Our Schools - Jenks Public Schools
Our Schools - Jenks Public Schools
Our Schools Jenks Public Schools Newsletter May 2012 Volume 31 Issue 5 Jenks Senior Competes at Lincoln Inside Features . . Center in New York City Mr. and Miss JHS Page 3 JHS Music Department Pages 4 & 5 Softball Academic Champs Page 6 Captivating audiences with a performance of a sonnet and monologue from Shakespeare, De’Shon Osby, a student of Kevin Hurst and Jeannie Boudiette at Jenks High School, placed as a semi-finalist at the 29th annual English-Speaking Union (ESU) National Shakespeare Competition. The competition was held April 23 at Lincoln Center in New York City for 58 winners of ESU Branch competitions nationwide. De’Shon had won the ESU Tulsa Branch regional competition. The English-Speaking Union National Shakespeare Competition is a school-based program to help students develop their speaking and critical thinking skills and their appreciation of literature as they explore the beauty of the language and timeless themes Jenks High School Senior De’Shon in Shakespeare’s works. In three progressive Osby performs at Lincoln Center during the English-Speaking Union National competition levels, students memorize, Shakespeare Competition in New York City. interpret and perform monologues and sonnets in their own words. As the winner of the ESU Tulsa Branch regional competition, De’Shon was awarded the trip to New York City for the final stage of the competition. He received two full days of activities, including an acting workshop at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts and tours of New York City. Perhaps best of all for the teenager was the opportunity to spend a weekend in New York City with other students from across the country who share their love of theater, language and particularly Shakespeare. Last day of school for students - May 24 West Intermediate Students East Intermediate Chess Team is State Champs Sweep State Competition Three sixth grade students from Jenks West Intermediate accomplished something that has never happened before. In a statewide writing competition, Letters About Literature, three girls from the same school were awarded first, second, and third place. “Although we have had winners from Jenks in previous years, to place first, second, and third in a single division is uncanny,” said Connie Armstrong, Executive Director for Center for the Book at the Oklahoma Department of Libraries. Placing first was Grace Emerick, second place went to Zoe Neal, and in third place was Sophie Vogle. The three girls traveled with their parents and their teacher, Ms. Sandy Strozier, to the Oklahoma Capitol on April 3 for an award’s ceremony held in the State Capitol Blue Room. In attendance at the ceremony were Jenks area House of Representative members Fred Jordan and Glen Mulready, along with Oklahoma children’s author Anna Myers. First place winner, Grace Emerick read her letter to the audience. Those entering the competition were asked to read a piece of literature and then write a letter to the author that expressed how the piece of literature affected them. The girls are anxiously awaiting the announcement of the National winners. The competition is sponsored by Center for the Book in the Library of Congress and Target Stores. Jenks East Intermediate K-6 State Champion Chess Team. The State Champion Chess Team in the elementary youth division has been the team from Edmond Ida Freeman for the last 14 years...until now! A team of just six Jenks East Intermediate students beat a team of over thirty players from Ida Freeman to become the 2012 Oklahoma State Champions in the elementary division. The competition was held on March 3 at Del City High School. This was no small feat for these talented Jenks students. Ida Freeman has a long history of not only winning the Oklahoma State Championship but going on to place in the top three in national competition. The six fifth and sixth grade students who are on the JEI Chess Team are Sanjeev Musuvathy (5th grade) who tied for first and was named state co-champion, Riley Buchar (5th grade), Koby Cowan (5th grade), Clayton Engleby (6th grade), Spencer Engleby (5th grade), and Jacob Shultz (5th grade). Rod Whitlatch serves as the District’s Chess Club Coordinator. Congratulations to the Chess Team on their outstanding performance! Notice - Jenks Public Schools prohibits discrimination in the educational programs and activities, admission programs of students, recruitment, selection and/or employment on the basis of race, religion, gender, age, national origin, veteran status or disability. The school district complies with federal and state regulations for implementing Title IX of the Education Amendment of 972, Title VI, Section 504, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Las Escuelas Públicas de Jenks prohíben la discriminación en los programas y actividades educacionales, programas de admisiones para los estudiantes, reclutamiento, selección y/o empleo sobre las bases de raza, religión, sexo, edad, nacionalidad, estado de veterano o discapacidad. El distrito escolar se acata a las regulaciones federales y estatales por implementar el Título IX de la Enmienda Educacional 972, Título VI, Sección 504 y del Acta de Norteamericanos con Discapacidades (ADA). JWI students accept their awards at a ceremony in the State Capitol Blue Room. Pictured above are (L to R) Representative Fred Jordan, Sophie Vogle, Zoe Neal, Grace Emerick, 6th grade teacher Sandy Strozier, and Representative Glen Mulready. (USPS # 000-609) is published monthly by Jenks Public Schools, 205 E B ST, Jenks, OK 74037-3900, (918) 299-4411. Our Schools is issued free to parents or guardians of school-age children who attend Jenks Public Schools. Periodical postage paid at Jenks, OK. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Schools, 205 E B St, Jenks, OK 74037-3900. 2 Mr. and Miss JHS 2012 Named Jenks High School Class of 2012 Valedictorians: Colby Freeman Deweese, Taylor David Egbert, Spencer Huynh, Douglas George Ivanoff, Katherine Michelle Johnson, Siqi “Susan” Ma, Krishna Manohar, Teale Marie Muir, Patrick Douglas Ogilvie, Taylor Alexis Warta, Michael David Whitten, Alan Jiayi Xing, Aqsa Zahid, Mohammad Osman Zahid The winners and runner-ups for Mr. and Miss JHS are pictured above (L to R): Runner-Up Cam Thomas, Mr. JHS Brett Humphrey, Miss JHS Tahira Taqi, RunnerUp Bailey Bruns. Humphrey and Taqi Take Top Honors Every year Jenks High School honors a senior boy and girl with the prestigious title of Mr. and Miss JHS. The nominees are seniors who represent the Jenks spirit with high achievements in academics along with school and community activities. The finalists for Mr. and Miss Jenks High School have made varied and significant contributions to their school and community. Qualifications include a minimum 3.25 GPA, active participation in three school and two community activities, good attendance, and a positive citizenship record. Each finalist was nominated by a teacher, organization, varsity sport, or club to represent the senior class. The final selection is based on the following: 10% volunteer hours, 10% school and club activities, 20% GPA, 20% teacher recommendations, 40% senior class/teacher vote. Each winner will receive a $1,000 scholarship and each runner-up will receive a $500 scholarship. Mr. and Miss JHS for 2012 are Brett Humphrey and Tahira Taqi. Named as runners-up were Cam Thomas and Bailey Bruns. Brett is the Vice President and an active member of Drug Free Youth (DFY) and also a Student Council officer. He is also a member of National Honor Society, DECA, FCCLA, and the pep assembly committee. He has taken Advanced Placement courses and is a member of the Senior Leadership Council. Brett is a member of the Jenks Trojan Varsity Baseball team. Outside of school, he is involved as a volunteer youth worker at Country Side Baptist Church in Stillwater and has volunteered at the John 3:16 Food Bank. He enjoys sharing his love of baseball with children through the World Baseball Outreach and as a buddy with the Jenks Trojan Baseball team for the kids of Tulsa’s Autism Foundation. Brett plans to attend Oklahoma State University and major in Business. Tahira is the senior editor of the 2012 Jenks High School yearbook and a member of the National Honor Society. She is also a member of Key Club and the treasurer of the Safe Team. In her time away from school she volunteers at Grace Living Center and at Hillcrest Hospital. Tutoring her peers in AP Language and Composition and various math subjects also keeps her busy. Tahira plans to attend the University of Oklahoma in the fall and major in Public Relations with a minor in Business. 3 Jenks High School Class of 2012 Salutatorians: Aaron Raymond Allred, Daniel Robert Anderson, Sarah Kathleen Beam, Adam Walter Brobson, Jake Colton Golden, Claire Elizabeth Koljack, Madison Marie Likins, Emily Elise McCarthy, Sarah Elizabeth Nguyen, Jordan Franklin Stafford, Emily Suzanne Towler, Katherine Anna Traino, Hannah Marie Weakley National Peace Essay Contest Winner: Sophomore Blake Larsen won a $1,000 scholarship and a week trip to Washington, D.C. Jenks High School Key Club: Placed 11th out of 334 clubs at the District Convention in Dallas by completing over 10,600 service hours and raising over $16,000 in charitable funds. Krishna Manohar was selected as one of 10 “Leader of Leaders.” Krishna and Harrison Diep also represented Oklahoma in the annual Texas vs. Oklahoma Quiz Bowl. With their leadership, Oklahoma beat Texas for the first time in five years. Madelyn Bull and Krishna Manohar received $1,000 Leadership Scholarships. Maria Nadeem created the #1 Key Club Poster, which will go on to International competition this July. Carolyn Linscott placed in the top four for non-traditional scrapbook. Susan Ma earned 1st place in the talent competition with her piano/ vocal rendition of “Someone Like You.” JHS Vocal Music Department Has an Amazing Year The 2011-2012 school year has been a busy, but rewarding, time for the students, parents, and directors of the Jenks High School Vocal Music Department. The many hours of practice and dedication to the program have been evident through their performances and productions. Directors Larry Downey and Julie Hester have coached many wonderful students and this year was no exception. In early September, a mixed choir performed at the ground-breaking ceremony for the now soon-to-be Jenks High School Vocal Music students performed last September at the completed Music Building. This was groundbreaking ceremony for the Music Building on the Central Campus. The Vocal Music program will share the building with the Band and Orchestra programs. an opportunity to show the talent that will be heard in the rooms of this new facility. In the fall, the Vocal Music Department also held a Show Choir Clinic at all of the Jenks elementary sites, as well as the East and West Intermediates and the Middle School. They performed for family and friends at the Fall Concert and hosted the always popular Holiday Home Tour, giving the public a chance to view beautiful holiday decorations. Early in the spring semester the members of the department prepared for the annual gathering of the Oklahoma Music Educators Association (OMEA). Many of the members of the Jenks Vocal Music Department received accolades and honors. Jazz All-State Honor Choir Members: Josh Harris, Madi Metcalf, Anders Olsen, De’Shon Osby, Jeff Rogers, and Chris Thomas. Chris Thomas was also chosen to perform with a special Jazz Ensemble at the OMEA Convention. Freshman All-State Oklahoma Choral Directors Association Junior High Honor Choir Members: Jack Buxton, Keely Davis, Rachel Mann, Alexis Mann, Will Morsman, Themba Ndlovu, and Dylan Norman. OMEA All-State Women’s Chorus Members: Beth Casey, Katie Fitzwilson, Sarah Lampi, Jane Rogers, Blair Hosier, and Emily Towler. OMEA All-State Mixed Chorus Members: (*three year member) Dillon Combs, Calvin Downey*, Sarah Feist, Carter Fox, Brandon Gage, Jenna Geresi, Josh Harris, Rachel Jackson, Amy Knox, Madi Metcalf, Abigail L. Mitchell, Justin Moore*, Anders Olsen*, De’Shon Osby, Jeff Rogers*, Kaylin Rogers, Chris Thomas, Patrick Wilborn, Christine Williams*, Alanna Wood. Patrick Wilborn was given the honor of narrating one of the pieces and Rachel Jackson and Amy Knox were chosen to sing with a small ensemble during the performance. OMEA All-State Jazz Band: Chris Thomas was a part of the vocal jazz quartet who had the honor of singing with the OMEA All-State Jazz Band. Honored Choir at the OMEA Convention: The Jenks Vocal Women’s Chorus was chosen to perform as an Honored Choir at the OMEA Convention. Under the direction of Julie Hester, they sang beautifully at the Holy Family Cathedral in downtown Tulsa. JT Dotson and Jacob Franklin were chosen by the choir director from Oklahoma State University to demonstrate vocal training at his choral workshop in front of hundreds of Oklahoma music teachers. The students and teachers in the Music Department did not slow down after the OMEA Convention. In late March, the Trojanaires traveled to Branson, MO to compete in the FAME National Show Choir Championship Series. They were Champions at this event in 2010 and this year placed 2nd runner-up, which qualified JHS Vocal Music Directors Larry them to compete at the national level. Always a highlight, the annual musical was Downey and Julie Hester break ground an exciting time. The performance of The Will Rogers Follies which is based on the for the new addition to which they will life and career of an Oklahoma hero and humorist and showed the singing, dancing, move for the 2012-2013 school year. 4 The first four measures of the Jenks Trojan Fight Song are etched into the south side of the soon-to-be-completed music building on the Central Campus. and acting talents of the students in the vocal music program. Performers prepared for the musical not only in their vocal and acting talents but also by learning more about this Oklahoma legend. They visited the Will Rogers Memorial Museum in Claremore and were even given the opportunity to hear from and ask questions of Kem Rogers, Will Rogers’ grandson. Arrangements were made for Kem Rogers to visit with those in the production during a rehearsal. This was a great way to feel even more connected to the star of their production. The Spring Concert and Tri-State Competition in Enid were other major events during the spring semester. The addition of the Music Building will be the new home of the Vocal Music Department (along with the Orchestra Department, and the Jenks High School Band) when school starts in August. Once again, the department will begin the hard work and many hours of rehearsal to produce musicians that are among the best in the state. They are a definite example of “A Tradition of Excellence with a Vision for Tomorrow.” Members of the JHS Vocal Music Department were recognized by the Board of Education at a Board meeting. Students pictured include Front Row (L to R): Alexis Mann, Rachel Mann, Kaylin Rogers, Madi Metcalf, Chris Thomas. Middle Row (L to R): Larry Downey, Rachel Jackson, Beth Casey, Jeff Rogers, De’Shon Osby, Dillon Norman. Back Row (L to R): Abigail Mitchell, Calvin Downey, Keely Davis, Brandon Gage, and Patrick Wilborn Stay Connected . . . Here’s How JPS Facebook Page Jenks Public Schools has a Facebook page and many different types of information will be posted on the page. Search on Facebook for “Jenks Public Schools” and then click “Like.” JPS Twitter Feed The same posts that are on Facebook will also be tweeted to our followers. If you prefer Twitter, this is for you! Seach and follow us at “JPS_Trojans”. 5 JPS Mobile App Jenks Public Schools has recently joined with School Connect to bring you an app for your mobile phone or tablet. This app is supported by iPhones and most Android phones. To find the app, search for “School Connect” and choose “schConnect.” Download the app to your device and pick choose “Oklahoma” then “Jenks” then Save your choice. After saving, the app will open to Jenks Public Schools. For more information, go to www.schoolconnectapps.com Jenks Football Booster Club “Power Up” to Host Golf Tournament Trojan Softball The Jenks Football Booster Club Summer Camp will once again be hosting their annual Golf Tournament. The tournament will be held at Page Belcher Golf course on Saturday, June 16, 2012. The shotgun start has been slated for 1:00 p.m. The tournament will be played as a 4-person scramble format. Cost is $100 for adults and $75 for students. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Proceeds from this event will support the Jenks Football program. For more information, please contact: Scott Esmond at (918) 693-0645 or by email at parksdirector@cox.net or visit the football website at www. jenkstrojanfootball.com. Jenks Trojan Softball will soon be holding their summer camp for players in 1st through 7th grade. This is an opportunity for campers to develop their throwing, catching, fielding, base running, hitting, and bunting skills through drills and proper mechanics instruction. Individual and group instruction will be provided along with a team-centered approach. The camp will be held May 29-31 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Park West Softball Complex. The location of the Complex is behind the Reasors in Jenks on 101st Street. Players should bring a water bottle, glove, bat, and sunscreen. A concessions area will also be available. Registration begins at 8:20 a.m. on the first day of camp, Tuesday, May 29. Please arrive no later than 8:30 a.m. on the first day to be registered and ready to play. The cost of the camp is $75, which includes a camp t-shirt. Camp fee should be paid in full at registration. Cash only, checks will not be accepted. No refunds will be given once camp has started. If you have questions, please email them to jenkssoftball@ yahoo.com. Jenks Trojan Softball Named Academic State Champions OSU-Tulsa Engineering Design Challenge The 2012 Jenks Trojan Slow Pitch Softball team was recently named 6A Academic State Champions. The team had a combined GPA of 3.7, which was the highest in class 6A. The lessons they have learned in leadership, teamwork, and persistence on the field are lessons they have obviously applied to their work in the classroom. The commitment that these athletes have shown toward both their school work and their sport is to be congratulated. Front Row (L to R): Kelsey Conner, Tristin Kuhn, Angie Carlock, Airam Trevino, Dailey Freudenrich, Maddie Pilling, Adrianna Canard, Preston Napier, Kenzie Carpenter Back Row (L to R): Assistant Coach Tommie Hancock, Alex Riggs, Brooke Estes, Kelsey Zucco, Kenzie Weight, Jenifer Caudle, Macklin Hitz, McKayla Hendrix, Chelsea Streets, Audrey Estes, Head Coach Todd Williams Earlier in the semester, Jenks High School students participated in the OSU-Tulsa Engineering Design Challenge. To the left, students are testing the self-propelled, motorized watercraft that they designed and built at the Challenge. During the event, students work in teams to solve problems related to stability, thrust, buoyancy, electronics, sensors and more. JHS had teams that placed 2nd and 3rd in the air boat design competition and 2nd in the traditional boat design competition. 6 West Intermediate’s Greek Games Sixth grade students from West Intermediate recently competed in their own version of the Greek Olympic Games. A culminating activity for a unit studying Ancient Greece, students participated in various activities including chariot races, the long jump, and throwing the javelin and discus. These students also participated in debates, wore togas, and studied artifacts from this time period. When asked how they felt about the activities in which they had participated, students shared how Ancient Greece came alive to them. They said that it was much better than just reading facts out of a book. Curriculum Resource Instructor, Brenda Wilson commented that sixth grade social studies curriculum will soon be changing and teachers will be researching new ways to make the material engaging for students. Students run a lap around the track as they bring in the Olympic Torch. Chariot Racing was a popular in Ancient Greece and could also be very dangerous. West Intermediate students participate in their safer version of Chariot Racing. During the Ancient Greek Games the javelin was made from wood and steel. JWI students used the more modern “pool noodle” version. Culp Receives Award Focused on Math & Science Patrick Culp, a junior at Jenks High School, recently received the Kettering University Technology Award. The Award is given to a high school junior who excels in math and science in order to encourage students to enter the engineering field. Patrick, the son of Brian and Marilyn Culp, is currently taking five Advanced Placement courses and also involved in the Jenks High School swimming program. Sponsors of the award are Tom and Carol Witte of Tulsa, who are both engineers and graduates of Kettering University, which is located in Flint, Michigan. Patrick was chosen as the recipient of the award by a committee of math and science teachers at the high school. To qualify, recipients must be a junior in high school, demonstrate interest in engineering, mathematics, technology, or the sciences and have a minimum 3.2 grade point average within a college preparatory curriculum. Kettering University is a top twenty ranked college in the United States that focuses on math, science, and engineering. Students participate in a hands-on cooperative education that offers a great way for students to determine whether or not to pursue certain fields. They do this by being the only co-op school in the county that sends its entire student body into professional co-op jobs as a requirement of their academic curriculum. Students attend classes and work in their field of study on rotating three-month terms year round. The end result is that when Kettering students graduate, they have earned an undergraduate degree and gained two years of professional work experience. For more information on Kettering University, visit www. kettering.edu. 7 (L to R): Math Curriculum Resource Instructor Robyn Paliotta, Carol Witte, Patrick Culp, Jenks High School Math Teacher Alex Kern, Tom Witte PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID JENKS, OK 74037 Dates To Remember Jenks High School Graduation:................................May 21 Last Day of School for Students:.............................May 24 2012-2013 School Year First Day of School for Students:............................ Aug 16 Prof. Develop. Day - No School for Students:...... Aug 31 Labor Day - No School:.............................................Sept. 3 Prof. Develop. Day - No School for Students:.....Sept. 24 District Collaboration Day:.........................................Oct. 4 (This is a late start day for students) Parent/Teacher Conferences:...................................Oct. 17 Fall Break:.............................................................. Oct. 18,19 District Collaboration Day:........................................ Nov. 1 Thanksgiving Break:............................................ Nov. 21-23 District Collaboration Day:........................................ Dec. 6 Holiday Break:..................................................Dec. 21-Jan 4 School Resumes:............................................................Jan. 7 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day:................ Jan. 21(No School) District Collaboration Day:........................................Jan. 31 Prof. Develop. Day - No School for Students:......Feb. 18 District Collaboration Day:.......................................Feb. 28 Parent/Teacher Conferences:................................. March 8 Spring Break:..................................................... March 18-22 District Collaboration Day:...................................March 28 Jenks Public Schools 205 East B Street Jenks, OK 74037-3900 Memorial Day - No School:......................................May 27 Last Day of School for Students:.............................May 31 **Please note: The 2012-2013 calendar includes five weather days. Non-use of these days could result in changes to the school calendar.
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