February 2013.pub - The Lakes at Castle Rock


February 2013.pub - The Lakes at Castle Rock
Castle Rock Times
Volume 5 Issue 2
Special points of interest:
Inside this issue:
Prank Costs $150
Follow the Rules
No Board Minutes
Home for Sale
Rejuvenating Your
Things To Do
Board Meeting Dates
February Board Agenda
February 2013
Our $150 Prank
The day before the Annual
Meeting someone thought it
would be funny to give the
Rec Center hot tub a bubble
However, our pool maintenance folks had to make a
special trip to clean up the
mess, check to see if there
was any damage to the filtration system and generally
clean up.
Make no mistake, vandalism
(and that’s what this really is)
costs you money… in this
case $150! The control of vandalism is one of the reasons that we had to install the
gate arms! If anyone knows who did this, please let us know.
Please Follow the Rules... Happy Valentines!
Keep Them Leashed in the Lakes!
According to Tucson City Code and the
Lakes CC&R rules, it is
unlawful to allow any dog
to run at large. Dogs
must be kept on a sixfoot leash while off the
owner's property and
must be confined or restrained while on the owner's property.
(Source: http://cms3.tucsonaz.gov/
There continues to be complaints about
dogs running free. Compliance to the
Code will be enforced and the Pima
County Animal Control does patrol our
neighborhood. The fine is about $300.
Happy Valentines Day and thanks to Shirley
and the Social Committee for the decorations in the gate houses.
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Page 2
Why Are There No Board Minutes In This Issue?
There are no Board Minutes in this February issue of the Castle Rock Times because the December minutes have
not been approved. And that is because in January we have the Annual Meeting, but no Board Meeting. The last set
of approved Board Minutes were for the November meeting and those were printed in the January issue. (and we
saw no reason to repeat them here). You will find the approved December minutes in the March issue.
Account Balances - December 2012
December 2012
November 2012
Volunteer Now
Your Lakes Homeowners Association invites you to participate on
one of our several community
committees. These committees
help create plans and solve issues
in regards to many important projects.
Openings include:
Newsletter - gathers, writes and
helps publish this new formatted ,
electronic newsletter.
Design Review Committee Reviews and approves requests
from homeowners to make
“design” changes to their properties such as changing their house
color, putting on an addition, putting in a pool, etc.
Lakes Committee - Addresses
issues with and makes future plans
for the lakes within our community.
Parking Committee - Addresses
issues with and makes future plans
for the parking rules and provisions within our community.
Security / Gate Committee Addresses issues with and
makes future plans for the security within our community, including issues with the entrance
and exit gates.
Roads / Walkways Committee - Addresses issues with and
makes future plans for the roads
and walkways within our community.
Recreational Facilities Committee - Addresses issues with
and makes future plans for the
recreational facilities within our
community including the Rec
Center, Fitness Center, and surrounding areas.
Social / Welcome Committee - Plans community events,
such as the annual yard sale, and
coordinates activities for wel-
coming new homeowners to the community.
Reserve Study Committee - Determines long-term budget needs for the
community in regards to capital items.
Many of these committees have only
one or even no representatives.
Please contact our Community Manager, Edna Balko at Cadden Management or one of the HOA Board Member if you are interested in helping in
any capacity. Even just a couple of
hours a month would be a great help.
Thank you.
Castle Rock Times
Page 3
Homes For Sale In The Lakes
According to the listings on www.realtor.com, as of February 9, 2013 the following houses were for sale in
the Lakes. The Castle Rock Times takes no responsibility for errors of commission, omission, accuracy,
errors and/or changes. This information is for your enjoyment only so , please don’t shoot the messenger.
Instead, please consult a qualified real estate agent to verify information and to receive additional details.
2510 Castle Rock Road
4,279 Sq Ft house on a .54 acre lot
5 bed. 6 bath
MLS: 21222011
2418 N Lake Star Drive
2,335 Sq Ft house on a .11 acre lot
4 bed. 3 bath
MLS: 21223345
9533 E. Lake Star Place 2,065 Sq Ft house on a .20 acre lot
3 bed. 2 bath
MLS: 21120085
2550 N Falling Water Court
3,143 Sq Ft house on .36 acre lot
3 bed. 3 bath
MLS: 21214575
9517 N Lake Star Place
1,812 Sq Ft house on a .34 acre lot
4 bed. 2 bath
MLS: 21301887
2560 N Lightning A Drive
4,279 Sq Ft house on a .65 acre lot
5 bed. 6 bath
MLS: 21225304
9804 E Sandcastle Court
2,298 Sq Ft house on a .23 acre lot
3 bed. 2 bath
MLS: 21301629
No sign on property.
New this month.
Price reduced since last month’s issue
Recent Home Sales (as reported by Realtor.com):
January 4 2013 - 9537 E. Shadow Lake Court sold for $250,000. 3 bed. 2 bath. 2,022 Sq Ft.
December 7 2012 - 2313 N Catalina Vista Place sold for $345,000. 4 bed. 2 bath. 2,572 Sq Ft
October 4, 2012 - 9757 E Sandcastle Court sold for $262,500. 3 bed. 2 bath. 1,968 Sq Ft .
September 19, 2012 - 2390 N Creek Vista Drive sold for $175,000. 3 bed. 2 bath 1,263 Sq Ft .
September 25, 2012 - 9621 E Shadow Lake Court sold for $172,500. 3 bed. 2 bath. 1,255 Sq Ft
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Rejuvenating Your Bushes
By Jon Gibson
Complete Landscaping
Now that it seems we are
starting to average 60 degrees at night, it should be
safe to start rejuvenation
an plants that seem to be
thin, old, or over grown.
older or
extends their life and improves their aesthetic
value. One method is to
cut all stems about 12-18
inches above the ground.
This is a severe measure
and changes the appearance drastically. However,
when done in spring before bud burst, a great
proliferation of stems will
grow just below each cut
by mid-summer. At that
time, about half of the
stems should be removed
and the remaining ones
should be cut back to different heights. Varying the
height and cutting just
above an outward pointing
bud will stimulate growth
of new branches out of the
canopy. This procedure
works well for larger fast
growing shrubs like Texas
rangers, xylosma, and oleander and for slower
growing shrubs like hop
bush and creosote. Some
shrubs such as cassias, arborvitae and junipers do
not respond favorably to
this treatment and might
die. Rosemary is also not a
candidate for this procedure. Thicker stems of
older rosemary shrubs
without needles should not
be cut because they do not
initiate new shoots behind
the cut. The voids created
by cutting woody stems of
creeping rosemary will not
be filled in by new growth.
Several smaller shrubs
such as brittle bush, autumn sage, and Mexican
honeysuckle benefit from
being cut to six inches
above the ground annually.
They don’t require any
follow-up thinning of the
new growth. Cutting frostdamaged plants back close
to the ground after the
danger of frost has passed
in spring rejuvenates lantana and red bird of paradise.
A less severe approach to
rejuvenating shrubs is to
half or
more of
the older
unproductive branches at the
base of the plant or those
growing into the canopy.
This thins out the plant to
a much greater extent than
regular maintenance pruning. Follow-up care requires removing a portion
of the new shoots a couple
of weeks later, which
might be too numerous
and result in an overly
dense canopy. The third
method of rejuvenation
spans three to four years
and is less noticeable.
About one third to a quarter of the oldest unproductive branches are removed each year. This
method requires thinning
excess branches and cutting back the remaining
new branches as described
Reference: Ursula K.
Schuch; Pruning Shrubs in the
Low and Mid-Elevation Deserts in Arizona; Published:
October 2009; The University of Arizona Agriculture
Our thanks to Complete Landscaping and especially to Jon Gibson for this advice. Complete Landscaping
has been keeping the common areas of the Lakes in the beautiful condition which makes the neighborhood
so enjoyable and our guest’s envious. Jon is a monthly contributor to your Castle Rock Times with great
horticultural guidance.
2013 Board Members and Officers:
Mel Silverman
Chris Kaselemis
Steve Schuldenfrei
Frank Maier
Doug Baker
Terry Kellman
Shirley Henning
Chris Burt
Lee Smith
Vice President
Castle Rock Times
All Around
Page 5
Things to Do!
The following activities and information are supplied by The Tucson
Convention and Visitors Website (www.visittucson.org/events/calendar):
Tucson Desert Song Festival Now until Feb 07. A 10-day classical voice festival bringing internationally known soloists and conductors to perform alongside Tucson Symphony Orchestra, Tucson
Chamber Artists, University of Arizona School of Music, UApresents, Chamber Music Plus, and
Ballet Tucson at varied locations.
Tucson Gem, Mineral & Fossil
Showcase - Now until Feb 17.
This international marketplace of
gems, minerals, fossils, beads
and jewelry-making supplies as
well as museum and collector exhibits and other treasures includes more than 40 different locations across town. (also see:
59th Tucson Gem & Mineral Show
- Feb 14 -17.)
59th Tucson Gem & Mineral
Show - Now until 17. Tucson
Gem and Mineral Society presents Tucson's original gem show
with displays featuring "Fluorite,
Colors of the Rainbow" and more
at Tucson Convention Center.
American Indian Exposition Now until Feb 27. American Indian artists and artisans selling
original art, craftworks, and native
foods, along with music and dancers poolside on Sat-Sun at Flamingo Quality Inn.
Arizona Wildcats Hockey - Now
until Feb 23. The University of Arizona Wildcats Men's Ice Hockey
team plays 20 home games at
Tucson Convention Center Arena.
Ketubah Exhibit at Tucson Jewish History Museum - Now until
Feb 28. Jewish History Museum
hosts a Ketubah (Wedding) ex-
hibit showcasing wedding dresses
and Jewish marriage contracts
dating back to the 1600s. Fashion show on Jan 1, 2 pm.
The Invisible Theatre: First
Kisses - Now until Mar 03. The
Invisible Theatre presents a heartwarming play that explores the life
-long relationship between John
and Mary, which has lasted from
when they were eleven years old
to when they are well into their
70s, at the Invisible Theatre.
The Jazz Loft Project: Photographs and Tapes of W. Eugene
Smith, 1957-1965 - Now until Mar
10. At the U of A Center for Creative Photography, this exhibition of
photographs and audio recordings
chronicles an extraordinary chapter in American jazz history and
the climate in which it occurred.
From 1957 to 1965, famed photographer W. Eugene Smith (1918
-1978) documented the late-night
soirees inside a dilapidated New
York City loft where some of the
jazz world's greatest legends
(Charles Mingus, Zoot Sims, Bill
Evans, and Thelonious Monk, to
name a few.
DeGrazia Way of the Cross Exhibition - Now until May 15. The
annual showing of American
painter Ted DeGrazia's The Way
of the Cross is on display through
Lent with 15 original oil paintings
the depict the suffering and crucifixion of Christ at Gallery in the
Sun. Instead of the traditional 14
Stations of the Cross, DeGrazia's
collection culminates with the resurrection.
Beginning Bird Walks & Open
House at Mason Center - Now
until May 25. Learn bird-watching
basics and how to identify backyard birds commonly seen in the
Tucson area at the Mason Center
on Saturdays. RSVP required.
Crystalline Treasures: The Mineral Heritage of China - Now until Nov 28. The UA Mineral Museum's new "Crystalline Treasures. The Mineral Heritage of
China" exhibit will be on display
seven days a week through
Thanksgiving, 2013.
UA Dance "Premium Blend" Feb 14 - Mar 03. The UA School
of Dance presents eight nonconsecutive performances with
classic and new choreography at
UA Stevie Eller Dance Theatre.
Mata Ortiz Pottery Demonstration by Oralia Lopez - Feb 15.
Arizona Experience Store presents a Mata Ortiz painting demonstration by well-known potter
Oralia Lopez.
National Fastpitch Softball
Leadoff Classic - Feb 15 - 17. As
part of the Tucson Invitational
Games, the National Fastpitch
Coaches Association (NFCA) presents a Division II Women's Softball Leadoff Classic at Lincoln
Park North/South Complex.
Arizona Wildcats Baseball -Feb
15 - 17. The UA Wildcats Baseball
team plays against Coppin State
University (Baltimore, Maryland)
in the 2013 season opener at Hi
Corbett Field, Reid Park.
Kona "24 Hours in the Old
Pueblo" - Feb 15 - 17. Epic Rides
hosts one of the world's largest 24
-hour endurance mountain-bike
Things to Do Continue on page 6...
Castle Rock Times
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Things to Do Continue from page 5...
events, which courses past the
Tortolita, Catalina, and Galiuro
mountains; watch or help raise
funds for the event.
Passionately, Piazzolla - Feb 15
- 17. As part of the Tucson Desert
Song Festival, Ballet Tucson and
Chamber Music Plus portray legendary composer Astor Piazzolla's life through music, voice,
acting and dance at Temple of
Music and Art.
TSO Classic Series: Verdi's
Requiem! - Feb 15 - 17. The Tucson Symphony Orchestra presents George Hanson, conductor,
in conjunction with the Tucson
Desert Song Festival, at Tucson
Music Hall.
TSO Valentine's Concert special: Joshua Bell - Feb 16. Tucson Symphony Orchestra, conducted by George Hanson, presents violinist Joshua Bell in concert at Tucson Music Hall.
Arizona SciTech Festival - Tech
- Feb 16. A showcase for science, University of Arizona technology development, and engineering and math programs presented at Tucson Electric Power
headquarters downtown Tucson.
Exhibits will feature information
about innovations in technologies
such as optics, information technology, biosciences, aerospace
and defense, electronics and
semiconductors, and environmental technology/alternative energy.
Oro Valley Charity Classic Car
Show, BBQ & Blues Festival Feb 16. Judges rate more than 50
classes of antique, classic, muscle cars and trucks, doling out
awards at Oro Valley Marketplace.
Family SciFest at Children's
Museum Tucson - Feb 16. Interactive science experiments and
demonstrations at Children's Museum Tucson.
Tucson Boys Chorus Classic
Concert- Feb 16. The renowned
Tucson Boys Chorus presents a
concert of classics at Our Mother
of Sorrows Church.
Old Tucson: Shoot-out at the
Chaparral - Feb 16 - 17. Gunfighters and western characters
from all over the country converge
at Old Tucson to compete for titles
in front of judges from the film and
performance industries. Lawdawgs, Outlaws, Wild Women of
the West, and a variety of western
characters will compete each day
for the title of "Last, and Best,
Gunfight Group Standing."
FC Tucson Desert Diamond
Cup - Feb 16 - 23. FC Tucson,
Kino Sports Complex, and Major
League Soccer host a four-game
tournament featuring four professional soccer teams at Kino
Sports Complex.
La Fiesta de los Vaqueros
(Tucson Rodeo) - Feb 16 - 24.
The Tucson Rodeo, or La Fiesta
de los Vaqueros (Celebration of
the Cowboy), is one of the top 25
professional rodeos in North
America. Located at the Tucson
Rodeo Grounds, Feb 16-17, 2124.
World Golf-Accenture Match
Play Championship - Feb 18 24. One of the biggest draws on
the PGA TOUR circuit, this singleelimination match play tournament features the Official World
Golf Rankings' top 64 professional golfers in a contest for a
$1.4 million grand prize at the Ritz
-Carlton Golf Club, Dove Mountain.
Sahuaro Classic Horse Show Feb 20 - 24. Horse Shows in the
Sun presents the fourth of its sixweek Arizona Winter Circuit with
hunter, jumper and equitation
classes for novice and experienced riders. Pima County Fairgrounds.
Tucson Rodeo Parade - Feb 21.
Tucson's mostly horse-drawn parade has been presented since
1925, and is considered the country's largest non-motorized parade.
Arizona Icecat Hockey vs ASU Feb 22 - 23. In the final home
games of the season, the University of Arizona "Icecats" Men's Ice
Hockey team plays against Arizona State University (Tempe) at
Tucson Convention Center Arena.
February 23 is Fan Appreciation
Kix Brooks of Brooks & Dunn
in Concert - Feb 23. Desert Diamond Casino, Sahuarita, presents
Kix Brooks of 'Brooks and Dunn'
for an "official Tucson Rodeo Concert" at the Diamond Center.
Los Gallegos in After-Rodeo
Concert - Feb 23. Los Gallegos
perform cumbia, Tejano, norteno,
classic rock and more in a free
concert billed as the "Official Tucson Rodeo After-Party" at Desert
Diamond Casino Monsoon Nightclub.
Double C Roping Contest - Feb
23. An amateur roping contest
hosted by the Double C Roping
Company takes place at the Marana Heritage Arena.
Last Saturday Mountain Bike
Ride - Feb 23. The Sonoran Desert Mountain Bicyclists hosts a
group mountain bike-ride on the
last Saturday of the month.
Things to Do Continue on page 8...
Castle Rock Times
Page 7
From the Desk of The Social Director
Friday, February 22
Rec Center
Fun and Games in 2013
February 16
February 22
March 22
April, 26
May 18
May 24
June 28
July 21
July 26
August 17
August 23
October 25
November 16
November 22
The Social
Committee has
received numerous request
to have a craft
class as an activity at the Recreation Center.
To honor your request, we
will have a round robin discussion on Sunday, March 17,
from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. For
the get together we are asking you to share your crafts
and ideas with us. We will be
looking to name our class so,
put on your thinking caps and
let’s see what we can
come up with. There will
be a prize awarded to the
person coming up with the
chosen name.
Remember, the Library will
open again on Saturday,
February 16, and Bingo on
Friday, February 22.
From your Social Committee, Happy Valentine’s Day
to you and yours.
Saturday, February 16
Come To The
2:00 PM TO 4:00 PM
Rec Center
You must give to get! Donate Books, CDs, DVDs, Magazines &
Puzzles and then you can take items at this event. Call Shirley
at 760-3181 and she or one of her elves will pick up your donations. Refreshments, socializing and meeting the Welcome
Committee members are all on the agenda. So stop by and
enjoy this Lakes activity.
Come to the Board Meetings
The Lakes at Castle Rock Homeowners Association (HOA) holds a
Board of Directors meeting each
month. Homeowners and renters
are always welcome and, in fact, encouraged to attend.
The meetings starts at 6:30 pm with a half hour “open
forum” where each resident can speak to the Board
with issues of concern or praise. At 7:00 pm we start
with the meeting itself. Again residents are encouraged
to listen, but normally are not included in the discussion.
The meetings are held on the last Monday of the month
unless holidays intrude.
The 2013 meeting schedule is:
Monday, February 25
Monday, March 18 *
Monday, April 29
Monday, May 20*
Monday, June 24
Monday, July 29
Monday, August 26
Monday, September 30
Monday, October 28
Monday, November 25
Monday, December 30
* A week earlier than usual.
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Page 8
Things to Do Continue from page 6...
Broadway Rocks! - TSO Pops!
Series - Feb 23 - 24. Tucson Symphony Orchestra presents four of
Broadway’s hottest vocalists with
show-stoppers from The Wiz, Hairspray, Jesus Christ Superstar,
Mamma Mia, Tommy and more at
Tucson Music Hall.
Southwest Indian Art Fair - Feb
23 - 24. Arizona State Museum
presents a premier American Indian art show and market, honoring featured artist Gerry Quotskuyva and including 200 artists,
performances, demonstrations,
auctions and Native foods.
Oscar Night America 2013 - Feb
24. Oscar Experience® Tucson
2013 is Tucson's only Oscar event
officially sanctioned by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and
Sciences. This event will take
place at the Fox Tucson Theatre.
This year's theme will honor
James Bond and will feature
"Bond-related" adventure packages for raffle, memorabilia silent
auction and "Bond Girls." Guests
are encouraged to partake in the
fun by donning their glitziest glam
for the stroll down the "red carpet"
and enjoy the Parade of Stars
fashion presentation with local
Arizona Winter Festival Horse
Show - Feb 27 - Mar 03. Horse
Shows in the Sun presents the
fifth of its six-week Arizona Winter
Circuit with hunter, jumper and equitation classes for novice and experienced riders. Pima County
Tucson Invitational Games Baseball - Feb 28 - Mar 30. The
Tucson Invitational Games hosts
the third annual collegiate baseball
spring training games featuring DII
and DIII NCAA, NAIA, and Junior
College teams played at Kino
Sports Complex.
Arizona Theatre Company: 'The
Sunshine Boys' - Mar 02 - 23.
Arizona Theatre Company presents Neil Simon's comic masterpiece about growing old, at the
Temple of Music and Art.
Oro Valley Spring Festival of
the Arts - Mar 02 - 03. The Oro
Valley Festival of the Arts at Oro
Valley Marketplace features works
by the finest regional artisans and
TSO Piano Trio Mak and Millie Just for Kids - Mar 02. Tucson
Symphony Orchestra presents
informal musical adventure "just
for kids" featuring TSO violinist
Michael Fan at Tucson Symphony
The Clark-Schuldmann Duo in
Concert - Mar 03 Chamber Music
Plus presents Harry and Sanda's
adaptation of Couperin, Schumann and Prokofiev at the Grace
St. Paul's Episcopal Church.
Flute Concert at Yume Japanese Gardens - Mar 08. Yume
Japanese Gardens holds its firstever concert when it welcomes
master bamboo flute player Alcvin
Ryuzen Ramos, one of the foremost teachers and performers of
shakuhachi in North America, for
an evening performance of haunting traditional shakuhachi music.
Fox Tucson Theatre: Rhythm of
the Dance - Mar 08. Fox Tucson
Theatre presents the National
Dance Company of Ireland combining traditional Irish dance and
music with up-to-date stage technology.
AZ Opera: II Trovatore - Mar 09 10. Arizona Opera presents
Verdi’s ever-popular opera, which
includes “Anvil Chorus,” one of
the most famous pieces of music
ever composed, and a wealth of
thrilling arias at Tucson Music
Tucson Presidio: Living History
Days - Mar 09. The Tucson Presidio museum/gift shop, re-enacts
1775-1856 Tucson life with craftand food-making and samples,
soldier drills, storytelling, and
30th Annual Wa:k Powwow Mar 09 - 10. Gathering of the Tohono O'odham Nation, with intertribal dances, hoop dance contest, drum contests, crafts and
food at Mission San Xavier del
Tucson Festival of Books - Mar
09 - 10. Tucson celebrates books
and literacy at an all-ages festival,
held outdoors on the University of
Arizona Mall, that attracts 100,000
people, including 450 authors and
performers and 240 exhibitors.
Jazz at Lincoln Center Concert
- Mar 09. UApresents hosts trumpet colossus Wynton Marsalis and
the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra performing in concert at
UA Centennial Hall.
Old Pueblo Grand Prix - Mar 09.
The first event on the 2013 National Criterium Calendar, two professional high-speed bicycling
road races (criterium) for a
$23,000 purse prize, in the heart
of downtown Tucson, featuring
pro and amateur rides, a kids ride,
food carts, a bike product expo,
Optum/TMC Wellness both, and a
Cinelli road bike raffle.
Jim Belushi & the Chicago
Board of Comedy - Mar 10. UA
Centennial Hall presents Jim Belushi with more than thirty years of
experience and an alumnus of
"Saturday Night Live and Chicago
famed Second City, proceeds
benefit U of A Hillel Foundation.
Castle Rock Times
Page 9
February Board Meeting Agenda
Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Monday, February 25 , 2013 6:30 pm
Lakes at Castle Rock Recreation Center
1. QUORUM - A quorum requirement is 4 directors
Mel Silverman, President
Chris Kaselemis, Vice President
Steve Schuldenfrei, Secretary
Frank Maier, Treasurer
Doug Baker, Member at Large
Terry Kellman, Member at Large
Shirley Henning, Member at Large / Social Director
Chris Burt, Member at Large
Lee Smith, Member at Large
3. HOMEOWNER INPUT (30 Minutes)
4. LANDSCAPE - Chris Kaselemis and Jon Gibson
December 17, 2012
January 2013
DRC - Mel Silverman
Landscape - Chris Kaselemis (See #4 above)
Lakes - Doug Baker
Security/Gate - Mel Silverman
Roads/Walkways - Mel Silverman
Recreational/Facilities - Mel Silverman
Communications Committee - Steve Schuldenfrei
Social Director - Shirley Henning
9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Pool Person Responsibilities/Handyman projects
B. Other Business
10. NEW BUSINESS A. Wall painting
B. Gate Code entries
C. Other Business
11. NEXT MEETING - Monday, March 18, 2013
12. ADJOURNMENT - 8:30 p.m.
***To be followed immediately by a brief closed Executive Session, if needed.***
The Lakes at Castle Rock
Homeowners Association
The Castle Rock Times is produced by:
All questions and/or concerns regarding
The Lakes at Castle Rock
should be address to our Manager:
Steve Schuldenfrei
2040 N. Water View Court
Tucson, AZ 85749
Phone: 520 344-7769
Email: lcreditor@cox.net
Ideas, stories, news and help always welcome!
Edna Balko
Cadden Community Management
1870 West Prince Road, Suite 47
Tucson, Arizona 85705
Phone: 520 297-0797
520 742-2618
This and back issues of your
Castle Rock Times
and much more
can be found at
The Lakes at Castle Rock
C/O: Cadden Community Management
1870 West Prince Road, Suite 47
Tucson, Arizona 85705