist networks still plotting against America and its allies; and some of our of them. They have deposed a most despicable adversaries dictator and defeated his army. advancing their nuclear proWe all know, however, that the grams at an alarming rate. In plan to win the peace was fashort, we are living in periltally flawed. After three years ous times. We need sound, in Iraq, over $400 billion spent, judicious strategies—not just and the loss of more than 2,700 empty slogans—to help meet of our troops, it is time for a the critical threats before us. new direction. A rapid turnover We also need honesty of Iraq to the Iraqi people is esfrom those in Washington. sential. Our troops need to be While the President and Reredeployed at the earliest pracpublicans in Congress continticable date. I believe a change ue to justify the war in Iraq as in who controls Washington crucial to the war on terror, our can make this happen. nation’s top intelligence exNot “Cutting and Running” perts have concluded that the This is not “cutting and war has actually promoted the running.” A change in direction expansion of terrorist activities is essential to rebuilding our internationally. People are now military and to preserving our realizing that the war in Iraq nation’s strengths and protecting has acted as a recruiting agent our future. A plan to rebuild our for extremists across the Musmilitary, retrieve our internationlim world. As Great Britain’s al credibility, and make America Ministry of Defense recently stronger starts with the recognistated: “Iraq has served to radition of this truth: While we are calize an already disillusioned militarily engaged in Iraq, we youth and given them the will, are weaker—not stronger. intent, and ideology to act.” And a weakened AmeriOur men and women in ca is not what the world needs uniform were sent into war at this juncture. With threats without being told what they gathering in all directions, were going to confront, withAmerica cannot continue on out being given the equipment an unsustainable path in Iraq. to protect them, and without a It is not good for us, or any of plan for what would happen our allies—particularly Israel. after the fall of Baghdad. But Israel has shared a special our military has still accomplished all that we have asked continued on page 53 A Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 51 US Must Not Abandon Israel by “Cutting and Running” from the Middle East By Jose Sandoval, Eighth Congressional District (NJ) Republican Candidate Jewish community. Volatile Region I believe the Jewish people and I share many of the same values and principles. I am an ardent supporter of the United States, Israel, and the vital alliance between these two nations. I support our troops and our efforts to foster stability and democracy in Iraq. We all understand too well the volatility of the res a child growing up in gion. I believe those who the Dominican Repubadvocate an immediate withlic, I came to a personal undrawal or a “cut-and-run” derstanding and respect for strategy are being extremely Judaism through my adopted shortsighted. brother, Pierre, who grew up Those who are familiar with me. Pierre had a unique with the Middle East and its hisstory, shared by over 1,000 tory know that if the US were residents of Jewish descent to pullout before stabilizing the who fled Nazi occupation in country, it would take only a few France, German, and Austria. short months before Iraq would Some 1,000 Jewish refulikely be partitioned by Syria gees settled in Sosua, on the and Iran. This would be a repeat beach about 15 miles from of history when Nazi Germany Puerto Playa. Today, Sosua is and Russia partitioned Poland very fashionable—some call it during the early years of the the Acapulco of the Dominican Second World War. Republic—but when the Jewish No Land for Terror refugees sought shelter there, all As a friend and supporter they wanted was a safe refuge. of Israel, I am greatly conBy welcoming and carcerned about the threat that ing for these Jewish refugees, a stronger Syria and a stronDominican families saved ger Iran would represent. We lives, prompting the estabknow these two nations are lishment of an exceptional supporters of Hezbollah and relationship between the Dosponsors of terror against the minican and Jewish peoples. Jewish people. We know that A few of the original Jewish the ultimate goal of Syria’s refugees still reside in Sousa. Assad, Iran’s Ahmadinejad, Over the years, I learned and Hezbollah’s Nasrallah is a great deal from Pierre. He the outright destruction of the is a man I am proud to have State of Israel—and, after that, grown with, and proud to the rest of the Free World, esknow and call my brother. pecially the United States. Through my close relationIsrael left Lebanon and ship with Pierre, I feel a speGaza, and the land became tercial bond of kinship with all rorist training camps and sites my brothers and sisters in the continued on page 53 A Page - 52 The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” Pascrell continued from page 51 bond with the United States since its inception in 1948, and over the past half-century, support for Israel has been of the greatest importance to Washington. Our nations are not only allies, but true friends. We have combated hostile enemies together; we have assisted each other in times of crisis and pain. America stands by Israel when terrorism all too often frequents its borders. And when America was truly awoken to the brutality of our enemies on 9/11, Israel was by our side. Priority So it goes without saying that the safety and security of Israel has been a priority for me as long as I’ve been in Congress. For example, just two weeks ago, I passed legislation on the House floor unanimously that would assist and fund joint international homeland security development programs between the US and Israel. H.R. 4942, “The Promoting Antiterrorism Capabilities Through International Cooperation Act,” mandates the Department of Homeland Security to create an office specifically designed to foster the joint development of homeland security technology by US companies and academic institutions and similar organizations located in Israel. The bill authorizes $25 million for international cooperative activities for each year through 2010 that I believe will provide for a great array of benefits for each nation. My record of support for Israel extends well beyond this vital in On July 20 I voted to pass H.Res. 921, a bill to support Israel in its confrontation with Hezbollah guerrillas. The resolution specifically endorsed Israel’s right to defend itself. I voted in favor of this because Israel was faced with unacceptable provocations to which any sovereign nation would be obligated to react. The world community condemned Hezbollah’s provocation and Israel has every right to respond to protect its citizens. Record The Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act is another bill that I support. While I have worked for years to develop a peaceful coexistence between Israel and the Palestinians, I believe this legislation is an effective and noteworthy vehicle for the Congress to send a clear message to Hamas. Terrorism will not be tolerated. And we will not treat this government as legitimate as long as their current anti-Israel policies and rhetoric remain in place. It is imperative that we stop Iran’s weapons programs. That is why I am a co-sponsor of the Iran Freedom Support Act which would, in part, impose mandatory sanctions on entities that provide goods or services for Iran’s weapons programs. Likewise, I voted in favor of the Syria Accountability Act, blocking property of certain persons and prohibiting the export of certain goods to Syria in an effort to get them to behave as a responsible international actor. As a key member of the Homeland Security Committee, I understand the austere obligation I have to help protect America and her allies. I do this not based on slogans or catchphrases, but with an actual record of legislative success. Y Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Sandoval continued from page 51 for missile launchings. We must not allow Iraq to be partitioned by Syria and Iran so that it, too, can become a future training camp for terrorists. Yet many US politicians, including my opponent, Congressman Bill Pascrell, support political leaders and policies that may lead to this very outcome. The political leaders Mr. Pascrell supports have called for the immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, and have even criticized Israel’s right to defend itself against deadly rocket attacks. In addition, many of these individuals have spoken out against Israel’s efforts to construct a security fence to reduce the threat from suicide bombers who target civilians. But in the US, they have voted for a border fence as an appropriate means to protect our homeland security. Vigilance Mr. Pascrell himself voted against the Patriot Act that gives our officials the necessary tools to protect our nation. In today’s world, where there is a disturbing trend towards increasing antisemitism and anti-Americanism, we must be ever vigilant. We must remember that we did nothing to provoke the first attack against the World Trade Center in 1993, and nothing to provoke the Embassy bombings Page - 53 in Kenya and Tanzania, the bombing of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen, and, of course, the deadly attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. We are dealing with an enemy that seeks the extermination of us as a people and a culture. And make no mistake, those who seek to destroy Israel also have the US in their crosshairs. Saddam Hussein and the government of Saudi Arabia were paying restitution to the families of suicide bombers who had inflicted pain and death on the citizens of Israel. Position for the Record Elections always bring with them a great deal of posturing over the major issues of the day, and political hindsight is not always the best. Reporters and political pundits revel in asking hypothetical questions regarding how politicians or candidates would have voted in he or she had known this or that piece of information. As a candidate for US Congress, I would like to state my position on the Middle East for the record and for the benefit of the voters who must carefully choose whom they wish to represent them in Washington. I believe Israel is our true friend in the Middle East, and I strongly believe in Israel’s right to exist and to defend its borders by any means necessary. If elected to Congress, I will act to make the security of our nation our first responsibility. History has so harshly taught us the results of inaction. I want to wish my dear Jewish friends the very best New Year, and extend my wishes for peace and prosperity in recognition of your faith and culture. Y Page - 54 J The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” Dominican Republic Saved Jews During WWII, Now the Story May Save Pope Pius XII ose Sandoval, a native of the Dominican Republic who is the current Republican candidate for Congress in NJ’s Eighth District, is not the only resident of his country who remembers Jewish Holocaust refugees who found shelter there. Now, some say, there is evidence that those Jews may have been shepherded to safety in the Dominican Republic by Pope Pius XII, the wartime pontiff who is widely condemned in the Jewish community for having done virtually nothing to try to stop Hitler and the Nazis from murdering 6 million Jews. Even Pope Pius’s defenders admit he remained publicly silent about Nazi persecution and genocide against the Jews until late 1944, when the war was substantially over and Allied victory was clear. His supporters, however, insist that, had the Pope spoken out, Hitler might well have turned against the Vatican. His critics recognize that while tens of thousands of Jews were helped and eventually saved by Catholic institutions—to say nothing of individual Catholics—throughout Europe, the Pope himself did next to nothing. His defenders say that just because there was nothing public or in writing does not mean there were no quiet instructions. Exhibit Opened Last month, an exhibit opened at the Harriet and Kenneth Kupferberg Holocaust Resource Center and Archives at Queensborough Community College, to honor the role of the Dominican Republic in rescuing more than 1,000 German Jews from Nazi persecution. Entitled “Sousa, Haven from the Holocaust,” the exhibit discusses how these German Jews, brought to safety by Generalissimo Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, then the dictator of the Dominican Republic, formed a cooperative that specialized in dairy farming and meat production. The exhibit is presented in conjunction with Rabbi Isidoro Aizenberg, a noted scholar of Jewish communities in the Caribbean. In addition to farming, they pursued cultural activities, with several premier Jewish musicians among the Sousa Jewish community. Pope’s Appeal But while Mr. Trujillo undeniably opened his country’s doors to Jewish refugees, an article in the New York Jewish Week at the beginning of October, cites several church officials who clearly recall instructions from the Pope to appeal to Mr. Trujillo to grant visas to 400 desperate Jewish refugees stranded in Lisbon, Portugal. Portugal, which spent the war years under the dictatorship of Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, had declared neutrality in 1939. Despite intense German pressure, especially after the Nazi invasion of France, Portugal remained neutral until it clearly sided with the Allies later in the war. Following the 1941 Nazi invasion of Russia, which cut off their supply of tungsten, the Germans tried to extract the heavy transition metal from Portugal. Tungsten’s resistance to high temperatures as well as the extreme strength of its alloys made it a very important raw material for the weapons industry. Fear of a Pact with Lisbon In October 1941, frustrated by Mr. Salazar’s successful efforts to resist German efforts to buy Portugal’s tungsten, the Nazis torpedoed a Portuguese merchant ship, the first neutral ship to be sunk in World War II. In December 1941, the Nazis sank a second Portuguese ship. Sufficiently cowed, Mr. Salazar, in January 1942, signed an agreement to sell tungsten to Germany. This new relationship sent shockwaves of fear through the Jewish community in Lisbon, many of whom had arrived because Portugal had become a safe haven to Jews from all over Europe. As soon as war broke out, Jewish refugees from Central Europe had been granted resident status. After the Nazi invasion of France, Portugal allowed thousands of Jewish refugees to enter the country. Only a Transit Point The catch was, Portugal gave entry visas to those Jews provided the country was only as a transit point. Jews were expected to find another safe destination. In the wake of Mr. Salazar’s agreement to sell tungsten to Germany, it was feared that the Nazis would soon invade and occupy Portugal, a calamity that never materialized. The 400 Jews in question had tried unsuccessfully to gain entry to the US, and, according to sources contacted by the Jewish Week, the Pope hoped that Mr. Trujillo could be convinced to help. The Only Country The papal decision to contact Mr. Trujillo made sense. The Dominican Republic was the only country in the world that agreed to accept Jewish refugees as permanent residents in the wake of the Evian Conference, an international meeting held in France in 1938 to consider the issue of the growing number of Jewish refugees fleeing Germany and Austria. After the conference, Mr. Trujillo offered to grant 100,000 visas to Jewish refugees. Although Dr. Arthur Flug, executive director of the Kupferberg Center, gives the Dominican Republic altruistic motives for welcoming the Jewish refugees, the Jewish Week explained that Mr. Trujillo may have been intent on repairing his tarnished image in the US, after his army slaughtered thousands of Haitian squatters. According to the Jewish Week, Cheshvan 5767 Archbishop Maurillio Silvani, the papal nuncio in Port au-Prince, Haiti, who was also accredited to the neighboring Dominican Republic, contacted the Dominican ambassador in Port au-Prince and explained the Pope’s request. According to the archbishop’s secretary, Monsignor Giovanni Ferrofino, who spoke to the Jewish Week, the Dominican ambassador understood the Pope’s request and replied, “Trujillo will never say ‘no’ to the Pope, but it is well known that the only way one can ask for such a favor is in person.” Another Catch That meant Archbishop Silvani and The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 55 Msgr Ferrofino had to travel to the Dominican capital, Ciudad Trujillo (now Santo Domingo), to appeal to Mr. Trujillo in person. In phone conversations with the Jewish Week, Msgr Ferrofino, now 94 and living in retirement in Maussaneles-Alpilles, France, explained that it was true, Mr. Trujillo could not refuse an appeal from the Pope and agreed to grant the 400 visas for the stranded Jews immediately. There was one condition, however: The Jews were not going to be allowed to reside in Ciudad Trujillo, but would, continued on page 57 Page - 56 The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” Dominican Republic Refuge instead, be sent to a remote mountainous region along the Haitian border and be part of the effort to help guard the border against desperately poor and hungry Haitians then pouring into the Dominican Republic. 398 Left Five weeks later, the 400 refugees arrived in the Dominican Republic. Msgr Ferrofino told the Jewish Week that all but two of them quickly left the country and headed by ship for Cuba and Mexico, where, with the help of Church officials in those countries, they were given assumed names. “Many of them then crossed the border into the United States, the land that originally denied their entrance. All of this happened thanks to Pius XII,” Msgr Ferrofino told the Jewish Week. According to Msgr Ferrofino, the two Jewish refugees who did not leave the Dominican Republic, an “attractive blonde” ballerina and her husband, went to Port auPrince to ask Archbishop Silvani to help them secure permission to reside in Ciudad Trujillo, where they wanted to open a ballet school. Msgr Ferrofino recalled the archbishop telling them that the only one who could grant such a request was Mr. Trujillo himself, but, once again, there would be a catch. “Trujillo will only help beautiful women who give him something in return,” the archbishop told the couple. Msgr Ferrofino told the Jewish Week he remembered that the woman “turned pale and looked at the floor,” but not long after, he said, her ballet school, Flor D’Oro, opened in the Dominican capital. It was named for Mr. Cheshvan 5767 continued from page 55 Trujillo’s daughter. Dominican Ballerina In 1944, on the 100th anniversary of the Dominican Republic’s independence from Haiti, the Flor D’Oro students, who came from some of the capital’s most prominent families, gave a performance which was attended by the entire diplomatic corps, including Msgr Ferrofino himself. Corroborating this information, Oisiki Ghitis, religious director of the tiny Jewish community in the Dominican Republic, told the Jewish Week that he had heard about Herta Brawer, an Austrian-Jewish ballerina who ran a ballet school in Ciudad Trujillo during and after World War II. According to at least one community member, Ms. Brawer sold the ballet school in 1948 to a dancer from Hungary and then moved to Puerto Rico. Aiming for Sainthood In the end, because Germany never invaded Portugal, the Jews who were there were saved. More than 100,000 Jewish refugees were able to flee Europe into freedom via Lisbon. While very few even tried to stay in Portugal, all those who did survived the war. According to the Jewish Week, the story about Pope Pius XII’s alleged efforts in this instance may have come to light now because some Church officials are trying to take steps to have him granted sainthood. Many Jewish leaders, including those who deal with the Vatican as well as Holocaust scholars, have indicated that, unless a great deal of new information were to arise, efforts to beatify Pope Pius XII The Jewish Voice and Opinion (the first step toward canonization and sainthood) would be viewed as insensitivity. Vatican Recalcitrance These Jewish leaders have charged the Vatican with recalcitrance regarding longstanding Jewish appeals for impartial scholars to be allowed full access to Pope Pius XII’s overall record during the Holocaust. The Vatican has promised to open its archives, but only after all documents from Pope Pius XII’s time in office have been catalogued, a process expected not to be completed for years. Michael Berenbaum, former director of the US Holocaust Museum and Research Institute in Washington and current president of the Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation, told the Jewish Week that, if the story of the 400 Jewish refugees from Portugal can be proven, “it would show that Pius took an action that resulted in 400 Jews being alive who might otherwise have been killed.” “It turns out they were safe in Portugal, but no one knew that at the time,” he said. Mr. Berenbaum said he has long believed that the widely held Jewish perception that, during the Holocaust, the Vatican “didn’t mind Jews being killed and Page - 57 the Pope, for his own reasons, had a record of complicity and cooperation with Hitler,” is “too simplistic.” “I’m not arguing that Pius should be enshrined as a righteous among the nations, but I’m arguing you have to look at a more complex picture without in any way apologizing for Pius. This story [of the 400 Jews] would add to the complexity,” he said. 3500 French Children The Jewish Week was able to confirm that, soon after granting visas to the 400 Jewish refugees in Lisbon, Mr. Trujillo offered to transport to the Dominican Republic 3,500 Jewish children who were trapped in southern France. Once again, there is some evidence that the Church might have played a role in this attempted rescue. A document discovered by the Jewish Week, published in 1974 in Volume 8 of the 12-volume “Actes et Documents du Saint Siege Relatif le Deuxieme Guerre Mondiale” (Acts and Documents of the Holy See Relative to the Second World War), is dated Sept 19, 1942 and is addressed to Vatican Secretary of State Luigi Cardinal Maglione from Msgr Paolo Bertoli, the new Vati- continued on page 59 Page - 58 The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” Muslims Are Outraged The Israeli Embassy was attacked in 1994 by Palestinian terrorists with a 50-pound car bomb. Nineteen people were injured. According to the Sun, another Muslim policeman, who was removed from the Diplomatic Protection Group after his security clearance was rejected, is allegedly trying to sue the London Police Department. Amjad Farooq allegedly had a link to an extremist Islamist group. Dutch Muslim-Only Hospital In Holland, where many still seethe over the murder of filmmaker Theo Van Gogh at the hands of an Islamist extremist who was angry at a film Mr. Van Gogh had made on the subject of domestic abuse in the Muslim community, plans for a Muslim-only hospital have sparked a new heated debate. Cheshvan 5767 Page - 59 continued from page 30 The hospital, which is scheduled to open in south Rotterdam in 2008, will have separate all-male and all-female wings, halal food, and a roster of on-duty imams. Male patients will be treated by an exclusively all-male nursing and medical staff, and similar arrangements will be made for women. The slated staff of 45 physicians and 275 nurses will not all have to be Muslims. As a private hospital, the new institution, the brainchild of a health-industry entrepreneur, Paul Sturkenboom, will target Holland’s one million Muslims. Step Backwards The planned hospital has been roundly attacked by a variety of Dutch politicians and commentators. A populist rightwing party, the Rotterdambased Leefbaar Rotterdam, Dominican Republic Refuge can charge d’affairs in Port au-Prince, appointed after Archbishop Silvani was made Vatican nuncio in Chile. In the document, Msgr Bertoli points out that the newspapers of Haiti and the Dominican Republic “have spoken at various times of the protests of the Holy See presented…to the French government of Vichy with regard to recent laws and dispositions adopted in that country against the Jews. In that regard, I hasten to inform your eminence that the President of the Dominican Republic has offered hospitality to 3,500 Jewish children between the ages of 3 and 14 belonging to the Jewish population of unoccupied France.” Some Church officials believe Mr. Trujillo’s offer was made through efforts of The Jewish Voice and Opinion or Liveable Rotterdam Party, described the plan for the new hospital as “a step backwards to the Middle Ages.” Last month, the party tried unsuccessfully to have the new hospital plan banned. The hospital was characterized as “apartheid” by a prominent nationalist MP, Geert Wilders. Like Other Religions Defending his project, Mr. Sturkenboom said it was no different than any other social services institution erected by any other religious or ethnic group. “If Mr. Wilders is saying in a xenophobic way that this will prohibit integration of Muslim-Dutch citizens, we just point to the fact that 20 or 30 years ago, Jewish, Roman Catholic, and Protestant Dutch people had their own schools, their own hospitals, continued from page 57 Pope Pius XII, but, as the Jewish Week points out, there is no hard evidence to back this up. Corroboration There is corroborative evidence, however, concerning Mr. Trujillo’s offer. According to the Jewish Week, the New York-based Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, which helped thousand of Jews escape from France between 1940 and 1942, was able to produce a letter, dated Oct 28, 1942, from the Dominical Republic Consul-General in Marseilles, Marcel Borde, to the HIAS office in that city. In the letter, Mr. Borde confirmed that Mr. Trujillo had recently contacted Marshall Henri Petain, head of the government in Vichy France, offering to take 3,500 Jewish children to the Dominican Republic and pay for the cost of their transport. According to the Jewish Week, the planned evacuation of Jewish children to the Dominican Republic never took place. On Nov 11, 1942, two weeks after Mr. Borde sent his letter to HIAS, German troops occupied southern France and quickly rounded up thousands of children there for deportation to the their own trade unions, and employers’ organizations. That autonomy helped those people integrate at their own speed into Dutch society. This compact hospital will give Muslims time to integrate at their own speed,” he said. He said that 40 of Holland’s 100 hospitals are run by Catholic or Protestant foundations. There are no Muslim hospitals, even though Muslim immigrants constitute 20 percent of the country’s population. No Wine Allowed in Cabs The Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported last month that Muslim taxi drivers are currently refusing to take passengers if they are carrying bottles of alcohol in their luggage. According to the paper, about 75 percent of the 900 cab drivers at Minneapolis-St. continued on page 60 death camps. Nevertheless, the story of the Jews who found refuge in Sousa in the Dominican Republic remains a beacon of hope and compassion. The exhibit at Queensborough College is free to the general public, and is scheduled to run through Dec. 31, 2006. The phone number is 718281-5144. S.L.R. Page - 60 The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” Muslims Are Outraged cont. from p.59 Paul International Airport are Somalis, many of them Muslims, and, about three times each day, customers waiting for cabs are refused when the driver becomes aware they are carrying alcohol. According to the newspaper, observant-Muslim drivers object only when the alcohol is openly displayed or if they are told about it. Thus far, the drivers are not searching passengers or quizzing them about what they are carrying. Dangerous Warning Eva Buzek, a flight attendant originally from Poland, said she was denied a ride when she told the driver to be careful with her suitcase because it had wine in it. Other drivers in the taxi line passed the word, she said, and four more refused her service. A dispatcher finally steered her to a driver who agreed to take her. “It’s become a significant customer-service issue,” said Patrick Hogan, a spokesman for the Metropolitan Airports Commission. The commission has come up with a solution: color-coding the lights on the taxi roofs to indicated whether a driver will accept passengers who may be transporting alcohol. According to the Star Tribune, the commission is waiting to hold meetings with the Minnesota chapter of the Muslim American Society to decide which colors will be acceptable. American Values Ali Culed, a Somali Muslim who has been driving an airport cab for eight years, told the Star-Tribune the Koran forbids buying, selling, drinking, or carrying alcohol. “I cannot force anybody to change their belief, but not in my cab,” he told the paper. Ms. Buzek said the treatment she received violates American values. “I came to this country and I didn’t expect anybody to adjust to my needs. I don’t want to impose my beliefs on anyone else. That’s why I’m in this country, because of the freedom. What’s going to be next? Do I have to cover my head?” she said. Hassan Mohamud, an imam and vice-president of the Muslim American Society, told the Star-Tribune that would not happen because, he said, “according to Muslim law, a Muslim driver cannot question a person’s faith or beliefs.” “It’s not a matter of the person, it’s what the person is carrying,” he said. Allowing Avoidance One Jewish resident of Minneapolis, who asked for anonymity, said he was pleased with the proposed color system because it would make it easier for passengers to avoid drivers who “might make things uncomfortable.” “Frankly, I’m surprised the Muslims would allow this,” he said. According to Mr. Hogan, the cab drivers themselves will have to purchase the proposed lights for the top of their vehicles. A cabbie without the light who refuses to take a passenger will be sent to the back of line, which frequently means waiting up to three hours before a chance to take another fare. Some drivers said they would rather wait than risk punishment in the hereafter. Asked if drunken passengers have had trouble getting a cab at the airport, Mr. Hogan said, no, adding that if other religious issues arise, they will be dealt with on a case-by-case issue. “We can’t promise that we can accommodate every religious belief. Our interest is in making sure people can get a cab,” he told the Star-Tribune. Bobblehead Caricatures The issue of wine-toting passengers has not come up in New York, but, soon, Muslim cabbies as well as all drivers may have to deal with the image of a ceramic bobblehead doll of the Prophet Mohammed, created to resemble one of the caricatures published by the Danish newspaper. It is being sold online for $22.99 by an ex-Marine who said it is similar to the “dashboard Jesus” figurines that stick to flat surfaces with adhesive. “I thought, if they flipped out over some cartoons, what will they do with a dashboard Mohammed?” said the creator, Timothy Ames, 28, from his home in Hawaii. He has already sold several hundred of the dolls online, and has paid a Chinese manufacturer to produce 1,000 more. “I just think it’s funny,” said Mr. Ames, who sells his product on a Web site using the pseudonym “Filthy.” He said he is not particularly interested in “slamming” people because of their religion. “Most of the stupid people I’ve met are stupid despite their religion, not because of it,” he said. Expert Fear Two professors in the Middle Eastern Studies Department at NYU, said purchasing the novelties is “a really bad idea.” “No depiction of the Prophet, even if it is positive, should be made ever—and certainly not one as ridiculous as the bobblehead Mohammed,” said Prof Zvi Ben-Dor Benite. “I don’t think it’s about freedom of speech. This is the freedom to insult, which he shouldn’t be doing.” His colleague at NYU, Prof Frank Peters, warned that while Jews and Christians have “gotten used to this kind of thing,” Muslims, he said, have not. “This may not be his intention, but these things have consequences,” he said. Others say a bobblehead on someone else’s dashboard may be one of those things Muslims in America will have to get used to if they wish to stay in this country, just as other Americans have had to accept bumper stickers they find offensive. Parisian Article But thus far, Muslims, even in the West, have resisted putting up with insults that others take for granted. Last month in Paris, a French philosopher and high school teacher, who published an attack on Islam in the French newspaper Le Figaro, was forced to go into hiding. Robert Redeker, who has to arrange for his own safe houses when police bodyguards move him every two days, started receiving death threats on September 19, when the newspaper published his article in which he called the Koran “a book of incredible violence” and the Prophet Mohammed a selfdescribed “merciless warlord, a looter, a butcher of Jews, and a polygamist.” “Hatred and violence live in the book by which every Muslim is educated, the Koran,” he wrote, adding that Islam “exalts violence and hate.” In his article, which came out while Muslims were still protesting the Pope’s speech, Mr. Redeker defended the pontiff. Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Threats with a Map When the death threats came, they were accompanied by a map with directions to his home, his phone number, and photographs of Mr. Redeker and the suburban Toulouse high school where he worked. He told the Reuters news agency he could not imagine coming out of hiding and resuming his teaching job any time soon. His wife has gone into hiding with him under the protection of the French police and the country’s domestic intelligence agency. “My security is secured, but the logistics are not. I have to find myself a place to sleep at night or live for a day or two,” he said. Abandoned Worst of all, he said, is the feeling that he has been abandoned. “The Education Ministry has not deigned to contact me to ask if I need any help,” he said. Page - 61 Even the support he received from the teachers unions seemed half-hearted. The unions said he had the right to free speech, but one of the unions added that it was supporting him “even though we do not share his convictions.” The press-watchdog group, Reporters without Borders, said Mr. Redeker’s article may have been “shocking,” but, said the group, “If Le Figaro had chosen not to publish this text, it would have been a defeat for the freedom of thought.” Imprisoned by Terrorists French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said the threats against Mr. Redeker were intolerable and showed that “we live in a dangerous world that is often marked by intolerance.” French Muslim Council head Dalil Boubakeur also denounced the threats. “No one can take the law into his continued on page 63 Page - 62 E The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” Ess Gezint: Biblical Food ver wonder what was in the lentil dish that prompted Esau to relinquish his birthright to Jacob? How about the food Joseph served his brothers when they journeyed to Egypt? Or the fare at Esther’s banquet? A new book, Cooking with the Bible: Biblical Food, Feasts, and Lore, by Anthony Chiffolo, a classics scholar who is also editorial director of Praeger Publishers, and Rev Dr. Rayner W. Hesse, Jr., has all the facts you need on these meals and 16 others, mostly from the Hebrew Bible, but four from the Christian Bible. While the authors treat Jewish history and tradition with great respect (all dates are listed as BCE and CE) and there is care to exclude treif animals in the recipes, the book, published by Greenwood Press, is not kosher. The Jewish chef must either use the usual substitutions for butter and milk in recipes which call for meat, or skip those entirely. Nevertheless, it is a fun book whose research gleams on every page. It is filled with interesting perspectives and commentaries on the recipes, preparation methods used in Biblical times, and the lore surrounding individual ingredients and dishes. Y Abigail’s Lamb for David 3 Spanish onions, chopped 1 cup walnuts, finely chopped ½ cup olive oil 3 cups pomegranate juice 2½-3 lb ground lamb dash or two of salt 3 cups tepid tap water 2 tsp rice flour ½ cup fresh parsley 1-2 tsp sugar 3 cups fresh mint rice 2 cloves garlic, chopped fresh mint sprigs Fry onions in large pan of olive oil until slightly browned. Add lamb and cook until meat turns color. Then add water. Bring to a boil. Lower heat and simmer 25-30 minutes, adding more water if necessary. Wash herbs, peel garlic, and chop by hand or in a food processor. Put some liquid from the lamb mixture in a separate pan and fry the herbs and garlic for a few minutes. Strain and add to the meat. Add the walnuts, pomegranate juice, and salt, and bring to a slow boil. Place the rice flour in a cup of cold water and stir until it dissolves. Add this to the meat mixture a minute or two before cooking is complete. If the sauce is sour, add sugar. Serve over white rice surrounded by sprigs of fresh mint. Serves 8-10. Elisha’s Apple and Barley Cake in Gilgal 2½ cups barley flour 2 tsp baking powder Dash salt 2 eggs 2 apples, pared and chopped ¼ cup whipping cream (dairy or parve) ¼ cup honey Preheat oven to 400˚. Sift together barley flour, baking powder, and salt. Beat eggs lightly with fork, combine with apples, cream, and honey, and add to dry ingredients. Mix well. Pour batter into cake pan and bake for 20-25 minutes. Cut into 12 squares while still warm. Muslims Are Outraged own hands,” he said. Nevertheless, from his hiding place, Mr. Redeker acknowledged that, for the foreseeable future, he and his wife will be constantly on the move. “I will be forced to remain anonymous in my own country. The Islamists have succeeded in punishing me on French territory as if I were guilty of a crime of opinion,” he said. Egyptian Bans On Sun., Sept 24, Egypt banned the edition of Le Figaro with Mr. Redeker’s article as well as an issue of the German paper, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, which also ran an article authorities found insulting to Islam. Under a decree issued by Egyptian Information Minister Anas el-Feki, those issues of the two papers were not permitted to enter the country. “They published articles which disparaged Islam and claimed that the Islamic reli- Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 63 continued from page 61 gion was spread by the sword and that the Prophet was the prophet of evil,” said the state news agency, MENA. The German paper, dated Sept 16, contained an article by German historian Egon Flaig, which questioned whether Mohammed had been a successful military leader. Among the arguments he listed was the view that Islam has a violent history. Political Freedom According to Princeton’s Prof Bernard Lewis, who specializes in Muslim history and is one of the most widely read scholars of the Middle East, one of the problems is that the Arab-Muslim world never developed the principle of political freedom. According to Prof Lewis, the issue of whether or not freedom, as it is defined in the West, is possible in the Islamic world is currently being debated in the US and Europe. One point of view, he said, holds that Muslims are “incapable of decent, civilized government.” Those with this position, he said, maintain that since the Muslim world will always be ruled by corrupt tyrants, the goal of Western countries’ foreign policy should be to cultivate good relations with the tyrants. “This point of view is very much favored in departments of state and foreign offices, and is generally known, rather surprisingly, as the ‘pro-Arab’ view. It is, of course, in no sense pro-Arab. It shows ignorance of the Arab past, contempt for the Arab present, and unconcern for the Arab future,” he said. No Freedom, No Security The second common view is that although Arabs are different from Westerners, they can be helped to develop at least quasi-democratic institutions. “This view is known as the ‘imperialist’ view, and has been vigorously denounced and condemned as such,” he said. Prof Lewis said there are elements in Islamic society which could well be conducive to democracy, but the forces working against it “are very powerful and well entrenched.” “One of the greatest dangers is that on the side of tyranny, they are firm and convinced, and resolute. Whereas on our side, we are weak and undecided and irresolute,” he said, adding that although the effort to bring freedom to the Arab world will be difficult and the outcome uncertain, it must be tried. “Either we bring them freedom, or they destroy us,” he said. Who Are “Believers?” Judging by statements by Islamist leaders on the issue of Western freedoms, it will be an uphill struggle. When asked about the German Deutsche Opera’s de- continued on page 66 Page - 64 The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 65 Index of Advertisers Ads with Coupons Chopstix...........................................22 Dunkin’ Donuts....................................8 Majestic Caterers................................63 Home Repair/Maintenance OMO Construction............................48 Selegman Roofing...............................67 Shalom Plumbing................................67 Auto Leasing/Sales DC Honda...........................................29 Leasco Automotive Sales & Leasing..5 Insurance Oxford Medicare.................................45 Steve Kobrin.......................................10 Auto Repair Eli Auto..............................................33 Kosher Groceries Food Showcase...................................62 Glatt World.........................................44 Camps & Summer Programs IBA IHA Sports Camp........................54 Car Service Kismet Limo/Teaneck Taxi.................35 Caterers & Catering Halls L’Chaim Catering...............................49 Majestic Caterers................................63 Prestige Caterers................................27 Zichron Moshe...................................25 Charities Jewish National Fund.........................43 Umbrella Tzedaka Collection............. Cleaners Handle With Care..................................3 Education Chabad Hebrew School of Teaneck....36 L. Sokoloff Nursery Sch. Op. House..40 10/29: Kushner Y. H.S. Open House..37 11/1: Rosenbaum Yeshiva Info. Tea...19 11/4: Tsfat Concert..............................46 11/6: Bruriah Open House..................41 11/12 Moshe Aaron Y.H.S. Op. Hous.42 Entertainment & Events Weds. Dance with Dassie...................39 Thurs. nights: Wine Tasting.................14 A Jew Grows in Brooklyn...................38 Disney on Ice: Princess Wishes............11 The Milliner........................................31 11/5: Hebron Fund Dinner..................15 11/19: ZOA Dinner.............................17 Financial Services Greenback Capital, Ken Goffstein......71 Graphic Artists Graphic Design Lessons.....................59 Make an Impact...................................24 Home Furnishings Starr Carpet.........................................18 Jewish Communities Boca Raton, FL....................................12 Kosher Restaurant, Take-Out Chopstix...................................22 Dunkin’ Donuts....................................8 Levana..........................................47 Teaneck Hot Bagels.............................53 Legal Services Elder Law, Benjamin Eckman, Esq.....67 Elder Law, Lissner & Lissner...............20 Liquor and Wine Queen Anne Wine & Spirits................14 Medical Services Dentistry, Schneider & Jacobs............55 Englewood Hospital & Med. Cntr........2 Holy Name Hospital Cancer Center......7 Home Health Care, Carefinders..........67 Optometric Phys., Dr. M. Luchins......23 Psychotherapy, Chana Simmonds........67 Miscellaneous Ceramics By Design............................30 Clary’s Wigs.......................................13 Commentaries..26,32,52,56,58,64 Musicians Jeff Wilks............................................6 Shelly Lang.........................................28 Symphonia................................57 Photography/Video Charlie Aptowitzer..............................67 Hello Video.........................................60 Mendel Meyers Studios.......................72 Politics Bob Yudin for Freeholder......................9 Real Estate. Carol Weissmann.................................71 Ilene Horowitz, Remax.......................70 Joan and Bob Oppenheimer................71 Ramat Bet Shemesh Aleph................61 Russo Real Estate...............................71 Telecommunications Chaim Braum........................................4 Travel & Vacations Emunah Yeshiva Break in Israel......50 Heritage Seminars...............................16 Main Street Travel Center....................21 Tell our advertisers: “I saw your ad in The Jewish Voice and Opinion” To place your ad, please call 201-569-2845 Page - 66 The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” Israel’s National Camp Activists: Israeli Arabs Danced for Joy Last Summer When Katyushas Hit Israel, Now They’ll Get One-Third of UJA Funds for Rebuilding? T he UJA’s campaign to rebuild Israel’s north, which was badly hurt during last summer’s war with Hezbollah, has come in for harsh criticism. It’s not that anyone begrudges Israel’s citizens who lost so much, but critics of the Olmert government are convinced that at least one-third of hard-earned Jewish charity dollars designated for “northern rehabilitation” will in fact not be spent on Jews at all. Equally upsetting to many supporters of Israel is the lack of any UJA money for the 10,000 Jewish refugees from Gush Katif/Gaza, who were forcibly expelled from their homes by the Israeli government in August 2005. More than one year later, virtually none of the families has received full compensation for their destroyed homes and all are still living in temporary homes, resembling trailers. According to Sarah Honig, a columnist with the Jerusalem Post, the Olmert government plans to earmark at least onethird of its “northern rehabilitation” outlay to appease its Arab population. She implied that at least part of the government’s plan is to win political support from what Ms. Honig described as “Israel’s increasingly disloyal Arab sector.” Just Say No Ms. Honig asked all those who have “Israel’s good and the future of the ever-vulnerable Jewish people at heart” not to contribute to “large, institutionalized, establishmentaffiliated Jewish funds associated in any way with official Israel, especially if their pitch is rehabilitating Israel’s warscarred North.” The groups which meet this description most aptly are the UJA (now UJC) and its affiliates, the Jewish Agency and the Joint Distribution Committee. Helen Freedman, a community activist with the nationalist camp and the former director of Americans for a Safe Israel, asked Jews to call their local UJA offices to insist that money “donated by Jews to help Jews of Israel” be used for that purpose. “At the very least, there must be full disclosure, up front, that donations to the Emergency Campaign is going to Arabs as well as Jews. At least then, Jews can determine whether to continue donating their money to UJC or to give it more specifically to individual Jewish causes where the money goes directly to help Jewish Muslims Are Outraged cont. from p. 63 cision to cancel Idomeneo, Ayyub Axel Koehler, head of the Central Council of Muslims, one of Germany’s largest Muslim groups, gave an ambiguous response. “While we are absolutely in agreement with the need for a free press, free opinion, and free arts, we also think there are certain limits to those freedoms. If there are issues that most deeply hurt the feelings of believers, then one should be considerate, as it should be normal among civilized persons,” he said. Many observers noted that by “believers,” he was referring only to Muslims and was not concerned about the feelings of Christians, Jews, or Hindus, whom Islamist leaders routinely savage. S.L.R. UJA may not remember the Gush Katif refugees and the Color Orange campaign, but children in Israel with cancer—patients at Rachashei Lev’s Beit Hayeled, Israel’s largest pediatric oncology support network—do. Last month, children of Rachashei Lev were given a special week at the Jerusalem Sheraton and they and their counselors from Bnot Sherut, religious girls that work with these children instead of doing army service, chose to wear orange, to show that we all care. Rachashei Lev, located on the Tel Hashomer Medical Campus, is currently embarked on a campaign to raise money to buy computers. Each laptop costs a little under $3,000, and the organization wants to buy ten. For more info email Mr. Adler at, or call 011-972-8-852-3805 or 866-214-6096. needs,” said Ms. Friedman. Breakdown She said, like most American Jews, she, too, believed UJA donations were going to help Jews who spent last summer in bomb shelters rebuild homes and schools in the north. But when she contacted the UJA and asked for a breakdown of the millions of dollars raised in the appeal’s Emergency Campaign, she received three pages of detailed programs, activities, beneficiaries, allocations, and funds paid thus far. The very first item was: Activities for non-Jewish sector in confrontation area. The organization designated for this concern was the Jewish Agency for Israel. The allocation for “support to non-Jewish children in community centers” was $3.3 million,” she said. Centers and Day Camps The next item, she said, was “Community Center— Emergency Outreach Program,” sponsored by the Joint Distribution Committee. Approximately $3 million was allocated to its beneficiaries, 25,299 Arab children. The School Readiness Day Camp Program, which is run solely for non-Jewish children, received almost $3 million and the summer camp for children, including 10,000 non-Jews, received $17,300,000. “The list goes on and on, but it is clear that Arabs are benefiting substantially from the generosity of Jews,” says continued on page 70 Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion “Honor the Professional According to Your Need” Place YOUR Ad Here for your Professional Services Call 201-569-2845 Page - 67 Page - 68 The Jewish Voice and Opinion October 2006 Asking to Stop Gay Pride Parade How can Jerusalem allow the so-called Gay Pride Parade on November 10, 2006? This is the anniversary of Kristallnacht in 1938, as well as the anniversary of the 1975 vote in the UN declaring, according to United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379, that Zionism is Racism. Doesn’t holding the “Gay Pride Parade” on that day poke G-d in His eye? It is so offensive. Do we have no pride as Jews. If we allow this parade to be held, the world will hold us in great disrespect, and they will have cause, because this means we disrespect ourselves. I hope anyone who can, will try to stop this abomination. G-d forbid, if it is held, it will be the reason bad things happen to Israel. Gail Winston Chicago, IL Jews Offering Alternatives to Homosexuality Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality (JONAH), a non-profit international organization dedicated to educating the world-wide Jewish community about the prevention, intervention, and healing of the underlying issues causing same-sex attractions, is offering three scholarships for Israelis who want to attend the first Journey into Manhood (JIM) weekend in London in March 2007. This is a joyous occasion because the JIM weekends are terrific opportunities to jumpstart the process of growing out of homosexuality. JONAH relies on Torah principles and is run under Orthodox auspices, but it is open to any member of the Jewish community who is not happy with his or her same-sex attraction (SSA) and is looking for change. JONAH is also a resource for Jewish families with loved ones facing this problem. The three scholarships of $500 each will be given to Israeli men involved with JONAH to defray the cost of going to the JIM weekend. The scholarships were generously donated anonymously by an Israeli couple who are members of JONAH’s Family and Friends Group. We hope this serves as an impetus to many friends and family of JONAH to donate funds so that men and women who are unhappy feeling same-sex attractions can take advantage of the burgeoning opportunities to learn about growing out of SSA. In addition, the new book by JONAH’s co-director, Arthur Goldberg, is about to be published. Called “Light in the Closet: Torah, Homosexuality, and the Power to Change,” the book speaks about the synergy between the process of teshuva and gender-affirming processes. There are ways in which the process of teshuva is analogous to the process involved in reparative therapy. Throughout the ages, the rabbis viewed teshuva as a process, not a single act. Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, z”l, explains that “Repentance is not a function of a single decisive act, but grows and gains in size, slowly and gradually, until the penitent undergoes a complete metamorphosis, and then, after becoming a new person, and only then, does repentance take place.” In much the same way, healing from SSA does not occur with a bolt of lightening, the silver bullet if you will. Rather, it Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” Letters to the Editor is through a gradual process of growth and renewal by which one fills in his developmental gaps. Both teshuva and gender-affirming processes are life-affirming processes. They counteract a form of death-in-life, a psychic numbing, and, therefore, enhance the personal process of renewal and growth. Both processes also involve a future connection of something in the past, because only the future can transform the trends and tendencies of the past. The Rambam (Maimonides) set forth three key elements by which an individual does teshuva, each of which applies directly to the healing of SSA: regret, rejection, and resolution. Regret deals with the past, rejection with the present, and resolution with the future. Only when all three dimensions are securely in place will the full process of teshuva and gender-affirming processes take place. One can regret and reject his/her SSA but only if these individuals resolve to function differently and have the ability to internalize such resolution will their SSA be changed. Teshuva is the Jewish process of repentance and returning to your pure self as created by G-d. If you or someone you know wishes to donate to a specific activity associated with JONAH, please contact us at ejsbtb@ or or by phone at 201-433-3444. Elaine Silodor Berk Arthur Goldberg Co-Directors, JONAH Jersey City, NJ Dad Needs a Kidney My dad is 60-years-old, and an only child, as am I. My dad desperately needs a kidney. He is my best friend, and I am totally distraught. I am all he has. We live in Queens, and all testing is done at Mt. Sinai. I am reaching out to as many people as possible, and I hope this will attract someone who wishes to be tested. The blood type isn’t the most important thing. I can be reached at or at 917 691 3676. Thank you. Jeff Schonsky Queens, NY Helping Jewish Prisoners Unfortunately, right now, there are Jewish inmates in New Jersey prisons who have been forsaken by their families and friends. They are in need of community support if they are to turn their lives around. Your tax-deductible donations can provide them with food on Shabbat along with religious items. Donations can be sent to the Young Israel of Lawrenceville, 2556 Princeton Pike, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648. “Jewish Prisoners Fund” should be written on the envelope and in the memo section of your check. For more information, call 609-883-8833. David Lev Lawrenceville, NJ Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Page - 69 “Thought Is the World of Freedom” (R’ Dov Ber of Mazeritch) Western Government Failing to Provide Free Speech The Berlin opera house, Deutsche Oper, has called off a production of Mozart’s “Idomeneo” for fear that a scene featuring the severed head of Islam’s prophet might lead to violence. This confirms the warnings, made by defenders of free speech during the Danish cartoon crisis, that the failure of Western governments to respond decisively to the death threats from offended Muslims could lead to self-censorship in the West. This decision demonstrates the disgraceful failure of Western governments to defend our right to free speech. In 1989, when the Iranian Mullahs issued a fatwa calling for Muslims to murder Salman Rushdie and attack his publisher, Western governments did nothing. Last year, when violent mobs threatened the lives of the Danish cartoonists, Western governments did nothing. If a government does not ensure its citizens are able to express their views without fear of violent reprisals, free speech is dead. Western governments must reverse their trend of appeasement and declare their commitment to ruthlessly punish anyone who attempts to violate their citizens’ right to freedom of speech. Dr. Yaron Brook Executive Director, the Ayn Rand Institute Irvine, CA The Voice Reports, You Decide A friend recommended your magazine to me, and now I am read it regularly. I think The Jewish Voice is the only truthful and right magazine I know of. Thank you very much for your great and extremely important job. I enjoyed the op-eds printed by Rep Steven Rothman and his opponent, Vince Micco, in last month’s issue [“Why I Voted against the Republican Leadership’s Iraq Resolution and Why I Now Oppose the War in Iraq” and “Supporting the US Means Supporting Israel and Our Unified War on Terror,” Sept 2006]. I am terrified by Mr. Rothman’s attitude towards Israel and his willingness to withdraw our troops from Iraq at any price. Last year I wrote to Mr. Rothman several times on issues concerning Israel, (in particular I asked him to raise his voice against Sharon’s unilateral “disengagement”). His answers were more than disappointing. At the same time, Vince Micco’s views demonstrate his strong support of Israel and determination to fight global terrorism, which is so necessary now. Inna Kreer Fair Lawn, NJ Reach out and Touch Someone Last Mother’s Day, inspired my compassionate mother, I started a kindness experiment. I gave 100 people half of a blue index card and I the following challenge: Can you think of five people with whom you know you should be more in contact? It could be a neighbor, a cousin, a former co-worker, anyone! Please write their names on this card and stick it in your wallet. Then, next time you find yourself in line at the grocery store trying not to look at the magazines, pull out this card and your cell phone and make a call. Let them know that you’ve been thinking of them, find out what’s going on in their lives. Lately I’ve been phoning my “research subjects” to find out if they’ve been using the card. More than 60 percent are using the card weekly. More than 30 percent agree that they should be using the card. I’ve heard some inspiring stories. Some are picking up the phone and getting in touch with distant cousins; some are inviting people for Friday night dinner, others are talking to their neighbors more. Several have started or joined weekly Jewish study-groups in order to bring people together. What about the other 10 percent? They consist of two sorts: the introverts who just don’t like doing this sort of thing, and the extroverts who were already maxed-out on their relationships. So to both of these, I have started to challenge them to teach five other people about the blue card. So far, everyone has accepted the challenge. Can you name five people whom you know you should be more in touch with? Can you inspire someone else to name five? Rabbi Alexander Seinfeld Baltimore, MD The Jewish Voice and Opinion welcomes letters, especially if they are typed, double-spaced, and legible. We reserve the right to edit letters for length and style. Please send all correspondence to POB 8097, Englewood, NJ 07631. The phone number is (201) 569-2845. The FAX number is (201) 569-1739. The email address is Page - 70 A The Jewish Voice and Opinion continued from page 66 Ms. Freedman. Not One-Third of the Damage Ms. Honig pointed out that although Israeli Arabs will receive one-third of the aid, Hezbollah did not target the Arab sector and it did not receive the damage inflicted on the Jews. When Katyushas slammed into Arab towns, it was because the notoriously inaccurate rockets had simply missed their Jewish targets. Ms. Honig pointed out that Arabs living in the Galilee, holding Israeli citizenship and demanding all the perks to which they are entitled (with virtually none of the obligations), not only accepted apologies from Hezbollah’s chief, Hassan Nasrallah, the Israeli-Arab citizens condemned Israel’s self-defense efforts and lauded Hezbollah terrorists as heroes. Virtually all Israeli newspapers carried reports of Israeli Arabs standing on October 2006 rooftops and cheering when Katyushas exploded in nearby Jewish towns. Many leftwing Israeli reporters and columnists admitted that Israeli Arabs crossed red lines by identifying openly with the enemy. Bail-Out Scheme Nevertheless, as Ms. Honig pointed out, the Olmert government, which she characterized as “cognitively challenged,” plans to spend one billion shekels (more than $235 million) on Israeli Arabs. This represents onethird of the rehabilitation budget for the north. “The Jewish population—the one that suffered most and constituted the primary and deliberate target— will also get a third. The rest will be spent on ‘infrastructure,’” said Ms. Honig. She called this “nothing but a disguised bail-out scheme for chronically mis- Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” managed and perpetually destitute Arab municipalities, where nepotism and corruption are rife.” She implied that if Mr. Olmert could have paid them off without having to justify the expense, he would have. Evading When Englewood resident Morris Stillman asked, about the allegations raised by Ms. Honig and Ms. Freedman, especially the lack of funding for the Gush Katif refugees, Devra Karger, director of the Bergen County UJC’s professional divisions, said, “UJA Federation takes action every day to improve the quality of Jewish community life in northern NJ, Israel, and around the world. Howard Charish, the executive vice president of the Bergen County UJA, elaborated, explaining that by “working in partnership with the Israeli government and our overseas partners, the Jewish Agency for Israel and the American Joint Distribution Committee, the Israel Emergency Campaign (IEC) has provided relief to Israelis—Jews, Arabs, and Druze—whose lives were shaken by unprovoked Hezbollah attacks.” Thanking them for “confirming the allegations,” Mr. Stillman asked again why the Jewish victims of Gush Katif are not being helped while non-Jewish victims of Darfur and Katrina receive aid from the UJA. When Ms. Karger replied, she still did not address that issue, however, she insisted that only “three percent of all IEC monies raised to-date have gone to nonJewish causes in the north.” However, she added, “From its outset, the IEC was aimed at helping all vulnerable Israelis under fire from Hezbollah terrorists, whether Arab, Druze, or Jews.” S.L.R. Cheshvan 5767 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Live Where You Can Walk to Shul Stop paying outrageous closing costs! Page - 71 Page - 72 The Jewish Voice and Opinion Jewish Voice and Opinion PO Box 8097 Englewood, NJ 07631 fj Address Correction Requested October 2006 Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice & Opinion” Periodicals POSTAGE PAID at Englewood, NJ & additional offices
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