chit-chat newsletter
chit-chat newsletter
Volume 1, Issue 1 17 April, 2014 In the heart of Ruimsig lies a school A Publication for Students by Students - Well Done! Inside this issue: Swimming Gala 2 Sports Page 3 Valentine Entrepreneurs Day 4 Goodbye Teacher Shalene 5 Art and Culture 6 Celebrating Easter 7 Farewell to Kiron and Tibyan 8 • It is not every day that one sees such professionalism and enthusiasm in young children. The Ruimsig Academy Chit-Chat editorial staff -consisting of students only—has surpassed my wildest dreams; that of publishing a newsletter inspired by children. The appointed staff went through a very professional selection process before any-body could be employed. The children had to prepare a portfolio or example of their work and then had to convince me that they were the right person for the job. 11 years old and a work in progress. I saw amazing presentations and ideas; and most of all, heard the most convincing motivations for the job. My role as Chief Editor is limited to that of mentor, and English Language Arts teacher. All editorial and images are the work of the students. No teacher, or adult helped with this project. However, we do thank them for their time and patience. Thus let us not be too critical of the children’s writing skills. Remember, they are still learning, and are only 10 or Chit Chat Staff Marketing Team: Guillaume McLeish (standby) Daniel Koch— Team Leader Anja McLeish Gabriel Todd Rhys Aldhouse Pienaar— Named our newsletter Reporters: Kerwin Schmidt Omphile Ledwaba—Team Leader Makhotso Saule Lesedi Moremi Photographers Tiana Farial-Bussiahn—Team Leader Abigail Todd Megan Esterhuizen/ The aim of this publication is to inform students, parents and friends of all the wonderful events, accomplishments, creativity and every day happenings in the school. The Chit-Chat will be published at the end of each term. Well done, ChitChat staff, you have done a great job. We are very proud of you and I can’t wait for the next edition! Dylan Foster Lay-out Artists Tibyan Hattingh—Team Leader Luka Hamman Mpho Matyana Lwazi Masilela Runners Georgio Abi Chebli—Team Leader Connor Smith Gr4s and Gr5s Teacher Eugenie Louw Page 2 Ruimsig Chit-Chat Volume 1, Issue 1 SWIMMING GALA On the 8th of February 2014 Ruimsig Academy held its first inter-house swimming gala. It was held at Panorama primary school at Roodepoort. All kids from grade R to grade 7 were placed in different sporting houses. The houses where Hunter, Forrester and Riddle. Hunter represented the red Indians, Forrester represented the blue soldiers and Riddle represented the Hawaiian rainbow nation. THE INTERMEDIATE WINNERS OF THE DAY ARE AS FOLLOWS: The spectacular event started at 8:30 sharp, with all 3 houses singing their clan signature songs followed by the entire school giving a rendition of the new school anthem! The parents contributed to the fun and colourful spirit of the day by wearing the bright colours of the house they supported and cheered loudly! Grade 7 freestyle boys: 1st Kiron Hattingh Grade 6 freestyle girls: 1st Megan Esterhuizen Grade 6 Freestyle boys: 1st Tibyan Hattingh Grade 5 freestyle boys: 1st Connor Smith Grade 5 freestyle girls: 1st Andrea Kruger Grade 4 freestyle boys 1st Luke Jordaan Grade 4 freestyle Girls: 1st Rebecca Smith A mother from Hunter said that Hunter was going to win but Forester has best cheering. A mother from Riddell said that Riddell was going to win because they are the best. The little ones were enjoying Teacher Eugenie at the Tuckshop Mr. Peter McLeish and Teacher Wally the swimming gala. I asked one of the grade Rs she said she was scared but she won and she was proud of herself, I told her she must believe in herself. Overall the Hunters came out victorious followed closely by the competitive Forrester and in 3rd place was the persistent Clan Riddle. A number of people helped to make this historic event the success it was. We would like to thank everyone for their participation and support. A special gratitude goes to Jacques Hattingh and Roland Ralph for ensuring the safety of all swimmers. Teacher Eu- genie, teacher Corrie and teacher Dorcas for providing food and refreshments. Teacher Heleen and Mr Wally Claassen for tallying the scores. Mr. McLeish for directing the program. Teacher Natasha for the professional and fair start of each race. The 8th of February will go down in the Ruimsig Academy calendar as a momentous debut of our competing sporting houses, the swimming gala, the opportunity to socialise and a display of good teamwork. We are looking forward to seeing you all at our next sporting event. Omphile Ledwaba Ruimsig Chit-Chat Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 3 SPORTS PAGE Our school believes in physical activity and having fun. Twice a week a Sports club comes to our school to train us in various types of sports. Every Tuesday and Thursday the coaches train us to become fitter for cricket, soccer and hockey. But we also go swimming on these days at the diving school down the road from us. This is where we trained for the swimming gala. This term we got an extra piece of ground to play on. Now the Intermediate students enjoy this field by playing soccer, climbing jungle gyms and playing all kinds of games. Mpho Matyana Daniel and Dylan playing a bit of soccer. Luke, Aydan and Matthew The new playing field RisingAcrobaticStarsinourSchool We have our very own Acrobatics teacher at Ruimsig Academy. Teacher Zelda trains many of our students during lunch breaks to become acrobats. She has her own school and has trained some of the National and Regional champions like Guillaume an Marie McLeish and Megan Esterhuizen who are at our school. Marie, Guillaume and Megan performing in a show. Andrea and Luka practicing to become supple in the Acro class. Her school holds competitions and shows regularly. E-mail: Page 4 Ruimsig Chit-Chat Volume 1, Issue 1 Valenne Entrepreneur’s Day Money, Money, Money. Today on entrepreneur’s day we celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit that drives individuals to contribute to the on-going growth and development of their country's economy. Makhotso Saule What a lovely day for the grade 6& 7s selling Valentine’s goodies and gifts. Kiddies even bought gifts for mommies and daddies . Love was spread out wide, Anja McLeish made the most money she made up to R826.00 at her Valentine’s table. Here at school we will be celebrating entrepreneur’s day on the same day as Valentine’s Day, on 14th of February. This event teaches us to think like entrepreneurs and teaches us the principles of business. Teacher Heleen bying lovely goodies at Anja’s Winning Table. Mpho Matyana Daniel Koch Gr7 Luka and Lesedi Gr Darren Van der Westhuizen Gr7 Mother’sDay Makhotso Saule On the 28th of February was the grade 1 mother’s day class. Tamyrin Lipjes(Saskia’s mom) was enjoying the school so far. The grade 1s are doing very well and she loves the school so much she really likes the teaching methods. Natalie (Madison’s mom) is enjoying the school. The grade ones are doing very well, she loves the school and the teaching is very awesome. Michelle Roodman (Eowyn’s mom) loves the school, she loves the grade 1s. They are very smart she loves the school very much she really loves the teaching. As part of our Life and Social Skills programme, the Intermediate grades hold an Entrepreneurs Day once per term. Next term will be the turn of the Grade 5s. Lisel (Bella’s mom) loves the school the grade 1s are enthusiastic. She loves the teaching method. Fromtheleft:Eowynand Madisonenjoying themselves! Ruimsig Chit-Chat Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 5 GoodbyeTeacherShalene Omphile Latwaba On the 30th of September 2013 Teacher Shalene joined our school after working as a service advisor for corporate BMW. One of the reasons she started working at our school was because her daughter Tagen had already been attending the school and she also visited the school during the holiday programs. She first started out as assisting teacher Betsie with the grade noughts and admin afterschool. The beginning of 2014, teacher Shalene assisted teacher Collete and the grade 2s. Teacher Shalene was at our school for 5 months and never missed a day of work. “Mam “ as some people would call her was always at school from 7:00 am till 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm every second Thursday. Mam wasn’t always the softest teacher, she always had rules especially when it came to her daughter Tagen, such as at school mommy was teacher and at home teacher was mommy. WelcomenewStudents Makhotso Saule In March, 15 new students from our sister school, MacLaren College, joined our school. 7 Students joined Grade 5 and 8 students joined Grade 4. The students quickly settled into our routine and say that they love our school and children. They are very happy here they said. Teacher Shalene said that she was leaving the school even though she didn’t want to leave, she just did not have a choice as her family was moving to the Eastern Cape and also because of financial reasons. That’s why they’ve decided to leave their home here in Gauteng to leave for the Eastern Cape where the rest of her family is and she will be assisting at Tagen’s new school. Teacher Shalene also assisted with much more than just assisting teachers in class. She assisted with both sessions of breakfast and collecting money, letters and order forms from children. We wish you happiness. We will miss you! Teacher Shalene’s last day at school. She is sitting between Mr. McLeish and Teacher Betsie in the front row. Ruimsig Chit-Chat Volume 1, Issue 1 Building,BuildingandBuilding Lesedi Moremi A lot of things happen every day at school. We cannot say that we ever have a dull day. Even though, our school is still growing and a lot of work still needs to be done, we have already accomplished a lot. Three new classrooms were added to house a Teacher’s room and Grades 6 and 7. These rooms can be converted into one big room when necessary for meetings. Of course these classes had to be painted. Even the youngest in the school lent a helping hand. Grade 5 Picasso monsters, The new patio and eating area outside our classrooms. Peter McLeish Jnr. helping to paint the new School building. ArtandCultureatRuimsig Luka Hamman’s page and Teacher Eugenie Ruimsig Academy offers a wide variety of extra murals. These classes are either held during school breaks or immediately after school. As we believe that students must not only be stimulated academically but also artistically, we offer many different ways for expressing their individual talents. Our aim is to help develop our children to become well rounded personalities; in other words we see them as ho- listic beings. Grade 2 primary colour art. Even the boys learn to knit and make beanies. We are sure to see some being sold at the Grade 4 Entrepreneurs Day. Van Klimt alive and well in Grade 4 Drama Classes Grade 7 word art. Drama class in progress Hip Hop Dance Club Page 6 Page 7 Ruimsig Chit-Chat Volume 1, Issue 1 Celebrang Easter After a busy term, exams and assessments, it was time to relax and have some fun. On Monday, 14th of April, we learnt what it was like to be an Israeli in Biblical times and the importance of Easter to Christians. Children listening to Teacher Betsie as she enlightens and prays for the children. The children dressed up like Israelis, shared the last supper and washed one another’s feet. The aim was to teach the children the importance of Easter and that it was not all about chocolate eggs and bunnies. As a Christian school it is important to us that our students understand the true meaning of being a Christian. We teach them not only about the Fruit of the Spirit, but also the true meaning of Easter and Christmas. That being a Christian means serving each other in love and humility. That Jesus Christ is our role model as a perfect human being as well as our Lord and Saviour. Marie washing her class mates’ feet in Teacher Betsie’s class EasterEggDecoratingDay HoorayLastDayofSchool Tuesday, 15th 16th April The Chit-Chat Marketing Team organised a fun day of decorating Easter eggs. Each student got a parcel with 3 eggs, some edible trimmings, straw, ribbon and a box which they decorated themselves. The students could decorate the eggs any way they wanted. Our team helped the students where ever they could. A great day of creative fun was had by all. Hooray, Hooray, today is the last day of school. Let’s have fun! Wednesday was a day of jumping castles, obstacle courses and ice cream. Each child got a packet of goodies to eat and just had lots of fun. Everybody having lots of fun HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Teachers Colette and Kerry with their helpers packing sweets Obstacle course looks like a lot of fun Look at what I made mommy! Tegan in Gr7 busy decorating his eggs Email: Please contact us should you have any interesting news or events you would like the school and parents to know about. Also, should you like to advertise with us contact us at our email address. We are on the Web! OR check us out on Facebook A Sad Farewell to the Hattingh Family We are saying Bon Voyage to two of our most loved friends and students. Kiron and Tibyan Hattingh are permanently moving to Seattle, USA in May, 2014. Kiron joined us in 2012 as a grade 5 student and Tibyan joined us last as a grade 5 student. Both boys are much loved as they are loyal, funny, creative and academically strong. Kiron was the Head Boy in 2013; a duty that he performed very well. He was also an outstanding student, always with top grades. He created the Chit-chat communications logo and set up the email and distribution list. His title was that of Distribution Manager. Tibyan who was in Grade 6 this year, loved being creative. He has a flair for writing and design. He was the Layout Team Leader of our Newsletter and designed the ChitChat banner. He also had the difficult job of getting all the materials together and had to make sure that every thing fit into our pages. Kiron on the right showing V for victory. Here he is with his class mate and good friend Daniel Koch. Ilze, their mother, was our music teacher last year and helped with training our students for the very successful 80’s concert. We wish you everything of the best, we will sorely miss you ! Tibyan on the left with two of his friends, Gabriel and Kerwin. Teacher Eugenie IMPORTANTTHINGSTOREMEMBER • 2nd Terms begins on 13th May, 2014 • Come to school in Winter uniform • Camel Race on the 24th May, 2014