Capita support services for schools


Capita support services for schools
Support services
for schools
Changing the
way we work
Support services for schools
Capita IT Services
Introduction to
Capita’s support
services for schools
Dear Headteacher,
I am contacting you this December to advise you on the changes
Capita are making to the support services that will be offered to your
school or academy from April 2014.
Through the Capita West Sussex partnership, we offer a range of support services
for your pupils, teachers and support staff. Our service is designed to offer schools
and academies across the region more cost effective and smarter support services. In
turn, you can get the most from your support budgets, provide a first-class service to
students and focus on what’s most important – teaching.
Capita IT Services is a specialist ICT partner in the education sector. We work with over 2,500
schools, academies and colleges across the UK supporting over 420,000 teachers and learners. With
over 30 years’ experience in the education sector, we understand how to make IT work for schools,
academies and colleges.
At Capita IT Services we:
• Work in partnership with schools, academies and colleges to support their strategy and plans
• Understand how ICT can transform curriculum delivery anytime, anyplace and from any device
esign and deliver technology solutions to meet individual requirements and provide on-going support through
consultation, implementation and transition
• Focus on supporting our customers in creating a reliable and an innovative IT environment
• Help schools, academies and colleges understand and plan for the adoption of cloud services
What's changing?
Here are the notable changes for the IT SLAs introduced for the new 2014 term:
SLA or service component
What’s changing?
Benefits to school or academy
Broadband and WSGFL services
for schools and academies
It will be split into two distinct SLAs:
• S chools and academies can choose
which service they wish to buy to suit
their needs. For example, if the school
doesn’t need the hosted services, it can
simply buy the broadband and WAN
connectivity or vice versa*.
1) B
roadband and wide area
network services
The demand for pupils to achieve more in education has never been higher, nor school
budgets so stretched. The education sector is also facing huge changes, from the
introduction of a new academy programme and an Ofsted framework through to the
introduction of EBacc, a new yardstick for assessing secondary schools
During 2013, the Capita West Sussex partnership has been working hard to
understand these changes and how our services can best support your school moving
into 2014. We have undertaken a review of the components that make up our support
services for schools and academies. As a result, we have re-structured these services
to bring you a greater degree of choice and a transparency of cost. Thank you for all
the robust feedback from you and your colleagues which has supported this process.
2) Schools hosted IT services
*For 2014 the Web Filtering Solution
is still dependant on the West Sussex
Broadband and Wide Area Network
Broadband and Wide Area
Network services
This brochure summarises the range of ICT, HR and SIMs services that Capita is able
to offer. It draws on our experience of improving support services for thousands of
schools and academies across the country since the 1980s.
Introduction of a greater range of
connectivity options for primary
We look forward to developing our relationship with you into 2014/15.
Mary C lare Deane
Capita WSCC Partnership Director
p to 10 Megabit per second (Mb/s)
connections for 95% of primary schools
with the option to upgrade for any
schools that have increased demand for
internet based services.
onded DSL is connectivity specifically
for those hard to reach schools in rural
areas that were formerly connected via
BT Learning Stream Circuits. This will
offer faster speeds of between 8 – 20
Mb/s which is a significant improvement
on the Learning Stream speed of 2 Mb/s.
We hope you find this information useful and choose to use Capita’s support services
in the coming year. If you would like any further information please refer to the
contact us page in the brochure. The full range of Capita and West Sussex SLA’s will
be published on the WSGFL in January, and you will have two months to make your
decision and purchase.
Yours faithfully,
• Transparency of component cost
for each service (this was previously
provided in a single unit cost)
Broadband and Wide Area
Network services
Now offering both one year and
three year SLA terms
• The three year SLA offers schools a fixed
price service, which means there isn’t
a price increase within the term of the
• P rimary schools subscribing to a three
year SLA also receive a free upgrade to
30Mb/s connection (this does not apply
to hard to reach schools)
Pages 1&2
Support services for schools
SLA or service component
What’s changing?
Benefits to school or academy
SLA or service component
What’s changing?
Benefits to school or academy
Schools hosted IT services
Migration from AtomWide to
OpenHive services for email, web
filtering, website and moodle
• Email solution based on Microsoft Office 365
technology, which includes a fresh interface
and an extended set of features
Schools IT support service
and Broadband and Wide
Area Network services
Introduction of rolling annual and three
year agreements
• E nsuring Schools are aware of the
requirement to give notice at any time
they wish to terminate the service.
Change of the agreement to ensure
appropriate notice is given to terminate
the service (if notice is not given formally
the service continues on an annual rolling
• Site based web filtering that employees can
manage directly without requesting a filter
change (The Web filtering service for 2014
is dependent on the school also subscribing
to the Broadband and Wide Area Network
Services SLA)
• Automated provisioning of access to all
OpenHive services for staff and learners from
SIMS data, offering easier user and group
Schools IT support serviceSpecial schools
Reduction in annual service charge. The
charge has now been equalised to that of
a primary school for both establishment
base price and price per pupil.
• S ubstantial cost reduction for special
school’s taking this SLA.
Schools IT support service
Revised impact/priority levels to better
reflect school support services.
learer understanding for schools as to
the service expectation given particular
• Web hosting service on an infrastructure that
isn’t impacted during ‘snow days’
• Moodle infrastructure based on the latest
product version that is regularly upgraded
Schools IT support service
Introduction of the following new
• Wider range of procurement
• Local Area Network support
• Education IT advice and
• Training services
Now offering both one year and
three year SLA terms
Schools IT support service
• The new ICT support service is more relevant
to the whole school
• Capita has access to a framework of suppliers
that offer competitive pricing on a range of IT
products commonly used within schools
• We can provide you with advice around what
products are right for your circumstances
and help you to build an end-to-end solution
for your school that will be scalable and
robust. We can also train you in how to use
and support your systems as educators and
administrative support staff
• One year SLA offers flexibility to those
schools wishing to consider their options over
the coming year
• Three year SLA offers schools a fixed price
service, which means there isn’t a price
increase within the terms of the agreement.
The benefits are:
• E nsure that both School and Capita
expectations are understood and met.
• Any termination costs kept to a
• E liminates risk of withdrawing service
from schools that complete the buyback
form incorrectly.
Services withdrawn
Video conference service
System logs have shown that schools no longer use the WSGFL video conferencing service as they
start to use other mainstream services therefore the service will be withdrawn from April 2014.
SIMS Learning Gateway –
component of broadband and
WSGFL hosted services
Uptake of this AtomWide-hosted WSGFL service element is very low. It will therefore be removed
from the Service Level Agreements for 2014/15. However, Capita children’s services are contacting
each school that is using SLG to discuss how they can transfer to the company’s nationally provided
hosted service instead.
Data Exchange and Remote
This SLA has been withdrawn for 2014 however data transfer and remote support will be still
available through existing provisions. ITS Support for these services for schools and academies that
do not take the Broadband and Wide Area Networks Service will be chargeable at the rates outlined
in the Schools IT Support Service.
Capita IT Services summary
Broadband and Wide Area Network services summary – restructured for 2014
The Broadband and Wide Area Network (WAN) services SLA provides the infrastructure to connect your establishment to a range of services
on the internet and the local West Sussex County Council wide area network. This managed service offers you fast connection speeds, together
with a managed firewall security service that enables secure sites to site communication across the school’s wide area network. This service
also provides the direct authority for school remote control service used by the Schools Financial Support Team and ICT Services.
Service key features
Resilient internet connectivity – our
network offers synchronous data
transmission/reception speeds of up to
10Mb/s or 30Mb/s for primary schools and
100Mb/s for secondary schools
Managed IP address range – your school
is allocated a range of unique IP addresses
from which connected devices can
communicate within the school wide area
Dynamic host configuration protocol
(DHCP) – the Capita WAN router
dynamically allocates IP addresses within
a specified range from the router that
connects the school network to the West
Sussex schools WAN.
School network access configuration
changes – offering the balance of
functionality versus security – if a school
wishes to use new services across the
internet the Capita team will assess the
request from both technical security and
child-safeguarding perspectives to give you
ultimate peace of mind that your data and
learners are safe when online
Remote support via DameWare mini
remote control – schools on the West
Sussex Wide Area Network are able
to receive support from West Sussex
Capita partnership services via the use of
DameWare mini remote control. Schools
who do not subscribe to this service are
required to make alternative arrangements
for secure remote support
Schools data exchange – secure file
transfer service enabling the school and
local authority to exchange sensitive data
relating to pupil and staff information. This
is performed using the Avco Anycomms and
GroupCall Xporter applications.
Support from West Sussex based network
engineers - who can reach your site within
two working hours of a service affecting
event being detected or reported
Pages 3&4
Support Services for Schools
Schools IT support service
Additional Services:
The schools IT support service provides SLA
assured PC, server and peripheral support
for the school office and administration
functions coupled with a range of extended
IT products and services that are of benefit
to the whole school.
Local Area Network Support
and installation
Key features:
Your core service:
IT service desk
It’s available 12 hours a day 07:00 – 19:00
(Monday to Friday, excluding public
Telephone and remote support
This is provided by our experienced school
PC and server support analysts. If we can’t
talk you through a problem then we can
show you through DameWare mini remote
Schools hosted IT Services new for 2014
In October 2013, the West Sussex Schools
Forum endorsed a decision to migrate from
the former AtomWide WSGFL solution to
Services offer you hosted services that are
highly resilient, highly performing, scalable
and give you increased control of your
To keep year one costs down to an
affordable level for schools and academies
in 2014. the cost of migration from the
AtomWide Service to OPENHIVE will be
spread over the next five years.
OPENHIVE offers a range of excellent
online services for schools. Many of the
services we are introducing offer you direct
and improved replacements to the former
WSGFL service. A number of other services
will also be introduced to you by 2015/16.
Service key features:
Account and identity
Never has managing your user estate been
so easy - OPENHIVEid is an automated
service that uses the staff and pupil data
you hold in SIMS to create and manage the
user accounts and groups for access to all
OPENHIVE services
Web filtering solution (site
level internet filtering solution)
The service is designed to be flexible by
providing different levels of granularity; it
offers a high standard of protection whilst
not hampering staff or pupils internet use
(which can often be a problem because
of overly ridged filtering policies). To help
schools get the most from this service we
give schools the ability to manage and
change web filtering to meet their own
Please note: for 2014 the OPENHIVEwebshield
Web Filtering Service remains dependent on
the School taking the Broadband and Wide
Area Network services SLA.
Moodle service hosting
Staff and student email
(including email filtering)
MoodleDo provides the following modules
in a fully managed and supported
• Assignments
• Forums
• Questionnaires and surveys
• Wikis
• Resource links
• Calendars
The OPENHIVELive product provides
a well-regarded email service for both
staff and learners based on the Microsoft
Office 365 email system. This cloud-based
service offers full email filtering and virus
protection, abundant managed/resilient
storage and a familiar user friendly interface
that is intuitive to even the newest user.
• Outlook live email and calendar with 10GB
online storage
• Calendar synchronisation from your SIMS
• Importantly, online management of
this service puts you in control of the
experience and facilities used by your staff
and learners.
Website hosting
OPENHIVEshare web site hosting is a
fully managed service, hosted on robust
and resilient architecture, supported by
load balancing and replication services to
maintain high availability and performance
(significant during ‘snow days’).
The Capita OPENHIVE moodledo service
frees up the school from hosting,
managing, supporting and updating its
own learning platform. Like all OPENHIVE
services described in this document user
account provisioning is fully integrated with
a school’s MIS system through OPENHIVEid
automatically, rather than having to
manually create user accounts and class
Domain Name Service (DNS)
The Domain Name Service (DNS) is the
way in which the network address of your
school’s internet services are given a reader
friendly name. OPENHIVE resolve provides
your school with the service to manage your
schools website and moodle presence on the
internet allowing it to be located by parents,
learners and staff using its domain name (for
IT procurement through a framework of
competitive suppliers
Capita IT services and its procurement
partners have access to very competitive
pricing on a range of IT services, hardware,
software and peripherals. We supply our
products to meet your IT needs anywhere in
the school.
Anti-Virus support
Capita licences the industry recognised and
respected McAfee Anti-Virus solution for
use for West Sussex schools and academies.
Schools subscribing to this service are
entitled to use this essential security
software whilst they remain on the service.
Virus definitions are updated daily from the
internet, while Capita SITST manage the
distribution of service packs and upgrades
to schools.
With extensive experience supporting
industry recognised and respected brands
such as CISCO and HP, the Capita network
support teams can provide you support
and installation for your school’s Local Area
Scheduled on-site curriculum
support service
Capita provide an on-site technician service
to assist schools supporting and managing
their IT facilities. This comprises a number
of IT support and maintenance functions
required by schools on both the school’s
curriculum and administration IT facilities.
This service is based around a close ongoing relationship with the school and is
managed through a separate SLA. Although
we perform a wide range of services while
on-site the following list comprises some of
the most common:
• Maintain and check backups each visit
anage users, file shares and permissions
on Windows networks
• E nsure that antivirus software is kept up
to date
• E nsure that Microsoft Operating System
and application critical updates, patches,
and service packs are installed
• Installation of software, PC’s, peripherals
• Troubleshoot errors
• Offer advice on IT-related purchases
• Create help documents for teachers
• P rovide assistance within the ICT during
lessons to attend to any faults that may
Education ICT advice &
This service helps you to make the most of
your current and future IT services through
our ITS educational consultancy team.
Whatever your need is we can provide
you with advice on the new and emerging
technologies in the field of education ICT.
On-demand on-site technical
support and installation
In addition to scheduled maintenance visits
and education ICT consultancy, Capita SITST
is also available to attend your school to
perform installation and technical support
Hardware maintenance service
Even the most reliable IT equipment will
at some time or another experience a
hardware fault. Capita ITS provides an
optional on-site hardware maintenance
service to get your PC, Server or peripheral
working again as soon as possible. From
logging your call by telephone the Capita
SITST team will call you within 4 hours to
confirm diagnosis, our hardware contractor
will then visit your site within one working
day to repair or replace your faulty device
or component.
Support for ICT project
Whether it is for a new build, extensions
or a simple IT equipment refresh, Capita
SITST is experienced in providing project
implementation support for West Sussex
schools and academies. IT Services have
access to educational ICT consultants,
project management, implementation
teams and trainers that will help your
project run smoothly.
Technology training services
Capita IT services has access to a framework
of suppliers who provide subject matter
experts in a range of IT services and
applications for educators, support staff and
technicians. We can source training services
that are more competitively priced than
other Microsoft, Adobe and Apple, training
Pages 5&6
Support services for schools
SLA or service component
What’s changing?
Capita HR Solutions
Employment support SLAs
Move to online
submission of HR
administration and
payroll data in 2014
We can look after all your HR needs – everything from the admin basics through to specialist
advice – saving you time and money and enabling you to be fully compliant with current legislation.
Thousands of schools and academies – representing some 66,000 staff – have outsourced these
services to us. We’ve been active in the field since the early 1990s and we’ve gained considerable
practical experience of how schools operate and what they need. We offer a flexible and costeffective solution to this most complex of your back-office functions – leaving you much more free
to concentrate on teaching.
Benefits to school or academy
• S chools will be able to complete ad-hoc claims
for pay and sickness absences by entering data
through the portal
• This will improve turnaround times and extend the
deadlines for completing these entries
We can also look after all your HR functions, your resourcing, payroll, staff absence and contracts of employment. We can
provide training on HR legislation and practice, a fully comprehensive set of templates covering job descriptions, policies
and other relevant HR related matters professional HR advice and case management specialist advice and guidance – both
to schools and to local authorities.
What's changing?
Introduction of a
new “ask a question”
• In response to complaints about accessing
information via the WSGfL we are developing an
FAQ tool which can be accessed through the portal.
This will make finding HR and payroll information
Introduction of a
new HR professional
support helpline
• All our customers are now able to call the HR team
directly for professional support and guidance
• Where a case is complex this change enables earlier
allocation of your case to a named advisor
Here are the notable changes for the HR SLAs introduced for the new 2014 term:
SLA or service component
What’s changing?
Benefits to school or academy
Employment support SLAs
Introduction of two
and three year SLAs
• Prices for a three year SLA have been frozen in year
one with maximum price increases also fixed for
years two and three. This represents our continued
commitment to pass back in year savings to our
customers through competitive pricing.
Annual SLA price increase is
less than Retail Price Index
• For those wishing to remain on an annual SLA our
price increases for the second year in a row are less
than RPI
Provision of an annual HR
training programme
• Customers can access high quality HR training
which has been designed specifically for a school
clientele and which is delivered by our HR
professional support team
Provision of a health and safety
training programme
•Customers can access high quality health and
safety training either face to face or via e-learning
Introduction of
gold and platinum
‘bolt on’ services
• In response to customers who wish to purchase
face to face support and other bespoke services
our ‘bolt on’ options for HR and health and safety
give you more choice on how your services are
Introduction of a
school and academy
account manager
• Our named account manager will support schools
and academies wishing to:
- commission bespoke HR consultancy or training
- give feedback on our services in year
- support transition to academy status
• Through our portal for schools, customers will be
able to submit starter, leaver and variation forms
electronically reducing the risk of lost paperwork,
time delays for postage and errors arising from
incomplete forms
Implementation of an online
tool for reporting accidents
and incidents and a health and
safety self-assessment tool
• The continued introduction of online tools enable
schools and academies to effectively undertake
their employers responsibilities with regard to
health and safety
Capita SIMS solution
SIMS (School Information Management System) is a world-class management information system
used by over 22,000 schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
It’s so much more than a management information system, it is designed to adapt and meet your changing needs. We have
been listening to your feedback and last year we helped many of you implement SOLUS (SIMS Online Upgrading Systems),
this reduces the time you spend deploying and upgrading SIMS across your network. It is an example of work under our
partnership with West Sussex; it’s at no extra charge and it delivers added-value to schools and academies. Under the
partnership, we aim to support you and drive school improvement from more effective use of data and SIMS. Our people
are all driven by a common goal – to deliver a high quality services to schools and academies at reasonable price. We are
proud of our long history of supporting schools to achieve excellence. Many of our staff are former headteachers, deputies,
teachers and ICT managers and understand the unique issues in education.
What's changing? At this current time the SIMs SLA’s remain unchanged:
SLA or service component
What’s changing?
Benefits to school or academy
SIMS support including these elements:
• SIMS Support Desk
• Termly SIMS newsletters and update
• Delivery via SOLUS of SIMS Releases
• Discounted SIMS on-site consultancy
• Discounted SIMS training courses
• SIMS liaison with outside agencies
Service terms are unchanged
• P rompt case resolution so you can complete your
task quickly- over 6 in every 10 cases are resolved
on the first point of contact and within 20 minutes.
• Access to a large range of high quality and low cost
SIMS training and staff CD: hjwich are offered from
north and south west sussex venues
eing kept up to date first hand by the originators
and developers of SIMS through events,
newsletters, our portal and emails:
• Single contact point for both SIMS and School Fund
Manager support
Provides support for Pebble’s School
Fund Manager and Fund Manager
Service terms are unchanged.
NB: Support is expected to be
limited to Fund Manager version
8, effective 1st January 2014
onwards. We are currently in
discussion with Pebble over this.
• low cost option to add School Fund Manager
support (level 2) to SIMS support (level 1).
Pages 7&8
Support services for schools
Price List - IT Services
Capita IT Services
2014 Price
Lump Sum Per Pupil
1 Year 3 Year
Price List - Employment Support
Schools IT support service:
hardware maintenance charges (per device)
Desktop £26.08
Server £130.41
Network Printer £20.85
Local Printer £20.85
Scanner £20.85
£691.89£1.27 YesYes
Primary/Special £552.90£3.02 YesYes
£817.60£1.02 YesYes
Capita IT Services - additional schools IT
support services
2014 Price
On-site chargeable tech (hour)
Scheduled On-site Curriculum
Support Service
Education ICT advice and
Project Implementation Support
Day Rate (not on SLA)
Training Services
Hardware Maintenance Support
See separate table
2014 Price (per device)
Service/School Type
2014 Price
Primary, Special or Nursery
Date of Billing
Bonded DSL for Hard to
Reach Schools
Single Year 8 - 20 Mb/s
Connection (depending
on distance to
telephone exchange)
1st April 2014 31st March 2015
Summer 2014
Basic single year
Single Year up to
10 Mb/s Connection
1st April 2014 31st March 2015
Summer 2014
Basic single year
Single Year up to
30 Mb/s Connection
1st April 2014 –
31st March 2015
Summer 2014
Enhanced bandwidth
Flexibility of single
year service
Multiple Year up to
30 Mb/s Connection
1st April 2014 –
31st March 2017
Summer 2014,
2015 and 2016
£5,115 per year
(£15,345 for 3
year term)
Enhanced 30Mb/s
bandwidth for price
of basic 10Mb/s.
Single Year up to
100Mb/s Connection
1st April 2014 31st March 2015
Summer 2014
Fixed annual charge.
Basic single year
Summer 2014,
2015 and 2016
£ 10,230 per
year (£30,690
for 3 year term)
Fixed annual charge.
*Qualifying Primary Schools obtain a free upgrade to 30Mb/s connectivity if they choose the 3 year SLA. i.e. fixed price £5,115 per
year for 3 years, plus upgrade to 30Mb/s connection.
The prices shown are for the 2014/15 buy back process
Lump Sum
Lump Sum
Level 2 - 1 year
(2.5% increase)
Level 2 - 2 year
(prices for year 1
2% increase)
£321.33 £21.42
£221.36 £61.59
Per Pupil
£218.50 £21.41
£218.50 £21.41
£327.75 £21.84
£225.79 £62.82
Per Pupil
Level 1 - 1 year
(2.5% increase)
£219.57 £7.32
£219.57 £7.32
£329.36 £7.46
SLA Level
Level 1
Price increase
Level 2a - 3 year Level 2a - 2 year Level 2a - 1 year Level 2b - 3 year Level 2b - 2 year Level 2b - 1 year
Price frozen for Price increase
Price increase Price frozen for Price increase
Price increase
year 1
year 1
Academies health & safety
1st April 2014 31st March 2017
Per Pupil
£223.92 £7.45 £218.46 £21.40 £222.83£21.83 £223.92£21.94 £142.10£13.93 £144.94 £14.21 £145.65£14.27
Secondary £335.88 £7.61 £327.69 £21.83 £334.24£22.27 £335.88£22.38 £213.16 £14.21 £217.42 £14.49 £218.49£14.56
£231.38 £21.88£225.74 £62.81 £230.25£64.07 £231.38£64.38
Service Option
Multiple Year up to
100Mb/s Connection
Lump Sum
Level 2 - 3 year
(prices frozen for year 1)
SLA Type
3 Year
Service/School Type
Per Pupil
Broadband and Wide Area Network services
Primary, Special or
Lump Sum
Schools hosted IT services (OpenHive)
1 Year
Lump Sum
Per Pupil
Lump Sum
Per Pupil
Lump Sum
Per Pupil
3 year SLA –
Price Frozen in Year 1
£54.06£3.60 £55.14 £3.67 £55.41£3.69
£36.04 £3.42 £36.76 £3.49 £36.94£3.51
£37.24£10.36 £37.98£10.57 £38.17£10.62
2 year SLA –
Price increase 2%
1 year SLA – Price
increase 2.5%
Academies advert placement SLA
Lump Sum
SIMs support service
SIMS support service:
No price increase on either level 1 or 2.
• SIMS Support Desk
• Termly SIMS Newsletters &
Update Seminars
• Delivery via SOLUS of SIMS
• Discounted SIMS On-site
• Discounted SIMS Training
• SIMS Liaison with Outside
Level 1 service terms are unchanged
Support for Pebble’s School Fund
Manager and Fund Manager
Level 2 service terms are unchanged.
NB: Support is expected to be limited
to Fund Manager version 8, effective 1st
January 2014 onwards. We are currently
in discussion with Pebble over this.
Primary: Lump sum £575 + £3.434 per pupil
Secondary: Lump sum £2,339 + £3.0134 per pupil
Nursery: Lump sum £727 + £1.4635 per pupil
Special: Lump sum £362 + £0.9335 per pupil
NB: Separate SIMS Annual Entitlement fees apply.
£30 per school or academy
Pages 9&10
Contact us
Capita IT Services- Simon Taylor:
T: 07585 966364
Capita HR Solutions- Lisa Hickman
T: 0330 222 4506
Capita SIMs solutions- Susan Godding
T: 07500 951926
WSCC- Paul Little
T: 07515 332919